The Conflict of Laws in Ethiopia by Robet Allen Sedler (1965)

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Co11�·rigl,t I>�- tl1e Faeltll)' of La\,· !

Jlail 1 · Sclla:-:;�ic I L r1i,·cr�11�1965




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I 11 tl' 11� . ,vr1t1r . . 1g I l1o_pc to <'.X[.> l ore Llte 1)ros1)ecti,�c (lc,;clor>111c11t of , lOfi] 1 e co11flict o.f ltr,v$ in l�tl1io1)ia r['l1c tcr-.,11 ''co11Jlict ,of 1a,vs'' is llSecl . tl1 e sc11sc tl1nt ··co11flit <les lois'' is T1:::ecl in France. It 1�efers to tl1c� 126n :t1les go,·er11i11g Ll1c cl1oicc� of la,v. 1 tl1c I"l1lcs ])y ,vl1icl1 tb e c:ot1rt i11 . l}-' 6 ,vl1icl1 tl1e ea::-<� is l)f'i11g Lriccl ( tl1c fort1r11 ) clceitlc-; ,vl1eL.l1cr ·or 11ot to

l:J2:leter111i11e 011 c or 111.orc of tl1c i��T,c� i11 tl1c case in acC'orcla11cc ,vitl1 tl1e [a,v of a forcig11 state. For tl1c:::-e r>rtrJ)O:-e:3 a state 111ay ]Jc tle·fir1ecl as a .. I�1 · •;ro!,!ra1)l1ic }JOrlicl11. CJf tl,e cnrtl1'� ft1rface l1a,·i11g an. i11clc1)e11clcnt :3)'::.tein 1.111:> f ]a;'!V. U11(ler tl 1is clefi11itio11 Etl1io1.>ia ·,vot1l<l I><! a state, as ,vot11(1 tl1e DO'lll}J011e11t 1>arts of a fc-{lcral S)'Slc11t E-l1C'l1 as a S,vi$E-, ca1Tto11 or a stale 1·18 of t.l1c ·unilccl Stales. 2

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,, 11e11e,·cr all 01- �0111c or tl1r cYe11ls C>"<'ct1rrcc·1 cl!:-c-.,vl1e-rc tl1ar1 i11 tl1c i:;;foruu1 or ,vl 1 erc or1c of 1l1c 1>arl ie� is a 11alio11al or <·1or11.iciliary 3 of ,!notl1 er �tate ,,· t ' .;a)· tl1al tl1c c,l:=-<:: eo11t.ai11$ a foreigr1 elc111er1t � a11,l r


li8,rhc11c,,cr tl 1 c ca:-:c cc;1'1lai11s a forcig11 clc111er1t� tl1cre .is :1 1>ote11tial con­ r :- J>rO) > l ('JJl. (j:;f1irt of la,,' l,l\\ S tllCll j� tl1at l>O<ly of la,\I' 'fl1e ('0Jlf)ict of ]

that <lctcr.111i 11c:-- ,rl1 ctl1<'r tl1c for11111 ,,·ill !!iYc effect lo tl1e la\V of a11lr.6otJ1 ,'r :::talc: \\'ll< 'rc 1l1 c r:a:=;c- tl 1 al it is a(ljttflicating: C'Ot1tai11s a f<.>rcig11 ISi'('l{'111,�11t: l1 rc.a11�c of tl1 e f<Jrcig·11 f'lcr 11<:�11l tl1c for-1.1111 111a�' rcf11sc to a1> JJl y it.;; o,,· 11 la,,· a11<l 111a,· ]< J<)k to tl1c.� la,v of ar1otl1cr slate. lt ::d1ot1l<l ])C �

not,,d 1l 1 nt ir1 J,�tl1 i 1)1)ia tl1cr,· a1·(• 110 1>rolll<'111� C)f i11.t,,r11al c.or 1 .flicl of ·1 n ,,-::-. 'j'} 1 erc are 1 1< >. 1>r(>l1lc111F <.>f ,,·l1ctl1cr to a1>1>l�- el1�lo111ar)' <.)r ,r1·itte11 l

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:-iee l>:1, id :ind de \:rie .-. 7'/,e r·r�11<·h /,c;tl/l .'5.,·ste111 ,l8 1 1958.i. For tl i c,,e purpo:-e.- th ( • L 11 it1:cl S1a1 _1�, ,11�cl . S,,·ilzcrland ,,ould al::o he "·oultl have hecn a :-late ,·on:-idi•red :-late'--. l)urin� ,l t1; 1:cdcr:1[1011. l:,r1trca . II II d ,. r l ( Ji :, de fj ll j l j O fl. the 11rin· ·rl:' he ha!'i c::;LaLJi:.:hed · · ilc·c. l in 1h 1,·. ·,.,t·•1t•'- "hc : 1'1:r:-<>11 1• � (J on11c \ · , · n • ,• . • ] nt1o . o f f 1nte l I 1e .l \\'ll re�I:-,ntc � 1 h · o • �.. .'-,nd t·!p:t I ,i:al i1 f I11: ·.- J 111 �.1·. 1l<.:-. · . , f F' 1 l i io1iia Artirle 18:1. 11� n e c <l , li, in,r : tl 1crc pern1a11ent ly. .,,·, 1 ( .o<.Jc o ·' , ·:C ,11 • . (.• JO.Il . l:. 101 ', ..• ·,,ll •1 1a J <> ,·· ti'1•1 I "· cl,Lher plP. l ;11l ; 1·:-lor . • (•1H· nol I H· :l 11at 01 . . • . · . . . } te p I·a<.e to l :elc , 11('e 1dc Rc:-1 1 a. 1op 1 \ • l J.' I in . . i� 1J onJt• t ,·I t.f.,t t1al1·011a I -. ,, I t(, a1 · I 1�,,�. • .,! , · i rt1c p1a \ ',I f I� I · · 11o o dt• (:o ii (;i, -.. jde ... ' . ., · r II � 1 , 1 1 · 1 ,, l11·r1' a p,:r:-1.,11. II'.•!. ., . _ ,l. · .J·req 11 c1 11l,· 1.11 r 1111 r1·. n:, 111ea e ::-lat a of t Jdcn '"rf'� ll li!f'l · . e ' · th 111,- 11 "'•1f:e .. ,. u:; · I •:nl t 11-1. ·· e�r · ··110 and · I· I 1.·1 I I I tt . I'. . . .,II'.' I 1lu· t1:r111,, r,•,i-. d,.:nl p,·r,.i1: 1 du· 1�11\' i --d 11111 i1 ·iliary" an1l '·non-don1itl \\ :-; 01 i,·111 _ il! ,JI ,:1 (' ,II" ll� "ili ,,<[ 1,, I ll fi ll :-' \\l ic·iliar,.'·




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1.i, ii <:ode 111" 1:1lii0pi··1· · \rt;· l "f,, ··•·• · 1•1 1'· · T 11 ('C rl :11 11 . . 111 .· ,:L a1 I 1t· cs 1t is ex1>re::lr p, 11, 11 ,.,1 1lt·1 1 1·u ln • 1· 1·1 :r, • I· · · . · :- 111 1 or,·e ' e·:,,•· · . .1,, 1· L'111a111 " unl], -��f? cl• �\ l·L·I(·l e :)// -J . 11( ti,,, ('j,·jj ('·'J( Jl • ,1 .. · . 111,11 1 i;1!,! 1 ' ,·11111r:1,· 1t�d ,11·1·or<lin;.: to Jol'al <·11.1001 j3 ,• ..,I 1·II•I 1.Jl ,u,·li ·1 1--1,1· • nu , ·,)n ti"! j )Cl1, ' · · . tl,,• r1• 1" ..11.� I·,11,. .,1., I ·ce11 the rode and f'11�1·on1· 11: 1 , . .,, 11 ' 11 1,· orpor:1! 1•,.: lhl' ''ll"IOn1�1r . y 1,,-. \ IC'd,�ral :-\",-le111 i :- ;1 f,1r . ]· . .' 111 1 1f ,.." u,' , 1111111�11 1 I >,· · ,,· h1 <"l 1 po11·<'r�. ar I ,e111ec•11 I I ie l'(1!l 1)lon,·111 ,:t . ' e ,livided . ale..: of 111' ' ·"' �:-I,'n 1 ant1 tl1c federal !?:ovcr11111e111, r•" ·.-·• ti ll!, li lll· lt. ( l .s·. . � · l:ilL', or ·..... II llZ.i:'rl· .ll li I I) . . . ri · ·. or to I ., 1e inC'orporalion ,) r · · ,, a.- · . F:•·t1 • •-,,1, 1;·JlIi1op1;i a 1, ·d ,•r :d :--Y:-l1·n1. I· or a ,h. :;1·11,.::-:ion of 11 11 · d i-.1inr1,o .- n I·11' 111·cen 1ntcr,:ta le an,1 international . l'onl'li l 't� �,. J;"J . • . _ ·' · · · :.c . · l'l(l l Z\1. 1 �1;.: (:- > 11//1rf O /. l,r11c:-; 16:2) (}9621. I)·,i' 11I. , , . • '_t ] ( () c lL' I n �,j' I � > • ., - . '[' r I I t 11 '1 l:l. ·•' ii I'111 <' l,011· l�euie1r ]8i. 196 (]963) '1'111• ·· ll1tltor i i npi i c.:, . , - ti 1" 1 11..· 1' 11.- 1"" th 0 i• rPa:-011::- for : ll111 :--l:1te ll 'I ·"1" . . l'l 1i ..:• rr'J e1·lio11, hut lie iP 11 1 11 1 th ,• :1r1i,·l,·. . :-;,.,, tit, , di-1·11-,io11 nr tli i " 1 1 nt· rtI ·111 /'· or/i. . • l' . I. v il. ia r1 i. /, C 5J . (' i ir i/ Cl/:,(' 1 \'o. ] 1.7;, 1 1,IO • 111,'..t of · /llll. E :..t l1iopi · .. t,,:- a1.c '·111 ',l:• cl a1·corcJ·111� lo tl1C l·.1lii1,pi;111 l':tl.-nd·tr· , 1·1te . I: ·I 1 J, '"t'\1 ·11 , l··1r ' '1' -·• " antl e1� ( :rL''.!11ri:111 1·:d r •nd · J1l n1011l I 1.:' l>e1 llll{ · · I 1111: · ··ir · \ II 111 1·lt'r ni:i t,•ri;d i,,. l'il<'d a,·1·orili 11 � lo lite Grc· �11ri:i11 ,·:d Pnilar.


Ir1 ]·:1l1·io1>i�1� ,,·l1icl1 i::-: it1 1l1f' 11roc·c·:-:s of (lc,·(·Jo >: 1 11p: i1.:: ! C '1;al .�1-�1 1'·111 . 11 i:- 1,02-�il)lc' to lool, l<) 1 l1C' J1lctl1rnl� 1,y ,,·l i i l 'li (illl('r legal :-- : f'n1.:; J 1 a,·c y· · l , 8 01, ·c c l tl1 e k:i11 cl of legal 1 ,ro]J.l('Jll:- 1 10 ,,· (�011fro11li11 :1�:tJ1 ic11)ia. ,-rli(' g: J )urr:io:=.f' of rloi11g: so sl10 111(1 i>f' lo <'fJ11111�1r<' tl1c a<l,·a11Lagc·: a11rl 1li:-a<!­ ,·:111tagcs C>f clif[f'ri11g :1J)l)l'Oaclil':0: jJl .Ji )11 <>f ,vl1 1cJ ari f>l'n�<:l1 i� 11101'(� 1 µ_snital>lc for I�tl1ior)ia. a11<l lo adnt>l n 1111 r<·fi11e a11v ''l 1 c1r1·0,vi11e:' v ' to • E1hior1ia'� :::1Jc·ej�1l 11r-cfls 11.11<1 silt 1alio11 .:;. Y.:1J1·io1iia sl 1 nt1l cl 1101. ac:Cf'}Jt L] l C' ": 1 a, v� · c r �o l t I t i o 11::: I o lc g�l I l>r Cl I , 1<' 111 s cif a11�, fo reiµ-11. !:1 :;�� t ,, n 1 a u t.fl111ali call)-- a11 tl l)ccau�c of its lo11 g i11c"lc1 )cr1cle11c-c, no forcig11 legal sy�tP111 ,va:=: ·i.1111 )0:=:ccl t111011 it. Ol1 i- r(�frr1'11<·e5 lo a11 1roar·l1cs, ]a,vs n11rl 1 dC'ri::io11s of ot11,'i· 11ntion-:. i, sole l · l' or 1!1r r>ttr ,o�c- or arri,.rinµ: al eo11:'1 {'.lt1::-io11s as t<) ,vl1al ::!1 0111,1 J,c rlone i11 l�1l1i<)r1ia. I

]•irsl . . ,,-ill trace t!1e l1i:=:lorica] rlr,·t:�lo11111c11t of the c:-:r1flicl. of Ja,\·., lll EurOJlC. ,rl1i('ll i:=: ,\·l1ere Sl!('ll ' J llf':-:l io11s fir.31 aro.::,('. s('('OJldl�- , I ,,·i]l clifcti�:s t11c , -- ario11s tl1corif'� as lo Ll1 e 11alttre c,r tl1 c cor1 Ilict of la,,-::; t11al l1a,-e ];cc 1 1 ,]e,·elc,r>c<l. Ba$ccl 011 a co11�i<lcralio-11 of tl1c l1is­ .., ll1 roric::i of tl1e eo11flict l'orv of J,v,,·s n11il 111,r Ji1r1itecl a,varer1css • ar11.l tl.11 l�1.l1i(11,ia ·i,1 Lili..:: �1rcn, J ,rill ,,·l1 r1t J t·n11 1·c·i,·(' lr) !J(' llie ll(�C'(l.� .,u�!:::c;-;l a11 a1.11 1r0Jcl1 - - a 1he1)r>· - to,, 0 nrd tlic� cn11flict 111' la,vs 1l1 at I l,(·!i ,- -,·,� fl i o11l< l l 1P !'c1ll<) \\'l.'tl l,r·rr·. l;'inallv . J \\'ill di:3r11::.:,:.: a 11 L1r11IJcr of




� l)('(' i f i (' n r Ca " i11 ' , .I 1 i c· I l l) r O I, I, _, 1 l 1:-: n f L I l (' (' 0 ll r] i ('t O r ·1a\,r s a ri�(' a r, (l :::: ll g· � ( · • l ..:0J lt lio11:-- \\ °l l i l 'l i \\.()t1l1.I folio,,· fr<)Jll ,l!l a1>11lil'al1Cl)l or 1l1i:-: a1 11 1 rOa1'll. .-\ JtJ H 'tl1lc,J ,rill ! )f ' n Jll'OJ>()f('c] ('()(](' of Liic' COltf]ir.t of ]a\\':3 C'llll1o(l)r i11�?_ !Iii� :ljJJ1ron<'l1.

. · 1 n�ol'ar �,..: 1,J::-=-� il) J,, J li a ,.. ,. l ri,,,1 11) 111ak:<' u:--c elf co111 r1aralivc 111aleria L:; i 11 urd< 'r l<> :-:li e,,,· 11 1< , rc..;trll;-:. r,:,1c·l1 t' 1l 1111 ,· ll'r thl' la,,· or diffcre11t 1 1atio11s. · 1 ,1. l·I· l1a.� IJ1·e11 a tli:::tinet - J'('�;(l'l. 0·11a r.-··1, fa,·ilit,· la11 � , I 11 1,. , . 1 , 1.,. 11· 111 ·,t<'<I ll:-• . . tl1e ,LC'Clll'ate],, . 1! 1 <·· 1 1· ·I J,;i,·c :-:l1n,,· ('d Jairl,. r I Ir) l1r'1;, . 1·IC':ljl, .,.,)lil. 11illJi • • • . ,,., . · 1 · 1'r1(·renl · (, �l)>J >l'<J:1< · I 11':-- ili ,·it· ,-,,1· 1- 1'o11..:· 11·11 • ic>1 1:.:: lia,·l' tal,(•11 tc1,var<l Ll1c cc,111·1·I<· l Cl 1· I H\\ --. '\·I.0.- .I (l r· t I·ll' ./·1 ,r/ · · Jf/.'i u:-:,-d lo dl'l}l()l'l:3lrale acl11 al · 1',-ir1 I rle<·i,;i( 1

fI j c l :-- ] J r n I ,I I.' Jl I :-: l IJ a I I I a \. l' ii I' j :-- <' I I ',· j J J 1 11· rl1'( 'i:sin11� o [ 1\.111 cr i(' a 11 lJ t) ,,·e,· er. t I1 1 � l'Oiit·f, l 1r '(''.l!J�1· 1Jf Ill\ �f'('tilr'I' f;1111iliarit�· ,,·itli tl1 c111. CO LI 11 Ir j e- �. j 1)I 1 < , .' c (, a -, ', , · ii 1 1 a 1 1 < I 1 I r1 a r i :-<' i 11 a 11 l ,1·r,l1!1 1 :-: fJl'(':'i'l'llt·d i11 1 1 · i ;·li1din1-! J ·:tli i!lJiia. l 1 :,!,1-r1!!I_\. tl,t· 1·r·-11ll �ir tl 1 i.- --ittrl\ ,,·ill 1 ) <' I f> f O l' l l l I ! · (' 0 fl




a �01111 11 a11ll 1_1ra('Li('aJ 111etl1 c1,l of i-0J·vin.g eo11l'Jiet of la,,·� 11rol1 1c1us ,rl1 icl1 ,rill ari�e i11 l·:t 11i<>1>i a. l ale



,,· ·

\\'l l .\". 111 a,. · c n:-k:. arc I l1c-rc� 11rolJJr�111 � of tl 1e <:tJ11flict of Ja,vs 1 a11d ,, l1r11 clc, 1 ! 1 ,,, fir::-1 nri:-1' '( \\. l1c •11 a ('a�e Cl)IJJ<':- l)<:for<· a11 J;tJ 1 io1 1ia11 court - or a ]:;'r1'1 1 cl 1 co11rl. or n .I3rili::-11 cOl1rt� or a11�· col1rt - ,v l1y s11olilcl that <'llll-rl 11ul a::::id ( ' it� O\\' JJ Ja,,· ,riLl1 ,rl1icl1 it i$ i11ti111atel)� fa111iliar .

a11d a1, I he la,,· of a [orc·ig:11 �Lale:, ,,·l1icl1 is oflc11 /liffictilt Lo as-cer­ lain'( 'l'l 1 c . legal order, a� 011<' ,rril<·r l1a;a: J><)i.11 tccl or,t. is clccc11tralized ,1111<>[1g a jlluralil� of :..:<1,•c r(:ig11 cir a11L<.111c1111011:,; n11tl1c1rilic:-, <!acl1 as::ert­ i r1 � juri :..: di< ·lior1 ,vitl1i11 a defi11<'(] lcrrilor�·- 9 111 tl1<� al>�<'11ce of treaty

<>r ::-:01u<· ()tl 1 <'r for111 <.>F irltcr11atio11a.l eo1111>t11sio11� tl1e cot11�L ca11 refuse lo <·<.>11�i c l<·r a11y.. la,v l i ut jt:-,; o,,·11: ,,·11,· �110111<1 it tl1cn C'Or1siclcr tl1e Ia,,r


) II.





()11e ,,,a)'

,tc<·o11111lisl1 tl.1is i11Lcgrntic>11 ,,·0111(1 1,c tc> i!!11c1re t.])l� '-· 'tliver�il\' - encl1 cot1rl ,rtittlfl a1)11l:" it·.: -o,v11 ln,v art(I cx1><'tl: tl1c co�.1rl.:of otlI c r t'tatC$ L1 0 rlo t 11 c� � n 111 e. B t I t: l I 1is i ::: 11 ot l l1 c 11atl1 l h c c.o ti rt s 11.1,·c tn.kc11. a11cl tl1f:' rea�o11$ ,1rr c1llvio11s. '\\Tc r11a),. start ,-vitl1 tl11: l.l)

a:3st11111)tio11 tl1at ntl)' <·011rl �t.riYC$ l<) rC'acl1 a j1 1st a 11 cl fair .rest1lt i11 cvci-y- ca�c tl1al co111c'.� 1)< :'l'orc it. \\1 l1erc- tl1crc i� :1 forci!!.'11 cl1;111P,11.t· '-- ' . i11 tl1c. c.a�c, a jrtst rC':-t1lt 111nv c1<'111nn<l tl,at t]1c cc1t11·t lake acco111Tt •

. ,, of tltt5- forcig,1 e]e111r:11t l'O tl1e C:Xl('Jll of H}'lfll:vi11g: tl1c ]a\\f of a11ot]1�1� , $late. r1� 111: failt1rc t<J <lr, so 111i g;l1t rc-..:11 lt 11ol 011l)r i11 i11j 1 1$. lice t :o 1·]1c· :' . r,�1rt)r. l,trt l o it�- o,vn 11atir, 11al ,vlio n1ay l1a,,c rclic(l ll,l)Oll L l11:­ ·. forcigr1 :. forcig11 .la,v. ll Sec-011,.lly: if tl1 c co 11rt:-; rJ( a state l)<'r:-i�tccI· 111 a J)fllyi11g '. · t l1al 5laL,,�s la,v lo trar1:-aetio11s 1l1at logiealJ)r, a11<l ,,0itl1 a ,,ie".r to,varcl' . _,_' fair11<:�:35 tc) tl1c J>Urlic-::� �l1011l,l lJc _g-ovcrr1crl 11)' foreigr1 Ja,v. i11Lcrc<.)11-r�e, - >arlict1lar·1)' or a l'Ot11111ercia] 11at11rc, llcL,rec 11 rc�iclc11t:- of t.l,at stale 1 · a11<l of a f <.)rcig11 �talc ,vt)\1]1.l l,e ail,·1-�r�eJ)r aff<'cl.t�,1. F(Jrc:ig11 ers ,vi]T : . not <lesirc to clcal ,vitl1 re�itlc111:3 of tl1at stat<". tl1<')' ,vil] 111ot 'lrarll"' ,ritl1 tl1<'111 nor l1 a,·r� a11,0 cor1ta<'l� ,rjtl1 tl1c111. A �I.ale tl1at sccJ(s Lo

l 1c 1>art. of a11 ir 1 ter11atio11al


la,v:- a11(l recogi1ize 1l1 c i11 l erc:-:l.:c.



a<.·ccr>t. tl1c> fli\-crsity· of

otl1c1· :-:tale's a11cl tl1f:'ir 1·csiclc 11t�.

a forcil:!11' C'.lc111<·11t re-c1i1irerl cli[fcr,'Ill 1reat111r11t o( tit<?- ca�c; a11fl ·tl1i::- clifl'erc11t lr<·at111cnt 111igl1 t rest1lt i11 tl1f' <-ourl�' HJlJ>l�,i11g tl1C': ln,v of n11otl1cr �late. Co11 :-:cc111r·11ll:·.· co11rt-- <'arl)- 11r1,ler::;Lo<><l Ll1at tl1c 1>resc11ce


'fl1 e fir:-! :'-l''J>:-- i11 tl1c ,le,-clo1>111c-11t of 1l1c� cc1r1flict of la,v:; l>c>g a11• ,, i· 1l i tl1<' <liffere11l. J>O�itio11 af·<·circlcrl foreig11<�rs i11,,ol,,c{l i11 litig atior1 . In Ii i(' (;r<·ek r-itic ..;. of 1l1 c TTclle11 ic 11criocl tl1C'rc ,vcrC': :-J>C'cinl cot1rts for forci µ:r 1 r.r:-:. J)arl



1111.' rigl1 t�

I 11 l1 01 11c tl1c ir,.-; civi,le ,va$ clc,�111ccl to for111 a·


ll <)lllHll




\\'aS llOt

aJ) } )lica·l)](�

to l'a::r·,.; i11,-c>l\·j11µ:- fc>rcig11,·r.-.:. 'fll'o :;c ca::;e:- ·,vcrc- l1carcl l>cfore tl1c J>t > T<'[!.Ti11.1, ..-.'1 � ,vl10 a1>1>1ie<l ;'ge11cral trJr J>rae "ju(I [!'<' for [<_>rr-ia I �� : -i1er: '. - ·---lI.


) of f,111r.-. 6 i 6tl, ed. \lorri--. ]') .{<) l: (:hc:-hirc, J rivflte l11tcr/,all' {. i :1rd ('d. l 'J,i 7,. 'fhe rourt ,-ould. of cour.: c. refus� to

)i,·r'. 1• (; 011 //icl


l1,•ar a !'a:-,e 11 I1e11,�1·er a tl,i:- ,, ouJd he to c\'.i·l11de . ll ,·n� :q!c<l in a I rall:";tl'l!O 't 11[1�111:i,


forc1·,1,-r1 it::- 011 n · 1,·,· 1 1 1 a

l)()[e 9 al. :�oo.


- t. 11·as t. )rC"cnl. I3uL the cffcrt of f•,l. c1ncn nati0nal�. front il'- t·ourt:,; ,,·hcnever the ,f 1,r1.:i _l ! n1:r. J)i1·cv_·., ibif{.




( ... )

gC'11tii1111) rall1er tll (it!S ail I J] .0 () J) 1 11 ) 0 (' 1· 1ri11l'i1 ,lc.:- or Jn,,· foreig11rri - 1- 11a,· .1 1 ,·!--· ·['01- cases i11 ,·ol,�i11 g ,._ ,i < · • · • tl 1 ,� i11.s ci1,:i/f'. 13 ,J<"jlU!'aic . . .,;eloJ>ll lC'Ilt. of tl1c co11flict of , <lc 11,e i ii ' :-l<' J 1 11 · co11. idcrC'd 1l11· ii,itiaJ




,ti< )Jl��, 11.· · <.


I j,


,vs as ,vc lc1To,v it Ja of l lic 1f 0 1 c. c 11, l a t]i l ·t r< r u Tt i::: � ... crierall,: · a . · tcentl1 CC'ntr1r1.' i11 It al\,_'. t Ll1ir tl1e l c-if l ii·tr • ). r cn .. I · 1r t l 1 c.'...'.<1J1 l(1 c!11er�r- 111 r of Pa<ll1a, ) it r� e ,· 10 is 11i ,vl l! r tl1 al i)r :-= � fc 1ro a : 3, 11 . 1 .\l,:�i..:.tcr .!\l,l:·/�clc,·clo1)cd the l� .�' ,v:-= Ja of t lic 11f <·u c: 1l1 c)f 'r · it ll ! � ::r ('a1i� d Ii, · inan,· Ll i c 1 l' aJ ) J )1 )' tl1e la,v of t 1 l 1jg 1 t t1r co c tl1 ;:; ::-c <·a 1 i proiio:3iLi ,ori 1J1 �1t j 11 ecrt�1 1 . · 1 1]1:-1[ '"·· l1c·1 1r·,·c·1 · -:1 forci� _11 cle!:i1e11t ,vac" 111c-· lct !..!:l':,:; <u1nl I 11'1· .:"'IHl.l' • i. I <' :-ll!!: '·� : fortrm ancl the :, t]1f of ,· ]a, c 1 t}· !1 l,01 1c, l: ]oo l c .l �11 011 rt cou c 1li �(·Ill. ,,·ii'., ,\·11:c-l.1 tl1t' ca. ::<' '"c.l.:-: co11ncclcd. , ° a::. <iiffcrc-11L t l1ar1 tl1e ln,v of the !, \\ \ \ hf 'l l < • Y (•r l] I (' ]a\ \' () f lJl t' f () I' U I! I ntlic·r �l.llC'. thcrf' ,,·a:- a ,: <·<)11f'Ii < ·l c)f ]::1 ,,·::.�� ] l· e

l)I'OJ)08<."' cl

tl1at in Sltcl1 �



'J'l ii...: ,·a�ll(' a111l ge11r-ral I'll le- ,,·as rcr, !acr-,1 1;�· a ,· arict,.. · o[ tl1eories ilcali 11 ,.� ,,i1! 1 1 1 0\," 1l,e. co11fli('t of l. a,,·:-: :::l1nt1l(l !)e prn111i111·111 C)11c· l1cl1l 1l1n l 1.l1e ('Ot1rl :::l1cit1 Jcl Joo]" l.o tl1e 11atio11alit,, of 1!1c' clcf1-11d;1nt and i11 a cn::'f' i11Ycil,·i11!! a forci2.-11 c1cfe11cla11t. it $l1011ld 1 :qi1,I: Iii.� iJalion;1l or 1 1er:..:()Jial la,,· .. \; 1 <•l:l glo�::- l.o tl1e Code of .lu�ti11ia11 ..:tntc..: thal :�if a eiLizc11 r.f I�olc>g11a l)i-· �r1ccl i11 1\1:o<lc11a� lie ,, .._




to lie· jut1ge<l acc·orcli11� lei tl1e �lal11tC'£:. 16 of :�·foclc11a to ,rl1icb i. l 11• i,.;. not ,til>jt·('t.:' 17 lT11dcr 1l1i� tl1co1,· it. ,,·as i 111111:1tcrinl ,vl 1 ere the 1 ,-,ent ,rl ti('l1 ,i·a:-; Ll1c· :-;111,jef'L of tl 1 e �11it OCC'llrrccl. If tl 1 c clefe11da11t � 1r;1.� a fcrC'igr1er. ]1i� r1ntior1al la,,· n() l)]ic·cl. i.�




- -

.J:1. )"nte1na, I.


! (1 . .l -;-.


s·. 1:� 1 1:l>cr_µ:,

note 9


297.. ;)00. .

11 es 011 (;011{'/icts 2 ( 2n d � ed. 1956). I-le relies on the inves· 1 ·� . N 1 ,,...11 1011:-. o 1 1 cun1crYer . . , . · gcn1c111rcc 111 I · '',? 1 ·k ' D1c 11•... · ht . 1 J:;11t1v c l he 1ckel11.11g , . , J> ,i. ·i;r. ttun<.I �tru . ,!es intcrnation,'I en .frcclits bis nartolus 66 (1916). /bi,/. Sec al�o thi• · di-., '' ·11·..:-· 1· 011 1' 11 -..� J.n t e1na, -"ll/Jra, noLe 9 al 302. ·'·111 1·1·1 :-· ·1 . \II (Ir tl11•- lt·· '' , J � a 1 l.':- 1l e,·cI oped hodics of e o,vn · hi,i·, on1ary tl 1 ir cn:;t i, hllh i, er e l'all,·cl st11t11tu. Stnnd i ,·r;r. · SUf)f'<l. l�Olt' ],J at 2 . ). nt1·111a, .�uprri, Hole 9 at . : 0 { .2




.flo,v(','Cr. a 1>ersor1 (fitl 11ot (·arr)· <11/. o[ lris natio11al la,v ,vill t 1 1 i111 . ']�lie ,vritcrs cle,r c-Io1)ecl tl1.e , tl 1cor)r '' · t111cler ,v1 1i c::.l t tl1 e,r •• ,,•01.1J t l look: to t]1c slatLLl<t. of tl1 e clE'fC't1lla11.t�s 11at1011al st.a te to clcciclc ,vl- 1. ctl1 <'r ! " · ..••,1'·fec ·tI 1ty · ,t(· �.cl ''1.)e· t·��o11;:i�'' or "�tl111 • · 1.g�. '' 1n lf t. I·tey a ff · .. eel.et1 ··1 " )cr,.3,01Js"� tlie); co11lcl lJe 3JJpliecl� I J11t, if tl 1 c,,. affectecl ''tl1 i 11!!:-:.'�. · a11cl tl1 c clefc11cla11 tbey· cot1Jrl 11ot l)e so ar>p · lie< I, t clit 'I 11.ot ''carr)r tl 1 e111 ,vitl1 l1i 111.'' rl'l10 ge11.eral rt1le ,vas t.l1at 1 11.ntters aff ecting r>crso11s or 111oval)Jc IJro11crl)' ,vt::re to JJ<.! go,rer11c(l JJy tl1c 11atio11a l 1a"iv of 1l1 c clefe11tla11l - Ll105c sla Lttles , vcrc pcr2-011al: u1 atters af fcclir1::-.: i1i:1 n10,:. a]1.le r1ror>crl )' ,vcrc to ])e go,·er11ecl li)r ll1e la,v of tile J.>lacc ,vl1e 1 c tl1c · jJ11111ova}Jlt� ,,·a� silt1ate - �talnlcs <lcali111! ,ritl1 i 111111 0,,a1)lcs ,vcr<: real ·and co11]('1 11ot l)c a1>r)liecl cxlralC'rritoria]l)'· It is i11te,rc�ti11g to 11ot e· Ll1nt 1]1c 1·eA1Llt , vot,.ltl cle1Je11cl 011 l1c1,,· a statt1l.e ,vas classificcl ])y tl1c Ia,v of tl1 c clcfe11cla'J1l's 11alior1al state ra ll1cr tl1an 11, ll1� la,v o.f tl1c foru1u. ]71-e11el1 ,vritcr.-: <lc,·elc11)t·c! a t.l1 irtl cal<'';.!<.>l'�' of ··11 1i:.xc(l :'-Lalutcs.'· 0

. ·





,rl1icl1 fl)l' J)IIrJ>C>�c-: of e�lralt' rrit::1rinl n111iliralic)tl ,r<·r� t.rral<'r1 in tl1c :::a11:f· n1a 1111er as real �lalule.:-.

_;\ccor(1ir1;.r lo fJrol'r':-:"'or ;-r1tc·111 a. l):· 1!1(' l'n t1rlc<'11 1]1 c!'·11L 11r : · c< 'r­ lai11 tlef'initc rL1]c� of aJ)J.>li<;aliC)Jl ,v<'rc <':-:ta'l)lisl1ccl, large])' lluc to tl1c · ('0Illll1Cl1larie :-: of B,1rtolt1:::. ]') r11 !ti:- ('0111lllClllarics l1(� (1· (�als ,vitlt tlt(' t.\\·o l> a�ic ,1111�f ljc 11::: c>f i11tr·r 11ret�1tior1: ,·1,1 ,vl1al :3lall1 tcs sJ1nl] llf' · · (:Z l ,,·] 1 at :-ilall1lr >� nrc r�xtrat,.,rritoria], so tl1at tl1 c�· aiir,lic,.I lo a lieri:-.::


, ,! J>JJ 1· ·1r.1 l· 1 c-, <·1· 1 ,,, <)J>f'·tl a ('011s1rlcral)le slruc· clcY<'l ·-rc'n ean 1lc . -::- ,·tl,ro·t . , il • . · c • · <' ·l, · · a<··c·111·<li1 "· 1ff t.1u·c j.or tJ 1r: so1 11 1·1()11 <l. . 1 �·t"ltil<Ji·, ".. o l<) tl1c 11alt1r a11rT . · "'Ot1fl1 · · · C [ 11 I (l t l Cr CJ.' l I l C .�la - · · ·1rr t:11(� (ol1o,,•, slrt1cl1 " l ll IJC' · Ill l O I-,-. l) I · () \··-:,· 1· 011 ·--- • ·111 tl1i.;; • . c 1 1>arl1c-:-: cr tl (>( ror111� i.e., , ,l1ctl1 ;:; r • \Inlt( C' in� rul <) fJC-<I . ::; ,,· e r,: llc,· el ,. . u:;<•d li t< " i ·orrf'cl f<lrJtl fc>r ,•11tcri11.� i11t0 a <·011trart c,r 1)r<'J ->ar111 µ: n · \(·r1 ·111.�l rt1111r11t. ,v<"re g:r>,. (.,111( . '"l1crc tl1r,· . · ,(l 1->)- 1l1 e· la,,· c)f lite l)lace \\'r1l . c111c'..:t i(>Jl.$ o[ co11t.ract la,v ,,·e1·c a('l (' t I I·1<'.t' I. rJ ('l· (l C ,• I I.'> 1 • •-:::,11J 1·..;t ·<111 t • . ,va::- e 11 terecl 1 11to l( iil·i<·t· ,,l 1 <'r<� tit<' 1·<)ntract ;_!.U\'('t'II<:( I I ) \ " t I If'. J a,v. () r ti, · .. altt�r tlir. <�xrcut1011 o[ tl1c:· ' ttcr ; -" · <- 1 ri :- i;1!! 1 I<'.r /or· i (' ( J;1 t r r1 (' I , t·" ·) .. ,,·I 1 ·1t < · ' 1 1-1 , 0 J'l'Ol'lllr1l On linie. \\'f'l'C !!O\'CJ'llJJC '111l •111l !er • ' ' < ' I< t] 1<'1· el conlrac·l. <' ..--.,,. ... '.\ j 1 I




s11r>r11. 1iol 1' ··1 '·J :,l �tunil,,:r::. '

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riis ). LialJi]'1) o lu. ti so x le { :e c · n · t a 11 r1 o rf c J> .. . · · f , .., O . 1 e JJ Iace l t . l. 1e _w. rong ( of ]a,,' t c f c> 1J 1 e c lex lo c1. IJY Ja J) -eel · 1c tl l o ,, 1 · J t l•c . I >) J 1 et 11 !.!Over 11ce of· a11 1111 u611a1 1g11ora 1.or t.ort:;· ,,·a::- ..., . ] l cac IJ (l coul . . . , 1,er . ,. Clb . JOI , a YCr. 110\\'C 11 11g s ,,,as '-'irover, inL d· L] (/e licti I : f o l Ll O 1!! ir i� r · a 1. 1 ,.,.J 1 t:,-; f . o r' n 0 I 1 ' UC::Cf l'J lC . at11� of 1 :ie rsons,va," �t lo(':11 la,,·. l te i . l re t< si . t/e:r rei u:1 ::::J l<� (. I 1 - atler·s con. )' lil J\1 1a ] ) \.· tl1 e Ja,r o ot ti 11a ir 1r · tl of t, a <. t :-' I 1" · I 1· : o · a,, 1 e1..l J yy tl 1r l ere g o, ;c r11ed hi·.1 !.!o,·cr1 e ,v r L1 c] e c o r 1• '· c1 11 a ir.-� io11 1t .r· ti li tc tl 1· · · t o l tic 1 11!! L 1 lt� C'OJ1( cr·r11. l· i r r> f :r ' I< ( 1 11 t1 1· o f t Ii e I a,,· of t\1 c i g 11ifica11t 111 o clifica. s a 1 cl c c 1 <l o r t jn r1 li 11 . o f \ u ]J . . r c il ·r ,, ll <" ed � 'J'lie F'rcii iu u is tl t e I J i · h �' r t1 1t g r e � r1 t l1 c c tc ix :-:. ' 1( 11 1 i1 �r o e i 1 tio,i in tlie :-:lnlulor\· l 1e 11 .:trties a11d tran� tl f c> l , l i r (· 1 l t 11 c1 l l ::-' 1 l ei,('I1 clc11 ,· io cL ..;a 1 11 -� 1. ,, 11 r l,et i\ 1 11cr. l1 e c111p l1asized r fo 1e tl f n e � a c · 1 11 tl1c t ·i1l. d Il <' Jl c d .:o . 1 0 11 a('tioii:' 1 e J )arties cletern1i11ed tl f o 11 o ti 11 c 1t i1 <· 1 '1 s. '1 ie rl a 11 e l1 1 l' c> i, o ti n tP in ic tl 11 tl1e la ,r lo be 1a tl r 1e tl ra ::11 c, ti la rc r ci 1 tl ,,-liat la,,· ,_1 1011 1,1 gc,,·er11 1 co of 1lracts a re a 1c tl 1 � i1 ·a ,, It 1. or ti la apiili<'d I>.:,· ::-'lal utor�· i 11ter11re r o erned , g t ,v a ]a l1 ,v 1g i1 cl i cc cl 111 : ct rc ('r �l c, 111 tlial tl 1 i:-: do('lri11c l1 n1l 111( ' e intention ·of thr tl1 to ok lo cl l t, 1o ::-l rl 1 )1 c·< · l1r 1 111alli·r:-: of ,·011tra('L . r of that ite ,vr l1 11 nc re F r 1 c tl 11o c \. 2 cl. lie 1> 11 ir . JJ:1rlit·:-'. <"it\ 1 ,·r f'\'.Jlrr:,-;;-: nr rcession." Re st1 t )li ��� of 1·� eo tl1 1r· l · t lrrl l (> <'l , de (·, J 1Jcri(>1l. 1)·_�\rg·c11lr d· ten con e, l)l ica J)l ap � ,,·a ,,· ],y J 11a :-0 lf'r l1 1ic ,,·l l li1 11it<·d 1 l1 e cal1'.g:orie:- i 11 did l1c 1t Bt l." ea ''r as t1 t1e $lr C>J'1 Ile ( ' i 11 � lhul 11 10..;I :;lal.ulr�� �ho11ld 0 ied ssif cla lle 11(1 1 s110 y ert op r1r l)lc ,·a 1110 l<) ir1g lat e r (·011('C'd 1 · tl1 al �1alr 1t<'� lo sion ces st1c 1 to l c lie. a1Jp re ' '� ''"·e 1)lf 11ei r>ri a, ··1ic-r...;011a l . � \'\ l1cr1 tl11·st' t of ep co11c I,a,v 11an l{o1 tl1e o�-C' f':-'Lr < l 11 (l 'alio \i ( 1C a1)1i l)rOJH'rl;;, tl "ir succes­ 1 1 r1i,·er:"a[it>· of s11(·<·c:3:=-io11. i.e.. tl1<' sa111c la,,· l1acl t o cletcr111i11e s11c· sion to 111 0,·al > le a11t'1 i11 1.1110,·all.le 11ro1)ert)·· U11 der } 1 is aJ)lJroacl1 lle­ l1e ,vo11lcl a:1,(l 1 1les tl i,11111oval !,·c-1l �tallitcs ) . i11Y1. ce,sio11 to e. renl the 'lt'rn1i11r·d li�· tlie le.r rei sitl't<>. S11ece::5.io11 to 1110,, al)lcs i11,,ol, ;ed · .' r:-o n a I � tat .3\I' Of · l .. 1 1 ) ( ila I)Cl'SO u t e" 'I , Il -() ' . . \ ( l 1 · I l.l 1 l lll1C"(l )(' · )r ) l ('\f'l'll tllC } ' · r niall) tl1P dc> t·e(le11l. 21 ·I\._- \\'<', '1 -·11 �<'� - .... · tl 1·1� ·1s L 1 1c a1)1>roac.l1 follo,ved 1J) •

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11 cl I j O n,: t t) < ] a \r.

er p pro l1e ''" a� agree111e11t 011 t 311 n ofte C>f l l 1 e ::-l. at titC' ,vas �

2 ti. 21

1 · 11ll·111a.

-�11pr11• nolc 9 :-;111n1l11•r;.:, .�uf!r,1. 1101 1•

at �0,1. I I a 1 :{.


. j 11.:-t 1fTicic11l g tt i< lc Lo ·it::- e]a:-�ificalior1. J 11 rla::. ... iJ,,_i r1 . eour ts nr1cl l'Oll.1!! 111 c111ators e111 1)1oyccl cliffere11t J<.lr11tt1la::: a11cl tl 1 rir O\'flJ notio-i1s as to 2 J)O]· a11cl Jair11ess. 2 Dc8J)ite tl 1 r cli(fcrc11ecs ir1 ir1 tcrr>retat.io11, }10·,\'e,r er: tl1e st alttlo1·)r 111etl1o<I ,\·as 1111 cl1 aflr11gt:� ( I t111til tl1 c sc, c11l(�er1tl1 ce11l11ry. ,..1'11,� stnrti11g fJOi11t Jor cleler 111i r1 i11g ,vl1<'Ll1 cr f. orcig11 1a,v .

'- .


tlis1)lacefl tl 1c l,1,v cif tl1c fc,r11111 ,,·as tl.1e 11aturp of tl1 c gtatul<- tl 1 at ,vas iuv·o.lvecl. I.11 tl 1 c sc,,e1Jtc(�t1tl1 cc11t11r)· a 11(·,v a1>11roacl1 ,ras 1·ecog11ized. t] 1 at of lcrr. il orialit)·· A111011� tl1c 1;,re11cl1 ,rr.ilers. 1l1 c tc11cle11 cv \.ras to . cla�sify 111orc a11<l. 111ure �talt1lr-� a:-- ,:rf'al.:' ,vitl 1 tl 1 c res11lt tJ1 at tl1<.�,• rlicl 11ot l 1 a,·e extraterritorial effect. 2:; 'l�l 1 c ]) 11 tr.]1 ,vrilc�r:3� J1·0,v<"vcr� tler>artc(I ('()Jll{JJctel >· frc1111 tl1e :::tat 11i:::t lllf'Ll1 orl 2.1. rr1 1 e l )H$ 1� of. tl,cir . tl1cor,,. - . a� forrr1t1latrrl ]r,, . \TOt"l a11( l ITt1l,cr. ,,·a"' 1)o]itirnl - Ll1c� })l)\ver c1f a .:-:o,·c-rci!!:11 lo rc:.::ul ate all acti, ·iti«-.-- tal,i11!! ' ' 1,la<'e i11 tl1 r territor:· ll11cler l1i� co1 1trol. 'l'l1i� tl1 cnr>' cor1 �tilt1lc(] a sc,ic11til'ic rccog11itio11 0f tl1e 11olil.ical �ill1alio11 -1>rPvaili11p: i11 tJt<' :e:r-,,cnlf'CI1tl1 cc11lr1r)' i.n .


,1· ]1i<: 11 �1:::�e r ti<)11 � of i11 (°I c I ,e11cl c11cc I >)r r1ati011a] �1Jvc!rci g11 s ,vcrc re­ cog 11 i ZC' ti. 2:) r.l'J1 c I c-r1·ilori ,1} i l y l ]1 COr:· co11 ta i11eel Ll1 !'CC I)ro)}03 i Lio11s: 1J1 e la,r� of ,�acl1 flate l1a, r f� forc-c ,,,itl1i 11 tl1 c liorf.lC'rs of tl1::l'I state l>ut 11ot ·1,c�,�011c] tl 1 0::-e l)orcler:::: (2 l all Jler$OJ1s ,v·itl1 in tl1r 1,or(]crs of • a ::late. ,,·.l1rtl1er I>f�r111 ,111 c11tl>- or lc1111)oraril)'. arc st,l>ject to tl1ose la,vs :c;o lo11g a� tl1 e�- rf'111ai11 tl1erc; (3 l rigl1 1� ac<rt1irccl i11 011e statl� ,vill l>c J rr,·0!!1 ,. 1 iz,�<I i11 a11otl1cr ?-talc· ,v 1r11 eallerl i11lo (ft1e8lio11 t11cr<' as lo11g (1.)

a� tl1f� i11tcrc-fl� (>f tl1f' :::reo11cl �!alt> are JlOl !>l"Cjllflicecl tJ1crcJ>)'. 26 . ' °\.VJ1ere f(Jl"C'i!.!rl Ja,r \\-"a-- ar1r>lie1 l, tllcrcf<)r('. it \\"HS l>cea115e of 1l1e co11zil)' �

'l'J1c a1) f>liea l j f)Tl Of . forf:i!!Jl la,r rf''-tc<l <>n tl1 c ta('il (·(>Il-"<'r1l of �talc�� co11si£l£�ratio11!; c,f {'n11,.;�11i,�r1ee 311,-l 11 1 11t 11al ir1l<"r<'�l ,lr111ar11lc1l tl1al a rigl1t ,,alicll}- acqlrir­ cd ,ritl,i,1 c,11c- �lalf' �1 1 0111,l 11ot I,(' ·1c,::-I 111><)11 rcr110,,al lcJ a11oll1 cr. · l'l1 r· \·ali,lit\, · c)f' act� 1l 1t ·1l (°l<'J>('JI(lr(l 111,c.>11 tl1f� 1a,,· (>f tl1r slat(' ,vl1ere: , ° · J ° I 1 <'rt· , lo. 1· 1<". i 1 1·o11l , 1 11c> L I > (' c a11e, l I l 1,,, \\ Prf• 1l1,11l': i I a 11 a('! ,,·a- ,·a·1 1< . f.'X lr11,1: f'f l I, y (.)11(�

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I- l:lrd •�«1. 1961). su11r(I . note .

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r than the citizeu­ n,tJ ,c a<" L ing of plac e inLo qucsLion a11vwhcrc. 'J'lw 27 r. Jacl o :e i, :: cci J ( Ll1.c �l1ir> (if tl1e 1)arlics ] J cca111 c . rcr re tl1c r : i, · ccn tt1 . l1. , 11tec �11t e tJ1c ;:;(�\·c (if rr1<.l . ic tl at. tlia l �cc \\ic, 110,,. :=:t 1i LL 1e a tl st Ll1c- ory, , s: ' la v f o l C Ji J c� 11 o ' 1e 1l l\\'O clil'f<'r<·:�L �\1,1 iro a cl1 cs to 1c� 1 iartjc5 , a11cl tl o \' ' ]a l , f 11 �o a ·r ,c r o i 1 \\·l 1 icl1 (·111 1 il1a�izc,l tl1 r <'itiZ('J1: :!1i1 ' his g 11 ti cc f a ac o Jl ;. rl. 1c tl .\" . ,,·J 1 j ( ') 1 cn11 Jl1�1�izccl l · l' () 1c 1l , r it .tl ri . 1l1e l<'r ito . 1 1(� to11tincnt rr )·· Llr 11l cc 1 ll 'tl C< 1L c·ig1 ('(J!ll'i:cl ( '()J1li111i('(I 1) 1rougl1011 l lllc a11,J Leri-il0rial Ec11ool�•. t i:= u · al .:-:t 1c tl c c 1 · r 1\ -L l ol' 1�uru 11- c , \·:t� cli, i· dc, 1 1c ial �cl100] (lr :t rr tc 1c 1! es at · St l c<. t 11i u 1r 1l .. 11I later i 11 11!..·:l· ,1· 11<1 1r tl 11 .1t1!.!'l ' 1 i11 1< of tl1c co11flict e 1r lt e. 11a tl1 lo a:-: cs ri co 1l1 1 1 11 ,-r 1 \ ·:1 � ,lc1111i11a11l. ' ' 1( ' 11 1 od c ·11 tl1 a11<] t,ve11tictl1 cc11t11i :ies1 l(· r1r 11i 1 c l 1 1 1 o i ecl 1 i ,·,· 1 of la,\:-: ,r,·r,· tlr0l1g l1 s01ne lil}· t!1 � a ri ito lc>rr s 1 c,1 ,,·a is ;1:-: 1 il 1 ' c11 11 11 <' 1 a11d I>) · 111),I� il1 .-1:-::i:= 1_ i}aced on 1r r11 1g ri1 'fc rlil · c LD ll1 e du � ' ·r< \\ 1 o!' I ll(' ili, err<··,·1cc 1i lJ ttrt ,,0 O C' a at tl, 111s · S -:! · ) c 1al lc; nil i11 l'1 l 11l ·<·c :-: ac . , ,,·a ( It ·. ;1 _ \ 1:1 ·r.:.11ni1l ' a fc1rci�11 clc111c11l a11r] i11 CC'l'l:J. i. 11 cn�es 1 · o! 1 1 '('l e1'r i1 c "i' Ll lii!\t' ,i c,;11�i i · ,!!!\1ly tl 11• l;t\\. nf ;111 <1Ll i1 'r :-'l[llf', rl1(' 1li:-:agrf'C'll1C11l \\'a� a� t<J \rl1c11 this c · r1.1ed a ... :-l1111dd <H·1 ·1tr :111,I 1 1() \\' it :-:l 1 0 11 lcl lie· ,lcter1 11i11c(l , ,,]1a t la,\· !!·o, .





. . ' _ . r Ii l' I I l (. 0 r.\. a ..; l ·O l I )(' 11 •. l l l l r(' <.)1· t I 11 ' lOJ1 . ('l 1cl ol. l ::1,v::; -tl1at a 1Jart1c ular . . . •• · :--1:ll < ' lc1llo,r, ,viii !!!'<'all,- i11fl1 1c'tl('<' tl1c r-:xl<.' · 1.e . a,v 1 tll 1 t o ,, ·I. 11c l1 1 ore121 '-.· "'' . cu,1,lo \·,·d and 1! 1 1'·· 1·111c-.:.· tl1al , 1· <' t c1111 . 111,• · 11cl1 la,v �11,tll lJe at)l)]icd, ,rl. •, . : . · · . I J1 1:-: lS <'((Ua l l, \!'lit' ,, ·ll c•tlt<'I' . ti 1<' sol1r•·( ' ' o{ {'.011 fl ICl'.' rr1 l l'S IS 111 CO(I C-5 · • <Jr i11 jt1<licial <lccis10 11. r 11 t'X-;llllllllll!! ,1 tll('Ol''\"� OllC ('0lll1UC)ltatol' . .· . <>1-, :.:crv<'"' tl1al tl1<'rc are tlircc· (Ill<'-:\·IOll:.--,. I,) ' l)(' a:.:l,_('(I. 23 rl'l1c fir::t qt1c�t1on J.� l ic.1,r !Iii' lclr1111 1 r·11111l o,·:.: tlic' I·'1''. l,,['..1iioll1er ". co 1 1cl.,s , ,, b y �talc :.:( � tl1e · . 1 . . . ' l· '" 11 < oc �... :-o: 111<' tl 11r1l c11· 1<':-:lin11 is ''·I· 11 <'·l 1 ],.1,,_ :-l1al � . l>c c1111 >lO)'Cd, " e I




1·111c1na. /l,id.

-'\1111 'l'l·l':tll .I•,l11'n· ri, "'· i) 1· ('.onf I i<·t o( l�a,, s: 'fheir Role and · � l 1ili1,·. �., // !1/'l'{//'1/ /.1111· /(1'1'I<' !(' :{61-36:! ( ]9-15).

<:lt<'atlia1n. ,)11

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: ,vilJ r10\\' ex i,lcJrc a 11tii1ilJcr of tl1coric�, retog11ii i. r1 g tl 1at .frcc_1t 1 cr1L .)- orie : Ll1 cor�' i:- a reactio11 agai11st a11otl1 er. 29

', 1 lie (:o,11itJ· 1'/;_fnry.



1'11c ('OU1it.)r 1i1ro 11� ,,,as tl1c ninctccr1tl1 ee . 11tur,r ,,crsi. 011 of tl 1e tcr­ ii! riloriaiit)0 a1)i'>ro�1cJ1 of Bt11Jcr a11cl. tl1c otl1cr :b;1 lcl1 ,vriterl'. It ,vas I.. <lcvel· o1>c(l IJ:· J O�<'r>l1 Stor:·- :\11 J\..111c�1-ic:111 ju.rist; J 1 is Tre(i t,ise 011. t;/ie ' :! Con/lict of L<rivs , 1>11l>lisl1ccl i11 1834-, ,v,.1.s lo11g regarcled 1>y _.t\nglo-1\ 111 ei·­ i·

,: ican cot1.rts as tt11tJ 1 oritati,:e. :30 1'11c tJ1rec l>asic 1>rOJ>'O·$itio11s, as in · · 1J1<'. tcrritoriaiit)· a1>r>roacl1� "rerc: t l) <�,,.C'r}' state 1>0:-seS$C5; al ) sol 11 te i:ovrrcigr1t �· ,,·itl1i11 it:- o,\-n tcrrit·or)· a11cl 111ay IJi 11<l all 1>erso11s or 1>ro­

,, pert)· loealer.l tl1crc: 12 l 110 fO\'t·rci g:r 1 ca11 gi,,c la,v$ l ) eyonll its l J ot111cl­ ,i arie�: a11c] I�) co11.-:,(: q 11cr 1 tl �-- ,\'l1atc,· cr force tl1C'. ]a,vs of <>11 e state ·· ha\·(' l)c\-011cl its 1,c,r<Iers ,ll'.}JC'l1(1� 01 1 tl1t� cc>n1it.)' gi,,c11 to tl1ose la,vs

·· }1,. 0 ar1otl1rr �talc. Jl Stor,· f1)r111<1 a <lrtl.); lo gi,,c co1 11il)', 1J1. 1 L 1·ccog11izecl . that. tit i:-:: ti tll �- ,, ·a._ r111r- <) r i111 J><'rfccl <.11) Ii f,ra l.i(>11, si11ec tf-1cre ,vas r10 ,vay1,v \rliic·11 u 11e :-0,-crc·i g:11 cnu l,I l>c ('f>JllJ)''llr<I lo giYc cor11il)' to tl1c 1a,,rs of a 11 0tl 1 <· r.

'·t �

.; ,) . .. l .

. 111cri('an 1111:ories. .\ 1,, " i11 . rr fe r1• . ; . j.. . 1 . I i.1n 1 i,·:1 ,, r·1 ,.. or ·,olr . l'r o11·al . .··1· 'fh I (I • "1 ),1.,. · ,.. i • . -- developed !,,. 1l1c l'ontinenlal th 1' :-a111e n1ay lie ti. ue •.i,-.. lo. l I 1". t l H·oric. 11 riter;:. l. ,,·.) ·11 (i e .:.,> no 1r,1. su1 . . I 11:r!..' :--;11111 ,0:, •11 1· cl o{ f,r,,cs_ para. ] ri/. sr,q. · ( e !, <, 1 \. • (' o 11111, <' 11 I u ri "s ofl 1 '• ,·- I ,,_,,.)i ·d(! t ,·11. •


! .. l

�I.or, · <Ii,! 1101 (,ii.;:(' a 11n-;,ilit111 c,11 l11J\V tl1c� fl1reig11 la,,r O{JCratcs. ])rol'e.,;;�·ur (�l ie- al 1 1 : 1111 :-:u!!�<':'-l..; 1l1at Slc>ry · n 1ca11t tl1at it 01,eratecl for '. 1,urp:J�i·.:. <.>F tl tr · iiartic,,iar ca.;1'. tl1at i�- tl1r� roru111 gave eo1T1ity to tl1c rtOr<'i tl Ia\\- ·111 ()l'( I ('l" lt) ,J...., . ,,·1,Jc, tl if ' ,•·{t:--f'. i>r.·fore it. '],l1e ,vlr,.r_ i:n1cstio11 f!: f"c>rci !! Cl] ><'ratcs l>eca11.�c anotl1 er ' . rl la,v 'J'I · - 011 tl1C' :1bsc11cc of · · I(� r11111 I1as1·"' J::-· srJ. 1 c, ( it ..:o, ,·r1·iu11 cl 1<> <>Sr� le) !(·[ . " 1-0 I. � 1• �J 1 ,· ,l force. r1,11ere is (: 0 Iti pl I 1 :,;. IO Jl ·ti111101 <>}lf'ratc· !,,, . \\- <-.. . its o,v11 . · g 1ty. · . , tl1011 l1 St.01�yIll(' da11 �er I l 1al', c·cJ1111 t.v· \\-1·11. J ><-- <. ()11 1· ti.'"C'tl ,vitl1 J"C'('i 1 >roc ,., . t.l 1aL J>rinci 1 >1e. For exa1111)IP. uii·)JJ -� 1'>,I ' ·. (l·,,1 flOI f'Olllf'!'l(J ti la.1- ·11. r·r,--1 ':11 [orc-C': a Fren.el1 jt1clg( tc, ,1 u::-c r<·f !l 1< · r· 11it c-d Stall'.,.; S Uf)l "(')}J(' c:ourL j 111C • 111, 11 <"'ca 11 � <' 1.I I r- l / r r 11 <' I1 c .c, t1 r I s \" (> 11 l ' J 11 <J I c·11fore(� a11 J\ 111crica11 t1clg:·- --




; ' I



iasis 011 tl1.c for11.1) 1's cli�cr ;,J l lJ . CJ c tli o, :12 S c , to c 111c11t i1 1 a si111ilar ci1�c Lisc lo cr1forc:c foreign 'f r( lo jt c 1,s ('� ::,· i 1. 11 \\' la : lio11 to a11111it tl,c Jorcig11 3 0') · o,v ll. jt::; frc ,111 1 L c1 Ja,v tl1aL is fo111c,vl 1 aL l1iffer r is tl1al it l1oes not l 1 t 1-� co l :· it te l 111 <·0 'J'llr g-rcatcsL ,rcalc.11 cs:3 of tl1e 1 c e,, eirls l 1 a\'C occ11rred l tl 11 a e er 1 \\i 1 . 1 · c i 1.1.l ' al c ) 1ld l t 11 s "·" 11 j c 11 .I a,,, sl 1 CJ r gi ,1c 1 r1 1 a5 r1 1J1 fo c tl1 : t;: l1l ic niit v [f co <1i ) 11< is c cr 1 '. tl tc :3la lc 1g ::-:i1 a 11 l1i it ,,> of tl 1 e C\'CUtS llclfl ] )CJ1Cd j� ( !ll SO ' f( Jf' ,v} t 11 'f{ . iC �la t<.) ti1c ]a\\" of tl1aL 1 c offcror :?11ailcJ a11 offer in tl .� C'.g r l1c ot a11 11 i '. 11c 1 on.c stal<' �111 rl so .' i11 Slalc B, tl1c thror C<. a!1 11l c·c �1l· f J1i .r �1tal<· ,.\ a11<1 ! l i e c,fl'r ·j'CC 111ailcrl 1 11�1·11 iJC a1)1 )liecl . The 1 1 :-.1 , ,. 1a 1 (·. ii \','. ' �11 'ci <l ( l() L doc� 1:01 ltt'll: th(' <'()Ur 1J1e e\·e11l: ,vl1cn the r c. aft 1 ic,1 1nl ]ai cx.p irisl j11r a :· rj] J11a 1ri i� \ 'or 1l11 1 r11 ]:cl\\'. it <loc .:: ::'� 011 t]1c ])asi ei� for iO l fr.c cf l� giv l<l lc l 'Ci C d , ff1r1:!ll ilc>f'.. : 1 c r 1 1]c� cle�,e]o Jcd 11ti, 1 l;. 1111:=:: :: hy tl1c of r1,· 1113 l 1 : 1 011g <)l cou1it:·· :1-l 'l'l 1 Slo!·:·· are c·1n1,·lo)·c (I torla:·· Lll(' tl1c<:>r,· ]1a� l>CC'n s111 )er :=:-cc1ec1 ir1 the

Tfnitcil Stntc::. :rncl 1:;:11�· . :latr-r tl1corie:=. ... 1a11cl l1,·

'!'.l 1 is I ! 1C 'nr:; ,r,1-.; 1!c,·<·10J>«.'1l 1.1,· :111 ,\·ritcr. �\la11ci111: i11 tl1e 1 l ·· ' I 1' ,. I • 1 1 ccr1t11r:·· :\1�11 i,1 111::111�- rc:=:-1>rcls i:3- a re-r -ival o-f 11111 1 lt <}\ l.1c· 11111 el 1 'C:1t. 'll i( '


!'��('l1li�1·i tl1e::i.s of �\f311ci11i is t}1at la,v is lc1·ril:);·i:1l. l ! 1 at it i� 111a,l<' for n gi,'<�11 J)COl)le rather


111cll 1 0(l.

]><'J';-'(J!Ial a11(l


• · · 0 2 -tl 1 n11 fur a _,_,·_ ·ivc11 le1·1·1lll'1·,·. ;Li ::,, . 1·11<·(.... 1:.1\,-_- a re· ,vr1I l c11 ,,·it11 a v1r,1· trJ,rard !Ii<' 11alior1alit:, of tl 1 c Slllijc·r-l� ()f n so,-cr1 i�11. tlie,, ]Ji11<l the' . . ... . · s u b i ec ls \._ l 1 <� re ,· (' r t I 1 <',- ·1 ·1 1 -� ,.. • ·t, �1:• 1 ,,. .• Ct)11,·erse · 1 for·, l ,-. . 1 I 1<',-. (1 o 11ot· b111c . . .. Ll1err . ' tl 1'11()11:; l i. t 1 1c·�- 111a,· 1)c clor111c1lccl (·i•..:111'1'S \\'ii-·1 1 i ·1 l ti · ·ll·' l(•J'!'. - · [l(-) I'·: - · (...'t . ,. . " rt 11 d [l C' l' l I t I.' r l'. 'rl l C t)· 11 l,- ..., > rnent: · 1.:-:c ' ( ]) l; ,1.111 ,, · recru1rc 011 < l ] )C' 1 ,r11crc tl1e. . . . • · · · �6· o.i (>r<lr<>. 1>11l)l1<· 11c' ccs� · ·1 1 , v a ll C' ll" ::1111) 1· 1cat . 1011 tcrr of 1tor 1al ]a, . " I · :-



---- - ·. , - . lfi_l:on -. ' . ,)

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.., . . � ) )

:3 (•.






(;u,o · 1 · (',l ·,:;t11IC''' · t. lS< ) i:11,· ., J> \Cf)Orts 113 (1.895) . -



. f R,eporS• l'J(///1111. B::i Califor11in Jippellate J,:> ,, fl< ' rt , r -� - . I 1 1 '). ,, -1 1 . fornia reftIS('d to per1n1·t a11 C al1 .. -. · ' .. < • ,.. . · \ ;\1) , 1 ()I) ..(l (·I,111 ·· 11 ·1·),\s l la\ 1,1)le :llI ]·,\\\ 1 ))' \\·l lll'.l 1 t.11c 1)· :trcnts ,, er,� 111:1ile 1·,} · . . .. r n1. I'I\I' to·rl, , o.1· 111<' chilclr,'11• Ll ll(1 1!r l ...al1forn1a . la,v .. .' lr o conun l ;!cncrul unr1 . . \llJ· !ll'\l' 1 t':, tl1(· !):'l\' 'll\ I·,!,\ . . ·t ·-· '' 1..)1. r, 11<•l 1·1al)le 11.1 sttC'h cir1:\,1n.;\::i11<·e:: . . . .. r,r. 11 ntr· 9B .. ··,-., � . ,,.·1 11,.•.. .. , 0I 1, 11.1111. :-u, _ _ cJJ\ rcc1n l:,nlo (ll'\ll .. ]1 � •)-:- 1· - ,\l .) r,), • ee a_l:-o 13e,teb, un,l \ e:-ted l{i ,.. . • l. · - ' ulc I ,uH· .l ournul ()S6 66lu '' l . 19 . 18 ) .. '")'' ,J - -) •

:I (':,,-;(> \\ a, 0)-() ) I ) .::. · , rr(· 1 1 ·

f i11rls• o11 l' •


.< I lllll I lt!l',-'.. -�1, pr<:.. ll nle 1-1 . ·1l ' '· r:)


1 [,i(i.




1'la.11 ci1ii ,voL1Jcl ,1130 1>cr111it 1l1e 1)arLics lo cl1oo�c: Ll 1P a11J)liral ) Jc la,v ir1 111aLLers surl1 as co11t1·acts. ' l })Oi11 ts 011t 37 t]1at: })aradoxically� tl1 is thco· T)', ,vhilc extoll­ Battifo ing 11a_tio11alit)r as ·Ll 1 e ]Jasis of la,v, act11al]y te11clecl to,rar<l :i.nlcrnation­ alis111� $ it callecl int, o }Jla), tl1e cl11tyr of cacl 1 state 1:o 1·es1)ect tl 1 e ii1LPreEtS o .r ,othe1· states. Eacl1 state ,,•oulcl JlOt apply its la.\-V t.O· foreign nationals resiclii1g 01· acting in its territory � ]Jut ,v-ot11d appl)r tl 1c law

o( tl1eir nalioI1ality·. _l\ .s i11 1]1c co1nity tl1cory· , f.orcig11 la,,v operates for IJlll:f>OSCS of a tlC'cis:.on in tl1e 1)artic11lar case. rl"]1.c fo1·eig11 law to ]Jc �'.})i)liccl 1$ tl1c la,,· of a 1>crso11�� 11ationalily except ,vl1ere p1'"'inci 1}les

,o[ orclre 1111blic or co11trar)· agrcc111cnt of tl1e parties rccrt1i1·e .otl1cr1-vise. ' rl'lle re�1,ccl 1:.o,,cr<"i c!11::- !ia,·c, fnr tl1C' iril�rc:::ts ,11' ot!1cr s0 ;crcigi1s tl111s 1

dic·latcs tl1c a1)1}licalio11 of nalio11al la,v.


Batt ifo'I'� c1·iticj5111 of 1J1c tl1eoryr is tc1li11g. 38 lv.lanci 11i e1�1·s, SH)'S Ball ifoJ. i11 a;:-�1111i11g tl1at 1a,,· is mnclc for l)Crso11s oI a J)artic11lur 11aliono.Jit,. . ,,·l1erc,·cr tl1 e,. n1a1,;., act. Ratl1er it is 111aclc for prrso11s ]iri11u in :,;.oei1:t,·: it l1as l)cen 1.11aclc for Ita'lians living in Ital)', 11ot . ' :for all lt�1Ji,L11:::. 'i\foeco,·c1·� tl1e a1Jproacl1 tl1at 11atio11al la,v go·ver11.s .J 1111l1·-=� J)rinci i> lcs of tJrclr<>. p11blic rc<1t1irc tl1c a1)J) ical.ion of territorial la,1· i� too :-:in11>li:::ti 1·: it cloc:-; 1101 ec,11$i<lc1· cnrl1 C"aLcgor y·, cncl1. JlrOl)lc1n, and nrr i\ -c. al -a �otiti<.l a11ll 1)racliral sol11tio11. No. r clocs it gi,,c llS tl1c

r an-,rc·r to c·o:11i>liratcrl J)ro1Jlc111s i11,·ol, i11g l)ersons of cliffcrc11t na� IJoi11 ts o1tt tl1at tl1c tloctri11c ,vas of ·1i111ilecl _i11.0uc1.1co tioualitie::;. I Ic · ('\' I 'll i ll r:.,i�·- ;:i!-�l 1: 1 nt it l 1r :c1 "littl<' it1.fl11erl<'f' ir1 Frall('C, a11(I ll011C i11 ·th,· . ·\ ;i!.'···i i>-�·a> :(: !J c·oiiiilri( '·. jt :-:11<)1 .tl(I l::i<' -r�ol�tl tl1nt it:-=. 111ni11 sig··1·· 1 1· l"r'rso11n1 la,,-. e.g.• statr,.s ;ro,,,,·rnc<l I>\· n 1 1c ,! 11 c · ,, : ( · � 1· n tl 1 <' a I. ca=--, ·. c),,c-.·1 , ..1, 1• 1\• :-· . . 1] 1t· 1,rr:at�11t cfl'c:ct.-- of ll1c 11alio11alit�· () 1.i c 0[ a11, I I. c1n1!·1 ,. rf' I ::1 ·1u11�.. ·tl it ·in·\· i-. �!J�!l <ll, ti,.-· Co iitj 11,,11t 111attc·r:-: of ::lat11�� f,1111il)· rclntiou� a11<l rntl1cr Ll1r!11 Jr\' • of Iii<' 1)arl\' • • • < 1 · 1-1,, -- 11-,,1 li <"> 11·1· ll. 11· l.j· . 1 ,, 1 .... ,. nrc· ·:,,·c;·111·< I J J\.. 11 11

- --.-

'1 • •

-f1:11ti1',,J. 'i-,rr11..te·, 1 ,rJ · l!J''j(), · 'J··he

al Prive � 232 (3r<l ·.e T) e /)roit !I11tcr11"tion I:''' �,,:rnen 1,,,, · · ' . "T r:". J')I! tl1any I npprcr1at1011 t.o ;,. r. (li ·, hi ' I ," 1. en J · <·, I 1or l iu ) ·1··,n!! · · -r, 1 1111,1 ·: · · 1·1::-J1. . 1 · · . ,;1\!1t .; . 011 ,,I ,1·1·11 tl,cr u J , an I· 11, I · ,,:!lJl

'...;i 11 ·.:1·r fri r t;.. 1:1:-


'} J tI•

,· ·•'l I (,.I ;,t ':'.. -·�-] .)


I r l

I' l I

( -' /


1eol')' 11as 11a<l litt s tl 1i tl , le o J1 ,v � 1f L1 11 () 39 le ll1c Ja,v of 1 1 is tlo111icilc. . 1s . n Jc l) o r 1-, ls · • · ic fl 11 o · c -L t-10 11 · ·· O 1· Ill I)Oil C ff cct lf.1)011 t J lC so !lf1t.i<J11.�. f }Z r1l eg L . of 1 o1 i f r1. oc Tfze L r, a Gcrn1an "\\•riler, 1) gr ,,i in the Sa l)y cl Tli is tl i eor 1r ,vas clcvclo1,c 1Jc�gi.ns ,vit.11 t})e } ple S,1,;igny· );· ttr nl cc 1 tl cn tc nc 11i.iclclie of tl1e 11i flt1} �.11d Story, ]Jut rejects ' 1 ll) U )e e10 • e, c ns 1 y 11t ig rc . ,,e so l ria c,f territo ai11Lai1:ied tl1;it tl1er e \\'as tl t eir coiiclusio11 s. 40 111 t]1c firEL JJlacc. l1e 111 11s; prorJer aJJJ>lica­ le1 ol) J)1· ts lic r1f co of o11 t1ti sol c 1 tl for sis lJa ic a scie11tif e ti<J11 of certain 1)rinc.i1Jlcs ,vo11lcl clclf�r111ine tl1c state 1-vl1os la,v sl1ou]d lie UJll}]iecl. l�Ic rcjcc.le(l co111il)' as tl1e a11::;,,·er to -it;/iy foreign la\v ,vas

aJ}l)liccl: }1is J)Osit.io11 ,vas tl1nt co1 1 flicts l;;1,\" , , -as a J>a.i-t of inte-rnationaf rere imJ)Osed lJy the r s of Ja,, ,, lict conf tl1c oJ s l"t1lc ]ni.v-, a11cJ 1l1at t.1 1<. � tl,,. ''i 11tc1·11n Li o11al co,11111011 l�1,v of 11atio11s.�� ·11 Co11secrt1c11 . :it ,vas r1ot in t'l1(� di&<.�retior1 of t.l1c :fort1111 to gi,·<" to forcigi1 la,v� 1ltJt it ,vas ,�1· ion11cl'' J>y ririnci J)1Ps ,nf i11Lf',r11atio11al la,,· to rec.�ognize foreign Ia,\' i11 n J)r<)l)(:r c.a�C'. �l'l1e J'or('it11 ]a,v tl1t1s r('cog11·i2ecl \\'011l<l OJ)erate as . a r111e. of 1lceisio11 for tl1r 11a1:tic11lar c.ase.

lT11lik:c tl1<' co111i1�- 1]1 cory', 111oreo,•er. Sa,·ig11)·�s tl1ec)-J:)' ga,,e positi,·e µ:11ic1a11c<' a.� to ·1vhicl1 la,,r sl1c.>L1lcl l)e- a11 -. 11 • .. 1 e 111 e tl.1o d ,of se1.ect'11,; 1. 0 Tl •1__ )liA( tllf' J }rorier la,v- ,vas to 1 li:::;co,'<'r for ('ac:]1 legal 1·elatio11 tl1at legal ter�

-ritor�" lo ,vl1iel1 Ll1e 1eg:al r('latio11 Ii,· its >Cl;t1lia1· 11alt1re JJelo11gcd. , 12 l 'I'lt(' 8il1iatio11 ,vl1icl1 gaYc ri:3c to tl1 e legal 1·elalio11 ,volild ho . (l < �tcr1 11 i11ati,,r of t.1ie :3eat of tl1at rc-lati<}11. Si "I1ifica11t .factt1al relation· g. Rl1ir,s inel11decl tll(� <lo111if ·il (� of a Jlc--rso11. ·l3 tl1c sit11s of a, l]1e Jllaet; ,vl1crc a lc!!a ._. l tra11sact1· o. tl ocr111·1· ._.... t·l . a11.d tl1e locatio11 ,of a coti rl. S,�, .• for f'Xan iplc. :\rtirl<> 3 or the 17 re11('l1 Civil C o d e. It is interestiu� _ lo nqle that 111 Jlre--C.od,c 1.irnc�. . . as . 1le , ,t ] 1 " 1 c 'renel1 clon11c courts emJlloy• ccl .· _ 0 1- pcr,-.onal Ill c Il,, .�,,., 1·1,v P lan · J , Trea.tise on tlze Ci.1Jil l�a,u :,;� }81 io (I::nglish trans. 19591 _ ' · ,10. 't-nlcrna, supra, llol'e 9 al 309. ·I l. Stun1her�, supra, n11le ][. . al 4. ,,.? \"nten1a� supra, nole 9 al ?»0 9. 4 3. -�ndc�- tl1c � erriloriality approac:1 1 a Person's 11atio11alii1• ,vonlcl not �e _ . s1gn.1f1cant. s1n<·e J,c r<.,t1l <l I · 1· >e .1 ,·1 110 · and acti.11g oulslcle the stal'e of Ins • . "' nat1onal1ty.

- 16 -

,\.J)Jllyi11g tl1ese J)1·i11e·i1>lc�. Sa,·i grr)· for11111l�ttccl a 11t1 11ill cr o .f rule::. -t-i Questions rela1i11g Lo ca1>acit y: 8t1cces.sion a11cl fa111ilv • relatior�s ,rrrc dP.trr111ined lJy tl1c la ,\· of a pcrson:s do1nic ile. Rigl1ts in tl1ings T\·crr cJr.t ern1i1-1erl accorcli11g to tl1e la,Y- of tl1e J)lacr ,vl1t'rc tl1e tl1111� ,\·a:- �ituatc ( �jtu�)· Tl1c 1>1ac-c ,\·l1<·r� a tort ,•.,as con1111itt crl cor1trollecl Ql1ligntio11s ari�i11 g .fro111 tl1c tort. Fie clc,·elo'l)ccl special rules fo r �ontrarl 11al ollligatio.ns. rccog11izi11� ll1at tl1e ex1>ectations of tl1e l)itrties .$l1011l1l l1e r<'aliz.c-1.1 ,,·l1c>. rc,·cr p-os�il1lc.. ' [l1e loratio11 t)f i.l1e cnr,rt ,vortld cleter 111i11C' J)roc-c<l11re. i.e., all 111nttcr� of 1> ,vcrc go,·cr11ccl 1,y 1l1e ]a,,· of Ll1c fort1rn. t l1ro1·)··

forc>ign la,\· is lookcll to heca1�se 1ntcrnatio11al la,,· rcq11irc� tl1c fL)rt1 111 Lo a1)11l�- tl1c la,v of a Jla.rtict1lar state to a tra1Jsactio11. Tl1r� la,v is tl1at of tl1e state tl1 at logic-all}· sl 1 oi1lcl go,·crn tl1e lc>gal re-lation i11 q1.1csiio11. "\Vl1il� tl1is forn1nla l1as ] l cc11 eriticizcfl a5 l,eir 1 g Loo g:c11cral. Batti[ol 4S 1>oi11ts ot1t 1l1 nt Sa,·i�11:-· l1 a� clra,r.r1 ,·pry J>rPci:::c <l<'!lu<·li<)tlf ar1�] a11s,vcrc<l � 1111r11l,Pr of Cft1c-.:-tio11 s. tl1 0L1gl1 l1c clic] not a11 s,ver all. :Batti[ol clocs c�·i·1·I 1t15. 11n<lcr Sa,·ign:-··5

1icizP Sa,.·iµr1:-· for :::a:,·ing tl1 at JlCr�or1� ,,o] t1 nlaril); st1l)11Jil lo tl1e la,v of 1l1e ::talc- to ,,·l1 i( "l1 tl1 c legal 1·<'la1 io11 i11 <1 11�stio11 logicall)' l>clo11gs. Tl1is

-('ontentio11. a11cl a�


,,·ill �cc �11 l,sc-cr11c11tl:v. t]1P cor1tcntin11 tl1at co11iliel� la,r for111� Jlart or intcrr 1alio11nl la,,·. arc q t 1cstio11 al)lc. Also. tl1c vir,1· 1l 1at tl1C' la,,· of a 11artict1lnr �talc 11C'ccs.,aril) - go,·<'rt1$ i::- �til1jert to tlie --aJlt<' rritici�IJlS tl i at ] 1 a,·c l><'<'ll 1 11a(le of tl1e rig l1ts tlJ<'Or)r. 1110::;t inl})Or�tai,tl:·, tli a t of rigi i lit:·· 1'ir,11t'll1cless�. it ca11r1�t. lie flcr1iecl tl1 at r n1arkecl or: tl1c l11s t tl1a l -�6 a11c l,lc < lera �i 1 co1 ,-�� ,,·a, Savit!:11 infltir.IlC-C >lO )'erl. r lie c111 l 111c sl10 la,r 1 icl ,rl1 r1g i11i 1 1 cr1 clct j 11 C(' ·ail i,t a,1, ira .a :-i�r ' ii.f

Thl' l\i<f.!.l1ts Tlze(>r,·. -

fer dif ic ,vh o of t,v s. ric Po 1l1 ' 1 re< 1] ,I ,l<' � -1,, 11c j <' a,· li, tl,i:,; ::;c<"tioii l li rl lor tl1at a11 crl 1 1plo,· c1 is ,· In, Il · ('i" [or · , (in I I lf'' CJltl':-lJl>Il tli � . / t znzc of • . tlt('Orir ::; - l111t t)tl1cr,r1se ar c l°l'H-OrI I la\·(' llf'('ll l } }(ltlg: l I t Of •,1 .. · C>J>J>n�ile

- - -i 7

' J•

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1:,111ifol. s11prr1. not('. .)



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a of 1 1y of tl1e ''rigl1L::, ') 11 o ti a ic Jl lJ t i: f 1r tl CX<:C'f>ljo11.s '\'C'I'�' ..i1 11 ifar; ,vjt} 1 f<�\V 111e rc.:::t11 L. sa c 1 1 I cc 111 o, . J)r ] i] ,v cs ri ·o ,< tl f l ri a 11 J �· ji :: ll Di<·r,c,·elo1Jell )r ll , Ls l1 ri cl lc c--:-:. v ( o gTlic first i.;; tl1 nt ranrr. 49 F in t le 18 jl P cl an · <'=al St tl1c lT11itr(l i1 1 l�11gla1 1 cJ. 47 B C' al c i 11 J ) art or tl1e tl as tc ca lr c ar � ,v l[! of ct li 1'11c r11]cs rclati r1 g 1, 0 1l1 c eo11f r 11Jc� of jy1!ernatio11 al 1:i,v. a.a: 11 1a tl c:r 1 ll ra positive Ia,v of c:1 cl 1 :::talc� Stor�- tl1at la,\· ,v�1A ter­ l1 it ,v 'r :r< :..iµ 1,l 1 c.11 ,,, · r, co 1 1) i �[l1c acl,·oeatcs of tli .3 tl1cr stale 1o of a1 ,,· Ja e 1J1 cc cr 1f c1 t 11o ,J t1l co ritorial a11,l tl1 al 011<' �lal<' - tl1c la,r of cal<'rl JJ, cr 1ts ul ri, :il tl1 -<l . 11c ai 11t ai 111 · 1 r, a::: suc·l 1 . ]-Io,,·c,,cr. tl . ,vl1cn i 110::P 1-igl11� ,rerc l c< jz ;;n <'o · r<' ' I>< 1 11( 01 �!1 1cl a1 d 11l eo . lc a forcig11 �ta · I a::: a l <' r a:'- L l l C ]Ja,;:i� of a clai111 or i J I <' I). ii I Or f l' Ii I Jl i ll O i l. 11 ('" ll q IO 11 j . Cd Ca l1L 011cc created con·1 11allrr of 1lcfc11�c. SO i\c.corcli11£- lo Bi ale. ;;1 a rjg . ;: ( '<'� 11ntil tl1r la,r 1f'!l · <·cr1 1 co1 al • • ti1111c� i 1 1 rxi�l 1'I1<'<' ,ri1l1 11 1< ' attrr 1 , IJ1 1 ! lc.!!; tl1 nl created iL J>lll="- it In a11 c11cl o r ti,,· i 11tcrc:=:L ot1l of ,vl1ic]1 it aro�ejs ex:ti 11µ; u i :-: l1 f'd. It i:-- l It<' 11i1 r110-::c of t 1,c c·811n ict of la,,-� lo cleter111ine , , l· 1 icl1 :::talt' l1ns t11(' 1 1n,vcr lo crcat1 "' a ri�l 1 1. rfl1t1:=- .. foreigt1 Ja,v OJ)Cratcs 1<) 1·11 ,, c·�l t 'JJL t11at tl1r- ri!!l1 l:-: crr·nl('<I ],�- f'orci g- n ],:\•: �ll'P. rcc:og11i�·"'d and <'111 'ur,·r ·d l i )· n11oil1<'r :-:late. ']'l1c for<'i�11 rigl1t i.: r<'cognizet1 l)cca11sc . --J · 1 1 1c o l' 3,r� ;)_ - rat I.1er tI 1a11 llll d er 1 1111c1<'r tlif' J'<JrL1111':=: 1·11 I", o fl· , J of l one' �t31e 111t1st ]le11ri11<'i J .J,,.-: nf i11 LC'r11nlior1 a1· la,,· - rigl1t� crcntccl li,· •

1'1lt! 1 1 uc�I io11 o( '�,rl1i('l1'' la,,· is to l>c c1111)1o,-cr:l i� ..111::,\'crecl hv · rcfer<' 11 <·f' lo tli<' ;;j11ri,dic·lio1 i·' o[ �late·:: to crc:1tc ri 2:l 1t�. TJ,1,lcr Ll1i5,. tli<'or�·- a �tale has .i11ri..;rlitlio11 lo '-·r1'alc a ri!!l1 t onl,� if it is tl1C' �tale ,vli<'rC' tJ,r· l:.i�I act 11<'1 ·c.-- 5:tl'\" lo tl 1 c 1 'Xi:-lc11cc �[ tl1 c r:i .!!: l1t occ11rrcd. 111

---., i.

-I 'l.

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:; 1.

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f{ahcl..1 '.J8 )r: ). l{alH:l, Rabel.

. e ::,111,lY .., . • ie (,011 (/"'"r • oJ . I· 1111 ·,. Tl · • .,1 C.o111[1r1r11t1t· . . ·> See l)1rt y. (.011,llict of l.,11,·:; 11 <1396) · ..

'\iol . ], 67 (2d eel.

ibi,l .:;,,,. (� 1-' .. Il, · ·'-, 7·r<'ut1., (' 011 th(' Co11fli< 'I o( !�cries 191)8 (1916). _ _• • _ tb1,I. S1.·e r'illct. T'rinci ,le,. -195 s-1 ., I.. Profc2:;or Ilat11fol 0.) 19 ( . ' . . \\(JU!d not f 1 dl,- a!!.. rt•,· \\ 1'tl 1 ]>., o're,-.,l) r R·il · · • >el :-· t· I 1:1rac-tl'r1:zat1on · 1 et. ni• p·11 ll e :-a,. ·..;- tl i '·1L I i i,. tlnl'tr111 • . · C l'a 11 I) C · ·1i11 kC cl l ° I}iaL o f 1, nnc1n1 of Jecao::; e l -:1. r I I 1e :-ip:nifi l·:.ini·e it iuip) .1. 1 1 le P_er::onal ln,,•, thongl1 l1e ndrnits that '�r'. . Pillct doc;; 110 1. t,:u a� r:.� �.15 : .,1ne.1 n1. f3.Jtt1fol, Sllf)ro, 11ote 37 at: § 233. . (," ··11·�. " ell' Tl . IC l) Ol'll'll\C of \ e" . te,l 11'•· L:1,1', - 10 i,..1 ll� . p r1vat'e . l11ter11:1L1on::il 1{ f 11tr•r11 11ti o11a l "'"' C o nii,a _ l ,r,1<· Quarter!_,. 26i.{. 273-i 119:i9J . r,i1.ii;p . - ,, "" th . ,1t1s 1 I'le..1 I.e. 7·1c e Co11/.:� 'i'.,·t 0f 1,<lies 10;> ct. seq. ( 1916). (:l 1 call i a1n, .�llf)ru. nnl" \.,. 28 l .1 ,\


-- ]8 -



orcler to clctcrn1i11c ,vl1at :--Lale· Ll1is i::-� tlit� fort1111 111t1�l lool, Lo it :; o,\·11 pri11ci1>lc-s of StJ1J�tanLi,·c Ja,v. ·For cxa1111>lc, si 11 ce 1111clcr 1l1 c la,v:=: of n1ost slates tl1e 1)lai11tif£ n1r1st stiffer l1nrtt1 J Jeforc a tort can l Je corn­ ru...ittctl: tl1e state ,vl1cre tl1c iI1 ju11r ,va� sr1ffcrc<l - ancl onl5r tl1at 5tatc __ }1as tl1c (JO,vc-r to create a ri�l1t to eo11111cr1satio11 for tl1 � ,v-rot1 g. 53 So too, if 11nder 'll1e st 1l)::-tantivc ln,v of tl1c f01"11111, a co11t ract l J v mail js co111r>lete1l UJJ011 Ll1c 1)ostir1g o[ tl1e acrcr)ta . rice l lv Ll1 c o[fcrec, tl1 e .

Ynli,lit,•0 o-f tl1e co11Lract i� clctC'r111inc:cl lrv· 1] 1 e la,v of 1l1 c $Late fr-0111 • _,vl1icl1 tl1e acce1)ta11cc ,vas 5c11t. 5,1. 111 t11co1·)r, tl1 crc is 0111)' 011e state tlJat l1as tl1e. J>o,vcr to create a rigl1t. a11(l a rigl 1 t crC'atecl 1111tler t'he la,v of tl1 at state ,vill 1)c e11:[orced ,,-l1c11 ca11ccl i11 to q,.1.cstjon elsc,,.-l1Prc. Tl1c scco·1 1d. ''rigil1t:::.'' ll 1 co1:- 111a�- l)c callccl Ll1al of tl1P. ''l1igl1 ]�, l101110Jo !!c111s rigl1t.�' · Its. ex1)011cnl::. i11clt1tlc .l 1 1 clgc J.., ear11e<l Ilan,·1 in tl1c Ur1i teel S la l cs 55 a (1(] }) ro f CS:30 r ]VrO rri S i 11 ]� 11 gla11d. 56 ,.l"l1c)r 'lal<:c tl 1 e ·po:-:,1io11. r1111il..:f' tl1c a,1,�ocatcs cif Ll 1 c vc�t,�ll rigl1ts tl1c0Ty', tl 1 at tl 1 c [oru111 ca1111ot enforce 1·igl 1 ts c-rcatC'cl ll�- .l'or<"ign la,v; tl1erc ca11 J-,c 110 la,,, !rut tl1c ]a,v of tl1 c fort1111.

Ratl1r.r.. tl1e .f.01:11111 ·,vill c11forcc a rig11t

ere�1tcd I>:, it;:; o,,·11 .1�-.,r. l111t ,vl1crc l l1 f' or1crati, 1e c.,,c11ts occ·ttrrccl else· · \vl1rrP. it ·,rill rrcatc a 1·i ,.!.!l1l tl1at i!'- i(1c11Lical -- or l1igl1ly l1 011 1ologo11s ·ton riul1t 1·rc::il<'1! !),. Ll1r· ];l1,· of tl1c El�tc i.vllr�rc Lhf' e,·l?nls occ·11rrc,J. :i7 ... Tli" foru111 1!1c.11 lool,:=; to tI,c lt1,,· of a11otl 1 <'r slate a� a 111orlcJ for its ·11lc ,,r rl1'f'i.::ior1 i11 1l1r 11ai-ticL1lnr 1·r1:::c: iL cl.ocs �o, l,ccan�r· il ,vi,l1c.::

to tr<'::ilc· a ri.!.·-!:lit l1i�l1l,· l10111olo!!Otr:-: lo 1l1c rig:l1t crca·lcr'I Ii,, !h,· la,r o[ ,_ · l11or. ltcr ::·l:1 lf'. '--.


- - ·- - --

of ilii ..: �1pproa1·l, i.... fo1111d in the f'.l!-C of lllaba11111 a11,l Great . 'io11tlier11 /1,·. r. (:11rrfJ!!. 97 . f /([b([111u /��ports 126, 11 S011tlier11 Re1,orter H03 ( J 11() 1J, .· ·rite pl�rintiff ,,a,- c111plo�·etl a::; a br�kcrna1 1 o n tli? clefen­ _ _ d,!t1l·- r.iilrnad. rr1nni11f! fron1 Stat,• !\ to Slate 11. .A delect1ve l111k c� ,n­ It broke ,vhen the l'ri11115 !H·,·;in'.! 1;, 11 tr. 1111 ... ,, ;1,- pul 1)11 in Si.ate :\. r,·ai·lii;,l �l:il:� (!. ,·au:-in'..! i11j11r�· to the plaiutiff. It ,,·as l1eld that the Ja 1, ,,f ."!:it,· J: <·on�·roll< 'd tli<' J'L1i111iff",-; ri!!lil to rel'OYer. \11 <'Xanipf,,


'> L


. '. )

\ r·:,-,. appl ;, ill:! this pri11cilllc j., 7elt11r! r 1;. lr1oi11. -1-9 ;\'('IC )'or!.- S11JJp/c­ '; I(' I/(, :� .; 7 I f fl I J;; I . • ' f 1'\·1: Pill'fl lJ fl; tlt('1)1··_: in ;1 ..;('rie:- or ju,liri:tl opillil>Jl:-, l\\'O f .l11d!:(' f J:tll( f j 11i v. l 1 i l 'h ,, ,: 1, ill l'r,11-id1'r. i11fr,1. · -"· 1,, ,, l Prof<':--:-:or �Jnrri,.; thu . ..; 1 · 1 1 1 i:-. nrr :'I ·d. :,1li I )i l 'I'\. · (; 011 ili<· f of /.f!i< •: f:2 > 1·of1:,,�11r l)irPY. J r of _\· -01 h 1 l·. i ,f , _ ,.. · 1-1 l t·< dr·p,,rl :, f'l'lllll l Il•� , ('-l ()(,lt•




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J 1.1.,(.,·..;· - rr. 01. 11 , l.


j' ;

t]1· e ,;c:;tccl ·1·igl1l� ll1,�or)" 011

the . , -r £J . • . ..; • • . •· I 1 1\.ltl1oug. I I L 11, tI lt 11 t 1 c ff cl1 t t r 1 1o c� clo ,, 0 la '� l •'I h _ .. · forcii:: e =c � 11 11 11 t r o • f • · c • _. tl1 fJ1·. 1cs Liq11 o [• I.10"' ,vl11cJ1 l�t,v 1l cn1J)lo r" l · 11 , ,. " c , ]a,, ' ·"· li 1 . . rcJ!.!.J o . . 1. ..;. . ·I � (J > 11 . . <J llCS l1q�1 of ,rl1,_.; JI (·11 e a 1·1g J I l created Ii 1z 11 g o c re J tc s c i J i;',: ,v v 1- 1· uses f <) rc::ig11 ]a,v, l ,cea11�c T as nearlv_ as ll0..,�.__ 1·1)1�.,. · la \\ 11 o,v t� I• l r · (' f 11 I 11 1 I t ('. '.�· ,'l r j cJc· ,rc1g11 ] a,v; 1' l er( ,,..... 11 la,v. A11,J .it c1111lloys a ' ig rc fo 1c tl )' Ii cl lc a e 1 i < lc11l'ical to Ll�c rigl 1 t cr L. l te ea cr ri h lo 11 a tio ic scl 1ri jL 11 11 ·i a, J 1 g c al n o . 1.' �t -· l I l I1e Ia,,._ o 1- t i< . a 111(JCC 1::. really 110 differen.t it c 011 ial ic crr · e i tl ._ J· . ·-, · 11 � , l IJ I� rC :0:}) CC 1 - .l .11 (l 11 'I',vo case:s� in ,vl1ich tbe 58 . ry eo tl1 ':i l1t rig <l slc ,,c 1 i11 resu]t tl1ar1 tl c it is <lcter111i11ed ,vliich, ,v 1 110 1 0,,' ::: � 11<.1 JJa e ti<l /! J IJy c11 ; ilt :: ,vr ,,·a )Il < >Jiirii< 1�.igl1ts tl1co11, is en. :::late� ca11 create a rigl1t� ,rl1icl1 ur1cler tl1e ,•c:::tec] ' 11·

1'1tcrc i:; one area ,1 here 1·h c rc:,;ult \\'ill definitely differ. rfha� is tbt prnhl1:111 of the rate of cxchan!,!e for a debt JJayablc i n foreign currency. J... cl u:; a,.;:;un1c that 1he plainliff sues the defenclar1L iu Ethiopia tor& eover a d<'hl l>f one hundred Driti:-;} 1 pou11cls. Tl1e courts of Ethiopi1 can only i;-:_;11c �1 j11dg1111�nt for E1hioJ1ian dollar:-;, an(l on 1]1is l'ype of , jud;n1c11t. cxc1·n1ion can be l 1arl. TJ 1 us, the debt i11 JJOund8 n1ust I,e con- · \'crlcd inlo �:1HioJ)ian doll;1r:-: al the official rate of cxcl1 ange .· It sorue­ tinu�.:; lt;1ppc11:-: that the rat,� of exchange ha:, fluct11ated JJet,veen the tum of the brcaeh and the t·in1e of judgn1 ent, l)eea11 se or1e of the ci1rrencies lw 1 been de,·alu,�d. :\:-;-:11111c 1l1at at the ti111e of 1}1 c l lrea<"ll the rate of eI· • r·liant!e 1,·a,.; 1,1clvc dollar:- to a Jlound: lJeC'atise o f a devaluat:ion in the � pound, al the 1i1111; of jndp:1nenl the official rate is seven dollars lo the ])Olllld. 'fhe i:-;:-;11e i::- 11'}1e1her tl1e judg111ent "ill l)e for SlOOO or for $1200, U11dcr the ve,-te(l rights theory the plaintiff ,,·ould l i e enl'itled on!J lo :-:-700, ba:-ed on the rate or exchanf!c at tl1 c j11dgn1c11t <late. 'fhe rig61 to the n1oney \l'a:- crented l>Y tl1c la,,· of tl1 e locus and fol lo,,T s t:he per son: hi:- rifdtt II a� only lo he 1;:.iid in pounds, 11ot i 11 Etl1 io1lian clollars. Al the li111c of jud,:1111�111 the forun1 ,,· i ll ::;ec 1l1at he olJtains e11ough Ethiopian 1none) to purcJ1a:-e 100 ]1rit·isl1 p1)011 d�. It is-irrelevant tl1nt, as a pra� tieal 111atler, the .!.: 100 "ill l,uy Jc�s on tl1 c i 11 1er11atio11al market than QI the tin1e of the hreac·h. L inder the l1 ig}1 ]y l1 oinoloe:ous right theory hr "1Hdd lie a\\ardcd .�]�00 . .-\1 lh<- tin1e of the l l rearl1 "a highly hornol ogoui ri;dit "a · :- ))olentially (·r,!atcd in all :-tales ,,·l1cre suit C'ould be broughL in<'ludin� 1he foi-11111. 'J'lti;-: ri�l11 ,, ould incl 11dc tl 1e abilit.y to obta in enou/.!h loi· al rurrcn(_·y ln p11reha:-e the <:urrenrv in \\'l1ieh the debr wa! payahll'. Sin,·c there i:- 11() la" llut tl1e l a"· of �he forun1, at the tim e o! lht� hreal"lt lhf'r(• arose a potential ri 11 1 i 11 E1hio1li to Ile paid $J2()0, a g: ·'.\uy .,uli,-cqnent dcp rei·ia,·i on is i 111n1atcrial. The t,vo vie\\5 are set. forlb 11! the c a:=:c of Die Deutsche lla,1/,· /<' 211 )", p1ire 111n J f{ l v . uru a e \T b er g · _ _ 1 L,,utc,/ ::States I\CJJo 11de � ·ts, �11prc111e C ourt 517 (}926). (]early, the ;;on : rule as a inallcr ol policy ,,·onld he to ll:Sc tl1 e l Jreach date, sin ce ol, date !,ear:- a rea:- onahle rclation�hip 111e udg j the lo tl1e ,,· roll!!·· "'l1 il e , _ date 1:-; lo r11111011:-.


·•() -


force-,'! ir1 tl1 e fort1111, a1 1,l ,rl1i l 'l 1 t111(lcr t I 1 e I 1i gl11 )' l 1<> 111o logo tts­ tl1cory is tl!c 1>asis for tl1e rig·l1 t crr:ar.c,1 l > ,· tl1c f ort1111 . l11

Sclieer v.


Ca11acla. �1111I . tlf'll Ll1e c111i>l c.)ycr of tl1 f• clri,•cr of tl�e otl1cr a11to111ol1i]/� Botl1 tl1c- cn11l]o�·er nr1cl �li e . clri,·<'r ,vcre r,�si(le11ts of Ne,\' r·or·k, a11cl it ,va:- i11 Nc,v ·York tl-,nt Ll1 c JJlni11tiff 1 c la,,r of 011tnrio tl,e c),v11 cr of a11 n11lor1iolJi]c ,vas 1it. U111lcr tl sr fj]erl · · auto11101JJic accicl<·11t


., -> •


j},[01,,r.'> , �9 tl1 c 1)lai11Ljff ,va� i11iurerl i r1 a1 1

i11 ()11Lr1rio.

JinliJc fot· a11)r J1ar111 catrfe(l IJ�- u JJCr�o11 11si11g tl1c ,·cl1icle ,•,rit]1 his con·�11t. Tl1is. ,ras 11ot tl1c la,,· of Ne,,, x·ork. a11cl 1.1 ncler Ne,v York la\-v­ ·thc o,vner ,,·otrld . 11ot Ile lialJl� i11 t.l1i� case. Tl1c cr11estio11 Ll1cn ,vas ,,,l1etl1cr tl1e c1efc11cla11L ,,,a::- 1,01111 d 11)' tl1c 1>r0Yisior1s of Ll1e 011lario la,v. 1�l1e l·011rt l1c1cl tl1 at if tl1c o\,·11er co11sent.c�<l to Ll1e clri.,·cr';; taki11p: t.1,c

·vel1icle into Ontario: l1c ,,·as llo1111cl ]))� tJ1c 011Lario l:1,,1' ; otl1c1,visc, lie ,,·a-:- 11ot. 60 'fl1c rcnf•011i11 g ,ra:: Ll1at U11 tario line] to l1a,,c legislative j11ris1li.ctio11 l>ef<Jrc Ne,,.- \"ork co11lcl ti'-(' Ontario ]n,v as a 1110,Jc·t to . ,r·reate a Ne,v 1'. ork rigl1t. 6.1 Since tl1c o,v11 er l1acl 11ol l1i111self actccl

i 11 ()11lario. ()ntario co11l<l crt'aLe a rigl1L ngai11st. .l1i111 0111)' if he co11�r.r1te cl to l,c· IJ011r1<l l1,.- Ontario la,v. lf l1r !!ave l1i:-- cor1st'11l lo tltl� ciri,·cr· .:- I Jri11 ging tl1<· a11to111c1l1ilt' i11to ()nlnrio. lie ,vas cle1·111cll to J1avc con�cntccl le) 11c 1>01.1 11 cl l)�- tl1c 1,r,JVl$iC>11� cJf ()11lario la,r rclaLi11g lo tl1 c .

o,,· 11 (·r·s lial>ilit r· for tile acts <>f Ll1c- (lrivcr. 'I.'l1C' �c<·c111I ea�c i.':-


1 .\VO v. lfe\·f'r, 62 '\\'l1icl1 i11,,olvcr·1 : ,. .:-lute·� of Ll1 r l;nitrcl Stal<·:.:. 'l'l1i:3 \,·a� a11 actio11 a�ai1 1�l a Nl�\V l.{)rk l111 �1,ai1fl to rccc,,,cr for ir1j11rics i11flicLecl 1>)' l1is ,vifc 011 tl1c }Jlai11tiff 111 · ];'lorid a. l.Tn 1 1,·r t.l i< ' la,v of J-;>lnritla t.ltc." l111:-:l,a11(·1 ,,·a� lia11le to tl1e i 11 jurcd Jlart�· f11 r L1 irt:.: co111111itlc1l I,�, Lite ,rife-� t111flcr tl1e la,v of ·NevJ


'l t rk l i e ,, · a:.: JlCJl. '],li e cc>urt l1cl,I tl1al ��c,,' York co11]ll 11ot 11�c .r:lori l la la,,· a� :t 11 1.oilcl lo <'r•·nlc· a 1·ig: l11 ag:ai11:3t Ll1c l111�-!Ja 11,1. 'L,l1e


(,_ •) -

i l.i11itc<I Stales Court of .1.{ppcals, . 6;�--l-:e<leriil J�eJ;orter. 2nrl .':ierics \ 1 .(2 '2n1! (:i.rc11it . .1934). . . tltis point. ,_ i··,ridc<I 111 the Jo\,·er 1·011rt for a ,frncl1nJ!Ion O , .1 1.,,,r .. 'C ,.,, Tl ··�Id:-. · Id Ill ntarJO l 0 f t}H• \'C�t'i •cl ri«ht-.. tl11;or\ · \\ Olli( �ay l Jal \1 ld rrcale a right ,rlti1·h New . .'1 -11 '11 � ,r. f� i rc it ,:ou • • .• :-l1· Jt • .C Jllll � Jalt\ expo,nc ,.�1:· 1 I 1 av,:to I. • •. • • ,· et 1.111er 111 rc:-ult t1nd \• ori-. 1 ,, 011 1·r1 ,.n 1·, 'fl or1.,.. . ii •,·(·, ,,oul <l he 110 dillcrenre lif the ri!.· d11.:- 1h1:oril' . ... . • (:nurt of 1l1,1,e,1/s. 2111/ , · - , ( · "'·, <'' I "i1,,t,·� J!ID J-',i1/er "I l< e tJ"rtPr. �11tl ."iPri1·s ;,(1' (:ir(/li(.

J 1J:la1.


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l I



. al 111al lcr . i . cc i11 : :: 1 . a.-= a J )J:actie I J<. aJ le c 'la . 11c,t act 111 i c>r Fl. , l1 usba11 <l tli<l o . i1J g to F]oricla, li e co d g 1 rr o · 1'! � !'c ·i ,, ul � 1<" 11 d . t:c 11 .-e ,, Jr r <'oul<l riot l1aY 1 Flori cl a la·,v-. Flor ·rcla ' ]>". l < 1n. lloL li< ; 10 J 11sr11 le.. l. o c 1 c ,· a 1 1 lo i/ a s . c n ,•)l l·, ai11st tl 1c l 1 t1sllan r ag t l1 i.g · tl c� al :c ci d, to r1 ( ' lio li �c ri ju <' v ti :la i: "' u le lack:cJ C r as a 1110(] CI. 'I � • . I1ese case s , c a, J la r1 Jo 1� <' � , ll l o f ar1c/ N°c,,- ·y· or}( \\'Otilcl 11 ok� Lo 1 .1 t t1n or : c lo l t J t )': ; or 1 !1, f g ri c tl1 <)f 1 <1r111011slral.c tl1 e a1,1>li c -ntior tccl; if ll 1 at s.tat e had ea cr as ,v t l1 g ri l a 1a 1] <l -c eg l tl i c ::;t.,1 tr ,vlt erc it i� al 1 c fact tl 1a t tl1c clcfc1idant tl 1 01 l ( Sc ]Ja l l1 , ig r ,;juriEilictioii � Lo create n s la,v-s, tl1e fortun it l)y 1il l11 llo lJc lo ll 1l� e1 11s co c acl<'d tli erc or oll 1 cr,ris 1ts tl1cor)�l or t 1se g1 1·.i cl 1e -e8 (, 1t gl ri (I lr ca cr 11ig rc fo e ,rill c,1forc-c Li t fa ...::l1.io11. its o,,v11 rigl1t, to l1 1ie ,v] ] 011 ,lc 111-0 a a� L 1 l rig l te< (;a -rr gi1 rei Ii i <' fo l1t tl1eo1;·'l. ,, · li it ,rill tl 1t�11 c11forcc (l 1 igl 1 J�- l1on1ologot1s 1·ig

I 11 J:;'rn11cc� J)rof e�.sor Nil)O!'(:t l1as J)l'Of>O�ecl a tl1eor)- of ''tcrriLorial­ r r tl1e t11an lt otl1c 1·e�1.1 t" o ir1 1 rt·nl. cliffc ll(J it)·.i7 63 ,vl t icl 1 is bn�ica ly ,:rights '.' tl1 coric:::. l· Ir rccog11ize::: tl1 al" 1111i·ver�al 1·L1les of t11e conflict or l:.r,r:-: ;ire riot ,11()· :=siliJc of ..tltni111 11f·11t. 61- a11c1 i11 il1 is re�1)ect differs �0111e,rl1:il !'ro; 11 tl1 c c·x1 >011 <'11t..:: <)f t11c ,0 cslecl rigl1l� tl1eor:-·. I·Iis solution lie ...: ir1 1!1(· �'l'IJlit·,1lio:1 er l]1c territorial J )ri11 c11)1c - tlrc state ,v-hose l,1,,· �hould lJc- a1 ,ri.lic1] i11 a gi•:c11 eu:::1:: j:3- tl1c stat� t crritoriall,a i11ler1·�1 ('d (i:i ·ir1 11,c ()lllC-0111('. '.rl1e �tale tc·rritoriall�c ir1tcrc�tecl i11 ;l1e out('()111(' Ci · ll · ('J'l'"•ll(' " ., 1·1',rl :.-:; 1 l · ''"·I11 · c- J 1 ::-·!1ol1] t] ] ic rcc·og111zcc · ot} 1er state� · J 111 ,, · .! 11(· cnurL 111u.,:.t (1ctcr111i11C' ,rltic ·l1. -;t"L c 111· - « . . 1 �:- 1·-::,, a 11cl ti· 11:=; 1s cI one IJ)'. . • ,i;-;,·crta 111111� \i·iicrc� illi; e,·c11l...; v,11,�1l">lc cif l)cco111i11� tl- 1 c· 1J asis of ri;;hts . <'('l·uri·c-d. ()rice tliat. �lat<' l1 a� l,e,.. 11 _ ,. c1 c 11 l 1·r·1 c c1 . �t I 1 e fo r1.1.n 1 ·l. ook_-= to· 1l1aL la,v to :;;:CC' jf a ri µ;l. IL j 1 a-: IJ<'<'11 er(':1tc1l. For cx.a1111 )le. l1e sa,_•s Ll1at . . � 111 c (. a co II l ra c l i:-; J. ')·r· J l I l'd_ I i .,- t I1 <-... . �111r�cl1r1g c,1. tI1 c :i11i11cl�,'� tl1c j a\\' 1


(I.) .

6-1. ,(> ;i •

- . .·.1 1· t . ·'t 11 �c;e NihoYel' rJ'er11 · nd l..J n1ver:3u} 11.ecogniLion of Rul es of Con · ·.1,1�-, flil'L of 1J• .. ·6· ,·r) 1-1°£1r•rr1ir,�/ ," a1c ]"l · ]1')1 .· \el,i<>ic , 9521. Tltis is an Eng s 589 (1 . Yer.--io11 of Nil,o)·et · l ... ·l.Jl . , •• · ll\.cr:-;a 11tc de- ·' .-J 1· · , ChL JIS d C0 "" 11 s l cle · �1S l0 lll '. _ l . reaJi�:1hlc �llr la ha:-c �l • ]· ::-_'..Ct--� . �. SO ('le ( a Let 1 tto___i 1al1te?, 39 l"\evue Cr1t.1que d _e. f)ro1t l n ternotionn · l -JJ; ,5 l-.., 10 (1 t�� 95 . 0) · ee S N"b · oye � 1 f t l J 1e c o 1scnssio1t 1· v1e,1·:-; in l'>attifol • ,\. 1I J 1.(I. 11 0 l �� . , ..ie5.. C ;> l '1 l � 1 . as.s1l 1' 2" 1 6 } }) · c . · ssor rofe Rahel also N' 1 hoyct· an 1011,,"' th�,, 1.•1-,, 111." I 1l<'O . • r1--:t · R 1I)eJ , SUJJra, 110Le 4-7 at 67. Nr· \. 1 , • 1 ioyct., supru. note 6:·{ ·.11 ,)O ,)·:"Jc I - llc 1, · --·1 ,- tl tat (·on<·epl:3 o f pu bl"1c po 1·cv · �.):::, a11cl tl1e need o f <,.<1c ·l 1 "'l · ·t · . . . . a te Lo • · ))rot,cct IL::, . · . o,vn sec11r1ly 1111l1tate aga111� u111Ycr�al rule:. 'J'hc tertn --i·crritorial I\' inte rested" should not l) e "go\'crn� "· i. th confused !nental inrr. ...-1-,, '-·' �t..·· t) c. 1·1e di :-l'll:-,,:ctl in ira • 0.;


" 0


- -- -

· of tLtc 1>lace ,rl:ierc ';ll1c 111i11cls 111ct:' 5}1011lll govrrn c1ue . sti:i: r1s aiisi 1 1g· '' fror� LL1e co11trai.�l. ·66 111 11tallcr:'> aJI(�cli11g stalllS of 1icr8011� . 0 , 1uo, alJ]e 1Jr011ert)r , lie ,vottl<] 111akc ,111 cxceJ)ljor1 � tl1.esc crt1c.stions : sl10111r1 lJc g(J\rel·11ecl l)y· })Cr5011al la.,v. si11cc tC> c:1o so cloes 11ot it1terfe,rc• ,vitli tl1c intere�t of tl1e J)laec� ·,rl1crc� tl1c r>crso11 resiclcs or tl1e 'IJro­ rty is sit1. 1 . a lc. 67 JC: As ·,vill1 t.l1c otl1cr t,vo tl1eorics jt1st c:lisc1.1�scd� tl1e I · c.111pl1asis i $ on rigl1t�. a11cl on ·,vl1at state l1as tl1e 1>0,ver to, create s1.1cJ1 ; rigl1ts. ·,

3Jost , of. tl1c c1:itiei�111 agai11$t tl1c ''rigl1ts'' tl1eories ]1as 1Jec11 clirect­ ed Jgai11:::t tl1c ·vcste,.1 1·igl1t:- tl1eor�- - 11crl1a1>s ])cca11s<:� its ex 1)011e11ts c]::ijn1ec1 too 11111cl1 for it - l>ltl iL is s11l>n1itterl tl1aL tl1is critici:3111 is eCfL1alJy aJJJ>lirnl>le 'lo tl 1 c oi-11cr t,vo, tl1coric$. 1'11c 111aj11. criticis111 is

· t11at of ir1flexi1Ji1it:-- 'l�l1e rigllts tl1cories ca]l for tl1c acceptance or rcjcclio11 of tl1c foreig11 ln,v· i11 J·,loc; tl1crc js 110 ,v[ry lly ,vl1icl1 tl1e foru1. 1 1 car1 2.cce1>t 50111c of tl1c fo1·ci g:11 lavv a11c1 reject Eor11.e :< ,vl1icl1 as ,vt· ,,-ill E-cc� r11a:· ]>c (·lc�iral)lc in .. 1 co1111)lcx :::iL11.:.itio11 i11volvi11g :L · nu1111Jcr of states. �rl1c ]1a:3ic a::-;st1.1r11Jtio11 .of tl1csc Ll1co.ries is tl1at all · the ::-_ig11ifica11t (�,0c11t::: occtirrc11· ,,,itl1i11 a si11gle state or tl1at tl1c Ia,v

· of a r)nrtirr1lar stalt.; 111o�l ll)gical])" a1it1lic.-:. 68 Nol· are LJ1cy- rea]ly c·u112i.7tent, c1cs1>jlc: tl1c clai111s of so111c of Ll1cir 1Jro1Jonc11ts. T]1ey

. ,,··ol!.1,1 :::u,... - Ll1 at Ll1c cotirt i� c111"orcir111 - or 11si11g as a 111.o<l,,J - a Jn,v. l,1:l it 111ay· ri'!.!:l1 L crcalf'tl I > ,, fcrris·r1 . l>c <'r1forci11g a rigl1l tl1at t11<� � �late to ,vl·1 iC 'l l it ]nc>l,� ,,·oul<I 11c>t <�11forcc� if tJ1c sa1111.:) case ca111e lJefor, e , t. T f t l I c for 1,:111\, (' I 1 o i r· c c, f l • 1,, . · r u l e ,,- 1) 11 l ( l ca11 �<; it to .lo u k: to Ll1 c la\r nf Sln!(' .:\. to fi11cl tl·1" ri�l1t. l1ul. 1l1c <·l1oic<� of la,v r11lc of Sta:tc :\.

\;· :ul c l ·call"(' it ll) ] 8oJ,,: . to Stal<' 13 or tl1c for11111 if t!1<� ('asc c�1111e l)cforc j1, i1 i" r1ol . i r1 �('l1.1alit\· . <'11f<>1·cir1u: '. a 1·igl1t ercalc<l. l))' tl1c ''la,v'' of . � . I. "] I<) i;;:lalc :\. \� s11l1sta11tive. Jn,,'. 69 :!\·rore; c;l,1t · .I ()0 (111 -J • - , ·C :\. { I }()II!! J I ll . ,.


-�-- - - -

';:.� ...' . I'') . .

l,; i b o vet , ,'> 11 f) r,t. n 'J l 1� (J .., a I. �, (i 1 • ,,,

;\. '

JI -n() .,) ;-,):-, ( • < I • .)(), . _, ( '). ·,eat I]a1r1, supr([.

.... ('a""


?'70. • 1 ,, , ; , ( ·'".. 1- ·,, \1 �" ". n<, l <� •)'>

. note 50 al 235 . cl I, �u11ra ,

1 i;;n1 on tl1is poinl' :is '1·1 - 0 ·) 0•.,,,. ·· 1 t.:• ·no:::r. 1:ffe<'Livc crilir , _,,, ( ·..,11 . -,11 e11 , it· / . ,11 . ·• ., .,. .,,),) a\\::-. L o · Jr·L ·1· 1 ! (,on the ol e> Ra,; . J ,i'�a I 1 1 1111 . , <)'' J , 1 'J'J I 1 · . . . I. tlllfl( I ·Ill ( ,()I)�- . IC ., .- . ' ' ., ! in .S ef,.,,·terl l�< ll(li11� 011 C,Ofl,/ rct: ,: J..O') : I ,-•,)/ ·- 11 • ri·i; · rinted ,)//(! I 1·..,(/!(' ,{.0/11/J!/. of l.:11,, 71. ; 1 1.a ! 11 1).j/il.

') •)















' I




1�call)' lJe gs tl1c fJ ucstio l1 ;.:ic >r( , a . i an l P.lic 1 1 1 .1t 1 1 · .. , l n. •l .· .L l( 11 J ,v r . . 11 s o a . 0 ycr.. cr}J l. lllllI] Il }i:JlO\\'S lVl1ctl1er a ·.,1. ri a O l 0 · · · et c ('[ . .-c <' �['J 1 c co1.1rl ea1111ol g,, • t16111 ( � • _ • . • . . • _ .• _ _ 1t 1e:, J>l l1l a1.> lll1 . , t]11e .it� clioic,c .. L c·i '·iin<>t I<. r 10,,

of .1 I 1 as l) ccn create(1 � 1 • • . r e can nevr r he a r· ,, 1 l r 1c c11f t � fe cs rtll v ]·:ri o . · ·<' . .. · 11cc t 1101 (- -· f " 1& . C!-; :::-1 1a,v rt1 I ._ I\! . . . r col1rt. In otli er\\·orJ 1Ja 1ct rL 1>a a 1 11 I it sti i-: · · � i 11..\. • u11t.1.1 l I 1c }>1a1· 11 1.1·r1· file;; n.fl1. ct ,of la ,vs. and e co tl1 of es i>l t iei i I)r l . �a ·cr 1i, 111 . whe- · c no · · . 1l / l I I CJ.C Ca 11 t}1e cl1oice of law r1iles n llf>O cls )e11 tlc1 11ot or 1 l1 rig n!, tl1cr 1l1crc j� a l1t . tl,e for11111 i11 ,vl1icl1 s11it is J,ro11g I l, resu e e 1itiv 11or stf[ si1b to L11e ig l )or 1· J>t1 � ric co 1 t li e:=:c i :firiall)': tl 11 ly: tl�e coum cal eti eor �'l�l1 i<:< act i11 1)r 11s )JJ<' J1aJ i t a '"l 1101 i:: is I i 1 ut l) 1 ate .a rigi1t qn� to cre \'Cr tl1c JJO\ l1as c slal l ,,,l1a 1cr < si co11 · 1 011 �l oLtl l l i ) . l ,rl1 c -l'li er it J1 as < lo11c SlJ: tl1e rc.s11lt i11 t11c case ·El1011lcl 1.)e irrelevant I case re ,v11e a in t a forcigt! }3;L.'- \'.1 j�11l g:e is 1 10 Jess a,,·are of 1]1e r e8L11 I el,,111<'Ill is JJrc-;c11t tl1ar1 l1 c is in a JJ11rel)- flon1estic . 011e. Ile is n� I ig11nra11L l>f tl1e co11lc11t of 1J1t' forcig11 Ja,v a11d tl1e rcs11lt t.l�at tlte nr 1 1;licaiio11 or 1101 1-a1>Jllicatic)11 of tllr .la,,· ,of a JJnr tic11lar state 1vill br in: 1 nl i oul. 71 () 11c: \\ ritcr l,a.:= st1gge.::;tc:cl t l1at tl1e co11.rLs' deli]Jeratioru 1 "· ,viii dis<·lo::=c a l1�l]>f1y coir1cicl c11c·c l)ct ,vcen tl1e dicta�es of justice iB 1


tlic· instant e:.i�c· n11ri 1l1r- faci<)r� clccisi,·c of a JJro1ler coq. flict.s rule."il I-I O\\'c,·c-r. tl1<· ll1{'ory 1>rovicle::: 110 rl(�,·icc 1>). ,vl1icl1 tl1e oo-11rts can in-1 . '1 1 t,..: ligently ar1(l rl:'alist·icaJI)' <:-xr>lrJre a11cl a11alvze C'011sideratious ol • )JC.)lic·�- antl fair11c:::s. J-:'c.1r 1!1es(� rca:-ons. it is .st1 l )rt1itl<�cl tl1a� the righ lli(': Or)· <loes 1101 rC'J>l"<'::-e11 t a sot111t l a1)1)roacl1 to,varcl tl1e sol,·ing o, . 1·011flicl::- 11rol1lr -111s.

