The Ethiopian Penal Code of 1930

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1930 •


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THE CONQUERING LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HAILE SELASSIE I CHOSEN BY THE LORD EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA. WIIEREAS tl1erc is l1rger1t need to set up pro,•isional criminal courts ttl try all Etl1i0Jlians a11cl otl1e1·s of like status guilty of an)r crime con1 111ittecl iu Etl1io1>ia against tl1 e Etl1iopia11 Pe11al Cocle or Custo1nary La,v-. UNDER TIIE PROVISIONS of Article 9 of our Co11stitl1tio11 ON TI�l.b: PROPOSAL of Ollr lVIi11ister of Justice WE PRONOUNCE. Art. 1. ,.fl1ere sl1 all JJe estalJlisl1ed in tl1e ,.v]1ole Etl1iopinn Terrilor�r e,�traordi11ar)' cri1ni11al trilJu11als ,vitl1 jl1riscliction to try all EthioJJians and otl1ers of lil{e stat11s g11ilty of any crime co1n1nitted i11 Etl1iopia agair1st tl1 c Etl1iopia11 Penal Cocle 01· Customary La,v. Art. 2. Tl1ese trilJ11nals sl1all ]Je composecl of j11dges aJlpointecl by us fro111 ti111e to ti1ne. Not less than six shall }Jc British Judges proJJosecl ]J y tl1e Deputy Cl1 ief Political Officer at our Teqt1est. Art. 3. 1\. trib1111al "rill l>e duly co11stituted to try a case if it is composecl oI at least tl1rec me1nlJers. Art. 4. The TrilJ11nals sl1 all sit from time to time in 011e or n1ore Courts ancl in s11cl1 places as tl1 e Minister of Justice sl1all appoint. Art. 5. \Vl1ere a11)r q11estion is to ]Je decided by a trilJunal ancl the memlJers are 11ot u11a11i1nous tl1e decision of tl1e majority sl1all prevail. Art. 6. A Sentence of deatl1 sl1all not ]Je carried out unless confirn1ed b)· us. A1·t. 7. Any perso11 affected }Jy any decision of tl1e Tril)unal m�y acldress • • a pet1t1011 t o us. Art. 8. Tl1e l\1inister of J 11stice may call for the record of an)r case JJefore the trib1111nls to assure l1imself of the correctness legality ancl }Jropriety of aU procee·dings ancl to tra11smit the same to lls ,vith such oJJse1·vatio11s as he thinks fit. Art. 9. For tl1e p11rpose of tl1is Proclamation ''persons of like status'' are meant t o incluq.e prote�ted and colonial subjects of forei gn state6, as well as those "rho ]Jelonu to populations , judicial a:i1d social traditions customs and icleas are a11al�u, 0011s to tl1ose of tl1e Etl1iopians. Art. 10. This Proclamation repeals Proclamation No. 4 of tl1e 28t11 June, 1941. Done in our tour of Aclclis AJJa}Ja tl1e 5th August, 19;!}.





Preface }Jart I. Part II.

The ]alv ancl r1t11n'ber of the pt111isl1me11ts of criminals





Co11cerni11g cri111e ,v]1icl1 is co1u1nittecl against the Gover11n1ent


Co11ccr1Jing cri1r1e ·,vl1icl1 is co111rr1itted against a p erson


Part IV.

Co11cer11ing cri111e ,v}1jcl1 is co111rr1ittecl against p1:o JJert)'




Part V.


1 J,e J )t1nisl1n1c11t of a ma11 ,,,110 lJreaks s1na]J Jaws •








I I )I

THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH HATH PREVAILED Haile Selassye 1st, the Appointed of God, King of the Kings of Ethiopia .

We liave re·vised ctrid issztecl tlie follotvi,ig coricer1ii1ig cri11ies co11i11iitted agcii1ist tlie Governrrient, c1,gai1ist t/1.e JJersori aricl cigcii1ist: propert')r, a1icl co11cer1iitig tlie JJittiislir1ie1it of all otlier cri1riinals.

P R EFACE rl'l1e reason ,vl1y we l1ave thot1g}1t it good to re·vise a11d isst1e a la,v for th-e punisl1n1e11t of tl1ose wl10 give alJ11se a11cl co1u1uit assault, wl·10 cause serio11s injur)r a11cl ta.l(e life, a11d of every otl1er crimi11al is IJecat1se ,ve a1·e convi11ced of tl1e conti1111al cl1at1gc of tio1cs a11d seasons a11cl of Ll1e co11tj-u11al cl1ange i11 the conditions of J)roperty and people. rI'al<.ing as a basis t.he previo11sl)r existing la,v ancl 1.l1e �1mount o.f 2. clamages and. }Jt1nisl11nent, we ha · ,,e macle our esLin1aLe acco1·ding to the times anti J)er.iod, accorcling to the increase of I11an's knowledge ancl accordi11g to tl1e i1r11Jrove111ent oI the co11cLi Lio11s of l1is existence. Also th. e custom whicl1 has obtair1·ed 1111til now l1as been. tl1at the 3. criminal sl1ou1d be p11nished only for a11 injury whicl1 :is apparent to the ey-e, and tl1e a1no1mt of pm1isl1ment for the injury ,vhicl1 consists in the transgression of tl1e established la-w- has not bee11 defined by law in sucl1 a way that by weighing the degree and extent of the injury and examining tl1e responsibility of the criminal a true j11dgment wo1tld ]Je o}Jtained. Accorcli11gly ,vhen a roan is · brought to justice for· breaking ru.1 edict rrncl la,v, tl1e judges only kno"v tl1at he is cl breaker of the edict and law, ancl beca11se tl1ey do not l<now tl1e degree of tl1e crime and amount of the punishment, they are accustomed to pronou11ce a sentence to the effect tl1at lie is to be punished lJecause he has clone tl1is, but the Governn1ent kno,vs what tl1.e punislJment is. But no,v, in order tl1at all sucl1 clifficulties n1ay cease lJy separating 4. and making kno,-vn tl1e crime and tl1e IJunisl11nent, and iu order that the 1.

3 •

· · IJv people n1ay Ile able without d1·m1cuI l)' Lo a·ist111gui�1:,l1 ,vl·1 at is forbiclclen · • • · Iaw and ,v I1at 1 s not forJJ "Idde11 , an d tI1at ]J y ]e•a1·ni11rro Euro1Jean . pract1ce · · I ed ge,, }J ecause tl1e ] J as1s of our they may attain to a }11gh degree of know · · · code of l aws 1n n1 an)• JJ Iaces fiits 1n ,v1 · t h t·-he European code ' we have ' · · ..1tr)' up to now' " 11] tl1 e cow Jeen )· 1as Cl WlthOllt • c1a11cr111 I I tl "\\r cr J hi la,,r e 1 0 0 · · ·tl1e ve l1 armon1sed the two ancl esta11· ::1 ] a,v 1n ., ar 1923 (1930). J 1sIJeeI·tI1 1·�

5. •

· The reason ,-.,]1 y we b ave. causecl a _ re,,isi_ o1 � to ]Je 111 ade 0� �11 : la"'' co11 cernino- dama1Yes for alJuse a11d serious 111J11ry a 11 d coi,cern111 e tl1 e punisl1 me�t of takers of life and all other criminals �s ]Je.cause w� 1 1_ ave noted on the eighth page of _tl1 e JJreface of Ll1 e FitJ1a Neg a_sL L?e IJrir1 c�1Jle 11nclerly-ing the orders of tJ1 e Tl1 ree H 11nclrecl ,vl1icl1 L�1ey give 111 tl1 e �� tl1a Negast in the words, ''Act accorcli11 g to )'011r olJser,'aL10 11 s of tl1c con�1t1011s of times and seasons.'' •


Another reaso11 -is ]J ecause 1none)r J1as· co11 ti11 11011sly ]Jecon1e n1 01·e -plentiful and tracle ] 1 as constantly i11 creased o,vi11 g lv tl1r.! tra de \vl1i_ch has con1e from different fo1:eig11 cot111 tries ))y reaso11 of tl1 e co11 tact ,v1Ll1 Et1ropeans; also ))ecause tl1 e formaLio11 of co11 11J a11 ies l1 as ]Jeg11n; a lso ]Jecause i t is necessary to esta1Jlisl1 a_ la,v fo1· 011r J)eople as a res11lt of t J1eir ti-eacljng Lh.e JJatl1 leadi11 g to ci,,ilisa tio11.


According to tl1 e custo1 · 11 of 011r co11ntry cla1nages and Jlunisl11nent a re constantly l'eviscd according Lo tl1e co11clitions of tl1e tin1es and sea sons. •


It is 11ecessary fo1· a Ia,v to ]Jc iss11ecl concerni11g tl1e cli.ffere11t irn1)leme1 1ts a11cl articles lvl1icl1 are made in acco1·clance ,viL11 tl1 e increase of the peo1J le's kno,-\rledge wl1iel1 time ] J rings al}o11t; ancl as JJ 1·ocla1n a Lions u1 1less tl1ey are o]J ser,,ecl are l1armf11l, ,ve l1ave 1nac)e a la,v defu1 i11g tl1e ,., JJ 1111 isl1ments of all crimi11 als i11 orcler tl1at tl1 e p 1111isl1 ments may ]J e kno,vn.


Da1nages and fi11 es ,vbicl1 i11 tl1 e year 1700 ,vere }J aicl in cattle, in tl1e yea1· 1800 ,v-ere Ilaicl in salt, in tl1e year 1900 ii1 clollars. But since tl1e )rear 1900, owing to tl1 e increase in tl1 e peoJJ le's kno,vledgc, the wider spread of tracle, tl1e greater love of '\\-'ork, tl1 e grea ter cl1eap11 ess of tl1e dollar a n d the diminisl1ecl profit ,vhicl1 is rTainecl h)' tl1 e clolla1· . tl1e . 0 ' damages and fme ha,,e been of 11 0 profit to tl1 e inj11recl ma11 ,vl1 o l i as ] )ee11 awarded ,damages a11 cl l1a,re 1J een no cleterre11 t ancl no )J11 rcle 11 to t] 1 e 1 offender 1-\ 110 has l1 ad to pay clamages. All the a clvantao-es of foo d ancl clotl1ing ,vl1 icl1 are necessar)' for 111an's existence ,vhicl1° \-Ve re formerly · p11rcl1 ased for one dolla1 cost to-day up to five -clollars i 11 a distTict n ea r to a to,vn ancl up t ? two ,clollars jn tl1 e co11ntry at a clista11 ce from a to,-ru. For tl1 ese reasons IL l1as 1Jecome necessary to i-evise tl1 e Ia,v of da ma 0o-es and punisl1 ments.





In orcler tl1at a crimi11al ;ma)r be se11tenced to a pu1 1isl1 1ne11t i11 • • pro1lort1on to tl1e degree of l1is crime, the cri111e aucl its p1111isl1me11t ,\rill he fo11nd clefi11ed i11 tl1e cl1a1lters w}1icl1. follow. '


But 11e,v cases l1ave a ,vay of coming UJl from tin1e to time, so if a ne,v case is 1net witl1 wl1ich is not clescribed i11 this cod.e, it sJ1all ]Je settled for L11e time bei11g lly· tl1ose rt1les wl1ich cover it h)' tl1cir ,vorcling; if it is 1 1ot coverecl lly the ,vordi11g, tl1e j11clge sl1all use his kuo,vledge arid settle it lly exa1ui11i11g ,v11at r11le ,vill co,r er it lJy i11terpretation and • meaning .


If an e11tirely 1 1ew case arises ,vl1icl1. ca1mot 1Je covered by tl1e ,vorcling

and inte 1·1)1·etatio11, the case sl1all be l)rot1gJ1 t and clccidecl


tl1e cl1ief co1u·t.


We 11ave acted thus a 11cl issuecl tl1js cod.e in order that tl1e juclges 1ly weigl1ing tl1ese tl1ings ma)'- J)ass a se11tence clefined as to tl1e length of in1priso11ment a11d as to tl1e au1011nt of fine by the prirtciples of tl1c establisl1ed la,v rather tl1an })y ju<lgi11g by private OJli11ior1 and c11stom.


Among tl1e 1Jeo1lle of tl1e Jlrese11t clay·, tl1e n1e11 wl10 c]o ,vro11g unintentionally are 111ore in number tl1a 1 1 tJ1e n1en wl10 do wrong inten­ tionally, and so i t is 011r p1Trpose tl1at a severe p1u1isl1111er1t sl1all T1ot ]Je given to a man ,vl10 l1as r]one ,vTong u11i11tentionall)r ,vitl1out esti 11.1 ating Also it is our purJlose to distu1g11isl1 bet"veeu a n1an ·· l1is understanding. wl10 acts ,vilf1tlly and a11otl1er man who does not act wilf11.lly, ancl to djstinguish IJetween an i11j11ry wl1icl1 is clo11e (? i 11tc11tior1ally) u,ncl ar1 inju 1 ·y whicl1 is done unintentio11ally in tl1e 1nid.dle of work, witl1out p11r1lose, by sudcle11 acciclent a11d lly forget£ul11ess.


Our Lord has said i11 tl1e Gospel tl1at he wl10· kr1ows m11cl1 sl1all .be punished much b11t lte wl10 knolvs little sl1all be p1�nisl1ecl little. ( St. L11ke, 12, 47.)


Tl1e Three Ifundred, kno w · i 11g it is 11ot right to Jlunish acco1·cli11g to the exte11t of tl1e wrong .IJut accordi11g to the amo1mt of ur1dersta11cling, l1ave clistinguisl1ed between a se11tence pa�sed 011 a cl1ild., a clrunken person, a madman and , a forgetn1] Jlerbon a11cl· the sentence IJassed on a grown perso11 of £1ill t1nderstancling, and accorclingly· tl1e cocle is n1eant to ag1·ee witl1 tl1e Fitl1a Negast. (Cf. Fit. Neg. Pt., 47, p. 303.)


Da1nages for abuse are to lJe· clecided acco·-rding to tl1e rank of tl1e •perso 11 abused ancl acco1·cling to tl1e degree of the aJ-Juse; clamages are not to be given to an ordinary man as to a man of rank, nor da1uages for ..L\.ccor-dingly tl1e ra11k of 1)e1·sons ab11sed sligl1 t ab11se as for violent al)use. and the cliff,erent kincis of ab11se will be found l1ereinafte'r and are to ]Je notecl.



If there be a poo1· n1an wl1 0 J1as no n1011e)' ,vitl1. wl1ic]1 to p ay a fine to tl1e co11.rt a11d cla1nages to tJ1 e injured 1)erso11 -011 acco·unt of a? use, . assault or serious injury, tl1 e judge sl1a11 pa)' tl1e 111?ney Lo t� 1e_ 111Jl� 1·ed Jlerson from tl1 e •:fines ,-v]1 ic]1 ]1 e kee1)s as a s1)ecial fu11 d a11cl sl1all 11n1 )r1son L}1e 1)erso11 ,vho ca11sed tl1e i 11 jury and make l1im ,vork a11d so cau�e him Lo pa)' t11 e dan1 ages ancl fine. But tl1e Gove1·nn1ent is 1111der n� olJl_1g a tion to pay fron1 a11y otl 1er sot1rce t11an tl1 e 111011.ey fro111 fir1cs ,-vl11ch 1s l�, ept


,vhe11 a l)oor 111 an, lacki11!! 111or1e)' lvitl1. ,,vJ1i.cl1 to 11ay 1.'11e court 01· to 11ay · da1nages to t]1 e i11j11r�d JJer:;on, lias l)een i1r1priso11ecl ])y tl1e a11tl1oriL)7 of 1l1e j11dge, tl1e judge s11nll recl<Oil tl1e val11e of ]1is clay's ,vork and, si11ce J1 e is ]J eing. pu11ishecl )J)r worki11 g ,vl1ile I1e is i1111)risoned, sl1all 1·ec·kon eacl1 day of l1 is im11riso11n.1cnt as n1011e)' a11ll s!1a.ll decl11ct it fro111 Ll1e amo11r1t ,vl1icl1 lie has to J)a)'·


order Ll1at a 111a11 ,vl.1 0 l1olds a11 official a1)J)Oi11L111e11t 11 1a) , ]Je J)tr11isl1 eel accorcli11g to l1is posit.jo11 a11cl a11 i11 Lclligen t 1na 11 accorcJi11g to l1is l<:11 0,,·ledgc, a11d i11 orcler tl1at a crime ,vI1icJ1 l1as 1Jee11 con1n1itted ,,ritl1 Jc.110,vledge ancl eJiro11tery- nia)' not go 11.r11)1111isl1e<l ,-vitl1 tl1e 1)ay711e11 t of clan1ages 011ly as i11 Lhe case of a11 ordi11ary n1a11 or an u�intelligent n1a11, for l1is 111ore co1111)lele pu11isl11ne11t a fi11e slial1 ]Je aclcled o,'er and alJo,,e clamages accorcljng Lo Ll1e degree of. ra11l<. a 11c'l tl1 e ar1101111t of lc.11owledge, Lo JJe paicl 011t of tl1e ,,vealtl1 ,vl1icl1 J1c l1as acq11irecl, i11 orcler to pro,,icle for ed11calio11 an<l for tl1e 1)oor 11.1a11 ,vl10 l1as .t10 111011 ey "''iLl 1 ,vl1icl1 to 11ay cla1nagcs; ancl tl1is fi11e ,,,ill !Jc fo1111cl ,vritler1 l1ereinnfler ancl is Lo }Je noted.


?.....2 .



Procla111alio11s \vl1icl1 are iss11ed ,vitl1· tl1c cor1sc'l1 t of tl1e Govern111e11t Goverr1111e11l offices ,vil.1 l1ave tl1e force of proclan1ations.

If fi11 a11cial Joss c11s11es as LJ1e resr1lt of crin1e of nn)r ki11cl, tl1e q11esliou of Ll1e 1no11 ey lvi1.l J)e ,,erified ]Jy- itself a11c'l 1)a) n1e11t 11111st l)e 111acle. 1







The law and number of the punishments of criminals


cl1apter. 2nd chapte1·. 3rd cl1apter. 4th cl1a1Jte1·.

Tl1e 11t1mlJe1· of ptmisl1111e11ts of cri1r1inals. Tl1e lalv ]Jy wl1icl1 JltL11isl1me11ts arc redt1cecl. pl111isl1n1ents. The law co11cer11in!! V tl1e inllicLio11 of li2l1t V TJ1e la,v concerni11g fJOsscssio11s ,�,}1icl1 are 11ot co11£.scated in p1111isJ1me11t. 5th cl1.apte1·. rfhe la,.v concerni11g tl1c p1111is11r11e11t of n1a11y crj1r1inals. 6tl1 chaJJter. 111e la1-v concer11ing t,�10 o.ffences a11d 1uany- offe11ces. 7tl1 chapter. Tl1e la,v co11ce.r11i11g 1.l1e aclditio11 o[ ,,i-0le11ce, n1any crimes con1mittecl agai11st 011e man. 8tl1 chaJJtei-. Tl1e ]a,v co11cer11i11g crimes wl1icl1 do not 11eccssiLatc JJt111-ielllllent. 9tl1 chapter. Tl1e la,v JJ)' 1-vl1ich •JJUnisl1n1ent ar1c1 acc11sation are annrrllecl. 10th cl1apte1·. Co11cerr1i11g tl1e n11n1ber of ,veapons witl1 ,vl1icl1 crirne js committed. Final ex1Jlanatio11.

FIRST CHAPTER The number of punishments of criminals

There are seven 1J11nisl1ments for criminals ,vl1icl1 are prescribed at



The sentence of death. Tl1e sentence of flogging. Tl1e sentence of i:µ.iprisonment. The sentence of fine. Tl1e sentence of expulsion from a district. The sentence of confiscation. The sentence of provicl:ing a guaranto1· against acts of ·violence.

section. 2.ncl aection. 1st

3rd section.• •

4th section.

5th section. • 6th section. 7th section.


7 •


The sente11ce of death mea11s being p11nisl1 ecl )yy the p1misll.Ille11 t of cleath by tl1e inst 1 ·un1ent, a11cl at the place, Jlrepared for tl1 is !)Urpose� after tl1 e passi11g of tl1e sentence of cleatl1 , eitl1 er for taking life or some "' other crime. rl his sentence of cleat11 sl1 all not lJe Jlassed lJy any other court ]Jtlt tl1 e Ki11 g's court.


Tl1e sentence of flogging. After tl1e se11te11r:e l1 as been JJassecl tl1 at lie shall 1Je floggecl, the punisl1 ment is one tl1 at 11 eeds care lest, \Vitl1 out t l1 e flogging exceeding tl1e li1nit laid do,v.n ]J)r tl1e la,.,r, tl1e JJerson flogg.ed lJe killed by tl1e floggu1g.


The se11 te11ce of floggi11g is still i1 1 llse �vitli. a fe,v other gove1 ·urnents. "' 'l l1ough it is certainly our purJ)OSe that tl1 e sentc11ce of floggi11g s11al1 i 11 the fut1u·e l)e alJ01isl1ed iu our country, fo1· tl1c p1·esent ,ve J1 a,re strictly reserved the se11tence of floggii1 g, as it has l1itl1 crto ]Jee11 ad1ninistered, for the ·punisl1n1ent of those wl1 0 l1 ave co1111r1 ittecl son1 e great l:rime '\-vl1 icl1 yet does not cleserve sente11ce of deatl1 .


Also t l1 e juclge, if after exa1:11i1 1i 11g ,1nd asce1·tai11i-r1g tl1 e degree of tl 1 c c1·ime it atJJ)ears to l1i1n t11 at tl1 erc is so1 uctl1i11 g ,vl1 icl1 ougl1t to i:nitigate the sentence, l1 as po,ver to ren1it tl1e flogging artcl 01·der t11 e payment of a fine i11 place of tl1 e Iloggi11g. Five dollars are to lJ-e reckonecl tl1 e equivalent of one lasl1 . But if afte·r Lite sent:e11 ce of flogging J1as IJee11 passed he is unallle to pay the money a1lpoi11ted as tl1 e alter11ati, e to the floggi11g, tl1e sentence of flogging sl1all l1e executecl. 1


Tl1 e se11tence of impriso1111 1e11t 1neans tl1e cletentiori of the crin1i11 al in cl1 ains for tl1e·prescril1ed lengtl1 of Lu11e, after sentence l1as ]Jce11 passecl, ''Let l1 in1 lJe imprisonecl accordi11g to tlie law." Tl1e pe1·iocl of i l n1)rison­ ment is determi11e(l ])y a n11n1 bcr of days, 1 nontl1s or years. Tl1e mcani11 g of 1 ,day is 24 l1 011rs; tl1 e n1ea11ing of 1 1 uo11tl1 is 30 clays; tl1 e meani11 g of 1 year is 365 days. Tl1 e clay· 011 ,vl1icl1 a crin1 i.nal is arrested, ,vl1 etl 1 er l1e lJe a1�rested at midday or tl1e eve 11ing, sl1all l,e cotmted as one day; tl1e day· of l1is release shall be tl1e clay after tl1e ti 1 11e ap1Joi11 ted for l1 is i 1 n•prisonment l1as ))een completecl.


1-\.. fine means mo11ey wl1icl1 is t)aicl to tl1e cou1·t after tl1 e juclge J1as clctermined tl1e amount accordi11 g to la,v. Alter set!te11ce of t.1 1. is punisl1ment l1as been finally 1)aesed, if tl1 e fir1 e l1as not l) eeu· fJai.d ,vithin three montl1s, a11d if tl1e goods "lvl1icl1 are fo1111 cl in l1is l1011sc, i11 l 1erited land ]Jeing exempted, are i11 s11.fficier1t for tl1e 1>aymer1 t of tl 1e ·fi1 1 e' tl 1e JJunisl1ment shall be changed to imprison1r1 e11 t.


II a .fi11e IJe cl1 a11 gecl to i1 11 1Jriso 11 1ne11 t, for tl1 e ordi11 ary r111skillecl labo1;1rer 01 1e clay s?all JJe recko11 ecl as ecruivale11 t to a c111arLer of a clollar; }Jut. if l1e be a slcilled labo11rer, tl1 e esti111ated. val11e of l1 is ,Jay's ,vo1 ·k shall 1Je recko11 ecl. Nevertheless im1J 1·iso11 n1 e11t wl1 icl 1 takes tl1e JJlace of a fine 5}1 all not exceed one year. \Vl1 eu a JJerso11 l1as l)een co 1umitted to fJriso 1 1 i11 stead of paying a fi11e, if tl1 e appoi11 te<l fu1e 1Je JJaid, tl1 e ti1ue s1Je 11 t i11 fJriso11 sl1all lJ� reckoned a11cl cled11cted from tl.1 e fine, ar 1 cl tl 1 e im1Jrison111e11 t shall cease.


A n1a1.1 sentencecl Lo JJay a fi 11 e shall JJrovide a g11 ara 11 tor ,vl1 0 ,._rill be respo11 si]Jle tl1 at l 1e pays tl1e fi 11e.


