Journal of Ethiopian Law Vol. 9 No. 2 (1973)

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Vol. IX No. 2 DECEMBER 1973


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... "

Enigma of Eritrean Legislation '


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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. .. . . . . . . .....

357 and Social cba11ge in Africa: Preliminary Look. at Etl1iopian Exper.ience •. • • ••• • • • • • • • • . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . by Daniel .liaile . . . .. . - . .. . . ... . . .....


by .Fa.ti/ 1V ,._,alntm i

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Industrial Property Rigktts •i n Ethiopia by Peter


Tenth A nn. ual lleport From the Deat1 ......... • • • • · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


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O U R N A L O F . E THIOPIAN lAW J I'",1·ce annually at ·the Faculty of ·L aw · tv . • 81· e I H a1 · 1e d Se lla · e s h . . . s . . li b . Pt1' . co-operat·10n of the M1n1stry · of· Justic e.· · 1 . . •




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(to be cited a.� vol. 9 No. 2 J. Eth., £.) . . . ·


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E.DITORIAL BOARD FI. E. Ato Belachew ·Asrat, Chairman Hon. Ato Amanuel Amdemicl1ael .. ,, ' ,, .. . Dean Worku Tafara .. Mr. Jeremy T. Harriion .. ' Ato Fasil Nahum

J-1. E. Afenugus Teshome }Iaile Mariam H. E. Ato Negussie F.itawake Ho.n. Ato Negga Tessen1a

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Article Editors

Managi11g 'Editors

Case Editors

Fisseha Yimer Musa Hussein :Naib

Jeremy T. Harrison

Hagos Haile .

Delele Yerdaw

Solomon G/Sellasie

J'unior Editors

Semere Tesfai

Amanuel Paulose

Bekele Haile Sellasie

ll editorial a11 d. business corresJJondence should b addressed to te Edi'ter-inA � Ch·tef, Journal of Ethiopian Law, P. O. Box .1176, Addis Ababa, Ethiepia.

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of Law of Haile Sellassie I ·university, established in 1964, offers tilty Fac The . ,courses in Law leading to LL. B. degree· and to a Diploma in Law. For further i.nformation contact the .Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I ·university, P. O. Box Jl 76, Addis Ababa.

FACULTY :1973-74 ,vorku Tafara, LL. B. LL. M., Dean i\biyu Geleta, LJ..,. B., LL. M. Alexandra Ha1nawi, LL. B.. Andergachew Tiruneh, LL. B. BiWlign Maude fro, LL. B., L·L. M. Brietzke, Paul, B. A. 1·. D. Chavin, Maree], Lie. de Ling. Chavin, Marie-Ani1e, copes de Lettres-Mo·dernes Fasil Nahum, LL. B., LL. M. lvlerid, B. A., Lie. en Dr. Fisseha 'Yimer, LL. B., LL. M. Girma Wolde Sellassie, LL .B., Assistant Dea11 Hagos Haile, LL. B. Harison, Jeremy, B. S., LL. B., LL, l\1. • Kossow, Julian, B. A., J. D. Krzeczunounicz , George, B. A., L.L. B., LL. M., Lis. Se. Comm., Lie: Sc. Polit. Simpson, Randall, A. B., J. D. Tesfaye Wolde Tsadik, LL. B. Yewondwossen Mekbib, L·L. B., LL. M.


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PATRONS FOR THE JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW Eth iop i an Law was i?augurated by His Imperial Majesty Haile of l urn a o J The _ _ 1964 as of sum mer the an importan� step in the development of Ethio10 I sie las Sel Stibsequ. ently, the Board of Editors of the Journal has in.ivit . yst en1 s l leg a ed . ,s · · Pia · 1nterested in t he cont1nuat1on and expansion of the Law Journal's are · · wh o . se . tho · h eir supp ort by becoming Patrons of the Journal of Ethiopian express t to es viti acti


Ato Abebe Sebhatu H E. Ato Aberra Jembere H�n. Ato. Ad�ra Francois Africa Sol1dar1ty e h c a b a tl A lu li k A � to A 1 n 1a ar e et M B ilu kl A to A D r . Aklilu Habte Dr. Ann Marie Jacomy Millet Dr. Aradom Tedla Ato Assefa Tsegaye H. E. Ato Befekad11 Tadesse Woizero Bel)'ll Work W/Meskel Dr. Berhe Beyene Ato Berhanu Kidane 11arian1 Lt. Col. Ber bane \1/oldeyes Hon. Ato Beye11e Abdi Dr. Brun-Otto Bryde Prof. B. J. Tennery Mr. Cliff. F. Thompson Ato Demissew Assaye Ato Eden Fasil Dr. Fasil G/Kiros Ato Fasil Nah11111 Ato Ghebrehi,vet W/Hawariat Kego. Gela Michael Bal1ta Bal. Gemeda Urgesa H. E. Ato Getac]1ew Kibret Ato Getachew Tesemma Ato Getahun H11negnaw Ato Gern1a Tadesse Hon. Ato Haile An1an

H. E. Dr. Haile Ghiorgis Workneh IBTE Legal Dep. IEG Armed Force Legal Dep. Imperial Insurance Co. Hon. V/Afen11gus Kebede Keli! Ato Kebede G/Mariam Katherine O'Donovan H. E. Afenugus Kitaw Yetateku Ministry of Agriculture Legal Advisor Mr. Nicolas C. Vosikis Hon. V. Afenugus Matias Hiletework Dr. Maurice Aelion H. E. Ato Mahammed Abdul Rahman Mr. Peter Winsl1ip Mr. Robert A. Melin Dr. Russini Ezio Mr. Scott Robert Ato Selamu Bekele H. E. Dr. Seyon1 Haregot Ato Shiferaw Worku Ato Shiberu Seifu Mr. Stordian Alfred Ato Tadesse Abebe Fit. Tafesse Legal Firm Ato Tefera Degefe Ato Temesgen Worke Dr. Thierry G. Verhelest Hon. V/Afenugus Tibebu Beyne Tobacco MonOJJoly Mr. Willian1 H. Ewing Hon. Ato \Velde Berhe




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REPORTS The following reports are cases d.ecided by tl1e Supreme Imperial and the J-Iigh Courts of Et1J..iopia. The Amharic jud.gment is official a11d al\vays precedes the E 11 g­ lish. The Journal of Etl1iopian Law is a scholarly pt1blicatior1, addressi11g itself to all members of the JJrofession. Its purpose in publishing judgme11ts is to make know11 to the professio11 i11teresti11g decisio11s which in the opinion of the Board and Editors raise important issties of law. In selecting a particular judgment for publication, t11e Board and Editors do 11ot wish to convey the impression tl1at the j udginent is defii1itiv e on any proposition for which jt n1ay sta11d altholzgh the quality of t11e decision js alv1ays an jn1portant consideration in detern1ining whether it should be include d in the Jot1rnal. When, in the opinion of a Board Memebr or an Editor, a jtidgm ent is of interest and raises an important jsst1e of ]aw but there is reason to believe that aspects of the decision are co11testable or that the result reached ?Y the court is not clearly t he only supportable conclusion, a note on tl1e case 18 often included. The a·bsence of such a note is not however to be interpreted as indicating complete finality on the issues raised ir1 the ca�e, as _it is expected . . tha t_ members of the profession on all levels may hold d1ffer1ng op1n1ons on the merits of any jt1dgment IJublishecl herein. The Members of the Board and The Editors. - 207 -



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- .216 '






Ato 1-Iaile Aman Dejazmach Woldemichael Mehari Ato Zewdu Asfaw BARTA TE\VOLDE BERHAN et al v. PUBLIC PROSECUTOR Criminal Appeal No. 74/63

Anned robbery-Adequacy of Evid_ence-Unconstitutionality of applicable Jaw-The Banditry Act of 1957, Order No. 27 of 1962, Articles 37, 38 and 55 of tl1e Constitution, Arts. 6 and 9 of the Penal Code. Appeal l<:dge� against the decision of _tl1e Hig h Court wl1icb sentenced defendants to ten years rigorous Lmpr1s01iment under the Banditry Act of 1957. The appeal was lodged for reasons of inadequacy of evidence and the unconstitutionality of tl1e la\v under which the High Court found the defendants guilty. Held: Sentence passed by the High Court was confirmed by substituting the Jaw applied with another la\.\'. (1) The 1957 Proclamation is not in agreement with the Constitution. (2) The 1957 Proclamation is repealed by Order 27 of 1962 and replaced by the Penal Code. (3) Only laws enacted in accordance \vith the Constitt1tion should be enforced. (4) People living in provinces other than Eritrea are not required to know a special law meant to apply in Eritrea.

JUDGMENT * The Public Prosecutor brought an action against the five appellants in the High ·Court under Criminal File No. I I 5/61. Tl1ey were charged of violating Sections 2, 3 and 4 of the Eritrean Banditry Act of 1957 which was enacted whe11 Eritrea had a federal governn1ent. Details of the charge stated that the five defendants, together with another six robbers who l1ave 11ot yet been captured, did attack at 11 :00 a.m. on June 29, 1968 and at a place called Ayenebi, a desert area in Barentu, one Mohammed Feri and one Moha111med Omer and plt1ndered 155 (one hundred an d fifty) cattle. When defendants ,vere asked to a11s\ver to the charge of steali11g tl1e cattle and to explain ho\V 46 heads of such cattle were found in tl1eir possessio11 or at the place where they liad }1idden tliem, they denied the allegations and pleaded not gl1ilty. - Six witnesses were called by the Public Prosecutor to give evidence. Of them, �he three were shepJ1erds whose cattle were plundered. They state� th�t on �he and hour mentioned in t;y the case, the five defen�ants and _ their friends tied em up and under tl1e threat of arn1s plu11dered tl1e1r 155 catt!e. The case \vas reported to the police station in their locality and the sl1epherds said that, alth0ugh * Refer to Ato Fasil ·Na.hun1's article ''the Enigma of the Eritrean Legislation'', p. 3o7

- 217 -


be ld le ou w ab to ey th co , re 1·e fo be g es ze iev ni th e th th !?e e s e r e v e m n d a h they nt e If se er to w ey th a e, m ti ac pl r te la e e m so n ca t A n . d ga hey a th a Ind er: h ld to a eir th re at we tt t c ey th le ere wh W � "'.m t e � gr� province tSellas1e t a n , ke he a . r y da r se e s th wa c g n T ri d epo t hid u e d an d . ht ni to at d e l e v a tr h t_ l T hey e d an e lic e po be th em m of rs ce tan sis as of e th the s th wi l an s r o n r e v o G a d Wore y Unt n� f he e in lag d vil un fo t of ly al n fi the re we e ttl ca de eir th e ants. of n e so t , en depar t hem. 11 ve to gi 1d a1 rs ei th as ed fi ti n e id e er w six of th. e1 cattle Fortyfm: ] rt se e n� a . de th [in t en � n giv f ou re we o t tle t ca hem, thu; I) (5 e on _ _ ty fif r, e rli Ea t e� _ th to y e 1n 1 1; . b ed y iv ce . re ve se s ad he n (97 ). The of r be um n al ot t e th bringing 1 st 11 ffilss1ng. d as e rt po re e er w s) ad he 8 (5 le tt ca remainder of the to e t th sen �e tu we ren ey Ba th , ed ur t p ca re police station we s t n da n fe de e After th The s herd ted. s�ep fillt com . n· bee had • were called by n�e �ffe . he . t re e wh in the area the Police and asked to identify the• robbers among other prisoners. It was so done. The remainder of the w itnesses are Woreda Governors living in the Tigre Pro. vince. They t estjfied that a search was carried out with the owners of the· catt1=e� that the latter were found in the defendants' barn, and that the shepherds identified and took their cattle. They also testified that some of the defenda ts were captured by them while· others wer� �apture� by the police. In addition, they t estified tha� at the time w�en they captured. abou t 600 heads of cattle from the bar n belon.ging to defendants, the latter were in the desert committin g an act of robbery.


Def�ndants called defense· witn esses to testify that at the time that the alleged offence wa.s committed, they were peacefully living i n their home�O\-Vn. But this issue did not get enough support from the defense witn esses.

The High Court, i n its judgment given on Januarty I, 1971 under File No. 115/61 found the defendants guilty and h eld that the case brought against them was supported by satisfactory evidence whereas the testimony of the defense witnesses lacked persuasion. The present app . eal is lodged by cou nsel for defendants against the judgment of the High Court which sentenced tl1e defendants to ten years rigorous imprisonment. · C?unsel for Appellants, in his memora ndum dated May 21, 1971 gave the following reaso ns for lodging an appeal: · 1. The first, second and third witness, who are also tl1e eye-witneeses, in tbe case, are them�elves pri ate complainan ts, in that it was their own cattle that were v plundered. Besides, eacn one of them l1a s given a differe acount of the facts. nt . · 2 • T he rema1n1ng three w1t· ne�ses are not eye-wit nesses. ice · 3 Th pol e _de fen da n ts, wh the e n th ey were arres ted and interrogated at . s,tat1on' explained th . · they did n · at · ot co· mm 1·t the a 11eged crim e. . 4· The �efens e witne�ses gave t estimony to the effect that, at the �e. wh�: was being CO�mitted, the defendants were peace�ull y_ hv�; nt �:ir 0:�� result, t�e �vi�ence produced by the prosecutor 1s wsu ie ·to jtU_Stify thei: Pu!i:iiment as cnro1nals and th ey should b e released. · eY $. In particular App e11ant . N th n e h w ty o nes an ot heY a� o ted n d re gra we t 5 . N 3 . � , J?; red and irres c ti e Of w e e 41BJ�8J r ' n o v 1e e crm th e ve th ha ed itt y mm co r lli h • ? and pun1�• ,;shsm� ll·<1l· t · ae tiie_w ed.




- 218 -


by c ounsel for appellants that they sh str es se � in ag a s ould be released as . It \va evidence to show that they had committed the nt ffic ie ins u s crime of which there ,va accused. e wer theY counsel for appell ants moreover sta ted that, even if the Co·urt found that th e tl 1 e prosecutor was satisfactory, by c_ e d add u tl1e l aw under whicl1 they evi dence p�n1sl1ed � l1ould n ot be the o ne un der which _the High Court found e � uld sho Sec tion 2, and 3 s 4 of tl1e 1957 Proclamation which was in force (1.e . y O'tul t 01 h fed er� l g overnment) b ut Article 636 of a had rea Erit the Penal Code which �l�en un1 sl1 ment. er ss 1) le a r fo s de provi Counsel for appellants, in discussi11g the applicability of the Penal Code made ts . n e 1n u rg a g in ow l l fo the • Tl1e Federal Status of Eritrea was terminated by Order No. 27 of 1962 which . Sec­ U11itary tl1e of Acln1i11istratio11 of part Ethiopia tl1e of Empire Eritrea made tion 6 of the sa1ne Order d oes not per1nit tl1e enforcement of l a\vs ,vl1ich were in forc e at the ti1ne "vhe11 Eritrea ,vas u11der a federal government; - The appl ication of tl1at law i s 11ncostitutional; - The Constit11tion of t l 1e Empire of Ethiopia prohibits al l discrimination amongst Ethiopian natio11 als in n1atters regarding law and civil rights.

- A n1odern Penal Code l1as been proclaimed in accordance with the Constitu­ tion of tl1e Empire of Ethiopia a11d is applied througl1out the Empire, and this should be the law applicable in the present case. The p11blic prosecutor, in his sl1ort reply dated June 16, 1971, objected to the app eal and requested tl1at tl1e p11nisl1ment imposed by the court of first instance be affirmed. \Vl1en l1e was asked to expl ain why he. failed to discuss the issue of ihe applicability of the Banditry Act raise d by co11nsel for appellants, he stated the following oral ly: ''At the Court of first instance the robbers were prosecuted under Sections 2, 3 and 4 of tl1e 1957 Banditry 'Act which was in force when Eritrea l1a� a federal government. The High Court accepted this la\V, found the appellants gt11lty and punished tl1em acc ordingly. Appellants, in their appeal to this Court, argued_ that they were convicte_d for an offence which tl1ey did not commit, and asked this Court �o reverse the JUd�e­ n_ie nt of the Higl1 Court and to acq uit tl1em. I objected to their a.ppeal b!' calling . 'SlX witnes ses who tseti:fied against tl1em and asked this Court to affirm the Judgment of the High Court.

I am fully aware that I }1ave failed to discuss the iss11e of the �pplicability of the law under which tJ1ey c were onvicted. My reasons for not doing so are the follo\ving: A similar case inv lving this controversia l law was fil ed in the High �011r� o Under Crimin al File No. 388/59. Two robbers, viz. Ye1nane Gebreyesus and K1flegz1 . aha b fn rt m were charged of committing tI 1e same crime as that for . which appellants e resent case are charged. They were charged under the Ba11d1try _ Act of 1957 b ut htilep Cour t did 11ot accept tl1e law under which they were brought tn aud .found them g 11ilty u11der Articl es 636 and 637(1) of tl1e Penal Code. Tl1e. y were sentenced - 219 -

------....,.,-. X I L . O O V N 2 W A L N IA P O ID T E JOURNAL O F

e t � th ns ai e ncy of the ag ni le ed ct je ob I t. en m on is pr im s · ou or . ri s r a e 1 PUn � n e v sh� to se d se e 1c po e1 im nt se n o e th e th a nd e od C ro al en P bb a e th y f d en sa d ! g� n 2. gm _ o 2 its ju N . I n l d Fi /6 �8 . r de un e e t ur t � Co Fo:� a: ;;peal in this n . n r C 1 o H c e on th de e f th 1 1s u 1 ed gl rm o · t t0 the M ay· 26 1971 ' the Supr·eme Court affi · 1 I,.· a t tl1e sam e tim 1 bt de o C a I n e p e h ' t_ s a w e �e b a c l1 increase d p p a w a l e th . t a th effect t. n e m n so r1 p 1m s u ro o g ri s r ea y the sentence to ten e v _ t ha ur C:o ed e re ag e1n pr Su e th at nd �h a t u� Co it is the igh H � th th bo e Sinc . t itry I found 1t unneces Ac and B _ tl1e t no d an ed pl1 a p be to s 1 _ _ ich wh w Penal La sary app lie d. be to e on e th as w ct a is th at th to argue The reas. on we charged the robbers under the Ba11ditry Act is the following: I hae and mic Ze er O� lih Alfe v. Public a S ay, f Te s n sfi Me of e cas the Jn Prosecutor, (Crim. File No. 21/64) Th e Public Prosecutor (Respondent) arg·ued on the basis of this law. In deciding this ca�e, the_ Su_preTI?-e C:ou�t applied tl1e Banditry u nt its Jn1e 1ng r JUd on ve del1 J 1n ly 4, 1964 nd, a e Cod l a Pen the of Act in.stead gave the following reasons: that, until such time a s the Banditry Act is replaced by another law (as specified by Section 6 of Order No. 27 of 1963 whlch terminates the federal status of E ritrea and provides for the application to Eritrea of the System of Unitary Administration of the Empire of Ethiopia) it shall remain in force. If the Court decides that Article s 636 and 637(1) should apply, we have no choice but to take up the argument a long this line.'' The above detailed statements were made with respect to the facts of the case and the law applicable. As a matter of law

Section 3 of Order No. 27 reads



''The Revised Constitution of Ethiopia given by Us as the Sovereign and Crown of the E.mpire of Ethiopia on 2nd November 1955 sha ll continue to be the sole and exclu.sive constitution to apply uniformly tl1roL1ghout the territory o.f the Empire of Ethiopia.'' �n our opinion, the spirit of this provisi_on i s that the laws applicable in �he Empire_ _of Ethiopia should only be those which are enacted in accordance �th the sp1r1t of the Constitution. Article 37 and 38 of the Constitution wltich are referred to in the Memoraodum of Appeal read a s follows:. Article 37

''No one sha ll be denied the equal protectio11 of tl1e laws'' Article 38

to ect p ''Ther� sha· ll ·be no discrimination a1nong t Ethiop res with s i an subject s the enJoyment of all civil rights.'' st g n o . . . . .IlllDt·10n aIIl The above provisions 0f the C· . . t1 onst1tu ny d1scr1 a on it . prohib Bin:l·1�J1>1a ·, n su0�• ects w:1 th resp ect to the applicatio·n of th e law. 1 M0:ucrover ' Artic . . - le 55 �f the Const1tu t1on reads �s rollows: · bY ed ar ��,lil 0�e '.:Sb,all be p, n1s decl . n ·�he.0 for. an bee not · ariY i ff has r e uff 11 � ? ence wh ch law llm 1ft f)UiDis�mbje hei:•oie the s l1a s comm1ss1on of such offence, or ..





. hm ent gr. eat . e r than that which was provided by the law 1·0 fiorce at t.he time ,, unts th fli e o e. f enc o P he coro.rniss1on · of· t. ellants came fr om th eir _h o me t?wn in Tigre to Ayenebi, pp A e in Eritrea, and _ Th 1ole nce sl?ec1fi ed. S1n�e the Bandit of � cts a e th ted ry Act un der whicli they conunit a s n ot in f orce in the provin ce of Tigre whe e w rged cha r they came from, . we re of the :x1s tenc e of such_ � law in a\va re ot n e r e the province of Eritrea.· w the y doubt that at the time of the comnuss1on of the offence, they thought no is re The ould be �aught, t�ey woul� be charged and tried under th e provisions sh they if tha t nal Code, thi s law be in g applicable through out the Empire of Ethiopia. Pe the of Art. 6 of the Penal C�de _provides that where the offe nder is tried for an a fter the coming 1.�to force of t�e Cod e, its pr ovisions sh all apply ce offen ier ear] if they ar e more favourable to him than those 1n force at the time of the com­ mission of the of!'ence . It, more over, specifies that the court shall decide in e ach g regard t o all the re levant pr ovisions, the new law is in f act case wh ether, havin . e l more favourab Thj s me a ns that the co urt is empowered to apply the · 1 aw which is more favourable t o the offender. Art. 9 of the Pe nal Code specifies that even when a person who ha s been convicted under a previous law appeals to a higher court, the appellate court ca n cite any law wl1ich it tl1inks is m ore favourable t o the offender. In fact, even if it is found that such a p erson i s punishabl e under the ne w l aw, the court i s given the pow er to exonerate tl1e offe nde r. In the Preface to the 1957 Pen al Code of Ethiopi a , His Imperial Maje sty stated for the crimina l l aw to be applicabl e, it i s n ecessary ''tha t effective, yet l1ighly humane and liberal procedure s be ad opted to ensure tl1at legislative pre s criptions may have the effic acy in tended for them a s regu lators of condt1ct''. I-Ie fur ther added that ''Pt1n ishment cannot be avoide d si n ce it acts as a deterre nt to crime s as, indeed, it has been s aid, 'one who witnes se s the pu11ishment of a wrong-doer will become prl1den t'. I t will se rve as a les son to prospective wrong-doers.'' The Band.itry Act is a manclatory l aw. Pt1nishmen t for offences agaii1st the Act is speci­ ned. And as st1cl1, it contravene s mode rn laws en a cte d in accorda nce with the provi­ sions of the Constitution. As explained above, sin ce the ain1 of the law is to i1npose maximum punish­ ment in major offences a11d to mitiga.te punisl1men t in lesser offences, the Ba 11ditry Act wl1ich wa s passed at a time wbe11 Eri1 rea had a federal gover11n1en t, makes it mandatory to punish the offen ders merciless ly; tl1is being particu]arly so, since the !a� applicable to Ethiopian st1bject s in othe r provinces would not apply to Eth­ iopian st1bjects living in tl1is province. tio11 _ b _ etween Eth_iopian n� ri�i dis� The th e e e prov abov o t ts tend me11 argu .subJ. e�ts with respect to the law applied, s11ch discr1I111nat1on a r1s1ng from mistakes comm itted by people \Vho interpret the law. ' It is our opinio11 tl1at tl 1e Ban ditry Act i s not only u�co�stitutio_nal but it 1 o contr adicts tl1e provisioi1s of t l1 e Pen al . Co?-e, the l at!�r l eg1slat10? being _e nacted fs n acc or� ance with t11e spirit of the constitutional provisions .. 111_ view of tl1e fact that S ect1011 3 of Order No. 27 which brought about the . terI111nat1on of the Fed�r�l t ary Ad�n.1t s of Erit�ea and '£!ni f o_ tem Sys the_ of a a re Erit i o t 11 o cati l the app :1 : � _ es that the Rev1sed Const1tu�1on _ of Ethiopia atio� of the En1pire of Ethiopia, provid _ Co11st1tut1on to a pply Proclaim ed on November 211d, 1955 is tl1e sole ,tnd exclusiv e -� 221 •


. J_, · O -V W O lX A . · �f L 2 N IA P IO H T E F O JOURNAL

�o· e is it b , ia p u io ss a th E f 1e n � d tli at e ir p m E . e th t u o . h unifo�. y throu Banditr Act] 1s repealed by th is Order and repl thi8 co· nt. e ac y e t: d w a l ia s r rove the � e should this not b e so, reference should be made to Section· Penal ac n e_ o ll. s, "A ent t� f s: s )ow law fol _ as es and vid _ pro ich Wh . J regu �Order �0 . 27 110 n a 1n tre th Eu w1 s e rc fo or 1n wh tl en s i e pr ch e ar y ich wh are f d e or p arts t. hereo that t norui. the e1 · e the xt to lic 1 app _ n , tion lica app r atio al eder 1 1 thereof is.· 1 . · · · · . • · . nate- d· to be of at1 d str a 1n1 111g .1n 1st f ex o s, on n tio era op l sha ed l u nt'I1 nu nti co e th o t r ecessa y h suc � q d ale pe d by re an ed lac e rep bs su l ess pr ex ue tly enact d y • e shall be � time as the s. am . e . . . • �x 1n is g a d d t· an t, • ec m 1n eu ct' 1s d tra . n t1o e a· n rc s shal-l co Iegi• s_1at'Ion ' remain in. full fo . . . n . d th e_ th _e� au ur1 e ·t m sa th e 1 . y o� er ?f the Imperi al tinue to implement a�d a�ID1n1st n o t1. stra 1n1 to adID the of dent1fy and 1 ty.· du the 1s It ' . ent nm ver Go present Ethiopian . . cessary e n_ 1?1 d d . .r • th e continued oper eeme are h c hi w Jaws all or legislat to the . ation · tor the isla 1s 1t .leg as ere who promulgates such wh . en, Th s. on ati istr min d a g stin of exi Jaws, can th,e court or the public prose�u�or take the role of the legislator and say which law . must apply? ·In . our op1n.101: they cann�t. We have explained all this as a principle of law.. If this contr�vers�al law. was indeed re_placed by Arts. 636 an d 637(1) of tl1e Penal Code and 1n view of tb. e fact the Penal Code covers robbery extensively and this offence could, facts permitting, carry even the death sentence, all of the above arguments could · have been· avoide-d. . For all of the above reasons, we have accepted the argument raised by counsel for Appella.nts and hold that if the latter are found guilty they should be punished under Arts. 636 and 637(1) of the Penal Code.


With reference to the plea .of ''not guilty'' entered by Appellants the Court finds that such plea cannot be upheld . Appellants left their place of residence in the Tigre province and went to Eritrea. On tl1e day and time mentioned in the case, they tied up the shepherd s, threatened them with arms, and plundered 155 heads of cattle out of wl1ich 46 \Vere found in their barn and returned to the owners. Another 51 cattle were found in the desert, ,vhere they had been left by Appellants, and returned to the owners. A11d the remaind er of the cattle are still missing. Appellants were captured with tl1e help of the Woreda governors and the police. They were sent to the place where the crin1e was conurritted a11d ,vere identified by three witnesses. In view of the fact that six witnesses testified againS! them whereas their own defense witnesses failecl to support tl1eir allegations, v,.,e have· found the Appellants guilty tinder the provisions of Arts. 636 and 637(1) of the Penal Cod.e. Witb par ticular reference to the argument raised b Ap pellants No. 3 aotl 5 t� y com th� effect that they had been granted amne�ty they for the oJfence wl1icl1 · · Dl1tted .in Tigr . e . prov1_nce, 1t should be made clear that sucl1 grant app1·ied only for offences conutted in T1. gre an d not for th ose committed i n Eritrea. c i · ed bl - Si. nce . AppeIIants committ u p O rou s t ag gr an av ge at ed d ro is bbery w .hich . urity_, we fi�d t�at the ten sec to ro decision of the High Co urt in senten cing the years rigorous impnsonment is pr oper a n d hereby affirm the judgment. te­ sta Copy of t�s judgment must n te be s ent to the High Court and a writ ment to the. Prisons Administra tion. . . I court, liu<llgment delivered at an O ia per Jm en e g rin h .eld at the Suprem hea � mar�, tllf1 s 28th: day ·of • June 1�71 1n the presence of both parties. •

� 222 ..

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Addis Ababa Ato Abebe Worke '' Teshome Tessema '' Kessete Zerie Ato Assefa Desta v. Mr. Lugio Giovanni Civil file No. 81/64

Action brought by plaintiff requesting fo � � paten � for his al _leged invention of Mitad (oven). The defendant, who acts as a defendant-pla1nt1ff, dernes the plaintiff's allegation and stating that he was the inventor wants the patent for himself. Held: Action dismissed. 1. There is no Javv governing patent and its enforcement. 2. Com. C. Art. 148 states tl1at special Jaws will be passed about patent, and so nothing can be done until such la\VS are passed.

JUDGEMENT* In the suit instituted by Assefa Desta, the defendant Lugio Giovanni has act­ > ed as a defendant-plaintiff. Eacl1 one of them, clain1ing that he invented 'mitad states t]1at he be given patent to it. In hjs suit of 23-9-71, Assefa stated tl1e followjng � Th,:1.t he had i11ve11ted, from his n1ind an i11jera baking oven that can be ope­

rated bot11 by electricity a11d. gas. Bl1t wl1en he applied to t11e Ministry of Comme­ r7e and Industry for registration of l1is invention in accordar1ce with the Comn1er­ c1al Code, he \Vas to]d t11at tl1ere co11ld be no registration beca11se Comn1ercial Co­ de Art. 148 (2) provides that Special Laws concerning patent \vould be passed; and t �at tl1e law was not yet passed. He ft1rther on stated that he v1as granted patent right after I1is petition to I-Iis I\t1ajesty, and so the Ministry of Commerce and In­ d� s�ry ga,,e l1in1 patent t1nder No. 349-62. As Commercial Code Art. 149 directs to the C!v1 I Code provisions it was necessary to request enforceme11t in accordance with Civil Code Art. 11. 'And tl1e Ministry of Commerce and Industry publicized this patent right in tl1e ''Addis Zemen'' newspaper of 10-11-69. . T11� 1s accordi11g as tl1e person in whose name the work to 1666, Civil Code Art. is publ1sl1ed is deemed to be the autl1or thereof, and as Art. 1648 refers to any 'other r ;o k created by tJ1e inte11ige11ce of tl1ejr autl1or and presenting an original c�arac1er? ' nd as tl1e defenda nt who ,vas, 11nder an e1nployn1e11t contract, employed for h1s techn1al � knowld_ege by tl1e applicant, beca111e a com�etitor for the pate�1t; so t�e app­ _ cant appl1es for a judgement that bis patent right app�oved by His MaJesty be re-


· · E 1 • • ,, . efcr tO Mr. Wcnsl1ip's article ''Industial Property Rights 1n �t 111opia p. 357

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th r e infringement o n fo io at ns e p m co a to f ed tl ti en his legal . be he t a th spected, r 1. . ts s o c e th r gilt and be defrayed fo 1 d t h is, s.�it a,&, a .defyµda�t-plain tif,f an . , 1 -7 11 1 of y pl re th e defen In his written e th by r: ic ti� IJ! Ve ap !l1 of t. an [l tio en iJ.t e co H e th stated tha.t e flt c ac t no � dant did e t11 e11 n g1v 1ca tl J)l I1a a1, y t str du In a d 1 1 a e fiv rce 11e n11 Co · f Yea o y str u . 1r M e th .. • ' Pat . . . "' . r ' . n: f .1 1e ro t c� d 1 en e� M y -tr 1 � 1s � �1n · e� p� t rio d of di t Pen show an 1c pl p a. e th . as it bt t, en y, t s s_ Hi a3e !1 ro1 I! f n l cel ss1o can 1�11 per ed d nt� gra the pa,t e � n bee had he t tha � ing ct 1s e fe _t� to ef t1c 1n 11o a d t�e. ''Addis Zemet; �e l1s 1b pt 1t d an t 11 ca pli ap e th to n ive g : Code _C1v1I t�e of 'prov1s1ons • is irrelvant. 1c�nt l app_ t?e by citing The newspaper. Th.ere is no Ia,v of pate11t 1n Etl11op1a; _nor 1s ther�. �n-y la\.v • for t- he enforcement of it. I n other cot1ntries whe11 a person 1nve11ts_ someth11_1g he de�Iare� so, show his invention, and if necessary he \vould f ormally disengage I!s par�s a? d put it back to the original positi o11 i �1or�oy. _er I1e m11s_t .. dec�ar� j bx oath. �1s l1�v1ng invented the thino. But the applicant did no·t, do thjs; �is s_tatemei1t= th,tt· he had ·employed the defendant is false. Tl1e defenda11t furtlier ·on : s, tated · tha't tl1e applicant was not successful in his atten1pt to l1ave a11other pe_rson 1nake l1im an al°:m�_nium ?ve11. But as he pr­ ,evio tisly-: k:new that tl1e d�fendan.t . 111vent_ed.,3:nd w-as- making electric ovens, h e- reque­ '�ted·: the· :defendant -t· o make· hin1 6vens, a11:d·_ tlj� 4ef� P:�a_nt _ m ade an� delivered.di.ffe: rent kinds of ovens to tl1e plaintiff at a. ·price of $'380-0... Altho11 gh t heir aim. \vas to prodt1ce the ovens together as partners, the plainfiff, after ·taking ·the ovens·m · ade by the d.efendant, did not pay ,the wl10Ie·· amoun.t···. and · abadoned the partnership. . � :l'he_. contention by the- plaintiff tl1at he . was '. i11ye�tor- is s1.1pported by no evidence. So having stated wl1at is detailed above, the defendant . applied for the rejectio·n of the suit. As defenda11t-plaintiff l1e also stated tl1at in 1962-63 l1e invented an electric oven wl1ich can be used for -�fl: dllstria.). purposes and v1l1ich could produce 500 'injeras' in an hour. When i n 1966-67 l1e applied to the Minstry of Comni6rce :and Indt1stry f or patent, he was refused on· the- gro und that there is no l�w ·or :paf�nt. After that he made and sold · ovens. Fot example, he had sold an oven 1[ to· the :Body Guard· at $ 2500. ·And as l1e was · the first- person t o invent it, ?e be; or tion inten an t o _ form the a joint venture with with K ass aye \Volde Michael _g ·p. �oducing ovens; but they gave llp 'tl1e idea because of lack of n1011ey. Thus t he de• elec­ f��d�tit..applied to the court that the applicant be n produci g from d d e suspen . tnc ovens. •

Bof� of them submitte d counter-replies to the counter suits. In his argum ent, ,. each claimed to be the inventor. · · . · Evidence submitted, by the plainff is the following: • . : . � · Eviden.ce of registration that the National Food Makino0- Institute is regts· e· · sta tered fo t r th is · 1 bus1· ness (2) a certificate affirn1i11g the above (-'") a com.merc1a . . s · a me�t m which reference is made to t by t n pat e �ra nte d he wa eff ; s ect tha t he ) ( a try M JestY .C4). the patent right give11 by the Ministry of Comm:rce and Io<ltISby the the pu.blicat1on to • , , this. eiie · the 'Addis Zemen' newspaper. (6) a not'1 ce l=J' ct in . · tiff in the Addis Zeman' Pl am newspaper. _ . . . Evidence of the defendant is t 11e 10 '" 11· owing:. . . . · e · . th · . . . 2 1 • 1



e 1n1str y of Commerce and Industry f or pa�en .;j t veo- j sa:le af Q"lens by th.e· deftend n nt s J ant · nd to G r ; the ) defe B ( a o dy 4 the ua d i¥e G@Bit!Faet wi � th· K assaye Wold<t ich M ael. . .. . - 228 -


r I

parties presented witnesses to explain certain bot h· tion ddi points... In a t cons�der _ tl1 e_ issue whether th� fi_ n? _w j]l rt 1 �o t rst inventor was Assef� .D�� TJu s · crio G1 ova11n1 . It wi ll c.ons1der w11ether Etl11 opia ha s any law Lu wb1c · h grv O · es · . 5ta or h t • • ·r E I 1 op1 1 a r • as inv . 1 ent o ' st1cl1 _a la,v wl1at are t11e procedures:. to an to nt Q� ate . · · · s. ntee pate the by ed ov, fou . .. at.e11t i� a personal _rigl1t giv en for a limited period p of ht of time to· an in­ Rig useful tl11?g, to mt1l�1p _ l y_, sell, excl1a1 1ge, pledge it, etc. The reason for a of tor ven 1 r1gl1 t to an inventor n1 ay be to encourage llim s11cl of r g anti n or others to con� g the knowledge. At tl1e place ,yI1 ere this right is given, it is known t o u� pt1rs ally tinu . 11nd 1 at cond1t1on, and ho,:v 011e can tel1 er wl a11cl give n, is it wllether. Stich Nhom : rigI1t is gi,1en; i11 gener_a! the · �bligations and rjghts of the patentee are detailed. The Ethiopian Legal prov1s1011 wl11c_l1 state� abo�1t patent is Commercial Code Att. 14s. Art. 148 (1) states about reg1ste�red · 1nven�1ons while Art. 148 (2) states that patent shall be 1�11der tl1e rt11e of special 1a,vs. Bt1t the special Jaws of patent have not yet been leg1 slated. Ato Assefa contends tl1at altl1ougl1 the law has not been legislated sjnce h e is the a11thor in accordance \Vitl1 Civil Code Art. 1666 and since Civil 'Code Art. 1648 (e) includes '' a11y other work created by the intellige11ce of their autl1o.r and presentjng an original character'', 11e has to make t1se of tf1ese provisions. Botl1 Art. 1666 and 1648 are found in tl1e sectio11 of ''Literary and Artistic 01vv11ersl1ip''. TI1ere is the argument that Art . 1648(e) inclt1des patent since it states ''a11y ot11er \Vork''; but this is to i 1 1clude any literary work tl1at i s not enun1erated from (a) to (d); it is not to include patent or anything outside of literary and artistic ownership. The argument could make sense if Commercial Code Art. 148 directs, like Commercial Code Art. 149, to Civil Code provisions. Co1nmercial Code Art. 148 explicitly pro­ vides that special laws for patent wo11ld be passed; so nothing can ·be done until such special la\vs are passed. Neither Art. 148 no. r Art. 1648 can be cjted if Co­ mmercial Code Art. 148 w11icl1 states about patent did not direct us to Art. 1648 or if Art. 1648 dicl 11ot explicitly state about patent. No decision ca11 be passed by analogy because tl1ere can be no analogy when it is provided that especial laws wo11 ld be passed. Therefore a s there is no la\v governi1Jg patent and its enforcement, a11d as CivjJ Code Arts. 1647-1674 arc ina pplicable ,ve l1ave rejected Ato Assefa'a reqt1est to aJJP­ ly Civil Code 1-\rts. 1666 and 1648 (e).

. As a second point, we will exanune the contention that he �a� granted permi­ ssion for patent by His Majesty. T11e plaintiff stated that th_e 1'11rustry o� Comme­ rce, after seeing the order from the Ministry of pen, gave l11 m the permit; bt1t the plaintiff has not presented evidence to this effec� . Altl1011gh _the Minst� �f <;::01 nm�­ rce and Industry put in tl1e registration that th1s was pefffiltted by � Is MaJesty, 1t . . doubted the existenc e of sucb a permit; and request1ng the subm1ss1 011 of s11c� a permit it stated the followi 11 cr '',ve are not responsible f'or any problem tl1at anses by reason of tl1e noi1-su bini�ion of the perwjt; we hereby notify tha t we have no o�jectin g ground to any third party who is concerned \Vitl1 tJ1is matter._" ".'7hether th1s statement reached J\.to Assefa or not, it mea11s that there \Vas no obJect1ng gro­ unnd and tted a sub wa mjt pe� gain le(l �a! rn} sotl1e st e d tim � thir the ties u til 11 par �il the Mi_nistry of Con11uerce a11d Industry 11ot1f1ecl th1 rd �art1es.. This court ca.n­ not enforce a11y y. Jest !vla his by d nte gra n1it per the s t see righ unless it - 229 -


ia, in iop w Eth La and t ten . Pa (2) no is re the bec e · aus bec aus e there c (1) . TlJus . a 1a · . t . .. H' M 11 · t tl 1s ega 10n h aJe a e t ty on .. n liad isio dec � � any g sed pas t ran be ed not _ erm1.. e per ch e s A ny cte reJe l1cL w d t ente m1 ! pres d to Assef � � � . \1 ssion as there 1s not · D es t d an 11es his req .. n t1o n e. for 1nv 11 ove the on ent pat e res for rva1.ton of ta's reqttest his it e su th ed ct je re ve ha e w ; es ag m da . right tO ask While Lugio Giovanni was objecti11g to the plaintiff's SL1it arguin g tl at . �here is e sa a the ; r li ti1ne f was applying he m t Ethiopia or in Jaw t e ec no patent n of ��� his rig�t as th� fir �t person who .i?vented_ jt;. thus as . his demand is va1 :88 e � which JS ent prov1s1on non-extst law A suit. as his to reJected have one is nonex1s .. al. equ are h bot ; too ther o · the tent for r.


As the argument is based on question of law there is no need to co ·der ,be • both S_?i�s, we have given ��is evidence of the two parties._ Thus by can_ �elling _ J . ement today July 20-1972 1n the 1st d1v1s1on of the · 111gh Court of Add18 Abaudg­ ba. Each party wot1ld take care of its costs.




- ,230 • .


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- 231 -





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- 232 ,_


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- 23·3 -


ER N ME G O N V O T P IA N ET H I IA L IM P ER 1'HE HIGH COURT Addis Ababa Judges: Ato Assefa Liben ,, Tadesse Wolde '' Daniel Zewde



AGENTS OF DOFANTI LTD. ASSEFA BROTHERS LTD. Civil File No. 587/65 Miazia 10, 1965 Civil Code Arts. 587-65 Commercial law-Trade-marks t1nfair competitionCommercial Code articles 131. 133. 134. Civil Code. Article 2122. Action brought by plaintiff seeking to bar the defendant ,s use or sum · ·1ar trade-marks on the ground of unfair competition.

Held: Action dismissed. 1. No evidence produced to show that the similarity of the trade-marks has caused con· fusion among Ethiopian customers. 2. Even the illiterate customers can the word, Benson or Denti, written on the cover 0f the candies as a distinguishing mark.


The plaintiff being the owner of a trade-mark which read s , . enso�s Confectio· B l l s we nary Ltd. has for a long time been using the same trade-mark 1n t o ta a . E �i p Eth as other countries. It has published notices in the newsp io­ Vo f ice ?f s ap er � I pia and the Ethiopian Herald to show that th ha s t er pr op tr e ad s its ew m a ar l< registered the said trade-mark in th e Ministr J we · ver , o tr nd us y of C om an m d er ce I r: used a the defendant knowing that the s aid tr lanitiff p ad eth m b ar e el k o to n ge d. trade-mark which is the same in app e d' ffe r nce 1 o nl ea ra T n ce h e , colour a11d sl1ape. y h def en­ between the _two trade-marks is th e o m i ss ion of the word, B e n so ns � _ b y t dant from his trade-mark. Thus h: pu bl ic . t g th e iv in d ef en d ' ec d e a n se t b ca y ll n s d ie s Sin �,,eets · ce most o f the customers are "' 5 1e 1 t h il lj is tr a te · n gu th ey t1 d s a i u re n to a b le . · o f the defendant from those of un n a to ts th e ou ff n · . p la in ti · T a h u ce s ' s ince su ch p ra cti m f:air compet1·t1on under Art. th at s e v o m 13 1 o f iff t th e C n p o la · mm i e C 4 th rc o e ia d l e , 3 the defendant b barred from 1 s. rt A � u o f sin g the said trade-m c ark in purst1an e o f the Commercial Code a nd 2122 of the Civil Code. • Refer to MJf. Winship , 's article ''Industrial Prope rty Rigl1ts in Ethiopi a'' P• 357



ASSEFA BROTHERS LTD. V. TI-IE BENSONS CONFECTIONARY LTD. e defe? d �nt sta te d th t since there th pl , r his � is no registration of trade­ : � n I 1a , th� pla1_nt1ff cannot claim t at h e ha th1o p E in d registered the same. The � ma rk . _ llin e his g n go e od s be bef or e t . e tim e �: he � claims to have r egistered the pJaint1ff had _ addt�ion to �he fac t tha t parties have been selling their products with In ark de-m tra _. contai�ers, t� e covers u�ed by them bear no similarities what tin of s kind t ren diffe the said trade-marks are also· different. Even if some of the on s wor � The r. eve . cust omers a�e illiterate and h�nce cannot read the writings 011 the trade-marks, they can distin guish the two cand ies based o n the pictures thereon. Hence there is no confusi<?n pose�. Furt?emore,. in add ition to the fact that the two p�rties are ow­ ners of in�ustr1es re?istercd 1n .England, they l1ave been trading many years a.fter having registered their trade-marks there. The defendant then stated that the fact that the plaintiff institt1ted the Case in Ethiopia knowing tl1at the defendant sells the same goods in England, tl1�t t�e sale of tl1e same there has not posed any co­ nfusion, and tha t be has not 111st 1tuted a c ase there constittttes an act contrary to good faitl1 and tl1us tl1e c a se must be dismissed.

In his reply, the plaintiff d oes not deny that tl1e parties have registered their trade-marks in E11gland an d that they l1ave been selling their goods there. He n1ain­ tains nonetheless that since the majority of the English population is literate and since the contrary is trt1e in the case of the majority of the Ethiopian popttlation, very similar trade-marks d o not confuse the former while they do confuse the lat­ ter. The above constitutes the substance of the parties' contentions. The issues to be decided are the fallowing: 1. In the ,:1bsence of registration of trade-marks in Ethiopia, does the fact tha t a trader issues a notice in a newspaper to confirm his ownership of a particu­ lar trade-mark a11 d l1is deposition of tl1e same in the Minstry of Commerce a nd Industry entitle him to an exclussive of the trade-mark? 2. In the absence of a law governing the r egistration and protection of trade-mar­ ks, ca11 tl1e couri not bar t1nfair co1npetition in pursua11ce with the Commer­ cial Co de? 3. Has the defendant use d a similar trade-mark to tl1at of the plaintiff and there­ by caused an unfair competitions? 4. Does anyone of the parties I1ave proper ground _to institute . a case ag� inst the other in Ethiopia , in vie,v of tl1e fact that the parties ha? reg1 stere� their tra de­ marks in Engla11d, sold tl1eir goods there for a long t1n1e . and w1�l1�ut a nyone of tl1em resorting to st1e· the other on the ground of using a s1m1lar trade­ m ark in England ? It is not necessary to resolve all tl1e isst1es r aised. N�netheless, e�en i_f there is no special proclamation in Ethiopia governi11g the protection and reg1strat 1on of tra­ ·d e-marks, there is 110 reason ,vhy tl1e court cannot bar a trader, purst1�nt to Art. 13_4 of the Co1nmerci8.1 Code, if it finds that such a trader l1a eng g d 1n an un­ � � � fair competition 1111 cter I 33 of the Commercial Cod� by using_ s1m1lar trade-ma­ Art. rks as those used by a previotls tra de and therebr c�us1ng c� nfus10� among custo­ �lers. It is established th,tt the parties I1ave not 1 nst1tute� suits against one another in _E nglancl fusi?n amongon the grotin d that tI1e similarity between their trade-!11ar�s �au�es co�­ tl1e Englisl1 custo1ners. Tl1e explanation why an . a:tton 1s 1.11stituted in Ethiopia on tl 1e same gro11nd ha s been indica ted by the pla1nt1ff as being the fact - 235 -

\V . � L A O J_, V IX . O J . t. 2 N A PI IO H ET F O L A N UR JO

ity major of the in · cases are s er. custom illite n a pi· o thi· rate , the e E th · · ce s1n _ . that y a re e l'k I 1 y are to they fus con ce hen e and the ings writ tra de-rnark · . unab. 1e to read the · . . b s y mer o1 sto reas cu h s l 1 of tb Eng 1 the e . ng amo case fact th at th ei the not is which _ . are literate. ce to de� evi ed h duc blis pro esta not has ff inti th�t the simila _pla the er, Howev . .. 11 us1? d conf ong pose m a. bas Etl11op1an custom rity between the said trade-marks ers co 1fus1on ed s among cau. not the people where � In addition, the trade-marks have th� t1on ha� been launc?e� there on trade-marks were creat�d and known and . no �� that ground. In view of this, we do not cons1de� It proper fo� the _pla111t1ff to institute a case on the ground that the custoill:ers In the m1port1ng country are illiterate. Basically, it is believed that customers . 1n every c?untry have comparable intelligence to distinguish the goods they buy. Since there 1 s only one . word on the covers of the c. andies, eve'!l _ the :illi_terate customers ca? �ake the words, Ben�ons and Denta, on the covers as distmgUishlng marks. · The pla1nt1ff shot1ld have refrained from institut­ ing an action on the ground that the trade-marks confuse the customers in the cou­ ntry to which they exported and being sold, wl1ile the same trade . marks have· not_ been a ca�se of d}spute in the country fro� where !hey come, and without any . evidence showmg an improper, clear, . a�d ?lar1ng practice of unfair con1petitio n by, the defendant. The request of the plaintiff 1s unacceptable and hence we dismiss the case. We hold that that plaintiff should pay the costs of the defendant, the amount of which will be dete11nined when an itemised bill of costs is presented.




' '

• •




........ 236 . . -




rti.,l·V-A-.,r = 11--IP =

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- 239 -


:r� E M . N R ·T E V N O G IA P IO H T E L IA R E IMP High Court


Addis Ababa

Kegnazmatcl1 Asayel1egn Ada I At o Yigez u A1nakele · '' Marc.os Wolde Senbet

ATO WOLDE HAWARIAT TECLE GIORGIS v. INLAND REVENUE· DEPARTMENT Civil Appeal file No. 613/63 Meskerem 10, 1965 Tax law-definition of macbiner:y-Transaction Taxes Proc.lamation No. 205 of 1963 Art. 9, Transaction Taxes (Amendement) Proclamation No. 254 of 1967 Arts. 3 (h) and 4 (c). Appellant filed an appeal in tbe High Court objecting tl1e n1ajorty decision of the Tax Com­ mission that h·e should pay Transaction Tax on the oman1ents he produces by using a hammer and an air pump. Respondent argues that the mentioned instrt1ments should be included in the definition of 'maclunery' and goods prepared witl1 tl1eir aid should be subject to transacrion tat. Held: For appetlan.t on the following grounds. 1. Transaction Tax shall be levied on goods prodt1ced by machines ,vbich tum about, as in the case of machinery and a motor, and which are capable of producing a result or speeding up tb.e process. 2. No Transaction Tax would be levied on goods produced with tl1e aid of ordinary hand t.ools which do not have the capacity to turn about.