711. i .l.



� ') . '•)

(:ar:;\, ell, i<l. al 279. l.lanl'Ol'k 'l'hrer• <\ ) ·.i! , 1' •1 proar I lC:-i lo tl1c Cl,oiee of La,\' Prohle1n. T,ven/lCl' . . C ""II(111, .011,p"r"11,.,.. ' ,Oll 11·l,C{S [,Cll(i 365, 366 (1961). (:avci. -�;\ (' .· ,· _''/Ill( , ·· .11t.1q11e of th C l101 · cc ol· La,,- ProlJleiu, 47 Jiarvard l�evie ,v 17:1, 1 81 11933). c < ,ook, s111ira. not,• 69 · 1-1·J:,;.. ,,·rit ,og·i . .·ings ,vcre collected in a l)ook l Th e . <t11<l 1Jc · · -, sc · gtt I l. >a · . s o·f ti1 c C011 11·ict of La a'! , uJI } reg ret £ ,vs · no 19 ,, ( 42 of 11ri nl. ),



- 2-l -

\\'IJ:iti11gs of s0111e (�011tinci:lta'l co111 11 1c11 talors. 7 . 1'11is ar>t)roacl1. 111a)'" · 1ro cliiiracterizetl as 1}· ·olic · v· l f. or11 · 11t·e(l · �· � · 1 u .·1a.s· a �tr. ic . t�� . orie · · t·. rtil-� a11c1 � . . reaba · i1clo11ctl; ancl consideratio11s of r>rag111atisr11 a11cl 11 tility arc 81 11)�· · stittilccl. 1 �

i Ii



:. . ai


. r�







Professoi· Cook acCl'l)lS t lie })roi >ositro11 of ti1e l1io r.rl1lv ., l1on1oloo·ot1S 1-igl1 t tl1e. ory U1at there is no · Ia,v ]Jt1t tl1e la,v of tl1e for11 n1 an(l savs 1 l1.3 t tl1e isst1e is tl1e extent to ,,r l1icJ1 tl1e fo -r11 11i wi ll tisc tl1e la.,v �r· anollibi· state as a i1..1oclel f 01· tl1c 1-11lc ot (le<�ision in tilt '!- 1>artic111ar case. BLtt he doe.s 11ot for1 1 111latc an,· al)stract r1 1..les as tO· l1o w tl1is • sl 1 all I l e doric. Ratl1or l1c is concer·necl ,vitl1 ,vhat co·t1.rts 11 a . ve i11 fact (lo-11e i n r�,o],,i11 g co11flicts J)rol)le1 11s and . ,vitl1 ,,·l1at it is JJ1·edictetl tlicy ,vill clo i11 1.l1c ft1tt1re. I-le ,vot11Ll olJscrvc jt1clicial bel1�1vior i11 tl1c saii1e 1ua'.11ncr as zt �cic11tist ,,,ottl(l o}J�e1-vc pl1ysical )l1eno1nc-11a. 1 l\iloreove1\ l1c ex1Jlicitly recognizes tl1 at co11sirJeratio11s of social a11cl et.:0110,mic } Jolie�, arc. to l J e e n11Jloye<l iI1 (]ecicli11� co11flicts Cftteslion:•· a.::: t l 1ey arc i11 ot I 1er areas o.f tl 1<:\ la,v. .






Profe�sor Coo.k ,vot1lrl apr>r(Jacl1 a co11flicts 1>rri1Jle1r1 - tl1 e exl.e11 t to ,vl1icl1 tl1 c for,1111 ,vill 11se tl1e. la,,; of a11otl1er state a$ a 111o<lel 11 in tl1 c,vin2: F.irsl l11� ,,•oulrl clelC'r111ir1c ,vl1ctl1er tl1e'r c is ...... .r11an1J1::-r. ,,


i,z fact a c.011.flict IJ eL,vee11 tl1c 'la,,' of tlic fo, , rr1111 ancl tl1c la\-v of tl1c· other .:::tal.C'.3 ,,,J1 o�c la,v· 111igl1 l ) ) c a1)J)liecl l>ccatisc o( tl1eir co1111e.ctio11· 1: ,vitl1 111<! tra11sactio11 i11 <Jtic:-\tic>11. I-Ic �ays tl1at tl1crc arc t,vo as1JeCI:$ to tl1e ·'la,v�' of ,1 st.ate. r[l1 c first is tl1c clo111t�stic rt1.le, ,v.l1icl1 is tl10 r 31l) o[ DCCru)SC t}1e 1 i 1 f> a Jly· }(l ,vor1 t · C01.Ir 1 fl.!L C of (ICC.i$ion tl1 at a l for<'i,gri PIPillCilt. T·I,c <lci 11 1cstie r1Ll<>. is co11tai11ccl i11 tl1e st1I J sta11ti,·c.� frOil'I: s CJ · cliff tllll for tl1c of ' la,-\ 'C . 11li\ �ta :-t1I J c 1 tl if t1.�. 1 rrl le. ,:.ta a (:·[ .lu\\' 1" ' 1ts l 11 e :--llI ) sta11ti,, c. 1· a, v ol· tI 1c ot l1 c r �talc or states ·,vl1erc tl1c e,,e1 � · oecurre(I f l1 creaftcr referred l<J as \ )1<' l<><·tt=- l , tl1cre lvill lJc a11 a1 i-· . 111ai11lai11s. (�\'Cll tllOllc,(J'lt tl1 c forlllll .. l1<-. B11l Ja , . parc11 l c�1r1 f o Jc. t· r1· ..,:. · · · .· 'I · 1 c,·· loc · ·t1s · • it. <1ocs 11ot 11cccssar1ly • k110, 1. .l lO\\. . l IlC I 1· C>DlC'::: llla\� K -t·tc· l. 11 I", of 11 :3t) a1 t i r fo l1 1ic . ,vl �c ea lar c11 rli 1in ic. 1 tl J<, ·i·c . . ln< l l 1.1\\.', l I J('. I (>C'tl::- \VOll 11 • , · · I � C · . .. . 11<1l all· of tl1c events oc• · 1 :11 r 11 ,�l1:111c:r1t t a:-:::-1 11111·11,,



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i11 1 1 n ,, ere particularly interested \,, ,,ny \�;· 1 1 . . . · · · 1. 1 . . f·:-pcl'ia 11 y :\rn11n1on an( ' .� , ' � � · 14 . ,11. ·ti e not 1,r, s11p e, I{au 111 n sio 1·11,: dit!H· , · c · .. . · · ·· Jec . ., 1 t•ot;< 1·0111bat1inl.! f> 1 llct,;11

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.ler1ts of State 'I�·. 75 c;:;ic r . Sllil i,1� '{ n.l<� L • S' · 1 1 ·1· ::: r 11 c ·i I cr1t oc t!1 at n t tl1e time of s1til c� 11 1 ti. �,:,:� ll:le L tli,,, ( �\'<; :-i v S) l" i,1 1t g;l }Jrou so111c 0tl1er rcaso 11 SLaLr ,. r fu l 1a tl or . }� 1.c 1 : · � St . . .\ . r es. l c1,< 11 1. 1· 11· , <Jc [.c 11 '-1n 11 l 1.:--. . l l)e a do111c�Lic: c.a�e c i1l{ ,vo :-:: i 1J1· . . r , · lc ::itu , � 1· 0 . • ,. on, , , . . . 011J · -6 ' ' . ' lll."J::-(1.1ct1 ] 1 ;:::; .J. , -·ll0.1 • f 1l1 .c r tl 1al 1. ..., lIC s <1 ca 1 11< e '""ro�··, 1.=c cr . i tl l. 'I'l • . ll( . "'J · / ·1 l . C l l g l . • . t a l 11 l i l !..( ll O 1 O I C :l .::L1lJ=La11L1·vc la ,,.· Co1L�eque nt] iVOi O' s it r l\ iii 'tt 1 ]( • Y .::;1,<l l, C -.1· ,\. 011 · � ··.. a...IC '\.J-. ..... 111 . �I -. , r1o . 111 tl1is •ra--c ,v<)l1ld ): l<� Sta "" • a: , '.• and ·I: , • , • )''' · Jl< ·,_ !'>. •. '·' -'{ l' l .... , (;:l ..J 11 . l . t r 1 01 (' 'l l J (' 1 , it 1VOlllcl llSC Lh e 1 itl State �f! i'( law IJ" C! (JC ::i C'l r�1 ,·c ti r�1 :c or � tl1 l al i' >!l1(' ..._�,. c�1::(•. ,1Ili..1 it is s11lJmit tecL j, ' � ! . c:: :(' Lil i . 1 1 'rJ .a !�l(J(lcl. . ,ii �l��ll' ,_ , ·· ::1:=: .-.;l (JI' Ll1<! oll1cr 1]1eorics are clirecl ed. 0 111 1 ic 1 1 l ,1: to se ca r!1c� lziiid of t len sic rc s a '\\·n 1 of i,·c SLa clr e tt1 leX. · at tl1 .;c J>:) !Jll .:; _ 11� let ,,· 110 il. Bt . -:: }> r•c! le l)i in Stale!! 1no 1to 1 a l1i-=::111 1:· cr <J11 1li" i�i <'<I 'C-L ( l � 11<·· 1< ' l :1;1 d tl i ai l,c-l' < Jr<' <lri,·i 11!!:. ·it i1110 State "j-. 'J'l1c :.1ecicle11L occ111·s in. State Y, and: .. - 'I'),· ...... CU.3C ,,·011lcl IlO\\" he a .1, ... 1 ..: �r of '--l n r <• --,-� tc) <1cci(1c to ,,,I1at extent.· .ii' :ii all. it 1\'(:l!l(l 11°c 111<· .L.1\,· c1f �taif' � as a 111ocie1. T]1e court in �l:1l<' ;{ c,1J111nl a:,;t·crt:ii,1 l1cJ,,- tl1c Cl)t1rl: i11 Stale )'. ,vorJcl de�ide thiz (the Y State of la,r . 1l) 1 ;.:; .:.tn11ti,·e tl1c 1Cl 11!.!; i l Jook. :-inlJ)l\· , > <·:!:'<' , <' r''.. . ........ . i! 1 1111c.�1ic- rul,.· 1. IL 1r1a)· i)C' tl1al n11c.ler 1.i1c c11oic1.c of la,1,- rrilc of StateX. i !1l· (·c,url ,-.·011l,l ]ool� l<.) Stale \-� 1>ccatt�c it is tl. 1ere t.l1at tl1e injury t 11·(·urr<'tl. :� U1iiler tl1c 1:igl1t� Llicc,r,· it ,,-ot11c.1 loo1� 01-U )' to the . -. LI I 1 .:- l all li\ (' .I :., \ 1 · 0 f Sl a I c· ).. - t O s cc i f il crc �1 l c (l ,1 ri �!1 t o [ co11lJ)rn=- a1jou Jur ll11' 1>lai11tifJ. }3111 if 1111<ler llie cl1oice of la,,· r11le of State Y. thr 1·011rt i11 ·�talc ·1·· i\·0111<1 loo].;: Lo t]1c Sl1i'l�ta11ti,·c la,\· o[ State X: \fhel'f I!:\' «C L l I IH! ('i1il�C'1 1 ll1c'_ 11:1 ] l - 1·111 l)('('lll"J' --, - ,1. t l 1i.::: ,,·0111c1 111t�:1n tl1:..1t t 1e c our · r .i11 :-:. I a l l' \: ,r o u I < I 11, (',t ] )t:· c111o 1, 1·u rc111� a rigl1t crf'ntcc1 i11 State v ' · oilier ,,orrl�. State)�\_:. r 11·1<' <'l · 1nsJ ' .' c!•, '.t'l· cc:-.c _1·0 11 111 ·1 1scasc,,v11icl1co11ta · t1 . e·• r\) r l. j gJi I' I (' l l l (' 11 i . i:-, 11() I l l1 (' :::.·' ','·· l l l ,''· ,..,.,.. .:: 1· t .-" 1 'L. - ( <)111estic 1·t1lc of clecisioJ ilii, r11lr· c)f 1lc<"i--it)tl l' ' ·)., · 1 ,· af .. ' ·lii-· '• l 11 ) ,. a1)1)�ir1g: e I I t11e ::-tl)�tar1tr,· Jar l i 11,r olvi11g l \\'0




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· · See "f{c:--ide111 .. :1� u--.· ·1,(1 l'l. . i 1 ou� . 1 1o11l t11e:3c cxan11lles n1eans "don1ici]iary.· ., no I e ,>, s11pr11. . p l( ln r1)n1n1on In\\ c·t·11111 .. la siui · ti·1·<,.'"' 111 e. eourt "· , ' 111 · ion .J·ur1· � (lict 1 l t a . ,c Juo1e · ]• · · c, n 1i 1 . I 1 h:·· c lt�fen tll' 1 ·1e ,irrou.nd 11�Llt t · d.111 1 ,, 1 )l1v-· a ic:1ll s ,s )r, .,scnt iu tl e 5t;1 e a J· ·' . I · -� c 1n1e o f su1•· -on l·· 1\ llt. · 1p1a · ,, ou 1 d 1101 tal,e jurisclict u 1011 tinlcs:3 s ch a per� \,1·•rr- ·(·lo1n1·t·1: l Cl'1· 1l t' I' e. • I'. l he: <1 1:-<:;l'' · · rll��!• Llll. Sll1· Jru. llt) I -., ,. :.l,) :111c1 at·co111panyi1Jg t e�I'. - :26 -

Rc111c111l>er: ,\·c arc sLill co11c·l�r11c-tl ,ril 11 \,·l1c -Ll1('r I l1crc i:-- acll1 alJ\a co11flic t .bct'\VCCD tl1.c '·]a,,/'' of Stal(' � allt l Stale rj�J1c (JllCSLio11 cn1111ot lJe a11s, rc rccl b�· looki11g lo �c-c ,vl1etl1cr tl1 c �11bi"lar1ti,•c la ,,· L>f St::ilc �f cljff crs fro111 Ll1nl of Stnlc �� I if 111<:: �t1l1stauti,·c ]a,v j5 tl1c s;:i111e: tl1erc i$ 110 co·nflict, a11<l ll1c cot1rl. ca11 dccicl, Ll1:::! ca �<' tt})l )lyi11g its o,rn la,,· :i. IL c:111 l)e ._111s,,·crctl 011l,r 1),- scci110- 11.0·, St v a . le y· ,v-ort]cl •' 0 dccitlc tl1i� ,·er�· ea�c- ,,-l1ic-l1 f<). r it i11,. ·olYe::-: a f<)rc1gn elc1uc11L. Tl1c fort1111 tl1c11 111t1&t [)reclict 110,,· Stale )- ,,,. ot1]tl clcei.d c tJ1is case jf jL cati1c befor1" tl1c- cclttrlt; of Stnlc i-. T11 (1oin!r s<J, it 111r1sl c1l)�t�r,·e tl1e



1) a, t l J el1a,·ior of tl1c- coL1rls i11 Y. e.g., !1n,·c- tl1c:,· l ra< .1 i ti-011a1lv· 1oo1{c�(l to Lhe r,I�cc' of r:.c�ii ;; .·11cc c,r t}i,' 1,ln('f' of l1�rt11 10 tletc:r111111c tort ]in­ J)ilil)"· If t•:·c(·(�1le:1. t i� 11ol i,1 i-l'fccl i11 �ialt' Y or I lie C'ot1rt�.: arc 110L in

tli c l 1 ahil (·f foilo\fi11� J)a:'I (lf'C'i�io:1-=. 1!1i:-; 1,1et!10<1 is Jes:', c-crl�1i11. J111L j, �till of �e�1:(' tiii li!:·· �::: it ::.l1<>t1·1,i al.:=l> ,·c111:-idC'r ·111<· ,·ario11s s•>cinl u111l cco1101l1ic 1)1.)li l ·i t.·s 1 l1at ll1c cc,11rl� ar1,I lcgi-:"lat11rc- c1f Sta'lr- Y n1 > t >r ar ·to


tr-yir1� tt) i1111)lc111r'11l. [lS i111iicnterl 1,�r t>a�l (l�ci::,j<)t1A ancl lJ�- lcg i �­ . ]alioii. B��r-,1 c>.l .111 of tl 1 c.::c fnc·loc:=. tll(' fn1·1r111 1>rctli('1s 110,r tl1c c-011rt� of :3tnl<' 1 - t\ 011!:i cl 1 �,:i 1 lc tl 1 i,.: l'USC if :-l 1 it ,rrrr lJrOi.1g11� ·1l1crc. TI 111ore ihnti 1,vc) :.trilt•:-: �tr<' t !l \·<,l\·e,1. ii. 11111.3l 111nl,r tl1i:-: 11rc1lictio11 for 31l of thc111. If tl1< ' forun1 1>rr·cl ict. � t!1,1l in t!1 i.� <·a:-:<� 1.l1r cr,.irl i11 S1atr Y- ,volilc'l .lJ)!>I�- tl,c ln,·; t.,f St.ilr' \_ t! 1 t't1 1 l1t'r<� ; ... 110 c,1i1flicl l1e! ,rer11 tl1c '·J:1\ r�'' _ ' .. lc:-: Illa:· fl� (!1f­ !\.t' la\\ 111 il1c I\\'() ..;t : (if\ . ar1d -)�. tl !(Jll gl t tl1 e :::1:};-!atll . . 1 .t ° · lo t11c :-nl)lo<)k 1'11 1 >11 , rea:-f 11c1 -: , 1 , ·1·,, , ,-t. · ·1· tl 1-1 J1r1 f'•> 1i'rt'11l. Si!1('< ' I I !Cr<· i� 1 ... . . , .. .: �ta,1t1Y1' I a,,- ot. . i.alc l.




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· "I 1ounc1·· I ':· · nnl are ·,· 1--1111 I· ·•·I ' " I •ill \'Jl1·· · l·J\\ . • 1 \]Ll n 1;;li (',inrl- 111 ri, -. ;:re. they ranuol ]1elp 111 11 1' 1011 l·i,,· ,-nurl I ·. :11 :· l I • -1' 1 1 1. 1·1 . ,• 1!1 r i.t·l d,•1·i-i 11f1· ill , -.. ·1 II r1f 1l 1r• �ffert of 1· 11diriai • • i.·• I 1·)"''Ii� r-.. I �-.,, · '1•·11 1 111 1 I H · influi·J1 1·,·1I 1 1: 1 ) ,lat,·,: 111 arri\ l' at e:-la• .: -· .. •)11 ft\ l 1 l·t\l ('t1 !ll"I · pf . . . � l· 'Jlf rl,•1 !·!Oil ;1J1d I I t 1' l•·ll! .,,., . 1,, <; ·1·) !, . . ) . (' 'd ll Lli,li ,•d ,ol 11 liOII· !11 I l: 1111" I· ·'- 11(',-11· 1





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,,ar1t - tl1e . issue ,ras lc <) r ir s a \v s 1i tl l 1a tl I 1 cl,I il ii la J· e <l J ti s. c.l . n g Ja �I ltti create a 1·ig l.1t - J1u t to 11 o ti ic (l i� r 11 j e iY J ail ]cgi�lat 1 la i< )r J< r F le tl e li ,v f c1 ir )r, o u in 1t i1 Jo I t r:;; c,r fi N � 1c tl (' }J ,l ] 11 0 ,v is {or Professor Cook tJi 1 tl1is ,,ery case. If j1 o d l l( tt o ,v la i( r lo J; ,vl1al t ic <l c r J> st r fi J l< tl lo �l k r o Y rcsicle11t l111sbaud, 11 o n 1c t.l to '" 1 l, ls i " I) 'l' tlic. Floricla coli rt ,,·otil,l 1 1c>t aJ ..: l�IJ tl1c �11IJstar1ti,,e la,v of Ke,v- Yorkt < ,r c.t 1 t Jierc ,vot 1 lc111 c Il<) co11f]iel J d tl1e Floricla rule n ·a ]� 1c a1 h 11e l1 1c tl 1 01 �" it il ,v l1icl1 c1iil 1 ,ot i111[)<)SC lial> r OU t) li Ji a] SC Ji >O ll ii the )l TTC J 1](] 01 ,,· l1 1c 1 l ,,; . '� ::-f 1·a i� 1 i11 tl of <leci:-ion l1ecl 1111dcr eitl1er tlieuac rc lJc 1 11< o1 ,r 11 :--u ' rc r 111 �a 11 ' l111sl1a111l Pitl 1 cr. 1'! 11 · next exan1• 01 see in c \ \ ·ill ,, :\,-; · . 1g 1i1 <J1 as rc 1t r)·, l>11 t. 1) )- ,·a:-t ly 1liffcre1 1ce i11 result. e1 cr ff cli a 1·c lt1 ci< 1ir r1 ca 1g 1i1 l>1 a� r<· r1 i 'C' 11!1·- tl1 i� (liffer1'Ill tl1at Ll1e loc11s ,vould If tl 1c· 11rc1licl i < >ll rc� 1 1IL:-: i11 tl1c> c<)n<:l11�ior1 1 a11 l,,-o states arc i11vol,,cd� if anv tl rf� r11o • erc ,rh or I · la,, 11 o,v it:1>ly ,q, is a :-:tat<' ,,ould HJlJil>· a l :-1 ,,· <)ll1er 1l1a11 1l1<:" la,,· of tl1c for11n1l: t.l1ere. tru<· <·,,11fli ( 't <if. la'.\':-'. _!\t tl1i-. jttlll'l11rr: tl1c fort1111 mt1st co11sider ,r11e­ tl ic ·r it ,, ill. i11<·or11c>rat1_· tl1e ln,v c)f 1!1,· !nett� n� a 111oclcl for tl1e r11le of <l ('l'i ::-: 1 01 1 i11 1!1,, c-n:=;c. .:\gai11, I ) r<ll<'::.:-=r,r (�(iolz c,�c.l1e,r::3 tl1e al ll)lication (>I i'.i.:-;l'(l rule:::. llul :::ay.:.: tl1al tl1 i:-: lei<> 111t1�t l)c clc·ciclccl ]Jy co11siclcratioas ,,olic�·- [nirtl('��

tllf� riartic:::. :.:11d ge11rralJ�, by , li:-it ,,·ill 1 irnd11(·<· a ,iu ..::l a11d :"ci1111cl rc'.:tilt i11 tile 1>arlic11lar ca�e. . � ], 11 rt li<> rr:lor,·. �i111·1• tit<' l',ir11111 j:,; !lt)l C'I1 l'<·i11� a fc,rc-i�:i1-creatcd ri!!bt · · · · 1 nt _. • 1 1 I .,J 1 · 1 ,1,nor 11,-111,,· ,. :-a 110,l C' 1 • l Il('rf· 1s 110 re(1111re111e ,:, n lor<'i ··11-C're·1lc · · · tl,r.t it i11cnr1io,..'1tc·· all tl 1<-- I··· d\\ () f l I l(' I()('[(.: 011 tl1� r>Ollll ]11 q11est1on.

()r :-:c,eial and








It C:111 lll('Ol'[>Ol"'ll ' · · (' ,()Jll( · ll [ ti 1 c• j a,,· <> f lI 1c· l oc:tls a11(] reject another · ·I ':1 r I : ,\' I 1 er<· lI Ir- t 1-·'11l,··'·1 (' t j <) r1 111· \·<J I ,-<·:-=- 111<)r<' tl1a11 on(� f orcio·11 slate. it. • I:' . <'a11 r 111·<>J"J><)ral<' :--11111<' of I l1i-' I·,\ \\ . (l f ()ll•� 1 <)C'I IS. a11cl $0Jlle of t,}1c. la,r of r, . .. . . . . a11 <.,tl1r·r. l 111� l li('f)I"\' . al !!l\ (':l . 11 • r ' . 01 t 1 111 ::!,I. <'nl fl<"x1l)1l1t1� 111 arr1v111g . , " • . . . . · 1>,ti 1 t :-: cl ,, <• 1 � 1o 11 a11<l i:,; . . l 1· < .11I ar1 � , n - lt1al}lc for eo111i)licalc<] 111t1lti-etate 1rar1:-:af't ic)11:..:. . · • (:(,n,iclc1· 1l1',,_· c·:-s:a1111, I c·. ,,, I1·1 <·I 1 1· s. :--.11111 .1 nr l<1 tl1c fac.t11al 8rt11at1on ,1. •. ., . >I :--<' < nl 111 < , 111,• .".1eg111an11 < ..LI:-('. J 'J�Ilf': l l\J�tJaIJ(] an(] ,vife are ((OmiciJed . ·1 ...::,t·,\t ' . thei· r Jl, · t·· . ·a\ • ·r·1· C''llll'''' . • j ::-, t_ ,.. 1<'r. ('a11s111 u I l<"l.. 10 t, l (�a,-.e 11111 1 ,v1tl 1 a11cl go <·,l1ildr('tl lo· ') c:1.,l1.(,. ]:>> • S-,1 I(' C1 O(' · 1 <"Olll(� clo111icilccl i11 State B aucJ < ll )l l<� =S . r ) t' ni l l Li 11 Il a11� ; '·t 11 l ll l () , l al,, ,\ · < ·a\ ·.;;". 111 llc I. ,. 1at. t111clcr tl1e la,, · of State - . ,11)1 1)<�11 · . 11� �1,· 1 1)cir·1 i c, ,,,1 to t:-B a ,v·r • I , - <-.(l 1• .1y- I1c•r l111f,:l):111rl ca11 ])1c<lgc 1u:-




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creelit -for foocl, clotl1ing ancl sl1 elter, tb at is, a J)CrSO'Jl ft1rnisl1 ing li er these necessa: ries is en . tit.lecl to .recover the price f i·- 0 m the lJ tl'slJ an c1. 80 Asst1me tl1at this is 11 0 t Ll1e la,\' l)f State 1--\. The ,-vife is clestitutc a11ll ir1 State B })ledges tl 1c l111slJa11cl's credit. 1'11e cr editor no,v s1.1es tl1 c l1t1sbar1(l 111 State A. ·u11cler tl1e a1JJJlicatior1 of tl 1e 1�ig] 1 t:; tl1 eor)", as ,ve srr,;v in Sieg111c11t.1i v. Llie;'ers, l1e cottld not recover. Since tl1c l11t slJancl ,vas nol J)rese11t i11 State B a11d clid not ''co11 se 11t'' Lo tl1e ,vife's goi11g tl1ere, State B ,vo11Jcl 11ot 11a,'e legislative j11 risclictio11 to create a rig11t against l1im. B11t, ltn,Ier Professor Cool,'s tl1eory u cliffere11t • result is l)Ossible. Fi1·st St.ale 1\.. ,vo11lcl J)recli.ct ,vl1at Stale B ,vo11]cl ('lo jf tl1is case ca111e be.fore it. lr1 all likelil1oocl, it ,vot1lcl l)rc tlict tl1at State B ,vot1.1c] l1olcl tl1e 1111.sban<.l liable if tl1e case ,vcrc lJrot1gl1t tl1 ere, �i11ce it ,vo11l(l clesire to 1>rotec.t tl1e State B resicle11l ,vl10 ft1r11isl1ccl tl1e 11ccessarie� lo tl1e ,v ife. 'l"l1tts, tl1 ere woulcl ]Jc a conflict lJcl1,vee11 tl1e substantive la,v of State .r\, ,vl1icl1 cloes 11ot b.')ld tl1e l111s}Jancl lia])le i11 sr1cl1 circ1.1 111stances a11cl State B's rt1le of clecisio11 i11 tl1is case, ,vl1icl1 ,vo11lcl holcl tl1e l1 1tsbancl liable. I11 resolvi11g tl1c co11flict, State A · ,roulcl ro11sider State B�s intercFt j11 JJrotecting itf'- rcsi<le11t ,vl10 ft1rIt ,vc,11lcl co11siclcr it..: o,rn i11l.crcst j11 11isl1ed 11 eccssarie� l.C) a slra11!!cr. ,. ru·ovidi11g sl1111>orl fc,r tl1c ,vifc n11<l cl1iJclrc11, ,vl10 arr· its clo 111iriliaric�. Dot1bt]ess .. jf tl 1 c ,,.-jff � l1a,:l bec11 i11 State A, Stale 1\. la,v ,vo11l:l }>rovidc for lier stlJ)l )ort a11(l tl1at of tl1c cl1ilclrc11, tl1ough. it lvor,1,J 11sc otl1er devices t l1an J)Cr111itti11g lier to IJlc<lgc lier h11slJa11cl's cre<.lit. It ,vo11l<l also be tinfair tc> pern1jt tl1e J111sbancl lo s11ccessfull)r avoid SUJJJJ Orti11g l1 i:- ,\·ife aII<1 cli il flre11 a11cl tc> c1e11 �" co1IIJ1c11satior1 t1) t.l1c r<�sicle11t. <Jf State B ,,·J i o f L1.rnishcc1 t11 e 11ccessaric.s in relia11ce 011 Stat<� B la,v, ,vl1icl1 ·hold $ t11at J1 c is <�11tit]ec] to rci 1ubr1rsc111ent fron1 tll(� 11t1:::}Ja11cl. ()n ba·, · 1,:inc<: it I l •S 1 a 1 c :·\ , '·r),, · ·1<l 11·c: ('· ·S t'·1 I e, B's ] a,v a$ a 111oclel • ,,·0111( l :-er111 1,1a . :-r Professor · 1 tlc r11 ilJlc 1)1)::;� s 1· .lt 1 sl· · · 1·,· 1·.::: · · 1, , · 7· • · · · • . . , , l< ·ab 1 1 1 · 11 > -: }· 11 1 l o 1 c� I 1 .. a L 1 tl . r a 11 , l . .: C'.ook\ ar>J>I"(>acl1 . 1J1r l 11f1t l1r1<l('r Lil<' rigl1!F; Lliec>ry·. . . - 11 Ii:OJ"\' rlt111il'\••' it .fr1r11is11es to "11<1 tl1c' Of>J)O r1·11C f'I f'X:1·1)I·1 ·Jt·\· 0.f l l 11� . ,· 0 provi<l P a sr>t111,I J"(''-l'1l! i11 <''"('r\' c-a:,;c ·,· 1 r�'· f t 1 rtl1er cl<".t11011slraterl by a l I)I; 1.Ill:-,, 1.).tllC1 ,,lll(J ,,·ife ;ir,: liable for all dchts incurred to -, if the ,vife • Thuc; . . ,.. (11. . r11 ·1arcn t ll1e1r . . d of the spou�c i c 1· . 1·1 ivc i 100. Pn:::uie tn • cry sl tho rerov tain nga1n 1 o1 could 1 1 t, (l'tor ,·ontra<:te. d sncll ,1 del1 t, !lic• 1•... • p1a, , . c\rtlf A • -1. ) l • ),) , 660 (,S 6r:9 Etl11o ()f · )de (' ,·, .. , ·· 1 · .1,, · hu�band s JlropPrl:.

-:: • ·:·. 11 -!11 I.:..tl110111:i

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1 g ,vitl1 cJan1ages f01- a t i1 a] cle s se ca . Ort 1-.\1. 111c 1 ·icatJ > vc . . t, . o f n o 1s r a 1J • t;om . t-i•onal . a y N ., R n o ci 81 s11i1 C ic x e ![ ]l . v r e t . la S n I . ! e r c.on1mitted else,vl1 e 1t to 1·ecover clart1age s reQ 1 ide re,-; '.'i xa, 'fe · a ul• b·· .r s rr a x e . 1 11 l · 1t rr 11 b ro ,vas O I\1exico. Tl1e defendant in • ed rr c11 oc . at 1 . • tl • 111g f·ro111 a t1 a 111 ac c·1 clent · o and back. U11de r th• 1c ex l\1 to as ex T . 11 o1 fr _ s · .• r c:re, �sen J c,. . :,, - c1 J>a ra11,vay ca1T1e \Vere not awarded in a s ie 1r· j1 in l 1a or rs pe r • fo 1r �-es _'t.CXlCO C1aJ-r, 1 ao I a,v Of l\ ecl to mal(e periodic pay . er cl or as ,v t an cl �n ft fle c 1 t1 J11 mr> 511 111; i tlsteacl tlJJOn changed conditiollSi 11 tio ca ifi od m to l ec bj 811 e er nJents, ,vli icll ,v ,-vo1·l(. lT11clcr Texas la·n, the to r11 t11 re to le ab s ,va I if ilt ai l)] e.g., t ll e n io ,is o, for modiJi, JJr no s ,va e er tl1 ; 111 s11 1) 111 111 ,1 rcl va a, to 1 arl J c;11 rt '"� th e r eld 1·) eo 11r tl1 co s l1t l1 rig t cl sle ve l1e 1 i11g ]) l)!J ,i:\ . rc 1 rtt 1 f catio 11 j 1 1 tl i c e 1J1 at al1 crueslio11s l1acl to lJc lleterminecl t1ncle1· tl1 lavv of Mexico, since tl1 c tort ocePrre,l tl1erc. Si1 1ce tl1e eol1rt jn Texas lacked the , r





11 1 ar.l1ine1;' Lo ari1_)l)' tl1e lvtexica11 Ja,v- relating to periodic }Jayments, it co11lcl riot a,varfl cla1nages 1111cler tl1at la,\', ancl tl1erefore, co11ld not 1, 0 a.,varrl ,lan:1agcs at all. :rt ,;vas exp1·es.::.l.� l1el(] tl1at 1\-fexica11 la,v could I ,•;a.s also 11.secl to cletermine l. not be 11secl l<J rlC'tc�r1ni11e ]ial)ilit,• - 1111lr>ss it <lamages.


1\. rliffer.er1t rcs11lt i� J)Os�ilJ]e 11ncle.r P1·ofesso1· Cool-::'s t11eory. 8l 1 T11 th(· first J)lacc� tl1e col1rt ir1 Slater <1if1 not con.sider 110,v tl1e courl I ir1 IVft�xico ,vo11l(l l1a,,e trcatecl tl11s ,er,r ca:3f'. ,vJ1icl1 £01· that co11rt aho r ·i11vol,,e,1 ,1 fore·i�11 <'l�111c11t. si11ce tl1e l)laintiff \vas a resic1e11t of Texa�. , Tt 1na3-" l1a,re hee11 t11at si11ce tl1e J)Jaintiff ,\-as a 11on-resident, tl1 e courl r in 1\/f. cxico ,vor1lrl 1101. l1a,,c ::t})p1i<>{l tl1e JJro, isions of tl1 e la,v relating l r �0 r l c _rioclic paJ,n1cnts, b11t ,vo11lcl l1a, <" orclert�d a ll1 m1) s11111 1Jayment I 111 tl11 s case. In a11�v e·i;re11t: 1l11� cot1rt faile(l to co11sicler tl1 e in.terest ol : . . T- exas 111 �ecr,r111g C(>lllJ)ensali<Jn fo1� a11 i11 j11red Texas re$iclent agai nst ' a railroafl co111r)an�' ,loi11p: lJ11si11ess ir1 Te xas. Under C.ook's theory ti ,: '\vc:n11,1 l)<� J)ossihl<� f. <)r tl1e' T. · rlred 1cte -.,-'' ,.-::. <'() -·'·" · ll 1·t - e,re11 ··rf 1t I t tl1e'r d t1a · · '.\if('.Xl r.•:111 , '1 .-.o·l11. t • .1'c pa:·,.. ' , \VOl · 11 J f st · ·l 11 · · "l · - 1']] ". .)l, )],tl 1 e '-f 1v. ex1ca per1o u1 a,\Y a s to . lll e.nts - t<) e11 :. · 11Jlt)\r . 1\f ·'.cx1·ca11. ].a,r to cletcrn1ine liabi linr. lJut not to de0

81. 82.

194,_ U�ited St.ates Re1Jorts. S111 >reme Collrt 120 (1904). It 1s 1nterestin g to note tlla l . 11ot disag h p . f o · t essor Cook d1d ree ,,,itb t' resl1lt in tlie Slat·er · c.ase, 1 JlOtig1l, of course he rea· tbe "lvi th clid dis air r ee ,. C., ook, siipra. 11ote 69 at ·· · sonjng er rtJ1 90 1 I f 1 d ,vou 1 '. npon that magine 1 , . · reflection he rn i .,,h t. d1s " ag · ree Wllh . tl1e result. '

· ::i

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lt�11 11inc a i·cslt.ll· ,rortlcl 11ot ])(� u11fair to tl1c clefcr1cla11L 10 ca11sed the l1a1·ro a11<.l wl10 ,vas r'l oi1100· 1}risj 11 c�'-'s .,·i·. t "]'-'ex .. .,� aS.


Such ar1 a1)1Jroacl1 -- to a1>J)l)' tl1c la,v c>f tl1e locll� ,vitl1 re::1r>ect tt) liability, h11t 11ot as to cla1uages - ,vas follo,,,erl i11 tl1c cases of l(ilberg v. Nort/1,eas't .,iirli11,es 83 ci11d Pea1·s011. v . ortltc<ist A.irlirie.). 84 In tl1.ese · .N cases an air1)lar1e� origi11ating its fl:igl1t i11 Ne,v Y orl<, crasliecl 111 l\lfa:.­ <... ,

�ach11setts. S11its to reco·\'er: cla1r1agcs for tl1e cleal 1 1 of so1ne of t:l1e J)as­ �cngers ·,vcre l)ro1,1.ght i· n Ne,v- Y C)tl-:. Under tl1 e Cf>l11n1011 la,v tl1ere i:110 rig11t to reco·ve1� cla111agcs for ,v-ro 11gf11l (leatl1; tl1e right to 1·ecovcr

wust lJ c 1)aSe(] 011 a. statt1Lc. \Vl1ilc all states ]1av·e tl1esc slatt1.tes� the eonLer1ts tliffer cor1::;ic1cral)l)r. 'l'l1e Ne,v 1:-orl'- slat11te ,vas not aJ)t)lica­ hle to cleat]1:,;. <.)cc1rrri11g: e1sc,vl1erC". so tl1e Nc,v Yc,r:lc co11rt ,vo11ld. l1ave to ap1)l:r tl1 e 1\1assac.l111scll8 st:1ll1le lo clcler111ir1c ]ja])ility. IL fo11ncl tl1at 1J 1 c clefe11clar1t carrier 'i\',lS lir1b]c 1111c]e..r 1VIassacl11.1setts Ia\v' aJ1c] 11roceed­ rd to


Lla111a!:!;es. U11clcr tl1e l\1ass;1cl111setts statute tl1ere ,vas a ......

li 111 il to 1J1 c a.1 no1111t of <lnn1agcs tl1at co111(1 be a,var<.1ecl to the be11efi..... ciaries of tl1 e clec.e.cler1t; tl1ere ,va:'< 110 st1cl1 li11.1itatio11 j1111)osecl l))' tl1c

Ne\V 1rork slalt1.te. Tl1 e i�sl1e ,ras ,vl 1c�tl1er tl1 ere sl1ol'11(1 he a 1i111itation 011 the amo11nt of cla111t1gcs tl1al tl1e Ne,v Yorl<. co11rl co11ld awarcl. It ,vas l1 eld tl 1 at tl1 e lio1itati 1J11 1 111110:::.ecl Jy�r t]1e 1VfaEsac11t1setls st.at11te ,vas n<>l: applicable.Since Ne,v Yorl< l1 acl a11 i11f·f'1·e:--t 11J :1ro,riclin� afl('(ftintP. co111nr11satior1 f(1 r t1 1 c :::111,·ivors <)f a <lccr-�1scfl NC',v Yorl(. 1·e�i<1f '. !1l' a11cl si11cr. tl1 e air]i 11 c· ,licl }:)r1:=.ir1e�s 111 Ne,v York. ,,,1,ere tl1c fli[.!ltt <>ri�inatccl. Nc,v i]e, n11 '\�o rk cotrl,'I � 1.r,,>ly its ()\Vil la,\· to tl 1c a,varcling o-f cla1r1ai!(�s ,vl1 ,,. T,1 otl1er ,vor<ls. jt ilit l li lia 11e 111i tcr cle' t(> ,la, 11l,i tts 11 _1:::0 no: r-1 �:.:a l\Ta · si11c(' tl1e Ne,v York :1..:<'rl ··\fa,:.:;ar·1,li:"�ltr tori la ,v· a� n 11 1c)<lf'l - -· it l1a,l 10. . i�­ �talntf' 1,,a:: Jl<)I: ariJ)lic,il ) lt� L<> 11 1 is ca8e -·- 1)111 fli< I 11ot r111J)loy tl1at po ! inn 0 f tl 1 f' 7\'f2 ��ttel,rr;;r·tt:=; ·1 8,,- li 11 1it1n<;: 1·l1r· :J!ll(l1LJ1t l'('CL)V<'ra1�11:'. Tlle > 11l �v-i.n g? Profe -:4' f ,va ii · f a1 1l1 (1 \r �1n ..:;l P.c i � <·r 11 rrl irt tlie Perrrsr)rl (',1:,;(' 0 xr r ,nr

c:()(1h.\- itl1 eor-v. .

f) ' I I ,\

"' ) I .

1orfh ('11stern Reporter, 211rl ' ) 72 1\ 9 i'-1 e1t ' 1,..orlc RP.ports, 2fltl _C:p,-iP.s 1 ,.. Sr!ri<><: S26 (J.961 '). { [in iterl Strifes (:ourt of A1,penls. � 109 Ff'.rleral ReportPr. 2nrl .Serie. 211<1 Circ11it, 1962).

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. . I.o okt,- to J iow tl1 e cot1rts of the locus - til e I P aer Cook tl1e f orun1 f1rst ed t11·r occ ts fac - \\'ould de ve rati O()e . . e 1 t1 of c . 111 �0 e c'd1 e ,, er ,v or p Iaces ·h _ . . sar11e l aw a:::. tl1e fort1ru, ther tl1e . ai)J)ly Id . ou ,v it . eh... this very case. If r� tl1 en tl1e for v. Ia nt re ffe di 1 decidr.:. u11 a aJJJ)l)r d t1l ,vo ·t 1 If . . t 1c fl. n co . I no . 1 ole . l · or n i n t IJar for in w del 1 111o the " law as ',1 ile ,vI1etI1er I'L lVill t1�-e tlJ at . s 1on se est tl1e CJt1 of A11 are answernd e ca� ·� · -· r 11Ja i·c ar·t p · ·tl1 c ,., . 11 1n of d ec1. s10 1 e co L1r t s notio ns of tl tl a11 ies lic JJo 1ic 011 1 o1 ec cl a11 fair. ial soc i 11 ligl1 t of : � ness. rf}iere are no rigicl rt1Jes� a11d t]Je CillJJllc.lSJS IS 011 f]exibili t)' . S tt cl1 a tlieor)r gives tlie cc,1.1 rt tl1e ft1llest op1)01·Lu11i l)' to achieve a jusi ai1 cl sotlncl rcstilt j 11 tlie !)articular case� 11nrestrictecl lJ)' the fact that 3 ! [c)rcig11 elc111e11t 111a�' he involve(1. I'

rl"lii:=- 1J 1 e<)r)' 111a)" JJe cr1tieize11 on tl1c grouncl that it does not pro-: t \'iilc. <lcfi.nitc ru1cs for cl1c,ice of Ja,v and J Jrevents 11niforn1ity - tbe b rt'<:L1lt Jil.l)' v.-c!l ('ICJ}Cll(l ,::i1 1 tl1c forr1n1 jn 1vl1icl1 s11it is l1ro11ght. The � f-}1ort ans-..,,cr .t$ 1I1at 1.iriifor111it)� l1as riot ]Jee11 achievecl 11ncler any o! ! tl1c tl1cotje.s. ns .t-\. ••ir1st n11�1 ::01ri1c1 res11lt sl1oii.ld not be sacrificed in r t11c sea;.·cr1 fcir nI1 ill11soi:y- 11nifo1· 111it:,'. 1, '.roreo,·e1·. i 11 a si1nple case the i rcsi.?lt ,\'il1 ];0 L!1c sn1111; J10 1rtaLte1· 1vJ1icJ1 tl1eor)' is e1n1Jloycd; ,vhere c a1l oi ll1e or)cr al i,,c facts .c:1cet!1·recl i11 011e ::-tate., tl1e Ia,v of tl1at state G ' ,vi]] be. 11sc(l :1s a 111o<lcl. \\it1at is neecl L:cl is a 111 ethocl of disposing o! r. <..'omr,1·icatcd 11.1r1Jti-statc trar1 ::;actio11s. Tl1 e acl,·a11tages of this theory arc 1.l1at, i11 tl 1e first 1113cc. it ]i111ils co11flic!ls ]Jrob lems to tl1e cases \vheri � tliere is in fact a co11flict l)et.,v(�C11 t11e la,v of tl1 e foru111 and the laur ol ll'ie locl1s; tl1c fort1111 (loc::; 11ot aJ){)ly· tl 1 e la ,v of the Ioct15 to a si tuation ,vl1ere tl1e loci:1s ,vc)til<J 11ot aJ)J)ly its o,vn Ja,v. Second});, it gives tbr courts tl1c 11ecc, :s·sa -' fl c_ < r,r ,x1··b1·Jtl)' ,. · ] to ,,na·I · c 1s1J osc · 1s. F' c_,�· t1at101 co1111) Iex srt · . I)r, it enal)les tlie cor,rl to . tal,e acco1111 t of social and eco11oruic policie: in ar· ri· ,,incr · 1st at• 1·15 (1 eci::, · ··10 · 11 , J1 0 < . as 1t · cloes i 11 otl1 cr cases. The approach n<l,•oca tcd lJ)' ··Pro· f Cv, '-'-Ot: C001· , stib 1111tt "-, ·1 t 1::-. · ecl, frees co11.fl 1·cts 1alv. fro!ll' tlle lJo,ncls of conce1)tualis111 a11<l e11abl es i1t to cleal ,vitl1 confl icts prob·. _ Jems o11 a realistic a11cl pragn1atic lJ asis. [..,ex Fori (111,d Gover1 i111e1ita l l 11.terest Ir1 my opinio 11., tl1c 1F· tl1corie . s aJ)Ollt to l)c cliscl1s e: 1 · n1 1ri e re a1· e sed r· 85. Sec tl1c\1ssi on in N"l 1 loyet� szt.pra, note 63 at 582-584,, I

- 32 -

o f }) rofessor Cook's tl1cory. 1'11e 1)1:(>J)Onents of these Llleories also aclvo cate that conflicts la,,r lJe polie.y-ori e11tec] a11cl that tl1e co11rts , :;hould 11ot b e ho11nd b:;.r absolute rt1les ,vit.l1ot1t rcgarcl to tl1. e practical resl11t. In practice, tl1ese theories (lo 11ot differ a great cleal fron1 o ne a11other. Moreove1·� as a working mocle.l, tl1e ')r arc often easier to use tJ1an tl1e local la'"'' tl1eo:ry • . Tl1e le.� fori ( 1 a,,. of tl1e fort1m) theor)r l1as aee11 developed b )' ])rofessor El1renzv;eig 86. I-le contencls tl1at tl1e ])asic la,-v is the law of the for11111 and that foreig11 lc1'l-,1 sl1011ld he 11secl only to fill ''gaps'' in tl1at la,v. I{e has tracecl tl1e l1istorical develo1Jment of tl1e conflict of la,-fs and concl11decl tl1at tl1e le�-r; Jori l1as lJeen tl1e basic rule in the co11flict of la,vs; specifir. c.onflicts rt1les l1ave cleve1opecl as an excep­ tion to tl1e apJ)lication of tl1e lex fori. 87 I·Ie oonten.ds tl1at foreign law is to be em1Jloyed 0111 1° ,vl1erc the (]efencln11t wo111cl be clealt witl1 11nfairly by tl1e nJJJ)'lication of tl1e lex fori or ,vhere tl1e stlJ)erior go,rernmental i11terest of anotl1er state rec11tirc5 the c1 is1)lacen1ent of the lex fori. ·r11ere are ncJ fixerl rL:les; tl1e le,i.:. Jori is 11ot displacecl i11 the absence of specific rcaso11s for s11cJ1 clis1Jlace11·1ent. He ol,ser,,es t11at when a rot1rt emJ)loys fixecl 1·t1le6 of tl1e conf'lict of Ja,,'s�- it co11cecles to tl1ose rnle::; a dccisi,·c role. ,,·J1icl1 111a�· 11ot c:oincitlc ,,·itl1 tl1e JJolicies tl1e See genernlly Eli renz,\'eig, r_-onflict of _TJr11c•s (]�62). I-Iis the_ory is set forth in Ellrenz,,·eig, The Lex Fori - Bns1c Rule 111 the Conflict of La,vs, 58 . !11ichigan Lazv Re1:ie1v 637 (1960) · 8 i, Ehrenzv. ei ir. 58 j'l,,f icli igarz J,a1v Reviezv at 6 114-667. :Se discusses �en can, En al·-:b It�a.1·,n a French. Gern1an and DutC'l1 conflicts la,,'. H� po1ntl5 o�t ' aret a , num i:o I·th -· ere . })er , O f deYire;; l hat •� . - bv - \\·hic]1 tl1 e for11m can avoid - consJ.S. ,· · !!, fore'1""crn Jaw that i� tent ,\•ith -..,-h 1' tcver theorY it 1s entployir1g - appl)',n · · 18 · that O f P ublic policy· the forum refuses to " ' und"'"iralile. 0 11e ,·on"ider::; � · . . · .-' · 1 defense" on the ground t l " ,,} 1at it 1s aga111st 1 or 1 · enforce a fore1 gn-createc rJ,.. • . • J1t. See Ciampitello v. the pu])l1c po1·icy. o f th,e f oru rn to re1:og1111.e suc,}1 a r1g · • _ · Campitello, 134, Connectu;ut I�e Ports 51 51! Atlantic I{eporter, 2nd Series - � \1 he1.e 11 ' -1 r(�fLl!'-Cf1• to en forc·e a ::,-uit to retover e r(,,Jl 669 (1941) l . · • that g-1mblincr · o ,.,,as illegal 11roeee,] s fron1 a �3111 ]>1 ·ing, v c.nt"-- r (' -c,·n 1 I1 c grouncl • • r· . ork the parties ,.,ere I :n Nev, ''. { · -l ' in \. ,or1nert1cut ( th e tran--"'ac·-t•o · n . ),· ,- 1 Jo int l>ets; t]1e defendant 11a d re.fus, l en ! � \\' t1 ( .(1nnect1cul . 1 o •hacl p ,l l ec re::-1< 1e d.1scuss1on, . ecls). Sec t1 . cd to give the a .inti. ff l JJ_� 311 ·'·1 r c :of t}1 e r>rocc l P , m1Janv·1r1g t.ext .· .,\nother device is b y ch arac· , I anc] ac·co in/ra, notes 4,14. ,-t,5� . . , , all matters since ," e du.r -"proce f r . · .> on e , as I''l1n n ter1z1ng tl1e 1--sue in qt )_ tlie lex fori. Tel. at 671 et seq. 1n1ne d Iv of ''proce(lure" are cleterc__



33 -

(It · f






l' . . s cloes Cook, l1e n 1a. · 1,: . . \ . .! 38 . nl 11c le1 1.1J L j11 u 1. o 1g 1r )' Lr c 1s v r\ 1c iLl •o is r ])cca11se a 1·e JorLLill , e] er 111 I ("( )J' l)( fo 1'e11,, , ig • I)(' . JI . Jl( I < l · )l l J( :-:. : I ains tl1aL s11cl1. JJoli<�ic:-: .



c lc i·i1c11t is ir1volverl.


lllOSL fiilly develop . n <" e l) :; a l, lJ c >a rc J) lJ �l :--L �l'l1 e g1J\'t:rn1r1rr1la I i 1 1Lere 1 rr iC:. a Ll cl i 1 j s J1 is ,vritj11 gs \\illi t (: 1· o ss c r e, r J) �r <�d iri I I i c UriiLe(] s taLC's JJ 1 r a r ri fo o e x li a le 89 :�re acce1Jits t pp ch, r. a Ji 1i r1 fa t 1;;; < 111 is · 1 tl 10 11 . a e th ·,vl1 icl1 e11.tal i11terests of m rn vc go � 1 tl· 11� 11i ai t · c·1 i· . a� 1 l > lll 11. is 111 ajn cc)rl<.:er 11 j� 1 1 1 ,ritl1 tl1c Lra11sactio11. Ile mainta ins '' )1 i< ('l 1c 111 co tl i e stales l i avii1.g solllt. r ill often J c r ,, jt s, -st re te n 'i al 1 1Jt 11c <)11 <)f gc>, ern1 li 1a 1 11i a1 ex l ai Il >(> llJ 111 :it :::tate ,vill have any interei:t 1<' 01 )' 111 () :L. lic r1f co 110 js c er tl 1 1 s 10,v11. tl1 at is la,v ,vi1 l. 11ot he tl1 elf n io al lic JIJ aJ C' Ll1 1cl a1 � ,�,1 1!i > n ir1 l 1 a,,i11g jts Jn,,' 1 1 . r te. l1e sta ot )-· . 1 at ere of Wh : , .sl re le in l ta t�11 1 1 11 rr ,'c: inco11sister11. ,vitJ 1 tit<� go cst of tl1e forum and ' 1.l i crc� is a cc,11fliet ]tlet,vC'c11 I l1c go,,(•1·r1111c11 t al ir1ter tl1 at of a11<Jtl1«�1: state, 1 l1e f. ort1111 11111:::-t JJrcfer its o,v 11 interest and apply ·· its Jrr\v. �rl111s:. the la,v of 1l1C" [c:>rn111 ,,,ill �Jc clis1)lacecl <)nly ,vhere , anotl 1 er s LaLe is sl1 0,v11 tc1 l1a \'C a gc,,-C'r 1111.1 f'n Lal i11terest s111)erior to tl1al . . J for l mode a as ed 11 be J ,rj of �lalC' Ll1at s ]a,v 1l1e h<;11 11; t foru1 . of tl1c tl1c l't1le of c1t�cisio11 j11 t1tf' J>a rl ict1lar ('a:3e. :'\.gai11 � the 111atter is to he 1l<�t<:irmi11( '. rl 1J)" cc">11s.iclerali<.)11s of 1)0 .licy" ar1cl :fair11ess.



1�r> i'llu .;-,1 rnl<' Ll1i,.: n1>1)r(1ac-l1. \\'c ,,·i1I ,·,,11-:i l l C'r l10,,,, J:>rofe:3sor Cnrric ,vould ilea I \,· it Ii t11e 1-,rol>lct11 of ::-11r,,i,,al ,of actions. 90 He begins ,villi a co11s:i.cleratiou of the case oJ Gr(rrzt, -v. 1l 1Jc.;;{ zi liffe. 91 In case 1:11"0 . · re:--:i,le11t;; of ,.St11 Lc ·'\ ,,,c-re 111,,,i l vc·: l i r1 ar1 a11to111ol1 ile accidc11 t ,vhilc <lri,-- i11g i11 State 13 .. :1,: u 1'(':-:.t1ll of ,,·11 i( '] 1 t li e ,lri,rC"r ,v-as l{.illccl. Thr la:-:sc11ge1· :;;uc�d l1e <'stale ()f tl1.c 1lri,'<'r j 11" _1-\_ Lo reCl)Vcr claniagc� t � 101: tl1t' J )('r:-:c,11;1) i11_j11ri1'� lie :::11 1:fC'r<'cl. Uri cl (�r tl i � la,•: of State B 5uch 8H. I) . (> ()

<)(I. .


Tel. at 687.

F'rofessor C:ur,-ie' l1n "· expo · Ie5 · art1c ] nnc l C< t' l 11 of · !': serie ap1)r s onch ' a in . .r J)ro . 11 spec·1f1 1ea. 1·lO!! \\"ll l,} �t,ht:-!. l I as sn.rvival of actionc:-, n1arri·e d . .llra · ('(-.:. ·' 'llld \\,OlllC11l5., l'Ol l 11 . · 11crou:-- ot11ers. These and otl1er essays have � l1c cn i·ollcctccl in. •·1 1look- , ..,<>lcrtccl Essays on. (196 3). Laiu s tire Con of flic t ' . · Currie, Su.r,,1.val of 1-\ctionc;� · ·1-\<l·JU<1·ic.ation · versus Automation in. the C0�· · . te d 1n CUI'fl e·· flicl of La,,· s, 10 stan/or,l Lai,v Revieiv 205 (1 95 n 8) p , re 11 , .Selected Essays 011, tlie C onfl'.zct O f IJaws 128 (1963). . . e5 4-1 Cal1.for111a Reports'· 2ncl S.... ci .·ies 859, 264, Pacific Reporter, 2nd Seri 944. (1953).


- 34, -

:\. an actio11 co11lcl no t he maint,1i ned against tl 1e est,tte of the deceas ed. 1i tortfeaso1·; the c a i1se of action \vas sa id not to stu·vive his death. Sucl1 . a:11 action coulcl l)e maintained 1i11cler th e la,v of St ate 1\. 92 rl,he com·t , in State A .hel(l th at althot1gh the tort ,v,1s committed in State B, the ,vhetl1e1· tl1e action s1trvivell ,vas to be deter mined hy the .: : question of la1-v of State A. 'I'he decease cl \vas a 1:esiclen.t of Slate A and l1is estate '· ' 1\ as being administered tl1cre. 'l�l1e re al question was whether the·: estate of a clececlent sl1ottld be climinishecl due to the actions of the · decedent cl1.u:ing his lifetiine, and the state of the decedent's domicile, ' State A, has the onl)r interest i n 1·esolvit1g tl1at q11estion. 1

Professor Cur1·ie strongl)r agrees "''itl1 tl1e result, pointing ottt tl1at State B has no interest in protecting the estates of deceased State A domiciliaries. For the co1Lrl in State 1-\_ Lo a1)f)ly State B la,v in this case \VOttld be to stihv·crl Stale A·s o,v n 1)01icy - lo l)rotect the injt1r� ed plaintiff at the expen:;e of the decede nt's estate - \Vitl101tt aclvanc­ i11g an); policy of Sta'te B. 'f.l1ere is 110 conflict li>et,v<�en the govern­ mental interest of State �.\ ancl St,1te B;. as no govexn111cntal interest of State B is involve(.1. rrherefore, State A should apply its o,vn law; if suit ,vas brought in State B, State B s11011lcl also a1)f)ly the law of State 1.\ Lo determine ,vl1ether Ll1e actio11 sur vives, since onl)r State A has · arl); go,,crnmental inlerc::;t jn tl1e c ase. Note tl1at if the question ,vere \\·l 1ether the c1river ,-v a� Jia]Jle for tl1e acci<le11t, State B ,vot1ld l1ave an :interest in . aIJl)lyir1g its o,v11 .lal·{, si11ce iL is intereslccl i11 regulatin g conc1 uct tl1a t C)CCt11·$ \vi thi11 .it:; bore] ers. N

. o,v l(�t us 511 l)l)ose tl1at tl1e 1>Jai11tiff is a clon1iciliary of State B� \\"l l o \,,as injrn·ecl in Stat,� B }J). a State� 1\ resident \Vho c1ied. He files suit. against tl i e cstalt! j 11 Stale� A. Stale 1\. sl101tlcl 1)cr111it the action 1 1 .ot cliscri111inc1tc against 11011l t1lr sl1o h � - ti l e State 13 i>lairitiff� si rlC(:! it . ..., ,atc of tl1c cleceasecl tortfeasor · 1 e c..::t J .-1.t-. t'r ia t·· · tl· 1 ,: \ . s J-'<>. 1·c i:::ta t e 1.\, re::-11 1 · en ts. ...; · A' · ·iiljt-y· ' anfl it ,vo11lcl l)c 1111fai1· to 1 l;·1l · 1·� a · 1 sl lOll1 · <1 · Tl<)t J)C IllSll·1 a t Cf 1 · acr o' 1J:: l.f tl1ib s1.1iL arose in State. B, ·Iit l , · < · -<�� 1 ,:· • : · 1.)<'n<�r·1 l. ·t <> ,1 Jl(>.111 1 I en\- ti · 11:.: · 1 f· c t '·:tlr B 1)] air11·j[f. 1-\s j11 tl1e first l. tl it·. ,:-, () . j l "i11 () l I l d . ()f ( '0 (] f ;-('. J l ()11 1

·---- - --c .S ncl.1 a �·u 1·t 1.:lltilil l1e , q -· 9:l.

e of Ethiopia, 1r1aiutained in Ethiorlia. Civil Cod

.!\.rticle 2144 (3). . lecte(l Essays at 150 . !':urrie. '5e


.25 .., '


,. .



{ 1 I



_ .• ·:;ilttal1<)11, 1l


. 11 • .,.1..-:, <l 110 rc

10 j 11 511 lalc tl1 e estate of a State _I\. rJ 011.11c. _.1.

l1as c>l rlc) so. rl i lt t1 o · ,v A . · c 1L L· c.: ...J • . ,,·lien ] 1 arv · . easeJ ,vas a Stulc t11e clcc.. JJ� : <. in ,. ·i·c"l . 1 11 B If tl1e acc1c1 cr1t occ ... � . 1J1ary: tl1er e \.Vo A 111c clo1 . lc: �ta . . . . , 1 ,,,as . tiff ii · ) 31 1 J ulrl (101111c1l1ary·� a11c1 l 1 1c. . . . of 'r<�::t:s f 1T1l. Slate . A e11taJ 1 a1 � n111 d Statr . t l)et\Vce ; t:irro,·Pr .. 11 il· i <� lJe a confl1c j11r<�fl 1>lai11 tiff ,virile Stale ll i11 c· 1)1 t ec <JL I>r to ilt ,va d ltl \\'O • Stale _:\ '<·c:. :a:=-ecl clo111icilia r)'· In such clf it� of <: Lal c:-c tli et c)lc J)r LC) iit ��-�uicl ,va -. . 1,,..:, 1 l1at c•a<.:f1 state 111t1st J>refer its 0,111 · �::-oi· ( ., itrric· ; ,-:-•. : ro fe-.·1:) n s,t11at1011


. " l • '•f'j - l1t ir1 Stale B� tl1e cour t • 111.s. if .sttil ,verc l)rol1� ,i·c� t, \, 1 1 1· I , ll·i· L ll"'J · g_ 0\. Cl. I1 J .

,,·ou1d aJ>I>I)' Stale B la,v n11(I J1c,l,I I l1al l11c s11it cotrlcl 1101 l)e n1aintaiur l1 L it1 St::ilc .!\; 9,! State .!\. ,,·011.lcl aJ)p]y its Ja, rot1: l > ,..-ere suit f'd. If ar1,I alJo,v 1l1c s11 it . <.J.i /\ri()tlier co11flict \Voul<l ari::;c ,,·J1crc tl1c aceirlc11t tool{ IJlace i 11 Stale J\, tl1c· 11ln1i1tiJT ,,:;.1..:; a Stat<' :\ <l<)111ic:iliar)·- a11c] Ll1c <lecede11t ,\'as a 1

StJlc B ,,0111ici1inr1° . If �uit i,; l1rot1gl1t 111 State A; il ,\'ill a1J1}l); its Jaw a11•.1 1 1. er.n1it il1e :3t1il� ·if sr111 i::: i.>ro · L1gl1t i11 State B: it ,vil] a111JJJ; its Jaw ti ri d ( I ·i c::111 is s t 1, e s u. l t. 9 6 . 'l t·· 1. , .· ,. '1.'1] ;, .1··1 ·1 '1 ·1 ,.. ,� • 1·• l I 11J..l c, r c i rcr1111 �la 11 cc.s ,v 01Llcl be "''l1ere tl1e acd· <lc-111. ()CCtir:� ir1 �)!;1!(' /j'. �iJid )j(j[l1 Ll1c iJl3i.::1tjff a11cl tl1e c]ccc(lent are Stale ...

. ,._



,, -'.(



11 (lc,111ic.ilinrieE-:. 1-ferc Sl:1lf' ."t's in l)ro,,iding co1DJ)CI1 �ation for ar! injurP<I 11c,n-ri:-·�it1<'lll ' 17 \\'011lcl l)e ot1l,veigl 1ed ] Jy Stale B�s i 11terestiu

decidi11g ,vl1ctl1cr a11 i11jtt1·ctl State B J)lai11tiff or tl1 c estale ,of a StateB , sl1ol1lcl l>e l)l'<:fcrrec.l. 'J'l1cre is 110 real conflict� a11d State B 1a,v s.11ot1l<.l lie aririlic- cl. '!'his ,-,itua ti <Hi i:- llf>l li].;.ely lo ari ::: e i1 1 Etlr io[)'ia. It ,vould in a conuuon


l:i,v state, 11_ 1 ce co 1nn 1 011 la\,· slates of per· tak ba e sis ju ris tl1e dic on � tio n _ i11 tl1e soua l serv1ce '\\ '1Lh state. Also, if tl1 e defenda11t ,vo1tld have pro· _ pcrt y in the :,;late, there ,vonlcl ])e quasi in. reni j11risdiction, that is, based _ 0 11 its 1,o,,·er ver the propcrt·y, tl1c foru1n ,vould take jurisdiction over ? 1 '. personal cla111; �11cl give jl1 dg1 11ent to t l1 e extent of the property local � 111 �lie . statc. Ne1tl1cr t)'l)e of j 1 1risdictio11 aJ)pears to be empl oyed in Etl11op1ll.

l_r the case ,v e rc brou�l11.: i11 a tl1 ird state (assuming jurisdic tion), state has 11

0 r easo11 to prefer t l1e go e, sta t r eit l1e ve rn m .of in en te ta re l st t. ,l'llll Ile contended tl1at it sl1 ould di t, then sm s h do is ca se If e . t it es no 11 slioul d proll llly 3 llJlly tl1 e la,,, of tl1e state tl1 at coincides ,vith its 0':°' � . , , CScc � he disclissio11 of Su<'l1 a situation 121 i 11 C 11rr ie.· Selecte<l Essays a t 120· ' urr1e, Selectecl Essays at 150. 1 t c an be contended tl1at tl1e state ,vl1ere a 110 11-resident ,vas injured b� ; _ a 1 n erest i 11 seeing tl1nt l1e olltai11 a compensation. He .111ay l1ave incur. � � � e 1 ts t•bere for medical c , l1os1lital a11d otl1 er Sltcb expe11ses.


96. 97.


- 36-

U11clcr tJ1is tl1cor)r tl1c rc�. tt.Lt i11 �Olllf' ea�('; \fil.l nd iriit.tcclly clcJ)Ctitl 011 the fo1�1,1n j,1 ,\� l1icl1 Sl1.jt is l)ro1.1gl1t. B rit , :.,15 ,vc J 1a,,e 1ointccl o _ tit l rc ealecll )' · 1 t:J 11s ,vill l1ap1) e11 1111cler ar1y p Ll 1 eo1-y� si 11 ce cliffere 11t sta tes ,vill l1a,,e. clif.'crcnt cl1oice of Ja,v r t 1le� _ tl i c-)r \\rj]] clisagi·c c as to · ,vllat state has tl1e 1) 0,�cr to create a rigJ11 i11 a f)articr1Jar C'asc. U 11ifo rmit\' t a re 11 il alil;'tica.lly· ca1111 ot, l)c acl1 l1�s 11o . 1cvecl. 0 11:ce tl 1 is is reoog11izecl, there j5 no- rcaso11 ,v]1y tl1 e forli111 sl1ol1lcl sa cri fice i ts stro11g polic ies and go ,·er11 1uc11tnl 1r1lerests. Slate i11tcre st� co11flicl in tl1e .area of pri,·ate la,v jt1st ns tl1c.�y flo jn tl1e nrea of i 11 ler11at.io11a l 1.·e]ations. Under tJ1is tl 1co.:.y0 eacJ 1 stale .is left f rce to J)t1rsr1e its governme11tal interest anrl J ) res-r! 1 11al)l)r 1vill rec1)bri1izc t.l1c st11)erior govermnental intrre�l of a11otl1er state 111 a }) l"O >: er case. J JJrofessor Ct1rric: a� ,re 11.. t,"e said, J1as aclclressecl l 1 i1uself to tl1Q qucstior1 of tl1c l)asic Ia,v ani:1 like l) rofcss-or :EJ1rer1z,veig, has concl11ded thal L}1e llasic- la,v i.s Ll1e le.r. fori. I-le .illt1strates tl 1is J>ropositio11 )J y a consi(leration of tl1e ease of ff/n/to,z ·v . ._1.lrabia.11, ,4,rierica,i Oil Co. 98 rn 1l1 at case tl1e J.l°Iai11tiff .,·as a 11 1\111erica11 cilizer1 residing i11 Sa11cli 1\ral)ia. ancl tl1e (lefe 1 1cla11t ,vas ar.1 J.\.111crica11 co1·1Jo1·atio11 rloi11g lJl1siness there. 'I'l1e J)1aintiff \\·a s i11j11rc,l lJ) a ,,cl1iclc clri,,er1 ]J y tl1c ilefe11clant's c-u1r)lo_yec i11 Sa11cli f\rabia. St1it ,,,ai:- IJrot1gl1t agai11sl tl1e defenclant in :.\c,v 1- ork. ,vl1erc it \\'as i11corr>oralei:l. No IJroof ,vas i11Lrocl11ced as to the coritc 11 t ciJ l1ie Sa 11cli _.t\.ral)1a11 Ja\ev t11at ,vot1lcl IJc i.1JJI)licable in s11cl1 n ea�c. '1�1,c cotii-l J 1 elcl tl1at sir.1cc tl1c tort occttrrccl i11 Sa11<li AralJia, . .i\1·alJia11 la,v. lnasn1t1cl1 t I1 c p1 n ·1nt 1·1··r� s .r.1- g1 1t-:: � .1.·r ,a11,, ; � ai·oc;;e ,. t111tle1· · - · Sa11cli • . ..., • . 1111dcr �al1cl1 AralJ1 a11 la,v to - 1} 1<1, t l i· e, J i ,·icl a ri11l1l n� j 1,· l.a1·1 erl t. o ::;-l 10,. ..... ·· o . J'('('OYCr c.l!!UJn�l l l lC rI C 1· C'11(1 dl] · t·., tlic/ .:;"11 i L \Vas· clis111issecl. . . FJ ro ['... '. tlic · lt . i 11 t11al cast�, SU)iI 11 g that tl1e · , rf'�u es�o.r C11rr1e c11 ,. , .:-. ·· t· 1· ,..J.Z< . · • ·c.- � <.J 11 ··cr.r) 1 t..:· - tl1eOr)r a11d tl1a t tl1e lex Jori rrsul.L ,vas ll1ctatccl JJ)' tl1c '«::--l< . . · it;::cl . . f.'' 99 I-Ie contend . s t hat. ·...:Lc-rii ,va� di�J)lacc c1 ])y Ll1c '"] og1c o. f l J ic .... ,, . .. . � 1ot1Id decide , . t I )C ·[c)re,· !!IJ �- la\r 15, l]1c cot11.t sl d lhrrc 1� r10 J )rc>of <>. f .',\·l ldt . ·� .11e 1a ¥,r Of t·lle · r . t 1:, ,, a 1 C 1 :3· a I) le 'fl ". a'\ I tl1e ea�c arcord1r1g Lo it::; . ·- 0'' n . the st1J._ that rc L 1JC COllI·t 111 c1� 1e \\·) · / ' 1 l . J . r fo un1: it ::<l1<J-i1lr] l,c rl1.�1)Jacc, < ll Y eals, .11pp rt of Cou es ,Stat cl ,iite [l ( 11 ,� ,> . s ic S er •· l 1< 21 . 98. 233 f'e<lera l I{ e.portcr, 2ncl Circuit 1 S;56). .• ·1acen.ic-n to f t11· the Forum, 58 Colu nibia Laiv <,f . I, J,1" I 99. (�urric, 011 the· D1.-:1) _ s 011. tlze Con/ 1ct ofLazus say Es e<l ,ct . s· . 1 r, e , in <l tc in Jr 1� eviei<· 96:1, (. t. 9S· r,0,l, rP.I 1 (1963). 7

- 37 -


I_ I t l



,I, .

, '

e parties deman ds t11 to ss ne ir fa .0, . c t. . .:ta . th\1s . o tl1 c r. � . . 1Le1..e-. ::,t o f ,1n • . ]>Crro . r 1r . . . . _ • • .: t ha ,v e tl1 f of oo f>l r fo 1s no e1 0 i la'\\_ c cr tl1 'I' e er . i l v ,\ 1s l· 1t . . L en m . J.acc ] cJ1�J . . . _. _ of: tl1 1 e n ru fo 1. The hurd , v. la . . e t.11 . . ce )la iSJ cl · to . on as 1:e en 1-::. L I1ere 1s no _ . '\\' IS ,O_ll the p ,ai�ty who Seeh la '. l gi j � i· fo . <� tll cJf e 11c of J}ro,ri 11 g tl 1 c existe se sucJ1 ::ts fr/alton t1iecolU1 c.a . a .I.11 . ri Jo /ex · e th f· o I]1 c d1sp 1aceme11t . _ . . tl1c� clefencla11t - ·,v-110 ,,ranted to cc :;in v la, rl· 1-o · ,, , '; NTe ·· y J) ] p ,,,o t11c 1 a _ ,. 1e theOl" )' is that fJ S. \\'a It 1al \\·] ' O\\ sh t<) t'J jlc fa V \ la: ,11 , reJ.,r 011 forcir l at 11 ed rd f fo lie af e 1: th c tl1 1l l)r l:=:, ro 11l eo y aw 11 1 � Ja,v of tli e for11111 r to take rt) [Ja ted ec aff c 1l1 of cc accoUl)t ,vill J)e sllHJJecl at tlic i.rt!:-'l ar1 1 11(:�_re no st1cl1 cle1nand has ]Jeen made \\ or ir. sta 1• 1e ot] an v of L] 1 e Ja, of .0:[ foreign la,v is not i11trod11cecl� tl1e cou1·t sl1011ld clecide the case of )ro 1 ;1<·corclir1g to tl1e lex Jori, aF 11 ,\·011lcl �111y otl1er. 0'h 1

1�I1c e�sc11tial ele111c11r.:: n[ Ll1e. tl·1eories of lex fo1·i, governmental i11Leresl anc. l. Iocal la,v ca11 l>f' syr J1tl1esized. i11to a si11gle tJ1eory. The !ia�ic Ja,v .is tl1c la,v oJ tl1e Jor11ru. J11 certain circu1ustances the courl of' Ll1e forr,111 ,,vill 11se foreig-11 Jr1,v a. '3 a 1noclcl for tl1e 1"1.1le of decision i11 the l)arlict11a1· case. :\. IJarL�, ,visl1 ing lo 1·e]y on f,01·eign la,v muEl sJ10,v tl1e co11.tent of the .la,v a11cl JJerstiafJe tl1e corzrt of the forum that tl1c lex fori sl101tlcl ]Je llis1Jlacc<l. \Vl1en s11cl 1 a clemand is made, the (;Ollrt ,vill do, the follo,vi11�. l?irst it ,,,ill deterrniue ,vhetl1 er there is ac_;l.t1all)" a co1.1ilict ]Jel.\\'<'CJJ tl1c la,v- of tl1 e fo171 1u and the la,v of the ;::Late or states ,vl1ose la,v .i;:; :::oug]1L to l) e usecl <lS a 1nod.el (1·eferred to as tl1<; loc11s). 'J'l 1e fort1111 111t;::-t 1Jtec1ict 110 ,, tJ 1e co11r·ts of tl1e locu5 \VOttld clecicle this ve1�" ca:=:c�� Ll·1at is. ,vl1 etl1er the)' ,,,01. 1]d appl); their o,vn la,v or ,vl1ether tl1e)r ,,·011ld a l}l)l:" tl 1 e la, " of the for11n1. \ 100 If 0

100. Tl1c fuel tl1aL the foru111·s clioice of Ja,v _ ntle may look t:o the locus would he rel�vani 111 the foru111's Jlredictio11 as to ,vhetber the locus ,vo� apr,Jy its o,,ri L 1"' or till! la,," of tl1e forruu. 011 nv re e th m of le 1 l ob is T llr _ . to be d1s cussccl 111 Jra, <loe,; not clctract frou1 the facu that the fornlll n,nst 11ud�e tliis llredict1011. It. 111ust pre dict ,vl1 etl1 er in ligb.t of tlie foci ih at lie fornnt's cltoi ·c of la,v rule ,vould us loc loo l�s the loc t _ � o e us cl 1 , ;:-Lill ,ippl� t.lie fortln1;s substal1tive la,v. Where tl1e forum has no otber c�riLa ,.·� ,vitli_ �lie < asc except tll al. suit is brougl1t tl1 ere, e.g., the deJ et: : ,lant is doruicilccl 111 I.lie for11m, th e co11rt of th e for11n1 m ust ask ,vhet b� the locus \VOU}d ..1{)1J}v its O\•rn '.u. Ja < ,v or t hall of th e th.1r d stale· If JI con · T_l�C tcts t�1at tl1e locus , apply its no is o,vn la,v-, then there _ Il1ct. , If it predic ts tl1at tl1e loc11s ,v-ould apply the la,v of a thir d stat� _ tl 1� n there is th no reaso11 ,vl1y tl1e forunt should r the Ia,r of -r. l not app .) t b 1rd state.


- 38-

l s of tlte loe:i.1s ,vo 'rl(l apJ).l)· tllC' la,v o.f tl1(� forttm to ,lecicle tlris c-otirf : tl,e cr�,r case.• tlien tl1e1·e ii no· conflict l)et,veen t11c Ia,v of the fo1·um a11ll tl 1P- la,v of tl1 e loc1,,s, ancl tl1e la,v of tl1e .forl11n $1 10111 (1 11:nt ]) e clisplaced. ,


1[ tl1e fo1�t1111 p1·eclict8: tJ1at t11e ]octt� ,voTtlll not ap'})ly the law of in ·tlie c.:tse, tl1e11 tl1erc is a conJlict of la,vs. Iu a sit[ta­ 1.l1c for1u11 ,

Li on tl1c Jo.r1.1.111 11111st clecicle ,,,l1etl1cr fair11ess t:o tl1c..� parties or the s111)e 1·io1· go,;er111ner.1lal interest of tl1e loctis llen1a11cls tl1 at tl1 e lex Jori : }le dis1)lacecl. \Vl1erc Ll1crc. i� 11 eo1ulict l1ct,veen tl1 e gove1:nmental i11terest of the f or1un ancl tl1e go,,er1u11ental intereEt of the locl1s, tJ1e fortun 1-vill pref er its 01'\'ll go,,e1"1.u11ental i11terest. \V.h.e:re the £01,m.1 fi11cls that fajrness to tl1e J)arties or the SlllJerior governmet1tal interest of tl1e loc11s 1·eqt1ir�$ tl1e displncen1ent of tl1e lex fori, it ,vill i1se the foreign lnlv, in 1-vl1ole oi· in llnrt� as a m-oclel f: o1· tl1e 1Nt1le ·o:f clecisiron i11 tl1e 1Ja1�tic11Jar case. rfl1is a J_)l)roacl1 is JJolicy-oriented ancl m.akes no ,: aLten1pt to formt1latc t1ni,1ersal cho roach ice of la,v r11le$. is tl1is app It , 1l1at I sl1a]1 ad,,ocatc. for a1loptiot1 111 Etl1jopia.

7·1,e Rel(1tio11sl1iz,

Br? tLc<?('11

tl1<? Co11,flict of

Lr11vs a11,(l


11a,tional La1v.


! f



--- - · n �· ,-o. 11111''1 r1v, ,llll. I a,. ,._..,, J_ . • 1nr: lr oc of the I.a\',' o.f i'\iations .D < < f.r11v Rei:ie11; 189. 1 )2 1 J )4-2 l ·

r· ra, note '·. 1l l O. ... I ,::>up



'l'L1 c la,,- cleali11 g ,vith tl1e conflict of Ja,,,s is frec1t1e11tly 1·efen·ed to as part of 1)ri,.-ate international la,v ( tl1e otl1er ruajor l)ru.·t of p1-ivatt1 i 11teriJatio11al lai..v i1 1vol,,es the jl1ri�clictio11 of co11rts and foreign jt1dg111c11ts). From tl1e earliest clc,-elo1)111ent of 'tl1e conflict of la,vs, the1·e J 1 n;:, JJ ee 11 a11 j 11 teriiatio11a1 fla,,or �11rr<.)1111(li11g it. Before ler11,ing 011r ..: l·e�, a,· to tl1e 11at1Lre of tl1e conflict of· la,vs, 11 n c>l' . t'li.e· t·}·i.""C>I' · l era t·) C(1n:::;1< ·,ve :--J1011Jrl corisi cler tl l(� l)reci�(� re.lalionsl111) l)et,vee11 tl1e conflict . of 1a,v3 an(l I>Ul) lic interri�tio112l .la,v. Ear; lie -r ': e sa,v tl1at. Sa�gny tu.aiil t'aj 11 cc] tliat statf'-:. ,,-ere l>o1111cl 1>)" 111·i11ciples of J)lUJl1c mt�r­ 1e nat�o ality Tl 101 . les r11 l::lic 11f co r iit fii clc · iJ1y ap to � national law . )ilC mter. J. 111 a)- ,'l·.1 ,,-o 1 -,e· �a , ' ·, r'I to l1a1'C principles of prU ·n · 1 1· 1eo1,., or· ·1\r .!.i ' anc1. • - -···


N · 1n1• Tl1c Rise a11d Decline • n::;s• bat · L I )f' ,on fl"JC t O f La\VS' 42 C,0 zllm b l(l

i·i·v · 't·

Il l

- 39 -



. Otl(� .,.,,ritc.r l1as co11lended tJ1at in t ]02 . ,..; asi J 1 he . .. uaLior1al la,v a5 its r>r1vate 1 11tcrnational 1 t. tJ1n .18-,()-.I(;,¾>:>() 1 io1 riot e i Ll > a,r 1,crio<.I fro111 . 11unant. 103 Thi s clo e 111 ca J)e s on ti 11a of ,r ,va�" I1a.s 1·ts •·... o ot:-.,: 1· 11 tl i c Ja rer. t.J1 ot 1g l1 tl.1e Ja1-v , 1vc of J10 · , . l ,11 , j,1r , . • rJ! nati'on.g o · · . c • e Li l 1 ) 1 <. o � . 1 )' . · r , jJ::Irt.1. ct1·1a . 1- olcl i1 1 A11g lo -A111erica11 la '\\', th tl o fr aJ re a l e< ir <Ju e (loctrine 11e,;cr ac 1 an al o go t1s. 10 4, ) el rJ.:< cl is fl. cli l1 1 ic l ,·e�tecl rigl1 ts tlicor)"� ,v ,vere factors 111iljtating re 1J1c ', or) tl1c s tl1i of e nc itic i1.1f e i tJ tc sJJi De cJ octrine as tl1e }1asis of ngai118 t frill :1cccJita 1 i<·c or tli,� Ja,,· c,f natio11s es lici ,vl1 ich are im. 1>o 1g icir rif sac ist res te� Sta . · ·. 'la,, of t flic c 11 t o e: tl r t ,ve o sh ape their J)o tl1c ng ici rif sac i�t rc�s 'r thf ftrr 1 a11, 11 i tllc I>Orlant lo \\1 !1:!1· tl1is 111t1sl l)c '. <lo11c i11 tl1c area of J)t1l>lic international 0,r1 1 1a,v. i:1,r - . to J>ri'·',Cl''.'C l>l"OflCr refntiOllS J)f�t\VCCll Slates - COllrts are }es� lil<el ;i' t.o do S(> i11 1l1c (:..1�t: c1 [ 1>·ri,,ate litiga11ts. ]Vforeo,·er, each nation tl1ir!l<:s ll1nt i!;-; ,11Jill'C)Hcl1 to 1l1c confiicL <)f la,,'s is tl1c sot1ncl est; there i� tltc: do11gf'r ll1c!t n stale \\·,i ll cr11l.1oc1 1• its 11atio11al ,,je,vpoint in rules . fif tl1c .co11J !ic1 uf !:.1,r:-: 1111i.'lcr i!ir.'' 1)rctc11:::e tl1at tl1esc rules are dictated ;,,, t11c 1:.l,v ul' 11aLior,'-- .. l!l.'i ;\_?1ollil�r :--lat(; iR Joatl1 to accept st1cl1 n1les ·,,·l1('!l Ll1c', �;r,' int:1)11:-;i�l1'r1 L 1.vitl1. il� 11atic111a] ,·ie,\-J)oint. Al] of thii i11a:; c::{1)l:1in ,·, !1y u11iforn, riiJr,.3 of tl1c C()11fl1ct of la,vs l1a,,e never been �1 £·hicvc.c1. '[.lie ciccli11r- (>f tli<' 1::i,v l)f 1 1 atio11:� cloclri11 c l1as l> een graphi, 1.·al[ 1, illtt.slr�tcd l}y ·rr·of f'::--::or ?-,; 1!::;::;l)au1J1. 106 ar1 cl tocl a,, it ca11 11 ot ])e said •' tl1nt il1c co11flicL or lo,v:: i :; a r>art of 1)11ll lic i 11ter 11ational la,v. 'l'J1is (lof's 11-·.:t 1111·2.11. l10,vc,·<'r. tl1at t l1erf' i 5 no rt�latio11s}1i1J ]1et,\'CCn

tl1 c t,v( > ar(�a-- of la,v. ()nr' a11tl1c.1r lia:-. cc.111tendecl tl1 at tl1ere is a rela· tio11sl1i1) !Jet,,·,'e11 the · 11or111::: or }.ltli)lic i11tcr11atio11al la,v and JJrivate i Il IC rJ1 a I i (Ir1 �) ·1 1 ::t ,v. l O � �\or1r1:-; of Jlri,·att� i11ter11at.io11al la,v are tho se 102. Nussl_1auu1, icl. al 192.19�. �t�e a � a l !'O tl 1 e clisct1ssio11 in Battifo], sup�' note 37. ) N1'ussl)a i iri, i<l. al 19 ,1,_ 1-Ic 1>oi 11 t:s ·, Ii • out tl1at at tl1is time 11early all of � t 1c "·r1Ler;; csJ>ou-:, l ti · s ere· · ' -Cc J, ll' le f <1,,, em o t nation Amon conce " pt. h ) \'\'ei. �s, . l .ille · t ai1 cl Ilnrl i11 in Fr GennanYi a1 ce; in vo n Ba Zit r elm an a; d 1 .� ;- ,·10 1_ ; a' _ .iri Italy; <� )ic na 1 Jitta in Hollancl; La11rent i 11 Belgium; Broche r ! � <llJC h1 et 1 ir t S,,,.1t zerlar1d. l 0,1.. l<.l. ac 198. l 05. l<l. at 203. 106. lcl. at 203-206. 107. Stevenson 1'he Rcl'.1t·o 11 · In· · lic f I 1 · Puh to ,, La, l 1 ona r te 1ati t er1 Int s. _1). o I' 1va tcrnationnl L·a,-,,, ·c2 ,) ' C 0 , lln 1b1a Law Rev ieiv 561, 567 (1952). •J



- 4-0 -

tlial are az ) l)l iccl I))' i11 ter11atio11al, trjl>t111als ,vJ 1 e11 tl1 e,, arc Jncecl ,vitl1 s1�c]1 1:iuestio :us, i)11t tl1cse 11or111s arc 1101. 1 Ji l1 cling tIIJ�n tI 1e co-111�ts of · a11y state. JOU St1cl1 11or1ns arc tl1t1s co11.s1 (lcrccl a .[Jart c1:f IJt1'1) ] ic -i 11 l.cr11atic} Ja,v. 1'11c a1ctl1.or ft 1r tl 1e r eo11tc11(13 1:l 1 at. a·1 1 r1or 111s oJ _)ri,,ate ] i11ter11atio11al Ia,v aJ)IJliecl in cases ,v l1ere ,tt least 0 11e )arty is a natio11a1 1 of a foreign state l1a,,e tl1cir co r1t en t tlete.r111inccl to �0111e cxte11t 1J v •' 11orn1s of pt11Jlic international la,v. 109 �I'l 1 e 01 · Cfttestior1 is Ll1c d.egree of :-1) ce;ificil)'· I-Iis concJ11sio11 is as follo,vs: ,vl1ere tl1 e co1 · 1tc11 l of tl1 c 11or111 of J.>t1l,lic internatio11nl la,v is ic1C'r1tical ,vi t.1 1 tl 1 e 11orn1 c1f [lrivatC' internatio11nl laiv tl1at is applic<1, tl1erc i. s eitl1er a clircel a1)t)licatiot1 of a 11or1n of J)11l)ljc inlern,1Lional Ja,v or or1e of 1111111ici1)al la,v iclc11ti cal ' i11 co1 1te nt 1vitl1 a 11orn1 ,of JJt1lJlic i11t er11atior1al la,v; 1'v11e.11 011c -of tl,e IJarties is a 11atio11al of a forcig11 state, J.Jlt1 Jlic ·i11Ler11atio11al la·,v aets lin1its of rea�o11a])le11ess ll})On tl1c 11or111 of f)rj,,ate int.ernat.io11al ]a,v tl1at is en1plO)'ecl. 110

"\Vl1ile I ell, JJOl llCcessaril)r clisagrec ,vitl1 tl1c$e ol)sc1,,atio11 s, I a111 ·not Sltre tl1at I ::ee tl 1 eir real s.ig11ifica11cc as rcgartls t] 1 e aJJJ.}roacl1 tl,at sl10,1Ll(l lJe take11 t. o,var<.l tl1c conflict c>f la,v:::. 'I'o s0111c exter1t JJotl1 J)rival'c anr.l i.JLl1)1ic i11lcr11atio11al lu,v sle111 fro111 Ll,c san1e J.llJr. JJOSC to rca11latc i11terc:011r�e ar1<J relalio 11 :; l.lcL,vcer1 states a11d J)erso11s <Jf different :-5lates i.11 aceorcla11cc '"it]1 legal 1)r.i11 ci1)]cs. B11t tl·,erc tl1e �i111ilarity· enrLs. Certain J)ri11ci 1)lcs 11�1,'e t1ti.lil)' i11 rcg1.1lati11 g Ll1c r�la­ tio11s l iel",..·ee 11 stales; J}rinci1)lc� arr :1(l])lica1>1c to rcgt1.lat111g rC'latioiis l lct,vce 11 in(li,,icltials on]), to tl1c cxt.enl tl 1at 0111� state is affect­ i::,

C(l I'> \. aJlotJ i er state\, Lreat111cnt of it:-=. 11 atio11 als or of cYe11ts t_l1 at oc·t . · · ,i r"c]o f o-o,,c xic·1 · .1ts lcrr1 01>. 1)·· currc( lt} 11n " - ·' ll, . r11111 cnta l interest . I \\ · .., , Ll1c o · . . aprirciacll _ , ,:l i il i : rcjcct.ir1g: rt1lc."' c>f cor�flict of la,v s lJi1�cli1�g �n all ·�i-clc " · ..,· 1.l1t� .111Lcrests of state:, ao ,vell as ,. .. , (loe ::-.. ,·on --talP:- - ll()I1Ct} lC 1· <:.:-:-::-� - · - · · · 111 · g at . ,_- oJ 11 t 1· ci 11 .:- to co1 1fl if'l .'- 1:ircl)lc111s. 111 a se11sc 1nr11 \' 1 d.u a Is 111 arr rv ·.. c.1 (>· ::--r. .. 1- l rJ t } 1 c. I) ti I· I >ORC' ol' 1.>11l)lic i11 tcr11at1011al la,v. :-u c I 1 a11 a I I J > ro· acl1 1 �

y acall 1er ,v ger 110 is it l tl1a is ) cr 111l · 11(· i·c·1 t ·· · · 1 ::· , · · 1111 ·c t 13 1, t I . ,, . . l c a 1 1t· l · · 1 sta 1 ( a · . o.e c 1 .n,v tl1c of )arl 1. a l , ---� ('CJ1lcd tl1al 1.11<� c<)r1 JJ1ct <>-1·1 <1\v::-, ll I e

J l) 1 r1

103. l<L. at 567-574. 109. lcl. at' 577.

. ..

11 fJ, / r.l, at S 79.

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gh .;; 0 1nc. tl1eori·liL� t1. 1o >tl n ,;e ]� ,. , , la al n . oI 1>11JJ 1·1<.. i11lcrr1·•1tio . v rt lJa . 11ot a 1 oicc o f .La,- , t]Jey do 11ot 110,r ; cl to s a .s c 1l rL · r1·iclj 11 g co11.te11cl for ,ovc Jrinci J)les of p tllJlic i nte I ie tl )' ]) c] rc i ri r. cr re is c c oi 1 cl 1 I 1c ::=-1 l at t. 1 co11tencl 11roceeLl lo ]J11t co11 f]jr...,� n 1c tl y 1c, ,. 1a 11 <.' ,v · . is • 1 tl t l i • .;;" . ou 1 1•1 ,., ,, o . . I , I· .. . , nat1ona I .I·a,,. ,vl1 icl1 : is sin111ly that: , ,c i, ct ,e s1 er Jl l a 11 o ti a 11 of la,v in its l)l'OJ)Cr j 11ter n1 11111st co11sider f 11 or 1c Ll , se ca a 1 i1 1L e1 elem ,vllere tli erc is a foreign 1e� is tl1e mosl n o 'l, 1. v1 o, s it as il ve · , ,ts ilie i iitcrcst:3 of otli cr states ,;; !1 i JJ llC'L\,'een tl 1e conflict · of la,vs and 1 o1 Li 'la re e �igi1 ificnnt asJJC(�t of L) 1 1iu] ) lic Ia,,·. tl1e varir01lS theori� il ta de e 111 :::-0 i11 �cl 11<: 11i a1 cx ,c a, 1 No,v Lli at ,· vt� l ay 111·oceed to consider e n1 ,v ':: ,,, la t of ic fl 1 >r cc e tl1 of re as to tl1 e 11altt t of lal•t"s in Etlriopia . lic ni co e tl1 cl ar ,v to �11 l(< ta lie l 1lc ol sl 1 ,vl1 at a1)t)roacl 1


TiiE APPROA.CH TOWARD THE CONFLIC1' OF LAWS IN ETHIOPIA 'J'.l1c ,lt11>roacl1 l l1,1t i., tuJ.;:c-11 L<)\\'ar<1 ll1e co11flict of la,\'s in Etl1iopia i11 tl1c Jl13llf'r of l'Otlificatio11 of Ll1c- c:011fJicL of la,rt. · ,rill 1)e rcf.l.c(-;tcil 1\s ,vc i::a¥t car]ie1·, 111 tl1c clrai'L sectio11 011 tl1e co11flict of la,vs 11'as rcjectecl l)y t11c Coclificatio11 Co1.11111issio11. If a sccti011 on tl1e c.ouflict of la,,rs ,,ritl1. <:letailccl. rr,le::-; for C\iCI")- ca5e is to l J c acl O JJle(l, tl1.en iL 1uusl l)c li)cea11sc� l�tl1ioJ) ia j::; (·0D111ri to a ;;rigl 1 t!,'' t .�;J >C a1)1Yroacb. 11 2 _ -"\ ··goverr1111 c 11 tal i11tcr<'�I�: H])J>ro,1cl 1 ,rot,l <l r-a11 for tl1e rejection of ::- �ri ('t rule� .1ll<I tile' a<ICi jJliOll of Ill} 11101"(' tl1a11 a ] .}l"Oftll1)-·l)l 1ra..5ecl coJe. . µ: i ,"111 g tl1 c COllrt a g:oo<.l clcal of disci.-etion in au individ 11 al ca:::e., tl1ough . . <·011t:11r1111g; SJJecific Ilro,,i,;;i I:, Lo ... ·o ns deal'mg W1.'th ,vh en E1 tl11op· . 1· a11 l a,\' ·. . 1'. . . l)(· U})J)lJC(] cltlC lo }-;' t i llOj)ILl '· ·. . . � g:o,· 111terest. �rl1c qi.1cst1on � ,vliicl1 llJ)J)roael1 i :-.· lll · ()l'(' �ll'Ila · l) 1· (' fOr }•:t]1io1)iU. •


11 l. See the dis,··u,,.,,iou ' ·s·i ' iir · i'· 1101C _1 • al\tl llct·orr1pa11ying text. . 112. Sec, Jo 311··:• r �x:1n1r1le� th,'- 1.,r�po:;e<- 1 F•re11cl1 · J· ol ronflicl code 011 .1J1e r:· drafted 1n ea · J,,11.gc part ll v· J.ll. O fessor N app n versio 1 o·yet. An E11 ::,crlisl1. · 'b .in J An1er1·.. . tb e ,vhole. <.a11- 1 o11rnf!/ of Con.i parative On . . L · acrordi 1l "'.-. l 0 1.>· 1.o,rue,..:or ·linbeI, 1110 t E aiv 40,1,-432 · (1952). . s ave "he eJl ur.01}ea11 c.o·di.fjcatlon � !:-'.atisficcl to fornlula�� �. .'. _ _ . � i �: . tern zecl 011111' ts 1 ule::> 111 \'erv l)road a11d c:enerali � · · ]{ · abel ' SLL(Jl'a , 110le I6 at 100. 1

- 42 -


·------ ----------------------.

'fo a1:iB,ver tl1is ql1e::;tio11, le L tts first loo , k: to , the c:irctt111slar1cc� in 1\'11jcl 1 tl1e cot1rt� of · Etl1iOJ)ia ,vill tak . e j11risclictio11 to b . e n r ,l cae-e. : Conm1on l ..1,\� states take j t1risc liction basecl solelv 011 tl 1 e fac . l. tl1 at a ., . defenda11t l1 a s 1)een . ser,;ecl ,vitl.1 process i1 1 t.l1e slate. · TJ1 t1s. if a clo1niciliary of State ... i.\ ., ,rhile ten1J}Oraril), })re5ent in State B, is servcfl ,v.itl1 pr,ocess tl1e1·e, l1e is s11bject lo s11i t i1 1 tJ1e coTtrts of State B, e,re n tl1011gl:1 a ll ·Ll1e e,,ents 1uay ha-v·e occt1.r1·ecl in Stale A o,r Stat(� C. 11:3 1:' l,e tl 1 eory : i s that a state tl1at has tl1e po-iuer to s11bject a 1)erso11 to its juclicial IJro,cess l1,1s j11riscUctio11 to clo , so. lJ,J 'fl1·is co11ce1)t of jt1risd iction has ]Jeen severely c1·iticizecl. 11 5 ar1cl it gi, es 1·.ise to a 11t1ml) er of co11:flicts I)roblems, since ,,e1-y ofte11 tl1e clefcnclant ,vi]l 11.a ,'e l1acl 110 connect1011 , th e forum except tl1at lie is st1ecl tl1 ere. 111 s11cl1 �1 case tl1e1·e is no cyt1.estion of tl1e f<Yn11n's apJ)lying it5-' o,v11 s11l)s tar1tive la ,v, as it l1as no contact ,-vith tl1c tran$action. 116 1

In ci,ril la,v str1tes� jt:i. is<JicLio11 l1111sl rest <.)11 111cJre st1l ) E, tarlilial 117 Wl1ere tl1e operati,·e e,rents l1ap1)e11ecl 0L1tside tl1e 2r0Lu1ds. �· forLt111, civil la,v co1trt� '\-vill Oill)' take j11riscliclion o,'er a <lefenclaut ,vl10 is a ciLizen of tl1e fo1·L1111 :::talc 01· clo111icileil tl1ere.. 118 Otl1cr·,,rise, tl1ey ,vill



113. See Perino')·er v. 1Vef], 95 Uriitecl States Reports, Sup , renze C�urt 71<1 (187�) ; _ Fisher v. Fielcling, 67 Connecticut ReJJorts 9!, 34 /ltlantic Re1,orter 114(1895). See also the disCTI$Sion in Bro,v?,, Vestal ancl J..,acld, Cases ancl 111aterials on Pleadirig anll Proceclure 1-o (1953): � · Of this po1"11t l>y· Justi·· ·e llolmes 11 :1. !::iec th e a·ISC1.l5EIOU · 1n "jllcD011ald ·v. iv!abee, c -9.,.I."13 Unz ·ted States Reports, Supreme Cortrt 90 (19� 7): . . , 65 Yale Lau; · The 115. El Tr"n"i .., 1renZ'\v·e:1g, . " ., ·ent Rule of per,::;ona 1 Jur1scl1ctlon ]o�i·nal 289 (1956_) . _ l, it� su] J :;l.intive la," to lhe decision of 116. mean� tl1�1t Jt do �s �101.J - - ri,•ht and local la,-v tl1eorics the :ipp io"� t- 1r� the case:·· l:nder the. l 11 '!l1 ,.- lOnlo · · state · Ia,v o f· a nother 1ve ::; 1stant 1 . l ,1 t -Snn· the sn. _ 1� ·. forum 1s apJ)ly·111g .cl�' . ; f�C'i;ion i 1 1 tl 1 e pnrlicular case. I11 tl1e a !I a n1odel for the 1 u e O c ·. . 11 . . c.oui·t to apply the la,v of a United Stat e3. it ]1as JJee11 l1el_(! 1 1 t tl . t l t�:, �accti r tl1an the fact that ot on he n l ·' , l t lC 1 , ,v1t . t 1tac .-;tatc ,,,l11c . 1 1 l10s .110. i'or : . the def0ndant . is berng " 11.e cl ;11c,{ c . n::.titnte,;; a denial O f· due process. ('1 c�l��l Stales Reports, .5ztpre111e Court }Jo,rie lnsurarz.ce Co. v. Die1 z,1c ec -1 IJ � a; .tlle sarne re.snlt ,vonld lle recJujTed ten con be It ca11 0). (193 397 · . o f Etl1io .hy ia · n t1o 1tu .., 11�1 Co <·<l yi P ..1 e· 43· u ·1 - ,I· 1 e Re 1\rt1c . . . · '- · ') '. . · ; �m n la ,v states still take :iu 1 1 r1s ct. on 117. It shouJd be noted that. '' Ji,li� c 1 o . . . :-t.i _ , tu. · te. thev J are autl1orized to talc.e . l =·err11·c 1.L')v as1s o f J)er::;. ona. h the on . . · . . · t. '. t·11e• (l ci. fenclant is clon1icilecl 1n t hc state "t·o11: nd Jl1r1:-:r11ct1011 o.n..·h � e =·"· thn 111,feyer' i 1 .:en v. '' 1 · i al'.e there. See, e.g., 1,�1·zz·1 . that the act 1n qltCSllOil 100" •>r . . osl.:z., ·.t t (1940), '· Hess v. Pa,vl P C,Olli.t "S" :111 United ,Stat.cs ·R ep ort�,, ��ll/Jrer11e · ·. , C uur t ·352 (1927). ,rir:.. )rc J . Su , rts po 1{e 27,t lJnited States l 8· I I g. Strrrru)er!!. at SltpT(l, note 1'1. ,. ,



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talce jt1ri:;cl iclio11 if 1J1e cver1L� \vJ1i<)l1 arc t11e st1bject iuatlcr of the suit '. r look })lace tl1crc: i.e., tl1c c.011 tracl i11 CJt1estio11 \\ as 111adc or to l)e i per. 119 Of cot1rse� jt1ris for111cd tJ1ere or 1I1c ,,,ro11g occi11·rc(J tl1erc. dictio11 J n1ay also lie fo111 1clecl o 11 co11�c11I: l>t1l is 11o t tl1e 11s11al case. l2iJ �l"'l1ereforc� i11 actior1s i11,,.olvi11g a c]ai111 again==t tl1e Jlerso11 of the <.lefenc1aiit, 121 jurisc l ictior1 is IJa::c<l 011 tl1c fact tl1at tl1e <lefc11 dant is · a citizer1 or J0111 ici]inr)' of tl1e fort1111 <)1· tl1al an act. \vl1icl1 is t11e siihje C't 11 1at ter of tJ1e occ11rrecl tl1crc·.

I�thioi)ia ]1a:3 aclo1itctl t]1<� .!atl<�r aJJlJroac.11. 1\lll1ot1gl1 tl1ere are 00 . �lalt1Lor)" 11ro,,jsic)11s <"Xfi re:;:::l) r clcali11g: ,,·itl1 j111 licial jtirisdiction, as tbj5 i;-; callee!� 1 1 1 Jlrnelicc tl1c eo11rl� ,vill <:>11 ·1!· lal.;:c jw:isdiction ,rhere the , dcfcnc1a11t. i:-- a11 l�t l'l10i>ia11 1lalior1al or · i:S tlo111 icilecl l1ere or the act in r

rrucslic>11 ocelir.rc<! hr:rt' . TViorco,·er. 1 l1c 11rovi·,ion� of la,v relatin�� 10 .· r< : i11g j11risclictic n ' ,ro111(1 rirrcluc1e t l1e <·ot1rl. fr<)111 taJ.: l()ca'l jurisiliclio11 ,�� ·

<i·\'(:r n l}r1·�'.0�1 e11 .110 cill1er gr<:>111 1cl il1a!1 tl1al !1c- ,\·as �er,1ed herc.1�3 '· ·-

·1tCi. l1l. al 9. J 20. \lhcrc a p,ir,y d1Jr', nnl f,!ijci·l tr, _iudi1·i�l juri::;diction, he jg dec.1ne<l lo h:1Yc r:onst::nicd l<J �11cl1 juri.�dil'iion. :\lso. 11artic:- n1:1y agree lo submit t�1cir ((ispuic,; t(, a p:iriicular t·ourl. \\;hilc thi :- ilocs not 01��1 the jnrisdir: lion oi ro.urt,; that have juri::dit·tion on other f!round� (though, frequent· Ir, they 1-.111 1·hno:e 1101 lo i�xer1·i-,e juri:::diction in :3L1eh a case), it cooler: juris<liction (ill ihr� rourt to ,, hich 1l1e l)Hrtic3 11:1\'e agreed to refer the cli spute. 12]. There j., also jnrisdirLion i11 re,11 I o,er tl 1 e tl 1in!!).The courts of thr :'>Lale ,vl1erc properly is Joc·atcd l,tl1i ,:: i11 clu des all i�roperty, n1ovab]e and itnitio, ahl�, " rporea l a11d incorporeal) l1nve iurisdictio11 to hear case: ? . vlicrc r l1c1 J:,. " "l:!�lt 'sitl1 respect_Lo tl1c l) 'OJ)erty itself, e.g., a su,it lo � l _ lei� o l ( ornp , . 1 �.r 11_ .tn:s l1t! J)l'_?J)Crty. See C/1urchill u.fli�e/01v, 333 A1a�· � . . .( !,u�elt , , s l\cports . I t)o, J 29 J\'orthe astcrn R epurter, 2 ncl Series 90 3 (1955\. ')? ) ..,_. C ,ourt 1 >ror-e � · · · <lurt'- 1{nl,L:--· 0 1· Jt·') l'',), :::-ect1011 4, Negarit Gazela, Octob er 31, 19,1-3. 123. Un <let� Lbe$e rule� :u·tion,s sl1all be jn:5t.ituteil 111 Taklay Ghizat (and I :;u)oru-i11nle eol1r1�'1· ,v·l 111111 . .. · 1 () · its o( ,vl1osc Jur1sd . t l i l c . oca a tie . 1 1n11 1· 1ct1on . • 'c l •fenc1unt re:;1cle." : or 1..<ll..I Ic::; 1.u•,, a • �·· 011 1. m ,vas uus111ess, ( l, l t l1e l1nclertaking ( ·) tl e I lroperly \Va� tleli,ered, ( cl) a en1Plat· pi' · a ce l 1as bec11 fixed or- cont e t\ f.or� ll le JJerf orn1anl'c of Ll � , ·. cd t>I. a1n 1 l . un comp d erla ... 111.g, act 1(eJ · Ll1e . orcurred or ( f 1 lll L 1 ic case � orll irn1 of nova p b the y, rof) '"l1e re prop ert le _ is LSitu theatc . 'rl . 1u.:-,., u . 111e_ss the dcf c11dant resides o r carries on busine...� her� or c, ,c· 11 t \Vl no l ]I' l 1 IS .tl 1e s11 b"J�ct 111atter 1 J e rr . of suit tl1e occu d erc, o ._ . co11rt ,von l cl l1ave .loc,a l Jllt i5die tio11 to l car the case. TJ1ere ,r,ould be n 1 , .l iar tr11der t, i1 c��c r.u l es to 8 · · · . · over tl 1e 1Ii rr} 1 Court s exerc1,s1ng Jurisdictton ::i s . st1·anger served here ] 11t i l1as, 1 ot do11e so . We may assume �� t thi · 1 . Jlrac tice as to ju ri s· dict� 011 '"t_1 l Pro Civi 11 11ot �Je altere(l b f o Cod e e tl 1 ccdure . v-



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C·on�1·11uc.11ll)-, ir1. L�vcrv • · ea:::c co1-11i11!! ,, ·1) cfoi·,�- a11 E• l I11·o )) ·1a11 col Ir t rx<'cpt l'or tlll' fe,," tl1ut 111a)· <:0111c l)c·forc it l>)- consc11t - citl1 cr tl1 e drfe11tla11l ,,-ill lJc a11 l.�tl1io1,i:{ 11 11alior1nJ o r <lo111i< 'iJia 1 , 1 or a11 e,·cnt ,,,·hich i� in,·ol,·e,l 111 tJ,c .s11it \,,ill l1a,· c 1:1k r11 1,laec l,r;·e.

Brc:1t1�c or Etl1io1Jia·::: co11uec·tia11 \Vitl 1 lhc tlefC'11cla11 l or 1] 1 c tra11� :!C-licn. tl1t... rc cn11 1,c 110 ol)jccliort lo Ell1io1,ia�s a1)}llyi 11 g it� la,,r to Ll1 c ca<=c. lt Illa)· ·1,c tl1at Jair11f'S$ to tl1c 1•urtic$ or tl1c s111Jcrior go, crn­ 0

n11·nial in!c:·c$t or an·::;il1C'r stat<' �110111,l rr�r111irf' tl 1 c cl·isplaccn1e11L of }�1hio1lin11 la,v i11 111<' J>.trlict,lar ca -- C'. :til<l tlris c:.111 l)c do11e. Bt1l. it . fhould 11ol l;1' rlo11c- 11r1IC'�s tl1P rca�o11� f<1r Ll1c cli�J) lacc11-1 er1t of ELl1i.o1,ian 1:!,,' arc <·1,, an(! c·o11,·i11(·i11f!:· 'l'l1l'rc i� 110 rcaso11 ,vl1�- t.l1e cot1rt should 1,c llOLt11(1 !,)- L11ecl1a11ic·al rt1.lcs o[ c!1(ticC' of la,,- a111l ig11orc tl1c !!:.JYCL'!llil:"ntaJ inll'l'C'.3l::: L)[ f�ll1i�Jll[l - Or clllOll1cr SlHLC - t]1at Illa�-

'l�l,c c:oflf'� ,,·ere clc,,r-1011('.,l i11 ligl1t <Jf tl,c 11 cecl� of nrotlrrtl l�t\ 1 io11ia. a11(l tl1P. ('Our: ::-l1::i11l,l a111>l); tl1c111 ,vl,1cre Etl1io1,in\s i.::u\·cr11111r1.1tal i11lerc.-- L ::o relJLtirc�. f7urtl1er111orc� a:: :Profcs5or Currit� pnint� oul. 121 la,r i.:: :.111 ··Jt·c.·t1111t1 latcll !Jocly uf cx1)crie11ee a11 cl 1J) 1--i11ci1)1e I i<· i11,·olv<'ll.

1h.:L J;a, :'t'r'\·c,1 ,•:ell a::- a '!.!ttiilc lo 111,• �1rl_jLttli1·ation of clis 1111le� l>Ct\Vl"Ctl · · �<"· · l,!1'[1('" i 11 f·Oll l"L. ._ ,_ ,,·,\·,, 11 ·1 , · •:1 ,'-' .o,·cr11 n1c11.I al i11t.rrcsl <)f Etl1ioJ_)i a .i � · J n·it. 11rcr::::aril \.· ii 1,·ol,·c<1. ll 1 r· f�ll1 io11ia11 co11rl� 111t1�t co1 1::idcr ]�1l1-ior>ia11 Ja\,' �..:: l )c·i i,� :-f)Uil<.I t:.:i 1 !cci,i(' a11�- cli:-J>L1l1· l11·t,v<'c11 1>nrLic-; s11l1jcct 'i,, ! h�· ju ri:-cl i -l'; in!> 11f c l1 <· I{t 1 1 ic 1> i ;:111 <'Otl rl :-s, 1�:i 111 atl)' 1'HSL'. tl1crr[ore, 7


I� ! . ( .urrit•. s1111r,1. 11ot,' ')'J al 61. --: - ,\. l)rofe.�:'llr f:t1rric !il:llt•..,: :.I!u: · l.i\, i� ,:nt air in:-lrn:n,•nt pf ;:ocjal co11lrol alone. IL r :tai11s :::on1�. I I11· n .!! u rI I 1, 1 c « I u ,!. 1·1 1 ,• . " · l'r••r•cti11, · ·1 1 11 :rl \\l'-1'1' ron1n1011ly nttr1J)ul.ed to jt ,i(I • • • ·· .lC:l • 1 IO I ) . C. I l ,..,, [tll �O«-JOlO� ,1,., . 1 or 1,-,,·i11u:c·o I· · 11ciore \1 e t 11:t':llllt.'. :--.u .ic·11t··'· : · • • ()

t - •) •








.· II, ..·Cl] ,,e . 1:CJ\ has . ,u111ul,, 1,1.:d that n. 1 prinrrpl(' :incl • t ·?Jl' 1eri · I of l'X , , I,u,,� ..ic, .l � . . · J' 1 1 in on u: f cJ=,...:1>ulc. 1l 11·, 111c :1 l IIC \\ I 10 l c ..J, ..I :...111:,IP. 10 ihc :--_ l >el\\"CCJl parties . th•! . .11 . I Pl•-1·. 11 � 0 r N e··,,· York re�perllll!! · - rnn,cnl . 1·1111rl. (..,;1,1 - c . 1 11 0 ''1>\ . 1.1l I I1:.1 . • . I · · . .,,· of 1Ls ' . ·e ,l J,,-· tl it' ,·iJ>\>lir"1t1011 · - i I I 1 •(' ,1 1 ,y:1n1 p rl1bl1·111 ol pi:r::-nn:r ritJurit . . _· .:,.r1t•r..:. ari�in I:",, out of a rolli:-ion. j1L l····r'('ll (\\fl 1 f\11,l a,, lo :r ,r,_�p,111· " ' •. ,, 1-o I I. ,1. • t ,;,r 11:1r1,. r1·!!ulatcd hi� cone1 uet . or - • ' .-..; :1 1i. 1 ·1 \ rLl I11a .- "1--1nt . ,. . . ' ,I .. ( I ,·!'-· l·i\l . I \\ ·• '[lt1• fat·L rc111:11ns n· ,. I . · ', t . r ll I'!' I I) .\ 1 ;rl.inn<'d 111::- :: ..:,r- .1' 1 1 l 1 . 'l· , , .. !1ct1, ecn the 1· , ••. , tl i·· l I " 1. 11111- 1 ... .l 1i ,ti1 � . 111 ! 1 111'.11' <: 1 i · ,tti · l:1-., a th:tL Lh,•rf• i.- _ ·L-• . \nd ,,·here ::-l i nuld the :'-le,,· . . . · 11 , 111 11· I 1 1 111 ' 1 -ll ' IC' p.1rt1e� require·- a 1I I' . . 1 ,, ,,1• , l ,·,·1 -1nn th·•l .. ,, ill do .j11,1i1·c het"·ecn Ll1e • • r ,1.·fll', , · I 1·riurl I '""' 1°1 •1 r 1 1 1• .; 1 .11 1.,. ,vhirlt ha:; .�ervcu .1 , . , ' . 11•1 t'' 11, ' 1 , .1 <' , 1 . • '•' . J 1 . · r 1 0 I I � l(l( I ,,. t parlrt'- li11t. tn l [loli «·Y. :1: "Jt , .. •' for the r•eople I I ' ·fl·· 1 · �O\• •1· 111111·111 1 :l1:1t purpo-1'. ;1- 111' II·,\· ,.•. JI( .'_ · ,·.·.• ·,··!,/.a l 61-:i. ,. I . . . I.\ l } (Ji·� • 1!,;j}j('•III .1,l.111. · ::t tl 11 •·1·

··' i





.. -

1:) - .

I ... . ..


r I

slto\v11 tl1at f.orei•! lt] e a� . sl1ot1lcl J)c a1,11lied.

re�g 11 clc111cnt , .,, 01 ij fo a 1 i , J, r i11 g , · 0 ::1' ('a a Lo 'll l�< ta , 'L'lic :,111iroacli . ) 1 1 1iecl 1))' Ethiop UJ ,,· 1 la 1}' 011 ' l1< t :· 'a1 < i� l i rc 1 1Je �1,:-; fc1] lo,v..3 'fl eo ca�c tl1e rr:]icf affoJ"dci i]c tal :=11i i11 a 1 l11 t 1. i� ior, i [�tl courl� j:-: Lli c .ln,,· of 1_ at tl1t� i11st:r11 cc of tl1c 3Jfe ett{ <'(· :1J> 1 : :-:l I,(' lJ ,,·i rt cou ii i,ia ],y tlic I�tliio 1.1nlio n - ont� JJart:·· lo la.k:c. accot111t or forcigr1 Ja,,· . .111 �l1cJ1 � sil r ,v-e ·are a1J , la, 11 JJia l1io ]�t plying-. i� it at 1 Ll )· ,re rceog, 1 izc t) 1 e. tl11 '0r ,v<' nin,·. ::.:a,. · tli at ,rr are n111,l:'i11g· tl1e J a,,· of anot.l1 er state as a 1uodd Jor tlie ru]c o[ dcc-i::: iun 1 11 tlie ca:-:<·. rJ'l1<' 11art�- rel�·i:i1g· on tl1c· fore i� Ja\\° 11111�1 Jll"O\'l' L] IC ' ('0t1l<'Ill of tl1nl ·,a,,· a11cl lllll�l :::110'\\' Lltal tlteri \\" 0 II I I I I i(' [I C (Ill r j iC I I ' l \ ,· (' (' J l I ! l (' '., i :--l) 0 :3 j l i O 11 0 f l Il j � C' a:'= c· ] ) :: l 11C fO rei� • co 11:I a111I tl1<' di:- 1>0;:;ili<)11 t)!" 111<' 1·,1. {' L1nclc'r l�tl1io1,ia11 ln,r: ·1l1� 'i�. Il i a! 1hr f c1 rciµ · 11 <·0 11rt ,,,u11l,l 11 cil HJ>J• l�- Etl1io1;1a11 ]a,f Lo tl1is pafti i1·11l:,r t·:1:�c. (Jnc,· tl 1 i:' i- .-lic,,, ·11 - l Iii:.:. 11 1 c-ar1� Ll1a1 1.l1c ];tl1iopia1 . c t'(llll"i prcdi l 'I:- t} 1 at ti l l' fnreig11 c1111rl ·,,·1)t1l< I 11Dl ::lJJ})}� ]�tl iOJ)ian la¢ � _ ' ·1 o d l', · i 11< • I l 1 i:-- ! iar l ic 11 I ar c- a:-- 1 · - t I 1 <' 1) a rI:- r C' 1:·i 11 g o 11 Jo r c 1:;11 lat :11111-1 11i·r:-=11nll,� tl 1< ' <'nurl tl1at l"air11l'..:.� to tl1e rinrlie.::. or Ll1c s1tp eri01 �<,,·,·1·111111·11 1a . l i11lc>rl'::-I ul' ,111ntl1cr ;.:.t,11<· 1l1'111..1111· I.:.; tl1f• 1lis11·lace111rnl � . re1jLLirci11c-11t_:.;_ for cig11 la\,' 111� J{tli i:11:i: ·11 la,,. Ir ] 11 ' l1 n:-- :-:ali:::l" it·rl tl1,' .:.c· ] 11 · 1t.-cd ,�:- a n1ccl<'l. i11 ,,·licit' 1Jr i11 11arl, for tl1c 1'11le of clecision� li lt' ';1:-1'. Ir 11<' ti:.(·- IlCl :·,Jti-1'\ tllt'.:-i' rc1111ir('llll:'I1i�•. tl1C' court ,dt d,' l ·id<' tl 1 c ca�<' n1·cor1li11� lt) l·:1l1il)l1·ia11 la,,·. )(



L.. el 11.� ("0ll�i<l<'r a r('\\" (''.\.:llll))l('� Cl[ :::-ll<'ll 311 :11}1Jr,oa�l1. 111 the IJIL't {11' ll alt,,,, r .. ·I ral>ir,11..1111l'rico11 <)ii c·:,J., 1�6 ,,;l1crt� tl1c accident ·o.i · 1 ·r<'d i, �au(li 1\ral)ia li t·L,,·1'1' 11 a11 _·\n1<'rica11 cilize11. clo111iciled i j .� � '. . . �-- . _ J\l< '' 1 °1 k.. �\ 111 I a11 ,i\111('r1cn11 cor11<Jratiu11, clo i11g !J t1si11C55 in Sou� _ _ .!\ral)ia'. )· 011 ,r,11 l" f'('all ll1at tl1 e co11 rl clis111is sc(l tl1e c,1se on tl1e gi-oun� tl1aL the 1ilui11tiff l1a<I 11ol 11ro,·ctl llic c·oillciit of Sati(li A.ralJiaii ]a,I' and tl1ert'.fOrf'. lJjc] llOl �\\(}\\" •t ··rj,1,Jit·· to . ·1 f' · 1 lt! f . I{" t· 1 1c sa111c ca5e- a...rt:4 • t:' J"' i11 .l�tl1 io1Jia - as�11111e Ll1c lllai11tiff ,rns a11 l�ll1 io1 )ia11 citizc11 or dv 111ic·iliar)" n11cl tl1c (lcfci1<ln . I ' tll ·\\. ••� ..., . .,lll ·1··�l J11:·i · · OII1g · I ( l llOl ' )lill l 0011 JU11 1 ) J . 11c:--� i1 1 Satllli 1\.1·al)1a - tlie r e,�1,·1..1 111111 f.'r llle l l1eor,· ,,,c- IJave rer oJI · . 126. Supru, no Le 98.

