Judicial and Legal Systems in Africa by Antony N. Allott (1970)

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Bt1ttcr\\7ort11s African La,v Se1·ies :\fricar1 I... a,-v, l))'

N. 1\llott,




Essa vs

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J,a ,,· :-111cl .J t1sticc i11 Bt1ga11cla, IJ)' E. S. I-fa}·clo11, D.1\.

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'1'l te �alive IJa,v of St1cccssio11 ir1 Sut11l1 :\frica, I))' :\. ]. Kerr, 13. .:\., LL. rvr.



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J u(lirial a ncl 1,<·gal




i11 .:\frica� Scco11d Edition, edited by

.\. N. :\llc>IL, i'vI.t\., Jll1.D.

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C�rn1s tit t1 lio11a l La,v <)f (� l1 a11 a, l))t 1-;-. ,-\. R. Bcr1nion, ivI. 1\.

'Ilic 1 be, l.,a,v of


)Jy S. N. (!l1i11\\'ttba OlJi, B.Sc.(Econ.),

IJ L,. ::vr. ::--;,J. 7.

i\la1ri1111)11ial l,a\VS of 1l1c Sttcla11, IJ)' C. d'Olivier Farra11, B.C.L., :> � I . .:\., J 11. IJ. 1

l\<1. B.

'I'11c i\:fac:l1i11er)' r,fj t1sticc i11 Nigeria, b )' B. 0. N,,·abuczc, LL.�1.

i'\o. �}.

'I'l1e (:0111111<>11 l,a,v i11 \\1 e!it .:\frica, by \\1. c:. Eko\v Dainels, l)i1JI. O.�\.S., l,L.I\I., I>J1.l) .

.\u. I 0.

C:(,11s1i1 u 1io11al IJa,\· of 1!1e Nigcria11 Ilc1Jublic, lJy B. 0. N,vabuczc, J.,I�. i\:f.

:\n. 11.

'l'lH· l'\igeria11 I J�1,v ofl�,,iclc11cc, l))' G. R. Rttcld.

i\;o. l '.l.

i\ig,�ria11 f-'a111ily l.,a,v, by Sa]acttsc, 1\.13.. l.,I.....13.

�o. 13.

_:\ ('\·\ r:ssa)'S i11 . \l'rica11 l�a ,,,, by :\. >J. :\Ilo L l, :i\ 1 .A., Pl1. D.


B. l,Cast111111u. LL.!'\l., ancl 1









N. ALLOT1', 1\11.A., :Pl1.D. ])r(![tssor of .if,)can Lau; S'c/100! rif Oriental anr.l ,'lfrican S'tu(/ies Unii:,-rsi(JI <!( Lant/on


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BUTTER\-VORTl·I & CO. (PUBLISJ-IEilS) 1./fD. LON])ON: 88 l(rNGS\\'i\.Y, \-\r.c.2


13lJ1"fl�ll\\'OR'TI-l & CO. (r\USTiit\Ll1\) I.,TD. S\'DNl�\': 20 l.OFTUS S·rREET l\l l::I,00 UllNJ;: 34-3 LrrrLE CoLL1;:-.;s STREE·r l\ltJS.01\Nl?,: 2·10 QUE.EN STJll?.ET .


11uT·1·1�1l"'ro1tT1-1 & co, (C:Al�:\D.-\) L'I·n. 'J'Ol{(.).:'tro: I ·I CuRrl'Y ;\\'E:-lUE, 37-1·


)re," Zealand: lJU'J"l'l�ll\\'Ol-t'l'I-1 & CO. (.NEv\r ZE:\L-\XD) LrfD. "''I::LLINCtroN: 4-9/5 I B,\.LLANCE s,-REE-r ,\UCl{L:\ND: 35 I l- rr;1-1 STREET l.�Urf, �'l�l{\-\ �Oll'f 1 -� & c:O. (SOUTI·I .-\FRI C:.-\) LTD. I) l.! lll3 i\N : 33 /3:J BE,\CI 1 G RO\'E

South ;\frica:

'T'hl· s1•vcral


I ri l)u lors nan1ecl 1970


Pl). ix a11c.l x


S1a11clard Book :N u111lJcr: 406 5522 1 5

Pri11ted i11 Great Brita•in IJv ll · J · Ac1or . r. cl Ltcl., l11dt1strial Estate', Chicl1cster

PREFACE ,.fl1e origi11s of Jufficia! ancl Legal S,,}1ste111s ,vcrc clcscri IJ ccl by 1ne i11 tl1c Preface to tl1c first cclitio11. It is irttcrcstir1g l<J recall tl1at tl1at cditio11 (,vI1icl1 apJJeared in 1962) ,vas 011c of tl1e fruits of tllc .Lo11do11 C!or1fcrcncc 011 tl1c future of la\v in :\frica, 28th December, 1959 to 8tl1 Ja11l1ary, 1960; tl1e Conferc11ce i11 its tL1rr1 1narkcc.l botl1 tl1c beginning of a IlC\-V er,l of co11ccrn \vit11 and stttdy of tl1e legal s1·stc111s of con11no11 la,"' Africa, and tl1c end of the {Jolitical system u11cler ,vl1icl1 tl1osc la\-vs l1ad clcvelopc<l. Tl1L' inte11tio11 l1acl bce11 to giv·c a bi·icf bt1t syste111atic accotu1t for eacl1 of the C()t111trics co,·ered of tl1e syste1n of courts and tl1c la,vs 1hal tl1cy ,vcrc cnt·itlecl tc, a<l111inister. rfo facilitate rcfcrer1cc, fulJ citatio11s \VCrc given of the atJJ)ro­ priatc lcgisla Lion, a11d cl1a1)ters follo,vecl so far as J)Ossil)}c a tt11iforn1 JJatter11. There I1as long been a call for a revised editio11 or t11is ,-vork. Rcaclers }1ardly 11ccd remindi11g tl1at 111t1ch. l1a!; altcrecl i11 tl1e legal SJ)l1crc in 1-\fric�l since 1962. rfl1c decaclc ,vl1icl1 l1as fc>l!o\vecl l1as l)cer1 cl1aractcriscd l)y very ra1)id a11d far-rcaclling c!1 anges i11 tl1e la,vs. 1,y[)icall)'i J)crl1a1Js, for cou11trics inflt1encecl by the Englisl1 legal traclitio11, tl1esc cl1ar1ges l1avc tc,1c.lecl l<l co11centra te on tl1c acljccli \•al ra ll1cr tl1a11 tlie Slll)sta n tivc sic.le of t11� legal systen1. It l1as tl1t1s bce11 tl1c courts ,vl1icl1 l1a, e undergone tl1e 111ost 1Jrolou1lcl tran5forrnatio11. One n1usi stress immediate1y tl1at tl1is traruforn1atio11 is 110 t \\'J1ol ly a11cl solely tl1e l )rocltic t of tl1e attai11111c11t of political i11clc1)c11clencc (tl1ou .gl1 c,rery cot1ntry represented l1erc, \Vith ll1c ::1.rgt1a!Jle cxcc1Jtior1 of Sot1tl1cr11 Rl1oclesia, l1as no\v rcacl1ecl Ll1is goal), as 111a11)' of tl1c cl1artges, more especially tl1ose "vl1icl1 l1a \1C a fTectecl Ll1c for111er 11ati\rc col1rts, are IJttt a prolo11gat io11 of policies alreacly ir1 stibstantial effect, or vigorotisly J.rguecl for, at tl1e tin1e \vl1er1 the first eclition of tl1is '"'ork a1Jpearccl. (.;l1ar1ges f af ecting the �ystemc; of apJJeals are, 110\vcver, a r11ore l )rccise n1irror of JJolitical cl1ange, nolalJly tl1rougl1 tl1e cessatio11 of appeal to tl1e Privy Cot1ncil ancl the clisappcarancc of s01ne t\fric�111 regio11al cot1rls of appeal. The cl1angcs as they affccl tl1c courts i11 comn1011 la,v 1\frica ca11 be groupccl u11dcr tl1rce l1eacls : (i) Tlte disappeara1zce of the native courts. These cottrts, ,vl1icJ1 jJersislcd throt1gl1out tl1e Britisl1 JJCriocl as tl1e J1istorical sticcessors lo, a11cl i11 so1nc instances tl1c actual survivors of, the incligc11ot1s system of jttsticc, have finally· IJcc11 dissol\rccl. rfl1cir J)laccs ha\.'C been taken l)y local, 111agislratcs' or ct1sto1nary cot1rts, ,.vf1icl1 ir1 many in'ita11ccs a.re 110 111orc tJ-1a11 t11c lo\vcst 1ier in the l1 icrarcl1y of cot1rts. '1'11.osc wl10 1nig·l1t lraclitio11all); !,ave l)CC'Il entitled {CJ sit in sucl1 coLtrls or their {Jredccessors l1a\,e generally bee11 c.lispiacccl. 1


l'rrfare . 'l....l1is l1a� c,ften IJcc� tl1c acco:n­ (ii) 7'/,,· iule,!?ration of the ju{!ici �1l s_J•sti:n1j :· . '. 11 at1ve coltrls, tl1ougl1 not of ncccss1Ly 1}1( ol . 1 t e1 111 � ce · Jla ' . .t. n1.a11 11ed }Jy t11o }Jalllllll'IIl to ti l e r,·i l se a1 c , 011 1 ce st JU vf 11S ie1 S)':, J l llc ara J 1 � 1 c 1 l a h. t ns so. It 111ea ., .., L,1·1·1 1,-,, otl1cr \VILl1 a personnel partly 1l1e d ar1 1 io1 cli1 tra J a . "'5 . t:-; \ , l; 1� tI 11 · 1 ' c.:c l · 111 1ra e. ad 11 1i11istra Li\'C a 11<.l !Jar l l)' CltSto111 ary� l 1 avc g on 7iLl1 tl1e cl1a11 gco,•er to re tt_b1 V\ 11. ste1 jJ s ral aj1p al fin � the ,if 11 sio rrti � (iii) 1'lic 11 1r1es f orn1er1)' u11dcr �lie .J t1cl1c1 aI 1 ica11 Jc,r 111 s c}r p;ovcri1111 enL, :\li·ica 11 cou re11 rcg1011al courts E, so. be to sccl cca a\'C 1 l l c:(.>l1ll1lit lCC or t} 1 e l'ri V)" c:()ll lcil or aiJJJcal 1 1· a,•c ge11 crall)' gone; tl1c (:01 1rt of .A.p1Jcal for East 1\frica, re11 cipal orgar1s of t11c East 1\frica11 11an1<.·LI ;u1cl rl��co11-st ilt1 tc<l as one <)f tl,c pri c·:011 11 11 uni l v G .>r111ecl i11 1�l67, r1.:1 11ai11s i11 I or,el)' SJJlc1 1dour; a11d 1nost coun­ al fir1�ll t rics ) 1 a'.-l ' �1 ccorcli1 1gly lJcc11 force cl lo co11slit t ttc 1l1cir 0,,,11 11ation C(>tlrl::; or :! l)l )Cal. 01 1c of tl1c lacl(>l'S \Vl1icl1 llSCCI to 1-�eep tl1 e legal S)'SlCins of c<,n1111 u1 1 lav, i\frican 1·ou11Lrics toge ther l1as LI-1t1s clisap1Jc:ared. · 1 ·1 1 1:rc is ::-1 lot1rtl1 el1::tr1 gc \vl1icl1 clc>cs 1 1c>t cn1crge fron1. a scrutit1)' c,f tl1c ,vri u c·11 te:--�1:-; ,rl1icl 1 co1 1sLil t ttc tl1c cot1rts, a11cl tl1a l i5 Ll1 c africa11isaLio1 1 or l\1calisatio11 of tl1 e jtHJiciary. 'l'his 1Jrocess i� 1101 )'Ct con11Jlcte, especially ir1 1�:as1 a11 c.l C:er1 lral ;\li·icn; lJtll it is clearly of great signifi.cancc� 11otjust for na tio 11al r>ricle IJLIi f<)r the t r(·11cl of lc:g·al c vc>1 ti tio 11. 'J"l1c� first cclition co11cc:ntratccl \'cry st1lJstantiall)· 0J1 ll1e couri.S in .Africa, a1 �cl 0111 \'. tot1checl i11 a ,,crv, st1 1T1111ar,·. n1 a1111cr 01 1 tl1 c Ja,,•s ,vl1icl1 tl1 ose c c111rt:j cotd(I ,!J)J)ly. I I l1as IJcc:1 1 fel t 1! 1 at s0111c n1orc detailed guidance �J H)t d<.l IJc gi,,er1 as to tl1 c sources a 1 1cl cl1r:rar tcris1ics of tl1c 111ai11 brancl1es c,f tl1c la \V i!1 eacl-1 cc,untry, :1 r1Ll 1l1is l1 as lJcc1 1 clo11 c ,vitl1i11 tl1e I i11 1its of SJ)acc alh.1tie<.I. Ne> 111orc 1l1a 11 a11 rrutlinl:. of 1l1 c sottrccs of 1l1e Ia,v, ,,,}1 icl1 may }1elp ihc rcaLlcr i11 a 1)rcli11 1i11 ary c1 1 C<)u 11 1cr ,,·itl1 tl1 at I.1,v, is } )rcsc111ed; }Jut tl1cre :still rc111 ains sc<.>[JC for ::t n1t1 c 11 111 ore cleta ilccl c11 cycIopeclic treat1nc11 I: of tl1c ::;c vcra I na I io 11a I la., vs. :\ \\'Orel i-; also ncrrssary alJout 1l1 c C<)t111 trics co,·crcd by tl1is st1rve)'· :\II 1l1c cou111 riC's cleal1 ,vitl1 i11 1l1c first ccli1in11 arc alst1 tl1 c st1bjcct of c]1a1Jters in tlic JJreser11 1.·<.liiio11 � \\·i I h tl1 e cxceJJ tit)Jl of Za11"1lJia, ,vl1crc it JJrovecl i1Yq )r : ssi bIl' io o IJ lai1 1 a rc.·vi."ic)11 c)r 1 l1 c J)reviotts c1 1tr)'. Not all tl1c cou11trics J)rl'VH>usly cll'�11i ,vitl1 l1avt� 111 ai 11 tai11ecl tl1e sa111 c co11 sti tt1 tional for 111 , of cc n I rs1·. 'l ?1c _n1c. ,·<·11 1i:· 11 l l 1f JJL'O 1Jl<' � n<l icleas j 11 .r\frica s t 1ggcsLccl tl1at (!:1n1 er� 0011 and l.•,tl1H)()ta sho1 1lei 11(>\V be trL�alctl i 11 fi. 1ll; bttl 1l1 c cl1oice of col111trics st ilI r•·flcc ls tl1e l>asic clicl1ot(>11 1y l)el,,·c cn '' conu11011 la,v'' a11d '' civi I la,\·" i 1 1 :\li·ica (if '\·e aI lo,\' I l1 c for 111cr 1�1igl1 Co n11 11issio1 1 '1,crri iories in soutl1cr11 ;\frica to co111c i11 clcs1)i le tl1cir allcgia11cc io llo11 1an -:Dtl t rl1 co111.n101 1 Ia \V), 1\s \\'� 1 Ii ll1c first ccliti<l11� cacl1 cl1 a1Jtcr, ,vl1 icl1 cll' als \Vitl1 01 1e 11ni1ar)' or co1111Jos1le co11n I ry, is arl'an.gcd ,1 CC(lrcli11g Lo n sta11darcl pat I crn. 1'11is · · l1as l)cc11 do11c .,"O 'a,·' to 1,,c , · r.., -· 1 ' 1 t l l I a l c case o f rc1crc '" 11 cc, s11111' ar co111 J11 1atH)1lS o f · . . . �nclica11''c r 11 .11nl)crs a11 cl letters l1 avi11 g l)cc11 uscc.l tl1rol1gl1 out. '1,11c ,:ol t1n1c 15 tlitis to a large cx1c11 L seJ1:.i11dcxi11g; bt1t i11 so111e cases iL l1 as bce1111ecess:1ry _ lO cleJJa rt lron1 il1c basic I)attern bcc:1 t 1!-.e of tl,c icliosv11 crasie.s of tl1e legal _ S)'Stcn1 111 c1uc-s1i011. '1'1 1c 1)attcr11 is as fc1llo ,vs: • \'I

Prr;face .�


[sL1bcliviclccl by grades ofcot1rls as: i\l SUl")l�Ef\-lE COUll'I', etc.] For cacl1 grade of cottrl: CO'.':STITU'fION 1-\i"iD PO\VEl{S

1 Establish1nent 2 Co1npositio11

3 Ju1·iscliction-original �! J1.1risdictio.11-appellate 5 Procecl11re-Cri1ili1Iat ("": l'i_! ii CONTROL (lF COUR"fS

6 1\ppe::11, 1·e"·ie,,·, re'\'·isio11 7 Su1Jervisio.n ,111cl inspectio11 L.\\\' 1·0 DE ,\D:-,.11::--;1$·fEREJ)

8 Ge11er.. 1.Ior stah1torv ,.. 1�1,v 9 Customarjr l:zr,"·

10 Religious la,,,



SOU R.(:l:'.�

11 Statute

12 Comi11.on la,v ft11d equit�,; 13 Custom a11d t1sage 14 Religious la\.,rs 15 Internal co11:flict 1·ules DJ�RIV,\TIO� :\ND FOR:0-I OF ;11.-\1.:-i llR:\NCIIES Of 1"l·lE l.EG1\L SYSTE;-.1

16 Criminal Ja,,, 17 Property and SllCCCSSiOJl 18 I'vlarriage a11cl the famil�/

19 Tort a.11d coi1tract 20 Other Ia,v

N,) 011c \•,hose LasJ., il is to kcc.:J) 1l1c legal a11cl jttclicir.1! syslc111S of ;-\frica t111clcr rc\1 icv,1 ca11 fail t(> l)e a,varc th:tt cl1angc toclay i!, likely l<l IJe frec1t1c11t a11cl racl i r·a I. ·1·11c SCCJLICilC<: of cou rs an cl otl1c:r rc,:oltt tion ary cl1anges in ll1c <:()11slit11tic)11s a11cl l1e11cc i11 the lavvs has cat1sed great cliffict1lty lJoth to tl1c at1 Ll1 ors a11cl the cditor. · I 'J1is l1,1s 111ac.lc tl1c task of 111aki11g aJ1cl kcc1)ing tl1c text u11 to clalc a11 al1n0sl inl[JOssilJic or1c. It is Ll1crcforc 11ot possible to specify a single clalc b>' rcl'crcncc lf') ,,:I-1icl1 tl1c rcsJJCClivc ch:a1Jtcrs I-lave been con1piled; tl1011gl1 ,1.t1tl1ors 11ave hcc11 alJlc i,1 several i11star1ces to an1c11cl tl1eir lcxL'> i11 proof so as to t1pclale Ll1cn1 to rni(l- f 96�). 'l'\VO coL111trics 11a,,c causccl specia 1 clillir.1.d ty lc:ir ol)viot1s rcaso11s 1 Ni.iscri a a n(I Rl1oclcsia. 'l�J1c cl1a jJ t er (H1 Nigeria prCJ)arcd I))' T)r. J�zcjiofor \vas i11csca1)alJly ,llTcctccl l)y 1l1c secession .. VII

Preface t complete i1npossibil ity s 1o ln a c h '"f r. a w a-Biafra of Biafra a11d tl1e Nigeri e uncertainties of the th d n a a, fr ia B 1 i1 r 1o tl au 1c of com1nu1ucat.i11g ,vitl1 tl e n'ladc the editorial task e,•eii 1 av l , ly al ic it ol p siLt1ation, botl1 legally and i1 1 a ,v ork of reference to take e at ri p ro p ap e b 1o t 111ore cliffictllt. IL ,votild 1 ly, i t is })OssilJle to J)reser1t Dr. e at n u rt fo ; rc tu 11a is 1 sicles i11 a conflict of tl 11t o f the al ternative ,•ie,vs, t1 co ac e k ta to s a ay ,v a 1 Ezcjiofor's c l1a1Jtcr i11. st1cl ent con� 1e b eer1 expressed a! Jo ut tl1e curr a, l1 h ic Nigcria1 1 and Biafr:111, ,vl1 .., cl1c on 1]1is U . U . U r. D of e 1c a1 st si as l1e 1 . on stitt1Lio11al a11cl legal sitttali r l y \Vitl1 Rl1odesia: two vie,vs ila . n1 Si . cd t ia cc Jr JI �lJ 1 l 1Joi11t l1as be e11 111t1c l1e situatio11. It is l1oped iliat L of s ie lit ga le l 1c t cl 1 a1 s ,v arc currc11t alJot1t tl1e Ja n do11e to tl1en1 . By il1e courtesy e be s a l 1 cls 1 an n dc v s1.1 ch jt1slicc as cacl1 ,,ie, endix a nole 011 pp A an as e ud cl i1'l o t c l b ssi J)O 1 c1 of Ll1c JJUIJl isl1ers it l1as bc e sian ]a\,', especially as it d l1o R c tl1 i11 c 11g 1a cl tl1c 111ost rccc11 l IJt1r1Jortccl a fli,:c l!'i tl1c cot1rts.

-�- N. 1\LLOTT Scl 1<>ol of Orie11Lal Hltll Africa 11 Slttdies, LT n iver:,i l y of Lor1clo11.

Ociobtr, 1969.


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Pt\R'f I-\VES�f i\FRICA

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By Sir J.

'\\7isel1a1n, for111erly C:l1icf Jttstice of The Gan1bia

By I-I. l\;f, Joko S111art, Lectt1rer in La\v, U11iversily College of Sierra Leone.- l.'ot1ral1 Ba,..-, • •

By D. K. 1\frel1; formerl}· :\cti11g Dea11, J;"ac11lty of La,v, U11i­ ,,ersit)r of Gl1ana


By G. Ezejiofor, Lecturer in La,v, University of Biafra



J. .�\.

Caarence Smith, Professor of La\v, U11ivcrsity of l\. Iarutoba, formcrl}' Legal .i\dviscr, Federal Governmc11t of Can1eroon, formerly· judge of tl1e vVcst Cameroon St1J)rc111e Cot1rt and adviser on Englisl1 la,v, }?ecleral Ivfi11islr)' of Jt1stice; R. Gilg; ancl J. i\. O'Bric11 QL1in11, jt1clge of tl1e Stt1Jren1e C:ourt, \Vest Ca1neroon Lrn1�Ri,\ . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. By 1\1.f. R. I(onvitz, Professor of I...a,v, Cc)rnell ·u11iversity, Director, Liberian Codification Project, a11cl tv{. L. Rosc11z,-veig, ;\ssista11 l ])ireclor, I.... iberian Coclification })rojcct 1










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N. t-\llott, Professor of Africa11 La,v, Schoo! of Oriental

ancl 1\frican Stticlics, University of Lonclon KENY1 \

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By E. Cotran, Lecturer in African La,v, Scl1ool of Oriental a11cl

African Stuclics, U11iversity of J.,011don

• • •• • • TAJ.'iZA.NIA • • • • • • • • • • By E. C,)tran, Lecturer in African La,v, Scl1ool of Orie11tal and 1\frica11 Stttdics, University of Lo11clon

uG...\ND \ .:

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By I-I. F. wforris, Reader in t\frican Law, School of Oriental a11d ;\frican Studies, University of Lonclor1 • IX



Co11le11ls P,\GE ETl·IIOP!A

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Ily J.,, !(110\\'lcs, l>rofcssor of �,�,v, � r1ive �·sily �f ?cor�i,.t Scl1or,I of La,v; formerly l.cclt1rer, I-Ia1le Scllass1c I Un1,,ers1ty


- i N, 1\. � oor .1\l t1l1a111111acl, forr11erl)' \Tice-Prc:siclent of I3v JIaj tl�c Su1)rcn1c c:otu·t, S0111ali IlcJ)LtlJlic r

11:\l'l'l' ITI-Cf.:,I\'f'Rt\L 1-\ND SOU fI-IERN .t\FRIC:\ :'.VI :\L:\, VI

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J�v S. 1\. ll(>IJ crls, I..cclt1rcr i,1 JJa,v, Lo11do11 Scl1ool of Ecor1ur11 ic.-;, ::i.11c.l ror n1crl)' Leclttrer· i 11 J_.a ,v, I 11.sti Lute of :\clrnin istrati<Hl, i\fala,vi


.. • • Dy lI. Sil IJcrl-1 crg, I..cct \1 rrr in J..., a,v, Uni\.·ersil)' Cc)llege of ltl 10� lcs i�l


• • , • • . • • . . • • • • S \,·,\Zl L:\::-.:1) By i\. Rltlji11: IJeclt1rcr i11 1\frica11 La,._.\ Scl1ool of Oriental a11d .:\fr i ca11 SL uc.lics, Ur1i,·crsity of Loncl1J11

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l{ I I•)I)ES I:\

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B·y ,\. �;1. R. Ran1olt�fe, fc)r111erly Lec1t1rer i11 La,v, U1li,1ersil'y of Do1s,vana, IJesc1tl10 a11cl S\vazila11cl. <1nd c:i1�to111ar)' Cot1rl:s C:0111n1 i..,sio r1er� lJc-:snliH) J3)' S. . \. ll1.>lJcrts, Leet Ltrer i11 La,v� Lo11do11 Scl1ool of Eco_' 110111ics, a11cl ( '.usto111ar)' I�a \\' Co111111issio11er, Bo1s,\·;;111a . .

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l�·y Z. i'viustafa, Dc-::111, 1:acttl1y of L.a\\' 1 l_;11ivcr:5il)' of I(l1arto11111 ll11u1)ESI,\: ��cvelc,J)111ents a11c.l t(·111lt..'11cics si11ce ,\ JJril 30, I 968 . . l�y 1 l. - SdlJcrlJerg a11cl :\ . .J. I�. Jane)', I.c-ct11rers i 11 La,v, lJ11ivcrsi 1 ). C:ullegc: of Ill1oclesi a

r\l>l)ENI)IX • •


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2 74· 28�)


P_•\R'l" I


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By Sir J. J 11ischa,n 'l'l1c cot111Lry co11Sists of tl1c for111cr C�olol1y a11cl l'rotcctorate of tltc Gambia. By tl1e Ga111bia I11dc1Je11clc11cc Orclcr 1965, Statutory lnstrt11ncnt No. 135 of 1965, tl1e Gan1bia beca111c a11 indepc11dcnt. 1ncmbcr of tl1c Co 111n1011\vealtl1 ,,·itl1 a CClrtstiLt1tio11al mo11archy a11d ,1 Govcr11or-Gc11cral re1)resc11ting Her l\.,;IajeSl)' tl1c Qt1cc11. i\.


1· 11c Cot1rts co 11sist of tl1c Ga111bia c:c,t1rt of 1\ J) JJcaI, tl1e SttJJrcn1.c c:ot1rl: Ll1e Dall1t1rst l\ Iagistratcs' c:ottrt, tl1c Di'visio11al c:ot1rts, Ll1c l\:fol1a111n1ccla11 Cot1rls a11cl tl1e District l'ribttnals. 1

1\ l.:t

PRI\1 y· c:o UNCIL

1.\1J11cals lie fr1)n1 Ll1e clccisions of ll1e Ga1nlJia C�ot1rt of ,'\JJ}JC�tl Lo ll1c J t1clicia l C!ommi ttee of t lie Pri,ry (!ot1J1cil ('fl1e Ga111.lJia ( t\J)J)cals to Privy­ c:ot111cil) Order in C!ot111cil 1961; S.I. 1961 No. 74-4-, as co11Strt1ecl lJy tl1c Ga r11bia I nclc1)e11clcnce Oreler, S.I. 1965 No. 13 5, Scl1cd. 3, ss. 93, 100].

1 Establisl1ment-EstalJlisl1crJ IJy tl1e Ga111bi,t I11clcpc11c.lc11cc Order 1965, S.I. 1965 No. 135, Scl1cd. 3 I_CcJ11sLilt1tio11 or Ll1e Ga1nlJia, s. 93]. 2 Composition-'fl1c jticlgcs of tl1c C:cJttrt co1111Jrisc �t llrcsiclent a11cl sucl1 11t1mber of <) tl1cr j uclges as 1na y l)c prescribed }Jy ]>arlia111.e11t [S. I. 1965 No. 135, �l'}1ircl Scl1ccl., s. 93]. 3 Jurisdiction-rfl1c Cc,trrt of i\p1Jcal sl1all lJc a SLlfJCrior cot1rt of record. 1\n a1Jpcal lies as of rigl1t to tl1c Cot1rl of 1\1)1)cal fr<.lITI clccisio11s of tl1e Suprcn1e C!ot1rl i11 cases proviclcd fc>r [S.I. 1965 No. 135, 'fl1ircl Scl1ed., ss. 93 a11cl l 00]. 1·\? -

rl'I-IE S Ul'RE1v1E CO UR'l'


1 Establishment-First establisl1cd i11 l 888. C�c.H1rir111ccl a11d cstablisl1ccl [S.I. 1965 No. 135, 1·11ircl ScJ1ccl., s. -88]. - - · ·- - ------·---· -- . -· .--··- -···-·-- ·- --·-. .. -· --- ---·- ··----- -.. - ·- -1 .For <lia1;ra111 c)f courts systcrn, sec 1-\1Jpct1clix, /Josi.



1-lVesl 1.if,·ica

2 Co111positio11-'I.l1c j1.1clgcs sl1all be tl1c Cl1ief Justice a11d sucl1 number of otlicr jLtclges as 1nay be prcscribccl by Parlian1c1 1t [ibid., s. 88). 3 Jurisdiction-origiI1al-rfl1c St11Jrc111c:: Court is a st1perior court of record a11 cl has tu1 li11litccl original jurisc.lict ion to hear and dctermi11e any civil or c-ri1ninal r)roccecli11gs a11cl sucl1 jt1riscliction ancl po,\·ers co1iferred on it b1· tl1 e Co11stilutie. n1 or a11 )' otl1cr la\\' [ihicl., s. 88]. Tl1e Sup reme Cot1rt I1as al l th.c jttrisdiction, 1:>o,vers and autl1urities \Vl1icl1 arc vested in or are ca1Jablc of IJ ei11g cxercisccl by I-Icr !viajcsty's I�ligl1 Court of Justice in Eng­ la11cl before Fcbrt1ar)' 18, 1965 I. Courts l\ct, caJJ. 36, 2 s. 3]. ,! J11risclictio11-appellate-.:\1:>JJcals lie Lo 1)1c Su1)re1 11c Co11rl fron1 all sulJ orclir1 ate cot1rls. U1 1cler tl1c (:ri1ninal l">roccclure Code, cap. 39, s. 271 (1), "a 1 1y IJc-rscn1 co11victccl 011 a trial l1elcl 1 Jy any subordi11aLc cot1 rt n1ay appeal 10 i b.1'. Su 1Jrcn1c C!ot1rt''. U 1 1clcr 1J1c St1borcli1 1atc Cottrts (Ci,,il Proceedings) .:\ci, cal)· I 77 � s. 26 ( l), ,111y JJarty aggric,•cd by a11y jt1 dgn1cnt or decision of . 11'lay a1)peal t(.1 tl1 c Sup rc1 nc Cot1 rt. i\IJJJCals also lie io tl1c Sttprcmc a ccn1rt Cu II rl fro1r1 1 l 1_:cisio11s of Ll1c Da tl1L1rst �,rol1ammcclan Court [!\1Iol1.anrmcdan I,a,,· ]lcc<.)gr1itio1 1 .:\ct, ca11, l 24·, s. 9 ( 1)] fr o1n tl1c Ko1nl:>o St. 1-Jar)' 1vfol1 am11 1cc.la11 Cot1rt [caJJ. 124·, s. IO ( 1)], and fron1 clccisions of District Tribu11a]s [I)istricl 'J,ril:>t1 11al..; 1\cl, ca1J. 52, s. 26].

5 Proceclu1·e-(a) C'ri 111 i11al. 'l'l1c Cri1ni11al Procedure Code [cap. 39] a11cl S l l})rc1 11c Cottrt Rt1les [ca1J. 36]. (b) Civil. rl'l1e S1.11Jre1nc Cot1rt Rt1lcs [ca1). 36]. CON1'H.OL OF CfJUill"

6 .t\pp-eal-1\1J1Jca1s fror11 tl1c St1JJrc1 11e C!ottrt lie to tl 1c Gan1bia Court of :\lJJJeal (1\ l lJ, ante) (l"levie,v, Revisio11.-Nil.) 7 Su1Jervisio11 c:111cl i11spectio11-Nil.

J..:\,v 1·0 BE ,\l)i\--llNIS'fl':flED

8 Ge11eral_ la,v-(a) By t l 1c La,v (lf E11gla11d (i\I J}Jlicatio11) :-\cl [caJJ. l 04-, s. 2] Llte SuIJrcmc C:c)Ltrt is c 1 111)0,,·t·rccl to acl1 11i1 1istcr "tl1c co1 1111101 1 la\\'

l�lc doctrines <)f 1 '.q1.1i_l)', a 1 1cl tl1 e staltttes of gc11cral aJJ )licatio11 ii1 force i1� l J,,r1gia1lli 1)11 Liu� I st Novcr11lJ cr, 1888". (_b) 1\ll ;\cts of l)arlia1 11c11L c:leclarccl to cxtc11d or a1Jpl ' lo Ll1e Gan1bia ) ,�h1 cl1 11acl effi�cl as 11arl of tl1c la,v of tl1c Gambia in11 11ecliatel y }Jeforc l· clJrt1ary ,18,_ l �6� sl1all co11ti11uc to be i rl f<)rcc so far 01 1 1)' as tl1c litnits of tl1 :� l_ocal Jt�r1scl1 ct101 1 a11cl local circt1111sta11ccs pcr1Iut a11d sttlJject. to a11y cx1 s�111g or ft1Lt1re lo�al 1\c-t [ cap. I 04·, .s. 3 (I)]. (cJ . La,v a11cl cc1l1�ty a�·c lo be co11ct1rrc1 1tl y atl111inistcrccl bt1L, ir1 case of , co11 1 : � tl1c rules ()I cc1t11l y arc to J)rc,•ail [cap. l 04·, s. 4· (I) a 11cl (3}]. � � (_Ci) l1c coti rls arc t11 1clcr a dt1ty to aclr11i11istcr tl 1c 1-\ })as cls secl lJy tl1c local l c-g1slalt1rc. · · 1· · r .. ', 1 ( e) ie Jurisc 1ct101 1 l1crelJ)r confcrrell t1po11 tl1. e Supre111c Cotir t i1 1 J)ro• lJate, di,•orcc a11 cl 111atri1no11ial cat1scs a11cl 1,roc eccli 11gs 1na)r . .• be exercised ----- - ------:: C:I1 aptcr 11u1nbc:i-s refer Lo tl1 c 1 966 Rcvi :; iou of tl1 c Lavvs of 1l1c c;a111uia. 2

TJ1e Ga,ubia by the Court in co11.[or1nity \Vitl1 Ll1c l::L,v a11cl [Jr,tcLicc \vl1icl1 ,v,ts i r1 f,.,rcc i11 l�11gla11cl i1nmccliaLely before tl1e l [ltl1 (lay· ,)r l�ebrl1ary, l 965" [ ca JJ. 104·, s. I 9]. (f) Tl1e Crimi11a] Cocle [caJ). 37] "�l1�tll be i11tcrprctccl i11 accc)r<la11ce \.Vith tl1c principles of legal ir1ler1Jrc:tatio11 ,vl1icl1 o 1Jlai11ccl i11 I·:11g·la11cl im111edialely· before tl1c l8tl1 cla·r of 1:elJrt1ary 1965 ...'' [cap. 37, s. '.{ (l)].

9 Local a11d ct1s ton1.ary la,vs-'' ( 1) Notl1i11g i r, tl1is 1\ct sl1all lle1)rivc

the Cl)ttrts of tl1.e rigl1t lO l)bsc-r,rc a11cl e11forcc 11 1.e 1.>lJscrva11.ce� or sl1all cleprive a11)' J)erso11 of Ll1c L1c-11cfil 1 of ail)' ct1sto111ary l,t\.V cxisti11g i11 tl1c­ Gambia, Stlcl1 Ia,v 11ot bci11g rC[)t1g11::i.11L to 11n1 ttraI jttsticc, cqt1ity a11cl good co1i.science, 11or .i 11co1n1>.:1tiblc citl1cr clirectly· (,r by 11cces.sary i1nplica­ tion \Vitl1 an)" la\v for tl1e ti111c l)ci11g i11 force. (2) Sttcl1 ct1ston1ary la,v sl1all be clccn1e<l a1Jt>licable i11 cat1ses an.cl n1alters ,vl1erc Ll1e J)arlics tl1ereto arc citizcrt.':i <lf tl1e Ga1nbia a11d also i11 causes and 111allers bet,vccn citizcr1� <Jf tl1c Gan1bia a11cl IJCrso11 ,vl10 arc 11c>t such ,vl1crc it n1.ay· appear l(1 tl1c (�()ltrt tl1at substa11tial injtistice ,vot1lcl be done Lo ciLl1cr part)' b)' a strict �1dl1erc11cc tc> Ll1c rt 1Ies of t-:11g1ish la,v. (3) No party sl1all IJc c1tlitlecl tc, clai111 tl1c benefit of a11y cL1sto1nary Ia"v, if it sl1all a1J1Jc-ar eit.l1er fro111 cx1Jrcs:- co11tract or fron1 tl1c natt1rc of the tra11sactio11s r•lt t c)f '-,·Ilic11 a11 y stti t or qt1cs ti,)11. n1::ty l1avc arisen, t l1a t stich party agreer.I tl1al l1is c)lJli g. a I io11.s i11 conneci ion ,vi t. 11 st1cl1 transact io11s shot1ld be rcgula ted cxclt1si,·ely· b)' Englisl1 la\v or t11::1.t s11cl1 lra11saclio11 is a transactio11 t111l�110,,·11 i1J 11a Li,,c Ia,v ;111cl cuslOill. ("l) 111 cases \vl1 cre r10 c:,;;1Jrcss rt1le is a1JT)licalJ]c to a11y 1nalter i11 C()11trovcrsy tl1e co1.1rl sl1all be gc..vcr11ccl l)y 1l1c 1Jri11ci1Jles of jt1stice, ec111ity and goo<l co11sciencc'' [C!ap. I 0�1., s. 5].

10 Religious la\VS--.r11e la,vs of tl1e Gambia i11clt1cle pro\'isio11s lor

tlle applicatio11 of Isla1nic la\\. [i'. l.L.ll..1\., C!ap. 1211·� ss. 3, 7, l l]. On appeal fi·o1n any decisio11 f>f a .:\Jol1amlncclan Court ''a 'l'a11isjr or JJ<:rso11 learnccl i11 Lhe I\fohan1n1�dan Ia,,, shall sil'' as an assessor ,vitl1 tl1e jt1clgc for aclvisory· pt1rposes [!\·I.L.R.!\., ca1J. 12•}, s. 10 (2)]. (Sec �1lso 1\ndcrso11, J.N.D.: lsla111ic lazo i,z .lljrira, JJp. 225-2 L!8.) 1


" ' TI-IE B1\TI·IURST i\I:\C}fS'fR1\TES' COUR f


1 Establishment-Esta}Jljsl1ecl l)y tl1c Cot1rts /\ct [cap. 36, s. 14 (I)].

2 Composition-(a) ;\ Senior lvlagi5trate of the first class. (b) �r\',,.O c,r 111orc jtisticcs of tl1e peace.

3 Jurisdiction-01·iginal-Cri,ninal. (a) /\ 1nagistratc or the first class m.ay try a11y c)ffcncc for \vl1icl1 l he 111axim1.1 111 scnte11ce is sc,rcn years or

lcssJ l1t1 t sl1aII 11ot pass �1 scr1te1lcc excccclir1,g five years' impriso111ne11t [C!rimi11al Proccclurc C�oclc, c,1p. 29, s. 5]. (b) rf\vc> ()f 1norc jttst.ices of 1l1c j)c:ace may try any ofTc11ce for \Vl1icl1 tl1c n1aximt1n1 sentence is scvet1 )'Cars, !)tit 1nay 11ot pass a sentence cxcccrli11g six montl1s' i1n1)riso11mcnt [catJ. 39, s. 5].


Part J-J,Vcst Africa 1ninecl lJy tl1e class ·1·11c tJo,vcrs a 11cl jt1risclictio11 of 1nagislrates ar� detcr 1.7]. of tl1eir aJJIJoi11tr11c11ls [Cot1rls ,\cl, caJJ, 36, s. '1'11c Cotirl l1as jt1risdicti(lll to try act1011S u1Jon a . contract or 111 eecl1 r1g cxc t 11o ncy 111o of fl stu ed fi� a for is ief rel 1 c tl erc 1 ,rI t t<Jr a £ I 00, ,,,}1e11 1:>resillecl over lJy tl1c Sc:11ior 1:Iag�straLe. b £50, '"l 1c11 presidcc.l over by 1,vo or 1norc JL1st 1ces of tl1e 1:,eace . [ c:�( >lirls ;\e�, ca1 J. 36, s. 15 ( 3), a11cl S ti lJorcli11ate Cot1rts ( C! i·vil I>rocee<lings) :\ct� c:11J. 177, s. :3 ( l)].


4 Jurisclictio11.-nppellate-Nil. 5 Proceclu1·e-(a) C'rhninal. 1'11c C!ri111ir1al Procedt1re C!o<.le [cap. 39]. (b) Civil. 'l'l1c Suborcli11atc Cot1rts (Ci,·il Proceedings) 1\ct [car:>. 177]. ( :() :'-1 'l' R. () L OF (;OU R'fS

6 1\J)peal, Revic,v, Revision.-.:\1JJ)C�t1 s lie fro111 1l1e jt1dg111ents of tl1c 1r1agistralcs to tl1 e Suprc 111c Clotirt (;\2 I)ara. 4, ante). Every st1bordi11ale cr11.1rt al tl1 e c11 cl of every 111011tl1 sl1all for\varcl to tl1c Supre111e Court a list elf all cri111i11 al 1)roccccli 11gs tlcciclecl a1 1cl tl1c St1prcn1e CoLtrl TIU)' 011 rc\•isio11 eril 1a11ce 1l1 e sc11tcnce ()r n1�1y or<.lcr a11 acquiLta] or alter Ll1c decision [Cri111inal l) roccclt1re C:ocle, cap. 39, ss. 286 a11cl 288].

7 Su1)e1·visio11 ancl inspectio11- 'l,l1e Su 1:>re1nc Cot1rt sl1all exercise p;<!lli':ral su1Jcrvisio1l c1vcr ,di suborcli11ate cottrts a1 1cl Illa)" call for a 11cl i1ispecr

all records or sucl1 cot1r1s, ancl 11 1ay giver1 all)' clircctior1s i11 tl1 c i11teres1s <)f jtIS LiCt� [ (�Ollr [$ 1\ct, ca 1). 36, s. 2 3]. 1\]l stt!)orclinate cot1rts sl1all l�cep \VritIL"ll recorcls of cases a11cl kce1J an accot1nt of all fees, fi11es a11cl Cltl1cr 1no11C)-'S t)aicl i11to cot1rt [C .•<\., cap. 36, s. '}9" --] . 1'11c St11)rc111 c C!ourl sl1all 11avc jt1ri::;clictio11 t(l sttIJervisc any civil or crimi11a1 J)roccecli11gs lJefc1rc a11y st 1lJorcli11atc court or a11y court-11urtial a11cl may r11akc st1cl1 nrclcrs, isst1c :st1cl1 ,vrits :111cl gi, c st 1cl1 clirectio11S as it 1nay co11!-;icler ap1)ror)riatc f1>r I he JJttrJJosc of c1)st1ri1 1g tl1::i. t justice is d t1ly adrni11is1eretl lJy all)' sucl1 cot1rt \_S. l. 1965. No. I 35, �l.'l1ird Scl1ecl., s. 98 (2)]. 0

l.,\ ,v TO IJE ,\Dt-.11NIS'l'EllED

8 Ge11eral/Statutory-.\s St11Jre111c C()t1rt, l)ltt \Vitl1i11 tl1e jt1risdiction of tl1c c:1.1url. 9 J.. ocal 01· CL1ston1.ury la,v-Nil .

.10 Religious Ia,vs-Nil. 1\4·



1 Establisl1ment-E:;1ablisl1ecl l1)' ll1c Childre11 ai)cl Voting Perso11S .;\ct � [ca1). 22].

2 Comp?sit�o11-''1.\. j 1ve1tllc cot1rt for tl1c }Jt 1r1Jo se of tl1e l1eari11g � _ a11d cletern1111 at1011 of cr1n1111 al cases and for preliini ary ciiqttir ii ies relati11g


Tile G'a,nbia to cl1ilclrc11 or ·y1)ll 11g pcr.:::011s sl1al l l)e ct>tlsl i1 ttlccl l)y a 1nagis1ra Le (\vl1 icl 1 cx1)rcssic•n i11cl ticlcs ,t11 )" t,vc> j tis Lices c,r l I tc l>t·ace) sitti 1 1g , vi t 11 t\VI) r>er�;o 11s selcc tccl b)' l1i111 fro111 a 1Ja r1cl cir l)l:r�o11s � l)(J()i 111 eel fc,r tlie IJt1r1,Josc l)y tl1c C:I1icfJ l1.s.ticc: l>roviclccl tl1a l-( a) a 111�lgislra Lt:.' t1f ll1c firs 1 (' lass 111::1y i 11 I 1 is cl iscrctio11 sil alo11c; atlcl (/,) ,\·lier, l\V<) j1 1sticc� �1f 1l1c l)C:1c,; �tre silti11� ir sl1all l)c lll'l11eccssar)· for ;111)" <lll 1cr iJcrs<.)11 t() sit \\·ill1 1he111 ii' l)<Jtl, arc t)tl st.1cl1 }Jartcl'' ·1 1J (.' l ., .• ')') s. C [ca1), --,

3 .Ji1risclictio11-01·igi11�,l- ·l�xclt1si,·c j1 1ri�c.lic1io11 r,,,er cl1ilc.lrc11 ancl

y·ot111g JJer::-t)11s (''·yc,t1ng I)!'l':,,c,11..._'' 111(·:111s a J)L'r:::<n1 ,vl10 l1a8 attai 11ccl tl1c .1gc of fc1t1rtcc 11 ·years ::i.rlc.l is t11 1<ler ll1e age c)f se,·C'n:cc11) [ca}J, 22, s. 2J. 4 J t11-isclictio11--�11:,1)ell,1te-?\i1. 5 Proceclu1·c-- - -'l.l1c san1c I)r.acticc a11cl 1Jroccc.lt1rc as in tl1e 111agistr�ttc's = cotlr l !1<) t i11co11::: is tc11t \-.-i tl1 1 l1c .$i 1111Jli �'cl I)r(>crrl ttrc i 11 s. 8 <.>f tl1c < :. Y..P.•\. Sitti11gs arc ill a diili.:-re1ll lJLtildi11g or r1)01n fi·o111 ll1at i11 ,vl1icb. orcli11ary sit1i1 1gs L)f a <:"(1t1rl :1rc l1clcl [c,liJ. 22� .;;;, 6 (2)].


CO ::--:TR O L () F C;() l; R 1" :5

{l 1\.p[Jeal, .re,,ie-r,·, re,;isio11--:\1JIJc,:1l.s lie tl> tl-ie St 11 1rr111c Co1 1rt. 1n . .f\".::, IJara. (�, 1.


7 St1pcrv·isio11 t1nd it1s1lectio11---:\s in :·\3 IJara. 7. L,\ \V TO nE 1\I):'.\lii,\;lSTEI{E.D

8 General l�i.,v--:\s in :\3 }J.ara. 8. 0 9 Local ai1cl custor11a1·y l::. 1 ,, -:-Jil. •

10 Religiot1s Ia,,"s->J'il.

CONs1·1·ru·r10:-; ,\:,n 1'0\\"ERS

l Establisl11ne11 t--I�sl a l:>lisl1ccl lJ)" t l1c c:r,11rts i\ct [cai), 36, s. 14· (I)].

2 (�ompositio11--l)resic!crl o,1cr li,· a 111agistrale i11 eacl1 cli,·i:;iu11 [ca1). 36, s, l ,� ( I ) ] .

3 Juris di ctio:r1-o 1· i g i111:tt-.c.·, hn i11al. ']'l1e c:otirt rr1a )' 111 a11y offe11ce fr,r ,v l1icl1 1 I 1e I11a xi 1111.1111 �;1:r1 I c11cc i:, scvc11 )'Crl.rs C)r less, 1)11t tl1e sc11te11 ces <:111

tlic class

r,r 111agis tr,.L tc

J)rcsicli11g ( C:. l). C. � c,1 I). 39, s. 5]. C'il:il. _:\s in Batl1t1r-;t � <1gis1 ra tcs' (:ottrt for actio11s 11ot exceccli11g a £ I ()0� \Vl1c11 IJresi,lecl (>\'Cr l)y a 1';fa gistrate of I l1e first or sccc111cl class: a11cl b ;C,50, ,vl1e11 J)resiclccl o,..-er lJ·y ;:L j\,fa.t{i-.;tr;:t le of tl1c tl1ird class.

clrJ)Cn cl


4 .Ju1·is clictio11---ap11ella tc-Ni I. 5 P1·ocecl111·e-C1·i1ni11al ancl Civil-1\s i11 B,1th1. 1 rst :[\,fagistrates' Cot1r1. CONTROi.,



6 i\.ppe�1l, 1·evie\v, 1·evisio11-.;\s iri Ba1l111r::;t Ivlagistratc:::' c:011rt (1\3

[)ara. 6J.


JJart 1- J,Vest Africa 7 Supervisio11 ancl i.I1spectio11-As in 1\3 JJara. 7. Lr\\V TO BE ;\D�IINISTERED

8 General-1\s i11 1\3 1Jara. 8. 9 Local or custon1.ary Ia,v-Nil. 10 Religio11s ltl\\'s-Nil. 1\ G

' 'I-I l\,fOI-It\ tvI l\:f ED.\ N COURT J E (Ba tl1ttrs l)


l Establisl1111e11t-l�sLalJ lisl1ecl lJy 1l1 e l'v[ol1a11m1eclan La,,· Recog11iLio11 1\ct [<:aJJ. l 24·, �- 4-], ir1 l3ath11rsr. 2 Co111.position--C:0 11slitl1 tccl lJy a Cacli aJJIJ ointed lJy tl1e Judicial Service Co111111ission [i\l. T.,.R.1\., s. 6 ( 1)].

3 Jurisclictio11-01·iginal-''i11 all causes a11d nuitter:i, contentiotlS or

1111co11Le11lio us, bcl,vce11 or cxcl11si,rely a ffcct i11g r\'lol1 an1n1cda11 :\frica11s, r(;!a 1i1115 to civil status, n1a rriagc, s11cccssio11, clo11 a tio11S, l es1an1en ts ancl gu::ircliarts.l1i 1J" [�1I.J... R.1\., s. 7].

--1 J tiriscliction-appellate-Nil. 5 J?1·oce<IL1re-"1'11c pr<)CC(l1.1re a11cl 1Jrac1it.:e of tl1e cot1ri sl1a1l be nccorcli11g lo th.e r11lcs of �1Iol1a1n1nccl::i11 Ia,v'' [11.L.R.i\.: s. 8]. co:-:·rROL OF ('.OUR1'S

6 1\ppeal, revie\v, revisio11-Icro1n a11y clccisio11 to tl1e S1.1preme Co1.1rt ,vi t 11 a · l'ar11sir or JJCrso 1 1 learneel i11 tl1e lvfol1a11111 1ecl:111 la''\ for aclvisory J)111·1Jc)scs 0111,•: as a11 assessor [l\,[.I...R.1\., s. 9]. 7 St11)e1·vision ai1 cl i11spcctio11-ny S1.1prc111c Court as for al] st1b·

orcli11ate cot 1r1s.

1.,\ \V '1'0 IlE 1\Dl\.lINISTEREl)

8 Gene1·al Ia,,r-Nil.

9 Loc:.11 or customary la,v-Nil. 10 Religious la,vs-l1otl1 tl1c Bathurst and Ko1nbo St. l\i{ar,r l\1Iol1amn1crlan Co11rts acln1 i11istcr Sl1 ari'a la,v of tl1c j\,faliki scl1ool. 1\7

'J' I-TE I(O!vlBO ST. !\1I1\RY 1:IOJ-J..i\I\11\1ED.;\N CQljR1


l�slablisl�ccl lJy tlie �vI.L.R.1\., s. 5, al I(a1tlfi 11g, tl1is Co1trt is in all rcs1Jccts altkc to tl1 e 1\1ol1a1nmeclan Co1.1rt:, Batl1urst. (r\11 sec1io11S of tl1e I<.ombo St. l\iiary Di,,ision Act l1 ave bee11 re1Jealed, ancl t 11ese sertio11s I1 ave bcc11 transfcrrccl to tl1 e :WI.L.R.t\., cap. 124.)


111c Ga111bia

c0:--.s·r1TUTION .,\ND PO\\'l?,RS

l Est:1blislrment-Tl1c r.·li11istcr 111a·,v by . \V,trrant c�tal)lisl1 a 'frilJtt11al i11 t'.1cl1 clistrict [District 'l'ribu11als .\c.t, cap. 52, s. 3 ( l)]. � l"':-(1111.position-:\ C;.rc>U\) r1·rib\111al ro11.s;ists of all tl1c chief.-, of tl1c �:i-.--;:s:c,1. :\ I)istrict 'l'rib1n1al co11si�l� or L \1c ch.ief nf tl1c clivision sitti11g ,vitl1 :::::.�·>, ::,:1r1\)er 0f COltrt 1nc1nbcrs as tl1c \varrant set;;; otit. �I�l1crc arc fot1r 1.._"';:· .:··.;�'.'l .::i.r1.cl 35 District 'l'ribt111als i11 tl1c Ga111l)ia.

3 �rurisdictio11-original-I::vcry l)istri('l '.L'ribt1nal has ftil! jt1risclic­

·::.· :·; :.·, i.hc extcr1l set foril1 i11 its \\'<lrr;int over cat1scs a11cl matters in ,vl1icll ::-•.:'. :· :·.:: 1-:i, �rtic:- arc 111embcrs <.)f arl.)' .-\rrican race rtsiclcr1t or bci11g \.vill1ir1 • ,- 1 . • 1· · . :.:·. :· .'..:-��-" :-.! l.lC JllflSC !Cl 1011 0 r t l 1C ·1··r1 . b una I [ D... '[ }\ ., s. 7] . 1�11C lY1lllJS(Cr · . =�'-··· : �:�·:uclc · cc-�·lai11 J)Crso11s from the jttrisdiction of tl1c District 'fril)tu1nl 8]. 'fl1c crin1inal jt1riscliclion of a District "l"ribt111al cxtc-ncls l(> ..>.-: :,:::..: :-:::2:. trial a11(.l clc1.err11i11:1.1ic>11 <>f all rrin1i11al cl1argcs i11 \vhicl1 ::1.r1v ' .. � . ·_.-: · · .-.:.--:-, ::- :-:ccllic-d of l1a\·ing con111utt C'cl a11 offcr1cc \Vi tl1i 11 tl1c j ti risclictio11 .:,.: ·_:,: -�-,-ib t.!11al [l).'T'.:\., s. 0]. "fh.c ci\0il jt1risdicLic>11 ex.ter1cls to all civil ;: .. :·:: ::� -..,·:·,.icl1 l11c clel�:ncla11t is <.)rcli11aril )' rcsidcr1t vvitl1i11 tl1c area c,r tl1e : . • -,·: .: : ... ·,. T' (' f' ·l1r' T 1 1, t ..... .J L ... 1·1'bttn·u .. -·- _, -.l . .... -:-· .:1. '.�--: :::.:·,:: ; _ ,.,·o graclcs of �l�rib1.111als, r1a1ncly (;r01.1J) ar1<.l District; tl1c �:: :(·:;11 · , , : :_ l 1':· j urisclic- t ior1 of each. 1.'ribt111al clepe11cls Cill its graclc . . ,r,. uf1 T:ib11nals. Cri111i11al. cases ]Jtu1isl1a\)lc lJy i1n1Jriso11r11c11t lc1r a 1:··:-:-: r: :..: ii•)i c�xccccli11g J ') 111011tl1s: or by a fine 11ot cxceecli11g .[.'25, or i:,· ti·:: ,-i�:il aclir)IlS ir1 ,,,}1icl1 tl11..: del:,t cl,>es 11cir <.:xceecl £ l 00, a.11(1 full _.;�r ;_:·r.lic;_ic;n i11 lar1d, ma1ri111cn1ic1l ) st1ccessior1, cases (stil)jcct to ccrtai11 0

�=- -_-. ·, _ :-.



i. -

·•tt•>Il"; ... ·:·,,inr ....... .··C:4 _, ••).•

!;i,!(irt Trib tlll(t l.r. Crin1ir1a l cases {JU11isl 1al) le IJy i r111Jriso111nc11l fcir a ,.,·:·r;;:ci riot c.-�.:ccccling 6 111n11tbs, or lJy a fir1c 11ot cxcccclir1g £ 10, or

1:1::t:·�: !.'I\·il ,1cli<)rts i11 ,vhicl1 tl1� clebt clc)cs 11ot cxceecl £50 a11cl ftill 11,: ::(liciic>11 in Janel, n1;;1.1rin1011ial ancl s11ccc:ssic>11 cnscs (sl1bjcct 11:i ·;:''\;1in �,ualifi.cat.ir)l1S). fl).rr. Rt1lcs, ]), 6].



, - i.1'.. i.s�Iictir>n-aJ)pellate-Nil.

:r�dure -Tl1e })racticr: and JJroccclurc of l)i:::trict �l"ril)tu1als shall ·.,·. · ·:t_-,i.,;,._ �,;,:! ir, accor"-lance \,·itl1 custornary la\v [D.'f'..-\., s. 20]. :

:,. ;·:j 1

:-.. ·.·, : J·.'.1'. r;F CfJUP.TS ;:

i' .;J ;:,'::�il --: \ppca ls

Ii e 1 <.> tl1c .Suprcrn c Cot1rl frorr1 all clccisio11s or

,·,: ·:, . , i ·. ·1 ·1·i f:;,1.1 nals ar1cl from clcc:isions r>f a c.:0111111issic)11cr cxercisi11,1; J)O\Vcrs ._; ··, .,.;:,i•.,:, unclcr s. 23 (I) (a) of tl1c I).'f.1\. i11 botl1 civil a11cl criuti11al 1

- . ' • .. . ,,:,,1·,,

. • . • ' . .\ ') ,,, - ,' , .. "'": ·<;-· -

6] -

� :·:,·.··.·. :;��1·,/jsion �1nd ins1)e.ctio11---B'j ' SutJrcnlc Cc,tirt as i11 case ()f all ; ,·,�<.--.· ·) ',·. cc,11rts · ·.,,· .,. -·..... '' . . �· · .,: r t'J ,: 1-: :\l)i\lJNI.STERT�:D :._ r _;'!�.!·,e.r�tl

-·. ' ..-.-·." 1' . .:.. L

c.1 .

la'\V-(a) 'l-l1c J)rc,visi�1r1s of all by-la\.vs ar\.cl orclers 111aclc lJy l)istrict 1\t1Ll1ority> or <.l c:01nmissio11cr [D.T. .1\., s. l l (c)]. 7

])art I- J,Jlcst Africa 1 I:) L1IaLio11 \vlucl1 tl e 1'ribu11al may Rea or . 1\ct 1Y ,11 · , f o . · rl!i s1o (h) 1�11c 1)rov1. . • . _ . .' 11 (ti)' ( e) J . . . .1\ 1 . D [ r lc 1 us 1 n1 l !Jc a t1tl1 oriscd to ac ,v J)rc,·a1l111g 1n tl1c area rJf tl1c · la · · ' 1arv ·ton ::, cu . 1e ·1 1 "' va, I ·y a1 1n to 9 Cus . · . · .,. . . .t:,}JU !ZilaI1t lO JU::. llC - a11d ll IS 110L I as· '· � c . r,lr ·o l si , 1::i. 11 b t 1 r l1c ft ? . ICI·10 11 J· lll.·lSC1·.IS tell t \\'.l.tll l l1C pl.0\,·1S101 .:\ct or \VI rl1 aI1 \' (J ll1er · 1.S. (J f. aJ1)' .. ll1(>rnl i l'Y or lllCOilS . /] ,.a 1 1 s \., ,.i .'l [l) . . �'l cc 1 ri1 o, 1>r . c 1 tl 1 1 i ce . for 1n , I. a\\ · -11 ta u;; L 11g i c1v at rel \V la 1 1 a 1ccl 1 r. a1n 1 c,l I\I 1 c I'J "' 10 lleli giotis ·Ia,vs_ �.,. _ � � '. . ·'=> ts a11d at11l1or1t11., of l )arcnts • ' t11 c-· r1r.rl1 1· .<H.tl. � clo\vrv n-.arr1 au·c st1cccs:-:;1011_. cl\ . ,, [I) . '!'. ; , la11.:, \. ne( 1n1 l1a .:\I0 arc tics JJar tl1c r . ;i r:tl g:;i :-tliaiish j JJ ,vlicrcvc :;, 11 (b)].

· r, ·

13 'l'l·Ii� l.,EG:\.I.., SYS'I'l!il\I · 1 '-' c,1· �-.,, ·-··· ·. 1 tl·1·· ,L· I -= ·lIJIJl1·c ··<·lt1<.,1· 11 �-;tr1t11tc · ·,_1latut(·;-; ilic 1.-,t I\11\·1·111l.>cr1 l 8UU.

1· 1·1

"o· 1 ce• 11 ·

i11 E11!! �la.1 1d 011

J 2 c:()ITl.111011 1�1\V :1nll eqt1it�r-'l l li: cor11111u11 Ia\V :111d tl1c docLri11e� _ 1 cqni,y in fc )rce i r1 l'.:11glancl <.)11 1!11.: 1st :\u\'l'111l)cr 1 _ I 88fJ. :\ll .-\cts ol _ . I )a rl ia I ncu I cl cc l::irt:tl to l'X 11·11( I ,,r aI Jri Iy L,, t l1c G ::1 111l11a , ,·111c l1 l1ad cflect ;1-.; 1 Jart nf I lie 1::i.\v of I I 1,.: (� a 111 b ia i111111cclia te I y IJcfori.: tl1 c I 8 Ll1 claY of l'el;r11 ary 1 1q6:, [l., ,J: :.(:\).\. 1 c:11). 104·, s. '.) 10


13 CL1sto1T1 a.11(1 t1s�1gc ('.ust<.)111a ry la,, as ::l.JJIJliecl by l)i::;tricL 'l'1-i­ b11 na I,\ [•.1�.(_\ .. \., c:a1J. l(l,l-, s. 5; a!1cl l).'l'.:\.� <'::!iJ. 52, s. I I]. 14 Ilcligic,t1s l�L\VS-}\l<)l 1 a1 1 11r1clla 11 ]a,,·-'J"l1t'� 51 1ari'a la,,· of tl1c � laliki Scl1oul. l)J'.HIV:\."frO:.'; :\NV !·(lit�.! <)F :'II,\£� CR.1\�C'.IIE::; OF T!IE J .k(;,\L S\.STE�I

16 Grin1.i11�11 1,1 \.V--' r11c c;ri111 inal c-:uch'.


3 7 � clrri,·ccl fro111 tl1e

1�r1glisl1 }JC.11 ;:tl s)·;-; l t�llt. 17 r>ro1Je1·ty aIl(l SllCCCSSi011- .\ \"i l I 1ill Il lC 11.)I"ll l Cl' (:c1lo11y l)Ol\Ildaries lar1 cls are freell1)!cl a I itl C :r, 1,v11 leasel1f1lcls a1 1cl go,·i:-r11 ccl b)' Ll1c l,a11ds (llatl1ursi a11 cl l..:.<1111l)o St . .\ lary) :\ct [caj). I U:l.]. , \'itl1 i11 tl1e for111er ])ro Leete 1 raLe llou ncla ries l:11 H.ls are \'l·-:; t �·c.l i 11 I) is I rict _. tl1 ori lies a11cl \11 gnvernccl l)y llie I .a 11( ls ( l'ru\·i rices) .-\ct Ica}J. I 03] . l'l 1c 1:::11glisl1 la,-. of pro1Jcrly as at lsL i\<'JYl:1111)1·:r, l �388, a11 <l subscc1 ue11 L :\cts uf l)arl ia111ent rr1adc lo arJ[Jly sr)l·cific�tlly lr1 1l1e c;a111lJia go,·cr11 freel1olcls and lcascI1olds, ancl st1CC(;ssio11 lilcc\\'i.sc i-:; gcJ\'t·r11ccl ! J)' tl1 c (:}1 ristia11 E 11gliid 1 Ia,v, or .'.\ lol1aI1 1111ctla11 la \V, <>r cttsto1 11ary la, v or Il\c clcceasccl \\'l1crever a}J}Jlicablc. 18 lvl �1r1·ia.gc a11cl tl1e f�l 111.il)'-( a) 'T'l1 c C�l1ris I ia11 rvlarriagc 1\ct [ca JJ. '.l3], a,!� clivcj ce ltt\v !leri,,ccl fror 11 E11glisl1 la,v. r (?) ll1c l'vlol1a1ru11c<l:111 I\1farriagc and J)ivorce 1\ct [caJ). 125], anc.l clcr1 vc d frorr1 !viol1a111111cclan la,v (ante). (c) CListon,ary la,v for l)Crso11s sul)ject to t l1e jt1riscl ic1 if>Il of District


19 1"' ort a11d co11t1·act-l�11 glisl1 co1n111011 la,v (L.E. ( .\_) ,:\.� s. 2]. 20 Otl1e1·-Nil.




Sierra Leo11c lJcca1ne arl i11clcJ)C-11clcrtl .siai.c 011 . \1)ril 27, 1961. .l'ri<Jr Lo tl1�tl elate it ,vas a Britisl1 clc1Jcncle11C'.)' co11sisti11g of ::1 color1y a11d 1 Jrotcctor::tlc of t 111cc1ual size. '1-l1c Ji-)r111cr cc1lor1y n11cl 1l1c JJf(>lcclurate arc no\v l(110\v11 ,is t11c '\'cster11 i\rca a11cl Prc,Yit1ccs res1Jrcti,-cly. E11glisl1 la,v ,vas i11trl)Clt1cccl i11fl)r111ally ,,1L tl1c colo11y\; fot111cla1 io 1 1, i11 1808 b 1• fact of scltlc111c-11 l_ ·1-I1c fir:-t (�XJJrcss J)l'f1,·isio11 for tl1c a}Jplicati<> 11 of tl1at la,v \Vas i11 185 7 ,vi1l1 tl1e 1Ja::-si11g elf a11 Orclina11cc 1,Jrovicli11g tl1,1l E11glisl1 Ia,,· as at Ja11tiary I i 1857 i not being i11co11sisle11t ,vitl1 ;1 loc,11 ordi11a11cc or a cl1arter of jt1sticc i11 fc1rcc i11 ll1c col<Jtl)', sl1all �tJ)JJly. � 'J'l1e prcsc11t reCCJ)tion cl�tiC is Ja11Lt :::try· I' l}iso rc!c)urts 1\ct 1 �165, s. 74-J. �1.-11c cot1rts of the colc)ny ,verc 1l1t: .13ritisl1-cslablisl1ccl LyJ)C of C(Jt1rts. L:po11 tl1e esLalJlisl1r11c11t (>f tl1e protectorate i11 1896, 1111� Ia,v irl force i11 cerl ai11 civil ma tters1 c<,nli11L1cd� as lJcf<1rc, to l)c 11a.Li,,c la\\' a11cl ct1slc>111 as aclr11inislcrcd by tl1c 11ati,·,.: cL1urls. 111 otl1cr 111attcrs, l�11glisl1 la,v specifically· pertaining lo tl1e }JrotecloraLL' a1JIJlie(I.. U11tiI rcce11tly /1 l�11glisl1 la\v irt tl1c protectorate ,vas ad1nir1i')Lerec.l cxclt1si,·ely by tl1e 13riiisl1-c-sLalJlisl1ecl iype of courts. Before inde1Jende11cc� nrl or<.lina11ce or 1l1e col<:>11ial legislat11re i11 Frcc­ to\vn ,vas applicc1blc in tl1c protcctc)ralc 011ly if 1]1r·rc \Vas [)ro,,isio11 i11 ll1at ordina11ce to tl1e c:fTect. Si11cc inclf'JJC.11cle11cc, 11()\VC\'cr, all 1a,vs <1f tl1(� I-louse of Represe11 tati,·cs a111)1y l l1rc)ug] 1c,ti L Ll1c cot111trr u11less ll1c crJ11Lrary is stated. Pre·indc1Jc:11clc:11ce lavvs, 11c\-·crthclcss, c,:)11li1111c to be i11 1urcc u11til re1)ealecl; a11d referc11ces i11 :;L1cl1 la,,·s lo the col()ll)' a11ll IJrolecloralc ,.1rc to be taken as rcfcrcr1c(·s tcJ 1l1c ar<·as cclillf)risccl i11 tl1e for1ncr colu11y a11cl pro tee tora tc respeeti\'Cly [Sierra IJco11c ( (�:()11.S ti l.tttic.l11) Oreler i11 Cot1ncil, First Scl1cdt11c, Pa rt \i].

1\ <lltal syslcm c,r c(,urls (,1Jcralcs i11 tl1c C<Ju11try. 'l"l1esc ::1rc (a) Llte _ge11cra).}a,v cot1rl� fJri111arily ad1ninislcri11� tl1c general la 1;v, �11 re.I, t111til rcccr1tly, (b) Ll1c 11ati,·e cot1rts \vl1icl1 aJJf>liccl 11ati,,c la\V a11c.l ct1sL01n .... . -------· · - ---- ___ .._ -- ----· ---- · - - · ·1 For cliagran1 of courls s stcrn, sec 1\J)J)Cnc.lix /11Jst• y i that • :! I.e. lJ)' Or<.li11 a11cc No. 96 of 1857. Note 1l1al l�lias crr(>J�l'(>t1sly slatcs : w1ay 29, of ::inc{� Orchn a11 by ' , l1 colu11) he I:.n�li!i la \V \Vi:l'i 11[Ticiall y in lr<>rlucccl in Lo I8fJ'.l: :scr: ·r.o. J�lias. G/Jnn a an(i ,S"ierra !�cone: lite De,1clo/JJt1c11t ,if !It(;,. 1.a,os a11(/ C"on�tit11tion �, I ,r>ncl()ll, 1962, J). 2 71. ;i (;(·ncrallv ir1 r11atlcrs \vl1crc the S1)lc 11artics \VCrt 11ativc:(. ' l�C'lore tl1e f..ocfl1 c.:ourls 2\ct 1963. _____.


'' .

110,-t J - f-t'esl 1Jfrica . tl1e Native. Courts 3, 196 t :\c ls t1r Co 11 oc, J _. c tl . 1 c 1c 11 S ,. ' \V c111ly. . 11<ar)' la or cus t 01 1 1 a 1ster the d to 11n r ,-ve J)o tal icJt clit acl . ' a11 \'e , . · ld 1 t ts • 1 C',<)ltr • 1 (.rc-cle-,. 1 g11a LL�cl I.,oc·a • Lo111..,tr}, la,,,, ' [Local Cottrts 1\ct 1963 ' 1') ct 0 1 1 . is c cr 1 tl genL·ra I I a,"' '·\v}1crc tl1e Cotirts Ac t l)y ed tut ti i1S co s ,va l <J ttr ' (' c:; �'. t 1 r: st 1 l , ag . . l '31 .\ S[)CC . :l1" 1, '· estern 11istcr ct1stomary Iaw 111 lhe '\' n1i a(l trl 7 q5 · .• 1 •.. ) .' 1 · . < . • '· L< · l �-l-\ 11·1c11cl111c11t) - • � � • . • cc � N o. 56] . r ee D 11 111 01 (, n t1o a 111 or cf � _\rea [i\;'a1io11al ll of: 'J'l i c (�(itirts c.1[ Sierra J�co11c co11s1st 11 -1�1 1c J)ri\.·y Cot111c i I b '.l'he C:()ttrl <)f 1\JJI1c·�\I ( 'r·.hc Suj)l'CIUC c:ot11.·1 £1 • J'he .1\ Ia_qis1 ratcs' co11rts t 'rhc c:u-,1,,n1ary-L1,v C�our1::;.

r ..

( I·1'\'"' .. ,:-, J'l'l'l,' l'Jt

J'.\; : \ N ll J'()\\'!.l�'i ,

1 '[�st�\blisJ1111e11t- -.. J�sta!Jli:d 1e(I a:-; tilt� fi11al cot1rl of ap1Jcal lJ}' tl1e Sicrr:1 l,COll('. j (:01 1,tittll ior1 l ()rcl,:r i1 1 c:ot111cil I 96 I [S. I. I96 l. i\o. 74· l, 2ncl Scl1c-cl., (.;(111st i 11 u io 11, art. 84] [!.5 a111c11decl b) ' ss. 70-73 of the Courts ;\c-1 1965 [;'\(,. 31. (11' I 1.J65]. 2 (�0;11l)c)�; it i 011 .-r11c .J tic.Ii cia I Co,11n1i t lee cif tl1e I'riv-y Cou11cil is corn po:scd all P . rivy Cou11ci ll1lr.:l ,vl10 I10Icl, or l1avc l1c1cl, l1igl1 judicial office ir1 tl,c L' 11itccl I(ir1�( l(,111 ;i r1cl i11 t.l1e Co111n1011,vea) 1.11.


3 .ru1·is(l ictio11-origi11 al-{'\ ii. 4 .J t1riscl icti.011----�1p1Je!l::1tc-· l'l1c ..J L1clicial Co1 1111 1i I Ice of 1l1c Pri,)' C!o LI nci I is Lite fi.11al c1,1.1 r l ul' atJJ)CaI. .:\1JJJcals I ie fro111 tl1e dccisior1s of the (:C1nr1 c1f :\ 1,rieal lo f ·Jcr � fajcsty ir1 C<Jt111cil botl1 as of rigl1t a1 1cl ,vitl1 tl1e l�a\·(· 1yf the Colirt of .\ J .1J)eal [S.l .. (C:) O-i11-C� 196 l, S.I. I 961. No. 741, '..! rtcl Scl1ccl.' c:orlii Ii Ill I io11, ;l rt n-1·' as :l.111<."'llCl�d 1))' ss. 70-73' I 965]. 5 Procec.lt1re- :1 >roc,·cl11r(' i:; �()\'t·r11ccl lJ')' tl1e Jt1clicial Cor11111.ittee llulcs I �15 7, an(I tI I(.� Si1 ·rra l .e1)ne (l )r, ,c(·cl l1re i11 �\l)IJe:ils to l 'lri\'Y Cot111cil ) ()rdcr i 11 C:<>llltcil l �(>I, or all)' T{ 11lcs 1)r ()rclers i11 Cou11cil an1e-1 1cling or r1 :\)laci,1 �. il11'. �a111(· !'C . ..-\. I �)f)5� s. 7:.rJ.


Cf>:-.:s·rrru·r1, ,.:-.:

:\N' t)


1 t blis l 11 �nt- -Es1al)li l1ccl l)y tl1c C!u11 stit11tion, S.I. 1961 �o. 74-1, � � •) _ �� � � . _ -11cl Scli<.cl., C,o 11st1tt1 t11 ,n. arl. 10, as a111e11clc-(l I))' 1l1c Cot1rts !\ct 1965, s. 30. 2 Cotll,l)Osi t io11-1 'l1c CcJttrt con-.,is Is of a Prcsiclcn L, tl1c juclgcs c.,· o.fficio the1 0f, aricl st1 l1 otl1cr i11dgcs as 111.a)' l)c I)rcscribcd b)' llarlian1e11t [C..,\., ; . � 196.::>, s. 30] Norn1all)', a 11 t11 1evc11 n11mbcr of j ttclge s 110 t bei11g less tl1a11 : ll1rec, c:-011st1 I·ti te ' ' a c1t1ort1n1 1)Lil. 11 • · not • c of at �)r })o, · it · 1 I.l1c e�erc1s . . 111 I ,,cs tec ver 1 1 n,,olv 1ng tllt'· cl - 1.g · clti , ·111 1·11at10 · ,1 o f 211 � J )Cal a �11 · [S _. le Jt1do-c 1nay sit II :-· I · 1961 No. 7 ll-1, 2 11cl Scl1ccl., C! o1l<; Litt1 I io11' art · 83, ' as a1�1cndcd by C. ,\. 1965,



Sierra Leone 3 Jurisdictio11-origiI1nl-Gcnc:rc1Jly, t\1 c (:otirt has sucl1 jttrisdiction as is confcrrccl LIJ)On it b)• tile C:on�liLLtlior1 .-:t11(l a r1·)" otl1l'r t:·n;i.('.L111cr1t· [S. l. 1961 No. 74 ·1, 2ncl Scl1ccl. 1 (;(>11.stiLuLic)IL art. 79 (1) _; C..'\. l9G5, s. 31]. S 1)cciocall-y,, the (:ot1rt gi\'CS ()!)i 11io11s 011 CfllC:-.ii()l\S ()r la,v ()l\ ,;1-;rs �!ntccl l)y a jt1dgc or tl1e Sttf)l'ClllC c�()llrt [C.:\. I �)(55, �s. 53 (::�)' Gt�]. 4 J11risdictio11--.. 1ppellnte-'I'l1c(:ot1r1 has jL1ri:;Llic1io11 to l1car 811cl cletcr1ni11c ::t}Jl )eals fro111 (a) tlcrisinr1.-, <>I' the S1qJr1:n1c C:uurl i 11 tl1c exercise of its a1)pellate juris.cliclic>n i11 ci\·il a1icl cri111.inc1 I n1a I tC'r::. arisi 11g fro,11 n.1agistraics, co11rt:- ((:_,:\. 10(1:'j, s. 53 ( I) ancl (2)] a11cl L(ical c· :ot1rts [1,.C./\. 1963, s. 32]; (b) clccisi()i',, of the- St1prc11 1e c:ourl i Lllc exercise or its origi11al jtiriscliction [C:.. \. 19G5. ss. 56 (l) nJ1(l (2�, 57--59]. Jl

5 Procedure-(a1 Cri111i11al. �rl1c Cottrl c,r .-\ 1)1)cal IZ Ltlcs [Vol. \'I of the revised La\vs c,f Sierra Lc<)11,c. I �)GO. 11. 32.5]. 'J'hcsc arc in force until rc,:ol(cd or �1111e11clccl l)}' l{ulcs of ('.c>url n1aclc 1.111cl t·r s. 10 of tl1t: Courl:-. }C) r :- · ·1 Q (n ] \ C l· 196•·\' [C · :) ,. , . _ l):J, :;. '1' .) , .• (b) Cicil.. \s ,\2 IJara. 5 (o··, ante. CO::'-!TROL OF COliRT

6 .:\.ppeaI-.:\pJJcal fron1 Ll1c C:ourt of 1\ 1JJJCal li1�:; ro tl1c Jttclicial Con1m.ittce of lhc Privy C:ou11cil [�· ., t... (C:) O-i11-C: 1961, S.I. 1961 No. 74-l, ?ncl Scl1cd., C'.ons1jl1ition., art. 8-J.� as amc11clccl b )' C.1\. 1965, ss. 70-7'.3]. I11 ci,,il cases appeal lies \',i1l1<:,ut le-ave ,vb.er<:: tl1e 11:i.aticr iri clis1)ule <)r a111ot111t i.s at lc;:i.st a tl1ol1s2..11 (l lco11cs, :i.n(l agai11sl G. r ,:11 <.lccisio11'> i 11 (a) cli.�r.iplinary· proc1·(:cling;; ::igain:;i l(·_g-::1! ancl 111r-c!icaJ J)ractilic111crs an(! cl<:r1l,LI st1rgc0ns, a11d (bi J)rocecclin.g� for cli.';.,oli.1rio11 or nulliL;,... of 1T1arria�. <�.. \J)pcal is also as of rigl1l i11 a11y civil or cri111ir1al 1)rnccccli11.gs 01t c1uestio11s regarcli11g ll1e i11tc1·1)rctation of tl1c Co11sLitutior1 ancl in <>thcr ca.<;cs })rcscril)ccl by Parliame11t [('. . . '\. l965� s. 70 (1)]. Variation, rlischrli��I' 1,r re1:rr1"(1/. Tn civiI 111a t tcrs, an)' orclcr, c.lirr:clio11 or clecisio11 raacle- or gi\"C tl l)�,: 8 s ir1glc j Ltclgc 11 1a,. be \"�tric·cl, c.! iscl1ar .gccl 1.)1· rev·crsccl IJy tl1 e ft1ll c:(Jt1rt [C..-\. 196�,] s. 37 (u,]. 7 St1pervisio11 �t:i1{l inspcctio11 -!\il. L.� \ V TO BE j\ D \II:-,.: rs·r f:: r-t F. l)

8 Ge11eral la�.v 9 Ct1stoinar�i • · la'\-v

l 0, Jiosl).

10 Isla1nic la\v


Tl-TE , SLTPREI'vfE c:OUR '"f

CO::--!STITv"fJO;'; 1\!'l'D POvVERS

.. 1 Establi.s11ment-l'l1e ,SuJ)rcrnc C1ot1rl is a St.IJ)erior court of rrcorcl csta !Jli�hccl IJY• il1c C!onslitt1tiort S.I. 1961 Nn. 74· 1, 211cl ,5c11ecl., arL 75 (1) anc.l 75 (4'). . 2 Composition-. f'llc Cot1rt c:011sjs1s of a C!1 icf .J us!ice whc, is tl·1e Prcside11t a11cl one or more puisnc juclgcs. /\ single jucl.�c co11.stilulcs a q\10rt1m [C:.1\.: 1�)6'.J, s. 14-]. I1

Part I- I-t1 esl .tlfrica cl1 jt1risdictio11 a11 d st1 s }1a I t ur Co c 1 ' -'1 lna ni ·i 5 oi . . 3 J ur1· sc1·1ct·10n,;J. I • LI Lut1o n or a11y olI1er I a,-v .[l' 1ts Co c Ll1 J y . L l i ri . }Jo -r .•. l �cl t c I c1 1u .R c.0 I JO\vers as arc 1e Court I 1as 110 J LtrJs 1 · ·1· . l ] ) ( 5 7 L. ar 1, 01 i t tt1 sti Jii < C: , .. d lic Sc 1961/741, 2 iicl

clictio11 111 regard to: gs(a) J\ i1y ac L 1 01 1 or origi11al }Jroccc<.I i11 . ) v es otl1er l e ro nc ll1 111 ted t1a sit 1 l 1<. la co � le tit c tl 1 c 1 1 i 111 lcr (i) tci dc ov111cc;s La ncl r tlia11 llic Litle lfl a leasel1c,lcl gra11ted unclc tl1c Pr J\cl ;!; c ·cr11 ecl (ii) to C!iLalJlisl1 Ll1c exislcncc o r _ clissolt1 tion of �ny 1narriag go, lJV• cu.sLo111ary Ia,v or rc l�t t111g LO a11y cla 1n1 fou11ded u1Jo11 sucl1 • 1 11.a rr1;1.ge; (v) 1 he ,u l111 i11i:slra I i111 1 uf csta tcs of (leceased J)erso11.5 ,vl1ere sucl1 acl 1J1i11i:-;Lralior1 is go\·cr11cd l:i)' cus10111ar)' la\V [C.1\. 1965, s. 21]; (cJ t ! Lc i:,su,� or Ll 1e l)rcrogati,1c ,vri Is uf 111a11 cla111us, JJrol1i1Jition a11cl C('rtiorari [ (:.:\. 1965, S. 19 ( }) ] . 6

4. Jt1risd icti 011-,1111)ellate--'l'l1c C�<)ltrl l1as j t1ri::;clictio11 to l1car a11cl

(lcler111i11c all :q)1)eals rro111 111agistratc.s' cot1rL5 [C�.:\. 1965, ss. 41 � -1·2].

'l'l1c Cri111i11al Pr ocedt1re :\ct 1965. '1�11c St11Jrc111e Court R11lcs 1960 [C.,-\. I 965,

5 Proceclt1rc - -(a) C'ri,uinal. ( b J C'ivil. .. ') :-l ] .. :-,. _.,.


'l�l1c Co1.1rls .'\cl 1965 1l1e .:\})JJeals fron1 ?vlagistra tes' Cot1rts ll1tlcs I 069. () 11 aj1j1eal.

CON'fROL <)F C<)UR'l"

6 r\t)pertl-,\ 1 >1Jcal fro111 tl1c S1.11)rc111c Cc,t1r1 lie;; to 1.l1e Cott rt of f\}JIJeal [C�.f\. 1965� ]) arts II-J\i]. In bo t l 1 civil a11rl cri11 1i11al cases, a11 a1Jpcal lies \Vitl101.1 t leave ag:1i 11sl tl1c c lcc:isio11 c-,r 1 l1e Slt}Jrc1 111..� Cot1rt i11 an appeaI fr<J111, 1)r Oll a c::tsc stalccl, l>y �• 111agistr�11e 011 C(ltl'stio11s of ]a,v 011ly [C ..·\. l 96:i. ::;. 531, In civil cas<:·s l rierl ir1 ll1c S\q)rc111c Cottrl at first i11stance a11 af)))t: �'. l lies as l>f ri � l1l fr(>11l a11)· fi11a I j ttclg11 1,�111, orcler c)r otl1cr decisio11 of ti 1c (,.( n1rt. l...ea \'C 1s� 1 1<>\vc,·er, 11cccssar)' l�)r :111 a })}JCa l ii·o111 (a) a11 orcler 11 1_ac.li� t.\." j)a, tr, (_b) a11 orclcr as it> l'<"):i t:'i 0111 y, ( c) a11 order 111acle b)' tl1e consent _ 01 til(' I)ar1 1 cs [C.1\. 1965� s. :i(i]. 111 cri111i11al cases tried at first i11stance, a J)c�·:sl) 11 c<HI\•ictccl lJ)' Ll1c Cc,t1rc 111,1 y ,vitliottt Ica,,c apiJcal against l1is .0 ( c v )1 1 'c ! 1 L1 1l )1 1 art)' grol111c:l ,vl1icl1 i11\•ot,,c.s :: 1 qt1csticH1 of Ia,,• alo11e or against: _ _ _ a f 1 r1cl1ng c)f � 11 sa1t1ly I_C.:\. l965 i s. 57]. C: 011,,crse] )', a1 1y JJerso11 agg-rievccl l>� tlie acert11t la l or d iscl1argc of a11 a cct1secl perso11 or a dcfc11dant n1ay, \Vttl :c)ul lca,,c. lJuL_on a qt1cstio11 of la,v 011ly, ::t.J)}Jeal to tl 1c Cot1rt of .A.p1Jeal aga11151 st1 cl1 �tcqttlll.al or cli5c]1argc [Cottrts (:\111c 11cl 11'1e11l ) 1\.ct 1966, s. 6].



7 St1pe1·visi.011 a11d inspectio11-Nil. - · -···. 6 <;:a1J .r: l2'.! of �� �i \fol l . III of il11� rev iscc . . · l a,v s - <···rra I ":..-1 96�'. as amended -�011 , .... 1 I)Y N � 'o. :.>: or 196 I . 11 '.1'l1es� ,vrits arc nov,, re1Jlaced l)y orc ::; of n ancla111us 1>ro ler l1illitio11 a11 cl 1 , certiorari [C.1\. 1965, s. 19 (2)]. . .

- .· -.






Sierra Leone L:\ \V TO BE i\Dl\lINIS'fEl�ED

8 Gene1·al la,v-'l'hc Cot1rt acl111i11islcrs 1l1c \vril1c11 la\vs i11 furce ir1 Sierra Leone a11 cl l11c11, ''stLl)ject lo lllc [)rovisi(lll:S or l} lt'. c:ru1s l il \ ll llll l a11c.l ;:L11y U I l 1cr C- 11�1Cl111c11 t, tl1e co 11111: 011 �a\v ll1c clc,c ri11es <)r cclttit)', a11cl t11e staltilcs or : � _ _ ge11eral a ppl1cal1()11 111 [(>rec 1 11 l:.11 0 o- ln11<l t) tl tl1e· 1 ·s l· <.1-L,, ( . , ,, 1. f .J<I n lldl • .y, ..


• • •

'' [C'•J.,.\ • 1<:J16-:.) ···�- --1] I·· • :-

9 c �sto1!1-�ry 1 �,,· - �r. ·t �c SttJ)re11�c Cot�rt clocs 11()t acl111i11istcr ct1�t()r11 ary _ . Ia\\' 1n 1Ls cr11111n::1l J t1r1scl1cl ll)Il. B11 t 111 s<) la r as c:i,·i l 111.a t tf' rs are coiiccrilecl ; ''.Notl1i11g i11 tl1is 1\ct sl1all clc1)rivc: ail)' (:ot1rt \vhe11 clclcrn1i11 ing 111at tcrs arisi11g i!1 tl1c }Jr()\' i 11ccs i11 its ci·vi] j11riscli c Iio11, of I I1c rigl1t t;J obscr\·e a11( ! c11 !cn·cc 1l1c olJscr\'a 11cc oi� or sl1all cici)ri vc a11y I)C'rso11 of tl1 e lJc11el1l c1l, ar1y Cl1.stc,r11ary· la\\' cxisli11g i11 tlte J > rc),,i11ccs a11cl 110 1: lJei11g reJJttg 11a 11 t lo 11al t1rc.1l j t1:s lire: t:C} lti t)r a11cl go<)cf C<l11scie11 cc, 11c1r i11co111i1atiblc-. ei tl1cr clirt·ct ly· cir l.1)' 11eccssary i111.plic;:i tio11 , ,vitl,· a riv .:\ct al)l)l}·i11g LO l l1c J> ro\:i11rcs' l c_:.1\. 1965 ) S. 76 ( 1)]. ··Stibjcct to SLil)sC'clil)Jl ( 3) st1cl1 ct1sltllTiclr)r la \V, sl1all, cxcc1>t \Vl1crc Ll1e circ1.1111sta11ces, 11;;1tt1re c.)r jt1sticc of tl1c case sl1all otl1cr\visc rccJt1irc, IJc clce111ecl ap1)licablc i11 a 11 ca11ses a11cl 1nattcrs \vl1erc iL sl1::1ll a1J{JC�1r to tl1e C'.ottrt il1 at st1lJsta11 tial i11jt1sticc ,,,01.1lcl lJc clo11e to arry part)' l)y a strict adl1crc11cc io t11c r1.1lcs of a11y la\V otl1cr tl1a11 c1.1sto111.ary Ja\v'' [s. 76 (2) ]. ''No party sl1 all l1e e11 litlecl to clai111 tl1e l)c11cril c)f a11y CLl::ilc1n1ary fa,,.v if it sl1all a})lJear citl1er fro111 1.l1e CXJJress c.0111racti or fr«J111 Ll1c nattire of tl1 c tra11sac tio11 o tit c,f \1.d1ic11 ;.11 1v' c-,t1.1se cJr 111::l t t er 111av' l1a ,:c arisen, tl1 aL s1.1cl1 JJarty agrcccl tl1at l1is oblig�1tio11s i11 co1111ccLio11 1,ritl1 sucl1 tra11sactio11 sl1ot1 Id l)e reg tila t(�c.l cxcl t1:;i\rel,, l)y a11y la,v rcf1..:rrc< I to in sccti,Jn 74 or a11v. 1.\.ct cJf Sierra Lcc)11e;. a11cl ir1 cases ,vl1crc 110 express rLtle is a11plicablc to a11y n1atter i11 co11tro,•crsy, tl1c C!ot1rt sl1all be governccl IJy tl1e pri11ciples of jtist.icc, cqtiity a11cl goocl con­ scic11ce'' [s. 76 (3)]. !

10 Islrunic la\-v·7-'I']1c ordy· s1)ccific m.cntio11 C)f Isla11uc ]a\v i11 Sierra Lco11e lcgisiatio11 occurs i 11 tl1c ;vfol1a1n1nccla11 :i\Iarriage Ordi11a11ce [caiJ. 96 of the La,v-5 of Sierra Lco11e, 1960]. '"fl1crc arc t,vo relevant JJrov·isions:

the first wl1 icl1 cleals ,-vi th l\Jol1a1nr11ccla n 111arriagcs ancl di,,orccs; st ij)ttlatcs tl1at''proof accorcling to l\.Jol1arrimeclan }a\v of tl1c existc11 ct', I)ast or J)rcse11 t, of a rvIol1 a1n111ccla1 1 n1a rriagc, or of t l1c clissolutio11 of a .l\1fol1 a1111nccla11 1narriaf.rc sl1all l)e rcccivccl in c, iclc11cc by all the C:t)t1rts i11 ll1c c:olony and l); ;11y pcrsor1 I1 avir1 g, by Ia,v or co11sc11t of parties., attll1ority to l1ear a11cl exarni11c \-vit11csscs'' [s. 3]. erly p Jro tl1c of 11 I lio olt1 clcv 1}1c h l \Vil l 1 11cc c cer con l rf scco11<. I )rovisio11. is of a tvfol1 anunc(lan \Vll<) clies i11lcstal.c. It rcacls: ,:If any· party to a .\'Iol1a1n111cdar1 marriage a11cl l)cir1g al tl_tc rlEltc 1 cl of his dcatl1 a lVI ol1 a1111nccla n, or if a11y tJcrso11 l1ci11g t1nmarrrccl <11 . ---· --· • ··---- v�-- - ·---··· · • -• --··--- -·- _.,.,.--,nic la li 7 ·, D N · · , .J. S on · r" · • l , 1 1· 1\ · , · II· 1·a 'c ., ._ c1 v · , On ·., nuc I ;:1\v. 1!1 ,. 1c:-rra J..,r,orte, sec g . Isla 1JIU.,, lll :ljr1ca, f ·f.lvI.�.o., I�onclo11 1954. 1


JJarl I-T-11csl Africa tl , 1c estate re l s es atc int l a sl1 d 1, 1 !c a 1 1 1 ecl 1 � � a n ol1 l'vl a � bein g at sttcll clalc 1 all l)c d1str 1l)tttecl 1r1 accordance with sl c tat tcs ri i i l "Ltc ., of .-.1 c• l i a11Cl pcrsO 2\:rol1an1n1 edar1 Ja,v" [s. 9 (I)]. 1\4: CON�1·11·u·rrllN

111\G IS'l'R1\�l'ES' CO URTS


l Est�iblisI1111.ent-!v[agistrates' cot1rts arc cottrls cJf re<;1)rcl a1 1d tl1erc

arc tl ircc classes of tl1em, 1 1a1 11c]y, tl1e orcli1 1ar)1 1nagistrate::/ ccJurts, SJ)Ccial 111agistr:ltcs' co1 .1rts sitti11 g i11 tl1c \·\·�·stcr11 ;\rca; a1 1d jt1,,c11.i]c courl.S. 1,l�cse are· est aillisl1ccl u 1 1clcr I he C�c)ttrts 1\cl I �165� fl tl1c CourL-:; 1\ct (,\me1 1cl111 e11t) ] ),:crci· I !lG7. a1lLl ilH.� (:llilclrc11 ,u1cl \'c)ttng Pcrso11s Orclina11ce [caJ), 44· • )r i he r•:\·ise�I J.... a\\· ·::- c.>f Sicrra Lccn1e, 1 �GO], resp ccti\'e ]y. 1,1,c cou11lr)' is rli\'idccl inltl jtHlicial cli:-; lricls a11cl tlicrc is al !e�1si 011 e 1 11 agislratc's COLlrl i II c:a ch of st1c: l 1 cl isi ricls [C:. .:\. 1965, ss. 3, 4· a11 cl 5]. 2 {_:()111.11ositio1 1 -- Sitti11g as a11 ordi11ary cot1rt a n1 agis1raic's court is cu1111)0:-;e(l lira sir1glc 111agislratc. :\s a s1 )ccial cot1rt for tl1c acl11 1i11istrat.io11 1)f ct1-; 111111:1 ry la\ v, i L co 11 sis ls or a.t least l\\'O s1)ccial justices of t11 c })eace, one , ,r \vl1or 11 n1 usi. l)c I l1e (:l1 ai r1 11.a11 , l<)gc ll1 er \\'it 11 l'\VO assessors seleciecl by i l ie (:hairrr1a1 1 fron1 a lisl of c.x1Jcrts i 11 ct1 sio111.a1-y ln\v clra\v1 1 1.1p l)y ll1c (:hi i ·f .Juslice [C:.1\. (:\r11 clL) 1). 1967, s. I]. .\ j1. 1vc11ilc cot1ri nor111 ally co1 u1Jriscs a si1 1gle r11 [1gistrate a.1 1cl L\\'t) or 111(,rc jt1sticcs of ll1e JJeace (cap. •l 1-, .s. 4-]. 0

3 Jurisc.lictio11 - ori - gi11al (a) () rcfi11ai)' ,nag istra!es' ro11rls. l 1 1 aclditi<.)11 Lll a1 1y crimi11 al jurisclictio11 \\·l1icl1 1r1ay l.1e co11l�rrccl ti l)tll l a 111agistra 1.c's cot1rt, sttcl1 cot1r t l1as, 11ot­ ''l'itl1stancli11,g all)' er1acl111 c1lt 10 tl1e cor11rary, st111111 1a1, jttriscliction to try a11 y of I"e11<·1� l )ll 11isl1alJlc l))' i111J)riso 11111e11 l f<)r a ter111 11ot cxceecli1 1g one )'ear or a fi 11e 1101 cxccccling tl1 rce l1 Lt11clrecl leo11 cs or l)oi 11.. Jttrisdictio11 also exlc11cls lo �1 ,·.::i.sc \ \'liicl1, clt1ri 11g t l1e course of a J)rcli11iir1af)' i 11,·cstigatio11, t lie cc.,t\r l conc·l t1cles t l1a 1 1 l1a,.-i 1 1g reg arel to tl1c circt111i.sta11ces� it is 011c _ _ \\" l1 1cl1 , 1 1 J)rc1,•ecl, c-<111 s11 i I abl)· l1c I)t111i$l1ccl 1.ly i1111 )rison111e11t not cxcecdi11g I Iirec ·years or a fi.11c 11c1 L cxccclli r1 g six l1 t111dr('cl lco11es. !11 tltls case, tl1c co11se11t _ of _llH: :icct1 �c1.l 1 11 t1 sl lJc ol)tai11ccl [C .:\ . 1965, s. 6 (l)]. 1,11e cotirt _ l i as 11() Jttr1scl1 c1101 1 10 lr)' nfl(· 11ces s1)ecificcl i1 1 tl1e seco11 d scl1 edt1le of Lile C:o:1rls 1\cl I ?'�:j [C!.1\. l �165, s. 6 (I) })roviso]. �o f�r ns civil 111�11 lers arc cr)11 ccr11ccl, i11 aclclil ic.)11 to a11y ci\•i1 jt1risclicLio 11 vh irli 111 a)' IJe co 11 fi.: rr �cl �1 })011 a n1agistratc's court 1))1 aI1)' otl1 er c11act1nc11t, � _ _ _ lcr su, � 1 c.nu rl l1as Jt1r1scl 1cL1 01 1 tt) l1car ar1cl <let cr11 1i11 c a11y cat1se or 1nal ,vliiclt irtay lJc la\vftdly 1Jruttg1 1 t before it ancl \Vl1 erri11 tl1c clai1n, clebt or 1as 111attcr iri clis1 )ttl.e clocs 11 ot cxcec cl six l1 u1 1drecl lrones. Bt1 l tl 1 c cotirt l

--- ---· ----

---·-- --

ll ]7,J ias crronr·ou-.; · J,'· hnlcls· t Ila 1 l Il<'.. o ·n1ancc J)rov1clcs . - sI1a 11 be 1 . - -le r( ·· · 1l1:1t rc:-i ,-('-;\a di�:1:I�t� lee1 ·111 accord anee ,vi Lh cuslo1r1ary la,,.: sec 1'. O. I�lias, op. cit.� I). 29i · • \s auicHclc<.l l)y Lite C!ourls (:\n 1cnch11 c11 l) .-\ct 1966.


i [ !

l ;


Sierra Leone i11 a11 action fot111dc(l t1J)Cl1 1 libt!I, sla1 1cl(:1', r�ilsc in11)rist)11111c11l, JI1alicio11s prosccL1tic.l11 , sccl t1cLio 1 1 or brcacl1 c,r 11rt.lt1 1isc of 111arriagc [(�. 1\. I 965, s. 7 ( 1 ) ] . I 11 a11y actit)fl otl1cr tl1a1 1 Ll1osc s1)ccific-<.l irt tl1e 'Jl 1 ircl Scl1eclttlc of tl1 e Cot1rls /\cl I 965, tlic J:>�trtic � t<.1 it n·ta)' �1 grce, b}' a 11 1cr11ura11clL111 1 .sig11crl _ by tl1e1n or by Ll1e1r rcSJ)CCl t\'C legal rcpresl';11aLi\·c·s, I(> c(,11fcr jttristlict if)ll ClT1 a SJJecifiecl 111,1gistrate'.s cotirt. St1 cl1 1-.1agisl rat<.·\, c1111rl l1c1s jt1risrlictiun to l1ear and dctcr111i11e tl1c 111.:tlter accorc.li11gly [(:.,\. l\l():'>, s. 7 (2)]. (b) 5'j_,ecial 1nagist rates� courts. I 11 acltli ti(lll lo a I1)' cri111irlaI or ci vii j L1ris­ clicticJ11 co1 1ferrcd f)ll tl1c111 by tl1is tlr ;1 ny <.1tl1er cnact111cr1 t n1 agistratcs' cotirt s sit ti11g i 11 tl1c \·\·cstcr11 .'\ rca _, :.:is :-rlcci;::i I 11.1;1gistratc's cot1rts cl tt l)· co11s titt1tecl, I1a \·c ji1risclicli(>11 i,1 all 111;:ittc:rs co11 tai11ccl i11 s. 13 of 1. l1 c Local. c:otirts 1\ct 1963 [(:.:\. (.:\1 11cll.) D. 1967, s. I]. (c) .Jzrccnile courts. ·1·i1cse l1ZI \·c jt1risc.lic1io11 to try c11ilclrc,1 u1 1cl )'<Jt1ng 1Jcr�o11s for a11"}· cJf1c11cL' 0Ll1er tl1�t 11 }l(J 1 11icidc [Ci1.J). 4·4·, s. 7 J. Jurisdiction-gtnt:ral. Sttl)jccl i () t lit· 1Jrl1\·isio1 1 s of ss. 6 a 11cl 7, every 111agis­ tratc's cot1rt 11:1::- j11ri�ll:ctir)11 1.-, cl() all l,1,vfL1l acts 11ccessar y to Cll({Ltirc i11i. o ancl clispc1;:,C of c,r to l1c:;1r a11(l llctcrrrii11e all civil a11tl crin1irtal 111attcrs . .?vioreo\'er J a 111agi.s tra l c's cot1r t 1-rt::1;' l))' su111111t1ns rec1 u ire ,t11 y r,c·rso11 t0 attencl a11 cl gi,:e e\'i cler1ce [ c:. "'\.. 19(,5� s. 8 ( 1) Llncl (2)]. 110 juriscliction

4 Jurisdiction-a1Jpellate--Kil. 5 Procedure-{· . a·! C 'ri1ninal. ·r·11c C!ri1ni1 1al Pr<)cccltirc .'\.ci. 1965. Ci;_ i{. �1·11 c .l\fagistrates' C:()t1rls (C:ivil I>rocecl11rc:) '. Rt1l1:S l�J6G. CONTROT� OF COl:RTS

6 _Appeal-,\t)f.lC:als frorn tl1e dccisio11 s of

1}1c 111agistrates ' CL)t1rt gencr� l�y

are l1earcl a 11cl clc1.ern-ii 11ecl l)j-" tl1c Sur>re111c C1 )t 1rt [ C�. . -\. I965, ss. 4-�--)2]. !11 ci,·il cases, ::i.n a PIJc:al lies ,\·i 1l1ot1t lea ,·c frc)111 a11y fi11al jt1 clgmen t (>r 01: clcr of 1l1c co1.1 r 1 [ C� .. \. I �)65, s. ,-i- I]. 1\ PJJcal s i11 cri 1 11 i11nl cases Iic as of r1gl1l fro1n ar1 y clccisi(jJl <,[ 1.l1e ct>l1rt ,,tl1cr 1l1ar1 a clccisio11 \-vitl1 regard Lo � lie acqt1iltal c,r cliscl1argc of 1.I1c ,tccttsecl c,r clcfcr1clant cxce1Jt <)11 a c1t1csl1011 of la\\' [C:. (1\111clt.) 1\. 1966, s. 3]. Revie\v-1\ 111r)nt!1I\' rcL1.1rn is made to tl1c C:l1icf Jt1 sticc c,f all criiniiial cases clcc icic(1 by 111agist.ra ies' cc,urls for tl1e J)L1r1 )c)se of rc,;ic\v. [Tl1c St1111111 ar): Rtvir\v ()rclina11cc, ca jJ. I 7 <)f 1l1c rc\·i�:ccl J.,a\VS c>r Sierra l.co11c, 1960] · re T1·ansfe1·-Tl1c St1 prc1nc (�ot1 rt ca11 tra11sfcr a11y civil 111alter lJcfo_ a niagistrate':, cot1rt eitl1c:r to tl1c Suprernc Cotirt itself cH· to aiiollier 111agis­ tratc's ccnirt. 1\1 1y cri111 inc:tl 1)roccccli11gs l ) cr()rc a 1n:1gistrat:,s co�irt: cai, al:-;o IJc lransfcrrccl f)y ( l1c Su 1)ren1c Cotrrt lo a 1 1y o I l1er 1nag1s lra te· s coti r 1 [C.,\. 1965 1 s. lO]. 7 Inspectio11-·1·he R 1.1 Ies of C�cJ11rt Co1111 11ittcc l1as p<J\Vcr lo nial{c rLtlcs of cot1rt J)ro\·ic.lin fur Ll1c �ti l)111issi<J11 to tl 1c St1pre111e C�o11r t of rel tirns g ancl fCC(1rr.l::; (if f)l"�JCCl�(li1 1gs i11 111agistrates ' COttrt.s r c:.1\. I !)65, s. 11 ( l)]. l :)


I, I. I

··-- ... - . .... -·--

Part J-J-Vest .11fric11 TERF,D IJJ\\V TO DE .'\Dl\lINIS

8 Ge11e1·al Ia,v I Cot1rt (;\3 paras. 8, 9 ancl 10, ante). 11c Jrc1 St1 1\s L ' \'\ la 1 ·y ai om st 9 c11


10 Islamic la,v


c:US'T'Ol\f.:\RY L/\ \\� COUlt TS


·.rl-11� J,oc:1\L 1\Pr1J� _-\l.,S l)I\'JSIO!'{ OF 'J'TI- E SUPRE:t\lE


CO!--:STI'l'li'rI CJ.:; :\NO PO\VE l��

1 1:i:stablisl1mc11t-'I'l1c L.ocal ..-\J)}Jt.:al.s l)i,·isio11 of tlie St1J)re1ne Court is esla blisl1c: cl I ))" i I lC I.c,ca I c:()ll rl:, 1\cl l 963 [.s. 31]. 2 (�on11Jositi(li1 --'l'li e C:ot1rL ('()11sists of a jt1clgc of 1l1e St1pre111e CotLrt sill ing ,vi111 t,v(.1 �v:-�(':-i::-<.>r/-: sch·,:tccl I))' l1i111 fro111 a lisl c,f cx 1)erts i11 custo111 ary la ,v clra,vr1 tijJ by t l1c .J t1clici:-1l :\clviser [s. 31 ( I :1 ]. 'fl1e ft111clio11 of ll1e :1ssc:-;s1>rs i� r11ercly acl,!isc,r)'� 1 lie <iecisio11 c,r 1l1e cc1t1rL }Jeir1g ,·csi.ecl excl11siv<!ly i11 t11e j Ltclg c [s. 3l ( l ) ]. 3 Ju1�isclictio11--ori gi11al-Nil.

4 J'uriscliction- a1)1)ellt1te-'l,]1c Ct1t1ri l1e::ir:. aJ)}Je:ils fro1n decisions of 1l1c l)istrici' �\l)J)c·al C<)t1rl [s. 31 (I)]. 5 J>rocedure ---i\s in


IJ�tra. 5 (c), ante.

C•)l,:'l'R.OI. CJ F C(J U R"r

6 Appe:1l-1\p1Jeal ii·o1T1 tl1c I,ocal Divisin11 c)f 1l1e St11Jre111c Cot1rt lies Io tl1e C�ot1 r l of 1\ JJ\Jcal. 7 Su1)e1·visio11 ancl i11s1,ectio11--:\)il. ·re) lil� 1\D!\IINI�'fFH.F.ll 8 Gc11eral lf\'''

L/\ \\'

:\s St111re111e (�:<Hll'l (:\3 JJaras. 8, 9

10 Isl:..111·tic I,1\�.'

·\ .)hl·)



10 ante).

1)1S'T'llIC1� 1\1>1>1� 1\l., COURTS

(:O Ns·r 1·1· U'l' I() N' .i\,..,.,,: I) P(l\\"I;:Rs 1 l�stablisI1111.ei1 t-- l�staIJI isl1ccl !))· t l1e Local C t1rt 1\ct 1963 [s. 2 9 ( l)] · t1 s 2 Coi�positi?11-1\ l)istricL 1\JJ}Jcal CcJttrt is fot111d i11 ever)r clistrict of .> . Lli c J ro,•111ccs. It co11sists of tl1e JJolicc 111agistrate of tl1e clisLrict ,\·110 siis _ · · ,v1 tl1 I ,vo assessors I • . I l l · •·· ·· sc cclcc JY 11111 fron 1 a l ist of cx1Jcrls 111 ct1sto111ary la,,· di:a,vi1. ti}) lJy tl1c l)istrict Oll1ccrs. \-Vl1ere tl1e Courl is 11.ot likel\·' lo clca- l ·,v1ll1 a11v qt1estion f Cttston1ary • . 1 ct::, · are assessors Ia,v tl1e services ol tl1c l�ens;cl ':1 tl1 [s. 29 (l)]. ']�l1c clccision of tl1e C�otirt is vested excll1sivcly in l 1e !,,fag1strate [s. 29

,. . ·



Sierra Leone 3 Juriscl iction-01·i ginal-Ni1.

"' tio 11ap Ju pe ris lln. dic te'l l1c CrJ11rt clclcr111i 4 . 11<·�·.. , ,a[)l)<·" ,, .•I"., 1rro111 LI1e

decisio1 1S of botl1 Local Cot1rts a11 cl tl1c Gr<1t11) l ,ocal J\ J)J)cal c:<>ttrls [ss. 29

and 30]. 5 Procedt1re-1\s I..ocal C:ot1rls (,\5cl para. 5, />osl). CONTROL OF COUR1·s

6 Appeal--1'\ppcal fro111 ll1e .District i\J)f}Cal C<)ttrt lies tc> tl ie r.,oral Divisio11 of tl1c Stt})rc111e Co11rl. In a case g<J\·crr1ccl I))' tl1c gc 11eral l .i ,,· 1J 1c . co11clitions of apJJeal are tl1c �aine as tl11Jst� g"<)\'Cr11ir1g �l)J})C::tls fi.·1 ,rri rriagis­ trates' cotirts. \Vl1crc Ll1e case is g<.l\·cr11ctl b)' c11slo111ar)' Ja,v a 1 icl. 'Ille proceedings arc ci·vil, a11 a1J JJe:-tl lies as 1Jf rigl1t fro111 c111c!-tic1t1s rJf !)<:J il l la1;v and fact. If tl1e case is crirru11al, a11 a1)pcnl lies ,vill1c1t1l lc�1\-c l)11 airy .�ro 11 ncl of appeal ,vl1icl1 i11,·ol"·es a qt1f·stio11 or la\v alor1e [I.,.C!.1\. 1963, s. 31 (l)].

7 S11pe1·vision ru1cl it1spection-�il. Li\ \V TO EE .-\D :\IIN IS TE RED

8 General la,v-i-\s St11Jrc111 e Cot1rt (1\3� JJara. 8 1 n11te). 9 Custo1nary Ia,v-,L\s Local Cot1rts (.,\5cl, para. 11, }Josi).

10 Islamic la,,'-:\s SttJJrc111e Cot1rt (1\3, para. It), a11te) • .t\Sc GROUI) LOC:.-\L 1\PPE1\I.. co·L·IZ'I"S CONS"flTUTIOiS' .;\�D PO\\"ERS

1 EstablishI11e11t- ..\ Grot1p Local i\J) J)C,11 c:f)l.ll"l is .a joi11 l c:(Jl trt {i·,r L\VO or n1.ore cl1iefdo111.-, i 11 tl1e Jlro,0inccs. T t ,,·a:, c ·sla IJ1is11crl a:- (;r<H q.> Nati,·e .-<\- ppeal Cotirt t111cler tl1c .:\°aLi,,e Cot1r1s Orcli11�111cc [ca1J. 8, 10 s. 14-]. Tl1e Cottrt i::,; nc>\.V re-clesig11alccl Grr>t1p Loca I . \.J)tJcal c:ot1rt [J_,ocal (:ourls t\ct l 963� s. 3]. rfl1e Nati\·e Courts Orcli11ar1 ce l1as bee11 rer>cah�tl anrl replaced lJ)r 1l1e LocaI C!otirts ..:\ct 1963, IJttl ''all I..i:,cal C:<.it1rls, ancl Gr<;LI J ) J.,ocal i\p1:ical Cotirts in exis1 c 1- 1ce i111 111cclia tely l)cforc i ]1c co111111er1ccn1e11 t or Ll1is :\ct sl1all lJc ir1 no ,vise afTcctccl 1Jy t11c re1Jeal sa,·c a<.; is <�XJJrcssl) 7 JJr()viclecl i11 Ll1is J\ct'' [L.C.1\. 1963, s. 50 (1) (a)].

2 Composition-TI1c c:ot1rt co11.c;isls of Ll1c Para1not111 t C:I1ief, <.)r a person dcpu tccl lJy lum, a11cl 011c or 1norc rcprcsc11LaLivf'.s c>f cacl1 cl:icf:l�1r1 of tl1e grcJttp [N.C.O., s. 15]. ,..fJ1c :i\ifinistcr rCSJ}Onsibl c fc>r legal a11clJttc!1�·1al matters has JJo,;,vcr t o appoi11t a 1:.rcsicle111 ari. c l Vicc-Prcsiclcnt or Vicc­ Presiclcn ts of tl1e Cotirt [L. C!.1\. 1963, s. 4·, ;.1:-; a111cnclrcl 1):: Ll1ca.l C!otirts (,\mdt .) r\ct 1966, s. 1]. .-fJ1 c presc11l trc11cl i;-; t<) <�xclt1clc P,1ra111ot.111t (!l1icf.:, frorn the prcsiclency a11cl ,rice-prcsiclcr1cy. 11

- ·-·--· - .. ·--�--·. ------ - ·----· .---10 R of tl1c I..a,vs of n io i� cv l{ 160 e 19 J 1 1e . Lo arc crenccs n1l)r.rs 1 11\. chapter to . s1erra Leone. 11 S e e ff. lvI. Joko Smart, '"'I'}1e L<Jcal C, iurl SysLPm i 1 1 Sierra J ..c<.)11e''' Sierra Leone Stutlies, Nc,v Series; No. 22: J. 4·3. j 17

])art /- J,flcsl Africa 3 Ju 1·iscliction-01·i gi11al-'I'l1 e Native Got1rts Orcli11ance proviclctl tl1at "1\ GrotII) Nati\'C .\J JJ JC::tl Cot1rt sl1all l1ave tl1e same jurisdiction a11d po\vcrs as are e.xcrcisecl accorcli11g lo 11ali,rc law and ct1slo1n •.• by Native (1otirls n·c11erally ... '' [s. Ii]. Nole tl1al tl1e I... C.f\. 1963, as ame11ded by Lite I ..C. ( ,\111d t.) 1\cts 1965 ai,cl I 966, contains 110 sucl1 provisior1 bt11 lite sccLio11 aJJtJears 10 be savccl I J)' s. 50 (I) (a) of tl1c 1963 1\ct. 4 Ju1·isdiction-appellate-·1·11 c C!ot1rl ]1as IJO\--ver to 11,,ar a11cl detcr­ n1i1 1c aJ)JJCa Is front I l1c dccisio11s of l...<.1caI C!ot1rts lL.C. i\. 1963, s. 30]. 5 Procedt1re-1\:-:; I.ocal Cot1rts (.:\5d, para. 4·, J1ost). CON"fH.OI.



6 Appeal-1\1)I Jcal (i·c)nt a GrottI J Local 1\J)peal Court lies to tl1c Di.s1rict .:\ ripeal Ccn 1 rL [I.... C.:\. I 963, s. 30 (2)].

Rc,rie,,,. - ·1�I1c J uclici,d :\cl,·iser or a l)is1ricL Officer at all ti111cs l1as access

1o (;ro11J) l.<Jcal 1\r>JJC"al c:ourts a11d all lJooks, rccorcls a11cl otl1cr clocume11ts .in i l1eir cus I ocl)' � r1cl " 111a y of ll1cir o\vr1 1110 Lio11, ,vl1cre a /Jri,na Jacie case of rnisr.:i rri:1g·e of jt istii: c is cli�clt.>:-:ccl or a1 1 oIJ\1if)lIS error is LO ]Je corrected, rc,·ic,v any deci.s io1 1 of sucJ1 C:ourL ,vl1cther ci-vil or cri1ni11al1 , [s. 36]. But i li e 110,rer of re,,ic\V is 11ot cxercisccl in a ca.sc ,vl1erc an appeal is pending [s. :17]. Notice c,f i r1lcnticn1 lo rcvie,v is given to lite Cot1rl and Ll1c IJarties C'(H1cernccl \_.s. 3B]. I r1 exerci:-:c of I l1c po,vcr of rcvie,v tl1c rc,•ie,vi11g officer 1na,·: '·( 11 ) 111ak.c or give SL1cl1 orclcr or jt1clg111enl or pass sc11tence tl1erein as il1 c c:ot1r1 ii self J11igl1t l1avc 111aclc, gi,•e11 or J Jasst�cl and n1al�e sucl1 conscc1 t1cr11 iaI orcll'rs as t l1c jtisticc of tl1e case may rec1uire: .Pr<1. \'i(lt.:cl ll1 at 11(> scr1te11cc 111ay be increasccl ,\'ithoul a11 opportu11iL)' l.)r-in_g g·ive11 lo Ll1c co1 1,,ictccl JJCrso11 of l)eing ]1card; ( h) se L a:-;icle I l1e conv·iction, sc 11tancc, jt1clg1nc11t or 0Ll1er order of tJ1e C�<>t1r1 ar1cl \.Vl1e11 he consiclcrs it clcsirable order a11y case to be rctric(l IJy 1l1c san1c or ar1y 01]1cr Cot1ri. of like jt1 risdicLio11 or l>cforc a i\--Jagi�tratc'� Co11rl; (r) orclcr a 11)' cosls a\var(lccl by 1l1c Courl to be clisallo,\·ccl or rccll1cccl a11cl 1nakc any C()nscc1t1e111ial orcler for tl1e ref u11cl of a11)' a1 11ou11l alrcacly JJaicl; ( r/) orllcr l l1a L any cxcctttio11 J Jroce:-s issttccl in J Jursttanee of aIt)' orclcr or jt1clg1ncnL l)c clisallo,vccl a11cl 111akc sucl1 conscqttcnLial orclcr:-; as Il1e justicc of Ll1e case reqt1ircs'' [s. 39 (I)]. <>rclcr 111aclc by a rcvic\vi 11g officer is c11Lcrcd 011 Ll1e record a11d i s for 1l1c }Jt11·110:-;es of cxcct1tio11 or a1)1)cal tl1erefi·o111 dcc1nccl to be an order of tl1e original S ;ot1rt. 1\r1 U])JJeaI agairist sucl1 orcler clocs 11ot lie to a Grou1J I..ocal . i\ J)pcal (,ourl [s. 39 (2)]. i\11

7 Super,,ision and inspection-1\t tl1c e11d of ever)' sessio11 of a Grot1p


Li�ca 1\1)tJ«�:1l CoL1rL L]1c Rcgist rar fi)r\vards to tl1e Judicial 1\<l,riser a11d tl1e I)ist ricL OH 1ccr a co1nplc1c I ist of all aJJ{)Cals deciclecl or co111111cnced lJcfore tl1e Cot1rt clt1rii1g tl1a1 scssio1 1 [s. 35 (2)]. 18

Sierra Leone LA\.\T TO BE .r'\D�IINISTERED

8 General law-1\s Local Cot1rls (1\Scl, para. 1 l, /Jost). 9 Customary la'\v-AsLocal Cot1rfs (1\Sd, })ara. 11, j,osl). 10 Islamic law-1\s St1i:>ren1 c Cot1rt (1\3, })ara. I 0, ante).


1 Establislunent-Establisl1ecl as Native c:ot1 rts t1nclcr Ll1c Native C:ottrls Ordi11 ance [ca1). 8, s. 7]. 1\ Nati,,c CourL is 110\-\' rcclesig11 atccl Local Cottrt [L.C.1\. 1963, s. 3). c:0111bi11ccl c:ottrts ,vl1icl1 sccn1ccl LO l1 a, e been inclt1 clecl ,vitl1in tl1c clescription of Nati,·c Courls l1a,,e 110\v fa.llc-11 int(> clest1ett1dc. 12 Note tl1at tl1c L.C:.1\. 1963, s. 5l> (l) (<1) atJ[Jlie.s 1.0 Grot11J I.,ocal 1-\ppeal Cot1rls as ,vcll as toLtJcal C:ot1rts. 0

2 Composition-Local Cot1rts consist of l�()cal Cot1rts ,1s 110,v cxisti11g accordi11g to 1 1ative Ia,v a11d ct1sto111 ancl st1cl1 otlter Local C:otlrls as rna.y lJc cstablisl1ecl [N.C.O., cap. 8, s. 7 as a1 11c11clccl by L.(1.1\.. 1963, s. 3]. 'f'ri­ lJttnals st1cl1 as Heacl111an:s a 1 1cl st1b-cl1icfs' C!otirts 11ave lJcc11 crro11c()t1slv. belic...,·ecl to be Local Cot1rts. 13 Jttclicial po\vcr l1as 1 011 g IJccn ta kc11 a,va y from tl1ese C�ot1rts. 1· 1 Tl1e 01 1ly rccognisecl Local Cot1rts arc t11 c C:ourts of ll1c Paramot11 1t Cl1iefs siti.i11 g ,vitl1 l\\'O or 1 11orc tribal at1tl1orities. 3 Jurisdiction-01·igit1al-1�11is is go, cr 1 1cd lJy L.c.•,\. 19(,3, s. 13 :-is amc11clecl by I.....C:. (."\n1clt.) .\. 1965, s. 5. 1\ l,ocal Cot,rt l1asjurisdicli(H1 (al to admi11 ister tl1c eslatcs of cleccasecl JJerso1 1s, so l"ar as tile>' �ire siluated \viLhi11 tl1e jt1risdictio11 of the CL1t1rts a11 d ll1e a cl111ir1istrali1>r1 of ,vl1icl1 i.s governed b)' cttsLomary la \V; ( b) to l1ear ancl clctermi11e: (i) all civil cases gover11 cd by cuslornary la,-v otl1cr tl1a11 <.:asc:, .., bet,veen Para111ou11 L Cl1iefs or 1 ril)al aull1orities in\ 0}\,i11g a qt1cstio11 of title to 1a11 d; ( iij aI I civil cases go, crnecl by tl1c ge11eral I a,.v ,vl1crc tl1c c:l�l ir11� clebt, cluty or matter i11 displ1te docs 11 ot cxccccl_ l1u11 (lrcc:l Ico11 es in valtie, or in cl,1im.5 fcir recovery of possess 101 1 ,vJ1crc tl1e annt1al rc11t.al ,,alt1e of tl1c })fOJJCrL )7 does not rxcc('cl fiftv, lco1 1cs ancl tl1e ter111 of tl1c lease cloes not exccccl fi,,c y·ears: rc·, 10 hear a1 1cl, clelcrn1inc all crir11i1 1al cases ,vl1ere tl1c 1 11axi11 1u111 J)unisl1mcnt cloes not. exceed a fine or l\VO l,t111clrccl lco11cs (Ir imprisonme1 1t for a pcriocl of one year or boLl1. 1





]�lie jttrisdictio11 co11fcrrcd lJ)' I)ara. (b) (ii) cloes not cxtc11cl to an)' of tl1c follo\ving cases: ( i) cases rel::i ti11g to tl1c civil sta tt1s cif any J)Crson excc1J t matters dealing with the aclministra Lio11 of estat cs ttnclcr ct1s to1nary Ia ,v; . . ce Sn1art, op. crt., J). 37. S . . , Loiidon rtca 13 111 .'If s te,n "Ys .. al Leg / an( ial dic Ju ", in one I.c ra ier ls, �'S 11ir Da vV. C. (1st ed.), 1962, p. 18. 11 Sn1art, o/J. cit., pp. 35, 36. l"•



-- - - -

/>art 1- l f-'t:xt ilfrica . 11 istra tio11 or clc,,oltltion of tl1e estales of dei n 1 ad c 1 tl lo g 1 1 li" •Ia 1< . c s ,.. • •• • , (ll. I\ cas .... c 1 · tl1 h rn11c se 111 \V ve ca Go 1y a1 111) ( ,v; Ia l ra ne ge c 1 tl r 1 dc tti 1.5 ·c)I · ::. . cc .. I J)er - as cc . · t)' 1.s a rty; cr · pa ca l a · pa 1c1 · 1 o l1 s ffi 1 11 g 111 cl a • J or �1 l)tl }J Iic of11ccr , , • • 111 elll , .,l coillIJ.a 11v cle�, false 111 1pr1sonn1e11 r, m.al1 c1ous lan cl, lilJ On llJJ �cl 1cl 1 1 fot nl � lic ac J v a ) (i _ TY age. Tl1c cot1rt has rr1 rr1a c,f 111Jsc o JJr of l1 ac brc or 1, licn lttc scc , on ,iti scc Jro 1c li111i ls of its j urisdictio11 . tl 11 l1i 1 ,vi c; 11. rso pc nil r ,,c 0 · , 11 ( i icl l •� Ltrisc

4 J urisd ictio11-a1Jpell:1te-Nil. 5 Procedt1re-'J'l1e Local Cottrt (l)1.<)ceclt1rc) Rules 1964. SttlJject to 1 t1ese R tiles a11cl tl1c 1Jrovisio11 s of ll1c I.... (!.;\. I 9G3 tl1c JJroccd tire of Local c:01.1r1s is go,,er11ecl IJy ct1sto1T1ary Ia,v [L... C.:\. I 963, s. 17].

<.:<)i-;l"H.(JJ. (lF (:OUR.'J'S

6 !\ JJI)<:al- -;\J)tJca I fror r1 a L,< 1ca I (!o ttrt Ii t:::; 1 CJ t I11.: (.\ il l rt (1r c.l ircct I y lo il1c J)i:;;t rict .:\JJJJeal CottrL Lt... :�O ( I) J.



J.... uca I .:\ppea I

1963, ss. 29 (:'.3) and

Jlc\'ie,, ·-1\s Gr,1up l.ocal . \1 J11c-al c:c)ttrl ( :\5c, }Jara. 7, ante).

'f'rn11 sfc1·-'J'l1c .ftHlicial s\r.l\'iscr or a ])istric1 .\IJIJcal Cot1rt I1as po,rcr of their 111cJlio11 or <)1 1 1.l1c .J.JJJ1lic:a i io1 1 of a l.or.:11 (:!)LtrL or n. 11y party Lo Ll1e JJrc1ccccli1 1gs for rcaso1 1al)lc ca1.1se to trarisfcr a case i11itinle<l IJefore a Local (:011 rt lo a11otl1cr I...ocal C:ottrl� a 111agis1rate's cot1rt or tl1c District ..'-\}Jpeal (� '.utir l a11cl tl1c <.:asc so t rai 1slcrrecl is ccHT1n1e11cccJ rle novo [I..... C. 1\. 1963, . ) ]. ·"· J .:1' (�) 7 Su1Jc1·visio11 a11d ins1Jectio11--\\-'i1l1i11 sc,·e11 < .lays after 1J1c e11d of every n1011tl1 1l1 e clerk c,r c-ncl1 l.ocal Court f1.1r,varcl-; to tl1c . Jt1clicial :\dviser :, rtd ll11..: .l)is tricl O fliccr a co111 JJle I e l is I of all case.s clcciclccl or co111n1e11ced ir, 1l1c Local C!ol1r1 clt1ri 11g I 11c 111or1 1l 1 [L.C. :\. I 963, s. 35 ( l) ]. ' l. ,\. \ V I' <) BE . \ 0 7\-I IN IS 1' I•. H . ED

8 Ge11er�1l ln,v-'''l'lic jt1ri:;cli,1io11 ccH1fcrrccl 1J)' 1 l1is scctio11 [011 a Local (:ut1r1J sl1all a1J1Jl)1 to all J)ersons ,,·i1l1i11 1l1c li111its tlf Ll1c Co1.trt's jt1risdictio1 1 a 11 cl \'' 111:rc I I 1erc is 110 JJrL1vision tif ct1s10111ar)' ]a'" tl1e gc11cr,-1l Ia,v sl1all I [I.... C. 1\. 1963, �- 13 (2)]. ']�l1e gc11era l la,v is clefi11ecl as including �I)IJ )•" tl1e co111111011 la\v, cc1t11ty arld all c11act111c1 1 t:::. i 11 force i 1 1 Sierra l..eone excCJJt i11 scJ far as l h C:' a re co11ccr11 c<.l ,vitl1 ctts Lo111ary 1 a\v'' [ s. 2]. 9 Custo�11.ar�' l:.1\\'-Ct1sL0111ary la,v is tl1e I)ri 111a11r Ia,v c,f tl1c Court \. J .C�.1\. 1063, s. I 3 ( 2)]. c:us lo111ary I a,v 111ca11 s ''ntl)' rt1lc, otl1er tl1a11 a rtilc � cil gciH·ral la,,·, 11a\1i11g ll1c fc)rcc c,r la,v i 11 a 11y cl1iefclo111 of 1.l1e l'>rovi11ces . 1crc y r1gl11 s a1 1cl correlati,,c clt1ties l1avc ] "l ) cc,1 acqttirecl or i1111Josccl \ vltlcl1 ; � _ is aI _)J)licaIlle 111 any J)arlict1 l ar case a11cl co11for1ns ,vitl1 r1:.1.lt1ral jt1stice and cc1tnty a11cl 1 1cJt i11con11JatilJlc, citl1cr clireclly or i1 1clircctly, ,vitl1 any enact· n1e11t atJJ)ly_ 1 1g lo tl1c J) rovi 11ces, ancl inclt1clcs an)' ame11d 111cr1ts of ct1sto111ary ! la\-v n1aclc 111 accorcla11ce ,vitl1 ll1c Jrovisio11s of al1)' e11acl111cnt' 1 [L.C.1\. J 1963, s. 2]. 10 Isla1T1ic la\,'-1\s tl1e Su1Jre111c Co1.1rl ( i\3, JJara. I 0, au!ti). 20

Sierra Leone


The supre1 11c la\.v-n1.a ki11g a\.1 tl1oril,· i I\ Sierra I....co1,c is T>a rl in rr1c111 consisting of a si11gle cl1an1ber, i.e. a J-Ioltsc ofRCJ)rcsc11talivcs a11d tl1c �.2.ucc11 in Parliaincnt. I='ollo,vi11g a rt1ilitar)' cotq) i11 i\'.[arcl1 , 1967, tl1c C!<)nstilt1tio11 \Vas ::.usJJendccl a11cl aNationalRefor111atio11Cot111cil took o, cr botl1 cx.cct1livc . ancl Iegislativc po\.vers [f\cln1inislrat.ior1 of Sierra .l,ec)11c (Nal io11al llclor1r1a 1.io11 Cou11cil) J)roclamatio11 1967, l').N. N0. 28 of 1967]. Ne,,crtl1clcss, all c11ac-1n1ents in force i11 tl1e cot111l1)' before rvf:1rcl1. 23, 1967, co11li11ucd to exist except \,,here tl1cy ,vcre i11co11sis lc.r1t , vi l !1 tl1c La \-vs a11cl Decrees or t l1c . isst1cd La,,·s t111ril l\'Ia,' 2, 1067., ,vl1c11 tl1cy ,vcrc cl1a11gecl . C. N.R.C. Tl1e N R . .) l)rocla111nti<)11. ( 1 \mclL) la,v 19G7, to Decrees [i\.cl111. of S.L. (>J.RC No. i]. .:\ Natio11al Interi1n Coll11cil stl[)Crscclccl tl1c N.R.(�. 011 i\pril l�), 1968. Tl1eN. I.C. co11ti11t1ecl il1e ::itISJ)C1isio11 of tl1c C<.JnstitLl Lio11 a11cl issuer! Decrees tu1Lil .�\pril 26, 1968 ,,·l1c11 tl1c cot111t. ry· rcltlr11ccl to civilia11 rule, at ,\·hicl1 date also the Constit ttLio11 a11 cl Parlian1c11t ,vcrc ftil Iy res to reel. · 1·11e main sotrrccs of tl1e la,vs of tl1e cot111tr)' arc: 1

11 Statute�(a) , \- cts of Parlia111cnt1 " (i.e. I-Iotisc of Re1Jresc11t.ativcs) ['fl1e Constitt1 ti011, nr t. 42; I 11.terprctatio11 f\c L I 965, s. 2 (2) J. . . (b) La,vs and Decrees of tl1e 0i.RC (c) Decrees of t..l1e :\'.T.C. (d) i\do1)ted Englisl1 staltites. 1,licse arc i1111 Jcrial statutes, stattilcs specifically adoptecl IJ)' t11e local Parliament, a11d statlttcs of gct1cral aJ)tJlica­ tion in force in Engla.11cl 011 Jar1t1ary I, 1880 [see C.A. 1965, s. 74·]. '1�11ese statutes appl}' \\'ith st1ch local adaptatio11 ar1d modificatio11 as is 11ccessary io make them applicablr� in tl1e circl1n1stances [I11tcrprctalion 1\ct I 965, s. I OJ. 12 Conunon law and eqt1ity·-Tl1csc ap1 Jly· as the residt1al Ia,v [(:.:\ - . 1965> s. 74]. Ec1t1ity· is 11ot defined l)ut com111011 la\-\' 1nea11s ''the co1111no11 la,v of Englancl as referred to i11 sectio11 71 JG (sic) of tl1c Courts J-\ct 1965'' [Interpretation ;\ct 1965; s. 3 ( l)]. 13 Custom and usage-''La\·v'' i n .Sierra Leo11e i11cludes ''11ative la,v and custom and any otl1er Ltil\·vritte11 rt1le of la\.v'' [Constitt1tion, art. 107 (I)]. For the clefinition of ct1stomary la,v sec i\5d, para. 11, ante. CL1slon1ary law is the prin1ary la\v of tl1c Local Cot1rts [L. C. A. 1963, s. 13 (2)]. It is also the secondary la\v of the gc11cral-la\·v courts [C.1\. 1965, s. 76]. Tl1crc arc �o terrjtorial limits for its application except tl1at i11 tl1c case of Sl1ccessio11. on intestacy it is the ct1stomary la\v of tl1c tri!Jc to vvI1icl1 tl1c dcceasccl belonged that applies [ca ). 4·5, s. 4-3]. 1 14 Religious laws-Islamic la\\: tl1c 011ly religious la½' tl1a L is rccog­ is . mscd. Its application is limited to matters affccling marriage, clivorce ancl SUcccssio n \.vhere [.Sec Mol1aJnmcclan i\,Ioha111mcclans are concernecl. .......... - .. -. 1 " Tliesc incluclc l�gislat�1rc. .l3 y I l1,· colrJ11ial unrcpcaled the of Orclinances Stat\1 lc I...a \v (f\tnencl mc11 1) :\ct. 1961, No. 'l8 fJf l 9G I, I hcsc Or< I Irlan r:ci; \\'t :r1' . rrd . rs1gnal�d ..-\els. 16 'f} • . 115 15 obviously a 1nis )rint, as tl1e rclcva11t scctio11 of the c:ourl:-- ;\r.:I. is s. 7·!.



.\.J,J, .�.A-�



JJarl J-f-l1e.1t �lfrica f\Jarriagc Orclii1a1 1cc, caJ).


a11d 1\ndcrso 11 ,

J. N. D.,

lsla,nic falv in

.] 54 19 n, do on IJ ., · .O I.S .l'v J-1 a, ric .1lf • ) ruble1J1S of inLernal conflict l n1a,· arise esrul ct 1fli co1 a1 15 111ter11 l Iavv a11d customary Ia,v; 1cra gc1 Ll1e 11 vvee ( l)et ct fli co11 a) ys: vva ,vo t ii 1 (b ) c<>nflict l)ct,vcc11 tl1e r11t1lti1)lc cusL0111ary Ia,vs. :\s re_gards (a), a gtneral­ 1 Ja\V cottrt JJrin1aril)' aclmiri.istcrs tl1 e gc11eral Ia,v ' ,-vh1le a cusLomary- la, v [ court lJa�icall)' aJJl Jlics ct1:;Lo111ary la\\! (;.1\. 1965, s. 76 (.:\3, paras. 8 and 9, anle); T.... c:.:\. 1963, s. 13 (2) (f\5cl, J)aras. 8 and 9, ante)] ..:\part fi·on1 irista 11ccs of st1cccssio11 [ca JJ. 4-5, s. 4-3J, tl1crc are no statu Lory rules govcr11ing 0 co1 10ict bet\Vcc11 tl1c , arioLtS cus to11 1 ary lavi's. Case-la,v is l1ardly of any assista11 cc ciLl1cr.

l)EH.IVA"l'lON :\ND FOl�!\-1 OF l\lAIN 01�1\NC..:IIES OF ·rIIE LEG,\L SYSTE�I

16 Crin1inal 1�1,,,_. l 'l 1C'rc is 110 crir11 i11al coclc in Sierra Leone. 'I'he t rir11ir1al la\v t.11'.ri,,e::; lrorn local 1\cts, Ll1 c co 1 11111on Ja,v a11cl cqt1iLy and �!alt1ie5 t>f gcrtcral applicaticl11 i11 force i11 E11gla 11cl on J ant1ary I, 1880, .1nd. cert aiu ·E11gl isl1 statt1 tcs �JJCcifically adopt eel, e.g. Pcr jtII")' :\ct J 911; 1-·org,·ry :\ct l �I J 3; and l.,arcc11)' 1\ct 1916 [ImJJerial Stattiles (Criminal I..a \v ) 1\cloJ)I ir111 C)rclir1ance, caJJ. 27]. No ct1sto 111al")' cri 111inal Ia, v is applic­ " IJlc in. Sierra Lco11<:. l'l P1·011c1·t�1 a11(1 Succession





a J> roperty-(i) C'uslo1na1J1 laziJ. Tl1 c la,v go,·crning la11d i11 t11c Pro,rinces is r>ri11cir>all)' cuslo11 1 ary Ia,v. To a large extent, too, ct1stomarr la,v regti­ latcs the acc1t•i�d1io11 a 11cl disJ)()::;itio11 of pcrso11 al JJropert)' i11 tl1c Provinces.1s (ii' -�·ialute. Local ,\cts a11cl a 11 t 1 11 1 ber of acloptccl E1 1gl isl1 statt1tes apply 1.s�_(· I111 1Jcrial Sta t11 tes (La\v of }lropcrt)') .-\dt1pt.ion Ordi 11ance, cap. I 8]. \\: t t I' re�I)c:'cl tu 1a r1cl, so 1 11c of Ll1 c 111ost in111or ta 11 t are tl 1e Provi 11ccs Land ,\ct I . CRIJ. 122, as an1c11clccl lJ)' ..,\ct.s Nos. 15 o f I 96 I a 11 cl l l of 1965]; tl1e C �H 1ce�si<H1::; Orcli 11:1 11ce [cap. 12 I, 1960] ; tl1 c C!ro,\'11 l,ancls :-\ct [No. I 9 �>I 1960, as a 1ne11<.lecl lJy No. 18 of 1963] ; arid tl1e f ollo,ving E11glisl1 statutes 111 \vliol �� <,r in 1�a rt : t lie CcH1 ,�c)'anci 11 g a11cl l.a ,,, of l)ro1Jert y 1\cts 188 1 ailcl l tl�l2; 1l 1e Set tlccl I ,a 11 cl 1\cts l 882-l 890; t.l1c rfrt1stee r\cts 1888 and . · I t�CJ 3 · ·111tl 111t• C,<)nvc)'a1 c th f . o 1 c:11 1� 1 \ct I<) some .. 1alt)', l I. 1\s 1 pcrso rcgarcls · • •· , • ' • rno st signifll'a11 t st;11t1tt�s cl<'al ,vitl1 sale of goocls, biIJs of excl1angc, copyri ghr a11cl tra<.lc n1arks.

(iii) ,S'talut,,x of lJt'll<'rnl a/Jj>lication relati 1 1g to Ia11 cl ,-vJ1icl 1 ,vcrc i11 force in ,

l·,11�lanrl 011,J:11\tl:'tr)' I, 1880 [C.1\. 19 65, s. 74-]. ' ( n,) C ouunon lal('. :\s i11 13, para. 12, anlt�.

Sliccessioti -(i) Cus/0111a1J1 !au.,. S t1 cccssion 011 i 11 tcslacy to t]1 c cstatc of ;t 11;1· (ivel · !l 1"s · CC l ·tCl.1111· 11 ("(l llllCIer CllSlOI11ar)' la,v. . -··-··-- .. ... ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . --'l )__' � 9_ l - i ia- ··(--- '-· 1 0. ; i, 8ec ,S'liak.-c11 v.-rJ l ,�;a J l I I S .-. �'. ;' -s ,,. o' Ill Sc-t' ]i'rrtlnn s J · · ;;'- " 111r '!{ 1crra Lro11i1 l'-lative La1t.1, (;ovcr111ncnt Priutcr, 1:r,'.,·to,v n· t 19 33 •. ' J)l). , ,, , 3- 37 . lit 1\ " uiitY n.- !"c is "any ll _

J),.:r:,;011 \Vl10 is a 1n<'n1 l) cr of a race. lribe or cornnit � :,;.�· u .I 1 .lI ·in ' H'rra . I...cone ol l1er I l1an a race I rilJc or con11n.:initv (·a) ,vliich i s of • • · · ' I ,111 0))1 ·an or '\s1· 1 I I1rt · o · · • f o sc-ttlc1nc-nt lace (b) rigin. in is ci IC ' • Ja . j) ,vl1osc \·\'r- ·i . . p rin l J s t 111 ·\1''"•1 I . I ntcrprr1a1io11 .-\cl 1965, s. 3].




;, I

Sierra Leone (ii) Stalule. Tl1e ,L\cl1nir1istration of Esiatcs Orclinar1ce [ ca1). 4-5, l 960]. Tl1is Orclin a11ce deals \Vi tl1 acl111i11is tratio11 ge11cral l)' a11cl i11 Les ta tc s ti ccessi l )II specifically i 11 tl1e case of 11on-natives a11cl 11011-ivl(llla111111eclan.,. Tl1e lvlol1a 1n111ecla11 lviarriage Ordin,L11cc [ca(). �.>6]. rl'] Ll' ()reli 11 ai1ce stiJ:>t1lates tl1e la \V a1)1)licablc lo intesta re st1cce:ss i(ltl \Vl1crc tl1c clcrcasc( I is a .w!ol1a111111ecla11. (iii) Stat11les of ,ge11eral a/JjJlicatio11 in force i11 r�11gla11c I (111 .J ar1 lt:1 '")' I, I l�fH) [ C.t\. l 965� s. 74·]. 'l'hc 1110s t itll})Ort:-111t is l 11 e \ \li Ils ..-\ <" t l BJ 7. (iv) Con111zo1z la1c•. 1\s i.11 B, J:>ara. 14·, ant,,. 18 lVIarri�ige a11d tl1e fan'lily-(i) Cuslo111a1)' Lau•. 'T'l1is i1-: 1 l1e 111 ai 1 1 sc,Ltr<:e of CllStOITlary fanuly la,v [sec J-;'Cl11Cll1� 0/J. cil., l)l), 21-3 l ]. (ii) S!atule. Chrislia11 �,Jarriagc Orcli11,111cc [ca1.J 95] as an1cnclccl l)y .:\rt l\o. 48 of I�)65; Ci,·il l'\larriagc l)rdi11a11ce [ca1). 97J as a111c11e,lecl by 1\ct No. 49 of 1965 ; 1',,fol1,1111111ccla11 1vlarriagc Orelin a11cc [cap. 96] ; I•'oreign l'vlarriagc Ordi11ance [ca1). 98]; 17orcigr1 l\J�1rriagc (Rccogni Linn) 1\c1 1966 [,-\ct No. 2�1 of 1�)66]; iviarriagc c)f Brii.isl1 St1l jJ ccts (Facilities) C)rcli11nncc [ca1J . 99]; ivlatrimo11ial Catlses Ordi11a11cc [ca1J. I02], as ar11e 1 1clccl l)y 1-\ctNo. 16 of 1961: :\Iarriecl \-\'or11c11's 1'Jai11icr1a11cc Orcli11a11c,,: [c,1.1). l 001; l\tlainte11a11ce Orclers (Facilities for E11f(lrcen1c11L) Orcli11ancc [ca1). l O 1]; Cl1ildre11 ancl y·C>t1ng }lerso11s Orclir1a11cc [ca J). 4-��] : Jlrcvc11Li<)11 of Crt1cl1y to Cltildrc11 Orcli11a11cc [cap. 31]; Ba�Larcly La\VS (I11crcasc r1f f>ayr11er1lsj ,\ct 1961 [ .\ctNo. l 2 of l 961]. (iii) ,1:ilalutes of general a/JjJlication i11 forcl� i11 l?.11gla11cl <)11 .Ja1111ary 1 • I f.lUO [C.1\.. 1965, s. 74·]. (iv) Co11111lo11 la'l.L'. .-\s in B� para. I 2, ant,,.

19 Tort a11d contract a Tort-(i) Cus/0111a1J' lazt'. l�]1is is tl1 c 111�tin s0L1rcc of 1l1e Ia.,\· r>f tort [Fer11on, op. cit., })p. I 7-19].

(ii) ,S'tat11te. Tl1e mo.st importa11t are: Fatal ,\cciclc11ts (I)an1agcs) :\ct 1961 [ActN1). 58 of 1961]; La,v Rcfor111 (La,v of rforl) 1\ct. 1�)61 [!\ct I'!c_1. 33 of 196I ] ; La\V Refor1n ( i'-.1Iiscella 11eot1s })rovisio11s) 0 rel i11a11ce [cri }'). I �f] : r l'viotor \Tel1 icles ( l,]1ircl l)arty lnstrrancc) Orclina11ce [ C,lJ). 133]; l)('l�u11a I i1 ,11 /\ct 1961 [..:\ct No. 32 of 1961]. (iii) ,';talrtles of general ajJ/Jlicalion i11 rorce in l:':11gla r11 I o 11 . Jan t1a ry I , 188() [C.1\. 1965, s. 74]. (iv) Co,n,non law. 1\s i11 B para. 12, ante. b Co11tract-(i) (;'uston1a1J' laiv. TJ 1is is 1l1e 111ai11 sot1rcc of tl1e la\v of contract [Fenton, ojJ. cit., PI). 4· l-45]. (ii) 5'lal1cle. The m.ost i1nportant are: Bills ofExcl1a11gc Orcli11a11cc [cap. 227]; Bills of Sale Orcli11a11ce [cap. 2L} I]; Moncylcnclers Ordi11a11cc [cap. 240]; Pai,vnbrokers Orclina11cc [CcLJJ. 2�}3]; Sale of Gooch; Orcli11a11re [cap. 225]. (iii) ,S'taiuteJ of general njJ/Jlication in force in Englancl 011 Jal1t1a1--y l, 1880 [C.A. 1965, s. 74]. (iu) C'om1non laiv. As i11 B para. 12, ante.


Part J-J,llesl Africa 20 Labo111· Ia,v-(i) C11ston1ruy lalv. 1,his seer11s Lo be negligil:ilc [sec 1�·c11 to11, ojJ. cif., lJ. 44-]. (ii) ,<;tatule. 1'11c 111.C)Sl im1:iortar1t arc: E1nployers a11d Employed 1\ct [ca1 :>. 2I 2] as ar11c11dcci by 1\ct No. 23 of 1962; IJrol1ibi Lion of Forced La}:i011r "" Ordi11a11ce [cap. 215]; 'l radc Dis1:>u tes (1\.rlJitration and Inq uiry) Ordin­ a11cc [ca1J. 223]; 'T'racle l)is1Jutcs (I)cclaratio11 of Lalv) Ordina11ce [cap. 222]; rf'racle l.i 11ior1 Orclir1a 1 1ce [ca1J. 22 I], as arnendccl by· :\ct No. 2 I of 1962; v\'ages ]30�1rct Orcli11a11cc [ca 1J. 220]; \Vork.n1e11's Con1pe11satio11 Orcli 11a11cc [caJJ. 219], as a111c11clccl by 1\ct No. 32 cJf 1962 ancl N.R.C. l)ccrcc N1). 37 of 1967. (iii) ,)la/11/cs of general ajJ/J!icalion ir1 force in E11gland 011 Jant1ary I, 1880 [C:. 1\. 1 YG5, s. 74·]. (iv) c:·01n111ou laiv. 1\s i11 B I)ara. 12, ante.


•'/ ''! [




BJ• D. K. 1ifrt'h Gl1a11a becan1c a11 ir 1clepcr1cle11t state on i\,larrl1 6, 1�)57. l'ri <.>r l<) tl1at elate it ,vas tinder Britisl1 rt1lc ancl ,vas k11l1,v11 as tl1 c Golcl C:oast. Tl1e modern legal syste1n of Gl1a11a ca111e i11t<) existence i11 1876 ,vill1 tl1e JJassing of tl1e Stt{Jreme Cot1rt Orclinance I 876. BL1t tl1c Bri tisl1 l1acl been exercising rcgtilar jt 1risclictio11 i11 Ll1e Golcl C:oa$l sit1ce 184-4· a11cl a S111Jren1e Cottrl l1acl been establisl1ecl in 1853. Tl1e Supreme Cot1rt Orcli11a11cc 1876 set LI}) a St 1pre1nc C:ot1rt ,vitl1 tl1c jurisdiction of tl1e E11glish I Iigl1 Cot1rt a11d ,vitl 1 J)o,vcr to acl 1ni 11is1cr all tl1e Ia,vs of tl1e (¾old Coast, ,•i z.: ( l) rfl1e gc11cral la ,v co1nprisi11g 1.l1e common la,\\ eqt1ity, statt1tes of gc11eral ap 1 Jlicatio11 i11 force i11 E11gla11cl 011 July 24, 1874, post-1874 in1perial stattltcs CXJJrcssly n1adc aJJplicab1c in tl1e Gold Coast ancl Ll1c c11actme11ts of the legislature of tl1e Golcl Coast; a11d (2) cttsto1nary la,v. 1�11e Nativejuriscliclio11 Orclina11ce 1883, artc.l latt"r lhe variot1s Nati\-·e C:ourts Ordina11ccs, proviclcd for tl1e sctti11g t1p of l\"ativc Cottrts. Tl1csc cot1rcs ,vcrc co11Siclcrccl part of tl1e 11ative acli 11i11istratio.n, a11cl out..sidc the n1ain jt1clicial systen1-altl1ougl1 tl1rot1gl1 aJJJJcals, etc., tl1ey ,verc to some extc 11t tinder tl1e co11trol of the courts of tl1e general Ia,v. Nalivc cot1rts ,vere basccl on i11digenous institt1tio11s ancl 1l1cy pri111arily ::tr1(l principally ad1ninistered ct1sto111ary la,v. i\t the time of independe11ce the t,vo distinct sysle 1n<.. of cot1rls eslalJlisl1ccl by the Supreme Court Orclinances a11cl tl1e Na1i, c C:0L1rts Orcli11a 11crs ,vcre operating in Ghana; (i) tl1c E11glisl1�typc cot1rts-tl1c llri,')' C:c.i 111tcil, \Vest .African Court of 1\p1Jeal, tl1e St1prc111c Cot 1rt of tl1e Gold (:c,nst, at1rl magistrates' courts; and (ii) Nati,re C:ot1rts. Bet,vcc11 I 957 arid l 960 a number of changes ,vere 1naclc in tl1c slructt1re of Gl1,1na cotirts. .t\pJ)Cals to the Privy Cot1ncil and \Vest ;\frican Cot1rt of A})JJeal ce�tsecl ancl i11 their place a Cottrt of 1\ 1)peal \Vas set up as tl1e lugl1cst cot 1rt in Gl1a11a. Tl1e Local Cottrts i\ct 1958 abolisl1ccl 11ative cot 1rts and replacccl tl1e111 ,vitl1 local courts. Co1n111issioners of 1\ssizc, wl10 cxcrcisccl jt1risdictio11 similar to tl1at co11ferred 011 Circt 1it Cot1rts set ti}) i11 1960, ,vcrc a1Jpoi11tccl. In 1960 tl1e Rept1blican Co11Stitutio11 and tl1e Courts Act 1960 con­ solidated tl1e changes and strcamlinccl the jt1clicial systen1. Tl1e cottrts set up in 1960 \Vere tl1e Su1)rcn1c Cot1rt, ,vl1icl1 ,vas tl1e l1igl1est cot1rt of apJJcal, the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt, Circuit Courts, l)istrict Courts ancl Local Cot1rls. Local Courts, like their predecessors, tl1c Native Cot1rts, ,vcrc still considerecl 11ot lo be ft1lly part of the jt1clicial syste1n. '"fl1crc ,vas a slrong clcn1a11d for integrating tl1em fttlly into tl1e main jttclicial systein. 011e c,r the 111ai11 1

- -- · -----·------ - - - - - -- - --1

For diagram of courts system, sec Ap1Jcnclix, J1ost.


Pnrt 1-- -1-Vesl .11frica carry 011t tl1i.s integratio11. to s ,va 6 196 e cre De Ls t1r Co � the bv· cl cLc e f ef cI1 a11o-cs · 'fl� legal systc1�1. estalJ lisl1ccl i11 1876 still re�nai�1s ir1 existence. TJ1e t,vo J a,v ,1nd E11gl1sl1-type local enactments sl1 gli �:11 (i) arc v Ia, of niaiii suttrccs a11ll (ii) ct1sro111ary la,v. i\.


·r1 1 e (h1 al s\ stc1 11 of cot1rLs e.stabJisl1cd IJ)' tl1c S111 Jre111c C!oL1rt Ordi11.ance 18 76,. a 1 1cl tll �� Nati ,,c 'Jt1r.i-,cli ctio11 Orcli11a11ce 1883, ren1ai 11ecl s11bsta11tL11ly 1 trl:5 ;\ct 1960 [C.1\. 9] i 11 cxis1cncc t1r1Lil Oct(>l)c:. r I, 966..:\ltl1011gl1 il1e Co\ J clrast icall)' rc-orgar1iscc.l tl1e co11rls syste1n in G 1ana, Local Courts-,vhicl1 hacl rCJJlncl:cl Native C�ot1rts i11 l �58-conti1111ec.l io deal n1ainl)' ,vitl1 r.ases gcivcrnecl b}' cust<)111:\l"f la\,·. [,ocal Co1trt IIlagistrates ,,•ere lay1ne11, appoint­ ctl ancl clisci1)li11ccl by il1 c l\'lir1.ister respo11si]J !e for Local Go•/ernn1e11t, ancl cotn1sel \\ ere n.0l allo,vecl Lt) ap1Jcar before Ll1cn1.. 'T'l1e c:ourl.:; J)ecrce 1966 [N.l... C.D. 84-] repealed Ll1c CourlS ;\ct 1960 a11cl a!JulisltC( I tl1c cot1 rts cs ta blisl1ecl Ll1ereu11dcr and tl1e Re1)ublica11 Co11�ai I utio11 1060 ( 110,.v sLtSJ'.lc11clccl). Tl1e 111ain cl1ange eflectcd by tl1e (:�ourts f)ecrec ,vas t() csc1l:,lisl1 011e l1icrarcl1)' of cot1rts ti nder tl1c Cl1ief .J11s tice ancl onc a l)l)oi11 tirig a 11,J cliscipli11ar}' autl1ority. Tl1e Local C<:it1r1s ,verc alJolisl1ccl, a11cL s11bjcct tc1 li111ita.tio11s 011 its jt1risdiction, every court rar1 a111Jly a11y or tl1e la'vvs <)f Gl1a11a. C!1)11nsel ca11 apJJCar in all co11ris. '.l 'l1c (Jot!l'LS C>f (;}1a11a arc: a 'l'l1c C!oL1rl. l)f 1\ 111)cal: h 'l,l1e 1 -:figl1 Cot1rl; . C 'l�llC C'' ,ITCll l i C',Oll rls: ,/ Districl C:011rts (gra<.le I a r1cl grarlc II'}. 0

'1'11e C:ourt of i\J)l)c:1l a11cl tl1c- I-ligl1 C()tlrt are 1]1c s11J)cril)r co111·1s of Gi1ana a11(l tl1,� i\\'O constilutc· tl1c SL111re111e Cot1rt of .Jt 1clicat11rc. i\l

SUJ > R1�:vr1-:: (!()UR�r OF .JUI)IC1\TURE

1 Est:1blisl1n1e11t-·Estal)lisl1ccl l)y J)ara. I (Ia) of 1l1c Cot1r1s l)ccrcc I ?GG I.N :L. C:.1). ri-t-]. 1,lic Su J)rc:-111c (:1>t1r1 of J Lt<li ca Lu,-e co11sis1s of (a) t l1c ( ottrt of ;\ (JJ){�a I a ncl (b) I l1c r-Jig;l1 C:,)11 rt 1 ,,·I 1i ch n re the stlJJerit,r courts of : C,l1a11�1.

(:(Y,...:s·1·1·1·u·1· 1 ON 1\NJ) 1'0\VERS .

� .nll<)SI·t·ion-·1,1 1c Cot1rt 2. Coi of i\ })J)cal, ,vl1c11 exercisi11g JL'- appellate

Jt1r1sll1c1 ' 1011 ,vl1·'··· 1l 1e1· c·1 ,,1·1 0I• er.·1m1· nal or an>' ot I 1cr Jt1r1sc · 1-� of · · 1 1ct1011� · · cc>1is1s · · .. e11.l1cr a ai1 orcli11ary be11cl1 111prisi11g tl1 re e Justices of ,c\pJJeal, or :? b a fu]l be11cl1 compr1s1ng fi,,e .J11stices of 1\pp eal. But tile �ottrl is clcc111ed to l:>e clul y co1i.stit11tcd 11ot.\vi1l1 sla11cli11g Ll1at it . 111cludes a Jltdge of tl1e IIigl1 Cot11·t Leinporarily in,�iled by tl1e Cl1ief Jt1stice



G/1aua to sit 011 st1cl1 a bench or Ll1at a vaca11cy occt1rs i11 tl1 c office of tl1 c Cl1 icf Jt1sticc or a11y other Juslice of 1-\ppeal [N.L.C�.1). 84·, IJara. 6 (I)]. i\ single J tisticc of 1.\.ppeal may exercise any JO\VCr ,,cstccl i11 Ll1c C!ot1rt of I 1-\p1Jeal not i11volving tl1e decision of Ll1 e ap1Jcal [N.L.C!.l). 84·, {Jara. 8]. 3 Jurisdiction-origiI1al-"fl1e Cottrl of i\IJJJC:11 l1as exclt1sivc origi 11al jt1riscliction i11 all 1nattcrs \Vl1 crc a qt1cstio11 arises \vl1cLl1cr a11 c11 nct1nr.11t ,vas made in ex.cess of tl1e J)o,vcrs co11fcrrccl <)11 tl1c nt1ll1oritics rcs 1)cJnsiblc for makii1g st1cl1 enactn1cnt [N.L.C:.D. 84·, }Jara. 2]. 4 Jurisdiction-appcllate-...I11e jt1risclictil1 11 of Ll 1c c:c>t1rt of 1\ JJ[)Cal \vl1ctl1cr con1prisi11g a fttll l)c11cl1 or ar1 orcli11ary l)cr1cl1 sha II cn11 sisl of '' (a 'l�l1e l1cari11g of aJJpcals fro111 a11}' <.lccisio11 l1f Ll1c l I-igl1 (: (> t1rL or (l ) C!ircLtil Cotu·t i11 a11y civil cat1sc. - J-1 Cc>t1rt, (b) Tl1c l1cari11g of a1Jpeals fron1 �111y clccisior1 of 1l1c J ligor a Circt1it Cot1r l i11 a cri111i11al 111,.1 LLcr oll1 cr t I 1a 11 tl JJ011 a s u111.­ r11a ry trial� cxercisecl i11 accorda11cc ,vi tl1 t I 1f• 1Jrovi�ic)11s ()f ll1 is Decree or a11y· otl1er c11act111c11l. (c) .:\O)' otl1er jt1risclictio11 co11ferrccl by tl1is J)ccrcc l)r ar1y c>tl1cr e11 acl111c11t. Provicled tl1aL (i) an appeal sl1all lic to tl1 e c:ot1rt of i\.I JJJeal fro 111 aj1.1clg·111c11t of tl1e High Cotirt in Ll1e exercise of its ap1Jcllatc jurisclic­ tio11 on any· 111atter exccJJt a 1na t tcr arisi11g ot1l of a cri1ninal case ,vhere t.l1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rl l1as :1ffir111ccl tl1e clccisio11 of Ll1e Cot1rl from ,vl1 icl1 tl1 c ap1Jcal is rnade lo Ll1c I-ligl1 Cot1rt b)" special leave of tl1c T Iigl1 Cot1rt or of tl1c Cot1rt of 1.\ppeal; a11d (ii) No a1Jpcal .sl1 all lie exceIJl by special leave of tl1c I I-igl1 Court or of Ll1e Cot1rt of 1\t JJJeal fro1n an orcler t11aclc e>.· jJarle or by conse11t'' [N.L.C.D. 84·, JJara. 7 ( I)]. 5 Procedure-Criminal a11cl ci, il in accorcla11cc \Vitl1 1 lie Stt1Jrer11c Court Rtilcs 1 962 [Legislative Ir1slrttn1ent No. 218 (L.I. 2ll3)]. Effect of cot,rl,s llecisionr. :\11y jt1cl,gn1c11t of tl1 c Cot1rt of i\JJIJC::tl sl1all IJe exccu ted a11�J enforce(l as if it \Vere a11 origi11 al jt1dg111c11 t of tl1c cot1 rl fro111 '\-vhicl1 tlte aiJpcal is made 10 tl1c Cot1rt of 1\ppeal [N. T...c:.D. 84·, para. 7 (3)]. C'onllitions jJrecedenl to ajJjJeal lo Court of il/Jfttltl in certain ,natters. St1bjcct Lo para. 12, tl1e Cottrt of f\t Jpcal sltall 11ot c11tcrtain any aJJpeal t1nless tI1 c aJJpella11t J1as fttlfillecl all tl1e cor1clitions of appeal prescribed IJy rt1les ()f cottrl [N.J... C.D. 84, para. 11]. Discretiona,y J1ower of C'oztrl of .,1j1j,eal lo htar aJ;J1eals. ''Nol,vithsla11cl i11g ar1ythi11g to tl1e contrary in a11y otJ1 er provisio11 of tl1 is Decree, Ll1e Court_ or ..-\1)pcal may entertain any appeal fro1n any cottrt on a11y tcr1n5 '\-Vl1icl1 it , n1,ty tl1 ink fit, [N.f..,.C.D. 84, para. 12]. 1


6 Revie\v-A ftdl 1Jc11ch of Ll1c Cot1rt l1as jttrisdictio11 lcJ revic,v clccisio.11s of ar1 ordinary be11 ch of tl1c Cot1rt. ''�fl1 e jt1risclictio11 of a ft1ll bc11cl1 co11sisls of


Part I- J11esl Africa a revic,v a11 d deter1ninalio11 of a decision of an ordinary be11ch of sucl1 court (i) ttpo11 a c1ttcstio11 of Ia,v alone; ancl (ii) UJJOil a 11 ordi11 ary or full be1� cl1 of sucl1 cot1rt giving leave _ for st1cJ1 rc,,ie,v ancl dcter1n1nat1on. ( b) 1\ rcvic,v a1 1cl cletcr111 ination of a11y otl1er decision of an ordi11ary bcricl1 of st1cl1 court ,vherc it a1:>pears to a full be 11 cl1 of sucl1 court tl1 at tl1cre l1as l:>ec11 a n1.iscarriage of justice. 'l'I1 is jt 1 riscliclior1 s J1all 1 1ot be cxcrcisccl l:>y a11 orcli 11 ary bencl1 of sucl1 courL" [N.L.C.D. 84·, 1Jara. 7 (2)]. (a)

7 Transfe1·-Nil. L 1\\V TO BE ,\l);\IINIS1.ERI: :D

.:\s tl1 c I-Iigl1 Cottrl (1\lb, JJara. 10, J1ost}. 1\l lJ


C (> ;--; .s·r ITu·r r ON l\ N l) PO\\' I� RS

2 Co111.po sition-\:\'l1en silti11g iL co11sisLs of 011e or Ll1ree juclgcs of Ll1e I·li,gl1 C!ot1rt; J)roviclccl Ll1at tl1e Cot1rt is cleemcd to be ft11ly constitutecl if it consisls of or i11cltu.les tl1c CI1icf Jt1s1ice, a11y judge of tl1e Cottrt of ..\])peal or Circu i L Judge rcqt1cs tecl 1 Jy tl1 e Cl1ief J tlStice to lJe i11cluclecl i11 SLIC1 1 court, s l.111clir1g a 11y vaca11 cy i1 1 tl1e oflice of Cl1ief Justice or any jt1dge of Ll1c I-Iigl1 C1ourL [N.I... C.D. 84·, ]Jara. 26]. .Jttclgcs of tl1e I-Iig·l1 Cot1r1. l1a,,e eqt1aI JJo,vcr, at1tl1ority arid jurisdiction [N.I... C.l). 84·, J:>ara. 29]. 3 Jurisclictio11-origi11al-�f'l1c I-Iigl1 Cottrt l1as ori ginal jurisdictio11 i 1 1 a11 111a ttcrs cxcc1)t as o Ll1er, vise J)roviclcd by tl1e Decree or any otl1cr enacL111cnt [N.T.... C:.I). 84·, 1Jara. 27 (a)]. 4 Jurisdiction-ap1Jellate-'I�l1c I-Iigl1 Cottrl l1 as a JJtJellate j11risdicLion fro111 a a11y (lecisio11 (>f a Circt1il C:L)ttrt ltJJ011 a st1111111ary trial in a crirninal case; b a 11y llccisio11 of a District. C<."lttrl or of a Ju\•enile Court [N.J., ,C.D. 84, JJar.i. 27 (b) a 11cl (c)]. Gcn �rall.J•. ·r11e l:ligl1 Co11rt sl1all l1 avc a11y 0Ll1 er jt1risclictio11 conferred by Ll1 c C, ttrts l)ccrcc or a11 y o I lier c11act111c11t for Ll1e 1ne bci11g i11 force ti � _ [N.L.C.1). 34·, para. 27 (d)].