The Tax Appeal Comm ission, in its session of Ter 4, 1963 (E. C. ) decided th�t appella nt sho uld pay transaction tax on the orn aments which he produces and sells 10 a�cordance with article. 3 (h) of the 27tl1 year No. I Negarit Gazeta- \Vhich pr� Vld�s . that transaction tax shall be charged on any instrun1ent operated �1�nual1}, This 18 an appeal to have this majority decision of the Tax Appeal Comn11ssion re­ versed. We have, after examining the appeal, decided as follo ws: DECISION . ,,�n his appl�cation dated_ Yekatit 2, 1963, appellant stated that he shou ld not n�� re urred ! 0 pay an y transa d us e ct io n to ta x ha d on a pr he od u wh ct fo ic r h a a a b ill J n a n r :: � r � ump and �or ';'hich his assistant ha d to apply his legs and hands a�t d he t e e �ust his breath till his lung s �en pr e so a we lle or d s en y o R t. u es l at po t e nd en 's x a T follo wing _reply on Sene 14, 196 tion sac Tran 3. As c the provid ed of in tri 3 (h) Articl e ec Proelaimat1on No 254/67 ' ''M J e r d o r O t o ac hi m n�ry ,, d . n., e operat_ �eans a y n instr ment u a b 0 wer or by hand • y b d e t Ac co rdi n_ g 1 :,, r op to e thi• s article, an y instrum ent which 1s t'\ i_1 P1n�,;I�J•iu1,,;.�i1:�.l.a!.,;b e n1a. 8J Ji..11amtnef' a fl] a ntaCb. ·i o • . . · e, an air p um p an d a scriber 1s s_a1d to be '' s 10 e es JI a'1 is a maehi� t en 1 t h a _ f O se u ma lt ll'll rketable goods produ ced w�th the_ t th t d o l � B\Ue SU1Jl�i� . b _ , . nt of transa · • t 0 Jafme 0 e ss1bJ 1mpo ction taxes . It 1s 1


-240 -

lI '



gol eve dsm ry ith wh ich �1ses for producing all those beautiful and fine­ t men u str the in ornaments would only constitute of a hammer, a file and an air pump. I made not have punc_hes, cutters and scribers which- opera ma y the y h te by elect­ ]1 1houg hav e t�e sho se ul? 1nstru1?-ent but operat�ng by means of a certain ey h ! er, w po ric ho IS to_ believe tl1em if tl1e 7 deny this? 'Y ce. dev i Therefore, in pursuance tur ning reta t1on of the pr�clamat1on and accepting the fact that a ham 1nte r ect � corr the ­ with pu�p are n:i-achinery operated by hand, the decision of the an_ air and _ le fi a , mer m1ss1011 wh1cl1 required appellant to _ pay transaction tax must stand. Co m ea� App Tax above state? facts, appel�ant I1as given a counter reply. The majo­ the 1n vn . s ho, As • . earlie_r. In the 1'?1nority opinion, the dissenting judge cited discu ssed 1s ion decis rity pro cla 1at1 the 011 and said that according to this article, a person of (11) � 3 le artic 111ac l11ne used ry wl1ere l1e t1ses a11 instrt1ment designed for the mak­ have . to said is wl1e and re sucl1 a11 in �trun1ent is operated by ha11d and not by a artic les_ old g of ing niotor or a11 electr1c power; and J)ersons like the respondet1t who uses ham1ner, air pump and file _sl1ol1ld not be required to pay trasnsaction tax. If they are so re­ quired to pay, 1t wo11ld tl1en mean tl1 at the same wot1ld apply to weavers and brick makers. Basically, a_ppellant was asked to pay trai1saction tax on the orname11ts he made because Proclan1ation 205/63 of the 2211d year No. 18 Negarit Gaz�ta lays down the requirement t11at transactio11 taxes be paid on goods manufactured locally. Article 3 (c) of the an1ended procla1nation - proclamation 254/65 provides that ''goods manu­ factured locally'' 1neans goods produced witbi11 tl1e Empire of Etl1iopia with the aid of machinery. In tl1is article, it is clear tl1at tl1e word ''machinery'' is present in tl1e plirase ''witl1 tl1e aid of macl1inery''. The word machinery is not defined in procla­ mation No. 205/63 of Negartit Gazeta No. I 8. Bt1t it is defined or given meaning in the 27tl1 year No. I Negarit Gazeta - Proclamation No. 254/67. Article 3 (11) of this proclamation defines machinery as any instrument operated by n1otor or elec­ tric power or by hand. The point of clispt1te in tl1is case is wl1etl1er or not such instruments which a goldsmitl1 uses, namely: a hammer, a file and an air pump are machinery according to the proclan1ation. Such similar qt1estio11s arose in ma11y files and were decided upon. This cot1rt, in its respective hearing on Genbot 5, 1963 and Sene 12, 1963 gave the follo\ving j L1dgements over similar cases whicl1 arose between appellant Ato Assefa Tesema and the I11land Revenue Department and between Ato Asfaw G. Hi­ wot and the Inland Reve11t1e Department. Transaction taxes shall be levied on goods which are operated by 111acl1ines whicl1 turn about as in tl1e case of a macl1inery and a motor, and \vl1icl1 are capable of producing a result or_ speeding up tl1e_ pro­ cess of production. Th11s, no transaction taxes wot1ld be levied on goods wl11cl1 a person produces witl1 the aid of ordinary hand tools which do not have the capa­ c�ty to turn about. Any n1acllinery or similar devices can be turned arot1nd with tl1e aid of an electric power, gasoline, steam or manpower. ?ne c�?not ref�se to pay transaction tax on t11e ground tl1at he \Vorked on a mach1�e ,vn1ch funct�ons or op­ erates ,vith the aid of manpower. Nevertl1eless, since the 1nstruill:ents which appell­ ants used are ordinary tools, namely: a hammer, a fil� and an air pump _they have not used any mac11inery and hei1ce they are not reqt11red to pay transaction taxes. to_ our examination of tile appeal, this case is not different from the above cases �s 10 \Vh1ch appellants Ato Asefa Tesen1 a and others and the Inla�d _Reve�ue Depart­ �ent Were 1: Which involved. Respondeilt produced no evidence substant1at1ng his argun1e�t l1e stated that appellarlt, apart from using a hammer, a file and an air . P rnp also tises other scriber machines which turn about. - 241 -


In this case, as is stat�d above, the appellant Ato Wold.e Hawariat be required to pay transaction tax �ecause he produces the ornaments .shouJd not with t the. help with of any not and_ tools machin hand ery nary ordi of such as a he aid tric device, a motor o� an instrument which turn abo_ut a;1d is capable f n elec. cing a result o� speed1n� .up the process of production. fher efore, we h� Produc. e v the of Tax Appeal dec1s.1on Con11nissio11 given on T herby qu.ashed the maJor1ty er . decision. Respondent sh,tll cover court expenses · 4,1963 and afli1med the miniority e incur b r d bor11 costs shall be by other · b oth and y parties. Let a the · appellant t of copy his Appeal Tax Co1nmission. judgement be sent to the





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Ato Assefa Liben '' Tadesse Wolde '' Dan.iel Zewde W/ELFINESH W. MICHAEL v. LT. GENERAL NEGA HAILE SELLASSIE Civil File No. 1522/63


Review of judgement-Civil Procedure Code article 6. Appellant filed an appeal stating that the reversal of a decision rendered on. appeal under Art. 6 of the Civil Procedure Code is unlawful and that she is a ·tut-lij'* of Memrie** Kabteneh and a real daughter of Ato Wolde Michael. Held: Judgment for Appellant. I. Art. 6 of the Civil Procedure Code states that if a case is on appeal it cann.ot be re­ viewed. 2. Appellant is a 'tut-lij' of Memrie Kabteneh and a rea1 daughter of Ato Wolde Mlchacl.

JUDGEMENT This is an appeal from a Ramie 15th, 1963 decision of the Addis Ababa Awraja Court� file No. 3615/63. The essence of the matter is as follows: Woizero Elfinesh filed file No. 863/56 in the Addis Ababa Awraja Court demanding the Court to re­ congnjze her as the h�ir ..daughter of Ato Wolde Michael Minilik. (1) Lt. Gene��. Ne_ga Haile Selassie (2) Kegneazmatch Shewandagne Yesheberu and (3) The mun1c1pality of Addis Ababa appeared contending that she was not Wolde Michael's daughter. Sine� Woizero Elfin sh has proved her descent in the process of the pro�eeding, the 7 h er as 1zed Addis Ababa AwraJa Court, on its session of Sene 9tl1 1958 recogn e• Yesh dagen Wolde Michael's daughter. One of the contende1·s, Kegneazmatch Shewan b�1:1 al?pealed to the High Court. The lligh Court affirmed the Awraja Court's de­ c1s1on 1n file No. 600/58. �ix years later, the present respondant Lt. Gen eral Nega throu¥h his attofc� su�lllltte d that W/Elfinesh had use d false evidence to pro ve that she ts Wold� Mab ael s daughter. He further submitted that W/Elfinesh's real father was Memrie I( ­ e\V n · . • . ten. eh who h· as bas a · . · die· d in · Becogi 1orgis 1n Aruss1. prov111ce. He satd t·hat he 0f a evi��ce to pr ove that W/Elfinesh is Ka bteneh's daughter and sumbitted a copY r a s�on by the Arussi Provin � cial Cou rt appeal No. 84/40 and another copYheo de­ � e<; tsion b y �� Assela Woreda tba sts . requ e Cou rt-C ivil / t He fi l e No. 39. 162 to t t c1s1on recog n121ng Elfines.h as ua n Wolde Michael's daughter be dismissed purs ti


. fatl1er:· L WR� iS ta:ken ca.Fe for ·by a person who volunte.ersJ to act as bis W:�'s: ,,,,�l ehilcl�'. -· 'iitl� ·BF�-nlr,1m f,,..,,-wl,.e • .,.,.t "' . � c, �1,1. r,, 86� ll0I pnests. �

-248 '.

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MICHAEL WOLDE v. LT. GENERAL NEGA HAILE SELASSIE LFINESH E ERO woJZ e Civil Procedt1r: Code _ and that she gives up Ato Wolde Michael's th of Art. 6 ated at Aware Sefer 1n Addis Ababa. lan d situ · esh ,st1b1nitted in he r stat ement of defence that the dec1sio W/Elfin · · n giv en 1n . e · · fi1 r -ex · d pursuant to Art. 6 since it has been affirm can t b e � amtne 6 63/ 5 8 ed by No. e cotirt (High Co urt ). The co urt. ha s rejected her con ella t app tention and order­ the ese �t 11er d efence. In her ?efence, sh e submitted pr to her that she is only the ed emr1� Kabtenel1 and not his real daugl1ter. She came into such a rel­ :N l of ' t-li j 'tu e Ka btenel 1 when she went to Arussi Me mr \Vith ! Province during the Italian n atio _ _ d Jived t �e re with I1im. When Memrie Kabte11eh di a n atio � ed he left a will up occ behind in \Vh�ch he entitled Iler to share land with his sons. She further submitted has not pro can d t1ced a document in which the fact t app li e th t that she was tha Mern rie Kabte?eh's. datighter \�as prove�. The doct1m ent produced showed only the e 111l�er!ted land with Mem rie Kabtene 's descendants. Sh e said that the sh that t fac judges did not d1st1ngt1sl1 bet�een real descenadant and 'tut-lij' in 1941 . She reque­ sted the co11rt to l1ear Memer1e Kabteneh's sons wl10 will prove tl1at she is not Me­ rnrie Kabt eneh's dat1ghte r. The applicant argued that since he l1ad produced evide­ nce showing that she ha d sl1ared in Memrie Kabetenh's land by claiming to be his daugl1ter, she s �o11ld not b e allo\.ve� to produce other evidence and requested the court to render Jt1dgement. The Addis Ababa Awraja Court on its session of Hamle 15th, 1963, rejected W/Elfi11esh's request. In short its decision is as follows: ''As sho­ wn by the doc11ments, W/Elfi11esh has argued in court witl1 l1er brotl1er Debtera Tesfa Kabteneh in co1111ection with Me111rie Kabtenel1's land, and it was decided by the Art1ssi provincial Cot1rt a11d the Assela Woreda Cot1rt that they should share their father's land. In vie\.v of this evidence W/Elfi11esl1's requ est to present witne­ sses to prove tl1at sl1e is Memrie Kabteneh's 'tut-lij' is illegal. W/Elfin esh's co1 1ten­ ti0n that 110 d istinction was n1ade between real descendants and 'tut-lij' in 1941 is also unacceptable. Wl1en it is se en tl1at W/Elfinesh has shared and is payi 1 1g taxes on her fatl1er's (Memerie Kabte11eh) land her production of false evide 11 ce to prove that she is Wolde Michael's l1eir dat1gl1ter, is a manifstation of her selfishness to benefit from two fat11ers. The docun1e11t granted to l1er in fi l e No. 863/56 ascertai 1 1ing her desce11t from Ato Wolde l\1ichae l is fo11r1d false and is th11s uncleared. �fhe applicant Lt. General Nega Haile Selassie has acq11ired the land i11 qt1estion as a gift from his Imperial Majesty Haile Sellassie. His ow1 1ershi1J was disrupted by W/ Elfinesh's clai1n that she is \Volde Micheal's daughter. Now, si11ce it proved, she is not his daughter. purst1ant to tl1e i1nperial grant Lt. General Nega's right to manage the affairs of the land is reserved.''

W/Elfinesh 11as appealed from this decision to thjs court. The essence of her ��­ peal is: (1) The Addis Ababa Awraja Cot1rt's reve� sal tin der Art. 6 of the C1v1l Procedure Code of the clecision rendered on appeal 1s unlawful. (2) The cot1rt de­ -clared her to be Me111rie Kabteneh's daughter wit11out sufficeint evidence. No docu­ ment sho,ving that she proved to be Me1nrie Kabteneh's daughter was pro duced. The Addis Ababa Awaraja Court was wrong to have attached the land she in­ herited from her father ancl reqt1ests for the \Vithdrawal of the attac?ement. �4) She also reqt1ests to be allowed to produce evidence to prove that she 1s Memer1e Kab­ teneh's 'tut-lij.' T·he evider1ce she produced were: a. a one page photo-copy of a Meskerem 8th, 1947 reconcilation agreement; b. a one page photo-copy of a signed statement of Ato Wolde Michael in t e � _ _ central woreda court of Addis Ababa on Hamle 28t�, 1948 ass1gn1ng his . daughter's (Elfinesh's) husband, Me mrie Gebre Selassie as h1s agent; and •

- 249 -

. L � O W V . IX A O L 2 N N IA P IO H T E . F O L JOURNA

Kabteneh, Ato Men1rie Sertz of e sons . the · · Med by y . h n o _ i·n tr m t s e t i l a r o .l'\.ab .. c. se d T a es to b K a A · ,,__ d an ne te h, . ne te h. ab K n ne on ak M · 0 teneh, At . _ _urt has accepted the appeal a11� ordered the respo�dent to appear This co Th e r · t t a th raJ d Aw tte ?e C bm a su i ou al pe ap t � _ respo _ .ndent 10 his. rep· ly to the had r Vers... . v r 1l P 1·oced u 1 th e f o 6 C t r A I • 1 lt d o e W e c n a � r o c c a e in . n io use it is . a c c e d b ed the � . is ' i M rre ine em · lf o E zer 1 o t teneh's daugh� tha ab · e nc de evi t en :1/ ffic u s . � it ore bef had 1 b r s 1 t d sa to an p 1c ap e e h t 1f en Ato ev at t11 ed itt Wol de iv11c. bm u s er th r f u e H . ter. . . e o tl pr · t d 1a h h as . _e s e h s e nc si t, no _1s 1s e sh gh u an adopted o th al , er � ht ug d� hael's . Ato to e �ess ld Wo he 1 be not can !"11chael. Besides she h tene Kab rie Mem of child er low rt, the coL1 111 d ente pres this court shouldn't n't were now d liste ence evid since the admit them. After examining t·he argument presented by both . parties, the court has found the issue of the appellant's paternity to be controversial. In view of this, the court has ordered the production of the new evidence sub-­ mitted by tl1e appellant. First, since it was submitted that the orig11ial document in which Ato Wolde Michael signed a representation is found in the Adclis Ababa Central Woreda Court, the court ordered its production, but the woreda court ascer. rained that it was not here. Since the original of this document is not produced, the court has rejected the photo-copy as a valueless docu ment. Subsequently, tb.e court ordered the sons of Memrie Kabteneh, who signed tl1e Meskerem 8th, 1947 reconcilation agreement and tl1e arbitrators to appear and testify. Two of the sons, of Memrie Kabteneh, Ato Sertze Medl1in Kabteneh and Ato Makonnen Kabteneh, and two of the arbitrators, Ato Aleme Bedada and Ato Gurmu Akawak appear­ ed and te&tif ied. The others didn't appear before the cou rt. Ato Sertze Ivledhin and Ato Mak.onnen stated that W /Elfinesh is the 'tut-lij' of their father and not his real dau,ghter. And when their elder brother Debtera Tesfa refused to give her the share of th.e land that their father left her in his will she sued hi1n and it was decided in her favour. They said that then they chose to agree rather tl1an go on appeal and gave her some land. They also said they signed the docu.ment wllich is now before the court. The two arbitrators, Ato Alem and Ato Gurumu testified that they brought the two parties into agreement whereby the sons of Memrie Kabeteneh gave land to th.e 'tut_-lji' of their father. Attorney for the respondent has req11ested t h� cou� to allow him to produ ce witnesses to prove that the appellant is not Wolde M�chael s daughter. But the Cour't rejected his requ est on the ground that these w1t11 esses wou ldn't add new explanation. In addition the withnesses now heard are witn esses of the cou rt and not of the appella.nt. ­ .- Th� sou �ces .of the dispu te an.d the argu ment mad men are s part ie e by the two .tioned in brief above. The court has give·n the following opinion and judg eme nt. The Addis Aba�a Awraja Court in No. 863/56 has decid ed th at!! Ci vil Fil e s es Wolde M�chael's daughter an d this decision was affirmed on apJ?eal b y �e �\:t � urt. Accor< !0 the Civil Prodecure Code tl1e decision, is binding on W" � 0 t h he d idn't appe�I the case himself. Thus, the Addis Aba�� A.b t· :;: :ou! e g w t a eal d iou s app , eci ffi sio ·l T.lg W/Em'nesh' m bat the prev n on wa irm s ed a. i d the · · · r s argumen_t ment1on e se rev 1 ng have the s��e, was wrong to d.eeJsio: i n in aecoFdan�: w h Art c ng lai111 t a iJ 6. of . the C1v1l Procedu re Code. A � � y o rdet i � f has Fo1Jnd r o n rde ce s o dec � !o p oceaure :Y n. t reverse the previou s j udgement, .�·+ r4<1l-- .. . ma · lli"'lb :=ti ..� . L'i'll°f' re.- hearing (i)f th e case purs . u ant· to Art. 6 _of . th· e C1 vil. her cour t , . mlft· 'i11t/;J ir tibi - tl11 0 ,e t r , «esf-s1on or order is not appealed to a . hig • ·0o or a � ili ���. M\� ,� Jf; JI 1 ec1s ·�,!'.{� ��-"' 8-" •�J.11 01 true t"l':� ;n,,.A u d t '--,i.l".•"' :f111, pli@� re Code says ''---- A · JU • dgemen ,





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- 250-

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-------�Ill!!!!!!!!ELFINESH WOLDE MICAEL v. LT. GENERAL NEGA HAILE SELASSIE ER O oIZ w 1 ich an appeal lies, �ut from whic� no appeal has been preferred--'' \vl from . order sl1ows that 1f the 1natter 1s on appeal, 1t cannot be re-heard. arly cle it Tho11gl1 we have u11derst�od the Awraja Court's decision to be unprocedural also consid ered l1ave tl1e we s11bstance of the case because we felt it mig­ al, illeg _ and parties . the What to enabled 11l the Addis Ababa Awraja Court to de:­ 11sef be . ht the files were brougl1t from tl1e Arussi Provincial court and the did it as cide Assela Worada Cour_t. These fil�s were those in wl1icl1 W/Elfinesh sued Debtera Tesfa Kabtenel1 a11d got �11dgement 1n l1er favo11r. Of course, tl1e courts wrote as if W/ Elfinesl1 was !vle111r1e Kabtenel1's da11ghter, But tl1ese files were not filed to prove whether W/Elfinesl1 was Memrie Kabteneh's daughter. If they were filed for this pur­ pose, then it wo11ld have been possible to say that W/Elfinesh is Memrie Kabtneh's daughter, b11t because tl1e court l1as without ascertain tog, wrote tl1at W/Elfinesl1 is :rvfem.rie Kabteneh's da11gtl1er, it ca1111ot considering tl1is as a conclusive evidence, be held that W/Elfinesh is actually Menuie Kabteneh's daugl1ter. Understanding this, this court has heard witensses. The wit11esses were two of Memrie Kabtenel1's sons and two arbitrators wl10 reconciled W/Elfinsesl1 with Men1rie Kabteneh's sons. All of them testified tl1at W /Elfinesh was Men1rie Kabtenel1's 't11t-lij' and not his daughter. The court considers tl1is testimony reliable. Thus we reverse the decision of the Addis Ababa Awraja Court given on Ha111le 15tl1 1963 in file No. 3615/63 tl1at W/Elfi­ nesh is lvfemrie Kabtenel1's daughter since she is 011ly his 'tut-lij'. The costs will be decided upon when the oppelJant presents an itemised bill of costs under Art. 463 and 464 of the Civil Procedure Code. In order that it n1ay note that its decision is reversed, a copy of this judgement should be se11t to Addis Ababa Awraja Court. Tl1is judgement was orally given on Tikmit 26th, and written to day Yekatit 18th, 1965.

- 251 -

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The Imperial Ethiopian 1-Iigh Court Judges:

Ato Assefa Liben '' Tadesse Wolde '' Daniel Ze,vdie

ATO YASIN HUSSIEN v. VEHICLE REGISTRATION AND INSPECTION SERVICE DEPARTMENT Civil File No. 693/62 Execution of judgeme11t-transfer of ownership title-order of mandan,us. Applicant �to, Yasin I:-Iussien, ap plie� to t11e court to have tl1e ownership title of tl1e· car he _ bought by pubhc auction transferred 1n 111s name when tl1e respondent department refused to do so on the ground that l1e sl1ould produce a certificate from tl1e Inland Revenue Department in re·­ lation to the payment of tax for the car. Held: Respondent ordered to transfer ownersl1i1:> title.

1. A sale of a car by public auction at tl1e order of a cotirt is different fron1 that by a private person and this is not subject to the san,e treatment. 2. The Inland Reven11e Departn1ent can claim from tl1e execution officer taxes due from � judgment debtor before the proceeds of the sale of a car sold by at1ction are paid to the judg� ment creditor.

ORDER TJ1e present case l1as arisen when the exec11tion officer ,vorte tl1e follo\ving ori Megabit 8, 1964, by Ref. No. 834/62. T]1e essence of wl1at l1e wrote is: that tl1e �e jugement debtor, Ato 1�efera Kiflu, failed to com1Jly witl1 the court order made 1� file No. 693/62 in tl1e proceeding ,:vith Mr. Shalon1 Shalo111ie, the j11dgeme11t cre­ ditor. Thereupon, v,e offered tl1e judgeme11t debtor's <:llitomobile, plate No. 23505 (A. A.), for sale by public auctior1 a11d 011 Sene 21, 1963 we managed to sell tl1e san1e to Ato Yasi11 I-I11ssieJ1, the higI1est bidder, for$5810. In additio11, we vvrote to the \'ehicles Registratio11 and I11spection Service Departme11t to transfer the title of the car in the name of Ato Yasi11 Hussie11, the said department refused to trans­ fer the title stati11g tl1at Ato Yasin l-Iussien has to produce evidence sho\ving tll'at he had paid the tax for tI1e car to the Inland Reve11ue Departrnent. The buyer offered to pay tl1e tax due since the ti1ne I1e bo11,ght the automobile but ,vas requested to pay the tax whic11 should J1 ave bee11 paid by the _pre�io11s own�r. T�11s, the b11yer was unable to get tl1e o\vnership title transferred 1n �1s nan1e, 1n spite of tl1e �act that he bought tl1e automobile by publ.ic a11ction rely1ng on the law for protection.

In its session of Tikemt 21 1965 the Court wrote to tl1e Vel1icles Registration :d _Ins pection Services Depart��nt orde ring tl1e san1e . to tran�fe1� title of tl1e a11to � _ �bile in the 11a1ne of Ato yassin I-I uss1e n, or otherv11se submtt its �easons for not doing so. At .o Girma Degeffa Director General of Vel1icles Rrgistrat1on and Inspe- 255 -

L. V \lO 'If.J LA � N IX A PI lO NO. 2 l-I ET F O L A JOURN


4 by 6 a . f· lle / 235 / 5 4 1 2 19 No on , 0 1· Ti o te, 5 wr ' t en □n . e Depar · . . _ · 05 . 65 ct1on eS rv1c s 111 vva J t ·· e nc . 11a tr rs tl pt1 1e e . and er f _ s· io tr� th wi o t l a sa fii re . n e til d Or _ d hat xp n � w. �- � e mayor on Ti_r 18,1965, the cou�t ordered � to Girma Dege ff a e;0 lllade Y . app. t d 1 f t"'r urtl1 and n1,tt l1e la1 1 exp er r orde said _ acco the r ing · . 1 . ea..r in person with . A Y, � 1es p h -cop to ·h .oto . wit o , f ay tod . tl1e urt o C n 1 · ed orde ear rrapp . iii G1rma Degea--a ers, ord tl1e ted mit b of su. s pie -co o t o pl1 by A to Gir tl1e of i i An examinatio De. e ven �tm Re 1)a1 nd De l 1 I1 e�t the of t ef wro chi e a le:: � � effa. reveals that the Addis baba a �f City k1ng the of the latter not�� Mayor e o t � 1964 ? ! : fnc1ar 14, . 1 erc1 al vehicles befo,.e tl�e sellers of �uc h 1nn o c of es t�tl ip rsh wn o er nsf tra ve hicles � 1ue J?epart1nent con. firmin Reve h nl e 1 t �od by I � issued ficates i cert t g duce pro at the Y D tt that d so Inlan les, tl1e vehic their n Reve n o taxes e e du. all paid e had partment Wl·11 be able to collect the required tax owners of commercial vehicles: The Ma . yor . at 1on · and Inspectio · �h'1cI es Reg1str ..e V of the City of Addis Ab�ba wrote an order to t b n ; eS r· vice Department o f Hidar 21, 1964 to act acc ording by. The chief of the Vehicle,. Registration and Inspection Service Department wrote back t o the Mayor on Gin� bot 11,. 1964 explaining the difficulties that his office had encountered witl1 regard to vehicles that were being sold by public auction. The Mayor wrote and stated that his previous order should stand after pointing out that the said does not in­ terfere with the c ourt's decrees, since the registration of cars take ·place after the courts' decrees are executed a11d after ownership is transfered to the buyer in per­ so.ance with articles 1186 of th.e Civil Code and 438 of the Civil procedure Code.





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Ba.sically, the fact that the Addis Ababa Municipality sees to it that the required tax is paid to the Inland Revenue Department before the transfer of the title on a sale of a vehicle is effected thereby assisting the latter is worthy of pra­ ise. · Nonetheless, a sale by p11blic auction of a commercial vehicle at the order of a court because of a debt of the owner of such vehicle is a different matter. It is not the ind.ebted owner who sells the vehicles, b11 t the g overnment. In the present case too, At o Yasin Hussien b ought the autom obile, plate N o. 23505 (A. ,i\.) for , the $ 5810 not fr om th.e owner, Ato Teferra Kiflu but from a gov·ernment official 1 execution officer. At o Teferra Kiflu has handed over the vehicle at the courts order. He does n ot have any say on it. It will not be purst1ant to the law to refuse to tra.nsfer th.e owners.hip title in the name of the b11ver on the ground tl1at he was to• P�Y the tax f or the service that the previ o 11s o wi1er had received _fron1 t_be auto d n mob_ile, a�ter t�e government attached the car, sold the same by public auctio an received its price. . . · � of the t.1·tI� on· .the As 1n.d 1cated above, 1t would be proper to refuse the transfer • ground of non-payment of tax, if the previous owr1er l1ad. s old the aut�mobile :�n self . The Inland Revei1ue Department however d oes not l1ave any r1gl1t o v� · ' ' · blic a�tomob·1 1� which the �overnment attached of debt a11d sold by pu au· cti�n. If I! were according to procedure the Inlan Revet1ue Departm ei:t cou.ld have d h nds h a churned f or �e proceeds of the sale of the t 10 d fou n is : wh au ich tom obile fr o Jll u of the executi�n officer. d It could _have claimed the sum of the t ax money . . o t,,11 t A10 Teferra Ki�Iu from the executi ffice r before tl1e latter gave the pric� er bad on o Sha1om Sh. alomie, th 0111c . . e · · ut d gmen t cred�tor. If this were d ne, the exec i ?n · · JU a d paY n ? an obl ii l ga d im e i tion to deduct from the pr1ce of the au cla • t su m t11 e m le ' i ob o t en1e11 lit to Inalnd Revenue O . d Jti g · . f the o ep 2 Art. rtme11t, to s i nce pursuant � gove !n· h lx.reeua. tt1a. • Beg. · �. ( 194S) L. Not1ce e t to tax n the No. t · 197 the payment of q es i g u ��� 1W t. 18 ��en pteeemeace @V€t e . r 50 le of a ad s all ins te oth er we de bts ve o r H . th e sa �Elt eN:e�u <l>ii.eer :bu 1 • g n1n cer t". 10 1·1 con g u s p per spa 1 . new es s e tic u no in the ur m, f>W, �/ ' : . , . l ni • � · , � II �f J0, '1 1IRe.�eic ;�l �elmi.eles imf f1>11!1 p eot t111 ar hlic auction, the Inland Revenue Dep ' .



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yi11g on the rel municipality's refuseal to transfer ownership by rence diffe in _ .Y f Jic o ; clai m is made against a person, not agai?st the lifeless automobile. There­ � �1t1es . the Inland Revenue D�partment ca. n11ot_ claim the tax wltich it failed to co­ tor�, ause of its l �ck of �1l1geoce by at �acb1ng an automobile which the col1rt had )lee bec public at1ct10 ?, o� by l1av1ng the transference of titles de11ied to the b)' sold a]read K1flu 1s the tax debtor, the Inland Revent1e Departn1ent erra Tef to A ce Sin buye;�y· Ser­ Registration Inspection and him. Therefore , we order th � Vehicles sue _ b� s D rt1nent to transfer the ownersl11p title of the automobile, plate No, 23505 epa vice Ato Yasi11 of I-Iussien. name tl1e in ) ' (A. A. The order by t �e n1�yor o.f tl1e city . of Addi � Ababa written on sene 9, 196�, the Vehicles Reg1strat1on and Inspections Service Department, appears to be 1n Basically, what 1natters. the Yasin execution Ato officer to sold trade witl1 to tion rel �sien is an automobile and not a licence conferring a right for trade. If there­ clain1s to have b�ught �to Tef�rra �iflu:s trade licence �y Po�e Ato Yasin I-Iussien , s order 1s not 10 1 court ro11g, the relation with 1t. A copy of this auction it is \\ ��der sho1;ld be sent to tl1e Vel1icles Registration and Inspection Services Depart­ ment.

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ENIGMA O F ERITREAN LEGISLA TION* by Fasil Nahum** . One ,vo11ders, ha� th e lefal stirgery wh ich accompanied the termination of Eritrean fed eral status back in _ 1962 be en tl1roughly a11 d adequately performed wotild the con1plic ation s o; law raised a _decade later by Balzta et al. v P11blic Prose� utor 2 have been necessary·. T!1e answer 15 . n� t easy to come by. Wl1at is sure l1owever is that the const1t11t1onal and cr1n1!11al la� . con1plications in11 erent in the Banditry Act3 of I 957 and related s_tatutes are _1nt1:nately connected to the j 11adeqtiacy of the le_ gal . surger � acco1npa111ng the term111at1on of the Federation. Hence, specific compl1cat1011s ra1�ed by statt�tes a11d _cou�t-case wot1Id have to be examined in light of the over-all e111gma of Er1t�ean leg1slat101!· Gen �ralizations may then be hopefully made b)' ,vay of reco1nme11dat1ons for solving this complex legal problem of Eri­ trean legislation. While tl1e Federatio11 l1as bee11 terminated, its legal problen1s have not. One finds i11 Eritrea today, a co11fusi11 gly complex legal process not completely co11grue11t with and yet vvitl1in tl1e context of tl1e Etl1iopian legal system. The declaratio11 of the state of e1nergency obviously adds to the atmosphere of uncertainty.5 Yet it has to be stressed tl1at tl1e e11ig1na of Eritrea11 legislation is purely a product of Eritrea·s legal history and cot1ld l1ave bee11 satisfactorily solved at tl1e tin1e of tl1 e termi *



2. 3.



This article was originally intended as little more than a case comment on Bahta et al. Ho\v­ ever, it soon became clear that the case ,vas only part of the necessary material for an introductory discussion on the basic problen1 of the engima of Eritrean legislation. A field• research undertaken in January 1973 richly rewarded the author with further materials. The author is indebted to various Supreme In1perial Court judges, public prosecutors and la,vyers in. Asmara whose assistance was n1ost useful. Gratitude is also due to several Colleagues in the Faculty of Law, H.S.I.U. for variot1s fruitful observations. Assistant Professor of La,v, Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University. The Tem1ination of the Federal Status of Eritrea and the Application to Eritrea of the System of Unitary Ad1ninistration of the Empire of Ethiopia Order, No. 27 of 1962, Negarit Gazeta 22nd Year No. 3. Bal1ta et al. v. Public Prosec11tor, Criminal Appeal File No. 74/63 decided by the Supreme Imperial Court in Asmara on Sene 21, 1963 Eth.C. For the full text of the case see pp. 217-22 of this issue of the Journal. The Banditry Act, 1957 published in the Eritrean Gazette Vol. XIX_ (1957) N_o. 11. It bas been amended t,vice. The Banditry (An1endment) Act, 1959 found 1n _the Er1t�ea11 Gazette 1n the Er1trea11 G�zette Vol. XXI (1959) No. 11; and The Banditry (Second �mendment) Act, _ 1959 ndm ents are attached Vol. XXII (1960) No. 2. The full texts of the Banditry Act and its ame as Appendix I: A, B and C respectively, pp. 329-32. . . t out 1n time are: The two JegislatiOilS related to tlie Banditry Act which will be brough _ The Penal Law (Amendment) Act, 1956 henceforth known as Article 437A (Arnendm�nt to the Eritrean Penal Code) found in the Eritrean Gazette Vol. XVlI (1956) No. 6, and The Collec tive Liability Act, 1960 found in the Eritrea�, Gazette Vol. XXII (196�) No. 9. They are attac:1e l d as 1•I\.ppend'1x I D p · 333 and Appendix I E pp. 333-34 respectively. · c fE F?r declaration of state of emergency refer to Declara�iin _ 0::�;;�30�� y:;; tain Area of tl1e Teklay Gizat of Eritr ea Order, No. 0f ��7� ' N°· 6; and State of Emergency ir1 Certain Areas of the Teklay G·tza t 0f Eritrea Regulations, Legal Notice No. 390 of 1970, }leg arit Gazetta - 30th Year No.6,


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f • . m e th . o ra n de io Fe at . 1 n f tio rm te 1 i e th so . ed de In 6 e F o io . at ye e d e e h t f o n o natl. � ap·p·�rtu·ne m�meot in wh .ich to cu t off in toto from the :rsd ag o \ O Y of i . would have been a · m d h a cu ac u . ea I tr En ed �t al en at m r th l ga le o t ug g� ei w hout the ad de _ e th . l _ al laws ne l to er ga ov -le s 1t might presu tra ex er tev ha W . ce en ist ex c ati err mably J . .. . t. od ay 1s d. urati. on· of 1•ts ·· . · b 1ca • as 11 n tio y sla g1 _ l� a n ea 1tr leg Er of al on e. To lem ob pr . e th d, , ha have a re s rit E of er ey rv od m su n f ie br a a e leg ak m l history. · to s ba · e on t l d en compreh

I. Legal History 1890-1962

y. t11� i cen ce a Iy 1 ne· a k 18.90,. wl1e_ n bac go · m ble pro . the coJo. the of ts � roo ; The nial Italian government carved out and so named Eritrea, one Ieg1slat1on after the other ha.d for half a ce11tury bee11 acti:7e�y _ prom ulgated. in the· Italian language. Italian authority had rested on the sover1egnty of the Italian Crown. Hence, all le­ gislation in tl1e Colony- apart from proper Italia11 legis]ati'?n extended to itB _ had come out pursuant to basic enabµog l�gislation fro1n Ron1e� \Vith the transfe r of authority ove,r E1·itrea to British 1nilitary administratio11 in 1941 the previous legal 9 t. intac ined rema e whol on the system •

Not only was Br·itish authority provisional in natt1re, 10 but in addition the British felt bound by the terms of the Hague Convention of 1907, whic11 denied •to an oocup)'ing authority the right to change instutitions a11d laws existing in the occu­ pied enemy territory. 11 Later� as the British military and caretaker adn1inistrations introduced change, this was on peacemeal fashion partially a1nending the laws here and th.ere in the Italian and English langtiages. 12 •


8. 9J. �


It may be stressed that all the Eritrean legislations in qt1estjou appeared at least a deca�e prior to tb.e de clar ation of emergency. Furthermore, while the declaration of emerge�cy 15 ge�graJ?bicall y limited · to only ''CeFt ain Area of tJ1e Tekla.y Gizat of Eritrea,�, the E�trean le� slat! ons apply throughout Eritrea. Thus the declara tion of en1erge11cy a.nd tbe Eritre .an leg:i��at1 o ns are not c ongruent eitl1er time-wise or space-wise. And as will be sbovm later th es c olittca l off e der s re not such charg ed pursu � ant In to 1:3 � th.e Eritrean Jegislatio11s. � � Pe�al Code_ 1s _app�ed. All these reasons direc tly Ieacl to t11e conclusion tl1at tl1e en igro� � _ n110 Eritrean legtsl ation ts ·pur�ly a product of Eritrea's legal I1istory and should tl1us be exa apart from any declarat1on of emergency. �� torically th� r egion b ad bee n Part and parcel of the ancient Axumite _Empir e. � dis'.°tegrated_ wi th the advent of Islam and the infiltrat ion Beja tribes mto lbe c; end the of _ lowlands .. Little 18 known a to what happened for th. ard s To \v cen tL1r 1es. the nex t few � the � the Mid dle slt Ag es l'leg a the reg i on emerged as part of tl1e provi 11ce o f. tl1e Balier � es � 111 b at rcfiy _of the feudal monarchy. Coastal strips (notably the po rt of Mass awa) were edin ;era I a so c©nsldered as the s uthem most ru wer e boundaties of tl1e Ottoman En1pire and ? _ by 'f'11ks tern s \ve aotl tbe Egyptian Pashas. Da ring the scran1ble for Aft·ica tl1is region on � : 8 · ores O t e ''Erythrean ny. colo Sea'' was christened Eritrea and firs t became I taly's · the to Sueh as the Jt·al i-aia' c1·v 1· 1 c0·ae and , . ten ded ex Italran also s· Penal were C o de. Treatie s cce e-01� Y F r e�mp1e Fefer to the su te Sta : au tho La r's w � cas e com n1ent on '�Intern a tional si0n� :�n. vur t 01 Ethkiptan �qw, Vol. V No. 1 pp . 202-204 (1968). ;� ess , liJ. N :illl: � pr {) a fo f<l Ox p , -5 1 on: 24-26 In Transiti A Colony ERITREA, p. l;�n�a� 941 2 _ e 'fb 5, m111im1 �s�na wa� mieeu 194 1 t i . un .., in . , Ap :si�g ,e_r th . e 'Ftre'aty eame ril 194�, the World War wa s not over ·.·.e !P·� <'!>nly i n 1947.

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p. �-

fte :usi, If)j ,tlre �fia ,1�.. . ... · •· �gqa;ge was e.0Qt 1:nued.· mainly for the sake of eon veOJ•ence '

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ENIGMA OF ERITREAN LEGISLATION 13 n F de rat ion � 19�; br ou gh t a new Constitu tion but otherwise lef th The e t e t int ten sy� 1 . a� . New legislat�ons . appeared, this tim leg al g tin exis e in addition to . English� 1� T��ryg na and Arabic a well - the two d _an ian official languages by Ital � On e of the laws introduced ean Constittition . tr Er1 during this era was tl1e the . 16 7 wl iicl1 pl ay s a central if dying role in Balzta et a/ 11 wh ic 95 of Act � ditr y Ban . h 1 1 the cot1rse of this disct1ssion. 1 up e tak will v.'e


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To su� up t�en1, tl1e. legal _sy� tem i11 Eritrea was lip to 1962 a patch\vork of legislations 1 n �t� l1an , E11�lisl1, T1 �r1gna_ a 1 1d Arabic - the legacy of an international order that capr1c1ously assigned Eritrea its linstable fate_ is . Mea11ti1ne Ethiop _ia, I_ 1 avi11 g since 1942 regt1larly promulgated various legislations in Arol1 aric and English 1n tl1e Negarit Gcizeta, 19 was in th e 1950s and eary sixties agressively codifyi11� it� laws ; 20 tl1e basis for the new Etltiopian legal system being the Revised Co 11stitt1t10 1 1 of 1955.21 Looked at from Asmara, tl1 is added a new diJ11entjon to t11e problem. To tl1e legal intricacies already existing as to Federal, British and color1ial legislatio11s (i.e. tl1e whole set of Eritrean legislatio11), so1neI1 ow being pttt togetJ1er as a ltnit, on e hacl after 1952 to include the problem of deciding \vhat tl1e effects of Etl1iopian legislation \vere to be on Eritrea. It mt1st be stressed that this \Vas not a n1oot questio11 but one of actual practical importance. Specia­ lly so si11ce tl1e Eritrean Assen1bly exte11ded importa11t Etl1 iopian legislations - notably the Ethiopian Penal Code to Eritrea.22 One would have expected that t11e tern1 i11a­ tio11 of tl1e Federatio11 a11d Eritrea's incorporation into llnitary Ethiopian systei11 in

13. For an official version of tl1e creation of the Federation see, ''Final Report of tl1e United Nations Con1missioner in Eritrea" General Assembly United Nations, 7th Session, Supple­ ment No. 15 (Ai2188), New York, 1952. 14. .A .rticle 96 of the Eritrean Constitution stated that ''Laws and regl1lations whicl1 were in force in 1 April 1941, and l1ave not since been �epealed by th_e A:dn1inistering ,,Authori_ty and . the laws and regulations enacted by that At1thor1ty, shall ren1a1n 1� fo_rce . . . That 1n the event of conflict between those laws and regulations and the const1tut1ons, the latter vvould prevail \vas expresse, noted in Article 96 (2). 15. Article 38 (I) of the Eritrean Constitution. 16. Refer to footnote 3. 17. Refer to footnote 2 . 18. It should be pointed out that the Federal Act also had an official AmJ1aric version signed by the Emperor. 19. Prior to the OccUJJation la\-vs had appeared in Amharic and French in an official Reporter kno\vn as Berlza11e1111a Sala,n. 20. The codes and their official citation is as f ol lo\-vs: . . e 1 N o. , ssu I ry 7eta 16t h Year Ex traorc 1na 1 Ga it gar 1Ve 7 195 of ' Penal C od e, P . roeI an1at.10n N o. 158 d'1nary Issue No 1. ,· . zeta 19th year E xtraor_ cOd p r o N 164 0f 1960 NegaritGazGaeta M t· sst1e No. 2; �ry rd1n trao Ex ar Ye I h 19t it gar 0 Ne � � 196 f 0 ivi�l Od. e, ;,roe. . 0• 65 c·a inary Issue N_o. 3 ; ord tra Ex ar Ye th 19 a zet Ga t ari Ne f 0 196 o Co_m�erc1al Corle, Pi oc. N.. o. 166 , g of 1961, Negarit Gazeta 21st Year Extraordinary ) ered umb Cr1m1nal Procedure Code, Proc. (u11n Issue No. 1; .. C1v1 1 p rocedure Code, Decree No 5-? of 1965, Ne0aarit Gazeta 25th Year Extraordinary Issue


st itten s 21. The ���is�� Constitution, Negarit Gazeta, 15th Year No. 2, superseded Ethiopia' fir wr constitution of 1931. · ean pted by t.h e E r1tr ado V la\ a . . by a tre Eri to . ded en ext . 22 · Th e Eth1op 1an Penal Code of 1957 was er 12, tob Oc on ive tat sen pre Re 's M Hr by d e _ a t I mu Assen1bly on Septcn1ber 10, 1959 _and pro It . . _12 No 59) r (19 xx l Vo i e �et ·Ga � trea Eri 5 !959. See tl1e Penal Code (Exten_tion) Act, 19 ;� availa fficial version is l1owever 1n the o ble e 3 4 3 1s found attached here as Appendix I F p. Italian language.

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v, o L. IX - No. 2 W A L N A I P O I H T E F o L JOURNA k

cy ba ro tal ac er1 n1 de e ee n . th th wi d ay aw to ne do · us leg th a ve 11 · c:l oi en Y 1962 would h, . c . 11 t cu a ff t h O� iot. e �e on rd go ve ha d on ul wo 1an d an m ste sy kn a o ch su neer I aod t . n e p t p o a n h id d ly te a n u rt fo n u is h T . m le b ro p solved the C)I.


II. Order 27 Concer·nin� t�e legislations i� Eritrea, Addis Ababa had three ba.s�c alternatives open when bring:ing the_ Federation . to a close. The:e were two possible shortcuts and one fullscale operation. Superficially looked at,_ 1t wo11ld. have se�med most Io. gical if t he Ethiopian Gover�m:nt ha� .totally abol1she� whatever !eg�slation was in force which was not of Ethiopian or1g1n; thereby . ma�1ng �JI Ethiopian legislation and only Ethiopian legislation automatically operative 1n Eritrea. This Shortcut the the Ethiopian Government wisely avoided having most _ likely taken extra-legal reasons into account. Assuming it was ·desirable to affect as little change as possibl e in the everyday life of the population, such a solution, by creating temporary confusion in the legal system, would have resulted in 11ncessary hue and cry. Such a solution would have sent all those involved in the administration of the law including police­ men, prosecutors, advocates, judges, legal advisors as \Veil as municipal and provin­ cial administrators into frantic search for the apporpriate Ethiopian leg.islation.23 From a strictly legal point of view the solution wo11ld have been undesirable. Apart from the administrative problems of making the texts of .Ethiopian laws avai­ lable everywhere and in addition to the problems of legal interpretation of sophis­ tic-ated modern laws, in quite a few areas those looking for counterpart Ethiopian legislation would have found none. Thus gaps would have suddenly been created in the legal system, in that areas previously covered by specific legislation ,vould now lay exposed. Just to give some examples, areas where t11is would have l1appened range from labour relations24 and industrial property rig hts25 to municipal regula• ti�ns_ on hea1t h. and building as well as regulations 011 tl1e protection of forests and w1ldli�e.26 In. areas where there was counterpart Ethiopian legislation the law \vou_ld have 1n some instances provided for a different solution fro111 that of Eritrean legis• lation.27 Thus all sorts ·of practical difficulties would l1ave inevitably accompaiue� this take to . this shortcut Fortunately the Ethiopia11 Govern.mer1t decided not 23 · To this _ I1 as to be add.ed the_ obv_iot1s lang��ge probJei11 t 1at _wot11d arise at lea5 r ini!�a��� l 1 For an introducto ry research 1n this proble111 of langt1aoe and g ngu a e ''La see 1,1\v tl1e our C t'' by _R.. Cooper and Fasi1 N ahum appeari ng i11 tl1e La11g11age il'1 Etl1iopia survey no\V under publication. Means. 24 · For a w. ell � th rt · ought comme·,nt on son1e proble1ns of labot1r relati•ons refier t? Robe Vol. ,,,:,he Eritrean Employment Act of 1958: Its present statt1 '' n Jo11rnal of Etl . 11opia,i La>Y, ·s i · V N a. 1 (1968). re the 25 • Mr. Peter Winship. in. h18· art•? . as . . . here needed · I e publ1sl1 ed 10 this issue on p. 357 conclt1des tl1at w . , are ade u te o i inally col n l s atutes t en � t� t t·o GOVre!I"� t�he wr1 g on tl1e subject in Eritrea, new la\VS are urg ly 1ole of Ethiopia. . xi �u �.c. l!B sit\iil,l a1n0th�r l ar�a, th' e p oor Defense Act of _1959, fottnd in the Eritrean _ Gaz erte Vo . )(.wh0 , ers �19'.S�l e N . 2. 're \V es he )E}¥:f seJ;W�d ex�o��� • iuc procedure and provides [or allowance to be paid toh!1�pi�. h Et a of Jaw has rest yet to be the introd uced i n . Eritrea· + ll., ff · •en �a-�' : i ar p · • · t · · �¥ "1ie e n i; eetn te n n m re e iff a . d ' d ean s O f tax assesn1ent of business IS quite �0� mst•� wllile eas-'. e o c a ye n ' es on en have to dl1°ca Jy acco losses) fi declare i � r (an their m fie f�ift 0,f G�_ a� pro ts � � ep ,a ,;1n rllt'tea �bey have to declare 1_t severa times a year in l t..� i.PM'MlIDlils1J� esra�1:a1�.,'\l:q;e� ...; l)F0€ed,(ljfes. 310 ,.






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ch os e it to solve the problem throl1gh the oth r' Ra the e. tiv rna er shortcut as pro­ Ite 28 27. er Ord in �ided




!!,_ ,

Order 27 came tip with a blan ket provision wh ereby: All enactments, law s a n d regulations or parts thereof whi' ch are presentiy 1n · · · · rea or V:l 11· �h are denominat ed to b e of federal app lication, force within Erit to a pli cat ion th er �of i s n ecessary to the continued operation p the e� t�nt that . the _ of ex1st111g adm1n1strat1ons, shall 11nt1l such time as the same sllall be expressly replaced and r epe��d by s�b �eq11� 11tly enacted legislation, r emain i11 full force and effect, a nd ex1st1ng adm1n1�trat1ons shall contj1,ue to implem ent and adminis­ ter the san1e 1.1nder the a11thor1ty of th e Imperial Etltiopian Government.29 Superfiaclly looked at, what Order 27 does is to take tl1e line of least resistance an� ]e� ve !he l egal s1st�111 n1ore or l e ss as it exists. Until specifically repealed al] Ieg1slat1on 1s to re111a111 1� f�ll force an� effect. Ho\vever, the proviso is added ''to th� �xtent t�a _t th � a�pl1cat1 on the_re�f 1s necessary to . the continued operation of ex1st1ng adnun1strat1ons . Clear as 1t 1s that the Order 111tends to e nsure a smooth public life with as little disruption as possible, Eritrean legislation remains in force and effect only if n e cessary t o tl1e continued oper at io11 of existing adn1i1 1istrations. This means e,,erytime a piece of legislation is abot1t to be applied one has to ask \1/hether it is nec essary to the continued operation of existing administrations. In other words, the effec t of Order 27 is to 1nake every legislation in Eri trea s11 spect. 30 Tltis shortcut solution begs the qu estio 11 , 1vf10 decid es \vl1etl1er a given legislation is 11ecessary to the continued operatio11 of existing ad1nirustrations? With respect to tl1is ques tio11 Order 27 is sile nt. It may 110\vever be assumed tl1at at tl1 e primary level whoever has the duty of applyi11g the legislatio11 wo11Id seemingly have to do so. Tl1e dissatisfied party n1ay then, dependi 11g 011 the ot1tcon1e, appeal 011 the ground tl1 at tl1e legislatio11 is unnecessary and tl1erefore i11applicable, or 11ece­ ssary and hence applicable. For instanc. e \vhere an ad 1 ni11istrative decision is reached based 011 legislation, whicl1 a p::1rt)' thinks is u 11 11ecessary ''for the continued oper�t�on of existing ad.n1inistratio11s'', tl1e adv ersely affected p:irty could appeal the de c1s1on to higl1er adn1inistrative autl1orities until tl1e party exl1 t1usts its right to administrative appeals. In practically a l l cases the party c ot1ld tl1e 11 pr?ceed t? �ourt and_ raise _ tl1e same issue of inapplicability of tl1e Iegislatio11 in question. Within tl,e h1erarch1cal judicial structure there agai11 would exist seve ral apJJea ls. �ow,_ at any appeal level, administrative or judicial, wh ere the at1thorities deen1 th e leg1slat1 011 to be unnecessary aod therefore 111applicable the matter ,vould not end tl1ere. Rather, tl1 e . case wo11ld have to go back all the' way do wn to where it originated a11d be dec 1 d_ed 011 tl1e basis of some other legisJatio11. Apart fro m th e l1eadaches of that part1c��ar cas e what effects that decisio11 by that autl1ority \\'ould have on other author1t1es and otller cases wjth si1nilar iss11es is 11owhere mad e clear.3'


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28 · Refer to footnote I. 29 · Article 6 o f Orc ler 27. 30. Whether the burden of proof lies on the party ,vanting the le_gis!ation t? be fot:nd ''unf e�es­ ne us1on sary" and thus, there is a presumptioi1 of its validity or not 1s 1mmater1al, to t 1e co that every Eritrean legislation is sus1Ject. . . · author1·tY e on by n 1o c1s de 31. Tl1 e issu a t ec eff at ,vh to as · e is obviously part of a larger que Slt. on . decisions into categories of decidO\�n k d b . h. as over oll1ers. One would J)robably have to re� ing authorities ru1d lhen discuss tJ1e effects of dec1s1ons in each category.