- 4-6 -

''°·oulcl 1Jc cliffcre11t. Si11c<� tl1c E:tl1i.c11)ia11 cottrls l 1 a(] jt1ris­ dictio.11 ( tl1e (lcfe11cla. 11t ,vas n1 1 Etllio1)iar 1 corrlorntio11), tl1 c cottrts : '"oulfl a 1,1)l}- ELJ1io1)i�1r1 ln,,,.. t111lc5s 011c i)a l'l).- ,v l10 ,v-i. sl1eil to re:tv·on � Saudi .::.\.ralJia11 J,r\v J>rovec1. t:l1c co 1 1.te11t of Ll1nt :Ia,v artd cleirro11�'t i·ate<l r Ll 1al. Etl1io1Jian la,, sl1011lcl l1c clisJJlaecrl. 1\s. st111 1i11g tl1at tl]c c1efe11cl­ a11t. li"I<c Ll.1e clefcnclarrt i1 1 tl1c ff? <1lt.011. case, cl:i._-1 11ot introcl11ce s1:icl.1. cvi([CU<:C"� lllllike tl tc. l:CSt1lt 111 Jy.(ll/(J11, tl1c COllr t "'ro1.1.lcl clecicle tl1e ca:-c �ccorc1i 11g le> J;Lllio1J1a11 la,,·. 'fl1is i s l)ecnrrse .110 l)arty s]To:,vecl 1! · t at a c l' iff crer1t rcs1ilt ,vot1"lrl lie rC'acl1ccl in. tl1r cot1rts of Sat1cli Ara]Jia. 11tc11clf't1

Xcxt. let tis a�:t1111e tl1at n11 l"i.:tl1io11ia11 acti11g in l(e11};a i11j111·es a J:,: c-nya 1 1� a 11fl .lel 1.1;- ft11·tl1cr a��t1111c ll1nl 1111c1er tl1P 1a,,r of Etl1iOJJia l1e 1rot1l,l 11ol

lialJle i11 Ll1C' 1>arlict1lar rnse. l>rrl lt11cler t.l1c la.,� of l(c11)'U l i e ,rouid. S 11 i t is 1,ro11�l1t i 1.1 l�tl1io1)ia. 111 �t1el1 a cnfC . a]l of tl1r� 0 pl' r a i i V C ('Ve 11 t :-: G Cl' LI r r C' cl i11 l, f' 11:- a. � r (' r C1 :- I I(' C n LI f C l' l1 (� ii e fC)lclall t is nn 1,:1J 1 ior1ia11 (1c>e� r1ot r11c-a11 Ll1at ·c1l1io11ia sl101.1·tcl n1>1)·ly· its o,v11 ]a\Y_ 1.hi .:- ,,-ciL1l,l frer111c11ll:· l1f' t111fair �111tl - ,,] ,r iolatr tl1 c Slll?erior !)C'

to,·cr 71111c1J:_al i 11 l.crc�l c,f a11utl1er ;;-{ale. ]-Icrc ](c11ya l1as a slro11g i11tr 1·r�t j 1 , r:'.'.!ulaii 11 ...:.:: cc�;1r!ucl occt1rri11µ; .. - ll11'rr· anfl i11 1)ro,·ic.lir1g (·c,111r,cn�a1i:):1 ll} a }Ji'J" ()ll i 11 jurc:<I Lil(']"('. J1 i� 11ol cliffi<·t1lt to } )L"C<lict tl i al if tl Ji ' ca:-:i· ,-a111i:, ] J cfor<" tl1c f,cr1�·a eourl�. tl1cy ,voulrl l1olcl Ll1al'



, t. '


}�_,·n:,a,1 la,,· ,•:a::- ,l}tJ)lical > le. �i11t.'<' tl1e gcrvcr11111e11tal i11terest of f�e11)'a clrarl,· ()l l l\\' ('i !.!: l l .:: tl 1 al Etl1iot>ia. Lile 1�:1l1io11ia11 .la,v :::!J()tlld ])r . cli�pla ('ed. ,ind -�l i e cc:iurl� �t 1011 I t 1 ti:-:c· ],c·11ya11 ]a,,, a� n 1110,lcl for tl1c · • · · 9 • · . , 1 'l'l1r · ;:=:,1111e ,vc)t1lcl l>t:� lrtre ,vl1cr1 a11 r1ilr· nl ,1c1·!-1011 JJl L I \C c,,.-<. --:-· . � · · · 1� I I 1 1 o l 11 a1 1 I I a d· 11 1a I · t {' a c <) 1 1l ra C' 1. ''· 1·tl 1 -,1 I--"� - f·'ll'''tr1 .. ., ,vl1icl1 ,va'°' · · ·[(011va ., ' · i11 <•· IC) I l1e cc)Il lract sl1oul (I • ·11111..: · • r(� · lat i 11 r to lJ(· JJCJ'fOrlll(' ( 1· l I·ll'l.(·. . :·,\ 11 <-111 c·.. ,1 . . . · 1r'd· 1· -,,- I,c11 .: tr 111•·tl) I,- 1l1,.�11art1e;:; ,rcrc co11lracl, . . jll.c l)(· ,l,,t1·r11111 ,. .111 I a,,. , ·. 0 erngo, )ll!!: strC a 11 J1as Ya J,c . i11�·· \ritli f('r('f('Jl('(' \() :r. . ,, 111cI 1 ... O _ . ._, 1,f'n\ • ' • · all . n1(·111al inl1·re,l i 11 rc·::;l1lati11g ,.1 <, 011 tracl. 111a<"lt' a11({ lo l)c J)c1·for1t1t�d thc1·1·•


s, 11,·ival of acti-011s. i!! IYii iv<) i i f' <''l• < I '· 1 1 ] I .,(: t ·I ti · ,,.(> \notl i c·r f'XHlll{Jl(� , :·

__ . . _ .. . hli1cl i \\ t' l 1 a,·i' 1l1�c·t1:-.:-t,<I - -

-- ·

. ,. 1:2tl JC!· 1 .,.ti ·I'



·� • • I.IIC • C:1 l lY IDJ

all }•.tJ110fllall J::,

. -I· ;111 e:1,-y l';l• I,.. :ind ,, oul<I 1,,. derided the san1e "·ay � rnder thr. 11 ,�, . 'fl .. IJl,c :--aid that. only l,cnyu had "pnld it y or ibe l tha er «rizh · t:-." theorr. • lj nd i11 .;11 ch a ra:-:e. ri;! hl ·1 ' I c ·:1 ,·r; 10 n ·tin lc�i�L 1 tiv<· j11ri :-- <li1 . n � t ex l. • I y n :i Q..",upru, a }J I _,, rn o t· I' a note;� 9· (·1 ·.9 -i antI


anotl1<'r }£tl1io11ia11 ir1 State X. l1r1 cler Llic"! 1,l\V of ,vliicl1 tl1c acl ion clocs 110 1: stit,,i,re t]i c cleatl1 of t]1e defend ant, and s11it is lJrottght in E�tl1iOJJia� Etl1i ·or1ia �11 011l cl HJ>JJ1)' Etl1iop jar1 la,v, C\'Cll. tl1 011g l 1 Ll1c a <:ci� llf'11l ocrt1rrc<l i11 Stale X.. l�Ll1io1 1 ia ]ias 311 inlere::L in r > 1·oviding co01. 1,c11salio · 11 for ar1 Etl1 io11ia11 i11j11rcJ eJ::c,vl 1 <.�r<' 1 1)' aiioll1er Ethio1>ian1 and lLIIclcr E·tl1 ioi>ian ]a,v Ll1e i11tere:-t of tl1c injt1red 1>l ai11tiff is rircfcrre<.l to tli c . i 11tc-rc;:;L of tl1c c�tatc of tl1c cl ccea:-c<.l <lefcnclanl. . Stale X } 1 a8 11 0 i11Lcrc�L i11 i11st1la li11g Ll1c e:-lale of a clcceasecl Etl1iopiau

agai11�L ]ial> ilit)·· Co11,·cr�eJ)-- if tl1c rt<'ciJenL ·occt1rrccl j11 Etl1iopia l1cL,vcc11 t,vo ciLiZ< '>l1S of Stale X, a11L1 �ti it ,,·as J)r<)trg h t i11 Etl1iop i a. 129

]�Lhic,pia sl1 ot1lc l a111 1l:· tl1c Ja,,· of Stale:.'\: a11ll <li5111jss tl1c suit. 'fhe .i11 Lcrc:=L of St.ate X. i 11 clccitli11� lo l )rcfer tl1e C5lale of tl1c <lecea�ed Stale X cit izc11 over tl1 c i11 jr1rc<1· Stale� �'{ citize11 is clearly su1)erior lo :1 1 1:· i r1lt.:rl'::l Etl1 io11ia 111igl1L l,a,·c. --r11<'rcforc. t 1 1c la,\· of E1l1iop ia �l 1or1ld J > c <li:-:1>.laeccl. Fir1all)'· Jct 11� ass11111c ll1a1 1 a11 Etl1io1 )ia n is 1f 5ll-it is l>rought in i11 j11rc·d i r , l•'.tl1 io1 )i�1 11:· a cilizc 11 of State X. , Etl1 io11ia. i·:1l 1 i GJ;ia11 [a,.v :=lroL 1lll 11ot 1,c llis1 11acccl. Tl1e. inlcrc�t of

l�tl 1 io1)ia i r1 1iroleC"Li11� tl1< '� i 1 1jurrll 1>lai11tiff �qt1a 1.·cl:· coi.1flic·l� "'ilh 1!11� i 11 tcrc:' t of Stale :-- i11 11roie<"l i11g tl1e c:=tate of tl1e clet'.f'J.�ecl Stale S citizc-11. a11ll i11 case' o[ co11[licl. c ..1c-l1 :=tall' 11 1t1:=l 1 1refer il5 0\111 ;.!c,,· (' r11111P111al i11lC're�t. 1:10 '.l'l1c?e l'X<.11111,l<�s c_lc,11101151.rnte 1]1e a11i)]ica tion or 1!1c go, ·cr11111c11tal i11tere.::t :11)11roael1.

:\L ll1is j1111C"l 11re n ,,·l)rcl �110111 (1 l)c :::aitl al)Olll Lite lJroce�s of deeirl . In cl1araclc1·izi"!I i·o11 or C'la:::�ifil'atio1 1. a� it i:-:: :-:-l)Jltetiiiic 5 c:ille,l 111 g: ,,,l icl1 �lc.llt� l1as a :--1 111criur µ:o,·c,r 11111 c11tal j 11tcresL or tlic a1111lic:1tion � _ o[ \\'lt1cl1 L.1,,· fair11 c'..::- t<) tl1<' lJartil'::- reftLiire:::� it 15 J 1 cli)f'Lil lo con�ider in tl1e. ore,1 of late: ,,·i1l1 ,,·l1il"l1 tl1<' <'Ot1rt i ;-; (lcali 11rr . I.....a,,"\-·ers think . I e.g� . ! l>asis tl�at la,, lern1:,; u[ area " of ,_ a11 (l tl1l' t'odcs ar<."' i.1ra[tc�l 011 J 19. , !uri::.Jir1io11 "' 011 lcl lie b:i:-t�d 0 1 1 tlie fa,·t. } fuh1e L s ,ra l1 1ic l . \\" L e nt Ll1 ne th _ .le(·.t. Ina Lter o l I I ie !--llit (,1·1·nrr1·d l1 cr, rt 1:10. Notr "e arc not , ·on,·cr11, 1 , : I1 · l 1 L. I ] ,, ,,. cther the cotirt in State• X, ·ou . . l l.:( ,it · . . Ll1c E'lh1o • ., 111·zc }1erf, I.o,.. • • • • p1 1 an I ,.. e nlcnl • 1� t j 1c pl:11111111 tried . . to enlorc 1 t noL --. . . _nt ,.. .· rc Et IL .�1. 1011 Id ' �1n l1101 i1··1 h··i ll .Juris . d..1<'l1. 011 Lo l1car 1l1e c·1•-:· e · IL mn). . IlO\\'Cver, ·1 >cc·:111-c• to do ::-o ·ou l · . et·tin! rot d ,, conl\i<"t \\'itl1 its 1101i,·v p ,�, 1.0 ·1 of , the • e.;L • alc <:>f �1·1e I 1 crca�cd. ct, , · Still , t\1<' (c ·-· c 1a, 1v l 111: ,fen cl' a11l · 0'1' � Eth1011·1·•1 , .,u 11 ll .,1 1 111· r(1 ,;\ ·1 l c ''· 011 11 J n l. c c carI Y reeo!!nize tl1c ·juden1en I · 1n•r"' ·'I�::, t0 l··l · ur(il event, t11�- •,·ou.i·t' tlue · � -1� l 10 11t.' 1 11 · lC '1 101�e of l:1,,· shot1lcl not . · by· the quc::. · tion of , '' 1 ic 11ter· it.; re· h c ,, jucl else n1cn 1 red or he can l! enf .


· - 4.3 -

1 contractt o1 1s� 1al lial:rilit:v, 1 rclnti ,ror,crty� ailtl t1 1 c 'like. Dif­ fa.ruil�r fc.rct1t rc�11<) 11ses a re ass.ociat.etl '\\'itl1 . (li [f erc11t . areas O[ la,v-; (liffe.rc!Ilt )olic y c,011-$i1]cr ati<)11s co111c i11to JJl�t)' cleJlCnc-li r1g on tl1e area of law 1 1l1at is i11,,o'.l ,·ccl. St 1 cl1 rc .�1)011ses a11cl r>olic)r co11.siclcrations ,vill often clctcr11 1i11c ,,.rl1at state.'s la,"' sl10 1 1lcl ]Je a 1)1Jliccl. 'I'lttlS� i[ tl1e cot1·rt

. . 1c 1arar.tcrizcs tl1e q·t1estion as -011c i n v ol,,in g ''contract,'' it tl1 al it is concer11c<. l ,villi 1)1·ott:'ct.i11g the legiti1uate expe-ctations of th t : 1>artie::; a 11cl ��s11ri11g t'l1c. ecrtaj11ty csser1tial to c.ffcct:i,,e co1n111ercial If it cl1aractcrize:' 'l 11(� c.r11estio11 as ·or1e o[ ''property�'' 'j11terc oL1r�e. · . con:5.i(l crati011s ()[ se('tL1·1 I)� of te1111rc ac1cl o \v11ersl1jp �0111e to tl1e fo1·e o[ co111JJC11sali11g If tl1r. (111('slio11 i:-:. 011e of tort lial)'i]iL);, ,-ve tl1 i11l� 1e c1T1esti:011 l)ecor.a.cs tl If tct. 1clt g co1 tir1 ti1a reg l of an<. g::1 o1 r ,vof 1 11s victi J rotection tl1a t tl1e la,.,,. traclit.ion· l tl1c 11l..:. i of tl1 . v.;� ,ve la, ly r11i '�[a .one of 0 1;.;1 il, 111 fa c tl1 to s rd co ac . · ,al l, .· •

tl1e cletcrn1i11atio11 011 t fec ef t a11 fic r1i sig 1s a l1� n tio 'iza ter ac S 11 cl1 cl1 ar 1·eg11lating n i t es tcr i11 al 11t 11c 1 . r11 ,'c go r rio 1)c F11 c of ,rl 1ic l 1 tl 1 e �late l 1as t]1 11estio11 as one c c tl1 c 1 riz t.c ac ar cl1 e. ,v � if llc ·1l1 e tra11::actior1. 1-;'or t�xa1 11r e tl1 t of !'3 re te in e tl1 er icl 11s co : l)" a] ic al of '� 11ror,ert)·_ � ,re a] 111o�t a11to111 '' ,ve are )': liL l>i t lia or �'t e of on as 11 io ·�t : r1( e er 1 $ilu:-. If ,re ci 1 aracl.crizc Ll f t or l1a r1 1i ClC· ac � 1<: tl re l1c ,v e at sl 1e tl r>. roJ.1 cer11crl ,vitl 1 tl1c i r 1lcrc::-t . 11a 111 r1 o f ic at , 111 lo a t tl1erc i s all)' au 1 Ll 11 ca 1i1 L 110 c� lo < 3 1j 1} currc(l. j\ 1) te . �1g . li l, 1a c1 1 i1 rclc,-�111t ry ve is 11 o ti za ri lc 1c r� 1a c:l l 1a tl i to l)c ClllJ>lo�·ccl: l ttl ,v sll'o 11lcl la at l1 ,v <)f 11 io :::.t t1c cr 1c Ll 1 iii,: court tr, reat'l l it � ,lcci�j011 01 · �O\'t:r 11 l ll <' r> ,l r liCl!] a r C a:::C lr · · · ·l IJe ort1i(lc(l 11 0 1. sl · rt t1 , co " 1 · · · 1, >1 c · 1 ·-1 � � 111g a r111c 1z r . lc c a r a l1 c 1 11 . r ·\·c ,·e J [u\ cl of ro tl 1c 11 l a ic ·t l, a n a )" 11 ·1 ; 'I.,. J J · ' · · ° 1·1 l. . t}1.., c tl · 1 1 . • a . 1 J � • c 1 (> 1) f . · � o 11 r> 1 I > ) c- o 11;:; 1 d "r �1t ol ) acc11 11 to 1.1 a 11 a s e lv o • ..··C in,, ·· 1 e· c'l' t} <, · .. · ,, · · '' ::· '( d . . · ] C > I. I V C :i.1 ,, Cr c a:-::- 11 IC a l 1 () 1· 1. 11 ct l I c.s Lion 1 11 tl1e c ca t a 1 I l 11 · a e · · :-- 11ut. 11<'ccs, :--a . ., -·1I Y· 111 . . 1. . C () tl . . <: >I 11 11 , , xa c r fn n dent, le l) 111 tl1e 1)ro 5, t1 l1 l ·. . I t, . li 'l i l ia · . l · ·l . · · . r,11c, C) ' 1 C>1 • � a ·· l �< 1( 11 :-::-la C" l e J t·a�<� :-hot, <l ! l1� n- s11rc a f o c � 11 a c a r 1e tl e l1 :,tir>ll of ,v C lt tJ c t tl : :-rl c) tj c <.•f :-urvi\·al (>l' a ,. relate� t o tl1e acl111111.1stra; ) 1 a) · rcall 11 r e <) ,l g i n ·r \\ � l< ii,c, llIC' ,lt·allt <)I' tl ----- j:; provided it i p o 1i tl a J-;: f o n o ti .., L•11 ('.n · nstilu · ,· \l. > J\e I 1c I d £le,ve of an • l• 48 le 1�·e ir 11:11 e 1nt n,a of 1he l rr� J"l l. ] � . \rt :-,on 1

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, ._ t i e . • nc ··�- -,, · ... 11.1), . ,1. �. . . .. 1 l.i n ancl soc1:;i,l n o ti ca t1 ed , of l · pt.·1n1ar ·, J ' , that I h e J .,L J.JOJl1•11 · 't> l· . , . H'· I I < n a . e ir ip . ·o f l I t� ]· • · .i '"" 1 '>[J111enl o.f tlie En 1 01L 1rotccl. · • 1 t .ia P. . !sp . , le I l . ! t� <l n t1 y 1:-n n har1r1 ...--


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1a11 lo tort lial)i]it)'. even tho tl . cr tl, . ra -�_ l::--� ( :-:- t at (,. u gI1 CJl . ] ('.CCC . l ( . o[ · LiOil ' l• he e , tl1 l1c v IS r llC lSS t. ' . C) )ll fJ< 1c 'J�J _ C .;:(' . ' :, ate -C(1 Ill tilC·,, C'l l .,. - . \· rQ • l\ IJ JS a tOJ'l re�t · c 1: 1c o 111 f tl d 1 rr ,,e · r e e -= <" J) l>c to i� of ti1c · 1 e. ,..,·'-'11tl '11 1l· ] . < ( • .. • . ccca:-:-C l c c t l l f)i rt l1al J1l1t.y at all. '..I' he to of . r1 . io t �lC' . f[L 1 a · , , 110 · :; .1 ' '',f l lC l ] . re,. . 1 . 1 l 1 I I 1 a 1 (l C r Ll . .l 1 Il l . . . 1c1. .>al c1t1e . :-:l - 1011 ·11 - as it uit•it1'-" 11 1 � 1( 1) zc 1 1 . .. er ct .. 1 .,1 J ,. 1 ,l t ' 1 · 1 · 1 Ol'(', tlLC f·OJ.ll 1 11 1 1 \;cr11r11cntal interest and tlH; o l i l of it:=. !!G · ,.,. ]i 1 _·([ C' Cl. (IC llll 1 r r._,::-llC,-:-- 1:. 1 1otc. 1 ro 1, to 1g i1 y t.r is jt � e ci li O J) •



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cr tl1 c la,v· of tl1 c fortu11 sliottld he tl1 c , ,·l1 So tliell; 1 11 '. J)rir1<�i1 >al c1 11c5ti on c 1 tl : c;:; it riz lc ac ar cli asks st fir t ur co e 1 t] . ccl <li�i,Jnc to tl1at c111cstio11 ,vil l point a 11:::.,\'c1· It::; it. l� c)r cf > l is c i:: c: ,vllat l( i Tld of 1tal i11Lcrest or the rn.1 1c1 1 ,,c go r rio 1Je ;:;11 c tl1 a� 1 al l 1 le tl �ta � 1} 11 it Lo,rard i e Jlarlics i11cli cate:; �l10 11lcl l)e applied, l l to cs:=1 r1 fni v la, e Jos ,vi l<� :-;I.a ' 'l'li u:-::, j[ il c! J ararlcrizc:s tl 1 c cr11ea.lio11 as 011e of �;1)r,01)erty/ it is more Lih:cl)· to loo!( Lo t1 1 e �it11s� it ,,·011ld i.1J>J>Car tl1at tl 1at state ,vould hare tl 1 c. stljlt'ric,r govcr11 111er 1l.:i I i11 terf'sl i11 reg11lati11g t�1e tra11saction, and j t. is "c r:- l 1 ro l > a l >1· e I l1 a t t l 1 c I > a r Li l" � re 1 i c> ii o11 l 11 a L s ta te'8 1 a,v. lJ it cl 1 aracl 1 'riz1". s Llic (1uc:-:1io11 .1::: ()11c of Ja111iI,, la,,,. it 1\·ill look to the �tali� \,·i1l1 ,vl1ic: l1 tl1c fa111il�- Jin:-:: tl1c greatest co11ncctior1: ,vl1ich ,rill Ile' <·itl1cr· t11c 11arl)·';-; 1 l or1t iC'il(' cir .,tat(' of 11alior1alit)·· results . 111n)- li e: .loo.�f'l)- tf'r111e(l ';cl1c>iec ()f J a,,· r11lcs'' 1)1�0,·iclcd tl1at it i ; . tin<lcrstooi11.l1at Lite)· are 11c,t nl>�oll1tc r111cs to lie n1ecl1a11ically applicdi IJ11l g:uide:-: tl1at rc�11ll fron1 n >ol ic)'-oric11 tecl cl1 aracterization ·o f th� 1

clcei l l iri g






� �

t �: c r c (:

l -.-,ii1 all,-, it i:-- 11cc·<':c:sar:: i11 so111c i11 sla11ces to cl1aracterizc the ( <·oiitact l)Oilit. rl'l1 t� a1> iliC'al io11 of tlll� ''rl n � refer 111a r r11l 1 c oic 1 e of la,v . }· tf1c rorUJll to · lll·OrC t] 1 ,·\11 °11( · ·, �tale · . '['l11s occ11r� 1110$t frecruent Y 111 1l1e ar<·a or tort 11'· -11) 1·1·1 1 ) - ''·Ilf'1.f' ' . e 11 l l anc t ll(� act occ11rs 1n one state . ·on l1ar111 01·t1t1·.; i11 '.11101 ) ll�1. • ·1·') 1 <'. . 31t quc 1 'L>t1rl 11111�t clcciclc t_l1e l 1ct l1c r . '\ v . . . oi. l1al>1l1t.y J:::· J)l ace . lo l ) c 1) 1, 1,t.:l .. of · llll l}(. , ( I l ))T t · ·· l lC tllG J)l ac e , ac or t111 of g . . l . 111. ,.1.111:-; l IU _ lllllSI ))(� (l <'lt'·I" rc31� · c, ( l ] )). ] >a.la11c1. 11 tl1e go,,er1ue11Lal 1ntc 111111 ' g .c11- . c,n t.I 1 ·o [. t l 1 (',._. _ e l' 011 1 <a( 'l· }> 0



.otl1er ,vorcls� a t,vo . can he a11.,l ::-.011 1el1111e& t I1ree-ste1) 11ro.ce�:) c 111 1>1O )r ccl lo <lcciclc co � ,vl 1 ctl1e- 1 ·. t l1 c la, ] _ p i v of tl1e f'o1·t1111 sl1011ld be d s a_ c lll a r>artic 1 _ I p_i!1 1lar Ci.l:3C. Firs\ - t I lt� co11r.t cl1 aracterizes 't}1e J)riDC 111

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:J i'f1 ll''.�1io11 . Sccorltl l)- i t ri1 >1 ) lic::- a cl1oic.c of la,v rt1lc tl 1at it l·1as cle­ :· vtdol'nd for ,-�rioi1:3 area� of la,· ..,-, a rt1 ·1� ,vl1 iel i restiit ! s fr<)Jl:t it� c JJa:t·ac,. . • · 1 l e J.)rthci1 Ja.1 CJ tic 3tio1.1. IPriznLio11 Ot ti Fi11a'I.I,,. ,vl 1 ere it is 11eces sat·y, l,j ]]lll�I· c]1aracterizc Lile ('(.llll nct J>Oir1t. rJ'l1 i;. l'll'(JC<. �8S js llOl all at[bO­ '. ina!ir 11JC'l]i<1c1 l1f �olttt.io11. It 111crcJy· as::-i:-:1:s tl 1 e coi,rt 1 11 arriviiig; at tits eoncll1:'ion as tro ,vl1ctJ1er tit<'- .la,v of tl1c� f or t1:r11 sl1 ol1lr] 1Je clispla;ecl, ! and it ::.l1011.l(l 11 c,·cr 1-i(� a1>11liccl ,vl1e11 ll1c rc� oJ s. r ic li a1,11I i(;atio11. is ;r rnro11sistc11t \Vitl1 tl1c gcrvr�r11111c11la'l i11l�rest of tl 1 e forT 1111 or a11ot] 1 er !:>late or fniri1c::;,� 'Io l l1.t� 11�1rtic�. i.



If Ll1.i� a1)J> roael1 is aclo11Lcil. 111(�11 tJ1c <JUC''.:-tio11 ar .' ise� as to ""J1ct t ' be tt<.)lic a]Jotrt 1.11(' co(lificatio11 of tl1c co11flict of Ja,vs. Clearl)', · this n1>pronel1 rl1le� Otil a 1J,,t�1ilc(l c.otlc co 11laini 11 g strict rtt1cs to l Jq · ;!pp!ic-d i11 ev er) · �ituation ,,-ii-l1ot1t rcgarll lo tl1e gover 1 11JJcr1tal i 11terests that 111riy l)c i11\·ol,,(�r l. ()11c alt�r11ali\·c r11igl1t l:ic� to Jca,rc co11fli ct.3 la,\· uncorlifietl. r['l1c cot1rt i11 eael1 ca::-1� ,vo1t1rl «:le.c·irlf' ,vl1ctl1c-r tltc la,r of tl1e fo.rt1n1 �l1011Jll l>e (li:-:r•lnecc·I l1cca111:e of fair11c3� to tl1c )artics l : or thr �11.1,crior go\·f'r11111er1tn. l i11tcre�l. of n11:otl1cr state. 'J.'l1e cleci:=;jon or a 1·011rt i11 a r,urlic11lar ca:=-c· \\'011ltl :=-f·t"'\"(� as ,l gt1icle for f'11lt1rc cases, and ii ' t!Jc lJ::ctri11 c oi' }IJ't'C'C(l('!ll. is .:tr1or1tcd� .132 ,vo11]t:l J)(' ];i11lli11µ; OTl ollH'I' cn11rt:-- ,,·I1c11 f aec,I ,vi. l 11 :-:11cl1 <Jt'"'�ti·o11:=-. By· 1]1i$ l)l"OC<'�S a series l f '"1·11lr•.-, of t]l(' conflict c1f Ja,,·:=:�' \\'Otlltl Ii(� t[C\'Pl(l}lCf.1. :



·r1i,,rf' arc t! J rec rJl,jcclic>11...: t<J tl1i� a1>1>r(>at�lt. First: as i11rlicale<:l ('arli('l', tl1r.' tl l< ':Jr:· J JJl'(){J·O�e j:-,: P�J)C'. ('iaJI:· (]c�igr1c1] fc>r COlllll}CX. lltlllti� I -talc lra11....neti()n.;; f ,v I 1 ic11 I 1111· g;J1 t acl (1· � a rt' - a:--· 11'l'.. <·1,· . Io ari�c ir1 Etl1io1)ia a� < 'l�('irl i ,,r(' ; 111 ,I ,,·! J i r ·l i ari,,� Jrc([ll('t1!l�·). ll i;:;. }H '. rl1a11s� c11111l)cr$f)111c: ..


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f'' 2 . lr.l ,• c,.cd, r . < ·1 o,. I 1 ·1111,, J i.,· ,, liirh Jo\\ er ,·011rL::; are bound hy Lhe d:ci- .. J.-,. t Il. , , nt • · . I.,..1 e l·,1,·t ec·1 1::.10,·Lr1nc •. tl 1e u ... , o:-c (. , · ,·ourt.s on qut. - l.!Oil..: ·11 f l ·1\1·. -IIJII· of lu:zl ' · ,. 1·, �·. c.1r . ] ] I · · I 1e11 l 1.t )� 111c 1 10 . ar,: · s (I j t'Olll'l ,II· t. . . ,IJ) · . UU S[((/'e rfr· ('/S/S. I h Jl. ,I C l,y \I • . J). • · · , 'ron o f ]962 · . · . l , · l :: 1111,11 oc. ,. · .-; our! ( I the'. 'r Lf 11' der·1!-'1011:- 011 q11e,-l.1on• ol I.t\ ' · . .. )




. .. c . 1 ),., . , 1962. it if provided ,.., c111I.>· er. 31 (,azcta \l '!!:1r11 19(2 ]'):-,) '1· . "' t .. j) 101 ,o ... ., . . > , , • . • . . I "ttJJ"r, 11 r t'Ollrt, ,..hall 1 > e . " . ·l1,· lI 1;.it a I I cI cc1:-;.011 .< on . . Cl -. of lair !!l\'t:11 ·I;, .. · u1,1 .' J>.,ol·I,1111. · .. 111011 j.. 110"- .:;u:-pend.e d. · 1!! on -uI>Pl.l ·1 111,. · , ·1-·• hnt . t I11:; . . I.line111 0111 < 1 tt • ' . · ) · , 1r t·onrt • 0 I 1 :- ,·.11" l -••her . . . rite ln11<:r 1, 0 1111• , ·, 110 I ! J otlll(l 1 )\' I 1 CC'l:>I . . ."'' l,11t c\ ·r:11 11 :, . ti, cli�,·u-.,ion o[ th 1 -� . . ll. :>('(: . ' 111 ) n_ I' d. IIV I I ]('Ill.· c· fl th,-,. !';1111101. help I 1 nt I >'-' 111 ' ' . . 11 1 . .J ;,,.,.,,1 , ,·. ]16-117 (]9S8J. , r'I·' IJI·,II 1, ,, ,-I (' 1 . point in !)avid and rJ,, \. ri< • �:'. 7 /, e · .. . - · ·- .. • • l r <'<·i ,-ion:--. even ,,hen . , · r 1 .: In o · 1 O '' ,'·1 · 1 1 1 I r · 11 0 1 I t \;; !! r. to 1 ll l u \ <' It,, - Ip n d 1•n · : ., <) at. I? . �-f·. . J• �· 11-, llnl l101J11d to do :--o. -l'e 1,1 :1111· 11 I· r11· • n11Le '). ,, 11 i

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'. f(' sl<�[ >3 in a ::jng lc case r tl1 l l a ,r herc id/ 1 l 1 ro 1 1µ. tl go LC) t ur <·<) e ll1 for (']S<",v]1c�r<· antl ,v.l1ere Ll1e ' la,v ·of . rcrl <)c(·tir <'l" -. f· · , '" [. ... .. 1, ,1 I 1tr · l 1 I c oI) e 1 l t) • l101ce of la,v rt1lcs arc l c tio11a tra1li f' 'l' . . , i "t. . l . of te . . l . , ' 1 0 .1OC'llS 1 );]::,_ 1 lCCJl 1 n l 1r::-c �l1. ot 1lc l l)c co11tai11e<] i11 a COLlr rath t 11l a1 c. .. ,·:1 1 a l c r; .atl1'1111alc i11 st1 . rl o11 a c;asc }Jasis. 1t1 . c< 1r tl · 11) tl1a11 l> c clcYelor>e,I 1Jost otl1 r area� of suhst 1 l tl1a . t fac tl1r rJf c,,· , i anliic( , Seeo t i(ll,·. _ � iccl. 11 car1 JJe co11tcnded th� <lif c-o l,c, ii ,vi llr c ar v la, l ;r�, cl t occ ariil �ir ine o f conl 'lict� Ja,v ;.;l i ou,1 I 11 ot lie a11 c:\'.ce1 >Lio11. La,v)'Crs arc tra d t in� l cr11,:; lJ�- tl1c ar11)liea ·Lio1 1 of eocle pror} l) J>ro a] .lcg �t 111o I<) rs ,vc nr1s Ilic ·1a,,, as c·l� 1f]i co1 of a clse,rherr:. :=:iuii:-. n111 1 t 1 1 i ;.; :-:1 1(>11! 1:I l > e trt,c i11 tl1l" are . F'i11a 1 1 .Y - n11rl 1.l1 i;-; 111a,· l)C' tl1c 1110::t sig11ifica11l o1Jjeclion - io 1 J1a,•e 1101 J1ad form� a d r ,, ·cloii 1 11 � lc�:1 1 S)-�lc111 _j11(l µ: l':-. 1 1 1,1 11)· c�f ,,·.l1c>1.1 Jcµ:<1I lrai 11 i 11g. 1J1'ed _.:;;:-r111c guitlc to L l 1c rc.sol1 1lio11 of 1ega111roblcm,. ,,·l1i ( 'lt f'Hll ! Jc (',,)Illai llf'(l i 1 1 lilt' J>l'(l,·i.sIOll -:: of n COCle. rfl1cre arc allS\\'Cr• to 1 \ 1 c 11roh l en1 ... ot' tl1c: cor1fl icl of la,\·,:; c,11 ,,·l1 icl1 11 1 a11)· states haw

j 11

I<.) lie a11�- rca3011 ,vl1)· they shouH .1g1·<'('<L and there ,lo,�;.; r1ol a ,1,<'ar 1 ·1 )( · �ol\·e,l 1lif l'f'r('11 1l�- ir1 · 1;:1l1iCJJJi:1. lr1 cC'rtai 1 1 �il11alions it is clrar ,rl1 i t 'l 1 ::-talc '. l 1 a:- tl1c :::u1,crinr µ:<),·er11111cr1tal i11tcrc .;;t. ancl tl1cse �itualiom

a.rid :-:l i ould l > f' (·c,,·crc<l ! 1 �' C'01lc IJrc,,·i.::;io113. rl�l1C'rc a]�,o rrrtain ::itu:�tion ... i 1 1 ,,l1icl 1 J;:1J1ic>Jli�1r1 la, ,· <·lf'ar l ) - �]1 ot1lcl l >c a1)11Jicll in ric1, of l•:1 l 1io1,in:=" govf'r11111<·11tnl i 11 tere.-�l. :\lor('o,·c-r. 1!1erc arc ('Crlain r 1,oli( ') dt'( 'isio·11s rclnLi,·t' lcl tl1c eo 1 1 flict of la,,·.;; - s11cl1 a� \l'het1t n l.lif· g;ov('r11i11g JlC'r::011:il la,r �:d1ot 1l 1'l 1 l<' 1l1al of a 1arl)'�5- clo111ici le or hi: 1 11atioi,alit�· - lltal J > arlia 1 11c11t n1a \\·i:-:11 to <lce iclc rat.lier tl1an lraw y ln I lie cou rl.s. <·�111

1., '.I


Nole Ihal i l \\' o II Id - par.IA 1,. .l' .. t n a<l<1.Il.ion lo tl1e C:i, a ·il (:ode rather than ": 11� •·ode' 11 1 O \I l! I I '' -t' '' l J . l i·ont1nue Lo rel'er lo it L,ofl a:; a Code of 1hc ol' lJa,, "

·' .

-- .-')-'). -

t-el f<,rll1 ll1r' �l}l }) f.0,l('.11. St1llj('Cf. lo l 11('� ()\0 (•rri,li11g ((ll(��1.in11 or :r<)\'('J"Jl­ ntl'll ta I i.11l t�rP.�l a.11cl fai r11t':-� Lo t l11� Jltlrl it•:;. i l �1 101 1 ) cl ::-et f(>rl I, a :--<�r i (�� ()f �11ggcstt•<l $O]trtio11� to co11f.lit·t� J>rD]llc•111s a111J ,,. 1 1 ,·r�· 1::i�1rlia1111•r1.t J1a:_; 1·csfll,·('(] r>olic�)'- <Jtl(':,Lio,,�� ::-:cl l'(>rtlr ( 1,�rii1il(� r1tl P �. · 1 I. �, lfJll 1 1 I •• 1�0

]•.'.I l1i,11 1ia11 la\\" i :-: 1lcri11ilcl� le, l i e ill>J)liP(l. "fl1e cr1111l1a :,;.i� �l1011lll llr- 011 a r-a ..:1· f. l�- ca�t". :.11tJJr<la<"l1 . a11t] 110 �1ll1�1r111t' :--lJl1ltlll Jlt' 111 ..1cl1� lo ,lit.:l�tl<� Lit<' rt�.:-111l1 i11 "''l'r�· Jt:n:-�il 1l1. � �it11nli(>11 i 11

:=1•t f11rl)1 tit('

sil.11:.1tic,11� ,vl1(· 1·1•


,�l1i1·l1 ..1 f,>r<�ig11 1·lc-111t�r1 t 111a)· I)(' 1>rt'�<'11l. 111 l?.. 1rll\i l \\' i I l 1lt'n l ,,·ii ll a 1111111l11·r c,f 1,rol 1 IP111� i 11 t 11 <· <·1:,11Lficl of ]a\V� :llltl �t1gge:-l lJ\!' ::,;()lttli(lll:- l.}1;_1( 1'(.�:--lJ) l fJ"(IIII /.Ill HJl)) li ( 'U{i'OJl ()f !hi::- a111>roael1. 1.\ )>J>C.'Il(l(·tl ,\·ill IJ(' a (•()r1flirt!- (•(_)() {� c,r Il i c l),-l>C tl 1 al I t J1i11 k. � f I c'l LJ f i] I., r· a !I ti J , l (' cI i11 I;: l I I ic• 11 i �1 •

P11RT 1,1 P...PPLIC.F1T!ON OF 1,I-IE PRI�iC!IPLES OF THE COl\1i='LICT OF LA:�,vs I 11 1. 11 i:- 1iorl i1)11 uf tl1c· ,,·ri I ill!-!, 1 ''° ill 1]i:'c11:-- el11,ic·r� of la,v i1 1 a ·1111111IJ('r 0:· �, r<•a;;. !Ja�r·tl <)Jl 1. l1i:-- 1li,1·1:.:-::--i(111� I. ,rill �11 ll'll li1l 1�1 11ro1 1 l•:--<� a (''l(le.• (Ir Ll11· ('(I)] flit:l ()f Ia,r.,. ·1·11 . .. a rt��l� Ill J,c- ,I i::-l'll.;:.;:p1I ar,• a� l'fJll.u,,·..: ! lH'r�'.;11ul �t.1i11;; a1:,l

fa111ily ia,,·:

--11ce1·:-�i<Jr1; c·r1r1lrn<:l:-=; lc,rl-..: 11r1,1,1·rLy;

:.111,I lit1:--i11•·��- c>rg:1l1iz�1Lio11 ...;. I. \\·ill al..;�) .. liC' } l)licy·. (li,('lt:--- <flH'.�I ic,: 1- rl·lar.i 11 g- to 11r,,1·1·,II1r1·. 1111· r1•11, L)i •• �1111 1111l> � \otc ll i al Jli J I nli 11 I.IL'"'l ir.111..:. .-1 i�,·11:-..:.i-d ,,·itl1i11 u i•arl 1c·1ilar ar1·a ,r1.ll 111':­ <·.;.::.., ,t J>arla. nrc l1al 1 r1 l,-i ·c> i:1, I I 11a i µ: l' ,1... c<I ·1·iz c·l( � ::,ra C'l :· t Jc ! ("(' �ari 1,. ·lt'ril·t1lar ljll(',li() J1 ,li :-- (·11°:--r•1I i11 l j11' ;irc·a o f l <.>l' I lialJi.lit, lll[L\·_ I)(' ('l1arac



i.t:!1·i1,·,· �

iz,·d a::- a c1 111:i--Lio11 c>[ f..1111 i I � - l.. 1,r.

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. ) ')

io nal l c 1 l-1 t 11i L y a 1, 11 c c · i 1, , 1 <�r �, y ' it j:,; 1 . 1 r 1 n c· f u �" it l a r1 :.\ 1ic r:::or 1'� 11atio � <Jr ,vl10 clai111s hint �s l)< to � 11 i1 la <· : l11 l ,J 1 0:: :,· 1 1at.io11n ,, rat t :::. Ile 1 r tl1e J. )r ·o, la,· ,· ol' � cl l> e 11 r c ,ision.� o f v o g : i:= ia 1J io 1 l �t l l)' i1 1 i l a 11 io t a :N l. a 11 . o · i l a :1 11 y 1)crsc >11 l1orn of ,v 11 Ja a is 1 tl r lc , 1 1 1 fJ 1 :3(l. :3· J9 f ,J ,r a ·1� ," it } a 11 o ti tl1e �n tl1cre are ,il�o J )l�o, ,i�io ns > iJ: : 11 ia 1i io 1 1l E: ,111 i� 1l c1 r )a ·, 11 ia 1> o 1i tl l� 311 citizCJ1$ l,y nal11raliz:1ti on. 11 iu 1J ic1 1 1I r•: lC ll '(J C'( ) ! li1 lir ,, ·l1icl1 forci !! ll('I'::: ('( 1t1sl clct erni in e n lc a 1 st cl a E , l. ·n rc rc if rl 1 111cl l)oiii i"i!<' riicari� :::or11 ,,1l 1 i11/! 11 36 and in � 1 ile ic n oi ll f . o 11 o Li 1> c 1c >1 cc il� o,,·11 cr cl r1 u i1c ic 111 i : r1, ' ':: 11 o ::: <·r J> ;r :i,0 isio11.s <Jf t!1e Ci,;jJ Code. 1·( 1, ' 1c tl to Jocik: I•:11i ioiiia tl i c cot1rt:..: 11111�1 l1e clo111icilc of a person · '"t t 1a tl s rlc i J\· C ir ' (1l · (�o 1 l i,·i C '. :\rt. ic l 1 · ·1a:1 11; 1!,1. 1 '.' La I>li:: 1 1 e < 1 I l 1 e I > r i1 1c i tJ �J :::eat o.f his a� I 1 1 o, r., c > l 1 I e i"' t I i 1' l I l .1 ( · (, ,,-1 1 c· r <' :-:11 11 lo re�icle 138 there io 11.L Lc i11 ctl1 itl1 ,,· 5 :-=[ :·c· lc 11 i i .:; i I 0 of d l,u:-iu,·.� ].\, an 1 as to tl1 i�. i11l.c11tion: io1 J)l · llll C.:'l 11r a ;; e. at J. cre · 10 1 cl \r1 _ i ... ll ('ll all j'<'r111 :7




·· l ! l \\;l l< 'rc a t)cr.:.:011 l1a::- J1i� 11nr111:t I re,i<lc11cc in a 1)lacc. lie shall l i e 1l c ·('111<' 1 l lo l 1 aYc 111<' ir1lc11Li<JI1 of re�iclin!! 1,crn1a11e11tly in :--ll('ll pl,IC!'. • • ' · i -·? I .:\.11 < 111l '11i1(lJl t:J lI 1(' r·o11Lrar)· cx1,res.::-ccl l>)' st1cl1 l)Cr::011 shall 11nl I ) <' IHk. ('1.1 i1ilo cor1,i1lcr:1 tior1 tt11l,,::-� it i::: sl1fficientl,,, pre. c1:-=.('. a11 1 .l il i...:. to lnl(_c cffe1 ·L 011 tl1e ]1:11J1)e11 i11g of a11 ercnt '' li i('h '' ill 11<)r111al l:· l1aJ)ll<'11 ac1·orcli11g lo tl1c orcli11ary. cour�e ·IJ r L I1 i 11 g:-: . " ' ·111•,111 <> 11t J · <>r<' · �"ll'11 'J'l1crcf 111u-:l I)<' c<)Il�lrt1ell to 111ea11 for ;'an . .'J ll<1 (' 1.1 11 1. t ('. Jl, ri ')� <.l O r 11111' \ ; 11at · • · •• \ . 111a)· l>c eall(�cl 1 1 .. ;;floali11g i11tcntio1L V

.· �

. ) ;-; .1. l,a,, of 2.1 Jul,- ·, 1•,:io I l 1. · -: }ll. < . ·tdell 1111d�r .:-\rt1.l 'lc :19 of the Rc1·1 3l'd ..1on . ,· •• lh c · l:1,, ..· l . �i·, . . . ('on . • II,' o II t 11 al . . e the l'Olldittons of acqu1s1t 1" 11 ' I 11'. , . 11 11n1 . . . ·. p1a ;111<l lo,, ,f 1;·.,I 111o · on I Iie 11 nat1011·d1't · · · Tl 11: 1'J.10 · ·• l a,, 1,- th e only 101\' · l't' ' t·1?1n , .. ( 1l' ·l'· 1 )11 · · ,.,nhjel'l ' a,- th1, · (· ·.... 111 1 . ,.o a I l· 1on nut ' "· no r>rov,:-:1011:3 dP.aling ,rith · ·t f . .... 1 ··1 u ll 1:-. t Ii e 111oI hrr j"· .·111 1;-·1 I ltop,all, a · · . t·l1e l·l11ld uation h y o :1ke:; the t . · ' 111, ' . nat1011<1 1ti� the forei:.!ll f·•itliCl. . . . .. . I . . Ill! h; I ,. l"lll . 1 , . · 1 · y ,,a . 1an a111 1op 1c� E_,ll1 . . 111· 111t-·' in Etl111 · •))1<1 l' ·. ;1111] (ll'OY;' 1 l--' }ic is • l ]'JYe=,,tecl of the foreign natio na 11r. . 1'



] ).). �


. .ll :--;,,.l· (J11 t 1IC, (1I;,,'


. . .. Cose \' . . 1 0• ll I l II j ·-: l )oint · . . • Ill C1r1' ! 1'ul. , -l,1110::, v. Kol,li:inos, .1 , 1. 7 :i2 . S. 1rl ui · c· cc, ,I. I-:. I) 1 II re ,,, Ill/()�, ) . I} I)•)/1'. I 1 Cl e t.1 I l� 1er ] ,,, . ,1<111ccr) 692, <.., . . -- ) : ;' the "' 0 1 i\ppl·al h eld th . . c l er ·. 1t ,tll I_,n. ,rl1,.-l1 ,uliJCl'l ''....1::un . <I on11c e · ne ra • I 1 1 1 · 1n e( · · .· uo1 1��11;! 1.,sI 1 ronreilli,> 11 0 f t 101111 � Id ,foll · .11 she 11•• tl lOUf.! ' l1 u11c] er l· rcnel1 la,,' I><' de · cr 11c .. 1l . 1·l .'1 l o J. ., t·I1 don11t· _ i.,,(, ,H·qu1re ,. 1le. .I "J '. l he tern 1 "l iu,-1·.ne:--. -.... , :;houl cl Ii c . , t on:,trtted Lo 1n�a11 en111loy111ent . J :.ia. l1esidcn,·c Ill(•·,111,-.. t ie . •. TI.71 ,re .a . "ic 1 pl:11 ·c ,,h' . . . · cie •1 l)er�o11 11orn1·L.1]ly re�1cle •• � . (11s · . e (I )· fl a p I a( Jl<'r:-:on 11•·1·" 1I\ I une ' C r or ·} • l 11. cc n1ontl1i-, l1e is dcerned lO rcs1tlc11l'c thcr,•• ('•,· VJ.1 ( ' ] . • · · O(· c' O f E't}11otlia, 1\ rt.icles 174,, 175 l2) ·





1,, rclt1r11 .-.l�c,vltf'.'1"('�� (lO('S ll<Jl [)t·<�,·r11I. �l )>f·..r�t]tl fr< 111. 1 ner]11i ri11;z a 1lc1111i­ c·ilc iil Lil<' J•l!1e,� ,\·l1('r<• 1 1 <� .i::. r,•:;;i(1.ir1g. ·1,1 1 i� i� ,lr·11 1011�1 r,1l1'(I 1,)- 1.l1 t� • f l,ol<l ir1g: o tl1<� S111•rf·111c· ll11111·ri.i l (:011rt i11 _-,/,,,t,,, 1•. S/1 ,1 11,,. 1:11> 'l,11<'

]H'l':'011 ,\·l1o�e tlorrtif'ilc.� \\•a�


'!ll('-.liOJl ,,·a:-: :t ���nf�ll'l <)ltlfil(<�r:� t�arry­

i11� c111 n 1,ri,·ttl(' l,11si11l'�:- l1('rt'. I.ft, ,va� n11 J\111,•ril 'a11 ('itiz<'rt ,rl 1{> ha,1 . l1("C'il rl� ..; iclt·r1l i11 l•:1 lii1:.1,ia rc,r .�ix yl'aJ'!", ·1·1,(' lfi l! I I (': ()tJrl f c ,1111,J tl1 .1t I,,� ,r�!-� 11c1l 1lo111i<·ile,I l11'1'('. '\,,i11c<' ltr' 111i�l11 �<>rtl<' ,la,. l 1•a,·c· t 11<· <'()1111l J"\.' .

anrl cl.iii 11ot i11l('.11rl lo Ii,·<' i,, l·�tltiot)ia })t·r1i1u111·1 1.ll� :� l,1 r,·,·rr:-i.it1µ-. tl 1 c: S111 1r('111r· l�t•11rl olJ�(·r,·i:·cl tl1:tl .;ll1t• 111ajc,rit�· ,va� <.'('rlai 11I�- ,\·r<)tl� lo forr�ee lt)O 11111el1 tl1c' f11l11r(·:· Si1t!'l, J1f.· ,\·,,:-: 1·(":-ai,li 11� i 11 Jt:1J 1 i l) f>i.1 a11l l.

l1�1i1 l1i-- l,1,�i11e.5� ltc·rt'. 1I11.' r,rf'.,l[l!IJ1tic,11



\r1i,·I ( ' ·1 �� I a;)1>li<·s:: i11 I 111··

til) ..; l'll{'(' tlf 1•lpar ('\"t(Jt•11l'f' t: f C'n Ill rar)' i11lt•11tjor1 l<) Iak.P ) I rte<� 11 1<>11 I J 1 e ) 1 ] 1 �1J1J1l'Jli11g cir a cf1.•fi11ilt.• c•\·1•11(. Ll11• } >J·,� .. llJIIllli l)l l \V[I:-: 110l l'f'f l11llt�1I. rl'o 1111· ;--[!JTJ(' f•ff1·(·1' i.:- tl11:• t.'a�t" f) r Zi....,,,:,; 1·. Zi......,,. .,�:r 10 i 1 1,'<>IYill!!: ;,1 Grct'k , nal inr1al \\. 110

li,·f'<I i 11 1,: 111 ic>Jli a



,0111<· ,·,..a r:-- �111i:l '" 110 .. ,· l>t1�j11<·�� ,vui-


\\;: l 1f·rP �, ) , f' rf i; 11 i .. J i \· i r1 � n 11 1 l , \·Cl rI( i r1 g J 1 <" r,� . I I 1 ,, t> 11 I)' l i 111(' I1 (� ,,, n Ir J 1.l IJ t f <) l 111 ( I 11 fJt l c• l, ,, , I<) r 11 i <• i l t' f I i t 1 I!: l I 1 i o l • i a i:,; ,v I,<�r<' I 1 r I> I a11 11,.<. I Io I P a , f'. T·:Lllio1,ia al ll1r· (·111I r,f ll ,1,-ri,1il(• 111.•ri,;11. [;'r,r exa,111,l t·. if a 11er.-:()ll r:11111" Ir• Il:tJ1i'Jt1i,1 lo \\'l)rk: 011 ,l fi,·,, y 1·ar t<111fru<·I, ir1f,·r1 1li 11 g Ir) l 1 ·t1Y<" �, 1'11·r I lie f''.'\.J>ira l ir.111 of 111 1· fi\ 1_• y,·a 1·!". l,1� \rc111 l1I 11t,t 11<' 1 l 1 11 1 1it ·il,·1I i 11. r•:1 Ii !ll j>ia.. �i11c1• l ll(' i11 It'll li<JII I <1 lt•aye i:-- ,.; 11ffi1·i1'Ill I)· J1r<'<·i�(' a11<I ,,. i I l lakf' 1•la('(' llJJ(lll tl 1 ,- l1 ..t)lJl(�IIi11g ()f ti 1lefi11il1" f.'Vt'lll• .1111( (>lltCl'\\'i�,-� \\ li1 ° r1: a JH·r;-: l, I] li\ f•:- n111l \\ 1)1'1\. � J1,�rt·� t l1c• )II'()'' i:-i111i.: ,,r !\ rt.i1·l.f�:-- I s:i a111l I :J J fa\· II r a fj 11 ( f jII!!. ( 1 f I I(.) I I I i ( · i I('. l I l >


a:-1-. \\'l11•tl11•1· ,lr)111iei I,� <>r 11al io11.t Iil)· �l1<)111,l l,c tlte � 1,,1•rni1 1� Jll'r�c,r�al fa,,- .i:l f-;1l 1 i<>J>ia. If r1)11fli('I� l�t\\' is t·:i<]ifi<�1.f� tlti:-:. q111·�1 i<)tl ,, j II l,a,-" I<; I,,� a 11 .... ,,.<·r<·,1 I,)· l'arlia11 1 ( 'tll. 111 tl1 t� 11n�l� jt1 cfiei,1l d1·,·i�i, r1- l 1 a\(' ,ii,· i,I, '(' ()II l I I(' 'l tr•·�l i()J). () f I]1(• (,'.a�{':-- rlc·ali11g ,vitl1 Ll1e • 1111·-t ior 1 11 1 at a r,· h. r,tJ'\\ 11 t1., 1 l it · a 11 l.ll<)r� l \Vl> l-ligl1 (�011rl tl,,ci�io11� 1 I Z �\CJ\\.


,,·< �




1.;'J, (,'i,:i{ -I Jl[Jf:';r/ ,\ o. 7[{ l '.i(i. ] ! (I, (:11 if . l/1f1c11I .\ o. (,:; I :i6. · 11 11 1· I J 11� · ·· it�. l)onlit·ile �,nil . • 1 1• 11 Jll\· ,1rli•·l.1•. . :\a• lional • 1' 011l I 11. ,',:, -10 · t I H�. d1,-1·u1. n., .• o .l l�1h1,11>1rt11 /.1111· .1 11 l ( 111,-,-:> . t11I t1rr o ] // · · · 1,1. ,.111111 I .I l ,/ii' f er,-,u11a I I ,.t\\ ,u .. • fl.�. II o � f ll f-: (.',II'( I.'. · -� 'l ( ,fl.,, i ' OIL/ ff!. .,, \ o· · 9 I J°i. 'iII ·' KI ·1 12. r f'l' illl!//a I'. ( /l[Olli'111i, (,'iii/ ('a,c :\,,. 2'.jli :ii. J.t


• 1.)

'r�o11al < 11 1g i1 rn c ,, o g 1a,,· ,v'lii] '-... 1 11 · 1c tl .; a ,r · t, li :1 1 , • io ,t ,. . 1 l " ·0 I ):\\" ' I lt'1I1 lll,•1 'C l1cld tl1al domicile ,ra\ J1a : 11: . ci ,lc . ir1'111 I1111ic1.·1�1. I Cotirt l ie 1 . . . c . S 11 1 l1 ,.,,J11c acl1 1ng app1·o <lcc1d is ·:-ound r<' Be-fo 1 : 11. . ,· . · 1-,, .. . • er !.!'.o,·cr11111g {JCt__::- 011.tJ l1es La-l�e11 1))" otl1er natio ,tc >1·0 > ,11 1' tl1 1 t1) ( ol lo 11!. . 111.1'".1 , · . . • 1u. ... 11101J 1�l 'lur 7 alio11 is , cr ,s ol l1 1c� tl1at eac li 11!1, sL 11 o1 fr L ou 1� 1( a1 st at th '!'Ile JJOitll 1 r11i11g JJ<>rs0-n.<1l laiv i,1 > < -v gu li.ght of ib <LS r 1l rt its '<l 1l< 1l< 111 r1 {o s /,a 11 tio i] la,v stales l1a ve 1)y and lar� i,· 1 C 11 . st re re i,i <il iit (Jir-,, g<Ju.erii:iie l)Cl"i011a1 la ,,·� tl1ot1gl1 some atl' ir1� r11 ,·c go c tl1 as y lit iia tio 11a nilniitccl 1 tl1 c rtic1c of 3 Fre11ch C I;or cxa1111>lt�'. ;\. ivil lt!r,iiii� to,,·,irl"l rlou1icilc. . 1c l;;:i,,·s rc. lali11� to tl1c c::i11clition a11rl J)rivileg12 1 : :tl (:ncl<' JiroYid < '; 1 ,at ign cou ntry:,' in re n i11g f' id a rcs l1 t1g l1o alt 11. 1c'l111 c11( l•r 'r11 f !LG, 1;-; :=ni !H·r ,)f 1 a l tl1c J)Cr:3-011al la,r of foreigne l'i ,ll!d tl t r Y.'rc 1 1c:l 1 1·011rlict� r!!l1·,� l10 ,l tl1 . ]Jj ,;\rliclc 1 7,of th i I l"l'-idi 11 ':.! i 11 Fr:, 1 1('(' i. � ll i c Jn,v ()r tl1rir 11alj811aliL,·. 1 1alia11 (�i,·iJ Cocl f • J>rO\'idc:= tl 1 nt ';tl1e .slat1.1� ::11111 ca1 )acil�' of person, tJ (



:111d l'an1iJ)- r<'1atiu11:-l1 i 11 � nr,· !;OY< r11r·11 1,�, tl1c- la,,· of tl1e State Lo ,rltich 1

t I i :· ,,,·r ...:cin..: l,clc>11�.�� 116 'l'o i l1e 5:lIJlC' c[fcc:l i::: Gree]( la,,·. 1�-i Hun!.'!'..tria 11 lu,,-. l 1a J3 1 1l !!aria11 1a,,·. 1 l 1J ancl tl1c ln,,· of 111anv other p1·:111 :--l�1l1·.� a111l :=t,1le� tl1nl c-111 1>10�- Ll1C' <.·i,·il la,,·. 150


. .

. ' <· I car tnal , ·er,· c1ller1

rca�o11 for cr11 1>lO)"ing 11alional i1y a: i. I ] 1 < • �u,· L ·r11in;f 1 1 cr:-0 11al la\,· i :- 1l1nl 1l is i11 tl1c go,0P.r11111cnl:al inlcre.:td r t Ii ( · �Lall '. tc> do :=o. ()11e \\'ritcr. c·::i111111e11ti1111· 011 ltalia11 con.Jlict.5 lnw, I. L




.Yohannes />rot" t·. Tf'/7' ?':f.e,!!11i11esl1 11lal,·01111c11. Civil /lppeal J\"o. 638 4t _,.//frc£lo f>"stori l'. 1,/,-,.; .•·lslr, 11 i,/ . i,. 011<1 G<>orC!.e A slani£lis.. Civil ApprJ � i'\ r . ., ·1 o 'I� . 'I.I . .).)()i L,


' ' 1- 1 J. lu ::,OIHC ('a:,;e-;· 1h,�1· · ll ' tl1ere � ·· � 111 1,· , 1 . · hul 1 c.: 11 1e ell, or \\ et 1ca 1 rca,5011::- as .:tl\\, . . .. t)!:a '. ·01. 111·1d nentd • cnl'c het,\·1·1�n tl1 c tl1 eor\" adopted and the uor erru :, .

inlcrc.:.,t v ,,1 1l 1e, ,., I·,1 I c t·ont·erncc l See llie tli!-rll:-!-io 1 1 in Pla . 1 1·1 ol · . 1'r cr,11se La1u § 181 (£ng/J 011 · the Civil T,...111,' . 19,..9 ,) ) • 1-16. ;:e �h tli�l·us�ion , Lu�i of it\ irl �ll '(:u ::ke r Co nfl : 'fl1 e ]1·1li·1n Rules Olf tl1 e _,) './ II (I/!(' }.(I I() ]��Vi ('IIJ 70, 7 5 ll 95Q) .. • ' l-l i. See the di1,l·11:-:1!1 . in io11 in .N., . .,all . I( 0 l ctopoulo:-:. l) r1vate lnlernauonal I Ne,\· (;rc'"• ·k c·1"1·1· ' '.ode' -·J3 'T 11 I .:, (}91 91 -ane [...a, v R ' ev 45 4:, ic 2, 1u -t • • l-lB. Sc, !l .!-�.1o : c t I ic. ct,� rt1Jll . E11 n in I)1.01 >in:;, . Recent Eu.I Confl1el of in La,vs . 1'reatic., , .5 ./1 n 1er1can ]011 · · 1·1 1" l· 0f .on11>arat1vcLau,;;l81, 4 89 1]956'1 , . /bi,!.


Sec 1 Rahel, 1'h (2nd J c C o11 //i� ,·t 0/ l�r11vs: .1-1 Co111JJfl ra1 .,ve St11<l) . 113, .)15 · . 19SB). 1

- 56 -

· --erves OtJ;;

Lhnl tl1e rCl(�11tio11 o[' tl 1c n'1t · • 1'011.-".J 1• 1 )'• 11r1• 11c1· 1>] c • · . r. 111 1 tal. y 1111£lct11 C C 1, o J2 cl ]9: c the l1as a l)Olitical rea::or · • ·· 1 � 1) 1· c ••·1n t e113c I '{ 11al ., .. · 1s · t1· c 10 · 11 a. 1 tloct ri11es of 111'0-re tl1a11 t,ve11l)' )'Cars ttii cl (!r �vlti�::=:olj 11 1_ ,; ''Jt ,v·o1,Jcl l,c 311 alJtlicatio11 of SO\'crci 0•11t,0 li . e ol>"< ' 'r. ,·e::-, .. ·· '' i' f. a ::,-L a lC J'CllOllllCC(1 I· 1 ::::. rigl1 t to go,,c:r11 iLs 11atio11al ,,·11·0 1 1 as c 1 11 igraled:' F ti rtli er. , ] <'gal tie;.;; of tJ1c c111igrc ,vit11. liis fatl1erla11cl '·co11tril>t1lc Lu l1 is ficlclit·{ lo r1 a tio· 11nl · . 1 - I I n ot l1c1· ,vorc1;-:;, it s ', ·:) ins tit11 .L1011. ,v a.:: st ro11g]� , i11 t.l 1 e 111l c�rc:::t of Tt l a, r ·to l)i11cl Italia11s ]i, i11g n1)rOall .IJ)- ltalia11 .la ,vs; rceii1rociL)r ,vo 11l�l de111 a11cl tl1,1:: t tl1 c .sa1JlC treal111c11l l)c ac corclc(I to forcigr1(�r::; - far fc,-ver i11 11 11.n1IJe:. : - ,vJ10 l1ai>l)P,1ccl l J<.lc i11 .ltal�I'. ()


1\.11ollter a1ill1or. co1n111c11li11C" 11• on Gree}, la,v. lS2 1:ioit1t·- <:iut tl1nt Greece ]1as a l�u-gc Ilt11ul:ier of 11alio11al::: ,vl10 c111igratc lo ,,::irious 1iarl:-of t11e ,vor.i cl (e.g., tl1crc arc 111ail)" Gree!<: 11alio . nnls rc�i(li11g 111 l�tl1io1,ia l a.nd t}Jat� t11ere.forc, ;�110 rca�·o11 cotrlcl )Jc �lro11g; cr1oug:l1 lo lcacl l<) tl1t' aba11clo111nent ,o,f tl1c 11atio11alit�. 0 :-:,·. 3t.e111: tl1e cu11li1111ali-011 .or ,rl1icl1 \\"H" 1 .:' I•i11al],·. con-siclerecl :.1s a 111c:.?s1.1rc of :::elf-1Jr('�f'rYalio1 . 11alio11s ,vitl1 rt

large ntu111J er of 11ntio1'. !a1.s rcsi1li11g alJroa(1 111ay rc:ir tl1al. tl1c })<'r;-:011al staltts of tl1 csc 1 )er. �o11::- \\·ill lJc go\·cr11 e(1 1l�- a11 a!i1·r1 l1�gal :-::y�Lc111. ()11t· · :Nctl1crla11(l::; arid \· Bclgi11111 ,vriter.. in cli�cTt�si 11 � 1�11xc111liot1rg lia,·<' ,vJ 1 � ".

follo,; ,,ccl the 11 atio11aliL)' 1,ri11ci J)lc, l:1:l stales L I 1al ,� 1111111'.'' I,�a:-:trr1l coun . l.rics }1;2,"C f[llilc c1i.ffcrC'Jll COllCCJILic111s o(' 111nrriagf' H!ld ] > arl'lll. �a,· - Ll1al \\'C:'-lCl'll �I al1'� ;,;l1ot1ltl rt DI · �' (Ill lo o·op" �::- . c111'} cl re].at.-·1011:=.J ti 11::-. .. , e - '.· J-.- [._ . . · · ('.·ilizc11s (101111c1lf'(l 111 tl1o�c· "··i: ]· fo1·. tl1eir .-.- 1c·'o' .__ "'� accc 1)t l)1ga111 · · 1; or t}.1e 111-c · nat1cns; con·:ecrt1c11lI y. - t. I 1cy- 111i1.<.:_ L I1 o· I < I ·tI 1 ''l l lh c 1J <'rso11al .In,v :,; I I C) u I cl I )<' that of 11ntio 11:tlit}· rat l1Ci ' l 1111.11 or ,!011iiC'i I('. - , LT11itc1l 1�' 11 o · .. 1· 1nve I C(1 1.'., th, • · l •·111cl :-, · ·111l ... l .. 1 clc. ra . 1e sa111e l)'IlC o.( co11 c::' < lI(lll',--rl · · · (.'.:iL:ite::1 l a, \- . �l�l1 rr(' \'.'('l'C COlll1 . -- or !)l'r.:.: (111a • · ·1 ..: < l<; [I(l :·[) t ( I01111c1 c a::--- tl 1 1 1 -1-:. • , , . . • CXCC}.ll l't)r tl10.:-:e' l) I '/ l 1 !.! t1. l l 1 [ O l · l l 0 1 I . 1· I { -1 · . .... , 1 c }'larat1\:(:· 1 ·v J 1·1.-., 1···,r12· 1111t'!! · · 1 ·l:: I " _ . · . . t<·111� o1· lI ,c, �,-� al lc� •irt. l . • · , ... .;; e l ti ('1 11, . ', J _ c, I . L 1 : <) � c < I n <r I a t,1c < n 1,,1· 111<.. .... S11 1c.!' l: 11c • • .. . . ... ·.:: "!,, , 'l .. ilt:di �111,. 1 <n1 c)I ·. llJ. I1 a., l·- Br 8 .J, . · :l <·, l1 i ., J , rolor1tr·�- :-he c·r,ttlcl 111:,t1rc t J, c ,.1 t . ' · . . , . · 1.1 ,'] t·· :1 . · . - .. .: 1 1 0111. c i..:('. !) ,, 1 1::-t11� · ,J { <·,, , • · I · " ,,, · ('. I > 1 · 11" · <1".:: I JC:cls ,rl11·rc :-!1c (1cc111e(I t· 11:- ·'·· ' · (1•

IS 1. 1S2. 153.

16 at �-,_) . �l<'Cusk :er, sur,ra. 11ote 1,.1 7 al .J;5. .=i. '(,J. te no ·a ' S1tf>1 J os, lN iec, I clopo u · l na io at rn te In �'. 1.·1',.·.' 1... p . •• , n o on 1 ven �f e1Jer� fhe Ilene- 1 nx• (�··0 11 . t V

�i111.eri;t;11. Jour11al 0/

Conij>aratii;e f,(Ill . ] .·)-

- 57 -

! l 9;)J).

<':- cxerc.:i�crl] OYer al ::-1 aJ j(' cr 111 _1\. ,,..I J l : ll1� _ 111<' g:urcr11i11� ]Jcr:-;011a rc; L. e,.v r\n1cr ican l1c L ( t(� rn 111 c1 1::> ,,·) � r:-s are � _ large t111111IJcr (>f i'<1 rci�11e !E- clear t.l1at it ,vn s i : Jl rc c cr 1 -lc l 'J' . �tla Lo u the dor11iclled al>rcJacl: c,·e11 � 011jtc.1l Slatc.5 to cnip 1( 1l l 1c a1 1 <l a1 µ:l 11 J� or l{Jr :.::u,cri1111 <. 111 aJ intcrc.�l .:;011al ]a,\'. JJC" r � i 11 1 ·cr 1 o , �· 1( ' tl a.; : 0 1 1 :icilc' 1lc,,- a 111ixecl ::ysL ctJJ. Lor al [u e:� al �t r1 ':t ( ri 1c 11 \ _1 11. ti L,a :\ 1111111 1H'r or tl Ji C:.: i JC' CI l I l <' rf� - i O 1 !' ! is C .':..Len t they O l < .� r � t ll {! j c r f (l () L .J Ia,', j ·- �q l jl j it, i o11Ql la,,• i l J1a �r. ,-c ,-c o, If s usell t� . t·l1 c>a 11r a1; ,,la i'ctll,;r· 11 1,, <.0111111011 tJ[ tl1f'ir 11aLior1aJ� do1· 11jc.iledin � 11 ; ir. l la rc· . , i1: 111 l'a 11d � ; 1 �<;\<'I'll t!ii· :-l:1lu l)l,licr ('()llllll'i(�:O:: tl 1 i� ,!('('()lll]Jli�l;(': ' tl11· g:c>a] or ci,-il la,\· co1111Lries. \Vith ,-ariatiun-. tlii� ll]JI;ro:1cl1 i� L:tk<'il i.11 !:l1il 1'. Cc>1c11Jl)ia: Ect1aclor� Costa l{il·n. l•:l �i,!l Y ,t(l tJ r. 'l):·r11. \-1·11c 1.t 1 :·l�, a1:rl ;\:c:--_ico. 1;;1 1

�!]'1Jron1·; ;;, i:: 11(·rl1ul>· '=" :-t1ital>le i'c>r u �tale l1avi11g a large C r111111l)cr of forn11111l,,·r < r j·;- 1·iliz, . 1:- d:Jn:.: l ·ilt'(! ul>t G;!c·l. ar1<l ::i lar!!; � S11cli



l'iµ.nc·r.� 1Jt_)111icil,,d tl,1·r1'.

Still. it 1·:.11111: t l1cl1) l>11t ca11�e ill-,,�iU a1uou�

111hcr .�L,1tr-�: ii' a :-lal c' l il 'lit'\·e:-: tl1al 11er�o11al Ja,,· :,:}1011lcl l1e that o! 11,11:1111ali1, l11


ii< citiz1-11, 1l:1:11i<·ilf'(I nl>rCJacl. tl1c11 it �l1c1,]cl 11ot deny

oll i< 'r :-l,llt',-. 1!1,·

:--:t'11t( '

:·t111t,-ul n,1'r 1!11·ir 11::tio1!al� tltat it p 11rp orl.6lo

i\ :-- (I\'. I!. '!'1 11 ·11· ;ll't' l'()lll_ ll�l.!':lli\'CI�- re,,· Etl1iOJ )iaD5 da111i• ,·il i ·d i 11 cll it 'r t':': 1110.�l l·�tl1iu11ia11, 1·1·,..:i:li11!.!: ai-iroacl arc Ll1cre fora � . r. =-tH·,·111<: 11ur1)11::1•. <>-�-- :-tud�-- ar1(i ,,·. ttlll 11t1t l,c (lo11t�cilc-(l j11 Ll1o�es tate:. ' .J "l i,, jl<,.--.il1lc l1<'tt('l'it...: I 1··;111 ;1tlc11)tii1.�- �11el1 a11 al)J.)ro.-.,c.11 arr clc-arly Ulll\\(·i�l i ;:d !,:· l' 11 ' ill-l' i ' t ·li 11 :t 1l 1 i:-: ,,- <)ul tl t·�:11::1'. JL i� �11li11uticd thal thr ' I 11ticiI (' ;,1'.tl. 11�;1 ior1alit·,·. �!1111 ,,,l1ic I1e,cr 1� (' I l«.1i(' I • " I 1 L) lLI1I I )(' l 1(· I \, 1': tl t,1. ("It O <' Il :-h lJ l' Id J J t ' ll 11 i t' U r 111I ·' ,l j I I j i (' <l . C"\.l'J't'i-(· t:\'t'l'



:-;(· '' 111 :-:

I' I<' ar

l <l I l 1 <' a11 lI 1 <) r


I 1 �1 l

d ,, II la, l d ::- l l1a I d <-l l11 ic i I,, ral I\ l' r ll la 11 \ia,..:j,.; <)[ t>Cl''-· 011'1 ' [ \·1 • ,,· · 'J'J1 <·re 1� a iu 1;:tliic>1>ia: J,:1l1ic111ia j ,- \' <' r,· l1 a ,-<· cl10:-:er1 le) �11e11<l ll1(•ir li ,-�"S l:i4. Nadcl tna,, ' 'l'l i "' 'l . 0ri· 1,• 11 ' '- it e-.· 1•1 on �,- f R evt-:;1on · · � ,."1 ·• tlJt 1 1 C of tl1e f3ustn1ante ,or c, � ,·1111 Jourunl of. C 0111p _ 01 r1111t1 1:e t l,fl111 384, <1963). Under 1\r i i'le 21 beo -

l) . r·•1f1 1;- re, nt·l\ 1lon1i('ilec} 11 ·1 1:re1\t'l1 Ja"··

e ( .o,} e tlie �"\·.•.1l ll::i� .,\n,l ave 1 l . . 10 l , '" · rapae1lv If· · · ol {orelg11eril d e ·,·,'ra111·e for 1110re n r l Iian five )'ears ,,·onld 1JC g: o,·e

- 58 -

. 01·11c r state·, ·. '·l·').1e 1_'-' · �, (lo111icjlecl in .. · . -, l,1a11 · . 111'r:-·· r,, 1-1, .: 1g fI 011t1c1 1. eel 111 l.!..tl1io1>ia . . e1 . . r. 11, .- ,cs J1c,1c . �·c, 1J1. ] 1.,c 111 ll u, l? v ' 111 · l I(,.l ('. lll3l'J' )' :111() r,ro<.] I.ICC · <,· .. :--::, • . ..' ..1110 • 1 l .1e1•.1:,•. Et )1,1 c111.ld1e1 J1as a �lrotl!.! 1 iillC'r(��t 111 re!.!tl lnli11!! t.l1c slalus .._ ,: t)f · J i1c fa 1 )' 11r i t11cse l)cr.::r,11-; 'lllll . 1 a11(1 .l'. \\'I· .. 11 �(' � ('. I II(�' ."'ll(.'('l'::;;:-J()Ii to tl1ei.r :010,,al)lc� })l"OJ.>crt.,-. 1\.:: r ·· '·'1,, - : tli C, I.II I C cl� l() l I1C "0\'�l"lllil!! ' c:>c son · i 3 la, al v Ja�.l1io11ccl .lar••c . l r · . () . 1· llIt.' 111tr·r1• :- l ()(1: I IJC c:- · l\' • <., 11 · ti ll ' l ) ,·t·::-I:· ' _ s ta le a1.>111)'1r lg Ll1c r11lc. l�tl1ir>J>ia �ll<)ul{l [>roli·c·L it 0,,. 1 i,itcrc· :" t <.; a,id 11EC clo1uicile as tl1<:: ])[l�i:-- <)f 1i c1 ' l-1,,· · ·...:.·'-,) ·,1·1[ ' •· ,,·-1 1 •1.( ·l i ti. 11, ,.<.:Jll!>l'(' . lllC I Ill(>('· rial (:011rt J1n.s llo11f'. 1:;_-; '



,,· , .._.

L :-



�[}1e l"C3lI]t ill a C'a:':C :--lll'll rt:- 1·,,/1 111111<'-" , >rr>frt v. jf·· ·?' 'f's<'!!:ui 11 es/1 . ' Jl1[al,01111e1?, J .i6 <lC'111011.strntf·::: ll1e :::1>1111d11l'�:-: ()I' ]·'.tl 1 i c>Ji ia:_.._ r- 111 1 ,J {) yi11� do111ici1e a:::. tl1c 1,a.::i� or ]>('1.'IOilnl Ia\\". · r . l1cre .ill I1alia11 l'itiz,·11 <li1·1i clo111icilccl i11 Et:l1i<.)"t>in. I·Ic ,.,·a� 111ar1·iccl l<J n \r1,111a11 i11 J ta!, arid 1,·l'l

cl1ilclren lr:v l1cr. l· lt' li,·c,I ,,·it li a11 ·1::1l1io11i,111 '.\"(>111a11 ;111d al..:<) J,,ft cl1 ildrc11 11_,. lier. �fl1C' en:::r· i1 1,·,)l,·c·(I ..;u<·ce:-:�io11 lo J1i ...; 11111,·al,I('."' . ,vl1i('I) tl1e court Jicl(l ,ra::: go,·f'r11C'1l I): J1i:..: r>:'r:::r>11,\I l:1,\". :Iii� T-'.tl1iopi<111 rl1il,l­ re11 ,,·oul ,J


Italia11 ln,v ,ve ,-.-.ill see.

eo11�irlcrccl illc!'.!iti1J1;1l<' 11111!,,r ltalia11 la,,·. n111I 1111dcr '--

('J1ii1lr1'rl (·u1 111c>l .i11l1("l'il fron: tli. r · [;J. l !it·r. J�tl 1 io11ia 1l1<: ('1.l11<·c111 ,if ill<·�i1i111a(·\ : .;. 11 1k. 10,,·11. ,\11

ill f '!!ili111nt<· . i11





cbildrc11 i r1l 1 erit c1111all:- frc)111 tliC' f.itl1,·r. ,i:-: lc111µ :1� 1i:.1t,·r 1 1il: i:-- 1 ·;.;lnl1li�hcd� nnd l1 crc 1 ,atcr11it: ,,·a::-: ,1tl111itt1·il. :If llalia11 la,r -- 1'11· l:1\,. or 1Jnlio11a.lil)' - ,,·ere a1)1>li<'1l. 1)11' ltali:111 C"l1il1lr1·r1 aln11r '. ,,-uril<l i11l1(•ril.

If :E1l 1 ioJ)iar1

1l 1c · la,,· c)f 1l1.1J11i<'il<' --- ,,·,,rt' a1ir1li<·<I. all ('l1ildr,�1,. Italia11 a11il l�t] 1. io1,ia11. ,r()tll,l :-linr,' 1•111.1[1l1:. ·. rl11' ('Olll'I l1elfl that llit· l lt \\' -

la,,· t(> ])1' a111)li1·,l. 'l'l1i::- ca;-;c :--111">,, :-' ,vl1,· fa111il,• relatio11� 1d a1 u::-: l 1 (' La : :: Llt c lal !Ytl rf' ·it i:- 11cccssarv for J :1l1ior1ia lo ·l I cr(·. '1'l1rrefcir('. ii is :--11br11iLL<·1I tl1al sl1ips <lf .forcia. icilc,I <10111 1 1 erE ,, clo111icilc. sl1 ol1l fl lJ � tl 1 c go,·cr11i11g J>f'l':'<>I1al la,,·. Ja,r


tl i c <loriJieilc ,,·a 3

tJ if ·


1l llllller 11e 11i r1 . te <le ]Y �i l'H i:-c il ic 11 ()1 11 · · ·1I 1 ·rt �IlOll. 1(1 1)C f>Olll t C<l Ol. l l 1) • .. d 1101 l)e f'l10SCll t1l 1o . . �1 ·1l1 e · t, li la ll i( ·1t 11 · .prov1s1ollS o f t I 1c: 1, i C.,()' I < ... · ·..:o ' • . · f1<· r1 r l I 1 a 11 <l ont , 1 1 r11 · · 1 · e t l' , L f> . r c · i � , < · ,t.. I l on tl1c !!rou11<l tl1 at it. 1:- �,�11 1 a 11 � '- · rile.

c· .··,

155. Sec generally the discussion 156. Suprrr, note 1:�9.



n1 Y arti ('le.

- 59 -


note 1,1-1.


tl1al Etl1ior>i�1 el1011lrl uc 10 1 11 su 111111a r�-� 111 tl1c l."(�111ai 11 dcr o[ . ,v ]a �tl on rs . J>c · io (•<)\'e-· rri i i c . lie _ 1 1. a::C . l t, I . !C ') il O ( C.1111)I()f ,,;c� ,v,J] }Jc refcrrinuc lo ,v, ],1 al 1 <.11 rs 1ic . - . ,.·J, 1c11 \\·<·, i·C"J'·c·i· . 1 0 · · t I 11s ,,·r1l 111g, atc<.l. c li 1c i1 <' � i · ,, r 1c ll C> �::: 1 lc t.l1t� ]a,v of clcJ111ieiJc� i11 <l 1• l. 1·,;;. �.·t,I J ••tiiLl<'

" L) li lic of a n1arriagc ,·a 1 c; .J1 1 r1 yc go I aJ �11 ,v In . al 1 l ,v g ii ri Ir1 c<)ll:-:-i< le cc11 Et11iopian l l,r cc l)c et ra !1l C0 c::: 1 ag ri ar 111 1 'c1 C .. ·t, )( l ,,, c 111 u�l <li,. tiiigni;-; 1 L,,·f'c.!1 Cltl1t�rs ,,,J1ic l1� f.or one l>c l cc et ra 11t co t'" !'.! [ i arr 111 d :in < '-' lri li< douti<'i .. · l�tl1io1lia's inlerc:t i11 Et!1ic>1Jia. 11 io ·:.:l 11c _ c_r ) 1lc 1 i c r11 eo r. l:c nt rca:-:011 ·0r �111 I11 1]1e for1uer silt1atio n t. e11 'fcr c'liJ 1 1c::l 1111 i� 11s tio t1a ::-il o[ s 11c v 1· o t,r : t 1 tl ir1 . .. !�:1l1 io1>ia i. :' tl i<� stale� or 11nrn111c,t111l i11tcre::l: tl1c. 11,1rties arc i'ts do1uitl1eir -stalur. L1lnti11,!! V V <'ili.1ric:-:. J.,7 a 1 1tl li:1 l 1io11in i::: i11tcrc:=!'cc1 i11 rc2: of 111arriages J)ct,,·<'c11 l�thjo . (�< )11 .-::ec1ur:r1tl!··· tl 1 <� :-:;u! ).�.1�1r1li\·c ,·ali<lit\· J>i 1111 cln11 1i( 'ili,;ri,'." 11111:-:t I1(· <1el(·1·111inr·,l I)�- l�tl1io})ia11 ]a,,-. I:1 all legal :-:Y:-:t,·1:1:-: it i� a'.!:l'C('l! 1!1,tl. tl1(· .-::111i:--l:�'.1tiY<' ,·nli<lit,· of a 111arria!!:C is deter· . 11 1in<':l I i \. 1l 1 <� il<'!"�-c)1.1:1l la,\· CJf I l1e J)arl ic-� - ·1,·!1c�!·c tl1c })Cr�o11a] ]a1v �


i:-:. clil'l'c-1 ·c111. ·the.· cuur! u�ttall\.lc,ok:.s t·o tl1at of tl1c l111slJa11c.1 - tl1at i�: •


Ii,- tlll' la\\' lli<:ii- c!()lllicil<' (II' 11alic,11alit,· . c1t't)('Jlrli11!! lu,.,. tl1c l'<:)!'Uill 11c>l1I,;. i� l lie· ;._(o\·cr11i11&: 1iC'r:,:.c>11�1l ]a,,·. 1S3 J


1 ;)--I • l�otl1 nart i<':-: ,,· 011 Id l l ..:if c h:is UJB I . . . . . . n1,1n ·. \., 1;-.t. 1110 · , , _ the du;11 · 1,·1l1a r1es !-1nre ' ' I Ollll· l.·l1 e o f I1er hu-b·1ntl ·o l de ol C ·:' . 011 1! as tie .o ·t 1 .,jv . l5 C las . e 1 ag rri 111a l i n \rti l • I"•). �

::1l i pi:t, · . a ,.· cp • ,· ,. :i fll··lil 'fJlll\ ,,··'•(('. d · Jl ) " ' . crrn1t · a , 1 c lo arqu. 1 re ·r 1 · · l·1 ou1irilc•' durin«,-, ti l�' Illa l'l'I. .! •,, , .. -., ... ·t,; 11) l'r,·nrh la,, 'l't' /> / .. n linl", re� 101 _sui,ru. note 1-15 lia Ita to .c\s 11 · . · 1 ,,_< , . i < su !ll ·l: 1 ,�ker. i ra · n, ,1,� 11 o ··11 -_·"> \ l OJJOll . 1o:,/ ] e ·· G 1eo lo N" I l rec.::. see l a,v, supra. 1101. J-17 . �-'. ; :\s lo ,\ llleril -tll l a,,· ,,.. e c:,,,11 nhcr" (7onf/icl o l l -!.) , > ,.,. ' I ,111·� ...,'l"l cl.,.)J'l1 ('(l l •J(i'' ) ] .- ') . ·;'' 10 Italian. r3s· r·r<'t1t·h :nid (··�rec·k la,v, te no 1 in �ee tl1 e -,;0111·"c. ' ·c. "···1· ._� ·•, t) '. :·\ n1er1·ra11 la\\·. �<>c 1- 1•� c: l . . · -. � · 11111 )>erµ-, Sll[Jra. 11otc 153 at 279 . ...,ee · �d th,· di-,,·u"-.:ion o r th<> . 1 l lli�'.:lion het\\·een ·t}1e forll1 of the 1.Tl lrl'i :l e ( � al,J. :,11l 1 -.\a11tivc Yal idit,· 1n · _ll� , �::"'i9 t3rd . . l p . , . .tlt11o·l , D ro 1·t, I 11 l 1011a, rr ue � ] 9,)r:-<);, ) • .. t)

1• •


:- :-,


-1 11






- 60 -



follo,r tl1c foi:1118 l ) l'CSl·rilJccl l>y l�l(' la,,- r>f 1) 1 .-'. :-=lnlr� ,, ·lier(· tlic,· arc. actiug. rf'J1t1�, forciµ;11 (lo111ic·iJiarics (ic : -iri11 g lo �C'L lllarrit�cl j,1 ]�tfiic >­ voul(l fo]lo"'' tl1c ])rocc<lttrc , ia contai 11ci( i,1- tl i c. Ci,,il Co, p lc. 160 E: tl 1i 1 o ly'� nv ia 1 1 1.l0111ic-iliari,·s 111arryir1 g C o ers e 1 ahrun1."I ,rc>uld folln,v 1'1c for111s J )l'<:�$cril>cc1 l):,; lliC'. .la,-,. o[ tl1at J>lac<· . Siu(·c 1;:11 1 io - r>ia recog­ nizes all for111s of r11.arri,1gc - ('i,·il. rcli.!! i (>ll :-- ar i<I t·irs10111ar)" _ rf:'cu�­ nition of st1cl1 a r1tlc cc1111101 i11IC'rl'crc· ,ritl 1 l�tl 1 ioi>ia11 polic)"· : \JI. tl1i�; 111ca11 s� for cxartt{ ) .lr. is llt,tl J•:1l1ic) Jiia:1 <f<)rnicili nrir.� 111arr,. ill/.!:.. i11 a civil ccrc 11tOn)0 cl$c·,vl1erc. \\'JUI(! l>c !l1arri c · 1l I, , � 1)1,� a1,1)rc>1>riate 1oca1 official ratl1cr Lhar1 l,>· a1 1 offi,·<�r cl[ ('ivil :--!atu::: () 11<' excc11ti<l 1 1 to tl1i:=: rt1.l.c ,votr.lcl l1c- lllc1l 11f 1>r()).::, - 111ar!·i:1 g<':-: ! 111arr. in -, ge . l ) y r('J>l'<'­ $C I'I lal ion ) . -"-rt ic I c .3 8 (j (1 f l I J c � ( : i \· i l (: < > 1 I ,, , ru ! } i ! ) i l s I r o_"\ y 111 a r 1• i n p:r· .� � l I lltllf'�S a tii:::fJC'tl:-:1liOi1 i:-- µ:rat,lt•1J l.1:' tfic• ·\t]\·C1<·a!c• (; ( 'Ilc-ral. '[ Ii i� \\"C>Ul 1 l . prol1ilJit Llic cotrr!'$ fro1J1 rCC'Cl�I1izi11g /_>rox}· 111arriag: <'� co 1 1lrn<"lC(l Pl:-:c ·­ ,,,11Prc l)ct,vC('Jl l�tl1io1,i�1 1 1 clc>11 1 iciliaric:--. tl1 <1t1::rl1 s11<·.l 1 11,ar.ria c ,va:?­ g Yalicl ,vJ1crc l)C'rf or111f'1 i. �

clifff'l"C' 11 l

Cf llC�Ii <.l 11


111 r1 rr I a;_!' c

1;�t ! i i(> I > j :1 I 1 1_ ) , • 1 · ro 1 · 111 r· ( 1 in Et.l1io1>ia ,\·ill !)(' rrc'<)�niz('1J l11'1'('. ,l1ritt/.:.l1 it c!i(/ 11,,t <·1>1111)! r 11·itl1 : the for111s rer1L1irPrl [;)· tire sl<tl<' <J/ C<"le{1rrtfirJ11. f·'(lr c'\a111i1IP. l('l 11...: · $UY lI1:il t,ro EI· ",I 110 1>1a11;:; ar<' 11.1,·1.,·1·1·1·1{ ·,r1 "·• -�1·1'1 , <' <;f' tl1e l.'11itc1I Stati-,.: h: · a ·'justi(·(' of t.I1r J><'':· .'.111 <)ffi('i,1I ,,·!,,, r,,1· tl1 c ·,.:,· 1 1ur1 1 <.>1'1.::.: 1•1:ir­ •1 \


rc�p011,J5 J"Oll!!:11]\.r {C) a rrrri:=:tcr r,r Ci\ ii _..:[,Ill!:--. T,c'[ II� furll1er a:-::1'1!1.11(' . that this :=-ta!; !· rrr1tirc-;-:; ] ., �1! 1 1 ,arli< '. � l<l n 111arri�1;r1' le, l 1 a,·r a '·l)l<><)tl . tc:::1:· for S\· 'J)liillis J>efore tI 1 e )r ca 11 J,l� r11arricrl. l111t Ll1f'�r 11c·glrct tr'. 1.lf) - 111·11·r··1 ... J. t-"1� 1 · ']'!1· · 1� I ri()J" 't �o. a11d tl1<' jt1flice of tl1f' J><·ac·c , I c,e.� Jl(ll a�.::: · · 1rou 11 ,1·I1,·rr il ,va:; velcl)rntPd. ( j)C ,·oi rl till(l er IJlf'. J a,,· o f ti J(' I 1 l1c·1· : · · 1:,:tl1101) · a, ·e \\'as• J.J(·rfor111· c1· 1·1<1 l11 1., 111arri · 1:1 ilocs 110! rc(r1.11re a I >J <,<> 1 I I<., �!. . 1 · · · ,-:1li<l if 1 >crlc}r111c1l 111 rel t111dc-r st1cl1 c1rct1111 .:;ta11cc� l I 1at 11 \\,·u11 11· lir • . ..., • • l-:.IJ11• o p · I r1. 1� t I1 1 <) J l I a I 1a '3 II I f' J., a I ..a111 <)· 11111 i11lPrl'�l. i11 t l1e 11 1arr1n.,':!:c be·. 1 . . . . . livcen ii$ clon11c: 1l1ar1<·;; a11(l �-I 1011 ,r 11jz-" tl1 1 :- 111arria�(' a5 ,-al?<l. ,.61. -� <·c1, ' 1' . 11




· /!O\·t: 160. 1'he forn1 of 111::irr,.a ,:r e .r� .., 1.neeI I '>· ·.\ rl i1·]e,-. 5 i7.:iBO of the l�ivil ('.ode. e.g., Sec ll e:= . il'a ra:-,; 1er 1\n of : · rcstl It J1a:=: J l c"11 , · er 111b 1111 ·16l . ' fl11c: .1·c·ar· l<'< Ill '-' I l •· . '") 'lt)'J .,. "· ,. .,::i . r �-1 te or eµ /� tc ll .. al .1 tl 1 fi l? C o., Su[lir:ftn v . .1:l 111 e ·iron TJr1<lg,i .• 1

- 61 -


•;)- :<..



�� l 1y co11s1r · s.I 101t ].(l ]Je s L r1c • · ru or ,, [ . .. of acu IJo,v(�vcr: tl 1 c co11c<.:f>l rJ:I1e J)ro,-j�io11s of . cl c ,· ;l ·c \ 11 i . c r a · ::-: · lI1c . JiJ. i.lJl L l01111(··i]iaric .�I. I llO '\V I ll'll E t}·�-161 ·3 igawv.1 11 i 11 a c, n � a l) 11 i1 u g 11 a :11 o <· I) 61 �c-'.JG2 a Lo g il ti a l rc <� . d o C ·t ,1·1 ·.cit·c, · . :·t,l. ·.· t.:tric·!' 1 J66 �]101tlll JJ<� ap,�>]1· e �1· . · 'l . c, = J· • · o � · r o r r I e t 11 a :i 16 cltirc�:=. ;o11gJ1 tl1e "J11arri r,o-c u 1J �11 ·c <·\ · I. c( v · · >l ,·c i11 · ·e · -,i J 1ay · < ·..: « ''b · " . . ].�,- I. 1l!· O}ll.l!l < 1 01111·c··�1 -,1,-1 . " 11s 11111st 1 1;,.( 10 1 ·1s o, J)r e e::tl l al l J1n 'J' i con. 16 -c er i , ,·J ·' ./ ·· ..... c, l 1a Y·t.� t a kc,, 11 ill·"·,r,... cl _. . i ::: clc"J11c,11slr�1tcLl l)\" , lit li, ,a the •(t t· i,· u r1t 1 ,:;1a fat ; --t; 1 1,) 11 : ., r,> l·it i·<· (,. . _ a� ('.(c �j( . . 1 (�J' Jor J,reac 11 o[ l�1c�2 cond j. 1:; o1 li r1c :=a l 1ci 1i1 ii1 cr c. ::iu tliat tliC' (:o:lc io 11



rr. .






, "i 1011:.;, l Ou .


1 11 1 1ic.iliar1·c-., Llie (lo Jia l1io 1;1 c-11 J t,rc J)e ·:-: �1.�< rri 1 · : 11,, . • .! ll :�ll.llll)�;.\l"\". . · il)Cl] I)\" r • ;-- ,,rc.�( i'' li J •' 1·I( ! ,l .l�i.'!<' :::.1 lOll 11 · . tl1<: - }'."' •• \\' 01' _ tl1..n, ' 1'"c,1·1;) ,·a I ·,c l ]llal"l" ' !iliO!l ,roulr] Cf' C\ · l1r ' ]. . ll1 \':i ll 1ic l JJ> (111 <'tl ' lii. ' Yi' h 1 r1 <>f ccl !'i1! ·:.1lio1 .


1,-1 :t'·;' 1 nre :-1Jl·c·;fic-a1l�- jjroJ1iJ)jtcrl 1J:, the Civil ]:11� ;1 1�irtia�<'� ! ) _, 1>r<)··,y \l/l1icl 1g {1i1 to iltl' fornp -or ncc lirl ,-2 · ' i :<' i,lµ 1rr !:1: · tl1, : if . -rc 111c �l'r ri! Fu (�c>1i <" '. 1 )111t! ])c �11 l1cld valid. ;.::(' 1 :.rr� 111a 1l1c· r1C' <:,, ·il {_:i, t1:<' 1:v il il,r· -i·r Jirc . • · r·r.o J • • l : ' / r,.:: / ()('!· Ci' /e l.JT(tlzc,:z1:;. J 11c :=:-111):::lani1,·c valrclIi,<' tliuil'...:.l1 l t1nl Y:: ,.1c l 111�11!'-l" • • I lo i l 1 c· 1) r o,· :i:: i o r1 3 of Il1 e Ciiii ! ! <·l !'J"l;l ! i�(.'(! l\!!l.··l (' ·' ()( , ( '

;:··· ·· ' l ''JH'(' l

J 62. ,• 11:). I'.., 16-1. ·1 65. 166. ]<1 7.







t Ill' fal'l

t l) (' 1112rri£!£::C ,rns ,1;erfcr111cd cl�r-

. 1 - n� . ,., J • • • l :.::' ,lo . ;)o,. <:i\'il ('.11de o r :,I 11 <!p1a, _\ rt11· C:i viI c:olle of E1hinpia, _ -\rti1·le$ SB2-l. (;jyjf ( :ode (�f J�1hiopia, :\rti< ·le :385. 1 or Ethiopia, -\rtirle 589. 1.ivi I (••. nc,c (�i\·i I c:odc of Ethiopi:1. :\rticlc� 590-l. Ji 11u1 .-t he rc1ncn1l,,:rcd thai �ucl 1 1narri::t!!e5 ,,·ou lc1 ,take 1>lai:e in (>

�late,:� l)iffe1�en1 l"nn:,,id,?ralio11.f 111i�l1t. aJJJ;ly

fore i�

i11 a fed.eral 1u1 ion surh a:i _ the l,nitcd �Lall':-, ,,·l1ere thc 1narri:1ge takes ·place in a sister st.ate. lo _ 00111e i·a'"C"- 11 ha:- IJt't�ll l1eld that certai11 kinds of jncc:::tuous n1arri.Jlgf. , c .. .. hct\,een un,:lc and uieC' t >. ,, ill 1 -, e recognized ii y:ilid uildcr the !all' � 01 th<; :-;tale ,,·her 1: 1n,:de. In re 11[a_,·",.:; Estat;. 305 1'\1e.1.v );orl,: Reports 486 . Ll,t _l\ 0 '." 1!•e_/(s _,:,. 11 flcr>orter. '211,l SPri e.s ,1. (1953). \\,' hile such a result rutY 1_11� ·('.' ,.1,f1cd ii tl1e n1arria�e ,,·a:; rc1�1 Jrated i 11 :.:t "i ;_ter <:Lale. it cann ot Ir. _ :! 11� ." here the rnarria�c O(·r11rred bct\\·een -Et l;jo�ia1,· do1 uj ci li9rie: 111 a lore1�11 ::-:l:ile.

1 (,g. �hc •,:e :ire l'O\'ere d i 11 .·\rt irle,� 607, 610. 611 614- and 616 of the Cirill _ . 'i rr),jn!: ... ' \,0( l t.:. !\rttcle 596 reni, · 0 r tl11' c· -·1 1 •1' fro111 � .ot ] < e 1 · \\'on1a1 1t,; :1 J)rol11h .OUS JI · •.. 1 o,)() d·iy._ 1111 L.e;:,.:, \ · ,·' . ,t . . . 1•1 I. C l!J)SC(1 "llll:C I llC di..::.:o) '-' })rC\'J t1t1"011 of Lh•� ...... l• 1 aO't•un )�·· · el ,arr. d . I c.'"' ·1 1··l �ilil ha,: been liorn :::in<'e tl n< e jnt is 1 e <li:::8olution. 'l�his . . ..-1" c \ enl confuo:; 1 011 ·1 l 0 l 1>1�:. Of tlil t ' le..; Jl:ilernrty of . · :-, Sec 1\rl1cle l'tJ l'l1ildren. . 3d Il! l , • ,I\: ·I1 (,,01I. (,. e. . lJ:-'f• • ' l \\ 01 o 1 •.. · ! d he .tlJJ1l1cal)le to 111:trr1a!!e5 i' · ·. contra<:tcd ,d1r ,_ 1 ' 1n i:: J ,tl11 0 P1,111 c·]Clll11 I' 1l1 :· i r I .:-, n ,rorna f' · 1Iionir · a l l tI1e c-ourt 111ay cli�pen$e · ;r tl11� rcq111re1ne1 · ·I o >, .. rn .'.,, 11.

- 6� .- -

l�tJ1io1>ia11 cl.onJiciliaric:3 ::;}1011lll 11ot ])c al:tlc lo nvoi (l t.l i c rcc[uirc· 0 · · ·1 1 r· I1ct·l' lll"Il-tS of tl1e ,Coclc ll,- Tr1ar •vir1°· · l lC>llllCl !H· • .. ·',\,:-,· l(> · �'Ll '- i J"o}>le.Ill · ·.::, cl;;c,, ,. ric:=� Etl1io1Jia is tl1.c Si'ate of J>ura11101111L i'('-Sl. a11tl ils la,,· ::d 1011ld r

1vl.1 e. c;

go,·cr11 tl1c v· alic1il)' C)f tl10�<.:: 111arriagc�.

'l,IJc 11cxt CJllC$tio11 is ,vl1c11 l�tJ1ic>1)ia ,,·il l!! �-Ilize a 111arria!!:c J9 et,vccn 11011-(lo111ici·liaries J6 11 tl1 al j� callc(l i 11lo <i11estio11 l1 cr1:. \1�i<' arc c-011ce.r11ccl ,v!tl1 tlic- sil11�1til111.-: ,,·lt<'l'f� 1>cr:=:«)11s .-:eel--: l<) li, ,c n::: l1t1,:­ ]Jand a11cl \,·i£c in Etl1ioj>ia, tl1at :s. serl� to Ci1,io)- tl1at slat11s l1 cre; orrli11aril )' tl1cy ,,·i1l 1)c Etl1i<)r11a11 ,'to111i<"ili::irie;; ul tl1(� ti1r1c 1l1e 111arria!..!:<� '· js c:1l]ccl j11to cr1trstio,1. lit1l ,,·ere 1101: (ll)In iciliarics at Ll1c Li111e of Ll1c . u1arriage. For <'Xar111�lc7 �111)11osc tl1c1l. 11t1der tJ1(! ]a\v l1f tl1c 1>n. rtic �· · :for111cr ilo111icilc. }>l)l�·t:<1111: i� 1Jcr111ill<'<l. a11cl a 111a11 ::;eel-:� l() .live i11 Etl1io1)ia ,,·itl1 Il1(}l·r· tl1a1! 1i11<' ,,·if('. ( }r ;-;t1J>11o�c Ll1c 1uarriag:1:� ,,,'ot,.lrl be ,·oi (l 011 gr1)t1111!� l)f C'l)11,[111;11i11iL'.'· i11 J�tl1irJjJi:,. l·,ut i;:; 1101 ,,·itl1i11 tl 1c 11rol1 i1 J itccl (l l." ...�rc:-·,- ()r ('()JJ::=�1rl:...!t!i11il\" . lll!(l(•j' tl1c l:1,v of lll(' 11nrl;(,,' �

forJJJCl' t: 0 -:11icilc-. rrl1('

I•:1l1i<JiliH ,\·il l gra11l ti 1 0s<:> 11cr�or1� t1 1e ;:;tal11;:- (>f 111�1rriaf!C 011 tl1C' gro11r1<I tl1al t!i«'.Y ]1ad t 11 is ::;la t LI s l!11 il e !.' l l l C 1 a \ \- ()f lIl(' i r r(.l :- ill ('r (l O : II i C i ! ('. Cjll('S llO!l ill

tl1esc en.-:,�::; ;s


1'll j� l1 a5 l-.: cc11 �1 rliffiet1ll C[li''�liot1 i11 nll J,,ga] S)':"le111s. ()11 <itII' ] J at1 cl, tl lf' 1,arli ( '� nrc- 110,,· r il lier l:: 1l1 io1i i a11 <1<)n1ic ii iaril'::- \ \\' 11i, ·11 111 ca 11:; tll at ]�tl l : O })i:::i i.3 rt(>\V 1l1c slalr <)f 1iarn111<)t111t i11lC'l'C',.;t1 <>r at least are sccl:.: i 11g to ('lljo�- tl 1 e 5tal 1t5 of 111arriaµ;c l1cre. l�tl1i<)J 1ia li<1:-­ e11aclcll lav;s rc-�t1l,1 tir1!.: tl1 c �tat�,:-: of 11 1nrrir1�!<"'. �111(1 jt 1·n11 lie <· 0111c11d<..


} � 1011l r l

l J ,· a111) lo n"Il I > C'-r:-on;;; ::c('l,i 11� l.L) enjo, · tlie statt:is of 111nrriag(' l lr 'rc. ()11 1!1c c>tl1('r l1a11(l� sl1 011lfl l )Cr ::-l>t1:-: ·. · · · ·' co111i11!!"' : lo l�1l1ic,·1 JiH · .,.,· ·I f> :--, '-l'1l ' · ' l1� ·- 1),: · ·.-. tl1 ·11· CllJO)'lilg l l1C ELD1tl::: 0 (' 111.lJ"i'tHl:,-' e,1 tl1nt tl1r�c la,\·:::

to live?

1 s 1r11.1st ])e jl11lg c(·1 ·1· t ·1 s s l11)1111· l t cc· 1 tI1 a t lJ 1 1: ,-,·,.1I·1 ( 1· 1 1 1 .,- 0 1· •�ucl l 111arriag:c · 1:::l · l>Sf( ir1·valiclit)'· �l.'l1e lc::-l 111l i: <�{IC /I f!,TOf I 11 (/ of srt 111 IIle · t·l f'l -it O t _ . 11_· . I l I . . to a 1 )" 1 r r l o r <� J l tl u , "0 , , c !! ,, a ; · r . , I l , c 1 ,1 JlI<I hC ,rhctl1.:,cr rcro;,;111t.1on o f :--11 . . _ . . . · . )Ja • ar 1,] lo tl 1 e social a11cl. Slro1 1g gO\'Cl'l'l111Cilla] .JJll.f' l. t;.,,l. of. ·E t 1 llCJ_ . . . 1 er.... e a '-j'JT a)" 11.1a ]111 It , l::-:0 1\. . . tc 11o 1 n1 r ) po tries t l1at t l1c 1 a,\· i� tr: 'i11g to 1 ·- ·


1 icilctl l1cre at tl1c 1i1nc of the ir n ,lo nt ·• 11 . c . ei _ ll 169. 1'his mea11s person:' ,vlio '' i ,, y the n �tio quc · into · ' 1ed e 1.;. c·il a!! r1 · r a 111 · ·, h 1 '. Lrrnc e t t . h 1a<"e n1arr . e A t·-,. . . Ol. ·,t · 1en: . es1< •• . 1 J,•a "l, • , 1es 1nr usually l) e clo111Jc1 1

- 63 -


'° tilllC tl1e Slaltl � L."e ca}] ed 1e t} 'lt · · · -:l ' ·1· ::, e" � · -·J l �t 1 ::' l 1r1 [' 11. 1 · . ) (�11er. . ,vl1ctl1er l I 1e 111 . Coclc }Jro,,iclcs tl1at a ri-ia,1 ,·il Ci . c i tl . of . 1 ) 8 -:. 1 ll,, · · 1\ 1· L·c· 1r1lo qr1est1011. ,1,1 1t1s, a11cl a ,v-0111a11 ,vl110 has ea 1·s ); c<. � 11 ei gl 1t o· f ag e ecl t.l 1 c \\'110 l1ns 1101. attai11 co11tra ct inarriage. If at 11o t a)' 1 11 -; )'c ar ; 11 r1cJl attai11cc l tl1c age of fiftc�e lio11� tlie J)artics lia,;e altainecl C[l l(!S jr1 t. o �cl e, tl1c ti111e tl1c 111arriagc i:- -caJl nizerl as valid, since undc, rc co g he 111 11s t · sueh ages, the inarringc e 1113)' iiot ]Jc a1111 .lic<l for ar ria g 1 11 a 1 sL1 cl1 c>f 1\rticlc 608 <lisso 11 t.iC)Il 1·.-c11 if e E . tl1c Jl artics ag l ei 1ir c11 rc (� tl1 1 <'�, ir1 la at (� av nftrr tlic 11artic:=- J1 e is callecl into Cflie..� ag 1�i ar 111 . c tl 1 c 111 t.i 1 c . 1l at Jia,'e 1101 altaii1cd 111i� age tro11g l)olic y· is l"C) ) rescnt­ s o X . · it c iz 1 g1 eo rc l il :=;t lr l t ;011� EtliioJlia s l1ot1 r ticle. rer >resc11ts a judgni ent a 1: .111 � 11 rl f<i t e ::: e·::; ag c. ifi 1ec -.; <�rl Ji. ) · 1 11 <' 1 fc>r 111r1rriag e. ()ll1er states can r· �1g: >cr "<)1 ))l c 1 tl i� i i� I L at 1l1 ia or1 lri h)· ],:t I )o1ic); fay·ori11g tl1c rcc-og­ c tl1 <l a11 170 � r. ag tc ria l>Jl }>l' aJ.J c'. cliff<:r a:-:: to tl1 g sl1oulcl 11ol ])e lo�t by i11 isl 1:x c-e 011 :,,; t11 �la a <'::ng rri :i11a of 1) rtitif1 c l tl1(� Jl.:trt.i<'� co11 1i11µ; to li,· f · i11 a11otl1er �talc - ,,·ot1lc flictat tl1at EtbioJ

· gr 1izc t l1e r11nrriagc. t>ia rc·1o

'J'ltr :,;a111<'' 11ri11ci11l< ' ,,·<..)t1ltl l)c a1111lic-a'1Jli::· lo 111arriages ,vJ1ich arc · ,·<)i!lalJ lt ·. tl.1al is� '"t 1('r<· t.11( · cc1 11�(· 11l is ,-itiatcLl lJe<·::tti�c it ,,·as cxtortecl 172 l)�- ,, ic,le11c1· J il c>r ., ,,lic '.r r- it ,,·�1-- tl1r� rc�l1lt of :.ll1 error of $llh5ta11ce. Sul·I! u1arri�1µ:e:-- ai-P 11nl a11al:,t i1· ally· ,·oic1. a:=: ,,-c1t1lcl l)e� for cxa111p le. a 111arria�(� tl 1 al i� l J iµ:a111011::.: 11t) �, ro 11g: J>olic)· of ];tl1io])ia j� advcr�ely ; i ff,�('l<'cl l,!· rc'c·og:11iz.i11 � �u (' l l a 111arria�c- ,,·!1 icll ,,·as, ,,alicl l111der the la,r of tile, }l'\rtv·' · · ,vas �11lerec1 into � 111·<·1J· <,· ,1· t 1·] 1<' 1·1111c LI1c� 1t1arr1agL� � . .·:. tl•>1· . 1 Ii j :,; (! C>Illi( ·i 11 • '' a� t l1 e11 tll(' :,;I ate t)f 1iar�1111ol111t i11tcrc:'t.l. It s l1oulcl he lOlt'd tl i ul a1 1 t 1 licalic 111:-:- fur I l1c' t1i;:;�(}lt1tio11� of st1<'l1 111arria rrcs mus t � I)<"' 111udc ,,·itl 1 i 11 �i� 111o11Ll1� nflf'r tl1c ccs�alio 11 o f tl1c ,:iolc11;c or tbr .. (li�('()\'('f\' (lf tll( \ (")'J"()J' ,lil( , ..,ltl) - <''·�111. ,,·1t 'l· 11\ l1111 t,vo .·years after the . · ('C'ICl)ralio11 ()f I lit' 111·1• rr1· ''\fl' ' · 1-,'.)· 13 11 l f'\·e11 1·r l 1ca1l11licatio11 could I,e l :-:: · 111 riiadc-. . tll('S<' �<<' ·li1111:- i 1 11lit "al, · . . l. l..t , 0�11 < 1 Il,ll . - ·1t10 · 11 111arr1a.!! eS \\'Oil of :3ltcl 1 . . ., , • I• • , 1 '-' l J 11l r· r t·<'rt' '\' I l l l a I l " ..., • • :,; t '. <"> 1 l ... · · ,.., 1>c> ll) of t,tl11<.JJt)1a a11Ll. tl1crcforc, E tl110• (

___ ____ ,.

Lin tier f\ r1 I<' . ·1 � . · I (' �:1 g l I ·) I \) f I l l (' 1"1 Tn (.ode, lJ ie perial :\fajesly or i � . · 1 . per�on �pel'i . t ll, ·ip · p ,-. 1. 1111 c J :. · · ' 1lY l-lini 111 ::iy for 2:ood cau5e 2:rant :1· " io . ., 1 1,,0 \'\''II'' E11· . • .. n 111i-l t u t.X((C( 110 ) 1 :1·.s 1 101 iev · • is 110L ri!!� id. 171. <.ivil l'.odP- or ·r,_,· 1 111· o P •a 1 . :· '\. r �_ . I J t.1 e 5 89 · 1 72. ('.,1v1· 1 C.,o•�t,,, i) . · · f E� t!ll . O J) lll.· \ rti· 1 • J es 590, 591. ... . , ] 7:1. (.1vi I· C,ou:1 e ()I• 1'...th10 . · 1·11:'', :\ r lil'les 617, 618 .

]>ia sl1011lcl rccog11.izc tl1em if ,•alicl t111clcr 1l 1 · c 1a,\' of ti 1c 1,ar L y··$ 1.] 01rJ.1·c· iJc ,tl tl1c tinic tl1c n1,trringc ,vas c11Lcrcc] .iitl o. rJ.'l1 ercforc, tl1c follo,vi11g }) l"OJ_>osit. ic,n:- cu11 l) c 111ainla 11 i ccl: (1) ,rl1 ere t11c J>arties ,vcrc llnclcr age at tl1c ti111 <� of 111arriagc, but J 1a,rc xcacl1e cl t}Je .rcg_r,irecl age at tl1(� tirt1c� Lilt� 1r1 arr.iagc is caJle(I i11Lo (Jttcs­ ti.011: tl1e 1r 1 ar1·iage 111t1$l })(� recog11 izccl i11 .lig l1t of tl1 e fl rovi�ioris c)f .,.L\1·ticle 608; (_2 l ·,vl1cre · tl1 e 1 1 tarriagt� ,vas ,,oi c lal)l C' at tl1c ti111c of cele­ bration l>cca11:::c tl1c c · on�<:�11l ,vn:- ,·itialc�<l l)y ,·i olc11cc <)r an error 1)[ st1bata11ce , bt1t six 111011tl1s l1a ,·(� ela1Jse1l frc,t11 1l1 c c11 rl cJf tI 1 c ,,i cl lc11c(:; or tl1e cl isco,,er)' oI t11c error ()r l,vo ·vea 1·s l1 a,·c clnsJ)(:11 fro 1J1 tl1 c cclc­ }JraLio11. of tl1 c 111a.r 1-iagc� Ll1c 111arriag c 111usL l>c reeo 11izc1] i 11 l.igl1t of g tJJe }Jro,·isio11s of 1\rticlcs 6.1.7 a11(l (5.18: (3) 111 a11)r cv<�r11. rccogr1 iti<:>1 1 'of 111arriagcs ,,·l1crc tl1c 11arlic.s ,,·ere 11 1 1clcr age , or ,vl1crc tl1c co11.:-c11t is vitiatecl l)). ,·.io]c11ce or error of sul)slar1,:c ,ro11ld 11ot i. 11lerfcrc ,vitl1 a11y slro11g go,·cr11.111e11t,1l i11LC'rt·ft of ];tL:i<)J1ia '. a11«1· si11c(� 111(' 111arria1!t� ,vas valicl lt11clcr tl1 c la,,· c1.f tl1c .stale, c>f 1>arn111c,1111t i11L<'rest nl 1l1e I i111f:' it ,vas cclcl)ratccl� 1l 1 c ll<)1i1·:· i11 fa,·or ()f rc('o-:;11ili<)11 of 111nrr.iag<·" ·1 if. '\vot1lcl cl:if'tatc tl1ul �11cl1 .1 1 1arriagc� !)( rccog11iz.t.':<l. ':

1 , ,,·,· 111 1·1.' :-Jl(:<'l lr> r11arria!!:e;-; t !1�1 t cliffcrc11t <Jtlc.,l i,.J11 .;..; •. 1 . , 'l ,·..:c·11l t'' 1 · , arc biga11 1011� or 1 J cL,, C'c11 ,,f'r:-011::: rcl" alr·(I ll)" <:onsa11gui11ity cir affiniiy·. <J

'fhe c1issolttlio 11 of �11c]1 111 arriagc:=; 111a)" l)c or1lere(I al an�' 1i111c� 1l1ough. • · 1 1· 11 \\· I ,,,� 11 1 I 1 <·, 1·<> 1· 111 ,, 1· .:;l> ou..: c <lic - • I 7:; a l)iga111ot1s 111nrr1agc · 1Jcco111c::- ,·a ,. ,, ·.., ·• • · _ . . · • I . l CJ 11 j .\" •·1 111 <<t 1· 1· , ....".::-n ·(' l l l a l l :=; 11 1 I al'l. l> f !.! ii . . lC ]. nltcr ]'>l'O\':ISJ(.)11 11l('i1.llE t1 l,l .