5 Proceclu1·e-(a) Criu1i11al. Cri1ni 11 al Procedttre Code 1960, 1\ct 30. (b) Civil. ll11les of tl1c Stt}lre111e Cot1rt 1954·. CONTROL OF COUR1·

6 A �peals-t\Jlpea]s fro1n tl1e I Iigl - 1 Cot1rt in botl1 civil a11d crimin al cases lie to tl1 e Court of 1-\ 1lpcal [N.L.C.D. 84, para. 7].


' '

G/1a11a Review/Revisio11-I11 acldition a 1 1cl ,vitl1oul J)rcjt1 clice to tl1 c rigl1t of appeal, a juclge of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt 111ay reserve c1t1cstior1s of l�t,v (cxcc1)t a matter ,-vl1ich can be rescr,r cd u11 der para. 23 of tl1e Cot1rts l)ccrcc) for tl1 c opinio11 of tl1e Cot1r t of 1\ppcal [para. 1 O] ancl n1a y gi,·c atl)' j t1clg1nc1 11 or decision s11 bject to tl1e opinio11 of the Court of i\pJ)cal. U 11 cler J)ara. 23 qt1estions of la,v ca1 1 be reservecl for tl1 c clcter111 i11,1tio11 or tl1 c Cot 1 rt of Appeal 11nclcr tl1e Cri1ninal Procedt1rc Cocle. Transfer-Tl1e CI1icf J usticc may by orcler t11lLlcr 1 1is l1 ancl at a1 1y time or stage of a11d either ,vitl1 or ,vitl1ouc tl1 e a1)1)licati<i 11 fr()ln a1 1y of Ll1 c parties, transfer any cat1 sc or n1attcr fron1 a jt1clgc of a cottrt to an)' otl1cr judge of s11 cl1 court or fro111 a cot1rt to any otl 1 cr co11 11)ctc1 1t cot 1 rt [N.I... CLI). 84, para. 38) . ...-\i1 y jt1dgc of tl1e I-ligl1 Cot1rt 1nay l1 ir11s clf or on a1)J)licatio,1 <Jf a11y person rcporl to tl 1 c Ct1ief.J ttstice a11 y catisc c>r 1 11attcr, ci,,il cJr cri 1ni11al, pencli11 g before l1i1n \\'l1 icl1 in l1is 01Ji11io11 ot 1 gl 1t for a11y reasor1 Lo be lran:-.­ ferred from l1i 1n to a11 y otl1 cr court or jttdgc. If tl1c Cl1icf Jtisticc is satisfictl that a transfer is clesirablc, l1e 111t1st 111akc st1cl1 a Lra,1sfer as l1c 1 nay co .nsiclcr appropriate [N.L.C.D. 84� IJara. •t.O]. 1\ j11clge of tl1 e Higl1 Cottri n1a)', ci tl1 cr ,,•i 111 or \.\'ttl1ot1t tl1 c aJ))JIi cat i )l1 <)f tl1e parties thereto ancl at a11)" stagc of tl1e JJroceecli t1 gs bcfore j t1 dgrn.er1L� remit to a Circt1 it or Disirict Court a11 y n1attcr }JCndi1 1,g lJcforc }1 i 1n ,vl1ich J1 c considers may st1 itably be triccl by st1 cl1 cot1 rt [N.J... C.I). 84·, IJara. it-3 (l)]. An order of tra1isfer by tl1 c Cl1ief Jttsticc o,.-crricles a11y otl1cr Lra.11�fer [N.L.C.D. 84� }Jara. 4-2]. The Cl1ief Justice, i 11 cases of dot1bt, sl1 a]l select ll1c cot1 rt ,vl1 crc a1 1y matter is to be l1eard a11 cl cletcr1ninecl [N.L.C.D. 84, para. 4-4]. (


8 General or statutory la\va Tl1 e common la•.v as defined i11 s. l 7 of the Inter1 )rctation f\ct I960

[C..,\. 9].

b Orclinances of tl1 c Gold Coast and 1.\cts a11cl Decrees of Gl1a11 a a11cl st1 bsidiar}· lc:gislatio11 n1acle Ll1eret 1 nclcr (sec posl, at }). 35). 9 Local and customary la,v-Ct1 stor11 ary Ia,v as clcfi1 1ecl i11 s. 18 or 1l1e Interpretation .--'\ct 1960, C. .-\. 9 (see /Jost, at }J, 36). 10 Religious la\VS (inclucling lslrunic)-I1 1 Gl1ana tl1 erc is no legisla­ tion expressly at1tl1orising or req ui ri 11g tl1 e app) ica Lion of religious la\Vs (inclucling Islamic la\v) excepL ,vithin tl1 e terms of tl1 e � Iarriage of:t\ fol1a1n1nedans Orel i1 1ance [La ,vs of tl1c Gold Coast, 1951 Rcvisio11, caJ). 129]. Note tl1 at, unclcr lhe definitio11 of ct1sto111 ary Ia,v, Islarnic la\V or any other relig-ious ]aw ,vould 1Je treated as ct1 sto111ary Ja,v if a }Jarticular co1n­ mu11ity ,;ere sho\vn to pracl isc it. Islan1ic la\v ca11, ho\vever, IJe appliecl under the co1 1flict of Jaw rt1les (sec para. 65 (>f N.L.C.D. 84). 1






1 Establishment-Establishecl hy tl1c Cottrts Decree 1966 [N.L.C.D. 84, para. I ( b) (I) J. The Cl1ief .J t1 sticc in consultation \vitl1 tl1 c Natio11al 29

JJflrl l-l1Vesl Africa sl1cd i 11 L. l 1e Gaze ttc �Ii rect the cl ivi.<;ion bli pu lcr orc y l J y ) 11a 1 cil t111 Co 1 1 tio era J Li tnaY be specified therci 11 . In as ls 1i lin cl1 st1 1 1 1. \Vi 1s, i 1 ct cir Lo 1 j 1 a an of GI1 urL (N.L.C.l). 8'1·, paras. 1it Co rct Ci a be all sl1 cre 1 tl it cu cir 1 cl ea of respect 32 a11(l 33]. 2 CotTl})OSiiio11-C.�irct1it .J t1dgcs are assignccl 10 C:irct1it Courts l)y 1l1c (:hief 1 tis1icc. St1l,jcct tc> 1l1 is i the Cl1ief .J u;;tice a11(l an)' J t1stice of .A.JJ}JCal 11 r I-I igl 1 C1ot1 r1 j uclge 11on1ina ted by tl1e Cl1icf J tis lice 11 1a )' sit as a Circuit C:ot 1rL jt1tlge for a11y circt1iL [N.L.C:.D. 84, JJara. 33].



3 J 1' 11·isciictio11-1'l1c jurisclictio11 of a Circt1it Cot1rt is exercisal)le 011 Jy i 11 rcsJJCCL of ra1.1scs or 111a tters aris i 11g ,viLl1ir1 i lS circt1it [::-,.;.I.... C.D. 84, J) ara. �J'1-] . t")rigi11:�tl-(o) C'iuil. '''l'l1c j1.1risclictio11 of a Circ1.1it C'.01.1rt sl1all consist {)r --(a) ,, n ()rigi11al j 11l'isclic t ic)11 i 11 ci,.·iI 111,lt ters( i) in al] 1Jcrso11al s1.1i1�� arisi11g u11cler co11tracL or tort, or for tl1c rccc)\'Cry <)f a11y· liqt1idatccl sun1, ,vl1erc t11e an1ount clain1ccl is nc,t 111ore tl1 a11 ¢•1,800 [£2;000]; (ii) i11 all sttits IJct,,·ee 11 lancl1 orcl ancl tena11t for tl1e posscssio11 of la11cl cl£ti1) 1ecl 1.111clcr lease a1 1d refusecl to be deli,,ercd up; (iii) i 11 a 11 s11 i Ls i11,,ol ,1i11g Ll1e o,Y11crsl1i1J, possession, occupation ur t iclc lo la11cl ,vl1erc tl1c ,1al1.1e of 1l1e land cloes 11ot cxceecl �� I �200 [£500]; ( i,�) 11) ,11JtJc1ir1t g11arclia11s of i11fa111::; a11d to 111akc orclcrs for I l 1c cu::;tocl,,- of i11fan 1s;, (\''· to grant i 11 ail)' s11it institt11ecl i11 tl1c cot1rt i11j1.1nctions or <.lr(ler.s l<) s1av• ,v::iste or alic11atit111 or for tl1e deten1io11 and J)rcservaLio11 of a11)' lJl'OJJCrl)' tl 1c s1.tbject of 1}1aL st1it or to re�1rai11 lJrt·acl1cs of ct)1 1tract or tort:, (\· i) i11 all clain1s fi-,r relief b)' ,vay of i11ler1Jlcaclcr i11 re�pect of la11cl or otl1i·r JJl't)JJcrt�· attacl1.ccl i 11 cxecL1t.icn1 of a decree n1aclc b)• a Circt1i1 Cottrl ,1,,·l1 erc 1.l1c val1.ic of ll1e }Jro1Jer1y (lc>•:s r1c)t· excee<l r4-,80l1 [£2,000] '' [N.L. C.l). 84·, JJ::tra. 35 ( l) (a)]. (b) Cri,ninal. .-\ C!irct\it Cot1rt 11:1s a11 origi11al jurisdictio11 i11 a]I cri111inal J�at! crs, 01l1er llta1� offc11 ci:-s ,vl1crc tl1e 111axi 1111.11n 1J1.111isl11ncnt is cleatl1 or _ J 1fe 1n111r1so11n1e11t I_N.l •. C!.D. 84-� fJara. 35 (I) (b)] . . (�). Genei:all.J•. :'1�11y otl1er jurisclictio11 co11ferrccl by tl1is Decree or :111}· 01l1e1 c11ac1111<·n�, [N.I.,.C.l). 8-1-, tJara. 35 (I) (c)]. �\'l,crc llierc 1 s a dis1Jutc as lo ,vl1etl1cr or 11ot tl1e \'alt1e of tl1e an1ou11t �-Ia�Ill? cl,_ <)r t)f tlie la11cl or 1Jro1Jcrly, i11 any st1it. or n1atler is in excess of tlte · Jlll"IS(l 1ct101 · 1 0f ti1� 11 ctr1t C' <)t1rt, s1.1cl1 cl1sputc ' l1 sl1all be referrccl to tl1e H1g , · _ C,ourt for clclcrin111al1011. '] ·11e clecisio1 1 of tl1e I-fig]1 Court i 11 st1cl1 111aLLcr is fi11a] · a11<l ,vl1crc it clcte111111 .. · · 1cs, tl · 1at ll1c a1110Ltnt or tl1e ,,altie of tl1c t)roperty • ' _ • cla11necl IS 1 11 CX ' . . 1· . ., of tl1 e. • CC"S 11 Clll , 't C ,Oltrt S J lll"ISC IClIOJl th C H' . 1gl l Court. S]1all . transfer tl1e case to tl1 c I-Iigl1 Court [N.L.C.l). 84, i:>ara. 35 (2)].

c· · . ·

c· .




4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1\ Circttil CrJtlrl l1as 110 a1JIJ�llalc jt1ris­ cliction. 5 Procedure-(a) Cri11zinal. C!ri111 i11al J> rc,c�dt1rc c:oclc l �)liO, .-\ct :�o. ( b) C'ivil. Rt1les of Ll1c SttJJrC'111c Cot1rl 1954·.


6 Appeals-.,.\p1 Jeals fro111 clcci.sio11S of a C:ircL1iL (;l)ttrL i ri civil cases lie to tl1e Court of 1\1J1Jcal [N ..L.C.D. 84, }Jara. 3G]. :\JJJJcals fr<"1111 dccisio11" of a C:ircuil Cot1rt i11 cri111i11al cases ll}JC)Il trial C>ll i 11clictn1c11 l I ic t<> tI1c (: (1 t1r1. of 1\p1 Jeal [N.L.C.D. 84-, para. 36], a11cl i11 st1111111ary trials L<.J 1l1c J -l i g-11 c:011rL [N.L.C.D. 8•1, para. 37]. Review /Revision-'l�l1c I-ligl1 Cot1rt l1as ft1ll }Jo,vcrs of rcvisi<Jtl in rcs1Jcc1 of all proceccli11g.s .i11 Circt1it Co11rls, exccJJl i11 crin1i11al JJrocrcLlinµ;s i11 trials t1po11 i11 clictn1cnt [N.L.c:.D. 84·, l)ara. 28]. 7 Supervisior?-Tl1c l-Iigl1 C:ot1rl l1as fttll }J(,,vers (>I' su1)cr,·isicH1 ir1 rc:--J)Cct c,f all JJroceccli11gs i11 C:irc1.1i i Cot1rt:::, cxcc-1Jt i11 crin1ir1<1 I 11rnceccling:-; i,1 trials llJJ011 i11dictn1c11 t [N.L.C.D. 84·, JJara. 28]. Po,vers of 1.. ransfer-Scc .-\I b� lJara. 7 '111cl �\2; JJara. 3, anlc. L:\ \V TO BE .1-\ Or.lINISTE llF.I)

8 Gene.rat or statutory Ia,,•

IL ;\s I-ligl1 (;ott r l (!\ l, IJa ras. 8, 9 a11cl I 0, ante.)


9 Local and custo1na1·)' la\VS 10 Religious laws






l Establisl1ment-EstalJlisl1ecl by tl1c c:ot1rls 1Jccrcc [N.L.C.D. f14J, paras. 1 and 45. �fl1 ere are 1,,·<) graclcs of District C!<1t1rts-graclc I a11cl grac.lc I I. 1-11 e c:I1ief J tlStice 1r1a)' IJ)r l..egislative I11sLrt1111c11t orclcr tl1e clivisio11 cir Gl1a11a into districL5, ,,·i1l1 st1cl1 li111il.s as n1ay IJc s1Jccificcl, anll ir1 resJ)Cct of cacJ1 clistrict tl1crc sl1all IJe a J)islrict Court-gr;:1cle I or grade lI [N.l�.C.l). 84·, IJaras. 45 and 46].

2 Composition-.:-\ l)istric1 :\Iagistrale is assig11ell to cacJ1 f)istricL

C.:ot1rt by tl1e Cl1iefJ tistice proviclccl t11at tl1e Cl1icf J. uslicc, a11cl n11)' Jt1sLicc cJf ,\JJJJca I, I-Iigl1 c:ourt J ticlgc cJr CircL1it Jticlgc 110111 i11alccl IJ)' tl1c Cl1icf J ttstice n1a y sit as a District �-Iagistrate (Gracie I c.)r Gracie II) for a11y clistrict [N.I....C.1). 8�1-, para. 46]. 3 Jurisclictio11-·r11c jt1risc.licLio11 <>f a J)istrict Cotlrl is exercisable 011ly i 11 resJJCcl of cat1scs or 111attcrs arisi11g ,vitl1i11 ils clistrict [N.L.C!.D. 84·, J)ara. 47].

Original-(a) G'i;_iil: District C'ourls grarfe /. '' Iri civil 1naltcrs a J)istric.:t

(:ourt (Grade I) sl1all have jurisdiction(i) in all JJcrso11al st1its arisi11g t1r1cler C<)11tract or tort or for tl1c recovery of a11y JicJ uiclatccl st11n ,vl1cre l lie ;:i.111ot1nt c]ai111cd cloes not exceed ¢ 1,200 [£500] ; 31


Part I-West Africa 1 e Co ur t �nju11ctions or or �ers tl in d ute tit i11s t st1i 11 y a 11 i nt gra (ii) to on a11 d J�rescrvat1on to stay \vaste or alienation, or for tl1e det:nt1 or restrain breacl1 es of all)' proJJCrty tl1 e subject o f tl1at suit, of co1 1tract or torts; der in respect of all (iii) iii all claiins for relief l)y ,vay of i11 tcrplea _ Iai,cl or otlier I)ro1)crly attacl1ecl i11 cxect1t1 011 of a l)ecrce made by a aftie of tl1c land or property c 1 , 1l t tha ecl vicl pro urt C!o i a sttcl cloc:s 11 ot cxceecl ¢ 1,200 [£500] ; j11 all ci,,il 11 1atters relati11g to la11 dlord a11 d tena11 t of any JJremises or a11,, f)Crson i11tcrestc-cl in sucl1 1Jre1niscs as required or at1tl1 orised })y or tt r1clcr tlie Rc1 1 l 1\ct I 963 (:-\ct 220) ; (v) s\iits rclati11g to tl1e O\V11crsl1 ip, JJosscssio1 1 or occt1pation of land ,vl1crc tl1e valtte of tl1c la1 1cl does 11 ol exceecl ¢480 [£200]; (• viI1 sltits for clivorce a11d otl 1 cr n1 atri1nonial cat1se-s and for the I)a tcr11 ity a1 1cl ct1stody of cl1 ildrc11 \,·l1crc i.l1 c Ja,v applicable is cxcll1si,1cly cuslo111ary Ia,v; (vii) suits ;i11cl 111attcrs rclati11 g to tl1 c st1cccssion to tl1e properly of a11y pcrsor1 ,vho l1ad at tl1e tin1c of J1is deatl1 a fi.�ed JJlace of al)oclc ,vitl1i11 Ll1c area <>f jurisdictio1 1 of !iucl1 a Court ,vl1cre tl1 c la,v aJ)!)lical)lc to tl1c clispositio11 is excIL1si,,cl)' cuslomary la,v." ri\.l... C.I). 84·, fJ::tr::i. 4-9 ( 1 ).] ( b) Civil: District C'ourts (grar!t· Iii. I11 civil n1a ttcrs L11 c jt1risdicrion of a J )istrict (;<)t1rl (graclc II) is tl1 c sa111 e as 1l1 at c>f a Dislrict Cotirt (grade I) excc1)t tl1at i11 I)Crso11 al suiL.s arisi11g l111cler contract or tort or for a liquidated �ttrn a1 1cl i1 1 st1its rclati11 g 10 tl1e o,v11crs}1 ip, ))Ossessio11 , or occt11)atio11 of Iar1d tl1c a111ot1nt or tl1 e valt1e of tl1c la 1 1cl <Jr propert)' clair11ecl sl1 all 1 1ot exccccl c:360 [£'150] I_N.I�.C:.l). l�4-, 1)ar�1. 5()]. \'\'l1 crc: 1l1 crc is .:t clis1Jt1te as 10 \\'l1 ctl1 er or 1lol tl1 e a11 1ou11t or tl1e value of tl1c J)ro1)erty cl,ti1 nccl cxcecc.ls tl 1c jt1risclic1io11 of tl1c District Cot1rt tl1e clisJ)l1tc 1nust be rcfcrrccl lo tl1e I-lig}1 ('.ouri for deter111in:i1ion, Tl1 e clecisio11 of tlie I1.- igl1 CoL1rt i 11 st1cl1 1nattcrs is fi11 al a11d ,,,11crc it deter11 1i1 1cs tl1at tl1c a111 <)L1r11 or tl1 c value cxccccls 1l1e jt1riscli,tio1 1 of tl1e District Court it 11 1ust lransl'cr tl1e st1it c)r 111 at1c r fro 1 11 tl1c l)istrict Cot1 r1 to t11e Higl1 Court or tl1c �'.ircL1it � '.c>urt as tl1c case 1 11ay be [l\'.l,.C.D. 84·, J)ara. 4·9 (2)]. I I ts su lJ1111 tt eel I l1at tl1c I-I igl1 C\>urt ca11 also tra11sfer Ll1 e case frain a District C:c>Llrt (graclc I[) l<> a l)is1ric1 C:otirt (gracle I) (see :\3, })ara. 6, /1ost). 'ri1 1in . � � :1! .lurisclictiv11. '· 1\ J)istrict Cc>ttrt (graclc I or grade I I) sl1 all l1 ave Jtlr1scl 1 ct1<>t1 to Lr,, l)y st11 n111 a riI y(a) �1 1 o�c11 cc J)t111ishalJlc b)' fi11e 1 1ot C'Xceecli11 g ¢24·0 [£ I 00] or IJy 1 n1pr1s0 11111c11t for a ter 1 11 not cxcecdi11 � 12 n101 1 tlis or botl1; _ _ '-" (b) a11 inclictal)lc l)ffc11 cc l)tl1 cr tl1a11 an offence J)t1nisl1ablc b)' clealll� or aii offence cleclarecl by a11y c 1 1ac tme1 1l or Decree to IJc a first clcg rec fclony if tl1c Cot1rt, l1avi 11 g reg arc l lo tl1 e 11ature of tl1 e offctice, tl1e alJscncc of circt1111 sta11 ces ,vl1 icl1 \\"ou)cl rer1der tl1c offc31ce of a grave or seriotts cl1ara.c tcr a11d all otl1er circun1Stances of tl1e case is of tl1 c opi11io11 tl1al tl1e case is st1itable to be tried su11 11nari I y ;


Ghana an atte1npt to con1n1it a11 offc11cc to \vl1icl1 paragrapl1 (a) or (b) applies; (fl) abetment of or cons1Jiracy in rcs1)cct of any st1cl1 offc11cc." [N.L.C.D. a,1, 1)ara. 51 ( l).] '� Stibjcct lo sub-paragraph (3) [\-\'l1icl1 clcals \-Vi t11 i 11crcasctl IJt111isl11uc11 t i11 cases '\vl1cre a11 acct1secl JJCrso11 l 1as 1)rcviol1Sl y bcc11 ccl11viclc(l c)f r1 cri 111c] a District Cot1rt (Graclc I or Graclc II) sl1.:1ll 11 ot i1111Josc i 111 1Jriso11111c11t for a ter1n cxceedi11g t,vclve montl1s or a fi11c cxceccli 11 g ¢24·0 r£ I O(>J '' [N.L.C.D. 84, para. 51 (2)]. (c)

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-r\ District Cot1rt .l1as dictio11.


a1J}Jellale j11ris­

5 P1·ocedure-District .t'\l'1gistratcs l 1<1\"C flO\·vcr to acl111i11 istcr oatl1s, take solcrru1 affir1natio11'.:- :1 1 1cl clcclara i io11s, 1 11akc st1c.l1 clccrcc:-; a11cl orclcrs, issue st1cl1 IJroccss a11 d exercise st1 cl1 po,vcrs jt1ciici::il a11cl 1ninistcrial, in rela­ tion lo tl1e acl1ninistration L)f jtisticc, as are J)rcscrilJccl I))' any e11acL1nc111., rtiles of cot1rt J or special order of st1cl1 cot1rt. [N.L.C!.D. 04·, JJara. 52] In cri111i11 al cases ll1e District Cot1rt is go, 1cr11cd IJy tl1 c (:ri,ni11a] Pro­ cedure Cocle, .�\ct 30; a1 1d i n ci\•il cases by Rt1lcs of C:ourt, caJJ. 4·, La\VS of the Gold Coast., 195 l Rcvisio11. CON'fROL OF COURTS

6 Appeals-i-\ll appeals fro111 aI1)' decisio11 of a J)istricL CcJurt lie I<) tl1c juclge of i.l1c I·Iigl1 Court for tl1e ti111c bei11g cxcrcisi11_g jt1risclictic,n o,·er il1c clislrict i11 ,,·hich sucl1 l)istrict Cot1rt is sitt1atccl [N.I�.C:.l). 8•1·, pa.ra. 6 1J. Revie\v, Revision-.-\t tl1e e11d of ever)' 111ontl1 c, cry District l\ IagisLrate 1nt1 st for,varci a list of all criminal cases clcciclecl <.lr brot1gl1t lJclc.)rc l1i111 dL1ri11g tl1a t mo11tl1 to the jl1dge of tl1e I-figl1 CoL1rt for Ll1c lin1 c l) ei11g exercisi11g jt1risdictio11 o,,er tl1 e clislrict of st1cl1 111.agistratc. rl'h.e I -Iigl1 Cot1rt jtidge, urJon receipt of the list, 111ay revise tl1c c.lccisio11 of st1cl1 District Co1. 1 rt [N.L.C.D. 84: para. Si]. Tl1e High Court has ft1ll JJO\vcrs of revisio11 i11 res1 Ject of all tJroceccli11gs in a District Cot1rt [N.L.C.D. 8-1-, para. 28]. 1


Po,vers of Trans fe1·(a) �fra11sfer by the Cl1ief.Jt1stice (sec ,:\lb, ante). (b) PoitJer of transfer of a _jur�ge of the 1-Ifgll C'ourl. St1 bjcct to tl1 c 1)verricli11 g cffcct of a tran5fer IJy 1l1c Cl1icf Jt1s tice, a j1. 1 clgc of tl1 e I-Iigl1 Cot 1rt l1as and may exercise all tl1e po\vers of tl1c Cl1icf .Jt1siicc \vitl1 res1Ject to tl1e tra11sfcr of a11y cat1sc or 1nattcr from 011c District Cottrt to anotl1er or fro1 11 a District Court to a C!irct1 it Cotirt. 7 Inspection, supervision, etc.-i Ever)' ])istrict l\,fagistralc sl1all, in respect of a11y matter� ]Je st1bjcc1. to tl1c orclcrs ancl clirectio 1 1s of tl1e I-Iigh Court as ft1lly as a11y other officer Clf tl1c CoL1rt [N.L.C.J). 84·, J)ara. 59]. ii The judge of tl1c T-Iigl1 (�(Jt1rt fc>r 1J1e 1.i111e lJci11g cxcrcisir1g jt1risclictio11 over tl1e clistricl <1[ a magistrate 111ay, \vl1e 1 1cvcr l1c tl1i11ks fit, rcc1t1irc sucl1 magistrate to rcnclcr to tl1c Court in st1cl1 form as tl1e Cot1rt clirects a 33

-- --11111111

[>art J-J·J 1esl 11frica ot1gl1t before l1im [N.L.C.D, IJr IJc y 111a l1 1ic \Vl cr . . ·tLt • 11 1 or rci)orl of a11y cau::.·c 84·, I)ara. 60]. . .· 11 in . res )ect of all ·:.10 . .. . v1 SLlJ)C.I.. of I:) \VC J)O ll ft1 1 as i l - lt Cotirl iii r1·11c J lig ar�. 28]. p . 4, D C. . . [N t 1r ut C! � L ic lr is I) I)roccecli 11gs ii; a .� CJ11ef Jt1st1cc ma)' also exercise tl1c c Ili e. stic Ju ief Ch the r 0 s ·ou ·:·/ 1 1)' ,v 111 <·. u . 1 H 1 court or c·1· rcu IL · court 1g the 1 <.11 l rcc cr nf co s ion I c 1 ft1i , cl ·tii )J 1 J1 · l. • • • J· llI"l·<;C1 IC • • . ) a11c.l n1a)' give d1rcc t101is . ·J ticI gc··s. l' lt) exercise co11 lrol o,1. cr Dis Ir1c l Courts · . . . 1 1 I . . ,J 1sc 1ct1on a11d 1 1 Jur 11c sue '" er 1n 11d 1 11 tl1c 1na11n a 1 o11 i \Vl to .as. 10· tlic- J. ticlg·c ·l • L• C'. D• 84, 1 a11y ca se or cI ass of case [N i1 cl isc crc cx l)c to are ls ()t functi )Jara. 6'')__., . L,\ \V




8 Ge11cr�1l/statt1tory la\,r IO Ileli gi()lIS la\-VS




.-\s I-Iigl1 C�ot1rL (lll(C).


IJaras. 8,

!J, I 0,

:\4· .JU\:I�NILE COUil']'S r::-;·rrrv·r1<J:-: a\i'� I) P()\VI�R.S l ILstablisl1n1.e11t-EstalJ]i�l1ed IJ)' Ll1e CourL5 Decree [:N.L.C.D. 84·, 1)ara. 6�r1. ;., l'l1c C:I1 ief .JllSI ice 111a)', by order pt1blisl1ecl i11 tl1e Gazelle, clirect Llic cor1stitulil)11 <.)f s1Jrcial cot1rts of st1111111ary jt1risclicLio11 for an)' J)lacc, clistrict or area s1)ecified tl1crei11, a11d C\'cry sucl1 court sl1all be k:110,-.·11 as a .Jt1vc 11ilc C:r,11rt ..." [N.L.C.D. 84· � J)ara. 63 (I)] . L ;1)

2 Con11)ositio11--- i\ JJanel of J tl\'c11ilc Cot1rt 111agisLraLcs n1ay be aJJpui11Lccl f(-,r ;1n)' fJlace, clis1ricL or area for \Vl1icl1 ::i. Jt1,·e11i]c Court l1as IJ(.'(:Jl cor1s1.iltl1.C(l [N.l.,.c:.l). 84-, I)ara. 63 (3)]. ''E\,er)' Jt1\rc11ile CourL sl1all consist or:--

lc:-.s tl1a11 1l1rcl: 111c111l)('rs of Ll1c J)a11el, ,vl10 s)1::i.ll selccl 011e of Il1l:'.ir 11u 1,1ber ll) l)e cl1air1rta 11. (•r (b ; Llic 1)is i ricL ?\ 1 agis l ratc fc,r tl1c- clis Lrict \\'itl1 in ,vl1icl1 tl1e Juve11ile C: �)ttrL is sit11a1e as cl1air1T1a11, sitli11g ,vitl1 not less tl1ai1 L,vo 1ne1nbcrs ol tl1c J),nu·I: I > rc>,·ic.lec.l ti,� 1 ,,·l1t·rc.: s1.1cl1 (:c.1t1rt clc)CS 11l1t i11clt1clc a District 1Iagistratc, tl1e C!c�ttrL .sl ia11 l1avc as i is c I 1a irrr1a11 a l a,vycr a IJ}JOi 11tccl by tl1e Cl1ief JttsLicci ' I �.l,, c:. I), u�1-, J)ar:1. G'.1 ( 4-) l. · ·, · · _ 1-- - Ol•·1 6o 1•11n I 3 Jurisdict101 · Jttr1sJ 1 l sue 1 :-;c .\ ·--- . 11,'c 1 11le Cot1rt sl1all cxerc . . c.lic Lioi t as 1l1c Cl11cf.JtttiLice co11lcrs 011 it i11 rel a t.io11 to t l1c l1 caring of cl1argcs _ • a 0·a111s1 11r ti ll'· cl·,·"·pos, ·1s l o sa,·:, • al tr f o · 1 ot 1cr I · 1al I l es, 111attcrs 1 JU\'c111 a, ccL111g · · r1sc · 1·icJJc�.1 scn·1s· ' ti ncl11 · · t I•�, a�c o(' :sc,,cntcc11 )rears, bttl so 110\vevcr, tl1at s11cl1Jt 1 . . tio it sliall 1 u1t cxccccl tl1a1. or a I)istrict Cotirt [N.L.C.D. 84·, para. 6:3 (l)]. l. 4. Juriscliction-appellate-- 1\ Jt1,. ·c11il c Cot1rl l1as no ap1)ellaLe ri ju s· c 1ct1011 . (a)


1 101

5 I:> 1·oceclt11·e �a 11cl O lli · 1 . J t1st1ce m1:lat1· ve · • . 111a tters--1-,11e Cl I c.:1 . ebb y 1nav , 11e · · · • 111slru1ne11l a))JJI , t 0 J tt\'C111- 1 e Courts all or a11y of tl1e pr0\'1s1on s of any > . c11act111enl or Dec.1 cc I .c1 a l111g to cottrls or cri11li11al JJroccdure. 34.


Tl1e La\vs of Gl1a11a \Vere set otit in ArLiclc 40 of Ll1e RcpLiblica11 c.:nnslilu­ tion 1960. Follo,-ving ll1c coujJ {!'elat o[ 1:-cbruar)' 24·, l 966 tl1c I 96() C!o11s1itt1lion ,vas suspencled. Bt1t tl1e la\vs of Gl1ar1a as set ottt in tl1c sus1)<.:r\c.lccl constiltttion ,vere savecl by tl1c l)rocla1I1a1 io11 of Fcbrt1ar,' 26, l 9GG (,vl1icl1 vcstccl cxcct1tivc and leg1slati,1c I)O\vers of tl1c state i11 Ll1e Natjo,1al I_,il.)cra­ tion Cot111cil), para. 3 (2) of \vl1icl1 proviclecl Ll1at ''a11y c11act111c1tl <)r rLilc of Ja,-v in force i11 Gl1a11a i1n1ncclit'llcly bcf<H·c tl1c L'l·tl1 clay of J ;-cln·uary, 1966, shall conti11ue i11 force''. 11 Statute-a Procla111a1io11 of fel)ruary· 26, 1966, as an1cndccl


N.L.C.D. 1. b Enactmc11Ls 111aclc by or t111cler tl1c attll1oriLy of tl1c l)arlia1ne11t cstab­ lisl1ed by tl1c 1960 Cor1.c;titt1tior1. c Enact1nei1ts other tl1a11 tl1c l �)60 Co11stitutior1 1naclc b)' or u11cler tl1e autl1oriLy· of tl1e Co11Stitt1cnt t\ssc111bly of 1960. {! Enactments i11 force i111111ccliately before tl1c coining into OJ)eration or the 1960 Constiltttiort. e Decrees ancl otJ1er enactme11ts rnade by or t111clcr tl1c at1Ll.1ority of the Natio11al Liberatio11 Cot1t1cil. f Certain enactments of E11gland rcJating Lo 1\clmiralty, iruants, persons of unsouncl In.ind, probate ancl 1natri1no11ial causes a11d statutes of gc11cral appJication conti11t1ecl ir1 force i11 G·l1a11a t1ncler para. 93 (2) of tl1e Courts Decree [N.L.C.D. 8'�](Note that by ciefinition statutes of general application form part of tl1e conm1011 Ia,v of Ghana: see Bl 2, J;ost.)

12 Conunon la,,, and equity-a rl�l1c co1n111011 Ia,-v of Gl1,tr1a is clcfinc<I

in s. 17 of tl1e Interpretation .t\ct 1960 [C.1\. 4-J as follo,-vs: '''.I�I1c common la\.-v, as comprised in the Ja,vs of Gf1a11a, co11sists i11 aclclitio11 to tJ1e rules ge11erally kno,vn as the cornmon la\v, o[ tl1e rules general!,, kno,v11 as tl1c doctrines of cq11ity and of rules of custon1,-1.ry lavv incluclecl i11 tl1c C<J111111011 Ia,,v under any enactment providing for Lhc assi1nilatio11 of st1cl1 rules of c11s tomary la,.,. as arc stti table for ge11cral ap11lica tior1'' [C. t-\. 4-, s. 17 ( l)]. ''v\ibile any of the statu.tes of ge11eral ap1Jlication co11tinuc to a1)pl}' !)y virtue of the Courts 1\ct [C.l\. 9] 2 t}1cy sl1all be treated as if tl1cy forn1ecl part of the comn1on la,v, as defi11ed in s11bscctio11 (I) ... "[C.f\. 4·, s. 17 (3)]. "In deciding U{JOn the e..xistence or cont.e11l of a rule of tl1e co1n111011 la\v as so defined the Co1rrt may l1ave rcgarcl to any ex1)ositio11 of that r11le by a court exercising jurisdiction in a11y cottntry" [C.t\. '�, s. l 7 (4)]. b Li,nits of a/Jplicalion of the co1111non laiv. i 1\ refcrc11ce i 11 an c11act1nen t lo Lhe comrnon Ia,v sl1all be construccl as a reference Lo it as affeclccl by any statute for lhe time being in force [C.1\. 4, s. 17 (5)]. ii A statute rJf general aJ)plication prcv£Li1s over any rt1lc of the common la,v (as clefir1ed ir1 the Inlcrprelation ;\ct [C.1\. 9], s. 17 (l)) otJ1er than an assimilated rt1lc of tl1e customary' la\.V [C.t\. 4, s. 17 (3)]. : For \.vhich now read, Courts Decree. 3:,

Part 1- l-Vcs/. Africa

iii 11 1 tl1c case of i 1 1co11siste 11cy, an assirnilated rt1le of tl1c cuslon1ary

la.v }Jrcvails over an)' otl1cr rule, and a rt1lc of C�LliLy tJrevails over any rltle 0Ll1cr Ll1a11 a11 assin1ilated rt1le [C.1\. •1, s. 17 (2)]. ''Ctlstomary la,v, as 13 Custo.111 ru1d usage-a Custo111a1J' laiu. co1111Jrisccl i11 Ll1e Ia,"'� of Gl1ana, co�1:ist � of. rttles of Ja,v _,vl1icl1 b)� custon1 are ar;plical) le to JJart1ct1lar corn1nt111 1L1cs 111 Gha�1 �, 11ot being rt1!es _included in tI1 e con11no11 lalv t111der a11,' enact111e11t prov1d1ng for the ass1n11lation of sticl1 rules of custo111ar)' la\.v as arc suitable for ger1cral applicatio n" [C.:\. 4·, s. 18 (l)]. b "1\ rclcrcl1ce in a 11 cnactn1e11 t to a customary la\v sl1al1 ]Je construed as a relcrc11ce to it as aOcclecl IJy a11y enactn1e11t for tl1e tin1e being in force" [C.A. 4, s. 18 (2)]. (Su cl1 cnnct1r1<�11 Ls inclttcle tl1osc J:>rovicli11g for tl1e assimila tio11 of rules of custon1 ary la,v as arc sttitablc for gc11eral application.) 14 Religio11s la\vs-Isla111ic la\.v is rccog11izecl to a limited cxrent as afli:.·cti 1 1g Ll1c n 1arri,1gc ancl cli·vorce of, ancl succession to, !\-Iol1an1n1ecla11s; �cc tl1c r,,Iarriagc of i\'1ol1a111meda1is Ordi11a11ce, cap. 129, La,vs of tl1e Gold (�:oas t, 1 95 1 Rr.visio 1 1; a 11cl 1\nclcrson, J. N. D., lsla111ic laiu in 1lfrica, })j). 24·9-2136. 15 In ter11al co11flict rt1les-i .11/JjJI ical ion of co1111non /au,• anc/ cusfon1a1J' lazo. "St1bjcct Lo tl1c })revisions of ar1y c:11acLment otl1er tl1an this sub­ paragrapl1, ir1 clcciclir1g ,vl1etl1er a11 isst1e arising i11 civil proceedings is lo lJe clc termi1 ice! accordi11g LO Ll1 e co1n11 1011 la\\' or ct1sto n1ar)' la,v and, if tl1c issue is to ]Jc clc1.er111i11ecl accorcli11g to ct1sto111ary la,v! in dccicling ,,,Jucl1 systexn of custo111ar)' Ja,.v is applical)lc, 1l1c co11rt :;J1all IJc guicled by tl1e rolIo,-vi11g rtilcs, i11 ,vl1icl1 rclcrcnccs to 1l1e J)erso11a l la \V of a JJerson are reiere11ces to tl1e S)'Ste111 of ct1stomar)' la\v to ,vl1icl1 l1e is st1bjecc or: if he is 1 1ot sl1 0\v11 to be st1bjcct to ct1sto111ary la,\'.· arc rcft?.rc11ces to tl1e co1nrno11 la,v :Rule l. \·\.1 l1t·re t \\'O J)crso11.s l1a\'C tl1c sa111c perso11aJ la'" one of t hen1 can110 l, lJy clca I ing ill a r11�11111cr rcgt1la tccl b)' son1c otl1er Ja,v ,vi d1 l)fOJ)Crl)' i11 ,vl1icl1 tl1c ot\1er l1as a prese11t or expectant interest, alLer or a !Teel l l1a t i 11 tcrc-s L to a11 ext c11t ,vl1icl1 ,voulcl not in tl1c circu1nstanccs be <> 1)e11 to !1i1n t111clcr l1is )JCrso11al la\\'. l?ulti 2. St1IJject to Rt1lc I, \Vl1ere a11 issttc arises out of a transaction tl1c J)arties lo \vl1icl1 l1a, e agreecl, or n1ay fro111 tl1 e forn1 or 11aturc ol tl1e tral1sactio11 be tak.e11 t o l1a\ e agreed: tl1at sucl1 an issue should l)c clct.crrni11cd accorcli11g to ll1c co111111011 la'"'' or atl)' systen1 of custon1ary la,v cflect sl1ot1lcl ]Je give11 to tl1c agrec1ne11t. In tl1is rt1le ''tra11sactio11'' i11clt1cles a 111arriagc a11d a11 agrccnJcn t or arrange111c11t to n1arr)'· Rule 3. Subject to Rt1le I, \vl1ere a11 isst1e arises ot1t of a11y ttnila�cral . dis1Josition a1 1cl it a1 )pears fro 111 tl1e forn1 or 11ature of the disp o5it1on or otl1er,vise tl1at t:ll e pcrso11 cflecti 11g 1.l1e disposition i 11tended t11at st1cl1 an issue sl1oulcl !Je cleter1ni1 1ccl according t o tl1c conunon I�'"' c,r a ny syste111 of custo1nary la,v effect sl1ot1ld be give11 to tl1e intc11u011· 1






i • •


Gliana Rule 4. St1lJject to tl1e foregoi 1 1g rules, \Vl1erc a 1 1 issttc relates to c11 title111ent to la11cl 011 tl1e clcath of tl1e C>\vncr or otl1er,visc relates tc> title to land(a) if all tl1 e l)artics to tl1c })roccecli11gs ,vl10 clai111 I(> IJc c11title<l lo tl1e land or a rigl1t rclati11g tl1crcto trace tl1cir cl:1in1S from 011c {JCrso11 ,vl10 is subject to ct1SL(>111ary la,v, or fro111 01 1e fa111ily or otl1cr grouJJ of }Jcrso11s �td)jccl le> 1J1c sa1 11 c custo111ary la,,t, tl1e isst1e sl1 ot1lcl be clctcr111i11 cd accorcli1 1g t.o tl1at l::1,-v; (b) if the said parties trace tl1cir clai111S fro 1 11 clifl1..·rc111 {JCrscn1s, or families or otl1cr grott}JS of }JCrso 1 1s, ,vl10 arc all sttlJject to tl1 c sa111c ct1ston1ary la,v � t l1c isst1c sl1ot1I cl IJc clc I crmi11cd accorcli11g to tl1at la,v; (c) i11 a11y otl1 er case, t11c itist1e sl1ol1lcl be dcter111inccl accorc.li.11g to tl1e la,v of tl1c JJlacc i 1 1 ,vl1 icl1 ll1c la11cl is sitt1atccl. Rule 5. Subject to Rt1Ics I to 3, ,vl1cre a11 issue rela Les to t11 c clc\ olu� tion of Llte propert)' ( o tl1er tl1a11 la11cl) of a J}Crso 1. 1 0 1 1 l1is clea L 11 it: sltl"lt1ld be clcter1ninccl accordi11g to l1is JJC-rso1 1al ]a""· 1

Rule 6. Subjeci Lo tl1e foregoi1 1g rules, a11 isst1e sl1 ot1ld be clctcr111i11 ccl accordi11g to tl1e co11 111 10 11 la\\· t111Iess tl1c plaintiff is s11bjecl to any sy·ste1n of ct1ston1 ary la,v ancl clai1ns to J1a,,e tl1c isst1c clctcrn1i11 ccl accorcli11g io tl1at S)'Stc111, ,vl1e11 it sl1ot1lcl be so cletern1i11 ccl'' [N.L.C . .I). 84, para. 6·1 ( l) ]. ii .1lpplicalion of Pri;_•ate Int ernational Laio} csto/JjJcl an{/ other rules of the con11non la,v an{/ equi()'. ''Kot,,·itl1 sta11 di1 1g a11)1tl1ing co11 tainccl in tl 1c fore� going provisio11S of tl1is paragra1)l1 , IJtll st1bject to tl1c 1 Jro,1isio11s of a11y otl1er enactment:(a) tl1e rules of tl1c co 111.mon la,v rclatir1g to J)rivate i11 Ler11atic>11al la\v shall appl}· i11 any· proceeclings i11 ,vl1icl1 a11 isst1e co11cer11i11g t.l1c apJJlicatio11 of la,v J)rc,•ailir1g i11 a 11 y cot111try rH 1tsiclc Gl1ana is raised; (b) lhe rules of cslof)lJCI ancl st1cl1 oll1cr of tl1 c rt1lcs g·encrally I.::no,v11 as tJ1e C()nu11011 Ia,v and tl1e rt1lcs of gc11erally l{110,v11 as tl1c cloc­ trines of ec1t1it)· as l1a ,·e l1erctoforc IJcc11 trca Led as ar>IJlical)le i11 Gl1a11a sl1a]l cc,ntint1c lo IJe so trcatccl,' [N.T.... C.D. 84·, JJara. 64· (2)].

qt1estio 1 1 as lo the existence or co 11 tcnt of a rule of ct1sto111ary la,v is a c1ucstio 1 1 of Ia,v for the Cot1rt ancl 11ot a Cf ttcstio.n of facl. (2) If tl1e Cotirt c11tcrtai11s any clott1Jt as to tl1e e:xistc11ce or co11te11t of a rule of customary· ]a\v relc,·ant i11 a11y JJrocccdings after consiclering st1c]1 subn1issions as may be 1nacle by or 0 1 1 bel1alf of tl1e I)arties a11cl co11stLlti11g such reportecl cases, textbooks a 1 1d other s1)t1rces as 1 11ay be a1Jpro1Jriale, the Court shall adjoLlrn the }Jrocceclings to c11ablc an incJtiiry to take 1� 1ace tinder the 11 ext st1b-1)aragrapl1.

iii .1-lscerlai1une11l an(! a/Jp!icatiou vf cuslon1a,:,)' laiv. '' ( 1)


(3) The inc1t1iry sl1all 1Jc l1 cl<l as JJart of tl1c procccdi11gs i 11 st1cl1 1nanner as ll1e Court considers cxpeclient, a 1 1cl t11e JJrovisio11_,:; of tl1c Decree relating lo the alte11da11ce and testimony of \.vitnesscs sl1all aJJlJly for tl1e }Jt1r1Josc of 37

Part J-J11est Africa 1 e (;Ollfl al lllc i11�1uir)', IJtlt s11all apJJly ll to ns 1io i 1 01J of g 11 ri 1clc tl1 e tc, tl1c C.011rL LO Le r1ec.:.-ssary :l<) r Jc::a ap )' r11a as ,ns tic ra ifi 1 ocl 1 11 1 ci 511 stllJject Lo JJrc)\'iclccl il1at 10 are to IJe l 1card at ll 1e inc1uiry ,vl 11s rs<J pc e 1 tl to as 1 io1 cis cle c tli (a) ' n1 1 sliall be 01 1c fur 1l1 c Got1rt� after l1 e�tring st1cl1 s11l)n1is:--i 1 s tl erec1n as r11ay be 111acle IJy or on IJel1alf of tl1e parties; (//) 11,c c:01trl 111ay rcc111e�t ,1 I-Io11sc of Cl1icfs� r>r a l)ivisio11al or , · 'l'raclitit111a] Co1111cil or 01l1er bocl )• pc,sscssing 1-:no\'\'leclge of Lhe c11sto1r1arr la,v i11 c111estior1 to state it::; O)Jirtio11 \vhicl1 11ta1· JJe laid ) 0 11 ' r !'�.l.... c:.D. 84·, pnra. 65 (]) fc,r1 11 ri1te \\ 11 i y qttir 11 lJef 1.H"C th(' i a11<l (�'il,

l)ER [\! .\'l'f(JN



t)F i\lt\IN

l.lltJ\NCllf.S OF TI·IE LEGAL SYS1'E�l

16 (�1"lll'liI1:.:1l la,•; ·--'l'l;c c:ri11u11al Ct1(lc I 960 (..-\ct 29, La,vs of Gl1a11a). l.�ut c,riclcnc1� i11 cri1r1i11al l )roccctlings is accorcli11g to tl1e con1111011 la,v. No ct.tsL0111ary cri1 11 ir1a I J.1,v is aJJp1icablc i11 Gl1a11 a.

17 P 1·ope1·ty a11cl st1ccessio11--a

Pro1)ert)•-i Custo,na,:)' /au.•. By far

LI 11� 1110st in1J)<)r I artl s<.111rcc cif tl1e la,v ,)f })l"Ol )Crly ir>. G]1ana. ii ,S'la/11/e. 'l'l1c 1nosl i1nr,cJrta11L are Rcgistratior 1 of I�a11 d 1-\ct, ;\dnlinis1raiic111 of l�,t11ds i\ct, a11cl slalLttcs relating Lo co 11ccssions, forestl")', 111ines ar1cl n1i11t:ra]s; 11 otc al:,<"> tl1 c Rc- 1 1t .:\cl [.:\cl 220]. iii SLa.lutcs c,f g<�11er::i.l a1)p]ica1.icl11 relati1 1g to ]a11cl i11 force i11 E11glancl ()11 jLIi}' 24, l 874·. iiJ C!o1 11 111on la,v as tlefi11ecl IJ 1· s. 17 of Ll1c I11terpretatio11 1\ct 1960

[C.1\. �l]. ll S11ccessio11--i G'u.sto111a1)' lali'. B)· far tli(' 111.ost i 1 11.1Jorta11t sot1 rce of

t l1 c la vv of Sltcc(·;-;sio11 in Gl1n r,a. ii Slalule. I11 1cstnic- st1 cc.e-;si()rt tu1clcr s. ·l-�� of tl1c }.1farriage Ordi11ancc [ca1). l 2�), I.a,\� of tlic G<Jlc.l C'.1)ast, I�)51 llc,,isio11], I\;Iarriage of rviol1a.1n1r1c'. tlan !; ()r(lir1a11 cc [ca1J. 129, l., a\\'s <)f tl1 c Golcl Coa5t, 1951 llevisio11], 1\clrr1i11islratior1 of l�slates .:\ct 196 I; 1·:str.i te l)t1ly 1\ct I�)65 [.-\ct 271 ]. iii ,(,'/al u/es of g;-111.:ral a/1/1/ iralio11 relali11g " io st1cccssio11. Tl1 e \·Vills 1\ct I 133 7 is tl1e nlosi in11Jorta11 L. iv l�11g]isl1 JJr(>,,isio11s relati11g to })rolJatc as co11ti 1111ccl i11 force t1nder tJara. 93 (�) <)f tl1c Co11rls Decree. ,v c:� 1n111 011 la,v as c.lefi11ecl lJy s. I 7 of 1 l1c I 11Lcrprctatio11 .·\ct 1960

[ (, . .:\. 4-]' . 18 l\1Iar1·ia ge a11d tl1e fatnii)'-i Cus/0111a,J' fall'. B}' far tl1e n1ost 1111 1)or1a 1 1t sot1rce of fa111ily Ia,v i11 Gl1 a 1 1a. � ,S'ta/1�te.' I\,{arriagc Orcli11a11 cc [ca JJ. 12 7, La,vs of tl1 c Gold Coast·, 19.J I R� vis,011]; l'vlarriage of j\,(ol1 arl1n1ccla 1is Orcli1 1a11 c.c (sujJra); 1\rlo1)tion Acl 19?2 r :\ct ll)4·] ; 1'\1fai11ter1a(1cc of Cl1iJdre11 1\ct 1965 [.,;-\ct 297]. _ __ ..

Eiiglisli {Jrov1s1011S rclali11g to 11 1atri11 1oi1ia] cat1ses as co11 tinuccl i11 for:c tinder }Jara. 93 (2) of tl1c C!ot1rls l)ecrce . 1.v Coinn1.on 1a\·V as clefinccl lJy s. 17 of tl1 e I 11ter1Jretati 1 1 .;\ct 1960 o 1 i1

[C..A.. 4].



-------------- -


19 Tort iind co11tract-a Tort-i (,'usto111a1J• lrrLv.

Ct1sto111ary la ,v of tor L l1as seldo1n l)een aIJJJlicll i11 tl1c Slt IJerior cr1t1r ts c,f c:l1a11a. ii St atule-�l-l1e n1ost i1n1Jort a11t 011cs are :--(:ivii Liabili I y .-\ct l !)6:1 [1\ct 176]; wlolor \ 1el1icle ("l'l1ircl l)arly T11sl1rancc) �\ct 195[3 [N<J. -l:2 ()f

1958]. iii Statutes oj. gentral oj1J;{icatio11.

iv 1,he co111n1011 1:::i.,v as clcfi11c<-l I>)' �- 17 <->f I l1c I 11LCl]Jrcta Li,Jrt . \ct 196()

[C.1\. ii].

b Cont1·act-i C'usto,narr •. /a;_r, . ii f,'lalule. Co11tract •\ct 1960 [�\cl 15, J_,a,v::; (if Gl1a11a]. 0Ll1cr i1111Jorta11t 0

sta Lttles dealir1g ,,·i tl1 co11Lr::! cts are: · 1 ·11c S,1lc or ('-;o,icls 1\ct l96� [1\c I l :17] : Bills ofExcl1a11gc .-\ct 1961 [.\ci 55J; l�ills ()f J ..,1cli11g ,'\ct 1961 [,\ct �l�J; ::\Joi1c1,lc11cler:s Orcli11ar1ce [c:J.f). l iG� l,a,rs oftl1c (;t,ltl C:1)ast, 1951 llc,,isio11]; Loa1i.s Recovery Orcli1la11cc [ca1J. l75, La,,·s of tl1<' (;o)cl C!oast:, 1951 ltcvi­ sion]; C!om1Jar1ics Cocle a11cl rcl::itccl r11:-ir1111c11t::; [.:\els 179, I BO]; I11cc>r­ JJoratccl Part11crsl1i1Js :\cl I �ll)2 [,\ct 15� J; l11sul,,c11cy ;\ct l 9(J2 [1\ct 153]. iii Statutes ofgeneral ajJj1lication. ii., 1'l1c con11non la,,·.





Nigeria ,vas a Bri tisl1 clc 1)c11cle11cy tn1clcr Ll1e 11an1e of Colony and

nd­ ed 1 1rc>t(;C!(> rale of );igcria tt[J lo OcLolJer I, 196 0 ,-vl1c11 it acl1iev indcpe c11c·c as a l)o111inic>11 ['J'l1c Nigerian (Constitt11io11) Order i11 Council, l!JGt).' S.l. 1960 .N<). 1652, �11(1 Scl1ecl.].:? 0 11 Octol)cr I, 1�163 it aclopted a 7eel eratio11 co11sis ti11g of tl1e Federal a 1 1e 1 a1 lJcc a cl 1 1 tt i<ltl L L i. s i con ca11 rct)t.1 1) ! i ·1. ·,:rritory or J ., agos, tl1c l�ast cr 1 1, \\'cstern, N or1l1er11 a11d .tviid-\'\'estern l{c.�ior1s. :i 'l'l1e I cgaI a11cl j i.tclicia I S'j'Stc11 1 t)f Nigcria is a con1}Jlic:1t i:cl one. 'I'l1e 1· igcria of:'\ t Cour Jrc111e S11 tl1c rig Li t1 tit co11� c·:011stitt1t io11 co11 lains IJrc>visi<,lts 1 C!ourls of I...�1gos a11cl 1l1 e Regio1is. a11cl 1l1c I ligl1 Before I �)54· Nigcria \Va'.i :1 Ltni tat')' sta tc ,vitl1 tl1e acceI11 on regiona]izatio11. 'J"l1e l )rc-1954· Icgislatio11 l1as generally co11Li11ued i11 force ancl for1ns tl1e lJasis of l !1c la,v of e�i.c h Regio11, e:-:cc1J t i 11 so far a s a111c11cled b·y tl1c cderal or Ilcgio11al l�cgisl,1tt1rcs. I11 orclcr to asccrtai11 tl1c Ja,v of any Regio11, Ll1ercfore, it is necessary to l1avc regarcl Lo: a tl1c I)rc-1954· legislalio11; b J)os t-19 54· Rc,gio11a] lcgisI a tior1 a 111e11cl i 11g 1l1c fore,goi11g; and c ]ccclcral lcgisla I io11 i11 so [:ir as i L a IJIJIies i11 atl)' Regil">ll. I r1 .J a11uar)', 1966, ft)llo,•.-ing a re,,olt i11 1l1c .'\rtll)' a11cl 1.l1c clisa1)I)cara11ce of t.l1c l)ri1nc I\1Ii11is1.er� 111(· C(,u11cil t)f i\[i11istcr.s l1a11dccl O\'Cr tl1e govcr11111e11i of tl1t: <.:OL111i ry Lr> tl1c . \ rn11-cl 1:·<.)rces t111clcr :\ Iajl1r-Ge11era1 Ironsi. Con­ .St'.Cft1er 1 t Jy !'ion1c i 111 ))Ortartl J)l"O\' isi(HlS of Ll1c Co11st i lt1Lio11 ,vcre C'i tl1cr st1srJc11clccl <)r ;11nenclcll I C:tn l!'.ili I lll io11 ( S11 s1 )c11sio11 a11cl 1\.focli fie a tion) I)cc1:ec, No. l 11!' l �)661 . .-\ 111ut1g I l1c S\ISJ)C11clecl scctio11s arc Ll1ose estal)lisl1i11g J) a rl 1a1nen I a rHI t l1c llcgio1ta l I .c·gisla Ill r1�s. Ll1 c O fliers of }lri1nc l\[i11isier, flrerniers, l )rc:-,iclcn t a11cl c;ovcrrH >rs. tli e , Co1111ciI c,r ?v[i11istcrs a11d tl1e



•: L O,,'. i_,.1g 1 o th,·.cond i�inns li1:oug� u

---- ---

a I>ot1t by I l1c· :.\ igcria�I3iaf'ra ,var� it 11as not !>tell po�:,;ibl(' lo bring tlu� con1r1l>1111on con11)lctc·lv up 10 elate. 'l,hc la,vs as stat ecl tn gcueral rc·prl's<"nt tl1 1: p1)si1ion i111nH·c.liat1'lY 1;cfore the secc�sion of lliafra in 19�7 · . It sl10�1lcl be not 1-�l I ha i '·llcgio11s" l1a �-c 11(1,,· l>(·et1 rc )laced by ·' State:5'\ 1 as uidtcat,·d nt ll1c l1cachng-s, that native courts in 1l1c forn1cr Nortl1crn Region l�avi� l)eeri s�111c1:scded l)y ar1·a courts, a11 cl 1l1at I h,� Ia,v as it ,vas i11 Lhc lorn1 cr Eas� crn R g!o11 1� scparal(�ly trcatc_cl t JJJ). 96 �, seq. l�ditorial inscrLio11,; for pur­ ; a_ po s of_cl.1r 1fic aL�o n arc g,·n crn lly 1nd 1ca1ccl lJy [ ]-J�'ditor.] � r chagra_n1 ot l 9G7 cot1rts sys1 <.'111, sec :\pJJenclix, /Josi • i o · a lucicl a cot!11t of the various stages of cl(�vt·lo1)111cn1 t:o\',artls i11de1)cndence, _ � : � � . set , ��u zc (.o,i;fltlr�l1011al _l,aiu qf the l\'ipcrian R 1'/Jublir. 196·1·. Cl1, '.!. � �� ; n:'- ltt1t1nn : ,cc. l h,� Co ol.Ll1c. I·\�clcr�t i1'ln 1\ct, No. :!O of 1963. � _1 ; he, Ilcp : the ulJltc:. i n lron1 Co11s11 t1.1l1on _ _ ''l-;c r. l rc111ov eral" ccl ll 1 c acljecli vc dcscr1pl1on ol _ tl1e Suprc111c: CourL.



The Fecleralion of Nigeria Executi\"C Councils. liecleral la\-vs arc macle i11 tl1c form of decrees \-Vl1ile Regional la"vs are made in tl1c form of eclicts. In July 1966, 110,vevcr, there \-Vas )'Cl another mililary COLI]) cl'etal ,vl1icl1 overthre\V the leadersl1i1J as cstablisl1ecl ir1 .Ja11t1ary, 1966. [Tl1c 11e\v regirne proceeclccl to i11troclt1cc certai11 co11stilt1lional cl1anges, inclt1ding the clivision of Nigeria into L\\'clvc stales (State� Creation l)ccrcc 1967]. Fro1n ll1e J)Oi11t of vic\v of tl1c l;'cclcral Govcr11lTICn t, tl1crc.:forc, Nigeria co11sists of l\VC]\ e states. On the otl1er hancl, tl1e tl1c11 Eastcr11 Rcgio11, \Vl1icl1 for rcaso11s outside the scope of tl1is \vork clicl 11ot rccog11isc tl1e J)o.st-jtdy leaclcrsl1ip i11 Lagos (Federal Nigeria), proclaimec\ itself Ll1e indc1Je11clent Rcpt1blic of Biafra. ,.fl1c merits or other\vise of tl1c Fecleral or Biafra case clo 11ot fall \vitl1in the i1n1ncdiate co11cer11 of 1l1i$ !Jook. ,.l'l1c relcva11L facl l1crc is tl1at vvl1icl1ever vic\vtJoinL is acccplc<l 1l1c st1bject-1nattcr of this contributio11, i.e. the legal a11cl jt1dicial syste1ns of tl1c for1ncr Regions ancl ]:'cclcral Nigeria, l1avc 11ot been aflcctecl i11 any st1bsta11tial \vay. Sucl1 cl1angcs as tl1.cre l1avc bce1.1 look place 1nainly before tl1c ,var. IL is ottr i11tc11tion to reviclv tl1esc changes i11 tJ1c follo\ving pages.] 1



,.l'l1e St1prcme Court is no,v tl1e l1igl1est cot1rt of tl1c la11cl. ,.l,l1c 1963 republican constit1.1tion proh.ibits a1Jpeals ''to a11y otl1er lJocly or pcrso11 fron1 any detcr1ninatio11 of tJ1c Supreme Court" [s. 120).u J\}J}Jcals tl1erc­ fore no longer lie fro111 tl1e latter Lo tl1e Privy Cot111cil. It \vas 110\.vcvcr provided tl1at pe11ding a1)peals \Vere saved l)rovidcd tl1.ey \Vere clisposccl cir \,vithin a ·year, and tl1ercafter tl1ey abated. Pc11cling aJJJ)Cals i11vo]\,i11g cl1ieftaincy questions or tl1e i11tcr1Jrctalion of tl1c C�onstitutio11 abatecl immediately on the con1ing i11to force of tJ1e c:011stitt1tio11 on Octol)cr I,

1963 [s. 158].


1 Establishment-Tl1e SttIJreme Cot1rt is cstablisl1ecl by s. 11 1 or tl1e Constitution of tl1c Federation ;-\ct 1963, re-enacti11g the Nigeria (Constilt1tion) Orclcr i11 Cot1ncil, 2nd Sched., s. 10·:l. Pursuant to tl1is Orcler tl1c Fecleral S11preme Co11rt /\ct, 0 \.Y]1icl1 is stil I in forcc, ,vas c11actecl i11 1960 lo amend a11cl consoliciatc tl1c Ja\V relating to the Su1)rcn1e Court. 1�11e (:ourt exercises juriscliction tl1ro11gl1011t the vvl1ole Federation.

2 Co1nposition-It consists of: a the Chief J1t.Stice of Nigeria, ,-vho is tl1c President or tl1c Cot1rt, a11cl ° For some of the pro!Jlcms crcatecl l)}' the abolition of appeal lo tl1c Privy

Council, sec N\.val)ucze, o/J. cit., J). 28-t. . . Supreme Court Ordinance; sc·� tllc Des1gnatron _ of ll Forr11�riy federal Ordinances ,\ct., No. 57 of 1961, accorcling to ,vhicl1 Ord1na11ccs cnaclccl bclorc Oclol)cr I.. 1960.. \vhicl1 rcn1ain in force as Fcclcral statutes, arc 110\V called 1\cls.



JJarl l--l{ 1esl 11frica

rl [JIDUces of the Suprcinc b cigl1t Justices of tl1c Su1 Jrc111c Colt cli11 g s. 3 (I) of tl1 c Federal C�ourL 1\cl.' No. 4· of I 964·, s. I , a1nc11

Su1)rc11 1cCotrrr1\ct l9GO]. . ol, 1 ree J. uclgcs [l·�ederal -. JJrcn1e tl Stt s 'l'l i c coltrl is cltrly co11stittttc:d if it cor1s1st (!ottrl .:\c t 1960, s. 9]. l1as exclusi,·e jurisclic­ 3 J111·isclictio11--01·.igi11al-'l'l1c St11Jrcn1e C!ottrt -;-eclcrati(>Il ar1cl a Ilegion or bcL\vcen 1 c 1 1l 1 cc1 ) cl\v J e l )t.t clisj tior1 "iri a11y J Jtcgi(>IlS ir a11 cl i 11 s<) far as tl1at clisJJttlc i 11 ,-olves an)' c1t1cstic�r1 (,v 1eLl1er of la,,· or fact.) e.;r1 ,vl1icl1 tl1c existe 11cc or cxte11 t of a legal r1gl1t ch:JJlC11ds" 7 :\c.lclitiu11al c)rigi11al jttrisclictio11 n1a)' 1Jc co1ucrrccl lJy l arlia1)]. ( 11 ·1· Is. . 1l1 c11t. 1 )l'O\·iclccl tl1 at 11 0 st1cl1 j t1risclictio11 sl1al I )Jc confcrrecl in crin1i11al c:a;:;cs I s. I I 4· (2 J] • l 'ro�·isiun 111ay be 111ach.: !Jy :\ct of Parlian1c1 1L :scct1ri11g tl1at clt1ri11g a J)criocl or cn1crg<:11cy tl1 c jL1ristlic1io11 c,f a I-Iig11 C:ot1rl 11nclcr s. 3'.! of tl1c c:ot1rt t o c 111ertai11 a1)J)lica(:ous1illlti (}II (rclaii 11 g Lo 1l1c jJ(>\Vcr of tl1e T Iigl1 1io1ts; f 11r all<> r;ccl \'i1 .1la I ic1ns <)f fL111ch1111 c11tal rigl11s) sl1a] I IJe exercisable l)y 1111.' Su J>J'('lllC C!ottrt [s. 11,� (:3)]. !\ 11 acl,•isor-y jt1riscliciio11 111ay also be c,H1ii:rr<"cl !))' I >arlia111cr1 t [s. 1 I 6] .11 l [' rt sLiiJs1a11tial c1tt<:s t io11 or la,v as to tl1c i11terJ)re tatio11 of tl1c Feeler al ( :onst ill 1 t io 11 CH' a 1lcgio11a I C.:0 11 si ilt1Lio11 ariscs i11 all)' IJroceedi11 gs i11 a11y co11rt i11 Nigcri:1 tl1 c SltjJrcn1e C!ot1rt l1 as a Sj)ecial jt1risclictio11 (:ittlJject to c:i'. rtai11 l'(':i i ric l in11s) to clis}JOS<� <Jf tl1c C[ttcs t io11 011 a ref erc11ce fro111 1l1c co11r1 i11 ,vl1icl1 Ll1c 1Jrocccclir1gs arc bei11 g tnkc11 [s. 115]. In j)t1rs11:1 11c:e t>l' .s. I 07 (2) of tl1c I �)60 C!<J11.Siilt1tio11 :i.1 1 tl1orising Parlia1ner1t to cor1fcr a(.lcli1ic1nal original jt1risdiction 011 tl1e St11Jrc111c C!ot1r1� rl1e latter 110\v l1as exc1 I.I!-. ivc j ltrisclictior1 L<) (leeicle al I qt1cstio11s rel:::i.t:i11g Lo i. l1 c validity of il1c l�rr1ergc11c1· J ()\vcrs :\cL l96 l, inc- Ittcli11 g rcgLtla tio11s, orclers anll act i(H1.s 1r1a<l1� or taken l l1cret111cler [l�111crgc11c}- Po,vers (.Turiscliction) Act 1�)62]. Sin1ilarly tlicC<Ht:-:;titutional Refc-re11clt1111 i\ct 1�162 ,•ests i11 tl1c Cot1rL cxclusivc jt1r isclicl io11 o,•er aII c1t1esiio11:s arisi11g fro111 tl1 e organizatio11, c·o11 cll1ct or rc.:;ttlt t)!" an)' rcfi·rcnclt1111 l1el(l for 1l1c IJt1r1Jose of crcati11g 11e,v stales or altcri 11g tl1c ))ot111clari(:s c.1f cxisti11g t111es. f;'i11�lly ii is J)ro,,iclt'cl 1J1 aL tl1e St11 Jre�11c Cottrl ::;l 1all� st1bjcct Lo 1l1c , 1sl1l111 1_ 0 1, ''l1a,·c a11cl 11 1ay exercise a11y po,vcrs a11 cl ::it1tl1orities ,,·l1icl1 C,01 � ai:c \'C�t1.·d 1 11 c)r ca1Jal->lc <Jf IJci11g excrcisecl b )'· J Ier :-..-rajcst)1 's I{igl1 C:ourl . _ ol J L1st1c� 11 � l·,�1g·l a11cl � s1) far ils I l1c :-;a111e n1.a)' be ajJJJropriatc to 1l1c exercise _ _ _ J11r1scl1ct 1or1'' LI-;- eclcral St11)rc:1ncCot1rt 1\cl, s. 16 (3)] . c)l tl1c sa1cl 4 J11risct iction-- �1JJ}Jell�1te-l'l1c St1tJrc11 1e C<1urt l1 as excl11sivc juris­ . . clict H 1 11 l<) 1 1 1'.'ar a11c\ clclcr11 1i11c aJJjJCals fro111 tl ie J·I ig!1 C!ottrt. of a Lcrritory 9 and I lie Sl1ari 1 (!< t•r <1 1" 1\JJj)Cal of tl1 e Nortl1 cr 11' l{egio11. .-\ccorcli11g to ! t._ ; . 1 s. 1 7 oi tl1c C,or1st1 tt111t111, -------·---··-·.' --·-·--- .·_,.._____ ----·- · - ... · - . .. 'r'Sec a :0 ··�.-G. of l:.'a.slrr11 1\1igcria v. .11.-G. of the Ft·cleraliou S.(:., rc1Jortccl on i !). ;) of i gcrH La,vycrs' Q11artcrl ' (1966), \lol. JJ, Nos. 1 a11c.l 2 . a ii.'::1li �s_s. . 1 I ·l� and l 16 are sus1 ) Jcncled. See t l1 c Cons tii utiPn (Suspension n11 d .,.1 1v 00 1 1ncn.t1011) Decree, No. 1 of 1966 , Isl ,_Scllee , I. II ·r . . err1 · context i· n cludes Lagos. 1 11 tl1e \\'cslt'.rn Iit·gi�n �Ilpcals 1�· e . Ior}' 111 t l11s . 1• , .l from Ll1c- , lo t1lC St1[>1.ciiic C,otu 12 s. Court of 1\JJJ) eal. S 1.:c l"ccleral Consutu l1011, l

The Fede.ration o..f 1\'igeria '' i\11 appeal sl1all lie fro111 clecisio11s of tl1c I-ligli C:011 rl or � I1:rri Inry l<>·tl1e St11)ren1e Cot1rt as of rigl1 1. i11 the {�·1lh)\\'i 11g- r:1ses: (a) fi11a}.lO decisio11s iri. a11y ci\ il JJroce(·(li11gs l)eli.irc tl1c l-ligl i (:1n1rt sitti11g al first instance; 11 ( b) \Vl1cre tl1c grot111cl or a1)})C:.\ I i11,�t)\ VC:­ C[ll�Sti(JJL', of la\V [ii O 11 (', <lecisio 1 1s i11 a11y cri111i11al tJrocecclinp;s l)cforl: th�� l Ii - g- 11 ( :1 ll 1 r I sitti11g , � ac ftrsl instance: (c) clccisio11s i,1 a11y civil or cri1ni 11al 1)roc('ccli 11g-:- or, <p1est icln.'i as 10 tl1c intcrpretaticn C>f' tl1is Constitt1Li<Hl l)r 1!1t� (;c>11s1i1111ion of a Rcgio11; (cl) dccisio11S i11 a11y c-i,,il or cri1 11i,1al JJrcicccclings ()n r1uc:>ti1J ns as to \vl1ctJ1cr ail)' <)f tl1c provisions of ('.l1a1)ter III of I his C:cJrts1itl1tio11 J-1as bcc11 co11tra.vc11ccl in rclatio11 lo ar1y J )Cr.-;011; (e) clecisio11,; in. a11y cri111i11al J)roceccli11�s i11 ,vl1icl1 a11y J)Crsu1t ltas bec11 se11lc11ced lO clcall1 l)y tl1c I -Iig!1 Cottrt or i 11 ,vl1icl1 th� fiigl1 C<)lll"l J1as an1rn1ccl a SClllCilCC (lr clcatl1 inlt)OSCcl l)y S()nlc other cot1rl; a11cl (f) sttcl1 otl1cr C;:tscs a� 111av, be prescribed l)y ,u1y la\.v i11 !"(.>rec i11 tl1e tcrri i 'Jrv .': T tl pt1rsL1ancc of {Jara. ( f) abo,:� L.11e v\1ester11 LegislatL1rc l1acl c:11aclc:<I that civil a1)pcals sl1all lie as of rigl1t to tl1e SuJ)re111c Cot1rt fro1n tl1c appellate jt1ris<lic1ion of tl1c 1-1 igl1 Court in rc5pcct of Regional 111a tters [i\Jagistratcs' Cottrcs La\v (v\i.R.), ca11. /lJ., s. 73]. 1 � Sin1ilarl)', i11 tl1 c Region, dcc.l.$io11s of tl1e Higl1 Col1rt i11 resJ)CCt of l"lcgio11al 1nalters co1 11 i 11 g on appeal fron1. tl1e lo\ver cotirts arc aJJIJcalalJlc as of rigl1t Lo tl1c S t1pre1nc. Court [r-.'Iagistrates� Cottrts La,-v (\·\i.R.), CilJ). 74, s. 69]. ,:i There is also a rigl1t of ap1Jcal to Ll1c St1pren1c Court fro1n dccisio11s of tl1c i\;feclical Di:,ciplir1a11 Comn1ittcc and tl1c Legal Practitior1ers Disci JJli11ary 'J'rilJt1nal [ 1\-'.fedi cal and Den Lal I>racti tioncrs :.\c L 1963 i s. 13 (5) ; Legal llracti l ic intrs 1\ct 1962, s. 7 (6) J. 1·1 Section 119 of tl1c C:ort-;titution JJro,,ides tl1at: ''1\11 appeal sl1all lie fro1n clecisions or t!1c Sl1aria Col1rt: of 1\J)l)eal to tl11; S1.tpren1c Cot1rt as of right in tl1c follo,vi11g cases1


· -----·-----· ·-· ··· ----·· ---------· ---- 10 1\s to '"'·hat a,rlounts 10 final clcc:ision. sec .-!fiaeia/Je ,·. 5,!torlij1c ( 1957), 2 Jc.S.C.

62. 11 The pI1rasc "sitting at firsl instancen shaH be orr1i1tccl iu tl1c case uf \Vcstcrn Nigeria as the- Courc or ,\ppeal has no original jllri�dicti(in. See Fcd1.·ral Constitulion, s. 127. 12 /\Jl rcfc::·cnccs to Li1c I ·Iigl1 Courl jn tl1is conlcxl shall be d<'<'rn1'cl rc·fcren(.1's lo the Court of� \j)pcal in the \ \-"<:-, lcrrt P-.cgion. . . ia Sccti(,n 117 (3) 1if the C0nstilutio1l is 11<>\.V SUSJ)<:ndcd. 1 t })rov1des for :1 r1,gltt of appeal from the I ·Iigh Courl on decisions as to ,vl1cthc:r a 1ncn1bt::r or pdrhan1c·n_1 _ l of I 9Gh, or a legislature has ber.n validly SC'lc··ctcd or cl,·c.:tcd: sec Dc-crcr No. Ist ,Scheel. 1·1 See also .1Ilakija v. The lt-feclical DisciJ1li1un:y c·o,n1J1ittee ( 1959): 4· 1�·.s.c:. 38; 1lhuah v. Legal l'ractitioners C'ounnitlee ( J 96'J), 1 1\ll N.L. lt. 2 79. Section 118, authorising J)arlia1ncnr Lo confer j11riscliction tipon the Supre111,.: Court to htar an<l detern·,inc "Lppcals from any dec:i$i<>n of any court of Ia,v or tribunal establisl1ed by it, }1a<: l)r�cn suspcnch;d: Decree i"'io. I of l 9GG, Ist Scl1cd.

Part I-West Africa ation of tl1is Constitu­ (a) decisions on questio11s as to tl1e i11tcrpret tion or tl1e cons Litt1tion of a Rcgio11; tl1e provisions of of )' a11 1er etl ,vl1 Lo as ns Lio t1es c 1 01 11s isio dcc ( b) 1 CliaiJter III of this Constitt1tion l1as IJce11 contra,,cned in rclalio11 to any J)Crson; and (c) sttch otlier cases as 1nay lJe prescrilJed 1Jy any la\v i11 force i11 Nortl1 crn Nigeria.'' 15 rt or tl1e Supreme Cottrl ]ie in 1\pJJcals lJ y Ica,,c of tl1 e I-Iig l1 Cou tl1c follo,ving cases: "(a) ,vlierc tl1 c grottnd of a1Jpcal i11volves que_s�ons. of fact, _in �xecl Ia,v a11cl fact or CJtta11tt1m of sentence, dec1S1011s 1n any cr11n111al JJrocccclir1gs bcfore tl1e I-Iigh Court sitting at first ins�a11ce; (b) .111y case i11 wl1icl1, lJul for tl1 c ter1ns of the tJro,,1so to sub:.;c:ctio11 (2) ; (c) clecisio11s i11 any ci,,jl or criminal proceedi11gs in wlucl1 a11 a1)1)eal l1as l)ee11 brougl1t lo the r..:Iigl1 Court from sorne otl1er CO\.lrt; (d) st1cl1 c1tl1er cases as 1nay be prescribed by any la,-v in force in tl1c terri Lory'' [1,11c Co11Sti tt1ti011, s. l 7 7 ( ��)]. 1\J)J )c- als fron1 e:i; jJarte orclers, orclers as to cosls, consent orders, ancl orclers of clccrce al)solute \Vl1erc the a1)plica11t l1as tin1e a11d opportt1nit)' to apJ)cal fron1 a decree 11isi bt1t l1 as failed to do so, lie 0111 )' by lea,·e of tl1e I-I igl1 CoL1rt or tl1c SL1pren1e Cot1rt ['l�l1c Co11s l itt1 I ion, s. 11 7 (2) proviso, a11cl s. 117 (4·) (b)]. i\11 aJJpeal lies fro111 tl1 e clccision of tl1c Sl1aria Court of 1\J)peal or ilic Court of Rcsolt1tio11 to tl1e St11Jre1ne Court ,vitl1 lea,•e of tl1e Sttpremc C!ot1rl i11 st1cl1 cases as n1ay l1e JJrescribed l)y a11y Ia,v i11 force in Northern Nigeria [s. 119 (2)]. On tl1e l1carir1g of an a1JJJcal i11 a cri1ni11al case fro1n a High Court sit 1i11g i11 its aPIJC) la le jurisclict.ion, tl1c Stl{Jrc111e Court 1na y exercise a11y JJO\Vcr ll1at cottlcl ]1 a\rc lJce11 cxcrcisecl by tl1e I-Iigl1 Courl or n1ay orcler 1l1e case l() be rclriccl b )' a cot1rt of con11Jcte11t jt1risdictio11 [Federal Stt}Jre1nc c:otirt ;\ct, s. 30]. I11 ci,•il a1Jpeals tl1c cotirt l1 as po,ver to make a11y orcler 11cccssary for cletcrrnini11g tl1c real c1uesti(Jn i 11 co11lroversy i11 the aJJIJeal. 1\n1ong 01l1cr tl1i11gs, ii 1nay a111e11cl a11y clcfect or error in tl1c rccorcl of a1JJJcal a11cl 111ay clirccl tl1c cot1 rt bclo,v Lo i11quire i11to and rectify its findi11gs 011 any c.1t1cstior1 ,vl1icl1 tl1c St11Jrc111c C!ot1rt tl1i11ks fit to detern1ine before fi11al jt1clg1ne111. l t l1as ftil l jt1riscliction o,rer tl1e \vl1olc proceeclii1gs as if 1l1 e rst !Jroceccli11gs l1acl bcc11 i11stit11tccl in t.l1c Supre1ne Cot1rt as a court of fi 1nsta11cc, ::1ncl 1na)' rcl1car tl1e case i11 ,vl1olc or i11 JJart or 111ay re1nit it to tl �e c�t1rt l Jclo,v for tl 1c JJUJ"JJOse of s11cl1 l1eari11g or 1na)r give st1cl1 otl1er cl1rect1011s as to tl1c 111an11cr i11 ,vJ1icl1 tl1c cottrt belo,v sl1all cleal ,vitl1 tl1e ca�e in acco1:cla�1cc ,villi its po\vcrs or i 11 tl1e case of a11 ap1Jeal fro111 the I-I1gl1 Courl 111 its aJJfJC}latc jt1riscliction order tl1.e case to be rc)1eard by a courl of co1111Jetcn t jurisclictio11 [Feclcral Sttpreme Cot1rt ,:\ct, s. 22]. relating �ut no. rigl1t of a�1Jcal �an . b � 1�rcscril)cd ,,•itl1 rcgarcl to a decision to the qt1eslton of confl1ct of .1ur1schc11on bet\.vccn tltc Sl1aria Co11rt of 1\t)IJ�al and Lhc Cot1rt of l{csolt1lion: s. I 19 ( 1), Proviso. 15


Tlze Fe{!eration of 1Vigeria '\,Vhere appeals, \vitl1 or \Vitl1out lca·ve, from clecisions of tl1c I·Iigl1 Cot1rt of a Rcgio11 give11 in tl1e exercise of its appellate jt1risclictio11 in rc�q)ect of Regional mattcrs16 are prescribccl by a la\v of a Region, t]1e Stt{)ren1c Court mt1st, except in so far as otl1er provisio11 is 1nncle IJ)' a11y la,v c11actccl by, or having effect as if enactecl by, tl1c lcgislatt1rc of tl1c Fcclcratio11, I,ave tl1e like jtirisdiction to l1car ancl cletcr111i11c a1JtJeals fro1n clccisic)r1s of tl1at I-Iigh Cot1rt given i11 the exercise of its a1Jpcllalc jt1risclictio11 i11 rcs1Jcct of matters includecl ir\ tl1e Exel tisi,!c or Co11ct1rre11 l Lcgislati,,e List [J•'. S.C. Act, s. 15 (l)]. 17 5 Trw1sfer-rfl1c cxcltisivc jtiriscliction of tl1c St1JJrc111c Cot1rt is sttlJject to a po,ver of tra1isfcr t111dcr tl1c F.S.C:. 1\ct. Scctio11 1 9 (2) IJroviclcs tl1at tl1e SttJ>re1nc Cot1rt may orclcr any· cat1sc or 111atter ,vl1icl1 is fJcforc it to be transferred to a I-Iigl1 Cot1rt or magistra Le's coL1rl l1aving jL1risclictio11 in tl1e })lace ,vherc tl1c cause of actio11 arose a11cl Ll1c J)O\Vcr to gra11t tl1c relief sougl1t, for heari11g ancl dctcr1ni11::i.tio11 or lo be otl1cr,,1isc dis1Josecl of. L1\ \\! TO llE .·\D�lINISTERED

8 General law-St1bjcct to tl1c cx1Jrcss JJro\•isicH1.s of any c11acl111c111, tl1c St1pren1e Court in tl1e exercise of its original jt1risclicLio11 acl111i11istcrs conctirrcntly la,v and eqt1it)' ancl i11 tl1e sa1nc m.a.1111cr ,1s tile)' arc acl111inis­ tered by I-Icr �Iajesty's Higl1 Court of Justicc i11 E11gla11d [l;-.S.C. 1\c1., s. 16 (a)]. In tl1c eve11 L of co11fl ict, subjcct to ex1Jress }Jrovisio11s of a11y enact1nc11t, tl1e rttles of ec1t1ity pre,,ail [F.S.C. ;\ct, s. 1 6 (c)]. 9 Customary laws-"1�11e St1pre111c Cottrt sl1al] C)lJserve a11cl c11forcc the observance of nati,·e la,v a11d custo1n to tl1c same cxtc11t as st1ch la\V ancl custom is observecl a11d e11forced i11 t11e I-Iigl1 C!ourt c>f Lagos'' [F.S.C. i\ct, s. 1 6 (e)J.

FEDERAL TERRITORY OF LAGOS (now LAGOS S1""ATE) La\\'S for the l7ederal 1�crritory arc 111aclc by tl1c central lcgislatt1rc. .:-\llhottgh not a Region, Lagos, tl1c capital of tl1c Rept1IJlic, is clcfi11ecl as a ''terriLory'' (\Vhicl1 expression i11 many cases i11cltides a Region) b)' tl1c . Constitt1tion, ancl many statutory provisions ap1Jly eqt1ally to tl1e Reg1011s and the Federal Territory.. The cot1rts of the Territory co11sist of a I-ligl1 C!ot1rt a11cl a 111agistralc's court. It has not and I1as never had native or Cttstornary cotirts. A2




1 Establishment-rfl1e I-Iigl1 Cottrl \Vas estalJlisl1ed by s. 122 of Ll1e

Constit ution, re�enacting s. I 15 of the Nigeria (Constittition) Orcler


--------------- -----------------18 17

I.e. matters not inclt1dcd in tl1c Legislative Lists. This 1Jrovision does nol ap1)ly Lo Lagos, s. 15 (2).


Part I- T-11est 1lfrica (!otn1ciJ, a11cl tlic Lagos I-Iigl1 Cottrl ,\ct [N<J. _ 25 c,f 1955, T.:a,vs of tl1c ]:'eclcration c,f Nigeria a1 1d Lag<JS ( 1958), caJJ. 80] as an1enclecl. 1"

2 <.-:omposition-1 t cor1s ists c1f a Chief J t1 sticc and eig]1 t other judges. N'o,v 1li cy arc aJJJJC>i1 1tccl by tl1c Stq1rcmc l\-lilita1; ' Counci� �Decree No. 8, 1967. s. 11 a11cl 21H::l Scl1 ecl.]. T11 tl1e earl)' J)Cr1ocls of 1n1l1tary rL1lc they , ,-ere ;:qJJJoi11tccl l)y tl1c Cot111cil aftc.-r co11su] tatio11 ,vi tl1 tl1c 1\llvisory .J t1clicial c:011 11 11it1c-c [Decree No. l, 1966, 2 11 cl Scl1cd. ].

3 Ju1·istlictio11-01·igi11al-Scctio11 9 elf tl1c Higl1 Couri of J..a.gc,;; :\ct r>roviclcs 1 J1at tl1c cot1rt l1 as I l 1e jt1ri•;clir.ticJn of tl1c I·ligl1 C:ourt of Jt1 stice, i11 r·:111.;la11cl. I1 1 1)artict1lar, it l1as t11 1li1 11itecl cri1ni11 al a11cl ci,ril jt1risdictio11 [ fJ. - (:. L,. ,\ct� .s. I 1]. I1 1 aclcl itio11 it l1 as cxc l L1s ivc j t.iriscliction to issue tl1c orclt:r.s of 1 11 a11da1nt1s� r>rol1ilJit io1 1 �t11 cl i11jt 111c 1ir>11 again'5l a Fcclcral officer l [J,( - � :.J,. ;\Ci� SS. l�) a11cl 20], a11 cl 10 ] 1car ancl clctcrn1i1 1e a CalISC Or matter �1 nt'cting co11sular c1!Ticcrs ancl ol lier rc1)rcsc11 L1Li\-cs of cou11lries or of ir1 i.vr1 1:1 I ic>11al r>rg.1niza1 io 11s cstablisl1ccl OLtlsiclc .:'Jigcria [I-I.C.L. "\ci, s. 23]. l.'i1 1nlly i t l 1as .iuris,.lictior1 u11clcr any T·'cclcral c11a,;L1 11c11t. 4 ..Tl1risdictio11- - ,l!lllellate-.'\l JIJ('.als lie JS of rigl1t to tl1e I-Iigl1 (\1 ur1 rrCJr11 clccisirH1.s , ;;1 st1lJorcli1 1::1 Lc cot1rl 1 r, i 11 Ll1c fi)llo\vi11g cases: a ,vl1 crc tl1c n1 �1 tier i11 clisJJt!tC is of tl1 c ,0aluc of fifty JJOt111ds or 111orc or ,vl1crc tl1e a1JJJcal i11 vol,1es a clai1n to 1Jropert)r or a rigl1L of tl1c ,,a)t1c of fifty 1)ot111(ls or n1 ore; b ,vl1crc tl1e gro1.111ll o[ aJJpcal i11volves qt1csLio1 1 s of lalV alone, clecisions i1 1 a11 y crin1 i11al IJroccccli1 1gs i11 \vl1 icl1 a11y JJerso11 l1as bce11 sc11 tencecl l1.} in 11Jrisr;n111 e11t for 1 11orc tl1a1 1 tl1rcc n1011tl1s, or corporal pu11isl1M nicnt cxcec1.ling six strokes 1.)r a fi11e or forfcitt1re excc e cl.i1 1g l\\'e11t)'­ fiv1.: J)ou11cl.:; ITy �t Sltl)orcli11ate cot 1r1: c llccisio11:; iu 211y civil or cri111i11al "'}Jrocec-cli1 1gs 01 1 c1t1es1-ions as LO the ir1terr">r(: L:1li1)11 c>f t l1e 1-'cclera1 (.\.) 11s Ii tLI I io11 or tl1c C1.1�1 -; Li ttI tio 1 1 or a Tlegio11 ; ,/ 1..lcc:isions in a II y civil or cri111i11al 11rocce(li11gs t)Jl qtH:':i iio11s as to ,vl1el J lf'r l lie l )l'1)\'i:-.i<.)11 S c)f Cit�'!.J)ter l l f or ll1 c c:011s. t illl tio11 of I Ire l icclcr�ttiu11 (cle:.1 Ii tlµ; \vi1 11 11.111 cl:i111e11laI rigl1ls) l1a,,e l),�cn ,,iolatccl; 1: clccisi(Hts i,1 a11 y cri1rti1 1al 11roccccli1 1gs i 11 ,vl1icl1 a11 )r JJCrson l1as l)ec11 sc11tcncc(l ll) clcatl1 lJy a st1borcli11 atc co t1rl or in ,vl1icl1 tl1at cot1rl l1as a fl1r111 e(I a 8C111er1cc of cleatl1; ;· 1.Icc isi 1 J11 s ir1 a1 I)' o Ll1er cri111 111 al procci..;c.li11<)-s IJefore a !St1borcli11ate � . . court s 11t1 r1g al fir.sl i11st�111cc li·o111 ,vl1icl1 110 a )1)eal lies as of rigl1 L 1 L <.> a r1otl1cr st\ bor<.li11atc C"Oll rl :


.� s 1cl1 otl1er cases as 111a)' l)c })rcscrilJccl b)· tJi1rlia111c11 t [tl 1c Co1istilt1 : t1(n1, s. 125 (l)l. !\l )}Jcals lie to tl1c l-Iigl1 (�ot1rl ,vitl 1 Ll1e lea,re of tl1c l::tller fro111 clccisions , ol a SL1lJor(linalc court i11 Ll1e follo,vi11g cases: . 18 E· .g. I·Iigl1 <:Jour;·;)f.Lago '> -(A;.1cn�lrn.1��1 t)A1;1 1960. -No . -11 �)f 1960-::--Adapta­ . on [ ,a\vs ( 1· eclcra I l •rovisions) 0 rd1.�r l 9GO - ;:, ' Court til" L.N. No. l 55 '· J Ii••li �a o (,\n 1' 1cl � ! 1nC'nl) ,\c� 1961, N•). 10 of 1961.' & St : 1bo1 dn1atc courts u1cltttle n1agistraLcs' courls.




Tl1e Felleralion of 1\rigeria

a clccisions i11 a11y cri1 11i11al J)roccecli11gs frol11 ,vl1ic11 110 aJ) l)Ca1 Iies as

of rigl1t lo tl1e IIigl1 Court; h s1.1ch otl1er cases i 11,vl1icl1110 a1)I)C,1l lies as of ri,gl1L to tl1e J-Ii�)1 (:!,,itrl as n1ay be 1 )rescril1c(l l)y Parlia 1 11er11. [s. 152 (2)]. CONTROL OF COUR'f

6 Appeal-1\p1Jcals 1 ic LO tl1<.� St11>rClllt� c( ll lrl IIi- gl1 C:otirt. 1


cl<·cisir111s ()[ I 111·

L,\\V TO Bl� ,\Dl\TINIS"fEREI)

8 General la,v-Tl1e I-Iigl1 C�o11rt a(l111i11isters tlie follL1,ving la ,vs: a ''1'11c comn1011 la,v of E11glar1cl a11cl 1l1i:.- clc)ctri11cs of eqt;ity, L<>getl1cr ,,;itl1 tl1e stat11tes of gc11cro.t a1)1)lica1il>r1 tl1at ,vcre i11 [i,rce i.11 Engla11d 011 tl1c 1st day <.1f .J a1111ary, 1 �)60." 2 b In1r)crial legislatio11 anc.l Orclers i11 C:01111cil:1 a1111l )·i11g 11) .\iigcria a1 1<l clcali1 1g \Vitl1 111attcrs i11 ll1e legislative lists. c Feclcr::i.l c11actr11e1 1Ls or tl1osc clcc1nccl lo l)c so, cleating \Vi I h. 111�ti i ,:r:­ i11 tJ1c legisb.1ti\-c lists. d Feclcral enacln1cnts a1)pl )·i11g to tl1c l�eclcral rl'crrit<1ry o[ I,ag<,:-:.

9 Ct1sto1nary l:c.1,v-SecLio� 27 of tl1c I-Iigl 1 C:<.)ttrt of J..,ag·os i\ct J)roviclc:; tl1at the l-Iigl1 Co11rt shall observe ancl c11fc)rcc tl1c obscr\1a11.cc c:,f c\·e1·y native la,v ancl ctist<J!1l \Yl1icl1 is applicalJlc a11cl is TlC}t rc1J11g11anl to natt1ra l j11s1icc, eq11ity and go,)cl co11scie 1 1ce� 11or inco1111 JatilJlc citl1cr clirectly ()r l)'f in1plicatio11 \Vitl1 any la,v for tl1c ti111c bci11g i11 force. It fltrLl1cr l)l'fJ\'icl 1·-.; tl1at ai1·y st1cl1 nati,:e la\v or c11sto111 sl1all lJe dec111ccl a1JtJl.icalJlc ir1 c,t11sc:; and 1 nalters ,vl1ere tl1c parties tl1crcto arc 11ativcs a11cl also i 1 1 cat1se::; :111cl n1atters bet\\'een nati,•es a 1 1d no11-11atives ,vl1erc it rn.ay arJJJear to Ll1e cot1rt that s11bstanlial i 11j11:;tice \\"Ottlct lJe clone Lo ei tl1er 1 Jart y IJy a strict acll1erc11<·c to an)"- r11les of la\v \vl1icl1 \\"Otlld otl1er,visc be applical)]c. Finall)' a I)erso11 sl1all 11ot take tl1c bc11efiL of a11y 11ati,,c la,v ::t11cl ct1sto111 if l1e l1as express}�· co11 tractccl tl1at oll1er la,v sl1all gover11 tl1c relc-vattl transactio11 or if by i]1c natt1rc of tl1c tra 11sacti<J11 il is clc,1r tl1at 0Ll1.cr la.\\' is contcmplatecl. Sin1ilarl)' if tl1c tra11saclio11 is s11cl1 as is tn1l-:110,v11 1 '' native la,v ancl ctistorn.


1 Establis11n1.ent-f\part frorn tl1c l-Iigl1 c:011rl ,vl1icl1 ,vas cstablisl1ecl

l)y t11e ConstiltLtion, a 1nagistra te's cot1rl l1as bcc11 establisl1cd for Lagos 1))' the i\:[agistratc's Cot1rt (Lagos) J\ct 1955 [caj). 113].

----·· . ..



,s· ce l-1. C.f..,.•.£\ct, :;. 50 an(l p. -1,2, aulc. . . ll:� neous Sees. ·�5 (I) of tl1 c J nterprct.ation :\ct I 939, 110\V en11Llt·�(l l,a,v (1"I11scc P1:ovisio ns) i\.ct. I t is also proviclc(l tl1a� '.'in civil 1nall1·r� con1n1c1_ cecl � n . 1l1� J-l 1gl1 Court la,v anc l cqt1ity s}1all l)e .:icl1n1n1strrc(l c,n1ct1rr1·11tly a11cl 1n . tl1c_ s,ttr! c inanncr as 1I icy are acl111i i1istercel I ,y I-Ier l\,laj i·s t y's_ J-Iigl1 C� ou r I of J tis11 cc . 11: Englar1d"; l·f. C. J..,. 1\cr. s. 13. In I r1e cvc,1t <>f confl 1c t l.)et ,vrc-11 Lt,,, _a1 tc� cq 1111 Y tl1c latter prrvails: ibi<f. s. I 5. Sec., generally, J >ark., 17,e .S'ourccs of 1\71ger1a11 .Lau,, •' 1963. 1 2



See N,...·al)ucze, ojJ. cit., Cf1. 2.


' .

Part I-l Vest Africa 1

2 Coinposition-!v[agi::; Lratcs 1nay be appoi� ted to the court in Ll1e . . follo"ving gracles: (:}1icf l\;lagislratc, Se111or �1ag1strate and magIStrat:s of . grades I. II ancl III [I\'1agistratc's Cour t (Lagos) f\ct, s. 4 and Jud1c1 al, etc., Oflices a11cl J\IJIJeals l)y Prosecutors 1\ct 1963, s. 2]. 3 Jurisdictioi1-origil1al-Ever}' 1nagistrate has jurisdicLion tl1roug l10tlt Lagos [.1',fagistrate's Cottrt (IJ agos) 1-\ct . s. 5]. '"�he civil and cri 111inal ; jt 1riscliction of t l1e 111.agistrates varies acco� ·d1ng to tl1e1r g raclc�. . . . . 1 1,I1us i11 ci\ril cat1ses or 1 11atlc rs a Chief r. Iag1strate l1as JUfL'id1ct1011 1n tlie follo,ving cases [ rvlagistra te's C!oL1r t (Lagos) 1\ct, ss. 14-20, a11cl J t1dicial, etc., Offices ,tncl 1\JJ[Jcals !Jy l'>r osccL1tors 1\ct I 963, s. 2]: a in. all pcrso 11al st1i ts arising froin tort or co11tract or l)otl1 ,vl1erc the valtic or tl1e st1it clocs no t exceed £500; b i11 �ti! st1its IJCt\vcc11 la11cllorcl and tena11t for possessio11 \,,J1crc tl1c a 1 111uc:d valttc or rc1 1 1 cloes 110L cxceccl £500; c i 11 all acti<)1ts for t l1c recovery of aJl)' 1Je11alty, rates, expenses, co11 tri bttti()11 or other Iik.e cle 1na11cl ,vl1ic l1 is rcco,,era ble by ,,irtue or any enact1ncnt if i it is 11ot expressly proviclecl lJy 1l1c relevant enactme11L tl1at tl1e cle111ancl sl1al l be rccovera ble i11 s0111c otl1er cot1rl:' ii Ll1c a111ot111t c l ai1ncc l does not exceccl £500; ti to a1JJ)Oi 11t guarclia11s at{ lile111 and to 111 akc orders relati11g tl1creio; c to grant irijtn1clions or orclers to sta·y ,vaste or alienation or for tl1e clctenlio11 or r)rcscr vatio11 of a11)' property sulJject to a suit before tl1e cot1rt or trJ restrain brcacl1cs of Loris or co11tracLs.

Se11ior .rvlagisiratcs, 11 1agistratcs grades I, II, ancl III l1ave sin1i lar .i t1risclictio11 as abo,·c, c-xcctJt t l 1at t l1eir fi 1 1a11cial l i1nitations arc £300 in rc�lati,)11 to a Sc 1 1ior !vlagistratc; £2 00 i11 relaLio11 to a 1nagistraLe gracle I; £1 00 in relation to ;t 1r1agis1rate graclc II: ancl £25 i 11 relatio11 to a m agis1 ra tc graclc III. n 1 agistrat<:s l1a,,c 110 jt1risclictio11 i11 ail)' cause or 111atter ,vl1icl1 rfhe • • ratses arty 1sst1c as Lo tl1c ti ti c Io l:11 1<.l or ::i 11y o tl1 cr i11tcrcst tl1ereto or any isst1c as In tl1c ,,al icli 1)' of a 11y c l e\1is(·, lJec1ttest or I i111.itatio11 t111c l er a11y ,viii or sct1lc::_n1�11t l.�vlagis1r�11e's Cot1rt (I...agos) 1\ct, s. 14· (2) ancl (3)]. In cr1111111a) cat1scs 111agis Lra Les l1a,,c j tlriscliction to conduci: 1)reli1ni11ar)' in vc� 1igatio11 i11 Lo i11 clict a lJlc offc11ces [!vI. C. (L.) :-\cl, s. 16]. Agai11 all �11a?1str,tlcs, c?'cc1Jt 1l1osc of graclc Ill, 111ay, i11 certai11 circt 1mstances try 1 ncl1 ctal)le of1c11ces 0L l1c r tl1a11 capital o11es, sun1.n1ari l )r [M. C. (L.) .�\ct, s. l !j (2)]. l;,inally tl1ey l1a,1c jt1risdictio11 to l1ear ancl clctcr1ni11e st1n11 11ary olfc11ces, al1c.l Ll1eir JJO\vers of }Jt111isl1n1e11t are li111itccl as follo\VS [wf.C.(L.) 1\ct, s. 15 (3) a11cl (4·)] : Cl1icf Iviagistratc £500 fine or 5 years' im1 )riso11n1ent; Senior Ivfagistratc £300 fine or 3 years' in1prisonn1c1 1t; i\tlagistrate gracle I £200 fi11e or 2 ·years' i1111Jrisonn1c11L; tviagist rate gracl e I I £100 fi11e or 1 year's imprisonn1ent; Iviagistrate grade III - £25 fine or 3 mo11tl1s 1 in1prisoJ'1111ent.



The Fetleratio,i u or 1.Vi"eria ,':, civil jt1risclictio11 of a 111agistratc 111ay l)c cxlc11clccl 011 lll c rcc0111_ Cl1icf J tist ice. 011 tl1c sainc rccoin 111cr1cl a ti(Hl a niagis l ra I e 1ncncla tio11 of tl1e 1nay be autl1orisecl to i1111 )c.>.se I1eavicr }Jt1nisl11nc11t as gt iJJlLla lccl· al)ovc [tvf.C.(L.) 1\ct, s. 17]. ,t Jurisdiction-ap1lellate--rf'l1c 111agi�tratci; l1avc r1c) a IJJJellate jtiris­ 'fl1e



6 Appeal-1.\pJ)cals fro111 tl le c.l<:cisio11s or llic 111agi�1 r::1Lc'� C'c>11r1 lie 1 (> ( L.) :\ct' ss. 54·-l)0 a11<. l ; \� j)ar,l. 4·, (Illft· ]. J�u I tl1 e I-Iigl1 C _o11rt. [�r.c:. _ _ appeals aga111st co11v1ct1011 clo 11ot lie tc) 1l1c I-1.iglt c:()11rt i 11 the foll1:;\vir1g cases: a \vl1cre a11 offe11cc is }Jt111isl1able by [111c cn1l )' a11rl tl1c fi11c i1111)osecl does 11ot exceccl £5; b \Vl1erc a11 orclcr relates Lo a11 a111ot111t' or t1 1i11g of tl1c valt1c not cxccecling £5 [.\[.C.(L.) ;\ct, s. 54]. ' T'l1crc is al,vays .:t rigl1t c,[ appeal agai11sc scr1l.c11ce sa,r e ,vl1crc tl1c scr1tcnce i1n1)()sccl is fixctl by statute [�:f.C�. (L.1 :\ct , s. 55]. Revie\V' revision-rr·11c- I-Iigl1 c:ourt l1as 1)0\Ver t() revic,v all })Cl ty· ci,�il cases a11cl all cri111i11al cases clccidccl or co11siclerecl lJ)' tl1c magistraics' cottrls. Tl1t1s ,,·l1e11 tl1e a111cJt111t i11 dispt1tc or tl1e valtLC of sttlJjc:ct 1r1�tl.tcr in dispt1te is less tl1a11 : (10 a11 aggrie,·ccl JJarty 111 ay ,v.itl1i11 14· clays st1b111 it the clecision of a n1agistr;itc t<) tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt for rcvie,v [I Iigll (�<)t1r1 (Lagos) 1-\ct 1955, s. 35 ]. �,Ioreo,0er tl1c C.:l1icf Jt1stice J11a)' rcr1t1irc SJJccificc.l magistrales or all magistrates to stilJ111i t to l1in1 111ontl1 I y lists c,f all cri111i11al cases or ccrlai11 specificcl crin1i11al cases clcciclccl by t 11c1n or IJrut1gl1L lJcfore them [H.C. (I....) 1\ct, s. 36]. J

7 Transfer-1\ n1agistratc n1ay trar1sfer a case l)e!IJre l1i1n to a 11)' otl1cr magistrate \vitl1 L11c consent of sticl1 otl1cr 111agistratc [.i\1.C.( L.) 1\c1, )>. l �)]. 1\gain, a 111agistra Le n1ay of l1is o,vn 111otio11 or 011 tl1e :11JI)licaLio11 or a person co11cernecl report to t11e C:hicf .Jtis t ice tl1c JJcr1clc11c)' of a c:asc, ci,,il or cri1ni1 1al, \\'l1icl1 i1 1 the opinion of tl1e 111ag·istrate 011gl1t to lJe tr a11slcrrcll to anr)ther rnagistratc or to tl1c I-Iigh Cot1rL. 'l,l1e Cl1 ief Justicc sha]l tl1e11 clirccl by· \Vl1or11 tl1e case is ll) be l1earcl a11<.l dct<"rm ineel [ � I. C. ( L.) .,\ct, s. 30J. Tl1e C l1icf JtlS I ice also 111ay at ar1y time a11cl at a11 y stage bcfr>re final jt1clgn1c11t transfer an)� cat1sc or rnattcr before a magistrate to anot l1 cr magistrate c•r to tl1e I-Iigl1 Cotirt [ .wI. C. ( L. ) t\ct, s. 31 J. Finally a juclgc 111ay jJrojJrio 111otu or C)ll tl1c a!)l Jlicatio11 of a party concerned ancl at a11y stage ])cfore fi11al jt1clg 1ncnt transfer ,1 case IJeforc l1i111 to the n1agistrate's court [ f-I. C. (I... ) ,\ct, s. 5,}] · 1


8 General la\v-l\s I-figl1 Cot1rl ( 1\2, para. 6, a11te).

9 C11stomary law-Nil:1

·---------· ·· ··-· -· -------· -· --1 ·

Sc-,·. \2. para. 7, ante; wI.C!.(I ..) ,\ct, s. 22. ,1.9

.. . · ·-- lll!!! __!lllllm_____________

J)art l-1·1 1est Africn

WESTERN s··rATI� (forn-ie1·ly IlEGION) t\2

'T'I·l l� C!O UR'l, 0 l? :\ Jl l)E1\L

CONS'r11·u·r10N ,\ND PO\\'F.RS

t Establisl1111e11t-'T'l 1is is csLal)lisl 1 ecl I))' s. 52 ( l) of 1.l1 e Coristituiio11

n[ Lhe Regio11 [\-V.N. No. 26 of l963] .r.

2 Co11 11lositio11-1�11c jt1clgcs of tl1e Cottrt of 1\ppeal sl1all IJe: ' l)JJcal; and a 1l1c Ilreside11 t of tl1c C:ntlrl of .\ h st1clt 11t1111bcr of Jtis t ices of 1\tJJJCaI ( 11c>l l)t:'.irig less tl1a11 tl1rce°) as 11 1a,· IJe prcscril)cd l)y- 1l1c lcgisla 1 tire tJf Ll1e SI ,lie [Constitulio11 - ., ( \·\' . N . ) , s. r.:;)_•:, (9_) ] . 3 Jurisclictio11--original--Nil.

4 ,J t1ris,lictio11-a1lI)ellate-'rl1 e Cot1rt Clf :\JJJJcal sl1all l)c a sup erior cot1 1·1 c>f recorcl a1 1cl sl1 all l1 ave ,lll Ll1e po,vcr:; f>f st1cl1 a cot1r1 [Constitt11io11 (\:V.�.), s. 52 (3)]. 1\r1 ,q)JJcal sl1all lie frorn cl,�cisions of tl1e I-Iigl1 CotirL nf il1c Stat(: to I l1c C!ot1rt of 1\ I)JJcal as of rigl1 l in tl1e follo,�·i11g cases: a ri11 a l clec isio11s i r1 a11)' ci\ril JJroceccli11gs befclre , 11 e I-I igl1 Ct)uri :si iti11,g al first iris tancc; b ,vl1 crc Ll 1e grc)L111 c.l of appeal i11volves c1uestioris of la,,• alo11e, clecisio11S i11 any cri 1 11 i 11al 11roceccli11gs l)efore ll1c I Iigl1 Cottrt sitti11g at first 1 nsta11 c�; c clccisio11 s i11 art)' civil or crin1i11�1 l JJrocccclings 011 questio11S as to tl1e i r1ter1)retatio11 of ::t1 1y Statc or I-;-ccler�il Co11sti tt1tio11 ; rl clccision.s in a11y ci,ril or cri1ni11 al 1Jroceecli11gs 011 C[L1cstio11S as to \vl 11;tl1cr all)' of tl1.e provisio1is of C:l1a1Jtcr III of tl1e Co11.siitt1tio1 1 of Lhe J'cclcr:1t it)Jl ( clcal i11g ,vi11 1 ft111cla11 1c11ta1 rigl1 ts) l1as bee11 co11· iravc11ecl i n rclatio1 1 to a11y 1)erso11 ; f' dccisior1S i 1 1 any cri11 1i11 al 1)roccccli11gs i11 ,vl1icl1 ail)' tJer.so11 )1as l)eer1 scntc11ccd to <-le�11l1 by t.l1 c I-Iigl1 Court or i11 ,vl1icl1 tl1c I-Iigl1 <.- :uurl ltas alfir111ec.l �1 sc11tcr1 ce of clca1]1 i111po5ell l)y son1e otl1cr ('Ollrt ; J {lecisio1 1s 011 a,1)1 Sltcl1 ql1cstio11s as is rcferrecl t.o i11 .s. 53 of tl1e C:011s1itttlic)n of tlie Fecleratio11 (<lc:1li11g ,vi tl1 clcter111i11atio1 1 of • • c.1uest 101 1s res1Jec11 ng 111c111.bersl llIJ of f>arl i ::11 11e11 l) ; .� clccisio11 s till a11.y qticstio 11 \vl1ctl1 cr a11y }lerso11 l1as bcc11 vali<lly · scleclccl or clccLccl as a. 111c11 1bcr of a Lcgislati,,e J·Tot1sc of tl1e State or tl1 c seal i 11 a Legislative I-Iot1sc of tl1 e State of an)' 1ne111bcr of tl1 at I-Iot1 sc l1as bcco11 1e vacant·' h sttcl1 otlier cases as 111a}' IJe Jlrescri IJecl l)y a11y Ia,v i1 1 forcc i1 1 t l1e State.

----. - - - ----- --------

· -- ·- -

---------- --- ----·· ------- ----

�r� ic l7cdcra� a11c� 01l1cr ll('gio11al Conslit utic>11-; co111;-ii11 provisions Ji,r the e� talJhsl1n1cnt ?l Rcg1011a1 Co111·1s of AtJpl"al: sl·e 17eclcral Con titLt tions. s. 127: s _ Norther11 lleg1onal Cons111t1 linn, s. 56; l'v!icl-\\\:.ill'l"n Co11stilttlion, �- 52. l3u1 no s11cl1 co1.1rt 11a!( l)ee11 e:ital.>li'\l1c•cl in a11y of til e olll<"r }legio ns. r.

50 !


·------ Tlte Fe{!e.tlrliou of 1.Vigeria ,\n ap1Jcal sl1all �ic fro111 clccisio11 s of tl1e J I- igl1 Cotlrl of tlic State to tile Cotlrt of :\1J1�cal ,v1ll1 tl1c leave of the I-1igl1 Cot1rl or tile Cotirt of ,\pJJeal i11 tl1c follo,v1 11g· cases: a ,vl1cre tl1e grc)t1 11 cl of nIJI )Cnl i11,,olves c1t1estio11s c)f facL, 1y1i::-�ecl Ja,v ?ncl fact or c1t1a11 t �1 111 of se11tcnce, (lecisio11� i 11 a 1 1y cri 111i11ai I)roccccl1ngs before tl1c I I1gl1 Cottrt silt i11g at first i 11sla11cc; b i11 a11y civil JJroccccli11gs lJcforc tl1c J-[i�l 1 (_: t>11rt �it 1i 11g nt fir::;L insta11cc ,vl1crc ll1a L cottrL l1ns 111aclc c111 ,· r jJ.trte c>rclcr, '·a 11 (n·cl<..: r relating to costs l111l y, a11 orcler ,viLl1 tl1c C.l)t1sc111 <1f 1l1l'. r>arlic� <)r _j 1 1l1c case of a party to p1'<)cccc.li11gs l<>r clissol t1 tic)11 <>r 11ttlli1.y or n1arriagc ,vl1<l, l1a,,i11g I1acl ti111c a11cl <Jf)[Jnrlt111 itv I<> ai:>rJe�tl fr,,n, a11 y clccrec uisi i 11 st1cl1 tJrc)ccc<li11 gs l1as 1l<>L sc> al� JJca)c(I, a clccrcc: absolt1te fot111clecl Ll[J011 st1cl1 a clccrl.�C nisi; c clccisions i11 n rl)' ci\�ii l)r cri 111ir1 aI JJroceerli 11gs i11 \Vl 1 icl 1 a11 atJJJca I l1as bce 11 lJrot1gl1t l() tl1c I-IigI 1 c:ottrl fr(l111 s01ne otl1r.r cc,tu·1_; an cl ,/ sucl1 otl1cr c:i.ses as 1 1 1:1.·y l1('. [)rcscrilJccl lJ)· a11y Ia\v i11 force in tl i c· Stale [Con<;Litt1lio11 (\\:.:,.:,, s. 53].6 1

"' :·\ · .:)

CO.Ns·r11·uTIO:-f ;\);0


1 Establislunent-T'l1c I--Iigl1 C,:;t1rt is cstalJlisl1ecl IJy- s. 48 cJf tl1c Co11s titt1tion of \Vcstern Nigeria [\ \i.N, No. 26 of 1963, rc- c11ac:Li11g, s- 4{� of tl1c Nigeria (Corutitt1tio11) Oreler i11 C!ot111r.il 1960, 4tl1 Scl1ecl., C�c,r1sti t11tion of \'Vcstern :Nigcria]. Under s. 42 of the �igeria (Constitt1tio11) Orcler i11 C1.>L111cil 195,1, eacl1 Regional LegislaLt1re \\-as atithorisecl to est.alJlisl1 C<:>urts for tl1al Itcgion. In purstiancc of tllis Order, the \·Vestcr11 Rcgio11 I·ligl1 c:ot1rt l..a,v 1�)55 [No. 3 of 1955 a11d no\-v cap. �1-4· of Ll1e I.. a,vs of \:\ cs ter1 1 Regio11 of ;\ igcri,1, 1955 Rcv-isio11J J ,vas passed ancl tl1c I-IigI1 C:r,t1rt tl1tts cr�a lccl I1as l)cc11 adoptccl under tl1e cttrrent c:or1.5titt1 ti011. T

2 Compositio11-�1·11c I·Ii,gl1 CrJt1rl is co 11 11Josccl or l.\velvc jtt(lgcs i11 additio11 lo il1e Cl1ief J t1slicc [I-Iigl1 C:ourl (1\111c11cl111e11l) La \-V, No. 12 c,[

1961: s. 5; ame11ding s. 3 of tl1c \·\'estcr11 Nigc�ria l·Iigl1 Cot1 rt La,v]. 7

3 Jurisdiction-01·iginal-The J-Iigl1 Cot1rt is a st1perior C()11rt of recorcl and l1as all tl1 c juriscli<:tion, ci,,il a11d crimi11al, J)o,vcrs a11cl at1tl1l1ritics ,vhich are vested in or cai)alJ lc of being excrcisccl by I·Icr I\•Iajesty's I Iigl - 1 Co11rt of .Jtistice i11 Englancl [Constitution ( vV.N.), s. 48 (3); \.Y.R.l·I.C!.L., ss. 8 a11cl 9]. _ _ . '"fhe cotirt is vested \Vith all tl1c po,vcrs ancl at1tl1oritics of tl1c Lorcl J·I1 gl: Chancellor of England i11 rclatio 11 to tl1c aJJJJOi11L1ncnt ancl co11trol of


·1·11e Constitt1tion pr�,,iclcs that the 1)" rovisio11s of IJotl1 ss: 52 ;i-nd 53_ �hal� con1e into operation on st1cl1 elate as tl1c G<)Vcr11or rna y a111Jo1n t: . fhc i\·[_ih I �ry Governor l1as no,v pron1ulgatccl an edict ( ,vl1icl1 is 1101 yet �,,a1labl'.�) lJrt�g ing Lhes� pro\-isions into opcr 1tion fr(1!11 .J ttnc l; I 967,, an( l f! ''C ) titlgcs, ; n_c,i1!c.hn g a _ / J\ �,LY .. 1 • l i 7 · . ,�ketch Pr�5 1�lc11t, ha,.-e l1ccn appo1�n tccl to :-.1 t 111 �Ja,!y Sc,: rt. the (,ou _ � 'Note that the tlltmlJ cr n1ust nc•.rcr IJc less tl1a11 s1:<: C,011sl1t11ttull (\\ •• .), �- 48 (2) (b). 6


-- ·----·


Part J-J1lesl .11frica

guardia115 of i 11f:"l.11 ls a11d 1. l1 eir eslatcs, and_ also of keeJ)ers

?f Lhe

persons 1cl anc l estates of icliots, lt111 atirs a11cl sucl1 ao.; l)c1ng of t1nsou1 mind are ttnablc ]s .... I J . C. . .JI '.R [\\ s ate est ir � tl1c cl a11 s ve 1 sel 11 c 1 1J r11 vc to go : . . _ ..rI1e jurisdic1io11 of tl1 e cot1rt also 111 clt1dcs sucl1 Jt1r1scl1ct1on as 1nay be \'CStccl i11 it by I;,eclcral la,v. 1\11cl s. 3 of the Rcgio11al Cot1rts (Feclcral .Jt1risclictio1 1) 1\ct JJro,,iclcs tl1 a t: "\'\'l1 crc lJy tl1 c l,t,v of a Rcgi<:, 11 jt1risclictio11 is conferred lIJ)On a I-Iigl1 C:t)t1r1 . .. for l1 cari11g a11d detcr11 1i 1 1ation of ci,•il causcc; relating to 1 na t tcrs ,vitl1 respect to ,vl1icl1 tl1c Legislatt1rc of tl1e Region. 1nay 111ake Ja,vs, a11cl of ap1Jcals arisi11,g <ltlt of st1cl1 cat1ses, tl1e court sl1all, except i 11 so far as otl1 cr JJrC>\1isio11 is 11 1 acle l)y at1)' la,v i11 force in tl1e Region, l1 a ,,c tl1 c lik.c jt1risclictio11 ,vitl1 respect to Lhe l1eari11g a11d determination of civil ca�cs rcla ti11g to 111 atlers ,vi tl1i11 tl1 c cxclt1si\.'C lcgislati,·c con1pet­ c11cc of 1. l1 c J'ccleral I..egislatttrc, a11cl of a1Jpeals ariiiit1g out of st1cl1 cases" [cap. 177, La,vs of tl1c 1-;- cclcra ti 011, 1058]. S1 ·ction 4- of tl1c sa111c cr1 act111 e11t J)ro,,icles tl1a1 il1e jt1riscliction of tl1e I-Iigl1 c:ourt of a Regil)Il i11 rclatio11 lo 111 arriages, a11 d tl1e a1111t1ln1<�nt a11d dis­ solutio 1 1 (>I' n1arriagc.:; �1 11cl i 11 relatio11 to otl1cr n1.atrimo11 ial cat1sc;:;, sl1all, so far as IJractice a11 d 1)roceclt1re are cc1nccr11 ecl, l)c exercised lJ)' tl1c court i11 ct1nfurn1 ity \Vitl1 tl1 c Ja,v ar1cl 1Jractice fcJr tl1c ti111e lJei11g in force in Englancl. 'l'l1c I-Iigl1 Co11rt also 11,,s origi11al jt1 risdictio11 to l1car a11d detcr1ni11e cases ir1,·olvi11g c1t1e.stion� of allcgccl violatio11 of tl1c i11cli,,itlt1al rigl1ts e11trencl1ecl in (1l1 a11tcr 3 of 1l1c Fcclcral Co11stittLtio11 [Federal Co11SLitt1rio11, s. 32]. li'inall)', cxccJJl i11 s<-, far as ll1 e Govcr11or n1a)· l)y Order i11 Council otl1cr,vist� tlirect or exc(�IJt i n st1its 1.rn11sfcrrccl to Ll1c I-Iigl1 Court fro1n a ct1ston1ary c1)t1rL, tl1e IIigl1 Cot1r1 l1as 111) origi11al jt1risclictio11 i11 aJl)' 111atter ,vl1icl1 is st1!)jecl to tl1c jt1 ri.sicliciio 11 of a ct1 sto111ary cottrt relating to 111arriagc, fa1nily �La lL1s, gt1arclia11sl1ilJ c:1[ cl1 ilclrc11 a11<l i11 l1 cri1ancc or clis1)ositio11 of JJropcrLy cn1 cleatl1 .

4 Ju1·iscliction-a1,1Jell�1te-l 1\11 n1,1,c-al lies as of rigl1t to tl1c I-Iigl1 C:ot1rt fro11l clccisio11 s or a std)orcli11ate cotLrls or, if it is })l"0\ iclecl by any la\V i11 force i11 1 lie Statc ll1a l a11 a}Jf)Ca1 ..ts of rig11t Iics, frtJ1n tl1 al sttlJ� 1

orcli11 a1c cot1 rL lo anotl1cr st1 br>rcli 11ate cot1rt, a 11 aJJl)eal tl1 ercafter lies Lo tl1c I-Iir�l1 Cot1rt as <)f rigl 1 t ir1 tl1c follo,vi11g- cases [Constitt 1tio11 (\,V.N.), s. 51 ( l)] : a i1 1 ci,,il }Jroccedi11gs ,,·l1ere ll1 c 11 1.attcr i 11 dis1Jt1tc is of tl1e valtie of :C50 or tlIJ\V::trcls: b 011 c1t1�s1io11s or la,v i11 crirr\i11al [Jroccccli11gs, ,vl1erc a sc11te11ce ex ?cccl111g three 1 11<)l'ltl1 s' i 1111Jrison1ncnt, or six strokes of tl1c ca11c or a 11 11c of £25 l1as been passccl; c i11 proccccli11gs i 11,10I vi11g ll1e i 11Ler1)retatilJll of tl1 c F cclcraI or a l°lcgio11al Co11 s ti l t1tio 11; ll \.vl1crc lJreacl1es of Cl1 apter III (deali11g ,vitl1 ftu1dame11tal rigl1ts) arc a]legecl; ?�1I J0L·cli11atc court is clefinccl i n s. 5 I (4·) lfJ �llC'an ·.. a11v court of la,v in the l ��gio11 otl �cr than 1l1c_ St1prcn1c Court, tl1c r. ourt of i\JJpcal of the R\?gion, the II 1 gl1 Cotu l of tl1 c Rcg 1011 or a cot1rt-n1artial". 8


Tile Fe(/eration of 1Vigeria e i11 an}· criminal proceeding '\vl1ere tl1e accusccl l1as bec 1 1 senteilccd to deatl1; J in· ·any 0Ll1er ·cri111i11al proceccli11gs l)cfore a sliborclinalc cottrt r. 111 ,vl1ich 11 0 ::tI)})eal lie s1Lt1ng at fi1rst 111Sta11 ce 1ro s as of rigllt to 0 anotl1er suborcli11ate cot1rt ; g in such other cases as n1ay be J)rescribccl lJy a11y la\v i 11 force i11 til e State. 2 f\ppeals lie to. tl1e Higl1 CoL1rt fron1 st1borcli11atc cotirls t1 y Jca\'C of tl1e Hi�h Cot1rt �11 �l1e follo,vi11� cases [(";011s1itution (vV.N.)� s. 51 (2)]: a 1n a11y c �1 1n1n�l procecd111gs fro111 ,vl1icl1 110 aJJJJcal lies, as of rigl1 t to the H 1 gl1 C,ourt; b i 1 1 st1cl1 oll1er cases in ':·l1icl1 110 ,t{JJJeal lies as of rigll t to tl1c I-[igh. Court as 111ay be I)rcscrrbccl I))' ar1y Ia,v in forcc i 11 tJ-ic Slate. 'l�l1c foregoing co11Slitutio11al provisio 1 1s arc reinforced by ss. I 7 ancl 18 of tl1c \Vcstcrn Nigeria I-Iigl1 Colt rt La,v, \vl 1icll sti} )t1lr1tc 1 l1a L tl1c I-Iigi1 Cot1rt l1as jt1risdiction (a) to l1car and clclermi11c ap1 Jcals fi·o 1n clccisio11s'r,f 111agistrates' cotirts in civil a11cl crin1inal n1attcrs; (b) to l1car al1cl clcterminc aJJ}Jcals from ct1ston1a11, courls and aJJpcals from clecisio11s of 111agislralcs on appeal fron1 ct1sto 1nary courLs. Sectio 1 1 48 of the Ct1slon1ary Cottrl� 1,avv I 957 [cap. 3 I, La\VS of \·Ves ter11 Nigcria, 1 �159 Rcvisic)11] also fJrovidcs I l1 a t tl1e J-Iigl1 Cotrrt has jurisclictio11 to l1ear a ncl determine aPIJCals fro111 : a a. grade ;-\ Customary Court; b a Custon1ary Court of .L\ppeal; c a magistrate's court n1adc or give11 011 ap[Jeal fro111 a C:t1sto111.ary Court. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-_A.ppeals froxn decisions of tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt lie to tl1c SLa.tc Court of .l\.ppeal (1\2, para. 3, a11te). 7 Transfer-..-\ judgc may at a11y time or a t ail)' stage of tl1e J)rocccclir1gs before final judgment tra11sfcr a11y cause or n1atter i)cforc l1i111 to a 1nagistrate's court having jt 1risclictio1 1 to l1car st1cl1 cat1sc or 111at tcr, or to a judge i1 1 the same or any other jt1dicial division. Tl1e Cl1icf jt1slicc 111ay at any time or at any stage of tl1e proceedings before fi 1 1al jt1 dg1ncnt sin1ilarly ... , transfer any cause or matter before a juclgc to a1 1y otl1cr jt1dgc [\•V .R.II.C!.l s. 31]. The cotirt n1ay at any stage of the }Jrocccdings by orclcr clirect tl1aL ail)' cause or matter pencling before it be transferred to _a ct1stomary cot1rL J1aving jurisdiction in su cl1 cattsc or 1nallcr [\V.R.fI. C. L., s. 34-J · . . ;\ny orcler of tra11sfer 1naclc i 1 1 purst1 ancc of t11e foregoing pro,•1 s10 11s I:-i 11ot st1bject lo appeal (\V.R.I-I.C.L., s. 35]. L,\\V TO UE ADl'-t(INISTERED

8 General Iaw-''From ancl after tl1c comme11ccmc 11t of Ll1is La\v aiicl

subject to the provisions of any ,,,.rittcn law, tl1c cominon la\v of Englancl ancl the cloctrines of ec1uity observed by I-Ier l\tfajesty's I-Iig)i Cotlrt of D ·rhcrc

is no such cot,;l in tl1e State. -

_\_J .L.S._\.-:l


·------- -·--�· . .

------------ - -- - -----.... Part J-J,Vest Africa 1 rou gl1 out tl1e Regio11 'i [La,v of tl ce for in be all 1 sl d a11 1 1gl E in Jtisticc ] E11gland (,i\.J)plicatio11) I...a\V 1959, cap. 60, s. 3 . . . . /\ t l o 1 r er1a � 111 l11e � 1n force ''Su bjcct to tlic J )rovisions of tl1is La,...,. 110 I np e111 , �)rov1clcd tl1at, ,vitlii 1 1 t11 c Rcgio11 sl1all l1ave ail)' force ?r effect tl1e; stibjcct to tI1c CXJJrcss JJrovisio 1 1S of any ,-vr1lte11 Ia,v, this secl 1011 sl1 a)I not­ (a) rcvi,,c a11 ytl1i 11g 11cJL i11 force or existi11 g at tl1e co1n1nencemcnt of tl1is Ia,v; or (b) affect t11e JJrcviot1s OJJeratio11 o f a11 y Ir11pcrial .1\.ct to ,vhicl1 tl1is :sect io11 aJJ}Jlics or a 11ytl1 i11 g clti] y done or suffered tu1clcr st1cl1 :\cl; or (c) a 11cc t a11 y rigl1t, J Jrivilcge_, olJliga tio11 a11cl or J ia bili ty accrt1cd or i11ct 1rrccl t1nclcr ail)' sucl1 1\ct; or (rf) affccl a11y pc11ally, forfcittirc or punisl1n1c 1 1t inct1rrccl i 11 respect of a1I)' oflc11 cc co1111nittccl agai11st a11y sucl1 .-\ct; or (r.) n flt·ct a11y i11 \rcst igation, legal proceecli11g or re1 nedy i 11 respect of a 11y st1cl1 rigl1 t, }Jrivilcgc, ol)Iiga tion, liability, J)enalt )', f orfeiturc c)r J)Ut1isl11 nc11t as af orcsaicl; and a11y st1cl1 i11, restigatio11, Jcgal tJroccccli11g or ren1ccly 1nay be ins littitcd, conti11uecl or e11farced a11cl a11y st1 cl1 JJe11alty, forfcit11re or }Junisl1 me11t 111a)' lJc in11Josed as if tl1is I,1,v l1acl 11ot been passccl: Provicled tl1at ,vl1crc tl1e pc11 alty, forfcitL1re or }Jt111isl1111c11t in11Josecl 1J)' a11y \Vritte11 la,v i 11 force tl}JOn or after tl1e con1n1ence111e11t of tl 1 is la,v is l1ca,,icr tl1a11 1l1nt i1111Josed lJy a11y sucl1 ..-\ct as aloresaicl, tl1c JJrovisio11s of st1cl1 1\ct ,vl1ereby tl1e ligl1ter 1Je11alty, fiJ rfeilt1rc or JJt111 isl1n1e11 t is in1poscd sl1all, 1111less sucl1 ,vrittc11 Ia,v as aforcsaicl otl1cr,visc provicles, be a1J}Jliccl if Ll1c cot1rt clecides to i 11flict arry })tu1isl1111.e11t'' [I....a,v of Engla11cl (f\p1)licatio11) J....a,v 1959, s. 4- ].


9 Customary la,,•-Ii is J)ro,riclcd [\'\'.ll.1-I.C.L., s. 12] Ll1at tl1e I-Iigl1 CoL1rt sl1all observe antl c11fc•rcc tl1c obser,,a11cc of every ct1stomary la,,, ,vl1icl1 is arJI)licable a 11d is 11ol rcpt1g 11a 1 1t to 11J.tt1ral jt1sticc, cqL1ity a11d good co11scic11cc, nor i11co1n1)atiblc eitl1er clirccLly or IJy iin[Jlication ,,•itl1 a11)' ,vritlc11 la\V for tl1c ti11 1c l1ci11g i11 force, a 1 1cl 11otl1ing sl1all dcpri,rc ail)' IJcrso11 of tl1c be 1 1clit of ai1y st1c]1 ct1slo111ar,• la,v. C1 1 stoinary la,v sl1al I lJc dcc111ccl a IJtJlicablc i11 catiscs and 1nat ters \v]1erc t11 c 11.:i rtics tl1crcto arc Nigcriar1s ::111d also i11 cat1ses a11d 1nalters 1 Jct ,vce11 Nigerians a11d 11011-Nigeria11 s ,vl1cre it 1 11ay apJJear to tl1c cot1 rt tl1at st1lJsla 11 1.ial i11jt1sticc ,-vot1lcl llc clo 11c to citl1er party lJy a strict adl1ere11cc to a11 y rt1lcs or la,v ,vl1icl1 ,vot 1lcl oll1cr,visc be a1JIJlicable. No }Jarl)' sliall lJc cntitlccl to clai111 tl1e lJenefil of a11v ct1ston1 ary Ia,v, if it sl1al] aJJJJcar eitl1cr fro111. ex press co11tract or fi·on1 �lie 11att1rc of tlic transactio1 1s otit of ,vl1icl1 a1 1y st1it or qtiestio11 111ay l1 a,,e arisen, tl1at sL1cl1 p.i rty agreecl ll1at l1is olJ]iga lio11s i11 co1111eclit111 ,vitl1 sucl1 tra11SaCiio11s sl1ot1ld lJc cxcltisivcly rcgt1 la tccl otl,cr\visc tl1a11 lJy ct1c;to1nary la,v or tl1at st1 c]1 tran: a�tions are t111k110,vn to ct1sto111ary la\V. If tl1e lI1gl1 Co11rt clelcr 1nines tl1at custon1ary la,v is a1JplicalJle i11 ar,y cat1sc or n1atlcr, it sl1all a1Jply tl1e partictllar c11stomary Ia,v ,vl1icl1 is



'' I \ •;








I I 1

The Federation of iVi,geria appropriate i 11 tl1 at ca use or n1atter I1aving regarel to Ll1e provisions of s. 20 of tl1e Cltsl.0111ary Cottrts Law. 10

10 Islamic or other Ia,•v-Isla111ic Ja\v is a1)pliccl (,vl 1cre it is appJiccl

at all) ur1cler tl1e exte11sive ancl elastic t1n1brclla of '' 11ali\ c la,v a11cl ct1sto1n"; ar1cl it is as st1cl1, alo11e, tl1at it is a1)pliccl i11 \ \1 cst�r11 Nigeria. 11 1


1 Establishn1ent-Tl1e 1nagistratcs' cottrls in tl1c State \-Vere cstalJli!:>l1cd by the !\lag istrates' Cot1rts (\\'.R.) La,v 1954 [ La,vs of vVestcr11 Regio,1 of Nigeria 1959, caJJ. 74·]. 'l'l1c Statc is cli,,iclccl i,1to 1nagis lcrial clistricls, i11 each of \vl1icl1 tl1ere i s cstablisl1ccl a n1agistratc's court [l\ I.C. (\'V.R.)L., ss. 3 a11cl 5J. 1,,vo or 1norc 1nagistra tcs n1a y 110,vcver be assign eel to a clistrict. 1


2 Compositio11-1-\ cot1rt is du!,, constitutecl \-vl1ct1 presiclecl over b)' a magisLrate, \.vl10 tl1e11 is clescribcd as a JJrcsicli11g ofl1cer [i'vl. C. (vV.R.) I,., s. 6 (1) (a)]. j\:Iagistr::i.tes arc gradecl into Cl1ief i\'.lagistrates, Senior I'vfagistrates a11cl 1 11agistra.les (l\'1.C.(,·\1 .R.)L., s. 7 (I)]. Every magistrate is e.>e o.Dicio ::i. justice of ll1e peace for tl1e Rcgio 11 [i\ [.C.(W.R.)L., s. 9]. 1

3 Jt1risdiction-origi.11al-!-\ magistra le I1as jurisdiction tl1rougl10L1L the State bttt n1.ay be assignecl to a11y s1Jecificd district or tra11sfcrrecl fron1 one district to a11otl1er by tl1e c:J1ief Justice [ivI.C.(vV.R.)L., s. 8]. Botl, 1.l1c ci\ril and crinlinal jtirisdiction of tl1e magistrates var,, accorcling to their ,grades. Subject to tl1e JJf0\1isio11s of tl1e lvlagistrates' Cottrls (v\'.R.) La,v or any other La\v or 1-\ct: a Chief ivfagistratc l1as jt1risdictio11 in civil causes: a i11 all JJerso 1 1aI suits i11volvi 1 1g co 11tract 01· tort or lJolh ,vl1cn tl1c ·value of the suit does not exccecl £500; b in all la11dlord a11cl tc11ant suits for posscssio11 \vl1cre tl1 c artrtual valt1e or rent clocs not exceed £500; 10 Section 20 of the (:uslo1nary C(>urts La\v 1937, cap. 31. l 959 Revisiun. JJrovicles rhat: (I) I11 lan(I ,natters the aJ)propriau.; custon1ary la,,, shall be the custo1nary la\'1 of the J)lacc ,,·here the Janel is situatccl. (2) In catiscs a11d n1at Lcr.� arising fron1 inhcri Lance tl1e ::1 ppropriatc custo1,-1ary la\v shall be the custon1ary la\v applying Lo the cleccascd. (3) (a) In civil causes or ,natters the approrJriatc custon1ary la\v shall be Lite custon1ar',,· Ict\V binding bct\-vccn the parties \vhcre (i) both parties are not � ativc-s_ of the area or the jurisdiction of the court; or (ii) the transaction, the subJeCl ol the cause or 1n.atter \Vas not r:n tercel in to in the area of Lhe jurisclictio11 of tl1c court; or (iii) one of the J)artics is not a native of the area of jurisclictio11 of the court a11d th1; parties agrcctl or n1ay be prcsumccl to have agreed that the obliga­ tions should be regulated, \Vholly or partly, by the ct1slomary la\v aJ)J)lying to that party. (b) in all other civil.causes an(! 1nattcrs the approrn·iatc cuslon1ary la\v shall be Lhc la,v of the area of jttriscliction of the court. xi See ;\ndcr::;on, . J. N. D.: "Custo1nary la,v and Isla1nic la,v in British African Territori<'s" in Tlie Future of C'11sto1nary Laiu in Africa, 1955, p. 77. 55


Part I-J Vest Aftica 1

rs and give sucl1 de or cl1 st1 ke m� d an ni lite at! s 1 ia1 ard gL1 t c to ai)poin tl1ercto; orders a11 cl isst1c sucl1 directions relating y \.Yaste or �lie 1 1ation or f?r (I to gra 11t injtn1 ctioru or or�crs to sla of such suit, J tlic dctc11tio11 ancl prescrvat1011 of property tl1 e stib eCt or to restrai11 lJrcacl1cs of co 11 tracts or torts; e i11 ariy al)J)Cal fro 1n tl1 e clccisiorl of an , \sscss1nen L Co1ru11 ittce co11Stitt1Lecl tinclcr tl1e J)rovisio1 1 s of tl 1 e 'Local Go,·ernme11 t La\V [I\;I.C.(\'\7.R.)l... , s. 19 (l)]. Se11ior Iviagislratcs ancl 1nagistra tcs l1a ve and exercise jurisdiction i1 1 ci,•il ca t1scs si 11 1ilar i11 al I respects to tl1 at set ottl above excep L tl1at st1cl1 jurisdic· tio 11 in caLtses ,vl1erc tl1 c st1bject•n1 atter in dispt1te is capable of l)cing cstin1alecl at a 111011cy valt1c, sl1all l)e limited as follov..·s-£200 in the case or a Sc 11ior l\lagistratc a11cl [. l 00 i11 tl1e case of a 1 nagistra tc [�'[.C. (\·\'.R.) L., s. 19 (2)]. U11 lcss I l·1c Gover 11 or in Cot1ncil by order clirects, 110 n1agistrale l1 as po,\·er t<> exercise origir1al jt1risdiclio11 i11 1l1c follo\ving n1allers i11 pttrsuance of I l1c 1Jrov isio11 s r,r s. 19 of tl1c .i\1Iagistra tes Cot1rts ('\,\'.R.) La,,, [NI.C. (\V.R.) L. � ss. I 9 ( 4-) a11cl 20]: a st1i1s \.vl1 icl1 raise a 11 issue as to tillc lo land or any i11terest tl1erei11; b st1its in ,vhicl1 tl1 c valiclity of a devise, b eqttcst or lin1itatio11 tincler ,,,ill or scttlc1nc11t is clispt1tcd; c st1iis rclati11g to tl1c ct1stod)' of cl1ildrc11 t111der ct1sto111ary la,v; ti ca t1scs or 1na 1.tcrs rela I ing Lo inl1eri ta11 ce upon intestacy under ct1sto 1nary la\\' ,111d tl1 c ad 1 11.i11istration of i11tc.sta te cs ta tes uncler ct1stomary la,v; a 11cl e 1natri 111011 ial cat1scs a11cl 1natters bct,\-'ccn persons married under custornary la\v. In crin1i 11al causes a 111agistr�1te l1as jt1ri.sdictio11 to conduct J)rclimi11ary i1:vcs1igatior1s i11 to indictable o!Tc11 ccs [�-I.C.(\ .R.)L., s. 21 (2)]. In ccrtai11 c1rct11nsta11ces n1agistratcs 1nay try st1cJ1 offc11 ces st11111narily [L\'I.C.(\·V.R.)L., s. 2 1 (1 ) (c)]. 'I'l1 ey l1a\'l' t1nrcs1rictecl tJo,vcr 10 try st1 111111 ary offences, but _ Lhe1r JJo,vcrs of pt111isl11l1 c-11 t \'ar)'. 1\ Cl1ief l\lagis1 rates ca 11 i1nJJose tl1c (ol]o\vi11g J)llnisl1n1e111s: i I 1111Jriso11111c11 t for 11 ot 111 orc tl1.. 1115 years; ii 1\ fi11 c 11 c,t cxccccli 1 1g £500. }\s rcgartls a Sc11 i(,)r :tvfagistratc tl1c 111axi 1 11u111 IJcriocl of in1priso11 1nent is 2 ye?rs, ancl tl�e n1axi111u1n fi11c is £200. 111 tl1c case of a n1agisLrate! tl1e _ 1nax11�t1111 1Jcr1od of 11111Jriso11111c11 t is 011c year a11cl tl1e n1axi 1 num fi11 e is . I £100 l.�'l.C.(vV.ll.) ,., ss. 2 l a11d 22]. 1 7 \

4 Ju1·iscliction-appellate-}\ 11 1agistratc's cot1rt l1 as jurisdiction to l1car a11cl clct:rn1i11c appeals fro1 n ct1sto1nary cottrts ,-vill1 in l1is district i11 �t c ��]�lance \Vttl1 tl1c 1)rovisio11S of ll1e Ctistornary Cot1rts La\V [�vi. C. (\V.R.) L. � . CONTROL OF COURTS

A1)pe �l A1)peals fron1 decisio1 1s of magistrates in rcs1Ject of botl1 � -:. c1v1l and cr1n11nal cases lie to tl1c Higl1 Cotirt (I\1.C.(\,V.R.)L., s. 41].


The Fecleration of 1Vigeria Revie\v, revision-The I-Iigh Cot1rt l1as po,,•cr to revise decisions of tl1c magistrates' COlU:ts (\.V.R.I-I.C.L., s. 19]. Transfer-vVl1er1 t\vo or more magistrates are assig11cd to a clislrict a

n1agistrate \-vitl1in tl1e district n1a)' at any stage of tl1c }Jrocce(li11 gs lJcfore final judgn1enl transfer any cause or 111at1cr to anotl\cr 1nagistr.1tc ancl tl1c one to ,vhom tl1e transfer is macle sl1a\l comn1cnce tl1c case rle 1101•0. Providccl that no cat1se or matter \vl1icl1 ilas bcc11 s1Jccirically transfcrrecl by tl1e l-Iigh Court to a magistrate shall again l)c tra11sfcrrccl ,vitl1out leave of a jt1clgc of the Higll Court. A magistrate 1nay 011 his o,vn n1otion. or 011 a1JIJiicatior1 of any pcr.so11 conccrnecl report to a jt1dgc tl1c pc11clc11c)' of a11y cat1sc or 111attcr, civil or criminal, \vl1icl1 i11 tl1c Of)inio11 of sucl1 n1agistratc n1igl1t for any reason be transferrccl from l1is cot1rt to ar1y otl1cr 111agistra te's cotn·t or to th.e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt. St1cl1 jt1dgc sl•all direct irl \vJ1at 1noclc a11cl \-Vhcrc tl1c cat1se or 1natter sl1all be l1card ancl deter1r1inecl [Ivf.C. (\V.R .)L., s. 38]. rl�l1c Cl1ief Juslicc or a jtidge 1na)' al a11y tin1e a11d at a11y stage or tl1e proceeclings before fi11al judg1nc11t trar1Sfer ar1y cause or 1nattcr before a magistrate's cot1rt to a11y· otl1er magistrate's cot1rt or to a ct1stornary court or ro the High Court a11d sucl1 cat1se or matters may l)c transferrccl citl1cr entirely or i11 respect of a11,' part thereof or JJrocedt1rc rec1L1ired to be taken therein [J\I.C. (\\! .R.) L., s. 39 ( 1) J. 7 Inspection, supervision, etc.-'I'l1c Cl1ief Jt1sticc 111ay require a 1nagistrate lo for,varcl at Ll1e end of every 111011tl1 to tl1c Cl1ief .Justice or to anotllcr jttdge of tl1e Higl1 Cotirt a list of all cri111i11al cases or s1Jccificcl criminal cases clecicled lJ)' or brottglit before st1cl1 a magistrate. :\flcr revie,-ving tl1e cases co11taincd i11 the list 1J1e Cl1icf jt1sticc or judge 1nay: a reclt1ce tl1e sentc11ce or rnoclify an order as l1c ll1i11k.<; fit 1.111Iess 1 he sc11tencc is fixed lJy !a..v; b a11nul tl1e conv-ictio11; c annul tl1e convictio11 a11d co11vicl of any offe11cc of vvl1ich tl1e acctt5ecl 1nigl1t 11a, e been con, ictecl 011 tl1e e, iclcncc a11d se11tc11cc l1im accordi11gly; d order a ne,v trial before a court \vl1icl1 !)assecl tl1e se11tencc or a11y other cot1rt; e orcler furthcr evidence to be take11 eitl1er ge11crally or 011 som� JJarticular point by tlie cot1rl ,vhicl1 }Jassccl tl1c scn.tence or by any other court; f make any order as jtr.sticc may require a11cl give all 11ecessary ancl consequential directions (i\1f.C.(\·V.R.)L., s. 42]. WiLl1out prejudjce to tl1e rigl1t of appeal fro1n the 1nagistrates ' court, a magistrate 1nay reserve for consideration by tl1e High Court a case stated by him any question \.vhich may arise in a11y cause or 1Tu'tttcr before him or in any appeal before him and may give any judgment or decision subject to the opinion of the Higl1 Cot1rt [NI.C.(\'V.R.)L., s. 43]. 1




8 General law-f\s !-Iigl1 Cot1rt (.1\3, para. 8, p. 53, ante).


l'tt r/. I- JiTesl .11frica

9 Custon 1 ary la\\ -Tl1c 1Jrovisio11s arc sulJsla11tially tl1c same as tl1ose of tl1e I-Iigh C:ot1rt (.t-\3, }Jara. 9, J). 54·, anle), 12 7

10 Islamic 01· otl1er la\V-i\s I-Iigl1 Court (f\3, I)ara. IO, p. 55: anleJ.





1 Establisl1111.ent-CL1slo111ary Cot1rts i11 tl1c SLaie are estalJli.sl1ed i 31 La,vs of \\ ester11 Region [cap. 1957 La,v ts c:our ;1ry 1 sL011 t1 (: e 1 tl tincler , 13 r silJle 1 1 ni11iste 1 tl1e respo e 1 tl of La,v 3 s. Bv ]. 1 io1 Re,,is 1959 ia Nio·L'r of . J > � 111a)' by ,v,trr::111 1 cstalJlisl1 sL1cl1 cotirts as lie may tl1 i11l� fit. 2 Com1,ositio11-'I,l1e nun1 bcr of tl1e members of a courL is fL"i:ed i11 tl1 c ,varrar1t cstalJlisl1i11 g it a11d ap1Joi11t111e11t is n1ade b)' tl1e Local Go,•crn111e11 l Service llonrcl [Ct1s to1 nary Co11rts La\V, s. 5]. 'I"l1e quort1m is as slipt1lalecl i11 tl1e \varrant btit if tl1e ,varra11t n1al�es no }Jro,,isio11 i11 tl1at rcgarcl, 1l1c 11 if 1l1e cot1rt consists of t]1ree or 111ore 1nen1l)ers, tl1c q11ort1111 is tl1rt'C i 11cl t1cli11g tl1c I)rcsiclei1t, \1ice-Presicle11t or otl1er pre5idi11g 111en1bcrs [(1. c:.I.... , s. 7, a11cl Cttston1 ary c:ot1rts llt1lcs, Order 1 I, rt1le l]. No person sl1all IJe c1t1alificcl lo be a1J[)Oi11 ted }Jrcsicle11t or ,�icc-preside11t of graclcs ...-\ .-incl B cotirts or a11y courl exercisi11g· ll1e }Jo,vers of a ct1ston1af)' court of a1Jpc,1l t111less 11c is litcrale i11 E11glisl1 la11g11age [C.C.L., s. 6]. No,v all graclc 1\ co11rts ancl l.lto!:ie of grade B directecl by tl1e 1 ni11isLer 111ust be t)rcsiclecl over lJy legal JJractitioncrs [Cusiornary Cottrts ( .-\111endn1cn1)

La"v, \V.R. No. 34 of 1959, s. 6].

,; -

3 Jurisdiction-01·igi11al-Ct1sto1nary Courts l1 ave jurisdictio11 o\·er all 'N igcrja11s a11cl l1ave 110 j1.1risdictio11 over 11011 � �igeria11S [ C. C. (,-\.) L., s . 1 7]. 1 ·1 'fl1erc arc 1 10,v Ll1rce gratles of Ct1sto111ary Co11rts, na111ely grades 1\, B a11cl C, a!1d t!1c jttrisclictio11 a11cl }JO\\'ers of eacl1 gracle arc sei Olll in ll1e Schedttlc [C.C.(1\.)l...., s. 18] :•r, a C'ivif.juris{!icl ion-i Gra{!t .11 courts. 'l�l1esc cottrts l1ave t11 1li111itecl j t1risclic1 i 011 in all civi I ca11ses ttrtcl 111atters arisi 11g t1ncler tl1c la,,, acl 111 i11 isterccl IJy tltc Cllsto1nary cot1ris: JJrovidecl Ll1at t lie cot1rts sl1all 11 ot l1a,·e jurisdicLion to acl111i 11ister tl1e estate of a11 i11Lestatc ,vl1ere ll1c 0o-ross ca1)ital ,,alt1c tl1ereof cxccccls £500 [C. C�. ( 1\.) L., 211cl Scl1ccl.]. ii (Jra,!e 13 courts. 'I'l1cse l1a,1c t 111li1nitcd jt1risdictio11 i11 tl1c f0Ilo,vi11g cases : 1nalri111011ial cattscs a 11d 1n::1ttcrs arisi11 ·g- ottt of 1narriages t111clcr CllSl 01r1ary la ,v; causes rclati11g to tl 1 e ct1s tocl v of cl1ildre11 t1nclcr custo1nary la,v; cat1scs a11cl 1naltcrs rclati11 g lo i11l1crita11ce t1pon intestacy and tl1c See also l\{,C.(v\'.Jl.)I..., s. 32. c-xcrcised no,v "1,ltis a_11cl otl1er la,,· is )o,vcrs of a 1 1 11 istcr 1i tlncler a11y existing J lJy Ll1 �l1l1_ tary Go ".ern o�· until ot.l1er {Jrovision is rnaclc: tltc Consli I ution (Sus1Jc�ns1011 ancl l\ fod1ficat1on) Decree, No. I of 1966. .• 1·1 For arg;t1n1cnls jtuilifyi11g tl1is provisio1 1 noel t.l1c JJrol.:ilcn1s raisecl by ii, s,:c 1-...c:� y a 11d Il1cl1arclson, The l\'ative and Cuslo111a0• Cuul"ls of iVigcria, 1966, I)I}· 18•1-18::i. 1 ·' D gracle cot1rts l1avc l)ecn al)olisl1cd nncl all st1ch CO.ltrts in exisLence dcernccl 1 C, graclc: see Cuscornary Cottrts (Ainend111ent) La,v. ,,,.N. No. 1 1 of 19-16, s. 8. i:: 1a



I. '


T/1e Federation of 1Vi'.geria ad1ni11islraLion of i 1 1tcstatc estates u11clcr ct\ston1ary la\V ,111c.l lar\cl 111alLcrs, 1,rov.iclecl tl1at tl1e courts sl1all 1 1ot J1avc jttrisclictio11 Lo acl 1 ni11 istcr tl1c cstatc of a 1 1 i11tcstate ,vl1ere the gross ca1)ital valttc 1l1crcof cxccccl!'l £500. iii Gra{fe C courts. '.l'l1esc l:tavc t1nlin1i tccl jt 1risclictio11 i 11 1 natrimo11ia I. causes arising out of marriages t1nclcr ct1sto1 11ary la\v ancl i11 s11its rclati1 1g to tl1c cttslocly of cl1ildrcn t11 1cler c11sto111ary la,v. Tl1c;• also l1avc jttriscliction i 11 ca t1ses a11cl mat tcrs rel ati 11g to i 11l1cri ta11cc 1.1 })On in tcsLacy ancl 1.l1e acl11li 11is1 ratio11 of i 1 1testatc estates 1111clcr c11sto 1 na r)' la,v ,vl1crc Ll1c valt1c of tl1c property clocs Illlt exec eel £50; la1 1cl 1 11a t lcrs in "vl1icl1 tl1c va I uc of tl1c st1bjcct-111attcr clocs not c."Xceccl £50; a1 1cl i11 otl1cr causes a11cl 111attcrs t111clcr tl1e la,v adn1i11isterccl by tl1c c1.1sto1nary cottrts ,vl1crc tl1c debt, clc1 na11cl or cla1 11agcs clo not c.xccccl ;(.50. b Cri,ninal juriscliction-' l'l1c Governor i11 C:o t111cil in 1nay cn1po,vcr all)' Ct1sto111ar1' c:ottrts to c11forcc ,vitl1i11 tl1c local li111its of tl1cir jt1risclictic>11 any Ia,v of tl1c State a11cl to i1111)osc J)C11altics 011 j)Crsons sulJjcct to tl1cir j tirisclictio1 1 ,vl10 o ffc11cl agai 1 1s t st1cl1 la,v. J1.1risclictio11 ,vii I 110\vcvcr no l l)e confcrrc-cl ,vitl1 respect to Ll1c follo,vi 1 1g oITe11ccs :-l101niciclc, Lrcaso11 > scclition, rape, proct1ratio11� defilc111c11t of girls, offc11ccs agai 1 1st tl1c c11acl111e11ts rclati11g to ofl1cial secrets, ancl a11y otl1er capital oITc11ces . c:usto1nar)' C!ourt also l1as jt1risclictio11 to try a 11d deter1ninc crin1i 11al cases ancl impose pt111isl1111e11Ls a t1tl1orisccl by la,v i11 respect of: (a) a11y offc11ces agai11St tl1e pro,0isio11s of a11 c1 1act1ne 1 1t ,vl1icl1 ex.1)rcssly confers jtirisdiction ort tl1e cot1rt; ( b) offences against rt 1lcs a11d by-la,,,s n1adc by a local gover11111ent coLtncil or l1a·vi11g eflect i11 its area of jt1risclictio11. 1�hc Illil.xi 1 nl1m fine a1 1d 111axin1t1m impriso 111nc11t ,vl1icl1 111ay JJc i1n1Josccl by a Ct1sto111a11r C:ourt, otl1cr tl1a11 grade t\, arc as follo,vs: Grade B: £ l 00 fi11e a ncl 1 )'car i 1npriso11111c11t Grade C: £50 fine ancl 6 n10 11tl1s' impriso 11111e11t [C!usto1nar)' CottrLs (.-:-\mc 11 cln1cnt) La,v, \·\i .R. No. 34· of 1959, s. 9, rcplaci11g s. 2·� of tl1e Cltsto 1 nar;,· Cottrls La\v 1957]. 0 •\

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-]�l1c Minister [C.0. (.'\. )L., s. 45] 17 111.ay

appoint a Custon1ary Court to IJe a cot1rt of aJJpcal for all or a11y Ct1sto111ar)' c:ot1rts ,vitl1in tl1e area of its j ltriscl ict io11. ,,Vl1crc a Gusto1nary Cot 1rt of /\ppe£tl l1as been cstablisl1ed in pursuance of s. 4·5, a11y \Jarty aggricvecl l))' tl1c clecision or orcler of a grade B or C cot1rt l1aving jt1riscliction i 1 1 tl1at area, may aJJpeal to tl1at Custon1ary Cotirt of Appeal [s. 46]. \Vl1cre 110 st1cl1 C!t1sto1nary C!oLtrt of ,\pJ)Cal )1as l)cc11 cstablisl1ecl t11e rigl1t. of a1Jpcal lies Lo a 111agistratc's cot1rt [s. 47]. c:o:--;TROI, OF c:OURT�

6 .<\ppeal-1\1)pcals lie from clccisi(ins or orclcrs of Cttslo111ary C!ourls gracle i\ Lo tl1c I-Iigl1 C:ourt [c:. (!. ( 1\.) l.,., s. 45 (I)]. 1\ppcals I ie to the Higl1 Cot1rt fro1n decisions or orclers of a C!ustomary Court of 1\1 )1)eal or ----· -· .. ·-- ----·-·-·· --------·--- - - -- ---- - ·10 'fhis po,\'er 110\\' vcs1s in tl1c :Wiilitary Governor: 1l1c (:011slitt11ion (SltSJJcnsion ancl ?vlodific-ation) Dc.crcc, !\1•. I of 1966, s. 12 ('l·). 17 Sc� a ls<J p. 58, n. I 3, ante. 59

----Part I-�fTest Africa from Customary Courts in al pe ap on de 1na or en giv ts ur co s' 11 1agisLrate tl1 c follo\vi11 g cases: . . . . 1 m of nm ent or a ter 1 1 r1so 1cl nJ) \Vl1 i in cri1 ni11al causes or 1na ttcrs 1n a fi 11e cxccecli11 g £5 l1 as l)cen orderecl; t ii in a civil cause or 1natter in ,vlucl1 tl1c subjec matter is of tl1e 18 (2 . )] 48 [s. e or 111 or 50 of £ value Revie,v, revisio11-1\ny 111agistrate, presidc 11t or member of any Ct1sto111aryCot1rt rnaybe aJ)pointccl l)y tl1e minister to act as a "supervising aLttl1 ority'' to stipcrvi:sc a11 y ct1ston1 ary court. TJ1 e authoritysupcnri.scs in accorcla11 cc ,vitl1 tl1c J)rovisions of Part VI I.A. of the La,,•. l t 1nay of its o,•..-n 1notion or 011 apJ)Jicatio11 of any }JCrson co11ccrnecl revic,\' an)' of tl1e pro­ ceccli11gs, civil or cri1ni11a), of a Ct1stomary Courl ,vl1ere it appears io it tl1 a t a /1ri11u1 Jacie case of 1niscarriage of justice is disclosed or that an ol)vious err<>r is to l)c correctecl . \i\'ide po\-vcrs arc conferred 011 t11c auLhority to rlcal ,\·i1 11 st1cl 1 cases btll no appeal lies fro111 its decision to exercise or noL to exercise ]1 is po,vcr of rcvie,v a11cl it sl1 all not exercise tl1e po,ver ,\·itl1 rcs1.lect to a case agai 11 sL ,vl1icl1 a11 aJ)))Cal is 1Je11cli11g before an appropriate court. /\. J)Crson aggricvccl l)y tl1e cleci.sion of a supervisi11 g aull1oriiy ma}· in tl1 c follo,vi 11g ca�cs appeal to tl1c I Iigl1 Court: (a) i11 a criminal Callie i11 v,l1 icl1 a Ler111 of in1 priso11 n1 e11 l or a fine exceeding £5 is i1nposcd; (b) in civil c,ises ,vl1 cn tl1 e st1bject r11atlcr of dispute is valued at £50 or more l,C.C.L., s. 4·4· (a)-(e), i1 1sertcd bys. 13 of tl1c C.C.(.'\.)L., 1959]. I 11 ,1rlcli 1io 11 th.e C:l1ief J tisLice l1as po\ver Lo cal I for rett1rns of cri1ninal cases hcarcl at first i 11.stancc or 011 appeal or revie,\' by cot1rts n1anned b)' lcgal IJracti Lioners. "\·Vitl1 i 11 a period of ll1 ree mo11tl1S from tile end of l1caring lie 1nay call for ll1c record of a case a11cl revie,-v it. Tl1e revie,v })O\vcrs of tl1e Cl1ief Jt1stice are also ,vide l)tlt lie n1ay not employ them ,vl1ile an ap1Jcal is 1Je11cling [C.C.L.� s. 4-4· (e), i11serted by Customary Co11rl::; (,L\1nc11d 111enl) La\-v, '"'.N. No. 11 of I964]. r

'�1·a11sfer� l,l1c I-Iigl1 Court ma)' at atl)' tin1c or stage of }Jroceedings bt:lorc fi 1 1al Jt1clg111c 11t: a 011 tl 1c ap1)lication of tl 1e Director of Pttblic Proscctitions transfer a11 y crin1i 11nl cat1se or 111 atter ,vl1icl1 is before a Ct1stomaryCourL to tl1c I-ligl1 Cot1rt: or to a 1nagislratei s cot1rt )1aving j11risdictio11 to l1car tl1c c,tt1sc or 111atler · b <>f its O\v11 111oticl11 or on'tl1 c applicatio11 of any I)arty to tl1e cause 0� n1 at �er tra11sfer anycattse or 1natter relating to tl1c administration of an 1 11 testa le estate \vl1icl1 is before a Customaf')' Court to tlie . l1 Court I-Iig [C.C.L., s. 29l\, i 11serted by s. I I of tl1e C.C.(1\.)L- 1 1959]. ;\ Cus loinary Court may, citl1er of iLs o,v11 motio11.or t1 1Jo11 tl1e app lica­ . _ tioi1 of citlic r partyto a cat1se, tra11Sfcr to a lower g;adc Ct1stomar}r Cotirt ai�y cause before it \-vl1 icl1 in its opi 11 ion can be n1ore aJ)pro1)riatel)' dealt ,v1th l)y st1cl1 lower court [C.C. L., s. 30]. •s S ce Eregbnyc v. Zikinu, \\T/3Cl\. of \\'cstenl . / _ l 96 ,vl 1 crc tl1e High Cottrl I. N1ger1a l1elcl tl1'at·· "ler1n • · · ·mp1·1·sonm t·nt o r 11n · 1>r 1so n1 11e nt . 11 t11 1 s sect1011 means 1 " 1 ,,,1tl1oul OJJl1on of 011c. 60




I l

Tire Federation of 1Vigeria

7 Supervision, inspection, etc.-Scc J)ara. 6, ante. I,A\\I' TO DE AlJ�llNISTERED

8 General la,v-U11cle1· s. 19 of tl1 e Ct1ston1ary Cotlrls L�t\v, Cuslon1ary

Cotirts are cmpo\vcred to aclministcr: (a) a11 y ,-vrilten la\-v, if so at1tl1orisccl b)' an order made uncler s. 24; (b) any c11act1ne11t in rcsJJCCl of \vl1icl1 jurisdictio11 is conferred on tl1e cot1rt by tl1at cnactmc11t; ancl (c) all rt1lcs and by-la,vs made by a local gover11 1nc11 l cot111cil or l1avii1g eflcct as if so macle.