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. IX -: NO·. 2 L O V W A L N · IA P O I I-I T E JOURNAL OF


h t ing at all sa;y iq11 is vis leg pro io lat ed end enop n · the neeessar" of t ec fti e . e . h • • . t s .c:• • hu T ·· . · . d operation of existing adm1n1strat·ions b e 1n 1orce _1s . a multipli· . a . n J tio c . to. the contint1e � t n1.., o see 27 er . d. vid r 0 pro . e e alu e-v fac at for . · ile . Wh · ns as t'o 1 • a 1· 1 1c p · m o · c l e a 1ttl g . · Ie · of h to 11re d d ens e . t en 1nt 1s deszclera bt dou no s 1 and . . ,. tu e sibl pos as · . · . n io pt 10 disru m, s me tl b eco .1e ·t 1 t se pec cau sus 1on for slat Iegi ry eve un certa1n. . g kin ma · by t · �ec • actuaI eu r -,._ ea. 1"!0 · · f 1s th·e plig 111 E r1tr tem sys al . leg the to . oc hav · ht' gs n i· br· d an aw . ty 1n 1 e h pr t 1ct d' ay at m . e on le t1n re . t11 fu . ss e th r Fo a compre. . us d .tor1c liin be t lef e on • al . . • g e1n b on • 1 ut1 a 1 so 1 a ead 1 sue for y d pla nted within see tl1e ed, : vid pro _ is on uti sol . hensive 1s. presen�Iy exper1enc1ng are only ten sys al leg the n tio osi isp � ind ver ate wh th Order27 its Ie nor y al tor 11is ble l pro lega 's trea Eri ms h ave bee: er eith rth. dbi � _ chil of gs pan � first . ns 1t1o l sol1 st1a unu uire �nd noth1 ng short ordinary ones. Extraordinary problems req . of a full-scale caesarian operation would solve the enigma of Er1tre"an legislation. ID. The Bahta Case.

Probably the most freque11t cl1annel through whicl1 tl1e 11ecessity of a given Eritrean legislation is questioned \vould be by showing that an Eth.iopian legislation effectively covers the point. Tl1ough much less freq11ent raising the legality or cons. titutionality of applying a piece of legislation would be· another route. The case at band provides an excellent opportunity to deal witl1 both points since both aspects of the problem of Eritrean legislation are raised by Bahta et al. In this legally inte­ tersting case the public prosecutor charged several defendants with violation of s.ection,s 2, 3 and 4 of the Banditry Act of 1957. 32 The facts of the case are as m11ndane as the legal issues are existing. The High Court found the five defendants, residents of Tigray provi11ce, guilty of armed robbery. (They had on June 27,1967 plundered 155 cattle from two persons in Eritrea near Barentu, towards the Su.dan border.) Defence counsel tl1e11 appealled to the Supreme Imperial Court, inJer alia: on the ground that the charge shot1ld not have been bro11gl1t 11nder the Banditry Act. Two reasons were given . First, applyi11g tl1e Banditry Act in this case is con­ trary to t�e . Revised Constitution, whicl1 provides for equal protection of tl1e la\v. Secondly, 1t 1s argued that if need be, there is the Penal Code u11der whicl1 cl1arges should be brought. In the language of Order 27, counsel's second plea relies 00 •

32. ''Armed Band 2· An'y 1:Ilember �f any b�nd of two or more persons� tl1e comn�on intention �� commit any. crime of violence a11d at least one of wt10111 1s armed ·,v1th a firea rm , other explos1 ve weapon s all be punished w�tl1 impr�sorunent for �ot. l s n . five Y�f;� � s t�a � unless tbe Court fmds ttnusual and ex.cept1onaJ cu�curn Justify10.g 1mpr1sonroen sta nces · a lesser term. First Aggravation d witb 3· A ny p er she so n fo t1n d uni gu · 1t 1 . Y o f th e o ftence be P . i all desc sh ribed 2 Arti in cle [llbers, prisonm_ent for 1;1ot less tl1an ten yea me �� any rs if he is also found guilty, as sucli crime o.f violence other than th ex e tortion of fo od . St?c0Bd Aggravation . · ed with 4 Aaib f d uility of the offence unJsb p be ribed in Article 2 shall t �: lil, O�i: 1ess tha:n fifteen yeadesc rs if · · tbe Ji] It� i s �lso f©Ulild .,, ; 1 tbatl er · 0tb 8UJ.: , ce as ;JtY su ch v1·01en mem be r f o· f crimes t · . , o o t w e,,t 0xt� @'i f@�l I ; or ' . d sbortlY Cii ani .filte.anm iis &ea , b 0 . th th er an of e weapon _ explode� by an y member , • li fG� 01- s1:IG�tilf · r an , y sn ch crime of violence.''

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th at· th e Baod.itry ·A ct· (or at least _those m �� � gt t ar section on which the charg e we· . .1s ba' sed) · 1s• 11nnecessary to th e cont inued oper.at100 of exi·st1ng . . ns sin . ce · a d rru n1s tra t1o · . ,penaI co de exl 1aust1vely deals with the c·r· . . n op ia ' thi E . i · Illl na the 1 area 1n question. De­ . 1ou t h l bl pr a 1 g b t o Y_ le ha d obvi ou s advantages to ga fence . cou11sel in by having the 11n tl1 e de r Pe 1gh na l Code rather t11a0. tlle Band't o1 t s br . O , charae 1 ry Act . The. pena1 . . • . 11m an d an 1 en h e 1en t 1n its approach to puni'shment or e m 15 de Co · · It . give s t he court • · 1sc ret o d' f 1on 1 111 · c1 ear con­ · ...L 1n a wide marg11 · · t 11e actual meting out of pun·i·shmen trast to the ri· gid ail d n1 ec _ically mandatory provisions of tl1e Banditry Act. It is not far fetcl1ed for coun�el to have ev e11 hoped that tile Supreme Court, fi iiding that charges l1av e be e11 b1ough_t tinder the wrong law, \VO.tlld quash the decision of tl1e J-rigl1 Co11rt and order a _tria� _de ,1ovo.JJ In both respects co11nsel's hope proved wrong as the S11pren1e Co11_rt ne1tl1�r tl1:,e\v the case out nor cllatlged the sentence. It cor1fir111 ed the te11 years r1g�ro11s 1m1Jr1s011n1e11t imposed by t11e lower court. Even­ though· defe11ce cot111cel lost 111s s11bsta11tive case on tl1e facts, he \Von 011 the legal argun1 e11ts and tl1ereby opened tl1e door for t\vo i11 teresting issues.33a Tl1js 1nakes Bctl1ta . et al. a _case �f constitt1tional significance for t\1/0 separate reasons. Ba/1ta et al. kills two birds ,v1th 011e stone by disposi11 g of two i1nportant issues of la\:v at once. Otl1ers n1ay interpret tl1e case differently and consider it an overkill in that eitl1er ?f tl1e two broad reaso11ings employed might l1 avc: sufliced. The Court ca111 e up w1tl1 a battery of argu.ments directed ag�tinst t11 e use of the Banditry Act. Tl1ese vvere 11ot al\:vays systematic responses to issLtes. Neitl1er v. ere they coextensive. So111 e covered broader areas tl1ar1 others. While some \,Vent to prove tl1at sections 2, 3 a11d 4 ,vere 011t, others ai111ed at thro,ving out tl1e Ba 1 1d.itry Act i,1 toto. Tl1e Co11rt's 111ode of t11inki11 g clearly bent on :finisl1ing 11p tl1e Banditry Act, by thro\vi11g i11 all tl1 ose arg11n1e11ts (some falling sl1ort of their target), has tended to co11f11se the clear disti11ction of tl1e two legal iss11es i11volved. Beca11se of this soine importa11t JJroblems linger 011 11nsolved after all is said and done by the Court. It is not absol11tely clear, for i11stance, ,vhetl1er the Co11rt thi11ks tl1e Ba11ditry Act otl1er than sections 2, 3 a11d 4 can continue to be en1ployed or not. 34 1




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33. As pointed ot1t to 111e by Prof. Ronald Sklar, the po\-ver of the appellate court to quash a decision a11d order a retrial is not specifically granted by the Title in the Code of Criminal Procedure covering ''Appeals." r\rticle 195 lists a number of appellate powers, but 11Jakes no reference to the power to quasl1 a decision a n d order. a retrial of the accused. It app�a�s that Ethiopia's appellate courts l1ave on occasion exercised st1cl1 a. power ev�n t11ough it 1s Court, 196_6 absent fron1 Article 195. See .4.e111ro Negussie v. Public Prosecutor,_Add1s Ababa IJ1gh . I.U. _Addis H:S ec/ure . Proc 111a! Cr�111 , pia Ethio e�, Fisl1 S r in m. App. No. 213/53, printed Ci � ,fhis . exercise _of p. 437. ,cl., t, poin th1s o�. t� n1en co1n Ababa, 1969, p. 430; but see Fisl1er's _ a case bac� . to the trial ring refer of hty rab1 des1 power is understru1dable i11 view of tl1e clear court for a full retrial, \vhere the appellate court fin?s an error of law r�q1:11ring rever�al has occurred but believes the accused may yet be guilty and deserve co�vict1on :. Th_e tria l co urt is the proiJer forum for sucl1 full retrials: It is_ regrettable tha� Article 19) failed, to grant this essential power to appe]Jate courts. Article 19) atten1pted to list all apl?ellate po\,ers separately, a procedure \Vllicl1 can often result in •·gaps'� and consequently confusion. It wot1ld have beei1 better 11ad the criminal Procedure Co de simply. grante� the appellate court the power to order any relief it believed necessary and proper ID th� cucumstances of tl1e c�se. 33a. Generally sucl1 a distinction is 110n existant. If one \:Yins legal argume�ts 11;1 a case, the case ends up Ill a different result. Thougl1 the Court decided that tl1e c�se should be inst1�uted under the Penal _Code rather tban the Banditry Act, it aff irm ed tJ1e previousJudgei:3ent becaus� 1t has found th� substituted re the 1e t es s t1n bu sav ces is pro Th . law us vio pre the r de un law t o be 1n red · 1·111e V✓It · d gen1en t rende · h t 11e JU seems to be a procedural irregularity. . . · . 1s common to d'1st1•ngw•s11 b et 1t 34. In some legal systems as for instance in the United States □d ever thing else included in the e cas e 111 !1 0 e ed cl1 rea . W �� tl1e resolution a court ha s . iple of stare dee isis rinc tl1� � here t an s s h ?P1n1on. T11e l atter is k nown as c/ictu,11. T 1 1 11n�?�� · i r is part of the legal system. In any case sue1 1 a 15 inct1on s ha d fo mak e in Bahia et c1/.

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. IX - NO. 2 L ... W O V A L N IA P O I H T E JOURNAL OF

ct iri st pa di m o co tw rt to t ng en lo m be -· s. O n . d ise ra ts in po ti se ca ue is� y tr e di th f an o . In. an{ B n . io ct at A ic pl ap ; s e hi T th of y it al on ti i: st e q t o n raised is_ t e c 1 s ifi a gh is ou tl of on re i· ati isl a leg 1 gre a t of n sig ion cat pli 1� ap of y c a n o ti ce an of con�tttu a er eth ati isl wh leg to on as ion in force est qu he t is ere th n he T1 . n. . ow . or pri . all of 1ts . . force 1!1 • c.ce ou or � ry I ts _a. ve s • d Th �y . ea itr Er pra ctical i m. in ll sti is � 27 � ;.1or th 1s ar t 1cle.Bo t 11 merit to Order on s . rea r ou ry ma pri he . t is attent·ton t tha e on d an portan. ce . . d te a e tr y fl e ri b e b l il w and �nc l's def nse o ?u t nce p? te res con In ue. ntio n that Iss y alit tion itu nst Co � � The n t1o 1tu tl�e , nst _Co the urt l1 t _ Co w1 ent eem agr unr eserved! in t no is t Ac ·''the Banditry ent eem ith agr w _ 1n t the o n_ ''1s t Ac y �onstitution'� ditr Ban the s, say tely lici exp and try 1 d. the �an tl1at Act 1� say 1s unco nstitu. not s doe rt Cou the t wha , ever How � the Act W?Ic Court finds offensive 1t1·y Ba11d the o� ons icati appl the is It se. per tional and hence unconstitutio' nal. The . point needs som e eluc1dat1on and for this one has to go into the Court s reasorung. The main set of argu1nents used by the Court rest on the cons_titutional concept of equeal protection of the law. The Court notes that the Revised Constitution through Article 37 and 38 prohibits any kind of discrimination among Ethiopian 35 The Revised of law. 11 applicatio tl1e Constitution has to subjects with re-spect obvious bearing because Order 27 makes, ''the Revised Constitution ... the sole and 36 the ut Empire througho of Ethiopia''. uniformly apply to titution s con This exclusive . Constitutio11 asserts no one sl1all be denied the equal protection of the law. Applying laws for the offence (armed robbery) 37 in different parts of the Empire, the Court argues, amounts to de11ying the equal protection of the law. Whereas in the rest of the Empire the Penal Code is applied in the province of Eritrea the Court is being asked to apply the Banditry Act to deal with this case. Since applying two different sets of laws for the same offence amounts to denying the protection of the Jaw, only one set should be applied. Having come so fa.r the Court proceeds to show why the Penal Code should be applied and the Banditry Act discarded ;38 hence the unconstitt1tio11ality of applying the· Ba.nditry ,i\ct From a practical poi.nt of view finding the employn1ent of the Banditry Act uncons­ titutional amounts in reality to nothing short of finding the Banditry Act itself un­ constitutional. 39 To find the Banditry Act substantively unconstitt1tio11al tl1e �ourt would have had to go througJ1 Article 122 of the Revised Constitution.40 Thls tbe Cou.rt . did �ot fin_d necessary to do. What the Court gained by approachjng the _pro• �he Ba_nditry Act was unnecessary. In fact witl1in the rarrow constitutiona l issue; if sections 2,3 and 4 as specifically raised by th. e case tt hand there probably w a no reason to go into substantive constitt1tionality. Penal LaJv Argun1erzts . A 1,•


35· Ar�cle ,,37 reads, ''No one shall be denied tl1e cl � Arti }y s." law : tl1e equal protection of j rea s, There �h �U. �e no discrimination e the to ts j am res ong pec wit Eth h iop ect ian ub s s ment of all civil righ ts .''

36 • Article 3 of Ord er 27. 37 · · Bena[ Code Article 637. 38. 4 discussion of Artic" vant, r · ,.'e 5 (I) of the le e en here -be Penal have Code would probably cified 39 . E.x� . l".':h'i!\"f. . ft, �' that . . .s tbe spe t: r iB the fin.lik l st; v7 t uation · · e Y wh �� �re no other penal leg1slat1o n r- g ·anyone iO Giimes tne iBandit +·A ct _ c1srn may become cr1t1 op erative not and 1s -� (2) the Court �ar un--: s unee nst! Y t lJ t1...1onal law� . · . . .m. tbe �-�m \!ln�as 'i1fi �Fes . 1w of_ , a �nt revised Constitution . . . shall be the su preme . ,onsistefl ·tilnJif'�. m:Ell d}l ttit� f�si taiie 10 cts a �, · and rliltll Ile nQil Pel "Void.,:,decrees , orders, judgments, decisions . · . .

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oriented se condary set of arguments emp r1 uti o tit 1 oye d b y co ns th e Court to Act Band itry was d erived from th e Penal Co the d't 1 cre d e · Th� Cour t · no te d. · dis · . humane and liberal'' the crtmina1 process 1s as en hly g ''hi oW visaged b y the b ho d rv e w ob s th It � . � Code e ve n allows a \Vide range of discretion· for penal Code. excerc1se 1 n se11tenc1ng. In contradistinction . to ou rt • c1ound. c th , ,, e B and.i try Act 1s the . • . ,, ,narzdato,y law a11owttl no discret on . to the cot1rt and specifying that· ? � to be � offence cleserves thls much pun1s/1ment. ''41 This the of kin d is ''th Co urt d ecides is tl1e ref e or an concl�des that, ''it [the Banditry Act] d ab le cti o obj � e is not in agree.; , ment \v1tl1 our mo d er 11 law s which are enact ed in accordance with the Constitu­ 1 ay b e a.llo�ed to use the pl1rase, on If 1:1 on. � " Stich reasoning sounds like a ti . . findin g of ''indi rect unc?nst1tutional1ty." Tl1e syllogism runs as follows: the Penal Code is in accordance ,vitl1 the Constitution. The Banditry Act is not in accordance with the Penal Code. Tl1erefore the Banditry Act is not in accordance with the Con stitt1tion. Logicians may find t �e fla,v obvious. From a legal point of view ,vhat the Cot1rt seems to overlook 1s tl1e Penal Code's JJrovision for the other pena 1 legislation. Tl1e Penal Code says, ''nothing in this Code sl1all affect ... spec'ial la,vs 42 of a penal natt1re ... '' - As far as tl1is argument is concerned could the Banditry Act not be considered sucl1 a special law of a p enal nature ? It may b e noted tl1at the legislators of the Banditry Act were aware--of possible problems in this area. T11us a 1959 amendment stating that, ''the Penal Code is in �on1e respects unsuitable to the special problem wbicl1 necessitated the enactment of the Banditry Act," l1ad s ection 13 of this Act r eplaced in order to take specific exception to several Ge11eral Part articles of the Penal Code. 43 The Court for some unkno,v11 reason never n1 e11tioned tl1is a111end111ent, whose sole purpose was to show the Banditry Act's relationship to the Penal Code.44 As to tl1e ma11datory natt1re of the punishment imposed by the Banditry Act, it n1ay be noted that tl1e Act in sections 2, 3 and 4 provides for a ''not less than" (5, 10, 15 years imprisonment respectively) type of punishment. These sections ,establish tl1e mi11i1uu1n but obviot1sly present the court \Vitl1 the discretio11 to go beyond if the cot1rt deems it nec essary. For an u11agravated offence under section 2 for instance the court cot1ld sente11ce fron1 five tip to ten years in1prisonn1ent. In this particular sectio11 tl1 e court i11 fact h�lS tl1e discretio11 to go ev.en be �ow the n1inimt1n1 five years sente11ce wl1ere, '' t11e Cot1rt fi11ds unt1sual a11d exceptional c1rct1ms­ tances jt1stifyjng ii11priso11n1ent for a lesser term." U11der sections 3 and 4 tl1e cot1rt .again l1as tl1e discretion to sentence bet\veen 10 to 15 and bet\veen 15 to 20 ye ars imprisonm ent respectively. TI1e 1naximtin1 se11tence to be i?-1po�ed 11nder 011e section being i1nplieclly stated by tl1e m inimt1m of tl1e next section in the step �y s�ep -progressively increasi r 1g set of punis11ment. It is tr11e, tl1ere 1nay be less d1s�ret1on ·as to senten cing iii the Banditry Ac t than the Penal Code. Moreover, unlike the 41. Section 13 of the Banditry Act originally re ad, ''No sentence under this Ac t ��all be s�s­ f 1e s o 1on v1s pro era g�n the to ct bje su be all sh t rended but in all otl�er respects this Ac _ 1 56 (2), 79, 80 , 81, les tic Ar of n tio cep ex ess pr ex Penal Code." As an1ended (second), it took . of the Penal Co�e. rt Pa 82, 83 and 188 to 215 inclusive of th e General . . .. ·-42 . Article 3 of the Penal Code. Query, should such special la\VS apply throughout Eth1op1a 1n order to satisfy the equal protection constitu tional clause? . I lix o< pe Ap 43 · This is e e Se � . 59 19 t, Ac end1nent) th Bai1ditry (Sec.and Am · of five years under . n rgi ma a to . d . 1ite Iin lly a 44 · The cour ,s d1scr n ·gi 0 . ct1on as t?. sen tenc1n� was � a l · Co de provides for n Pe e th of (l) 7 63 le tic r �. each s�ct1on of the Band 1try �c t, \\hereas uction s red o\v t all Ac the of 13 n tio sec _ d de en am e a margin of 15 years of chscret1011. N o �e � hat tI1 nishpu l ita cap of rd thi e _ on uld \vo at Q wh of sentence up to a third belo\v 1n1n1mun. uery, ' ment be?

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s rt e u th �o s it ib o1 h [r ro p n i lly m ca ifi ec sp i os p ct A ng y tr di . u an B a e . th s e .. s . od C al Pen al · t1c 1·e eo r t11 ffe a di ly on ce en es ut tit ns co t be is w th en e Ev e 45 h . n e . c n e t t n e s d � e d pen y e1 em t1· ex ns e1 lik se n u. it ely ce sin de t Co ha t l na t Pe a e th · d an c A urt co y itr · . Band · . � ,. ,. tts r1o se se as as ca a 1n bb ro ce en nt se y er a of or n sio en sp su aggra.. e th · . er . d . or d . woul o et1a r 1� f c u J t· 19g to e o? 6 I 19 s le do ic rt A h a g gr u o th . n e nt th . v e ry e b b ro v�. te.d h ng 1 no re 111 t11e Revised Con stitu · e the . t IS ' ally Fin · 46 on. reti disc . tton . . tr1al court sue'h a . . . ''mandaJor� pu d '' un h· t · _er e11 m s � l c1a . pe la s? ng iti ib oh pr pro vided ; ; e Cod 'Y l na Pe e th . or l T he . ot or 1se w . r he n 1o llY va ut !1t ns id co i ty of t h of s ! m le ob 4 pr r � he ot . no e r a· . e e ther , _ wh nt by me . gu ?h ar t he Bandi try t en hm n1s p� 1 ry to da an ''m t ou ab Act l whole round h h1c de, C� 1s al 1n P�n e th. h agreement With �1t t e eem . agr in t ;;7 no be to nd � is fou al uld 1on t wo tu. st1 s con thu un ly ect d1r see m to be · ''1n e h enc d an , . t ion itu the Const questionable. In fact the Court's reference to the Penal Code's General Part a.rticle s is at best irrelevant.. Articles 6 and 9 have circumstances in view totally different from those raised by Bahta et al. An appropriate question may have been whether the Court could analogize from the circumstances set out in these a�icles and thereby bring in the concept of the application of a more favourable punishment, But once the Court d ecides it is the Penal Code and not the Banditry Act that applies, it can go rig ht into the specific articles of the Penal Code s11ch as Articles 636 and 637 with no need of referring to articles dealing with either offences committed before ''the coming into force of this Code''48 or ''judgments passed unde·r legisla• tion repealed by this Cod e'' .49 Thus once the Penal Code is substituted instead of the Banditry Act even the point of analogy is unnecessary. A still different argument which the Court brings out, that at best is again irrelevant if not outright wrong, is based on the fact that defendants are residents of Tjgray province. The Court argues the defendants' ignorance of law i.e . of the Banditry Act and concludes that ''there is no doubt that when committing the offen.ce, they had in mind that in case they are ca11ght they would be punished under the Penal Code ... ". The import of the argument is therefore that the Pe?a� Co�e and _not the Banditry Act should apply. The argument gives the case a tint of _ international law. However, both the defendants, ignorance of the specific law which may be ap_plied against �em in cas� they are caught (assumi_ng , the� though� !h�t far) a,nd their place of residence are 1rreleva11t. Even under 1nternauonal la� lt 18 the law of �e place of commission of t he offence that applies and not tbat of_ defe�dant's residence, and this is spelled ot1t in our Penal Code. 50 As al ready said this argument is at best irrelevant. Ho y.,ever • �e spi'.it with whi h a liberal court tries to find as many argumen � i! . . . as possible to discredit the Banditry Act an d bring its applica n to n1I n a tio i YonlbY uotlerStandable. The court probably constantly had in the baclc of its mind not 45. Even as a.mended section h.15 Act shall 13. 0f th e A ct woul t r unde r d e . still ead: sente nc ''No . be susnPn � 1""'••ded•,, see Appendix I C. .bed frolll .,6. Sus pen,sion of the !fl . . orcement of the penalty en u nder Art. 196 must be d1stingu•�d not be snsnen sion of the on n &fflJlfed by a courtP� �u cement o f the .Penalty. The latte r under Article 195 cou offence as senous as armed robbe ry. : � �t �enlenc;es· � t be Ac as r ow e ed · t up to a third below th e minimum impo sed by �enc!M alse rIQ o�·�s <+, L0 Wea' k en the C& • · man datory punishment'' argument. ,Jlite •lei ft ef �he leena.t Gode�!,'-

�le � (Gf th� ��nal c,.. � ·. �e iilf.t.�, �1 G e: ll,� 1(!1.t, el ttee, !Reaa;l Cbcl.e • J

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ns of the Act but other more glaring]y problemat1c fi · sectio t·i ons51 as we11 rst , sec , · · · tbe 1 res b pon 1 t 1 s1 y and ' ,local respon· sibility''52 I una . · mm 'co · , e sec t ion . s were not raised Thes · · "d h t er e 1 h d ne1t co urt discuss them· We w1·1.1 exam case , the · i ne them h owever, bY • h t e at d first sections of the Banditry Act an ke loo ing hav t d the1r· re1at1• onship firs peoa1 Code. the to IV. Penal Code v. Banditry Act53 One may ask, what . is so offensive about these first sections of the Banditry tlie dif y fer ent fron: the provisions of the Penal Code? The basic are ho w nd a Act _ Pen al �od e provis! o ns and these first sections of the Banditry difference between deg f evidence �eq�1red for the finding of gui ? ree of one is lt. The Banditry Act Act t o a �oid all tl1� � 1 �et1es and con1plexities of modern pen ed plea s s al law in seem ,vbich the defendant 1s treated 1nd iv1dually and all bis rights substantive as well as procedural, are respected to the maximum. 54 dant is found guilty , t�e c ourt w?uld under usual penal law again Once a defen _ h.ave to consider carefully the appropriate sentencing.55 Un]ike tl1e Penal Code the Banditry Act . in s� me respects provides for what may be termed summary pro�eed­ ings . To beg1� w1tl1, wl1ere o ut o f a band of two or more persons, at least one of \Vhom 1s armed, one member goes bey ond the general intention of the band in con1mitting a crin1e, all members of the band are indiscriminately made respon­ sible for the higher crime.56 For instance let us say that such a band conspires to plunder some cattle and the members expressely agree among themselves that no firearm shall be fired or other weapon exploded. WJ1ile comn1itting the crime, if one of them goes beyond and fires or explodes a weapon (even without h t1 rting or attempting t o l1urt the victim of the plunder), the whole band is made respon­ sible for the firing. Whereas under tl1eir original intention tl1ey would have been sentenced to imprisonn1ent for not less tl1an ten years,57 the punishment for all of them now is a mandatory deatl1 sentence.58 The punishment is again a mandatary death sentence if a bfL11d of two or m ore persons one of \vhom is armed are found guilty of any tl1ree crimes, no matter h ow relatively insig11ificant, like the extortion of $ 10 each time.59 Since the deatl1 penalty as well as tl1e minimt1m punisl1ment to be imposed under eacl1 section are mechanically mandatory there is no way in


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51. Section 10 of the Banditry Act . 52. Section 11 of the Banditry 1-\ct. 53. In this part of tbe article only the firs t few sections (1-5) of the Ba��i !ry Act_ will �e constrasted witl1 the J>enaJ Code provisions. Communal and local respons1b1l� ty se�t1ons will be examined together with the Collective Liability Act in a Iat�er part of this art1c!e, How­ ever, this part will in addition to the first sections of _the Banditry Act look at �rt1cle 437� and in connection ,.vith this Article the case of Wurzeta et al., \1/hose reference is found in footnot e 70 . 54. The basic guarantees of rights irl a criminal trial are, of cours�, enumerated in Chapter three of the Revised Constitution. The equal protection clause of Article 37, tl1e due p�ocess clause _n­ of Article 43, and the more detailed Articles 51, 52, 53, 54, 5�, 56 a�d. 57 conta1_n aJ�. �sta h1op1a. lial part of th e guarantees and rights accorded a defendant 1n a cr1Ln1na 1 case 1n t�e amen de� by m fro ed pt ce ex ly 55 Those ess pr _ ex les tic ar _ General Part of tbe Penal Code ating circumstances av gr ag d an g in at nu te ex th wi al de 83 Band1"try Act , sue . · h as A�rt'1cl es 79 to which a court would take into account in sentencing. 56· This is an automatic inference from section two. 57. pursuant to section three of the Act. 58· Under section five (sub-three) of _the Act. 59· Section five (sub-tvvo) of the Act.

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.' L . IX O O -V l� 2 W A L N IA P IO H .. l E . L. OF JO· U.RNA umstances a11cl if need be t k th circ . igating t mi . . ut abo 60 a ear h can e t r u co WhiCh the . Od e C I a n e eni . P e th . r e d n u n e p p . a h · d · oul w s a t n u o c c a . . . . into e ncing is_ sect10? two, wh ic · nt se al ic an ch e m is th h e . exce tion to The o . 1ts ufti a t on cep e cu� d an _cir l i l x sua n nu sta "u ble ces ssi po / �J o int � loo J ourt he r e t n Y�g s ·. e s r i yea sect d. l11 U . five on h than m'' t r r " e te ? !im ssor e l a im. . e · pnsonment ior 16 h . . . • t· t n 11o en n11 1n co e n io t g vin ha to rsons pe co re o m or mmit n o w ''t ,, . as d e D ? e d ed arm is g s ene ral i ntro ucta y . T11i om wh of one t leas . at · and · e d ory . • p reventi• ve .n natur e , si. n . crime of v1olenc u· 1 lly ce th ica bas . · 1s t Ac e · try ndi . req 1red . Ba secti.. on. to the rs?n . , (2) 0 11e pe _ re mo of �r o m �w t�e be re the (1) be armed· t tha re a : · elements an� it_ e cr1m mm _co to of !1 nt10 1nte v1�lence. �t lllay n mo com the e hav y . the and (3) ch w 1n l 1on t ena ' n 1nte law o� ent 1s elem las� so the t tha out dJ fficult . be pointed � � r e her h. W wit lt two dea 1l� or eas _ t Ac itry mo nd Ba e per sons, the der un t,o prove is y uld re or less be presu mo t?e wo a, e r_ t Er1 1n nd fou are ed, arm is m f o who . one med to have the common intention to comm.It crimes of violence. Hence, t he diffi cult t burden of proof that they are innocent of su ch criminal intention is shif ed on them . 62 All the crimes enumerated by the first sections of the Banditry Act would also be foun, d to be crimes and hence punishable under the Penal Code. But the trial procedure, specially the burden of proof and the evidence required for the finding of guilt would be mo re exacting.63 Furtheremore the meting out of punishment would generally be much more caref ully considered so as to fit the individual defendant. The court would have the discretion in each case to look into mitigating as well as aggravating circumstances. Penal Code articles dealing with ''dangerous vagrancy'' and ''conspiracy'' would take care of section two of the Banditry Act. 64 The maximum sentence that can be imposed under these articles is however three yea rs imprisonment. Where a band commits any crime and is chargeable under the aggravation. sections 3, 4 or 5 of the Banditry Act, each member is then, of cou rse, chargeable under specific Penal Code articles depending on the nature of the crime committed. Such crimes as ''aggravated homicid.e'' and ''aggrava ted robbery'' could, of c ourse, entail t�,e death sentence. 65 Mo reover, such general part articles dealing \1/ith ''attempt, ''principal act: offender and co-offender"' ''acomplic e''·and ''c riminal conspirac)''>, could where necessary come to play. 66

o 60· The exception to thi s �s the amended section 13 (1), redu le. pos sib wl1icl1 provides for ; � of sentence up to . a third below the minimum ho , i aga y n Qu r e im po Ac se t. d by the one to assess a tb:rrd of the death penalty? 61 · �ri�inal _ inten_tion is d�fin�d in Artic 58 f al . in �ent if le a i Pe the o n i . Th cr ere l Co m de n enj v d�? i _ nto dtrect and ind irect. See Ronald an Sklar, ''... Intention u·nde r the Ethiopi �_0�e m Journ al of Ethiopian Law Vol. VIII No. 2 (1973)· s est 62. Smee the Band1· t Act rot p · 18 · mt •, .ende_.d to lump all defendants together, the ind1v1 dual b feat or w· f his innocen ce s�a;tes that either he was forced to fol . low such a ba. nd out_ othe [\\'ise . tbat h� acciden�IY · appened to be there when the ban.d was apprehended but 15o not part o f them w. o.uJd h · ave to prove his innocence. · • • . �;1.. n · fllP' �3. JJa:!1lQp1a does not ha:v esu pr · an t:ran af innace. nee of �h E VI_• dence Cod�. H_owever, the impo rt of such �oncept as_ thuend in tb� e R. evtsed Const1 tut1on and the O i tfi.mbra:I ,f:t�• r t� ed e proc u r ial etaile t d of d u e are Code 18 such 'that the re r nat g n is no doubt as to the exacti l}i00f �Uite.d.' M�c� 49't l an.d 4JJ! ((!)f the Penal Code �eltJ �- atrd7 &3JV of · 1: 4C'Le 111 pena1 Cede. • . Mes Z1,, ii" 3'6 atrdl 3'7 � ef the Penal Code.



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ENIGMA OF ERITREAN LEGISLA TION 67 It sh o u ld b e n o te . d 43 7 tl A. 1a t th e B an d .Article it ry A ct deaI s wit h ·1 ''band of . '' (, (, s as d efi1ned 1 n section two. One V✓ot Id pe . rso . n re n1o tl s th1. � that one t, or found illega]ly p�ssessing firear1ns would co 1ne u�der �� o 1 W�on en at s no t t � the B11 t s. cas � e. i One of the complen1e11ti:g l:�i�;1:Jo ts �j _ prov sion · for . prov1 des \vhat 1s Act know n as . Articl ditry · e ''437A · ''• Th"1s article should Ban · h t e · h Etl11op1 , · an Pena �1t · l Code articles · Article 437A 1s used conf · an amendment be t no h I . o de w ]11·ch was the pena c 1 p ena n · ] Jaw 1· n J"orce talia · Er1•trea Jr r on1 1936 ·1 . 1n e . . to t E b b e t Y tl11op1an cen1ent Penal repla Code in 1959 its · 68 Ar 1-ic1e 437A wa.s to · · · up · 1956 an d ma de inter a/1a tl1e illegal possession of fir· ear 111 1ced od1 . ms bY a ·otr · 1 · r1sonment or up to $2,500 fine • h_able b Y 11p t o flve years 1mp p�1n 1s on pers or by a and 1son fine. m�n t 111 contrast ,i\rticle 764 of tile Ethi 1n1p r such botli · · · opi'an pena1 t:r.' ' " · t r 1 shm en t· 11 io e_ u h p sa e n� tl 1 e ou :ence to a ''.fine not exceeding one s 1t l1m Code arres t not or excee s dollar red hund . cl1ng. eight days."69 Discuss ing tl1is di"ffi· erence 1n sentencing a S11preme C011r t J11st1ce pointed out that depending on whicll s·d f the M�treb river (the_ boundary bet\veen Eritre� & Tigre provi iJ. ces) a per�o: �s found 1I_Iegally JJossess1ng firearms, _011 the one side he 1nay find himself convicted to imprisonment up to five years 1s 011 the other only convicted to one week's house-arrest. 70 In the 1_965. case Case. of Wurietaet al, the High Co11rt accepted "'uriet a The . that part of tl1e charge deal1ng w1tl1 �]legal possession of firearms. Pursuant to ''Art. 437A'' the cou�t found def�11dant gtulty and sentenced him to two years impr i son­ ment. The case 1s more co111pl1cated tl1an that as there are otl1er defendants and ·other ' here to referred simply being to is show It tl1at involved. ''Art. 437 ' is A issues a live, enforceable piece of legislation. lnterstingly enough tl1e place of arrest was not far away fron1 the Mereb river, boundary of Tigre province.


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V. Policy Considerations: New Light in Court One can imagine how Article 3 of tl1e Pe11al Code and Articles 37 and 38 of the Revised Constit11tio11 may pull at opposite directions. When a special la\v of a penal nature is directed only at one province in the En1pire the questi on of ''equal protection of the Jaws'' becomes a very close one. It is not surprisi 11g if the Court thus finds the apJJlication of the Ba11ditry Act unconstitutio11al. Since the Banditry Act as \1\1 e]l as Article 437A came 011t during the federatio11 in response to a specific proble111 tl1e11 encountered by tl1e Eritrean Gover111nent, one n1ay ask are tl1ey, fron1 a policy point of vie\v , still necessary today? From recent intervie,:vs7 J by the autl1or of police-officers, public prosec1rtors, 1-Iigb Court and Supre1ne Court judges as well as other court officers a11d government officials, the fact alearly ei11erges tl1at tl1e ''Sl1ifta'' problem of the middle fifties has dwindled to insignificance. The phe11on1enon of the con1mon robbers wl10 roamed the higl1ways and made communicatio11s in Eritrea unsafe seems to have been con11ected 67 · For the full text of Article 4.37A refer to Appendix I D. 68- Refer to footnote 22. 69. �rticle 764 is a Petty Offence Code pro�ision. It seems t�1at t11ere is a n1ajor c?ncept_ual rs a difference between the tliinking beJ1ind Article 437A and Article 764. The one conside 1l serious crin1e, the other only a petty offence. . . . ed by the Irnper1a _ l igh H cid de t, /5 63 o. N ]e Fi 70. Public ProsecuIor v. W.u,, 1e al in im . 1 a et al• Cr · y of La'vVp t1 It ac , es F · re I 11v A , d I 1c 1s bl' u np (U C. h. Et Court in t,1eildcfera on I Ia - nlle 22, 1957 H.S.I.U.) ra. 71 · These intervi ma As in 73 19 y ar nu Ja in ews tool( place

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n ments.12 T!3at problem is see er gov of n sitio . the uncer tai11l n t1·a of _ mi _ n gl y with no a. p1 1o th It E of st re e ay th m an th so y al da to ea itr r be add i n o m more _ c� m Cd ar i ers ef end t o ugh bro e al itic pol ff of b s act 1 or : e t h at wh tever e r ctu s la e at th w, 1 . c u I . be ied pl t ap 11o 1 d 11l wo s n n io s· at isl s leg ' ed ch lat s r� · d an :11 t t • c J i a A y . t r 1 d n a e th the B . . re e 1 1 . . ar p1 y . 1 A a . nd et ct te in y tr di n a ed B l1e T . . to ay pl t o es m co deal Wit: e od C . al n Pe common robbers. . Th. Reversed Mesfin Case.73 It is probably ir1 respo11se to this ch of mat e . J ia r e fta hi n signif i c an ce of th i "S to " g n i n dl i dw problem t h at e th . , i.e es nc s� ni . · u . c1rc h w t e ers I . h rev a a a et . d ta h a B n _ b 1 urt Co 1e n pre Su the de ma finally . een a . c t procedt :all� unc o11st1tut1onal. A y A d1tr Ba� the fi11d d n a ject sub the n o de cact! 1 case 1 n at1on of the Federatio term tl1e r afte Just had rt Cou e n1 re Sup the n been earlier presented with a case on the Banditry Act. Th e Attorney G·eneral's Office had internally decided that th e Banditry Act be retai11ed as a '' necessary'' Iaw under order 27_14· The question was w h eth er th e cot1rt would _go along. In the case of , Mesfi1: et .al. the Su.pre?1e Court was . in . the early sixties . prese�ted :Vith facts that had taken plac e pri or to the term1nat1on of the Federation. The Hi gh Court as a court of first instance had found th e t h ree defendants guilty under va rious counts and had pursuan t to th e Ban ditry Ac t passed on ea ch the death sentence. On appeal before the Supreme Court defendant-appellan ts h ad inter alia argued that they should be charged un der the Penal Code and n ot the Banditry Act. They ·argued that th e latter was unnecessary and that th e Penal Code was sufficient. Among the public prosecutor's c ounter argt1ments, first place was given to the fact th at the crimes had been con1mitted d11ring the Federation.75 It is difficult to say how much weigh t the court gave to tbjs factual argumen t but on the \vhole found defendant-appellants guilty as charged under the Banditry Act.


Since .lvf esfin et al. several cases had come to court and the Banditry Act has _been standard legislation. Nearly a decade later Bal1ta et al. cl1a�1ge.d. the legal 1 · reversing Mes.fin et al. and finding t h e Banditry Act procedura11)' uncons­ situation by titutional. Since then there h as been on e more St1preme Court decision on ib.e Banditry A . ct while several others are pending. The Werasi Case.76 In th e very recent case of f¥erasi et al. a differe11t bench of rhe Supreme_ Court in its majority decision reversed a High C�t1rt decisio11 ar!d ,vent alon� wi th Ba.hta et al. by ref usi11g to have charges framed t111der the Band1try_Act. It s_aid, • • • "The �anditry Act_ of I 957 was a temporary law. It was pr oclaun � d Co_ Per1al .th� Federat1on. T h ere 1s 110 questio11 tl1 at to day it i. s the 1 � ng i I dea_ � �hi�h 18 in fo�ce throughout. Ethiopia and also contains Article 637 ,, rb�es Shiftas; Turnmg to th e Re_v1sed Con stitution, the Court noted that, ''.While Asta 37 says no one shall be denied th e protectio11 of tl1e laws,' Article 38 the 72 • Trevaskis Ibid in . ·his· �liap ter on f o d un , 'transition to auton .omy'' provides some backgro ''Sh.fI ta,, 'probl·e 10 m Entrea and takes it up to 1952, where his narration ends. 73 M r ,J!l f 1 _ · 1,0:J1ia{ C��;- PubJ:.c Prosecutor, Criminal Appeal F ile . No. 21/64, decided by_ th� a�� al n smara 00 S ene 27, 1956 Eth. C. t a tl IT J 15 e as c The text of the �Jle diX: A • · ,ai ,.. th " -q�. lt )PEeBa;)jI� .sh0uld be 00 a o ls . . s a e iti w d t · · at h· the ation Attorney General during the Feder efiief� ad · t h . E . ; ' � � o � oP IS, 'A\ffil!dlant&. m i�s � nk�n Adm_inist�tion. uii ; t sti . 0 f11:.Wj �efM;i ,,. ,,. tted o � hacl c mn:u tl, rea cr h me . f Erit durin the n g C i n supreJllli o t time e . e,. 'Ill� �. rub/1'tJ P " s the . a fPmsec t. b d C m . d e �d t!aut;l in A mn , ara . · 0A u or, �i 1.nal Appeal File No. 36/64 deci acb , .de att Megabit 12, 1964 Eth. C: TI1e text of the caseY.15 �U�ni� H iB. _'lj

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be no discrin1j natjon amongst Ethiopia11 Sltb · cts w "th �espe ct t_o �e �p ivi l r.igl1ts.' Ft1rtl1ermore \vltile Article 4 all c 5 says, un l 1s 1111e11t 1s . the ru · 1 c m s 2 'Tl 12 le e_ 1 • :p re s�11t R evis ed Constitution shall b th l,' Artie ona e ers e Su prem e P E Al ft1 l tt1 m pi re re e . leg 1sl f th at1ons decrees J·udgments, dec1·s1on o · � 11· 1 cons1s . • t ent ]a,v . , ' , . atl 1 n d 1 u e vo i b d . In Werasz et al. tl1e co11rt did. no t even think therewi th, shall to argue at I en�th tile pro and co,z of tl1e ary ces s ne Banditry Act. It simply it _ recedent . establish e d_ by Bal1ta et al. It p t11e d said, , '_as previou�Jy decided owe foll e Imperial Cot1rt !n file No. 74/63 of S em St1p r e th e ne 21, 196 3 Eth·. c. the y b Banditry Act of_ 1 9_ 57 11as been .discarded." It tl1en continued, ''purs11ant to Article 15 of Pro clamation �95 of 1955 �tl1. C. lower courts ar e instructed to follow decis-: ions rendered by � 11gher cotir ts. In other �ords, tl1e Cot1rt decided, the Higl1 court for not havi ng followed Bal1tc1 et al. 1n giving its decisio11 as a cot1rt of first instance in rVerasi et al. The C�urts P�oclamati_on.77 Tl1e r eference to Proclamatio n 195 brings up still anot11er po111t of 1rregt1lar1ty. o� pr� ceclt1re in . �ritrea vis-a-vis tl1e Ethiopian· legal systen1 eventl1ough tl1e e ffect 1s . 111 this case positive. 111 1962 the In1perial Etltiopian Govern1nent l1ad co1ne up with a ''Cot1rts Procla1nation'' intended to have· far re aching co11seqt1e11ces in the 11pgrand in g of tl1e legal process in co11rts i11 Ethiopia. One of tl1e provisions of the. n ew proclan 1ation nan1ely Article 15 made ''all decis­ ions on matter of law given by superior Courts (sic) binding on all st1bordinate courts." Moreover the Proclan1,1tion was to ''come i11to force on the 5tl 1 day of May 1963." However, soon thereafter an amending proclamation came ot1t and 01i_ the grounds that it is necessary that arrangement be n1ade before ft1ll effect ca n be given to the provisio.ns of tl1e Courts Proclamation of 1962, had the effectiv eness of this Proclamatio11 suspe11ded. 78 In Eritrea, the suspendi11g Proclamation does not seem to have come into effe ct. The Courts Pr oclamation \Vas effectively introdt1ced immediately after p�ton1t1lgation. Wh en tl1e suspe11ding Proclamation came out a Ministry of J11stice circt1lar allowed the courts in Eritrea to contint1e e111ploying the Courts Proclaniation. 79 Tht1s tl1e Supren1 e Imp e rial Cot1rt's reference to tJ1e Courts Proclan1ation a nd tl1 e statement that tl1e Higl1 Cot1rt should have followed the decision of Ba/1ta et al. seen1s qt1it e appropriate. Even in the absence of legislation such as the Courts Proclan1ation or a n i11stitutionalized stare clecisis proced11re, provided lower cot1rts are able to have easy access to decisions of superior courts, the lowe r courts \Vould I1ave to have good grot1nds to differ. In practice, where the various brancl1es of a st1perior court consist ently hold one way it would seem pointless for Io\ver co 11rts to h oId . otherwise since 011 appeal tl1ey wot1ld naturally be reversed. 80 shall re e 'th that of nt 11e J · oy1 n e








77 · The Courts Proclamation Proc]an,ation No. 195 of 1962, Negarir Gazeta 22nd year. No. 7. For an Introducto ry disct:ssion of the Courts Proclamation reft::r to Alexa�dra I-Iamaw1, ''The Courts Proclamation of 1962'' an unpu nlisJ1ed 1964-65 paper 10 the archives of the Faculty o f Law, H.S.I.U. · d 78 · Th e Courts (A111endment) Proclamat1on , Pr ocI ama1·10 n No· 203 of 1963 , Negarit Gazeta 22n Y ear No. 16. .J.U . e, H dur S oce il Pr . . Civ · '' · · Sedler' .Ethiopian · 79 · See M'1n1stry of Justice circular letter of 1963 · RA t A9dis Ababa, 1968, states in P: 9. tl1 at �'�1e .problem [of diff�rent ��� d�re] ce �� :d t�o ��!�s of 1 a 6 with the enactment of. the Eth1op1�1 C1v1J Pro ure C icle Art nd fou i'Jis dec re � 1:,a �f ��� es · ti q e . may have ceased to exist but certa!nly not all · · cedure Code is one example. 15 of the Proclamation but otl1erw1se not stated 10 tl1e c ivi-1 Pro n 1 aw mo com on s ent ced pre of 80. por a <:ompa ce n rta po im d an . rativc examination as to t11c use . pp . 47, 19 rk Yo , .1 Lmv System ' New and civil Jaw systems refer to Vo n Mehren, t·he C111 821-8 54.


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VJ. Collective Responsibility t c A y r it d n a B r e d n U . red be em be :11 re ay n1 . at th .it , ct A e th y tr di 11 C Ba e tll . to o ck ba t Go g IJ\ r du p n io t of ct se t rs s h e r e th fi ct e A oc und application of fo d ha t� h I ta Ba ll y � r ud a h y n alit t ns of u tio sec io tit ons unc of s1 al dur e t e th O e proc · e nc B n itry • l a n o t u t 1 t� ns unco . . · t b _ _ t s f e . . su an rv e b • r1 . a an 1 a s, 1 u t 1s �s as h e 1c st o t en 1n f . m co th a in d ise ra . Act is Ac t l 2, i y lic �a t1o 11st of 1tu co un ct se al ur e� s oc on pr e Th t. us m 3, 4 and te lu so ab l at s become. . ns 1o ct e s_ se ich 1o T! wh . r� be e 1ce th �n of rt pa le ib vis e th . Court finds e lik ly on is . 5 of me so ht_ er lig oth 1n t en oc inn sections of the d an s les rm ha are unconstitutional re we et al. ! rcts not rf:e and al. led l et ca_ lzta Ba . h bot in s urt Co . upon to e Th Act . . . em tl1e y act�d w1th 1 n th e gene. th n1n � not llll exa By . ions sect er oth e thes i witl deal rally held principle tl1at courts should not decide more than _ ts necessary for the Qisposition of the case before them: Althou�h the Courts did not decide on the �onstitutionalit� of t.hose oth�r sect1o�s, . their reference to· the . unconstitutionality of the application of tl1e Ba11d1try Act 1s· 1n broad language, seeffilngly not confined to the specific provisions of sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 raised by the cases.



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From both constitutional as well as criminal law perspectives probably the hvo most interesting, most offensive and bizzare concepts the Banditry Act contains are 82 ." ility responsib and ''local One would have ility'' responsib nal ''commu what it terms t.o characterize them as concepts of vicarious criminal liability. Tl1e section on com­ munal respo.nsibility in part reads: Any nomadic tribe or settled enda [exte.nded family comp1·ising as much asa third or half of a village], any member of which is guilty of an offence against this Act, whether or not he has been convicted, shall be punished with a fine up to fifty dollars for every head of a family and for ,;every month of the duration of the offence.''83

T�e section then goes on to say, -'wh�re any pe1·son is not to be found wit_h , hi.·s tribe or enda, it shall be prest1med for the purposes. of this Article that bei� committing an offence against this Act u n til the co11trary is proved. ''84 The i�pon �f ''communal responsibility'' is that a whole comm11nity of relatives is �riminaJly liable for the proved or unproved offence allegedly co1n. mitted b)' 011e of its ni�m� �ie ri an)' bers. Fu·rthermore, the burden of proof that 'he has n ng c con1n1itti been . ot · . " with · l not found resid · · rests with th·e 1nd 1v1dua not a11d y comm ing t1nit an1on g his the State. 85 !he c �ncept of "loca� responsibility" also is as si inple as it is fantas\c�t m agtsti:aJe 1s �pon c �mpla1nt f?r robbery, e mpowered, "to impose upon all e ual of families · resident w1th1n 10 kilometres fro1n tbe scene of offence . . . a fi?e q 10 h e v�lu e of the property h 86 i " i . st o g l sidin n e �des t w e r This e e m n ans anyo that �e � · · radius of the scene of an offe nc e, fo.r no other reaso11 tha11 that he �t •

B!. 'ffiese P'FOYi-sions of the • nters· · Ac ·t are ce by • imp an · Jca 1. t· 10n b ur · designed exclude to 83. S.eQJ·�lm JO (1, of the Banditry Act. ' : sm� M � (l)f . like BandJ,try Act I O o · li ee s . n ,• � at the1e is � sun- · 1:l�r1'ty to the burden of proof under the first .K:Jli!l, ��� ,!! !_ �1 � Uil , ., .....: , M:�-.. . �� supra.