Tl1 e se11tence of exile f ron1 a district mea11 s tl1 at, after tl1 e juclge l 1as examined the crime and sente11 ce l 1as been passed accordi.r1 g to law in tl1 e ,vorcls ''Let l1im IJe exiled from tl1 e district'', tl1 e criminal must li,,e in the district in ,vh.icl1 it has ]Jeen orclerecl tl1at he sl1 all li,re ,vit.l 1 011t going outside it; or l1e must live ,vithout a1Jproacl1ing s11cl1 clistricts as he has been fo1·}yiclden to ap1Jroacl1. Nevertlteless, tl1 e tin1 c cluri11 g ,vl 1icl 1 h . e is to remain j11 exile is to lJe estimated accordi11 g to tl1 e clegree of tl1e crime and. laicl do,v11 in t11 e se11tence. Tliis sente11 ce of exile fron1 a clistrict sl1 all not ]Je gi,,en .by ar1); otl1 er co11rt ]Jut tl1 e l(i11 g's court.


Tl1e sentence of confiscatio11 mea11s tl1 e sente11ce ,vl1 ic1 t the j11clge passes accordi1 1 g to la,v, sayi 11g, ''Let l1is JJroperty lJe co11fiscated'', subject to tl1 e limitation of tl1 e l(i11 g's JJrocla1natio11 that no 111 ar 1's in11 eritecl Janel ,: sl1all JJe co11 fisc,1ted. 1 11 e property wl1ich 1nay be confiscatccl is writte11 below:- 1st, the instrun1e11ts ,vl1icl1 are fountl on a n111rderer, t]1 ief or other criminal; 2nd, goods and instr11ments wl1 icl1 l1 ave l)ce11 accp1i1·ed by 11.nlal\rful violence or tl1eft; 3rd, goods which the Government has 1'11ese i11str11n1 ents a11 d forbiclden to l)e in tl1 e possession of any man. . 1 tl1 ey do not belo11 g to tJ1e J)rir1 ci1Jal goods deserve to 1Je confiscatecl thougl crimit1al ]Jut 1Jelor1g lo l1el1Jers or are lJor1·0,ved. B11t if tl1e i11 str111nents J1 ave JJeen stolen ·and tl1 e man from wl1 om tl1 ey J1ave beer1 stole11 comes and says so, tl1 ey sl1 all be ret11rnecl to hiin after tl1 e tl1 eft l1 as J)een i11cp1ired i11to.



If one n1an Tl1 e sentence of a g11aranlor agai11st acts of violence. tl1reaten anotl1er, and tl1 e threalened n1an a1Jpeal to a juclge,1 or if tl1 e , ng tl1 e }Jeo 1>le judge suspect a man of bei11 g 01� e. wl1� ,� ill tro11llle arn o _ ry 1 1ecessa t 1 1s a 1on, for susp1c ntor guara aga 1 11st ancl find true cause for· his The man ,vl10 acts as g11arantor sl1 all 11 ot ]) e l 1 eld violence to he called. responsible for more than . t �vo years;. ]Jut if tl1e crit11inal afte1· t,vo years is ·still an olJject of st1sp1c1on, tl1 c Juclge l1 as power to ca11se anotl1er Also if a rnan acc11secl of threateni11 g or cl. calle be to tor aran . g11 V 9 •


s11s1 )ectecl of c,rusing distL1rlJa11 ce is 11na1Jle to 1�rov� de a guara11tor, t�e j11dge l1as Jlo'\-\rer to imJJriso11 ]1i111 for a J)crlocl of 11ot mo1·� tl1an. s1x vl 1 1cl1 l1e ,vas l matter for montl1s 11ntil lie fi11 d a guaranlo1·. But if tl1e '"' under SUSJJicion is fo1md to ]Je tr11e a11cl se11tence of i1nprisq11n1�11t is _JJassed _ ll}lon, tl1e six mo11tl1s dL1ri11g whicl1 ]1e l1 as been 11n�Jr1so?ecl shall 1Je tal<.en iillo accor111t a11d clecl11 clecl fro 111 tl1c ter1n of 11r1pr1sonment. Tl1 is la,v 0£ tl1e calling of a g11arantor agai11st. acts of violence is to be enforced on men ,vJ1o li,;e ,vitl1011t occ11patio11, as ,,aga1Jo11ds a11 d in JJoverty.

SECOND CHAPTER The Law by which punishments are reduced


'fJ1c 111ar1 ,vl10 offe11cls after lcar11i11 g a11cl J'-11 0,ving tl 1 e la,v of tl1e Govcr11n1ent, a11cl after rcadi 11 g lite la,v or l 1 caring tl1e procla111at:io11 "\-Vitl1 l1is O\Vll cars, is a ,vilful 01Ie11 cler at1 cl sl1all rccei, re 1'1111 {Jt111jsl11 11 ent.


I?or a ma11 ,vl10 is ,veal<. ancl Iorgelf11l, lvl10 is 1111a])le to ](ee1) 011 reme111-l) cri11g a11cl ol)servi11 g tl1c la\v, tl 1 011gl1 l 1 e sees ,-vjtJ 1 l1is C)'CS tl1e 1a,v .of the Gover11 n1ent a11cl l1 cars it ·\,riLl1 l 1is ears a 11d does 1Jot fail to ]) e })rese11t at tl1 e co 11rts, 011 e te11t) 1 of l1is p11u.isl1111e11t sl1 all ]Je ren1 ittecl.


�f11e coiu1Lr)r n1an \vl10 cloes 110L live i11 Lo,v11 , ,yl1 0 l 1 as 11ot see11 ,,.,ritl 1 J1is o,-vi1 C)'es 110\v tl1e ,vork i.s d.011e a11c.l co111pletccl lJut 0111)' l1 ears by report 1l1 e ]a,v a11d orcli11a11ce of tl1e 9'over 11 n:ic11t, sl1 all l 1ave t,vo te11tl;s re111i Ltec1.



1,l 1 e 1110111( ,vl10 lives i11 a sanct 1ary, a11 cl tl1e l1 er111it, ,-vl10 is far fro111 Ll1e Ia,v a11cl 11e\vs of tl1e ,,vorlcl, sl1 all l1 a, e tl1 ree te11tl1 s re111i tled. 1


rfl1 e poor ma11 ,vl10 is 11naJ)]e to atte11 cl a11d l1 ear ,vl1 at goes 011 i11 any . _ kind of court ancl 1s 11nalJle to kno,,.,, tl1c la,v ar1 cl ordi11ances of t11 e Go,,ernment ])y reaso11 of l1js 1:,ov erl)' a11 d cliffere11 t 1node of li,,j11!! sli all ..., l1 a,,e four tentl1s remitted.


Tl1e stranger ,-vl1 0 �1as co111e fro111 a foreig11 co1111 Lry, ,vl1 o Ii as 110t l1card tl1 e la,v a11 (l ordinances of 1l1e Gover11n1e11 t. (for a })ei·iod of six 1nontl 1 s), sl1all J1a·ve fi,,e te11tl1s remittecl.




rfhe ,voman 1-vl10 l1as 11ot 1earuecl tl1 e la,v and orclinances a11d cloes not go out to tl1e co11rts sl1all l1ave six Lentl1 s ren1ilted..


rf.he 111a11 ,vl10 is 1111 able to Icno,v l)TOpCTl)r tl1e eclicls a11 cl Ia,v of tl1e Go,,er11 n1e1 1 t l)y 1·eason of ]1is l:,ei11g 111e111all)· deficie11t tl1 ro11gl1 ill 11ess or any otl1er ca11se shall l1ave se,·en. tentl1 s re1nittecl.


Tl1e co11ntr),1nan wl10 co11 ve1·ses i11 tl1e lang11age of l 1 is o,v11 co1111 try and does 11 ot lcnow tl1e Amha1·ic la11 g11age i11 ,vl1 ic.l1 tl1e ecljcts a11 cl Ia,v of tl1e Govcr11 ment are maclc sl1 all l1a,,e eight te11tl1 s reu1 itlccl; tl 1 is !)resent la,v 110,vever is or 1 ly valid for a }Jeriod of tl 1 ree ).-Cars I J egi 1 111j 11 g fro 1n tl1e date of its e11act111e11t; after tl1ree )'Cars tl1e J)t10.isl1111 ent sl 1i1 ll l)e clecillccl accordi1 1 g to la,v. He ,,,J1ose age is fron1 9 to ]2 )'Cars sl1al] ]1avc 11 i11e te11Ll1s rcr 11 iLtcd.


THIRD CHAPTER Concerning the infliction of light punishment •

If a 1na11 ])e u1e11tall)· cleficie11t, tl1c 1J11r1isl1n1e11L sl1aJl ]Je ligl1t.


If a man JJe ge11erall) of good concl11cL a�1cl cJ1 �rac�er a11 ? l1 is 01Ie11ce is _ acciclental ancl l1 as occ11rred 01J one occas1011 011ly, 1t shall l)e l1gl1t. 7

If ki 1o,,vin o- t11at J1e l1as co1nn1 ittecl a11 01Ie11cc, l 1e co11feE1scs of l 1 is o,.vn free ,\ri]l ]Jeforel.1ancl ·that 110 l1as committecl a11 offe11 ce, it sl1a]l lJe ligl1 t.


If a man after co1nrnjLting a crime s11rrenc1er of .l1is o,vn free ,,,ill ak al)out tl1e n1alte1·, befoi·e tl i e crime is cljscovered a11 d is tl1e first to spe . it sl1all JJe Iia: Vl1t

24. ,,


FOURTH CHAPTER The Law concerning possessions which are not confiscated in punishment


It is laicl do.,�'l.1 tJ1at tl1e tools of a 1 nan \vJ10 l1as to l )ay a fi11e shall

not be <;onfiscat�cl, tl1 at the confiscatio11 of l1is tools of his li,relil100d.


11ot de1)rive 11 .im


If tl1e sentence of a fine is JJassed 011 a 111 a 1 1 ,vJ1,o lives l))r gelt:u1 g l1is daily food a11 d clotl1i11g lJy l1is claily work ortl)'·, l1 avi 11 g 110 otl1 e1· money sufficient for tl1e livelil1oocl of l1in1self a11, d tl1ose of l1 is l1011seh.olcI, lie shall ]Je J)Unisl1ed b)r i1npris-011n1e11 t · as is laicl do,vn 1Jy la,-v; l1 is tools ancl l1 i s -dail)r food and year's clotl1 ing sl1all not be taken a,vay in _pa)•I11 e11t of a fine.


If a noble of tl1 e l1igl1est ra11l< 01· of an i 11fe1·ior rank, a 111 i11 ister or

juclge, an arn1 )r officer or tl1e governor or suJJ-govc1·11or of a district ha,,e only l1is ra11 k ancl l1 onour but 110 1noney, ,vl1 e11 tl1 e se11tence of a fine is passed u1Jon tl1cm they shall pay accorcling as tl1e judge reckons tl1 e amo11nt of tl1eir n1 0 1 1ey, n1 aki11 g a 1 1 esticnate of ,vl1 at is i11 tl1eir Jlosse.Bsion ai1d 11sing his discretion; if it be i1.1 sufficie11t, tl1 ei·r st11Jerior sl1all deduct tl1 e amo1111t f: ro1n tl1eir wages or fro 111 tl1eir a.1).o,va11 ce ancl sl1all J)ay fo·r tl1 e1n up to tl1 e :full amou11 t; 110,vever tl1 e clotl1 es of tl1eir rank and the instr11n1e11 ts tl1 ey use fo1· tl1eir ,-vork sl1all .11 ot lle take11 away f1·on1 tl1 em i 11 l)ayw.ent of a fi11e.


From a farmer 1-vl1-ose only livelil1ood is farn1i1 1g a yoke of oxen ,vitl1 tlleir imJlle1uents and a cow witl1 its calf shall not l)e taken away in 1)ayrne 11 t of a fi11e.


Fro11 1 a tTader "vl1 ose 011ly livelil1oocl is trade 0 11e llo11 y wi lit ila gi 1. ·tl1 s, 011 e 1 nule ,vitl1 its saclclle ancl 011e te11t sl1all 11ot l)e tak:e11 a,vay i 11 1)ay11 1e11t of a fi11e.


Ii,,e Frou1 a solclier ,vl1 0 i s liable to go 011 acti,,e service or l1 as i n some otl1er f)lace ,vl1ere l1e is ordered, one l)011y ,vitl1 its girtl1 s, 011 c n1ule 1-vitl1 its saclclle a11cl 011 e tenl sl1 all 11 ot Ile taken a,vay.


F1:om a r>riesl a l)ool< ,-v-l1icl1 !S tl1 e ortl)r 011e of 1)ro1Jerty \-vl1 icl1 l1 e uses ii1 cl1t1rcl1 s11 .:.ll 11ot l)e tal(en a,vay of a fine.






From a writer his ,vriting materials shall not be take11 a,vay in paym.ent of a fine. • '



Bu.t il all the tools ,vhicl1 are i n tl1 e J)�ssession of an)' man ,vl10 lives by 1\'0rki11 g ,vith l1 is J1ands are iI1 <l11plicate or more numerous than tl1 at, as the judge sees a11 d estimates tl1em, tl1 e cluplicates or tl1e excess sl1 all be taken away from l1im in payn1 e11t of a fu.1e. I·Io,vever, in so far as it ha.s been said ·tl1at a man.'s tools sl1 aJl 11ot be taken away f 1·0111 l1 i1n as l1as here ']Jeen laicl cl.own, it only applies in the case of fines; if tl1e1·e ]Je a lialJility for bodil)' inju1·y or compensation for taking a life or an)' otl1er delJt, confiscation shall lJe enforced. Also if tl1e inj11red party sl1 all say, '' I ,vi]l not take a,vay from yo11 tl1e· tools i11 }ro11r JJossessio 11 , but gi,re me 111oney _fro1n you n1ake by �'orki11g ,vitl1 yor:r too]s'', and if tl1e t,vo agree, it shall 1Je as they agree. •


Also as rega1·.ds tl1 e state1ne11t tl 1at a m - ut n1 one)r s1 1 011.ld ]) e . a 11 \\ritl1 o JJllnished by imprisonment a11 cl l1is tools sl1 all not be taken from l1in1 i11 JJH)'me11 t of a fi11e, if a ma11 sl1ould ,,0]11ntarily say tl1a L i11 s1Jite of Ll1 e la,v it ,vo11lcl ])c bette1· for ]1im tl1at J1is tools sl1oul(l be t;1ke11 a,;vav tl1 n11 tl1at lie shoulcl ]Je in1 JJrisonccl, tl1e value of l1 is tools shall ]Je esti1ua tell a 11 cl p11t against l1is cle}Jt.

FIFTH CHAPTER The law concerning the punishment of many criminals




The la,v concerning tl1e comn1ission of 011 e crime by roa11y JJerso11s.

li two or more J)ersons con1 mit � crime togetl1 er, eacl1 one sl1al1 be considered to he a principal offender as if 11e acted 1Jy hiroseli, and qe sl1all he punisl1 ed with the punishment laid do'\\'"Jl for this crime. (Fit. Neg.).

Tl1e meaning of the ,vorcls ''tl1o�e who commit a crin1e togetl1er'' is as follows.


They are tJ1ose ,vl1 0 say ,,·we ,-vi]J give yo11 n1oney if you will

. . c·rlIDe . ''. -co1nm1t t]11s



211d. Tl1ey are tl1ose who instjgate and encourage a11d intimida� e by il1 reats and violence, saying, ''We will ruin you if you do 11ot comm1t (Fit. Neg.). this crime''.

39 .

Tl1ey are tl1ose wI10 fire gt1ns, dra..,v sworr1s or tl1row SJ)ears together for the con11nission · of a cri111e.

40. 41.


4tl1 .

Tl1ey are tl1.ose wl10 afford a cause for a criine J) co111u1jt_ ted..

·They a1·e tl1 ose ,vho s110,v tl1e way· to co111r11 it tl1e crime or afford iniormatio11 a11d \-Vea1Jo11s tl1at tl1e crin1e n1ay be co1n111itted.



SIXTH CHAPTER The law concerning the punishment of many crimes


If a n1an ,vlto l1as co11 1n1ilted cri1nes of 111a11)r difiere11L ki11cls JJe acct1secl at one ti1ne of all tl1e cri111es 11.e J1as commitLetl, tl1ot1gl1 according to tl1e la,v a case sl1all IJe taket1 agai11st l1i1n for eacl1 SCJJarate cri111e, front these crimes of ,-vhich l1e is acct1secl lie sl1all ]Je '}JU11isl1 ed Ior the cl1ie[ one as laid clo\-v11 IJy tl1 e la,v ar1cl 11ot for eacl1 se·parate offence. B11t if tt1ere 1Je any liallility £01· 111onC)' l1e sl1all ])e lial)le for it all. Tl1e 111111isl1 111ent of tl1ose ,vlto 1Jreal( a11 1111i1t 1 1lorta11t la,v sllttll 1Je assessed }Jy­ adclir1g up L11c pe11alt)r for eacl1 offence, lJ11t tlte periocl of tl1e p11nisl1 1nent s·l1all not exceed L,-vo )'Cars.

SEVENTH CHAPTER The law of the p1..1nishment of the addition of violence ,


Tl1c meaning of tl1e adclitio 11 of ,,iole11 ce is tl1e cornmission by 011e man of t,vo 01· more great crimes 011 one oceasio11 · or 011 se, eral occasions against the person or tl1.e propertj' of 011e otl1er n1a11. 1





If 01.1c 111ai1 co1nmit t,-vo or 111 ore crimes agai 11 st a11 otl1 er u1 an, oveiand abo,,e tl1e Jlt1 1 1isl1 ment ,vhicl1 is ,v-ritte 11 in l'l1is la,v for tJ 1 e crime ,vl1icl1 lie l1as co1nn1 itted, l1e sl1all JJay tl1 e J)e11a.lty for violence ,vl1 icl 1 is ,Vl·itten l)e]ow.

1st sectio11. A11 opJ)ress-or. 2nd section. 1\ la,vless J)erson.

3rcl LJtl1 5th 6tl1 7tl1 8th 9tl1

sectio11 . A JJro11cl IJerson. section. An e11 ,;io11s 1)erso11 . section. A treacl1ero11s J)erson. sect1011 . A re,1e11gef11 l JJe 1 ·son . section. An intemJJerate JJerson. sect1011 . A c1uarrelsome person. section. A careless person. 10th section. 1\ JJttll}'·


.1111, OJJJJrcssor. Tl1 e i1 1ea11ing is 011e ,vl'lo i11jurcs a 11 otJ i er 1nan taki11g .bis ,vife as ,vas clone to Urial1.

] J )'

A lci,,vless 11erso11,. 1'l1e 01 eu11 i11g is one wl1 0 it1j11res a1.10Ll1er 111 an 1J y

an 11ncx1)ected a Ltack in a11 1111inl1alJited {llace ,vJ1ere tl 1 cre is no j 11dge • or ass1sta11ce.

.,..1 proucl JJerso11,. rl'l1e meai1ir1g is one '\-v]10, ]Jeing JJro11rl of Lis J)Ossessions or ricl1es a11cl tl1.inking on1y ,of his o,�n ]101101:ir, plays witl1 a man's life like Herod,



A1i e1ivioz1,s perso11,. The 1neau.i11g is 011e ,vl10 i1 1 j11res anotl1 e1· ma11, tl1inking ''His l1 ono11r l1as i 11 creasecl, l1is rank }1 as risen, l1is nan1e is kno,vn'', ancl l)ei11 g angry at tl1e lessening of ms own l1ono11r.

A treacliero1Js z;erso11. Tl1e mea11ing is one ,vl 1 0 cau�es l1arm to

anothe.r man either by giving l1im JJoison to clrink secretl3r, or after taking 1uoney Jil(e J 11clas. .11 reverigefiil perso11. T.l1e n1eanir1g is one ,vl10 causes l1 ar1u to anotl1er ma11 from an inherited clesi1·e for 1·evenge, or from l1aving kept in l1 is mind a]Juse which h. e has su:ffered or injt1ry which l1as been inflictecl on his family.




An inten1:perate person. 1'11e n1ea11ing is one who, �ejoicing in the lust of tl1e flesl1 , causes l1arm Lo anoil1er man when he 1s overcome l1y by food and drink .


... 4 qztarrelsome person. Tl1e 111eaning is 011e who tl1rougJ1 Jaek of patience l1egins a quarrel quickly when lie is gi,,e11 son1 e l1armless aJ1use, and througl1 want of 11aLience and l1eat of · J1]00(1 ca11ses l1arm to anotl1e1· man.


A ca.refess persori. The meaning is one wl10 strikes anotl1er man


witl1 a stick or a stone, ,vith tl1e inte11tion of 1111nisl1i11g l1i1n, not of killing him, J1ut causes l1arn1 to l1im by striking him w11ere 11e did 11ot mean to do so. '

A bully. The meanjng is one ,vh.o causes l1ar1n to a11otl1er 111an


striking 1-vhen he is al1used, or l1y taking UI) ,vea11ons of ,var ,vl1e11 a sto11e is tl1ro,vn at him; or one who injures a11otl1er man n1orning and e,,eni11g, tl1i11king l1e is afraid beca11se he is patient \-\1 l1en he is i11jured. I

Tl1e la,� of tl1e fine ,vl1icl1 sl1all be 11aid, over and al)o,;e damages, if the J)ersons ,vJ10 con1n1it ofie11ces i11 1:es11ect of tl1ese Le11 cri1nes are .1ne11 of rank lvl10 holcl office. •



If it l1e tl1e clescenda1Jts of tl1 e conc1uerors of the cou11tr)' '"'110 have

not stt1'l.·endered tl1ei1· J)ossessio11s, from noJ)les of inferior rank up to no])les of tl1e higl1est degree \\'110 are conquerors of tlJe countr)r, ,vl10 l1a,re i 11j11red a man by 011pression, tl1ey shall l)e fmed from 100 to 1000 dol1a1·s.


If it }Je J1y lawless11ess, tl1e)' shall l1e fined from 100 to 890 clollars.


If it lle out of pricle, the)' shall l1e fined from 100 to 800 dollars.


If it ])e from en,ry,_ the)r sh all ])e fined frou1 100 to 700 d.ollars.


If it be through treachery, they shall be fined from 100 Lo 600 dollars.


If it 11e 011t of revenge, tl1ey sl1all 11e fined fron1 100 to 500 clollars.


If it }Je through intempera11ce, they shall l1e fi11ed from 100 to 400




If it be tl1ro11gl1 c111arrelsome11ess, tl1e)r sl1al1 })e ·finecl from 100 to

300 dolla_rs. 60.

If it 1)e :from carelessness, Ll1ey sl1all be fin-eel from 100 to 200 dollars.


If it 1le ll)r ,v-ay of IJullying, tl1ey sl1all he fine cl from 100 to 152 dolla1·s.


If it lJe tl1e 1�ttlers of tl1e country w110 l1ave been appointee! in retur11

for personal services, from Bala111l)a:ras to Ras� who 11ave inj11red a11otl1er man by oppressio11, over and. aJJove clamages tl1ey sl1all pay a fi11e fro1n 90 Lo 900 clollars.


If it ]Je lly la,vless11ess, t.l1e)r sl1al] pay a fme fro111 90 Lo 800 clo]lars.


Il it l)e 011t of pricle, tl1ey sl1all


If it ])e from e11,r y, tl1cy sl1a11 JJay a fine from 90 to 600 dollars.


If it JJe tl1ro11gl1 treacl1er)', tl1ey sl1all JJay a fine fro1r1 90 to 500 clollars.


a fine frorr1 90 to 700 clolla1·s.


If it lle 011t of revenge, tl1ey sl1all pay a fine from 90 to 4,00 clolla1·s.


If it lJe tl1ro11gl1 i11te111pera11ce, tl1ey sl1all pay a fine from 90 to 300



If it J)e tl1ro1.1gh q11arrelsomeness, tl1e)'· sl1all pay a fi11e from 90 to

200 dollars.


If it ]Je fron1 carelessness, tl1ey shall pay a fine from 90 to 150 dollars.


If it be ]Jy way of ]J1.tllying, they shall J)a)' a ·fine from 90 to 100




1£ it be juc1ges of l1ig]1er ra11k, from ,vo111bar to Afa Neg11s, wl10 ha, e 1

been chosen for tl1e administration of j11stice, ,v110 11ave injt11�ed anothe1· man by OJ JJ)ression, over and alJove damages they sl1a]l pay a fine fro111 80 to 800 clollars.


If it be ]Jy lav.rlessness, t]1ey sl1all IJay a fi11e frorn 80 Lo 700 clolla1:-s.

73. •

If it be out prid.e, tJ1ey sh.all pay a fine from 80 to 600 clolla1:s.


H it }Je from en,ry, tl1ey sl1all pa)' a fine from. 80 · to 500 ciollars.


If it ]Je t]1rot1gl1 treacl1e1·)·, t]1ey sl1all 1J a)' a fi?e fro1n 80 to 4,00 dollars.


If it be out of re,,e11gc, they shall JJay a fine fron1 80 to 300 dollars.


If it be tl11·ougl1 intemJlerance, tl1e), sl1all JJ ay a ·fi11c fro111 80 to


200 dollars.

If it ]Je th1·ot1gh ,qua1·relso1neness, tl1e)r shall pay a fi11e from 80 to

150 clollars.


If it }Je from ca1·elessness, they shall !Jay a -fine fro11.1 80 to 100 dollars.