9 Customary law-A Custon1ary Cot1rt ad1ni11 isters tl1c aJJI)ro1Jriatc

customary la\v specified i11 s. 20 i11 so far as it is 110L rc1)t1g11a11 l to natural jt1stice, cctuity ancl goocl conscience, 11or inco1111Jatil)le citl1er clircct Iy or by necessary implication ,vitl1 a11y \\Titte11 la,v for tl1 c Lime llci11g i11 force [C.C.L., s. 19]. ,L\ccording to s. 2 0 the appro1)ria Le cus lon1ary la\\/' in la11cl 1nattcrs is the customary la\'v of the place ,vJ1crc tl1c lancl is sitt1atecl [C.C.L., s. 20 (l)]. In cat1ses and n1atters arisi11g fron1 i11herita11cc tl1e appro1Jriate custon1ary la,v is, st1bjcct to sub-ss. (I) and (4) of tl1e section, tl1c ct1sto1nary Ia,v applying to Ll1c deceased [C.C.L., s. 20 (2)]. St1bject to tl1e foregoing, (a) in civil causes or matters \,v]1ere: i botl1 parties arc not natives of tl1e area of jurisdiction of the cot1rt; or ii the transaction, tl1e subject of tl1e cause or 1nattcr, ,vas not ci1tcrccl into in the area of the jurisdiction of tl1e cot1rt; or iii one of the parties is a nori-native of the area of jt1risclictio11 of tl1c cotirt, a11d tl1e parties agreed or 1nay be presu1ned 1.0 l1ave agreccl that their obligations sl1ould be rcgt1Iated, ,vl1oll) or partly lJy the customary la\\! applying to tl1at party; the appropriate customary la\V is tl1e la\V }Ji11cling bct,vce11 tl1e JJartics. (b) in all other civil causes and matters tl1e a1)propriate ct1sto1nary la,v is the la,•1 of the area of jurisdiction of the cot1rt. \-Vhcrc tlte ct1stomary la,v applying to tl1e la11cl JJrol1i})i ts, restricts or regulates the clevolution on clcatl1 of any particular class of pcrso11s of tl1e right to occupy such Janel, it shall not operate to cleprive a11y perso11 of ar1y lle11eficial interest i n such land ( other tl1an tl1c rigl1t to occt1py tl1c sa1nc) or in the proceeds of sale tl1ereof to ,vl1ich he n1ay be e11titlecl t1nclcr tl1e rules of inl1eritance of any otl1er customary la,v. It is finally provided tl1at ''native'', in relation to tl1e area of juriscliction of a cottrt, means a person wl10 is a member of a com1nu11ity i11cligenous to that area [C.C.L., s. 20 (3)-(6)]. 1

10 Islamic or other la\v-As IIigl1 Cot1rt (A3, para. IO, p. 55, ante). MID-WESTERN STATE (formerly REGION)

The Region was created in 1963. According to s. 2 of tl1e fv!icl-'\,Vest

Region (Transitional Provisions) i\ct 1963, any law \vl1icl1 \Vas in force in


----...... /Jarl l-J11esf 1Jfrica

n co11Li11t1es i11 force uriLil gio Re Ll1c of o11 ati crc c 1 Ll _ orc l)cf y r Lo ri ler t tI1a _ 1g po,ver to alte r tl1at la\v ,11 l1a, 1iy l1or aut 1c l t by e 1acl 1 1 is o11 visi pro y contrar [No. 19 of 1963]. . . . p Before its creation tl1e Region "''as ad1ru1ustercd as art of \\'estcrn y Nigeria and the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt, l\t[agislratcs' and Custo1nar Courts La\vs of tl1 c Region ,-vcre i11 fo r ce there ancl tl1ey co11t i11ue so u11ti] altered or r epealed by a con11 )ete11t at1tl1ority. 'I'l1c l\ilicl -\Vestern legislature has not e11actcd , ts O\VJl J-Iigl 1 Cotirt a 11cl N°lagist ra tes' Co t1 r Ls La ,vs and the State's I-I igl1 1 Co\1rt a11cl l\tlagistrates, Courts still ft111 cLion tinder tl1e \·\ esLer11 Nigerian I..a,-vs. 1\ Ct1ston1ary Cot 1rts Edict l1as 110,ve,•er rcce11tly bec11 pro1nt1l gated f()r t l1c Slate [tvI.N.L.N. 64 of 1966, Edicl No. 38 of 1966], lJut ttnlike tl1c \Vcstcr11 State it l1as 110 Co tirt of 1\1Jl)eal .



See \·Vesler 11 State, ;-\3, J). 51, ante. 1\3 1\1!1\G ISTRt\ TES' GOURTS See vVestern Sta tc, 1\4, p.55, ante.



1 Establislunent-'I'l1e cot1rls arc establisl 1cd b)' tl1e Cl 1icf J t1s1ice of tl1e Region, stil)jcct to Ll 1e ap1)rova l of 1 l 1e l\ Iilitary Governor [Ct1sto1nary C!ot1rts Eclict 1966, s. 3 (I) (a)]. 1

2 Compositio11-1\ Ct1 slon1ary Cot1 rt co11sists of a President a11cl t\,'O 0Ll1er n1.e111bcrs ,vl 1 0 are ap1)oi11ted by ll1e Cl 1ief Jtistice acti11g 011 1l1e rccon1111c11claLio11 of tl1 c J · t1clicial Con1111 ittcc [C.C. Edict, ss. 4 a11d 5 ). rl,\vo n1e111 l)ers forr11 a c1 t1orlIO'l [C.C. Eclict > s. 9]. ,-\ JJerso11 is 11ot qualificcl to l1 c1lcl oflice as Presidc11t or 1nen1bcr of a cot1rt t111less }1e is l iLcra1e il1 T'..11 gl_ isl1 l a11gt1agc, JJOsscsscs at least tl1e }">ri1na r y \TI Certificate or its cc.1 Lt1 va Jent :1s \vcll as sui taIlle cx1Jcric11ce a11cl is a 11ati\1e of tl 1e are a of I he jt1riscl ictio1 1 of tl 1c cottrt [C.C. l�clict, s. 6]. 3 Jurisdiction-01·iginal-Tl1erc is 011l y 011e grade of Ct1sto111ary Col1rt a11cl cacl1 l1asjt1risclictio 1 1 over all Nigeria11s [C.C. Eclicl, ss. 3 (1) (b ) �11cl 1 7] · 1 � 'l'l1c cot1rts l1ave origi11al j ttrisdiction 011ly. Tl1e ci vii j t1r isclictio n is set ot1t in tl1c Seconcl Scl 1ccl t1lc to tl1e Edicl a11cl is as follo\VS: a U 11Iin1itccl juri.sclictio11 i1 1 1nalrin1011ial causes a11cl matters lJct,\"een person'> 111arriecl u11cler ct1s to1nary la,v. b Uii li111itcd jt1risLlictio11 i 1 1 st1its relati11g to 1l1e ct1stody of cl1ildren tincler customa r y la\v. c �urisdiction in causes a11d matters relati11g to inl1crita11ce tI{JO� i ntestacy ancl tl 1c ad1ninistratio11 of intestate estates under c tiSLomar)· la\v \vl1cre tl1e valtte of tl1e property does not exceed £100. 19

See also ll, 58,


. t •'

I I ; ;

14 · ante.


' ;






The l<'ecleralion of 1Vigcria ti Jt1risdiction i11 lancl matters in ,vl1icl1 tl1c valttc of tl1c st1bjcct111atter does 11ot exceed £100. c Contracl a11d tort cases ,vl1cre Ll1e clcbt, clcn1a11cl or dt1111agcs stlecl for docs not exceecl £100. In criminal cases a Ctistomar)' Court l1as jurisclictio11 i11 rcs1)cct of (a) st1cl1 misdemeanottrs and si1111)lc o!fcnces as are spccificcl j11 i!s ,-varranL; (b) co11te1n1)t of the coL1rt co 1n111ittecl i11 its fare [C.C. J:?.clicl, s. 19 (l)]. I11 adclitioll ll1e Cl1ief Jt1sticc n1ay cortfcr jt1risclicLion 011 any cuslon1nr}' cottrts to c11force tl1c J)rovisio11S of atl)' la,v of tl1c .State a11cl to imJ)osc J)Cnal!ies on persorIS sul)ject to tl1c jttrisdiction of tl1c cot1r1s ,vl10 offcncl against st1cl1 })rovisions [C.C. Edict� s. 19 (3)]. Tl1e 111a..,i1ntm1 firle a11d n1axin1t1n1 i111prisor1111c11t ,vl1icJ1 n1ay IJc i111posccl b)r a custo111ar,' cot1rl is a fine of :ClO or 011c monll1's in11Jriso11111c11l [C.C. Edict, s. 19 (2)]. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 .A.ppeal-1\11)' party aggricvecl b}' a clccisio11 or or<.lcr of a C�ustornc1ry Courl l1as a rigl1t of a1)1Jcal lo a n1agistratc's cot1rt [C.C. EdicL, s. 50]. fro111 il1c clccisio11 or 01·clcr of ll1c 111agistra tc a1)JJcal .I ics to tl1 c I·I ig\1 Cot1rt, the11cc lo tl1e St1pre1nc Court [C.C. Edict, ss. 51 and 52].

Revie,v, revision-1\ Cl1icf r. Iagis1ratc, clcsig11atccl sttJ)crvising at1tJ1ority, 1

is empo,vcrcd to .st11Jer,,ise all ct1stomary courts \vi111i11 l1is area of jurisclictior1 [C!.C. Edict, s. 4·5]. Every· Custon1ary Cottrt, \vl1cn so rcqLtircd, sh.all st1b 1n it to tl1e sLt1Jer,'isi11g au tl1ori ty a rcr)ort of any cases triccl ir1 suc11 court, a11cl tl1e authoril}' l1as access to tl1e cotirt to ,vl1icl1 l1c is a1)poi11tC'cl as ,vell as to its record a11cl proceedi11gs [C.C. Eclict, ss. 'i6 a11cl 47). Tl1 e supervising at1tl1oril)' may of l1is O\Vn motio11 or 011 the a1)J)licatio11 of any· l)erson concerned rc\r ie,v a11y J)rocceclings, cri111i11al or civil, of a customary cot1rt o,0er \vl1icl1 l1e l1as ju riscliction. if it a1)pcars to tl1c stJ})Crvisi ng at1tl1orit,· ll1at ( a) a jJri,na facie case of n1iscarriagc of justice is clisclosccl; or (b) a11 obvious error is to be correctecl [ C!.C. Edict, s. 4·8 (1)]. rl�l1c decisio11 of tl1c st1pcn,isirlg autl1oril)' to rcvie,v or 11ol is fi11al. 11t1l l1c can11ot exercise his po,vers six n1ontl1s from tl1 e tern1i11ation of })rocecclings i11 tl1c Customary C!ourt [C.C. Eclict, s. 18 (4-), (5)]. 1"11c rcvic,v po\vers of the SUJ)cn,isi11g autl1ori1y are ,viclc [C.C. Eclict, s. 19]. These include re,,ising, amencli11g or varying a clecision of a C:ustomary Court, orclcring any case tried by a Custon1ary Cot1rt to be relriecl citl1er by t11e same or l)y any otl1er Ct1stomary c:oltrt of con11Jctent jurjsdiction or, if t.hc case is 011c that appears prOJJCr to be triccl lJ)' Ll1c I-Iigl1 Court or by a rnagistrate's cot1rt, reporting the case to tl1c I--Iigll Cot1 rt. If a case is reported to tl1c I-Iigh Cot1rt tl1c latter may orcler tl1at tl1c case !Jc re::l1earcl b·y tl1 c I-IigJ-1 Cot1rt or by a11y otl1er court of compctc11t jt1risclictio11. Tl1e sttpcrvising aut11orit)' can11ot exercise l1 is rcvic,-v J)O\vcrs i11 respect of any decisio11 or orcler of a Ct1sto1naf)' Court against ,vl1icl1 a11 appeal is p c11d.ir1g before tl1 c appro1)riate appeal court. Bttt any 1,arty aggrievccl by , a decision or order of a supervisi11g at1Ll1ority in tl1e exercise of l1is revic\V po,-vers may appeal Lo tl1c I ·Iigh Court (C.C. Edict, s. 19 (3), (4-)]. 63

])art I-l1Vest 11frica

Transfer-1,11c Cl1 icf jt1s ticc or a judge n1ay, al a11y tin1e and stage before final jt•clg1ne11t, of l1is 1notion or 01 1 tl1c application of any party, tra11sfer anv, cause or 1natler l)cfore a CL1s to1nary Court to a inag istrale 's court or to tl1c Higl1 Cot1rl. .I\ supcrvisi11g authority 1nay also at any time a11 <l stage of proceedings, of l1is o,vn n1 otion or on tl1e apJ)licalion of any party, tra11sfcr a cattsc or 1nattcr before a cus ton1ary court to any other Ct1sto11 1ary Cottrt, or n 1 agis tratc's court }1aving jurisdiction i11 tl1e matter or l1 c n1ay stoJ) tl1c proceedings a11cl rc1Jor t to a judge tl1e }Jendency of a11y cat 1st: or 111attcr \Vl1icl1 in l1is 01Ji11ion ot1gl1t to be transfcrrecl from a Ct1ston1ary Cot1rt lo tl1 c I-ligl1 Cot1rt, and the judge sha]l clirecl in ,-vhat 111 oclc a11d ,vl1cre tl1e cat1sc or 1nalter sl1 all be ncccled and determined [C.C!. l�<lict, s. 29]. Final] )', a Ct1slomary Cour t 1nay, of its o,vn 1no tio11 or 011 the a[JI)lication of any party, repor t to a jticlge o r a SUJ)Crvising aull1orily the 11cnclcncy of a11y cat1sc or 111attcr ,,,J1icl1 i11 tl1e OJJi1 1io11 of tl1a t court ot1gl1 i to be tra11sfcrrccl fron1 tl1 at cot1r t to tl1c I-Iigl1 C!ot1rt� a n1agislrate'� coi1rt or a C:t1sto1nary Cot1rt, )1a,1i11g jt1riscliction i11 tl1e mat ter. If this l1a 1111e11s tl1c c.:ldcf J t1s ticc, jt1clge or sttJJCr\•isi11 g autl1ori t )', sJ 1 all order in vvl1at n1<Jclc <tr1cl ,vli crc the cat1sc or n1attcr sl1all be l1eard a11cl cleter111 ined [C:.c. Eclict, s. 30]. Every orclcr of tra11sfer tinder tl1e foregoing }Jrovisions l1 as tl1e effect of stayi 11g 11rocccdi11gs in tl1c court t o ,vl1icl1 the order is ,u:ldrcsscd [ (!. Eclict, s. 31].


7 Inspection, su1)ervision, etc.-See }Jara. 6, ante. l,:'\ \V TO


8 General law-i\cco rcli11g to s. 22 of tl1 e Edict, a Custon1ary Court

acln1 inislers: i tb.c provisio11 s of any \Vri tlen la,v of tl1e Stale as orclcred by t11c Cl1icf Jt1s tice under s. 19 ( 3) of tl1e Eclict; ii tJ1e pro,1isio11s of ail)' cnact111c11t i11 respect of ,,,J1icl1 jt1risdiction is co11ferrecl 011 tl1e cotlrt by t l1 at enact111cnt; a11cl iii tl1c J)rovisio11s or all rt1les and by-Ia,vs 11 1ade by a local go,•e rn­ n1cnt cot111 cil or l1aving effect as if 1nadc u11cter tl1c provisio11S of a11y enact11 1c11l a11d i11 force i11 tJ1c area of tl1c jt•risclictio11 of tl1e COll l'l.

9 Custom�\1·y law-1\ C:uston1ar)' C�ot1rt is c1111)0,vcrcd to adnli11ister tl1 c ap1Jropria le ct1st on1ary la,,, s1Jecifi.cd i11 s. 23 of tl1c Edict, ]Jrovicled sucl1 _

�a,v 1s 1 1ot_ reJJ\1g11a11t . to 11att 1r al jt1sticc, cqtiit y a11d goocl cor1scic11ce nor •ncon11Jat1blc c1tl1cr directly or by 11cccssary im1)licatio11 ,vitl1 anv \\Titte11 J a,v for tl1e i1nc bci11 g i1 1 force [C.C!. Eclict, s. 22 (a)]. 1\ccorcling t o s. 23 � tl1e ap1JrOJJr1atc ct1sto1nary la,v i11 la11cl 111attcrs is tl1e ct1sto111 ary la,v of tl1c J_Jlacc ,vl1crc tl1c land is situatccl; in causes a11cl 1nattcrs arisi11g fro1n _ 111l1cr1la11cc tl1e a1111r�1Jriatc ct1sto1nary }a,.v is, subjccl lo sttb-ss. ( 1) ancl (4) _ of tl1c scct1on, (cleal111g rcs1Jcctivety witl1 appro1Jriate custon1ary la\\' i11 l �11cl 1nallcrs a11d tl1c question of the IJe11 eficial i11terest of perso11S ,vhose r1gl1t to occt1py la11d following clc· volt1tion 011 clcatl1 is r estricted by such _ 1a,v) tl1a t a}Jply1ng to tl1c cleceascd. St1bjcct to tl1c foregoing provisio11s:






.,' , !' ;.




The Fedcratio1t of 1Vigeria a in civil causes or matters wl1ere:

i botJ1 parties are not natives of tl1c area of jt1riscliction of t]1c cotirt; or ii the t1·a11saction tl1c stibject of tJ1e catisc or 111atlcr ,vas not entered i11to in tl1c area of tl1e jt1risdiction of tl1c cot1rl; <>r iii one of the parties is 11ot a 11ativc of tl1e area of jt1riscliction of tl1c court a11cl ll1e })arties agrcccl or n1ay be prcsur11ccl to l1avc agreed tl1at tl1eir obligations sl1ot1lcl be rcgttlatccl, wholly or partly b)' tl1c ct1stomar,' la,v applyi11g to tl1at party; the appropriate ct1ston1ary la,v is tl1at l)i11cli11g bct\-vccn tl1c JJartics. b i11 all otl1er civil cat1scs a11cl 111attcrs tl1e aJJ1Jro1Jriatc ct1sto1nary la,v is tl1at of tl1e area of jt1risclictio11 of tl1c court. \,Vherc the ct1ston1ary h.1,v ap1,lyi11g to Jarid 1Jrol1ilJits t..l1c clc, olutio11 011 clcat]1 tc, a11y _perso11s of t11c rigl1t to occu1JY sucl1 la11cl it sl1all 111)!. operate to dc1Jri·vc a11y pcrso11 of a11y beneficial i11tcrcsl in SlLcl1 la11cl ( otl1cr tl1a11 tl1e rigl1L to occt1py tl1c san1c) or i11 tl1c proccecls 1)f sale tl1crcor to ,vl1icl1 l1c 111ay be cntitlecl t111clcr tl1e rt1lcs of i11l1critance of a11y sl1cl1 cu:-;tcn11ary Ja\-V. 10 Islamic or otl1er la\v-''Isla111ic la,v is ap1Jlicd--,v J1cre it is aJJIJliccl at all,-u11der the extensi,,e and clastic t1mbrclla of 'r1a ti vc la,-v a ncl ctistom'. "::!O 1

NORTHERN STATES (for1ner NORTHERN REGION) [One of the resultc; of tl1e States Creation Decree 1967, lo \vl1ic]1 reference l1as already bee11 n1acle, is tl1at the former Nortl1ern Region ,-vas split into six states, viz. tl1e Kano, K,vara, Nortl1-Easter11, Nortl1-\-Vester11, Nortl1ce11tral ancl Bcnuc-Plaleau States. Eacl1 of Ll1csc States has bcco111c a I Iigl1 Court area for tl1e I)Uf)Joses of tl1e Northern Nigeria I-Iigl1 Court La,-v 1956. 1\t the Native Court le\-'C) tl1e 1-\rea Courts Eclict 1967 [No. 2 of 1967] l1as repealed and stibsta11tially re-cnactccl tl1c 111ai11 1Jr0\1isio11s of tl1e Native Courts La\v 1956 of tl1c for111er Nortl1cr11 Region. .1-\11 explanatory note appended to this Eclict st1111111ariscs tl1e cl1�111ges tl1at l1�tve l)ce11 111acle i11 tl1is branch of tl1e Ia\\!: ''The purpose of tl1is Eclict is to give effect to t11e 1\1ilitary Govcr11ment's clccision to reform native courts by lakir1g tl1e111 over fro111 native authorities and merging tl1eir ad1ninistration \-Vitl1 tl1at of tl1e Higl1 Court and .ivfagistrates' Cot1rts tinder tl1c Cl1icf Jt1stice. Tl1ercforc tl1ey cease to be departments of native attthoritics or t1nder the co11trol of any l\!Iinisterial department of Gover11111cnt a11cl their ft1ll i11clcpcnd­ encc in their juclicial fu11ctions is thus cnstired. I11 place of the cxis ting native courts i\rca Cot1rts arc to be cs labl isl1ccl a11cl tl1is Edict -,,vill repeal and replace the Native Courts J_,a\v, 1956, in so far as that Law applies to tl1e Kano Stale. \,Vhile re-enacting many of t11e prov·isions of tl1c Native Cot1rts La\v various changes, designed to in1prove the efficacy of the cot1rts ancl .J\nclcrson, J. N. D., ''Customary la\V ancl Isla111ic la,v in 13rilis11 1\fricn11 ·rcrritorics", in The Fu tu re of C'usto,nory Lal.u in .4Jrica ( I 955), IJ, 77 · 20


Part I-1¥esl Africa


acccpt�blc have lJce11 111adc, some of niakc proccccli11gs in ll 1em morc _ . secl1on 3 of ll1t Eclict area court s Under wl1icl1 arc 11 0\V ment1onc<l. \vi]! novv }Jc esLalJ)isl1ccl b)1 tl1c CJ1ief Justice..:\n area courl \rill under section 4· consist of a11 area jttcl.�c silti 11.g alone or ,vitl1 other n1embers ancl c1t1estio11S of Nloslcrn JJerso11al lav-.· ,viii be determined by a n1ember of a11 area cottrl \Vl10 is lcar11cd i11 i\Ioslc111 la,v sitting alo11e. ,\11 area jt1dges a11cl n1c111lJers ,vill lJe \JttlJlic offices in tl1e public service ofthe Stale. Sectio11 l4· en.ables ar1y person tu institute proceedings in an area cot1rt and sectior1 15 sets ot1t Ll1e persons \Vl10 are sulJject to tl1ejurisdic­ tio11 of area cot1rts. Section I 7 sets out tl1e 11e,v grades of area cottrts. 11 ame1y upper area cot1rls a11d area courts; grade I, grade I{ and gracle III ancl tl1cir jt1risdiclion a11d po,vers, subject to section 17 (2), are set out i 11 tl1e 1 7irst Scl1eclule. UpJ)Cr area cot1rls ,viii exercise orig·inal a11cl ap1)cllatc jL1riscliction and \Vill rCJ)lace the existing l)rovi1 1ci::i.l Cot1rls. Tl1c prcse11L 1\rca Cot1rls established tu1dcr Part IX of tl1c cxisti11g la\v arc al)olisl1ccl. Par L \/III sets ot1l tl1c co11trol over area cot1rts. Section 4:3 Jlrovides for i l1ci 1· gc11eral st1pcrvisio11 lJ)' Ll1e Higl1 C'.ottrt. SecLio11 44 provid� fcir tl1c a1)J)Oi 11 tn1e11c of a C:01n1nissio1 1er for .\rea Gour LS. InsJ)Cctor.s of are,t cot1rts arc given ,,ariot1s po,vers lJttl tl1 ey no longer arc gi\'en tl1c existing })O\ver of rcvie,ving cases. !)art IX co11fers }Jo,vers of appeal fro111 tl1e clecision.s of area courts. f\l)pcals fron1 area courts gracles I, II a11d III \\'ill lie to an upper area COlll't t111 clcr scctio11 53 a11cl sectio11 5-l· prov-ides for appeals fron1 ll}J})Cr area courts to tl1e Sl1aria Cot1r1 of ,\}JJ)cal or co il1e I-!igl1 Court. l:>art XII co11tai1 1S transitio11al 1)ro,•isio11s. Secrio11 69 n1akes certain a1nc11dments in otl1er La\VS a1 1d is to be read ,,;t11 .scctio11 2 (2) and 1l1c Scconcl Scl1ecl tile." Sin1ilar l)rovisio11s are also foL111cl in ;\rca c:atn·ts Edicls of tl1e other Nortl1cr11 Stales. ;\part fro111 t.l1c ai)O\'C cl1a11gcs tl1c jttdicial sysle111 of 1!1c forn1er Northern Region l1as 11ot lJcc11 subsLar1tially a.fTcclc(i by tl1c States Creation Decree.]



1\2 r

c.:o:-;i rrru·r ION ,\ND






1�1-IE 1�1IGl-I COU RT


1 Est:1blisl11ne11t-..l�l1c I-Iigl1 Court is esLablisl1ed by s. 50 of thc (!<)1\stitt1ti <Jr1 of Nort. l1cr11 Nigeria [N.N. No. 33 of 1963]. 1 . 1, • Cou nc i11 . · · 11) Q 1·cl 'r (Con�t1tlttio · 1 1 1gcr1a11 I r1 J)t1rst '.a11ce ol- s. 1 4·2 ·· o f lJ1 e N _ � • 1955 N.R. La\\ t Cour 1 I-I1gl tl1e 1 by l l sl1ec 1 cslab l �J5:},, ::i I-I gl1 Cot1rt \Vas . . . [ 1 . . 1963 Rev15 · ] and t us ,. 11, o 1 No. U of l955, ca{J, 4-9 1 I...a\vs of Nortl1cr11 N1ger1a, cot1rl l1as IJecn acl(>}Jtecl b)' tl1e })resc11 t co11.Stitution. . 01. sen1 . a � e.' 2 Co1nposition-'fl1c Cottrt co11S1sts of . the Cl11. ef Ju·tir e. t h . . . sllbJcct LCI ,eve · r . 10v, I . 1s 11s 'fl ___ pl1rsne Jttdge a11d seve11 otl1cr JUd ges. -, . )9601 ncil Cou in 1 Tl1 is replaces s. 1 1-9 of tl1c Nigeria (Constitution) Ordt�r 6: 3rcl Scl1ccl. than less . be 01 2 Sec 1-ligh Court La,v 1955, s. 4. 1. hc ntur1bcr rnuSI 11 Constilutio11 N.N., s. 50 (2) (b).



lI . . ' I





The Fec/eration of 1Vigeria }Jrovisions of Part \1 of the La\v accorcling to \vl1icl1 a juclge or Lite Sl1aria Cot\rt of 1\ppeal sits i11 Lhe 1-Iigh Col\rl <1s a juclgc of tl1a1 court \vl1c 11 it l1cars apJ)eals from the Native Courts.3 3 Jurisdictio11-original-Tl1e I Iigl1 Cot1rt is a su1Jcril>r court of .recorcl and, except as otl1er,vise proviclcd by th.c Constitt1lion, I-las all the po,vers of st1ch court [Cons tittl tiot1, N. N., s. 50 ( :-30 )]. !11 aclcli tio11 lo ar1y otl1er j ttriscliction co 1 1fcrrecl b)' ll1c C:ons titttl io11 , ll1c T-l.igl1 Court J.,,1,v itse If or any otl1cr ,vrittc11 la ,v, it J)Ossesses anc\ exercises aI l the jttrisclicti Oil, po\vers ancl autl1oritics ,vl1icl1 arc ,,csLccl i11 or ca1)alJlc 1..>f bci11g e;xcrci::.ccl by I-Ier l\lajcsty's I-Iigl1 Cot1rl of�Jt1sLice i11 l�ngla11cl [ II.C!.J. ,., .s. 13 (l)]. I11 parlicular, tl1c jttrisdictio11 ,•cslccl i11 ll1c Cottrl ir\cluclcs: i Ll1c rcvic,v of cases rcporlccl Lo it tt11dcr s. 58 of tl1c N,1 I ivc Cottrts La,v 1956 [ II.C.I.. ... , s. 1-1 (b)]; ii tl1e ad1ni11istratio11 or control of pro1)crty a11d iJCr$OllS; a11d zzi all cri111inal jttriscliclion ,-vl1icl1 at tl1c co1111rte11cemcrtt c,r tl1c I-{i,gl1 C:ourls La,v, ,vas or al a11y ti111c aftcr,varc[s� 1na)r !)e exercisable ,vitl1i11 tl1c Region (I-I.C.L._. s. 14· (c), (r/)]. Cot1rt l1as 110 jt1risclictio11 i11 tl1e fol lo\-vi11g cases: Tl1e IIigl1 i original jt1risclictio11 i11 an}' suit ,vl1icl1 raise:; a11y issttc as to title to Janel or relates lo 111arriage, fa1nily statt1s, guarclia11shirl of cl1ildrc11, i1tl1critar1ce or dis 1 )ositio11 of J)roperty on dca tl1} ancl ,vl1icl1 is st1bj cc t to tl1c jt1risdictio11 of a 11ativc cot1rt [r-I. C.I,.> s. I 7] ; ii i11 an)' clisptt tes or ma llcrs or i11 respect of any c1ucstio11s i 11 re la L io11 to ,v}1jcl1 its jt1risclictio11 is exclt1clccl b)' tJ1c provisions or the C!o11StituticH1 [H.C.I...., s. 15]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1�11c l.._Iigl1 Cot1rt l1as a1)1)cllatc jt\risclicLio11 to llcar and cleter1ni11c all a1)pcals fro111 tl1e clecisio 1 1s or District C!ot1rts ancl n1agistratcs' courts gi,,en in the exercise of original j1..1risclictic>n as \vell as cases stalccl or questio11s of lalv refcrrecl by sucl1 co1..1rls i11 accorcla11ce ,vitl1 tl1e prO\'isio11s of an,' ,vri t 1er1. la,,, [I-I. C. I... , s. 38]. rj�l1c cot1rt also l1as jt1r.iscliction to }1car ap1)eals fron1 grades 1\ ancl 1\ I..i1niLecl Native C:ot1rts <1nd Provincial Co1..1rts [N.N. No. 28 of 1961, s. 3]. TL is J)roviclccl b)' s. 53 (1) of tl1e Con.stitutio11 (N.N.) tl1at ap1)eals lie as of rigl1t fro1n sttl)orclinatc co1..1rts'1 to the I-ligl1 Co1..1rt in li1c follo\-ving cases: a \vl1ere tl1e matter in clisputc is of tl1e valt1e of £50 or 111ore or a claim to property· or a right of tl1c valt1c of £50 or 111orc is raisccl; b \vhcre the grot1nd of appeal i11volves q1..1estion.s of la\.V alone, clecisio11s i11 any cri1 ninal proctcclings i11 \Vl1icl1 any perso11 l1as been sc11tc11cecl to imprisonmc11t for a term exceeding tl1ree mo11tl1s or cor1 Joral p1..1nishmcnt of six strokes or a fi11c or forfcitl1rc exccccli11g £25; c clecisio11s in a11y civil or cri1ninal procccclings 011 C{ttcstio11s as to the i11terpretation of the Regional C!onstitutio11, ll1e Co11stiLL1tio11s of the Federation or that of anotl1er Region. St:c Part \i. " 'l"hcsc incluclc n1a,gistrat.es' courts, Dislrict Courts, Nalivc Courts grades and :\ l,in1i te-cl as \veil as Provincial Courts. 0



Ptrrl I-West Africa d decisio11s i 11 any civil or crimi11al proceedi11gs orl. quest.ions as t0 \Vl1etl1er a 11y of Ll1c I)rovisions of Cl1apter III of tire Coiistiiut i on · of tl1 e 1-;-ccleration l1as been contravened in relation to a11y person e ciccisions i11 a11y cri111inal proceedings in \-vhicl1 any person ltas b;en senle 1 1cecl to dcatl1; 6 J sucl1 otl1cr cases as n1ay JJe prcscribecl by any Ia,v in force in the Rcgio11. 1\ppcals lie to tl 1 c I-Iigl1 Courl from decisior1s of a subordinate court ,\'ith tl 1 c leave of the I{igl1 Court in the follo,ving cases: a clccisio11s i11 a11y crin1i 11al proccedi 11gs frorn ,vl1ich no a1)peal lies as of rigl1t to tl1e I-ligh Court; a11d b sucl1 otl1er cases i11 \vl1icJ 1 110 appeal lies as of rigl1t to the High C(>ltrt as 1nay be J)rcscribccl by a 11)' l a,v in force in Ll1e Staie [H. C.L., s. 53 (3)]. �l�l1 e foregoing 11 ol\vitl 1 sla11cli11 g, 1 10 appellate jt1risclictio 11 can be coruerred 011 tl1e Higl 1 Cotirl in the folJo,.ving cases: a fro1n a11y clccisio11 of a s11bordinate court on a question relating 10 Mosle1n 1natlers i11 any case in \Vl1ich it is provided by a11)' Regional la\v that an appeal sl 1 all lic as of rigl1t to tl 1 e Sharia Court of .t\ppeal ; b fro111 an)' clecision of tl1e Sl1aria Co11rt of 1\ppeal in ail)' such • qt1cst1on; c fron1 a11y decisio11 of tl1 c Court of Rcsolutio11 011 a11y question relali 11 g lo tl1e res1)ectivc jurisdictions of tl1 e High Court of the State a 11d tl1e Sl 1aria Cottrt of .t\ppeal [H.C.L., s. 53 (2) ]. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-.'\ clccision of tl1e I-Iigl1 Court is subject to refe ren ce to the Co11rt of Rcsc)lt1tio11 on tl 1 e grou11cl tl1at tl1c Sl1aria Cot1rt of .r\ppeal and not tl1 e I Iigl - 1 Co11rt l1acl jurisclictio11 i11 a11y partic11lar 111atter [1-I.C.L., s. 36 ].0 1\gain, a1Jpcals lie to tl1e S111Jrc111c Cotirt of Nigeria fron1 decision� of Ll1c I-Iigl1 Col1rt (1\l, l)ara. 4· , IJ. 4-2, ante). 1'ransfe1·-1\ juclge 111a}' al a11y lime or at. atl)' stage of 1l1 c p roceeding:-: before fi 11al jt1clg11 1c11l, a11cl citl1 cr ,vitl1 or witl1 out applicaLio 11 fro111 any ? f tl1 c parties, trar1sier any cattsc or n1attcr before l1 i1n to a District Cot,rl in tl1 c case of a civil cat,se or 111.altcr, or to a 1nagistratc's court i11 tl1e case of a crin1i11 al ca11sc; pro\riclccl Ll1 at no cause or 1nattcr shall be transfer red to a l)istrict Cottrl or a 111 agistrate's courl u11 less tl1c District Jt1dge or Lbe [ 1-I.C.J..,., sa1nc tl1c ine 1 111 agistratc ll1ereof, l1as j11risdiction to l1ear and detern on e ai fr o r iatte 1 1 J or _ s. 71 ( 1)]. Tl1c Cl1icf 11slicc 1nay tra11sfer a catise j uclgc of tl 1 c l1igl 1 Cot1rt to a 110tl1er [H. C. L., s. 72 (I)]. 1\gain, � J Uie of e �u�� Nati: a to l1in1 tl1c cot1rt: n1ay tra11sfer a11y caltse or n1atter before 1 I · · · d" · · , F1n allv 76] 1av1r1g Jttr1s 1ct10 11 111 sue11 cattse or matter [H . c .L ., s· ·


· 1Native Court 15 1cc 1 sente deatl1 pass Tl1 c only su)Jordi11ate cotirt ,vl1icl1 can gracle A. , r Resolution 11 It is intc csti1 1g to note tl1a t no case l1as been rcf�rred to tl1e Co urt 0 r si11ce its estal>lish1nent in 1960. 5


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! I' •


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The Fet!eration of 1Vigeria a11 aJJ lJeal is loclgecl to the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt fro111 a Nati\rc Court a11d tl1c I-Iigl1 C!ot1rt is of Ll1e opi11ion tl1at the aJJJJeal sl1ottlcl IJroperly l1a\1e been broL1gJ1t before ll1e Sharia Cot1rt of 1\p1Jcal, it may \Vit.l-1 tl1c co11sent of tl1e Grand Kacli, transfer st1cl1 apJJeal to th.c Sl1aria Court of 1\JJJJCal [I�I.C.L., s. 78). Lt\\\' TO DE AD�IINISTERED

8 General la'\v-St1 bjcct to tl1e 1Jrovisio11s of any \vri Itcr1 la \V, a tl1c co1nn1011 la,v; b tl1c c\octrincs of cc1t1ity; a11cl c tl1c stattttcs of ge11eral ap1Jlica1ion ,vl1ic-l1 \\·ere i11 force in E11gla11cl 011 the 1st day of ,Jant1ar)', 1900, sl1a]I: in so far as tl1cy rc!a te to ail)' n1a ttcr \Vi 1l1 respect to \Vl1icl1 l lie legislature of the Stale is for t11c ti111c being co1111Jctcnt to n1akc la,vs, be in f<.lrCe ,vill1i11 tl1c jt1risclictio11 of tl1e cottrt [I�I.C.L., s. 28]. La,v ancl CC(ttily are to be co11ct1rrently adn1i11istcrccl a11cl in case of ar1, conflict tl1c rules of equity J)revail [H.C:.L., ss. 30 a11cl 31]. rl'l1c jt1risdiction of tl1c High Cot1rt i11 probate catises and J)rocecclings is to be cxcrcisccl b)' the cot1rt irt confor1nity ,vitl1 tl1c la,v ar1cl practice for 1J1e tin1e bci11g in force in Englancl [fJ.C.L., s. 33]. 1

9 Customa1·y la\\'-Scctio11 34 prO\'ides tl1at tl1e Higl1 Court sl1all obscrv·e and enforce tl1e observance of, c,:cry nali\ c la\-v ancl custom ,vhicl1 is 1101 repugnant to natt1ral jttSlice, cc1uil)' a11cl goocl conscience, nor incon1patiblc citl1er clircctl}· or by 11ccessary implication ,vitl1 ail)' lalv for tl1c time being in force: ancl notl1ing i11 tl1e I-Iigl1 Cottrt La,-v sl1all deprive any person of tl1c benefit of a11y st1cl1 11ati,,c la\v or custo111. Sucl1 Ia\vs and customs sl1all be deemed a1JJ)licable i11 causes ancl n1atters ,vhere tl1e parties t11creto are 11ativ·es and also i11 cattses and n1atters bet\-vec11 11atives ancl 11011-natives \vherc it n1ay a1Jpear to tl1c Court that st1bstantial injustice ,voulcl be done to either }Jarty by a strict acll1erence to il1e rules of English la\v. It is further pro\'idcd tl1at no party sl1all l)c e11titled to clai1n tl1e IJe11efit of any native la\v and ct1slon1, if it sl1all aJJpcar citl1cr fron1 express contract or from the 11alurc of tl1c transactio11s OLlt of ,-vl1icl1 a11y st1it or qt1estio11 may l1ave arisen, lhat such party agreecl tl1at l1is obligations in co11nection ,vith st1ch transactions should IJc rcgttlatcd exclusively by E11glish la\"' or tl1a t st1cl1 transactions arc tra11Saclions unknO\.Vll lo native Ia\V or ctistom. 111 cases vvl1crc no express rt1lc is applicable to a11y n1a1 ter in controversy, the Court shall be gO\'Crnecl IJy the principles of justice, ec1uily a11d good • consc1encc. 1

10 Islamic or other law-Nortl1crn Nigeria is of a predominantly

!vioslem population a11d con'iequcntly special pro\ isio11 is made for tl1e application of ''lvioslem Ja1,v'' in the States. Section 53 (5) of the Nortl1crn Nigerian Constitution defines this la\.v to mean "sLtch system of 't-.1osle111 la\v as may be prcscri}Jcd in any Regional law, as applied subject lo the provisions of any such la \.V.'' t\ppcals fron1 subordinate cot1rts on certain "c1uestionc, relating to Moslem matters'', i.e. relating t o ivioslem personal law, do not lie to the J-ligh Cot1rt but to tl1e Sharia Court of Appeal. 1


Part I-J11est Africa lvfatters vvl1 icl1 come \-Vithin the clefi11ition of 1l1at l)ranch of !'vfoslem la,v are set out i11 tl1e Constiltttio11 [s. 53 (5)]. 7


1 Establishme11t-i\Iagistrates' cot1rts in cl1e States are establishe:d by the Cri1ni11al Proccdt1re Coclc La',,\' 1960 [N .R. No. l l of 1960, 110\,' cap. 30, La\VS of Nortl1crn Nigeria, 1963 Revisio11]. By s. 5 the Chief ]tlstice j5 c1npovverccl to cli,,idc tl1c State or a11y {)Ortion tl1ereof in to n1agistcria[ districts for tl1e {Jttrposcs of estalJ!ishing magistrates' courts, a11d in eacl1 magisterial clistrict there is cstablishecl a n1agistrate's court [ibid.: s. 6]. 2 Com1)osition-Niagistrates arc eitl1er Cl1ief rviagistratc.s, or 111agis� trates of tl1e first, seco11d or tl1i1·d graclc a11cl tJ1ey arc appointed by the Pul)Jic Service Co1nmissio11 or tl1c State [N.l<. �o. 11 of 1960, s. 8]. 8 3 Juriscliction-origin�,I-E·very 1nagisirate 11as jurisdictio11 through­ out tl1e Stale tu1lcss l1is appoi11tme11t is SJJecifically li111ited io the area of a11y clistrict, or grOLIJJ of clistricts [N.R. No. JI of 1960, s. 9]. f\.fagistrates 11avc only cri111i11al jt1riscliction, tl1eir ci,,il jt1ri:-.dictio11 ha,·ing lJeen taken O\'er by tl1c District Courts. Tl1ey also l1avc 0111 )' original jurisclictio11. Scctio1) 12 ( l) of tl1c Criminal Procedure Coclc La,v provides tl1at "a11y offence uncler the Penal Code may be triecl lJy an)' coLtrl b y ,vhicl1 st1ch offence is sl10,v11 ic1 the sixtl1 colttm11 of 1\1J1 Jc11dix to lJe triable or a11y cot1rL -.vitl1 greater JJO\vcrs'\ Tl1crcfore to ascertai11 \vl1at offences unclcr ss. I to 4·09 of tl1e Penal Coclc a specified grade- of 111agistrate is at1tl1orised to try, the sixtl1 colu11111 of .l\ppenclix :\ 111us1 be co11st1ltcd. 1\gai11, to clelern1i11e \vl1icl1 offenccs a 111agistrate is at1tl1orisccl to try tinder ss. 4· IO to 4·7 7 of tl1e J)cnal Code,� s. 4· of Ll1c Cri1ni11al })roccclt1rc (N.R.) .A.er l 960 [No. 20 or I 960] r11akes a sin1ilar 1Jrovision: ((:\n oflencc co11trary lo 1l1e J)ro, isio11S of tl1c l)e11al Cocll! (Norther11 Region) Jcecleral })revisions 1\ct 1960 111ay IJe trice! by cl1e court s 1Jecificcl i11 lh.c sixtl1 colt1111n of tl1e .'\p1)c11clix l1creto iri rcs1Jcct of tl1al offc11ce or b)' aJ1)' court ,vitl1 greater J)O\\'Cr". Jt1risdictio11 nia)' also l)c co11fcrrccl 011 a magistrate lJy any otl1cr l,l\\' to tr)' olTc11ccs speci11cd i11 st1cl1 Ia,v. \V}1c11 sucl1 la,v clocs 11ol s1)ecify a11y court to try tl1c offences crcatccl l))' it, a 111agistratc 1na)' t1, st1cl1 offences; }Jroviclcc\ 1l1at i11 sucl1 case: a a Cl1icf 1,fagistralc sl1all 11ot try a11 offe11ce punishable ,vitl1 im1 Jrison1nc11t for a tcr1n \vl1icl1 1nay exccecl fi,,e years or \vitl1 a fi11e cxccccli11g £500 ; b a magistrate of tl1c first grade sl1all 11ol try an offence 1 Jun1s}1ablc \Vitl1 i1111Jriso11111cnt for a tern1 ,vl1icl1 111a)' exceed lhree y ears or ,vitl1 fine exccedi11g £300; 1



Sec also }). 74-, post. 8 See also s. 4·. )cnal Code J 1 I ,e by e Cod al Pen o Ti1esc sections are i11corporatcd into the ar� .f;·edt·r� 1 <'" ffe c 1cs Tl . l , 969 : Act ns visi Pro � cral l;-ed ion) Reg � ? e (Nortl1ern tu1 l 1sla cg al li n t. h�! on ch � � : era o11cs, i.e. offences flo,�1ing fron1 subJC::c�s over "")u ,ent. . ctm ena l fed a by lias J)O\ver to legislate; hence tl1cy are 1111.roduccd 7



--------The Federation of ,.\'igcritt c a _ma �istr�tc of the scco11cl grade sJ 1all 11ot try a11 offc11ce pt1nisl1ablc

,v1tl1 11111)r1so11mcnt for a tcr1n ,vl1icl1 ma)' exccccl t\vo years or \Vitl1 fine exccedi11g £200; d a ina �istrate of tl1c thircl graclc sl1 all 11ol try a11 offc11cc }Jtii1islial )lc _ _ ,v1tl1 1n1pr1son111ent for a tcr111 ,vl1ic]1 n1ay cxccccl tl1rcc n1011tl 1s or ,vitl1 fi11c cxceecli11g £100 [("'!.}).C.L., s. 13, as an1c11dccl by N.N. No. 12 of 196,!]. :\ (:l1ief .L\'fagistrale has po,,·er lo }Jass the follo\vi11g se11tc11ccs: a i1npriso11111.cnt for a lcr1n not cxceecli11g five )'Cars; b fine 11ol exccccli11g £500; c ca11111g; (! ucte11Lio11 t1nclcr s. i l of tl1c Pc11al Coclc. .-\ 111agistratc of tl1c first graclc 111.t)' JJass tl1e follo,vir1g se11tc11ces: a i111 1Jriso11111ent for n tcr111 11ot cxccccli11g tl1 rce ·years; b fi11e 11ol cxccccli11g £300; c carting; ancl <I dctc11tion tt11dcr s. i J of 1l1c l)c11al Coclc. 1\ 111agisLratc of tl1e seconcl grade n1ay }Jass tl1e follo\\•i11g sc11 te11ccs: a i1n1Jrison1nc11t for a ter1n 11 ot cxcecdi11g 18 mo11tl1s; b fi11c not exceecling £200; c caning; a11d cl detcntio11 under s. 7 1 of tl1e Pe11al Coclc. t\ magistrate of tl1 e tl1ird grade n1ay JJass tl1e follo\vi11g sc11tcnces: a imprisonme11t for a ter1n 11ot exccecli11g 11ine mo11tl1s; and b fine not exceeding £100 [C.P.C.L., ss. 15-18]. Tl1e Governor 1na}' by order autl1orisc a11 i11crease ir1 Ll1c jttriscliclic)rl of a n1agistrale, to such an exte11t as tl1c Cl1ief Justice 111ay SJJCcify [Cl.11.C.L.. , s. l 9].


1 Establislunent-By s. 3 of tl1c District Courts La,v 1960 [N.R.

No. 15 of 1960; see cap. 33, ·1�I1e La,vs of Nortl1er11 Nigeria, 1963 Revisio11] tl1c Cl1ief Justice is en1po\.vcrcd to diviclc tl1e Slale i11to districts and i11 each district tl1 crc is established a District Court for tl1c acln1i11istratio11 of civil causes ancl n1atlers 011Iy. 2 Composition_,.fhe P Lt blic Service C!o111111issio11 i.s cn1po,vered to appoint District J"tLclges, '\vl1 0 are styled Senior District Jt1clgcs a11d District Judges of the first, second a11cl third grade [District Cot1rls La\v, s. 7]. 3 Jurisclictjo11-original-1-\ District Judge has jt1riscliction tl1 rot1gl1out Northern Nigeria t1nless l1is appoint1ncnt is specifically lin1ilccl to the area of a11y district or grotLI'J of districts [J)istricl Cot1rts La,v, s. BJ. District Jttclges l1avc no appellate jurisdiction a11cl tl1cir original jurisclictio11 is co11fu1cd to civil causes only.


Part I- J Vesl Africa 1

e follolving cases: 1l1 i11 on cti di ris jtt as 1 l lge t1c .J ict str Di or 1\ Seni ct or tort or IJoil1 wl1 cre the a all JJcrsorial st1its arisi11g. fro m co11tra debt or clamagc clai1necl 1 s 1101 more than £500; b all Ja11cllorcl a11cl tcna11t suits for possessio11 ,vhere Ll1 c ar111uaJ value or rent clocs not exceed £500; c all actio11s for tl1c recovery of arl)' }JCnalt)', raies, expe11Scs, contribu­ tion etc., ,vl1 icl1 is rcco,,eralJle by ·virtt1c of an)' ,,•ritte11 la\11' for tl1c tiil1C being i11 force, if i it is 11 ot cx1)rcssly fJrovicled b)' tl1 at or a11y otl1cr ,vritten la,v 1I1at tl1 e clcn1a11d sl1all be recoverable only i11 son1e otl1cr court; ii tl1c an1ou11t c]ai111ccl i n tl1c actio11 docs 11 01 exceecl £500; rl all civil JJroccccli11[.{S i11 respect of ,vhicl1 juriscliction l1as bee11 cor 1fcrrccl tl}Jo11 a District Cot1rt IJ·y tl1c Land Te11t1rc La\',' ,,•l1 cre tl1c arr1otn1t clai111ccl or tl1e ca pi Lal \'al t ic of tl1e la ncl Ll1c subject 111at tcr c)r 1l1c JJroccccli11gs clocs 1101 exceed £500; c a11y ci ,•il })fcJccccli11gs i11 respect of ,,,}1icl1 jurisdictio11 l1as bee11 cunfcrrc:cl tl})l1l1 a District C!ot1rt by a11)' otl1cr ,,1·itte 11 la,,· or ,vl1ich l>y \'iri.ttc of arl)' c,tl1cr \vrittc11 la,v may be institt1tcd i11 a District C:ot1rl ,v J1ere tl1c amot111 t clai111 ccl or Ll1 e , 0alt1e of tl1c subject n1atter <Jf tl1c JJroccccli11gs cloc-s 11ot exceed £500; ./ to aJJp<>i11t gt1arclians acl lite1n a11 cl to 1nake orders a11d isst1e ancl .�i,1 c directi<Jr1s relating tl1ercto; .!J to gra11t i1tju11ctions or orcler.s to stay· ,vaste or a.lie11atio11 etc., for tl1c llc-t e11tio11 ancl }Jrcscrvatio11 of a 11)' JJror)erty su IJjcct to a st1i t IJelcJrc it or to res train IJrc.acl1c.s of co11 tracts or 1.orts. St1lJjcct to (t/) alJove a11d to tl1c 1Jro,tisio11S of an)' otl1er ,,,ri1Le11 la,v, a Sc11ior l)istricL J ttclgc l 1as 110 jtirisdiction i11 a11 y sttit or 111at1er ,vl1icl1: 11 raises ail)' i:;stie as to tillc to la11cl <Jr a11y otl1er i11tercst tl1crci11; b raises any isstie as to ti 1c validi Ly· of a cle,,ise, l)ec1 ticst or ] i1nitation tinder any '"ill or settlc111c11 t; c is sttl)jcct to tl1c j\1risclictio11 of n. 11ati\·c cottrl re1::iti11g to 111arriagc, fainily sta l tis� gt1arclia 11sl1 iIJ of cl1 ilclrc11, inl1criia11ce or clisJJosition of JJl'OJ)ert)' 011 clcatl1. It is 110,-vc,,cr JJrovi<lccl t l1al a Senior District J t1clge C<l 11 exercise j 11risdic­ . t io11 over tl1c alJo,,e n1attcrs if tl1c Go,,cr11o r in Cot111cil so directs or if a . . ' stu t is 11: an:f erred to tlie cotirt t111clcr tl1 c )rovisio11s of I l1 c Kative C'.ot1rts _ l L���, l_l�1st � ·1c�. �otu·ts l�a,v, s. 13]. l l1c Jt1r1scl1c11or1 <Jf l)istrict Jti<Jgcs is tl1 c sa111c as itc111iscd alJo,�e t:XCC}Ji tliat tl1e fina11cial li11 1itatio11 is as follo,\'S: £200 j 11 tl1c case of a District .Jtidgc of tl1c first. graclc; £100 i 11 tl1c cas e of tl1c secor1cl graclc, a11d £25 in tl1 ? ca!)c of tl1c tl1ircl graclc [I)ist rict Cotlrls La\v, s. 14]. _ I �le �ove�·11or 111a)', 011 tl1c rcco11 1111c11dalion of il1 c Cl1ief J 11st ic.l�: i11crcase . tlic Jtlriscl�ctio11 ?f �Il)' l)i:;trict J ticlgc to tl1 c cxtc 11 t rcco1111nc-11clcd bo the , Cl11cf J tis Lice [D1 str1ct Cot1rts La ,v, s. I i]. CONTllOL OF coun.Ts (�11\GJS'l"llATEs' COURTS AND J)JS'J'RICT COURTS) 6 Ap1le al-.-t-\n)' pcrso11 aggrje,,ed by a co11,,irtilll1 or order of a _ , 111 agi stralc 5 cot1rl 1nay aJ)pcal to ll1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rl agai 11sl st1cl1 con,,iction 72


Tire Fe(/eration of Nigeria or order. Bt1t no appeal lies i11 respect of any conviction for a11 offc11ce pttnishable by fine only if tl1e fine i1nposccl clocs not cxccccl £5. 1'11erc is also a rigl1t of appeal to the High Cot1rt agai11st sc11tcncc ' save \Vllcrc lll e sentence i 1nposed is fixed by la\v [C.P.C.l,., s. 279]. Tl1ere is a rigl1t of a1Jpcal to tl1 c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt agai11 sl ;i clccisi t>Jl or jt1dgment of a District Cot1rt in tl1c follo\vi11g cases: a \vherc a decision or jt1clg111c111. is givc11 i11 rcsJJcct of .:1 s111n of .CI o or more; or b ,vhere a clccisio11 or jt 1dgn1e11t clctcr1 11i11cs clircctly or ir1clircc1lv a claim o �· questio11 rcs1)ecti11g 111011cy, goocls or 0Ll1cr I)rOJ)crty. c•r _ . any c1,�1l right or other n1attcr of tl1c a111ot111t or to tl1c ,•al t1c of £ 10 or 1nore. \Vh ere tl1e an1 ou11t of 111011ey i11vol\-·ecl is less tl1a11 £10, ll1et1 a1)1)cal lies to Ll1e I-Iigh Cottrt ,vitl1 tl1e leave of tl1c latter [District C�ot1rts La,v, ss. 71 and 73]. Revie,,•, revision-'1�11c Higl1 Cot1rl I 1as }Jo,vcrs of rcvisio11 i11 rcs1Jccl <lf all iJroceedings in DistricL Cot1rts or 111agistratcs' cottr Ls [N.R.I-I.C.J_,., s. 39 J. Tl1e Chief J11stice 111ay, ,-vitl1 tl1e apJ)roval of tl1c Govcr11or, rcqt1irc rct t1r11s of cases decidecl in magistrates' cotirts to l) e for'\-vardcd to hi111 or to a11yjt1dge of the Higl1 Court [C.P.C.L., s. 373 ( 1) (c)]. 1\gai11 tl1c CJ1icf,Jt1stice may of lus O\Vn motio11 call for and examine the recorcl of a11y JJroccccli11_gs in an)' criminal cause or 1natter before a1 1y cottrt for Ll1c IJLtrJJOSC of satisfyir1g hi1nself as to the correctness, legality or I)l"OJ:>ricty of an)' fine.ling, sc11tcncc or order recorde d or pass ed a11d as to tl1 c rcgt1larity of tl1 e IJrocecclings <)f tl1e court [C.P.C.L., s. 285 ( l)]. Transfer-vViLh respect to crinu1 1al 1natlers, tl1c Cl1ief .Jt1slicc 11,�l)-", ,vhen ever it appears to him tl1aL tl1e tra11sfcr of a case ,viii J)ron1ote tl1c: c11cls of justice or \viii be in tl1 e intercsls of pt1blic orclcr, 1.ra11sfcr an)' case fr<-.111 any cot1rt (including a magistrates' cot 1rt) to a11 otl1cr al a11y stage of lhc proceecli11gs [C.P.C.L., s. 138]. 1\ jttclgc 1nay at a11y tin1c or at ar1y stage of proceedings before final jt1dgmcnt transfer an)' cause or 1na Lier bcf1)rc him to a magistrate's courl in tl1e case of a crin1ii1al cat1sc ar1cl lo a l)istrict Court in the case of a civil cause or 111altcr, proviclccl tl1at tl1c 1nagislra te's cottrt or District Court has jurisdiction to clea) ""itl1 tl1c 111atter. If there are l:\vo or more Dislrict Jt1clgcs i11 011c clistrict an)r 011c of tl1cn1 may transfer any cause or matter before him to a11otl1er j t1dge "''it! 1i11 L11e district [District Cot1rts La,v, s. 29]. 1\ District J11clge 1nay also e1tl1cr of his own motion, or on the applicatio1 1 of any person co11cerned, report to _ a jtidge of the I-Iigh Cotirt any cat1se or maLLcr p encling before 11� m a11d wl1icl1 in l1is opi11ion ot1gl1l for any reason to l)C transferrccl fro111 his cottrt to any otl1 er District C!ourt or I-Iigl1 Co1trt ancl st1cl1 II- 1_ gl1 Cotirl J_ ttclge sl1al) give necessary directions [ibitf., s. 30]. i\ l)istricL Cc)t1rt also l1as po,ver to transfer to a 11ative cot1rt [ibit!., ss. 31 a11 d 32].

7 Inspection, supervision, etc.-Nil. LAW TO BE ADl\lINlSTERED

8 General law-°Niagistratcs' courts exercise jt1risclictio11 i11 accorda11cc wi1l1 the provisions of Lhe Penal Cocle La,-v [N.R. No. I 9 of I 959] ancl the 73

Part I-J Vesl 11/rica 1

Cri1ni11al l)roccdt1 rc Code La\\', l)istrict Co t 1rts arc })ouncl, i11 tlie exercis JJrovisions of tl1e District Cotiris La\Vc of their j t 1risdictio1 1, to .follo\V the · · . " ?4 11 1 ca pro,,1s 1ons as are set ot1 t i n tlie cl I 1 c t a11cl ss. 23 a11 cl _ contain High c:o t1 rt La\\' as regarcls tl1c Ia,v to }Jc acl111ini.stercd by the cot1 rts.1u 9 Custon1.ary la,v-:\s I-Iigl1 Court (1\2, para. 9, p. 69, ante)_ 1 1

10 lsla1nic or other 1�1,v-1\s I-Iigl1 Court (;\2, para. 10, p. 69, anle). 1\5

,.. SI-It\RI1\ COUR f 01� .\PPE.A.L


1 Establisl1ment-rl,l1c Co t 1rl is establisl1cd by tl1e Sl1aria Court of .'\JJJJCal La,v 1960 [ N.R. No. 16 of 1960, caJJ. 122, La,vs of Northern "Nigeria, 1963, Rcvisio1 1]. 2 Co1nposition-1,l1c c:c)11rt co11sists of tl1c Gra11d Kadi, Deputy Gra11cl I(acli a11cl fo t tr otl1er jt1clgcs ]earned in tl1c SI1aria [ibid., s. 4·, as an1 e11clecl lJ y N.N. No. 17 of 1965, s. 3]. 1�]1c Grand Kadi is tl1e President of Ll1c co t 1rt and in l1 is absence tl1e l)c1Jt1ly G ra11d Kadi prcsiclcs [ibi(!., s. 7]. �('o q11alify for aIJJJOi 1 1tme1 1t as a jt1 clge of tl1.c cot 1rt a JJerso11 mt1st be: (l a :l\:Iosle111; b 1 1ot less tl1a 11 35 years of age; and c a }Jerson ,-vl10 l1as bcc 11 a11 alkali o r adviser 011 1:fos1en 1 la,,· in the service of a Native 1\t1tl1ori iy for 11ot less tl1an ten ·years or a holcler of a certificate sl10,ving 1l1at l1e l1as completed a c ot 1rse of study in tl1c Sl1aria at a11 aJJprO\'ecl uruversi ty or college [Sl1aria Couri of 1\J)JJcal Law, s. 5]. 3 J'11risdictio11-origi11al-rfl1e Co11rt ]1as 110 original jurisdiction [ibi,I.� s. IO (3)]. 4 Ju1·isdictio11- �l])}Jellate-It I1cars a1)pea]s i11 ci,,il 1nattcrs againsL clecisio11s 0 11 qt1estio11s in,,ol, i1 1g l\;Ioslc1n 1:>crso1 1al Ia,v fron1 : a Gracie 1\ Nati\1 C C!ot1rts; b Gracie 1\ Li111ited Native Cl">t1rts� a11(l c Provi1 1cial Cot trts [ibitf., s. l O ( 1)]. Q11cstio11s rela I i11g lo l\ Ioslc111 })Crsonal Ia,v arc clefi11ecl as fo]lo\\'S: l1l uclcd cl con e riag 1nar a a an,, c1\1es l io1 1 of 1'vloslc1 11 la,,, regarcli11g tll� ac�orcl,t11ce ,vitl1 tl1at la\,·, i1 1cludi11g a question relati11g to sue on � c11 clep al 1 tl 11 c1ucst a io clissol t1 tio 11 of st1cl1 a 111arriage or _ 0f 1ai15l11lJ ::1 1 11a rriagc relati11g tc, fan1 ily rela tionsl1i IJ or tl1e guarcl 1


a11 i11fa11l;


diss? Iuuo �1


b a11 y qucstio11 rcgardi 1 1g a 111arriagc, i11clucli11g tl1c 1 0 1g ll tl1at 111arriage, or regarcli 1 1g fa1nily rc]ationsl1!1), a fou11< n � ��: -rocee p tl1e Lo ies g t1arcliansl1i1) of a11 infa1 1 l \vl1ere all tl1e part arc l\ Ioslc111S; 1

--- --------·------ - ---

_____,. ,__ .--- ------


Sec .:\2 11ara. 8, fJ. 69, ante. 11 Sec also Districl Co1.1rts l,a,v, s. 25. 111


The Federatio11 of Nigeria c any qltestio11 rcgarcling a \Vakf, gift, \viii or Sltcccssio1 1 \Vlicrc tlic

e11 clo,-ver, clonor, testator or deceasccl l)Crson is a l\tloslc111 � d any qtiestio ? rc?arcli11 g a11 i11fa11t, procligal or J)Crso11 of t111sot111cl 1nir1cl ,vho 1s a i\-1oslcn1 or tl1e 111 ai11tcna1 1cc or gt1:1rrlia11 slii\J of a l\t!oslcn1 ,vl10 is }Jl1y·sically or 111c11 Lally infirm; or e any otl1 er qttcstio11 ,vl1cre all tl1c }Jartics to tl1e }Jr(1ceeclir1gs ( ,vl1ctl1er or not tl1ey are l\tiosle111s) l1avc b)' ,vriti11g t1nclcr tl1 cir l1 a11 cl rcc111cstccl tl1at tl1c case l)c clc tcr111i 11ecl i 11 accorcla 11 cc ,vi Ll1 i\!f oslc1Tt I a,v [Sl1aria C. of 1\. l,a,v, s. 1 1 a11cl Co11stitt1tio11 (N.N.), s. 53 (5)]. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-Dccisio11S of tl1 c Sl1aria Cot1 rt of ,.:.\ I J\Jc-al arc fi11a] [ibi (!., s. 12]. Tl1e only cxccptio11 is tl1 at appeals lie fron1 tl1e cclttrt to tl1c SttJ)rcrne Cot1rt of Nigeria on c1uestio11S as t o tl1c i11ter1Jrclatio1 1 of ti1e Fcclcral Coristitt1tion or tl1 e (:onstitt1tio1 1 of a Rcgio11 a11cl 011 qucstio11s as to \vl1etl1 cr any of tl1e provisio11s of Cl1apter II I of tl1 c l<'cdcral Co11stitt1tio11 ( dcali11,g \\·itl1 fl111cla1ne11tal rigl1is) llas bee11 co11trave11ecl i11 rclatio11 to a11y }Jcrson [Federal Constitt1tio11� s. 119]. It is also JJroviclecl ll1at in t11c cve11t of disagree1ne11t as to ,vl1etl1cr tl1 e I-Iigl1 Court or tl1 c Sl1aria Courl of J\ I JJJCal l1 as juriscliction in any JJartict1lar 111atter refere11ce \Vill lJc 111acle lo the c:ourt of Resolt1tio11 1 :: ,vl1icl1 ,vil l resol,0e tl1e q ttes lio11 [s. I 3]. Lf\,V TO BE l\D'.\-IINISTERED

8 General !a,v

9 Customarl' la,"·

} Nil.

10 Islamic or otl1er la,,r-It is pro,,icled tl1at tl1e cot1rt, i11 tl1e e2,crcise

of the jurisdiction ,·csted in it as regarcls botl1 sttbstanLive Ia,v ancl JJracticc a11cl procedure, sl1all ad1ni11ister, observe a11cl e11f orce tl1c observance of, lhe principles and provisio11s of: ··(a''i lvloslcm la,v of tl1c l\'Ialiki school ct1sto111arily i11ler1)rctccl al tl1c place ,vl1crc tl1e trial at first insla 1 1ce toolc place; (b) this La\\. ; . . 1�'C (c) tl1e Native Cotirls La,v 1956 a11cl every otl1 cr la,v affecting 11�t courL5 i1 1 so far as it a.ppertai11s to a cattse or n1alter ,v1tl1111 .sectio11 I 2 of tl1is La\V: a11d of t1rt Co ia 1ar [Sl ' ce' ien 1sc co1 cl o go cl an �: tii t ec (,/) 11att1ral justice, 1 1\J)peal La\V, s. 14]. '


ts tir C!o e tiv Na of t en hm lis ab est e th r 1 Establisl1ment-Provisions fo in Nortl1ern Nigeria are contained in tl1e Native Courts La,v �9��, as 1 ern tl t No of s v a-v .. I , 78 J). ca , 56 19 of d ame11 ed from time to time [N.R. No. 6 Nigeria, 1963 Revision]. Seep. 81, post. 1 •o,v superseded by .t\rea Courts: sec PJ). 65-6, a11lc-E(litor.] i:m [N 12

Part 1-l J1esl Africa 1

SulJject lo confirn1ation by Ll1c w1i 11ister, 13 tl1e Pro,,incial Commissione it is e111pO\-Verecl to establisl1 by ,varrant sucl1 Native Courts ,vii.Jlin � · province as l1e co11sidcrs fit [Nalive Courts La,v, s. 3]. There is also esta�� lisl1ed i11 eacl1 J>rovi11cc i 11 tl1e Region a Nati,,e Court called l)rovin cial c:ot1r! [ibi{!., ss. 56, 70]. 'I'l1e Governor in Cotmcil may l))' order establish Native Courts to be called Area Cot1rts of whlch there are two types' 11 an1c)y, Urban .t\rea Cotirts ancl llural 1\rea Courts [ibid., 3. 4].

2 Composition-,\ Chief's Court consists of tl1e Chief or Emir as prcsiclc11t a11cl a fc\V other 1 ne1nbcrs [Native Couri.s La,v, s. 5]. :\n Alkali Cot1rl is 1naclc tip of a si11glc all�ali. Otl1er Native Courts consist of a sole })rcsidc1.1t or a 1Jresicle11l sitting ,-vitl1 otl1cr members or a president sitling \vitl1 a vice-1Jrcsiclc11 t a11cl otJ1cr members or a vice-presiclent sitti ng ,vith oLl1er 111c111bers [ibid., s. 6]. t\ppoi n tn1ents are made by tl1e Native or Local 1\tttl1ority, as tl1e case may )Je, in ,vl1 ose area tl1e court is established [ibirl., s. 5]. !11 cacl1 case tl 1c 1 neml)er 1nay or may not sit ,vith assessors [ibill., s. 57]. 1\ Provi11 cial Cot1rt, except tl1osc in tl1c Plateat1, Benue, Ilorin and l(abba l)rovi11ces, consists eitl1er of a president \\·l10 is an alkali, sitting \vith or withot1t assessors or st1cl1 a presiclcnt and one otl1er member sitting ,,•ith or \Vitl1ot1t assessors. .t\. Pro,•i11cial Court i11 eacl1 of the Plateau, Be11uc, Ilori11 ancl l(abl)a I'rovi11ces consisis of tl1 ree members of ,vho111 011e is tl1 e presiclent or vice-1)resiclent. If tl1e presiclent or vice-presideni is 11ot a11 alkali, one o f tl1c 1ne1nbcrs 1nust be st 1cl1. 1\ll alka)ai, })residents a11cl 1nembers of I'rov i 11cial Cot1rts are called Provinci al Court Judges and tl1cy ancl tl1cir staff are I)ttblic ofTicers i11 t.l1e J)t1blic service of the Region [Native Courts La,v, s. 71]. A11 1\rca Court co11sists of a sole jt1dgc callecl .:\rca Court Jttdgc and ,vho is a publ i c ofiiccr i 11 il1e I)t1blic service of tl1e ltegior1. 3 Jurisdiction-original-Every Native Cot1rt, in acldition to l1 aving jt1risclicLior1 ,,,ith i 11 sttcl1 territorial li111its as n1ay be clcfinccl b;1 its ,varranL over 1)crso11s ancl classes of pcrso11 s ordinarily st1bjcct to tl1e jurisdic�on of . g: 11rt ti vc t ribt1nals ' 15 l1 as ,vi t l1 in sttcl1 li111i ts ' J urisdiction o,1er tl1e follo,vi . d'n u. n a all })Crso11s 11ot 1Jer 111a 11entl)' rcsiclc11 t ,vitl1i11 tl1e area of juris r� � elf' a Nati, c 1\t1ll1orit y or a Local t\uLl1ority, but ,vl10 are ,vitbin st1cl1 an area a11cl ,vl1osc gc11cral n1ocle of life is t}1 at of tl1e general • • native co111n1t1111l; rican b persor1s or ch1sscs, of pcrso1 1S ,vl1 etl1cr of t\frican or 11on-lMi· be to ct dire n1ay l inci clcsccnt ,,,I 1on1 or ,,,l1icl1 tl1c Gover 11 or in Cot or t Cour Nativ e f O • l SU IJJCCI · l ar Cass t IIC JlJl'lSC · · 1·1ct101 · · 1 O f a11y part1Ctl _ ---· d by the 1 :i 'I'l 1e )0,ver of tl1c lvli11istcr t111clcr a11y existing la\V is 11o,,' exer�ise 1 . auon ) Decree, 1-'fodtfic a11cl l'vlilitary G ()vcrnor: sec tl1 c Cons1ilt1tion (St1s1Je11-;io11 1


No. I of I 966, s. 12 ( 4·). .5ling . I . is no\'r' ext 1 1' 'I'l 1c 1)0,vcr of tl1c J>ro,1incial Con1n1issioncr t1ncler any a,�on and ensi (Susp n exercised IJy tl1c I>rovincial Sccretar}', see the Constitutio :tvloclifica tion) Decree, No. I of I 966, s. 12 ( 5). . t. i'b inals" sec ir. For tl1c 1neaning of tl1c pl1rasc ''ordinarily subject to nauve r � (y et' un· lZcay and Ricl1a.rdso11, o p. cit., p. 174·, a11d Th e U.J'.G.A. l.Aw;•er cas

rCJJorted), Z/2 I Nf/ 1964·.










Tlze Federatio,i of Nigeria of a11y particttlar Native Co ur t or to be sttbjccl to sttcl1 J'uriscl"IC llOl . l . . 1n certain cattses or c lasses of causes 011ly; c perso11s whether of 1\frican or non- . .L\.frica11descent ,vlio J1 ,avc a l . . . 1nsl 1tttlecl proceccli11 gs in a 11y Nati,,c c:ottrt:; tim e any ti all natives of Nigeria ancl all nati,,c forcig11 crs1° in cases i r1 ,vliic1 1 they consent to the exercise of ll1e jttrisclict.io11 of tl1c Native Cottrt [Native Cot1rts La\v, s. 18]. If proceedings ha ,re been ins litt1tcd agai1ist a J)Crso11 i11 a Nat ivc (!otirt a11 cl tl1at person alleges tl1al l1c is 11ot st1bjcct to tl1c jltrisclictio11 of Na tivc Cottrls, tl1e matter, sl1all 011 tl1c aJ)J)lica.tion of tllc J)crso11 cc)11ccr11 cd to 1.1 1 c Higl1 Court, be tra11 sferrecl to tl1c f-Iigl1 Cot1rt, ,,·11icl1 sl1all i11cp1irc i11to a11c! dctern1ine tl1e trt1tl1 of tl1c allcgatio11 [Native (�ottrts I_,a\v, s. )�)] ancl n1 al(c st1cl1 order for trial as it consiclcrs jtist. Cri111itial and civil. 'fl1erc arc five graclc-s of Native C.!ourls, 11iz.: graclcs 1\. r\ Limitecl, B, C a11d D. 17 1-\J)\Jc11clix 1\ of tl1 c C!rirninal Procccl;1rc c:oclc La,v sets otit against every 00e11 cc created by tl1e Pcr1a1 C!oclc l,a\v, Ll1r. lo,..·cst grade of Nalive Cottrl con11)ctent to try it. ·1�I1c c;ov·cr11or is als<1 cmpo,-vered to confer jurisdiction t1po11 atl)' or all Nativ·e Cotirts to enforce specific penal provisions of s1 )ccific statt1tcs [Nati vc Cot1rts I... n.\V, s. 2 7]. l\ny Native Cottrl l1 as jt1risdiction to enforce rt1lcs or orclers 1na<1e lJ)' a Native At1tl1ority· t1ncler tl1e Native !\utl1oril)' La\V 1954·, ,vl1ic}1 arc i11 force in tl1c court's area of jurisclictio11. Bttt !.he po\vers of tl1ese courts do 11ot exccecl tl1osc I)rcscribcll i11 Ll1e Schedule to the La,v, vi::..: grade 1\-u11limitecl })O\Vers of J)Ltnisl11.11c11t except that a sentence of deatl1 ca11not be carriecl ot1L t1111.il it 11as l)cc11 confi nnecl by tl1e ivlinistcr; grade r-\ Lin1ited-its po,vcrs arc li1ni l.<'cl <)11!)1 to tl1e extent that it has no po,vers in l101nicidc cases; graclc B-in1prison­ mcnt for three ·years or a fine of£I SO; graclc C-i1n1 )riso111nc11 L for rig} 1Lcc11 months or a fine of £30; graclc D-impriso 11n1e11t for 11ine n1.on Ll1s or ,l fine of £15. Native Courts of all grades l1 ave pov.•cr to a,varcl a sc11Lcr1cc of ca11i11g ancl of symbolic or Haddi lasl1 ing in accordance ,vitl1 tl1c J)rovisio11s <)f tl1c Penal Code ancl Ll1c Criminal Proccdt1rc Cocle. In civil cawes the courts of all gracles ha,,c 11nlin1itcd jt1risclictio11 i11 matrimonial causes and matters i 11volving JJcrso11.c; ma.rriccl tinder 11aLive 1a,,• and ctistom as ,vell as in suits relating to tl1c ct1stody of cl1ilclrc11 1111clcr native la\v and custo1n. In contract ancl tort cases graclcs ,<\ a11cl 1-\ Lin1itecl cottrts have u11limited jurisdiction, ,-vl1ilc graclcs B, C a11cl D are li 111i Lecl tc, _ £200, £100 and £50 value respective))'· 1\.s regarcls causes relat111g to succession and admi11istration of estates tinder native la,v a11cl ct1sto 111 tllc jt1risdiction of grades 1\ and ;:\ Li 1nitcd courts is tinlimitccl, ,vl1 crcas tl1 at of Native foreigner rncans any person \Vl1ose parents ,verc n1cn1lJcrs 1of a trilJ': or tribes indigenous to sorrie part of Africa, a 11cl tl1c dcsccr1clants o_f stt�1 persons· the Law (l'vlisccll ancous Prc>visions) 1\ct, s. 3 (for1ncrly Intcrprctal1011 .r\ct). 17 ly an apJ)cllalc cottrl_, J-\s \Ve shall see IJclo,v. a Provincial Court is essential but �t t�e fCW C �CS \V}lCTC iC exercises origi11 al jltrisdiction j l J1as tJ.1c pO\VCr of� g�·aclc ,\ JJ1m1tcd Native Court. 1\gain, the Arca Co1.1r ls arc gfac.lcd 1nlo 1\, A f...,iniiLccl , 131 C and D: see ss. 59 (2) and 70 (3). 16


Part 1-J,f/esl Africa grades B, C and D is to tl1e value of £500 , £100 a11cl £50 res1)ectivelv, Fiii ally in causes rclati11g to O\v11crsl1iJ) a11d IJOssessio11 or occu1)ation �f land tlie juriscliction of gracles 1\ and 1\ Li1nited courts is again u11liiniLcd ,-vhile tl1at of grades I�, C and D is limited to il1e value C)[ £500, £100 and £50 rcs1Jectivel) 4 Ju1·iscliction-a1)pellate-1\ case origi11ating in grades B, C a11cl D 1 1a 1.i,re cot 1rts goes on ap1Jeal to a Pro,,incial Co11rl. In 1960 a Pro,,i11cial Court vvas set up i11 cacl1 of tl1c t,vel,rc J)rovinces of lhe Region to hear apJJcals Ill fro 111. tl1c lo\vcr graclc Native CourLs. U11likc the otl1er Native Cot1rts \vl1icl\ ,vere tl1c responsibilit) of tl1c Native .t\utl1orities, Ll1e Pro,rincial Courts ,vcrc tl1c rcspo11silJility of tl1.c Regio 11al Government ancl all tl1e 111e111l)crs a r\cl officials \Vtrc f)ttlJlic oflicers in tl1e l)ttlJlic Ser·vicc of 1l1e Region [Native (:nt1rts J..., a\v, s. 5 7 (3)]. 'l'he pt1rpose of setting up tl1ese courts is to gt1arantcc Lo aggric,,ccl IJarties tl1c }Jossibility of a1)pcal to a cot1rt outside t be Nati,•c l\t1tl1L1ri l)' S) Slem. It ,vas calc11latecl t..!1al a cot1r1 outside the i 11 1rnc(lia tc Iocality i11 ,vl1icl1 tl1c I)arLics reside a 11cl re111ovecl froi n the i 11flt1c11cc of tl1c Native 1\t1tl1orities ,vl1icl1 contro1 tl1c Nati,•e Courts systc1n ,vot1lcl clis1Je11sc better jt1slicc. 1 u 1•






6 Appeal-J'\p1Jeals fro1n NaLivc Cotirts grades .-\, ,-\ Li111itccl and JJrovincial Courts 2 0 go to tl1e Nati ve Cot1rts .-\ PIJellate Di,ric;;io11 of tl1e I-Iigh C:o t1rt, tu1less tl1e 111atter is one J)l"O}Jcrl)r go,•er11ecl b)" i\'loslem personal la,v \vl1c11 atJ}Jeals go to tl1e Sl1aria CourL of :\ppcal [Nati,•c Court..s La,,', s. 62]. :\ i)pcals fro111 graclcs 1 3, C ancl I) Nati,·e Cot1rts ,,·itl1in tl1e pro,•i11ce lie Lo tl1e Pro,,i11cial Cotirts [ibi(!., s. 58]. Revie,:v., revisio11-Every Nati, e Cot1rt sl1all, ,,,I1e11 required to do so, sttbmit L<1 a 11 insJ)Cclor a rei)orl of a11y cases or class of cases triecl i11 such co1. 1rt. 'J,l1e i11s1Jcctor l1as access at all tin1es to all tl1e Native Cotirts i11 the I{cgio11 a11cl to tl1c rccorcls a11cl procccclings of st1cl1 cottrts a11cl 111ay order tl1c co t1rls to stay tl1.c l1e,1ri 11g of ar,y ca11sc or 111attcr before tl1cn 011 sucli ter111s as l1c 111ay cor1siclcr jt1st. 0 11ce l ie l1as 111adc st1cl1 a11 order l1e exercises ,vie.le }Jl1\vers of rcvie,v. Tl1cse i1 1cl t1de tra11sfcrring tl1e cause or 1nat1cr to a1101 l1cr Nati, c C!ottrt, a 111agistra tc's court or a I)istrict Cot1rt for trial and


' ;




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>ro\'i1�cial Court exercises ori-gi;1aljurisclictio11 over a case tra.nsf crred_ Lo I 1\ • � t I ron1 a NatL vc (:ourl IJy a 11 ins1Jcctor or tl1e I·Iigl1 Cot1rt a11cl in tl1a l connecuon 1 t l 1as the fJO\\•crs of :1 grallc i\ Li111ilecl Nati,,c Court: s. 59. 111 CJ: !Zea y anll llici1a rdslHl� 0/1. cit., \J. 291. Rcccntly iL l1as been a11notLnccd l)y thc Nortl1ern Ilcgio11::tl (�over111nc11t 1.l1 at JJlans arc u.ndcr ,vay to .r�mo\·c th c _ N:it1vc (:ourts systen1 fro111 1l1c control of Native a11tl Local 1\u1.hor1t1es 50. th3t justice \Yill 11ot only be clo1 1c l)ttl a}JI)car to be do11 c. ·1·11is is a11 a11s,vcr to pcrsis�l';111 o l 1 ?t _l�g� �t�ons that l1c Nati':c Cot1rt.s �r� lt�ccl _ ll)' tl1 c Native ancl. L e �! ,·n\1u�tor;t'i: . s 1nst1 11111c11ls of OIJtJress1011 a11d ,r1cl1n11zat1o11. 111 1l1c 111ca11t1111e 1to ,\p r 111 � 1967, Na I i,•c Cot1rts i11 tl1 c ca}lital tcrri t.ory or Kadttl'>a are remo\· ccl front 0 � \\. COillrol or Nalivc Autl1oritv. i\ll tl1 e IT1CI11l)ers a11cl staff of st1cl1 eourts are JJU!Jlic officers i11 tl1c llublic Service of tl1c Rcgio11: sec 'I'hc N ative Court.ha1. L<: �\ '1 1 I 956 (A111c11 clrnc11 t) Eclict. No. I of 1967. It I1as also been ru1nou ncc d l�n1irs' Native Cot1rts graclcs ;\ a11c:l A Lin1itccl are alJolisl1cd. 0 � J3otl1 i11 1J1cir origi11al ancl appclla tc jttriscliction. 11 �



'! I !

The Fe(/eration of 1Vigcria detcr111ination. If 1 1� �s of tl1e 01)i11ion tl1al t11c cat1sc or 1nattcr ougl1t to be tra11sferrecl to tl1c I·I1gl1 Cot1rt 11.e reports tl1c sa111c to tl1c l·Iigl1 Cottrt ,vl1icl1 directs i11 \vl1 at co1.1rt a11cl in \Vl1at 111ocle tl1c cat1sc or 1n::1tter sl1all be hen.rel and determinecl [Native Co1.1rts La\\', ss. 4-6-50]. If tl1e i11Spector i s of tl1c opi11io11 tl1at there l1 as been a 111iscarriagc of justice i11 any case l)eforc a Na tivc Cot1rt lo \vl1icl1 l1c l1 as access, lie n1::i. y, of l1is o,v11 111otio11 or in l1is absolt1tc cliscrctit111 011 tl1c �11)t)lic..ttio11 of a11y perso11 concer11ed, rc1)ort that case to tl 1c co1.1rt to ,vl1 ic11 art a1)1)ca1 i11 s1.1cl 1 .., case ,voulcl lie. 1 l1c appeal cot1rl ,viii tl1c11 rcvie,v 1l1 e case. 111 tl1 c 1 11ear1tin1c the i11S1)cctor ,vl10 macle tl1c rcJJort 1nay 1 nake ar1 i 1 11cri111 (>rclcr st1spe11cli11g tl1c opcratio11 of any sc11te11cc or or{lcr 1naclc l) y 1. l 1e ]()vvcr court or acl 111it to bail a11y 1Jerso11 sc11 tc 11 cccl to i1111Jriso 1 1111c 11t by tl 1c lo,vcr court [Nati\•e C:ot1rts La,v, s. 52]. It is 1101 compcte11t for a11 irL-;}Jcctor to exercise tl1ese }JO\\'Crs ,vitl 1 respect tel a clecisio11 agai11st ,vl1ic]1 a11 ap1)ca] l1as bee11 Iodgecl [ibi<f., s. 55]. T1·ansfer-Eitl1cr before trial or at a1 1y stage of tl1e procccclings l)cforc fi 11al juclg1ncnt, a :Nati,.·c C!ot1rt 111ay orcler 1J1c transfer of a11y cat1se en· matter before it to an)' Cltl-1er Nati,,c Court of co1npctc11 t jurisclictio11 a11 cl st1cl1 co1.1rt n1ay take st1cl1 course of actio11 as it co11siclcrs tl1a t jt1stice req11ircs [Nati·ve Courts La,v, s. 33]. 1-\ grade f\, 1-\ Limitecl or B Native Court 111ay eitl1er of its o\vn 111otion or t1pon tl1 e applicatio11 of eitl1cr part)' to a cat1se ren1it to a lo\vcr gracle Native Cot1rt of con1pelent jt1risdictio11 \Vl1icl1 is \Vit11in tl1c territorial jurisdiction of s1.1cl1 cot1rt ait)' cat1se before it \vl1icl1 for purJJOses of co11venience, or otl1er\visc, can be 111ore appro1)riatcly or ex1Jcclitiously clcal t ,vitl1 by sucl1 lo,vcr graclc Native Court. 1)011 st1ch orclcr !Jei11g 1 nadc tl1e Io,vcr grade cot1rt sl1alI l1ear a11cl cle ter111i11c tl1e case [Nativc C�cJLtrts La,v, s.. 34]. Either of its O\Vt1 111otion or u1Joi1 tl1e a1J1)licatio11 of eitl1er J),1rly a Provi11cial Court, a grade 1\, ,<\ Limitccl or B Native C!ourt may ,vl1ci1evcr it is satisficcl tl1aL a cat1sc lJ cforc a Io,vcr gracle cot1rt ,vitl1i11 its tcrritori�tl jltris<lictio 11 , is bcyo11d tl1c jt 1risc.lictior1 of st1cl1 lo\vcr gracle court, orcler rhat l1eari1 1g be staycd ancl tl1creu 1)0 11 clisco11ti11tied a11cl LI1e Prc;vi11ci,1l CourL grade s .\:.:\ Limited or 13 Native Cot1rt sl1all ei1J 1er l1 ear a11cl c.leter111irie tJ1c catisc or orcler 1l1c trar1sfer of st1cJ1 catises to st1cl1 01l1cr lo,vcr gracle Na tive Cot1rt ,vitl1in its ju risclic Lion as tl1c ]1ighcr grade cot1rl 11 1ay tl1i11l( fit, ,vllereupon tl1c lo,ver gra(le Native Co1.1rt sl1all J1car a11 cl clctcr1ni1 1e tl1e cattsc: Provided tl1at a tra115fer l)y a Provi11cial Colirt lo itself sl1all 11ot be effective u 1 1less a11 i11S1Jector of Native Cot1rts l1as n1ade an orcler i11 respect of sucl1 case [1\"ativc Co11rts La,v, s. 35].


7 Inspection, supervision, etc.-Sce para. 6, anle. L,\ \V TO BE ;-\Di\[INJS'fERED

8 General la,v-Thc Native Courts arc cmpcl\Vcrccl to admi11 istcr tl1e

Pen�Ll Cocle La,v 1959 [N. R.. No. 18 of 1959), the Crimi11al Proccclttre Code I...a\v 1960 [N.R. No. l l of 1960], as ,vell as a 1 1y \vritte11 la,v wJ1icl1 79

Part J-lVPsl Africa Liley ntay lJe atitl1 oriscd to c11force. In adclilion tl1 ey are autl1orised Lo admiitisccr tltc I)rovisions of all rules and orders macle tinder tl1e Native ;\utliority La,v [N.R. No. 4 of 1954] as amc?ded, a1 1d orders and by-laws rnade by a native autl1 ority or a l�cal autl1or1ty, � Ll�e �� e may be, under ail)' otl1 cr ,vrit ten l a\V i11 force 1n the area of Jur1sd1ct 1on of the court [.Native Cot1rts La,,·, �s. 23 and 25]. 9 Ctistoma1·y Ia,v-! 11 ci,,il catises and 1natters on))', the Nati\'e (:i)tlrts ::i.rc c111po,vcrecl to ad1ninister Ll1c native la,v and cusiom prevailing i1 1 tlie area of j11risclictio11 of tl1e court or binding bei,,·ccn tl1e J )arties, so far as it is not. rc1J11gna11t to natt1ra) jt1sticc, cquit)' ancl good co11Science 11 or i11 cornpatil)lc eitl1cr directly or b)' 11 eccssary i111plication ,vith any \',ritler1 Ia\,' 1<.lr t l1c ti111e beir1g i 11 force [Nati,•e Courts Lav,•, s. 23 (a)]. I 11 111Lxccl c ivii catiscs, o tl1 er tl1 an l and causes, tl1e na ti,•e la,,, a11d custom a1>!:liecl l)y a Nati,,c C!ourt is: 1)nrlict1lar 11ativc la\\' a11 cl custon1 \'l-'l1 ich tl1 e parLies agreed or i111c11 clccl, or 111 a}' IJc IJresu1ncd to l1 ave agreed or intended, sl1ould reg11latc tl1eir ob l igaLions i 11 connection ,vitl1 tl1e transactio1is ,vl1 ich are i11 e(n1Lrovcrs;' IJcfore tl1 e courL; or b il1at co111IJi11 ation of .:1n)1 t,vo or more 11.ative Ia,vs or customs ,-vl1ich 1}1c 1Jartics agreed or intended or nuiy be })resumed LO have agreed or intc11clecl sl1ot1lcl rcgulate tl1 cir obligations as aforesaid; or t' i11 the alJsc 11cc of a11y st1cl1 agrecn1ent or i11te11tion or presumpiion tl1crcof-----i 1J1 e particu l ar nati,,e Ia,v a11cl ct1 sto 111; or ii st1cl1 con1 bina1ion of a11 y t,vo or 111ore 11 ati,re la\vs or cusioms, \vl1icl1 it a1)J)Cars to tl1e cot1rt 1 ougl1t, l1avi11g regard to tl1e natt1re <>f tl1e tra11Sactio11 a11{l to al l tl1 e circt11nsta11ces of tl1 e case, to rcgu l a 1c tl1e obligali1)11s of tl1 c parties. BtiL if i11 1l1e or)iruon of tl-1t� cot1rt nor1e of tl1c forcrroinu paragra1)hs is O ar)l)licalJlr: li) ail)' 1Jartict1lar 1nattcr is controversy, e,tl1e court sl1all b e govcritc� l l>y i l tc J)ri11c-i1 )lc.s l>f 11 :i.tt1ral justice, cqttit)' arid good conscience. Iii 11�1 Xf:cl l:.111�{ cat1scs 1 l1e 11ativc la,v ancl ct1sto1n applic(l by a Na1 i,•c , Court is tlic 11at1vc la,v a11cl cttsto1 11 i 11 force i11 rclatio11 to tl1 e land in die fJlacc ,v lil're ll1c la11(l is sitt1atc: '' Pro,riclccl t l1.al 1 10 11:::i.Live )a\V or custom I)rol�i l)iti 11g, res lricti t1g l)l' rcgt1l:1ti 11g tl 1c clcvolti tio11 011 deatl1 10 aiiy }JfLr Lt!�ttlar <:lass of pcrso11s of tl1c rigl 10 1 t to ocCUJ)Y a1 1y la11cl sl1all operate Llc1)ri,,c a11)· IJCrs<lil of att)' bc 11eficial interest i 11 st1 cl1 la11d (otl1cr tl1a11 tlie _ rigli t to C>C�ti JJ)r t l1 c sa111c) or i 11 tl 1c IJroceed'i of sale tl1 ereof to \Vl1 icl1 l1e inaY )) e1: li tl cl llltcler tl1 c rt1 l es of i 11l1 eri ta11cc of any otl1 er 11ati\1C la'" ar1d �, � �tislon� [N,tlivc Cott rts La,v, s. 2 4·]. '' �·Ii.x ccl catise'' is definecl as a cause 111 ,vliicl1 t,-vo or 111ore of tl1c JJa.rlics arc 11ormally stibject lo difef rettl systcr� s of naLive la,v and ct1sto1n [ibid., s. 2]. .. s _ _ I l is also spccifical ]y Jlrovidecl tl1at 1 sion 1 otl1 i1 1g in tl1e foregoing provi sli �ll be clcemed to prccluclc tl1e any of t Co ur Na li,,e a1J a pli cat l)y io 11 _ _ _ lJI lllCI})le of Eng l ish la,,, ,vl1icl1 1.l1 c JJartics to a ci,,il case agreed or i1itenclcd or inay be prcs11111ccl to l1,1vc agrcecl or inte11ded should regulate tl1eir a

1 l1 «:.:


The Federation of Nigeria • 1 connection tl1e \Vitl in transactio11s 1 ons ,vl icl1 obligati arc 1 n co11trovcrsy before tl1e court [Native Co1.1rts La\v, s. 2Ll (•!) ].

10 Islamic or otl1er law-Accordi11g to s. 2, 11ativc la,v a11cl custom includes 1'1[oslen1 law (i.e. la¥l observccl by tl1e adl1crcnts of Isla1n). So tl1is brancl1 of la,v is enforced by tl1c Native Cotirts as part of native la\v and ct1stom ,vl1ich tl1cy are at1tl1 oriscd lo acln1i11ister. 1 ;-\7

-�v[OSLE1'. I COURTS 1

It may be t1seft1l to clra,v a clistinctio11 bct,vce11 '' i\tloslc1n" ancl " 11011 l\rfoslcm'' Native Cotirts. � lvioslem Nati,,c Cot1rts n1ay be dcscribccl as tl1ose tl1at arc conslit11tecl by alkalai-i.1�. 1)crso11S of tl1e Islan1ic fai tl1 ,vl10 are lear11cd in tl1e Sl1aria.3 1,1 1c co11rts aclmi11istLr tl1c Sl1aria l)t1t its application in ll1e Nortl1ern States is moclifiecl by a ct1sto111ar)' elcn1ent. It is 0111 y i n tl1e s1)l1ere of personal la ,v tl1a t it is aJ)plicd JJractical1 y tu1cl iI tttccl � for tl1at bra11cl1 cleals ,vitl1 111 attcrs of 1 norc clircct rcligiolIS i1nportancc to tl1e rvfo.slems. Btit it mtISt 11ot be tl11dcrstoocl tl1al tl1cse courts aclininister only tl1c Sl1aria or a n1odifiecl for111 of it. !11 places ,vl1crc tl1crc is a co11 siclcr­

ablc 11t1n1ber of no11-!\Ioslc111S tl1c co11rts also adn1inister 11011-Moslcm ct1sto1nary la ,v and i 11 tl1a t connection t l1ey si L ,vitJ1 asscssors.- 1 It is in a11 effort to provide a better solt1tion for tl1e proble111S createcl b)' tl1c prcser1cc i11 tl1c same place of persons gover11 ccl l)y differc11t c1.1stomary la\vs tl1at special type of higl1-grade l\tlosle1n Native Cot1rts-(i.e. tl1 c 1\rea Cot1rts) l1a ve been C.'i tablisl1ed. It is expected tl1at tl1esc courts, co11trollcd l))' tl1e goverrunent instead of the Native 1\11tl1orilics, \-vill )Jc able to l1a11clle tl1c J)roblems more equitably.5 No11-1,Ioslen1 Native Cot1rts 1na, 011 tl1e otl1er l1ancl be clcscribecl as tl-1osc tl1at are constituted by non-tvfoslem clc1ne 1 1ts i11 no11-I\ Ioslem areas of tl1c former Region. Tl1 ey acl111i11ister 111ainly the loca1 ct1st.0111ary la\vs of tl1cir .. respccc1ve areas. This distinction is of im 1)orta11ce 0 1 1ly in respect of civil matters. 1-\ll native courts in tl1e former Region ad111 i11ister the pro\risio11s of tl1e Pe11al Cocle ancl the Criminal Procedttre Code La\vs. 1






1 Establishment-'"fhe Cot1rt of Resolution is establisl1ed by s. 2 of

tl1e Cot1rt of Resolutio11 La\v 1960 [N.R. No. 17 of 1960, ca1J. 28, La,vs of Nortl1ern Nigeria, I 963 Revisio11). 1 For tl1c 11ature a11cl sot1rccs of 11oslem la,v, sec- l(cay an(l Ricl1 arclso11, ojJ. cit.,

p. 230. e at1v F'f cnt }Jar tl1c IJttl , la,v t ren ctir tl1e l in ncc dcfi crc is o,vh rt" 11 cou m _ !! "?vlosle applies Ll1c 1ly 1ar L011 Courts La\v 19.56 dcfinccl it in s. 2 as a cot1rl ,vhicl1 ct1s principles of Iv1os]em Ia-.,v. :i For Ll1c content of this, see Keay ancl Ricl1ardson, o/J. cit., 1 See ft1rtl1cr ·Keay ancl Richards<Jn, op. cil., IJ, 232. 6 See Keay and Richarclson, o/J. cit., p. 80.




Parl I- J11esl Africa 2 Com1}osition-'l'l1 c Court consists of tl1 c Region, wl10 is the a ·1·11 e CI1 icf Jt 1sLice of tl1 c High Cot1rt of 11rcsiclc11 t of Ll1 c Cot1rr; b th.c Grancl l(acli; c one jt1 e,lgc of Ll1 c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt no1ninatee.I })y tl1e Chief J us ticc; and l)y Ll1 c Grand na ted 11omi cal 1\pp of 1rt Cot aria 1 Sl 1 tl c l)f gc jucl 011e ,/ I(acli. tLcr before on any n1::t cled y divi l 1 C\'c1 arc rt Cou l c 1 1 of 1 bers 111cn e 1 l Ir i tl1c111 , tl1 c vic,v favourccl by Ll1c Cl1ief .Jtistice J)revails [Court or Resolt1tion I.. a\V, s. �-3]. 3 .Ju1·i.sclictio11-·r11 c Cot 1rt l1 as co1npetc 11ce to l1ear a11 d resol,•c a11y 111a ttcr cc)11 ccrn i1 1g t l1c j ti risdict io 1 1 of tl1 c I-Iigl1 Co1.1rt and tl1e Sharia Court (,f 1\1)1:>eal ,vl1 c11 tl1 crc is a co1111ict l)ct,veen Ll1 em [Co1.1rt of Rcsolurio11 JJ.1,v, s. 5]. 'I,l1 is is tl1 c sole functio11 of tl1 e Court a 11d its clecisio11 on a cp.1es1io11 rcfcrrecl tr, it in t11is r.01111ecLio11 is final [ibid., s. 7]. Tl1e Cotirt l1as 11 0 \VC\'Cr 11 ever s,t t si11 cc its es ta blisl111 1e11 t i11 I 960, JJro ba lJl)' l)ecause 1l1ere l1as been no co11 11icl <Jf jL1risclictio 11 l)el\\'CCn tl1 e t,vo cc>tirts. 0 1,,\ \V




:rr1 ll1c exercise of tl1e l)O\vers ,,csLccl in tl1e Court it is e1111)0,vered, as regarcls b0Ll1 sulJsla11tivc Ia,v a11cl IJractice and 1Jrocedure, io adn1i11isLer, ol;scrvc ::111cl c11force tl1 e obscrva11ce of, tl1 e pri11ci1J]c:; a11 d provisio11s of: '· (a) tl1is J_,a,v; (b) tl1 e I-Iigl1 Co1 1rt La,v; (c) tl1c Native Courts La,v; a11cl (<I) the Sl1aria C:01.1rt of ,·\1 Jpeal La,._,,, [Cot1rr of Resolution La,v, s. 8].


1 Statute

rz J.�11.glish ,S'la/11/i:s anrl 011/ers in Council. Nigeria )Jccan1c i11<le1Jc11clent: 011 <?ctobcr l , 1960. 13efi:)re tl1 at elate it \Vas acl 1ninislcrcd by Britai1 1 as tl1c c:olc)�1y a11cl l)roter.:t<Jratc or Nigeria. ·1�l1e 13rilisl1 Parlia 1 ne11t l1as 1111 rcs1r1etetl J)O\\'Crs Lo 1egi5lalc for a colo11)' as J)art of IIcr 1vI�jest)1's don1i11ions artll, Lagos bci 1 1g st 1cl1 a cc)lo11y, a nt111 1ber of i I)lJ)Crial enact1nc11ts ,ve-rc 111 aclc to a1JJ)ly to it.11 1\ccordi11g to l3ritisl1 co11 stitutional I..1,v a 1Jrotectorate is a foreign cotu1 iry, a11d si11cc Parlia111e11 t cannot 111caningftilly ai;;st111 1c po,vers to 8 �9�1.' . c l<eay a11<l Ricl1arclson, The Native arul Custo,na,:y Courts of iVigeria ( 1963), p. : Sc� gcncra�ly Park, Th� Sources of Nigerian Lau,, S,vcct & Ivfax,vell, 1 963. I� is !10 l ti:;ual for Parl1a111c11t to lerrislatc for i11diviclual colonies. The t1sual 0 1Jract1cc 1s· for 1"t t0 Icgis · lale ge11erally for all tl1 e colo11ics or gTOUI)S of thc-ni 00 1 'oad matter� of general i111perial co11ce rn e.g. Colonial La,vs \Talidil)' f\i;L 1865; si'avery AlJol1tio11 Act 1833; Colonial Oc\-�elo 1)r11ent t-\cl I 929. 82

The Federation of Nigeria legislate for a foreig1 1 cot111try, it clicl 1 1ot legislate for tl1c Protectorate of Nigeria. Bt1t t111cler Britisl1 co11Slitt1 tio11al Ia,v also foreign afrairs a11cl relations are pri111arily tl1c respor1sibili l)' of tl1e C!ro\v11 a11cl i 11 ptirsttai1cc of tl1at r�S}JOnsibility it n1ay a�c1uirc po\ver ancl jt1risclictio11 in l(> rcigri cot1ntr1cs a11cl co11seqt1entl)' legislate tl1ercfor. Tl1crcfore \vl1 c1 1 it is (lcsirccl to exte 11d tl1e opcratio11 of an i 111perial statt 1te to a JJrolcctoratc }Jrovisio11s are includccl i11 st 1cl1 a11 e1 1act 111cnt c1n1)0,,•cri11g tl1c Cro,v11 I.Cl 111akc sticl1 extension by Order i11 Cot111cil. l\ 1 1t 1mber of !11 11)crial statt1tcs ,vcre cxcenclccl lo tl1c Protectorate of Nigeria i11 tl1c exercise of tl1is l)O\vcr. !1 Tl1e Foreig1 1 Jt1 risdiction 1-\ct 1890 \Vas c1 1actccl to faci1 itatc tl1c Crc>,vi1's exercise of tl1is 1Jo,vcr, a1 1cl in pt1rst1ancc of tl1c 1\ct: tl1c Nigeria a11 cl Ca1 11croons (I 1 11pcrial Statt1tcs Extcnsio11) Orclcr i1 1 Cot11 1cil ,-vas rna.clc cxlencling a number of stalt1tcs Lei Nigeria. 10 1\gai 1 1, i1 1 tl1c exercise of tl1 c Cro,vn's rcser,,e IJO\vcr of gc1 1cral legislatio11 i 1 1 tl1c tcrritol')' a fc\v la.\vs l1ad been 1 11adc i 11 the for1n of Orclcrs i11 Co111 1cil. t l \Vitl1 tl1e acl1icv·c111e1 1l of i11 dc1Jc1 1clc11cc in 1 �)60 I l1c Bri tisJ1 J?arlia1 nc11l rc11ou11cecl its JJo,vcr to lrgislate for Nigeria or atl)' }Jart of it [Nigeri ri, l 11<le1)e11de11cc f\ct 1960, 1st Scl1ecl.� JJara�. I a11cl 2], 1 � a 11cl corifcrrccl 011 tl1e Nigerian lcgislatt1res JJO\VCr lo repeal or ar11c.11cl a11y of tl1c i1n1Jcrial 1-\cts exicndi11g lo Nigeria. It also rc1Jealccl or a1ncndccl tl1c JJro\ isio11s of certain Britisl1 stattttcs i11 tl1cir a1Jplicalion to Nigeria to cn11Jl1asizc the cot1ntry's 11e,v sovereig 11 statt1s. St1bjcct to ll1csc, all Ll1e i1111Jcria.l st�tttttcs i1 1 force ir1 Nigeria before October I, l 960� co11tint1c to app1 )' a11cl rcn1ai11 a sot 1 rcc of tl1e Nigeria11 la\v t1ntil repealecl or a1nc11 clcd by tl1c co1111Jclc11t Nigeria11 legislature. 13 b Rr.ceivccl .Britislz Statutes. Britisl1 stallttes ,vit11 i11 catcgor)' (o) a.lJovc arc those tl1at \Vere n1ade to apply to Nigeria IJy Bri tai 1 1, t1 1c colo11ial JJo,vcr, 1Jy virtue of lier sovereign rigl1t o,,cr tl1e territory. But tl1crc are otl1e1· in1perial statL1 tcs ,vl1icl1 ,vcre ( a1 1d son1e of tl1cn1 still are) OJJcrati,,c i 1 1 Nigeria 11ot bccatrsc the colonial J)O\Ver tl1rust tl1c111 t1po1 1 tl1c cot1 11try l)ltl. becat1se st1cl1 sla Lttles ,vcre receiv·ecl i11to tl1e cot111try by tl1c local lcgisla l.t1rc:-5. 'l'l1ere are t,vo ,va)'S in ,vhicl1 Britisl1 statttles l1avc bcc11 rcceivccl i1 1to tl1c cot111try. Somcti1 nes tl1c current Engli�l1 stattil.c 01 1 a particular topic.: is rccci\·ed. ..-\n e:..:.ample of tl1is is tl1e E1 1gli::;l1 1--Intri 111onial c:at1scs 1\c t. :\ccordi11g to tl1e :'\igcrian Cons1.itt1tion [FcdcrzLl c:011stitt1tion, tl1c Scl1cclulc, Part 1 , Item 23), rnarriagc unclcr Englisl1 Ja,v, its annt1Iment, dissolt1tio11 1

------- -·

------- ------_


11 Exa1n1Jlcs arc: Bri tisl1 );'atio11ali L}' ,\ct J 9,�8; Co1)yrigl1 t 1\ct 19 l l ; 'iv�crcl1 �tn -

dise i\:Iark:; ;\ct 1926; Cc1lo11ial Prol)a Les Act 1892; and !)art 2, 1\cl1111111stra lion of Justice 1\cl 1 920. 10 Exan1ples arc: tl1e E\·iclc11cc · l)y Com1nissio� ,\ct I 859; tl1c Britis] 1 La ,v J\sccrtainmcnt ,\ct 1859; tl1 c Foreign La,v 1\sccrla1nmcnt 1\ct 186 I· 11 'fh e Cro,vn also l1as a JJrcrogativc IJo,vcr tc� legislate for_?- c�lo11.Y, l:Y Ordc: . in C(:u�cil. Exan1plcs cJf st1ch Orclcrs in C!ou11�1l ar� : t�1 c _N1g� :r1a ( I_rr?_una�- � Inquiry) Orclcr in Council 1956; Ll1 c Colonial ;\1r Nav1gaL1011 01 cli.:i 1 9::>3, the Carria,gc by ,\ir (Non-International Carriage) Orclcr 1 953. 12 'fhc po\vcr of tl1e c:ro\vn c>vcr Nigeria was also IJrougl1l to a11 encl l,- y Lile force of tl1is enactment. 1 96'1-, blic, RtjJu rian N�ge he t of Laiv al c ituti C' , on uczconst generally, N,valJ i:i Se Ch. 2; Daniels, The C'on11non LauJ in �Vest .4/rica, 1964·, C�l1. 4·.


Part I-J,J1est 1lfrica ancl other causes relating tl1 crcto arc matters \vitl1in Ll1e exclusive legislative 1 cOOl}Jetence of tl1 e Federal Parlia1nc11 t. 'fl e lat_Ler l1 as invested jurisdi�tion

- l1 (:ourts. 1\ccord1ng to s.4· of tl1 e Regional 111 tl1cse matters i 1 1 tl1e IIig Cotirts (I-=' cclcral J ltriscliction) i\.ct 1958 [cap. 177] : . . 1n rclat1011 to ... �o11 Rc of a � "''fl1c jltrisclictio1 1 of tl1 c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt on of a11y la\vs of a 1natri 1 11 onial cattses sl1all, sttbjcct to tl1 e pro v1s1 Region so far as practice and IJroccclure arc co11cer11 ed, IJe exercised bv, ll1 c Court i11 co1uor 111it v. \vitl1 tl1 c Ia,,• a11d praciice for tl1e time bci11 g i11 forcc ir1 Engla11 cl." Sc:ctio11 I 6 of tl1c I-Iigl1 Coltrt of Lagos 1\c t 19 55 [ La ,-vs of tl1c 1;·ederation a11cl I.agc.)s, ca1J, 80] also f)fO\'iclcs tl1at: "'l'l1c j ll risdict ior1 of tIle I-Iigl1 C!ot 1 rt i11 ... n1a t rin101ual causes a11d JJroccecli 1 1gs n 1 ay ... be cxcrcisccl by i.l1c Court i11 co11for1nil)' ,-vit.11 lhc Iavv· ar 1 cl JJracticc i11 force for tl1e time being i11 Engla11 d." ()r1 tl1c lJ a::;is of I l1 csc tJrovisio115 i11 n1 ntrin1011 iaI catISes bct,11·ce11 tJarlics to a11 ''Orcli11 a11cc" 111 arriage, tl1 c JIigl - 1 Cotirts i11 1l1c cot1nl1')' arc rcqttircd to a1)1Jly tl1 e ctn·rcr1l I�t\V of Engla1 1cl 011 tl1 c sulJjcct. a11 d tl1c Ia,,· ,-vJ1icl1 tl1ey a}JJJly at tl1c 111011 1c11 l is tl1c E11glisl1 1'vlatri111011i.al (.�at1ses .'\ct I 965. r1·11 c 1norc i1 nporta111 tecl1 11 iqt1e accorcli11g Lei ,vl1 icl1 Englisl1 statutes l1 avc bccr1 i 1 1lrodt1cecl into 1l1 c cou 11try i� tl1at ,vl1icl1 , i11 a gc11cral ,vay, autl1 orises tl1e apr1licatio11 of t11-i.s1Jccificcl E11 glisl1 statt 1tes JJro,•idcd i. l1 e)' a11S,ver to a :-;pccificcl clefi 1 1itio 1 1. Section '1·5 of tl1c La,v (ivliscella11eou.s Provisio11s) ,-\ct1 ·1 JJr1Jvicles as lollo,vs: (I) "Sl.1bject to tl1 e JJrovisio11S of tl1is scctio11, a11d except so far as otl1 cr }Jrovisio11 is n1acle l)y a1 1y Fcclcral l�a,v ... tl1 e statutes of ge11eral a1)plica 1io1 1 ll1a t \Vt?rc i1 1 force i11 E11gla1 1cl 011 ll1e I st day of ,J anuaf):, l YOO, sl1all be in force in I�ag()S a11 cl i11 so f..tr as tl1 e)• relate to any 1natlcr ,vitl1ir1 1J1c cxclt1si,,e Jcgislati,7e co11 11Jctc1Jce of tJ1e Federal Icgislatltrc, sl1all be i11 force elsc,vl1crc in tl1c I-='ecleratio11. (2) St1cl1 In11Jcrial la,vs sl1all be i11 force so far 0 1 11 )7 as tl1 c lin1its of tl1c local jurisdiction a11d local circt111 1s1a11 ccs sl1nll permit a11d st1lJjcct to a11y 1;,eclcral la,v. (3) _1-;- or tl1c JJur11osc of f:.1.cilitati11 g tl1c a1JJJlicat.io11 of tl1e said . l 1 111Jcr1al la,vs ll1cy sl1all be read ,,·ill1 sttCll for111.al ,,erbal altcratio11S 11ot alfecti11 g Ll1c st1bsta11 ce as to 11a1ncs, localities, cot1rts� officers, I Jerso11 s, 1nt)11e)'S, IJe1 1altics a 11cl t.1tl1er,visc as 111av be 11cccssar)' to render tl1c sa1ne a1Jplica l)lc lo l l1e circt1111sta1 1ces.'' 1a· It can l1c scc11 fro111 tl1c abo,•e tl1 al aJJart fro111 tl1e fact tl1at a statute _ n1t1sl l)e 111 f?rcc on .J a�ll�ar)' I, I 900, tl1cre is 11 0 otl1 cr definite gt1icle to l1elJ) tl1c �ou�ts 111r dcter�n1n111g ,vl1ctl1cr or 1161 st1cl1 a statt1te is of ge11ernl . tl1c c1ucstio11 of ,vl1cll lcr a 1:iarticular statute is of appl1ca1 1on. rl�cretorc . gc11 cral a1JJJl1cat1on l1as ever si11 ce e11 gagccl tl1c atte11 tio11 of tl1 e courts. .1\s g���;r.21'(� _ 111tcrprctation t\ct, cap. 89. Sec I11tcr1Jrc1:itio11 ;\ct� No. l of l i:; 1' 11crc are sin1ilar provisio,1s in ll1c� 1� J igl1 Cotirt La\\' or tl 1c Nortl1 : ss. 28 �ncl 29 ca1J. 49. Bl1t tl1e \\Test a11cl fv1id-\o\'csl have 110\\" rl·jecic tl1(·sc provi..ions cl un1Jortu! 1g sta! ulc� of ge11eral a1)JJlicalio11 into tl1c Rcgio11s 1 1nat over ,,·hich 1crs 1 0 tl1cy l1a,•e lcg1slat1vc co1nJJCte11cc.

The Federation of .1\1igeri£l vet no stercoLyped rtiles have llee11 \vorkccl otit Lo solve Lliis 1)roblc111 l)ttt it seem s establishccl tl161at to be of general ap1Jlicatio11 a stattilc 111tist ;l)JJl y throtigl1ot1t Engla11d (as opposecl to Ll1e 11itccl l(i11gclon1). It sllc>ttlcl 17 pers of class ons to es all or I)Crso11s \.vitl1i11 a J)artictilar cl asslti app ly l so a 19 vVl1e�1cvcr a slatt1tc is all r.gecl 10 lJc ancl sl1oulcl be �PlJl_iecl by all cot1rts. _ of general appl1ca t1011 tl1c court 111r1 kcs tl lJ 1 ts 1n111cl 011 t l1c I-,asi:-. of lI,csc and }Jrobably other consicleratio11s. O,,er tlie )'Cars a 1111111IJl'r <>f 1:11glislt stalt1tcs l1ave been cleclarcd to be of ge11cral a1J1J lica t io11. �o If tl1e cottrl decicles tl1at a stalttte is of gc 11cral ::\\JJJlicatio11 it 111av 11 c,,er­ . 11�ta11ccs clo rt(>l })cr111it tJ 1clcss 11ot be a1 JI Jliccl in Nigeria lJccnttsc local rirc.i.11 its applicatio11. Bttt the . .co11rt \Vill 11ot rcft1sc tl) ::t}JIJl)r a staltllC aLlj.. 11 c.lr•ctl :-:, to be of general ap 1Jl1cat1011 i11crcly bccat1sc l)r c.liffict1ltics crcat.ccl lJy lr>cal circun1sta11ccs. 1 Il is also cle,.1r from st1 b-s. ( l ) al)o,·c tl1a t: tlie I r.�i!.il alt1re is con1pctc11t to bar tl1c opcratio11 \vill1i11 j11risclictio11 of ,1 $l<.1lttlr. \v}1icl1 is otl1cr,visc of ge11cral aPI Jlica lion or prol1il)it tl1 c Ll}Jcrati<Jn of �t1cl1 a stat t1lc lvhicl1 has already bee11 deelareel (){Jcrati,rc. 1\11cl ir1 a1Jpl ying a sl�1lu I c ,vhicl1 has bec11 acceptecl as of gc11cral aIJIJlicatio11 a11cl aJ)plical)lc \Vi tl1ir1 jt1riscliction tl1c cot1rts are all Ll1orisecl to i 11 troc.lttcc sucl1 forr1 1a l \'Cr Jja I alleralio11s as 111ay be 11ecessary to re11der tl1c san1c a1 JJJlica 1Jlc l<:> the c1 rcumstanccs. -



Before I 952 Nigeria l1acl c111c Lcgisla ii\'C Cot1r1cil and t.l1ere ,vas 011ly 0 1 1c stream of statute la,v for tl1c ,vl1c>lc coLLnlr y, ll1ot1g-l1 on some st1bjects tl1erc ,verc separate enactrnc11ts for ll1 c 1,:-ig-os c:0Io11y ancl the Protectorate of �igerin. In 1952 rcgio11al legisla tt1rcs \Vere i11troclt1c<:cl and tl1is ,vas follo,ved l)y tl1e i11Lroclttctio11 of a fecleral S):stc111 of gc},·cr11l111:11i

c Local E11act,11e11ls.

--- ----- ------


---- .. ---


t·owig v • . dbina(19·1-0) 1 6 \\i.,.:.\.C.t\. 180; Lazcal ,,. 1rounan (1961 ) 1 1 ,\ll i\".l,.I{. 245. Contra: Okpaku ,·. Okpaku ( 194-7), 12 \·\'.1\.C:.1-\. 137. i; .·1ttorno·-Gene,-al ,·. John flolt ( 19 I0), 2 N.L.ll. l. 18 Labginjoh v. �1bal.e (1925): 5 N.L.R. 33. 19 1lttorne_J-Gene;a[ v. ,John }Jolt (1910), 2 N.L.R. I. . .. 0 ::1 Nullu!: I: � 1 or cxan1pl e : .·Jttorne;·-Gcneral v . •John ffoll ( 1910), � i '!·!-··1<.. . ·rcmpui; t-\CLS j JToung V • •·lbina ( l 9-tO)' 6 \'\1• .-\. C.1\. 180: ] aa11c.l l ranslr-!· ,\ct 18� I ; La1.cal ,·. r·ounan (1961), I 1-\ll N.L.R. 2·15· : FaLal ,\cciclc11Ls 1\cls 1846 �11cl 1�6-1; Inua v. i\rta (1961), I i\ll N.L.R. 24·5: Ci,·il }>rocec.lurc Act 183)_; Bra,lhZ<'allt! v. f!olarin (1938) , ·l· \\•. 1\.C.•-\. 76: Frauclt1lc:11t (:011vcyanccs 1\cL_ l::>_1 l (as a1121'nclcc� 1n 1587); C'ole ,,. C'ole ( 18981. I N.L.R. 15: tl1c Stattttc of D1str1bt111011 lo70, (a:; amendc cl l)y tl1e Intestate Estates ;\ct 1890); Ribeiro,,. C'hahin (19.54·), l'!· v\'.1 \.C.A. 476: I�andlord & Tenant ,-\ct 1730; 1\Jolon10 ,,. Olusola (195-1), 21 N.l�.ll.: tl1e Stalutc of Fratiels 1677: Green v. 11,vo ( 1936), 63 N.l,. R. ·+3; O{olo '' · .:lltur,u:JJ ­ Gen(ral (19:37)� 2 F.s.c: 74·; .1lr�fu11,co11 v. Bar ba: (1961), l_ :\II N_-��:1�:_�B: 1�1e Real Proper Iv' Lim itatio11 ,;\ct 1833 ( as arnenclccl 111 18.7 4-) ; ,Sule1v · :·lJt.ie.,, 111 ( .�9� ), • J-.'-··"-i Ci ns v • T-1·1ll1arns 13 ,� N. � >. '· r-1 1·11 ,,;.I,.R. 1•16· ,St;e phen ,,. Perlroc/11· ( )9:)9), • 1•11 '· J..,. 1 '-·, --G g {· I) , _16 (19461, 18 N.L.R. 66: ParLition .i\.cLs 184-9-1876; Rq;1 v. r-l'ill,a,n s (l_·· N.L.R.. 14-; 11dcsina v. Otumba (1948), 19 N.L.R. 13: Tin1son ''· [ag��yt::i�1����, 11 N" · t ( 19:J-6) , J F .,S • C • 93 ., Dohert-y ,,. 1V1,..,aer1a11 I 10/1vrl1ts - • LR • . 16-. J Sa nu.st · v. . Dan1e Co., l.ttl. ( 1957), vV.R.N.L.R. 7·1-: the Convcyar,cing 1\ct 1881 ; Th?rno.r �-Nabhanz (1947), 12 ,-V.1\.C.1\. 229: Sctl lccl l,a11d 1\�;I ! lf82 (as ainc{hc��l in 1881 and 1890 ); TaJ·lor v. Ta; ·lor ( I93,�), 2 ,v.,\.C.f\. I 26: 1 rus lcc i\.cl 1 Lau1al v. Younan (lg(j l ), I ,:\II N.l...Jl. 24 ·5. (fl)( .· · � · � � . • . .')') , )_ � aeo �c �.O),,t , v· �·I ., . ,. r: ,,. V ,J,li , CfJ11fla ,111cl l::>:J . . e .I,.R N.Nl ), ( v •. S e 4ruzzc .•·lr,nze 1966 N R.N.L.R. 63. lll

.\ .•t.L.�.A .- .J



Par/ 1-J,Vest .11frica legislatures \Vere given con11Jetence i,1 I 954. Botl1 t]1 c central a11cl regio11 al . 3 (!c 11tra l c 1 1ac tn1 c11ts cont1 1 1uc to be called � . lds fie icd cif SJJc 1 1 0 te isla Iea to 1 s ,vcre kno,vn as La \Vs. fl1 c J)rc- l 954 o1 :gi Rc e tl1 of osc 1 11 ile 1 \vl s, 1 ce Orcit1 a1 _ tl1 cm \\'ere deemed regional Orcli11a11 ccs re11 1ai11 ccl in force lJtl t so111c cJf e distribt1tio11 of legislative La,,•s sorne Ordina1 1ccs i1 1 accorda11 cc ,,•ith tl1 tters o,•er ,vl1icl1 lJotl1 tl1e ma h ,vit lt dea at 1 tl 1 11 1 c tl of osc 1 tl 1 cl 1 a s, ioit nct i f1. 1 centre aiic l tlic rcgio11 s l1 acl }JO\ver to lcgisla tc for n1 ccl JJart of tl e la\\' of all tli e _jttrisclictiorts. 1-;-or tl1e proJJCr detcr111i�atio11 of ,-vl1ctl1cr a }Jr �-1954 Orclir1a 11ce ,vas a rcgio11 al J_. a,v or ,va s to co11 t111 ue 110,v as federal Ord1na11 cc it ,vas }Jrovicled as follo,vs: a 1\ll Orcli11a11ccs tl1 c st1l)ject-1r1a ller of ,v l1icl1 falJs ,vithi 11 rcgio11al c<J1111)ctencc arc clcc111ecl rcgio 11al lcgis]atio11 a11cl so are La,vs; h 1\ll Orcli11a11 ccs Ll1 c sttl)jcct-matter of ,vl1icl1 falls ,vitl 1in federal corr1 1)clc11cc arc clccn1ccl federal legislai.io11, i.r.. Ordi11a11 ces; c !\ll Orc.li1 1a1 1ccs, tl1c subjcct-111atter of ,vl1 icl1 falls ,vii.l1i11 tl1 c con� currc111 lcgislaLivc list arc clcc111 ccl regional La,vs except in so far as tl 1c c;ovcr11or-Gc11cral 111 igl1l l1 a\•e otl1 cnv1se declared [Lav,• ( .\lisccll,111 cotLS PrO\'isio11 s) 1\ci, caJJ. 89, s. 44]. �fl1 c Gover11or­ C¾encral clicl i11 fact clcclarc ot11 cr,vi.se ,vitl1 res1)ect to 11i11 cieen Ordina11 ccs:1 · I'l1 c ,1utl1ori iativc a11 cl bi11cli 1 1g state1nent of ,vl1 icl1 JJre-1954 Orcli11ance arc feclcral or rcgio11 �1l enact11 1c11ts is certainly a j1.1 clicial function. Tl1c 1-i1a t tcr l1 as 11 0,vevcr bcc11 takc11 ll }) extra-j ttdiciall )'. 'l�l1e \\Tester11 l\igeria l.a,\· lti::vi:;io1 1 Co11 1L11issioncr, Sir Jolin \Teril)', in 1959, J)ublisl1ed i11 seven ,,0Ju11lt:::( ;;t colleciio11 of Ll1e revisecl eclitio11 of all enactments ,vl1icl1 ,vcre c<>11side;rccl to be i11 force i 1 1 tl1e Regio11. 1�11ese i11clt1clecl botl1 1Jre- a11d JJC)st- 1954· e11 act1nc11 ts. I11clt1 clccl i11 1l1ese ·volt11 11es are so111 c E11 glisl1 prc1900 sta tttlC') of general a1Jplication ,,,I1icl1 rl1e legislat ttre c.lesired to co11tinue to ,qJJJly i11 tl1 c Rcgio11 {Jroviclccl sucl 1 sta ittles clealt ,vi t]1 111atters over ,vl1icl1 tl1 c lcgislat11re l1acl 1)0,vcr to legislate. 1,11e\' also inclt1dccl s011 1c IJ(}st-1900 E11 gl isl1 sta lttlcs. 1\ll tl1 ese statt1tes \\'ere �da1Jtecl a11d rnodificd to stli t tl 1c circu 111 sta11 ccs of tl1 e Rcgio11. :\fter t l1 csc c11 act11 1c11 ts tl1e La,v of l� 11 gla11cl (:\JJJJlica1io11 ) I.,a,v ,,·,ts c11 actecl, })rovicling i 11 s. 4 tl1at: , 111 )erial _.\cl l1itl1crto i 11 force ,vitl1i11 tl1 c Rea-ion sl1all l1a, c "No I1 0 • a11y lorec or e ITcct. tl 1crci11.'' IlL �I . it is also statccl tl1 nt tl1is 1Jrovisio11 cloes 11 ot afft:ct tl1 e ,•alidity of any­ tl1 111 g clo11c t1 11 der a11 E11glisl1 Act JJrcviottSl)' i 1 1 force. _ _ • 1� s1n1 1lar ste1) ,vas takc11 i11 Ll1c Nortl1ern Region, ,vl1icl1 l1 as brot1gl1t 011t 111 six ,,o[t1n1cs tl1c lle,•isccl EdiLio11 of tl1e La\vs of Nortl1ern Nigeria, 1963. , 3 Sec 110\v C:011sti_tu . ti<;> 11 o� tl1c Fcclcration, I 963, tl1e Scl1 eclule, JJarls l and 2. There ar� l\VO leg1slat 1,·.c l1 sL-;: Exclt1 sivc I�ist conlaini11g 1nattcrs over ,vh!ch only I> ar! 1.a111e11t ca11 legislate;. Concurr��nl List contai11i11g 111attcrs over ,vhich l)oth _ I) a, l1aJ?-1c11t and the Reg1 011al Lcg 1 slatl1res can legislate. In 1.l1e event of corlflict I> arl1a11�cntary enact1ncnt {Jrevails. Only rcgiona'I legislatures cru1 legislate 011 niatters not tncluclccl i11 tl1 c Lists, tl1ougl1 Parlia111cn ca11 clo so ,\·itl1 respe ct to t T .... �os only. 1 Sec Concurrent l..egisla.tio11 (l)csig11atio11 as 1-;ocdcral Orclinance) Orclcr 1959.


Tire Fe<leration of 1Vigeria Subsequent enactments are brougl1t otit i11 variotlS Gazette Stl})I)lc1nc11ts of the Regio11s. Tl1e lvlicl-\Vest Regio11 l1as also startccl to l)rocl ttcc S ttJ)JJie­ mentary Gazettes contai11ing its enactme11ts. !11 1958 tl1c l.'ecleral Go,,crnmcr1t brot1gl1t ot1 L i 11 L,vclvc volt11ncs 1J1c Laws of tl1e Federation of Nigeria ancl tl1c 1-;,cclcral 'f'crritory of I...agos containing a revise cl a11cl co11soliclatccl ecli tio11 of tlie stal tiLe a11cl sulJsiclia ry cnact1nents applicable tl1rougl1ot1L tl1e ,vl1olc cot111try a11c.l the Federal ..ferritory of Lagos. '"I'l1cy also contai11 s0111c Regional T ,a,vi>. 'l'l1is cclitio11 is st1p1Jle1ncntecl by· yearly vol times of fcrl<'ral e11act1111'11ts 110,v c11 tit lee.I ''La,v of tl1e Fcclcral Rei)ttblic c•f Nigeria''. No,v i11 Nigeria tl1crc are fotir sotrrccs of sta ttitc la,vs, vi z.: a Stattiles passccl l)y tl1c Cc 11Lral Govcri1 111ent. for l..agos a11cl the \vl1olc cottntry. ,'\fter i11clc1Jc11clc11cc i 11 1960 it \Vas cnactecl tl1at: I;, cclcral Orcli11a11ccs arc to be callccl 1\c ts a11cl llcgio11al c11actr11c11ts rc1nai11 La,vs [Tl1e Desig11atio11 of Orcli11anccs 1\ct 1961 J. b Statt1tes enacted by tl1c \·Vester11 Nigeria Lcgislalttre for tl1c Regio11. c Statt1tes cnactecl by· tl1e Nortl1er11 Nigeria Lcgislalt1rc for 1l1c Region. ti Slaltttes enacted by tl1e l\ Iicl�\·Vcst Nigeria Legislalt1re for 1l1c Region.5 1

12 Common la,v and eq11ity-Sectio11 45 (I) of tl1c I...a\v (i'viiscclla11cot1s Provisio1is) i-\ct referred to abo\•e IJro,riclcs tl1at: ''Subject to Ll1e 1)rovisio115 of tl1is section ar1cl cxCCJ)l i11 so far as other prov;sion is 1naclc by a11y Fecleral la,-v, tl1e con11n(>Il la\v <)f England and tl1e cloctrines of eqtiity ... sl1all be i11 force irt l.. agus a11d in so far as tllC)' relate to a11y 111atLer \Vitl1111 tl1c exclt1s1,,e legislative con11Jete11ce of tl1e Feclcral legislattire, s)1all be i11 force else\vl1cre i 11 Nigeria. ''6 SecLion 3 of tl1c La ,v of E11glancl ( 1\pplicatio11) La,v o[ tl1c vVcstcr11 Regi or1 also pro"v·iclcs tl1at tl1c common la,v of Englancl a11cl Ll1c cloctri11cs c•f cc1t1iiy sl1all be i11 force in Lhe Region. 7 011 tl1e authority of tl1ese provisio11s tl1c cottrts aJ)tJly the Englisll;,,1 rides of co1n1non la\v a11d cloctrines of ec1uity a11d st1cl1 rules ancl doctri11es n1a)1 be moclified or cxcluclcd tJy a co1npetent local legislature. 111 tl1is exerci8f� tl1e Nigerian courts a re l)ou11cl ))y clccisio11s of tl1e Brit isl1 I-Iotise of Lorcls and prol)ably other Englisl1 st1perior courts, particttlarly \vhc11 tl-ierc is 110 decisio11 of tl1e I-Iotise of Lorcls on a partict1lar 1Joi11L. u 6 .\s noted abcJve all Fcclcral enactn1e11ts are 110w callccl Decree;:; a11d tl1ose of the Regions are kno,\!n as EdicL<s. 11 See also I-ligl1 Court J... av. (N.R.), cap. -�9, s. 28. 7 011 tl1e question ,vl1 ell1cr tl1c a1)plicable rtiles of co1runon l� ,v and cloctr1nes of equity are tl1ose i11 force 011 Jant1ary 1, 1900, sec Park, ofJ. c,t., s. 20; 1\llult�

Essays in ,;lfrican Law, p. 31. 8 1\s Lo whether i11 pL1rsuancc of these provisions tl1c c tlrts sl1ot1lcl ap1Jly· onl)' � English con1n1011 la\v and cc1 uity or those of oil1cr countr1cs, also sec N\valJuezt·, 1\1/acltinery of Justice in Nigeria, p. 21. 9 Sec Park, op. cit., p. 62.


arc clireclecl Lo o))o;;erve and enforce ·ls 111 c(> : 'lil 'I e ag us cl 11 a om st 13 Cu y 1 ( les

rJf cttslomar Iav,) ct1ston ru l 11c a ,v la ·c Li\ r1a 1)f . .. l,� ru ,>r ce t1lt olJser\ a11 t t�> n�tural ju:licc: equity and good ar1 g11 Jt1 re t 111:i e ar les 1 rti i cl �ti l c<. icl JJrov 1rectly \•,'1tl1 any ,,·r1tte11 la,,; in 111d or tly rcc cli c ilJl Jat 1 )11 1c< 1 i r ric1 1 c<111sciencc ca1J. 62, s. 14 (2J]. t, 1\c cc c11 id Ev [ )' lic po lic 1i) JJt to ry ra 11l co forcc1° or . itLen and so largely uncertain. �fl1e rules c,f 11ative ]a\.V a11cl cl1sto111 arc un\vr utilised ,,·ou]d rest1lt in a11 ly ful icl1 ,vl1 1S io1 vis JJro al leg rc , 1 1 J ere 1 I3ti t � . cl1 of lav,•. I11 tl1e a11 s br tl11 of 1 1cl r11t of t cr1 lem sta c11 ritl ,v. i,•c tat atitil<)ri ocal Go,·cr11ment La,,· , \\'cstern nncl Nortl1er11 Rc-gio11s it is pro,•ided [L c�J). 68, s. 7U: Native i\t1tl1ority La,.v, cap. 77, s. 49] tl1a1: a Local Go,•ern· rnenL C.!otu1cil c,r a Native 1\utl1ority has l)O\Ver or, ,vl1en so instructed by 111(: (�ovcr11or,• a cl 1.1 t.v• Lo 1nal�c a dcclaratio11 eitl1er of ,vl1at it considers tl1c ct1s10111ary la,v rltlc 011 a topic Lo IJc ,,·itl1i11 its area of aut l1ority or of a11y rr1c,clilica ti<'ll1 ,vl1 icl1 i I rcgarcl.s as clesi ra IJle. Sucl1 declaration ,viii Ll1e11 l)e sl1b1r11tl(·cl to tl1c (;ovcr11or, ,vl10 co11Sidcrs ,,·l1e1.l1er it is acct1ra1e a11cl ,\·l1c1her a 111' 111<:-icli fi c :l l i or1s are clcsira.l)lc. I-Ic also considers ,vl1etl1er tl1c dcclaratio11 is co11sis l cn L ,vill 1 1l1c r<:JJt1g11:111cy, etc., rul c. If l1e is satisficcl 011 all tl1ese 1 na Li ers li e 1J1a )' by (.>r<.lcr JJroclair11 tl1at the con te11Ls of 1l1e declaration �l1all l )c t li e custo111::Lr)' ()r r1ati vc la,v c,11 1l1c relevant topic i11 tl1c area concer11cd. . \p;ai11 i11 Ll1e \\7cslcr11 llc:gio11 tl1e �-linis ter of Local Go,,·er11111cnt may franic n1o(lc] 1J y-1�1,,·s lll)011, inter alia, sttlJjects ge11erally regulated l)y ct1-;1c:1111ary la ,v. Local Ciovcr11111c11t Cot111cils 111Zt)' tJ1e11 by resolutio11 adopl ;:i 11,' lJ) '-la ,v Sl) r11aclc a11cl tIJ)On adoptio11 ,, ·ill forn1 part of 1l1e Ct1Slo1nary . la\\ in tl1c C:ot111cil'$ arc�t t.)f J uriscliclil1n.. tl1crcb}" displaci110tl1e existi11u � � ct1stor11s 011 tl1e rclcva11l to1 )ics [Local Go\·er11n1enL La,v, ca Jl. 68, s. 83]. 'J�l1c:se I)rO\·isions: exccllen.t tl1ot1gl1 tl1e)' are, l1a\'C scarccl}· bec11 IJUt into t1:-;c. 111 ll1e 111ai11 il1c cot1r1s rely 011 JJroof b\• c\.·ide11ce for t!1c establisl11ne11t of 1:L1lcs of 11a tiv � ?r Cltston1ar)' I a,v 11 a11cl ·Ll1cy disallo,v ail)' allcgecl rt1Ies ,vl1 1cl1 cl<) not sat1st y 1l1c 11ecessnry test. 1 :! It ca11 1l1creforc lJe asscrte<l \Vil 11 jt1s1ificalio11 tl1a t i L is 111ai11ly i11 clccicled cases i}1� 1 at1Ll1ori1 at i\·r sla ler11c11Ls l1f r11 lc:'; of ct1sto111ar 1· Ja,v are to be f1)tl Jl(l. ···- ·----- - · - -

' SP1· 1-1·1«"'!1 C.�l �ll'l O' 1· I ,:l�OS ;\CL. C:l \). 30, s. 2i. I·Ii,Tll Cotlrl La\'r" (.N.Il. • ' ) , ' " sin1ilar 1·••1 P· :l;Y, s. _3·1; l l · 1gh c:�)t1r1 IJa,,· (\\'.ft.). c:11). ·l·I,· s'. 12. �Tlirre nrc also . ., ..,. ' {)l'OVISIOJJS Ill th·'"·· ,,·•1·1· [·1 · 1. :-'1 r:11t·s, ('.• ut1rts :1nc1 C,t1ston1ary or i.,, ()\l ". .... ,. our 1' C • g : at1Ye . l .H,.1c1 n. 11:nts. S1· 1• Jlart ,\. ant(. i 1 l,t�t · c.• � I' �vu . l._) ncr· ·.\(;·1 ' <···t• I). G·) ]a,,, I1as .. 11: �6 n1ary custo s:,. :l , of )_, a • f le 1 l rt a11c 58. l · . .I( . · . It. (1 llJ •)OJI I;)\', 'l' ('l)\ll' • . I ll.lll . . · · l (1I' S\lj)cr1or or co-ore1·111::i.tc Jt1r1sc1·1ct1on so o 1 ten a,'). 10 · • .u,nL' notorious 111c\ 1' 1··1•1 •· · 110L l)e ncci:s.s a1·Y· · ·)roof \',,II I>cc · , I 110 11cc , \VI ·11 uc 1·. ta k ·en ot 1L ar1cl l . al.ls oltit,�ly I 1 .is. 1101 i� rules · p1·oof . clear \•;l1ctl1cr a11cl to , ,·l1"t cse L11 of · t·· " · • '" -t··11t · 11�·ccss:1 rv b •I ,.n· •,i: a N · e' l.e. · 1 �ti,·e�-�r _C11sto111:try Cot1ri. Sc� } 10,\·e,· cr Colt v. ;lku!� . (1960)· i:> l•' ls, B·l. See l•ualJ1 v. Od1u11ola (lgi;i._19:-)l: 11• 1 ., NiL ll. 133:, Elag •. ·_ C · : • .' l . ) I ' \\ . . • .. , .., , ' • 'I... • • l'fl' l "IC (l9 \ C (1 1,\' ) l 1\\I N.I. T ... ll. 8·12; Edok1Jo/or ,... ltlche·n (1960). '\'.N.L.R. I l ; . l · E.: . ..·n<l� 'V· ICC'OCCJ\.Cl,s.1 (4 ... ·). p 1 1,_ '.! S ec, [01: cx:1n1ple, G'uri v. llad,:Jia 1\7. ·l ( 19�9) ·l F SC ·14· Ol,assi Oko 11 C�u,f Eli,jah l·Ienshau.J (1930), IO N.L.R.: 65: Eti,�,· v: 1-;;slicn (1932) , l_l fffeong Okon .·lta (1930). 10 N .I�.ll. 65; Egba !{.•·1. v..·ldc_ya,1111 . fe 9 (l 36) 'N· 1'-· 77;_ D,uoot!u v. Da11111olt· (1958). 3 1-;,.S C. ·l-6: (1962) l \\'.L.R, -: . or: 1 .l3.' 'r,a,,vo \·.:" Larva111 (19G l)' . l 1-\ll N. L,. l{. 703. HJ •.

v: NI.Lal�



--------The Fe<leration of Nigeria

·, ,

15 Inter11al conflict rules a Co,ifli �t beizoec1i Fecleral au(/ flegio1r,1l Enacl111c11fs. · l'l1c fcclcral legislature h�s exclt1 �1vc com1)cte11ce to leg1statc 011 111a.llers i11 ll1c 1.:xcl t1 sive Legislative List. ,,V1tl1 rcspecl to st1cl1 e11acl111e11ts Ll1crc can lJ c 110 co11flict:. [ t is similarly so \Vitl1 res1Ject to slalutes e11aclcd by tl 1c regiona I lcgisla. tt1rcs 011 resiclt1al n1atters. Botl1 at1tl1oritics l1avc JJo,ver to lcgislaLc 011 111 atters in Ll1c conct1rrent legislati vc list. I 11 tl1c evci1t (Jf co11flict l1ere tl 1e fellera l enactment prevails a11cl tl1e regio11al one beco111e� voicl Lo tl1 c cxtc111 of I li e i11consistency.

b Conflict betzvce11 recciuecl Englis/r lazvs inter se. IL is l)rovi c.lccl tl1 at 1.h.c ''Britisl1'' cot1rts arc at1tl1 orised to apply botl1 la,v n11cl cqt1ity co11ct1rrc11tly a11d .i11 ll1c sa n1e n1anncr as t l1cy arc acl11 1i11i:s tercel by tl1c I-Iigl1 (:ot1rt in E11gland, a11cl tl1al in tl1c event of co11Aict l)cl \,·cc11 1l1c rules of cqtiil.y ancl tl1e rt1les of Ll1e con1mon la,v ,viLl1 respect to tile sa1nc rnatter, tl1c rtdcs of eqt1ity shall prevail. 13 If tl1crc is a conflict l)ct,vcc11 a rt1Je of co1n111011 la,v a11cl cloclrine of eqt1it); 011 Ll1e 011c l1a11cl a11ll t11c prc>v.isio11s of an l:,nglisl 1 statute ap1Jlicablc ,vitl1in jurisclictio,1 on tl1c otl 1 cr, t h.e la ttcr l)rcvails, Lhot1gl1 tl1ere is a prcst1n1ptio11 Ll1at Parlia111c11t docs 11ot intc11cl t1) n1<HJif�; a fundamental principle of tl1e co1nmon la,v by in1plication. c Conflict betivce,z E1zglisll la,v and custo111a1y lazu. ,-vl1cn t,vo or l11ore J )crsrJ11s enter i11to a transaction i11 Nigeria tl-\cre are L,vo IJossilJle altcr11 ativc la,vs lo govern tl1cir dealing-Englisl1 la,v (,vhich inclt 1des local statt1tcs) a11cl cttSton1ary la,v. ,,\TI1icl1 of Ll1ese categories of la,v is callccl i11to play i11 a11 y particular traruactio11 is dcterminecl by tl1c stalt1s a11d i11tcntio11 of Ll1c

parties. Tl1ere are sta lt1tory J )fO\•isio11s dcsig11ccl to rcsol ,,c con flicls bet ,vcc11 these la,vs: i Tra11Saction5 bet,vee11 natives: 1 ·1 in tl1csc tra11sac1 io,1s it is l)rovj(lecl tl1at customary )a\v applies t111less tl1c parties l1acl expressly or impliedly dccidecl t}1at Englisl1 la,v ,viii gover11 tl1eir ira11sacli(111 1. ;

--------------------- - - ------..·--- -13 Sec, e.g., tl1c J-Iigl1 Cot1rt La,v (N.R.), Ca[J, 4·9, ss. 30 a11d 3J.

1·1 Section 3 of tl1 c I�a,v (wfisccJlaneot1s Provisio11s) 1\ct, cap. 89, clefinc·s "nativ,�" Lo il1 clude 11alivc of Nigeria anc.l 11aLive foreigner. "NaLive of Nigeria" means any person ,vhosc parents were n1cn11Jers of a tribe or trilJcs incliger1ot1s to_ Ni_gcria and the clcsce11dan 1s of st1cl1 persons; ancl incluclcs any perso11 011e o( . ,, means any . ,orc1gncr r 1 at1ve ,vhose J Jarents ,va.s a n1e1nlJer o sttcI1 a tr1· 1 )C. "N _ perso11 (not lJcing a 11alive of Nigeria) ,vl1ose parents ,vere 1nembcrs of a tribe or tribes indigenous to some part of i\frica ancl the clesce11clants of sucJ1 I)c1: sons, a11? !!l1aJl incl Ltdc any pcrso11 one of ,vl1osc _l)arcnls ,vas a 111cml)er of st1cl1 lr1IJ�: T_l11s definit.ion applies Lo tl1e Ni:>rt.11. �fl1c T I1gl1 Court _La,v of tl1c West .talks � f N1gcr1an a11d non-Nigerian \\'l1crc tl1c all<l\'C talk-. of 11at1vc� a11cl non-natives. fhat La1,v does 1101 clefinc "Nigerian" !Jtlt s. 2 of the Region's CL1sto1nary qot1rls I., a,v. _ cap. 31, defines it as aa pcr:,;c,11 1.vhose paren� \Vere 1ncn1bcrs of a11y L�tlJc or lrtlJcs indigenous to Nigeria and Ll1c clcscendant-. of sucl1 pc!so!� s, � ncl 1ncJucles any person arc of ,vhose })arents ,vas a n1cmlJcr of st1ch a tr1IJc • S�� fttrtl1er on all thr.-sc 1,rovisions the I-Iigl1 Court of Lagos t\cL, cap. 80, s. 27; I-I1gl1 Court La\v (N.ll.) cap. ·�9, s. 3��; I-Iigl1 Cot1rt I..,a\V (\\r.R.), cap. 'i4·, s. 12. ir, Grittinat Talabi ( 194-8), 12 vV 1\.C.1\. 371; Okolic v. Ibo (1958), N.L.ll. 89; Nelson,,. JVelson ( 1951), 13 W.1\.C.1\. 248; Green v. .1lwo (1936), N.L.R. 43.





Part I-West Africa

one unknovvn io cusiomary Ia,v or tli e stil)ject-111attcr of clisi)utc is 16 . in ,vl1icl1 case Englisl1 la\,' applies atives: in this case n-n d 11o an es tiv na cn ,,•e bct 1s 1 o cti 1Sa rai ' 'l" ii E11glisl1 Ia,v a1JIJlies bt1l if it is sl10\v11 that its applicatio11 \Vould ,vork stilJstantial i11justice to ei1l1er of tl1e parties, then custo1nary 17 Javv ,viii }Jc a}J}Jliccl. iii 'I 'ra11sactio11s br.t,veen no11 -nati\·es: i11 tl1esc types of transac1ion s E11gli sl1 la,v cxcl ttsively aJ)IJI ies. ll C'o,iflict beluJecn custouunJ' lau.1s. vVl1 en tl1 e court decicles 1l1a t custon1ary la,v as c>1 Jposed to Erlglisl1 Ja,v aJJJJlics to tl1e settlement of a cat1se or 1nattcr before it, 1l1cn tl1 c 11 ext c1t1estion to ans,ver is ,vhicl1 ct1s101nary Ia,v apJJlie:;. · '[l1i.:; c1 ucstio11 is 11cccssitatccl by tl1c fact tl1at c,•ery ierritorial area ]1as its 18 io nal Ja,v ' perso mar) custo l1as l iclt1a indiv every 1ll 1 a la,v <>\Vil ct1storr1ary l1i111sclf ,vl1 icl 1 l1c carries alJOll t ,vl1crevcr l1c goes. Tl1erefore ,,,}1enever a causl! t() ,vl1icl\ ct1ston1ary Ia,v is apJ)licalJle comes before a court i t l1as to clccicle \vl 1etl1er Lo apply its o,v11 ctistomary la\v, i.e. Ll1e le:,: situs or tl1at of tl1 e c>11c or tl1 e c>tl1 cr of Ll1e JJartics, ,vl1cn tl1ey are different.19 I l sl1oulcl 110,,,c,,er 1J c 1)oi11lccl ot1t tl1at tl1is prol)lc1n of conflict today arises ,vith rcs1 Jcct Lo civil cat1:'>cs or n1alters only. It cannot arise \vitl1 respect to crirr1i11,,ll 111altcrs, for it is no,v tinconstitutional to eriforce ct1sto111ary cri .111i11 al la ,vs [Fed cral Co 1 1s IitLtti011: s. 22 ( l O)]. 20 • • • 1 '.l'l1c variot1s Native or (:L1slo111ary Cot 1rts La,vs co111a1n prov1s1ons calct1la tccl tc> solve ll1ese I)rolJle111S. Tl1 e provisior1s i11 tl1c \\Test and - -- -·--

-- --

Bal:.are v. Coker ( I935), I2 N. L. R. 31. In tl1is case tl1c court 100k 1he vie,, · t!1al �l1 c gi,·ing ancl receiving of a J)ron1issory 11 ote sl10,ved tl1at 1he parties inlcndcd l '..nghsl1 la\\' 10 govt�r11 111<:ir 1ransactio11 . , \r hetl1cr if sucl1 i11te11 tio11 \vas not discovcrecl it ,voulei have l)ecn l1 clcl tI-1at ct1stonl::tr)' la,,, :l}Jplied si11cl' it does 1101 !icerrt 1!1a1 tl1c ich;a or 1,ron1issory 11 otcs is kno,,·11 to ct1sto111ary la,v. It cot1lcl 110,,·c,·1'.r b t.: argued tl1at tl1is viC\V takt'n lly 1l1c co11 r1 sugge:;1s t.l1at it rc•garclccl Jlron1issory notr·s as tink110,v1 1 lly custott1ary la,,,. l�t1 r this JJOiT1 l is ,vc:i.kenecl l)V the assertion of �ltc co_ur1 I hat .it nlltst 1101 l)r tinllcrstc)ocl 111:::1 t i11 eve-ry case ti1e gi,,ing and �ak1 ng of a P!'(111�1ssory 111,h� is conclusi,·c of 1l1e i11lt·111ic.111 of tile I)arties 10 bt: govc�rncd by l:,ngl1:;h la,v. 11 See 1Vc lso11 v. Nelson (ID:31) 13 \ '. .-\. ( \ •),1 · Ko,i·l' ,, u·orc (1934-), 2 \ - ' '.. ' . - 8 <:_ • "' ' ' • \·V . :\. C .1\. 188. Iii I-�cre \�e 1�r<!Ilosc to LIS(' the lcr1u " "rsonal la,\'" 10 c.l,::;cribe 1his cus1on1�ry Jll la,v of the ind ! \'Illual, i.c. ct1s I 0111ary la ,v )reval(· 11t i11 1 l\c comn1t1r1i Iy io ,,·l11ch l he l)e;lung�. Jl 1,vo or 111lll'<.' ctts1on1arv la,vs (,·. "· ivloslen1 la,v a11d a tribal la\\') 0 -l':.1 1 :''1l!1�n tl:e corn11111!1ity, tl�e ii1cli,,iclt1al '� j)t'r.so1 1al Ia,v is 1hat ,vl1icl1 he C.CXJ)l : tssl) 11n11lH·llly cons1cle1:s h1n1sel[ 10_ l)c sttl)jccl to: sec ..1siala v. Gonclll�� �\ ( l�OO), l N.I�.l{. ·l-1 attcl 1\f<tr ·a1na v. ,S',ulzku Eio (1961). N,R.N.L.R. 81. It is · :., · ·01c· I con l1J · 11c. c<·s · · • s'1 / rv l 1 t a I ' ; I 0 a , · t 1s1011 1l1e 111ea11ing of 1 l1is tcrn1 l1ere n1usL b. c . .cli'-1ni gu_1shC'�l h:c,n1 tl1c ust1a� 011 e_ accorc.ling t.o ,,,J1icl1 it is t1sed to describe certain b� ; an'-,_ 1 �� s ':'l tJriva1e I �'�. Sec },_cay a11c.l Ricl1ardso11, op. cit.. J). 256, ,vhert· th l! . , is ler1n incliv1c lt1 al la \v 11sccl i11 stc'acl . lD I . . L is 11ot nitci1decl l1 crc to st1ggcsl tl1al tl1 c lex situs ,viii necessarily be diffi·re nt �·1 0�1 � e party's tJcrso11al la,v or tl1 e IJarties' J)Crso11al la,vs. : ? ee Is� .tloko v. Fagbc,ui (1961), 11\ll N.L.ll. 400. � 1 c_ N flive Courts La,v (N.R. ), caJJ. 78: ss. 23 a11.d 24; Cusion1ar}' Gour� · (\\ c ,· N ·) ' ca1J. 31, s. 20; Custo111.ary Cotlrl' Edi 1966 (!-.·I�l\1). s. 23. There La\,� i ct ' . �e no JJrov1 s·1 ons fior reso1 · · custOlll•ar. '-'1 . . a1 vn1g • tl1cse conflicts 1 11 Lagos ,vl1ere tht·re JS 110 O\ C ,t La,v; bttt ,vl1c11 cot 1rls i 11 Lagos arc faced ,•1i1l1 sucl1 1,roblen1, tliey ,,·ill pro �a�lY rely on tl1e provisio11s of one of tl1e other jt1risdictio11s. 1�


------- --T/1c Federation of Nigeria �Iid-\<Vcst are iclentical a11cl arc sttbstantially cliffcrent frcH11 tl1ose in Llic Nortl1 and for I)urposes of clarity \Ve })roposc to cxa111i11c Ll1 c111 sc1Jara t:cly.

Northern Re gion Section 23 ( 1) pro,,ides tl1at a 11ati,1e cotirt sl1 al 1 acl1-i1ir1 istcr Lite 11a Livc la\\! and CLIStom JJrevailing i11 tl1c area of tl1c j ttriscliction of tl1c co Lu· t� or bindi11g bet,vecn 3 the parties. Scctio11 24 pro,•iclcs as fc.)llo,vs: " (I) l11 mi"<ecl civil cat1scs;1 otl1cr tl1a11 la11cl cau.scs, Ll1 c 11ativc Ia,v and CLtston1. to be a1JJJliccl b)' a 11ativr� cot1rt sl1all lJc :(a) 'fhc particular native Ia,v a11cl ct1sto111 ,,,}1icl1 Ll1c f)artics agrcccl or i11lendecl or 111ay lJe JJrcst1111ccl lo l1avc agreccl or i11 tcr1clccl, sl1oul ll regLtlatc tl1 eir obligatio11S i11 ccH111cctio11 ,vitl1 ll1 c tra11sa<:Lio11s ,vhicl1 are i11 con tro,,crsy before tl1 c cottrl; or (b) tl1at co1nbi11atio11 of any t,vo or 111orc 11 ative la\vs or rt1sto111s ,vl1icl1 tl1c parties agrcccl or i111.e11clccl, or rnay lJc }Jrcst111 1ccl to l1a·vc agree cl or i11tc11clccl, sl10L1lcl regt1la Le tl1ci r r1l)liga.Lio11s as aforcsaicl; or io11 (c) i11 Ll1e al)sc11cc of aII)' Sltcl1 agrec1ne11l or i11 tc111.io11 or JJrrst11n1Jt . ll1crcof:(i) tl1 e particL1lar nati,,e la,v a11d ct1s to1n; or (ii) sucl1 con1.binalion of any L,vo or 111ore, native la,vs or ct1ston1 s ,vhicl1 it appears lo tl1e cot1rl, ot1gl1t, l1avi11g rcgarrl to Ll1 c nature of tl1c tra11sactio11 a11cl all tl1c circt11nsta11cc.s or tl1c case, io regt11a Le tl1 e ol)ligat io11S of tl1e tJartics aforcsaicl, lJ11 t if in tl1c opi11io11 of tl1e co11rt, 11011e of tl1 c l)a.ragra IJl1s of 1.l1is stibscction is a]Jplicablc lo any }Jar Lic11lar matter i11 cc111tro,,cr:sy, tl1c court sl1all 1,e govcrnccl by Ll1e 1Jri11 ciplcs of 11alL1ral jt1slice, eqttil)' and goocl co11scic11ce. (2) I11 mi.."(cd Iancl causes tl1 e native la,v a11d cL1ston1 lcJ IJe a1J1)l iccl l)·v a 11ative court sl1all IJe tl1 e 11ativc la,v a11cl ct1sto111 in force i11 relation to Iancl in tl1c place \vl1 crc tl1e land is sittiale pro\1iclecl tl1a l 110 11aLi vc la\v or custom prol1ibiti11g, or rcstricti11g or rcgtilating tl1e clcvolt1lio11 011 cleatl1 lo a11y tJarLicular class of pcrso11s of tl1c rigl1t to occu1J)' a11y land sl1all operate to clcprive any pcrso11 of a11y l)e11cficial i11Lcrcst in sucl1 Janel (other tl1an tl1c rigl1t to occttpy tl1c san1e) or i11 tl1e proceeds of sale tl1ercof to ,vl1icl1 l1c 1nay ]Je cntitlccl ti11cler tl1c rt1lcs of i1tl1erita11cc of a11y otl1 cr nati,,c la,v ancl ct1stom''. The la,v prc,,-ailing i11 Ll1c � rca o� juriscliction of tl1c co.t1rL _l1� s IJeen helc.l to n1ean that la,v ,vhich is 1Jrcclom1nanl 1n the area: R. v. Ilortn Native Court ex /Jartc Ji1110 ,1Jrc111u (1953), 20 N.L.R. 1<14·. . . . causes 11xccl" '·t111n , s. 24 �11 s · :i 1-Iaving regarcl Lo tl 1c clcfinition or in!xccl cat1se _ \v_l11cl1 tl1c parL1cs l avc tl1c san1c personal as those t.tnrJcr s. 23 (I) arc those 1n ! !a\v ancl tl1c la,v }Jinding lJct,vce1� 1J1c1n 1s tl1aL l_a,v. In cflccL _tl1crcforc tl1c COLtrls 111 such causes arc given cliscrclt?n to apply either tl1c. lex s_1tus o!· tl1c personal la,v of ihe parties. It l1as lJccn clcc1clcd that \Vl1cn facccl \Vttl1 tl11s choice they sl1oiilcl applv tl1c latter: Osuagrvu v. ,';o/(!ier ( I 959), N.R.N.L.R. 39. ·1 ,iMixecl caLtse" ''n1ixcrl ci,,il cause" and "n1ixccl la11d cause" 111ca11 a caL1sc in ,vl1ich t•vo or m�rc of tl1c JJartics arc norrnally s1.1IJjccl to cliffcrcnl systcn1s of native la,v ancl c11ston1; ibi<l., s. 2. :!