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D;i� ....,, 11

4ik 11,ue

Bana1tey Act.

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IO km s aw ay from the u11fortu11ate scene of th an e r n1 o a robbery, is criminally t ��ble to pay as fine a share of the stolen property.s1 The Collective Liability Act.BS A s if this w as not enough, another piece of out 1 ?r ee years later, the '' Collective liab cam e ion slat ility Act'' of 1960. It . legi s ection: 1n 1a n s it in d state Where withi11 tl� e houi1daries of any vi llag e damage occurs after the coming _ into force of tl11s Act, to any l1ouse, animal, tree, grain or strow, and when \Vitl1i11 fifteen d�ys of tile occurence 110 one in the village has informed the polic e wl10 c?m1111ttecl the dan1ag�, and tl1e police have not other\vise discovered the autl1or, the v1ll,1ge sl1all be collectively punisl1ed with a fine of froin Five H tindred to Five Tl1ot1sa11d Dollars t1nless it proves that the damage was not criminal. s9 It 111t1s� be st_ressed that l1cre again there is no qt1estion of civil liability. The itely of a _pe11al n�ture a11d the fine imposed is punishment for Iegislatio11 1s defin 90 To the 11a1ve off question ''wl1at is tl1e crime?'' the answer is failure e nce. al crimin to inforn1 the police as to .' ' ': 110_ committed the da111age''. The Act obvious]y cor1siders it an un11ecessary legal soph1st1cat1on to find out whether the village or its n1e111bers kne11· or cot1ld l1 ave k11own who committed the dan1age. The only questio,, worth asking is whetl1er tl1 e all-knowing village informed the police. Unlike the Collective Liability Act, the sophisticated Etl1iopian Penal Code for the similar offence of ''failure to i11forn1 the La\v'' requires tl1e defenda11t ''without good cat1se, k 110 ,ving the identity of the perpetrator of an offe11ce'' to have failed to inforn1 tl1e authorit­ ies.91 One surprisi11g consequence of tl1e Collective Liability Act is tl1at the victin1 of the crime, generally a 111en1ber of tl1e village, would again be victi1 11ized by the law in tl1at l1e also has to pay his share of tl1e fine. While the Revised Co11stitution says, ''No one sl1all be pt111isl1ed t\vic e for tl1e sa1J1e offence,"92 the poor victin1 of the Commu11al Liability Act is bei11g pu11ished t,vice for a11 offence he did 11ot commit. The Sebsa Case.93 Son1e of tl1e serious practical problen1s tl1 e Commu11,1l Liability Act are brought to ligl1t by the very interesti11g and v�ry recent Seb�a Case .. T�e facts of tl1e case are as follo,vs. Sebsa is a sn1all village of Sera1e AwraJa 111 Eritrea. Gebren1icael Gebreab one of the villagers, owns a f arm-land ready for a teff harvest s01ne clistance away f;on1 tl1e village. On the nigl1t of Tiki_m� I�. 196 � Eth. C. unknown persons harvested and took tl1e Te.ff away. The v�ct11n 1mn1ed�ately notified the police abotit tlte crime and several suspects �ere qt1est1oned. Tl1e v1Ilage t!1e effect that �he d to e i elders were then asked to give testi111ony and tl1ey test1f _ suspects had quarrels with the complainant. There being no evidence of any kind in 87. A collegue has jokingly wondered wl1ether a person is liable to -pay tl1e fine if he has his residence area been the victim of the robbery. ) ( 88. The Collective Liability Act, 1960 published in the Eritrean Gazette vol. XXII I 960 No. 9. It is attached as Appendix I E pp. 333-34 89 · Section t\vo of the Collective Liability Act. t · s no wa age t h d am e t tha ves pro it s Jes un 90 · "The Village shall be collectively· pun1she d • • • criminal." Section t\110. 91 · See Article 438 of tl1e Penal Code. 92- 1 icle 56 of the Revised Coosti t� tio n. by / ed cid ;; de 64 61 o. N le Fi l ea pp A p al in rim 93, ers of village of Sebsa v. Pub!,c rosecu tor C e th of ts tex ll fu e th r Fo c. h. Et . 64 the Imperial High Court in Asmara on S�ne' 28 · 19 majority and minority opinions sec Appendix II C.

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. � . 2 L O · IX O N V W A L N A PI IO H 'f E JOURNAL OF

e as le re e11,1 th d t-0 ha . e lic po on So e tl1 e t im r c. e r th he to ts ec sp ea ft er su . e th g l hn a.CL · . \;,, co . nn. • the 11 v JA m1t· t ed I o c · age s a . ' w e e 1m cr � e th . .�ers found ce n _ _ 15 days having expired si se h ca 1g ot l br na l1 11I cr a by 111 ! s t nt da en f he public e· -d ve ti ta en es pr re _ as es lv se em th . Co ur t fot1nd them gu1I Y e Th of . 1rt J Cp ja �ailur e to ra Aw ie ra Se � _ e th i11. or ut prosec l1 11c as w wl , ag t1m n1 es da e th ed at ed 1tt n1 m co � at Eth.$ ho w to as e lic po e th inform e. lag n O al vil pe e ap tl1 on to the High 0 50 $ of t en m sh ni pu a sed po _ 231 and im coo per ate ful d ly ey t wit h at th ct fa tl1e police e th t ou ? d te in po ts an nd fe de t Cour ct effe the t to tha ied st!f the suspected t had y the _ alia er J,zt � n. tio iga est inv the durin� the 1n urt 1 <:;� Sebsa cas_e upheld 1gl e Tl m. i ict !1 the th wi � ed ell arr qu � _ persons ha d t.he Awraja Court judgment and 1n 1ts maJor1ty dec1s1on. concl_ude? by saying, ''the 1ga tl obl 1s. e1. lled t101 fulfi and co mplie d not e hav nts ella ! app 1:" e aus bec cted reje is eal app . 1t would not with the law charged 1111der by sayi11g these are th� cr1m1nals. And be proper to i11criminate innoce11t citizens by suspecting the111 for quarrels they had.'' One judge decided to differ.94 In his dissenting opinio11, l1e noted the simila rity of the Collective Liability Act to ''the traditio11al Awchachig11 and Afersata law."95 He added, ''eventhough there has b�en no argument raised about the legality of the Act, it will be t1seful for the future to point ot1t how it [the Collect.ive Liability Act] conflicts with the Constitutio11." Article 54 of the Revised Constitution was then expressely stated and the supre1nacy of the Const.itutio11 emphasized. In his dissenting opinion he also noted Article 6 of Order 27, then added, ''yet .according to the authority given to them, the executive departn1e11ts have the obligation to discard beforehand the laws and regulations which co11flict wit11 the Constitution.)" In conclusion the dissenting judge exasperati11g]y exclaimed, ''the elders having shown a. spirit of cooperation [with the police], it is 11ot legal to demand from them what is beyond their capacity." So far, thus ends the drama of tl1e Sebsa case.96 The unconstitutionality of all these vicarious liability provisions of both the Banditry Act and the Communal Liability Act is so crystal clear that not much discussion is necessary. It suffices to point out that the Revised constitution expres­ sly incorporates modern and enlightened notions of legality as the basis for criminal law. The Constitution asserts that there shall be no presumption of gujlt ''until so proved."97 It then proceeds to state that, ''punishment is personal.''98 It is neither communal nor local. A person is punishable only ''after conviction for an offence 'd bY him, ''·99. and not for an offence allegedly c omrni com1=111tte tted by one of his . relatives or by a neighbour or by a passer by. The Banditry Ac· t's notions of

The Writing of dissenting opinions is not a very common judical practice in Ethi?p ia. It is s, part of the legal cu_lture here to at. least show unanimity. ce st� ,1 mos t in can n , Hen it ce, be taken to be a sign of very strongly held opin ent. diss eir t out ions whe n judges write h . . 95 · Refer to SZ. Fisher, Ethiopian Criminal Proced bai Aba is Ad d U . 11 . re' A Source Book. H.S.I. 1969 pp. 24-28. . 96 · The ut bor is una�are of P?�sible application i lot for review by the Emperor's Chi wh j :ay t. av� t the •me of wr1t1ng of thi · s article bee n lodged in accordance with Book � J �ure Ornn�a pro. ee u!e Cod�. Note that although a reading of roce P nal rimi 182 Art. . C \ �de : ay give the unpres.sion that an cej �r mst eco s nd circ app eal any allo r is wed u und er msFt's.(JI seems to be designed to �l1m1t_ second app als �o ar eas of disagreement of O MD e �le :S l (0.f t1Ie R�:vis� �nst itution. Nl}ll: � l!)i me Re»-ised Cop_Jt ituti0n. .Jti:t{d-� f'l A l)i ib� Rte¥ise-d. Constitutio ' . n. 94·


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ENIGMA OF ERITREAN LEGIS LATION sibility'' an� ' '�oc l respons re sp un al �? ibility'' and the Co � . ''conun mmunal Liabilit om mu na c l of l 1a b 1I1 t y fla. tly contradict and are d"1ametnca Act s con cept · · • II . y opp . osedy co e aw p n 8 t I em na I b d' O � . ied in t he Revised Constitution. As to the cr1011 such they s n . t o t 1 a] 11c n e t1 o b t1 u cannot bt1t The only ,vay . in. �hich the co 11tinued operation of the unconstitutional Banditry �1 ab A 1l1t c ts co�1ld be jt1stified ,vould y mu 11a ! 1 n Co be ltnder Article 29 of the and Revised Const1 tut io�. Ui1der Article 29 the Emperor having declared a national emer gency io t �e li k� could �llen ''ta lee Such measures_ as are n ecessary to n1eet . ,,� . S111� e tl1_e Bandit�y ai1cl the Comm11nal Li ability at thr e the Acts whatever tl1eir constitutional i ty v1s-a-v1s the Er1trean . Constitution during t he Federation, 101 have never after 1962 �ee n amended to 111cl11de or becon1e part of a declaration of national emergencl it WOlild seem safe to conclt1de t hat their unconstitutionality l1as 10. n o ti a d n 11 00 fo


Overhauling the System Beyo�d. t he sub�tan�ive qt1estio11s as to the constitutionality, legality or 11eces­ sity of p ieces of leg1slat1on, procedural ancl one may add practic al issues are bot1nd to follo\V as to 110\V a11d by wl1om s11cl1 major legal problen1s of overl1at1li11g a legal syste1n can a11d sl1011ld be solved. Tl1is brings us back to Order 27. Order 27 states tl1at all legislatio11 i11 Eritrea r emains in full force and efl·ect ''to the extent that the application t hereof is 11ecessary to the continued operation of existing adn1inistratio11s."103 Bt1t w ho i s to decide whether a piec e of legislation is necessary or not ? In tl1 e Sebsa case the n1inority decision havi11g co1ne to tl1 e co11clusion that tl1e Commt1oal Liability Ac t was unco11stitt1tio11al, pointedly said , ''according to the authority give11 to tl1em, tl1e executive departments have the obligation to cliscard beforehand laws and regulations which co11flict witl1 the Constitution." This opinion thougl1t, it was pri,narily tl1e duty of the executive branc h to discard 11nne cessary pieces of legislation . 104 I-Iowever, it 1nt1st also be poi nted out that had this opinio11 been in tl1e majority, t he Court itself would, at least for this case, have taken tl1e step of discarding the lav.1 purs t1a11t to whicl1 cl1 arge l1 ad be en brot1gbt. It is probably not the place l1ere to go i nto tl1e judicial brancl1's constitutional vestiture ,vith '' the judi cial power'' a11d l1ence the appropriateness of s11cl1 a conduct 100. It has been argued that the Emperor bas such power and duty not only under Article 29

but that Article 36 also independently so e�p? vrers _the Emper�r. �efer to H�¥ ·. Ato �eyoum cess 1n Jou111al of Pro t1ve 1sla Leg the m rs 1ste M1n of ncil ot Cou areg of the e e Rol ''Th , H ,,The Prero­ : , m bere J rra Abe o A and � 8); (196 n Ethiopia Laiv Vol. y No. 2 pp. 281-85 _ � _ gative of the Emperor to Determine Po\vers of Adm1n1strat1ve _Agencies 1n Journal <:I Eth­ iopian Lalv, Vol. v No. 3 pp. 521-4-1 (1968). It is also possible to argue that Article 36 is not an independent source of ]aw-making power. . . . . It is surprising that the Banditry Act could have come out 1n !1ght of th� h�erahty. of the Eritre an Constitution. Unlike Articles 53 and 54 of the Rev_1s �d �onst1tut10� wl11ch the ns­ n Banditry Act clearly contradicts tJ1ere were no such express prov1s1ons 1n the Er1trea CoAct al titution. 1-Iowever, the concept o f du e pr ?cess, taken . fr �m paragraph 7 of the Feder was encorporated in Article 22 of the Er1trean Constitution· Refer to footnote 5. ely ess pr ex be all me sh sa e th as ti ch st l nti ''u � _ �� Article 6 of Order 27. Note that this is replaced and repealed by subsequently enacted Jeg1slation · ls dea sly iou obv rt cou to es com e s ca a re . eio &'c b T�e idea of discarding la ws beforehand i.e. with only primary duty.



102. 103. 104.

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. IX-1�0 . 2 J_ O . V W A L ' N IA P IO H T E JOURNAL O F

rt io n at co isl un leg of 105 e t ec tt1 pi sti a io d fin · to l na s ha , it Bt i .. where a court c.one1udes . it t u o b a y a s ts r u o c e th let u s note what e s s tl1 us sc di 11e ue 110 iss ly ab . ob pr of re he ed c ne io� nt me s se ca �ssity . e th � , Of .all . _ se to 1o wl as k , tas ue iss e th the d an ion at isl leg decis· on n ea itr Er of 1 ece 0f a t · k r e th al. n et u ta co al1 B . I t al. et hta than Ba pic s up r . pr1. mar1P1y should be bette . . ry s�a t ce no i1e A • is ct �o . t y • h itr nd e Ba e tl1 at th continued n t1o e11 11t co 's sel un co defence h ug ro e�t 11 tl1 �tr tl1a r pe r 1m tl1e Ra s. ativ� asser­ on ati �tr ini a?Jll ng sti exi . of operation ty ssi ce . ne of tl1e nno e tl1 t� as Ba n ow n kn nd dit mi its s ke ma t ur co the , :y Act tions _ _ of ing se surp u : accu g bein of la leg1s fear The 11er. man tive or d ribe msc circu in a � t. t1r Co e th er th bo ly du un to ms see rs we po e executiv 06 The Cou1·t tackles the questio11 by first atten1pti11g to allocate respo11sibilities iii general as between the \.'arious branche� of . gover11ment. ''It is the du!y of the executive branch'' the Court says, · �to 1de11t1fy and present to the legislator all 107 I n." tl1e stratio J 1 admi1 of tion opera tl1e to ary t the n 11ecess deems it laws which comes up with the rhetoric question, ''How can the court or the public prosecutor pla)' the ro]e of the ]egisla.tor and say tl1is law apply?'' The answer is forth­ coming. '·In oi,r opini,Jn we do not thi11k theJ' can." 108 However, two sentences below the Cour,t concludes by saying · 'we have accepted defence cou11sel's arguments as regards the law." In effect what the Court has done is to completely reverse itself.



Defence counsel's contention had been that the Penal Code and not the Ba.nditry Act should apply. 109 The Court had started by saying it is for the legislator to decide and promulgate tl1e necessary law; in this co11text meaning it is for the legislator to decide whether the Banditry Act is a valid law or not. The Court had in fact gone so far as to answer its own qt1estio11, ''can the cou·rt ... play the role of the legislator and say this law must apply by immediately negating it.?'' To stress this the Court even underlined the answer. Caught in between the horns of an understandable dilemma as between the ideal and the p .ractical, the Court doe,s precisely what it ideally thought it should not be involved in. By stepping in to the shoes of the legislator it decides that the Penal Code is applicable la\l/ while the Banditry Act is not? Ha.d the questio, n as to whether the Banditry Act was a 11ecessai-y law after the comi�g into force of Order 27 been dealt with by tl1e legislator as it properly s�ould, it would have most likely not attracted attention in cot1rt. But in such. circumstances where tl1e court is faced witl1 the proble.m of playing the legislator On ''ju.dicial review'' refer to J. Paul and C. Clapha111, Et/1iopiat1 Constitutio1 1al Developineiit A Souroebook, H.S.I.U. Addis Ababa, 1967, pp. 159-246. Refer to footnote 105 supra. 3 . s already pointe� out note that the Attorne A such with out y Gen com era1 e !s Offi had ce 1s1 t but only for internal purposes. · 1I In 0ther ·�or g · tti d s, the Pu Cou�t has ·no power to dec i cle \\'l1ich laws are n.ecessary. n ' th18 way ts probably misleadin g. d Wih� asked to give an answ ba . r secu to ar er to pro defe nce publ coun ic sel's argt 1n1en the t cite� two ases. One was il . e cas Supreme Imperial Cou,rt Criminal file No. 228/62,. a � Bahl; - G sun }l ad et Cb, a �es had . been brougl1t under the Banditry Ac t and the �-l1 gh. Cour:ot in �ai f�d defen:!� ft� � 'iij·Syffiats J lt� un �er the Act and sentenced them to seve11 years 1.mprisonJllwbicb � eie.v;,. 1 Supreme Court had on appeal cl1anged the law _und er . th e tb� Wijlie ena;ge a d e e s e n r SDm.nt,e )0 ten: �lf!.� �tIG .646 . and 647 (1) of the Penal Code and had i c ases/i n el d •ie � ll�i! �n,; de:clta lib: leammg case present�d by the public prose� utor was Mi � �� Y the Supreme Imperial Court a dec ade earlier.

105. 106. 107. 108.





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Tl1 e predica1 nent the court fou 11 ,1 itself do? . it . oul d sh t · 1 • h o e 1 0 �h· �ch dragged. ally � �� Moreover, courts are ahvays q��k t� v o1ce woi�ts are contint1 e op1n1on leg c isla tor s. 1t not are Dt saying one thing tl1ey are generally i"orced they . , . t a h to do t . . �n many s�tuat1011s an d the o1 1e at ha11d is ,l good example - th the opposite . -: ere bttt f o1 th� co t1 1 t to_ act as the legislator. 111 thi ve rna ti alt e o s case the Court is n act as a leg isl�.tor whicl1ever way it comes out. Whe to ha ve d u1 tl1er it decides ,vo and aga111s� _tl1 e _Ba11 di�ry Act or for tile Ba Co de Pen al the nditry Act and for against t�e Penal Co�e, th_e decisro11 IS bas1c�lly 01 1e tl1at sho11 ld have been t l1e er tile Ba11d1t ry Act is law under 27 and t11is is Iegislator·s. TI1e . rea� issue IS. \vh1eth 10 1 1 1ve ct 1 ft1 l,tt . g1s 011 e l a · priroaril) The notio11 _of tl1e separatio11 of f t1nctions is a11 important guidi11 g principle of public la\V. V�r1011 s brancl1es of govern1 ne1 1t are allocated diverse functions and generally SJ)e_ak1n g 01 1c l)rat1cl1 sl10�1ld not �st1rp tl1e ft1nctio11s of another. However, it is in1pract1cal a_nd tl1erefore t1_11 w1se to tl1 1nk of bra11ches of gover11n1ent as her1 11e­ tically sealed bodies. Of necessity t hey J1ave tl) cooperate o11e ,vith the other. I 11 And it is inevitable for tl1e cot1rts to be indirectly ii1volved in tl1e ]awmakino frznc­ tion. TI1ey co1 1ti11t1ally d� so by i11 terpretation, by filling gaps i11 the Jaw :i1 d by deciding \�l1icl1 l�w applies. Not t� characterize tl1is as ]awmaki11g is a p11re poi1 1t of se111a1 1t1 cs. Tl11 s should 1 1ot be 1111su11derstood as exte11 ding an i11vitatio11 to courts to con1pete for the legislat ive ft1nctio11 or to try to preempt tl1e ]egisl�1tor. Far from it; courts deal ,vitl1 specific Cc1ses bro11 ght t,cfore the1n a11d do not go out looking for society's proble111 areas. 011 the other l1and, neither sl1 ould cot1rts give the impressio11 tl1at they are t1st1rpin g wl1at is 1 1ot tl1cir proper function and have gone beyond tl1eir jt1dicial power in doing wl1at the Cot1rt did in Bal1 ta el al. It bad no practical alter11ative b11t to temporarily step i11to tl1e shoes of the legislator and decide ,vl1etl1er tl1e Banditry Act sl1 ot1ld ,1pply or 11ot. WI1ere tl1e legislator for 011e reason or a11otl1 er fails to take up this ,1spect of the legislative role tl1e cottrts are forced to step ir1. Problems arise tl1at cannot indefinitely await for tl1e legislator to 111ake tip l1is 111i11d and tl1e co11rts I1 ave to dispose of tl1 e1n as best tl1ey ca11 . In tl1 e prese11t circu111 sta11 ces courts i11 Eritrea cannot shy away fron1 tl1 e ki11d of legal problen1s raised by Bafzta et al. As Jong as there is no basic cl1ange witl1 respect to tl1e 11nsolved problem of Eritrea11 legisla­ tion, the courts ,vill whenever asked i11 specific cases. l1ave to contint1ally tackle tl1e issue of ''necessity'' of a ,piece of legislatio11 vis-a-vis Order 27 and Ethiopian law as a \vl1ole. TI1at tl1e courts should l1a1 1dle tl1e problen1 t1 nsyste111a.tically (as problems arise) and on peace1neal fashion, witl1ot1t kn owing \1/hat tl1 e effects ?f 011 e decision are on si1nilar cases is neitl1er the n1ost efficie11 t 11or the n1ore desirable course of action. It is av,kwa;d i n ter1 ns of botl1 the uncertainties and co1nplications of tl1e law. It is expensive in terms of tl1 e t111 11ecessary cons11mptio11 of time . a1 1d e11ergy of all involved. Ft1rther111ore, t 11ere is a11 apporopriate n1ethod of solv111 g the prob]e1n once for all. Conclusion

A full-scale operation j11 wll ich a co1nplete overhat1l of Eritrea11 legisl_ation should be affected is 1011 g overdtie. Ten years after the end of the Federation, twen ty 110.

l ll

ferently as to d · dif un s fo ha t ur co y n1e sa the d ea alr As po1· n ted out suprll 10 ' 9 10 , e • f oo tnot · t"Ituus ot he� go_vern1:3ent ins rio va the validity of the Banditry Act. Taking th e nun1ber of the tions that may have to decide on suc11 a qu�stion and the number of legislations into account one can sec \vl1 y this is a legislative function. The same J Joint is made in I-I.E . Ato Seyoum I-Iaregot, supra footnote 100.

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. 2 O . N IX L O V W A L N IA P JOURNAL OF ETHIO t y years after t d ur n r a n o ti a tr is in m d . : a 1 e sl ti ri B f o n o ti is a fin in t? rm te e th er ft ears a al ru or lo co he e ot m so r to g le r fe re to a isl ue in nt co tion ill st to ' ity or th au �f Italian . s em se ce nd 11e la t1n e th a ss of w ry la e · th of It · · rt pa 8 1· • t l· er , th e h is w w k no t no d an d es • b 1s v1 t t pr es 27 a te er rd O t ha p m W � . up � d orary re ea cl be s . es . m l ga le is h time t. t ng ou u1 1:s ith e1 w n tio lu ne so un t en s an ce rm pe sary a be ot nn ca It . er sw an stop-gap con1plications. t ig e th di tio in ec ers g _ n n fi � its whe n it ed int po : t ur Co � l ria pe Im e em pr Su e Th 1 to y ch t1f en a11 br d an e iv ut � ec ex e th present of 1ty dt e tli is 'It , , al et a said in Bah.t n tio era e of op th to the ad minis­ ar ces 1?-e s em de it 1 icl wh r vs la\ � all to the legislator sa n !y ces ute l so_ ab 1s t i _ n, � tio era op ple :Y· A conscious sim y ver a tration." Though not o n int tio its isla leg an proper place tre Er1 ssy me the ng bri to ne be do to has rt effo t e tha s hav nce erie exp recentl y been e Th . law ian iop Eth of tem d sys ifie cod within the gained in. Ethiopia from the overhauling and codifying of whole areas of law coul d possibly serve some purpose. Several steps have to be taken to normalize the legal situation in Eritre a. First, all legislations not expressly repealled must be assembled and translated into Amharic and English. They should then be consolidated (i.e. harmonized) both with respect to each other and vis-a-vis Ethiopian legislation as a whole. Ana.chronistic references such as to Italian liras and East African shillings or Italian titles of legislations should be discarded and appropriately replaced. But much more important is the discarding of unconstitutional legislations or legislations whose temporary necessity has disappeared and whose application today may do little more than give rise to undesirable policy questions not in the interest of the nation-state. This also could ·be the time for improvements in the laws. The consolidated and updated set of draft legislation should then be categorized by promulgating authorities. Legislations requiring Parliamentary approval and/or Imperial signature should be so ·processed. Oth.ers of the nature of ministerial, provincial and municipal a11t.hority should be appropriately distributed.112

Once launched by the proper authorities, not much shot1ld stand in th.e way of such a �ecessary project since the operation is more technical tl1an policy oriented. The appointment of . a consultative comnlission composed of knovlledgeable legal experts from th.e various concerned institutions wot1ld obviously inst1re the quality of the job. �ad such an app�o�ch bee11 followed in 1962, it is very likely that neither the question _as . to the ·�al1�1ty of t�e Banditry Act and the legal iss11es of Bal1ta et �/, . . . 1l1ty nor the 1rr1�ated m�nor1ty op1n1on on the Sebsa case an d the Comnlunal L1a b . A�t nor t�s pi:el1m1n�ry comment would have been necessary. The enigma . of Eritrean legislation cries o_ ut for a solution that requires an overliaul of the legal s)·stem. The ch.allenge still stands I

'lbe �icJpalities Department of the Ministry of · . . Ad d Ab aba and . the pep In • · .ter·ior in art1 s . . t·tu . . te meR! 0F Mlinioip3:litie _ 1•.n iEnt · rea are at this time w·ork1ng tog ri l �os �ith Im pe eth � the wi er th a di �ajlf� �dnn tra 0� t te �':: t�ough tbe maze f Eritr ri legis la ti?n �ea 1�;t n: � � h the i rs � mPIQiRal7ijjgs_. � e iby s owever, when th!s tas k 1s a cco�pl1she . . f� �i�iEm� · @i the lam WI . ng tmif:t . 11LN _ seen,• be on the non-mu.ruc1.pal part remains to k":

·- 328 ,•




Appendix I A


Eritrean Gazette Vol. XIX (1957) No. 11

Assembly on 19tl1 August, 1957 , anct promu (Adop ted by the Eritrean1,_ 957) Igated by H.T.M.'s represen1 e t m p b e e S tative on 23rd W}IEREAS under the existing la,v organised banditry and J1ighway robbery are not deterred; AND WHEREA� _an inc rea se in tl1e severity of punishn1ent inflicted, and commun . al punish­ of un1 tl1e t1es off e nde con rs, 11n are the like ly more effectively to deter theol; ment of NO\V TI-lEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as follows: TITLE M1D COl'vlMENCEMENT. 1. This Act 1nay be cited as the Banclitry Act, 1957 and shall corne into force upon pron1uJ­ gation or publication, as t11e case may be, in accordance ,vith the provisions of Article 58 of the Constitution.

AAAfED BAND. 2. Any men1bcr of any band of t\VO or more persons having the con1mon intention to com­ mit any crime of violence and at least one of \Vhom is armed ,vith a firearm or other explosive \Veapon shall be punished with irnprisonment for not less than five years, unless the Court finds unusual and exceptional circumstances justifying imprisonment for a lesser term. FIRST AGGRAVATION. 3. Any person found guilty of the offence described in Article 2 shall be punished with im­ prisonment for not less than ten years if l1e is also fot1nd guilty, as such member of any crime of violence other than the extortion of food. SECOND AGGRAVATION. . 4. Any person fou11d guilty of tl1c offence described in Article 2 shall be punished with unprisonn1ent for not less than fifteen years if:(1)

be has previously been convicted of the offence described in Article 8 of proclama!ion 104 of 1951 and i n Article 1 of Proclamation 1 of 1955, or of tl1e offence described in Aricle 2 of this Act, or he has avoided prosect1tion for such an offence by surrender­ ing under any general or special amnesty; or


he is also found guilty, as such n1ember, of more than two crimes of violence other than the extortion of food; or any firearm is fired or other weapon exploded by any member of the band during the course of the comn1 ission of any crime of violence.


PROMOTION OF BAND. 6 - Any person ,vho promotes o r organizes such a b�d a_s is . described in Article 2, but is not less than 20 r t fo en m on 1s pr 1m ith w d he is p� not a member of the band, shall be Years. ASSISTANCE TO BAND. in Arti:le 2, ed rib . sc de is as . Any person nd ba a ch su 7 to v1ho (,)ives shelter o r assistance or to any s. m ember of it, shall be punished with imprisonment for not less than ten year

- 329 -

. :.:, . JO . L :f' 1X O V \V ,\ L N IA P IO H T E JOURNAL OF

FUGITIVE. • to ce an ist . ass or r lte he s s ve gi 8 Any person who as nd ba a ch su of er mb ine a en be that he has recently r fo t en m on is pr im 1 itl w ed sh ni pu be l al fro� justice, sh


other person, l1a.11. i11g reason to bel· y an . . ieve · J t r · d ic . A ·b I e r1 esc an,d ts a fugitiv is d 2 e no t les s t�an �1ve years.

FAU,URE TO INFORM AUTHORITIES. t t n ·ion s e , in � · wl1 ere�bouts of 1 s, itie iv act e th f o _ ow kn _ 1 to _es con o any 9. (l) Any person wh r e s 0 the p 1 0 n, having . reas y an O f or , 1 e e rti A 1n ed rib on to sc de is as nd such ba 2 a men�ber of·. su�h a b�nd, a�d in either suspect that he is or intends to become n at1� h rm SLtc 1n�o ate n1c mu co� �1thout delay to s our eav end t bes his use not s doe case d 1sbe pt1n be ll sl1a w1tl1 1�prisonment ty, 1or1 autl ive trat inis adm or ce poli to the nearest for up to five years. (2) Any administrative authority who obtains such informati�n, b)'. him_self or from others and who fails to use his best endeavours to commun1cate 1t without delay to the police shall be punished witl1 imprisonment f ot not Jess than two years. CO�AL RESPONSIBILITY. 10. (1) A11y nom.adic tribe or settled enda, any member of wbicl1 is guilty of an offence against this Act, whether or not he has been con\1icted, shall be punished v;rith a fine of up to fifty dollars for every l1ead of a family and for every month of the duration of the offence; unless it proves both that it could not have preve11ted the offence and that it used every possible endeavour, at whatever inconvenience to itself or to any member of it, to apprehend the offender and deliver him to the police. Where any person is not to be found with his tribe or enda, it shall be presumed (2) for tl1e pu.rposes of tl1is Article that he is committing an offence against this Aci until the contrary is proved. Tl1e Court may exempt from contribution any head of a fao1ily no longer resident (3) with the tribe or in tt1c village of the enda accL1sed and \Vho a1Jplies for exemption. The charge sheet for tl1e offence described in this Article shall be agrunst the tribe (4) or enda by its authorised representatives , and only those representatives shall be bound to appear in Court to answer the charge. not shall whi:h Court the of order inflicting The tin1e, a such the specify shall fme ) (5 be more than two months, within whicl1 it is to be paid; . and shall provide for imprisonment for t1p to six months of an)' l1ead of a family not exempted and not contributing witl1in tl1at time.



LOCAL RESPONSIBILITY. 11. (1) A. Magis!ra�e s�all have power, upon con1 plaint by any victim of any robbery _coro­ m1ted w1thm his territorial jt1risdiction by such a band as is described in Article 2, and where the property has not been recovered, to impose upon all heads of families resident within t O kilometers from the scene of offence, whether or not within bis jt1risdiction but within Eritrea, a fine equal to the value of the property stolen, to be enforced as if under Article 10 (5). (2) !he attendance of such heads of fami· lies shall be obta.ined in the same m�nn er as if they were to answer a criminal charge; and no order shall be made again st a� Y perso� who has not appeared personally before the Mag1·stra and had a.n opportunt y te · to obJect. l The Magistrate shall satisfy himself, in the same ma criO �� a ng . try i :� were nne r he as if of eh�ge, that the case and the persons to be fin J . ) ( ph ara gra ed fal. l within p· �rtttGle. 4J e � � idence on oat� of the complainant shall be pri ma facie evidence of the r &e M�gistt:ate shall, in a�ditlon to any cross -examination by •th e �f aJso e -dl, �ea �el!_F fe test fer himself the truth of his evidence; ana s h � � , W4M tihe e 0m1tlailnant 1n tbe tenns of paragraph (6) of this Article. . ·



f � �: i:�.



1 l



The_ Magistrate . shall, 0 l1is order, apportion the fine parties before him, h aving re ga rd to t he opportunity of between all or some of the each party to have prevented the offence or caught the offenders , and to any efforts m ade by him in that direction. fine when recovere d shal� be paid over to the co T he mplainant; but if it shall after- ' (6) pr e e to d ov th � e M ag1 strate tl1at he has claimed ward� m e than he Jost he shall forfeit, 1r:id ependently of . an y penalty for perjury, five timesor the excess. rderi�g such a forfe1ture the Magistrate o In shall fol1ow the normal procedure in try­ . (7) ing a criminal charge. From an y . or� er_ made under �his Article, including an order of ap (8) rtionment and an order d1sn11ss1ng the complaint, an appeal shall lie as if from an po order or sentence in criminal proceedings; but �he Cot1rt of Ap� shall_ not unless it dismisses the compla int, reduce the contribution of any cont ributor without equally enhancing that of som e other such per inc son or person s luding a person whose contribution has been assessed at nothing; and sl1a1l not enhance a contribution without giving the person in question an opportunity to obj ect. Wl1ere tJ1e Court of Appeal allows an appeal against dismissal of a complai.nt it shall (9) not itself make the apportionme nt described in paragraph (5) of this Article, but shall remit tl1e case for that pt1rpose to the Magistrate, and from his order a further appeal sl1all lie. Wl1ere after the complainant has been compensated under this Article the stolen (10) property or some of it is rec'?vered, so much_ of it as _is n_ot money shall be !eturned if practicable to the complainant at th e price at wh.1ch 1t was assessed, subJect to a reasonable reduction if it has deteriorated. So n1uch of the recovered property as is money, together with any n:oney r�ov�re_d (11) from the complainant under tl1e last paragraph and any other art1cle which _it 1s impracticable to return to him, shall be divided among those compelled to contribute in proportion to their contribution. (5)

NO BAR. 12. Punishment under Article 1 O s hall not bar an order for contribution under Article 1l, nor shall contribution bar punishment. NO SUSPENSION.

No sentence under this act sl1all be suspended, but in all other respects this Act shall be subject to the general provisions of the P enal Code. 13.

REPEAL. 14. Proclamation 104 � ad 115 of 19Sl �nd 129 f 195" are repealed, except as to offences already committed, prosecutions already pending and sentenc;s already passed before the coming into force of this Act.


Appendix I B THE BANDITRY (AMEND�NT) ACT, 1959 Eritrean Gazette Vol. XXI (1959) No. 11 R pre {Adopted by the Eritre an Assembly on 10th September, 1959 and promulgated by H.I.M.'s e sentative on 12tl1 October, 1959] eradicate d : en be t ye t no ve ha y er bb ro \VHER EAS organised banditry and l1igh\vay TI-IEREFORE BE IT ENACTE◄ D as follows: o int me co all sh d an , 59 19 t , . c ) A t . en m 1 ry (Amend I. This Act ma y be cited as the Ba nd.'t h published. force one is it · hic w 10 tte e z · week after t11e date of the Ga . Article·. ew n g in w o ll fo e th d te r se in e b 2. After Article 5 o f the Banditry Act, 1957 ' shall 1N0\V

- 331 -


''Confiscation 5 A


(2) (3) (4) (5)

(6) (7) (8)

ected . of being in sp on SLi �s JJe y an of � nc da !en at e 1 tI g in ur oc pr the Fo r the purpose of _ s �ct, a Ma�1st1.ate sI1aII ll thi of 2 icle Art t ins aga nce e off an g ttin in,i ave course of con re zu of hts �hole mov le r _t]�e seJ de or to n, tio ecu os pr th� by n ti? ca p]i ap ab on power, up d. an y, h ntl st1c 101 d hel zur sei ty per pro e y an in re sha shall be his ing lud inc ty, per pro executed by the police. 11re for tion sei: lica app l1as been !n the the re befo r yea one in with ch whi y pert Any pro possession of the st1spected person sl1all be presumed to be his property until the contrary be proved to the Magistrate. If within one month after seizure tl1e suspected person h�s not surrendered or been arrested and no good cause has been sho\vn to the Magistrate for his absence, the Magistr�te shall condemn the property seized to be forfeited to ihe Government. If within the said one month the suspected person surrenders or is arrested the Magis­ trate shall suspend his proceedings until the Court bas convicted, aquitted or discharged him, and any appeal bas been decided. Where any person is already in cu.stody. t1pop a cl1arge of having committed, after the coming into force of the Banditry (Amendment) Act, 1959, an offence against Article 2 of this Act, a.nd cause is shown to a Magistrate for fear that bis property may be disposed of, the Magistrate may similarly order its seizure, and paragrapl1s (2) and (4) of this Article shall apply to such seizure. If the suspected person is acquitted or discharged, the property seized s.hall be returned to him; but if he is convicted the Magistrate shall, in addition to any sentence imposed upon him, condemn to be forfeited to tl1e Government the whole of the property seized. From any order of a Magistrate under this Article an appeal shall lie to the Supreme Court. The ·Government shall be bound to restore to any applicant so much of the property condemned under paragraph (3) or (6) of this Article as he proves to have been dishonestly taken fron1 him.''

Appendix I C THE BANDITRY (SECOND Al\IBNDI\IBNT) ACT. 1959 Eritrean Gazette Vol. XXIl (1960) No. 2

(Ad?pted by the Eritrean Assembly on 23rd December, 1959 and promuJgated by H.I.M.'s Repre­ ntat1ve on 4th January, 1960.)

WHEREAS by Article 13 of the Banditry Act' 1957 ' the said · Act is · subject to the General Provision.s of tl1e Penal Code; Al;fD WHEREAS by the Pena.I Code (Extension) Act any reference in any la\V to the Penal Code 1s to be read as a reference to the Penal Code thereby extended; BU� WHEREAS the General Part of the said Penal Code is in some r. espects unsuit able to· the special problem which necessitated the enactment of tl1e Banditry Act: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as follows: 1 · Thi� Act may be _cited as th.e Banditry (Second e com . sha ll and Amendment) Act ' 1959 into force simultaneously with tl1e Penal Code (E xtension) Act, 1959. · 2· For Article 13 of the Banditry Act, 19 57, shall be substituted th e foJlowin g: ''f:ENERAf., PART OP PENAL CO DE (l� ni�. Act shall be subject to the Gene ti ex ral Pa rt 1 p the of the Pe wi nal • Code, th· ce notn �! Mii.les; i i {2), 7 9 8(i) 8 1 g2 n""' • e se . 1 8 8 to 215 1nclus1ve but so that no · ' ··, 8 ".1� and ma, � it·ed0 eed. · b·�' mo':te ' tiha 'imposed by this Act. n OBe thir d belo w any min imu m . :. le.fflenee endet tiia shall be su.spended.,,


- 33,2 '.


Appendix I D THE PENAL LAW (AMENDMENT) A CT, 1956 Eritrean Gazette Vol. XVII (l9S6) No. 6 the Eritrean Assembly on 9th April 1956, and promuJgated by ed op t (Ad by H.I.M.'s Representative ) 1956 on Z5th April, WHERl?f\S the unlawf uJ possession of arms and munition has become too common in recent and ea; Eritr in s time · lawful WHEREAS the present penalties for the un posses · sion of arms and ammun1•t·10n, a.nd . . ar offences, are gro . ss1Y ina · dequate " 10r the suppression of tl1is form of simil illegal conduct in Eritrea;

.. NOW THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as follows: Title and date of coming into effect. 1. This Act n1ay be cited as ''Tl1e Penal Law (Amendment) Act, 1956" and shall take effect upon its promulgation �ublication, as the case may be, in accordance with the provisions of Article 58 of th e Const1tut1on.


Repeal of Certain Provisions of the Penal Law. 2.

(a) (b)

Articles 695 to 700 inclusive and Article 704 of the Penal Code are hereby repealed. Sub-paragraph (j) of Article 1 of Proclamation No. 18 of 10th January, 1949, is hereby repealed PROVIDED, however, that any reference to the said sub-paragraph (j) of the said Article 1 of the said Proclan1ation No. 18 which may be contaio.ed in any existing la\.v, regulation o r proclan1ation, shall be deemed to read the same as the new Article 437-A as contained in Paragraph 3 of this Act.

New Provision concerning Penalties for Possession, etc. of Arms, Ammunition, etc. 3. A new chapter of Title 6 of Book II of tl1e Penal Code, to. be called ''Chapter. I-A. Delicts concerning the Prevention of Delicts against the Life and Safety of Individuals" is l1 ereby added, to co11sist of one Article, to be numbered Article 437A, as follows: ARTICLE 437 /A. Wl1oever is in possession of, or uses, or (whether in actual physical posses­ sion or custody tl�ereof or not) deals or traffics in any firearms, grenades, or explosives of any kind, or any other weapon, except under a license issued to him by proper autl1ority, a.nd in accordance with any conditions attached to any . such license, is liable upon conviction to imprison­ ment up to 5 years, or to a fine up to Eth. 2.500, or by both such imprisonment and fine".

Appendix I E TI-IE COLLECTIVE LIABILITY ACT. 1960 Eritrean Gazette Vol. XII (1960) No. 9 {Adopted by the Eritrean Assembly 011 13th July, 1960, a.nd promulgated by H.I.M.'s Representa­ tive on 29th July, 1960] \VI-IEREAS much wilful dan1age goes tin punished in rural areas by reason of the refusal of witnesses to inform tl1e police: NOW TI-IEREFORE BE IT ENACTED as follows: Title, etc.

shall come into force one 1 1·tY Act , 1960, and 1. This Act ma y be cited as tl1e Collective L.1ab·1 month after date of the Gazette in which i t i s published. Collect ive Liability of ce for o int ng mi co tl1e er aft rs cu oc ge ma da . 2· Where within the boundaries of any village th18 Act, to any house, animal, tree, grain or st raw,

- 333 -


. 2 O l" . X 1'L I o v · W ' A L N A I P O I JOURNAL O F E T H . . n . fifteen days of tlle occurrence no one in �he village l1as informed the po J'ice ed er ov tl1e at1thor , sc di se an.d when witl11 1/i n he ot t no e 1 av 1 e lic po e th d n a , e g 1 a n a d e th d t te i m m who co ve T-Ittndred to Five Thou .1i Fi om fr of e. a ith w � ed sh ni pu san y el iv ct lle co u be ll a . . Sb p a l e� th .t cr.1nun� o n as w e g a m a d e th t a th Dollars unless it proves Procedure

e imposed by a Magistrate, not, I aJ s� e cl i rt A g in � ed � r p_ s� _la he t by ed ib cr _ 3. The fine pres . 10 otJ1er respects to the criminar t ec bJ t SLl bu n, t1o c 1 d. r1s Ju s hi to it lim r e w lo wi·thstandin·g an y · 1o � rce except th · at . · 1n e tim to e tim m fro e procedur (a) the accused village shall be represented by representati�es e)ected for the purpose, or if 00 such election takes place within one month of not1ficat1on of the charge sheet to the head of the village, appointed by the Court; and (b)

the attendance of such representatives sh::ill be obtained in the same way as if they were· personally accused; and


the fine , if not paid within two months of its imposition, may be recovered as an arrear of tribute under the Summary Recovery Act, 1957.

Appendix I F THE PENAL CODE (EXTENSION) ACT. 1959 Eritrean Gazette Vol. XXI (1959) No. 12 (The available Official Copy is in Italia11) (Adottata dall'Assemb)ea Eritrea ii 10 settembre 1959 e promulgata dal Rappresentante di S.M.l. il 12 Ottobre 1959) PREMESSO CHE )'Eritrea essendo una parte integrale dell'Ethiopia condivide col resto del Territorio gli stessi costumi, istituzioni e antica civilta, ed essendo anche uoita in Federazione sotto Ia Corona d.el medesimo Augusto Sovrano;

E PREMESSO CHE e quindi non idoneo che le leggi generali penali dell' Eritrea debbano differire dal res to dell' Ethiopia; E PRBMBSSO CHE iJ nostro Augusto Sovrano l1a gra.iiosamente promulgate in Codice Penale che riflette ed e adatto ai citati costumi, istituzion i e antica civilta, ed anche prendendo in con­ siderazione il progre sso recentmente raggiunto sotto la Sua benevola gttida: ORA QUINDI SI DECRETA come segue:

1. _9ue �ta �gge _ potra essere citata come la Le.gge sul Codice Penale 19 58 (Estension.e) ed entrera 1n v1gore il g1.orno della sua pubblicazione sulla Gazzetta dell'Eritrea.


'P Codice Penal �, promuJgato in Ethiopia ai sensi del Proclan1a No. 58 deI 1957, a�a gl! , dr �ett. i �! una Legge Entrea ad accezione delle parti riguardanti ii regola.mento di controver5ie giunsdmone Federale, con t utte le sostituzioni necessarie e conseguenti. 3/ Tut� i riferimenti,. �i carattere �e�e e o particolare, part:: al � Pen Co e o a qualsi� .i clic a.l e 0 �icolo di esso �ntenut1 ID alt er leggl in v1.gore saranno intesi, salvo che ii testo lo v1tn,. com_ . refenmenti al �dice e st eso con la presente Legge n rns po co e, pa rte sec on do i casi ' all'articolo o en te de l Co di ce stesso. d 4. L e seguenti leggi sono revocate: �I)

� �ice P �e in vigore in )!!rit,:ea in virtll dell'Articolo 53 de! R. Decreto-:Legge �0 ; ent , d�l � �ugno 19:6, onve ito 1n Legge No. a:rn in (Or d � 285 � 193 7 dell ' gen 11 oai o 1 1 Afnca O nen.tale Italiana), ad eccezione dell'Articolo 437/A collle m�!::1����� ��� , �e , eu�"eato alla Legge Penale del 19 56.



��l fl moora:n:rai



' ',





b � �Jlllai ,Rena t!a itale de. J 1953. :g

334 -


Appendix ll A

Imperial Ethiopian Government Supreme Imperi al Court Asmara

4 6 1 . 9 2 o 1 / N l a e p p A l a in Crim


Belata Matias 1-Iiletework Doctor Yohannes Berhane


Jankarlo Polera

V / Afenegus Justice


Mesfin Tesfaye ct <rl v. Public Prosecutor (Ato Mohammed Hankil) Judgment

In this case:-

1st defendant Mesfin Tesfaye " 2nd Salal1 Omar " 3rd Zen1icl1ael Alfe

with their not yet apprehended bandit-friends comn1itted various crimes tilJ the tinie they \vere arrested:1) Uniterrupted banditry 2) Roberry and extortion 3) Repeated firing against the police 4) Inflicting injury upon huinans 5) Robbery and l101nicide !hey were c�a_rged _ in the Hi_gl1 Court under_ the 1957 Banditry Act whicl1 was proclain1ed for th e internal admm1strat1on of Eritrea. They denied the charges and pleaded not guilty.

Since the kind of offences and the means used to their corpn1ission and the date, n1ontb and Y�ar on \vhich the offences were con1mitted is expounded in the tvvo page charge sheet and since re\vriting it is tin1e consu1ni11g, ,ve held that reading the charge sheet dated Dec. 4, 1962 G. C. would suffice. The charge sheet is attached to this docun1ent.

After \vitnesses were l1eard on these charges, tl1e High Court passed a death penalty 011 the t hree defendants. Tl1ey launcl1ed an appeal to the Supren1e I1n1Jerial Court pleading for the rever­ sal of the judgment which they claim is in1proper. Facts of tl1e ,\ppeal in Brief

Appellant's attorney submitted the· following for his clients:- That the .1st and 2nd defendants were bandits from beginning to end is not denied. They have admitted this.

I-Io1,vever, the defendants have not admitted to the rest of the counts n1entioned in the charge sheet. Adequate evidence and testimony was not adduced agains� the�. That the Public �rosc­ cutor produced thirteen witnesses in the lower court and that the ir testimony \Vas heared IS not A.mongst tl1ese were:- eigl1 t policernen, two n1agistrate judges and three �the: people wl10 contested. belonged to none of these categories. That the Prosecutor made these people testify 1s true. _The defend ants, however, wrongly admitted to t 1e alleg�d �barges after they were �pprehended � e ring the torture awaiting thenl. They also adn1Itted tl11s 1n dread before the magistrate after i� eing captured and taken by the police to the san1e. �h�ir forced admission should no t be enfc:,rc�d especialI_ y in such serious criminal charges. and backed by adequate t sen Ad 115sron should con h t vvi_ de ma 1s It en wh · s ly on en id ta.k val be a teSh1!nlony and evide.nce an d 11ot when it is made tinder coercion.

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. O 2 ·· N . .. IX L O V W A L N . IA P IO TH E JOURNAL OF

. the 1st defe11dant was ac , red inju was gzi G/E ar 1 Tin o W/ h. . t i.e. w :! co 1 th the Un d_ e r 8 t � I:i 1 o e see l t n d person becau s� m. i1t. I cot11dn't _ _ . 1 2 def end a st e t s I f pan:ed by another person. n w1t es . on _ s uti o s sec wa pro the 1st i.e. tl1e husban d f y on tim tes s thi ave g r darl�7 s �. T� da�k 11ess. lf e st_ate? tl1e testimoi \ tl1e n t da . f i 11 de e11 1st . the fied nti � ide � V ;.; ;i�1 e t 1 t he d e b e ma ny l lll s of on tl1e t e e t o st 11s 1 r c fo o bJ 1 ns t so ·ea 1 e 1 tl ed ain pl d ex ly ltld ot of pr d an � se �� :ftJ:�u�s the said witnesse s. .

Legal arguments raised

the t i11s aga endants, tl1ey should def red !,ea s wa )' 1on tin tes nt cie sttffi t t11a lds bo urt Co he t Even if y enc erg for the em in rn d inte i1ne cla pro 7 195 of t Ac try �di Ba the er und not ed ish pun be .ged and con,,icted i11 the Higl1 Court al admi­ but unde r nistration of Erit rea under \vhich they were cl1a1 Ethiopian Law. The cited .A..rt. 3 of Order No. 27 of 1962 to�etl1e� witl� the Etl1_iopian C?nstitution and , be of tl11s said t_hat even if 011 uss1 d1sc f1ed s n intc an r Afte a. iopi Eth of e Cod al Pen of tl,e 6 . Art pun1sl1ed under the 1st and 2nd appella11ts are found guilty of tl1e cri�es charged, !l1ey �hould . be . l 1n detai ned 1 _ expla They sl1ould not and c1!ed I h whic s ision prov Ethiopian Law according t o tl1e . Act y ditr Ban tl1e 1.e. rged cl1a e wer they ch wl1i law the er d be punishe und Sjnce no evidence was adduced against the 3rd appellant. and that h e was working and residing at his home in peace was testified, I pray the cot1rt to order acquittal to the said ap­ pellant.

Public Prosecutor's reply Since three of the appellants denied the charges and pleaded not guilty \.vl1en the charges stated in the charge sheet were read to them in turn, the Public Prosecutor produced \Vitnesses and made them testify on the various courts. Since the words of the witness es are contained in the document in the High Court and since repeating tl1e1n l1ere \VOt1ld mean wasting the Court·s time, I ref, er the court to the said document.