If it ]Je

]J}r \Va)'- of ]J ullyi11g, tl1e}; sh.all pay a fi11e f1:or1.1

80 to 90 dollars . •



If it he officials ,vl10 have been chose11 for tl1.e oversigl1t of "¾'ork,

from di1:ector to minister, ,vl10 l1ave injttred anotl1er n1a11 ])y opp1:ession, over and alJove clamages they . sl1all JJa)r a fu1e from 60 to 700 clolla1·s.


If it b. e ]Jy lalv-lessness, tl1ey sl1all IJay a ·f111e 'i�1-01n 60 to 600 dollars.


If it ]Je out of pricle, tl1e)r sl1all l)ay a fi11e frorn 60 to 500 dollaJ:s.


If it })e from en,ry, tl1.ey shall Jlay a -line from 60 to 400 dollars.


If it �Je tl1ro11gl1 t1·eachery, tl1ey sl1all pay a fu1e from 60 to 300 clollars.


If it l)e ot1t of 1·evenge, tl1ey sh.all !J ay a fi11e from 60 to 200 clollars.


If it 1Je tl1rot1gl1 intem1Jerance, tl1ey shall JJ a)r a fine from 60 to 100



If it lJe tbro11gh qt1arrelsomeness, tl1ey sl1all pay a fine fro111 60 to 90 dollars.


If it ])e f-ron1 careless11ess, tl1ey sl1all 1lay a fme from 60 to 80 dollars.


If it ]Je 1ly 1vay of lJ ttll)ring, they · sl1all JJay a fine froin 60 to 70






' ' i,;':\\t\"!




- .. -

If it be office1·s of tl1e a1·111y, fro111 a co1u.mar1der of 50 to tl.1e secou.d i n con1ma_11cl of 1000 ( slici1ribcil), lvl10 l1a,,e injLu·ecl anotl1er 1nan ]Jy 01Jp1·ession, over and aJJovc tlan1ages tl1ey shalI pay a fi11e front 50 to 500 dollars.

If it ]Je ]Jy la,.vlessness, tl1ey $l1all }Ja)' a fi11e fro111 50 to 500 clollars.

93. 94,.

If. it l:>e ot1t of JJricle, tl1ey s11all }Jay a fine fro1n SO to 400 d1)llars.


If it l)e from e11vy, tl1ey sl1all }Jay a fine from 50 to 300 clollaTs.


I.f it 1Je from treacl1ery, t11ey sl1all pay a :fi11e .fro111 50 to 200 dollars.


If it lJe 011t of reve11ge, tl1ey sl1ali pa)r a fi11e fro1n 50 to 100 d.ollars.

98. 99.

If it JJe dollars. If it 1Je tl1rougl1 q11arrelso1ne11ess, they s]1all JJa)r a fi11e fro1r1 50 to

80 clollars.


If it JJe fTom careless11css, tlicy sl1all ·pay a fine fro1n 50 Lo 70 clolla1·s.

] 01.

If it )Je ]Jy 1-vay of lJ11llying, tl1c)r sltall JJay a fine Jror11 50 to 60 clollars.


., O

J. ?. -·

If it lJe Ll1e officers in t11e co1111tr)r, the officials from chika sl1um to s1t1J-governor, ,vho l1a,re inj11red a11otl1er t1:ia11 lJy oppressio11, ove1: a11cl a]Jove da1nages the)' sl1all pay a fi11e from ,10 to 500 dollars .

J 03.

If it }Je by 1alvless11ess, they sl1all IJay a fine from 40 to 400 dollars.


If it be 011t of 1J1·ide, tl1ey shall JJay a fine from 410 to 300 clollars.


If it be from envy, they shall pay a fi11e from ,10 to 200 dollars.


If it JJe tl1ro11gl1 treache1·y, t1iey shall pay a fine f-i·om ,to to 100 clolla1·s. .


If it ]Je out of rev·e11ge, the)' sl1nll pay· a fine from 40 to 90 clollars.


If it 1Je thro11gl1 in.temperance, tl1ey sl1all

80 clollars.


• ,




a fine from 40 to


If it ]Je

70 clollal's,

tl1 ro11gl1 Cfl1arrels0111eness,

tl1 e)r sl1 all pa)r a fi.11e from 40 to


If it be from ca1·elesS11ess, they shall }J a)r a fi11 e fron1 4,0 to 60 dollars.


If it lJe ]Jy way of ]J1illyi11g, tl1ey sl1all }J ay a fine fro111 4,0 to 50 dollars. SE,. EN1'I·I LY


If it ]Je ricl1 me11, ,vl10, ,·-.ritl1or1t l1olcli11g any official a1JJloi11t111c11 t� are wealtl1 y beca11se -0f tl1 eir l\Tork a11d J1ave 1nore n1one); tl1a11 is 11ecessary from tl1 eir living, w110 l1ave ii1j11recl a11otl1e1· n1an ]J)T O} Jprcssjon, o,;er and a]Jov·e damages tl1 ey shall J>a)r a fi.ue from 30 to 4,00 clollars.


If it be ]Jy la'\\ lessness, they sl1al l IJa)' a fi1 1e fron1 30 to 300 clolla1:s .


If it ]Je out of prjcle, tl1e)" s11all }Jay a fme fro111 30 lo 200 do]la 1·s.


If it be fro1n en,,),, tl1e)' sl1 all }J i.I)' a fi11c fro111 30 to 100 clollars.


If it lJe th1·011gl1 treacl1ery, Ll1 C)' sl1all }Jay a fi11e fron1 30 to 90 dollars.


If it ]Je


If it 1Je tl11·ougl1 i11tcm1Jerance, Ll1ey s]1all pa)r a fi11e f:rou1 30 to 70



of revenge, tl1ey sl1all


a fi11e fron1 30 to 80 clollars.



If it lle tl1.rougl1 c1uarrelsomeness, tl1ey sltall pay a fine from 30 to

60 dollars.


If it ] Je from caTeless11ess, t11C) sl1all JJ a)' a fi11e fron1 30 to 50 clolla1·s.


If it



lJy ,-v-ay of ll1111ying, tl1ey shall


a fi11e from 30 to 4,0 clollars.




If it be n1 en wl1 0 l1ave risen from IJ overty a11d 1·eacl1 ecl affl 11ence

and l1a,1e sufficie11t money, n1ore tl1a11 is necessary for tl1 eir li,,j 11o-. w] 10 l1a,,e injm·ed anotl1er 1nan lly 01J pression, o,rer ancl a1Jovc dan1ag;� tl1ey sl1all IJay a fine fTom 20 to 300 clollars.

If it lJe 1Jy la,\Tlessness, tl1ey sl1 all IJ ay a fi11e f1·01n 20 to 200 dollars.


If it l)e out of l)ticle, tl1ey sl1all IJU)' a fi11e fro1n 20 to 100 clollars. 125.

If it J )e fro1n e11vy, tllC)' sl1all IJay a fi11e fro1n 20 to 90 clollars.

J 26.

If iL be tl1rot1p;l1 lreacl1ery·, Lhey s1;all pa)' a fi11e Iro1u 20 to 80 dollars.


1 -9-....

If it be out of rc,,e11ge, tl1ey sl,all pa)' a fine from 20 to 70 clolla rs.

J 28.

If it be tl1ro11g]1 j11te1111Jer&nce, Ll1C)' sllall pa)' a fi11e fro111 20 to 60



If it l)e tl1rot1gl1 CJL1arrelson1er1ess., t11C)' sl'Ja]l JJay a fit1e frorr1 20 to

50 clollars.


If it be fron1 carelessness, they sl1all pay a fi11e frorr1 20 Lo LJ.0 clollars.



it be l)y ,,v-ay of ]J1tll)'it1g, tl1ey sl1all JJay a fine fro111

20 to 30 clollars.



lf it l)e me11 ,vl10 l1ave risen fro1n JJovcrt)r witl1011t reachjng afflue11ce

]Jut l1ave rao11e)' al)ove ,-vl1at is Ilecessary for tl1eir li,ri11g \-Vlto .11ave injt1red another 111an ]Jy otJJJre3sio11, o·ver a11cl al)ove cla1nagos tl1ey sl1all r,a)r a fine from 10 to 200 clollars.


li it be l)y la\-vless11ess; tl1ey sl1all pay a fit1e froru 10 to 100 clo]lars.


If it })e out of l)ricle, tl1ey sl1all pay a fine fro1n 10 to 90 clollars.

] 35.

If it be from e11vy, tl1e)r sl1all pay a :fi11e from 10 to 80 dollars.

] 36.

If it be througl1 treacl1ery, tl1ey shall pay a fine fro1n 10 Lo 70 dollars.


[f it be 011t of revenge, tl1ey shall l)ay a ·fine fron1 10 to 60 clollars. '



If it ])e tlu·ougl1 intemperance, they sl1all J)ay· a fi11e from 10 to 50


] 39. 40

[f it l)e tl1rougl1 qt1ar1·elsomenes�, they shall pay a fi11e from dollars.

10 to


If it IJe from carelessness, they sl1nll l)a)r a fi11e from 10 to 30 dollars.


f.f it l)P by way of bullying, tl1ey sl1all JJay a fine from 10 to 20 dollars.

21 •



If it be men ,vho l1 olcl official rank a111ong tl1c clergy "½rl10 in.jl.1re anothe1· n1 an ]))-' oppression or a11 y ot11 er cri1ne, tl1e juclge accorcling to his estimate of tl1eir ra1ik sl1all mal�e tl1 em })8)' damages ancl fine.


From the fine ,vl1 icl1 is addecl to tl1e -da111 ages 011 e fiftl1 sl1 a111Je tal<.en in tl1e :fi.rst place ancl J)aicl to tl1 e co11rt aucl tl1 e )Jala11 ce sl1all lJe for tl1 e scl1ool for tl1 e }Joor.



This money wl1icl1 is paid. foT ,-vl1at is callee] tl1c sc_ l100I for tl1e 1)001· If a J)Oor 111an sl1all accun1ulate fo1· one )'ear in tl1e, jt1dge's l1 ands. 1vitho11t money ,vl1.o l1as ca11sec1 scriot1s i11jur)' to tl1c person of anotl1cr man l1 as 110 money ,vitl1 1vhicl1 Lo IJay cla111 ages, tl1e j11clge sl1all take from the .money ,vl1 icl1 is saicl to lJe for tl1e sc!100I for tl1e poor· a11d gi,1e tl1e amount of tl1e clan1ages to tl1e 1ua11 ,v-l1ose 1Jerso11 .l1 as ]Jec11 i11jt1rec1. "''\Jter 011 e year, if tl1ere JJe an)� 1noney left, lie sl1al] give it to tl1 e sc11 ool for If ::.t lle a district i11 ,vl1icl1 no sc11ool for tl1e poor l1as JJeen th.e poo1·. estalJlisl1 ecl, l1e sl1aJ.l give iL LC) tl1e alms-l1011ses for tl1 c JJoor. If it JJe a district :in ,v]Jicl1 11eitl1e1· scl1ool for tl1e poor nor almsJ1011ses fo1· tl1e JJoor l1a,re ]Jee11 esta1Jlisl1ed, tl1e govcr11or of tl1e clistrict in tl1e 1)rese11ce of the l1ead of tl1e cl1urcl1 sl1 all clivicle it a11 cl gi,re it to tl1 e poor ,vl10 are in distress in l1is clist1:ict, lJei11g ,vitl1ol1.L a J1ouse to live i11 or ]imlls ,,ritlJ ·\-vl1ic]1 to work, a11cl lie sl1al] recci,r !'.:! t.l1e seal of tl1e l1eacl of tlie cl111.rch as e,,icle11ce of tl1e clistrib11tion. In orcler tl1at· tl1e goo c. l ,vork ,vl1i.cl1 ]1 e l1as do11e for tl1e poo1· of tl1e clistrict 1 ua)7 lJG- ,vi:itte11 i11 t11e G-overr11:r1ent's yearl) register, t]1e go1rer11or of tl1e (lislrict sl1all ca11se it Lo ]Je ,vritte11 and sencl it to tl1c office of tl1e 1'1inister of Eclrtcatio11 11nclc1: tl1 e seal 1-vl1jcl1 he l1 as recei-vec1 fro1n 1l1 e 11eacl of tl1e cl111rcl1 a"J1{l l1is o,v11 seal. 7

EIGHTH CHAPTER The law concerning crimes which do not entail punishment · 1L15.

Tl1 ere is 110 pt1nisl1111e11t for Ll1c u1an 1-vl-10 con11nits a cri 111 e 111 defencling himself against a strong 1nan, if l1e tl1inks tl1at l 1 e is ...,g11arcli11o­ 0 anc1 saving J1is life and l 1ono·ur, l1is 1uo11e)r ancl family.


Exce1Jt in the case of taking life a11 cl great - cri111es ,v1 1 icl1 are i·ecko11 ed as eqt1i,rale11 t to the taking of life, tl1ere is no J)ltnisl1 men.t fo1· a cri111 j 11a} _ 1-vl10 l1as received an orcler from l 1is n1asle1· a11d carried out tl ie orc!er.





Eve11 if tl1 e,01·de1· were an i 1n1Jro1Jer one, if tl1 e JJerson receiving tl1 e order J1 onestl)' tl1ougl1t tl1at it 1vas necessary ancl proper for him to obe)7

148. l1is maste1·, tl 1 e1·e shall be no p1misl11nent for l1 in1.

Ne,,ertl1 eless it is necessar)r tl1at a JJerson recei,ru1g an order sl1011ld l1 onestly examine it ancl he a,vare ,vhetlie1· it is p1·01Jer or imJJrOJJCr.


If a perso11 1·eccivi11g au orfler goes ]Jeyo11d ,vl1 at is allo,ved hi1n and

01·cler�d l1in1 and co111mits a cri111e, tl1e order give11 l1in1 a11d tl1 e extent Lo 1vl1 1ch he exceeded it l1aving ]Jeen ,veigl1ecl, l1e sl1all lJe JJunisl1ecl, · but , a recl11ced sentence.


Tl1erc is no JJU11ishment for a cl1 ilcl 11nder se,,e11 )'Ca;rs of age f01· an)r (Fit. Neg.). crime ",hich 11e co111mits.


If a n1an f1illy i11 tends to commit a cri 111c ]J ut is invol1111ta1·ily

preventecl .lJy so1�e ca11se from acco1111Jlisl1ing tl1is JJ111·1Jose, lie shall }J e punisl1ecl ]J11L tl1e pe 1 1alty laid cJo,vn fo1· tl1 e crime sl1aJI ]Je redt1cecl ]J )' one thirc.1.

NINTH CHAPTER The law by which accusation and punishment are annulled 152.

\Vl1 e11 a cri1ni.nal who is acc11 secl of a11)' soi-t of crime has c1iecl, ili e When a ma11 011 whom sente11ce of p11 .11ish1nent acc11sation is a1111t1lled. (Fit. Neg.) l1as ])een passecl l1as clied, tl1e p1misl1 111ent is a.n11uJlecl. B11t if tl1e action 1vas take11 in a tn.attcr of mo11ey, the O"½TJ1er of tl1 e mo11ey can bring c:l case against l1is l 1eirs.


In connection ,,v ith a crime w]1icl1 e1rtails a senten · _ c e of death or im11risonme11t for life, if no accusation l1as ])ee 1J prefe1·rcd for 20 years, an acc11 sation ca1mot ])e p1·eferred afte1· 20 years l1ave elar)secl.


In con1 1ection with a crime which e11tajls a sentence of 5 Lo 20 years' imprisonment, if 110 acc11 sation l1 as l1een JJrefer1·ed for 15 )'ears, an acc11sation cann.ot be preferrecl after 15 )'ea1·s have elaJJsed.


In con.nectio11 with a crime ,vl1ich entai1s a sentence of 1 to 5 years' imprisonment, if no acc11sation l1as been JJrefe1Tecl for 5 )'ears, no accusation can ]Je preferred afte1· 5 years 11ave elapsecl.


In connect.ion witl1 any orclinary crime, if 110 acc11satio11 l1as lJeen }>referred for 3 years, an acc11sation cannot l>e preferrecl after 3 years

11 ave elapsed.



Concerning the number of weapons with which crime is committed


1'11e ,vea1)011s v.ritl1 \vl1icl1 crime is co111n1ittccl are g1� 11s a11d pislols _ _ v 1-vhich can ])e loaded, slvor-cls a· n d sal)res, claggers ancl ]{.u1vcs ,- l11cJ1 can he 11nsheatl1ed, SJ)ears ancl sto11es 1-vJ1icl1 can }Je tl1ro1-,r n, cl11J)s a11d 1JamlJoo staves ,-vitl1 ,vl1icl1 a ]Jlo"v ca11 ])e struck, or a11y kind of Ll1i11g ,vl1icJ1 can lJe firecl 01· can {)ierce, 01· any otl1er tl1i11g resen1l)ling 1J1ese ·,vl1icl1 c,�n inflict a se,,ere '\-Vofu1cl.

FIN1-1T_, EXPL1-\J�1-\.1.'ION 158.

rl'l1e 01ean.i11g of the ,vords ''I-le sl1all .lJe llll}Jrjsonecl fro111 1 year up to 5 years 01: llJJ to 10 )rears'' is tl1at tl1e a1uo11nt sl1all JJe increasecl al)o,1e one ) 1ea1· acco1·di11g to t11e esti111ale of tl1c greatness or s1r1all11ess of the It does 11ot 1nea11 tl1at l1e sl1a.ll IJe i111priso11ecl for a Jleriocl of -crin1e. 1 year to lJegin ,,r:i.tl1 goi11g UJJ to 5 o-i: 10 )'ears i11 all.


Also the 1neani11g of tl1e ,vords ''J1e sl1all JJay a fi11e frorn 10 to 100 d .ollars'' is tl1at tl1e a1nou11t sl1all ]Je jncrease(l -a1Jove 10 clollars according It does not to tl1e estimate of tl1e greatness 01· smallness of tl1e cri111e. 1nean tl1at lJeginning ,-v:i.tl1 10 clollars l1e sl1a]l J)a)r up to 100 il1 all . '-'




SECOND ·PAR T Concerning crime which is committed against the Government

Crin1es ,vhicl1 are comn1itt.ed agai11st tl1c G-0,,er111ne11t aTe cli,,icled 111Jclcr 17 cl1a1Jters. 1st


Concerni11g tl1.e crin1e ,..,rL1icl1 is couimitted ]))' 111aking a com1 Jact "'itl1 tl1e go v· ei-nn1ent of a· foreign country agai11st tl1e welfare of t11.e Govern1u.en1, and concer11i11g tl1e crunc 1-vl1icl] is co111111ittecl ll)' clistt1rlJi11g 1'11e goo cl rel atio11s ,vl'1ict1 exist ]Jeli.veen tl1e Governme11t of Etl1iopia ancl tl1e gove1:nn1ent of a foreig11 COlllltT)'·

2ncl cl1 apter.

Concerni11g 1:h.e cri111e ,vl1ic]1 is co111111 itted "'itl1 in cottntr)'· agai11st tl1e ,velfare of the Gove1·11n1en t.

3rd chapter.

1:J1e }Jt1nisl11nent of cri1r1inals ,vl10 start and cat1se it to }Je clistrtrlJed. and ravaged.

4tl1 cl1apter.

Co11cernii1g the cTime "vhicl1 is committed by establisl1u1g a secret society a11d associating togetl1er for an evil p11rpos•e.

5th chapter.

Concerni11g the crime wl1icl1 is corrrmittecl ]Jy foTging coins or lJanknotes or 1Jy spoiling tl1.em.

6th chapter.

Conce1·ning tl1e crime whjch is cor11mitted lJy tl1e use of a genuine or fo1·ged seal or signat11re.

7tl1 chapter.

Co · ncerni11g the crime whicl1 is com1nittecl lJy inaking Government stamps a11cl 1nnr1<s, Go,·ernn1ent receipt lJooks a11(l 1·ailway tickets.

8th cl1apter.

Istly. Concerning tl1e cri1ne wl1ich is committed by alte-ring


\Vat· iJ1

tl1e cou11try

Co11cerning the crime wl1ich is committefl by false weigl1 ts or false meas1.1res and measuring cords.


25 I


lOtl1 cha1)ter. 11th cl1apter. ,

12tl1 cl1a1Jter.

16tl1 . cl1apler.

l 7tl1 cl1apter.

Concer11ing tl1e crime ,vl1icl1 is coinmitted ]))r a false stateme11t on a 1Jass1Jort or pass. Co11 cer11ing the cri11 1e ,vl1icl1 is commi.ttecl }Jy Government se1·,,ants in Go,,ernn1ent offices. Concernin rr tl1e cri1ue w]1icl1 is co111mittecl JJy cliso]Jedience to a judge a'l1cl' clist11r]Jing tl1e ,-vork of a co�·t of ju� Lice . . Concerni1 1g tl1e crin1e ,vl1 icl1 is com 1nitLecl JJ)' ca11s1ng a distur]Jance. Concer1ii11 0 rr tl1 e crime ,vJ1icl1 is comn1ittecl lJ)' re.leasing 1Jrisoners ,vl10 are i111IJ1·iso11ed as a 1:i11nisl1n1ent. Concerning tl1 e crime ,v11icl1 is con1 1nitted ]J)i p11lli11g clo,VJ.1 a11d destroyi11g 1 11 e1norial 1no11 ull1ents. Concer11ing tl1e crin1e ,vl1icl1 is committed ]J)' cla1naging 1neans of con1u11111ication Lo tl1c clestr11ction of tl 1 e safet·,., r of tl1e pulJlic. Concerning tl1e cri111e ,v11icl 1 is comrniltecl ]Jy icllers, ]Jeggars and lJ)' IJU]Jlicly sa) i1 1g ,vl1at is 1111tr11e. Concer11ing tl1e crjn1e ,vl1icl1 is co 111 1nittecl agai1 1st 1·eligion. 1





Concerning the crime which is committed by making a compact with the government of a foreign country against the welfare of the Government.


i\. n1a11 1,vl10, ,vitl1 tl1e i11Lcutio11 of ]Jetra) ing tl1e 1-vl1ole or n l)art of t.l1e l{i11g's real1n, l 1 as i11tercoru·se ,vitl 1 a11cl con:1cs Lo an. agrecmc11t ,vilh t.l1e go,;ern1nent of a foreign connt r)' oi- tl1e e11VO)' of tl1e go, er 11111ent of a foreign co1111try sl1all 1Je se11tencecl to cleatl1 or sl1all ])e i1111Jriso11ecl for life. 1



A 111an ,vl10 s110,vs to a foreigner eitl1er a

of tl1e co11ntr,r or a plan or a special docu111e11L, eit.l!er origii1al or COIJ)' , ,vl1icl1 i t is es�e11tial sl1all remai11 a Governrr1ent secret sl1all ])e sente 11cecl to deatl1 or sli a11 be imprisonecl for life.






1 A · man ,v.10 lITa'\-vs a J)icture 01· 1 11akes a l )lan of f ortificatio11s

necessary i11 time of ,-var 1vitl1in which are 111tmitions of , v- ar such as 1·ifles and cartriclges a11d seucls it to t11e government of a foreign count1·y or to any- foreig11er sl1all be sentenced to deatl1 or sl1all l)e i1111)risonecl for life, ,,�l1 etl1e1· the man ,vl10 com111its t]1e crime ])e in cl1 arge of Govern­ ment ,vork or anotl1 e1· 1nrui ,vho is not a Go·ver11n1e11t official.


A native of EtJ1iOJ)ia, ,v-l1 etl1er a Slll)ject or protectecl 1)erso11, ,vl10 fig11ts as a agaiJ1st l1is co1111 try Eu1io1)ia on tl1e sicle of a foreign e11en1y go·vernn1 e11t shall ])e sente11cecl lo cleatl1.


A man ,vl10 cleslroys fortifications ,vl1icJ1 tl1e Go,,er11 t11e11t Jtas pre,1Jarecl for t11e tin1e of war or "vl10 f11r11isl1es tl1c · e11e111 y ,vitl-t material £01· tl1eir clestr11ctio11, ,vl10 com1111111icates 1-vitl1 tl1e e11e1n)r, \vl1 0,riclcs tl1e enemy ,vitl1 1-vea1)011s of "var a11<l foocl, or l1el1Js tl1e er1e1uy i11 a11 y s01·t of clif fic11lt)' or is a SfJY for tl1e enemy sl1all 1Je senlencecl to cleat]1.


Any n1 a11 ,vl10 is })roved to have intencled a11d to l1a,,e J)ln1111ecl to commit Llie crin1es ,vl1 ich are SJJecifiecl alJo,,e, e,re11 tl1011gl1 lie l1as not co1nmittecl tl1en1 , sl1all )Je imJJriso11ecl fron1 10 to 20 years.



Concer11 ing tl1e cri111e ,vl1icl1 jg cornn1itted ])y clisn1r]Jjng tJ1e goocl relations ,v.hicl1 exist ]Jet,veen tl1e Govcr111r1ent of Etlliopia ancl t.l1e govert1u1ent of a foreig11 co1111 tl')'· A n1an wl10 commits ·ar1 1111la,vf11l act of ,1 iole11ce 011 tl1e 1r1inislcr of a frie11cll)' gover11me11t or on tl1e consul 01· on tl1e secretary of eitl1cr tl1e 1ni11iste1· 01· tl1e co11 s11l sl1all l)e i111prisonccl frorn 1 to 3 years a11cl sl1.all J)ay a fine fro111 100 to 1000 clollars.