Part 1- l Vest Africa 1

urts La,v 1nay be stultified Co c tiv N� tl1e of 2tl cl an 23 ss. of s 11 io vis pro The urL5 of Appeal La\.v, ,vl1icl1 by a far-rcacl1ing 1Jrov-isio11 i n tl1e Sl1ar1a Co statcs tl1a t : "vvl1e11 all parties to tl1c proceedings ( ,vl1etl1er or no t tl1ey are !vloslems) I1avc by ,vriLing tinclcr th.cir l1and rcqtacsted the court tl1at l1ears the case i 11 1.l1e fir�L i 11sta11 cc t o dctermi11e tl1at case in accorcla11cc ,vitl1

,, , a\V I\·los Ic111 L tli c Sl1aria (! 011 rL of 1\pJJcal ca 11 adjudicate upo11 tl1e matter ev·e11 tl1ot1gl1 it clocs not i,,vol\'C l\1[oslc111 1Jerso11al Ia,v and even lV!oslc1n la,v l1as 110 IJcari1 1g t 11)011 tl1e 111attcr. I 11 that sort of situation l\,foslem la\,' ,,·ill be a1JJ.Jl iccl to a tra 11<;acLion even tl1ot1gl1 1l1 a t ,-vas 11ol tl1e la,v binding bet,veen 1 he lJa r L ics c>r 11rc,·aili 11g i 11 l lie ,trea c>f jt 1risdictio1 1 of tl1e court of first i 11sta11cc (>r tl1 c la\v agreccl lo or i1 1te11dccl by tl1e parties at tl1c tin1e they c11terccl i1 1l.o tl1cir ol)ligations ancl cvc11 tl1ot1gl1 it is not st1cl1 as to l)c JJrcst1111ecl lo l1ave l)cc-11 agreecl to or i11tenclcd by tl1c JJarlies 11or its a1Jplica1 io11 co11sistc1 1t \-vi1l1 tl1c princiJJles of equity, 11 a lt1ral justice and good , co n�;c1c11cc. I 1 7cslcrn raul .:\,firl- l11esler,i Regions 111 1.l1ese jurisclictions it is providccl tl1at� ''( 1) 1 1 1 Ian.cl 1na t.tcrs tl1 e appro1Jriatc ct1ston1ary Ia,v sl1all IJc tl1c c1.1stomar)' la\v of 1l1c place ,vl1erc tl1e land is situated. (2) 111 causes a11c.l 111.atters arising from i11l1erita11cc tl1c appropriate c\1st�)rnary ln,v sl1all ...be tl1c custo1 n ary la,v ap1Jl)'i11g to tl1e de­ ccasccl.

(3) St1bjcct

to tl1c }JfO\'isio11s of subscctio11S ( 1) and

(2) of ll1is

.scctio 1 1 :(a) irl ci,,il <:attSL'!, or 111a tlcrs ,vl1ert' :(i J l)otl1 I)arLic:s are 11ot 11atives of 1l1e area of jttrisclicLion of Ll1c cot1rt� or (ii) 1 lie lrar1sac Lio11 t lie s 11bject of tl1c cattsc or 111a Ltcr ,vas 11ot c11Lcrccl i11Lo i11 tl1c area of tl1e jt1risclictio11 of tl1e court; or (iii) ()J!e of tl\C [Jartics is 1 10 t a 11a ti ve of tl1e area of jurisdictio 11 (>I tl1e court artd tl1c I):J.rties agreed or may be 1Jrcst1n1ccl to ltavc agrc�<l llta t tl1cir obl igatio11 sl1ot1ld be regttlaled, ,v I 10lly tlr 1)artl)', b )' tl1e ctts ton1ary la\-V apJ)lying to tl1at l )arL )', tl1c appro1Jriatc cttsto111ary Ia,v sl1all b e tl1e custo1nary la,v lJincli11g lJet,vcc1 1 tl1c JJarties; (b) i11 all otl1cr civil cat1scs a11d 111attcrs tl1e a1JtJro1)riate custo1n ary 1 1'" sl1all lJc tl1c la,-v of tl1e area of jt1risdiction of tl1e court.,: � , . l lterc is als1.l a11 iclcntical JJro,1iso to tl1e 011e co11tai11ed i11 s. 24- (2) of tl1c Nati,•c Courts l.a,v. 'I'licsc IJrovisio115 arc far fron1 i 1111Jorti 11g a neat a11d tJrecise cl1oice of l �,v forinula. 'l�l1cy arc ge11 cral i11 11att1re a11 cl ,vl1al la,v is applied in any gi,,cri case largely clc1Jencls 0 11 Ll1c discretion of tl1e cot1rts.5

----·-·-------· · - ·------- - - ----------5

Sec l(eay a11cl Ricl1ardson, oJJ. cit., J>p. 259_26 6_


The Federation of 1Vigeria DERIVATION AND FORl\l OF TI·IE l\l�\IN l'\Il,\NCI·IES OF LEG,\L SYSTE:'I[

16 Cr �al la,v-Crimi11 �l la\v i11 Nigeria is no,v entirely sLaltitory, _ custon1ary cr1nunal laws l1av1ng bee11 abolisl1ecl by tl1c con�tit111ic>nal provisio11 whicl1 stiptalates tl1at: ''No J)erson sl1all be convictecl of a cri 1ni11al oflcncc 1111lcss tl1at offence is clefinecl a11cl tl1e JJc11al ty tl1ercforc [Jrcscribcc.l i11 a ,vrittcr, la,v'' [Federal Co11stit11tio11� s. 22 (10)].0 Il is also J)rovided tl1al: ''No person is to be liable lO lJt111isl1n1c 1 1t \111clcr a11,r 11::i.ti\'C la\v or custo1n'' [Pe11al Coclc La,v (N.R.), s. 3 (2)]. The relevant statutes can co11vc11ienlly be cliviclccl i11to t,vo lJroacl catcgori<:s. 111 tl1e first grott}J arc those LlJ \vliicl1 arc scl1ccl11lccl tl1c Coclcs. '"fherc i.\:i the Crinu11al Cocle 1-\ct [ca1J. ·4·2], ,vl1icl1 a1)plics lo Lagos a11cl all tl 1c Rcgicn1s except the Nortl1 a11 cl scl1ccluled to it is tl1c Coclc of Cri1ninal La\v. 1�11crc l1as been re-enactecl in tl1e Cri111il1al Code La\v [caJJ. 28] fi)r t11c \>Vest a11cl ancl tl1e l\1Iid-\:\1cst ll1osc 1Jorlio11s l1f tJ1c Coclc containing c)Oc11ccs rcla ti11g lo n1 atlers o"·cr ,vliicl1 tl1e rcgio11 al lcgislat11rc l1as con1pcte11ce to Jegislate upon. f\nd in 1959 the �ortl1cri1 lcgislatt1rc c11 actecl 1l1e I>enal c:oclc L.a,v emboclying offences 011 lOJJics t1po11 ,vl1icl1 it is en1 1Jo,vcrccl to lcgislale. "' 1 his is s11pJJlcn1c11 tecl by tl1c Pc11al Code (Nortl1cr11 llcgic.1n) f'cclcral Provisions .,<\ct 1960 [No. 25 of 1 960], \vhicl1 contains oflc11ccs on. st1 l)jcc1.�; over ,vhich the fccleral I'arli,1111e11 t l1as cxclt1sivc Icgislati,,c co1npclc11cc . •�\s rcgarcls tl1e ofle11ces dealt ,vith i11 tJ1 cn1 tl1c C:oclcs arc sclf-stLITici�11t. They do r1 ol !)reserve ll1e cornmon la\\' of crin1cs and i11 tl1e aJ)[Jlication of tl1eir provisions recourse ca1111ot be l1ad lo tl1e con1n1on lavv r11lcs of cri111c: see per B. .\IR.\.'.'.lL.\N,J ., in Ogbuagu v. Police: ''\·\'e l1a·ve i11 Nigeria a Crimi11al Code ,vl1icl1 is 1nea11t lo lJc co1111)lctc a11d exl1a11stive. ''7 Tl1e other group of statutes arc ll1osc (botl1 Ji'cclcral a11cl ltcgional} clcfining \vl1at may be describecl as tccl111ical ofTer1ccs ,vl1icl1 are cnactetl ad hoc to regulate tl1e co11duct of 1Jeople i11 variotts aspects of e11clcavot1r iJ)r tl1e tl1 reat of penalties. Examples are tl 1c Dangerous Dr11gs 1\cl� tl1c Desertion fron1 Ships t\ct, tl1c Dogs Act, Cl1ilclren a11 cl Yoting l)crsor1s La,v (\.V.R.), Birtl1s and Deaths Registration La,v (\V.R.). 17 Property and succession-111 tl1e Nigerian la11cl Ia,,r E11glisl1 la,v is of limitccl application. Customary la,v 011 tl1 c otl1 cr l1 a11cl plays a very JJrominent role J1 ere, '\-vhicl1 stems fro1n tl1e fact tl1al n1ost or the la11cl i11 tl1e country, 011tsidc t }1c Ltr ban centres, is governed b)' tl1is lavv. Despite tl1c introcluction of E11glish Ja,v i11 tl1e country tl1e r11les of customary la,v J1ave con tin11ccl to operate i11 i ls ft1ll force in tl1is field, limilecl only l)y a fc,v local c11acl1nents s11c]1 as tl1e Commt1nal La11cl Rigl1ts (Vesting i 11 '"I'rustces) La,v of vVesler11 a11d 'ivlicl-\Vestcr11 Nigeria [ca1J. 24·], the Kola rl,ena11cics La,v of tJ1e former Easlcrn Nigeria [ cap. 69], tl1e Lancl r. Sec also 1J oko v. Fagbenzi ( 196 l), 1\ll N.L.R. 4-00. (1953), 20 �.I... R. 139; sec also_ JY_allace Johnson v. R. (_ 193�), 5 W.1\.C.,-\. 56. But it l1as bec11 s11grrcstcd that the Jur1spr11<le11cc of tl1c Nigerian co11rts docs 11ot show that they at \ov�ys Jive l.tp to 1l1is profession. Sec generally Okonk\vo ancl Naish, Cri,ninal Lazo i11 Nigeria, 1964-, pp. 15- 19. 7


I I: I, ! I·'

Part I-West Africa

1l1 e Registered La11d ..\cL 1d a1 ] 59 J. a [c h rt No e tl1 1 of 2 96 Tciltire La\V I 1965. of li1nited application in the is re nu te nd la of ,v Ia 1 o1 m 1n co 1 isl Tlie E110-J 1ited for aJJplication in Nigeria st u11 I)' i11 rta ce c ar les rL1 its of e 111 cotiiitry. So t exist here.8 no es t do en 1n lop ve de l 11a igi or eir 1l1 of sis ba l lJ ecatise 1J1e fetida held to be of general en be ve ha es tut sta rty pc Jro l rea sl1 gli I�11 So111c I . l�xa1�ples are il1e foll?'"ing: aJ )IJlical i<,11 a11d a l Jplicable ,vitl1i11 tl1c cot1ntry 9 tl1e 7) 158 111 ; d de Statute en am (as 1 157 t 11 1c 1�·raticlt1lcnt C!o11veyanccs f\c ; 10 s 0) ate t 189 Est i\c ate est Int tl1e by cl 1cle 1e1 an (as 0 167 of Distr. ilJt1tio11 11 tJ1e La11dlord ; 1 186 d an 9 176 ts) 1\c its Su n o\v Cr ts ( tl1e '.Nt1llt1111 ·1·c1111Jt1s 1\c 13 tl1e 1 2 0; 173 _.:\cl ant 'Ten and rcl dlo Lan tl1e a11d '1'cna11t 1\ct 1705; 1 Sta lLl tc <)f 1;·r�tttcls 1677; ·1 tl1c Real Pro1Jert y Lin 1itatio11 ;\ct 1833, as 16 tl1e C:onveya11cing 5 1 2; 185 and 7 183 ts 1\c lls Wi tl1e 4·; .a 111c11clccl i 11 l U7 18 ; 890 I and in I 17 88-1· d nde an1e as 882, I 1\ct ll Lan led .:\ct I U�l I ; tl1c Sett 20 . 19 1897 ct r '\. :nsfe 'l�ra cl La11 tl1c and 1.l1c 'J'rt1sLcc 1\ct 1888; 'I'l1e coLtrls l1avc 1101 l1acl 1l1c O}Jporlttnity of pronouncing 011 tl1e applica­ lJili L)' i11 Nigcria of aII pre-1900 Englisl1 real prOJ)erty and co11veyancing statutes. It is tl1crefore t1nccrtai11 ,vl1icl1 of these olcl statutes form part of tl1c la,v of Nigeria a11d tl1is L1ncertai11l)' is reinforced b)r tl1e unsettled ,vay i11 \vl1icl1 tl1c courts clctcrminc \vl1ctl1er or not a statute is of general applica­ tio11.1 IL sccn1S clear tl1at tl1ose statt1tcs ,vl1icl1 prestippose a fet1dal society clo 11ot a1JI)ly to Nigeria: e.g. tl1e '°fenures i\bolition :\ct 1660; Ll1e Copy­ l1olcl 1\c ts 1852.-I 894·; tI 1c Statt1tc De Do11is Condit ionalibl1s 1285, and tl1e Statt1le of Uses 1535. rI'l1ere .:ire co1 11paraLivcly fe,v local J)ropcrty a11d co11\'Cya11ci11g sLatutcs. l\JJart fro111 tl10':ic clcali11g \viLl1 registra Lio11 of titles a11d instrun1c11ts; � acl1)1i11istratio11 of estalcs, 3 co1n1)ttlso11' acq ttisi Lio11 b)' tl1e Go,·er11111enl' 1 and 111c rcla Lio11:-,;l1i1J of landlord a11cl te11a 111,:; 01l1ers include tl1e La11d Tenure La\v of tl1c Nortl1,0 tl1e Property a11cl Co1l\'C}:anci11g La,v [carJ. IOO], t.l1e

--- -----

a Co1:side1: i<)r exa1111)h.� Llll" cloc1rinc of Lc11urcs. u l �ra1!/11va1le v. Folarin ( 1938), · I \ \". ,\.C.•\. 76. it, Cole v. C'olr ( 1898), I N.I.,. ll.. I :"i. 1 � illlo�ne;J'-Gt!nrra{ v: I-loll (1910), 2 �. l ..ll. l. 1� O�·/u�Uekun ,,. L_azva (1958)� \\'.lt.N.L.ll. 122. 1 J /?1be1ro v. Chah1n (195·1-), l ·1 \\' .1\. C.:\. -1·76. 1:. 1\Io/01110 v. 0/usola (195'1·). 2 I N.L.ll. l . 1·' r;,.1�e11 \' • .tllt 'O ( 1936), 13 'N.l..ll. 4·3. 16 'I'h ?,111as v. De ,S'ouza (1929), 9 N.L.ll. 81. :: � l<Ut v. I Villia,ns (19,1·1), lG N.I... R. l·l. T!to,nas v. 1Vabl,a,n (19•1·7), 12 \,\T_f\.C.t\. 229. , 1:_aJ•lor v. T�}·l,n· (193·1,). 2 \\'.1\.C.A. 126. • loung v . .'1b111a ( 1940), G \·V.1\,C.1\. 180. , J). 8•1·, a11le. 1 Sec · . :! llegisl • ra ti011 ?f 'l'"1tlcs • \ t ct, cap. 18 l ; Land Reg1·st ra 11011 .t\ct, cap . 99, an d t11e• J:>.,eg1onal cq tu vale11ts. 3 r\cln1i11istra1io11 (Ilcal ·' E statc) Act, cap . n.t. and tl1c rc<Y1011al coun1cr1 Jar1s. . • .i• p lLI)rtc I�aiid Acqttisitio11 Act, ca1J. 167 '· State La11ds .'\ct. · ca1 1. 4-5, a11d the 1 cg1ona cou11tcr1 1arts. · s A ct • 6 1 asc of Re11t (R cs I11cre · • ·t Pre1ruse .· · ) \ 11ct1on t ct, caJJ. 93; Recovery of . · . , . . ca . 176 Re nt llcst1 iction 1\ct, ca1). 183 ancl tl1e region.al counterparts. � /hfrl.'


------The Fe(/eration of 1Vigeria Trustee Law [ca1 ). 125], ancl tl1e l'vfarriccl ,,\'011 1c11's Pro1Jcrly I....a,v [ca1 J. 76] of the \,Vest ancl Micl-vVcst. Succession to tl1 � pro1Jcrl)' of 1 110 �1 JJCO IJle i11 Nigeria is rcgL1latccl JJy customary la\-v, ,vl11 cl1 al1nost al,vays 1s tl1c tJcrso11 al la,v of tl1c clcccasecl. !11 Lagos st1 cccssio11 to tl1e IJropcrty or a }Jcrso11 ,vl1 0 contractccl a1 1 "Englisl1'' 1narriagc is gover11ecl by s. 36 of tl1c � Iarriagc .:\ct [cap. 115]. In '"'estern ancl l\'1icl-\V cs Lcr11 Nigeria st1cccssio11 to 1Jro11crty suIJjcct to Englisl1 law i s governeel by ll1c :-\cln1 inistratio11 of 1::'.s ! atcs J ....a\-V [ca1J. I]. In the other Regio11S il is yet 11 ot scttlccl ,vl1 ctl1cr st1cccssior1 to tl1 c pro11crty of a person ,vl1 0 ,ve11t tl1rot1gl1 a tl E11 glisl1 inn rriagc is go,,cr11 ccl l)y E11glisl1 or ctistomary Ia,v. 7 1

18 l\'Iarriage ancl tl1e frunilj·-l\Iost JJCOJJlc i11 Nigeria 111arry u11clcr

tl1 e rttlcs of tl1 eir naLi,•c la\\' a11 cl ct1sL0111 a11 cl co11scqt1c11tly t.11cir 111arriagc a11 cl fa11uly life is regtilated l)y tl1al la,v. 1> crso11 s ,vl10 011 Ll1c t1ll1cr !1a11cl co11 tracl tl1 c ''Orclinance'' or Cl1ri�tia11 111 arriagc l1avc tl1 cir 1narri,1gc ,111cl fa1nil)' life rcgt1la tcd b)' tlie i\-Iarriagc Act [caj). 115].

19 Tort ancl contract-l 11 Nigeria tort a11 cl co 11 tracl ,1rc rcgul�1t(·(l l)y tl1e rt1lcs of ct1 stomary la ,v, E11glisl1 co1n111 on Ia\V, slat tiI .cs or gc11cral apJJliratio11 a11 cl local e11actmc11 ts. It sl1 ot1 lcl 11 0,ve,,er IJc JJoi 11tccl ot1t 1.l1a1 r l�l1is is l)ecatisc or tl1 c cliffict1l1y ct1sto 1 nary· Ia,v of tort is a little obsct1re. the of dcter111 i11 i11g ,vl1en liability t1ncler tl1 at la,v is civil a11 cl ,vhcn it is cri1ni11al. On the otl1 cr J1 a11d tl1 c ctistomar)' law l1as co1 n1Jarativcly ,,,.ell clc,,clo1 Jccl and clear rt1les of contract a11 cl agrcc1T1e11 ts t111 cler it arc }Jre v · alc11t i11 tl1 c rt1ral areas. .-\ fc,v E11glisl1 statt1 ies 011 contract a11 d tort l1 a,,c lJcc11 l1c]cl to be f>f general a1 Jplication and operative in tl1e cou11 try. Exan1plcs of tl1csc arc: tl1 e Infa11 ts Relief :\ct I874·; 8 tl1 e Statute of 17raticls 1677; 0 tl1 e Sale or Good,; :\ct 18 93; 10 the i\:farriccl v\1ome11 Property 1\ct I883; tl1 c Garni11g 1\ct I 84·5.11 Tl1 ese are stt})pleme11tccl by a s1)alc of local st<1tt1tes; t.l1 c 11cJ11cy-Lenders .L\ct [cap. 124· a11 d Regio11 al La,vs]; tl1 c �ale lJy 1\t1ctior1 .-\ct [cap. 187 and rcgio11 al La,vs]; tl1 e La\V Reforn1 (Co1 1iracts) 1\ct (Lagos) [No. 64 of 1961] ; the Co11 tracts La,v (\;V.ll.) [ca JJ. 25 J ; I IliteraLe:; Protection • ..\ct[cap. 83 a11d regional La,vs]; Sale of Goocls Lav,• (vV.R.) [cap. 35] ; l'viarinc Insurance .\ct 1961 [No. 54· of 196 l]; Con11)a11ics 1\ct [cap. 3 8]; lv1arried v\10111c11 's J>roperty La,v (\-V.R.) [ca1J. 76]; 1,raclc l] ; Defa11 1atio11 t\c t Lnions 1\ct [cap. 200] ; Bil I of Excl1 a nge 1\ct [cap. 2 r 111 I'orts) :-\ct [No. 63 of ( r Rcfo J.,a,v [No. 66 of 1961 ancl regional J..,a\.vs]; 196IJ ; Fatal :\ccidcnts i\ct [No. 3 1 · of I961 a1 1cl rcgio11 al La,vs] ; rl�orts I....a\.\' (E.R.) [cap. 125]; ancl Civil Liability (l\1liscella11 eot1s Provisio11 s) La,v (N.R.) [caJJ. 23]. 1

---- - - --------· ·- - · --- --

See Okoro, Cus to,nary La;,os of ,S'ucces.rio11 in Eastern 1Vigerin, Cl1a1Jtcr 9. 8 Labinjo v . .11ba ke (19 24), 5 N.L.R. 32. _ · 9 9), l:J N.T.....R. 28; 11/akc v. Awawu (1932), 11 N.L.R. 39; Okoleji v. Oku/,c (193 1llolo1110 v. O[usola (1955), 15 \V.,\.C..i\. 12. . 1.n .1JJ.oshile v. O gidan (1950), 19 N. J....R. 87; Boshal,. v. 1lll1ct l Co11unerc1al E-.:/1orfet'S (1961) 1 1 f\11 N.L.R. 9 17. • . 11 .1 ntoi nc C'he111or v. JoseJ,h ,S'ah oun (I 91-6), 18 N, J.... lt. I 13. y 7


. .


]>art I� J,flest �lfrica FORlvIER EASTERN IlEGION [011 ivlay 2 7, 1967 1l1e l;-cclcral }\ J, ilit,1ry Go·vcr11111c11t of Nigeria IJurportcd

divide tI1e former Eastcr11 RcgicJn i11 to Ll1rec states, nan1e]y the South­ Easter11, East-C!cntral ancl Rivers Stale::c:. Reference l1as alrcad)' bee11 made to th.c States C�reatio11 Decree ,vl1icl1 introdtlced tl1is 1neasure. On I\la)' 30, 1967. lio,vc\•er. tl1e for111er Eastern Region IJroclaimed ii.self the i11dcpe11clent Rep�lJ lic of lliafra. 1 It is sig11 ifica11t to note tl1at the legal a11d judicial sysLc111 or 1l1c former Eru;tcr11 Rcgio11 has 11ot been sulJstantially affected by 1l1c }Jrc:-.;cnt fJolitical t1pl1caval. ·.r·11c account ,vlucl1 fo]Jo,vs ca1u1ot take siclcs i11 tl1is 111attcr; IJLtl, cxce1 1t ,vl1erc indicated, tl1e state1nent of the lcg;al cJ ncl jt1(lici,1l systc111 is cc1t1a1l>' ,,alicl 011 eitl1er i11terprctation-Edi/or.] 10

.:\ l ·.rI-I.l� c:o UR'l' 01� 1\Pl) I:-:.,\L [BI1\FR1\]::: (;<).'\S'fl"J'\j'J I( >N


l' C)\\'ERS

1 l�s'tablisl1111.e11t-Scctio1 1 54· of tl1e RcJJUIJlic's Co11stitution pro,·idcs for tlic csLablisl1111c11t of a C!cJ1.1rt of 1-\pJJCal to ,,·l1icl1 appca1s ma)' lie fi·o111 Ll1 c I·l igl1 (:<>tirt i 11 $ll c11 circt1111s La11ccs as 1na)' be JJrescri JJed b)t tl1c J,·gislattirc:. rJ,J1c C�oL1rt of .\JJtJcal ]1as no,,' been cstablisl1ed by· Ll1e Court ,.,f ,\ 1JI)cal IJccrcc 1967.:: 2 (�01111,lOSition-�l' J 1c J usiiccs of tl1e Cot1 rt of 1\1Jpeal .sl1all be: a tJ-1c l )rcsicle11t of tl1c C!o1.1rt of .:\ JJpral, a11d b sucli 11u111!Jc.-r of .J tisticcs of :\ }JIJCal as 1l1c l\:lilita1,r Go\·cr11or 111ay l)y f)rcler JJrescrilJc [C!t)ttrt of t\}Jpcal Decree 1967: s. 3 (2)]. ·1'Jir<.:e J 1.1sLiccs of Ll1e C:otn·t sl1all co11Stitutc a q1.1ort1111 [ibi,l.� s. 11 ]. 3 Jurisclictio11-' l"l1c c:l)ttrt of 1\ppeal s1 1a]l be a st1JJerior Court of rccor ? a11tl sl1all l1a,•e all 1l1e {JO\vers of st1cl1 cottrt [ibid., s. 3 (3)]. It is 1l1c l11gJ1est Ct)Lt�t of tl1c l�tr1cl [ibir!., s. 9 (2)] a11cl l1as 11 0 origi11al jt1risdictio11. �\1)11raJs sl1al l l ic to tl1e Co11r1 fro111 1 lie I-Ii al1 Cot1r1 i11 ci,,il a11d cri n1in::1 l case!-.i bo1l1 i11 its origi1ial ar1cl a1)1Jell,11c j1.1risdi�tio11s [ibi,l., ss. 16, 17, 20, 24].3 _ l I i l)art1ct1 h:1r, 1)erso11:s aggrie\'Ccl by clecisions of Ll1c I-Iigl1 C!o11rt i11 ,vJ1at '' ere for 1 11crly rcgio11al 111attcr::; 11 1ay aJJ}Jcal to tl1e Co11rt c,f 1\p1Jcal [Higl1 '. C.ot1rl I�a,v. ss. 35 ::1 11 cl 38]:l


,_.... ··---- - � !� er>ul>lic or 13iali·a ( Proclan1ation) .Nolicc 1967, J...N. No. 594·. - { lie C'.ouri vas <'Stal>li�l1�·cl b�· J�dict No. 20 of I 96 7, s. 3 ( l), b11t si11cc u1c � 1!. 1.oc anl�tion °1 tl_i_(' ltc·1}ulJhc all f)rcvious E (licts 111acle IJy tJ1 c Gov<'r1 1or of 1hc 1 riner },as_Lcrii _Nigeria are clecn1ccl l)(·crces a11cl sulJseque11tlv the Gu,·crno r �. iall _ �·xercise lus h1,v� 1 naking po\vcr l>v Decrees·· see Cons · l1luLio11 (Interirn · l'rov1s1ons) Decree, No. 5 of 1967 3 I l is 01 spelt OUL ex1 lrcssl)1 i.i1 \ \'llal circu1nsla11ccs a1)I)Cals lie to 1] 1c Court · 0f '\ J)l) ear fro111 tJ 1c IIigl1 C!ourt a11cl i t is not stated ,.,,1�e11 appeals arc as of right a11c1 ,v11ei1 tl1ev1 ar ' e· \\'itl1 ti le l cave of t I 1c C ,ot1rt of ;.\p}lcal or tl1c;� l-ligl1 Cot1rt. 4 AJlJ>eals la,., fro1r1 · · st 1cl 1 , b ut uo,,' d . · · · · · (.C1sio11s N1gerla · to t I 1rof s tl}Jremc Cotirt ' , s. 9 ( 1 ) of tllc C,ourt 01 ,\ l lcal Decree Suprei rll� tJ1e to rt'fer tJrov enccidcs tltat ll 'C ,ot1rt lll tl1(' _ · l·l1gl1 Cot1 1·t L·,t,v, 11.1 co iv ag1stratcs' Cot1rts La,v or tl1c Ct1ston1ary C,our.,., • 0• ')) (N - Dcc·rec 1967: sl1nll IJc co11strt1ccl as a rcferc11ct: tu the Court of ..<\p 1Jc-al. . -· -· · --·-



The Feclcraiion of 1.Vigeria L.r\\V TO BE :\D:\IINISTERED

Tl1e De � � is sile11t 011 tl'1e c111 �stior1 of la,vs lo l)c ad1ni11 istcrcd b)' tlic � � _ _ • C.ot1rt, but 1t 1s beltevccl tl1al it ,-v1ll apply tl1 e sa111c la,vs as tlocs tl-i c J l- igli C!ot1rt.




1 Establislune11t-Establisl1ecl by s. 50 of tl1c I fl63 Co11st it tit ic>r1 c,f Lltc cot111try, replacing the Nigeria (Constilt1tio11) Orcler i11 C:ot111cil 19(5(), Fiftl1 Scl1cd., s. ll8 t111clcr ,,·l1icl1 Ll1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt ,vas cstal,lisl1ccl l1v 1.l1c I I- igl1 Court La,v [caIJ. 61]. 2 Composition-B)' s. 4 tl1 c I-ligl1 Cot1rL is 111acle 11p of a tl1e Cl1ief Justice, a11cl b fo11rtccn otl1er jt 1clgcs.:; 3 Jt1risdiction-original-rl�l1c I I- igl1 (:ot1rl is a SllJ)Crior co,.1rL of rccorcl and in addition to any oll1cr juriscliction co11 fcrrccl on iI l)·y I l1e T -Iig-11 Co11rt La,v or any· otl1cr ,vriltcn la,v JJOSSCSSCS ancl exercises all il1c jt1risc!ic­ tion: JJo,vers and a11tl1 orities ,\•l1icl1 ,verc 011 Scptc111 l)cr 30, 196() veste(l i1, tl1 e l-Iigli. Cottrt of Jttstice i 11 En.gla ncl [I-I. C. L, . ., s, 11]. 'fl1c (:ot1rl'� .i t11·isclic­ tion also incluclcs ''tl1e jt1dicial l1 cari11 g a11 cl dctern1i11ati011. or 111a ttcrs ir1 differe11 ce, t11 e ad1ni11istration or control of tJrt11Jerty or JJCrSCl11s, a11cl tl1c po,ver to appoint or co11trol gt1arclians of i11fa11 ls a11cl tl1cir eslalcs, ar1cl also keepers of the states of idiots, lt1natics and s1,cl1 ,ts lJci11g or t111soun.cl mu1 d arc unable Lo gov·ern tl1eni.selvcs a11cl tl1cir c�talcs [ibirl.]''. It also has jurisdiction ,vith respect t o ''all 1-Ier l'vfajesly's cri1ni11 ::tl jurisllic1icn1 tl1at at tl1 e comn1encemcnt of this La,v ,vas, or at ail)' ti.111 c tl1crr.after 1nr1�' L)<', exercisable \\;thin tl1e jt1risclictio11 of t]1c C!ol1 rt for tl1 c rc1)rcssi<l11 or p1111isl1 ment of crin1es or offe11rcs or for Ll1 c 1nai11 le11 a11 cc of (H"llcr'' [ibirf.]. Tl1e j11risdiction of tl1c Cottrl i11 JJrobatc ca11scs ,incl 1na tters is cxerci;-;cci irt conformit)' \Vitl1 Lhe Ia,v a11 d JJracticc in force i11 E11gla11cl orl ScJ)tcn1lJer 3(), 1960 [ibi<l., s. 17]. La,v ancl eqt1ity are acl1ni11istercd co11ct1rrc11 ll)' [ihi1I., s. 19] a11cl in its original j tiriscliction tl1c I-ligl1 Cc>ttrt l1as co11ct1rre11t jtiriscl ic­ tion ,vith the magistrates' co11rls i11 botl1 civil a11cl cri1 11i11al cat1ses ancl matters [ibicl., s. 18]. Unless tl1e Governor direct::; a11cl except i11 st1its transfcrrccl to it frl)111 tl1c Customary Courts, the I-ligh Cotirt l1as no origi11al jt1riscliction i11 a11y cat1sc or 1natter \vhicl1 is stibject Lo tl1c jurisclictio11 of a Cuslo111ary Co11rl relatic1g lo marriage, family stat11s, tl1e gt1ardia11sl1ip of cl1ilclrc11 i or tl1c i11l1eriLa11cc or clisposition of l )ropcrty 011 deatl1 [I-I. C.L., s. I'�].

---- -·- · -- . -----

5 A.,, ame11dc,J IJv s. 2 (Jf tl1 e 1-ligh Court l..a,v (i\1ncndn1e11l) l)ecrec, No. 3 l of 1966. �fhe provisi�111 i11 s. ,1, is ma'ctc in pt1r:sua11cc of s. 50 (2) of tl11.: c:onsli lL1lio11 ,vl1 icl1 proviclcs tl1at tl1 c n,1n1 l>cr mt1sl 11ul l1c less tl1an six. 97


JJart I-111esl .dfrica

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1\ppcals lie as of rigl1t to tl1c Higl1 CourL 6 in the following cases: l ur co lc ina rcl l)o t st a of ti·om clccisio11s a ,vl1 erc 111 c lllaltcr i11 dispt1te on tl1e appeal LO tl1e Higl1 Court is of 111c ,•altte of £50 or t 1 p,vards or ,vl1crc tl1c appeal in,,olves directly or i 11dircctly a clai111 to or c1ucstion respecting propert)' or a rigl1t cJf tile ,,a}t1c of :C50 or up\vards, final decisions in any ci,ril b


,/ c

f g

tJrocecclings; . . . l,•es rL c1 Cou 1n,,o uest1011S ,-v} 1 (;rC tl1c grot111cl of apJJcal to 1l1c I-I1 gl1 of Ia,v alone, clccisions i11 an)' crimi11al proceedings in ,vl1icl1 a11y for a tern1 cxcecdi1 1 g 1)crso11 l1 as lJce11 sc11 tcncecl lo itn1Jrisonment 1 l 1rcc 111011tl1s or corporal JJUnisl11nent exceeding six strokes or a (111c or forfeiture cxccccli11g £25 IJy tl1e subordinate court from ,vl1icl1 tl1c a1JJJcal lies lo tl1c I-Iigl1 Court; clcci•iio11S i11 ai1y civil or cri111 i 1 1al proceedings on questions as to tl1e i 11 tcrprcta lion of tl1 c Co11s tit ti Lion; clcci�io11s i11 any ci,,il or crimi11al JJroccedings 011 qt1esLior1s as to ,vJ1ctl1cr tl1c provisions of L)1e co11sLi t t1lio11al bill of rigl1Ls I1 a\'C lJccn co11travcnccl i11 respect to a11y IJerson; c.lecisio11s in a11y cri111 i11 al procecclings i11 ,,·l1icl1 any perso11 l1as been :.-;c11 Le11ccd to dcatl1 by tl1e sttborclinatc co t1rt fro1n ,vl1 icl1 tl1e aJJpeal lies to tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt; clcci:;io11s in an)t otl1cr crimi11al proccccli11gs before a st1bordinatc cotlrt sitting at firsL i11stance fro1n \Vl1icl1 i10 aJJJJeal lies as of rigl1t to a110 Ll1er suborclinate cot1rt; sttcl1 otl1er cases as may be IJrescribcd IJy an)' Ia,,· i11 force i11 tl1c COlllltry.

!\.JJ}Jcals lie to t11c I-Iigl1 Court fro1n decisio11s of a sttborclinaLc cot1rt ,vitl1 tl1c lea\'C of tl1e I-Iigl1 CourL i11 Ll1e follo,ving cases: a clecisio11s in a11y criminal I)roccecli11gs fro111 ,,,l1icl1 110 apJ)eal lies as of rigl11 to tl1c I-Iigl1 c:otrrt; a11cl /; st1cl1 otl1cr cases i11 ,vl1icl1 110 aJJ}Jcal lies as of rigl1t Lo tl1 e Higl1 Cot1rt as 111ay JJe }JrcscrilJccl b)' I::i,v i11 force i11 tl1e Lcrritory [ Co11s Li 1 ti tio11, s. 53]. I I is furtl1cr JJroviclccl i11 s. 32 tl1a t tl1c I-Iigl1 Court l1 as a1Jpellalc j t1risclic­ _ L1011 to 11ear a11cl clctcr111i11e all aJJ}Jeals fron1 tl1 c dccisio1 1s of 1 nagistrates' co�11:ls i11 ci :·il ar:cl crin1i11al 1'nt1scs a11 d 111 attcrs givc11 i11 tl1e exercise of Ll1e _ _ s rat magis 11 al by rrgr Jt1r1schct1 e t Jr1 (lf tl1e .sai(l cot1rts stated as cases as ,vcll ? '. - 1 Cotirt I,a\v or an)' otl1er in accorcla11cc ,,·1tl1 tl1c JJro,,isions of 1l1c I ligl _ \\·r1 � 1 �·r1 la,v. i\,lorcovcr it is 1 Jroviclccl tl1a t aI1}' }Jarty aggric,,ecl IJy tl1c (l ;:c1st(>r1 or orc.lcr of a Ct1sto111ar)' Coltrl of 1\1J1lcal n1ay a1Jpcal 10 tl1c I-l: igl1 _ C,otirt ,vii 1cl1 cot1rt sl1 alI l1a,·c a}Jt)el la 1c j urisclictio 1 1 to l1car a11 cl cletcr111i11c st1<.:l1 aJJJ)eals [C:t1sto1n�1ry Cot1rts (No. 2) Decree 1966, s. 50]. 0 St�lJordinatc court 1ncans any cot1rl f la,,• otl1er tl1a11 tl1 e Court of Appeal, o 1 !1c I-ligl1 �otirt or a �ourL�rnartial: ibid. 1 s. 53 (4·). [Biafra: ai1,• reference to tl1e _ Courts' L �,v prc c� 11 our 1gcria in !vfagistrnt ll1 I Iigl1 Cot1rt La,v, tl1e � � ?� � �� : � __ 7 · tl �c C,1.tslont.tl) C.ourls (No. 2) Decrees 196i is, tt11lcss tl1c co11h�.xt otl1er ,v1sc rec1urrcs, constrttctl ns a relc·rencc to the Cot1rt of 1\tJ()Cal: c:ourt of 1\}Jpeal

Decree, s. 9].


T/1e Federation of 1Vigeria CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-Appeals :l1,111 lie to ll1c Cot1rt of 1\ JJJ)eal fro111 tl1e I-Iigl1 c:ot1rt (1-\ I, para.3, p.9b, a11te). [Biafra: in a crin1i11al cattse before tl1c cotirt ancl before �t11not111ci11 g ils clccisio11 it 111ay·, a1 1cl ,vl1e11 so rcq11i reel by tl1c 1\ L Lc>rnev-(;c11er;:i I sl1aJ I. sta Le a special case 011 a J)Oin t of la\V for tl1e ClJ)i 11ior1 of tl1 e ( :<1t1 r I of i\ f)JJCai [Cottrt of t\ppeal Decree, s. 26 a 11d 1-I.C:.r.,.� s. 39].] . ,1 1 Transfe1·-l\ jt1clge 1nay b)' orclcr uncler l1is l1ancl a I a11y Li 111c· clr a11y stage of Ll1c proccccli11gs before fi11 al jt1dgn1.er1t� a 11cl either \Vi t.l1 or ,vithottt applicatio11 fro111 a11y of tl1 c parlics Ll1ercto, 1ra,1sfer a11y c,ttise <lr matter l)eforc him tel a 1nagistratc's Cl1ttrt or to a jt1clgc i11 Ll1c s,1111.c or a11y 01l1er juclicial di\'isio11 [I-I.C.L., s. 46]. �J�l1c Chief Jt1sticc n1a)' al.so by orclcr tincler l1is l1a11d at a11y tin1e or at all)' stage of tJ1c J)l"l)Cccclings l)cfo;·c fi 11 al jt1dg1ne11t a11d eitl1cr ,vitl1 or ,vitl1c.1t1t a1J})licatio11 fro1n an)' of 1l1c {Jartic::; tl1 ereto, tra11sfer a11y cat1sc or 111attcr before a jt1clge to any otl1cr jt1clgc [ibi<I., s. 47). Tl1 c Co11rt 111ay also tr,111sfcr a cat 1 se or 111attcr J)Cncli11 g bcf11rc iL ton . C11stomary Cottrt l1a,,ing jt1risclictio 1 1 i11 sucl1 cause or mattcr, 1Jttl: ti 1 is docs not apply to any st1 it \vl1 icl1 raises a11,• isst1e as to tl1.c title to .lancl o,· as to tl1 e title to a11y interest i11 land [ibid., s. 48 (I)]. i\11cl tl1c C:011 rt �l 1 all not tr,111sfcr or retransfer to a Ct1sto1nary Court a11y cat 1 sc or n1attcr ,vl 1 icl1 l1 as been transferred to it t1ncler tl1c fJrovisio11s or tl1c C:t1sto1nary c·:ourts enactmc11t [ibid., s.48 (2)]. Every order of lra11sfer operates as a stay of IJrocccdi1 1gs l)cforc the judge to ,vho1I1 it is adclressed a11 cl the process a11 cl proceecling:; in ever�: Slttl1 cat1 sc or maltcr, and a 11 atteslecl COP)' of 1J1 e recorcl sl1all be iransr1 1iti.eel to the jltdge, n1.agistrate or cttstomary cot1rt, as tl1 c case 111:.1y IJe, to ,vJ-1 orr1 tl1.e cause is tra115ferred [H.C.L., s. 4·9]. Tl1 ere is 11 0 a1)JJca I agai11s t ar1 orcl er of transfer [ibill., s. 50]. Lr\\\' TO BE ,\D:\JINISTERED

8 Ge11eral Ia,v-''Subjcct 10 tl1e pro\,isio11 s of I l1.is .scc1 io11 ar1 cl cxccJJL i11 so far as otl1cr provisio11 is 111ade by a11y la\v in force i11 [tl1c cot111 trr], the coinmon la,,, of Englancl, tl1c cloctri11cs of cc1t1i ty an cl I l1 e slatti Les <Jf' gc11eral a1Jplication tl1.al ,vere in force i11 England on 1l1c fir.st cl:.1y r,f .J anttary, 1900, shall . .. be in force \vithin tl1 c jt1risdictio11 of tl1 c c:ot1rt. 1\ll statutes of general applicatio1 1 or otl1er l\cts of Parliament of t J1c United I(ingclom \vl1 icl1 apply \vitl1in tI1c jt 1riscliction of Lhe Cot 1 rt by reason of this la,v or any otl1er ,-vritte11 la\v sl1 all be i11 force so far 011 ly as tl1e li1 nits of Ll1c local jt1risdiction ancl local circt1msta11ccs perznit. It shall be la\vftll for the Cotlrt to constrt1c st1cl1 statutes or 1\cts ,v1tl1 Sl1cl1 verbal alteratio11S, not affecting tl1c substance, as 111ay be 11cccssary Lo make tl1c same applicalJle to the proccedi11.gs before tl1c Cot1rt'' [J-I.C.L., s. 15]. The Cot1rt also applies tl1c provisio11 s of Ia,-vs maclc by tl1e local legisla tttrc c>r made in pttrsuance of po\vers dcr.ived thcrcfrc,1 n. 9

Custo1nary Ja\v-''Tl1 c Court sJ1all observe and enforce tl1c obser\'­

ance of e,•ery local custom and sl1all not clcprivc any person of tl1e l)encftt 99


.' '




Part I- �t1esl ,1frica ural jt1slice, equity tllercof cxCC}Jl ,vl1c11 st1cl1 CLlsto1n is rcpugna11t Lo nat a11d goocl co11 scicncc or i11 co1 111 JaLilJle, ciLl1cr clirectly or b)' its i111plication, ,,,iLl1 a11 y Ia,v for tl1c ti111c lJeing i11 force. St1cl1 local ct1sto1n sl1a ll be dcc111ed aJJplicable in a11y ci,·il cattse or n 1atLcr ,vJ1cre tl1c J)arties tl1ercto are persons of Nigerian descc11 L, also i 11 a11y civil cat1se or 111altcr bct,vce11 pcrso11.s of Nigeria11 descent a11d persons ,vl10 arc 11ot of Nigcria11 dcscer1t ,vl1cre it n1ay· ap1 Jcar to Ll1e Cot1rt tl1at s1.tbsta11tial i nj1.1stice ,vot1lcl be clone to ci1l1cr party lJy a strict adllere11 ce to tl1c rt.des of arl)' la\V or Ia,vs otl1cr than local custom. Ne) JJarty shall IJc crititlccl to clai1n tl1e benefit of an>' local custom if it sl1 all aJ)J)ear citl1cr fro1n express co11 tract, or fro1n tl1c nature of Lhe transacLio11 Ollt or ,vl1icl1 ,t11 y civil cat1se or 111atter sl1all l1ave arisc11 , tl1at stlcl1 IJarLy agrcell or 1r1t1st l)c takc:11 to l1a,,c agreed il1at ]1is obligations i11 cc,11n �cL it>ll ,vi 111 ail)' st1c: I 1 transactiort sl1ot1ld be regulatcd exclusive]1, b)' so111c la,,· or la,vs otl1cr Ll1a11 ltica] custo111 , or t]1at st1cl1 tra11 sacLio11 is 011e ,rl1icl1 is ttnl{110\v11 Le) local cL1slo111" [I-I.C.L.! s. 20].

iO Islan1ic or otl1e1· la,v-''Islan1ic Ia,\' is applied (,v11erc it is appliccl at all) t111cler tl1c ('xr.l1.1si,,c arid elastic u1nbrc]la of 'na ti,,e la,v a11cl ct1ston1 '. li is as ::;ttch., alo11c} Lhat it is applied i11 tl1e [cot1ncry]."; 1\3 CON S'fI'l" U ·r ION


,\N l) I' 0 \\' 1� H.S

l Esti1blish111e11t-�1·11e co11rLs are cstablisl1ccl b)· tl1c 1Iagistrates' C:ot1r1s l�a,v 1955. as a111c11 clc-cl [caJ). 82]. 1,11c Cl1ir:f J t1.stice is at1cJ1orisecl to c.li\•iclc- Ll1 e c:111 ire territ<)l')' i11 to 1 11agistcrial districts or 10 co11Stitt1ie any J)art 1l1ereof a 111 �gis1cri::1l clistrict [f,lagistratcs' Cot1rLs L:i,v, s. 3] and i11 eacl1 clist rict I I 1 crl.' is cs t:.1 blisl1ecl a cottrt cal lecl a 111::igistraLe's cot1 ri. [ibid., s. 4-]. 2 Com1)ositi{111-.:\ 111agistra1e's ('()ttrt i� clt1l,• co11 s1i111ted ,,·l1e1l it is JJrc:s �cl� tl (.l\'er by a C:l1 ic-f i l::i.gistr�ttc <)r :i 111:1gi�tra ie ,vl10 is callccl Ll1c _ J)rr·stc.h 11g 1\ l41g1stra te of tlie Cot1 rt a1 1(1 l1as a11 d exercises :ill tlie jttrisclicLio11 a11cl j>C)\\'l!l'S COillerrecl llJ)()ll l1i111 l))" l1is ::l})})Oit1 in1 e11t [�'1.C.L.� s. 5].

�u1:is(lictio 11-original-1\ 111agistr:1te's cot11·t no,,• l1 as origi11 al � . .I 11r1s�l1cl1or1 011! )'. t<, l:,,·L·ry 111:1g istratc l1as j11ri$di cLio11 1.l1rot1gl1ot1t t lie co1n1t f)' _ l)ttl is �ss1 g 11ccl to a11)' s1Jeciliccl clistrict a11cl 111�1)� lJe tra11 sferred fro1n one _ SLtcli cl1s1r1c1. to a1 1<lLl1er. 1-::,,ery 111agistrate is also t.,· officio a jt1.stice of 1J 1e JJeacc 1.r·vr.c:.1., ,, s. 8].

,,_________ _____ _ , n(l rs 11 · N.


-v-. --

� � :;, 1 .J 1)., ''Ct1sLon1ar�· la,v a11cl Isla111ic La,\· in Briti::11 . \.ti·ican I <�-� ·tto r1cs , 111 The Futurr: ef Custo111a1)' lalL' in .·{{rii't1. 1955, JJ, ii. . _ I�lis f?llo,vs fro111 t.l1 c rccc11l Cus10111ary Cnttrls D�crl'<-', for ,\·l1icl1 see /1rJ;,!, IJ. 1 O.:,, 1 lil! only cast� \V}1 c11 a11 a1 )11cal 111a y no,,· lie to a l\ Iagistra1e•s Court is :vl1c� ar� o,v_�lcr 01_- tlCCtt}Jil:r. of lJI"O}Jerty is· clis,:\Lisfiecl ,,·itl1 tl1 c deci::-i<.111 _?f an .\sscssrn�11t C,on1m1tlet' consLtLUtl'cl t111dcr th l· Local Cio,·cr11n1c:nt J_a,\· 19ll0, to _ . hear obJcctio ns regardu 1g t.l1e nssessn1('r1t of IJI"O{JCrty for rati11g- IJttrpose-s. See IJocal Govcrnn1cn1 JJa,v, caJJ. 79 s. 160 ·1 11cl :1\.1 l • C ·L .· - 17 (j'). � 100

� , 7









Tl1e Ferleralio,z of Nigeria c:hief :Wiagistrate l1as jt1risdictio11 i11 civil cat1scs or maLLers: a in all personal st1its arisi11g fro1n tort or contract or botl1 \vl1erc tl1e debt or clamagc claimccl does not exceecl £500; b i11 all st1its bet\vccn la11cllord ancl te 1 1ant for possessio11 \vlierc tlic annt1al ,ral1te or rent docs 11ot cxccccl ..£500·' s for tl1c rcco,rcry of a 11y 1)c11al Ly, raLes, cx1)eiiscs, c in al� actio11 . _ conlr1bt1L1on or otl1er like cle111a11cl ,vl1crc Ll1c a111<Jt111 t clairrtc(l clc}cs 11ot exccecl £500 ancl i l is 11ot CXJ)rcssl)' }Jro,•i(lccl I))' a ,vri I.Len Ja\v iha t the de1na11cl sl1a11 be rcco,,crablt� o 111 )' i11 so111c l) L 11cr cotirt:, ti io appoint g11arclia11s a(/ litc,n ancl Lo 111akc s11cl1 orLlcrs a11cl issue st1ch ancl give st1ch directions rcla ti11g tl1crcto; c to grant injt1nctions or orclcrs lo sta)' \Vast� or al ie11atio11 c)r f(.>r I J1e dete11tio11 or prescr,,atio11 of a11y J)roi)crl)' L11e sti�jccl C">f a s1ti t before tl1e cot1rt or to restrai11 brcacl1es of c<.>111racts or torts; J i11 an a1)peal fro111 a clccisio11 of a11 1\sscss111c11 t (:01n1nittcc ur1clcr the Local Gover11n1c11t La,v [1\'I.C.L., s. 17]. 1-\ magistrate l1as jtiriscliciion i11 civil cattscs or 11lalLcrs si111ilar in all respects to tl1at set ot1t above sa\'C tl1at in cat1ses or 1naltcrs ,,·I1cre th.c subject-matter in clispttlc is ca1Jable of csti111atio11 at a 111c)r1c>' ,,al ltC ii is limited to causes or matters i11 ,vl1icl1 tl1c subjcct-111attcr clocs 11c>t cxccecl 1\

£200 [l\tI.C.L., s. 18 ].

But except in so far as tl1e Go\'Crnor 111ay otl1er\visc clircct, a Cl1icf J\Jagistrate or a magistrate l1as 110 jt1risclictio11 i11 st1its in \V11ic J1 1.l1c validily of an}· clev-ise, beg ttcs t or I in1ita tiO!l t111clcr any vv·i] 1 or scttlc111c 11t is or 111a)' be dis1Jt1ted or u1 a11y mat tcr ,vl1i cl1 is sul)ject to tl1c jurisclict io11 of �1 Customary Cot1rt relating to n1arriage, fa111ily stat11s, gt1arcli:ii1sl1ip of cl1ildren, inl1critance or disposition of pro1Jcrty on clcatl1. Similarly, cxcc1Jt as stated abo,,e a 11-iagistraLe has no origi11al jtirisclictio11 i11 st1 its ,v11icl1 raise any issue as to the title 10 la11d or as to tl1e tit le to a11y in Lercst ir1 land [l'vI.C.L., ss. 17 a11cl 18] . f\ Cl1ief i\:JagistraLe l1as jt1risdictio11 to l1olcl preliminary in"·estigation o,·er inclictablc offe11ces [ibicl., s. 21]. St1bjcct to t11e JJro,,isio11s of tl1c l\, Iagis tra Les CotLrts La ,v or ar1y o tl1er \vri ltc11 la\V a Chief l\,fagistratc and a n1agistrale l1ave J)O\\·er to try a11cl cleler111i11 c _ st1nunarily rriminal cases \Vitl1in tl1c limit of tl1cir jt1riscliction, bt1t their JJO\vers of JJt1r1ishment vary a5 follo\vs: a CI-iicf l\,Jagistratc-a m::Lx.imum fine 11ot exccecling £500 or i111priso11ment not cxceecling 5 years or l)oth; h magistrate-a maximum fine not cxceecli11g £200, or impriso11n1c11t . not cxceedi 11 g 2 years or hotl1 [l\ f. C. I..., ss. 20 a ncl 22]. 1


4 Jurisdiction-appellate-N i). CONTROL OF COURTS

gh Court fro111 a clecision, 6 I-Ii tl1e alto pe ht Ap rig .1-\n of as s al lie pe ap . Judgm ent or order of a magistrate in civil causes or 1natters \Vl1ere SllCll decision, judgmcn t or order: a is given in respect of a st11n of £ 10 ancl t1p\vards; or 101



Part J- l11est 1lfrica b detcr iniiies clirectly or i11 clirectly a clai111 or c1uestion respecting moi1ey, goods or otl1 cr J Jro1Jerty or a11 y ci\ril rig}1t or other matter of tl1 e amount o r to the va lu e of £10 ancl up\var<ls. .1\n a}JJJeal lies to tl1 c Higl1 Cotirt fro1n a decisio11, judgmc11t or order of a 111agistra te in ci\'il cattses or 1naLtcrs witl1 t)1e leave of t l1c I-I igl1 Court \Vl1 ere st1cl1 clccisio 11, jt1dg1ne11 t or cJrder: a is given in respect of a sum less rl1an £IO; or b clcter111i11 cs clirectly or i11clirectly a clairn or quesiio 11 respecting 111011cy, goods or otl1er }Jl"OJJCrty or an)' civil rigl1t or otl1er 1natter of tl1c a1not111t or to tl1e value of less tl1an £10 [!\'I.C.L., s. 54]. .:\11 aJJIJcal lie� as of rigl1 t to tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt b}1 a person se11tencccl by a 111agistrat�'s court ir 1 a11y cri111i11al proceeding [ibid., s. 57]. :\J )JJcals 10 the I -Iigl1 Cottrt 1111cler tl1ese sectio 11S do not operate as a sLay of cxcc1 1tio11 lJt1 t 1l1 c magistrate or tl1c I-Iigl1 Court 1nay order a stay c>f cxcctt I i<111 eitl1er t111 co11 cli Lionally or tIJJ0 11 tl1e J Jerf orma11ce of sucl1 co1 1clitio11s as n1ay be i1 nposecl by r1.1les 111 ade t111der tl1e l\Iagisirates' Cot1rt.s I�a\V or lJy t11 e l-ligl1 Cot1rt [NI.C.L., ss. 54 ancl 57]. Revie\\', revisio11-Tl1 c I-Iig·l1 Cot1rl ma)' call for a11d exa1ni11 e 1I1e recorcl or a certificcl co1JY tl 1 ereof of a11y cri111inal lJroceedings before a n1 agi.stra1c's court for tl1e purpose of satisfyi 11g itself as to tl1e correct11 ess, legality or JJro1)ricty of any finding, sentc11cc or order recorded or passed a11 d as to tl1 e rcgt1larity of any st1cl1 IJrocccdi11gs. JJe 11 di11g tl1 e fi11 al decision of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cotirt 011 tl1 e 11 1attcr, it r11ay in tl1e 1nea11ti111 e order Ll1 e release on l)ail of a JJcrso11 co11 victccl by tl1 e 1 nagistratc's cottrt. rl,l1t1s tl1c Higl1 Couri l1 as very ,vicle a11cl f ar-rcaclii11 g IJO\\'Crs of rcvisio11� but tl1esc J)o,,·crs are not exercised '\vl1cn a co11victecl f)Crso11 l1 as ,lJJIJcalccl or tl1e magistrate l1as re.servccl a J)c)i 11t or I a,v for tl1c co1isiclerat io 1 1 of tl1c Higl1 Couri. I11 tl1ose situatior1s 1J1e JJO\-\lers n1a)' l)c cxercisecl after Ll1 e co11clusio11 of tl1e proceed­ i11gs UJ)On st1cl1 aJ)JJeal or staLccl c:i.sc. J\lorco,•cr, tl1c po,,·ers sl1all 11 ot be exercised afLcr tl1c la1Jse of .six 111onLl1s fro1n tl1c tcrn1 i11atio11 of tl1c crin1inal JJr<,CCl�clir1gs il1 1J1e 111agistrate's cotirt. 1\nd ,vl1e11 a co11 ,·icted perso11 l1as a rigl11 of aJJJJcal a11cl l1as 11ot availec\ 1'1i11iself of it, tl1c I-Iigl1 Court ,,,ill 11oi. exercise tl1 csc J)O\Vers al l1is i11 staT1ce [1'1.C.L., s. 58]. Tr� 11sfer-1\11y 111agistralc n1a,', at an)' stage of tl1 e Jroceedi11gs before J r fi.11al J ttclg ncnt, tra 11sfer a11 )' ca ttsc or 111attcr before l1i111 to a11otl1cr 1r1agistrale of con1petc11 t jt1risclictio11 ,vitl1i11 tl1e san1c district a11d sticli caus� or 111altcr sl1all be co111 111 c11cccl de novo a11cl dis1.>osed of by rite 111 agislrate to ,vl1 01n it l1 as lJee11 tra 11sfcrrccl as i it l1ad bee 11 i1istitttled befor e f l1i11i. Bt1l if a cat1sc or 111.altcr l1as specifically IJcc11 tra11sferred by a judg_e 0� llic I-I1_ gl1 Court to a J)arlicular 111agistralc tl1e latter sl1.all not tra11 sfer 11 \ V1ll1o t tl1e lca,re of tl1e Cl1icf J uslice [l\.-I.C.L.� s. 4i]. � _ !f. ci,ril procecclings are }Je11di11 g before a 111:1gisu·atc a11d l1e is of ilie 0P 111�011 tliat, for a11y rcaso 11 , tl1e sa111e ot1gl1t to be tra11Sferred to a11otlie r _ ma� 1stralc tn �l1c sa111 e clistrict or t o 1.l1e I-Iigl1 Cottrl: tl1e niagistratc _may of liis o,-v11 1not1011 or u1)011 t 1e ap1)licatio11 of aI1)7 part}· to stu.·11 procc:- ding5 ! : _ report t�1e1r pe11de11cy to a Juclgc \Vl10 sl1all 111akc an order transferru ,g ibr . proceedings or othcr\vise clcal ,vith tl1e 111atter as l1 e dect11S to be e....;:pecheilt


T/1e Fe{/eratio,i of Nigeria in the i11terest of j11stice [l\1.C.L., s. 48]. i-\ jt1clgc 111a)' 01 1 tl1 c otl1er I1a11 d on his O\Vn initiative a11d at any ti1ne or stage of proccecli11 gs JJcfore fi11 aI jt 1 dgment, tra11sfer any civil cause or n1atter pc11 cli11 g before a n1 agistratc's court to anotl1 cr 1nagistrale's co11rt or to the I-Iigl1 Co11rl [ibirl., s. 5 I J. _ . may trat 1nag also direct tl1at a ca11se or 111a ttcr {Jcncli 11 g bef<,rc c 1s 1\ l1i111 be transferred lo a Custo11 1ar)' Co11rt l1aving jt1risclictio11 i11 stic11 cattsc or n1alter [v.'l.C.L., s. 49]. Bt1 t a 111agislra tc sl1all 110 t transfer to tl1c C11storn�7 Co11rt a cause or n1a ttcr Lra11Sfcrrecl to l1is cottrt lJ)' t J1 c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt [1b1d., s. 50].

7 l11spection, supervision, ctc.--Scc l)ara. 6, ante. L.-\ \\"' TO IlE ,\D�IINISTERED

8 Ge11eral la\V-,L\s I l- igl1 C:ourt (,\2, J)ara. 8� l)· �)9, a11te).!1 9 Customary law-1\s I-:ligl1 C!ot1rt (,\2, l)ara. 9, }), 9�), ante). lo

10 lslrunic


otl1er Ia,v-.:\s I -ligl1 Got1rt (1\2, para. 10, 1-\4


100, a11t1:).

C:USTQ�,11\R Y COUil�I�S

'I'l1e Gt1ston1 ary Go11rt.s La\v I 956 [ca1). 32], as a111cr1clccl, l1 as l)ce11 rc1Jealecl lJy the Customary Cotirts (No. 2) Decree 1966 [No. 29 c)f 1966]� ,vhicl1 in turn establisl1ecl t,,·o calegories of cttstomary co11rts-;:Jiz. Districl Cot1rts and Customary Cot1rts of 1\J)peal. '"fl1c latter arc n1ai11Iy or a1JJJellatc jt1risdiction and arc Lo be presided o,,cr lJy legal JJractitio11 crs of at least seven }·ears standi11g. Legal practitioners \\•ill l1ave at1clie1 1ce l)efore 111cm. !11 tl1e meantime arrangeme11ts are 1111 der ,vay lo apJ)Oi11t 1n.c 1nlJer.s of tl1c courts. CONSTITUTION AND



1 Establishment-Tl1e l\riilitar}'· Govcr11or, 111ay, by \V.:trra11t u11<Jc1· l1is l1and, establisl1 such J )isLrict Cottrls a11d C11ston1ary Cot1rts of 1\1J[)eal as l1e sl1all tlunk fit [Customary Courts (No. 2) Decree, ss. 3 a11cl 7]. l3u L tl1e Governor may by order declare a11y of tl1 e cot1rts cstablisl1ecl t1r1clcr tl1c Ctistornary Courls La\v in any specificcl district or area to be clee111ccl a District Cot1rt under the Decree [ibid.: s. 3 (2)]. 2 Composition-1\ DisLrict Court sl1all co11sist of a J >reside11t a1 1cl at least two but 11ot more than fot1r other members and ll1rec n1c 11 1bcrs for111 a quorum [Customary Courls (No. 2) Decree, s. 5]. 1\ C!usto111ar)' Cot1rt of 1\1 Jpeal shall consist of a Jlrcsident of tl1 e Cot1rt ,vl10 sl1al] sit ,vitl1 l\VO assessors in its original jt1riscliction. I11 its aJJI Jcllatc jurisdictio11 tl1c cottrl 1nay sit ,vitl1 11ot more tha11 L1,-vo assessors [ibill., s. 9]. l\'[c1nlJcrs of ll1e Ctistomarv, Courts a11 d assessors to be appoi1 1ted by tl1c l\'.lilitary Go,,cr1 1or on tl1e advice of tl1e Customary Cot1rt lvlcn1bcrs Selection Board [ibi<l., ss. 4 and 8], ,vhicl1 consists of tl1 c follo'\-ving: a a Higl1 C:011rt Juclgc appointed by the l\ Iilitary Go,1er11or for a 1 1y 1nceting of ll1e J3oarcl: l1e acts as the c J1 airmai1 ; 1

------·---------------- --· --·-See also IvI.C.I..,., ss. ,io-43. 10 Sec aJ:-;o M.C.L ... ss. 40-'1 .. ·3. !I


.! ' I




! ''

Par/ J-li1esf 1Jfrica b Ll1c Sccrclary lo tl1e Military Govcr11111en t or his 11 onu11ee; c 1.l1e Solicitor·Gcncral; ti tl1e c11 air1na11 of tl1c JJLtl)lic Service Co1l1 n1ission; c a11y oLllcr 1Jcrso11 appointecl by tl1e lv!iliLa11' Governor [CL1sto1nary Courls (No. 2) Decree, s. 6]. 3 Jui·isdiction-original-'l,}1c courts are cotiris of record a11d are to exercise juriscliction ,vitl1i11 tl1c territorial limits to be defined in ,varrants cstal) lisl1ing tl1e1n [Ct1stomar)r CoL 1rts (No. 2) Decree, ss. 3 and 7]. Tl1e cot.Lrts sl1al l l1 a\'C jL1i·isclict ion over 1l1 e follo\ving persons or classes of persons:

i all Nigcria11s;

ii ]Jer�o11s or classes of 1Jcrso11s, otl1er Ll1a11 Nigerians, ,,·l1om or ,vl1ich 1 l1 c I\tI i Iita1,' Govcr11or sl1al l direct to be stt IJject to Ll1c jurisdictio 11 of a11y partict1lar Ct1sL0111ary Court, or to be sulJject to st1cl1 jt1risclictio11 i 11 ccrlai11 cat1scs or classes of causes 011l)r ; 111 11crsc1ns, t1tl1cr tl1a11 Nigerians� ,vl10 l1avc at a O)' tin1c i11Stitt1tccl tJrocccclings i 11 ail)' C!t1sto111ar)' CoLtrt, or l1ave b)' their conduct ::;td)1 ni tlccl t(J tl1c jt 1risdicli 011 of a CL1ston1:::i.ry CourL [ibid., s. 11]. 'J'l1c origi 11al jt1risclictio11 of tl1c c:usto1nary Cot1rts sl1all IJe exercised b)' 1l1e l)i :s l rict C�ot1rts. C!ustomar) ' CoL 1rls of Ap1)eal exercise original jurisdic1 io11 conct1rre11t ,vi1l1 tl1at of tl1c District Cot1rls 011ly ,vit) 1 respccL to cat1ses or n"Ia tters tr,111Sferrcd to tl1en1 fro1n District Courts: n1agisu·ates� courts or tl 1e r.Iigl1 Cot1rt [Ct1slo1nary Cot1rts (No. 2) Decree, s. I 6]. ·r·11e jul'isclictio11 of il1c cot1rts i11 ci,,il matters sl1all be as follo,vs: a civil actio11s 1111cler ct1ston1ary la\v in ,vl1icl1 t.l1e an1ot1nt of clcbt, clc111a11d or cla111ages clocs 11ot exceecl £50; l, ci,,il causes a11cl 111atlers arising u11der an}' of tl1e provisio11S of }Jara. (b), (c) a11cl (t/) of s. 15 of tl1e Decree ,vl1ere the a1nount of tl1e clebt, cle1na11cl or cla111ages does 11ot exccccl £50 ; 11 c u11li1nitecl jt1risclic1ion i11 catiscs a11d 111attcrs concer11i11g the O\v11cr· sl1 iJ), JJosscssio11, OCCLl patio11 or alicnation of la11cl; ti cat1scs a11d 111�1tter.s relati11g to tl1c s11ccessio11 lo Jlroperty a11d ad1ninislra tio11 of estates t111der ct1slo1na11' la,v ,vl1erc tl1e value of t l1c JJro1Jcrty clocs 11 ot exceed £50; t t1r1lin1 itccl j Ltrisdictio11 i 11 111a tri111.011ial ca t1scs a11 cl 1nat ters bet\Veen JJerst111.<; 111arried u11clcr ct1slo111ar)' la,v or arisi11 g from or con11ectcd ,-vi1l1 a customary t111io11 ar\.d i11 st1its relati11 g to tl1e ct1stody of cl1ilclrer1 t1nclcr ct1sto111ar)' la,v [C11sto111ary Courts (No. 2) Decree l �66� 17irst Scl1ccl.]. ' J'l1c courts l1avc j11risclictio11 i11 cri111i11al ca11scs a11d 111alters arisi11g under ail)' of 1l 1c IJrovision� of }Jara. (b), (c) ancl (ti) of s. 15 of 1l1c l)ccrec ,vl 1ere tl1c pe�1alty is a fine 11ot exceedi11g £4·0 or im 1Jriso11n1e11t for a tern1 11ot exceeding 3 111ontl1s or l)otl1 or \.vl1cre i11 tl1e case of juvenile oITe11dcrs, the penalty docs 11ot exccecl 12 strokes [Ct1sto1nary Courts (No. 2) Decree 1966, First Scl1ed.]. /\. Ct1slon1ary Cottrt l1as JJO\ver to in1posc 11ot more tl1a11 £4·0 fi11c or 3 n1011t]1s' imprisor11nent or l)otl1 [ibid., s. 12]. ··-·-·---- --·-------------- . ·1 1 For .s. 15, �Cl' r>. 106, /Josi.

The Fcrlcration of 1Vigcria 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1\ny party aggricvecl by tl1 c clccisio11 or orcler of a l)istr.ict Co11rt may ,vitl1in tl1irly days fro111 tl1c cla tc or stic}1 orclcr or decision appeal to tl1 c Customary C:011rt C)f ,c\ppcal lC!,1sto111 ary c:o,irls (No. 2) Decree, s. 50]. CONTROL OF COURTS

5 Appeal--1-\ny })arty aggreivccl by ,t c.lccisio1i of a C! t1 slotT\ary Cotirl. of 1\JJJJcal n1ay '\-vitl1in tl1irt)r cla}·s apJJcal to tl1e I-Iigli (! L•tirt. Review, revision-'"J'l1 c Di,,isional Officer i11 cl1argc c>f 1J 1 c area of a District Court n1a)', on st1fl1cic11 t ca tisc sl10,v11 to lii111 , call for a11 d i 11 s1JccL tl1c records of tl1e IJroceeclings of tl1 c l)istrict C!ot1rt i11 a11y cri 111 inal causr. or matter. If l1c is satisficcl fro111 Sltcl1 i11 s1)ectio11 tl1at tl1crc arc grounc.ls for StlSJJCc:ti11 g a 111.iscarriage of justice in a11,, orclcr or c:lccisio11 of tlic Cot1rl in respect of tl1c catlSe or rnattcr ins1Jectccl, lie sl1a)l refer tlic orclcr or clcr.isio11 to tl 1 c con1pctcnt Cttsto111 ary Cot1rt of i\J) lJcal for ft1rtl1er clclcrn1i 11atio11 and cat1sc a certifiecl COIJY of tl1e rccorcls or tl1c JJrocceclings of tl1c l)istrict Court to be transm.ittccl lo tlie Ct 1 sto111 ary Co11rt of 1\1JJJcal. Al. the sa111r, time the Di'.-isional Officer sl1all set 01 1 t tlic grotincls 011 '\-vl1 icl1 J1c IJascs J1is st1spicion of any n1iscarriage of jtrsticc. I-Ie n . 1ay also gra11 l bail to a convict eel person [JC11ding a refcre11cc or an appenl to a C11sto1Tiar)' CotLrl c,f i\JJpcal. The C1 1 stomary Court of 1-\ppeal to '\-vl1 icl1 a refere11 cc is mac.le l;y ihc Divisional Officer shall proceed and n1al{e ail)' order or decisio11 in ll1c sa 111c ,vay as if tl1e cause or matter ,vere on appeal before it. Tl1e po,.,.·er herein conferred 011 tl1e Di,risio11 al Officer is ,vi1.l1out JJr<�jt1(lice to tl1e po,vers of t.lie Customary Cot1rts 1\dviser, a1icl sf1all 1 1 ot ir1clt1clc a po,ver to rel1ear or give a11y j11clgn1ent, or set asicle a juclgment or orclcr of a District Court [Ct1ston1ary Co11rts (No. 2) Decree, s. 56]. Transfer-Tl1e Ct1stomary Cot1rls 1\clviscr 11iay, at atl)' Lin1c or sta.� i:­ of the procccclings before fi11al jttclgmeni, eitl1er of l1is o,v11 1notio11 or 011 tlie application of either party to a catisc, stop tlic l1 earing of a11y catrsc or matter before a District Court on such ter1n5 as lie 1nay co11siclcr jt1st ancl t1pon such order being macle he n1ay i1 1 l1is cliscrctio1 1: a direct the cause or n1altcr to be tra11sfcrrccl to a11ot1 1 cr co 1111Jctc11t District Court; b direct that such cause or matter be tra11sferrccl to �L co1n1Jclcr1t C11ston1ary Co1 1rt of 1-\ppeal; c direct the ca11se or matter to )Jc lra 11sferrccl to Ll1e I-Iigli Cotrrt if he believes tl1at tl1al is t.l1c best actio11 to take. Bt1t no cause or matter transferred by tl1e I-Iigli Cot1rt or a Custo1nary Court of Appeal to a DistricL Court may IJc transfcrrccl to a11y otl1cr .. Custon1ary Co1 1 rt of '\ppcal. The Chief Jt1stice 1nay al any ti1ne before final jLtclg1ne11t cit11cr on l1is own motion or on the application of any JJarty, transfer any cat1se or matter to a Ct1sto111ary Court of Appeal or to a1 1otl1cr Custo1nary Co11rt of t\ppeal [Ct1stomary Cot1rls (No. 2) Decree, s. 4-5] . .t-\n ap1Jlicat io11 for an orcler r,f lraJ1sfer l)y a JJa r Ly OJJera tcs as a slay of procccdi11 gs llcforc a District Cotirt a11d ,-vl1crc st1cl1 a11 a1Jplication l1as 105

i I' '



Pltrt I-T11est ,,_1frica bcc 11 made to the Ct1stomary Courts ;\dviscr l1e ma)' graiil or rer.lU'.3C _ It . . I 1111 . 15 da)'S firo1n tl1e date of notificaiio11 0f ' lJut tI1e appI 1cant may ,v1t a ref11sal appeal Lo ll1c I-Iigl1 Court [ibid., s. 46]. Every order of transfer m �de by tJ1c Custo.ma:-y Cot1ru; :\dvise r shall operate as a sta)' o f proccecl1ngs before the DL5tr1ct Couri to \\·J1 ich it is addressed [ibicl., s. 47]. 1\ C11sto1nary Court, i.e. a District Cot1rt or a Ct istomary Court of i\J)I)eal, n1ay of its o,v11 motion or on the application of any party, report to tl1e Ct1ston1ary Cot1rts 1-\clviser tl1e pende11 cy of ail)' cause or 1natter civil or crin1inal ,vl1icl1 in its opinion ot1ght to be transferred fron1 tha; court to tl1c I-Iigl1 Co11rt or to anotl1er Cttstomary Court. Upon receiving st1cl1 a report tl1e Custo 1nary Cot1rts Aclviser sl1all order i11 \vJ1aL n1ode and in ,vl1icl1 cot1rt tl1c cat1sc or 111atter sl1all IJe }1 eard and dcter1nined [Cttsto1 nary c:otirts (No.2) ])ccrcc, s. 4·8]. ];'ii1a]ly ll1 c I-Iigl1 Cc>ttrt or a 1nagistrale's courl ma)' slOJJ a case before it ar1cl refer Ll1c parties i11.,,0Ivecl to a Ct1sto1nar)' Court of co1nJJCte11t jurisclic­ ti 011 [ ibi(l. ' s. 49]. 7 lns1)ection, su1)crvision.) etc.-TI1 e Cl1ief Justice sl1aH exercise gc11eral po,,,crs of stt}JCrvisio 11 over all Ct1sto1 11ary Cot1rts of ,.\pJJcal, ,vhile tl1c C!t1sto1nary Cot1rts t\dviser sl1a]I exercise similar control o,·cr District CourL!i, inclucli 11g calli11g for a11cl i 11Spec1i 11g tl1e rccorcls of l)roceedings of a11y s11cl1 cot1rt ancl 1nay al any Lin1e cli,•ert tl1e i11spection of tl1c records of a11y l)islrict Cottrt a11cl give sucl1 a co11rl sucl1 clircctio11s as l1c 111ay tl1ink 11ecessar)' i11 tl1c interests of justice [C11sto1nar)r C:ot1rts (No. 2) Decree,

s. 43].

At st1cl1 Lin1es ancl i11 sttcl1 for 111s as 111a),. lJe prescribecl, every Ct1slomary Co11rl sl1al l Sllb111i L to tl1e C11sto 111ary CourLs 1�cl\'iser: a a list of all cattscs or n1atters decidecl b)'· or brot1gl1t l)cfore, such Custo1nar)' C!o11rt dt1ri11g atl)' prescribccl IJeriod; b a re1 Jort 011 a11 y case or class of cases tried lJ)' sucl1 Custon1aiy Co11rt [Ct1slo111.ary Cottrls (No. 2) Decree, .s. 44].

l.,A \V TO DE i\D2\IINIS·r1�H.ED

8 Gene1·al Ia,,1-Scctio11 14· of tl1c Decree }Jroviclcs as follo,vs: r 111Jo11 a11 or. .any.. '''l,l1c I\'1 · 1·1rtary · Go,,cr11or 1nay by order con1er n� Cl1sto111ary Collrl jt1risclictio11 to c11force all or a11),. of tl1c l)rovisio of a11y la,v spccificcl in sttcl1 orcler ...'' Scctio11 15 J)roviclcs as follo,vs: ''St1bjcct to Ll1c }Jrovisio11s of tl1is [Decree], a Cttsto111ary Court sl1all acl 111i11isterLO · · . riscd utl1o a c b 111ay (b) tI 1c JJrov1s 1 011s of a 11y Ia ,-v \vl11cl1 Ll1e court eruorce by a11 orclcr 111ade under section 14; ed . . peal re tl1e (c) tl1e }Jrov1s1ons or all rt1les or orders 111ad e uncI er ers 0� or � rules, Custo111ary Cot1rts J... aw and tli e 1 )rovisio11S or all ce nan . Ordi 1 er I bye-Ia,-vs 111ade by a local autl1or1ty tinder a11y ot· or La,,, a11d in force i 11 tl1 e area of tl1 c jt1risdiction of the cottrl' 106

T/1e Fe(!eration of Nigeria (fl) the provisions of any \vritte11 la,v re)ating to local government i11 Easter11 Nigeria and all rL1lcs, orclcrs, regl1lations ancl bye-la,vs 1nacle tl1crett11clcr. ,, 9 Customary l�l\V-Ct1sto1nary Cot1rls arc clircctccl to aclministcr: ''tl1e ct1sto1nar)' la \V J)rcvail ing i11 tl1c arca of tl 1 c jurisclictior1 of I l1e cottrt or bi11cling bet\vee11 tl1c JJartics, so far as it is 11ot rcpt1g11a11t to 11att1ral jttstice, eeltiity a net goocl co 11scic1 1cc or i11 co1111latilJ le ci ll1 er direct ly· or by necessary in1plica tio11 ,vitl1 a11y la,v for tl1 c ti111c bei11g i1 1 force i11 Eastcr11 Nigeria'' [C11stomary (:c>urts ( Ne}. 2) Decree, s. 15 (a)]. 10 Islamic or otl1er Ia,v-''Isla1nic la,v is app1iccl-,,·l1crc it is apJJliecl at all-t111cler tl1e extcnsi,·e ancl elaslic t1111brclla of ' 11ative la\v ancl ct1sto1n'.'' 12




I I. I



itisl1 1\frican Br i11 V la\ am Isl cl a11 v Ia\ � ary oin ust ''C � , D. 12. Anclerson, ,J. N. . .ca (19:JJ), l)· 77. Afri lll Lazv Te1Titories", in T!ie Future of Custo,nary


TI-IE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF 1 CAMEROON BJ• J. .11. Clarence .S111ith, R. Gilg and J. .r1. 0'Brien Quinn 'fl1e ]7cclcral Rc1Jt1blic ,vas born on October I, 1961, ,vith th.e co1rting i11to force c,f tl1c Co11slitt1tion adop tccl on Se1Jtember I, 1961, b)' tl1e tl1e11 1, 1960, after nearly 45 uar)r 1 a1 J si11ce t 11dcn clepc 1 i1 11, 1croo 1 Ca1 of ic J l I lle1)u 7cdcration tl1t 1 the thin i v ,, iip. tcesl trus cn 1 tl ncl a tc cla 1 1na1 cl 1�·re11 of s 1 vcar , lte1JulJlic lJt:c�1111e tl1c State of East Cameroon. ']�l1c Frc 11cl1 n1a11clatc covered 111osi: of tl1e former German colo11,·• of l(a 1ncrLtt1, tlie rest bei11g t111cler Britisl1 ma11 cl ate and tl1cn trusteesl1ip. T11e r1ortl1er1 1 }Jarl of tl1c British lrt1stcesl1ip territol")' opied by plebiscite for t111 ior1 \vitl1 Nigeria (q.zi.), \Vitl1 ,vl1icl1 it l1 ad been adnunistercd since J)arcitio11; \vl1ilc Ll1c sot1tl1crn JJart, l1aving lJce11 ad1ninist.cred scparacely ,vitl1 tl1c status of a Region of Nigeria since 1954·, and separately altogcc11cr (exccJ)l fc,r a1:iJ)cals to tl1e Nigeria 11 l•ecleral Supren1c Court) sir1ce October l, 1960, OJ)tcd i11 Fcl)rt1ary 1961 for fccleration ,vitl1 tl1c Republic. \-\'itl1in Ll1c 1-;,cclcratio11 i.l1e for111er Britisl1 tcrritory ])cca111c tl1e State of \·\'est c:a111eroo11, tl1e JJOJ)t1lation of ,vl1icl1 is rccko11 cd al 011c-fiftl1 of tl1e natio 11al tola l of fot1r rr1 illio11. 'l�l1cre ,vas 11 0 forr11al ado1Jtio11 of tl1e federal Co11stitu­ ti1)11 ir1 tl1c v\1csl; IJt1t reprcsc11 Lati,,es \\·ere i11for111ally const1lted on in1por­ ia111. JJOinLs, i11 JJarticular tl1e jt1diciary, a11d 110 ol)jectio11 l1as ever JJcen tal-.e11 to its aiJ})I icati011. 1l1crc. ;\ll existi11g Ia,vs i11 b0Ll1 fcclcratecl Stales, i11cl11di11g i11 !)articular l:1,vs cs ta I)) isl1i11g �t11cl regt1 Iating co11rls, ,verc co111 i rllled i11 force IJ)' or ln1dcr t lie C011st it Ltt io11. .f\


.. Sc1)aralc jt1diciaric:-. arc JJro,,idecl by tl1c Co11 stit11tio11 [s. 32 (I)] for . ,vltcr e 1��tSl aricl ' '

� :st C!�L 1ncroo1 1, \\•itl1 110 co1111non co1 1rt of appeal cxce1:,t tile �ullior iLies 1sl1 lo correct an erro1 1cotts i 11ter1Jrctalion of fcclcral la,v �: _ cJrl eitlici side. I lie ,IJJJ)cal (111orc i11 tl1e Federal lies tl1e11 error) accura tely : . Cottrl of J uslice, a tl1irel j 11diciary but co1n1Josccl of 111c111bcrs of tlie t,,·o SLifJrciilc Cotirts. l)es1Jitc tl1is scissio11 of jticliciaries, j11stice (apart from tlie VVest Canieroo11 custo1nar)' courts) is a feclcral st1bject: all apr>oi111111en� Lo tlic !Jei1cl1 a 11d all tra11Sfers are n1acle v tl1e Federal Jt1clicial Council b (Coiiscil de la Jviagistralt1re), l 1cadecl U ', tl1c Presidc11 1 of tl1e 1:eclcral ) _ llepttlJltc [Co11Stilt1tio11, s. 32 (2) ancl (3)] a11cl reJ)resentation of tl 1c ; I For diagrar11 of courts systcn1, sec .i\IJ l)enc lix: /JIJJ/. 108

The Fe(!eral Rej1ublic of Ca111erovu public interest, botl1 crin1i11ally ancl civilly, is co,1lrolled by LI1 c fcclcral :r-,,finislry of Jt1.stice. Tl1is rc1)rese11tatio11 (le llarqt1ct) is sta[Tccl fron1 tile same ser �icc (I� 1'1agistrature, Jticlicial ancl Legal Service) as r>roviclcs judge s: it consists of at least one officer to eacl1 cot1rt, ,vl1 o i11 111c East Ca 1neroon \vay of tl1inking is i11cluclccl i11 tl1c co111r)ositio11 or tlic c<.,url as is also the registrar. Altl1 ougl1 tl-1is S)'Slc111 ,vas i11lroclt1cecl Lt) ,,vest Ca111cr�,)ri by federal la,v, No. 66-LF-3 of Jt1n c 10, 1966, i11 !)lace <Jf tlic 111,)re OcxilJlc 1\ttor11cy-General's Dcpart11 1c11t, ,:com1Jo.sitio11'' in tl1 c f(Jllo,vi11 g SLtrvcv is restrictccl to tl1e be11cl1 . Tl1c cot1rts system of tl1c 17cclcral RcJJttblic tl1crcfc)rc co11sists or: a tl1 c Federal Cot,rt of Justice; b tl1e East Ca1ncroon Jttclicinr�,; c tl1c ,,Vest Cameroon Jttcliciary. 111 botl1 East and vVest Can1croo11 tl1erc arc (_:t1sllllltary G<>urls ,vl1icl1 • • rec1t1 1re separate 1ne11t1011. �viilitary courls arc 0111i llccl fro111 tl1is sttr\•cy, altl1ot1gl1 Ll1 cy exercise for tl1c 1nome11t a consiclerablc part of Ll1e orcli11ary cot1rts' jurisclicti.on. c•vcr cri111es of violence. _�\lso on1ittecl is tl1c East Ca111croon SiJecial ·�rrilJt111 al for 1nisappro1Jriation of slate (a11d certain JJri,,atc) ft111cls.



'fl1e pri11cipal jt1clicial f unctio11 of tl1c Federal Cot1rt is to clcal ,vi t l1 co111plai11t.:; against tl1e State, tl1cse not bei11g jt 1st.iciablc accorcling to tile syste111 i 1tl1eritcd by East Can1eroon from ils Frcncl1 Lrt1stccs. Like tl1c Con5eil d'Etat before tl1e reform of tl1e l•rencl1 S) sten1 of acl111i11ist ra ti,,·e courts in I 953, there ,vas a t first only 011c clegrce (110 aJJIJeal) ; ancl si11cc the Court ,vas federal ll1e comJJlaints of ,vl1icl1 it toolc cognisa11 cc ,,-ere only those against tl1e federal govcrnn1cnt. U111 il,c I l1e c:011sciI cl'Ela t it \v<1 s staffed entirely by jttclgcs of tl1c ordina1y jt 1diciary (sec above). By tl1 e Fecleral Court (1\mcndment) La,,1, No. 65-LF-29 of Nove1nbcr 19, 1965, ho,vevcr, its juriscliction l1as been cxtenclcd to inclt1dc com1Jlaints agai11_-:;t tl1e go\·ernme11L5 of tl1e fccleratcd States also, bt1t restrictccl (i11 its origi11al composition) to appeals in st1cl1 cases, fcclcral or fcclcralecl: tl1c j'ltdgcs originally composing it no,v constitute tl1 e fct1ll Bc11cl1. 1





1 Establishment-Section �33 of tl1c (�c>11stitt1Lio11 cstablisl1ccl tl1c Fecleral Court of Justice; ancl the Fcclcral Cottrt (1\menclmcnt) La,v 1965 differentiated tl1e Ft1ll Bench. 2 Composition-Presiclc11t (tl1c President of tl1 c East Ca111croo11 Su1Jreme Court) ; the Cl1icf .J t1s tice of vV cst Can1croon; a11d tl1rcc tJuisnc judges, t,vo from the East Cameroon Supreme CoL1rL a11cl or1e fro111 the \Vest Cameroo11 St1premc Court. Eacl1 siclc IJfO\'itlcs also tl1rce alternates in case of impcclimc11t [Federal Court Ordi11ancc (i.e. law n1acle by tl1c 109

' I I'


I '' '

Parl I-West Africa execttlivc u11cler S}Jecial temporary po,vers) 61-0F-6 of October 4, 1961 s. 2 ( 4·) as arnendccl in 1965] ; but \vhere it is t.l1c Prcsident ,vho is unable t� _ sit t11e Cl1ief Justice of \,Vc�t Catneroon atttomat1cally presides [s. 2 (2) of Orclina11ce, as amc11 clcd 1n 1965]. 3 Jurisdiction-01·iginal-DisJJUtcs bet,,·een any Lv1'0 of tl1e three governn1e11ts [Constitt1tion, s. 33 ( 1) ({/) a11d ss. 23 and 24· of tl1e 1961 Orclinancc]. 4 Juriscliction-appellate, ctc.-a Control, to seitle jt1risdiction as bcL,vcc11 tl1e tl1rce jticliciaries [Federal Court Orclinance, ) 961, ss. 12 (a) a 11d I 4· ( 3), tl1c la ttcr i11 trodttcecl i11 1965] ; h error, from citl1er Suprc1ne Court, in order to setilc a poi11t of Ja,v [Constitt1lion, s. 33 ( 1 ) ( b) ancl s. 1 1 of tl1c 1961 Ordina1 1cc]; c appeal, fro1n citl1cr local IJencl1 of tl1c Federal Court i11 respect of con1plai11 ts against a11y of tl1 c three gov·crnments [Fcclcral Court Ordinance, s. 15 (2), inlroclt1cccl in 1965]. 5 P 1·ocecl11re�Feeler al Cot1rt Ord i 11a nee 1961 , ancl (in de Lail) 1-:-cdera l Court. (r\cl1ninistrali\'C ProceclL1re) Decree, No. 64·-DF-218 of June 19 , 1964·) so far as applicable to appeals. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-Nil.

7 Supervisio11 ru1d inspectio11-Nil. L .'\. ,v

·ro DE i\D1\1INISTERED 8 Gener�tl la,v-'°fl1is is a c1t1estio11 of so111c difficult)'· I 1 1 tl1c absence of Cameroon statt1tc 011c vie,v is tl1at Ll1e Cot1rt sl1ot1lcl a1)J)l)1 tl1e equivalent of ''j1.1sticc, eqt1ity a11d good conscie11ce'': ,,,I1ile a11otl1cr ,,ic,v ,,,ould apply tl1c Ia,v prcvaili11g i11 tl1e State ,vl1erc 1l1e cat1sc of action arose: 011 this vic,v tl1e Cottrt \voulcl lJ c guided (btit not lJot111d) by tl1e t111codificd case-lav; of tl1 c: Frc11cl1 Co11Scil cl'Etal i11 rcsi)ect of East Can1croo11, a11d ,votilcl lJc bott11cl by co1nmon-Ia,v J)rinciples in respect of \\Test Ca111eroo11. 9 Custon1.a1·y la,v-Nil. 10 Religious Ia,v-Nil.


1 Establisl111'lent-B ), s. 15 of tl1c 1961 OrcliJ1a11cc, i11trodt1ccd i11 l 96S: 011c l)cncl1 sits al tl1c ca1)ital of cacl1 State. 2 Composition-Eacl1 bc 11cl1 l1as for President one juclge of thc Feclcral Cot1rt, st1bsta11ti, c or alter11a tc. 1�11e otl1er memlJers n13Y be citl1cr Stlcl1 jt1clges or otl1cr q11alified persons a )pointecl i11 tlla l behalf 1 [ s. 16 (2) of tl1e 196I Orcli 11a 11ce, introd11ced i11 1965]. 3 Jurisdictio11-or iginal-Over any complaint agai11St tl1e govern· 111c11t of tl1c State '-''l1crc it sits (a11cl also local autl1orities ancl IJublic corpora · Lions) or against tl1e fccleral go,rer11n1.ent. [s. 14 of the Ordinaiice, as 1


Tlze Fecleral Re/Jltblic of Ca1nerao11 inLrocluced i11 1965]. rfl1e East Can1eroo11 be11cl1 rc1)laccs tlie former Tribunal cl'Etat [s. 2� (l) of tl1e Ordina 1 1cc, as introcl t1 cccl i11 1965], ,vliich _ tised to hear com1)la111ts against tl1e Slale govcrn 1 11 cnt, subject to error to the Supre1 11c Cot1rt; a 1 1cl tl1e \rVcst C!a1ncroo11 bc11cl1 clisplaccs to Lllis extent tl1e l-Iigl1 Cot1rl [s.22 (2)] . l) ctitio11s of Rigl1t nrc abolisliccl [s. 7 . _ of tl1e amend111g la \V of 1965]� a11cl \\'ttl1 tl1c1 11 at1) 11cctl for tl1e govcrnincril 's conse11t to be st1ecl. 7

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure (transitional)-In East Can1eroo 1 1, tl1c 1-;-cclcral Cot1rt

Ordinance ancl lhe FeeleraI C:ottrt (.L\clrt1i 1 1istrati ve Proccclttre) J)ccrcc, isst1ed for tl1 c original si11gle-clegrcc cottrt (it \Vas n1oclcllecl 011 tl1c cxisti 1 1g la\V gover11ing tl1e 'I'ribu11al cl'Etat); a11cl i 1 1 \·Vest Can1croo11 tl1c })rocecl t1rc govcrni11g orclinary ci,�il })roceecli11gs [ss.4·, 5 a 11cl 6 of tl1c an1cncli 11g la\v of 1965]. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-To tl1e Ft1ll Be1 1cl1 of tl1e Fcclc ral Cot1rt [s. 15 (2) of tl1c Orclina11ce, introdt1cecl i1 1 1965].

7 Supervision and inspection-Nil. Li\ \V TO DE . .\D:\l IN ISTE RED

8 General la,v

.As 1\la, ante.


10 Religious la,v



THE EAST CAlvIEROON JUDICICIARY TJ1e Jt1cliciary of East Cameroon ,vas ren1 oclcllecl 01 1 Ll1c eve of i11de1 Je 11 dence lJy the Judicatt1re Ordinance, No. 59-86 of Deccn1 ber 17, 1959, s.5 of \Vl1icl1 lists tl1e courls, \Vl1ilc tl1e rest of ll1e Orcli11a 1 1cc clea]s \Vitl1 cncl1 c]egrce i11 cletail ancl in asce 11cling order. 1\2



1 Establisl1me11t-Bv ss.5 a11cl 36 to 48 of tl1c Jt1clicature Ordinance. I

2 Composition-Preside11 t, t\vo Bc11cl1-Presiclcnts (l:>rcsidents de Chambrc) of 1vvJ1on1 one for tl1 e Excl1 ec1ucr Court (Gour cles Co1111)tes), and four puisne jltclges [s.36 of tl1e .Juclicaturc Orcli11ar1ce, as amenclecl by Ia,v No. 64-LF-21 of Novc1nbcr 13, 1964].

3 Jurisdiction-original-Nil. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Error (JJOt1 rvoi en cassatio11, appeal on

point of Ja,v) lies in the St1premc Court fron1 a11y jltdgc111c11 l of: . . a a Court of l\ppeal, inclt1 cli 11g appellate juclgments in cases or1g 1 naL 1 11g in the Customary Courts [Cltslo 1nary Courts Decree, No. 59-24·7 of December 18, 1959] ; 111


I I '

I :


'' '


----.... ]'art l-l11c.rt Africa b tltc SiJtci�tl '] 'ril)tt11a I c,r a11y oll1cr special COltrl, in particular labour rela Lil)11s COLtrls. 5 p1-ocedure-Sectio11::: �10 to 4-7 of tl1e Judicature Orclinance. CONTROL OF COUll'l'

6 Apr>eal-Error al tl1 c insta,1cc of tl1e auLl1orities i11 tl1e Felleral er c:ourt to .sett le a 1Joi11t of la \V; a11cl the 1-;iedcral Court ma·y tra11sf l)ct\Veen j t1clic iarics b)' clccicli 11g j t1risclictio11 (sec i\ I., ante). 7 SuJ)ervision an(l i11spection-Nil. lJ:\ \ V TO l�E ,\l):'11 INISTl:, R.ED

8 Ge11e1·�1l Ia,v-Scc J3, }Jara. 11, j,osi. Custo111a1·y Ia,v-1 11 cases origi11ating i11 tl1e Custoinary Courts the S t1J) rc111c C.:oltrt cc>11siclcrs itself to be a for111ati\'C a11d unifyi11g i11fluence. ·f'l1c I)artics' ct1slcJ111ary la\v is ap1Jliccl, bttl 11ot blind!)'; particular attentio11 is J)aicl lti il 1c clcsttctt1clc of cL1ston1 (tl1e 11aturc of custom bei11g to c,•olve), a11cl tiJ i11 co 1r11)a t i1Ji lity ,vitl1 t l1e Co11stitt1 ti011, ,vl1icl1 i1 1clucles (by reference) ,1 <1cclaration of 1l1c rigl1ts of 111a11. <)

10 Ileligious la\V -Exists



i11 so far as en1boclied i11 custo1n.

COURTS 01-:- _:-\PPE.--\1.

CONS"fl'fU'flON 1\NI) PO\VEltS

1 Establislune11t-Scctio11S 5 a11cl 29 to 35 of tl1cJudicature Ordina11ce: i t1 l)lac:c of t l1c for1ncr si11gle cot1rt, \\'iLl1 error l)·i11g 10 Paris� tl1ere arc 110,v four Cot1rts l)f i\JJJJCal, of ,,•l1icl1 OJlC siLS i11 tl1e C3J)ital. 2 Co1npositio11--Prcsiclc11t .11ld I)t1is11e juclgcs: i 11 tl1e capital tl1rec cc,1islitt1ic'. a l)�'11cl1, l)ut elsc,vl 1cre (b)' terr11)orary 11ecessity) tl1e President sits alo11c.

3 Ju1·is<lictio11- 01·igin:1l--Cri111i11al 011ly, 1l1en styled t11e Cri1ni11al (!otlrt [ss. 29 lo 3 l of tl1 c Jt1clicatt1rc Orcli11 a11cc]. Tl1e Cri1ni11al Court l1as exclttsivc jurisl:lictic.>11 o\rcr all 1Jroscct1tions for fe]o11y (defined by tl1c 11e\v JJ i..:11::11 Cc.>clc, la,v No. 65-T.,l-;i-24 of Novc1nlJcr 12, 1965, s. 21 (a)� as �u1 c,flcnce for ,vl1icl1 tl1c 111aximt1111 1:>t111isl1n1c11t exceeds ten years' im� tJriso111n1..:nt!; ll1c Col1rl sits ,,•itl1 a jt1ry of four [s. 30 of tl1e Ordi1 1a11cc]; a11cl Ll1crc 1s no aIJJJcal. Tl1is CoL1rt goes 011 circuit ,vitl1i11 its area. 4 �uris(lictio11-appellate-l<' ro111 any dcci.sio11, crin1inal or civil� of a _ D �st1:ict Cot1rt a1 1d fro111 all}' clecision of a Customary Court, ii\ either case '\-Vitl1111 tl1e Cot1rt of A11pcal's area [ss. 32 to 35 of tl1c Ordi11a11cc] . 5 Pi·oceclure-Cri1ninal: olcl I•'re11cl1 Cri111.inal Procedt1re Code (Code cl'Instructio11 Crin1.i11clle). Civil: tl1e East Can1 eroort Ci,,il Procedt1rc Coclc! I·Iigl1 Conu11issioner1 s Order of 1)eccrnbcr 16, 1954·, "vl1icl1 l1ardl}1 lliffcrs fro1n tl1c Fre11cl1 Civil Procedure Code at that date. 112


The Ferferal RejJublic ofCnn1eroo1l CONTROL OF couR·r

6 Appeal-Error lies i11 tl1c SltJJre1nc C:otlrl: Ll1erc is 110 a l)IJcal i 11 Lil e Englisl1 sc11se. 7 Inspection, supervision, etc.-Ni1. J.:\ \\F TO 13E ,-\D?rlINISTERED

8 General la,v-Sce B, JJara. l l, J1ost. 9 Customary la,v 10 Religious la"v

} 011


a1J1Jeal fron1 a CL1slo111ar)' r.ot1rl'.


1 Establishment-Sectio11S 5 ancl 12 lo 28 of tl1cjt1clicatt1rc Orc.li11ar1ce. ,. There is in princi1Jle .. 1J)istrict CotirL ( fribu11al clc Prc111ierc l11sta11cc) l<) every arro11disse1ncnt (stLbcli,,ision of a cleparLmc11t); IJtlt Ll1crc ,trc 111a11y n1orc arrondissemenls 1l1ar1 j L1dges. S01nc cot1r ls exis l 011I y 011 JJa JJer: \vl1ile in otl1cr cases t!1c san1e juclgc sits 011 a.p1)oi11tcd da;'S i11 clifTcrcn t places. 2 Composition-OttlSicle the capital ancl one otl1cr big to,v11 tl1cre is never more than one jt1clgc to a coLtrt, \vl10 tl1crcforc perforce sils alo11c; bt1t it is l1oped to '\Vork lo,vards bc11cl1es of tl1ree for every cotirt. 3 Jurisdiction-origit1al�rfcrritorially limitccl to tl1e area of il1c court. Civil jurisclictio11 is ot11er,vise 1111li111itcd, ,vl1ile criminal j1trisclic1 io11 is limited by tl1e reservation of felonies to tl1e Cri1ni11al Cot1rl. v\1l1c11 trying simple offe11ces (punisl1able ,vitl1 a 1naximt1111 of lc11 clays <)r less) the Cot1rt sits under the style of a Police Cot1rt. Di5trict CourLo; l1ave also j11risdiction. Lo cond11ct 1)rcli111inary i11c1t1irics i11 all cases of felony or 1nisclemeanot1r (a11yt l1i11g bct,vcc11 a felo11y a11tl ,1 simple offe11ce) : on finding a true l)ill they co1nn1iL i11 a case of fclo11y ft)r trial l}y tl1e Crimi 1 1al Cot11·t, but in a case of 111iscle111ca11ot1r for trial by thenisclvcs. In. tl1c capilal tl1e prcli111i11ary i11qtl i ry in to a 1nisclc�1nca11ot1r is l1cld I))' one jt1dge an,1 tl1e trial l)y an0Ll1er, �)ttl c]sc,vl1crc tl1is is 11ot }Jossil)lc.

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-1\.5 in ;\3, rznte. CONTROL OF TI-IE COUR.T

6 Appeals-1\11 a1)pc:al I ies in every case to tl1c Ct>lirl of 1\1)J)eal \vi I l1i11

,vl1osc area the District Co11rL sits. L,\\V TO BE ADi\IlNJS'fERED

8 General law 9 Customary la\.V 10 Religious law

. 1\s i11 t\3, ante. I l3


i'I lj


l'arl I-T-11esl 11fricn 1\5


1"'11esc cot 1rts \Vere a,bolisl1ccl by omission from Ll1e lisL of courls in s. 5 of tlic J uclicature Ordi11ance 1959, llut re-cstalJlisl1ed next day by tlie Cttston1ary Courts I)ecrce No. 59-247 of J)ecember 18, 1959, s. 2 of wl1icl1 specifics tl1at tl1cir existence is LO be te 1n1)orary: tl1 e ulLi 1nate ain1 is to a l)st>r lJ all jurisdict io11 in to the ordinary courts. Tl1cre are t\VO classes of cotirl acln1i11 isteri11g ct1ston1ary la\'v at first insta11ce, each subject to aJJpcal tc> 111 c orcl i 11ary Cot1rt of f\} JJ)cal: a Customar)' Court properly so called� con11Josecl of clclcrs, l1as j urisdic tio11 normal} y o,·er a district (canton), "' 1 ,vl i]c a (Jraclc 1. Court (1 ribt1nal clc l)re111icr Degre), constiiuted 1)y tl1e · 1 )i,•isio11r1.l O {Iiccr ( Sot1s-Prefet) l1as juris{liction o\·cr a su lJdi,rision (arro11dis­ se n1e11 l) cc>r1 tairti 11g several clistric Ls. J ltrisdictio11 is co11Cl1rrent, except tha L tf t1es1io 11 s of J)Crs<>11al staltLS are rcser,·ecl to tl1 e Grade I Cot1rts.

BB4 a11cl 5 GR,\DE I COURTS 1\ND C!US"l,Oi\ li-\R y· COURTS 1

<.:0.NSTl'l'U'rION .-\NIJ 1'0\\'ERS

1 Establish111.ent-Custo111ary Cot1rts Decree� December 18� 1959. 2 Composition-a Gracle I Court: Di,risio11al Officer (S011s-Prefct) or l1is clcr)uty; b C11sto111 ar)' Cotirt: Presicleni and t,vo otl1er local elders apr)oi11ted by t11e Federal Iv!inistcr for Jttstice 01 1 tl1e recon1n1c11clatio11 of t11<� Sc11ior Divisio11al Officer (Prefet). 3 Jurisdiction-origi11al-'"I'l1cre is 110 crin1i11al jt1risdicLio11. C:ivil jt1riscl ictio11 is lin1i tecl terri Loriall)' by t l1e cour1 's area, ancl }Jerso11ally l)y tl1e 11 eecl for tl1c clefe11 da11 t (<.,r ] ar1cl, or t l1c rl<• c1{j11s) Lo be sulJjecL to 1l1e ccJttrt. �l'l1 c j urisdict io 1 1 of t l1 c ct1s lo111ary cot1rls embraces tl1e grea l 1najori1 Y t>f' all ci,,il Ji1iga1io 1 1, tl1ot1gl1 b)r co11se11t of lJ01l 1 I)arties a11y case n1ay be l)ro t1g11 t i 11 tl1e orcli 11ary cotirts. 4 J uris<lictio11-ap[Jellate-Ni I.

5 P1·oceclt1re-Ct1stt>111nr\' . c:oN·rR.01. (JF c:OUH.'r

6 Ap1Jeal-1\1 J})Cal lies in every case to tl1 e Cot1rt of 1\ppeal.

7 I 11s1Jectio11, supervisio11-1,hc Proct1rator-Ge11eral at tl1e Cotirt of

l1as access to all recorcls of an)' cot1rt admi 1 1istcri11g ct1sto1nary hl\\', to 1 1cl 111 y l1imsclf apJ)eal agaiiist an)' decision. All s11cl1 co11rls arc s �lJjcc� � � II)spcction boL11 by tl1c l1roct1rator-Ge11eral a11 d by t lie 1'. fi11istry oJ tlSI ice.



LA'" TO llE ADl\-11NIS'fEH.ED


8 Gei1eral Ia,v-1..Iie Co11Stitulio11 a11cl dccisio11s of tl1e Supre 111e Cotu·t, 9 Customa1·y la\v-1\ccording to tl1e tribe or ot.l1er 11nit. 114

The l'?e{/eral Republic of Ca111eroo11

10 Reli�ious la'\\'-Does 11ot exist, excc1)t as cn1bocliecl in ctiston1. THE WEST CAivIEROON JUDICIARY i est Ca1ncroo11 .J ucliciary, tl1e of \ ,, clcgrecs tl1e I Iigl - 1 Cottrt Ll1rce tl1c Of an(l Ll1e magis l rates' cot1rts cxistccl before feel era Lio11, but appcals fro ,11 tJ1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt ,ve11t to tl1c (Nigcria11) Fcclcral St1prc1 11c Cotlrl at J...agos. ,\ nc,v Supre1ne Court ,vas tl1crcfore crcatccl '\Vl1icl1, 011 tl1c E 11glisl1 1 11oclcl, inclt1clcs a Cotirt of ,\ppcal a11cl a IIigl1 - 1 C!ottrl) ..Jttclges Cot1rt (tl1c olcl I Iigl apJJointed to tl1c Stiprcme Cot1rt sit i11 l)otl1 divisions. 'J'l1c I-Iigl1 Cottrl, ,vl1icl1 is the cqui,•alcnt of at1 Easl Ca 1 11eroo 1 1 Cottrl of 1\ j)})eal, sits co11cttrre11Lly i11 t,vo IJlaccs, a11cl is ir1 J)racticc trcatccl as t,vo cot1rts.




1 Establisl1n1ent-\\'e�t Ca 111croo11 (fcclcral), 61-0F-9 of October 16, 1961.

Sttprc 1 11c



2 Composition-Cl1icf Justice a1 1cl tl1rcc puis 11c juclgcs: a11y tl1rcc co 1tstitttlc a l)encl1 [s. 4 of tl1c Orcli11a,1cc]. 3 Jurisdiction-original-Nil.


4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Frorn at1y decisio11 of tl1c I-ligl1 C�ottrt, ,,,J1ctl1er itself original or appellate [Stt1)re111e Court Orcli11ancc, s. 4·]. 5 P1·ocedure-(Nigerian) Federal Su1)rcmc Cot1rt Rules, as at tl1c elate of fecleration. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-Error at tl1c insta11ce of tl1c autl1orities i11 tl1c J;'ecleral Cot1rt to settle a point of la,v; ancl the Federal Cottrt may Lra11sfcr IJcl,vee11 judiciaries by clcciding jurisclictio11 (sec 1-\ I, anle). 7 Supervision, inspectio11-Nil. L.,\ \\' TO BE AD1IINISTERED

8 General Ia,v-Sce B, paras. 11 lo 20, post. 9, 10 Customary a11d religious Ia,v-l11 cases go, rcrr1.ecl by these Ia,vs; but (unlike East Cameroon) no suclt appeal l1as rcacl1cd lltc C!ot1rt of 1-\ppeal since Feel eration. 1\3




1 Establishment-,\bsorlJecl into tl1c 11cw Sttpre1nc Cot1rt by tl1e SttI)ren1e Cot.trt Ordinance (ante), s. I. The (Southern C!an1croo11s) I-Iigl1 C!ot1rt La1,v, No. 7 of 1955, contint1cs 0Ll1er\visc i11 force [s. 1 1 cJf Ll1c Orcli1 1ancc].


. .

115 I


J'arl I-JtVest Africa

2 Compositio11-1�11 c san1e juclges as exercise tl1e appel1ale jurisdicLion of tl1e St1prc1nc Cot1rl. 011e judge si LLing alo11c co11S ti tutes t11e Court, a11d in practice t\.YO sit contint totisly, one at L}tc capital and tl1e oil1cr i11 tl1c l1is area, for lJotl1 criminal 1 1ortl1 of tl1c Stale. l�acl1 goes on circtiit ,,,j Ll1 i11 ancl civil cases, a 11cl for a1 )1Jeals. 3 Jt11·isdictio11-01·iginal-U11lin1itccl, lJoLh crin1i11all)' and civill)',

tl1aL: a tl1crc is 110 jL1riscliction ,vl1crc a Ct1storl1ary Court l1as jt1risdiction and tl1 c case co11ccrns Litle to la11 cl, 111arriagc, fan1ily status, guardiansl1ip, i 11 l1critancc (testate or i 11 tcstate), t1nless any st1cl1 case is transferred to tl 1 e I Iigl - 1 Court t111 cler tl1e Ct1ston1a1-y Cc>ttrts Ordinance [I-ligl1 Court L:-1 ,v, s. �)]. 'I'hc (lot1rt l1as }JC>\vcr also lo transfer o Ll1er cases to tlie aJ)J)J"<.lJJrialc C:t1stc1111 ary Cot1rl [ f-Iigl1 CottrL La,,', s. 61]; h i 11 11racticc jt1risdicLio 1 1 is 1 1ol t,;1kc11 ,vl1ere a magistrate's cot1rt l1as jt1risLlictio11 ; tl1 c juclge l1as IJ(t,vcr io tra11Sfer to Ll1c aJ)}Jropriate 111agistra tc's cot1rl [I-ligh Cottrl La,v, s. 56 ( 1)]; c ll1crc is 11 0 ba11l{ rt1J)tcy jttrisclictio11 becattsc il1ere is 110 ba11kruptcy lav,·.


4. Jt1risclictio11-appellate-l-;-ron1 an)' clecision of a n1agistraie'� court:

,vl1ctl1cr t1nclcr the gc11cral la,v [I-Iigl1 Cot1rt La,v, s. 30 ( l)] or t111der custo111ary la,v [Ct1ston1ary Cottrts Ordina11cc, s. 30J.

5 Procedu1·e-a Cri111i11al. (Nigeria11) C!rin1.inal Proceclure Ordi11ance. b C'iuil. '1�11e otttli11cs arc i11 tl1e Higl1 Cottr t J...n,v. C<)N1'ROJJ OF COUH:r

6 Appeal-1\n a1J1 Jcal lies i 11 ever)' case to tl1 c Cot1rt of 1\tJ})C'al [I-Iigl1 Gottr t l:..a,v, .s. 52, ancl St1pre 1nc C!ot1rt Orcli11a11ce� s. 4], except tl1at an appeal by tl1c proscct1tio11 agai11st a11 acqttiltal lies onl )' ,vl1crc tl1 e acqttittal

is i tsclf a1J1)el la Le, a11cl on) y on a }Joi11t of la ,v.

7 S111)ervisio11, inspection-Nil.

·ro llE AD!\tINis·rEH.El) 8 Ge11eral l::1\v-See B, JJaras. 11 Lo 20, jJasl.

I•.,\ \V

9 Custon1.-a1·y la\V--..'\tJ}Jlies i11 a civil case bcL,vcc 11 ''11ati,•cs'', a11cl also . "bet,vce�1 11aL1vcs a11 cl 11011-11at1,•cs \vl1crc it may a1JtJcar to tl1e Cot1rt 1J1al _ _ _ sL1bst.ar111al 1 1 1Jt1st1cc \VOttlcl be clo11c to ciLl1 cr 11arty by a strict adl1erc11cc lo 1l1c rules of Englisl1 la,v''; bt1t 11ot i11 rcs1JccL of a tra1isaction t111k.i10,,·11 to c ust� n1ary la,v, or \\'l1crc it ,,•as agrcccl, expressly or by iin1Jlication: t]1at , l·,11gl1sl1 la,v sl1011ld go,•er11 [I-Iigl1 Cot1rt La\',· ', s. 27]. 10 ll�ligio11s la,,r-Jvlt1sli111 Ia,v ,vot1lcl be a1Jpliccl i11 tl1c cvc11t of a11 a1JIJeal fron1 tl1c Alkali's Court, bclo,v.


1 Establisl11nc11t-(Sot1Ll1cr11 Catncroo1is) l'vlagistratcs' Cot1rLS La,v,

No. 6 of 1955.


The Fecleral RejJublic of Cameroo,z 2 Composition-A magistrate sitting alo11e. 3 Jurisdiction-original-Territorially every n1agistrate J1 as jurisdic­ tion througl1ot1t v\'est Cameroon: i 11 J)racticc lie l1cars 011ly cases arising ,vitl1in the area of tl1c cot1rt to \Vl1icl1 tl1 e Cl1icf Jt1sticc 11,1s allottecl l1im tinder s. 7 of the Magistrates' Courts La,v. Bt1t l1 c inay sit rcgt1larly i11 different courts on cliffercnt days (as i11 East Ca1ncroon, tl1crc arc n1orc cot1rts tl1a11 magistratcs), ancl l1e rnay be sent by the Cl1icf Jtisticc to sit i11 another court for a particttlar case [�;C.C.L., s. ilO]. i-\ magistrate's civil jt1risclictio11 i11 rcs1)cct of st1lJjcct-1nattcr is cxclt1clcd ,vhcrc jurisdiction lies in a ct1ston1ary cotirt, t111lcss tl1e case is rcfcrrccl to l1in1 [NI.C.L., s. 18 (2)]; and otl1cr,visc clc1Jc11cls botl1 cri111i11ally a11 cl civilly 011 wl1 ctl1 er he is a CI1ief .wfagistratc or 111 agistralc of tl1c first or scco11 cl grade: third graclc n1agistrates 110 l011gcr try cases. 1\ Cl1icf J\,fagistratc's civil jttrisdiction is limitecl (rot1gl1ly) to st1ils ,vortl1 £500, a11cl l1is criminal jtirisdiction to fi11es of £500 a11cl five years' in1priso11111c11t, lo\vcr li1nits IJcing fi""<ccl for firsl a11cl seco11d graclc n1agistratcs [l\. !. C. L., ss. I 8 ancl 19]; l1ut the limits i11 respect of a first-grade n1agistratc 111a·y lJe, a11cl in practice arc, increased to tl1 osc of tl1e Chief l\,fagistralc. lviagistratcs l1old preliminary inqttirics \Vl1cre tl1 ey have 110 jurisdictio11 to try a crin1inal case, or \vl1ere tl1c acc t1scd 1nay a11d docs elect trial IJy tl1c High Court, and con1nu t for trial by tl1e I-Iigl1 Court [l'vI. C. L., s. 19]. 1

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Fron1 clecisio11s of tl1c ct1ston1ary courts [Ct1stomary Courls Ordi11ance, s. 30 (2)]. 5 Procedure-a Cri111inal. (Nigcria 1 1) Crin1i11al Proceclttrc Orcli11a11cc. b Ciuil. In outline in tl1e i\'fagistratcs' Cot1rts La,;v. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-_'-\n appeal lies in every case to tl1e I-Iigl1 Court [lvI.C.L., ss. 82 to Bi], and the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt l1as JJO\\'ers of revisio11 i11 every case [Higl1 Cot1rt La\v, s. 32]. ,.fl1e J-Iigl1 Cot1rt may also transfer fro1n one magistrate to anotl1er [�1.C.L., s. 3i]. 7 Supervision., inspection-Tl1e Cl1ief Justice n1ay require a inontl1ly list of cases [:i'vI.C.L., s. 43]. L1\ '\-V


8 General Ia,v 9 Customary law

As I-Iigl1 Co t1rl, 1\3, ante [M.C.L., ss. 29 to 31].

10 Religious law 1\5


These courts are still governecl by the Native Cottrls Orclinancc (Nigerian, b11t no lo 11ger in force anywhere in Nigeria), \.Vitl1 a change of narne [Legal Notice No. 23 of 1964] to ''Customary Cottrts''; st1bseqttent legislation, though J)asscd, has not been brot1gl1t into force. '"fhcse cot1rts arc excepted lJy the Cotistitt1tion [s. 6 ( l) (t/)] froin tl1 e fedcralisatio11 of jt1sticc, except A ••,. L. s..A.---5

) )7

,,. 11 I•• I !1 'I 't!



Part I-West Llfrica resJJect of apiJcals from tl1em_ to the ordinary _ c�url.s. A distingu _ � lling fcattire of the Cttstoinar}' Courts 1s that legal pract1t1oners are not admitted. iil




1 Establishn1ent-(Sotttl1ern Cameroons) Native Cot1rts ...-\mend1nent Orclina,1cc, No. 8 of 1961, i11scrting a ne\V s. 28 into the Custon1ary Courts Orclina11rc, at1Ll1 oriscs the Secretary of State (i.e. 1\1inister in the State g 0,,er111nc11t) for Local Govcr111ne11l to establisJ1 such a court l)y \\'arrant. :z Cornposition-1\1 Jpoi11tme11ts arc made l)y tl1e SecrcLaT)' of Slaie on 1.11 c aclvicc c)f a Ct1sto111ary Courts Commissio11 [Legal Notice No. 15 of 1�)61, :;s. 4- a11cl 5].

3 Jt11·i sd ictio11-01·i ginal-Nil. 1 J111·isdictio11-appellate-From a11y decisio11 of a Customary Court cxcc11t tl1c 1-\IJ�ali 's Cotirt, l)elo\v. It is intended, ,vl1cn possible, to establish a sCJJarale 1\ll{ali 1\1JJ)eal Court. 1

5 Procedu1·e-Ct1sLomary. CO!-iTROL OF COUR:r

6 Appeals-.1\11 a1Jpcal lies i11 a land case to tl1e adnunislrati,,e l1ierarcl1y, UfJ to Ll1c Prin1e :Wli11istcr, of 1l1c State govern 1 11c11t, and i11 other cases citl1cr Lo il1c �Lcl1ni11istrativc l1ierarcl1y or to a 1nagistratc's court or the Higl1 Co1..1rl. l)rcs1..1n1ably tl1erc is no\-v a tJossibilit)' of limited ft1rtl1er rccottrsc frorn tl1c ad111i11islra tion i11 tl1csc cases to tl1 e Federal Court. 7 Supervision, ins1>ection-1,l1e appropriate adnunistrative officer l1as access t o tl1 c recorcls and {Jrocccdi11gs of tl1e Cotirt. J.,\ \V 'l'O DJ� 1\I)l\1 lNISTE.H.ED

8 General law 9 Custo1na1·)1 la,v 10 Religiot1s la\-v

.-\s al first i11Sta11cc.

.i\5lJ CU!';'I'OM,\R Y COUll1,S (FIRST INS1, 1\.NCE) CONs1·1·ru·r10N AND PO\VERS

1 Establishinent-(Nigeria11) Native Courts Ordinance, no,.., , _ iit CusLon1�ry Courts Ordi11a11ce. Eacl1 l)articular cot1rt is set up b)' v.•arra of tlic Secretary of State for J...ocal Gover11111cnt. 2 Compositioii-Local elders, aJJIJointecl in tl1e san1e 1nan11er as the Custon1ary Cot1rl of ..<\piJeal.


The Federal RejJublic of Ca,neroon 3 Jurisdiction-ori�inal-Is fixccl terriLorially a11cl by subject-n1atler by the \Varrant of establishn1cnt. I11 respect or st 1bjcct-1natter tl1c ,varrant may set a lin1it of value in cases co11cer11ing lancl a1 1cl 1narriage (except _ monogamous marriages under tJ1e Marriage Ordii1 a11cc, ,vl1icl1 arc ex­ cluded), ,vhile i11 actions relating to st 1cccssio11 or acln1 inistration arid in all personal actio11S the limit is £200 or £100 accorcli 11g as tl1c Cotu·t is graded A or B [ame11di11g Orcli11a11cc No. 8 of 1961]. One of Ll1 c grade A courts is an .t\lkali's Court, sitting at vari()llS places i11 tl1e nortl1 of tl1c State. Ct1stomary Cottrts l1ave also criminal jt1risclic1ion li 1nitccl to ii111)riso11me11t for 12 and 6 mo11tl1 s ancl fine of £50 a11cl £30 accorcling to tl1 e san1 c grades. Jurisdiction is limitccl pcrso11ally to cases ,,,f1crc all }Jartics arc ·'natives", which is of cot1rsc tl1e normal situatio11. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-Cusloma11•. C:ONTROL OF Tl-IE COURTS

6 Appeals-1-\n appeal lies to tl1c Ct1slon1ary Court of ApJ)eal, l)ttl in a fe,v cases n1ay be taken direct to tl1e Higl1 Cot1rt or a magistrate's cot1rt. 'fhe Divisional Officer (110,v St1b-Prefcct) n1ay tra11Sfer an)' pcncling case either to a magistrate's court or to tl1 e I-Iigh Cottrt, witl1 or \Viil1011t application or consent by eitl1er party. 7 Supervision, inspection-Tl1e Divisio 1 1al Officer l1as at all times access to t11e C11stomal) Courts in l1is subdi, isio11 (no\v aro11clisscn1c11L), a11d to the records and proceedings of sucl1 courts. 1



8 General la\v-In all criminal cases, except ,vl1 ere tl1e offence exists solely in ''native la\v and custom''. 9 Customary la\v-In every other case., lJt1t only i11 so far as co1npalil)le \Vith applicable \vritte11 Ia,v. 10 Religious law-ivluslin1 Ia,v is aclministerecl lJ)' ihe 1\lka]i's Cot1rt.




11 Statute-Tl1ere is a mass of statute la,v, mucl1 of it after federation, but most clealing \Vitl1 ratl1cr specialised n1atters. Tl1c Constitt1tio11 itself [s. 46] co11tinued in force all existing Ia,v 011 purely State sttlJjccts, and by implication on subjects \Vl1ich rc 1nain \Villi tl1e States until take 11 over by the federal at1 tl1orilies; ,,,I1ile a f cderal ordina11ce (No. 61-0 F-2 of October I, 1961), issued immediately on the Conslilt1tio11 's coming into force, similarly prcsen.-cd all cxisti11g la,vs on pt1rcly federal 1nattcrs. One result _ of this is that tl1 ere are still two nationality )a\vs, if indcecl there 1s any in \.Yest Cameroon. I 19

! ' ol




' ,,

Part I-T4'est Africa


Tl1e ''existing laws'' in East Cameroon comprised local legis]ation and sucl1 Frencl1 la\vs a11d instruments as \Vere expressly applied before inde _ pen · · · 11 Senega I ; 111 19?3 all Jaws applied dence. Exprcss app I.1cat10� I Jegan \V1t so far to Senegal \Vere applied e1z bloc to French Equatorial /\frica, to which furtl1er laws \Vere a 1 )}Jlied from time to time; and in 1924 all lavvs so far appliecl to Eqt�atorial_ ,�rica ,vere a �Jplied en bl �c to the mandated territory _ of Can1eroor1, 111 acld1t1or1 to Ja,vs directly apJJlied since conquest from the Gern1a11S. Ft1rtl1cr laws \Vere again applied fron1 ti1ne io time up io in­ ., clcpe11clcnce. 1 hcsc were all ( except for the not inconsiderable statutory ot1t1 Jut in tl1e fe\v years before i11dependence) reprinted in a collection of five volt1n1cs JJttlJlisl1ed benveen 1956 and I958. TI1e ,iexisting la\vs'' i11 \Vest Cameroon ,,,ere 11ol collected before in­ cle1 Jendcnce. TI1ey l1ave IJccn collectecl since, l)tlt l1ave 11oi yet been reprinted, nor l1as a11y list bee11 publisl1cd, tl1ough oi1e e..xist.s. T11csc la,,•s \Vere lJasically tl1e la,v aJJ IJlicable i11 Nigeria, tl1at is tl1e ge11eral pri11ciples of E11glisl1 la,v ancl eq11ity, togetl1er ,vith E11gli.sl1 statute la,,• applicable to the circtt1nc;la11ces up to Ja11uary I, 1900. 1-\ny instrument, such as an Order in Cot1ncil, e1nanating directly from the United Kingdon1 govern­ n1ent ai1cl referring clirectly to tl1e n1a11dated territory ,vas of course applic­ able, as ,,,ere stich Nigcria11 cnact111ents as ,vere specifically appliecl. Tl1cse are to be found i11 tl1e 1948 re,,ision of tl1e la ,vs of Nigeria (tl1e 1958 revision, after the establisl1111e11t of tl1e Nigeria11 federation, is confined to enactn1ents of federal application or a 1Jplicablc to Lagos and n1ust be used ,vitl1 caution), suppleme11ted by later Nigerian legislation, botl1 federal ancl of t11e Eastern Region, tl1e latter UJ) to 1954. Finally tl1ere is tl1e legislation of the Sot1tl1ern Cameroo11S I Iouse of 1-\sscmbly fr�n1 1954 t o reunifi-:;ation ,vicl1 East Cameroon.

12 Common la,,, ru1d equity-1�11esc l1ave been me11tioned i11 rel� tion

to \Vest Can1eroo11; tl1ere is no sucl1 1l1ing i11 East Ca1neroon. In either jt1diciary, 110,vever, it is in J)ractice eqttally diffict1lt to JJersuade a court to cle1Jart fro1n a prcccdc11t cstablisl1ed by 17rcncl1 or Ei1glisl1 case-la,v, as die case 1nay lJc.

13 Custom a11d 11snge-1"'11cse are Ia,v as bcL,,•ec11 tl1 ose go,•erncd ?Y tl1cn1; tl1is {Joint l1as bcc11 clcalt ,vitl1 incidc11taily above. Custo111 varies fro111 trilJc to tribe, a11d triJJes are ,,cry 11t1n1cro11s. 14 Religious la,v-1s 1 1ot an imn1ediate source of Ia,v (,fith tlie excep­ _ sorne tion of J\.,fuslim Ia,v in 1 Jarts of \\'csl Camcroo11), but it u11derlics cttstomary law. ina r, ' or e 1 tl ere 1 cl ,vl cxcCJ)t 15 Inter11al co11flict rules-Tl1ere are no11c, ·t} 1en appl)r tJle cottrts of West Carneroon apJ)ly ct1ston-iary Ia,-v; tl1ey Co rt ar Custo la,-v ,vl1icl1 ,vot1ld l1ave been appliecl by tl1e releva11t m y , uh ac · r · · · a· · · rse er,-v c Ot 1 l 1 its Juris 1ct10 1 1 had stretched to tl1e subJect 111atter. a·- ·ibu· cottrt applies its o,v11 la\·V, conflicts being avoided by tl1c rules for J:,� f a o . . rt . . cou · tl1e , ati d ·1I . . 1·1ct1on. 1...he court of tl1c site d ea1 s ,v1t1 t1011 of Jur1sc nt's a d en fi de dcceased,s tribe deals witl1 Ins successio11; and other,vise Lile 120

--------The Federal Republic of Can1eroon court has jurisdiction. This is the rule both in East ancl in vVcsl Cameroon, and is spontaneo11s, as it ,vas in ,vestcr11 Ettropc before 1200. DERIV.!\.TION AND FORl\·l OF i\l.t\IN DR1\NCl·IES OF LEGAi� SYS'l"El\-1

16 Criminal law-Tl1cre is a federal Pc11al Coclc ir1 1,vo Boo]�,;;, covcri 11g the General Part a11d Particular Offences. Book I, scl1cclulccl Lo I...a,v 65-LF-24 of November l 2, 1965, came into force 01 1 Octol)cr I, 1965, ,-vl1ile Book II, scheclt1Iccl lo La,v 67-LF-l of Jt1ne 12, 1967, came into force on October I, 1 967. 1'11c ne\v I'c11al Coclc ,vas clreived fro111 1l1c Frcncl1 and Nigcria11 Penal (:odes, forn1crly in force in East a11cl \Vest Cameroon respectively, a11cl repealed tl1e111 botl1 i11 tJ1cir ap1Jlication to Ca1neroon, togetl1er ,vit1 1 a 111ultit11dc of s1Jccial la,vs on botl1 sides. 17, 18, 19 Property, succession, marriage, family, tort a11d contract la,v are to be founcl for East Cameroon in tl1c l<'rcncl1 Ci,•il Code and supplemc11tal Ia,\'S, a11cl for \,Vest Cameroon in E11glisl1 and Nigerian la,v as described 11nder para. 11, ante. Custo1nary Ja,v JJrcvails on botl1 sides ,vl1ere applicable-tl1at is to say, in tl1e vast majority of cases; but it is to be 11otcd tl1at in East Ca1ncroon Africans l1ad tl1e rigl1t to OJJt, for tl1emselves a11cl for tl1cir clescendants, for a Frcncl1 civil la,v stattts, \vl1ile in \Vest Cameroon tl1c1· could do tl1e sa1ne to s01nc extent lJy 1narrying , under tl1e rviarriage Ordinance. Government property is govcrnccl lJy European la\v, as is registered land: n1ostly in East Ca1ncroo11. 20 Other-Tl1e la,v 11zercha11! depe11ds i11 East Ca1ncroo11 on tl1e Frc11cl1 Commercial Code and st11Jplen1ental laws, ancl in \Vest Ca1ncroon 011 Englisl1 and Nigerian Ia,v as abo,,e. Tl1cre is a federal Mercl1ai1t Sl1ip1Jing Code, Ordi11ance No. 62-0F-30 of l\ Iarch 31, 1962. 1




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BJ' A1. R. Konvitz an{[ 1\1. L. Rosenzweig Tl1c jt1clicial systc1n of Liberia and tl1e la,v admi11istercd by it clearly rcf1cct tl1c clual origin of iLs inl1abitants. On the one l1a11d, the influence or tl1c ,i\merican fotinclers of Liberia is e, 1ide11cecl in its courL structure a11d IJroccclt1rc, ils system of substa11tivc Ia,v, and above all, in its adoptio11 of 1l1 c ft1nda1nc11tal JJrinciJJlcs of civil lilJcrLies. On the other l1a11d, tl1e tribal JJop1.1lation is tl1 c source o f tl1e vast body of native la,vs and customs acl1Tti11 istercel l)y tl1e governn-ier1 t a11d is Ll1e reaso11 for the special parallel svstcn1. or co1.1rts cstablisl1ccl for its benefit. · 'I'l1c 1\11glo-An1erican legal l1eritage of Liberia is clearly apparent in its Constit1.1tion. I11 tl1is cloct1n1c11t is fo1.u1cl a ''DeclaraLion of Righis" contain­ ir1g safcgt1ards agai11st tl1e SUJ)JJrcssio11 of ci,ril liberties similar to those slated ir1 tl1c firsL '1'en 1\111.c11dn1e11 ls to tl1e United Statcs Constitut.ion. Tl1e lri1)artile strticLurc of gover 111nent created by tl1e Liberian Constitution l1as its IJrototype il1 tl1e execulive, legislative, and judicial brancl1es of govcrJ1me11t i11 tl1e U11itecl States. 'l'l1c 1Jaclcgro1.111d a11cl traclitio11S of tl1c founders of Liberia are manifest ,:1lso i11 tl1e ado 1Jtio 11 of tl1c co111n1on la,v as tl1e foundation of its legal system. 'I'l1c infant colo11y ,-vas com1nitted to tliis system of la,v s0011 after its establisl1mc11 t. The Constiit1tio11 of 1825 proclai1ncd ''t)1e common law as in force a11cl modifiecl in tl1c U11itccl States, and a1Jplicable LO tl1e sitt1atio11 of the JJeOJJlc" to be tl1e Ia,v of LilJcria [art. \iI]. St1bsequent statutes restated tl1is pri11ciple ,vitl1 so1nc v::i.riatio11s co11cer11i11g the atlll1orities to )Jc t1scd in dctern1i11ing tl1c r1.1les of tl1c co111111011 Ia,,•, IJt1t tl1e basic doctrine l1as al,-vays remainccl tl1e 011c cx 1Jrcssecl by tl1c First Constitution [Liberian Coclc of J... a,vs c,r 1956, tit. 16, s. 4·0]. Englisl1 statutes passccl before tl1e e111 igratio11 of tl1e 1\11 1erica11 colo11ists� if 11 ot in derogation of tl1c common lav1-', co11stit1.1tc parL of tl1c la\,' of Liberia. ··r11e Statute of vVills a11d Statute of Uses l1avc 1Jec11 citccl IJy tl1e LilJcrian Su1Jrcn1c Cot1rt as examples of tl1e ancient J\cts tl1t1s ado1Jtcd (Roberts,,. Roberts ( 1878), I Lib. L.R. 107, 1 12). � he _co111111or, la,v of Liberia 111a)' be, a11d frec1ucntly is, SUJJersedcd by leg1slal1vc c11act1ncnts. I11dcccl, n1any of tl1e f undan1e11tal pri11ciples of tl1e commo11 Ia,v, ,vhicl1 i11 1nost jt1risclictions forn1 part of the le.v: ,zon scri/1/ a, � vcre � cloJJtcd by tl1c legislature in 1841 and still apJJear in statutory form 111 various parts of tl1e JJrescnt Code. (Sec, e.g., Libcr·ian Code of Laws of 1956_, tit. 17.) Con1mo1 1 la,v crimes, long recognised in Liberia, ,vere abolished by ll1c Cri1 ni11al Code of 1 914' wl1icl1 co11tained defi11itions and spcc11 "fic tJe11alties for n1ajor offences.

1 For cliagra111 of courts system, sec Ap1Jenclix, J,ost. 122

Liberia In the history of Liberia, several coclificaLions of ils stattttcs l1ave l)cc11 made, t}1e most recent of ,vl1icl1 i s th.e .Liberian Coclc 1)f La�vs of 1956. Tl1is Code is a compilation of all general I)ublic statLttcs in force at tl1c time of its aclo1)tio 1 1, a11d, by ,,irttte of ils rci)eal of all statt1tcs coclificcl, the only autl1ority for tl1e law ,vl1icl1 it co11tai11s. 'fhc juclicial sy·stem of Liberia bears tl1c i1111)ri11l of 1\ 1ncrica 11 inf1 1.1c11cc as clecply as tl1e la,vs it administers. 'I'}1c Co11stilt1tion [art. IV ., s. I] vests tl1c jt1clicial po,ver i11 a St1preme Cot1rt ancl "sucl1 stti)or<li11 a t e courts as the Lcgisla lttre nla)' frorn tin1c to ti111c csta l)lish''. Tl1c Su1Jre111c Cot1rt is al present composed of fivcJusticcs, any tl1rcc of,vl1on1 coristitutc a c1uort1m. The original jt1risdiction of tl1c CoLtrL is lirnitccl by tl1c Constitution to cases affecting ambassadors, pttblic 111inistcrs, a11cl consttls, and le) cases to \vhich a cot1 11ty (tl1c mai11 political st1bclivision of ll1c countr·y) is a !)arty [art. I\', s. 2]. It l1cars appeals from cot1rts of recorcl and from rttli11gs of individual Justices of t.11e Court on motions for \Vri ts [ Liberian Coclc of La,vs of 1956, tit. 18, s. 50 1]. 'fl1e Circuit Court is tl1e pri11cipal court of origina I jttrisclictio11. '.fl1c country is divicled i11to te11 judicial circt1its, one of ,vl1icl1 is locatecl i11 cacl1 of eigl1t counties. The one county, l\ Io11tserrado Cot1nty, \vl1crc 111.ost of tl1e legal business is transactecl1 is tl1c seat of the Circ11il CottrLs of tl1c First and Sixth Judicial Circtrit.s [L. 1962-63, cl1. XXX\'III; J.,il)eria.11 Code of La,-vs, 1956, tit. 18, s. 30]. Tl1c First Judicial Circuit l1asjurisdiction only of criminal cascs 1 ancl tl1c Si.xtl1, on! y of ci,1il cases [ibill., s. 5IO]. Eacl1 Circt1it l1as a resident judge, ,vl10 is also assig11ed to l1ear cases i 11 the 0th.er circt1its. f\n additional judge is apJ)Oir1tcd to l)c assigned \vl1erc tl1c 11cccl for l1is services is most t1rgent [ibi(/., ss. 3 l, 33]. In tl1c langt 1agc of l l1e statute, the Circuit Court may ''exercise origi11al jt1risclictio11 over all cnscs as to ,vhich anotl1er coLtrt or goverr1mc11t agcnC)' or official js 11ol CXf)rcssly ,, given original jurisdictio11 by Constitt1tio11al or stattrtory pro,rjsio 11 [ibi(!., s. 5l0]. It may decicle even tl1ose cases involvi11g sn1all amot1 11ts of da1nagcs over ,vhich stipendiary· niagistratcs andjt1stices of tl1e peace l1avc concurrr:11t jurisdiction, al t11ougl1 a plaintiff bri r1ging st1cl1 a11 actio11 i11 ll1e Ci rctti t Cotrrt forfeits his right to costs [ibia., s. 51 0 (a)]. Original crin1i11aljt1risdic­ tion in the Circuit Court exte11cls in general to tl1ose cases in ,vl1icl1 the fine is more tha11 one hundred dollars or in ,. vhicl1 i111priso11mc11t is 111a11clatory [ibid., ss. 510, 556 (cl), 557 (h)]. Tl1c (!irCLlit Cot1rt also ha11cllcs probate ancl estate matters in its Probate Divisio 11s, except tl1at in Mo11lserrado Cou11ty and tl1rce 0Ll1er smaller territorial clivisions, SJJccial :tvlontl1ly and Probate Cot1rts have been establisl1cd for tl1at IJt1r1Jose [ibi(!., ss. 512, 530, 531]. Tl1c appellate jurisdiction of tl1c c:ircuit Cot1rt is excrcisecl in a1Jpcals from administrative decisions of gover11111cnt agencies a11d ofl1cials ancl fro1n decisions of cotrrts not of record [ibia., s. 51 l]. Tl1e lo\vcst division of lhc Liberian jt1clicial systcn1 i11 tl1is li11e of cottrts consists of lhc cot1rts of the slipcncliary magistrates ar1cl jt1sticcs of tl1c JJeace. These are not courts of record a11d are conductecl \vitl1ot1tjuries. SLi1)c11diary vycrs [ibi{!., tit. 18, s. 9,1] and i11 general exercise magislratcs arc qt1alified Ia .. a broacler jurisdiction i11 civil cases tl1a11 is pcrn1ittcd to justices of ll1e peace. Botl1 cot1rts are confinccl to cletcrrnination of civil cases in \vl1icl1 1


Part 1-M1esl Africa tl1e da1nagcs claimecl arc comparatively small and of crimi11 al cases in \Vl1 icl1 tl1 c penalties are lirnilecl [ibid., ss. 556, 557]. Sicle by side ,-vitl1 tl1 e .1\nglo-1-\merican system of jt1risprt1clence exists a seconcl syste111 of an e11tirely cliflcrc11 t nalt1re a11 cl derivation. This is com­ IJoscd of tl1 e Ia,vs ancl custon1.s of tl1 e many tribes i1 1habiting Liberia and tl1 e courts cstalJ lisl1 ecl to l1 ear cases arising out of their customs and tradi­ tio11s. It is tl1 e an11ouncecl policy of the governn1cnt to acln1inister trilJal affairs according to triJJal la\v and ct1stom to tl1c extent tl1at tl1cy do 11ot conflict ,vitl1 statt1tes or acl 1ninistrative rcgL1lation,; [Liberian Code of La,vs of 1956, tit. I, s. 350]. 1\ccordi1 1gly, in st1its to ,-vhicl1 trilJal perso11s are parties, tli.c 11 ati, re Ja,vs, son1e based 0 1 1 enactment by tribal governing boclics and some only on cstablisl1cd cuslom, may be tl1e co11trolling at 1tl1 orit)r. Stich la\-vs \Vill ))e invoked i11 the appropriate cases 11ot onl)r in tl 1e SJJecial system of courts to \Vl1 icl1 reference ,vas just n1adc, !Jut also in tl1c S11 1Jrc111 e Cottrl, Circuit Cottrt, ancl other cot1rls usually engaged in nJJIJl)'ing tl1c co1111non antl slatt 1tory la\V of Liberia (KarjJeh v. .1,1a11ni11g ( 1936), 5 Lib. L.R. I 62, 167). President Tubman hiniself l1as on occasion att.c 1 1clccl 11ative convocatio 11 s ancl JJarlicipatcd in a jt1dicial capacitr in 1ncti11g ot1t jt1sticc to litigants i11 accordance ,vitl1 tl1e nati,re Ia,vs. ,.fl1 c SJJccial systen1 of courts established for tl1c trilJal population l1as rccc11tl)' t111 dergo11 c 1najor cl1anges in structure a 1 1d jurisdictio11 as a result •)f tl1c exLc 1 1sio11 of Ll1 c cot1nty systen1 of gover 1 1ment to tl1 e interior of tl1e cot111try, formerly k110,vn as tl1c l-Ii11terland. Since the provi11ces and clistricLs for1 ncrly composi11 g tl1 e Hinterland have been abolisl1ed and all 1 l1 at. territory ]1 as bee11 diviclecl into counties, tl1e Pro,ri11 cia] Co11 1missioners a 11cl l)istrict Cor1 11nissio11 ers \Vl10 once exercised irnportant judicial functio11s Ll1 erc l1ave lJccn replaced i11 the jt1clicial systcn1 )Jy county officers, ,vl10 forn1 crJ,, acted onl}' i 11 tl1 e five co1 1 11ties of Ll1e littoral. Tl1e court of a Clan Cl1ic[ ancl tl1c cot 1rt of a Paran1 ount Cl1ief have co11 ct1rrent original jurisdic­ Lio11, as forn1crly, \Vitl1 an appeal perrnitted to tl1c latter co11rt i11 a case ,vl1icl1 l1as origi1 1atecl in the court or a Cla11 Cl1 ief, but all apJJcals from tl1e court of a JJaramount Cl1 icf no\v go to tl1 e Cou 1 1ty Su1)crintende11t, tl1e Cou1 1ty C:0 1 nn1issioncr, or tl1e Assistant County Con111 1issioner, de1Jc 11 ding on tl1e locatio11 of tl1c cl1 iefdom in ,vl1icl1 tl1e aJ)pcal origina{ed. 1\n ap1Jeal 1nay be tal{e11 fron1. st1cl1 a cotLrt to ar1 official i 11 tl1 e Departn1e11t of Internal f\ffairs, ,vitl1 a,1 11lti1nate aJ)pcal allo,,•cd to t11e President. 'l,l1 e forn1 er l)roacl jL1risdiction of tl1 e tribal S)'Stem of coL1rts l1as been consicleralJly reducecl by tl1 c extc 1 1Sion of cot111ty govcrnn1c11t to t1 1e i11tcrior. Stit)e 11diary n1 agistraLcs, jttsticcs of tile peace, and constalJles are no,v prcsc11 t tl1rougl1ot1t tl1e i11terior, so ll1 at 111 ost ki11 cls of civil a11cl criminal cases 111ay be trice! in tl1c rcgt1lar systcn1 of co\1rts. Tl1e tribal courts are lin1itecl to cases i11,rolving clo111esLic rclatio11S and family la\·V, 111inor infrac­ tions relati11g to tl1c tribal agricultural a11cl garne Ia,vs, disputes arisi11g over tl1c t1sc of la11cl, tribal i11l1crita1 1cc la,,•s, ancl cases of cli.srespect for tribal rules or tr�1ditions. Statutory authorizatio11 for tl1 e ne\V lines of dc1narcation l1et,vccn tl1c t,vo S)'Slcn1s of courts is still lacking, but tl1e practice is aJlJ)arc 11tJy evolvi11g accorcli11g to tl1e rules l1erc s11ggested. 124·

Liberia }1ether in any particular case tribal la\v a1)plics as OJ)posccl to con1111on Ia,v or no1 1•conflicli11g stattitory Ia,v is oftc 11 clot1btft1l, si11cc tl1c a11s,ver to tl1is question n1ay depc11d on tl1e degree of affiliation ,vl1icl1 a party Ll> 1:l1c suit, if tribal by birtl1, preserves to,varcl l1is tribe. 111 1na11y cases, tl1e extent to \vl1ich sucl1 a party follo,vs tribal ClISLoms or l1as rc 11ot111cecl tribal I oyaI Ly ,vill be cliffictilt to ascertai11. Not only tl1e ap1)licablc systc111 of la\.v, but als(> the cotirt l1aving jt1risdiction, 1nay be basecl 011 tl1csc co11siclcr,1Lions. 'T'l1is t111ccrtai11 state of the la,v ca1111ot be in1provccl, 110\\'e,,cr, ur1til, as Ll1c Govcrnn1c11t plans ancl as ,vi 11 occur a l111ost i11evi tably i11 Ll1c cc,u rsc of urbar1ization of the cou11t11·, tl1c old tribal li11cs arc l)rok :c11 ancl tl1e trilJal poJ)t1laiion beco111cs ftilly intcgratccl i11to a 111ore n1oc.lcr11 society. 1\s st1cl1 a cl1ange is brot1gl1t abottt, tribal la,vs a11c.l tl1c special co11rls l1aving jttrisclic· tion in son1e cases involvi11g tl1e tribal pop11lation ,vill gradttally give \V,l)r to 1\nglo·,t\rnerican legal traclitio11s a11cl tl1c infl11c11cc of tl1c co1n1no11 Ja\v. Tl1e extension of cot111ty gover111nc 11t t o tl1c I-Iintcrla11d a11cl the 11arro,vi11g of j11risdictio11 of tl1e tribal courts jttsl recently cffcctccl arc s11re sig11s tl1at progress has already bee11 111acle in tl1is clirectic>n. Finally, 1ne11tion n1ay be 1nadc of recent develoJ)n1c11ts i11 rclatio11 to tl1c stat11torv• and decisio11al la\v of Liberia. In 1952 tl1e Liberian Govcr111nc11t autl1orized, by agrecme11t, tl1c cstablisl11 nc11t of tl1e LilJcria11 Coclificalit)n Project at Cornell University. Tl1e Project tl1us far l1as 1)rCJ)arecl tl1c Liberian Code of La\VS i11 foltr vol11n1cs plus a later volume added as a Supplement. Tl1e Cocle constitltles tl1c official bocly of legislative enact1nc11 ts through the 1957-58 legislative sessio 11 covered by tl1e Su1)1Jlcme11t. ·1,l1cre is no,v i1 1 preparation a nc,v a11d moclcr11izecl Code, of ,vhicl1 t\-VO iiLles, tl1e Civil Procedure La,v and the Crin1i21al Procedure La,v, l1a,re already been completed. ivlore titles ,vill be st1b11uttecl to f11turc scssi(lns of tl1c legislat11re. The Project is also cngagecl i 11 editing ancl JJt1lJlisl1i11g tl1e opinions of the Liberian S11prcme Court, of ,vl1icl1 14· volt11ncs ]1avc tl111s far been pt1blished, covering opinio11s l1anclccl clo,v11 tl1rot1gl1 1961. \·\1



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' 1'

COURT OF APPEAL FOR EAST AFRICA By 11. 1V. 11/lott The autl 1ority for tl 1e establisl1ment of tl1c Cot1rt, ils co1npositio11 and jurisdictio1 1, have been so clearly, comprcl1cnsivcly ancl authoritatively set otil in a recent judgment of tl1 e Cot1rt itself, tl 1at 011 c ca1111 ot clo }Jetter tl1an cite the appropriate passages fron1 tl1e jucl gn1c11t (dcl ivcrecl by J)UFFUS V.-P. ). !11 Slrabane Opoloto v. �1tlorney-General of Ugancla (Uganda: Civil A1Jplication No. K.i\lvI 7 of 1 968; jt1dgn1c11t delivered at I<.a1npala, AIJril 24·, 1969)} tl1e main issue ,vas ,vhctl1cr a jt1clgc of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt of Uga11cla ,vas e:,: officio a jt1clge of tl1c Cottrt of 1\p1Jcal for East ,\frica. rfl1c jt1c lgc at first instance had decided tl1at he ,vas 11ot, in vie\v of art. 89 of the Constitt1tion of tl1c Republic of Uganda 1 967. ,.fhe Court of .r'\.ppcal came to tl1c opposite conclusion. Tl 1erc \vas no doubt tl1at tl1 e Parliamc11t of Uga11cla could, t111der tl1e Constitution, establisl1 a Cotirt of 1\1JIJcal for Uga11da; but until tl 1is \Vas done the Cotirt of l\p1Jcal for Easl 1\frica ,vas tl 1c Court of 1-\p1Jeal in Uganda. Tl1c prov·isions of art. 89, sub-ss. ( 4·) and ( 5) \vou let only apply ,vl1en Parliament establisl1 ed Uganda's ow11 Cot1rl of 1-\p1Jcal. Hence the Cliief Justice and judges of the I-Iigl1 Court of Uganda arc ex officio judges of the Court of Appeal for East Africa. Tl1c la\v 011 tl1c matter, as it affects Keny·a, Tanzania and Uganda, ,-vas 1:>ut by tl1e Cot1rt of Appeal as follo,vs: ''The Court of Appeal for East t\frica is at 1:>rcsent establisl1ecl by tl1c Cot1rt of 1-\ppeal for Easter11 1-\frica t\ct, 1 962 (1\ct No. 1 3 of 1962 of tl1e East African Communit}'). Section 3 of tl 1is 1-\ct J:>roviclcs for tl1e Constitt1tion of the Court and tl1e relevant 1:>ortio11s state: '3. ( I) There sl1all be a Court of A1:>peal for tl1e Partner Statcs wl1ic11 sl1all be styled the Court of .i:\ppeal for Eastern f\frica. (2) Subject to tl1e provisions of section 5 of tl 1is Act, ll1c Judges of the Court sl1all be(a) a President, a Vicc-Presicle11t and st1cl1 number of Jt1stices of Appeal as may be detcrmi11ed by tl1c .t\utl1ority, ,-vl10 sl1all be appointed by the ;\uthority; and (b) the Chief Justice ancl tl1c otl1cr J11dges of the l-I1gl 1 Cot1rt of each Partner States, wl10 shall be mcn1bers of tl1e Cottrt exqf]icio. (4) Tl 1e persons who, inunediatcly before tl1c date of the coming into operation of tl1is f\ct, l1eld tl1 c offices of President, Vice-President and Justices of Appeal of tl1e cxisti11g Cot1rt sl1all b_e d:emccl to h�vc been respectively appointed at tl1e date of tl1e coming into opcrat1011


Part 1/-Easl Africa f tliis Act and in accorclance \-Vith its provisions, to be tl1e President �Il e Vice-President ancl Justices of A_ppcal of tl: e Court constituted b; lliis J\ct atld sliall be, from st1cl1 elate, 111 tl1e scn11cc of tl1e Organization.' B the 'Treaty for East r\frican Co-OJ)eration e11tcred into by the Gov­ crn!ents of tlie tliree part11cr states and ,vl1icl1 ca1ne into force on Decenlber I , I 967, it ,vas agrcecl as fol Io,-vs: 'CHAP"fER XX-TI-IE COURT OF i-\PPEAL FOR EAST AFRICA fIB.TICLE 80

The Gour/ of AJ;J;eal for East Africa.

"l�lierc s}1aII JJe a Cot1rl of AJJJJeal for East Africa ,vhich sl1all be co115titulecl in st1cl1 m a1111cr as ma)' be providecl by Act of tl1e Com­ nittiiity, a11cl tl1e Co11rl of 1\1Jpeal for Eastern .;\frica estab)isl1ccl by tlic East 1\frica11 Con1mo11 Services Organization Agreemenis 1961 to ] 966 sl1all contin11c i11 being tinder tl1c name of tl1e Courl of Appeal for East. 1\frica and sl1all be clcc1ned to l1a,•c l)ecn cstablisl1cd b)' tl1is rl'reaty, 11ot,vitl1sta11 di11g tl1c abrogation of those Agreements l)y tl1is · l'rcaty.



Jurisrliclion of the Court of Aj,jJcal.

'J'l1c Court of A1)peal for East 1\frica sl1 all have jurisdiction to l1ear a11cl cJeter1ninc such a1)1 Jeals fron1 Ll1c courts of cacl1 Partner State as

111ay IJc JJroviclccl for by any la,v in force i11 tl1 at Partner State and shall l1 a,rc st1cl1 po,,•crs in con11cctio11 ,vitl1 appeals as n1ay be so proviclecl.' I�acl1 of tl1c 1:iart11er states tl1e11 e11acted legislatio11 giving effect to certain "' 1Jrovisjo11s of tl1c 'l reaty. In Tanzania tl1is ,,,as done by tl1e Treaty for l�ast Afr.icar1 Co-operation (I111 1Jle1nentation) .-\ct, 1967 (No. 4·2 of 1967), i11 I<.e11)•a by il1c Treaty for East 1-\frican Co-operation .-\ct, 1967 (No. 3 1 or 1967), antl i11 Uga11da l)y cl1c East r\frican Comn1unit)' 1\ct, I96 7 (No. 28 <)f 1967). Rotl1 :i11 'Ta11zania ancl in Kenya special provisio11 ,vas made in t l1cir respee ti,•c 1\cts 1)ro, iding for tl1e Court of .�\ppea). Section I 7 ( 1 ) of tl1c Tanzania :'\ct reacls as follo,vs: '17. ( 1 ) 1�11c Cot1rt of 1-\pJJeal for Eastern Africa establisl1ed by the East ...-'\.frica11 Co1n1non Services OrganizaLio11 1\gree111cnts, 1961 to 1�66 a11cl il-1e Cot1r1 <)f 1\1)peal for Eastern Africa 1-\ct, 1962 s]1all co11ti11t1c i11 l)ei11g t1nclcr tl1c 11a111c of 1l1c Court of Ap1)eal for East ,\frica a11cl sl1all be clcc1necl to l1a, c bccr1 established by tl1e Treaty, 1 rca JlO l\Villista11di11g tl1c alJrogatiCJil of t}1osc 1\rrrce111c11ts by tile rf ly. Scctior1 17 of tile Kctl)'::1 1\ct is an exactl)' si11�ilar JJrovision but 110 provi­ _ . s1011 ,vas made 111 tl1e Uga1lcla 1\ct for 1l1c Court of Appeal. Tl1is ,vas done l � y tJ1c Co11stitution of tl1c llc 1Jtlblic of Uganda ,vJ1icl1 came into force 011 Sept cn1ber 8, 1967, a11cl 1\rt icle 89 of tl1e Constitt1tion provides: '89. ( l) i\11 aJ)pcal sl1all lie to tl1e Court of Appeal fron1 any sucl1 final decision �r tl1c I-ligl1 Cottrl of U ga11da, otl1cr tl1an any decision on aii)r c1t1est1or1 as to tl1e intcrprctatio11 of tl1is Corisliltrtion, as Parlia111c11t nla)r prc-scrilJc. 1



Court of Appeal for East Africa (2) No appeal shall lie frot11 tl1 c Cottrt of 1\1)pcal or except as provided by this article, from tl1e Higl1 Court of Uga11cla. ' (3) Tl1e I-Iigl1 Court of Uganda an(l tl1e Cot1rt of 1\p1Jcal s}1all Iicar and deter1nine a11y appeal IJcndi11g before tl1e1n at tb,c elate of th.c coming into force of this Constitt1tion, bttt no otl1cr courl or tribtinal shall hear or determine an)' appeal tl1e11 pcrl(lir1g agai 11st a11y clccisior1 of tl1e High Cotrrt of Uganda or tl1c Cot1rt : of i\ppcal. (4) The provisions of articles 83 to 86 i11clusivc, ,-vl1icl1 aJJply to JJuisnc judges, shall appl)' to jt1dges of the Court c.>f i\JJIJcaJ cstablisl1cd by Parlian1ent ttnder tl1is article, save tl1at Parlia1nc11t 1nay prescribe the nun1ber of st1cl1 juclges ancl may J)T0\ idc that 011c of st1cl1 jt1cl,gcs shall preside. (5) Parlian1 ent may })fO\•idc tl1at tl1c Cl1.ief Justice may IJc a n1cmbcr of the Court of 1\ppeal establisl1cd tmdcr tl1is article. (6) l11 tl1is article '' ll1e Court of Appeal" means sucl1 court of appeal as may be eslablisl1ed by Parlia1nc11t and u11til sucl1 cottrt of appeal is established it means tl1c Cot1rt of Appeal for Eastcr11 1\frica. (7) This article sl1all be subject to clause (3) of article 51.' The definitior1 of Cot1rt of t\})peal i n article 130 of tl1c C:011stitt1 tio11 reads: ' "Court of 1\ppeal t ' has tl1c mca11i11g assigned lo it by clat1sc (6) of article 89'. We would l1ere refer to tl1c provisions of tl1c Judicature Act, No. 11 or 1967 of Uganda. This Act provides by section 1 tl1at the courts of judicature shall be (a) the High Court as establisl1cd l)y tl1e Conslitutio11 a11cl (1)) tl1c Cot1rt of Appeal. Section 49 of tl1e Act as amended by tl1e .1\cts (s1\1nc11cl­ men t) Order 1968, S.I. 84 of I968, defmes tl1e Court of 1\ppcal as follo\vs: ' ''Court of Appeal'' means tl1c Court of 1\p1Jeal for East 1\.frica established by the Court of ApJ)cal for Eastcr11 t\frica .'\ct, I 962, as amended by the Treaty for East African Co-01 Jeration (I1nplc111cnl:1tion) (Adoption of J...,a\-vs) Order, 1967.' \Ve l1ave already referred to tl1e Court of Appeal fot· Eastcr11 ,\frica Act, 1962 and the amendment by tl1e Treaty in1ple1nentatio11 orclcr referred to above (Legal Notice No. 1 of 1967) cl1anges tl1e nan1e fro1n ''I'l1c Cotirt of Appeal for Eastern ;\frica t to that of 'Th.e Court of Ap1Jeal for East .l\frica'. The Court of 1\ppeal for East t\frica tl1en is a statutory body establisl1ccl by· the Court of Appeal for Eastern Africa Act, 1962 (Act 13 of 1962 of the Community Acts), but its jurisdiction to act in cacl1 of tl1c three Partner States is that given by the legislation of each of the i11dividt1al states. In Uganda jurisdiction is given by tl1c Constitution and subject to the Constitt1tion l)y the Judicature 1\ct, 1967 (Act 11 of 1967 of Uganda), which Act also provides for the practice a11cl procedure of the court i11 1


13 I



BJ' E. Cotra1i I<.e11ya, f or1ncrly a Britisl1 Colony (excei)t for lhe coastal strip ,vl1icl1 \vas a BriLisl1 Protectorate), became i11dcpende11t 011 December 12, 1963. On I)ccen1ber 12, 1964 it becan1.c a Rci)ublic within the Co1nmonv.•calth. Tl1e general legal S)'Stcm of I<.e11ya, as establisl1ed by tl1c colonial ad­ n1i11 islr;tio11, ,vas based 011 ccrtai 11 cocles and .i\cts of India, locally cnactecl statt1tcs, ancl so far as tl1 esc dicl not apply, on the comn1.on la,v, doctrines of cciuily a11cl :statutes of general application i11 force in England on 1\ugust 12, 1897. In additio11, Cttstomary la,vs and religious Ja,.vs (i.e. Islamic and la,v) ,verc aJ)pliecl in the variotts courts to ceriain people under I Iincltt ccrtai11 condiLio11s. Dttri11 g tl1.c colonial period, tl1e system of courts in Kenya ,vas typically ''cl ttal '', i.e.) Ll1cre ,verc t,vo distin ct and sc1)arate S}'Stcms of court.s, 011e set ( ll1e Sttprcme Court and magistrates couris) primarily administcri11g tl 1c general Ia,v, a11 cl tl1 c otl1er set (native tribunals, later called t\frican Cc,urts) pri 1narily admiiustcring ct1ston1ary la,v. 1\ gradual policy of intcgra tion of courts, startecl to,vards tl1e end of ll1 e colonial period, ,vas co1 11 plc tecl i11 I 967 '\Vitl1 tl1e passi11g of tl1e 1vfagistrate 's Cotirts • .\ct,vhicl1 fl1lly intcgra tecl t11e system of cotirts.

A THE COURTS '1·11-: effect of tl1 e i\·Iagistralc's Courts 1\ct 1967 [No. 17 of 1967] is tl1e abolition of 1\frican Courts a11d tl1e creation i11 Kc11ya of a fully integrated t11rcc-tier system of cottrts co 11sisti11 g at tl1c Io,vest level of District Nfagis­ trates' Cot1rls, tl1 e11 Rcside11 t :Wiagistrates' Cot1rts and fi11ally the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt. I11 certai 11 circt1n1Sta1 1ces a1JJ)eals fro111 tl1 e High Cot1rt lie to tl1e Cot1rt of .i\ }Jp1:al for East 1\frica. 1\pJ)eals t o tl 1 e .Judicial Conunittcc of _ Cotu1cil ,vcre abolisl1cd ,vl1c11 l{er1ya beca1ne a Republic. 111 1 e T'rLvy tl additio 11 Lo 1n:1gistratcs' cottrts, tl1e Kadl1is' Courts Act 1967 [No. 14 of 1967] cstal)lisl1cs I(adl1is' Cot1rts for tl1 e delernu11ation of qt1csLions of lYiusli1n la\v i 1 1 proceecli11 gs ,vl1crc tl 1c paritcs arc 1--Iuslims.

1-\l COURT 01� t\Pl:,EAL FOR E1\ST .t\FRIC,.\ See 11. 129, ante. 1 For diagra111 of cotn·ts sy:; tcn1, sec .r\ppc11dix, JJost.