The appellants' attorney allegation that the testimony adduced in evidence again st tl1e defend­ ants was on.e which they adm.itted in the Police station and the magistrate court is incorre ct. The Public Prosecutor bas explained case by other various witnesses. Tl1e people who were injured and plu.ndered by the defendants have also testified. His plea that defendant's admission under coercion should not s tand valid is \vrong since their words were all given with their consent. Referring to the similiarities betwe e.n their statement in the Police station _and the magistrate court and the testimony of witnesses on the various charge s would serve as evidence to this.

Hence, it is a valid testimony since it was made witl1 coercion from neither the Police nor the m�gistrate. This !ssue was_ raised in the Higl1 Court by the same people. It was only after the High Court exanuned the issue and was convinced, tl1at it passed a judgment upon them .

The_ attorney claimed tha� it was not testified against the 3rd appellant. That he was innoc nt e was testified by the .defense witnesses. It was, however, a.fter all this was considered tl,at a sent nce e was passed upon him. He prayed the ·court to examine and understand tl1is also.

The Public Prosecutor's reply to the legal arguments raised by the Attorne}' The banclit appellants committed these crimes when the Eritrean constitution was in force. b �i�l� � ef t� 0rder 27/62 of t_he Ethiopian Negarit Gazetta spe fically mentions th e l ci aw; w i and � laws whic3:t _are in foi:ce. As it was rn tto s a nt' appel • la . e point f ed the out by o 10' a ;� .1 s �· r t o · 'Z:� in force oi:iginally cannot be given any lJJ ,,jw, G:� validity. Thus the Bandit ry Ac ;:,:.a 11 mr.aeJ,i W.<HlG.J.'1 the_v rr1er · ...:, tT · e "b "' arged • has bee-n e11ec a-: ted 1n · its · appropriate pla' ce. J •� �� .ali>,nnt, tlie law which was repealed by Art. 6 of the• Penal Code, about th e on; ��er�,-me�t 0f the l aw, about laws in general and ·about the differenc es t,e twee ,. If£,.' a -��wa � Q{uet aiws lQ demi].

�� !"'c, f::tat.

336 ' ..




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q q




ENIG·MA OF ERITREAN LEGISLA TI· O'N - AP PENDIX J-Ie explai11ed Jh�t t l1e Pro clan1ati?n under which tile app..1lants w�re charged \Va_s said that the l aw cited by tlle defense attor ._. and n atio ey as irrelevant to thi s proclam e J-Ie therefore prayed the Court to dismiss the a p�ar an; to con6rm t?. t_ h e cha · tl�e I-Iigh <=;ottrt for 11 e felt that th� i� the111 upon �; ourt rendered the d1c1s10.n pas_ .d 1ns t1tu aga ted s ins cha t the rge apJ Jell ants luI y. am 1n1n0"' the c ion of the docunicnt Court's vie,v and exan1inat .· f The argun1ent.s raised by the a1Jpcll ants• and the respondent 'are. 1n · b 11e · · n o f the witnesses fron1 what we got \1/e shall de1nonst1ate ti1e con d1t1o in the Not only did the 1st and 211cl appella11ts admit to the criminal I 1, .ge ofp the charge sheet but it \vas also testified against tl1em It l1 a� :;s "llant's ittorney that they \Vere bandits fron1 the tin1e th�y ·sta, rte.d ti � p � a 1e1r . d \Vere app1.,_!1e. nde I,;

. a �p� al 1 cr1n11na l judgn1ent after ex-

as stated l 1ereinabove document llereinunde�:

• n d _10 ent1o • o. l( a) �een a� n11 te rb t he band.1try acl sc t1·11Y tI 1cy l

Appellant's attorney argues that tl 1c fo ll o\ving have some merit in so far as the witn�sses go. 1) 1-\dn1ission upon coercion should not stand valid.




That was testified \Vas \vhat tl1ey admitted and the witnesses were Policemen and judges in the magistrate court. There ,vas no other person \Vho satisfactorily testified against them. In sucl1 seri_ous criminal �barges the staten1ent . of the police or the magistrate is not enougJ1 to . pass a Judgn1ent against the charged. _This should also be proved by other adequate evidence.. l-Ie presented these argun1ents 111 the name of all the defendants and pleaded . that no Judgn1ent shoul d be passecl under the circumstances.

The 1st Prosecu�ion ,vit?ess who_ w�s the husband of the injured, i11 testifying on sub-No. (g) of the 8th count, sa_,d that 1n the m1d111ght of the day ,vhen \V /0 Timar was injured, there ,vas the 1st defendant \V1th son1e other 2nd person. I-le testified that he has ide11tified the 1st defend­ ant. He also confessed that he was unabl e to see \vho the 2nd person \Vas because of the dark­ ness. The attorney argued that this testin1ony ca1111ot be trusted as it was equal ly difficult to dis­ tinguish who the 1st defendant \Vas.

It might have been that the defence attorney has forgotten, but otherwise it was proved in evidence that the 1st prosecution \Vitness \Vas able to distinguish and identify the 1st defendant because 1) he knew hin1 prior to that day 2) in the mid-night of the day when his \Vife \vas tinjured, he sa,v the defendant through a fire - l ight which ,vas burning in the house \vherc the crime was c on1n1itted. The defendant was asking for food then in the same house.

Appellants' attorney argued that on the day when the 1st and 2nd defendants were captured, they did not fire bullets. TJ1ey were captured \Vith their arms sleeping in the bushes . 'fhc defense attorney also argued that the allegation that these defendants fired bullets against the police \vas an unfounded one. The 8th prosecution \Vitness \Vl10 ,vas there as a group l eader of the pol ice cs tified that it ,vas only after the defendants began firing that the poiice fired and captured them.

That the defendants ad1nitted to the crimes as charged in the rest of the counts stated_ above at notes 1, 2, 3, and 4 of this document \Vitl1 consent was testified not onl y �Y the policy but also by the n1agistrate judges. Th e attorney's argument_ that �he_y were forced 1s thus countered. \Ve� thus reject appellants attorney all egation that their adn11ssi on ,vas not backed by �deguate ' for 1:ass1ng Judg­ testimony and that ad inission on the part of the charged woul? not be enough as t�1� one. Our n1ent specially \Vhen the a ll egedly cominitted crime is of a serious nature such rea�on is that the testimony of the JJeOJJie who were victims of th� danger and. sufler1ng on tl1e v�n ous counts did accord \vith the admission of tl1e defendants. Since the specific wor_ds of the W1tnes�es are clearly slated in the document found in the High. Court, we h�ve refrained from rep eating them here because reading tbat ab ov e ,vou ld suffice for its understanding. uld t co ur is co d th ne iso pr in1 e. ar d a� es elv n1s t11e Since the 5th an d 4tll witnesses are criininals hav e no faith .in what they say. He, therefore l1as rejected their testimony. • l Alfe wl 10 no w is the ae ch mi • Ze st ain ag d ear h He aI so argued that since no test1n1ony was . . g to su�-sc� ct.·1on(b� an d in rd (3rd defendant h 1 ld b e ac u •tt·ed The case J1owever, 1s that acco s ou . e sheet ' l1e and hi s not yet captured f r1ends carried a c) of 2nd a·n'ct rd 1 count of tql1e1 cl 1arg 3c

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. 2 'f0 1 lX . L O V W A L N IA P IO JOURNAL OF ETH .

d Ja. Signore lle ua ca eq d . A ad ro e th in ts lle bu · intly fired 1a . . rifle a11d otl1er armaments and JO . rig 1 · t 0 10 1 8 e m sa iis tl of s es oc pr e th ng ri du ad de ot sh as u w Drizia Marke e wealtl1 of tl1 ed ot lo d an d re ju in ve ha ey th Additionaly, that 1) Paulo Mare 11ki Franco Tirese and a _ l b t de d fe · t te an nd t m ad · s ly bu ful · � w nt ns e, t co ly on t 11o ��:s · ·s 1 s i 2) Maria Antonieta Mansine was 1 oe l s o w 1 nee the1r \Vords , l 1 pro�ec_u t 1 Lt l d an h 6t l1, 5t d, 3r d, 2n e th by ed also testifi ed, tl1e cou rt was lat d rre an co r ila sim re we ny 11o ti1 tes e tl1 of s rd wo of adn1ission a.nd tl1e convinc ed to take this as valid. To avoid this sort of . Ia'N l cia spe a s wa n tio ma cla Pro his h t d at too ers und However it is nts n1e end were made to it am two r afte s wa it 3, . in No ed t. issu con. troversy �n tl1e Banditry Ac t'iat it was proclain1ed. Since the Pe11al Code was in force durii1g tl1ose days, it was decided by tl1e Parliame nt of Eritrea on TaJ1sas 23, 1959 G.C. and was affirmed by His Imperial Majesty's representa tive on Ter 4, 1960 G.C. that Art. 56(2) be replaced by articles 79-83 - refer to Art. 2 of the 2nd amend­ ment. Since all laws of this nature were made to operate by A1·t. 6 of Order 27/62, we hold th. at tl1e B.anditry A.ct is still in force. S.ince we Y.1ere netiher convinced in Jaw nor in evidence and testin1ony to take the arguments raised by the attorney \.Ve l1ave given greater credit to the l e gal as well as evidentiary arguments that bas been raised by the Public Prosecutor. .

We have thus affirmed the decision of the Higl1 Cout whicl1 was re11dered after close exami­ nation and anal�rsis of the case a.nd h ave dismissed tl1e appeal. This judgment was read 4th of July 1964.


heard in the Chilot in the presence of both parties, today the

The appellant's attorney has, however, repeatedly informed the co11rt 'both orally and in \VTitiag that the words given by the appellants in the High Co11rt u11der oatl1 should be gi\·en greater ,veigbt than the words which tl1ey gave 11nder coercion.

He has produced no evidence to prove that they were coerced. Not only did the Public Prosecutor m,ade witnesses testify that the appellants have admitted vvith consent but has also produced witnesses whose testimony accorded \.Vith the admission of the appella.nts.

The case was examined under tl1js condition. The attorney prayed tl1 e cotii·t to take the ,vords of tl1e de�endants under oath for be felt that tl1ey were n1ore i111portant and trustworthy than the words which were alleged to have been given with consent.

Since we could not trust. th e wo�·ds of tl1ese c rimi11als more tt1an the testi111on)' of pro sec�tio n witnesses, we hold that sufficient testimony was heard agai 11st tl1e 3rd defendant on tl1e. cr1n1es charg.ed. About the Legal Arguments raised.

Appellants' attorney argue.ct that the Law and Proclao. 1.ation. ,vl1ict1 was had a federal government was repea.led after Order No. 27/62 was isstlc.d.


rea Erit en 1 wl force

e tb�r Witl the 1 e� ce p�ion of the �nes retained by Order No 27/62, e Sinc . .. all are repealed ve cti 1s no P!oclamat1on issued according to Order 27/62 renderi, eff e 1g tile Bru1 ditry A.c t of J 957 . and valid, ,tlite appe!lants should not be pt1nished tinder this Banditry Act. He also argu ed that . Z 27/6 as of the time that 1t was effected on November 15, 1962, the onl r y law in force is Orde

!he Public Prrosecutor bro tight i�to light that Art. 6 of Order No. 27/62 talks abou t rbe . . . :sJ,�g 1�-ws alil'.? about Jaws wht?h e� are in force. In line witl1 tl1 e argt1mcnt raised by the At�orn_ey, t 1o 'Sllitd t t'ha� ,s same Order gt�es no value to the law t t\liri: n o C s enacte d w h en the Eritrean 1u d � . �m iorc;;e. Slaee Art. 7 of thJ� same law states that unt lW� ep ea �ed ane are il the the y .r tim tha e t a: lt.eD _e.e.i' 8� Jaws 10 �� ena�ted in the future all proclan1ations cb v.,b i ns s and re u]atio f§J� fer Uatt a':<mitm.:stnat1mn. sball _s!, and valid either in part �rlaw ag�1;� t no cou ld in 'wliole . !e whJC W.i& ·�-,e mr�e- ntJ t•nait th:e laws which are said to be nece \vs Ja 88 . r ' -6 d all , rw,-� q f0'F1:e �\t�ieg th e fe:_aeJ(aij g0·Mernment ,of Eri trea are invalid :;Y 0; �i�=�b:r' 10, 1963-

338 • ,


sa m e Order 27 of 1962 has proclaimed that al th is of 6 l required laws should remain Art ar th gu at un e� l rn es �y s th Atto e req�ired laws ar e legally enacted Th e . e· or c , the laws, procla­ .JJl f, · wh we ich tio re ns r fo eg 10 rc ula e du rin g the Eritrean federal govenment ar e all and s o au invalid rn � vcrnment has, however, felt that the Banditry Act was a necessity and has cited part� those who were charged for banditry. all t agains �ct !r�he No. 27 of 1962 and tl1� Band!try Ac t of 1957 The statu s of Order be ing as explained herein­ . the tha 19 say t 57 Pr t oc lam can at1on which was 1n force during the Eritr no ean federal abOve,mon e is invalid and unnecessary. goven ent The appellants' attorney argued �hat a?Cording to Art. 6 of the Penal Code of Ethiopia his r ight to present their cho1c� for t11� Jaw under wl1i the hav e ts clien e urther argued that the Penal Code was m f�rce 1.n the federal ch they should �e punished. f government of Eritrea at the def we end cl1a rged for this .crime. He added that even if they s . re � tun�s when the cha antcri are to be the me rge y , sho d t1ld be punished under the Penal Code of Ethiopia which uni hed for the p u d mitigate their punishment and not under the Banditry Act of 1957 which is inconsiderate and wo l · · d ges equity. one which l eaves no room for JU }le also said that the Act was an emergency proclamation. It was not meant to remain in force in the future. As it was expounded in the repl y of the Public Prosecutor, Art. 6 of the Penal Code of Ethiopia which talks abot1t tl1e enforcen1cnt of the favourable law is referring to general l aws and not to special la\VS. Art 3 of the Penal Code of Ethiopia talks about special Jaws. It states ''nothjng in this Code shall effect Police regu lations and special law of a penal nature."

It states that when it is not specified that these are. special laws, the basic r �les of the Penal Code shall be enforced. We could have taken the claim of the attorney had 1t not been that Police regulations and special laws are unaffected.

Appendix II B Criminal Appeal No. 36/64 High Court Criminal Appeal No. 59/62 Megabit 12, 1962

Judges: Doctor Iyob Gabrechristos Ato Berhe Scquar Sheik Gil1ider Mohan1med Kamil Appellants:

Warassi Eku begabr Tesfan1icheal Advocate Alo Tikabo Misgina 2. Hidrimikael Woldehaimanot Hailai 3. Ghilai Tewoldeberhan \Voldeselassie Respondent: The Public Prosecutor, Ato Mohammed Ali 1.


" " ,. ,,

Judgment The facts of the case are as follows:

1. This cas� was initial})' based on a cb arg e filed by the publ ic prosecutor on T ikemt 21, 1962. Howeve r since that was altered and presented before the court in a revised form on Megabit 15, 1962, the former is hereby replaced by the latter one. The charges against the defendants arc divided into the folJowing five parts. TI1e three defendants were presented f01. vi·o]ating Articles 2 and 3 of tl1e Banditry Act, 1957 (G.C.) in that · Tcr 1959 until his of nth n1o the m fro t a. the first defendant was presented for his nts as well as da fen de rd thi d arrest on Mcskcrem an d on sec hc h� t · \Vt ny 15 for roaming, in con,pa

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JOUR'NAL OF ET HIOPIAN LAW - VOL. IX -1'1'0. 2 o _ p lace t place in from the . ces, accompli t-large Governorate t'll1 s ao d d e with some, ful�y-am1 . . en ol vi of c ts ac g. in itt e m m co of e os rp pu e General of Eritrea with t he spec�t fi g min u11d roa aro the western lo w t it1 par his for . . ted sen pre was t n da fi d e d n la} nds e b:, T he s'ec� , h s ts d rst en def ird th t an dan a we J fi ny witl1 e pa com T!l in rea Erit of ce in o, pr en s1 as am H · , . . and tlie a s os e rp c ifi pu o ec e r. h sp f t r io comm s, 1ce pl m co 1tt1 ac ng crim es with other ·rully-armed and still-at-large of violence. und the western lowlands and aro g min roa h wit e� arg h c s wa ant end def d thir e the c. •Tll : · s ant nd o and sec defend t firs as tl1e by well as wi'th ied pan om acc ea r · t ·i· r E. r o · ce 1n ov r p. 1en s s . Hama . · 1ng es ·tt m1 crim com o f o f violen ce. � pos pur the h wit , ded hen pre nap u l stil es plic om other acc : · nt nda defe . o nly. As was charged with t firs the st agin ed itut inst was e h arg c nd ieco _ ·2. T�e violating the above-cited Banditry Act · 1n that he, on Guenb ot �4, 1961 at 15.03 hours, and in league witll some fully-armed and as yet-unapprehended accompl1ces, brought a sataye. and tru ck bus to a halt at the 58th kms. on tl1e A_s�ara-Kerei;i road an?, by_ f�rce and threat of force, robbed Eth. $ 45.15 from the Sataye Assoc1at1on as well as .various items and money from the passengers .


3.- Th e tl1ird -charge is also against · the first defendant. The ,defend�nt was cha�ged for contrav:e­ niog the above-cited Act in that he, on Guenbot 27, 1961, at 7 o clock, 10 leagu.e with three . bandits an.d other fully armed accomplices, brought, by force and threats o.f force; seven goods lorries to a halt, ransacked them all and ran away with the robbed watches, money and golden attractive items.

i •

4. Th e fourth charge is also levelle.d against th e firs t d efendant. The charge aga.inst him was t�t he, ou Ham le 17, 1961, at . about 15.30 h o urs, in company with four of his still-at-large ·armed accomplices, Ordered a Sataye bus to stop at the 58th km. on the Asmara-Keren road, killed one of its passengers, Lt. Makonnen Mebrahtu, and robbed, by force and threat of force, other ,dassengers of their money and radios . 5. The fifth �h arge was against all the three defendants for their violation of Articles 2,3, 5(3) tf the 1957 Banditry Act, in tl1at they, on Meskerem 15� 1962 at 6700 l1ours, in company v.�th owo armed and as yet-tin-apprehended bandits lying in wait to commit armed robbery, opened fire on police commandos, and in tl1e cotirse of the ensuing gun-duel, the defend ants were a.ppre­ hended with the second defendant sustaining an injury. Weapons seized upon tl1em inclt1ded a long­ barrelled rifle (Minicluir) from the first defendant, a ma11t1ally-operated flover from the second defendant and a. hand grenade f ram th e third defenda nt. The sum of Etl1. $ 45.00 \Vas also found on the body of the first defe11dant. II. Upon the Hig:h Court'_s asking the accused as to whetl1er they wot1ld plead gu.iJty or �ot, the first defendant pleaded guilty to the first, second and third charges wl1ile pleading not guilty to other ch.arges. Pleading not guilty to all tl1e cl1arges, th e secon d and third defe11dants further claimed that they were forced to follow tl1e defendant-bandits and when tt1e police comn1andos opened fire on them, the bandits to ok to their feet leaving tl1eir weapons behind. The police erroneousJy thot1ght _tl1at the weapons left behiJ1d belonged to us, whereas in fact, tt1ey \Vere not. I·n an attcn1pt to expla! n th� charges and cot1�ter tl1e argt1ments of the· defendants, tli e pt1blic prosecutor �ailed prosecution witnesses wl1ose test1mon� was, then, taken dow11 by t11e court. Witll tl1e except10� of the first defend.ant, the second an.ct tl11rd defendants ha,.,e called defence wittless es who l1ave testified before the court. , Having �eard an d taken down tl1e testimony of ,1 11 witnesses lar reg u it_ s in Co urt , II igh tl e 1 session of Ttkemt 9, 1964 made �nd recorded the foilowin_.g jLldgn 0• 1ent in its criininal register � 59/62. The first defen_dant, Warass1 �kubega�r, who in compan hce s mp acc o y ed 111 wi . fu1 tll Iyoth ar er a mb�sh ed and commrtte?, from his JUIJgle l11de-o uts, acts of terror an d robbery against Com .mul �rs, _ and 1� th� cours� of which he killed Lt. Makonr1en Mebrah g gin han by tu \Vas sentenced to death for v10Jat1ng Art1cles 2, 3, 5 (2) (3 ) of the Banditry Act, al 19 5 7, an d Ar t. 52 2 (l ) (a) of tl1e Pen Code. ' But Hidrimi�ael Wolde�airnanot, th e second d d thi f the efe ndant an d Ghilai Tewoldeberh �n, defenclant, �ho 1n leagu� with th e fir t d fen '. re fi d e · nt op an e d � � o r the accomplices still-at-large, � � 0n tb p .l1Ge Wi�© surp�1sed th em h1 le lyi ng m wait and preparing to commit acts of vrolenCC � � ';' , anjl Fo.brery ag�1nst _1orr1es on the hi hway, and . eap on we re later apprehended along with their w � PJ.it0llQ�ed guilty for contraveni?ng Article w ch ea s 2 and 3 of th.e 1957 Banditr d an A ct ·y ' · · J,etr�� tei fi.'v.e rears of rigorous impr isonmen : t. 3',j 'iEl}e �e �ndants aJ;)pealed against to rt . cou tbi s judgment and the record IS before this e,� lei1 �rtt.S er the ap�.

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ENIGMA OF ERITREA.N LEGISLATI ON - APPENDIX . . Although . t�� ground_ of appeal of tl1e second and third de.fen . da nts , as per their Jett:ers of agains t wl1at they 101tiall y c o nsider ed to b he lower court's excessi_ve a\vard of al ,vas aPPfsh� ent, tl1ey subseqt1e11�ly changed their minds at thei: �rSt appearence before thi s c our t. and guilty not to all of charg es plea again he st them . ��:red t (I) The first defendant_ tl1rougl1 l1is counsel pleaded g - 1 0 th: charge of banditry and _ rob­ lY / � \ ied den i but ibil respons ty for 11e m urder f L . M a onnen. Mor bef)' ,v ith violence e o ver, he clain1ed . of 1957 ,vas Act repealed try by the subsequent JUd�nlent of the Superem that the Bandi e Imperial 21, 1963 Sene on wl1ich red appears io t·l1e Court s record No. 74/63. Court delive :,· ·· . He further claimed that the lower cot1rts are required to f011ow, to ArtjcJe 15 of proclamation No. 195/55, the decisions o f the liigher cour ts. (2) �]though the appellant, _\\'arassi f:k�begabr, was neither charged nor brought to task bY al l101n1c1de under Art· 52" "- (I) (a) of the penal Code ' we are · the pubhc prosecutor for intention · , , · 11 court s dec1s1 on to convict him under that Article. amazed by the I.�1g (3) Besides its blun der in co nvicting J1in1 tinder tl1 e 1957 Banditry Act , tl 1e I ower court erre . d ,.n t �ui·1tY_ un der A rt. 5 �2) (3) of the Act. This is because, although the , e appe11" in fin d"1ng th defenda nt \\as a?"ested with 111s _\veapo n, he did deny opening fire on the police and ' moreover' there \Vere no ,v1tnesses who testified t o the contrary.

(4) The pub!ic pr ?ecut r made . a statem en_t to tl1e effect t hat since the preponderance of � � conclusi vely estabhsl1 that the first appellant has violated Arts. 2,3, _ evidence ,vr1tten_ and 01al both � (2) (3) of the Banditry Act, 195 _7 as we!I as Art. 522 (1) of the Penal Code which make J1im liable for the death penalty and since Articles 2 and 3 o f the Act under which the second and third defendants were prosecuted provide for an imprison ment of no Jess than ten years' he prayed the court to affirm the penalties imposed up on tl1e three appellants. (5) Having heard the arguments on both sides and examined the records, we have, in Jaw made the following decision:

. _(i) By its decision t o base the conviction of the first defendant upon the public prosecuto r's original charge of Tekemt 21, 1962 which involved Art. 522 (1) (a), unaware o f the fact - that the charge was aband oned and appeared in an altered form o n Megabit 15, 1962, the J Jigh Court committed a serious error in law.

(ii) If it is proved that the second and third defendants were in fact arrested along with their weapons after the shout-o ut with tl1e poJice and if the intention was to invoke the Banditry Act of 1957, the defeaants should have all been charged, convicted and sentenced to death under Art. 5 of the Act. But the public prosecutor did n o t institute the proceeding under Art. 5 but rather under Articles 2 and 3 of the Act. In passing the guilty verdict and sentencing the defendants to only five years imprison m ent when tl1e law caUs for no less t11an ten years, the J-Jigh Col1rt has clearly violated the law.

a. While adm itting to the Banditry charge as well as t o acts of robbery and terrorism against the li�e and property of the population, the first defendant denied killing Lt . Makonne·n. Moreover, the witnesses made the follo win g conclusive t est imony. Ordering the bus to come to a halt, the �andits, then asked the passengers to disem bark. The first defendant climbed into the bus, osten­ sibly, for a routine check. Lt. �1akonnen was, meanwhile, standing at tl1e entrance to the bus. On his descent from the bus Lt. Makonnen and the first defendant were involved in a scuffle with th� Licutoant striking the latter ,vith his cane while, at the same time, c_rying out f or help. A certain Tsehaye, a teacher by profession, a11d police commando cons�abl�, picked up . the first d_efendant's rifle from the ground a11d, after trying but failing t o fire with 1t, ran away 1n . posses­ sion of the rifle. In the n1eantim e on e of the com panion's of the first defendant shot and killed Lt. 's nt lla pe t ap firs the r e ov rec to er ord !n ees �akonnen. The four bandits, then, 'ran after the two escap rifle and returned \.Vith the same short interval ]ate:. On their return, the first defen1,�nt got hold of a stone and with tlle exclam atory words ''th.1s �'as th e o ne who arrested me. dashed the forehead of the deceased, and fled witl1 tl1e items thus r obbecl. to_ th e char�e of y ilt t gu no ed � ple d ha s nt da fen de ven though the second and the third E banditry for eleven and six days respectively, it was, Iiowever, test1fi_ed and conclus1vely establ1sh�d by the. prosecution that, o.t tlle' tim e of their arrest flagrante deli_c�o, botl1 defendants were in latter, a hand e d th an , on it1 un m am f o o ds un ro d io P ssess n of weapon : -tlr1 e "orm - ':"'tl 1 1 a rille an eir captors, th to ed itt m ad , st re ar r ei th j of J� ren e � tim . �t ti 1ey had g ade as well as a n _ , on t a n s it ,:va e tim no at t Bu . its . nd ba a ording to t, fac � in y' , ere I i , t b ,at the < 1 ct _.10n cvJ d cnce the prosecu cc

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police. 'No.r was it testified tl1a.t the first defenda nt did the

testil. 1led that they opened fn·e on . t. es rr a is h' f o e m ti 1e tl t a e sam d Jy. rio os� 1·y pe ra 1p? It eo s . wa a r fo nt pro_mulg ated ea m s wa 57 1� of t . Ac : y itr nd Ba c. Tl1e _e tl1at t e preset1t P� al Code d n1 be t o_ n� !c ca wh It � g, � t1:1 h is in be � _ 10 s wa : n tio ra de Fe e when th . y g n. �t1 1 nd r1u nc c ba __acts \Vi1 rle 7 6j .. t Ar -. 011 1s1 ov pr a ns tai on c _ . , pia hio � Et � t ou gll Arts. force throu ed ict nv co du of 1v1 t 1n� en als such as the pr1sonm 1m tl1e or l f . r cal t Ac try nd Ba 57 19 e th of 3 2 and 5 �f tl1e sa�e A�t I?r?v1des, the reservatio Art. s, )'ear ten t leas at to nts nda defe third n second and s ted ual vic con 1n.d1v1d t ins aga l1 y suc ialt per th as the first dea the for , ing and hst wit not ges jud of the defendant.

d denie be th� e�u�l protec tion of shall 011e ''[n]o that states n itutio const the of 37 d. Art. II be sl n<? nati r1m1 l1e!e d1sc . ''[�] tl1at on amongst ares �ecl , part its for 38 t\rt. e �� wl1il . ws'' t.: the 1 Ethiopian subjects with respect to the enJoy1nent of all c1v1l rights. In add1t1on_, Art. 54 stipulates tl:iat ''[p] unisl1ment shall be personal," while Art. 1_22, on tl:e ot11er �nd, states tl1at ''[t] he p resent revised constitution, togethe r with those international treaties, conventions and obligations to which Ethiopia sl1all be party, shall b e the supreme law of the Empir e, and all future [eglisation decrees, orders, judgme nts, decisions and acts iJ.1consistent tl1erewitl1, shall be null and void."

Having, the refore, exan1ined the records and found that the first defendant, though not res­ ponsible for the t akin g of ht1n1an life was, however, on the run for tl1ree years robbing, and committing acts of terror and cruelty; and having, in addition, gati1e red from the records that the second. and third defendants were on tl1e run, respectively, for e leven and six days, and fur­ thermore, convinced that tl1e interest of justice would best be served and the constitution uph.eld if this case is exa m ined under the provisions of the Penal Code rather than under the 1957 Banditry Act, we have, accordingly, made tl1e following judgment. We have found the second. and tl1ird appellants guilty under Art. 637(1) (a) of the Penal Code and confirm tl1eir sentences of in1prisonn1ent passed by the lower court.

We have found the first appellant guilty under Art. 637(2) and, as such, sentence him to rigorous imprisoI1ment for life.

This judgment is given this day of Megabit 12, 1964 by a majority decision of the court. Dissenting judge, Ato Berl1e Sequar The following is the minority opinion


the court:-

!\1y points of disagree1neot with. my brotl1er justices arise from my contention that the charge under which the defendants were prosecuted and the High Court's decision, based on that charge, to convict and sentence the defendants was not an error.

Altboug� it is comrno1� kno\v1edge that the appellants were responsible for the co111n1ission �f acts of banditry and terrorism , tl1e Supreme Imperial Cotlrt clecided ·by a rnajority vote, to consi­ d�r th e case ur1de r the 1957 Penal Code rather tha11 u11der the 1957 Banditry Act. TJ1is was des­ pite the fact the defendants were prose.cuted and tl1 e Hicrl1 Court convicted and sentenced the fi:rst appe]lant to deatl1 by hangi11g, and tl1e second and th; third defet1dants to five )'ears iIDP­ ri_so�ment . This Court qua.shed_ the deatl1 p�nalty and com1nt1ted it to life in1prisonn1ent while con·d an 2 . Arts of victing the secon.d and the third defend.a11ts under Art. 637 of Penal Code ir1 line 3 of the Banditry Act, but nevertheless, confirmi11g tl1e lower court s award of pttnisl1n1ent. 1

The facts of the case are as follows:

As the public prosecutor's ch.arge s ancl tl1e majority opinion of the cot1rt have clearly spelt it. o_ut, g io the present appellants appeared before the High Court on Tikemt xaro e �0 court� after 21, tl1e and r c�wges l-5 _ preferred against them under the 1957 '.Banditry Act uto sec pro public the inst ruct ed : !r e th stxth charg_e by basing it ly lute exclusively on the Bauditcy Act and detaching it abso �� � . _ s rt a ode ou Pr? v1s1o C nArt. t�e 522( 1) (a) -covering aggravated homicide. Following � tar· a rt ,et';-� e: t e u,bltc prose cuto� reframed. the �har tu ge and filed it before the court, which,. LI? fl:1 : ran· �� � � e . � it , ce on �egabite 15, 1962. Finally, e g on 1 dec1s_ . deoiits � when the : announced court i spir, e:-d �fill ."' · at e cet!ll't failed to take note of the charge revised on Sene 15 and basing its · 511-st �Jt;SQJ ,., •a�t��" �b@�rly en tire earlier charge, fou�d all e d.e.fendants guilty. The c�urt, in e abfo0k th rf :e 11 .ti�e lillst a1,i�ellan:t and s�tencmg him to death, singl ed out . the fact tha t b�111[J)i-­ . ff �a� �hte� 80 Pd }iears and, 1111 co11:1pany with 0tl1.e r accomplices still on the run,�under" f}j · · es .e1 via1Cl'Iee and tenor. llhey roamed at leisure from palce to place, p





342 -




' !\





mmitting act s of violent rob be ry co and g t' again s t r1 Joo jog�ie :oreover, on Ha ml e 17, I 961, at t he 58th kn1 . a1;: �f � rsons, passen ger-cars and goods 1a a - Ker en ro�d, t hey br?­ Jorr � bu to a stop and forced t he passeng e s rs to dis emba�k lLt � a � t . . onnen , a police officer m u g�11.a0 clothes, an d one of tl1e passengers w as involved in a · .' scuf�e �It� first app ellant -.vl10 c1vteml pting to \Vrest contro l of th e farmer' s pistol. The latter shout w!ls e at ou 10 r h elP to ot l1er b andits · cuffle' o� e Of t hem s t lie ensuring · tn , on shot and killed the Lieutena . \vbereup . n t. In addition, the e . an d , tn a clear ly mer . nt p icked up a ston a l el ap p cil"'"'ss act which, o nIY, \VI•id an1• fir 5t n1a 1 s ca n col the he l .out of t. he for\;;"'liead 0 f ti1 e d_ecea d -e k oc kn '· nd, mma sed and, eventually, m ade a\vay w it h tl . i 1e s h ed Fo r a t p . r i n thes� at ro c ious cr ro bb th us i em s e s, th t e first appellant was found guilty an d i m Th _ s ec . e ea on th d a nd th ? to ird appel lan ts we sen tenced re each found guilty under Arts. 2, 3 of Ba d n itry d ne ;\c t, an d C.'lch sentenced t o five year the aforementio s rigorous imprisonment. As for the a rgun1e nts a:lvanced _by both sid�s before this court, one is simpl y advis ed to r efer W de v ha co se1 t rd es s. pa e rti cu r l a r r t a tt e co n tio n, however, is the majority of court's to u opinio n to accept arguments ptit forward by coun se l for tl1e first appellant, quash tl1e sentence of d eath a wa r­ ded by the lowe r cour� _u nder th e B anditry Act an d sentence him, inst ead, to life imprisonment under the relevant prov 1s1o n of the Penal Code. Th e h on o urable ju_dges cited Arts. 37 .and 38 of the co nstitu tion which state, respe t y, ivel t hat c d be d l tl1e _ e sha u1� e _ l qu e a � n l rotect1o n of the laws", and "[a] o o that ''[t] J1ere should be no discrimi­ t h1o p1a sub n am ect � s �1tl1 respect to the eojoy n1ent of all civil rights". Th ongst E nation ey also cited 54 Art tl1e i ch wh . o f t par stip ul a tes tha t ''punishment shal l be person that al" as w e]! as A. rt. 122 the e tha e ''r vise t s ro d vid constitutio n .......shall be the supreme la w of the Empire, and all \vbicb p future legislation , decre es, orders, jt1dg ments, d ecisions, and acts inco nsistent there\v tith, shall be n ull and void ." H aving cit ed t hese provisions, the court pass ed on to exarn ine the recordes and, findi n g that the first app ell an t, though not r esponsible for taki n g the life of a l1uman bei n g, was for three years engaged in acts of brigan dage an d armed robb ery. Tl1erefore, co nv inced t hat it \>vould be both just and cons titutio nally valid to institute criininal proceeding s against the second and thircl defen­ dants under Art. 637(1) (a) of the Penal Cod e for their crimes of robbery and t error ism duri ng their eleven and six days, respectively, of Banditry, that Court sent enced the seco11d and third app ellants each to five years impriso nu1cnt, a od the first appe llant to rigorous imprisonn1ent for life.


Even if the l1 onoura ble judges saw it fit to cit e Arts. 37, 38, 54 ancl 122 of the c onstitution, it is c lear that both the public prose cutor a nd the I-Iigh Cot1rt have not, in violation of the �on ­ stitution, imputed to t he defen da nts any crin1inal act which they are not alieged to have committed. Neither the public prosecutor's in stitution of tl1e charge n o r tl1e High Co�rt•� �udgment ?as�d thereon constitutes either a de nia l of the rights of the accused, or an ac t JJreJud1cial . to �heir i nte rest, or the penalising of the accused for crin1es co1nn1itted by others. Hence my contention 1s that the 1nere citing of the cons titutional pro visiot1s by th e co urt is irrelevant and would serve qo useful pur1Jose.

Perhaps it may be helpful a ncl instructive to outlin e th e r easons for and_ the circumsta nces un­ der whi ch the Banditry A ct \Vas initially enact ed. The Ac t was pr o �ulgated 1n 1957 }G, C.). Alth­ ough the Eritrea n Penal Code for1nerly the Italian Penal Code, was 111 force when Er1tera \Vas un­ der Federal rule and that th� penalties provided by this co_de �re m re or . less the same as the �nt \Vl�1ch Arts. 628 and . 6 7 ones in the present EthioJJian Penal Code the s entence of 1mpr1so11mc �1e h t 111us deter to i ve ffect e (1) (2) (a) of these codes respectively JJro�id ed were, by an d large, in . rooming of band a nds, \vhich bro ught death and dest ru�t1011 on lowl d ' itry calls ' in the ju�gles• an · t 11e securi·i Of the in1'ants of the prov inc e and e l:r n a d property Y u whiJc generally u11dern11n 1ng • g st- 1 t'o th Chief retardi �g its eco�o mic growth. Alarmed by the gr?'vi�y of t�i� f�Sl-det �� f� �r o p� sal to :�� ���:: a . d �on, t tu i )t P Executiv e of Eritrea ' in vol<ing Ar t. 14· of th e Provincial Coo . rt . I 5 of the the E_ r1t� 1 n • An d \1/hen 1n accordanc e w1'th A · ean General AssembI y for its del'b i �:a t'o constitut10□, the E1npcror's a.sse11t was securc;d, the Act, re □ ated with sentences ranging fro m fi_ve year to life imprison n1ent as well_ a � th e cleal h P'.i n:lty: ca m;g. n t f �.. in 1957. Charges have since been preferred agains t alleg d cr1minales a nd pun1sh�i nents n:et� d �u�f�c; a ccordance with the Act. e · was final ly and fully united wit h Ethiopi a . · � And when Fed era l rule w as a bandon e d �nd Eriter 2 in Negarit Gazetta No. 96 1 her mother country, 15 b m o d e 1 Ord er No. 27 was pubhsl e�actment s, law s, an d regul a tions 1 ,,z :� 7 lo� l 0 22nd year._ Art. 6 of t he or?er rea ds �s . 3or ofparthe e denominated to be . of ar ich wh or �a • itr Er ts th�re�f which are presently in fore� v1_i(bin ary to t} 1e conti nu ed operati on s ces ne fe?er� l �pphcat1on, to is o f e er t n o i t extent that the app�ica the r ep lace d and rep er ly ess pr ex be l l a at existing adn1inis sh e �am e 1 t t rntions shal l u n ti l such time as " , f:r'. ' • ' ct 1 1 e 'ct aI ed bY subse an e rc 1o • · full · in quei1tly - cr1a cted leg1s lat1on, remain . . . . . . . their opin. It is true tha t in 1957 th e judges of t he �u reme I per 1 Court \Ver e as divide d 1 n t he con tinued app.liction of ed ur vo ion s a s we ar fa n � �� e ·' f!l _ ion, opin e a t present. ·at1t si11ce tl1e maJOI ity 1,,,

- 343 -


nim ed s, d u si eg re n p so fe al A c n V u e a th � i h ic h w r ou ve o 81Y n io ss se 's rt u . o C a r e th d an c se se o l _I th pro uted fo ct th B- and1't Act st in a g a ed a k o v in e b to . � d �at deci- sion the Act continued ct e, A er ry 1t w n o·n appeal, re�e�: a B 1e tl er d n u d � te ic v n co ts an d ei1 ef d f o s se ca ' e th r, ea d y 1e t rn i l as on e L af th . rt ; u co si ba er :Odi� w lo s of the e th by ed d ar aw ce en nt se e sed to and e:xamined and th Pen , aI Code. 1e also_, by their, judge�ent s, upheld !he \ ha rt ou C n­ co al ri pe Im e m e _ pr Su e th of ns io The later sess dec1s1on s to Court H1g convic t?e t and , ch su s a d n � � , ct A ry it d an B e th tinued enforceability of oper and not a cont raven­ pr as w ct A y r t_ d1 an B e th f .� sis ba sentence the present appellants on the by fa1I�ng �o examine th e P:e_sent case on th� basis of the ·tion of Act. 195/55. It is time that, d relying instead on the or1g1n,al cl1ar�e of T1kmt 21, 1962 an , 62 19 , 15 it ab eg M of' ge ar ch d revise ?e, the High Court Co l e na th P� ?f ) (� ) (1 2 52 rt. A as ll we as , ct A which encompassed the Banditry ht �1g er uld not have is ov co th of n 1o 1ss m m co e th t Bu . l1t sig er ov . us vio ob has certaioJy committed an. nt s sentence could not lla pe ap st fir e th at th 10 se ca t en es pr e th of materially affected the outcome makes , 62 15 ne 19 Se ,ich wh of ge ar ch th ur fo d ise rev e th have been made any more stiff. Afterall y itr nd Act, also makes Ba e th of (3) (2) 5, 3, 2, les tic Ar of ion lat vio s nt' lla pe ap st reference to th.e fir er his s oth of me cri ive ect esp , irr d the An . htu bra Me en nn ko Ma Lt. of r rde mu the mention of nd criminally res­ if fou th dea to d use acc the ce ten sen to t bu ve ati ern alt no court would have d tte no mi or of com err rt cou the t tha , ore ref the d, tte mi sub is It e. enc off ter lat the ponsible for h the to nt eac me ond son sec pri im rs yea e fiv of ard aw the for As ll. we as ard judgement in this reg , ent em even if ish ter pun ligh s thi rm affi to t bu tive rna alte no had ges jud the s, ant end def d and thir . a eal t to r app ains it uto sec pro lic pub the for is g it t tha d hol to they were by temperament inclined To this explanation a°:d general outline of th_e reasons for my dissent and my personal opin. 1.on on the matter, would J1ke to couple a suggestion to the effect the records of the case be forwarded to H. E. Vice Afenegus W'itha view to aiding the respon.sibJe officials to find a sol ulion to this controversial and vexing problem involving a Government's legislation.

Appendix ll C


Imperial High Court Criminal Appeal File No. 61 /67 Sene 28, 1964 Eth. C. Asmara

Ato Mahmu.d Nurhusen Ato Girma Kasa Appellants:

Gebregri Gebre Muse et al.


Public Prosecutor

Jodgement dur­ e ts Sometim dJords and el�ers of the villa�e Woreda. of Sebsa in Meraguz � ing ���l�� o�e C teff was tlle�Jly h�sted by unknown crimianals fr?� complainant Gebre �c���' e re s f:arm, located_ in .the v1IJ_age area called Seraw_. As est1m0 ated by assessors the teff. wa 8 .worlh Etb. $ 231. H.av1ng been given 15 days as requir ed by th · · . . d d3 Ac · t, t"-e ' ge eId·ers failed to prod ce " vil·la a ns . . the crimtna sec!1<? 1 � n �10Iated s. They have thus . n of the Collective Liability Act Of 19� • , issued dunng the era of tl1e Er1trean Adm1n1strat1o n a hav.e hence been ch·arged as accompltees and. brought befor e the Seraye Awraja Court. . The charge ha ·ving been read appe .. IIants did not deny the_ commission of the crime by un.k· is �wn criminals.. 'if:he public rosec�to/ has als'? e. r ch g the · pro�uced a on�e two support w1tnsses to is an: 3;J?p� frem the Sera�e A·wraJa court, imposmg, pursuant to the Act, an Eth $ 500 fine QRefla.nJs. , �'ell�ntsi, pxa�ed --t · · "' ed · "1e¥ shouJ� not h s bad u a be e en nt _co. n v1cted, SJft's�ns , ce "l complaina because sin � �J$(ijlJs wie.m ne �d re , ed th t t e that ese Police, � h. and pero Je since knew appellants � � nut in tie g�� texm:s �hb e the�e. pe Pof ., �;sillly !lave ��time' tf/f; -��Jl)l ainan_t, th?y had witnessed to the ef fect that c ®�1:'· The public pro secutor said that after the com:roi ss :i of Im ��� ft! tt<:tl� fiad ��st� · . for , ed ffl "3' SUS:f)eeted relea s persons. But these were

�6.; Eth'

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ENIGMA OF ERITREAN L·E GISLATI ON - APPENDIX ng been given t ime pursu �a vi den ce. i ev ant to tile Act, ough ppellants have failed to produce or therefore con tends ha . � eie criminals. Public prosecut t t JUdgment given by the Seraye Awraja Court �15 correct and must b e a ffirmed. \Ve have after exan1ining the file recog nized the teff to' b e worth1ess. We have al so understood useless was worth Eth. $ 231 , a5 esttm rendered teff the ated by assessors. that . . . . Nevertheless, appellants dtd not deny the commission Of • the crim e w1 th 1n their village. We ha. ve pursua n t to that the Act gnized they have o been given 15 days to produce the crin1 inals. al O rec perforn1ed their obliJtio n. B�t they have not This Act was enacted during the era of the Eritrean Ad m•_· n•st • rat10?· Its purpose was to deter the provin in ce, nals ,vho commit such crime� 1 the villa . unknown crimi ges_ Since such cr imes still c o ntend th we nce, i a t th i prov s Act must st•u 1 be xist in the !' ot accepted. Appellants are convicted for not pr oduc ing the ��i:ircej For this rea�on, the appea l i s a s a s w s re u1 ed by the Act. _ ma suspect d e , in nocen t citizens. It is unJ·ustifiab� to co n 1?v q : Instead, they had ct these innocent ct 1zens. on the basis of the reasons stated above we ha ve aff'irmed tie 1 Jud • gment of the Seraye A1rvrin Ter 30, 1964 Eth. c. ' aja Court delivered Copy of this jt1dgment shall be sent t o the Seraye Awr aja Court. This judgment is del ivered to-day Scne 28, 1964 E. c. by Majority opi nion. The following judgment is gi ven by the second judge Ato Woldu Berhe in di ssent of the majori ty opinion.


Judgment Defendants _have appe ared bef o '.e tl1e Ad iugri Awraja Court f or the violation of the Act of 1960. No. 9, ,vh1ch was 1n force_ dur_1n� the Eritrean Adn1ini strati on. Defendant s are elders of the village of the Sebsa . Tl1e Act 1s s_ 1m1lar to the traditi onal ''Awchachi" and ''Affersata'' law. On Tekemt 1_4, 1964 E. C. t�ff was 11legally _harveste� by u nknown criminals from co mpla in ant Ato Gebre M_1chael Geber . Ab s farm, l ocated 1n tl1e village o f Seraw in MeragL1z woreda. The elders of the village ,vere g1_ve� 15 days by the police to produce the criminals. Since tbey were not abl� to produce the cr 1m 111als, tl1cy were collect ively conv icted. The elders pleaded not guilty. Com­ pla1naot had produced the names of suspects before the Ad i ugri woreda police. \Vhen the elders were asked by the police, they said that these named suspctes probably are tl1e ones w.ho coffiJ11j. tted the crime, since tl1e edler s knew of a quarrel between the complainant and the suspects \vith regards to the farm land. Since the investigation made by the police, on the suspects became abor­ tive, they 1rvere set free. Instead defenda nts were fined Eth. $500 by the Adiugri Awraja Co urt. Defendants have appear d before the ·present court on appeal from the above decision. Even­ though there \.vas no issue as to the legality of the Act, it is important to the reasons why it is contradictory t o the consti tutution. Art. 54 of the constitut ion says punishcment is personal. It also states that no one shall be punisl1ed except as provided by la\.V and only after he has been con­ victed of an offence con1mitted by him. Since the constitution is the supreme law of the country, any present o r future 1aw must be consistent therewith. 1-Iowever, Order No. 27/55, Art. 6 that, all enactments, la\v s and regulations or parts therefore which are prese11tly in force within Eritrea or which are denon1inated to be of federal applicatio n, to the extent that the application thereof is necessary t o the continued 01Jeratio 11 of existing adn1inistrations, shall, until such time as the san1e shall be expressly replaced a11d repealed by subsequently en acted legislation, ren1ain in full force and effect, and existing administrations shall co ntinue to implement. a�d �dminister the same under the author i ty of ti1e Imperial Ethio pian Government. The order 1s Just 1fiab_le, _because unles s the la\.vs and regulat io ns wh ich are in force are replaced by new ones, the organ1_zat1on and . condition of the administration \:Vill suffer. ·But by the power given to them, the executive depart­ ments must befo rehand exclude tho se la1tvs and regulat ions \.Vhicl1 conflict with the constitution. Let us go back to the argume nt raised by the appellants. The prean:ible o f the Act of July 1 �' 1960, e_ nacted during the era of Eritrean Adrninistra_tion, says, '_'such wilful da'.11a�;s goes_ t11_1pun1sh�1 1n rural areas by reason of tlle ref usal of �•tnesses to inforrn the pol1c_e. . If this 1s t_ he sp1r1t of the Act, the elders like tile pri vate conipla1na_�t have co_op�rated by po1nt1ng o u� � oss1ble suspects. Once tl1 ey llave shown this spi rit o f :ooperat� on by po1nt1ng out the suspects, it 1s then absolutely i llegal to expect what is beyond tl1e1r capacity. se o.. 13/64, Tahsas In my opinion, the judgment delivered by tJ1e A�iugr i Aw�aja Court on ca _ N r1t y that defenno tl1e m1 of nt me dg Ju e th r ve el i I ' 1964 E. c. ·1s unJu d I , · s t'fi 1. a ble. O n th·1s g·rouod dants be set free. Ti1 is judg1nent is de livered on Sene 28, I96 4 Elh. c· able president of the High o r n k ho e th n i th I ··ion , I g opi'n In order tO rnak'e 1(IlOWil th'IS d'ISSCDt'n Court should be presented with it.

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- 353 -

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- 355 -



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..,.._. 356'



. '



INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY RIGHTS IN EIBIO PIA* by Peter Winship** Although th � Co_mmerc!al Code of 1960 contemplates the p romulgatio11 o f a special Jaw �overn111g 1ndustr1al � roperty rights, 1 the Imperial Eth.iopian Govern­ ment has neither pro m11lgated this law nor, with the exception of a draft trade draft legislation. Th e lack of a comprehensive mark law, prepar ed. the approp riate _ la\V l1as not been disastrous: until recently the number of trade marks and indus­ trial inventions used or created in Ethiopia \vas ve ry small. A number of different legal theories, 1:1oreov�r , _I1ave . been ?r could be used to protect some persons' trade marks or industrial 1nvent1ons. 2 However, with the growing numb er of court cases related to industrial property disput es and of applicatio11s for r egistration in the trade mark and patent registers maintained by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, tl1e Govern1ne11t must soo n examine the ne ed for detailed industrial property legislation. This brief Note argues that although it is possible for some groups to protect their industrial creations the c onfusion in the present l egal situation req ti ires some legislative clarification and th e n1ost efficient way to proceed is to prepare and promulgate tl1e con1prehensive la.w co ntemplated twelve years ago by the Con11nercial Code. 1. International Treaties. International treaties are a potential source of industrial property rights in Eth­ iopia, although at pr esent only the Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations bet­ ween the United States of America and Ethiopia deals directly with industrial property rights. 3 Article IX(2) of this treaty states: • •• l. 2. 3.