111otts is ,·oicl: tl1t1E. ,,·l1 crc tl1e 111arriagc 1l1al is cn11<'<1 1111 0 <111e5tio·11 ,rn:-;

at ·tlJ c ll ll l<' of cclcl) rati()tl. ]111t is 11ol. lJiga11101ts al t· l1 (' ti111e · � . ]] C(l ·]lllO <fUCSlJ(lll. tJ 1 ....' coltrl 11111�1 rcro · ]!. JS ca. . . "·11iz.c tl1c ,·aliclit,. · of tit<� , tl·1at s11c11 111a r- 1 · ,re 111a, marTiage. 1 i6 f\[)c:1l'L fl'OJl] ll llS · C�CCJ> 1 I· 01 . · sa," . bio·atl.lOlIS


. . .1,;; 17-L I, ,In� ,. 1..<1lec1 1l�. 1hc fart tl1al nnc1er 1\rtil'les 617 and 618 clen1on:-l 1ey pol ·. . 1 dc_· n1· a,·· not l>e 111acle "' ::: "l'Ottn appl1cat 1on � to :-el. a�·1_c.I e 11n·,1rr-1 ·1 "C'- on tl,c-c _ ! t 1e 'cc 111or c than ::ix n1ontl1::; after nor on J;ra1i :1� . ,,1n,! follo after '"'0 vear s · _ roverv .o f t1 1c er. rol.. . ] enre or Ll1c <l ic;·, the cessatio11 of v10 175. Civil Code of E1l1iopia. 1\rt_irlc_ 61 3 · · z 1. ,., T-lil .tl-.,·,,rrl. [188flI" Ln1v l�e1> )rts, l t . c I I? 1 1 'n n..... 176. CJ01npare l I11::. i \VI. I I l l J le 1 in I<'' J '"' . · ·.f . I tli 'i t . 1 111 art·iU"C '° · polentiallv· po]Y· · l · · c·1 er e th 0 1 0 38. Cha11c<;- r.,·, Engz011:, ?? actc� 11nd cr ntr r vas ge rria iria the cre _ li 1� l. '., � .-: '. ec niz t=0 er I s 1Jc gan1on "'1 .ll. not _as i st on que 111 ,,, iagc ,arr 11 c l tl i - · � ' my 1,.rl.Oli«l a systen1 th at pern11'tt ed r,olv ., ::-cra · / I)·· C o.. 19;> la Cul -v. al Rov 1 1"' . 1 <:lied j 1 .. • . c, , s a ,,t l t ,;;u . -e v· . t A ... monogarnous. . , . con 1"r ..1· ·. 23) (19 421 1, er r 1:, po \.e 11 er st ve li1 rt \'o i · 0 l oiva. Rer1or ls 759, 19 1

- 65 -

,· .

er sucli •u 111 tl1 l1e is ,v 11 io st 1c fjl c tl1 1 · atl't. · \"Oi(I : a 111 ,· ]] . • · a 1< t· . . 1 Y a11 a 1,inges are '. rC it '\-Vtls ,,alid 1111cler l1c "'.r tlie la,•,· · g111z )i�1 iot . i ];il 1·11 1 l c: · 30 .,.c . ,...,.jl.l 1)C rcco ratio11. ce le] J of 1i1 11c 1l1 c �1L • ·1 C � CS� llOJlJJCI Of tile })arli

not recog11ize tl1e sl"lli lil 1ot1 l f:. <'1l u �'· Of in io1) i · w · " < 1t . 1J,, ·il· c l C. · lS ·.[ t SCCll J req uire n1onog a my do not th at s sLa Lc r Ot lw polygamous marri age. r 111a)- 1· ccog u1ze so11J c l1 ) i 1gl 1 tl1 01 , c of rja gc � 111a r 110 11s 1 n ',l ) 01J ·g 1iz reco�1 c . io11. 177 Sir1cc Etliiopia is s� ce 1c: st ls r1 ba rc as " l� ar l tl1(� "effects 1)artic11 111011og a1J1ot1s 111arria ge, 178 it of 1 lc iJ) c i1 1>r � 1( i.l tc> coJi.llllilletl Ii�' ]n,,' r i, >]e i11 5l1C:J1 11n ions O c lC l l(J J J. C' Il1 f0 : i 1 J:11 r>C lo t ,,ro11]1 _1 llOt ])C COll::'-i ::ilCJ1l. r J J 1i] 1 e: :,; 110 \\·0 ltl liT Jl e ?ilan,l the 1 1�0 J . r l1r 0 11 lo c1t 1 )t 01 1 ::: i . tl 1g: , clcri:·i1 1)" �01ue 1 1cr.3or1� ,vcrc J Jerinillctl ,\·1 . ! 11( :-ia ci1<! 111 0L 1 J cl l Lt cO ,1 a-11 r-C . C'Il diffcr Clll1cr.3 ,\'ere i1ot. If tl1erc i5 to he tc> ]i,,c ·i11 ll')l'.l·g;a111011s u11:(>11 ::: ,,·l1i lC' 0 JJ JLlcd , and ll ) · 11a a1 c<1 lJ<' 1:=-l 111l it 11 )·· : ;;a l)!: !l �:t nin ag o1l a 1>r<:>l1iliiti ,,�,<·cr1tior1s c.11111<) l li e µ:ra11tccl (JI1 tlic- gro1111c1 tl1al tl1e 1 >ersor1s ,vere , 1)er111itlf�d I<) live i11 11<.>I: ��111))- ir1 tl1t:ir for111er (lo111i<;ile. Tl1ercfore t11(� :=:lnlt1::: of 111arria.!! "-- e to a 11io}i;, ],:1]1io1>in ,vot1ld l1 n,·<: lo l'f�l'u:::C' !(> '·' •

ga11 1 ous 11r1i (1 r1



�j,-, ...


�l its i,lron011 tl1f� gro 1 1r11l Ll1[ll· le> rlo :::o ,,-0111<.l 1Je agai11 �

_-\� lo 1nnrriag('S ,vill 1 i 11 Ll1c 11rol1il)it.C'll clcgrec3 of co11san!Iuinity ,t11d af'fi 1 1it:,·. tl i e 1 1t 1 r:�!i C )tl i =-- 11c>l �.-, clf'�1r. T11 tl1c· fir:,:;.l } )lace-. Arti;le 621 <->� tl i c J)cr1al (:o(l( ' l)rc�l 1i!}il, fcx11al relal ic)!1� l)cL,,:cc1 . 1 11erso11s related ] ) :,- c:o:isa!i�11i 1 1i ty·: it t.l f>< ·:-: 11<)l 1)rc1l1il)il st1i.:-l1 rc-lation� 1)ct,vcc11 p erson� · c ··'t" rcl:lt('d f > ,, 011: - rI'l · i i.:: .. 1 1• 11·,.-11 .:- ·t ;11c11 ' -' , tl1 . �-·1t 1111 , rr1ag:('� 1· )C t\VCCll pc1··�"" · .· ,t!rinit,·. ·· · .L\, 1· <' 1·1 v · ·, ,1::r1�l ::t t cd Ii '" 1 •. ·•t ifi 11 _ it \. • 0 t1101)Ja · a::- tl1ose 1· )et,rcen �I1oc,111g:· to E I · t·



1ic'r:-:c;ii.i ri•lated liy· co 11�a 1 1�t1i11il�.-- _'\ 1 1l l :-ct 1111clc-r Article 555 of the C iril 1

1-, ­... In rhe ('asc of )'" 1v z: .f 11 . . G . . n La,v Repo · 11 d C a11a r rts, 11111o Don 1 7 '· o,nc:-,- cnC' n, � · (J·) ' *.:l l '·Il · 1 \. 1166 , l · -'· \ 1, t 11e J)l 111--'1 l ,'1'' ur ·, a� ,. :-d 1· 0 t l1c cl el'C'l1 e11t ,,-... - re t'reate . , l' II . . 3 '.i 1c Y 111 nrr1C'<l to d I · 1 • n 1 1 he 1 : · tl1e decedent h� . • . s� 11 e ,,-as ,vl1etl1er .. __ . _ . "s p o n sc· " for 11 111 po:,c.::- 01 tleter111.111111!r tl1 e tax s, · clue front the e:talt,' , , � · e e .i l:, o / " ,.,, J) a Ii 1J S ort 1.•1.1:� I1 1)>Irs . ,' Estate. ' California 11.ppcllat. e J1ep 8: 3 -211<1 Se · 1 > . ries 95(lJll.. 18· 8 1 "ciJic J�e;,nrtcr. 211<l Series 4.99 (J9,18 l, ,,·here plu� ,rive,:; ,,·er,-· · ··n �.1 _ g Ill ' . e en 11 1 ec] lo 1n 1 1'1 c h · 'r not it 11 I llot l 1 cases tl1e ,,,1ves ,,,ere · . . •e'� uo tl1e foruin . 'fl ic 11r . . . o 1 l·1 e111 i-.:- n 0 t 1·11.;:('1 Y to arise " ''' in Etl1iopia ' since . not take ll ), SllL.CC . SSI011 l1 cre 1e l 7:1. ·]3j �«atnou :-- n1arr1·a�c.t u • · . _ 1 ·ire voiu llllfl .:!r tl1e Civil Cor le. n:; ,, ·e �a e. . Je 6 ·1, � ]1i2::1111u ·'111n .- a't off · ., i:,- ,a c1 . . . . ...11 t,� 1\1 ·en <-· .. e. 1')en,1, l Co , de of Et}1.'lop 1a , . rh 1\ 1thou f!:11 ;\ rticl c (l 1 -I _ . 1 11111 ? r, a1, exce11tion lt11dcr civil la,,'. 110 ·0 exrep· tion li·l• s ll cc. . 11 11,ac1 c · 'J · Ie 61J · ,e.e C 1v · 1· t Cocle · of Etl1io1Jia, 1\rt1c J



- 66 -

1 Code a l)o11tl C)f affinity· st1.IJ3ists 11ut\vill1sla11cli 11 g tl i al tl i c 111arri.a!.!.'C lJ v· 1 ,rhiclt it ,,,as crealc(l is <lis30J\:c,l..f\.11<1, irtsofar ·1 .la ,·,�..· ,... I ve J1ec11 al )le to c!ctcrr11i11 c, rr1arriagcs lJ<:�L,·,·c<:n }lCrso11$ rclalf'.11 1) )· affi 11ity· ar� as stror1 g1 )·· OJ) J )ose<l lo t:l1c Etl1io1li;111 lra, !ilic>lt as 111nrriag1::; J J et,vce11 J>cr­ 1 EO!l� re.laletl l,y co11 s,t11gt1i 1 1i. t )·. 111 oll 1 er ,vorcl:;\ tl1 c code l)rovisic> .11s rrJati11g to co11:::21"�gl,i11i1� nnrl nffi11i1�- rt,[lcc.L a :--lr ut1{.; Etl i inpiar! irn1li­ , tio11� a11cl, tl1ercfore, \VC ca11 as2-11111e 1!1a.t Etl1ic)1>ia11s ,\·0 11 ld l)< ' '' :-- l 1 n1·!--- ,,<l'' b�r r1erso11s li,,i11g t.ogct11cr as 111a11 a11<I ,ril't ' ,,·l1 ,) arc !-�la:, ,cl J J ,r consar1gui11it)' ()r affi11it,·. 111 tl1<.' l.:11 i1c.-l State.::, l'c> r exar11 >1e. :::c1 t1c 1 conrls l1a,1c rccclg:11izcc.l 111n1·ria�cs l)ct,\-< '<'r1 1 1C'r:=-c.)11s ,vl 10 ,rc:r� forl i,1 t:. lcn •

� -



to 111arr)" ttr1c1er it::; .la,,·� tl1e:, l!a,·L� ::=aitl tl1nl alll 1011 g! 1 Ll i e 111nrrj;i 1_� \\·ab g illcf!:a·l if r)crfor111 c1l t11cri:'. tl1c r1·l,1tio11�l1 i1 > ,ras 11<.>I fO ('.Jo:'=c !l i nt it 1 lvorrlcl J)e against tl1e 11o]ic)r of tl1c fort1111 lo rccclg11ize I l1 at r11n rriat;:··. 179 I11 Jigl1t of ll1c ]�tl1i<)1>in11 tratlit io11. a. , ·1 1i11 1ler.::ln11 ,l. it, :-:uc:1 1 art ap1>ro acl1 ,vo11lr. l 11t1t lie :'-.Uital'>lc i11 1-;-;tJ1io1 1in. I\Jarriagc ...: l > ct.,vce11 11cr� . 0 0 fo11::; rclatccl ],,, v . Ct)!1. .:111.'.!t!i11il ·- tir :1ffi:1il, fd1ou]1.l 11<,t !:c· rec·c1µ;11iz<·(I i1 1 Ethio1>i:t. l11 C t1gl1 ,·a I i,1 llllClc !: I Ii(' la,,- or tl1 {: jlHrlic:-=' i'n l'll}l'l' <10111i1·ile. �

.�a1t1\·. f)CC)i>lc ;,·\:;, !<I 110! a<'t't'J>l :=nc!t 111;;i·rirr.�1':-. 1\ g: :1i11, A·, ,rilh. I1}ol\ I . · I:�ti1ior)ia ,vori1,! l1a\·e tu rcfli�(' · trJ ;,�·:, c i Ir(� :-:.t:-1tt1:-; (Jf 111:i:·:·in;.:: io ,l •'



111.1io11 ,"t·i1f·re t 11:' [ Jt:rlie;-; \\"('i"(' r1·latc,l l)\" co;1;::;a11gui11il�r ()'' �1f!'r11il )" ()1\ Lhc ._ �rot11111 t!1�1l li) 1�11 ::-o \\"rJtii,! l-11� ,!;:;'liJ1:-I it:-: :-"!rong <f(>\·,,rnn 1r·i1 tal . • · ..., I l t) 1· 1·· < • () g 1.11 z:' a I.:::o ' }<' 11,,lc(l ·1 1 :;1t re_I' t 1 :-e,, 1"'




1l 0

1 · 1 1� of' ,1l•. 0. t· ,.... 1il,J1· , . c1.1· . 1 1 a,:<' c .. ff, · c I c> 11 ll 11: r 1· ;.;1 ,,,·,, ,,-i 11 :-:<:::'. I h<' rig:!1 (..:: ;111d �l:1 l11� or chi l.dl \\·J 1 ,n[J i( 'J' I h,(' 1IJ:(l'('?ll� \\'('t'(• Jlf I Oil 110 l 1.:'ilC·

lltarri<�t1. 1:10

179 ....C.:er,, tit('• J;s ·.;i,1n ' ct" ,�.. .. , su . r>r{(, nc,lr, ] 67· , · 1 ' Ve f 'I I· l"Ct'O!!lllZlll ' '=ll('l1 �! � LC a I . . ] S , .. ( C l i . 11 lj C i I L .� • • ,,. � • 130. One of tl1c reasons coui I:- 111 1 ghl('llC<l . cnl a's iopi dren · . I�th . chil f . . . . rr1t O c) 1a 111 lc .. e th , v ·· er ('. 1narr1ages JS . to pi. c�, . ng 11z1 of:r o f rec 1l.y 'C:s� nCl . the . c: · udc l .· ,1 . . " 11 P ,\· ar . rn l1 "J . 1 . t o l•'""" po] 1cy ,v1t • 1 1 rc:spcc. n1arriages for this reason. - r..--; 1)/ -

'' .

111zc tl1e statt1::; of 111 I. reco� · to a .. . iC>JJja rtagc J I�tl ,1 · ( :'-il i11 l cre g0 ,,cr11111c11tal

.. �

j11 tl1c�e ca�c:-.

1cr�o11s ,,,ho ,ver i. f o s t al �l � 1< 1l c no1 S ll c(?-l' 11 co '. l <Jl -li <': Ll iJ l 'J'J1c Jir1a l

cr llo111ici c� lltt l \. \ -ci 11 r1 lo r i 1c tl . I' <> · ,, la u ld . ,, 111a1.1. ·, · L111 ,1,· -r tli c . 1 l t< , -a 1 tr11 1io:J >ia:. ,v1iich � f tl v o E 1, ], 1c tl r c /l 11 11 ,l ie i l I�: 111arr li a v fl rc <' ,l si �l co ])c l t,,·o So11lh .i\.fri can 1a 1c tl 11 11 �::: a i rt �l ]( . c il 1! 11 t 'i]c. l"or <'�a 1i 11 o cl ,v c 11 r �i 1, ·ll cre 111arric(l j11 Soutl ,v . tc 1i rJ \ · r 1r t.l o 1c tl .). t <lo.ri i icilinric�'. 011c. �[\cgr< l1c 111r1rriag c ,,·01,ld he vo id rJ' 1 1r >r Jc ·,1 . !)c ri -<' <': >r 1< ' .1.\fri('a arcorcli11� ll1 tl J ces. 181 Of course. 1t ra c·1 �r ft if <l <Jf <" ar ·� i( rt ia 1c in Soutli 1-\ [ri ( ' ..,. ;-:;i 11 cc tl 1 . Si11(·c 1l1c J >artics ar<' 0011 >ia <)J 111 J�t i11 1 li, ,-a c ) l c l l )u 1 ,,::-u<·li a 11,arri ..iµ;<'� 1 irJ1>ia i:- tlif· ;:;Late of f ) arar11or111l in tcreot. l ];:1 .;. . ' < ri i,1 'i] ( i ]·:tlti<)liia ii clnt:J 1111r1>·0:=c ,vot1lcl l)c served hr 1 11 ·[ ( :=: 11 c, {\ . 11 <'r Y µ:0 1 l 1l l n1 �] :111,1 lier la,r - J1crc. 18� ,.l'litts, ,rbe�­ 011: i11 rc cc cr tl1 1(; ai !1 tµ: <)t ltr I µ:n !l) T('qtiiri11g tllt''t11 111iei]iarics. t.11cir 111arriai:'ut 110 11 1ia ) l1ir ]�t ' 1 tll< t·<"> · l}c' · l 1 ,r\ 1 �; ti,, ,ar ('\ ('I' 1l 1 e . 1 rl<·r J;tl1ior1ia11 la,r at the 11r1 I li< \-a t·11 })e c ' l1" lil (iu '°' ii if · d nli \ be I )t1l, :- d 1< li 111< ' il




ll f'rl'- th,· 1 1111·::- li1111 i- (';!Iltjllic:.tle(l 11:· tl1c f .. 1('1 tl1at tl1c Ethiopian 1 ·1Jur1� <l o 11{)! l1 ore )!1ri:-{f:c1i1. 111 tc, .r1:,·r111t cliz:r>rce rlecr<'<'S. Divorce n10Y• · 11 0! he: ni-llrr<'d e�('('j>l i11 ncr()!'1l;,t1<·c' ,,-itl, tlic J)ro,·isio11s of tl1c Ciril (:t1t!,-. ·1::·: .·\. jJl'lili<>ll l'cir iliY(lr<·c- 1 1111:-:I l:e s1tl1111iltC'f1 to tbe faniilr. arl,ilrnl,.>r:.:: ·1:;i Ll1,· r,,!(' ur tlii' 1·<)11rt..:. ·i:-=- :-=i1111, l· :- ·tc) <lcciclr ,\·]1cthcr3 di,or<·f' lia., 1)<'(·11 1 1 rn11011r1c,,i J. J;:.-, 'l'l1c'r1' j.;; 110 �1ic<·ifiC' a11tl1orization for · · I · I 11(' c·<>u rl::: t n· ll<'·11· < 1 1·,· c)t'<·1·· < -� 1:-e,.; , ' ,\. I l('rf' l 1 1�· J>nrl1(':=: arc fore1gner ::: am I · j \l1 111 >l r1·:11 I !l1 e ('0111'[.; "110ll ,111 C'\('\'l)li()l1 i11tci tl1c Coclc- for tl1cu1.

'h'it · · } u 1 a1. 1\ 11 ll lllIic_r nf ·.' JJro , r II t I ll, 1 · 1 1 ;.lall',- 1 11 I l l<' l-l111tc<l , statutes St:1tcs l1ave . , . 1 ,� 1.! 1:1 ,1r_r 1 a;.'e:; _ l,, ,1 ,,· er·11 Jlt!l'::iOll:- of different ra('es' l)ul such � 1a t11Le5 pr !l' . 1 , '1 l l l, \\ I l l l IC llt'· l l. l 11 1111 , -111 . ::-11lnt I una ] -1ly tl1c Sn1Jren1e Court. ·132. 1,he · p:irti1�-. ,, (111ld l H· 1·,,J, � ,(_·t·,,111 to -,�·o t Ilr)t t.lf! ll ,,,·11 1·1 ,""11otl1cr cerem00�· _ ;31nc·,� I1 ie ·v ,·on-'"icl t:'. I l' , 1 1 lieinl-e l Yes to l,e 111arried. ·1 11•·, < : i,. i l < ·.r11 1 <' o l' 1·'.· thiopia. \rti ( 'le l l B,I.. (',ivil (�ode Oif f:1hiopia, ' \rt ·i('lc 666. ' - . ­ o l o:). (:i,·il (._odt• nf l�tl i iopi;i. ,\ .. r It' O . . I -, ·I � 1 t1< .;u -::ru�s1on of the ro c · c ,29. �ep tlie d , 1 C1r Court 111 •irr '1() J 1C111r111e..�11 '-l 111 rr ,J , IC' 1/II 111/ I _, 1 � I'. /JI 1le O o ,1 e_ferro JT' 1 � f)[JC'<tl !\'o /'l . ]111 • I ') •


. ')



- 68 -

)l· oreovcr . tllc c ot1,rls 11a,0 c l 1 c�l,J 1l1at 1l1ey· ,vill 11ot lake j11r 't1c)11 l i� i( rto c]jyorce tinless Ll1e JJarties ur · c (lo111 i cilcil l 1 crc. '1.'1 111 :3, j 1 1 Il <t ll oc lt v. fln l­ loc/,·, 186 ,rl1ert� a 1101 1-tlo11 1icil·iar)0 ('0111c11c ·IC'< . I t l 1 a t th <" cotirl :3} 10 1 ,l cl tak.r: juri5clict1011 ·011 ll 1e . gror111cl tl1nl l1c� ,,,a� rcsitlc11t l,cre, tl 1c' S t1t) rc111c J 1111)<,'­ · rial Co11rt 1 ef11secl to clo so. It l1elrl 1l 1 at i11 1l 1 c nl 1 :-c�11ce of lc·gislatio11 1,y '.Parlia1JJc1:it e5t.:1l)li�J1ir1g: rcsitll'llC(� a� a lla si:- t)[ juris(lictic>tl 11.) {li,,<,r(·P. the cotirt ,vottl<l rc<"111irc tl1at t11t� 11art ies lJc clo111iei.le(l 1 1 cre. llli Si 1 11·c gro1111cls for cli,,orcc arc · gc11eral.l)· gc),.f'r11c�<l 11) · 1l1f' 11crso11al la,v of tli c · si::- of 11cr:-011al la JJ::trlics, 188 a11r1 si11c;c i t DJ)l>(�ar::- t11at tl1e 1)a \v i11 E1l1io1)ia ,,·ill '!Jc· (101111c.iJ<'. it fcllc1,, ·::; tl1a1 <)11ly· 1,:1 · l1ic> >ia11 Ja,v c-ar1 J,,, J ' a1)J>lied. �l,l1is i::- IJL1 tr<'.�:.:c-<l lJ:· Ill<' fact tl1at 11i1dcr tl11_� ex1,re�:- 11r0Yi:.:ior1s of the Coc1c. 1l1 c· l�tJ1io11iu11 c·oLtrl:- <le) 11c)t J1 a,·( · ,i11ri::-d ict.ior1 L<> ;lrn:1t cli ,·orces. 'l'l1<.·rcf'or(·. 1l1crc ai·t' 110 }ll"<)l,lc111,:-; relating: l!) 1l1c t <)I!l'lil' l c>f ' ]a,rs i11 t1i,,or,C' acl'io11s: all aclic>tl� f()r ,li,·orc·<' ,,·ill l1c <lr·,.·idcd i11 arc or d a11 cc· , ,·i t l 1 f: t l1 i o I > i ,l t t la\,·. , \· I 1 i (' Ii 11 1 <• .1 11 :-- L l 1 a l I I 1 " 111 al ; < •r , " .1 l I Ii 1� �uhr1 1ittccl lo tl1c fa11 1 il:· <1.rl)itralr.11·�- J) ;_1rli<'- -- nol dn;11iciled .l1'.·r 11111-l bri IJ!! tl1 eir actio11,- ill Ll1 c c·n11rl:-- <>f tl11•i1· <lt > 111ir;lc. 'l'l 1,· <!l!c·:--lin11 /)[ ,r.hrll1 er 11artic:a: 1 1 .1,·c l)ec11 ,·alitll� - ,1iYc)rt·f·rl !'l:-c·,, l1<'rc 11111:-:I. <11 (·n:ir�c. ]J c clctcr,11ir1crl }-,,· tl 1 c la,,· of 1!1c·ir 1lri111it·ilc nt 11!,. ii111t' of 1Ji,, nll,,µ:t't! 1



.i(lOJJtio11. · .t\ s i11 al l fJ 11 c :'= L i <.) 11 � l> f f.111 1 i I�· re I ;1 i ·I o 11,, I11· I 1 : • tl1<'l' 1 ' arc 1,rn ,!i:-l:11('l · l1 a. ..: 1l 1 c- .-:!rtt11s 11tc ;111 ·, \\ -! •1(·1 ,,,, 1- ''l l'<·r.:r111 · 1· ., . · aE'-J)CC'tS O.f [I(l O f)IJ()n. () Jl(' 1.:-ad ot)lccl cl1 il,l or a(10J)liv·e Jlarc11 t: tl1c� C>I. I ir-r ·,::- '': I la t art·· the el'l'i-et:-:. . • stal tlS. l . , , · I t 1 > ·11·t1rL1 '1rl,· , s11cre:--s1r111, :'-. 1 r1!! · ·irf.: l rc"t> ,,,� ]. ·o,f tJ11s · c' · , ll�ll al . ·v· u:-• · · I , '.... 11l 1·1,,· . I )l··t• J"('ll 1 1)·1·1·,.,· 111·,1,. 0 "_n-n,·er11 tl1r:;:,e ' .a gal 115 l I.l le a (] 0 l 1,· C O l" 11 :1 t l 1 I ..l .:


� 187. �ce


·) 5-· 1'1· i_. ,,. ,,, i\. ·o. I I sc c:,, I. vil Ci . os ·in l(r,1�7. ]\.O l -.,LI/OS v. J' •

• lake juri:'tli,·tion only if . .er} SL a I ,. th C C-o LI I. I ". " .I11 . ctllv . 11._. 11 I n the U nit • • c]11·tio • • 11 1• [ a son 1c take Jur15 , tl i ou"h '.. 1·C(·1 I .1If..It.:, . • •C::,: (,] O 1111(') , . , OTIC ,of the pnrLJCS ,tf · ,.11nC'c 1 ... ,. 1,jfi <•d ()CrioJ of t1,1nc. c:· . " 1 . . .f , 1J, · 01 rc 1c t . t d en 1e�1 a J)artv I1as Ileen . • _ . • s , .1L:1ppl1e O\\Il tale : :: .111r1,,r , 1 1] . 'cile . . ·1ct1on 1:=- U:,ua ' - . I ] ). f)'l'·s e.· d () II (-1 () 111 1 . . 1 s 1 ·ttles, · l u .. · lcn1s 111 L 1e rttlct . J)rol 1v i . llldl !!l'Cl ll a · �-a , <. ::iu,c · . d1vorre la"·· TJ11::,- lias . . l. . I sll/J1l >erg. n1 u St. al)y, "Cncr :Scc ... I � C, ILi .. ,, hirh nre not necessar�' LO d 1 .,�1·Ub· "·

Role 158 at 291-308.

- 69 -



'!'lie <111c�tio 11

:: i o n.


t 11·


11 ot

] i I-;: l _.l y

·, 1 1l('i.· 1 au:,


tl1c �latu�

(_)r ar1c,1itio11. e:-:..cept as re]ated lo �ucces­

f/-l l 11. l() ari:-:.c ,·er,· 0Lt(·

· 1.;; • 1·111 <· I �11n !'!1

011e cxn1111ilc ,•;011ld lle

· '1 1er tI 1c 111,1111L,·11a11<·c f ro111 CJ, 1


anO{Jtcc1 l)arent 1

'c_,r 0xa1111>le. tllf' n(!OJ)tecl cl1ild is { 1. 1Ji; l:1: I-�t! 1 ,':1L . .1 1 • • <,r 1l 1i' 1!:1i11r:�l 1iar • <·1,titl c ·<l io ('l:t: 111 1 1 1 ai 1 1l('IJ,l11(·1" l'1·0111 tl1f' aclc1,ti,·c lJ;:!_rc:nt. l111t 11ol frorn tl il ' 11al L1r:1 l }Jarc11l u11l('.,:� ilie a(101)t.i,·c- 1)ar;-11l is 1111a1.1]c to l)ro,ide it. ]q_-; .\l :- 1> in f;_ '.1! 1 in\iia. ilJ:· n<IOt)lc,1 cl1ili:l is 110I f.):·cli11aril,- lJ011nd to j' 1 •( r• • I . 11 ('01-ll'l:=i iLJ C11 C'Ollt '11c.' 1 lSG '·llii[: I :· lll,l!:ll('llcll1('(' !:) ,1,:-: i:lll,iJ\' ()I cri::�:111. ·

l:l'J. See T,. ip'-'lt:in. .-\dt)plio11 i11 f>ri\·;1I<' Tntc·rn:1lio11:1l J_a,,·: Reflection$ on ;l 1 <' �: -on.-� and l,in1:t or a <.:on\"t::nti <,n. 1:2 l 1 1tcr11u1io11al a11<l Co111par ntfre l,111c (>uarlerf.,· ft{S, Hi�(i < l ()6:1· ). 'l'l 1 e :1111.1 1 or lists t.l1c states that foll011 (·:1 1·li :qqir 1:arl1. 'J�h1: fatl1<�l'-� la,,· �o,·erns ur1der 1\rti\'lc 20 of the Italian (.ode, :\!,·(.u:-k 1!1·., suo • rrc .. llL'l t•� .... l,lr,i ·\· 11 ·"' l (' l). ] l)(I_ !,11 l�,·�iiopia .1_h�! ri,ue :' ti,l11 or ro11�e111 to aclo11tio11 is g:orerncd hy Article ., ,,0,, ill th1.· (.1\'tl (.od 1'. . 'fhi·' I IJ I . Sec l,ip�t,�in , s11 ,,-11·· not , . . n ei er th ' . ] , '!" . " o ·.1 ,l l n o ed 1 ,) ,l st all s 1 (l li t le 1 C :1 �t . opean I:- al�o the ,qlpr,la1·h f,)llo" eel in th e trealie<s l1 ct,vce11 EaEtern Eur late�. See l)rohin�, SIIJ>ra. 11ote ],18 :1t ,t.93. � : . l 'J2. :-ice L.ip:--t·cin, s 11 1-ir(t, no1 c ]" . in. 1 <• <'- al 837 a11d tl1 e :::tates listed there • I () .' ' . /,/. al :r�8. J 1) . 1.. /,/. a1 B:l<) • .l. 'J .:-) . ( :i\'il < :ode or t�l Ii iupia, :\rtirlc 82:� ( l) . 1 \)(j. (:i\'il < :,Hle of l•:i hiopia, \ .- rticle 823 (2) . -- 7() -

,votilcl l1a,·c to l)e. c.letcr111i11c(l. 111 �11cl1 a ca�(�� ,vl i e re lli e all C) J)liv� ('() l I rt sl l () 11 l (.l J).11"1'!1l a :1 cl tile (: l1il1:l l1a ,·c 11 n <l <1if r l� re 11 t <I (l 111ie i I C'S, l l 1('

look lo tl1e ]a,v of tl1� 1.iarl�{ agai11st ,r!10111 Ll1e l)11r<lc11 1 :3 sc) 11gl1t to ]1e inJ})osecl. Usttal])r , tl.1.i s ,vi.l.l J1c tl1c� clo111icilc of tl1<� ad<,t>livc l)are11i, r tl1c cl1ilcl \\·iio is S<:cki11g Lo ol)lai 1 1 a l c11cl'it a air1:,L s t1al1) 11 ) i:3 g . it &ilJCC r 1I1c ador)ti, c })arcnt. rl'l1c r11l,, co11lcl l)(;_ as fol!C)\VS: a:-:. rt'gard� tl1c la,,· of 1l1c sLaL11s of acl o1)tio11. tl1c <'<)t1rl �::.l1all lo<.)l, lo 1!1e 11crsoi1al '

ado1Jti,·e 11arer1t at tl1c ti111e tl1.:.· n(lo111j11g acts ,•.cr·re do11e: }lut ,,·l1c11 ,1 r lJcrso11 seclcs lo a, o1cl :111 ()l)!i��1tion 011 t!tf' �rc)11111l 1i1nt !1(� ,.-as a(lo1i1c1!

or a11 o1Jligat·io11 i�

lo l1e itt�I)O:-<'cl tIJ)Ot1 111111 011 tll� gro11.11d:-: l li:1:: . he ,r:'.13 aclor:,tt;fl or tl1[�i lie l1n� nciu})l(·(l a11otll'er. tl1c <·c)11rt. sl1a !l 1111,l.;: �l)l"1�l1t

10 l 1. is })C'r8011a1 l�,v al tl1c' l i:11e tl1t· arlo11ti11� act:,; '""re clor1('. :,-Io:- l u(

the rJrol)lerns relati11g: lo forcig11 arlo11tio11s arise i11 tl1e area or F11cre:-­ Eion. ancl ,vc ,vi11 clisctt33 tl1,'.:::f· 1irol)lc111� 111 tlie 11r·x1 :::cC'tio11.



I�e!!i ti r11 ac,·. . '-

an ohlif(ntio11 e 1cr \',l s on i .it. i;·n ­ 5 the r� ve co q l . . .' \rti ('le 803 of tl1e Civil (:ode to snJ)Jll,,_ rnnintenanec cxi'-lS. ales t"IHit t ::: e th of ,!! in 1�t 1 · 1 ,· l. fo 11 ] ·. ' · . /JI·,'· note·• . sU . ec11 er, Se£> genera S · · �: th,. f,01 '1 01V e 1·1-1s ' s0110: ... uin.i,;. principle. . prO\'J::,!Oll:3 c lh te . no l . Bn . 30 19 r . . ' . o . ' . . • t•· on··1lit,.·. ·l,..i" 199. 'J..'I11s 1s true unc1 er tl 1e NT·1 . See t:he discns�ion. suprrt, 1e.1.• I n10L . r111 1 . Eth,op . 11 ( 0 f ,l C I l11 \\'It.11 resJ)CCt lo t IlC ,1 note 135.


- r.] '.



fi]iatio11 rcs111ts fron, ] 1'la tcr 111a c(� siiJ 11: lht -i11,·ol\'c 11alc�r11a] Jilialio 20ll . l>irtl1 of facl (! i:-ol

el irnacy, ille. - e statttscs ·. leo·1· zc ·tl1re· o gr11 . rec }Vlost states Jcl is 011e born to J)·•a.t 1i cl � <. al 111 Li gi lc 1 ,\ 20 ·o,n1� .. < ioi1 • . ·ti· !.!I l .JJllHCV all(1 Jc,.,.1 · ·. I ize cl1ildren of cri g11 . co rc s tc :;;ta c 111 1 · ::-0 ., 1 1 t · o<· 1 · 1 101 o . [ u I ,,. c rll -l", a1n � 1 1. a ,f 11 ilcl IJor11 ot1t of , red]o,·, k . cl1 _:\ 2li2 le iia J. -•r ·t. i .. "" iti ·. c J . r . l 111 arr1 .t.!.._... ,.:-- , ':'I · ..., ,·01, >l'OC(��s h)r ,vl1icl1 a ) 1c tl is r1 ic1 al. 111 ti gi ]�e chil,I <. 011 �idcr<'d illcgili ri t.Jl(�. .111 ::;11cl1 as tl1c 111arria?;� of < li ac 11t uc ·c1 6<: 1! the i:- 111adc lcgitiii ial(� ] 1 y �1 ) craJ rr1le in . lJotl1 ciYil l aw 11 ge 1(' r.L'l J 20: . <)Il iti 1:!11 l·t1 .rc <)f t ac 1,nrcril� ,:>r ar i eterniin. r l is il( c cl1 tl1 · d of c: 11a t.i1 gi lc 1 1� at L]l ::::. Ll i .-1 J lc ,111 <· 1 <.01111t 1011 a,,· :-:ln al tl1<� lin1c of Ll1e cl1ilJ's ]Jirth. 201 r l1c fat 1!1c of " 1 la, al i r�o iic ' tii( <'cl 1 1� cl1iltl .l1as lJeen 1cgiLi111ated is 1 �o too. 111 c ciue:::tio11 o[ '"l1 cll cr a · ci I ll 1 c J > ar f-' 11 I at I 11 e 1 jwc the \ , . a l a ·1 11 o ; . _ r ' <' , I l' 1 l L �J l 11 d ,, c · , r > < µ " 11 n r 1, n . 1 � •

gc11cra ) ·1 )'


(tr.:11<'. :.:(,:; lt. i;-: :--aie le) ::- a)' tl1al u.3LLally lc�ili1 11ill i · c1r1d lc·µ:il i111 nled i'l1ilclr(:11 11a,·C' rigl1ts agai11�t tl1e father c,lli<'r t!1an :--ti]l!>(>rl. �1)6 [,'<ir 1');..11 1 11>lc. 1111 iJleg:iti111ale cl1ilcl ,vould Clot' l;ik .t· 1! 11 · citizl'11 :-- t 1 i l of 1!1c l'atl1er ,,·l1crl' tl1c Ja,,· J>ro,,idc,1 that the {

;1111'µ:ed 1,-:.!jt i 1_11 .1Li 1 1µ: act:-:




('hild l,t!\.t',.; 1l 1c 11ntic1ualil\' c,r tl1e falll('I.' al tilt.� ti111c of J1i� liirll1. - . ·--- - �-


:?.00. ( :iYi I (:ud 1� cir Etl,ivpia, :\rl i('l1• 7:� . 9. 2.lll. 1 11 :-nrnl: :--lal 1.'" a cl,ild 1nay �il,.;o he "rl'<'O�nized:' For praclieal purpos�. • lhi::- n1ay not h L'. lllll('h tlil'ferent than lc,!itin1ation, though l'he que:Lion t nia�· ar.i:--e al. ;i 1lifi'cr1�nt tin1 c. S.:-c f!e11erally Taintor, J.,egiti1nation, Legiti· 111�1<·y :.111d i11�i·oµ:11ition 111 the C:onflicl of l,a,f,.;, 18 Canacliafl IJar Reuieit· � on Co11(/ic1 of /,a,rs r ->H') 1 '19-10 l. r,:printcd in .S e lect ecl l{ca<lin!!s . . ''!'" ]<)-· i> •) ( ; l (l I . 2 {):?.. -·) {)'.');) . 20 I. � 1-,). :.1

I birl.


/ 6 i(/.

I bi,/. Id. at :1:iG. l� ll;rla11cl. l1u,, e,· er, reqnire;:, 1l 1 al lcgitiu1 ation be recog nized l,y tlii.: la" ol _ the fntlier',.; don1il'ile al 1!1e ti 111 c of birth as "'ell. Ud11Y �-. L'r/11 ·,·. I . ll<' I' .\<i11 o ·1s, ]. Tl ouse of l.or<ls -1 -4 -1 ( 1869 l. \\7here Lhe faLI·�: � Iulo don1il'il 1 '. at ti 11: I 11n o I. 1 nrl tier ion, I · I doc,.; lee:itin I 1at · not reC'o!! nizc , '· • • • · t5 Lun .. • "' 1 11 d (: I ti l I -\' i 11 J re "· 1':::n. 11 1· 111-,t t ". , .I l 1c ·\ co1npare l ot 1 \c1.· cxtre11 1 c J • • 1�. . 111lt1 l�sl11te. • 111 ·f r<1 • 11 0 I<·• 10 ·1· egi •) · l -, ·) '' l icre l 1 1e cnpac1l \' .of the faLl1er to J . 11 l alU! · . t d!'t�1n11111•d I," ··he. I·.i,, o IIie �· . f l I tc f at l\er··� < on11t·1lc at the t1111e · 1·.illed 11110 quc�tion. t' bilJ 1:1te Jn inany �late, of ti, a·11' n 1 � LT 1 1·1 1 C(l St . i.: • ate::., f or exan11J 1 c, an 1·11 C:i YTht <·1111 � .. : n �up , ·port l ro1 l.i 11 i�hc d 11 hi:; fatl 1cr, 011c }lalc is cstabl f







.�1lnl1.:I•,.; " �� ' h orizc 11.11·1:rnity o l 1e c.1v1_ I (:ode.

aftio11� i 11

c rnity 1�1 -;58· ; rti,·le a11Y · �-n�e. Con1par e .A..

- 72 -


I11 ]�tl1ioJ)ia tl1c co11t:c1)t of illcgili111nt)' l i a$ 11 c,rf�r exislccl :::oi _ stil)ruiltecl, is a far 111orc er1ligl11c11c1.l a1)i1roacl1. 1l1 an i.� , ¥h is i t c 1 l i , takc11 C'lsc,vl1cre. A }Jersor1 .l1r1s tl1c� slal lL:- of cli i I l l 011(·.,� filial i < ;n j� e:,taJ)lisl1ecl agai11st tl1e ft1tl1er irrc�11ic:cti·,'c of ,vl11,tJi er Lltf � fatl1 l 'r ,,·a"

1narriecl to tl1e 1110Ll1er; tl1erc i::- 110 l'lislir1cli<)11 1)et,vcc11 1.l1c rigl'lls nf a cliild. b-orn i11 a la'\-vJ\11 n1arriagc n11cl l'l1il1l 1101. l> cir11 i11 st1cl1 a 111ar­ riage. 208 ':r11e or1J)' c1r1estio11 i11 Etl1io1)ia i$ ,vJ1ctl1cr tl1c filinLior1 l1as l ) cc11 establisl1crl against 1:l1c 1)arc·11l a::- lo ,vl10111 1l1c: slnt11!:- i!:- i11 r111cslio11.

:F'iliatio11 is co,rcrell 1,)" Cl1a1,Lcr l{) of tl1c Ci,·iJ Co,lc. 20'J a111I or1cc· fil.iat1011 l1as bcc11 c.stal.1Jjsl1c11· 1111llcr tl1is < ·l1a1,1er� 1l1r· stalu::: <)[ ('ltil,I exists irrcs1 lccli,,c of ,,·l1c tllcr I lie J>areiJL':' c)f tl1c <'l1ilcl ,,.<'.rf� ·yalid l\r r11arric(l at tl1c t. i 111c of l1is lJ.irtl1.

'fl1 is fact is ,,er>· sig11ificn11l for 1:1rr11()ff•::::. of tl1c c-c>11flict. of .l,.1,r:-:. \Vhcrc a chilrl's staltl� is i11 <Jll('Slio11 l1er(� I otl1rr tl1a11 for rilIJ"}l()�es cif '. :-:1:.iltl� i:-- as,crll'tl tlJ< J111 ,vl1< i11:=:1 a�a .:::c>11 1>cr tl1e c l ( l or cl1i suc esfion J tl1c ,vill al,va)'S IJ e a11 Etl1io1)ia11 clo111i(.'iJ1ar)· or 11nlio11al. 'l'l·1<' llll<'$Lil}Jl of a l'l1ild atatt1s arises ,vhcrc a rigl1t is as:::crl1::cl l·1c<·n11�<' of rl1al :--latt1s: aµ:ai11 �t t gl1 :-:<1u i:-:: c ar1c r·!1 i11t 111a or r l1c fal c tl1 1�l ,1i1 a2: c r1c 1 :::.eeks n 1ai 1tena ., '.�tl1io .iia11 1·c)urls ,rill not l 1e 'I'l ). 1i 1:-;l io1 1 t cla s i 1 r l 1 c� r1s of ca l bc ilc 1 1he cl .111 [•'.t}JjOJ >iall j:,: t a11 d n. fc· 1]c C' Lll .:.:::-: llc lli :'(� Ca ;_1 Cll Sll l take jt1risciictio11 i r 1' rt I I<' 1 <l 1 t. Io sl ,a, 1 a > i 11 J o 1 tl1 ]� l�;. O 1l c�1 21 u rJ_ c 11.:: Co a]. don1icilia 1'"\; , or 1 1 a Lio11 i tr i,i 'tl ll< ea i;; :=; u at �L 1c 1l � 11< ti1 c nu 11c ,vl1etl1er tl1e stalLl:3 cxi :' LF al 1l1 r I I 1 <lf I l 1 1 • i l) c Ii t of c i 1 11 l t' 1 I l l a l a 1 I L r. :: o J � q 11c:= ti o11 • For cxa 11111 J c·. :-= LJ l , J . . O\\'('\'('r. tlie f I . <'<l rri JI} a l . llO ' . . · 1 t '"< 1 · a110L I 1cr �Lale LI 1c l)al en:::. l. 111 c I 11·11 1 <� iiiotlivr tl id ar ,:'. y it 11 c-r 1 '. at 1_ of fatl1 cr 111aclc a '\-vriLLcr1 acl<r10,fl<: rl�c111, r1l 207. _?.08.


21 0·

1·sef!ain1i.·d1 1' 11" v. I f( ro l' cs 1n l /1 oh . )' ' • • 1 1l1c ,.•1---·c·· ol 'fhis J)Ollll 1s disen:::sed 11 1\fakonnen, s11JJra, note J,t:1'. . iple.. that tlie an c:x r ), fo . . 3 6 e . 3. ·l . 1( \ 11 r· aJI Y pr.o,··- 1cl . P.d . un<ler ·:, 1 not af fcc,· cs r· t 1s. spcc1· 1<: do r . ci 1 e th of r 0 1 _· a:-c< ·, d Cl'C . o · l the· c·v · 113 . 11 1 1• eg: J 1c I h • 11 I I11. � ] ,v ·t or y to leg.. 1t1 n1ac on ti or , p . e th f 1 o . tic va - 1 uc . or . c cir "" 1 I 1 I 1l 1• l f! f le o d an le 1a • in it the nseertn 1 n1nc11t ole il n ce \\· ct ·h . ] ,a, c 1 1" 1n o �i c n ti ii; d o N . ! ed , ,·1.;· j-;·- 1 na:lc in !'011\C ,;t:,,. _ [-" · ,i '· heir is entitl 1,er tI1c N' a11on·1• 1 _ . 1 llJ en ( dr il 111ate ch · , . ·c u.nclcr tl1e (�ivil. (�ode of follo,,·ing tl1e l)rin ciJ}le of jLLS. :-;rtllgur, l i,s. 1,011, u •'�C� an < f ,1rrnl ' i\' I u l·1 0· e s .. 1n 11, c 11 tn n ag 1 -o I n e B od ly C e h 'f ( See "encra.l . . Lat<' �,.)" ,. 1 ';I' '6, 1) : 7J1a11 . . • • e 1a . I o tr t E ., . ) o rn1ty. , l of palc Eth 1 op , I ]01ir11a ent ·t-ainn1 er _. a:, i e iopian ,vitl1 t I th E � g e th aealin 'h il l1 ,v . 1 1 i r1rovjsio11s ,. -:. r•tte , . " 1�"t,·111 ci> '. . . . ,·1rcun . l Lie f :xl tc ° ng y1 n pa n 1n 1o . sr.: 'ro cn ]?_9........ . ·1 ? ,{ '·ind al ·-See 1! 1P.� JJrior d1s notes · . CllOl1, . . Jra SU/ •


,,·ill take


- 73 -



1is ,vor,1cl co11stit utc a \,a]· tl l; c·< J1J 111 fo j\rcl id � l>< .. Le> . . 11::1 l , ·l gee-1 . · · l c, e. 211 Sti pi,o�,.e 0,, (l o C J ;1 aclz11 r, C ic tl . r e <] a1_;0 · 1 i i)' 1111 r t , Lc "· .• Ii . f . o 1 . • . r11 L .. rr11 izrcl ·· '. o c rc aclzrio,v l ct.1 gc111 r1 c; 11 'J . '\-1 ]1 ( <?. 1 · ll ,eg1lJ. 1 C'.l' S <l0111ll'. t1 fa ' tl Ll [ · C) . · " ,. . . . r ·} .i· \' · . . · lc l I 1 c t 111 t ° t 1rfJc;1c11t to lci,,ritiJ11a c s1 t 11 a 1J t 0 T1 l l( tl C> \\ t te �, !l t:'·c111 c 11 e ,l · ,, 0 . . 1 . 1 . . . , 1 _ ·I 1 ,!(. - 111-ic Y 1. ::-11< Ll1,� cl1ilrl or father eI a1n, :. a Jj () 1i Ll : J . � 1'. J lt 1 r1 ·c 1c >t c·< 0 . 1l' . o · .- 1::1 rl'I 11::-·L1'1c c· l� 1.1f. rioi1 i a•n ,aw 1 tl E r lc l 1c 1 l l' s � 1: x e i lt t ,1 :-:t )c � . \·. [1.i:J tl tI · . · ' ·!-(1, >J i 'c ' · li 1 1. 1., . ;,L . 1. ..., J UiJC,<' � r..,;�1 1L::: rn11 ' )13 sl1011]d r cco i:; } 0 11 tl E ·, r( O IZP !iC.'i. i <) !l. 'I }1("'rc'f (' () ll ;I l"' , . ,, · . · 1 . . l C( 1 . . ar! r\ 111crica11 slate ·c·oiii·t. . �.\ I ; t: ll 1 ( 1 :-:- ( ,l .. , . , 1) 11 (� . l: �� 1n • ,r�i:-- I l1 c •' '· '' l' !' , • J> ·i • 1 , , 1 ,, ._, 11 <·Ii L: -.. • ,.:;: 11: , c· :-',, :11.. rn out of ,ved ]ock o ]J s . a J d ,v il ll c · 1r 'l �I 12 :2 · s ];s tr1te. <l 11 u L re 1 lr t11c c,1:::c of ·u11itcd State•�u�nil e tl1 to {l (· Ul :l' 2 . i' 11 (·1 '1' 1< t.1 i'a •�· 'J.ll-"'.. ,'1l' ))'\\, (1J' ,"('<!· 'tlt'lll ;,.. - tl 1 . ...._,, ...:--··1. c acl.:no,vlcdged e r l1 1e ,J . rl la o = 11c . in '\I r o . 1 11 Ll,c :cl.ale r1 c il ,· lt li o d ' l( !\ 'Cl ]1(', I1ia, ,vl-11cl1 ,ras "-'here )r f< ]i 1 .: C 1 i1 l c·r :l <: 1i 1: <, <l ' r '. ) c(';:!!l< 1 11 v child. ]-]c Inte 'poscs of J r tl Jl fo as ".'; 1 il I 1 ic lJ:1' '.!1l() r111c'3l ('H 1 ! il 1 cl c tl i f c :; 1] 1c :::lalu 10,v1c;Jgc111e11t ,vas nol r l� 1(' c in -f) ':: 1< 1i . i1 l ?1 1' · 1) :--u<·i·<·..--:.:ioi1 l. l_-;::lcr 1l 1c la,\ I1ia it \\'a•. or if al C c:f ' \, 1a 1c tl r ' <. L! l1 ll � l lc 1i c·l :-:11fl' i cic11l I:> l:·��ilii11cti<' 1l1c i11 cr uc5tion in as ,,: 11s at l ::1c 1l {'C l l' S! al 1 1l· 1'111· <-::llil'orni;-1 court l i cld ,r:D d 1il cl 1c tl r 1e tl l1e ·,, 1c i1 111 · 'r lf {\c I {�alif<\l'!lia. (:a· li fc>r11in l it \': :--l1c1t1l( JC Eall e 1'h . sl rc te i11 1L tll l0 i l�. l'� J!a o[ ,' al :--L :' ' Jc�ili11 1 att·d: ('.a\il' t)i'ilia \':,!�' 111 q ue·i· in is s l11 sla s ti� 1i.l cl c 1 tl ' ·c 11r Si �tl1i iu I' 1l1 ·:�: 111·in1·i1ilr· i::-: H}i11licnl :, I . 1 1 1 1 Ethiop ian ,r ]a 1 a1 1.>i io 1 tl l� cr 1(1 111 c :1r 1 <·1 111 ni <·l t� ion l 1 crt' n11d tl1 c: rigl 1 d. l1e lis alJ cst · ,1s ,, 1 ic,1 i,1t l fi. r ii(' l l11· \ct ,,·l 1t� 1 i 1 · 'ln ,, ;:-;l 1<)t1 l t l d l :l ( 'rn •



-·------21]. S<·e 1\rtirlcs i,J.6 , 71·•, "' -1 ' , ..8 a11r] -''. 1�l . Cerio ,I ,1n, • 212. ')t: -0 C,(l{ifnr11i" ]''"-J>orts. 2 11 <1 Se,-ies ter, epor - ,.\.i2. 159 Pr,cif ic l? r: 0,1:3 I 19,1S) •

- '"7,-·1.· -

. ]a,,·. ::-ince tl1e .11)t1re11L::-· ,vc1·(· · • ·· i·iot 111•.ir r 1 <'· <. 1 '·11· I l 11' · 11111'' O.1 · ] >Jrlli a11(I tlic·re .· . .tc1. 1 acl(ll o,vlec.ln·crii, -'>'t,)·• f> ..,11 llJO, ,\,11t 1 1a�- 1 )ec . · { 11 t • > lI L 'l t!l .... , 11s 011ce cx1st111" ' • �· · t " " . . , . ". . . I · · b · ,J1 ou t 1 11ot c ·1 c;s, a c l1 n11 . , . ·1J,·· ·-·. ·, 0o-e_ c··:f r· •l 01111<'! I , •..')fl1 <·<· Ilic :-:lalt1::: (if • ;ar('Jtl1 · . cl11·lt·l cx1slcrl J)tCvIOlt::-1,.,-. •t,tl. iic . J i>i· <I· ::- ! l() . ll l < 1 l"C'.C(J!.>:lllZ.C t ! 1 -:1't ::- lal ll::; '\' j l l' I l • • • n.t O CS er 1 t l 1 l 011 . j l ('. ,·· (·-'.· 'r . . · ', .. • .... , . CaJ !e cJ .l l l 1· ':"'. 1· :-.•.. ll l(' l"(' j ' : 11 > d )> 1('al1on ol l l l<' !!cr1rral : i • . . . . • . l)T .ll1C!,l)lc tl-1 al tl1c 'lll('Sli<)l1 .or 1r' l etl . ( ,l,lf· 11 . .l1 .)(\. I d (I I la� r)('('I1 l( :�:· ...., 1 L1n1�tlc:·d i;-; • . . · c]eler11 1111c�rl l))r tl1c !)Cr� <)t1a l ' 1 a,,· ( . f I > I · , 1 c , I).tl < , · 111 nl ti(' . I l 1111<' 1 lie nll,·.1....;pd • • • . ]e�1t1111nl1;1'.! ar·l.;; v.-cre ,l,.. , 11,, · ) l I 'I'',, ' -· . .. I. I ( . '' f . Ill L' ii(' l (' I' fl l I ll t. :-- \,.I l (' l h (. l' f i I i � l i ( )[ l ' I' .·1 , 1 ,, I ' n rr-111 a,: l o 1vas estaJJJjsl1cc1 1-"�_,- ],_' >rJl.':-1··,1-!.! 1.r�) tl '(' fl"l"'""'·1I ·,. 'J

,rl101 11 tl1e .fi]ir1li011



·i :-:

i11 i �,tic. .

s, 111111J 2 r... ·. ::: i 11· ec

1 111 a c,• ·. 1 . c2·1 �- "t'

, vj : 1' r1 J

·1r,· for 11ot necc-:c: ...�.L.








E' t I 1 i o1 1 i-•-1


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l l c • i ·-�' l'· n• ·"-

r· · llJC>· \ 1�11l · .;t


"" son J3 leg1t1111,!lc'. i11<·:.!ili111nl< � �

, �•,. , .

, · 11 0 t··:--

t 1 1 •...

11 0· l

1· :• 1 ..�1 1·

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· . . l'C'C<J!.!111ZC l I I(' ('[ll)('('l>l L

I (, l· l ·Iii() 1

f Jll�':--11011 ·

Il('l'f'. ii




C'Cl!1r:.� t,J (11!..'li ·rn:i11c· ,,,i 1 <':,l 1(,1· tl 1 r· 1,cr1 · . 1·-. . , i · i 1 i . . f '-·. 1: . "' T1CC('�·�r!i'\ rr·tl··,1 l tl c;r le•riti • . · · , \ . r91

for t!1e cc>11rt to t1ecic!e ,,·l1�·ll1<'r· fi1ialic,r1


l,e:·11 c·�ta1 i ii.,) 1f 'li. If

fii i Hl-

ion l1as lJce11 c::=t<1l1li.-d1r·rl <1ccor,li11�· 1,_. Ilic· !)l'c-vi�icn;': c>f 1!:,·. Civil (�:oil l.'­ tl1C' C()ttrt illll.St fil1,-l' tl1al t!1c :--1.alu::: rxi�t�. :t [ ii !:a�; 1�ol li e('!'! c�,1�:l,li:,.I J1 ,,I 1 · . 1:, c1,,.,• l111d cl" t 11 o�c· J > r i 1 l c i 1' I<·:·. }) l t i l I 1 < • � - ( u t l 1-.: <) , 1 , I 1J· 1 < I .1n:; I 1 1('<'11 ('Oll. 1·err, . I 0 Jr;i ··



I)C1"80llal la,,· ()r

I l1r

J 1 .1!'('l)l.


i 11,·




recognize �t1c:l1 staL11� .


. '<,11 r111rl . -1 <I ,,1 i;1i:-tr<rl icJ11 <>f

z;.,t nt cs.

TJ1c Iir�l <JUC:--tio11 i� ,,·l1al la,,· p:c>,·r·r11� �lir· �U<'<'f':-si<)ll lo


l1'r:-- of 1l1r i1111110,·aJJic j>l'Oj)C rt,,·. !\� ,,·t' .,a\,- 1':1rlicr, 21., tl1c \\'ri 11 IP;:; a..::. J>('r:::;ci11al l st n 1p: zi1 riri l1·::('a �] ) r>· 11 l 1 cc1 lJ t c·;1 . 1lr• · ·cr sC', l1c· �ixtec11 Ll1 a 1 . 11r·r1lt of t11 1i,·cr :,;:a lit>· of �11ecP:--­ ro ,v [,a 11 r 111a l�o 1 tl cl e · y o· str anrl :-ea] , cle .: ''real:� .(I fic a, .ssi ela rc ,,·c• :-: lle ·nl <>, 111 1 in I<> $l011. Si 11 c<:� :-:latuir·� rc:lati11� • ·lct<·r111i11rrl lJ\' 1l1e /e.r l<Jci re i. sitr1e. , a:,,· :-: lc s11ec-c.-:;:::io11 to i 11J 1110,·al). r,crso11a]. :-:1ficd ns cl rc ' ,. ,r <'.:; )1 11 .. · 0, 111 to Sinc:c stalu tcs rc�JaLin!! :cl]1 t.o riJo,·aJ ) Ir J>rrJ11crty i \ ·as <lc1c·r111·i11c a11rl

21:3. Sec 21,l. Sec 960 the la,v 215. See

7-10. lc il' rt ,A. :;i, pi io th I� of ,le il o <�iv c: Re1Jorter tic lan .1lt 96 , ]64 ts or 1, Fle ul tic ec nn C o Jitoore ·v .•50.i:1011. 90 under the la\\' of cd ,-l1 li t11h t es no s ,va 11 l1i ns tio la rc e 1 tl (1916) ·,v] 1 erc d under 1l1e he lis tah es s t "·a hu . h · :it dc of ,c tin father'; <lo11ri 1'ile al tl1c g:edly ,vas c-reatecl. le ul ip �l1 on ti l..i rc e th e 1 1 ti1 e th of his <lon1ieile al yi11g: text. 111 p: 1T1 c·o ac d an 21 te no a, r,r su the ,]i ;:; cnssion,

,... - {,)


111axi111, ''111ol1ilia sc<fl1tn tllc )ticcl • <. ·vel ·l , c _ i 1 1u' . l:_ ('<>Lil , '111c <.1f l llC ( I cc'..�,llc11l. · 11.:-i rL1le tf'l\ l.:ti J)Cr5<)Il . 1'1 � 11<. l \\' l<) ,I rc ( n, in ) l ·� l \·a <.1 111 _ • ll' ti })<'r�c)na ni . . . 'll as tl1c lf111t.ecl Stales 21(; a I\ ·',' -::ltC L O< 1,.'1,

d OJ1:-i 11alJ " lJlall) ' . . . . . . 111e cffer 'I i l l :. cl ]· r t] 1c . J\ . clcter111 ) u,v of ti _ . If l<'c • 1 1> . 110, · ' · l 1 <) 11 1e -=10 ·e.: , 1...: ·· -� 91 ,.Jttcc , l('C. . · · . Fr aJ . ·I· -�. .• t; ·�1.10.r-�c��1on to · 1 c�al <. 111111 l11s ol . 1orable ti111,· ,. 1 I l · l , ·1 d . 1 C' ,l- <'ce 1lc11t:s tlo1111c sit.c1e. -')JS ; /lJci rei · l C I<''.: tl · \' ) I 1 ( C l1 � l j 11 11 roll e,· l y· · ·- cl ,, l (' 1· r<�tt1.r11c<J to tl1c co11cc 11 of C lia,' . nr:cl , 1 J -r ic otl . I 1' . 1 , <l11 l Soi11c :-:Lale·.�. • >.r. ) ·111g (..;lll·tJlo tl1e 11 tl1a l< 1er ratl loci rei . L )t! ! .:-> 1·011_ . y. (} 1. -:,l_ l(.(.(,..;1




.'-1 t « ()


lll()\';\ ·1 C


1 1t · ( )fl. . I < ·(•(•<..;i < l <' I (' I. 11 l .I I I C' :--l

I I i ,·

)ll"<lJJ()�c'd r ,tr :--c,111),,11 r�·' - 12.i.




"(� J)c.l,l tl1al SLICCCSSIOll to t ile\· • l1a\ •




r tl1e C(l J'll1111 b� clclC IJC' l() j;.; 'l"l\' ))Cr� onal CljJ( 1r J . .?11 ( l .lltlillO\··,.I l I ( ' 1 r , 219 Greece� 220 Czechol) Jta ir1 'rl 1 i :-- i::: tl1c rt1lc

11 1,, dccl'dciit. ,-, 1 o,·aI·. ,,a. ·)·--)1 ·,, ( ,1.. ��2



In 1! 1 c c,1..;e


JI 1111 µ:_ ar_\·.

tr,·�tl ,.

22:3 ar1<l


1;1 :il1<11 ;11e� f>r(>frr i·.


B1rlgarir!� 224 a11d is tl1e rulo Bc·lgit1111. �\etl1crlands and rr,


111aJ-.01111.e11, 2�6

1! 1 c �..:u 1;r,'1Jl('. 1ut }l<'rial (-:Cltrrl !i(·l!I il1�1l �lIC'C<."�sio11 lo 1110YalJle� is �<1\·cr11<·<l l ) �- 1J 1 c IH'r.�<;n:-1! !n,,· 111' tl1<' (l<'<·c�rlc11l. a11ll 011 tl1i5 c1t1eslion aU

,!�:I i · --. ;1rr· ,l{..(l"<'1·rl. :\� a 1•r:t1·lir·al 111allC'r - ::1� ::: 11111i11g tl1at Ethiopia ,·1111110 :·:-: do1uicile a::: tilt' �o\· er11i11µ: 1,c·1-�c111,1] Jn,v - tl1e 11roblc1n�·of 216


I -I • llau·; i'ul, .'11/>l'u. note I �'J :1I (i:i(), 6S:1. ,1 I" 'l'hi,; i., ll,,, rnl,: in 1110:--1 l'ill111t1·i l'" folio,\ in!!: tl 1e (·0111n1on ) a,v. Sec Fianna r �uttan v. John 1·. l<f/t/1111. ) lJ:-,7 :5 11,lun l.-r1 : H Journal. C our t of ,4 ppeal 35. . · 111·� �le( ed('!ll \\ :1,-. d(J1ni1 ·ill•cl in J ordun a11cl O\fned in1n1ovabl� property in tlie Sudan. :rhi' l:i,, ol .f nrd:in 1·011Lroll cd !-lll'<'e:::sio11 to his rnovablc::, and _ llie L.l\\ ol · · '.'-,11d·11 · 1 ,· ,1111· o [I, ( 11 :::u · c 1·c::-:· :::1· l)ll lo t I1c 1u1 n10Vi11) le. 2 ] �J. :\ [ r ( : ll ,, !,•'"1 - ·.- Sllf)/'(I, llfll«' 11 6 :ll 80-81. :?.:2 (J '\irolct1Jpo11lq,-_ .,111, ..,,,. 11 ( ,l•' 11 . , -, ·. 1t .1-,·>_ _ 1.,11 recI·, law · \1 r 1e , , G , · r11 1 t lo I 1c � ,..lll'('(',· ,i · on ll' 1l ,o, :i I' l t::- '' a,- ;!nvcrn ed I.Jy tl1e la,\' of t11e situs. :2 :2 I . l)roliinir, s111>r11• 1101\, [.J • ..:: · 1l1e! "" .·1 1 · ici·1·'· .,0111c d . · ('Xl'CJ)t1ons n1ade :. i s regar } are . 111,.1 t,1·11!! <.>I a \\ tll· \\ I · ll,·I 1 < ...,11 1>e ,-."'u,·ci-11c<l }·,, · tl1 e la,v of the PJare e . Illa I\.I. ll;_'.. •i





I hid.

II. JI<,•• 2�-1. 'bi1/. �leij1:r:-:. Sll[J/'11. HOI" " lt:: ,) '>.) at 6. ·) ·) ,·l. Supra. -note IS(1 . 'F)'

l __ .,,

- 76 �

. succc��1or1 to i111111ovalJlcs

like-I)· to he l<)o sig11 ifi l'n11l. U11fier t\.rticlc 390 of tl1c Ci,·il Coclc 1 1 0 fc>r<�ig 1 1cr 111a•y o,,·11 i 11.11110 ,,alJJc � I•• t)ro p rrl )· sitrratc iii Etl1ioi)ia cxec11L ir1 accorf"la11cc ,vitl1 an J1111>crial f, urc lcr� ru1d it is unlikcJ�, t!1at a1 1:, - :-:trc11 <.lis11c11saLio11 ,vcJ11l<l be 111adc to I a foreig ner who was not domi, ·il,·d her('. The problem co nld arise, 110,vc,·cr, if a11 Etl1io1Jian ,,-110 o,r11ctl la11<l l 1 er C' l JC 'ca111c a ,lo111iciliary 1 of a1101 l1cr st,1tc or a Jorcig11er ,rl10 ,ra:e- gi,,c11 , 1 cr111i�sio11 l(> 1>t1rcl1 asc \ Ja11(l l1crc l3tlrJ8C([l lC%1L.1y- cl1a11gl�(1 Iii� clo111iei lc. 'l'o CO \'Cl" tl l( ':-iC silual­ J io11s, i t is sttlJ111ittcll tl1at Etl1io1 )ia sl1 c>1tltl 110l,l tl ! nl sr 1cccs sio11 Lo i111n10YalJlc 11ror1crt>· _i:-: go\·i__·rnccl f)>· ll1r· /c•.r lc,ci rc •i sit<ce. IJan<l is clearly _ . of great im1 ) orla1_c(' ll( '. I"C 7 ,111 ,l Etl1i()1>iai1 la,,· :-:l 1ou1 (1 clctrr111i r1c ,rl10 } sl 1011lrl st1cc(�ecl Lo 1•:1.I1io1)ia11 la1 1 tl. 227 It :-:l1oul 1l J,c r1otc<l, 1r1o r<�n, cr, that nu).- fo rcig11cr ·,vl1 0 o1Jlai11s 1-::tl1io11ia11 Ja11('1 l ) �, SllC('es�ic)Jl i rccJtLir ­ ::; cd to clis1Josc of tl1is l . . 111t 1. 228 'l'l1c·rcfnrc-. Ll1c r111 < ' i11 J�tl1io11ia sl1 c)ul r l JS llOl


be that E-t:ccc.:::::ior1 lo 1110,·al,lc• 11r<>J•<·r1>· i:-- l;<),· p r11c-tl 1,y tl 1 c 1>cr::;011al • Ja,v of tl1c clccc1lc11t �1111 :::11e('c.;;:::i<>r1. lo in 1 1 11 c>,:a1)lt' 1 >r<>1>crt� :i� go,.-cr11f·1l : l,y the Le.r loci rei .c;itfl{'. 2� {) 'I'll(' f;OVC/'Ili11g: Ja,v · ,vouI <l dctc·1- 11inc ,vJ 1 0 � - ,vas r11titletl to �u<·cc·C'cl .•-...11rl if a \\ ill 1.,,,ts ir1,·olYc'<I, aJJ <JL1f':-::t1n1 1 s rr·lat0

1 i11g to rhc- ,·a li,li!,- a11t1 r·(feel <if I Ii,, ,,·iii. 2:io \'\'l1 <'11 a forei�11 ilo11 1 il'ili-

ar)- diccl, Jea,-i11g 1110,-�1})lr 11r<>11c•r1�- I1r·rc'. tl1<' cc,urt ,rolrld li,rrr· lo

<lclcr111inc all fJl'lf'�Lio11� 1111(l<'r l 1 i..: 111·r:" 011al la,,·.

(fl IC�t j O 11 '. \" i l l l '\. J 11• <'l I \ r (' I 1111 -... t 1l C �, I 1s-· tl1al of ,,·l1at ·1n,,· 1 1 · c11 t"tlcr rl. rt<'r1111r1r,;:; ,,·110 1:1 -�i L,.., 'J :-'J . r<·cc-r,1• or , lei · 11ul it ar1ollt{'r ,•:a,-, ,vl1at , • . · • · · · 1 �\\" d<'t<'rn1111es I · l[ ari.::r , - ,,·l1erc t 1e :::11cccss1011 1:=. ,;·J 10 1.:: a11 l1c-1r. 'J�I 11:.--· ''' • .. r ., " f-. i11t1-�lal I • · · < l \rill ,vl1f�re ('l1ildrf'll -, l ,1 'c1 1 t r. .1a:-: r1(it t 1. Ll1al i�. tl1c ,11"rc�lr111 l· . .�. ' 1 1.1 1 o.:.;it ic1r1 le) 1: 1(·� �,,ou�P, 2Jl a11rl �crl� lo take a!?:a111::;t · .... · . tc-=ta111r,1!t,11 a ....,


11 ex t



227. The si:! nific·anr·e of land J1erc i� refI eclec1 in tlie r•rovisions of _,\ rti cle JJO of �the Revii:cd (:onstilt1tion. . Ie::: ."l}() , ..,'JC/2 · �23 (;i, il (:ode of E1hio1}ia, '\ rtic . . - ·1s to lJe ro11� 229. Note that the la,, · of tile fOJ- l11T1 I cla�!-.ifics ,vl1ethcr pro1Je1l) / . . ll IJ. Kat/,{J11. at[(/ ( .l of case tltc . . re�, • n , Is ll . . 11ova' 1l r· �idered 1r1ov:i 1> I c or 11111 ecI b,· the 1n"· o f LI1e ern "ov . .._ ,,. 1-; cl ,,, a t -· 1 <'"l"I' I10 ·i . • n ess1o srrc·c supra, n�te 218, · lc:i�ehold a,;; an a l ifie< "1:,,,� la,\· .J, � ' a o n 11 · e us ca l)e !-ilu� of the property, immovable. . � 1 1JC r".-, $U/Jra. nolc 15B ut 375-188. . . ]!Sl'US:31011 0f ll1 ic::- rn·1tlcr in �tun 2:10 . �,�e lhe ( ' 2;11 . See Civil Co,le of Ethior1ia, Artic·le 872. - 77 -

· · e 'J rJ 32 2 . S l tl _a d i il C C 5. 1 i OI c.)f dc '!ltc i :5 )J l( l , :-i c] f o il . iO <tt.lC�l ,1 1� .; ;;: c ,-vitlrin lllc 1 ,royJu t ntla11 _ . 1 ·on · _."� v1 ,vJ1crc Ll1cr asce :J or iL r ifla1 c <lc�c a . IS I 10 '" ion ,,,i\'1 IJC 11 ]a,\!:3. cssio sr1c c tl1c rl1cre t l 1c s11c�c·s '\\ c .--i, 'on 1l. n io t 1a t it s c l1 t · I· c]· cr· '·1 Jl o c 1 1 . · ,, .. c oriliC d cl ic t il c n c cl <-l l e t I... c .• .1rst. ,v. 1e . l lcrc ,., t,1 � if l a 1 tl . ,v Ja · ' · i>ia 11 l •. ·1-,' tlli o .; )' u si ttiatc Iierr. 1ro 1 Jcrt \· · e iJ <rQ\'Cl'llCCl 11oval)l • i1111 s 01, ·c , 1, i 1 n c'"'sio ·· ·· · ·· .:;licc tllc 1 . o c. r e� 1 1 itiJnacy of .the deceased or b,U ::-(�<1 i llcg or imacy legi t ' H LI 836 Under Artielc d op ted children have u,. a rther, fu rights; n essi o succ affect e11. _A._ c 1 11estion 111ay arise docs not cl1iltlr o tl1cr a::: 1c� i ta1 cr· 1 j11} of $:.tJlle rig;lltS 1 1 11 (]er tl1e la,v of another cJ fil i , 1t c>r a(lOJ>l(�1l cc11 J 1 :lia:=: ,v.llf'r C a eliil<l l1as lJce11 ailo1 )Led uuder ('l1ilcl a tl1al < ·: let u� sa�, ii>J c�nii ' o r (:ouiitr y. J! f tl1c cl1il<l andtlir o c il c 1i 11 o <l ' 1< tl 1 icl 1 ,ra� l ,r , te ta tric Jn,v 0[ S e subecq uen1. v a y h e h T e n o d e r e w s t g ne . tin p o d a e th e m ti e par<''" nl th cr cl ie s intestate, 1 · tl fa 1e tl c :r 1r ·l ,, . ia i11 ]�ll 1 io 11 tl c: il c i 1 11 0 ,1 . t· l�t li(·co111 l <)f cl1ilcl. 1 11 Ethiopia, ( a e 1 tl · cl n a 1 i'l,I r<'Jl <·l l a r 11 l n 11 i ,·c t\ 11:a,·i11g ccirrJ 1 rr cl ea l c : 11 11 a io s cs ce 1 t s 1C' tl l e: eallccl lo I to �l r fi 1c tl cl1ildrc11 arc 11all )" under 1\.rtide c1 e c r a 1 sl i Pn 1r l, i tt"<1 cl . 1i o ll a �:3 2: 1; 1, ( i rl (J }) a11 t'11ual te 1\ adopt('t1 ta S f o ' ,, 1a 1e tl l111clcr l 1a tl 1c 11 u .:s :1 o is a s 11 t c g:�6 t 2 l. TJ )tivc parrnL 1 o ad 1c tl f o e al St <" i 1 1 tl1t' c r 1a �l to · ,rl citJ t 11 c t 1o 1 re a -c l1ildr<'11 1are in thr sl Lo l c tc it 11 r1 C' J> ". ll i1�r 1\1(· cl1il(l sl1a1l 1le 1< ,i ,, , : i 1 c11 1.,l1c c111f-:sti estal<'. tlir e5 iz er ct ra 1a cl t r t1 110\,· tl1e co 1 01 1l '11 >C '} <lC ill '" L I 1s1 re c 'J�l1 lai . y l i 111 fa of e on as qt1c�slio11 c l1 t e� z i · r lC' ac 1 ar cl il lf . ('. sll s i i11 >ll <. c�uc.-oli 7 the ·1a, 11) ecl 1in 1 r1 te clc l)e ill ,v l <. il 1 cl cl < ite ..11 l a< 1C ' tl 1 <' 11 t\1('. ri µ;l1ts of tl 5lh1 e riz te �c ar cl1 rl: if it iil <.�l cl .e 1)t 10 t a. 1 a1 of us at st c 1 tl 1 ild cl 1 tl c: µ: 11 vi gi edhJ 1 n1i1 cr <lc� l1c ll fJtteslio11 as 01 1 c of s11ece�si <>11 la, ,·, tl1f• Clll(�stio11 ,vi iii.if ted s11l1111iL is It . ,,· 1�1 11 1 � 1)i. i-0 tl 1 : J� c 1 l cr si l. e:s l)l ·tl,c la,,· go,,cr11 i 1 1� s11c(· ,.,,e; -· v sl! f O 1e 01 ll1c · \Jl'oael 1 ·1s �o <.�l 1�1r�1(�l(�rizc- tl1t� q11eftiqr1 as · , , · · · .t]> . .::011rl1ler thr has t.l1at te sta e tl1 is 11 3io $lOll. lllc �tatc ,vl 1 os(' la,,· �o,,C'rt1s s11eC'C'$ r3.bk uo 1 c 1 tl to . .J)aranlcittill iiil<'r(' Sl i 11 cl <' lC'r111i 11i 1 1g 1l'l1 n �1 1 ,t ll s11cc�cccl , rt hr 1 .tua. 1 r , . s1 1 ly Jer Qt 1�r . · . ·1a1. �. or tlI(' 111. 11110,,al>lr.l >ro I lc r l)' c·I f i l-..:, <l<.) n11· c1 tr. e! te · 1 crca . c . }11 ,,, . .. tc t1 · r \o t ltat of tl1r. st It-::- 1 11 ter1''"'l 1·..; <·lcarl,· 1 • '::-1 •• .. , . 1 11 <'r�o L,



2:12. '>'I''

- ' ,) .

- 78 -

statt1s; tJiat state's i11tercst is cli111i11i�l1e(. l 011cc tl1 c staltrs 1 1 a� hec11 esta]Jlisl1ecl. IVfo1·cover, ;Etl1io1Jia's policy- is to f,1vo.1· all cl1i.l(l1·er. 1 eq t1all y, and. it sl1011lcl 11ot rcaclily _gi,, _c effect to a forcig11 la"v wl1 icJt ,vot 1lcl cliscrjminate against st1 cl1 cl1iJ (lrcn.

'J,J1e sa111e is trt1c as rcgar<l � tl1c rigl 1ts of Jcgiti 111atcd or illcgiLi . 1i1atc cl1ilclre11. ..l\ .s ,ve saicl ear.lit�r, -i11 Et.l1io1Jia, 011cc filiaLio11 l 1as ]) cert -estalJlisl1ecl, all cl1ildren l1a,;c Ll1 c sa 111 c ri�l1ts as agair1st tl1 c })arc11t; .a cl1il cl is 11ot <liscri1ni11atccl agai11st l)cca11 sc.� '"illcgiti1nat�.'' JJcl 1· 1::- :say t1 · 1a1 tl1c court fincl� tl1at tl1c cl1j]c] l1as ]Jccr1 fi1ialc rl� hcca11�c tl 1 e fatl 1C'r Je�itimatecl tl,1e . cl1iltl t111tlcr tl1e la,v C)J l1i s for11 1cr {Io111i ( 'ilc lJ)' 111arry­ i11 g tl1e 111otl1er; as 1-ve saicl enrlic�r� .'t�Ll1io1)ia �l 1011l d recog11izc. tl1i !:i a::; -co11stitt1ting fj]iatior1� c,'e11 tl1011gl 1 tl1is rnctl c>cl 1 .is 11ot JJrovidet1 l'rir: ($i11ce it is t1n11cC'C'S5ar�· I u11clc.r f�tl.1io1)ia11 la,v I.,r.:t tls as::11111c a.lso 1J 1 at . 11nclcr tl1c la,v of tl1c fatl1cr's for111cr (!0111ici1<� 7 a Icgjti111al.e(l cl 1i.l c l en11· 11ot inherit froru tl1c Jatl1<'r. 'I�l1is .i� irrclc,,a11l. F�1J1iOJ)ia1 1 la,v .-d 1,·1 l1lil detern1ine ,vl10 is c11tillf'<l to ir1l1 crit ,vl1 crc tl1c· s11CC(!Ssic>r1 is go,·,·r11c· 1 l by . its l a,v: tl1c ref erc1 1cc t(J tile'. for(�ig11 1a,v is srJlc'i}' lo ,lcl<'r111i11t� . . ,vl1cLJ1er tl1c clai111a11t is a cl1i]d ,vitl1j11 tJ1e 111ca11.i11g c,f .�\rti<'f<, 8 -J.2 • �



· One,� tl1at is dcter111i11c(l� Etl1 i.c>J)iar1 la 1,v- sl 1 011lc] govcr11 a]J <Jtic::-1 i()Il'.' <>f tl1e rights of tl1al cl1ilcl in tl1c �t1ccessio11. 2:�,i Bv t11c sa 11 1c to\-cn, tl1c la,,· go,·cr11i11 g s11cr,c:3:3io11 sl1c)t1'l(I <lct.er1ninc wl10 i; c11tit l ecl to i11l1erit ,vl1cr<" fc>rC'.ign ]a,,· C()lllrc)ls tl1e su(·c,·� ..; iori. WJ1cre a 11011-rJ0111icilinr,- (lie::: lca,,ir1g 1110,,al)]e })rOf_)CI"t)" ·i 11 Etliio1>ia, . · · cst·;1l(', t] 1e E . t 1 110J)1an co11rt·, to tl l( '. c·--·t ·" ..,.. 111· it i'·., acl111ini�Lerinu ·· L tl1 c . . · >lell ,,f 1i1 1 ailC> rigl1t:; c 1 <lcl'er1 to · .. �}1011 11 ( 100 k t0 tllC 1a, , 1lo111ieilr· . V· of 1 l1·.:: J . 'I'}111s. , if 1111c]er t l1,· la,v of tl1c ··· · · ·. · ·1 ancl 1·11 cg1 1.e!!1t11natc( . , ,. cli. il<lr<'Il · ·t·1111 ..i. l" · · _ , . . ti111ate cl1ilclre11 car111ot 1r1l1cr1t, · ·d ent s c.I 01111c1 dece · ·1 c. ,·tcloi·,t,.. ,1 <)r . · ·j}]C',,.i r-, lo i11l1crit tl1c J>r<)f>Crt�", l11011.gl1 Ll1cy Ell. . sl1,ot1 J < l 110L J)er · 1 e1J1 · · .11op1a .. 111it tl

. T}1us, 111 a case such as. In re 1;ou111a1i's Estate. 218 ,,!inne,�ota ReJJOrts 172, . .es 5�7 (}9,1,i) ,vhcr e adopted childre11 15 1Vorth1vesterri Re1>orter, 2", <l S� eri £ 1 . ·the state o . ' a� . 'decreeing . . ad�ption, but cou Id �o. t in.h er1't un<ler tl1e .1 .. 1 of tli e decedent, it ,�as hc lcl l l1at COltlcl under t}� e Ja,\· �Jf tbe 1 \� einJi erit tlt e 111oval>le property o_f t}1e ihe a.dopted _rl11!clren,," ere c�,_ 1 l ois � e port_s _ 149, 52 /�orthIllin JBS in. Aust J . ?I urh l o als e Se t. deceden (194-4-) ,vli ere illeg1t1n1ale ('h 1 ldren s 26� t'! er 5 cl 2rz r. rte po rn Re ste efl ' governing � ll('Ces::1ion. ·• li e Ja�,, · t. '/et· no u t r1 1 1e ·n 1 lo d tte . rm ,vere 11ot per ·

l� z;�

- 79 -


cor11cl i11 l1crit ti11clcr E1l1 ioJ)ia11 ]a,.,,. 233 'l.'lie state of tll<� clccc�dcnt;s clon1icilc is tl1 c state of 11ara1uoL111t interest, a11d Etl1ioJJia shot1lu tlcfcr to th�t �tate. 'J'he coiirts 111 igl1t ]Jc rel11ctanl to clo so if a11 l�tl1iopiati citizen cliccl <.lo1r1ici lccl al)roa<l, ]ca,,ing c11ilcJi�cJl ,vlio ,vt)lll·J Le con. si<lercc.l illcgitiriiate 1111<ler tl1c la,v of tJ 1c f atl1cr's <lo111ici1�:;. Still, s 11c]1 a case is 110t ]ikcly to ari:::c too often:, a11cl good rel atio110 ,rill1. other states dematicl a certai11 clcgrcc of co11s:istency ir.1 tl1e a:pp lical:io11 or ]a\r. If Et11i l)J)ia\, llositio11 is tl1nL t1 1 e clo111icilc of tl1e cleccclc11t is tl1e t-late that }1 as tl 1 e J)ara111ol111t intcrc::-l ir1 cle<:ic]ing ,v.11 0 sl10111cl sr,cc:�ed. l ·J l1is f•I"O}>Cl'l)', it JllllSt co11si.stc11t,l�


rccog11izc t}1at i11Lerest.

111 Sllllllllary

t.l 1 c11, tl1 e c111cst.io11 of ,vl10 is e11tit1ccl to ir1l1crit sl10L1lcl a1,vays be c1 1 aracl.erize<] as a ql1estio11 of st1ccc::;sio11 ar1/l c1cter111i11ecl lJ)' 1l1c 1::i,v i){ tl1 c st ctlc ,vl1icl1 govcr11s -1 l1e st1cceesio11. tl 1< �

�l'l1 c Ji11nl <111c�.:Ii0 . 11 co11 ccr11s co 11f]icts J)r<)l)le111s tl1 at 111ay· ari� in a<l r11 ir1i::-lralil111 of rl<.�eccle11Ls <�states. Co11flic·ts r>ro1Jle!ll5 ,vill r:�ist

clies lea,,i11 g 1110,,al)le tJro1)crl}' l1crr. ,v'c 11111:::t first as],;: ,,·J-1at J>ortic>11s of 'J�itlc. "\', Cl1 a J)lcr 2, clealit1g ,ritl1 11ri111 arily



11011-<10111 ici1iar)"

Ji( Jll) (JatiOll -of SltCCC"SSior1s allfl])'• �f!1c COfiCCrl.l l1 e1·e 15 tl1at t]1e SlICCe5• sio11 J ,c ]icrrti<latet ",I crcclitors J)aic.l� a11cl t'l1e l)l"O(JCl"L)· clistri1Jt1ted to tl1e Ji<·rso11s C't1litle<·I .•

le> 111<� t>rC>})CJ:L)r t111clcr Ll1(' la,v

of ti1e dC'CC(lcnt's

<lo1r1icilc. JJ rcslt111abJ)"· lic1t1i,lalio11 of tl1c. s11ccc�sio11 ,ri].l l1a,·..-�

!Je!!UI1 ,.


that stat<;� a11(l a JJCr.:::c)11 ,vil l 11:1.\,c l)ce11 a1 ;IJoi11 tecl lo liquidate tl1c· ;:;11c·;'cssior1 l)y· tl1" cot1rl.:- t11c:.: r<'. S11cl 1 a 1>c.rso11 sl1otLlc1 1Jc rccognizQd a s tl1c JicJttidalor i11 l•:tl1ioJ>ia ,,·l1er1 ]1c: u1al�c� ap1)liratio11 ]1erc. 111 tl1e <"1.:.:p '· ,:-,· of · 1i11·· · d('C(.' i) l (�( ! ·Ill1 l(:". l"l· 1 [l!l('(' or \-[l('311t :3ll('('.CS::3io11. tl1c COl.ll'l ll)ll!t n 1) r1oi11t a 1· i (J LIi cl al01' i 11 :,) ('CO rela 11 ce ,v itl 1 llie J )ro,·isi.01) $ 0 r Art.1 clcs 950· ()nee a forciµr, licJtti<lalor is rccogr1izccl. lit� s11011ld Ile sr1l)ject to 9 � ,. _ · 1 - ,I at 111� · tl1c� j)rClvision · �; of 1l1e (<· 1 , 1<t<, ,, J to· t.1c <111l1e� a11c1i. iJO'\vers oi:1: ·1t1C ·.• • · · lS 11c11.11<l aloi- cxcc1)t ,vl1cr<.! t l 1 i� 111a\" 1101' l )c })l.�1(', . t·1ca) � l] c� (�.g., tI lC l)rO\·I�IOl <>f tl1c Code� relali11g tc> tll(� < >J)r11 .i 1 1 � of a ,vill. •

- ·






Sec I11. re Dreer's Estate • l 73• ./f tl· an 1 1c · R e11orter . 211 cl Series l02 ( l961). · , ' . ' 1� . 1 1e dcredeul \\"..t'-' don1il'"1 lc•<l 111 · Fra11cc at tl1e timP of l1is de-1th but Jeft r'.',��,a l>le I >ropc rty i11 I'cnnsylva11ia. Tl1e r the bro .J1i� of ado 1 > ted cl1il d · _ · c .ume d t· l 1e rI o· l1t t • l 1 n terit , '" luc · h ,,·as tlermitted under the hnv 0f . l>. c11nsy1vau1a, '":-:-1 icrc tl1c ·adop ti011 too" . ce ,,,as not p •. er 1lace. Inl1c r1tan p · &n t lec] in m't . cIl a case n11dc . ·a · r ·Freric·h la,v. Tl1erefore, tl1c Pennsy I,;.1ni · court denie-u1 tl 1e cl a1n1.


- 80 -

�l'J1c J )rov.isio11s o f tJ 1c Co,'le rc lati11g lo tl1 c 01>tio1 1s of tl1 c l1 ei.J.·s Jc 1J cs y g, tte tr11i"·crs�] Litle 236 $Jtot1l ( l ·�in<l riot l>c nr>1>Jicall lc lo ,st1cccs­ . ·sio.11.s ileter111i1 1ecl 1))' foreign J.u,,· '.l'l1is i� a 111 atJ tcr of st1bsla11-ti, c rigl . 1t, sh o l) 11 lc] c fleter111i1 1ctl }))' tl1e stat � of 1>araiuortrit interest I-Io,,·­ . �e ve1·, tl1c p1·0,,.isions ·of Scctio11 1 1 relnti11 g to tl1c 1>ay111 c11t of tl 1c <lcl,ts st 1c cc 1 ssio11 sl10 11lcl he follo,vccl, al le of tl e as t ,vl1ere Etl1iOJ)ian cre_c�it­ ".0rs arc i11,,o]ve(l. 1"J1e co11rt sl10 t1] cl lI<> t l)Cr111it tl1 c J)ro1,crt)r tc> l>e taken · -0t1t of Etl1iOJ)ia l1n ti l all EtJ1iOJ)ia11 crcclitor s l1 avc l>ccr1 satisficfl. If ·1.Licre arc 110 Etl1ioJJia11 ereclitors ,vitl1i11 1l1c 111 • ca11i11g oJ .l.\r-ti(']c 1014,7 -t-hen it is 11ot nec<:·ssar)' fo r tl1 e Etl1ioJ)ia11 co trrl to :i 11sist on tl1 is or(lcr of J) a�' 1 11e11t. 1'1 1e Cf tle::-tio11 of J.)a)'1 11 e1 1L of ]cgaci<.�s :,;J 1 ot1 ]cl be clc teri11i11ctl }))' the la\\r gover11i11g till� s11cecssio11. 111 otl1er ,v<)rcls, t1 1 c co11rt • sl1ot1'Jcl ·e11able tl1e foreig11 liqr1i1.lntor l.<) lit111iclatc tl1 c succcssio11 as CXJ)cditi·011sl,• , as J)O::sil)IC". 1)ttl sJ 1oulcl sec to it tl1at F�tl 1io1>ia11 crc<Jitor,.; are J>roteclecl JJeforc 1>er111itti11g tl1c f>l"OJ )CI"L) ' lo lca,,e J�1.l1 ic>pia. 1



<JllCSliOil <..'Ol'lCCl"l1S


a1.Jj11c'ficaliOll of

tl1 ,�


]yv Ll1e corlr'ts o f Ll1c cleccrlenL:s clo11 1icilc. <)r1cstio11s as to ,vl 10 i.; enlitlccl to SllCCf'Crl or tl11." ,·a1ic1ity n11<l effect of a ,rill if 1.I 1 c ,Icccd c-r1 t (lied t��tate 1vi]J . l1 a,0c to ]Jc cletcrn1jt1ecl 1))' tl1c l�tl1io1)ian cortrts i11 (lccidi11g ,,-110 is tc, �Lrcccc'cl to tl1c 1>ro 1,crl)-. It ,voule.l l)c :--c>ur1(I J>r;t!"I ic 1� · ' ·for tl1c cotirt to . <1c1a,- its clc< isi<Jll 011 tl1< .�sc� f>C>ir1ts l111til tlic)' J1avc l>ec1-1 ,I

resolYccl b\• tlic coi,r�s of tlic rlcC'e,lc11t'� (l<:i111ieilc. ,vJ1i<-:l1 is 1.]1c slate of J)ara111ot111; i 11tcrcst. It ·,vor,lrl 1101 l,c fcasilJlc :for tl 1c ,vi ll. fo.r 'c.x�1111�l�, __ " 01Y1a & -'111·cl ,•oicl ir1 a11<Jtl1er. S111ce, J�,tl11 to, 1.le I1e.] c· 1 va 1·1 c1 ·111 011 c � state ' · · • . of· tlic J)l"O l)Cl"l·)' a11(l i11 sat1Sf)'I11g .loca I· �. _. 'onl "- co11cern .1s .1n J· ' 1::>1>0�1ng ·1e . · :. . . 11c1 (lo11 tl1c of rt cot1 tl1c . . 11 of ."sio . I.·1 1c c] eci . 1t creditors. 1 t s11or1ld a,va . ]Jefore 11:al( ing its orclcr clis1)osi11g , c>f tJ1e J)l"OJJCrl)". C. Cr,11tracts. r] , ,




11111,01·lar1ec I() co111rn<'I..:: ·l.� c>f ,·ital 1· 111 ti la re ,,· la :t"' . . 1'.lC .13:'£!--:C ,,o1tllllC o.f a l1a� 1,l ar 1 o1 ti 11a 1 c 1,Y • • 1 1 1 (· ., t, .. a 1o E t.-'·tI 1101 _, _.' l I 1 1. ol'l. I. a. ·· )·1a. T' . . -,� , . . 1c..::, a11 111) ro1 11 c1� for ," 1 1a1 1 1 · ·1r1 •• . , '- (' (I,,(� r � I·I l CI C < • · Or ex1 1 orts a11c.1 .J1111101. l ,:;·· 1\l • • . [ o•·c1°11 . .,,.....::tili',..·, ,i. t caii I>la a s1g111,• .. 1 1 i,,. · · . . _ 7 ( 1 1 1 • · t:' c ·1' r l"\ i 11 co· o 11 J,· 1 1 �i1.1e :::-s 11 c r· r � a · 1111c11 t • Co 11· l 01 • l . C C'V r c . . 111 01 1 o1 ec ::· 1,_ · ·., I 1 11·01,1� .f. icant . role 111 L j1c flrocc;��_.,- of 1COll r1·!CL L


6-1002. 7 9 s lc e ti r .t\. , in 1J 0 11 · ] t . E 236. Civil Code Of

- 81-

: �L o · 1 rc 1c fo L] l Je l1i 1)1a t� Jllll'\' (�OillC ac Lr 11 eo ' ·1l . 11 i6 l 1a r1 n . Le ' 1 • . . . · f<�C[[1�11t-1 '·y-. 111a11y 1 i'. · •· sl1.-1ll go,,e.r11 s11cl1 coiit-ra, c1• ,,' ]a l J1a · ,v 1 ec 1 1 11j . · !. ·i.� . , , · r1 (]e 1:ic ,·1 1s . 1111 · .L 1 1 a11<. c1)tirts.. t� 237 i11 tl1is ar ea ther c a l �1 11 o ti li o v a Ls e [)rcsc11 rC · l c . a tr 11 co a cc 11 Si ,.. r c1109se -tl1e ]a,v �over nin 1a :i1 es ti ,1r JJ 1 c tJ . i ctlier· l ,v · Lo . a.;, . . . '-'. .� � o · 11 t' , . 1 S . C ti Cl a JS, . 1::;e 1 11 tl1 e otl1er ncra1ly ar !!c ot n cs cTo "' t a 1 . f t· n . . . 1 ,_., raoL - 3· c·JLtc..:-:-�t1·0 .11 t 1,e. rr co 1t1St. clecic1c ,vl1ctl1er tl ie l )arlieg 11 ia 1) o 1i tJ ]� s. ct of ]a,v 3 1:cas o f tlrc conflii ]a,v a11cl if s11c]1 · clioice is g n 1i r1 vc go 'lc tl ::e oo 1 �li·a-11 lJc periiiiltccl to cl y, it n.1ust rll . n it o . ec S r1 o 1, l 1i cc 1c l; 1) l� l> : f>f'.·riiiitLe.ll� ,,·li at Ji111it::: sl 1a ll -t permilled e cs �10 ar t.i ar 1, c t l1 c cr l1 ,,· 1 r1 . ,,c cle.ciclc ,...-liat ]a\v :3J 1 all go r r 11a,'e 11 o t c ff e ct i, cl)r (lo ne so . 1cr r. tl1c-� } \v or cc oi 1 cl a e. k a fo Jl'l . p cl 1Je mitted to­ t1l er 1o J s. s ie rt 1>a <� tl1 <:r ll1 \\Tc ,vii] first c.on�i ( lcr ,...-l1c 0 · ted that the n o l)e a) 111 it � cl tl� Ol c· tl1 t 1\ 8 23 ,f. ]a ('l1oos<' tl1 c� gl>,'<�r11i11g l t ,;o e el, '!-ince no ,, in i3 cl tra 11 co to �' rl a I> a r () )" l i fJ u C5Li() 11 0 r t 1 1 (� C(l.f)(fC c ]a,v of ,tl1e state Ll1at if a 1>art)- 'lacI. ( :.; e21l�.l'til\- to eo11lracl 1.111clcr tl1 1 0 , iol1�l)' docs not l1ave olJ l1e Ll1t � -fo·r11r11 l 1 o l· cls sl1ot11d. g:o,·cr11 c.a1>acity r r1artic1.1lar la,v. 239 For the an) 1,)11(] l>Ot1 l)c > c t. c(� ag:r ll). ' acil) Il i c . caJ) e.g., f;a111(: rc.aS()Il th� t111estior1 <)[ ,,,l1rtl1er tl1e co11sent is clefect.ive� r• •• '

alJSo exclude ·iv li c:t.l 1 Cr it ,,,as -ol) la i11c {I ] )'\" r r all (1· . i::; [10 t i 11\' 0 I ,,eel. wC 111 a,; •

for tl 1 c� lir11<� f )l >:jr!..g coi1si(lr-i-atit)11 of ,rl1at Ja,v go,,cr11s tl1e for1n of tlie (·u11!rael� e.g.� 1 1c<..:cl it JiC i11 ,rriti11g. 210 ()l11· concern is ,,,}1etl1cr tl1e 1 1 ari ic:·::: l1l£1}' 1,rovi,Jc tl1at cr11C:"lit)11� rc1at i!1g t. o tl 1 e ,·alidil)'� i11terpre ta­ l ic,1i a11ll }l<�rfor1ua11 ce_ 1)f tl1e <:011lr�1<:.l sl1all ])c go,r erned ]),' the Ia, 11 . ' . . . 1osen of a J)::ti·t c ict1' l ar · .;;tnlc s 1 'J'l · 11 . ., . Ill a,v ' ti ·:-::-tt · ., t:::-.. a ose 1 $late • 1 "' J . t ) 1c :: tl ,r J · · .



.t}1c l)::tr ''- i.::� 11ot • lit·•·

s11el1 cll'oic.e.

. . • . ] Jsence· a h c tl 1 c !:'"l•,l t c ,,,] 10 .::.e t . u1 11 .la,v ,vo11·.11 c (Tover t, .

. 111 rt��c)l,•i11� - tl 1ii:: lJt1e."- 11·011 ,,·c arc fa.cecl ,,·itl1 tl1c co11.flict on one • J1a11«l 1>l�t,vecn tl1c _t>riiieii>le ()f 1,r1,·ate · e la,v (:011�<'11t as tl1e ]Jasis of tl1 .

S .ee (:ivil <:o le o[ Etl1iopia .-\ rtiele 1675 2:11. � ·• , ' l . O r 1·011r!-C · · · · rl · , tl 1,s ·•� c I1'lerrnin1•] · ,t l l)· 1I ie I a,v of tl1e foru1n,. �ince this 1s a pa . o[ tht• ' fo,·t· irn'':; ru 1 e, · o 1. Llic <·onfJ·tel of la,vs See -tl1e djscu:-sion of Ibli . J)oint in I[· ,•1111 J>t·)l, 1·,· ut0non ,t.e . · Co11Lract La'\\' 0 [ �·� 1v: Ill · ti l . . . I ie nlernat 1011al N -T · orclic State� ' 6 · uternnt.ional ,, S� Quat terlr a11<l Co11i Lau; 1'>n' r <itivc 601 <1957). Sec tl1c discussio11 of t}us . . r • • " POIIlt in Y 11 tema, A_utonon1y a11d Choice ol La . r l A.,riericn,i Journal of _ve Ca,r,1Jarat., Lri1D 341, 353 (1952). Sec. for e:c�JI"· I>lc, 1\rtirlc s 0 f ,t 11c l-I·1'::"tle I)_ra 1·t 011 I11ter11ational Sales · o f G Ood-.. •• ] ·A 111 ericu

s, ']


11 Journu/, 0f CotllJ illrat,ve La1v 276 (1952). 240. Ynterna, ibi,l. . .

- 82


. 11ly 1·�� l)·1 (..� l)u:--l:-:of coi1tracl ai1ci tire. 1>rit1ci11le· t. l 1a t state ��ov·c-· r<·. · ·i t, .·. 0.[ �l ., ,, . . . ,r l. l cori'Tt UCl' tl1at i· . l)e l"CCOf,r:nizc,I l)y tlic C-Ottrt. ·241 l'rofe,!<SOr.Yr1l{�J)l 3. i 11 is rea11)� a 1, O]lC �uggc�ts tl1al Ll1e cr11esto - ,vl1 ctJ 1 er t\tale i!OVC rC.i gnt)r is tl1e c..xcl11si·vc l>a�i.s of c·o1 1fl ie· l� ] [1,v. 2,12 A 11c l ,vc l 1aV'e inditatccl tl1at ,lite a1)J.>-rci- acl1 lo r.0;11flicl::- la,,r :-ll t)ulcl l >e 011c of g<)\'er·ii. f 1nental i11tcrest - tl1e ort1rr1 �l1011]J clec.i(le <ftte:,Lit)ns of <·or1f]icL:-s ]a,v in: - a ccc ,rd,ancc. ,vi.tit .il� go,,rrr1: . 11 c,11taJ i11l<'l'c.;:;t�. J-!,Jt<·,� 1. :er, 1.l,e J>r<>i,cr J>rOtectio11 of t/1 e for11.111 �s g ov,,.r,1.111 e11.f c1,l i11 terest s 111 a)' cli-cta t c 111 (( t iii tc111ce.s t:/,c f<>r11111 <tf>f->ly· t/1e la,c of a.r1 <>t/1f 'r sto.le. ,1\ c<!Tftli11. ci.rc11111s . .11cl jt is �,1-i·ongly co11 l{'.n-clt�r] l'l 1·a.t i 11 t:l1e �rrca of }l<' J){ to c-hoose th.e lav,r go,'cr11i11g co11tr.1<.'L�. it i!'- i11 tl1e go,r (�r11 1r1 e11tal i of Etl 1 i<>­

pia, (a,nd I 1,-cJi-e.,·c of a-n�- ::-l:tl( :·J lC) 1>C'r111it..tl1c 1>.:1r-ti. r:; lo 11 1•:ik,· thir; · choice :-t1lJjcct to ccrtai11 rccogr1izecl cx('e1>tio113.

lh tl1c area of co11ti·acts eertai11t,· ns lei lite i,!.'o,·c r11ir1.!! ,, la,,v if. 11,-cc�-· sai·v. l>ccausc of L)1c relia11cc. t.l1r Jlarlir�· 111a�- 1>11t 011 tl1c la,v of a 1•ar, t lic�r ticulnr state. J tl3t as tl1c,, . rel\· . 011 t.l1 e t.er111.:; <)f L)1eir a�rcc111cnt. . �

0 of tl1. c a -� rcl, rrc111c.nt un -clcr th,, l-:1,,· ,vi.f], 1 ,rl1:c·l1 ., '. oi1 t.l1c ,-:�·lid,it,, .. :,,re fa·111,iJi,ar. rl,J,c�· 111,a)' ·\\·u 1h c.v (or 111orc 1i]:__ cl,·. , 1:1l ·as. . tl1.C'ir Ia,rycr::'! Et1.ra11ces t}1,at tl1 c-,ler1115. of 11 h-r c-011!1·act \\·j]J 11 :e in,!e.r1)reled in a <·criain. 0 ' i11trri11l1il>il (·a11 � co11Lract ci·11i11� rro, la,\· tl1c a'to '-l'af. U11ccrtai11t,· '....... J .1lc 1 1: µ:. ,in a .: ·cc . l, r . E <'rhZ\\·r r h· o s rofc:: } r on::=. • national co111111ereia·L tr.211�8C'ti. · ; c · l1 i� i11a1>1Jlical>lc· t.o ca­ of ihc lC'.i: J·ori a.f)J)roael1..'a)·s tl1al t.l1i:3 a1>1>ro.. , rr co11Lra,rt;;. 1 1 1:: c,all.3.C �t1c1J1 ,1-11 H'l'i- > r·oacJ1 111,:i:,· dcfral lhe Jc·ECS in,·olvin,o ' . J:30 ,:i paPt git:ni·:1tc r.-x.i,ccta;ticn� cf tl i<' 1)arli1'.3. 2,t:{ 'f l1i::- c x. cc1,tio11, is a o-f tli c go,,crnttieiit. a l j 11 tc.r�::l. a}l}lroacl1 rc-<·rJ111111e11cl<�,1 i11 tl1i:3 ,rrili11g · o l:i\; of tli c fo,rr:Ill �1 1011 l e ] l > c cli�.,ilac-r-,J ,rlic , n .i,ts a'lr1,li, r.a·tio·,1, \\'tYt1ld. -th



d.cfe,at tl 1 e lc�' itir11a,tc rx1Jrc-taiio11� rif tl1<' 1,arlt('::.

··r 11 -tI1 c 1· 1 · <·ld c,f i11terr1:1,tio11 aI- ecnnoi\s o 11,c an . t1 l1or· J> '.J : r1 t-c < I out� •• · 1l1ir· . (·c> \ · l1, l,a,v • ,r to · ta, · 011 · .11.,.= 11f · , 1 . l · o t f nuc t1,ansuc-tiD115 1l 1 c co11::rcr 11r'11crs .- . r vc1 1 111orc 5c-.rio11s ,rill1irt · ,q, 1 I') 111· -· 1 :.a, go,'er11 11· 1tcr11a•t:i-or.1a·1 co11t1,Jc � l·ll . J,c . ti1·c cott 11 l1·,�. fo. r cl1 a os st I c I 1 a!'-- 'v- c J 1a' 'C· a'-· t ·<) tl1c 1>ro1>er la,�- of tl1�




er 241. See the di:ru�sion, ;,/.al. 3'.13 an,l the pre:,;entalion of theYie"� of oth \Vri le.r.E.

24 2. Icl. a l .3 4,i. ' 1, 1 !) • 9- 9 ) 3 · 9i 2·i3. See f:hrenz"·eig, (:ontract�, 59 (;olurnhia !,a11· Re1:ie111 - 83 -

1a,tc .ir1 -�111.' ,area, �;lrr, ady Illar i,· 11 l . ,iJ c :3 S ,c j .:: 11 , · _ I. a l>acl 1,u · �,, k C:,- 1· I) i:- 1 n.J P • C fl 11 l r :J ,Ct J 11, t1on,al, econo ·111i c attj:· 1.:a · r1 tc n i t� c fe af . \Il1ei ,". . ut-lract1,-· iii l -t:J i tI� :. , , � · -· . t ,; , 1 "' . < · , ;i11 " . -" rot )ro e11 r11 r1 lo 1 t ve . cle a : 111, .10 > c t j .,; c ,,. J . .;;' J f'. of , 00 l . e, �I , . _,:.t . ll I L• . • • • ·T:lll'.!JIJ!! Jro111 1 11n .lcrn ,: 1Lio na) l-u-' ct ,c1 fe ef 1g l1r l>1 l1r i1l' t ar !, J,:-t,·f' - tJ.g.. ,,,.1, 1· c·Ii ,r�''\ �,. , " . .. " 1 � . _,\11 ,· �· ;t'11 • :to Et].11 lf 111f�11t 1s clearly .co.11lrarv �L . e : 1v i 1 '.t !!t ,: , rc fo 0. ,l r·i • , . 10115 l c · · _ . . .:-,a n rc1• • · 1 5 i1-ca �aci· 1. tr.:in�, s e� 111 11s lJ · 1 ,al om t1 a 1 terr i11 c· 11c .:;i t1Jn3 ,, • t�rc-i-- [,·. • · ,,1 1• 11 1 · �· , 1 11 · 1c 11 n r e ,· o . J)ia =- g , . e r e ]1 , or .l..:11p 11 11 . y er ,· . e r i � �! l i 1 ·1 c 11 t1 �.:: ·'l 1, 1 i ,,111cl f.orcigu. i rn ve g c tl1 c to o 0.s 1 10 cl cs g rl cf)a tl1 in� ()i,e ol)jcctioJl It) 1 ,cr111itti11 ati11g." TJ1e a11s1vcr to tlii'S oh. Ii isl eg ''l e ar ' c� t 1 , l �o g ixi clo ]a,,· j:3 tli at l i •,r 5g1l1Ls l)ct,ve cn t]ieru. i 1·i 1·d �-a re as � g� . 11 ti la i5 eµ; ''l jcetioi1. i.3 tl t al tl i c)' at'f' · 1�r,r'' for 01l1er ·p,crs-on.s. 245 �f.oreovtr, 11g i ,ki , 1 :-:c·l\: e::; : tl i,r.)- :,,re 1101. ":n , 1ld iocorpo -rateccr, s i · ie co rt fJa e tl1 .nc:t. · l · 11,a tio i l, ,·o a :: i si i ie e. & con-!1.1::el 1 ms o f t�ieir r te. s � re· xp c a .s tP 5ta r , tl1c 11o a , cf ,,· la r Ll of 1 .,:; tnin i>ro,..ision . L s-La,lc. L- l1cv 11.,rrc onh t· c:n11lr:1ct; ·hy -i11f·o rpor:t•tin!,!' 1•l1<· .:l:.:,r·� l)f 1·J12 . '] . . 1 J · l 1 lC' f>'a-rlJCS })1'0\"JCe thcrt ),f'. l•lllj CX: I� 'l)}" 1 . l(>l [ l Ill('. llfC'( l a lll·Ol'-l' ccr1 ,·r1 .l,l'!1.I

111:2,·e ])c. c ccrt:r,i 11 -lf'r111::- �hall :lit' f·o11..:t.r11ctl a.s tl1c,· n cc11�. trucd. ,b',, tlei · . t eoui·t:-: or S1:, 111' 1\ . '! 'h t'·)· r:oultl ·l1n,·e ac-co1111J'li5]1rcl tl1e sa111e re5tilthv'

1iro,·idi11� ill t·l11' cor1l r:ir·t 1 l1E·t ,·�:cl1 lerr11 .sl1ou]c1 !)r co n - :: l- r11ecl , 3 crrl2;n ,, ·a�- -- ,rl1icli \Vl)Ultl l>e ll1c· ,,,a". - il l1 ac1 ])ec11 c:011sl1:rtecl lJ\T ., t.11.e couri.l 1 or St.ate .!\. 'l'h:·,- 111crel,- li:1,·c cl10:-Pr1 n 111crc c-0'11,·1�t1i-c11t 111c.thod .toe\·

. /\ . ,tnlc- :-l1oulr1 11ot at1lo111�ili0::i]l,. c · clc11,· J>l'<·.:,;:. tli('.:r ii1l1·111ion . . t1 hi5 c.hoic,1 1· 0 lhc ri-:irlie:-: t:i:11('�� lo rccc)�ll:izi:, tl1-i 3 c·l1DicP ,,·011l cl �,c1rio11sJ,,. interfe re

,,·iih �0111e :-:lr<:11µ: g;o,·crn111c11t,a1 i11lcrc,st of tl1 at s.ta1l·c. 24-6 'l'lic.'- t>r:,Ptic-.:· of ! 11'!"1:1ilii11g: tltt' J)arlic_� to cl 1oosc .1·}1c '2;ovcrni n iy l:1i · · . · , . . ... : • · , � l.. , .. ; , . 1 · rt w- .� l I Ii �i et· l ! o r- 1· · 1 ,.. 1 1) Il� - l:: \\' I ( c.- re 2 (1 • \\/: l•11 ''�1.l'•.\7'0•[ (] ('!!T!'t· . . '. 1 l () ... • • . I . .• fil rc :-: lrirt.:crt llir pari:1-., -::r1' J}r •: · 111 it.t1:-cl to cl1003 c ·Pl1c "2:o��er11i 11!1: ]a,, ,in · i n,·-1. 3ial·r·:.- or tli- 1' 1·: 11it1 · 1I �1::ic:·. 2.17 ]!: 11Q:l ;.: :1r1.•. 2.13 tl1-c. Sca rn(lin�,;: :n (i





· IC0n· · i Sta1,f1d·1r tl ,,· 11i · C ·. f l 101 ' · _.... on ° , cc of J..,a"· Rbles for lnlernat1ona lr;u·t.�, s:; . 111' jf o!fr:io/ o_! lnt<'rnutio!lul. /,,1H 385 i .1959). nic�_r< · :;,'t· . lJ:·" l<ll\ O 1t ·,,.. poin1 . • 111 t:.. (11 : �I ' � :-( uon ,.-. • . Juten . 111 , ool, ' '-· ' '·1<·t, ·111(1 tl1c ' 0 1· •t1· 1 1IC 1-, art1. c<: •_,. .., J I! · · SclcrlcJ ' llln,:-: in .l,a\\ tccl l�e-, 899 i'\\' i 11 1·er)1·1· (}C,Q9) ·' ·•:-: • ··'-'-, · ,. llf: }>\l'l/(,l 1 f ' S . 01 ( ,o ff n_ ', 111 o l.111cs 6J9. 6:! ') (19"6) . � : • . • -I ' J , • l , , ' I'.(' [Ii" d).•\'U :- :<in n ur , p f l I.. f'ur a .cli,})-1·11 :-,-._·1011 n the p u_ 1111 .n1 ( .no,,, sttiJra. 11ole 2-L) at 6e,-16.Con lr•··I· •· rart1,·e in ihe United St·1tes sec Rc�.; ·•111c) tii e \ c ;- ta I l' 'n l'n I "' "i·o l· . I . Q/11:r -, ' . • . . l p o a 1 ancl Corr1 (l rt1ve .,air 'c 11 , 9 J·nter11ot.1 n terly :i:�J ( l 9GO 1 . · ict Se: l'i�c, J•'oo,/ . .., /J ro,lu r rs ,·. []nus SliifJ[>ing Co., [1939] .rlppea1· Cd - · J>r1ry (.ounc·il. �,i.

') - .I. -1. . (_)JiY!'l'.

-.t.. ) .



2 ! 6. .--, I.�I.

.:..0 ,1·0n.