If tl1 e act of violence ,-vl1ich is coinJ11itLecl is eitl1 cr (a11 atLe1n1)t) to kill or a })lot to kill, l1 e shall ]Je impriso11ecl from 5 to 15 years.


A n1a111-vho tl1reatens or a]J11ses or b)r .slander destroys tl1c goocl 'J1ame of tlie reJ)rese:r1tative of tl1e go,1er.un1e11t of a friencl]y fo.reig11 co1111try s11all be imJ)riso11ecl fro1n 1 month tc 1 )'ear a11 cl sl1all pay ci. :fi11c f ro1n 100 to 1000 c1ol1ars.



_.1\ man wl10 is cliscovered in 1u1la,vful t1·eacl1eT011s deali11g \\,.- i tli tl1e i i1te11tiori of ]Jreaking off tl1e goocl l1ncle1·stancling ,v]Jicl1 exists ])et,veen the G,overn1nent and the go,-ernment of a foreig11 co·antry 01· of p·atting reen tl1 e Gover11111 �.11 t anc1 a l)et,, exist l1 ,vl1ic o11s 1·elati o-ood 1 Ll e to an end f-0 reign cou 11 tr; sl1al1 l)e impriso11ecl £1:om 1 to 5 years and sl1a]l J)ay a fine fro111 50 to 200 clollars. •



SECOND CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committe� within the country against the welfare of the Government. Concerning the crime which is committed against the Emperor and the Royal Family and the Government. I


A 1na11 ,vl10 is discovcrecl r,lotting tl1c clea tl1 of il1e I( i11g or tl1e I- eir Lo tl1e tl1ro11e 01· tl1e JJri11ci1}al 1ni11istcr sl1,1ll IJe scnle11ced to dea Ll1 .


A ma11 ,vho plots ancl associates ,vitl1 otl1ers io order to co1n111it tl1is

crime and ,vl10 l1elps to conceal tl1e secret of tl1e }Jlot a11cl conSJ)irac)r sl 1 alJ (Fit. Neg., Pt. 4,7, JJ, 310). 1Je sentencecl to deatl1.

] 72.

A man ,vl10 11tters tl1reats agair�st tl1e l(i11g a11cl tl1e I-leir to tl1e Ll1rone or tlie tJ1:i11ci1Jal 1:ui11ister sl1all JJe i111priso-11ccl tlJJ to 5 )'ears ancl sl1all JJa)r a fi11e fro1n 100 Lo lOl)O clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. LJ.4,, }J, 284). But if the cTi111e ,-vl1icl1 lvas co111mittecl co11sisted i11 aclvisi11g 11111rcler, l1is JJt1r1isl1111ent sl1all 1Je tl1e se11tence of -clcatl1.


A 111an ,vl10 alJ11ses tl1e I(ing or tl1e Bisl101J 011L of i11sole11ce sl1all l)e sc11Lenced to tl1e JJl111isl1me11 t of u111tila ti 011. B tl t if tl1is Jiunisl1ment

is re111itted, l1e sl1all }Jay a fi11c of 3000 -dollars or lJe i1111Jriso11ecl from ( Fit. Neg., Pt. tLS, J). 292; Pt. 5, J), 71 ). 3 Lo 7 years.


A n1a11 ,vl10 11tters tl1reats agai11st a 1uen11Jer of the Royal Fan1ily shall ]Je i1nprisonecl frotn 6 n1outl1s Lo l year a11cl sl1all pc1y a fine fro1n 50 to 300 clollars. •

THIRD CHAPTER The punishment of criminals who start war in the country and cause it to be disturbed and ravaged. 175. •

.t\ man ,vl10 1u;es ,,iole11t 1:uetl1-ods for tl1e destrt1ctio11 of tl1 e Govern-

1:uent or for cl1angi11g tl1e forn1 o.f tl1e Gover111ue11t or for takirig a,vay a _ tl1e Governrr1e11t sl1all 1Je ser1tenccd to cleatl 1 or to [lerr)eltial !rom a1·t p _ 1m 1Jr1sonment.





A 111an ,vl10 collects soli.liers in order to 1·ellel against tl1e Government

or ,vl10 secretly pI'ellares wca1Jons ancl a ma11 ,v.ho l1el1Js to l1icle ·tl1is })lot ancl co1Jcca]s the secret shall ]J e in11Jriso·11ed fron1 I to 10 )'ears a11 d shalJ }J ay a fine fro111 100 Lo 1000 dollars.


B11t in tl1e crime 1nentio11ed alJov"e, if t]1erc be a xisi11g of tl1e JJ eo1Jle, is res1Jonsi]Jle for tl1 e risi11g a11d sl1all be ser1tenceLl to cleatl1.


In Ll1e tin1c of ,var, a 1nan w.110 gi,,es aclvice urgi11g a11 y· 011e of tl1e l(ing's solcliers to run a,vay or to rebel or ]J)' liis acl,,ice urges l1im. not to do l1is clut)', or a soldier ,vbo witl1out aclvice r11ns a,vay of L1is 0\\111 accord, sl1all be i111 JJriso11ed from 10 to 20 )'ears.


If tl1e leaders of t11e arn1y clo not co1111Jletc tlic ,vork of tlte campaign

] 80.

. ,vl1icl1 tl1e)' ,vere orclered to do, tl-1ey sl1all 1Je sc11te11cecl to deat11 or JJer1Jet11al im1Jrison1ne11t. an1ong tl1c JJCOJJle 11 atred of tl1c Ki11g a11d. tl1c Govcr111nent OT of •an·v departn·1ent of tl1 e GovernrnenL or ,vl1 0 11r2cs tl1e IJeople lo all)' e,,il ,-vork tl1at tl1ey may tra11sgrcss tl1e ]a"'' s.l1aJl lJc i1111J1·iso11ed fron1 l to 3 3rcars a11cl sl1a11 pay a 611e fro1:t1 100 to 500 clo1Ja1·s.

A n1a11 ,vl10



FOURTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by establishing a secret society and associating together for an evil purpose. ] 81.

l\1e11 wl10 arc me111l1�rs of a society estaJJlisl1ecl secretly '"'itbout t11e perrnission of tl1 e Gover11m-e11t, tl1e 1J 11siness of ,vhicl1 is 11nlawful ancl t11 e ,-vork of whicl1 is secret, sball 1Je 1rnpriso11ed fron1 6 m.ont11s to 2 years (Fit. Neg., Pt. 43, p. 270). and sl1 all pay a :fine f1·01n 50 to 200 dollars.


If n:icn fro1n 2 to 5 i11 nt1mlJ e1· 01· 1nore tl1aJ1 tl1is are discove1·ed

] 83.

plotti11 g togetl1 er i11 orcle1· to com1nit a11y e,,iJ crin1e ,vbicl1 is forlJidde11 by Ja,1/, IJ eca11se tl1ey are associates in a criminal act, eacl1 011e of tl1em sl1 all 1J e in1prisoned from 6 mo11tl1s to 2 years and shall pay a fine from 50 to 200 clollars.

I:f J1eing associated th11s tl1e·y are cJjscoverecl preJJaring to commit an

act of JJ lu11ciering, tl1e)' sl1all ]Jc i1�1pri,5oned �ro� 6 1r.1onths to 1 year a11d (Fit. Neg., Pt. Ll,O, p. 321). sl1 all pay a fine from 4,0 to 400 dollars.



a secret , _I\. man cliscoverecl at tl1e 1neetir1g })lace of tl1e 1ne1nlJers of society or tl1e associates i11 a c1·i1:ni11al act, 11nless !•e can I)ro,,� tl1a � 11e did 11ot kno,v tl1e111 to JJc n1eml1er:3 of a sec1·et soc1cty 01· associates 111 a cri111 i11 al act, shall st1ffer tl1e same JJll□isl1n1ent as tl1e associates i11 a crimina1 act.


A man ,vl10 gi,,es l1ouse or 1neetit1g IJlacc to tl1ose ,,,J101n J1e l.c110\vs to be me1nJ)ers of a secret societ)' or associates for tl1e J)llr1Jose of a crimi11al act 01· e11co11rages a-11otl1er man to join a se�ret society and a societ}' of evil associates a11d gives fi11ancial J1clp to tl1ese socie�ies sJ1all s1tffcr tl1e same }Jtu1isl1mer1t as tl1e n1e1ul1ers of a secret soc1CI)' a:ncl associates in a criminal act. '



Concerning the· crime which is commiited by forging coins or bank notes or by spoiling them . •


Nle11 ,,,110 111 al(e spurio11s coi11s i11 i.rnitalior1 or ,vl10 alter ge11 uine mo11ey and 111en ,vl10 i1111)ort from a fore:ig11 co1111tl')' SJ)ttrio11s o r altered coi11s l<.11owi11 g tl1e111 to )Je so ancl 1)11t tl1en1 i11to ci1·c1tlatio11 slt all be in1JJrisor1ed :from 5 to 20 )'ears a11d sl1all JJay a fi11e fro1n 1000 to 20,000 clollars.


B11t tl1ose '\-vl10 forge s111all coi11s ,vl1icl1 rese 111]Jle lJesas ancl mel1 a1eks an.d JJ11t Ll1e1u into circ11latio11 s11all }Je i111 1Jriso11 ecl £1·0111 5 to 10 years and �l1all JJR)' a fine fro1n 1000 to 10,000 dollars.


lVIe11 ,vl10 l1a,re recei,red sp11ri'ous •Or alterecl coi11s resen1l)ling ge1111i11e COlllS ,vl10 J)tlt tl1en1 into circ111ation after the)r Ql'e co11,ri11cecl tl1 at t1 i ey are alteTed a 1 1cl SJ)ltrious coins sl1all be i111111·isonecl from 3 to 6 montl{s a 11d sl1all J1a)' a fine of clortl)lc the arno1111t of tl1e 11:1011cy ,vl 1 icl 1 t.he)r ha,1e JJ11t into circulatio11; or 1l1ey sl1all J1e p11nished lJy eitl 1 er one of tl1e (Fit. Neg.). t,vo JJ11nishments.


Men 1'vl10 malce tools to be r1sed for 1nakiug sp11rious coins 01, for altering coins sl1all 11e in1p1·isoned from 1 to 4, years 01· tl t e)r sh al . l pay a fine from 100 to 2000 clollars a11d all tl1e tools sl 1 a.ll ]1e co11 fiscatecl ,vhicl1 ,,vere JJrepared for tl1e making of sp11rio11s coins and fo1· alterµig coins.




In connection ,V"itl1 · tl1e crimes tl1at are SJ)ecifiecl al)ove, if tl1e coins·

"i-vl1ich are macle are 11ot of silver nncl golcl, tl1e 1:iu11isl1me11t sl1aJl l)e l1alved.



A man ,vl10 a11 imitation in ap1learance size of a l)a11.k

note reclco11ed as ec11tiva1ent to 1uone.,r ,vl1icl1 l1as 1Jee11 isst1ecl '\ tl1e leave of tl1e Gover11111ent of Etl1iopia -sl1_all IJc i1t1J)riso11ecl fro111 5 to 20 years .and sl1all JJay a 1i11e fron1 1001) to 20,000 clollars. i'\1en ,-vl10 forge i1nitatio11s of J)aJJcrs ,vl1ich tl1c Gover11n1e11L of Etl1iopia l1as iss11ed as rcceiJJts for r11011cy and of ·receiJlts for extra 111011ey ,-vl1icl1 tl1cy 1·eceive togetl1er ,vitl1 it, or certi fica tcs, a11d ,vl10 malce a11y alterations i11 tl1cm sl1a11 ]Jc imJ?risoned fro)n 1 to 3 years ancl sl1all JJa)· a fine fron1 100 to 1000 clollars.

SIXTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by the use of a genuine or false seal or signature.


If a man n1alces a11 i111itatio11 of t'l1e seal of tl1c l(i11g be sl1all lJe imJ)risooecl f·ro111 5 to 10 years a11cl sl1al! JJ3)' a .fi.11e f ro1n 1000 to 10,000 clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 50, IJ. 322).


If a 1uan 1nal{es an in1itation of t11e seal of a Governr.1Jent Office l1e sl1all ]Je i1111Jrisoned from 1 to 5 years and sl1all JJay a fine from 500 Lo

5000 (lollars. 195.



111an "i-vl10 ,-vrites sometl1i11g unlawful and l111tr11.e wl1icl1 "vil] br·ing

tro11l)le 011 a11othe1· m1:1n ru1cl seals ·it with a genui11e seal "'i-V"hetl1e1· that of tl1e I(ing or anothe1· -JJe1·son sl1all receive tl1e punisl1n1ent givc11 to tl1ose wl10 forge a seal a11d in acldition to ·that, the }Jtmishn1ent sl1all be i11c1·eased acco1·cli11g to tl1e nat11re of tl1e c1·i111e h)r the estin1atecl clar11age }1e lias caused ]Jy tl1e 11se of the seal. _1\ 111an ,vl10 fo1·ges or ca11ses to ]Je the seal or sig11atl1re of any man sl1all ]Je imJJrisoned from 1 to 3 years and sl1all pay � fine from· 100 to 1000 clollars.


SEVENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by making Govern­ ment stamps and marks, receipt forms and railway tickets and other papers of the same kind. •

A man ,vho forges receipt forms ·"vitl1. \\rl1.icl1 J1e obtai11s fron1


the Post Office, the Co11rts, or any otl1er Govern1ne11 t office ancl stamps wl1ich he uses ,\ritl101rt (J)a)ring) money (for tJ1e11i) and tl?i11gs ,vit]1 ,vJ1icJ1 he can make a sign (,1icir�1i1,e), or ,vl10 alters tl1em i11 order to increase tl1 e amo11nt sl1all be in1priso11ecl from 1 Lo 2 )'ears a11d sl1all pay a fi11e .fro.m 100 to 1000 clollars; 01· lie sl1 all recei,re eitl1er of tl1e L ,vo J)l111isl1 mc11 Ls .


A rna11 \vl10 ren10,,.es tl1e n1arlr ,v. }1icl1 s110,vs tl1 at a stamp

])eer1 11secl lJefore i· n the Post Office or in tl1e Courts or i11 an.otl1cr office ·\vl1 icl1 receives taxes, witl1 the i11tenlio11 of llsing it agai11 , s11.all ])e imJ)risone<l .from 1 mo11th to 1 )7Ca1· ancl s.l1all J)a)' a fi11e fror11 20 to 50 clolJars; or l1e sl1all receive eitl1cr of Ll1e t,,vo JJ1111isl1n1e11 ts.





A ma11 \vl10 J)Uts i11to 11se sta1nps wl1icl1 11c Jmo,vs to l1avc lJee11 forgecl or a1tered shall ])e in:11)risoned fro111 3 111011tl1s to 1 )rear and sl1all })ay a fine fron1 20 to 100 dollars; or l1e sl1all recei,re eitl1ei- of tl1e hvo

})t1ujsl111 1 ents.



A man ,vJ10 111akes i1:i1 ilaticns of a Tail,v-ay ticket or ol a11y of tl1e pa1)ers ,v]1 icl1 a1·e gi,,e11 to Lra vellers ]))r tl1 e e1nployees of tl1e rail,vay or other n1acl1 ine for tl1e transJ)Ort of }JeoJJle 01· wl10 alte1·s tl1e JJaJJers 1-vitl1 111.e intention of getting a l 1 igl1er price 01· 1vl10 1·e111oves tl1c marlts v.·l1icl1 sl10,\' tl1at tl1ey l1ave l)ee11 alreacly· usecl, ,vitl1 tl 1e intention of 11.sing the1n agai11, sl1all ])e im1)risoned Iron1 l 1nontl1 to 1 )1 eaJ� a11cl sl1all pa)' a fi11e from 20 to 200 ,c}ollars; or lie sl1 all receive eitl1e·r of tl1e ti•vo JJttnisl1u1ents . .


Me11 ,.,,}10 111ake tools for the p111·pose of forgi11g sta11 1J)S or ra: il,va)r ticl< :ets or for tl1 e J)UrJ)ose of altering tl1 em, or \Vl 10 keeJJ a11y ki11 cl of instrument whicl1 can ])e 11sec] and is int.encled for tl1 is J)Urposc sl1 all ]Je im1)1·isoned from 6 1no11tl1s to 3 )'Cars a11cl sl1all 11ay a {i 11e fro111 20 to 200 dollars; or tile); sl1all receive eitl1e1· of tl1 e ·nvo pu11isl 1 n1 e11ts. E,,en if, in. consideratio11 of tl1e circumstances of tl1e case, tl1 cy are not p1mished, tl1e stam1Js \vl1icl1 are founcl i11 tl1eir J)osscss.ior1 an.d all tl1 e tools ,;v]1 icl1 they l(eJ)t for tl1e J)UrJ)Ose of forging or altering s1 1. all be confiscatecl, as has })een said a1Jove.




Concerning the crime which is committed by altering records.


A 1nan ,vho pre1JaTes a special reco1·cl ]Jo;ok eitJ1er in wl10.le OT in pa1·t so tl1at it may Le co11,1e·nie11t for injuring Lhe ,..,,}1ole JJeople or 011e man only in JJartic11lar, or ,vho alters any special record book so as. to aclcl to it or take away from it or make any otl1er change in .its conditio11, 01· who seals any special 1·ecord hook ,\T itl1 a forgecl sea] and signs it v,1 itl1. a .forged signat111·e shall 1Je in11Jrisoned fro111 6 montl1s to I year anf1 shall pay a :fin-e from 50 to 300 dollaJ:s. lstly. A man ,vl10 alters the teco1·ds of a Governn1er1t -office. 2ndly. A man ,vl10 alters tl1e recorcl o.f a will. 3rdly. A man who alters a docu1nent wl1icl1 is e,,irlence of a loa11 o.f rr1oney and is attacl1ed to (tl1e papeT) of a loan (obligatiori) or (tlte Jlaper) of a sl1are ( cictiori) wl1.ieh has ]Jee11 issued l>y any ki11d of co1T1pany.


41thl)'· A man ,.v]10 alters banl< notes iss11ed by a private bank 7 papers of excl1ange, cl1eques ord.erjng payment or ·paper which passes from }1a11cl to l1and shall lle irnJlrisoned froru 7 montlis to 3 years and shall pay a fine from 50 to 500 -dollars.


Concerning the crime which is committed by false weigh1s or by false measures and measuring cords. 204.

1\. man wl10 makes false weights or false n1easures of an1r kii1cl shaJl be in11Jrisonecl fro1n 1 montl1 to 2 years ancl sl1a.ll pay a fine from 20 to 300 dollars. (]Tit. Neg.).



A man who ,vei()'l1s \vitl1 false \Veigl1ts i11 order to receive or "½rlto measures with false 1�1eas11res of a11y lcir: 1 d a11d keeps tl1en1 in l1is l1ouse shall 1le res1>onsil)lc for tl1e n1011ey ,vl1icl1 be I-1as takc11 Il)r ttsing false measures and sl1all l1e imJJ1·iso11 cd from 1 111011tl1 to 3 )'ears a11rl sl1 all IJay a fme from 20 Lo 300 dollars.


l�f tl1e man wl10 con1 r11its tl1is c1·in1e is tl1e u1a11 wl10 1nacle the ,veigl1ts or measures lie sl,all be in11>risoned UI) to 3 montl1s a11d aha]} J)ay a fi11e U!) to 500 dollars.


If a Government iand 1nensu.1·er 11ses a false measuru1g co·r(l a11 d a nia11 inj1rred 1J)'- reason of tl1is makes a11 a1J11eal to 1l1e Courts, the la11d sl1all l>e meas1rred and if lie lJe fo1.111d to 11 ave actecl l1nlalv-fuJ]y and deceitfull)' or if lie sec1·etly l<:.ept from tl1e Go,rerr1n1ent a11 cxtr[-t JJiece ,vbich sl1ould have come to th.em, lie sl1all JJay a {i11e frou1 50 to 300 dollars a11d shall be irn1)risonecl from l 111ontli to I )rear and sl1all JJe clismissed £1:om 11-is employment.


If a man be 11roved to have mo,'cll deceitfully tl1.c confines and

l1or1ndary of a large or s1nall IJiecc of Janel, lie sl1all ]Je ,fined from 20 to 200 dollars and sl1all lJe i1J11>risooed fro1u l n1011tl1. Lo l )rear·; 1Jut on a second offence tl1e 11ena1ty sl1all ]Je doul1led. '

NINTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by forging a document which is produced as evidence for a false passport or pass.


A man who fra11dule11tly 1>re1)ares a passport 01· fraud1tlentlv alters a gen11ine l)assport or is discovei-ed 1n.aking 11sc of a false passpo.rt sl1 all

JJe i111prisoncd from 1 montl1 to 1 yea1· a11d sl1 all pay a fine -from 300 dollars; or he shall receive eitl1er of the t,vo punishments. 210.

10 to

A man lvl10 ca11ses to l)e lvritten in a IJassport a 11ame whicl1 is not l1is o': � 11a1n� and a man wl10 causes a pass1)ort to l>e iss11ed by helping _ _ and g1,ring evidence on tb1s point sl1all be i1nprisoned from 1 to 6 montl1s and sl1all •pay a ·fine from 10 to 100 1:lollars; or l1e sl1all receive eitlier of the t,vo p11nisl1ments.



211. �

a n1an for tl1 e 11igl1t-,vl10 make a false entry in tl1cir 1·egiste1·s, kno'\-vi'ng that it is not tl1 e n1an's real nan1e, shall l)e impriso.necl fro111 6 clays to 1 montl1.


If tl1e J)assr)ort officials tl1en1sclvcs issue a passport to a n1an ,v-11om

FI · otel-keepers-me1.1 wl10 r�11t


they do not kno,v, ,vitl1011t oJJLai11ing eviclence fron1 two peor)le as to l1is name and occupation, they sl1a]J be ]1elcl respo11 sible ii a11y fina11cial Iial)ility arises, tl1 ey sl1all lJe in1 priso11ed from 15 clays to 3 montl1s ancl sl-1aJl pay a fi11e from 10 to 100 dollars; or tl1ey shall receive eitl1er of tl1e t,vo p11nisl1me11ts. I[ l1e is convicted of giving tl1e J)ass1Jort frau­ dulently after he l1as l1eard and koo,vs tl1at the 1nan }1as come Lo olJlain a passport fra11clulently, tl1e llenalty shall 1Je dou]Jlecl. •


A 1na11 ,vl10 J)rCJJares a frat1dulent f)ass for travelfu1g ,.v-itl1itt tl1e country or ,vl10 fraudulentl)r alters :i ge1.11ri11e pass or ,vl10 travels ,vitl1

a pass which has been fra11du]ently preparecl or fraudt1.lently altered, cleceiving tl1e officials, sl1.all .lJe in11)risonecl from 1 montl1 lo 1 yea1· an.d shall JJay a fi11e fron1 10 to 100 dollars; or lie sJ1all receive either of tl1c t,vo JJ11nisl1111ents.


if }Jy 1rieans of a frauclu1e11tly IJrepared. or Iraudltlently alterecl pass a man recejves fro1n tl1e Government h:avel1ing eXJ)enses, lte shall ret11rn ,.vl1at he recei,red lJy l1is fra11cl and. sl1all be in11J·riso11ecl from 2 111011ll1s lo 2 years and sliall J)a)' a fi11e fro111 20 to 200 clollars.


If Ll1.e officials 'i-vho iss·ue 1)asses iss11e a IJass ,vitJ1out a name, I,.no,ving tJ1at tl1e 11anie give11 .tl1em l)y tl1e 1r1ai1 appl)ri ng for tJ1e pass is not l1is tr11e nnme, 1l1e)' s'11all lJe impriso11ed frou1 I lT1or1tl1 to l year and sh.all {)ay a line f1·01T1 10 to 100 dollars; or LJ1ey shall receive eitl1er of tl1e t,vo 1)1111isl1ments.





if }Jy 1nea11s of tl1is pass l1e receiveg m.oney froin tl1e G-overn­

.1ne11t, lie sl1nll pa)' back tl1e money receivecl fro111 tl1e Governu1ent anr] tl1 e JJenalty sl1all l)e dou])led.


A man wl1 0 falsely preJJtrres a 1neclical certificate in 01·cler Lo leave Gover111nent ,vork sl1all }Je imprisonell fro1n I montl1 to 1 year and shall 1)ay a fine from 10 to 100 dollars; or l1e shall receive of tl1e two l)unishments.

218. .

Doctors wl10 give to a Gover111ncnt servant in orcler that l1e may· leave ]1 is ,-vork a certificate saying untruly that he is ill ,vhen lie l1as 110 illness shall ]Je imp1·iso11ecl f1·on1 1 111onLl1 to 1 year ancl sl1all pay a fine from 100 Lo 1000 tClollars; or tl1ey shall receive either of the two 1)nnisl1ments. '


TENTH CHAPTER Concerning crime which is committed by Government servants and in Government Offices.


If a man comes and alJuses a Go, e1·111J1ent servant wl1e11 he is at l1is ,-vork or 011 acco11nt of l1is ,•.roi-k, lie sl1al] JJe impriso11e<l fro1 11 1 to 6 months and sl1all pay a fine fron1 20 to 50 clollars.