Refer to the oven and the trade mark cases on p. 227 and p. 234 respectively. l-I.S.I.U. Faculty of Law. The Englisl1 text of Article 148(2) of the Con1mercia� Code states that ''Pa tent s sh all be subject to the provisions of special laws." The Amharic and French texts refer n1ore accura­ tely to ''ind ustrial property" rather than ''patetns." See E.F. Gol d berg, ''Protection of Trade Marks in E thi_opia," 1: Eth. L., vol. 8 _(1972), pp. 130-147 and Section 3 bel ow w l1ere I d iscuss alternati ve theories for the protection of inve ntions. U.S. Departnlent of State, Treaties and Other lnternation�l Acts Series. 2864. An ini tial �rfb­ lem with this treaty is \.Vliether or not i t is self-execu�1ng: does Article !X(2 ) create r1g its within Ethiopia for persoi1 s from the ot her J-ligl1 Contr�ct1n� Party or does 1t mere ly represent a proniise by the Iniperial Ethiopian Government that !t will promulg�te. the n�ce s�ary �ome_st.1c Ieg1s· Iat1o · n ?. p· or exampI e, may a Uni·te d States' nat1ooaJ protecty his industri al 1nve nt1ons 1n · Ie JX(2) creates Eth·1op1a . io. n ?based on the theor tI1at Artic , 11 as a P�naJ • act · by a c1v1· 1 , as \\e t ri ht is crea ted tl1en one may a Pr?perty. righ t in _the inventio0; 1 n. Elbiopi a: _If a prope l; ticl; 30 of the R�vised Consti tu­ �•n into difficulty \Vitl1 the constitutr _onal requirement� �: tion,. \Vhich :equires approva] ?Y Pa�liament befo: :;�fi tion by the Emperor for ''all treaties olies", 00 the ground th at patent rigl1ts 0 and 1ntern at1onal a greements 1nvovl�ng , howev er , t he treaty was e cas tlu·s n I e. 1 1c ' Art 11s · . t 1 · ere�te monopo1·1es wit of g · 1n . an · •h'1n tl1e me into force a nd both e cam tion stitu Con d ise Rev he 1 .·. �ati_fi7d on 8 Oc_tobe� 1953 o\ before Jud1c1al and doctri nal 1ntcrpretat1on would continue to give full effect to the treaty even tJ1ougl1 Parliament b ad not a_pprove_d �h�, treaty. See Aber a Jembere ''Treaty-Making Power and Supremacy of Treaty 1n Ethiopia, J. Etl1 · L., vo/ ; (1970), pp. 409-434, at p. 414. If no . 1 Ethiopian Government fuJly con1plied \1/itb proper ty rigl1t is created , however, has the 1 n1peria. Its trea ty obligations?

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y g rt in Pa ct r sh nt Il C h ig be H er th � ei � c ac of orded es ni � pa m co d an ls _ N.ationa y rt Pa g tiv in ec ct eff ra nt e Co igh ot H pr r he ot ection in e th of ies or rit ter . e th . . n w 1thi a1 e . d t n, ra s' d n o up k ar '"S e d co tra � m , ns tio en � inv pli ance � of e � us e siv clu ·} ex the ng cti pe res y, an r ist I reg , ns tio ula reg o ati d an n and s law le cab pli ap the with 4 . es ti li a rm other fo Byvirtue of this Article, United States' nationals a11d companies not only have the _ same riglits as Ethiopia11 persons to protect trade marks and trade names by civil and penal actions (Civ. C.�. Art. 2057; Comm. C., Arts. 132-134; Pen. �-, Arts. 673, 674(1))5 but in add1t1on they. may also protect other forms ?f industrial property by a penal action under �rtrcle _674(2) of the Penal Code w�1ch p unishes _ or models, or des1g11s ''industrial patented intentional infringement of 1nvent1 ons or processes, duly registered a11d protected by existing orders or agree1nents, national or international.'' 6 The U. S. A. - Ethiopia treaty raises several problems of interpretatio n. For example, has the Ethiopian Government complied with its treaty obligat ion to ac­ cord ''effective protection'' in Ethiopia to United States' natio11als and companies when it has failed to prepare and promulgate a law protecting industrial inventions? Unless one accepts the argument that Article IX(2) is self-executing and therefore by itself creates a property right which can be protected by a civil action, even by a narrow reading of ''effective protection''7 one can query whether the failure to provide a civil remedy for the protectio11 of inventions means the Ethiopian Government is failing to provide effective protection i11 its substantive law. Although the United States' Government has not made an issue of this question and an presumably. could not bring an action to enforce this international obli­ gation, the Imperial Ethiopian Government may find it expedient to forestall any diplomatic question by moving ahead with domestic legislation protecting boih Ethiopian an.d foreign persons. A . f urth7r textual difficulty in Article IX(2) relates to the :phrase '' laws and regulations, 1f any, respecting registration and other formalities." Ethiopia at present has no formally promulgated legislation governing registration but the Ministry of y d e � govern ommerce Industry and registers maintains trade mark patent and � internal . rules. 8 May_ a 1-!ni�ed States' national protect his indu.strial creation in court without f ollow1ng this informal procedure on the ground that it is not formal

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�ote that only invention_s, trad� marks and trade names are inclt1ded in this Article. P rotec· Jeft t1on of ?ther. forms of industna_l property, such as bly a m presu des are igns mo a.nd dels , to the d1scret1on of the contracting parties. 5· ticl t e IX( 2) i s deemed to �e self-executing n es' Sta ed ; it Un ma i y be pos a :; sible for t . y_ _ to protect his 0 � C?r compan trade marks and trade na·mes in Ethiopia ev en though · . 1s not m compet1t1on 1� Ethiopia. · 6 • The phrase ''protected b y e Os . • · ms If bl ti · ng pr e . ? ·, • • [1nt�mat 1onal] cause agreeme o may nts'' �ty the treaty is _no t se_If-executi;ig can tr the it If �e said s? to protec creatio t n indust rial does rotec ere





· · � phase s1b0uld b e g e11 • rnlll iven a �· rrow ;teadm ve g because of the sensitivity of a GO fbus, jt iJ1.1l'Q\ij submitting the Oal •· of Jts 1;1ati�nal legal �ystem to interna�ion�. scrut ny.. ced 9-. t l.lfll l. &�ufd 1,e .JJMd to teq0we O�Y protection m substantive law and no d1scr1mmatory pro · w� �� S'�tiiQn 4; below1.


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tbe :case . · of ·�rade m arks, th e ·Supreme In n? tio isl a leg Im pe rial Court has sugge sted m �hat registr �ti on in a ��ordanc� w i!h c urren � di ct t practice i s a prerequisite to in 1on ac t1on involving protec!1 on in a n unfair compet1t trade m arks.9 To be on the _ _ , therefore , t he U�ted St at e s na�on �, d 1 s e al or company sho uld regist saf _ th w er i un Y de ev t he e1 r _1 t is M in te r in : _nal r egul ations. In the case of inventions a nd other the form s of 111dustr ial pr op erty, Articl e 674(2) of th e Pen al Code requires registr ation.10 Despjte these ,text� al difficulties, the result of Articl e IX(2) is clear: in some _ t at� n at s 1 on � als 1te d cases U? _ �r _c ompa?1e? may protect industrial crea tion s, p a rti­ cularly industrial 111ve�t 1011s, w1 th1 � Et�1 op1a whereas Ethiopian persons may not d o 50 for lack of a sp ec ial la� creat111g i ndustria l property r ights. Altho ug Ethio­ few h th pians may hav e e te_ ch?1cal skill or _fac ilities to discover industrial inventions in large nun1bers an d while 1 t ma y be desirable to encourage the inflow of technology by treatr provisio11 s �rot ec�ing i11dustria! c �eations, 11 the inequity of treatment-not to mention the practical d ifficulty of piloting each treaty provision tlrrough Parlia ­ ment-sl1ou1d enco11rage tl1e In1perial Ethiopian Government to approach the pro­ blem of ind t1strial property right s directly by pr eparing and submitting to P arlia ­ ment a11 industrial property proclamation to be applicable to all persons acting within the Empire. 2. Eritrean Legislation

During the Italia n occupation of Eritrea, the colonial administration promulga­ ted legislation gover ni11g the pr otection of trade marks, inventions and d esigas. 12

By virtue of Article 96 of the Const itution of Eritrea adopted in 1952, tl1 is l ta.lian colonial legislation remained i n force in the federal territory of Eritrea.1 3 As late as March 1962 the Attorney-General's Office in Eritrea recog11ized these laws as being in force wit l1011 t amendment. 14 Even to-day the Eritrean provincial office of the Ministry of Co m1nerce and Industry c ontinues to accept new applications for

,\pp.No. 1240/56), f· Eth. �·• v�I. 9. Azanaw Ale,ne v. Sin ger Selvi11g Machine Co. Ltd. (Civ.. 2 (I 965), pp. 220-227, at p. 223. Wl1ether or not one �g_rees wi_th the Court s _reasoning 1n this case, registration does serve a useful purpose by g1v1ng notice to the pubhc about the ownership and use of the trade mark. . 10. The discussion in the above paragraph is by no n1ea.ns e_xhaustiv�.Specific, case� should. �ring out additional problems. For exan1ple, what happens !f .a United �tates . na�1onal _ reg1st�rs his mark after another person registers the s�me or a s1mllar . mark 1n _Eth1op1a? P_r1or regis­ tration should not be dispositive as the question to be asked In an act�on of u!1f�!r compe­ tition is ,vhetl1er or not a trader has acted ''contrary to honest commerc1al . practice . (Co� . C., Art. 133(1). If the mark was well-kno,v in many parts of the world In connect1on with similar goods the United States' plaintiff may show that the act of defendant does not meet this minimum standard of morality. 11. See U N Department of Economic and Social Affairs, The Role of Patents in . the T.,ans fer p ro tect1on o f l r1 te -l e t for eau Bur ted h Uni and 4) (196 e ·; · h if Ti no og t D v lop ·ng c .1 y tYo (B.·e] ·e R . · pt· ] ·) ' �;J:, �aw for Develop ing Countries on Inventions (1965), p. 17. fectua·lec p roper 12. Published in A.Mori' Manuale di /egislazione de/la Colonia Eritrea, vol. 6 (1914)' pp. 140-146 . . . 1941, and have April 1 on 13 · Article 96(1) reads: ''Laws and regula_t1?ns · _ wh ICh �ere• in force shall remain in force so not since been repealed by tl1e Admini 5lering Au: 10[1t · ·have not been amended." th�y l{;at long as they have not been repealed aod to the e�i�� Assembly of Eritrea on 10 July 1952 The Constitution v1as adopted by the Represen ta and ratified bv I-Iis Imperial Majesty in August of the same year. l4. lv1emora ndum. , of 12 Marcl1 1962 prepared b� tl1e Attorney-General's Office in Eritrea (un­ published, (Institute of Ethiopian Studies, Addis Ababa).

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. ;! o N IX . L O V W A L · N IA P IO H T JOURNAL OF E

e c n. a h 1·d it co w ac in is s th er st gi re g t Ie n te a p s i' d n a lark a m e. d a tr ts · 1 · n n l·· o registrati tion.15 Order No. 27 of 1962, which termina�ed th. e fed�ral stat�s ot· Eritrea 16 throw � s these o law.,, at effectiveness least with regard doubt, however, on the present legal � to applications for registration after . the pr�mulgat1on of the_ ?�der. To the extent . . t b th certainty dou. Ill cast of that the legal validity of these laws IS protection for _ �. th.eir industrial creations which the registrants seek 1s v1t1ated. ce or i11 n rea n rit i at isl leg � at the � of � ity lid va al ? leg e th t ou ab Uncertainty . . t1o eta pr ter ng ns 1n 1 er d1ff e giv m fro s n ise ar ) to 62 (19 r de Or e th g in at ulg om pr of e tim _ _ led y ea all c rep ifi ec all sp 17 til un isl leg at th a­ tes sta 6 le tic Ar r de Or e th of Article 6 . o the t ''t en ext ce for l that the ful in ain rem ll sha ea itr Er in ce tion then in for ng sti of exi n administra­ tio era op ed nu nti co the to y sar ces ne application t.hereof is n tio an jsla tre leg Eri tin or con pri t tha ues ue arg ght mi e on d, han e on the '' On ns. tio ent nm ver al Go loc the adminis­ of n ow akd bre a id avo to y r a· ess nec y if onl in force ts of 5 a11d the 4 s icle er. Art Ord by d tee ran gua tration or to protect vested rights In oth er words, it would be argued tl1at in the context of the Order as a whole Article 6 is intended to introduce a unified legal system within the Empire so that all citizens of the Empire are subject to the same rules of law. On the other hand, one argue that the purpose of the Order is not to introduce a unitary legal system but to eliminate some of tl1e unnecessary adn1inistrative complexities of the Federation: Articles 4, 5 and 6 are intended to ensure th at this step clisrupts a.s little as possible vested rights and existing Iaws. 19 15. Interview with Ato Yohannes Berhane, Di rector -Gen eral, Asma ra Offic e, Ministry of Commerce

Industry and Touri sm, 1 February 1971. 16. Te1u1ination of the Federal Stat us of Eritrea and the Applicati on to E ritrea of the System of Unitrary A.dministrati on of the E mpire of Ethiopia Order, 1962, Order No . 27, 1Veg. Gaz., year 22, n o. 4. Th.e relevant text of Article 6 states: AI_I enact ments , laws and regulation s or parts thereof which are presently in force within Er1�rea . .... , to th� 7xten� that the application thereof is necessary to tl1e continued ope­ ration of ex1s1ng adm1n1s tra�1on�, until su_ch ti111e as tl1e same sllall be expressly rep�a�ed by . subs equently e?acted l�g1 slation, remain in f ull force and effect an d existing adro1rust­ rat1 on� sba]l . co?t1nue to i mplement a11d adniinister the s an1e under the authority of the Imperial Eth1 op1an G overnment. For �iffering interpretati�!1s s ee, for ex.ample. R. c. Means, ''The E ritrean Employ ment Act of 1958,- Its Prese?t Sta�us , . v�J. 5 (1968). pp. 139-150 at pp. 141_142 .' J. Vanderlind e n, Irztro• ductzon a.u drozt de I Eth,op1e moder11e (1971), pp. 7-8. 18. B�use industrial proper ty r�gl1ts create d pursuant to the Italian legislation prior to the ef· fect1ve date of the Order (_1� N ovember 1962) are vested rigllt s protected by Article 4 of !he Ord�r, . the o_ ��e o� the M101stry o� Comn1erce, In dus try arid Tour. isnl in Eritrea (an ''ex.ist1n,g a�m irustrat1 on ) w11_1 l1�ve to c ontinue t o maintain indus trial property r egister s and the Iav,s e th e �11.I have t o remain 10 effect to g overn the operation of the efin d • t .s and to 1ght confe�red by registration. Registration o.f ,,ew applicati oos ;��!v!� a:re not necessary �or. tte _ continue� operation of the register tbe to g rdin and therefore s l1o uld be re'Jiected acco ab0ve 1nterpretat1on. to· . 19. The. constitu tional framework of th·e Revised Con st't act to r 1 ut·ion r equire s the E mpero • r b g th 'th p , 1·1 ero om .l g tion of procla m ations !. an d to allow tl1e Emp e d � � f a: ��d:; whi�t �::�t �er!�;ecf o a r iamen!, to repeal this to legi s lati on would be ed . � s i G.U:t' tlte ' ela1b0rate r0cedure for p . romuI at10� set. o ut in e A rticles 86-122 of. th Rtef'Illi- . ��sm"tuti0m. 'iIDfti'S- inierpr,etation is . r e� wit� t ity HI s I1;11perial �aj esty's author . �tion of _ q:ee, it]ie $edelia:l star us ef !Eritr ea ���: �t t o s authorit� t o dete ri:n1n� the organ1s H basis i th� @&�(}mlment. a:dmini:st11at:i0n un:�e. r Ar � ct 7 of e eJJlp . th th i but � ; ':.: n, Revised o Constituti · � � lm, 11!)-a unti fr, aw ui/m inist , 1ca,,-i. on, 00t Uun, or m . legislation .


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A1�l1ougl1 a cour t �e_cision o n t �e validity o f tl1e Eritrean indu st ri a l property ke ol a t it ic m al f ay ac to rs into c onsideratio n_ p Iegislat1on an d these factors at present l1 m1 t at ld e u t o wo wards enfor cement of these J ws20 _ apPar entl y •1n a . • pe r s ns o e ng a g e d • · 1 act1v1t1e s usually prefe r a cert co111lll ercial and !· nd. ustr 1a ain leg al r ule t o the uncertai nty. of rred�cti n g . tlle �esults o f· a . co urt action. By this tests of ce rtainty the present s1t �at1on 111. Er itr�a Is h�rdly sa_ t1sfactory to the person seeking protection of his indust�1al_ cr eations . fo sa tisfy tl�1s n eed for c ert ainty most effectivel y the Im­ perial Ethiopian G_ove r ni_ nent s ho�ld introduce industrial property l egislation for the whole of the Empire w ith a sp ecific r epe al of t11e prior l egisl ation. 3. Alterna tive theories for the protection of inventions Wl1ile so1ne c l asses of pe rson s m ay p rot ect all forms of industrial cre ations by being foreig11 persons \\'itl1 treaty rigl1 ts, by registration in Eritrea or only in the case of trade n1arks and trade na1n es do all person s have effective protection in Ethio pia by n1ea11s of an actio11 of unf air comp etition.21 Inv entors or in dus trial design ers have remained unprotected altl1ougl1 several different theories by which they n1ay persuade a court to gra11t p rotection are given below. The i11adeqt1 acy of these theories again i llustrates tl1e need f o r a comprehensive indt1stri al prop ert)' l aw. a) unfair competition If trader A cre ates an inven tio 11 and trader B, wl10 is in compe titio11 with trader A, uses t11e s ame invention without payment or acknowledge1ne11t to trader A then trader A may be able to reco ver fron1 B under Article 133 of the Comn1ercial Code on the tl1eory tl1at trader B's sale of goods or rendering of services by using tl1e inventions is an '' act of c ompetition contrary to l1onest commercial pr ac­ tice. "22 As a general re1nedy, however, th e action of unfair co1npetition is un satisfac­ tory because it only pr otects perso11s in competition witl1 each other. If the inven­ tor is not a trad er l1e will not be in competition; if the person ap1Jropriating an invention-eve11 on a larg e-scal e-does not use the inyention for . the prod�c �ion �f goods for sale or for the rend ering of services l 1e will not be 1n compet1 t1on; 1f The decisio11 of the Supreme Impperial _C�urt in .�sn1ara in societa National � ransport Go11cl­ rand Brothers et al. v. Ato Seyun1 M1sg111a (C1v1l Appeal No. 108/58), J. E�h. L., vol: 4 (1967), pp. 293-303, further supports this latt er _argument by a _textual 1nterpretat1o_n _of. Art1c_Ie 4 of Order No. 27. In that case tl1e Cou. rt decided th�t by v1rute o_f A_rt1ce 4 hm1tat1ons 1n Article 390 of the Civil Code on the rights of fore1gners to acquire 1m_m?vab_Ies were not applicable to foreigners in Eritrea. This interpretation n1ay, however,,, be d1�t1ngu1�hed ?n the ground that Article 4 specifically deals with rights to real pr?pe�ty: All rights, 1nclud1�, g the right to own and dispose of real property . . . shall remain 1n full force and effect._ 20. This is sugge sted by both N1eans, cited above at foot note 17, p. 142 and Vanderhnden, cited above at foot note 17, p. 8. .. . a1r pet1 of t1nf com t1on, see 21. For a discussion of the protection of trade marks by an action Goldberg, cited above at foot note 2. . . . • • n, the same results actio 22 · A !though 1ndustr1al property rig_ · hts are not created by granting this may be reacl1ed. For example, if trader A, \-Vho would have had an action against trader B on the ground that A. is the first user of th mark t ansfers his business with the invention to trader C, then the transferee should have t e sa e' ri�ht of action (even thougl1 he personally ;e dishonest no matt er are acts B's that h began use of the invent\on af� er �) 0� . t e Who 110\v uses ihe invent1on-wh1ch IS a actor �.ey�Jd .B's control. Given this protection, the 1 transferee (C) "rvill be v,illing to pa y trader A for the invent'on


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. 2 o . ?� IX L O V � W A L N IA P IO H T E F JOURNAL O

rt t po no e� to es do io th � ts gh ri . nt. a . te pi pa goo d of er ld ho or r _ the inve-nto s p 1 n t e e th n 1o in us nt E ,1 i no s e l do e t or io n io ia h r d ed by means of the invent p ap r t op e y n e m o iat � th w 1" ns i rso � pe � _h v al loc th n wi ion tit io e . mp co in �� n Ji be t � a so �l . r t s i _ de e ra _ h if �d in rd E wa e r be ay m thiopia or nt ve in n a, at th The result is f on t h ct1 1n J e d 1st l al na go t1o ra is a ly rd ha to en.. r· e d tra a t no is he if t bu t no courage inventiveness. In any case, an action based on unfair c?mpetition ca11 only be a stop-g ap measure. The relatively narrow goal of commercial ho�esty among traders, which is that of the unfair competition action, �oes not re9u1re tb. e close regulation which th.e encouragement and reward of inventiveness requires because of the subtle balan­ cing of interests between the need to encoura�e r_esearc� by the reward of mono­ poly p roperty rights with that of not discouraging 1ndust r1al deve]opment by spread­ in.g infor1nation and use of new processes. foreig n

b) work of the mind

Title XI of the Civil Code of 1960 grants the author of a ''work of the mind'' an incorporeal rigl1t of ownership in the work regardless of ''the natu re, form of exp ression, merit or purpose of the work'' (Art. 1647). Among the works deemed to be a work of the mind is the general catch-all category of ''any work created by the intelligence of their author and presenting an original character'' (Art. 1648 (e). Because of the generality of the wording of these clauses one llllght argue that industrial inventions may also be protected by Title XI.

Several objections can be made to this conclusion. The Commercial Code dis­ tin_guishes industrial property from literary and artistic pr operty. For the latter, Article 149(2) of the Commercial Code refers to Title XI of the Civil Code (the title of which is ''Literary and Artistic Ownership'') for tl1e former, Article 148(2) refers to the provisions of ''special laws''. The implication is clear that this special law will be issued in the futu re and that the general civil law rules found in the Civil Code which was promulgated at the same time as the Commercial Code-do not apply to industrial creations.

Moreover, if Title XI of the Civil Code were read to include industrial inven­ tio�s, protection woul� be g ranted without registration, publicity or ad111in �str�tiv� re �1ew and for a pe�od of at least 50 years f rom the dat e of the ''publ1cation , . {divulging to the public) of the invention. 23 This makes nonsense of the traditional balance struck by p�tent laws between encouraging resea rch and not discouragi ng _ gene_ ral use of 1nvent1ons. At the very least, a law would be necessary to limit the pe.nod of monopoly.24


c) imperial prerogative

His Imperial Majesty has on occasion allegedly grant ed persons monopolies of Gertain sectors of trade on the grounds .that they would improve the welfare of 11

�j¥9) �' �s. 1653, 1'670. M- }!r � •�e �en fo� the pretection• of in Y ite l xitl l pro ap d ust ria l , inv is en wo tio rld ns . in the �� I� :JI. I�&. P , I., eite,4! above a 25

t foot note J 1, p. 48.







INDUSTRIAL PROPE RTY RIGHT S IN ETHIOPIA 5 Although no 2 co ct nS1ituti�na l provision has been e s. su bj I-Jis cited, presumably the ak e pu t e b rs ti nt ul d � to Arti� Ie.36 of the Revised Constitution.26 Before � action ,vo _ 1ulgat 1 on . of the R evi s e d Const 1 tut1on of 1955 ro n p the Etl1iopian Emperors had ex­ e p �,ver to grant SUch fl:lOn at iv pr er og a d e op�lies witho11t dispute .27 To reward erciz _ _ . t for �11 1 11ventio n which h elps the 1ndustr1 al devel ec su bj a opment of the country or the health of its p eople wotild n �t normally be regarded as a11 abuse of imp erial ,,e broadly read, Article 36 expressly deals with the Em ower, but, e r1 pe ror's residual �owers other t_han _ those granted by other provisi ns of the Cons titution. Moreove�, ? _ _ subseq t1ent l eg1slat1�n pron1u�gat7d by Ht s Impe rial MaJesty pr esumably restricts th.ts resid11al power 11nt1 I th e legislation is ame nded by following the constitutional pro­ cedure.

Under tl1e Constitutio11 itself, Article 47 is probably not intend ed to be a provision under which monopolies could be granted. Article 47 states that ''Every Ethiopian subject has tl1e rigl1t to engage in any occ11pation . . . in accordanc e with the law." Only ''laws'' may restrict this fundamental constitutional right and r estrictions must conforn1 to the standard set out in Article 65. A grant of special favour to an individual witho11t publ icity should not be considered as ''law'' in this context. Moreover, by Articles 22 and 23 of the Commercial Cod e , \vhich state that · 'any person or b�sin_ e s� organisation has . t �� rigl1t to c�r i:y on any trad e'' subject to ''la,vful restrictions·' and ''legal proh1b1t1ons or r estr1ct1ons'', the Emperor, together with Par l iament, has r eaffirmed tl1e constitutional right to engage in trade. Subse­ quent r e strictio 11s on this rigl 1t should onl y be found in or pursuant to legislation also approv e d by tl1 e Emp eror and Parliame11t. While the se argt1ments raise doubts as to the legal effectiveness of imperial grants of l imited n10 11opolies after th e promulgations of the Revised Constitution, the very fact that the Emp eror l 1as found s11ch grants to be for the g�n eral welf�re of the Ethiopian people sugge sts that there is a n eed for a proclamation go verning industrial prope r ty rigl1ts. d) licensing legislation

Recent trade and industrial license proclamations, 28 requiring Government p er mission befo re a p erson may engage in trade or industry, may allow th e Govern-

. 25. The most celeb1.ated case ·IS . the r�ent dispute over the ''invention" of an ele�tric injer_a 1 for five years granted to l11m by His cooker, where one of the p�rt1es claimed a mo�opo6 lmperial Majesty. The case is now before the High ourt, Addis Ababa. 26. Article 36, in its relevant part�, reads: s that may be necessary "The En1peror, as_ Sovereign, has th e d ut to take all measure ts. . to ensure, at all times • : . · tl1 s et �nd welfare of [Ethiopia's] inhaibtstanand po\.-vers. righ the all � has I-le n utio stit Con Y tf: is t O ons �isi Subject to the other pro e." ticl Ar t sen pre the in out set ds the f o _ necessary for the �ccon1phsl1_ment Consti­ an iopi m, Eth pha Cla c. & l Pau N · C eJ · · see icle For varying i11terpretat100s of this Art tutiona/ DevelorJrnent, vol. 2 (1971), pp. 441-445· 1 1· 0 Article . of . ·His contract .,.._1eneI"k . d .. date 27 • See, for example, the monopoIY granted by Emperor 1v . du c hemi·n de fer Franco-eth1op1en de 0�1bout1 a 1e agn 30 January 1908 \Vith the Comp Addis Ababa. r 30, no_. 31; Foreign yea . z., Ga g. Ne 292 0 N 28. ]ndustrial Licence Proclamat1on, Pro 1971, mestic Trade ProDo ; 32 . � no , 30 ar ye z. Ga eg. Trade Proclan1ation, 1971 Proc. No. 293, clamation, 1971, Proc., No. 294, Neg. Gaz., year 3o, no. 32·

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. 2 o -.f l' . I IX ... O V W A L N IA P IO H JOURNAL OF ET

d te an to gr n tio re m sc hi di e th to de un nt r ua rs . Pu 29 . rs o · t th n ve ·. . . in t · t ec I& . o pr to t en m . . , . �. . sm r1 a� b s� m ou T ct �c d an e th ry st du In l e rc icen ses e m om C of r te is _ in M e th � i:J., jo at le ·sl . r ce e us 1n ti t en no v _ 1n er ld s ho on t:ise �n hc or new e th at th on iti nd . hf\ssues to the co J 1 g w 111 al of de 1 d t ho et e b m th e nm t o 1n pr an be lem ay m is th l hi e W . . e 30 . , · � y 1Jl f1 is or nt e ve ot in pr e th ed ct of at tl1 r no ic bl pu e th of st re te in �h e :: �:� er 1�as com�lete �iscretion ist in M e th at tli is ck ba aw dr nt rta to po The most im 11. _ t10 ec ile 'h ot Vv pr 1� r th fo st e qu re dis�retio n r's to n . e _ v �n th e ct i r str e or ny d e grant, _ ry lso pu m s co en 1d 1 lic a_ ses es oc pr ing, 1 t may � n� f o_ ty 1c1 bl pu e wr req to . may be used d so an n rea t1o l1n ca pl1 ap ble na y tor na llll cn d1s restric­ of es us ab e th to ct bje su be o als tions. Even if the inventor reaches initial agree1ne11t with the Minister his protection will not be secure. The· Minister is not under a conti11uing obligation to continue the re striction or condition for any specific period of time. This leaves the inventor with no guarantee that he will have protection for longer than 011e year-the period of the license. The result may be difficulty in finding finance for the development of the invention. A further problem arises because the inventor may not have stand­ ing to bring an action to enforce the limitations placed on. a license-holder b ecause the only parties to the license are the licensee and the Ministry. Co·urts may be wary to recognize a right of action in other licensees because of the potential harassment by competing traders. Although the inventor may persuade the !vfinistry to take action to revoke the license or bring a criminal charge against the license holder, this decision in many cases may be subject to delay and compromise on political ,grounds. Q


As in th e case of the other alternative theories for the protect.ion of industrial inventions, the ]icensing legislation does not fully incorporate the basic characteristics of patent laws in other parts of the world: publicity (usually regjstration in a public register and publication in a specialized Government journal) fo11owing some form of administrative review to ensure that the discovery really is an ''invention'' and monopoly rights for a limited period of time (e.g., an average of eigl1teen years for industrial inventions). These characteristics are designed to balance the interests of _ the inventor with. �ther interests of the public and to protect industrial property without ca· r�fulir str1k1ng a balance may giv·e undue weight to one or t?e other of the competing interests. Only comprehensive legislation can properly clanfy and regulate industrial property rigths.

For example, under �i:-ticles 3(3) �� 6 of the Domestic Trade Procla n, cited above at ma tio foo t , �ote 28, t� e M_1n1� te� may I1m1t the �umber of licenses of ner ma n par ticu lar ''fo r any trad_e . A practical 11m_ tat1on on the exercise of this powe r is tha t the liniitations may ooJY 1 be 1m.posed by regulations. 30. In a circular distributed by the Ministry the registration ribe d des c is Ab pro aba ced ure 1•o Ad dis , as fellows: Appl�cants desiring to obtai;11 patents or trad� l!t ubi l to s req ma uir rk ed cer are tifi cat es J>Fi?r1ty documents and cautiona ry noti� righ apph­ an . f t o aw t ay ip , ce . re n . o p U . �fl1on ��rc� es are condu?ted under their correspon ding classes na me s of owne rs re g1ster_0c1 ° m. the name_ mdex card _s and marks that • ble cap a or 1 res are em ble simiiar' 1 �ed 1 • gin,g &devices are pJc� �P!" ou t· If the offiice finds the application and accompao y10S . ,:;1 re 1>t°11.� ..accurate the dl . te a plica g nt w �� te certi fica e, v; ill ran be a d � , im ,;.1 ;,e, · . PU lcatwa clate, excq;>t 1n rare cas rec ffic e ,, & .. , 1 o pat ent es wh · the en • �, �mA:ll!lflw a.Jp,,11, �t1ans., 1.faO Mr� �.ite.ufar, �al. li ne. 2 (iJan •• 1971), pp. 1-2. 29.






. . . ..

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4. The Administration Pursuan t to its mandate se t otit in Article 2 4 (d) of the Ministers' (D efin d O e r, s r a a e ) er n s d ed ition w b y_ Ord er No. 46 of :I? of p0 1966, the Ministry of Commer h ta s a u st b 1 l ry sh e In � '' ce d e r giste rs ?f p a te nts and � � and trade marks'' in Addis Ababa M a in t ra ry is . o ffi A c sm .1a l and _ � . have g�ined pract ical experienc e in the o peration of thes e registers an d hav e publicized the ir rules of oper a tion. If i ndustrial property ro er e 1n g o 11 11 J t is d la ti th er e wo 11� b e litt leg _p � �� l e d ifficulty in adap : ting the existing .administration \-V1th a min1mu1n of training and exp ense . CONCLUSION Altl1011gl1 trade n1arks are 1 10w protect ed b y a n action o.f unfair competit ion cl asses o.f p ersons n 1ay b e able to p rote and s 0111 e ct other in dustrial property rights on s ev era l differen t theori es , there is in Ethiop ia n o doubt that sp eci fic legisl ation­ a s origin ally contemplate d by the Commercial Code-would s olve many do11bts and de i11 ai t l e many of the sp e cific pr oblems r ela reg11Iat t ed to th e d iffe rent in te re sts involved in ind11strial ·p rop erty. Sp ecific l egislation is not e ss ent i al: Ethiopi an ind ustry in most cases i s not i n a p osition at present to i nvest larg e sums of money to carry out re search or to pirate fo re ign t e chnology. But leg islat ion protecting indust­ riai property right s may encourage fo r eign inv es tor s to come to .Ethiopia and sp eci­ fic legil satio n may also balanc e this ince ntive with re q11 irement , s such as compulso ry lice11 sing, \Vhich ,vould activle y enc ourage the use of the inv ention i n Ethiopia. When reviewing its inv estment and t rade policie s, theref ore , the Impe rial E thiopian Gov e n­ : ment sl1ould s e riously cons id er th e preparation and prom11lgati n o of a compre l1ens 1ve industrial prop e rty law.

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IC A· R F A IN · E G N A H C L IA C O S D LAW AN IE ER N P IA EX P E C IO N H ET E H T T A K O LO Y R A PRELIMIN . . = by .. Daniel Hai/e 'r-

a at ses as n11�1�t1m socia l and mp co en 1 icl . 1 wl m ter a is nt me lop · National deve . b the zn 1ng ent 1ld pm elo of national de mic no eco as � ll we as ent � pn1 elo dev political 1c nom eco on ure develo� ment has rat l1t of nt u o· am the ile wl1 ly ate tun � fo1· identity.1 Un er oth the alJy on �qu s die stu o 1mp a rks wo s, tion rtant por pro e ssiv �� ma d reache . _ aspects of development have bee11 n11n1mal. The emphasis 011 economic develop­ ment has been so unproportional that to most people development bas come to mean nothing but ''man's application of technologies to the control of nature's resources in order to bring abot1t a -marked increase in the growth of output pe r head of population'' ,2 i11 short economic or indt1strial growth. However, even if one limits the term development to mean industrialization as indicated above, in order to attain even this very limited goal a society will have to unde·rgo through certain social· changes in order to create values, attitudes and institutions conducive to the attainment of such a goal. ''For by industrialization what is really meant is not. simply a combinatio11 of scientific knowledge and applied techniq.ue but the motives and values of a society which has the will to use and develop this knowledge and whose institt1tions reflect an.d st1pport their system of values.''3 Although all African governments do accept the aim of economic de,1elop­ ment ''their societies shaped by their earlier and quite different necessities, still contain them, as living forces the personal attitudes and social institutions of the o]der world." 4 Animistic institutions such as witchcraft, sorcer)', the evil eye etc., are still prevalent and play a dominant role in the lives of 1na.ny Africans.5 As G. Savard points out witches ge11erally ain1 at the man wl10 does not respect tradition, \vho does not conform, who in practice is more successful by modern standards. It is thus very easy to see how negative tl1e forces of witchcraft car1 be and why many 6 Africans speak of the 'spirit of jealousy'· as one of the greatest evils plaguing th em. " •



i., i.


�aile Sell assi e I University, Faculity of. Law. Tlle author is gre;atly indebted to A_to Bili ll1gn Mandefro, Dr .. Brun-Otto-Bryde ancl Prof. Cliff Thompson wl10 reviewed the original draft and made sev eral 1nva,luable comlnents. froOl la mpa �s paper was pr epared for tl1e conference on Law and Developmen Ka in t ' held · · Jru1.n 3 to 13, 1973. G. Mei n, !Leading issues 11n Eaonom ic Development (1970) p. � 5 N1 W�mer,, M0dernizatian (1966). p. 3. G . N ter, 'l'he New Societies of Tropical Africa (196 6), p. 71. � °:8 i:>)g.� 'ill-12'3

f ... ,�e � s�. ,t�<S!itmieas are known ,

under various names in Ethiopia: budaf teib, tchir�� are .:¥.m.�., aa etc es anot . . th e forc prof essio nal s secre t · . who can manupulate th ·e 11·•��, il'OJ1(e �<.t/!ra, ete. 8 3 3 . .. � � • fklapJ� af .Qflnlq,ia �l'lbl.isfie� Haile SeUassie I U·niversity-library). vol. • P· '

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. . In addition to ·the se anacl1r onistic i11stitutions most Afric • an soc1et1es are also s t an va d de 11 att lue i s which ar e 'a hin draiice to deve op 1 1nent. p· 1agued with • y, If i 1n a.y take t he so ciety tl1at I an1 m os t familiar wi th the Etliiopian • • so cJet to elevant l1igl1la11d Ethiopia) as an r ly r cula ' · one can see ho"' t he arti ' ' .exam ' ·pl e, ' (p , at.t1tu tov.,ar•ds 111e · t:" an d i· ts b. ette r1nen•. t ·' attitii des to · .e d o ples 1 • genera1 · wards wor1< 111 · e ra fts 1.n Pe · part1·c 111 a r a re in compatible to the ain t er c needs of development. and _ The Etl1i opian peoples' atti _ t Lide s t?w ards li fe and its betterme1 1t have been grea tly influenced a11d c olo�ired by the teacl1ings of tl1e Ethiopian Ortl 1odox Churcl1 wl1ose \Ve:e st�ccinctly st_ate� b� At? � esfin Wold e1nariam as tl 1e glori ficati on of tea cl 1i11gs death, saoct1ficat_ 10171 a11d 1nst1t_ut1011al1zat1on of begging and the vi 1 lificatio11 atl d deprecati o11 of Jife. Tl:e �eac h1_11gs of th� church b:y p1rtting u11due emJJhasis 011 J i f e after deat_I1 a? d by v1e�1n_g 11fe on tl11s ea rth merely as a preparation for the _ eg1n111n g 9f a ne w and a11 eve rlast ing life; by making tl 1e deatl1 \Vl1 � cl1 IS tl 1e b accumulat_1on a11d Ci1Joyment of wealth v11lgar and by treating JJoverty not as a social evil but as on e of tl1e most de sirable spiri tt1al assets for tl 1e entry into paradise8 l 1ave bee11 ?11e of the main ca.use to cor rode the peoples' capaci ty to create an d to e11gage In tl1e better1nent of their lives. In ad ditio11 its repeated ser­ mons tha t everytl1 i11g is guided by a11 Olll11ipr esent, Omnisci ent and an Alln1i gl 1ty God and tl1at ,,,e, i 11clucling tl 1e sl1 e ep a11d the flo\ver s, are all i 11 his l1a11ds have be en inculcated into tl1e peoples' m ind that they no\:v ''have come to believe tl 1at e ver y­ thing tbat l1a1Jpen.s is 'God 's will' an d tl1at tl1e or dinary 1nat1 can do little to infl11ence the co11rse of events."9 The effec t of tl1is pre- vi e \v \¥as statecl clearly by Assefa Bel<ele an d Esl1etu Cl1ole, two JJromi r1e11t Etl1 i opian ecot 10111ists, wb e11 t1 1 ey said t11at this belief has lead to un realistic resignatio11 and fatalisn1, among tl1e popula.t i o11, \Vl1icl1 reje cts all endeavo11r towards the 1nal<ing of a !Jette r \1/0rld on earth. TJ 1e belief tl1at this life i s mean t for Lucifer a11d his acco1nplices and that parad i se is lost as a conseq11e nce of tl1e ,vrath and dictates of God have 10 . ature 1 1 r over e 1uast be to drive any arrested n1en 's attitudes toward s chauge and Th is alone 111ay succeed to nip any idea of developn 1en t wl1 ile it is in �he bud: bt1t even if tl1e · iclea son 1e]1ow st1cceeds to gro\-v llp tl1e very u11co11du.c1ve soci�1 attit11des, tl1e att it11 de to\vard wor k will d efinitely str11ngle it. As p resid e nt Juli 11s Nyer ere l1as said. ''Ever:y·bod y wants devel opn1ent, bt1t 11ot e_ veryb�dy 1111d�rstands �nd accepts the basic require111ent for de\relopme11t. Tl1e _basic requirement 1s l1ard wo rk."11 Alt11011gl1 of ge11eral appl icatio11, tl1 is staten1e11t 1s eve_n 11�ore true for the developi11g 11ati o11s \vhich lla\'e large supplies of labour �t tl 1e1 r disposa l . but very limited capital resources. Since these 11ati ons l_ 1av� t o basically _ rely �n tl1e1r labou.r suppli es i11 order to develop, i ts p roiJer L1tilizat1011 1s_ of utn1o st 11 11portance. AlthoL1_gh EthiOJ)ia falls i11 tJ1is category of 11ati o11s tl 1e attitudes towar ds _\vo_r k :1eld by t l1e . population are antithetical to t l1ose exp r essed above. Not 011ly 1� Jt reported tl1 at there are sometliiilg l i ke 150 hol idays for commemo rati11g the various sa1nts of tl1e

7. 8· �· IO. 11 ·

ssie I Univerlla Se le ai H d, l1e lis ub np (u t en Mesfi- nW�Idcmaria111, Cultural Problen1s of Develpm sity Library), p. 9. e r1· ch sJ1ould th an th le d ee n e th f o e ey e It is much easier for the camel to Pass through th enter the kingdo1n of I1eaven. ? • Socie · ty, 1·ts C1ilture (1962) P- 14-· • G. Lipsky Ethiopia its People, tts ent tm ar ep D d , he is ' bl u p n ( u zy n no co ian E Ass efa Bekele and Eshctu Chole, A profile of the Ethiop of Economics, I-ISIU), p. �G. Savard, cited in note 6, p. 15.

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N IX . 2 . ., O L · o v W A L N IA P IO H JOURNAL -OF ET out 250 fasting days each ab e ar e er th in y t bu r h e urc h . . a do o r� o � �.h peo' ple who belong to the Ethiopian Orthodox Church are not onl during whtc Y butte1� and meat· 'lk ,· b mi u as t , h · · , sue so d o o f nal o met nutriti irn es eat o t t . o n · d se . ' . ay. Th'is coup·I ed. wi·th suppo . h I e t a ready exist1·n dd mi ttl un eat . to .they are ordered no. t. � . ·t· g ' · · . r M . ve t . ; y. eo 1v1 uc or d o pr , . it ow lab?ur wa l in s s found ult 1 res n o t1 tr1 nu in 3 deficiency e a th te 1n ea cr ve ha s t nd ugh mi n ys da s les rk o w of the f o t ep nc o c o. ut that the t � tha no d to an rk wo l, efu am sh on certain d dre nsi co be y ma rk o w t tha ople s est pri d, Go of and s eye t�e in fello""'. chris­ an isti chr d goo _ the of rk ma :ys is a ry s ha. dge dru pe and elo dev ty dir as rk d in the wo r o n f o rsi ave an nce He s. tian 14 ." ns ize cit e th o f s mind Eventh ough work in general is l ooked down upon, manual labour and cert ain crafts are particularly stigmatized . An Amh_aric saying w�ic� goes as follows: ft� 1 P'lr : (}C'IT, fn� : -OA?T : �:,-.-,:,. : meaning manual skill 1s slavery and oral skill is mastery 15 clearly shows the disdain that prevails for this kind of work. ''In additio n potters, blacksmiths, tanners an d weavers together with their necessary and useful skills were cond emned to sub-human status. They were forbid d en to intermary with other 16 and '' fear contempt f o mixture groups a.nd they were treated with a . 12



In our view it is imperative that these and otl1er similar attitudes be made compatible with the needs of development even i.f the limite d goal of industrialization is to be achieved . The inst.ruments most frequently p ointe d out for m odernizing man's values and attitudes education, communication, i d eology and government authority. 17 An attempt to , discuss the role of all of these instruments in changing or maintaining certain prevalent attitudes and structures would not only be a task of such a for­ midable magnitude that it can hard ly be undertaken in such a short paper but would also require tools of analysis far beyond what my legal education and com­ petence can offer. Thus in this paper we shall not be concerned with all these instrumentalities of social change and shall limit our discussion only to the Iast:­ Government Authority-which we shall take to mea n the legal order. T�e ternts law an d legal order have been. defined in so many ways and identi­ fie d w1th so many things that at times one is led to believe that the two mean practically anything. A reason commonly given for this web of u11clarity about the nature and functions of law is the fact that most legal thinkers try to capture 12·

Assefa Beqele and Eshetu Chole, cited in note aw, V!a g me Te sho 10, Dr Ac p. . 9. cor to din g owe ver. the tota l number of holidays in evrey month for 13 months in a given year is 1281 � ays �ee . Teshome Wagaw, Multiplicity �11 t EJ [ ec le Pos sib of holidayJ· i'n Ethiopia and th.eir . p yci,O soczo-economzc Development of the Country (unpublished, Haile Selassie I Univers Jt)' Lfb . trary) , p. 13. 13· :i ! !�t to n utri \ion, it i� e�timated th�t the average caloric intake p�r day p _ ye �t: . er o• ·· 00 _calorie�, consider1ng the altitude an d sai 1s 1t .. d lev el of manual act1v1ty th�ce 18 a caloric deficiency of i · utr N ,• . ro a · 1mic, n d u 4 0 0 1 ca · S. ones . per day per person. D s· tion and I\TD1�ie.gti es,, s c1.ted .in E . . co no m ic Jo ur na l, V � ol . 1 t� (1968). p . 19. . T ,a, . ,_1:.,J!U ,�e,. ,;:vt � aw '"" i 'ult.lp;/ . . if U . •�i ~ II \'-'si't •i,,. er· v . -so cir ° . olzdays ln 0 h on thio pia a d Pos sible thei r Effe ct_ E_ i:syc eQf!J,Wtft,ie IAellelqpmt:� ) p.35, _ t, a t e C '! _ ry ountr� (uru,published, Haile Selliassie I Universit y Libra � . . m. Ctted . . �lib Wal�� � � m nate 7 ' p ' 1 3 · . &1��

!b� ti.

� ���. mt�lt! irl iwte !. ;o. a.



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nc e of la w in a single sentence which like e ess h all 51·ngle se ntencets cte . 1or mu . 1 at1• ons h c m . u too an d a re far like t 1 ly to mislead · 9 H owever , w1' •ng 1n • to leaVe . ou. th ot1 goi t · c rudent·i aI Ia b ynn tll io r o ur p urposes w p ur 1s J e shall take the work'1ng de fi n1.. hi· s t . t1on H or ro ss p fi w·11· B . � b Jam .1 � d . _ arvey �n? consider law as ''a techn suggeste . · iqu e of 1 de ng v r 1 s ng t i es i de s� r nt 1 a r l o ch a racter1st 1c f r om its social ul tim . ate reliance on th e of sy ste n° m �? a j ti m c_ ally !� reatened or �J?Plied forc rese!ved ? e in politically or­ _ , A lt h ou gl t l soc1et IS � de �n1t1 on may �e cr1t1c1zed for being too positivis r ganized. . t; _ c ha ar r tic a ul te ar r1 p st1 c. �h1ch 1s ,lppeall111g to tis. For by viewin ] w � it is this a g as to ne l th ol a tit is r de or fin iti on 11elps us to foc11s our attention on the causal amoral an d social cl1ange, without any moral or eth conn e ction between Iaw _ ica l conside ration . is ys eclipsing ot1r anal Not only �as its. defi�ition be�n vag ue b11t in addition tl1e desirabi1jty and feasibility of usi ng th is s?c1al t�chn1 q11e i11 tl1e engineering of social changes have al\vays be en a controver sial s ubJect. As Fried man puts it ''the cont roversy betweet1 those vv110 believe tl1at law sl1ould essentially follow, 11ot lead a11d tbat it should do so s lowly, i11 response to clearly forn1ulated social s entiment and those who believe t l1at tl1e l a\\, sl1ould be a deter1nined agent in the creation of new norn1s is one of reccu rent then1es of tl1e history of legal thougl1t."21 Two promi11 ent schools of tl1ougl1 t that reject both the desirability and feasibility of la,.v in ind ucing change s are tl1e I-Iistorical school and the Marxian scl1ool of thought. To attempt to present a detailed analysis of the various reasons presented by these two schools in fe\v lines wou ld be presun1pt uo us. What is atten1pted here is to select the basic reasons on the basis of wl1ich the two l1ave rejected botl1 the desirability a11d feasibility of la,v i n induci11g social changes and examine \vl1etl1er these are valid in, the African arena. To Savigny, tL1e fou nder of tl1e historical scl1ool, Jaw was sometl�ing tl1at �s connected with t11e bei 1 1g and character of tl1e people and I1e m,1inta1ned tl1 at 1.t ''grows wit11 the growth of tl1e people and strengtl1ens witl1 the strength of the,_ people and finally dies away as the n ation losses its natio11a1ity." 22 Sinu1ar]y classi­ cal marxist theory, ''regarding law as a. superstructure on tecl1no�ogy and . eco1101ny considered it to be inconceivable for law to bring about changes-in the basis tecl1 no-: logy and eco1 1omy of society:''23 We find the views of these two schools of thou ght on tl1is point to be gener ally. arena out of tune with modern reality24 and totally inapplicable in the African _ Althougl1 social cl1ange may be revolutionary, it nor1nally �on1es about 1n a more or less orderly 111anner, out of the consciou s and 11nconsc1ot1s attempts of people 1 l p,ace ,I' trze .0�r Laiv in our civilization (1946) chapter 18. See K. Redden, An introductory survey 01 . d IT, where more than futy of sucl1 one sentence defin1t1ons are cite 19. I-Ioward and Summers, La,v: its nature, functions ancl lirnits (� 965), p. 7· 20. W. 1-Iarvey, Lctiv a11d Socig/ Cha11ge in Ghana (1966), P• 343· 21 · W. Fricdma11, .Law in a Changing Society (1959), p. 322- Simpson a.nd Stone, Law a11d Society (l948) p. 243· · . 800 p. 59) 58_ , (19 , 33 . . · 1 o V 23 · y • Dror, "Law and Soc1, ., ev R . L . . ne la · ·a1 Change, ,, Tu • n'' ic foundatio · . 24· Even Engels l1ad \varned against tb'1s oversimplified concept1on of the "econom . . letters wr1tte11 tus m fro ect as the only cause and the "legal supersructu�,, . merely the eff ent on the economy as the · cause end dep � not long before his death, it fol!ows t�at_, e th es m co be s tl1u d an y' m no eco e th 011 u '. � t� t _ 10 1 5 _e (1965) p. 291. and, as such, an effect Jaw may _ react nc ue rud sp rz Ju to . ed In ! LI°yd· plntrodction cause..V. Souski, Soviet Civil Lav,1 as c1t




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iv os is lrp It JJt e n. tio 1d ac a1 r e iv ct lle co io at h ug ro th na s lem l and ob pr •a1 ci so ve 1 . so to and · s as a. '' pr oble1n'' cca1r a . n . . . a tt e . . a11 t mp of . te sta to . a of S on iti . fin de o l · s rnvo1ve . _ve re he ew els d as pi ra a ric Af n ''I tio ra 25 s · an me l na l na tio ra soc1aI by .. em · bl· . o pr at . , th . · 1 t 1 . t n 1a oo te te ta po -s t os m s w po y et . ci er so of · n tio za . ili It ut e · th re es 1i . . imp quic·han. ge ''26 . · · . . g 11 r1 ee 1n Th a 1g e 1 e1 c1 so of t s fac n ea m a th as d at mo ye lo p em be w la that nt e rec ry ly a nd ly v on · ta sec �ce nde �pe ind rian or trl: ir the ned gai ; ies ntr cou �rican. h .a t t c t h en ia �r an rt es p? anc 1m an s 1_ the nt p� m ra _ ill st e role ar ts en im nt se of bal 1 on y cat1 ma be ed11 ir, the ta1n Cer : . r1ng best solution 1nee eng ial soc of ns mea a law as . r and side es con tak 1t t ing the fact that tha e. !1m of unt amo the ng taki but for this, . . a· e f o sp on n e or life th o 1n tw h lis mp co ac to generatio ns ing try are ns tio na se the very mes beco low. Under these cir­ edy rem tl1is of al appe the , uries cent took what cumstances, we are of the opinion that it is essential to use the law to give legi.. timacy to the state action and to erode the power of groups adverse to it.27 Not only is there a great need for legal program.ming i n the African countries . but .as these nations are undergoing more rapid change than their industriliz ed coun� terparts, capitalist or socialist, this rapid rate of growth accentuates the resulting pre­ ssure on the legal system. 28 ''In tl1is sense the scope and need for legal engineer­ ing are far greater in the countries of the third world than in Europe or North America, where changes can be brought gradually, .by incermental process or by well established legislative mechanisms. ''29 The fact that many African contries have adopted laws based on foregin mod­ els as a mean.s of revamping or overhauling their socio-economic systems even a.fter attaining independence is by itself a concrete evidence of the wide acceptance an.d legitimacy that the law as a means of social engineering has receive-d in these count­ ries, negating the views of both the Historical and Marxist school of thought. Definet.ely, the aggresive codification in Ethiopia is based on this basic premise. As the of the Ethiopian Civil Code put it, ''like the Soviet Union and co• communist countries, although with another ideal, Ethiopia and a nun1ber of Afric• an countries are presently in a revolutionary period. While safeguarding certain val• �es to which she remains profoundly attached, Etl1io_pia wishes to · 1nodify her struc­ ture completely, even to the way of life of its people. Consequently, Ethiopia ns do not expect the new code to be work of consolidation, the methodical and clear sta• tement of �ctual cust�mary rules. They wish it to be a progra111 e11visag ing a total transformat1on of society and they demand that for the most part, it set out new rules appropriate for the society they wish to create. Jo H . aving concluded tl1at it is not only desirable bt1t that it is essential to use law in the engineering of social changes ' if 111ost African countries are to attai n the · · .. goaIs that they have set out .for themselves we shall now proceed to exan1ine the role. of .. the law as an agent of change a�d as a response or a means to facili.. _ . Rev 25 · F riedman and Ladinsk;, ''Social Chan e. and Law . L· a mbi Colu ' �cci g of dent Indu s' strial · V 0 l • 67 (1967), p. 50-51 . · 1 r. 2-6 · '.R Seidman' ''Research 10• · · Studies arz A;ric · A r f ca · . , Law . . _ and Processes,'' Occasional paper No. 3 . ! 6ien.te.r,, Ym vers1ty of Cal1forn1a (1907), p. 7 · _ . ge �-. n 7 � � !ll� J\,, ftn.w a d. development: Some Problems and Hyr e nn th (un i pub d lish , e es ) P t -is. � · ,, Ame·r. · ri'Ueir� }t ' ,,.,11.egal n ' ce, nen ueve lopm ent Expe in i. Deve 1 lopin g : .... c.. su�,, � lllr>.De,y,. DJ.�; lnter,tfltlional Law (J.' 969)., p• 93 • Countries._ the American J;'ffl, •




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1Tf1:..\; l . .ll:'I\. �ll;ffl."')ll �- -��" . • . .©tMit ·. & �I.: fi'"" Rew Oede for Bthlo·p·1a.'' � ,t ,



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193 L• . R-. ev.,. v· oJ . 37 · . (1962-63)' ·P·





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change s an� to . consider its possibilities and limitations . ial soc i n ful · fill1ng these tat e society 1s ord e '' red living together though . Even ie acc rately pu ; it !s the k ta� � n:f � the living together of individuals "li t s � of :J g i es n no me t an ere is a n or on ; ati n gn . a sta ll so· cieties the e is a core of ortho dox norms and ) I b a sol11te order ·( · . ons round the margins of whic h c ontin i t ac ing orm o us e xp . e r1mrent _goe s on 3.•2 c onf establishing the norn1s which shaJI be e ntorced by law by the sanction of the he T · · . y de termines t he scope of the orthodox norms and 1? or1t th au tjcal poli oreove r by o � e other factors - communcations education - that brin th g llio g ntro , a b ut o soc 1a-1 . d egree o f experim entation. t e I h s contro e n g ch a Thus the la,v as �n agent of cl1ange 11as direct and in_direct role to play. It may cre ta e new 11orms or it may . make !lie atmpsol1ere conclucive to change by p erniitti­ ing the other fac_tors that br1? g_ social_ change to have full play. Let us take for ex­ aniple, contact wit� other . soc1et1es wl11cl1 cer!a��ly is 011e of the most important ele-: roents tl1ro_11g h wh1cl1 social chan ge can be 1n1t1ated. The effectiveness of this agent of change 1s t?tally depend:nt on _the �ature of the visa requirements, censorship of the mass media a �d tl1e extent �f _wh1ch t�ey e?cour�ge or reg11Iate it. Sinularly "the absence of f1eedon1 t_o a_ssoc1ate and d1ssemmat e ideas ca11 prevent, at least de­ lay the spread of �ew so c1al,,ideas and thus exert a very important basic influence on the process of social cl1an¥e .33 On tl1e .other l1and a law setting up compulsory ed­ ucational system by e11abl1ng tl1e operation of educational instit11tions may help to 34 . e cial g o s chan of ess proc the up speed The role of tl1e law, bo,vever, is not solely li1nited to t11e regulation of forces that bring abut social change , at times it directly bring about cha11ges. Althot1gh people may have different views as to the impact or efficacy of law to bring abo11t social changes, nevertl1eless , that i t is bei11g used for this purposes is a fact tl1at can­ not be denied by all. We saw earlier l1ow tl1e Ethiopian Civil Code is trying to cre­ ate ne\V 11orn1s fo r the Ethio pian Society of the future. Thjs legal engineering is true of all of tl1e new codes and one ca11 cite vario11s exan1ples where the law 11as dr­ asticially cl1anged deeply i11grained social n1ores. If we take the institutions a11d v al­ ues that we earlier cited as example of tl1ose hindering development-witchcraft, atti­ tudes towards life and its betterment, attit11des towards work ir1 general and cert­ ain crafts in particular - we can see ho\V the law is tryit1g to reform or eread.icate all of these. o l1se the law to cl1aog e t pts em att lik e n Me r o r 1pe En of s gn rei ly as ear the A or to n1ai11tain certain social attit11des have been made. In 1900 (E.C.) for example Emperor Me11elil( i n this attempt to giv e dig11ity to work and \vorkers, pass�d a p�o­ clamation in which l1e stated that those who ins11lted workesr would be 1nsult1ng him. A ro11gh translatio11 of the proclamation follows. u e tin on r sc tte di be n tio pa cu oc e�r th o� e 11s ca e b ''Those of y 011 w ho insult people e­ e Sh e th ad m 10 wl e on e tl1 b, tez tl1 IDi ks ac bl e tl1 that practice . So fa r yoti have called e Churc? Debtera, tl1e th ed rv se ho w e on e tl1 y, m,na S/ze,nma,ze, tlle literate Te,zqua e one of th s), in ra (g k ac bl d an te hi w th o on e who cultivated the land and harvested b 31.