- 8:J -


" -?.i,,· I.. t··c,]••,· , � 2511 G 1·•...'c c"' �- tc·;·::. ,s...a ,,._ � u·c-co,g11i-z,ecl l'l1at · J }E:r11 ti,n,g

'-·>'">·1. . .Ji' · · -·)·-,, . ,... ., ,1. 1cc >.:. _-:n . ., I 1111a.11, · 0-1·l rr·r5. ?_:,-3 J L i:;

sttCl: l .c.110i. cc (loc3 11ol co11,stilulc .an, � l>clicat;o11 ,of sov:c1-eig 11L)'. It 1 11,cre])· ::tccorclE- ,,,i -1 1 ;J the J>olic)" of c11co11ra�i 11g: i· nlcraa,ti-011-al C , 11cl: :r 1,·c:5t 111c111 �,1,(1 ,vi-1,}1 J)rolccti · ·C11,t-riacts a 11 � 1l1 e Jrg:iti­ ·111a-:c in: t,crc�t-s of tl1c ll�!irtic-s. Sirtee. 11crr11 ittin . g s11cl1 ,a cl1oicc incre:..::c;-; · c.ertai11L)r ofte11 clc$i-rt�c1 l))" co,11lracling th e parties a11(l ir1voslor5. it ao• corrls· ,vitl1 EtJ1ioJ),'i8'5 �o vc rn111 . c 11t, a l in.t,,rrsl3 a11d s·l1011 l 1 I :l .1 c ,}JPr1 11iltc1, .l �1crc. Once t. .l1is i:; rccog,11izc<l, l'l1 e rr-al q11r�0lion s 1 i ,v J 1,a·t 'Ii 111 .i1atic , >n;;. ·sil1ou]d1 J, )'e ·1)la-cctl 111)·�11 tl1i.3 cl1oice, ,:-r11.l it j3 to tl1 a r1,11 c:::tio11 '"C' ,rill ,l : no,,· lt1r11. 0




. ' le l �S llC

· c!l1oo�c . 1l: 1e .la,,· !!.'O' ,a,11i]i.t.,r · to C(lll':· li · 11� of ,,a.lidilv. .. v.cr11,i n.!!'· o . ,;nlcr1>·l'<'L�ti on c:1:1 cl r. Jc r fo r.1J11 ::i 11cc. S·o111 r :\ 111eric-a11. = s ti ch :13 () 1c<'11 s ·v. flag<1r1.. · , ··c1 llrtce SIL01us Co., 2:5t- l 1olcl tl1a1 tl1 c J>arties 111a)' <)11]�.- el 1 oosc tl1 c ,iJecl,-rrln,,· of a slate tli,- :l ·li.c:: �ii2:11ific��r1l J>h �i.I conr1,relion,=- ,,·ith · ,·sic . 11l J ,, r·on� . tract (tl1oue tl1i.$ ,,·ot11c1 not 11ecc:,�aril\0 IJ(' tl1r: stntc tl1al l1as tl1e 1110:=;t v l1 • 5i!.'[1i ... f,ica11 t. con11rclior1 ,riPl1 i-l 1. I 11r rl1a:t c<t:,r · t11e eo11l1�ac1 ,,--l1ielt jnvolv·cd c1111>lo)·111c11t ,ritl1 a circ·u::: tl1at lra,r cllcd arc>u11rl tl1c <·0 11 r11r:,,:, 1va$ cxcr11lcll i11 T11lliana: tl1c 11cr111n11f'11l .l 1 eai:lcJt1arlc'r., nl' tl1c (:ir<:u:=. 001111)811)- ,,·:::3 i11 IJJ:r1·oi.::; ll1 c f)UTlic2- r11·CJ\0i rlcll that a , ll ([(, !('�lion;: ,,·er(' �

·to l) C cl 1c 0: d <' •(1 ·�,Cr. 0 r cl i 11 � l O I h (' Ia\\. l) r FI Or: d,a' 'J'll l' CO II)' I Ii {' [ d I li :t t Flor· ida . - ]1,:1c1 11,0 co11n,rc.:Lio11 ,r:lh 1l1e. contract ?n - rl. thcrcl'.nr<'. rcfu�t'!l 1

:tD rcco · ·-[!.'11,;ze l·l 1 c cl1 ,oicc of ]:�,,·

11ns·Ol111cl ... 1-1] 1r.rc ·111a,-

,·ali<l. rJ'J1r , rr.�ult :,r1 ·�ueli t!· C,::;;e, 1:1 11 :-:,. ·c l,c·c11 ya]id f('a�o11_.;:. for · 11- 1(' ·p·:1rli 1'_..: 1�l1oc...: = IJ�

249. Rani.bro, s111Jra. 11otc '


') J. :..:)

.: ;) . n·l

252. 253.


at ::i-9] l\'l<'Cusker, s.u1.1rr1, note JJ, 6 al fC3. 1·17 al 169. Nic-oletopoulo:-, s111,ru• 110lc . ,-. rr.prr:.:1·111::. .. ... c !\ rt1c , exr:-trnf! , .·. . p1,11 (.nd!', 1, h:l'!i IH �· I r-: :) 1 o l' 1·}1 £! J),··il ,..,Pc , 't I:r 'i·<·n,·h .. . • . . Sll.J>ra, . J not,:;,. . · f t·:itc · · -- .111 'r:,,.11len1,1, 1· nun1)eL o =- ·· :-- 1 "·· d1st'u�,ecl Thepra<'t1ceo·,! , . . , 11t1on · . (,011,c l11. \ I,enc tile 1111der iltcd ' JJern1 i l j, ,· ·t� c o= ' · ' ' " . ' ) ; • , 2''9 'l , . 31c: \ 1·1,'!1 · I 1 c<l . a parL1. I1 1·).1,L111<·t1ons u1c 111.rcle. l) �I - ,rcn contra<'t:-: ('lo�cly • fonnectecl ,1·1l � .' • . , ·t" nol -.0 conncct�d nnd l1c 1 11·cen percn1pto1) anu c11lar �tale a11d con1.I ac::, 1h,•J rontra('L i.: tlor3cl,· ronncrterl .. · . 1 ru') es· 0 f .<:. L1 hSI:l n l.! V C I :1.. \\ · ,,r1 \\ 1 e1·c · opt1ona ,1 ) ,· ti t •'� {)·•,·ti . c� on lv · i -.1)lar ' cs· <l ·, \ (' l O a C II ', · 1 • . . I · 1 f • I' J J 1 i,· 1 ! 1 one ,:1a tc 1. ie. < ',',e'. c•: _ ;T. . - c·onnc�·Lion, the ('ho ice c-:n1 <li.�p1a1·e IlCJC t !CIC ,I:- 'i,·o· clo�c 0p tI O ll,l,·1 ''flllec:... n' . pere npt• o• ' .. Jle,: See i}I e- i jer::-, Sll/JJ'(I, nole 1-,, ,' ::>,) al. () and :1I. �lQtl 1 OJ)l1on / '. _, _ :.B Ixh oc!c 1 sfa 11<l .I<efJ01 IS .l b.c.,. !1 �9- -./. ·1 {.�fllltic Ji c i,or/er IS0 i 193i). L



')') -Ju




0 ,.. 1),)




, r. 111o�l f��·Ltlilia

i t'l11e Pri,r j· C:'Juncil in 1he i1)) l1ccl rc.:1c ,ra, ; . rc�u lL · c r d sonn .::\. i1 1 ucl1 . 5c in ."-;olr::.. , a c t 1a l • �J� 5 2S o. C !!. iJ.l J/J J ,i S/ s iz1 1 , U ._ v. JIICIS I) F r<)< . •ooc / · J:'ita o[ ('.aSC' omfr ed : . r:i i a c r , e . o .Jr t . e ,-e � (l O 1 !!O cJ i i ]1 ,v ·r ' · rcr.rL l..acl ·v'"1· �-11 1·1)1 Jillllr'' tlnlle · l ·cl < l"C istcrc(l al N, o,,,a Scotiia;, cg r 3 a ,r 1) 1i s·l c J1 'l' . .:: rl o Nc,"l'oundla•ncl ·l·O :\ i ·,v 1· ion ,,•itl· 1 En cl c , n 11 , glau:d, co aJ ic :: �'· !1 1, o n l c a· i l 1 o, ti ir =: n a _,\,]ti\1011 •!a!.] 1 tlic tr, 1 c con:tr.act ,rere er tl 1clt11 1µ: i1 : i.: ar s r1 io st: tc CJl l · al tl· ic 1,.ar-t.ic3 1,roYirlctl tl1- at url 111)l1c .lcl �l1c cl1oice; c:J 1c 'l'l ·. ,, ]a l1 s li 1� ]�1 , o l� n i rd co ,:te · <l l:i Ii<· 1 Icf'iclc la-,v ·to ,g .overn tl1 e con­ · y 1. ,a1 e os o 1. 1 c: to e e r f, . re ,,,e c5 rti >a 1 : r 1 tl . it ;::::!'.ll 1l1 a•t r1l . In ot11e.r n.,·ord6 lef 1ll s c11 le /il 1 11r bo a. ,,· cc oi 1 , cl tract r1ro,·i·1lc1l th-�rL tl1 c tl1C'r<: 111 l1�1 l1 a,'c l,cc11 ,,a}i,J rea.:-ons for el100::-j11g E1 1glisl1 la:\.v to goYern: I if tl1<'rc ,,,er<'� it ,,,as,,a11t t.l1a. L t.l1c transac tion l1acl 110 r >ll )"�ical ,t the J)a1·ties J.naj COlllll'Cl:011 ,ril·l 1 l•�ng-l,,:r.1 d. �l�l1r c;Olll'·L 11oi11tecl Ollt L11,a J,otl1 J,· ..,yr· ·1 1 cr'11 fa n1ilia;r ,ri.1 l1 l�111LiE-l1 cc,1.11111 c-rcial ]a,,· a11,d ,ranted B ,r rv l ,ras o rc n· c re:::;_;;co he �CJ, tl1 t s . a ,,·, tl1i.3 ' r,� 11 Si t,IlJ)ly. to · �11l'l t Ja . .. ' c nu r l � lt,o 111 ( 1 not r r c· o µ: n i.z: c tl1 i::: cl Io ice. 1



1 , ,·


'J'! Jp rc ,arc. 111;:in:· rc:?!'Oll;; i, ·,]1�" t l1e J>:- lrlie · ,� 111a,· clrciidc · :t,o c-h-0ose il 1c la·,," of a 1>:1rticul:1r ::-La.le. a11c1 11i1f'::-C' rc<t=o11 s 111a-,· i11clieat· e. Lite choioe ul' a :=:late Lh G L lla.-:: 11c} f>l1ysic-al co1111ectio11 ,,,jt]1 t]1c ·tra115action. Dr.. . S 2 n 1 I 6 o I1 a" , ·11· <I 'l 1· t l I> · 11•11· t·' (: , · ,,.· ·1l. I el 1oo�e · ] ar· state - t l· 1e ] a,,· o f a J)art1c11 t1.> µ-oycrn t;lieir ('iJn\,ra - cl l'or tl1rcc l>asic rc·,:{�br1s. �r-I1 c fir5t is lo ,!!u ar cl I: l'hcm'cl\'lc a·�ai· n;l un,lu,· inlr.rkr,•nc,• with rl,c perfor111�nce o'r the ', . .. ('t:11,lr::<'l. Sur·l i inll'ri' · . , . . � ·. 1. ·I � ('r 'J . l 1 <.t • 11 ::-.1, :-. 1, c.-:1recl ,rl1erc tl1c ]e.!!al s,Elcrn or ,·itlier iJr l·,oth or tli-c· }l:trli 1 ·, arc ,r·1t ·l1 i.11 1l11·· ::-ir1· 1 .,, re ,o f •• oo, nt-ro·1· (: -u· � : 1--l cco110111i 1 ',.�' I3u\' . , , _:_� all I .1.II\· lo llcrf.or111: !C}lei·5 n1ay · cr,' l' l'·'' 1.,. ll l( ' :-< . · JJa)· 111c11t l,c·1··tl ; • t;' (·, c)(' (,XC • , llil'Il!r(' ('Qlllrol. I11 a1l,\' ,c,re11l. ], Jot·ll rnar · . . . ,,•n11t tl1eir ricrl 1 I o 1 t" • ' (l le ( I elerllllllCfl llil<�Cr a ''free eCOIJOJllV,'' �f]1e SC" . . con•1l i:=c to h · ave a �·111. '11- t r . al�� 1 c··••e·'· · 1 1 :::-\ . ·-:-le111 °·u,·<'l"11 tl1c1·r· ·1·cla ions. If a t , . • ::·· ('Olll \ •. 1 ,J Cl.. tlr -'" 4. 11�r 11 }·>,a,· · . . · a, 1r :r <' c· · to :::-1 •·ll ,!!: o o r] s- to a co 111·r)ia·n )' 111. - .t1 · S,t,at1 e B : Jw ..

, . L


, .


S1ipra, note 2,18.

c:ohn, 'fl1e Oh J' et·iiv·1 ·,l [l. · tef• 1. a,·L1· t·c. on t I · 11 · . • I 6 , · " cl, onLrn C ? I f a,v ... , er ro1) .•c . . '). .' l 11'1t1011"/ a11cl Co1111>ar"tite Jt1u,

"""' :373, 389 (19Si).


86 -

parties 111 ay agree tllal Llic l,1,v of State C sl1011.l{I a1>JJl)·· 'J'l1� at 1Ll1or i$ ,a re-a.:011.:,l)le C'l1oicr-. !-iil<'C' a 1 ,:,it·L )- ,rlt o:: .r. la,,- go­ rontcr1cl:- -1l1i3 rerr1s tl1e cohtrrict may �n,joy ''con�iclcral>.lc taoLical s11pcrioril)r�' ov01: t·h.e 0Ul1c, r; .i-o •,.rv,oicl st1c•]1 i. .n,ctic. al 5tlJ)Csi-or,i,l)r 1·l1C'. ,1Jarti·<'s ina)r a1g:ree tl t ul tl1e J,a,v of'' ,a nc,ul,r-al stale sl1011lcl �·OYC'r1, 1. Fi11all�-, t]1: c 1,a,rlies .,,,ay '' · "1.:, t] c51re t I · t a :::· t rong l c,g aJ =)·$LC111 goY('1!n .tl1cir r1·la-t io11�. \"\l]1crc a. c d•n1r;,ai1y is OJ>Ci-,ai. ,;11� . Lli1cl<'r tl1c :1eg;a] sy, :t ie1n of a , �111-all .:-l·al{'. ... .•. for tax p11r1)0.:e s. i t lllll)' fi11 cl tl1 al "11cl1 la,r i$ t111311italllC' . to go,,cr11 i 1111,or­

ta11t in,tctll�liona·l -tr,a11�:.:ct:-c11 :::. . 1·111:, it r-0111,1Ja11�- a-ncl rl1r- olhcr 11·��rt�· i !r. 'Jll1l)' lJe , i11,orc Ia,11. 1 ili - ar :x 1 1d fr<'l 111orc �<'C'ttrl' ,,vi t.11 l'l1c la,r of -a. lar;,!;C ,_ 11 1,orc·c0Iill11crcially - orientecl stalC".. �L\.]�o it sl1 ot1 lcl Ile n.otecl tl1al 111<>: }.a,f o,f a cou11tr)· 111a,· ... ,ritl1 a 11r.,rcr ll:i!!. ' al �,·Ete111 . . lir 111orr diffie11li to ,a5certa-in, -.:1i.11cc st1cl1 ],u,,- l, 1as t:1·0L l)e·cr1 i11tf'rJJrclccl l1y tl1<' cot1rts. .


D r. Ha, 1111lJ1·025i (Joint:: Otll tl1 .:1t crrlain c::11l'J>.a11ic3 t1.3r �tandar1l Rules cont, ract.s rcco111me1Tclecl -1)�. traclc a-E�oc i-ation.3 ::11cl1 as t1l1c I I· ,a!!uc " -:

or tl1 c r ork-Aotwe,r.11 rr, ,lc::. 'l'l1c', contract i11 c111f'�tion ·111·,1�' ·ha,vc 11-0 connection ,vitl1 these 1·011nlric:.:.. l>11L tl1c 11at11rc of tl1C' r-011trnct - ar1d

tbe de-=-ire for· 11nifor11 1 intcrJ) rc,l,aLic"1 - 111a�, · 111,:.ukr· s11cl1 a c·l1oicc rl·:1sonable. He also co11Lc11rJ5 tl1:.t 1>arlics 111al--:e tl1ci1· 1·l1l)icc� as to go,·(·r111


ing la,v on reasonable grot111d=', '.f11c J):trties urc u511a]l)· CX}>Pric11c1�1l 'b u-�ines:111en. a-nd - tl1 cir ad,·iscr:- arc 11::11,rll�- fa111ili11r ,,·it!, tli l tt,v:s of cliffcrcnt elate:-::. ! 11 ot11 1'r ,,·ore)!'-. t.l1c 1>n·' cl1oice of a r>,rrticular la,v to go,re1·i1 Ll·1cir lra11.sactioi1;:, i.::. }i.k�l)" to lie l)a�e1l 011 :-=01111,l ' 1>usincss IJ·racticc.s an<l ,,·ill not l,c fa1ieif11l or arl>itrat,'. 2:i8 1'


If J)artiic� a.t·c r>crr11itt.ecl LO c1l1005<' t,I)<" ]ia,,,. of a:n) r ,e.t.ale. :-0 1011� ;l!( · 1c choice is rea� l lc, tl1 ere c·a11 :llr 110 olJjcc, ticn lo { Jer111iLlin g tl1ru,1 tl



l; to ohoose tli e ]a,\- of .one state l', o govcr11 011 c aspect of tl1e contra.ct ,1n1l . o·\'Cr11 ,a110- tl1<"r a: :p cct. 259 E1:]1iop ia �!1011lrl ; t.l1 c ·la,,, of anotl1 cr st.a,tc to g I

" ' .

,- '

257. Suj1ru, note 2,i9 at 594. 9�, 1 e O,veri$ <'asc, supra, 11ote _;).,,, 1l 11 i "L ui co Ll1 ye 8. 2:i This point "''as ignor,ecl ·b 110Le 2•t9 ftl 598. iiJ:ld 259. See the di�c1c'-ion o·f the 1,oint in Ham:bro, suJJTfl, Ynten1a, s1.11Jrll, .r1ote 239 at 354. .

- 87 -

il1oose. tl1,e c la\\' ·of an_v ' ·..i� Lo :9 ic rt J)a t i lJ, J r 1c . ', lQl, · iil ai I 1 C 1 ro.a J) ,a• J ) i � f Or, 0 \\' l I l 260 na1Jle. rcaso is oicc 1 al cJ 1 tl ' · •� I 011g SO l to n•O\'C[l ,. o ? A } I • cc r n1 t : l i )c l . s.�u n1;1• '·1-·r.rr ,1 ' )c : , t -c 11 ce oi 1 l : <· • · · 1 c .:· l h1 a1 l. \Xl 11 c n •· tI1 1 c 11 � =-�.l10L1 1l1-e .a.l)scn ·· in, t con, t racL · ce • · if of t· l 1 11 c ... l . . c l o \' . · ,c, 1 ' 1·<··I t::(ro u ·o ,· ,, , J, . . 1 1" 17 0J>Ja 1 I ;.:.. l1 -nity to cllc'{)'�e:• .u l P r·O lO J 1e tl ::: ' c Li r 'a Jlf J) e 1 1) · • :1v .ci � c] · 1, . ,1 ,.. , '' · • 11 • - tlJ C ('0 ttr l �_1l·O II ( l10 1ce ,\"oulcl .i11terfcre . w;,•t 1 1 l1 d c sL1 1it r11 l)c eii v <� Lo i .;; . i . · l _ · U , t , - J a\\' Of ,.1110t,}l Cl ·- t·' · 11nf;a,ir ·t,o one of Lh· e , -l>e d u] ,-o or ):ia J O i· l . t i E, of , ·. · · . 111Jo1.1 a11_1 1. Jolic,· :!ll 11 1ia rti c:-. r,n itt e � i pe l)c o in 1 , : i c: f t o· ,,,� ]a e ic 1o cl a rc l1c ,r L 'l'he 111:. i,;n _;;itl:.a.ti vl (>t1ltl· l1e illcg,:i] 11ndcr Et1l1i04ltao ,, 1 o1 :ti !C: . (Jl 11 j cl r-a nl co j« ,,. llcre Llt(' 1111f'r1t of sr1cl1 co11-tra,ct,s ,vo, io u,, 1 ce or f e11 j l1t� 1 . 1i: ri1 ric 1� Ja\\'. 2<il 0 1l1,io.pja, 262 F,011.- e:x, e: the� }�! of _;;t::: crc l . in 1rio 11::: lo the '!.!,'OVCr-r,111r.r1lal· ' ·c11tcr i11to a co11traet for tl1c �ale of la11d to a forei .,. t 11 o · ],1 t)u c gn ' 1,artic;; · . <"r a11d rr\'oi( l tl1c 1irol1il>itio11s ,of .A. r tjcle 390 l)y providing that tJ1e u• t 1r,tir1 1 · � alc. t . 1!l1c c:no l1cr ,,· of -pa a , 1 · l1r· t : J I t1 rne r ; gov l · >c :::tll 1 l tr.1c <·oi1 ·1 (':11l cl not 1·.11force 211 . .1,µ ;·cc'111c111 rcla,i i11� to eon,d11c. l ,J)ro;l1ilJ.itcd l>r the· -1


])1·unl. Co<1e. e.g., a eo11Lract fc)r tl1c acl,·crtisi11g of co11Lracc1Jtives, 26l �

I J :· 1>ro,,idi11� 1h.:.i1l. 1·!1iE ngrcc·111c11t �l1ot1lcl l>c g:o,,cr11cd ,]):· t: he )a,ro! � "�talc\ that 1 '1 0<':: 11<:i,i J),ro1l1iliil :::i1el1 co11duc-l. li'i11n,ll,•. 0 . t]1erc a . rc 0ert�o 1

i11tcrc:=ts tl1rrL ca11r101 l)e Ll1e si1l1,iect of cor1tract :;11cl1 as freedon.1 of re-� sidt'nec. 26-1 frc1'tlo111 of 111arria�0: 26 :3 ·tl1c . e11,j1)!·111c- 1 1t. -of ci·ri-1 TighL£:26l '

---- --- 260

26] ·) ,:·) -0-.




26:�. ? 6)�I

-� '.

. 2(,6 . •) ..... t'. \) ;)

.I fail In 1Ecc an�- j11,.:tifir,!lion for tl1t" distinrtions 11niler the Bendnt 11"l�nlion, supra. note 253. So long ns tl1c ('}1oire is reJsonable, it 13 11:rclcvant ,rhctlter 1l1e 1·0111ract is c1o:;el\· eonncrted ,,·itl1 one .stale ornrt ' l·nrlhc-r, unlc.":-- ll?c c·hoir, ? intPrferes ,,it.I i ;1n in1por!a11t po)i('y of t hesl!i ! t ' 1 _ho_�e l :_,,,. "·oulcl �o,· ern in tl1� allsen(·e of c-l1oicc. tl1ere is no re:i�ont o VI. c:l 1lSL1n•,:1 n1, . ·:J1.. l)1•··t,· 't'. .,- 11 op·1·.,on aI :in(1 per,�n1ptorv rules. •. e1) (.1Y1I (.ode ol Ei·liiopia. -\rti ('l" .... " 1' - ' 16-1_ . . I 1.8• ' I ..I .ro 1c ., :� · ·· · ( t 1 ' · 'II l ,;or l.ool'' <1r··1,'·_, .·1 11:-.,ll('lro '" · 1 n l>ct,,·ce11 yar1ons tvpes 01, 1 ega· . .,ind :-a\''- th·1t l·,·r1· 1·1,1 1 ··· · d b e yaJ'd ·r 1 lb!' : 11 1 --· f o ' · ' Y!l1'� �houJ I Cf!a · 1·onl ra('l� 1 . . . . l .I IC.� · prov ide Ilt('\'. •. . Jld 1 1;, . t'on 11 e. t o l>c �OYerncc1 I >Y Jorci o-n la,,-. T I1e a·1:-t1nc . . . l. .1 I )· I., l.\... C, I.' 11 ,. ·� i- I O. LI " '. 11l (. l ll011·:-C . . . ,.. . I - a.I 6� ? ·.-:J � te 01.1:a: l. I l e·r·1J1 Sllf)1"(/ no t'r" Cool· · · ·· '• · ' · · ro11& · . 0111 1 ha1 son1e,.. �tale:; p s ·1· nr e:s::1n1ple' l i1.:, }loinl:-St: 1 te . of 1l 1e United . i r·on tral'I,-. Clll1•r I 1I.t ,.a,;I£ . i;.: l: ., · pd · ,. � 1· 11 I o on S 1e ·!J 1 I· u \\'l11c � llllcl av 1 . are 1llefl'·1I · . . .. :--' ' 11on-:--er1ou-.; di(',,...,i ; 11'op Etl "'· 1·1 1 \. · '·\ 1� ,,·i'll l JC :-ec11 1l1c tY{les o� illeo-alit,· 111 · 0 • • r1, ,, o u I 1. l a11 ·1 H' 0 l .1 .:..c• 1•1• J,e . , , d . : · .- �>1t:-- 11:rturc. :inn !-t1rl 1 -a distinction is not ::o un l'en·d (_-'.u(] t., · o1 ·.1 :.t 1 11op1a, 1\rtic-lc 802 (a) _ , .. -' , · \ I ( orl i:: _� : i:• o� l'..ll1iopia,. :\rtil'le )2. , ! ( o de o l Etl1iopia, J\ i � rl ('lc 17 . '. ( 'l'-�rl C.: I) de O r E IhiOp ia. l\ rl i elC 1 9 5.

- 88 -



the duty of 5t1I ) J :,.o r,t to a ·3 1 0113e, 267 l'l1c� clu,L)' .of fi llc.lit)' 268 .a nd a 11u.11 · 1· •tl.SI)', .t·l1c,=e c.;1,1111,o t 'b e. ·111a,de..thc � 111bjcc be r of othe 1�3• 0-1),'iO . , , t ,of co11tracl r by a Jlro, :sico. :t1l 1,at 1til1:c. con tr . a ct .is •to llc. �o· vcr 11ccl 1 -, )" for<'i,gn ],a,,'. ,

_t\. 1101. :l1er sit 11,a· 1 1 ,r •l1 .crc tl·1r.. 1),arl,:c;' cl10,ier ,11i� ·,]1.t not l,r rr5J>C<·­ 1 tecl j., ,, ·}1. crc. tl1-c, cr.: ·11tra ,c,t is 011e of ;;a ·dl1c5io11'' <rr 011 r i.11,;.olv ing a r1r · r­ , 1 !CO, ,ril'l1 ,r.c.&1' - .lJar;gai'11-i11g ,I)O·,rer; ,vl1on1 ,t.l1r. ]· a, ,v 11r,01. 1�et.::. _1\ 11 ad l. 1c>�i on • con , t:·,:ir.t is ,a, . st,::i.11 ·c1l, \·rrl co11tr-act tl1,a1 tl1c ])arty· offerer! thr co11tract n1u,E-t tflkc a.s is; lt511all)' l1e. is 11ot t.l1i11],;,_i11g ir 1 tcr1r1s elf e11l(�ri 11g ir1lo �1. - , ,,·!ia.t 1 1<' i� cl 0 :11g. Fo r con1tract, tl1011gl1 :t:l1.a t i; .5, in f:irl r x · . .: 1111pl ('.•�11. Etl1iopi.EtJ ,J)tl)"-. 5 ,a 1 tic ;l'-et 011 -n forcig11 ,,:.irlin ( ', 011rr:1-li11p: ·OUL f o /\. drli:=. . .AilJ:ilb.n. 011 tl1c t ickct t1 1c lI:-ual co11tract cond,:·!i, o11,: arc c:Jntainrtl: · is nl3o a ·1).ro,0 i.3:, n11 tl1.1l all <Jt1e s tio11.3 •<! r:-� i11 ·g: 1:i:11lcr tl1c con·trnc·l arc to l· )e d,ccic· led . nc2· D·rc1,:11 .._!:: le.)· I'll!." ] a,v of tl1c foi-ci!!.·11 co11.11 .trv·. Sinrf." .. .. the co11tract ,vas 111aclc i11 1\.clc.lis 1\l>al)a llc.�t,vcc11 ar1 I�t·l.1io11in11 a11c.l a11 .air{i,ne doi11,g IJr1si11e$:=. l-1rrc noel :=,: 11cr 1.l1c riln11c,.. tool-: orf frc111h . cl·c. it \v·ou.Jll ·lJc 11cld in Ji2!1t of :\rtic-l.e 3. 67 o · f .the ,Co111111crcial Co·dc tli<tl �· 1






Etih.iO·})i::o Ja,v .:;]1,ot1lc.l �o,:crn. rr.:1c (JtlP,�lion is ,r·l1r·t 1 lir.r Lhc -�ehc,:('('�' sh·cuJcl l1e rcco2J1izcd. It 0:!111101 l1r- contcnrlcd that the 1ia,��cn�cr 1rr·,:IJy· 0l)ot1:1rl ·IJ). tl1c' la,v c,[ .rl· 1f' oilier ::,lat(· . a[nc1 co,ns.ciotrE-I,, u2: r ce,J to l>c ..... �

Jo,. tl1 c ca::c ,of a '1)t1rr ,:icJ,l1c.3ion co11,tr:1ci 211cl1 a3 t•l1i2� 1l1c ch o · ic<· .shol1l l. 1

'l'h c. .3a11!C ririr!Ci f>lr ,rou ·1c1 I><' n111 1)]ic·alrlc ,,·ltrr1� E·thic ·11:,:1 ha�. 1111dertJl( e11. ;to rcgl1la1tc a J)ariict 1lar l.):i1c of lltl:�i11<:�� n::: lo ,v!1i('l1 $Cri<)ll ..:

t]J,C taJ.;:ill!· .__,.! ,acl,·,a11tH�(• - of i1:1C'Xf>C'ri1'1l("Cfl ·r)CrSOIJ3 �11:·r f'10$•�ih!t' . iVLany _,\, 111p rjc,a11 ::latr:- J 1 a,·e ,lc1ailc1l la,,·:: rc·g11l-�1ii11:,_?.· t·l1c ,:•l'ii,·itiie� ,�I ir.is1u·anicc comi)·arues, I J<�catise i11 tl1c r>a:::t 111a11:: all11scs l1av<� c,cc11rrcd abtl.SC.S 2• 11(1

267. Civil Code of Etl1iopia, .t\rticlc 636. 268. C,ivil Code of Eih�oJ1ia, 1\rticle 6,!3., . � . IS . . u111tcc .._ti/le.� '-11r111lcn1c11t. 465 (T: ?G9 • In I'· J•e(lcrol w � ];] " · , Co r . .., ·, · r1 1cr? v. s ran< .tsP.n l· . c b I , 1nn. nat1. onal· ,\·I10 n1a,le n . tr I· ct C ourt 195-, ) , ti Dis Gcrn n . 1 e I)'t�<. • ::; , JcJJ"Cr ,\··1s . G 1y. ) to ] c11nan d ac, nn �tntcs ccl t U111· the a f p ,1 s 3 r,, to !',?· nlr� ct · n G "h ' ,vhicl1 sl 1 c conld nol rend, providc<l ., ••:rl"1 � ny lor e�m 10ll ,;:. �111, r.Ee1,, · C •t1(·· ,.,. J \\' . t•"n · ,, · 1 · t 1 '· l .... ,. , b · ])e 0 h . l ·t } ould 1 � . . r ' L11e con rac eovcrned l)Y l I1.e th,at n Jl que::-t1on:, , -·� · 11 "'" unde - · - ,atJ:,J. •• • ] 11 ·I ·11 Ll1c 11ropcr ol the la,\ 1 1' ' JC · l r I,a,\., o f N cou - 1ca · n] 1 e,v york · 'flIC ·1\.n1cr to. be e , ,v,1,� G· ern1a11y- ·a 11d ,tl1at L 1e passenge1. did ,not reall". artrec contract .. . , � l l questions "'ere to l>e clee1dcrl en 1 Iv hound }Jy Ne,v York Ia,v. Contcqu under German J:i,v. ,.,

- 89 -

': •


a1nJ. lle, tl1at ,vo11l ex or d. l,e "o,. J ct. tra . l coi . . , . . c 1c ., $u 1a · 1 1 . 11 , [c , . . ·. . . J. 11 1l1js area. f\. l 1 . iiiost 1n:varia1J1)· 1nv.olve tl1c life al J . '. til < . o ,v \T U\ . . ' ·l1101>1,1n 1 fJr ' _,t . er11('fl L)'. J.; �····1 a d · ]" d te n ) � Lt . nce con tra ct 1 s11 JC J1a& . ia ioJ) . . Etl i . . cc 1 � .. . . a 11 Etlr101)1a11 111s111 . of tl1-e. C0JJ11· 11ercial c�d t] i 111 c . 'r. III , c:k : . . Bo . e tO- 1J.· t•t, ·J'('!!ll l :.tlIUII (1 . l,5, ·1) y l if:ei • t o11 . ra c c . cr n anr in=: ., . � . . t I d• , · l t n 11 l1 r. t a n rl i l ca 11 I > c co11 I C' . . -. . 1 ll1 o 1 surc·1 o r1 t l1e l , c� ac I n 1 . trnc :: coii �td U!ll \· l . ' ar c 11 &ur:inf'c cor1.lrael::, . t s1101tlcl llc l1eld that I s1.1rcr. I J ) .\" •. C·t oficrecl in. tl1c , . , 1 la I} , . Bl l!::,: t La ke lI I c C:0 . . . of .Etl1101J1an do1nicilia. ,cs , 11. tl1e . . . iT1:o· ,tir 11 j = 1ct.;; . ti coil .. · 1 , , � t a1 at. . .I<'a�t as rcg .10-0,se ;a11otil1e.r l a,r J c• to · ctl 1itl 1 11 r 1 1c e b . t no 10 ilcl ioi l �· r i c � � .t l1 t�- , J) a r l I c.3 • 1,



0 \·c·rn .



_,\ [urllif'r silu�1 1i·c.n ,r,1 1 ,·rc 1l1r. l).arl.ic:::- �llot1ll� 11-ot lle }J eru1ittcd to • 1 • · 1· · c ·�11 1c11-t i.:: Ll1c 5i tt1,atio,::1 ,·,-:l1e1re tl1. ere 'h�: .(.].I :.p I a(' C , �. l l I !•O'] l I :, 11 I:•. .\,· IJ ,. - ,:,� , r };cen !a lea . .�r·


an J. 1::;\1 i OJJ ia11 ·:1111110,�rt:}Jlc. rj�J·1c .C,ode



]Jruvi:.- ions rr·],'..lir1 ;� lo Ll1 c Jc.a�e of :•1 1 1 11Jo\·.a)J]e,�, \\"]1icl1 5- trc1Jgl y affect 2 :E:tl1ioi)ia�s 1)o1ic�)" of lar1rl 11Lilizatio11 . 71 ,l� J)rovision,s sl1ould be 0 la\.,� ,, oulcl .aJ. ,,v.ay:3 he lbr J�t. l 1io1Jia. n con-'lrtl(:cl ,as r11.a11rla,tor,·. . ,n1111 :::i11cr · . ,l)l'OJ J f.·r l::'.r of tll(' cc1:1l rnel i r1 �.ne . l1 a ca5e-: -J1e �1l1 ottlcl -no:t · 1Jer111it the 11urtief to a,·oicl tl1t; :::ir1,1>li<"atio11 o f l1cr Ia,,· relating to Janel utilization, S 1 > crial f'C)r1c�c$sio11s t.o forcig11 i11 ,·c-slors ,,·oulcl l)e co,'eJ:ccl ])�' the for· eiµ11 i1 rvc�l111('I1 l la·,v� a11cl tl1is ]a,,· sl1ot1lcl not. lJe cli:SJ)laced lJ)' contrary '

a,!!. • l'C ·C)l lC'n,t .

l;-,jn,all _y·: 111r r·onrt ca1111ot rccog11 izc a11 agr . . ·bound by , cc111e11,t t,o l)r t-l.1,· ln.\v o f ·rtt1otl1e.r _;.t,:tlc ,,·,!1crr l 11�: t a,1.!rer111C'11 t i5 ,,oid,::i}Jle ·l)ecau�c ol ci : . -� t(·k o[ a , v.alid c:o-115cn-l. 'J'l1t1:s. 1·l1(' la,\' t] 1 nt ,fo11l tl gc · ·,,ern 1]1e conlr3 con· the 10 the ·a,b·sl.'JlCC' of ar1 effccti,· .c _cl1oice ,l ,ete,r111 ti n e5 ,vl1etlJe. r • . .it.Plll i:3 ,,oi,lal)lr I >c eau5(' o f 111i.�la 1.;.:e, fraud o:r clures5. . J�1 �11111111·:?ry� it is sul> 1 11itLc cl l•l1,a,1 l�tl1io1)ia- sl1 011lcl 1)e.1·111it ,t.}1e pa·r · . 1 ·tiP.� lo c.1100..:, � , 1·l1e 1· n· ,c . o , y l'r.11-1· n� ' I a,,·. 'l'l · , C 5 tt.J t 111 . 1.c r . t frequ ,enu) . :�·Y l)f' tl1a ];-.,l , . li1 . . op ._ 1·. J , 11. la\,· ,,·, l . J l i e <l ·,. . �.\. B1.·1t .1 s. 1 �1 1]·,. ··icr( I l 1a£ny· cl.01112" hu,.,,nc,.: 1 c · o1 111J ,. . J irre 111av ,va111 it;;· . co . 11t1-' ·1.tI 1 :.1 11:ot, I 1e -1 , c t · · '' . r· r Britisl1 com1) J t a 11 y· C l. Jl. ('ll l )'' a l o . } e go . . .a,v •\\'i · tl1 '',J 11. <, ·l1 I)o tli 1>-art1.c..s 0111· ° n , ll. ll . . <ll"C fa F or 11 1i ei li g a i· . �..t ., . . . . '.:- ClllYUO"JllO' ll 1 t, C .<.0 . 1111.,cl( C J . 'l$ l1<.�1·c 111: l)r llOl k110,,r E tl io r)iau la,v. 'fhe 1r 1 2ill. See lh di, ·u t:, -.:-· 1 0 f i . 271. (:ivil (:odP.,�lof ��; . _ 1.l. ,s P?illl in Y.l1le.n1.�, s11,J)ra, n.ole 239 at 353. - 11op V

1a, .·\ rt,c·les 2896-: 1018.

- 90 -


1 de�re. to ll·O ]Jot111· 1:l 'll)' a la,,v ,,·itl1 ,,,·l1icl1 tl 1 ry Ia111iJiur i:; u1ider­ -sta:i1cl: , thlc, ,nnd it i· s -iii tl 1c: jl.'llc·rc5L of Etl 1 io1>i·a to l)Cr111·il st1c•l 1 cl1 oice, si1, 1rc to pcrt11ii. t i•t ,rill c11co11ragc i11 l<'ri1 :iti : o 11a , l conlr:.tcl:=, .i.lnd for.r•i •!!ln j fl\'(',5 ll ll•C Il t. 2 72

· · 0 n cc i L i s tl cc i clc tl l o I>c r1111L st1t I 1 t I101r·e. l I1 e ci:1·I ,. l. i1 11 :i1 , a. ticn3 tl1al slioultl }).c,pt1l lI[JOn it a. re. tl105e 11cecs::{try to J)rotcct E t, hioJ>ia' ::- !.!o,-,,rn­ interests. 1':11c 1)1ll1rlif':- 5}1011111 1 ,c t>e.r111:, l,tc-cl 10 r1hoo:" t,h l ],a · ' ,, · :O ]011� n:; tl1:.:t c·l1oice is rc.:::onnl>lc·. 1'1 1 c choice. El1oulrl of an �· 5Lntc . t.!10 co 11 l r a el i tl CJ ll e $Ii o 11 is i JI r g :t I u11 d c r 11ot IJe rcco:;r1 iz· ccl 011.I�- ,, .l1C're · io11,i a. ·.is a11 1111fair ,arl•l 1e::-:011 001111,t\acl, inv1 olvc::- a,1 area lll1c ]a,,, o[ l� 1Lh

. 11cc or in,,·olvc::- lcas<�s of i1111110specially rc�-t11atec1 :t1cl1 �-s life i11s11ra v.a,blcs. Otl1cr tl1.:r1 tl1al. tl1c Jlarl1e-s s·l,culrl l)f' free to 1>r0Yi(l.c th-:tl 1!1c�

la,v of a J)artict1lar �lalc go,,cr11s <Jtl<'stio11� r<'lati11g 10 tl1r� ,·aliclily', irnter1)re-LaLio11 :.i11tl })erfor11 1 ar1re o[ co11,l racl:.

T•he 11c.xt r1t1rEtio11 is ,rl1nL la\,- rl1oul(l goY1'.1i:1 '"l1<"r<' th,, r>arti<·;; ' ]la,- ·c 11ot 111:1c1e a,1 efl'ccti,· r cl1oi· cP. ()11 th i, s <Jllf':',t,i on. 1.l1<'rc i· .� 1u11el1 di,·rr�ence. ltal)·· fee ex::.1111>IC'. Jook� to th<' 11atio11al l,:1,r -nf 1]11� 1>·arli1·,

1vl1cr.c tl1c,· . ,arc of tl1c sa111e 11atic.:1a·lit,. 0 Otl1er,ris<'. it lot1l,G� ,Le> \\"l1at i.� callc-rl -ll1 c le:r loci c·o11lr<1ctz1s. tl1c I :1 \V of tl1,e: p laer' ,, . . 11<'.re ·the 11arli<'� , 1altc1111).ted l o enter into a co11tract. 27:1 rr·lie ,,ic,,· rl1at t•l1c /,,.-r l<J<'i ('(>fl•


2i2. So1- 11 e contract..; }1ave a provision that all 1naltcrs ari:-;in� under 1he ron­ lract ::ire to ] le ,sul1n1itletl lo :trbitralion, and oft.e11 tl1i::: involve.� a foreigu

arbiLral tribunal. e.g.. l'hc Liv('rpool (:011011 'ExC'hange. 1'he purtics 1na�· ,vanL to avoid the expensl! of judicial liLigatio11 or n1ay dc:;ire that their case be l1 eard l) y experts in the trade. Or tl1cy n,ar pro,·i<le that the dis­ Jlute should be s uh 1nittccl to the court13 �,f a !)�rl� c1�ar_ 5lale. Tl1e .q11e�tio. n is ,vhetl1er 311 Et hiopia11 !'OU rt sho uld t.ak:e Jt1r1sd1rl1on ( it 1.11 otl1er,vise proper) ii a party brings suit. l1 erc tlc:::pitc the arbitration �grce· ement to sullnul the d1sp11tc to tl1e court� of a part1c11lar ment or Lite urrre 0 si�n � state. TJ 1e provisions of tl1c Civil Cocle dealing ,vitl1 arhitral ;;ubmi _ Jt1r1s­ r1·:,; cou the :,; roy tlesl te itr:i arb do 110 t sav v,he·ther an agreernent to that th� eed ag:r ly eral gen i:,; it int, d1>o stan l ura cecl r>ro a n Fro 1 . ion dirt t arb1· parties cannot <leslrO)' tl1 e conrt'::: jurisdietio11 by an agreement � 1nany courts ,\,· �I f:e · t Bu rt. cou r the :,no to e ca� the t nii sub or to te tra so s that ! ust1 fy rea 1e san e_ !h c. ra a h Stic in n tio clic i jur se 5 u u ref ly , � � q ent fus1ng to re1, e rLs ou the y tif Jus s tie par the y J J ed ect sel · Ja" the use of i.] 1·e . the case to for1· lt n l' lo suh J 1_·c. :t"r · -� · .. · ,, 1 c Llie i1,·i t·1 , 1,,·· .. t.a ke Ju r-.s<1 et1 on ,, ]1 ·n . . 11e , l1m . 1tn . , t1o . n::-,_ ,-:.11 the to · ·t · Jct 1 suh cl ·1n . rt rou . er a otl 1 ar o 1 ergn arb'1trat1on or . e.g.. a l·ontrarl of life jns u ranre .1 · 'i\l C'Cusker, s111>ra, note 1-16 al 31.

- 91 -


?rarl<;C� 27 l Belg;it1111, Net.l1erla 11d l s iu r <J ,· fa ls 1< i1 f 1 r1 c� ,· o g l l( tr<tctrrs �l1 ot1 vie,-v in tl1e Unite d Sta­ l a n io it ('l a tr :: 1< 11 s a \V arid I...t,XCIWJOLtrg� 275 all<l r 1 o ci lo th is ce e a )l l l at to ,, c s n­ 11 agrcc11 1 c11 t a i ot 1 c 1 rtr s te a St 6 2i tes. 1s. -en·ls in:volvc nJore 1 co of c· a11g ch x r. l -c n a � n o trrtrtr,s \fltcrc the 11c,goti;.;Li cr il3 o,v 11 con. d 11 1 11 o• l,i r.s t1 <1 i� t-l1 := Yc JI ; rr , t· !t:. tn OJI(' - ilalc. E,:icl i ::t:, 1ic 277 T·J1t1E .. 11ncle.r tl1c It,alia11 l. cc 11l :lt nc co ;.; ;cl r: 1i1 c�J a c- :·Jilion of \\ ] i r·:· c . ' 110.tificd Llie f re fe of c tl1 re 1C' ,,,] c ac l 1, c tl, $ . ! Coile 11 1 c le.r /o(·i co11tr<t<'l11s 1 c 1rrOJJOscC:I. clr2.ft -lrc.::tl): })C�\reen tl cr 111J l' H 27 . cc an 1)t cr off,·rnr 0f l 1.:f �tc '. \'Cr. Ll1c loci c·o11.lractus i.s \\'C 110 : rg >11 lic 1 1 c: u"l: l d ...ari ds 1 1 la cr 1 tl Ilcl!! iu 11 1� :,c . 2 ' E t;l1i-DI>ia, if ·1.!l1is- u·11le ,rere : 1 1 J79 l. r atc ·ii1 i or cr l ol' e th c :cr \rl !,! 1· the 11lac cc frou1 ,,·11iel1 tl1e ac­ . fol!n,rcil. tl t1 · l <1c i co11tract11s ,,·ou1(1 l><' 1l1C' J)la �


c·c11ta11 ec- ,ra� �c,1L i r1 lig: 111 c)f 1!1c JJro,·i:::io11s o. .,_!\.rtic:Ie 1692 of the, ,. . \ ;• I \r._ , :.. ( ·1 CI .:.,()"O (_'l 'l

rlllc bas, t]1c ad,\·antagc of s-i·11 11 Jl:cily� tl1a,t : L·O t l1e for1lill's cou­ i�. t•h,· / (J( ·i rt>i1truclc1s ca11 lie· drLer11 1 i11r.·cl -accorcli11g cc1>tio1 1 or \\·l1ere tl1 c c·cJ11t1·:1('l. \\-:'.::', 1 11a([c. T1 1 c 1)1·olllc111 is t-l1at, ,,c.ry )Jc forh1jtous frequ,·ntl�-- 1l1 r Jll,.cr- ,rlicrc 1l1c rc,;1lracL ,ra,:: 111a,� • ]'l i e /e.r /<ic i


u 1 � !_:,· I i �1,· e n o l' c> r111 ccl i o 11 \v i I I1 tI1c ::: l at <.� , \· I 1 C' r c- tl1 c- co11 t ract is to be 1·:11rierl out :111rl tlic· �-i:1tr' ,rl1ic·l1 l1a:: tl1 e real interest j11 dctcr1ui1:1i11g . cor1lracl. For c-x::11111)1<'. L,ro Et}, 1.i-opian 111t· <Ille:-: 1·;011, re I :1t.111;_!· lo l l 1:il l 1 11.:i1H'= . -�111t'll co11clt1d(· a c:-r1lract \,·liilC' ,·:1:·a.lio11i11,Y i11 J(cn,:a: L-he �on-

; ! 11 d




- . ..

See .\rtil'le ;"ii ,;;\' l h12 lJ r:1 ft prarli re.


reprc�ents existing

- -... . Sec the di;.,·,·u�:-i<Jn i 11 "\f ,,ijt'r-.

note 153 at 9. . ,-(i c: • •,-,e •! • 1, t: 11 . , ,:·(l:--,11111 111 ·'-,j.uni I 1'-1 ··• .,u1ir(/. note l:i0 �it 226. Son1e �late, hold . . ·· I l. ! .! l q ll C :-,l l O 11 "' r ·� l:1 ! .l 11 o· .. . c :-:- oY ern.ed by tlie le.r loci contrnctus, � r 0 \ ...1 I .1(1 1· 1). .11 . · _ :- r1•[· 1{ .!11" ..,-,..,011 , )' l I·· 1,l.L ,.1! (J1H . l 1 , ·f , ' , :·· I J)t.l (), lll:lr1t'C :ti'(' go\·erncd b y tlJC )_;,)\\' or th(', • ' . ' , , . if d; ( ( I J · < pc,, . Int 111,111< <.. �luo1l,1'r" .-, 11 ,1-r1 • 1 .-,.,') ,, . . -. -. . . 1· I! I!,.. \ ,,1 i ('IC '.) 7 n r l I i I ) r · ft ,�- .1 • 1· I 1 • 01·I 1·0\·1des tl1al '·\, here the pa rues 1 1 c · ( 11 . ' . . · · . ·�'i'(•1 tJ ierr inlent1on, ., i·lv , .l':\Jl h·'t\'P• rlt)l i·lc·i . . l'C-'. the t:011t.racL;; :ire ,..o,·er11ed h,· . . ,,. . •,. () 1· ,Ollll'�l(·I Ill!!' :l� d,•�f ' ·'' ., I·il·,II( 1•·l l 1 ,· 1:·ICl . lCl I I · l \\ . � · . ., -n .:..t:,. l\'fc(�u:--k<> r. supr<1. nor(' l l(i - 1 t '!1 .. e<' nl"o lhe s11111111�1rv of the ca�e of . · . • � · ·-:: . .�oc..·l11rlre c. _.;;· 0(. · ('· · l · 1, · ·..._ ' ' 1 (J · 1:_ 1 l • ,. · c'l) OI't ccl 111 '· an d C 0111· l I I nter11alio110, riar11ti i-c I.cue ()ul/rtri·l _·:,,)· 6 [1 . - -:' (). . �\liejcr_c:, -�llfl/'11. nnl 1 s:) at '). 280. �indcr !\rticle 1(>92 iL i :-: irovi I·· ..• . a _ l. ontraet 1 _ < 1.:d lli,it l)Ct\vec11 nll�ent p:irtie:> . • 1:- 111· . •1de •·it . 1lil·,. 1 ,J·,ll't; . \\" I l("l'I' I 1IC· ,ll 1� . . l. eplanrc. r. Il offer o ,vas �ent the to effective a:- of th·'it t'nnc. · \ · l'011tr·1 1·L n1 nt} e J ly tele1ll1011c i.s n-iade at 111e ' place \\ here ()


( �)

- I I.

1• •

· ••

' • p•
















!_ (_;),'))


1h 1 � pari�- \\ a:- called.·




• ..l

, )


! I

) iract i$ t, o ·l�c c.ar1·iecl out cnlirc1y i11 Et11i-01>in. U 11 clcr tl · 1is a1J11roacl1 -. K� n ·a n la,\· ,,;-o11 lcl g o v·c,r 11, . ,,·J 1 crca$ iL ;i s cle.a.r t.l i aL E � t·l 1 io1)ia is 1,li.e only· \ 5 tat.e t11,aL iias C:t:1y g ov ern,n1c · 11 tal i· 11tcrc:;t .i11 ·rcgnlaLi1 1g t,l1 is t .rn 11 �ac Li·ot1. . · ,. : ··1 1rr hc r, th· c . J) '1r· tics ,,,ere p .roba1l.l-�, t'l1inkit F t 1.g ali out E,thiopi., an , lavt ancl \ i\·onlcl aE�t1me LllaL t11cit· rights ,voitlll lJ<' clctC'r111i11cc l u111lcr J�Ll1 io11ia11 t la\\'. 1

Tl1e otl1e1· 1uajor a1)1)roacl1, nr11l tl1(! 0 1 1C' tl 1 aL j$ 11,0,v gaini ii g great� · er favor, is to l1avc all <111oftior1� !!<),·cr11e;d liy tl 1 c i>-ro1)cr Ja \v of Ll1 ,� contrnct £or 1.l1e p.:,r , tict1l«r q11e�tit)Il� or� as it i- �n111eLi111 cs �laLcd. to · · Jia,·c 1!1c conlraet �o,·cr11 ('<.l 1,�- tllt' la-.\· of t1 11' �\;1i<: tl 1at i ;; tl 1<' cenl:C't : o f gra,·it)r for ll1c co11lract (or for a 1,nrlic,, l�,r 11arl: o[ Ll 1 c co11,tracL,l. Oon5ider a case s11cl1 a5 .!'..Llltl'11, v..·lt1t .e11. 231 'fl,crc' Ll 1c c«J11tracl i 11 Cfll CS� . . 11011 ,v-a5 a ;:.e1)aratio11 n2:rrcr11c',1l. aTtll 1)0!!1 J>arti<"',, ,rer<.: ]3rili::d 1 11alio11"' aJs a11cl clon1iciliai:ic:=:. rl l1c. liL1fl1a11cl tlcsertf·cl Ilic. ,vifl� a11cl c�L1 11c lo the ::tnle cI ::\'c\\" 1-orl� i11 tlic U11itccl Stalc5. She ''c:a11g.l1t 1111'' ,v-it.]1 J1in1 l 1-herc, ancl it ,\·a� there tl1nt t!ie,ion. -a�rcc111<�11L ,,·a.:; cxcculrf1. The ,vi.f. e rctr1rt1c11 Lo E11g;la1111. nnrl t.!1(' .l1u�l,a11d \\"as lo r1a�- tl,1' 11 1cr.11':,­ '

, to a. trusLcc tl1C'r<' . lr1 n1 1 acLio11 011 lliC' c-c111lr.acL i1:1 Nc,v Y-01rk:, tli1· co11rt . cl 11,at 1.l1r- ]a,\· or Lh,· ::-lal<� l ]1r-lcl 1,hat Enuli�l1 I:1,\· �·l1olLlr1 !!0\·1·r1 1. lt _:;ai V

' that ·I1as tl1c 111o�l .311:.:11:fi!':-:!1[ c�r1tacl.3, \,·itl1 thr 111a1Ll-cr ;1:1 tl,i5JJttic' �ho11lrl '

conLTol. _.\.1t:!1 outrl1 il1 is r11r)rOt.!rl1 ,ro�Ll<l 11{il :;i,·c. Ll1c '�c<'1·tainly�' t11at the /e,r foe£ ccJritrarltts [C'�t rlor-. iL ,,·ol1ld �i,·<� t11e s, ·!1:1v·i11� the: niost Lnlcrr.5,t 1 11 Ll i c tr� 1:1 �.�ctio11 p,a r:tn1o . nn.t rontrol ·o·vcr it, .· It noter.I. , ,v::: is t·l1( ; th .: t 1�,c pl ::.: ce of 1113 kj 11� , ,,-as ,],i.g:hl :-· fortr1ilon:, -:-- i\"c,,, Y 01"k: _� or:J)· place ,\·l,rrC' Ll iP ,,-ifc coiilci fi11t1 tl1c 11u:lian'l. I� also uotctl l,]1at 1c . - P ...,.. 1-11 · ·es 1· 11 tc11cle<l tl1c1r r1D:1 ,..,.4c. n1orc prol)J l) ] e that the --- 11� to l1c go,·cr11'" tli:3} 1 r2.tl1cr :tl1.'.lr1 hy· "\1<',\- "'1 orl, la,v. ; cd 1,,, E 11 V , ' ' l 1 a:- liecn Cllll)!OVC(l i·n T�11 �l:111d,, "(' ll;1(' co1 · 1t1·'tf'L IlC pro.;)Cl' l':::,,- OJ :. . ,!r tl1c la\V ·'1nlc11c1ccl il))" tl1c 1J)l,iin , l.hOll!!h a nrc f'"ti l .. LI 1 . . r , � ldt • Ll1e COLltl .. . - :-,- :,a, • : • to tl1-e n ]"°-s Joo rt co11 · l1e 1 . io 1c11t ·11 �� • • 1 ... ltC CXf : 1c ,art an f �:' c · cnc o I11 tl1c a]Js p . . 1 la ,v · . C'J., l IC'l 1 • 282 Pr,n frs.sor Cook co11 lc11cls · d 1 Y · 1111 .! t t·l1e 1),art1,e s 1111 p lie


: r·


r• 1. ' 011r .• ,. • ,,r f J·J .;\ort /lf'<t.<:If'rll � -


•)<) 231. 30:1 lVcro }'or!, l\e1 10,:.� (1954). · r10oo01� ·1 1'>- (>11ec S89. . " 11s ne11ch Dicisio11 <; / T/(1 f/ · 232. :,e.e Jacobs u. ·Crerlit f'.\'O ll is, n orr . ( f 1 C< · , .6L} ' 1, -58 ' · l of [,(lll'S 579 : See the <li�cussion in l) 1 cev, c·.,"on,. tt re Jr-:,J.)




? - 11 ,{



co n, e i io tl1 1JL le , i11 r t c tl1 cl sc cs ffr cX urt tllal ,rl, 1crc tl1c J)a.rLics- J1 a\' C as JJy lo o!kiiJg to Ll1e l)l'Ope r ,v 1�' o1 i , c1t tc i11 l 111 c< u es )r '"1 clccidcs . ,rl: 1aL t.hcir , s· julenc. led t·l.1c la\, f of tie 1),ar l1e , L · , cls or ,,· 1 cr l ot i11 l; ac r . Ja,v· of t.l1c co11t o-st su :h.stan. s ;tJ.lic m ''"11,o]• e :11a a. as n , tio c a r1s tra c 1 1 -tl · 1 ie: , l ,v l' t,h ,vi tlic stal, cd,s t:!1at t1us vie,v l1as l• >ee-11 en nt o c. 283 1:rc . r11 ,,c 150 lo c1 tio cc 11n ti·al co d Cl1csl1ire.28l e n a , a, tl k es. W as cl1 su �s to1 11La 11e 1111 co i s l Lij . Br · ct1-cl,orscc. 1 J i," • r l test. 285 c . 2 n tr co · c Ll1 of ,,, la 1 )cr ·01 11 c 1 1l . )'S Jlo (;rcecc also c11Lf 1101.

286 l1as made the foltc· i 1� i,·r c : 01:1 cl1 a >rc a1} 1 .s i 1:l , 011 1 ir 1 11 co111111cntir1 1 t:v;c. e n. a . , qt1cst •f,01· .simple ru. l)c ct 1fli co1 a lo,v.i1 1,� olJ sc1.·,,;1 .t.io1J.:e:. I�[c secs cd to ·yield 1111jfor111 J)rcrlicta])lc J1oices of la,v (tl· 1e le.'\:. loci' ] cs l1csi�n . ,ro11lcl fi..1] 1 i11to 1l1is- catcgor)') a11<.l tl1e e[forl to cle,·elop c<>111rrtcl1ts rt1lc · . CT)c 'lnea,1 1i•ngful i, n hlc of 1)rod11c -i1· 1g c·]1oi·ccs- Ll1at ''"Ot1ld Jlrinl'iplcs- ca1)a · ·t f 'r111:-; of 1l1f · i 11t1:-,rc.::.ts o[ tl1c ttarLic� [\Illl tl1e state.s in,,o],,cc1. 1,11e pro'-

11cr ]a,r o[ 1l1 c co11: lrac,t a1- )1>roac:--l1 ,,·011Jcl I-all into tl1e latte.r category. . ·1u a1lI)!)·i 11� . 1lic- JlrOJicr la,,· of t.l1c cc111tract aJ)J)roacI1: lie sa)'S tl1at the · lo tl1c inLcrrsts- of Ll1 c J).'.lrLics- ancl tl1e fa1i1·neS.$ to cc,urL ::l1 or 1l1l look

· 1hcn1 . in a1i1il· y i 11 f!: 1.l1 c Ja,,- of a J>n· r . tict1la1r ,sta:t.e. It s]101ud .also con�i- i dcr tli c i 11 tcre.�L .1! 1 al cacl1 or tl1c .slates ,,· i t]1 ,,·:l1icl1 1.l1e t rr; tio1n h · as I

:-:u111c- co11r1ccticn ] 1 as in ], 1a,·,i11� it:: 1:T,,· a1)1 )lied. Tl1c Cflles.tion sl1ould j ]) c cxarnil1cd 0 1 1 a11 iss1lc ·])�" is3l1c ])as-is - ,,-l1at la,v 1j·5 ;t U1e prOJ)er la11' oJ ·,lie cor1LracL fcir c:.1cl1 ,1$.3l1C t.11nl 111a�- ·1)e i11·vo , l,7 e<1. i. IJ 1:>l1e. case. He . J.1·0ll':::. ,t)1:· . J1 t11e J)la(·c o[ co11 L1�actiog a 11cl L.l1e IJlace of JlCf· , 11 c,·r11 tho11g: · ,· <il' tl1,1t 1,la(·e �l1<.111lcl 110t 11c:,cc53aril)" go...-crn 1or111ar1.ce (·oit1tid<'. t l1e 1a, . 4"a<· I 1 .1sSi;C'. 'I'! 11;.; <1j)}lro�1('l1 i:-:; ('Ol,:.:i:::.te11t ,ritl1 tl1c t11co1·,· of gover111uenl· r1I iritcrc�·! t!ia.L '''(' lia,·\ , l)<'t'11 afl,·orati11g: - ll1 e C[ll;5tioJl...., of ,vhal i� tlir 1irr·{iper Ja,,· or ll1c co11tract 111ust ]Jc cleter.1111i11ed j- 11 li1Q.1].1t of con· , flictir:1; , �r- ;,•cr111 11 c 111a1· i11l f •r 1':::ls a11cl fai1·11 c5-;; to tbc JJai�ties ...... '\Y/(' 1 11 a! · co11si1lcr a 1111111l)cr 0[ cxa111 )]c -s of .tll c }Jl'. OJJer -la,,\' of the 1 conl1�acl. I )rofcs::-or Cool-.:. con11,- 11 (1 -:::: tl. 1 a I· ,,·c 10-n d of 1n115·t. IODl � -to th e 1_:


-'J ll '.) .

28·1. l-!c- ,·i�e� \'\ i�:-:tl ak ": J .>riz-(1/e lntern ntiorzol l�r11v 302 (5th ed. 1912) aud , ) l 1c,- 11rc. { ;·1i:atc ,)

Cook. -�11/Jrrt. note 2 iS



I nternruion((l T.a1c 2:i-t--6 <2nd ed � - ;. . 1938). 235. - , ic·o e1011ou o�, supra, note 147 at 469. - O (i . (.:ivcrs, T\e,tatinl! 1l1t' ('onfli, O f I 3ct:, , tr Co11 on r pte Cl1n · he f . '�: J�'' L l _ c�, " 1 t,,�Cf'n T rc111ietli l,[ . nn.otive r,nr7 Conflicts [,au: 3,1,9 (]961). ')






- 94 , -

.contract tl1at is ii1,�0I,;ecl 2:17 a11 cl Ll1at 1J1c 11ro1)cr la,,.- of tl1 e co11lract i11. a · ( f. cr for clif.fe,re,::i l. l� i1 y : 1d , s - o f 00·11 trnct.s. -It s. cc111s clca1r tl1 at tl1c J)rO{)cl· la,v to g:over11. la11c1 co11t, :racts i s tl1c la,v o f l'l1c sit 111s; ,tl11at is the ; stat.e tl 1 at, .J1as t.l1e 11 1a,i·u in , tcrct5t i1 1 ·reg1 1 lati 11 � s-t 1 c-l 1 trans.a ctioDs, a11cl jf tl 1c p arties "\Vere t:11: 1:1ki11·g a])C)ttt .t)1c Jn,v of a 1>a-rLic11Jar s.talc, J)rcsttnraiJJ]y- i t -is, tl1e s it1.1s. It is j11tcresl.it1!! to 11 otc j 11 t l1.irs ·con11ecti,on tl1a,t 1�rtic1e 57 r tl1e D1·aJt F.renc�l1 Co · clc r1ro,;iclcs tl1,at, con' trac.t . 3·clati,,c 5 es ta 1} l)l e 1 isl11 1 1ent a11cl trar1sfcr -0f rigl1ts 10 i 11 f )·rOJ>Crty are govcr11ctl ]Jy 1Jl1e la,v of t}1.e sit11s. 288 S i·n cc a 11c go ti.a -lJ I c instr11 me11 L }) H$scs 1J1 ro11 gl 1 man)' l1a,nd1::� ,it i s nccc::$,a1�y to l1a,,c on e Ja ,,· cletcr11 1 i11 c .nll qt1c sLio,ns rc1ating to tl• 1c 11 cg:o�in.l)]c c.l1a1·ac:ter of Ll1e ir 1s , !rt11nc11t an , d tl1 c 1·igl1 ts of tl1e ·ori, git7al 11 11· rtir- s; tl111s, iL ca n l• )c co11tcr1dccl 1Jl1 1J J)r at 1c OJ)Cr la.,v of t, l1e cont·1·act fo r .a 11egotia.JJ le ins1r11 111c11.t -js 1l1 c Ja,, v of 1 :l 1c state , 1rl1 erc tl1e i n3t1·1 r111e11t. :is IJil)'J-l)Jc, si11ce t.l1at 1)]acc 1vill al,va)'S api)car '-'




011 t•l1e :fiacc o · f t.:11c i11 ·strtt111c1Jl . 289

J,3. o , s11ects of , t•l1er l-:i11cls of conti:act.s 1rcga,rd 11 1 112t, 1JJc I· 1acl for all a tl1e tra11$actio11 - ,vl1ere tl1c contract ,vas 111nclc, ,vl1crc it ,vns lo l ) c . perfo:imec], ,vl1crc tl1e r>a.rlic.s clicl J)11:::i11cs:; a11cJ Ll1e lilcc. rl�h. is ,v.ill c11ab]c Ll1c co11rt to cletcr111i.t1e tl1 c 1:cE"1, .>ccl'i,·f� i11tercsts t1f tl1c ,:;3 lnles i11,,olv­ ecl and tl1e exte11t lo ,,·J1.icl1 Ll1c pa1·tif.�3 relic<l on tl1c la,v o[ a r>n1.·1ic­ ltlar stale. Ir1 t11c case of .](rc<Jbs, 1V.[(1rc11s (� Co . ·v. �I'lze Crerlit: Ly·o11rrlic ruLi.s, 290 1l1 c contr a·ct ,,- a$ JllR(lC i11 IJOllClon �)Cl\\·ccr1 Bri:ti::al1 f ir111_:;. ,

goodrs ,vere to -b e. ·olJ1.ai11ccl i. 11 .i\:lge·ria and s, l1i1lJlecl f.ro111 Ll1 r.rc Lo ,,a­ ..,_ . · . �-0111(·• 1·,.,., ·E 11o·::-l..,11cl "\VilS to ]Je 'll]1JClc i11 r1ous ])01·ts, :inc1ll a,11112. ... • Pav111e11t • ·, ' . 1!!00(ls \\'Cl:C to l)C J casl1 .at ,tl1 e IJo , . o.r, t c�t: 1 11 a t1 on t1JJOJ1 arri,,a] · . · rf]1c ,� • rts . . · 1 1. ru11rec1 •rn I. tl1 c c·,on. t,racl · E n2J anc. < · aJ:;o co1:1lainecl a , 1Jrov1cl,111 p; · ... t11c Englisl1 · t'o· a-1·1Jitration - J- a1-I)J· 1 1.a that ·tl1e J)arL1 1 11 1111clcr --es , co11lcl �cc� · · , v .

287. Cook, su1;ra. note 254 at 6 -> 0_ • . ,,. llic le.,. loci. contr actus .rule ] 1 :ivc nvoidccl 1 c;: � 1n ov 1p 288 ...,ome en " !'-C f).rr1er1can ca�·:, z.inu qneEtions i 11 vo 1 ving I ancI tl1e application of· Lhat la,v· l>)� • �.J13 1•,,a rleri . . ..:;1,,,,.. 'rtuf!lies ·inkle111a 11. 2,.1-J rr/ v. , 1 \ ,,, y L r, pe rnntracts :1::; questions O fpro ' r 994, (1912), ,v]1 crc ., l 11 c . lzii.;cs1 er,,1 RcJJOr'e ;, t·ISSOllTt. R epOTlS 81 , J4 it' · 7 Soul . ,.. i l. to reclecn1 11pon iorc· · �o · 1. 1 1a d I.}i c ri "J quest Ion ,o f I\·I1 e •1 J,• e 1. I he, n101�1 !!a · r 1 0 f 1, rop c r ly l n ".. 1 lc r;zed ·1 c •1 nnc:o_. tio r I osure ,ras c.1ara� ·. U,i_t t , z ,States flr111 l., nncz .Trust. C,o., 166 ' C';!'...i\Y· 289. See Baclger °lliachzfler:v . · ,i Reporter 188 (1917). w·isconsin. Reports 18, 16.) 1 o, t1zu;e.;/�r 290. Supra, note 282.


r l1 .o1 d. g ov er 1 lisl1, , 11 ,s , la 1 1 (iqi. r � g E t l1a t ; tl rlc · lt1 11c co J>Toccd-1rrc. 'J'l 1 c court r rconit�ct witli -"-l cri a '\'lls g J) e t]1 ,on c nc �.i ), c� i ; rL Ja c tl 1 f o , on , i I t 1· r1 1l plied· -i1 ni ·the,- r c · Tl1ris ·was a · 1 iIY JJec1 fro · sl d an L cc ct Uc ocls ""ere to ! J c co t•l 1,a t tlie t,o 0 •liad ma;ny con.neotions ld al! , is . i·ir fiJ1 ti! ri B 11 i cc ; : . on·tract ,]JcL,v con - 1;n1.erc al c ,vi tl1 E11 .2:la ..., 11cl . ) t isl1,i1Js, Ltcl., 291 a 111 ec St 1. 1 (;. rs c t; r1 J v. tis '')'f r< -D i i :; <>t L J: 11 tlic case of r sl1i1) ment'5 of fo at St es d il(:! e ·un Ll1 in ccl t1l ec cx s ,,,a ct ra sl1iIJIJing co11t ,011e deliver,y the On . cla r1a Ca cl a11 es L Sta cl ilc 11 U c. 1 tl vce ct, ] 11 ds J ,roo 0 ,vas 1vl1i-cl1 la,\' governed sliii> sa 11l� i 11 Ca11aclia11 ,,•atcrs. 'J�l1c issrie f exe.r11r>lions Jro111 . l ial) iliL�"· 'fl1c: c·ot1rt l1cld. tl1a t tl 1 e de euda,nt�s liahil­ :iL)" sl1011 1cl l)c . <lctcr111i r1<;(] ]))' Ca11ailia11 Ia,\·.. si11ce it ,vas t11ere Lhat ! cctsr> '\\'2S lo ])c J)crfor11 f,f1< iii lucll i11U() 1ed. ract c:11zt e z tf of ic>11, 1. JJort 11 c I 1 1 ot li er ,, -r.ir1l ::- � 11,111 tl1c greatest: ir1tc·re.sL i11 cleter111i11ing liabil­ jl)' ,vl1er<� tl1 c n.Ilcgccl JJrcael1 oec11rrec1 in Ca11adia11 '\Vaters; tl1e United 0

SLalci> ,ro11ld -l1 a,,� 1l1 c 3. a1r1c interest ns Lo alleged �)-i·eac]1r.s occu.rring j 11 l i er ,, alcr�. or si111 i lar irll})Ol.'l i ,s tilt: ca:=:c. of Pritclzctrcl i,:. Nort:on. 292 r1�,l1c. co11Lracl. o,f i 11r'!c11111i.l)" ,v,u.s 111a , llc i11 Sta.le i\. to co,,er a Lrat.1saction in. St·alc B. rl'J1c con · lract ,- .,.·as '\�alicl 1111c1cr L11e Ja,,,- of St.a·te B., 0Jut not 0

u11<Icr tl 1 c ln,v of St�rtc i\ . . �fl1e co11rt e1111Jl1as.1zccl tl1aL :u11e 1)crforn1ance ,,·a._;:. to take 1):l1 ncc j,:1 ·S·t.atc B: i. t -f11rtl1cr c.11111•l1asizccl t 11 at t:l1e p,2.rtics 1)robal)ly· i11lcn(fccl Ll1f; ]a,v of tl1c s·l'[tle ,,·l1crc tl1e contract ,vou]d he ,·alirl lo ;!Ovcr!1 - r:-artic.:; are 11ol })l"C3t1 111ccl to i11tencl to enter into an ii.:r\·alicl con tr , � c.t. r.1� 1c t c�. · · · �1 :ra I )I·· t ·11,• 0 o[ ··]ool"'-'1 11 ,c-... 1.0 C�c. 1 · · 1 l 1s311c !n a co11tr:1ct 1s ueruou:· . l ra,L ec l 1) )7 JLli C 111(Ii: 1 11 <.::1SC (1'

291. rl3 , F'e,lcral.

r:> 1 l S .. 82,l (Unitccl States Court of ,4 ppealsi '2nrl (:irru it )930). ·· - l<. ,.cries 292. 106 U,1-it<!cl Stat<J;>s·, R />o, 1;.: SurJrenie Co urt 124 (1882). 293. 1952 .-1!l-1 11 ,l. i11 lCJ>or<'te r, L(llcuLta 359. l{eporter


' •









/ '

r la, ,,,, ,,rhic,li ''' ilS t.l 1c . ]� t, , ·OJ tJl·1c 1 ;1 . . ) -.,. · ,,c C .'\r.1lCr , .: · e :th C voya,,2:e t,c.1·m,1 n,a'-' tl ·ted arit.l 16 lex fori Tlie COll·l"t· re•. . . s'O11ecl ·.tl1a' t $11 ·1· 1ce t 1e l ,r-0 ya te 1,n 1 ge . . _. ' -. _ · 11atecl 1. n Ii iclia. a�d h e lio·spitalizecl tl1cre, India ac _ l1 l tl-1e o o·reateat -: cle cict,jtig '" l1etl1er .lie '\\'';as 'to irrtere$. t in ,}Jc ·coili-pe,n,sa,


T!lie o - f Briggs v. U11ited Ser-vices J.., ife I1iszira1 , a,5e. o ice Co., 29,i cle­ �id, ecl ,)J)r a,n A111 cr,i,can, state coi1r·t, sil10¥.·s •}10,v tl . 1 c a1J :IiL· icat.ion· of the le.t: loci cor1tr(ICti1.s ,i·11lc 1r1a y l)c .a ga . ins · t ·t11 -c. -fo-r11111 's. govern,ri 1 e11t· a . l in­ terest. The cas . e i11,- ,ol,·ccl , a,11 it1sr1ra11ce co11tra.c:t- 'l) et,vecn ,a. do111ici , .,�y , 1ia of t.}1e fo1·1U11 an cl an ,1i1'3llra:ncc COlllJ)al1Y cJo,ing ]- )tt.SiI1CSS tl1c. rc.. 1�J1e 1)0}i·cy ,v,a;5 sig , necl ilJ:' tl1e jt1511recl i11 ·Ll1c .foru111, 'J)11t i:111.dcr t:l1e a!!':l·c , ....,- e111en·t tbe contract ,vas 11ot Lo bcco111c c�ffcctivc 1111Lil a1>i)ro,,ecl l1y tlle ins11r­ cr�s l10111e office loC'alr<l in :1r1otlJcr Elate. 'J'l1r� cot 1 rt l1cld tl1at all questio - ns ,vcre to 'lJe cl ctc.r1 11i11c(l accorcli11g ;t-0 tlic le:r- 'loci co1z:trcict1Ls,

,r] 1 icl1 ,vas clcfi11ecl as t'l1c slat· c ,,-]1 crc t.l1e ]a-sL ,act 11cccssa.r); to give ,,.alidiL)' to · t11c co·11tracL ,va� rlo11c. Si11cc tl1c) ·co11L1.-a-ct ,,-a,.s 11ot to crJ-e 1 cffe,ct:i,,c 11t..1 ti l a}) pro · ,, cc1 1> )" tl 1 c i r1s 11ra 11 cc co111 J}a-11 )· at i ls 110111c officc, :l l1 e lex loci co1ztrc1ct1ts ,,·a� tl1c stale ,vl1cr<.� Ll1c l10111c c>fficc ,vas 1ocal­ cd. TJ 1 e fort1111 l 1 as a ,-ital i1 1tr.·c·sl i11 1l1c co11l.raet; $i 11cc it ir1volves i1 1Eurn11ce ll}}On tl 1 e life of jts c10111ici]'· It nl5o l1a,s ,a11 i.:1tcrc.s.t i11 con­ trolli11 g the co11LracL.::. of an ir1stira11cc. co1111}aD)" r]oiJ1g l,r1si11css Ll1erc. U 11 cler tli e JJro1)c· r }a,v- of tl1e co11t·ract arJtJroaol1� Ll1c la,,• of -tl1 c f-o'l·u111 ,roi.i ld · CO · rltrol, 1 ) tlt l J )- 11 s,:c 1,g: t l1 c ll'.'-" loci co11t1·act:11s a1 )[)roa,cl1 tl1c foru1n doc.; 11ot control a co11L1.�act in.s.11ring rl1c life Of · its clo111iciliary·.

· 1)oscd 1111cler tli_c 1�Iag11c . Draft ..c'\ c1iffercnt 21)1)roacl1 '}1 ns ]J cc.1 1 11ro · · les .of Convci..1t- 10 · · to tl1c Iz11er11at1011,1l Sa � lJ1c · 11 on t-1 1 c 1·J . a '"· �i:\- J1})1,· ·ca• Gcocl .s . 295 lJrnclc'l· t11 i,s ap ,p 1·oa�l 1 , i11 rl1e dcfa11lt of .a11 eFfccti:v:c cl1oicc r]1 ere ,a co11• • ] ,, i t on a, , 1 L 1 L i· r c. ] of (· c 1 � 1 . a 11:,11 L )l 0 f Ia,v, a11 111ter11-a t1011a1.1 sa e . ,11c · , 1) jc., o·::,o,rcr11ccl 1),, -· tl1c la·,v of :Ll1e tract c11oice of la,•i r,ro] 1 ] e111 1s 1,rc:-- c11 l cc.. . conn trv '½r]1ere t11 e ,rc11 c·1 or ,:..iJ.a.S J1 1·-,-::-. J1a1).t·t· L1al ircsiclC'11cc ,at ·tilic t11ne lie · 1e , ivccl :l > ,, ,a ,Jrra,11,cl1 o.ff1ce of tl ,::- i·ecc receives tl1 c 01·cler:, i f l1 1e 01·le r r. :' 11cl1 is located go,,er11s. B11t - c, tl 1 c l ) rn · er1<1or� the ln,•r of t l1 c J) ·..1 ace ,v I 1 c1· v 1

£1, (1962). 80 Ser ies d 29,t 117 Nortli1-cester . 1i RerJorter, 2 n ·. 111JJr11· ai1, ·.vc La1u _, 9--;5· (1952). . Co of l 1io 11r ] 0 . . aii 295. Th e text i s 1;eL ouL 1n 1 /l rneri.r


1 ase1·'s coltnlr)', tl1at lalv c.:l 1r 1�t 1e tJ i 1 i1 cl ,,e g.ov• L� ·t: ,vl1crc t.l1e orclcr is rc r]1ere rthe orcler i s \\ e .1 J)la c� receJ i·,,ed' tl c 1 0( · Ja, ,' c t l i ,, ]. · \ · :: ( oi ,v r 1e I ot crr1s. . 11 c . co ci ra lo x nt . tlts 1:lLle �1· 11Jc le . · tll e an tJ1 t e11 c1· f 1 J . 1· . ,I • ,-. rr v J Lt" 11· a e g.o,rer11s, l} ]::, j::, · d ,·\ 1u. Ji·i,. t 1· ·-,:: L·O c,rovcrn. TJ1c l)]ace wl1ere ·ll1e order, 1-.� .1 I. S }) ('Cl.[..l CS I 1l C .1· . . l , t. mt ·ac 1 co d an , 1t •lllllit 1.e ; ctio11 1v1LJ1 t: J.e 1e111 ii ,,c, V c 1-.1 I 0 1 ,.t' • . }JC ] 1 -·1 I · C(] "'' J"C('C'l'' ar - ties.St . p , ill 1e l 1• f tl1i s state c 1c o1 of · lio 1 1 ca lo l 1 1c 1 ra J l r ,o· c 11c c sid tl1 c rc- . niay 110t l>e 1J 1 c IJl.O�t i1n1Jorta11t stale as reg ards tl1e p articl1lar �"'1le Jle, sl101rlcl 11) eirha, 1 m f a· ex · oL c, 11r je a m e rc fo f 1 ps in (Jt:1Cs, tio,n . ..:-\. CJtlcstio 1 o . cl1 tl1e g oods ,vere t o J1e l1i v ,111 fro le sta <� Ll1 of ,r Ia, c 1 tl C(l l>)r ril ,,c 1 g<. l>c )erutit a f}ro r)er ,veighin J t nc> es clo it � ; le. rt1 tc 1t l so l t :: J l al l 1 vit , . g sc11t ..lts · i icl11 al li, i11c d an Lal 1c11 1111 ir1terests ·er go, 1 a!l(l Jala11ci 11 g of Ll1. c rc::-11ccli,,c r t] .1 al Ill a\r ]) C j ll\ oJ.,rec]. '.






It is s1Ll } 111ittccl t l1 n t l l i e so LlnJc;;t al) l) roacl1 for Etl1 io1lia to· adopt is tl1at i 11 itll e alJ sc 11ce of a111 cfl'ccLi'\ ·c� tl1e 1Jro1)er la.,v of the . re tl1e cer­ · · l1a, a1)1)roacl1 cloes not 1is l c lc i Vl1. \ ,n. t,govt'r l l ou 1 s1 ract t con· - :l1 or tl1c Hag ue a1),p roach tai11 t:-1" Ll 1 aL Ll1 c le., lnci co1ztrC!{:t11s a 1)-11ro a c ] 1 a.3� it l1 as. c1i.:- ti -11ct ad,0 �111 t,agc$ ,t.l1al cor11 1 Je.n�ate for tl1 e Jac. k of certain­ l)"· 'J'l 1 is a1>1,roacl 1 cr1al).lc� I�tl1io1)ia Lo l)rolect its go,,cr11111e11 tal inter· c:-:t,:-; .i11 a 1,ro1.>c.r cn:-e. C.:011tract::; l. 1a,·il1g a greater co1111cction ,,,it h l�t·l 1io1)ia ,tl1 a11 elsc,r•l l erc ,,-iJl 1)c g:o,rcri:.1ccl 'lJy Etl1 io1Jia11 , -� "·e . ] 1a,'c sec11, 1J1c r,J;1c.:c of u1,:1kir1� is oftc11 forl11itot1 s - it 111,ay l1 ave no rca1 eonnccti,on ,vit l 1 1l1c co11t1�acl. rl.,o tl1 c cxtc11-t tl1-a.t tl1 e �arrie.5 are '. t•ltii1J<i11g al)out a. 11:.1r tic11lar la,,·� i t. i5 111orc likcl � to ])e t11 e la,v of the! ) J)lnce , villi ,,·]1icl1 Ll1c co11L'liact l1-a3 t:11c 111ost s,i nif. icant connectio ns g,. tlian I.lie 1,lacc \\"l 1crc tlic:· l· 1 a1).1)0r1cc1 to 111a k c t11e cont1-act.A; LO ccr· · 1 • · 11nc1t "ir1 I,-•. 1 , � <.'<'l"l' . ,,' 111 1 c1· L11c z.e�"t: zocz.· contTlLct:11s r11-1e 1 ''"l·ic r�v . - it· i .., i:10 t '11: ,,-,•. tlie corllract ,ra, s 111atlc� si11cc cli[fc.rc11t sl,atcs l ,a 5 1 , e cliffe-rent co·n ce_ pt ion I . · ')' can 1' al) o u t l h is I) oi 11 L -{\· 1 ::. -0 � · ])'1 . 1 . lics · un cs1) ec-1a ll)� concernecl "v-itih c- erta l · . . al,vn,·s • ] , )J "O \'i c cl · l l• 1 a• l tJ· ic ]·,1,, · Iie · · T o 11. a f ]), ,go,·e· r a rt1c11'La �ba11 r l)lacc . . 1,. 101,_ c. . r- la,v of. tl1c co11L l.,,l<.'L U})- , ,. · , o l) 1 oac1 1. ,.,,-1·1·1 111s · g 1e t l1re 1)1·otect1on -t o l . . · <�rn11 tc11 la1 11 1Lcrcsts. of -. .1111 . . r sta 1•' L· l110 · r� 1 a and otl1e 1 st ·tes,. a11cl 1n tl1c ,,a . . of c:a:-::cs ,rill nccor<] ,vitl1 tl . ... ic cx-1)cct,.at1.,o-11,s -of cl1e partie s. , 1




If ·tl 1is a1) -J>rcJ:iel i i,· ,ic. ] · ;. . 1 1• ,10 ,, , 0 1) t e . ] c rc · ai1cI tl1c pa.rt1es, ,a!5 ,a(l:\70cated p . . I)', .t. rc ·1,cr1111 llcll to c· l ,o,. o.,c llt: : . t c ·· -r:J , con l t go . ,rei·11!'11g ·la,,,, .til1 e .1·1tlc a s· to


· rcl·i• Liri g. t O \...•,<11·,ILl"L ' 0311 be st.atc«l as Jo11o,v5. QL1C:::tior1s I y, llllCrrl, l"Cl,al10rL · , of co11lract 11a 1 11c rfo e r {)c s 5J 1a]I antl o ·o,·c.t·ilrcl 'I, ) }r ·Ll 1C 111a,,,, 1ca�o11a,) , be ;:11 V . � cho5en b) - tl1 c 1, Jartics lJrovicle cl (1) Ll1c co1-1l:r -nct i 11 qt1csLi>01n .j3 not ill�� · r� al 11r1der t.J1c la,v ,o·f Etl1io1)ia' ,vl1 crc · · r. Et · l 'oi ti Ji ]a , ·· a o '- 11 , \V \\ Oll1C1 o-o\rern 111 the nbsc11cc of cl1oicc, ( 2 l tl1c J>arlietilar clloic<' of la,v cloe. :-: n:l in,·o],·i� · ar1cl I css 3) Ll1e ar . a c of l a,,· 111 ,,. J11c lu1fairn • I 1 L I 1r- cl1 oicc j., 111a<Jc is 0 pec. 1·eg1.1·latccl J· Jy Etl1-i·orli.a11 ]a if· i ca1 1) s not , , ,,·, ,v.J 1 ic.l i ,vo 11 J c] •go, • �c.r, 1 jn the , alJsc11cc of cl1oicc. '"\'\i l1 erc t.lic 1)a1·tie5 l1 a,1c "JlOt 11 1 ad.c a.11 cffecLi,·e •



, o,,cr11iz1� la,,· sl1 a]l ;JJc 1]1c 11ro11cr. ]a,v -of -tl 1c contract, choice, : the g ,vJ1icl1 sl1all be (lctcr 111i11ccl i11 nceorcln11c<' ,vit.l1 tl1c �o,·er11111c11tal jnl<''J"· C!'ts of the slnles i11,,ol,·ecl n11(l tl1 e c-xr1rctatio 11s c>f tl1e 1.1arlic�; 1l10

.proJJer la,,· ,of -tl1c cor1lracL 5-}1:111 ·l)c tl1c la,,· of 111 c sl-ate , , ·.it:11 '\"hicl1, in ]ig, , l1t of tl1e alJo,·c factor�. Ll1c co.11t.r. a ct ( o r tl1c 11,a.rt,ic11lar 11art in question) l1as tl1e . 111o�L s11lJsta11tial co11 11cclio11.

TI1erc 'r c111ai11� Ll1c c-011E-i(lrrution of ,,-l1icl1 ·la,,, '."O".<'r11� cruc.stion:; of fort111 ancl ca1Jacily·. :\.s to f.orr11� so111e g11iclancc 1 1 1a)· 1l1f' J.ou11d i11 :\.rlicles 17]9-1726 of tl1c Ci,·il Colic. U11clcr 1\rt.iclc ]719 1 l l, 1111le,.: � · otJ1c1,, pro,iclerl. 110 s11ecial for111 of a co11lract is rccruircd, a11<l a 1 contract j� ,·alicl ,,·l1<'rc tl1e JJ::trlics agree. U11llcr t.l1c general 11ri11ci1Jlc or . Locus re,!!it <1cli111i c111rsti o 11s �1.:: lo f or111 [Ire go..vcrn<'rl ·1):" tl 1 <' la•,v 01 tl1c

1 f}lace ,,·l 1erc clo 11e. Tl1i� 111ca11E tl1aL if tl1c r)arlic. , F::Li::f;: t li1· rc·cr11ir '­ , n1enls as Lo for111 of tl i c ]a,.,.· of tl1at 1,•lar.c� Ll1f'ir agrccn11·11t ·,rill lie r t] 1c 1a,v O[ L]1c filacc 1 ]1) ril><'�(l C' $ , I)l'C 111 l for tl1c l" , ali l� Ll1011 gJ1 i t is 11ot ir1 s d·ocs 11ot thi L Bu l. e i tn: con thr of itv lid ,.-a i,-c nL ) �la that !!o su� rn e c ,· s tl 1 . · ... r tl1<' agrcc111r·11t 0115\\·cr tl 1 c <JLICSl!Oil of �,-J 1 :il la,,· clclrr1 11 inc� ,.,·l1c'Lhc1.. rliclc· 59 of - ll1c Draft FrC".llCll c: o ,lo (' Ulll:-L ] J c i 11 ,vrili1 1g. For cxa.1111)!1:. _\. 1 c s11l>3ta11Li,,c re<Jt1irc1 1 1c11Ls f<)l' tl s r11 ,·c go 1 icJ 1 ,,-J s ,\r ide Ja c i proY tli nL ''tl 1:=:t . for it..:; ,·alid� 111t t ne 1:; 1!1 cr 1 tl l1c ,\· :-1c 1i1 r11 tc :: <le ,·alic liL}· of an act. a l o 1C'11tic: ill a1 11 '. 111ad<' j11 tl1c for111 of })r f. � _ I ity; or for J>LLrt)osc of 11roo . , ,,r:tinµ: (.lornic , d rie , p: :=-i n of 1 1 . r1 fo 1c tl . 1 1 i 1 act (f01711c aull1 e11tic1t1c) or tl1nt £or� ri(lccl lll1(1cr 1-\rlic1c- 61 , 1,ro �o : ..Oll$·Sei11g J)ri·ve). IL j� a.l 1ro p crt � · rig:lits 1 of r fr 1� a1 Lr or nl 1r 111 ::l n1alitics rc<.ruirccl fo r tl 1 c r.S'l.,!l >-li are lo l J c ccrov·c1-nccl J 1 ,v tl1c: la,,,· of tl1r 3it11�-

'..• •


· �'>96 a,� . ll · i i1 ,vriti11g., st1cl1 as lancl contracts 1,c · .(l.s 1 l(ir 1 ' cttai1 c. U]1de.r 1\..rt icle 1719 7 29 c. 1te ar ar u ,,· . 1l 1 ar (2) il r-. ... ···il 1 1c. c i11�u1 [ O· acts . contr . . 11ot <li�r d 11l 10 1 t sl t1r co tl e 1d a1 . , . i·y ·c, 111,111 (lato egarIt �:, l Cil " lll"CJll . r CCJl r B .tl1e .. r c o tlicsc . 1 ,, l :,a1 1 t ken i: ) cl e e. 1e a �e d ct 1c� rl 1>a e 1l 1 ;;c .. c ·I r · ) c. 11 . : ' tl1e111 111crc ].) .1 _ o t 1 per la,v, its 11.111n' r · : })r e l as en os cl1 js le sta er . . 1 f . otl ] ·111 .o ' r . \\' Il ere ll l C di\\ e, for cre fl1 . ecl t c. �i\.rticle 1?!9. pc res J ! e. l t · . l ou 1 c:l :, -'nt . 1 c cl t! lOr\" rccJtlJJ. c11 s i 1J , ·and V�honw(l•J i 1io ·tl · E an 1aw ']), · d 11c cr , iro ., • t;; 1c . r: 11t . co ·l:"' 1 ' '. ·1·1 . • · • ' ( a l)'J)'I y . to $1· l Oll 1·1 • • l}· tl1e s11111lar recruir ea:1en1s ' )f> :lJ to t ur co 1r tl rc 11i c1 rc ]ic co 11&tr11c(l to o,ve,;e1·, tllc 4Jrescr ilietl 1 it, . ali I-I cl : ,, i11g cr11 go\' e c (J[ stat · )n t]l r i tl ,, C 0 1)s 298 and the am st ue . 11 ve 1·e lo 1g tj1 la r<� rs lc aL 111 or (�<l foru.i Lo ]J c LIS ,Iiclit)·: exc , e1Jt for ooni:ra, ct3 re­ ]j,kc ;:;! 1011,l c l 11ol :ilfcct :"trl i $la11Li,·c ,·a , 111 �l1011ld! 1Je detcrn1in ed ,111ircd {;o l i e in ,,·riling. nil Cfttr,:li1)I1 3 a� lo fo r o {. COJl 1 ra.t:·L :-,..






· s ,111ade in accordance tl 1c .la,,· of t l· i e J)lace ,,0l1cr(' ·tl1r aµ-rccr11c 11t ,,a '\\"ilJ i t! t c flt"inciJ_J•Jc or /()Cl/S reg·it (t(:/;/t/11. ]iy


'l'l1 e cruc�s1io11 of ,rl1nt J�i,," �c>�\·cr11s ea1)acit:· i.s to a ·lange exlcnl a <Ju:.-stio11 nJ cl1,:r£1('lcri2alio11. If caJJaciL)· i'3 r.l1aracterizecl a.s a qu� 1 in11 'fir ro11t.rnc-l. la,,·, tl1l' 1 1 it ,,·ill ])c go,·er11ecl ]))' tl1 e 11roper Jaw OL the co11tracl: ·l>tit ii" it i� c:l1ar;1clcrizcc.l a� a q11ertio11 of person:!· ],�\\-� it ,ri.11 ·!Je ·[-�o,·,,rnctl •Ii,- tl1c ])Cr:3011al ]a,v of tl1e })arty ,rho:c <·:11iac:ity· i� i11 11ue':-tio11. i.e., l>'. . tl1e 1�1,,· cif 11i.s L10111icilc.I-Io,r t o charac· i<'r;zc tl1is <111c:-lion .::liould · 1,c 1!cc: tl 1 ,tl i 11 accorcl:111ce \fil.} 1 tl: 1e v2:oYern· Coiisid<'r tlti::: C'��a 111.1>le TJr1(1cr tl1c Ja,,· of Stale 1\.. 111arried ,volllcn . <·annot <· 11 tcr iiitc) l'Dr1lracl�: l111(lcr tl 1. e l '-1,v ·of State B., tl1C)' can. A , �l'c1l <: :, \ niarr,r ,.) . .l,I ,, ·o 11 in11 cr1tcrs i11to a co11tra,cl, 1\"l 1icl1 , accordi11� 10 • I (:' t ., 'C ·\ • • , .. l. - : . --- c- ll o, 1 _,_ ,,·ou t, • 1c · • f· (" u1' -, •• .. ,·'- 1 . ll.t' Sta· r o Ja"v 1 , ic 1 1!!0, ·cr11ccl vl)) tl1e .. .-. ' . · •' ·.iJ 13. jui[ is sl i r11u�· u- l 11 111 :iroi . �-,::l<' i --\ . '['1 JC' i�-�t1e i:; ,\·l1cll1er sl1e can ,1i c co 1 1 t r :1 t' , . 2 9 '> Ir l1l(, . , _ . Il . .rs cl1�lr:::ctcr1zecl <[llL:--ti<) a .;; one of contract, < :i\'il ('od" o t· E�'·l1 1. OJ) .Ia , ..'\. I" I i r 1 e 17 2 ;S : . , ') ,,_ ('.1•,· . . _., il (.ode o f l�1l1io11iu ,


:\rticl c ]-'--�. ?-::: 29B. .s e e hal � o f EIh i o l. . . 1.. . . . I . , J) ,l, .-\ L}cle 1120 (2) ,,,}1ere 1L 15 pror1oed . 1l 1·011L1"ir·L 1·. rn " \·c ,e .. l 1· l{ l 1 llO . ' . . L\\'.J L} 15·t·,tnc . 1·ing tl1:1t 1f11 <. . noI }lfO\'JE1ons hnvc 3c:1l · J111pl:ed ,villi. : '. I '.:!99. Ihc:-:c,arc the 3; 1 fal'L,; of 1�1·1z· 111. e1i 1;. Pratt., 12::,- 1vfassaclzuse/ts lZep or/S 1 ·' · (187•l). • (\�

('.", \' .,i ,., ., ode




Stale B Ia,,· .,,·ill go,·c 1, 1: a11cl sl1 c ,rill l)c l 1 cl,l li ab le . If i t is cl 1 araclcrizod as 011e o f. J)Crsorial la,v� Slate 1\. ]a,,· ,, l govern, tl1 c ,vo 111.u11 ca11 a,·oid tl1c coin·Lra· ct d·1le to la0k of ca11>ncit)·. 111 0tl i er ,ror,l do �. c-.::; , · ca ,acit)r relate to C · 011Lract Ja,v or t>Cl".:-Ollu•l ]a,r'? Ir tl1 i :'- (JUCSti,or1 i i; 1 , :ic,v cd· fro111 fro1r1 a stai1cl.i Jo i11 t or p:o,·c-rn111r111 al· i r1 tcrcst� ti ic r>ro ,rr 1 re.:-ult f-o r cacl1 std-le i.::· 11ot cliffie 1 1lt to dC'lC'r ,11 1i 11 < '. Stat(' .:-\'� r,olic)' j:; to 1)rolect its 111arrie(l ,,·0111en (iL 111 1ay llic-liovc tl1 at 111arr: f'il ,ron1e r1 enter into contrae:ts l- >ccat1sc ol' tl1c i11Jl1.1r11cr o f 1-l1c ·ir l 1 u5hancl :- l. Tl · 1\isl1es to 11rotecl t· l1 er11 c:\·cn at tl1c- C'XJJr11 sc of i 11 J 1 i1biti 11 co 11 1n1 rrrin,l !! • · tran5actio ns. 1 Co11seqticnll�-- it �hottld · cl1arnc.lcrizc tli1' r1L1r�tio11 a:.=; one. of IJCr:,011nl •la,,- n11 (1 tl1t1s ·go,·rr1 1 etl l· i�- tl1c Jn,,," of Stalr , i\ . St:ilr B · con-cernccl ,ril�i !,!l'Iar::i11teei11g tl1<' scc11r:l)· c>f ron1u11·rrial lran.-�ar­ i�

-iions. It sl,ou·lcl e!1ur2ctc-rizc- tl 1 <' Cjt.l<':-lion a:'- -one of ecnlr�1rt l:1,,· and · gover11ecl lJ). tl,e r)ro1Jer la,,, of tl1e ro11lracl. 300

In clceitli11g ,vl 1 at Etl1io11ia sl1011lcl rlo. ,vc 111ay 11r::.L a:-1,: ,vhen :-:uc.11 a rrue.sti-on i_ li:kcl:,· Lo ari:=c i11 E1l1 io11i:1. J�1l1io1Jia ,,·oH, ld lin,·c juri:::clir·­

Lion in a contracl ea.:;c ,rhere tl1e dcl'1·11lln11l is an ELhi:l11i:.1n ilo11 1 icili­ ar,· or naLio11nl or ,vl1 crc the co11\r:1,;.-l in CJllefl:Oit ,,,·a::. ro11n!url1·tl liC"rr.

or otl1ct"\\·ise i� clo::cl\- coI1nccl<'1l ,,· itl 1 1�Ll1io1)ia; 301 i11 Lh,� Jailer situatio11. Etl1 io11ia11 .Ia,,; ,,·otrlrl <)fle11 lJc tl1c, 1>ro 11cr ·1a,•: o[ tli<' 1·011tract. Let 11s ;:,::.31t111c Ll 1 at ar1 Etl1ioJ)i:111 11lai11tifi' Ili:!k(•,.:. a c-nnLr:tr'l in Et1 i iDJ)ia \.,·it} 1 a11 _.\ D1 cr:ca11, a�r' 2,0.

l.o lie ])1)rfor1 11rd t·nlirc·l,- i11 ELI1 io1)ia, e.g., a co11Lract for tl1f' :,;:1 le o!' goo di.:=- 1,erc. L e:l. 1.,:::. aI.-n �_i:.;:-uu1 <� _ , tl1 aL under tl1 c la•vv of tl 1 e c1cfenda11l::- ·Iio11 1 1• :;talc- (the !\1111·riean ,_-;

not do, 11 1 icilc(l i ii Etl1 ioi)ia) a J1C'r�o1 1 j,:; ro11::i1lcrc(l a 111inor t:ntil lie c,h1li�atio11 l·e�cClC.:, 1 � ti lC c..1'.!'C ,•· 2] , Tll � 01 . lI-:;·, tl i � · U C'fc11il:111l ro1 1lLl :rroirl thL' if rhc Ia,,· of 1 1 ; 2, 11 0111 e :=lalf' ;.!o ,·c-rnr<l. J11 :-:,uc!t a ca3c it i� in the-. inlcrcs.l of Etl1 io1 1ia to cl1 ar:1c:crizc the J>rinci·i>al c1uc 3tioit a.: on�· of 0·o,·C'rn:-. flic . · 0 f ti ic. . cor' L 1"lC ' l ·v conlracl �11d l 1 olc] Ll1at tl1c 11r-01>cr l ,,,, .111 g i 11 Etl1io1)ia) tl1:11l'-s I )C 'r:i ;: O ll J Etl1io11: 211 ·1>1ainii fr ( or l111. i 11r:-.•ltla

� . . · 811 ,,s 01i tlie Conflict. of 1:,ucs 71-127 E's ! le( l .ec, 300. Sec e 5 1Je, Cu1 lly era gen . an:r 1 yzc::-. ,iH'- 1,rol,lcrri froin the sl:rndpo1nt of e rri Cu · fe.:; . � J • ]J ( ]96 . io . J.:1 s-or . 1on · :,... . . · . · 1 1,1l act s111 · 16 in l ner rcr · te,- con . ::.-, 0 r 1 I ,e ,-tn . e1.e5L the nov e ern1ne1Jla.l 1nt . :;11r,,ro. nolcs J?? . .:..,.• . -M·1"' 3 .111<l ia op • rr� ' hi ' • • l1·11· L .1 0 11 in Et 301. See the <lisrussion of Jn acron1panying text. - ]01 -

1c ELl1ioJ) ia n Ci,·il C ode, Ll f o :3 1 1 io i? -,' o 1r ., _=. <>f tl i e 1 1 1r_.1 tc 1 1-1 )'" IL . <: a Of ca1> > r�o11 t111.clcr .tl1e age of 18. 302 e 11 < ]> a � a r o I1 1j 1 , a f t ] 1 a L 1. !',, J'Jc tl1;_11k:s o ilal ·la,\' of e,er�· person ;--O r JC ir Ll l ) t< in k o lo ca11110L l>c cx1,cclcd to r e t l 1 C $CC L1 ri c .-, e.s· r }) O l \' l r C l ( r O n I · , of 'r n j l .-· (' I 1" l , 11 u ,. . I • '1· _:: ' . I 11 ,r1 l ,1 ,r l10111. t 1 Jacil )r is deter. 1a ca Ll le i< v ro J) l l< · u 1o 3] 1 i{,1>ia 1l E . 11� 0 ti ac 1� a1 Lr �� r n �i l,u ri . ,, ll ·see, there are 1\_3 ,,,c . . ia p o 1i Ll E f o · ", th e � la 111incd accordi11.!.!: lo 11ort o[ t11e Ciril 11, i1 r ea oi l1c rJ� a. ,i o1 1i tJ E 1 i1 t�[c,,· lii 1 iiLaliOiJ:', O!l C'.llJac:i a11c1 on]' )' in TaJ·c cases , nE io ct �a an tr l ia r.c l 1c r11 1 1 co c Coile j:3 lo 1.t1})l i ol :' citJ·· 303 1 l1is need has i)a ca of (ik la to e clu cl i Ic < ·D [:, r IJ ('ar 1 a contrart 1 like Etl1iopia, desire to l1� 1ic ,vl :=:: r11 ste :3)· l ga le 'r 1< l ot 1. 1 i cd J,cc.11 rrro 6-r r,iz 2,9 o'[ tl1e Dr.aft French lc lic 1\..r r le rPr U 1s. or rli Ea a11 tr l a· rci 11e 1 tlJ)l t nld co111t 11 "'·110 is ·,,·itl1out legal ie al a11 · •1J: ce an Fr i11 l cc 111 'lt 11C co el ra nl Codt'. a co 1t is ca1)ab1e 11ndcr l)t 1 ,,· ·la n cig r fo· )lc l C'a }J1li ::If) c ) tl r cJ,1' l111 ca11ac it� 1 are , a'l .11n vas , · rty of pa ing acl 1tr co1 i�r otl tl1c if . Fr,-nc·l t j::,\ ,- i� ,·a lid





l I 1e la<' 1.:.. of enJ)n ci L ).. 1.\. rec i Jl roea l 1)r cr•,isi on p1·0,·id e::. tl1at a Frenchman ]acl-: 11 g: c·a r,a ci l ). 1111 tl cr 17rcne I 1 1a,,,, ]) tit J'l ossee-si11g caIJ ac.i l) ' 1111cler the la,\· of the 1:-lacc ·,rl 1 crc lie co11clL1<lccl tl1e contract. j5 llO-t1ncl if the oLhcr ,Jl�trl? ,,·::� una,rarc of tl1c i11ca11acit:·· tl1c Greek Code . tl i c !-=a111c. ru lc is n1>1,Jical)lc to co111111crcia] co11tract.5- concluded in (·;r<'C<·r' !1) · forc.j g:11cr� lac-l,i11 g ca1)acit:" 1111cl�1· tl1e i1 · la,,�. 30,1 Urrder lta.lia11 la,,- ll1r rorc�iµ11r·r ,rho lac-ks ca1)aeit)� t1n· clc1.· 11is IJersonal ·la,r, into entered 1>tll po:-�cs�cs iL 1tr;.<lc-1· Itali a11 1�1,,·. iE- ·l)ou111l l),c o11trarts · • i11 Ita·l,: l111L tl,e c·a1>�1rit>· Cl[ all ItJ]ia11.s.. i11ci1t1cli11g tl1osr dealin g aliroad, i::. clc-tt·r111i11cll l,:· ltalia11 la,,·. 30j Etliioi)ia 5]1011lll protect it� :•nvcr111111�ntal i11lc·resl� ,111d l1{11ll t\ 1 at /!C:'llCrn]l.� Ll i e car1,acity of 1,cr.�-011� tu co11lracl ,,·l 1erC ' !!·o,·cr11s tl1-c co1- 11 racl i3 a 111all<'r o[ co11\raet la,r a11rl lo l1c llccidc·1l i11 accorcla11cc ,\-j tl1 the l11r 0 [ J�; I lJ i u p i ;1 • 0

Il II L ]C' l

11 � � -·:1 ,·

. per· l \ ta l t \ lf' }>:trl;,l'., 11 ; ·c 1 l10 t1 l Slll )JCCL lo rl1 c saiuc

;J02. ;;ivil (:ode of Etliiopia. .-\rtic lr:- 198 199 · ;10]. l hn;;, ttnt1er .\rlirlc �] 5 . ! f I · ° t.ic Civil Code, contracts entered i�to by-� ·. � n1inor arc valid �, -11 ct� 1 1 1c ollier }larty ronld i 11 goo cl faitl1 beJie ,"C ilia the 11tinor ,,..·n· 1'\ •.11111 1or1zcl1 Lo ·o 11\·lnu d·o 8 ' l .1, n ·e c tn t 1en1. ,and be )1as JtOL k ' Ja�c of thl! inPX · Ilcr·1c,11 r<' o r t 11c 1111nor. . lc ·_1to 30it. N "' to11011l0:-, SIL[)ra. llOlC lA'-"' a ,. l l 160 · · :- I,er, Sll/!l'a, 11ot 305. -l\! (·(.u c 146 at 75-76.

- 102 -



-so-nail ja,\' a11 cl co 1 1tract it1 . ELl1i-01)ia. For ex a-1111 t)lc, L,,.0. Frciicll <lo111j_ ciliaric5, aged 2,0, enter into a contract i 11 Et1 1 iotJia �o � ) e 11crfot'lllCd J 1 crc. U11der Frencli •]av.- l )crsoll5 ·Jac� l, ca1)ncity· to co11tract u r1til tl1 c1r attain Lhc a·ge of 21. Does ·Etl,ioJJia real l y l'1a,.·e a11 intcrc�t i 11 c11forci ng: tl1is co11t.rc:•cl? F .r a ncc 11::is clctcr111i11crl tl1al tl1csc })Cr�o-113 ]adz the capacity- to co11tract: 1 )rcsurr 1 al ,11° c::ic:1 1 .,,·a;; a,rarc of J 1 ii- cli-a1))i]itvand .of t l1c disall)i1it)· of tl1c otl1cr 1)art:· (Ll1<' rcsttlt ,ror1lrl fl>c tl1c �a1111.e if one of tl1c 1)arlics l1 arl altai11cd 111ajoril)'). �o p:ovcr11 me11tal interc5t -of Etl 1io1)ia is aclvrrscl): alTcrlc'<l : ]),- rcif,t1�in,'.! to c11' . J

-force this co11 tract; s11cl1 a 1·1.11c ,rill 11ot i11l1il1it. co111111crei:rl tran$aC'tio11s. Here ELl1io1Jia sl1 ottlcl rcco!!nizc tl1c Slll)crior ,go,·c.1·n111c,11Lal i ntcrc�t of France in 1)rotecti11g 1>crson.3 sttlljc-cL lo its llcrso11al lav.r. :306 B )r tl1c same toker1., in -tl1c 1 1 11] il,cly e,,e11t tl1nt 1.l1.c clc,fc11rlar1t [)OS­ se53C5 ca1)acity

l1is J)er2-011al la,,•, l)u.l 11 ot uncl'cr Etl 1 io1)ian Ja,v. the cot1rt sl1 ottld. J1olcl tl1al l1c l1a::- ca1)aciL�·. rl.'l1r· }>l·o,:isio11:=- rclatir1!! to capacity are clcsi gn ccl to 11rolccl })Cr5ons :-1.1l)jccl lo the 'f)f'rso11a·l 11 nclcr



]a," of Etl1 io1)ia� \Xil1crc tl1e state ,,·itl 1 ,vl1 01u n11 i11cli,,iclt1nl l1as tl1c 1nosl si·gnificant co11 nccLion clceicle� tl1at lie do1·s 11 0L 11cccl pr<.>lccti<>n. t]1 cre is 110 1·easo11 ,,rl1 y · Etl1io1>in .::l101:1ld'· 11rov·i1lc. �ucll ,prolcc f io11 l<1 l1in1. 30i TJ1 ereforc. a.5 lo co11tracls ,,·l1crc E1l 1 io11ia11 la,\' is Ilic- 1,rol'cr Ja,v of tl,e co11tracl, tl1 c 1·t1le sl1ot1l<l ]Jc tl1:1t c1t1csLio11 :. of cn1)acit�.­ - c·r1· tlir 1 iarltC' ..;; sho11ld be cleter 1 11i 11ccl ·I > ;-·· ELl1io1);a11 ·l,�,\-. cx,cpl tl1al , , h

l1 avc tl1 c sa1nc r·crso 11al la,r� Lltf' c1-11c�1io1 1 of' ca1)::cit:,· �l 1 nulcl ,lit' detern1i 11ecl lJ y ;t}. 1ei1· conw1or1 1)c:rso11al ]a,v� a11d ,vl1c�re arl)' 1Jc[c11cla 11t 0 tl l)c clcC'1111·d lo l1a,·c 1 l ou l sl 1 has capacity 1111clcr l 1i5 1)er5or1al ·1::i, ,·. c capacity, tI1011 g} 1 li e clocs not 1)o;scs:3 it t111clcr tl1c 1a,v g-o,•cr11i11g tl1c contract.

1 1 c co11Lr a ct ·is tlie tl or ,,· la r )c 01 11)1 c tl1 c cr 1 ,vl Tl1c 11cxt sit untior1 is iliary. ]a,v of anolli er .slulc, } L'li e dcfc11 da11 L is ::i11 Etl1 iOJ_)ia11 clo111ic I Jcr.:-0 11 a-l Shou lcl. i 11 s.t1cl1 a case� ca1)aciL): ,l>c co115iclcrccl a c1 uestio11 or ,v 1:i n ia al r It dc 11n cl tc ra lr i� · t) ci pa cu la"·? _\_s ... ,re sa,v., tl,is is ]1 0,,1c tl1cr l ,,· cr id 11.:. co e ,r e or ef B I · · } 'cc · o 1n,· · · )' c]c· p1·Lc the · laclz o,f rcc1· 1)roc · - 1l

e.s ss se l)o on rs . 11e c Ll1 , le 1p an � c:--: s ]1i In 2. . , no.1.e 300 at 91-9 306. s ce C urr1. · e, su . p,a person cl1d i1ot. e t11 jf _ t en er _ ff di no is n1 ru l fo b e 1]1 capacity, ut L 1e ,nteres t o f 307. lbicl.

- 103 -

·1 h ts ac o tr 11 o r e v o t . 1e at iL tl s le a st � tl 1 o cr to )' ri c tl l lt >11 1( sl F�ti1io1)ia 1 r c a L a ,o th p y d n k h : iL is very will r c h cL h w k as y a m e w , itself dc1i1anrh . }Joss-es-s ca1Jacit y unidcr t l1e la\i' 1t 1 • �> ·, ,, "Ia 11 o1)ia Jack: caJ)acit:,· u 11 clcr ]�tl 1 i 1 l1c11 ,ve cons-ider ·tll1e li,111ita tious \X t. ac tr n of tlic �late g,0 ,,crr�i 11 g t.l i c co c that 6U.Ch a situation l }Yo ,ve --


e se w e, od C il iv C e Lh in ed in .ta n co -on caprncity Ja.cit y· to contract are 1 ca 1 01 s n io at it 111 li " l on ) is 1111likc1y· ,to occ 1 1r. 'fJ 1 c t io11. 310 _A._ n1 i11or is ic 1 rd i1 te l ia .ic ,d jr l 1c 111i11 oril)': 308 in�a 1 1it:,· 309 a1 any if ,,, e, F 1 31 . 18 f o e ag e l1 · t cl 1c i1 1 ·,,,1 10 l1a.s 11-ot atla dcfi11ecl ·a.:: one

i rl ; ea er · 1y a1 · many proty 1·i 1 jo 1 1a s i11 ta at 1 o1 rs J)e . at a tl 1 c d i ,. states 1)ro, r lil<.el)', tliere�oi·e� that It is 11ot ,,eI�) . 21 ,·iclc for a later age s11cl 1 as ll ]jc c:011sidered an ,,,i ,v la 11 >ia o1 l1i Et er 1cl l11 or r1 i 111 tl a 11c c1 (lc a })t�rso11 t. 312 c ra 11t c co tl1 · !! i11 r11 ,•e go lc �ta e tl1 1 or ,. \\' ]a · n1l 11lt u11drr tl 1 c ·


:\.� to i 11 :::�111ity., tl 1 c J)·rovi:3i<Jt'.:3 of tl1c ]a,,· arc s11cl1 tl1at a person (·onsid1-rc1l i 11�a 11c .unrlcr ]�Ll1 io1.>ia11 ]a,,· i:3 r1·ot li].;:.c.Jy· 10 [be considered

,_··01111>1'lc�11l l 1 111.lcr tl 1 e ]a,,, ·of tl1c stale go,,crning tl1e contract. A no­ i11sane • lo r i Cl t.1.� ly· i11� a11c ])C rso 11 1 a ck:" ca 1 }Uc i L)' �· 313 ]J tit a no toriol1sl,, 11>:- 'J·ea:3011 of 11is 1 11c11ta1 l co11cl:itio11 is an ,,·l10 011c �!:'ed defin :s n ,cr::o 1 i 11n1atl' o[ a l 1 0:3f>ital ,or an i11�titt1Lior1 for i11E-a11c 11crs.011·s or a nursin g

l t c•n1c�. :Jl 1 .!\.1 ::: o: a 1>crso11 '"110 i::: 11(>t a11 i111 1 1ate., :lJllL ,vl1osc infir:niitr. ' is a1i1>nrr:Jll .la('ks ca,r,arit )·· :315 l·I,o,r<',·cr. ,,· l1e re Ll1c conc1itio11 j5 nol · Jllr1t · · 1·1c:1 1 act,; s11c]1 as 111E··k'in� 1101.oriou.�. a 11cr�o11..111·,t:· ·,· 1t.·i L •111tJ>t1i.r:1 1 11s 8 e.;orilrai·L 011 tlic ,grount1 of i 11sa11it\0 316 It j3 clou:l)tf.i.:11 if tli.e ]a11' of •

.J•) �J(' O.

j09 . ;�) 0 311 '."> · ') .) .1 -,

:l J 3. :rt -I. ') l ,)�:). 316.

�:iv-il C'.oi'le of J;ihiopia, .:\rtil'le 313. l3t11 _,.: \.rLiclc 31 5 and the di:cUS· �1011, supra, note :10:�. (:iYil ('.,ode of l�tl1io. 1)i·,, .1 � 31·.:>" 1 , _,\1·t1·,.t.: 'I ('" _., v1_ (.ode of l�thio1)i:1' ..\,-11· 1 ·I e.:., ··3�·1 3 ,)..,8 ..,1 • ( "IVL. I c·.oc1e of ]�1l1iopia , ;\rtielc 198. ' . : _ U 1der 1\ri1c-le :\02 of 'Ll1e (�iv"1 l ., o l � t . t rac con a de nclu c ' 111:1) r 11ot lt1lo o a '. e. l. ( ._ ,,·1tl1 the niinor ('X · 1. e, l>1 '' tl 1 1 11 ie a11111orizalio11 of the family council. Thf : _ qu · or e,:;t io1 · n oi 1 �[ ' rt> l·it · 1 on:- 1Jct\\·cc11 t uto 1· ::i11 d 1111n . a quesLJo · y per 1 is pro la111ilv ·o · · 1a,v l"l • lh('r · tl1a · 11· contract 1-·1,,,, "·in <1 ll · ,,•ot1ld be gover11ed }>Y Ethi . ., · l)tan la". on I hat 1 )·,1 �. 1·,:::- ''_11 er,, tl 1e 1·1 11 • o · d01n1c · 1· 1 ccl l1erc. (" , . 1 . . 1s r _ • _ --> / \r , � � <�ode of l�tliiopia -· •Ii l� ,J,:,·.t-,3 \ 1 ·1 • , ;� (-·IV I 1 ( • 0 d t.;• o f \i'�I \ 11o ' p1• a ,\rticle 31] j 1 0. <;; 34 and 339 les 1 Artic so a • • �ce . (.. .1Yil (:ode of Tithi 0l'. la'' · \r·.I ] c: iViI (�0 de O r l11. 0 1 _1 1 1 r �i ('.l e 3 43 ( 2 ) . y t b a an11uhnent. of ht:• . L c. e 3•t7. He 1na 11o o t i11 ' 1 a. rts unless lie .• o n r·in .�,11) o� ,v , ,va· l·1 1·'1t •·at tl1e tiine _ .. he . 11e perf.0Tn1ed tl1ern 111 a position ,t o ::-.,·L\, e a CO • , I Ju, O 11 se . 11 d efccts. Tl1us, Jf lJecausc • 1 <.011J1t · 1o , n he inade a ft '\· n· t • [rec� .fr on1 u�c .l len,al 1111 stak:e ,v-i tl1in tl1e il.1eaning (lf i\rllr� , 169B of the Civil C,Ole 1 , 1e coulcl avoicl t 1 e co11lract. l .J



- ]O-t -


,rot:ilcl r eco:g11ize a r,crso11 to .l ) c \ a n· Y otl1cr 5tale ,vli cr c l i e i5 • 1 d�c-lare d i 11-co•tupele.n t r1 r1 cl er tl1c sc ,0 erj· re s,l ri cli ,,c [J ro,,isi On5. W1]1ere per.:::011 has bee11 legall)r adjt1dgccl to l)c lltlclcr i 11 tcruicLio11 , 317 ]1i:2. a � caiJacit�· is go,•e1·necl l)y tl1e JJro,,isio11s o[ la·,v i·clati ii g Lo ntinors. 318 �in, it is dottJJtf11l : tJ1at a jt1cliciall�- i11l.orclictccl 11cr::.o 11 ,votil,l ] l e '\, . g 0 1111cler tile la,,r t)f ail)' stale. iL) c ca1)a: ]-;'i,1.:1Jl)r, 11erso11..; l1av·e Lo \ J1e.Jd j n I e1· d icl e cl 111 y la , v as a co115c q u e 11 r c' of n c· ri u 1 i 11 a J s r- 11 t c n r, r� 3 J 9 ar r· . 1 i inlcrclictecl 011.l)' ,vl .lc- L11c l)t111isl1111C'11L <.:0 11Li 11 uc;':, ;120 at1<l tl1C'v \\"Ollltl. not ·he acti11g -outsiclc o[ Etl1io1 1)ia cl·11ring tl1at L i · 111c. 1

Since:, a 1JC'!'5011 i.5 l1ot lil�c]y to 11:1,·e ca11ariL)- 1111tler tbc la· ,,; govcr11i11f tl1r.. co11Lr:tct ,,·l1il<' ·lacking cariaciL)- 1111llcr ELl1 io­

pin 11: .la,,·, Lite· lav..-

g:O·\'Cl"Ilin1g r

t11c ca1)aC'iL:r o·l' <111 ELl1io1}ian do111ici:liar)r

·, sho1ilcl be the la,•. g:o,·c-r11i11g i-l1c. co11lra<'l. '1'cl so l 1 ol,·1 ,,·011ld 11ot i11terfcrc ,villi nn:· �o,·crnn1cnlal i11trre5l of Ethiopia. B:- Ilic sn111<� . token, ,,·l1erc l11e cl ·cfe11(lanl IJos:=es�c, ca1>acily un·dcr E1liio·1,iau Jc:,r. J

but ool tinder tl1c 1:.i,r [!:o,·cr11ir1'.! . , _ tl1c co11lracl, Ll1rrf' i: no rra�o11 ,rJi,;



he sh-ou·lc] not -l1c clcc111c(l to 110�5CS5 ca 11acit)·. 'l�liaL ��talc ltas -r1n . interest in 1Jrotecti11g tl1c ]�tl1:011ian·; 3i11er lie i.s tiec1r1cll ' to J1a,;c ca1J.:1cit:� 1111clc1· !1is i1cr:.-011al la,,·: lie 5l i ouJi:1. 1l1r l,ounil. :121 Tu sun1n1ar:· 7 the ru1C's rrlati11.g lo ca11acil:- lo contract ,n1n\' JH, stated a fol1o,,·s: ( L) gcnerall>·� Cf!})ncit�, lo eonlracl :,;lio11'lcl. l1e dctrr­ . . ntinecl 1,y· Ll1c J)ropcr Jn,,· of the c.011trnrl: (2) ,,rhcrf' fho1l1 J)<-!rlic:-­ are SttlJjcct to th,· sn111c J)crsonal 1a,v :111<1 011e or l· )ot'l1 ·1,:c.l-: carial'it:i·

� lLader Lhr co111111011 11cr�on;.:I ]8.\',·, t11� c1t1c.3t;o11 of ca:1>.-:c.iL�- sl1oulc1 111· clete1,11ineLl ttnd·er tl 1 c c o1111 11,on p · C'r;:;onal la,r; (:3 1· ,rJ1erc a 1)art)0 lacl� .., cap:icitv under 1}1c Ja,\· .!!-c,·c r"!1in'.! tl1:' c:onlrncl, ·!Jul 1105�css�s ca1)acit:· ' , 11nder his IJCr.:ona1 ]a,,·. lie ::•hou1d l)f' ,!rrn1rd to j)<J5:t'�: c:11.l:1 ,cit)· · .



317. See Ci,-iJ Coile of ELJ1joJ)in, 1\rtirlc 3.5 I . :$] 8. (�ivil Code of ELl1iopia, 1\rticle.,; 358. 373. 319. See Civil Code of Etl1ioJ)ia, ArtirlP- [t80. :120. See Civil Code of E thiopia, _,\rticlc 388. . . . JS 13n ;op r E1h Lhe ano 1 l 321. or course. ,vbcrc an Et11iop ian ,vhosc contract ,,•it e �e governed by for.eig,1 Ja,v Jacks capnc.itr, the court should not enforc _tl1l ct, j11St as it ·,vould not enforce a con� r-act JJeL,vccn t,,_ :o nor1-?o�n.1c : tra con • • l ]<1,,,. Set; na t:,o pe 011 1n1 · con eir th r cle 11n y t ci pa ca · 1ar1es 1¥-J1ere one I acks the discussjon, supra,' �1olc· 306 :111<.l al'con1panyji1g text.