If a Gover11ment sen;ant fincls a djffic11lLy il1 l1is ,,vork a11 cl calls llJJ011 another man to helJJ l1im. a11c1 tl1 at man 1·ef11ses l 1 is l1 elJ> \.V.itl1or1.t gi,ri11 g a genuine, l1 e sl1 all JJe i111JJ.riso11ecl fro1r1 1 to 3 montl1s ancl shall pay a fine J1·on1 lQ to 20 dollars; or l1e sl1all 1·ecei,;c citl1er of tl1e t\.VO (]Tit. Neg., Pt. 47, IJ . 310). JJUnishments.


If a man n1 defia11ce of ·the la\.v l>), any i11ge11uiLy 1 111seals ancl OJJCns . ,rer11 11 1ent servants l1a,re any ]<.i11 d of tl1ing wlrich is closec1, ,vl1icl1 G -o sealecl lIJJ ,viLl1 a seal, he sl1all 1>ay a11y fu1ancial ]ialJilit)' ,vl1 icl1 1na)' JJe ir1 curred a11d shall }Jc imJJ1 ·is..:>11ecl fron1 7 111ont.l1s Lq 2 years a11cl sJ1all pay a fine fror11 50 to 200 clollars.



A 111an v.1 110 conceals a11)' lci11d of J)l"O})Crty or Jjoolcs aocl J>apers "'J1icl1 are in t11 e keeping of Gover11me11t sel'var1Ls, or ,vl1e.11 J)er111jssion l,een gi,,en to sell_ 1.r1alces a·\vay ,-vitl1 Lhe price s.l1all JJe respo11sj]Jle if all}' q11est:ion of fi11a11cial lia1Ji1it)r arjses a11cl also sl 1 al] receive tl1 e ·p 1 1 11 isl1 me11t of a tl1ief.


A man ,vl10 gives or .J)ro1r1ises to gi,,e 1no.ney to a judge i 11 order thaL he 1uay not gi,,e a just sc11 l.ence in tl1e \.Vor]c of juclgment to "vl1 icl1 be l1 as .been a1)1Jointed. sl1all .lJe i1npriso11ed Jrom 6 mo11tl 1 s to 1 yea1· and shall pay a fine f1·om 20 to 50 doll,11:s. If it ]Je fo1111d tl1 at the judge

l1as consented and receivecl tl1e 111011ey, l1e sl1all ·1·ecei,1e dou]Jle tl1e JJ 11nisl1me11t ,vl1icl1 is inflictecl 011 tl1e give1·. 1Vler 1 appointed fo1· tl1 e ,vo1·k of judging sl1c!ll hea1· tl1e matter ,vhich a litigant ] Jrings before tl1em seatecl in the place prescri]Jecl for ·them; iJ they cause tl1 e liti O"a11 ts to 1>lead in tl1eir l1 011ses or iJ1 anotl1er J)lace, 01· if tl1ey listen Lo 0 11 e ;arty to Ll1e suit i n tl1e a1Jscnce of tl 1e otl1er, tl1ey sl1all •JJay a fi11e f 1 ·01n 10 to 100 dollars. If jt JJe tl1e litigants �vl10 bring tl1e matter l>efore tl i e jud0cre . in this fo.r]Jidden JJlace, tl1 ey sl1all pay a fu1e fron1 l to 5 clollars.


If a man witho11t l1aving ])ee11 ap1)ointed is founcl cloin()' Gover11ment 1-vo1·k and pretending tl1at 11e has ]Jeeu ap1)ointecl, 11e sl1 all ]�e res1J onsiIJle



for any c!a111age t11at 111ay J1ave accr11ecl a11cl sl1all J)e in11)riso11ed from 6 1x1011tl1s to 1 year ancl sl1all l)a); a fi11e from 100 to 300 (? 4100) clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 30, p. 193).



If a 111a11 1Je fo11ncl cloi11g Government ,vorl� after he l1as JJee11 clcprivecl of l1is appoi11Lme11t ancl forl)iclclen Lo do tl1e ,vork, J1e sl1ali receive tl1e satn.e J)U11isl11ne11t as tl1e ma11 'i-vl10 wit]1011t l1avir1g l>ee11 a1)J) tecl 1s fo1111cl cloing Go,1er1111icnt ,vork a11c! prete11d i 11g tl1at lie l1as JJeen aJ)po i ntecl. (F i t. Neg., Pt. 4-3, J). 276) . •

J\. ma11 1,vl10 witl1011t l1eiug . '-' decorated l)Y . tl1e Go,,cr11menL ,vears gar111ents of rank, a 111cclal or otl1er signs of official rar1k sl1all l)e i111JJrjsoned from 6 111ontl1s to 1 year a11d sl1all pa)r a fi.11e fro111 50 to 20 . 0 clollars; t)r 11.e ,sl1all recei,,e eitl:1er of tl1e t,-vo 1)1111.isl11nc11ts. B11t iJ J 1e is fo11nd to be "''earing tl1e orn an1ci1ts of a higher Ta11k 1l1a11 ,vas given "" hi111, lie sl1all pay a fine from 5 to 20 clollars. (} it. Neg., Pt. 9, p. 70). '-'


A ma11 'i-vl10 clestroys or spoils t111la,-vf11lly pa pcrs or 0Ll1er Go,rer11me11t 1)ro1Jert)' 1vl1icI1 l1e receivecl for tl1e J)t11·pose of safe-kecp i 11g or 1vl10 keeps silence, knowi11g that tl1ey l1ave been spoiled or clestro)red, sl1all lJe in11Jr i so11ecl fro111 6 11·1011tl1s to 1 year and shall J)ay a fiuc fro1n 50 to 200 clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. t17, !)· 125).


A Gover111neut ser,,a11t ,vl10 l1as received for safe-keepir1g aaytl1ing 'i-\'l1ich is pro1)erly- sealecl with a seal a11d l)reaks iL or OJ)e11s it i11 ortler to look at it sl1all ])e i mpriso11etl. .fro1n 1 1nontl1 to 1 year ancl sl1all pay a :fi11e from 20 to 50 dollars.


A n1an \Vho ,vitl1011t permission takes away for ]1in1self any kind of Gove1·nment pro1)erty ,vhicl1 h.e l1as 1·eceivecl fo1· safekeeping or wl10 inclirectly ca11ses it to be taken a,va)' ehall he im1)risoned from 6 n1ont J1s to 2 years ancl shall pay a fine from 20 to 50 clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 9;

17, p. 12.4).


A · Governm·eut serva11t ,vl10 receives mo11ey- either rJ i rectly or indi1·ectl)r du.ring tl1e ,vork l\•hicl1 has bee11 assig11ecl to him i11 order that he may ,vatch over tl1e ,Gove·ru.ment ,vork and, cai1se it to ])e done shall be imJ)risoned fro1n 6 montl1s to 1 year a11d 8l1all pay a :fi11e from 50 to 200 dollars. '


A Government serva11t ,.\•110 buys goocls at 1ni1ch 1no1·e tl1an their p · rice ,vitl1 tl1e idea of making a l)rofit for_ l1imself or so1:11eone else shall repay double the amount of money he pa1cl over the 1Jr1ce and shall he imprisoned from 2 montl1s to I year.





A Gover11ment se1·vant w11 c, receives ·Go,1er11 ment dues and taxes of

a11y kind ,vl10 takes n1 ore tl1an tl1e a111om1t })rescril)ed l))r la,"' or ,vl10 re�eives tl1 em a.11 d keeps tl1em for l1 imself ,sl1 all ])e imprisc,11e� from 3 111onths to 3 years and shall pa)r l1ack tl1 e n1 011ey lie has received and. shall· }Jay a fine fro111 20 to 200 clollars; or J1 e shall receive eitl1 er of tl1e two punisl1n1ents.

A Government se1·vant w]Jo receives mo11ey fron1 a11otl1 er toa11 v.,l1ile

he is on Government work eiLl1er for tl1e pur1)ose of bru:1ning another servant or of benefiting anotl1er servant sJ1 all ]Je im JJ1·isonecl fro111 6 months to 2 yea1·s and sl1 all pay a :fi11e from 50 Lo 200 dollars. .


A 1nan who is on Governn1ent work in a JJosition of t1·ust a 11d l1olding an official apJ)ointrnent ,vl1 0 impro1)erl)' reveals a secret co1111ected witl1 11 is work or of ,vhich. l1 e l1 as bee11 i11 forn1ed sl1all ]Je impriso11cd from 6 1nontl1s to I )'ear and sl1all pa)' a fi11 e fron1 100 to 105 dollars in JJ1·01Jor• tion to tl1e esti1natc·d great11ess of the secret.


A Government serva11 t ,vl10 l1 eari11g 1Jeforel1a11 cl a 1·e1)5>rt t]1a1. so111eone is lo receive an appointn1 e11 t gives l1im n1011ey a11d after tl1e a1JJ)OiI.1 tme11 t reminds J1im of the gift sl1 all ]Jc pt111 is]1ecl i11 tl1e sa111e \Va)r as tl1e gi,rer and recei,,er of a l)rilJe.


If a Governme11 t serva11t is orclered to l1olcl a11d exa1ni11e a ce1·Lain


crimi11al, ancl tl1at Government serva11t ,vitl1 tl1e i11te11 tion of procuri11g tl1al LL1e criminal shall not esca1Je comn11111icales son1e i11formatio11 to tl1e crimi11al eitl1e1· clircctly or i11 a 1·01111clabo11t ,va)r a·11 d ca11ses J1is esca1Je, lie sl1 all be iu11Jrisonecl according to t l1 e estin1 atecl clegree of tl1e crime fron1 3 n1011tl1s to 3 years a11d sl1all J)a)' a fi11e fro1n 50 to 200 cioD.ars.

If a Go,1ernu1e11 t se1·va11t ,vl10 is worki11 g i11 tl1 e ]?osts a11cl 'J�clegra1)l1s

opens clestroys or takes away or in tl1e alJsence of its o,v-r1er gi,,es over t o another 111an or 1nakes kno,v.u to anotl1 er n1a11 a secret wl1 icl1 l1 e l1 as seen. ,vitl1in any letter or telegra1n or otl1 er a1:ticle ( colis) ,vl1icl1 l1as co1ne closed, lie shall pa)' tl1 e o,vner for the article cleslroyc<l and sl1 all ]J e inIJ)risoned f1·om 6 montl1s to 1 year. But :if tl1 e crime ,vl1 icl1 l1as been committed cause inj111·y to anotl 1 er man, he sl1all ])e imp·risoned from 1 to 2 years.

' 238.

A Government servant wl1 0 cloes )1 is ,vork imJJroperl)' witl1 tl 1 e idea

of injuring another 111-an sl1all ]Je i111prisonecl from 3 and shall pay a fine fro1n 50 to 200 clollars .

1 11ontl1 s

to 1 year

ELEVENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by disobedience to a judge and by hindering the work of the courts of justice.


tl1e juclg� to a})J)Car in com·t to give evicle11ce or to take an oatl1 01· to give i 11 .foru1ation a1 J out any a state 1ne11t of ir1formation n1atte1· 1vJ1icl1 is kno,v11 to him or to sign V ,vJ1icl1 J1 e l1as alreacl)' given or for. any othe 1 · 11ecessa1·)' b11si 11 ess and fails Lo aJJpea1� or fails to a IJ J_)ear ,vitl1out givi11g an)' sa Li s.factor)' reason for l1is fail11re, accorcling to -tl1e importance of the bt1siness i 11 co11 nection ,vith ,vhicl1 lie was surr1 1r1oned, ::hall l)e im 1Jrisonecl Iror 11 10 cla)'S to 3 111ontl1s a11d · shall pay a fine U{J to 50 clo11ars; or lie sl1all receive eithe1· (Fi I:. Neg., })t. 4,3, JJ. 261). · of tl1e l'lvo p1111isl1n1ents.


1\t the ti1ne of a trial, ,vl1e11 tl1e juclge is i11 co1 1 rt, a 111a11 who abuses or tbxealens tl1e cou1· t and tl1e j11 dge eitl1er by ,vi·itu1g, lJ y picture or by ,vorcl of mo11tl1, sl1all ]Je impriso11ecl accorcli 1 1g to tl1e clegree of tl1 e injury from I montl1 to 1 )'ear a 11 cl sl1all pay a fi 1 1e f1·0111 50 to 500 clollars. But if the al)11se takes Jllace 011tside tl1e court, J1e sl1 all l)c i 1II })tjso11ed from 10 clays to 3 1nontl1s.


It is }JrOJler tl1e litiga 11ts a11 cl all tJ1e pcOJ)le sl1 ould. l10 11011r tl1 e co1rrts of justice a11tl tl1e juclges, · an,] so :if tl1e juclge i11 co1u·t alluses a If it he litigant in1prope1·ly, he sl1 all pa)' a fi11e froru 10 to 50 clo]lars. 111an sittinc:r in the court as assessor wl10 is alJ11sive wl1ile giving his opinion o; tl1 e ca,se, l 1 e sh.all pay a fi11e f1 ·om 30 to 100 clollars.



A man 1vl1 0 is 1a,v-f11lly s11n1111oned


After t11 e j11clge l 1 as passecl serJ tence a 1 1d 01·clered tl1 a t any kind of prOJ)erty sl1all lJe sold by ar1ctio11, a man ,,vl10 11n1<lers or pre,,e 11 ts the }1olding of tl1e a11ction JJ)' force or lJ)' tl1reats or by giving of mo11ey shall ]Je in1p�isoned from 1 to 3 montl1s a11cl sl1 all pay a fi11e .fro111 20 to 50 clollars; or lie shall receive either of tJ1e t'¼·o p11'J1isl1n1en�s. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 44, p. 287). '


'¼d10 con1n1its tl1 e cr101e, he sl1all be If it be a Government irnprisoned from I mo11t.h to 6 yea1·s ancl sl1all pa·y a fine fron1 50 to 200 dollars .


•A man who 1,vitl1out 1Jeing aJ),pointecl claims to he a juclge a1 1d does the work of a judge or who deceives people l)y cl1a11g·ing l1 is 11 ame for




tlte' 11a1ue of a j11clge sl1 all be i1111Jriso11ccl f.ro1n l to 6 111011 tl1s and shall pay a fine fro1n 50 to 200 clollars; or h.c sl1all receive eitl1er of tl1e tlvo IJl111isl1111 e11ts. (Fit. Neg., PL. 4,3).


. _I\. n1an ,,vl10, l<.11owi11g tl1at a crin1e I1as· bec11 commit Led, lvitl1 tl1e 1

intention of sa,r:i11 g anotl1e·r n1a11 f1:0111 t]1e IJt111is]1n1ent� wl1jcl1 are ,vrit� en in the la,v destroys a11)' ki11cl of evicle11ce or gi,,es false ,-viL1.1ess concerning tl1e cri1ne ,-vl1icl1 l1 as ]Jcc11 co11111 1itted 01� JJrotects -01· hicles tl1 c crimii1al ,...,110 is 1Jei11g tJTosec11ted Ior tl1e cri1 11e or co11 cea]s a11d I1el J JS t]1e crimj11a] for any reason to a, oid arrest sl1all pay a fine f1:on1 20 to 100 dollars and "' -shall 1Je imJJrisonecl from 6 n1ontl1s to 1 yea1·. (} it. Neg., Pt. 4-3, JJ. 282). 1


But if the criu1i.J1al "'' 11 0 l1as clone tl1e l1aro1 is JJU1 1 isl 1ed. lJ)' tl,c se11tence of cleath 01· a tern1 of ii111Jrir;o11n1ent fron1 10 to 20 )rears, a ma11 1vl10 hel 1Js l1im shall ]Je im'!)risoned from. 1 to 5 years and. sl1all pay a ·fi.11e from 50 to 200 clollars. But if tl1is l1el 1) jg givei1 lJy a l1 11shand to l1is wife, a wife to l1er l111slJa11d, a cl1j}cl to l1is l1is motJ1e1· or l1is gra11dpa1·e11 Ls, a n1otl1er ancl fatl1e1· to tl1eir c11ilclren a11cl gra11clchjld1·en, a hrotl1er to l1is lJrotl1e1· or sister, a sistel' to l1er IJrotl 1er or sister, a fatJ1er anc] motl1er Lo son-i11-law 01· claugl1ter-in-la"'r, a lJrotl1er to a lJroL11e1·-in-la"'', a sister to lier sister-in-la,-v, tl1e)'· s1 1all 11 ot 1Je JJ11nisl1ed.


A u1a11 wl10 01)e11s a recorcl lJoolc i11 co111·t a11cl ,vri tes a11y ki11d of

e,,ide11tial -doc11n1 cnt ancl S'tate111e11t of t:l1 e s11it ancl afte'J· givi11g it to tl1 P. co111·t p:ets it }Jacl, ])y frn11cl a11cl 1·en1 0,,es aJJlJre,,iates clestroys or co11ceals • • .. it sl1all l)e i1n1)risor1ed fro1u 10 cla�rs to 3 1nontl1s a11cl s1 1all 1 )8)' a fi11 e fror11 10 to 50 dollars; or l1e sl1all 1·ecei,,e eitl1er of tl1e t,-vo p1111isl11 11ents. .

TWELFTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by causing a disturba11ce. •


Wl1 e11 111e11 are gathered togetl1er to ca11se a disl11rba11ce ,vl 1ich ,vill clistur}J tl1e pul)lic J)eace, if they -do 11ot o])e)' t'l1 e orcler to clis1)erse after it l1as been gi,,e.n ]J y tl1e JJol icc· or JJy me11 in a11tl101·ity, tl1ey sl 1 all ] J e jmpriso11ed from 3 1nontl1 s to l year c111d sl1all J)a)r a fi11 e fro1u 20 to 200 dollars.


But tl1ey sl1all 11ot ])e JJuuisl1ed if tl1 C)' disJJerse ii1 o] J eclie11ce to tl 1 e orcler to dis1)erse whe11 it is given ]))' tl1e _police or officials.



THIRTEENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by releasing prisoners \Vho are imprisoned as a punishment





253. •

. If a 111an ,vl10 l1as ])ee11 sente11ced to la,v Ior a cri111e ,-vhicl1

he l1as co1runitted a.11d bas ])cc11 ir111)risoucll esca1Jes iron1 tJ1e r>risoi1 a11cl is caugl1l, i11 additio11 to tl1.e f)11uish111eut to lVl1icl1 l1e l1as Leen llrc,,iously sentenced l1e sl1aJl })ay a :fir1e fro1n 20 to 50 dollars and be in11)riso11ed from 1 to 6 mo11tl1s; or J1e sl1all 0111y receive eitl1er 011e oi tJ 1ese ptuijsh, meuls. B11t if in escaping from tl1e J )rison l1e got 011t ])y 1Jrcaking oat of tl1e pTison or h)r 11sir1g force or ]Jy i11timidating 1J)' fol'ce, lie sl1all ]Je in1J)risoued irom 6 1nontl1s lo 1 year a11cl sJ1aJl pay a fine fro1.r1 20 lo 200 -dollars.

A 1nan ,vl10 gets a prisoner 011t of r>rison or ,vl10 lie.lps l1in1 lo get

011t sl1all be in11Jrisoned fro1n 1 month to 2 yea1·s a11cl shall pa)' a fi11e Brit if the criminal ,vllo escapes frorn prison from 20 to 200 dollars. was se11 te11ced lo deatl1 or to irnr>riso11u1e.nt fro1u 15 to 20 yeaxs, 11e sl1all be im1Jrisoned llJ) to 5 years and sl1al] pay a fine fro1n 20 Lo 200 cloliars.

If it ]Jc fatl1er or gra11clfatl1er, cl1ild, granclcl1ilcJ, brotl1er, sister or

wife ,vho l1as given l1el1) i11 getting a f)risoner out of }Jrison, a sentence of half tl1e IJ11uisl1meut sl1all JJe l lassed.

If it be prison tJolice ,vl10 have been ordered to keep tl1e prisoner

,vl10 help .l1i1u to esca1)e or ,viliully cause that he shall escarJe, tl1ey sl1all ]J e iI�p1·iso11ed from 6 n1onths to 2 years and shall pay a fi11e fro1n 50 to 200 clollars.


H the prisoner whom tl1ey help to escape from the priso11 or wl1om they ,vilfully set free is a J)risoner on ,vhom sentence l1as ]J een pas,secl and the sentence is a deatl1 sentence or a sentence of imJ Jrisonrnent fro1n 15 to 20 years, tl1ey sl1all be itnprisonecl up to 5 ye , ars and sl1al.l pay a fine from 100 to 1000 dollars.·


Police wl10 let loose lly laziness or negligence a c1·iminal wl10 has been jmprisoned sl1all l1e im1Jriso11ed from 1 montl1 to 1 year and shall pay a fine from 10 to 100 dollars, or they shall receive eitbe.r of the two punishments. But if tl1e criminal who has been let loose was �011c!�nmed . to deatli or to impr1sonme11t from 15 to 20 years, tJ1ey shall lJe 1mpr1sonf'd from 6 montl1 s to 5 years and sl1all pay a frne from 20 to 200 dollaTs.



If the escaJJed prisoner is founcl ancl ca11gl1t witl1in 6 1nontl1s, tl1e p1·ison police sl1all l1ave their punis11ment remitted as soon as 11e, is caugl1 t.


If a man ""l1ose ,sentence was tl1at he sl1oulcl 1101: move aJJout from one place to anotl1er sl1a]] go 011t of tl1e place in ,-vl1icl1 it '\-Vas ordered that lie sl101tld liv,e, or if after· 1Jeing for)Jid.cle11 to approacl1 s11cl1 and such a JJlace he shall go to tl1at JJlace, 1 year s11al11Je addccl Lo l1is sentence. rfhis means that if l1e was 01·clered to stay i11 a JJlace £01· 5 years be shall stay for 6 years; if for 10 yea1·s, l1e sl1all stay for 11 )'ear·s.


Concerning the crime which is committed by pulling down and destroying and spoiling memorial monuments 258.

A 1nan ,vl10 JJt11ls clo,\111, SJJoils or clestr0) S a 111en1orial 111011111nent or an5 memorial ,vl1icl1 ,vas ercctecl for tl1e lJe11efit of tl1e JJublic sl1a11 )Je responsilJle for tl1e darnage a11cl s11nll lJe i1.111Jriso11ecl frorr1 1 1:no11tl1 to 1 year. 7


FIFTEENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by damaging mecn1s of communication to the destruction of the safety of the public. 259.

1\. man ,-vh,o clamages a J)U]Jlic t1·ack or a briclge over a ri-..;er or a clam or l)arrage for water or a ca1-riage or motor road or t11e track of the 1·ailway docs anytl1 ing wl1icl1 may cause an accide11t to a110Ll 1 er perso11 s.l:1all be i1npriso11ecl fron1 3 montl1s to 3 years a11cl sl1all }Jay a fi11 e fron1 20 to 500 dollars.


A n1a11 w.ho puts an olJstacle on the railway t1·ack or ,-v} 1 0 loosens and takes up the rails or who moves the signals or cloes a11yt] 1 ino- else to ca11se an accident sl1all ]Je in1JJriso11ed from 6 n1onths to 3 )'�ars a�d sli all (Fit. Neg., Pt. 37, J). 225). pay a fine from 50 to 500 clollars. 42



But if h)' reaso11 of ,vl1 at l1 e ]1as done an accicle11t is cat1sed not

involvixig loss of life, l1e sl1 a]J 1Je responsilJle for tl1e da 111age a 11 cl s'1 1 all be imprisonecl :f1·on1 1 to 5 )'ears a11d sl1all J)ay a fine from 100 to 1000 dollars. . · (Fit. Neg., J)t. 45, J). 291).


If l)y reaso11 of ,v11 at l1 e l1 as do 11e an accide11 l is ca11secl i 11 volving loss

of limb or life, l. ie s11all be sente11ced accordi11 .....g Lo tl1e laws co11ce1-ning tl1 e .loss of li1nb a11 <1 tl1e loss of life.


If on accou11t of tJ,e comn1issio11 of tl1 ese cri1ues tl1e JJttlJlic mea11s of con1 1n1mication are founcl to l1ave ieceivecl little da1uage a11cl no injUT)' l1as 1.)een ca11secl to a11y 111an, he sl 1 a]J only pay tl1e cstimatecl cost of tl1e ,vork on tl1e roacl.


_A, n1a11 ,vJ10 da111 ages a ,virc track stretcl1ecl from a 111acl1 ine fo1· tl1 e }Jassage of 1nan or goo els or w'l10 ]Jreaks tl1e tele1Jl1onc line so 1l1 a l anotl1e 1· ma11 may not SJJeak or comn1unicate ]J)' tele1Jhone s11 a]J l>e im_prisoned from 1 n1011 tl1 to 3 years a1 1 cl shall pa)r a :fine frotn 50 to 100 clollars. •

SIXTEENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by a man existing as an idler without a master and without work and by a man existing as a beggar without having any infirmity and by publicly saying what is untrue. 265.

If idle11ess is pro,,ecl agaj 11 st an icller ,vJ10 J1as no work 01· master or dwelling place or 1neans of s1ilisistence, l1 e sl1all ]Je a 1·restecl a11cl l1anclecl ove.r to t11e official in cl1arge of tl1e hirecl workmen and sl1all wo·rk ir1 cl1 ains f1·01n 1 1 11ont]1 to 1 year. But if J1e find , s a man '\-\1 ho w.ill be l1is B11t if no guara11tor or :if lie finds ,..,,ork, l1 e shall at 011ce ])e released. �1ara11tor is fotmd 1Jy the ti1ne 11e has lJee11 in cl1ains for 1 montl1, the �fficial in cl1arge of ilie l1irec] ,-vorkmen shall give l1.in1 011ly wl1at is needed for food and shall set him free after giv111g him tl1e mo11ey wl1icl1 be l1as savecl llp for ]1im as pay for 11 :is ,vork and receiving a receipt in, tl1e prese11 ce of t· he


But if he ]Je a1·rested a seconcl tin1e, he sl1 'all 1Je l1 anded to the official in charge of tl1e l1ired workmen and shall work 11nder his cl1 arge 1mtil evidence is g·iven of a cl1ange of character and a love of work.