1 bers 11un Chapter All rcferenc�s. to lc islatio11, to t1nlcss ted, are otl1cr,,•ise 1 1dica i � . 1 n tl1c 1962 cd 1 t1 on of Ll1c La\vs of Ke11ya.



1 Establishment-Establisl1cd by s. I71 (I) of tl1c Constitution of Kenya (C.K.).

2 Composition-The 1-Iigh Cottrt consists of a Cliief Jt1sticc a11cl sttch

nt1mber of otl1cr jud �cs (pt1is11c jt1dgcs) 11ot bci11g less tl1a11 clcvc11 as 111ay _ be p1:oviclcd by· Pa �l1amc11 � �C.K., s. 171 (2)].� Tl1e Cott rt is 11 ormally constituted by one Jttclgc s1tt111g alo11c. !11 crin1inal cases it siLs ,vitl1 tl1c aid of three assessors [Crimi11al l)roceclt1rc Coclc, cap. 75, ss. 262 ancl 263]. vVhen hearing an appeal from a IZacll1i's Court, tl1c Cl1ief I<.acll1i or t\vo otl1er Kadhis sl1all sit as assessor or assessors [Civil Proccdtire 1\ct, cap. 5 ( 1948 ed.) s. 65]. 3 J11risdiction-original-(i) E:1:lcnt. "fl1c I-Iigl1 Court l 1as t1 nli1nitccl cri1ni11al a11d civil jurisdicl.ion [C. K., s. I71 (I)J. (ii) illlrniralty. Bys. ,1 of tl1e Juclicatt1re .i\ct: ''( 1) Tl1e Higl1 Cottrl sl1all l)e a court of ad111iralty, and sl1all exercise admiralty jurisdiction i11 all 1natlers arising on tl1e high seas� or in territorial ,vaters, or t 1 po11 any lake or otl1 er navigable inla11cl \Vatcrs in Kenya. (2) The adnliralty jurisdiction of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cottrt sl1all be exercisable(a) over a11d in respect of tl1e sa1nc persons, things a11cl n1attcrs, and (b) in the same man11er and to tl1e san1c extent, a11d (c) in accordance \Vitl1 tl1 e san1e JJroccclt1re, as i11 tl1e I-Iigl1 C:ot1 rt in England, ancl sl1all be excrcisecl i11 confor1nity \vitl1 i11ter� national Ia,vs and tl1e co111ity of 11ations. (3) In tl1e exercise of its admiralty jurisdiction, tl1c I-Iigl1 Cotlrt n1ay exercise all tl1e po,vers \vl1icl1 it possesses for tl1c I Jurpose of its otl 1cr civil jt1risdiction. (4) 1-\n appeal shall lie from any jt1dgme11t, orcler or decision of tl1c I-Iigh Court in tl1e exercise of its ad11uralty jurisdictio11 \Vitl1in tl1c same tirne and in tl1e same 1nanner as an appeal from a decree of ll1e IIigl1 Court unclcr Part VII of tl1c Civil Procedure Act.'' (iii) Constitutional. The Cot1rt l1as jttrisdiction to detcrmi11c queslions regarcling mcmbcrsl1ip of the National 1-\ssembly a11d sttch deter11u11ation shall not be subject lo a1Jpeal [C.K., s. 50]. Questions rcgardi11g i1 1tcrpreta­ tion of the Constitutio11 arising in subordinate courts n1ay (and shall if a party so requests) be referred to the Supreme Cotirt. On st1cl1 reference the Cot1rt shall consist of an t1ncvc11 number of judges, not bci11g less tl1an 3 [C.K., s. 175]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-The Court l1cars criminal and civil ap1Jeals from decisions of Resident Magistrates' Courts and District lVIagistrates' Courts ,vl1ether the clecisions of these courts \Vere original or 011 appeal fro1n third class District Magistrates' Courts (for co11ditions upon \vl1icl1 appeals 2

By virtue of s. 7 of tf1c J udicalurc .t\ct I967 (No. 16 of 1967) tl1e nt1mbcr of

puisnc judges shall be eleven.


Part JI-East Africa lie, see A3, IJara. 6 and A4·, para. 6, /J� st). TJ1c <=: ourt also hears appe als courts-m on artial que;st1ons as to the inter from subordinate courts and preta­ tion of the Co11.stilutior1 [C.l(., s. 182]. 5 Procedure-Criininal JJroccdurc is laid down in the Crimin al Proccdtire Code [cap. 75] a11d ci\ril procedure in tl1e Civil Procedure ;\ct [cap. 5, 194·8 ed.]. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal, revie,v or revisio11-:-Appe�ls lie uncler certa�n conditions to the Cotlrt of 1\1Jpcal for East Africa [Crim. Proc. Code, s. :;79 and Civ. Proc. Act, s. 66]. No J_)rovisior1 exists for tl1c rcvic,v or revision of High Court procecclings by any other· cottrt. 7 Supervision ancl inspection-Nil.

J,A \V 'fO 13E ;\Dt\iINIS'I"ERED

8 Ge11eral la"\\ -Tl1c jttrisdiction of 1l1e HigJ1 Court and of all sub­ C>rclir,alc cottrts sl1all l)e exercised in conforn1ity ,vitl1 (a) the Cons1itu1ion; (b) subject tl1ercto, all 0Ll1cr ,vritte11 la,vs, including certain U.K. Acts; (c) subject tl1crcto and so far as t}1c sa1ne do not exrencl or apply, the substance c.,f tl1e con11no11 la"v, tl1c cloctrines of equit;' and the statutes of general applicatio11 in force i11 England on f\ugust 12, 1897 [Judicature 1\cl 1967, s. 3 ( 1) ; for clctails sec B, paras. 11 and I?, jJosJ]. 9 J..., ocal ancl customary la,vs-"Tl1c High Court a11d all subordinate cottrls sl1all l)e guiclcd by 1-\frica11 ct1stomary la\v in civil cases i11 ,vliich Oilf: or more parties is subject to it or affected b;• it, so far as it is applicable ancl is ncJL rcpug11a11t to jt1stice a11d n1oralit; or i11consistcnt \Vith any \.vritlcn la,v, a11d shall clcciclc a]l such cases accorcli11g to substantial justice ,-vill1out ln1duc regard io tecl111icalities of proccclure and \Vithout undue dela)'." [. Juclicature Act, s. 3 (2).] Altl1 ot1gh. 1l1cre is no specific IJrovision to tl1is eflcct, tltc I·Iigl1 Cotlrt presu111abl, applies ct1s1on1ary la\v \vhen l1c:arir1g a1J1Jea]s originati11g i11 a District 1\-Iagistrate's Court \Vhere the 1)rocce<li11gs concern a claim ltnder custo111a11 la,v. 1




10 Religious laws-(a) Isla,nic lazv. Tl1e Hig}1 Cottrt applies Isla11iic la,v under the autl1ority of certain Acts! e.g. i11 n1atters of marriage, divorce ar1d inl1eritar1cc tinder tl1e 1'vlol1a111mednn Ivfarriage, Divorce and Succession ;\ct [ca1), 156]. f urtl1er, tl1c I·Iigl1 Court I1cars appeals from Kadhis' C:ourts exercising jt1risclictior1 i11 Jnatters of Islan1ic la\v. (b) I·lindu lau,. ·1�l1c l{igl1 Cot1rt applies tl1e I-Iindu la\\' of marriage and divorce l)}' virtt1e of tl1c I-Iindt1 :tvlarriage ancl Divorce .A c t [cap. 157] and . of succc:ssio11 by virtt1c of tl1c I-Ii11du Stlccessio11 Act [cap. 158]. 1\3 RESIDENT i\ 11\GISTR t\TES' COURTS 1


1 Establisl1ment-Establi sl1ed by s. 3 of tl1e Magistrate's Courts ;\ct l 967 [No. 17 of l 967]. 134

Kerrya 2 Com�osition- !he cot1rt shat � be clt1ly �onstitt1tccl ,vl1en 11eld by a . Senio r Res1dent Mag1strate or a Res1clcn t :rvf ag1strate [i'v[.C.,\., s. 3 (J)]. 3 Jurisdiction-orig,inal-(i) E.\·tenl. rfl1rot1gl1c,t1L I<.cnya [C.1\., s. 3 (2)]. (ii) C'ri,ninal. :\s co11ferrccl 011 it by rl1e Cri111. Proc.Coclc or any otl1cr v.•ritten la,v [C.1-\., s. 4]. B)' s. 7 ( 1) of tl1c Cri111. Proc.c:oclc: ''r\ suborclinate cot1rt of Lite first class l1cld lJv a Senior Resiclcnt Nlagistrate, or b y a Rcsiclent 1viagislratc upoi1 · ,vl1om tl1c .Juclicial _ . Service Comm1ss1011 l1 as conferred tl1c po,vcrs exercisable t111clcr tl1 is section, may pass tl1c follo,ving sc11te11 ccs i11 cases ,vl1ere they arc authorizecl by Ia,v, na111ely (a) in1priso11n1c11t for a term not cxccecling tc11 years; (b) a fine not exceeding ten tl1ot1sa11cl sl1illings; (c) corporal pt1nisl1n1ent 11ot exceccli11g L,vc11t}·-four strok.cs." (ii;) Cii•il. Section 5 of the C.1\. pro,,iclcs: "St1bject to any other ,vriltcn Ja,v, tl1c Rcsiclcnt rvfagislratc's Cot1rt sl1all have and exercise jt1risdictio11 a11cl JJo,vers i11 proccccli11gs of a civil nature in ,vl1icl1 the valt1c of tl1c sutJject matter in dis1Jt1tc clocs not exceed three tl1ot1sand sl1illings, or six tl1ousa11d shiliii1gs ,-vl1crc tl1e court is held by a Sc11ior Resident wiagistratc, except procccclings of the kind referred to in section 10 ( l) (a) of tI1is 1\ct.' ':J 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Resident 1'.'viagistratcs' Courts )1car aJJPC�tls from District l\;fagistrates' Courts of tl1c thircl class, i11 botl1 cri1ni11al cases [l'vI.C.. A.., s. I I (I)] and civil matters [NI.C.:\., s. 12 (l)]. 5 Procedure-In criminal cases, magistrates' cot1rls sI1all follo,v tl·1c practice and procedure laid do,vn ir1. the Criminal Proccclt1rc (!ode, ancl i11 civil cases the Civil Procedt1re Act [lvI. C.A., s. I 6]. By s. 1 7 t11c C:I1icf Justice may make n1les of cottrt, not inconsistent ,vitl1 a11y ,vritte11 la\vs, for regulating tl1c l )roccclure and practice of magistrates' courts. By s. 18 "a magistrate's court may, if it tliinks fit, call for and l1ear evidc11cc of the African customary Ia,v applicable to a11y case before it''. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, review or revision-i\ppeals fro1n clecisions of a Resident l\.1agistrate's Courts lie to the High Cot1rt in botl1 crin1inal cases [Crirr;. Proc. Code, s.347 (I)] ancl civil cases [Civ. Proc. 1-\ct, s.65 (1)] .. �l11s applies whether the decision of the Rcsiclc11 t lv1agistratc's Cot1rt \Vas or1g1nal or on appeal from a third class District lvfagistratc's Cot1rt, but ,vl1ereas in criminal matters a further appeal to Ll1c I-Iigl1 Court n1ay be on a matter of fact or la,v [s.347 (2)], in civil cases it lies on a c111cstion of_ Ia,v only [s.65 (1) (a)]. In both criminal and civil cases, appeals to tl1e H1�h Cot1rt may be rejected sumn-iarily [Crim. Proc. Code, s.352 (I) and C1v. Proc. •A.ct, s.65A]. The High Court has power to call for recorcls of any cri1ninal IJroccedings before any st1bordinatc cottrt, for the pt1rposc of satisfying itself as to the a I.e.

procccdi11gs concerning a claim unclcr cusLon1ary la,v. 135

Part II-East Africa corrccti1ess, legality or propriety of any finding, sentence or order [Crim . Proc. Code, s. 361]. 7 Supervision and i11spection-Tl1e I\,1.C.A., s. 20, provide s that ''tlle CI1ief Jtisticc shall take such steps as may be 11ecessary for the super­ visioi1 and inspection of 1nagistra Les' courts''. LA\V TO BE ADI'vIINISTEllED

8 General law-As I-Iigl1 Court (A2, para. 8, ante) . 9 Local and custon1ary Ia,vs-As Higl1 Court (r\2, para. 9, ante). 10 Religious laws-No jurisdictio11 to a1)1Jly religiotl.S laws except

IJossibly Islanuc la\V by ,,irlt1e of s. 5 of tl1e Kadl1is' Courts 1\ct (see post u11dcr 1\5, JJara. 3). 1\4·


CONST1·ru·rrON 1\ND PO\VERS l Establisl1ment-Sectior1 8 (I) of the :rvl.C.1\. establishes for each district a l)istrict Niagistratcs, Court \vl1icl1 may be: a a 111 agistrate's cotirt of tl1e first class. ,, b ,, ,, ,, ,, scco11d ,, C








2 Co1nposition-1\ District Iv!agistrate's Cot1rt is duly co11SLituted tvhen l1cld l)y a sing I c District N!agis tra te [s. 8 (I)]. 3 J11risdiction-original-(i) E>.·tent. Tl1rougl1out tl1e district in ,vl1icl1 it is establisl1 ed except tl1at tl1c Cl1icf J11stice n1 ay extend tl1e area by 110Lice in tl1e Gazette [C.A., s. 8 (3)]. (ii) Cri1ni11al. .As conferred 011 it by tl1e Crirn. Proc. Coclc; or an order tinder s. 9 (2); or any otl1er \\'Tittc11 la,,, [C ..1\.. s. 9 ( 1)]. Section 9 (2) I)rovidcs tl1at ''the Cl1icf Juslice n1ay, b)' order, cn1 1JO\\·er n1agistraics' courts of the tl1ird cl,tss to deal ,,•itl1 partict1lar offe11ces in adclition to tl1ose ,vl1ich st1cl1 cotirts 1nay cleal ,vitl1 b)' ,•irtue of'' tl1e Cri111inal Proced11re Cocle or any otl1cr ,vrittcn Ia,v, ''Proviclcd 1l1at sucl1 a11 order sl1all not be n1.ade u11less a draft tl1crcof l1as bec11 laid before tl1e Natio11 al .. -\ssembly a11d approved by rcsolt1tio11 of tl1e 1-\sse1nbly''. Tl1e sentences "vl1icl1 District t.. lagistrates1 Courts n1ay pass arc laid dovvn i11 s. 7 of tl1e Crin1. Proc. Code as follo,vs: a 1st class: i1111)rison1nc11t for 5 years; fi11e 110 t c.-xcecding I 0,000 sl1illi11gs; corpora) pu11isl1111e11t not c.--..ceedii1g 24 strokes. b 2nd class: im1)risonn1ent for 12 mo11tl1S; fi11c not excecdi11g 2,000 sl1i)Ii11gs; cori)oral ptt11isl1111e11t nol exceeding 12 strokes. c 3rd class: i1111)riso11n1c11t for 6 111011tlis; fi11c 11ot exceeding 1,000 s11i 11i11gs. (iii) Civil. Ily s. 10 of t.l1e 1 !.C.A.: ''1\ District 1\ Iagistrate's Cotirt sl1all l1avc a11cl exercise j11risdiction i11 proceedings of a ci,•il nattirc ,,,J1ere eitlier (a) tl1c proccedi11gs co11ccr11 a clai111 11ncler ct1stomar)r Ia,v; or 1





Ke,v•a (b) tl1e value of tl1c subject matter in dispt1tc clocs not cxccccl 011c thousand slullings, or tlvo tl1ot1sa11d sl1illings wlicrc tl1c c OUft IS · ' constituted by a D'1str1c • t l\tiagisLrate l1avi11g l )O\ver to Iiolcl a magistrate's court of Ll1c first class.''

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-District l\tfagistrat:es' Cotirts of the tl1ircl

class and of tl1c seco11d class l1a\1 e 110 aJ)JJcllatc jurisclictio 11• District l'v �a �istrates' C �urts of tl1c first class l1avc 110 ap1)cllatc .itirisclicticnl in cr1"11nal proccecl1ngs ttnlcss tl1ey �re �<:siclc11t .i\Iagistratcs' Cottrls (sec ante tinder 1-\3, para. 6). I-Io\vcver, 111 crv,1 procccclings, District i\ Jagi� tratcs' Cottrts of tl1e first class l1car ap1Jeals fron1 clecisio11s of l)istrict l'vlngistralcs' _ Co11rts of the tl11rcl class [.ivf. C.1\., s. 12 (I)]. (For clctails sec /Jost u11cler para. 6.) 1

5 Procedure-1\s Residc11t i\-Iagistralcs' Cot1rts (see 1\3, })ara. 5, anlt�). CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, revie,v and revision-1\ppcals fro111 clecisio11s of DistricL

:rvlagistrales' Cot1rts of the first class a11cl scco11d class lie to tl1c I-Iigl1 C!ot1rl in botl1 criminal cases [Crim. Proc. Coclc, s. 347 (I)] a 11cl ci vi] 1naLtcrs [Civ. Proc. 1-\ct, s. 65 (1) (b)J. t-\})peals from dccisio11S ofl)islrict l\-Iagistratcs' Courts of tl1e third class lie: a in criminal cases to a Rcsicle11t 1\-Iagistrate's Cotlrl [tv1.c:.:\., s. 11 (I)] a11d from tl1ence to tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt \Vitl1 tl1c leave of the I-Iigl1 Court on a matter of fact or la,v [Cri111. Proc. Code, s. 34-7 (1) (b) a11d

s.347(2)]; b in civil cases to a magistrate's cotirt of tl1e first class [l\J.C:.1.\., s. 12 (I)]. As ''111agistratc's cottrt of tl1e first class" is clefi11ccl i11 s. 2 as ''tl1e Resident !\-Iagislrate's Court, or a District fviagistratc's Court l1eld by a District l\:Jagistrate l1avi11g }Jo,vcr to 11olcl a magistrate's court of the first class'>, tl1is 11 1ea11s i11 effect tl1aL in civil cases appeals from a District l\1Iagistrate's Court of the Ll1ircl class may lie eitl1er to a Rcsicler1t lVIagistrate's Cottrt (as in cri111111al cases) or to a District lVfagistrate's Cot1rt of tl1c first class. Fro1n thence, an appeal ft1rtl1er lies to tl1e Higl1 Cot1rt 011 a qt1estion of la\v only (Civ. Proc. Act, s. 65 (I) (a)]. As regards revie,v or revision, the I-Iigh Court l1as po,ver to call for records of any criminal procceclings before any subordinate court for the purpose of satisfying itself as to the correctness, legality or propriet)1 of ai:i, y finding, se11tence or order [Crim. Proc. Code, s. 361]. Ft1rtl1er, a m� g1s­ trate's court of the first class has tl1c same }Jo,vcrs i11. rclatio11 Lo proceedings of a magistrate's court of a lo\vcr class tl1an it and cstablisl1ed ,vitl1 i11 its local limits of jurisdiction ancl if it finds tl1at tl1e sente11ce or order is illegal or improper or irregular, it shall forwarcl the record to tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt [Crim. Proc. Cocle, s. 363].

7 Supervision ancl inspection-As Resident l\ Iagislratcs' Courts A3, (para. 7, ante). 1


Part JJ-E'ast .1lfrica LA\\' TO BE i\DMINISTERED

8 General la,v-As Higl1 c:ourl (;\2, para. 8, ante). 9 Local a11d custom.ary laws-As I-Iigh Court (.1\2, para. 9, ante). In additio11 sec l'v!.C.1\., s. 10 (a) cited under .t\4, para. 3 (iiij, ante. 10 Religious la\vs-No jurisdiclion to apply religious laws, except

})Ossibl)' Islamic la\v by virtt1e of s. 5 of the Kacll1is' Courts Act (see post under AS, para. 3). 1\5



J Establislrment-Six l(acll1is' CourLs arc established by s. 4 of the Kacll1 i's Cot1rts Act l967 [No. 14· of 1967] in pursuance of s. 179 (3) of the c:c>nslittition of l(cn)'a. 'l'l1c Kadl1is' (:ourts sl1all have jurisdiction ,..,.ithin tl1c follo,-vi11g areas: a four l{adhis' Cot1rts sl1all cacl1 l1a,1c jurisdiction \-0,ithin Kvv-ale District, Ivfo1nbasa Dislricl, Kilifi Dislrict and so mucl1 of Tana Ri\ er Di.s trict as lies to 1he south-cast of a line joining the north­ \vestcr11 botinclarics of tl1e Kilifi and Lamu Districts; b one l(adl-ii's Cotirt sl1all l1ave jt1riscliction \\'ithin­ · i Nva11za Province;• • ii vVester11 Provi11ce; and iii tl1c follo\ving districts of Rift Valley Pro\rince­ \.Vest Pokot District rfra11s Nzoia District Elgcyo 'i\ Jarak,vet District Baringo District Laikipia District Na11di District ·uasi11 Gisl1u District l(cricl10 Dislrict Nakuru District; c 011 c I{acll1i's (�ot1rt sl1all l1a\ e jurisdiclio11 ,vitl1i11 Garissa District, \Vajir District and Ivla11dera l)istrict. 1



2 Composition-Tl1e C!ot1rt sl1all be dul)' constituted ,\'l1en l1eld by the Cl1icf Kacll1i or a Kacll1i [s. 4· (3)]. 3 Juriscliction-origi11al-B) s. 5 of tl1c Kadl1i's Courts 1\ct: '' 1\ l(acll1i's Court sl1all l1avc ancl exercise tl1e follov..1ing jurisdiction, 11an1cly Ll1c detcr111inatio11 of qt1cstio11s of 1'-Iusli1n )a\v relating to personal status, 111::i.rriagc, divorce or inl1critar1ce i n proceedings in ,vl1icl1 all tl1e IJarlics profess tl1e Muslim rcligio11; but notltlng in tl1is sectio11 sl1all lin1it tl1c jt1risdictio11 of tl1e l-Iigl1 Cot1rt or of any st1b­ orcli11 a le court i11 all)' J)roccecling ,vl1icl1 co1n;s 1Jefore it. t, 1

4 Jt1risdiction-appellate-Nil. 138

Ke11J 1a

5 Procedure-Section 8 proviclcs:

" ( 1) The C:hicf Jtlstice may make rtlles of cot1rt provicling for t1 1c procedure and practice to be follo\vccl i11 Kacll1is' Cottrts. (2) Until rules of cot1rt are made u11clcr sttbsectio11 (I) of tl1is section, and so far as such rules do 11ot cxte11cl, proccclurc a11d practice in a Kadhi's Court shall be ir1 accorcla11ce \\'itl1 tl1osc prcscribccl for sttlJ ­ ordinate courts by and u11dcr tl1e Civil Proceclttre :\ct.'' As regards evicle11ce, s. 6 provicles: "The la\v ancl rt1les of eviclcnce to be apJJliccl i11 a l(acll1i's C�ottrl. sl1all be those applicable tinder 1\ !ttsli1n la\v: 1

Provided that(i) all witnesses callee! sl1all be l1card \vitl1ot1t cliscrin1inatio11 011

grot1nds of rcligio11 , sex or other,visc; (ii) eacl1 issue of fact sl1all be clccidecl tIJ)011 a11 assessment or tl1c credibility of all tl1e c,,idc11cc before tl1c cot1rt antl 11ot t1pon tl1c number of ,vitnesses ,vl10 ha,•c givc11 e,•iclence; (iii) no finding, decree or order of tl1c cotirt sl1a ll be revers eel or altered on appeal or revision 011 accou11t of tl1c ap1)licatiorl c>!' C()ttrt, the la,v or rules of evide11ce a1)JJlicablc in Ll1e IIigl1 11nless such applicalion l1as in fact occasio11ecl a failt1rc of justice.,,


6 Appeal., revie,v and revision-ApJJcals lie Lo the I-Iigl1 c:c)ttrt anc1

on such an appeal tl1e Chief Kadl1i or t,vo otl1cr I<.adl1is sl1alJ sit as assessor or assessors [Civ. Proc. Act, s. 65 (I) (c)].

7 Supervision and inspection-Nil. LAW TO BE AD�IINISTERED

8 General law-Nil. 9 Local and customary la"\vs-Nil. 10 Religious Ia,vs-1-\pplies Islan1ic la,-v in tl1c 111attcrs s1Jecificcl under para. 3, ante.


11 Statute-See post at B, para. 12. 12 Common law and equity-The general Ia,v of Kenya, comprising

statute law, common Jaw and equity, is now applied by virtue of s. 3 (I) of the Judicature Act 1967 [No. 16 of 1967] \vl1ich provides: . ''The jurisdiction of the I-Iigh Court and of all subordinate cottrts shall be exercised in conformity with(a) the Constitution; . . (b) s11bject Ll1erclo, all other written la\-vs;. 1nclud1ng the Acts of tlie of I rt Pa in ed cit 1n clo ng Ki cl ite t en Un tl c am 1 of Parli 139

Pt1rt II-East Africa

Scl1edulc of tl1is Act, modified in accordance with Part II 0f le; 1 eclt Scl1 at 1 tl (c) stll)ject tl1crelo a11d so far as tl1e same do not extend or a 1 tl1 c substa11 ce of tl1e con1.n1or1 law, the doci.rines of eciuitYp�anYd, . · 1 I 1cat on 1n aJJP I. · r genera 1orce 1n Er1gland tl1c stalt1tcs of · Ont� , 1 12 tl1 August 1897, a11d tl1c procedure and practice observed 10 · cot1rts of just ice in England at that date: J)rovidecl tl1 al Ll1e said co1 111non la,v, doctri nes of equit}' and statu tes of general applicati on shall apply so far only as tl1e circumstances f Kenya ancl i ts i11l1 alJitants per1nit and subject to sucl1 qualifications: tl1osc c irct11nsta1 1ces n1ay render necessary.'' 'I'l1e U .!(. 1\cts a1JJJlied in tl1c Scl1edule subject to certain sl igl1t 1nodifica• t1ons are: Tl1 e 1\cl1niral ly Offences (Colo1ual) 1-\ct 1849; "' 1 11e Evicle11 ce 1\ct 1951, ss. 7 and 11; 1.,hc lt'orcig11 rfr i bu1 1als Evidence 1\ct I 856; Tl1c Eviclc11cc lly Co11u1ussion ,\ct 1859; Tl1 c I3ri tish La\v 1\scertai111ne11 t 1\ct 1859; Tl1 e 1\clnuralty Offences (Colonial) .A.ct 1860; The Forcig11 La\V 1\scertain1nent .A.ct 1861; Tl 1 e Convcya11ci 11g (Scotla11d) Act 1874·, s. 51; ..fl1e E,,ide11cc by Co1nmiss i o11 Act 1885; TI1c °Nlercha11t Sl1i pping f\ct 1894, Part XIII. °Niosl of 1l1c Indian Acts applied i n I(en)1a by ,•i rtue of tl1e Indian .t\ct.s (i\IJJ)1icatio 11) i\cl l1 avc 110,v bce11 replacecl by local legislation. I-lo\vever, tl1e f ollo\v i11g ren1 ai n: l-l i11 clt1 \·V i lls 1-\ct [21 of 1870]; Land 1\cquisi Lio11 i-\ct [I of 1899]; lnclia11 Lin1itation 1-\ct [15 of 1877]; Probate and ..r\drninistra1io11 .<\ct [5 of 1881]; I1 1cl iar1 Success i on ;-\ct [ 10 of I 865]; rfransfer of Properly .t-\ct 1882.

13 Custom ru1d usage-Seclio11 3 (2) of t11e Judicature •.\ct provides : "1�llc I·I igl1 Col1rl a11 cl all sulJordi11atc cotirts sl1all be guided by .r\fi·ican CL1slo1nary la,v i11 ci\•il cases i1 1 \vl1 icl1 one or 1nore of the j,arties'1 is subject to it or affeclell by it, so far as is a1)plicable a11d is not re1)t1gnant to justi ce a11 d 111oral il)' or i 11co1isistc11t ,viLl1 any ,vritten la\v, and s11all cleci clc all st1cl1 cases accord i11g to sttbsta11tial justice \vitl1out undue regarci to tccl111i cali t ies of I'Jroccclure ancl ,v itl1out t1ndt1e dela)'·" In acldi t io11, s. IO (1) (a) of tl1c i\ Iag istrates' Courts i\ct gives District lvfagistratcs i Cot1rl.s jur iscli ctio11 i11 proccecl i11gs co11cerni11g a claim under custo1nary la\V, ,v l1icl1 is clefi11ecl i 11 s. 2 as follo\VS: · a11v, of tl1e · concern111g '' 'Cl, a1n1 · u11 der ct1sto111 ary Ia,v' 111 car1s a cla11n follo\vi11g 1na tters t111 dcr i\frica11 cttsto1nary Ia,v(a) la11d l1elcl t111clcr ct1ston1ary te11ure; (b) 11'1arri age, divorce, 1nai11tena11cc or do,vry; 1




(c) scdt1ction or pregna11cy of an unmarriccl ,voman or girl; (d) enticement of or adtl1tery ,vith a marriccl \Voman; (e) matters affecting statt1s, a11cl i11 partict1lar tl1c status of \VOtllcn ,vido,vs and cl1ildrcn, i11clt1cli11g guarcliansl1ip, custocly aclor)tio� and legitimacy; (f) st1ccession, botl1. testate artd i11.tcstatc, ancl aclrri.inislrat ion of estates, except as rcgarcls })ropcrty clis1)osccl or by a \viii 1naclc under a ,vritten la\v.'' Finally, certain brancl1es of cuslon1ary la,v arc s1)cci11cally rccognizccl in certain .i-\.cts, e.g. marriage ir1 the i\Jarriagc :\ct [ca1). 150] ar1d la11d n1a tters j11 the La11d Adjt1clication 1-\ct [ca1J. 283].

14 Religious Ia,vs-Tl1e a1)plicatio11 of Isla111ic la\v a11cl I·Iincltt la\v is

recognized i11 Ke11ya. (a) Islan1ic laiv. Tl1e applicatio11 of Islar11ic ]a\v i11 certai11 ficlcls is generally recognized i11 s. 5 of tl1e Kacll1i's Cot1rts .'\ct (citc<l t1nclcr 1\5, l)ara. 3, anlc). Ft1rll1crn1ore, tl1e l'vlol1am111ccla11 i\·{arriagc, Divorce arlcl St1cccssio11 ,\cl [cap. 156] recognizes Islarnic 1narriage ar1cl cli,,orcc a11cl stlcccssio11 and gives tl1c High Cot1rtjurisclictio11 over Islan1ic 1natrin1onial causes ,incl s1.1i1.s. (b) Hindu laiv. The Hindu la\v of succession is ap1)liecl to cleccasccl T�{i11cl1.1s la,v of by virtue of lhe Hir1dt1 Succcssio11 1\ct [cap. 150]. TJ1c IIinclt1 marriage a11d divorce l1as no,v bec11 n1oclifi.cd i11 l(e11y·a i11 tl1c I-Iinclt1 fviarriagc ancl Divorce r\ct [ca1:,. 157]. ��l1e 1\ct, l10\vc,0cr, still le-aves certain 1Uc:'1ltcrs to be dcternuncd l)y Hi11du la\v. Jttrisdiction i11 ll1csc matters is confined to the Higl1 Cot1rt.

15 Internal conflict rules-Except for the dcfi11ition of "claim under customary la,v" in s. ? of the lvI.C.1-\. (see ante t111cler B, J)ara. 13) ar1cl s. 3 (2) of the Ju dicature t\ct ,-vl1icl1 specifics th.at ct1slon1ar,' la,v may apply "in ci\ril cases in ,vl1icl1 one or 111ore of tl1e })arties is st1bjcct to it or affected by it ... etc.'' (sec B, para. 13, anlc), tl1erc are no i11tcr11al co11f!ict rules in Kenya. DERIVATION ,'\ND FORr.1 OF �[AIN nR,.\NCl-IES OF Tl·IE LEG.<\L SYSTE111

16 Criminal law-The bulk of tl1c crin1i11al Ja,v of l(cnya is co11taincd

in the Penal Code [cap. 63]. 1 11 addition tl1ere arc ,,arious otl1er statutes constituting offences or pro,,iding SJ)Ccial pu11isl1n1ents, e.g. v\'itcl1craft r\ct [cap. 67], Election Offences ;-\ct [cap. 66]. U11\-vritte11 crimi11al la,v, including customary criminal Ja\v, is no longer c11forccable lJy \:·irtt1c of s. 21 (8) of the Constitution.5 In 196 l, the \Vritcr "''as con11nissionccl by tl1c IZenya govcrnrn_cr�t to n1ake.an �vcstigation i.nto customary criminal offences and rc� on1mcncl thc1� · u1corporat1on into the \vritten law of Kenya. This \\'as completed rn 1963;. sec Eu g� ne S:otran, Report on Customary C'riminal Offences in J{en;•a, Govcr111ncn l PrLn ter, N; � 1rob1, l 963. _ The ConsLittttion set a date, namely 1st June 1966, by ,vl1ich all � r1m1nal offences were to l )c part of the vvrittcn Ia,v. No action vvas taken 011 the sa1cl report by tl1at date, with the result that the customary crin1inal offences, being un,-vritt� n, bcc� mc no longer enforceable. It is understood, 110,vcvcr, that tl1csc offe11ccs ,viii continue to be treated as civil matters subject to compe11sation. •


l 4·1

Part JJ-Easl Africa For the majority of o perty. Pr ) (a on si es cc su d an rty pe ro P l7 :1 n land, are governed by 1 local inlialJitants, proiJcrly right.s, i11clucl ng tl1osc custoinary law. 1\."> rcgarcls la1 1 cl, _how�vcr, a progr�mme of c?nsolidati o11 of sinall holdings ancl of lan cl � cg1strat10?, sl�rted 1n 1954, 1s no,v almost comJJlete in tlie Central Province and_ 1s bc_1ng cxte�ded to o�her areas of Kenya. '"fI1e principal cnaclm :nt dealing with la�1cl 1s tl1e RegIStered Land 11 Other t1s en v1o ctm pre al e11a c1 sev ts. es dat 1 sol con icl1 '\vl1 ], 300 . caJJ : [ Act statutes dcali11g ,vilh land a11d JJropcrty r1gl1t.s �re= '"fl1c Transfer of ProJJcrty 1\ct 1882, of India; Tl1e Land 1\djt1clication 1\ct [cap. 283]; The c:ro,vn Lancls .. \c[tcap. 280] ; T}1e Inclian Lancl 1\cquisitio11 1\ct; Tl1e Rcgistratio1 1 of Titles Act [ca1J. 28 l]; Tl1e Cl1aLtcls 1'ransfcr ..-\ct [ca1). 28]. (b) Succcssion. 7 Four different ty{JCS of st1cccssion la,vs operate ,vithin I(cnya, viz.: i The general slatuto1J' lalv, \vl1 icl1 consists of t,-vo principal applied I 11dian 1\cts-tl1e I11dian Strccession 1-\ct 1865 and tl1e Probate and 1\.dm inistratio1 1 Act 1881. ii C'us/on1ary lazu. Until I 961, none of the provisio11S of tl1e applied Indin.11 Acts relati1 1g to sticcession applied to .I\Jricans, so Lhat until tl1at date tl1 e Ia,v of succession relating to _;\.fricans, boi.11 testate and intestate, ,vas solel)' governed by customary la\\'. Tl1e position ren1ains tl1c sa1ne \.Vith regarcl to intestacy, lJtit in 1961 the :\fricans' vVills 1\ct [cap. 169] a1Jplicd tl1e secLions of tl1c Indian Succession 1\ct 1865, relating to ,vills and prol)alc to Africans, tl1us enabling ;\frjca11s (st1bject to certai11 li1nitations) to make ,-vills in accordance \vi1l1 tl1e stat11tory la,-v. iii l-li11(!u law. Tl1 e I-Iindt1 la,v of sticcession is app]ied to deceased Hindus by virtt1e of tl1e Hindu St1ccession :-\ct [cap. 158] ,vhicl1 provides in s. 3 ( 1) 1l1at: r '' l,l1c sticccssion to Ll1e n1ovablc property in Ken)'a of a deceased I-Ii11du who at l1is cleatl1 is domiciled i11 Kenya, and to the i1n1novablc fJro1Jcrt) in Kenya of a deceased Hindu, ,vhetl1er <.lomiciled i11 I(cnya al l1is deatl1 or not, sl1all be regulated by I-I i11cl u la,v. 1' In acldiLion, tl1c l-li11clt1 \Vills .i\.ct 18 70 of India I1as been applied to l(c11ya, a11cl tl1is c11ables 1�Ii11d11s, ,vitl1 certain lin1itations, to 1nakc ,-vills. iv lslau1�c lalo. 'l,l1e lslan1ic la,v of succession applies to tl1e estates of certain deceased 1,ft1slin1s b)' virlt1e of s. 4 of the :tvfol1an1meda11 --1

Once a 11 area of la11d i� rcgi�terccl, ct1sto111ary )and Ia,v ceases to ap1>ly tl1crcin, and �!1e la11(t bcc.on1cs sttl)Jcct to tl1c provisio11s of tl1c llcgistered Land ,\ct. 7 111c. Ia,\'s o� st1cccssio11 in Kc11ya ,vcrc- recently tu1clcr rcviev.r IJy a Con111us sion of lnc1tury ,v111cl1 \,·as set tl)) \\·itl1 tcr1ns of refcre11ce includi11g lhc drafting of a •.lC\V c�clc.� of st1�ccssion la,v to rc1Jlace the existing systc1ns lJasecl on stat�itc, . _ cus!0111�1Y l,\\v, l·Itn(lu la,v ancl Islan1ic l.1.,v sec tl1 c Report of tl1c Co1n11 1t,sron , Na1rob1, 19G8. n



�,Iarriage, Di,.-orce a11d S1.1ccessio11 ,-\ct [cap. 156], \vl1icl1 provicles as follo\vs : ''\Vhere a11y· pcrso11 contracts a 111arriagc 1 or bci 1 1g a male contracts n1arriages, i 11 accorcla11cc ,vitl1 i.f()l1a111.1 11cdan law hether st1ch n1arriage is or 1 11arriag·cs :1rc contraclccl l)cforc 0; after tl1e conm1cncc1Ti.c11t of tl1is 1\ct� ar1cl suc-l1 ))Crson clies after the co111111e11cc111ent of tl1is :\ct, and ,vl1cre tl1c isst1c of any st1cJ1 niarriage or 111arriagcs clics arr er tl1c co111111c11ce111e11 l of tl1is f\ct, the la,v of succcssio11 al)})l icable to ll1c J)ro1)crl )' botl1 rr10val )lc and imn1.ovable of a11;r sttcl1 l)l�rso11 sl1a11 l)c i11. accorcla nee \Vi tl1 tl1c principles of l\Iol1a111.1necla11 la,v, .tll)' J)rovisio11. t)f any ,\ct or rttle of la,v to tl1e co11trar)- 11ot,vill1star1cling." See also s. 5 of tJ1e Kadlu Js CoLtrts 1\ct citccl al ,\5, I)ara. 3, ante. \\


18 l\'Iarriage and the fainilys-Tl1ere are fot1r types of 1a,vs relating

to marriage and di,0orcc in Keny·a: i Statutory 111arriagc: anlf <li,:orce. Tl1c pri11cipal c11acln1c11t clcaling ,vitl1 1narriage is tJ1e l\Iarriage .,:-\ct [cap. 150], ,vl1icl1 is based on 1i:nglisl1 la\v. l\1arriagc 11nder tl1c :\ct is opc11 lo all 1)ersons irrcs1)ccli\·c of race or religio11 . 1-11c 1\fricar1 Cl1ristian 1'viarriagc a11cl l)j\'Or(:c 1\ct [cap. 151] prO\'idcs a sin11)l i fiecl procedure for t l1c Jnarriagc of i-\frican Clu-islians and enables sucl1 persons ,..,J10 arc alrcacl )' niarried b·y customary la\v to co11verl tl1at marriage i11to ,t 111ono­ gan1ous scattttory marriage. Tl1e stattitory la\v re]ati11g to divorc<.: and other matri1nonial cattscs is contained i 11 tl1e i\ latri111onial Causes 1\ct [ca1J- 152], ,v-l1icl1 largely fo]Jo,vs tl1c :WJ atrin1011ial Causes 1\ct 193 7, of E11glancl. ii Custo11za1J• n1arriage and divorce. Tl1is governs tl1e majority of tl1e African population of Kenya. iii Hindu ,narriage and divorce. Tl1is is nO\V coclificcl in ll1e I-Ii11dt1 :Niarriagc and Divorce 1\ct [cap. 157], ,-vl1icl1 largely follo\-vs il1c: Hindu wJarriage t-\ct of I nclia. Tl1c Act a1) 1Jl ies to l-lindus or1ly. iv Islamic niarriage ancl divorce. 1�liis is rccog11izcd by ,,irLuc of tl1c 1vfol1ammedan l\,farriagc, Di\'Orcc and St1cccssio11 Act [cap. 156]. See also s. 5 of the Kadl1i's CourlS f\ct (citccl ur1clcr B, para. 13, ante). Tl1e ".iviohammeclan Nfar1·iage ancl Divorce Registration 1-\ct [cap. 155] makes provision for tl1e co1npulsory rcgistratio11 of Islamic marriages ancl divo1·ccs. Other Acts dealing ,vith family la\v (otl1er tl1a11 1narriage and, divo�ce) are the 1-\ffiliationAct [cap. 142], tl1e Acloplion Act [cap. 143], tl1e Guardian· ship of Infa11ts i-\ct [cap. 166] and tl1e Legitimacy Act [cap. I 53] . _ Alternati·vely, matters relating to the family n1ay be dealt \Vltl1 according to customary law or Islamic law. 1

a "fhe lav.-s of marriage and divorce in Kenya vvcrc recently ttnclcr rcv_ie\v by C. om1nission of Inqt1iry \vhich \-vas SC'l up to draft a ne"v law of marriage. ancl divorce to rep�ace the existing syslcms based on s�a �utc, u?lo�ary la\V, I-Iao<lu � 1)1 1 1968. la\v and Islamic la\v: see tl1e Rc1)ort of the Comn11ss1on, Na1ro 8


Part /]-East Africa Tl1e follo\ving Acts deal \Vith tortiotts 1nattcrs: tl1c La\V Reform Act [cap. 26], tl1e Fatal Accide nts Act [cap. 32], and tl1e vVorl(1 nen's Con1pensation .i\.ct [cap. 236]. The rest of tl1: ge11cral la,v of tort in . I(enya is based on the English commo11 Ia�v by virtue of s. 3 (I) oftl�c J ud1cature Act (se: B, para. 12, ante). _ In add i t10 11 ct1sto1nary la\VS relat1 11g to tort are applicable lJy virtue of s. 3 (2) of tl1cjuclicature Act or s. 10 (1) oftl1e I\1.C.;\. (b) Contract. U 11til 1960 tl1e la\v of contract \Vas contained in the Indian Co11tract 1\ct ,vl1icl1 aJJJJliccl i11 Kc11ya. I11 1960 this ,vas replaced by a sl1ort e1 1actn1.ent, ll1e Contract 1\ct [cap. 23], ,vliicl1 applies the Englisl1 la,v relati 1 1g to contract to I(cnya. Otl1cr 1\cts deali11g ,vitl1 contract are tl1c Contracts i11 Restraint of Trade 1\ct [cap. 29], the Bills of Excl1angc 1\ct [caJJ. 27], and tl1c Sale of Goods Acl [caJJ. 3 I]. !11 adclition, tl1c custon1ary Ia,v of conlract may apply by virtue of s. 3 (2) of tl1c Jt1clicatt1rc 1\ct or s. 10 ( l) of1l1e !\11. C.A.

19 Tort and contract-(a)





B1 E. Co/ran 1

On April 22, 1964, tl1c inclepe11clc11t Rc1)t1b]ics of Ta11ga11yika a11cl Zanzibar agreed to forn1 a Unitecl Re1Jublic, ,vhich i11 Noven1bcr of tl1c same year became kno,v11 as �l�ar1zania. The Articles of Unio11 ,vere st1bjcct to tl1c enactn1c11t of Ia,vs l)y tl1c Parliame11t ofTa11ganyika and b}1 tl1e Rc,•olt1tio11ary Cot1ncil of lhc Peoi)lc's Republic of Zanzibar ratifying tl1e same. 011 1\1)ril 26, 1964, 1\cts ,vcrc passed si111ultaneotisly in Tangan)•ika a11d Zanzibar incorporating ancl ratifying tl1e ..'-\rticles of Union. The J\cts pro,rided tl1at die 11 e,v Unitecl Rcpt1blic ''sl1all lJc governed during tl1e i11terim periocl i11 accordance ,vitl1 tl1e provisions of tl1c Consti­ ttttion of the Repttblic of 'I'anga11yika so 1notlificd as to provicle( a) for ihe reservation to tl1e Parliament a11d Executive of the United Republic of tl1e follo,ving matters:( i) tl1e consti tution a11d gover11ment of tl1c U11ite(l Repttblic; (ii) Exter11al f\flairs; (iii) Defence; (iv) Police; (v) Emergency Po,vcrs; (vi) Citizenship; (vii) Immigration; (viii) External trade and borro'\-ving; (i,) the Public Service of tl1e United Republic; (x) Income tax, corporatio11 tax, ct1stoms a11cl excise cluties; (xi) Harbours, civil aviation, posts ancl telegraplis; ta and for tl1e exclusive authority of the said Parlian1ei1t a11cl Executive in such matters tl1roughout and for tl1e U11ited Rept1blic and in all otl1er matters in and for Tanganyika; (b) for a separate Legislature and Executive for Za11zibar constituted i11 accordance with tl1e existing la,v of Zanzibar (or as so varied or replaced from time to time in accorclance '\-Vith sucl1 existing law), and for the exclusive autl1ority of tl1e said Legislature ancl Executive in and for Zanzibar in 1nallcrs otl1er than those reserved, in accordance with paragrapl1 (a) of this sttbsection, to tl1e Parliament and Executive of tl1c Unitccl Rc1)ublic; (c) for tl1e appointment of t\.vo Vice-Presidents of tl1e U11ited Rcptiblic one of whom shall be a person normally resident in Zanzibar, and 1

For diagram of cottrts systcin, see r\ppcnclix, /1ost. . . .• Ja. Currency, coinage and legal tender, l)anks nncl IJ�tnk1ng, ancl foreign excl1angc

and exchange control, ,vcre later added.


Part /[-East Africa for sucl1 Vicc-I)rcside11t Lo be tl1e principal assistant of tl1c !)resident of tlie Uiiitecl Republic i11 tl1e discl1arge of his executive functions in relation to Za11zibar and, under tl1e style of President of Zaitzibar, to be the }1 eacl of tl1e aforesaid Executive for Za1izibarj (d) for tlie rcprcsc11tation of Zanzibar in the Parlian1e11t of the United Republic; and (e) for sucl1 otl1cr matters as m �y lJe expeclier1_t or clesirable to give effect, or enable effect to lJe g i ven, to the Union and lo the 1\rticlcs of the Union.' The Republic is 110\v governed by the Interim ConsLitution of Tanzania [No. 4-3 of 1965]. . . 1\s regards the la\-vs of tl1e United Republic, s. 8 of the .,-\ct JJrovided tliat '' Lhe cxisti11g la\V of 1...anganyika a11d of Zanzibar shall continue to be tl1c la\V i 11 tl1e territories of Ta11ganyika and of Zanzibar respective)y, save in so far as it is thereafter amended, modified, repealed or revoked by co1npetc11l at1Ll1oriLy or a11y provision thereof expires, bul shall be construed \vit]1 st1cl1 111r>dificaLio11s, ada1)tatio11s, qualifications and exceptions as may be nccessar,' to bri 11g it into co11formil)' \vitl1 the Union of tl1c two Republics ar1cl ,vith tl 1e JJrovisio11s of tl1e interim Cons titu Lion and of this .i\.ct'\ J u::;Licc is not a U11 ion 1natter. r'\lll1ougl1 one High Court, the High Cot1rt: of �l"';:L11 zania, \Vas establisl1ed for the \vl1olc of tl1e United Republic, tl1erc is a separate I-Iigl1 Court for Zanzibar co-equal to the United RefJLtl)]ic one. There is no longer a I-Iigl1 Court of Tanganyika. It is tl1 erefore necessary i11 this CI1apter to describe the judicial and legal systems separately for Ta11ga11yika and Za11zibar. 1

TANGANYIKA 2 ...fa11 ganyi]�a, forn1erly a United Natio11s Trust Territory administered l)y Britain, bccan1 e i11cle1Jendent 011 December 9 1 1961 � and 011e year later, on December 9, 1962, became a RcJJublic \.Vill1in tl1c Con11non\vealth. As pointed ot1t abo\ e, in .A.1Jril, 1964, it t111iLccl ,,•itl1 Zanzibar to form the ·united Rept1blic of Tanzania. 'Tl1c gc11eral legal systcr11 of tl1e territory, as cstablisl1ed b)' tl1e Tanganyika Order in Cot111cil 1920 (as a111e11clccl) ,vas based 011 certain cocles and Acts of lrl(lia, locally enacted sLatttles, ancl, so far as tl1cse did 1101 appl)', on !lie co1n �on la,v, cloctri11es or cqt1ity a11d statutes of general application 111 ro rcc 111 Engla11d 011 Jt1ly 22, 1920. I11 addition, custo1nary la\vs a11d _ _ rcl1g1ot1s la\VS (e.g. Islarnic a11d Hindtt la,v) arc ap1:>lied in the various cottrts Lo ccrtai11 JJeoplc a11d t1nclcr certai11 conditions. I!t1ri11g tl1c trt1�tccsl1ip period, tl1e S)'Stc111 of courts in 1...anganyik a \,,as ty1J1cally "dttal'.', z.e. tl1crc ,vere t,vo disti11 ct a.11cl separate systents of courts, one scl (Ll1c II1gl - 1 Cotlrt ,111cl st1bordi11atc courts) prirnarily ad1ninistering tl1e gc 11cral la,v and tl1c oll1cr sel (tl1e Nalive, later called Local, Courts) 1

Ilefcrc1:1ccs �o Lcgislatio11 1 unless otl1cr\visc indicated, are to Chapter nun1bcrs 1n ll1e ltcv1sccl La\vs of Tanganyika. •




primarily aclmirdstering customary la\v. t\ gradt1al policy of i r1Lcgration of cot1rts, started in tl1e latter l1alf of the lrt1steesl1ip pcriocl, \.Vas completed in 1963 vvith the passing of tl1e lvlagislrates' Cot1rts l\cl ,vl1icl1 fti lly ir1tcgratcd the S)'Stem of cot1rts.

A THE COURTS Tl1e effect of the :Wiagistratcs' Cot1rts ;-\ct is li1c creation in Tanganyika of a fully integratccl tl1reeM ticr syslc111 of courts starting al the Io,vcsl level ,-vith Primary Courts, then District Cot1rts ancl Courts of Resident MagisM trates, and fu1ally tl1e I-Iigh Court. !11 certain circumstances aJ)J)Cals from tl1e High Court lie to tl1c C:ottrl of f\}Jpcal for East ;\frica. l\ppeals to the Jt1dicial Committee of il1e Pri,ry Cou11cil ,vcrc abolisl1cd ,vl1cn Ta11ga11yika became a Republic.


COUR'1� OF 1-\PPE1-\L FOR EAST AFRIC J\ See a11le. p. 129. :\2




1 Establislunent-Establisl1ed by s. 56 of tl1c Interi 1n Constitution of Tanzania [I.C.T.].

2 Composition-Tl1e Higl1 Court consists of a Chief Justicc and st1ch nttmber of ot11er judges (pusi11c jt1dges ) not being less tl1an cigl1 t as may be prescribed by Parliament [I.C.T., s. 56 (2)]. Tl1e Cot1rt is normally constituted by one judge sitting alone, or vvitl1 ll1e aid of t\A.'O or 1nore assessors in criminal cases [Crirni11al Procedure Code, ca 1J, 20, s. 248 ].

3 Jurisdiction-original-Tl1e Cot1rt l1as ti11lin11tcd jt1risdiction, civil and criminal [Judicature and t\pplication of Lav. s Ordinance (J.A.L.O.) , s. 2]. The Cot1rt is a Court of Admiralty [J.A.L.O., s. 3]. Section. 33 of the Constitution gi\'CS Lhe Cot1rt jt1risdiction to l1car and clctcrmine any question regarding membersl1ip of the National 1\sscmbly. 1

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Appca1s lie to tl1e Cot1rt frotn all civil ar1cl criminal decisions of Cot1rts of Resident r...1agistrates and District Court�, \vl1cther the decisions of tl1c District Cottrts ,vcrc original or on ap1Jcal fron1 Primary Courts [�·fagistrates' Courts Act ( NI.C.A.), No. 55 of 1963, ss. 21 ( 1) and 38]. Section G•l of tl1c Constittttion provides that an appeal sl1all lie as of right direct to a full benc11 of the High Court from final decisions of any cottrt or judge in Tanganyika on questions as to the inter� pretation of the Constitution. Tl1e decision of the full bencl1 on sucl1 qttestions shall be final ancl no appeal shall lie therefrom to any other court.

5 Procedure-a Cri,ninal. Tl1c cri1ninal procedure of tl1c I-Iigh Court

is laid clo,vn in the Criminal Procedure Code [cap. 20]. 147

Part II-East Africa b Civil. Civil procedure is prescribed in the Code of Civil Proced ure

[No. 49 of 1966], \vl1ich replaced tl1e Indian Code of Civil Procedu re. c In exercising tl1eir ar)pellate and revisional jurisdiction from primary - l1 Cot1 rt �� d District Courts "shal� not be required court proccecli11gs, tl1 e IIig to co1nply or co1 1for1 n ,vitl1 tl1e pro v1 s1 0115 of a11y _rulc of practice or procedure otlier,vise generally applicable in procecclings rn tl1e appellate or revisional court but 1nay aJJply a11y sucl1 rt1le where it considers the application u there�f ,voulcl be aclvantageous to the exercise of sucl1 jurisdicl ion [l\!I.C.A., s. 32 (3) (c)]. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal, review or revision-1\ppeals lie u11cler certain conditions to tl1c Cot1rl of 1.\ppcal for East 1-\frica. No provision exists for tl1e revie,v or rcvisio11 of IIigl1 Cotlrt J)roceedings lJy any 0Ll1er court. 7 Supe1·vision ancl i11spection-TJ1 crc is no provision for tl1e supcr­ visio11 or i11s1)cctio11 of I·Iigl1 Cot1rt procecclii1gs b)' any otl1cr court. ,v ·ro DE AD:-.IINISTERED 8 Ge11eral la\'v-rI'l1e jurisclictio11 of tl1e I-Iigh Court sl1all be exercised in co11 for1nity \Vit11 tl1e ,vritte11 la\VS and subject tl1ercto and so far as tl1e .sa111c �l1all not extend or aJJJ)ly, i11 conforn'lity ,vitl1 tl1e substance of tl1e co1nn1on la,v, cloctri11 cs of ec1t1ity a11d statutes of general application in force in England 01 1 July 22, 1920 [J.1-\.J....O., s. 2 (2); for details see B JJaras. 11 ar1cl 12, J;ost]. lJ1\

9 Local and customary laws-1-\ll courts sl1all exercise juriscliction in accordance \.Vitl1 customary Ia,v in tl1e circt11 nstances s1Jccified in s. 9 of the J .:'\.L.O. (for \Vl1icl1 sec post tlnder B JJara. 13). 10 Religious la,vs-Tl1 e jt1risdiction of tl1e IIigl1 Cot1rt may be applied i 11 accordance ,vitl1 religiot1s la\VS in certain circu1nstances (for ,vl1ich see /Jost u11der B 1Jara. 14). 1\3 DIS'l,RICT COURTS AND COURTS OF RESIDENrf :tvl:-\GISTR_i\TES CONSTITUTION ,\ND PO\VERS

1 Establishn1ent-Tl1c I\ fagistrates' Courts 1-\ct [cap. 537] estalllisl1es i11 every district a DisLrict Court ,vl1icl1 sl1all exercise jurisdiction ,vitl1in the cl_istri ct i11 ,vl1ich it _is establisl1ccl [?vf.C ..I\., s. 5 (I)]. Courts of Resident ::tviag1strates arc cstabl1sl1ccl by tl1c Cl1ief Jt1sticc lJy order in tl1e Gazette, and tl1cy sl1all exercise jurisdictio11 i 11 st1cl1 areas as arc s1)ecificd i11 the order [1 1. C. 1\., s. 6 (I)] . I-Io,-vcvcr, Courts of Resident IV!agistrates , . eslalJl1sl1ccl u11der tl1c repealed Stibordi11a te Cottrts Ordinance, conti11uc a11d are clcemccl to IJc cstablisl1cd tinder t l1e M.C.A. [s. 69]. 1


2 Composition-District Cot1rts a11d Cotirts of Reside11t IVIagistrates arc dtlly co11stittltcd \vl1cn l1cld IJ)' a single magistrate [!vf.C.A., s. 7 (I) (b) 1-18


and (c)]. Hovvever, tl1e ''appropriate jt1dicial at1tl1orily"3 may c\ircct t\VO or more magistrates to constitute the cot1rt [i\ I.C.t\., s. 7 (3)], in \vl1icl1 case Lhe opinion of tl1e 1najority sl1all prevail, or if Ll1e cot1rt is eqttally dividecl, tl1e proccedi11gs shall be dismissed [i\{.C:.,\., s. 7 (4-)J. 111 a11y proccccli11gs in a District Court or a Cottrt of a Rcside11l wfagis­ trate in \Vl1ich arty rt1le of ct1sto111:1ry la,v or Isla111ic la\V is in i�s11c or relevant, the court n1ay, ancl ,vl1cn dircctccl by an apJ)ropriatc judicial autl1ority sl1all, sit ,,vitl1 an assessor or assessors, a11d every sucl1 assessor shall be required before judgme11t to give his opinion as to all c1t1cstio11s relating to ct1ston1ary la\v or Islan1ic Ia,v in iss11e ii1 or rclcva11t to tl1e proceecling, a11cl tl1e magistrate sl1all record tl1c sa1nc [l'vl.C.A., s. 8 (2 )]. I-lo\vever, tl1c n1agistratc sl1all 11ot be bot1ncl to conform \Vitl1 tl1e opinions of the assessors, bttt if l1.e docs 11ot so co11for111, l1c shall recorcl l1is rcaso11s therefore in \VTiti11g [wI.G.A., s. 8 (3 ) ]. 3 Jurisdiction-original-;\ District Court ancl a Court of a Rcsiclc11t :tviagistrate sl1all have original jltrisdictio11 i11 all crin1inal a11d civil J)roc.cccl­ ings i11 respect of ,vl1icl1 jurisdiction is co11fcrrccl on tl1cr11 by a11y la\v for tl1e time being in force [1vI.C.r\., s. 35 ( 1) (a) a11cl (b)]. t\s regards criminal jurisdiction, J>art III of tl1c Si..-xtl1 Schedt1lc to the :-\ct ame11ds the Crimi11al Proccdttrc Code a11d e1nJJO\VCrs District Courts to a\varcl tl1e follo,ving sentc11ces: (a) Im1Jriso11111c11t for a ter1n not excceclin ,g tlirec years, except for a ''scl1edt1lecl'' offence (i.e. an offe11ce for wl1icl1 a 1ni11imum sentence is prescribed tn1cler tl1e i"vfinimu1n Sen.tc11ccs Act), \vl1ere in1prisonme11t for five years ma)' lJc passed; (b) a fine not exceeding S}15 3,000 /-; (c) corporal punisl1mcnt. The ci\ril jurisdictio11 is limited to }Jroceccli11gs where tl1e valt1c of tl1e stibjccc-matter docs not exceed Shs 20,000/-. In addition, ,vhc11 a District Court is l1elcl by a ci\1il magistrate, it sl1all J1ave civil jt1risdiction: (a) i11 proceedings for the recovery of IJOsscssio11 of i1nn1ovable })roperly \\7l1crc the value of tl1e properly clocs not exceed Sl1s 200,000/-; a11cl (b) i11 otl1cr proceedings \vl1erc the su!Jjcct-mattcr is capable of being estin1alccl at a money value, \Vhcre the value of the st1bject-mattcr does 11ot exceed Sl1S 20,000/- [i1.C.1-\. , s. 35 (2)]. 1

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-l-\.ppeals lie to a District Court fron1 Primary Courts in both crimi11al ancl civil cases [M.C.1\., s. 16 (1)].

5 Procedure-f\s Iiigl1 Court ( t-\2, para. 5, ante). CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, review or revision-l\ppeals a11cl revisio11s from clecisions of District Courts and CoL1rls of Resident ivfagistrates lie i11 bot\1 criminal and civil proceedings to tl1e liigl1 Court, vvl1etl1cr from tl1eir original j ttrisdiction, [M. C..t\.., s. 38] or appetla tc jttriscliction fro111 primary courts (iv1.C.t\., s. 21 (I)]. Th.is is defined ins. 2 of the .'\ct as the ChicfJ usticc and any person appointr.cl by him. Under s. 3 the Chief Justice n1ay appoint any juclgc, registrar or n1agis­ tratc to perform the functions of an apJ)ropriatc judicial autl1oril)'· 3



Part 11-J::ast Africa

7 Supervision a11 d inspection:--Ad�ition_al _powers of supervisioni rc,,ision ancl j11 spcclion of proccecl1 ngs 1 n D1slr1ct Courts and Courts of Resiclei1t l\tfagislralcs are givc11 to the I-Iigl1 Court and to ''st1pen.1isory r11 agistrates''

by s. 39 of tl1e fvf.C.1\.


,.f J1c sa111e as Higl1 Cot1rt (sec A2, paras. 8, 9, an.cl IOJ by ,1irtt1c of :s. 6 of tl1 e J.A.L.O. ,.vl1 icl1 provides: ''Subjecl to tl1c JJro,,ision.s of a11 y ,...,,ritlen la,v ?11d to �l1e _Ii�� of its _ in jtiriscliclion, a magistrate's court sl1all cx�rc1sc its � t1r1sd1cuon _ _ . , Cot1rt 1s required by accorcla11cc ,vitl1 tl1c la\vs ,v1tl1 ,vh1 ch tl1e II1gh tliis Orclinance to exercise its jttrisdicLio11 a11cl ,vilh st1ch ot J1er laws as .sl1alf be i 11 force in �fa 11ganyika fro1n time to time, ancl applicable to tl1e proccccli11gs before it, bul no 1nagistratc's court sl1 all exercise any jt1risclictio1 1 or IJo,vcrs tl1 at are lJy any such la ,v conferred exclusively on tl1e Higl1 Cot1rt as sucl1 or 011 a court of record.''

c:0Ns1·rru·r10N ,\{'.[) J>O\VERS

l Establisl1ment-E,,cry clistrict sl1 all l1 avc a Primary Cot1rt ,vluch :sl1all exercise j t1riscliction ,vitl1i11 ll1c district ir1 ,vhicl1 it is establisl1ed [lvf.C:.!\., s. 4· (I)]. 2 Con1.positio11-It sl1 all be duly con.stitutccl ,vl1e1 1 l1eld by a single .Pri1nary Court n1agistrate [l'vl.C.i\.., s. 7 (I)]. Ho,\'e,�er, tl1e ''appropriate judicial autl1oriLy" n1 a) clircct t,vo or more n1agistrates to constitute the cottrl [I\iJ. C.:\., s. 7 (3) ], in ,vl1icl1 case tl1e opinion of the 111.ajority sl1 all JJrevail, c)r, if tl1c cot1rt is cc1t1ally cliviclecl, tl1e proceedings sl1all be dismissed [!\,f.C:.1\., s. 7 (4·)]. 111 every proccedi11g in a J>rimary Court, tl1c court sl1 all sit ,vith l\VO assessors (or st1cl1 greater 11t1mlJcr as a11 a PI)rOJJria le jt1clicia I at1tl1ority may clircct), a11d every assessor sl1all, before jt1clgn1c11t, give l1is opir1ion as lo tl1c case ge11 erally ancl as to a11y SJ)Ccific quesLio11 of fact addressed to hi1n by tl1e prcsicli11g 1nagistrate, and 1l1c 111 agistralc sl1all record tl1e same [l\ 1.CL.i\., s. 8 (I)]. I-Io\\!evcr, tl1c 111 agislratc sl1 all nol. be bound to conforn1 \Vitl1 tl1c OJlinio11.s of tl1c assessors, l)ut if lie docs 11 ot so co11for1n, l1 e sl1all record l1is rcaso11s tl1crcfor in ,vriti1 1g [�,f.C.A., s. 8 (3)]. 3 Ju1·isdiction-origi11al-1-\ }) ri1nal")' Court l1as jt1risdiction [l'- f.C.i\., s. 14-]: a I11 all J)roceccling.s of a ci,•il nalt1rci \1\lJ1crc tl1c la,v applicable is ct1ston1.ary Ia,v or Islan1ic Ia,v, providccl tl1at it sl 1 all l1a,,c 110 juriscliction i 11 proceedings affecting tl1e title to or a11 y interest in la11 d registered under r.l1 e Land RcgistraLio11 Orcli11ancc; or proceedings i 11 ,vl1icl1 Islanuc Ia,v is c.tJlJ)licablc by ,,irltte of tl1e J Jro,risions of il1c !v!arriage, Divorce and Succcssior1 (No11-Cl1ristia11 i\siatics) Ordinance. ii For tl1c rcco,,cry of ci\ril clcbts, rent or i1 1terest due to tl1e Re1)t1blic, tl1e Go,,er11111c11t or any 1nu11icipal to,vn or district cou11cil, u11clcr a11y jt1clg111e11t, ,vrilte11 la,v, ri�l1t of occupa11cy, 1




Tanzania lease, sub-lease or contract, if tl1e value of tl1e subjcct-n1atlcr of' tl1e st1it does 11ot exceed Shs. 2,000/-. b In all proceedings in respect of \vl1ich jurisdiction is cor1ferrccl 011 a Primary Court b)' the First Scl1cdulc Lo tl1c Act. r[l1is i11 fact inclt1cles jttrisdiction to l1ear variot1s offc11ccs u11der tl1c Penal Code, and otl1er Orclina11ces st1cl1 as tlic Gan1bling Orcli11ancc1 tile Native Lic1t1or Ordinance, ctc:1 c In all proceedings i11 respect of ,vl1icl1 jt1riscliction is conferred or1 a J>ri1nary Cottrt by any other la\v. (/ \Vl1erc tl1e Cl1ief Jus lice confcrs sucl1 jttrisdiction by order !)t1blisJ1ccl in the Gazclle5 in tl1e acl1ninistration of deccasccls' estates \vl1crc the tl1c la,v applicable to tl1c acl1ninistratio11 or distributio11 of, or the st!cccssio11 to, Ll1c estate is Ctlsto1nary la,v, or save as providccl in (a) (i) abo"·e, Isla1nic la\v. The t\ct co11tai1is 110 provisior1s restricting tl1c jurisdiction of Primary CoLtrts over persons. U11like tl1eir predecessors, t11c Local C!ourts� \vl10.,c juriscliction \Vas co11fi11ed to Africans, Pri111ary Cottrts l1ave jurisdiction O\'er all persons irrespecti\1e of race. c\ltl1ough� \vhere jurisdictio11 i11 respect of tl1c sa111e proceccli11gs is conferred 011 clifferent courts, eacl1 cot1rt sl1all l1ave a concurre11Ljtn·is<liction "' therein, certain JJrocccdings mt1st be conuncnccd in Primary Cot1rts. 1 h.us no civil proceedings i n respect of 1narriage, guardia11ship or i11l1crita11cc tinder customary la\v or tl1e incidents tl1ereof, and no civil proccedi11gs i11 respect of i1nmoval)le propert)' (otl1cr than })roceeclings rcla ti11g to land held for a GO\'Crn1nent lease or a rigl1t of occLtJJanc,, grantecl tinder tl1c Land Ordina11ce or proceedi11gs t111dcr ss. 22 or 23 of tl1e Lancl Ordinance) shall be con1menced in an)' co11rt otl1er tl1an a Prima1,' Cot1rt unless tl1c Rept1blic or tl1e President is a party thereto or unless tl1e Higl1 C!ourt gives leave for sucl1 proceedings to be com1nenced in some otl1er court [l\tl.C.i\._, s. 57 (l)].

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-Tl1e practice a11d 1Jroccclt1re of Prin1ary CoLtrts in. tl1e exercise of tl1eir crinunal jttrisdiction are 110\v regulated 6,1 tl1c l)ri1-i1ary Courts Criminal Procedure Cocle [wf.C.A., s. 15 (1) (a)] co11taincd i11 the Tliird Schedule to the ;-\ct. Tl1is is a si,nplified version of ll1e Cri1ninal Procedure Code <liviclcd i11lo six parts-Part I cleats \Vitl1 I11tcrprelatio11, Part II witl1 po\vers of Primary Cot1rts in criminal proceedings, Part III \vith \varrants and summo11scs, Part IV \vit11 rcma11d a11d bail, Part V ,vith Courts which may try· offences, and Part VI ,vitl1 tl1e trial of offe11ccs. 4 The Minister responsible for legal affairs 1nay add to the First Schedule jurisdiction to adrninistcr provision.s over ,vhich a District Courl (other tha11 a District Court l1cld by a civil magistrate) has jurisdiction [s. 14- (3)]. 5 By the Prirnary Courts (Jurisdiction in 1\dn1ini.stration of Dcceascds' Estates) Order 1964 [G.N. 320 of 1964], every Primary Court shall have jurisdiction in the aclm.inistration of dcctac;cds' cstatc.s if the deceased at the tin1c of his clcath h:i.d a fixed place of abo<le in the area of t11c jurisdiction of tl1c courr. 151

I ! I


Part 11-Easl Africa urts are a titl1orised to pass the Co ry 1na Pri , de Co e i tl of l) ( 2 s. r dc 1 1 U follo,-vi11g sentences: . t11s; a impriso111nent fo r a term 11 ot exceeding 12 mon b a fi11 e not exceeding Shs. l ,000/-; c cori)oral I)t1 11isl1 n1e11t 11 ot exceeding 12 strokes. l-Io,vevcr tliese Iiinits n1 ay be exceeded, if the Primary Court convicts a per.son of" art oflc 11 ce ,vl1icl1 it is autl1 orised to l1ear u11cler the lvlinitnu 1n Sentences .A.ct 1963 [No. 29 of 1963]. In tlie exercise of tl1 eir ci,,il jtirisdiction, tl1c practice a11d procedt1rc of Priinary Courts arc regulatccl by tl1c Fourtl1 Scl1 edule to tl1e Act [.� f.C. .t\., s. 15 (I) ( b)] and, ,vl1 erc the la,v applicabl� is customa1;_ la,v, by CtIStomary la,v6 in so far as it is not inco11S1stent ,-v1tl1 tl1e prov1.s1ons of tl1e FourLl1 Sc11 edulc. It is i11 teresting to 11ote tl1 at tl1 e Fourth Schedule docs not in1pose ail\' Ii1 11it 011 tl1c IJccu11iary jurisdiction of Primary Courts in civil matters. 1'l�ti s s. 3 (I) of Ll1c Fot1rtl1 Scl1eclule JJrovidcs: '',\ }Jrimary cot1rt, in proceccli11gs of a civil nature, n1 a) 1 (a) a,varcl airy [italics st1pplied] a111otint clain1cd; (b) a,varcl con11Jc11satior1; (c) orcler tl1c recovery of possession of land; (ti) orclcr tl1c restilL1tion of a11y pro 1Jcrty; ( e) orcler tl1e s1Jecific performartce of a11y contracl; (/) n1ake orclcrs i 11 tl1 e 11ature of any imjunction, botl1 mandatory and JJroltlbitive; (.g) orcler tl1e 1Jay1nc11t of a11y costs and expenses incurred by a succcssful IJarty or l1 is \Vitness; (h) pro111otc reconciliatio 11 and encourage ancl facilitate tl1e settlement, i11 an an1icable \Vay, of tl1 c proceeclings, 011 sucl1 terms as are just; (i) 1nake any otl1er order \vl1icl1 tl1 e jLtstice of tl1e case n1ay require." Tl1e a11omaly l1 ere is tl1at ,vhercas tl1e civil juriscliction of Prin1 ar)' Courts is not rcsLrictecl as to amoL1nt or valt1 e of tl1 e subject-1natier of tl1 e suit (cxce1)t in suits for tl1e recovery of civil clebts, rent, etc. due to tl1e Govern­ ment) (see u11cler A4·, para. 3 (a) (ii), ante), tl1 c jt1risdiction of District Couris, ,vl1 icl1 are l1 igl1cr cot1rts, is restricLed i11 ci\ril suits to Sl1S. 20,000/-. In addi tio11 to tl1e l;,ourtl1 Scl1ecl tile, Ll1 c Cl1ief Justicc l1as 110,v, by , irtt 1c of l1is rt1lc-maJ.�i11 g J)O\vers given ir1 s. 65 of tl1 e .<\ct, n1 acle tl1c })ri1nary C:ot1rts Civil ProccclL1rc Rt1les [G.N. 310 of 1964·]. 1..11csc rtilcs, like tl1e Pri1nary Cot1rts Cri111 i11 al ProceclL1re Code, re1Jresc11t a si tnJJlified versio11 of 1l1c Civil }) roceclt1rc Coclc. Part II, entitlecl ''Civil Proccecli11 g:;'', clcals ,vitl1 st1cl1 n1attcrs as tl1 e i11 s titutio11 a11cl ,vitl1 dra,,•al of proceedi11gs, stu11rno nses a 11d services, ap1Jcara11ccs, su1n1noning of ,vit11 esses, proceedings _ _ at l1ear1ng, aclJot1r11n1ents, etc. Part III deals ,vit.11 execution of judgn1e11 ts­ n1an 11cr of c11forcen1cnt, altacl1111e11l a11d sale i11 cxcct1tion. ! 11 addition to tl1e Ci,,il l'roceclure Rtiles, tl1c Custon1a1y La,v (Lin1itatio11 of Proceedings) 1



By s. ? �f �le-_ l-'our �l1 Scl1cclt1lc, tl1c custo111ary Ia,v prevailing i11 L11e area of n1ust ht!

tlie I ocal Jttr1sdtcl1011 ol lhc cot1rt i11 matters of t)ractice aJ1d JJroccdure . _ Lo tl1c exclusion a1Jpl1ccl of rn1y otl1 cr ct1stomary la,v.


Tanzania Rules [G.N. 311 of 1964] 1nake provision for periocls of lin1itatio11 for actions brot1gl1t t111der cttstomary la,v. 111 the exercise of tl1eir jw·isdictio11 i11 Ll1e acln1ir1istratio11 of estates, tl1c practice and proccclu.re of Primary C!ot1rts is rcgt1latccl by tl1c T•'iftl1 Schcclt1lc to the t-\ct (i\·l.C.A., s. 15 (1) (c)]. Tl1is is cliviclccl i11lo t,,·o })arts, l)arl I dealing ,vitl1 po,vers of Pri,nary Cot1rts i11 acln1i11istration. cases, �u1cl Part I I '\>Vith po,vers and dt1ties of acln1i11istrators a1)poi11tccl I))' l>ri1nary C�ot1rts. As regarcls eviclence, s. 15 (2) of the 1\ct })roviclcs: "The 1viinistcr n1ay n1akc regt\lations })rescril)ing tl1c rules of cviclc11cc in })riinary cot1rLs. Subject to a1Ty st1cl1 rcgtdatic>11s, a J)rimar)' cot1rt may accept Sltcl1 cvicle11cc as is perti11cnt ancl st1cl1 proof as appears to be ,vortl1y of belief, accorcling lo tl1e ,,altle Ll1crcof a11cl not,viLl1sta11cl­ ing ar1y otl1cr Ia,v relali11g Lo cviclc11cc or ])roof i11 force i11 �l'ariganyika." The Pri111ary Courts (E,,icle11cc) Regulatio11s 1964· [G.N. 22 of 196'1] )1avc no,-v bee11 n1ade. 1�11c1· are cliviclecl i11lo four IJarls: Part I c\cals \.Vitl1 facts tl1at n11.1st be proved and ,vl10 1nust prov·c tl1cn1, Part II ,virl1 tl1e \.veigl1t of evidence, Part I II c11titi eel "Evidc11ce cleals ,vi tl1 st1cl1 1naltcrs as the dilTerent ki11cls of cvide11ce, l1earsay, cloct1n1c11tary cviclcJ1cc, co11fes­ sions and corroborati011, a11cl Part I\T clcals ,vi tl1 ,vi t11csses. 1\.l tl1ot1gl1 tl1c rcgtilatio11.S are basecl on English rt1lcs of c,,idencc, e.g. Ll1at in cri1ninal cases tl1e prosect1tion n1t1st pro,•c tl1c case lJeyond reasonable doubt, tl1at hearsay evidence is inad1nissible a11cl tl1at corroboratio11 is only rec1uired i11 exceptional cases, the la11gt1age tisccl is si1nple and illt1strated by ''Ex1)la11a­ tions''. Tl1e rcgulalio11s ::ire obviously clesig11ed lo la1r down a gc11cral outline of Ll1e basic English rules of cviclcnce, !)tit ,-vilhout tl1c refiric1ncnts ancl tccl111icalities l )eculiar to E11glish la,v. 1\clvoca Les may not al)pcar l)cfore Pri111ary Courts [l\:I. C.1\., s. 29]. 1 '


6 Appeal, revie,v, revision-AJ)})cal!l fro1n Prin1ary c:ol1rls i11 lJotl1 criminal and ci,,j! cases 1ie lo a District Cot1rt [1''£.C.A., s. 16 (I)]. Further­ more, District Cottrts have ,vidc po,vcrs of st1pcrvisio11, ins1)cctio11 ancl revision of Primary Cot1rt procecclings [JvI.C.1-\., s. 18]. 7 Supervision and i11spection-In acldition to J)ara. 6 abo,,e, tl1c Higl1 Court ancl supervisory n1agistratcs exercise ge11eral l)O\vers of SllJJCr­ vision over Prin1ary Courts a11cl District C!ourts exercising appellate or revisional jt1risdiction fron1 l)rimary Courts [r-.1.C.1\., s. 26]. LA\V TO nE ,\D�lfNISTERED

As District Cot1rts; sec also 1\4, para. 3, ante.


11 Statute 12 Corrunon la\V and equity 153


Part II-East Africa Tlie general la\v of'f'anga11yika, comprisi11g stalu�c la\V, common la\v and equity, is apJ)licd by virtue of s . 2 (2) of the J ud1cature and Applicatiori . of La,vs Ordi11 a11ce, \Vl1ich provides: ''StiJ)ject to tl1e IJrovisions of tl1is Ordinance, tl1e jt 1riscliction of the J-Iigli Cotirt sl1 all be exercisc� l in conformity \Yitl� the �vritte� Ja\\'S \Vliicli are in force i1 1 Tanga11y1ka on tl1e datc on ,vl11cl1 this Orcl1 nancc conies i 1 1to operation (i1 1cludi11g tl1 e la\\'S applied by this Ordinance) or ,vliicl1 1nay }1creaftcr be applied or enacted, a11cl, st1bjcct tl1ereto ancl so far as tl1e san1e sl1 all nol extend or appl}', sl1all be exercised i11 conformity ,vitl1 tl1e substa11cc of the commo11 Ia,v, tl1c doctrines of eqtiity ancl tl1c statutes of general aJJplication in force in Engla11 d on tlic r,venty-seconcl clay of Jtily I 920, a11cl ,villi tl1e }JO\vers vested in and according to tl1e IJroceclurc and practice ol)scrvcd b,• and before courts of jt1slicc a11d jttstices of tl1c peace in England according to tl1eir respective jtirisclictions and at 1tl1 orities at tl1 at date, sa,,c in so far as tl1e saicl con11no11 Ia,v, cloctrines of cctuit,' and statutes of ge1 1eral applica­ tio11 a11d tl1e said po\vcrs, proceclttre a11d practice n1ay, at a11y time }Jeforc tl1c Llale 011 wl1icl1 tl1is Ordinance comes into operation, )1a\1e 1Jecn n1oclificcl, a111e11clccl or replaced by other pro,,ision i11 lieu tl1ereof by or tinder tl1c at1tl1 orit)' of any Order of I-Ier l\,fajesty in Cot111cil, or by a11y Procl,1n1ation issttccl, o r a11y Ordinance or Ordi11ances passed i 11 and for �f'a11ganyika, or ma)' l1 ereafter be modified, amended or rCJ)lacecl }Jy otl1 er JJrovisio11 in lictt tl1 creof b,• or uncler any sucl1 Ordinai1cc or Orcli 11ances or a 11y 1\ct or f\cts of the Parliament of 'l'a11ga11yilca: 11rovided al\vays tl1 �1t tl1c said con1111on la\v, doctrines of equity and sla ttitcs of general ap1Jlicatior1 sl1all be in force 01 1ly so far as tl1e circu1nstanccs of Ta11ga1t)'ika a11d its inl1 abita.11ts pern1it, and sulJject to sucl1 qualifications as local circttn1stances 1nay re11dcr 11ecessar)'.'� 1,11c expression ''\vrilte11 law'' is defi11ecl i 11 tl1 e Intcrpretatio11 a11d Ge11eral Clau!:ies Orcli11 ancc as ''all 1\cts of tl1c llarliament a11d tl1e Co11Slit1.1e11l J\.sseml)ly of Ta11ga11yilca, Orcli11ances, ...L\cts of tl1e Con1mon Services Organisation, Stl1Jsicliary legislation, 1\cts of tl1e Parlia1nent of tl1e Uniled Kingdon1 extcndi11g expressly or by in1J)licatio11 or ap}J lied to Ta11ga11yika, Or� lcrs in Cot1ncil and In�ia11 Acts7 a1JJJliecl lo 'Ta11 ga11yika'\ Sec11_ or1 7 (I) of tl1c Ord1na11ce ar>tJlic!i tl1c provisio11s of certain United l(ir1gd? 111 1\cts of lla rlia1ncnt set out ir1 a Sc}1ecltile subject to ccrtai 11 specified _ exce1Jt1011s, aclaptat1011s ancl 1noclific:1 tions, as fol}o,vs: 1\clmiralty Offe11ccs (Colo 11 ial) 1\ct 1849-tlie ,vl1ole· ' Evidc11cc l\ct l 851-ss. 7 a 11cl l l ; ls;-oreig 11 'l'ribtin:1ls Evidence 1\cl 'i856-tl1e ,vl1ole· ' E,,idcncc by Co1n 111issio11 1\ct l859-tl1e ,vl1 olc: Britisl1 l..a,v 1\sccrtainme11t .t\ct 1859-tlic ,vl1 oic · Forcig11 La\V Ascertain,11ent Act l86 l-tl1c \v}1ol� · ' Conveyanci11g ( Scotla11d) 1\.ct I8 74 · s. SI ; 1\ll a111Jlicd Inclia11 f\cts l1ave 110,v IJcc11 replaced IJ)' local rfanganyika Acts IJase<l on tl1c rormer Acts, 1



fugitive Offenders Act l 88l-tl1e whole; Colonial Prisoners Ren10,,al Act 1884 the ,vholc; Evidence b)' Comniission 1\ct I 88S-tl1c ,vl1ole; :rv1ercha11t Sltip1)i11g Act 1984 Part XIII. Tl1e Acts specified apply in Tanga11) ika as a111c11clccl r)rior to ,July 22, I 920. In adclitio11, several sectio11S of tl1e C!olonial Courts of 1\dmiralty Act 1890, as amendecl in tl1e United Kingclonl from tin1c to time, bt1t subject lo certai11 local mocliftcations, arc aJ)pliccl l))' s. 7 (2) to tl1c I·Iigl1 Court. 1

13 Custom and usage-rfl1c i,Jagistratcs' Courts 1\ct (Sixtl1 Scl1cd.) l1as 110,-v repealed the olcl s. 9 of tl1e .Tuclicatt1re and 1\pplicatio11 of Lavvs Orclinancc, ancl rCJ)laccd it b)' tl1c follo,ving section: ''9 ( l) Ct1sto1nary La \V sl1alt be a pp! icablc to, and court-; shalf exercise jurisdiction i11 accordance tl1crc,-vill1 i11, 1natters of a civil naturc(a) bct,vcen members of a con1munity in ,vl1icJ1 rt1les of cttstomary la\v rele,•a11l to tl1c n1attcr are establisl1ccl and acccptccl, or l)ct,,vccn a member of one con1rnu11ity ancl a 1nen1l)cr of a11otl1er commt1nity if the rt1les of ct1ston1ary Ia,v of b0Ll1 con1111u11itics mal{c similar provision for tl1e matter; or (b) relating to a11y 111attcr of status of, or succcssio11 to, a J)erso11 \vl10 is or ,vas a 1ncmbcr of a com1nt1nity in \.vhicl1 rules of c11stornary Ja,v relevant to tl1c matter arc cstablisl1cd and accc1)tccl; or (c) in any otl1cr case in \vl1icl1, l)y reaso11 of tb.e co11ncction of any relevant issue ,vitl1 any ct1stomary rigl1t or obligation, it is apJ)ro­ priate tl1at tl1c defendant be treated as a n1embcr of tl1c commu11ily in \vl1ich sucl1 rigl1t or obligation ol)tains ancl it is fitting and jt1st tl1at the matter be dealt ,-vitl1 i11 accordance v.•itl1 cuslon1.ary la\v instead of the Ia,"' tl1at -..vot1lcl otl1er,visc be a1)plicable; except i11 any case ,vl1erc it is appare11t, fron1 tl1c natt1re of a11y re1cva11t act or tra11saction, n1anncr of life or bt1sincss, tl1at tl1c rnattcr is or ,vas to be regulated othen-vise tha11 by custon1ary Ia,v: Pro,•iclccl tl1at(i) ,vhcrc, i11 accordance \Vitl1 paragra1Jh (a), (b) or (c) oftl1is subscctio11 customary la,v is applicalJlc to a11y ,natter, il sl1all not cease to be applicable on account of any act or transaction desig1lccl to avoicl, for an l.111just purpose, li1e app1ica1Jilily of customary la,v; ancl (ii) 11otl1ing in this subsection sl1all preclt1clc any cot1rt from applyi11g· the rules of Islamic la,v i11 matters of marriage, cli,1orce, guardian­ sJ1ip, inheritance, ,vaqf and similar matters i11 rclatio11 to 1ne1nbers of a community ,vl1icl1 follo"vs tl1at la,-v. (2) It is l1ercby clcclarecl for tl'1e avoida11ce of cloubts tl1at(a) a person may become a member of st1cl1 a community as is referred to in subsection (I), notwithsta11ding lie .vas hitherto a member of some other community (ancl wl1cthcr or not any ct1stomary Jaw is establishecl or acceptecl in such otl1cr commt1nity), by l1is acloption of the way of Jife of the first-mentioned community or his acceptance by such commt1nity as one of themselves, and st1cl1 acloptio11 or I 5:')

Part JI-East Africa acceptance may liavc effect either generally or for partic ular purj)OSCS; ( b) a IJcrson 1nay cease to be a . 1ncn1l)er of a co1nn1t1nity by reaso n of J1is aclOJJtion of Ll1 c \Vay of life of some oll1er commu111ty (½'hether or 110 t any custo1nary lavv is establisl1cd or accepted in such otlier co111111t1 11i l)') or acceJJtance by some otl1er community as one of t I1c1n,;_;cl\ cs, bt1t sl1all 11ot lJe treated as l1aving ceased to be a 1nc1n1Jcr of a co11unu11iLy solely l)y his absence therefrom. (3) I11 a11y proceedings \v}1crc tl1c }a\v aJJplicable is custon1ary la\v, ti1c cot1rt sltall aJJIJly tl1c CLtstomary la\v prev·ailing '\-Yitl1in tl1e area of its local _jt1risclictio11, or if tl1erc is more tl1a11 one sucl1 law, the Ia,-v applicable i11 tl1e area ill \Vl1icl1 tl1c acl, transaction or matter occurred cir arose, u11less it is satisfied ll1at Ll1c prOJ)er customary la\v to be aJJplicd is s0111e otl1cr la,v: l)roviclecl tl1 a t tl1 e coL1rt sl1all 11ot apply any rt1le or practice of J a,,v \vl1 icl1 is al)olisl1 ed, prol1il)itcd, pL111isl1a blc, declared unlalvful or CX[Jrcssly or i 111plicclly disapplied or SU})Crsedcd by any Ordinance or 1\ct of Tanganyika or ,<\ct of tl1e Con1mon Services Organization. 1

(4·) For tl 1 e avoiclance of dot1bts it is l1 erelJ)' declared tl1at i.hc reference "' or 1\ct of 1 LO an Ordir1 a11cc anga11yika in subsection (3) sI1all 11ot include any la,v or practice (otl1er than any sucl1 Ordit1ancc or .-:\ct of LJ1c Com1110 11 Services Organization) applied to, or enforceable in, �1·anga11 yika i11 accorda11cc lvitl1 Ll1 e l)ro,,isions of sectio11 2 of the I11clia11 1\cts ( ,:\1Jplica tion) 0 rdinance, of subsection ( 1) of section 2 of L11 e Land (La\v of J=>roperty ancl Conveyancing) Ordinance, or of stdJscction (2) of section 2 or scctio 11 7 of tl1 is Ordinance, or any English 1\ct declarccl to be i11 force l)y order 1nadc under sectio11 IO of tl1 e Lancl (La\-v of l)roperty and Con\,eya 11cing) Ordinance." I•\,1rll1cr, a 11c\-v s. 91\ lias been added as follo,vs: '' ( l) i\ cl istrict cou1 1cil n1a y, and '\-\'l1crc tl1c �vfinister so requires, sl1all recorcl i11 \.Vriting a declaratio 11 of \Vl1at in tl1 e opi11ion of tl1c cou11cil is tl1e local ct1ston1ary la\V relating to a11y sL1bject citl1er as a1)plyi11g tl1rot1gl1ot1t tl1c area of tl1c council or i11 any specified part ll1crcof, and st1b11 1it Sltcl1 cleclaratio11 to tl1c rvfinister. (2) 1\ district cot111.cil nu'l)', if i11 tl1c OJ)i11io11 of tl1c cou11cil it is CXJ)Cclicnt for 1l1e good govcr11111c11L a11d \Velfarc of tl1e area, sttbmit for tl1c consiclcraii<)ll of tl1e :iviinister a rcco1nn1cnclatio11 for tl1c n1ocli� ficatio11 of arl)' local ct1sto111ary la\v, \vl1ctl1er or 11ot a dccJaration has ?ee11 recorclccl a11cl a11 order 1naclc t111clcr Ll1e 1)rovisio1is of tl1is section 111 rcspccl of sl1cl1 local cttstomary la\\', rclati11 g to a11y subject either as a1)JJl) i 11g ll1rot1gl1ot1t tl1e area of tl1 e council or in an)' specified J)art 1J1creof. 1

(3) If tl1c r.·finist�r is satisfiecl tl1at a dcclaratio11 recorded under Sltl)seclio,1 (I) accL1ratcly records tl1 e local custon1arv la\V \Vitl1 respect lo tlie subject lo \-vl1icl1 it relates, 01· tl1 at a 111odifica;io11 rccoIDJnc1 1ded uiiclcr st1 bsectio11 (2) is expedie11t and tl1at sucl1 local ct1sto1nary Ja\V 156

Tanzania or 1noclification is not inco111paLiblc i11 its terrns or by necessary i1n­

plication ,vitl1 any writte11 la,v, l1e 111ay b)' orcler clircct Sltcl1 clecJara­ lion or sttcl 1 111odification to be the local ct1ston1ary la,v i 11 respect or the subject and ,-vitl1i11 tl1c area to ,vl1icl1 it relates a11cl sl1all cattse such cleclaration or rnoclificatio11 to be {)ublisl1ccl in sucl1 n1anncr as l1e n1ay deen1 expcclie11t. (4) Not,vitlistandi11g tllc forcgoi11g provisio11s or tl1is section, no clecla ratior1 or n1odifica iion shalI i11clttdc a11y })rovision J)Ul'J)Orti11,g !<J clcclarc any act or OJnissio11 cri,ninal, a11cl tl1 c ?v[i 11istcr 1r1ay an1c11cl any cleclaration dce1ncd to l1a,,e bcc11 111aclc t1nrlcr tl1is sccli (JJl in orcler to re1nove any st1cl1 provision. ''3 A ne\v definition of custor11ary la,v is i11scrlccl i11 tl1.e I 11lcr1)rclalio11 a11cl General Clat1scs Orclina11cc [ca1). I] as follo,vs; '' 'Ct1stornary la"v 1 r11ca11S any rule or l)ocly of r1tlcs vvl1crcby rights and dt1tics are acql1ired or i111poscd, cstab]isl1ecl lJy usage i11 any Tangarl.)'ika :\frica11 con1111l111ity ar1cl accepted by st1cl1 co111n1u11it)' in. general as l1aving tltc force of la,v, i11clucling ar1y dcclaratio11 or n1.odi­ fication of cttstomaf)' la\-v n1aclc or dcc,nccl to l1avc bce11 111aclc Lu1clcr section 9t\ of tl1e J t1 clicatt 1 rc a11d 1\J)l)lication of La\VS Orcli11ancc, 1961, but does not inclt1de any rule or practice to ,vhicl1 tl1e proviso to subsection (3) of scctior1 9 of tl1e Jt1clicalt1re and /\ J)plicatio11 of l.a,vs Ordinance, 1961, refers; ancl refcrc11ces to native la,v or to 11ativc la,v and custom sl1all be similarly constr11ed." 14 Religious Ia,\-·s-TI1c 011ly SJJecific reference to tl1c "Ja,v of tl1c religion'' i11 Tanganyika is in tl1e Ivlarriage, Divorce ancl Sttccession (Nor1Christia11 1\siatics) Ordi11ancc [cap. 112], \vl1icl1 c111po,vcrs Ll1c I�ligl1 Cot1rL to ap1 Jly tl1e ''Ia,v of t..l1e religion" of tl1e 1 Jarties to t11c 1narriage. rilt is 1nay be Islamic Ia,v, Iiindt1 Iavv or any oil1cr religious la,-v. Apart from tJ1is, various statutory pro, isior1.S i11 1·· a11ganyika en1J)o,vcr cot1rts to apply Islan1ic Ia\V, viz: a TJ1e ?vlagistra tes' Cot1rls 1\ct, s. 14 ,vhicl1 cmpo\-vcrs Pri111ary C!ourts in procccclings of a civil 11aturc to a}J}Jly Cttstomary la\V or Islan1ic Ia,v. b Proviso (ii) to tl1c nC\V s. 9 of tl1c Jt1dicaturc a1 1cl l\p1)licatio11 of La,vs Ordinance (see ante under B, para. 13), c1npO\Vcri11g co11rts to aJJlJI}' · Islamic la\.v in mattcrs or marriage, cli,,orce, guarcliansl1iJJ, i11l1cri ta11ce, ,vaqf and similar matters in rclatior1 to 111cn1bcrs of a co1nn1t 1 11ity ,vhich follo\VS tl1a t la,v. c 1'he application of Islanlic la\v is also specifically recog11izecl i 11 the iVIohammeclan Estates (Benevolc11t Pa·yn1c11ts) Orclina11ce [caJJ. 29], ancl tl1c Land (La,v of Property ancl Convcya11cing) Orcli11ancc [caJ), 114). 1

This section gives cfTcct to a project initiatccl in Tanganyika in 1961 for the full-scale unification of customary la\v, ,fhe n1ajorily of district cou.ncils in Ta11ganyika have nO\V approved a unified codification of the custo1nary la\v and tl1e 1\1..inister has accordingly n1adc Orders for rnost ,fanganyika Districts. For details of this project, sec E. Cotran, "In tcgration of courts ancl apJJlication of customary lav., in Tangan yika", (1965) l E.,\,L.J. 108. 6


Part JI-East Africa 15 Inter11at coi1flict rules-See tl1e rules set out i11 s. 9 of the J. 1\.L.O.,

ante, B, para. l 3.


16 Crimii1al Ja\v-·r·11e bulk of tl1e crimi11al law of Tanganyika is con taiilccl in tl1e Pei1al Code [cap. 16]. In add i tion tl1cre are various otller statutes co11st i ititing offe11ces or providing special punisl11nents, e.g. Traffic Ordinar1cc [caJ), 168], \ ViLcl1craft Ordi11an ce [cap. 18], Gambli11g Ordin­ aiice [cap. I 9], 'frespass Orclir>.a ce [cap. 290], etc. Customary cr i mir1aI � la,v i11 1"a11ganyika l1as been abol1sl1ed by s. 66 (I) of tl1e !vI.C.1\. 1

17 Property a11d succession-a Proper/J1-For tl1e majority of in­

I1abita11ts, property rigl1ts, i 11 cluding those in land, continue to be governed by local ct1stomary Ia,vs. Stlcl1 rigl1ts i11 land have, }10,vever, been affected IJy a 11tLn1 ber t)f statttles. 'l'l1c Englisl1 la,v of real a11cl perso11al properl)', n1ortgages, landlord and te11anL trt1sts a11d convcya11cing as i11 force on January 1, I 922, ,..,as appl ied l)y tl1c I.ancl (La,v of Property a ncl Co11veyancing) Ordinance [cap. 114]. I-Io,vcver, tl1is is greatly CJttalified by subsequen t legislation including the J..,a 1 1d Ordinance [caJJ, 1 13], \Vl1icl1 declared all lan d in Tanganyika to lJe pttiJlic Janel; cxcc1) t for pre-existing titles, on ly rights of occupanC)' cot1ld be gra11tcd. S01ne of Lhe pre-existing titles had been gran ted under German Ja,v, ,vl 1icl1 mtist tl1ercforc on occasio11 be referred to s till. T11e Land Regi ::;lratio11 Orclinancc [ca}J, 334] }Jrovides for registratio11 in certai1 1 specified a rcas only. ']�l1e Land Regulatio11S, 1948, govern the occt 1patio11 of la11d 1111clcr rigl1ts of occupa11cy. Co1n1Julsor,' acquisitio11 is governed by the J�a11cl 1\cqt1isiLio 11 Ordi n a11ce [cap. 118]. Tl1e Public La nd (Preserved l\.rc;a.s) Orcli na11cc [cap. 338] en ables tl1e l\Iinister to declare areas of public la11d l.o be l)rcservcd areas. Since i 11clc1)c11dc11ce, tl1e Government has pt1rsucd a policy of active reforn1 of \Jro1Jcrty la\\' , e1nbocliecl 111ai111y in tl1e follo,vi11g statutes: Rigl1 1s of OccLtl )ancy (Developn1e11t Co11dilio11s) i\ct l 963, No. 18 (an1cnd ecl b)' No. •t7 of 1963); 1-;-rechold ,.fitles (Convcrsio11) and Gover 11n1e11t Leases :\ct 196�, No. 24 (an1ended by No. 4·8 of I 964); .. La11d (Scttlc111e11t of DisJ)tttcs) 1\cL 196 3, No. 25; � angc Dc�elop1nent a11cl l'vla11age111c11t ..-\ct 1964, No. 51 ; Nyart1�Ja11Ja ..I'cnurc (E11francl1isc111e1 1t) 1\ct l 965, No. I ; La11cl '1·c11t1rc (\Tillage Settlen1e11ts) 1\ct 1 965, No. 27; lll-1 ral li'ar111la11cls ( .t\cquisitio 11 a11d Rcgrant) Act 1966, No. 8, an1ended l)y No. 30. � tl1er rclcva11l statt1les i11cludc tl1c Rc11t RcstricLio11 Act I 962, No. 42; 1 o,vn a11cl Country lllanni11g Ordi11ancc, cap. 378; Cl1attels 1"'ransfcr _ Ord111a11cc, caJ). 2 l O. b Succes.rio11-Tl1c general la,v of suc cessio11 ,,,as contained u11til 1965 . 111 tlic 111dia11 Stlcccssion 1\ct, ,vl1icl1 \Vas replaced in tl1at year by a local Ac t llascd 011 it. Probate an d adn1. the by d ve rn inistration of estates is ao e � ProlJatc a11cl Ad1ninistration Ord ina11ce [ca1). 445]. 1


Ta1Lza11ia Customary la,v of st1cccssion apJ)Jies if it falls \.vitl1ir1 s. 9 of tl1c JttclicaLure and Applicat.io11 of La,vs Ordi11ancc (see B, para. 13, ante). l'vl t1cl1 of Ll1is has now been unified ar1d coclificcl (sec Local Ct1sto111ary La\-v (Declaratior1) No. 4 Order 1963 [G.N. 436 of 1963]. Islamic a11d Hindt1 la\vs of st1cccssio11 aJ)p!)' i11 tl1c circu1nsta11ccs inclicatcd in B, para. 14, ante.

18 Marriage and the family-Tl1c la,v of 'l�a11ga11yika rclati 11g to marriage ancl the family n1ay be (a) tl1c general la\v, i.e. basccl on statt1Lc and corrunon law, (b) c11ston1ary la\v, a11cl (c) rcligiot1s Ia,vs, principally Islamic or Hindt1 la\-v. As to (a)-the gc11eral Ia,v-tl1c pri11cipal cnact1ncnt dealing witl1 marriage is the i\ Iarriagc Ordinance [cap. l 09], based on E11glisl1 law. l'vfarriage t111dcr tl1is orcli11a11cc is not 01Jcn to l\tlol1ammcclans, IIinclus, Budclhists or to f\f ricans, t1nlcss one of tl1e parties is a J)rofessi11g Cl1rjstian. Tlie gc11eral Ia,v of di,,orce ancl malrimo11ial cat1scs is contained in the l\,!atrimonial Causes Orclinance [cap. 364-J, ,,.·l1ich is I,ased 011 tl1e Englisl1 lvfatrin1onial Cat1scs :-\ct 1937. As to (b), the customary la,v of 1narriage and divorce is applicable if it falls vvill1in s. 9 of tl1e J t1dicature ancl Application of Laws Or<lina 11cc (sec B, para. 13, arile). l\'lost of lhe cuslomary la,-vs relating to marriage a11cl divorce }1ave no,v bee11 unified and codified (sec Local Custon1ary La\.v (Declaration) Order 1963 [G.N. 279 of 1963]). _A,,s to (c)-tl1e Islamic ancl I-Iiri.dtt la,vs of- marriage and cli,rorce are applicable by v;rtue of tl1e ivlarriage, Divorce and Succession (Non­ Chrislia111-\siatics) Ordinance [cap. I 12]. Fttrlhcr, Islan1ic la,v is applicable by virtt1e of the otl1er provisions s1)ecified under B, para. 14·, ante. Otl1er Ordinances deali11g \vitl1 fa1nily la\v arc tl1e 1\doption Ordinance [cap. 335], the District Courts (Se1)aration and rviaintenance) Ordinance [cap. 274], the lviaintenance Orders (E11force1ncnt) Ordinance [ca1). 274], the 1\1aintenance Orclers (E11forcc1nent) Orclinance [cap. 275], a11cl tl1c .'\ffiliation Ordinance [cap. 278]. Questio11s of guarclia 1 1sl1ip, acloptio11 etc., 1nay also l)e governccl by customary· la\v or Isla1nic la,v. 1

19 Tort and contract-a Tort. 'I'l1e only i1nJ)Orta11t Orclina11ce deal­ ing with tort i11 Tanganyika is the La\v Rcfor1n (Fatal t\cciclcnts and }\,Jiscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance [cap. 360]. \i\!ith sligl1t modifications, the Ordi11ancc is based on the follo,ving Englisl1 1\cts: tl1e Fatal Accidents t\ct 1846 [9 and 10 Viet. c. 93] ; tl1e La ,v Reforn1 (Miscellaneous Provisio11s) 1-\ct 1934 [24 and 25 Geo. 5 c. ·�l]; the La,v Reform (1viarried \,\iomer1 and Tortfeasors) Act 1935 [25 ancl 26 Geo. 5 c. 30]; tl1e La'vv Reform (Contributory Negligence) /\ct 1945 [8 and 9 Geo. 6 c. 28]; and the La\v Reform (Personal Injuries) Act J9,!8 [11 and 12 Geo. 6 c. 41 J. TI1c rest of the general law of tort in Tanganyika is l)ased on tl1e English common law by virtue of s. 2 (2) of the J.A.L.0. (see B, para. 12, ante). In addition, the customary la\v of tort n1ay ap1)ly by virtue of s. 9 of the J.t\.L.O. (sec ante, B, para. 13). 139



Part II-East Africa the la\v of co11tract in Tanganyika of l( lJui 1 tl1e 1, 96 lil Un t. trac Con b

Ta11gan),ik� by rhc Indian .A.cts ,vas tllc Incliail Contract Act, applied to , l1c (f\JJJ)licatiorl) Ordiiiancc ( ca]). 2]. �n I 961 � Indian Co�tract 1\ct \vas . 1 of �961], 111 effect a local rcplacecl by tlic La,v of Contract Ordinance [No the Incl1a11 Act. In addition statute ,vitll no altcratioru of substance fro n1 t.llere is a local Sale of Gooels Ordinance [cap. 2 I 4], wJ1icl1 repeals for \. e of ods Sal 1 Go sl1 ct 1893 [56 and gli E11 tl1e of 1s io1 vis pro c 1 t! Tanganyika 57 Viet. c. 71]. In adclition, tl1.e custon1ary Ia\.v of contract 1nay apply by ,,irtue of s. g of the J.f\.L.O. (sec ante, B, IJara. 13).

ZANZIBAR 1 ) rotectorate, beca1nc i11dcpcnde11t on J Britisl1 a y < )r1nerl f Zai1zibar., I)cccrnbcr JO, 1963. O i1e 111011tl1 later > 011 Jant1a1y 12, 196,}, a revolution took: J)lacc ,vl1icl1 rCJ)lacccl the St1lta11 a11d Government of Zanzibar by a Revolutionary Cot111cil i11 ,vl101n all po,vcr ,vas ,1ested. The exercise of tlus 1 10\-vcri 110\-vcvcr, \Vas also vested i11 otl1er perso11s. Th1\s legislative J)o,vcr ,vas ,,cstccl i,1 tl1e l)resiclc11t of tl1e Repttl)lic acting by and ,vith the aJ,,ice a11<l conse11t of tl1e Revolutionary Cou11cil. Exectiti\,e po\ver ,vas exercised 011 bel1alf of tl1e Rc\1olutio11al")' Council, a11d ,vill1 its advice, by a CalJinct of i\!linisters. 13otl1 L11e President and 1Vlen1lJers of tl1e Cabinet are 111cn1l)crs of tl1c Revolutionar)' Cot111cil. 1\.r:; 1 Joir1tcd ot1t abovei i11 J\J)ril, 1964·, Zanzibar 11nited ,vit..l1 Tanganyika o for111 tl1e United Re1Jublic of 1'a11zania. i\.t tl1e ti111e of tl1e Britisl1 Protectorate o,,er Za11zibar, i.e. until in­ cle1)e11dcrlce, tl1e organisation of tl1c courts \vas 1)ect1liar on account of il1c "clual jurisdiction" exercisecl b}' tl1e Britisl1 Cotirts 011 tl1e 011e l1a11d and tl1c Za11zibar Courts 011 tl1e otl1cr. Or1. tl1e Britisl1 side, tl1cre ,vas a High Court ancl lo\vcr courts called Britisl1 s11borcli,1atc cot\rts; and 011 the Zanzil)ar side ar1 exactly parallel s·ystc111 pre,,ailed, al tl1e l1ea<l of \Vh.ich stood tl1c SLdta11's C:011rt for Za11zibar and co11rts st1borclinate thereto corrcs1Jo11ding to tl1c sttbordinatc Brilisl1 courts. 2 Generally speaking, the British COLtrts only l1acl jt1risdictio11 o\rer Britisl1 subjects, Britisl1 protected JJcrso11s a11d ci Lize11s of Cl1ris tian 1)0,,•ers. 1\s regards the la ,vs aIJIJI icable, it ,-vas pro,,ided by tl1e Cot1rls Decree . l.ca JJ. 3, 1 934· Ecl.] tl1al i11 civil 111altcrs tl1e Ia,v of Islatn v-:as tl1e fttndan1ental la,v of ll1c Prolectoratc. Courts ,,,ere also e111po,vcred to aJJ})ly local Decrees, certai11 SJ)ccificall)! a1JtJlicd U.l{. Acts, a11 d so far as these did 11ot ap1Jly tl1e st1bsta11cc of tl1c co111111011 la\v, tl1e cloctrines of eqt1ity and tl1c staltttcs of gcr1cral a1)JJlicatiOll i11 for ce i11 Engla11d 011 July 7, 1897.

--- -- ----------------------

Ref�rcnc�s t<;> lcgi:ilat ion, ttnless otl1er,vise i11 Chapter Nutnb ers to dica arc tcd, _ 111 tl1e 1961 J �tl1L1on of t\1c La,vs or Zan zi r. � - o -�l(;t ils, sec .J. I-1. _\'augl1a11, The ba 1935; :lll<l Zanz ibar, Dua in Juri l J sdict ion { � I-I · · "-Inge 011, The Co11jl1ct of l�aws in Zan zibar, 1940. .




Ta,izania \.Vhen Zanzibar achievecl i11dcpenclc11 ce, the ''Britisl1 Cottrts'' \vcrc abolishccl. One Higl1 Court \Vas cstablisl1cd by tl1c Constitt1tio11 [s. 92] and subordinate COl1rts consisted of (a) magistrates' cot1rts, (b) l(atl1ist Courts, (c) lvlt1dirial Courts and (d) juvenile cOltrls [Courts Decree, No. 22 of 1963]. The la\VS to be aclministcrccl \Vere tt11cl1angcd. 1\fter tl1e Revolution, a IlC\V I-Iigl1 Court \Vas cstablisl1ccl a11cl a nc\-v Cot1rts Decree [No. 3 of 1966] enacted. Tl1e la\vs existing prior to tJ1e Republic \Vere preserved [Rxisting La\, S Decree, No. l of 1964·]. 1-\s pointed out abo\'C, 011 1\pril 22, 1964·, Za11zibar t1nitcd \Vitl1 Tanganyika to forn1 tl1e United RcpLtblic of �I'a11 zania. I-Io,.vevcr, the Interim Constitt1tion specifically laid do,vn in ss. 62 ancl 63 tl1at notl1ing in the Constitution sl1all J)rccludc tl1e co111ii1t1ancc or cstablishmc11t ttndcr ancl i11 accorda11cc ,vitl1 tl1c la,v of Za11zibar of a I-Iigl1 Court in a11cl for Zanzibar or courts st1borclinate tl1crclo. 1

A Tl-IE COURTS '1�11e Cottrts Decree of 1966 crcatccl the follo\vi11g Coltrls sttl)orcli11atc to tJ1e High Cot1rt: (a) District Cot1rts; (b) Katl1is' Courts; (c) Pri1nary Cottrts and (d) juvenile cot1rts. 1·Ittclirial Courts \Vere al)olishcd. In certain circu111Stances appeals lie from tl1e I-Iigh Court to tl1e Cottrl of 1-\J)peal for East 1-\frica.


COURT OF f\PPE1\L FOR Et\S"f AFRIC1\ ,See ante, }J. 129.


1 Establishment-Esta blisl1ed by s. 2 of tl1e I-Iigl1 Co11rt Decree 1964

[I-I.C.D., No. 2 of 1964]. 2 Composition-The jt1dgcs of tl1 e Higl1 Co11rt sl1all be tl1e Cl1ief

J11stice and s11ch number of jt1<lges as may be prcscri!Jed by ll1e Prcsiclei1t [H.C.D., s. 2 (2)]. The Court is 11ormally constitutccl by one jt1dgc sitting alone.

3 Jurisdiction-original-The Cow-t has w1li1nitccl criminal ancl civil jttrisdiction. \rVhcre a la\v passed by tl1e Parliamc11t of tl1c Unitccl Rept1blic applies or is cxten<lecl to Za11zibar, the High Cot1rt of Zanzibar shall l1ave conct1rrent jt1risdiction with the I-Iigf1 Court of Ta11zania [I.C.T. s. 63 (2)].

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-The I-Iigl1 Cot1rt J1ears ap1)cals from District Cottrts a11d Kathis' Courts in crin1inal a11cl civil cases [Courts Decree (C!.D.), No. 3 of 1966, s. 20]. 161


[)art //-East .1Jfrica

laid d?,vn in tl1c Crimi 5 Proccdurc-Crin1i11al procedure is nal cedt1re 1n tl1e Civil Proced ure Procccl tire Decree [cap . I 4] �l 11d civ il pro Decree [cai). 8]. CONTROL OF COURTS

4 evision:-1\1)peals lie. �111dcr �ertain conditions 1 and review 6 Appeal,

t:o tl1c Court of 1\ppeal for East 1\fr1ca. No prO\'ISton exists for tl1e rcvie\'>' - h Cot1rt proceedings by any otl1cr court. or revision of IIig 7 Supervision and inspection-Tl1ere is no J)rovisio11 for the super4 visio11 or inspcctio11 of Iiigl1 Court })roceedings by any otl1er court. L."-\V 1'0 DE 1\D?.ilNISTERED

8 Gc11e1·al la,v-The genera l la,v to be ad1ninistered l)y all courts is still to lJe fot111cl i11 arts. 23 to 27 of tl1e Za 11zibar Order i11 Council 1924, ,vl1icl1 1\rtic les arc still i11 force by virlt1c of tl1e Existing La\vs Decree [_ N(). l of 1964·]. �rhe articles proviclc tl1at tl1e gc11cral la,v consi.sis of local J)ccrccs, Orclers ir1 Cou11cil cxtc11cled to Zanzibar (and 11ot subsec1ue11tly clisaJ)[Jliccl), certain s1 Jecificall)' a1)plicd U .K.•A.cts subject to certain adapta­ tio11s a11d 1nodilicatio11s, ancl sttlJject tl1ereto ''tl1e sttl)sta11ce of the commo11 l,t,v, tl1 e cloctri11es of ec11.1ity ancl the statutes of general application in force i11 E11 gla11cl 011 the 7tl1 clay of J1.1ly, 1897", subject to tl1e usual proviso that st1cl1 la,vs sl1all be in force so far only as tl1e circu1nsta11ccs of Zanzibar a ncl i ls inl1abita11 Ls permit. 9 Local and customary la,vs-Since Zanzibar is a1 1 Isla11uc country, Ll-l.c 1Jcrsonal la'\v of tl1e grcat majority of tl1c inl1abitants is Islamic, ratl1er tl1an c1.1ston1ary� law. Tl1crc is no pro,,ision i11 any la,v specificall}' enjoi1tlng i.hc l·Iigl1 Court: to administer cttstomary la\v. 10 ReligiOLlS la,vs-,-\.l 1l 1ough tl1c old Co1.1rts Decree [cap. 3, 1934 Ed.] l1as bec11 alJ olisl1ccl, s. 7, \vl1icl1 })rovides tl1at in ci,ril 111attcrs tl1e Ia,v of Islan1. is tl 1c funcla1ne11tal la,v of Za11zibar, l1as bee1 1 preservecl. l<'t1rther, the I-Iigl1 Cot1rL is empo,vcred t111der Ll1c St1cccssion Decree [cap. 21] to aJ)JJly tl1e JJcrsonal la,v of 1\I1.1sli11is, I-Ii11dus; Bucldl1ists and Pa rsis i11 :;uccessio11 111attcrs.




1 Establisl1ment-I?.stab lisl 1cd b)' s. 5 of tl1c G.D. 2 Com1)osit:ion-1\ l)istricL Cottrt 1na)' be co1111)osed or ,1 si11gle . 1l:s1clcr1i :1'vlagistra tc (R.1\.1.) or l)isLrict l\,fagistratc (D. Iv!.). I11 ar1y ci,•il Suit, aiiy cottrl may, on tl1c a1J})licalio11 of a part)' or of its o,v11 111otio n, . call 111 011 c or 111orc assessors a11d sl1all rec ord J1is OJJinio11 ' bul l1e sl1all liavc 110 voice i11 Ll1c <lccisio11 [C.l). s. 16]. 3 Jurisdiction-oi·iginal a Local Ii,nits [s. I O J i R.I'vl.: tl1rot1gl1ot1t Za11zib ar. 162


ii D.�.J.: \.vill1i11 Ll1e lin1ils of Lhe place to ,vl1icl1 l1e is assig11ccl. b Civil i R.i'vl. [s. 13 (2)]: "t\ Resident :Wiagistratc shall J1avc jt1risclic1io11 to l1car all suits

and proceccli11gs of a civil 11att1re l)ul st1cl1 juriscliction shall l)<; limitecl: (a) i11 procecclings for th.c rcr.o,:cry of 1)ossessio11 or in11novablc t)roper Ly, to t)roccecli rigs i11 ,-vliicl1 tl1c ,•alttc of 1}1c J)ro1)crly clocs not exceecl t,vo l1t111clrccl tl1ot1san.cl shillings; ancl (b) i11 other J)rocccclings \vl1crc tl1c sul)jcct 111attcr is capable of bcii1g estimatecl at a 111011c)r valttc, to J)rocccdin,gs in ,vl1ich tl1e valt1c of tl1c st1bjcct 111attcr docs nol cxccccl t,,·cnty tl1ot1san.cl sl1illings." ii D. IvI. [s. 13 ( 3)] : '\.:.\ District ;\,[agistralc sl1all l1a\.'C ancl exercise original jttrisclic­ tio11 in procccclings of a civil 11alt1rc in all cases \vl1crci11 the st1bjecl mattci· ca11 be cstin1atcd at a n1oncy value tl1at clocs not exccccl le11 tl1ot1sancl sl1illings.'' c Cri111iual Both R.N{.s a11d D.!Vl.s may pass the follo\vir1g sentc11ccs: i1nprisc,nn1c11t for a tcrn1 not exceecling 3 years; a fine not excel:ding Sl1s. 3,000/-; corporal pt1nisl1ment 11ot cxcccdi11g 24 strokes [Criminal Procedure Decree, cap. 14� as an1eI1ded by s. 7 of 1l1c C�rimi11al J>roceclt1rc (1\mcncln1cnt) Decree, No. 2 of I 966]. 4 Jurisdicti.011-appellate-.s\.ppcals lie to DistricL Courls fro1n Prin1.ary Courts in both criminal ancl civil cases [C.D., s. 18]. 5 Procedure-.-\s High Court (t\2, para. 5, ante). CONTROL OF COUR'fS

6 Appeal, revie,v or 1·evision-1-\J)pcals lie from dccisio11s of I)istrict

Cc,urts LO tl1e I·Iigl1 Cot1rt in llotl1 crimir1al ancl civil cases [C:.D., s. 20] i. In a<lclition, t J1e Higl1 Court l1as general JJO\vcrs of SLlJJCrvisio11 ancl revision of proceedings of all su l)orclina te cot1rls [C.D., s. 21].

7 Supervision-Sec t\3, para. 6, ante. L1\\.\'


.t-\s Higl1 Cot1rl (1\2, paras. 8, 9 and I 0, ante).


1 Establishment-Establisl1ecl bys. S of tl1e C.D. 2 Composition-Co1nposecl of a single Katl1i. 3 Jurisdiction-original-''r_rl1c jttrisdiction of Katl1is' Cot1rts sl1all be limited to:163

Par/. II-East Africa (a) ntatters relating to pcrs�n_al status, marriage, divorce, �uardia nship ai1d, stibjecl to tl 1e prov1 s1011.� of any.other_ la\v for th� time being in force tlle custody of cl 1il(lre11 1n cases 111 \vl11ch the parties are I\f uslims of tl1� Ibadhi sect or tl1c Sl1afei sect; (b) matters relating to \Vakfs, religious_ or_ cl1aritalJle trusts, gifts iiiter ,,ivos and ir1.lieritance \Vl1cre tl1e claim 1n rcsfJCCl of any sucl1 matter does not exceed five tl1ousancl sl1illings, i n cases i11 wl1ich the parties are iv!usli n1s of tl1e l lJaclhi sect or tl1e Shaf ei sect; (c) clain1S for maintena11ce, \Vherc st1cl1 claim is for a lu1np sttm not exceeclinu five tl1ousand sl1illings or for a periodical payn1ent to be 0 niacle at a rale 11ot cxcccdi11g five ht111dred sl1illi11gs per monLh, in cases i11 ,vl1ich tl1 e parties are lvIuslims of tl1e Ibadl1i sect or tl1e Sl1afci sect; a11cl (d) sttits a11cl procecclings of a civil 11ature in ,vhicl1 the subject matler ca11 l) c esti1natecl at a 111or 1 ey valttc and does not cxceccl five thot1sancl sl1i lli1 1gs. ''

4 Ju1·iscliction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-As I-Iigl1 Court (A2, JJara. 5, ante) . •A.dvocates ma1• not a1Jpear before I(athis' Courts [C.D., s. 14]. CONTROL OF


6 A1Jpeal, review, revision

7 Supervision

As District Courts, (.A.3, paras. 6 and 7, ante).


I(aLl1is' Cot1rls acln1i1 1ister Islan1.ic la,,• in tl1e matters specified u11der para. 3, ante. AS



1 Establisl1ment-Establisl1ccl by s. 5 of tl1e C.D. 2 Con1.positio11-Co1111Josed of a si11gle Pri111ary Cot1rt Jvlagi.strate. 3 Ju1·isdiction-original-1�11is is specified i1 1 s. 13 (6) (7) a11d (8) of tl1c c:.I). as follo,vs: "(6) Pri1 11ar}' Cotlrls 1'1agisLratcs sl1all exercise jurisdiction in ci,ril, crin1i1 1al a11cl otl1er 111attcrs a11d sl1all l1ave jurisdiction to trv and cleter1nine cases:(a) in civil 1 nattcrs i11 \-vl1icl1 tl1e subject 111atter can be estimated ac a n1oncy valtle ancl cloes not exceed L,vo thot1sa11d sl1illings; a11d (b) i11 cri111ir1al n1atters i11 \ovl1icl1 tl1e se11tc11ce 1at 1nay be in1pos cd is tl 011c tl1at <locs 11ot exceecl t,vel,,e n1ontl1S' imprisonm ent or a fine 11ot cx�ecdi11g 011e tl1ot1sand sl1 illings or corporal punislu nent not excecd 111g t,velvc strokes. 164·

Tanzania (7) The jurisdiction of Primary Cot1rts i11 crin1i11al n1allers sl1all l)e limited to tl1e offences set out in the Scl1cclulc to this Decree. (8) Primary Courts lvfagistratcs sl1all riot l1ave jurisdiction(a) to holcl a prelimi11ary inqt1iry ltncler ll art \TII of tl1c Criminal Proce<lt1re Decree; or (b) to holcl a11 inqt1est u11dcr sections 359 arid 360 of Lhe Cri1ninal Procecll1re Decree; or (c) to try a11y case co11cerning J)Crso11al statl1s, n1arriagc, divorce, guarcliansl1ip, cttstody of ch.ildrc11, ,vaJ<:fs, religious or cl1aritablc trt1sts, gifts inter vivos, i11l1crila11ce or 111aintenancc cxcCJ)t(i) \vhcrc the parties are botl1 of Ll1c sa1nc rcligio11 ancl tl1c clai1n is one for dO\Yr)' 0111)'; or (ii) \vhere the clain1 is one of mai11tc11a11ce of a wife or child (\-vl1etl1er legiti111atc or illigitimatc) a11cl suclt claim docs not e.�ceed one ht111dred sl1illings per \veek in respect of a \.vifc or fifty slullir1gs per ,-veek i11 respect of a11)' cJ1ilcl; or (iii) ,,,J1ere tl1e clai1n is i11 respect of la11cl \vl1icl1 is a.llcgecl by a11y of tl1e parlics to be land occupied in accordance ,viLl1 local or tribal cl1ston1.'' 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-,<\s I-Iigl1 Court (1\2, para. 5, ante). 1-\dvocatcs 111a·y 11ot appear before Primary Cot1rts [C.D.S. 14]. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, revie\v, revision-1\ppeals from Prin1ary Cot1rts i11 civil and criminal cases lie to a District Court. In aclclition, District C:ot1rts have ,vide po\vers of re,rision of Prin1ary Cot1rt proceedings [C.D., s. I 9].

7 Supervision-The Higl1 Cot1rt exercises general po\vers of supervision over all subordinate courts [C.D., s. 21]. L,\\V TO DE J\D�rINlSTERED

8 General la\\'-.'\s I-Iigl1 Court (1\2, r>ara. 8, ante).

9 Local and customary Jaws-It is clear frorn s. 13 (8) (c) (sec above under para. 3) tl1at Prim.:'ll)' Courts may adn1in.istcr local customary Ia,v in matters of do,vry, mai11tcnancc and lancl custo1n. 10 Religiot1s Laws-Altholtgh tl1ere is no s1Jecific provisio11 to tl1is cflect, it is clear that Primary Courts n1ay acl111inister Islamic la\v in cases vvhere tl1ey l1ave jurisdiction, since Islan1ic la,v is tl1e ft1ndamental la1vv of Zanzibar in civil matters.


1 Establishtnent-Altl1ough cstablisl1cd as sttbordi11ate cot1rts u11<ler s. 5 of the C.D., tl1cir constitt1tion and co1nposiLion arc defined in Ll1e Children and Young Persons Decree [cap. 58, s. 3 (1) (a)].


Pll rl I1-liast Africa 1c C.Y.P.D., tl1e personnel of tl of ) (b ) (I 3 s. . . o f 19- or more perso11S in each 2 Compositioi1-By g 1n sl s1 n co ls 1c a1 p om fr these courts is dra\VD !l1airman o f each ju\•enile C e h ,.f . a b n c1 P 1d a1 r a lJ of the islands of Za11zi fficer, or, in the absc11ce O al ri te is ag M a r o , lc ra st '"fl1e quorum is tlic court is a Resiclc11l l'vlagi e. ic st u J f ie h C 1c d by tl te i1 oi 1) ap n so er p a , h ot b of 1e panel ,vl10 must inclt1de tl of s er 1b 11 1c 11 er h ot VO l\ Cliairn1a11 sitti1 1g ,-vitl1 an. 1n o ,v e 11 0 , le ll a c li c ra p is one man a11d, so far as 1ave jurisdictio1 1 to l1ear a11cl l s rt u co he T l1a i1 3 Jurisdiction-01·ig ars is cl1arged 16 ye of e ag e th er d n u n so er p a l1 dctcrn1 ine a11y case in \Vl1ic ter [C.Y.P.D., s. 8]. gh au sl an m r o cr rd u 1 11 1 a1 th wi1}1 an offence otl1er Nil. 4 Jurisdiction-appellateante). 5, a. ar J) 2, A ee (s rt ou C l1 ig lf s 5 P ro ce dure-1\


ls lie to the Higl1 c:ourt. In ca pp 1\ on si vi 1·e 6 AJ)peal, revie,v o 1 1 and rcvisio11 of isi rv pe su of s cr ,v J)o l ra 11e gc s aclditio11, tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1 rt }1a ., s. 2 I]. .D [C ts 11r co tc 11a di or 1l) st l al 11 i s ng lJrocecdi 7 Supervisio11-See 1Jara. 6, ante.



o11 (see cti di ris jt1 s l1a il re 1e ,vl )' nl o ,v Ia al in 1 in cr l ra 1\dmi11istcrs tl1e gc11c para. 3 1 ante). 1\7



16 . [No e cre De urL Co al eci Sp Ll1c by cl sl1e lJli sta 1 Establishn1.ent-E of l 966]. ers 2 Co1nposition-1, l1c C!o11rt is to consist of 1101 111ore tl1a11 14· 111en1b to be: �1 I)l)oi11ted by tl1e Preside11 t [s. 2]. 3 Ju1·isdiction-01·iginal-Sectio11 3 pro,•ides: Court ''Not,vitl1sla11di11g tl1e IJro,risio11 of a11y otl1er Ia,v tl1e Special sl1all l1avc cxclusi,•e cri111i11al jt1riscliccion in tl1e follo\ving cases:( a) political offe11ccs co111n1it tecl by an)' J)erson; Lhe ( b) offcnccs co1111nittcd by \)Crso 1 1s dctait1ed 111 1dcr t l1e pro,•isions of l)revcr1tivc Detc11lio11 Decree, 1964: er ty (c) oflc1 1ccs i 11,�ol,•i11g tl1cft of Govcr 1111 1e11 t propert)' or tl1e prop of a1 1y public enterprise; the (ti) offc11ccs invol vi1 1g clan1agc cat1secl to Goverri.n1e11l property or JJroi)erty of a11y l )Ltblic cnter1 )rise.'' : As Lo IJL1 11isl11ncn�, s. 8 JJro,•icles tl1at tl1e court n1ay i11flict tl1e follo,ving _ (a) dcatl1, (b) 1 n11 Jr1son1 nc11t, (c) corporal p1111isl1111.c11t, (tf) fine. 4 Jurisdiction-ap1Jellatc-Nil. 166

Tanzania 5 Procedure-Section 4 provides: "(l) 1�11e Special Court sl1all la)' doiv11 its oivn practice a11d procedure for tl1e trial of offe11celi ,vitl1i11 ils j urisclictio11 and sl1all not be bot1nd by tl1e principles of procccltlrc laicl clo,vn in tl1e Criminal Proccclt1rc Decree or any other la,v. (2) l\Icmbers or the public sl1all 11ot 11::lve access lo any place iv}1crc the Special Court is sitting. (3) N o ad,rocate or Pttl)lic Proscctttor 1na)' aJ)IJC.ir 011 behalf of any party before the Special Cot1rt. '' 1


6 Appeal, revie,v, revision-Section 9 provides: "An appeal fron1 a dccisior1 of tl1c Special Co11rl sl1all lie to tl1c President ,v]1ose decision sl1all be fir1al ancl 110L appealal)le i r1 ar,y cot1rt of la,v."

7 Supervision-Nil. L,\\-V TO BE ,\O�tINISTERED

Tl1e la\v to be ad1ni11istcred by tl1c Special Court is 11ot laicl do\vn i11 the Decree, but prest1mably tl1c exclt1si,,c cri1ninal jurisdiction of tl1c C�ourt i.c; i11tentled to be e."'\:ercisccl i11 conformity v,1 iLl1 tl1e Penal l)ccrce [cap. 13]. N.B. f\ltl1ougl1 s. I of tl1e Special Court Decree J)rO\'icles that the J)ecree ''sl1all be deemed to l1ave con1c i11to operatio11 on the 1st day of i\1«)' 1966", this sectior1 .vas amencled by tl1c S 1Jecial Court (1\111c11cln1cnt) Decree [No. 19 of 1966] so as to provide tl1at Ll1e Decree shall co1nc i11to opcratior1 on a day to be appointed lJy tl1c President. So far no SL1cl1 day has IJce11 appointed a11d tl1e ,Special Court l1as tl1creforc 11ot con1c into being yet.




11 Statute

12 Corrunon law and equity-1�11c general la\v of Za11zibar, con1pris� ing statt1tc la\v, common la\v a11<l equit)', is contai11cd jn arts. 23 lo 27 of the Zanzibar Order in Council, 1924. 'TJ1is is clear fro111 tl1c Existing La,vs Decree [No. l of 196,}], ,vllicl1 prescrvecl all tl1e ''existir1g Ja,vs'' in Zanzibar in force prior to tl1c Re,1olution, i11cluding Britisl1 c11actmcnts extended to Zanzil)ar [s. 2 (3)]. The 1-\rticles IJrovidc that tl1e ge11eral la,v of Zanzibar s11all consist of: a local Decrees (previously these ,vcrc Decrees of tl1c Sul tan, 110,v tI1cy are Presi<len Lia I Decrees) ; b Orders in Council cxtcndecl to Zanzibar; c tl1e U.K. enactments described in the First Scl1eclL1lc to tl1e l;,orcig11 Jurisdiction 1\ct 1890 [53 ancl 54 Vict., c. 37], Sllbjcct lo certain exceptions, adaptations ar1d modifications; r.l the Color1ial J)risoncrs' Rcrnoval :\ct 188�� [4·7 a11cl 48 \iicl. c. 3 I]; <111<.I 167

Part //-East Aj}ica e subject to t l1e above, ''tl1e st1lJsta11ce of the_ co1?'1-m�n l a,v tl �e cloctrines of e cittity aJid t}1 e s tatutes of genera] appl 1cat1on 1n force �n England _ 011 tl1e 7tll clav of Jtily, 1897 ... Provided alV1•ays that tl1e said common Ia,v cloctrincs· of cc1uily and statutes of general appl ication sl1all be i11 force iii Za1 1zilJ ar so far onJ), as tl1e circu1 nslances of Ll1e Republic a11 d its in11 aJJita11ts ... permit, a11cl subject to st1cl 1 qual ifications as local circt11nstances rcncler 11ccessa111.'' 13 Custom ru1d usage-Since Zanzibar is an Islamic countI")', tl1e vast n1ajoriLy of its i l1l 1abita11ts arc gover11ecl by Islamic Ia,v, ratl1er tl1an ct1stoinary l a\V. I-Io,vcvcr, it is clear that such Isla n1 ic la,v l1as been supple1 11entecl or aflectecl by local ct 1sto1n and ttSagc. This is cl ear from s. 13 (8) or tl1c Courts J)ccrcc (sec 1\5, para. 3, ante), \,•l 1icl 1 giv es Primary Cotlrts jt1riscliclio11 i11 clain1s for ''do,vr)1'' ancl claims in re sp ect of la nd ''occupied i11 accorda11cc ,vil]1 local or tribal custon1 ''.

14. Religio11s lt1,vs-a Islarnic la1v. SccLio11 7 of tl1e Courts Decree [caJ). 3, 193�� Eel.] IJro,,iclcd tl1a t i 11 civil 1na i ters tl1e la,v of Islam ,vas tl1e fu11 da1nc11tal la,v of Za11zilJ ar. "fl1is Decr e e ,\'as repealed by tl 1e Cotirts Decree [No. 22 of 1963]. I-Io,vcvcr, tl1ere ,,·as a pro,riso in s. 31 (I) tl1at ''a11y la \V, practice or tJrocccl Li rc 1nadc or establisl1ed t1nder tJ1e first repealed J)ccrcc sl1all co1 1 ti 11t1c i11 force t111til otl1cr similar JJro,risio 11 is made under tl1 is Decree''. 1\gai11, ,vl1c11 tl1c Cot1rts Decree No. 22 of 1963 ,vas repealed b); tl1c l alcst C!otirt Decree No. 3 of 1966 tl 1ere \\'as a sin1ila r pro,•iso in s. 29 (a) tl1at ''a11)' la,v, 1 Jractice or proccdt1re 1 nade or establisl1ecl under tl1c C!otirts Decree No. 22 of 1963 or earlier Court Decrees shall continue i11 fc)rcc u11ti l otl 1er si 1nilar J)rovisio11 is made uncl er tliis Decree''. Since no sin1ilar 1)rovisio11 l1as yet bcc11 111.acle, i t is st1b111.ittcd tl1at s. 7 of tl1e old c:ourts Decree i 11 rcgarcl to IsJa111ic law, l)eing tl1e fu11clame11tal la,v, still aJJt)lics. Isl a1r1ic ]a\v is also aJ)plicable i11 sticccssio11 111atters by virtue of tl1e SL1cccssio11 Decree. b fli11(!11, Bu(!t!hisl ancl Parsi laiu. rl�l1ese 1na)' also be ap1)lied by v-irlue of tl1c Succcssio11 ])ccr ee in n1atters of st1ccessio11. 15 lnte1·11al conflict 1·ules-Nil. DEH.IV ,\1"T0:,1 .-\ND FOR}.t OF �l,\IN BR,\NCIIES OF TI·IE LEG.<\L SYSTE?II

16 Crin1.inal la,v-Tl1c bt11k of 1l1e crirrunal la,,· of Za11zibar is co11taincd ir1 il1e l)c11al Decree [cap. 13]. I11 aclclitio11 , tl 1cre arc various otl1er statutes c o11stituli11g offc11 ccs or 1)ro,•icli1 1g S}Jccial IJt111isl1111cnts, e.g. Road Traffic _ _ Decree l_ca 1). 135] a11cl tl1c Official Secrets Decree [cap. 18]. 17 Propcrt)r a11d s11ccessio11-a J>ropcrl]•. Tl 1c Revoltitionary Govcrn­ n1e11t of Za�zil)ar l1as, since il ca111c i 1 1to po,,,cr, a ctivcl)' pt1rsued a policy _ of co1 1fiscat1011 of 11nnl()\'a blc t)ro1Jcr t)', ,vl1icl 1 l1as rcsul ted in n1ucl1 of tl1e la11d a11cl l)uilcli11gs of Za11zil:,ar coming into State O\-\'llersl1ip. '[his l1as l)cc11 clo11c 111,dcr I l1: Ct111fisca tio11 of I 1n 1novalJl e l:>roperly Decree 1964 [No. 8 llf 1964·], ,-vl11cl1 cn11Jo,vers ll1c l>rcsicle11 l to co11fiscate inm1ovablc pro1Jcrly lJy Orclcr '',-vl1c11e,•cr it a1Jpcars lo Ll1e Prcsicl cnt tJ1at it is in tl1e 168

Tanzania national interest of the Repttblic to accJttire a11y property and tl1at tl1 c acqt1isition of such property ,,vithout the pay1nent of co1n1)ensatio11 wot1Icl not cause ttndue harclsl1ip Lo tl1c O\v11er tl1crcof". 3 Tl1e 'fransfer of Property Decree [ca J), 150], based 011 tl1c I11dia11 Act, deals ,vitl1 tl1c transfer of J)ropcrty. b Succession. Tl1e la,v of succcssio 11 i11 Za11zibar is contained in tl1c Succession Decree [caJ). 21]. Tl1is is a co1111)lctc coclc of s11cccssio11 lav,, based 011 the Indian Successio11 1\ct. Most of tb.c provisions of tl1c Decree, ho\vcver, do 11ot apply to 1 It1sli1ns, I-Iin.cltts, Buclcll 1isls a11cl l)arsis, \vl10 are st1bject to tl1eir personal la\V. 1

18 l\·Iarriage ancl tl1e fa1nily-Tl1c 1)ri11cipal slalt1tc cleating ,viLl1 marriage is the iviarriagc (Solc1nnisatio1 1 and Rcgislratio11) Decree [cap. 92], \Vlucl1 deals ,vi tl1 tl1e celcbratio11 a11cl cor1clilions of 111arriage u11dcr the statutor)' la,v. Tl1e statt1tory Ja,v of clivorcc is contai11ed in tl1 c Native Christian Divorce Decree [cap. 70� 1934· Ed.], a11d in the Matrin1 011ial Decree [ca1J. 68, 1934 Ed.]. Boll1 Decrees are based 011 tl1e Englisl1 la,v as it e.xislecl i11 E11gla11cl IJrior to Ll1c passi11g of tl1c �'1atri1nonial Ca1.1scs i\ct 1937 (tf1c "}Ierbert 1-\ct''), but ,vl1ercas tl1e former Decree aJJJ)lies to .A.frican Cl1ristians, tl1e latter apJJlies to Britisl1 subjects and forcig11crs. I-Io\.'>'e\1er, as Lhe vast n1ajority of tl1e popttlatio11 of Zanzibar is l\ It1slin1, most pcrso11S are gO\'Crnccl by the Islamic la\vs relating lo marriage, divorce and otl1er 1natters of perso11al status. Other staltttes dealing \,1itl1 family la,v are the 1\do1Jtion of Cl1ilclrc11 Decree [cap. 55] and tl1c Iviair1Lcna11cc Orders (Enforcen1c11t) Decree [cap. l l]. 1

19 Tort and contract-There arc 110 decrees in Zanzil)ar deali11g \vitl1 lhe la1,v of tort, ,vl1ich is therefore go\rcrned lJ)' tl1e co1runo11 la\v. 1'11e la\v of contract is contai11ed in tl1c Contract Decree [cap. 14·9] basecl on tl1e India11 Contract 1\ct. For system of land tenure in Zanzibar prior to the Revolution, sec J', Ivfidcllclon, La11d Tenure in ,<_anzibar, 1961, London, 1-I.:tvf.S. 0. 3






By Ii. F. A1orris Uga11da bccan1c a11 i11clc1 Jendenl cotlntry on October 9, 1962. Prior to tJ1at it \Vas a BriLish JJroteclorate co1nposed of the ''kiI1gdoms''-Buganda, A1 1 ko1c, Bt1nyoro and Toro-,-vi(.}1 \\•l1om special agreements l1ad IJecn concluclccl and tl1e no11 -agrec1ncnt districts. Tl1e Buga11da legal system \\'as, in son1c respects, cliffercnt from tl1 at of tl1e remai11der of the cot1ntry. ']'l1c Co11stitution of 1962 2 cs tablished a qtta5i-fedcral strttcturc under ,vl1 icl1 tl1c kingdo1ns a11d tl1e territory of Bt1soga ,-vcre in a11 entrenched I)osi t io11. 'l 'l1is strt1ctt1rc ,vas modified by the Cons titution of 1966 and ,vas tl1cn abolisl1cd by tl1c Constitutio11 of September, 1967. 'l'l1c gc11cral legal of tl1c Uga11da Protectorate, as esLalJlished b)' tl1e Ugar1cla Orcler ir1 Cott11cil, 1902 3 (as amended by tl1e Uganda Order i11 C�ou 11ci1, 191 l), \Vas 1Jasccl on certain codes of Brilisl1 India, a11d, in so far as tlicsc dicl 11ot a1)ply, on tl1e co1nmon ancl statui.c la,v of E11glancl as in force al 1\t1gust 1 1 , I902. rfl1c Indian legislatio11 l1as si11ce been entirely rer>laccd lJy locally cr1acted Ia,vs. Cttsto1nary la\-vs l1avc also been applicable i 11 tl1c ,rariot1s cot1rts, ancl tl1e pcrso11al religious la,,·s of imn1igrant com1nuni ties l1a,,c lJce11 applicablc ,vl1cn appropriate;l , a

A THE COURTS rf\vo distinct syste1ns of cottrls operated ,vitlii11 Uga11da w1til vet)' recently: the gcncral-Ia,v, or territorial, courts, J)ri1narily adn1i1ustcring the general la\V of Uganda; a11d tl1e 11a tive (Iater 1\frica11) cot1rts. Tl1e latter , cottrts l1a,re no,v been rc1Jlaccd by magistrates courts in fulfil1nent of a IJolicy of integration of ll1c cotlrt syste111s. 6




1 E tablislunent-Under tl1c ConsLitutio11 [art. 89] '' 'Court of � :\ppeal 1nca11s sucl1 cotirt of a1JJJcal as may be cstalJlisl1ed 1Jy Parliament

1�'or cl'1agra111 ol. courts srste111 sec i\J)JJcndix /Josi � S.I. 1962 No. 2175, I...a,vs of Uga11cla, 1964· llcvi�io11, Vol. I, JJ. 12. S.R. & 0. 190/662, I...a,vs of Uganda, 1951 llcvisio11, Vol. 8, JJ. 288. � Sec, for cx n1 � 1)le, .i\lalcksulia,i ,,. Jeraj ( 1955), 22 E. .r\.C.,\. 4·2. (Express sta}t1 Lory autl1or1::1ation for st1cl1 a1)tJlicatio11 is referred to bclo,,• a L p, 178.) Fo� a f tllcr fccotu1t of tl1c co11stitulio11 and legal a11d judicial systen15 of _ I · Morris _ a1 1cl J. _ laws alid Uga�icl�, sec� II. its of S. Read., U"and uelop,11 e11t � a : Jl,e de co11sl1iul1on, Lonclo11 1966 • ,• G Unclcr I l1c l'v1ag1s lratc:s' Cotu·ts ,\ct l 964· ( l 9G 4· llcvisio11, ca}J, 3,1-). 1


Uganda and until such cot1rt of appeal is establisl1ccl it n1ea11s tl1e Cot1rt of f\ppeal for Eastern 1\frica''. No sucl1 cot1rt of a1Jpcal l1as, as yet, bce11 csLablisl1ed. TI1e Agreeme11t betwee11 tl1e East African C�ovcr.nmcnts in 1961 7 provided for the cslablish111ent of the Cot1rt of 1\p1Jeal for Eastern 1\frica in place of its predecessor, and, uncler the Treaty for East ;\frican Cooperation betvt'ce11 tl1e Governme11ts of Ke11ya, 1�anzar1ia and Uganda in 1967/1 this court. co11ti11t1cs i11 being u11cler tl1c 11an1e of tl1e Cot1rt of 1\1)pcal for East t\frica \vith ''jt1risdiction to l1car ar1cl cleterrr1ir1c st1cl1 aJ)JJcals from tl1c cot1rts of eacl1 Partner State as 111ay be I)rovidccl for b)r a11y la,-v in force i1 1 that Pa1·tncr State'' [arts. 80, 81]. U 11clcr tl1e Juclica t tire 1-\ct, 9 tl1c Cot1r l of Appeal is a sttperior court of rccorc\ i11 a11cl for Uganda. 2 Compositio11-TI1e Court is co111.1)osc<l of a Prcsiclc11t, Vicc-Prcsiclcr1t, ancl such nuinbcr of Justices of ,\ppcal as may }Jc clcterminecl by tl1c 1\utl1ority, ,vl10 sl1all be a1)})0i11tecl by tl1c 1\t1Ll1ority; ancl tl1e Cl1icf J usticcs and ll1c jt1dges of th.e Higl1 Courts of tl1e cou11trics from ,vl1icl1 appeals arc heard by tl1e Cot1rt. rfl1c Court is dt1ly constitutccl by an t1ne,,e11 11t1mbcr of jt1dgcs, 11ot less tl1an tl1ree. lo

3 Jurisdiction-original-Nil. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-U11der tl1c Constitution ar1 appeal lies to tl1is Court "from a11y st1cl1 final decisio11 of t11c }Iigh Cot1rt, otl1cr tl1a11 a11y decision on any qt1estion as to tl1e interpretation of tl1c Constitt1lion, as Parliament may IJrescribc" [art. 89]. In criminal n1atters, appeal agai1isl co11victio11 by tl1c I-Iigh Court lies lo tl1e Court of i\ppeal ,vitl1ot1l Jca·vc on a question of la,-v or fact, if the sentence is dcatl1 or 111orc tl1an L\velvc 1nontlis' i1nprison1nent or a fine exceeding SI1s. 2,000/-. In sucl1 cases apJ)cal against scntc11ce lies only ,vitl1 the leave of tl1e Court or 1\J)peal. \Vl1ere a sentence of imprison1nent of t,velvc months or less, or a fi11c cxceecli11g Sl1s. 200/-, l)tlt 11ot exceccling Shs. 2,000/- J1as been imposed, appeal agairist conviction o r se11tcnce lies 011ly ,vitl1 the lca,.,·e of tl1e Court of 1\1)pcal or on tl1c certificate of tl1e trial juclge tl1at it is a fit case for aJ)pcal. If tl1e fi11c imposed is less tl1ar1 Shs. 200/-, sucl1 lea,,c or certificate is only gra11ted if tl1e Court of 1\p1)eal or judge rcspccti\'ely considers tl1at tl1e case invol,,es a c1t1estion of la,v of greaL general or ptlblic importance. No appeal against a co11viction follo\.\'­ ing a pica of gt1ilt is allo\ved. \'\1hcrc an appeal l1as been l1earcl by Ll1e Higl1 Court from a criminal proceedi11g i11 a n1agistrate's court, eitl1e1· party may appeal ft1rthcr to the Cot1rt of t\J)pcal on a point of la\v onl)' [Criminal Procedure Cocle, cap. 107, ss. 337, 345]. In civil matters, appeal lies to the Court of Appeal frorn every decree of the IIigl - 1 Cot1rt in its original jt1risdictio11, and from ccrtai11 s1Jecified High Col1rt Orders [Civil Procedt1re 1\cl, ca1). 65, ss. 68, 77]. Fro1n otl1er Orclers of the J-Iigl1 Court in its origi11al jt1risdiction, appeal onl)' lies \Vitl1 Schedule to the East t\frican Co1nmon Services Organisation t\ct, ca p. 4. 8 Schedule to the East ,\frican Co1nn1unity ;\ct, 1-\ct 28 of 1967.


Act 11, 1967, s. 4-0. 1° Court of Appeal for Eastern ;\frica Act, No. 13 of 1962 (a.<; arncndcd by 9

Act No. 5 of 196•1-), ss. 3, 3a.



' '

Part JI-East 11frica - 1 Court [Civil Procedur: Rules, O. XL]. Ai1 appeal tlic leave of tl1e I Iigl , lies froin a decree 1)assecl 011 appeal l)y Ll1e 1-11? !1 Court OJ� tl1e ground that tlie decision is co11trary LO la\V, that tl1e dcc1s1on has failed to determiile some n1aterial issue of Ia,v or tl1at a substantial error or defect in procedure lias occurred ,vli icl1 1nay })OssilJly l1ave produced error or defect i1 1 the decision of tl1c case 11pon tl1e merits [Civil Procedure _i.\ct, s. 74]. 5 Procedure-Tl1e Prcsiclent of the Courl of .A.1)pcal nla}', after consul­ tatiorl \Vitli il1e Cl1ief Justicc, 1nake Rules of Court for regulating the practice and 1)roced t1re ,vith rcs1Ject to a1)peals fron1 Uga1 1da. Until sucl1 Rules a re 111acle, tl1e East African Cou rt of .r\ppeal Rt1les 1954 ap1lly [ Judicattirc 1\ct, s. 4·3J. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal, review or revision-Nil. 7 Supe1·visio11 and i11spection-Nil.

L r\ \V TO DE

r\l) 1\1 IN ISTE RED

Tl1at \vl1icl1 n1ay be ad1 ni11isLered in tl1e court from \vhich the appeal is }Jrot1gl1t [Jt1clicatt1rc 1\ct, s. 40 (2)]. 1-\2



1 Establish1nent-Establisl1ed tinder tl1c Uga11da Order in Council 1962, s. 90, as confir1nccl a1 1d an1e1 1cled lly tl1e Cons tit 11tion of 1967, art. 83.

2 Con1position-Tl1e I·Iigh Court consists of tl1e Cl1ief Justice and st1cl111t1 n1l)cr of puis11e jt1 dgcs as 111ay be I)rcscribed b)' Parliainent [Co11stitu­ "' tio11, art. 03 (2)]. 1 11e Court is 11or1nally co11s ti tu Led b)' one j t1dge sitting alo11c, or, i1 1 crin1i11al cases, ,,•itl1 t\VO or 1nore assessors [Crin1i11al Procedure Code, cap. 107, s. 251]. Tl1e trial of offences co11u11itted i11 Karan1oja DistricL a11cl by Kara1nojo11g in neigl1bot1ring areas ma)' }Jc by a ju ry. 11 3 Jurisdictio11�01·iginal-I-Ias ft1ll jurisdiction tl1rougl1out Uga11da \vitl1 all tl1e powers of a st11Jerior court of rccorcl [Constitution, arr. 83].

4 Ju1·iscliction-appellate-I-Iears aJJpea)s fro1n 1nagistratcs' courts JJrcsidcd over lJy Cl 1ief 11Iagistrates a11d n1agistrales grade I i11 exercise of tl1eir origj11al .:1.nd aJJ}Jcllate jurisdictio11, cri111i11al a 11cl civil [iVIagistrates' C!ot1rts 1\ct, ss. 30 ( 1) (a) a11cl 32 ( 1) (a)]. 5 P1·ocedu1·e-a Civil. Civil Procedure Act, cap. 65; Evide11ce .i\cr. b C'rin1i11al. Crin1.i11al l)roccdure Code, cap. 107; Evicle11ce Act, cap. 43. CONTROL OF COURT

6 A11�eal, revie\V or rcvisio11-S t1lJject to certain qualifications, aJJpcal lies to tl1e Cot1rt of AJJpeal (see Al, }Jara. 4, anle). 11 'l'l1c i\d1ni11istratio11 of Jt1sticc (Karan1oja) Act, cap. 35, s. 2 .




7 Supervision and insp ection-Nil. L,\lV TO DE ADJ\llNISTERED

8 General la\v-TI1e Higl1 Courl exercises jurisdiction i11 co11for1nity ,vitli the \Vrittc11 la,,v 12 a11cl, stibjcct to sucl1 la,v a11d i11 so far as it clocs 11ot appl)', i i1 1 conforn1ily ,vill1 ll1c co111rnon la,,, a11cl cloctri11es of cc1t1 i l.y; 1 :J a11d ii in co1uorn1ity ,villi the po\,.,crs \ cstccl i11, a11cl tl1c J)roccclttrc ancl practice ob_servccl by ancl bcfo.re tl1c Co� 1rts of jt1�Licc. a1�cl ._Jtt�liccs of the Peace 1n E11gland accorcl111g lo tl1e1r rcs1Jccl1vc JUr1sd1ct1011 a11d autl1orities in E11gla11d 011 1\11g11st 11, 1902. 1·1 \V.hcre 110 express la\v or rt1le is aJJ{JlicalJlc lo ar1y n1atter in issttc IJeforc Lhe I-Iigl1 Court, jurisdiction is exercised ir1 co11for111ity ,vitl1 tJ1e JJrinciplcs of justice, equity and good conscic11ce. Tl1c aJ)pliccl Ja\v, If> tl1c co111n1011 Ja,v and tl1c doctri11es or eqt1ity arc, 110'\-vevcr, i11 force 011ly so far ,ls ll1c circumstances or Uga11cla a11cl of its people J)Crrnit, a11cl sttbjcct to sucl1 qualifications as circun1Stanccs 1nay re11der r1ccessary [.Judicatttrc /\ct 1967, s. 3, andjt1clicatt1rc .A.ct 1962, cap. 34·, s. 2]. 1

9 Customa.ry laws-St1bjcct to any ,vrittcn Ia,v, and i11 so far as tI1e san1c does 11ot cxtc11d or aJJply, tl1c I-Iigl1 Court exercises jt1risdictio11, not only in conformity \.vitl1 tl1e common Ia,v and doctri11es of ec1uily, but also in conformity ,vith any estal)lisl1cd and Cttrrcnt custom and usagc 111 [Jt1dica­ tt1re .i-\.ct 1967, s. 3 (2) (b) (ii)]. Ft1rtl1ermorc, the Juclicatt1re Act states [s. 8 ( l)] tl'1at 11otlu.ng in tl1e t\ct deprives the I-Iigl1 Co11rt of tl1e right to observe, or enforce the observance of, or deprive a11y pcrso11 of tl1e The Judicature ,\ct 1967 refers here to "tl1e ,vriltcn la,v including any Ja\v in force immediately before the co1nn1ence1nen t of tl1is .,-\ct". It is, tl1ercforc, necessary to refer to tI1e earlier J1.1dicature 1\ct of 1962, ,vJ1icl1 stated that the I-figh Court sl1ould exercise jurisdiction in conformity ,vitl1 the ,vritten la'rvs and, insofar as tl1cse did not extc 11cl or apply, ,vith (arnong other bra11cl1cs of la\v) tl1c statutes of general application in force in England on August 11, 1902. 1-\ltJ101.1gh t11e 1967 Act n1akes no specific reference to the English statutes of gc11cral application, their applicability to Uga11cla docs not appear Lo have lJcc11. afTcctccl by the passing of the present 1\ct. 13 The "conunon la,v" and "doctrines of equity" are stated i11 tl1e Juclicalurc Act 1967 to mean "those parts of the la\v of Uganda, other than the written la,v, t.l1c applied la,v or the customary la\v, observed and ad1ninisterecl by t..hc T-Iigl1 Court as the com1non Iav..- ancl the cloctrincs of equity rcspeclivel)', irnrnediatcly bcf �rc the co:nmencemen l of this Act". 1\gain reference is necc,;sary to tl1c Judicature :\ct 1962, ,vhich provides that jurisdiction mav be exercised "in conforrnity \Vilh the substance of Lhe comn1on la\v, doctrine; of equity and the . sl �tutcs of gener _ �I . application i_n force in Englancl 011 tl1c l l tl1 August, 1902" \Vhethcr th� hm1t1ng date applies only to Ll1c statutes of ge11eral application or to the co,nmon la\v ancl doctrines of equity as \vcll has been the subject of controversy: sec f\. N. r\llott, Essays in ,1frican Lacu, p. 31, and A. E. \:\1• Park, The Sources of Nigerian Lazv, pp. 20-23. 1·1 T1idc Judicature Act 1962, s. 2 (b) (ii) as amplifying s. 3 (2) (b) (iii) of tl1e 1967 Act. i:; The phrase "applied la\v" used in the J udicat1.1rc i\ct 1967 is not clcfinccl in the Act. Presumably its use is intendccl to cover tl1c English statutes of gc11eral application in force in Uganda (sec n, 12, ante). 11 �fhis pl1rase presumably incl udcs custon1ary la,-v in i ls sco1Jc. 12


Part II-East Africa ,vl1icl1 is not repugnant lo natural J'usti 1n, custo ing exist any of , fit . ce, . be11e . ience a1 1 cl not 1nco1npat1bl e either directly or b eCJUl·ty and goocl consc Y , . , . . J· 7 a,-v 1 . '"r ) 1tle 1 an y 1 l 1t w necessary implication . is 1�0. express provision for tl1e general . 10 Religious laws-fhere apiJlication by u1 c J-Iigl1 Cou rt _of rel1g1ous la\\'S, but sucl1. may be adm inis­ tered in appropriate cases by v1rtt1e of s. 3 (3) of the Jud 1catL1re ;\ct ,vhich states tliat the applied la\.v, t l1e con1.mon law and doctrines of equity are circumstances of Uganda and its people permit iii force only i 11 so far as the and subject to sucl1 qualifications as circL1n1Sta11ces rer1der necessa ry.is 1\3 CONSTlTU'fION

ivf/\G ISTRA1·1�S' COUR�f'S


1 Establisl1me11t-Establishcd lJy s. 2 of tl1e lvlagisLrates Courts .�ct 1964, cap. 36. 2 Co111position-Prcsi dccl over by n1agistratcs of tl1e follo,\'ing grades: Cl 1icf Ivlagistr�Lle, magistrate grade I, magisLratc grade II and magistrate grade III [lviagistratcs' Cot1rts 1-\ct, ss. 2 (2) 3 (I)]. l\1fagistrates' courts may :-;it ,vitl 1 assessors i 11 cri1ninal cases [Crimi1 1al Procedure Code, s. 7]. 3 Ju1·isclictio11-original-i Civil. a Cl1ief J\tlagistrate: ,vl 1ere tl1e value of tl 1e subject matter iI1 dispute clocs 11ot exceed Shs. 10,000/-, u11less tl1e n1.atter is go,rerned by customary la\V, i11 ,vhicl 1 case jLtrisdictio11 is unli1nitcd . b l\'.lagistrate gracle I: wl1cre tl1e val11e of tJ1e subject matter in dispute clocs 11ot e),ccecl Sl1s. 5,000/-, L111less tl1e matter is go,•crned by ct1stomary la\V, i11 \vl1icl1 case jurisclictio11 is unl imit cd. c wfagistra te grac.\e I I : "vl1erc tl1c valuc of tl 1e subject n1atier in dispute does nol exccec\ Sl1s. 1,000/-, u11less tl1e n1atter is go,0er1 1ed b)r customary la\v, i11 ,vl1icl1 case juriscli ctio11 is u1 1lin1i tcd. {/ Magistrate gracle III: ,vl1ere tl1e value of Ll 1e subjecL n1atler in disp ute clocs nol exceed Sl1s. 500/-, unless tl1e n1atter is (Toverned by ct1sio1nary la,,•, i 11 ,vl 1icl1 case tl1c ,,alue of tl1c subject 111attcr n�ay not exceed Shs. 4,000/­ [tv!agistrates' Cottrts 1\ct, s. 12]. ii Cri,niual. a A Cl 1icf I'vfagistratc n1a)• try a11y offence otl1er t l1an those of mL1rder, n1a1islat1gl 1tcr, rape ancl treaso11 a11d allied offences and may

···-·-· - ·---- ---

- · --- ------------

_P_rior to. t!1c enact n1e11 t or tl1c Judicatt1rc 1-\ct 1967 tl1cre ,vas no �xpress and }Jl"�)\' sic!n (�1111l11�g tl1c Ilig the Ug U l1 nder ot1 rl to la\\'. custon1ary ly � 1n atJlJ 9 91 (l<r Cotn�c1l 190� tl1c C,ourt ,,•as required to lJc gtti dcd by custo �ary Ia, 11 : cases Lo ,..,1_11cl1 Afr1ca1 s ,v1.�rc }Jartics. 1�11is \lrovisio11 ,vas repealed 1n 1962· � _ crtl cl Ncv 1 (·ss, IL ,vas l 1clcl 111 1\fusa Kito11/o v. Kabaka' Gouer111nenl, [1963] £,;\. 684 s tllal �ucli la,\' co_t1lcl be a1 JtJliccl by virtt1c of tl1e pro,,isio11 tl1at tl1e comm on la\\', fa� so l ctrinc s. only of cqttlly ancl force lalute i11 s ,,• e gel1er re al ar11Jlic of atio11 � � � tl.ic ,u, ci!·ctin1stanccs ol tl1c coL111tr,, perrnittccl a11d subjeel to a11y nccessar� 17


c1ual1ficat1ons. 18 �cc, for cxan1plc, i\Jaleksultan ,,. Jeraj ( 1955). 22 E.A.C.1\. 4 2- , dec ided i1!i l��tgon l<.l. 1!1 c sirnilarl y ,,•ordccl provision i1 1 tl1c Tanga11yika Order in Cou:� , · Rcligtolts la,v n1a)' also lJ c a11 Jlicablc t111clcr s Jccific Acts (sec }J , 178 : P ) 1 1 174

UgaT1da in1pose a pt1nisl1n1e11t 11ot exceeding a fine of Sl1s. 10,000/-, imprisonn1ent of ten years ancl corJ)Oral pu1lisl1ment of 12 strokes. h r\ magistrate grade I 1nay t11' tl1e sa1nc t)'JJC of oflc11cc as a cl1ief magislrate a11d n1ay irnpose a JJt1nisl11ncnt not c:xceecling a fine of Shs. 5,000/-, i1npriso111ne11t of five }'Cars and corporal pt1nisl1rnent of 12 strokes. c A n1agistrate graclc II n1a)' tf)' �11y offence otl1cr tl1an tl1osc SJJCcificcl in tl1e scco11cl column of I.he Fot1rth Scl,edL1lc to tl1e l\,fagistratcs' Courts ;\ct and may impose a pt111ishn1cnt 1101 cxccecli11g a fine of Sh'.i. I ,000/- ancl imprisonment of t,vo )'ears. cl l\. magistrate grade III 1nay try ail)' offence otl1cr tl1a11 tl1osc specificcl in either the second or t}1ird colt1n1n of tl1e fourtl1 scl1cclt1le to tl1e I'v1agis­ trates' Courl.s r\ct and n1ay i111posc a JJt1nisl11uent not exceeding a fine of Shs. 500/- and in1priso11n1cnt of six 1nonll1s [lvfagistralcs Cottrts' 1\ct, s. 10, as an1endccl by :-\ct 20, 1966].