- 105 -

s :l)l"O {)OS Cd lo orr o\,, 1Je 1 J:· c 1}1 at 1)1 l C( ill Jlt l1 -11 1·; • . · ern . o n. 1 L · :, · • . • 1 � . I.u c on I 11 c ·v1'1tl 1 Etl1101)1a 's go

·clar1ce rnineut. ve o� 'c al . i ir c ar _ ·l :, , . .tc 1 . · co 111 _ . . . 1al j11tcri1at 11 1t e 11 1 teres ts o f 1 te tl na t g _ 1 e c lc o 1)r LO ti · I,r, .. I·JI t)licr . lcrc:::_ l::. alc__ a11 d \\ . . a I ·1n n . ns l ac 11s tra 5S 1 1a_ llC lio a lS'l JJl 1 t10 11a cr 11t j nc n!l , 1 C.01.1.rao . ·1: . . . , " r Cl 1 I '' � ] l( . l· . . f>al."l!CS, . . 1v g 111 g 1)rotect1011 t o Eth ·,o· e 111 t1 e 111 sa i l c, t t 1 .. il ,rli·ile • .,l(Jrc.1gr1 .111,.·C::·t111 ei cl. lcc te 1>r o . be · 1t1 :;; L 11 t::-.. · ti 1a L ·. . es 1111 c . .r )1a 11 1 . 101


J_). Tc>rls.


Jrol1J 1cu 1 of conflictin 1 1 c tl c11 11i '' i11 ea ar c g rj�] 1;5 j 3 J>l'ul>alJ l y 1l1 l i111.r1orla11t . T o 1�t lialJility (this os 111 c 11 .:=: D·1 · · "> � c c f :=t rc tc �o,·cr1111:cnl:! 1 in 11c Ci,•il Cocle ·and i3 in t cr 1rl 11r :· 1it 11ii Jia ;� cal' l cd e::,;lJ"a-clYJllrarlll:J1 · 1ialJili1.�-: l1c),,·c,·e]·, tort 1ial)ility j5 the a1 l11 ·l:r c d l c-f �niii,: p.lacc� cn·ll r ol v in· · , es ma ny q 11eslions lf'r111 1110"-l oftc11 u:=cc1 i11 1\ 1 c cc11{li<:t of 1a,\�:i at. are ,vh )" ,...-e 111a as,k : sel ct1l l t 1e t _,\_ . ]iey o 11inl soC' 1 ant 1ic n nL1, {Y·f ('CO : lh(� J)ttrr10:�cs of tort ta,v n11r1 can cc)11clt1cle t l 1at tl1ere are hasicallr . t·\,·o: (] l to rC'�tr l atc c·onclucl tl1::it t::kcs })1:!CC or ] 1 as its effect ,11thi11 1 111,1)ensation to co c1e 11ro,·i (:?.'1 to :=-t:1tc·; 1 1 ci 'll1c- ])orders of a so,·cr g. pe:·so11::: injurr'd 11 ) �- i 11 d,t1�tria1 or ol11cr acti,0 it)'· We 111,us l also dis­ tinµ:1 .1i :o l 1 .· l1 ct\,·r-r11 1l1 c 1Jrori:=-io11: ;_ of tort l::i,,· clcsignecl t,o 1>rohi:bit j <:erta 1 r1 t:·1>c." of co1 1d 11 cl co r1siclcrr-1·1 tn llc at1Li--.socin] a11d. those pro· . ,-jsiOilS · clcsi,� ne(l to 11 oca l I l } ,_i c. . ll' . os::: resu1 t:ng: ·fr-0111 entcrpri� ,: , _ _I I 9 I al'li, i1,-. 3--') 1"1. - 11.s ··1;:, , c.cn1on �tralc(l. 1 >)- t11c ·pr-o,0isio11-s of 1he C 111 I r· _ \...ode: · \\·liich rlistinµ-1ti.sl1 l>c·t,,·e("11 1i�!l)ilit,· for an offence and liability . in tl1 r· al1··;:,('llf'l' or ·. . t ·o1 1l'HY �)e rele.,,ant Ior C lC1I a c11st111c . ' ,.Jl '1 °. rr'tltci. · · ,n i 11 . 1 1 ll l' Jl O :' C-_;:, 0 f I· l I <'· c-· 0 11 [· j 1. c• I· o 1' ] ,r,,-�. ,... rcg ard.! as rly la i . :;cco11rl1)-� J)3rt -cu . . :I I. a· 11 i. l 1. I Y 111 • n °I 1 I• I C' '1 ·:ll' l ,c , , iic. ·c <J [' a11 01{'(' tio qu es 1c 11c c · a tl of � 1c rc is less • • 1·f'l1a11c·e her(' LI ''"' aol . . ,n most olhc'r arc:». eud def the In such a ca,e . .. . . . < 1·!( I 1101 ,v.111t t.l1c · . · · r 11ar111 1 0 · o· cc. , tll.:. tl1e c111cs,l1.01 d cter· la,v ,vbat 1 call1 1 1s . . .U . · , . l 1 n1,,--. \\ . ] 1 1) l 1 '",·t,· ·.;: ti 1 e 1· 1 .;: • on · C " . , . 1"- 01 CilLCl'})l"lSC act r i11 tl JlS A11d jt'{. i, . . . · lll,<, l1·. 011 1l ..:Ir 1s sale lo �, , .1,. ti VJJ. · liea int 1 t l lt: · cie:l1 11ro,, isi-0 ,, o cle 11s . C· of t11e . ·11 1 I'·. ,l \·.-0 1· ol.. •ll1c 111j a . t r1rc(l l >a· h � l clca1. . a . · 11111)01:t ,o f t]1e Code..., 1st ll) � tie . ·111 ·i1·'1i·1·', '' -1 l-Cl C",l rr1 c �·· o11 a11 r a J ac } ti, ·il ); for ·s l 1 lo a1 ss 1 .] ) -0f ca r rj ( �l e tl 1 . . ')92 · ,,,., • ."'PC l l · n of tl ·in JC ·l"ts(· 1e . . . . Place of :\rt��e·1r.•·, . �Tult1statc Torls . \I:, J)Ollll Jn El1rc11z,vei"':o. The . , 3GJ 1w1111 neso l u .,.cvieiv 1 (1951), rep r.inte d.111 .. I .,aio 1 , f!( l R.ea<li1 -. 1g . s 011 Con fl.. l of J.,a,c,s 604,, 60 5 (1956). °



C' ·. - -



.1 (

- 106 -

Cau..�ecl lJ). tl1e carr),i112...,: Ottt of tl1� t "" "'- l i·,. ·1 t,••- •:'?' r.-· ,·1)·- ns rcgar1 1:; �· . 1 : 1;1 a1 • oI at .Jia·biJit)·' for l · TexJcc, it is cl ear tl1al I )nrlin-11 1 r11L intc11dcrl tl1 c Ci,.·;,l Code to rc-g, ulalc ·c011cltict. 111 i1c-l1 a$ clocs th e - l?c11nl Corle �[' 1 . l is is <l e� 11:ionstratccl ilJ)' tli· c 11r1111l1cr of nctio11s tl1at co11stilutc an o1Iencc 11u<lc r Scctio11 1 ,o f 'f.itle J 3 ar1cl t1nclcr .:-\.rtic,Jc :20·33, ,v. hirl t ,J)r o,·i rlc.3 [or ci, ,il · ]iab i]il)' \\· l1c110, ·cr n IJCrson ir1l"rin�<'� � 1 �pcci fie J)royj 3 j_ 011 of a la\,·. All of L!1is 111tlicatcs tl1at Etl1io1)i�t l 1ns n st r011g go ,-c-r11111c- 11tal i i ltct·<';;.L in ]1a,·ii1g its to rt la,v a1)1)1icc1 to 111n11�· lra115actior1:; l 1 a,·i11 g a cor1· nection ,riL]1 Etl1iu1)in. )


We n1a)- 11cxt eonsirlcr tl1c- stit1�11io11, ,rl1 crc co11flict. o{ l:1\ ,·:: <Jttc.�. tions in tl1e area of tort li�,])ilit�· ,ire- like·!�- io ari :-c. Si11cc, ,iuri�<1ictinr1

,v-ouild tl)c tal-:c11 ,rl1cre tl1c act in c1 11r'.,tiorl - ,\·l1 ich: ,,·onld [)ro'hal J l�­ )Je conslrtictl as citl1cr tl1c act eo11 �liluli1 1g: tl 1c ' \,·1·011g: or tl 1 e har-111 -0cc11Tred l1erc or tl1c clcfe11c.lnnt i� nl1 ]•:1I1io 1iia1 1 1 1 alio11al or do111i­ ci1iary, 32I Ll1crc ,,-ill ,-ei�- frec1t1c11tl)- IJc <Jt 1cslio11s of \',·J 1 cLl1 er Etl 1 it) ­ pian ]a,,- sl101tlcl al)'{)l�-- In tl1is arc·a. al5-o. tlic 11cr.�onal la\,- of tl 1 c· Parties n1a,ter .::i f!"Jlific:r 11cc l 11 .i 11 in �11 a rca ::;urh a, con. :1ss1111 1e !!ren. ... ... t1·acls.

Finall,-. Jct ti:: consiclcr ari�c.


• •


a particular r-onf,]iels 1)ro!>l(·r11 111:1�- cu1-1Ju1on silt1:1tio11 j.,; ,,lrcrc tl1c· art �?l1l�getl 1�- ,rr1,11µ:­

fnl occtirrccl in 011c stale a11<l tl1r l 1 ar111 occurrC'cl i11 a11otl1r·r:, I 1 1 i:- i .._ . 7 the claEsical �·111ulti 5 talc '\\·ronµ:. ' I·Io,rr·,·rr: tl1r c111r.3tio11 co11ld :1·l�l> arisr ·,vherc thr c1cfr11rlant rlid a 1 1 �rrt i11 :1110Llier �talc that i.s ,,·r( 1 11p:1'11I · under l1is •l )f'r.so11aJ la,,-, J)Urtic11larly- ,,·l 1 rrc hi.3 ,·icti,111. js a ,lo111ici• liar�­ of tl1c sa111c .slate as 11 c i�. Or it 111a�· l>c tl1at 1111tlcr tile- J)c.r sor1al ·1a,,· . lc­ lial) L 11o is of the defc11claxlt. J 1 c is ]ia1J ]c for 1l1c a(' t_, of anoll1cr7 l)11t ' under L] i c la,\- of tll c stale ,\-l i rrr· lie :1cte1l: :::o too. 11nclcr the la",- of

Jial)le tl1e �late ,,-] 1 crc � ! )ti �irJc.3s i:3 incori1or:1lrcl. t hr bt1.sincss 1112�· lJc for the acts of its Cll)fllo�·ccs7 ])tit j� 11ot Jia],Ic 1inclcr t]�e Ja�, - of 1l1c r place ,vl i cre tl,c J,arni occttrrccl. �rlic c·oi1,·cr..:c of tl1e5c s1L11al1ons 111a� al50 ariE c. We sec Ll l<� 11 Ll i al a iiotciitia] r·onflicl.:: Cft1cstio11. n1·i.scs 1111.Jc.3s · d :111 Jl:trlit.'$ a11 ]J OtJ1 l]1 c act a (1 l1 e 11 a r , 111 ci cc n r r rc l ·I n Ii i< · �·,ri' n•· r- ·r, L·1tr ' 11 t 1

anu 2.086. 85 20 . 81 20 ii ?O 323. See part,,·u 1 ·, 90 9 1)· . 1 ar I -y_· 1\r A t',r·I c.-. "'0 :::. , � , . -. . ' o11111an,·_ 1n-g le)\!. 324. ·-Sce Il 1c c] .1se·uss1on , s1cr1ra, 11 o I c ::• ]"" 1 -- I J- , an r I ·,i•·1· ·;.


- ]07 -

1 .,

1e la,"' r0g ula ti11!,.! vicat .-1• 11 a s .. 1c Ll r c) 1 1 ]a,, ' 11 0 . 1._ • . , 1( � · c . 11 , 1 l -· i arc Stl I.JJCCL lo LI1c .:il f tort lia,]Jj•Jit\· nfli'.ct Cl o c a e r a • 1e tl 1 i1 l ';;; ·- tl 1a l< · a ' 1c cl 11 · 1 ·. "'! '] .:, 1 1 . ' · 1·ILY . 1 I 0115 1.llli) cr1 Ll)'· Ircc1u · very a rise 1 1 '"i3 o11 (Jlt�sij ,,·s of ,)a ial a11cl econo . c f o s s o 11 o ti .s e 11 c1 )· n· 1a i · rl \'Ol, ·c s 11 y it il l ) :r Ji l · r Lo • Siner c2, tov,ard sol'Vi:in,g conflicts 1J ]'t d e x fi f o atio11 ic 1l J1 , ,:1 e th , )c li o I) c 111i of es te in l r ta r n c o ts .1n n e ,i g il lo tl.1c fr 11 r1 a l1 c 1 l 11 tc f o' r) e ,, rt 1)rol)lc 111 s ca t'}1cory� at least - treat ed 1 ir ,,r l1a es at :-: the foru111 . _L\nd yrl. 1 11 0.3t t ii.caLion ,of sLrict l"lI •l es. 1p a 1e tl 1 y \]) J ie cl 11 ;1 l1 , tl1is as n11 arra tl 1 at cn;1 lie . y1111111ttca1, r11osL cortrts usua.lly l lec11 cc a<; J1 rl ln a rr cY cn l ,\· 1 r, \'l' l',TorC'O 0 i11g to1·t l, ,,o in Jial)iiit v, 1c 01 s a se ca e th 1 i1 1 o1 �i e� <ru c!11�r��etcr;z1� :;r::· 1-ental interee:� n. rn ,,e go Tg i1 ct li 11f co 1c tl of 1 01 1L: c.\.Cil th,nu�h a co1 1 :-idcr: rtic11Iar c111e.stion 111ay really pa a at t11 lc en i:li in d u! ,ro 1t c; C':: ·that ar:' pr ]a-,,-. 325 ,i I 111 fa as Cll 1 .3! , \\' t;( • • CH a: •!' iif ol ;:_11 iu,·o!·r(' 1



c· . ,Jf:c L l1e di�t·us�ion, Sll[Jr//. note._ 90.9- n11r1 ::ic 01111)a11yrng text. There _,,e

( : �� a 11 d J)o111tcd u,-et! !he exaniple of :--ur.yiv,i· l ;,tatute. . out tl1at tl1e quest1on of '"hethcr ::i c--·insc 0 f a . 11 11 i e li dentl1 o,f the ,,,ongdoer i ; often =' t e v v r � � L� c _ e l "� ; �r · , icn " s1 a q11c 1 l, l 1' .:-1 c ::o 1 ::i1es 1·1\,· . , I n� ,..a , ca-· .c ... ,1,·l 1 '·1.:-- (.,e I'• or,J.";l ,P. 7' Ol 111011- 111r. 11fnssachusetts Reports ]09 (18,S,. the plaintiff ,1. .,1:., 1>11. 11:11 b ·',, ·::i do g ln 1 not ma ke · . a state ,v l11c · l1 c]'d ! I 1e ov,11cr liable li·,I .. 1li' . . k.'llt'\V th') la,v o.I thll The e 1 <.og ,va1s ous. v1c1 }). Iat.:c ,vhere tlic c] 0.., ... 1:, 1 e fo1·um, j111posed ail)solnte Jjability, a� ' l t , PL '-.:! , J::-, ' does f�1.hiop i::i. Ji: ,,·-',' �s· 1 1 � 1 l_1 l1 l ·1 •· t JiC } ' • to recoverd le tit Cf en t 1 no a. as ,v 1'1 nt · IJ • • · · s t· ..::-, it�·1 I.11' c> V'l I . 353 ··\ Ill1 111 a ,·a p ')? , • �e ' u li .1 . • rts Repo State 1.a n �")'lvn 1 1 ,) • en. -. - -r: ] 11 ,> _,1 tl . 6 .,z a 11, ; a 11 t.1 c R e 0,-1 er • r: ( 19 ::i) ) ',vJiere tl1e act of neglige11ce (.Jailureto p 111 !-Ilct·L ::i tire tli·it t·i li n :i · rnc state out ito oue l)e defecti ve) occurred in the harn1 (the bio , ut Lliat caiised t ber , II!? ·1no cc 1 1 ) n ac i Lhc rred ' . ide o c t • u �� la,v -or rl11 c latter .. t C !.!:OVt'rnca ·ill u . ns of ­ .ility. ab li . · ao t ei� c1 3? - I. I\J Cu l ' . . .-�- :s --er, SIIJJra. 11 ot e 46 · -tl 82-8;:,.., . 'I? rl ,)-v. N 1l'olctol>ou I · lf.1ra, note 1,1.7 at o:-_;, Sl 4-70-4-71. I






- ·1..0° 0



.oc ar cl t tt· 1 ng e.rl: i11 1l1e 11re,·iol18 exau 1 >lc. lia -ft1 l .' the \vro 1J ility would i be clet.ern1 ined b)· Lile Jn,v 0·f Slate 1\. Tl1.C' Gct,ua11 Rcich��0richt · c of nc·til'.1g }i a"S held lJ0Ll1 tl1c · , at1cl tl1r place of in,itlry may . tJe as tbe Ze.r Zoe,: clelic:t i� ancl i 1 11 as ·1)f'etl l i e l cl th :11. in tl i e ca�e of conflict. tl1e 1 1lni11tifI 111ay clioose tl1e ln,r inor·r fnvoraJJ1e to him. 329 1

Enp:laocl l1a s a ry.t11te t11111�t1al n111)r0arl1, a11d one tl1 at ] 1 as ] J cen rritjcizecl severe]:�- 330 In orcler for thf'rf" to ])<' tort lial,iliLy i 11 Enh­ ]and, tl1c acl of .L]1e defe11clauL 111usl 1)(· actionalllc as a tort 11nder

EngJi-h la,,r a11d 11ot jt1,tiltetl a<'cclrcli11f!.· to tl1e la,,· or 1h,· 1)1acc ,,·l1r·rr> done. 331 It i� 11ut en Lir el� - clear ,, l1etl1l·r thl' loc11s <lelicti is Lite place

\rhcre 'the clefe11 d.,11t actt>ll or ,,·l1l'r1· 1l1e l1nr111 occttrrcd \v11ei:c 1l1e,· di.fTer. 332 ·u11cler Ll1i::. JJ)11roacl1. i11 a l':l:--C flJ(·/1 as 1llocl1.rtd() L'. Fo11l,es. R1:{ ,vl1cre Lhe plai11tif[ �Llccl for lil)f'L \,·l1icl1 cn11sl.il11t,·<·1 a t·nrt 11t1dcr Brjtis}1 ]a"''· bt1L n�, L unller tl1P lrt,r <ir Brazil ,vl1erl' it if,i" cn111111ittefl. 1l1 e coL1rt l 1 elcl tl1,�1 tlte (1efent1a11t ,ra:- li:1lJlt·. ;::j11CL' 511cl1 cond11ct ,,·as 1narle a rrir11ir1 al ofl'c· u11tlc..'r B,·azi·li;1n la\\'. '\'\TI1l·rc tltc forn111 l1as . ,. no coatacL ,, itl 1 tl1e tra11sactior1 ur rt1 l111 it� tl1<1t a110Ll1er ,;_;late l1af: n superior 1[0-v-ern111e:-ntal i11tcre�l. i1 i:- dilDc11ll tu :-:e<' \,· ·Ii:· 1J1e for11111',;; la1r shoul c l l1 a,·e ;i11, ::i.�nifi 1 ·a11c·1·.] ,,,e 110 ,·alid r1·a�o11 for nclor>ti11g this appToach in Etl1ior,ia. rr'l1e America11 La,,· T 11 '-lit. 111·,,. a,1 a:::�oci..1Lio11 ()f j 11 1l1;c:::� la,ry0r:'l ancl la,v l)rof t�SEor�- l 1 a.5 re<·(>111111f•111le1 I a 111ore. 110.lic�·-oric11t ed a1)proacl1, 329. See the discn:::. .:>i o n of tl 1 c ar)proarh of tl 1 c Gern1an ro11rts ix1 L?reo:r.en, Tort Lial)ilitv aud tJ 1e ConfJjrt of La,,·;.; ., -1-7 TA11c (}11artPrly Re1ne1v 483, Fee 54 491-493 (1931). For a strmmar� of a case app_ly in?: thj s :ipproncl1 American Journal of Jnternationuf La11' tf.27 ! ] 960) ..fhe case, reported c1 that "·here ,> l1riff 752 (Nu. 20. 1958).. hcl rf'Toclie1z"c · t'ISCfie !1' ·111 .11 /N.euc JU1"LS • (1 sznoke e1n1tte , rn1n' nY . \\ ;):, .1la111a!!. t'cl b:-· lb e pl a.1n t,·1·r·s rest a u r.a 11· 1 1' 11 Ce � 11,. t 11 e pIa1nt11, . . tr · �.1. the ol ,· · .:111 1 ncl Frec tJ 1 1 01 an J p 1 from th e .1oe fen dants could elect either Freoch or trcnnan la1v. 330. See Cheshire, JJ r ivale [11ternational f,au; 378 (3rd eel. 1947) · 82 at BOO. l.e no rt, r>r su y, ce Di 111 np ed rr1 331. The Engl 1T1. c11 i� ish le ru � 1 11otc 82 at 803-80,J, and · rl' 332. See Lhe cliscu.;;ion of t]Ji!:, pojut. jn ·D"JC-C)\ sup lbe casea diiscussecl therein. 333. [1897] I Qi1eens Bench, Co11rt of 11 [>peal 231,

-109 -

e lex lo,ci deli cti, 4 th. f o n io t a· c li p · p a c 33 . 1 1 e at1torn-nli tU s . id o v a l1 c 1i 'v,,l r\-Vhic� has the moBt signi. te a st e th f o· ,v la 1e tl ii Uncler this a1)p1·oacl1 , r -v, ith the parties gov. cl an ce n e 'T UJ cc o 1e tl h it ,:, ficant relaLio11ship· ,v ''.i a e er e th ar o l d si l ce t p n c o w is 1ere 1 nt tl1e co11rt tl ts a0 11t co h T s. e ern uct occu rre d1 the d n th co e cr l1 1N ce la p � 1e ': the injrrry occlllTec1, tl t1on an.c l p lace of husj. : ra )o r1 co jn f o ce la I) � c10111ici]e, nationality the relatio,nship of the · ·e e1 l1 vv e c. la 1e tl p cl n a 1 ness o f tlie i:itlr·ties r n ta e relati, e :imp or ce of th i n g in n en et d In l. ec er nt cc parLies , if any, is · r e, th e nature la su cu is ti ar e th to p c ol lo to is 1n 1.1 tJ1e coritac;ts. tl1 e fo1 qu estion. w in la rt to e th .of es os , p 1r }1 c t1 1 d n 1 i 1 • of tli e ,vrong ,·

pr,oaches is satisfactory, il ap e es th of ne no at 1 tl It is e l -on e on th is te sta that t ar y z1l tic r . 1>a ri rit: il1. ies 11l 11i i 1 cl lJ eca-zise ea , slioztld b e cli o•sen in a part£czilar case. In many -cases more than one · ,a·ving its- law applied; it state ,vill h tr\'e a go,,ern111ental jntere-st i n h to ca11not 1) e said tl1at one state's Q"ov � ern111errtal interest is s11perior 1·, anot11 er'·s, and! in case of conflict, as stated p1·evi,ous1y, e ach state must f,r\ o · r its o,vn .gover11n1cntal i11terest. 011r concern is that the economic • s11})<111 itted



and social po]icics containecl in tl1e Ci,r:il Code not be defeated hr­ 1 callsc. some of tl1e o·perative events may have occurred else,vhere. : the a1)proach of tl1e _.i\n1eri,can La,,v Institute, wfuich is· the only , · J)ol' ir:�r-01·ientecl one of t11ose ,ve ,11 ave considerecl, imipilies tha.t the law 35 3 of 3 partic11lar state is t11e one to be ap1)lied in a p a Dase. rticular · �ut in SUch a cast� ,1uorc t[1an one state state may see its governmental 1 ntere5,t to 1)e invo'lved, and it is sl1lJn1it ted; ·that ea:ch state should be free to protcc.t its o\v-n go,0ern111e11tal intere,5,t. While I agree 1\'itll 1· _ 1 th . . . · tl1 e factors tl1at tl 1c. -A-1 11 t/ e ,..1.1ca . 1.1 La,v I. nst1t nt, s1gni:f 1ca . says u te are . • • • . 11n1)l ern 18· : . . ml1st necessa.1�ly O'OV · 1cat1on t11at tl ie ] a,v- of one state ° 11nsot1nd. 336 334 ,. The lr1stitute }ias 10 law . prc e arccl th a of serie p s of ''Restatements" . . var1ous areas. l3y and Iarge t h'15 IS . ·ha-sed on deci,sions of .Amencan conrUi

the, · ou"' th "h ·111 ru,11 f . 1y cases tJie decrS1ons 0 ment · . are conflicting. _ft Restate . no Conflict o·,£ I, · 8 prc1)nrecl i11. 1934. A ''second" Restatement JS � ( being l)repn' re en ein r at Rest a te 9 p of the the .1 Sec'on u,1 u · Ten tative Draft of in Secti· on 379· ea 1 s '\Vl: th ·tort s. Th e cr1· t.er1a set f.orth ,are found 335. See the clra [Le.,s con11ncn ts to Section 379. l 336. Sec also �'lorrIs, The 88 w ie Proper La,v of :a Tort, 64., Harvard Law Rev (1951). -

.Jud" Chs

- 110 -


Profe3so r Rl1ein5tein ha s pr-01)ose1 d an ap1)roac·l1 1vl1ic} recognizes 1 , tlhat mo re tl1an on e state :may clec-icle that it.s la,v sl1· ould ']) e applied to a partic1 1lar transactio1J. 337 He clenls on'1y• ,,·i tl1 tl1 c sil11ation ,vl1 ere · the act occurs i n one sta te ancl tl1e l1ar111 in anotl1cr. He stronglv. cri·ticizes the An1 erican rruc tl1at t'he place 1vl1rre tl1c l 1 arm ,vas s11fferould go·vern. He contends tl1at tl1c co11rt sl1 011lcl ordinnri1 " lo-ol( Lo eds h ) : the 1Jlace of acting. Tl1is is ,becartse t.11 e. 111a in reaso11 tl1 a t tl1e co111·t -a·pplies foreign la,, · is to protect tl1c justifialJie expectations of t11 e parties. ·Th·uE, a pa1·t1· s-l10111d lJe l1clcl to tl1c slanclarcl of co11i:l11ct t11at 1 ls at the .pl• nce ,,.:l1ere J1e act e cl; a part :reva j )· acts in tl1 e ,ra1· tl1at 11e p cloes in order to a,,oicl liabjlit,·. . l·Io,ve,·er.. l1e rcco£!:,1izcs tl1e ir1terest t


of the state -w·here tl1e ]1arm ,\·a s 5t1ffered in pro'vi.ding compe11satio11 to tl1e inj1ired person. His concer11 is tl1at tl"!e state ,,· tl1e act 1vas

done not 'be required to ap1Jl)" the la,..- of tl1e state ,,,,11ere tl 1 c 11nr1.11

,vas siillered and tl1nt, insofar as possilJle; tl1 c expectations of tl1e cle-­ fendant JJe protectecl. H e �ees no o]Jjection to 111ore tl1an 011c state deciding the same qt1e stion d i fferent11° . 333 T11erefore, 11e says, t11e

case is to ]Je decided accordi11g ... to t he ]a,v ,of t11e state ,v11ere tl1e clef en-

dant acted; ho1-vever: t.he state ,-.-here l11c. 11arri.11 occt1rred 1na), ap1)ly its la1v 11nle-ss t he actor coulcl not foresee 1.l1at l1js act ,voul.d cau:::c l1ar1n tl1ere or t11e actor ·v,ra.3 o b1i!!a ,._. ted Lo act as J1e did u11cler the Ia ,v of lhe pjace where he actecl.

To a e extent, I agree 1,·ith tl1is approacl1, si11ce it pcr111its each 5tate to decide the in accorclancc ,vith jts go,,er11n1entn1 interests. I ani not sure I ,ro 111cl al,vays exc11se tl1e •d efenda11t 011 t11c grotmd he co11Jc1 not fore.sec tl1e conc1rtct 1vo11lcl ca.11�e tl1e I1arn1 ,vhere it clid. To the extent t]1 at tort Ia,v atten1pts to distril)11te Joss resulting from ente1-prise acti,·ity. foreseeal1Ji1ity is not necessaril tl at � � si gn ificant� and t1i e go"'iernn1 ental interests of tl1e forum n1a1r J Ust1fy the imposition of li�]1i1ity 1,1 pon a person dcs1 )ite t11e lack of foresee­ ability. It may he noted that certain articles ·of the Code expressly 1J



1t). (194 ,t 10 ie ev R w La e n. la Tu 19 , ng ro 337. Rheinstein, The Place of W

338. ld. at 29-30.

- 111 -

eaOJility , 339 evi<lenc1, , se re .fo f o ce 11 e, •. b a ni e the,. ' it esp I c 1 ity J j . ]ial . t,, .J-5 to b e 1Jaeed on imp-ose . th·e 4!!Q. , 11 , . 1 a l l1alJ1l1 ., tl rs te af rr d e 11 t;i . t11 e .1ntent1or1 o f 1s of fa.i1]t or fo·retee, as lb a11y n o · " an tb r e 1 · tl ra · . · ss lo c · J , ro o cat1on of eco11 er o f a motor veh ick n ,v o 1 tl : 1 8 0 2 le c ti r A . nde1· 11 � , lc 1p an x e 1· o F y it abil . se except ,vl1e re the u ed z r1 1o t.l 11 a n 1 1. ::rn o fr ig ]tin is 1ia1l Jle fo r l1ar ·111 rcsu : g and a g ive � l1is motor U n i n so r e p a t Ja tl , y sa s 11 t e L . 11 le o sL js vel1 1cle n o rs e t p 1a tl 1t J1 1 · 1 ,vitl1011t a· n th or. , 'a l) ci K . ) tc e · v ,, i r d'. ,;ehicJc lo 50.111e011c to omeone, 1• s re ju r e s in h he e . ia v 1J ,io th Lo E jzation, takes t l1 e veJ 1 jrle . ·,vo1tld not J3e.uh,, nt a nd fe e d 1e t1 · t") O 1e tl 's in te ns ei i Unc1er Profe�sor 11:l e at se tl1 :r:e fo the Yehicle , t no l c. L1l co l1e c 11c si , ,v ]a 1 a1 1Ji io 1 1 ject to E1 r is, to J lic 's po Jia o hi Et e 11c d si kol 11t B · . )ia 1 or l1i L E i-r1 1 1 1 ,r,� ] 1 c 11:: ca \VO u.l ,1 l cases� the po�icr• sh ould ch .su n i JJe · l ' lia es icl 1 J ,,c r to 111o of ':' . cr vn u, L11 e n-. resident. Since hi, no a is nt da fen cle the se a11 ,ec l 1 l lec fea cle r ) l 1.1ot ' vcJ 1icl" 11 ar1n l1cre, il is. 11ot 11n fair to s11ijJject l1im to Ethiopia'i · , tereit to 1)ia�s in 1a-.;v rC'lati 11 g to e11ter1)1·ise Jia1)i]it)"� and it js in Etl1io I


(IO E-0.

advocated che-s e a·pproa . _ LL .1s snll)111illccl tl1aL a con1lJi 11:1tion of tb [ '

b,- J:}rofe::.:.;o,· Til1einstcin ari d tl1c _- \.n1erican La,.,r Instit11te' to11cth e er v,ritJ1 the. gc'l1c.ral g . o,0 ern111c-11tnl interest approach. sl1ould be follo"·o�. We l.arl off ,vitl1 tl1r· pro1Josition t]1al tl1e Ia,,· of Ethiopia ie to ht l � a J) J_)lied L n·1ess tlic g1 11erior , 10,0 e1-11n1c11la·l interest of anotl1er slate or [ � � . _ .fa1r11ess LO Ll1 ; e 11 'nrt1es r1 ·1c t a l e:::- L 11c t1 ·ISJJ I aceme nt of Etl11op1 · · an 1-uw, , . . . \Ve rcc<1gr1i:lc ll1aL in ,· �·"' o·f co · c<,...,, ; 11 fl·1c 't Et � l1 101J1a mt1st pref·er hero,,·n • - · go,r r· rn111c11ta1 111 I ere,' t · ·J11 11-1 rc1l · 1 in� ,,- I 1ct 1 1er Etl11o la,\r sh ouJd be · p1an . ·::-J) . . lacc , c1 Oil a 11arl.1c L11_ at. i·-=. . ::-tl('. di . I l rtia · . _ ,vbetl1c '"<' ,,-011lcl first · cons1clcr . I5.3Ue rca] l v iu,,oI, ,r s to rl 1·in l ll·1·it�·: if (in lig . ht of con ·flicti11!! !!ovor ll· · · 111ental .lill(•rcsts :1'11(1 r • rar· cha · ·a,i • •Ile::-::,_ to tl1e part1es) ibe not it sl1011ld .·,zccl as o11e ol. to 1·1 1·.; · let1 l · i1·ll)·: 1 11<'11 tl1e qt1estio11 of di-splacen ien iaio ,v,ou [J lia,,c lo li . ble to ·] c-- ] .111 1·1 gl1 t of tl1e })ri.nciJ)les ap 1Jl1ca · e· dee.11. � at.lier areai< of],'\· \\,' �\_...jre I lllllll]IY tl13 t l ]le o inv 0 )artic11lar isstte does l CJt1cstio11 0 f t 0 l t ·1 .I ab..1]"�I l \' ' P '3� 1 , 10 · 1 " CO-till . "vo11]d ·' t-l<; Eth • etber e ,v-l 1 dec1,d· l a,,, l tot1 ]c] l)C dt�JJl.a . ('J l �· . cecl b,) cotls-·1.c1 e11ng r�.· facto f()ll. o the ,v1n2: ..., . ,v11ere LlI,e. act .1s , '" l 11cl1 .t,efi . tisc of. tl1e l1.a1, u 1 occurred; (2) '\Jj the ca ----V

339. See e./l., Arlicle .s 2071 and 2077.

- 112


� the har1n resttltin .g fro1Jl1 tl1e act ·oc ct1r1·ecl; (3) ,vl1 cr c tlie l)ai·ties are r l1 er e a "' (4 ) d; ici le :]Jttsiness· is carriecl, on, if tl 1 ere .is a qt1e�ti ·, dom on 1 r of enterp 1·jse Jja�JiliL) ; ancl (5) ,v:11ere tl1c relationshi. p of L11 e arties p s ce n er tl f 1i 5 is in iss 1 1e. Basecl on t ed, i i a consideration of aJ1l o·f tl1 ese , fact ors� the co11rt ,vottlcl clecicle ,v l 1et he r in lig l it of Etll iopin's goYern 1 mental interest ancl Lli c gover11me11ta l interests o·f ot l1er states and � f airne ss to tl1el parties, Etl1io1)ian .la,v ::-l1011lcl 1 .bc disJ)laccll on that r � issne. \Ve 1-, i. l no,v l)roceed· to arl[)ly this ap11roacl 1 i.n a series of ' exam1)les. In a]I cases �tLiL is ·IJrot1gl1 t iu Etl1ioiJia . •

1. Two Et.l1iopirin clo111irilia ries n re clri-i:in.g i,,. Stc1te A. ivlzere ari

acci.dent occu rs in rvliich 011e is l-i.·.illecl. Tl z e s1.1.rvi·vor s11,es tlz.e estate of I , the clecede11.t to recove r for 11ersorzc1l irijttries. U11.cler tlie lciiv of State ,4 the sitit cr1.1iriot be 11ic1i11ta.iriecl c1.gai11sl tlie esta.te. U1icler the la1v of� Et,/-iiOJJia it ccin. Tlie isszte i.s iv!Letlier s1,it can. be n1ai11tai1iecl. '


-�le b.a,·e c-on5idered Ll 1is c1uestio11 i11 ottr <lisct1s:io11 of tl1e 1)roper

approach Ll1at shot11<l be taken to tl1c co11flict of lnivs. 3,10 Tl1erc 1ve

poiJ1Lcd Ollt that the Cfll(':Stio11 �ll'o1ucl IJe cl1aJ:ac.terize<l a::,: 011e of tlece-

dente csLates ]a,\r .and !!O\·crnecl l),, .. tl1e Ia,v of tl1c clcce,lcut:'s dornicile. '-

State .t\. has no interest i11 i11s11l::itin1!! tl1c e�tntc of a dec<·nsec l Ethio1)iar1 domiciliar)·. Ethi-opia's r>oliC)' j.5 to f:1,·or tl1c in .j11rcc1 })cr:;011 o,·cr tl1e v

eEl:ite. Since Ll1ere is no conflicl JJcL,rceu tl1e interest o [ Ethiopia and the interest of Stale i\..� Ethiopian la,,· 5-lto1,1ld a1)1)ly, e\--en tl1ong:11 the

accident occurrecl ju Stale A. 3,tl 3.W. See the prior iliscussion, supra, notes 90-97 and accompanyjng text. 3-{l..'.. sinula.r problem ]i as arisen in the United States 1v:itJ1 resp�ct to _,vhat _ · "· :,l10 a re reqn1 es �tall1l .;uch lia,·c :.ire c::illed "'�ue 1. . laluLes: States that _ ile t omob jn a11 au ing of a "'re;t ee of negligence ,vhere a passen?e : er dee:r 0 • • , tl1e orag111aJ reason for the t"h · is trnng to recoveT against a gucst · :,\]thot ::i. _ ,, 1,� .., u :,t, • , • " · · 1 ln r,,te ,, an ung nst agai rule may have J) eeri to protect a driver ,� . can he conte,nded today tl1nt tl 1e re::il reason 153 to prevent tli� gueSl co n1pany. Tl1e driver ?ro· .· 0,,. agains from recover1n - ins11rance • t tlJe driver's ._ the Janrre c,' " r tJ i at tl1e driver 1=> 1 lere ts the guest to recover, an,l l ba·blv' ,van _ has conten·ded tl1:1t · · 1;; z\vc ren Eh "".111 aclm1t orcl1naTy negli genee · Professor �1nce the real reason 1for these stat11tes t_ � cla y is to protect the in,sttrer, the _ kept �c:bo11ld euo,ern. rmanentlv J aw of the pIace �Ji_er� lb e i· n:,�ured car J::, pe s ,· th accicle11t occurs In other \V'OTds, 1t 1s 1mmater i-al tl1at the tate , here e ' ti 1 e 1· us ured veli icle is per1nanently has a guest 1s tatnte if the state ,v1 l erc l nz,..,ru· g, Guest Statutes, 69 x·aze L au; kept net an.-l .the E' ire

- 113 -

State A Un.L e iri ij 'LV es ir ji iri ry ia il •i.w:r ic ,,i d J . · . l o r z, a Z JJ 2. An Ef; 1,1,0 c,,r ve c r to l e ic o sbcir ii li r e li :J stle t; o ri rz a c <' f iiv ·per. <t A .., . t • · /'. i S e "a •. • . tlie lctiv of under tlie laiv of Etliio pi{I, ri tw bz ii ol 1r h tlC 1 i. 5 rio s e Jr . l · l.(�. t . S, . . Jll, T LC . • S01L(t.l lll rie d. maintai be can sztit r . vl1etl1e . 'I. S le . lt S LS ie Tl ainst the, other, it� e ag s11 Jo s1 e on )' 1J 1il s1 Wl'lcre a s tate fJroli.i]Jils y l f isr: i, pt u d m a ill · ,v rm ha t 1i s1 y on a l1 1c s1 . t . i a t l ·s ar e f · ' 1 1· · , USe · us11a 11,' ,,-J)('C·d harm e im ia t l1 1c s1 ony has t a t a t]1 11 o li si O 'Jl 1 c tl e Otller. slates t.aITt ce� a11d the ;practic-.a l n a · 1u s in e lv o 1' i11 )' a m . se ca ceased lo exist or tl1 c r ,vi ll l1av,e to }J ay the ) n ­ a ss l-0 1p n co , ce n . a 11r 1s j1 c 1 tl at 1 tl ciTcct ,vi11 �J c it �b at oh th pr s such suits e at st e h (t cI Je c1 . at rc Ll1 t 0, '11 iB : 1 , fa'lriil•\, J ai:mou1• ny). The is that pa n1 co e c an t1r i11s c tl1 l. 11s ai ag 11 sio lu J , fear 00 111ay • ring ·tl1is question is the l, so J:e in t es er i11t 13� ,a1 . t1i e onJ 1•r slate ·1J1al J1 as 1 ])- 1·e]a-tion·sl1ip Even thougl1 a Lori 11i fa1 Ll1e s ern gov . \r ln, osc �talt� ,vl1 ] ,]Jcc11 co111111it tcc1, t11e. c1t1c.::Li,on is really one of fam ,ily law. In this ! , ing ,, vhether case it i.s Etl1 io1)in tl1at '11n.s tl1e grea·test interes� in decid I its 111arriecl c101.11:iciliarics sl1011l<l l)e nlJle to st1e one another. 342 •


Jol1rna l 595 (1960). 1,11isre.s111t ,,·as reached i n a recent ca-se . Babcock v. Jacl;s011, 12 j\/civ Yorl;, Reports, 2nd Series 4-73, 191 J\lort.heastern Reporter, 211cl i permanent· . Series 279 (1963). Onl�· tl1e ,state ,vl1 ere the automobile s ly ls:�1)t l1as a11y interest in l)rotecting tl1e insurer from fraudulent claims, 1,li is r111estion l1as ,frequently been litg i a ted n i tl1e Uni ted States. For a case l1olcling _L11:it tl1e question sl1ould be governed by the lex domicilii see. llaz� 11sclzrl<l v. Continental Casicalt)' Co., 7 ff? isconsin Reports, 2nd Scri�s 1;>0, 95 J\ ortlzzuestern Reporter, 2rz.d Series 314 (1959). For a ca.It liolcl i ng tl1at tl1e n is governe d lJ y tl1 e lrr ,v of the p l ace ,vherethe har 1�1 oc�:urred se e Robinson v. Gaines, 331 Soutlz.1.vestern Reporter, 2nd S rzes 6!:>3 (1960). For a c:1 se l1 o ldi11g that tl1e que stion of ,vhether � ��: : l _ s could uecl lly a cl11ld for a tor.t is governed by tl1e lex domrc� ? nt be , :s:;;e Enzcr) ' v. E, 111 �r3·, 115 California Reports, 2nd Series 421, 289 Pac i/it , l\.eporter, 2n<l Ser res 218 (1955). In 50111e c� 111111 011 proper!)' states of .the Uni ted States damages rec-of· •. ercd l)y an.111 Jllrcd_ are co 11si dercd comn1o n property. ; 613' . · ult res tc s, 11_crcforc, l)_rov:de_l.�1:1.t tl1e l1usband's co ntribu tory a fault, as \ , 0f '' iich tl�e ,vif e 1 s 111Jt1red, i s i111puted to the vYife ,vhen she see� ,,c ove 1: a?a1nst r� t11c otl1cr party for tl1 e injuries • A number of cases hed . . tha t tl11s 1s re ally. -'a _que.s1•1011 o f mari o ·erne e b prop erty and �l1011ld g, 2d · See Britton. v. tal ,}Jy tlie z x. d zcz izz l illoria, 292 Pacific Rep orter, J �� Series 63; (I ;;� ) ' 11.d Clzoate v. Ranso 5 rz, 323 Pacific Reporter, 2nd �.J J . f 700 (1958) · S · e� a s Reeves v. �cliiilniei er, 303 f'ederal Re porter,Jd':£ Series 802 ( U o z 5 e �!; , 2) 1?6 it czt i , r 6il als Ci t pe Ap of t z,r Co lt �ec � /:: cst ill 1attli e qu f �iett er a l l)and had to join in a swt by t .:e ,,all� _ ��: is de tern1inecl bv e e R i.. Fall of B uc1-.e. ye ·, 29 . le. � clomzcilii. See generally Hancock, Th Urz.zversity of Clz.icago Law Review 237 (126Z), 7


ili ,,

-114 -

N-0w auppase th, a·t t·he silu atio - n i,- re,rer�uecl th a·t Ll1e acc1 en ·d L i urr ed in Eth io pia h t1,ree·n t ate A dom-ici liarics. Herc, Ethi,opia occ � � _ om� 1n�e 1·est m allo1v1n·g recovery. Tlie .i j llr s e ha v ma y t1J • , ecl spouse may _ _ . have incu.1Ted 1J1,aJb1l1ty .for expenses .l1erc ar1cl needs the a110.11e)r to re pay · . io.pian er e di.tors. StilJ, i t is the po1icy of St atc _4.. that its marri­ the Eth ed people sho1.tld n,o t he alble to su.c on e ru1 01.]1 er. It is ·tJi e stale that 1 bas the gr eate.s.'t inter�t i n the marital relation$hip, an d Et l1 iopia should defer to tl1at interest. In other ,vorcls, q11csti,0 115 of SJ)Otlsal im­ munity should be treated as que-stions of Ia•m-iJ�- In,\-" to !be governed by the lex doniicilii. 343

•, ••

3. A sliipper in Etliiopia co1itracts -ivit/1. <t."1iess1n .a11. i,i Etlzio­ pia to deliver goods froni State .,1 to Etlziop1:a.. Tl1 e ct.gree11zc1it 1;ro·vicles that tlie sliipper shall not be liable for liarf,i res1Lltirig from li is n.egli­ ge1ice. Tlie goods are da ,11zalred in St(rte B cl11e to tl1 .e sli ippe1-'s negli­ gence. lri Ethiopia, the sti7J 1ilation exclttdi1ig,· tlie slz iJJJJer fro1ri liability is vali.d. 344 It is not valid u.nder tlie law of State B. TJie issue is1uhetlier tlie stipzilation i.s valid. It is clear that if t11e princiy>al c1t1estion is cl>a1:uctcriz e cl as one of contract, Ethiopian la,\' ,vill go,1 ern. Ell1io1Jia's J)oljc)' is to J)Cr111it f>C.r· Eons to relieve themselv-eis. from lial)i]iL�· tl1at is im1)osecl in tl1c alJsence of an offence. It 11as a strong in.'lcrcsL in rcg1ilnting the qt1estion of liability in a transaction bet,v·een an Et l1io1)i::t11 brlsine.ss1nan and a11 Ethiopian shipper. State B's policy n1ay- ])e tl1at :::11cl1 li1uilatio11 s on liability sho1.tld not 1Je recognizecl, bcca11se t11cy \vill encoltrage care­ lessne ss, and acl1nittedly s11c .has a11 i11tercst i11 regL1lating tl1e trans­ action. Th e most that can J)e said is that tl1c interests ·of Etl1io1Jia and State B conflict. It is j 11 EtiiiOIJ; ::1 'f- i11terest t o cl1aracterize the question as one of contract and J1ol<l lhat Etl1io1)ian la,v applies. 4



· r)·· brroe,.s a broacJ j01' . · ia t. . n. l!,tfiiopia11, d01riici




:,rears 'LUitJ1, ]1,is •

/aniily to State A. There he refuses to liis son to co1nplete lizs last year of secondary sclJ.o ol. as a resiilt of ivliicli tlie so11, suffers eco343. The court that decided Hau.m!s�ld hns


�eld. Flaynie v. Hanson, 114

6 )· Northw estern Reporter, 2nrl Series 443 (1

344. Civil Code of Ethiopia, Article 2147.

- 115 -

--------�- -·-----..,

it. U ride,· .rlrticle 2052 o/ er rrt uy JJl Jll , <! s , i: e/ se , J e , z 1, e1 1 the j 11,011, i, c loss ,o/ , e s ri i tli i cl to su a e ul Lia .S Cll cl be e, 1 'her � � e1 ... _ Ci,vil Code f;/ze JatlieI· ivoL1,L of ::Jl£1le 11. Tl1e iss1,Le is ivlietlie r 11� iv l<t e tli r cle ,1,iL 1 · , Lif bi liu ) ; is ;z,o sucli

Jatlzer is liltble.


. re<l else,,!'here. B11t Lh e parlieg c11r (Jc 1l::; e1 cv c i,· ,1t cr 01) c i tl l al Here, has a sl1·ong interest in r )ia o1 l1.i Et d an , c;s tri li� ici rn do n &t ai·e ]�Lll i.Ol)ia of its do111iciliaries, even when 1Js l1i ; ., iou lat e 1· lcl lti l.-c ren JJa i tl e ,r tLlatio t' t11e fa1l1er ,vhicl1 he ha1 <)tl llfJ l)' cl11 a l .-:1:c 1>0 i1J1 .i1as t j l. (>ac abr arc Lhe)' g the Etl1io1)ian fath er. tin ttia i118 iI1 ::;t ere i11L 110 a� 1 J .t\. LG St�l eJ. ach l)re

110 l)olicy· of Slate _A_ ,rill be adverse}), affected by' 1l l a.1 ir<.>Jll lial J i.liL,·, . "' efore, Ethiopian law should 11er '1 ·er. , reco Lo son tl1e g ,vi 11 allu a:s ioi)i bth , . .J.}Jl)l)r, e1,:f�11 Ll1tit1gl1 tl1e a<.:l ai1,I j111111elliale l1arru otCLirred else,,·l1e rt.

l(1 11!. Jll(fllll}<1c.;/11rf.:.'(' gu<J(IS i,1 Stc,te -�l, ivliicli were to 5. �l'l1e (ic�rc,1c • 1 be sold i1i Ji1,/1 il>JJia., 'l'/ie JJL1.rclit1ser is i1iji1.r<:(l dLLC lo ci defect in the f!,<)f1cls. 1'/iere is 11,, .,/i(11,ci11i t_;f 11egii g 1:11ce. L:11cler 1l1e /u1,v of State .d ,

Jlze nza1iz1,fact 11rer i.:; 11rJI. ii(tblc i.,z. tlic c1bse11.ce of rzegligerice. Urukr .�i rii cL e 2085 of tl1c (;ivi.i c.:otle Jze is fia,ble so lo11g as tlie damage . tlie nu111u· rcsi1.lls fro11i. i/1e 11(;r11i(ll 11s1,,:· of fUOcls. �[/1,e i.ss11e is 1vlzetlier

fc.t,l'.tltrer i., fiuble i,z_ i/1.e c,bsciice of 1ie.gligeru:e. ,

Herc ,re ;1,l\· e ;,, 1.r11e c:<<it1iiict. <)f go,0 cr111nc1Jlal i11terests. The })OllCf of Stntc l\, i� ll> i1.1;::tt!atc jt� 111ft[}11fact11rers fro111 .lia])i lit)" exce1Jt where lll·g;iigt.:;tlC(� i.s .:1l(J,\ O. 'l'lt(' fiOiic:· <.ll l::tl1if1}>i;: �S tf1at loss reStULing front

enter" t>llier cr1ter1, �l1all J)c l)t)1·11c b:· tJ1e l)erso11 ,vhose 1 -'r.ise i)r .i11�lr111J1i·11Lalil: l '. al1::-<·,.l I l1t� .lo.s� irrcs1)t�ctive of 11egligence. In ��<.ldition l<.l 111,111utaclt1r1�r;,:;� t hi=" l'l)]ic:· i .s a )I)licalJle to )ersons w0h o i 1 1 r c11 0 ff_a1:.:c. · · · t<'�� · v i 11 <,�l ll �cr<l11s acl 1,·11 ., , .)- o,r11crs of a11in1als, 346 o,vners oi. t�C<)t1011tic or

lluilcliiig:--. ;) 17 n 111l <i,,·11<'·r::- <)f 111acl 1 i1 1 cs .111rl 111otor ,·el1 icles. 348 EtJuo · �,i �t l 1 a:::- atl ittlerr:-t i11 ])ri i\· i1l i11� C<)111J_le11satio11 to a 11erso11 ,vlio ,ras ·,nJltrf·d ,vitliitl it-- l)c>rci1·r:-. <' ,. <'11 tl 1 011gl1 . rred Ll1<� aC't i1-1 c111 estior 1 occu f•lf-e,vli�·rf' . �l'lr,,s. ,,·lier,, I hc l 1 ar11\ occ ian tltio p E tl1e 11r� )ia i F.:t , l1io 11 1 . ,· ·· 1 la,,· Jlro,·1<1111,Y 11 � 0 · • fo 1· ·il ·0 , • -::-eri · ,I :-< · l 11 (� ]·1a 1)1·1 1 t, s l 1011 1 <11 ap]Jl)"· It ca11no t :-- · Ci vil 34,6. �:1_ v_1_ 1 34,7. C�v�l 348. C1v1l '.),Ir'.� ,J�1·.)

(�ode o( Etl1io1>ia: Arti <"l� 2069 . od � e of Etl1iopia, Arti('le 2071. l;ode of Etliio11ia, Article 2077. Code of Ethiopia, Article 2081 .

-116 -

�e eonte11decl tl1at fo1·eign 1na1J.11factlrr(�rs ,v·il1 ref. . lt::-c Lo s.l11. p proll1.1cL-:· l I 1ere t. 1ey 111ay lJe l1elll to a . :--l - ar1 c I ar . l l o 1. alJSol ule l1.alJ1. . ] 1 t.y. . . . a::;::�� L1J11e t11at. tJ1e 11ot do 1r · oIhe o ' ,. o c)(ls ,vill ])e clef:c c·t·lV....e. E!, l1110 . . 1)1a �11(>111,1 . h fo reign mant1.facti.:u·e1·3 shiJ)pin ;nc:.isl t at rr b rr oood·s 1·.11 to Eth·1:op1a · .b e SLJ.J I� sa r1 m 1l. es e tl 1e of lic1b1.l11,. " Ior J 1 ar111 l'C J·ecl. Lo "li· lti· 1 1b . ll.l Ll )(; Lise () 1.,, o- ftO -, • • • . ((ood� - Etl1101)1a s J)o11(�)·r a:- l() ·1l i'"... L1·1·1·)ll l'1t 10llle· o 1" I':enc o ,·,.\(' :, t·1'" ::-'-o-· t· r1Jr1se liability - as Etlli o1Jia11 1nanuiact11rcr�. '1'11 e s, arne -,. l101 J 1 c l l)e true for tl1o, se ,vho enga g e in clangeroris acLivi. tie�, o,rncrs of macli in es and · r l motor ve 1icles and o,•, ne1·s oJ a11i111als; aLsolrtl.f:! l ility sl ioLtlt l .lJe inipo5ecl ,vhenever tl1e har111. oce1Lrs here. :>49 JJ.O.V


6. 11,i Etl1iO[Ji(111 ,1-,c111.11fc1ctl1rer 111a1111frrctl1re...,· , t;<)ocl s /,ere a,1.c/ shii>s the1ri to Str,tc : .1:l. Tlie /Jltrclic,ser i,°' i11j11reci <i11e /.(.) a clefect i11 1./i c gou,.ls. 1'here is no slio1ui11,g of 11<!glig e 11 ce. 1'/1(' is.s,,e is 1.v/ 1e t/1er ..,-l r t-i cle :2ll85 shall be ll[JJJlic(1ble� sirtcc t!,er<' i.s ti(> li<1l1ilit-)· 1r11rl<'r tl,e la ,c, <>f Stu le _.J, Etbio1)ia:s 1>oljc) · i� tI1at 111a11ufa('l11rc-r:-: :--!1all /)car Ll1c� rj :-:},;: of l. rJ,....; <lue to a tlcfect it1 tl1c· g<. )O<I--. �t�1lt..: _..\_ i:,; r1<>l i11tcrc�ted i11; 1l1t· . Ethiopia.rt 111a1111.faclL1rrr fr<. )111 li£1l1i lil�': it 1.i()c·:- '1101· ol)j<�c.L lr1 .l{tl1io1_>ia·� eonierring a. b(�11efi.t Lll)OJ1 ti1(� Sial(' _:\_ . r r· �i1lc11l. 'J'c, t 111: (�xte11t Ll1al tl1e 111anufact11rer relie,l 011 a11,· - Ja\r: 11(� a:-::-:111,1c,l that J11· \V<)11ld l)<.� l1eJ,I

ahsoltttel)' lia]Jle, si11c(� tl1i5 js tl11: Ia,,· c:1f ·1,:1l1inJ>ia'. ,vl1i"l, i:-- \\'l1crc lie 1nan1uacturccl tl1e !!OOflE. \ j[ 111igl11. !)e i11 Elli i(>1>ia�:-: llUl"J'()\\ -


governmental i.11 tere�t l<) J>rot1·ct tl1e F:tl1i<>J.>inn 111a11ufactur(�r agailtSI. lbe inj 11recl State 1\ rc�i,le11t� :::11cl1 a rc':-:11lt ,, c,ul(l !Jc ,li�cri 111 iriatory-. Rthioi)ia J).rotects inj t,r('fl r�tlli<)J>iar1� a:-: a�ai11--1 tl1e 111a11t1[;1cL11rer a11tl \�·ill l1 old. a St a te 1\ 111a11t1fact11rcr lial)lt· u11<l<:r its la,v \Vll(!ll tlic� llarrll . . . er'· . . -.. ...Ii . a t it l1 <:> I , l l I 1 r-. L <"' . r i 11 . · . ( I . Jl(-', 11 � . . f a 1 occnrs Ill Etl110 anr f�]l(' Et 1)1a. Co11s1. . . S' I a tL • 111 E•ru111• 111 a11 t1 f act11rqr l .1 a· 1)l <"' \\· I t<:, 1. <• J 11• :-., c,rO c> 1 j.:: ca11� c I. 1 a r 111 r


re the he ,v r �lo . a1 <' th OH ty li )i nl ]' -� 349. For cases imposing the r1·5k of enter. e<lera l Reporter. J,' O ]J .· ls o; Fo .' b� :,i P7'> r act occurred else\vbcrc see fluntc r citit 1940); Reetl i C £1 2n z eri · fJJJ / 1 f 0v. 2ncl Series 970 (Uriitecl' States Cozirt R es. 359 fU11ite< l i er S . l r ,c .., ? . r S; e rt O [J l \e & Barton. CorfJ. v. ii}faa.s,. 73· ,F , ecl·e..ra] ,1 _) ln Llle se raGes I hc> sra te v,h ere States Coi,rt of Appeals, 1st C,rc,iz.t 93 .1•y 011 the actor. T·To,,·c\"er, the . . 1 I : 1 [ • . .. J ) a 1. I 1 H1.) s Olu LC t}1e 1nJary occ11rred Jmpo�ec . Jt1IJ co n · 1n o re lu JJ e 1 J 1 f o , · [I'' 1 1 I 1l C · c1 111 · E: result ,vas reachec ,5 1·iJr recoinn1cndc l on I.]1e ] JrtSJ s l].l "'1 l • I.h e 1. e, 'xamit rm pe trols. Such reasonb1 g would not.

ple No. 6.

117 -

li a�ility �s im1)osed _ the te lu so ab 1·c 1c v1 \ · s se . A. 350 rl"hllS, iu all ca pr1se act1v1ty - Ethiopian 1· te en m o fr g u ti 1l s1 re allocation of the i·isk was carried on in Ethin e s ri rp te en e th r he .,. eit e . er l i �v y · )ly l , . a h a,v s 01u<. 1)l l red. he1·e. e .ff s a su ,v e is )r r1 te r1 e e th m o })ia or the hai·iit fr p ia witli liis minor son. io th E in ng di si re is y ar li ci rii 7. �4 ,ioii-do 1 e of tlieir doniicile at st e th of 1.,v la ,e ti1 er 11.d U . rt to Tlie sori co11111 z,its a is son. Under Article 2124 o/ h. of s ; rt to e tlz or J le 1b lic t no is tlie Jat/1,er s. e rt os to Tlie issue i,s th r fo e bl liu e ad 11i is r ze l at, i J e tl cle Co tlze Ci·vil le. ab li ld fie : l1c ll 1.(1 sl r lze ot f e i tl r ie tl 1e l 1v

s , iou ity ar bil vic lia of ion which eEt qu tl1e Lh \Vi ecl fac are ,ve Herc I ion dit to ad In al 351 ent r. par lie ear sed clts J clis cen l s to so111e extent ha liable for icle tor ,,eh mo is or i11e .cl1 ma a of 11er ' o'\<. c J l t. 5� 1 . liall ility, l1ar1u c,1l-iS<.�cl D)' otl1crs ,vl1ilc rising the machine, 353 a corporation is liaJJle for tll.e acts of its D.gcI1t�, 354., an employer is liable for the acts of l 1is ci111)loyees 1vl1ilc in t11e c1ischarge of their dtrties, 355 and a m.anag1 11g editor oI a 11eitvs1)a1}er, tl1e })rinter of a pamphlet, and tl 1e 1)11J)lisl1 er of a 1Jook are liable £01· the defamation comn1iitted by tl 1 e alLll1or. 356 Here� liability' 111ay t,e based on lnotl1 the allocation of


351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356.

;;.imilar case, tl1ough involvi11!! a resj clent of the forum is Schmidt ti, Driscoll IJotel, 249 ll1innesota R;ports 376, 82 North1,vester1� Reporter, 2nd Series _365 �1957). Under tl1e l:y,,r of SL1te A a person ,vho served liquor to an 111tox1cnted IJCrson ,vas liable for an-y hann caused by tl1at person �vhile_ u.r1der t11e in.fll1enc:e of alcol101. T11e defendant served liquor to an 1nlox1catecl perso11 ·\,-lio, ,,·l1e.n dri,i11C!'. in State B ,,,hile under the infloen· ce of �lcol10], c:1nsetl an accident, j 1;juring the plaintilf.f ,,,bo ,vas driving _ ,vit1i liint . .1\.ll parties ,vere rcside11ts of State A. Tbe State _A;_ court held tliat ·t11� statut� : v-as a1)IJ1ica1Jle� and the result ,vould not have been dif, ferent 1 f tlte 111.1ured ll:lrty ,,,ere -::i State B re�ident. State A ,van.t ed to control tlie cond11ct of its b:irtenders and decided that the loss result ing f� on1 t�ie ac ts of an intoxicated person should he borne by the one who '' as re::ipoi1 s 1_ ble for tl1e i11toxic:.1tion. ee tlie discussion of Sclieer v. Roc/;;n.e Motors, SlJ.JJra, note 59 and Sieg, � rnann. v. J\tleyer, supra, 11ote 62. s;e also Articl� 2125 01f tl1c Civil Code relating to the vicario us liabilitr o ot l 1er gt1ard1a11s of tl i e child. Civil Code ·of Etl1io1>iu, Article 2081 . See also Article 2082. Civil Code o-f Et11iopia, _.i\..rticle 21 29. Cod e of Etl1iopia, 1\:rticle 2131. Se e also. Article, 2132. C ode of Ethiopia, Article 2135. 1\.

:� �i

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the risk of• loss• 1·es1tlt• ing from economic enter iJr;s .1. e a11d t·· he po li cy of • • • • y lit e to i11s1u tl1at th e pe1·son r1lti111 irop osmg liabi ate]y responsible 1vill l ove1· the actions of ,0thei·s exercise greater co.ntro 1. , e ·oa., ,.U1e 1ati 1er will . . gr eater d1sc1jpline o ver the c1 1ild 01. ·tlie ern "xe ..... rcise iJ I oyer ,v1·u care­ • fully select its em�loyees. F 1u-tl1e1·, th er e is the desire to provide a .financially r es1�onsib le p:1·s�n fo r tl1e i11j11red person Lo sue. Recov ery . ag ainst the cluld 01· an 1nd1v1dr1al em1Jlo)ree, e.g., a trLicl(. driver, ,vi ll often he unavailing. ,.fhe ha1·m occt11·1·ed l1c1·e, and it is in Ethiopia's interest to p romote its }Jolicie.s 1vitl1 re5\l)ect to tl ie allocatioii o.f loss, the control of con<.lt1ct ancl Lhe JJ1·oviding of a financially resrJonsihlc defenda nt. Consec1 11 ently, the Ethio1)ian la,v relating to vicarious liability should apJJl)' ,vhenever Ll1e har m occurred in Ethiopia. 357 1


8. In State A, the s011, of an Etliiopia11, dorriiciliary coni1riits a tort. Under tlie law of State .11 a 11arerit is riot liable for tlie torts of li� cliild. Under tlie laiv of Etlzio11ia lie is. T/1.e issitc is wli etli e1· tlie fatlier shall be held liable.

The problem is really the same that exists ,vith rcs11cct to abso­ Jate liability. Ethiopia�s policy - ,vitl1 1·es1J ect to allocation of econo­ mic.loss, control of cond11ct occur1·jng 11erc, or a relat ionsl til) existing here, and proviclin¥ a .financially res1)011sihle defc11cla11t - j .::; afiectecl. Of these, the most significant in tl1js context is its polic)' to,varJ con­ trolling a relations11i1) that exists l1erc. It l1olcls tl1c fatl1cr lia�le, among othe1· reasons, t o enco11rage 11i!11 t o pro1Jcrly· co11trol tl1e child. 'l'o the extent that tlie la,v relati11g Lo ,�icarjo1.1s lia]JiliL)' is folrnclecl on such a consideration - and the r e is no do11bt that t o some extent it is op hi Et e sin r vc co or J\J , s. ic lic q,o its c - Ethiopia should pro�ot � :: )', prote cts injt11·ed Etl1iopians by jts la,v as to vicario11s liabilit r lia e th e er 1 I ,v is oi rs pe d re � should not c1iscrimi na te ag ai ns t inju . rest 1n te m l ta . en m n er v ('To o o n s 1a� 1 occurs e.1s elvhere. F1 na11y, Stat e A . eries 720 (1961)' ,vl1ere S d 2 357, See Watkins v. Czipit, 130 Sou.tliern..Re p3;!e ��rt� -of the son con1mitted in the ahsen.t father 1-va-s held Iiablo for that tl1e state cI n o ro g e th 0 cl the fornm. Again. the result ,vas r�ac1d� oning ,vould not permit h c where the hann is suffered contro the result recommended in Example ·N 0• 8•

- 119 -

IIIIIIIIIJI .. ti l<� ] <' L l 1 io11j·111 J)are11L fro111 Ji.alJil.iL)' and ,.vould not eh1'ecI ·1116ll 1 al111g t. en 358 d te A si ta re S a on lt it ef 1 . p er ] J a . . ,r · 11 · 1•1 - rc,.,. 1. . o Lo E t· h1op1· a�,!:>_ �. 01u · o E l e ia tl1 , ty Jili l i 1te th JJt JS( a) to 11r lir i .: l · r<. , < ,r , .::: pi an 'l'J 111s. n:,\VI- 1 11 LI·1-· la' ap1Jlicable \vhenover lJe ld ou sh ty li lJi ia l . 1s o1 i 1· ca vi la\. -\-" ,�,it.Ii ,resiJecl ;to . s e th ion at rel re 1c rvl rJ hi1 " ,vh ·i'cL . ·l�tl1i .. otJia or iri 1·ed , · rr, ..: 11 . 11 ... /:' , ::0 : 1 i: ,, . l l'l ll' I l� Lll( ·�· . ts in Etl1io1Jia. is ex )' it il ]l Jia 1::or ri ca ,,i 11 c 1 gives ri�e to r1ir; bile:-; i,1l State .4. Tliere <; t1t c1 g 11 vi i cir re (/ s ' 11 (t J)i 1 / u i, 9. /" 1 <'<> r,; 1 .4 o o laz e tli er id Ur t. L1l ft1 ! 1 r. <� ctr s er iv f clr Ii t 1 iii (t C(><Jll i,i. 1 v/1 icf /Jo ia, llru:ler_ Arti­ op l1i i Et lr t. l u. fa t ci. e er iv tli l)o e ic si, r, uc c() re 11e1:r/ze.r c<111, tli<-; total c11nourit of th� lf lia for ble lic, is lz r:oc e ('(ts r, h si1c ii i Bcl� 20 e!<' ii lio SLtfferecl the greater · rt) /JCt tlie 1<:r etl 1vl1 is 11e iss e 'j'/; e 1 /uiitaf!. . <, ,l 11111rt ge 1·r111 rer-<>1:er 1/ze e.rcess fro111 tlze J




.l 11 .-n,('h ,1 1·a:-'f' Stal e · :\·:-: i11lert:':-l i11 reg1,1]ating the conduct that j 1;(·c·ttr:-- < >11 it :- l 1 igl 1 ,vc1�:-.:. i:-- ,lirf·ct.1�- i11,;ol, 0 c<-l. State 1-\.'s policy is that j

ll 11.'1·e :-:l 1rt ll l i e� 110 l'CCO\'Ct")· \\ 11<'11 ]JOLJ1 !)arties are at fa11lt. rfhis may r,·1)r1' :--< ·11t th,, l )c -li < 't <)I' tl1e !cgi:"lat11re a11<l cot1rt5 of State _A, that the de11ial oI recover)' is 11ece:3sary to instLre l)l'O})er high,vay safety- a parly \\ ill driYl� 1l1.ore. earcfully iJ J1� l.;:. 110,vs Li1al l1e c annot reco,,ei- at all if ! 1 v l1a� co11Lrillt1Lvd l<> Ille l1ar111. ]�t]1iof>ia'� l)oJic)· i:3 tl1al ,vl1ere both <·u11Lril,ul1'(!. allc,,·ali<)tl <)f ·1c):=::=: :-:l1c,11lr1 lJc cc111a1. lrr(·spectiv·e of ,vhich 0

pl!licy i::. :--()t111d1'r. State· 1\ l1a:-.:. Li1t' 1,ri111ar)" i11tercst in regulating tJ1e 1 ·n11d11ct t.l1ai o<·t·1tr!'- ()il it� l1 i µ:l1,ra�·s. a111l tl1e. l .. 1,vtl1at it tl1i1iks nece.;­ -.::.1r�" tu 1>r<>Ill< 1 lc l1igl1,,·ay �aret:· sl1c)11l<l l)e a1Jil]iecl. 359 Here St.ate A l a:-: tl1 e s111,c·rior µ:o,·pr11 111e.111al i11l<'l'C'St . ,,·l1icl1 Etl1iOJJia sho11ld respect. � (.<Jilvi·r�elY. ii' tlic- a<'ci 1 l<"' 1 'lt <)1·c 1 1rrcfl i 1 1 Etl1i L111ia: i\rticle 2084 sl 1ould, -· ·-----358. !�' l�ev,· i:. Da ,i<'l , U-Drii:e .,1uto Re11ti11g Co., 108 Con,�<icticul Rep orts � . : 33 ]'1,.� /ltl(IHL'.r 1\� �portrr l(i:1 (1928), tl1 e foru1n'.s lav,r holding tJ1e l��Jor � clll ai l l lO�ll It� t 1 , bl1> for l1arn1 (';1U$C(l l) y the l::;s:;ee ,· ,,as l1eld ap1ihca· '. � r � � 1 ' • Lo hc�I 111 causeil 1 n :rnolher stale to a resiclent of tl1at s,tr1t,e. The r.onr1 ' . coll • 1· 11ara<·Ler1ze1l tli e • . « 11 , 0 ve d tlc:.1 fl � 1 · 11 as, or1e o f co11tr::t('t·' since 1L 1nvo] . ' . here , lracL 1nade ther,•� lH:l,'i, t · .,,cn .. ·] e11t a11,1 a comJJa , •.1 1. e:,lC .· - :i� r1.e1r Ju5Jnes • nv ' do1r1e: I • • • · '1'111·,-; sl1011l] l r Jc ex tc n< o le l L 0 o 1 an)' s1t1.1.at1on \vl1ere tl1e forun1 1 np �e. b· . ·. l . • · :{ •· · • io lL-:, 1ta . h' . d 1 e >1 11lv. 1.--., rnl" ffect L!. a • . 15 1 o e ''1car not b 1ous 1 1a . s11oul d 1l1tv ·· • , J on tl1c f·,1cl l 11at -b1J 1l1c }1a.1n1 occurre anon::· , d e.LSe,vhere 1_ si11r..� 1:]1e re1 . ' · ·lI !Il, leh 11. al-.) . 'r'I,1lIC . I hty .1u the forn11·1 i s . ' ' l ec cxJ sle d .1.··l! w 359. Tl1 e rul e t.l1at th e ex 00 loc, <lel1ct1 :::-"overus is uslutl.l.v JUEL1I1ed b. · . .inter e£I USIS - t1lat the pl ·h ' . · ace ' '' ere tl1e act or l1ar111 occurs l1as the . . . reg ulat1ng act1v1tv : tha.t la. kes plac . e or l1as an.,,eI.fect . there.



z ..


. .

- 120 1•\


. . .



be appJ.iecl. The p,oint is tl1at tl1e state ,v)1 erc. ti 1e ac-c1.dent r occun-e<I J or go, cr1 1 1ue11 tal interest has tl1e SllJ er1 1 11 rler:i< litl!.! ,,,J,� ,� tlict· recovcr·r . , . ccl itt r1n 1vl1e11 botI1 J)nrti C'.... •ar<' nld be pe �ho , •al rl111 I t T I$ l"Ll. 1 cf. a� to rc. s11c a l1 i11 sit 1 i ation relate le) it� , rover,, . C'Oll('f', J)r-1• 0 1. I O f \\. 1· tal Ji'< • n<'<'CS�at,' ) for 1l1e prO} Cr OJJ eratio11 of it� l 1 i l:" o-l 1 ,va,,,._ c. • • Jt,:,; 1·11 t Cr('.� t cl enr1v 0111. ""eiC', lJs tJ1e interest of a11,• 01l1er $late- • ('\•e·,1 ,,rl1e1· ,-,. ·� l)otl . 1 1)a r t: 1 0.5i a ,-r-. of es a tl r 1e i Ji otl1 er �Lat�. 1 llC'rC'f <.)r(' • I J 1 . ,Jon1• i c i ,,, •<:tat c: •". ,,-11cr , ·"' r.JIf' J1 n l1ll ,_ Occnrrcd sJ1011lrl rleter 1 11in<" ,v11 �tl 101· tl�" •• t·c· . l',·111 J,,,, .. a11�, rprr,vrr�, �v J 1r r-r bntl1 nartie.s are nt fa11lt. :l60 10. !11 Stc1.te ."'1. r1 1>1,.blisl1<> r />!tl)li.sl1<>s r, 111rt !!rt::.i11 -<' 1ulr.irl, is drcrrlr,t­ . r,cl ,in .Etl1 ionir1. Tl1P iss11(> i11 r111(>st.io11 rnr1tr1i11 s ,,,, r1rt.irl(' nl)n 11 t nr, . iic/1 is rl('/rr111r1tor� Etl,iopir,n rlon1icilir1r,_ ·. 1cl ,. Tl11rlr>r tl1r• lr,1r r,f,tn -1 tliP rlP(r11nation is i11sti/i,>rl s0 ln11a r,s 171(• r le/<'11rl r111t l1os e.1.·1.>rr>ssnr!. !,in1sPl•{ nr1 ct 111at1,,.,. of fJ11blir i11terr>st. TT,,rl( 'r .4 rt i( 'lt• �0-16 tl,; s i<: ,, clc/ense z111lPss tlzr> p11lJ!isl1 rr Ti·,,(> 1 ,. ,.,, (( f f !, ,, rl, nr[{ . r>S ll'('rfJ .r(/ lse . 'fl('1"(' the mattrr lVns onP of n11l) lir: i11L<'r,-,st. 7)11( tl1(' ,,,,l;li.-.lzer l,,1f>1i: t1rrrt rl,r cl,arges TPPTP .fal.'iP. rlrfense. (,•

Tl1e probJe111 0f 1l1r l3,,· tl1al �o,·rrr1 ..:: 11111lfi---1:.-1tr l)11l1lic;1l1011 is an i11fere�ti11Q' ' onP. Torla,·. ,,-ir-11 tl10 a1)11r'nrc1J1rr of 111D11�- i11lrr1 1:1.rin11n 1 nnblirntin11�, ii· al:::o i:: lik"'l,· to 11,, n r0:11 c111r. Tr ('a11 l 10 ,·r1nlr11,lr,l un

the one l1a11,l. tl1al t11r 1)11l>lisl1rr n,-1c: i11 [l('ro1· cln11,·1' ,,·i1l 1 1l 1 c ln,,· r,f lhe stat� ,vl1er0 l1f' n1 1hli<:. }10<: t11I' 11 1nl rri.1l. n11 11 tl1n1 1,r �1 1f>ir lrl 110! l1r ,,nl1jer·tpd to a cliffr-r,�r,t lc1,,· in r;1cl1 :c:f:ilr inlc, ,,,J1i,·l1 l,i� J111l)lir;ition J!()rr.:. 011 tl1f" otl1<>r l1c111cl. al l f'a-:f ·\•, 1 1r·rr t 1lf' 111'11· 1 1,.;l1rr rr)nfrnl<-

, rlietriblltion. 1vl1irh is t11r 11<-1ral cn:=:r, ]1c ,·n111r1laril,� :=:<'1111� l i i:-- J)Jil1 lir-n­ lion i11to n r>al·tictllar --ratf' . .3fi1 Dr-fc1n1nlio11 i11,·ol,·r::: :-111 i11_1i 1r�- 10 rf'-

. jc:. rf'lir·,·1,,l frnn1 .IHe , ar LI) ie r 1 i l · ,, to 360 . Tt snon t>nl r·-.t t . 1.1 tl1r o aJc:.o J cf'tcrminP · · · 1,e · ("'11 · · or 1· 11, l rnrncl e tit '' rt, • l ')' liabilitv clne to !lie act of n lJ lJrr '. • . -1 · •Th•"re Nn • J · . <' .. E• 1n1n .,x . rn frn on ' 1:it, o:itt -: r],j h c: . 1. . �t n1:::l.1n[!1 JJ.. We mt1. • i r• bn,i� of l 1 nh 1 '11,· •• , tl te '"' · ,.. i �t· J 1 . 1 :Jll · tl 1n l rr l J 1rr ·c-1 1 n.l ll)U?:J1 tne f·a1·111re to ac t o 1·t l·' ln ni ,·n 11 e Th . rl, .:: ,n 0 1 n 1 i� the fan1ilv relationc.hip rntJ,,.r t in " 1 c 11 " n.1 � f, rPla1ion<=l1ip. • • 1111 jJy 1. 1 n f e nc te . 1R .-.x e th of _ 1 ,vrong fu 1 on J y l)C(·an�e mare 1ip 1,n .::. thr· prin,ar�· l ns io J:it rc · il, n1 fa ' 1 1e ;ind the Rtate ,\·hose J 11 ,,· IYOYcrnc; I interest in re!!111ating Ft1f'h C"oncJ 1irt. th:11 i-lalr. or "· Ja e • tli 10 111 1 . 11 . t cr . I ,, 11 c: ,)'6] • 'TTl to • _,, 1 nns, 1t ,,·011 I d not h e «nn!FaJt • · • 11rrr "<' e ·(' th of m i;:; wn. . ir· it rr r ou aR , ,a e1 cr1t ,,v nt 1e tJ. 11s el1011 I cJ 11ot . 1Je tl1 <' 0 nlv ' . defcr 1iJa11 r to tl1c 1 u,,· o f n J ic t !! b m ct 1e rase ID " · " • di Cates, th e "Ia1rne;:;s · " Of �u o t particular state may he a re1evanl consi era .t -n


- 121


all)' most affected in th s11 1 1. is . n tio ta 1 . r)1 i·e s n' rso e · p11tat1on, ancl a pe . . . · e is mo t concern 1e he ,v e ac pl 1e tl � is t 1a Tl ed � J)lac� ,vl1erc he lives. g interest 1 n protecting on str a s ha le sta at th d an � r·eptitation, ab Oll t h·I� 1 as f1·eq11ently arisen in th e United l 1 en 1Jl Jro is i l T 1 ]Jjs reJ)l�tation. to the domicile o f the in. ok lo to is ' c: cn nd te t en es pr e th States, und an Ethiopian domicil iary of n tio uta rep 1 e tl e1·e 1 Wl 362 on. 511recl 1Jers mental interest in protect. rn ,·e go ng ro st a's 1 r>i io l Et d� re j11 jn en lias be its Ia,v . Th e publisher ,\,ho 1)ly ap to it 1se ca1 uld sho 8on pcr t tl1a ing sent the 11 1aterial into Etl1iopia l1as no ca11se for oo mplaint ; he can r cxa1ni 11e tl1 e clefa1.1.1atio11 ]a,\· of e, er�' sta te "\\'here he intends to send 11 1 c p11lJ] icatior1 ar1<] ref11se to sen cl tl1e p11blication into a state if he r too harsh la,, . The Ethiopia n law is ntion 1 n clefa 's $latc at 1 tl iclei-s co11s ,·<"ryr f.'.lir to t11e J)t11) 1islle1·, EO tl1 erc i s little dange1· that ,,,ri�itten material ,vi]l 11ot ]) e c1istriJ) 't:t lecl ]1cre for fear of lial Jility for defan1atiion. But ,vl1 cre tl1erc is a clai111 of clefa111ation lJy an Ethiopian d:omiciliaryi E1l1 ibt)ia, ,vl1 icl1 l1 as a strong: go,;ern1nental interest i n protecting the rr'r1l1lation of st1cl1 pcr2011s, sl1011lcl ap1Jly its la,\"" .



, 1

11. 111aterial is p1lblisl1ecl i11 EtliioJJia and sent to State A. The _ n1atericil is clefct111ator1, of a Stctlt.3 .4. resiclent. Under tlie law of State .11, as i11, tlze previo11s e. \·rt1ri1)lc, tl,e pz1blisl1er lias a good defense. Under 1 11,e la·1v of Etl1io7Jic1 lie does not. Tlie issz1e is 1vlz.etlier tlie publislier · l1as c1 goocl defense. Etl1iopia nleo l1as a stro11g go,·e1·nn1ental interest in regul ating t he l concl11 ct of })11blisl1ers ll1at act 11ere. Tl1e Ci,ril Co de sets forth the · ! �ta11 d ards - ex11ectccl 0 f 11 1 c111. at1cl pt1bl"1shers l1ere are fam1·11ar · ,VI'th tl1ose stan·clarcls · St 1u ' • al � e· A J 1 as 110 go, er11me 11ta]_ interest 1n · 1ns11 · 1 at'n tli,� E�Jiio1)iaii J)lll)lisl1cr. 1"l1c sit 1tatio11 is si1uilar to that of absolute 0:1(1 vi nriotls 1ial)iliL)· · a11cl l1c rc too, Ethiopian la,v shorild apply. � 1_1111s, 1n clcfa111atio1 1 f'a�c.s ver r E tl 1io1Jian Ja,v sl1oulcl ap1Jly \\ }1ene 1natcr1. al sent liP.r 8ncl j : • c i, ts cl c fan1ator ary li dom ici of an EthioiJian y ,vl1cne,'cr n1atcrial })tll)li sl1ccl llcre is defamatory. f



362. See l\Iattox v N · 891 I . C czvs S)'n dzcat . e, 176 Federal Reporter, 2nd Series r, ( Unitecl S; t ur of Appeals, 2nd Circuit 1949) ; Dale S�ste� , �;�, � Time, Inc.a' ;·� 6 c Jer al Supplement 527 (U,iited St.ates D istrid 1953).

-122 -

12. X ccnd Y, husban.d and ivife, are Etli iop•":1 an • • • d01,iici · ·z·ia:ri· es who t te in g ulm res for a year. are


!� During that year an hiop Et ian doming o idi als res in te , ary Sta cili A, persuades the wife to leave the husband th wi ,. hin Su ch conduct is not actio and live nable in State A, 363 but is actionable in Ethiopia under Article 2050. Th e issu e is whethe r the hzisband can recover tlie def a,1.da,it.

Here the concl11ct of the defcnclant ,vas 11ot proli ibitecl l))r the Ja1-v of the place where it was done. I-Iowcver, the injury is to family in­ terests, and the state th at is most concerr1 ccl ,vitl1 protecting tI1e fami­ ly is the state of the rnatri1uonin l c101nicile, l1ere Etl 1iopia. TJ1e <le fe11dant i s an Etl1io1)ia11. 364 and l1 is ron(l 11 rt I1 acl an acl,,crsc effect in Ethiop ia. State A l1as no real jnterc�t i11 instzlatin g Et11iorpian defendant from lia}Jility. 365 and EthiOJ)ia 's. strong go·v·crnn1 ental inter­ est in protecting its families $}1 ou]d prevail.

13. X and Y, lizL.sban,d arLcl ·lvife� c1re do11iicilia.1·ies of State .,..1., resid­ ing in Etliiopia. While tliey are residing !1,ere. a Strtte A do-111icilin ry, also residing lzere, persztades tlze 1vife to leave t:ll c l1 ztsbar1cl a11rl livP 1uitli liim. Tliis co1zdz1ct is n o . t actionable 11riclcr t:Ti e la1v of State .4, but is actionable in Ethiopia. Tl1e iss11e is ivli etlzer tli e l1 can recover. All parties are State A domicilia-ries. ,incl ll1 is is· a State A mar­ riage. It-can be contended tl1at State A J1as tl10. i;rentest in terest I1 ere. and if State A - the matrimonial rlon1iciJe. - cou.�:lones s11 ch concl11 ct, · · 1t 1s of no concern to E t J 11op1a. ecl - tl1e iff · r ,; · s11ffer · t]1c-· r)laint . 1c: 1 1n11n • • TI . e d St t _ h:-ivc l)arrcd actions to recover 363. _,.\. number of states in �1.1 e Unit for alienati?n of a f fections n � t · a 1f1�e �n tlle rrronnd that they nre

d 'ma y llnve ·been tl1e reason for 1 often vexatious an d n� fonn cc· �� 1•5 .inc t · ity except ,vberc the mother rm �cte �o pia Ethio 's prohibiting suits f 8 b:lt;i�on or rape. See Civil Code of the child hns been the v 1 ct 1 m O an o.f Ethiopia. Article s 758-761. . . . 1 tiou since t1 1 e acts occurred 364. This ,vonld he th e usual ha�ns Of J unsc1.r. ' pos1'·t·1 on tli 'at since tl1e barm l 1e t l else,,,here, though !h e c? urt conld ta ce at of tl1e re1ase e th , ia op lli Et in cd er f f to the family relahonsh1p 1vas s u _ r1.0:: 1 c.t.1.on over 3 foreign defendant on . · ,. E 1 · · Jn e av tionswp, tu op1a ,vonId h .cJ• i had its effect 11ere. 1 '" h ·· ,, act the basis of the ''doing of an 365, I� may be that the reason that Sll<'d� nct �ons :ire bnn·ecl in State A is tl1at Sec the ts ur co s it . in it gl ou r h..., ns o 1 ct a State A does not 1vant su_ch " sordi cer irifra, note 366. l ar P G v on . or( discns sion of this point 1n 7

-123 -

re(J at l1is m.atr·im-011ial dom. s11ff c rea l]), ?i i -inju1-y to J 1 is r11arr iage tl1 <� alienati 11 rr act·,� ,v. : l 1 e11 li,,i ng .,, v as l1e r>'lac t" e 1]1c nt a11 t'l 1 er 1 ir.i]e ratl occ11rre<].



A.n1erican OOlU:l i11 tl1e fam ous . r1 a to (l te · n e cs i>r 'l'llis pro1)1elll ,vas . s en P e er ,v n fe i v ,is h d i an i ff la ] nt l1e p y caEc of Cc>T(lor,. v. P r1 rl..:< ?r. �166 T · assach1isetts domi . M a as \\ t an cil 11l 1 . ' fc cle c 1l1 1<l ai �:-=. c i :1r li i . . ic ii1. rlo ,·ariia gn oo l1 izec l a cause ro ic; S. l1 ,v lL e :::. ; )11 l 1 , c ss f a ".\ · i11 (I 'rf lll ' iar\". rrl1e act� ()('(" rlvani a 1 ns en P : fe did not. j ,,, a f o· s n 1 e aff cctio· l l i 11g al =�11 < i al r fo j 1 'l of �l( 01 ) J )l y a11cl allowed reco,­ aJ 1 l 1l( 01 ;;J1 \',· ]a ts t 1 �c 1r cl :::.:a ra j\ rrlir· ('.Ot1rl' l1el1I t l1 al ) y lvania clid not out­ 11s e1J J of t:-:. e:-' er 11t i · 1l1c a! 1 1..l t ou cl r:r:·· Tt 1)oi r1te r ,. · l e ce th )la \ as \ ' �: re �LL he 1 lSf the ·l l c :::::a ''"''i!.!.·li tl1osc of j\·fa:::sacl 1tt �<":tl:-:. r\'ru itller<:>:-l iD f>ro]1i lJiting C011dt1Ct '\Vl11ch 111i scni1rl11cl O<'tlll'.l'f'f.l . ] 1 n� Hll t111ut:�- It ,.va� co11cerned ,\�th i:1r1 (·01 ' tl1l ls of arl 11cl sla l · rn 111o 1rt l ' lo ,, c:r::" i111,,r!'r-r r- 11c1· ,ritl 1 111aritn"I rigl1ts tl1at took place tl1ere. �rhe co11rt noted 11 ,e 1·li ,Li 11 cli 1)11 l i c1,,· t·1'11 .i<l111 011itor,,• lortE - '"l1ere certain conduct µ:i,·c:=- ri :e( ' \CJ a11 a('li 11 11 l' l ,r /la111:1�t:S. ]Jecar1se the state wants to I)rohibit r tS: which have as their to1 i.111<1 c lt1cl > l cl1r1< i} 1 at l( ind of llllll ·�ir:i \c l i asi.� Ll1r: allocnLio11 o[ ]o:-� rcsulti11g fro111 enteri)rise acli,,ity. In the for111l:r �ituutio 1 1. Li' 1c> .�talc· ,,·l1 ere tl1c c.onclt1ct occt1rred l1as tl1c Q:reat�l I i11terc,l. ·rher,·f o n•. .\Li,,a..!1 l1',,1t, law shotdd apply. 36i




1:'1 1 e :--a111('. rc-,ull :-l 1ti ul cl lit' rcacl1c<l i11 Etl1iopia. In 011r exan1ple 1 lie: d c·f,�1 1 ila1il. i.;: 11 1 1l ;111 ·!�1 Ii i ( 11 1in11 <lc1111ic:il iar�-- 1)1.ll sl1 ou]d not .· ' . . . \. r.' ' · •J · 1ua1. ·· [' · di \. ' f1 '< 1 < 1. 1'. t 111> Jita 1:- c·l)tl(','l'tlt·c1 ,,,1tl1 1>rOl\'Cl111g ,all lll<.llZ<' ·tIJ • • riGµ:c'..: ,rl 11 ·r,· tl i ,· 1i:lrli 1 · :,re · 11,·i 11µ: �1 :-: l 1r1 sl)at1t'l a11<1 ,rife l11"re . Tt,i·auL, · T a lo !li:-1·0 · · · 1 1rau•i-• v<11 · 11' 1 1 •<·l \\ ·· ,l 1tL'.l 1 ma11'tl 1 ,,·1'11 ,·10 1ate tie l sanct1 t\ of tie 0 i·,· l,ition,.;l ii 1 ,. _i\('\,ir- '' ill 111)l <li�ti 1 1�·:l11· :"'.l 1 l)•"...._l\,·t·c11 Ill i.11-·'1'1·1.l Q:Cti of Ei,thio· ._, c· :-

-·- ----

:,66. 8''.· /!edeml 5,. l'/!I "'"''"I ,\ II I t'" it eel St I al es Di strfrt Court. 1949) · orter. :; 6 7. 91 h e sai n,· rt·�nlt ,,·as r..::u�l 1cd 1n Rep · ral Ferle ?39 O rr i · Sass1nan ' -, .. , · _ c i JI· · I �11 < ,- ,.:,(11'r1cs ') ( Un.,'·1 erl •.Stales C,011rt of .•iTJJJeols, .itJi; ] 956) •· 18_, nnc ' , be. f · Jlfc�rat�,: �.' 8 1' e,le:·ol I� efJOrter, 2ncl Series 16 (U1iite.d States_CorTl'I _ 0 j 11 . I>l 'c"I.�. l).'·' 11 l( 1 11.f {,o!u111hia 1960). 1\ ,_ l) rofcssor 1;1ire11z,i·e1� be ds rre rru po111tec1 out '·\'?here tlle, le l 1 f encl a11L , � ·rnte11t1011. al'llOl 1as o e. de· . "'� ., j _ _ . _ ,,·itl1i11 iLl1e. 011•01 .,nd tl1cre 1s l1al)il1Ly 1.mder 1l1e fora.m' s la,, , th 111• · , l rJ] 1 r,enc, 1. 1ut \v1ll J,e li e! h, ·· l · l ,vhere t}1e • 322• "•1 • t] t1•1) c, even 1.l1oll!!:l1 1l1e .stale · . . ., 1·-1 . n .ote nilicl i :-,u r1 e,. ecl <l Ol'� not ' i 1u110:-ie iu ll·1·.it�.. " � El1renz,ve.I.g� sufJTf1. · . Co 608-609 Se1··so }-;..l treilz,veig, h r t in ,.<\_Jjenatiou of Affections of I..a,,;.s'' 4S Cornell Law Q rwrterly 514 (1960).

f . , ·..


-124 -


anrl the la,, · of Et!1io1Jin 1 ���:-11111ir�� 1 l1r la�,:- arc c1:ff t'rC!'!l: rli! 1 ci-,ri.-c' there ,vot1lrl lJc 110 ('Or1flict of la,v::,; nl n II). J{y L111� :,;:t:11c tc1l-�cri. ,vl·-:·:·,�

the a et ocrurrcrl l1cr� anrl t!1"


nc·<·11r:·:,, l cl:::c,·.-1 1( ':·c'. Ll 1 ,·r,' 11�i.ail,· . .

place ,rl1rre Ll1e l1ar111 o,·c11r!·ccl. Si11c·c' ll1c· 1,rr•,·isior1s of thr C: c)1lc - fn, nr I Iir pIai11 I if f ar 1 <1 i 11 1 l J o � ,... �1 '.) � () I 1 1 l 1 , :-? 11 r ! ,· ; " ; : rj <, 1 1 ..: I i a I , i I i I \· i t 1 1 i 1 [l. r1,· a r· t• H : 0

1rhcre. otl1cr �lalPs ,1c) Ito:. 1_;-..r1nll,: 1!1c- 1·<·: 1·it c1f: ,l'Jj)!\'i11� I·�1l1ic>1>ia11 1�, - ' ·' ' ' <'.1 '"''·�,. - .1 ·· �, , -.,V('l'� !.•· , ,ii 1 ,rne:-<' r.1r _;1ar111 01·c11 rr!··,, · :•.-· ·1, . :1,1 ,._. (t) !J�l-l •.· Jlil , l.,.,.... n forcif! n 1>1ai11ri[f. \·\.·(' l1a,·t' ,li: r·1:: :-·"'! ,·.-lr:· t l1i;-; j.;; �Jl'<)/)i�r �!lt<l i11 'f�tl1iu� pi,1's j11tercst. ELl1iop iar1 ]a,,· ,,·ill or! 1:· ]Jc· ,I i:,1 1J.11·rcl ,\·Iicrr it i:� e1".'.tr llia1 rt11otl1cr .::.rare !1 n.;; :i <:1.IJH'I"i(ir ,�,)�·r···11i11,·r1l::I i11:erP�:t. as i11 iii<� <·,;i111p le of 11 1 e t,\·c: EtJ1 ior>ia 11: i1!,·0l,·,,,! i:1 :111 a11L11111ol)i]c Cf)lli$io11 i11 a �late tl1at ,voLl1c1 nol ermit rcco,·rr�- ])r.cat1::=c hci1I1 ,rcrc �, r�1111t. p 0








' ht'!'(' ,1·r �ai tl Ll l nl ;_;la!(' f 1 a,1 1 l 1 r ,1ri111ar:, i11trr,,...;1 i11 rrµ.-111a1.i!1µ: t!i<: r it5 J:-?,i �o cor1. t/1cr µ: 1rri11 oc-r1 l11('t i con• � ar1.rl J ,,:.:t)· ' oprrat on or it, 1i,rJ . t: 1 i:hould 1Jc aJJ}J1icc.1. f



It j� tibmittcd Ll l at tl i is UJ'lirrin,·1 1 is rrali:=:I ic· a11tl accorcl� ,1·itl1 Ell. 11opi,t''A gov·cr11111c111.a l i11 I cr<�sts. rl'l 1 " "--.-(';-; Ill l.rJ1jcJ1 lorl 1>rOIJlen1:::. ' (·� ari, c are �o (liver!"<' tl l at a11,;r [jxcr1 1·11l c · ,,·i 11 ('lcarl�· lJr co11lrar �, to 1110 gor c-rnn1<'nt al inl<'t:C'sts of Etl 1 io >ja ar1<l fr,�t111r11tl:y I.() tl1c �o,,crr1r11c111al r

- 125 -

i11lcrcs tf oric11tecl


i11 tl1 c ar ea of co11 trael: the eui. as : 1l::: gl ri · rt: )c "CJ J>l of ea l In tile ar 1 e.x. )ectalio 11s of tlie Jle aI j ti t1s j lie t 1:; i11 L . cc r. ot pa JJr � J)lla�is IJllLSL J) e 011 _ e r>rOJ)Cl"t)·, 1 t n1t1st try 10 L 1,·a J)r :-; izc ;;n co rc t alc ;:; a tie:::. !-\. s Jorig as t:· tra11s::1cL i cJr1s. It is i11 tlle intcr�t cr or, ,,r of L� · ri ctt se c� �unraiilc>c ili r , cn11)]1asis here sl1ottlcl lJe 0.11 for, 1) UL llC C(J 11::Co so. c1o LO all slates ::tSf)Ccts of J )rOJ)Crt y transall t tl1a iclc o,· J)r cl1 l1i ,, � .lc:=ru ar C"Jc 111u]aLill!.! · $late. rfl1crc are l\\'O 1na.i11 • nrl io11s ] ) C !!O\'Cl"llCCl ])\. t l1c ]a\•,· cif a �i11g]c ar<'�l--- ti 1al \\"C ,rill CC)Jl;-;idcr. r_rll!' fjr�l i11\·1)]\·ps ,,-}1at ]a\ \· sl1all CO!ltroJ -· · tl 1 e crcalic,11, tra11�fcr a111l cflecl of 1>ro1,crt:· rigl1ts. 1�11e seco11cl is ,,,hat ; Ia\\' control:-- ri /; ll l,;: i11 111;1rila·1 11rot)i'r1l- l)otl1 ,t ;:: 1Jel,,·ec1.1 s1iouse� anll



] )( 'i\rc·e11 �1>011�ci a11rl tl1irtl J)artic�.


'[I i i ..-.: 1,ro 'l)le111 arise� ,rl1crc a J)l'C>J>CrL:· i11lc·rc�t i11,·ol,;e5 1nore t11an

stnt<'. ']'l1e <'a::c \\·ill al111c;:-:l a·l,•;a:,.·::: i 11,·cl1, (.' 1110\�alJlc 1>ro1)crl)': since a11 i111n1 0,·al>le o·l,\·io1i:-:;l,- L·a.11110! l lL'· carricc1 frou1 011e state to an· (>tlie1·'. a11tl '\VC }1a\· e i'[1rlic;: s:1i<l tl1al all q11C'3ll011S relating lO illllllOYil· } Jlr,:-. . �uc-!1 a.:; t.l1c ,·uli1.1il:'., of a 1·1)11lrac-t. 111L1st ])c clctcr111i11ccl according i.o iii,' }a1,•: <.>f tl1c ;-;it11�. J1ut vL111fli(·l� 1)rc:>]Jlc111s c1o arise ,,ri.tl1 respect to l.1 10\·al>lc..-.:. C 1)11sitler tl1i� <'xa1111J1L'. 111 Stale --�, tl1c ,o,,71cr of good., en· ·tr11,t;-; tl1c;11 to a11otl1t'r. 'I'l11' J)crs.<)ll lo ,r] 1 0111 tlie J)roi)erl)' is e11tr11stcd ,c,11,'

r 1


)' ta1" 1":-- iL lo ·l'.:1liio1JiQ ,\·l1C'rc- ltt� �ell� it. 1'11c 1)11rcl1aser c11lers into the · coriLi·aC'L i11 �O<)ll fai!ll. l)elicv i 11� tl1al tl 1 e otl1cr eo11tracti11g 1Jarty "'3 5 u ' ia <' 11tit led 10 tr .. 111 :::-f('r 1 l1<� 1>rOJ)('rt, ll1 1 1 1 1 11, U11clcr tl1 e la,v- of Ethiop l '[ he 1 111 rel1 a�r-r i;:; l�l ll ii lt'(l lo 1)1' ( '·,·ail aµ:ai11st t.l1c rjgl1tf11 l o,,·11cr llll}C f..; : the tl1<' goods ,r<'l"(' slt1.le11. ,v111cl 1 ,,·as 1101 r Un de tl1c: c.ase ]1ere.. 368 ]av, · nf Stale _:\ tl1c rigl1tfL1l o, ,11(',· ,r1)1111l r}re,,ail agai11st tl1e i11uocen t 1 ] ) Ur('l;ascr ir 1 st1 el 3 ;:i case. 1�11c is:--tie is ,,·l1etl1 <' he :-ightf 11l O\\'lll'I' can l: r t · the TCCCJ,· cr tl1<'· . 11ro ·. 1Jocc11t l)t1rcl1a:3e1 � l)C'r· l ,. . f.1 0111 tl1c 111 ·. If· t11e l. a,,- of 0

368· (:iYil Code of Etl1iopia . .:\rticles 1161-1165. See also .4..rticl e Iloi,

- 126 -

Jert)r at tl1c l'i111e Jl OJ " e th } of of tl ic lrai .;iL . . � u5 i"- fcr· o ' 0• ov• • r.c111s, l J',l . 1101J1an .. . � . . an cl l t11 J y, c tr p a{ a1 1::: fc r \v1Il he ,,.<-1lir•l'. 1· .I.r tJ , ]n,r ,r 1]I lC 1,U\V O [ Ll JC sta te , c J r 1. J ) Ll 1·0 1c l 1 e J 1·Ly is Lake11 UJ)J)lics tl1c ri fr0111 , 1i irJ1 tftil o,v11 , . cr ,r1. 11 J)tco . vail I

�1ost states are agrcecl t1 1 at i11 st1el 1 u .... C" u'-C � · tli c .[....u,v O [ tlIC SJ·Lll:S controls. The silt1s - tl1e })lace '" l1crc tl 1c ))l"O})crt,, ,vas at tlic L.llJIC O.1·' 1J1c tra11sfer - l1as tl1c gr eatest go,·cr11111c11tal i11tcrcsL j 11 c1ccjdii1g J ,,· ic, shall o,rn l)l"OJJ C1·ty' silt1ate Ll1crc. Partic:-- cl <�ali 11 g ,vitl t ti i e _)roi>cr ly ,l ,rou.ld be lilcely to loolc to tl1e la ,v of tlic silt,s i[ tl i cy lool�ecl to ai1 y ]a,r at a ll, and 1l1c siLt1, l 1as a.n i11tcrc..3L i11 inst1riug the sect1rity· of tra11�­ fer5 of JJ roperl.)' sitr1atc L]1crc. 111 tl1is area certainty is in1 Joi·ta11t. 1 . Sucl1 a rcsr11t i11 ot1r c-x,11111) IC' j:3 11ot 1111l'air lo tl1 c rjg}1 1ful o,v11cr� ,vl 1 0 took the risk t11at tl1c l)l'l":3011 lo ,vl10111 J 1 c <'t1lrt1slell tl1< � J)l"Ol)Crl)" ,voul < I . talcc it into ar!othcr state a1Jcl c·li::-1)osc of it. 'J.�l1t1s. 1111tl,,r !-\rticle 1-6 ,1f


1hc Draft Frencl1 Cocle. it i:3 11ro·virlecl tl1al tangible pro1,crt1r is go,·f'r11� .., t11e sitt15. ]ai.v 'l of o tl1c sn111e c,ffcct: js Ita]in11 l :1,,· 369 a111't tJ1c bv cd . Greek la,r; 370 tJ 1c siltl:3 ,, ·ot1l(l al::o go,·cr11 11r11lcr tl1c 1,ro110:=;<'cl Lr<'nt�-

het,v-ee11 Belgi111ll, Nctl1erl n11cls :.incl L11xc111l)o 1 1rg.371 T11. tl1 c ·u11 it0rl States, some ca.:e:3 ha,·c l1elc1 tl1at. i11 tl1f' C'xa11JJll<" ,vc l1a,·c gi,·c11� the Ja,v of the slate ,rl1crc tl1e l.ra.11::=fc-r ,,·as origi11all� - 111:.1,le <·011trullcd. 1 7:Z but Lhc 111oclern ,·ie,,· l1olcls Ll1�1t all :=;11cl1 CJtlc�I io11.s arc g;o, ·<'r11�<I !,,­ the la,v of the siLL1e. 3 73 Etl1io11ia sl101rlcl ta1"C" tl1c sar11r 1)0:'-ilio 11. EthiOJJia shot1lr] nl�o l1olrl t l1al tl1e Ja,v of tl1c sit11:-- corllrl)1,- c,·c'tl . 1 . . . · 111 •'11 101· ]lC'l' 11 '('II [ · ' ( s ra11 ! l a11c a )1)1 l11< El 111 '\'here tl1c croo fro cls e11 crc v ,. tnk 0 f slate. For cxaJUJ)Jc. ]pt LI� ::a :· tl1at a <'OrJ)Orcal ,·l1nttel ,va:=: slo·1 <'11_ _r�1t1 . . . . Ui1( ' c ,vJ1crc tl1c rurl1tl 1.1l • 'tl 1 Ile r1gbt£1.1l Oi\111Cl' 1n <,-Il l () .<1 ,l ·� h 1E la l _ 1or)1a t .

369. i\IrCusker, Sll[Jrr1. note ltJ6 at 79. ""O .:, I • Nicolctopoulos, sttpra, note J,1-7 at 461. 371. Nleijers, su1,ra, note 153 at 8. . e.,· [ rue R ('· rs ]e u ei J'l 5 10 . e 3"? nil.J(r, 'w, See Charle"' T. D0 Lcal � i er11· · C:o., Inc. v. 29) • · 9 ports 1170, 14LL /lf/(111tic Reporter 61�1 (1 2 .•See ,1. 1 ::-o • Jl[etro:, 36 . 11. 5 3 t .. n '.J-� '), IS •) ( .j. See Lbc di,-<'u3�ion j11 S1un1l>er;,!. su1,rrt. 11 olc . 1\'ortli. 6 29 0, 10 , rt o i, , e T{ 1 < tn ii,g P/1111. l11 c. · u. K.ou:her-Turner. II'n<·., 296 1'1cc . 1t•ester11 R eporter 304- (]9 111).

- 127 -

tl1e i1111oce11t 1 1urclia-,ei.•· ")'• .fro 111 ,r OJJC rt · ,-� " J>J c i tl ., o,,e .. ·· · i ·cc . OL ca. 1 111 o\vncr )en11ils the rigl1tftil 0 1 a )i OJ 1i Ll J� c 1c i1 S c "'n ). re r ra : ]) ir fa is ilc rt (Sucli · a co11Le11dccl tl1at j,t is against· Eu110· 1,c 1Jcl <·01 t ' 1 <' ca" a J1 . r m· 511c. to· recove r, vc ve . o\ ,ve n1ti�l con.. rv H vc co re 1\' c1 l c. tcJ .;;L i·c tc n · 1 l i · 1t· , . nnic·i }>1·a,s go,·cr sfers of J)l"O}) erty tliat an tr g in at uJ :g rc i11 1s L1 si � lL tl sider tllc irllercst of 011 tl1e la½' of the sitt1s. ])ue d lie re r sc 'l1a tr< 1}t t c11 0c . 1111 j occtir tl1 erc. 'J'li c of J)ro 11erty transaction5, ty 1ri c1 se e tl1 ng ri s11 ir1 of y it. 10 tlic 11ecc::;s ;; t of the sit11s i11 tl1is case, even : rc tc i11 c tl1 izc 1 g1 co r(� l c 1 ou sl1 Et.liioJ)ia i and tl1 11 Jia \ l1 or i la\ I�t < of c 1t 1c�1 c11 ac s. l . Jos -:; sp cli 1( � t.1 i 1t sl1 rc c tli tli<Jlt[!:ll is SLtlJ1nittc(l that all q lIC$· 0[ tl1c 1)r<). i>ert.)" c)f tl 1 c ]�tl1.ic>1>ia1 1 O\r11cr. It er a11(] cffcct of rig l1ts i11 corp oreal tic.)llS rclatit1g: Le) tl1c: crf"alio11 , tra11�f . l j IC J a\\' of t!l C. Sitll S - tl1e J JJace \Vl1ere ) , ]) eel Cl"Il g<)\. ) (� < l)l"O !) ert�� sJ1 O t ll 1 1 tl 1 c J.)1:0j_icrt)r ,vas ::;ilt1alc at Ll1L� Li111c of lra:.1sfc�r. L

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c 111a)" no,\· co11si l lc ,r :::;c)111c C�(a111J>l es c1f tl1e a1)J)lication of thi3

1 l l) ) l 10 1 ff pu.rcl la�rd aintj > l: t.1e ,) , r!::;zs, · 1.'. r11.·1c. .,11 t l1c f"a�i.� .fl1c p ro p erl y , . c1irector a ,,·as l1c 1iel1 l 1-\· f > c: 111 t ti cc>r1>c)ra n fro111 1>rt,1,c1·t)r \•/as Iocatrd i11 Stale. _,\_ a11,l· t!1c. cc,r1 ;or alio11 ,,·as i11cor1)oratcc1 i11 Stale

. 1 . ,. � / cri ,')c 1111:rit

· 1·

•) - -

B. lT 11 der tl1 c ]a,v elf Stal<: .-\. ;;:tc11 ,1 lra11�fcr ar>1 )arc11L1)r ,vas valid: · it \\";\:-- 1)()1'. Tl1c State l\. COlll't l1cld tl1at tl.10 'llll<lcr t! 1 ,� 1a\V of Stale: s ('ffc('L (it t l:c t ra11;:;f,·r \\·as �c;,·,'r11f'c· l t)�· t11·:' Jo.,v of State A. Tl1at staln

,v11ctl1cr a tra11sfcr effected tlrerr J -; n(l tl 1 c sr11>crior i 11l(·i·cst i11 tlccillir1� '·,vi.\;-:; ,·aI· i 1 1 a11d 1v311lc(l le) 1>rotcl'l iiar! i<'::: act ir!!! tl1crc'. Ti111s. tl1e valirli· . ,. ·' r 1-)' <;I tne trri: 1:-:.('1· \\',\.:; t I Ci('!'llti11:·· :l 1))' tl11.."' la,,· of L!1c �ii.LIS. In sin1ilnr ,- ( ,ill i� (: cr 111 JJl><'ll ii. _-..;c·1cel/, :�7° ,,·licre tl1c· ca1)tai11 of a sl1iJJ tra1.1s fcr rcd 1 .::f'r · ·;-,.1 \ 1 ,', ("lr ' �'"'·0 · 'r l > 1 •'1r• 1> 11 r<·,1� 111 .'., l)l"\r ;, �·. 1t ,r�1:-< l1cl(l tl1attl1c q11cstionof : . - (l<)Ol · ,,,)1(�tl1('r Ll 1 c· <.-'t<1I Jl. '·1111 · cuu . · 111. I 1 1 ;.1!:-:=· · }Jt1rc.l1a.scr� e,,c11 tIiougli l till.:- l() ll1c 1 � ;> t aritli<J. rizc(1 le, ii<) �<J 1),. I 11<' o,1,·11('rs, ,va� cletcr11.1i11c,l l)y tl1c }a,r of J .. ) loc-i , i11 1·,> 'J.,., .Nor\l.'a )· · S< e 1111· l • ie ., c.i lif><', _!·, ;" v. rr· 1p �-·· ,rl,' · r1er. 37; ,rl1crc a 111ot101 • l ,•.'ac; trn 11�fe1·1·< 'c·1 ·111 f' ,',tl{2- I :t,ic l f ()l' 11:::<� j11 tll< :. l J11 itccl State�, tl1e c1 uc �t,oU · ll . '-'



',.1 .

� ) ,, .'

• •

375. :�76 . 377.

. er It Utlder 1\rticlc l16S· 0( lie ror re 1x1:ir l c.1v1l · Code� tl1c rigl1t(ul Q\\'ner _ Hui , the r·hnttcl froin . 1 . 1 11 llic innocen 1 t 1urcl1af'if ;• cr \Vas C\lole11 fron h 1 · 1 . lc lllll�I e1· '\ rt1c . n o ca:e )JB I ) 167' currc11c·v 10 or · y .,e 111a v . c u· , :·1 ... · t1 rer ' c )ca s to L 1 c •'11n1e a fro111 t. 1ie in11ocent purcl1as ' e1· . {"'1 �'7 N;w ,��rsel r Latv ReJJOr(,S 785, 68 Atlantic Ret)OrLer 77 (}907) . ' .,/lg · 15 L \Cpurt.� ]371 tl8 60). 24-6 'i\1e1v 1' orll, l{ e ort s . ·,,..; 01.t 1iensler1i Re11orter 6''r (199� 7) · p · 1,., ,1 . , 15 · 3 � i,

- 128 -

of ,,-J1ctl1cr tJ1e tra1Jsfcr 0011stjtl1lccl a sa le ,of Ll i c l)iCLLLrc or a different · ex t,• · interest ,vas clete r111i11ccl b "- tl ro p i e Ia,,· of ..... P . E·11g1a11tI. I.11 ot] 1cr ',,,ord-:�, al l q r ,estions rclati11g to ,vl1cll1('r , ..-1 lt·"' (•nsfer· .) 1 as b cc11 c ff · cc le d n o tl a f tu 1c r e i1 1t crc5t crcatccl }))' tl i c or tile Lraiisfcr ar<' 10 l)c (lctc r­ niined by the la,v of tl1e silt1s. It i::- Slll)n1itLcd Ll1nt t11is r11lc :a:.l1ol1lcl b <' (jttiL,� l > roacl ai 1 t1 slioulcl . include all c1 r1 estions o f ca1 ) acil)" a11cl for111. J\ ::- rc ga r, l s coritraet:-;. '"<� � ,lrc:-Sed tl1at Etl1iot) ia l1as fc-,v li111ilatio11s 011 cni,ac it)·; tlt<'rc- is 110 real _ concer11. ·,vitl1 p 1·otecting Etl1io1)ians lra11sfcrri11 g 1,ro1.>crl)' al )roacl. \\i f 1cre tl1e lransfC'ror ncti11g i11 Etl 1io11ia 1>osscs:::c-1l ca1)acit)· 1:11rler Eth iop ia11 Ja,v. tl1c con,·e)'nr1cc sl1otrl<l lJ<. � t11>l 1 r·l (l. '.l�l1 c 11nrt)" dealing ,rilh l1in1 ,vill l)c rcl)'i11g <.11 1 tltt' Etl1ioJ )ia1 1 · 1a,,· as to ca 1iacity, n11(l F.1hior>ia l1n:' a11 inlrrc:-t i11 gunrnr1trri11p: tl1c scc.uril)' of r>ropcrty1.r:1nsactio11s const1111111nle<l 11t�rc. :)i8 'l'l1e ::::n111c j 11 l<'l"<'�t exi�Ls for a11other state 1,·l1crc tl1e transfer is cffcC'L<"tl clsc,rl1 cre. _.i\.s to £or111 . tl1c 1 \nrt i<.'3 ar(� 111nrc "lil.;:c·I)- I<> ,,�c 1l1 e fc>r 111:- 11rcscril )c-1l . h}- the Jn,v of tLc �tnlc 1,· 11crc tl1c !)I"O[)Crl)' i� sit11alr tl 1 n11 tl 1 c :--talc ,vl1cre tl1c,- aclc(l. if tllC')" .1rr (liff('l"('Tlt. 'l'l1e Creel.;: c ()(1 (' ,vo11 l 1l llj)l t o"I ll a form \.·ali(l by· tl1c la.,,· of tJ1c iil�c·e ,rl1crc 1lo11r. if r1<•l t'(Jillrar)· lo

Greek r•olicy·. 379 Si1<'l1 a rL1le is ra1J1c1.· ,·ngL1c, tl1ot1/!l1 its '()llr.11-0:=:� 10 np11oltl trnn3fer" \\·l1c11r,·cr 1>r>:--..:il)lf• - i, u11r1cr:-=.ta11dal)I<'. Etf1iOJ>ia, for exa1nrJle. ,..-01,Jc1 riot l"('ro�11iz, '. 311�." 1rn11�fC'r

I•'.tl1ioJ>ia11 ·1a11 1 l 1111lr:s tl1e transfer ,vu£- i11 '"·ri Lir1p: .-.11r1'J l · lC'rc ,\·ns 0.11 c11L1·v· _ j11 t lif' l'C'.!:i:'-l<'r ... 9 )."('([llirf'0.tC •11110 1 o,·a bl c 1 > r o 11 c rt ,.,. -" · · · ;\!"(' • · ff',v · 30 () l l 1 cr l l 1 a r1 tl. 1 n l • I l1C''C 1uc11ts as to for111. :J, "I"<' lllOl·'(' "likf'· "3l s·111ec iiar t.1r .c:. « • · J,. lo 11:,,C' t]1c (or111s . i-;· :=:it ual<'. a!1<l J'rc�cribccl }),r ' \)ro . rJ<'r tl1c la•,v or,. l ] 1r· }) 1 af'f' ,,.] 1r 1· c 111, , l '{ . . '\\'l1at f()l'lll sl1ot11,l �1nre tl1at stalf' l1as t I1r !!:r<'atcc:t .111 I f' l ·11 ('( ';· (li11{r (l 1 :-., l1r u�ed. Ll1c rtile sl1c-,11lcl be i l1al: a ·11 rri1<':---1·tOil::-- '· ·1c: to for111 arc- ...!!O\·C'r11ccl "IJ_\.


llJe la\v of the sittts. 378.




!fJOrts 351� 119 Sou tlz ,cest er1z. RC as 11s lca ,1. 90 . . See nea1,cha111p v. nerlif!, .r of a conYcyance Reporter 75 (1909), ,vl1erc it _- h l l liat tlie yalirlity < l0 f 1l1c sit11s. L 1c Ja,vof a minor ,vas determined ]Jy,, at Nieoletopon1os, sitpra, note 117 at 461· . 1 e 1723.. ·,.,'J �A._rl1r ' o;o Ci,·il Code of Ethiopia, Artie . l c 1185 · Se_e al See Civil Code of Etl 1 iopia, Articles 1 119·1 , .. ,.

- 129 -


Lcrests created jn i11 r1 o · J'>1 t 1a tl <J re >c 11l c1 111 rc c B11t iL 11111st ]) long as there is no fnrlli er so te sta . r 11.c l i(> ar r ]J, cl ze 11j . <, co . . . ]Jc re .--. sl ate ,,, 1 ll� 11is is n1crcl} ' a11 applif ,. e. at st l nc :co :-=c c tl1 11 j )' J:l JC OJ ,ritli tl J e �r dcaliti<r 0 n1ine$ rig...,}1ts ,villi re� cl tcr t e tl1e Lr(:; si of v ]a, c tl l tli· t i e " . .., · . ll O f tllC Il , ll ('tlllO r er nsf l a a , lr lic ·v l1 If . )'S ,· L l10 :; rlc , \ro i� 1l1 as � � 1,ccl Lo tlic J)rOJ)erl)'� an<l 11 tl1c 1 1art1es: tl11s ,rill be ·ce t,, l>c a:-r1s �il 1 tl c of ,\' ]a c tli " Jr, r1Tcclccl Tro p ert y i� talcen� tl1ougl 1 the I c tl1 l1 1ic ,rl to l<' sla i er l iot ai rccoo-iiizcci JJ,' r tl1e Ia,v of that r de fe tin 11� tra t a ec eff to l 1 "'1 t i ffic sti L e J l 1;0 l _ llc acts �\-ot ie11L to effect a transfer under i-talc. So too, jf tli c acts ,,·ere 11ol �t1ffic ,.. of tl1e $'tate ,vllere , tl1e la, r cle 11n 11t 1}1 c Ja,v of tlic sit 11 s� ] ) tll st1fficie tl 1 c riroi>crty 11 ns ] ) cc11 tal�c11. tl1c transfer ,,·jll not lle recogn ize d. crt)r

1'J 1 c 11ex.t crucstion is ,vl1ctl1cr a cl i ffere11t rTilc sl1011ld ])e applicalJle to i11cor1)orcal J)1:1011t�rt�·. :182 U11c]cr Arti<�le L-l7 of t11e French Draft l:o,lc: transacLio11,s ir1,,ol,,i11g rl1oscs i.r1 actio11: exce11L nego:t ialJ]e inslnt· r11e1lls, arc go,,cr11cc1 l> )' ,ll1c la,v of tl1e clel>lor's don1ic i le. A n1nnber · of J\ 1 ncrica11 cases. 11 a,,c ]1e1c1 'tl1at <!t1eslio11s relati11g to in0or1)oreal })l'OflCL"l)r arc. go, cr11c<l l r y· t l1c. ]n\,· of tl1e clel1to1·'s clo111icile. 383 No fuch ,li.sli 11 etio11 i s 111aclc. l ) )� tl 1 c Jn,vs of tl1c. otl1e1· statc"S ,,·c J1a,re cons idered, n11d lll(; 111oclcrn tc11clc11c)" 1r1 tl1r l:11itc cl States is to treat incorporeal r�ropcrl)" tl 1 e sa111e as cor1 )orral. at ·1ca:=.t ,vl1ere tl1e incorporeal right j;;:_ c1111,oclicc.l i ll ,1 clocu 111c11t. :l81- 1"11i� �cc111� to l)c tl1e 5-011nclc1· ap}lroach• \'\i J1c11 11arlics arc lrn11�1'c·rrj11p: 1)ro11erl)' rigl1l5-. ,vl1cll1er tl1e1· 11c corp<>­ J·c,u or i11ror1>orca]. tl1rir rigl1t� 5}1ot1lcl l1c delc rn1ined under the la11' of tlic stalf': ,rl1<'1·c tl1c {)l'O}ll'rl')" i::- sil11:.1tccl� so long as tl1e pro1JerL)r )111.s a �iLn.�. "\\'lierc j11eor1Joreal ri gl1ts are c1111J oclied i.i1 a doc11ment: th e place ,rlicrc I lie cloct1111e11L is �11011l tl ] J c co11siclerccl tl1e sit11s t()f th e335 1>ro1lert)·· '.l'litis, i11 :1 cas<� s11C'l1 a;-; J{,Jlrr11cl .11.. Br 1i:<' r Co. v. Bro1c11: 1 0





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,t l� ...