A n1an witl1 no infirmity- wl10 inakes a ha]Jit of lJeggi11 g ,¥110 ifl fo11 11d lJegging shall ])e pm1isJ1ecl "'ritl1 tl1e snme JJ1111 isJ 11ne11t as an iclle1�.


Any , n1 a11 lvl1o lJrings i11to co11Lcu1pt tl1c Go,1crn111e11t o� Ll1e Ja,,vs of _ tl1e Governrne11t i11 l1is }Jlil)lic SJJeaking, or a 1ua11 lvl10 IJUIJl1cly says any­ tl1ing else ,vl1ich is 11ntr11e sl1aJl ]Jc jn1JJrisor!ccl from 2 111011 tl� s to 2 years _ and sl1all pay a :fine fron1 20 to 200 dolJars; or l1e sl1all rcce1,,e e1ll1er of the t'\-vo p1111isl1 n1e11ts.


J)ossession four1 cl ,veari110ff a clisg11ise or i11 If an idler or a }J eao-ar 00 . is • . of tools 1vl1icl1 migl1t 1Je 11sef11l for tl1eft, l1is JJt111isl�1ne11t sl1alJ JJe <.101ililetl.


SEVENTEENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed against religion


Wl1atevcr the reaso11 111a)r .l)e, a 1nar1 ,vl10 01Je1tly abuses tl1 e 1·eligion of tl1e Govern1nent, of tl1e Ortl1odox ]Taitl1, sl1all lJe it111Jriso11ecl from 1 to 3 years a1Jcl s11all J)ay a ftt1 e from 100 l.o 500 dollars.


A n1a11 ,-vl10 01)enly JJrit1gs into contempt tl1e 1)ate·n, cl1alice, cross, ce11scr and l1oly tl1 jngs rese1nl)li 11g tl1ese ·,vb icl1 are usecl in th ,e s1)irit11al ,vo1·l<. of Ll1e Cl1urcl1 of Ll1e Ort11oclox · Faitl1 sl1all ]Je i1n1Jriso11ed frorn 3 monLl1 s · Lo 1 year a11d sl1all IJay a fine from 20 to 100 clolla1.·s. (Fit. Neg., l:>t. 1, JJ. 17).


,�7 11en J)eo1Jle ar,e gatl1ered togetl1er to l1onot1r a feast ,vl1icl1 is 01·de1·ed

]Jy Ll1 e Ch11rcl1 of tl1e Ortl1odox Faitl1, a man 1-vl10 01Jer1ly }Jri11gs u1to co11ten11)t tl1e feast a11cl ca11ses tl1e l)eople to scatter sl1all )Je in1prisoned from 1 mo11 th to 1 year ancl sl1all )_Jay a Ji11e fro111 20 to 100 dollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 1, 1). 140) .

• ,


. PAR T Concerning crime which is committed against a person Crimes \-vl1ich are coinmitted agai11st a J)er�o11 are diviclccl 11111:ler 13 c.l1apters. I

1st 2ncl 3rcl -4,Ll 1 5 tl1 6tl.1 7 tl1 8tl1

cl1a })ter. cl1a1Jter. c)Japter. cl 1a1)ter. cl1a l)ter. cl1ar>Le1·. cl1a {) Ler. cl1a1)te1·.

9th chapter.

lOLl1 cha1Jter. 11th cl1a pter. 12tl1 cl1 apter. 13tl1 chapter.

Concer11i1Jg a1Jnse. Conce1· false acc11sation a11cl prosecutio11. Concerning striki1Jg and wo1111cling. Concer·ni11g tl1reateni11g. Concer11i11g tl1e ca11sj11g of serious i11j ur)'· Concei-11i11g false evide11ce. Co11cerni11g tl1 e revelation of secrets. Concerr1i11g tl1 e forcible seizttre of a JJerso11 a11rl him ,-vork. Co11cerni_ng tl1e · ca11sing of al)ortion. Concerni11g adultery a11d. fornicatior1. Concerning sorcery. Concerning tl1e ta1<:ing of file. Concerning tl1e i1J j11ri11g of a J)erson's l1caltl1 by poiso11iag.



The law concerning the punishment and the damages for abuse •


He v.rl1 o abuses a man out of co11temp t in order to hu111iliate l1im shall pay fine and damages as ,vritten l)elo,v. Damages 1st.

To an ordinary person .







$ 15






$ 18¾

To an officer in command of 50 and to a sl1alaqa halamharas




15 $ 18¾

Damages To a11 officer in command of 100 ancl to a sl1a1aqa gerazmach . . . . . . . . . . . . • • 1,o an officer in co1n111 a11 d of 1000 a11 cl to a sl1 alac1a qenyazmacl1 . . . . . . . . . . . • . . ,.vl10 is a ]{i11g's shalac1a a11d to a To a 1)alambaras . . . . . . . . . . . sl1 alac1a fita11rari To a gerazmacl1 wl1 0 is a King's sl1alac1a . . . . To a qe11 )r�tz1nacl1 ,vl10 is a IGng's shalac1a . . . To a fitaura1:i wl1 0 is a I(ing's sl1alac1a a11d to a sl1alaqa dejazmacl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . To tl1e I(ing's dejaz1nacl1 's To tl1e ras's . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

$ 22½


$ 22½

$ 37½ $ 971/2 $ 112½ $ 1271/2

S 150 S 200

S 300


Witli regard to me11 ,v]Jo after receiving ra11 k of tl1ese degrees l1a,re l)een clep1·ived of it, tl1 eir clarn.ages a11 cl 1l1e fu1 e shall )Je assessecl acco1·cli11g to tl1eir. rank at tl1e ti1ne tl1e)' l1eld a11 aJ)J)oint111ent.


·w11eu a 1nan l1as l)ce11 i.11 cl1arge of tl1e ,vorlc of all)' office ,vi tl1out ]Jeing given t}1e title of tl1e rank, tl1e da111agcs a11cl fi11c sl1all ])c ·rerl-:or1ecl accorcling to tl1e ra1i.k of tl1e office. •


A n1a11 ,vl10 11ses ter1ns of alJuse sucl1 as ''clu1nlJ, cleaf, ])lir1d� l11u1cl1l)aclcecl'' or all)' in�r.111ity rese111bli11 g tl1ese ,vl1icl1 is a j11clgme11 t (Fit. Neg., Pt. 9). of God sl1all l)a)r fort)r-fi,,c clollars cla111ages. •


_I\ 111:111 ,vl10 al)11ses eitl1cr a si11g]e perso 11 or ]1is fan1ily wit11 s11cl1 violent alJ11sc as to 1Jreve11t a 111arriage sl1all JJay t.t5 dollars cla:i11ages. (Fit. Neg., J?t. 2tl, {). 190).


_I\ 111an ,vl10 in ab11si11g ai:1otl1er goes lJC)'011cl l1in1 and :1lJ11ses liis fatl1er a1 1 cl motlier ,vl1 0 are not J)rese11t sl1all pay 30 c1ollars dan1ages.


A n1an ,vlto abuses a11otl1er in respect of apr)earance ancl cl1a1·acter for ,vhicl1 he is resrJ011sible sl1all pa)' 22½ clollars clan1a!!:es. ,._,


A man ,vho alJuses anotl1er ]J)' treating as deservi 11g of a]J use tl 1 e aJJpearance ,vl1 ich Goel l1as created sl1all pay 30 dollars damages. Tl1e fu1e whicl1 sl1all �Je addecl to tl1e clamages 011 acco1111t of tl1 e rank and l1onour of tl1e pe1·s011 alJ11sed.


A man ,vbo a .buses the officials wl10 are ap1Jointecl over l1 in1 to o·i,,e l1im 01·ders shall, apart from damages, ll8)' a fu1e from 20 to 200 clollar�.




If a ser,ra11t al)t1ses l 1 is master, lie sl1 all lJe .im1)risonecl from 1 to 6 montl1s or sl1all pay a fi11e fro1n 10 to 100 clollars.


lVIoreo,r er tl 1 ere are 111 a11y n1 en ,,,]1 0, tl1 ough tl1ey holcl 110 rat1k of office, are .l 1 on0Tt1·ecl ancl tl1 eir 11ame is kno\v11 l) y Teason of Ll1 eir 1J i1 ·tl1 or "'rork or fo1· some siinilar reason; acco1·dingly: 011 tl1 e grou11 cl tl1 at he l 1 as no rank of office, the juc1ge, it1 order tl1a1: his damages 11.1a)' not be the same as those of an 01·clinaTy 111 a11, sl1al1 n1 ake an estimate a11cl catLSt.' clan1ages to lJe IJaicl fro·m 30 to 100 clollars; 01· l1c sl1 a]l pay· t.l 1is amou11t as a fine to the Governme11t.


A man ,vl10 alJ11ses educate cl .r1r e11 ,vl10 are doing it1 tellcctual lvork, ·treatmg tl1eir wo1·k as clese1,,i11g of abt1se, sl1 a]l pa)r a fine fro1n 30 to 100 clollars or sl1a]l l)e irr.11Jriso11ecl fi-on1 10 days to 3 111 or 1 tl1 s. �



�l�he fine wl 1 icl1 sl 1 all lJe adclecl to tl 1 e cla11 1 ages of tl10 IJers-0 11 ah 11secl on accou11t of 1·espect clue to tl1e IJlace.


A man _,vl1 0· alJ11ses anotl1e1� i11 a cltt�rcl1 sJ1all pay a f1. ne fi-0111 10 to 50 clolla1·s accorcli11 g to tl1c degree of tI1e aJJ11se, accorcling t() tl 1 c ·rank of tl1 e · JJerson ab11sed a11d accorcli11 g Lo tl 1 e .11 1eas11re of l1 is i 11 teJlige11 cc; a11 d tl 1 e fme sl1all 1le gi,ren to a tl1 eologjcal scl100]. (F:i t. Neg., Pt. 12, }J. 100).


A n1 an wl10 abuses anotJ 1 eT i11 Ll1 e IGng's co11rt, apa1·t from tl1c clam ages ,vhicl1 he sl1all pa)r lo tl1 e perso11 a!)used, sl1a11 pay a fine :from 100 to 200 clolla1·s accorcling to tl1e clegree o.f tJ1e alJtlse ancl accorcli 1:ig to

tl1e ra11k of Ll1 e 1J erso11 a1J11secl.


A man ,vl10 ab11ses anotl1er i11 tl1 e court of tl1e Ala Negi.1s and in tl1 e co11J:ts of sl1 a]aqa's ,vl 10 are .r1tlers of Jlrov·i11ces a11d 11 ave the l 1 oc1011r of

a clr11n1 , fro 111 1·as to be clejaz'I11acl1 , in tl1e co11rls of jt1dges wl10 a·re e11Lr11slecl ,vit]1 tl1e ,vo1·k of j11clgi11g sl1 a]l pay a ·fi11e from 30 Lo 80 clollars ar,art from clan1ages to the person alJ11-secl. (Fit. Neg., Pt. t13, p. 271).


A 111an ,vl10 alJ11ses anothe1· i11 the court of any governor of a srr1 all clistrict or of a lanclow11-er with po,vers of j11stice or of a su.JJ-governor sl1all JJU)• a fi11e f1 ·�m 10 to 20 dollars, a1Jart from d.amages to tl1c perso11

a1Jt 18ecl.


A roan who abuses anotl1er in the court of a cl1 iqa sl1r11n or any · ine fTom 1 to 10 dollars a1lart fron1 damages oi·dinar)r j11dge sl1all pa)r a f to tl1e perso11 aJJused.




SECOND CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by accusing ·and prosecuting a man for a pretended crime


A man wl10 kno,-v-ing tl1e state1ne11t to ]Je 11nt:r11c sa)1S Ll1at a11otl1er

man l1as broken the law and .accuses l1im eitl1er lly ,vo1·rl of moutl1 in a J)Ublic J)lace or in a ne,vspaJJe1·, or who writes or JJ1·ints a statement to this effect ,vhich he posts on the ,valls, or ,vl1 0 sells tl1is ,vriting to an)' man and causes it to be -distrilJl1ted, 01· wl10 spealcs to a j·udgc, or ,vh. o r,re1)ares false evidence for tl1 is p11rpose, acco1·c]ing to tl1e ·degree of tlJe crime of wl1icl1 lie accuses tl1e otbe1· n1an, sh.all l)e imr)riso11 ed from I month to 2 years at1 cl sl1 all pa·y, a fu1e from 10 lo 200 dollars. (Fil. Neg.,

Pt. 50, p. 321).


But if the crime of ,.._,}1icl1 l1e acc11ses .anotl1er 11 1a.11 is 011e })Unisl1a]J]e by <leatl1 or ]1y imprisoi1n1ent front 10 to 20 )'ea1·s, l1.e sl1all 1Je imp1·isoned from 3 mo11Ll1s to 2 years a11d sJ1all pay a fi11e fror11 20 to 500 dollars. (Fit. Neg.).


A 1na11 ,.v]10 accuses a11otl1er 111a11, co1111ti11g 111) the false ,..iritnesses or ,11 ri Ling false ev.ide"11ce, a11cl maki11g l1i111 011t to l)e a c JestroJrer of c11stoms and a of tl1e la,v, if tl1e cri1ne lJe 011e p1111isl1alJle lJy 3 montl1s imJJrisonn1ent or t11e 1Jayme11t of a fine only, shall 1Je i1npriso11ecl from 3 n1011Ll1s Lo 1 )rear and sl1a]J pay a fi11e fron1 50 to 500 clolla1.·s. (Fit. Neg.).


If tl1e acc11secl l)erson l1as ]Jee11 sente11cecl to deatl1 a11cl }Jllt to deatl1


for the cri1ne of ,vbicl1 lie "''as falsely acc11secl, tl1e acc11ser s11all he sentencecl lo cleatl1; or il tl1e matter 011 examinatio11 }Jro·vcs to }Je one ,vl1ich does not .dese1·ve deatl1, 11c sl1al11)e im1Jriso11e , d f1·0111 10 to 20 )rears, 01· he sl1all J Jay a fine from 100 to 1000 dolla1:s. (Fit. Neg.).

A man ,vl10 accr1ses or JJro£ecutes a11ot]1er man falsely, n1aking l1 iin

011t to be a criminal, a11d tbe11 alters l1is staten1ent a11d does not }Jress the matter but dro JJS it sl1all ]Je i1n1)riso11ecl for I n1ontl1 aucl sl 1all IJay a fine from 10 to 50 clollars.




THIRD CHAPTER The punishment of a criminal who wilfully strikes or wounds a man '


�&,._ man ,,,r l10 sli-il{es a11otl1cr, if LJ1 cre is no n1ark 01i Ll1 e n1a11 slrt1ck, sl1a]l })8)' a fi11e fro1u 15 to 50 clollars a11 d shall })a)' as damages to tJ1 e �1 an .slrucl, �ro11 1 15 to 50 dolla1·s; o·r i11slead of tl te fine .1 1 ; sl1all ]Je 1n11Jr1soned from 10 days to l montl 1.


If tl 1 e1·e is a r11arl< on ]1im, lie sl1all JJay a fine f.ro111 20 1 0 60 c1o]Jars a11cl d.an1ages fro1u 20 to 60 cl,)]lars to tl1e 11_1a11 slr11cl<.; or i r1 place of t11 e fine lie sl1all lJe impTisoned f ror11 15 to 4,5 clays.


If lie ·11e ,vo1111 decl, l 1 e s11all pay a .611e fron 1 30 lo 70 dollars nnrl damages from 30 to 70 dollars Lo tl1e r11an struck; or i11 J)lace of tl1e f111e lie sl 1 all ]Je in111riso11ed fro1u 1 Lo 3 111011tl1s.


If tl1e ma11 str11cl, ,vas severcl)r ,,vo11r1decl a11 cl [jes U{J j]J for 11ot 1.nore

tl1an 20 da)'S, aftel' tl1e ger111iaeness of lris illne":ls 1'1a;; !Jcc11 i. 1tC[l:J.irecl i11Lo, tl1e strilcer shall }Jay, i11 excess of tl1e clan1ages, cXJ)e11scs i11 cT1rrcd .f 01· a clocto1· a11 cl Ior treat111e11t: a11cl t'l1e amo1111L "'rl1icl1 l1c ..vo11lcl l1a,re ca1·11ecl i11 tb.e ti1ne tie l1 as JJee11 oJr ,vorl{; if l1e ca11sed ]1irr1 to ]Je laid llIJ for more tl1a11 20 ]J·ut not m,qre t]1an 30 days, J1e sl1a]l pay a fine fro111 5 Lo 105 'dollars and tlamages Lo tJ1e same a.mo1111t, or instea cl of tl1e fi11e ]1c sl1all ]Jc i111priso11 ecl fro111 2 to 6 1no11tl1 s; if l1e caused l1in 1 to ]Je laitl 111) for 4,0 clays lie sha 11 JJay a fi11e f1.·01n 60 to l.:10 dollars ancl da111ages to tl 1 e sarne amo1111t, or insteacl of tl1e fine J1e s]1all l)e im.prieo11e1] frorn 3 mo11tl1s to 1 year.


If tl1e ma11 ,-v-110 str11ck ox ,vo11ndecl an0Ll1cr i11tel'.1decl JJeforel1and to clo so, apa1.�t from t11e punjshment wl1icl1. l1as ]Jeen "''r.itte11 al)ove, an ad clitional JJU11isl1rrient sl1all be given from 10 cla)'S to 3 111ontbs.


st1·ikes or wounds J1is fatl1cr or motl1e1· 01· grand J)a1·e:nts 8] 1 a11 lie gi,re11 do11.ble the JJ u1ishment wl1icl1 v.;ot1ld have lJeen given to � J1 iu1 if lie l1 acl strt1ck 01· matie a mark on 01' ,v,011 nclecl anotl 1 er 1)erson.


A 11 y nian ,vb? � trikes 01· ,vo11nc�s a cl1ilcl of les,s tJ1a�1 7 J:ears of age _ _ 01. catlses it to fall ill tbro11gl1 cleny·1ng it fo•ocl sl1 all lJe 11:npr1sonecl fron1 I to 3 inoiiths i11 adclitio11 to pa)ring damages; if for this- cause it is sic.le fo.r inore tli an 20 clays, J1e sl1all lJe i1np1·iso11ecl fron1 3 monLl1 s to l )'ear.


A 1nan




A n1an wl10 casts off a cl1ild unalJle to take care of itself anc1 alJa11dons it and goes away sl1 all be impriso11ed from 6 montl1s lo 1 year; if from

this cause tl1e cast-off child clies, the n1an ,vl1 0 cast it off sl1a111Je se1.1tencecl

to cleatb..

FOURTH CHAPTER Concerning the punishment of the crime of threatening


A ma11 wl10 clemancls to ]Je give11 111011ey, or tl1at mo11e)r sl1oi1ld JJe

deposited at such and st1cl1 a place, or '"ritl1 the inte11tion of o]Jtaini11g mo1Jey from a 1Je1·son orders 11 im to do ,vl1at is u11la,,,Jru or sometl1ing Ll1e doing of ,.vhicl1 is not incumJJent 011 l1i1n, or not to c1o ,vl1at is la,.,rf1tl, and threate11 s in ,,rriting tl1at lie ,vill kill l1im 01· J)Oison bi1n or comlllit so1T1e other c1·i1ne against l1im otl1er,v.ise, if tl1c crime ,vl1ich l1c tl1realened to commit is one ,vhich cleser,,es tl1e se1rtence of dealJ1. 01· 1Jerpel11al im1Jrisonment or CXJJllision from a clisL1.·ict and imprisonment, sl1all lJe itnr)risoned from 3 monll1 s to 2 years anrl sl1all JJay a fine from 10 to 50 clollars.


But jf tl1e tln·eal descrilJed a]Jo,,e ,vas n1acle ]Jy ,-vord of mouth, l1e shall lJe j1nprisonecl fro111 1 montl1 lo 1 year a11d sl1all 1>ay a fine from 10 lo 50 dollars.


A 1na11 ,vl1 0 t11reate11s a11otl1c1· in ,vriting that J 1c ,vill kill or


poison l1iu1 01· commit so111e ot.l1er crin1e agaii1st l1i1n, ,vitl1 011t i11te.nding tl1at lie sl101tlcl do ,vhat is 11nla,vful 01· auytl1ing the ,doing of ,vl1 icl1 is 11ot inci1m]Jent 011 him or that he sboul<l leave undo11e ,vl1at is la1-v-ful., if tl1e crime ,vl1icl1 l1 e threatened to corrur1it dese1·ves s.e11lence of clc:1tl1 ·or .perpet11al impriso13ment or ex1Julsion fron1 a clistrict and i:Jnpriso111nent, sl1all ]Je imJJrisonecl from 3 n1011tl1s to 1 yea1· and sl1 all pay a fi11e f1·om 10 to 50 dolJa1·s. But if tl1 e tl1reat ,vas m.ade lJy "''Orel of 111011tl1 , li e sl1all ]Je impriso11ed from 1 to ,6 mo11tl1s and sl1all pay a "fine from 10 to 50 dollars.

If the ·threatened n1an demands the calling of a guarantor against

acts of ,riolence, or if it seems necessa1-y to tl1e judge that a g11a1·antor against acts of violence sl101tlcl JJe called, l1e shall make an or.der against him for tl1e 1)rovision of a guarantor against acts of violenqe.

50 •

FIFTH CHAPTER The · law of the punishment of a criminal who wilfully causes serious injury and the damages which he shall pay.


A ma 11 ,�he> ,v-ilf11ll)' cau5es serio11s iI1jury sltall IJe i 1:t1[Jrisone(l fron1 6 n1011ths to 3 )rears. He �hall J)ay pror)cr cla11 1ages to tlJ e 1t1an.. ,,vl1 0 l 1 as

He sJ1 all first of al1 pay tl1e fee ,vl1 icl1 the receivecl the se1�iol1s ir1jlu·y. n1 an lv110 l1as ]Jee 11 serio11sly i 11jl1recl l 1 as paicl to tl1 e cloctor a11 d tli e CXJJenses of l1is treatme11t, and tl1e 111011ey ,..,rl.1jcl1 J1e pays to tl1e cloclor ancl fo1· treat1ne11 l slrall not lJe rec]�o11ed. ir1 tl1e clamages. '.!,,09 .

If a n1a11 'v.,ho causes serio11s injury i11tcnclecl 1Jcforel1ancl to co11l1nit tb.e c1·i1ne of c:111sing serio11s injliry, l1e sl1 all l)e i 1n1JrjE01Jed from 1 to 5

years a11cl s11all pay 1Jro1Je1· clan1ages.


B1.1t if a n 1 a11 after cat1�i11 g �erio11s injur)r fails for :111)r rcasor1 Lo pay da111ages after it J 1 as lJeer1 clecicled tl1�tt 11.e sl1a11 IJay -cla111agcs to tl 1. e n1ar1 ,;vl1 0 has l)ee11 serious!)' i 11j11recl, J1is ptmisl1111ent sl1all l) c f 1:orrt 1 to 10 J'ears.


orde1· tl1at the extent of Ll1e jnjttr)r n1 ay ]Je k11ow11, 1-vl1ethe1· tl1 e man wl1o' l1as lJeen serio11sly injttred is caJ)a.]Jle of doing work or is totally n1ca11acitatecl fro1n cloing ,vorl(_, tl1e judge sl1all cat1sc an exarnjnation to IJe n1ade 1,),. 11 fo1·eigr1-traiI1ed cloctor Jivjng i11 th.e cor1ntry or wl1e1·e it is tl1e c11sto111 ]Jy a J1 0111e-traiued cloctor li"V-ing in the co1.111t:ry, a11cl afte1· tl1 e exten.t of tl1e ir1j1u·y is· kno1-v'J1 sl1 all clecide tl1e da1nages according to tl1 e an1 ount of tl1e inj11ry.


li tl1e man "'rho l1as been se1·iously i11j1rrecl is totally incaJJacitatecl from doing ,vork, tl1e ,da1nages are to lJe assessecl on tl1e basis of tl1 e money whicl1 lie used to earn in goocl health.



Thoucrl1 the man ,-vho l1as ]Jeen seriot1sly n1j111·ed l)e not as he ,vas lJefore if the serio11B inj11ry does not cause ltlm to cease 1vo1·k e1Ttirely, , the cloctor (foreign- or bo1ne-trained) shall examin,e "'rhether tl1 e loss of po,\rer is a half or a tl1ircl or a qua�·ter; � only �alf 0£ }1is JJ0,ve1· has bee·n lost, ] 1 is dan1ages sl1all ]Je l1alf; 1£ a thircl of h 1 s polver l1 as bee11 lost, his clam ages shall 1Je n tl1i:rcl; if a quarte1· of l1is polve·r has been lost , his clan1ages sl1all lJe a c111arter.