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-i Civil. a 1\ Cl1ief l'viagistraLe J1cars appeals from coL1rts JJresidecl over b)' a n1agisirate graclc II in the exercise of the original or appellate ci,,il jurisdiction, ancl from those }Jresidcd over by a 1nagistrate grade III i11 t11c exercise of their civil jurisclictiOll otl1er than in ma.lLers gover11ed by customa11' la,v. b A n1agistrate grade II l1ears appeals from courts presided over by a magistrate grade III in tl1e exercise of tl1eir jttrisdiction in 1na.tters governecl by customary la,v [i\ I.C.t\., s. 32). ii C1i111inal. 1\ Cluef lvlagistrate hears appeals from courts prcsicled over by magistrates grade II and III [M.C.1-\., s. 30]. 1

5 Procedure-i Ci;.,1i[. a Courts presided over !Jy Chief :iv1agistrales and magistrates grade I-Civil Procedt1re Act and Eviclc11ce Act. b Court<; presided over by magislratcs grades II a11d III-Civil Proccclurc Rules made under tl1e Ivfagistrates' Courls ,c\ct (S. I. 93 of l 965], antl Evider1ce .f\ct. ii Cri111inal. Cri1ninal PrcJccdurc Code; Evidence Act. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-a 1\ppeal lies lo tl1e }Iigl1 Court from tl1e decisions of a Chief Nfagistrate and a magistrate grade I i11 tl1e exercise of tl1eir origi11al or appellate juris<lictio.n, criminal ancl civil. b Appeal lies to a Chief lviagistrate from ll1e decisions of a magistrate grade II or III in criminal matters. c Appeal lies to a Chief :ivfagistratc from tl1e decisions of a magistrate grade II in civil matters and from a 1nagistrate grade III in civil matters other than those governed by civil ct1stomary la""· d Appeal lies to a magistrate grade II from tl1e decisions of a magistrate grade III in civil matters govcr11ccl by ct1sto111ary law [M.C.1\., ss. 30, 32]. Revision and review-a Tl1e Higl1 C!ourt has powers of revision i11 criminal cases in respect of all magistrates1 courts [Criminal P.C., s. 34·1]. 175

Part JI-East Africa b A11y COllrt may revievv its o,v11judgme11t in civil cases [Civil p.A . s. , 83] . · . ' Cl11ef 1vfagistrate exercises general · a 1.. 7 Superv1s1011.ers · . po . . , "" of . h111 ' t}1e area of superv1s1011 over a11 1nag1stratcs courts ,v1t his J·u115 .· ·d·iction . [M.C..A.., s. 5]. b Tl1c I-Iigl1 Court n1ay call for tl1 e record of any J)roceeding··, · . ::; c1v11 or , · cr1n11 · ·1 1al, lJC!,ore a 1nag1<;trate s COLlrt [C'1v.p .A.) s. 84; Cri1n. P.C!., s. 339 . call for . may and 1nag1stra exa1n111e te c ;\ tl1e record of any c · . r1m1na]\ • , • f'. • a 1nag1stratc s court 111il::r1or to his, a11d 1nay report f'. b c1ore · J)roceed 1ngs an) irregLtlarity to tl1c I-Iigh Court [Cri1n. P.C., s. 340]. L.,,\\.Y TO DE ,\D:'v!:INISTERED

8 Ge11eral la\v-Nlagislrates' courts administer the provisions of aO} . . . . . 1 ,vr1tte11 a,v, inc 1u d1ng t l1c prov1s1ons of regu Iat10 · 11S, rules or orders made unclcr a11y e11ac�n1cnt. 111 c�uses or matters \\'l1ere no express ru l e is applic­ _ _ _ abl: t � ail)' su?Ject matter 1n d1sp�te, ll1c court is gu1�cd by the principles of Justice, ec1t11ty and good conscience [IVI.C .A., s. 1:>]. 9 Local and customary la,vs-1\ magistrate's court adrn.inistc:rsi a11y laws, orders or clirections la\vfL1lly made by tl1e legislature of a for1ncr fecleral state or tl1e administration of a district in ,vl1ich the cot1rl J1as jurisdiction; ii tl1e custo1nary la,v 10 J)revailing in the area of its jurisdiction so far as it is ap1Jlicable a11cl i s not repugnant to natural justice, equity and good conscience and 11ot in conflict \\'ltl1 a ny ,vritten la,v in force in tl1 e area [r-.;f.C.,L\.., s. 15]. 10 Religious Ia,vs-No specific jttrisdictio11.z 0 OTHER COURTS a Courts-1nartial-Constituted ur1der tl1e i\rn1ed Forces Act, c ap. 295. 1"rials for offences under tl1e Code of Ser\:icc Discipline may be summary trials by a com1nanc!ing officer, or trials b)' a general or disciplinary court­ n1artial co11venecl by, or 011 tl1e autl1orit; of, tl1e Defence Council. Sa,·e as otl1er\-vise expressly J)rovicled, tl 1c rules of evidence a11 d procedure are r_he y r ah leg e th of ect sp sa1ne as tl1ose follo,vecl by tl1c civil cot1rls. ..,.\pJ)eal i11 re of tl1e fi11 di11gs or sc11tcnce of a gc11eral or disciplinary court _rnarlial lies to Ll1e C:oltrt IVIarlial 1\pJ)Cal Cot1rt. If an aJJpeal on tl1c legality of �entet�ce is itllo\.vccl, tl1c J)rocecdi11gs arc referred to 1l1e Defence Cou11c1l \rluch The st1bstitt1Lcs a 11c\v })L111 isl1r:i1e1 1t for tl1c sc11te11cc originally i111posed.. artia or n1 rt cou a b)' t guil � l)efc11c.:e Cot1nci l 1nay also qt1asl1 a fi11di11g of s ,\ct, Force ed [1\rm cled a,var nent 11 sl ate, e 1nitig co111n1t1l or rc111 it an)' tJuni ss. 63-95]. Trade the er nd -U 1als bu1 tri b lnd�st1·ial court a11d a1·bitration titcs may disp e trad , I)isJJl1tcs ( 1\rbitra lio1 1 and Settlen1ent) Act, caJ), 200 _ . "tl1e ruI es Of nduct "·l11ch 10 "C� ivil custo111ary la,,•" is dcfir1cd as meaning � 0t forming n c govcr11 legal rclatio11shiJ JS as cstablisl1ed by custom �nd tis�,g { C ;_ 5_ 37 (I)]· lc }Jart of 1111.:: co111n1011 la\v nor forn1ally e11actcd by Parl�an1cnt [:t-. eab orc nen f 15 u· Crin1i11al custo1narv, la,v.' t111lcss definccl in a \Vr1tten la\',, . · [Constittttio11, art. 15 (8)] (see J), 178, /Josi). • ary. 1a,,.. custom of e guis tl1e i11 ed istcr 1 ni ad be 11 1nay la\\' n1ic Isla :.!O f\��



Uga11(/a be rcferrecl to an arbitratio11 tribur1al constitttted by tl1 c Iviinister for tl1e purpose, or tl1c stancling Inclustrial Cot1rt cstablisl1 ecl tn1cler tl1e 1-\ct [s. 4-J, con1prising a President and Depttty Prcsiclcnt appointee! by the 1\11inistcr after consulting the Cl1icf Justice a11d 011 e person a1)JJointcd by tl1c J)rcsiclent from each of three panels ap1Joi11tecl by tl1c 1'-Iinistcr, l\VO of \vl1icl1 represent employers and \Vorkmen respcctivcl)', a11d one of ,vl1icl1 inclltclcs pcrso11s not reJJrescnting employers or \vork111c11. 1\,var(ls of a trilJ1t11al or tl1e Inclustrial Cot1rt are bincling on tl1e employers a11cl ,vork 1ncn to \vJ1 om Lhe a\vard relates [s. 10]. Proccclure is governed by Rttlcs n1aclc by the i\,finistcr i11 cons11ltation ,vitl1 tl1e Cl1icf Jttsticc [s. 22].



11 Statute-The I-Iigl1 Cotlrt and tile l\1agistra tes' Cottrts acln1i11 ister tl1c \\Titte11 la\vs in force i11 Uganda [Juclicalttre .\ct, s. 3 (2); 1'1Iagistrates' Cottrts :-\ct, s. 15 ( l)]. Statutory la\V, of tl1e fo] lov, ing categories, is in force in Uganda: a Acts of tl1e Parlia1ncnt of Uganda 1nade 1t11der art. 63 of tl1e Constittt� tion 1967; ttndcr art. 74 of tl1e Constitutio11 1966; a11d under ss. 73, 74: (2), (3), 75 (2) of tl1e Co11 stitution 1962. b Ordinances made dt1ri11g tl1e colonial period 11nder tl1e Uga11cla Orclcr in Council 1902. c Acts of tl1 e East Africa11 Con11ntu1ity 1 a11cl of its predecessors, the East r\Irican Con1n1on Ser\1iccs Orga11isation, 1 a11d tl 1 c East African High Co1nmissio 1 1. d Statutes of general applicatioi1 in force i11 Engla11cl on 1\t1gust 11, 1902 [Judicature r\ct, s. 2]. !! e Extraneous legislation a1Jplied lo Uga11da eitl1cr by Orclcr in Cot1ncil or by Uga11c[a 1-\cts or Ordi.i1a11ces. f La\.vs of t11e former kingdoms: i La\vs of t11e Buganda Go,,ern111.er1t e11actccl ,vil11 ll1 e Govcr11 or's a1)proval during tI1e colonial pcriocl. ii La \VS of tl1e forn1er federal states of B11ga11(la, 1-\11),: ole, B tu1yoro, Bt1.soga and Toro made u11dcr the Constitt1tion I 962 [ss. 74·, 75]. iii La\vs of tl1c forn1er l<:ingdoms of AI1kole, Btlganda, Bt111yoro an.cl Toto made tinder the Constitulio11 1966 [art. 75]. 3 1

See The East African Community Act (1-\ct No. 28 of 1967, s. 6]. 2 .i-\pplicable only so far as lhc other ,vrillcn la,v of Ugancla does not apply and subject to the restrictions rncnlioncd i 11 respect of the con11non la,v and equity in B para. 12, J,ost. 3 A clistinction mtist be made here bct,\•een the la,vs made by tl1 c kingdom legislatures under lhe tcrn1s of the earlier Constitutions and la\vs made i11 tl1ese kingdoins and in the districts by virtue of the 1\dn1inistration (I<.ingdon1S) ,L\ct (cap. 24) as amenclecl by· .:.\cl 12 1966), s. 24 and lhe Local t-\d1 ninistralion Act ( cap. 25), s. 32 (botJ1 1\ct-; repealeel in 1967). T!1c latter cnaclmen ts, lhougl1 termed "la\vs ", 1,verc in fact, a species of subsidiary legislation. Tl1 erc is also a furtl1r.r category of laws-those declaring customary la,v uncler the Native Ordinance in force between 1919 and I 9,�8. Tl1csc ,-vcrc never gazelted and, with the e..xccption of the Landlord ancl Tenant f.,aw-s 1937, of Ankole and Toro, they have all fallen into abeyance. 1





Part lf-E'ast Africa

12 Common 1 �,v and equity-'"fl1e I-ligl1 Court ex:rcises jtirisdiction, . or apply, 1n conforniity ,· in so fa.r as tl1e -...vr1tten la\V· does not extend ,,,-iith . 4 doctrines of cqtit ty o f E'ngI and. The common 1 , tile con11non la\V a11d a\\! · "a are, I1ow ve , onI .1n 1orce " . U ganda so far as the 1n and doctrines of equ1ty � � �

. 1 nl1ab1ta11ts and its permit and sttbject to circunistanccs of tl1e country such c111a)ifications as circu1nsta1 1ces render 11ecessary [Judicature 1\ct, s. 3 (3)]. 13 Custo1n and usage-Ct1sto1nary Ia,v derives fro1n tl1e un,,·rittcn local la ,v and ctistom of tl1e various ,.<\frican ethnic grourJs in Uganda or froin tli e t111,vritte11 eclicls of rulers in I)re-colonial times. ''.A.ny establislied a11cl ct1rre11t custom or usage'' 1nay be enforced l)y the Higl1 Court under tl1e Jt1dicatt1rc 1-\ct, ss. 3 (2) (b) (ii) and 8 ( l), and ''customary laV1·" may be e11foreccl l)y mag istrates' courts under l'\,f. C.A., s. 15 ( 1 ) (a). Such Jaw or ctlstoi11 is e11forccal)lc 011ly in so far as it is not repugnant to natural jt1sticc, ec1t1ity a11d good conscie11ce and not i11 conflict6 ,vitl1 a11y ,,Titten Ia,,,. U 11der tl1e terms of tl1e Constitution [.-'\.rt. 15 (8)] 110 person 1nay be conviclccl of a cri1 ni11al offence unless tl1at offence is defined and the penalty 1l1crcfor prescribecl i11 a ,vritlen la,v.

14 Religious la\vs-Islan1 .ic la\V is applicable under statute i11 tl1e case

of tl1c n1arriage a11d divorce of 11Ioha1nmedans. 7 It may also be applied, u11dcr tl1e guise of customary la ....v., ,vl1ere the parties are i\frican N[uslims. l•t1 rtl1crmore, it l1as been decided by the Court of .,.\J)peal for Eastern 1\frica chat it 1nay a1so be applied in the case of immigrant communities, ,vl1erc a1lpro1)riate, b)r virtue of tl1e proviso referred to in para. 12, ante.8 Stattitory recognitio11 of custom observed by· I-Iindus, Buddhists, Jains ar1cl Sik:11,;; is given by the Hindu :Wiarriage and Divorce 1-\ct [cap. 214]. I 11 otl1er 1naiters, the religious Ja,,.v of sucl1 persons is applicable in ap­ J)rOJJriatc cases t1nclcr tl1e sa1ne proviso regarding tl1e appJicability of the co1nn1011 la\v as i11 tl1c case of Isla1nic la\V. 9 15 Inte1-nal co11fl.ict 1·ules-vVl1e11 tl1ere is conflict bet\veen different 1Jodics of la,v, tl1e lollo\.vi11g rt1les apply: i 'I'l1c \vritten la\V }Jrevails over tl1e co1n1non la\V and tl1e doctri nes or cqL1ity 10 [Judicatttre Act, s. 3 (2) (b) (i)].


•I '�'l1e :tvlagistrates' Courts 1\ct (\ues not co11tain a11y specific aull1orisatio n for 111ag1strat1::;' r.ot1rls to ad 111i11ister t\1is l>ra11cl1 of 1l1t:- la,v. llut s. 1 5 read togctlier \Vitl1 s_. 1 6 ;VOtl l c� Sce�n to St1ggest t}1at jt1risdictiOll is exercised sit11ilar tO that of the I -I 1gl1 C,ot11·t 1t1 tl11s res 1Ject. 6 ;\nc\ i l1c s 1att11cs of general ap1Jlication ( see para. 11, antt'). auble • G 'l'l1e. J uclicattirc Act, s. 8 (I) tiscs an alternative IJl1rasc "not inc omp e1tl1er cl 1rt'.cl ly or lJy 11ccessa ry i 1111Jl ication". 7 Marriage a11cl l)ivorcc of lvfol1atn1ncdans t\ct ca1J. 213. 8 _Sec, fo _r exa1111Jlc, 1,faleksu lta11 ,•. Jernj ( I 955), 22 E.1\.C.:\. 142. Tl1is cas � ,�· � clcc1cl�cl ,v1tl1 reference to 1l1c 1'a11g::11t) 'ika Orclcr i11 Council 1920, s. 1 7 (2), . ,...b,c , co11ta111cc l. a pro\•iso ,•irt1.1ally iclentical to tl1 at in s. 3 (3) of tl1c Uganda Jud ica tu re A ct . 11 Sec, for exa1111Jlc, 1\1isltJ' .:1 111ar Singh ,,. Hazara Singh ( 194·6), 13 E.t\.C..-\. 18 (I(cnya). io nc A I a Iso, ttncler tl1c tcrn1s of tlie J udicatt1rc 1\ct I 962, the E'ng1·15I1 statutcs of general application.


Ugancla ii Tl1e ,vritten la \V prevails over tl1e CLtstomary la,.v [Juclicature Act' s. 3 (2) (b) (ii) ancl s. 8 (1), a11d M.C.A., s. 15 (I) (a)]. iii The rules of eqt1it)' 1)revail over tl1e rt1les of tl1e cominon Ja,v [Judicature Act, s. 3 (4), ancl i'vI.C.1\., s. 16 (3)). iv The custon1ary la,v pre,,ails o,,cr tl1e co1n1 nol1 la\v, 'fl1e clccision in Kitonlo v. The Kabal,a's Goz1e111,nent, \Vl1ic}1 })rOJ)Otn1cls L I1is rttlc 011 Lile basis that tl1e co1nmo11 lavv is applical)lc in Uganda 011ly so far as tl1e circt1mstanccs of the cottntry ar1cl its pcOJ)lc JJcrmi 1, \vas given before the e11actmcnt of tl1e Jt1dica t11rc 1\ct I 967. Unclcr s. 8 ( l) of the latter, ,vJuch states tl1at 110 pcrso11 is Lo be deprived of the l)encfit of any existing custo1n not rcpugnanl to j1.1sticc, cc1t1ily a.ncl goocl con­ science or in conflict ,vitl1 aJ1)' \Vritlc11 la,v, tl1e same clccisio11 cotdcl also no dottbt be rcacJ1cd.



I: :.' :



16 Crintinal Ia,v-Tl1c 111ai11 bocly of th. c criminal Ja,v is containccl i 11 the Penal Code (cap. 106], bt1l tl 1cre arc r1tnncro11s Acts, La\vs a11cl l) yela,vs of tl1e former kiz1gdoms and district aclministrations \Vhich arc also penal enactments. Un\vritten ct1sto 1 nary crimi11aJ la\\' is no lo11gcr cnf<)rccal)Ic. 11

17 Property and successio11-i Land.

a General. Public Lands 1.\ct [t\ct 13, 1969]. h Land held tmder registered title (otl1er than n1ailo). Rcgjstratio11 of Titles f\ct [cap. 205]. c :tvfailo. Registration of 1�itles 1\ct, Possession of Land La\v, 12 Bt1Sltult1 and Envujjo La\v 13 and Bt1gancla custo1nary la\.v. d Land nol held tinder Litle. Custo1nary Ia,v. ii Succession. Customary la,v, Succession Act [caJJ. I 39], ar1d Acl n1inis­ trator-Gencral's .A.ct [cap. 140]. '"fhe provisions of the Succession Act deali11g witl1 i11tcstatc succession do not apply to persons governed by ct1ston1ary Ia,v. rfJ1c rcn1ai 11<lcr of tl1e Act ,vas ap1Jlie(l to all races in Noven1.l)cr 1966 as \Vas also tl1c 1\cl1 ninistrator� General's i\ct in 196i. 18 Marriage and the family-i A1arriage. CL1 sto111ary Ia,v in tl1c case of marriages not registerecl t111der one of tl1e I\1Iarriage .A.cts. 1·1 A marriage contracted Ltnder tl1e 1viarriage Act or Marriage of f\fricans Act is governecl by tl1c ter11is of tl1e Act a11d if tl1c 1narriage is coupled ,-vith a customary n1arriage contract lhcn tl1c customary Ia,v a1)plica!Jle is subject to the terms of the r\ct. .t.\ marriage contracted under tl1e T\ Iarriage and Divorce of N!ol1 arnmedans is governed IJy Islamic la,v sttbject to the terms of the Act. 1-\ marriage contracted under tI1c I-Iindu l\.Iarriage and Divorce Act is governed by }Iindu custom Stlbjcct to tl1e terms of the Act. 1


Seep. 178, ante. -12 Buganda La,v of 1908, 1961· Revision, Vol. XVI, p. 5 I.::>.::>. 13 Buganda Law of 1928, ibid., p. 5164.


_ 1� Ma rriage Act, cap. 21 l ; l\,farriagc of 1\fri�ans Acl, c�p. 212; l\,f�rr1age and Divorce of Mohammedans Act: cap. 213; I-I,nclu Marriage and Divorce ..,.\ct,





I ! I

})art /l-Ectsl 1Jfrica la\V. Personal religious family 1a\\i on n1 m co , \V la y ar rn sto Cu ii J'i'a,nily.• • • 1r; s. se a c tc a r1 1) is also appl 1cab] e 111. a J)pro Englisl1 corrunon la\V supplemented rt. To i ct ra nt co d an 19 Tort 1\ct, cap. 74; Cttstomary la\v. s) on isi ov Pr s ou ne lla cc Iis (IV by La\-V Refor1n s, al l applied . te 11 U tu .K ai rt sta cc 1d a1 vv la on rrt m co 1 isl ii Contract. Engl la\V. y ar om st cu ; 75 . p ca , cL 1\ ct lJy tl1e Co11Lra ante. 15 O n tl1c IJasis of 1l1aleksulta11 v. Jeraj, sec}), 178, 11. 8


: I.





BJ1 L. J(no,vlcs 1,he 3,000-)0car-olcl E1n1)irc of Ell1ioJ)ia ,vas gra11Lccl its first \Vri ltcr1 Constitt1tion on Jttly 16, 1931, by E111 1)eror I·Iailc ScIIas�ic I. 'J,\vcn Ly five years later tl1e saine E1npero1· 1Jro1nt1lga tc(l lIle Ct1rrc11t Rcviscll C!on<;l it u t ion, \Vhich liberalizes ancl cxpa11cls 011 tl1e c-cn1cepts of tl1c earlier clnc1.n11c11 t. :! rl ,hc cotu1try has, except for a brief Ita!ia11 occu1Ja lion, bcc-i1 i 11dc11cnclc11 t. Consec1t1c11ll)', tl1c EthioJ)iar1 socict)' gc11crall)', ancl tl1 c legal S)'Slc1n in partict1lar, l1avc neitl1er the bc11efits nor tl1c dra\vbacks of a c.olo11ial past. On the otl1c-r l1a11d, Etl1io1)ia11 lav...- l1as borro\vccl cxtc11.c;jvcly frorn 1l1c European and Inclian S)'ste1ns. Tl1e Civil Cocle is strt1ctt1rccl like th.e Frc11cl1 Cii,·il Code, altl1ot1gh its precepts arc taker, fro1n sucl1 ,,arious courll rics as Germany, Italy and Lebano11. 'flte Pc11al Coclc is basically S\viss, ,v!1ercas the Criminal Procedt1rc Coclc is a }JOI yglot. :i St11:icrimposccl on t}1.csc subs ta11� tivc la\\'S is a Civii Procedttrc Coclc largely fou11clcd 011 t11at of I11c-Iia. 1-;,ina lly, matters of n1arriage and successio11 arc 1 itiga tecl in SC{Jaratc 1V!ol1 a1n n1cda n courts ,vl1en the)' involve men1bcrs of Etl1io1Jia's sizable 1\1osle111 111i 11 ority.

A THE COURTS 1�he fundamental structure of tl1e Etl1iopia11 cottrt systen1 ,vas cstablisl1ccl by the Administration of .Jttstice Proclamation of 1942 [Ncgaril Gazcta,·1 January 31, 1942]. It provided for an i11tcgral l1icrarcl1y of courts, tl1c original jurisdiction of ,v!1ich \Vas to be clcter111inccl IJri11ci1Jall) by tl1c \:aluc of tl1e claim. The Courts l)roclan1ation Act 1962 [N. G., Dccen1 lJcr 3 I, 1962] rcconstitu ted tl1c levels of courts, bt1t it ,vas st1s1Jc11clccl aftr.r enactment (except in Eritrea). 1\gai11, i11 1965, tl1c E1nperor by I1nperial Decree issuecl a compreI1ensi\'C Civil Procedure Code [N.G., Extraorcii11ary Issue No. 3 of 1965]. Tl1is Code rcconstitutecl the level of cot1rts alo11g tl1c lines of tl1e 1962 Proclamatio11. Since tl1c11 l)arliame11t l1as drafted a1ne11cl­ mcnts to the Code a11cl sent tf1cn1 to tl1c Emperor for I1is approval. l\ Iosl of tI1c amc11dments are clerical corrcctio11s and clarifications, a 11cl no11c affect the basic legal structure herci11after clcscribecl. 1



- ---------------- ------·------- -

For diagran1 of courts systc,n, sec ,\ppcnc{ix, /Jost. �Foran excellent basic description of Ethio1Jia's current conslitutional composi­ lion, sec K. fl. Redden, T!,c latu-1naki11g /Jrocess in Ethioj,ia, ,\ddis 1\baba, 1966. 3 1<01· a critical appraisal of tl1is metl1od of coclificaLion, sec S. Fisher, "Soine aspects of Ethiopian arrest la\v: the cclcclic apJ)roach to co<lificaLion", ( I 966) 3 .J. Ethiopian L. -163. 4 Hr�reinaftcr referred to as "N.G.". 1


18 I



P,,rt If-East Africa



S CONSTITUTION AND PO\VER 1 Establishme11 t-Esta1Jlisl1ed

by the 1\dministration of Justice Pro­ ed Constitution 1955, art. I 09. vis Re e l11 by eel rm nfi co 1cl 1 a 2, 94 J n tio clarna 2 Composition-Tl1e SL1premc Imperial. Court consists of a Preside iit called tl1 e .A.fe Ncgt1s (moutl1piece of the King) and persons he appoiilts as \'icc-J\fe NcO'uscs, and al least l\\'O puisne jt1stices. Tl1c Court sits in ;.\cldis 1\baba, IJ�l t l1as a branch i11 Asmara, sitting for Eritrea. The Court sits i 11 divisio 11s l1aving tl1 rce or more judges. Eacl1 Division is presided over by tJ1 c ;\fe Ncgt1s or a Vice-Afc Negus. Decisions are by majority vote. 3 J11risdictio11--original-The Supreme Im1)erial Court does not exercise c.irigi11 al jurisclictio 11 in civil cases. In crimu1al matters it has origi 11al jurisdiction 0 11ly ii1 cases i11volving ministers cl1arged ,vith offences co111111 ittccl i11 co1111ectio11 ,vitl1 tl1eir official functions [Rev. Const., art. 75]. 4 Ju1·isdiction-appellate-Tl1e Sttpremc Imperial Court hears aJJIJcals, ,vJ1icl1 arc n1ade as of rigl1t, from all civil cases originall)' heard i 11 t1 1e I-Iigl1 Cc>t1rt ( tl1c next lo,ver court) [Civ. Proc. C., art. 321 (I) (c)]. Ir1 ac.lclitio11J ,vl1en tl1c I-I igl1 C!ot1rt, in tl1e exercise of its appellate jurisdiction over lhe i\,vradja C!ot1rt, varies tl1e original judgment of the 1\\\'radja Court, a seco 11cl ai:>1Jeal lies as of rigl1t to tl1c Supre1ne Imperial Court [Ci,r. l)roc. C. art. 321 (2) (b)]. Tl1e SUJJrcme Imperial Court has no discretion ,vl1etl1er to l1ear an apJJeal or 11ot. Only appeals as of rigl1t are l1eard, and t!1ey are li11uted lo tl1ose cases just described. In crin1 inal cases tl1 c Su1Jreme In1perial Cot1rt l1ears appeals from High Co11rc decisic.>11s i11 l11c first i 11Slance. 1viorco\rer, it hears all appeals from the I-ligl:i CoL1rt in its exercise of its appellate jurisdictio11, w/1ctlier or 11ot il1c I !igl1 Court dccisio11 variccl tl1e decision of tl1 e court belo,v it [Crim. Proc. c.> art. 182 (2) (b)J. 5 P1·ocedure-a Cri,nirzal. Cri 1ninal ProcedLtre Code 1961. b Civil. Civil Procedure Code 1965. CON'fH.01. OF COURT

(, Ap1Jeal, 1·evic,v or revision-Persons ,,·ho have unsuccessfully ap1)ealed lo tl 1 c St11Jrc111e I1nperial Cotirt, in botl1 ci,ril and criminal cases, 1nay IJetitio11 I·Iis I1nperial �,fajesty's Cl1ilot. If tl1 e petition is granted by Ll1e E1n1Jcror i11 tl1e exercise of l1is cliscrction, lie tl1c11 rcvie,-vs tl1c decision of tl1e St11Jrcn1c Imperial Court. This re,rie,-v may result in affinnance, rc,,e1�sal or a11 y ot.l1cr clispositio11 tl1e E11 1peror 1nay ,vant to n1ake of the case/' 7 Supe1·vision and inspectio11-,\rticle III of tl1c Revised Co11Stit u� tio11 of I�tl1io11ia }Jrovicles: '''l,l1c Jticlges sl1all be ar>1)oi11ted by tl1e E1n1Jcror. ,..fl1ey shall be of . tlic l11gl1cst cl1aracler a11cl rei)ttlation and sl1all )Jc experienced and 5 See R. Sedler, "Tl1e Cl1ilot jt1risdiclion of ll1c E1n1Jeror of Etl1iopia", (19641 r.: J .1\.L . .:J9. 182

Ethiopia skilled in the la\v whicl1 they may be callecl upon to apply. '"fheir • • • nonunat1on, appointment, promotio n, ren10, al, transfer ancl retirc1nent shall be determinecl by special Ia \v govcr11ing tl1e J t1diciary." 1


8 General/statutory Iaw-1\rt iclc 110 of tl1e Revisecl Co11stitt 1tion provides:''The juclges sl1all b e indcpendc1 1t i11 conducting trials ancl giving judgment in accordance ,vitl1 tl1e la ,v. 111 tl1c adn1inistration of jt1sticc they sub1nit to n o other autl1orit)' tl1 a11 tl1at of tl1e la\v." Et11iopia is a civil-Ia,v cot1ntf) ancl lier coclcs l1 a, c attc1nptcd to forn1 a "consistent and unificcl ,vholc'' [Pre face to Ll1c C:ivil Code, 1960]. ,.fl1e codes constitt1te tl1c ,vl1ole of l1cr Ja,v, cxcc1)t for occasional Proclai11atio n<:. and Decrees. Tl1ese occasional rcgula Lions co11stitt1tc a mint1sculc part of the co,pus juris of Etl1iopia. 1



9 Local and customary Ia,,•s-Nil. 10 Religious Ia,vs-Ni1. 1-\2 HIGH COURT CONSTITUTION 1-\ND PO\VERS

1 Estab1ishment-Eslablisl1ed by tl1c 1-\d1ninistration of Justice Proclamation 1942, and aflirmed by the Civil Proceclure Code Decree 1965.

2 Composition-The Higl1 Court consists of a President a11cl st1cl1 puisne judge.s as tl1e Ivlinistry· of Jttslice appoints. It l1as 11atio11widc jurisclic­ tion, and sits principally in 1\ddis ;\baba, bt1t l1as bra11cl1 cs in 1na11y of tl 1c provincial capitals. In 1\cldis 1-\lla ba it sits i 11 several divisio11s, sucf1 as criminal, commercial a11d civiL '"fl1esc divisions exist also in tl1c JJrovir1cial branches \vhere tl1e case-load warrants tl1em. Cases are l1earcl bv tl1rec judges, one of \vhicl1 is the presiding juclge. Jt1dgme11t is by majority vote. 3 Jurisdiction-original-Tl1e primary basis for origii1al jt1riscli c.: 1io1l

in civil actions in tl1e Higl1 Court, like otl1cr co1.1rts i11 tl1c systen1, is ll1e valt1e arid nature of tl1e claim involvccl [Civ..Proc. C., art. 15 (I)]. Whc11 the claim inv·olves immovables 1l1c IIig11 · Court l1as origi11al jurisdiction in all cases wl1cre the a 1nou11t in contro,,ersy exceeds Etl1..$10,000 (U.S. $4,000). If the clain1 docs not involve im1novable propert,, original jt1risc!ic­ tion lies in the I-Iigl1 Cotlrt if l11c amount i11 controversy exceeds Etl1. SS,000 (U.S. 82,000).6 The High Court also has exclusive jt1risdiction over certain types of claims of natio11 al or con1mcrcial importa11cc, regardless of tl1c an1ount i t1 controversy. Tht1s only tl1e 1-Iigh Cot1rt ca11 try suits i 11volving tl1e for1n1.da­ tion, dissolution and lic1uidation of bodies corporate; negotiable i nstrun1e11ts, ba11kruptcy and maritime law; insurance policies; traden1arks, patents, and copyright; expropriation and collective exploitation of property; e Land disputes have traditionalJy been the main source of litigation i11

Etl1iopia. Hence the difference in jurisdictional amount for litigation concerning land. 183


Part JI-East Africa s) ster for acts dor:ie in the clis. in n l1a11 l1cr (o � s ai1t serv lic � � JJub � of ility liab cliarge of offici�l c.l�tics; 11at1onal1ty; �l .1at_1on; habeas �?rJJUs; and suilS s ard v n a\. at1o 1t1 [C1v. Proc. C., art. arb and 1Ls nc1 clgr 1 JL 11 g 1 forc c orc er1f to

15 (2), (3)].

1...llc oriaiiial cri1nir1,1l juriscliction of tl1e I-Iigl1 Court is provide d for in tlie Cri 111i1�al I'r<.)cedtire Code Proclamatio11 196 I. Over 130 fJenal offences arc JJrovidccl to !Jc l1earcl i11 tl1c I-Iigh Court i11 �J1e firs_t i11st�nce [Crim. 1 Pr<.,c. Cocle, l;,irst Scl1ccl.]. Gc11erally tl1c) arc cr1n1es of a serious 11ature, lJLI t 1Jcyo1 1cl tl1a t Ll1erc is Iittle gc1 1cric simi lari t}'. 1\cti vities n1ade cri1nc5 lJy la\vs otl1cr tl1a1 1 tl1e J)e1 1al Code arc origi11ally tried in tl1e Higl1 Court if tl1e pc11alty exccccls five years' impriso11n1ent [Crim. I'roc. C., First Sched., p. 68]. 4 Jui·isdiction-appellate-1,hc I-Iigh Court l1ears all civil appeals n1aclc fi·on1 tile 1\\vraclja Cotirt (ll1e next lo,vcr court) of cases l1eard in tl1e fir$1. instance fro111 t 11c 1\,vradja Cot1rt [Civ. Proc. C., art. 321 (1) (b)]. Ivforcovcr, ,vl1e11 at1 J\\vraclja Gotu.·t, in decidi11g a ci,ril appeal from the \·\1orccl�t Cot1rt, ,1aries tl1c jt1dgmc11t of tl1e \·Voreda Court, a second appeal lies to tl1e liigl1 c:c>t1rt [Civ. r>roc. C., art. 321 (2) (a)]. 011 crir11i11a! cases tl1e IIigl1 Court l1ears all appeals from the .A..,..:radja Cottr I si tti11g as a CCJt1rt of origi11al jurisdiction [ Crin1. Proc. C., art. 182 (I) (b)]. ivlorco,,cr, il1crc is a scco11d appeal as of rigl1t from any decision of t11e i\,t·radja Cot1rt, in tl1e exercise of its crinli11al appellate jurisdiction, to tl1c IIigl1 Cot1rt [c:ri111. J>roc. C., art. 182 (2) (b)]. 5 Proceclure-a C'ri,ninal . .i\s Supreme I1nperial Courl (see Al, } para. 5, ante). b Civil CONTROI, OF COUR.T

6 .r\pJ)eal, revie,v 01· revision-1\J)peals fron1 a11 exercise of origi11al j t1ristlicti()ll l)y tl1c IIigl1 Cot1rt lie to tl1e St1prc111e Imperial Cotrrt [Ci,r. Proc. C., art. 32 l (I) (c)]. 1\JJIJeals fro11 1 a11 appellate decision of tl1e Higl1 Co\trt lie lo ll1c St1prc111c I1111Jcrial Cot1rt 0111)' if 1l1c Higl1 CoL1rt decision \'arictl tl1c jt1tlg111cr1t a 1J})ealccl Cro111 [Civ. Pr<.)C. C., arL. 321 (2) (b)], cxce1)t i11 cri111i11al cases, ,vl1cre a scco11cl rtIJIJcal is a 111::i.ttcr of rigl1t. If tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt affir1ns a clecisio 11 bclo,,,, 1l1c11 Ll1e losi 11g party 1nay 1Jetitio11 I-Iis l'viajest)''s C!l1il<)t for rt�,,isio11. If tl1e 1Jetitio11 is gra11led, t]1e I)eLitioricr is l1earcl by I-Iis I\ I::ijest)', ,vl10 111ay re,risc or affir111 tl1e High C!ot11t\; dcc�sio11, c>r 111al(c a11y otl1cr clis1Josi1io11, sucl1 as ordering a rcl1eari11g 1)<:·lo,v, as 1-[c secs fit [C!i\'. Proc. C., art. 361; Re,,. Co11sl., art, 183]. 1

7 StIJJe1·,risio11 }Jara. 7, ante).


inspectio11-.'\s Suprcn1c In1perial Court (see f\l,

LA\·V 1'0 Bl� 1\ I) :,.11 N 1s·r1: , R rt. D

8 Gcne1·al/statuto1-y Ia,v 9 l.,ocal n.11d custo1na1·y Ia,v 10 Religious Ia,vs

1\s Su1Jre111e Imperial Court (see ,L\.l! paras. 9-11, ante). 184·

Ethiopia t\3


A\·VR.L\D]1\ GUEZ1\ f CO UltTS


1 Establis1une11t-Establisl1ecl b )' tl1e 1\d r 11ir 1istratio11 c,f .Jt15ticc · ccrcc 1965. Proclan1 ation 1942� and affir1ncd by· tl1c Civil l)rocc{lurc (:<)clc n 2 Composition-Tl1c .'\\\'racija Co11rt consists of tl1rce ju(lgcs ,v11c11

ftn1ctioning botl1 in its aJJIJellatc role a11cl as a court of original jurisc.liction. Decision is b 1· n1ajority vote.

3 Jurisdiction-original-,.l�l1c ,-\\-vraclja C:1)t1 rt exercises original

jttrisdiction in all civil cases \vl1crc a11 i11 11noval)lc is i11volvccl a11cl 1l1 c amo11nt i11 controverS}' is bet\vec1 1 .Eth. $1,000 a11 cl Etl1. $10,000. \'\iJ1crc tile C:ourt's origir1aljurisclic­ claim docs 11ot i11\1olve a11 i1111110,1ablc, tl1c ,\,vraclja tion co1111)rises clairns of an1ou11 ts bcl\VCCil Et!1 . $500 a11cl 1::tJ1 ..ssiooo [C:iv. Proc. 3... art. l•l]. It also l1as jt1risclictio11 o\·cr all clai1m tl1 at ca11nol l)c expressed i11 money (e.g., cli\'Orcc) [Ci,,. !)roe. c:., art. 18]. 1�1,c orig i,1al crin1i11al jt1risclictio11 of tl1c 1\,vraclja C!otirt js tJroviclccl fur by· the Crimi 11al Procecit1rc Code 1961. 1�11crci1 1 over J IO r.rjn1.es arc clirectecl to be tried i11 tl1c 1-\\vraclja Cot1rl [C:ri 111. Proc. C., I'ir:.l Scl1 ecl.J. 1�11C)' arc ge11 erally of a less serious 11alt1rc tl1an tl1 ose triccl originally in t11c Higl1 C'.ourt. .�\ctio11s cleclarccl crirr1inal l))' Jcgi.slatio11 0th.er tl1a11 lh,: Jlenal Code arc tried i11 tl1e 1\,vradja C:ourt if tl1e pcnalt)' clocs IlOt cxccecl fi,,e }'Cars' i1111Jrison1ncnt (Crin1. Proc. C., First Scl1ccl., J). GB]. 4 Jurjsdiction-appellate-rr·11e .\,vradja Courts J1ear all aJ)J)c-als fro111 cjvil and cri1ni11al trials l1clcl in tl1c \·\!orcda Courts i c1 their jt1riscliclion. 0

r\s St1JJren1 c Im1Jcrial C.":ourl (sec i\ 1. 5 Procedure-a Cri1ni11al } }Jara. 5, a11fe). b Ciuil CONTROL Of COURl"S

6 l\.ppeal, revie,v or revisio11-1\1)J)eals fro11 1 tl1c exercise of original C'.ottrt civ;J and crin1inaI jt1risclictio11 by tl1c .'\\vraclja Court lie to tl1e IJigh [Ci,,. Proc. C., art. 32 I ( 1) (b)]. 1\p1Jcals fron1 ll1 c exercise of ci,,iI a1Jt)c!J�tt! jt1risdiction b, .. tl1c .:\v,·raclja Court lie 10 tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt 011ly ,vI1e11 tl 1c appellate decision of tl1c i\,vradja Court \1ariccl tl1c clccisio11 or the lo\vcr "\·\iorecla Court [Civ. Proc. C., art. 321 (2) (a)]. rJ�J1cre is a seconcl aJJ}JCal as of right fro1n an 1\\vraclja Court apJJCllatc decision i 11 crin1i11 al n1attcrs [Crin1. Proc. C., art. 182 (2) (a)]. WJ1e11 a civil case is affirn1 cd 011 apJJCal in ll1e 1\,vradja Cottrt ll1crc is r10 furtI1cr appeal. tro,-vcvcr, tl1c losing party n1ay petitio11 IIis - i\Jajcst1,'s Chilot for revision. If tl1c petition is granlccl tl1c IJetitioncr is I1carcl l)y 1-fis l\tiajcsty, who may revise or affirn1 tl1c decision of tl1c 1-\\vraclja Cc>urt, or · make any otl1er dispositio11, st1cl1 as ordcri11g a rcI1caring l)elo\v, as I le sees fit [Civ. Proc. C., art. 361].

7 Supervision and inspection-t\s Supren1c Im1 )erial Cot1rt (sec A2, para. 7, ante). 185

Jlarl I[-East 1Jfrica L,-\ \\' TO Bl� ADl\fINIS"fERJ:'..D

8 General/statutory law 9 Local and custon1ary law 10 Religious la\\'S 1-\4·

A s Supreme Imperial Court (see 1\1, paras. 9-1 I, a,zle). '"



1 Establislune11t-Establisl1ed by tl1e Administration of Justice Procian1a tio11 I 94·2, ancl a01rmcd by tl1e Civil Procedure Code Decree 1965.

2 Composition-1'11e vVorccla Court consists of one jticlge sitting for

bo Ll1 cri1ni11al, civil a11cl aPI )clla te cases. 3 Jurisclictio11-original-Tl1 c \i\'oreda Court has original jurisdicw tio11 o,,er ci,•il cases i11vol,ri11g i1n1novables ,-vl1ere tl1e amount i11 controversy clocs 11ot cxceccl Etl1. $1,000 [Ci,,. Ilroc. C., art. 13 (b)]. \\il1e11 a civil case clocs 110 t i11volvc i111111ova blcs, the tipper limit of jurisdiction of Lhe \Vorecla Cotirls is Etl1. SSOO [ Civ. Proc. C., art. I3 (a)]. �['!1e vVorccla Cotlrts try crin1es allocated to tl1em by tl1e Criminal P.roccd LLre Coclc 196 I. 'I'l1crei11 over l 90 crimes are specifically delegated ti:) 1l1e \iVoreda Cot1rt for trial [Crin1 . Proc. C., 1-;-irst Scl1ed.]. ..\.ctions clcclared crin1i 11al IJy lcgislatio11 otl1cr tl1a11 tl1e Penal Code are tried in tl1e \,\'orc(la c:ot1rts if the penalty does nol exceed three years' simple impriso111ncnl [Cri111. Proc. C., 17 irst Scl1ecl., p. 68] . .:1 .Ju1·isdiction-appellate-Criminal and civ-il cases clecided by 1\tlJi:i Dar1ias arc a1Jpealable to tl1e vVorcda Court [Crim. Proc. C., art. 224].

5 Procedure-a Cri111i11al b Civil

} .:\s

Supren1e Imperial Cot1rt (see Al, JJara. 5, ante).


6 Appeal, revie\-v


revision-Dc:cisio11s by il1e \Voreda CourL in

ci,,il cases are aJJ}Jealablc to tl1e 1\vvraclja Court i11 ,vl1ose jurisd ictio11 ihe \·Vorecla Court lies [Ci,,. ll roc. C., arL. 321 (I) (a); Cri111. Proc. C., arl 182 ( l) (a)].

7 S11pervision and i11spectio11-t\s Supren1e Imperial Cot1rt (see J)ara. 7, ante.).


L.r\ \V l'O DI� ,\Dll-llNIS'fERED

8 Ge11e1·al/stat-uto1·)' la\\' 9 J..,ocal ru1cl custon1a1·y la,vs 10 Religious la,vs

1\s St1prcn1c Imperial Court (see l)aras. 9-11, a11te).



1\5 1\1 B11-\ D,\NIAS CONSTI'fUTION AND PO'\-VEl�S

1 Est ablisl 1ment-I11 order to reduce court congestio1 1, tl1e Local



Judges Proclarnation 1947 [N.G., Jt1ne 23, J9,}7], cstablisl1cd i\tbia Dar 1ja!i for small local disptttes. 7 2 Composition-Atbia Da11ia s arc gc11craJly rcspectccl ,,illage cid ers ,vho arc appointccl by the l\1inistr,, of Justice fro111 a list prcparccl by 1l1c prcside11ts of tl1c A,.vadja ancl \:Vorccla Cottrls. rl,,vo assessors sit ,vi1J1 tl1e 1\tbia Dania ,-vhcn l1e cannot cfTe ct a compron1isc ancl n1t1st clcci clc a crin1inal case. 3 Jurisdiction-original-!11 civil cases 1\tbia Danias l1a,rc origi11al jt1risdiction over clisputes i11voI,,i ng Etl1 . S25 or less. 1\tbia Danias try rrunor criminal of fe11ccs of inst1lt, assault, })Ctl)' clan1c1g c to property and petty theft ,vl1cre tl1 c value of tl1c property stolen is Etl1. SS or less [Crin1. Proc. C., art. 223 ( 1) J. Tl1C)' 1'1avc tl1c po,vcr to impose fi11cs not exceeding Etl1. 815 (Crim. Proc. C., art. 223 (2)]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-Informal. Tl1 c prim ary ft1l1ctio11 of 1l1 c 1\Lbia Da11i ;:i js to compron1ise, not decide cases. T J1is se ttlement priority also J)rcvails jn their criminal jurisdictio11 [Crim. Proc. C., art. 223 (l)). CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, revie\\' or revision-Appea ls fron1 dccisio11s of tl1c 1-\tl)ia Danias lie to lhe \,Vored a Court in ,vl1ose j Ltriscliction the /\tbia l)anias sit . 7 Supervision and inspection-.r\s Su preme In1perial Cot1rt (sec .i\l, para. 7, ante). Lt\'\-V TO BE. AD�!INISTERED8

8 General/statutory Ia,v 9 Local and customary Ia,vs 10 Religious laws


/\s Su1)rc1nc I1npcrial Court (sec 1\ 1, {)aras. 9-11, ante).


.I\ 1942 Proclamation originally cstablishccl 1'viol1an1 n1cclan religious cour ts. It was SL1pcrscclecl by a 1944 Proclan 1a tion tl1a L JJroviclccl three le·ve]s of courts, generally empo,vcrcd to clccidc qt 1cstions of fan1ily Ja,v and succession among :Wfol1ammcdans i11 Etl1iopia [N.G ., J\,Jay 29, 1944]. Because of their limited i111portancc and prol:ilcn1 ati cal futt1rc, tl1cy ,vill be considered as a group. CONSTITUTION :\ND PO\.VERS

1 Establislunent-TJ1c origi11al Proclamatio11 cst ablisJ1ir1g· i.\Iol1am­ mcdan Courts in I 942 \Vas st1pcrscclcd by Proclan1at ion No. 62 of 1944 1

The Courts Proclamation i\ct 1962 (no,v suspe nded) cxprcssl.y rcaffirn1cd the provisions of the 19,�7 proclan1ation. There is no n1cntion of tl1e 1\tl>ia Danias in thr. Civil Procedure Code. 8 The decision is only made ,vhen a compron1i)> c or scttlc1ncnt cannot be effected: sec A 4 (5). 7


JJart /1-llast .11frica [ibi(/.]. ..flic latter Procla1nalio11 contai11s cssc11tially tl1e same pro,•is ions as tl1c for1ncr. 2 Coinposition-Tl1 c lo,vcsl cot1rt in tl1e systcn1, tl1 e Naiba Cotulcil lias 011c judge, as does tl1c ncxl l1 igl1 er court: tl1c Kadis' Council. Th� court of last resort, the I-Iigl1cst Sl1ariat Court, sits ,-vitl1 tl1rcc jtidges [Proclai1 1atio11 No. 62 of I 944·, art. 5 (i)]. t\ll juclges arc appointed l)y tlic :rviinistry of JLtslicc. . . Naiba Councils a11 cl tl1e Kadis' 3 Jurisdictio11-original- l,hc Cot1 11cils l1ave origi11 .:1l jLtriscliction) allocated l)y geograpl1ical areas, 0 o,·er: a an)' qL1cstio11s rcgarcli11g marriage, inclucli11 g clivorce and 1nai11tenance, gtiarclia11sl1i1 J of mi11ors, a11cl fa111ily relatio1tsl1ips, pro,,idcd tl1at tl1e n'larriagc to \vl1icl1 t}1 c qt1cstio11 is rclatecl ,vas co11cluded i11 accorcla11cc ,villi ll1 c l\1Iol1a1nmecla11 Ja,v, or Ll1e JJarlies arc all l'vlol1a1nn1 edans; b a11y CJtlcsLions regarcli11g ,vakf, gift) succcssio11 , or ,vi1ls, pro,,icled that tl1 c c11do, vcr or donor is a l\,Ioha11m1cda 11 at tl1 e Lime of l1is death; c a11y CJt1cstio11 regarding Ll1c JJay1ne11t of tl1 e costs incurred in any sttit rcgarcli1 1.� tl1 c aforc111 e11tio11 ccl rna ttcrs [Proclama tio11 No. 62 of 1944, art. ')] _ . 4 Ju1·isctictio11-appellate-'T"he Kadis' Cou1 1 cils l1ear appeals from tl1 c NailJ a C!ot1ncils a11cl tl1 e I-Iigl1 est Sl1 ariat Court l1cars appeals fro1n tl1c exercise of origi11al a 1 1cl atJ IJellate jt1risdiction by tl1� I�adis' Councils. 5 P1·oce,lt1re-a Crirniual. Nil. b Civil. Ci,,il Procedure Code 1965. G() N1· R . l) I� 0 F CO U ll TS

6 A1)peal-Tl1ere may be a11 aJJpeal fro1 11 a final decisio11 of tl1e Higl1est Sl1aria t Cot1rt to I-Iis l\ifajcsty's Chilot. 7 St1JJervisio11 and i11s1Jectio11-rl�l1c En11)eror is res1Jo 11Sible for tl1e c:qJp()i11 trr1c11t ar1cl removal of jticlges in il1e Nlol1a111n1 cda11 Courls, bt1t is all,,isecl by tl1 e !'vfi11istry of .Justice i 11 tl1is 111atter [Procla111 ation No. 6'.! of 194··1·, art. 5 (ii)].

·ro BJ� ;\l)i\lINISTEl�ED 8 General/statutory-Nil.

I,.-\ \V

9 Local and custo1na1·y la\vs-Nil. 10 l'leligio11s la,,rs-1\ccording to tl1c area i11 \vl1icl1 tl1ey sit, tl1e l\;lol1an1r11ccla11 CoLtrts a1)tJI,, ll1e tc11 ets of 1l1c Sl1afi, tl1e Hanafi or 1vfanacl1i scl1ools of juris1Jrt1clc11cc. 1\7


In 1 94· � � 1?ccrce [l)ccrcc No. 2 of 194·2] ptirportccl to remove all tern� _ !)oral Jur1scl1ct1011 frorn tl1e Cl1t1rcl1 cot1rls. 1\rticle 1 O of tl1e Decree states: -

·- --- --·-------------------------

1\ltl10 �1gl1 tl�co1:etic. lly .cases �11ot1ld be brot1gl1t in Naiba Councils first, i.h�it· � � . in , - a1)lucal clistr1 btt t 1011 g1.:ugi JS st1cl1 tl1 a t s0111c arc 11ot co11vcJ1ient to JJarnes : CL'! ·t �ltn �re�s. C!o11scq uc-11 tly in tl1esc areas Kadis' Coltncils arc ll1e courts of or1g1nal Jttr1scl.1clio11.


"TJ1e Cl1ttrcl1 l1as a private jLtrisclictio11 over tl1c CCH1grcgatior1 tinclcr ,vl1icl1 it can cleal ,vitl1 the 1 11e1 11bcrs by ,vay of confcssio11 ancl i11flict pc11alties. 1\1s0 it 11as J)O,ver of orclcr over tl 1e clergy \.Vh.o arc 111cn1bcrs of j ts l1ot1sel10Icl, to keep peace by spiri tt1al 111011itions. J3u L i11 rhe 111atter of civil (tc1nporal) juriscliction, tl1 e jt1dgcs a1){)ointccl by the Gover111nent sl1all gt1ard ar1cl 111ain lai11 orcler. '1 ·11c r:cr!csias tical. Cottncil may I)roposc n1c11 ,-vl10 arc ca1)ablc of (tcn11)e>r:1l) civil jt1risdiction, bttt tl1cy sl1all be a1)})0i11tccl b)' tl1c l�1111)cror." Cor1tra1y to tl1c clear n1anclate of tl1is article, tlt c C�hurcl1 courls C<)r1ti11t1e to clcciclc so111e n1attcrs of personal stalt1s l)etv,•ccrt El11iopia11o;;, s1.1cl1 as divorce a11cl separation. 1"11is tiefi,c!o jurisclictio11 is cxcrcist:cl i r a 111a rriage ,vas celebratccl i11 tl1c C:l1t1rcl1 and at lcasl 011c of tl1c J)artics ltlccl a co,n­ plaint i11 tl1e Cl1t1rcl1 cotirt. 10 '1'l1e clecisio11s of ll1c court arc IJasccl ttJ)o11 the Fell1a Negast, t11c a11cic11t book of Ia,vs of Etl1ioJ)ia. Tl1c J)roccclurc u5ccl is not ,vri ttert, bt1t 011c of ct1stom a11cl t1sagc. Becat1se of the clwi11clli 11g imJ)ortance a11d clo11btful legality of these cottrts i11 civil matters, furtl1cr assay is u1111cccssary.




11 Statute-Legislatio11 is pro1Josccl lJy JJarlian1c11t for tl1c sigr1aturc

of the En1pcror.

If fie approves tl1e Icgislatio11, it is J)t1IJlisJ1ecl i11 tl1c Ncgarit Gazcta ancl becon1cs Ia,-v as a Proclarnatio11 [Rev. Const., art. 88]. Tl1e otl1cr source of s11bsta11tivc Ia,v is IJy Irnpcrial Decree. 'l'hat .is, the: E1npcror octi11g alone may pro1nulgate legisJatio11, b11 t only i11 cases of en1ergency \vl1en Parlia1ncnt is not sitting . 11 12 Conunon la,v and equity-Nil.

13 Custom and usage-Nil.

14 Religious la\vs-Nil. 1 ::! 15 I11ternal conrlict rules-Nil. DERiv"ATION i\ND FOR�[ OF �[A[N DR;\NCI·IES OF TI-IE LEGAL SYS'l'Ei\f

16 Criminal la\v-Pcnal Cocle 1957. 17 Property and succession-Civil Code 1960. 18 Marriage and the fantily-Civil Code 1960. 19 Tort and contract-Civil Code 1960; Con11nercial Coclc 1960. 20 Other-Nil. civil courts have concurrent jurisdiction in 1natters of JJersonal status. In fact, the Civil Code purports Lo cxclt1.�ively regulate these matters [Civ. C., art. 3347 (I)]. 11 The En1pcror has also clclcgatcd lo various 111inistrit:; the fJo,ver lo n1akc certain regulations pertaining Lo ministerial affairs, \vhich have the eITcct of la,v [Rev. Const., art. 23; Penal C., art. 3]. 12 Except for tl1e iv!oJ1an1mcclan Courts (sec 1\6, para. 10, ante) and for thl� Religious Courts (see t\7, anlt:). 10 The




By Dr. I-Jaji N. A. Noor 1Vfulta1nrnad Tlie Son1ali Republic is composed of territories formerly known as u1 e Tru.."St ,.fcrrilory of Somalia under Italian Admi11istratio11 and tl1e Britisl1 11rotcclorate of S01nalila11cl. 1'}1e latter beca1ne independent on June 26, 1960 and tl1e forn1er becan1c indcpende11t on July I, 1960. On July 1, 1960: JJotl1 joi11ccl Logetl1cr to forn1 tl1e Somali Republic. Tl1c clevclop1nc11t of tl1e legal S)'Sten1 and courts in the Trust Territory of S0111alia ttndcr Italian i\d1ni1uslratio11 \-\'as in many respects different fro111 tl1(tl of tl1c Britisl1 Protectorate of Somalila11d.

Trusl Territo1J' of .S'o,nalia unt!er Italian .r1d,ninistration 1\t tl1c tin1c of coining into OJ)Cration of tl1e Trusteesliip .A.dministratio11 ir1 tl1c '1,rust '"fcrritory of Son1alia in 1950, tl1e administration of justice ,vas basccl on tl1 e Italian l1enal and Civil Cocles and tl1e Somali Judiciary F_t1les; a11cl �l1ariat ar1cl customary la,vs ,vere recognized i11 civil cases.� Sl1ariaL a11cl ClISlomary la\vs ,-vere a1Jplied in penal cases \Vl1ere the parties ,vere of tl1c I.sla1nic faitl1 and lo tl1e extent tl1at they did not conflict ,vilh tl1e ge11era l JJrinci ples of la\-V. 3 i\ll cases affecti11g Italians ca1ne \Vitl1in tl1e jurisdictio11 of Residents' Courts, llegional Commissioners' Cot1rts a11d the Judge of Somalia or i.l1e Col:trt of .�\ssizc i11 cc1 t..1i11 seriot1s criminal cases. i\ppeals frotn tl1e decisions cJf tlte .Juclge of So1nalia lay to tl1e Cot1rt of i'-\ppeal i11 Ron1e. C�ivil cases co11ccrning S011 1alis came before tl1e Qadis and tl1e Qadis' rI'ribu11als. Jt1dgcn1cnts of tl1e Qadis' Tribt1nals could be appealed against to t11c 1\dn1i11istrator. })cnal 1nattcrs \Vere ,vitl1i11 tl1e competence of 111e Qadis, tl1e Regio11al Comn1issioners' Courts and tl1e Courl of .t-\ssize. 1\J)JJcals agair1st juclg1nc11ts of tl1e Cot1rt of 1\ssize lay to tl1e Court of c:assa Lio11 in Ro1ne. Tl1l1s ur1der tl1e above systen1 ccrtai11 jt1clicial functions ,-vere carried ot1t by tl1c Residcr1ts, tl1e Regional Com111issioners and tl1c .A.d1ninistrator. 'l'J1is ,vas in co11traclictio11 to 1l1e IJri11ci1)le of sei)aration of tl1e executive and j Ltclicial po,vcrs st i1)t1latccl i11 tl1c Trustcesl1i1J 1-\green1cnL:1 1'o re1ncdy tl1is sitt1atio11, La,v on tl1e Organizatio11 of tl1e Judiciary of 1956 (Orclina11cc No. 5 of J?cbrt1ary 2, 1956) \Vas enacted, \-vl1icl1 brought l'lic_ la\v is stalccl as at ivfarcl1 31, 1967. For diagran1 of cot1rts system: sec 1\ l)f)enclL'C, /Jost. :: Judicial llegulations ap11roved b)' l'lo)·al Decree No 1638 of Jt1ne 20, 1935. (A/2150): 4 No. port Il $uppl. 01:'1�rustccsl1i1) Council, pp. 1952, I 17, I 18, : � �1 l_1Slccs_l111) Agrcc1ne11 t for tl1e 1"erritory of Somaliland tmde r I tahan ,\<l111tn1strat1on, Sales No. 1951.t\.l (Nev,, York, United Nations, 1951). 1



So111ali Republic about radical changes and innovations i11 tl1c jt1clicial s) stc1n in tl1e Trust Territory. First, a new and indepenclc11t jt\clicial organ, tl1c Courl of Justice, \Vas created for the Trust Tcrrito1y, v-1l1icl1 cliscl1argccl tl1c fu11ctions -.vhich in Ital)' ,vere pcrformecl by tl1e CourL of C!assation, tl 1 c Cot11 1cil of State and the Court of Accot1nts. Scco11<lly, a Sl1ariatic Section i 11 tl1c Court of Justice could, ltndcr the J t1c!iciary La,,,, give final verdicts i11 ap1)eals in Shariatic matters. Thirdl) the po\-vcr to deal ,vith aJJpcals ,vi1icl1 previously belonged to tl1c Administrator ,vas replaced !)y an ordinary system of appeal i11 tl1c Courts, ,vitl1 a clear scparatio11 of tl1c executive and tl1e jtrdiciary. Further, La\v No. 9 of febrttary 19, 1958, cstab]isl1 ccl a District Juclge in eacl1 of the tlurty Districts i11 t..l1c Trust 1'crriLOl)'. f\t the time of indcpc11dence, Ll1 erc ,vcrc tl1 c following Cot1rts i 11 tJ1e Trt1st Territory: the Court of Jt1sticc, tl1c 1\p1)cal Cot1rt of Assize, tl1c Cot1rt of r\ssizc, Regio1lal Cot1rts, District Courts, Qaclis' Tribt1nals and Qadis' Cottrts. 1


Britisli Protectorate of Samaliland In tl1c British Protectorate of So111aliland, as early as 1925, a Cri111inal Procedure Code on tl1e lines of tl1e Indiar1 Crin1inal Proccd t1 rc Code ,vas introduced by tl1e Criminal Proccdttre Orcli11ancc [cap. 6, \To{. I, La\-vs of Somaliland, 1950] \vl1icl1 cstablisl1ed Ll1e Pr·otcctorate Court ancl DistricL Criminal Courts. Under tl1c Judicial Districts a11cl Appointn1cnt of J t1dg�s Orclina11ce [cap. 3, \1ol. I, La\vS of Somalila11d, 1950] District Cot1rls ,-vith civil jurisd.iction ,vcrc cstablisl1ecl in cacl1 District. Tl1ere ,vcre two c]asse!'; of District Courts: (a) District Courts of ll1c first class and (b) District Courts of tl1e second class. Tl1e Stlbordinate Courts Orclina11ce [cap. '1·, Vol. I, Laws of Son1alila11d, 1950] establisl1ed St1bordinate Courls and Qadis' Cottrls. The Sul)or(linatc Courts had jurisdiction over natives i11 ci,,il ancl mi11or crin1i11al 11tattcrs. The Qa<lis' Courts J1ad jurisdiction only in 1nattcrs aflecting t}1c fa111ily lif<' of the Somalis st1cl1 as marriage, divorce, gttarcliansl1i1J, st1cccssio11 a11cl • maintenance. The Somaliland Order in Cou11cil 1950 1)ro, i<lccl for tl1e constitution of a I-Iigh Court in place of the tl1cn existing Protectorate Cottrl ,vitl1jt1riscliction in criminal ancl civil n1atters in an origi11al, a1Jpcllatc and revisio11 ary capacity. t\n appeal against the clecision of tl1c I -Iigl1 Court i11 iLs civil a11d cri 1ni11al jurisdiction la)' to tl1e Cot1rt of 1\ppeal for Eastern Africa. 5 The East African (Appeal to J>rivy Council) Order in Council 1951 pro,,idecl for appeals from decisions of the Court of Appeal to the Privy Council. Tl1c Order in Council 1960, \vl1icl1 ca1nc i11to force 011 tl1e attai111ncnt of independence of the British Protectorate of Son1alilancl, abolisl1cd appeals to the Cot1rt of .1\ppeal for Eastern Africar1 and to tl1c Privy Council. 1

Appeal to the Court of Appeal Ordinance, Ordinance No. 24 of 1950. as amended by Ordinance No. J,i of 1957. 5

19 I

]'art /!�East 11frica



inl1erited l\\'O syste1ns of courts. As 11 otcd earlier, tl1e �oinali llepulJlic 11 s (for111cr Trust 1�erri tory of S011 1alia u11de r tlie gio Rc er,1 i tll Sot e l il In the courts \Vas based 011 Lile Italia11 i\clnii 11 istration) tl1c organization of rly British Protectorate Italiaii systen1; and i 1 1 tl1e Nortl1crn Regions (forme t of g0111aliland) on tl1 e 1.\11 glo-Saxon system. rfl1c 1\c of U1uo11 (La,v No. 5 of J ai1 tiar)' 31, 1961), \-Vl1icl1 l1ad retroactive effect fron1 July I, I960, 1e co11ti11 uation of tl1e tl1c11 existi11g systems t1ntil unification tl for l iclcc )rov 1 ,vas cffcctccl. of June 12, 1962, ,vas enacted 1\ .1IC\V la\1:, Legislative Decree No. 3 6 t1 11 ifyi11g tl1c t\\'O sys te111 s. r1�11c follo,vi 1 1g Cottrls l1a,,c been establ1sl1ed 1111 dcr the 11e\v system: (I) tl1 c St11 )rcmc Cot1rt 1 (2) Ll1 c Cot1rts of i.\.ppcal, (3) tl1e Regional Courts, (4·) tl1c District C<)urts. 1\.l




I Establisl1mc11t-Estal)lisl1ccl by art. 94 of tl1e Co11Stitution. "'


2 Co111.positio11�rl l1 c SttJ)rc1ne Cot1rt co11sist.s of tl1e President, ''ice­ l)rcsiclcn t ancl fottr o tl1cr J Ltclges [Judiciary La,v 1962, art. 5 (I)]. ·'Cases before tl1e St1prc1nc Co11rt shall be l1earcl b)r a Di,,ision Bencl1 <)f' tl1 rec J Ltclges'' [J .L. 1962, art. 5 ( 3)]. '';\ l;,1.111 13c11 cl1 of tl1e Stt})re1ne Co1 1rt sl1all co11Sist of fi.\0e Jt1dges'' [J.L. 1962, art. 5 (Ll) ]. 3 Jt11·is(liction-01·iginal-.fl1c . StIJ)remc Court l1as: a jt1ristlictio11 over ''petitio11s agai11st final decisio11s of tl1e Public 1\clr11i11islratio11'' [Co11Stirt1tio11, art. 5 (I) a11cl ari. 94 ( 1); J.L. 1962, art. 5 (3) (b)];

b j t1risclictio11 over '·1Jctitio11s relating to tl1e rc11dcri 1 1g of accou 11 ts by officers l1a11clli11g IJtil)lic f1n1 cls'' [Constit11tio1 1, art. 9�� (I); J.L. I962, art. 5 (3) (c) J; c juriscli c-1 io11 over " JJelitio11s cl1allc11gi 11 g tl1c q11alificatio11s of deputies elcctccl to tl1 e Natio11al :\sscrnbly'' [C!or1stitutio11, art. 59; J .L. 1962, art. 5 (4·) (a)]� (! t11e po,vcr to isst 1c a ,vri t of habeas co1j>us orcleri 1 1g ''tl1at a1 1)r J)erson I1elcl i11 ar!Jitrary clctc11tior1 or i11 cases otl1 er Ll1 an tl1ose JJro,;ded by la,v sl1nll be set at liberty'' [Cri 111 i11al I>roced ttrc Code, art. 66]. 4 J ui·isdictio11-a1)pcllate-1'1 1 c S11 1)rc1ne Co11rt l1 as jt1risclictio 11 over ''apJ)e�ls a ai11st jt1clg111ents gi,rer1 b)' a 1 1y Court in its api)cllate jurisdiction � or agair1st J ticlg11 1c 1 1ls givc11 lJy any Cot1rt fro111 ,vl1 icl1 apr)eals lie directly Lo tlic Su 1)re111 c Co1 1 rt'' [Co1istitt1tio1 1, art. 94 (1); J.L. 1962, art. 5 (3) (o)].

- . -·- - -· - ---

�eg_i:;laii:·i: Dccrc:c Nt1. 3 �r - Jtu1 c 12, 1962, can1 e i11to force i11 tl1e Nortl1ern � llc�ior�s. n Se1)tc 111 hl'r l, 1962, a11cl i11 iht� Sot1tl1crn llcgio11s on October 1, I 963· � 1 L is hci c1naf1 er rc-f erred to as .J ttcliciary La,v l 962.


S01nali Republic

5 Proceclure-a Crhninal. Crimi11al Proccclt1rc Coclc aIJJ)rO\'ccl by Legislalive Decree No. I of Jttnc 1, 1963. b Civil. I11 respect of 11on-Sl1ariatic civil cases, ll1e Italia11 Civil Procedttre Code applies ir1 tl1e Sot1tl1crn l{egions; a11cl tl1c lndia11 Coclc of Civil Procedure (Act \T of I 908) in tl1c Norll1cr11 Rcgio11s. In respect of Shariatic civil cases, tl1c S11ariatic JJroceclurc apJ)lics. In respect of administrali,,c cases, the r11les cn1boclic(I i 11 tl1c J t1cliciary Lav,r 1962, arts. 10 (4-) n.ncl 11, a11d tl1e Rtdcs of l)rc,ccclt1rc of 111c C:ourt of Justice approved by Decree No. 29 of l;,cbruary 2,1., 1956, aJJJ)ly. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal, revie,v or revision-..1f,j,r.a/ an<! reviclu. Nil. Revision. v\1l1cn a co11,,ictio11 l1as bccon1c fi11al, ancl c,,c11 ,vhcn tl1c JJt1nis}1111cnt has l)ce11 ser,0cd or l1as bccon1c exti11ct� rcvjsio11 petitions 111ay l)c filed before tl1c St1prc1nc Cot1rt i,1 tl1c follo,ving cases: (a) '"if, af1cr tl1c co11,,iction, 11c,v facts or 11c,v cvicle11cc 11<-tvc occurrccl or been discovered, ,vhicl1, eitl1cr SCJ)aralcly or i 11 co1111cctio11 \\'ill1 facts or evidence alrcacly consiclercd at tl1c trial, clca rl)' cs la IJ! isl1 that tl1e offence ,vas not con1111i1 tccl or tha I. i l ,vas 11ot tl1c accttsccl \Vl10 committee) it; (b) if it is s110\.vn tl1a t tl1e cor1victio11 ,-vas the rcsul t of so111e false acl or doct1n1ent or the result of a11otl1cr act \vl1icl1 1.J1c la"v consiclcrs a11 offe11ce, pro\rided that a final co11victior1 l1as IJccn pro11ot111cccl as a rcsttlt of sucl1 false acts or docu1nc11t or s11cl1 otl1cr oflc11cc; (c) if the fi11dings on ,vl1icl1 tl1e co11,,ictio11 is l)asecl arc incompatilJ!c ,vith those of anoll1cr final penal convictio11" [C!rin1inal Proccclurc Code, arls. 237 a11cl 238].

7 Supervision ancl inspection-Nil. L,-\\V TO BE ,\D;\[JNISTERED

Tl1eJudiciary La,v> 1962, in art. 9 provicle�: ''Sul)jcct to tl1e provisio11s of tl1c Col1Stittl lion a11d this Ia\v, t!1e Cottrt shall apply: (a) 'I'l1e Sl1ariat lavv or ct1� to111ary la,v i11 ci\1il co11troversics \vl1erc the cause of actio11 has arisen ttndcr the said la,v, (b) statutory la\v in all ot11cr matters." (Regarding the extent of tl1e ap1Jlication of SI1ariat Ja,v a11cl Ct1ston1ary lav.0 see B, paras. 13 and 14, /Jost.) ,


SUPREi\rIE COUR1, CONS fi l'UTED .t\,S rfHE r




1 Establishment-Establisl1ed t111dcr art. 99 of ll1c Co11Stitt1tio11.

2 Composition-rfhe c:onstitt1lional C!ourt co11sists of all tl1c me111bers of the Supreme Court with the additio11 of: 193

Pllrl If-East Africa n1cmbers appointee! for a period of three years by the President of Ll1e Repul)lic on tl1e prOJJOsal of tl1e Cot1ncil of l\1inisters; b t\-VO mcn1IJers elected for tl1e sa1ne pcriocl by the National Assembly by a11 absolute majority of the Dcpt1ties as prescribed by Rules of Proceclure of the Asse1nlJly [Constit11tio11, art. 99; J.L. 1962, Annex I, art. 2]. ,. 3 Jurisdiction-original-'' fhe S111Jrc1ne Co11rt constituted as ihe Constit11tio11al Court sl1all l1ave jurisclictio11 over questions relating to the constit11tionality of la,vs a11cl of provisions l1 aving the force of la\v in accordance \\'itl1 1-\rticles 98, 99 and 100 of tl1c Constitution'' [J.L. 1962, Aru1ex I, art. 1 (l)].



4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-''In procccdi11gs before tl1e Supreme Court co115tituted as ll1c Consti t11tional Co11rt, the pro,,isions go\1er11i11g tl1e procedure in a1Jpcals i11 tl1 c Supren1c Courl i11 adrninislrati,,c inatters shall apply in so far as tl1cy arc applicable'' [J.L. 1962, J\nnex I, art. 5 (l)].


1 Establislrment-Establisl1ccl u11der art. I 02 of the Constitution. 2 Composition-'"fl1e Su1 Jre111e Court constituted as tl1e High Court of jtlSLicc consists of all tl1e 1nen-ilJers of the S11 1Jreme Court a11d six addi· tional n1en1l)crs dra,-vn by lot fro111 a special list of t,V'el,,e citizens elected l) y Ll1e National Assen1J)ly at tl1e beginning of its first session from amo11g 1Jcrso11s \'l/l10 are not mcn1bcrs of tl1e Asse111bly [Constitution, art. I 02; .J.I.... 1962, 1\1111ex I, art. 8]. 3 Jurisdiction-ori�inal-"Tl1e Su1)ren1e Court constituted as tl1e I-Iigl1 C:ourt of J 1tstice sl1 all l1ave jt1risdiction over criminal cl1arges laid by tl1e National 1-\ssembly against tl1e President of tl1e Rep11b)ic or tl1e n1en1bcrs <)f 1l1e Govern1nent 1tnder J\rliclcs 76 :111d 84 of tl1e Co11stit11tion'' [J.L. 1962, .l\nnex I, art. 7]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nii. 5 Procedu1·e-''I>rocecdings before 1l1c Supreme Court constituted as tl1e I-ligl1 Co11rt of J11stice shall be govcr11cd, i11 so far as ap1)licable, by t lie {Jrovisions governing assize proceedings'' [J .L. I 962. 1\nne."( I, art.

12 (I)].



1 Establisl1ment-Establisl1ed uncler art. 4· of tl1cJudiciary Law 1962. 2 Composition-�l,l1e Courts of 1\ppcal l1a,re t,vo Sections: the General 1\JJpella1:e Scctio11 ancl tl1e Assize 1\ppcllate Section [J.L. 1962, art. 4 (2)]. 194·

----- -� -


So,nali Rej,uhlic Cases in ll1e General Appellate Section are l1earcl by a single jticlgc [J.L.

1962, art. 4 (3)]. The Assize Appellate Section consists of tl1e Presiclent of tl1e Cotirt of

Appeal, a Jt1dgc of lhe Court a11cl tl1 rcc 1\ssessors [J.L. 1962, art. 4· (-4-)]. The .Assessors are dra\Vll by lot in open cot1rt not less tha11 tl1rcc days before the beginning of ll1e procccdi11gs by tl1 c President of tl1e Court from a list prepared ai1d 1·evie\\'Cd every year by clccrec of tl1c l\11inister ofJt1sticc and Religious 1\ffairs [J.L. 1962, art. 26].

3 Jurisdiction-original-1�l1c Court of 1\ppcal ,vitl1in tl1 c Ii,nits of its o,vn jt1r.isclictio11 l1as tl1c po,\'cr to isst1c a ,vrit of h a beas co1Jn,s orclcring ''that any person helcl in arbitrary clctc11tion or in cases 0th.er than tl1 osc provided by la,v s11all be set at liberty" (Crim. Proc. C., art. 66].

4 Jurisdictlon-appellate-T11c General 1\p1Jcl1ate Scctio11 l1car.s "appeals agai11Sl judgments of tl1 c District Court and tl1c General Section of tl1e Regional Cot1rt'' [J.L. 1962, art. ,J (3)]. The 1\ssize t\ppellate Sectio11 l1ears "ap1Jcals agai 11.S t judgn1cnts of Ll1c Assize Section of tl1e Regional Court" [J.L., 1962, art. 4- ('1-)]. 5 Procedure-Crh11i11al. Criminal Proced t1re Code. Civil. In respect of non�Shariatic civ.il cases, tl1c Italian C!ivil Proccd11rc applies i11 the Sot1tJ 1ern Rcgio11s; a11cl th,c I11 clian Cc>clc of Civil Procccl 1.1rc in tl1e Nortl1ern Regions. !11 respect of Shariatic ci\·il cases, tl1c Sl1ariatic procedure aJJplics. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, review or revision-Apj;eal. Af)fJcals fron1 the dccisio11s of tl1e Courts of .i\ppeal "in ci\ il and crimi11al matters lie to th.e St 11)rer11c Court only on the follo\ving questions of la,v: (i) lack of jurisdiction or i11competcncc of tl1e lo\ver coltrl;. (ii) violation or erroneous application of legal }Jrovisions; (iii) nullity of the judgment or tl1e proceecli11 gs; (iv) omission, insufficiency or contradiction i11 the grou11ds 011 vvl1ich tl1c judgment is basecl, relating to a 1na terial point raisecl by cit her party or by the court on its o,v11 1notio,1'' [J.L., 1962, art. 10 (2)]. Review. Nil. Revision. Sec Supreme Court (Al, para. 6, ante). 1

7 Supervision and inspection-It is tl1e clttly of tl1e Iiigl1er Judici,11 Council to exercise supervision througl1 the President of tl1e St1prcn1e Cotu-t over tl1e functioning of tl1c Courts (J.L., 1962, art. 28 (2)]. LA\V TO DE ;\Dl\lINISTERED

As Supreme Court (Sec Al, paras. 8, 9 ancl I 0, ante).


1 Establishment-EstabJisl1ed u.nder art. 3 of ll1c Jt1diciary La,v 1962. 195

------Part IJ-Easl Africa 2 Compositio11-'l,l1e l"legio11al Courts l1ave t\-vo Sections; tl1e Ge11eral Sectio1 1 a11 d tl1e 1\ssize Section [J.L. 1962, art. 3 (2)]. Cases i 11 tl1e Gc1 1eral Section are l1eard by a single judge [J.L. 1962, art. 3 (3)]. >resident of tl1e Regional Court ! tl1e and of sts co11Si 1 1 Scctio e Tl1e 1\ssiz of tvvo .c\.ssessors [J.L. 1962, art. 3 (4)]. rfhc 1\.sscssors arc drawn by lot in ope11 cot1rt not less tl1a11 tl1rce clays fro1n tl1e !Jegi1 111ing of tl1e proccedi11gs by tl1e President of tl1e Court from a list JJreparcd and revic\vccl every year IJy clecrcc of the 1\1i 1 1ister of Justice a11cl Religious 1\ITairs [ J. L. 1962, art. 26]. 3 Ju1·isdiction-01·iginal-Thc General Section of the ltegional Cot1rt "l1 as jurisclictio11: a i11 civil 111att:ers over contro, ersics \-\'l1icl1 are not ,,,itl1in tl1e j ttrisdiction of tl1c ])istrict Cottrl; {J i 11 cri111i1 1al n1attcrs, \Vitl1 respect to crimes not ,vitlun tl1e jt1risdiction of tl1c District C!otirl a11cl tl1e 1\ssize Section of tl1e Regio11al Co11rl" [J.L. 1962, art. 3 (3)]. 1�11c 1\ssize Section of tl1e Rcgio11al Cot1rt has ''jurisdiction \vith respect to crin1.cs JJt1nisl1able ,vitl1 dcatl1, in1priso111nent for life or in1prison1nent for 11ot less tl1a 11 tc 11 years'' [ J.I.... 1962, art. 3 ( tl)]. 1

4 J11risclictio11-a1JPellate-Nil. 5 P1·ocedure-1\s Cottrt of 1\ppeal (see 1-\4, para. 5, ante). CON'fROT� OF Gl)URTS

6 }....1>1)eal, 1·evie'vv 01· revision-1t/J/1eal. 1\ppeals against tl1e clecisions of tl 1e Ge11cral Section of tl1c Regio11al Court lie to tl1e General .i\ppellate Seclio11 of tl1c Court of 1\i:>peal; ancl appeals against tl1e decisions of tl1e Assize Scclion or tl1c Regio11al Cottrl lie to tl1e 1\ssize :-\JJpellate Section of tl1c Court c1f 1\ppeal. lleiiiezfJ. Nil. Revision. 1\s St11Jrcr11e Cot1rt (see !\ l, para. 6, ante). 7 Supervisio11 and inspection-:\.s Cot1rt of 1\1Jpea] (sec .:\4·, para. 7,


L,-\ \·\' TO BE ,\ DJ\.fINIS'l'ERED

1\s Supren1c Cottrt.





CONS'l'l'l'U'l'ION 1\Nl) PO\\'l�llS

.I Est�1blishn1.e11t-Establisl1ecl tinder art.

2 of tl1e Judiciary La,v 1962.

2 Co1n1Josition-Tl1c l)istrict Cotirts l1avc t,vo Sectio11s: the Civil Scctio11 �1 1d tl1c ?ri1 �1i11al Scctio11 [ J .L. 1962, art. 2 (2) ]. Cases 111 cacl1 Scct1011 arc l1carcl l)y a single jttdge [J.L. 1962, art. 2 (2)]. 3 Juri�dictio11-01·igh1al-'l,l1c Ci,,il Section l,as ''jurisdictio11 over all co11trovcrs1cs ,¥l1crc tl1c cattsc of action l1as arisen u11der Sl1ariat la,v or 196



customary la,v a11cl any otl1er civil controversy \vl1crc tI1e value of tJ1c st1bject 1n�tt� r cloes �ot exec:�� S!1s .. S� . 300 0" [J.L. 1962, art. 2 (3)]. . The Cr11runaJ Section l1as Jtlr�d1ct 1011 ,v1tl1 rcs1)ect to offc11ccs l)UJ"lisll­ _ _ Pen Cod al \VJ the tl1 e 1 uncl pr1s er or11nc11l for a periocl 11ot exceeding able � _ not fine exceedi or ng Shs. So. 3000 or botl1 '' [ J. L. J 962 art. years tl1ree ' . 2 (4)] 4 J11risdiction-appellate-Nil.

5 Procedure-1-\s Co11rt of i\ I)}Jcal (sec ,\4·, J)ara. 5, antr). CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, rev.ie,,, or revisio11-.-IJ>j;eal. 'ff1c Ge11cral Appellate Sectio11 of the Co11rt of f\p1)eal ''sl1all l1ear a1)pcals against tl1c juclgmc11ts of tl1c District Court .. .'' [ J.L. 1962, art. 4· (3)]. Review. Nil. Revision. .t\s St1 prcme Co11rt (sec 1\ l � par,t. 6, anlc). 7 Supervision ancl inspection-As Court of 1-\p1)cal (sec A4, IJara. i, an!e). L1\\V


TO BE ,-\D;\IfNISTERED St1pre1nc Cottrt.


11 Statute-Tl1c follo\ving arc tl1c types of la\vs a11cl provisiorls l1 aving the force of lai,v and tl1e autl1orilies com1Jete11t to issue tl1c1n: Lav;s are enacted by tl1e Natio11al 1\.sscmlJly a11cl J)ron1tilgatecl by 1:l1 c President of tl1c Republic [Constitution, art. 61]. The National ;.\sscmbly· may delegate to tl1e government tl1c JJO\vcr to issue on specified subjects ancl n1attcrs ancl for a li1nitcd JJcriod IJrovisions l1aving L11e force of la\v. St1cl1 J)rovisions are callecl Legislati\1C Decrees [Constittttion, art. 62]. The government 1nay, in cases of t1rgcnt necessity, issue te1nporary JJro­ visions ha-..ring tl1e forcc of la\.V. Such provisions arc called decree-la i,vs. \.Vithi11 a specified time, clccrce-la,vs mt1st IJc co11,1ertccl i11 to lavv by the National Assembly, otJ1e1"\visc tl1ey \,·ill cease to l1avc legal effect [Constitution, art. 63]. The government has tl1e po\vcr to issttc rcgulatio11s u11dcr al1y Ja,..v. 1�}1 c po1,vcr to isst1c regt1lations may be given l)y Ia,v to otl1er organs of tl1c State and to public bodies [Constitutio11, art. 85]. The Somali Repttblic has i11heritcd different S)'Stc1ns of la\vs, a11d since irltcgration of tl1esc la,vs ,votilcl take lin1e, the Natio11al Assembly has passed the 1\ct of Unio11 [Law No. 5 of Ja11uary 31, 1961], wl1ich pro,,ides tl1at: "The Ja,..v in force i11 Son1aliJand and S01nalia at tl1c time of the cstablishme11t of the Union sl1all remain in full force a11cl effect in tl1e 197

---------- -- --- --------- ----


P,,rt JI-East Africa respective jurisdictio11S subject to tl1e provisions of the Constit ution, this law or any future law'' [art. 3 (I)]. So far as criminal la\V is concerned, a new Penal Code and a Crimin al Proccdt1re Code l1ave IJcen enacted fo r tl1e Republic. So far as 11 on-Sl1ariatic ci, il matters are concerned, the Italian Civil Code a 11cl Italia11 Civil l">roccdurc Cod e ap1)ly in the Southern Regions; and India11 Ia,vs sucl1 as the Code of Civil Procedure [Act V of 1908], the Iiidian Evidence Act 1872 [r\ct I of 1872), the Indian Contract Act 1872 [Act IX of 1872], tl1e rf'ransfer of Property Act 1882 [Act I_V of 18� 2], and tl1e I1 1clia11 Lin1i tation 1\ct 1908 [.-'\ct IX of 1908], apply 1n tl1e Norll1er11 Regions [see Second Scl1 ecl., Constiit1tio11 of S01naliland, Somaliland Order in Council 1960]. 1


12 Conu11.on Ia,v and equity-Corrunon la,v and equity are applica])le i11 tl1c Nortl1cr11 llcgio11s as s1Jccified in s. 42 of the Somaliland Constitutio11 I 960, ,vl1icl1 sl1ot1ld be read st1bject lo art. 9 (I) of the Act of Union. BoLh I)rovisions are givc11 bclo,v. ,';cction 42 ef the Sou1alilan{I (.'onslitulion-Application of certain Indian enacl11zenfs a11cl the laws of Engla,ul. '' ( l) rl'l1e • . . ci, il jt1risclictior1 of tl1e Courts of Somaliland shal 1, so f."lr as circt11nsta11ccs pern1it, be exercised in conformity ,vitl1 the e11�1ct1nc11ts set ot1l i11 the Second Schedule to tl1is c:onstitution a11d !itibjccl tl1crcio and so far as tl1c same do not extencl or appl)' sl1all be exercised i11 conformity \vith the st1bsta11ce of ll1e comn1on lav.-: tl1c cloctrir1cs of cc1uity and the statutes of ge11eral application i11 force in England 011 tl1e l 6Ll1 clay of wiarch, 1900, and ,vii.11 tl1e po,vers ,•csted i 11 �L11d accordi11g to tl1c 1Jrocedt1re and practice ol)served by a11 d lJefore tl1c Cot1rts of JtlStice a11cl Justices of tl1c Peace i11 E11gland accorcli11 g to tl1cir respective jt1risdiction and autl1orities al tl1at date, sa, c i11 so far ,1s Ll1e saicl cnacLments a11d tl1e said common Ia,v, cloctrines of eqt1ity and statutes of general a1)IJlica tio1 1, a11d tile said J)O\Ver.s, J)roccdurc a11cl practice have bee11 , or l1creaftcr n1ay be, 1noclificcl, amencled or replaced by a11y ,,'Titlen la,v 1nade for Son1alila11 cl : I> rovidecl al\.vays tl1at tl1e said con1n1011 la,v, doctri11c of equity and sta tt1les of general aJJplicatio11 sl1all be in force i11 Son1aliland so far 011ly as tl1e circ\11T1stanccs of Son1 alila11 d a11cl its i11l1abitants pern1il a11cl st1bject to st1cl1 qt1alificatio1is as local circumstances 1·e11der 1


11cccssa l")'.

(2) 1-;- or tl1c }Jltl' }Josc of facilitating tl1e a1J}Jlicalio11 of tl1e enacLmc11ts set ot1t i11 tl1e Seco11cl Scl1cdt1le to tl1 is ConstituLio11( a) a c:ot1rt 111ay co11strt1c a11y st1cl1 e11actn1c11t ,,,iL)1 st1cl1 altcratio1is 11ot affccti11g tl1c substa11cc as 111a), be 11ccessary or prOJ)er i11 order to ada1)t tl1c san1c to tl1c n1atter before tl1c Cot1rt, (b) tl1c Cou11cil of 1'Ii11isters 1nay l:>y order direct by \vl1at autl1oril)! any juriscliction, po\vcrs or dt1tics incidc11t to tl1e operaiio11 of any st1cl1 cnact11 1c11t a11cl for tl1c exercise or perforn1a11ce of ,-vl1 icl1 110 198

/)'o,nali Rep11blic convenient provision has been other\visc 1nacle sl1all be exercised or performed, (c) any order of the Cou11cil of l\r1inistcrs n1adc in l)t1rstu111cc of tI1is subsection shall be pt1blishcd i11 ll1.e Gazette ancl sl1all l1avc effect as fro1n a date to be spccificcl jn tl1 e orclcr .'' .t\rticle 9 ( l) of tl1e Act of Unio11 rcacl� as fol}o...,vs: "1\ny provision of any la,v of So111alila11cl or Somalia, il1cluding the _ _ _ r Somal1land O der 1n Council, 1960 (bci11g 1l1c C:onstitt1tio11 of Somali� land) ,vl1icl1 is inconsistc11t \vitl1 t11c Cortstitt1tion of tl1c ,Son1ali Republic or this law is hereby repealeel.'' 13 Custom and usage-Article 9 of tl1e J t1cliciary 1,a,v 1962 provides: ''Subject to tl1e provisions of tl1e Constittttio11 a11d tl1is 1a\v, ti-le Courts shall ap1)ly:

(a) tl1c Shariat Ja,v or custon1ary la\v in civil co11tro\'Crsics ,v1 1crc chc cause of action has arisen l111clcr tl'l.c saicl lav,,,; (b) statutory Ia,v in all otl1cr n1atters." Civil ½'ro11gs among Somalis arc governed by ct1sto111ary la,v as rnoclificcl by Shariat Ia,v. 14 Religious laws-The Constitt1tion in art. 30 J)rovicles: "( J) Every person shall hav·e the rigl1t to a personal stattts in o.ccorclar1cc ,vith bis respective la¥,:s and customs. (2) The personal status of lvfuslims is gover11ed })y 1J1e general principles of the Islamic faitl1.'' Under art. 9 of tl1e Judiciary La,v 1962, quoted al)ovc, .Sl1 ari<l t la\v applies not only in res pect of a marriage including clivorce ancl maintenance, guarclia11sl1ip of 1nir1ors� family relationsl1ip, waqJ, gift and st1ccessio11; bttL also i11 rCSJJCCt of b otl1er civil matters such as co11tracls. So far as (b) is concer11cd, tl1c parties l1ave tl1e 01)tion to stipttlate \vl1etl1cr they \VOttld l)c gover11ed by Sl1ariat or non-Sl1 ariat la\v.

15 Internal conflict rules-In cases vvl1cre conflict arises as lo ,-vl1icl1

la\v is applicable, it 11as to be decided \Vitl1 rcferc11cc lo tl1e questio11 t111clcr \vhich la\v the cause of action arose. DERIVATION AND FORM OF �-f1\IN BRANCl-lES OF THE LEGAL SYSTEl\·[

16 Crintinal law-Penal Code ap1Jrovecl by Legislative Decree No. 5 of December 16, 1962. Criminal Procedure Code approved by Lcgislati\re Decree No. I of June 1, 1963. 17 Property and succession-In tl1c Soutl1ern Regions-Sl1ariat la,-v and the Italian civil la\v. In the Nortl1crn Regions-Sl1ariat Ia,v and tl1e Inclian Transfer of Property Act 1882 [Act IV of 1882]. Succession. Shariat law in respect of Ivfuslims. 199

---------------- -- -- -- ------.. J>arl ]/-East Africa

18 1Vfar1¡iage and the family-Sl1ariat la\v and customary la\v in

res1Ject of Musli111s. 19 Tort and contract-7orl. Torts amo11g Sornalis are governed by cuslomar)' law as n'lodifiecl IJy Sl1ariat la\v. Torts among non-Son1alis are govcrnccl i11 the Sot1tl1crn Regions IJy tlie Italian la,v and in tl1c NortJ1ern Regions IJy tl1e E11g]ish ]aw of torts. Con!ract-Co11tract is gover11ed i11 tl1c Southern Regions by Sl1ariaL la,v and the Italian Ci,,il Code; and in the Nor tl1 Regions by Shariat la,v and tl1e Indian Contract t\ct 1872 [i\ct IX of 1872]. 1\.s bet\.veen tl1c Sl1ariat and non-Sl1ariat civil lav,:s mentio11ed above' Somalis l1ave the option to elect ll1c Ia,v under ,vhich tl1cy intend to enter i11to a conlract.


. I I

. I


P1\R1� Ill


- -------




BJ' Si111on Roberts Mala,vi beca1ne a Rept1blic onjtily 6, 1966, 111 exactly t,vo years after tl1c grant of independc11cc to the forn1er Nyasalancl Protectoratc. 2 1\ Protcc­ toratc had first bee11 cleclared over Britisl1 Cc11tral 1\frica in 1889, a11cl a formal administration set tip by Sir I·I. I-I..Johnsto11 in 1891. Tl1c cs.lal)lish­ mcnt of local Legislative a11cl Executive Cot111cils follo1,,vccl i r1 1907, ar1d in the same year the Protectorate ,vas re-na1ncd N ) :tsalanci.3 Dc::;pitc pcrioclic proposals for closer associatio11 witl1 East .<'\frica or ll1c Rl1odcsias, tl1c local govcmn1ent remained under tl1e direct supcrvisio11 of tl1e Colo11ial Office until Nyasaland ,vas incori)oratcd in tl1c Federation of Rhodesia ancl Nyasaland in 1953.-t Tl1e imrJlcn1c11tation of st1cl1 a constitutio11aI arra11ge­ ment had alv,rays been opposed by Ll1c majority of r\fricans in Nyasalan.cl, and it pro,,ed ovenvl1clnungly un1)opular in practice. Such ,vas tl1c O!)jJosi­ tion to it t11at N)·asaland ,vas permitted to secede fro.n1 the Fcclera1.ior1 at tl1e end of 1963, some six mo11tl1S before Indcpcnclence. The general legal system of tl1e l) rotectoratc, u11cler tl1e Britisl1 C.:cn.iral Africa Order in Council 1902, 5 \-Vas basccl on t11e la\·Y of EngJan(J i 11 force on ;\ugust l l, 1902, but provisio11 ,vas n1ade at tl1e san1c ti1nc for tl1 c survival of custon1ary la\v, a11d later for the operation of tl1c J)Crsor1al religious la\'v"S of tl1e imn1igrant t\sia11 comn1t1nities. �fl1is syslc111, stt.PJJlc­ mented over the years by a considerable mass of locally enactccl Icgislatior1, is recognised and confirmed under tl1c prcsc11t Republican Co11stitution. 6 1



The familiar "dual'' system, under ,vhicl1 tl1e ge11eral law \Vas pri 111arily applied in the I-Iigl1 Court and subordinate courts, and custo1nary la,v in a separate frame\.vork of African courts, prevailed in Nyasala11d t111Lil 1962. The process of integrating the court structure begun in tl1at year, ,vl1en the African courts \Vere superseded by a sysle1n of Local Courts ,vi1l1 jttrisdic­ tion to administer ,-vide areas of the general law (i11 some cases to no11Africans as \veil as Africans) in acldition to tl1cir former jurisdiction over For diagra1n of courts system, sec t\})pcndix, post. la. Republic of Mala,vi (Constitution) Act, No. 23 of 1966. :i Under the l'vfalav,i Independence Order, S.I. 1964 No. 916. 3 Nyasaland Order in Council 1907 No . 54-1. 4 Federation of Rhodesia ancl Nyasalancl (Constitution) Order in Council, S.I. 1953 No. 1199. 6 1902 No. 663. 3 Section 15, Republic of Malavvi (Constitu�ion) Act 1966 For a det� iled account of the Republican Constitution, sec Snnon Roberts, �, The Republican Constitution of Mala,vi'1, Public Law, Winter, 1966. 1


Part llf-G'e11lral aud .�outhcrn Africa 1962 s01ne clen1en ts of Llic 7 e sinc n eve r, veve I-lo\ . tcrs t cuslorri;:.try Iaw n1a ''clual" systcin rc111ai1 1 els, clcsJ)itc tl1c facL tl1at aJJpcal lies from tl1e Local Cotirts to tlic I-IigJ1 C!oL1rt, t l1c Loe.al Courts are tinder tl1c st1pcrvisio n and co11trol of �l Sc11ior J�oc.al Cotirls Com1nissioncr, a11 official of 1l1e I\1i11ilitry r of .Jtistice. l'J1e 1nost significa11t cl1a11ge i� tl1c _courts systc1n since tl1c 1 pre\•ious ccli tion of Ju<licial anti Le,gal SJ Sle1n� zn .Afrzca J�a� bee� the removal of jtidicial JJO\vcrs from n1c1nlJcrs of tl1c d1slr1ct ad1n1111strat1011 ancl from Native i\t1 tl1oritics. \,YJ1c11 tl1e Local CoL1rts \Vere re-co11Stitutecl i11 1962, jtidicial J)o,vcrs ,vcre give1 1 t.o 1)crso11S 11ot directly associatccl i11 local govcr111nent, a11d sin'lilar)y, i11 l Y63, po,vcrs lo hold subordi11atc; courts \Vere ,vitl1clra"vi1 fro1n officers of tl1 e district aclministratio11 and placed ,vitl1 ft1ll-tin1c 111agistrates. 8




rl'I-II-: S UPREI\IE co UR f OF 1\PPE1\L



1 Establisl11ne11t-Establisl1ed ]))' s. 67 of the Constitution of tl1e I{.cI)ttblic of N.(ala\vi [contained i11 the Second Schedule, Republic of 1:Jala,vi (Co11stittLLio11) Act, No. 23 of 1966]. 0 2 Composition-1,hc St11)ren1e Court of r\ppeal consists of tl1e Chief J1.tsticc, st1cl1 11t1n1bcr of Jt1sticcs of 1\ppeal (if an·y) as 111a)' be prescribed l))' J)arlia111c11 t, and every J uclge of t11e I-Iigl1 Courl (inclt1ding .A.cti11g jttclgcs) [s. 67 (2) of tl1e Co11stilt1tion]. For tl1e pt1rposcs of l1earing an ap1)eaJ tl1c cot1rt is con11)osetl of a11 t1neve11 11uml)er of jtidges, not being 1 css tl1a rt tl1 ree [s. 67 (L}) of tl1c Corts Litution]. No j t1dgc n1a}' sit on a11 a1)1Jc:al fro111 l1is O\v11 jL1clg1nenl [Su1)re111e Cottrt of .�\ppcal Ordi11a11cc 1 963, s. 4-J.

3 Jurisdiction-original-Nil. 4 .Jt11·isdictio11-appellate-1\pJ)Cal lies fro111 t..l1e I-Iigl1 Court i11 resr>ect of a fi11al clccisio11 i11 a11y ci\•il or cri111inal proceecli11as [s. 68 of tl1e ::, . . C,,OllSlllllllOil]. lO

_i 11/JjJc/lale. cri1ni11al juris<lictiou. .

i\.i1y· perso11 co11,1ictcd 011 trial by tl1e !�I 1gl1 Cot1rt 111ay a1)1)eal tL) Ll1c St1J)re111 e Cot1rt of i\ppeal agai1"1St bis co11\ric_ 11on ()Il a c1ttcsl1011 of la\,', of f,1ct, or 111ixed fact a11d Ia,v or any otl1er grou11cl \vl1icl1 is ccrLiliccl by tl1c trial jt1dge or a jt idge of Ll1c St1prcme Cot1rt of �\l )I)eal to l)c a st1liicie11t grol111d for ap1)cal. Tl1e san1e right of a1�1)eal exists ,vl1crc a CL1 1 1vicLio11 l)cfore :111 i11fcrior courl is 111)l1eld b)' the. _ I -I1gl1 Cot1rt. [S.C.1\.0., s. 12 ( l )-(2)].

- --- ------ - --- - - - --·---- -


Local (�011rt°' Orcli11:::ince, No. 8 of 1962. : �ot1rt_s (.:\n1c11ch11c11t) Or(lina11cc, No. 8 of 1963. llic S,q)rc·rrH� C�o1.1rt of 1\tJIJt>al ,vas original!,, estal)lisl1cd 1.1.ncler tl1e Nv sa la c a n '.l S l�}:l�(:lye.. c:(.�llrl 0_� !\ppcal ()rclii1:u1cc� NL). 40 or 1963, \Vl1c11 apJ )Cals to tht : · f-;'c� 0c1 a StqJren1c C,o1.11·t ccascc.l 011 Nyasala11d's \\"Ltl1dra,\-al fro 111 tl1c 1-;-eclcration. lltil note tl1 t cleLcr111i11:1tions of tl1c I-Iigl1 Court llIJon elec1ion IJeLitions � carn1 ot l)c t l1e sul�1ecl of a11 ap1Jcal [s. 32 (3) of tl1c Co11sti tution]. 7


1\1alawi The Director of Public l)ro :ecttt �o11s 1nay appeal to tl1e Court agai 11st a _ judgn1e11t of tl1e H1gl1 Cottrt g1ve11 1n tlte exercise of its cri i11 inal juriscliction uJ)On a I)Oint of la\v only [S.0.1-\.0., s. 12 (3)]. ii .11ppcllate civil jurisdiction. f �ppeal lies lo tlic Suprcn1c Cottrt of Appeal in civil matters from a11y fi11al Jltclgmcnt of ll1c l-Iigl1 Cot1rt in lhc exercise of iLs original juriscliction. 1\ppeal lies fro1n a jt1dgrncnL of the 1-figh (!otirl in tl1e exercise of its a1)pcllate or rc\1isional jtirisdiction only \ViLI{ lc:-t\'C of tl1ejt1dgc or ajt1dge of the Stlpre111e Cottrt of 1\p1)cal [.S.C.,\.O., s. 23 (I)].

5 Procedure-Tl1c proccclure or Ll1c.: C!ot1rt is in accorclancc \.vitJ1 Supreme Cot1rt of 1-\ppeal Ordi11a11cc a11cl any rt1lcs \\·J 1 icl1 rnay l)c rnacle theretu1der. \,VJ1crc 110 !)f0\1isicn1 for a pa rticular J)Oin t is tnadc. ll1� Court follovvs tl1e proccclt1re of tl1c Cot1rt or 1\J)J)cal i11 E11gla,1cl i 11 . botl1 civ.il an(l crinu.nal n1atLcrs [S.C.1\.0., s. 9]. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal-No pro,,isio11 lor aJ)J.Jcals to 1l1c t>riv·y c:ot1ncil is 11 1aclc i 11 tJ1c Rept1blican Co11Stitt1tio11 of 1966. L,\\V TO DE _i.\D"-IINISTERED

8 General Ia,v 9 Custon1arJ' Ia,v 10 Religious la\"VS


:·\s I-Iigl1 Cottrl (t\2, /10s!).


Follo,ving tl1e declaration of Lhe Protectorate, a. Ccn1sul.1r Cotirt ,vas set tip tinder the autl1ority of the .A.frica Orclcr i11 C!ot111cil I 889 11 a11d later transformed i11to the I-Iigh Cottrt !))' tl1e Britisl1 Central 1\[rica Order in Council 1902. l '.! CONSTITUTION ,\ND PO\\'ERS

1 Establisl1ment-Establisl1ed l)y s. 62 of tl1c C�<>11stitt1tio11 or ll1c

Republic of �-Iala\vi (Second Scl1ecl., Rcpul)lic of r-1(ala\vi (Constitt1lio11) . .\ct,No. 23 of I 966]. 2 Composition-The I-Iigl1 Cottrt consists of tl1c CI1ief Jttstice ancl as many judges, not being Je.ss 1l1an t,,·o, as Jnay be l)rescribccl l)y Parlian1.ent [s. 62 (2) of tl1e Constitution]. 3 Jurisdiction-original-rfl1e I-Jigl1 Court is a su1)crior co11rt of record \-Vitl1 unlimited original jurisdiclio11, civil and crin1.inal, ""ithin t_l1 c Republic [s. 62 of the Constitution]. vVitl1ottt t)rcjudicc to the gc11cral1ty of the foregoing, specific juriscliction is givc11 to Ll1c 1�Iigl1 Cot1rt l)y s. 15 of the Courts Or<lina11cc, 1958, 13 to: aJ)point ancl su1)ervisc guarclian,c;., and generally safcgt1ard the persons and property of infants; order land to be cl1argcd or mortgagecl

------------------------11 Articlc 19.

,\rticlc 15 (I). 13 No. l of 1958; caJ J. 174· of 1l1c Revised Edition of 1l1c La,vs, 1957.



-----[Jar! III-Central ancf /Joutlzern ,;ifrica \vl1ere tl1e cottr l l1as jt1risdict.ion to order sale; grant relief by inter­ JJleader; IJrotcct property \-Vl1ic)1 is tl1c subject maller of any aclion ; enforce j11clgmcnts of tl1e I-Iigh C!ourt and suborclinai.e courts in a11y 111an11er it n1ay JJrcscrilJc; o rder service Ot1tside tl1e jurisdiction, and ,.,,I1ere necessary arrest a defc11cla11 t or atlacl1 his proJJerty before judg1ncnt.


4 Jurisdiction�appellate i .r1ppella le civil jurist!iction. a Fron1 a subordinate court-An appeal lies to tl1e J-Iigl1 Cot1rt fro1n a st1bordinate court f rom all fi11al clecisions, and fro1n all interloctttory judgmc 11 ts a11cl orders made i11 tl1e course of a civil action. No aJJIJeal sl1all lie, exceJJL IJ}' leave of tl1 e subordinate cou.rt or tl1c I-Iigl1 Court, from an orclcr 1nade e."< /Jarle, or by· consent, or as to costs I 011ly [s. 69 c)f tl1c Constitt1tio11; C.O., ss. 21, 22 ( ), (a), (b)J. b J7ro1n a J..•ocal 1\ppeal Co11rt-,\11 aJJpcal lies to tl1e Higl1 Court fro1n ;1ny order or dccisio11 of a Local i\}Jpeal Cot1rt in a civil case [L.C.O., on '"'. S. �.J (L)] • ii ,;ljJf,ellate cri111 inal _juris{!iction. a From a subordi11atc court-i\JJpellale crin1i11al juriscliction is conferred 011 tl1c 1-Iigh Court to l1 ear appeals fro1n st1bordir1atc cot1rls accordi11g to tl1c ]a,v for tl1e Lime being in force [C.O., �- 20]. In JJurst1a11cc of tl1is it is JJrovidecl ]Jy the Criminal Procedt1re and E,,iclcnce Coclc 1 ·1 tl1at any J)crson aggrieved by any final judgment or orcler or any sc11te11ce n1ade by any st1bordinate court nray appeal to tl1e I-liglt C�ou.rt 011 a 1nattcr of )a\V or fact. On a plea of guilt)r no appeal is allo,vccl except as to tl1e exte11t or legality of se11lence [C.P. & E.C., ss. 346, 34-8]. b Fro111 a Local Ap1Jcal Cot1rt-1\n appeal lies to tl1e High Cot1rt from any orcler or tlccision of a Local 1\p1Jeal Cot1rt in a criminal case [L.C.O., s. 33 (2)]. 5 Procedure-a Cri,ninal. In accordance ,vitl1 t11e Crin1inal Procedure a 11d Eviclcnce Cocle, 1 96 7. b Ciuil. 111 civil 1)rocecdi11gs tl1e I-Iio-11 Courl follo\vs.• so far as local 0 . c1rcL1n1slanccs admit, the })racticc ar1cl procedure laid do,vi1 in the Rtllcs of tl1e SL1pren1e Cot1rt [C.0., s. 31]. CONTROL Of, COURT

6 AJJ!3eal-i\I)IJcal fro111 tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt lies Lo tl1e Su1Jrc111e Court of -' �PJJeal in rcsJ)Cct of � fi11al clccisio11 i11 a11y ci,•il or cri111inal proccedii1gs _ [s. 68 of tl1e Corut1tt1t1on]. ·ro Ill•: .t\Dl\IINl!>TERJ;;D 8 Gen er �l !a�v-''U11til llarlia111c11t otl1cr,vise p rovides, tl1e civil and . _ _ crin1111al Jttris�l1ct1on of tl1c Stiprcn1e Cottrt of .:\JJJJeal, tl1e I-Iigl1 Col1rt and of alI 5t1I Jord 111�tc cot1rts (i 11clucli11g Local Cot1rt sl all, st1bjcct to tl1e s) 1 _ . JJro,,is 1011 s of tills 1\ct a11d of ail)' la,v i1 1 force i 11 l\ Iala,vi, be exercised i11 ------------] 1 ·l N . 1967 · This .-\ct st1pcrscdcs tl1c C.p.C., No. 23 of 1929, cap. 24 of � 3 �6 t 1c 19.J 7 l.'..cl1 l1011 of Ll1c La ,,,s. L1\lV





·- .

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conformity ,vitl1 th.e existing la\vs a11d tl1.c sul)stancc of tl1c co1nmon Ju.,,v a11d tl1e doctrines of equity> ' [Republic of 1,f ala,vi (Constitutio11) 1\ct, s. 15 J. 9 Custon1.ary law-Under the Re1J11blic Consliltltion t.l1erc is no express provision entitli11g tl1e High Court to apply c11stomary la\'.'. 1'11is is in contrast \vith previous provisions tln<ler ,vl1icl1, in cases to ,vl1icl1 i.\.rricans ,..,•ere parties, the I-Iigl1 Cottrt '"'as to be ''g11iclecl by custo1nary la\v so far as it is applicable ancl is not rcp11g11ant to j11sticc or n1orality or i11co11.Siste11t \',iith a11y (other) la,v''. 16 I-Io,vever, i11 an interim rt1liJ1g in K111ncaco v. Nkh ota,16 made since the Rcpttblican Constit11tion can1e ir1.Lo force, TI01;r, J., }1as doubted wl1etl1cr tl1c I-Iiglt Court still cr1jo,1s original jurisdicLic)tl Lo lry matters founded on custocnary la\v, ar,d tl1ltS to ap1Jly c11stomary la\v. 'fl1is vie\v seems inco11Sistc11t \Vitl1 tJ1c pl1rascology of s. 15 of the Conslil\1Lio11, quoled above, and ,vitl1 tl1at of s. 62 ,vl1icl1 gives ll1e I-ligl1 Cot1rt unlimited original j11riscliction "to l1ear and clctcr1ninc a11y civil or crin1i11al proccccl­ ings under a10' laiu" [italics supJJlicd]. 10 Religious Ia,,rs-No gc11eral provision is 1naclc for tl1c applicatio11 of personal la\VS of religio11, bt1t J)arts of Islan1ic Ia,v 111.ay be i11 force i11 r,,Jala\vi by virtue of tl1eir l1a, i11g been incorporatccl in tl1c custon1ary la\v of some localities. t7 The t\siatics ( i'vfarriagc, Divorce a11cl Succcssior1:1 Ordinance I 929 18 and the \Vil ls and I11l1critance Act 1967 1 !1 al1tl1orisc th.e application of religious personal laws tinder give11 circunistanccs. 1

1-\3 TI-IE SUBORDIN1\TE COURTS The fi rst subordinate COltrts ,vcrc co11Stitutcd in 1895, ,vl1cn n1agistcriaJ \Varrants \Vere issued lo officers of tl1e acl1ninislralion by Sir I-I. r�I..Jobn.s.ton. 2.o t\parl from the appoi11ln1ent of a li1nite<l nun1bc1· of Ilesidcnt Niagiiitratcs , the connexion lhus establisl1cd bet,vce11 the 111agistracy and tl1e district administratio11 prevailed until 1963. 1-Io,,vever, i11 that year all jL1clicial po,vers ,vere removed from aclminis trativc officers ar1cl tra11.Sfcrr1.,;cl to locally trainecl ft1ll-time magistrates.1 CONSTITUTION .-1..ND PO\VERS

1 Establishment-Tl1c follo,ving sttbordinalc courts arc constitllltcl under the Courts Ordinance, 1958: 2

Section 15 (b) of the ivtala\vi Inc!epcndcncc Orcler 196'�, superseding s. 8� (2) of the Nyasaland (Constitution) Order in Council 1961, ancl art. 20 of ll1c Ilr11Jsb Central 1-\fr1ca Orclcr in Council 1902. Tl1cse provisions entitling the C!ourt to consider custotnary la\.v \Vere narro\vly interpreted c.-xccpt i11 cases \vhcre the Court was considering appeals from lo\vcr courts in \Vhich custo1nary la,,• h ad been , _ appliccl. Sec R. v. Robert & illuwani, (19'10), 5 Ny. L.R. 2; Joscp� ,)u/Jcdt_ l1111b(111L v. R. [194-6], 6 Ny. L.R. 8, and Cliilema v. Lupanda, [1962] R. & N. 290. 1 � Civil Cause No. 346 of 1967, [1968] J.A.L. 173. 17 See Anderson, J. N. D., Islamic La,u in ;1lfrica, pp. 162-170. 18 No. 13 of 1929. 19 No. 25 of 1967. to Under the authority of art. 19 of the Africa Order in q ouncil 1889. The issue is recorded by Sir I-I. rl. Johnston in his British Central .1lfr1ca, 1897, at p. I l•k 1 Sec Cottrts (l\rnenclmcnt) Ordinance, No. 8 of 1963._ 2 As amended by CourL'> (Amendment) Act, No. 47 of 1967. 15


-----Parl III-Central anrf ,Southern A,{rica

a courts of Residc11 t ivlagistratcs;

b courts of magistrates of tl1 e first graclc; c courts of 1nagistraLcs of tl1e seco11 d grade; and tl courts of magistrates of tl1 e tl1ird grade [C.O., s. 53]. 2 Coinpositi.011-Tl1 e court of a Resicle11l Nlagistrale cor1sists of ·'a fit a11cl IJroiJer IJcrso11 '' aJJJJoi11ted )Jy tl1 e Prcside11t [s. 72 of tl1 e Co11stitu tion; C.O., s. 5•1- (l) (a)]. Cotirts of tl1e otl1er tl1rce grades also consist of a '·fit a11cl 1Jroper IJcrson'' si1nilarly apJJOi11 ted [s. 54 (1) (b)].3 rl,he President's po,vcr to aJJJJoi11 t 1nagistrates of any grade may be delegated i11 ,vritirig to tl1c Judicial Service Co111n1issio11 [s. 72 (2) of the Constitution].

3 Ju1·isdictio11-original

i Territorial_juristliction. 1\ll n1agistratcs' co1trls l1ave jurisdiction tl1rougl101tt l\Jala,vi [C.O., s. 55].·1 ii C'ivil juriscliction. St1IJorcli11ate courts l1ave jt1risdictior1 over all civil acticH1s ,vl1 erc tl1e ,L 1 not1 nt i11 disptice does 11 ot exceed: £4·00 i11 tl1e case of a Resident l',. Iagislrate's cot1 rt or a court of tJ1c first grade; £150 i11 the 1

case of a cot1rt of tl1 e seco11cl grade, a11 cl £50 i11 tl1 e case of a court of t11e tl1ird gr,Lcle [C:.O., s. 59 (I)]. r. No st1 bordina te court has jurisclictio11 i11 tl1c follc1\vi11g 111attcrs: title to or O\v11 ersl1 ip of land, except as 1Jro,ridccl l)y s. 156 of tl1e Registercel Land 1\ct 1967; tl1 e issue of i11ju11 ctions; proceed� ir1gs i11 \Vl1icl1 gt1 arclia11.sl1i1J or ctistody of i1uan ts is in question; excc1Jt as spcci�1lly 1Jrovidcd i 11 a11y ,vrittcn la\V, in cases ,vl1 erei11 u1c ,0alidity or clissol t1 tion of a11)' marriage is i n q11cstio11; clispt1tcs relati11 g to title to any rigl1t, d t1 ty or oflicc, ancl proceecli11 gs seeking any declaratory decree [C!.O., s. 59 (2)].G iii C�rhninal juriscfiction. Tl1e crimi1 1al jurisdiction of tl1e s11bordi11ate courts is co11ferrecl by tl1 e Co1irts Orclinance, s. 83.7 In purst1ance of tl1 i.s it is l )roviclccl tl1at: a Rcsiclent l\iiagisLra1c's cot1rts a11 d cotirt.s of tl1 e first and second gracles 1n,1y try any oflence tinder tl1 e Pc11 a.l Cocle otl1cr tl1an Lrca:,;<)11, inst igali11g i11, asio11, co11ceal me11 t of treaso11 , 1nt1rder a11cl 111a 11 slatLgl1 ter or alter11 1)Ls to co111111 it� or aicl, abet, counsel or J)rocL 1rc tl1e co111111issio11 of 1l1 ese ofle11ces [C.P. & E. C., s. 13 ( l)]. b Cottrts or il1c tl1ircl graclc 111a)' try a11 )' offe11cc i11 tl 1e Second Scl1cdule LC> Ll1c C. l"> & 1�. C., ,vl1icl1 s1Jccifics a 11u111.bcr of offc11ces 1111dcr the l"> e1ial C!uclc a11cl <.1tl1 er f\cts a11d O rcli11a11 ccs [C. P. & E. C., s. 13 (2) l. I 11 tl1e exercise of tl1cir crin1inal jt1risdictio11, llesicle11t 'iviagistrate's <.:Ol 1 rls a11cl cottrts of Ll1 c first graclc 111 ::t.)' pass a11 y sente11ce, otl1cr tl1a11 ,1 scntc11cc of clcatl1 or .. 1sente11 ce of i 111prisonn1.c1 1t cxceedi11g fourlcc11 years, autl1orisccl by tl1c Penal C!ocle or b}' any otl1 er la\v. 1

:i 1\s

an1e11dccl by tl1c Courts (.-\111c11cl1ne11l) i\ct No 4-7 of 1967. , .


:; /bit/.

G Ibid. 7 Ibid. 208

111alazvi Cottrts of the se co11cl grade may impose a tern1 of im1Jriso1 1 mc11t 110t _

exceeding five years or a fi ne 11 ot cxceecli11g £ l 00 or botl i ancl cot1rts of tl1 e tl1ird gracle a tern'l 11ot cxceccling t,velvc 1nontl1� or a fine not exceecl i11g £75 or botl1 [C.P. & E.C., s. 14-].

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1\ppeal lies frorn a Loc al Cottrt of first inst ance to a Resident Magistrate \\'l1crc 110 Local 1\p1Jeal Cottrt lias })ce 11 co11stitt1tecl in the area co1 1 cer11ccl [L.C.O., s. 33 (I)]. 5 Procedu1·e-a G'ri,ninal. Crin1ir1al Procccl11rc ancl Eviclcncc C�otlc 1967. b Civil. Suborclinate Co11rt R11lcs [G.N. 95 of 1958 as atne11clccl]. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-a Civil. To tl1e l-Iigl 1 Co11rt [C.O., s. 22 (l)]. b C'rirninal. ,.:-\J1y person co11victcd 011 a tri al l1cl cl lJy a st1borcli11 atc co11rt may appeal to tl1 e I-Iigh Cot1rt, bttl \,•l1 cre ll1c convictio11 follo\vccl a JJlea of gt1il ty tl1e appeal 1nay only rel ate LO tl1 c extent or legal it)' of sen tcr1cc [C.P. & E.C., ss. 346 , 348]. Hearing a11 a1)peal, tl 1e Cot1rt n1 ay: i reverse tl1 e fi1 1di11g a11cl scnle11ce� ancl acquit or cliscl1argc tl 1e accused, or order l 1in1 to be tried by a cot1rt of compeLcnt jt1risclic­ tion, or com11 1it l1im for tri al, or clircct tl1at he be rctriccl; <)r ii alter the fincling, 1nai11taining Ll1e sentence, or, \vitl1 or \vith.011t altering tl1e finding, rccluce or increase tl1 e scr1 tc11ce; or iii ,vitl1 or ,vithotit sucl1 reduction or increase a1 1d ,vitl1 or ,viLl1011t altering tl1 e fi11ding, alter tl1c 11att1re of t l1c sente11 ce [C.P. & E.G.� s. 353]. Revie,v, revision-Tl1e Higl1 Cot 1 rt has general s111)ervisory jt1risclictior1 over all st1l)ordinate courts. It n1ay, either of its O'\V11 molior1, or at th.c instance of any interested party, at any stage of civil or cri1 ni11 al proccccli11g:; in any subordinate court, call for tl1c record, a 11 cl citl1 cr re1novc tl1 e I)roccctl­ ings into the High Gour L or give stlcl1 clircctio11S to t lie st1borcli11 alc cottrl as justice 111ay reqt 1irc [C.O., ss. 27, 28 ( 1) , (2)].8 Revic,v in a11y civi] rnattcr is not e11tertainccl at tl1 e i1 1sla nce of a party ,vl10 cot1lcl l1avc a1)1Jealed [C.O., s. 29].s In revie\ving the record of a11y cri1ninal }Jrocceclings before a st1borcli11ate court, tl1 c I-Iigh Cot1rt may· exercise tl1c san'lc I)o,vcrs as are co11 fcrred u1Jon it on appeal [C.P. & E.C., s . 362]. Transfer-a Civil. The H.igl1 C!ourt n1a y transfer ci,,il procecdir1g s from place to place, to or fron1 a11y sul)orc l i11 atc court [C.O., s. 1 7 (vii)]. b Cri1ninal. Tl1e High Cottrt l1as \Viele J)O\Vcrs to cl1 a11 gc tl1 e venue of criminal proceedi11 gs before a suborclinate court (on its o,vn i11 itiativc, on a report fron1 tl1 e suborclinate co11 rt, or upon ar1 applica lio11 by one of tl1e parties} \vl1 ere it considers thal tl1c e11cl-, of j11sticc clc1nand tl1is [C.1). & E.C., s. 75].




IJy tl1e

Courts (1\1ncndmcnt) .t\ct, No. 4·7 of 1967. 209

Par/ Jl[-Cenlral anfl .�out/1ern Africa


on, etc. i Any Reside nt 7 Inspection, supervision, c_onfirmati :-- . record of cr1nunal proceedings tl1e e nun exa a11d for call inay e trat M · ird grade and, if lie considers tliat the or t nd seco , first � e 1 tI of l : cour a : be�! proceedings are illegal, i 1n1)roper or irregular, lie must forward tl1e record l & E.G., s. 361]. . .I [C rt ou to tl1e Higl1 C ii \.Yl1ere a subordi11atc courta i1nposcs a sentence of corporal punisl1ment; b imposes a fine exceeding £50; c iinJJoses any se1 1Lc 1 1cc of impriso1 1ment exceeclingi i11 tl1 c case of a Resident Nlagistrate's court, l\vo years; ii in tl1 e case of a cot1rt of the first or second grade, one year; or iii i1 1 tl1c case of a court of tl1c third grade, six 1nonths, it s}1all forlhlvitl1 tra11smil tl1e record of sucl1 proceedings to the I-Iigl1 Court i 11 order tl1at tl1 e I-Iigh Cot1rt may exercis e po,-vers of rcvie,v [C.P. & E.C., s. 15].

·ro DE ADi\[INISTERED 8 Gene1·al la,v ;\s Higl1 Court (-A.2, ante). 9 Customary la"\V 10 Religioi1s la,vs



l�'c}l! c.)\Vi11g il1e declaration of tl1e Protectorate all fonnal judicial powers \Vere rc111 0•-1cd from tl1c }1ands of the traclitional autl1orities, but the duties of tl1e i:;xpatriatc ,ad1ni11istrativc officers proved so onerous tl1at tl1e former ,\frican. rulers co11lint1ecl to exercise inforn1al judicial at1thority \vitl1 the tacit approval of Gover 11mcnt. Under tl1e District ,:\dnunistration (Native) Ordina nccs of l 912 a 11cl 1924° provisions \\'ere included ,vl1ich enabled tl1e Governor to grant forn1 al recog11ition to tl1is practice by givi11g official j t1dicia l 1)0,-vers to l1cad1ne11, bt1t tl1ese ,vere 11ever acted upon. .� formal S) stcn1 of Native Cot1 rts ,vas finally cstablisl1ed i 11 I 933, 10 al tl1e same Lin1c as Ll1e i11troductio11 of indirect r-ltle u1 1cler tl1e Native Autl1ority Ordi11ance.1 1 I 11 1962 tl1 cse co11rts \Vere replaced by a system of Local Cot1rts, ,vl1icl1 are presiclccl over by persons not directly i11volved in tl1e local ,1dmi 11istratio11 , \Vitl1 lin1itcd civil a11d cri1ni11al jurisdiction, in 1nany cases extending to clisi)utcs i11volvi 1 1g 11011-.A.frica11S.1:?. 1


. LOCt\L COUll ,f'S OF l;-IRS1" INS1"ANCE

1,0\\'ERS 1 Establislunent-1"11c l\ Iinister responsible for tl1e administration of tl1e Local Court.s Orclir1a11cc 111av bv "'arra11t under lus l1a11d establisli ' � ' I 0 Nos. 13 of 1912 nncl 11 of 1924·. l II uncler ' tl1c Nalive . C ourt. Orcl111ancc No. 1 •1- of 1933. 11 No. 13 of 1933. 1:: No. 8 of 1962; cap. 75.




lvlalazvi sucl1 Local Cot1rts as he shall tl1ink fit (Local Courts Ordi11 ance, 1962, ss. 2, 3 (1)]. Local Cot1rts arc presently constitt1tecl i 11 tl-1c follo,vir1g grades: a Urban Local Courts b Grade Al Local Cot1rts c Grade .ti... Local Courts (/ Grade B Local Courts [Local Cottrts (Terms a11d Co11ditions of Service) .Rt1lcs I 966; (�. N. I 06 of 1966, as amended by G.N.'s 255 of 1966 ancl 186 of 1967]. 2 Composition-,\ Local Cottrt consists of a Cl1airr11an aJJpointccl l)y the Minister and sucl1 otl1cr 1ncmbcrs, if any, as tl1 c Iv1i11istcr n1ay appoint. Tl1e cottrt will nor1nally sit \\'ilh al lcasl 011c assessor scleclccl by the Chairman from a panel apJJOi11lccl by the l\·1i11istcr, bt1t the l\1i t1i.s tcr has po\vcr to orclcr that any Local Cottrt 111ay ) at tl1c discrctio11 of the c:1 1air­ man, sit v\'·ithottt a11 assessor [L.C.O., s. 4, as amcnclecl by L.C.O. (1\1nendmc11t) 0., No. 24 of )962). 1\dvantagc has been takc11 of this po\vcr to orcler Ll1at any Local Court znay, at tl1c discretion of tl1c Cl1airman, sit ,vitf1ot1t an assessor for t11e J 1caring of any crin1i 11al case [Local Courts (Constitution and l\!Ien1bersl1ip) Order, G.N. 194 of 1962].

3 Jurisdiction-ori ginal-Tl1c :i\,finister may co11fcr UJ)on all or any Local Cotrrls jurisdiction to erlforce tl1c pro\risions of a11y spccificcl Jai,v [L.C.0., s. 13], but st1bjcct to sucl1 an ex1Jrcss autl1orisatio11 no ]�ocal Cot1rt l1as jurisdiction to try: a Any proceeclings i11 \vl1icl1 a perso11 is cl1argecl \vitl1 a n offence i 1 1 consequence of ,,vl1ic}1 dcatl1 is alleged to l1a,,c occurred or 1,vl1icl1 i s ptmisl1able tinder any la\.v ,vilh dcatl1 or in1priso111nc11t for life. b Any proceedings i11 connexio11 \vith n1arriagc, other tl1a11 a marriage contracted uncler or in accorclancc ,vitl1 Ivfol1a1nmccla1 1 or custon1ary la,v or tl1e African I\·farriage (Cl1ristia11 Rites) Registration Ordinance, 13 except \vl1ere botl1 }Jarties are of tl1e san1 c rcligio11 ancl the claim is one for bridc�pricc fou11dcd on cuslornary la,v. c 1-\ny otl1cr class of proceedings ,vl1ich tl1e l\.1inistcr 1na.y, by 11oticc in tl1e Gazette, exclude from tl1c jurisclictio11 of Local Cotlrls or any partict1lar Local Court or class of Local Court s1Jccificd i11 SlH.:l1 noticc 1 ·1 [L.C.O. , s. I I]. i Civiljurisrliclion. Every Local Cottrt l1as ll1e civil jt1risdictio11 set otil in its ,varrant, subject to ll1 e pro1.risions of tl1c Local Courts Orclinance, o,,cr causes and matters in "vl1icl1 all parties arc 1\fricans, and tl1e dcfcr1clant \Vas, at the time vvl1en tl1e cause of action arose, resiclc11t or \vilhin tl1 e It is not clear ,vhat the jurisc!iclion over marriages cclcbratcd 11nder the African i\t!arriage (Christian Rites) Registration Ordinance consists of, as the Ordinance provides tl1at marriages registered under it "... shall not as rega1:ds the parties tl1ereto alter or affect their stalus or tl1c consequences of_ any JJr1or marriage entered into by either party according to customary law or 1nvolvc any other Jcgal consequences ,vhalevcr'' [s. 3]. li The l\1inislcr has cxcl udccl fro1n the jurisdiction of Local Co11rts a11y proceedw ings involving chieftainship, hcadrnanship or ll1c allocation of lan<l under local custom (G.N. 167 of 1962]. JJ

211 _

J:>arl III-C'e11tral ancl 5'outhern l1jrica

jurisclictio11 of tlte court. Sucl1 juriscliction extends to suits for tl1 e recovery of ci,,il debts due to the l\1ala,-vi Government, to any !\.1unicipal, Town or District Council or to any Native A1..1.tl1ority. Civil proceedings relating to intmoval)le J)rOJJCrty are reqt 1 irecl to l)e take11 in the cot1rl ,vitl1in tl1e area of \-vl1ose jurisdiction Lite prOJJCrty is sitt1atcd [L.C.O., s. 8]. ii C'ri11zi11al _jurisdiction. Every Local Court may exercise tl1e crin1i11al jurisdictio11 set ot1.t i 11 its ,varrant in hcari11 g criminal cases in "vhicl1 il1e clcfc11 cla11t is an 1\frica1 1 accusecl of l1 a,,i11g co1n1nitted a criminal offence ,vl1olly or partly ,vitl1i11 the area of tl1 e jurisdiction of tl1 e court [L.C.O.l s.

9]. 1:;

Tl1e rviinistcr is e1.11po,vercd Lo extcncl tl1 c ci,1il a11cl cri1ninal jurisdiction of a11y Local Court to i t1 clt1clc tl1c l1caring of cases i11 ,vl1 icl1 all or any of tl1 c parties are non-Africa11.S. Bt1l ,vl1erc st 1cl1 jurisclictio11 is granted, it can onlv l)c exercisecl i11 a civil case \,,l1 ich invol,,cs a11 issue to be determined b)' ct 1 ston1 ary la,v \V(1 crc a11y no11 -1\frica 11 ,vl1cJ is a party l1as ,•oll1ntaril}' asst1n1 ed a rigl1 t, lial}ilit)' or relatio11.Sl1i1J ,vl1ich is tl1e subject of tl1e clis1)utc a11cl v1•l1icl1 \\'Oulcl l1ave IJee 11 go,,er11 cd b)' tl1 c custo111 ary la,v conccn1 ed if all tl1c 1Jartics l1 acl l)cc11 1\frica11S [L.C.O., s. IO]. 1,l1is po,ver l1as so far lJec11 excrcisecl i1 1 respect of tl1e follo,ving Local Courts: Blantyre, Zomba, Lilo1 1g'vve ancl :tvizuzu [G.N. 190 of 1963]. lvllJancle, 1\lfzimba, I(ast 1ngt1, Ntakataka, :i\ 1Ibuluml)uzi, :i\Iilonde, Bolero, IZalamb,ve, l)eclza, Salima, Ndt1 nde, � Ialosa and Ntenjila [G.N. 183 of 1963]. l)o,va [G.N. 48 of 1964]. Ncl1ima, 1viitole, I(l1aya, Kalichero, :tvlsozi, :tvikon1a, Matenje, Nl�l1otal�ota, Ivfponcla, Iv!posa, Nsa11 je, Kasinje, l\,faonde, Chilob,ve, IZalun1be, Ntl1 e1nb,-ve, 1\ Iasa11 gano [G.N. 114 of 1965]. Karo11 ga, Ezoncl,vcni, 1\,fapt1yu, 1-Ikl1aza, Balaka, Domasi [G.N. 161 of 1967]. 1



4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-a Crinzinal. I11 accorda11ce ,vitl1 tl1c Local Cotu·ts (l)roceclt1re) Rules [G.N. 175 of I 962, as a111endcd]. b Civil. Tl1e l1eari11g of civil cases is conductecl ''i11 accordance ,\'ith the }Jroccclt1re at1.tl1 orisecl by tl1c customary la,v JJre,,ailing i11 t11e area of jt1risclictio1.1 of tl1e court'' [Rttlc 35, L.C.(P.)l<.. 1962]. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-1\I)JJ eal from a Local Col1rt lies to tl1e Local 1\p1)eal Court or, "vl1ere 110 sucl1 court l1 as bcc11 co11sitt1tcd or ,vl1 ere tl1e Minister sl1a]I s_? direct, to a llc�icle11t :rvlagistratc l1 avi11 g jt1risclictio11 i 11 tl1e area conccr11ed. l�tlrt.l1cr a1Jpeal 1 1.es fro1n tl1c Local 1\iJJJ eal Cot1rl or Resident Jvfagistrate to tl1c I -Iigl1 Cot1rt [L.C.O., s. 33 (I), (2)].

---· . ---·- -- - ------ --

For Ll1c cri1nina_l 1� 1altcrs \'l1icl1 Local Cot1rts arc cttrrentl)' entitlecl to try, � sec Local Co 1rls (Cr1n1u1al J t1r1sclictio11) Orclcr [G.N. 185 of I 967]. Urban Local \ Cot1; rts a11cl C,racle 1\. l J...ocal c:ourts l1avc st1llstantially ,vicl JJOv1•crs tl1an Cot1rts cr 15

of Graclcs


and D.

- 212

11 !alawi 1

Revision, retrial and tra11sfe1·-a TJ1c Senior Local Cot1rls Con1M

1nissio11er may, 011 a11 applicatio11 or of his O\vn 1notio11, set asiclc any senteJ1ce or order of a Local Court and st1bstitt1te for it any otl1cr scntc11ce or order ,,vhicl1 tl1at cot1rt coulcl 11av·c 1naclc [.L.C.O., s. 3 l, as a111cnclccl by

L.C:.(!\.)O., No. 23 of 1963].

f-Io\VC\'er, 110 order may be 1naclc by tl1c Sc11ior Local Cot1rts Co1nn1is� sioner ,..,,l1icl1 is prcjt1clicial to a convictccl person, t1 nlcss 1J1aL {)Crso11 I1as had an Of)lJOrtt1ni l)' to make rcprcsc11lat ions. b r[hc Senior Local Cot1rls Co1111nissio11cr n1a)' si111ilarly orclcr that any case be retriecl before the sa1ne or any otl1cr con11)ctcnt Local Court, or n1ay transfer ar1y case at an,, stage of tl1c J)rocccdings to a sul)orcli 11 alc court [.L.C.0., s. 3 l].

7 Supervision, inspection, etc.-'I'l1c orga 11isation ancl sttJJcrvision. of

tl1c Local Cot1rls is ,,cstcd in tl1c Sc11ior Local Courts c:01nn1issioncr, st1bjcct to tl1e gc 11cral or S})Ccial clircctions of tl1c :rvlinistcr [L.C.O., s. 24-]. Tl1e Senior Local Cot1rts Co1nn1issio1 1cr, anet t h.c Local Cot1rts C!on11nis� sioncrs u11dcr l1in1, l1avc at all times access to the I.ocal Courts ancl to tl1cir records [L.C.O., s. 31]. L,\\\' TO BE r\D:\lf:--:ISTERED

8 General la,v-'fhc Local Cottrts administer: a Tl 1c provisions of a11'y Ordi11ance \vl1icl1 the cot1rt is by or u11dcr st1cl1 Ordinance autl1orisecl to aclmi11ister (e.g. tl1c })rovisio 11s of tl1c \·\'ills ancl Inhcrita11ce ,L\ct 196 7 ,vI1ich aJJJJly to tl1c I..ocal Courts). b ��l1e provisiorU:> of ail)' la\v ,vhicf1 the court is at1th orisccl to acl rn i11istcr bv , an order of tl1c �,finister t1ndcr s. 13 of tl1e Local c:ot1rts Ordinance [see partictilarly Local Cot1rts ((!rim i11al Jt1riscliction) Orclcr, G.N. 185 of 1967]. c The provision� of any subsidiary legislation 111aclc tinder the Local Gover11rnen t (District Councils) Orcli11ancc 10 or tl1e Cl1 icfs !\ct 17 \vhicl1 is in force in tl1e area of the jt1riscliction of the Court (L.C.O., s. 12].

9 Customar}' Ia,,, 18-1-\ Local Court acl1ni11istcrs: "tl1 c ct1slon1ary lavv prevailing in the area of tl1e jt1risdiction of tl1e cot1rt, so far as it is 11ot

repugnant to justice or moralit,, or i11co 1 1sistc11 t ,,vitl1 tl1e 1 Jrovisio11s of any Order or the Quee11 in Council, 1-\ct of l,arlia111cJ1t or Orcli 11a11ce i 11 force in �:faJa,.vi" (L.C.O., s. 12 (cl) 10]. \'Vl1crc 11011-1\frica11s are }Jarties to ;\"o. 18 of 1953; cap. 100. 17 No. 39 of 1967. 18 The relationship bct\vccn custo1nary la\v anc\ the gencr: al la,v i� lhc Loe�! Courts has been considered in an appeal lo the I·I1gl1 Court 111 1'111dal1ar v. KaJ'1s1. (Ci,·. 1\pp. No. 5 of 196'1-; rep. 8 .J.1\.T.,. 131). In that case BOLT, i\.J., held ll1at the prin1ary la,v applicable in civil cases before th,� Local Courts ,vas custo1nary la...v, and chat the general la,v ,vas only ap11Iicablc ,vithin the li 1nits specificall)' authorised ins. 12 (s,�c ;\,i J)ara. 8, nnte). 19 .•\s an1cnclcd by the R,::public of Mala,\·i (Constitution) ( i\n1cndn1cnl of Existing Lav.:s) Order 1967 (G.N. 166 of 1967]. 16



A.J. L.�..-\-8


Part JJJ-C'c11tral ancl 0'uutliern .'lfrica eral iO11 l)cfOre ll1c T�ocal Cou r Ls Lhis pro·visiu r1 must be read subjcc t to l i tiM tlic J)roviso in s. 10 (I) (sec I)ara. 3, ante .)· . 1'I1c J)ro,,isio11 at1 tl1orisi11g tl1e aJJPI 1c� Lron . of custornary Ia\V 1S also citialificcl l)y a JJrol1ilJitio11 against tl1c l1ear1J1g (,f causes based on customary cri1ni11al la\v in tl1c Local Cotrrts [f..... C.O., s. 12 (cl)]. 10 Religiot1s la\.vs-1\s lfigl1 Cotirt (i\2, ante).

c0Ns1·11·u·r10N .i\.ND


1 EstablisJ1ment-'1�11c Mi11istcr 111ay, by \varrant u11dcr l1is l1and, csta l)lisl1 sucl1 Local t\}JJ)cal Courts as l1c sl1all tl1.ink fit [L.C.O., s. 32 (I)]. 2 Co111positio11-1\ I...ocal AJJJ)cal Court consists of a cl1air1na11 a jJJJoi 11 tee.I lJy tl1c 1\ [i11.is tcr a11cl st1 cl1 o tl1er me1nbcrs as the 1'v1inis ter n1ay ;tI)f)l>i111. lI..... C.O., s. 32 (2)]. 1

3 Ju1·isdictio11-01·iginal-Nil. 4 Jurisclictio11-a1Jpellate-1-\ I.,ocal 1\J)pcal Courl ,:sl1all be a court C)f aJJJJcal fro1n st 1cl1 Local Cot1 rts in tl'1c area \vii.bin ,-vl1ich it is at1 t.l1oriscd to excrciscjurisclicti,)11 as may be SJJecifiecl in its ,varrant1 [L.C.O., s. 32 (6)]. '

5 P1·oceclu1·e-1\s i 11 Local Courts of first inslance; bttl see also Local c:()llrts (!\}JJJCals) Rt1lcs [G.N. 112 of 1962]. CO�TROL OF COURTS

6 r\J)peal-1\r\y IJerson aggrie,,cd by a11 order or decision of a Local i\ JIJC�tl c:oLtrt rnay ap1Jeal to tl1c I-Iigl1 Court [L.C.O., s. 33 (2)]. T!.·a11sfe1·-1\s Local Cotirts of fir.$t i1tstance. }

7 I11spection, supervision, etc.-1\s Local Courts of first instance. L,"\ \V 1'0 13E ,\0111.NISTEllED

:\s Local C:ot1rt.s of firsL i11Sta11cc. B



11 Statu . te-'l,l1c l'larlia111enl of tl1e Re1Jublic, \vl1icl1 co11sists of tl1e Prc:siclent a11cl a Natio 1 1al t\ssc111l)ly. of 11ot 111ore tl1a11 fiftv-fi.\,e 111cmbers ' 20 , is autl1orisecl IJy s. 35 of tl1e Constitt1tio 1 1 to n1nke Ia,,..-s for tl1e peace, order a11c.l gc.)ocl gcl,,ern1nc11t of tl1c Rept1blic [tl1c Constitt1tio11 is co11tai11ecl in tl1e Secuncl Scl1cclt1lc of tl1c Rc1)ublic of l\Iala,,·i (Co11stitution) 1-\ct 1966]. rl'l1c Act co 11slilL1Ling tl1c Rc1)t1lJlic also 11 1akcs pro,,isio11 for tl1e conti11ua11cc of ''cxi:ti11 g la,v::.'' in f.Jrcc i11 �,fala,,•i in1n1.ecliately before Jtily 6, 1966, excc1Jt 111sofar as tllci;e arc- rc1:>calccl l>y, or i11consistc11 t ,vitl1 t)1e 1\ct itself [R.l\1I.(C�.)1\., ss. 2 (l), 15]. St1cl1 ''existing 1::i.,vs', incltide: '

---------- - --··-----------------�0

Scctio1 1s 18 and 19 of the Cot1stilution. 214·

a The stattttcs of gc11cral applicatio11 in force in E11glat1<.l 011 i\t1gust 11, 1902, \Vhicl1 formed part of the la\v of i.\{ata"vi i111n1cclialcly before July 6, 1966; b Otl1er applied Acts of tl1c United I(in.gdo1n · rarlia1nc11t n11d Order,:;; i n Cot111cil ,vl1ich ,vcrc i11 force i1n111cc.lialcl 1r before the aJJJJoi11tcd clay; c Locally e11acted Ordinances, 1-\cts, l<.ulcs, l<.cgulatir>J1S ancl Orders.

12 Common la\V and equit)'-'I'l1c Rept1l)lic of :\.lal:t\vi (Constitution) ;\ct proviclcs for the co11ti11uecl alJJJlication or "the sulJ�tancc of the co1nnlon la,v a11cl tl1e cloctrincs of equity" (s. 15]. 13 Custom and usage-LT JJ011 tl1c general rcccJJtio11 of Englii.d1 la,v ttnder the Britisl1 Cc11tral .·\frica Orclcr i11 Cottncil J 902 custon1 ,vas affirn1ccl as a sot1rce of la\v_, subject lo tl1c 11sual rcstric1io11s relating to repug11a11C)' ancl inco11.sistcncy [B. C.t\. 0. i 11 C. 1902, a rt. 20]. ,\ It !101.1gl1 the Re1Jublica11 Constitt1tio11 1nakcs no CXJ)rcss rcfcre.11cc to cuslon,ary la\v, it mt1st be asstu11ed tl1at i c st1n•ivcs as a source of la \V 011 tl1c IJasis that i L 1,vas part of tl1e la\V i11 force i 11 1vlala\vi in11ncdiatcly JJrior to .J tily G, l 966. 1 ° Ft1rtl1er, customary la,v is c.xprcssly rccog11isc<l as tl1c pri1nary S<)t11·ce C1i la,v i11 tl1e Local Cot1rls [L.C.O .., s. 12 ((/)]. 14 Religious la,vs-Islanlic lav,' is 011ly a sot1rcc of la,v in th.c Rc1Jublic so far as il fornis part of the customary Ja,v of a11y tribal grouJJ. Certain prov-isio11 is made for tl1c aJJplica1io11 of tl1c religious 1Jcrso11aI la\vs or tl1c im111igra11t r\sian con1111t111itics by l he i\.siatics (Ivl arriagc, J)ivorc,·� an<l St1ccessio11) Ordina11cc 1928 a11cl lJy tl1c \'\'ills a11cl Inl1c:rit·a11c1.: :\ct 1967.

15 Internal conflict rules-I11 addition to tl1e gc11cral rtilc:� rcln1.i11g· to tl1e application of custon1ary Ia,v discussed above, tl1c follo,vi11g in1.cr11al conflict rules exist: a 1,larriage. Tl1,; i\Iarriagc Ordinance }Jro,riclcs tl1at a JJCrso11 1r1arriccl under the Ordina11cc sl1all }Jc i11capalJlc, dt1ring LI1c sul)si$lcncc of sucl1 marriage) of co11tracting a ft1rtl1cr \ralid IJIBrriage under custon1ary la\\' [�f.O., s. 36]. b Succession. TI1c \·Vills and I11I1cri Lance 1\ct tJrovidcs SCJJara I c rul<..:�: c}r i11tcstate succcssio11 for persons \Vl1osc JJro1Jcrt)' \\'Oulu !Jcforc tl1c .1\ct J1:1ve been go\•crned by c11stomary la,v, ancl for tl1osc J)Crsons ,vJ1osc J)rOJJCrl) ! \VOL1lcl 11ot have }Jcen so governed before Ll1c J\ct [ss. 16, lS]. DERf\.'1\TION 1\ND FOR;\·f OF �[,.\IN DR,\NCJ·IES OF Tl·l� LEC:\L s,·s1'E�I

16 Criminal la\V-a Cus/.01n. Tl1c })Ositio11 of custo111ary crin1inal la,\' was long u11certain in tl1c Protectorate. 'fl1e f'logging Returns !cir tl1c early years contain frcc1ucnt refcrc11ces to floggings ad111inistered for ''tl1e criminal offence of adultery·", bt1t in 1940 tl1e I-Iigh. Court l1clcl tl1al tl1c customary criminal offence of aclultcry \.vas 11ot 011c \vl1icl1 coulcl l)e recognised by the courts, and tl1at tl1c rccci\ ccl Englisl1 Ja,v a11d locally 1


'fhis is confirn1ed by an i11terim ruling n1adc by BoLT, 1Vkhota, C:ivil Caus� No. 346 of 1967, [1968] J.;\.J.... 173.



in J(a111caca v.

-----lJarL IIf-C'tu/ral on(! .'ioulhern Africa c 11actccl Orclina 11 ccs co1 1stitt1tccl an exclusive catalogue of tl1 e crin1inal la,v i 11 force i 11 tl1e Prolcclora tc. 2 'I'l1is decision is indirectly confirmed b)' tl1e Local Courts Ordina11ce, ,vhicl1 prrJvidcs tl1at t.he Local Courts, ,vl1ere CLtsto 1nary lavv is J)rimarily aJ)J)lic<l, have 110 jurisdiction to entertai1 1 3 . d)] ( I 2 s. to viso pro ()., C. L. [ gs din cee cus to111ary cri1 11 i11 nl pro b General law. '1 'l1c llenal Codc; 1 ½'l1icl1 is sup1Jlementecl l)y tl1e received Englisl1 la,v a11cl a 1 1t1 1nl)t.:r of locally enacted sratt1tcs (e.,g. tl1c Forfeiture 1\ct 1966 5 ). 17 Property ancl succession-J)rojJer{)1• Customary land, as defi 11ed 1 Lo customary la\v. i11 tl1e i'vfala,\'i Land 1\ct 1965 6 is alloca tcd accordi1g I�[o,vcvcr, it sl10Lr1<l be 11 otcd tl1at a Ct1slor11 ary Land (l)cveloJJn1 ent) .:-\ct'i' l1 as rccc11tly bcc11 passed ,vitl1 a vie,v Lo substituting a system of pri,rate o,vners11i1 J for tl1 c cxisti11g for111s of ct1ston1ary tenure. Tl1e purpose of ihis .<\ct is to facilitalc tl1c eco110111ic clc,,elop1nc11 1 cJf custon1ary land along si111ilar li11cs to tl1osc pursLtecl i11 Kc 1 1ya. 8 Lancl ,,·l1icl1 is alreacly J)rivaiely l1clcl is governccl by tl1 c received E 11glisl1 Ia,,0 s1.1pplemenLed by locally c1 1actccl slatt1lcs (e.g. l\'1ala,vi La11 cl 1\c1, Deeds Rcgistratir,11 Ordinance,!J C�o11vcyan.ci11g Orcli11a11cc, 10 a11cl 1,rtisices :\ct11 ). ,S'uccl'ssio n. Succcssio 11 to J Jl'Ol Jcrty is govcr1 1ed lJ)" 1l1e \\;ills a11cl Inheritance 1\c t I 967, 1 !:! a statL 1tc superscding tl1e recci,,ed Engl isl1 la ,v and locally e11acti�d stat11les, a11cl 111aki,1g considcra IJlc i11 roads in to custon1ary Ja,v. 1'cstatc sL1ccessicH1 is \vl1olly go, er11ecl b)" tl1c . .\er, as is successio11 011 i11tcstac, lO pro1 Jcrty \v11ic]1 l)rior lo tl1e :\ct ,,·oulcl not l1 a\·e devolved accorcli11g to 1\frica11 CL1�to111ary· la\\' or tl1e I)crsonal religious la,vs of tl1e :\si�t 1 1 con1.1111111i l)' [s. I8]. I·lo,ve,,cr, cL 1 s 1oma11· la\\' a 11cl tl1e personal religioLIS Ja,vs of tl1e i\sia11 commu11i1y continLte to appl)', \Vitl1i11 limits dcfi11 ccl l J)' tl1e Act, 111Jo 1 1 tl1e i11tcstacy of perso11s \\'l1osc property \vould l1ave clevolved accordi11 g to tl1en1 1:>rior to tl1e passi11g of the .-\ct [ss. 16, 17, 18]. ,



18 l\ Iar1·iage and tl1e famil)'-a C'11sto111. .-\s ap1:>lied i 11 1l1e Local Cot1rts. 1

- - - - - - - - -- ---------� fl. v. Robert a,ul ,1luu.iani ( 19-10), 5 X,·. I�.l,. 2. 3 ' �'his rule n1ay shorlly be rcvise(l: · :i.s 1 he Prt?sidcntial Co1111nission on Criniinal .Jusflce ( 19 �7) rccornn1e �1clccl th:it die I.,oc:.i l Cot1rts sh1.1u Id l)c gi,·cn jttrisdiction to ol _ ch::filc1�1ei:i1, 1ncleccn l assault a11cl ra 1:ic, 011 tlte g-rot1ncl tll:tl st1cl1 n1a tters lry _fall ��tses \\'1th111 tile sco1)e of local la,,, a11c.l CllSlOll)". (at J1. 11 of tile ReporL). ccuharly r . . 1 · No. 22 of 1929. "No. I of l 9G6. ') 6 ': .l�O. _:) (J l 9u:). 7 No. 5 of IYGi, suJJplcn1en1ci:.l lJy di� llcgistcrci:l I..ancl .\ct (Xo. G of 1967) :i.nd the I�ocal I�and l3oards 1\c1 (Xo. 7 or 1967). 8 . f-\ >r an <.:xp��.natio11 of tltc I\Iala,vi legislation see S. R. Si111pso11, "Ne,v Land J_.a\'-7 !n l'vla�a,v1 ) .Journal of .·1£1111inislratio11 0,·erst·as, \�(11. 6.· No. 4·.· October ' 1967. 0 No. 0 ol 1916 1 cap. 110. iu CatJ, 111. 11 No. 2'1· of 1967. i:i No. 25 of 1967. ·--·-





Malawi b Statute. Under the Iviarriage Ordinance; 13 the 1\frica11 ?viarriagc (Cl1rislia11 Rites) Registratio11 Ordi11ancc 1923 1 '1 (a11 Ordinance trnclcr \-Vl-1ich any l\1Iinister of tl1c Ci1ltrcl1 may marry Cl1ristia11 l\fricans, al1hougl1 the resultii1g t111.ion is not recog11isccl by la\v); tl1c 1\siatics (wiarriagc, Divorce and Succession) Orelinancc 1929, 15 ,vl1icl1 accorcls validity to the rna rriagcs of 11on�Christia11 ;.\sians celebratccl accorcli11g to their J)Crsona! rcligiotrs la\VS. 19 Tort and contract-a C11sto111. ;.\s rtJ)pliccJ in tl1c Local Courts. b General la,v. 'fl1c rccci,,ccl E11glisl1 la\v SllJ)})Jc1nc11lccl by a nun1l)er of locally cnactecl statutes (11otably Sale of Goocls 1\ct 1967; Hl Bills of Exc11a11g,� f\ct 1967; 17 Bills of Sale 1\ct 1967; 18 Lin1ita tio11 1\ct 1967 ; 19 an<l .Sta tu tc Lavv ( 1vlisccllaneous Provisions) 1\ct 1967, � 0 ,v hicl1 contains J)rovisio11s relati11g to survival of actions� joi11t tortfcasors, co11tributory 11cgligcncc ancl frustratcd co11lrac Ls).

--------------------..·------------No. 3 of 1902. 1 ·1 No. 7 of 1923. 15 No. 13 of 1929. 1 ij No. 14 of 1967. 7 1 No. 15 of 1967. 1s i\o. 29 of 1967. 19 No. 17 of 1967. 2o No. 27 of 1967. 13






BJ' 1-J. ,S'ilberbe1:g U 11 til 1964· tl1c cotintry \vas known as Soutl1er1i Rl1odesia. It ,vas estal) lisl1 ecl as a J)rotcclorale by tl1c Sot1lhcr11 Rhoclesia Order in Cot1ncil of October 20, 1898. 3 In 1923 it ,vas a1111excd l)y tl1c Cro\vn: Soutl1ern I-l.l1oclesia ( ,\r111cxalion) Oreler a1 1d grant of Soutl1ern Rl1odcsia Letters Patc11t of Sc1)tc1nber I, I �)23, ''for tl1c constitution of Res1Jo11Sible Gover11r11cnt''. 1,l1e C!olo1 1y \vas acl1ninistcred by a Goverr1or, assisted by an Excc1.1livc C!oL111cil, ,-vi tl1 a Cal)i11ct a1 1 cl a Legislative Assembly of 30 n1e1nlJ crs. Certain legislation \Vas n1ade .stibject to approval by tlie Cro,vn. In. 1953 Sot1ll1er11 Rl1oclcsia became IJart of tl1e Federation of Rl1odesia a11r.l Nyasala11cl, 011 tli e clissolu tio11 of ,,•l1 icl1 (Janual")' 1, 1964-) it ,vas rcco.11stitutc(l as a colony i11 tcr1ns of tl1e Soutl1crn Rhodesia (Comtitution) Oreler j11 Cot111ci I 196 I, ,v l1icl1 co11siclcral)ly reduced tl1e reserve JJO\v-ers of tl1e Cro,v11.- 1 'T'l1c constitt1lio11 annexed to Ll1is Order increased tl1e Legisla­ tive 1-\ .s sc-1nl)l)' to 60 n1e1nl)er.s a11cl introdt1ced a ·'Co11StituLional Council'' a11d a ''Declaratio11 of Rigl1ts'' \Vl1icl1 providecl, inter alia, tl1at ''No ,vritten la\V sl1all cr,11t,:iirt a11y cliscri1nirlatory pro\rision'' [s. 67]. TI1e Order itsclf J)rc,,1iclccl for tl1e i11troclt1clio 11 or l\vo (''.t\'' a11d ''B'') ,•oters' rolls a11d an c]ectoral systcr11 \Vl1icli cr1st1rcll tl1at at least 15 111e111bers i11 tl1e LegislaLive 1\sscr11.l)1y \\'Oltlcl rc1Jrc:;c11t i\frica1i i11terests. Ori Novc1nl)cr 11, 1965, tli c Rhodesia11 Go\'er1 11 11ent unilaterally abro,!{atccl tl1e 1961 C�onslitt1tion a11cl substi1t1ted ''Tl1c Co11Stitutio11 of lll10<.lcsia 1965'' for it. 011 tlic face of it, 1l1e 1965 Co11slitution fo]lovvs tl1e pa 1tcr11 of 1]1c l9G l c:c)11stitt1tio11, l)Ltl it co11 cairLc; ,•ariot1s impor1a11l dislin­ gL1isl1ing fc-al Ltrcs clcsigr1 ccl to cstablisli lll1c1dcsia as 3. sclf-govcr1ii11g a11d e11ti rely j 11cle1Je11clc11l sovcreig11 statc \Vi tlii11 1li e Co111111c)r1,veal Ll1. Iri 1n1ediatcI y fol lo\ving 11pon tl1c Ll i1 ii aLeraI dccl� ratio11 of inclcpe11 de11ce i11 I{li oclc:sia IIcr l'v{ajest) 's Gc.)vcr11111c11t i11 ll1c U1 1ited Kii1C"rclo111 divested t11c lll1oclcsiar1 c:1lJir1c1 a11d Legislati,·e .-\ssc111 l)ly of tl1eir JJO\;crs a11d ,,cstcd all c:-�ecL1tive a1i cl lcgisla ti,,c IJO\vcrs iii resi)cct of Sot11l1er11 Rl1oclcsia i11 tl1e .., Secretary of State CH1 1--Ier 1\Tajcsty's bL'l1alf.ti 1 11c Gc.1,·cr11or of So11tl1er11 llli oLlesia isst1ecl tlie fi)llo,ving sLate1il1�11 t: 1

- ..- -----

�- lior_ diagrarn of cot1r1� .systc1111 sec 1\ J )l )1.·ndix, /1osl. . - 1'vlaJ�r clcv1·lo1Jnte11ts 111 1l1c la,v of l{l1oclcsia since .\J)ril 30. 1968, ::ire set ottt 111 a �1Jcc1al 1\<lclt'11<lt1n1: sec IJJJ. 2B9 cl seq. _1 ' Fo!· tl e J�\clual an<l legal }JOsitio11 llct,vcc11 1898 ancl 1923 see /11 re Soulhr:rn ,i J?hodesu,, [1919J J\. l!. 2 I l . :. ��� �; J\. c.le Sn1itl1, T �1e llcio Co11uno11l t· lth a 1d its Co11slitulio11s, 1964·, p. 4-3 . �� ! Sec Sou }1cr11 ll.l1oclcs1a J\.ct 1965, 1:.1 12. I I, I 3-l •l·, C. 76 of Noven1 ber I 6, � . l 965] ancl Sot1lller11 lll1oclcsia ( Co11sti l ution) Order i 11 Cotincil I 965 [1952 of Novc1nlJcr 18, 1965].


l?hoclesia ''... I l1ave informecl :rvrr. S1rutl1 a11d his colJcagttes ll1al tl1cy 110 lo11gcr hold office. I call 011 the citizens of Rl1oclcsia to rcfrai 11 fro1n all acts \vl1icl1 ,vou1d further tl1e objectives or tl1e illegal au tl1orities. St1bject to tl1at, it is tl1c clt1ty of all citizens to n1ainlain la\,v ar1cl orclcr i n tl1e country and to carr)' 011 \vitl1 their r1or1nal tasks. rI'l1is applies equally to tl1e jt1cliciary, the arrnccl services, tl1c J)olicc ancl tl1c J)Ul)lic

sen1ice. ''

In actttal fact tl1e forn1cr cabinet 11cvcrtl1clcss r.01 1 tint1ccl lo fl111ction in tl1e same ma1111er as it l1acl fttt1ctioned {)rior to November l l, 1965, and the san1.e legislative assembly contii1ttccl Lo })ass la\vs, ratifying inter nlia tl1 c 1965 C:onstitutio1 1. In tl 1e result tl1c 011 ly forn1al cJ 1angc in tl1c intcr11al aclnu11istratio11· of Rl1oclcsia \Vas tl1at an "Officer acln1i 1iis1cring tl1c Go,:er11mc11t'' a.�t1111cd tl1e fu11ctio11s \Vl1ic}1 11acl f)rcviot1sly lJcc11 fJcrforn1.ccl l)y the Govcr 11or, \Vl10 rclainccl l1is official rcsidcnr.c, l)t1t took no furtl1cr part i11 tl1c co11duct of tl1c cottnt ry's a ffairs.6 In tl1csc circt1msta1 1ces tl1c JJroblc1n arose to \Vl1at r.:-:tc11t (if at all) the judiciary \vl1icl1 clerived its a11tl1ority fro1n tl1e 1961 Co11slillllio11 coulcl rccog1iisc a 1 1d t1pl1old tl1c adn1i11istra tivc a11cl legisla live acts of a J;ri111a .facic illegal goverruncnt. 1�11is point l1ad to lJc clccidecl ,-vl1c11 t\vo clctainccs challcngecl t..J1e legal \·alidily of tl1 c procla1 11ati.011 of a state of cn1crgency and of certain emergency l)O\ .vers (Iviai11te11ance of 1,a,v ar1cl Or(lcr) rcgt1lations (made under tl1c En1crgc11cy _l)o\vers .<\ct, caJJ. 33) 0 1 1 \vhich. tl1e orders for tl1eir continttecl clclc11tio11 ,vcre based.7 In the General Di,,isio11 of tl1c f-Ii.gl1 Cot1rt L1.:.\·v1s a11d GoT..DIN, JJ., I1e lcl that tl1e 1965 Constitution ,vas u11.Ja,vful a11cl tl1at " t l1e Go\1crnn1cnt of tl1is country set up under it [,vas] 11ot tl1e la,vf11J go,1crnn1cnt". J\s it ,vas, ho\'.-·evcr, "the 011ly effective go,,er 111nc 1 1t of tl1e cot111try", tl1e court ,votd<l recognise such measures of t.l1at govcr11me11t "as cottlcl la\.vfull)' J1avc been taken by Ll1c la,vful go,•er11111cnt under Ll1e 1961 Constitt1 tio11. for tl1c preservation of peace ai1d good govcr11mcnt ancl tl1c 111ai11tcnar\cc of la,v ar1d order". I11 tl1c i\JJJ:>cllatc Division BEt\DLE, C.J., and J,\R.\'IS, l\.].i\., held tl1at "tl1e present Gover11ment coulcl Ja,vfull )r do an)1tl1i11g ,vl1 icl1 its predecessors could la,vfully J1avc clo11e u11dcr tl1 e 1961 C:onstilt1 t io11.'', QtJENET; J.P., and l\1L<\.cDoN1\J_o, J.1\., l1 cl<l tl1at tl1c presc11 t Go,0crnn\C11l The 1965 Constitution [s. 3] l)roviclcs: "Tl1erc shall be an Officer :\dnunistc:r­ ing t..l1e Government in and O\'t;r Rhodesia \vl10 shall be C!on1n1andcr-in-Chicl' of the arn1cd forces of Rhodesia. ·rhc Officer Aclrr1inistcring the Governn1cnt sh:1 ll be eirher (a) a Governor-General ,vho rnay be appointed by I-ft'r Tviajcst.y the Queen on tl1e advice only of the 1·finisLcrs of lhc Go,1ern1nent of Rhodesia; or (b) until I-Icr l'vfajcsly appoints a Governor-General ... an Officer appoh1lcd by the members of the Excc1. ttive Council presided over by the }lrimc !vlinister or in sucf1 other manner a-; may be prescribccl by a la\v of the Legislature." 1-.Icr ]vfajesty ha'i hi t11crto not appointcd a Covcr11or-Ccncral and tl1e Governor appointed unclcr th� 1961 C!onstilution is, as far as I·Icr ivfajesty's Govcrnn1ent is conccrnccl, still "the Governor" of Ilhoclcsia. 1 Afadzinzbamuto v. Lardner-Burke N.O. anfl .11nolhcr, 1V.O.-Baron v...lyre , , 1V.O. an<I Others, N N.O., fligl1 Coltrt of Rhodesia, General Divi:sion: 1966 (4·) S.1\. '1-62spccial edition of full text iss11ccI by llhodcsian Government I>rinlcr, ScJ)ten1ber 9, 1966. Appellate Division: 1968 (2) S.A. 284. 0


-----Part III-Ce11tral anll Soutlzern 1Jfrica \vas tli c legal govcr111n.ent of Rl1odcsia and tl1at tl1c 1965 Constilutio11 )1 ad sttJJCrsedecl 1:l1c 196l Cor1stitutio11 so tl1at Lhe f orn1er ,-vas novv tl1 e legal corislittitic>tl of tl1 c cou11 lry. ,.fltcreforc tl1c present Government ,vas entitled to clo a11ytl1 ing wl1 icJ1 tl1c 1965 Constitution JJern'littcd it to do. FIELDSEND, _ . factually 1\.],i\., ack 11o,-vlcclgccl il c fact tl1 at ''Ll1� prese11L at�thor1t1es ar � � . . , i11 co 11trol of all excct1 L1vc a11d I eg1slat1vc po\.vers 1n Rl1 odes1 a , l Ju t he clc11iccl tl1 at tl1cy l1 acl ''t1st1r1 )ed the judicial function''. Tl1ercfore, they ,verc "11 citl1 cr a ,le facto 11or a de jure Govcr11111.cnt a11d tl1e Higl1 Court rcr1 1ni11ecl a cot1rt co11_1;titt1tccl l)y a11cl deriving its autl1ority-from tl1e 1961 c:0 11stit1.1tio11''. ,.['lie I-Iigl1 Cot1rt ,votilcl, ho·,vcver, accept as ,,aI id a11y acln1i 11 isirative or legislatfvc act of the JJresent at1 tl1 orities if iL ,vas dirccLe<l Lo a11cl renso11ably rcc[Ltircd for tl1e ordinary· runni11g of tl1e country, J)ro,,iclccl Ll1 at st1cl1 acl cl icl 1 1ot defcat tl1e just rigl1ts of ci tizc 11s u 11cler tl1 e 1961 c:011 stitt 1 tio11 a11cl tl1at tl1crc ,vas no co11siclcraiion of pt1blic JJolicy ,vl1 icl1 J)rcclt1clecl L11 c ctlurt from t1pl1oldi11g tl1e act� such as, for i11stance, if tl1 c act ,vas i11 te11clccl t:o or dicl, in fact, i11 its operation furLl1 cr or cntrencl1 1l1 c t1s1.1r1)aLio 11. 8 1\ 111ajority of fot1r of Ll1c fi,,e judges therefore l1eld tl1at the /Jrt.'ienl f.:Ol!,n.,unent could laivfully r!o anything iuhiclz its jJredecessors could laivfully ha;•e tlone. 0 11 tl1 is l:>asis tl1 c .:\p1 :>cllate Di,·ision held tl1 at the prese11t go,·cr 11 111c11t ,vas c11ti tlccl to carry otit se11tences of death passed prior to N°(>VCI11 1Jcr 11, 1065. 9 ,.l.l1c extent to ,vl1 icl1 tl1 e abo,,c formula cotilcl be applied to cases in ,vJ1 icJ1 ll1c 196I a11cl tl1c 1965 C!t)11stitt1tio11 are in direcL conflict ,vitl1 eacl1 oll1er fell rc,r co11 siclcr,1tio11 in cor111cction ,vi tl1 tl1e right of appeal from the J\ J)pcllate Divisio11 of tl1c lll1oclesian Higl1 Cot1rt to Ll1e Pri\ry Council. '.l�liis rigl1i exists in J Jri11ciplc tinder tl1c 1961 Constitulioni but is peremptorily cxc:1 t1clccl IJy tl1 e 1965 Const i t11 ti011. In t,.._,o cases10 in ,vl1 ich tl1e applicants sougl1t orclcrs for a clcclaration to tl1e efrcct tl1 at tl1ey ,,•ere e11 titled to a1t J Jcal to tl1c Pri\,Y ()ou11cil i11 terms of tl1e I961 Co11.Stitution, the present go,,cr111ne11t 1nacle it clear clt1ri11g tl1e JJroceedings tl1ai it ,vould 11ot recognise or give cAect i11 any n1 a1111cr ,vl1atsoever to a11 y decision of tl1e Priv·y Cou11cil. Ir1 0 11c of tl1csc cases the f\ { JIJcllatc Division l1 cld tl1at it ,,·ould be more arJJ Jropriatc if tl1 c clecisio11 011 ,vl1 ctl1 cr a11 appeal ,vould lie to tl1c Pri·vy C:ot111cil \\'ot1l<.l IJc 111nclc I:>)' cl1at tribt111 al il.sclf. In tl1c second case tl1e applicatio11 \.vas reft1secl 011 Ll1 c ,•cry special facts of tl1at case. 111 tl1e first case 11 tl1c I>ri,,y Cou11cil gra 11 tecl leave to tl1e ap 1:>lica11t a11d i11 a subsequc11t j t1clg1nc11 t 011 tl1 c n 1eri ts of 1l1c a fJpcal l1clcl (b)' a 4·-1 111ajority) tl1 at cn1crge11cy JJO\Vcrs rcgltlatio11s 111aclc after No,,e111bcr 11, 1965, i 11 terms of . - .... -·. -··-.. -..