1 !

1 ·

' · Jil

') '19

Note tli:-�l UJicler ,\rti('1c 1·128 of tl1e Civil Cocle, cla ims ancl other incor· •1 poreal r1gl1ts c1nl)o<lie•'l l· 11 ".� c·· o . , ·Ltt·t'tl·e�..,- t.o b carer are dee111e< l lo IJ e corp · real cl1a1tels. .j U,) • See 111 cliscnssioii of ll1 1s l)Oi11 t and tl1c cases citecl in Sl'tu11berg, supr(I, �; ; note l;.>8 at 35, 1 .. · Sec 1\ n1crican L,'1,,\ I llSlllll · lC, 1,cnlnl1.,'e Draft of tl1e Restaten1en t O f Con . d rrict .. o f La,,·s Scl'. 011d, Scctio11 s e it c 5 caE C no d -961-'-)62 a11( . 1 tl1c co111n1e11ls th c,rein. 381s. 2111, illassaclzusctts R e Jo 3), (191 ? " :> r ts 196, 100 iV orth eastern Re1Jorter 10_. J )

,_,, .



J ·.

- 130 -

,vl1c1]1er tl1c l ra11sfcr· of a iic o-o '1 t l\·a·.: J,cld tl1at l ]c 1nstr11rt1c11t IJassccl o t·1 a) < title to tl1c l) (ll"Cl1ase1· ,vas clctern1ir1ccl J ) •,r tl1e ]· d ,,oo C a,v O r lI1c 1) 1 acr. ,. r . . I • . . ,rhcre tJ1e Ltans- er ,, as n1acle. Tl1c !}lace ,vllcrc, tl1 c ·c·l·0Ctl. ll1CJll lS . . St,t11al• eel 11a5 tJ1e s ame 111terest 1n co11Lrolling tra11sfcrs of Lllc p i·opcrty as _ c CO ) l'J Orcal cl1nttc.l is sitria . ,vc the fJlacc ,vl1er a . tecl .. Tl . lcr·c 1 1 tc, ro ca11 sa,r . . " 11 U q11est1011s rclat111g to ,,·l1ctl1cr a t1--111 · eor )orca.·1 111 ..,l ' ��fei· · ,o[� ' n11 111 . . . 1 clo ta a 111 c1 111 1m ecl e1 l1a 1t · l)ccn cn <'clccl ai1cl tl,c 11attrrc rigltL co11 of tlic interest crcatecl 1Jy tl1c trn11sfc1· arc tlclcr111i11ccl ] 1)' tl i c la.,v of Llic IJ"lacc ,vJ1 erc tl1e doc1uncnt is sit11ate. 386 We 111a)r 110,,r co11siclcr so111c :::1)ccial (fttestio11:-. The firsl j:,; ,v l 1 nt Ja,v co11tro]s the Lra11sfcr of a11 i11eor1>orcal rigl1 t 11ot e 111l)o<liPcl 111 a clocument..Here tl1ere is 110 silt15: it i$ less Jil,cl)' tl1 nt tl 1 c >artic3 are 1 relying on the la,v of a J)artic.11lar $Lale. Fo1· cxan11 )lc. a11 injurccl perso n assigns hi$ clai1n against 'Ilic ,vro1.1 gclocr, an . il t1l c isstte js ,,·I1 �­ thcr ll1is assign1nent sl1ot1lcl l)c recogr1izc<l. Since 111ost: of tl 1<� rr1_1e:::­ tions ,vill iu\•ol,,c contracts: ,,·c. ca11 soJ,·c Ll1 c 1)roI )l t>111 J J, . looI,i 11!! · - t() �

thc r1rorJcr la,v of tl1c co11Lract: ,vl1f're a co11lract is 11ot i 11 ,,olvccl, ,vc ran look Lo tl1e state J1a,·ing tl1c 111o�t Sl11Jstanlia1 co1111cc.:Lio11 ,ritl 1. 11 1<� lran:action. rfl1is l)rol>lc-111 ,vill 1101· arise Loo ,0Jtc11. si 11(·f� 11st1a]l >· a11 ioror1}oreal rig]1;L ,vi.1 1 JJ<:� cn1l-loclie,l i11 a (1oc11111 c11l. 1 11 \\'l1 i c -l 1 C'as� tl1f 'r<� uill JJc n sit11s. "\\ll1erc tl1erc j� 11ol. tl1c efTcr-t of 1 ·l 1c tra11�frr �1 1011 1 11 1,e gorcr11ctl JJ,· the Ja,v of tJ1c state I1a,·i11 g tl1e e'losc�l co1111c·clin11 ,ri1l1 • the Lransactio11.


<::cs ,,-,.Ll1 r<':3I)CCL lo .rigl1 ,_ l� of ]itrrar_\· n11<l .1011 nrJ_., t· 1u1 ar (J11est' art�tic pr oiJct-L)-� ,,·liicJ 1 also clo 11ot l1a,·c a ,lefi11itc .situ:::. lT11dcr ,�Lic]e 11 -9 of tl1e Draft Frc11c-l 1 Coclf', Ll 1 <'�: arc gcl\'cr11c<l l)�" Ilic Ja,v 11 L It c al)�<' 11c� i · · c] '-,·,, · ,ol · 11, r · 1 · '' 1·1' ·o · � ... 1cof lI1e JJ.acc t} [ 1 o ] ·01 t11e f1r:-t C( 1l1011 ,� . . ' 1Ll1or. ] 11 1.s ., a1 . c ''': of 1l1 · : ]J)- ·[}1e fJCr.:=Oila J ( 1 lf'l'f' 11at'IOI1a 1·1 la 0r a11 CCl ll!On · · ' ·1 1 c ,rac: cnt 1tlccl / ]i cr '1'0U I(l lllCaJJ L}1 at tl1 at ] a\\- '"'·n II J (-1 I1 el C' J'lll l llC '',j 1ct · <,. I 1 is ,vork a11tl if so. Joi· l0 prcYc11t otl·1ers fron1 t1s1•ng or l"<'J.)I-oc1 11< .111 t> • • . 111tcrc.:::t 111 lc,l <rrcn I101r 1ong.It seems LJ1at tl1� �talc l I 1a t 1 ta.::-- tl,c ', ' · 0 . ',I 1 c rc t I I c· a u t I 1 () r s L' ele� . . • . · I , c L a · � c1cle rn1111 . c. 1 I l _ ::· 111 g tl1 e ex te 11 t o I l I 1 1 :,;; ?.' 1. g1 1 t 1..c\


eal righLs or rp ro in e. od (: j} jy (: r· t·h f o 336. Note again that nndc1· > real rlinLtels. po . r co be lo t � n1c , cc ( 1 c nr c1rd)odied ·i,1 SCl'llritic.s Lo J,c:1rcr •

• J c ·!J?" -" ..:1rL1<"

- ]31 -


,, to 11s, a11cl tinder Article tio sla an tr (� frc r11 l)e lo :)" <. >li J>t it is ELli iO J)i:i's J)crf orn1a11ces of l1is '\fork ate i,: 1,r i1l rlJ fo 1. 110 )· 1a 11 i or tl atl 1656 tli c to gi,,e effect to thc.s'.!, �e :de: 01 In l. · 1oo scl a i11 g� ar 1 c1 of !.!:,_ i ,,cn. frcB ro >t:rt ry era cl lit tic a11 tis ar in lJ s l1t t J·ig tl1a lcl l1e J)e lcl i y l)olic ics� it sli·oti 1 e at1tl1or seeks protection. tl c 1er ,vl ate st tlic of v ]a, -11 tl )r ) ] arc g(),•ci,iccl CTIJO)


J 11 $llt 11111 ar)': ,vitl1 rc.31Jret t o cor1)0r. ec1l property ar1:cl incor1>orca! J>rOJ)Crt)r rigl1 t. s c.011lni11c(l i11 a cloctm1e11t, all Cfties.tion.s relatin..r 6 t:o the t·rcaLion� t1·a11�{cr a11cl cfTecL of rigl1ts j11 tl1e 1)1·01J·erty· sl1011lcl l1e gov eri} J <'d l 'J ,, tl 1 c la,v ·of 1l1c sit.tis c)f tl1c }Jro1:,crty· 01� o,f tl1e (loct1111ent. rfliia ,1·0111<1 i11r.l 11<l G cruc-�;li<)!l."' of c,11,acit>� a11c1 for111. Qt1estions rcla,ti11g m 1 .111 i 11corr>orcnl rigl1, t .!1a,·ir1g 1 10 silt!S sl1011lcl l)e clcter1u.i11e(l l)y tl1c la,, ()f tl1G �Lnlc ,viLl1 1vl 1 i('l1. tlli' t.ra11:,actio11 l1as: t11c. closest co1111ecLi,01J., and . c111c3licl-ns relat i11g tn i-igl1.Ls ir1 arLisLic �111LI lite-ra1:r J)I"·OJ)ert)' sl1ould Le µ:o,·er11cd. 11)" tl1c 1n,,· of t'lte $lnlr.- ,,,.·11C'rc t.11c at1tl1or seeks J)r-olectio11



<; '\', ill

fir:-:.L <·011.;;icle.r rigl1t:; j11 111::irita] r1rO_l)Cl"t)� as l)el,vecn Lh�

.s11·�i11scs 1.'!1c·111::c[,-c:': ,vl1iel1 1}rP:;cr1Ls a c1iffcrc11t c111csLio11 t11a11 tl1at o! J"l(!1ltS or :l1ir1l 11nrtic::,; ,•;i!11 rCSI}CCl. lC> Ll1r lllari. t al r>ro11crly. Tl1c issu� li<'rc is ',·.-Ji�!l Ju,v 1·lc�lcr111i11e;:; ,v11etl1cr t11c 1 >ro1rerLy acqi.1ir�cl 1))' one or ll<t!� ' :-'Jl_Gi:s_e::- j;-; le) Ile <'·ori,i<lere(l r<.1111111011 J)I"OJ.)Crt�· or sc1}a.rate pro1)er1y. _ _ ;, .f 11 .1',tl110 Il'fa, ll1f· �alaric ..: a11(l i11eo111t' of tl1 c S})Ot15cs after n1arriage <·.(Jt 1�·t:ilt lc <"(}111111011 1it·o1)ci-t:·· : 1_..; clc)t:'s J)rO})('rt.)· aC([llire(l ] )y 011 eron5 l dH· ll1al lia� 110 · t• l><'l'l1 cl ·1· { 'l-i 1·1-}· · ,1c 1 , ··· , ,-- < 1 t u Sf't>arnle J)l"Ol)CrL)" anc J)rope l . d <)1 1a l <:<l or I,· < • c i 11· f"t ·' l l· i <·,<I. .I· () ,?1 : · tl )- •tt) ·LlC 1 ol l s1>ol1:::.c,:,.·),, g-, c;:,ome slates con · 1·l:c·o!!t ·1· 1 --ti • l u . L.to11· n I' <·01t1.111011. J)roi,crt,·, vvl11le tl'f , 1iz<'. il1c i·1 J1a,· c 0Ll1cr s • I cr, 'J 11 r1 1 I1,-:.. '• , 1. ( . (.)ll:--..1 Ill · ltC , .S COlll· lllOU p1·01 ··1 -:. l o ,,,11 ,l }erty. 1

IL i�

t�Cll\'1';1ll,- , ''l''i :-- " ( ' ( '' 1 · l

. . . ti· ·[ · .l,, t1,c <!11r,t1011 cf r1gl1 ts as ] )et ,,veen

' !!JC

ld c111l -- st io11. <Jf fa 1i1il: - la,v rntl 1 cr u 8ho a11cl ll 1J11 J)l"OJ)er.t ,• ,,, 1 ::i ,v Ji<·. dc:tc�r111ir1,·,I 1),. tl1c:- J;1,. ·,· '..! in <,,]1 1· c · J1 0 ,·,... · · 1·1 1 1 :::: 1, , 1 · tl1c· · · r elatior1� , 111arit3l , •


SJ > C> 11sc:, i .-: �1

387 · C:iYil C:o 11°,.· o 1· E' t I 11· 0J)ia A rtic·lc 652. · , -·\

- 13� -

E'thi . oJ>i a ,rOltfcl lJe IJ1e ln,v <.1f ll1cir <·l· o1 11j C'. jJ -.,._ · '{BB · 111cP. as a 1iracli C'�Ll · n1attcr. it is likel)' Ll1nt onl)' Etl 1io1)ia11 clo111i<'iliari C's could ,01vn i111nJ0Yal)lc J Jtio,1J cl�l)' Jierc . 389 Llic r>r<.)l)ler11 ,vc)ul c l arise ,vl1crc n11 ·ELl1io­ J>iau SJ JOttse olJtair1ecl i111n10,,al1lc� or 1110,·al ) l (' J)rDl><'rl)r r-1:-<',vli<"r<� or spo11�es clomicilcd cl:-:e,vl1rrc o·l,1ni11<',l 1ito,·al > IC' J}rOJ)<'rl,- ltcr<'. J\s bct,r een tJ1c Sl >OlLSC5 tl 1 c11 1scl,,c�. tl1e �late� g:o,,crning tli P. lttarital rc­ lntio ni-lti JJ 1 1 as tl1e. g r eatest i11tC'rcst i11 tl<'ei 11irtg ·,rl t eLl1 C 'r the l)l"OJ>Prly k-hould ]Jc cc111111;011 01· sci)nratc. a11<l $i11c(' LJ1 c-rc ,viii l > c 110 '1 11 <'�1 ion of o,ri1crsl1i11 of Etl1io11 i an ln11cl. it ::;!10111,l l>r. l 1<'l c l tl 1 :1L Ll if ' rl i nracl<'r o[ the })IiOJJCI'l)' "i$ c1eter111ir1ecl ll�, Ll1c lt•. r cl<)11zi c ilii ()f tl1C' �p,ou�es. Wl1i]<' it i3 �c11cra11�- ag:r<'<'1l tl 1 .11 tl1<' cl1araetcr of ll 1 c 1>ro1)cri:' nC<[LLirecl is to 1Je cl<'lcr111i11ecl l>)· tl1C' J)<'r:-:c)11al la,v of tl 1< ' 1>arlie�. Ll 1<'rP­ is so111e clj.sagrce111c11l a;; tn ,rl1at "la,,· :-110111,l eo11trc>I 1rl i( •11 . 1! 1( ' J):lrl1 P:=. :ire subject lo a 11r,,- I)Cr.3011al 1�1,,·. F<.>r rx:a111 �1lc-. al tl1 r 1i 111 e of 1l 1 rir 111arriagc tl1c 11artir::: rlrc (10111icil,,cl ir1 a :-:ta LC' I 1 1 :.11 clor· :: 111rl rrc·nµ·nizc <:OIUIJ]Oll }>ror>crt�-: �llll�C(lllC'llll�· lltl'�· J1C'C011lf' 1Jo1r1ieill '1l i 11 ·i,:t h i,011ia. T,ro c:rue�Lions nrc 1,rcscr1lc-cl : '1 ·1 i:-: tl1e !)J'OJJ('r(�- :1r:<r 11i:-c•1l ., )( ,r!)j"(' ll i r cha11!!e of cl<.)1ujciJe ro1�111on or ..::c-l1arntc·: 12 l i� I lie 1>rnJH'rl�.- �1{'q11ir(·11 '-

o.f 1lo111icilr aft cr tl1e cl1n11�c '

<.·0 1 11111011 or

�c1 ,arntr· .

. note a. pr su r, ke :: �u ('( l\l 0 ;1 a e '� ., c · C. 1 ?o s -�ce C: 1 rt"1c., c "'2 7 o [' L] J e J) r ·-1· rI F' r(•,!I Ch ( : 0 ( \ lpra. noLe sl �, er h i n u t S I: 6 ! , • .tl t 1· 1_ l lG al 77: Niruletopou]o!,. sut>ra, nolc 1S3 al 314. :). 339. ....Se e Ci vi I Co cJ e o f E• t · 111· or 1· ::i, 1\ rt i,·lc•,-; :390.:39 '.1.) · . •)' J ( 1 , . � · 9 ,· · · . ie ,e, 1 • 11( , er rt io c1 /Jnf'i/ic l{ . . "[·, ?· . . · . I .J. � .s 11r ::ie r 2n , 390. 1 Cal1f rts 11o Re ori11a • " . .) 'l e • • • • .� ·l 11 l r \ · • ia Jl io th · E 391. :-ice ne,·1.sed Con=111ut,on o 1J l,

- 133 -



)art1es cJ1a11ge d tl1cir d01111·. cil r tl1c 2 ,,·J1crc e ,.°1·.c<1,.s v. .,. 1 ,.zi· e r, 39 . e :' 11 1 J) c1 o Ja . 1m ir 11 is It o t tc e ra )a 1 ange 1 a �c lo r at st )' rl 1c or r r1 11 10 11 111 frc1t11 a c.0 c ·Of clo1nici] c , and l1 1 ,11 g . a c of al tfC it . , xis. l iil g l) l'O 1)crl )' 1-j ii 1 ts l, cc l)re-c crt)r 1s not aJfect ecl 1)y op pr of c�r ct ru 1a a �llot,]ll lic-� ] 11�l c1 tl i a t tl 1c cl f·l1 a11!!:C t)f 1:Io111icile. cc O · )i11i,on·. Unde.r of en er ff (li I a is e cr tl1 n, icJ s! ie CJ.t 1\.s to tl1e. sceo11rl 1 rencl1 CcJclc, tl1c 111arital J )r o r)erty r igl1t5 of l ft ra }) . 1\.rticlc� ;37 cif tJ1 c r (:r11 c<l t11eir sta t11 s at the 1 , go 1 jcJ ,vJ v ]a, c t.11 )' ) ] �i1-otl:3�:3 arc gc>,rcr11 c(l 11 lia Ita <:� Code, n1arital tl1 of 9 ] le r tic ;\ 1.· 1cle lf1 :191 e. 5 . r t,i, 11 ,r, <)f ,n<i.rria l la'\v at the na o . crs }) 's d an sl) e 1111 tl1 �r ]) cl c 11 ver o g re a t:;; 1 g.l · r )' 1 i 1 > ro pcr ' k It1,v is to· tl1c sa1nc effect. 395 111u.s,. c1? c;r 394 11. lio I i11I(: or celcl )ra .1 ,n. i11g 1)ers-011al la,v go,,e of 1 lic�c :=:late:- \\·011l c l 110 :l ll tl1at a el1ar1ge r rt� .If t11e J)arties J)e 1·0 }) tal ri a 111 1 lo c ) ,rottl ll 110t a(l'cc· L tl1c la,v a f> l)lical co11] rl 11ot arcr11irc c�o111.111on r1ro11crl)' 1111ilcr tl1eir J)ersomal la,v at tl1at ,. 0 , and '{ice-,·erBa. It sl1ould 1ertJ 1)ror sr1c11 1irc accr1 cr 11c, . cnr1 tin1c, t1 i cy· l 1C ' :r1,)tcd. ] 10 ,rcvcr; t11at tl1csc states c1111)1oy nationality as tl,e g0Yern­ ,. 0 j 11 µ; 11rr::-:011al ·1a,r: a11cl a t:l1a11gc of nationalit,• is less likel,• 1l1an a




<"llail!!C 'J '

cJl' c'lo111ici]c.

Tr, 1l1 c· ·cT11itecl State:::: ,,·J1iel1 c1111)lo3·5 clo111icilc as tl1e go,rerniug ]}C-r�o11al la,,,. it is gf·r1crall)' l1rl(l t11at tl1e cl1,11·actcr of tl1e J)ropcrty is <lclcrn1i11<'tl 11}" tllc Ia,r <)f Ll1c !)attics: clo111ici lc r1t tlie ti111e of the <t<·r111i-;iti<>11 <>J t.l1e J>r<)[Jert:,·· 'fl1 t1s. i11 a cn:Sc s11cl1 as .Sa :11l -v. His Crcclitors, :>96 ,vl1ere tllcrc ,ra� 110 l)l'o,· i�i 011 for co1 11111on IJroperty · · · ,ras 1111tl f'r l l I c ]a, v f l [' I I 1 C' l<)1111c1c t1cre · 1 1 1 lJt1t l al I 1(' l'1111(' o[ 111a1· r ia�c. . . a c:l1a11gc of 1 lo111iC'ilc a11tl tL11<.lt"r t11e ]�1,,· <)f tl1 eir (loi�icile a.t tl1e tiu1e tl l(',

· · f't, acttttl!' ·1 Slll' I l l)tl)l)Crt�r \V�15 C.OlllJl1011 ]Jl'•OJ)Cl'ly. 'tl ,,,as lir�l<l tliat tlic J)rt) lC'rt�· ,ras co111111c111. :1<)7 It is s11l J 111itte(l tl1at the l 1\111<�rica11 ar111rOa('l 1 is St)lllltlcr f l)l' ]�tl 1io1)ia. rl"']1e 3tate ,�r}1erc 'the , j)Cl' ,\... · ·.l\; . d::,. . j.)l"O

'.1()2. 119001 ·,fppe1' / ('t·< ' .\ '·. \ , Jf ous,, <>.f T,Or<l.,. En�lrtn<1.· 21. . ' :�9:3. ·Scc ricarr . the ro111111en· ts· to '.\rt·1 l'le ·1 �' 0 f l 1 lC I) Anie · 1 1 - r:.1 l Fren · cl1 Code f it . . I ournul of c ) 11 1 P 11 tot,,,c 1 .,aic -122, footnotes 21-22 (1952) . ,, •,)), . _ ,( 1 ·. 'S,, ,(· · Cf J\,l ·I ,llS!,t'I', Sil[)/" (/, llOtP . ,�on '. ell> <) • :,. , <)� Sc N.i�·o I e oponlos, sltf)ra, llolc :188. � 1r,;, urt111s ,� · ,, <) I). /' ,l . ,) l..-s. '. \l ,CH' S · i('fJOr . 'Aries l l,011.. isi(JTl(I) 569 (1827). , , · I \ vt , . , .) . I , ·s,.c " :.--o ·· n1°r '.) •)­ o . 1t..·,n L a"· I n::;litute, 1.,entative Drnft of tl1e Rcstatenitl1 · · fl' .. c. . on ll.'t O r T.,a,vs Second, Scl'l io11 290. :) .

- l3tl, -

e5 a rc do 111 icilc'cl at t11c ti111c of tl1c ac · . I � (fti i··· " _ rti · ·'lL 1011 pn 1a:- l 1 1c /:!;r eal 1�:--t . . ... ·1 nterc; --t i n cl cte1�111111111g tl1e cl1araclc 1· of tl1 c J>t·oi)cr· � L Y. ,.['I 1ere ca11 1)C olJjectio 11 to l 1a,,ing �0111c of tl 1 c proi)crt;, re roo no ac,Jltirc cl aflcr n1·.·1 ·1'aocr e COllllllOU a11cl $01UC SCJJnratc tl1 a11 ·t])("'J""' , ,, 1. s lo 1.1 a,.. .111g 1I 1 r: Jll" propert�r acqt1irecl 1Jefore 111a·rriagc SCJ)nrate; al$C> . i 11 l�tl i ior>ia '�-:oinP. r acqttirecl after 111ar ct�t) prop riagc cn ·n l >C' �CJ)aral<'. Orlcc tlie e i L} of parties l 1avc cl1ang ecl tlicir clo1- 11icilc, tl1c state o[ tl1 c forii i P.r ,loiliicil<� no Jor1ger ]1as a1]y i11terest i11 cleter111i11ir1g tl1C'1r 11 1 nrital })l"OJ'><'rl)' rigli l:--.

Prop erty· acCftlirecl in tl1c for111cr (lo1 11i("i'lc ,vill rcta i11. tl1c cli araclcr jt hacl 1u1der tl1e la,,· of Ll1at slal<'. 1-\ll tl1at ,vi]l 1,c afi'eclc(l is J)rOJ)C1:ty aCCft1.i.r ecJ after t}1c c]ta11ge C.)[ (lo111icil( "' . Ull(l ll1c stat,, o( tl 1 e1r JlC\V domiciJe ]1as t11e 011ly- real i11tcrcst i11 clC'ter111 i11i,1g tl 1 c. rl 1 aractcr of

the propert)r.

Prol)len1s ,vitl1 l"C$[)CCt to ·11 1arital J)l'O!)Crl:r arise lllOSt f rrq11C"'111 ly ,vhcn one or 1Jot11 s1:}ot1ses deal ,,·itl1 tl1c })ror>erly i 11. a slate otl 1e1· 1l 1 an that governing n1ru-ital JJrO})Crl:- at tl1c ti111c tl1 c J)ro11etl�,r ,vas accrnirc'rl. . Here, tl1e rigl1ts of tl1ircl J)Urlic-'� 111a:" 1Jc i11,·o'J,·prl. J<'c)r <':xa1111)1r. a11 ELliio1Jian husband tal�e5 a co111111011 1110,·al)lc ,rorll1 11 1 cJr� tl i an l�tl i. $ 500 to State A , , 1- 1crc lie $ell� it. !\s�11111e tl1at t111r1cr tl1c la,,· c1[ Stale 1\. eitl1cr s1Joi1sc 111n)- alicr1ntc c-0111111-011 r>roi)erty': i11 l�:1J1io1)1a tl1c agreement of J)otl-1. s1)ouses is rccri1irf'tl to alic11alc· a co111111c111 1110,·al1lr. exceeding Etl1. S 500 in ,·alr1c. .:\�sl1111c al:30 Ll1nL tl1<" ' l1t1:d>anrl 11urcl1:.1:-l'!­ 0 · n<lcr tl1c� la,\� othcr }Jl"OIJCl'L)r ,vi,tl1 tl1 e 111onc)r I 1c rcc<'i, cs a11cl tl1at u of Stale A, tl1is ,,-oi1l(l co11 stit11lc SCJ)nratc Jll"Of>C'rl�'· �l'l1C' <fttc�tio11� arr: ,rltetber tl1e ,\-ilc m«)' l1 a,re tl1e sale :::cl n;;if1c ag:ni11�t 1}1.c St[llC _!\. 1111r� r 3C'<[1lirccl rl-) 11c 1>1·0 lie I lo cl r>c re::: tJ1 cha�er a11cl ,vl1at 1�·ig}1,l s sl1 c } 1as ,,·i hy tl1e 11 rislJancl.

1 aractcrizccl as cl l>c l 1lc ot �l1 1 o, �ti 1c ftt It i:? s11l11 uittc(l tl1 al the fir�t tlif'. scco1,c1 1<1 ·11 ' .\. c i--t " St · ._ )f c .-. · ,, .. · ] · 1c 1 ti one o £. })l"OJJCrty ):.J ] a,v a 1 1c.J rrovc1,1r.c .� o . . . '\· '\ "lJ" E 0 q11csLien as f an1j]v ]a,v a1 1,1 g.o,·cr11ccl l>)· t11c 1a ,v of :it I1101> 1. n.. .:> · . c� ie rl ,-c go Ile 1(1 1 ot 1 sl . c::: rc fc 1� a1 ha,· r earlier sai cl tl1 at tl1 c 1�if! l1l::: of tr 111aritnl c <"'r li ,v 1t c1 pr ff cli 0 11 l>c cl t1l hy the la ,v of tl 1 e silt1s. rl,J 1 e r1.�lc s]1o � tl1c re sf 11 a tr �' rL c i) · ro J) f o ; • t� i . c.tlt· I propert)· is jJ)VQ}vcd. rro jfl$l1]'C lll c ..-c

cnLs, 398. See i tl., section 291 and tl1c drafters' c·on1 n1

- 135 -

L]1e silt�s - a11cl a tra nsfe c� al :c:L 1e o, oJ ,v la 1 c tl r , court� :,l1ou1,1 loc,I-: to l icl e,rcrY'·Vl1ere. va as J o,"evcr c, l{ �� 1i g1 co rc c l, c l 1l 01 1 l :-= ,·alill .tl1crc l1t s as }Jet, g 1e tl ri g in 11 11i r1 le clc veen th; 1 ir : st rc ilc ir 0 1 1 as 1 ] State /\. .i mo11 co i cl ,-v tl1 re t1j cr ac JJroperty ,c�rl.)" or r,r � o[ r le ac ar 1 cl _ _ c 1 J 'I' :}>Ott:-��arties ' c101u1cile, and sinc p c� tl1 of ,v ]a c tl1 v e : > l l ::-ll<.)lti<l l)c (lctcr111i11 cc ,o[ com111011 p,roper-L)', Ethio pia le �a c Ll1 l>y l cc · lir CJl ac tlie 1 1roJJCrt) ,vas . 111 on pro n1 s co nt :e e: �rLy 1·e1Jr p-erty. 399 1)< ro JJ ,v r1c c 1 t1 1 at Ll ]cl lio l �1 101 ,lc solcl or excl1ang cd} it fa r]�J1 ercf ore� ,\'} i crc co11.1111-011 J)ror,crt)' }1as ]Jee11 o,;e1·n tl1e c1 11esti on of rights l 1l( ot sl1 t1s g: sit c tl1 c,f ,v la e 1 tl :-uJ,111 ittcrl 1l1 nl 011ial (lomicile �houhl nJ ri al 111 c tl1 ,of ,v la c 1 tl ] < 1 a1 r a:::c 1 ) rl' lli of t.l,c J >ro11erly. ecl 1ir l cf aC rc c r tl1 j11 ::; �e ot1 s1J e tl1 of Ls 1 ! ri 1 c tl r11 !!O\·<� µ: r of transferred pr,operty ;\.1101l 1 f'r c1 11c;:;tio11 co.1 1 ccr11::- , ll1c cl1a1·actc a!' l cr 1!1cre 1 1 .is · 1> rc11 a cl1a11 gc of <lo111icilc. For exa111J)le: tl1e J)arties cl 1 a11 µ1· tbcir (·lo111ieilc fro111 a SCJ)arate r>rO})Crt�- state to Ell1io11ia. The l i!1 ;-;l i a11<1 S('lls l1 is Sf"l )aratl� r>rOJ)f'l'I:'· a11 cl tl1c jss11e is ,vl1etl1er t11e pro­ <·1'<·rl;:; c1f 11 1(� �:nlc arc ;:'('l).'.1J'Hle or COllllllOll }li"O-r>cr:t;"· It is J}l�OYided 111,il r > ro 1,crt:- ac-cr11irccl tl1ro11gl1 tl1e excl1a11g e of l!ll\1('t.' 1\rticlc 6-1�3 c·1.) '


Jlror1cr l )' :::c1l�11·:11c1)" o,r11t.:cl s}1nll l;c sc1)arai c 1>rO})ert)·. U11der .4..rticle

<i-t-8 1:21, ·1 1 0,ve\·er� tlic fa1111]\0 arl,i1r:1lors 11.1l1:=:t clf"ciclc tl1at tl1i:- s11ould · 1 ·11c })l"O}Jerly ,,as J i � S<'liaralc !)rO. ,". · 1 · f J L· , t 1 · · , ·t l 't · Ll 1�1t )1111 · . s11 since t�r, 1:=; t · , _ F<'J}aralc al tl1c� l ti!ll'. ·of ::tC(ftli2-itio11. il1c l)ro,·i::=io11:=: of Article 6J8 (2) :- !,or1lrl 11<)l ..t}J} )I )'· \\1 i1f'r<' ::f'.il�1ratc r )rOJ>t�rt�- ,vas acqL1ircd ))) ' El>OU=C! _ ;!nuii<"ilf'd c."J:-:(·,vl1{'r('. c:1cl1 :-:r>o11:=C' :=l10111c1 1) c aJ.1le to cxcl1a11ge tl1at · · · · 1 1 rClJi<·i-L,_' frc1•!v · l a, · . ·- 1:-s- ,111 :1J)J} 1.. 1cat 1011 of t:11e 1)r1nc11J e t}1at , . · -lOO 'rl11:--. , . eu.I . . · · }l('l\\.PCll Ll1!� S} JOll-'r., · t !,, · ..,t('lci· ,,t <·} 1.11 o [ l)rOJ){:rl:; or1g 1na1 1�- accru1r �11011 111 110 L l:f� aft<'('t. -·<I l1,· a cl1,111p:e of c1 0111 icilc. B,0 tl1e sa111c toke n: · · ·3 1.•:l1c:·r� l�1c JJ.1!·lie-::- ! 1 a,·;,. lll()\·ec· 1 l' l-0 sLaLe ' l rc1111 a eo111n1011 })roper ) · :· l' ll a r �! I c ·r I r n 1) c- rl •\" �� l ,t I <'. l)l'()J)erl:· rcalizecl fro111 tl1c dis 1Josition °f 1 • . (·OJlllllOil 1·,1·(·>11c 1·L\' �·i l 1 l I'' ., '·l l'('l.ll',llll COllll110Il >rO )Crl . 'J1 01 y . r ! ,,.




. .

__ _____ _



1ad SPe T) < 'f)fl, ,, ·)! . 1·1 ii. l ouse-5 fp 'J�he 8). , rts :314, (}8t · . • · n_, '.), · · zssouri l�('J�o · ,v , 1r(I (·I. · 1,111 _.. t I1 l.11 e I r d n ni : 1. . rnon 1 i J c, t 11 •1.. ::;late co1u e . ,, J . . 11cl1 rcco:rnJz. · did 11ot . . er t ].,er·,. 'J'l i r., I, n �·l J ;1 n ti u . ('d l. . . ,, . . · · coinrnon J)ror)erty (acq11.1red ,,. 1e.11 IJlf) a:-<.,, , 1lo1nil'ile·1l lll ·1 ri · .·1 :--ta . ·t;-, ,,·1 11. l·-l I I- ec,.op:111zc pu 1 · cl ('0fillll011 })rOJ)ert y,) to .. 10 ))rope r! \' h ,J j ·in his·· o,i·n nai1ie. 1'lie court or1lered 1l1at ll1is p roperty 113' . . � ( JI) l'OllllllOll ' · ]11, fn1JU '0 . · . ne . 1 sin, 1e , .•IL ,va:, .. _ 11nrC'hn:;e(l ,,·11.11 fu11ds out,u the .�ale, o ( co . rnn1on J)r01 )' erLv. .1 400. ".�ee Sll[)J"U, 110lC �{97. :},{) 1 . . See l)e1>as 1'. _vo, SllJ)ra, note 399.

- ] .36 -

s11n1u1a1·)r, it is Sltb1:i1illcc1 1l1at Lile fol· l o,,,I! · lg ru I c·s �1 10111(1 1)C . . , . . :idoptccl ,v1tl1 rc::-r,cct to 1 11 ar1tal })l"O})Crt,. ·: (]) 11··o-l 0 ll::-, l·ict,v<'C 'l1 SJ}OllSf'S 1 . · . m a1 1t n J)l"O})erl)' sl 1a ll l> c !.ro-�·cr ,\litJi resJ}CCt Lo -ilccl I ) y '·t ll C l J \V O [ tl1 CI. r .._, • . 11ro1Jert,, •le,. (2) • tic . , . J. d } · . cJ . . t act e . r o I · 11C.: .1 dou ncr'.1rt1irct · l J >y• 8 11011 .... , c�s sl1a I l 1,c · . . r dctcrm1necl by tl. 1 e 1a,\ of tl1c11· clo1 11 icil c at tll c· .1 1- 111 c l }1 <' J)rO I 1 <' r 1 ,, ,ra� u re ; (3) tl1 c c1 1 aracte1· o[ 111arital J)rop.c·rt,· _,,,. 11 n ,acq i cl n: o 1 1>� a11celrr • • L1 l • • o.f do1111c1le; ( �l-) ,v l1c rc L} 1p 1-1· ::,r,] 1 1,� <i [ tl·I·J J JY a char1ge r <l l ,a1·L 1 e g ar r. . r1g • ]1ts $l1all be tlcter111i11c-cl 1 ),, ll t c I· . jnvolved � tl1c1r . ..i,, o r l I1c slalc_. crt,.• --� (5) uororn ing tl1 c clispot:ition of J)ro1) ,\-1lC'rc J)l.01 lr.1· 1 'j I 1a:=: 11f'c-1t . • i, sold or excl1angecl by _ n $l)011s<', tl1c rigJ1,ls .0 f t] 1 p oLJ 1 cr -"J'>-Otl.$C lviLlt rc�pccL lo tl1 c proccecls or cxcl1n11get1 1>ro1)crt�.- �l 1 a]l l l c �o,·<'rllC'd 1 1 ,. · rnir1 g rurtrital pro1)crL�- nt tl1r ti111.c. tl1c ·origi11ai ,roiic-r·l� the ln,,· go,c 1 "ras aC(Jllirecl. TJ 1 e$C l"ltlc::; ft1ll)" }}l"Olecl. tl1c µ:0vcr111TJCillal i 11 ,1r all states i11 ,,ol,1 ecl a11cl i11511 rc tl 1 at tl1e c-x1>crlatio11� c,[ tlic E:r>o1.ic:cs a11d: others 1rith resr)ect to tl1c 1)ro11crt:· ,,·ill l,c rcnli?.c-c1. J 11

Unlav.·ft1I enricl1u1cnl c lcals ,,·itl1 tl1c- sitt1ntio11 ,,·l1crc- a IJ.f'r.:;0;1 11:,:. received a l)e11efit dt1e to tl1c r1clion o[ a11ritl1c.r JH "!r�n11. 1\'l!icl1 11(' c:ho11l,l not be enti· tlcil to 1�cc1). It i:_,; =i �c11eral JJri11t': r ilr- of J�,,- n <: cvitlc-11<·c·,l hr .: \rliclc 2]62 of ·tl1c Ci,·il Cn,lc-. tl1al '",,-I,oc\·cr l 1 a::- (1r·ri,1 P11 a �·a ill fron1 ll1 e ,vorl'- o!· pro1;ert!' of 8110Ll1cr ,\·itl1:Jt1L _j11:-:t ('3t1�:<' :,:)1all i11,lc·111nify the l )Creon at ,\·l1o�c C"X!>r-11:=e lie 11.n� <':1ri<"l1ct1 l 1 i111�<'l1' lo 1!11' r r, iJ�l3 (:la , l�'.: l)C"r !ll"O ()I" rk ,,·o }1i:-: �l! frO nt ('XlC lo ,vJ1icl1 }1c ] J e11C'fittP(1 > .p:.• <lot11i<'i< 1c-. �1�1 n11� !1. tl1n r<· 111o ,·cunJa ,vfttl enricl1 ment 111::1,· i 11,·01 l.inrie of different slat.cs c ,nlcr i11L·o a11 1111cr1f nrrcnl.,lc. co11lrn,·L i11 l'('µ:ar1l to 1vhicl1. •one l 1 as 111aclc n rla�·111t•11t. rl�l,c. cr1ic_:-tin11 -i� ,\·} 1 :it slate\, la,\· dclcr 11 1i 11 cs ,vl1 . eL11e-r a 1)arl)· l1as ]Jcc11 11nj11::Ll)· C'11rirl1cf1. c Ili at tli 1g i1 1iz 1 g co rr · Ii� 1 cr ·l1 n, '.rhc so11nclest solt1tion n1:·1 ,,: l>C"- rr -."r'' of lcc11'., a� to ar ,· ,c� tl · ,li r, · 1 • · L, I· 'l:,,. •. o Cl· · 11 11,, · . aint of UDJ! · J�t enr1cJ1 111c11t llE=t1n )' ,·c a l1 , c1, ea 1r 1, · } 11 lc l1 ·0 >1 · -· ""' � -· 1 s ' I' fl c 1 11. · 'Y 11ch n111>roacl1 ce Lo L l 1c soI ,·11 · 1g of co ]lcen �Ltggestccl. OrLr c.xa1111>lc 1. 11vo 1 ·vcs a c l·,tJ. IJl o.r ttr1ln,.,vf11l· c11.ricl1.111 c11t . . _ ·� s< r1 · a · . . . .:;] [) (tl1c c1�1111 11 · t t' 1110 <1 1 1.c ar,· ·1ng fro111 a11 ex1s l1ng cor�tractL1a . . 11 11 a cl 1c Ll . rc 1c ll V ) ) l c ' a cc bccat1�c t11 e co·ntract tlLrncc1 Oll.t Lo l>e l1ncr1 L'tOI . . · 1le11rlc1l r o c · c l) . ,, ca 1 t : arises fro1n tl r>rc-c:{isti·ng cont1·actt1al 1·c.1 aL 1011:-:,-1 1111 'l

- 137 -

d l)e go,,er11c d lly the 1l 1 0 l1 s t JJ C 11 1L l c r 11 c ft1l \v a J : 11 L1 f o . 1 r io L s 10 t c1 1c tl l a tl 1 tte1n1lted t o e nter a s e t1 r )a e to in J i l rl . t 2 0 ,1 c a r t 11 0 c, lavv g o,,cr11i11 g tl1 e 1n1ent r1rose ])ecattse o f ,lliis ] ic r 11 c l t1 J v , a l 11 11 f o i iu 'la c )! iJ a l t il a � r g o ,,e1�11s tl1e contract a <�Oilt.ract. ,, la ,vl1ose in : 1 c stale tl oI tercst rtLLCil lJ>t. r1,J1e ir1 , t is no atte1111J :ted co11trac 1c tl f o c s r1 a c >c l 1 ts exist l ig r t a li ,v g dcr, i(lii1 ealJle . r11ier efori; c r o f 11 e n c 11 l> to t t1 o s 1 ·1 Lt11 t e a Lr r1 o c c. 1 tl ci c li (1ifl'erci1 t ,v ichment arise s out r l 11 11 e f .v r, l, 11 11 f o iro a 1 <� 1e11 tl 1 e l ,v t a 1 t] (l tc it lt )l j t is E ttl Ltestion of 1L11just en­ Cf e h t , p 1i sl 11 o ti la 1� r tr1a1 c a r l 11 l) c g 11 i :t i: x -c c )r ol' a 1 o,,e1··ning t: l1e contrac t. g ," , 1a 1e l l )' ]J cl c 1 1 ) )c cl c te -r111i l lc 11 0 1. �1 L 1 r 1c 11 1 :ricl ng Ollt of the si 1·i t a n e 1n l1 ic r r1 c l l1 ·f ,, )a 11 ,c l1 r :!\'lai1y ca:::cs '"ill jr1,,0I, il Code, i, 1e C tl f o 1 7 1 2 1e c li r -'\ r c cl 11 11 � a 11 11)1 c x c r e F · )' rl c 1J ro ]J f o ::c 11 o1)c rty has incurred )r l ·n 1 tt 1 1·e to t 1irccl :c1 rc �.; : · 1 u l ,v 11 so er 1) a ·,\'l1cr1.; Jcrt)·� l1e is entitled 1 ·0 )1 1 1e tl f o 1c ]1 a ,, ecl Ll1c a� c cr in e v �r l 1 1 l ic l1 1v e::11s c 1) �{ -� o ,vl1o m the l on rs. le J 1e tl 1 11 o fr r)c11sc� cx :3c 1c tl r Jo JL ·1 1r 11 c : r: t1 l, 11 . ir lo re i o n.s.hip at el r al t1 ct ·a t1 11 o c a f o c 1c c1 . 111 t l1e al)s il c cr <l 1 er :r 11 s1 is · l) Cr }_J J>l"O overning g ,v la 1e tl y l) l ec n 1i 1 r1 tc c cl c lcl l) (irt ,v]1icl1. case- tl1 c rigl1t :::. ,vor1 i nvolves a y ll ea r 1t c1 u 11 cl ri 11 e 1 1j11sl t1 f o 11 0 ti es lt Cf , c 1 tl t) ac tr 11 co '. J( ·il 1ties ,vilh r )a } 1e tl 1·ig l1ts of 1c tl rc a t 1a ,l ,, · ,v ]a ty {{ t !cs!io11 ·o[ ]Jro1 )cr jmt r1n of n io st 1e q1 1e tl e as ;i I 11 s11cl1 c ' l) er ri ro J) of l; c ie }) 3 i· L11 . l<) cL ic -:--1 1·c · rcrns tl1e creation , go ] ) )" tl1e )a,,· tl1at 1 cc 11 er cJv e ) l ( l 1 Lt .:;l 10 t 11 1e 11 0 e11ri�l1 e tJ1 e n1 ti e tb t a si t1 1s 1e tl f o ,, la 1e tl y·; rt )C c> r,r 11 · i Ls 1. g1 rj l a11(l effect o[ in st re te in t es t ea gr as the 11 t 1a t1 e at sl c 1 is tl is l 1 rl' ]. t;< TIS s va )r , · rt r1c J>ro e t i : r he te 1a 1 :t. Ei ) rt 1)e ·0 p1 to C't )C ::-J rc ,1elcr111i 11 ing l 'l1C' rig1 1 t s of l)arl ics ,,·itl1 11est.ion q 1er otl a11 cly cr 111 is 11t 11e l11 ric 1 c11 • ,,{ l1 1la 111 l)f 11 tio es 1 c111 c� Ll c1 a11 1

ed a; at tre t o n. .,i\r 1 otl1 cr c-xa1111)1<� of 11 11la,ff t1 l c11ricl 1 111c11t. t11ot12;11 e rticl ;\. _ r de Un 11. ati; g o �· ) sr1l o[ r tte s·u<·l 1 1111<.ler t1i c, Ci,·il Coc:Ic� is tl 1c 111a the · d · >n1 . 1as 1 10 ,vl l n rso 11c a · t tl1a ·cl 9 · iclc o,, 1s ])-r · oc · · ·1 l C 1 c. 1l - 1. 6)· :1 0 r llic C 1' nol b 011g T , altl1 t} i1i l 1 lia al 11 ,,, I 1 0l( ' ,lcl.1 t res 11 1 l i1 1 g .f ro111 ex l r a-co11 tract fro 1.n r ove rec to l lec tit en is [. eo cr 1 ] )()ltl1 <l lo l ) car 1110rc tl 1 a11 ,1 J),1.rt tl d by rnc ove g lie uld sho r ove Tec to t . righ The ,1c him with sc lho lial el �ta t a r -tl1 ; 1it) lia1Ji tl1 r la,v of tl1c st,t'l<� l l 1 al go,ser11e(l t11 c i1111Josit.io11 of 0' •:,,::'.'. 00 "! • La"' III st i Lule, Tentative Dr a (t of the Rest ers couin

·1·02 · �cc A mer k a II l i rt or l_,a,,·s Scl·ond, Scrtion 35£1.l._, (l) and tl1e draft .onf � _

,J l'C

parl.icu1arly illnslratioi1 8.

- 138

bas tl1e greatest interest i11 dcciclino• c shall 11lLimaLely be l)orne. 403

])y • its la,v

1'l1e .!\.m.cric an La,v I11stilttlc ] 1 ,\� ':.; l)t:O!J05C<l I li. e fo 11 o . .· . ,v111g r1i · te: (1) ,vl1e11 tl1c 1·ece11>t of a benefit is clet1, _ .·' ccl r10111 . a 1>rc-cx1,.; . � t·111::, o- r•c ] at1•onla go ,\· tl ,, 1e e1 ·11 .::hip, i110t:,· tl 1 c rela • tio11··> ( I elcr1111. rtC'S l l1c :-- J 1 IJ • CXi3Ler1c(� of . l1•a) J i}' . r , ( it 2, ) ) 11 1 Ll 1e r1l)sc11ce of. �"ttcl t t.c1 such n t·10 11� 1 1 .11,. tl 1c Ja",r of tl1 c . . ,,·a;::,� re-cc. stale ,v·]1cre t·1e l)enef1t 1 ,·cc] clct e.11 . 1t11 · 1c�� L1 1c CXJS(('llCC of :LlCll . . -t U11cler . 1-\rt1c]c iJ.J. . ol• tl1 c Dra l,a b1.l1.ty. -10 · ft Fre . .1s 1>rov1. clc,l .nc,Jl. C·OcIc, 1L . . . .·cl . 1l11cr1 . t, 11a,·u1c that. 11nJttst. enr1 nt o{ tli c ,: llO t <l llC �, ancl 1l<!!f,O . IL01'[tlll. . gestio are go·ver .n ctl JJy · lite la ,v of tl1e !)lac • e ,v li er · c tll CV. tOO 1, !)..] aCC allC1 if this Ia,v ca1111ot ]Jc clcler111i11ctl , J)v. - Ll1 c c1or1t 1'cilc . o(' ti.1 e t ·1 <'1) tor. u'11<1 er tl1c ItaJjau C:oclc-, al l 11011-eo11 tract:t1al ollli;;alio11s 3 r<" ,Jetcritiine,.11,ytlic) _ Ia,v of the IJ 1ace ,vl1crc tl1c� Jacts fro11 1 ,v11icl 1 1I 1 c ol J ligal io11 arose lo-nJ( place. 405 1,]1e 111ni11 uisti11ctio11 l1ct,rcc11 tl,c a1>11roacl1 of 1J 1C'. 1-\ 111 cri l'ari J.,a,r Instilt1lc a11rl t11 c otl1er,:": i.'.' t.l1c for111e1· �� :.l}l >roacl1 Lr>,\·ar<1 ol >li !ra� J .... lions res11lling Iro1n a 1)re-cxi.3li11g rC'latio11 �] 1 i1). In practice, ot11· a1)1>roacl1 i s 11ot ]iJ(ely lo cli(l"cr toe, 11111,·] 1 J' ro-111 t11nt of t]1c .1\.111erica11 La1 I11�lit11tc. IJtil 011r a1)J)roncl1, it i;; sul1111LLte1l, is easier of a1)1)1ication. It n1a:- l)c slalcc1 ns fo"llo,v:S : (l) ,vl 1 c-rc iJ1e claim -a£ ruila,vf· ttl c1Tricl1u1e11t ari�e- fro 111 n f>rc-rxisti11g co11trac.;tr1al · relalion:-l1i1J, tbc clai11.1 $}1all lJc clclcr111j11ctl l)�Y- tl1c Ja,v go,7crni11!2: tl1<� contract; (2) ,\il1crc tl1e clai111 arises fro11 1 a11y oll1er re'latio11 �l1.i11� t1 1L� la,r go, er11i11g tl1 at rc]atio11 sl1i1J �I1all <lelcr111i11c rig:l1L:::. o[ 1111la,vf11·1 ,,·


cnricl11nc11t: 4,06 (3) ,vl 1 ere tl1c clai11\ ari:::<'� ,vi1]1 rc.51_1ec'.I. lo tli(' lli;L� of J)l'OJJert�-: ju tl 1 � alJ ::-e.nce oi a co11l racL11al reJat.io11shi11. t]ie clai111 shall 1Je (leter1uj 11 erl 11 ,· Ll1 e la,,· of 1J1c 1)ln< 'C ,vl1crc LliC' 11rOJ ) CrL�r ,va� situate at tl1 e t in1c tl1 � c ·lai 111 arose; (,(.) i11 a 11 ,r oilier cas(�� tJ,c c.;lai111 llcC'ti,·c co of 11 io sit o ip in . 1e t] I . o L . c pe c,. 1 1 · The s-an1c ,,· ottld lie lrnc ,v1t I _ < 2J 1 liability. See C:iviJ Code of ELliiopi:-i, . nd co Se s ,,· I,a of L < li ;,f �� 1 e ' \ _; 40-!. See Tentative Draft of the Res1a1en1ent 5• Section 354,k(2J and the drafter"' conimcnt at 8l. 405. w[cCusker, supra. note 146 1c , the prinl'ipal . i;; . I ?- 198' 0 f" t Il (! c'I' · ('' c) ·u I i· ,· \ . l1r e 406. I,•or example, un·d er 111 .ll. C,.U, 011 l>ehnlf of the pr•10lL '1 C' , 1l l ll C r ::inr rnova J>lc thf'. '(• " entitled to retovc e pr1nth !! in cn er ,· o � g • ,, 1, J, 1c l , T . · . • • al . l ,..,.]1.1.1c nct111g 1n tI 1e JJ 1.·J 1 ci[>·'il,' .; n:.111• 1e c1pu nc1p t, p e th f o ts •h ,.. i< r , rn11nc L I 1c Lc c d r l . l ion ] s ] 11p � · a 011 e1p · at1 r st,1tc. age ] · l 1 1e nt re t o an in . <l tr • . ·1 ·ir , ·c I, .1 ] v :1 n t n1 against the ::t;!Cnt, even l l1oug I1 tI 1 c • ::-"r·

);� ·�z



139 -

a r a oJ l w Lhat was the, to icable � � appl rules Lhc 1,y nicd govc be ,hall l5 realistic and insure s that oach appr This 407 i. clain ental interest iii <lctcr­ the sou•rcc of :the \·cr11m o g rc;; 1 ] tl1c;. 1 a t 1 1 as Ll stale will control . tllc ]a,,' of tlic ment enrich 0[ unlawfnl on cruesti minin g any

c,11s. 11i:::<:li ()rµ:(t ss 1 1si11c ,l_� <111rl e,1c,· .:1 !:; .,, .... i11. tl 1 is. area. They ari$e arj�c 11tly rc<1l1c \\'i.11 f 111s 1rol>le s Cu11[l.ict 1 one state or a in l .t r . l1 s 1i , lta s . <: � ·a ,, 11:.:l1i1> io t 1a c r c � o 1 ·l ,, t ,,1 ! 1 c,11 nii :ig:e11 i11. a11otl1er. In deciding ts c a � t<. ta s (� 11 0 <I i11 1c 11 r Jo 11 io t . n iz 11 a g: r o \it1si 11 c�� i c cli.sti11ctio11 1n11St he s a l> 1c tl s . :::r1 o r1t1c ti l1 1c ::=t 11 r r ·,, o � ] I< t1 -,.,·liat 1�1,,, �=.llo sines s 0T a11iza­ r1 ]) r o g c y n e g a 1c t1 > le g: 11 Li a 'l r< .:; 11 rJ!·;r1rr1 l>cLv:�r-11 <111c,::tio ! rties c1ealin.g ,rith l )a f o :: l 1l [ ri tc., ll1c 1g i1 tl l; c r C: ]1 (l li :::. C' 11 l cl \ ti11i1 ii:::clr ;111 lc . An a ge ncy rop 1n a x c is ° th r . lc Con i, . n o ii sa i; !l a g r o e 1h r 11,c "i""' o lf of the 1a Pl l) 11 (J s ct a c t 11 , � 3 c l1 rr i 11 Staie· .:\. l '1 l1 'a J'( (' i� 1} ii -l l:!li()n 1 l 0 ;] (· 0 Il l r ,1 C l l i � l I i J' ,, t 1 : (' 1, .. j ) O l ) I' i I 1 (' i I):'. l i !l 1:: l1 l i J ilie cy en ag of t ac tr n co C 1 L] Cr c.1 I1 ti !!O()ti:-: l1cr('. f o : le a � . ' 1< \l r . fo "Ji<'-,.1>artict1lar co11tract. Let 1 1 -arent a11tl1orp ,:a ,l c 1l ca i:3 L a -11 ,,. 1 :1L t1 1 r 3f!''l1i. 11all tl , er 'Y \·1 cr, 11 ·. 11r !1 :.�t H,: ue th se t1 0 ea to as , ·a ,, 11t ·ii),1·1 ncicc1 i11 �L1cl1 a i 1 · J)r c 1 i1 aL t1 • i:-: :tl . it-.,."' tl1 ihe e nd cl n · co to l . cc i1: ()r 11 1t a1 tlt ,va:=tl1i�·tl 11:�rl:· to l > c·licY<' 1l 1 �1l t\11· :11!:<' de: the Co il iv C 1c tl of :3) t :1 9 21 ·lc· (·oritrn('l i11 c1l1c�lioi1, l�i11lf·r ;\rti( e 1 �un As . se ca 1 a cl st1 i11 rt 1n 1 ti1 �1e : lr g: 1 li lc to 1l11: c)l11C't· ('()t1 n' li is 11 1)� ci ir1 ir 1



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a co· 11sl :1i1 a!! on ::ili :-:u1)rog "hich � -107 . .-\n ex;;n!plr· r,f tl1i� ,,nul,l 1:c 1h,· ri!:!1ll 10 te sta t1,; of '' r(in;!riner. '' hi\·l t ,.,onl ( l h,� tl,,1er 111i 11.ec1 l)\" tl1c 1n�,, exainpk r ie otl 1\n "· rl� Iln c1 {1re -:, !,o\-('rllcd 1hc ori�inal li:tl,ility to 1l1,' i 11j aJ ruon the l e 1er ,v ,vollld be tl i e ri�ht to re1'0\· cr u10 11ey }l:1icl l>Y n1istnl.::c uld -� 5ho ct tr::i con '�'a" pa! 1 l pnr,::u:int tn a ront.r:1ct: tlt e l:!,,, 1!0� 'll1c otll'r1111uc ,, heth,·r 1h,:r1' i� :1 ri g:111 to reeo,·er\'. · blc u, a en t · 11o :.1v 111 1 c :1l)OYe rnlcs · r1 01r t,1 · : t1o • · 1l 1 ', app1 1c In t"trc • , C"l'�· ,� ·1 · 3 ·5 • the , r1 Y P ) ' rd · lo, , ·irrive · l II1·ion. 1 ,t'l. ll!'> �:t� tl1at a l)er�on voltu1ta •·1'·. •· 1 �u .. , ' 11t1t! I e · · · o n s v,a , <'··•··.llll r1'1'e!Y1ng: ))aYnli:n. L ol)VI· OU5 ly , •'t· •· t\ 1 1, ,1 r, " nP· !!\ v t • '·1111)· \ 1·•• rcr Bo, · � ltin1. lo rc,·c1,,e the p:iJ tn1· 11t fro1 11 the pcr::;01{ \\'l 10 lJaid it to JJ! ed 1 ·u _ ··.rUI1 1 ,> o r ·•111 P \ , 1,• '1 l (.·, o ll e, r1� cover y ,v o ul c1 n o t be Pe rind.ifh ll\lt1 '\' ·,\r\·( ' 'l" ' · -•)].(i'" I t ·15 d e. .!'tH·l a ra-'C' a····11n--t 111a ·h ,vas nt : to ,, lton1 1)ay1ne . .1, ,u1 :::-• · tl ic. p.11. " ·1 11 te d 1he !-LS o f any state are -partic11l:.1rly affec to see ,,here th' n ·· e it ctc,·. -e 3 . ,1 1·.:1 ---e · 11 · aro:::e- •in• · --i�Dtl1io1)ia• it ,,,ould ,be lbec ·au�, 111=d1 · 1 ·,1 1�u.,, 1 ion · ·,ul'l . e,lt ,1 , cf' 0 (1 e.f ,c n (1 an.l \\' n. ,e; •.tn .I· tl 1·i op1a . . 11 l· 1 o1111c1 1iary or ,1Jecau,- c l.l1e d 11,. 1 erior n .= sup of 11ce evicle 1 ' antl 1ce relia1 10 · .<�le. Tlicre 15 110 <111 estion of '01'' 00 . is ';' ''. "'{"'''.{ "'1 cre st O f n n ,· "the, s\ nl c. Consequent!y . ' there . or l ic < ispl accn1 e11t of Etl1iopia11 la,v l1cre. 1





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. t1 le J that J,r i� no.t 1ia]Jle to. tl1c -0tl1e 1· ·t)ai·tJ · ltncc l t ·· a,v of Stale A. 'I' . . ,vo que:i1io. 11�- a•r,sc. : ( 1 l JS tl1c IJl'lllci1 1n} liabl e to I (' L1 otl1er J>ar . • ty·' (? , ) if ..., I r1g lu 1t. ::; ar e .. ag ai ns u,J t 1at tl1 e ,0. a, ,.e11t froi- lll(, .(tgei1. · 0 L , � IJrea-cl1 of cl l ,t}· . . · n t1e , c1 t1o st f1r '[he El1otLlcl l>c cl1 ara('· tcr · iz ecl .d:--. a c1 11 e�t 1 c>11 of co-11lract . . . . · r tl ne ov cl IJ) e1 1c g In ,,· d !!'O,'er111 ug tlle <:·O 11 t.1 Ian · · a11 act 1 >et,vcc11 t.l1 c arrc11 t ,. 0 and 1J1e -0tJ1er r>arty·. fl1c. .:-late ,vl1 ere ·tl1c <1t" , c11 1 .ctc,lc,cl I 1as a . . . st1·ong llll<'l 'CS{ overnn 1et1lc r Ill 1l c protc-c!it1 1r ])QJ'li('..; fr J ,.�--1 J'111g. l j 1e-re. ]'\th1c)J> a . • . ia • . t:-. nt cl Ll1 ne J J s 1n1 t1e ter de ar 1 c1c::1J 11 tir ,vitl1 •.111 ,,:1 :-' , . hns ,,.,...tll :-·I 101111 . aJI c 1lf' J c to rel.y on lus <lfJ p aren,L Hlttl1orit:r , Parties cleali r :(r ·- 'l" , l't' u;:' "'.:,l "' l 111e ti)· [I t, t J1e,,. may rely on st1cl1 at1tl1 ority. a11cl to hold tl1 nt 1l1 c�- 111l,�l lo,ol, 10 tile la,�, of the tale \Vl1cre t11c age11cy ,\'as createcl ,,·<. 1t,ld i11 ! 1 jJJil co 111111 erci al transactions J1ere. S11cl1 a res11]t is 1 1 ot lLluair 1,1 tl i <' J)i·i 11cir�al w]i �) took the risk t11at tl1C' ,tgt'tll ,v·n11lcl net i 11 a �lai r.' ,vJ1 cr� tlir. agc11 t can . hind the p r inci1 >al on tl1e l1a�is of apJ>fll'('Jll autl 1ori1,s rrl111$. all . . , que.;tions of right5 of tl1iI·cl JJarlie-: under a co11L1·nct 11<\�otiated b, tl1c r 1 Je dete1 n1ir1ecl by tl1e la,v govf'r11i1 1 111(' c·o11tract l1c-t1veen ag sl101<l d ent 1 µ; tbe agent ancl tl1e ot11er party. 0•


Hol-,'cve.r: it i · clear tl1at Ethio1 Jia 11:?..::- 110 inlC'rr.-=r i11 cJctcr111i t1 i11g righl.5 as lJet,-vee11 tl1e agent ancl tl1e fJri11ci1}n I. rl"h C ' 1:,,,, g-ove1·11i11 g tl1Pir relationship &l1ot1ld . detern1.ine 1vhetl1c1· tl 1 c 11ri11ci1lnl is cntitlec1 l.fJ .. compensa,tion fron1 the agent Ior J1is J1rcacl1 of c111 I)'· So, ,vhile a]l que.stions relating Lo tJ1e right� of tl 1c C>ll1 C'r co11lracli r1 g r>nrt)r again.-..t . the principal 2ncJ /or• agent sho11lc1 lJe deter111.111c<l I J ), ll1 e Ia,v governing �: lhe cor1lr?.ct. ,111 Cfltc::=tio11-: rr:-Jating to 1l1c r igl1ts of Ll1e J>1·i 11ci 11 al a11cl ;., agr:-nt in·er .s<> sl1.oi 1 JcJ 1,e go,,cr,1rc1 1,�- 1l1 e la,v govcrr1inµ: tf1 e ag<>Ttc�r rclation�l1ip. 408

. 'al>l<· lrJ all cJ, . i11 ,!!'.::- 1,_v forPi g-11 l111EiJt<':'=!! r.' 'l'he san1c J>rinci J )lc' i :- Hfif>li C r cl�l)t . 1 i: l1 rs 1e t1 :., orga 111zati nr r> a r e fo )l al li � i 11-arl11cr . ons. rf1it,s, ,,,J 1 etl.1 cr a 1t. acted

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age1 1c tl c nc si . ia · op 1i t] E J-1 1] -108. Note that in our exan11Jle this . ou . c � , ,\' of the Ia r pe _ ro "p le ti b 1 it e_ ,g m for the principal here, and Etlliopia 1 e law of 1 tv b ecl rn ·e ,, . �o -� Js ct a ·, contr agency eontract:., B ut 1'f th c arr;-enr.v sl1ottla d dihe-e t en ag d a an /Jr , ,.,. al ·p 06 . c1 1n pr 1 e t,veer1 Li · or another i::t • F � ate.· all cruestions IJe See a J so n.o te 'l·A , ·' "''

governed b)· the law of t]1at -�,.. late. bet,veen age11t :s it gl ri f o n io '-l lC c n lbe r .' Draft ve ti c·usEion of the distinction l>et,ve� ta en T e se ies rt 0 " · p b 1 e r ,r • 1-1 > and principal inter 8� an d t he rJ·ghts Io t cJ C<'<)T1 c] ' Sectio 1c1 ]5 a1 1a 15 s n . or the Restatement of tl1c C 011fl.,c L O f .,,'I\\''-' ,· and the drafters' comments. ... - ·- - -



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:t ' h ee w ct on et ra b n t e actlll the c t g in rn ,re go · lv la e · l · t I i d )Y _ g r:: . 1 ceterm1ne 1s ' . � . . . . 1 1l ab s l1 of ty between One . on ::iti. ue q e 1l b ,v · ty ar p · · ' er 1 J ,: l)ar tner a; tbe ot 1 th e state t11at o la y f ·0 e w th }Jy d 1e rr v ve g go erns c ar i l er ot Partner and an J 1 : 409 tl 1 e 1}art11ersl1ip relationsl1iJ> · 1e�s ,orga nization sn a bu of ty ci pa ca e tl1 to es ,1t ·el 1 n io Anotli cr qtlest (, the 1arw- ,of tl1e state where .1 r de un at th be ay m It cl. i d' it ct to do tli e a: ty s ci ck pa la to enter into ·· ca n tio za ni ga or s es sin l e )tt i tl d, te ea cr s ,va it t · rh1 · e llil d ei.· the law of " 1 ts 1\ ac in rta ce clo -or . cts tra 1 1 co :f 0 s . cc.rtain t)rJ)e z,a o tl1e, state go,,c1�1ing t11 ,� contract or tl1 e act th e organi ,ti1 n possesseg .,. , mercial Code, '� f.ticl1 cnr}acity. Fo r example, under 1-... rticle 513 of the Co m 1 a pri�.ralc lin1ited. company m,Ly not 11.ndertal{.e ban kin g or ins11r ance "'. acti.\ritics. '[1 1 c C[ltestion ,of -caJ)acity could arise in ,a numl)er of ways: ' (l) a fnrci. go. f)lt:si.ness organjzation doin g business in Ethio·pia could J; c11g;agc. ir1 n t.r.rnsaction I1crc 'tl1a t is prol1ibited by the la1v of the state : ·n11c1cr 1,rl1icl1 it ,vas creatccl� l)t1t permitted l1e1·e; (2) such an organiza- �: ti.011 co1i]cl CJ1gnge ·i11 ,1 tran::=actio11 pr.ol1ibited ])y Etl1io pia n law, but ·: J)cr1r1itte(l b)' tl1e lrr\v of tl1e state- r1ncle1� which it v.ra:s created; (3) an • . . . . . . ' T' .:.l1t101r1ar1 J)u.s111ess orgar11zat1on cot1ld engage in a transaction ab. road ::1l1at is r)rol1iJ1itcd l)y Etl1io1)ian la,v, e.g. , a private limited companf : e11gagi11g ir1 a11 transaction, ,v-l1icl1 is permitted by tl1e state � 1vl1crc it actccl; (,1,) aJ1 Et.11io1Jian b11siness orga nization cot1ld engage t i11 a Lra11sact.io11 1)erJ11itle(l l)y Etl1io1)ia11 la,v, l)11t prohibited by the h , 1a,v of tl1e J)lace ,vl1ere it actecl. In eacl1 of these cases tl1e qi1estion � CCYulc:l nri$C ,vl1c11. t.l1c organiz:1.tion ,vas trying to enfo:rce a rigl1t pur - ' 11 st1ant to 5t1cl1 ,a. tra11sactio11 or ,vl1ere a r i2:l1 t \vas sought to l)e enforced ti against it as ::L rest1lt 1)f sticl 1 u ti·ansacti-0...,n . 1,

'flle c qtle$'tions n1tist lJe resolved by � a consideration of th e govern·· · 111<:�-n.tal 111tcrcst-:_� o J.r tlle stai partI � t es the 1n,, ol,• ed to fair nes and s • l\.s in tl1e area of i11 di,,iclt1als� Etl1iopia 11, a;s i111 posed little limit ation Ul)OU tl1e ca1)acil)r of . partict . Jar . . u L ll::i,·ll10::,s � , orrran1z at1,ons to en(J'ao-e 1n L)rJ}es of tra11sactions Article 51- .:> � ap1)ears .to .1Je thoe on1y 1·l.lll itatioD· o

. � ·--·•,=--,.-..:-....,._. _ ,- -"·" ___ ..... � .

409. Sec Tentative Dr· ft

o f tI1 Re5Laten1ent of the Conflict of Laws 5 il I Sections 151d an:l. 15 � draf an ters' comments. See also Wav�ly ao ; al Banli: ·v Ifall' 1 SO F en.n-sylvania State Reports 466, 24 Atlan tic Rep 665 (1892 ). .



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rt is in Etl1iopia's go vernmental i 11ter c 3 t to pr ·ot ec t . .so,ns • e1 p . en!Yn l'TIDIY tr an sa ct ne O •0 1o ss n.s l1 bu er 0 si e. in The

re fore.· ,vliel·e a ·f0 . . . . 1 cign h 11s1ness . orePanizat10n, acts here, its capacrty to c.r1 orrao·e j 11 tlic . 1 ar trnnsa o })arL1c11 . ctioa s1101tld be d e te 1,n1ned by Etl1iopian ln.,v; tl 1 is is si111ilar to tl1e niJe tbnt tl1c qi1 �sti�n oI 1·ig l 1ts agai11st a })i·inci}>al o r partnci· or tlle . of an 1n cli,r-id1.1a.l L•o co11trnc-t nre cletcrtuii icd by tlie Ia,v governing tl1e n·a.nsaction. E tl 1iopia l1as a n interest j11 protecLiiirr parties clea1i ng here, c1 n cl 1)'arties clcali11g l1 crc sl1011 Icl n·ot J)c i·eqtlired to e..xamin e tl1e ca 1) acit),. of tl1e fo.rcigi1 l11isincss nssociatioris To i·ec[tlire . this ,vo11ld be to inhilJi t com1uercial (lcaling l1cre. TI1118, tl1 e capacity of ,a , foreign b11siness ·organization act i11g 11ere shoL1ld be deterinizie<l by Ethiop ian la,v ,,·J1ere tl1e part)' cleali1 1/!: ,vitl1 tl1e fo·rcirrn oro•a o c nizalion sues on the trru1saction. 410 Sl1attlcl the re s11 lt 1Je cliffc1·er1t ,vl1cre it is tl1c fo re i n orga nization g that is s1ung •on a trari.saction in \\"l1icl1 it i. � J)rol1 illitcd frou1 c11gaging by tl1e la,v of the state creating it ? i\.ssi111 1i11 g; tl 1 at tl1e $l a1te that created tl1e organizatio 1n 11as, tl1e f)ri111ary intcre;;t 1.11 l"<')flilnting its activities, 411 there is no reason ,vl1y Etl1iopia .sl1oltlcJ pcr111it tl1 c organ� izatron to engage in an acti\.·ity tl1at ii:; 1)rol1i]Jilecl l)y tl1 e law of tl1 e state tl1at created it. It cannot be s a id tl1,tL it is i 11 Etl1 i O J)ia's go,•crn­ mental interest to encourag e foreig n IJ1ic;i11<·ss organizations to engage 1

in activities IJrohil)ited })y tl1e la,v of tl1e st1ate of tl1 eir c,rcation. No interest of EthiO J)i a ,.,.-j JJ ordinarily lJe a.ITectetl JJ}r de11)ring valiclity

lo tl1ose transactions. In suc11 a case Etl1iopia sl1ol1lcl 1·ecognize tl1 0 superio, r governmenla.l interest of tl1e state of creation n11cJ 11olcl tl1at 410. The Restatement, Section 166, says that the �apaci,ty of an a ociatbon :� 1 one Y re \\Te act the if de te rmined by the la,1/' t•hat ,vould govern . n of stio T que 1e 1 t individual. Continental 1a,\T '\ OU lcl 11sua · lly hold that capacity is determined by the la,v. 0 f t Ite p Iace llere the organization . . . b - centra l adn1inl1:15 1ts .seat ( siege �oc1a l) , or, a,::,- 1 t m ·1 y e ca1'1"ed, .1·ts . istration. See Nicoletopoulos, .szi"f:ra, n ;tc 147 at 4,60. See also Article 1 e gen eral continental prin41 of the Draft · French Code. TJ11s fol l o,vs 11 · Je that capacity 1s · cl etern1111 c1p · eel by IJerso11a 1 1 n,v. orated rp co in s m fir de Co 1 1 • r Co f 411. Note that under Artic �e 555 o�. Lll? �:: : busine;s is in Ethiopia are _ a:hroacl whose head o.f�1ce or P1 inc i pa l P . i rms f to g in in . . rta pe e Cod a 1 c1 er m 1.. __ om C l 1 e L . -'lWJect to al l the prov1S1ons O f corpor1n s m r fi t ou ab ng ki al t · inco porated here. Tl1eref?re, ,,,hen r ated ulJroad ]J ut r or rp . co in s rm i � t: e ': 1 no eferr ated in Ethiopia. \Ve are also = subject to the Code under Article 555. •

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p t ion Wo ul ce d e ex o Th 2 41 . i e v ar n tio za ni ga or n d tl1c acts of tl1 e forejg te of creation e w sla th of la e tl1 ]Jy cl sc Jo l1 i1l 1 or iti J 1l 1 l ]Je ,vbere tl1 e pro · ,Ctt sta.t'e. Let 11s say- tl.1at the tll i ii, itl w zl <Jr c iv ct y l'e cf e } ) is iiit.ci1.<lecl to n from ·ot'\-vning land., hut tio za ni ga or tl e 1 its 1l) 1 rol J) 11 io at cre te of sta restment ,v-01.1ld perm n i , n ig re fo to g in at it Ll1 at tl i c EtliioiJia 11 ]a,v rel 1 crc. rfl1e sta te of ·creation usuall y has l <l 1 Ja; o,v to 11 on ati 1iz 1 1 tliis org: tion1s z aru e o org t th 11 1 tio rol iJJi a JJ of Jc L)'I :3 tl1.i g 11 i )ly :lf) j 110 i nterest 11 l sncl.1 an s 1-ize tl10 . a1.1 v ian 1a, DJ) l1i Et 1 if ·, ve reo r1o 1 fl; ,on J1 aJ cl la11 J o,V 1ing rc, it is i11 Etl1io1Jia's inte1·est to permit l1e rl lan ''Jl 0,, o t n tio iza an org v :'ncl1 o,v11 er3l1i1J. ,J.13 I 11 o tl1er ,vords, tl1e limitations on the p ower· of a bttsi11e�s org;ani '.lnlio11 i1111)osed by tl1e state of croo.tion should be 1-ecogi1izcc1 onJ)' ,vl 1.crc (1) it is the organization that is asserting a rigl1 1 clc11iccl to it . by tl1e slate of creation a11cl (2) itl1e nrol1ibition ()f tl1 c :,;I.ale of crc.atio11 is 0011strt1cd .. 1sbeing a1:;1JlicalJle Lo activity al,ro·ncl ttncl (3,) i t is 11ot i 1 1 E tl1io1Jia's governmen tal i nterest to permit tl1c orga11.izatiu11 lo carr)· on tl1c acti,,iL;'° despite tl1e prolubition of tl1e state crf creation.

T.,el 1.1.r;


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<·011si{lc-r tl1c siL11atio11 ,, ,li tl1e Ethiopian b11sioe.:5 urgaruzaLio11 c11g;ages i r1 a tra11sactio 11 prol1i1Jited l1ere'. 1Jt1t permitted n11cler tl1c lav.' of tl1f' 11lace ,vJ1ere it nctecl: tl1c exa111ple of -ai priYate li111itccl co1npa11y' cr1g:nging i 11 tl1c i1 1st1ra11ce b11 sir1ess. Wl:Jere tl1e other � • l t>arLy sues in Etl 1 io1)in, it i� �t1l.>1111Llt.'cl tl1�1t Etl1io11ia sl1011lcl, as it ,vou d ' 111 tl1r case o.f a fo1·C'ig11 orga11izaLio11. recogrt.izc tl1e validity of the ' trar1:::actio11. '1'11':ll �tr.le l1a.s tl1e �a111c interest. as EtJ1iopia ir1 regula tin g· tl1c transactio11 tl1at tool( J)lacc t11ei-c; tlie pcr&on or lJtlsiness dealing ' Llicrc !"('lied 011 tl1e la,v of tl1at �talc. Consistenc)r clexnands that Ethio- ' i 1,ia rccogr1 izc tl1(: st11)erior gl)vernment a l i,sl of that stale n " th6 tl1a 1 lating id rcgt l)tisi11 cs� a<'ti,·it)r co11cl11c�lc(l tl1 ere. J 11 st as ,.ve sa, t I"( })ro1>er la,,r of Ll1 c t.:0 11truct. 5l1ot1lcl deler111i 11 c tl1e ca1Jacily of individual=, 11 0,v



,t,] 2. I�'or tl' 116 easo 11 a general rule that the � capacity of organiza tion s .

10 8rl 1 d. '

determined l>y tl1 e lav, of tl10 place ,,,here chey acted would be unso� I· It sliould muk.e a difference ,vl1 ether the org an ization is sttlng or is bei n! J ·· Sue�l �n a tran�action llrol1ibited iby the la\v o.f tl1e state 01 cre 11tioJi. : ,ter· ' 4-13. T�115 18 l)ut an exu1nple tu si the s d �f I' of e la,v iple princ tl the th at ?f 1 _ � nunes all cruest1o ns ,relating to the .transfer and o,\'ne.rship of pr oP tllere. See the discussion, supra, notes 368 -373 and accompanying te.�· 16


-�' -

- 14,4 -

- -·-

ugh an Etl1 iopiai1 might. l)e in volved ' it 'sl.IOUl tho n evt: ,\ d also cleter11iinc . . . of· assoo1a:t1 011s, even tll oti cr)1 1ty JJac ca � tl1ioi)i an n�soci o a11 E , the ation

involved. be t i gl uii · I:Io,vcv e1·, '\'lien ,an Ethiopian J)1·i,,a t c 1·imi·t<,,c l. comp -any ,vo u , ld sue · · transact1. o n a nce carriecl oi.1 <'l l>t.en 11isiu. c, an 1 L 1le CUJlac1Ly of ll1at 011 . should l)e o·overnec] l)y Et] 1 1 com ] ,,· . ,, any ioJlian ·a 0 1 p '' c iuay aslc ,vJ1 al . . arl1an1 ent in c11:ac · ti 11� ,,. A· i·ticlc Sl'>,l · 0·llC J)ll rJ}OSC . ,l'as Ll1e purpose ,of P _ . _ have bec11 to prot ect J)er::-011.s cleal i n,,. o , vi· t l1 LI ie::-c ina) _ companies. . . . · t::-.. of capi··ta1 ru Banking and 111sr1rance 1·eqi.11re great a 11101111 · order t l1at · person s dealin of g ests ,vitl 1 inter "ltcI.1 bui-� 1nc--cs ::-::i , 111ay p1·0per1y the • • ...., . icle le1· Art 510 Unc (2)· • a l)ri·v<·ite liniitc-cl company ca.11be protected. _ nol have more than �O 1nem.bers, a11cl the J)rol1i1) itio 11 may Ji avc 1Jee11 desi gned to, U1s 1 1re tl 1al 011ly large aggrega t es of caz)ilal engage j11 . 51icli businesses. To the exten·t that tl1 i$ i� Ll1e J)llrposc, iL can l) c contenclecl , that there is no, need to t)i�otec:t 1)erso11s clc,1Ji 11g ,vill 1 tl1 e co 11 11 )an·y clsc,vhere; t11 e la1v of tI 1e place go,0crning tl1e co11tracl <lid not extend protection to tl1em: a11d 110, Ethio1}ian i11terest ,vil'l 1) e adverst�ly affected by the Iailru-e to extend prolcctio11 to st1cl1 1,ci-sons. B 1.1 L anotl 1er reason for tl1.e enactn1ent of 1\.rlicle 513 Illa)r l1avc lJcen the desire to l­ protect Ethiopian capital ,and pre·\·ent Etl1io1Jian l)11si11e3ses from fai

1 at it is tl t en a1n rli Pa of ion i11 01) e tl1 1L se1 1·e y ing. Article 513 ma 1·ep e rg la ng j · 1i1 cp re cs t1r r1t ve i11 ge ga en to und�iral)]e for Sl1ch co111panies 513 le tic \.r 1 , se O > 1rr . 1>t a ' s ,va s l1i t al tJ1 g nn1ounts of capital. Asst1min J 1 iopiar1 t E te la gu re to l ec nd te in 1 o1 li � hould be construecl as a 1 >rol1il)i tl1e E th io ­ e er 1 l ,v e at st 1e LI of st husinesses dealing else1\'hei·e. i'io intere ­ rg 0 at i tl of r � ve O\ J) 1e tl , � pian con1pany· actecl is affectecl JJ)· dc11ying 1 e Etl110tl of )' il ac .1) cn e 1 Ll , so ization to enforce a rio-l 1 t. Since is la'l-v. n a i: p o 1i tl E y l) cl c in 1n r pian organization in tl i� &. area sl1 011Jcl l)e dcLe he t r e d n u r t) 1 c a p a c s s e � · n 1nay J)o�:,:, · · at1o F.1na11 y, the business organ1z 1e tl f o ,v la e 1 tl r e <l la,r of tl1c state o,f cre,t.tion, lJt1t. 1 nc ]c ca1)ac1'tY tin p any m co cl te 1.i n li tc ,a i, r J) Sla te ,vhere it ,actecl. Let us say ] 1 at a fo·1·eigi1 . L · erp s a v , t i · ·1 n .., · ll i e l1 ,v ' E,.ti11 opi··a . engaged ·1n an ins11rance t1�ansact1011 . . p1an 1o l1 t E n A · n o i t a Of c rc e at st 1Ut• tte cl .1cl 1e Ll of to do t1nclcr tl1e law . _ . o v .to a � . s eek y n a p iu o ,· IJene 6t1· ary n o,v sites t l1 e company, and . t he c . . ea_son · r o n . 1ere 1s l T 3 1 5 · , the c l ic r�t contract tinder tl1.e provisions of A

- 14-5 -

o interest of Eth iopia is so do Lo iL t 11i rr J)e � 1]d ol ,vl1y Etl1�0,pia sl1 _ :

n l)e11e fic1a11' to , recover a op l1 Et 1 e tl1 1 rr 1 1 tti iui Jer o ly L l a_ffec ed · l. 1 · uc1,,erse_y a te of c1·eat1 n does st e t f o . v, la e tl1 d an not , ny � . � agairlst tlle c.Olll{Ja . I-Io1veve -, 1£ a foreign ns io ct sa an tr l1 1c s1 in ng gi ga en � o1)ject to its e on 1 as cl su , mvolving bank. ct a r nt co rl ite il) 1 o1 J)r . a on es su ii io associat p u poses of Article 513 th -o·f e On y. er ov rec ny de ld ou sh ing, Ethiopi a, � � .om enga . g1ng In sucl1 transactions fr s e. i 1. Ja1 n11 co ed ltit L li ng iti J ] lii )ro iil 1 ecover due t a r to le ,1b un g i11 be f 111 ro ' rt) IJa er 1 o l ot c 1 l t. is lo llrolect p ermitted to, c-0me be ot nn ca s . or1 ati oci ass . n eig r , o F l. Jita cai of ngc 1 orl :::-1 _i111o ];tl1ior>ia au<. J c,1gag•c i11 t.ra11.sactionE J)1·ol1ib ite d by Ethiop ian la'"' ar1 d tl1c 11 scclc Lo recov·er <Jil tltcFC tra.nsaclions. Etl1i,opia's governmental . n e requires that ·i 11 te.r(3 st i11 regr1 lali 11 g fo1·eig11 associations acti . g her i,L denjr tl1e. m. 1·eco,'c.ry ,vl1cn tlie)' engage in prohibited transactions.

' �

� ; ! I

} 1 cr1 u11 I�tl. 1 ioJ)ian association J}Ossessing capacity to act under .t:tl 1 iopinn. la,v a.cts i.11 a slate ,vl1ere it <loes not, possess s1.1ch oapacity, t \�

tl ll '



rt1les sl 1 ot11<l aJ)l)l)r. c.!\n:otl1er } }art)r to the transaction should 1J e a1) ]c lo crtfo1·ce l 1is clain.1 agai113l tl1e asso1ciation.: since it po,ssesse.; ca1)acit.y t1ndcr Et.l1ior>iau ]:1\v, a11c] no interest of tl1e state where it aclctl iJ: afl'('.<:.lccl 1J)' 1Jeru 1 itLj11g reco,,cry. By the same toke� where ll1 e re:;Lri.c:.Liu1i.-; 1)lt6i11css orga.11ization s are intencled to be ap1)licc1 to forei�11 org;nniznt.io1 1 ::, . EL11io1)ia sh·c11l<l 1·ecognize the superio r go, er1J111er1,lal i11LeresL of t.l1,� �late ,vl1ere tl1e transaction . occurred in rcgulati11g acti, iti<.\s tul�inf� IJ1acc tl1ere a.rid deny recogni tion t o , the act. '






i :




1 111 �u 1u 111 a.r)r, tl1r: a1)l)l'Oa�11 t.o,vard tl1e capaci an org ss · bt1s ine , ty of . _ 1zat 1011 s to do acL-:. ·Ol1tside tl1c state .of tl1ei1 c·re tio sl1ould· be as n a · 1 follo ''.'S : (l) wh, re the or guni zatio11 lac of t !&w ks capaciy under the : 1 l1 e SLa e O t cre::i•t.ion, i)t1t possesses ' eta .L the ca e pa o , la, cit � f y under· tl1e \ � wl1cre 1l acts' tl1c . e ar rrli l'� of l.)art·1es · - rio .:i 1·mg ,v1th tl 1e o·rgan1z · at1on i to b e <let·e1·mi1.1ed n.ccord 1n an· · g to l·11e la,v of th e place 1vl1ere tl1e ·org . . . 1z a t1011 n.ctccl · t2 . 1-- to , . . . ) ,vlict· c t1 1e . f 01· e1 gn IltLsmess organ1zat 1on se-e� � . ·' c tlorcc a r1gl1t i�csultir1g fro1n a o ac vi t i ty p1·ollibited by the state f cre · j � l1.�l�,. Lllc 1 1"r of the st r o· p a, e L c ,o tli f creati:on sl10,uld oo ·ntrol u.nless � l11b1t1on ,of Ll1c state )f . · ab road < ct.ea.t1o · n Is · 11iot a p1) . l.ica1)le t o a,ctIVl ty • • • . . • th . e act1,rity to,o o1 \vhere . . . Eth 1op . i 'a's g overn· . k pla · �ce m· E th1o · p,1. a, 1t 1s 1n



t erest to perm it tl1 e organization to en ga ge . in en tal · in st D1 h 1c act1v1ty '· • . ess 01·ganization ha·s enO'a rr in . ) wliere a foreign b usm . ' ed l3 an act 1v1ty b b • • • 1t has capacity l1nde1· the la,v of t1 1e state ·01: ch ,vli i to . ai; cre ati. on,: J)tit . · t un l1e de la r ,v o ac y f it tl1e place ,vhere it acted, ca p Jack s tl1e 1·irrl1ts arty a ga in st ·tlie ,o1·�an za tion sl1 p 1· ot l1e all 1 ) e <l ctc:t·llli11ecl byt>-tl1e th e � of . Ja,Y' of tl1e state of c1·eat1o ·n; ( 4,) m st1ch a case, th e i·ights ·of the organization ag ainst the otl1er pa1·ty s11all be determined by tlie Ia,vof tlie place ,vhe1·e the organization ,a,cterl. 1t should be noted that certain l)rovisions o , f the ConJmc-rcial Code relating to ,v-hat may be cal led ''i nterna l affau·s of a business organ­ ization" - usually governed by tl1e la,v of tl1c state .o,f creaition _ a re applicable to, foreign o r, ga nizations doi ng bt1si 11t��-s here . li'irn1s inccrr" porated abroad \vhich have subsidia1-y offices or brancl1 es iu Etl1 iopia, wit.h. permanent represe nta tio.n� are subject ,vitl1 res1)ecL to cacl 1 .office or brmcl1 to the p1·ovisions o:I the Con1111e1·ci al Code 1·elating to cle1)osit and publication of tl1e memorancl1rm oI association }>tuJ lication of balance sheets; they ai·e also subjec.t to tl1c 1)ro,;i s. io11g f;·D�<!'r11ing the operation of the pai-ticular cnter1)ri::e a:11d i1111lo:=:ing s1)ccial con­ ditions. 414 Fu�ms incorpo1·ated abr o ad ,,rhicl1 <lillcr Iro111 Lhose J)ro­ vided for in tlie Commercia1 l Code are s11JJjecL to the provi::;ions of the Code oonoerni11g share co1npa11ies '"rl1icl1 1·clate to tl1c J>ltlJ lica 1tion of the acts of the firm and tl1e lia1Jilily of direct;ors. -tl5 1\.lso, a fi rm. incorporated alJroad tl1at l1ns its l1eacl office 01· 1>rincipal place of busines s in Ethio pia is subject to all tl1e pro,,isions of tl1e Co1n1n crciaJ Oode. 416 L


r , ·

Finailly, it should be em1Jl1asizecl .tl1 at eac11 state cl1a1·acterizes a ss organization tmder its o,,,rn la,,r. Fo.r exam1>le, if a foreign orga nization , l1as all th e characle1·istic3 o:f a sl1are company, as provided r, even } an )lJJooJ are sl1 . it a d ler ! u n e r the Cocle, Etliiop-ia sh-01ild consic though the state of its c1·eation do es 11ot. rfbt1s, tl1 c pTovisions of tax




,.• •'

•• ,

414. Commercial Cod-c otf Etl1 i opia, Article 556. 415. Commercial Code of Eth i opia, Article 557· he Com· . t of 5 . r s •116 See the discussion, supra, note 411 Not� tl,at � � � �: �� pin the for _. o i 1icorpord rnercial Code ar e applicable to firms 1 C . '> de of Ethiopia ' C l ? a c1 er m m o · d · Purpo3e of business activity n hroa

Article 559.


, cl l)c a1 p 1ica1lle -lo fior L1 10 sl � �, ic · 1i J;1 11 n co � <=; eigu ar 1 l � _ ]a\v refer1·ing to ''s ac.ter1st1 c: ot share co·mpanies , r a. ch c 1 tl ss se os p a:t i t I o rganizations r tl1e es JJ :111 pa rr1 co state of their e ) ar sJ1 J c< er i(l i1Fco 1 0t 1 c ar t]iougl1. tliey erration. ,Jl 7

, ns io at a t11e general apci so s . :s 11c.·, 1sj l)t l 1( ar )1 1 1c e ag of ea ar e 111 tli s d l1a cte a n io at ci elsewliere , the so as or t e11 ag 1c , l t e er 1 1 ,..,. at i tl is i cl oa J>r ciation a1·e generally ::c1 or a2 al i1> i11c 1Jr c 1l1 st ain ag es rti J>a cr l i c,t r.i gllts of T t cUJ c oc .a e .ecl. A htLc;ine�s tl-1 e 1c�r • ,,·l te �la c d <�lC>.rilli tl(�(l ll)' tli e ]a,v of tJ-1 r ") o ral to tl1e law of the c, nt t a c to . < ,vi].1 11ot l)e f)Cr111it t.ecl state ,vl 1 crc it actecl nc1r Io o l)Lai11. a IJc�r1efit aTising fro111 activity that 1l1 e slate of ,creation 1)rol1ilJitecl it fro111 engagin.g in abroad. All que.s­ lio11s of intcr11a1 affairs ancl rela t. ions lJet,veen memher.s and tl1e like are gover11f�(l l .> )r tl1c la,v c>l' tl1c �late o( creation, except tl1at foreign n l)t1sine�s i11 Etl1iorJi,L are s1uJject to certain pro­ associ:1tio11s doig ,·isi t11Js of tl1e Co1n11 1crcial Cof'le relating to i11ternal affairs.

I. f>r()ced1rr<rl i\:latlers. ,.


lr1 tl1is seetio11 ,vc. "\viii <)011si<ler

prc1l1lems in the conflict of 1 ]a,vs Ll1at u1ay ro·ughly DG; classified as ''proceclural matters." These inclttde c111estio11s of :-ttl1sta11c.e-proceclt1re. tl1e reu,,oi and "puJJlic 11olie)'·" .so1l1e

.S11 lJs r a 11(.'<'-1,r<>cerl 11re

· It . ,va.s ea···.1 rl'-' reco,r1 1 111ent , l ti 1a l ·111 a case ,,rI 1cr. e a ·fore1g11 ee e 11'z Act i:-:. 111 '' Ivetl, e,,e 11 tli{lltgl1 ll1c for11111 rnig.l1l to the loo k ext e11t som to e � la v ol a·11otl1cr stale. all l111cstio11s of ''1) roccdure'' had to ])e deter · � llllllCCl J.1y · all}egaJ · recogi11zed · 1s . 1111. ··1}8 'r · t]1e Ja,v o!'· I} 1 c, [".011 . l11s 111 �yste111� a11<1 is a 111 atlrr Of l >raclit�a 1 llCCl::--�it)'· rfhe fo1- u111 cann ot •



jrnhs��rd ueSLioii "'a i:-; squarely presentecl in Liverpool & London Life & firee ' ue c�:;t v. f���)acli�,.set.ts, 10 all�1ce Reports, Unit,ed States Sup; � r fore g 6 6 ( all . . n1assacl1use tts imposed upon ax a t · i· 1 1.sura11 ce " corporat con · " L' 1011s. Tl le con1J)any cl1allengi11g the tax w�s nt it sidered a corpora 1�11 d w1 er t.he la,v of Great Britain, wh ich JS " erMJ1f· was created It s e e al tlle qualities of ,a corporation untler ' d .· l suchusetts la ·,,. a 1�d .� ssras thin ' · ,vas a corporation w1 tl1e mea11·ing '0f. tl1eI, ta'V.x held tl1at tl1e company law . ,i1s. See the cliscussio11 in . -i )' ntem a, su.pra, note 19.








148 -



- -------� � -


·t of a11ollter st·ute� ii c,a111101 11i o r a c ,,.1 u · 1 -· _ )e nJ .rt::; 11or111 · ;:.U::,j 111 al o I )Ct"l� · _ . er u, e. \ 'C'' l ")· l. , r1r.� aSJ)e cl of tl 'l(! l a,v -o f L1 l tio1 1� and le octt . ::i.. . , I.,J1c 1>rol)le111 , r0 . .1111·,11e . ,..c/1 oi. Ll1c lo . ,11,1 . I 1ot t r de te 1g 10 11 la,v ,vill 1 JC j. ... ttsc,I a� a 111.oclel. . . • · ouri' the for11m l1a::- cl ec1clecl tl1nl 1ts la,v ,vill l > c displacer] ·01 1 a J)a1·Lif' ­ ular issue.

Thc- traclilio;1aJ lr,:;L l1ns l)cE'11 Lo cl f' tcrriiine. .


,.,,,1 ll, 1Jl('I.

L-1 IC Ul•allcr

in ciu�tio11 1s 011c o,1 ''::;L1bBta;1<·e:· i 11 ,vl 1i<'l i cnc;; • · c,· 1·t 1� ·. C'OntrollecI. J J)' rhc Ja"' of Ll1c loc11s or 011e c>f ·"1)roce(l11 rc • :· in ,vI 11·c·] 1 c a:--c 1't I$ · eontl1e l a;\v o· f tl1c for11111. '('I r is j,.. ,1 c,t <, 1 ,.,,,.. 1,Irr lled hv J / �l, • ..,t , · 1 :::--,ra c Lo rv.. lc·� 1. · clefi l)c ! efl 1 1 1 anal,. ·tieall·,- :-1,. r<'f'p- 1·r 1· 11 1.- r·o t· li" l1l'OCC:'::Procedure- 1 a,· . •· l· 1 )' o ,,·hich rig l1ts nre en for c.f·l l a11cl olJligations . i1111_) ,vl i ile stt1)sta,ice ,uay be clrfined a1ta l)-ti cally a:-,; r<'ferri11g to 1l1 c c�(i�lf"tll'C of .riglils aii,1 oLUgalion --. 1-\.11cl )ret. 111an�r ile111:3 a11:1 ly·t ically· cla�si ficJ a::- 1-iroceclrtre hnve a rnnlcria;l elfect t11Jor1 tl1c' ot1-tcor11e of tl1<' cn:3e. lt 111alce�. a great differer1cc. fo-:r exaIJI})lP. ,vl10 l1as tl1e L11rd c-11 of 1 -�roof or ,vhcLli er a pre� li,011 exi$lS i11 favor of a 1>artict1lar lJarl)r,

Sr1cl1; arr. eovcred b�- Ll1e Ci,·il Coclc of Etl1iOJ)ia. ;_UJd prcst1111ably lf 1 c}: ,voul,l 1 11 ' deter1uir1ccl }),· . tl1e s11!Jslanti,·<' Ia,v l11' tl1c loctt:-i i.n a c-,a,:::c !!:o,· ... r·rnerl l l .v· the Ja,,, of anotl1er state. 'fhe prol>len1. of cla�,ificalio11 l1a;-; liec11 acL1l.c i,1 1·on1111:111 la," state--, a� 111anr• courts l1a,·c l1clc1 tl1nt r1L1c:=:tio11:-- c1f 11rc- '-SL1111J>Lio11�, l)ur1l<�11 of prooL J)rescri.1)tion� co11i.r,act..:; ,·c��,ii-C'rl to lie i11 ,,rriti11g: a111J .::i111ilar . to Ll1e la,. v 111ntlers are '' 1Jroce<lL1rc.�' ancl lo IJe ,leLcr111ir1e(l acoorcli11g of the forum. There i:=: no clouht 1J1at alJ of tl1r:=:e 111attc.1·s ,vould 1Je r clnrsified a� s11l):-I ur1.tive i 11 sLa I t'.s s11cl1 ns Etl1 in11ia tl1i.rt l1a, e code:-. · b­ 511 as 111 ,tl1e fy ssi cla lo and t11e lrencl i11 com111on la,,,· state:,; is 110,v slaative. 419 Once it. i 5 1.·eco g11 izecl 111 a L analytical clas, .sification i:::. 11rut it is not necest · 01 s ,v la of t not .,ou11d for f)Urposes o f the conflic 1tI1e • r .�111•1·1 �1 1e tl J1e ,v • • e v c:e to k 0 ] 0 y uete rmmat1ve of tl1c c111est1on t o • . w0 n1t1st c c] co l � ' , ra rL cl e llHtller 1s Jroc co,;erecl ir1 tl1e su JJslant1,rc or J ''' la 1e tl f o l1 . 1c 11 11 · w o }1 e niin niu Iate a �011ncl ancl >ract1caJ I esl lo (l e 1.t"J• • , 1 , ) or lhc _l oc11__s sl1, orr1lcl l) e ) ) ro11gl11 over.


• ,

cle, T�1c ti r . a y m e e S re e h ,v . e 419. I hove a1scussed the matter more full)' els 1e . Confl 1 et tl in re u d e c o r p . ce an d n ta s b u S 0 l e "d OJ Ene a G as t Tes me. . 0 utco ... . .. ) 62 9 (1 13 8 iv ·e ut e R · of La,vs, 37 Nezv Yorli " University Laiu

- 1 1i9 .-

ign law sl1ould he used re f:o ch hi w to t en t -e:x. e th To determine is that th e la w of the forum it hy ,\T n ai ag k as ay e m \V as a model, e is us It ca . be ue iss e th r la icu rt pa forum a ,on d ce la sp cli ll as been st re te he of in ot l an ta en r state or rnm ve go r io r , pe su i e tl t co ncludes th,a ue be determined by the iss at th at th s nd n1a de es rti pa e th to fairness mination has been made, the law ,of another state. Once that deter st ere int in decidi ng the no s a }1. it ue iss t tha to as at 1 tl ts mi fonnn acl riglits and liabilities of tl1e pa-rties. As · t o that issue it is merely a fort 1111 of c.onve11ience - icleally, suit sho uld have bee n brought in tl1 c state ,,,}1ose la\v is t1secl as a model. Often that is iinpossible, par­ tic111arly· ,v lien so1ne iss11es are determined by the la'\\' of the forum a.11(1 ,others l)y tl1e la1,v o·f anotl1er state. The point is that rus to the J)•artic11la.r issue ( 01r all the iiss11es, e.g., 1-v-here the defend.ant is an Etl1io1}ian natio11al •Dir clo111icilia11' sued -0n a transaction tl1at �urred cls,.;1vl1e:re) the forl1n1 sl1ouJd t11r to insu1·e that the result in its courts ,vill lJe tl1e sru1.LC as t11e result would have been if suit had been 1Jror1gl1 t iu tl1c state ,v-110:--e la1-v i s cl1osen fJo govern. Therefore, it is s1.,1!)r11itte(! :i.1,.at t.l1e foru1u sl10 t1ld 11s e as a mo·clel as much otf tl1e la'\\' of tl1('; locus as i.s likel)' t-0 bea1· 1naterially on the ultimate 011tcome. An)'Ll1ing tl1al Tllaterially affects tl1e outcome sho-uld be treated as '�s11bs1.:111 ce'' for fYur1J·OSes of tl1e co'nflict of laws.

i\.s '\\re l1a,,c saicl, Etl1i-01>ia ,-vill not l1ave the same problems �s comiu,o·n law stales l1av·c l1acI, l)ecau:,e much l1 ere is generally classified as ''s11bstance'' tl1a l .vo11ld Le c:lassified as ''procedure'' in common la,\' states. So,me courts l1ave said tl1at tl1 e q11est ion ,of what remedy 8 p,ai·ty is to 1·eceive is a n 1.a:tter of proced ure to b e determin ed by the · lex fori. \Vlule, of co11 rse, tl1e foru.1n can not !rive a remedy tha t it lacks tl1e jt1dicial macl1inery to impose, 420 tli: question 0,£ what rer medy a party recei,res clearly affects tl , is 1e ou tco m e of th e case. reco,gnized l1ere, ,as, tl1e Civil C·ode extensJvely deals with all questi on _!

j 7 420. See Llie discussion of tl1is point · -82 8Z6 in Sedler, supra, note 419 at . an T:�· ,vliei:e ui1der Ll1e lex loci proceedin re beio t gs must be brough _ � iniStrative -�gency and tl1e forum does no·t have sucl1 an agency, t1j I orum canno t give relief using tl1 e forei gn law as a model Green v. 1 �nes gon5truction Co., 161 Federal Reporte l r' 2nd Serie! 539 (Unit S ates ourt j of Appeals, 5th Circuit 1947 i ).



1,hus, tinder iu·ticle 177 6 of edies. rem . il Code 1. t11 e C1v o sPecif·ic ' cont a of ract shall not he·] . . .perfann ance n1 ll ess it is of special . . a rty requiring it; p the to t ere in other ,vords da1nag . s int , es 1s the . r i, o rr y d h reac reme ]1 ·OJ oont.ract. Bt1l if . ordinary tin cl·Ctr ,t I1e Iaw of tl1e . . r act, the })laint th co e nt g nm ov er g iff is entit led t o specif' state 1c per. 00111-t sl1ould orc ler sp ecif· • formance as of .coru·se, tl1e 1c perf ormance. . . · affeo t·s ·h 'fhe kind of relief the pla intiff olJtains matcrialJ), t e outco me " of tlie case and sl1ot1ld be detenui:ncd by tl1e In,\I" rrov o ern 1· 11g th e contract.

The problem \vill arise most frecrucntly ,vhcn a matter analytically classified as pro c· edtue ( and co,,e r ecl by the Code of Ci·vil Procedure) actually affects the out com e. For exam1)le, all questions of pleading, including w hether a p l eadin g can be amet1dcd, are ordinarily to be detro1llin ed by the lex Jori. Pleacli11g rules regulate the coiiduct otf litigatio n - and the fonnn l1as tl1e greatest i:ute1·est in regulating the conduct of litigation tiaking place in its courts - a11d such rules will ordinarily not affect tl1.e ultimate ,outcome of a case.. B11 t in a par­ ticular case it may, as e,idenced JJy tl1e ·fol lo,ving exniuple as to nn1e11dments. A111 e ndments to, J)leadings are not l)ermittcd ,vl 1ere tJ1e effect of the ame:ndment 1vould be lo irrtrodt1ce a 11e,\r clai 1u th at is for clef au1ation, barred by prescription. Thus, ,vhcre tl1e IJlaintiff �llC3 · after a claim for assault ,vould l1ave been barred by 1-}rcscriptio:n, he may not amend ltis claim for rJefnmation to include ·R claim foo.­ 1d11ce a clairn bar1·ecl b y 1�0 int to i11g try is , iff ult a int ass because the pla prescription in tl1e guise of amending l1is p leatling. 421 But in c loser cases, 00111·ts are not a lw a ys a gr ee d on ,vhetl1c1· -a· partict1lair amend­ 422 Wliether n. tio ip cr es pr r l>) ed rr ba ment inlrod11ces a ne w claim since Lhe amend1nent "'rill be pern1itted n1aterially affects the , ot1tco 1ne , ther he 1v or ed in a nt ai 111 be n ca it it determines ,vhether or n·Qll the su er th he ,v of n o ti es qu , 1c tl , re fo it ,vill Le barred b y pre.scription. Tliere ed rr a . b is a im . cl w e . n . a f 1 oamendment ,v1ll be permitted ""h en t he r·1 ·mb O 394. l ru la g n E , n io is iv D h c n . al, [1880 J 19 Qrteens Be 421. See Welilon v. Ne ns 15 io is c e D s e l u. R l a r e d 'e F 1 I,rael 422. Compare th e bolclin-gs in Green v. W als 1d 2 th e B rk a ew N v eve� · L R an ) 57 19 , rt u o C t ic tr is (United States D · Court \epc;_ rts - 90• 85 Atlantic Reporter, flo!.p, 17 Neiu Jersey Si1per1or 2nd Series 827 (1952).

- 151 -

1i,, Jlrt':-C'riJ)LiOll� �1 10 11 1 1 1 J>c: (lcter111i11ecl ]J)r Ll1e lex loci., tho.u.gl1 it aiia )y. tic-all,· i 1 1vol,,e� a ciuc:-:tio11 of J}roc·1·clt1re. 423 _:�11\. fJt!e:::-lioil relati 11 g to ,-v l1ctl1er sttit can 1Je maintained \\rj}] ustia11,· ·affect tl1c. ottlc,o111c and sl1rJ111cl l)e clcterruined by the lex l0ci. 'l'liis �roul( l i r icliiclc c1ncstio11::. sucl1 a:: ,vhetl1er a la,vstut st11v-ives the

of tl i c 1 1arti(!S� ,vJ1etl1cr one s1}ot1se oa.n sue another, and ,,·lii�tli er si.iit C'ar1 I l e 111ai11tai11(�<l agai 11st an inst1rer di.J.·ectly. 424 Li (Jtlicr ,vor1_l�. tl1 c Le ::-t fl1 011l<l ]Je ,,,}1et.l1er 1l1e n1altcr materiall1 , affects tlie outco11 1c; if j t cloes, it sl1 o uJcl l>c determined 1J)r the lex loci ,vhether or not. iL i� u11al,·1ica]l•y· a c1uc .: tio11 of $11l>sta11cc or procedure. 1 1(.'alll


011 c

r['] 1 crc is, ]10 ,ve,,er, 011c i111J)Orl.ant c1t1alification. We said earlier al 1! 1 c cot1rt. or .11 1 ,� fo1·u111 ca1111ol lleco111e a court of tl1e locus. It (·a11110L !:tlSilt".-11cl jLs 11or111ai oric:ratio11s 111ercl)· l)ecause a :foreign ele1nent i.� in\·oJ,,ctl r1or n]tcr its 111rtl·1ocl of acljt1d.icaling a case. Let us say tl1at tl 1 e·r i 11 is�11c. i� go, ·cr11 ecl 1))' tl1c la,v of ,a :::late that t1se-s a jury ur la,·111c11 t.n ,!t�tcr: n1i11t: c1ue2tici11s of fact. It csn lJe 0011ten<led tl1at \vl·1 cll1cr :1 ([t1cslio11 (>f facl i� rl<'ter_111i11e-d b)r juclge5 o,r l)y a jttry can


111alerja]ly affect. tl1c 011tco11.1c - j11ries tencl to de·cide certain quei­ lio11s clifferc11 t.1)' an cl l>c j 11 f lt1e11cccl ll)· certa ir1 factors tl1at jt1dges are 1101. 1�ro,vevc�r: i�1J1io1iia ::-:l10L1lcl llOt call a j111-y in st1cl1 a cas-e mei-ely lit·cau:-:(� ll1c locu::: ,rcJt1l(1,· F:ti1ir·11in'� rirocc(l11ral polic)· is tl1at q11estion5 uf facl arc Lo l>e (lcterrr1inccl ]))' tl1c _it1clge$� and it cannot create a ne,f ir,stiLt1Lio11 l1cc-at1�.e ol' Ll1c 1)r('�c11c<' of a fore i1I 1 1 eleme11t. It is ,veil· ..... ,..<.�t.L lc{l as IJcL,vec11 I 111· :-I.ates of tl1c Unitec1 Stales tl1a.t all issues of ,vl 1 etl1cr a CJlt(�sti<)11 i,- I() !)c <lccilled lJ �" a ji.1 clge or jliry or of judge­ 425 jur)' nllo,<:atio11� arc to I.le' (lctcrtuinecl lJ)" tl1 e la,v of the fornun, . . , I' I lC fiarll(�� lllll�l. HCCC))l tl1c· j11<licia] lllacl1i11enr -o·f tl1e fOLtUll as it JS,


423. Sec the cli"C' v U� "•'on 1'n Sedler, �v

Sll[Jra, llOte

,J.24. Ill. at 836-84-l.

4-25. lei. at 871 et. seq.

- 152 ·-

4-19 at. 834-5.



·.., u 1�-1 l all(! Cannot expec t the fo1·l1Ju lo e.:.t"J>l' 6 10 acconm1odate tl1en:i. 42

:::[)CCJ·n I

.J ll•1, 11°('!al u1ac j111 ' 1cry 0


'fhc rule tl1at alJ 1uallcr.::; 111..ileri,!ll,• · <·,i'J·"'-'t·t111 · g tiIC OU l1·0111c • . clclerm111ecl b)' tl1e lex loci 111t1::, l l > e 111oc] 10 be · ·,1··1·" ,,t I lO IC . CO•Pt)I/,('



lit(' t rt to 1m fo th mai11Lai11 i t::. orcli 11111,, ,·u e need of . . di",·ial OI> e1•a tC:In 11, a r1 r 1 iruplen1e nt its J}l'Ocec111ral J}olic)·. 'l�l1c .IJl}>roncl1 car1 110,v l>r - rcELaL<",l asfollo,vs: to the extc-11L tl1nt Ll1e -111,a, lter i 11 cittC''-lt.otl , 11 .tlc .· ... . ' llu 11 \' a ff cc l the-011tcome of tl1e case, tJ1e for11n1 �l1011Jc·J 11,.;' e tl1 c ·l·(>·,· Loe,· n- · · , :, a l110 C·1 C I except ,vhere to clo so ,vo11lll intcrfC're ,villi t.l1<' ('.fficic 11 t or)eralioi, uf the forum's j11cli ci al S)'�lcw or ,vol1lcl IJc inr-o 11 si�tc11l ,rit.h ir� )ro­ J cedural poliey.

The co1 1cer n ,vitl1 tl1e t�l'ficicnl 01 >eratio11 n[ the fnrL1 111 :.�_ judicial .ystem n1anifests itself ,vl1e11 ,,·c co11�icl,,r <[t1eslio11s of 0.vidcr1cc. Tt i, a practical impossil)ilil)' for tlie fortu11 to i 1 1 cor1Jorate tlil' er1lirc l i orly·

of evidence la,v of 1l1e loct1s. rfl1e jttdge::- ar<' ft1111 iliar ,villi ecrtai 11 rules of evjder1ce ancl i11·e con<lit.ior1ccl lo acce1lL cr-rl:1in co11rcr>ts {>r

relevancy ancl the liJ..:e. i,Ior,:o,,cr, 111attcr5 of c\·idc11.c,· rr·flerl a str<J11g procedural JJoliC)" of tl1e £01:ttill ,vit. 11 1 :e.:-=11ect Lo 110,v a <:asc ::;} 1 ot11d l,1· tried. TJ1e for1rm J1as its o,v11 ,.ie,v.:- as Lu ,vii al ev i<lcr1(·<' i:- I r11 �1 ,vnrl Ii �­ ancl reliaJ)le. Finally·, tl1e 17 .tli11g on a l}a rt ict1lair rt1 le o·f 1;,·ide11cc '" i 11 . tl1e 011.lco111c.. 1· :or tl1e�c rca ... 011:,;. it ca11 l,e ofte11 not materially affecl �lated ns a general 11ri11ciple tl1aL cp_1c�1 io11s of c· vi<lc11e.-c ::tr<' lt) l 1 r

determine d. ]Jy tl1e lex Jori. 427

Ho,veve1·. ,ve m11sl 110,v ask ,vl1aL sJ1all IJe co11:::Lr11ec1 ::i� a <rl1estio,1 of "evidence;� forr t hese l)ttrpo�es. (Jueslio1is of li!1rde11 nf 11rl>of an,l . lal<' presumJ)l1011s c} car)' ·' ..:c · · t··l1011° o·l1 tli(•\..rT rC' ] a ffect t} 1c ot1lco111e a f ti 1c.' (··1

---- --

42. 6 ;':, · 1 - o· ne \vr1ter ob :.-erve<l : . . � Lo u ,·\. �t-•lc 11rl0 L a sk "' C'l j ff 1 111 l J 3 1 J e 1 L .. "It goes ,vitho11t saying that. l J . g litigation i1nported £ l d n . I mac1onery f 01. the pur1)0'-· e o. 1a 1.n' L.: set up spee1a : ,. al un ib tr s ' _"1. 1 " in ·ll til 1 L·m b ' s o f s an from state B or ,a •.spec.1a . · l metb.od o r n1e J)rovidecl • ,s h . i\ it ·c 11 1 ,v · 1 c1 1o 1 et m 1 l ' ·1n , r) to act. He m11st u e t 11� m ac1i l ne_ _ . h that it : ,, ce _ ri ie cr _ xp E . . _ .. J\ . in and :vhrch ll uses 1? l1t�gat1on o rJginari h t can operate cfJiciently i at t _ • O machinery has con,,-zn.ced the courts ra,,' 1natef o s d in k . d je ·f l CC sJl i o us and turn out a satisfactory product l)y � ro P r o e iv nt ta · ' l.: . t,l S ce d-ein rials and no other. a.'., Morgan, R �1 J.e:, 0 f •E v19 (] 957). , � cedural, 10 Va11clerbilt Laiv Review 4· 67, 46 a. t 865_ · �z 1• See the discll!ssion in Sedler, sztfJra, note tJl9

- 153 -



to e ..,,-icle11ce. 428 These arc 6JJecific 1."1.1les, and tl1e J>arty 1·elying on tJie foreihrn Ial\' can ciemo'nstrale to tl1e co11rl ,v-hen rthe la,v of tl1e locu s (liffers froin tl1e la,v of tl1e fonun 011. poi11ts. Questi.{.)(J}B of the })urden of proof and presun1ptions tlien sh,0•1ild lle de·tennined hy tlie lex loci. Or a specific n1Jc pl1r.ased in evidentiary terms· may have !Jeen i11tended ]J)' tl1e Ioc, us ;to lJe11efit •one p-arty and will materially affect the 011tco111e. 429 St1cl1 ''rules o, f evidence'' of tl1e locus should lJe nJJJJlicd. 430 SttlJject to tl1cs<� cxce11ti,01:i,s, all questions o - f evide nce . t-l1011ld lJc detc.r1ni11ecl }Jy tl1e law o:f tl1e f on1m-. Note also that in Etl1ioJJi,l so111e .rtiles oif evicience are contained in rthe Civil Cod.e, 431 !Jt1t tl1is does 1.1.ot 111ca11 tl1at tl1 e.y sl10-i1ld. not l}e applicalJle, e,ren though tl1<! i$s11c in crr1estio11 is govcrnecl ])y tl1e la:\v -of ,anotl1er state. In s11111n1a.ry: tl1e ge11ernl 1"1.ile is tl1at all cp.1estions of ''procedure" Ia,•r of tl1e f orl1111. B11t, ,v-hetl1er or not a matter nre (lctcr111i11ed ]Jy • tl1c is a11al3rtically 011c of procecltrre 1sl1. 011lcl not lJe the test. The test sllor1lr.l !Jc ,v-l1etl1cr ill1c 111atter in qi1estion materially affects tl1e out­ co.r11e. If it (loes, it sl10111cl lJe de ter1nined by the Ia,v of the locus e·xce1)t ,vllt�rc to ,Io, E-O 1v-011ld i 11terfere ,,•itl1 tl1e efficient 01Jeration oi tl1e for11111's ju(1ic.:.ial systcn1 o;- wo11ld lJe inconsistent ,vith its pro· cc,l11rn 1 {)olic�)r. \°\7l1ile tl1e. co11.rt ma y look to see wl1etl1er tl1e matter i11 <fllestic;n is go\0<;1"11.ed 11'\r tl1c s11bsta11tive codes ,or tlie Code of Ci"il • 4,28. Icl. nt 855. Note thnt in Ethiopia tl1ere are provisions of the Civil Code dealing ,vitl1 l>u. rclen of proof and pres11mptions. S ee e.g., Articles 213%, 2} Lil. 429. Con.sider a case &1cl 1 as fF'illitt v. Purvis 276 Federal Reporter, 2nn Series 129 ( Unite<! Scates CozLrt of Appeal;, 5th Circuit 1960). _A statute of tl1e place ,vl1ose la,v governed prohibited any evidence to be introdu� hie _ a \v:rongful denth action to the effect ed ln tl1at the decedent dislike d ,survivors. This evidence ,vould l 1 e rele,•ant for purposes of r.educing tlie aniount of recovery, e.g., tl1e clecedent ,vould have contributed less to �is faniily i-( lie did not like tl1 c111. This rule ,v.a-s held to he a matte r 88 of '·suh 5Luttrc," tliou�l1 expressed in evidentiary fonn. Tl1e purpos e '1' th� to preveiit � recluctjon in ,tl1e .amount recoverable on the ground that _ decedent m1glit not l1 nve 11roper �·y supp rted his family. Si_ nce the a �o:e � of recovery sliould be determ1necl reference to tJ1e lex loci, 10 forum sliould iiicorporate all the lav, of the locus ,vhich is designed affect recovery. .d lie pp be a 430. ;-011:vc s-cly, \\'.here tl1e forLun ·ha:s s11ch a rule, it should n-0t � o .an issue gov.erned by the la,v o,f a.nother state. 431. See e.g., Article 2002 of tl1e Civil Cod which deals with how ord'in.a�' e., contracts are to b-e proved.