51 -


If a 111a11 ,.vl10 l1 as lJee 11 serio11sl)i i11 jt1:red is not })1 ·e,renLec] lJy tl1 e seriot1s i11j11x)r fro11 1 cloi1 1g ,vork, Ll1 e cri 1 ni11aJ. 1\,]1 0 bas causecl tl1 e serious i11ju11r sl1 al1 }Ja)r from 50 to 500 clollars cla111 agcs a11d. l1is impriso111 11e11 L sl1all lJe from 15 cla)'S to 6 111ontl1 s.


A crin1i11al ,vbo causes serio11s i11jury a11 d so 1nakes a 111a11 a e1111 11c]1 sl1all ])e llll})risoned fron1 5 to 10 )rears. If tl1e ma11 clies 1Jeforc ttO da)'S

as tl1 e 1·es11lt of tl1is injtu·)', the 111 a1 1 ,,vl1 0 caused tl1 e i11jt1ry sl1 all ]Je se11tenced to cleatl1. If l1 e doe8 11ot clie, ]1e sl1 all })ay cla 1uages fr,om 1000 . to 5000 dollars; if l1 e clies, lie s1 1all JJa)r ]Jloocl 1 11 011 ey accorcli11g to tl1 e la,v.


_1\. man ,,rl10 causes serious i11 jur)' to a cl1ild ,vl10 l1 as not IJeg11 r1 ,�'orlc sl1 all JJ3)' from 3000 to 7000 dollars clamages.


If a man ca11ses seriot1s i11j11r) ' to a 11 1an ,v1 10 l1 as 110 ,vorlc at tl1 at

ti111 e, 11 e sl1 all receive cla11 1agcs recl<.011 ecl accordi11g to tl1e pa)' of a11 ordit1a1·y ,vorkn1a1 1.

3] 8.

If a n1a11 causes serious iuj11r)' to a 111a11 fro 1 u 50 lo 60 )'Cars of age ) tl1 e dan1ages sl1all )Je red11cecl l>)" a q11arter a11cl l1 e sl1all l)a)' t11ree c111arters. •


If a 111 a11 causes serio11s i11jtlr)r to a n1 a11 fro111 60 to 80 )iCars of age� tl1 e cla111ages sl 1all 1Jc rellt1cecl 1J)' a l1alf, a11cl l1e sl1 all }Jay a ]1 alf.


If a 111 a11 causes serio11s injt1ry to a r11 a11 alJo,,c 80 )'Cars of age, tl1 e damages sl1all J:ie red11ced. h )' tl1rcc c111arters a11 d. lie sl1all pa)r a q11arLer.


If a 1r1an receives a serio11s i 11 j11ry on a rail,va}', a steam-] J oa t or an}' 01l1er 1 11 acl1i11 e for tl1e Lra11 s1Jort of 1Jassc1 1gers a11cl goocls, i11 tl1e e111 1llo)r· 111ent of a 111 ini11g or tin1l)er cor1cessio11 , i 11 .tl1c ,vorlc of a factory, i11 t11 e e1111)loy111e1rt of a11)r otl1er large concessio11 or 111 Go,,er 11111 ent en11Jloy: tl1e co1111Ja11y or the o,vner of t)1e ,vorlc s1 1all only J)a); da1uages accordii1 g _t\. Gover1 1111 e11 L ser,,ant v,,110 is seriousl)r i11 jr1recl i 11 Gover11 u1 e 11t to la,,v. ,vo1·lc shall recei,,e fro1n tl1e Govcr11111 ent da111ages for tl1 e i i1ju 1·y or fJro,,jsion for his s111J1Jort.

1111 e:r:ct111 ple slz.01vi11 s· tlie ctssess,rie,z.{ of da.1ric1ges.


If a n1 a11 c11t off 1)otI1 l1ands of a l1irecl ,¥orJ.,1 11a11, · :111 cl tl1 :1L 11 ired sl1all l) e asses 5ed lik:c lvorlc11 1an ear11 ed 7 dollars a u1 011 tl1, t11 e cla111ages ' If tJ1is ma11 ear 11ed 7 clollars i11 011 e n1 011 Ll1 , in 011c )rear li e lvo1tlcl tl1is. Si11 ce tl 1 e 1nan ,vl1(, is getti11g da 111ages ,,rill recei,,e tl1 c earn 84, dollars. .


mo11c)r i11 a lrtn1.1J su111, a qr1arier is to ])c cleclt1cted fron1 tltc 111011cy ,vl1icl1 A q11a1:tcr of 8t! is 22; :111cl if 22 JJe t:al-:e11 l1e ,vo1tlcl earn i11 011e year. fro111 84, 62 doll�rs re111ai11. Accordi11gly it is rigl1 t to n1nke OLIC 1,ay1ne11L : as cla111agcs of a s11111 of 1r1011ey as r)1:i11ci1Jal ,vl1icl1 ,,,ill JJri1-1g )ll i11Lcrest at Ll1c rate of 62 clollars a )'e<tr to Ll1is n1· a11 ,vl10 ha. :- rccci,recl 1l1c se,.·.io11s I{eclconing tl1e i11 te1:est at 9o/o IJer a11n.1111t, as JJrescribecl 1.)y la,v, :inj11r)r. tl1e lYrinciJJal ,vl1icl1 ,vill l)ru1g i11 62 clo�lars i11tere$t per a11r111D1. is 588�,(i dollars, a11cl so tl1is is ,vl1at tl1e ,,vorlc111a11 ,vho l1as l)ee11 serio11sl)' i11jt1re.:l ,vill recei,,e. .'1 seco11cL exa.,.,1,JJle.


If a 1nan clestro)'S )JoLl1 eyes of a n1an ""110 is ear11ing 50 clollars a

montl1, clamages sl1all lJe assessecl as follolvs.


Tl1e rr1an ,vl1.o l1as lJee11 i11j11red l\;as earning 50 dollars a 1r1011 LL1, a total of 600 clpllars. a yea1·. Beca11se J1e recei,1cs dau1ages i11 a 111111 1) s11m, a cr11arter is cled11ctecl from 600 clollars ancl 4,50 re111ai11s. Accorclingl)' it is rigl1t to r>ay as cla1nages a sum o.f money ,vl1icl1 ,vill .IJri11g in tJ.Sf) r]ollars i11terest IJer a111 111 1n. to tl1is 111a11 \Vito l1as l)cen serio11sly i11jt1recl.


l{cc.lco11i11g interest at 9% lier a11nr1n1, tl.1e J)rincipal lvl1icl1 wiJ] bring i11 4,50 d.ollars interest per a1111111n is 5000 clollars, a11d so 5000 d.ollars ai-e tl1e cla1nages lo ]Je paid 1Jy tl1e n1a11 ,vl10 clesLroys tl1e eyes of a u1an ,vl10 was earning 50 clollars a 1no11tl1.


'1,l1is does 11ot ap1)ly only lo tl1e n1a11 \vl10 is ear11ing what are ca.Lled ,vages; co11seq11en.tly a recko11i11g sl1al 1 .IJe n1acle of ,vl1at a mcrcliant or a farn1er or a n1an en11Jloyed i11 an)' otl1er ki11il of \vork is earuir1g in clollars JJer a11nu111 , a11cl clan1ages sl1all lJe assessed i11 tl1e manner desc-ri1Jed alJove a11cl JJayn1ent sl1all be made.

The law by which the punishment and damages for assault, wounding and serious injury are remitted and diminished. 327.

If a man ]Jegi11s ·a figl1t witl1 \VCaJJona of ,var tl1inking to defencl himself ancl l1is Jamily, a11cl if the ma11 who l)egins tl1e fight witl1 "'eapons of lvar since l1e is figl1ting ,vith a "-iolent ma11 fires a gun or thro,-vs a spear ancl n1isses, ai1d if tl1e otl1er, -:loing t11e sarrre as l1is enem)', fires a g1l'n or tl1rows a sr)ear a11cl causes serious injury or l1its l1in1 or wouncls liu.11, since t]1e i11tention of each was to ki]l ancl weaJ)Ons of lVar have bee11 useil 6 11 ])oth sicles, cla1nages are ca11celled out and there is 110 pu11ish111ent.


. •.





· rst to But jf tl1 e 1nan ,vl1 o ]Jeo-an tl1e :figl1t de11ies tl1 a t lie was tl1e . fi o ...... r1 t11es es are no v. 1 ere l if 3 ant. iss, 1 � � _ fi re• his gun or tl1row llis s1)ea1· and n on this JJoi11t, since seriotls i11 juT)r i.-; plainly v1S 11Jle, l1 e shall receive dan1ages for· a seriot1s inj111·y.

If a viole n · t 1. nan coines JJJ' njght, 1Jreaking tl11·ougl1 tlle fence of a

l1ot1se v.1l1exe anotl1 e1· n1 a11 lives 01· destroying or clim.l)ing over tl1 e wall 1 e doo1 · ,-vitl1 a false tl g ckin 11nlo 01· dio-o -incr va11 11gh or thro 11se-'\10 l tl1e oo o · · ke)r in }1 js possession, and if tl1e l1ousel1olcler, lvitJ 1 t he �te11 l1011_ o·f defending l1i1nseli a11d l 1is JJro1Jerty, ca11ses sc1·io11s i11 jury or il b� stT1� es l1im or ,vou11 ds hi111 , l1 e sl1 al1 11ot ]Jc JJt1nisl1etl 11 01· 1J e respo11s1lJle for damages.

If a n1an begins a .fight ,V1tl1 a s,vitcJ1 or stone wl1 icl1 could 11 ot cause

. deatl1 or serio11s iJ1j111-y, a11d if the 0 Ll1 er man strikes J1im i11 1·et1u·11 ,vitl1 ,veapons ,vllicl1 co11..ld cause cleatl1 or se1·io11s inj1u·y an cl causes se·rious inju1:-y, tl1e man wl10 first started tl1e :figl1 t ,..,rit]1 a s1.viLcl1 or a s�o1Je sl1 all 1·eceive clamages for l1 is serious i11j11ry, less cla1n<iges for maki11 g a 111 ark if he has roade a n1ark, or less cla111 ages for IJlood if lie l1as clrav.rn ]Jlood. As regards JJl111 isl1 1 11e1 1t, the Jlt1nisl1111et1L cl11e Lo a ma11 ,..,r }1 0 l1as caused se1·ious i 11 j111 ·y sl1a11 .l1e i11 flictecl, less tl1e JJt111isl11 uen t clt1 e fo1· ca11sir1g a 111ark if ]1e l1as n1 acle one, or less tl1e JJl111isl1 u 1e11t for cl.ra,ving 1J]ood, if lie l1as c1Ta'\-v11 it. If a 111a11, i11tencli11 g to ca11se i11 Jr1ry to a11otl1e1·, comes UJJOJl lum s11dclenl)' ,,ritl1011 t J1a,,i11g niade a11y J)re1Jaratio11s a11 d sLarLs a figl1t ]Jy tl1To1,ving stones or l1 itti1Jg \.vitl1 a tl1ick stick, ar1cl if t11e otl1 e1· 1uan, t.1 1ro,vi 11 g sL011 es li],.e bi1n or l1itting ,vitl1 a tl1icJ<: slick or Olle ecrua11)r t11icl<:, strilces l1in1 , ,vo11 11cls J1im. or ca11ses scrio1is inj111�)7 lie sl1all 11ot J1e punis]1ed 11or Tespo1 1silJle for damages; ]111t if l1e causecl serio11s i11 jury 1))7 fu·ing a g1111 or Ll 1 To,,vi11g a spear, ]1 a]J tl1e dan1ages sl1all lJc re 1nitlecl .and he sl 1 all pay l1 alf tl1e cla111ages a11d tl1e JJ1111 isl1me11 t like, sl1 all 1Je l1a},;ed. ,


B11t if the 1r1a11 wl10 lJega11 tJ1e figl1 t 1Jy tl1rowi11 g sto11 es or l1itti112: ,..ri1l1 a slicl<. did so ,-vilf11lly� l1acl JJ re1)ared for tl1e occasio11 a11cl set 011l to d� it a11d if Ll1e otl1e1· 1na11 ,vo1111 ds J1.i1r1, tl1e 1ua11 1vl 1 0 ca11sed tl1 e serio11 s inj11ry sl1all 11ot be 111111isl1 ed 11or l)e rcsrJ01 1silJle for clan1 ages . .


... . --J

If a 1nan e1lte1·s l1y -day a l1 or �se ,,vl1ere a110Ll1er n1 a11 lives, J 1 rcaki1.1g :

tl !ro �g]1. tl1e fence of tl1e l1ouse, destroyi1 �g or cli11 1l1ing 0,,ei· tl 1e wall, tJ1e l �o11se-1vall or u11lock1ng tJ1e cloor ,vitl1 a false key �l1gg�ng tl11·011gl1 _ 1n his JJ ossess1on a11d if Ll1e otl1er ruan cat1 ses serio11s inj11ry, l ie sli all ]Je i1upriso11ed fron1 3 montl1 s to 1 )rear.


' '


If a n1a11 finds anc,tl1er comn1itLi11g acl1 1lter)' ,vitl1 his ,vife in his house ancl lie ca11ses serious injury to l1is ,vife or to tl1 e man ,,\Thom he has found com 111 itting aclultery, l1e shall l)e impriso1 1ecl f 1·om 1 to 6 1nontl1 s b11t he sl1 all 1101. J)ay an)' damages.


If a 1ua11 starts a figl1t lJy milil alJuse sucl1 as is customa1·ily used 1Jet,veen ·u11civilised }Jeople anc1 is serio1 1sly ir1jured or is str11ck ancl ,vo1mded by a stone 01· a Ll1 ick slick, l1 e shall recei,,e da111 ages for l 1is scrio11s i11j11ry afteT dama.gcs for tl1e aJJ11se J1 ave I Jeen clecl11cted fT01n it.


If a 1na 11 slarts a figl1t ])y ,vilf11lly 11sing cl1 osen ,vor<ls of a1)use ,vl1 icl1

ill a11ger to Ll1 c otl1 er man or l1 is family ,vJ1etl1 er J)rese11t or absent, ancl if 1.l1e al)used JJerso11 serio11s inj11ry 01· stril<cs or ,vo11 1 1cls l1 irn ,vit]1 a tl1ick slick 01· ,veapon, because lie I111 miliaLccl the other ma11 h1 p11lJlic lJ)' 11si11g al)11se ,vl1icl1 enragecl the otl1er 111an ancl ca11secl l1 is bloocl to ]Joi] ,villi a 11ger, Ll1e 11 1an \vl1 0 lJegan tl1e alJ1 1sc s11all receive l 1alf the c1arr1 ages, l1a]f l)ei11g declucted. '\\1


If a 111 a11 begii1s a .fig1 1 t ,vitl1 ])ad abuse ,vl1 ic]1 J111rts, 11si 11 g an a]Jon1i11alJle na1 ue ,vl1ieh. is excessively humiliaLi11g and ca11ses anger and JJasses on fro111 Ll1 e ma11 to l1 is family, a 11cl :iJ lie is seriously inju1·ccl, ho,veve1· 1n1 1cl1 lie feel tJ1 e ]Jain of liis serious injury, IJecause tl1e a1Jusecl n 1 a11 feels 1l1e inj11ry of tJ 1 e alluse like tl1 e J) ai11, tl1rcc parts sl,all be <leclucle<l fro111 1.l1 e c1a1 11ages ancl lie Eha]l receive 0111)' one JJaTt; l)tlt if LL1e1·e ,vas 110 seriot1s inj11 1·y IJ11t 0 11ly assa11J L a11d wo11ncling, tl 1 ere sl1all be 11 0 tlamages.


If a 1 11a11 ca11se serious i 11jur)' or strikes a 11 01}1cr or ,vo11nds 11im 1u1 inte11 Lio11 ally ]Jy forgetfulness or lJ)' mistake or i11 play or lJy carelessness or by not o b . serving tl1e ln,v or jf lie is t]1e ca·use ,vl1erel?y a rnan is serio11sly . 1 injt11·ecl or is sh .1ck 01· is wo1111clecl, l1e � l�all ])e 1111 JJ1· 1 soned f1·om 10 days to 6 n1011 1:l1 s }J 11t sl1 all pay clamages i11 f1ill.

Concerning serious 1n1ury •



a r


The different kinds of serious injury ·are described below •



Co11,cerning t;Jie crow11 of tlie lieacl.

If the l:>011e is ]Jroke11 }Jy a blow on the crown of tl1e l1ead or the forel1ead.


2nd. 340.

If 011 e eye is clestroyecl.

II ))ot)1 eyes are destroyed. If tl1e eyelid is c11t a11cl cloes 110L IJro1Jerl)r cover tl1e eye.

3rd. 34,1.


Coricer11,i11.g tlie ecLrs. If one ear is tor11 off. If ])otl1 ears are to1·11 off. If tl1ere is comJ)lete deaf11ess i11 011 e ear as tl1e resul_t of· tJ1e � 11� 1u·)'• If tl1 ere is co1n1Jlete cleaf11ess i11 1Jotl1 ears as tl1e result of tl1e 1n3ury.



Co11.cer11i11.g t/1, e ,iose.

If tl1 e nose is e11tirel)' cut off. If tl1e !Jone of tl1 e nose is l>rol<cn a11 cl r>rc,,c11ts pro1)er 1Jreatl1 ing. 4,tl1.


Coricernirig· tlie eyes.

Coricerrii,ig tlie 111 .oi,tl1, ci11cl li11s.

If tl1e lo,ver liJJ is c11t off a11d tl1ere is a cliffic11lt)r

and retaining tl1e sali,1a.


cl1·inking v.rater

If Ll1e n1outl1 is t,vistecl ancl tl1e a1JJ)eara11 cc disfigured, tl1ough tl1e lip 11 as 110t ]Jee11 ctrt off. If tl1e 1 11Jf)Cr lip l1as lJee11 c11t off a11d tl 1e1:e is a difficttlty in co,rering tl1e teetl1 a11d gu11 1s.

If tl1e Lo11g11e l1as llen c11t 011t ancl tl1ere is a co1 1 11Jlete Joss of s1Jeech. If tl 1ere is ver)' little po,ve�· of s1)eecl1 o\-ving to inclisti11ctness.

345. 6tl1.

346. t:lie tcelli.

If a Lootl1 is k11ockecl 011t. If one or 1nore of tl1e 111olars are ])1·oken ancl it is i111possil)l� to eal l1arcl foocl 11roperly. 7tl1.

Concerrii1ig tlie 1ieck.


If tl1e vertel)rae of tl 1e 11eck are lJrokc11 or dislocated so as to 1Jre,,e11 t tl1e 11assage of food..


If tl1rougl1 Ll1e .1Jreaking of tl 1e 11erve of tl1e neck tl 1e ] )od�r J 1eco111es . weak a11 cl tl1e side a11 d back:, or tl1 e ,vl1ole llody, arc cripi1lell and feelJle.



If, ap1) eari1Jg for tJ1 e DJon1 e11t to be ct1red, l1e l1as a rela1)se ,vitl1out . go111g 011t of cloors a11d tl1 e troulJJe 011 agai 11 .


If tl1 e gt1llet l1 as ])ee11 c11t a11cl if, tl1�ugl1 1 1. ealecl, it 1)rever1ls l1 i 111 fro111 . eat1ng JJ1ucl1, causi11 g l1in1 to ta];;:e foocl only i11 srnall n1 011t1' 1 f itls.

8th. 351.

C 011,cer1ii11.g tlie l iarid.

If Ll1e rigl1 t l1a11 cl 01· tl1e JefL l1a11d is c11t oIT or J)aral)rserl. If ])otl1 l1a11cls are c11t off or J)aralysed, tl 1e J) tLr1i sl11n c 11t

darnages sI1all lJe clottllled. If tl1e tl 1 um]) is cut off. I.f tl1e first finge1: (i11dex fi11ger) is c11t off. If tl1.e 2 1. 1,], 3rcl a11cl 4-tl1 fu1gers are ct1t off. If, tl 1 011gl1 11ot cut off, tl1ey \¥itl1er a11cl are rtseless. 9tl1.

352. 353. 354.


Coricernirig t;/ie cliest, breasts ci11d r11' .i1.scles of tl,.e bacl,.

If tl1e cl1est or rilJs are liroken a11cl J)reve11t res1)iraLio11 a1 1d iI 1J 1 c man is ill ,,,itl1 a J)::ti11 a 11 cl :-i coug]1 and so is J)revcntccl frou1 ,vorl<i 11 g. If tl1e m11scles of t1 1 e 1Jack ])e

not t111ite a.nd ca11se illness.

OT tl1e ])ones IJro.ke11 at1 d. they tlo

If tl 1 e m11scles of tI1e }Jack JJe cut or tJ1e bo11es brokc11 ar1cl cleforru.ity

is cattsecl. If tl1 e m11scles of tl1e l)ack l)e Ctlt or tl1e bo11es IJrokcn and afte1· aJ){Jea1·iJ1g to l)e curecl tl1e1·e is a rela1)ae "vitl1011L tl1e 1:r1an J1avi11g gone out of cloors or begt1n "vork, ancl tl1 e tro11b]e starts again. If one of a ,vo1na1 1's 1lrcasts be c11t off .

If lJotl1 breasts· are cut off, tl1e pu11is}1ment ancl the clarnages sl1all be dou}Jled.

lOtl1. 356.


,vl1 o

Coricerriing tlie orgcins of geriercttiori iri rrictn ci,icl ·wo111,cin.

If the 01·gans of generatio11 of a ma11 .be com1)letely c11t off, tl1e 1nan c11t

tl1em off sl1all l)e i1nprisonei:l from 6 to 10 years.


If tl1 e orcrans of gene1·ation of a J'na11 JJe 11-0t cut off, but CTt1sl1ecl so as to )l e 1111able to f11lfil tl1eir fu11ctions, lie sl1a11 1Je Jlt1nisl-1 ed in the same way.


If tlie orcrans of generation of a won1ru1 IJe inj'urecl so as to ca11se shame or so a� to J)reve11t lier fro111 conceiving and bearing cl1ilclren, be sl1 all be irnprisonecl lik.ewise from 6 lo 10 years.


11 t.l1. 359.

Coricerrii1ig tlie leg.

If on.e foot is. lJ roke11 or pa1·a1ysed. If 1J otl1 feet are ]Jroke11 or paralysed, tl1e IJunisli meiit and the

<.ian1ages shall ] Je do11)J lecl.


If, tl1ough the foot is 11ot 1Jroke11 or JJ.aralysecl, tl1 e leg is lJroken aJJove or lJelow the lo1ee ancl tl1 e 1Jo11 e protrudes.


If ,vitl1 011 t going out of doors or beginni11g � ork thei·e is a relapse . ancl tJ.1e knee ,.,,J1icl1 aJ JIJea1·ecl to )Je c11recl is again dislocated.


If tl1 e te11dons of tl1e lerr are ]Jroken or sl1 01·tened a11d catise a man


to 1Je lan1e, ,valking ,vitl10 11t i=,1J11 tti11g J 1 is £11 11 "v.eight on l1 is foot.

If tl1e l1eel is destroyecl or co11 Lracte1l, causi11g .Ll1 e ma11 to walk ,vitJ:1 a stick ,.,ritl1 l1is leg l1angi11g clo,-v11, so as 11 ol to p11t l11s foot 011 tl1e gro11nd.

SIXTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by giving false evidence '


_I\ 1nan ,.,,]10 gives false evide11ce or ,vl10 tells lies in Hl1) n1atter ,.vl1atsoe,1er ,.,,J 1 en he is c111 esLioned, a!tc1· 1Jei11 g called 1))7 tl1 e judge concerning some rr1atter ,vhicl1 l 1e ,vanls to l�no,v ( tl1is is gi,ri 11g false e1ride11ce), shall ])e ill1 Jl'riso11 ed fron1 3 mont'l 1 s Lo l year ancl sl 1 all pay a fine from 20 to 200 clollars. (Fit. :Neg., Pt. �1.3 ).


A 1nan ,vho gives false evicle11 ce 111 a n1attcr of taki i1 g life sl 1all ]J e i1nprisonecl fron1 3 n1011t]1s to 2 )'ears ancl sl1 all }Jay a fi 1 1e fro1n 50 to 500 dollars.


Brit if tl1 e taker of life is senLe1 1 cecl Lo <leatl1 a11 (l put to cleatl1 beca11se


. against l 1i1n, tl1 e 1 11a11 ,vl10 caused li is deatl 1 of tl1 e false e,;icle11 ce given (Fit. Neg., h)' giving false evi(lence sl1all 1Je se11te11cecl to deatl1 .

Pt. 47).




A 111 a11 wl �o offers evidence, ,-vriting i n a s 1)ecial doc11menl or in a . 1·eg 1 ster an)r kincl of stalen1ent ,-vl1icb l i e knov•ls to l,e 1111t1·1le. i 11 order that he may lle called to tl1 e court co11 ce1·ning some 1natte1· ,�l 1icl1 it is essential for tl1e j�clge Lo know sl1 all be i 1nJ)risoned fron1 3 montl1 s to 1 year a11d sl 1 all pay a fine fron1 20 to 200 c1ol1ars. (Fit. Neg.).