- - ----· ----- - -------6 1\s regards the v:ilicliL)' of tile incli,·iclu::il clc1c111io11 orders 111 1dcr ,vl1ich tl1e all}Jiicants in th !s c��e ,,·crt� <lc1ai !1ccl, l�1,,,,· 1 s a11d GOLDIN, .JJ ., l1ad l1eld 011 1l1e facts 11 ta I I 11 1'): ,,·1 ·r1• J u�t 1h\·d :111< I <.ll·cln1('cl to set thc111 asicll�. In tl1c Appell a tc Divi�ion a�l fi,·c .1udg�-s cau11• 1 _0 t lie conclusio11 tl1at ltcg11la tion. 4.7 (3) of Go,·cr11n1cnt Not1cr : 71 of ), 966 ,vh 1 ch J)ttr})Ortccl to att1l1orise ll1cir conli 11t1ecl cleLc111io11 ,,,as ultra 1•1rf's tl1<.' J•,1rH:rgc1tcy Jl o,,·crs i\ct [ca1). 33 ]. 0 l)h/a111i11i aud ors. v. Cartt.,., 1V.O. a,ul anor., 1968 (2 ) S.t\. ·14·5. 111 1lladzi�11�a,11uto v. !Jnt·rl11rr-Burkr., Jl.1.0, and anor,, 1\T.O. (2), 1968 (2) S ...L\.. 457 ancl Dhla111 �,11 and ors. v. Carter, N.O. anci a11or., l\'.0. (2) , 1968 · (2 ) S.,\. 464. 11 1\Jad::.1111ba111ulo v. La,,b1fr-B11rkc, N.O. and anor., 1V.O. - - - - · ·· -·· - --


Rhodesia \-vhicl1 persons arc cletainec.l or restrictecl \vithottl trial l1avc 110 legal validiLy, force or effect. In Rhoclesia, tl1e present go\'Cr111nent ap1)oi11tccl a constilutio11al con1 1nission i11 1967 \Vl1 ich on f\pril 5, 1968, Sltb111ittcd pror)osals for a 11c\v Rl1odesian constitution. Tl1is report l1as bec,1 severely criticised fro111 all sides.

The 1965 Constittttio11 recognises I·Ier wlajesty tl1c Qt1ce11 as tl1c "Qucc11 of R11odesia'' 011 tl1e basis, l10\vcvcr, that I·Icr l\ 1ajcs t y shall act onI)' 011 tl1e advice of l1cr Rl1odesia11 n1i11istcrs. Since I·Icr i\,[ajcsty l1a!:i n<>l acknovvlcclged the 1965 Cons ti tlrtion� I-Icr l\,fajc-st y's furlctions a re at }Jrcse11 t cxcrcisccl in practice by tli.e Officer 1\cln1ir1istcri11g tl1e Go\·cr11n1c11L 1\s rcgarcls the royal prcrogati,•e of mercy, tl1c 1\ JJpcllate Divisio11 of tl1c I-Ii ,gl1 Court l1as helcl that it cot,ld 11ot be cxercjsc<l on tl1e aclvicc of tl1c U11itcd l-(ing<lo1n governrne11t, since tl1at go·vcr111ncnt 11acl no i 11tcr11al po'vvcr it1 Rl1odcsia at the present tin1e and that t11crcfore "in Iihoclcsia tocla)' tl1e courts l1crc cannot recog11isc the rigl1t of tl1e Uni Led Kin.gdo1n govcr111ncn t to exercise the prerogativ·e of n1ercy". 1 � 1


Ft1nclamentally all courts ap JJly tl1e sa1nc laws, altl1ougl1 tl1e Ja\.v a1JJ)lic­ able n1ay depend or1 t11c JJartics lJefore t11e cot1rt i11 so far as in all civil cases in \.vJ1ich all tl1e parties are Africans tl1e clcci.sio11 sl1all !Jc i 11 accorcla11cc ,vith 1-\frican Ja,v and ct1sto111 in any cotirt of law, except ,vl1cn sucl1 Ja,v or custon1 L') rept1gnant to natural justice or 1norality, ir1 ,vh.ic11 event sucl1 a case shall i)e detcr1nined in nccordance \vitl1 tl1c gc11cral la"v of Rl1oclesia. 13 Thus tl1c I-Iigl1 Court \vill apply r'\frica11 law and ct1sto1n \.vl1 e11evcr all tl1c parties to a suit are 1-\fricans, \.v}1ilst tl1e District Co1nn1issio11crs' cot1r1s may apply tl1c general la,v of R11odesia ,vl1c11cver 1\frica11 la\.v or custoru is not applicable, e\·cn tl1ougl1 tl1eir jt1risdictio11 is co11firicd to civil cases bet,-vee11 _.:\fricans so that all the parties l)cfore tl1e1n arc i11variabl>' 1.\fricnns. Therefore, no special entry J1as IJee11 J)roviclccl as regards "L 1,v to be admi1ustercd" by L11e i11dividt1al coL1rls J1creafter described. 'f'hc 011ly point \vhicl1 must be noted in li,nine is tl1at altl1ougl1 n1agistratcs' courts 11a ve jttrisdiction i11 civil cases in ,vl1icl1 al I parties arc 1-\fricans, tl1is ju risclic­ tion is exercisable only if either all the J Jarties agree to it, or if 011e of t11e parties is an .African to \vl1om a certificate has !)ee11 isstted i11 ter111S of tl1e African La\.v a11d Courts .A.ct [cap. 104], s. 12, in tern1s of \-vl1icl1 the 1\frica11 concerned is deemed, for tl1e pttrposes of that r'\cl, to be not an 1-\frica,1 . Tl1c la"v is l1erc stated as at 1\pril 30, 1968, ancl major a1ne11d 111c11ts since tl1e isst1c of tl1c Revised Edition of La\VS in (Soutl1crn) RJ1 oclesia, 1963, have IJcen noted, lJut 1ninor and formal a1ncndn1ents l1ave been on1ittcd. For the position tip to June, 1969, sec p. 289, post. 1V.O. and anor., J\- .0._, 1968 (2) S...<\. '167, 469. The court also f)Oinrccl out that C\'Cn under the 196 I Constitution the po\vcr of cxcrcisin.g clemency ,-vas vested in Lhc Rhodesian 1ni11istcrs ancl not in the Cro\vn in the United I<.ingdom [ibid., at p. 4-68]. 13 Sec the African La\V and Courts 1\ct [cap. 104], ss. 2 and 3. 12

Dhla111i11i and anor. v. Corter,



------Part lll-Ce11lral ancl Soutliern Africa

A Al



(See ante, 1=>, 220) The 1961 CoJ1stitutio11, s. 56E, as amended by the Constitution Amcnd­ n1cnt 1\ct 1964· [No. 22 of 1964] enalJles the legislature to provide by la\v for confcrring a rigl1t of appeal to tl1e Pri'w,' Council fro111 the i\ppcllate Di,.rision of tl1c I-Iigl1 Cotirt in such cases as n1a)' be prescribed in that Ja\v. In so far as cri1ni11al arJpeals are 011ly allo,ved to tl1e Privy Cow1cil by special leave of tl1c Privy Cot111cil tl1e poi11t migl1t arise � Ll1ougl1 nol for tl1c ti1nc l)ci11g-see /10s!) \Vhctl1cr sucl1 a la\V could provide for leave lo appeal to tl1e l)ri,•y C!ot111cil ,vitl1out tl1c J>ri,,y Council itself granting sucl1 ]cave. 1 1 1 tcrn1s of s. 71 of tl1e 1961 Co11.5titutio11 appeals lie direct from tl1e Gc11eral Division of t11c I-Iigl1 Court to tl1e Pri-..')' Council in connection \vitl1 111attcrs l 1earcl })y tl1c I-Iigl1 Court (General Division) relating to the J)ecJaratio11 of Rigl 1 ts (see also ;\ct 22 of 1964, s. 12). 'l'l1c 1965 Co11stitt1tion, s. 65, prccll1des any aJJpeal to tl1e Priry Council. "'




l'.> 0\VERS

1 Establislunent-First cstablisl1cd by art. 49 (I) of tl1e Soutl1ern R }toclcsi::1 Order i11 C:ot1ncil 1898 a11d 110,v cons Lituted t111der Cl1a pter \r of tl1c- l 961 Co11stitti tio11 as amc11decl by tl1c Co11.S ti tt1 tioJ1 i'"\mcndment Act I 96•l. 2 Con11)osition-Tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt co1isists of tl1e 1\p1Jellate Di,rision ar1ll tl1c Gc- 11cral Division \-Vi 111 1l1c C:J1ief J tis Lice as tl1e J1cacl of tl1e judiciary i11 Rl1c>clcsia. t\2a




1 Establisl1me11t-Scc al)C)\'e. 2 Con1-positio11-1�11e CJ1icf Justice� tli.e Jt1dge Prcside11t and at )east 011e jt1clge of apJJeal. 3 Jurisclictio11-origi11al-Nil (t111clcr tl1e 1961 Co11Stitt1tio11). 4 ..T11riscliction-appellate-1\1)peals fro1n ll1e General Divisio11 (except -­ \vl1crc a11 ar)f)cal lies clircct to tl1e Pri,1) Council (ante, 1\l) the 1'.Iagistratcs' Cottrls, tl1c '1'<)\\'Il l)Ja1111i11g Court, tl1c ,vater Cot1rt, 'and tl1c r\frica11 i\J)pe.:1] C�<.lttrl: for Ci,,il Cases, JJro,ridccl tl1at tl1e judg1ncnu; or orders of tl1ese �ot1rts l1avc tlie effect of a fi11al judg111ent, and pro,,ided ft1rther tl1at excc1)t1orn (cle1nt1rrcrs) 111ay be tal�c11 011 a1Jpeal to tl1e J\J)pel late Di\1ision by consent of botl1 J)artics. 7



Rhoc/esia In terms of s. 80 of tl1e I 965 Constiltt Lio11 tl1c f\ppellate Di\ ision l1as been designated as court of first (and only) i11sla11ce in rcgarcl lo ,natters relati11g to tl1e Declaration of Rigl1ts. 1


2 Composition-'1'11e Cl1icfJ ttsticc ancl as 1na11y })ttisnc jt1dgcs as n1ay

be appointecl. 111 civil cases one jt1clgc sitting by l1in1sclf cnnstitt1lcs a quorum. In criminal cases OllC judge sits as a rule citl1cr 1.vitl 1 a jury or \Vith rn 0 assessors. 1

3 Juriscliction-original-Thc Court has full juriscliclio11 over all 111altcrs ancl pcrso11S i11 Rl1odcsia ( cxcc1)t u,1clcr s. 80 of tl1c I 965 C(,11sti ttt­ Lion-antc). 4 Juriscfiction-appellate-Rcl'iczu juris(lictio11. The proccccling:-; c>f all inferior courts a11d tribt111als arc subject to rcvic\v by tl1c I ligl - 1 C�ourl on tl1c followi11g grot1ncls: (a) absence of jt1risclictio11; (b) i11LcrcsL i,1 the causci IJias, malice or corrt1ption; (c) gross irrcgularily; (d) ad 111issio11 of inadmissible or inco111pctent cviclcncc or rejection of acl111issi!Jlc or corn1)cl.cnL e\,idencc [I-Iigl1 Court i\ct (cap. I 0) ) s. 12]. Revielv ofsentence only. In criminal cases a JJerso11 vvl10 l1as lJcc11 convicted 1nay st1bmit a statement if J1e co11Siclcrs tl1e sentence passed t11Jon l1 in1 to be excessive and in SL1cl1 case tl1e sc11tencc ,viii be rcvic,vccl by a juclgc of tl1c Higl1 Cotrrt [.t\,:Iagislra les' Cot1rts 1-\ct (l'vI. (:.1\., cap. 15), s. 58] . .1Iuto111atic Revieu.1 lJ)' a jt1dge of tl1c I-IigI1 Cotu·t in all cri1nin.aJ cases in tl1c magistrates' courts in ,vhicl1 Ll1e sc11tcnce i1111)osccl 011 tl1c accused exceecls cl1rce months' in1prisoru11cnt or a fi11c of £'25, or ic1 \.,,J1icl1 corJJOral pt1nisl1mc11t l1 as been in1poscd. U rtlcss l1c is l)rcparccl lo confir1n tl1l: proceedings, tl1c re,,iC\\·ing juclgc 1nay rcznit the case to tl1c 1nagistraic \Vith directions or order argurncnt 011 it in tl1e J-Jigl1 C:ourt. If l1c consi<lcrs tl1at the procecclings in tJ1e 111agis1ratc's cottrt ,vcrc 11ot i11 accorclar•cc \vith real and substantial jt1stice l1c sl1all refer tl1c case to a11otl1cr judg(; a11<.l if Sttch other judge agrees, tl1e rc,,ic\vi11g jt1dge 111a)' 1l1e11 alter or c1uasl1 the conviction and rccl11cc or set aside Ll1c sc11tc11ce. I-Io,vcvcr, 110 conv·iclio11 or sentence sl1all be c1uasl1cd or set asiclc by reason of a11y irrcgttlarit,, in the proceedings unless both jt1clgcs conccrncLl arc of tl1c opinio11 tl1a t a substantial miscarriage of jt1stice l1as actt1all, occurrecl [Nl.C!.:\., ss. 55, 56, and !vI. C. .:\mendment r\ct of 1968, s. 14]. Transfer of cases fi·om tl1c General Divisio11 of tl1c }ligl1 Court to tl1c Ivfagistratc's Cot1rt. \Vl1erc the defendant is able to s110,v tl1at tl1c plair1tifT has no \risible means of paying the costs of tl1c case if judgmc11t shoL1ld be given for the defcnda11t, tl1c Cot1rt may trarisfcr st1cl1 a case Lo tl1e magistrate's cottrt u11 lcss the plai11tiff \vill ft1r11isl1 scct1rity for tl1c costs of the plaintiff or satisfy tl1e 1-Iigh Court tl1 at l1c l1as a cause of action ,vl1ich is fit for detcrminatio11 }J}' the I-Iigl1 Cottrt. 'l'J1e sa111c pro\1isio11s apply 1


JJarl I II- - C'e1tlral ttn<l 5'oulltern Africa uiufnl is ,nutantlis ,v J1 cn Ll1c fJI ai 11Liff has ir1sLitutcd procccdin,g.:.i in forn1a j,auj,c.ris i 1 1 tl1 e I-Iigl1 c�()Lt l'I. [l\-1. C.1\., s. I 6]. CON1'ROL OF c:oUR1"

c:oii trol c,f I lie c:cneral l)ivisio11 c,f I J 11..: I-Iigh Court by tl1e i\ppcllaLe Di\risio11 cJf I l1a 1. cc-,t1rl (see J\2a, ante). r1,I1 c 1965 (!1"1nsliLLt LicJrl follo\vs IJy ar1d larg(; tl1e Constitution 1\mendn1c11t ,\cl 195,1,, savc ancl cxccJ JL f< >r tl1c al Joli ti(>n of any right of appeal beyond tl1 e 1\ JJJJC:lla 1.e l)ivisinr1 of tl-1<; l-Iigl1 Cc:,urt (ante).



1 Est:al,Iisl11ne11t, 2 Composition-1-='irst cstablisl1 ed by arts. 69 and 70 of tl1c S(>tt t l1cr11 Rl1 (,clcsia Order ir1 Cou11cil 1898 and no,-v constiiutecl i11 tcr111s or Lhe �,I.C!.1\. [cap. 15 as a1nendcd b)' i\cts 71/64, 18/65, 45/65, 25/66 a11cl 11/68]. rJ'l1ey are cot1rts of record, but unJik.e tl1e High Court, tl1cy l1 a,,c 110 inJ1crcnl jt1riscliclion a11cl arc sLrictl)' ''creatures of statute''. 1'11c 1\;1ir1 istcr of ,Jtisticc clctcr111ines tl1 c nt1111 ber of magistra tcs' courts rcc1L1ir(;(l a11 d tl1 c area CJ[ tl1 cir jt1risdictio 11. One n1agistratc constitutes a cp.1or1n11. Ciralling of ,nagislrales. rI'l 1crc is 011 c Cl1 ief ?\lagistratc responsible for the aclr11i11 islra tio11 of all 1nagistrates' co11r1s� a Regional l\Iagistrate for eacl1 • 'rcgio11al clivisicJ11" a11cl a Pro,1i11cia l ::\ Iagisira Le for each "magisterial i)rovi11ce". I 11 adclitio11 , se11ior a11cl ( ordinary) 111 agistrates act as judicial of ficers [l\I.C.1\., s. 3, as a111e11 dccl l ))! s. 6 of .\ct 18/65].

3 J111�isdi.ction-original-lviagistrates' co11rLS l1 a\'e only original j t1risdict.io 11 ar1cl 110 aJ)J)cllatc jl1risdictio11 ,,·l1 a isoe\'er. Tl1cy ha\-·e local jl1risclictior1 over alI 1Jcrsons resicli1 1g, carr)'ir1g 011 busi11 ess, or en1 ployecl ,vitl1i11 tl1cir res1)cctivc districts, i 11clt1cli11g part 11ersl1i1)s ,vie.Ii prcnlises siittaic or a11y 1nen1 bcr of tl1e 1)arL11 ersl1ip re:;icli11 g tl1erei11. Ir1 acldition 1J1cy l1a\'C jlt risdiction i11 respect of all ( ci,•il a11d crin1i 11al) cat1ses of actio11 arisi 11g \Vl1oll ) \Vi tl1 i11 tl1cir rcs1 Jcctive cli.s Lricts. 0 Li,nils <!I. 1nagistrales' courts' J 11rislliction in cir•il ,nalftrs. Clai111 s sou11ding in 1no11cy 11 ot excecdi11g £200 cxcc- 1)t clai 111 s foL111ded 011 liqt1id doct1ments \\•l1e11 tl1c jt1risclictio11 is cxt('11clccl to 1_�500: actio11S for 1l1c clelivery of 11ro1)cri y tl1c valt1c of ,vl 1icl1 clocs 11 ot exceccl £200 or tl1 c canceJlatio11 of an agree1nc11t rclali 11 g LCl st1cl1 ]Jro1)erl)', ei1l1er in lieu of or i 11 addition to a1 Ly ()tl 1cr clai111 co11 ccrr1i 11 g stic11 £)rL1}JCrL)'; actions for ejectn1c11t \\'here l lie rigl1 L of occt11Ja t itn1 clt1es r1ot cxceec.i £200; all otl1cr actio11s in ,vl1icl1 ll1 c ,,alt1c of ll1c c]ai111 clL1cs 11 ot cxccccl £200 [.I:vl.C.1\., s. 10]. l\1Iagistratcs' cot1rts l 1 avc 11 0 j11risdictio11 ,vl1ntsoc, cr i11 tl1 c fo]lo\vi11g n1attcrs: clivorce or S�JJa rar icJ11 : \.·alicli ly or i 11 lcr1Jrctatio11 of ,vills; 1nental capacity; status; :-.;pcc1fic f)erfor111 a11cc ,vi I l1ottt a 11 alt er1 1ati,,c clai111 for damao-es (otl1er tl1an i11 ca!>cs rclati11g to t11 c clelivery of }Jl'Of)Crty-sec ante-and �o tl1e de1nand for ar1 accot111t a11 cl l h.e debate tl1 crcof), · pro,risional sentence·' actions 1



Rhotlesia affecting futttre rigl1ts; a11d claitns for decrees of JJcr1Jclual silence. 0 11 tl1e otl1er l1ancl, t1nder s. 22 of tl1c Fc11cing ;\ct [cap. 185] n1agistratcs l1ave jurjsdiction irrespective of tl1e value of tl1e fence to be ercclccl or clain1 relati11g to it, and all debts dtte to tl1c I11co111e ".[ax Departn1ent arc recover­ ablc by actio11 i n the 1nagistrates' courts, irrcspeclivc of tl1c .11not1nt c,f tax dttc [Incon1e Tax Act 1967, s. 76 (2)]. (1.\ll graclc.s of 1nagislrates 11 avc tl1e san1e civil jurisdiction.)

Li,nZ:ls of 1nagistratcs' co11rts' juriscliction in cri111i11al 111atlcrs. [Sections ,19 anc.l 50 of tl1e �,{.C.1\., as a1ncndecl bys. 6 of .:\ct 18/65, s. 2 of 1\ct 25/66., ancl s. 10 of 1\ct 11/68]. n 1\s rcgarcls offc11ccs: :\ll offc11ccs except (rcaso11 a ncl 1nurclcr J or any other offence for ,vluch tl1e 1nanclatory dcatl1 f)C11alty has 1Jecn J)rcscribccl. b 1\s rcgarcls se11ten.ccs: i Regional ?vfagistratr.s: ln11)riso 1 1n1c11L (,vitl1 or \vitl1out J1 arcl labotlr, solitary confi11e1nc11t a11d s1Ja re diet) : five )'ea rs. l;incs (or al tcr11a I ivc in11Jriso11n1cnt i11 dcfat1lt of J)ayn1 cnt): £500. \,Vf1 ippi11 g: t\vclvc strokes. In cases of arson a11tl n1alicious i 11jttr)' to pro1JcrL)': tc11 years' in11)ris1)11111cnt ,vi tl1 or ,vi I hou t addi Lio11al f)t1nisl11ne11t as a bovc and fines of £ I ,000 ,vi th altcrnati,,c i111priso11n1c11 t i11 clefatt!t of I)a),1nc11t. \,Vl1ippin.g as alJovc. ii .Provincial �Iagislratcs: I1 n1Jriso11n1cn t (,vit11 or \vitl1ol1t aclclition a I pt1nisI1rnent as alJO'VC) : l,vo )'Cars. Fi11cs (or a Itern ativc i1n1)risonn1cnt as abO\'C): £200. \0 \'l1ipping: t,vcl,0c strokes. I11 cases of arson and 1nalicious injur)' to property: fi,•e years' in11Jrisonmen L (\Vitl1 or \vitl1ot1t adclilional pttn.isl11nent as abov·c) a11cl fi11cs (,vitl1 altcr11ativc i1n1Jriso11111c11t i 11 clcfault of pa}1n1e11r): £500. \,\1 l1ippi11g as abo\'C. iii Senior �,fagistratcs: In1JJriso11n1cn l (\vitl1 or ,vi tl1ou L aclclitionaI pt1nisl1ment as abo,·e): L\velve 111onths. Fines (or alternative in1priso111nc11t as abo\'e) : £ I 00. \·\111iJJping: le11 strokes. r n cases of arsor1 ancl 1nalicious irijury lo property senior magistrates l1 a\.·e 1l 1c san1c J)o,vers as L)rovincial 1'vfagistrales and tl1eir jurisdictio11 is also i11 crcasccl to tl1 c sa1nc lir nits 011 rcn1ittal of a case lo thcn1 b)' tl1e 1\LtornC)'-Gcneral after a prc1)aratory cxaminatjon. iu lvia,gistrates: Imprisonn1c11t (,vitl1 or \.Vithot1l allditio11al J)t1 11isl1 n1,;nt as alJove): six months. J?incs (t)r alter11ativc i1nJ)rison1ncnl as above): £50. \,Vf1ipping: ten sirokcs. 'fhis jt1riscliclio·11 is incrcasecl 011 rc1nittal of a case by tl1 e i\Ltorncy-Gcncral: I1npriso111ncr1 t: l\Vclvc 1no11 tl1 s. Ici ne:s (or alternative jmprison111e11 t): £100. \,\1hippi11 g: l\velvc strokes, a11cl, i11 cases of arso11 anci n1aliciotts injury lo IJropcrty: five years' in1 1Jrison1nent (,vith or ,viLhouL aclditional punisl1ment as above) a11d fines of £500 (as above). \'\1J1ipping: as above. Pre/1arato1J' exan1i11ations. In tl1c case of n1orc scriot1s <>Oc11ccs n1agistrates' cot1rts l10Id 11reparatory examinations at tl1c rcqt1est of tl1e 11L1blic prosecu­ tor. Tl1e proccclurc follo\.vs lJroaclly tl1at of a trial, lJt1t tl1c accused 1nay reserve cross-exan1inatio11 of Cro\v11 ,vilnesscs. 1\t tl1c co11clusion of tl1c examjnalion the record \-viii })c for\varcled to tl1c i\ttorney-(;encral ,,vl10 Lnay inclict the accused in tl1e I-Iigh Cot1rl, rc111it tl1c case to tl1c n1agistratc's


-------l'arl JIJ-C'c11Lral a11d ,S'outhern Africa . court for trial a11d/or se11 tencc, or decli11 c to J)rosccutc. Tl1e .!\.ttorney­ Gc11cral is c11 litled to J)rocccd against tl1e accttscd even if J1e l1as bcc11 cliscl1 argcd I.Jy Ll1 e 111agislralc cor1clucting tl1 e cxan1i11ation. S'jicrial .fu11ctio 11s. :f\;fagisLratcs' co�rts sit as juve�ile courts in 1natters )rotect1011 and Adoption Act [cap. 172, as J 11's 1 ilclrc Cl tl1c 1 fi"fH1 rr 1 1 arisi ' b a111 c11clccl l)y 1\ct 50/6'3; for jurisdictio11 sec s. 3], ancl l1a,,e po,-ver to st1 n1111r)tl assessors to assist tl1e1n. 1'11 cy also conduct i11ctuests in cases of suclclcr1 or violent dcaLl1 [Inc1ucsls Act ( cap. 12), s. 7]. 4 J11riscliction-appellate-Nil. CON'fROL OF


By· rcvie,v ofcases i 11 tl1c Gcr1cral Divisio11, a11cl by appeal Lo Lite Ap1Jellatc l) i,,isic)Il or t lie I ligl1 CoL1rl (sec 1\2a a11 cl b, ante).

<; I) N s·r I 'I' U ·r10 :.\:


1' 0 ,,,E H.S

l Establislunc11t�I 11 tcr1ns ofs. 10 oftl1 c ,,\frica11 .-\ffairs _,\ct [caJ). 29], as a111c11clccl lJy 1\ct 4-4-/66. 2 Con-i1>ositio11----'1'11c Court consists of tl1c l)reside11t (retired judge or r.Lclvocate of at ]east 12 years' .sLandi11g) ancl t,vo C>ther me1nbers ,vho are, f>r J1 a,,c lJcc11 clistri ct co111n1issio11ers (or J)rcviously na ti\·e con1missioncrs). 3 Jurisdiction-01·iginal-Nil. 4 Juriscliction-appellate:-Tl1 e l1cari11g of ap1Jeals fro1n District Cc>rn1i1issil)11ers' court.s (sec 1\5, post). CC> l':'l' Il O L OF C:0 U R:f'

l3y rc\ric\v <Jf cases i11 Ll1e Gc11cral Di,,ision) ancl by appeal to Ll1e 1\pJ)ellate l)i vi�io11 of tl1c 1�Iigl1 Cot1rl (sec .:\2a a11cl IJ, a111c.·1. �

CONS"J"l'l"IJ'l'f()N s\Nl)


i Establisl1n1e11t-I11 ter11is of s. 9 a111cr1clecl I))' 1\cl 4·4·/66.


tl1 c .-\frica11 ."\flairs .-\ct, as

2 Cc1n1Josition-'1'11c coL1rt is co11stiLL1ted bv• 011e Districl Commissio11er :;it tir1g alo11 c, tl1ot1gl1 lie 111a)r st11nmo11 to }1is assista11cc ail)' cl1icf to sil as an Dssc�SC)l' in a11 acl\,isory ca I)acity 011 all)' 11 1attcr concer11i11g 1\frica11 ]a\v a 11cl custl)11 1 IJbirl., s. 9 ( l) a11cl (4-)]. 3 Jt11·is(lictio11--- 01·igi11al-C:l)llfi11ccl I() ci\•il cases c,f l\lrica r1s 011l)' �re co11ccr11ccl, lltJ l i11cludi11g cases staltts (�ucl1 as cl1ssolt1tio11 of 111arriagcs solc111niscd I\Jarriag;cs 1\c1. [catJ, I 05]) I}l"()viclecl 11�\vevcr tl1at irt

i11 lvl1icl1 tl1e rigl1ts affccti11g 1\frica11s' tinder t11e Africa11 clai111s sot111ding in 1nor1cy or co 11ccr11i11g I l1c clclivcry t)f' }JI"OtJcrly tl1e jtirisdiction of D.C. 's . . _ cot1ris is J11111tccl to tl1c su111e a111ot111ts as tl1at of tl1e 1nagistrates' courts (see 1\3, ante).



4 Jurisdiction-a ?pellate-Evcry disLrict co1n111issioncr J1as stipcr­ visory po\vers ?ver 1-\fr1can cot �rts (1 �6,J1ost), but tl1e exercise of these I)Ovvcrs _ _ _ does not const1tt1tc an ap1Jeal Jt1r1scl1ct1on str1cta sensu [caJJ. ] 04-, ss. 9, J OJ. CONTROL OF COURT

1-\ppeal to the Cot1rt of Appeal for African C:ivil Cases. 1\6



1 Establishn1.ent-By ,varra11l of th,e Go,,cr11or isst1ccl Lo 1\fricai1 cl1icf.-; a11d llead1ne11 [.t-\frican La,v a11cl c:otirts ,\ci (1\.L.C.1\., caJ), 1()4-), s. 5 (1), (2)]. 2 Composition-1,11c cl1ief or l1cacl1na11 sl1all c·xcrcisc all tJ1c jt1ri�c.lic� tion of I.he cot1rt, but l1c sl1all in c,,ery case IJe assistccl by at lcc1st t\·VO 1-\frican cotu1scllors acti11g i11 a11 acl,,is<)I)' capacity onl )', J)roviclccl 110,vcvcr that if the cotnisellors (or if more 1l1a11 l\VO tl1c n1ajority· o[ 1}1cn1) clis,:igrcc in open court fro1n tl1e cl1icf's or J1 cacln1an's jt1d gmcnt, tl1c latter rnttst report st1cl1 dissent to tl1c district con1111issior1cr [r\.L.(i.J\., s. 5 (3), (4-)J. 3 Jurisdiction-original-1\ll tl1c }Jartics aITcctccl by· tl1e cat1sc 111ttsr be Africans and the defendant n1t1st be ordi11arily rcsiclc11t ,vitl1in 111<.: local ju1·isdiction of tl1e court. Tl1e case 111usl be capalJlc of l)ci11g c\c-cic\c(l according to J-\frican la\V a11d custom only, })roviclcd tl1at th.c court is not co111petent to hear an action in ,vl1icl1 tl1c clissolutio11 of a n1a1·ria,0;c is sougl1t, or ,vlucl1 arises from any act (otl1er tl1an aclultc1y) or 0111issio11 ,vliich is punisl1able as an offence, 1l1c cotu·t J1avi11g no crirni11al jt1risc\iction ,vl1ate·ver. CONTROL OF COURT

6 Appeal, revie,v or revision-Ever)' clislrict con1n1issioner n1ay 111eri 111otu and at any Slage i11tcr,:cnc in 1\frican court J)roccccli11gs, revise tl1em, substilttle l1is O\v-11 judgn1ent, if judg1nc11t l1as alreacly bc<.:11 givc11, or order tl1e case to be re-tried. 1\111 , party clissa Lisfied ,villi t11e .i uclg n1e11 t of an African court may apj)l)' to tl1e district con11nissio11er's court for tl1t� re-trial of tl1c case, ,vhercupon it sl1all be l1earcl i11 tl1c D.C.'s courl tie noto [r\.L.C.,<\., ss. 9 and 10].

r\7 SPECI1\LISED COURTS Various cottrts l1ave bec11 constitt1tcd for SJJccialised spl1eres of la\\·, as: for instance tl1e Water Cottrr [see tl1c \-\1ater .l\.ct, cap. 268, as a111c11clecl IJy l\ct 36/65]; tl1e Town Pla1111ing Co11rt ["fo,vn a11d Co1u1t1y Pla11ning \ct, cap. 133]; the Special Income Tax Court (I11co1ne Tax 1\ct 1967, s. 63]; a11d t11e Industrial Court (Inclt1strial Conciliation Acr, cap. 246, as ame11decl by r\ct 75/64]. The cot1rts consist as a rule o f a prcsicle11t (-\-vl10 is either a retirccl jttdgc or an advocate of not less tl1an ten years' stancli11g) ancl t\-vo oll1er 1ne1nbcrs, 0



-----Part JI/-C'Pnlral 011rl ,So11thern Africa aricl Llicir clecisio11s ancl jt1clgmer1ts are generally st1bject Lo revie\v IJy tl1e General Division, or an ap1)cal to tl1e ,\pJ)ellate Division, of t)1e High Court.




' ;

11 Statute 12 Co1nmon law-rl,l1e la\V to be ad1ninisterecl in Rliodesia is ••/11e la\·V i 11 force i11 tl1c Colony of the Cape of Good Ho1)e on r IOtl1 Jtinc, 1891, as n1odified 1Jy subscc1t1e11t Icgislatio11 l1a, i11g in Rl1odesia tJ1c force of la,v'' [sec Constitt1tion Am e11d1nc11t i\.ct 1964, s. 56D]. The 1965 Co11stitlJLio11 co11Lai11s a11 identical scctio11 (s. 64-]. Tl1cre has been a ur1ifor1n clcvelo1Jn1e11t a11d the posi tio11 ,vas al,-vays as stated above (see, 1'1). Tl1us tl1c basi te Esta s of a's 1e/zt , 1. v. rt C'ou li l-Jig the of tcr as 1,,t e.g., .11cti 11g tl1c Ia,v i 11 Rl1odesia is tl1c Ron1a11-Dutcl1 ]a\'I' of tl1e Cape Colony in 1891 as clc,•elo1)ed after tl1at elate by tl1c Rl1odesian courts and as amplified lly Rl1oclcsia11 statt1lc la,v, ll1e bt1lk of ,vh.icl1 is contained i11 tl1e ''Statute l1crn). Rl1oclesia, Revised Editio11 1963''. La,v of (Sot1t . 13 Custom a11d usage-1\frican custon1ary la\v is to be aclmir1i.stered as far as JJossible i11 all cases in ,vl1ich all parties are .'\fricans. :'\frican la,v and ct1ston1 mea11s, in rclatio11 to a partict1lar Lribe, tl1e general Ia,v a11d c11sto111 of sucl1 tribe, excc1)t i11 so far as st1ch ]a,v or custon1 is repugnant to 11altu·al j11stice or n1orality or to il1e pro,,isio11S of any statute Ia,v fron1 tin1c to 1.i111c i11 force i11 Rl1odesia. Proviclccl tl1at notlu11g i11 tl1e statute la,v of Rl1odesia relating to tl1e age of 111ajorit )', tl1e slatt1s of ,von1en, the effect of n1.arriage on tI1c J)roperLy of il1c S})Ot1sc-s, tl1e gt1arcliansJ1i1J of cl1ilclren or tl1e administration of deceased csta tcs sl1,Lll affect tl1e app]icatio11 of 1-\frican la,v a11d cttstom, except in so far as st1cl1 statt1te la\v has beer1 .SJ)Ccificaliy a1Jpliecl to .�\frica11S by stattti.e [cap. 104, ss. 2 ,L11d 3]. \'Vl1ere Ll1e parlies to a civil case bet\vee11 l\fricar1s reside i11 areas ,,·l1ere cliffcrcnt 1\frica11 la\vs a11cl ct1ston1s are in 01)eration, tJ1e :-\frica11 la,v and custorr1, if arty, to be ap1Jlie<l by tl1c cot1r1 is tl1e la,v prevaili11g i11 tl1c JJlace of rcsi<lcnc<: of tl1c defer1da11r. }J olyga1not1s n1arriages co11tractccl beL,,·een ...-\fricans accordi11g to .A.frica11 la,v a11cl custo1n 1nay be treated as valid, a11cl .t-\frica11 la,v a11d custo1n as to tl1c r)rol1ibiLio11 of 1narriagc bct,,•ec11 })erso11S on accot1nt of rclationsl1ip of lJlood or affi11iiy i11 rcgarcl to i-\frica1 1s prc,rails o,·er tl1e la,v of R11odcsia, exce1Jt 1narriages co11tractcd i11 accorda11cc ,viLl1 tl1c tern1s of 1l1e t\frican Ivlarriage 1\cr. J.>E.H.1\' .;\TION 1\ND FORi\I


1� Cri x:11-il1al la\v-I11 s1Jite of 11t1n1erot1s statt1tory provisio11s tl1e 111ain l)as1s rc1na111s tl1c Ro111a11-Dttlcl1 la,v. t\mong tl1e n1ore i 1111Jortant statutory offc11ces are tl1osc created by tl1c La,,• and Orcler {Iviaintenance) .t-\ct _[�ap.� 39 as ar11cnclccl], tl1e G-old 1'rade 1-\cl [cap. 202], Roads ancl Road l rafi1c 1\cl [cap. 289], Cri111i11al La,v 1\111e11cl111c11t f\ct [cap. 30]. 1·1

1958 ll. & N. 570; 1957 (3) S.1-\. 727� at. I). 729. 228


17 Property-;\gai11 ll 1e basis ren1ai 11s Ro111an-l)ulcl1 la\v, buL important inroads l1av·c lJee11 n1ade by sta tule la,v, in J)arlicular: tl1c 1\,Jjncs and l\1Iir1erals 1\ct [cap. 203], 'l�o\vn arid CouI1try Plan11ing i\ct [cap. 133], Water 1-\ct [cap. 268]. 1,11crc exists a C()tnplctc �ystcn1 or la11cl registration [Dcccls Registry 1\ct, cap. 253]. The Land 1lpj1ortio111ne11f .r1ct [cap. 257, as an1enclcc.l b)' 1\crs 47/63, 55/63, 33/64] pro\1i<lcs for t.l1e classification of all Janel i 11 Rl1oclc.sia artd its alloca­ tion for puri)oses of E11rOJ)can ar1cl 1\frican clcvclo1Jn\c11L rcs1Jcctivcly, as also for tl1c setting aside of ccrtai11 areas in the 11ati<)11al intcrt:sl. Succession-RomaJ1-l)utcl1 la,v as a1111)lificcl or variccl l) y the Dcccasctl Estates Succession Act [cap. 52]. Sec also ,\cln1ini!:i tration of Estates 1\ct [cap. 51] ancl Deatl1 Dttlics 1\ct 1967, a11cl \Vills a11cl ,-\Ltcsti11g \,\Fitnesses t\ct [cap. 56].

18 Marriage ancl tl1e f::i.n1.ily-Tl1c n1ain ,,ariation fro1n Ro1i-\a11-

Dutcl1 la\v is tl1at all n1arriagc-s are "ottl of co11ununily pro1Jcrl)'" [l\Jarriccl Perso11S' Property f\ct (cap. 178)]. Di,,·orcc and nullil)' JJroccedi11g!i arc governecl by tl1c �Iatri1nonial Causes :\ct [caJJ. 179]. See also Cl1ilclrc11's Protectior1 and .--\cloptio11 :\ct [ca J). I 72] ancl Dcsertccl \,\1 ivcs ancl Cl1 ildrc11 Proteclion ;\ct [cap. 173].

19 To.rt and contract-Roma11-Dtttcl1 lav, rc1nai11s the n1ain so1.1rcc

of tJ1e la\-v in t11ese spheres.

20 Conunercial Ia,,1-l\Jost conm1crcial aspects arc rcgulatccl by

statute la\v, sucl1 as i11St1rance la \v.. lJar1.king ancl ncgotialJ!c i nstru111cn ls, insolvency a11d co111pan)' Ia,v. On tl1c otl1cr ha11dJ sale of goods is IJasically go\'er11ed by Romar1-Dulcl1 Ia,v, cxce1JL l1ire-1Jurcl1asc Ia,v, ,v}1icll i!:i still gover11ed by tJ1c (Federal) I-lire l)urcl1asc 1\ct 1956, ns an1enclccl. Procecfure. Civil Evide11ce :\ct [ cap. 18]. Cri1ni11 al J)roccdt1rc: c:ri111i rlal Proccclurc and Eviclcncc 1\ct [ca1J. 31, as an1cnclc<l b)' f\cl 69/GfJ. Ft1rth c:r details are co11tai11ed i11 "Rltlcs of Court", v>1l1 icl1 vary i11 rcs1)cct o[ caclt court .1lfrican .iljfairs. �f'itlc ] X of tl1c I{cvisccl Eclitior1 of tl1c Stattttc I_.a,v (24 Statu tcs) contains J)ro,,isions deali1 1g ,vitl1 tl1c status n ncl i11 le rests of 1\frica115 and practically ever)' aspect of 1\frica11 life: sec, e.g. 1\frira11 Affairs r'\dmi11istration 1\ct [ca1J. 92], 1\frica1 1 Cattle :rvJarkcti11g· .-\ct [cap. g,J], i\frican EdL1catio11 1\cL [cap. 97), 1\frican Larld I-IuslJa11clry 1\ct [cap. 103], i\fricans (Registration a11cl Iclentificatior1) 1\ct [ca1). l 09], African ( Url)an .,.\rcas) 1\ccon1111odatio11 a11d Registratio11 1\ct [cap. 1 I 0, as a1nencle<l by Act 26/66], rfribal Trl1St La11cl [caps. 114 ancl 115].




By N. Rubin


S,vazila11cl beca1 11c i11dcpe11clent 011 Sc1Jtc1 nlJer 6, 1968, in terms of tl1e S,vazila11 cl Inclepenclc11cc Order i11 Cou11cil (Slatt1tory Instrun 1cnL No. 1377 of 1\ugL1sl 26, 1968), ,vl1icl1 also contained tl1e i 11clc1Jendence constitutio11 i11 a ScJ1cdt1 lc. 1�I1e !(i11 g of S\,1azila11cl is tl1e I-lead of State; Ll1erc is a IJica111cral lcgislatttrc, and tl1e executive JJO\ver rcsicles i11 tl1e go,,crnment, tl1c l1eacl of ,vl1icl1 is tl1 e Prin1 c lv.finistcr. Prior to tl1 is, S,vaziland l1acl bce1 1 ad1nuustcrcd lJy Britai11 si11 cc 1903, ,vl1en it ,vas first brought under direct Britisl1 control. 'fl1c territory ,vas first gover1 1ed ttnder ll1c at1tl1ority of a J Iigl - 1. Con1111issio11er for Basutoland, Becl1uanaland Protectorate and S\vazila11cl by a Resident Co1nn1issioncr. 1,11is situatio11 came to an end i11 1963 : tl1c post of I Iigl1 Co 1nn1issio1 1cr for tl1 e tl1 rec Bri tisl1 soutl1crn 1\frica11 territories ,vas abolisl1ecl; a Co11stiit1tio11 setting tip a Lcgislalive Cot111cil, n1ost of ,vl1ose 111cn1 bers ,vere elccled, togctl1cr ,vitl1 an Exect1Live C!o1.111 cil con tai r1ing clec I ivc a11 cl official mcinl)ers, ,vas gra11tell i11 tl1at year arid tool( cflcct from 1964; and, at tl1c san1e ti111c, t11e office of Resicle11 t Con11nis!:iio11cr \\'as alJolisl1ccl ancl re1)]aced l)y tl1at of 1-Ier 11ajesty's Com"' 111issior1cr for S,vazila11d. l l1 e constituiio1 1 grn11 lecl onl}1 limited legislative f)o,vers to 1l1e I..cgislativc C:ot111cil, and I-Ier I\·[ajest) 1's Conm1issioner \vas vested ,vi1l1 considerable reserve IJO\vers. 1.\ fLtrll1er co11S titutio11 ,vas gra11tcd ir1 196 7 (S,\"azila11cl Co11Sti tlttio11al Orcler i11 Co1.11 1cil, S.I. 2-1-1). ,vl1icl1 ga,'C tl1c co1.11 1try· ini.cr1 1al self-go,,er11· 111c11t. Britain ,vas agai11 re1)rcse11 tecl b)' I-Icr l'vlajcsl;·'s Con1nussioncr for S\\'azilancl, ,vl1 ose 1Jo\vers ,vcrc clefinccl i11 tl1e Co11sti tt1 tio11; \Vl1ile tl1e l,cgislatt1re ,vas givc11 111 ore cxtc11sive at1Ll1oriL)', a11d tl1c autl1ority of tl1e l(ir1g c>f S,vazila11 cl ,-vas eslalJlisl1cd. 1-\t ll1c sa111c ti1 11e, as a restilt of a treaty l)et,vecn tl1c Ki11 g of S,vazilancl a11d I-fer 1-[ajcsly's Govcrr1n1e11t, tl1e territory ,vas accorclccl tl1e slalt1s of a Protectecl State. Tl1is stat1.1 s termi11atecl ,vitl1 S,vazila11 cl':::; altain1nc11t of i11clc1Jcndcnce i11 I 968 . ..J'l1c general legal systc111 of S,\•azila11cl, as cstablisl1ccl in tl1e S\vazilancl Orclcr i11 Cot1ncil of 1903 a11cl tl1c General La,,• a11cl 1\dn1inistration l,rocla r1ta I io11 (No. 4· of 1907), is tlie Ron1a11-Dt1 tel1 co11m1 on Ia'\V as moclifiecl l)y �lalt1te 1 11adc in, or aJJplicable lo, tl1c tcrritor)'• 2 })rovisio11 is also 111aclc i11 variot1 s .stattttcs for tl1c aJJJJlication of S,vazi custon1ary )a\V. ; �-;-or cliag !·an1 of C ?ttrls sy �lc111, sec i\l ?PC11cli� , J,osl. Statt1lcs 111 force n1 tl1e 1ransvaul [C:01011)'] 011 Oc1ol1er 15 1904- ,verc 111adc 1Jart of tl1c la,v of S,,·azilan(l i11 so far as tltcy ,vcrt: aJlIJI icabl�: sec' 1\ l para. 8, /Josi, for tl1c lcrins of tl1c 1Jrovision.


------- ·�Sr.vazilan(l



Tl1c jt1clicial systc1n of S\vaziland con11Jriscs tl1c follo,v. ir1 g courts: a b c d e

tf1c Cottrt of Appeal for S\.vaziland the Higl1 C:ot1rt of S,vazila11cl tl1e st1bordi11a te cot1rts certain special cot1rts the Juclicial Co1nmissio11cr's Cottrt f tl1e S,vazi Courts. 'fl1esc courts fall into t,vo clisti11ct categories: 1he Court of 1\ 1)J)Cal for S,vazila11cl, the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt or S\vc1zila11cl, st1bordinalc cottrts ancl the s1JcciaJ courts, arc primariJ,, co11cer11ccl ,vil11 tl1c acl1r1i nistra ti011 of 1 l1e gen.eral l.:i,v of tl1e territory; tl1e Juclic:inl Con11nissio11cr's (�()Urt a11cl I lie sc1)ara le S)'Slcm of S,,,azi (;ot1rts are pri n1arily cor1ccrn.c(! ,vitl1 tl1c acli n.inislration of S,vazi custo111ar,' la,v. [1\•ote. TJ1rougl1out tl1e JJcriocl ,v]1icl1 JJrcccdccl tl1c ntlOJJLion c,f lhc present (i.e. the Indc1Je11dc11ce) co11Stitt1tion, tl1e higl1est cou,·t or aJ)[JCa[ ,vithin the Sv,azilat1cl judicial S)'Slem ,vas the .Jt1clicial Co1n111ittcc or tl1c l'riv·y Cot1ncil. Until the 1968 co11Stitt1tio11 can1c i1 1to effect, a J)J)eals Jay as of rigltt ancl 1:iy SJJecial. leave of tl1e Court of i\p1Jcal to tl1c.Jl1dicial C!on1n1itt.<:c. '1.hc for1r1er category included apJ)Cals in rcs1Jcct of all critninal JJroccccli 11gs; civil proceedings ,vl1ere tl1c n1atlcr i 11 disJJt1Lc cxcccclcc.l R. l 000 i.n value; fin;:il decisions for tl1c nttllit)' or clissolutior\ of n1arriagcs; a11d n1attcrs invol,1ing a dcci.sio11 on tl1e fu11 da111ental rigl1ts JJrovisio11s of tl1c 1967 r:onstituiio11. Special leave to appeal coulc[ l)e grantee! by ll1e C!ourt or 1\ JJJJcal ,vhcre tl ic . n1atter jnvolved ,vas one of great general or public jn11J<Jrta11cc. Tl1e ]L1clicial Committee no longer l1as juriscUction jn. resJJCct of ::l J)(Jcals from S,vazilancL 1-\Itl1ougl1 tl1e l 968 Constitu tio11 c.locs not <.:xpl ici I l'y abolisl1 tl1c rigl1t of ap1Jeal lO tl1e Pri,,y Cotincil, it or11its all reference (() tl1at body, and the Court of i\ppcal is described i11 lcrins ,vl 1icl1 n1akc it clear tl1a t it is the final appeaI cottrt for Ll1c country. ·r11is cl1a11gc r<·s1.1 I ts, no doubt, from tl1e ne,v status of ,'3,vazila11d� ,vhir}1 is ar1 inclcJJC11dcnt Kingdom.]


THE COURT OF .t\ll J)E;\l.. FOR ,S\.-\11\ZIL,\Nl)


1 Establishment-This cot1rt ,vas cstal)I isl1cd i11 1966 lL.N. Ko. 4-6 of 1966; S.I. 1966 No. 1180] a11cl co11fir1nccl IJy tl1c Constituti<)n l_s. 105]. It replacecl the Basutolancl, 13ccl1ua11alancl Jlrotcctoratc a11cl S,,·azila11cl c:ottrt of Appeal as tl1c principal appeal court for tl1c territory. 2 Composition-"fhe Court comprises: a tl1e J udgc President; b sucl1 11t1mlJer of Justices of i\ppeal, bci11g 11ot less than t\vo or n1orc tl1an fot1r, as may l)c prcscribecl; ancl 23l

l'arl 11-Cenlrnl nnd /Southern 11frica c tl1e Cl1icf .J tistice a11cl tl1e JJUisnc judges, if an)', of tl1c I-Iigl1 Court [C!o11stitt1tio11, s. 105]. ']'l1e Cot1rt n1 a)', i11 a(lditio11, ca1I i11 tl1c aid of 011c or 1nore assessors ( with sl1c]1 special qt1a]ific,tlio11s as it n1ay tl1i11 k: fit) i11 any case in \vhicl1 it deems i L cx1Je<lie11 t to c1o sf>, :111cl it 1)1ay I 1car st1ch case \Vl1olly or in part witl1 tl1eir assistar1cc [Constitt1tio 1 1, s. 110; S\vaziJancl C.t\.O., s. 6].

3 J111·iscliction-01·iginal-Nil.

4 Ju1·isdiction-a1Jpello.te-'l�l1e Cot1rt of .1-\pJJeal sl1all J1ave: ,: ( l) (a) st1cl1 jt1risclictio11 to l1ear a11cl detcr1nine st1cl1 appeals fron1

t l1c cot1rts of S,vazila11cl a,1d such fJO\vers a11cl at1 Ll1ority as the Court elf 1\i:>1Jcal fJOssc.sscs at tl1c con1n1c 11ce1nc11t of tl1is Corulitulion in accorcla11cc \Vitl1 tl1c JJro,,i:)ions of tl1is Co 1 1stitt1Lio11 and of a11y ot]1cr ]a,v t]1f·11 i11 force i11 $\\•azila11cl:.· ancl (b) s1.1cl 1 jl1risclictio11 to l1ear a11tl clctcr11u11e ,11:>peals fro1n tl1e courts r,f S,vazila11cl a11cl sttcl1 JJo,,·crs ar1cl at1tl1oriLy ... as n1a)' l)c prcscrilJccl by Clr 11ndcr a11y la,v for tl1c ti1nc IJci11g i11 force i11 S\,·aziland. (2) Sti!Jjcct to Ll1c pro,,isio11s of st1l:>sccLion ( 1) of tl1is sccLio11, tl1c C!otirl of 1\1 J1Jcal sl1all l1avc, for all }Jttrposes of and inciclental to tl1c l1cari1 1g a11cl detcr111111atil)11 of any appeals i11 its jurisdiction, the fJO\vcr, aL1tl1ority a11cl jL1risclictit)r1 vested i11 tl1e cot1rt from ,vl1icl1 the ::tJJtJcaI i5 lJrot1gl1 i. (3) :\ 11y clecisio11 of tl1e C:c)ttrt of .t\p1:>eal sl1all be e 11fc1rcecl in like 111anncr as if it ,verc a jltclg111c11t of tl1e court frorn ,vl1icl1 tl1c appeal ,v:1s 1Jrot1gl1 t'' [Cio11stitt1tio11, s. 111].

5 J) 1·oceclu1·e-St1bjcct to tl1c }Jro\•isio11s of tl1e Co1istitution ancl to il1 osc c,r tl1c S\-vazilancl CoL1rL of .!\p1)cal Orcler 1 tl1c Presidc11t may make rL1 lc:;; fcJr rcgulati11g tl1c J)racrice a11cl proccdl1re of tl1e Cot1rt ,vitl1 rcs1)ect to atJJJcals a11cl, i11 co1111ection ,vith st1cl1 atJIJcals� for regtilating tl1e practice ar1(l procccltirc i11 aJt)' cot1rt froin \\"l1icl1 tl1c a1Jpcals arc IJrougl1t [Co11stitu­ ticn1, s. 112: S\v::tziland C. :\. 0., s. 8 ( l)]. Tl1c ge11cral rules setti11g out 1Jrc>ceclurc fc)r aJJ[JCals, i11 botl1 civil a11cl cri111i11al cases, arc containccl in 1l1c CoL1rt 1)f 1\1 J(Jcal Rltlcs [Notice �t.1. 14· l of 1955 as a111 c11clcd; La\vS of S\.vazilancl (195�)), \!ol. I, JJIJ. :2 1:3 fl seq.]. .'

C(JN'fH.OL ()F COU R l'

6 Al)l)e::11-:Nil. 7 St1J)ervisio11 a11cl i11SJ)ectio11-Nil. 1,,\ \V 'l'C) 11 E

J\1):\11 NIS'l'E.R.El)

8 Ge11eral/st�1t11to1·}' l:l\.V-rl�l1c Gc11cra] La,-v a11d Acl 111inistration l) rocla111 a1ior1, as a 1r1e11 clccl, pr(J\sidcs: ''(I) 'J'l1c Rorl1a11--l)t1tcl1 co111n1011 l,t\V, sa,rc i11 so far as tl1c sa1ne l1as l)cc11 l1cretof<)rc en· 111ay fro111 ti111c to ti111c l1crcaftcr be 1nodificd b)' statt1lc, sl1all be tl1c la,\· i11 S\vazila11cl.


.S'ioazilanrl (2) Save a11d except in so far as Ll1e sa1nc J1avc bcc11 rc1)ealccl or amended tl1e statt1tcs i11 force in tl1c �fransvaal 011 ll1c fifteent11 day of Octqbcr 1904, a11cl Lile statutory regu}ation.s tl1crct1nclcr shall nu,talis i11utanrlis, a11cl as far as they n1ay be aJ)plicablc, be i11 force i 11 s,.vazilancl ..." [s. 3, Proc. No. 4� l 907]. 3

9 Customary la"'-'l'l1e Constilutio11 l )roviclcs tl1at tl1c: follo\ving

,nattcrs may 11ot l)e tl1c stibjcct of lcgislatio11 i11 J >arlian1cn t bt1t "sl1all conti11t1e lo be regulatecl by S,vazi la,v ancl custo1n 11: a tl1e office of tl1c Ngv,1c11ya,na ;·1 b tl1e office of the Ncllo,1 ukazi [the Q11ccn ivfotl1er]; c tl1c apJJointment, rcvocatio11 of appoi11tn1cnt ancl susJJCnsion of GI1icf.5 ; d tl1e con11Jositio11 of tl1c S,,·azi Natio11al Council, the a1Jpoint1ncnl and rcvocatio11 of apJ)Ointn1c11t of 11 1c1nbcrs of I he Council, a11cl l11 c }Jroccdtrrc of tl1c Cot1ncil; e the Nc,vala ccre1 11ony; f tl1c Libt1Lfo ( regime11tal) systcn1; g Ll1e autl1orisation of a perso11 to acl as Regent in the circun1sla11ces outli11ed in s. 30 of tb.e Co11Stitution [Co11stitulion, s. 62 (2), ,5cl1ccl. 3]. rfl1c S,vazilancl Orclcr in Cot111cil l 903, as nrncnclccl, prov·idcd f<>r tl1c legislative po,vers of tl1e I-Iigl1 Con1111issio11er a11d furtl1 er JJrovidccl Ll1at i11 tl1e exercise of st1cl1 po,vers l1c: "shall res1Ject any nalivc la,vs by \.vhicl1 tl1c civil relations of .:iny native cl1iels, tribes or popttlatio11s tinder l I· cr :1\ fajcsty's protection arc now rcgt1lated, except so far as tl1c sa111c 1nay l)c i11 co1l 11 Jatiblc ,vill 1 the clue exercise of Her i\1Iajesty's {Jo,-ver a11d jt1risdiclion, or clearly i11juriot1s to the ,velfarc of tl1c saicl 11ati,,cs'' [s. 5]!' ,-.\.s the Court of .'-\p1Jeal for .S,vazila11d is c1111)0\vcred to hear appeals i 11 cases originati11g in tl1e S\vazi courts, tl1e S,vazi Ja,v aJJJllicalllc i 11 tl1osc courts may also be administered by tl1c Cot1rt of l\p1Jcal (sec j\4·, /Jost). 1

.,1 \NJ) I COURT 017 SvV 1\ZII :\2 THE IIIGI-:


1 Establishme11t-TI1e I·li,gh Cot1rt ,vas first e!itablisl1cd IJursuant Lo the a11thority of t}1c S,vaziland Orcler i11 Council 1903, a11cl i1 1 195,1 tl1c la,v relating to t}1c Higl1 Court \.Vas consolidatecl l)y tl1c S,vazilancl I·Iigl1 Cot1rt Proclamation [CajJ. 19, La,vs of S,vaziland, 1959 Revision]. Cl1apter Nine of tl1e Constitution makes furtl1cr pro,1isio11 for tl1c I·IigJ1 Court. volu1nc of the J�a,vs of the Transvaal in forcc in S,vazilan.cl ,vas published in 1951. ·1 I.e. tl1e King of S,vaziland. . .. :; The lcgislati\·c po\v<:rs of the I·I1gh Con1n11ss1011.cr no,v rc� 1ell' f01: the � 1� sl _ J 11n1ts part in tl1c Parlia1ncnt of S,va'l.iland. It is not clear ,vhethe r tl 1 1s f)rov1s1on _ by the cntrcncl1· the po\vcrs of the lcgislaLurc in the san1c ,vay as they arc rcsLt·1cted n1cnt of certain provisions (See Constitution, s. 13'1 and Scheel. 4]. J ,'-\.



· ----])art J/J-C'entral a11ll ,Soull1cr11 11frica 2 Co.mposition-The jt1dge� of tl1e I-Iigl1 Court sha]� be tl1e Chief _ J tice ancl sttch 11 t1rnber of pu1snc Jt1dges as n1ay from time to Lime be }l�:scribccl [Cor1 slitt1Lio11, s. 97 (I) J • TJ1e Cl1icf J� slice sha]I be � ppointecl by . tile King, actirig in accordance with tl1e ad,,1ce of tl1 e Jud1c1al Service _ Cornmissio11 . '"flie sainc procedure � 1us� be follo� ecl 1 11 the case of the appoi11t1 nc11 t of J)t1isnc jtidgcs [Consl1tut1011, s. 98 (I)].

3 Jurisdictio11-01·iginal-rJ·11e I-Iigh Court has \Villun Swaziland ttnlinlitcd original jt1risdiction in civil and criminal matters [Constitution, s. I 04·; I-Iigli Court })roc]a111ation, cap. _I 9, s. 2 (2)] .. �io,vever, no civil cause i11 \Vl1icl1 1\fricaru alo11 c a.re parties, and 110 c1,,1l cause to wl1icli cit11cr J)arty is a European aJ 1 d in \-vl1ich Ll1e amount claimed or the sul,jcct 1natter i 11 clisptite does J10t exceecl R. 1000, shall be i11Stituted in or re111ovcd i1 1to tl1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt save ,vitl1 tl1e leave of a jttdgc, 011 applicati on 111aclc to I1 in1 i11 cl1 an1l)crs [I-Iigh Court Procla1nation, caJJ. l 9, s. 4]. The ]::itlcr JJrcJ,:isio11 cloes 11ot aJJ}Jly to those 111atters o\·er ,vl1icl1 the subordi11 ate cc,urls ,ire ::i}Jccifically cle11icd juriscliction [Subordi11ate Couri.s Proclamation , C::t}J. 20, S. 29]. 4 J111·isdiction-aJJpellate-Thc I-Iigl1 Court is a cot1ri. of appeal fron1 all st1!Jorclinatc courts in S,vazilancl [1-I.C.P.; s. 6]. t\ party to a11y suit or proccccli,1g in a s11l)orclinatc cot1rt 111ay appeal to tl1e Higl1 Court agai 11st ail)' j t1dgn1c11t for tl1e 1Jlai11tiff on J1is clain1, for tl1e defcnda11L on l1is clcfi:::ncc, aJJso l11ti 011, jt1dgn1cn t as io costs, all)' rt1 le or order l1a'\-·i11g tl1e effect of a fi11 al ancl definite sente11ce, and (in certain circun1Stances) a clccision 011 a11 exCCJ)tio11 [S.C. J>., s. 31]. No a}Jpeal ) ies if, before ll1e l1earing, 1J 1c J)arties agree in \vriting tl1at the decision of L11e court sha]l be final [S.C.I>.) s. 62]. In criminal cases, a11y 1Jerso11 con,rictccl by a jt1dgment of a 1Ty s•.1bordina te cotLrt (i11 clt1ding a person discl1arged after con,riction) 1Y1ay a1)pcal agai11st co11victio11 a11cl scnte11ce or order of tl1 e Higl1 Court [S.C!.P., s. 82]. \·\1l1crc a decisio11 of a subordi11 ate cot1rc l1as been givc11 in favottr of il1c acctisccl, tl1c 1\ttorney-Gcncral or J)rosec11tor may require tl1e presicli11g Officer to stale a case for tl1e co11Sideratio11 of tl1c I-Iigl1 Cotirl; ,vl1e11 st1cl1 a case l1as been sta tecl, tl1c t\tlorncy-Ge11eral or JJrosecutor may aJ)pcal fro1n tl1at clecisio11 to tl1e Higl1 Co11rt [S.C.P., s. 83]. Civi] a1Jpeals al!:io lie fro111 a I·Iigl1 cr S,,•azi Cot1rt of 1-\J)pcal to tl1e Higl1 Cotirt, and, if il1c r�corcl of Ll1e case is inaclcquate, a jtidgc of tl1 e Higl1 Court rnay order . a c1v1l aJJ})cal to be l1carcl b )' tl1e Judicial Co1ru11issio11er, fro1n ,vl10111 an a ppeal �ics to tl1e I·Iigl1 Cott rt. Cri111inal aJlpcals fron1 tl1e Jt1dicial Co1n111is­ _ sio11er lie Lo t.l1e l·:ligl1 Cot1rl [S,vazi Cot1rts I'rocla111ation, cap. 21, s. 31]. Crirninal. ·· r11c Cri111i11al Jlroccdure a11cl EvidC'nce l) rocla111ation, as a1nc11ded [cap. 35], dctcr1ni11cs the co11clt1ct of cri111i11 al })roccedi11gs; h Ciz,il. l1roccdt1 rc is govcr11ed by tl1c I-Iigl1 Court Rttles [cap. I 9].

5 Pi·occclure-a


A 1·evie\v or re,,isio11�1\pJ)cals i11 respect of civil and crin1inal ppeal, . �_ _ cases lie to t11e Cot1rt of AJ)l)eal for S,vazila1 1d (sec ..1\. I, para. 4, ante)· 234·

Siuaziland 7 Supervision and inspection-Nil. L_.ai.\V TO BE AD�fTNISTERED

8 General/statutory law 9 Customary Ia,v

As Court of 1\ppcal for S,vazilan.cl (sec 1\I, paras. 8 ancl 9, anlt!).


1 Establislunent-'fl1c st1borcli11atc courts of S\va'liland \vcrc eslab­ lishccl by the St1bordinale Cot1rts Procla1natio11 \ 938 [c�p. 2() J. ·:rhrcc categories of cottrts ,vcre cstablisl1ccl, viz.: a suborcl i11ale cottr Ls of tl1c first class: b subordi11atc cottrts of tl1e second class; c suborcli11atc cot1rts of tl1c tl1ircl class [S.C:. l>., s. 3]. 2 Con1position-Tl1c follo,\'ing persons n1.a)' l 1olcl cot1rts: a every Se11ior District Officer a11cl every District Co1nn1i.ssioncr n1ay J1olcl a cot1rt of the first class; b every District Officer n1ay 110l cl a cottrl of tl1c seconcl class; c ever)' Cadet may hold a court of tl-1e tl1.ird class. rfhe Ki11g may, \vitl1 tl1e co11cl1rrcnce of tl1e (:hicf Justice, l))' notice i11 ll1c Ga zelte, appoint: a any perso 11 as a n1agislratc or assistant n1agistratc to l1 old a courl of a class to be specified; b any District Officer to l1olcl a court of tl1e first class or any Caclct to hold a court of tl1e second class. Unless otl1en.vise spccificcl, tl1c aJ)})Oinunent is clccn1cd to cor1fer juri.s<lir.­ tio11 to J1old tJ1.c court ,vi tl1in any territorial cl istrict [S. C.P., s. 4·]. 3 Jurisdiction-origi11al-Sl1bordinate cot1rts l1ave jt,riscliction over

the rollo,ving persons: a ar1y person \vho rcsicles, carries on bLtsincss or is cnlJ)Joyccl \vi1}1in lhe clistrict; b any partnersl1ip ,.vhosc btisiness premises arc silt1atcd or arty n1en1bcr ,vl1ereof resides in the district; c an}' person \Vl1atevcr, i11 respect of any proccccli11gs incidcr1tal to any action or proceeding i11stituled in t11c cot1rt by sucl1 l)Crson l1in1sclf; cl any person, ,vl1ctl1cr or not he resides, carries 011 business or is eznploycd withi11 tl1e Territory, if tl1c cause of aclio11 arose \vl1olly \Vitl1in lhc district; e certain parties to intcrplcaclcr procccdii1gs; f any defendant \vho appears ancl takes 110 objection to ll1c jurisdiction of tl1e court [S.C.P., s. 15]. The jLlriscliction of suborclinatc courts in civil J:>rocccdings is as foUo,vs: a first-class courts l1avc jttrisdiction ,vl1cre eiLl1cr })arty is a Europea11 and all other actions ,vl1crc tl1c amou11t claimed does not exceed R. 1000;


- ---Part JJJ-C'e11lro.l aud ,S'oulhern Africa J 1cr party is a European L 11ei cre 1 \vl b scco11d-class a11d all otl1 er actions wl1 ere tl1c amount clai111ecl docs 11ot exceed R. 500; c tl1ircl-class courts l1 ave 11 0 civil juriscliclio11 [S. C.J>., s. I 6]. vVlien }J otl1 parties arc 1-\fricarJ.S and tl1c cause of action is, in the opinion of tlie Clerk of tl1c Court, st1itablc for a S\vazi Court of appropriate jurisclic­ tio11 the Cler!� n1ay reft1se to issue a st11nmons and 1nay order tl1e JJlai11tiff to c�n1n1c 11ce 1J 1c action i11 st1cl1 S\-vazi Court. 1\t a11 y tin1e after tl1c com1nence1nc11t of a11 actio11 , ,vl1crc IJoth parties arc 1\fricans, t11e Cot1rt may 1nal.::e an order for tl1e tra11sfcr of tl1 e action to a S,vazi CcJ t tri. of tl1e riso]. pro, 16, s. .P., [S.C tio11 sclic apJJropriate jt1ri Sttbordi11 a tc cot1 rts l1ave tl1c fol]o\·vi1 1g jurisdictio11 i11 respect of crin1inal n1atters: a St1borcli11ate cot1rts of tl1e first class l1a,,e jurisdiction over all offences except treaso111 111Ltrcler a11 <l seclitio11 a11cl a11y conspiraC)' or a rtcn11)t to con1111it tl1csc oO.c11ccs. Sucl1 courts n1ay pu11isl1 any perso11 convicted of 1J1c offence of raJJC or of a1 1y cons1Jiracy or atten1pt to comn1it rape ,vi1l1 in11)riso11mc11t (\-viilt or \vitl1 out hard labour) 11 ot exceedi11g four years. Sttbordinate cot1rts of tl1c seco11cl and tl1ircl classes l1 a,•e jurisdiction over all oflc11ces excc1 Jt trcaso1 1 , 1nt1rdcr, seditio11, offences relating to coinage or ct1rrc11cy, rape or a1 1 y co1 1s1Jirac) or atte111pt to co11unit any of tl1csc 0I-le11 ccs [S.C:.P., s. 71, as an1c11decl l)y l)roclamatio11 61 of 1962, s. 4]. b S11bjcct to tl1 e foregoing, st1borclinatc cottrts l1 avc t.l1e follo,ving Ii111itatio 11s on tl1cir po,ver to JJttnisl1: i a first-class coL1rt n1ay se11 tence to in11Jriso11 1ne11t for not n1orc titan t\vo years, levy a fi11e of R. 400, a11d prescribe not more tl1a11 cigl1t strokes ,vit]1 a cane; ii a second-class cot1rt 1nay se11 tence to in11J risonme11 t for 11ot more tl1a11 one year, levy a fine of 11ot more tl1a11 R. 100, a11d prescribe not n1ore tl1a 11 eigl1t. strol{es \-vitl1 a ca11e; iii a tl1ircl-class cot1rt 1 11ay se 11te11ce lo in1priso1 1n1c1 1t for not n1ore tl1an six 111 011il1s or !CV)' a fi 11e of not 111 orc tl1 an R. 50, but 111ay 1 1ot i 1n1Jose JJt1 11isl1111c11t \vitl1 a ca11e [S.C.I>., s. 71 (I) (a)-(c)]. c rj�l1c l(i11g 111a)', \Vitl1 tl1c co11c t1 rrence of 1l1e Cl1ief Justice, autl1 orise a 11 incrcasecl j t1risdiction i11 crin1i11al cases to be exercised by a11 oflicer clcsigr1aLccl i11 a11 orcler })lt blisl1 ed i11 tl1c Gazelle, eititer tl1rot1gl1ot1t S,vazila11d or \vi tl1 i1 1 tl1c (l is I ric l slated i 1 1 tl1e orclcr; a11 d ci tl1cr gc1 1 eralI y or i11 respect of a JJariict1lar 111atler or class of case SJJ ccifiecl. S t1cl1 order 1nay l)c rc,1oked al a11y Lin1c by tl 1c I<.ing, \Vitl1 tl1 e co11ct1rre11cc of tl1c Cl1ief Justice. No st1cl1 01:der 111 ay aucltorisc ail)' J)Crso11 to a\vard a se11te11ce of i1nprisonmcnt �xccccl 1 11g fot1r years (\viLl1 or ,vitl1 otlt l1ard labour) [S.C.P., s. 71 1\, insert.eel by Proc. G l of 1962, s. 5]. £1 �l1crc a case is rcn1ittcd to a suborcli11ate court after a preparatory _ cxa 1n 1 �1at1011 l1as bcc 11 l1cld, tl1e rc1nittal 1nay (if it is expressly stalccl to be _ n1acle 111 tcr111s of tl11s e11 alJli11g section) rest1lt i 11 tl1e increased jurisdictio11 of: i � st1?orcli11 atc court of tl1 e first class, to a 1naximttm JJeriocl of 11npr 1 so111ne11t of fot1r years; cot 1 rts J 1 avc juriscliction




ii a suborcli11 ate court -of tl1 e scco 1 1d class, to a 1na xi1nu111 f)eriocl of

imprisonme11t of t,-vo years and a maxi1ntt1n fi 11 e of R. 200 [S.C.P., s. 7-1·]. Tl1erc can be no rc111ittal to a st1 l)orcli11atc cotrrt c>f the tl1ircl class. St1borclinale cot1rts l1 a ve no jt1risclictio11 i11 respect c,f 111 c follo,vi11g matters: a dissolutio 11 of 111 arriage or jt1clicial sc1Jaratio11 ,vl1erc Ll1c JJrtrlics arc Et 1ropcans; b valiclity or interpretation of ,vills or otl1cr tcsta111 c11 tary cloctt111c11ls; c stattis of J)ersons i11 res1Ject of 1 nc 11tal capac i. t)'; d specific lJcrform �nee of a11 acl ,vitl1 ot1 l llie aI tcr11ativc of c.l .1111agcs (except transferr1 11g proper Ly, or rc11clcri 11g a11 accotn11. i t1 rcs11ect of a matter ,..,J,osc valttc docs 11 ot exccccl 1l1c jt1risclictio11 of 1l1c cottrl.); e decree of pcr1Jctt1al sile11 cc; / provisio11al sc11 tc11 rc [S. C. IJ., s. 2�]. - il. 4 Jurisdictio11-a1Jpell1.1 te �

5 Procedure-Crin1i11al proccclttrc in 1l1c SttlJorclinatc cottrls is govcrnccl

by tl1e JJrovisions of tl1e St1bordi11ntc Cottrts Proclainatio11, 1J1e St1IJordi11ate Cottrt Rttlcs [Proc. 252 of 1942, as a111e11clccl] and tl1e C�rirni 1 1al Pr<)ccclttrc a11d E,•itlcncc Procla 111 a lio11 [Proc. 6i of 1 938, as amcndccl; cap. 35]. Proccdt1 re in civil actio1ts is gover11ccl by tl1e Suborcli11a tc C!()tlrts Proclamation and i.l1e St1bordi11atc Cot1 rls Rttlcs. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-Unless tl1c parties l1 a\·e agreed tl1 at 1.l1c dccisio11 of tl1c court is final [S.C.P., s. 62] any parl)' lo a civil sttil 1nay aJJI Jcal to tl1c High Cot1rt against: i any judg1nent; ii any rttle or order ha,-i11 g tl1c effect of a fi11al ancl dcfi.11i le sen Lenee; zzz a dccisio11 overruling or upl1 olcli11g a11 excc1Jtio11, \v}1c11 tl1c parties co 11cer11 ed co11Sent lo st1cl1 an ap1Jca I })eforc proccccli11g f1.1rtl1cr in a11 action [S.C.P., s. 63]. 1\11 y person convicted of an offence by tl1c jttclgmc1 1 l of a1 1y st1l)orcli11atc cot1rt may appeal against sttch co11viction ancl se11tc 11cc or orcler of tl1c court pur.sua11 t tl1 ercto [S.C. P., s. 82]. Revie,v, revision-i Tl1c I-Iigl1 Co1.trt l1as ft1ll po\vcr, jttrisclictio 11 ar1cl authority to reviC\V tl1c JJrocecdings of all suborcli11ate cotrrts, a 11cl n1ay if necessary set asicle or correct tl1 cm [H.C.P., s. 5]. ii 1\11 sente11ces in criminal cases l)y a third-class sttborcli11atc court other tha11 those f<Jr sente11 ccs of imprisonn1c11 t for a JJeriocl cxcccdi11g three mo11 tl1S arc sttbjcct to rcvic,v as of cottrsc by an officer ap1Jointcd to hold a first-class court i11 the district i11 \vl1icl1 tl1e tl1ircl-class cottrt is situate, without prcjt1dice to tl1c rigl1t of apJJcal agai11St sttcl1 scnte11ce [S.C.P., s. 75]. iii 1\ll sentences in cri1 ni11al cases i11 ,vl1icl1 tl1c J)t111 isl1 1nc11t a,vardccl is imprisonment, i11 tl1e case of st1bordinate cottrts of the first class for any


])art 11/-C'entral an(/ .')outhcru Africa eeding R. I 00, or �11 tl1e case of IJeriod cxceedii1g six 1no11tl1S or a fine �xc subordinate cotirL� of tl1c scc�nd and tl1 1rd classes _for_ any period exceed ing Llircc 111ontlis or a fine cxcccd111g R. 50 , or any '\vl11pp111g, shall be Sl1bjcct in the orcli11ary course to revic,v by tl1e I-Iigl1 Court, without J)rcjt1dic e to tl1e rigl1l of aJJpeal [S.C.P., s. 76]. Transfer-i In 1Jroceccli11gs before a sttbordinatc court ,-vl1cn botli JJartics arc 1\frica11s, and tl1c catts� of actio n is 011c ,vl1�cl1, in tl1c _op !nion of tlie C:Ierk: of tl1c Cot1rt i s one suitable to be J1eard 111 a S\vaz1 Court of appropriate jttriscliction, ll1e Clerk 1nay. rcfu.s� to. issue a summo1 15 ancl n1ay order t11e JJlai11 tiff to comn1cncc 111s action 1n s1-1ch a cot1rt. The cotirt has a si1 ni1ar JJO\vcr to orclcr trar1.sfcr in these circu1nstanccs after tl1c isst1c of sun1n1011S [S. C. P., s. I 6]. ii l\. stiborclinate court may lra11Sfer a JJrocccdi11g to anrJtl1cr court of tl1c san1c or a 1'1igl1cr class, \Vitl1 tl 1c conscn t of the p,1rties, or upo11 the applica­ li<.H1 of a l1arty \vl10 sho\VS tl1at tl1c trial ,-viii rcst1lt in t111due expense or i 11co11,re1 1ic11ce [S. C.P., s. 20]. iii 1\n actio11 i11 a scco11cl class court i n vvhicl1 tl1c a111rJt111t of tl1e c]ain1 cx.ccccls R. 200 n1a)', t11Jo11 tl1 e apJJlication of a dcfenda11 t, be ren1oved to a first-class cot1rt. 1\I1v• action in a first or second class court ,vl1ere the clai111 cxccecls R. •100 inay, t1 po11 a1Jplicatio11 of a defe11dant, be ren1ovccl to tl1e I-Iigl 1 Cotirl (\,,itl1 tl1c co11Sent of a jttdge i11 cha1nbers ,vl1crc tl1e an1<,unt cloes 11ot exceed R. 1000) [S.C.P., s. 32 (I), (2), read ,vitl1 l11e r,r<)viscJ to the I-I.C.P., s. 4]. iv 'I'l1e Cl1ief Jt1slicc, or a jt1clgc of tl1e I-Iigl1 C!ot1rt, or, i11 tl1eir absc11ce, tl 1e llegistrar of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt ma)', for good cause s110,,n, order a crin1i 11 al case to ])c lransfcrrccl for Lrial fro111 Ll1e district i11 ,vhich the cdfe11cc ,v::is comn1.ittccl to any other district [S.C.I'.� s. 70 (I)]. ,, 'T'hc 1\Ltor11ey-Gencral l1as J)o,ver to renut a crimi11al case to a sub­ orclina tc court after a preparatory examination n11cl n1ay specify in sucl1 re1ni l tal tl1at tl1e sulJorcli11ate cottrt sl1all l1::i.\·e i1 1creased j11risdiction [Crimir1al })roccdure ancl Eviclencc l) roclan1atio11, s. 90 (I) (d) a11d (e)]. ·ro ]3E ,\DrvlINISTEllED 8 General/statutory Ia,v

L,\ \·V

9 Custo1nary la,v

1\s Cot1rt of 1-\ppeal for Sv,,aziland (see :\I, J)aras. 8 and 9, ante).


1 Est�1blisl11nent-l,l1c \\1 :i tcr C<.)tlrt t.)f S\vazila11d ,vas cstalJlisl 1ed by t� tc W�Llcr �1 rocla111atio11 [No. 73 of 1959]. Tl1e I(ing r11ay fro111 ti111e to t1 111c cstalJl1sl1 ,vatcr cot1rts for l1cari 11 g a11cl deter1 ninatio11 of a11y rnattcr _ �vliicl1 111ay be rcfcrrccl t<l tl1c \vater cot1rt i r 1 Ler1ns of tl1e '\-Vatcr Proclamatio11 [s. 17]. J\ '"'atcr Cot1rt sl1all l)e a stt )crior cot,rt of recorcl [s. 18]. } 2 CoiTt}l �sitio11-;\ \'\1 aler Cottrt is composecl of a Juclcre of tl1e Hi gl1 Cot1rt, a1J1Jo1 11tecl l)y lite I<.ing; a11 c11gi11cer assessor, aJJ})Oint;d by tl1e Kin g; 238


- - -


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--------- - - - - - - - ---,-

Swazilanrl and a lay assessor, selected from a 1)ancl of lay assessors no1 ninatecl by tl1e King [ss. 18, 19, 20]. 3 Jurisdiction-original-A vVatcr Court l1as cxclt1sivc original

jt1risdictio11 a11d po,vers tl1rot1gl1out Swazila1 1cl in respect of tl1c follo\vi 11g:

a To make orders and a\varcls tlpo11 ap1)licatioi1s i11 co1111cction \vitll disputes regarcling the ttsc, clivcrsion or ap1)ropriatio11 of pt1blic \Vat er; applications in co11ncction ,vitl1 clain1 s for servitudes by 111 ca1 1s of whicl1 rights to t1se or dis1)ose of J)ttblic \Yater arc exercised; a11d 011 applications as to any n1aller ,vhicl1 ma)' i11 tern1s of tl1c Procla111atio11 be brougl1t before a \>Valer Co11rt. h On the ap1)licatio 1 1 of any i11tercstccl 1Jcrson (inclucli 11g tl1c C�ovcr11me11t) to investigate, defi11c ancl rccorcl ll1c rigl1ls to 11sc of IJ11lJlic ,vater of any parlic11lar slrca111 ancl (subject to obscr,1a11ce of certain provisos) to apportio11 st1cl1 ,vaLcr for any of tl1c purposes recognised by the \,Yater Procla111ation. c To c11c1uire i11to, ancl in its discrelio11 detcr1ninc, a11y cxisti11g, ftttttrc or co11tingent rigl1t or olJligation i11 rc�qJcct of ll1c 11sc of pul)lic \vater or any rigl1t of servitude by mca11S of ,vl1ich pt1blic ,va!cr is l)ci11g usecl or clisposed of, nonvitl1sla11cli11g tl1at no pcrso11 can clai1 n any relief conscqttcntial t1po11 st1cl1 detcr111ination. tl To in\•estigate, detcrmii1e and record ,vl1ctl1cr a11y J)artict1lar strca1n is a public or a pri\•ate strean1. e To i11vestigate, define and rccorcl the nor1nal flo\v of a }Jt1blic stream at a11y point alo 11g Ll1c course of sucl1 strea111. f To deternline ancl (i"{ Ll1e place or places, citl1cr t11Jo11 land ri1Jaria11 to a p11blic stream or upon a11y la 11cl 11igl1er up Ll1c col1rse of st1cl1 1Jul)lic strea1n, at ,vhicl1 L11c proprietor of sucl1 Ia11cl sl1all l)e c11 titlccl to di\•crt ,vater from sucl1 strea111, ancl, if rcc1t1ireel, tl1e 11altirc aricl extent of tl1c rigl1t of use at st1cl1 places, clt1e rcgarcl lJci11g l1�tcl to tl1c ri�l1ts of a11y otl1cr IJersons. g To investigate a 1 1}· a1JtJlicatio11 for tl1c rc111oval c>r allcratio11 of a11y clan1, \Veir or otl1er obslrt1ctio11 i11 tl1c course of a public slrea111, a11cl to make orders and a\vards tl1erco11. Ii To grant permission for tl1e ttsc of I)L1blic \Vatcr. i To gi,·e st1ch directions for Ll1e crectio11, maintc11ancc, c? 1� trc>I, a11cl _ supervision of devices for tl1e pro1Jer n1easurc1ncnt a11cl cl1v1s1011. of tl1c nor1nal flow of a11y public stream and as to tl1c }Jay111c11t of tl1c costs thereof as may be necessary to give cricct Lo its orclcrs or a\vards. j Generally to do anytl1ing or act ,vl1icl1 1nay be clo11c by a \\'ater Court i11 terms of the \Yater Proclamatio11 [s. 20].

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. 5 Procedure-Tl1c procedure of a \,Vatcr Cot1rt is dctcr_n 1i11cd by t11e provisions of the '\.Yater Proclamation, a11d by a11y � e�ttlat1ons n1adc by _ the King, provided that if tl1cre arc no sucl1 tJrov1s1ons or regt1lat1ons 239

Pnr/. JJI�Ce11t.ral and .,oulltern Africa ces, a \'Yater Court 111ust act in aiJplicaJ) le i 11 a 11 y })artict1lar. ci�cu1nsta� t n15 lJcs dce fittccl to do st1b:;tanlial it as les 1c1p )r11 l1 st1c 1 01 l 311c cr 1 11 1 sucll a n1a1 )rovisio11s of tl1c \Valer I'roclama� 1cl a1 s ct Jjc o1 e tl1 t 1 l 1 0 y rr ca lo 1cI a1 jtisticc tion [ss. 36, 3 7]. CONTROL OF COUR'fS

6 1\ppeal-Exce1)t ,vl1crc tl1e I)arties lo a clispute agree in ,vriting 10 sttlJiiiit a n1attcr for tl1e fi11al decisio11 of a Water Court [s. 33] a11 appeal juclg1ne11t of a \¥ate � Cotirt to tl1e Court of 1na)' )Jc Ioclgccl agai 11st tl1c AJJ}Jcal for S\,•azila,1cl ,vitl1i11 tl1ree mo11 ths of the Judgme11t or ,viLl1in sucli fttrtlier JJeric>cl as tl1c Court of 1-\JJIJeal for Swaziland may allo,v. 1\J1y such atJ}Jcal is treated as if it ,vcre an aJJJJcal from a judgn1.cnt or order of tlic I·ligl1 Co11rt [s. 32]. NO rig 11 t or aJJpeal I ics i11 respee L of certain JJroccd ttral, pre) iminary r tl1e s. 26 of n i ater Proclama\\ ified SJJCc as ar,cl i1 1tcrloct1lory 111attcrs t.1011. 7 St1per, isio11 a11d ins1)ection-Nil. 1

L .-\\V 1"() BE ,\D�llNISTERED

.. 8 Gene1·�1l/statutory la,,'-i\s Cot1rt of :.\ppeal for S\vaziland (see anli', i\I� J)ara. 8).

9 Ct1sto1nary la,v-Nil.


S\:\T1\ZI COUR�rs OF .1\PPE.:\L

··r·11er� arc Ll1rcc catcgoi·ies of S,vazi Co11rts of .-\ppeal, o · r l1c J Ltclicial C!<)n11r1issio11crs' Cott rts ; b Iligl1er S,vazi Cot1rt of •.:.\pJJcal; c S,vazi C()tirts of i\pJJeal.


CONS'I'l'l"U·r10N ,\ND PO\\'EH.S

l Estt1.blisl1111.e11t-'1,l1ese cot1rts ,verc eslablisl1cd b)r tl1e S,vazi Cotirts I>r()cla 111a tio11 1950 [er1ac1ecl a5 il1� Nati,·c Cot1 rts Procla1natio11, No. 80 {Ir I �)50; La\\'S ()r S,\'azila 11cl [ 1959], \' ol. 1, cap. 2 I]. Tl1e Ng,vc11yan1a 1 n :-i)· rt·C()gnise l1J' establisl1 ,ltl)' S,vazi Cotirts of _L\.l)IJeal or a I-Iigl1er Court _ ol . \ )j)c:1 I lJ)' ,,·ai-ra11t t111(lcr l1i:; lla 11cl [S,vazi Cot1rts Proclan1ation, s. SOJ. 'l'ht: .J t1(lici:1l C:l1111111i::;sil)11t�r is a11 officer a JJJ)Oi11tcd b)' 1l1e Ki11g to carry ()I l I c I u Ii, ·s la icl cll>,,·11 i11 tl1l... S,v�1zi Cottrt� Jlroc)an1a ti011, for \vl1icl1 pt1r1:iosc . IH· 1� L'JtlJJl>\,·erctl l<:'1 ltc>l,l a first-class s11borclir1atc court [S.C.P., s. I]. 2 (�0111I)OSitio11- · :\ll �,,·azi Cottrls n111st be constittited in accordance \\'�tit S,,·a7 i 1�1,v a11cl ct1s1t1111. '1,11c Ng,,•cnyama n1.ay, ,vitl1 tl1e JJrior conse nt :_ (if Ilic I, 1 r1g, }Jrcscril>c 1l1e co11stilutio11 of a11y S\-vazi Court, il1e . ('11 :cl,: :r nl j)rececll'11ce of its 111e111lJ crs, a11d tl1c po\vers and duties of assess ors . ) IS. (,.I ·� :-;. '.-�] · (l-;-oor Jticlicial Co111missioner's Cot1rt, see 1111der JJara. I, J



-- -

- ---------- -----

Szva zilanrl

3 Jurisdi �tion-o �igit1al-for tl1c S\vazi Cot1rts of 1-\ lJfJCal ancl tl,c I-Iigl1cr S,vaz1 Cot1rt of 1\ppcal, as defi11 ed by tl 1c \VarranL co11stilttli i1rr Llic111 subject to tl1e �rocla1nation, (i) i11 reg;:trcl to civil cases, i11 \vl,ict1�all th� parties are 1-\fr1ca11S and tl1c clefc11clant i s orclin.arily rcsich.:11 t i 11 111c arc,t of tl1e jurisdictio11 of tl1c cot1rt; (ii) i 11 cri,ninal cases, i11 ,-vhicl\ tllc cc,in­

plaina11t a1 1cl the accusccl arc 1\frica11s a 11cL tl1c clcfe1 1,Iar1t is accusctl of I1aving, ,vl1olly or i 11 part ,vitl1in ll1c j ltrisclictio11 of tlie cour 1, coinn·i i I tecl or bce11 ac �c �sory to tl �c _com1 11itLing of a11 offence [S.CJ.l>., ss. 6, i]. (For Jud1c1al Co111n11ss1 oners, as for st1borcli11atc C()ttrts of 1l1c first class: ante, 1\3, para. 3.]

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1,ltc S,vazi C:ourt of ,\ 1}J)Cal l1car:'i a 11 1)eaIs from tl1e S,vazi cot1rts of firsl i 11Stat1cc. 1'l1c I-Iigl 1cr S,vazi c:ot1rt of :\ 1)pc�tl l1cars appeals fro1n tl1e S\vazi CoLtrt of ,.:\1Jpcal. 'J�l1c .Jtrclicial Co1nn 1issi011 c1• }1cars a}J}Jcals in cri111i11al proccccli 11g:. Cro111 tl1c I -Iigl1cr S,vazi (:ou rt of i\ppcal [S. C. l) ., s. 3 I]. 5 Procedure---1�l 1c N�vc11yan1a is c1111 Jo,vercd lo n1al�c rules <;I' proccdt1rc for tl1 e S,\·azi Cot1rt of 1\ppcal a11cl ll1 c I Iigl1cr S\vaz.i Cot1rt of ;\p1Jeal [S.C.P., s. 38]. l1 roccclt1 re i11 tl1e JtLclicial C!o111111issior1cr's C: 0L1rt is governed by tl1c rules i 11clicatecl i 1 1 1\3, IJara. 5, anft. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 i\ppeal, revie\V ru1d 1·evision-a .·l/1/Jcal. i 1\JJJJcals fro111 tl1c l Iigl1cr S,vazi Court of :\ppeal i11 crin1 ir1al JJrocccdi11gs Lie lo tl1e Jt1clicia I C(>1111nissioner, a11d i11 ci ,,iI proceccli11g:; Lo tl1c 1:.rigl1 Court t111lcss a .Jt1clgc or the I-figl1 Cot1rt orclers st1c 11 a11 a}J}Jcal to IJe l1carcl by tl1c .J t1cl icia I Con1missioner. ii 1\ppeal lies to tl 1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt fro1n a decision or order of tl1e J uclirial Con11nissioner. 1\ppcal to tl1e Higl1 Cot1rt is limitccl to cases i11 ,vl1icl1 t11e arn.ot111L c,f judgemc11t exceeds R. 200 or \V}1erc se11tc11cc is for i1npriso111 nc 111 for a period exceeding tl1rce montl1s or of corJJoral pt11 1isl1111e11t exceccling cigl11 strokes. 1\ j11dge of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt silti11g i1 1 cl1an1.bcrs 1T1ay, 0 11 a1 J1Jlicatlo11 (>f any court or JJcrson concerned, gra11t s1Jccial lca,·e l{J ap1Jcal agair1st any order or decision gi\-·c:11 b)' an)' S,vazi cot1rt or IJy tl1c .Juclicial C:01nn1issi(H 11..:r [S.C.l:>., s. 31 ]. b Rer )icw, revis ion. rfl1c Juclicia I Conunissio11cr a11cl e,,cry l)is Lric t O fficcr in l1 is capacity as l1c,lcler of a sttlJorclinatc cot1rt r11ay revise a11y cri111 i11 al procccdi1 1gs of a S\vazi Cot1rL of .-\JJpcal. Tl1c Juclicial Con1 111 issio11er 111ay alone revise crin1i11al proceedings of tl1 c I-Iighcr S\vazi Cot1rt of 1\JJlJcal

[S.C.P., s. 28 (I)].

1'11c I-Iigl1er S,v-azi c:ot1rt of 1\1 )pcal 111ay revise tl1e civil proccccli11gs of a S,vazi Court of 1\pJ)eal [S.C.P., s. 28 (2)].

7 Supervisio11 and inspection-Tl1c Judicial Commissioner a11cl every District Officer as tl1 c holcler of a suborcli11atc cotirt l1as access to Ll1c rccorcl.s of a S\vazi Court of ;\JJpeal. 1'11e Judicial Co1nmissio11 cr alone l1as sttcl1 po,vcr in regarcl to tl1e I-Iigl1.cr S,-vazi C:ourl of Appeal [S.C.P., s. 28]. •



' . ' '

arl III-Central





Sol1llif'rn Africa


8 Genci·al/statutory law-1�he S\vazi Cot1 rt cJf •.L\.p1Jeal ad1ni11isters: \V]1icl1 it is at1thoriscd by sucli a tlic provisioils of a11 y Proclamation fJrocla111atio11 to acln1inistcr; 1l1icl1 il may l)e authorised to adminis \\ lav\! 1 1 y ter 1 , of ons ,risi b tlic pro by an order of tl1c I(ing; c tlie r11 Jes a11cl orclcrs 1naclc ]Jy tl1c Ng,.venyama, or a cl-1icf u11der the S,\•azi 1\d 1ninislration f'rc)clamatio11 [S.C.P., s. 10 (b;, (c), (!I)].

9 Custo111.a1·y Ia,v_..l,l1c S\vazi Co11rts of 1\pJJeal ad1ninister "tl1c

S,vazi la,,· a11d ct1sto111 JJrevaili 11g i11 the 'l'crritory so far as it is 1101 repugna11t to 11att 1rnl j11stice or n1oralit)' or i11co11sistc11l ,vith il1c provisio11S of any Jaw i11 force i11 tl1c 'T'erritory'' [S.(1.1>., s. 10 (a)]. . f





i Establislu11ent_..fl1c S\vazi Co11rts Proclamalion JJrO\·ides tl1at tl1e Ng,vc11ya.111a 111,1)' lJy \.Varra11t unclcr I1is l1and recognise or establish witl1ir1 tl 1 c rl,crritor}' Sttcl1 S\vazi cot1rts as l1e thinks fit. 2 Co111position-1\s i11 AS, para. 2: ante. . I

3 J11risclictio11-original-a Civil juriscliclio11 of Ll1c S\,·azi Courts is as clcfinecl lJy ,varra11t a11.cl is in respect of caust:s and 1natlers in ,vl1icl1 all tl1c }Jartics are 1\fricans a11d i 11 \vhicl1 (i) tl 1e defenda11l is ordii1arily rt�i:;iclc11t \Vitl1i 11 tl1c area of tl1c jttrisdictio11 of tl1c court, or i11 ,vliicl1 (ii) tl1e cat1se of aclicn1 l 1as arisen i11. tJ1at area [S.C.l'l., ss. 2 ( l) ancl 6] . b C'rini inal j uriscliction: clefi nccl by ,varrarl.t, extc11cl� to cases i11 ,,•l1icl1 tl1e C<>r111Jlai11a11t a11cl tl1c acct1secl arc 1\fricans a11cl tl1e defe11clanl is accused of l1a\'i11g, ,vl1olly or JJ::1rtl)' \\'itl1i11 tl1e area of jurisdiclio11 of t11e cot1rl, co1n11lit1 c< l c>r lJci11� art accc:-;sory to tl1e co111111itti11g of a11 of fence [S.C.P., s. 7] . 111 Ll1e absc:rtcc of a11 ex1 Jrcss JJro\ isio11 conferri11g jt1risclicliOil, 110 S\',:azi (:our! 11,lS jLtrisclicl io1 1 l() try tllC fol}O\'ii11g: a cases i11 ,vl1icl1 a JJcrso11 is cl1argecl \\'itl1 a11 ofie11cc i11 \Vl 1icl1 deatl1 is :1Ilcg?cl to l1avc rl.'St1lLe<l or ,vl1icl1 is l)t111isl1 ablc lJy dcatl1 or life 1

Jlll }Jl'l::i()l1111Clll;

b casc:-i ir1 c?11ncctiot1 ,vit11 111arriage otltcr tl1a11 a 1narriage contracted � 111clcr ?r 111 acc<)rcl,111ce ,vitl1 S,vazi Ia,v a11d ct1sto111 except ,vl1erc and 111 so far as ll1c case co11ccr11S tl1e JJ,l)'t11c11l or return or disposal of tlO\Vl")';

c cases relati11g lo ,vitcl1craft, except \Vitl1 Ll1e apJJl"O\'al of tl1e Jt1dicial Co1n111issio11er [S.C.P., s. 8] .

4 Ju1·isdictio11-ap11ellate-Nil. ? -,[.?-

5 Procedure-Sec •\5 (5), ante. 0


6 Appeal-1\p1Jcals lie fro111 tl1c S\',·azi cot1rts of first i 11sla11cc Lo tlic S,vazi Court of �\ppe a! , _a11cl t11encc_ to tl1c I-Iigl1cr S,vazi Cottrl of 1\ l)IJ cal, ancl fron1 tl1crc (z) 1 11 c1v1l 1natters clirccLly to tl1c 1�Iigl1 C:ottrl of S\vazilaiid, or (ii) in crirn.i11al n1at lers to tl1e Jticlicial Co111111issio11er firsl arill tl1c11 to l tl1e Higl1 Court [S. C. l ., s. 3 I].

Review ancl revision-i C i,·i] 1)roccccli11gs of a S,vazi cc,t1rt of first instance n1ay be rcvisccl by Ll1e I·:Tigl1cr S\\•azi C�ot1rt of 1\J JlJeaI or a S,vazi Court of t\ppcal, 011 a P[Jlica I io11 of tl1c cot1r t a quo or of a11y 11crse.)tl cc,n­ cernccl, or at tl1c i11Stancc <)f citl1cr S,vazi cot1rt of a1) I)Cal. 'J'l1csc !Jo,vcrs n1ay

11ot be cxercisccl after tl1c L'X}Jiraiiort of six 111011tl1s froJn the clalc or proccccli11gs i11 tl1c COLlrt of firs l i llSta llCC [S. c:.1) .' s. 2 9] . ii Crimi11al }Jroccccli11g of S,vazi ccJtLrls nta)' lJc rc,•isccl I))' tl1c ,J ullici cl l Com111i.ssio11er a11cl any District OfTiccr in l1is ca paciLy as holcler c>!" ,t subordinate cotirt [S.C. IJ., s. 28 ( l)].


f\frica11 ,,·110 is a }Jarty to a clispt1tc ,vl10 l)clic,,c:s that the n1atter ca11rtot be cqt1i talJly :icljt1clicatccl by tl1c S,vazi (:ot1rt, or tl1al by rcaso11 of 11eglect or ,va11t of clt1e cliligc11cc sucl1 adjt1clica tior1 I1as been tuueasonably dcla)'Ccl, or ll1 al t11crc l1as bce11 a11 t1nrca�on.alJle refusnl to acljt1dicatc, n1ay report tl1c 1nattcr to a S,,•azi C:ourt of 1\ppcal ,vJ1crc the cot1rt co11ccr11ed is a S,vazi cot1rt of first i11stance; t(, tl1c l�[igl1cr S,vazi ,. Cott.rt of 1-\ppcal, ,,•l1ere tl1e cot1rt co11cer11ccl is a. S,vazi Cou rL of 1\Pl)c;:i I ; or to tl1c Judicial Com1nissioner, ,vl1crc ll1c cot1rt conccr11cc.l is tl1c 1�Iigl1cr S\vazi Court of ..'\p1Jeal. Tl1e appropriate court n1ay, on receipt of st1cl1 a11 aJJl Jlicatio11 cill,cr reject it; or l1ear tl1c rnatter itself; or direct tl1at tl1c 1natlcr be aclj11clicatccl fortl1\vith by tl1c court concernecl [S.C.P., s. 26]. ii Tl1e Judicial Commissioner and C'Vcry District Ofliccr, ir1 l1is ca 1)::1.ci ty as 11older of a suborclinatc coltrt, 1nay tra1isfer a11y crin1i11al 111allcr at a11y stage of the proceedings to a first-class suborcli11atc court or orclcr tl1c case ? to be retried )Jefore any otl1er S,vazi court of co1111Jcte11t jl1risdictio11 [S. (_:. l ., s. 28 (1) (h) and (c)]. iii A S1,vazi Cotirt of ,-\ppeal, tl1c Jticlicial Co1111nissioncr or tl1c I·ligl1 Court in the exercise of its a1)pcllate jurisdiction 111ay orclcr any case to lJc reheard by any otl1cr S,vazi cot1rt or st1borcli11ate court of c-0111pctc11t jurisdiction [S.C.P., s. 33 (b)]. 1\ny

7 Inspection and supervision-TJ1c J 11dicial Co111111issio11cr a11cl every District Officer in his ca1Jacity a5 l1olclcr of a st1borclinate co11rl l1as access to the records of all S\vazi cottrls of first i11sta11cc [S.C!.P., s. 28 (l)]. LA\V TO DE ,'\DMINISTERED

8 General/statuto1·y Ia,v 9 Customary law

,\s S,vazi Courts of 1\1Jpeal (sec 1\5, paras. 8 a11d 9, ante).


Part JJJ-Ce11tral t111d ,S'uz1t/1crn .r1frica B



'I'lie Co its ti ILi tio1 1 or S,-vazila11 d J)rovicles tl1a t t11c existing laws of the territory arc of effect 011 .a11cl after 1l1e co1�1._i11g ri!1to force of tl1e Constit tition as if t:licy Jiad been 1 naclc i1 1 �t1rst1a11cc � f 1 t .. I lie)' mt1st be co�1Struecl \vitli sticli 111.oclifications, aclapta11ons, c1t1al 1 ficat1011s ancl exceptions as are 11cccssar)' to lJ ri11g tl1c111 i11to co11formity ,vi�l1 tl1c C!onstiltttio11, a11cl subject to revoca tio11S ancl al tcrations 1nade lly or 1n tl1c terms of tl1e co11Stitution. 1�11c 1 nai1 1 sot1rces of tl1c stat t1tor)' la ,v of Svvaziland are:


11 Statute a rl'l1c S,vazila11cl Co1 1stitutio11, 1968. b J� 11ac1111c11ts 1 nacle lJ)' or ttnclcr tl1 c au tl1orit)' of tl1c S\vazila11d Co11.Stitu­ tir)Il of 1968� i11 cl1.1 di11g c11 act111c1 1ts n1aclc I))' or u11 cler tl1c attlhority of tl1e Par I ia1 11c11t cs la lJl i:J1ccl tl1crclJ )'. c 7�11c S,vazila1 1cl Order i11 c:ot111cil 1903, as a1 11e11 cled. <l 'I'l1c Ge11eral i\cl11 1i11isLratio11 Proclamatio11 of 1907, as a1 ne11 ded [No. 4 of 1907]. e l,a\\'S cma11 ati11g fro111 I-Icr ?\ IajesLy's I-ligl1 Con1n1issio11er for Bast1to­ la11 cl, tl1c Bccl1 t1a11ala11 cl Protectorate a11 d S,vaziland u11cler po\vers conferred (H1 l1ir)1 IJ y tl1 e S,vazila11cl Orel er in c:ot11 1cil of I 903 a11 d st1bscqt1cnt Orders i11 Cour1cil> t 111til I 963. f I�a\-\'S e1na11ati1 1g from or 1nade tt11cler tl1e autl1 ority of tl1e Resident c:c>111 111issio11er i11 tcr111 s of tl1e l)o,vers co1 1ferrccl on l1i1 n 6)1 tl1e General :\< I 111 i r1isLra lic>n J)rocla1 11a tio11 a11cl subsc:c1 ucn t lcgi.sla Lio11, t111til 1963 . .!!. .I... a\,'S c111a11 ating fro1n, or 111aclc t111cler tl1c at1Ll1ori1y of Her !\Iajesty's Co1111nissi<.)ner for S\vaziln1 1cl fro111 1963 to 1967 i n tcr1ns of tl1e po,vers referreel llJ t111clcr ( c)-( .! ) ante. h La,vs 111acle b)' I-Ier fvlajest)''s Com111.issio11er for S,vazila11d in ter1ns t)f tl1e JJO\vers reservccl for l1i1 n by tl1c S,vazila1 1d Order i1 1 Cot1ncil of 1963 a11cl sulJsec1t1cnt Orclcrs i 11 Cot1 11cil. i J.,a,vs 1 naclc for S,vazila11cl by I-fer �v[ajcsty i1 1 Cou11.cil, inclt1di11g tl1ose 111aclc i11 tern1s of Ll1e po,-vers rcscrvccl to I-Ier £1.Iaje.st) by tl1e S,vazila11d C!o11sti ttttion ()rclcr of 1967 . .i Sta lttles i11 fc)rcc i11 Ll1c · l'ra11s,•aal 011 October 15, 1904·, i11 so far as tl1cy l1a,,c itot IJce11 a111enclccl ()r rc1Jca]ccl, a1 1cl as far as tl1ey are apJJlicable to S\-va'l.il,11 1cl [Gcr1eral La \V a11(l :\cl111i11is1ra 1 io1 1 Procla1 natio1 1 1907, s. 3; a1 1cl sec ante, 1\ l � 11ara. 8]. 1


12 Ron1.1111-Dt1tcl1 co111111.011 Ia,,•-1�11e Ron1 a11-l)t1i.cl1 co1111no11 la,v is Ll1c l::1\v (>f S,vazilJ11cl sa,rc in so far as it l1as been an1c11clccl bv statt1te. 'l, J1c JJri1 1ci1Ja I sot1rccs of I lie l"lo1 11a11--Dt1tel1 la\v are: a IJr.gislatio11J i11clt1<.li11 g t l1e statlLLes of tl1c 1-;:stales Gc11cral a11d the �tat,es c)f I-l 1)lla11cl ,vl1icl1 ,,,ere 1 nadc a1)plical)lc to tl1e l)utcl1 co]o 11ics 111 Sot1tl1crr1 1\fri ca. b J ticlicial clcci�io11s. · I'l1 c cotLrts of S,vazila11 d are bou11d !Jy tl1e clccisions of 5l1}Jerior courts, incll1di11g t l1ose of tl1c Privy Cou11 cil 011 a qt1estion of Ro111a11 -l)t1tcl1 la,v or ll1e la,v of S,vazilancl. 1,)1e decisio11S of otlicr


Szva zilanll courts 011 Roma11-Dutch la'rv, i11cluding tl1osc of tl1e Suprernc Cow·t of Sot1tl1 t\frica� of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cottrt of Sot1tl1crn Rl1oclesia, as \vcll as tl1c r\ppeal and }Iigl1 Cot1rts of Bots.va11a ancl Lcsotl 10 are not bincli11g, bt1t are of stro11g persuasive autl1ority. c Tl1e \vritings of Dutch. jt1risls of tl1c I 7tl1-19tl 1 ccntttrics 011 the la\V arc the basis of tl1e private la,.,,, as ,veil as son1c as1)ccts of cri,ninal and coristilutional la,v. ·1�he ,vriti11gs of sucl1 jttrisls arc authoritative (i.e. tl1ey e1nbody the la,v) a11cl ,vill be a1)pliecl st1bjccl to (i) the ability or a court to clecicle t\1at a rt1lc l1as bce11 al)rogatccl l)y disuse, and (ii) tl1e practice ,vhicl1 enables a court to select ancl aclopt the ,,ie,vs of a particular jurist \Vl1icl1 5crvc tl1c best JJractical ancl C<)n­ vcnic11t pur1Jose6 or ,vl1ic!1 aJJJJcar to it 111ost ir1 kcc1Jing \\ itl1 reason, CCJttil)' ancl 1noclcrn notions of juslicc. 7 cl Tl1e Ro1nan la,v, as co,1taincct in the CorJ)US Juris nf .Ju.sti11iat1 or earlier \vriti11gs, ancl as comn1c11tcd 011 by J)utch or contincr1tal ,vritcrs. \-Vhcrc tl1 crc is no statcn1c11t of l)i11cling at1tl1orily, resort 1nay be l1acl Lo decisio11s on E11glish or 1\n1crica11 la,\' 011 general J)rinciplcs \vl1icl1 ,nay be appliecl by analog)', or to the la,vs of otJ1cr nations; for guidance. 1

13 Customary la\v-'I'l1c Co1istitutio11 111akcs pro\ isio11 for t11c aJJ}Jlica­ 1

tion of S,vazi law and custon1 to ccrtair1 mattersR as clo tl1e S\vazi Cottrts Proclamation, the S\vazi t\cln1ir1istratio11 Proclar11ation ancl various otl1cr statutes on related n1atters lSec, in gc11eral, La,vs of S,vazila11cl [ 1959], \'oL II, Title 8, cap. 60 fr]. None of Ll1e statutes co11(ains a clcfi11 ition of S,vazi la\v and cttstorn.

15 Internal conflict rules-,\part fro1n tl1e rules gi,:cn al) ovc (see ante, .. �,paras. 3, 4 and 8), tl1c follo,vi11g statutory pro\ isions go\tCr11 tl1e applica­ 1

tion of commo11 a11d ct1ston1ary Ia,v: a 1\,farriage. Tl1e i'vfarriagc llrocla1natio,1 of 1964 J)roviclcs that no "pcrso11 already legally marriccl 111ay tnarry in terms of tl1is llroclan1ation dttring tl1e subsistence of tl1e n1arriagc, irrCSJ)Cctive of \vl1ctl1cr tl1c JJrcviot1s n1arriagc \\'as in accordance \vitl1 S,vazi la,v ancl c11sto1n or civil rites ancl any person \vl10 JJUrports to c11tcr into sucl1 a n1arriage sl1aJI be clcc 11lccl to l1ave conunittcd the offc11cc of bigan1y: Pro,,iclccl l11at 11otl1ir1g i11 tl1 is section s11aII prcv·ent parties married in accorda11ce vvitl1 , S\,'azi la,-v or custon1 or other rites fron1 re-marryi11g one anotl1cr in terms of tl1is Procla1natio11 " (Proc. No. •17 of 1964, s. 7 (I)]. ''No pcrso11 married in terms of this Proclan1atio11 sl1all, during the subsistc11ce of the marriage, purport to contract a lcgall)r rccognisccl ceremony of n1arriagc ,vi lh any pcrso11 oLl1cr tl1a11 tl1c Ia,vfttl SJJOuse of the first-named persor1" [ibid., s. 7 (2)]. \,VJ1erc botJ1 parties to a n1arriage in ternlS of t.l1 c Procla1nation are ,'\fricans, tl1e marital po,-ver of tl1e htislJand and the J)roprieLary rigl1ts of the spot1scs are subject lo the rt1le set out i11 s. 25 of tl1e Procla1natio11 illc, Principles o.f.South ,'lfrican Law, P· '�77 Hahlo, H. R. ancl Kahn, E., The Union of .':loulh Africa, . 37. p 8 Sec A 1, para. 9, ante. 0 \-\1

d .J.L.S.d.-0


Part JIJ-Cerzlral and Soutlzer,z 11Jrica

[ibid., s. 24]. Section 25 (I) of tl1e o-0ovcr 11ed by S\vazi law ancl custom Proclamation J)rov1'dcs: icano;;, the consec1t1ences flowing ,\fr are ge rria ma a to tics J)ar h bot ''If and custom applicable fronl tlie inarriagc sl1all l)c govern�d by the law _ ties agree that ll1e con­ tl1e par ge rria ma tl1c to or pri ss 11Jc ti 1 c11 tl 1 to scciueiices follo\ving fro,11 the marriage sl1all be governed IJy t11e '' con1.n1on I a\v. b ,S'uccessio,1• ''If a11 y African \vl10 sl1all not duri11g his lifetime have coiilractcd a la\vful marriage, or \Vl10, being u11m arried, sl1all not be tl1e oflspring of parc11ts la\vft1lly 1narricd, shall die i11tcstatc, his estate shall be adnuriisterccl a11d distributed acc ord ing lo tl1e customs ancl usages of the r tribe or people lo \Vhicl1 l1c ))elongcd: a11d if any contro, ersics or qticstions rcs, regarding Ll1e distrib ti, rela 1led rept or s, tive u­ rela his 11g an10 e sl1all aris tio11 of tl1c 1Jro1Jerly left by him, sucl1 controversies or c1uestions shall be clctcri11i11ccl by a S,vazi Court l1aving jurisdicLio11. '' [_A.dminisLralion of I�statcs l)rocla111ation, No. 28 o f 1902 as amended: La,vs of S\vaziland 2, cafJ. IOI, s. 72 (1)]. [1959], \T<)l. . DERI\'i\1"ION i\ND FORI\I OF TIIE !\tJ\lN SOURCES OF 'fI·IE LEG_.\L SYSTE�I 16 C1·i1ninal Ia,v-\Vl1ere not otl1er,vise provided for i n the Roma11I) t1 tcl1 commo11 la,v, tl1c crimi11al Ia,-v and procedure of S,vazila11cl are govcrnccl by tl1e Cri1ni11al Procedtarc ancl Evidence Proclamation (Proc. N<J. 66 of 1938� �LS an1ended] a11d otl1er statutory enactments [See in ge11cra1 La,-vs of S\.vazilancl [ 1959], \Tol. 1, cap. 35 ft]. I

17 P1·ope.rty and succession-i Properl:) (i) Tl1e Co11Stitution (C!11a1)tcr Eigl1t) J)rovidcs tl1at all rigl1ts of O\\'nersl1ip in Governn1e11t land rnay be exercised IJy tl1e Go, ernn1ent, sttbjcct to existing Ja,,•s in force; a11cl il1aL Ll1c Ng\-vcn.yan1a in Libandla 111a)' exercise all rigl1ts i11 respect of 1nncl ,•esiecl ir1 l1in1 in trust for tl1c S,vazi nation, sul)ject lo the provisions of an)' la\v in force [Constit11tio11, ss. 93 and 94]. 1�11e follo,vi11g r11lc is also provided as an aid to interprctatio11: ''I•'or tl1e avoidance of cloubt iL is 1"1ereby declarecl tl1at Swazi 11atio11al l.1nd is sttlJject to co1npulsory acqttisitio11 for public puri)oses under t �1c Ia,v for tl1� tirne bei11g i11 force relati11g to tl1e compulso11' acq11isi­ L1on of la11cl tor sttcl1 J)ur1)oscs. '' [Co11sliit1tio11, s. 94 (4)]. �11� Ng,ve11yar "?a is also ack110,,·Iedgccl l)y cl1e Co11Stitulio11 as l1aving �1m1lar JJo,vcrs 111 rcsJ)CCt of mi11cral rigl1ts i11, u11der or t1po11 la11cl ,,ested 1•


lrllSl for



ii C!t1sto1�1ar)' la,v is a11 i111porta11t source of tl1e la,v of property in tl1ose arc �s set a.s1clc for tl1c exclusive occttIJatio11 of 1\frica11S by Jegislatio11, a11cl subject to tl1c slalttlor)' rttlcs 111adc apJ)licablc to tl1e1n.9 iii SLa Lttt.c: nt1111crot1s statutes go,,ern tl1e acl11unistratio11 a11d t1se of lar1d ancl otl1cr J)ro1lrictary rigl1ts i11 land a11d relate inter alia to deeds 0

l�g. 'l'l1e Cro,v11 Lancls ancl Nati,,c ,\rcas Orclcr i11 Cotn1cil of 19 11; The S,v�zt 1 \reas ancl S,vazi La11cl Scttlcn1ent. I>roc)am il 1e Control of a11cl atio ns, 1 ,\fi·ica11 I...ar1cl l urcl1asc Jlrocla111atio11s. Sec La,vs of S,vazilancl [ I 959] \!o). 2, -.


ca1J. GO ff.



Szva zila11rl registration, co11cessions, mi11 erals, ,vatcr, rc11 ls and urban areas [See :La,vs of S\'laziland [1959], as a1nen<led, cap. 6, Titles 9, 19 jJassim]. iu The Roman-Dutcl1 common la,-v. b Succession. i Customary law: as appliecl in lh,e S,vazi Courls. ii Statute: proclamations rcg1.1latc l11e ;\d1ninistratio11 of Estates [cap. 101], and the 1naking of ,vills [cap. 103] anc\ alter tl1c con11no,1 la,-v or intestate succession in certain respects [ca[). l 04-]. iii 111e Roman-DL1tch con1.mon law. 18 Marriage and the fantlly-a C11sto111ary la\-v as apJJliccl in tl1c S\vazi Courts. b Statt1tc: tl1e lviarriagc l)rocla1natio.11 1964·; 1l1c DcscrLccl \Vives a11d Children Proclamation; tl1c i\gc of :tvfnjoriLy La,v, ancl the 1\cloption or Cl1ildrcn Proclan1ation [ca1Js. 31_. 32 aricl 34· rcs1)cctivcly]. c Roman-Dutcl1 common la\\'.

19 Delict and contract-a Co11tract. i Custornary la\.v: as a1)1)licc.l in Svv'azi Co11rts. ii Statute: tl1e 1 Iasters and Servants, 1\frican Labot1r, Co11tracts by· 1-\frica11 Chiefs, and Contracts \.Yitl1 1-\frican Iviinors Proclan1ation.s [ca1 )s. 153, iO, 71 and 72 rcspccti·vcly], as ,veil as tl1c f ollo\vi,1.� rclcva11t sLaltl lcs, inter alia: lhe Bills of Excl1a11gc, Cop) rigl1t, Co1n1)anies, Insol\...c11cy ancl Insura11ce Proclamations [caps. 180, 182, 178, 91 ancl 18[ respectively]. iii The Roman-Dutcl1 common la\v. b Delict. i C1.1ston1ary Ia,v: as a1 )pliecl i11 tl1c Swazi Courts. ii Statute: 1vfotor Vcl1icle Insl1rance and \i\1orkn1cn's Compcnsatio11 Proclamations [caps. 210 and 148 respectively]. iii Tl1e l�oma11-Dutcl1 co1nmon la\-v. 1





BJ' A. Jvf. R. Ra111olefe Tl1e inclepe11dent Kingdom of Lesotl10 came into bei11g 011 October 4-, I 966, in ter1 ns of the J.., eso tl10 Independe11ce Order 1966 [S. I. 1966 No. 1172). vVi th a po1)ula tio11 of jtist over one million and an area covering 11, 716 sq11are nulcs, tl1e l(i11gdo111 is a11 e11clavc ,-vithin tl1e Repttl)lic of South Africa a11cl ,vas for111crly the British Colo11y of Basutoland. Tl1e general legal syste1n of tl1e '°ferritory of Bas11toland ,vas establisl1cd by Part II of tl1e Disan11exatio11 of Bas11toland from tl1e Colony of tl1e Cape of Goocl I Io1)c Order in Co11ncil o f Februaf)' 2, 1884, ,vllich pro,.rided, inter alia, tl1at ''all la\\'S in force in Basuiola11d at il1e time ,vhen tlllS Order ta J.::es cf-feet sl1 all co11tint1c in opera tio11 11niil repealed or altered by procla1na­ tion of tl1e I-Iigl1 Co111n1issioner' '. 1\ J)rocla1nation ,vas made by ll1e I-:Iigl1 Con1nussioner on 1viay 29, 188-1-, \Vl1icl1, as an1e11decl later [La\v Re\·ision Proclamation, No. 12 of 1960, s. 7 (2)], pcr1ni ls tl1e a IJplica tion of _L\.frica n la'" i11 .suits to ,-vl1icl1 the parties arc 1\fricans ancl introcl11ced '· tl1c la\-\'S for tl1e tin1e bei11g in force i11 the C:olony of tl1e Ca1)e of Good Hope'' as ,vell as certain _Acts ()f tl1e Parliame11t of tl1at Colo11y I)assccl 011 or before Scpten1ber 29, 1884. Tl1e effect of tl1is Gc11cral La,v I.1 roclamation of 1884 (:'{o. 213 of 1884] a11cl a1nc11cling lcgi.slatio11 i.s tl1at tl1e Ron1.a11-Dt1tcl1 comn1011 la,,• in force i11 1884- i11 tl1 e Colony of tl1e (]ape of Good Hope, a11d st1cl1 statute:; as )1ave not lJee11 clisconti11ued i11 1Jart or ,vl1olly· by enactn1ents of tl1c legislatt1rc of tl1e �l'errilory, are 01Jerati,,e in Lesoil10 [Ge11eral La,v Proc., as a111enclcd, s. 2]. 'I'11c Lesl)tl10 ct1ston1 ary la\\' 1nay be acln1i11isLcred ,vl1ere tl1c parties are 1\fricar1s; moreover it ca11 be a l)p] ie(l e,,e11 to 11011-.-\fricans by the Cer1 tral a11cl Local Courts a11cl 011 a IJIJeal JJro,,icled al,,,a )-·s it is not re1Jt1gna11t to jt1s1ice or n1oralit) nor i11co11.Siste11 t ,vitl1 ll1e 1Jro,! isio11s of :::111)' la,,· in force i11 l�,eso Ll10 [see General La,\" })roe.! as a111e11dcd; a11d �- 9 of t11e C!c11tral a11cl Local C<)11rts Proc., No. 6:2 of I 938, as a1ne11decl]. !



1 1-IE CO URTS Leavir1g asicle for fttller treat111t�11t later tl1e Jttdicial Conm1ittee of tlie J)rivy Cot1r1cil, tl1c Cc)ttrt of ..'\JJpt·ali a11d tl1c I-Iigl1 Court-all of ,,,J1ich fall ,-vitl1i11 tl1c l1icrarclt)' of cot1rts i11 Lcsotl10, tl1e Ki11gclo111's subordi �1�1e cotirls are of t,vo classes: tl1c Cc11tral a11 cl Local Courts a11d Jt1dic ial1 C!o111111issi?11crs' C.; 011rts, ,,·l1icl1 ad111i11ister J)ri111aril)-' tl1e custo1nary la�' _ la\\', i.e. �t11cl tl1c St1bord111,1 te Courts, so-called, ,,·l1icl1 apply tl1e general slatl1te la,v a11cl Ll1c Rt)n1a11-Dutcl1 co111111on Ia,v. '

1 \i<.)r cliagratn of co11r1s sy.sti:-111, sec • .\1)i:>e11clix,/10s!. 248

Lesotho :-\1


The establi�l1mc �t, in terms of S.l. 1954· No. I 3 70 [brot,g11 t into OJ)eration by Proclan1aL1on �o. ,J8 of 1955 � of the Jt1 dicial Co1111nittee as 1I1c I,ighest court of ap1)eal still stands, st,bJect to an1end 111cnls ,vl1icl1 clcrivc in part from Lesotho's cl1a11ge of constitt1 tional status.

.·-\?- TI-IE COURT 01;,

:\l)l>E 1\T.,


l Establishn1ent-�l1is COttrt, \Vl1ic\1 SUJ)Crscclccl tl1e for1ner joint Cot1rt of t-\I)})Cal for Bast1t0Ia11cl, tl1c Bccl1ua11alnnd l)rotcctorate ancl S\vazila11cl 1 ,vas establisl1ccl b)' s. 115 (l) of tl1c 1966 Constitution.

2 Composition-'I'J1e cotirt is co111 1)c,sccl of 1l1c Presic.le11t and st1cl1 nu,nber, if any, of Jt1sti<.:es of :.\p[)Cal as 111a)' l)c 1)rC$Cribccl l:>y Parlia111cnt, ancl also tJ1c Chief Jtisticc ai1cl the ptlis11c juc.lges, j(' a11y, of Lhc IIigh Court e.'I: o_{Jicio. Parlia111ent 1nay 111ake pro,,isio11 for 1f1c office of l)rcsiclenl. to lJe l1eld by th.e Cl1iefJustice e.., �[licio [Constitutio11 1966, s. 115 (2)]. The quortrn1 co1tsi.sts of an t1 11cvc11 11un1bcr of judges, not l)cing less tl1an tl1rec� except ,vl1erc tl1e cot1rt is dctcr1nini 11g a11 i11 LcrlocL1 tory n1c1 tte1 [Constitution 1966, s. 119 (2)].

3 Jurisdiction-original-Tl1c court l1as original jt1risclictio11 in queslio11s of st1 ccessio11 to the 1·11ronc of Lcs0Ll10. Ir tl1cre shot1lcl l) r a11 abdication by· or tl1e clcatl1 of tl1c So,,creig11, the College of ChiL"fs i-; rcc1uirr.cl ",vitl1 all practicable S})Cecl a11cl i11 accorcla11cc ,vitl1 the cu�to1nary la ,v of Lesotl10" to dc5igna tc a persor1 to succcccl to tl1e office of l(i11g (Con.'>ti Lu lioi 1, s. 33 (? j] ; s11 cl1 desig11:1 tion t11a)' IJe cl1allcngccl ,-vi th i,1 six 111.011 ths I))' any person ,vho clai1n-; tl1at l1 c s11 oulcl J1avc been clcsignatecl i11slcacl [s. 33 (3), Constitt1tion]. Tl1c Cot1rt of 1.\ppeal 111a)', upo11 tl1c a1)1)lication of any person, also itself clesignate a Rcge11t in certain circtunstanccs [Constittttio11, s. 3-1 (3)].

4 Juriscliction-appellate-\·Vl1ile in s. 5,1. (6) tl1c Constitulio11 confers fi11ality upon clccisions b)' tl1e J-Iigl1 Cottrl of c1uestiort.,; as to tl1c 1nc-111bersl1ip

of Parlian1e11t, tl1e Constitution provides for a1 J1)cals as of rigl1t fro 111 tl1e High Court in ll1c cases specified in tl1c follov,•i11g scctio11s: i Section 121 ( l). (a) final clecisions i11 a11y civil or crir11i11al I)I"1.)ceedi11g;; on qt1estions as to the interpretation of tl1c Constitt1tion; (b) fi11al clccisior1s given i n the exercise of tl1e j urisdictio11 co11ferrecl 011. 1!1c I-Iigl1 C!ourt by s. 20 of the Conc;tiltttion, \vl1ich relates to tl1e cnforcc111cr1.t of fu11cla111cntal human rights and frccdon1s; (c) fi11al decisio11s of tI1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt in th.c cletcrmination o[ a11y of the c1ucslio11s for ,vhicl1 a rigl1t of access to tl1t� High Court is guaranteed l)y s. 16 of tl1e Co11stitt1 tio11, vvl1ich relates to the rigl1ts of IJersons whose property or i11tcrcst tl1crei11 is corn1)ulsoril)1 acqttirecl. ii St:clion 122 (2). (a) fi11aI dccisio11S in a11y civil })rocecclir1gs \Vl1erc tl1c maiter in dispttte o n tl1e ap1)cal is of tl1e value of R. 1000 or up\-\·ards or '>vl1cre tl1e a1)J)eal involves clircctly· or inclirectly a claitn to or ciucstion 2,�9

p,1 rt JIl-Centrnl nnrl ,S'o1.,tl1er1i .11�(rica e of�- 1000 or �JJ\ 'arcls; ( b) final lu va tl1 cJf l1t rig a or ty Jcr � JI"O � _ respcclirig I } _ s, gc ty of r1a lli a11�l (c) sucli ar nu or n l1o ]t1 sso d1 � for s ing ccl cc Jro i,i s oJl isi dcc I p rescr1l)ed by Parl1a1ne11 t. be y 1na as gs i11 ccl ce ro J il J civ 11 j is ior otlicr decis tha t g�,,e tl1e decision, from ;\pJJCc:tls also J ic, ,vith leave of tl1e �oLtrt 1n tl1e follo,v1ng cases: al Jc JJJ i\ of t ur Co c tl1 } {r to l tir Co i tlie I-Ii in the opinion of tl1e court c, ter ,vl clin cc pro il civ y 1 ar 1 1 i � 1s i isio ? a cl:c _ . d 111 tl1e aJ)p eal I.S o ne tl1at, by tliat ga\'C tlic clecision, tl1e c1 ucs11on 1nvo �ve _ g]1t to lJc subrmtted to tlie ot1 e, ,v1s 1cr otl or 11cc rta 1po 11 i at gre its of 1 so1 rea Court of i\.ppcal; and b sucl1 otl1cr decisions i1 1 civil proceedings as ma)' IJc prescribed l)y ParIia111e11t [ Co11stitu ti011, s. 122 (3)]. . Section 123 (il) JJrcscribcs tl1at an apJJeal shall lie to tl1e Court of 1-\ppcal fr0111 a sti1)orcli1 1atc cotirt or a cot1rt-n1artial i 11 suc l1 cases ( other lhan the cases rcferrccl to i11 s. 123 ( 1)) (sec r'\3, para. 4 (i), post) as ma)' be prescribed IJy a11y Ia,v. 5 I> 1·ocedu1·e-a Cri111ina l. Court of 1\ppeal Rt1les; Higl1 Con1missio11cr's Notice 14· l of I 955, as a111c11rled, ss. 21-30; b C'ivil. 1..:1.C.N. I•ll of 1955, as a1nc 11cled, ss. 31--44.

(�ON"fll(Jl� 01" COUR'l'

6 l\.PJJeals-f\I JJJcals lie from certain decisio11S of this Court to tl1c See also S.I. 1954, Judicial C:orrunittcc [Constit1.1tio11, ss. 121, 122]. l'Jo. 1370-1\pJJcals to the Privy Cot111cil Order, as amended b y S.I. 1965, No. 132.



1 Establish111.ent-Prior to tl1e creation of a I-Iigl1 Cotirt i11 1938 [by l)roc. 57 of 1938] a cot1rt cxercisi11g sin1ilar functio1is and ju.risdictio11 , vas operc:tti11g 11nc.lcr tl1e st)' Jc of ll1c Cotirt of tl1e Rcside11t Co1n1russioncr l_.l� rc>c. 213 of I 884-]. rfl1c t)rcse11t l·ligl1 Cot1rt \Vas cstablisl1ecl lJy s. I IO ( l) ol tl1e Co11stittttio11. 2 Co�positio11-1"lu:: 1..:1igl1 Cc.1t1rt co1isists of 1l1e Cl1icf Justice ancl sucl1 11,.1n1lJ�r, if a11y, _ or_ otl1er jticlges (kno,,·11 as pt1is11e jt1dges) as 1nay lJe JJresc�·1 lJc(l l)y I)arl1an1c11t [Co11stitt1tio11, s. 110 (2)]. Tl1e Cl1ief Justice is ::tJ}J)<)ii1t<:cl l)y tl1c l(i11g acti11g i11 accorcl:111c c ,vitl1 tl1e advice of tl1e Prime J\,[i 1ist�r [Co11Slitt1t ic111, s. 11 l (I)], a11cl tl1e p1. 1is11e judges by tl1e King, � •1 c ing _1 11 ccorcla 11ce ,vi1 l1 tl1c acl,,ice of tl1c Jutiicial Service Con11nissio11 ! � [Co1�t� tt 1_1 1 on, _ _ s. 111 (2)]. 1�11c qt1ort1111 of t l 1e Coi.irt is 011e jt1dge, t1nless the C,l1icl J t1st1cc otl1er,visc clirccts [l:-Iigl1 Cot1r t 1\ct I 967, s. 3 (2) ]. · ·· d · · 3 Jt11·isclictio11-0 1·1g111a · '> • I-1..,11e Court l1as ,v1tl11n Lesotl10 unl1m1tc . . . . . ori� 11al Jt1rtsclictio11 in ci,,il a11d cri1ni11al 1na ttcrs [Co11stitution, s. 110 (I)]. � It 15 �lso c 111JJO\verccl IJ)' tl1c Co11st iltttio11 to clecide at first i11stance tl1e fol lo\v1ng 111a ttcrs:



n a clain1 or clain1S by any J)Cr::;0 11 (or a 1)erso11 acli11g on belialf or i? respect of anotl1er \ l10 h s b cn clctainccl) tl1 at any of the J)rovi­ � � � _ _ s1011S of ss. 4 to 19 of tl1c Co11st1t�1 t1on rclat111 g Lo the protection or _ ht1 nta ma funclan1.� l n r1gl11s arc being or arc likely to f)e contravcnccl in relation to the clai111a 1 1t or ir1 relatio11 to tl1c {JCr!;o1 1 detained [Constitution, s. 20 (1), (2)]; • • • • b al1y c1uest1on 1n any proccccl111 gs 111 a11y st1 bc>rdi 11 a1.e c0t1 rt arisir)g . as to tl1c contravcnl1011 of any of tl1c provisions of ss. 4. lo 19. as noted al)ovc, \vlticl1 is rcfcrrccl lo tl1e I-Iigh, Cot1rl [C1oi1.'ililutio11,

s. 20 (3)];

c any qt1 estio11 as to Ll1c i11ter1)rctatio11 of 1l1e Constilt1tion ;irising ir1 the cot1rse of proceedings i,1 an)' !)ttl)ordi 11atc cot1rl', \vli ici1 that cot1 rt, being of tl1e 01Jinion ll1at ll1c C[ttcstion, i11 ,,0J,,cs a sttlJsta11tial questior1 of 1a\v, ma)' itscJf refer, or shall so refer upon request IJ y ar1y IJarty to tl1c 1)rocccdi11gs co11rcrnccl, 10 tl1 c I-Iigl1 c·:()t1rt rc:011stittttio11, s. 11 :1 ( l)]; <I applications by a1 1y 1Jerson l1aving an i11tcrcst ii1 or rigl1 t o,;cr1>ro1)cr1.y \v}1icl1 is co1npt1Isorily taken JJOsscssioT1 of or ,vl1ose i 11 1crcst or right over any property is compulsoril)' acqttirccl (()onst it1.ttio11, s. 16 (2)]; c qt1estio11S co11ccr11i11.g tl1c 111 c1nbcrshi1) of ])arlia1ncnt [Co11 stit1.1lion) s. 5�} (I)]; [)ror1our1cements over these f)y tl1c I-Iigl1 Court, a<; ,ve ol)senrcd at 1\2_, para. 4, ante, are riot subject to ar)I)(·.al; f applications for tl1e qt1asl1i11g of a clecision i 11 resrJcct of la11cl allocation by tl1e tril)u11 als estalJlisl1ccl i11 tcrn1.c; of ss, 95-99 of tl1.c Co11Stitt1tior1 .

4 Jurisdiction-appellate-i General. A1)JJcals Jic as of rigl1 t to tl1c Higl1 Cot1rt from final decisions given l)y any std)orclinalc cottrt or a cottrl­ m artial in any civil or crimi11al procec<li11gs on questio11S as to ll.1c intc:r1)rctc1-

tio11 of the Co11Stitt1tion (excluding st1cl1 qL1eslio11s as l1a,1c l) ccn refer reel lo the Higl1 Cottrt in pttrsuancc of s. 114 (I): see A3, !Jara. 3 (c), ante), or a� to infractior1s of any of tl1e pro\risio11S of �s. 4- to I 9 of the Co11s ti tu ti011, not being questions tl1at l1ave been rcferrecl to tl1e I-Iigl1 C: 0111·t in lcrzns of s. 20 (3): sec ;\3, para. 3 (b) [Constitt1tio11, s. 123 (I)]. But an appeal from a decision gi,,en by a stiborclinalc court or cotn·t­ marti aJ in any of tl1e cases refcrrccl t o i11 s. 123, cited icn111ec.liately above, shall not lie direct to tl1e !-Iigl1 Cot1rt if, ttncler a11 y la\v, a1JJ)eal lies as of right from that clecision to another suborclinalc court or court-martial or an appeal fro1n tl1at decision lies to a11otl1cr st1borcli11ate cotu·t or court­ martial witl1 leave of Lhc cotirt that ga\rc tl1e clecision, or of son1.e otl1er court, and tl1at leave l1 as not IJccn \·viLl1!1cJcl [Cor1slilt1tion, s. l23 (2)]. 1-\ppcals lo the I-Iigl1 Cot1rt as of ri,i;I1t Jic al�o fron1 fi11al clecisio11S given l)y anv st1 bordiJ1a tc court in a11y case i11 ,vl1icl1, if tl1c clecision of tl1e subordinate \Vere a decision of tl1e I-Iigl1 Courr, a5 a1)J)cal ,vould lie as of rigl1t to the Court of :\} Jpeal ttncler s. 122 [sec 1\2, para. t� (ii)], save ,vl1cre a an appeal lies as of rigI1t fro1n tl1al (lccisio11 to tl1e Cot1rt of ..-\ppeal: or 251

Part //!-Ce11tral an(! ,S'oz1t/1e.rn Aji·ica • lJeal ,vitl1 ii ail aJJpcal lies fron1 tl1al clccision t� _tl1c Court of .l\.Jl

lea vc of tl1 e cotirt tl1 aL ga ,,e tl1 e clcc1s1on or of some o tl1er cotirt v itl1held; ar1cl wl1cre, t1nclcr any la,v J v cn l)c 1 ot r as 1 e av le at 1 ail<l tl b i ail a1Jpcal lies as of rigl1t fro111 Ll1at decisio11 to anotl1er stibordi11 atc cot1rt; or L ii an aiJJJeal I ics fro1n tl1at clccision lo a11 other stt 1?:di11 a te court ,vitJ1 tlie leave of tl1c cot1rl tl1at ga,,e ihal clcc1s1on, or some otlier court, a11d tl1at leav e has not lJeen ,vit.l1}1 eld [ConstiluLion, s. 123 (3)]. ii Civil. f\ppe; I s lie to tl1e I-Iigh Cotrrt from clcci�io11s of sulJordinatc cotirts or a court-n1 artial i11 st1cl1 cases (other than cases refcrrccl to in A3, !Jara. 4 . (i), or i11 1\3, )Jara. i} (i) a a11d b, ant:-), as 111ay l)c �rescrill;cl 1)y a11 y la,v. Exa1n1 )les of st1ch cases a�c found 1� tl1e Suborcl11�ate Courts J )rocla1 11atio11 [No. 58 l1f I938] i n ss . .J 1 and 54 in terms of ,vl11cl1 a parly n1a)" apr)cal agai11sl 11 jtlclgn1c11t for tl1e JJlai11 tifT CJ11 l1 is clain1; b jt1clg11 1e11t for l11 c defe11 cla11 t 011 l1.is clain1; c a bsolt1 tio11 fron1. tl1 c i11c; tance; £1 j1.1dg111c11L as to costs; e any rt1lc or order l1 aving tl1c effect of a final and clefiri.iti,rc se11le11cc; a11cl f a clccisio11 on a11 cxce1 Jtio11 tinder certain circun1Sta11 ces. 13)' agrecrl1c11t i11 \vriting loclgcd ,vitl1 tl1e subordinate court before tl1e slar'L or tl1 c I1cari11 g, tl1 e parties 1nay co11se11t tl1at the Cot1rt's decision sl1all l)e fi11al [S.C.l)., s. 53]. iii (�'ri,nina l. 1\11y LJerso11 co11vicLccl by a juclgn1.enr of an1' subordinate ct)llrl, i 11 cJt1cli11 g a pcrso11 (liscl1 argccl after co11 ,,ic1io11 , n1.ay apJJeal to tl1e l -ligl1 C:c,L1rt agai11st il1e conviction a11 d se11tencc or order [S.C.P., s. 73]. 1\ case 111ay )Jc reqttirecl to be stated i11 arl)' cri1ninal J)roceedi11 gs giving a <.lceisio11 i11 favotir of 1l1e acct1secl on a matter of Ia,v ancl tl1e Director of l)ttlJl ic l)rosectltio1 1s or J)roscctitor 111 ay a ppe:i. I fro111. ll1 e clccisio11 to tl1e I-ligl1 Cot1rt [S.C.P., s. 73 (7), (8) ]. iv 11/J/Jeals froui Central anti Local Courts. 2 Decisio11s fro1n tl1esc C!ourts are aJJpcalalJle to tl1e C!ourt of tl 1c Jt1dicial Con1missio11er and from thence lo tl1e I-Iig] 1 C�otirt only by ,-va)' of a qt1estio11 of Ja,v or ct1sto111 ary Ia,v reserved lJy tl 1 c Juclicial Coin missioner at tl1c i11 sLance of eitl1er IJarty or of l1is o,vn 1no I ior1 or t11)011 a cert ifica le of tl1c Jt1dicial Co1runissio11er tl1 at tl1 e case is orlc fit. f()r aJJIJcal 011 arl)' grot111d ,vl1 icl1 to l1i111 ap1Jears sufficie11t for appeal [Ce11tra] ancl I...ocal Courts l)roc., No. 62 of 1938, as a1ne11 dcd, s. 28]. CONTJ�OL OF COURT

6 Ap1)eal--a Cri111i11al a/J/Jeals. i\r1y JJerso11 co11victed lJy tl1e Iiigl1 Cotirt . 111 a) aJ)JJeal agai11 st l1 is co1 1,,ictio11 or agai11st tl1e sente11ce JJasscd unless s \1c]1 se11tc11cc i� 011 c fixecl by la,v; ancl a11yo11e aggrie,,ecl b)' a jt1dgme11 t . g1ve11 1)y tl1c I-I1g l1 Cot1rt in tl1c exercise of its a1 Jpella te jt1risdiction 111a)' . aJJ}Jca] ,v11l1 lca,,c of tl1c Cot1rl of 1\ JJJcal or tipon tl1c certificate of tl1e 1 1

..;. '1'11c ii1 rrncr Na--·


--- - -

· ----·· ------- ·------


tivc Courts as re�11an 1ell by Rcgt1la t ion No. 1 O of 1965, s. 2.



Lesotho juclge \Vl10 }1earcl tl1e appeal _011 ail)' grot1ncl of al)}Jeal i,1volvi iig a questioii of J a,,· but 11ot tlpon a CJt1cst1011 of fact 11or against tl1c severity of sentence [C. of ...\. Proc., No. 72 of 195'�, s. 3 (I), (2)). b Civil af,peals. .�\ppeals lie from j t1dgmenls gi\'Cn i 11 tl1e CotirL's cxcrci.�e j of its original juriscliction ,vl1cre st1cl1 t1clgme111s arc final or clcfi 1iitivc and ,,·ith lca\·c by tl1e Court of r'\ppeal, fro111 a11 intcrloc11tory orclcr, a11 orclc;. made c :" / �arle _o�· an order a � l ? �os�s or1ly. Decisions 111adc !)y tile l{igh Court 1n 1ts c1v1l appellate Jt1r1scl1cl1or1. arc ai)J)ealablc only ,vitli leave or 1l1c C o11rt of .\ppcal or LtJJ011 ll1c certificate of tl1e j11clgc ,vl1o heard tile a1:tpeal, ancl sucl1 ap11cal sl1all be grot111clccl or1ly 011 a c1 ucstio 11 of la\v arl<l noL of fact (C. of.:\. l)roc. 1954·, s. l t ( l), ( 2) ]. ,\n appeal sl1a}l lie to tl1c C!ottrt of 1\p1Jcal vvl1crc IJrovision is cx1Jrcssly made i11 any Procla 111a tion for st1cl1 .a11 alJ{JCal (C. of /\. llroc. 1954·, s. ! 3J. 0

L.'\\'v TO BE 1\D:'>11NISTERED

8 General /stattitor y Ia,,"-Scc i111rod1tctory section, p. 248, ant,;.

9 Local ancl custon1ary la,v-i'vlay !Jc a<.hrlinisterccl if ll1c cotirt tl1inks it is appropriate. 1-\4 SUBORD1Nt\TE COURTS CONSTITUTION



1 Establishment-TI1e S111Jordinatc Cot1rts '<vcrc cstablisl1ccl lJv th.c Subordinate Courts Proclalnatio11 [No. 58 of 1938, as a1nenclccl ], ancl th ebasis for tl1eir co11S ti tlllior1 \Vas altered i11 1964· [by })roe. 5 of 1964·]. '] ·1 i is arrangen1ent \vas left tu1cl1a11ged ttIJOn i11clepc11clcncc. 1"'}1c C:<)urts arc of tl1c follo\\·ing classes: a Resident ?\-Iagislrate; b First Class; c Second Class; rl Third Class: e Special Class. 2 Compositio11-01Jl)' appoi11ted 1nagistratcs arc entitled (o l1olcl cacl1 of the Courts listed abo\'e. The area ,vitl1in \vl1icl1 a Resident 1\1Iagistrale 1nay exercise JJ0,vc1·s a11cl jurisdiction under the procla111atio11 ( S.C.P.), as a111c11cled, cxtencls to tl1c \-vl101e cottntry. That area is by la,v to lJe spcci ficd i11 l1is aJJIJoint111c11t ancl is subject to tl1e rules made by tl1c C!hief.J t1stice tinclcr s. 82 [S.C.P., s. 5 (3)]. • �Resident lv[agistrate may also exercise any JJo,,·crs a11cl juriscliction conferrecl by any Ja\v on a n1agislralc of all)' otl1cr class (S.C!.P., s. 4 (4)]. Special Class magistrates are appointee! ,vitl1 st1cl1 IJO\Vcrs ancljurisdiction as n1ay frorn time to time be JJ1·cscribccl IJy tl1c C!l1ief Jtisticc i11 rules n1adc u11cler s. 82 of tl1c S.C.P. (S.C.P., s. 5 (6 )]. It is la�vful for a cour� o� any class to take cognisance of a11<l n1akc orclcrs i11 relation to any_ 1Jrel1m1�1a:Y or interlocutory proceedings i11 a11y case \Vl1icl1 wotdcl otl1er\v1s': b� ':· 1t�un the jurisdicLion only of a S11borclinate Cottrt of a greater JUrlScl1ct1on [S.C.P., s. 4 (2), proviso].


Part ///--Central t111rf ,S'o11ther11 Africa i i\ll St1lJorcli1 1a te Cot1rts 1 1 a,·e /. ua ni ri, (: al in ·ig 01 on ti ic sd ri Ju 3 ition. But rules d l;Cd a11 er ur? 11 r1 aso trc e sav , � ces en off all cr 0,, j tirisdictio11 111ay ft1rtl1cr l1m1t tl1 c cla�scs of offe11ccs <J\'er .P. S.C c 1 tl of 82 s. r dc ttri inade ) on c.;ti .l di .C ris ise LS ., s. 60]. ju erc ex ay 1n ass Cl ,vl 1 icI1 cottrls of tl1e 81)ecjal 1lio11s 1nay re1nit with i11crcascd j t1risdicti o11 t scc Pro c lJli Pu of or ect Dir Tlie cl Classes cases i11 \vllicl1 a to Stiborclinate Cot1rts of tl1c F'irst a11cl Sccon se bei11 g cases ordinarily the d, l1el n bee cl l1a n tio 11a 1ni exa ory rat JJa pre [ ss. 64·, 65]. beyond tl1e jt1risd ictio11 of tl1cse cot1 rts sec S. C.P., The Director of PulJlic Prosecutions n1a y remit a case to IJe dealt \vitl1 ttnder its orcli 11 ar)' jt1risclictio11 by tl1c Subordi11ate Court of the dislrici in \Vhicl1 tl1 e IJreparatory cxa111i11 atio11 ,vas l1eld. But 1nt1rder and treason are I1cre excepted [Cri 111i1 1al Proceclure a11cl E,,iclencc Proc., No. 59 of 1938, s. 90 (I)({!)]. ii 'l,l 1crc are tl 1e follo,ving lin1i La tio11s on tl1 e criminal ptt11isl1 mc11 ts ,vhich tl1c Stt borcli11atc Cot1 rls n1 ay i111JJOSC: , 11 Rcsiclc11t l\ lagistrale s Cot1rt-in11Jrison1ncnt for a period not exceeding -'-1- )'Cars; a fine of R. I000 or less or, in default of payment, imprison111cnl for 4 years or less; and ,vhippi11g, subject to the provisions of s. 82 a11cl to a11y otl1cr 1 )rovisions of i.he S.C.P., not exceeding 15 strokes ,v.itl1 a ca11c. b SulJorcli11atc C:ot1rt of tl1c First Class-im1)risonment for a period of t,vo ,'cars or sl1orlcr; a i1ne 11ot exceeding R. 200 or, in default of JJayn1c11 t, i1nrJriso11111c11l for tl1c period prescriIJed inm1edia le ly above; a11cl 110 t 111ore tl1a11 15 s lrokcs ,,,i tl1 a ca11e. c St1borcli11atc C!otirt of L11e Scco11d Class-impriso11mcnt for tip io 011e year; ,1 firlc of R. I00 or less or, i11 default of payn1e11t, in1prisonment for tl1c periocl give11. above; strol�es ,viLl1 a ca 11e-not exceeding 8. ll �rl1irtl Class St1bordi11ate Courts-6 mo11tlis' i111.priso11111e11t; a fi11c c,f R. 50 or ir111Jrisonmcnt upo11 failtire to J)a)'; tl1.e Court Illa)' not order \VlliIJJJing [S.C!.P., s. 62 ]. C'iuil. a rI'l1c j L1risclictior1 of t l1c-sc cot1rts i11 civil 111a ttcrs is as follo,\·s: i in a11 � actio11 fot1 ncled t1po11 all)' bill of excl1a11ge, J)ro 111.isso1,' i1ote, goocl-ft)r, lJond or otl1er ,vritte11 ack110\\'ledo-e111.ent of debt co11uno11ly called a "lic1t1icl doct1111c11t'', to a11 a111ot111� not exceedi11g in a llcsiclen l. lvlagislratc's Cot1 rts R. 2000 a11d any i1 1terest cl1 arged tl1crco11 ' b Stiborcli11ale Cot1 rts of t.11.e First Class R. 1000 IJlus a11y i11terest due: c ? tilJorcli11a te Cot1rts of tl1e Scco11cl Class R. 500 i 1 1clt1ding a11y 111tcre�t cl1argcablc tl1crco11 [S.C.P., s. 16 (I) (b)]. .. . 11 I 11 a11y acti �11 i1 1 ,vl1icl1 is clai1ned tl1e deliver)' of a11y properly, 11 1oval)lc or 11111110,,ablc, ,vl1crc tl1e ,1alt1e of tl 1c properly does not exccccl a R. 2000 i11 Rcsiclc11t .l\ Iagistrate's Courts· b R. 1000 i11 St1borcli11ate Courts of tl1 e Fir�t Class· and c R. 500 i11 St1borcli11ate Cot1rts of tl1e Tlurd Cl�ss of tl1e S.C.P., ancl tlic claii11 111ay be, sttbjcct to tl1e J)ro,risions of s. 1





Lesotho in lieu o� or in adclitio11 lo an y otl1'?r claim, i11clt1cli11 g a claim for ca ncellat1011 of any agr ee n1ent rclat111g to st1cl1 property. I n a11y . . _ • _ t'. CJCC tment. of the acti•on 1or occupier of a 11y l1ot1sc, Ja nel, O.1 }Jrcm1se ·. . · . . , the l1n11ts · t-l1e d.1str 1ct situated \VI'tl11n spccifiecl in clc l ivcry clairru above apply [S.C.P., s. lG (1) (b), (c), ({l)]. d In tl1c case of a Courl of S1Jccial Class in a11 ·y ac tio11 i 11 \Vlticl1 tl1c dispute relates to do,vry a11d in st1cl1 otl1cr n1attcrs ,vitl1 out a , ' ,. n) . . t as to v aI tie, as 1nay b e tJ rcsr ribccl t1nclcr 11m1 s. 82 or tlic S.c:. p.