32· 33 . 34.

, 2) 1--4 . 94 9 (1 ol V ., ev . R L go ca hi C of ity rs ve Kelson, ''The La w a.s a Special Social Tecllnique," Uni p. 75. A. Southall, Social Clzange in Africa (1959), P· 14. Tulane L. Rev., Vol. 33, cited in note 23, P· 798. Ibid., p. 797.

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. . s ·d the farmer excels the crown, yo u have ca.lled ghebere, and the . e whom t is .. r rny /f; i ab At ba u yo eta by gh d Ye lle ca s wa e dis an rch me d an ld go . at t gh t u o b • :1 • · · h o u w chant . o • _ =• ve cti pe res h e1r pa t cu f oc o t . e us i on. The ca be em th of e on ery ev 1 azy · . have . msu1 at ed •· ue �1n n . r ve co so to h h t a_ w ss ill sk ara y an s s. ss� po e ot n _ (th es do n so socie.. e os wh r. fathe e , _ c 1n am d· fro kin an m am all Ad y d all an g1? ! · 01 d. ille sk e th Eve and ing ult ins . . ty) by n a . �c o d t1o e� G of t _ c� �a old to e d? 1s is Ad�m 'thou th ll A . ce ur so r he ot no tilere is d e_ an d t 10.1 ow 1 o f n. h 1 1s 1s f ry . ! ve e ; r. I ou lab thy of t ea sw body be­ the by t ea shall . 1) t101 y (na ntr But c�:ru i � all the cou no 1s re_ the nt, me ern gov no is re the , idle n­ cames ed eal d rev Go 1ch to W? e 1qu him and makes �n tec � ne ts en inv e on . if e, rop Eu tries of ed ult t d rns no ate (by the society). As i rec app 1s e qu i hn tec er oth any or in tra ca.nnons, But . re you mo ch mu (people) insult the n eve es rov imp ker wor led skil e h t. lt resu a workers so much that there is a danger of destroying the country and turning it -share. Keep them imprisoned empty by absence of people who can make the plough 35 . " me to m d the for one year, cl1ain them and sen 36 and all men to equality the civiJ37 and granting by ion Constitut The Revised 38 dealing with defammation by giving due protecti on to any injured laws penal person are in line with the cornerstone laid down by Emperor Menelik. Similarly the Penal Code by making it a crime to practice medecine without poss­ essing professional qualification attempts to deter. those who practice various forms of witchcraft. 39 On the other l1and the public holidays proclamation40 by cutting the number of public holidays to only fourteen and an employer being required to grant only six days leave out of these f ourteen41 tries to drastically change the work calender. But even during the above days services essential for life, or essen­ tial public services such as the provision of food and drink, essential labour for the mainten.ance of agrict1lture, the provision of public entertainment, pharmacenti­ cal and nursing services, transport services are allowed to be undertaken. Finally the mere fact that in the legal system social relations come to be seen as amenable to cont.rol and the entire civil order ultin1ately as a creature of the law, an artifact of human desire in itself by rationalizing man's understanding of social life helps in curta.iling the ·fatalism that is prevalent in the society. One could go on citing similar examples but we feel that the above \Vould suffic e to illu.strate the point satisfactorily and we shall thus proceed to examine l1ow effec­ tiv� th� law _can be _and has been in achieving its goals or in implementing cha.nges wh.1ch 1t desi: res to introduce. Eventbougl1 at the outset one can say the obvious: an effective law is o ne that achieves _its purpose, th�s obviotts a11swer conceals a clu.ster of problems a.nd thu� the de�mng and measuri ng the effectiveness of law is neither as sin1ple nor as ?bv1ous as 1t looks at first glance. Questions as ·to what the purpose(s) · of a Jaw �� and whether one takes !l1e purpose intended by the drafter · or the parliamenta· r1a11s who voted or of the Judg. es who decided cases iiiterpreting it crop up. In add-


Mesfin Woldemariam, cited in note 2 P• 13 14 • • i;fi. l\e¥i:sed Censtitution, Art. 37-38. I

'Ml co �i�,. �-� :Awt�. 2044 2949•• I� � £.• �s. if�, §·8-8. JQ';r tlfMf� Amt. Sli.


44'. cill,




�tilit lt01ltm£�s Bllae. lSi, Neg. Gaz.• Year 15, No. 9. 24 -..TD 5� ..... :labQl' ebdi'ti(!)Jl! Jie�atrions. Art. 6, Le 1 , " • · Ar g. Gaz., Year gal Notice 302, 1ve

386 -



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LAW AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN AFRICA · re is the ends an d n1eans pr ob lem - a Jaw may the be des1gn · ed to c1 1anne1· be­. · . . . to �r odt�ce a desi red res ult. It ontro1 cond t1ct c or r vio can b e ineffective in the· ba se of t h e ter1n wh en 1t fails to ch an ne l or control n e s ual the behav.1• or, 1•t may uS · e sir d le · ed re� u 1t does not follow f rom e 1·r t I v ff e ctJ ine affecting conduct this way. be Moreover_, . ev�n when th e d�signed con duct prod11ces tl1e desired res·ult �her e may ated an d un dersiable effects . 42 But even t ic1p t n a 11n ho11gh these ancl otl1er s imilar be factors may sh. a�o w ou r sea rch for a reasonable measure of tl1e effectiveness of. law, tiveness o f law,_ actu�l or proposed , eff e� e th tha depends on the r esponse of some t . ,, p11blic wh�se interests are at JSSlle 1s qui te clear ,"43 and we sl1alJ thus proceed to explore this area. The leg al. ord e� i s a_ coer�ive order and ''n1ost legal precepts are designed to in­ fluence be]1av1011r 1n society, e1tl1er by prescribing wl1at tl1e lawmakers deem to be socially desirable way of ?oing things or and more often, by prohibiting what tl1e lawmakers deem to be socially u 11dersirable ways of doing tl1ings.« Ho,vever·, e,,en­ though it is the law1nakers ,.,,,110 J)ropose si11ce it js tl1 e society that dis poses45 in­ stances of an l1neve11 correspo11de nce betwee11 precept and conseque11ce, p11rpose and outcome can be fo1111d across the board of the operatoin.'' The n1ecl1anisms of JJ ersistence in l1u1nan bei11gs are .1111n1erous, ''tl1ey range fron1 the stability imposed by genetic properties and the a1)_proxi1nate identily of biologi­ cal structure , from tl1e conti n uin g of personality thro11gh co11ditioned reflexes , bio­ chemical equilibria, n1en1.ory a11d self-id entifica tion in co11seq·ue11ce of a constant ago­ ideal and mor al sta11dard s to the lar ge variety of modes of self-re,productio.n of so­ cial and c11Itural sys tem. "46 This presents a rather formidable coalition and a 1ni­ ghty set of obstacles which the law h as to overcome if it is to successfully implement the cl1anges tha.t wa11ts to see i11troduc ed i11t o the social fabric. 111 addition what the people think abotrt tl1e law, lawyers and judges whetl1ers t11ere is a respect for .law governmer1t, trad.ition; wl1e tl1e r oth er i11formal means of social control exist .in addi­ tion to in place of for1nal on es and l1ow often tl1ey utilized are factors tl1at have a bearing on tl1e efficacy of law. As the bank of quantitative inforn1ation about the Etl1iopian : l�ga1 sys te1n is not available at prese 11 t: definite answers to all the above canr1ot be g1ven. l-Iowever, an empirical study t l1at \Vas made to examine the litigants, attitudes tow�rd� Ja\vyers and judges of tl1e low er courts in E tl1iopia, ,vhich may be taken as �-?- 111d1cator of re­ spect for the judical sys tem, revealed that tl1e n1ajority of the litigants were of the be impression that advocates , 'ptirposely try to prolong cases so tl1at extra fees m. ay1''4 7 e c�u d n eve an t. coll ected," and viewed jtidges as b ei11g ''unknowle dgeable,. corrup pac t 1m an e hav Il w1 s ge Jud d _a? es ca! dvo a s f ard w this to i s s de so, such negative attitu � in red11cing tl1 e effectiven ess of the Jaw a11d the Judicial system. t_r eme­ e� s me co b� it ta da t ien f1!c su of k lac to e du r, h Alt ough as we stated earlie ly diffict1lt to reas011ably ineas ure the degree of effectiveness of law 1n the d1fferent 1 Jl ' 1•t'o


42. Friedman and MuCaulay, La}v and Behavioral Sciences (196), PP• 306, eo. im ). m 69 l. 4 (19 Vo v. Re · dm c. So S. , lv La t" e ·n opm 43. L• Frie I • I Deve an, "Legal Culture and Socia p. 65-66. 44 I-I. Jon es, The Efficacy of LaH, (1968), P· 26-27, 45 ·· Ibid., p. 40. 46 · A. Dessi, Essays on 1',,,forler11izatio11 Vol. 1 (1971), p. 1· . ., J. • · 1a, op hl Et r Courts of ,ve Lo e th ,n 47 · T. Geragh , is I en ob Pr d an ty "People, Pracrice, Attitudes Eth. L., Vol 6 (1969), pp. 476-478.

- 387 w


as s d 1· g�1 11s 1·e io at is liz th ra ne ge e iss n1 so e ak ue m . ll sti n ca base d 1B 01 e i·c f It . o. es 1er 1 sp 1a · c • r a l "· ts a d t r ar v ge a. -1 ea m 6 a e th le d an es tri o un ab co r he ot in ut the e nc rie pe ex -On the Efhiopian .legal system. 0s tl1 m fro s of de co its op ur E ew _ dr ich wh , ey �an coun­ rk Tu of e nc rie pe ex � e th As s ect ?f asp al �e. t . oc1 t tha 1ns _ see action of a ''It vvs. sho y arl cle � , 0's 192 the tries in _ re. � we ant 1e� rfic �v1t s1gn act y influe nced al 1 rc_ me com as l1 suc ter rac cha al ent mainly instrum lv111� 111vo n. e act!o n�1v expe _ al soci of cts aspe e activities thos e whil law, new by and basic beliefs and institutions sucl1 as family I1fe and rna48rr1age habits were very little ch.anged inspite of explicit laws tryi11g to shape tl1em.'' Altl1ough it is too early to report, tl1e experie11ce of Ethiopia may not be quite different from that of Turkey. An empirical reseracl1 carried out jointly by North Western-Haile· Sellassie I University on the impact of the various laws on the Eth­ iopia.n society revealed that i11 tl1e area of commercial law ''some major conflicts in the mercato between law a11d practice.'' However, according to the researchers these conflicts appear due to lack of education or knowledge on the part of the merch­ ants with respect to accou11ti11g practice and registration requirements and relucta­ . nce on the part of authorities to strictly enforce many harsh legal provisions Little i.f any, evidence of- resistance to these laws on the basis that they are ''foreign'' to customary way of doing things was detected.49 1. ,

While in the area of family law, it was found that despite the fact that the new law's attempt to break the customary practice of ad. option by imposing a re­ quirement of court approval, 50 people are still continuing to adopt according to customary procedures without seeking court approval."51 Athot1gh no empirical re­ search was made and we cannot positively say that the law is not being followed, _ it is very doubtful whether the Civil Code's requirement that a man be eighteen and a girl be fifteen years old in order to marry is being fallowed. In addition one can cite the provisions dealing with names which up to now have been more or less a dead letter.52 However, eventhough law as an instrument 'in achieving the desired results may be slow or weak in matters that affect basic drives and values, the n1ere fa ct o� affirmation through acts of law and government as it expresses the public worth_ of one set · of norms, of one sub-culure vis-a-vis those of others and demor1strates which �ultures have legitimacy and public do1nination and which do not is significant i� itself. Thus the law aside from its effectiveness as an instr·ument can still have this symbolic effect, as an act, decision or gesture important in itself. 53 Up to now we �ave been concerned with 1101·m changes initiated by th� law to ?e fo_llowed_ by behavioural chan�es. But unles� w� define social change tautolog1call� a: _ ble, we inust accept three possib� 1dent1cal with norm change, wh1ch seems UUJtisttfia .



48. Tulane L. Rev., ".o l. 33, cited in note 24, p. 800. . be of 49". J. ��ss and �emariam Berhe, �'Legal Aspects of Doing Busines � le pro fi 9. . s in Addis Ababa, A . �ereato Bnsmessm an and their Reception of ne w laws " J. Eth.. L, Occasio11al paper No. 1• P· , . �I� � . ,Am;. 804 ( 1). . . 0f y t I iBeelc!�tii.e.m, 4.doptivn in Ethiopia Ten years After cul fa d, ( ubli she the un Civ il Cod e P £aw lkili11�}. p. 11 "° .·

�i� �� .�ts.. 3046.,

N��'I)) and M1a�ulav - · 1n · not.e ·42. p . 309-3 1O. �,, ejted


388 -

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. n g e - n o r m cha ng e fo ll o wed by behavioural change, cha f o e b b av1oura1 change types · u Itane ous change in beha orm ch an ge a nd �1m y b viour and norms.s4 Und � e follo w e cti on we shall consi der the second type of chan s s · ge, behav1ou thl • ra1 ch ange de·r ...,., ch ange or Iaw as response to change. no r1n by wed o foll . the rise of new 1n ''In a modern so ciety, the d e cline of old. and · dustr1e · s, ch anges . ancl b a] an ee of c 1 asses' new 1d eas o n tl1e value o f the 111 d'1v1"duaI ., on gth stren the • 1·n . . d an f; m 1 a 0 i Y . sex_ relat101�s l11_p, are contii1u ously disintgrating th e wrongdoin g and ? . n of s0�1et y, ou t mo dtn� its m�ch1 �e ry here an d the re, renderin g s o me of atter p old , l 1 1 and ars ons 1 i 1 n sanc p t ? e rat1ve. 55 TI1e qt1estion that on e 111ust addre ­ its laws and_ cl1an ged 1 _deals and o�jectives have ren dered unpalatable ss bimse�f . 1_s thus, wl1e� n eration must so c1al repo se be maintained as though the certa1n1 t1es of a prec i ous 5ge 6 d atl1 _ o e f . The an swer is certainly no, and it is imperative ? ep e s e it were th ! that the_ law 1n or�er to fa�1l1tate � l1e cl1a1�ges mt1 st be n1ade to tune witJ1 the times. m tl11s funct i on the l aw wo11Id be as R.oscoe Pound . Unless it ca11 effectively Perfor ren1arked ''in very trutl1 a govern me11t of tl 1e living by the dead. "57 TJ1 e 111o ra1 sen se of a comm11nity chan ges . as th � balance_ of vari o us i11t ersts change. An example of such a process ca11 be found 1n wl1at 1 s presently J1appeni11g in m a11y of the wes­ l 1 most of these cot1otries do h.ave laws prohibit ing abortion, t ern coun tri es. �l thoug except for medical reasons, and. make h o n1osexualism a crime even when committ­ ed by ad11lts in private, the constan t l obbying to legalize these lead one to 'believe tha t the above J a ws are Jagging bel1i1 1d the moral sen se of the societies tl 1a t tJ 1ey purport to serve. However, suc l1 phenom e11a are n either partict1Iar n or limited t o these societies. Eve11 in dev e l o pi11g societies, s11cl1 as E thio JJian, one can 11 ote this lag betwee11 a professecl ideal an d re al. ity. For example if 011e exa1 nines tl1 e Ethiopi­ an Civil Code ,vl1ich is basically d esigned for tl1e future Ethiopian society and tries to introduce new 11orms, 011e can 11ot e t11at some of its provisions are already out of tu11e with t l1e times. On e of the few n1andates in tl1 e code regardi11g marital dis­ pute res olt1tio11 is th,1t the parties should st1bmit the disJJutes to a rbitrators selected 1es, neigbo11rs and friends atte1n1)t to i, 1 relat g 1 avi1 l of e1n t sys tl1is 1 l ot1g Alth . the1n by resolve a cot1 ple's dispu t e 111akes sense i1 1 tl1e abstract, litigants \Vitl1 divorce petitions are comi11g to courts initially in incre asing 1numbers i11 tl1e cities. ''Fa1nily arbitra­ ti on is a codified customary practice witl1 its origins in rt1ral Ethio1Jia before the rise of cities. In tha t n 1 i]ieu clestinies are closely interwi11ed. F,11nily frjencls and co­ 11teer t? arbitrate _m�terial �is­ u vol to 11 e oft d 11 a ee agr to ick q11 e ers ar ity eld 1un mn putes. But tl1e city filled wi th n1igra1 1ts, wl1ere independance 1s fosterecl, 1t 1s relative­ ly difficult to get acc1uai11tances to devote the lon g hours, seldom compensated, tl1at are reqt1irecl by family arbitrators. For t]1is reason s the11 n1�ny couples approac� a ac all t 1n a t sh ec sel es rti pa 1 l e t 1om vvl rs, to a ter bi court to obtain an ''order '' that ar t herwise rel11ca11t candid­ o me s 1to 1 t y ri 1o t l a11 � of r _i dispute. It ap. pare,1 tly puts tl1e fea _ 1 ot redt1ce tl1e 1 es d n 1o t ra t b1 ar � ily m fa of . ates.58 The reason tI1at the institution 1op1a dem and � degree l1 Et t en s re n i es rc vo di p court con gestion an d tlle fact th at the _ a tors are so me of ! he re­ r 1 rb lly ill fa � t os 1 n � by of expertise 110 t con1monly possessed _ 1on to at nd ne nu s co hi re 1fy t s Jt1 o t l ua an 1n A asons that were given. by Aklilti Wolde

54 - A. Southall, cited in note 32, p. 17. 55 · P. Ford, Social Theroy and Social Practice (1968), P. 1•2· ,, Vanderbilt L. . , ge an and ch 56 · w• Gelhom, "TI1e Law's respones -co t he d emand of both stabllty Rev. Vol 17 (1965), J). 91. 57 · Ibid., p. 92. ,

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and l icia i11ist�ative · �nno 1 dr1 ud j e, iv slat legi t stan Con � .s9 ion itut inst a�olish the _ _ vation _t of_ 11fe s tI11 cl an r s ce& eas abr law of innova.ti tlle p kee to � ary ess f nec · ti s. are th _ _ requires �ociological investig�tion . , for ''a m.ere g·u�ss .�f polit1c1ans comb�ned w�� law of is bas reform; nor· 1s a m te, qua ade an 11ot 1s . 1an ftsn l dra lega of l skil the 6 r 1 s�'' e 11ati e armchair analy�ical I�gc1:l study of existing al� � :. , � � � But since in m��� African countnes legislators, courts a:p.d a( tr1buo.als. do not·. have the time and personnel to hunt for the relevant data,. 1! may be needed to create new institutioas · entrusted with the sole duty of law rev1s1.on. ..


In this. pa_per we have attempted to examine, by _way . o f. �xamples selected from Ethiopia, how social attit t1des and institutions can hamper the process of develop­ ment and the role that the law plays in making these -attitudes and instititions with :the n · eed of developn1ent. The dual roles of law as an agent of change and as a means of facilitating change (.Response) and its possibilities and limitations were ·considered. In our opinion law can be an agent of social cl1ange although one should not t.ry to use it where it is an inappropriate; i.e. ,vhen o .ther more effective means can be restored to without 1nuch trot1ble. Although we may have good intentions as to what ought to do, we should a.lways remember that this special social technique if misused .may lead to its disrespect. To know what it can do an study has to be made.

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Cliff F. Tho,npso: n_, P.rofessor and Dean .

Faculty of Law


Haile Sellassie I University


.. '. .


MAJOR DEVELOJlMENTS _ 1965 E. C. (1972-73) Tl1is is my fourth· a11d fin,tl report as Dean. Because of t11e finality, many emotions �re in my mind, but none is so srtong as my heart�e]t thanks :o all my colleague� . a�d students who 11elpled tlJis La\.v Facul­ . t he h1gl1 s �andards of acaden1ic training and·· research which are so. ty to . ma1nta111 _ . de elopmen essent1al for Eth1op1an t . But I am also . national aware of the many im-· y _ provements �h1cl1 must be. made �n our programs for preparing effective ]Jublic ·ser� vants. In this sense, tl1ere 1s -nothing final about 1ny report. The great task of mak­ i �g the La\v Fact1lty �esponsive to national . n�eds continues, a11d .it is my convio­ t1on that tl1e future will be greater than the past. .


· in t· he promise of the fut_ure is that tl1e process of. One reason for belief my . Ethiopianization of the Faculty is su_b$tantially complete. Ten years ago . there . was no law . sch ool and fe\ver than 19 Ethiopians with university legal education. There has been a smooth tra11sition during the past fot1r years in wl1icl1 a majority of the. Faculty bas become Ethiopian, and for the first time there has been tlus year an Ethiopian Assistant Dea11; and tl1e first EthiopiarJ Editor-in-Cl1ief of the Journal of · le and Ethiopian LaH1. These Ethiopian teachers a11d administrators are exteremely ab � alented. In addition, t11ey have a national orientation and ability for researcq.· into national problems tl1at foreigners can only begin to have. It was a ·pleasl1re for me to assist in sect1ring deserved promotions for three of 011r Ethiopian teachers. Another reason for my certainty about · the contint1ed progress of the Law Fa­ culty is tl1e fact that the transition from a large foreign staff to a local staff has been smooth. I emphasize tl1e smoothness of t11e transition, because the pattern in other Jaw schools in Africa in the recent past bas been t11rbulent, often to the ex.:.· t� nt of upsetting t11e o·peration of the fact1lty for �onths and years after t_he ini­ tial trasitional difficulties. We were fortunate in being aware of and plann1ng for sucl1 potential diflicu]ties, and we have be�n. _blessed by a m�jority o� Et� iopians and expatriates who were educational obJect1ves ahead of larger able to put the faculty's · �I else. .; in s jo ian wh _ � Although ou r JJast experience indicates that no t all of the Ethiop b _ the Faculty •will remain wi th tls, it is nevertl1eless trt�e that the �1e� ersh1p of th e �acuity will beco1ne more settlecl in th e futtire tl1an it l1as been in the p �s. t as va­ m fro ng 1s1 ar es ag nt va ad rio us expatriates l ra ve se be ll wi ·. e arrived and departed. Ther - 419 ' -



e1n a r ?l f .. of r. i1 io ti at e11 in id 111 eli e . � th � d fie 11g cli clu .ir1 y, lit bi : three sta . ng ffi sta i.tlcreased ut . t1t on of 111 al r s ve s1c ta yr ca c d 11a o e � ar � ye � to mbi?ed � a.r ye � _ om Fr � . o. . ag years . started pr o ec cs left them to 10 w1 be le op Pe ff. sta � of finish­ et· ov . rn tu '. ge lar . _ with a as y ted the tes y l . 1gh rot s ic f w,i r1. sac e 1·al no 1 . osc ed \Vb ff, their sta d ive arr ly new by ed own resea·rch and ideas. Completion of Consolidiated Laws But perhaps the late-comers are adeqt1ately co1npe.nsated wl1en they receive the applause owed to all of th� �ontrib11t_ors. T�e Co�'1sollliatecl Law_s_ o.f Ethiopia, forma­ lly presented this year to His Imper� al M�Jesty 111 a . well-publ1c1ze_d cerei:n?ny, was such a project: Compiled i11 cooperat1011 with the �ffi1ce of the �rime M1n1ster, the La...vs are 'tremendo11sly importa11t, a11d have occ11p1ed the atte.nt1on o·f the Faculty since it began ten years ago. Two volun1es i11 Aml1aric and two volumes in English provide syste111atic access to all of the no11-Codified legislation of Ethiopia. We wish that .Bill Ewing, th.e Editor, and many other former members of the Faculty might have been here to share tl1e 111a11y congratulations we, and Assistant Editor Beyene Abdi, have received. The Co11solidated La,i,vs of· Ethiopia is an essential co11tribution to Ethiopian legal literature. It is also a symbol of the kind of sustained instit11tional effort for the nation that our Law Faculty can achieve. Other major events of tl1e year are also representative of our efforts, as well as interesting of tl1emselves. I will summarize tl1em, and provide further details later. Research and Documentation Programs The Research Committee published two books tl1is. year. The Journal Editors com­ pleted the printing p·rocess for one issue of tl1e J.EI.J, sent to the printers the com­ pleted texts for two more issues, ,ind largely completed the editori,:il work for yet another issue. The s·ummary of activities f..or each teacher, below, shows the Facul­ ty's emphasis upon researcl1 relevant to Ethiopia. The encouraging and dramatic improve1ne11t wl1icl1 occurred last year in tl1e business management for publication prograin co11tinued this )'ear, a11d for tl1e first time in several ye-ars we had con.siderable income. This developn1ent is essential to the Faculty, for it provides the key to the pl1aseout of the pt1blication fu11ds from tl1e Ford Foundation. We also continued to strengthen our compctrative law center, the Center for Af­ rican· ·Legal Development, which co1npleted pt1blicatio11 of African Laiv Bibliograph.Y al leg ative 1947-1966 by Professor Va .nderli11den. The book is a significant to compar s ette gaz &chol�rship. T'he central library began tl1e difficult process of procuring the and Journals as part of the prograin :for starting the Afi·ican La}v .Digest at the Fa­ cnlity.

- . �e a�hieved st1bstantial progress tl1is year in several areas of basic docuroen­ t�tt@D whtcb ham. been started in earlier years but had faltered. Most importa�tl�, atutl�,nts 1!ltlit<d:�F Faculty supervision completed an index to the Colle .ction of EthiopJ­ aD �drg.ellJil�tfi:_fS, S@ that 1mlore than 5000 cases ca11 now .be more easily utilized �or :a.iM <lil!a�ig matei;!als. An indirect but essential step reviving the Amhanc• o � � l;�ro -was � taken. t de b y start ing f in and � hal completing �n x c�� · C�e. Wi �s� C.©mp.l�ted a program to sectrr.e as far as possible the Fa •




ia!s agai11st loss; copies and stencils are r e t a m g in h c a e t w no ty's ex ind ed and held i11 Archive. s w a L the Fact1lty o f

Academic Standards Our · ne,v Senior T hesis reqt1ireme. nt, consisting of six ratiler .than t 11ree hours · paper to panel. of t·hree Fac · · ter t o d e fie11• d J11s requ1r1·ng tbe w11 ·ind u•ItY memb ers pro• . · . 'vided the st1 . 1 dent·s t1e J opportunity for deeper analysis into Etll io · piaii pr:oblems. ' A l :need the to provid still e is a there better gl1 writing thou . progran1 as precursor to · the Seni or T ·hes1s ' t he new cI_ 1 a11�1J_g e '\ivas ,�ell handled by the students. We were gratified to be to1.d b y acade1_1uc v1s1tors-ev,1Jt1at_ors fron1 five neighboring law schools that the standared of tl1e papers was outstand i ngly high. Anotl1 er ind ic�1tor of tl1e 111ainte!1 ance �f high . academic standards was tlle per­ foroiance of ot1r moot �ourt team_ 111 the 111ter?ational competition in Washjngton D. C. 011r_ team Berf1a11e Gr/a and Assefa Chal;o, \v1 th Elias NotJr as alternate, did not do , so sensationally as last. year s team,. when we capt11red n1a11 y first prizes-but they \vere an1ong tl1� top 1n all cat�gor1es. The overall final standings placed trs f ourtJ1 out of IO foregin teams competing; we had tl1e third b est ,vritten memorial• and Ber/1_ ane Gil/a scored as tl1 e second best oralist from the son1e 20 competitor�. \Ve feel tl1 at the best benefit of this curriculum program, w11 ich is only one of · . many, is the intensive trai11ing given to ot1r competitors i n the competion at Hs1u three years, against But ,ve l1ave fot1 nd. tl1at 011r competitive success during the Past . leading lavv scl1 00Is from Africa, Asia, Europe, and the United States, has 'been a \Velcome confirmation of tl1e co11fidence we feel ab out our lav; school, and a b oost to the esprit de corps a thrivi11g scl1ool mt1st have.

St11dents, Alt1mni, and La,v I-louse We l1ad social occasio11s for son1e IJut not all of the law classes (the students were not in ft1ll 11u111ber ·u11til the second sen1ester, after the University-readinission of students wl10 l1ad Vi'itI1draw . n the preceding year) and two major funclio11s ror our alun1ni. But tl1e most t1seful develop1nent \Vas tl1e activity of a group of alun1ni on a La,v H 011se Assistance Committe, wl1ich aided the students by form u· ­ Jating sol11tions to tinesttlect a. s pect s ab ot1t Law 1-Io11se. �lthough no major pr� b lems had been e11countered abot1t Law I-Io11se, it was felt advisab le to work out wi th tl1e Dean of Stud.ents and tl1e Busi11ess Vice President formulae for futrue use, before any difficulties might arise. \Vithot1t the formulae, any such difficulties wo11Icl b e ex­ aggera ted by the absence of settled r11les to govern the unique status ?f Law House. This work \.Vas sub stantially completed, and we are grateful to our alun101 and _to our stu: dents and central administration for their c ooperation. V•/e feel tha t an active alumni associ ation will arise fron1 contintious contact and involvement b et:"een the Faculty and its alumni. One s111all but interesting innovation was our design a_nd appr?val o( a Law Factilit)' tic� based on a mt1lti-crested Balance and Sword motif, comb 1 necl with the HSIU letters.

orce F k as T n Ja P rs ea Y e iv F s l'' PJanning !1.bead - LaV oF k as T a d · · · · · ze ni ga or ty 11l ac ' F L Jn accorclanc·" w1tJ1 Un1vers1ty pl,1nn1ng, th"e Law 11 1 dJ�: rt; e rn ; go m e l1 � r ot d an e 1 ic y of J1 st tr is in M 1 l1i l1 l1 11 \v e tl �t cr w it c ,;p i11 o co ti > te r e a gr c t n io rp so b a e h t r fo es ments, devised 011 tl1e basis of 11eeds and capaciti


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·JX ... f:TO. 2

e ia o�l th �p hi Et in 11 -�1e io at uc xt ed al leg : of five Year: & t e11 pm lo ve de e til r fo n f', pla � � and. beyond. sua � e an per ent cum ly do ive ly fttl is It u . �lf arg its for s ak ed. I spe ort rep The � � �tl1 f u� ut t of ou ab d_ al ne leg e1· nc co s�y 1�u ser v de ne yo an to it elop. i1d me om rec � y. t1t t an 11o _qu d an __ e ty Th ali qu on up 1s is as Report re. ph em e Th . pia hio Et in ments . y onl but a mc:,dest one. The tes, dua gra law of r 11be nt11 tl1e in se rea inc an c.oimnends · the m �ro : s degr�� and .sub-de: ate �u gra of 11ce elle exc the tee ran a gu' to is d nee real· · be the social engineers needed 1_� a changing e to · · abl_ re a gree programes so they : i&n nat . . · . ·oi�tinguished legal _ scl1olars "visited U$· fro1n the law · school in Kenya, Sudan, Ta­ nzania, Uganda, a.nd Zambia. The vi�its were one· of · the highlights of the year.. Both we as hosts and our guests felt y;e had benefit�d from the exchange; in par­ will be help.._ ticular, the evaluation· given by 011r visitors ori our aca�emic programs · · · t�uJ · .in the future. : A very favorable aspects of our planni11g has been the willingness. of the. Presi-, dent and cen.tral administration to uqdertake the financing of our programs which· have ·benefited in the past by ft1nding_from,the Ford .. F:ou11dation. Because oflarge grants from the Foundation during· the_ past four . years, we wo·uld in any event have no immediate problems. But our plan has been to create a reserve of capital which would gu.arantee the Journal of Ethiopian Law a ft1ture unclouded by financial co­ ncerns.. The cooperation and understanding of ·the U-niversity's Officers has given the Law Faculty· a firm base for future planning: . .. . · . · � will now provide details ibout tl1e major deveJopments of the yea.r, as well as. providing impor·tant information abo.L1t .activities not mentioned above. . . GENERAL . INFORMATION ON THE . .FACULTY . ·

·Academic Commission


the first time the Academic _Conimissioµ l1ad a majority of Ethiopans. rvrany i;neet�.ng� were spent in a healthy reassesm�nt of procedures . and _policies. Outgoing Assistant· Dean Eddy coordinated . the passing-over of hi$ duties, inciuding those as Secretary to the Commission, to Ass.istant Dean Worku Tafara. At the end of the year· !on Eddy prepared 'handing-oyer . notes on tl1e c�le1ider of �verits . t·or the Assi.stant · D_ea� · and_ Academic Commission pr�ctices which, _subject to i·evision, should be use­ ful· ril the f urture. · : · · . . ·On major decisions, the Commission contin·ued to follow decisions• reached.. by_ the FuH�Faoulty. .




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: . . Students . •

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; .•· In .1965 E. C. ·(1972-73) our stud�nt:• -enorllme.nt follows:

as s wa . · . the. LL. B. program


1st Semes,ter. 1965 2nd Sen1ester 1965 4 · . � .�1': V/S g Eve�ing: 88 nin : 7 Eve . · Day: 144 . ' ' . '. . , f '. n · · ftg; u mi 11h , sire · e�rollment was due ·t o the . ret r �f � �t1d �emesteF of .. fll _Bll41�. Wh<i �s witib.tkawn as a ,ot1t1�l gesture. a year earlier. At the eacl . . •





tlie first se11 1ester., 40 ��udents out �f 163 qtialifi ed. for the Dean,s Honour . st: Li 1 warning; 2 . on probation . or pl ac . ed . re e \V 4 · · ' and 10 were dISDlissed. Most of the · aI s were f ro m th . e seco nd year eveni. 11g class. At the end f the se .dis· m1ss c�nd seme. qual1:fi . studen e d �s for _ . the . Dean' 35 s Honou� · 11 t 36 wen� on w ar s·ter fl: 1 ng 6 on we 4 r e an dis d mi sse d. ati on e ; S ven students wh o. ·�;d b een 1n -aca denuc troub e prob l sta n od w o di . g O ng t e e d w re h. appy to gradu ate 34 students th returne · wi the d egre� La t\vo w, of of elo the r m Bac wtth Distinction. h of . Fa 11a culty · d 225 stttdents i11 the Diploma program 1n The · both . semesters, an d · . I n· · wi h Ip om t_ as . in Law at the June ceremony. These stu 182 graduated de nts h eld a :s_uccessful ce� eb rat1on . party and present�d the Facttlty with a large chi ming clock which . is already d tsp 1 ayed 1n the 8 en1or Seminar room.


_Due to the return . of_ tl1e w�thdrawn students, an extra large number-some 45 qu_al!fie? to go o_n Eth1op1an Un1versty Service, but the cooperation of the various M1n1str1e� made 1t appear tl1at tl1ere would be i10 difficulty in placing everyone in a legal Job. Staff-Student Relations

For at least five years in a row there has been a Universty-wide irregularity in the acadentic programs caused by political witl1drawaJs of the students and t11e con­ sequent difficulties resulting fro111 their_ later readmmission. This year it1 the Law Faculty we were withot1t nearly I1alf of 011r ft1ll-time students until the start of tl1e ·se cond semester. In the circt1mstances, and given the strong emotions wl1 icb sur­ ro·und such events, the establishement of good staff-student ra_pport which can enhance the effectiveness of the academic program is not easy. Tl1e wil]ingness of the staff a. nd all but a few stud ents to achieve as mucl1 as possible from the academic op­ porttintiy offered by the Universty l1as been encouraging. I have empl1asized a 11 umber of thougl1ts to this end, and since I \Viii not be here to repeat then1 yet anotl1er time, I take this opportunity to state briefly two fundamental points. The first point, like 1na11y important fu11damentals, was stressed ce11t11ries ago by the Ro1nan poe t Se11eca. He obsereved that the difficult!' was not tl1 at we have insufficient time but tl1at · we n1 ake such b ad use of the time we have. When our ·students I1ave reflected seriously llpon their · own use of the ·hours of tl1 e �ay, tl�ey have often realized that : they co11 ld: accomplish �ore than tl1ey l1 ave, 1nclud 1ng baving more tin1e to master tl1e law. '. ·' · Tl1e seco11d tl1 011ght is that tl1e arduous effort to n1aste: the law .is v,.ortl1while­ •Sir Edward Coke wrote: , 'tile l<i1ow n certainty of the la\v 1s the great _safety of the law''. This n1eans th at wliere there ,1 re l<now11 law. s, where there . are established rules, we are bound on­ ? :"h y , rit are freed from the arbitrar)' wl1i1 n of m en i n · position of au· tho . n ea m t es 11o do is th t Bu s. e l ru by d ite �Y by their ow11 fa nc y if tliey ar e not lim that 'tl1e law is necessarily j11st. A · natole · �rane e wrote : to sleep or po e th as 11 � s � ch ri e tli s d_ rbi ''The law, in its rr1ajestic ·equality, fo . � b r ead. al ste to d an . ts ee str de tin r bridges, to beg in th e . .. n ea m t no es do s le ru of m ste sy a •This sentiment is also profo11nd; that tl1e re is . 1hat the syste1n ca11not be made fairer and more Just. .

- 423 ----




· lo e o deve pm a nt_ he t t ga le 1t , . th l · et rg s fo sy ts n e. ud st tem h . e m so lv te _ tu . fi U o m _ sy te ru g s le in rk wo , a d an of n io at eie op ; th d an n � tio c o�'. �a � _ : two p!r� � e) ar tl1 . re ied st1 pl ap ak So m 1d e a1 m les rtt � e studen ts th e � ov pr im to . ed ne t en . curr n 1o ca 1jJ e a o th e th 1n 1·e w 1lt1 la fa a to or , _ , 1: \ I� e and de­ th in � ct � fe de a � point to . . y sa 1s a dl is e Th us . nf co la� e th d g 1n y . vie u t s· wpoint 1n e us no � _ is ere th : t tha re cla . 1l wh rth to t wo no rn lea 1s 1t t tha g yin sa mathemati­ a11 th r � tte be ch mu t no and is b 1n y t1s so th do rs ma he · ot t ea ch tic 10 wl ma le op s. Leg­ pe � me so e us ca � be cal skills _ ry d ve a 1te ve 1r!l l1a nts t 1de stt tl1e d an � d ire qu ac ily eas t no are �me �o acqu­ ills sk al . e tI1. al of soc1 dge wle condt1ons 1n ,vhich kno e hav also st mu yer law d goo ire them. A it ter. B the so per n who, � � tl1e Jaw operates and a motive to make chan _ges for tl1e� be _ cl.reams of greater justice should be able to 1mpJement n1s ideals if the opportunity comes to him. If l1e has not acquired legal skills, he will awaken from his dream and find himself powerless. The staff joined i11 the student famine relief ca1npaign, and I a1n gratified to re­ port that the University Ad Hoc Committee several times mentioned the Law Fa­ cu.lty, organired by Fil,re jMe,-·id, as one of the foremost contributors. During the year \Ve discovered that the reluctance of our final year full-time student.s to accept various versions of a class schedule was based upon their own part-time work schedules in various ministeries, partict1larly the Minsitry of Justice. The Full-Faculty considered this, and concluded that on tl1e whole ,ve approve of pra.ctical work alongside the ac,tdemic schedule, and that as �1ith the Ethiopian Uni­ versity Service, we should. make more efforts to coordinate it witl1 the course work. But we also concluded that we would not accept such ·work as an excuse for less work, or for considering the day students as part-time. The same exacting academic stan.dards would apply as before. Many stt1dents and former stt1dents sought tl1e support of Faculty members in the ap·plication for foreign scholarships and, a large nt1mber were suc·cessful. I would say the result ,vas remarkable except for tl1e obvious fa.ct that the applicants themselves were r· emarkably qualified: Anclargatcl1e,1,• Tir11nel1 - British Cou11cil Scholar­ ship; Daniel Haile - to Harvard; Dawit U!aide Gio1·gis- to Colt1mbia; Getacl1e1-v Sha­ re'H'- to McGill; Goshu T-Volde-to Yale; Haile Kebede-to Yale; Jfizk·ias Asseja-to Northwestern; Selan1u Belcele- HSIU-AID Scholarship, most: probably to Stanford; Shiferaw Walde Michael- to Colt1mbia. I and other me.mbers of the Faculty gave parties for so-n1e b11t not all ot· the day and evening cla.sses, and th.e Faculty with the assistance of the University's Offi­ cers had a_ farewell party for th.e graduating seniors. At the year's end, I gave an extr �-�urncuJar program on exam writing techinques for the s1ude11ts, a11d about 3o part1c1pated.



. Teaching Staff

We had 21 full-time teachers in residence at the begin.ni11g of the academic yea r �s . w :!1 as two F�ench Government Volunteers. Five of the new staff members were Elbt­ act 011 ns , t an virtua con lly each � � � of them bad special considerations regrading his · h . wdeh F�C:Jl!lJrea considerably additional neg n atio ni5tr otiations with the central Admi �8!�, 1l�sc negotiatfo,ns were concluded successfully. At the beginning of the · • � ���� �; ret: thre e teasb,e!s ended the)r contr ctual obli ations: Dr. -Lang ��� � � � ·�, • Semer-aib Michael went into pnva eJst rh Ve Dr. .and _ te practice · . llli\e:-, l!!fflllB clidf lll!ie Dellfflrua; grant free to go elsewhere b�t he remained to coo _ · -� , • � • �� et,s 0.f �e C.eli for African Legal Development. ,

---- 424 -



Tl1e Faculty proposed four promotions. I was certai· that �ac h �as fully quali­ me b11 t rit s, we the e11 � co un ter ed on numerotis fled ce oral difficult1es befor � havir{ ing t11e fot1r confirmed: Daniel Haile from Assistan ecturer to Le�turer; Fas1l Na11un1, \.Vork11 Tafara, a11d Thierry Verhelst all froin . Lecturer to Ass1stant Professor.

Staff Studying Abroad and New Ethiopian Staff Geleta st1ccessfully con1pleted tl1e Mas Abiyu ' ter of La\vs program at Harvard · University. · and h e WI·11 rett1rn to tl1e Faculty· I regret that , I \VI·11 not be 11ere to · g m y first year l1ere I shared part of the pr �elcome him. D u_r1n operty course with him and fot111d h1n1 one of the best teacl1 ers I have know11_ The Fact1lty propo��d fo11r ne w Ethiopia� teachers to begin for 1966 E. C.(73 . I-Ia ma Te \¥1 a Al sfa , exa ye Wolde Tsadtk; Yewondwessen M ekb ib; and And­ n�r 74): argatcl1ew T1runeh. All �f them graduated from our Faculty with cummulatjve aver­ ages over 3, and we believe eacl1 l1as a special contribution to nlake to the Facultv.

The New Ethiopian Dean and Ethiopian Staff-Selection Methods The n_ew Dean will be Ato } �orku Tafara, a11d I believe I1is experie11ce on tl1e Faculty, his often demonstrated wisdom. a11d hun1or, and l1is admi t1istrative abilities \Vil! serve tl1 e University and Faculty well. His excelle11 t record at Nortl1 western Uni-· versity·, \Vhere l1e received tl1 e Master of Lavvs, and his recent promotion at f\ssis­ tant Professor also confir m l1is scholarly talents. Before the end of the preceding academic year, I l1ad publicly n1ade known 1ny conviction that 1966 E. C. (1973-74) would be approprate ti1 ne to have tl1 e first Ethiopian Dea11. At the begi1111ing of this year, a 1najority of the Faculty conct1r­ red in tl1is view, but tl1ere \Vas considerable opposition fro1n outside, particularly from senjor Etl1iopian officials at the Ministery of Jt1stice, and some reluctance from the University officials. I asked the Fac11lty, and others as well, for sugge­ stions for a11 Ethiopian Dea11. Every suggestion, and a few more, were pt1rsL1ed. There were several s11ggestio11s of se11ior officials outside of the University, and 011e suggestio11 of a Fact1lty me1nber. The need to cl1 oose between an outsicle senior official, and a member of our own Fact1lty, did not arise, however, because tl1e re­ sult of n1011ths of enqt1iry \!Vas tl1 at none of the outside officials was available to come full-time to tl1e University. Factilty members had suggested only one Ethiopian from witl1in the F'ac11lty- Ato Wc.1rk11, and the Faculty i11 June confirmed its willing­ ness to l1ave hi1n as Dean. The University Administratio11 had con1e to agree that the tin1 e ,:vas r1gl1t for an Ethiopian Dean, and tl1e President agreed on the suitab­ ilty of Ato Worku and sub1nitted I1is name to tl1e Board of Governors. . The very long selection process for ne w �thiopia11 t�achers �hicl1 [ described 1n last year's report contirltied this year, but with a formal1zed ele:t1on adde� at the end. Complete files are created ft)r each candidate, and are examined b� a� interest­ ed staff, w]io ar e asl<ed to vote for the cai1didates in an order of �r1or1ty. Most_ o t als bu s, ce oi ch nt lle ce ex ur fo ly on t no ff sta did vote, and I believe the result is teacl1crs wl10 enjoy tl1 e support of their colleag11es. so a� t bu l, :a r11 fo e in or m as :v ar ye xt ne Tl1e selection of tl1e fe\l/ expatriates for r in­ fo ble a �il av t no e ar es at tri µa ex e tl1 ok e to into accot1n t f L111-Faculty feelings. Sinc 0 men ts so· k d JU e a m to rs he ac te r fo terview except to tl1e Dean it is 1nore cl'1fficu It ::, d y 11 st to · 1ty un tr po op e th ok to f af st 1 lely fro111 tl1e files. I-Ioweve� about half of tl e ' the files a11 d offer �uggestior1s, vvhich I i11 fact followed. - 425 . .. . . . ,

' .' I





ff ta S g in ch ea T · e im T .:. ll Fu e th f Activities o _ In a.ddition to taking · their regttlar teaching dt1ties, n1e1�bers of staff engaged in , many important activities. Bilillign Mandefro- Chairman of �aul�y Ct11·riculu.n1 Co1runjt·�e� and m�mber, F .. a culty Academic Commissio, n, and U111vers1ty P11rchas1ng Committee. Prov1ded legal' advice to University. Brun-Otto Bryde-Editor-in":Chief of t�e Jot1rnal of Ethiopian Law and memb;r,. Faculty Research and Publicat�on� Committ��- .Completed ann·L1al r·ep_orts abo·ut Ethiq­ pian legal development (197I and !9·7?) �� r ''�nnual �u1:1ey of Afr1ca? �aw," Lon­ don; completed ''Tanzanian Co? st1tut1on_ for Bla�s�e�� F�an� ,, Const1tut1ons of �he· 'Countries of the World '; published review o.f Zaki- Mustafa s book, ''The Common Law in the Sudan," in ''Verfassung und R.echt in Uebersee'' (Hamburg); pre_pared two volumes of t.eaching materials (Insurance Law, and Supplementary Materials for Law and Economic Regulation); served as a cor.respondjng editor for German scholar!)' quarterly on law and development (''Verfassung and Recl1t in Uebersee''); was. jnvited to give lectures on civil ·1aw systems in the University of Khartoum . Alain Cbedal- Preparing material for Gove�nment Contract� course; COJ?.tinuing comparative research on problem· of ·conservati_o n of natural resources (Doctorate the­ · sis) ; submitted article to German law review. . . . Daniel Haile- Case Editor Journal of Ethiopian Law; ·completed a preliminary edition of teaching materials for Natural Resources Course, completed article on­ Law and Development, for Law and Development Conference. in Uganda, to be pub­ Iish.ed in conference· proceedings and accepted by JEL . for. Volume 9/2. Supen1isor,_ the Judgn1ent Index Project, which was completed to date. Member, University Fa-: culty Council and Law Faculty 5 Year-Plan Task ·Force. Member, ResearcJ1 and Publication Committee, Acting Chairman Law House Alumni .Assistance Committee• which prepared the Law House Charter and Law House Regulations. ·oue to Iea,ve the end at he· _ of _ to Harvard Law School academic year. t .. •

Jon Eddy-Completed article, ''Subrogation under the Ethiopian Civil Code'' for· JEL, 9/1; continued research. for and. completed i n draft portions of i11dtro­ ductory manual on Title XII of the Civil Code; served the Fac11lty in a number of f-0nnal and infor1nal administrative capacities; including Assistant Dean to hand-over· duties to Assistant Dean Worku, and Secretary, Law Faculty 5-year Plan Task Force.· • . .!a� Na�nm . Article, ;'Th� Enigma of Eriteran Legislation'' accepted for p u�-­ l1cat1on m JEL, volull;e 9/2. Chairman, University Discipline and Grievance ComDll­ _ ttee; Member, Un1vers1ty Person11e) Commitee; Co-ordinator of Law Extension pro.. gram and member, Editorial Boa.rd, Journal of Ethiopian Law. · '

' Fi� . pian Me rid M_ e nib er, F cult thio y Cur ricu lum , Sup Con erv isor 1�i E ttee . . � . 1:v1 C(?de Ind ex ProJect. Continued resear, ch 00 Ethiopian Family Law (Do ctorate <? · J tl:ies1s).