-154 -

.. .


p�edure, it should he ·reeognized at thi8 factor 1s . not coneIus1v . e. certa matt in, ers covered bY the COd e As · ,ve sa,v,• of Civil p · roeedure . may mater1aJly a f· fect the o11,tcorne orf tl1 e case 132 ,vh"l I e cerrta1n matters . . 1 e11 ce, inay l1 cover ed .m the -substant 1ve codes ' 811 cJ1 as ' e,,1c ave to 1le . of the forum · Tlie tes-t •Sh OU determined by ithe law 1 d al,va-ys be . . . 1 cd t l1at its Jaw functional, remembermg tl1at ·on•ce tl 1e forum. lias dec1c . a partic 11 lar issue' it is n f· orum of conven should he displaced on ience . • as to that issue, and it sl1.ould try to reach tJ1 e sa1ue resuI t t11at r\Vould be reached 1s-t the locus. It sh, ould' tl1erefore, n;n l. ...,1� J) Y the l n,v of the • trons that ,vould materia·lly affect ·..w11 e 1ou1co1n.e except Joens to all crues _ . • ,vhere to do so would interfere w1tl1 tl1e efficient operation of tile forum's j11dicial system or 1le inoonsiste11t ,-vitl1 tl10 fon1 m's procedural policy.

The Renvoi

r 1


0 ' .,,



The problem of the ren1-·oi l-vill arise wl1en tl1e conflicts la1v of the state to which the fo,n1n1'.s con·flictg nues refer ,vot1lcl l1o]d tl1 nt the question should be clecided according to t11c s11J):;tantive 1a,v of the forum. 433 For exam ple� an Etl1iopian natio• nal dies domiciled in France, lea"in.g movable p1·operty· l 1erc. Etl1iopia ,vottlcl hold tl1at succession to movables is governed by tl1e Ia,..,,. of tl1c domicile, l1ere l1'rance, while France would l1old tl1at tl1e st1ccession is gove.1·11ecl by cl1 en r F: to ks o lo, 1>ia l1io Et , t1s Th ia. p o l1i Et ere h . y� lit e na th law of natio • cc an F'r to· ks loo ia op l1i Et if ,v; la ian op hi law while France lo ok s to Et d , pia an d Ethiopia looJQs baclc to France a11 and France looks to· Eth io ply ap o t le sib os 11) in is it e er 1 l ,v n io at tu si so forth., we are faced with a m le ob pr e tl1 e l,, so to ,v ]10 is ,\r no any substan tive law. The question of the renvoi. the to ly n o , s k o lo n n1 r fo e One w ay is to ''reject'' the renvoi.. Th y p p a ld u o ,v � rt u o -c e th , substa ntive 1a,,v- orf tl 1e lo�us. In our example i u se o r . a se ca e th if t the substantive French la,v de.:-pite the fact tl1a


nption. sc re p y b d rr a h is � 432. Such as amendment of pleadings after the claim g text. in y n a p m o c c a d . n . a 3 __ • 1;1 sholtld n io st ltlhe dLScuss1on, 3u.pra, notes 421-42 vee e u q e th t a th Id uld b O lled a c 433. Where the conflicts rnle of the locus woth.i is m le b o r d p e th , e

ihe decided according to the la:w of a one ol envoi.

.. .

- 155-


15t at

s p-OilC)' jt &l1oultl nio�t ct li nf co a'¢ . pi io th E .Lo g lin r� co Fraucc . _ ,vl1 cre ac 1·�- rfhi� is tl1e al )})l'Oach ve go ld ou w ,v Ja · an i}i io i t.l E ]ogi(:,�· 11 1, arise _ r Italy 43;) and Greece. ,136 lr5 nd 4 ia 43 · · taJ�e11 l:i,, 111ost £-\111crican e-O'L11-·ts 1rofJle111, IJllL tl1e res1u. t is that }) e th e ]v ::;,o to ' 8) \V st Tl1i::; is � J1r., si Jl ll) lc 011ld lJe b lhc . ''\" t i n 1a tl , 1 111 r1 e fo tl1 y tlic ca•se i:: <1ecic1eL1 clifierentl )' 1.,y er11. 437 v go d 11J · 10 sl cls 1 ul l 11 11 r1 fo 1c ti coltrls of tl 1e stale ,vl 1 osc la,v

rfl1e fo1·1i.m accept� tl i c. refere11cc ]J ack t-0 its i11lt:r11al lav.r a11cl UJ}JJlies it: in ·011r e,x.a1111Jle: 1.ll1<10r ll 1 is HJl})rOacl1, J�tl1io1Jian ]a,v \\'OtJc) 81)1)])'. 'rl1i3 a1JJY!"-Oacl1 J1aE l if' cr1 lak:c 1 1 I J v so.111e 1.\ 111 e-rican cot1rts, ,i38 a11cl ,\·as tl1e for111er ·French . '.L'l 1 is a1)rironcl1 l1as tl1e ;3a111(� cl{'fccl t!1at tl1c '�rejection:· �1p11roac.l 1 . . 1;;9 ,lJ•l :>roacl1 J1a;:.. '1�111� l'o r · l1111�s at1io111,1Lic aecCflla11ce of tl1e ret1,roi i.gno1res _i.\.r1otl.1 er .. tJ>I)roacl 1 i� to ''acccr,t'' tl1(� rc11 1."D'j.


• '


' I

1!1( � fael Ll,aL z:,•i 1/1, e {Jartic�1,L,1r case ll1e ]ocL1S 1uigl1t 11ot cle.cicle to apply Lil(\ ] <1 \V of Ll1P. l'or11111 if� ,vl1c11 <;.onsicleri11g t.I1at ca�e, it. c1isco,1 crecl 1l1al tl1 c




] c.) tt1�

I<) ,vl1icl1 it ]ool�ed vvo·u 1 c1 c�l,;o ]ool�



'.rl1 c rca<.lcr 111nr] tl1al ,vc� �tlclrcssecl o:.rr�eI,,c:: to tl1is. crue�tiou ea1rlicr ,vl1f'>11 cli�ct1ssi11g tl1<: t}1eorirs as to tl1e nat11re of tl1c conflict of

ln \f',7, ,1-\.1 1.!1at 1i111c� ,,re! saifl tl1at tl1c fo,r111 11 sl10111cl fir:3t look to, hov,r tl 1c � loc11::: ,voLLlcl l1n11cl .lc tl1i::: IJa1�ticl1lar ca::e. 440 It :3l1ot1lcl de.ter111ine ,v}1ctl11.�r tl1f�rc really· is a c0 , 11flict l)ct,vee11 tl1<: cli�1)ositio-. of the caEe ll1at Ll1c loc11:,:: ,vot1l,] 1 11 �1'1-:r a11<l 1.I1c <li�1)ositio11 tl1at ,,no11lcl foll!r. ,v fro1:1 · - -·- -

,1,:3 ,1. See :tl1e di�r11.-�ion in Stn n1ber,.!. . �ll/Jrl/. note 158 ;1t 10, footnote 27. •J·.) . ' ,J,:- . 1\J r(,u:::ker, !:>ll[)ru. Jl()l(.' .1-i6 al s:;. 136. Nicoletopoulo!>, �LtfJra_ .note ·1 ,17 at 4-73. ,1.3 7. S e the rriti,·isn1 i11 C:ool,, 'fl1e Lo!!i1 ·a l and I,e!!al 13a�c5 of the Conflirl � ol Ln 1r"'._:r� y·atc l,<11t > ]011r11al ,I57 1192t1, repri�ted i n Selecle<l Readings 011 Co11fl1.ct of I.ores 71, 78-82 (1956). .13. a. Se( In re clineicler's Est 1te. 96 1\'e1r )·or!\: Sup;Jle111e11t, Zn<l Series 6�2 � � _ _ ( 9,)0) r- , (Jnivcrs,ty of Chicago 11. l)ntcr. 27i Af ichi ,ea11 ReJJOrts 658, 2iO ; 1\or1h1ucstcr11 l�cporter 175 (1936'). Sec J?orgo's c:ase, 10 Cl1111el 64 (1883). Sec Ll1c disr ' ns"-i ' on · ''�r, 1·,ra, note:, .. -.::: r" ·-o r o a n cl a cco 111pan)�J· n g text.. We ·t·•u id t llat . llie .lor ini sl1o11lcl 111al-:c !I r is predi('tion l) efore consideri11g ,vhether � la,v of lite 1 rutn sl1onltl Ile L1isplaced. It sl1ould decide ,vhet her a� olbe r r ? of th e P 1 s:-::,�)le ::;talc:; in,·o1,·c<l ,vould look to tl 1e lav,r of a stale olb� � is tha n Elli opia ._Lt, it,overn the J)artieula,r case. \);/] 1etl1 er the p.rediction :ore · tereEI I ·lO: 111ndc l>c>l ent-a , r ' · 1·t •1 1 op1u . El er 'l 1 · o-over11111 - 1 er:; its 0,1•11 · rons1< . l cs_ 1 1.ot n1 ntler. \\iil1c· n Etl 1iopi a decides 1t11 at. its ;overnm·ent-al intere_s'1 � � l11rcs '"'1 1 _ '1t1' 011 o f E'tI eJJl 1 cq b l · the appl1c· · · l a,,, of co11rse 110 pro 1rop1an . anise. IL ,vill arise· ,vhen . Etl1iot>ia has tlel; illed t.hat cl,'e Ia"'· · of anotbi?r i :-late is.l1ould be look:.ecl to as a 111od,el. . , :,, L


-... . .

- 1.56 -

. ·--- -· __ ,


the ·application of ·the law of ,the fort1111_ If the fon1 m . precl1c ts that re I Je ct d wo th u e re nv io tS 1 , }OCL , tl1at is� 'a})·pl ti l the Y le a,v of tl1e fo� · no con·fl · let, and the fonun sllOl then there JS Ud dec1·ae ,tJ le case . tOWD accordr. If . la ts 1 ,, to lt preclicts tllat. LI1e ing . . loc11s ,vou]cJ ren tl1 VlO ,. at I, 1s, aJ)ply its o,, n Ia,v· tli accept tl1e e n 11811ally tl 1e forun1 . . . i:ihould do the sa m e th m�. Tl11s 1s tl 1 c ar>J)roacli o f ''tota l reference,, \\··hich has been �dop ted in England, 441 and ,vl1ic l1 rc1Jrcse nts mo rle1:n French practi�e. 442

The approa ch then sho1tld he as follo,vs. Ethiopia s} 1011Jd predict whether the co1u'!ts of the loc11s ,vo11lcl aJ lp}), Etli iopian Ia,v, <lespite the fact that Etl1iopia's co11:flicl$ r 1 1lcs look to tl 1e loc115. or ,v011Jcl apply it� own la,v on tl1e gro11nd tl1at tl1e Etl1iopian conflicts rules '\'Otllrl look lo the loc 11s.443 :Remember tl1 at Ethio1)ia is only loolcing to tl1 e ]ocus, because it decides tl1at that state ha s a superio, r govc1,1.menta1 interest or bec a11se fairness to tl1e parties rcq11ires jt to clo so. But if that state - ,vhere idea lly suit sl1ot1ld h.a,�e ])cen l)ro1.1gl1 t - ,vou1 (1 decide the case in accorclance ivit11 Etl1iopian la,v. tl1ere is no reaso11 why the Ethiopian co11rts sl1011ld do any rliffcrently. Con·vcrseJy, if those co1.1rts would a1Jply their ov,rn la,v, Etl1ioJ)ia sJ1011lrl clo lilcc,vise. It is immaterial to Ethiopi a that tl1e confli0ts rttle& t0f t11e otl1er state loo k to Etl1iopia, once it predicts t11at if t11e rarticrrlar <:asf' arose ir, that loci1s, tl1e court tl1ere ,vo11l(l apI)ly its O\VTl la,v. Tl1ere is a con­ flict bet1veen the res11lt that ,vo11ld be reacJ1ecl b>' t11c co11rls of tl1e locus if tl1e case arose there anrl the res11lt tl1at ,v-oulcl be rcacl1erI 11 n<ler th e substantive law of Ethiopia. Since Etl1io1}ia believes tl1at thnt state has a superior go vernmental interest or that fairness to tl1e par­ ties requires tl1 at the la, v of th at :<fate JJe 11sed as a n1 oclel, it 8h011 ld In re Dulce of 2; 69 n io is iv D , . er nc Cl ] ) 441 See ln re Anne�ley, [1926 1 . .'? urt co e th se ca er rm fo e th 506 in · Wellington, [1947] Chancery Division Case. the b 's h � !!.o or F f o . 1s as e t n o at appl. 1ed Fre 1!· , nc11 Ia.w, coneI u ding th · p.u ap it . se ca er tt la e l tl 1 k French court would accept the Teferenc� baculd �eject the r.envoi. ed Spanish law on the gronnd _that s aJS ; o c omments as to e:-cisting he e t 6 ·442. See Draft French Code, �rticle 2 ioot­ 0, 42 aw L e iv at ar p om C f 0 l a' Fll'ench practice in 1 America,i . Tourrz· note 13. m le b ro p i ,ro n e e th _ te ta 443. Where the reference is to the Jaw of a tb.ird 8 or the ,v Ia s it ly p ap ' ld n .1ct wh O W S · 6ther. the I OCU - th ,e fornm mt1st pred. law of the state to whlch its conflicts ro1 es refer. .




- 157 -

,_ .. *t...---


endeavor to reacl1 tli e 8a111e resr1lt that v,ro11ld be reacl1ecl hy the co u.rt6 of tl1e locL1s.


e d to acl on ] ike qualification. l 11lc ,vo l� I cn 1 tc1 1 �La t las To tli e ciiecl in Zi state tl1at ,vould J11i (l<J es <li aJ c)o ati 1 1 11 ,in ior l i Et aJl 1. c cr W1 1 , Etl1io1)ia sbo11l(l alv.ray& ) lit 11a ijo na to 11g fli )l' cc cleter 111 i 11 c sticccs�io11 ac ia k oJ) loo l1i t to the do. Et tl1a :=. 111l 111a (lc)' r1C ste r1�i Co i. 1,·o rc1 1 t.I L c accei) n1 icile of Etl1 ior,1ans cl(;111iciJe1l al)ro�1cl, :::i11ce jt looks to the clomicile it1 tl i e <'nsc of forejg11(�rs do111ic:i1c(l l1erc�. B11t. it 111ay he clesirable that 1111der Ethit1 1 c ri i.?;l i ls of r1ccca::=-cl1 ]�tl1io1>ia11 11atio11als lJe cle,te.rn1i11ecl , 0111ar 1 l,:,v if tl1 i� is l)fJssil)]e ·\vit11or 1t of·fc11cling otl1er sta.te5. 'Where the �Late· cJf' /lo111ici1P 1 \011lr1 ' look lo Etl1iopia11 law 1111der irLs conflicts rules. r · roi f.:. ot1lcl 11ot 11e e lio the be offensi, 1(; nct·CJ)la11Cf'. re11\ said to l tl1e of i of rl f1111 ieile. '],l J etcfore. ,\0l1< ·r1 tl1e �late ,,,}1ere a rleceased· 11i:::1 :. 11zitio11a1 j :-; ,10111ic1]ec'! ,vo11l,l look to t11e state of nationality to ,1ctc�111ir1c s11ccC's�io11, Et11ioriia s11011lcl ac�ceJ)t the 1·eu,r.oi and a1}plr · l�tJ1io1)ia11 1�lvv. Tn all ot.11er �il11atio11s it sl1011lcl apJ)l)' Etl1io1)1an la,1· 0111;: if 111<' 1octl9 \Vl)T11c1 HJ>j)1)' EtJ1ioJ)ia11 1a,v i11 t}1e J)artic1tlar ca�e. P1ibl-ic Policy �


1�J1c ''r,·u111i" 11c)]ic··y': <.ioctri11e 111c.a11:3 tl1at in certai11 circ11mstances 1]11:� fort1111 \\·i11 11ol 1ool� Lt1 forc-i 'g 11 l::1,v.. bcca11 se to clo so ,vo11ld be �1µ:ai11�L t11r for11r11's rirrl)lic 1101iey. C-\'Cr1 1.l1or1gl1 tl1e foreigi1 la,v· ,\·ould otl1 <'r\visc- �o\·c�rr1. Tt· is tl1c- r<>11 t e11 t of t l1e foreign law tl1at cat1ses the ...... fc>rn111 to ref11?C' tu 11se tI1al la,,· ai3 a 111oclel. Tl1e 1)roalen1 is niosl 1il{el)r to ari�c 111 1l1is for,11 ,,rl1c-re all tl1c 01)erati\.'e eve11ts 1occ1trred "lsc\\'lierc ai1cl tl1e <· 1(\f('t11ln11 t is a11 Etl1 io11ia11 11ntional or clon1 iciljary. i l J 1 11 s11 cl1 "ens� 1l1crc i:- ·110 ([lLf'slic>tl of Etl1iopia11 la,v a')) l y .ug; ibe ar· p t}1e in iP-�111· is ,vlictl1rr it ,rill 11�c l]1e ·forei ...,Q.11 la\•{ as a 1uodel c ticrrlur ca:--t�. .t\ss1ti11111g tl1al l�tl1io1lia ,-vill take j111·isdiction, '144 1th .

· · $C1· · · 4'1,4, :\ • l'o11rL ,.,, 1,i t·11 11:1� Jur11 1ct1on 1nn1· decli 11 e to exercise suel1 1nrJ·a;diction on tl1 e grounds tl1at. tl1e case col1lrl more conv:eJ1.ie11tly b,e hr.ought 1 an· ? ·, �!lier C'Ourt tl1at also lias j11riscliction. Tl1is jg callecl. ref11sin _ g jnrJAt �otiJ on. gro1111 rls ·O! for11111. no11 co11ve11ie11s (inco11,•e_n.ient forum),r!mt 11' O,l Corr,oraLron. 1J. Gilbert, 330 Un.itecl Statds Reports, SufJ 0. Cou.rt SOI (194·? ) · See also Bar.rett, Tl1 e Doctrine oJ Forum Non G0 J verue11s, 35 Cal1for11ia Laiv Revieiv 380 (1947). j ,....


ion is ,r11.etl1e·1 it ,ril] ref11se tr1 loo k lo th C' 1,.\\\, ues t C> f t11� ol her q le . sta , _ �e tl1 be c ca co ti nt en t ol tl i e })Urlil'ttla. .1g11 l a� 11 i. uodeL ., t . f. 0'1.c a,v is 8t10l1 . ' . . . ,vo11lcl offc11cl I•. . .,th1op1a :-- l )<)Jiey· In �.!!i\ 'C dial 1t 1.e1·1c.:,,1 . 0,1 ll1c� l,as1s . of such ]a,,··


Let 11� take a11 C'.xtre111e e.:-..a11t1JJ,,. 11 1 ,!.it>:-c- t ltttt ii1 St at e _i\: ,vli f'rc �]aver)' is "legal: a11 E tl 1iO J )i a1 1 l1a� C'11 tcrt·,·1 1 11 1, 1 n �ontra,·t lo (>rci,,irlc a -.Jave. ,rl1icl1 l1e l1n:- fuilecl to ·r1 1 t • l>tl1 l' r J ,a r t � � 11f•:-- I 1 i1 11 i11 ]�; t Ii j . opin to recover clan.1ag e� for ll1c lirea<·l1 of I J, 1• 1,_ 011tract ari<] ::-ltch . > clainnge:3 _ ar e reco,·cralJle tt1!1l1'r 1l1i ln ,\· <11'. · 1c1t c 1-\. t11 ::,,tJ(') 1 a r·a:c:r ti,<' . 11 :- '•' 1 ! 1 , , '1 E't l11'01 )ia11 COlll'lS '\"Oltltl rcf11..::l> l<.1 I,,,· () f .._�, -, .itc : \ il.=" a IJIOt·1 ('·1 : thcr ,vould reft1�c lo e11forcf" .511l·l1 a 1·t•Iilr�1l't. ,rl1 icl1 i:- 11,1 1 <JIII)· ille!!a·r . . .. but ,\'l1icl1 i� �l1ocking lo a11 .:1•11._.:c ()I' i"l,-ce11,·� l1eri-·. 'r·i,,. :;J)ttlllic J)<,i ir1 nlJ ll·�ra1 .:;:···it·n1�. 1) 11111 µ"1 1 1l1 cr(· i:.: �r,·nl. licy:: doctrinr i.:: recog r 1 zell difference a.5 to !lie r11)1)lieatio11-. \f .:\r-Li c -I 1 ' �� l•f 1l1< ' ·1 )rafL Frencl1. ,, . • ,ro\· 1�1- ou� o.f f1Jr1.·.1g·11 ..:fal11l 1'.;; ,., I li f'l1 n rf· <·0111rnr,- It) J states, · 1 COle French co11ce11tio,n.:: of JJLJ})li,: 1,c,1it·�- i 11 tl1 •· fi,·l,I nf t'n r1 · i g· 1 1 r<'latio !l:'i arc ill:l])J.llical)l( > i11 France.'' ,1,. J.5 rr11crc i� llO t1 ()lJ 1 ) t I.lint lo t'J1fc>rr·c· a ronlrael it1,·ol,·i11!! lite· �ale uf a l�t11,1ai1 IJ1·i:1.<..t ,,·,>111,1 c1(l',·1u·1 Etl1 in1)i;i,11 pII bJ ic J)olic) . ·. 'l�Iic <·1)11rl \\·c,t1 l<I rt·f·1--,- lti ll:-<' t h t· la,\ uf �l:.tlc ..:\ a:-0


a 1uodc] ancl ,voulcl 1li-1l1i.:;� tl1r· cu-<'. a- tllr· :,1a i11 iirl' 1\"<1111 <1 11ol l1a,·f' a vnlicl claim . 'fl1c JJrt)l1le11 1 i:- real!, ·· ,,r11· ,,r ,! !'a,rin!! 111 ,� Jin1'. Wr. rnu�t ask iv/1c1t h·irzcl of /Jr<Ji:isi,)11.·, ,,f forei,!..!.11 !1:1c -l1111 1·lt "I 11ul ll<' apJ)1i 1 ·il here . because tl1e,.,. - are a!fai1 1-1 ,,ur 1111lJli1· 1,olicy. '-

I•'rrf'<Jt11·t�. 1·16 11 a ' l'i( 111f' -\ 1·d �11 · 1>la \ · 1.�rl_ i 1 rl 1 Ji;t i(' � J1a n1 lJle I'h s JJro · · ·-. h '·1,• 1 a,· C> i r I r1urn t1�-, rourt.:5 a111> 1 �·1· 11�t r1g1: / rlr I <"- n 1· 1 I 11, < , 1111 f I ·, < · ! t 1 f' I ·•t , ·'· . . eel the aJJJJlicalio11 of forcig11 Ja,,· , , 11 1l1C' , gr,,11nd tl1nl iL Vl'Ol1ld he · 1!1·1 fr,r,·i.,�·11 la\\·. [11 � against L I1e flL1blic J>olic:· u {' tJ ll' fur11111 tr: a1>1 1 I· . .. _[f �uei1 · �l · t'a(l. . . ca eR. tl1e,, J,a,.,·c aJ>J> j'1e1l lj 1c la,,..l)[ 1J 1< . ft> l"llII) itl ,-. on1e • · ,,· · la :-: 1 1 1 1 r1 fo 1 <' l · 1l ('l .i 11 ,. . c. �1 . rourt. l1ad 11�ccl tl1£' ,ro,1 rrn111c11la I .111lc·11·:.1 l . 1 ,. . I tI have rro,·C'r11P,I u11v l1t),\.. rI' c, I J I< • < • :x. l1 '11 f lI I nI li; t l 1i ( ) 1 • ia (' Ill r> IO y ;-: 110u C


or11p(/rative. C of 1/ 1r r1 11 0 ] 1 f1T . ic . er 1 . 11 · . �1rt1e I � rn 1 1 Ser. tbe d1-cuss-.1on of tl11s T,111.u ,i20, rfoolnotes ]5, 16 (]952) · .11, er v o S l 1 n :_ c cn 1.:; · 1 11 , ' r> .. .f! e I l }1as jnspire<l :t great deal o f· con1 inen,·. . Scc vie,v 969 e R iu o f ia b 11 111 T ,o ' c ;-, 6 "Public Poli C'v': in the Conflict of La\V:i, :



cl1, it will not have lo oa pr ap st re te in a1 nt me 1 r1 ve go ed iit rie -o a J)D-licy .1en Etl1iOJ)ian law sho uld ap ply l v ,law r1 eig for of 1 io1 i cat pli avoid tl e aJ) v t la, is i11s n aga eig for of Ethiopia;s on ati 1lic a1J1 c 1 l t tl lcl t cl ttn 011 tl 1e gro ign n fore wl1e is law, which e rmin rlete t m11s '"'e at 1 . \XTJ .4,17 y polic J}tllJ lic otli erz.visc ivould be u..sed as a moclel, '"'ill no t lJe 11sed, because to do 80 of international l fie the y d in lic o p c 1Jli JJ11 ' ian 1iop Etl ' nst i 1ag, J e J ,vo1tld





relations.'' \,Tc ma)' start o.ff ,vith tl1e proposition tl1at orclinarily the co urts sl1 ot1lcl 11se tl 1e la,v of otl1er states as a model, even though such law is 1 sigr1ific:111Lly cliffcrent fro111 tl1e la,v of Etl1iopia. We 110-ok to foreign Ia"'' 1 1J cca11sc ,vc !·ccog11ize tl1e s111)erior gove:·:nme11tal i11terest of otl1er states, 1 aricl ,ve 111r1�t rccogr1ize tl1at otl1cr states 1n�y disagree 1-vith us on many l c1t1e::.tior1s of Jn,v. _No 011c ,vo11lc1 contend that the co11rts should refuEe : lo loo!( to t11 c la,v of a11ott1c.r state� n1 erel) " ]i)ecause i•t is signi{j. r.a11L])r (1iffc�·�'.11t ..l\.ncl )tel no 011e ,-v-0111(1 se1-io11el)' contend t.l1at EthioJ)ia .sl101i lcl c11 force Ll1e co11lrac:t i11vol\ring a slave. So too, as ,ve 1 :3ai c1 earlier� Eth101J'in sl1orud not recognize polygan,ous or incestu-ous rr1arriages, even tl1c,11gl1 ,.raliL1 11nc1er tl1e IJersonal ]a,v- of tl1e parties at th,� time tl1e rnnrriagc ,vas enterec! into.44-8 Tl1e problem is to for· 1 l 1rri:1late n ,,alic1 test l))' ,\,J11cl1 ,ve can c1ec.ide "\-\'l1ether to ref11se to ook to foreign la,\r a:j a r11c)c1el <)lJ g1·01111cls of public 11oliC)'.



' •

Ii1 t"l1c or>inio11 of tl1c a11Ll1or. tl1C' llest test was formulated by i J11clge Car(lozo i11 tl1e cnsc of l�O!lcks v. Sta11.clard Oil Co. 449 In that . case� u11 tl1c e,,e11 ts occ11rrcc1 i11 tl1e State of Massach 11setts, and suit , ' ivas 1)rot1gl1t j11 NC':,v Y-ork. Tl)c <":ate 111,001,recl a claim for d-amages 1 for ,vro!1 g;ful (.leatl1 . Ur1dcr t.l1c la,v of lVIas�acl111setts, the amot1nt of i (1 ainages,rcral11c ,vas basccl 011 tl1e f a11lt of tl1e defenclant ,vithont ) ' olding h In reg:arc1 Lo tl1e act11al ccc>1101nic loss, ,vl1icl1 is ,rery 11nusual. tl1at Nc\v Yorl( sl1ot1lcl a,va1·cl recovery basecl on tl1e �1ass achn set!! . • stat11te, J11f]gc Car(loz<) o})$er-vecl as follo'\-\'S: I


44-7. N?te that "pl1Llic Ilolicy" refers only t-0 the ,situation ,vhere !-01;ei�;

,,'111 not be 11s-ed as a mod-el on tl1at ground. It must be di:5tingtll · 1f · fore . fTom tl1e poLlcy cons1"derat1011 t no .5 tI1at determ1ne ''"h'ether or . . · la,v

�VTill he used as a model.

448. Se-e the cliscussio11, Sll,(Jra, notes 175 -180 and accompanying text· 449. 224 Nerv Yorli- Report.s 99, 120 Northeastern Reporter 198 (19IS) ·

-160 -



to ref11se lo en£o,,.cc "The courts arc 11ot free . a f0 rc1g . 11 ri o-11t•l,SO . . at . .tl1e Jltc1 ges, to s111. tl. c ind. 'cl 0 of 1 1re p eas t i . iv1 lla l the l r1ot1.on of exPe. diency ,or fairness. They do not close th.· eu- clooi,s unless hel . . n dai11t.., · P son1e fu violate ntal {}rj 11cip1e of . .· ,vould J Llst1ce, some pre,. . . ote valent concep tions 01 good 111orals' sonic tlcc l )·to .. . 1. ·I 1t1o n of ad tr ' ' the cornn1on wea·1. In other ,vords, the forL1m sl1011Jll 11ot i-ef . c .r1ore1g · · tl'c � to tis . n laiv . ,. . . m l srm he l p th ca y e 11s e de ro re1gn l a,v is vcr)' clificrciit, bti on y 43 8 o t l _ _ 1 : when the use of foreign la,v ,vo11ld be l)artictilarly ''�1ioc1cino-' ; 10 the O forum's concep tion of justice ancl morals. rfl 1e case of tl1.e contract for Lhe slave or the po l ygamotl.s marri age rc1)res011 t s the Ici 11 cl of situa­ tion where the courts should ref11se to 11�.e f orcig11 la,v as a nioclel. Except in cases of s11ch a 11ature� it sl1oc1lll rccoguize tl1 c interest exist­ : ing rmder foreig 11 la,v, e·ve,1 tllOl1gl1 ii ,vo111rl 1101 recognize tl1at iilter­ ) rst if its law governed.

Consider this example. In State A, a11 Ethio1Jian enters into a gambling contract a11d fails to J)ay. Ur1clcr tJ 1 e Ja,v of State A, a gambling contract gi,1es rise to a v·alid clnin1 for })lt)'Jllent; tinder tl ie l a,v 1, of Ethiopia it does not. •!51 The Etl1io1Jian is s11cd on tl1 e contract here. Etliiopia shot1.ld grant 1·eco,-e,-�- in ac�coJ·,la11ce ,vitl 1 tl1 e la,v of State A, si nce State A has ithe gi·eatest i11tcrcst i11 reg1tlating a gamlJ li11 g contract ,vhere all t11e events took place tl1cre. S tates ca11 valicllj· differ o n ,vhether gambling co n tract.:; nre euforccalJle ancl 011 tl1e r.igl1ts of parties in gambling transactions. Etl1iopia cloes not pennit tl1e 11gl1 sI1e rcft1ses to J)ermit tl10 o jcl, pa c v t 011 e lin eb mb a ga d g of ery rec I , \ reco very on tl1e contract;'l52 sl1c al:::o 11crrujts gover11ment lotterjes. Therefore. it cannot be sairl tl1at to })Cr111it recove11r 0 11 a ga111bling contra ct wo1tld be hocking'' to Et]1 io_pian moral ,,aJues as ,vo11lcl re-­ ''s 1 0Lllcl per­ sl l' tlr co o ic tl cl an e, slav I c very on a contra ct for tl1 e sale of a

, ___ I

.. I



li. nc ro p np ts gh ri 45o. Judge ed st ve Cardozo was nn advocate of the nunercial Code of Ethiopia, Article 713 (2) · Co 1. 52 · Conunerci · a1 Code of Ethiopja, Article 713 (3)


- 161-

l .)3 1. -\. simiJa1· exam1llc ,vould . . 1\. <.:'. at :-,,t , of w la ,� 1l1 r11i1, r,:,:,,v,'.ry l,l.16(�,] rJ11 e1· stale ,vh i' cll l1 ot of ,v a1J l,1 f' t11 ' . l)\ ! ,,, . ·rn · v',,0 ; J � l c> <'tll c JIIVfJ V(; U ,',11 11· () 1 1 .1 ·1�tl1io1)ia cloes. States ca11 rea. --. 1 ar tl1 1. · . rr: tc: iiJ cJr 1 . i(' t ,·,· pcr111 it.--. a 1.11,r, 1_1 ,.,· st cl1arge(], a11d there re te i11 <)f nt ,l1 c 1 au ·r l>< . ) "( J>J r_· :--nllalJly rlill',:r <>Jl tl i recog1 1 ize tl1e Jcgality of a loani le) � < 1:-' 1 l r<· <, t a J,i i(i Ji:1I i ,,1 ;_., ,,<, r<:."s, .. ' ,: l ,. 1a 11 c ,·r l1 \v d li va \vl1 i,:l1 iri


gu la,,, sl1ot1lcl not rf'i fo c: ler \•,1 e.3 11c :-la 1111 ·t irl ' ( c: 1 1>n ; .. · arr J.� 11 1.,:r,· ln acl(lition to the 1n,ls. o1 gr " e: >li J)<. ic l)l . ,u 1 n.1 I l1· ,H 1i1 a .. ;,H 1 1,.: ,, ,_ ,I sla,·e .:1r1<l tb .e Ilo lyg a1nou· a c,f ir� :--a e: th ' for I ( ra 11I 1·0 ,· 1 11 ol ' : , ..: . I , 1 ,·x;-i11 1 eru lc ,,· ]a,,, sl1ould irov ;,3la tl1c � f l l1f' \\ � -c ari ' l !!li 111i ;,· ,·;i,, ·. 111:1rri11!.!:1 . ' '. :1l1ir>J)ia ,,·c)11l(I conFicler f1111<lau1entally l l 1l1n ,,n ali li� ol i an r•d i 111 p1).;

1, , 1 r a i r. .1 "· 1 11., :-: ,1y II1 a L i 11 SI alC' : \ : a11 E ti 1 jo}) i a r1 e11t ers i nLo a hl1,sinC6B ;11·r.111,..·.. 1·111r·11I I Ii.ti 11 ,r,>,i,!,, ... 11<· :--l1nll l>e lial1lc <)r1]·-y lo 1.l1e exte11t of his 0 icles tl1at such ri1·0, _.\ Slate c,f -, l[(' �lall a : 1·11tl ..;c·1111 �;1111 1·, 111lril,11lion. i.�I . : l""r:-;1,n� ;1r1· lial,I(' for ail df'l11, 1)f tlte 1·11t(·r1) ir1·cs11cctive of the


;1111011111. ol' rl1l'ir i11,1',l111<�11t a111] 1) ro,· iclc.;; tl1at tl1e �tat11le is retroactive. . ' l)t of tl1e organiza­ 111 :1 .-,11i1 :1;.:::1i11,t 1l1:.' l•:1l1i1,1)ia11 ,lr·l' e11,lar1t Jc)r a clc ti,>11. 1111' ,·1111rl 111ig!11 !,,;l,I tl1a1 it ,rcl11l,l })P f1111rlar11e11tally- 11nfair to r,·1·11�11i'./, ('



:1 li,'lllilit,


111 111,· ,·a-1' ,if (:iu1117,i11i('/fn r. (:un1pitcllo. 13:� Conn.ecticut Re ports 51. S,� ,(1/1111tic l-:,·1>orter. 2n,J :.::._,,-i es 66 1) 119-!7,. t,,·o Connerticut resident! :1 1 1,,nd,·d l111r.�,· r.11·,,, i11 :1 111•iµlilinrin1! :-tnlr. Tl1ey pooled tl1eir money :11 ,d 1,,, 1 011 1l1t' l1or"1':-. :1.�r,.' ei11g to �l1are equal],· :in tl1e profit. or l os,, . r,) 1111. 'l.' he p:1r1� ,,·l ll �:1 1 n1 i�l11 10 h1·ld 1l 1 e n1o11e�; did not pay tb.e otl1er � races wa£ horse 011 Betti11g r. c rcro,· � 11" �h: 11:<', : 1 '.1d th,, l:ill1'r :-u,�d tn . · 1111·�::,l 1 1 1 ( .on111'1 t r,·111. Tl1(· court r,:fui'.cd lo tl1e suit on the �rilllnd tli:tl l 11 Jt 1 ·r1ni1 r('c·nYer� 011 n �.11n.l)linl! tra11sactio11 ,,·as aga,insl ih,·_ J l �il>lic \l 1 lli,·y 11 r ('.nnnC'1'tir111. Tl1erf•. ,,,as a� strong disse11t. Both the . eel teFt 1 �1 a.1 1 11·1 ,· and I 111· d1 :-1·11 ti11µ i n�ti c1�� I' l:Ji the ,lying ' ap l)e ! nied to . 1 : lor!'lt 111 l.011,·/,.s 1·. -:-.r,111cl,1r,! ()il Co .. s117>ra. 110Lc J.49. 'l'li,• r,·-1111 i:- rl.-:irly 11n:-1111nr1. Tn t.lie first [Jlace, 1]1is ,,·as a suil to re, 1 '11" 1··r 111011··� • llilt ln ,•11forr1' a lX; ,n1l1ling ,·ontrnrt. �foreover, a sister 51.:ite to !eil '' her«' t Ji,, tr nn,-:11·\i 011 n1·i·11 rrcd lc�:1lized �t1el 1 �g�111,b)in". hard is It "' . · of ho\\· ·1 r111 ':Li cy • ·t, 111 i) t ] )i�I1 111!! po t 1>n I 1nrse sig11_ific an races a -i11volve s . / _ : ver) . 1 1IP lni_nn1. 1 h<' _r,':-11 11 1:- Yery in:-nlting to anotl1 er stale a:nd �11 0,vs 8 J 1 ar111·li' :1tt_itnd1' 011 1l1c part of tl1e Co1uJecti. c11L couxL. , . COda" of 1 · -1.:i \.. l· 1lno1l1·1 \\'Olli . tl 1..•1 ll ti 11:a · CJa 1n11te r e l · 1· 1)artn ersl1ip. Se Con1111er .· .; . 1 l·,1l11np1:1. ;\rt1clc 2 )6. ,l:iS. �.1',\' 1·.;�r1111�1;s & ,l1rrcl1ants \·01ional Bani,� ·v 4 d .. n. erso11 , 216 ]01ua Repo13 �t! ! ,1,l. _,) l) /\ortl11( 'Ps· tcr11 R<'JJOrt·c·,· = � ]I .' • ?}4 ,'1933) , ,..],. 1cre s11ch a 1-e·u , r,.':11• I,eel. �cc al�o tl1e clisc118siou of this ca�e jn Pal1}5e,; and So\' ern, ·· supra. null� .ii. 6 at 1008-1009.

'I 11" •,),).

- 162 -


,r; li tl1eec exce1JLio11s� L}1e <·ot1rts' �,"lio · tll. Cl 110 l r • e f 1 ' l n �e Lo co re . (Yn r 1ze ll ca ec l 1n l 1en · CjllC6tlo Ja,\' ,v n l i cre \XI<:' 111t1st recogniz<" · foreigr. 1 . c tli . . . . ,. . . . . e1 11111 euL 1nle al rc81.:s of otJ 1 cr ;-;t·lt - < C::i ,� ,Ill .. llJ>erio r gov . (.1 l I lat Sl'.,nt(•�-.<:; cLt .. n conte11t of the 1·l1c Lo ](1,v. Ex<'c}>t ,vi ici .c l 1l<� rccog . , llilier as. 111tion of . _ ,vottlcl _ ,,,olate ot1 1 · cor1c<'J>li oz1:-; of · . . tlie foreign la,v,,·nc:-.:i or . • . , sl1011]cl Eth101J1,1 ttsc , forc morals 10 n- 11 {·,,v . . n mo,·l e I antl 11crmit =.,00d . . : , . . . . • · to recover 011 tl1c bas1;:; of fc)rcigt nt1fi pla1 l la,v. the . \l' it



Where Etl1iop i a rc£ 13e _ti.> tl l' forcig11 ln,v n.; n llJorlc], ii. \Vi]l � � � u!ually he ,vl1ere tl1e 1 ) la1nt1(f.: ; cla1u1 is l>a�e(l l>rt f<J reigri Ja,v. 1·1 1 crc - < l .....Q\\', ;:,,�1·11,.., P Eil is no question oI his recoveri11g t111tlc_·r i�tl 1iot)ia11 · . 11· r,J .) la • • , , . • a11 t1cl1 reco 111lc gn1ze s rcst. 1 - t 1·lt•llllS· S J l 1 c·-· <"<J11r , 1 ,,, r 1·11 .-1· 1111>.y does not . rot111 Etl1io tuaL tl 1>ia·s g tl1e 1>11lJl i(� on LJoiir suit y i>rccl t u,l ':-. lier from the U!ing foreign la,,· a� a moclcl i11 tl1e 1>arii<.:t1lar <·n:::c a11d tlic J.>laiiitilf j� not entitlecl to recover t1111l1'r Etl1ic>pia11 I. n,,-. _L\. siLu�ti,311 niig.liL arise, l10\-ve,1 er, ,vl1erc it \VOt1 l<l 111)t }Jc agai1131, J•:t.l1io1>in's J>olic_v Lo re­ cognize tlJe st1bstan1i,·e i11tcrc ....1 c>f tlic !>lai111ifT. l,ul i\·l 1crc j; \·;,1ul,l be against its 1)11l)lic l)olicy- to recogruzc tl1c r<'illc<.ly- 1irovi <.lc(l 1 )) tl 1 e foreign la1-v. Let llS say tl1a L a IJarl 5r c11Lcrs i rllO a co11[ L'Cfc.L for 1)er­ soaal service3: ,vl1ich i5 go·verr1ecl l))� lltl°� Ja,v of Staie .i\.. rJ_'J 1 aL Ia�" authorizes t11c cot1r t lo i.::�t1e a11 c,r,ler rr·t111ir111g tl1c clel"c1ul:1I1t l 1.1 111:r­ 1 �anally perform, ,vl1ic-l1 real])' .:i111ol111!-- Ir) tl1c: C>r<lcri11;; c1.f i i1 ,·r,l 1 1 1 tar)­ Ef'rvitude Si11ce _i\rtiele 1 '776 of tlit' <:i,-i l (�;()rlc· 1>rr1l1il> ils :-lt<·l; .111 . �i,1cc a11d r, >lo flc·l : 1111 or y c-rl ii1� 1 r1a r:-o J)C tl1e 5 r ect aff it ere ,vh orJe inrol11ntary servitt1cle clear] .,.- ,riolales tl1c Etl1i.OJ)iar1 cn11ce1Jtio11 oI 1l it goo<l 1norals. tl1e co11rl ,vot1l<l rcft1:: =e tr> µ:r:111t I l1al ;·c1 11cd)'-. 131 l � 1 I t1a 11s 1c "! . cl ra 11t co c t11 of ,·11 ra lJr uld c \vo still a,, ·arcl dauiagcs for tl1 i5 tuation: tl1oug1i: \vi]] l )e ,vll<'J"<) EtJiioJ>ia ca11110L rocoµ:r1ize tl1e E\1.1lJ· stanLire interest, an�l tl1ere i t 11111�t <li.,;111i::;s tJ1c siiil · -.

l I


i (


! I

1e ' tl v· 1J Ll e rL . c • ss · a .::n 11 '.. . ,f cl ( <' 1 · n JS· 1 1r,��rr1tc, I \v11r11 LI A cl 1 ff · ere11L questio : r1.11n io rr.· if tl1e ,s J)ll I1 ·1 ic· . })CJ·1.IC_ . ic f · " '' • JefentI ant 1_ · contraT'{ to Etl1101 · 11a · 111 a l J) e li t r . o J • t n · e 1 c, l" · 4 rt Jt r1:1u3es to recog nize tJ1e cleie11sc. 1t ,;vo11I ' I cr1!ct . cl. efe11::...e 1111al1rl v . a s . ' tiff, wh1c a 1 J t 1 . a1 ·J ill ,[ 1 C " l1 .1 ,·ery u 11f a 1r 1 c. ( , s1ncr tr1c 0 o-r• ea c: tl1e _ t} ia t · . I .. 1 ld : t< ta l< er lbe la,v r of tl 1 e stale tl1 al js L o so\rrrri, tJ1 S .s/1 ic e R ze . l c s l zL e . D . e·t � governmental interest . J11 tl 1 c case 01.r H0 zze7 v .


- 163 •


ver damages for breach co re to l e< ,:,u iir 11t ai pl 1e tl balz.,i-Gesellscliajt,4-56 any -and to he performed ·m er G i11 Jc: ac ru cl ra nt co of nn eroiJloyroent was held that the con­ It . m u r . fo e tl1 an tlJ r l1e ot es there ai1d in plac The defendant justified his di&­ . w Ja 1 111 111 cr G by cd tract was go,,ern e plaintiff was a Jew and th at tl1 11d ou gr 1c tl 1 01 iff nt ai pl cliarge of tlie an law to discharg e him. rm Ge by cd iir c11 rc s ,va nt da 11 fe tlJat the de e should not he recognized ns fe de i� tl1 al ti1 etl l :: cz1 nt co I 11 tif ai The pl he ld it could not refuse to on grounds of p11blic polic)'. 1'he court r de the law govun lid s va wa se fen cle e tl1 ce sin se, fen cle the reco,,o·z1i:le sh to enter judgment t crni11g tl1e cor1tract. 457 Etl11opia n1ight no ,V"i for tl1e clefencla11t beca11::c of ::-tzcl1 a clefen$e, but it ,vould be clearly w1fair to enitcr judgment for tl1e r>laintill. It should dismiss the suit 011 tlle ground tl1at it is against its public J)olicy to, pe:r111it the aaser­ Lio11 of st1cl1 a iiefcilSC, })tll since it ca1u1ot permit the ass ertion of a «Iefcnse vali<.l tl1e go\'Crning la\\', it ,-vill refuse to hear the case. 111



st11nrt1a1")7 : ,•.:l1e·rc Etl1iopia decides that a particular question

sl1011lcl he go\;crnccl b1 - tl1c la,v of anotl1er state: i t should look to that lo,,· us a 1J1oclel 1111less to c1o so ,rot1l<l Eeriot1Sl)� ,,iolate Etl1io1Jia's con­ cc1Jtio11<:: of justice,

fair11ess o r good mo;rals. When it finds that it

456. 277 Neiv York Reports -t74, 14 Northeastern Reporter, 2nd Serie! 798


457. See also l-Iol<lcrncss v. llanzilton. Fire Insurance Co. 54 Federal Supple· 1nc�1t 145 (U�it�cl States District, Court, 1914). Tl1e 'insurance policy on ,,•l11cl1 the pl:.r1nt1fi_ ,sued co11tained a, provision to tl1e effect thait no action could he brougl1t 011 tl1e policy after t,ve]ve months had elapsed from tl1e t1_�e of loss. Tl1c pl::iintifT contended that the stipulation was void as against the public policy of tl1e forum; it was valid under the law oI tl1c state '\'l1icl1 governed tl1c contract. In holding that the defense could �e asserted, the court observed as follo,vs: But to r�fusc to give effect to a suhstantive defense arising under 1 c? nlract valid ,rl1ere made and llo be perjformed, "''ould' yjolate the prin· ciples of d�e process, even tl1011gh tl1e local courts might lawfully refu!e _ ffirn o iatively enforce the contract. A state can not extend the effel't of � 1 its a,v hey ond i�s ?''� borders so as tto destroy or impair contract rigb� _ not o�eral1vc ,,'ltl11n 1Ls o,,·n jurisdiction, and vali d '"rhere made. When defensively asserted, forcig11 contract rights must be reco gnized by the local f�runi, • even tho11gl1 contrary to local public policy ii such right� are valJd, and performance is to be had, ,vhere the cont;ac . "\Y'U ex,ecut· t : To declix!c to reco �nize ·st1ch il'igh·IJs for defensive purposes in the local , on11n effect1,,ely deprives tl1e pnrty of a right valid ,vhere made and lo ·b e perf.o:med. 1£ l1 e cannot .assert it -ais a defense the right is wholly ........, ' 1ost to h,m. . . . " 0


- 164-


to foreign la,v f' o r !Lhis 1·easo look .nnnot n' it sh ould � . 1ss th disrn. . .. 1 on th e y If e re · co e gn . it l io n P ca am s of ·ff 's th e remcdY \VOt1l u . . d violate p o li it c s� · th 10y E , o u bl ld ic · t1 sc s p u fo i· ei ia g ' n la ,v p as a mo clel to . _ . . , . 'L • . deter th · . mine 1be natw e of e intere:::tt, .DUL give a cliIIere 11 t iexn . ,. . e cly, · l1s1n • g fore·Igtl . • • . • p m 1f os od si el b le . \V h er e the defen Ja,v as a (Iant 1·eIies on a . . ca nn . defense ot recognize for re that Ethiopia ason , l· t sI10 u1 (1 . . . .- f . also u 1 sm1sa . the case, · since it 11:1 undamentally unfair to im posc l iah'Ili. . . ty upon .a erson wh1le denying h'1m a defense h e has tin cle r ti·le la,v P . chosen to . tr an sa th ct e io n It shol1ld not refuse govern . � to · use tl1c 1 a,v of . the model except in th e L)'J>e as a te otlier sta of extrellle cas. es we . have . discussed




In this ,vriting an attempt has been mac.le to c.liscus s t1 1 e J}rospcc/ 1 tive dev elopment of th e conflict of la,vs in Etl1 i<) ()in. Tl1 is will be a vital area of lalv in a state as intern ation,all)' oriented as Ethiopia is. Ethiopia ha s the ad,·antage of seeing 110,,v the conflict of la,,·s has de­ veloped historically in otl1er legal systems ancl hoi,v 0Ll1er nations l1 ave attempted to solve the problems of the conflict of la,·,s. lt is st1bmit­ te<l that·the approacl1 recommcndecl i11 tl1is ,vriting iti tl1e .so1111(lest for l Eth iopia to follow, and it is hop ed tl1at the conflict of la,vs l1ere ,vill 1levelop on these lines. The cJrait code ,vhich is ap1Jendcd is a n atten1pt to !)Ut in codified forn:i the ideas expr essed in tl1is 1vriti11g. Wl1e11 co11flicts la,v is codi­ fied· here, it is stuJmitted that a code of tl1 is 11at1tre should he adopt­ I ed. In the meantime, it is also l1 oped tl1at . co11rts wl1en faced with ' pro blems of the conflict of laws ,vill solve tl1e1n \Vith a vie"' to,vard I the governm ental interests of tl1 e state� invol·vccl ari d fairiiess to the parties. The purpose of looking to forcig11 law aiicl in cl ciding qlies­ � tions of the when conflicts of law today is no di1Tere11t tl1an it ,vas . the matter e a ju5t v ie l1 ac ' to , a,\ I t e h f o first arose in the J1.1 storyand sound . ,V1tl1 cl te it m h su y Jl na fi · 18 t I case· result in the particular . : . tl1e l tI ef�re 1c a l 1l ,v g in 't wri l le nce, -that the UJlproacl1 recom1nencled in t · cour ts in achieving this objective·

- 165- -

S W F A O ' L 'I lC , . 'J F N <J C : • IJ · l '' 'l CC)Df� (JlT •

_:\rt. J. - l)<�f initioris.

1r1g mca11111gs: I l I ;. �lute.�: rcl't"r:-- t,i


... �ra1>l1i<.: J)<1rlior1 of tl1e eart.h�s surface . :.!<·o


! 1 :. 1,,iiJ .g a11 i11dr·1,<'11«!<'111 ::-y:-:le111 of la,r:· constit11ent parts of a f�(leraJ :-\":-il<'.ll.l arc Blale.:-;


, 2 i ··for,�ig,1 ,·l1·111e111·· rc·l'1'r� to 1l1e :,iltlttLiou that exist! where ;,;,:i111c- of I lie ,,,·c11t::- i11,·cJl,·1·,l i11 a ea:;e before tl1e Etl1iopian eotrrt l1a,.- c· C>C<'.t1rr1'1I i11 ar10Ll1<�r .,tale or one of the parties i::, a 1l(}111iciliar, or 11ntiu11al r,l' u11c;Ll1er.slate; t:3 l :'la,,-·� r,'f<"rs 11cJI 1)1 11�- lo \,..- rittcn legi�lutior½ l)ut also custom­

ar�- la,,· I<> tl1r� c�..::lc111 L11at Sl1cl1 la,,· i:::. applied by the comu <>f tl1c· �talc' ',\ l1u:--<' la,,· i:-- i11 l111,�st ior1 a11cl to tl1e 11rinciples t�5talJ]j:;;J1,·rl ll). Ll1c ju1·i:-J)rtt(lf'11c� ( c·a::-l" la,v l of the state whose ]u\v i.s



l -I i ••(' () ll ]' I .. r(' r (:r :-

l () l I 1('

(' ( 111 r I

() r

El I l i O1 Ji n i 11

'" 11iC 11

a Case is be-

i r1 g litigal<·d 1111lr•.�:-- ti,,· cc,11l1'XI i11clicalt'S 0Ll 1 er,vise. _,.\ rl. 2

C)v,,rri-rli11 <11 l'ri,1<.·i,,l"s . ·l f>/>ll· cnl> l(, to tlz e. v (;!o l zit.1"0 n of })rob· le111s <>/ 1/,e c:c,11.Jlirt <>f TJ n l{)S. : ,


. ian cottrl for disposil· "' } 1 101) <' 1 )111111/!' l)(' l' 1)1'(' a11 l•,t ion� 1101.,,,i1l1:3ta111li11g tltf' J>rt��e 11.ce of a foreig element, all n <f lre :;tic)Jl:- ::-l1all l)c· tlc·ci,ll " ll acrorcli 11g to the la,v of Ethiopia l'X('CJ1l ai- otl1rr,ri:-l' 1>rl)\•i 1 l t ·<l. J 11

l'\'f'I'\' . <','IS('

l21 \''l1,'A1. •c ,•>' forciµ: 1 1 <'l(· 111<�nt is J)rc�eJ1 f 't i 1 1 a case� the la,r 0 l�tliio1 iia


1Jl' tli:--t>l,,cc·,l anrl t1 1e la,v of a foreign ;tate

. may· l)e ltse,l .a� a 1 11<.1 tlel for tl1e r1tle of clecision in th e case in tlie follo,,·i11g cir<'u111:-La11c es: a1 1d i11 rio other:

- 166.. ._






! I


i _ 1 e1·e the COl11 WJ t co11cll1(les {a) tl1at i:f tl1 c })::trti cr.J.a.r qu.e�(j, 011 came ]Jefore. th.e COtlt·ts of tl1e state, ,rl 1ose law is �o u · g1lt llo· be 11sed. as [t r11oclel, tl1aL cot1.rt ,vo11lcl . 11,ot fleci(lc 1J1 c .. CJ tiestion in· acco1·clanc e. ,,ri.t}1 ]�tl 1io1}ia11 la,v; rin.<1 (b) rf}1e . t tl1a.t Lile SU}}Crior govern111ent1.t.l -. intere st of tl1_e $late. ,vh.ose .la,,, i s- so11ght to b e aij a :mo,clel, 01· fairne5s lo t l1e I)arties 1·ecrt1i 1·es tl1 e dis1>lace� ment of Et]1io1)ia11 1a,,r on tl1c J >artic11la r C{llf�sLion; :


lying 011 l"ot·cigr1 la,v �ati.sfactorily (c) �flie p . a.rty re . f>rove.g t.l1e oontent of t}1e. foreig11 l. ,t\V Oll ,vl1ic) 1 l1 c is relyi 11 g. • 1 •,r._- _(:3J. �l�JJ e..:b11rd.e1_1 of . l )J."0 \Ti 11 g l 11 (' 1 l C(' es::-i-l-)" f Or l 1 (! d i JJ .la <.:Cll 1e11 l of :::

foreign lalv ]jes on tllL' 1)art�· ,rl10 a:"Ct,ert::- Ll1at ]�tl 1i <)Jlian la,v­

:::l1al.l be cli�JJlacecl ·

,\rL. 3 - R11les of t!te (�011,f/ict. ,,J [,, r,1cs.

· · 11• llr111ci1> · · J,S tLl!IJect 1-· · l o ·tl 1e o,·err1r1 111 � {". rif . :\1·11·( · · ·lc - ·lrir1 ci1.1l.e ..: · ·,-· tlt<'J · I , •. I l ic (·011rl i11 /l<,ler11ti 11ir1g '" 1 11•• contained in C.l1a1Jters 2-8 : :-l1all f!:t11r · t her ELL· · LO p 1an 1·1,•,r ' l>e clisplt1c.(�cl ,1r1cl tl1e ]a,v of attoll1er l!tatt� . . 1 l 1 _ ._,, 1. ll II. r1,·. 1n used aS a Il10del to t1ec:iclG a !).trltCUlar ({ll<�::C:l!Ull l )(' fOl..l,. . . · _ . . . I , 1e l 111d111 J 1l!t::-l, nuL,r. 'I lll()«l< no case· sl1al1 f ore1gi1 ] a'" lJ_(-' lt::-t 1 ..t.� . 1 6 ' ' . e · · . 1 . u . ,111(1, l l u.r 1� t.11 i (}· . I<ll(, · 1:-i}) p rovisions of tl1 �o o,, 111 g al·tiL-le-: ( lrl<.' c ,,,J1c·r ·· · · . . · <., ( , '1 ·. \.rlic-l e- 2 . . . . " , J 11 l · a l Ji I c" . Jllan Ja,v lVOt1lcl ]Je co 11t 1 ai � le l t l 1 f' I, r I 11c I 'j ',-� ,

Art. 4 - Cl1<1racterizr1tio11-.

1>rt.)l)l1�111 of the a t>f 11 i1� I 111 --fi � s 1f tl r C> I Cl1aracterizatio11 11r.<":e�,:;ar�· . . pr;i11-. rl .,, arid <)f I l1e conflict of la,vs, sttc I1 as c l 1.: iracI.c 'l'JZ'l . _ l�, ·() f 1 ,roi)c· �, l· ]()l all(l ,v la . 11 a >i Ot li tl E . to 1t a1 ri. p� I c1uest10 .;t1 . 1r 1>1 · 11 1· 11 ,roJ,� • e-u'.. -sl 1 ,"tl. l lJ_(� 111a,le · · . . , in accordance ,vith t}1e prov isions O f· 't.\ ,r· ti·cle. 2 .

:\rt. 5 - Rerivoi. • • 11r111c1 · . · a11 Etl1ic>1>i · · 1 c (1 J ,v11ere tl1e fore1g11 I a,,, aJ ) J )l'.I c-ahl� r,n. < ] r.L. tl / the to ng · accord1 I · C }) · ca p]e5 of tl1e C(>nfl j,ct of ] a ,vs \VO l I] (l Jl I · l, (' 'l J> I1 11 ·. te, bUt . �ta . foreign · tlie . pr1ncfple s of tl1e c o nflict: o f· 1.a•' v..-� e1rO1 !).Joy,cc.:(l by · .

-· 167· -'-

under_ itil:03� principles the foreign court would look to Ethiopi an la,�," the Ethiopian court sl1all proceed as follows: ..

(a) It shall pi·edict whetl1er in the particular case the court of the foreign state \voi:ild look t-o Ethiopian law if the case· came before it, despite the fact that according to the Ethiopian JJrinciples of the conflict of laws, the law of t hat state ,vould be applied. ,·. lb) If it predicts that the court of the foreign state would ap­ ply Etliiopinn law in tl1e particular case, it shall apply Etl1iop�an la,v; if it predicts that the court of the foreign &tate ,v:ottld a1lply its own law in the particular case, it sl1all a1)fJly tl1� law of tl1-at state.

(2) Provided, J10,,·e,0cr, tl1at ,vhere an Ethiopian national dies domi­ c.;iled in a foreign state under ,vhose princi,ples of the conflict of laws r1uestions of succession are determined by the national law of the <.ie_cedent� all quc.:;tions relating to tl1e ,st1ccession shall he determined according to EthiOJ)iar1 la,v. ·'


13) Wl1ere the foreign la,v a1Jplicable tinder the Ethiopian principles of tl1e conflict of la,vs ,vould not he applicable according to the prin­ ciples of tl1e conflict of la,¥s emplo}red by the forei gn state, but the foreign court ,vot1ld look to tl1e la,\· of anotl1 er state, -the Ethiopian cot1rt sl1all al�o fJrocccll i11 accorda11ce ,vitl1 the provisions of section ( l) of tl1is i\rticle, ·UJJJll)r ing tl1e law of tl1e other state only if tl1 e foreig11 court ,voulcl clo so i11 tl1e partic11 lar case. Art. 6 .- P1tblic PoliC)'· · Wliere tmder the a1>plication of th e principles of this Code, the law of another stnte sltol1ld gover11, sttcli la,v ,vill be used as a model excc1Jt ,vl1ere tl1e 11se of tl1e forei gn la,v as a model would be contrary to tl1e J>tiblic policy ·Of Etl1iopia, that is, would serio11sly viola te Etl1 iopia's conce1Jtion of jl1stice, fairness or (Yood morals. In such 8 sit iation, ,vhere tl1e plaintiff relie s on forei; law fo r· hi s claim, the � st�_t___ s��]J _be .dismissed· Provid ed that where only the recog nition


· , provided by the edy · forei rem gn la w the w o · f uld be agam-st the puho . . ·· _. . Ethio the pia, of court ,v:ill onlY refuse to lie p<>licY . _ recogmze . t h at · give a d.1-fferent remecl)r llsing .fore1g . and . edy . n la,-v if poss'Ihl re.ID . w1'11 give e; . tl1e it a p})tOfJ.1·ia ot11erwise, . te remed), prov1'deel by Etl1io . pia . n def ens ass e erted .by tile clefendant Jaw . Where a cannot l>e


recoi0:rniz. .. contrary to the ·pl1l)lic po1ic)' of Et l110 1s 1t ause bec . r 1.a, the court ed · s the c a s e ·1snns d shall .

Art. 7 - Extent o/ Incorporation.


Where foreign law i s 11sed as a mod el ' tl1e cotirt slla11 1n · corporatc • • forei the gn law that n1aterially affect til e outcome of all portio ns of the case except where to do so ,vor1ld interfere ,vitl1 the efficient operation of Ethiopia's judicial system or be inco11sistent ,vith. Etl i io­ pia's procedural policy.



In deciding whetl1er the Jlartic11lar portion of foreig11 la,v shall be incorporated, the court shall not l1ave regard to ,vl1etl1er tl1at por­ tion of the law is considered to be a n1atter of ''proceclure. '' Chapter 2: PERSONAL ST A TUS i\�lJ FAI\1ILY J_,1-\.W



Art. 8 - Law. i­ 1 cin an of '½' la al on rs pe e th by l ec in Any question to be determ wl1e�·e e ac pl e tl1 of w la e tl1 to g in rd co ac ed l vidna shall he determin Arti­ of ns io is o·v J)r 1e tl l1 it 1-vce an he is found to he do m ic il ed in accord e l) to d e m ee d e lJ ll 1a sl n cles 183-191 of the Civil Code. A perso 11 P00 an d 1e ci ni o1 d e h to d n 11 domicilecl in the place where he is fo dn ta & b ii tw o 11 s, le ic rt a se application o f the principles co n ta in ed in the tlnt-l fo e b t o n l lc ti o w e l1 ing the fact that ltnder tl1e la,v- of t]1at place to he domiciled there .


Art. 9 - Nationality.

national a as s statu his , e su is . . in 1s . . Where a person's n a ti o n a li. ty he y t Ii a n o t1 a n ·ose h � , te a st e th shal l h e deter111ined b y the law o f claims or who claims him as a nation al·

-169 l..


.A:rt. 10


Marrir1ges betu,een Et/1,iOJJian Domicilicr�i_es.

rI'li e ,,ali(lit,- c,f ..l 111arriagc, \VJt(�re tl1c 1Ja1·ties are clo111iciled· in Etl l iO J>ia al tl1 c- 1.ii .1Jc of 1l1c 111 arriag:e !"l1all IJe cletcr. n1 i11ecl in accord. a11c� ,vitl1 t:l1c fr,llo"ving flrinciples: ·1



r '


Tl1 e Ior111 of tl1e 111a1·riage sl1all lJe g;over:ned ]J)r tl1e la,r 0( tl1 ,� J.l1act: \\'lterc 1l1,· 111arriag<· \,·a::; celebralcrJ exce1lt as otl1e 1·,vise J>roYi<le(!. 1.l1t· [il"(>Vi�ic>Jl:-: cjf ..L\..rti('IP 586 of the Civil Code, 111arriag:e:= l1y-· r<·11rP�c11lati<)J1 :3J1all 11<Jl IJe recogni _z ec], .though '. ur1<l( ·r 1J1e la'l\\· of tl1e J)lace \vbere s11cl1 1 11arrin�e ' ..: art ,·a Ii,!

:!, 1 511l>jeet.


( :3 I "\t"l1,·r(' tl1c 11larriage i:::; 1101 ,,a]i(l ac.cor(li11.g to tl1e Ior1ns J>l"e · :-<"ril>('1l .I>). the In,....- <)l' 1l1c 1>lace ,,,}1cre cele]Jratecl. ]J11t is valid nv<"r1rtli11g 11> l Iii· f,,r111� 11rc:,c-rilJecl IJy· tl1e ]a ·,,, of Etbio1)ia: :-'ltall 11(' j"('CO!!:Tl t Ii(' lll�!rl"iH�<· �· iZ<"'' ,1S ,·alicl. ' 1.1 ·1 'J'l1c :-'11J1:-lHr1t ive ,0 ali,li1 .,. c1f Lilt' 111arri,1!!e .... ::l1al] 1J< � tlctermi11ed rrl1e }Jrovisio11s of t]1e I lit' Ja,r uf ]�t l1iOJ)ia. !() .i('l;(_)J"i°I i11g

(:iv iJ (: c,(1 <· rt �1 al. i11 �!! I





no °·e. (·c,11� all Ull 1 nil\' a 11rJ af(i 11ity·, bieira1...



<1111·t�:;,-. error::- or :-:l1IJ�tar1<·(· a11rl tl1e req11ii:ecl Jleriod..of ,,·iclo\vl1oufl :-l1all l1r· <lec111e,I lo ,tll (�ct tl1e- �t 1bsta11 ti,re vaJidit.v () f' t !1� · 1r1ar1·iage·. ,_

11 1 y.

I I l \\i l1crt' a 111,1rr"1:1 · ·a · · ·] C<J. J · 1• 11 Et) , ]IOJ)J, . ,'<'· .('ll 1>erso11:- llOl (lOllllCl ''_.,.,, l.)c�l, i:..: ('aJJ( '. tl iII[tj l(llt':..:I i(>Il ill ]�t)1iOJ>ia. t:]1. c 111 arriage sb.a_l) be

re,·c 1 1!1 1iZPfl a:-; ,·ali<l if 1l1c [o.llo,vi 11 g co11djtio1is exist:

t a I· ·11 i:; valiil a,·c,)rdi11� 1(,· 111<' for111g })l'e�cribed b, -tl1,\' of 1 l 1 e (>lac<· ,,,111:rr· tl1(' 111arriage. ,vas ...-clel�1·aterl · ��- b)� tl1e ]a,1° cil' tlic r,lae,· ,vl1<'rc tl1e l1 t1sl1ar1cl ,vas clo111icilecl al 1l1 e ti1ne 0


f tl1" 111arri ag e ; a 11,l

111 ·1 ·i I i;-; :-ul)iilatlli,:e]�, ,,al i(l accor,li 11 g to tl1 e. Ja,v cJf tl1 e tJlace

,rlicr<' lll(' litr�l 1 a11(! ,,1 a.::. <lo1 11icilecl al. tl1 e ti111 c of 1l1 r: iriar· • .r I age; a11cl




· ( c) It is not void. on the · gr011 nd that. it . . is lJ1. gam ' ous or tl1at . 1 . the parties are rela te.r l J) ,,. coti.v< --·ti1gt1 In .l t)1 Ol' a · • ff•tiuty , • •. . as definthe C1v1l Code • ed by • • (2) Where tl1e JJarties ,vt�re l1ot l�tlt i C> J , I· a11 (· oI.u re • . • . 1 I IarI Cl'i at L)1f' . .. · . . , . . time of tI 1e 111,1111age, h-.1t arc� Etllio I )lull . . . . 1 ( 01111c1l1aricF nt t.lJ e • . • time tl1e marriage 1s callee! i11to l[u L. ··:.t·!Ort'. l 1}('. 111arr ' ' 1a1r e e \\,1'JI also be .recog11ize<l if it i:- st1 b�taitti,·el). 'a , 1 accrJrd1. 11rr ·to tilf' la,v ·of Ethiopia� tl1ortgl1 it ,va::; 1101 s.11 J > sta .cJl· t·, . 1.lf1·caccord1' C1 )' ,-a . lD,g Lo. tl1e l::1,v o ·f tl1c- l ·1tt:::l)a11cl' :: (lcltiii· eil· e •1. 1 ti1c l ·1111. .e of tJ 1e • rr1arr1age. i


Art. 12 - -Divorce. (l) A clecrec of cli,,orce �11alJ

l>e- g:ra11Lcrl t�xce111 i 11 accorclanre . ,, itb the }Jrovisio11s of tl1e Civil (:1)<1('. :{o 1li\·nr<·c �Ji all h <"'­ gra11ted in E tliio IJ ia 1 ti1.less t11 C' J)arli c·.-. a re do 1 r1 i c-i l r- d J1 <"'rP. at. tl1e ti1ne tl1c- clecrce of rli,-r•rl·r· is :-(.111�]11 . • JlOt



12) A decree of ilivorcc rC'r1clcrr-c ·1 i11 anull1cr ..::Lal<' �.l1aJI l)c rccP�­ nized in Etl1ior)ia if $l!Cll <Jccref' \\'()lll(J ha,·c ])('f"ll l"("C'Of.!11i7.ed by the 1riari Lal c]on1 icile at tl1c· I i111c l lie ,l,·1·rer· ,, ai. (')l I f'l"·1


ccl. ..\rt. 13 - .4dDJJtio11 ."

ac-lor>lt�1] cl1 ilrl 1 a1 of 11::al :-:l <� Ll1 ,-(I) a perso 11 ,v nf la c 1l, ' l>� d 1c i1 111 r-r ,1 rl, r , 1: 11 agai11 st anotl1 er 111�rt'o11 .-.l1n . )llJl f! J lo at I lie (· 11 i1 I c l1 I 1 al 11 re tl1e domicile of Llt <� acloJ)Li,'r 1,a acts ,vcre clo11e. · 011 rl lc ir o Y a r o cl . c . � 0 . ) 11 11 1 · ( 2) W ,, here a11 o]J lrga.�1. on 1� �otlf!l 1t to l >P . Le11ce o( _ 1e cx1� l t . Ls ,;:. t� ,· ex . · 11 1o >l _ O l c _ _ of_ tl1c, the groitmcl that the stal11::; oI. ,t J ,\' · t t) tl1c• ·la rr 1::, · 11 · 1 rc o c c a such statt1s sl 1all he clct(�r111i11cr1 ,\·ere aC'lilti11" a1]cl . . i::1 . . tr. l l 1 (' . IJ lI 1c -I t al or do·n11c11e of tl1e olJl1g

]1 o]cl�

! I


1 �)

' U'� (If 1· C· --:ta( tJ ·1 < 1 lJ�t:::e 18 s1c>11 e:; st1cc Wl1e1·e a c]a.in1 Lo a . 1 t:. L lial 1 . o1 . t11 r dc dccc · . . . 1e11 l ic l t " b aclop tion f JOssessecl eitl1 cr ) ·


, �

LI ) 0 Il

. .

.. .


qu�t.ion 5 J1 aJ1 be fletermined according to· the provisions of • this Oocle gove1:ning -succession.

1\rt. 14 - Filiation . { 1), Where tl1e statt1s of a person as tl1e cl1ild of anotl1er is cal}. ed into question in Etl1iopia, except as otherwise provided, sucl1 person shall be deemec] to possess the status of child as rcgrurds the other if filiation is estahlisl1ed according to t.l1e J)rinciplcs contained in Book II, Title IV, Chapter 10 of tl1c Civil Coclc.


( 2) Sucl1 stat11s shall also he recognized if it has been establish­

eel accorcli11g to tl1e Ja,v of tl1e parent at tl1e time tl1c acts creating s11cl1 stat.11s ,vere done. (3) Wl1etl1er a11 ollligat, io11 exists because of a parental relation­ sl1ip sl1all be detern1ined by tl1c la,v of the domicile of the pa11:y against ,vl1om. the obligation is sot1ght to be imposed. ( 4,) \�T11erc. a clai1n to s11ccessior1 is hased t1pon the status of child possessecl cit11er by tl1e clececlenl or the heir, tl1 at qt1estion shall lJe determined accorcling to the pro"\>-i.sions of thiB Oode '


govern111g �llCCC�SIOD.

!\rt. 15 - Otlier Q11estions of Stat11.s a11cl Faniily Law.

,.i\ny . Cfl1estio11 f)er-taining to status or family r elationship D<ll otl1er,vise provi<:lccl for sl1all be c1ctern1ined according to tl1e la,v of tlic domici1f� of tl1c J)Crso11 ,vl1<)se stat11s or family relationship is in (JU est.ion. Cl1a11ter


Art. 16 - Gover11i11g Law.

(1)• S11 cce,$sion, "\.vl1etl1e1· intestate or testate, and gifts ma:de in


contempIat1.on of cleath� arc governed fo1· in1movabIes: bY l tl1e la,v of the sitt1s, and for mova·bles, by the lnw of the domicile of the decedent at tl1e time of his death.




I .·Jcl111i11i... 11·c1tic>ri of a :iltrce.,.,;,,11 (', ,1�·1,1·11 .'·t � . li erI ,1,_,· l·'iJ reig,1 La1v. "'h -li t..•t· l•·,l (· I(·• , .t. e follo\riLt!!: • r11l f'. , �]1all l.lf' a1>1, ,111 :-tl('('<':'<.'-1r1r1;:; �OV<'rr1, · ... ed b�· foreign la,,· lJ1nl :.tre all111ii1i�t(·rc1 l i,1 l•:11 1 i,, 11ia: (]) .-\.. J ) ereOl1 :ll J l 1, 1J i11t�(1

Jicrtritlatc tI1c· :-r11·<:1� ::-:::i 1 >1J 1)\" ll1c $\.:tlc ,rl1ose la ,\· g:u,,er11� t!ir _:;1t1·t•,,,�io11 :-1 1 :111 I)<' rr·<·oirt.!i7. ctl a;:: · Ii, CJllicl ator i11 Rt11io1lifl lLf�•111 l i 11tel:· a I 11) li<>a tit ,n. \'\'l i r·r,· 110 Sl1ch aJ)plicaiion h�'if l.11�e11 111a1le. t}J(" c:ot1rl �l 1 all HJ•point a lici11irlal;)r i:1 acror 1 la11c,:· ,,·itl1· p1:11\·i:,i,111� of J\rti< 'lc� 950-951 of· tb,� Ci,·il t_�,1.i�·.




i (11·-- i11 F.1l1i11J1ia. 1!11' 1,ro­ ,-i:11011, of Boo}.;: JI. �fjt]r. ,-. l�l1a1it,·1· :2. Ser·l.io11 -I of tl1c f.j y jj I •


Co (l" �11 a 11 l) <" n r, 1) Ii c·: 1 l) Jr: .


(3) Exce1)t a� 1>rc-,v·iflcrl J1Prein. all 1r11c_..;fi1111:- rc1ati111-! 10 1:11<' �11c· · it:ions · l ) e (1 ( '· C· 1· ( 1,' Ceq-·o <. - � � J J1 := ha]] t f l I·,1 :11·1·r11·rl,111t· 1 · ,ritli tl1c nro,r s

of _t\.rticle J 6 of tl1is Corle.




iTLte1:e t!1e �11cr·p3:.:io!1 j-. ]:; r:i11� arlt11111i-..1,·re!'1 in 1l1c' ro11rls of tl1 e s. late ,,-J 105 e ]a, \· .'.!",;,·er1J::: Ll1 <' _;,_ ,,,.l.,._. :.:�ion� tl1r- co11rt �l1a]l� .. · · · hl ,,. J J l.::t a111 un.Ie�s lJ])IJl'Ut'l1ca [' 1· 1 1· · 1 ,,1 ,··, ,! 1 ·('i_..;i{111 011 ar1,_· �1111retJ 11,· . •r , O] " '. l"( :Il c< l i '1..: "l ) . ' J [. .1011 "' StaJllt\ f' (fllC•,l:IOD llllll _;;lie' ] I <[lie. ·. . ti anrl io :::::: "<·e ll< ; ,:� 111 1� 'r1 \'1 1 1 � · . \, l,r e tl1e cot11·t of tl1 r: 5talc· ,,·l 1 os ns 1JE'C'll li ii n� l·r 11 11 a 111 <'' 111 :--a Jf� t1 i11 1 shall resol,·e 1l1 e r.1t1i:; :- Lio1 re�o],,e<J h, · tilt" (·C1t1rt fJf tl1al" :=:tale·

! .


Cl1n1Jtf'r .:I: CONTR ·\ CTS


-�tt. 18 -

Llziv. Choice of C over ,, i,," C

(1) Exc�r)t aa otl)('l"1Vi�c- 1,ro,,irlf'<l� -

- 173 -

to contract j 11 accox·,la11ce ·1vitJ1 the 11rovisions of Article 2 1 : of tliis Coclc 7 may pro ·vi<le tl1at the la1,v of a p�ticular state is to go\'crii <ftl(.:.sti()IlS r(! l � ting to tl1e ,,alidity, inter1 >retation arl(I l)er.forlJluJl<:C of tl1<� t;ontracl, so long_ as sue� choice is rJ,lLe {Jartics 11La}' J>rovic1e that the law of differ. 1 :ca.soua1J le. C!ll stales i:� to gov·,;r11 1] i1tcre11t q11estions ai·ising 11nder the 1 · ole. a u son rea ;:: 1· ce cc,ntract. :-:o (ong as SllC' l 1 cI) 01.

.ern in accordance ,vith the g<Y-.. l11<l ,vo ; la,1 (2 I \"li"!crc 1�i3 1 i ()1,ian r)ro�l'i t;i 1 , 11::- c>f _1\.rtjcle 19, tl1e tJarties� cl1oice ,vill not be recog11 i7.�rl ,,·l tC' rC tl,€' contract i11 q1.1cstion is illegal 11ncler the pro,,,isic11� of tl 1 e , (:j�,iI Co11e or in,,olves Etl1io1Jian immovables or j11 ,•o ll.:C'·, n11 2rea speciall:v regt1lated :by Etl1iopian la,\\ as 1 c, -, .-h ic ]1 ]� I lJ i orri .!11 1:.i ,·1 ca011 ot be <lis1)laced ,vithol1 t adverse co11::cr111cn1· t1.i Et 11 i o l) ia �::: go·vernn1en tal j nte rests. •



1 •;-;

(3') Tl1c l,::i.rtics' el10.icc· ,rill also 11ot be recognized ,vhere the el1oicc _;� l'01lt:::inctl in �1 contract of adhe5ion and tinder the circ.t1n1st ,c1.11ccs ii 1·. 011lcl J;e 1111£air to bind tl1e acll1erent bv•



:.1 ·" .,t.

·10 .1






[.,QJC 171 l fIC' .-11USC'TlCe

of Cl1oice.

y;-, ,'/ 11er<:> t.1e l j)arl ;,.� 11�1,·e: i10t n.1acle an effective choice, all que£1 !8l15 rc1nlir1� lo tl1c Yalic1it�"- i.11tcr1Jrclatio11 and IJerformance o f t he ,·011 tract sl1all l)P g 1)'\'C'r11erl 1Jy t 11c !) oper ln\v of the co11tract, that r is? l)y tl1e la,,,. of tl1e state ,.,,-J1icl1'. i11 ligl1 t •of the governmental intere5re ol' t11e ''arirJt1s slates i11vc>l, ccl atlf1 tl1c reasonable expectation s of the · J)arlic2: lia:� Ll1 c 1110:,t st1l)sta11tiul co1111e ctio n with the contract 115 a �\·l1ole. o'I"· tl1c riarr of tl1t� contract t l1 al is in qi.1estion. Art. 20 - For11z.

Wl1 erc t.l1 c I)Urties l1a\'(� e11tcrccl int o a contra at a plac e otber ct tlinn the l)]acc ,v'llosc la,v- go,·p,r11s tl1 c contract. tl1e contract will I,e valicl ns to forni i [ it satisfies tl1c forn s p escr be bj tl1e , o t i d r 1 r ]a v- f �e lllace ,vl1erc tl1cj' ac'le11, tl1ol1gh it does n ot satisf)r tl�� foru1s· r ri p esc lr ,. provided, erl b,· , the la,v of t11 c, P·1 ace wh ose 1 a,v governs the con tract

: '



- 174, -



tl1e q11estion of ,,,l1ether tlle contx that er, .,ev . hon act mt1st b e in • ,v-ntM . nm the ed by dete n Ia,v be of the state ,vhoso. to law giover11s rtl1 e !De is ct. tra con [ •


I A.rt, 21 _ Capacity. I (l) The ca pacity of })arties to contract is t:>o· o·vernccI bY .t]1e proper • . •




Jaw of th e cont1act. P1·0,11clecl., lio,ve,,cx· � tllat.. ,v 11ere .botl1 . parties ar e stihJect to tl1e sar11c pers011ul la,,v, tl1e1r . · capacit y . . . v_er11ed by tl1c1r con1mon to cont1·act is go personal la,v.

(2) Where a IJarty laclts capacit,_.r 11ncler· tli e })roper l a\v of tl1e · .

contract, lJt1t possesses CRJ)acitJ· unclcr l1is J)crsona11a,v� Ile is cleemed to IJOssess caJ)ncit)r.

ChaJ)ter V: TORTS

I Art. 22 - Gerieral Principle.


1 l, l I

Except for the sitt1ations specifically co,rerecl i11 this cl1a1Jtcr, tl1e court shall consicler the follolving jn cleterrnini11g ,vl1et!1e1· Etl1ioJ)ian la,v sho1tld he cli1:1placed: (1) ,vhere the act lvhich is tl1e cat1sc of tl1e l1nrm occt1rrecl; (2) where the harm res11lting from tl1e. ac�t occ11rrecl � (3) ,vbere the parties are clomiciled;

e tli re lie ,v y, lit bi lia se ri r1) te en (4) ,vbere there is a qt1estion of enterprise is carriecl on; (5) ,vher e the existence o f liability depencls l1pon a re la tionsllip, ,vhere tl1e relationshiJJ is ce11terecl. er lb e li ,v le ic ec cl ll 1a sl Upon a consideration of tl1 ese factors, jt Et}·110 ia a,v sho11ld be displacecl becalISC Of t.lle Sllp erior t:o-ov• crn e n I r1clecl, Pro, s. partie ll1 enta1 inte . rest of another state or fai. rness .to ·tl1e act tl1e e . ,vl1er 23 e ho v r that, ] ' stibject to the provis1ons o·f Ar ti·c we e , as zecl acter1 cl1ar �t·ons ' 1 and th· e harm 11e� �1 . ]] a e, stat occm· in the same . e. at st t 1a tl of involving rt ,v to l a,,, shall .be cl et er1nined b y the la



v. cii L , 111 f ic p io th E o n. io tt cc li p p Art. 23 - A

· .l to LlcterJJJj11� all Cfllestions cha.r. la,v :;l1 all l)c ar,11Jic( '.ac11 of t. l 1e. fc>llo,ving situ ions: at · ( in ,v ]a ri J to 11g ,,j ,,o in as aeterizccl of tl1c� -harm occ11rred in .) ,vl 1ere t ] 1c act ,,,I1icl1 i;-; 1!1c ca11;--c: (], Ethiopia; . (2J ,vl1 crc tl1 e l1 ar.111 l1as JJcc11 s11JTcr(�,1 i.11 Et hio11ia; E tl1ioJ)ia 11

:::e(I <) 11 tl1,:. - lla sis of tl1e carrvin2 110 i111 i;-; \-vl1 c11c,,�r ]ial)ility . . 011 of a11 activit. 1{. \\'IIC'rc tl1c actj,,jt�, ,vl1icl1 ca1.1scd tl1e harrn •


,vas earrie,1 <)11 i11 Etl1io11ia:

( 4.)

r !' •


,· vl1e111;,'el" ]ial>il·it:s,' is 11111 1osecl bc('a1.1se of a rclationshi1 J cxist­ i n.g ]Jet,vecr1 tl1c� 11erso11 so11gl1 l to lJc l1e]rl lialJle a11d the ,vro11gcloer� ,vl1�re tl1e l1ar1 1 1 occt1rrecl in Etl1 10 1 lia or ,vhere tl1e re1aLiot1sl1iJ> i11 <.fttesti,Jn cxi�ls i11 Etl1 ioJJia;

(5 l ,vl1 e11c,0 er tl1<:: 1Jasis of 11a1J i1it!- i� Ll1e J)t1blisl1ing of defa1na ·

r1Laterial: ,vl1crc 1l1c r11atcrial 11as been 11t1lilisl1ed in Etl1i.01)ia or \vl1crc tl1e rlc)111icile of tl1e injt1 re(1 party is in Etl11opia.



·t ,.. z - - F· a.11�1· -� ·t. 24 I · b11,,)r At . )·· ..,1,((.

l I

(lllC., .11111ll[nl.ty·.

· (]) Tl1e lia1)i1ity for bre. f)f mc111l)ers of a fa111ilv .· to eacl1 other aches of fa111ily tlt1ty sl1a]l 1Jc (letern,ined bv the JJerso nal :la,v of tl1<� 111(�111l)cr of t l1C" {a111 il,� 1 1 1 Jon 1vl1om the ,luty is so11gl1.t to lle im1)osecl. Jy fami · a of (2 l I1n·u11111ity fro111 1ia1Jilit�existe11ce l)a�ecl 111>1J11 tl 1 e relatio11 sl1i J) s11all lJc clclcr1 11i11ecl 1) � tl1e · 1Jerso11al la,v of tJie P 8 1"1)' llJJOt1 ,vl1or11 tl1c ollligatio1 1 is so1 1gl 1 t to }J e jtl1posed. 7

Cl 1apter VI: PROPERTY · '4-rt · .., '>5 - R"iglits 1-11.


- �·c,orporeal Propert·..,t and lricorpo rea.l Prop

E1n bodied I'.n . a Doc1.,,111.ent.

All <11:re5 Lioi1 s relating to the c1·eatio11. tra11sfe1· and effect of ri b g _u . JJI in corporeal JJro11erty: botl1 1nova s ght ri an d J J1e a11cl immo,;rahle,• •

176 •


IJrOJJe1·ty tl1:.1L arc cmboc.l ic,l 111 real · o . p a cloc11meut . oi iuc r . ,::hall h e lalv Oi the l' lace ,v.11ere ll1c . b)· necl the . . i ' . . u 1 c er ,or por Jet l a . . .. e . proJ)erLy or . . ° ::-.1l at the 11,1 Lc t111 1e H.:\\ ol t1tc.� cre L . al.1·. 011 or Lra11sfer t1oc 1u11eJ1 of tl1e ril! hts. .,

:\.rt. 26 _ J{igl1ts



I 11corz1o re<1l Pro[)Crt: y 1Vut Erribodicd L-•n a Doc -

ior1 <J"l ri,rl1t · 111cor ',,rfhere• the transfer or creat ;:; � 111 • poreal ])roperty • clo ctt lli a er1 10 12- 1ua1,1 c 1J11r::t1a1 1t t od ied em b to ",. contract, �i 11 c 11e�not . 1 ru relati11g to Ll1e crenl1<. 111. lrn11�fr· r �11cl ('1Iccl of Slicll rjgl;.t:5 :,Jiall I tio t; go,·crr1i11� tl1c L·o11lr l L11c la, IJ). roi ue c det er ttct. J11 tl 1c abseiice of a he oonlract, tl1e go,·erning .12.,v $l1all lJL' ! lie .!a,r of t11e state lia,·ing the rJo3est con11eetio11 ,vill1 tl1e trn11--[1etio11. 1lrtisii c <L11-rl Li.terr:r y J>ro Jert . ,; . /1, l . i. 1 1, Ri g 1 27 y .-\.rl. _

/ (Jue5Lio11E relati11b lo rig:l"lt� i11 �trli:-:lic a11cl lite;·ary· 1)ro1-lerty 8ha11 { he governed b�·-tl1e la,,· of tl1L' �lat(� ,, i1cr(· t 11<> a11LJ1or �eeks 11rc,lection.

Art. 28 - Ca,J Jacity




. ·y11 h c la,\· governing tlJc crca! ir;1!. !ra!·,.-�lcr ar1(I c11e<.:l <)f rigl1ts in 1>roperty :-ball also go,"er11 al i t!:1r'·::tiL111� ,;l' ca1Jacil)· a!1d forr11.

1rt. 29 - Recogriition of Pro1;ert} · J{ig l,ts,

Propert)· right3 acri11jrcrJ 1111tlcr Ilic· ia,\- of <)Ile �Lale sliall be rerogn.Ize1l ,rhe11 ·t1cl1 1·ig; b t� arc ca 11c-111 •111 ! C> .cl 11e:-: l •1 011 ·1 11 E L I1 i o .1 ia ' 11 ot... · 1. ·1 stanll1· 11 111 1� L i1n(lcr E1!1io1)ian u1g Ll1c fact tl1at :-::11cl1 r1g11L ::- \\'ULIIL I 110 1· cx-·..:: · rights. · 1� Ll f 1I Ia,,I° I·1' l1 la L la ,r o,0 cr11ecl al LJ1c o 11 · I io at ·e ,... 1· I 1-. Ct t1111 <' O g . . ' rr ,-1 l Ll1 c ti111c of creation R'tgIits not cx1.· �Lir1g 1:ncle1· tJ1c In. ,r g;,�:c:·11111 ::i . _t1ch ···1'II . J t 1a � . • L1 , • t . c fa . e th ,;· in • 1 1 • , . \ 1· l·ll::-,.•• l t!. c " llOl ,,c l'Cl:ugr11ze l1 11) .ELrllOJ)J..l, Jlt)l\ rights cxi�t unclcr Eth10 1)ia11 Ja,•; . 1


t:; . •

.lrt. 30 - fvlaritc,.l Propert '· ) tll•'..., rl1aracter l]J .\.� bet,vcen tl1f > ..._·pr,,,,.,,_ v ..... _ . . (11 ' !('.-f JCJ(l:, l • s11ch in ri«nt� 1 o of the propert)· }3,· tl 1 e Sf)OllSCS �D( .

- 177 -

•.· }'('lnt111<r ·, v •• c, ..

property sliall }J c 1 J<�lcrwine<l by tl1e la,v of the J1usban d's . clomicilc at the Li111e tl1e f)ror>erty lvas acquii·ed. (2) The character of 1narital 1Jro1Jcrty shall n.ot he affected by a cl1ange of doruicile. ( 3) \°\iliere {JrOJ)erty l1as 1Jce11 sole] or exchanged by a spouse, the rigl1 ts of tli e c)tl1er :;:j)Gt1se ,vitl1 respect to the proce eds or c:x:cli ariget1 J)l"O}JCrty s11all be clelcrmined bjr tl1e la,v govern­ ii-1g· c 111 arjtal [Jroperty at tl1e time tl1e origi11al property ,vas acq11irec]. ·( ll)



Tl 1e rigll lS of Ll1ir<.l l)artics ,...-itl1 respect to dealings ,vith u1arital pro1 Jcrl)' sl1�1]l lJc cletermi11ed by tl1e lav.r of the state go·vcrni11 g the'. clisJJOsition of J)rO}Jerty as defined in Articles 2S a!1tl 26 of t11is CcJt1c. Cl1aJ)t1:r '\1 IJ:






J\.rt. 31


C'lain1s /lri.si11g fr·oni


Existing Rela.tionship.

(l) \"\fl1crc tl1e clair�J <>f ·u111a'rvfr1l e11 ricl1n1e11 t arises from a pre· existiug e.0!1Lracl1.1al 1·clationsl1ip, tl1e claim shall be deter· mir1cd l}y tl1.c la,v go\·<;r11i11 g tl1e contract.


\\ilierc tl1e clai111 aris(�.3 fro111 all)" other 1·elationship, tl1e c]ai111 sl1all !)c tlctcr1ui11ccl }Jy· the la,...- t, crovernino· .::, that relation· shi1),

. 1\.rL. 32 - C:lut111s ""lrisi11:2..· fro111. "''

t.i1c Use of Proz1erty.

\Vliere tlic claim arises 1\Till1 1·esr)ect to tl1 e t1se of prope1 1.y, in the al1se11cc of a contracltzal rclatio 11 sl1 ip� tl1 e claim shall J) e determined by tlic la,v of tl1c rilace ,vJ1erc tl1c IJrOJ)erty ,va situa at the time s te tl1e claim arose.

Art. 33 - Otlier Clcii1n.s. In an.y otl1 cr case, the clain1 sl1all be gove1·ned l1y the principles RJ)IJ1ica1Jle to the area of lavv tl1at \.Vas the source of the claim.

- 178



AGENCY AND BUSINESS : V II I te r OllGANiZA'flONS Chap Agency. 3,1 . , ;\ rt


·,1) Where an agent has into a con tract· or <,ngage , \ d 1r1 a . . _ . ... tra nsaction \ a 1.h1rd party, tl1e rirr ·h c t·l11' rcl J)arty 0 l1 t, ::, of 1. against the agent and the princir>·al sl1 �1u bC"\ l1C tClilllll '\ ... C(l ])y . _ • 1 stat e go, tl1e ·ern of 1ng Ia,v tue contract ot. .L1..ansact1. on the . ts of the agent and the l )r111cii·)a] a crrni il st · righ The 21 . cuel1 ot11cr l· . · , ·· i:iha -::.t"u le 6,. 0''Cflll·ng L-1 lC '- lJ be determined b·",, the .la,v of the· · · agency relationsl1ip.

A.rt. 35 _ Busin ess Organizatioris: 1vitli Ot1l1':-r [-'a.i·ties.

tl) Whenever a foreign business orgalliz;:it1or1 enters .into a con­ tract or engages in a transaction ·ivitl1 a11c,tl1er })art)', tlle · rights of the parties sl1all be delt�r1uinc(l b )r t:l1e 1av{ of ll i e state governing the contract or L1·a11sactio11. J?ro·,li<lecI Ll1 at, if a business org.anization engages i1:z ar1 aeti,;ity ;_}l"C)!1il::ri.tecl ])y the lavv of tl1e state ,-v11erc it has lJc�eD. ct·enlecJ, jt --.,yiJ.l t1ot he permitted to enforce all): claiDJ .s.risir1g 01Jt cf tl1(� l l'ro}1i!)it­ ed activity unless the 1)rohibitj<)!l i.l.'tlft(J�c(l 1));- tl1e state of creation is not intended tc) be a1)p lic�l,ic to .ncti,.,iL)" uJ)roaJ, or� ,vhere the or ganizati1)11 acte(! in. 1:�tliio·r)ia, it is i.11 J;t}1io11 e ;· r! l i t pi'a's gove1·n111ental i11tere$l carry on the activity. (2) \Vhere a foreign bt1sines� orga11izatirJ!? !)crl'()l"!llf- 2i.l ;:�-t:t ,vl1iel1 iL possesses ca1Jacity to JJerfor111 i111c1l'r tllt'. lav.' of tl1c stale ler of creation , but whicl1 it la�ks tJ.1c. rn J)ac·. iLy to rlcrforri1 1111t: · 1l"r fr · om tl1c 1• i1 •u: ·=s · 11·� "1 .. c�1 a.11 1e ac1-, the Iaw o·f the· '-'�tate t> (J'overn1n t:'rr l} · or· 1e , tl t 11 1) t r1, .1o 1za .n go or f: til act ·can be enforced a[ainst t. ac e tli 11 01 fr g i11 is ar ::111 ai (�l ganization ca11not enforce any V

.\rt. 36 - Business Organizatioris: /riternal 11/f£iirs.

cJ rn C •-c ] · ing forffo 1 , c e · 0\_ SubJec · t to the pro,;isions of tl1e Con1L11f�rf;1a I eim aff1te.r11al 1 i · . tlie t O . �.e1atiil{S , " bnsu 1 . · 1ess organ1zat1011s, all qu s 1011 est · of state tl1e of . aira of th e w · a 1 1 · e organization shall be g.overnecl hY tl creati on.

- 179 -

BIBI.IOGRAPHY OF THE CONFLICT OF L.AWS FoU.o\, ·in!!: i:- :..! Ji:,L of book.;:; a11d arti"le.s on ·tl1e con.flict of laws that are a'tail­ :iblc in the Jil)rai·y of the F':ieulty of I.,a,,· or llaile Sellassie I Un:iver.sity. Tl1e l)oob include Eugf i:3}1 :ind F"ren<·h ,,·orki�, t.hougl1 the articles are limited to those i-a l.:Uglisl1.

En�lish �

•'• ,

\n1eriran Journal of (�on1Jlarati,·e J,a"·� )i." .,\th C'el!tur_,· C'onlJJurat;.r.;e an<l Con .flirts /.,aH, (1961 J ( :--on1e of Ll1e e$:.:ay:; inclitderl in the }Joo].. are in otl1er language.a). :\n1eriean La,r ln::-litule, Rcsturc111 ent of the C:onflir·t of Lu2c.s <1934) and Ten tative 1)raft" of tlie JJe.,- talen1cn1 of <.�0111flict of La\,�, Second Serie�. •




.-\::-.:-ociation o( .-\111erira11 l,a,r S<·hool�, .)ef er:te,l [? e(l(lirif! ... .S Oil C011.flict _of Lai .. .t:s


c:a!>lel, [> rirute /11 1er11atio11ul l�r11c ( 1960).



'. .


T{,,e;:e anrl l{o.-enherg:. (,'ns..-s on C onfli ct of Laivs, 5th ed. l�l1eatha1n, <_;ri�\10Jd. · (196-1 J. (�hi:�hi re, ] >ri I'll/ e I 11ter11r1t.i01111 ! [,o 11'. 6 l 1 1 ed. 1 ] 96 J 1 • <.:urrir., Sele,'te<I .t:ss"."S 011 the (,'011/li ct o f 1:.a1cs t ]963;. l)i1·ey':; (:011//ic( uf /Jl/t'S. 1//i e<f., 1}f orr is <1958). l'.:lirc11z,vei;!. 'I'r<'olise 011 the Conflict oj l.,a11·s (1962 J. c;oodri,·h. (:"11(/i,·1 of ./�ores. -\.th ed., S,·ole.s (]964 ). Graveso11, C1u,es OIi r:011/lict::; (] 1 1 J.9 i . , Grave,,011. C:011jli,·1 of J,oius .- .1.1 I i ed. (l 960) . �\forrj::, , (:( (.� (:'-" IJ/1 /)ril'ltt< J ]11[{!/"Jllt(io110/ ].;f(I('_. 3 t cl e<l. ( ]960). Jtahcl, 1··1ie. r;o11_flil'/ of l.,11rs: . I c -:on1J)ara tir<> .5111,l-.-.. ,1 \' 0 I $. ,' 194. ;) • 19;) -3) • Sc·h!!1i1thoff, {'ril'il/C l11ternrt!i,1nni /.,nzc. '.i rd ,·d. 1195-1-1. . ') · Stun,l)er::..', ., 1'cxtl)('( J >I\· {)/I ,1·l(' (�O - IIJIIC( of· �(ll('S. 3re'l ,�J. <_19 63). \\ .- oJfr, J> ricote 1111,•rnationfl! La,c, 2nd t'd. 11950 ). J-'rericli


:; r1uiujon, J>recis cle l)roit l11 tt'r1 1rtlio11r1/ {) ri 1·e. 2nd ed ( _ . . 1927). l,alt1fol, .1.fs11 ,,cts J >/1ilos()p/zi 11< . /)ro it Tnt.,,'-' r,1a t" q 'S /) . l O11 fl !. [>r1·. , • r , • , .• , ' Ve 19 (_ 56 ). Latt,foJ. 1 �uile l•,/" 111(' 11111irr> l)e 1 Jrnit l ntcrnati ono / P r ) ir e. 3rd ed. \1959), IJal.loz, I rec ts I J<•, l)rn· it Intl ' rnr1 tio11 ([ / T',.,· l'<?' .- ::it. - I1 !�(] • ( 1958). . . 1Jeeroux, l)ro1t. l11tnr11rrtion//l r r i i ·e 1 �Joroero) (196,,, . .) ) . ,�·.oyer, l.'t'/1(' 1t1011 , l//(, !:.iti111e , et <:ha 11p.1 > 111c11t (/e la Lo i ..tlp11liC'able (1964) . l· rance,s1·aki:-::, Lo �flze/,rie (/ 11 R <>111 ·oi t 1958). · J_,:,i Garde. l�cch.erches .)l( r ]�'O r(lr<> /Ju/; c,, ]) . na P . , roit. · . I 11/ernntro · . J .,1.. p,11 . 1·IIe.. 1, l rive (1959) . e /Jro 11 , l11ter11a tio11a / P r il 'e l l 9,1-8 ) · l..erel,our"-(>igeo,m·· . 11 1 e. re, D10 · - Inter11 ot1.011al Prive . 7th ed · (1959) · Zultay, J,c c:onditio11 cl , e la L oz· E'll'<lllf!ere en Droit Internat iona l Pri v e'(1958). 11




- 180 -




• ·' , I

, ,1


1 •.



Collflicts Lu1<: (inr.ll1 cli11 .,."' picrticul Mr of �·s ,uri ·e I . s-t.:.i I e�) · Gene ra .. ·

fJict.s l,a,v, 1 ..-irneri<:uri l o urr,a/ Fren<"h Cou : of i on l djfira : 01. C:on11>uratit·e Luic ,· vv,. . 404 (1952) t oif L11,w.s in Recent East El1r•OJ >ean 'l'reat,ic� · � Drobing. Conflic ·_ . " .,� r11erica11 Journal rv of Comparative La 487 (1956) ;- rench Dra,fL on Privat� T11te1, 1 1 ationul Lui\ ' ,i Th� ern, - lntern,,tronul anc/ L us;ou mparative Law Qz,arterly 378 ( 1956). °‫ ڇ‬Co )JcCusk er, The ltalia11 Rulec; of tl1c Conflit:t of La,\·:-. .25 'l'ul""P. J,,,,c llePiezc 70 (1950). ,\[eij eru, The Be11elux Con,·cntio11 on J>ri,·aLt• Jnt,•rnational r ,:1,,. '):. ,/t nieri,:ar, · Journal of Coniparntive I,a1p l {19:53). �icoletopoulos, Private Internation:1 l La�· in the .Ne\\· Greek (�i, il 1.ode. 2� · • Tu lane J.,atv Revie1c 452 l 19-t() l . Rahel. An lute.rim _.\.. c('ou11t on Compnrati,·" Conflict, La,, ·..f(, ,\lichi{!.1111 [,r11c He­ t1iew 625 (1948). Srrupo�iam, Ne·,\· Tre.nru in the ConHi (' I T,,a/l· 1111r/ C:011te1111Jorar_,. Problen1s 673-869 ( 1963) .

· 1-listory oj Conflicts La,,· : Ehrem\\·eig, .l\.merican Co11flict.s La"· in 1Ii�toric.:al J>er;;perLi,·e, JO:� L· nirersit._,. 1J/ Pe1111syli;ania La1c Re vie1,7 ]:l:l (]954).


�ack, Conflict of La,�·s in the RisLnr�· of Engli:-h I,a,,, Se lecte<l l( earli n,es 011 C o ,,. /lict of Latv3 1 (1956). Yatema, 'fhe HIBtoric Bases of PriY:1Lc lntern;ilio nal f�a\\". 2 . ,lr11f.•ric1111 Journal u{ Co111p(lrfltive Lau, 297 (] 953) . Theories as to the 1\1a111re of the C o nflict . of

f�r111 1.,;

Baner, Choice of La"·· 42 Bnr I�evi e ,c• -16 ( 196-l). Bland, Oas!ificalion Revi�ited. 6 [nter11r1tinn,1I on<! C onrJ>aratire Lc111· Quarter(,, IO (195i).




Uri�gs, The Jurisdjctioua1 Clioire of J., rt\\· I{f'lalion in Conflit:ls Rnlc�� 61 l1arrard Lrru; Reuieu: 1165 ( l 948) . 11v0 Bri 1,.,�, 7 ·1: Th e TGL1uly • j t> ,· ,·1 .'.l Polt' l·,.· C 1:nlcrecl (:011flict uf ' ·1p . :,; di'ctio11a I_ r>r111, of t} 1c Juri La 1�1,, Selected Readings on C of f.,,,fl1vs .J.98 (J956J · f'arsirell, The Doetrine of \;ested Ri�hL5 i 11 Pri,·ate International La\\. 3 I n terna­ tional r111<L Cornparar.; ve Lr1iv Q11o;terly 263 ( l 9j9) · tt' ] 73 vie Re u· L,a Cive r�, .i\ Critique of r,/ r11a Il" tf.7 n1. l J th,: Choi re of l.,;.i,,- JJrol f! (193 3). lity, 58 ri l' . d au Cheathllm , A ruer1can J,.. o R r ei 1 J T : _ -<; . . eor1eof ('.on fl'11·t o f l,,., .. 1'h Harvard Law Rev ie1,v 361 ( 1945). 959 ieiv Chcath am Rev : Lau bia Co/1,m l9 and Rees.e• Choice of ...� 1>plica1,1e L""-, 52 (


- 181 -

Cook, The Logical and Legal of tl1e Conflict of Laws, Selected Readings on Conflict of Laws 71 (1956). Currie, l\tlarried Women's. Contracts: A Study_ in Conflict of Laws Metho� Select­ -ed Essays ·on tl1e Conflict of Laws (Currie) 77 (1963). Currie, Notes on l\tlethods and Objectives jn tl1e Conflict of La\\liS, Selected Essays . on tl1, e Conflict of La-ivs (Currie) 177 (1963). C11rrie, On tl1e Displacement of the La.,v -of the Forum, 58 Columbia Law Review 964, (1958) ; also Selectecl Essays 3. d.c Sloovere, The Local Lu,v Tl1eor}' and Its Implications in the Conflict of La,vg, 41 llarvard Law Revie1v 4,21 (1928). EL.rcoz,veig, Cl1 aracterjzation in. the Coniliot of La,vs: An Unwelcome Addition to i\.merican Doctrine, XXtlz. Century Comparative and Conflicts Law 395 (1961).

Ehrenz,veig, Tl1e Lex l<'ori - Basic Rule in the Conflict of Laws, 58 Michigan Lato Review 637 (1960). li'ulconbridge, Conflict R11lc and Cba1·acterization .of Question, 30 C<lnadian Bar l{evieiv 103 (1952). Graveson, Jt1 dicial }U!stice as n Contemporary Basis of -the English Conflict of Laws. .' XXt/1- Ce11t.llr)' Con111arative and Conflicts Latu 307 (1961). G.rJ yi:;son, Philosophit.:al Aspects of tl1e Englisl1 Conflict od'. La.,\TS, 78 Law Qua rte.rlr lZeviczv 337 (1962).



1:-IJr.cock, Tl1ree f\.pprouches to the Choice o.f La,v Proble� Century Com· . · parative ancl Co1tflicts Lazv 365 (1961). Lorenzen, The Qualificatior1, Classifi.cation and Characterization Problem in the Con.flict of La,,·.s, 50 Yale Laiv Journal 743 (1944). Niboyct, Territoriality and Universal Recognition of Rules of Conflict of Laws, 65 flarvard Laiv Reviezv 582 (1952.). Nussbaun1, 1'11e Rise a11d Decline of the L�r,v elf. Nations Doctrine in the Conflict of Lu,vs, 42 Colzi111bia Latu Revieiv 561 (1942). l{obertsou, A Survey �f tl1c C .haraet.erization Problem in the Coufl�ct of La.,vs, 52 Ilarvard La zv llevie·tv 711,7 (1939). S0110,. Ne,,r Ilase5 for Solution of Co·nflict of Ln,v-s p robl ems, 55 Harvard Law Re v · 1e1u 978 (19,12). SLcve n, The Rela�ionsl1 i1> oI Private International Public Interna tiona l Law to �� Lc1,,, 52 Col1in1b1a Lniv Reviczv 561 (lgs2). \Volff, A Ne,v Doc.trinc 011 J)ri,,atc I 11 ter11:.1t1'on" •• l Lu.., ,v, 63 Laiu Quarterly Revie1v 322 (19,t7). . . Yntemn, Tl1e Objective of Pr iva te Intern.ational Laiw, 35 Canadian Bar Revie1v 721 (1957). Personal Statzts and Famil')' Law


t •

Goodricl1, Foreign Marriages and the Conflict of, 21· Michigan-. ia1i1 Reviesf 74, 3 (1923) . I(ermcdy; Recognition of F•oreign Div orce and Nullity Decriees, 35 Canadian- Bar 9 Revie-zv 628 (1 57).

-182 -



ate International La,v: Reflection.s, jn Priv ptio n Ado · o n tl1e Scope a n d L... te .in, . n er n tio at 12 I t n, io · na l a11d ConiJJarati"ve L onven atv Quarterly 835 1p�Li01 1t of a C (}963) · � n of Polygamous Mar:r� in Eng1is1i L I 0 . The Recogn:itio a;w, 66 Il · arvard (19 53 Af . evie w 961 ) R tioo and Effects of Foreign Adoption o r der.s, Recogn.i , nell 35 Canadian Bar O 'Con · 95 5) RevieW 635 (1 l ') a · E.'..l1ll·op1.a Domicile tl1e ncl l r ersonal La,v m ' o nality. Nati · , II Journal ' ,edler, of . 6 9 1 ( 5) 161 Laz .v Ethiopian mation. Legjtimacy and Recog·nition in the Conflict of Legi ti r into La,vs, T 1 ). ct 13 of Co1ifli 8 Lau1s (1956 a S el�ted Readi, ngs on. ain �f. hat La,v the Ceremony, Incidents n.11d Statu.s of lvlarria tor g.e, T lict on Conf of Lat.vs 725 (1956). I Sel�ted Readings




Goodrich, Inheritance Proble.lll!5 in the Conflic-1 o.f La,vs, 24 1'l1icliiga11. LC1zt.,1 Revietv 558 (1926). Ra� The Form of Wills, Selected Readings on Conflkt of Lazv.s 985 (1956). Contracts

i II Cavers, Re-Restating the Conflict of La,vs: The Cl1apter ,on Contracts, tury Comparative and Conflicts Law 349 (1961).

Cohn, The Objectiv-ist Practice on !the Proper La,v ,of Contract, 6 International and Comparative La1.v Quarterly 373 (1957).



XXth Cen-


Cook, Contracts and the Intention ol,£ the Parties, Selected Readirzgs on Con/Li.ct of Laws 639 (1956).

Currie, Married Women . '.s Contracts: A Study in Conflict of Laws I\-1et11od, Select· ed Essays on tlie Confli.ct of Laz.vs ( Currie) 77 (1963). EhrellZ\veig, .A.dhesion Contracts i n the Conflict of La\vs, 53 Columbia La1v Revie111

1072 (1953).

Ehren�veig, Contracts, 59 Colunibia Laiv Review 973, 1171 (1959).

Hamhro , Autonomy in the International ContTact La,v of tl . 1e Nordic States, 6 lntern ational and Comparative Laiv Qztarterl-y 589 (1957) · " Oliver, 8tandarclization of 53 ontraci..:,, C 1 utiona Intern for Rules " La,v of e Choic " , i American Journa l o f International Laiu 385 (1959). � Reese, Contracts anc1 the parative Restatement Second, 9 lriternational and Com Laiv Quarterly 5 3 1 (1960) . ti and Smith, Capacity in the al tion rna Inte 1 dy, Stu e ativ par Com Conflict of La,vs: A . Comparative Laiv Quarterly 446 (1952). I ij . e ativ par Com nger, Life Insurance and rial atio erri lrit .and the Con·flict of La\v.S, 13 Law Quarterly 482 (1964). i Yntem· a, Autonomy Comparative Law of l rna Jou can eri ./-1m and Choice otf Lai,v ' 1 3 1 4 (1952). '


- 183 -


om1ne0Ls on Babcock v. C � se ee R r, la cf l, . i;a Jtu re , :a,·r:r�. (:lie�illi:nn. (:urrie, Ch • 3) 96 11 ]2 12 tC ,iC ei � ./ ' rtH / ., ]fl�J.-so11 . (i'.-i (,'o/ u 111l1 i1J Colz1 11ibia Law Revic1u 202 11935). 35 , \'::1\ [,: of 'I li< nl l:o e th 1d r:ook. ·rnrl l.iahiliLv a1 on1ati J1 in tl1e Conllict of ut � us rs ve on ti � c·a tli 1 j \d , � (1963;. _ '. 1 :urril', :-iur,·iy:11 of 1-\rtion:c-: _ 8 }_ e) r1 ur 'C s zc fJo of . ct fr T1/ 0 (, . e 1h on �·s E n ! L�,,, ,...'1electe( ss tistate 'forts, .Selected Read­ ul !\-l l na io nt te In in ni; 1\eti · of 81ireni',\\ ei!!. rhe Place t1956). in!!s . (;II c:011.{lic t of. L111vs 60-� s, 33 Canadian Bar Revie1v 1155 (1955). a,, , l. of 't lil nf <:o e 1 1l ;n :-; e ;: (::1 rt 'fo J l:1rp1•r. lected Readings 011. Conflict of Se l::. enr Tr 111 rrr: (:u : ri-To ,,·: f.,:1 of e l,rl'l:1r, (:hoi1· I ,II I( 'S :; 61 l 195 6 l • \l11rri,-. '1'!1 1• J>rnper l., a\\ · of a Tori, 6-l· 1-larvard La1i' I·:eviezi· 881 tl951). l'ro.�:-{·r. 1 11ter-,l:1lt· J' . 5] 11' /ichigan f.,a1.u Reviezv 939 (1953;. l{e1·,,.c and r·1 t::-rl1, .-\:rcn1·y :ind \·ir:1 riou:c- l.,i:1hil·i1y in tbe Conflil't oif IA,vs, 60 (: o / 11111 hi11 /.(1/IJ l\evie1r i(i-1- ( I 9(i0 l. ll.l t1·i 11:-tei 11 . 'l'l t e r>ta1·e of \'\-'ron:!, 19 'J'11l11ne J_a1c Jic,,ie1l' ,i , 19.;..1,. ·� 111 :tl,. 'l'i,rl· :!nd th1 • r:0 11 liil 't of [,a\\'::-. 20 illo(le>rn Lall· l�e>z;ie1c ,1!17 !]957\.

r •



·r,,111 ·r111:111. 1:11 n1·tion:1I l)a�i,. ut' tltc l�ule Lol'u,.. Rc:::!;l ..\l'tuo1 in E11gli.sl1 Conflict Hul t··. :2 l 111,•r11atio1111/ 1111rl Co1111u1ratire La1c Q,;arter/3· 27 (]953). · \\ el,1, :111d IJro,\ulie. :-:inrYival nr .:.\ction in Tort and tl1e Conflict o[ La,r:.. 1� / 11 1r•r11(1lio1111/ a111/ <.:01111>1/rr1ti1·e l,aH· (Jlt"rterl_,· l , 1965).

l,a,,·:-: and r 1 r11p,·rty. 10 .llcCi!I L -01c Jourual l ( 1964-J. flr,·�da,ii·r. lininuYablc� :incl ::'lfoYaldl' l 1r0Jlerty. 17 i\fo<le rn l�a1c .lZei;ieu: 16i (1954) . l::.ir11a!1a11• 'J'an�ihle Propl�rty a11cl lltl' l'.()ll[lict of La,\·s, Selectell l�eadings 011 Con-

l\;,,.11·r. l:,>11fli1'1


jlu· t of /,,11vs 906 11956).

. ( :.,uk. I1111110\·ahlt's an<l th l ' l,a\\ .. r th·· " ·-) -·) ]·/art(lrc � ·-::.,· 1 -lt ·. l T,aH' Ret·ieH' ]2-i6 (]939). I ) :l \ i •• .( : 0 IId j I i () ll · ti '-.;··ti ('"· .an t ( ( ··( iatle ] ;\l \ orlg:1g:c5 in tl1e Conflict of f_a\\' :!' 13 Inter· . / , _ /!(//lfl/1111 1/1/( (,(Jfll/Jllrtt[ll'P /_t(I(' <.) 1111rlcr /�· s:) t 1964) • . IJ1·L1 11n11·. :\l:irital fl rOJlc:rt,• ·in d A 11 1 er 1 l·:111 • F • rencl1 (:onflic·.t oo La"'"· 2 An1erican . • . Jo11r11HI o.f (.1,111p(lr11/irr• l.r1 1c :�:i ( 1955). • Il1·)l1·11d:d), 'J'Ji,, (:J1·1r"l'lt•ri·•·11 j II (>r npr, et:1 ·y lli�l1l,- to Tan�il>le .\f o,-abl e� in I ll f -, � 1l i 1· (:011l!it·t of .L i:"'". • • , 11,(111(' JIii(' J\CVICH' 3 7,� ( }9,!}) ·• , • :-iuutlt. (:l:.1.�:sifi l'alio11 h Y II IP · Sil. . , Co11 .fl.1 r-l ol. La,,'15, 26 1,toder11 La,v J",evi.et1, l 1· 11 thc · · 1r1 11963).

, / . ' is



I 1a 1111 upn11lo:- ?ilov·tl,1.. . j .I 111ov: 1I,,, · 9 1 · · L � 1 11 . ,13'1', .1111 • c.;:... · l 1 , I . - ""'· in -0111:;1:ina anc1 Corn.{)"I'. ,e .. · l ' Li, u 1 u111 , 11111 JA111' ]),cvre1e 517 (]962 ). J'f gency /Ill(/ l111si11 e� � ()rrr · ., ,:,(1 11 1= · <1/1011s . l{ee�e, A -gene·,· • i11 Li t I"' l'.onfl'll'l ur I ''l "'" ,cts \. Il1· C ent1Lr;· Coniparative and Con11· · .\...'' ' · L atv 409 (1961). J

-� '

- 184-

an, The La,v Governing Corporate Aff a1rs, 58 Columbia Ka ufm d ReeEe a� Lar,u ) . (19 58 · 8 Rev1e1v ]11 roceclure ce-P · t an b . S· �ll Procedure iri tl1e C:011flic:-t of La,,,�, ;�9 1,Iirl,i "" and unc e ;;:tth st 1 . J.,a,v I< cv i eu; 1·11• C!, .; g ' 392 (1941) · ao<l "Pr.ocedt1re" i11 tl1c C'.onO i1·.1 of J_,a,"::, Selcrtc<I f�c e" tan c ''Su bs k ar/i11 g.� Coo Conflict of La1v5 499 (1956).

011 .

C]· J oice of La"· Governing Proo{., 58 11nrrar,/ L,aH· l�c•viPH' · · 1,1) · 1s,1. ' r·19, � · .; IJer' The Erie Outcon1e 'fest as a Guide lo Sul.1::-lanrc and l)roced 11 rc in the ,.,ec Coo.flict of La,,,s, 3"l !i\1e1c 1ror 1i: Unii;ersit�· f.,1111' l�el'ie,c 813 t. 1962). )[ � Jl , .· orii:i

The Renvoi / f Briigs. Utility for Solvin g the Ren,.,oi� Selectc,l l�ea<lin .�s 011 (:011 lict. o ./_,rues �189 (1956). Griswold, Renvoi Revisited, Sl 1-fart·arcl Lr11<' Re11ie1c 1165 (1938) . Von �'lehren, The Ren\·oi and Its Relati o11 10 \;nriou.� :\ 11proaehes Lo lhe C:l1oiC'e­ of La,v Prohlen1, XXtlz Cent.ur_,. Co1111Jorati1:e u11rl (;011.flicts {,r111· :)flll 1196] '1. Public Polic-• r .-

K.alzeuhach, Con'flicts 011 a11 U11rnly I-lorse, 65 } 11/e La1t, Jour1111l 1087 {}9:'}6). Panhen and Sovern, "Public:- Policy"' .in the C:onfl.irl of l,a"· <c, 56 Col11111bia Ln11.· R.eviflw 969 (1956).

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