[S.C.P., s. 1 6 (1) (e)].

e Subordinate Cou r ts of tl1c rl"l1ircl Class l1,1ve 110 civil jurisclictic,n [S.C.P., s. 16 (3)]. Subject to tl1� IJ�·o:isio n s ors. 29, citccl i111t11ccliatcly bcl o,-v, ll1c _ courts I1avc Jt1r1sd1ct�o11 t o � lc �cr111 �11c n11y ,1cLiol1 l)r I)roccclli11g _ : _ otl1erw 1 sc bcyoncl tl1c1r Jur1scl1ct1<)11 , 1f Ll1e parties consc11 L i11 ,vrilinu· e. tl1creto [S.C.P., s. 28]. b St1borcli nale C!ourls l1av·c 110 jurisclicliu11 i11 Ll1c follo\vi11_g: i dissolution of n1arriagc or jt1dicia l sc1Jaratio11 or sejJarali() bonor11111 nr married perso11s, save as proviclccl lly a11y 0Ll1cr la\vs; ii val idity or interpretation of ,vil ls; iii tl1 e status of persons in rcs1Jcct of 1TLC11tal ca1Jacity; iv specific perfor111a11ce ,vitl1out tl1c allcrnati,,c of a J)a·y111c11t of clan1agcs except tl1e transfer or dc li,•ery of pro1)erty a11cl tl1c rc11dcring or as accotmt: v a decree of perpett1al silence; vi provisional scnte11ce [S.C.P., s. 29, as a n1cndccl lJy l"lroc. 5 of 19G•l, s. 12]. Transfer of.11 ct-ions. If� al a11y Li n1e afLcr tl1e isstic of a st1n1111011s� iL ,q> J)•:ars to the cotirt tl1 at tl1 e actio11 is ,vitl1i11 tl1e jL1risclicti o11 of an)' 0Ll1cr co11r1 cstablisl1cc l i n tl1c cot111lry (other t l1 a11 tl1c I-li.�h Cot1rl) a11cl ,vc,111<1 lie rnorc conveniently dealt ,vitl1 i11 sucl1 othe r cot1rt, tl1c cot1rl 111�ty transf,:r tile.: action to st1cl1 other cot1rt [Proc. 5 of 1964-, s. 8 (2)]. St1bjccL Lo t l1e pro"\-ri::;ions of s. 60 (sec i\4·, 1):-1ra. 3 (i), an!tJJ, a11,' p1..·rs()fl cl1arged ,..,; tl1 a ny offen cc c om111i Lled ,vitl1 i11 ar1y acl 1ni11i::;lra ti,,c lli� t ri ct shall, tinless tl1 cre is in tl1c opinio11 of a 111.agisLratc goocl rcaso11 l<> Lhc co11trary, or some otl1er provision of tlus scctit111 ap1)lic�! l)c lricd l)y a cotirt in that administr ative district; J) rovitlc cl tl1al the Cl1ic-f .J usticc or a � ll J ltdgc of tl1e High Court, or, in Lhcir al)se11cc, tl1 c Registrar of tl1e 11ig Court may, for goocl cat1sc s110,vn, order tl1 al a11y cri111i11a l case or cases be transferred for tria l from tl1c clisLrict i11 ,vl1icl1. tl1c oflc1 1cc ,vas co111111itlctl to a11y otl1cr dis Lrict [S. C.P., s. 61 (I)]. . An action in a Second Class Cot1rt i 11 ,vl1icl1 the an1ot1nt of Ll1c claim exceeds R. 200, exclusive of i 11tercsl a11Ll costs, 111a)', t11)011 tl1c a pplication of the defenclanl or one of tl1c clefcndants l)c rc1novcc l to a Fir.st Class Sub­ ordinate Court. 1\ 11y action i n a First �r Sec<>11d Class Cot1rt i 1 1 ,vl1icl1 tl1c claim exceeds R. 400 xnay, upo n dcfcnclant'.s _a1JI)li_ca�iln1, IJ� r��ov_ccl to the High Court except that a civil ca use or action ,v1tll111 tl1c J ur 1Sd1c t1on of



Part II I-C'eufral and .s·outhern Africa 11.ot be i11stitt1tecl or removed to Stiborcl ii iatc Cottrt of tl1e First Class 111ay e of a J· u�g� ?ran�d i� Cha _n1bcrs, a11d tlicn tllc I-Iigl1 Cou�t save \ViL]1 lca _ l1c�1 Jarly [S.C.P., 3_ ( 1 ), (2)]. 1 only after 11ot1ce to tl1e ot 4 Jurisdictio11-Review/Revisionary-Evcry magistrate, i11 liis caJ)acily as tlic l10Icler of a St1�orclinatc �ourt, has I JO\Ver �o r: vise a11y crii ninal proceeclings, eitl1er of }11s o:"'Il �ot �on or 011 tJ1e apJJl1cat1on of the 1 any party e mad b) is n 1cat1o appl an tl1creto. if er n1att civil or ccl accus I-le 111a; order a re-trial l)y tl1e court i11 ,,,I1ich tl1e }Jroceedings l1ad taken place or ]Jcforc a11y oll1cr Ce11tral or Local Co�rt _of co1np�t� 11t jurisdiction or 1nay transfer the cause or 1natter, ,vl1ctl1cr cr1m1nal or c1\11I, and ,vhether lJcfore or after se11le11ce is passed or jt1dg 111cnt given, to any St11)ordinalc Cotirt of con1pcte11t jt1risdictio11 [Cc11tral and Local Cot1rts Proc., s. 26]. i\ll scntc11ccs i 11 crimi11al cases irnposed lJy a St1borcli11ate Cot1rt of t11e ..l'l1ircl Class arc stibject to rcvie,v as of cot1rsc by a Rcsidei1t I\'fagistrate or a I\Jagistrale c1 1.titlecl to exercise first class po,vers a11cl jt1risdictio11 ,vitl1ot1t }J1·cjt1clice to tl1e rigl1t of appeal against the sentence [S.C.P., s. 66, as a1nc11clcd l)y Proc:. 5 of I964·, s. 1 7]. All sc11tc11ces in criminal cases, in ,vl1icl1 tl1c pu11isl11nents a\\'arded is i 1n1Jrisonn1ent for any periocl exceeding 1 8 1no11tl1S or a fi11e exceeding ll. 500 (in the case of a Rcsiclent :tvfagistrates' Co11rt), or a period of iin­ r>riso11111ent cxccccli11.g 6 n1ontl1s or a fine exccedi11g R. 100 (in il1e case of courts of tl1e First Class), or for a JJeriod exceeding 3 mo11tlis or a fine cxceccling R. 50, or a11y \Vl1ippi11g (i11 tl1e case of courts of t11e Seco11d ar1cl 'I'l1ircl Classes) are strbject to revie,v as of course by tl1e Higl1 Court ,-vill1ot1t prejttclice to tl1e rigl1t of aJJtJeal [S.C.P., s. 67, as credited 1Jy Proc. 5 of 1964, s. 18]. 5 Proccd11re-a C'ri,ninal. Cri1ni11al Procedure a11d E\-iclcnce Pro­ cla1nation, No. 59 of I 938. l">art III, S.C.J> ., ss. 60-63.

b Civil. Jlart II, S.C.P., ss. 15-59, a11d St1bordinate Court Rules, IIigl - 1

Co1nmissio11er's Notice III of I 9��3. CONTROI, OF COUllTS

6 Appeal, 1·evie\\', re,1isio11-a .,,·1JJ/1tals. 1\ J)art)' lo a1 1 civil suit, 1 · t1r1less tl1e parties l1ave agreed tl1at t.l1c clecisio11 of tl1c cot1rt sl1all be .fi11a], 111a Y aJJpeal to tl1e 1-J igl1 c:l1t1rt agai11st a11 jud i11e11t, rule or orcler l1a,ring y g Ll1c effect of ,1 fi11al scntc1 1cc, or, ,vl1c11 Ll1c JJarties co11ccr11ed consent to :5\icli ar1 a JJpeal agai11st a clccisio11 o\ ·crrt1li11cv or tlJJl1olcl ir1 o- a11 exception b 0 r.:1·]. · .. J. r.:3-:Jl [s . . C,'• l' . ��Ev �ry ))C-r:-.011 co11viclccl I))' a jt1clg111e11t of a St1l)ordi11atc Cottrt, i11clt1ding oi�c cliscl1,1 rgecl after co 11vic1 io11, 111ay a J Jcal aga i11st sucl1 con, ictio11 l'o tl1c 1 1. .· 1-J 1gl1 C:<Jttrt [S' ' · C· I.., ·, s. 73 ( l)] . \\' ·'I1crc a · · is I 1arge cr11n111al su11111101 i s or c . : . clrsmi -;s�tl at a11y stage c)f tl1c }Jroccecli1 1gs 011 exc eptio11 or on tl1e grou11 d : t!1at >I 1s l>acl i 11 1�1,v or tl1at it discloses 11.0 ofle11ce, tl1c l)ireclor of Public _ 1 cJscctit 1o11s 111ay. l)J)Cal agai11st tl1c clism issal [S.C.P., s. 73 (2)]. (See � [ a so J\3, {Jara. 4· (111), ante, for tl1e IJro,risions of S.C.P., s. 73 (7)). 1




b Review. _u1 �de_r �- 7 of tl1e I-Iigl1 . Cott rt 1\c� 1967 tl1e I-Iig11 Court lias at1tl1or1ty to rcv1e,v tl1e Ilrocceclings of all full po,vers, Jtlr1sd1ct1or1. �nd Subo rdinate Cot1rls a11cl 1 f necessary to set asicle or correct tl1e1n. 7 Supervision ancl inspection-1,11e l-ligl1 Court l1as jtirisclictio11 to supervise any civil or criminal Jlrocecclings l)eforc a11y st1lJorclinatc court [Constitution, s. 120 (2) J. LA'\V TO BE J\D1\llNISTERED

8 General/s tatutory la,v-�J'ltls is tl1c la,v J)ri1naril) acln1i11istcrcc.l: sec Introcl11ction. 9 Customar) la,v-1\Iay lJc £lPJJliccl bltl. tl1crc arc provisic>t1s for trarls­ ferring cases involvi11g ct1sL0111ary la,v to C:c11tral a11cl I..ocal Cotn·ts (sec .-\4, IJara. '�, ante). 1



1 Establislunent_..fl1c Cot1rLs of .Judicial Co1n111issi(>11crs ,vcrc first establisl1ed in 1944, and arc 110,v go,0er11ccl by IJroc lan1a Lio11 N <J. 2 5 of 1950 1 as amc11cled. 2 Co1nposition-Judicial Co1nmissio11crs are a1 JIJoi11Lecl lJy tl1c Jtidicial Service Commission [Co11Stitt1tion, s. 126 (3) (b), (c)]. 3 Jurisdiction-original_..fl1csc courts possess ll1e jtirisdiction, IJO\VCr and autl1ority ,0estecl in St1borclinate Cot1rts of the First Class save that no civil st1it or proceedi11g n1ay be comme11cccl ll1crei11 [.J .c:.c:_.P., ss. 2 ( l), 4 (I)]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-1\p1Jeals lie fro1n a clccision of a Cc11tral Cot1rt to Cot1rts of J t1clicial Con11nissio11ers [Central a11d l,ocal Cot1rls Proc., s. 28 (2)]. 5 Procedure-C'ri111 i11al. Basically Crin1i11al IJrocedt1rc a11cl Evic.lc11ce Proclamation, No. 59 of 1938. Part III, S.C:P. ss. 60-63. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-See A3, para. 4· (iv), ante. LA \V TO BE AD1lINISTERED

8 General/statutory Ia,v-In its jt1risdiction as a subordi11alc court:

sec Introcluction. 9 Customary law-In itsjurisclictio11 as a custo1nary a1JIJcal cot1rt: see lnlrod uctio11. r

1\6 CEN fR1\L 1\ND LOCJ-\I_. C:OURTS

The maki11g of }Jro,rision for tl1c rccognition, constilutio11, � O\VC�s and _ jurisdiction of custo1nary courts a11cl generally for tl1e adn11111strat1011 of 257


J>arl /1/-Ce,,tral anti ,S'outher,i Africa

·usticc i 11 t11e111 was first co11tained i11 the Native Cot1rts Proclan1ation J[No. 62 of 1938], \-vhicl1 l1as ]Jee11 renamed tl�e Central and Local Courts l)roclamation by t]ie Native Courts Proclan1at1on a11d Rules (An1endm e11t) llegtilations [Reg. No. 10 of 1965]. Tl1 e Basuto_ Courts Proclam ation, No. 23 of 1958, l1as never come into force, Ll1ough It g�ve currency to tl1e title ·'Bastito Cot1rts'', whicl1 is commonly used to describe the Central and Local Cot1rts togetl1er. CONSTITUTION AND PO\-VERS

1 Establishment-Tl1e Ce11tral and J_.,ocal Courts Proclamation provides tl1a t tl1c Minis tcr, ,-vi tl1 Ll1e conctirrence of tl1c Cliief Justice, n1a.y recognize or cstablisl1 \vitl1in Lesotho such Ce1 1tral and Local Courts as lie tliinks fit [ C. a11cl L. C. P., s. 2 (I)]. Section 2 (2) of the Proclamation allo,vs tl1e l\ Ii 11 istcr, ,vith tl1c apJJroval of tl1e Chief Justice, to suspend, ca1 1cel or ,,ary a1 1y ,varra 11t rccognizi11g or establishing a Central or Local Cot1rt clefini11g tl1e jt1risdictio11 of any sucl1 cow·t. Appeals lie fron1 a Local Court to a Central Cc,urt l1aving jurisdictior1 in tcr111s of a ,varra11l under s. 2, a11d from Ce11tral Courts to Ll1e Court of a Judicial Comniissio11cr. 2 Composition-The cotirts are presided over by a Cow·t President, ,vJ10 is a judicial officer. Tl1e Court President along \\.ritl1 Court Clerl<S and I'vfessc11gcrs are apJ)Ointecl by tl1e Judicial Service Commission i11 ,vl1icl1 vests 1.l1c JJo,ver [see s. 126 (3) (c) of lhe Co1i.stitution] to ap1Joint persons to "tl1e office of 111e111ber of a11y st1bordinatc court otl1er than tJ1e court of any 1nagistratc ,vl10 is a11tl1orisecl, by or uncler any la,v, to l1old sucl1 a co11rt lJy virtue of J1is holcli11g or acling in any otl1er public office'' or in (d), "s1tcl1 otl1er offices co11nectecl \Vit11 an,' court as n1ay be prescribed by or 11ndcr a11y Act of Parliament''. Tl1e Judicial Sen11cc Com.missio11 also 11ns po,ver to ren1ovc sttch l)ersoti.s from office [Constitution, s. 126 (I)]. 3 Jurisdiction-original-St1bject to express IJro\rision conferring _j11risdiction, no Central and Local Court l1as jurisdiction to try cases: i i11 ,vl1ich a person is cl1argecl \·vitl1 a11 offence in consequence of \vliicl1 deatl1 is allegecl to ha,,e occt1rred, or ,vl1icl1 is punisl1al)le ,vitl1 deatl1 or life imprison1nent; ii in co11nexion ,vitl1 1narriage, otl1er tl1an n1arriage contracted under 11ative Ia,,v a11cl c11s!on1, except in so far as the case concerns tl1e pay� ment or retur11 or clisposal of clo,,'r)' [C. a11d L.C.P., s. 8 (I)]. a Civil. Every Central a11cl Local Cot1rt l1as civil jurisdiction Lo tl1e c�tcnl set ot1t i11 its ,varra11t a11d, stlbject lo tl1e provisions of tl1c Proclan1a­ t1011, over causes a11d 1nat tcrs i11 ,vl1icl1 tl1e dcfe11da11t is ordi11arily residc11t \vitJ1i11 tl1c jurisdiction of tl1e court or O\'Cr catises of action wl1ich arise \vitl1in sucl1 court's area of jurisdiction [C. and L.C.P., s. 6). b Cri1ni11al. Every Ce11tral a1 1d Local Court l1as crinli1 1al jurisdiction, to llic exte11L ::;�t out i11 its \Varrant, i n cl1arges i n \Vliicl1 tl1c defenda11t is accuse� of l1av111g, ,vl1olly or i11 IJart ,vitl1in tl1e jurisdictio11 of tl1e Court, comm1tted or bee11 accessory to tl1e comnutting of an offe11ce [C. and L.C.P., s. 7]. 1




4 Jurisdic tion-appellate-1-\ny person aggrieved b}' a11y order or decision of a Local Court 1nay \Vilhin tl1irty clays from lhe date of sticll order or dcci�io? appeal tl1crcfrom to a Central Cottrl [ c:. a11cl 1,. C!. p., s. 28 (I)]. S1tt 1ng on appeal a Central Cot1rt 1nay rcci ttirc ancl ltsc Lile assistance of assessors [C. ancl L.C.P., s. 30]. The Cct1tral Cot1rt or Jt1dicial Co1runissioncr's C!ourt l1carir1g ari aJ)ptal may orclcr tl1at the n1atter 011 ap1)cal be re-hcarrl before tl1c court of first inst�nce or before any other �o7aI_ o� Central Cot1rt or before a11y Stib­ orcl1nate Court of compete11t Jltr 1 sd1ct1on [C. a11 cl L.C.P., s. 30 (b)]. 5 Procedure-'l...l1e rules of practice a11cl proccclttrc for Central a 11 cl Local Courts are �ontai11ed i11 tl1c Bast1to Cot1rts (Practice a11d Procccllirc)

Rules, 1961 [G.N. No. 21 of 1961] as a111 c11clccl l)y tl1c Native CottrL:; Proclamatio11 ancl Rttles (1\111c11cln1ent) Regulatio 1is [No. 10 of 1965]. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal, review and revisio11i 11ppeals. See 1-\6, })ara. 1, ante. ii Revision. See 1-\!}, p:::i.ra. 4 (a), a11/e. Unreasonable <lelay i1z dealing ivitlz cases. If a Local Cot1rt Ltnrcaso11alJl\', delays to l1car or refuses to deal ,villi any case or to acljt1dicate t11Jot1 any matter, application n1ay be 111adc by any party i11 tl1c proccccli 11 gs, artcr

clue notice to all other parties in L11c IJrocccdings, to a C!c11tral CoL1rt l1a,·ing jurisdiction i 11 terms of a ,,,arra11t u11clcr s. 2 of tl1c C. and L.C:.1). for the heari 11 g of sucl1 case or 1nalter in tl1at Cc11traJ Cot1rt; and if tl1c cc>tlrl so delaying or refusi11g to hear or deal ,villi tl1e case or 1nallcr lJc a c:cr1iral Cottrt, application may be 1nadc to a 111agislratc if tl1e 1nailcr or cns:c relatcs to original jt1risdictio11 or to a Judicial Con1111issio 11er, i I l1c n1a ti er relates to appellate jurisdiclion. Afler l1 earing the application the Central Court, tl1c 111rtgistratc or Jttclicial Commissioner 1nay give st1cl1 dircctio 11s as it or l1c tl1i11ks fit for Lite si:>eedy l1earing of tl1e case incl t1 ding clirccti11g, if justice sc, rcc111irc:., ihat tl1e court l1earing the applicatio 1 1 sl1ottlcl itself l1 car nncl clcter111ii1c Ll1(�


matter [C. and L.C.P., s. 31 (I), (2)]. Transfer-v\'11 cn a case has been transferred fro1n a C!ci1lral or I.,ocal Court (in terms o f s. 26-see 1\4, IJara. 4·, ante) or fron1 a Local Court (in terms of s. 30 (h)--see A6, para. 4, allle) tl1e Central or Local Cot1rt, as the case may be, shall report tl1e proceedings to tl1 e Suborclinate Cot1rt ancl thereupon the Suborcli11atc Cottrt sl1all I)roceccl to tl1c trial or re-trial of the case a,; though, in a cri 1 ninal proccccli11g, a co1n1Jlai11t of facts co11stituting the offence J1ad been 1nacle to tl1e Cot1rt and, i11 a civil proceccli11g, a'i thougl1 a plai11 t tl1erein had l)ccn 1naclc or filed in tl1c Cottrt [C. a11cl L.C.P., s. 25].

7 Supervision and inspection-Central and Local C!ourts arc super­ vised by a team of supervisors, eacl1 of \Vl1on1, cvc11 tl1ougl1 lie be a 1nc111ber of the fieaclquartcrs of tl1e Ministry of .J ltsticc Staff, has l1is o,-vn area to look after.



Par/ /1/-Cenlral a11d S011iltern Africa Every 1nagistratc, ir1 l1is ca1 Jacity as a l1oldcr of a SulJordinatc Court, Jias at all times access to all Central a11d Local Courts in l1is district and to the records of s t1cl1 courts [C. and L.C.P., s. 26]. See also A4, para. 4, ante.. L1\ \V


9 Customary la\v-Cc11 lral a11d Local Cot1rts administer: i tl1e ct1sto1nary Ia,v prevaili11g i 11 tl1e cou11try so far as it is not re1Jug11ant to jt1sticc or 1norality or i11consistent ,vith tl1e provisions of any Ia,v in force i11 Lesotl10; ii tl1c provisio1 1S of all r t1les or orders made by the Paran1ou11t Cl1ief or a Cl1ief, S t1b-CI1ief or Headman under the Cl1ieftainsl1ip (Po,vers) Proclamation [No. 61 of 1938] a11d in force witllin tl1e area of jt1risdic­ tio11 of tl1e Cot1rl; iii the tJrovisions of any Ia,v ,vlucl1 tl1c Court is l)y or t1ncler sucl1 Ia,,· at1ll1orized to acl111.inistcr; and iv tl1c pro\ isio11S of any l�t\V ,vllicl1 the Court may be authorized to acl1ni 1Iister lJy an order niade lJy tl1e respo11Sible l\.finister ,vith the co11ct1rrc11cc of tl1e Cl1ief J t1s tice [C. and L. C.P., s. 9 (b)-(ll)]. 1




By Sin1on Roberts

Protectorale \Vas first clcclarecl over tl1c tcrritory ,vl1icl1 is 110,v Bots,va na in 1885, a11d a for1nal aclministratio11 cstalJlisl1cc\ in 1891. I�oca! Native (later J\frican) ancl Et1ropca11 1\clvisory Cot111ciIs ,vcre fcn·1nc(l iri J 920 and a Joint ..'\clvisory Cotu1cil i11 1950, IJt1t .Lcg-islativc an.cl Excrltliv� Cou11cils \·\·ere 11ot set tip u11til 1961, after lo11g-sta11cling !)lans fc,r tile territory's eventt1al absorption as }):lrt of Soutl1 1\frica hacl bcc11 abancloncrl by the U11itccl Kingdon1 Govcr11111..:.�11t. :\ftcr 1.l1c cstablish1nc11t of Legislative and Ex.cct1Livc Cot111cils i11 I 961, ft1rtl1cr co11stitt1ti0nal cha11gc follo,vcd quickly a11d elcciiori.s \VCre l1clcl in i\farcl1 1965 :! JJrior to tl1c grar1 1 of independence to Bots,va11a as a RcptilJlic 011 ScJJlcn1bcr 30, 1966.3 Tl1c ge11cral legal sy·slen1 of tl1c T.> rotcctorate ,vas basccl 011 ll1c Ja,v of the Colo11y of tl1e Cape of Goocl I-lope i11 force on Jl\IlC 10, L 1391, but provision ,vas also made for tl1c st1rvi.,·al of ct1ston1ary Ia,v. TJ1is syslc1n, supplcn1c11tccl by locally e11actccl legislation and local case lavv, is recog11isccl a11d confir1ned. uncler tl1e prese11t Rcpt1blican Constilt1lion. 1\



The "dual" syste1n of cottrts, under ,-vhicl1 the general Ja,v is primarily applied in tl1c }ligl1 Cot1rt a11cl Subordinate Courts, a11d ct1stornary la,v in a separate fran1e,vork of Custo111ary Cot1rts, is still retai11cd i11 13otsvvana. Ho\vever, son1e features of tl1is system are 110\v lJcing replaced, as J)rovision exists uncler the Customary La,v (1\pplicalio11 a11d f\scertai11n1cnl.J :\ct l 969 for tl1 c applica lion of ct1s ton1 ary }a\V in dispu tcs bet ,vct:n tri!Je�111er1 a11d n o n t-ribesmen, ancl non-tribesmen are novv tt11dcr certai11 circu1nsla11ccs subject to tl1e jurisdiction of the C!ustornary Cottrls.



Under the Constitution an appeal lies from tl1e Cot1 rt of AJJ}Jeal to the Judicial Comn1ittee "in sucl1 classes of cases a11cl st1l)jecL to s1.1cl1 conclilio11s as to leave or otl1cr\vise as may be prcscrilJccl lJ)' or tinder a11 1\c; � of Parliament" [s. 108 (1) of the Constitution (containccl in Scheclule 2,. I_hc I3ots\va na I11clcpendencc Orclcr, S.I. 1966 No. 1171)]. Until S\.1cl1 pro\'1� 1? 11 is 1nade, an appeal continues to lie from tl1c C:ourt of 1\p1Jeal to t}1e Jttdicial

------------------- ---- ---1 For diagram of courts svsten1, sec ,\ppc-ndi.x, /Jost. _ 134-. 196:J/ � Under the Bcchuanaland Protectorate (Con;;titulion) Order, S.I. 3 Under the Bots\,,ana Independence Order, S.I. 1966/1171.

26 1

Parl Jl[-Ce11tral anrl Soutlzern Africa do,vn i11 tl1� Bas11tola11�> Becliuana ­ d lai s 1cc ta1 r11S cu cir c i Ll r dc ttri C!orniiuttee (A1)pcals to Privy Council) Order in 1cl la1 azi v S,-cl an ate tor tec Pro lan d l11 clepencle11ce Order]. ana ts,v Bo tl1c of 14· [s. i , 4. 195 ·1 I llC . ,Oll . C e tte is gover � ed by tlie • I Com1n1 d1c • 1a Tlie procedure for appeal lo tl1e Ju Bots,-va11a (Procedure 1n Appeals tl1c and 957 I les Ru tce nit rru Co ial d. J1 uncil) Order, S.I. I 966/ 1174·, t� /i�e JudiciaJ Con1n1ittcc of the Privy Co as a1ner1cled by S.I. 1969/367. 1\ 2



1 Establishn1c11t-Establisl1cd )Jy s. 100 of the Constitt1tio11 of tl1e

RepulJ iic of Bots,vana [Scl1ed11le 2 to the Bols,vana Indepe11dc11ce Order, S.I. 1966 No. 1 171]. 2 Co1nposition-,.fl1c juclges of tl1e Court of i\ppeal are: a tl1c I'rcsiclc11l of i.l1e Cot1rt of Ap}Jeal; b sucl1 ntunlJer, if ai1y, of Justices of 1-\ppeal as n1ay IJe prescribed by Parlian1er1L; c tl1c Cl1iefJ t1sticc a11cl Ll1e pttisne judges of tl1e High Court. })�rlian1c11t 111ay n1akc pro, ision for tl1e office of President of t.11e Court of 1\11tJcal to l)c l1e]cl by Ll1e Cl1icf Justice e: ojficio [s. 100 (2) of tl1e Cons­ tiil1Lic)11]. '!�l1e JJrcsiclcnt of tl1e Cot1rt of 1-\p1Jeal is appointecl by tl1e I)rcsiclc11t, 1111lcss tl1c office is l1clcl ex o_fficio b}' tl1e Cluef Jt1stice. Justices of 1\jJp<:al arc ,ll)I)Oi11lecl by Lhe Presidc11L acti11g in accorda11ce ,\.'ith the advice {,r i.l1c .Jt1clicial Service Com111ission [s. 101 (I) a11d (2) of tl1e Co1isii tutio11]. 1


3 JJ..11·isdiction-01·i ginal-Nil. i .A.ny 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-a _4pj1ellate cri111i11al j11risdictio11. [Jcrso11 co11viclecl on a trial l1elcl by tl1e I-Iigl1 CoL1rl 111ay ap1Jeal to tl1c Cot1rt of 1\1)1J ea] agai11sl l1is convici.ion or agai11St Ll1c sc11te11ce passecl, urtless tl1e se11tc11ce is fixed l)y lai,v [Co11rt of f\ppeal Proclamat.io11, s. 3 (I)]. ii 1\1JJJcal lies agairut a j11dg1ne11t of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt given in tl1e exercise of its ap1:iellate jtLrisdictio11 011ly ,vitl1 leave of tl1c Court of i\ppeal, or upon a certificate of tl1e juclgc ,vl10 l1eard tl1e ap1Jcal of a11y gro11nd of appeal \vl1icl1 involves a c1uestio11 of la\v [C.t\.P. s. 3 (2)]. iii If tl1c 1\ttor11cy-Ger1eral is dissatisficcl ,vitl1 :::i. decision of tl1e Higl1 Co11rt LlI)l)r1 a. }Joint of la,v in tl1e exercise of its origi11al, revisio11ary, or :1p1Jcllate jurisclictio11, lie n1ay a1Jpeal to tl1c Cot1rt of t\p1Jcal, provided tl1�l tl1c clccisi �11 of 1J1c Cot1rt of 1.\JJIJeal 011 s11cl1 a11 apJJeal sl1all i11 110 ,vay afll:ct tl1c final1t.y of tl1c j11clg111cnt of tl1c I-Iigl1 Cottrt i 11 Ll1e case concerned [C!.A.P., s. 31\, irtsi:rtcd l.>y tl1c Cot1rt of 1\p1Jcal (f\111c11cl111cnt) ;\ct 1967]. b .11 /Jfte!latt civil juris,lictio,1. 1\1JIJeal lies to tJ1e Court of Appeal fron1 all final dcc�sio11s of tl1c I-Iig11 Cot1rt, a11d ! by Iea,,e of tl1c Coltrt of i\ppeal, fro1n a11 111tcrloct1tor)r orclcr, or an order 111adc e,"< J1arte, or a11 orclcr as to i

S.I. 1954·/1370. 262

Botswana · t of tl1e I-Iiglt Cour l g1v costs only. ·;-\ppeal lies agai11St a jt1clgme11 · c11 n t11e 1 . · 1·1 Jur · is · d'1c�1011 011ly ,vitl1 leave of tlic Court exercise of its appe11 ate_ c1,, of cer a tifi up cat on e of the Jttdgc ,vl10 l1earcl tltc app ·..:\pp eal, or ' eal on a11y . · o1ves a c1uest1011 of la,v [C.i\.ll. ss. 11 aiic groti nd of app ca l ,v h'1cI1 111v L 12]. 5 Procedu1·e-Tl1c J)rocedt1re of tl1e Court of 1\ }Jpcal is regulatecl l)y tl1c Court of 1\ppcal R11lcs 1955. CONTROL OF COURT

6 A �peul-.<\�pcal lies fro1n tJ1e Cot1rt of 1\ 1)pcal Lo t! 1c .J tt(licial Com1111tt�e [�- l ·l of tl1c Bots,va11a Inclc1Jcnclc11cc Orclcr; s. I 00 (I) of the Co11St1tt1t1011]. L,\ \\' TO BE i\D:-OflNJSTERED

8 General Ia,v

9 Customary la,v

1\s l-Iigl1 Cot1rl, /Josi.

A3 rfHE I-IIGI-I COUR'I' 'l"l1e l-Iigl1 Court ,..,as originally establisl1ccl u11clcr tl1c autl1orit.y of' tl1c General 1\dnunistration Order i11 Cot1ncil 1891. 1�I1c la\v reJa ti11g Lo 111<' Cotirt ,vas consolidated in the Bccht1analand J) rotccloral.c IIigll C�0t1rl Proclama Lio11 1954 and again i11 tl1c Higl1 C!ourt of Bo tsvv'a11a .s\cl 19G7. CONSTITUTION .:\ND PO\VERS

1 Establishment-EstabI isl1cd lJV s. 96 of tl1c C(Jn'>1 iI.tt LirJ11 c,f t I 1c

Repttblic of Bots,vana [Scl1edt1lc 2 to Ll1e Bots,va11a .Inclcr:,c11clc11cc Orcler, S.I. 1966 No. 1171].

2 Composition-Tl1e Higl1 Cotirt co11sisls c,f tl1c CJ1icf Jt1sticc ancl nol more than t,vo puisne judges [s. 96 (2) of tl1c Constittt Lion.; I-Iigl1 c:ot.1ri of Bots,vana Act 1967, s. 3]. The ChiefJ t1sticc is appointccl !Jy 1. l 1c I'rc::sicl(:r1 t, a11d tl1e puisne jt1dges by the Presiclent acting i11 accorclancc ,vitl1 Ll1c advice of tl1e Judicial Service ColTUill5sion [s. 97 (1) a11cl (2) of tJ1e Cons­ titution].

3 Jurisdiction-original-Tl1c High Cottrl is a court of record \VitJ1 0 unlimited ori(Tin a] J isdiction, civil and criminal.• tincler anvI la\v, i11 all O ., s. 91 cases arising in Dots,vana [s. 96 (1) of lhc Co11.stitl1Lion; I 1.c:.B.1\ (1)]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-a Appellate civil jurisdiction. 1\11 appeal lie5 from a Subordinale Court to tl1e I-Iigh Court in a civil suit aga111st any judgment, rule or order havi11 g the effect of a final sentence or clecisio 11, ancl against any decision overruling or upholding an cxcc1Jtion wl1c11 Ll�c parties concerned consent to such an app eal before proceccling furLher in the action [S.C.P., ss. 62 and 63]. ur


II . '

Part Jl/-C',:1ilral and ,S't)Ltlllern Africa }1carir1.g, the parties agree in \vriiirlg l ina <Jrig tlit; <Jre t,ef if, lies eal app Ko �Jc fir1al. Lil aL t11 e decision of the Cour L sl1al l 1 \ticte� IJy a Sti bordinatc co1 1 rs0r p :ry £\'< . ction isdi jur b AjJjJellate crirninal _ � t1on to tl1e I-I1gh Court [S.C.P., v1c con f1. st1c t ins aga l pea ap y rna Court s. 82]. c ApjJeals Jronz the C'usto,na1y c·�urts. , No direct avenue of appeal lies from tllc Cu'5L<Jmary Courts to tl1e I-I1gh Court, but cases from such Court n1ay lJe brougli t on appeal t<J a Subordinate Court, from wl1icl1 �n _appeal Jies to tllc I-Iigh Cotirt i 11 cases ,vhcrc the status of ar1,, perso11 1s 1n questio n or w11 erc t! 1c a 1r1ot1nt of tl1 e judgment exceeds R.200 or ,vl1 ere sentence of imprisonmc11t f<)r a pcric1cl of six n1ontl1:5 or of corporal punisl1mc11t_ exceeding cig}1t strokes l1as )Je� 11 in1�oscd, and 1n any other case ,}lY sp:c1al leave of tJ1c Higl1 (:<>t1rt [African Courts Proclamat1011 196 I (s . .J4 (4)) as amended by i\ct 57/1960]. 5 P1·oceclure-a C'ri,niual-In accordance ,vith tl1e Cri1ni11al Procedt1re an.cl E,,iclc11cc Code [rcpri11ted 1964, as amended by L.N. 84/1966, Act 9 /1968]. b C'i'i:il.-In accorda 1 1cc ,vitl1 tl1e I-Iigl1 Court Rules (as publisl1ed in tl1e 1959 Rcvisccl Edition of tl1c La,vs, amc11ded 1)) L. I\. 109/1966 and S. I. 5/1968]. 7


6 Appeal-1\ppeals, in botl1 civil a11d crinunal cases, agai.iJSt a judg­ r11ent of Ll1e Higl1 Court lie to tl1e Court of _.:\ppeal [Court of •.\ppeal l)roclan1ation 1954·, ss. 3 ancl 11, a1ncndecl ll)� L.N. 84/1966, 1\ct 10/1967 a11cl s.r. 6/1967]. Li\ \V

·ro llE ;\D:,..rrNISTERED

8 General law-During the early years of tl1e ProiecLorate s01ne doul)t cxistecl as to tl1e effect of sec lion 19 of tl1e Higl1 Comnlissio11er's Proclan1atio11 of J u11c 10, 189 I, ttpon il1c ap1)licario11 of tl1 e Ro111an-Dutc]1 co111mon la\V in tl1e l)ro lcctoratc. \.Yitl1 a vic,v to re1no, ing tl1is doub i, it ,,·as 1)rovidcd i11 tl1e Ge11cral La"" Procla 111a tion 1909 tl1a t: 1

'' ... tl)e Ia,vs i11 force in tl1e Colo11y of il1e CaJJC of Goocl Ho1)c on tl1c lOtl1 clay of Ju11c, 1891, sl1all 111utatis 111uta111/is and so far as 11ot ina1Jplicable !Jc tl1e la\-VS in force a11cl to be observed i11 tl1e saicl Prolectorate''. 'J'l1c use of tl1c \\'Orel ''Ia,..,s'' left s01nc t1nccrtai 11ty as to ,vl1etl1cr or not tl1 erc ,vas IJropcr attll1ority for tl1e a1lplicatio11 of botl1 tl1e conu11on la,\' a11cl the ��a�utcs of _ tl1e Color1y of tl1e Cape of Good I-IoJJe i11 tl1e Protectorate. Il11� �t1cst1011 \\'as scttlecl i11 1959, by tl1e General La,v (Cape Statt1tes) llcv1s10,1 JJ rocla111n ! ion, ,vl1icl1 co11firmed tl1at tl1e Ro111an-Dutcl1 con1mon la,v ,vas �tIJJJlicablc btll IJro, icled tl1at all Cape statutes except tl1ose already CXJJrcssly a1Jplicd, and a ftlrll1er list of 36 Acls co11tai11ecl i11 a Scl1edule, sl1ottlcl cease to l1a,re force i11 tl1e Protectorate. 7


Botswana 9 Customary la,v-Tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rt a1Jplies customary Ia,v in accordance ,vith the provisio11S of tl1e Cttslomary La\-v (i\pplication and .-\scertain111cnt) A ct 1969. f\4 CONSTITUTION



1 Establishmcnt-Tl1e follo,ving St1 bordi n atc Cot1rts arc co11 sLiLulccl under tl1e St1l)ordinatc Cot1rts Proclamatio11, 1938: a St1borclinale Courts of the I•'irst Class; b Suborclinate Courts of Ll1e Scconcl Class; c St1bordir1a te Co11rts of tl1c ·l'l1ircl (!lass [S.(� ..P., s. 3].

2 Con1position-'fl1 e follo,vi11 g JJcrso11s rnay l1olcl cotirls:

a every Sc 11ior District Officcr ancl c,,cry l)is I rict c: l)t11111 issioricr-a Court of tl1e First Class; b every District Officer-a Cot trl l)f tl1c Scco11cl Cl ass; c every Cadet and every District .i\ssista11t-a C�ot1rt of tl1 c 'l'hircl Class. 111 addition, tl1e l'resiclcn t may, ,vitl1 tl1e co 11ct1rrcncc <>f tl1c C:I1 icf Jt1sticc, by notice in tl1e Gazette, a1J1Joint: cf any person as a 1nagistrate or assista11t r.nagistratc to J1olcl a S tt borcli11"tte Court of a class specified in tl1e 11oticc; c any District Officer to l1 old a S t1 bordi11atc c:ot1rt of tl1c First C!la�s or any Cadet or District .·\ssista11 t to l1olcl a Su lJordi11ate Court of Ll1c Second Class [S.C.11., s. L!]. 3 Jurisdictio11-01·igi11al-i Territorial. 'l�l1c local li1nits l1f tl1c jurisdiction of any Subordi11ate C:ot1rt of tl1e First, Seconcl en· rfl1ircl C:Ias� sl1all be the clistrict ,vitl1in ,vl1ich sucl1 Cotirt is siLttatccl, a11cl sttcl1 IJart of an adjoi1ling district as tl1e Presiclen t 1nay 1JrescrilJc IJy 11 oticc ir1 tl1e Ga :ti It [S.C.P., s.4 as amended by· Act 8/1968]. ii Ciuil Jurisdiction. Tl1c jt1risdiclio11 i11 civil 111alters is as follo\VS: a First Class Courts have jurisdiction ,.v}1ere Ll1c an10L111t i11 clis1Julc does not e.'ICceecl R.1,000; b Second Class CotrrLs have jt1risdictio11 ,vl1cre Ll1e a1nou11t i11 e,li;;;I)t1tc does not exceed R.500; c 1�hird Class Cottrls l1ave jurisclictio11 ,vl1 ere tl1c an1ot111t i11 clisJ)ll tc cloes not exceed R. I 00. \-Vhcre botl1 parties are 1\fricans and Ll1c caL1sc of action i11 Ll1c 0 1Ji11 io11 of tl1c Cieri{ of tl1e Court is st1itable Lo l)c l1earcl by· a C t1sto111ary Cot1rt, tl1c Clerk may refuse surnmono; a nd order tl1c plai11tiff lo co111111cnce tl1c action in the appropriate Customary Courl [S.C!.P., s. 16]. iii Cri111i11al Jurisdiction. a S t1 borclinatc Cot1rts of tl 1 c f'irst C:Iass ha,re jurisdictio11 c,vcr all offe11 ccs except treaso11, murclcr ancl secliti?11 anc� any conspiracy or attempt to con1111it a11y of these offct1ccs. StilJord111�te Courts of tl1e Second ancl TI1ird CJass arc additio 11ally prcclt1clccl fron 1 trying


])arl Ill-Ce1tlral an{/ ,Soulller,i ,1frica I ,• ' '


ol1criccs rclati11g to coinage ancl currency, rape and any co115piracy or attc1npl to co1runit a 11y of tl1ese offences [S.C.P., s. 69]. b �[lie following lin1itations are placed upon Ll1e po\vers of S11lJorclinate Co11rts t<J i111pose })unisl11nent: • • i ,\ 1-;oirst Class Court may sentence to 1mpr1sonment for not more tlia11 t\VO years, Ie,ry a fi11c 11ot exceeding R.400 and prescribe not more tl1an fifteen strokes of tl1e cane; ii A Scconcl Class Cot1rt n1ay sentence to imprisonment for not more tl1a11 011 c year, levl' a fi11e not exceeding R.100.and prescribe not more tl1a11 cigl1t strokes of tl1c cane; iii 1\ Tl1ird Class Co11rt may se1 1tence to in1prisonment for not 1nore Llian si..-x mo11ths> Jc,ry a fine 11ot exceeding R.50, b11t may not prescribe corporal pt1nisl11ncnt [S.C.P., s. 71]. Cor1)oral p1111ishme11t may 011ly be J)rescribed for give11 offences, a11cl may not l)c i1n1)osecl on fc1nales. c S 11 borcli 1 1a tc Co11rts l1avc 110 jurisdiction in tl1e follo\v.ing n1attcrs: i clissolt1 tio11 of n1arriagc or SCJ)aration ,,,I1ere tl1e parties are Europca11; ii validily or i11ter1)retation of \.Vills; iii staltrs of pcrso11s i11 rcs1Ject of 1nental capacity; i11 specific performance ,vitl1oul aliernative of 1Ja)rme11t of cla111agcs except tra11sfer or dcJive1-y of property and rendering account; v decree of per1Jett1al silence; or vi J)rovisional se11te11ce [S.C.P., s. 29]. 4 Ju1·iscliction-appellate�1\pJJeal lies from a }1igl1er Customary Court lo a St1bordi11atc Court ,vl1ere no Cusloma11' Court of f\ppcal has l)een co1istituted in tl1e area concerned. l11 areas \vl1ere a Ct1sto1nary Court of 1\1Jpeal l1as been co 11sliLLttccl, appeal lies from tl1at Cot1rt to a S1 1bordi11ate C!o11rt [A.C.P., s. 34]. 5 Procedu1·e-a Crirninal. Code.

1,l1e Criminal Procedure a 1 1cl E,•idence

b Civil. St1borcli 11a tc Cottrt Rt1les. CONTROL 011 C:OURTS

6 ApJ)eal-t\ 1),trl)' lo :111)' ci,•il suil r11a)', 1111less tl1e parties l1avc agreecl ll1al Ll1e dccisio11 of Ll1c Cotirt sl1all be fi11al, a1)J)Cal to tl1e I·Iigl1 Cot1rt againsl ail)' jt1clg1nc11t, r11lc or orcler l1avi11g tl1c effect of a fi11al sen­ a11 UJ)l10Idi11g lc11cc or clecision, ancl agai11st .a11y dccisio11 overruli110· or o . exce1)t1011 '"I 1c11 tl1c J)art ics co11cernccl co11sc11t to s t1cl1 a11 appeal before Jlroceecling lurtl1cr i11 tl1c actio11 [S.C.P., ss. 62 and 63]. Every 1Jcrso11 co11\•ictc(l l)y a S11borcli11atc Cottrl may aJ)peal agains t st1cl1 co11viction to tl1c 1�ligl1 Cottrt [S. C.p., s. 82]. Revie\V, rcvisio11-i rfl1c I-ligl1 Court l1as fttll })O\.Vcr, jtirisdiclion . a11cl at1 tl1or1ty lo rcvic,v tl1e proccedi11gs of all SulJordi11ate Cotirts, a11c.l 266

Bolslvana a11d _corr�cl tJ1em [I-Iigl1 Cotirt of Bots\-vana J\ct. ,vhc re neces saiy set asicle . ccs 111 sen cr1 te t\ll 1t � � 1nal cases i 1 nposccl by a �['llird Class 1967 , s. 13]. Subordinate (:ot1rt are subJcc� to rcv1e\.� as _of course by an ofiiccr apiJointcd to 11old a First_ Class Cot1rt ,v1_��1out preJt1cl1ce �o tl1 rigl1 t of aJ)})eal against 7 111 1\l I se11te1 1ccs 111 cr11nin 5]. s. 7 C. P., S. [ nce aI cases i11 tI1c case sciite c th of firsi class courLc; for a period of imprison111e11 l cxceccli11 g 6 inontll s or a fine cxcceclin � R.100 a°:cl, i11 tl1c case of Cot1rts of tl1c Seco11cl ailcl l"llircl Class , for a pcr1ocl cx_ ceccl1ng 3 111o?tlis or a fi_ 11c :xccccling R. 50 are stilJjcct to rcvic,v by tl1e I-I1gh Cot1rt ,v1tl1out preJt1cl1cc to tl1c riglit or arJIJcal [S.C.P., s. 76] .

'fransfer-i l11 procecdi11gs before a St1borcli11 atc Co1,1rl \-vl1c11 bolll parties arc _;.\fricans a1 1cl the catise of actio11 i11 tl1c 01)i11io11 of tl1c (!Jerk: of tlie Court is one suitable to be l1carcl i11 a C:t1sl<)111ar)' Cot1rt, the Clerk may refuse to isst1c a st1111111011s ancl 111.ay orcler tl1c tJlai111iff Lo co1n1nc11cc I1is action in st1cl1 a cot1r L [S. C. P., s. I 6]. ii 1\ St1borclinatc Cot1 rt 111ay lra11Sfcr a proccccling to a11otl1cr court of th.e same class or of a l1igl1cr class by tl1c consent of Ll1c parties or tIJ)on application of any party ttpon sl10\\•i11g tl1at a trial \viii result i r1 ltncluc C."{pense or inco11ve11ie11ce in tl1c partict1lar court [S. C. I>., s. 20]. iii 1\11 action in a Second Class C:otirt ,vl1crc tl1c a1 11ou11t of tl1c cla i 111 cxceccls R. 200 n1ay, t1po11 apJJlicatio 11 of tl1c dcfc-11da11l, IJc rcn1ovc-cl to a First Class Court. 1-\i1y actio11 i11 a First or ScccJ11d Class c·:ot1rt ,,·l1 crc tJ1c claim e..xceecls R. 400 111.ay, ll}JOll the a PJJl ication of tl1c clcf c1 1cl an;: be reo1oved to Ll1c I-Iigl1 Cot1rt [S.C.P., s. 32]. iu Under the Cri1nii1al Procedt1rc a 11d Evidc11ce Proclama1ic)11 the ALtorne}..-Gcncral has at 1tl1ority to rcmi l a crin1i11a1 case to a SttlJord i11a i c c:ourt after a preparatory examination a11 d 1nay s1 Jccif·r ir1 stu.:l 1 rcn1 i I la l that the St1bordinatc Cot1rl s11aJl I1avc i11crcasccl jttrisclir.i io11 re:. 1). a ncl E.P., s. 90]. LA\V TO DE ;,\D�IIXISTERED

8 General la\V

9 Customary Ia,v

1-\s I-figl1 Court,


THE CUSTON!I-\RY COUR rJ'S Fo1lo\vi11g the establishment of tl1c Protectorate, the traditional at1tl1orities continued to enjoy their judicial po,vcrs \vithi11 tl1e trilJa] areas. 1'11csc po,vers \Vere exercised Sltbject to very little st1pcrvisio11 u11til 1934, \vl1e11 the Native Cottrts Proclamation ,vl1icl1 forn1aliscd tl1e traclitional cot1rl.s rl�lic and considerably circt1n1scribeci their po\vers, \.Vas introclticecl. �roclamatio1 1 of 1934 was rcplacccl by a revised African Courts Proclan1at1011 in 1961, \vhicl1 '\Vas iLsclf amenclcd by tl1e 1\frican Courts (1\n1e ridniertl and Supplementary I>rovisio11S) Act 1968, givi11g tl1c c1Jstomary courts, for tl1e first time, some measure of mt1lti-racial jt1risdiction. 267

' .

Part lll-Ce11tral t111d ,S'outhen1 Africa





1 Establislune11t-Tl1e President 1nay, l)y V.'arranl u11dcr l1is J1.a.11c1 recog 11ise or estalJlisl1 i 11 the Re1JulJlic sucl1 Customary Couris as l1e t)1in� fit [African Courts Proclan1alio11 I 961, s. 3 (2) as amended lJy L.N.

84/ 1966 a11d 1\ct 5 7 / 1968].

2 Compositio11-1,l1e conslitutio11 of a Customary Court is in accor­ dai1ce vvith CLtston1ary law, except \Vhere tl1e President othenvise prescribes tl1e co1istittllion of tl1e co11rt in tl1e warra11t establisl1ing or recogrusi11g it [A.C.P., s. ,i (1) and (2), as amended by L.N. 84/1966 and .r\cL Si/1968]. 3 Ju1·isdiction-01·iginal-a C'ivil. A Custo111ary Cotirt 1nay exercise civil jt1risdictio11 over catises and matters justicialJle under any Ia,v ad� 1ni11istercd lJ)' tl1c Court (see paras. 8 and 9, J1ost) ,vl1ere all tl1e parLies are trilJes111e11, or tl1 e clcfe11dant consents i11 ,vriting to tl1e jttrisdiction of tl1e Cot1rt, a11cl the clefe11danl is ordinarily resident ,,·itl1in the area of jt 1 risdiction of tl1c Cotirt, or tl1e ca11se of action arose ,vl1oll)' therei11 [A. C.P., s. 8 as a1ne11ded by 1-\ct 5 7 / 1968]. In exercising tl1is juriscliction no Court may lr)' a case in ,vl1icl1 tl1e clain1 or valt1c of tl1e matter in clisp11te exceeds tl1e ma.x.imt 11n an1ot1nt set out in • its ,varra11t. In tl1e abse11ce of a11 express J)rovision coruerring jurisdiction, il1e follo,-ving 1na tlers are exclucled from tl1e jt1riscliction of a Custon1a11° Court: i any cause or proceeding ,vhereby divorce or declarai..io11 of 11ullity of marriage or an order for j11clicial separation is sougl1t; ii a11y cause or proceecli1 1g arising i n co11 11ection ,,·ith a testan1e11taf)' dispositio11 of property; iii any ca11se or proceecling arisi11g i11 co11neciion ,vitl1 tl1e admi11istration of a deceascd's estate to \vhicl1 any la\\' of tl1e Territory applies; • 1v a11y cause or proceecling arisi11g 1111cler tl1e la,v relati11g to insolvc11cy; v a11y cause or })rocceding in,•olvi 11g 111atters or relalionsl1iJ)S to ,vl1icl1 ct1stomary la\v is inap1Jlicable.

b Cri,uinal. A Ct1sto1nary Cot1rt 111ay exercise crin1i11al jt1risdiction i11 c.onnectio11 ,vitl1 crimi11al cl1arges and matters i11 ,vl1ich tl1e accused is a A_ l�st of ,,,�rrantccl Ct1sL0111ary Co tl rts, togctl1er \\•itl1 tl1e cl elails of the Jt�r1scl1ct1011 co11lcrrc<l 011 cacl1, is )t1l)lisl1ccl i11 a St1JJ11lc1nc11t to the Bots,van a l Gover11111en t G azctte of 1-\ Jril 28, 1967. t At present Ctlsto111ary Cot1rt \-\rarrants arc 11ot issued to all traditional trilJunals, but are co11fincc.l to Ll 1e Cl1icf's Co tl rl i 11 eacl1 tribe. a11cl tl1e cotl rts of selected I-Icadn1en. Ir1 sonic tribal Lcrrit.orics ,varrants arc al so issued to a11 i11tern1ediate �atcgory of C:bicf 's l�cprcsc11tati,•es Courts. l\.fost civil IJroccedings are initiat ed _ in ��;varrant�c l Ja1n1ly courts, a11cl 0111)' I)rocccd to I·Icacln1cn's Courts at1d the s Cl1 icJ s �otirt if u11resol,·ccl at fa111i lv lc,rcl. 011 accou11l of tl1is. JIead 1ncn's Court ai1d Cl11ef's Cotirts cot1lcl strictly iJc regarclccl as Ct1ston1ar); Courts of .�ppcal , altl1ougl1 tl1cy arc tre ated a-, Ctl sto111ary Cot1rts of first instance be lo,,•. Only ihc ,varranlecl Cuslo111ary 1\1Jpca l Co11rts arc dcscribecl as Ctl sto1nary Cot1rts of atJp�al. •



Botszvana tribesman or consents in ,vriling to tl1e jttriscliction of tl1c Court, and tile cl1a.rge relates to tl1c con1n1issior1 of a11 offence co1nn1iltcd citl1cr \vholly or partly ,vitl1in the j1trisdictio11 of tl1e Cot1rt. In the exercise of Ll1is j11risclictio11 110 Court n1ay iinpose a fi11c or 0111cr punishment i11 excess of the 1naxi1nu1n set ottl in its \-Varra11t [1\.(:.1\, s. 9, as arncnclecl by Act 57/1968). I11 tl1c absence of a11 cx 1)1·css })revision conferring juriscliction, cases i11 \\'hich tl1c accused is cl1argecl ,vitl1 any of tl1e foJlo\ving orfc:nc:r.s arc cxclt1dcd fron1 tl1c jurisclictio11 of a Custon1ary Court: i trcaso11, riot or any 00c11cc i11volvir1g the security 01· safety of tl1e .. State; ll an ofTe11cc in conscc1t1c11ce of ,,·h ich clea l11 is al lcgcd to havc occu rrccl; iii l)igan1y; • ll' any offence 1111cler ChaJJtcr X (C:C.irru1Jtion a11d the :\busc of ()Hice) or (:haptcr XI (Offences llclaLing to the 1\d111inist.ratio11 of Justice) of the Pc11al Coclc; V bribery, perjt1ry or subornalio11 <)f JJC1jury or co11sJ)iri11g to clcfcal ll1c course of justice; • .., a11 offence co11ccrning counterfeit ct1rrency; vii robbery, ,vhere tJ1c person accused is of or above the age of l ,vcnf.y.011c years; v11z extortion by mear1s of tl1reats or b)' al)ttsc of autl1oriLy; i.-i: a11 offence against i11s0J,,ency la,v or compa11y la,v _; (, .



contravcntio11 of prohilJitio11s relali11g to t)rcci<)us stones, gold a11cl otl1er precious metals; xii st1cl1 ot11er offences as nla)' l:>c prcscril)ccl [1\.C.l)., s. 10 as an1cnclccl by f\cl 57/1968]. Xl

4 Jurisdiction-appella te-Ni1. 5 Procedure-TJ1e rvii11istcr rcs1:ionsiblc for Ll1c achni11istration of 1l1c

Customary Courts is empo,vcrcd to n1ake rules regulating their }Jracticc a11d JJrocc<lure [.:-\.C.P., s. 42, as rcJJlacccl by .1\ct 57/1968]. Until st1cl1 rules are made, tl1e procedure of tl1c Courts is rcgulatccl l)y custo1nary la,v [t\.C.P., s. 22, as amended by .t.\ct 57/1968]. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 .t\.ppeal-i :\ppeal lies fro1n a lo\vcr Ct1slo1nary Court to a l1igl1cr

Cttstomary Court. ii Appeal lies fron1 a l1igl1cr Customary c:ourt to a (;uston1ary Cot1rt of .i\ppeal, or, if tl1crc is 110 Customary Court of Ap J)cal, to a Subordinate Court of competent juriscliction. iii Appeal lies fron1 a Customary Cot1rt of l.\ppeal to a , SulJorclinatc Court of competent jt1risdiction. iv 1\ppeal lies from a Subordi11ate Court to the IIigJ1 Cot1rt [1-\.C:.P., s. 3,}, as amended by Act 57/1968].


J)art JJI--Cenlral anrl ,)outher1z Afi·ica Courts Co m1nission�r, and aily ry ma st Cu fl1e -r on isi rev � ,v, vie Re l1older of a Suborcl1nate Court aclministrativc officer in l1is ca1)ac1ty as a on application or of their ov.-1.� d a11 ts ur Co y 1ar 1 1 Lsto Ct to ess acc have sto1nary Courts of first instance inotion may revise a11y 1Jroccccli11gs of Cu 1 te11 ce as tl1e Custo mary se1 l1 suc ss JJa or er ord l1 st1c c ( l ma a11d , or appeal [ s. 31, as amended by 1\ct .P., f\.C sed pas or de 111a avc 1 l ilcl cot lf itse tirt Co

57/1968]. Tra11sfe1·, ret1·ial-i \,Vl1erc a parl)' Lo a dis 1)L1te \vhicl1 ,-vo11ld nor�

n1ally be I1card by a Ctistomary Co11rt c?nsiders tJ1at the Cot1rt is 11nrcason� al)ly clcla)'ing ll1e acljt1clicatio11 of tl1e dispute, or l1as u11reasonab)y refused 10 Jicar it, I1c r11ay report tl1c n1attcr to tl1e Customary Courts Commissio11er, ,vI1o 111ay tra11 sfcr tl1c case to some other Customar)' Cot1rt or a Subordi11aLc Cotirt of co 1npctc11t j11risdiclion if he considers i t i n tl1c interests of justice to clo so [.i\.C!.P., s. 29 (2) as repcalecl a11cl rCJ)laccd by :\ct Si/1968]. ii '\·\'l1crc a party lo a disr>ute before a Ct1stornar)1 Court den1a11cls tl1at tl1c case be trc.t11sfcrrecl lo son1e other Cot1rt, the Customary Court n1ust st1s1Jc11 cl tI1c proceccli11gs fort:l1\vitl1 and report tl1e matter to tl1e Custon1ary C!o11rts Co1n1nissioncr, ,vl10 1nay then take tl1 e action ot1tlined in i, ante, iC 11c co11sidcrs i t i11 tl1e interests of justice to do so [.A..C.P., s. 29 ( 1) as rc1Jcalccl a11d rc1 )laccd by 1-\ct 5 7/ 1968]. iii 'l'l1c Custo111 ary C:01irts Commissioner, arid all)' i-\dmi11istrative ()fficer i.n, 1 1is cap,1city as a l1older of a Sti1Jordi11 ate Court, 1 nay order n1TY case to l Jc rc-triccl before tl1 c san1e or a11ot.l1er Customarv• Court of c<)1111)etcnt jL1risdicLi(>Il, or transfer tl1e case to a Subordi11ate Court of co1111)ete11t jurisclictio11 [t\.C.P., s. 31, as ame11ded l)y ,�ct 57 /1968]. •

7 Inspectio11, supervisio11-i 1'11 e orga11isatio11 and s11pervision of tl1c C:uston-,n.ry· Courts is carried otit by tl1c Customary Courts Com1nissio11cr, sulljcct to tl1c ge11cral or SJlecial directio11S of tl1e 1viinister responsible for tl1e1n. I11 the exercise of l 1is dttties tl1e Ct1sto1nary Courts Commissioner c11jO)'S all 1.l 1e po,vcrs of a Stibordi11ate Court [:\.C.P., s. 2B, as i11Serlcd l )y Act 57/1968], arid l1as access to any Cl1ston1ar,: Court a11cl its recorcls [1\.C.P., 231, as a1nc11clecl by 1\ct 57 /1968]. _1'i _1\ny Cl1ief, or 1,ribal 1\utl1ority, J 1as access io tl1 c Ctiston1af)' Cot1rts ,v1tl 1111 1 I1e �rca of l1is jt1risdictio11, a11 cl if lie co11 siders a11y fi 11di11g, order _ _ or <lcc1s101 1 111correct, l1e 1n11sl for,varcl tl1c record to tl1e Court to ,vl1icl1 a1)1Jeal lies frorr1 tl1e Cot1rt co11cer11cd [..\.C.P., s. 32, as ame11ded by ,\ct 57/1968]. 0

r,,\ \V


u I:,

.t\l) l\l IN I s·r l� H . l-: ()

8 Gene1·al Ia,,r-1\ Ct1sto111ar)r Col1rl 111a) adn1inister: . 1 tl1c pr visi<JilS of atI)' ,vrittc11 la,v ,vl1icl1 tl1e Co11rl is expressly ? att tl1or1sccl to acl 111i11istcr by atl)' ,vri tten Ia ,v [ A. C.P., s. I 2 (b): as .. repealed_ �11cl re11lacccl l)y La\v 5 i J 1968]; zt llie JJrovis1(J11s of nil)' la\v ,vl1icl1 tl1e Cot1rt is autl1orisccl to ad1ni1uster l Jy Orclcr of tl1e l'rcsiclc1 1t, }Jtiblisl1cd i 11 tl1c Gazette [.t\.C.P., s. 13, as rc 1Jcalecl a11d replaced by 1\ct 57 /1968]. 1



In tlic exercise of tl1eir jurisdictio11 tl1e Ct1sto1nary Cottrts ''n1ay be guiclecl by tl1e provis �ons of the Pe11al ?ode'' [1-\.C.I�., 3. 9, as a111e11clccl by Act 57/ I 968]. Prior to 1968, tl1 e Ct1ston1ary Cot1rls 011l y l1ad j ttriscli cLion lo adininister ctistomary cri111inal la\v. It is 1 10\v intcndccl tJ1 at tile Pcilal Code shot1ld ulti111atcly e11tircly replace c 11stomary crin1i11 a) Jaw, ancl tile Custon1 ary Co �rl � ar � �ei1 �g cncot1ragccl, as a1 1 intcr1nccliatc slCIJ, lo . .

exercise tl1c1r cr1 m1nal Jt 1r1scl1ct10J1 as far as JJOssiblc i11 co11forn1ity \ViLll the

Cocle. 9 Customary Ia,v-Tl1c C11ston1ary Cottrls aclrni 11istcr cit, 1 (H11a rv la\\' i11 all circt1n1Stanccs 11ot covcrccl by }Jara. 8, ante [1\.C.P. 2. 12 (a), a:<; repealed and replacecl b y 1\ct 5 7 / 1968]. I•' or Ll1c!>c IJl1r1Joscs c11s ton1a ry Ja,r n1eans ·'in relation lo any partict1lar tribe or tril1al ccnn1 11 t 1ni1.y, ll 1 c customaf)' la,v of ll1at lribc or trilJal con1n1t111i l y so far as it is 11c)l i ncon1� patil)le ,vith t]1e provisio 11S of ::tll}' ,vriltc11 la,v or co11trary to mc>rality, liuinanity or 11alt1ral jt1sticc'' [1\.C.P., s. 2 as amc11clccl b )' 1\ct 57/1968]. t\6

CUST01f:\.R\' COUR1.. S OF 1\PPE1\l.,


1 Esto.blisbmen t-1�l1 e Presiclen t n1a y, by ,var.ra11t tt n.clcr l1is l1a11cl, establisl1 any single Cl1ief or Tribal 1\11tl1 orily, or a bocl)' of Cl1ie('> or Tril)al 1\t1tl1orities, or any otl1er tribesman or trilJcsn1c11, or a con1lJi11a tion. nf n11y s11cl1 Cl1icfs, Tribal 1\11tl1oritics a11cl otl1er trilJcs111c11, Lo be a Ct1s10111ary Court of J\J)J)eal [A. C. P., s. 33, as a1nenclecl by 1\ct 5 7/ 1968]. 2 Composition-Sec Establisl11nent, a,zle. 3 Jurisdiction-1\s specificcl i 11 tl1c ,varra11t establisl1i11g tl1c C!ot11·l. 4 Procedure


Customary Courts of first i11stancc-.


6 Appeal-:\ppcal from a Custo111ary Court of 1\1Jpcal lies Lo a ,Sul1orclinate Cot1rt of competent j t1risclictio11, a11cl fro111 1 I1c Suborcl i11,1 i c (!011 rt to tl1e I-Iigl1 Court [i\.C.P., s. 34, as an1e11clecl lJy 1\ct 57/l!)G8]. Revie\v, revision

1\s C!11 slo 1narv• (:cit1rls of first i11star1cc.

Transfer, retrial 7 Inspection, supervisio11 LA \V TO DE _.\D�IINJSTERED

8 General la,v


9 Customary law B


1\.s C11sto11 1ary Cot1rts of first i11sta11cc.



t i1 iclc rcs the of s isl r1s co : l1 1ic \vl , na va 11 Statute-Tl1 e Parliament of Bots\ • y-sevc11 n1cn1.bers, 1s at1tl1orand a National .Assembly of not n1orc tl1 an tI11rt 1se · d to make la\vs for t]1 c peace, oreler and goo cl govcr111nc11t of Bots,vana


Parl Ill-Central anti Soztlltern Africa [s. 87 of t11e Constitution]. The Order i11 Council contai1 1ing tlie Co _ titLttio11 also makes provision for the co11tin11ance of ''existing la\vs" � force i11 tl1 e territory immccliately lleforc � epte1nb r 30, 1966, exce�� _ 7 insofar as tl1 ese are repealed l)y, or 1nco�s1stent w1tl1, tl1e Order itself [Botswana Indc1)enclencc Order, S.I. 1966 No. 1 171, s.4]. Sucl1 ''existing la\-vs'' inclticle: a tliose la\·\'S enacted by tl1e legislative autl1 ority of the Colony of tlie Cape of Goocl I-IoJlC before tl1e lOtl1 day of June, 1891, \·vl1ich rtniain i11 force in Bots\-va11 a lly virtue of tl1e General La,v (Cape Statutes) Re,,isio11 Proclamatio11 1959; b those ap1)licd 1\cts of tl1 c Unitccl Ki11gdom Parliament and Orders i11 Cou11cil \Vhicl1 ,vcrc in force im1nediately before Se1)tc111 ber 30.• 1966; c all Proclamatior1s, Orclina11 ccs, la\.vs, rules, regulatio11s, orders a11cl otl1er i11strL1n1 e11ts macle lly the Higl1 Comrr1issioncr for Soutl1 Africa, tl1c I Iigl1 Co1n1nissio11cr for Bast1toland, the Bcchuanala11 d Protectorate ancl S\.vazilancl or any otl1er J)erso11 or at1tl1ori t}' in Becl1 uanala11d ancl l1aving effect as J)::trt of tl1e la\v of tl1e Bechtianaland Protectorate i1n­ mediatcl)1 before SCJ)te111bcr 30, 1966.

12 Commo11 law-Tl1e common Ia,v of Bots,vana is tl1at "in force

tl1e Colon)' of tl1c Cape of Good Hope on the IOd1 day of June, 1891 ... so far as not inaJ)plicable''.


13 Custo1na1·y la\v-The C!t1sto111 ary La,v (.-\.pplication a11d ;\scert::1in111ent) 1\ct 1969 J)rovides:

"'1,l1e courts of Bots,vana sl1 all ,vitl1in tl1 e limits of tl1eir jurisdictio11, a1)ply ctistomary la\V i11 all cases a1 1 d proceedings in \,,J1icl1, by ,,irLue of tl1 e provisions of tl1is t\ct, or a11}· otl1er la\,', custo111ary Ia,v is properly , aJJJJliec.l ... , [s. 3].

14 Inter11al conflict 1·ules-Tl 1 e relatior1sl1ip ber,veen tl1e ge11cral la,v a11cl ct1stumary la,v is g·over11 ecl ])y tl1e JJfO\risions of tl1e Custo1nary La,,• (!\JJplicatio11 a1 1cl i-\scertain11 1c11t) :-\ct 1969. Tl1is .t\ct co 11tai 11s a general provisio11 to tl1e cITect Ll1at CL1ston1ary la,v s11.:11 l be apJ)liecl i11 civil matters \Vhere tl1 c 1J,1rties are tribes1ne11 u11less: a it aPl Jcars from exr)ress agree111ent, or fron1 al I releva11 t circLtmstance:i tl1at each l)art)' ir1te11dcd 1J1e 1nattcr to be reg·ulated by tl1e general la\v; or b t l1e tra11Sactio11 Oll t of ,vl1icl1 tl1c n1atter arose is 011e unk 110,vn to custo111 ary la,v; or c tl1c parties ex 1Jressl )' co11se11 t before tl1 c Co11rt to tl1e general la\\' bei11g aIJIJI iccl [s. i1,J. Tl1c Act goes 011 lo pro,,iclc cxi)rcssly tl1 at ct1ston1ar)' la,v sl1all al,vays be apJJlica)Jlc in clctcrmi11 i11g t lie i 11tcstate l1eirs of a tribcs111a11 and tl1e 11a turc and extent of tl1eir i11l1erita11ce [s. 7] a11d tl1at tl1e ge11eral provisio ns sl1all 11ot be co11Slrt1ecl as IJrcvc11ting ''tl1 e application of the com1non law ,vliere tlic clai 1 11 arises out of JJcrso11 al i11jury to, or tl1e deatl1 of, any 1,ersor1" 272


[s. 8]. Custo111ary la\v is also applied i11 civil n1.atters bel\vccn tribesinetl and non- tribesn1en \Vl1ere: a It appears eitl1cr fr�n1 ex1Jrcss agreement, or from all relevant circuin­ staiices ) tl1at eacl1 111tendcd tl1e matter to be regulated accorcling to ctisto111ar)' Ia,v; or h the parties express to the cot1rt tl1eir co11sc11t to ct1sto111ary la\v being applicable [ s. 5). The follo,ving provision is also macle for tl1c conflict of custoniary la,vs: a land disputes are regulatecl by tl1e ct1sto111ary la,v of tl1c place \vl1 crc tl1e Janel is situated; b st1bjcc t to JJaragraJJl1 a, cases arisi11g fro111 i11l1cri tancc are regttla tccl by "tl1e customary la ,v appl yi11g to 1l1c clcccasccl"; c subject to paragraphs a a11cl b, tl1c cot1rt applies tl1c custon1ary Ja,v ,vhicl1 tl1e 1Jarties i11tcndcd sl1ot1lcl regL1latc tl1cir olJligations [s. IO].


FOR.-.1 OF Till:, �la\lN IlR.'\NCIIES OF TIIr-: I.EC,,\L


16 Crin1.inal Ia,v-a Custo,n. Ct1sto111ary criminal Ja,v is a1)plicalJ!c "so far as it is not i11co1n1JaLiblc ,vitl1 tl1c JJrovisions of a11y ,vriltcn Ia,v or contrary to 1norali1y, l1t1n1a11i1y or natttral jt1sticc''. It is, 110\vcvcr, i111.e11clec.l that tl1e cu.stoinary crin1inal Ia,v sl1ot1ld sl1ortly be cntirel'y SUJJcrscclccl l.)}' ,vritten Ia,,·, ancl as a11 inter1ncdia tc step, tl1c Ct1sto111ary Courts 1nay 110,v "be guided by tl1c provisions of tl1c Penal Coclc i11 cri111inal 1naltcrs''. h General faro. 'fl1c l)e11�l Coclc 196•1.

17 Property and succession-a Proper/;1• La11cl in tl1c trilJal territories is held u11cler ct1sto1nary for111S of tenttre, lJtll its acl111i11islratio11 is subject . 10 the Tribal La11cl ..\ct 1968. La11cl ot1tside tl1c trilJal territories ,vl1ich is privately l1eld is subject Lo il1c rcccivccl Ro111an-DL1lcl1 la,v, supplcn1c-nlcc.l by some locally enacted statutes (e.g. La11d Rcgistratio,1 ancl 'J.'ra.11sfcr Proclamation, en p. 111). b S'uccessio11. St1ccession to the pro1Jcrty of clcccasccl tribcs1nc11 is govcrr1ccl by ct1stomary Ia,v, except i11 tl1ose cases ,vl1erc a v,1ill i11 conforn1ity ,vitl1 tl1e \Vills Proclamatio11 has been 1nacle. Sttcl1 a11 estate� insofar ns it is clisJ)osccl vVills Procla1natio11 a11cl tl1c 1-\cln1inisof uncler the \vill' is subie :.i ct to tl1c • a I)le tration of Estates Proclamation, lJotl1 of ,vl1icl1 arc ge11crally a1J1Jl1c in il1e case of non-tribcsme11. 18 iVIarriage and the family-a Cus/0111. 1\s applied i11 tl1e Ct1sto111ar,'

Courts. b General fa;_v. l\!Iarriage Proc)a1nation; 1\frica11 Divorce Procla111atio11.

19 Tort and contract-a Custo,n.


1\s a1)1Jliccl i11 tI-,e Customar)'

b General la,o. Tl1e rcccivecl Ron1an-Dl1tch la\V,




By Zal.i 1\,Justafa

.r ;

TI1e aclininistration of jtistice in tl1c Suda11 is e11trusted to t\vO sci)--arate a11cl indcpcnder1t Divisio11s ,vhicl1 are togclher called tl1c Judiciary. _ [ �� an­ sitional Cor1stitutio111\111e11dme11t No. 4, 1966, art'". 89). 1hesc t,vo D1vLc,1on s arc a Civil Divisio11 a11cl a Sl1aria Divisio11 [ J'ransitio11al Constitution i\me11cln1c11t No. 4, art. 90]. 'Tl1c Civil Divisio11 comprises: (a) Civil Courts and Cri1ni11al Cotirts, ,vJ1icl1 administer primarily the general territorial la,v, ancl (b) Local C!otirls, \Vl1icl1 administer prin1arily nati,,e customary Ia,v ['I'ra11::;i tiona I (!011,<; titt1tio11, r\J.11e11dment No. 4, art. 91.] 1:·11c Sl1ari:1 Di,,isio11 con1priscs all ihe courls \-vhicl1 administer Islan1ic La\v.




1 Establislunent-Establisl1ecl by art. 91 of tl1e Tra11Sitional Cons­ tiiL1tio11 of tl1c S11dan (an1endecl 1964·) 1\111encl1ne11t No. 4, 1966. 2 Con-i.position-Cl1ief J11stice and six Judges [Supreme Civil Court Act 1967, s. 3]. To be eligible for appointme11L as Cl1ief Justice or as a member or il1e Suprc1ne Civil Co11rt one 1nust be: a 1\ S11cla11ese b Not less tl1an forty years of age c lvlt1sl l1ave servecl as a 1nember of ll1c legal prt1fcssion for a minin1u1n l)criod of fiftee11 )'Cars [S.C.C.1\., s. 4]. Sec1ior1 6 (8) of tl1c S11prc1ne Ci\ il Co11rt .A.ct states tl1at tl1e Supre1ne Ci\ril CoL1rt sl1al l exercise iLs 1)0\\'Crs and j11risdictio11 in circuits. Tl1c circ11its sl1all l)c cor1stitutccl l))" tl1c St11lre111e Ci,,il Court at a n1eeti11g "' ,vl1e11 all tl1c seven 1ne1nbcrs ,trc \lrese11t. 1 11ese circt1its 111ay be reconstitutccl i11 tl1e sainc n1a1111cr. 1'hc 11t1111ller of circt1its, tl1eir po,vers a11d orga11isatio11 sl1all be determii1ed l�y _Ll1c St1JJrc111e Ci\,j} Co11rt [S.C.C.A., s. 6 (I)]. Tl1e quor11m for a circuit s1tL1ng lo exercise tl1c ::icl111i11istrati,,c po\vcrs co11ferrecl t1po11 the cot1rt under �rls. 92 (•}) ,111cl 93 of tl1c 1"ra11sitio11al Constitutio11 and s. 5 ( l ) of tl1e S.C.C.1\. sl1al l l)c of il1c Cl1icf Jtislicc, or a Judge acting on }1is l)el1alf, arid four ol l1cr J ttdgcs [S.C. C.A., s. 6 (2)]. 1


l;,or diagra1n of cottrts S}'slem, sec Appenclix, J1osl.

Sue/an TI1c s �m� qt1orum is required for a circuit exercising appellate po,-vcrs in conslttl.1t1onal cases [S. C.C. A., s. 6 (3)]. Tl1c quortim for a circttit exercising appellate po,vers in cases otl1er tl1an co11 stitt1tional cases sllall be three J udgcs includin � tl1c ?I1ief J t1stice or a J ttclgc acting on J 1 is bell a)f [S.C.C.t\., s. 6 (4)]. If 111 th1s last case a quorttm c ould 11ot be sccurccl tl1e cot1rt may �k one .Juclgc _of tl1c I-Iigh Cot1rt or one Provi 11 cc Juclgc ,vI1� lias been proV1s1onally app�1nt ?cl as an acti11g Jt1dge of tlie I-Iigl1 Cotirt, Lo sit as a member of tl1 at c1rcu1t [S.C.C.i\., s. 6 (5)].

3 Jurisdiction-original-Nil. 4 Jurisdicti �n-appe �at �-:-a ·1�0 look i11to a 11cl clcLcrn:1i 11 c aJlJ)eals fron1 all appropr1alc cot1rts 111 c1v1l 111atLcrs a11cl \Vl1icl1 11scd to be clctcrmi 11ccl be the Cot1rt of 1-\1Jpcal t111der tl1c C.J.O. b To exercise all the j uclicial po,,•crs ,vl1 icl1 t1sccl 10 vt�sl. in tl1 c Chief Jt1stice t111dcr Ll1e C.J.O., tl1c C.C.P. or a11)1 0Ll1cr la,v that ,vas i 11 force ,vl 1cn the Suprcn1e Ci ,ril Cottrt Act l 96 7 ,vas J)asscd. c To receive and dctcrn1i11c a1)pcals fro1n clccisions of .Jt1clgcs of tl1 c I�ligh Cot1rt i11 constittitional n1alters [S.C.C.,\., s. 5 (2)].

Jurisdiction-supervisory-,\ll tl1 e p o ,vers of cot1firn1alio 11, revic,-v a1 1d revisio1 1 ,vlncl1 t1sed to be cxcrcisccl by tl1e Cl1icfJ ttsLice or by Ll1c c:ottrt of Criminal 1-\ppeal uncler C. C.I>. sl1all be cxcrcisccl by tl1c Critninal Circt1i1 of the Supre1nc Civil Cot1 rt [S.C.C.t\., s. 5 (2)]. Jurisdiction-general-111 aciclition to th.c jt1risclictio1 1 rcl.crrccl 10 i11 paras. •!, 5 a 1 1d 6 above, Ll1e cot 1rt is c11 alJlcd to exercise any otl1cr jurisdiction co11ferrecl t1pon it by any Ia,v [S.C:.c:.:'\., s. 5 (2)].


PoVv·ers-a 1.'11c court is auLl1orisccl Lo n1 al-::c its o,v11 l)y-Ja,vs, JJroviclccl r 1l1at they sl1all not be co11trary to a11y la ,v in forcc [ frartsiti onal Cons 1.i lt1tion, 1\mcndmcnt No. 4, art. 93 (a)]. Tl1e cottrl n1ay also 1nake suC'l1 RegtLlations as it may dcen1. necessary for tl1e carryi11g into clTcct of t11c JJrovisions of tl1 is ..i\ct [S.C.C .•-\., s. 8]. b Tl1e court is entrt1stccl ,vitl1 tl1 c ge11cral acln1i11istrative supcrvisio11 of and control upon tl1c Civil Division [Tra1isitional Co1istitt1Lio11 , 1\n1c11 cl� menL No. 4, art. 93 (b)]. c The court shall exercise all tl1c aclminislrati,1c IJo,vcrs \vl1icl1 t1sccl to be cxercisecl b )'· tl1e Chief Jttstice under ll1c C.C.P., tl1c C�.J.O. or a11y otlier la,v [S.C.C .•A.., s . 5 (2)]. d rfhc court sl1all exercise sucl1 otl1cr acl1ni11istrativc I)O\vcrs as n1 ay, from ti1ne to time, b e co1iferrccl u 1Jon it by any la ,v [S. C. C.1\., s. 5 ( 1) J · 5 Procedt1re-a In tl1c al)sencc of tl1e President of tl1c Cottrt, tl1c 1nost setuor of the metnl)ers present sl1all preside [Tra11Sitio11 al Coi15tittition, art. 92 (5)]. b Decisions an d decrees of cacl1 circuit sl1all IJc passccl by a sim1Jle majority [S.C.C.1\., s. 6 (7)]. Revie,v, Revision- 'l'l1c Su1)rcme Civil Cotlrt 1na_y re,,ise a decree [ J or order made by a Provii1ce J t1clge or a J uclgc of tl1c I-I1gl 1 Cotirl C. .0., 275





'fl1e Court � y also review . )] (2 7 s. ., .A .C .C S y b l cc 1d s. 175 as ame1 or made by itself [C.J.O., scd s pa en lJc }1a 1 icl ,vh er ord or � _ arly clecree . )] (2 7 s. ., .i\ .C .C S y 1J cd 1cl c1 am as ) (1 s. 18 4· LA vv



See tlnder I-Iigl1 Cotlrt, a,zte.


1 Establislune11t-Establisl1ed by C.J.O., s. 10 (a). Tl1e I-Iigl1 Court ofJttsLicc consists of cottrls oforiginaljurisdictio11 [C.J.O., s. 11 as amende d by S.C.C.1\., s. 7 (2)]. 2 Comp osition-Juclges of the High Court. 3 Jui·isdictior1-original-Tl1c original jt1risdictio1 1 of the Iiigl1 - 1 Court Cottrl sl1all be cxcrcisccl by ils J ttdges silti11g si11 gly, and tl1e I Iigl l1as jt1risdiclio11 tl1 rot1gl1out tl1e St1dan to l1ear and determine all suiis

[C.J.O., s. 33].

4 Ju1·isdiction-appellate-Nil. CONTilOL



6 Appeal-Tl1cse lie lo tl1e St1preme Civil Court. Revie\.V, revisio11-rl,l1e Higl1 Cot1rt n1ay re,,ie\\• an)' decree or order 1 nacle b,, it for tl1e pt1rpose of correcti 11g a clerical error or other error rrta11ifcslly tl1e resttlt of an o, ersigl1t [C.J.0., s. 184 (2) as amended by S.C.C.1\., s. 7 (2)]. I1 1 oll1er cases a Jt1dge of the Higl1 Court can only revie\v orclers or decrees 1nade by hi1n ,vitl1 tl1e J)ern1ission of tl1e Supreme Civil C:ottrt [C.J.O., s. 184 (2) (c) as a1 11cnded b)r S.C.C ..I\.., s. 7 (2)] . 1-;-or revision see u11dcr Supreme Civil Court, ante. Transfers-i '\-Vl1ere a st1it 1nay be i11Stituted i11 a11y one or t,vo or 1nore cot1rts, a11 cl is i 11stitt1ted i 1 1 011e of sucl1 cot1rt.s, tl1e cot1rt i11 ,vl1ich tl1c st1it is i1 1stitutcd 111c.1.)· at tl1c request of tl1e defenda11t, deter1nine ,vl1icl1 of sc,,eral cot1rts l1aving jttrisdictio11 sl1all dcterr11ine tl1e suit [C.J.O., s. '1·9]. _ ii 'I'l1c St1prc111 c Civil Cottrt 111ay ,,,iLl1 regard to a1 1y civil suil pencling 111 a11y civil cotirt, a \vitl1dra'" tl1c case fron1 011.e court a1 1d tra11sfer it to anotl1er, or b transfer a11 y st1it bci11g tried by itself to any otl1cr subordi nate courl [C.J, 0., s. 50 (2) as a111c11dccl by S. C.C.1\., s. 5 (2) and s. 7 (2)] · 7 �nspection, su11ervisio11 etc.-Tl1c St1i)re111e Ci,,il Court }1as general s�pc�·1 ntc11clcnce ancl co 1 1trol over tl1c Civil Divisio [Trar1sitional Cons· n t1lut1on, art. 93 (b)]. 1


8 General la,v-..'\ li111itccl 11u111bcr of orclinanccs and (since 1956) Acts. In all cases 11ot covered by legislation tl1e courts are 276


clirccLecl to ,:act �1ccorcli11g lo jL1sticc, cc 11.lity a11d good conscicJlcc'' [C.J.O. J 2 s. 9 ]. 9, 10 Customa1·y la\v and Islamic Ia\v-Scctio11 5 of tl1c Civil .Justicc Orcli11a11ce stales: ,:\_VI1erc i11 a �y st1it or _otl1c�· pro�eecli11g i11 a Civil Cot1rt a11y question arise� rcgard111g st1cc�ss1 �n, 111l1cr1La11ce, legacies, gifls, n1arriagc, fainily relations or the const1tt1t1011 of ,vak[.,, tl1c rule of clecision sliall IJc: a any Cttslorn a1JJJlicalJlc to tl1 c l )arties conccr11ccl, ,vl1icl1 is 11o t c011• • • trary to Jt1st1ce, ec1u1ty or goo cl Cl)r1scic11cc a11d l1as no t bee11 }J y Lliis or a11y 0Ll1cr e11actmc11t altercel or abolisl1ccl a11d l1as no t bec11 clcclarcd void by tl1c dccisio11 l)f a co1npctc11t cottrt; b tl1e l\:Iol1an1111cda11 La,v, i11 cases ,vl1crc tl1e parties are lvioI1 a111rncdans, except i11 so f.:tr as tl1at h1,v l1as been 1noclificd by sucl1 ct1storn as is above ref crrccl to.' '�l



1 Establislunent-Es tablisl1ccl bys. 10 (b) of tl1e C.J.O. ,vl1icl1 l )ro,•icles tl1at there sl1all b e i11 eacl1 I)rovi11cc a C<.)urt ,vl1icl1 sl1all be St)1lccl tl1c Provi11cc Court, and ,vl1icl1 shall be st1bordinalc t o tl1c I-Iigl1 Cottrt [C.J.0-� s . 20]. 2 Compositio11-Tl1e J ticlgcs of .. 1l)rovi11cc C!ot1rt sl1;1ll co11sist of: a • Province Jttdgc except i11 tl1e Provi11cc of I<.hartot1r11 a11cl j11 all)' Pro,•ince i 1 1 ,vl1icl1 a J ttdge of Ll1c I-Iigl1 Cottrt is statio11ecl-i1.l st1cl1 cac;es the l-ligh Cottrt J ticlgc pcrforrns tl1c f u11ctio11s of Ll1c J.>rovi11ce 0 \

Judge; b District Judg es ,vl10 ma)' be of tl1rcc grades [ C.J. 0., s. 21].

3 Jurisdiction-origina!-']�1,c ,,ariot1s graclcs of .JLtclg<.:s \\'l1c1.1 trv11 . 1,.g

original suit5 sl1all l1 a,,e tl1e follo,,·i11g j11risdictio11: i Province Juclgc: 110 lirnit as rcgarcls ,,a]ue. ii District Judge of tl1c first gracle: 110 li111it as rcgarcls ,,alLtt:. - ---·-- - � Tl1is section l1a::; been inter1)rclccl to 1T1can Englisl1 la,v (statute la,v, cc1ui1y and con1.mon la,v): see Enuna11ut"l ,'lnad ,,. Elias Dcbbas. 1\C-1\1�1)-?7 1- ��17; .'111/o nious Saa<! ,,. .:1 ::: i.: Kfouri� .·\C-:\pJ)-50-l919; a11cl i,lansour El ,�J1011rlu Y-. r1brl Fatiuuz Sherri]; .-\C:-1\pp-3-l920. Dcs1Jitc tl1c. oftcn_:- c1uolecl _ chc n!1n ol o,,.."E�, J ., in I-leirs of Jbra hi,11 Ji.."ha lil ,. . ,·1 bd,)l 1llo11c1111, i\C:-1\1)JJ-b-l 92, b, tl1al ,re are guided but not bot1ncl !Jy I?.nglish slaLLttc :incl cn111�l�on Ia.,v, _ tl1e Suda11 courL">11.avc been closely follo\ving l:':11gl isl1 la\\.". '!'his trac.�1t1011 con t1nuc<.l �\ ·<.:n after independence. I-Io,vcver tl1c Govcr,1n1cnt l1as no,v co11st1tulcc.l a La,v R_cv1s1011 Committee ,vl1icl1 is nn·,v ri::v-ising Lh.c c11lirc legal systc111 a11d the la,,•s ,vl11cl1 are being applicrl toda,·. . . . · 3 t1011 rcta rp e u1i, its The ,,·or<l "ctiston-i'' in c..J.0., s. 5 is rather arr�!Ji�ous a�1�l 11as given rise to much difficult)' ancl lcc.l to co11fltcl1ng dcc1s1ons. S�e lJy ,vay of cxarr1plc t11e interpre t atio n put lJy GoR:-.1,\�, J.? i11 .·lbtlu lla C'hc� ·c/�ojl�a v; 1lfa�te Balya rellis, t\C-1\pp-12-193"1 ancl compare 1t ,v1Ll1 ll1at of LrNP�A-Y, ,c.J., �111 Ba ,nboulis ·v. Ban ,boulis, 1953, cases in tl1c Court of AJJ_ pcal �nd I�l1gl1 Court '?: Sec also K attan v. K allan ( I956), S. L.J .R. 9. For a clela1Icd d1sct1ss1on of tl1c topic sec C. D'O. Farran, J\,fatrinionial Lar,os of the 5'udan, PP· 88-9I· .:!..J .L.S,.d.-1 (J

.. ,



. .. . . . l J. udges of tl1e seco11d grade: value 11ot exceedi11g 50 pou nds iii 01str1c and not exceed"1ng 30 pounds when tlle \V1lC� tl1c case is undef e11dec.l · · , ·s· 35' as an1ended i111954]. e11dc· d [C·JO case 1s de1r' ince Cot1rts C ( onf�rn1 c11t of 4 Jurisdictioii-appellate -By the Prov te powers of the I-I1gl1 Court l)o\vers) Act1955/56, art. 27, s. 2 tl1c appella . s ment tJ1e c c11act \vl1er rt Coti referred to in 1ce 1 Provi a l J, e v bl ea rcIS are exe . l 1e I-I·1gI1 Court. id tlieS cliedule of tJ1e Act prov e for an appeal to t CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-rfliese lie to theSuprcineCivil Court [S.C.C. .t\., s. S (2J]. Revie\-V, revision-Same as I-Iigl1 Court except tl1at a re:ision of a decree or order of a DistrictJuclge sl1all be n1ade to the PrO\'Ince Jt1clge [CJ . O . , . s. 175 (a)]. Transfer-Same as I-Iigl1Court. 7 Inspection, supe1·vision, etc.---:-Samc as I-Iigl1 _Court. 11oreover_ i.he Pro,rince Jticlgc supervises a1 1cl clistr1lJLI tes the business of the Pro,·1nce Court [C.J.O., s. 26]. T�1\\V TO DE .r\.D!l-ilNISTERED

Same as IIigl - 1Court. f


1 Establislunent-Uncler s. 10 (c) of tl1e C. J . O . tl1e Supreme Civil C!otirt 1nay, by order l)t1blisl1ecl i11 tl1c Ga=ctie, constitttte any Be11cl1 of l\'1agistratcs cstablisl1ecl 1.u1der s. 10.�\ of tl1e Code of Criminal Procedure as a rfo,vnCot1rt to l1car a1 1cl cleler111i 11e ci\.--il s1.1its tinder tl1eC.J.O. [C.J.O., s. 27, as a·n1cnclecl lJy ll1cS.C.C.1\., s. 7 (2)]. 2 Com1l0Sition-Co11Sisis of tl1rce tl1ird class l\,fagistrates appointed by tl1eSuprcn1.eCivilCotirt a1 1cl constittitecl by it i11to a Be11cl1 of MagisLrates [CC . .I>.� s. 101\� as amc11decl b)'S.C.C.1\., s. i (2) andC. J . O,. s. 27]. 3 Ju1·isdictio11-origiI1al-By s. 29 ( l) of cl1e C.J.O..t\me11d ment 1\ct 1961, no suit sl1all be i11stitutcd i1 1 a To ,vnCot1rt i1 1 tl1e first insta11ce: lJt1t sl1�tl l l)c ini tiaLed by a {JCli tio11 to tl1 e DistrictJucl o-e of tl1e first or seco11d graclc i11 Ll1c District co11cer11cd. Sticl 1 District J�dgc m ay then eitl1 er l1ear ancl detcrn1i11c it l1i1nsclf or refer it to tlle To,,rn Cottrt [CJ . O . ,. s. 29 ( )]. 2 A 1�0,-v11Cot1rt l1as jt1risdictio11: I t.o_ tr�' origi11al st1its referred to it u11derC.J.O. s. 29 of a value falling ,v�tl1111 s11cl� o� al! of tl1c po,-vcrs of a DistrictJttdge of the tl1ird gr��c ,vitl1 sucl1 l11111tat1or1s as 111 ay be placed up on it by tl1eSt1preme Ci,ril Cotirt [C.J.0.1-\., s. 36 (1) as a111e11cled b)' tl1eS.C.C.f\., s. 7 (2] ) ;


Sudan 2 to try any questio11 of fact \.vl1icl1 is in isst1e in any st1it a11cl 1vvl1icl1 is referrecl to it for trial by tl1e Cot1rt 111 \-vl1icl1 st1cl1 sttit is JJer1cli11 g, JJroviclecl: a no st1ch c1t1eslior1 1nay be rcferrecl in a st1it in ,vhicl 1 the Govcr11ment is a JJarl)'; ancl b in a st1it in ,-vl1icl1 1l1e title to i1nn1ovalJlc {Jropcrty is i11 isst1c: [C.J.0..t\., s. 36 (I) ar1cl (2)]. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-Nil. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 _;\ppeal-'"fl1esc lie to tl1c StqJrcn1c Ci,,il Co1.1rt.

Revie,v, revisio11-i Ir1 cases ,vl1crc tl1c �r·o,vn Co11rt ,vas cxcrcisi11g the original j11riscliction of a Jttclgc of t he tl1ircl graclr.:, unclcr C.J.0., s. 36 (I) applicatio11s for rc,1isio11 of its clccrecs or orclers I ic to tl1c Provi11cc .J uclgc [C.J.O., s. 175 (c) (I)]. ii In cases ,-vl1crc tl1c 'I'o,v11 Cottrt. ,vas trying a qt1cstion of fac.t rclc:rrccl to it u11clcr C.J.0., s. 36 (2) the co1trt ,vl1icl1 referreel s11cl1 qttcst.io11 to tl1c To,-vn c:01trt has tl1e po,vcr of re,,ision [C!.J.0., s. 175 (c) (2)]. 'l�l1e an1enclcd s. 180 of tl1e C.J.0. sets 011t tl1c special JJro,·isio11S relating to a1)plications for revision of orders 111.idc by 'fo,vn Co11rts. U11clcr C.J.O., s. 184 (2) tl1cTo,v11 Court ca11 rc,:ic,v its O¼'ll orders to cor­ rect a clerical error or any other error n1anifcstly tl1 e rcs1Llt of a11 oversigl1t. In otl1er cases it n1ay rcvie,v orclcrs 1Jassccl by ii: a i11 exercising its po,vers ttnclcr s. 36 ( 1) ,vitl1 tl1c J)rcvious J)Crn1issio11 1)f the Pro,,incc J11clgc; a11d b in e.-xercising its po,-vcrs under s. 36 (2) \Vitl1 the JJem1ission of t}1c court ,vl1icl1 referrccl the isst1c to it. Couri. i\.forcovcr, the Cot1rt of a Provir1cc Tr::111sfer-San1c as I Iigh J11dgc n1ay: i ,vithclra,v ail}-' suit pcncling ir1 a court s11bordi11atc to itself a11cl transfer t11e s1iit for trial to ar1)' court sul)ordinatc to itse]f ancl com1)ctc11t to l ry . i l:.. ii Lransfer any st1it pending before itself for trial to a11y court subordinate to itc;clfand competent to lry it [C.J.O., s. 50 (l)J. 7 lnspection, st1pervision, etc.-Subjcct to the control of the Provi11cc .J11dgc, tl1e District Judge of tl1e District in ,-vl1ich the coL1rt sits to exercise its jurisdiction, exerci5cs control o,,er tl1e court [C.J.O., s. 32]. Lr\.\V TO BE AD�IINIST.ERED

San1e as I-Iigh Co11rt.

.-\5 CRii\ IINr\J... COURTS 1


1 Establishm.ent-There arc six classes of Criminal Courts in tl1e 279

,S'udan e Code of Criminal tl1 of 8 11 tio !:iCC by d l1c lis al) est c ar ese Sttclail. All tl1 Procedure. Tl1cy are: ct l\,{ajor Courts b lvf inor Co11rts ass c Cot1rts of Magistrates of tJ1c first cl class d Courts of Ivfagistrates of tl1c sccoricl s e Co11rts of :tvfagistratcs of tl1c tl1ircl clas f Be11cl1es of l\lfagistrates. gc of tl1c I-Iigl1 Court ticl J a of t :i nsi CcJ rls. C'ou jor J1,fa a ntio osi mp Co 2 ancl t,vo lVIagistrates, or of tl1ree N.(agistrates of w}10� one sl1all be a ]. 9 (1) s. , .P. .C [C ale istr Iag 1 ss cla t firs a or c clg ju nce Pro,,i b Jvfinor Courts. Co11Sist of tl1rec: i'vlagistrates of ,vl1om at least one musi ) . 9 (2)]. I C. C. [ ss cla l onc scc be of tl1e first or c First C'lass 1,1agistrale. Co11sist of a single F'irst Class :1\Iagistrate. cl ,'Jcconcl Class 1\1agislrate. Co11Sist of a si11glc Second Class 1Iagistrate. c T!zirff C'lass 111agislralc. C!o11sist of a sing·le '"fhird Class r. fagistrate [C.C.P. s. 10]. f Benches of 1,1agistralcs. Co11Sist of tl1ree ...fl1ird Class 1Iagistrates [C,C.P. s. lOt\]. 1



3 ..Tt1risdictio11--01·igil1al-a 1.,Jajor Courts. Unlunited [C.C.P.; s. 16] b J\.finor Courts. I1npriso11n1.e11t for a ter1n 11.ot exceeding 7 years; fine 110L exccccling £S.500.-; \Vl1i1)pi11g; cletention [C. C.P. s. 17]. c Fitsl C'lass .lvlagislrates. I1111)riso1une11t for a iern1 11ot exceeding 2 )'ears; fi11c 11<)1 exceeding l.,S.200.-; ,vl1ipJ)i1 1g; cletentio11. I11. cases \vherc the offence is triccl su1n111arily, tl1� ter111 of impriso111ne11t ca11not exceed 3 mont]1S; ll1c n1axin1u1n fine is LS.20; flogging; ,vlrippi11g [C.C.P., s. i8]. I1n1Jrist111111enl; f'111e 11ot exceeding £S.50; {! S'cton,1 C'lass 111agislrale. \\'l1 iJ)J)i11g; clei e11tio11, exce1)t \\'l1e11 tr�,'i11g an offence su111nui1·ily ,vl1en it ma)' pass a sc11tc11ce of not n1orc tl1an one n1ont11 i111prisonme11t; £S.5 i111c; floggi11g; ,vhipping LC!.C.l) ., �- 19]. c Thircl Class 1.1,fagistra!t"s. 1\!a)" 011ly 11,· cases sumn1.arily; ma.ximl1m I)t� i� l1n1c111 7 clays, in11Jriso1m1e11t� fi11e 11ot e..�ceedu1g 50 P.T. (10s.) [C.C.P.� ; s. _Q_J. f Bencli of .111agislrat,•s. Sl1al l ll:1,,e il1c po,\·ers of­ i a Court of a 'i\Jagis[ratc of t11e J::'irst Class: or ii a Cot1rt of ::1 I\·I a gis lra t.c <1f tl1c Seco11cl CI�ss · or 111 a Cot1rt of a Ivlagistrate of tl1e First or Second Class t11ring a11 oflcncc Sl1Il1111aril)r; �s tl 1c Supreme Civil Coltrt 111ay clircct [C.C.P., s. IOA, as amended by tl1c S.C.C.1\., s. 7 (2)]. '

•• I

4 Juriscliction-�1})pell�1te-N il. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appeal-1,11crc is a


li111itecl rigl1t of crimii1a] ap11eal i11 the


Suclan Sudan. ;\ C(n1,,ictccl JJerson ca11 appeal fro1n tl1e follo,vi11g jt1clg111c11ts or orders ,viLl1in se,�cn c.la·ys of tl1c sentence being J)assccl: a tl1c judg1nent of a Cot1rt of a l'vlagistrale of tl1c First Class or of tl1c Second Class J)roviclcd that tl1e sentence JJassccl by Ll1c Cot1rt cxcccclcd the penalty ,-vhich tl1at Cot1rt could l1avc in1posed on a st1n1.n1ary trial; b order to give secttrity to keep tl1c peace; c a resicle11ce orcler; ll a11 order to abate a nt1isa11cc ,vl1icl1 l1as l)cc11 1nadc alJsolutc; e a11 order forfeiting a boncl take11 by a C:ourl [C:.C.J)., ss. 253, :l5•l]. 1\1 Jpeals l ic to a Jttdgc of tl1e I-Iigl1 Cot1rL or tc> ;1 J)ro\·incc Jticlgc ,vl1crc sucl1 l1as been aJJpointed to a circt1it [C.C.Jl., s. 253]. Tl1c Jt1dgc of tl1c High Courl may clelcgatc J1is po,vcrs to a First C:Iass �Jngistralc [C.C.P., s. 267.\]. Con'flrmation-.L\ltl1ot1gl1 tl1crc is no appeal fro111 tl1c jt1dg111ent of i'viajor Courts or of ?vii11or Co1.1rts, s11cl1 juclgn1c11ts rcc11.1irc to lJc confirmccl by the S1.11)remc Civil Co1.1rt or tl1c Jt1clge of tl1c I-Iigl1 Co1.1.rt rcsr>cctivcl)' [C.C.P., ss. 250, 25 l J. Tl1c co11,,ictcd pcrso11 111a)' st1b111it a ,vriltcn petition of appeal i11clicati11g ,vl1)· tl1c j11clg111cnt sl1ot1ld 11ot l)c co11fir1nccl [C.C:.l'.. s. 252). Tl1e con,..·ictcd perso11, 110,Yc,•er, l1as no rigl1t lo }Jc h . earcl i.11 J>erson or througl1 ari. ad,.·ocatc [C.C.P., s. 260].



Revie,v, revisio11-i In all crin1i11al cases tl1c Crir11i11al C:ircuit of tl1c Suprc111c Civil C:ourt n1a)" call for a11cl ex.an1i11c tl1c records of a11y procecclings for 1l1e p1.1rposc of satisfying itself as to tl1c correct11ess� legality or JJropriety of any fi11di11g, sc11tc11ce or order, recordeel or f)assccl a11cl as to tl1e regt1larity of tl1e procecclings of tl1c court [C.C.ll., s. 259 (1)]. ii i\ .Judge of t.l1e Higl1 Cot1rt or tl1c Provi11ce Jttdgc, \.vl1.cre sttcl1 has IJecn appointed io a circuiL, l1as Ll1c same JJo,vers ""itl1in his circt1it, except - clecisio11, i.l1at l1e ca11not rc,,isc il1e proceedings of a i\1ajor Court. I Iis 110,vcver, may be subjecLcd to a furtl1er rc,•ision l)y tl1c S111Jre111e (:ivil Cot1rL iii ,\- Judgc of tl1c Higl1 Court 1nay clelegatc l1is fJO\vcrs tu1cler ii suj;ra 10 :1 First Class :\fagistrate [C.C.P., s. 262 (a)]. Transfer-i :\ Pro\--ince Juclgc or a Higl1 Court Jttclgc 111a)e, ,vl 1er1cvl:r it appears to l1im tl1a t st1ch transfer ,vilI proinote tl1c e11ds of justice or \Vil I be in the i11tcrcsts of pt1blic tranq1.1illity, tra11sfcr an)r case fro111 011c co1.1rL ,vitliin l1is Province or Circt1it to another at any stage of tl1c I)roccecli11gs. ii The Supreme Civ-il Court may make tl1e Jik :e tra11sfer fron1 one Pro,ri11cc to anotl1cr [C.C.P., s. 127].

7 Inspection, supervision, etc.-Scc Revic\.v, revision� supra. L1\ \V TO BE .·\Dl\.iINISTERED

8 General la,v-The provisions of the St1dan Penal Code a11d otl1 cr Orclinances a11cl Acts that deal with criminal offences.

9 Custo1nary law-NiJ. 10 Islamic law-Nil. 281


r rcvisio��� pow�rs t _I1e Su ?r; me Ci-vil ry lo na 1 r nfi co its 1 g i i cis er In cx .� _ t [C.C.l., s. 261,\ u1 rc al C1 1n 11n Cr e tl1 to 1t rc fo lJe se ca y an it Court n1 ay rcni the case of appeal by \vay of Unlike . )] (2 7 s. , A. C. C. S. by cl de as an ici1 e al tl1 in e im for Cr be d ar it l1c rcu Ci l)e to led tit e11 is d se ctt ac e t11 on ati rm iifi co [C.C.P., s. 2611\ (3)'1],


1 Establisbment-Establisl1ccl u11cler s. 5 ( 1) of the Chiefs Courts Ordi 11a11cc.5 Tl1 e Cottrts are cstablisl1ed by a ,,·arrant issued by tl1e Supreme Civil C!ottrt at sttcl-1 places and ,vithin such areas as tl1e St1preme Civil Court rnay clccn1 fit. 2 Composition-'l,hcre arc tl1e follo,,•i11g classes of Cl1iefs' Courts: a a cl1ier sitting alo 1 1e; b a cl1ief or IJrcsident sitting \-Vitl1 1ne111bers; c a SJ)ccial cottrl [C.C.O., s. 4]. 3 Juriscliction-origil1al-i E,'\ient. 1,11e ,,·arra11L defines tl1e po,vers oftl1c Court a11cl tl1 e limits of iLsjurisdiction [C.C.0., s. 5 (2)]. ii Over persons. St1bject to certain exceptio11S_. tl1e Court l1as fulljurisdic­ . aJl criminal tiort i 11 all civil cases in ,vl1 icl1 Ll1e parties are natives a11 d ii1 cases i11 ,-vl1icl1 tl 1e acct1sccl is a na tivc6 [C. C.0. � s. 6 (I)]. 4 Jurisdiction-a11pellate-�il. CONTROL OF COURTS

6 Appcal-I 11 b0Ll1 ci,,il ancl cri111.i11al cases� a1)pcals fi:on1 tl1e decisions or a Chief's Cot1rt are as of rigl1t. 1�11e aI)peal 1 ies to: {I 'I'he StIJ)fCnle Civil c:ourt; b rfl1c .Jt1clge of tl1e IIigl1. Cottr t i 11 tl1c CirCllit; c 'l'}1e JJro,•i11ce Jtidge; d ··r11e Resident 1'viagistrale; a11cl e 1\notl1er C:l1icf's Cot1rt atttl1orisccl b)' 1l1e Stt1)re111e Civil Cotrrt to l1ear tl1e appea1 [C.C.O., s. 9_, as a111enclccl]. Revi�,v, 1· �visio11�'l'l1e St11)rc111c Ci\ril c:ourt l1as l)O\\'Cf to revise Lhc JJ1:oceccl111?s of �111y Cl11cf's C!otirt i11clucli11g a Special Court. Bt1t a sentence c)I 11ot gu1lLy ca11not be rcvisccl. It is, 110,,,ever, possil)lc for tl1 e revising _ autl1or1ty to cancel all J)roceccli11gs ancl ,vitl1i11 six 111onths of judgincnt • •



- -...-- -. - • ·- -

rfl 1� 1�os1_t 1 0 1 S r1ot as yet very clear as tl1c circuits l1a,·e 11ot bci:::n formed ! ) ai1d l! 1c11 Jt•!·1scl1ct on � 1ot clefi11 cl. It is quite ]ikcly tl1at a riglit to ap1Jeal directly � � Io � h� C11:_1111n :::i.l (?1rct11 t of tl1c..: St11 Jrc111c Civil Cottrt ,vii l be cst.ablishecl. _ · : �le a1J1Jlicat on of tl is orcli11a11cc is restricted to � tl1c Pro,,inces of Upper Nile, � 13 al11 el Gliazal l'..qt1ator1a a11d t11at area of l(orclofan ,vhicl1 is 11orn1al ed I,, inha l:>it : 1 t11c Ngok D111ka. JY 0 Dy s • 3 "N'at· ' · otl1cr than a native of Egy}Jl. 1, ,,c" 111ca11s �t 11at1· •vc o1· 1-\.lr1ca ,1





Sue/an order a rc-11earing before a cottrt csLablisl1ccl u11clcr L11c Code Procedure or tl1e Civil JusLice Orclinancc [C.C.0., s.10].

or Crin1i11al

L.·\\-\' TO llE AD.\!INISTERED

S General law·-TI1c J)ro,1isio11s o[ a 11y orclir1ar1cc ,vl1ich lhc cc>url may be autl1orisecl to achninisler in its ,,·arrant or rcgulalior1!-i [C:.c:.o., s. 7 ( 1) (b)]. 9 Custo.1nary la,v-"rfl1c native la,v a11cl custon1 prc,:aili 11g in tl 1c area o,1er \.vl1icl1 tl1e court exercises its jt 1risclictio11, l)roviclc(l tl1at st1ch native la\v a11cl custom is 11ot co11trary lo jt1stice, 111orality or orclcr'' I C:.C.O.,

s. 7 (1) (a)].

10 Islamic or other Ja,,,_Nil.


1 Establisl1111.ent-Section G ( 1) of cJ1c Native Cot 1rls Orcli11 ancc (,vl1icl1 applies to all areas 1 1ot coverecl by tl1e Cl1iefs' Cou1·t Orclina11 cc) autl1c1riscs tl1e Supreme Civil Court to cstalJ!isI1 Native C:ottrts in st1cl1 places as it tllinks fit. I


2 Compositio11-1'J1crc arc tl1c follo\Ying classes or Native CoL1rts: a a Sheikh's Court, tl1:it is a court ,vitl1 a Sl1cikl1 as president sittin,s; ,vitl1 me111bers; b a court of a Sl1cikl1 �itti11g in 1neglis, tl1at is a coL1rt of a ,Sl1 cikl1 sitting \\"i th elclers; c a \ii}Iagc Court; (! a Special Court [N.C.O., s. 5]. rfl1e \Varrants establi.sh.ir1g Ll1ese courts l1a,1c i11Lrocluecd a furthcr classifica­ tio11 applicable to Sl1eik11's Cottrts� \vlucl1 are cliviclcd into ( 1) 11Iain Courts, (2) Regional Courts a11d (3) Brancl1 Courts. Regio11al Courts l1 a,,c I)O\vcrs intern1ediate bet,vce11 1\Jain ancl Brancl1 Courts. 3 Juriscliction-original-i Extc11t. Set 011t i11 the ,,·arra11t cstablisl1i11 g the court [N.C.O., s. 7 ( I)] . ii Cases exclucledfro,n J·uris{liction. '.fJ1esc arc as follo\-vs: a a11y civil case in \vhicl1 11citl1er par Ly is Stll)jcct to tl1e jt1risdictio1 1 of tl1c court, except ,vitl1 the con5ent of IJotJ1 }Jartics; b any ci,,il case in 1-vhlcl1 one JJarty i!:i subject to tl1e jurisdiction a11d the otl1er not, except \vit11 tl1e co11.Scnt of the party 11ot st1bject to tl1e jurisdiction; c a11y case concerning tl1c o\-vnersl1i1) of land, except a claim for par­ tition of land registered under Ll1c Land Scttle1ncnt ancl Registratior1 Ordinance, and O\.vncd in individ11al sl1arcs by co-J1cirs; d any crimi11al case in ,vl1icl1 tl1c accused is a Govern1nent official; e any criminal case in \.Vl1ich the accused is a policema,1 or a 11on­ commissioned officer, or solclicr in tl1c Sucla11 1-\rn1ccl Forces; f certai11 other offences such as hornicidc, 01Tc11ccs agai 1is t tl1c State, or relating to tJ1e military forces or offences relatir1g to slavery. 20:3

S'urlan �1 Vill::1gc Cc}1.1rt ca11not: l L res1Jass, i 1 1St1 lt, aflray, Ll1efL anti ina crim , urt 1 l , t: l t1 assa of i ces (Jf1c 1 try i sir11i]ar offc11ccs; or ii t1ear ._1r1 v civil cas e i 1 1 ,-vl1 icl1 tl1c val uc of the st1l)ject 1natter i11 clisptuc exccccls £S.5.- [N.C.0., s. 8 (I)]. 1 4 Jui-isdiction-ap1lellatc-1\pJJcl iatc JJO\vers 111a) lJe grar1ied to a 7 s. .; 12 (l C.0 it [N. 11g J· ishi l \ \: l�ercver stab e t ran \-\!ar } c l1 t !Jy 1rl Native Cot tl1e \Varra11t JJrovicl cs for a1Jpcals, sucl1 apJJeals are ,1s of right [?\.C.O., s . 12 (2)]. i\;l cJI'C<JVCI',



6 r\.p1Jeal-1""11is is sc L out in tl1e ,-va rra11 L, bu i tl1 e proced Ltre 11as become gc11erall �r sLa11cl ar discc.l. t\JJtJcals from a Sheikl1. sitti 11g i 11 1ncglis go to tl1c _ Bra11cl 1 C�c>t1rt ancl fro1n tl1c Bra r1cl1. Court to tl1c Rcg1011al Court, ,vl1ere sttcl 1 a cot1rt exists, otl1er•.vise to tl1e .l\1Iai11 Court. l:;-rorn a Regi onal or a l\ lair1 C:c>t1rt a1JJ)c,1ls go to tl1e Rcsicl e11t Nlagistrate (i.e. a District Judge of tl1e firsl grade ancl a 1nagist rate of tl1e first class), ,vitl1in ,vl1 ose local jt1risdictio11 tI1c cot1rt is sitt1atccl a11d tl1e1 1ce to tl1e Juclge of tl 1c I-Iigl1 Court or l)rovi11ce Juclge. 1


l"tevic\.v, 1·evisio11-'l'l1e Suprerne (;ivil C'.ourl l1as po,ver to revise 1l1c cleci�;ions of Native Cot1rts [N.C.O., s. 1-1-]. rfl1e Sttpreme Civil Cottrt 111a)' clcl,·gatc tl1.is JJO\-ver to a Jttdgc of tl 1e I-Iigl1 Court or llro,•ince Judge, or to a 111.ag.islr .. 1tcof ll 1c first or second cl ass. ·re, 13£ ,1\1)).•IINISTERED "" 8 Ge1 1er:.:11 la\--v-'1 11e JJro\·isiL111s o[ a11 1' ordina11cc, ,vl1ere sucl1 provisi ons :ire r1ot t)art of 11ati, c la\v a11d custon1, a11d ,,,I1ere tl1e court has been cx1Jrc.ssly auLl1orisccl i 11 its \varr a11t, order or regi.1lations to administer s1.1cl1 11rovisio11 [N. C. 0., s. 9 (I) (b)]. l.�\ \\'


9 C�11 sto1nary la,v-''l�l1c 1 1ati \"C la,,· and ct1sto1n pre\0ailii1g in tl1e area or i l1 tl 1c tribe over \vlucl1 tl1c co1.1rt exercises its jurisdictio11 provided tl1at sticl1 11ali vc 1a,v a11cl ct1sto111 is 11.ot co11trar)' to justice� n1orality or order'' !_�.(!,()._, s. 9 (1 ) (a)]. 10 I �la111ic 01· otl1e1· l�1,,r--'I"l1c Sl1ari:1 is a1Jplicd by some Native C:ot1rts 111 �a st:s of J)erso11al stn.Lt1 s si11ce a locall )' tr:1i11ed 11[2"111, ,vl 10 is t11 1der . tl1e st11)erv1s1on (1[ tl1 e Sl1ari:1 cottrLsi sits ,vitl1 1l1e co1 .1rt.7

II SI·Ir\Rl.i\. DIVISION '" ""

.1\,J O I-I;-\l\;l }\,IED.c\N CO UR l S rl,l1c Sl13.__ria Co1.1rts co�111Jrisc a S1.11)re111e Sliar ia Co1.irt, a I-Iigb Court, v Courl� o� first cl ass I'-::i.cl 1s a11cl Cour ts of secor1<l cl ass I<.aclis [Transition al Co1�l1lut1or1, 1\111c11d111c11t No. 4, art. 96]. IJCl\\'cen 1 l;" r clct::iils, sec l\<(ol1an1 relationsl1i1 111e<l 1\lJt1 l'lan11at, C.J '> ''Tl 1 c ? � _ _ Isl.tn11c n11cl c11ston1ary la,v 111 tl1e Sttdanl! , [1960] J.,\.L. 9-16.


Sudan t\8



1 Establishn1ent-Established by art. 97 of tl1e Transitional Co11S­ titution. 2 Co1nposition-The nttmber of mcn1bcrs of Lhe Su1)rc1nc Sl1aria Cot1rt, its circuits,ju.risdiction, po,vers a11cl tl1c qttalifications of tl1c 111embcrs t11ercof a11d any other details concerning it sl1all be definccl by la,v.8 3 Juriscliction-original-Nil. 4 Jurisc)iction-appellate-Excrciscs tl1c a1)1)clJatc a11d revisionary

po\vers ....,]1ich tiscd to ,,est in tl1e Sl1aria Cot1rt of .-\ppcal (for furtl1cr clctails sec 1.1ndcr I-Iigl1 Court, /Jost).

5 PO\Vers-In adclition to tl1c j11risclictio 11 rcfcrrccl to i11 l)ara. '1· above tl1e Suprcn1e Sl1aria Court sl1all rxercisc tl1c follo,ving po,-vcrs: a rfl1c maki11g of its o,vn by-la,vs; 1)ro, iclccl that tl1cy sl1 a]l not be co11trary to a11y la\v in force. b 'l'he general supervision of a11cl co11trol ttJ)Oll tl1c Sl1aria Division [1,ransitional Constitt1lion, art. 98]. c The appoi11tzne11t of 1nc1nlJcrs of subsicliary Courts [Tra11sitio11al Constitution, art. 99 (2)]. d r\11 the sttpcrvisol")' a11d administrative pO\VCrs \vhic11 usecl Lo be cxer­ cisccl o,0er Sl1aria Cot1rts by tl1c Cl1icf Justicc and tl1e Grancl Kadi 11ncler a11y la\v \vl1icl1 ,vas i11 force ,.,,}1cn Amendment No. 4 to tl1c rrransitional Co11stitution \\'as passed. 1


Procedure-a In tI1e alJse11cc of Ll1c l) rcsidet1t ancl his deJ)t1Ly, 1 l1 e 1nost senior member sl1all preside [Transitio11al Constitt1tion, art 97 (5)]. b The quorum shall be tl1ree 1ne1nbcrs inclucling tl1e President [Transit­ ional Constition, art. 97 (6)]. LA'\V' TO BE AD�!INISTERED

See under Higl1 Court, post. 1-\9





1 Establislunent-Establislled by s. 2 of tl1c St1dan rvioha1n1ncda11 La\V Cottrls Ordinance 1902.

2 Composition-Consists of a si11gle l-Iigl1 Court l(acli [S.�1.L.C.O., s. 4). 3 Jurisdiction-original-,\]] i\Jol1an1meclal1 La\-v Cot1rts sl1all be competent to decide: The Suprrn1c Sharia_ Court t\ct is no,v in the course o[ !)reparation. It \vill proceed alo!lg the san1c hoes as the Su1)rcn1c Civil Court i\ct 1967 in transferring lo t �c S.S.(:. the a<lmi �ist �ativ� s�tp�r�ision of lhc Shari_a Divisio11 and in stating moi c clearly lhe ConstI tutton, Jt1r1sd1ct1011 and po,vcrs ol the C!ourt. 8




rce, ?uardians�i l) of 1ni1 1ors or a any question regarding 1narriage, clivo e family relationsltiIJ, proviclccl tl1at the r?arr1ag to wh1cl1 the question related \Vas concluded in accordance \v1th l\1ohammcdan La,v, or the }Jartics are all Mol1a1n1ncdans; , b aity qttcstion regarding \.V �kf, gift, succession ,-vills, i_11tercliclion or guardiailSlti}J of a11 intcrclicted o r lost _pe�s011, provided Ll1at the endo,vcr, do110r or tl1c deceased or the 1nd1ctcd or Jost person is a l'viol1ammecla11; c an)r qucstio11 otl1 er tl1an tl1ose i11 a a11d b suj1ra, provided that all tl1e JJarties, \vl1ctl1cr lJcing l\1ol1ammcda11:' or not, ma�e a formal ?e1nand by tl1 em asking tl1c Cotirl to c11tcrta1n tl1c c1uesl1on a11 d slating that tl1cy agree to be bot1nd by tl1c ruling of �-fol1ammedan La\v [S.lVI.L.C.0., s. 6].




4 Jt1risdiction-appellate-i Tl1c High Court sl1all lJc comJJetent to rcl1car i11 aJJlJcal stiits deciclcd by Kadis of Pro,rince Courts: a i11 cases relating to succcssic)Jl and llcqucsts, ,vl1e11 tl1e value of t.l1c est.arc cxccecls £S.25; b i,1 sttits rclati1 1g to gifts \.vl1en tl1e ,,alue of tl1e proJJerty given exceeds £S.25; c against orclers ap1Joi11ting nazirs of ,vakfs or autl1orising tl1e i11Stitution of st1its against tl1em; ll i 11 cn!5cs otl1er tl1a11 ti b and c sujJra ,vl1ere tl1e parties ntade a formal de1na11d to tl1c Kadi of the Province to be bound by the n1ling of the Sl1,tria [St1da 11 .'Nfol1an1medan La,v Courts Organisatio11 and Procedure Regulatio11S No. 30). ii 1..l1c I�Iigl1 Court sl1all also be competent to rel1ear as a Court of Rcvi!ii 011: a tl'i.c clccisio1Lc; of l(aclis of Province Cottrts given 011 a1lpeal to such 1>ro,1ir1ce Cot1rts front. the dccisio11s of Kadis of Dislrict Couris u11der tl1c1n [S.1\,(.1... C.O.P.R. No. 31 ]; b il1e clccjsi1)11s of l(adis of District Courts i11 ceriai11 s1Jccified cases rclerrecl to i11 rcgttlatio1is 22 , 23 a11cl 24 rs.l\,f.L.C.O.P.R. No. 32]; c tlle clccisions given 0 11 appeal b)' itself u11der regulalio11 30 [S.11.L. C.O.P.R. No. 34]; ll t}1e clecisioru given 1)) tl1e Grancl Kadi or a Jtidge delegated by l1im u11cler rcgt1Iatio11 36 [S.NI.L.C.0.P.R. No. 34 ]. 7


6 _/\,�pcal-Tl1c� c Ji:- to t 11c St11)re111c Sl1aria Court. [Tl1 e :rviol1a11uneda11 La\V Cottri.s Orga111satton a1 1cl 11rl">ceclttre ( .L\me11dmc11l) Regul atio11s 195 7, reg. 30]. Revie �\ �, 1·cvision-Tl1c Su1)rcn1c Sl1aria Court l1as po,ver of revisio11 over clcc1s1011s of tl1c I-Iigl1 Co11rt. Tt·ansfer-'J�l1c St1pre111.c Sl1aria Cottrt may tra11sfer a11y suit pendin g

before any Cot1rt lo a11otl1cr Cot1rl [S.:tvI.L.C.O.P.R., reg. 51]. 286


7 Inspection, supervision, etc,-Thc St1pre1nc Sl1aria c:ourt is c11trusled ,vill1 tl1c general administralivc super,,isio11 of tl1c Sl1aria Division [Transilio11al Constitutio11, art. 98 (b)]. L.-\\.V TO DE .1-\Dl\iINJSTERED

8 General Ia,v-Nil.

9 Customary Ja,v-Nil. 10 Islamic or other Ia,v-Dccisio11s of Li1e i'v.fol1an11nedan La,v Courts sl1all be in accorclancc ,vitl1 tl1e autl1oritative cloctrincs of tl1c I·Ianafia jt1rists except in matters in \,•lucl1 t11e St1prc111c Sharia c:ol1rt oLbcr,,visc clirccts in a jtldicial circt1lar or 1nc111orandum rs.JvI.L.C.O..P.R., reg. 53]. r


t\lO PROVINCE ,\ND DIS1'R1C l' COUll fS Courts of Provi11ces a11cl Districts are citl1cr Cot1rls of First Class I(acli.s or Second Class Kaclis. CONSTi"fUTION


1 Establislunent-Establisl1ccl b,• s. 2, ,SL1clan :Wiohan1.mcd::in IJa\v Courls Orcli11a11ce. 2 Composition-First Class Co11rts consist of a sirlglc 17irst Class KacJi [S.ivI.L.C. 0., s. 5 (I)]. Scconcl Class c:ou rls con.sist of a single Seco11d C!lass Kacli [S.wl.L.C.O., s. 5 (2)]. 3 Jurisdiction-original-Courts of I(aclis of tl1c l;'irst a11cl Scconcl Class l1avc original jL1risdiction in all tlic cases set ot1t i11 Regulations 22-28 inclusive of the ,Sucla11 w!ohamn1eclan La,-v c:ourts Orga11isation an<l Proccdt1rc Regt1lations. 4 Jurisdiction-appellate-First Class I<.adis, exercise aJ)J)cllatc jurisdiction in certain cases over decisions of ,Second Class I(adis [S..i'v{.L. 0.0.P.R., reg. 25]. CONTROL OF


6 Appeal-Appeals go from Kaclis of ,Sccc>ncl Class to I(adis <.,f the First Class [S.wf.L.C.0.P.R. as an1c11clcd in 1957 (1957 L.R.O. ·lO), reg. 25]. Appeals from decisions of 1-;-irst Class l(acl is ancl fro111 dccisio11s of Second Class Kadis not appcalallle to a First Class l(acli go to tl1c I-figl1 Court [reg. 29 (d)J. Revie,v, revision-i Tl1c I-Tigh Cot1rt c,u1 revise tl1c dccisic,ns of IZac.iis of the First Class and Eicco11d Class [S.i'vI.L.(\.0.P.R., reg. 3 l ]. ii The Supreme Sharia Co11rt l1as J)o\vcrs of revisio11 over clecisions of First Class Ka<li.s [.5.:ivI.L.C.O.P.R., reg. 3•�]. 7 Inspection, supervision etc.-.Sa1nc as I-Iigl1 Cot1rt. LAvV TO .DE AD�lINISTERED

8 General Ia,v

9 Customary Ia,v 10 Islamic or other Ia,v

Same as High Court.






Al I



;\.rliclc 99D of the rfransitional Constitution Amendment No. 4 provides: ( 1) In tl1e cvc11t of any co1ulict of jt1risdiction arising bet\vee11 a Civil or Sl1aria Divisio11 the sarne shall be referred for dccisio11 to a Court of Jurisdictio11 vvhicl1 sl1all cot1sist of tl1e Preside11t of Supreme Civil Court and tl1e Prcsiclcnl of tl1e Supre1nc Sl1aria Court and a memller of cacli of tl1ese tlVO Courts, pro,,icled tl1at tl1e prcside11c)1 of the Courl by the t\VO Presiclents sl1all be ])y rotation.


RHODESIA DEVELOPMENTS 1\ND TENDENCIES SINCE APRIL 30 1968 1 [Note by Ellitor: rfl1c follo\•,ing Addcncltun b,, Dr. I-I. Silberberg ancl .11. J. E. Ja.ffeJ indicates major recent cJ1anges in Rh.oclcsia11 la,v.]




;\fter Ll1c -"\I)l)Clfate Di\•ision of tl1c I�IigJ1 c:ourt hacl clcciclccl that t l1e royal prerogative of 1ncrcy coulcl 11ot be exercised on the aclvicc of th.e U11itcd Kingdom Go1,,·ernment, tl1c aJ)J)ella11ts in. Dhlr1111ini v. Carter 1\i.O.� J)Ctitio11ccl tl1c 1\ppcllatc Divisio11 clirect i11 tern1..c; of s. 71 (5) of tl1c 196 I Coristitution for a stay of cxccutio11 of tl1e cleatl1 sentence \vhicl1 hacl l)cc11 f)assed upo11 tl1e1n, pe11cling the dctcr1ni11ation of a furtl1er JJeti1io11 to l)c 1nacle by tl1cn1 clircct to the Pri,11 Cot111cil for leave to aJ)peal agai 11�t tl1c adverse juclgn1ent a11cl orclcr of ll1e Rl1oclcsian Appellate Division. In. ,,iev; of the autl1oritics' clcfinite statc1ne11t during tl1c J)rcvious proceedings tl1at tl1cy ,\·ould not rccog1 1ise tl1c validity of a11y advice given by tl1c Privy Council, the !\IJpellatc I)i\,ision disn1issccl ll1c IJCtitio11 011 tl1c grou11cls tl1at it \vas against cstablisl1ccl legal doctri11c for a court to ,nakc a11 order \vhic11 it k11e\v i11 aclva11ce \voulcl lJc a br11tu11lful111e11. In addition the court emphasised tl1at lea\'C to appeal to the Privy Co1.n1cil should be rcii.1secl on htunaz1i1arian grou11ds: since it ,vas clear tl1at tl1c Rhoclcsian a1.tthor� ities ,vot1ld carry out t.11c clcatl1 .sentences i11 a11,, case, granti 1 1g leave 10 appeal to the l:>riV)' Co1.1ncil ,vottlcl mere! y increase the clelay lJct\vecn fi11�d sente11cc ancl cxect1lion and therefore ''011ly be an act of gratuitous cruelty" 11ot only to,vards the pctitio11cr::;, bt1t also to\varcls "tl1c one hunclrccl IJCrsons no,v tinder scntcr1cc of cleatl1".a �!fcan,vl1ilc the Priv}' C:ot1ncil heard tl1e appeal of 1,1,s. Stella 1\;farlz i,11., ba,nuto v. D. ltl'. Lardncr-Burl.-e ancl 11,zother.'1 1 l1c n1ajority judg1nc11l ;; rcjcctccl See supra: La,,· to he applied in the administration ofJustice, p. 221. !! See pp. 220,221, nn. IO, I I and 12. 3 Dhla111i11i and Othe1'.s \". Carter 1V. 0. a11rf tlnotfier 1V. 0. 1Vn. 2, 1968 (2) S.t\. 46'1-. ·1 Judgment dcl�vercd Jul)'. 23, 1968. 1'he appcllant had be�11 granted �cave lo 1 appeal to the Privy C!ouncil by the Boards 1\ 1� P� �l Com1n1ttcc follo: ving rhc _ dismissal of her application by the .:\ppellatc D1v1s1on of the llhodcs1an H1gl1 Court on the ground that an order granting such leave ,vould a,nount to a brutu,n f11lme11. Sec 1tfa<lzi111banzulo v. Lardner-Burke, iV.0. and 11notlicr, 1\'.0. 1\'o. 2, 1968 (·�) s.,.\. ,is7. 5 Delivered by Lorcl REID (Lords l'vfoRRIS Of' BORTI-1-Y-GEST, PEARCE and \,V1L£lERFORC£), Lorcl PE,\RSON disscnling. 1


R/1orlesia: Adde11du111 tl1c doctriiie of 11cccssi ty \vl1icl1 was l he basis on ,vl1icl1 tl1e � o�esian judges liacl grai1tcd rccog11 ition to sucl1 measures of tl1e autl1or1t1es 1n Rhodesia after NovemlJcr 11, 1965 as could l1ave la"vfully l)een t� ken llefore that date _ uiidcr tlie 1961 ConsLitt1Lio11. 011 tl1c 0Ll1er J1a11d, their Lordships ackno\v­ lcclgcd tliat ''(i)t is a }1istorical fact tl1at in many c?u11trics �nd indeed _ l1ave )Jec11 iil 111 an)' countries '\Vl1 icl1 are or �nder Br1tisl1 sovere1� ty tI17re are no\v rcgirncs \vl1 icl1 are u11ivcrsall) recog111Scd as Ia,-vful but ,.,,h1cl1 derive tlieir origir1S fro1n revoluLions or coujJs d'etat. rfl1c la\V 1nt1st iake account of Ll1at fact. So tl1erc 1nay be a c1uestior1 110\-V or at what stage the 11e,,v regime becaine Ia,vf ttl.''O I-Io\vevcr, ''(t)l1e I3ritisl1 Government acting for tl1e la\vft1) So,7creiu11 (,vas) tal�ing stei)s to regain co11trol and it (,vas) i1npossible to IJrcdict �vitl1 ti11ccrtainty \vl1ell1er or not it "vill succeed." 011 tl1� basis tl1e . Pri,:-,' Cou11cil co11 clt1 dccl ''tl1a t tl1e usuqJ111g Go,7er11ment TIO\\' 1n control of Soutl1cr11 Rl1odesia ca 11nol be regarded as a Ia,,•ft1l Go,·crrunent'', and tl1at accordingly ,:Emcrge11cy Po\vers Regulalio11S made in Southern Rl1oclesia si11ce 11th Nove1nber I 965 ... l1ave no legal validity, force or effect.'' 1




I 11 Rl1oclcsia 110 aclio11 ,vas tak: cn as a result of the Privy· Cou11cil's OJ)i11io11. 7 rI'l1c clcvelop1ne11t \Vas, 110\vever, taken a step ft1rtl1cr ,vl1en i11 1V<lhlovu a.n<l Ot!ters8 tl1e accused, wl10 l1ad been cl1arged under s. 48..\ c1f tl1c La\V ancl Orclcr (�.1Iai 11tenance) f\ct [cap. 39], raised tl1e point that tl1is scctio11 l1acl been inserted into tl1e principal •.\.ct after �ovcmbcr 11, 1965 and t.l1at, i11 tcr111."i of tl1e Pri\,Y Cou11cil 's opi1uo11 i11 .Jla£lzi11lba112uto's case, it l1acl ''r10 legal ,,aliclity, force or effect.'' Tl1e ..\ppcllate Di,•ision rejcctecl tl1is co11te11tion ancl in so doing it ,,·as ob\•iously compelled to recog­ nise Ll1c au tl1orities as ''tl1e la\vft 1l Gover11n1cnt'' a11d tl1e 1965 Co11Stitu1ion as ''tl1e l.1\vftll Constitution'' of Rl1oclesia. 9 BEADLE, C.J., ackno,vledged

/�. ,r.

See pp. 219, 220, 1111. 7 and 8, supra. 7 'fl1e Registrar of tl1e I-Iigl1 Court refusi:cl to ::iccept ser,-ice ,,·lien an attempt ,vas made to serve a COJJY of tl1e opinio11 011 l1i111. 8 l968 , (4-) S'. ,'\. 515 (judgn1e11ts clcli,·erccl 011 St:JJten1IJcr 13, 1968 b,' BEA.DLE: c..0J., QllENET, j.p. a11cl :t'vl,\cDor-;�\LD, j.1\.). BEi\DLE, C.J., l)asecl l1is decisio11 011 tl1c statcn1cnt of Lord REID i11 1.\[adziu1ba11i/{lo' s case to Ll1e eAcct tl1at the la\\' n1.t1st lake accot1n c of tl1 e fact tl1a€. "tl1ere arc 11<)\\' rc:gin1es ,vl1icl1 are rccog11isecl as la,vful. bt1t ,vl1icl1 cleri,•e tl1cir origins f ro1r1 revolutions ?r couj,s d't!tal". Si11ce in l1is vie,�· tl1e Rl1odesian autl1orities \Vere, as lie tt>lll�<l as a lacl, l>y tl1c11 firn1ly establisl1cd i11 J)o,,·cr n11d since the attempts of tl1e I�r1t1. sl1 Govcr11111e11t to regai11 co11trol 011 bcl1 alf of tl1e la,.,·ful Sovereign _ _ (to ,vl11cl1 I�orcl l�i::iu l1�1cl refer red) l1acl 110 prosi)ccts of st1cccss, li e co11Sidcred _ tl� al tl1e �l1oclcs1an (;ovcr11111c11l ,vas c11titlcd, as a n1attcr of l :1,,·, to recognitio n as_ t_l 1c clc Jure gover !1111c11t. QuB, NEl', J.P., can1c to tl1c sa1nc co11cl t1sion along a s!n11Ia:,- route, follo,,·111g tl1c rcaso11ing of Ugarula ,,. Cornrnissioner of PrisollS, [1966] l'...t\. :ii a11cl Thr ,Stale v. Dosso, (1958) 2 J>.S.C.R. 180. Jv!AcDoN,\LD, .J.1\., on tlie otl1cr l1ancl, clc\'clopecl ,vl1at 111a)' bt� called a 11.e,v cloctrine of constitutional cstopJJcl ,vl� en l1c c1111ll1asisccl ll1at i11 l1is ,,ic,v Ll1e Briiisl1 Govcrn111e11l l1ad acted �?�011s� 1.tt1t1onall)' after Noverr�bcr 11, 1965 ( cs1,cciall)' by referring tl1e Rh odes!a n IC\-Olt1l1?n �o tl1c U111t. ed Nat1011s) ancl l1t� tl1creforc ll1oug l1t L11 al "(b)y acung _ tinco1-istitut1011all)' ancl 1llcg all)' n11d by ncglecti11 g to take t11c })rOJler cons'titutional 6


Ilho(iesia: Ad(!enr!unz L11at sucl1 recognition in\10lvecl a personal cl1oice for cacl1 jttclgc \vl1icl1 l1c for111u latcd in tl1esc tern1.S: "Tl1e cl1oicc no\v before the Judges is this: Is it better to remai11 ancl carry on \vith tl1c peaceful task of [)rotcctin.g the fa bric of society a11d 1nain taini11g la\V a11 cl orclcr as a (:otirt, otl1cr tl1a11 a 1961 Co1istitt1tio11 Cot1rt, or is it l)etler to go, evc11 thougl1 goi1 1g n1ay (to c1uotc Lorcl PEt\IlCE) cause 'chaos ancl ,vork great l1ardsl1i1) on tl1c citizc11s of all races ancl inciclcntally clan1agc lhat [)art of tl1c rcah11 tn the cletrin1cnt of whoever 1nay be ultimately s1.1cccssful ?' "lO If a jtlclgc ans,vercd this qt1cstion in tl1c affirmative a1 1d clcciclccl to carry 011 at all, l1c "can only carry on ... taking cognisance of tl1c fact that tl1c present Govcrnn1cr1t is no,v tile de jure govcr11mcn t ancl tl1c I 965 Conslitu lion tl1c only val icl COI1Stitt1lion , .. " TIIE REFER.ENDU�l OF JUNI� PROPOSALS


J 96�) .\NO 'l'l·IE C(>NS'fl'l'li'l'ION,\L

v\'hil.sl tl1c jt1clgn1cnt in R. y. 1V,lhlov11 has climinatc<I the conJlict ,vith tl1c de f.-iclo situation i11siclc Rltoclt'Sia, it sccn1.s Lhat the 1965 (:on�titt1lio11 ,vi!J rem ain i11 force for a Iin1itccl tin1e. In a rcferc11cl tun on .J tine 20, l 9G�l the electorate \Vas askccl lo vote 011 ''})rOJ)Osals for a 11c,v Constitution'' (l1crcaftcr refcrrccl to as "tl1c })ro1Josals") a11 d to CXJ)rcss a11 01)inio11 on ,vl1ctl1cr or not Rl1oclC'sia shottld bccon1c a republic. The proposals and 1hc suggestion of a rcpttblic rccci,,ccl assent fro 1n ap1Jroxi1natcly 70 �lo of the elcctorate.

1969 (24·/69) Tl1is :\ct introcit1ccs a nt1n1bcr of cl1an,gcs i11lo the cxisti11g legal system i11 tl1at it increases st1bstantially tl1e stalus ancl at1tonon1y of .l\frica11 cot1r1s in Ll1e determination of civil disputes govcr11ccl IJy 1\frican customary la\v ancl it also confers jurisdiction on 1\frica11 chicf.s a11cl headn1c11 .i11 certain criminal n1atters. Tl1e fol lo\ving analysis also incl icatcs tl1c cl1angcs \vhicl1 tl1c 1-\ct J1as introduced into tl1e Magistrates' Courts Act [ca1). 15]. 11 'l'hc .. <\ctdefines the TIIE ,\FR.IC1\N

L.-\ \V ,\ND TRill.i\L C:OUR.1"S ,\C'!'

S/Jhere of Apj1lical io,i of Cuslo111a1:v Lalo:

(I) " 'Cttslo1nary la\v', i11 rela Lion to a J Jarlicu lar 1\frican. Lribe, 1ncans

- -·---....·--·· ------------- ---------

course, the British Government has forfcitccl authority over llhodcsia a:. ,\·ell as any claim to the allegiance of its people." It is, of course, impossible Lo deal fully in the present context ,vith tl1e juris­ J)rudcntial aspects of the judgments in J,.'dhlouu's case, but the 0utlinc givc11 above may indicate tl1e currenl underlying conslilutional Ia,v doctrine in llhoch:sia in so far a<; the juclgmcnt.s of 13E,\DLE, C.J. and Qvi�NET, J.ll. proct�t"d on lhc :-a� 1c basis as the Pakistani and Uganda Courl.s have adopted. 1"o the cxient to ,vh1ch t.his approach has been approved by the Privy Council it o.ppe.'.\rs to herald the general acceptance of Jcllinck's doctrine of the n�rn1ativc force ?f cstablisl! cd _ which has 1nOucnc:ed the 1ntcrprclat1on facts (Norn1ative I<raft des Fakl1sehcn) of ,vriltcn constitutions on the Continent for a long time. 10 1 968 (4) S.A. 515 at p. 537. 11 This analysis of the 1\frican La,v and Tribal Courts Act 1969 has been ,vrittcn by A ..J. E.Jaffcy, B.A.,. LT.,.13. (Cape To,vn), I3.C.!,,. (<;)xon.), 1\tto1:ney of t�1c 1-Jigh Court of Rhodesia, Lecturer in J.,a,v at the Un1vcrsLty College oi RJ 1o<lcs1a.



. .




Rllodesia: Adde1zdu111

I • I



Je h Lril suc except in so far as of ces cti pra l icia jud and les lcip i pri al Lile leg sttcl1 pri 11 ci1Jlcs or practices ar c repug11ant Lo a natural justice or morality; or b tl1e provisions of any enactmc11t: Providccl tliat 11otl1i 11 g in any enactment relating to the age of majority , 1c I)roperty of tl1e S}JOt1ses , tl o ge rria ma of ct effe e 1 tl 1 , 1 1e1 1 � \vo of us stat Lile _ . tile gtiardiansliiJJ of cl1ildrcn or tl1e adm1n1stral1011 of_ deceased estate s, sI1 a]1 affect t]1 c application of cuslornary Ia,v, except 1n so far as sucl1 enaclme11t l1 as lJee11 specifically applied to J\fricans by tl1at or a11 y otl1er enact1 nent'' [s. 2 (1) of Act 24·/69]. (2) Subject to tl1e J Jrovisio11s of any otl1 c� - en?ct1ne11 t a11d t? th� folJo\ving IJnragra1Jl1s, ct1sto1nary la\.V is to be a1Jpl1cd 1n ll1c dcter11 1111at1011 of any civil case l)el"\-veen Africa 11s if tl1c case relates to '' i secltLctio11 or aclttllery; or ii tl1 c cttslody or gt1arcliansl1ip of cl1ildrcn; or iii tl1 e clcvolutio11 otl1er\vise tl1a11 lJy ,vill of 1no\rable property 011 tl1c dcaLl1 r>f an 1\frica11 ; . . . or iv rigl1ts in Ia11cl "\-vl1ich is not J 1elcl under indi,,idual registered title; or v 111arriage con.sidcralio11; or tii a n1arriage lJ ct,vee11 1-\frica11s conlracted under c1.istomar,' Ia,v . . . '' I 11 all otl1 er civil cases beL1rvecn f\fricans the Ia,v of Rl1odesia (i.e. the Cl)1-.1111tJ11 la\v a11cl a11y enactn1e11t) is to be applied [s. 3 (I) of i\ct 24/69]. (3) 'l'l1e above 1Jrovi.sio11s 1na)' be cleparted from by tl1e cot1rt if tl1e j tislice of tb.e case rec1ttires [s. 3 (I) of 1-\ct 24/69]. (4-) 'fl1e abovc JJrovisions \-vill lJe de1Jarlcd from ,-vl1ere t1 1e parties l1ave CXJJrcssly or in1 plicitly agreed tl1at their Lrai1sactio11 sl1all be gover11ed by ct1slo1nary la\v or tl1 e la,-\-' of Rl1odesia or l1 a,,e agreed tJ1at tl1eir dispttle sl1all }Je clcterrni11 ed accordi11 g to tl1e one or tl1 e oll1er [s. 3 (3) of t\ct 24/69]. (5) "In cases \vl1 ere no express rt1le is a1Jpljcal)le to a11y n1.atter in co11tro\'Crsy, tl1 e cottrt sl1 all apply tl1e 1Jri11ciples of jttstice� eqt1ity a11cl good cor1sc i c11cc'' [s. '.� (4) of Act 24/69]. (6j ,._ .. I11 a11y case relati11 g t<.1 tl1c ct1stod )• of cl1i]drc11 tl1e i11terests of tl1c cl1ilclrc11 co11cer11eci sl1a 11 be tl1e para111ott11 t co11Siclerati 011, irrespective of ,-vl1icl1 la,v or J)rir1ciJ)le is a1)pliccl'' [s. 3 (5) of :\ct 24/69]. (7) "1,l1c ca1)acil) of n11y 1-\frica11 to enter i11to a11y tra 11sactio11 or io c11forcc <Jr clcfe11cl any rigl1ts i11 a cot1rt of la ,v sl1all sttbjcct to any e11act111e11t aflee ting a11 y st1cl1 ca IJacil y, be deter111 i11 cd in �ccorcla11ce \Vitl1 tl1e la,v of Rl1odcsia: Provicled tl1at, if ll1c existe11 ce or exte11 t of an)r rigl1t l1eld or allc� cd tcJ be l1clcl l)y a11 1\frica11 or of an • obligatio11 ,resti11g or alleged to be 1 vcst111g 01: a11)r 1\frican clcJ)e11cls t1po11 or is gover11ed by custon1ar)' la,v, ll1e capac1ty of Ll1e 1-\frica11 co11cernccl i11 relat io11 to a11y 1natter affecting tl1al rigl1 t or obligatio11 sl1 all be go,,crncd by cttsto 1 nar,, law'' [s. 3 (2) of • J\ct 24·/69]. (�) !11 a civil case lJct\.vecn a11 1-\frica1 1 a11cl a JJerson \-Vl10 is not a11 Afr1ca11 tl1 c la1rv of Rl1odcsia is to be appliccl t1nless tl1e justice of the case 1


Rhat!esia: 1lrltle11tluni otl1er,visc requires or tl1e parties agree to tl1e contrary [ss. 3 (1) (b) ar1d 3 (3) of 1\ct 24/69]. (9) Tlie cl1oice of legal syslcm clcscribed i,1 paragraphs 3 ancl 4 alJ ovc is restricted by tl1c operatio11 of oLher Acts. Tl1us even ,vl1crc 1\frica11s marry by civil rites in tern1S of tl1e �'1arriage t\ct (81 /64-] certain JJrovisions of custonlal")' la\v arc 11ecessarily applicable to tl1c marriage and its con­ seqL1e11ccs, e.g. Ll1c proprietary co11sequc1)ccs of tl1e n1arriage a11cl intcslalc sttccession [s. 13 of tl1e .<\fricar1 1viarriages 1\ct (cap. 105)]. (Sec also ss. I 2 (I) arlcl 5 of cap. I 05 re consent of 1l1e parcn ls or guarclian of t h.e ,vo111a11.) Tl1c pro,,isions of tl1c 1-\frica11 \,Vills 1-\ct [ca1J. J 08] also necessarily apply lo ;\frica11s. (10) \\.l1crc Cttslomary la\V is aJ)IJ1icable ancl the parties arc co11ncctccl ,\·ii.11 differc11t tribes ,,·itl1 cliffcre11t syste1ns of custo1nary Ja\.v, tl1c court sJ1all apply· i t11e ct1ston1ary la\V b,1 ,vl1icl1 ll1c J)arlies agreed or 111ay be JJrcst1n1<:d to l1avc agreed that their obJigalio11s shotlid lJc regulated, or raili 11g st1cl1 agrccn1e11t ii tl1e custon1ary la,v of tl1e ])lace \vl1cre tl1c cause of ac1ion arose: or if tl1crc is no sL1cl1 ct1slomary Ia,v or it is 11ot ascertai11ablc, iii the principles of justice, ec1t1it)' and good conscience [s. 4 - of t\ci: 2•}/6:)J. TI-IE COURTS

1\Jagistratcs' Courts

The li111i1atio11s on tl1c civiljt1risclictio11 of n1agistratcs' courts in civil cases betwec11 J"\fricans have bcc11 re1no\•cd. Ho'v\'Cver, \Vl1erc in a case IJct,vcc11 Africans or i)et,vcc11 an 1\frican a11d a non-1-\frican tl1e 1nagistratc co11Siclcrs that tl1e matter \vl1icl1 is in isstte falls to be cletermincd \vho!Iy c)r st1bstantially by customary la\v l1e may transfer tl1e case to a clistrict co1nn1issioncr\; court [s. IO (2) of tl1e .ivfagistratcs Court /\ct (ca1J, 15) as amcnclccl l) y s. 33, 3 (a) _;\ct of 24/69].

District Coulniissioners' Courts

District Com1nissioner is Court 110,v has jL1risdic1ion i11 a civil case be� t\vccn an African an(l a non-i\frica11 \v J1cre tl1c case is lransfcrrccl lo it by a magistrate's court in terms of tl1e paragrapt1 above. i\

Tribal Courts

Tl1e courts formerly 1{no\v11 as 1\frican Cottrls l1avc been rcinstatecl t1nder the title of Tribal Courts.


The president (a cl1ief or l1cacl1nan) sl1all exercise all tl1e jttriscliction of tl1c court IJtl tin the l1earing of the case sl1all be assisted by 11ot less tl1an l\vo assessors chosen i)y 11im according to customary practice [s. 7 of 1\ct 24/69].

Jurisdiction in Civil Cases

Tl1e juris(liction of a tribal court i11 ci,1il cases is confi11cd Lo tl1osc in vvhich customary la\.v is applicable. Tl1e other limitations 011 its jt1risdiction have been remov·ccl except that it may not clissolve a rnarriagc contractecl under the ivian·iagc ,<\ct [81/64] (as opposccl to 011e contractccl uncler tl1e 293



Rhodesia: Adde11du1n 105)). The defc11.dan t. n1u� t.be resident ,vitlun Jca ( t. 1\c gcs rria l\tla l ;-\frican tlie area of juri'l<lic.:tion of tl1e court, or tl1c cause of action or an clement tl1.creof inttst J1ave arisen vviLl1i11 st1cl1 a11 area, or the dcfe11dant must consent to Ll1c jt1risclictio11 of tl1c cot1rt. . . . . 11 an ,vee e ican lJet Afr and J\ tribal Cl)tirt J1 as jurisdictio11 111 a c 1 v1l cas a 1100_1\fricari if tltc above req11ircments are satisfied and the non-Afric an conse11ts to Ll1c jttri')diction.

Juriscliclion in C'ri,ninal Cases



1\ \-\larra11t issued by tl1e lviinistcr of Internal .t\ffairs and aJ)provcd ))y tl1. e 1vii11islcr of J ttstice 111.ay no¼' confer criminal jurisdiclio11 on a tribal court. St1cl1 a tribal cottrt n1ay try a crin1.ir1al case only ...vhere tl1e acctised is a11 1\frica11 a11.cl ,vl1cre a tl1c con11)lai1 1ant is an African or a person ,vl10 conse11ls to the juriscliction, or tl1e offence is of sttch a nature tl1at tl1ere is no con1plainant otl1 cr ll1an tl1e Govcr11mc11t, and b tl1c offence is alleged to have ))cen commitled ,vholly or partly witl1in tl1c area of tl1e jurisdictiort of tl1 e court, or tl1e accused consents io Ll1e jttriscliction. t\ tribal co t1rt l1as 110 cri1ninal jurisdiction ,vhere the accused is a member of Ll1c 1Jolice, a 1Jriso11 officer or a district messe11ger u11less a specified official co11sc11 ts to s Ltcl1 jttrisdiclio11. rl�l1c offc11ces in respect of \vl1 icl1 a tribal court l1as jurisdiction are limited to tl1c con1111011 la,v offence of tl1cft of propert)' (of the value of £20 or less) l)lll cxclt1cli11g Ll1cft of certai 11 ki11ds of property, tl1e common la,v offe11ce of 1l1al icioL\S injt1ry to 1)roperty (of tl 1e value of £20 or less) otl1er tl1a11 si.rt1clures for ll1e accom111 oclation of persons, co11S1)iracy, incitement or atten1.pt lo co111111it st1cl1 an offence, a11d ccrtai11 staiutory offences. ('l�llus 110 cuslo1 11ary crimi11al la\V is aJJplicable.) The 1)u11isl1n1c11ts ,vl1ich a tribal cot1rt may i1npose are li1nited to a fine 11ot exceeding £20, or in liett tl1 ercof, i11 t..l1e case of a male ttnder 19, a 1noder;,1le correclio11 of ,vl1i1)IJi11g, or sucl1 otl1er pe11alt}' or reco11ciliator)' action recog11isccl lJy cttsLomar·y la ,v as 111ay be prescribccl. 1\PPE,\L,


111 ci,1il cases t 11e only ancl fi11al ap1)cal fro111 Ll1e decision of a tribal court

is lo tl1c tril)al ap1Jeal cot1rl. (Tl 1t1s tl1c case can 110,v not b e rel1eard i11 tl1e District Con1n1issio11cr's court, 11.or is Ll1cre a11y appeal to tl1e Cotirt of _A J JIJcal for 1\frica11 Ci,,il Cases or tl1e 1\1JIJcllatc Di,Tisio11.) In crir11i11 al cases aJJJJCal lies i11 tl1c first i11stance to tl1c tribal appeal court, _ f ron: tl1cre to 1l 1c c?u1 :L of tl1e Pro,1i11cial l\,fagistrate (or if lie is u11able to _ _ IJres�de, a Sc111or 1,1 ag1stra t c), and from tl1erc to tl1e 1-\JJJJCl late Division. _ _ _ D 1sLr1 ct �0 �111111ss1011 cr � 11.avc certain l)O\Vers of su1Jcrvision over tl1e pro­ _ cced111gs ol tribal cottrls 1n lJotl1 civil a11d crin1.inal cases. 1: J?is �ricl C �111111 issio11er 1nay a1111ul 1.l1c l) rocecdings if tl1e court l1ad no . J ur1s�l1cl10�1, or rf tl1e cottrt l1acl juriscliction l1e 111ay remit tl1e case for further _ l1ear1ng \V1tl1 acl,,1ce, or orcler a 11c,v trial in tl1e sarne or an0Ll1er tribal court.


Rltot!esia: 1ltl(!ent!un1 vVhere in tl1 : c �u �e of a11y case irl a lribal cottrt a11 interested party ci1al­ _ _ lengcs the Jttr1sclict1on tl1e proceedings are stayecl and t1 1c case referred to t11e District Commissioner, wl10 l1as appropriate po\-ven; lo clcciclc tl1c issue. f\ny person aggrieved by sucl1 a tlecisio11 of tl1c District Con11nissioner 1nay have it referred to a judge of tl1e General Division. 'The normal po\vers of review of tl1c General Divisio11 a1)pl y to proceedings of tl1e tribal co11rts.

Tribal Appeal Courts Tl1esc are created for tl1e first titnc by f\ct 2'1/69. :\ lril )al aJlJJcal court is constituted for eacl1 province, consisting of tl1rcc cl1 ic[':i \Vl 10 arc 11rcsiclcnts of tribal courts. Tribal appea] cottrls have ju1·isdictio11 to l1car civil ancl cri111inal ap]Jcals from tribal courts (sec above). :\fISCELL,\N EO US

No parly ma,' b e rcprcscntccl by a11y otl1cr J)crso11 i11 a tr.il>al court c)r a tribal appeal court cxccpl ,vhcrc rcqt1jrccl or tJc::rn1ittccl l)y ct1sto1nJry la\v ancl in accordance \\'itl1 cttslo111ary la\v. The procedt1re and tl1e Ia,v of evidence in tribal cottrls a 11c{ tribal appeal courL5, in botl1 civil and criminal cases, are rcgtdatccl l)y cuslo1nary Ia,v. RE�fOVAL ORDERS

t\ cl1icf 's cot1rt l1 as jt1risdictio11 i11 s1Jccificcl circtnnsla 11ccs to orclcr that

an i\frjcan ,vl10 is occtll ))'i11g Iancl in Ll1c area of jurisclictio11 of the r.ourl sl1ould 1novc fron1 tl1at lru.1d to otl1er la11cl ,vl1crc tl1 c c:ourl is satisfi.ccl th 3. t his presence is unclesirab)c in tl1e interests of tl1e J)Coplc living in tl1 c �rca. :-\ppcal )ics from t11c decision of Ll1c cJ1icf's court i11 sucl1 a case lo tl1c trilJal appeal cottrt and from tl,erc to tl1c provi11cial co1n111i:.sior1cr: ,vhosc clt�cision is [mal a11d not subject to a1)[)Cal. TI·IE CRI:\f I N_,.\L L,\\V ,\i\[ END;\IENT


l 969 ( { 2 /69).

rfhis t-\ct introduces a 11t1ml)cr of an1enchnc11ts to ll1c Criminal Eviclcncc

and Procedt1rc ;.\ct [cap. 31] rclati11g to i11clict111c11ts and l1carsay cviclc11cc ancl a nc\v section (403A) rcgttlati11g the IJrocedttrc of in can1cra proccccli11gs.



\ I I I


: �



• • • • • • • • Bots\vana • • Can1eroo11, Federal Republic of • • • • • • • • Etl1iopia • • • • • • • • • • Ga111bia, �rl1c • • • • • • • • • • Gl1a11a • • • • • • • • • • !(c11ya • • • • • • • • Lcsotl10 • • • • • • • • • • LilJcria • • • • • • • • • • l\-fal::t\\'j • • Nigeria., fcclcr;,1tio11 ol� before 1967• • E,tsl.crn Regio11, Fortner • • • • Lagos, Fcclcral 'ferritory of • • • • I'vfid-\·\iestcr11 State .. • • • • • • Nortl1er11 States • • • • v\'cstcr11 State • • • • • • • • Rl1oclcsia. • • • • • • Sierra I�co11e • • So111ali Rct)t1blic .. • • St1cla11' . (;i vi I l)ivis io11 • • • • Sl1aria l)ivisio11 • • • • • • S\vazila11cl • • • • • • rra11za11ia'Tanganyika • • • • • • Za11zilJar • • • • • • Uga11cla • • • • • •

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303 307

299 300 305 31 I

304 308 300

302 301 301 302 301 309

299 307

313 314 310






--- i11clicatcs a cl1a1111el of a1)J)eal - - - - inclicat.cs a cl1a1111cl of rc,risory jurisdictio11 1.Vol c. :\II cl ia �ran1s arc to be read from top to l1ott.01n 1 courts of _ _ _ _ st1pcr1or JLtr1scl1ct1011 lJc111g at t lie l1cacl (Jf eacl1 diagra111,


The Ga111bia-!!i'ierra J.,eone

THE GAMBIA Privy Council Gambia Court of Appeal Supreme Court Ba thurst fv1agistrates' Court

Mohammedan Mohammedan Divisional Court Courl Courts K.St Mary Bathurst

Juvenile Courts

District Commissioner Dislric t Tribunals

Group Tribunals

SIERRA LEONE Privy Council

Court of Appeal

Supreme Court (Original)

Supreme Court (Appello tel

Group Local

Matst rat es' urls

Appeal Court


Supreme Court Local Appeals Division District Local Appeal Court


Local Courts

Gl1a11a-Federatio11 of Nigeria

GI-IANA Court of Appeal All Appeals except in Summary Trials

� Supreme Court of Judicature

_, (].) _, 0.. 4: 0..


High Court '


r--------------; Appeals in : Summary Trials I



::::: �



Di strict

Circuit Courts



Juvenile Courts

. !

FEDERATION OF NIGERI.t\. BEFORE 1967 Supreme Court of Nigeria

Court of Appeal W Nigeria

High Court MidWestern Nigeria

High Court

High Court

High Court

N. Nigeria


E. Nigeria


JYigeria: l11eslern-1,,ficf-T,J1eslern State-Fe(/cral Territ00, of Lagos

NIGERIA (cont.)


Court of Appeal

High Court

Customary Court of Appeal

Customary 2our ts Grade 'A:' and "8"

Mogislrate's Court

'I '' Customary Courts Grade "8''and ;,c..

1Vote. • A..JJpealslie from Custo1nary Courts (;t·adc "B" to the I-Iigl1 Court only ,vl1cre such couris nre prc�id<:d o,·er by a legal practitioner.

l'vIID-°\·\'ESTER.i'-J ,SJ°';\TE High Court

1:;,EDER,\I, 1 1'.'.RRi f'O RY 01.- Li\GOS


High Court Lagos



. Magistrate's Court

Customary Court



-----... Nigerit1: Nortl1er11 .'Jtales-Forn1er Easl1.!r11 Region "'

NOR'fI-IERN S1 A.. fES Court of Resolution


High Court

Sharia Court of Appeal

( Native Courts Appellate Div.}

. ' , ' '

! ' !' . I


District Court (Civil)


Magistrate's Court (Criminal}




Provincial Court



Native Courts




:''.A'.' Limited I

Native Courts




High Court

Customary Court of Appeal

Magistrate's Court

Customary Court




------------· __________ ..., ___ East Cameroon Supreme Court

\,1/est Cameroon Supreme Court (Court of Appeal)

Federal Court (local Benches)

High Court (s)

Courts of Appeal (and Crimin·:il. Courts)


Magistrates' Courts

(West Cameroon Administration)

District Courts

Grade-I Courts

Customary Court of Appeal

Customary Courts

LIBERIA President

Suoreme Court •

Department of Internal Affairs

Circuit Court

Stipendiary Magistrate

Justice of the Peace

County Superintendent

County Commissioner

Assistant County Commissioner

Court of Poramour1t Cl1ief Court of Clan Chief




Court of Appeal for East Africa

Court of Appeal for East Africa

High Court High Court


Magistrate (Class I )

District Magistrate (Class ll)

District Magistrate

(Class Ill)

Resident Magistrate


District Courts and RM 's Courts

Primary Courts


UG.t\NDA TANZANIA (co11t.)

Court of Appeal for East Africa

ZANZIBAR Court of Appeal for East Africa

High Court




Chief Magistrate I s Court

High Court


.-------... I





Juvenile Courts

District Courts

Kathis Courts

Magistrates' Court Grade I





• ,--- ........... ___s



Magistrates' Court

Grade II

Primary Courts

I ! I I I

l I





,.. _______ ,..J

Magistrates' Court Grade IJf

EthioJJin-So1nali Republic


IHis Maje �ty 's Ch ilotI I

' I


: I



Highest Shariat Court


----I �



1 I I High Court ,-___ J

Kadis Council


Awradja ... ---i ' Court

Woreda Court





Ethiopian 1 I L--- Orthodox I Church I Courts I



1 �--



Naiba Council



..___ ....

Atbia Dania

SOlvl.t\Ll REPUBLIC Supreme Court I I I I I

Court of Appeal I I I 1


Regional Court District Court 307


MALAWI Supreme Court of Appeal ' ''

High Court '

Senior Lo cal Courts Cammi ss,oner

I '

'' '


I I .,




Resident Magistrate's


Local Appeal Courts I


• '� •

First Class Subordinate Courts

I I I I r I


Local Courts

Second Class Subordinate Courts Third Class Subordinate Courts

1Vote.• x-x-�-x-x-x i11clicates tl1� rigl1c of appeal fron1 a Local Co11rt to tl1e R':5iden1 _ !vfag1straLe s Co11rt, ,Yl1ere 110 I...ocal 1\1)peal Co11rt l1 as been constituted n1 tl1e area co11cernecl.


--------- - - - - --- �



RI-IODESIA Privy Council

High Court: Appellate Division I Gene rat Division I l r I

,-- -



Specia{ i sed Courts

----------�,----- r-----, r I



Court of Appeal for African Civil Cases






I District Commissioners



Magistrates Courts (Criminal Cases Only) -----1 I

Tribal Appeal





Tribal Courts 1Voli:. This diagran1 rcprt·sents the posilion after the cnactn1ent of the 1-\frican

J__.a\v and 1'ribal Courts .:-\ct 1969.



SWAZILAND Court of Appeal

High Court . ' . ' '

I '


Subordinate Court I Subordi note Court of 1st Class

: of 2nd or 3rd Class

Judicial Commissioner's Court

t..----1-q------ --,, ---- ... -----------� I I

Higher Swazi Court of Appeal



,------ ---------, I



Swazi Court of Appeal

�-----��-�------, I






LESOTI·IO Privy Council Court of Appeal

High Court



___, ...-------&.....,_I_

__,......_____, ,--

Subordinate Courts

L-----r-,----' tI I I

- - - -- -

Judicial Commissioners' Courts

-,--_7....,;....I L- --, Central Courts

L--------7 ...---�----, Local Courts


Courts­ Martial


BOTSWANA Privy Council



Court of Appeal


. i .

.' . High Court I




Subordinate Courts

Customary Courts Commissioner


. I




' I

-----� I


Customary Court of Appeal





.------ --- -.�--1 I


Higher Cus t omary Courts





r--I -- ---- -----..J


Lower Customary Courts



SUDAN Civil division Supreme Civil Court

; ' '1 I : C 1v1 ( Courts I I I





High Court

.. _____







Province Courts Province Iudge •


Province Courts District Judges



' ' '•


Judge of High Court or Province Judge



Resident Magistrate ·r-----, I I I I



Native Courts

Main ' ,_ . I - ---'



Native Courts Regional



Town Courts

Crimin QI_Courts_




I I Local Courts

Native Courts Branch

�Jlajor Courts

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Judge of High Court or Province Judge

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Minor Courts

L-..------------, J Magistrates' Co urts 1st· Class 2nd Ctass 3rd Class Bench

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.<;Ilaria Division

SUDAN (cont.) . '

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Sharia Division

Su pre me Sharia Court

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I I I High Court l I J I , ______ ! I l l I Kadis Courts I I 1st Class I l

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Kadis Courts 2nd Class




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