. . ��_e�a Y•imeJJ - Member, University Faculty Council Articles Editor, Journal: ; ef. a�@J1�9 Law; M�mber Faculty Currioulm Committee; and Member of the L�W �a� �Y�s. lPl� � Task F.e>roo. and reposition. Perpared supplemen ary teac hing.. t _GmJ�ak. Bm. llftetiJilat1 , 0.a:_al Otgalf1.izations and Public International Law. · . . . 4rnm1l·Wttcl� l,Jassie · Camp>i1led a detailed course outline and thr �e ·volUJl:1es · C ,�-. sm- m�ts, am:d a fourth volume consisting main4' of Ethi o:r>1 JIJI' .

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TENTH ANNUAL- REPORT PROM THE DEAN e teaching of Administrativ e L aw Co th fo r . es cas ' m p ted le d r a ft , short article on . · t ion e _ s · b · El e M '' d · rte �' � the . Afncan Law Di est Committ · ''Contro� . � . f� ee. g Assisted r ov 1nc f o 1 1a t1n 1n1 the dra g . . . . �trat1o n Orde r' and advised officials of the Ministry of I nter1or on adm1n1strat1ve and electoral matters.

Hago s I-laile- Co-Dir ector of the Jessup International Moot court compet·t 1 ·10n. · • · · ca A y e ac d m1 lt u c comm1ss1on, an d the . African Law D"1gest Comm1•tt Member, F ee. . · J · · pro gra cia e sp m fi _ o 1n r gradtiat1ng diploma students. Continue d research on Ass1ste d criminal proce dure and taxation. Jeremy _T. _Harrison - Director, Faculty Research and Publications Pr o ram; g Bo 1al ard Ed _ 1t_ of th o : e_ Journal of Ethiopian Law. Co-ordin member, ator, External Evaluators V1s1tat1ons fro m African Law Schools. Conference on Civil Procedure Nairobi, Kenya, April, 1973, sponsa red by Max Planck Institute. Continued research on co-ordinating Civil and Civil Procedure Codes of Ethiopia. George Krzeczunowicz - Published monograph A,1 Introdz,ctory Theory of Laws in the Co nt�xt of_ tire E_thi?pia,z Le�al Sys��nz (JEL Occasional Paper No. 3); ''Ans­ wers to Qu1_zzes 1n ,�th1op1an Family Law , JEL Volume9-1 ; ''Ne\v Qt1izzes in Eth­ iopian Family Law , JEL Volume 9/1 . Resea rched and wrote draft notes on Legal Aspects of Religious Marriage in Ethiopia. Continued research on Formation & Ef­ fect of Contracts in Ethiopia. Sttpplemented teaching materials for Obljgations JI. Member of several Law F aculty and University Co1nmittees; draftsma11 for SDPC; ad hoc member of JEL Board. Chairman of Committee of Rapporteurs to Inter­ national Acade n1y of Comparative La\\'; personally preparing two reports for the Aca.: demy's next Congre ss. Continued workshop meetings with for1ner law students in Je.. gal practice. Produce d the first two installm e nts approved by tl1e Faculty Reseatch and Publicatio11 Conunittee - of his proj e cted treatise on The Ethiopian La1-v of Co ­ n1pe11satio11 for Dan1age. Selected by La\v. Fa cul ty and the University Faculty Coun­ cil for tl1e Distinguisl1e d Merit Award, pr esented at the 1972 Graduation by I-Iis Imperial Majesty, Cl1anc ellor.

Franz Lang - Cl1ainnan, Interdiscipl inary Administrati?n Semin�r of Depart�e_nt of Public Ad1ninistration, cont inuing preparation of teaching materials for Adm1n1s­ trative Law. Co111pleted a rticle on local governn1ent for Afrikaforum. Member, Fa ct1lty Lib rary Conu1uttee; Arbiter, Gern1an School Association. Departed February, 1973. luding 1-leinrich Scholler - Pt1 blished book, '' Special Ad1uinistrative Law'' i11c , Karl�ruche 1973) trans­ r 1lle �t F. C. : tor edi an, rp-1 ds Ge t11o me of legal 'v\'riting (in _ _cot1rse. P�7 l ating into E11glish th e legal writing p art for Introduct1011 to Public Law er p pa a g t111 se� p�e , �a n a_ Ug a, l a mp Ka in ce ren rticipa nt, La\v an.d Development Confe be _ pt1b to n, t1o . tra n1s m1 Ad nt me lop v� e D_ ng i _ niz e ga '_'Tl1 Training of La\vyers for Or : lopment, or l 1shed with the co 11fe renc e pr oc ee di ngs. Cont1n_ u1ng a stu�y on tl1e deve . b­ Pu ). ganization, and jt1risdiction of the special court . of Addi�, Abab� (1920-1935 la of le ro e th 1n ow sl1 , 48 18 g n tio lu vo e R � !ic lecture on , 'Aspe cts of the Germ an Ia nation-bt1ilding. . d ue on C _ . io iss m � Co . ic m da ca A f Selamu Bekele- Member, Fact1lty � ia1 O� P a��:%:��a� 1ng m a er h ac t� d e t e pl t m co d an an pi constitt1tional law E hio Program. Supervised tl1e archives of the Law Library. t Court Competioo M aw ,, L al · · � 10 t" a � nt :� I up s� Je e th n Ro of or r i ct la -d re Sk �o al en . P an pi io th E e h t r de un n iq tion for the Law Faculty_. Pu blished article on inten_

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de as ici c 1 pt 110 ce ac nt e ig ed gl ne on � r fo t en 1: m om c 2. 8/ e m pub.: lu vo L, JE in _ _ , de Co , _ _ . . · . · . the 'JEL. Completing. four chapters of teaching rn.ater1als ot1 the ''Ftinct· l1cat10n 1D • , , c e o 1 · Jc 1o t art sa. au an n ng ari ep pr d an � under the• '' ty' cie So in w La l ina . im Cr _ of ion ns 1o at J1c d 1b an Pt m Co ch ar se Re lty ct1 mittee. Fa r� be em M ." de Co al n · Pe Ethiopian

er, mb me n1; gra lt pro cu Fa s esi Tl1 y 5-Ye ar r nio �e w 11e or, vis per Stl _ ery nn B. J. Te re v, l nfe La ura Co ce Pro ce, e t1v ara ? n1p Co Nairobj, t, pan tici par and ; rce Fo sk Ta n Pla e cetn t, b pla nd J l anc ip co-ordina ted rsh ola scl1 in tI Sta � � ? and • ts den d stu iste Kenya. Ass the Faculty's EUS program. Collected research ma!er1� o� Eth1op1an e1:1ploymen t 1av. Member, Show Jumping Comnuttee, ln1per1al Rac111g Club; assisted v,ith. constitution and by-laws of other organizatio.ns. Contint1ed Faculty contacts with Ministerial officials. . 1


ed to Jou.rnal of African Law article on Worku Tafara - Assistant Dean. S·ub1nit · the Judicial Administration in Ethiopia. ·Secretary, Faculty Academic Commission. Se:cretary, University Faculty Councial and the Exec1rtive Committee of the Faculty Council. Member, Law School 5 Year - Plan Task Force. Participant, Procedural La\li, Conference, Nairobi, Kenya prepari·ng article, ''Survey o( legal p1·ofession in Ethiopia." Thierry G. Verhelst - Co-Director, Center for . Africa11 Legal D· evelopment; preparing for transition to direction by Ethiopian Faculty member, and preparing for starting of the African Law Diggest at I-IISU. Con1pleted ''Rwanda Constitution'' and ''Burundi Constitution'' for Blaustein and Flanz, CorJStitittions of tl1e Coi,ntries of the World-published ''Legislation on the Jt1.diciary in Africa; 'fantasy law' or pro­ grammed expect,ation'' in Verfassung uncl Recht in Ubersee, vol VI, no. 2 and La legislation rwandaise en dix an,ze.r; cl'independance nationale, Brussels, Center National de Formation Judiciaire, 1973.

Zaki Mustafa-Published, ''The position of Islamic Law in Etl1iopia ,, J'EL, Vo­ lume 9/1; published report in German legal periodical on the Center of Islamic Le� . gal Studies at A. B. U., Zaria, Northern Nigeria; article, ''Opting Out of the Com-· mon Law," accepted but not yet published by Jo11rnal of African La,v; completed drafts on Sudan for Blaustein's Constitutions of th.e '1Vorld and University of Brussels, Bibiliorgaphical Introduction to legal History and Et/1.r1ology - Chairman, Fac11lty 5· nive� Year Plan Task Force. Chairman, Faculty Library Committee and Member, u risity Library Committee. Completed additional 111aterials for Isla111ic Law co11rse. Appointed Attorney General (with Cabinet Status) and Commissioner of Law Re­ form, Democratic Republic of tb.e Sudan.

In addit.ion, the Faculty had the benefit ot� the services of Do,nirrqi,e Pierson,. who taught French to law students. I would like to add to the preceding a few words about· the ten me­ mbers of our staff who this year completed. their contract.s with the Fac11Ity. in Brun-Otto Bryde has received· -a further leave of absenc ·fro rsit y uni ve his e m Ge--r.:1-n· any to became a Fellow ne xt year at Yale. This is a great honor as �ell as _ a in� e�p6,�unity for Bru� to work on his book without distractions, which be fmII� �es��es,· aifiter two �lls� years in Addis where he quiet but competently ca-· ly . �ttl �\lrt mamy ti1Ett1es, espttc1ally as Editor-in-Chief of the JEL. · . t at AbtJ n te _fflr eda l i�M I ra ha v;e a o scholarship to work on his. environmental doct :_ ·�. & 11��� -� ��litcwr.iia w� B ·erkelt>y; Alain n1ore than an} other French Gov�� ' !IMJt · \rd�;w �ut,lJJ;-a,.til 11i., ms�ltfi into the : schola r· ly life of the -Law Faculty. -· 428 · ·

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. . Jon Eddy \Vill become �ssist�nt Professor ,1t tlle Uui . ve · • s y . of N or th. Carolina. _ ous _ report� I empl1as1zed. the excelle � J nt work 1011 h Ju previ o� e as Assistant Peb11 ted co1 1tr1 gre atl y thi to s tlie smootll pass. a e �-f :11t110nty . an, ai1d th is year to the Tl1i s Dea year n. 11t I wou ld empllasi ' ze th! equa .new Assista . 11Y excellent w. orJ,". he did · . a1?n111g Task Force, particularly in the fi . as Seceratrr . of �ur Pl nal dr:1't1?g· Despite l1eavy adm1n1strat1ve duties, l1e publisl1ed an important article s on tl1 p1. i1 law . Who ca11 b eg1·n to matc t.� � � . When Jon t1ndertake s a task, ther e are few h lllS e.ltect1vene ss. Franz J..,ang worked mo stl y fo r tl1e De . partment of Publ"1c A...1wu -.1n1 · ·strat1on and . tbe head of t h e Department was ver y war1n in his praise· I wi·11 remembe r ranz best for the e11thusiasm he l1ad for all of his duties. on the Fac Zaki l\1Iustafa· \Vas to hav e remained · tilty Cor ,at Ieast anot he r year, . . . · ow11 nat:on has t11rust 11pon him a 111gl1 responsibility but his and high honor. I have kno\vn Zak i closely for 12 years a� his . colleague and his friend (probably . because we had some amaz111g d1sagre e close r tl1e n1ents in the early years), and all . . . · I take th ts publ.1c opportunity to _wish h1m well, and to reveal some small portion us regard and sentiment I feel for He is a first class scholar of the e�ormo _ and adm1n1stator. Don1inique Pierson, \-vl10 taugl1t Fre11cl1 to our stude11ts, I did not know well. but i� part t�at _was because he was_ so self-reliant, and did not require special attention - \Vh1cl1 1s uncommon. For tl11s and his gentlemanly demeanor, I am grate­ rul. Semereab l\1icbael left tl1e Faculty to becon1e a private la\-vyer, the Faculty lost a keen analytical mind, and I r e gret tl1is loss. But Semereab's n1ind i s · not 011iy keen, jt is very mucl1 his own, and he must work out his direction in his ow11 \-Vay. I will remen1ber tl1e enjoyable visits witl1 l1i1n wl1ile he was studying in Brussels.


Ron Sklar \viii become Associate Professor a t McGill U11iversity in Canada, so that anotl1er Etl1iopian link is forged with that fine institt1tion. Ron has been with the Faculty for ·five years, ai1d has been known thro11gl1out as one of our finest teachers. Anyone wl10 k11ows Ro11 k11ows the tremendo11s size of his heart. Freshly organized last year, he has been productive of scholarly writing and 11ew teaching materials. I-Ie is clearly a strong finisl1e r, something I had already learned with a jolt in our chess competition. !. 100 Scl Law sity iver Un an erci ,.\1n to or fess pro as ng rni retu be l y wil ner Bill Ten \Ve wer e fortu11ate tl1at he w,1s able to get a third ·year leave of absence. I-le 1s deeply experienced in legal education, and I often benefited from his counsel. He was also 011e of our top teacl1ers. . . e tiv ara mp co ch a te to els u:s Br of t_Y · _ rsi e niv U e tl1 to _ Thierry Verhelst will be goi11g law. Thierry \Vas witl1 tl1 e Factilty four years, by 1magi11at101� and 1ndustrr 11� ke_pt the Center fo r Afrjcan Leaal :Developn1eot active and usefLtl, both to Etb1op1a and e te pl m to co ly · ar t1l reg ty ili ab s hi d ire m ad o I· als to a numbe r of otJ1er Afriacn nations. new articles. . ­ � ab or w d ad to � h is ,v _ I 1t b1 y, 1lt c1 Fa e George Krzeczuno,vicz is 11ot leaving th � he 1s � gu t1o s 1_ rt D p . : re 's ·9u_t his award wl1ich ca m e too late for n1ention in . last year ? it er ed M 1sh �u 1n 1st D s ity rs ve ni U e th me1nbers of the Univers.ity are sometimes give11 � een1-• s e It . �y t1r r tl1 n 1e ] w r o e, m l1o Awa rd wlJen t!iey le av e the Utlivers it y· to go egal l e to 1c � se e !v at rl pe su _Y of . s ar ye t ed to m e an d tile Law Faculty that George's twen or e av le to _ ge o1 . e G I fo ed ne e. tl1 e�uc. a tion and sr.holarsbjp merited the awar· d \V1tl1out · 1at1on: - '- ·dt ra · G · e th at d ' an d e · . re ag Y I re1ire ! The . U11 iversity Fac;11Jty Council u11an1mou - 4;29 -



al r.i M pe Im !s . H � Y es ted en �s r p_ e are all e W er _w_ J al ed m d an � d � ar aw e th y Ceremon , e. rg r eo so G es of Pr to n ve gi on 1t1 gn co re e th by d se proud and plea '

Alumni and Outside Contacts The first major ft1nction for alumni this . ye·ar wa� a party in honor of Profe­ . . ·ssor K.rzeczunowicz for the award just mentioned. Virtually all of our LL. B. alu­ mni came to the party, which also allowed. discussion be�weer1 o�r teachers and a11umnj on com.moo legal concerns. We_ also had. a ��aller gathering of alumni for :our farewell functjon for departing �taff and graduating studeo.ts. .

But undoubtedly the most effective step we took this . year toward building a ,sense of professional community was �he � u� ssful co·?clus1on_ of the _work of the ·Law House As.sistance Committee, wh.1ch ,s discussed 1n my 1ntroduct1on. I would particu)arly like to thank .the fo.llowing alumni who gave much of their time and 6kill: Girma- Dessalegn; Hiskias· Assefa; {lJ'ld Tes/aye Berliane. They worked steadily throughout, most of the year. No one worked mqre. th�n alumni Daniel Haile of our teaching staff; he served as Acting Chairman of the Committee ., and.- did an -excellent job. . One very ·· important event further united the Faculty and alumni this year. The charming and efficient secretary to the Dean, Menbere Zena, married alumnus Mak.O­ nnen Demissie - I wish them a long and happy life together. · Last ·ye:ar Jon Eddy and Bill Tennery took the 'initiative for tfie Faculty with_ the Ministry of Justice regarding · the, possibility of improving the C�des, but it wa.s left: for the Ministry to decide if the improvements should be limited to useful tech­ nical amendment,s or would also include more sub·stantive changes. This year, the Ministry was reorganizing its departments, and �he project has been in abeyan ce. Also, Professor Tennery, who has handled contacts with the Ministry on many mat­ ters, felt that it would be artificial for foreign teachers to stin1ulate neYl projects which would fall for comp let.ion to Ethiopian collea.gues who are still in the process of formulating their own attitude towa.rd many possible service projects. '

The Ministry of Justice was quite helpful in freeing Major Tadesse Abdi for service on the Planning Task Force :, and the Major made many ·useful contributions. RF.SARCH AND PUBLICATIONS

· en­ des� aJre A s �dy bed :1 , high poin t . pre of �e year and was com the plet ion � . tat1on to His Imperial MaJesty the Amhanc and English versions of the Cansolzdated Laws of Ethiopia.

We also published Kindred's English translation of David's Commentaries on the ci�il Code, 'Title XII, Contracts. At several full-Faculty meeting, it was clear that the:e 1s a conoensus that duri11g the next ten years there must be more �ommen­ tar�e� �n the ,Et�o�ian codes. �o write a comprehensive commentary is, genera�Y, se.ns1�ex�0l� m?�e time �oaau1!11ng tha·n preparing edited collections of ! eac rung �a�m1:11lrs @F wmt1n,g a bnef article. Yet the Faculty must find the time to 1Illprov e ad e;��·aRal i,ts e0·1lee.tf9n of teaeaing materials, produce useful articles for the le�a.l a�tf! eng , ag� �m tile l�ngterm �ffort ·to produce the commentaries · whtc� IN �� Iii � '!'1'�m �e �ysfem. l am therefore pleased t o report t bad .. - �'S'&lt --e ���e� is l!o.�rt.1'?1.IJ-1,ag work on Compe�ation for Damages, an . � flfo W\ralu.aDi: �f iffle; plielimtuary mstallments was very favourable.

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The Faculty also enc·ot1rages research into the realities behind th e • rules, as ev1of . resl1lt the the two in Northwes ced tern_ HSIU p ects_ at e aw deu aculty. _ m Hoben's La11d Tenitre A tlz A h ra of �� L F ng � m year e This a o p e o Cog11atic Descent wa� published by tl1e University of Chica�o i;:ress, i .1(:�a'!1ics of 1t w. J o. 1 nt cre. assis tanc e the we for rovi ded Dr. Hoben dur1·ng hJS research. The bo p . dii to us · ok un1 our e vo 1n I ·h E t 1o h. fou rt 1an Land Tenure Series. p . . is the consultation witl1 th e proper at1thoriti·es tile 1 Aft er f111 Facu1ty at. th e end of ' . . demic year wa s a ble to se11d tl1e valt1able Backgroui1d lY.l the aca .,,,,.,ate. · lS 011. the ComI za . m rc1,al Cod� bY pe ter w·111 s h1·P �o the print ers. Professor Jacomy-Millette's Draft � Lzst of. Treaties ancl Otlzer _J1zternat1011c1! Agreemerzts of Etlziopia, 1889-1971 will be ub lisl1ed 1n Septen1ber I ?73 1n the same for m at the JEL's Occasiorial paper serit. It is th� first comp rel1 ens1ve e�or� to cata]o�t1e_ tl1ese intert1atio11a] agreements. Paul & Cla­ ham s first vot1l1ne of Etl110_01an Const1ti1t1or1al Developmerzt, second printing, was completeci.


Several . institt1t.ional proje�ts n1ade trem_e11dous progress this year. In· addi t. ion to the con1�Iet1oi1 of tl1e_ Con_so]1date� Laws, _ the Cc1se_ J11clex and Code Jncle.Y. projects \.Vere revived as described 1n my _1ntro?u ct1on to this report. Daniel Haile supervis­ ed the Case ln?ex, an_d \Ve all . g1ve h!m our praise for con1pleting what had been started 1nany times \V1tl1o_u� berng finished. In several projects, Da11ie.l has provecl himself a remarkable adn11n1strator. Our staff is no-v; busy t1sing tl1e 30 bot1nd y ear­ book volun1es of cases. f-'ilcre j'vferid sup ervised the Code Index \Vork of Te!(/e Gerz, who has a uniq11e co1nbination of ling1.1istic and legal skills for the task. J-Iis pro­ gress was good, and we welcomed this revival of wor1< a.iming at an Amharic­ French-English Lexicon.

The Faculty kept close contact with the new Institute -for Developn1e11 t Studies, both formally ([ served on its Board) and jnforma.lly (we invited Dr. Assefa Meh­ retu, tl1e Director, to 1neet with tl1e Fa.culty). \1/e also proposed tlJat the Institute coordinate a University effort to establisl1 an Index of Parliamentary Debates, a project whic]1 was originally prop osed to 11s. We discovered tl1at ot1r announcement that we \.vould 11 ot l1old this project tightly to otrrse1ves rest1lted in a few other mem­ bers of the University atte111pting to gatl1er it to tl1 en1selves� ratl1er than in coo­ perating witl1 the J11stitute. B11t some progress \Vas ,:1chieved, including tl1e likelihood that the debates ,vill be ir1clt1ded in tl1e ·university's n1icrofilm project.

Anotl1er interesting project involving U11iversity cooperati?n is _th.e colle�tion of F. F. Russel \Vho ,va.s Legal Advjsor and Attorney General 1n Etr1trea dur1�g the Federation. tle \vas for man y )'ears also a distinguished Professor of Law _in 0e United States, ancl is no\V retired 0,,er 80 years of age, yet ft1lly fit, and fas_c1nat1�g in his men1ories of Etl1iopia.. I wa s fortt1nate enough to n1a�e contact w1t� h1� nearly fotir years ago. J-Ie has many interesting p apers from 111s days �f service 1n E_ritrea. TI1e mo st iiJteresting, p erhaps, ctre J1is jo:1rnals - be kept a ?a1Ir recor� of his observations an d activities, and there is a gold1n1ne of ]��al and. social 1nfo1:11auon . which will be invaluable to researchers. After a personal v1s1t to his hom e this year, �nd with the he lp of Mrs. Ulood at the Jnten1ati?nal Legal Center, we are_ now _ ary 1n the process of acquiring an d preserving all of hi s pa pers. Both the Cen_tral L1br and tl1e Institt1ite of Etl1iopian Studies are entht1siastic to ensure that th18 proJ ect is co mpleted. st in be en se e b · ay n1 is th d an h, is 1r · ot fl Individu al resea.rcl1 projects continued to . . sun1n1a the . . . . ry of the teachers' acti,1ites.. - 431 -

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It is to the ci·edit of Professor Je1·emy Harriso11; tl1e Di1·0ctore of oi1r Resear ch port t!'te Faculty can r· tl1 al J that program, and Publications � � �"ie. progress, and at the same time report that o�r ?us111ess ma11ageD:en� constinues t_o improve amazing . _ p1an Eth1 some $ _25 ,_OO?. of If these measure ly. Tltls yea.r we had an 111co1ne � of . success continues for several � o�·e years, our es� 11�ates 1r1d1cate _that _ w,e will be _ nea r _ basis for th.e. Un1vers1ty s legal p to tlle University goal of prov1d1ng a secured_ ubli ­ f oundat1on the stones 111 of tl1e natio n's leg cations, which are essential building al system. At the beginning of tl1e year Jer1·y 1-larrison h ad to face the problem that Woz. Elleni Assaye, who had so carfully 1nastered the problem.s of sales of publi­ cations, was unable to remain with the Faculty. But we were fortunate that W/t. Yeweinisl1et Debebe joined us, a11d like her predecessor came to manage the work of Publication Assistant with skill. There were m any similar difficulties which had to be o,vercome, but I will not give the details. It is because such difficulties were not o.vercome at all times in the past that we cannot take sucess for granted, and we must give warm thanks to Jerry a11d l1is group. The Journal of Ethiopian Law

It is characteristic of Dr. Bru.n-Otto Bryde, the Editor-in-Chief, that he would , report, and I recommend it to all persons involved prepare a very thorough final in the operation of the Journal_. He and l:us editorial staff saw Volume 8/2 through the printers and, sent 9/1 and 9/2 to the press, and did t.he bulk of the editorial prep arations for Volume 10/ 1. The teachers serving on the Jour11al are recorded in the personal reports, and the Stud.ent Editors were: An.da,·gatch.ev..1 Tiruneh, case editor; 1/aile Kebede, articles edi­ or; Goshu Wolde, ma11aging editor; and Ki11e Tibebu, Sahlu Wolde Giorgis and Fi­ kre Se/lassie Gebre Michael were junior editors. Since last year, full-Faculty participation in the JEL has been i11creasi11gly organized as well as encouraged, and it was the full-Faculty wl1ich had the choice of the ne�' Editor--in-Chief, Fasil Nahum. His own scholary co11tributions to JEL as well as his participation in its management fo r three years as a "Faculty men1ber, and before that as a student editor, give us full confidence that tl1e Jourt1al will prosper i11 all ways. This year the R, esearch and Pu.blications took over tl1e bulk of the promotio n, sales and distribution activities c,f the JEL, a·nd it is expected that this will conti nue. the of size · a)so took t h edit�rs the e major _ he Jo, u mal's decisi'on of standardizing ! issues of the J�L . In ?rder to solve budgetary projections, and provided a practical system for ac.h1ev1ng 1 t. Br11n reports that a positive develop1nent of the past two years is tl1e growing �ager, ness of Faculty members to contribute to the · Journal. A.s a member of �he '.Edit �rial Board, I �ould add that there has been no diminishing of quality w1!h tle 1nor�·ased 4uamt1ty. . Tim:0 �VeJlilltS @f this year indicate tl1at for the future there are two n1ajor issues:11 dm 11�la1i�n!hi\P witl1 tlne Mlinistry of Justice ;- with whom the Faculty has co�­ 5 l f,:OJl alf��, l1Jll1ilislt� ne�1r 20 issues of the J·EL; 2) the fun rna ding of the Jou �till �Jl'Jl�. e or · � - ib: lt,s:t ts--�tte,i mi�,te � · bef , w a that �i ew • is th at ed r 1·t be r ! h e 0u Id m e b e m •.; ai�� , · · � , i . . av H W& iro snei leffilil p ublication 1n Eth1op1a an d that -as a Pu·blic:. . i . .

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TENTH ANNUAL RE. PORT FROM TH E . DEAN ade a. u.niq11e a od st1st ained co11tributio n. It m has it n • easy io is . atio c- r me to 1ma. mo saying re f o t ·he kinds of things I would l"k a 1 Jou rn the e 1 e sa1•a ; 1t · gin . . 1s also · • th a e g1 J · m e � 1rn , al o t disappe anng. Thro11ghout this nation for easy for me i � ne � arly een re a ve l ng � e l p abo ut the ��"'. of Ethiopia-they have b een read­ JO years peo ing h�Jpful analys1 s and, very of ten I1elp!t1l cr1t.Jcism. This should not end. The c on­ tri_but1?11 of the Journ�l has been po ssibly by ig11oring the advice of those who a l propaganda, but al so bv moderating think 1t should be offici thos · e w1 10 want ins· . of t he1r or1g · I ct·1scovery of the philo sophy of John Sttiart · 1�� · � at10 · l1 � pp a tant Mill. , · the m1n1stry has not been easy, but 1·t bas < The re]at1onship \\Jith · n successf u1. bee · • those w J10 will be here. to forg e the policies for the ftiture ' and I ea rnes ti for s It i .y . . . 1011s will . be the ability, ten years from hope that the conseq11 e11ce o f the1r dec1s . now, · by the Jo1irnal. to report an even greater co11tr1· b 11t1on The is�t1e of fi11anci�! s11pport d oes no_t seen1 to be a basic problem. There are niany deta1 ls to be cl ar1_fied, but t!3e President's strong stipport of 011r effo rts and his ass11rances t hat cont1n11ed :f11nd1ng can be pr ovided for the 11ext 3 or 4 vea rs 1 's original projections for tl1e 11se ) Facul t l1 the wi t of outside fund.itlg: Otir dovetails reserves are alrea dy extremely strong, and we are near the goal of an endownient sufficient to support tl1e Journal in perpetuity.

The Center for �frican Legal Development has as 011e of its major pre1nises the helief tl1at con1parat1v e st11dy of legal developments in Africa is not only scholarly interesting, b11t also potentia.l)y t1seft1l. It is also based upon the conviction that persons interested in comparative legal develo1ne11ts i1.1 Africa sb o11 l d 11ot be required to go outside of Africa in o rd er to study them. 111 accordance with this conviction, the Faculty beca111e e 11gaged last year in the possibility of taking over the Africa,z La1v Digest fro111 Col11mbia TJ'niversity, with some assista11ce fro1n tl1e Ford Founcl­ ation. The Director of the Digest at Columbia bad indetified 011. r Faculty and Uni­ versity as being tl1e most appropriate recipient in Africa of this publication. It ,vas not at ::1ll cl ear, however, at the begiz1oing of this year tl1at there was a consensus in our Faculty that we s11011Id n1ake tl1e efl·ort to publis11 tl1e ALD, and without such a consenst1s, lo11gterm s11ccess seemed to me unlikely. We therefore spent tVi10 full-Fac11l ty meeti11gs on this is st1e, as well as h aving many informal dis­ cussio11s. The Faculty in the end confir1ned tJ1at tl1e effort was worthwhile, and Dr. Verhelst, the Co-Director of the Center and th.e Central Library spent many n1on­ ths 011 tl1e incredibly i11volved details of securing st1bscriptions to all of the g.aze­ ttes and journals of tl1e Afriacn governments. In late June, Wayn� I-lerri11gtorz arrived; he is pr ovided to 11 s for t,vo years a s a fellow of tl1e International Leg�l Center, to help establisl1 the ALD i11 Addis. fie has edited the ALD at Columbia,. b11t �e is­ ass 1n d an re, he es ur e� oc pr e th ing lop ve de �II need tl1e s11pport of the Factilty i11 ting the F aculty to i11 te rgrate it f11lly into i ts norma l operations. er nt e Ce th Y_, ph ra iog_ ?l Bi s n' �e lin er nd Va In addition to t11e pul)licatio11 of D r. ation since 1947sl gi e l an ric Af l al of o als contin11ed to accu111ulate th e co llection c y si an ba m e ad m , be ig kh A us st Fe r. . The La,v Library, under tl1e direction of M _ , es m lu vo 000 , 24 ly ar e n ve ha ow _n e l V• 1�Prove ments in supJ)Ort of Faculty research. _ ated �he a dvan str ?n m de y � with an additional 2,300 on order prese11tly. Festus _has c_l earl tl ao e Bc Je sc a ry r lib th o b in _ d e tage to the University in having a librarian !rrun · ode In� x C 11e ! s a _ 1 cl su s ct e oJ pr h law. He cooperated fi1Ily an d knowledgeabl)' wit � _ er a s at 1:1 of n tio za 1 n_ ga or r e : and improvement of the Archive. He also provided bett e noticed a nd v a l1 l il • w • r e d a ( e r · ry and b eLt · h· any 1·1 tJra .. er p l 1ys1cal accor11111odat1ons w111c1 appreciated.

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JOURN'AL OF ETHIOPIAN J..,AW .: v·o.L. .IX - Ne): 2

S RD A D .N A ST IC EM AD C A D � .. M U UL CURRIC , · 1i Se r e Th ew is l1e n . r, re yea tl1e ? for e uir . o.ts eve � � m ulu � ric rne nt : c�r r o aj · IQ. : Q · Tw _ � _ the rro ct1o du 1n n.. BL!!. Tenne� 91·1z ma sum are , 1·am rog p :1: t r u. C9 ot � _ and the Jessup Mo c te4 nt1 pa na e ble tl1. pro led 11d ha ms which d an r, pe ,Pa r � nio Se d the ise erv sup � ry. 8:bly . every new. program brings. Since the papers were effectively six. hqurs of , credit, th e t tha eve re ne got a vi­ u s· ryo de ma l Bil t bu fy, i nt· ide -to . t cul re diffi . o re. m we topies . _ a.ble. subject. rhe Faculty decided. that the stude_nts would b� _r es po11s1ble _for . meeting a; deadline, .&nd they were responsible. Only one student failed to submit his paper· an.d _9ne student was penalized for a technic�l breach of procedure. •



· There is still mucl1 to accomplish in the practical im.proyement · of the writing program, but we · were pleased, with the i1nprove!llent in the · Senior papers, which were already at a high level· in earlier years. We appreciated the compliments and· criticis·ms of the distinguished academic guests we had ·from neighboring countries. A Ford Foundation grant of several years ago l1ad provided some· funds for visitors· to the Faculty, and I :l1ave primarily utilized the· money for · guests from neighbor-­ ing nations rather than from. further abroad. In many cases we have been able to invite gl:J.ests while · they have b�en in transit to other: places,. and thus have had the only a. modest per die1n. exchange for benefit of their advice in . . .. . . · · ' Our official · guests were: . . . . .' Kenya: Dean Sam Munoru, who also gave . a public lecJure;· Mr. George Ruk_. waro; :. Mr..·. Ray · Hodgin, and Dr.· Ynche (on leave fr�m the p·niversity . of London).· 4


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Saeed Mohamed El Mahdi, who also gave a public lecture on his· -�: ·Sudan: Dean _ 1 nation's 1egal · developments; Dr. Mohamed El Fatih Mohamed; and Dr.· Mohamed Ibrahim ·El Tahir; '



iiru- Hauraka. ..' . •





Professor P. L. U. Cross, Dean; Mr. Joe Kanywanyi; and Mr. Tuqg� •


Ugaedaz Acting Dean Joseph Kakooza; Mr. Fred Sernpeb,va; and Mr. Fran­ · cis .Sesk€ndi, Director of the Law and Developmer1t Ce11ter i11 Uganda. th. e . . . . : · �a��ia: Professor Ben Nwabt1eze, Dean; Mr. Mu11a Ndt1lo•, who is a for�er . . ·. st1:1d.. ent <?f mine who �a�e· as a colleague!· •



: In. �ditioii to det�iled conversat�ons regarding 011 writing progratn; we and our g�ests discus�ed two points of academ1c concern \vhich.·are worth · recording·. Tl1e ama­ ZlR� conclus1on �as that the guests were ttnaniniotis in , being strongly dispo sed �gatnst two �stabl1s.hed aspec·ts of the HSIU acadeniic IllaJ.·king system. .First, they_ feft ihe. gra,d1ng system of A, B, C, D, F, t1sed at HSIU was too bltint, in that .1t gav-e :id@ntical'. credjt , for e�amp1� wit.hin tl1e range of the ·c·(pass) mark to students _ _ the w�� mEe .qu.�te ·diflie:ent 10 ab !lrty to . Sec ond , , ed they were · directly.· oppos _ �i,�u �Jslle:m flf lnasing aGademie honors (Distin�tion and High Distinction)· �n the · t �111f'w1 i,ze f#aF liceG�rid,, Bot @eaeruise they were opposed to .. contintious _ evaluation of i lb stttltd� �lllffi &�s1,e�ll1y �eca:m,�e th� HSIU system gave too little credit to the 6tu­ · . _ � · \vi).t, lllWaffiJerl.r ·IDB :�rs Un11N�FB1ty years and ended as a distinguished stude �t. •� •11 ilwal lb 11Fi1l f.�t9l m,t �h1.n@e ·yeairs sbould be qualifyin g years, iji which hig h . ••ti � 11� ai)1'1Jwm:,,, @lCJit u.ha:t ''hon@Ts'' woud.d be based on the two· or· , •a• w•k t>y �it� s�de.nt illJ. chose·n discipline.




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I record tl1eir su ggestions not· because I nece ssar ·1 accept tl1em as co rrect, but · r z y nitel e d 11g ulati stim n1 1e w fi and tl f orth cons d r1 �t �SIU� 1 ind and ?ecause it � : the kind of le of r e xan1p thinki e ng an Wllich


c is . inspired by having otl1ers s. t k take a close lo o a 11 This year I again was invite d to serve as an exte . n 1 an. . ve. rsitie.s in Africa ; I marke� over 500 exam papers i� : �; uner 1n _several uni.:. t a of 8 different sub­ jects, as well as sev eral senio r papers and two LL. M. the�es. it a � '" go ? d 0 · � P · th e e \York of otl1e r faculties, wbich ortunity to judg · · are 10 my ;elte: ma1nta.i. n1ng strong academic standards. The J·essup Competion s flaile· \Vere Co-Directors of t1t1· e program. Th'1s wa . Ron Sklar· and Iiago s · · Ron, s c so as t1v c11 1at 10? e \Vlth the ad�inistration of this useful third �onse . program, and fi pet Hagos second , . h 1s rst_ b e1n g as a com itor who made the HSIU te am . A 5- 10 · _ · · · ti1e 111tro duct10n, the_ compet1t1 on again had value both substantively bedica · te d 1n �ause o� the n eed for research 111_ de�th, and practically, because of tJ1e public' test­ ing of ideas; and o�r team again _did extr emely well in competition against other school$: Furt�er det�1Is of that acl11�vement include the following facts: tl1 e student's n1emor1al (\vr1tten brief) was better 1n the final standings than the memorial of the United Kingdon1 team \Vhich wo11. Tl1e only _person who scored more 'votes t11 an Ber!zane Gila for B e st Oralist in the international competition ,vas a woman student from In�ia, wl10 at the last moment \Vas sympa thetic ally allowed to compete as the sole representative of wl1at shot1ld have beei1 a t\.vo person team . '


Teac�ng l\tlatcria]s

\Vl1en the Faculty bega11, there \Vas tl1e imn1ediate necessity to create teacl1iog materials for tl1e ne,vly promulgated Codes. Tl1at this was done \.Vas a major achieve­ ment. At first, te acl1ers relied · heavily ttpon comparative materials, because of their value anci beca11se of the n eed to collect Ethiopi an n1aterials such as cases and ad­ mi1tistrative reports, which co11ld be t1sed for teaching purposes. There ha s been an increasi11gly SLlcc essft1l effort to i11corporate Ethiopian materials.

ction of teaching mate rials was u prod the fl in vv a a But it occurred to n1e tl1at· fatal tl1at there was no systen1atic re te11tion of the· ·stencils, a11d mi1ch worse- of �l1 e ori­ ginals, ,,vl1ich wo11ld slo,vly disappear \Vith use over the years, or suddenly disappea r in some inexplicable accider1t. · This is a proble111 which ha s plagt1 ed otl1 er university facl1lties whicl1 tise n1e_me o­ grapl1ed teac11i11g n1aterials. The fact tl1at any n l1rnber of systems can be designed whicl1 . i n tl1eory will JJreserve the n1aterials does _not see1n to . pr�ven� the loss. Tl1e d1ffic. t1lty is tt1rni1 1g one of the plans into a worlci11g pr?gram. During the pa s� four years I I1ave assigned several able 1n embers of staff to· 1nalig�rate Slich a proo ram , but· tl1e ·vast amo1111t whicl1 I1 ad to be done defeated all part-time efforts. a ed hi t rn re ho :" i, 8:w am H ra. nd �a � 011e of, the obligations I assigned to Ale : � \J � -a to co11 clude 11cr Etl1iopian University S er,;ice, wa s tl1e completion of t . e tas · ench ' c� n­ r F cri a h m A his gl En in a tas i t was! It took persistence· ling11istic ability l 1dk 1 d · an s m o ro re o . st • . . . s ce ffi o sid erable ad1n1n1stra.t1v e sl<1ll, and leg · g. Fr om all ' al· _t r�inin io u tl of s d re d n u h h ug bro de11 corners of t11 e thre e la\V scl1 ool bu1ld1ngs, Alexaodra e er h T ly 1 'b ns se er h t ge to l al sands of· l 0ose and bor1nd pages, a11d began to p11t it



2 . o ·N · . IX L O .. V W A L " N A PI IO ETH F O · JOURNAL

, ed t . ls e� ia cr· t er bu at �1. · e of th s ar ye r. e is no 10 st pa e tli er ov ss lo e m so en has be t ' ec 1 o. a pr t cl1 ou su th wi as 1s o1 m or en this. en be ve ha uld wo ss Jo doubt the 1n, gra pro B. . the LL �nd fo ur sets s 01· f ial ter ma ng chi tea of s set There are 42 a11d 1c 1, har n . m . .A.r. gra p1·o e gre -de s11b the for ials ter ma ng chi tea of Amharic . stencils for d ed . an � ld_ alo he cat w 1n no are s the Law ial ter ma the of ts Se ts. jec sub al ion dit g ad . the w 1n La d l1el d an Library, which ed gu alo cat are le nci ste the d an v , e chi Faculty Ar will release them only as it would library books. · The teaching materials are listed in the Repor't ?f' the Pla11�ing !ask Fore�, but a better idea of the scope of the co1npleted task 1s Alexandra s mimeographed ''Draft List of Teaching M.aterials prepared �y Law Faculty �ct�rers _1963-1972," which itself is a 40 page document, although 1t excludes materials 1n printed form! My hope is that the problem of the loss of teaching materials is basically sol­ ved, and that the use of the Law Library as in tl1e insti tt1tional center will provide continuity. Evaluation of Teaching

My first systematic survey of the students' evaluation of their teachers was in the second semester of 1971, which was in addition to the reading lists, course reports, and other techniques which had been in force for some time. With the help of Dr. Jones of the University Testing Center, a more comprehensive test, covering 20 questions, was designed. Another · advantage is that the ne"' test is machin.e scor­ ed_, and a computer provides a thorough analysis of the responses to each question. The results this year were ge·nerally very good. All of our experienced teachers scored quite well, which is not always the case simply because a teacher is experien­ ced. Most encouraging, two of the new Ethiopian teachers bad outstanding results from both the day and evening students which placed them an1011g the very best teachers. This is one of the many reasons for my faith in the furture progress of the law school. Unfortunately there was definitely disturbing, ral students 'failing' the results can be the basis

were also two teachers whose general evaluation patter n a result which is not catlSed by one o·r two or even seve­ teacher, but by general class dissatistactjon. Hopefully, the for future improvement.

Critical Assessment of the Curricul11m Bi/illign Mandefro joined the Fac·ulty this year and because he had many force­ ful ideas about the c·urriculum 11 I asked him to beoone 'cbairnian of the Curriculum and Academic Standards Committee. He and the comnlittee members he selected diivided res. ponsibilit� among themselves for reports on Teaching Methods; Curricu­ lum; Law School Philosophy- Past, Present, and Ftit11re; and the Evening Sub-De­ i LL.. B. Programs. They completed tentative rep0rts on each of these sub­ �ee ana J�®s ,,_ �d be�ao ., a course-by-course study of the curriculum with a view to eval u.a11•g 1,ts �mH,tr.1ilu1t1on,s to the IaTger community. - •�•,�r� �f tale ;pi�rmanemt teachi,ng staff. thu s initiated the serious rethinking , S)•t �DJJ.Hll!,Jfiil \JW&Toi I b�Lie-Vt: is bo,th inevitable and valuable for the Fa culty. · will • � !!It' �icy, :mi.;JJ im:fllementation into new s or improved progr am J'MW ��1 ,� iitM fAJaF,. .

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Diploma Program and Sub-Deg· re e programs I feel that tl1e pla1111i11g by the Ethiopian staff for tile s�bgree programs is nt, beca imp use orta they r are ly the ticu ones wllo are capatle pa r la of . of assu1;0for ni the ibility o espons ng r teacl1i a the and teachin0 · 'ateria ,. l s, bo i g t h . In Amh· aric· m, or m pr em og ra ers b � of suc h Parliament was co 1 p e1 t d One e �ear when tl1e did Amharic portions of m �terials ass_ nem Selan1u Bekele . ed by h1mself and bl • ers1ty of Ne w York last Dr. Nun ez of the Stat e Un1v ye ar. Another sub-degree for a specific group Uudges) was outlined by Ron S kar Program J , who suggested to • · · y of J LI·St'tee a course · 1n practical aspects of th the Ministr e Penal Code. Bu t a trt1ly effective series of progra• m s, an d a contiilUOlls product·Ion o f te ac hn eg · or re su d b f I e co s rse 1a r s, ma te 1 � r _ g W 11 �qt1ire . a commitment by the Ethiopian i 1 po11c1es w�ch_ th�y are developing. Now teache�s as p� r t . of th.e _ 11e� c�rr1cu um that Et h1o ma p1a JO r1t ns a on t there IS �e Faculty, It IS certainly a feasible goal. The � work by �ur Eth1op1an teachers, part1cul�rly J?r. Berhane Ghebray, during the past years pro,11ded a nu mb er o_ f advan:ces wl11ch will facilitate work in the future. The incentive system fo� A1nl1ar1c teaching materials resulted in foti r sets whe re none exis­ ted _before, and t l11s year we . c?mpl�ted the final details of the complicated inte­ gration of ot1r st1b-degree adn.11n1strat1ve structure into that of the Extension Faculty. Tl1e two Diplon1a Classes wer e coordinated by Fasil Nahum with tl1e Extension Department. We were very fortunate to again have the services of distinguisl1ed part­ time teacl1ers: Ato Al;ebe 1-Vorkie; Major /1bebe Guangul; Dr. Assefa Habte Mariatri,· ,4to Hizlcias Assefa; Lt. Colonel Legesse Wolcle i}fc1ria111; Major Taclesse Abcli; Dr. fVork;11 Ferecle; Ato Yacob Haile 1l1aric11rz; a11d ., Zegeye Asfa�v.


VTSTORS TO THE FACU-J.,TY: In addition to the previously- mentioned guests to the Faculty who assisted us i n evaJl1atio11, vve had many otl1er intersting, distin­ guished, a11d l1elpful visitors. They a re listed in the sequence of their appearance during the year: David Co11en, of l1is N. Y. pt1blisl1 ing co1npany; tl1e Mexica11 Ambassador, H. E. Dr. Robe rto Molin:1 Pasquel, \vl10 gave lectures on aspects of the Mexican legal Law Faculty; Mr. and Mrs. Procaccia, who had system; Paul B rietzke, of M alawi's : just completed advanced legal studies at the Unive rsity of Pennsylvani,t; Professor R. L. Skla r of the Political Science Department at UCLA; M rs. Ter ry Wood of of the Inte r11ational Legal Center on helpful official busi11ess - she also visited aga­ in at tl1e end of the year; Sr. Marisa Ranzato, the I-lead of the law department at the University of As111a ra, who discussed variot1s aspects of l�gal . education; Pro­ fessor J. C. N. Patil. our former Dea n, \-Vho was called for a special Job for tl1e P re­ sident- it was typi�al t11at Jim could find time to do it despite �he rush of welcom_ing parties; Mr..David Anderso11 and Dr. Wi 1 LeMelle of tl1 e East African Ford �ounclation Office - Wi! a11d his \-Vife visited again on their \Vay to TL111isia, where Wil becom�s the Repr esentative· Miss J\1ildred Russell, daughter of Mr. F. F. Rtissel, who �s note d in the Rese�rch sectio11 of thi s report; Professor .Kossow of Georgetown Uni· · . ve_rs1ty, v1hon1 \Ve \velcon1 ed as a colleague to begin in S�ptem_ber'· M r· Ge rd Spreen Director of the Africa11 Divisio11 of tl1e M ax Planck Instittite tn Hamb� rg, whO h as' , m ro d st . n Su i ak Z r so es r of P . years, C€n a I1 elpful friend of the Fact1lty for seve ra I b . • iormerly of 011r Fact1lty \v l10 was on his way .to demandi·ng Job. as. 1.ega1 . advi·sor d ty a to Lesoth?; and. Professo'r Ricl1ard Gardner, �rofes�or ,tt �olu �� e�::�:� ;b�:t � . te qu orm a Y in i er ed JOtn l11gh ffi who en n r , cial U. o S. gov t . 1 e 11 � internat1011al law witl1 faculty members and stttdents. - 437 -







B·oth Dean Paul and Dean : Johnstone in their :fi11al reports outlined ne�ds and problems which the Faculty had to face. Anyone who has f oll?v✓ed the Dean�s A nn� ual Reports ·will appreciate that the � aoulty ha? been_ responsive to the defined ch aI­ le·nges, .and also to the many unpredicted cont1ngenc1es. For the future, the Faculty is financially sou11d, both in_ ten_ns of the Univer.. sity budget which has steadily in·creased and 11as absorbed_ �a·ny of the operations previously carried by foreign f uncling, and in terms of rece1v1ng the fair and neces­ sary share of Ford Foundation funding which is now rightly funneled through the University's central administration. On a smaller scale, we are,_ for example, begin­ ning to r·eceive new equipment under an USAID grant,· of which our Fa.culty secur­ ed some E $20,000 worth more than three years ago. The proce<l:ural perplexities of the various :financial sources are bewildering, and have over the years occupied more than a reasonable share o .f my time. When it · became clear that the new Dea n would probably be selected only at the yea.r's end, I began passing responsibility for the administration of the grants to Professor Harrison, who will be here next -year so that there could be an easy and thorough transition to the new Dean. Beacuse Ato Worku will be the new Dean, there will also be no difficulty about the transition of academic matters, since he has already spent a year as Assistant Dean mastering them, as well as havjng three years of. experience on the Faculty.


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