If after a man has gi,,en fa18e e,,ide11 ce tJ1e jt1dge :is st1s1licious of tl1 e .statexuenls 1nacle in e·vic1et1ce, ancl if ,-vJ1e1.1 tl1 e j11dge exa1J 1iucs l 1im tl1e ma11 tells tl1e tr11 tl1, J 1is p11r1 isl1 111ent sl1 all be 11 alvecl. ( Fi L. Neg.,

Pt. 43).


If a 111 an afLer giving false e,,icle11ce aJtcrs l1 is staler 11e11ls a11d SJ)eaks tl1e truth im111ediately ])efore judgme.11 t is gi,;e11 , ailer it l1 as 1 lee11 ascertai 11 ecl tl1aL tl i c lattex stateme11 t is tl 1c trutl 1 a11cl 110L t] 1e Joxme1·., l1e sl1 all 11ot 1Je J)11nisl1ed. (Fjt. Neg., Pt. 4,5).


If a 1uan w]10 gi,,es false cviclcnce l 1as recei,,ed 1110 1:iey for givi11 g false cvicle11ce, 11 is J)Ur1is}11ne 11 L as reg:ards i11 1 JJriso111nc1J t aud fme sl 1all he clo11.l)lecl and tl1 e money '\-\1]1 ich J 1e received shall Le co 1 1Jisca ted.

SEVENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by the revelation of secrets 371.

A rnan ,,,} 10 in orcler Lo l<-11 ow wl 1at is i11 side ope11 s tl 1 e e 1 1,1 elope ar1.d looks at a letter ,vritten ancl a teleg1·an1 se.1 1 L Lo anotl 1cr r11an or a11y otl 1 er paper on ,v]1.icl1 is l\'rJ·itten sometl1ing cor1 fide11 Lial or fJlits tl1em into another en,,eloJ)e and ,vl1 0 n1 alces k110,v-n to other J)ersons tl 1is secret ,vl1ich l 1e ]1as seen, acco1·di11g to t'l1 e estimatecl in1porta11 ce of t11 e secret, l ie shall be i11 1p1·isoned fron1 l to 6 1no11tl1s a11 d sl1 all r>ay a fi.11c fro111 50 to 100 dollars, or l 1 e sJ1 all JJe pl1nisl1ecl ]J)' eitl1eT one of t"l1e two fJtrniaJ11ne11 ts. ( Ii,i t. Neg.).


B11t if .b)' the revelation of t11 is secret an)' injur)' ca11 1,e to tl1e o,v11er of it, J 1 e shall be inl1)1·isonerl fro.n1 3 1nontl1s to l year a11d sl1all pay a B11t t11ere sl1al] JJe no J)Unisl1me11t t1uless fine from 100 to 300 dollars. the injured man JJrosecutes lJefore tl 1e jt1dge tl·1e crimi11al ,vl10 J1as done. t11is.


If cloctors ancl perso11s emJJlo)1ed i ,Ju]Jlic healtJ1 ,vork, co1n� ounclers 1:1 of n1eclicjnes, cloctors w]1 0 nt1rse tl1e sick, reveal secrets of t11e illness of



tl1eir palients, except tl1 e la"'' per1njts tl1er11 to clo s. o, LJ1e)'. sl1 all lJe to to 1no11tl1 s a11cl sl1all Jlay a .6.11e from i 1111lriso11ed fron1 . dollars, or Ll1e)r sl1all lJe 1)11nishccl IJ)r eitJ 1 er 011e of tl1e L\-\'O p1111. isJ11nenls.

EIGHTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is . committed by seizing a man by force, and by seizing and binding and compelling him to perform any kind of work without his consent. 374.

1)). t 11reats Lo Jea,,e u11do11e an)1Ll1i 11 g l1 e 011gl1t to do 01· �o clo a11�-tl1i.11 g lvl1icl1 l1e 011gl1 t 11ot to clo, I1e sl1 all ]Je im1Jrisonecl fron1 6 1nontl1s to 1 )·ear a1 1d. sI1all pay a .fi11e Iron1 II a

1na11 conlJ)els a11otl1er ]J)r force a11cl

50 to 200 dollars.


(Fit. Neg., Pt. 35, 1). 212).

F11rtl1er, ii tl1e cri 1ne ,-va.s co 1 u111 ittecl IJ)' \intin1 idation witJ1 ,vca1Jo 11s of 1-var a11d. ])) au associati.011 of 111e11 fror11 2 to 5 i11, l1e· sl1all JJay a fi11 e frou1 100 to 500 clollars a11 d sl1all 1Je ir111)risoned. fTon1 1 -lo 3 years. r

A 1 11a11 wl 1 0, tl1i11 ki11g it is esse!1 Li::.l fo.r l1is ov.•11, seizes a11otJ1er


n1a11 , sl111ts l1 i1n tl[) i11sicle a J1011se ancl -clet:ai11 s l1i111 or l1ir1ds l1 in1 sl1all lle i1111)riso11ecl fro1n 1 to 2 years ar1 cl sl1al1 pay a .fi11e fron1 50 to 200 (Fit. Neg., Pt. 4,6, £). 308). dollars.


If Ll1e n1an ,vl10 ,vas forcilJl)r seized ,vitl1out J1is co11se11t a 11 d detai11 ecl or l)o1 1ncl 1neet ,vitl1 an accicle11t i11volvi 11g serio11s i11j11 r)r, tl1e man ,vl10 cletaiuecl J1i1n. ))y fo1·ce or bot1i1d l1in1 sl1 all l)ay da1uages accorcling to law for tl1e serious .i11ju1·y a11 cl sl1all ))e i 11111risor 1ed fro111 2 Lo 5 )'ears or sl1 all 1Je flogged a1 1d. ])e i1111Jriso 11ed fro111 6 111ontl1 s to 1 year.

_.t\.. 111a11 ,vl 1 0 seizes anotl1er IJ)' force a11 cl bi11cls l 1 in1 a11 d lJ eats l1in1 11 1Jrisoner1 fro111 1 to 3 years a11 cl sl1 all ' • sl1 all 11ay cla111ages a11 cl sl1al] lJe i1 JJay a fi11e fron1 100 to 500 clollars.




If a 111a11 ,vl10 seizes a.ncl 1Ji11 cls a11 otl1er 111a11 cloes so i 11 clisgt1ise or

na111e or alleges falsely t1 1at it !S a11 orcler of tl 1 e Go,·er 11me11 t.' 1u1 der a false . l1e sl1all l)e floggecl a11d im1Jriso11ecl fro111 1 to 3 years. In respect of tl1e crin1es ,vl1icJ1 are descrilJed al) o,,e, if tl1 e 1.11a11 ,vl 10 lvas seizecl a11cl bou11cl 111eet ,-vitl 1 a11 y fina11cial loss ]Jy reasor1 tl1 ereof, tli c man lvho l)or1 11d l1_in1 sl1all f>H)' nccorcli 11g to la""· ,


. NINTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by causing abortion


If any ,von1a11 acts so as to ca11se al)ortio11 in l1 cr o,vn IJCrE011 or J)er1uits anotl1er JJc1·son to ca11se alJortio11 a11d. if al)ortio11 takes J)lace, sl1e sl1all l)e impriso11ed fro11:i l to 3 years a11cl sJ1al1 })8)' a fi 11 e fr-0111 10. lo 50 clollars, or she shall lJe J)lt11isl1ecl l)y eitl1er of tl 1 e t,vo 1)u11isl1111e11ts. "' (} it. Neg., Pt. Lt8).


A JJerso11 ,vl10 causes alJortio11 witl1 tl1e ,vorr1a11's coi1sc111. sl 1 a]J IJ e iµJf)risonecl fro1n l 111011tl1 to ] ) ear �1r1cl sl1all pay a fi11e fro111 50 Lo 200 clollars. ( Fit. Neg., Pt. L17). · 7


If a l)erson talks to a cloctor or 111id,viie for tl1c JJlirposc of cat1si11� a·bortio11 a11cl to f111r] 011t ,vl1at tl1eir fee is ancl 111al<:es ar1 a1rree111e11t ,vi1l 1 011e a1rcl ]Jrit1gs 011e to tl1e "''0111a11 ancl ca11ses alJortio11, J1c sl1all 'IJc r>tm isl1ecl 1J)7 ad ili11g 011e tl1 ird lo tl1e 1J1111isl1.n:1cnts ,,,. J1icl·1 '" ill ·be gi-v· t: 11 to Ll1e cloctor ancl 111icl,v.ife.


A m.a11 who, k110,ving a ,.\10111a11 to be r,reg11ar1L, ca11scs al)orLio11 1))1 violence or 1J)• any otl1er 1J1ea11s sl1a]l )Je J>l111isl1ed 11)' i1npriso11n1e11t frorr1 15 Lo 20 years.


If doctor or co1111)on11ders of 111eclic.incs ruaJce a 1necljci11c \-vl1icl1 ,vi1l cause alJortion ancl if lJ)' tl1is 'I1.1cans al:>ortio11 place, Ll1cy shall ]Je unJJrisoned frdrn 3 to 7 );ea1·s and tl1cy sl1all })ay a fir1e fro1n 3000 Lo 7000 clollars, or tl1C)' sl1all be J)U11isl1ecl 1Jy eiLl1e1· of tl1e l\VO p 1misJ1rr1ents .


Concerning the crime which is committed by illicit sexual intercourse


A man ,-vho causes }Jictu1·es to be paintecl ,v11icl1 excite a desire £01· illicit sexual intercourse or wl10 ,v1·ites ]1ooks ,vl1icl1 pro1note a desire for


illicit sext1al i 1J tcrco111:se or wl10 displays and. sells to tlie pulJlic otl:ic1· t11ings of tl1 is 1 1alure wl1 icl1 excite a c1esire fo1· iJlicit sexual intc1·co11rae shall lJe in 11J1·iso 11ed. Jor 6 mo11ths a 11d sl1all J�ay a fi11e fron1 � O to 200 dC:llars, or lie sl1all l1 e JJlmisl1ecl, by eitl1e1: of tlie t,1/'o Pl 1111 sl1 1ne11ts. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 11, p. 91).

387, 388.

A 11130 wI 10 foTces ilJjcit 8cx11al interco11rse 011 a 111ar1·ied ,-voma11

"'ritJ1out ] 1 e1· co11.sent sl1all lJe i111pTisoned f1·01 11 1 to 2 years.

A n1an 1-vl10 l1 as illicit sexual i11tercourse ,y. itl1 a married witl1 her consent sl1a11 1Je imJJrisonecl fro1n 3 1no11tl1s to 1 year and sl1all pay Tl1is se11tence (Fit. Neg., Pt. 48, p. 330). a fine froru 20 to 50 clollai·s.

shall 011ly lJe exec11ted jf tl1e h1 1sJJancl JJ 1·osccutes and JJJ:oves tI 1 at adultery 'l1as actually take11 place; ancl the "'roma11 sl1all receive tl1js }Junisl1mc11t.


B11t if th.e n1an ,- v l10 J1 as j}licit sext1al intercourse ,vitl1 t)1e ,..,,ife of

another 1na· n is l1iwself 111a1•rjecl, ]1e sl1 all JJe i111 1J 1·isonecl f ron1 6 u1011Ll1s to 1 year a·ncl sl1all pay a fine [ron1 50 to 100 clollars. (Fit·. Neg.,

Pt. 4,8).


If a Cl1riotian l1a,,i 11 g ooe ,vife sl1011lcl n1arry a second ,viie in ac1clitio11, he s] 1all IJe i1uprisoned fro 1u 3 rnontl1s to 1 )'Car.


A. rr1 an ,vl1 0 has illicit .sex11al i11t·erco111:se ,vitlt a v.ron1an li.,1iI1g in a co11,1en t. ,vl1ctl1 er sl1e is a nrw, co11secratee] to God, or not, or lvill1 a lvo111ar1 lJeLrotl1ed to anotl 1c1· sl1a11 lJe i11 11J riso11 ecl fro1n I to 2 yea1· s and sl1aJI JJay· a fine fron1 100 to 500 dolla1·s. (]?it. Neg., Pt. Ll,8).


A 1nan ,,vl10 l1as illicit SCA'ltal i11tcrco1rrse lvitl1 a ,von1a11 lvl10 l1 as lJeen married by a marriage i 11 cl1111:cl1 a11d by Holy Con1 m1111ion or ,vho ,-vitl1011t

}Jeing n1arried. in cl1urcJ1 J 1 as at a11otl1er tu1:1e receivecl Holy Commu11io11 sl1all }Je i1111)risonecl from l lo 3 years ancl sl 1 all J.Jay a fi 11e fro111 100 lo If JJeca11se o:f tl1is tl1e ,von1ar1 catcl1cs a disease ,vl1icl1 300 dollars. injru·es lier, l1e sl1 all ]Je i 111prisoned f1·.om 6 montl1s to 1 year and sl1 all pa)r a fi11e from 50 to 300 (lollars. (Fit. Neg.).



If sl1e clies 1Jeca11se of tl1is clisease, l1e sl1all ]Je i111 1J1·isoned for life, or l1e sl1 all ]Je iu1 priso11 ecl from 2 to 20 )'ears a11 cl sl1all r>a)· a fir1e fro111 20 to 300 clollars. A 1nan \vl10 ,vitl1 tl1e intentio11 of getting money deceives a o-ii·l \vlio l1as �ot reacl1ed JJ11lJerly, ,..,rJ10 is not yet 15 years of age, ancl ]Ji·ings l1er · and mtrod11ces l1e1· to anotl1e1· man for tl1e IJttrtJose of illicit sext1al intercourse sl1 all 1Je i 1n1Jrisoned. fron1 6 montl1 s to 1 )'eai· and s11all pay a fine from 20 to 50 clollars. (Fit. Neg.).



A 1na11 1vl1 0 is found l1avi11 g illicit sexual intercot1rsc 'l-vitl1 ot1t tl1 e

coi1 sent of l1 er J)are11 ts 'l-vitl1 a girl lv.lto l1 as 11ot yet reacl1 ecl IJ11l) erty lvl1.etl1er ,vitl1 o:r ,-vjtJ1.out consent shall J)ay a fine fron1 100 to 300 dolla1·s a11 cl sl1 all 1Je in1 priso11ed fro1n 6 r1. 1 oi-1tl1 s to 2 yea1·s, or 11. e sl1 all be JJrn 1isl1ecl )Jy eitl1er of tl1e nvo p11nisl11!1 e11ts. (Fit. Neg.).


Bt1t if lJeca11se of tl1is sl1e clies, l1e sl1all 1Je imprisoned for life, or ,after an inc1 11ir)r i11to tl1e case a11 cl l1is ,,iole11 ce 1 1e sl1 all l J e se11 te11 ced to cleatl1 . (Fit. Neg.).


Also if tJ1 ose ,v.110 are forlJidde11 to marr)r by FitJ 1a Negast, have illicit sext1al inte1·co11Tse ,vitl1 thei1· 11 alt1ral a 11d £J)irilual relatio11s, they sl1all J)c in1JJrisonecl fro 111 6 montl1s to 1 year and sl1 all pay a fine from 20 to 50 dollars. (li'it. Neg.).


If a scl1ool111 aster I:ie fom1d i11 illicit sexr1al i 11 tercourse ,vitl1 a gu·l

,vhom lie is teacl1ing, or a 1 ma11 ,vitl1 a gj1•l enlrt1stecl lo bis cl1 arge ,vl1 om he 1·eceived to 1Jri11 g u1J, I1 e sl1 all lJ2 i 111 {J�.iso11 ed from 6 1no1111 1 s to 2 years (Fit. Neg., Pt. 2tl,, IJ, 108). an.d sl1 all JJay a fi11 e fro111 50 to 200 (lollars.


Unless t11c crimes specified alJove ,ve1:e do11c oper1Jy ancl tl1 e injt1Ted parties p1·osecute ]Jefo1·e tl1 e j 11 clge, tl1e sentence of ·r>11nisl1 mc11 t sl1 all not JJe JJronounced.


A i:nan ,vl1 0 con 1 11111u.icates s)rJJ11 iJis 0 1· gor1orr.J1oca j11 illicit sex.,:,al interco11rse sl1all pay f1·0 111 50 t-0 500 clollars c1ar1 1ages a1Jd l) esicles tl1 ·is li e shall give tl1e cost of 111edical atte11clance a11 cl nursing.

ELEVENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by sorcery


If any ki.ncl of s01·ce1·e1· is fol111cl practising sorcery in order to deceive make money or if �le is fo1111d ,vi-iti11g or ca11si 11 g and. lies \vil11 Jeop]e _ J oned fron.1 6 1110.nths to l 1mpr1s lJe sltall to be ,,V1•itten a sorcery ]Jook, he 1· a11cl sJ1all pay a fine from 100 to 200 dollars . yea •


If any lci11 d of sorcere.r is found }Jractising so1•cery not only for purposes of deceit and money-ina�ing . )Jut also ,vith the int�ntion of injt1.rin(T another man, he shall 1Je 1mp1·15onecl fro.m 1 to 2 years and shall (Fit. Neg., Pt. 47, p. 303). pay a fine from 100 to 500 clollars.



If any kit1 d of so1·cerer, after con,1ersatio11 wit11 anotl1 �r n1an, JJ1·e�a�·es and gives to him, of his own free will or for 1none)', a poisonous mecl1c1ne whic11 ,vi.II ii.1jure a11otlier nian, ]1e sJ1nll ])e ilnyJ1·isonecJ fron1 1 �· o 5 yea·rs 1 and sl1all })ay a fine fro111 300 to 800 clollars. . If the r�1a11 �or '¼ l1ose i11ju1·y the poison was preiJarecI dies owir1g to tl1e sorcere: s fJ01son, l)otl1 the m an "vl10 c-011sulted the sorcerer and tJ1e sorcerer sl1al] 1 Je sentenced t9 cleath. (Fit. Neg., Pt. t17, p. 305).


TWELFTH CHAPTER Concerning the sentence and punishment of a man who takes life



rl l1e sente1 1ce on a n1an ,,vho J1as taken life is con1 1'.lrisecl under tl1ree ·



1st. If it is macle clear l'.1)7 lvitnesses or lJy � man's o,V11 co1 1fessio11 tl1 at tl1e killing 1,vas done fron1 ]1a1rccl, 011t of 1·evenge or 111 a s11clclen quarrel, l1e shall )Je scnlencecl to deatl1 .


211cl. Tho11gl.1 the killing ,vas do11e from J1atrccl, 011t of re,renge or in a s11clclen CfLiarrel, if it JJe fou11cl 011 exa1:i1inatio11 not to 1Je s11cl1 as to cleser,re deatl1, l1e sl1all 1J e J)t1nisl1ccl l))r impriso11 Jne11t 01· lie sl 1all pay ]Jloo clmoney..


3rd. B11t if l1e killec1 anotl1 er 111a11 lJ)7 s0111 etl1i11 g '¼r l1ic]1 l1e threlv at a ]Ji1·d or wild }Jeast, afte1· the circ11111stances of tl1e case ]1 a,re JJ ee11 investigated, l1e shall sla)' at tl 1e })lace 1Jrescri]Jecl for l1un.


L-\.fter sentence l1as lJee11 gi,;en tl1at tl1e ]cilli11g cloes not clese1:,,e tl1 e sente .uce of deat1 1 , tl1e relatives of tl1 e clead n1a.11 sJ1all 1·eceive }Jloodmoney to tl1e amotmt agreecl 111Jo11 ,vitl1 tJ1.e talcer of life, a11cl tl1e j11clge cannot n1ake an orcler as to tl1 e amo11nt tl1cy· are to recei,,e and co1111Jel t· l 1 e111 to ·. acce1)t it.


If tl1c se11te11ce is t]1 at tl 1 e killi11 g cloes 11ot deserve tl1c clcat]1 se11te 11ce.

])11t 0111)' exile or }Jt1nisl1n1 ent, aftcr it 11as ])ee11 ascertait1ed tl1 at tli ere ,va� uo intention o� lulling lJtlt tl1a t it ,vas t11e res11lt of a mistal<e or forget­ fulness or in pla)r, if tl1ere 1Je only })11uis]1 1ncnt or exile tl1 e taker of life s11 all JJ8)' money tl1at tl1 e 1·elati,,es oJ tl1e deall 1r1an ll1a)r llOl go ,v1t · IlOllt ail)' lJlood1noney,


After sentet1ce of deatl1 l1as bee11 J)assed 011 tl1e taker of life in accordance ,vitl1 tl1e Fit.l1.a Negast and the King l1as confi1·med tl1e sentence, the people appo.inted fo1· tl1e purpose sha1l i11flict tl1e punisl11nent of death on tl1e ap1Jojnted day ancl ho11r at tl1e place prepared for tl1e purpose.


T.l1e relatives of a man wl10 l1as clied after ]Jei1.1g sentenced to deatl1 shall be })e1·mitted according to Ja,v, if t11ey ask, to take a,vav tl1e bod)r for b11rial.


If the sentence of cleatl1 IJe l )as.sed 11pon a ,von1an ,vl10 is pregnant,

the sente11ce of deat]1 sl1all ren1ain 11nexec11tecl u11til sl1e ]1as gi,re11 1Ji1·tl1. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 24,, 1). 199).


A man wl10 kills witl1 tl1e i11te11tio11 of killi11g...., shall 1Je se11tenced to

cleath for l1is killing; or after a11 .irivestigation ancl consicleralion of t11e circu1nsta11ces of tl1e killing� l1e sl1all lJe irn1Jrisonecl for life or fro111 10 to 20 years.

THIRTEENTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by injuring the health of the public •




A 1nan ,vho i11jures tl1e hea]tl1 of a11otl1er

]Jy IJ11tting poiso11 i11to a

,vell or a JJool or any otl1er collection of l\'ater ,vl1icl1 is 11ecessrrr)r for tl1c If a ma11 healtl1 of tl1e J)lilJlic sl1all J)e i1upriso11ed fro1n 5 to 20 years. clies from tl1is cal1se, se11te11ce of cleatl1 sl1all ]Je passed ort Ll1e man �rl10 })Ut, poison into tl1e ,vater. If a ma11 .receives serious injur)7 , lie s11.all [Jay da1nages accor�11g to ]a,v for tl1e serio11s injury a11cl sliall be i111prisonecl from 3 to 7 years.

If tl1e crimes ,vl1icl1 are SJJecified above are _committed th1·ot1gl1

laziness and if l)y· 1·easo11 of tl1is laziness an accicle11t is brougl1t a]Jout whicl1 causes the loss of a 1uan's life, tl1e ma11 ,vl1ose laziness is the ca11se s1 1 all be impriso11ed from 6 moutl1s to I year and. sl1all pay a fine froiu 100 to 500 dollars', or lie sl1aU ]Je JJU11isliecl fJy eitl1er of the two punisl1ments.

65 •





Concerning crime which is committed against property



Co11cerning steali11g. rolll)ery

2nd cl1a1J ter.

Concer'l1i1 1g ,,rbat is clo11 e ll)' l1 igl'l,vay '"ith ,riolence.

. l1a1Jter. 3rd c

i Steali11g; co11cerning · fra11cl a11cl co:1cerning s,vinclling.

4th cl1apte1·.

Co11cerning tl1e crime ,vl1icl1 is co 1n111ittecl lJ)' lJ rea.king tl1 e la'"' esta]llished. i11 order tl1a t tllc rigl1ts of a11 O\VJ.1 er of in11 erited la11 d (rist) a11cl tax-free la11<.l (givilt) 111ay 11ot .lJe violated.

5th. cl1 a1)ter.

ConceT11i11.g tl1e crime ,,rl1icl1 is co. m1nitted 1ly cl1a11ging tl1e 11ame of trade goocls and tl1e na111e of the factory.··

rolJl)er)' ancl

FIRST CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by stealing


A thief wJ10 1Jy clay steals a11y kit1d of pro1Jert,r or cattle wl1 icl1 are not l1is 1111t ] J elong to anotl1er n1a11 sl1all l1e in11J1·i�o�1ccl fro111 I mo11tl1 to I year.


A man ,vl10 J1y night J11·eaks tl1ro11gl1 a fe11ce or }Jttlls do,vn or clin:ilis over .a wall or digs thro11g] 1 tl1 e ,vall of a l1ot1sc or 011ens a cloor ,vitl1 a false key in l1is possession and steals a11y kincl of 11ropcrty 1Jelo11ci 1 1g to "' "' another man s11all he im1J1·iso11 ed from 7 n1 on�l1s to 2 )'ears. 66 .

• ••


li tl1ie,;es ,vJ1en Ll1 e)r con1111it an act of stealir10- are fTon1 2 to 5 01· 1uorc in 11 11rrJJJcr or if tl1ey- J)tlt 011 a S})ecial dress s°o as to 111 isleacl �ts to tl1 cir- iclc11til.)', tJ1ey sl1 nll ])c i111 ririso11 ecl fro1 1 1 1 to 3 )rears.


If a 1.l1ief coru.mits an act of stealj 11g £ro 1n, a cl11rrch. or go,rer11 ment

.l 1ouse 01· f ro1 n gover11 m.ent offices or fTOJJ.1 the l1 ouse of l 1 is 1.11 aste 1 · or, l)ci 11 g a scr,,ant, from tl1 e office factol"y- 01· shop ,-vl1erc lie is en11)lo) ed or fro1u tl1e l 1011se wl1 ere he is al,-vays acc11stomecl to ,vork, J1 c sl1 all be i111 prisonecl from 6 11�ontl1 s to 3 years. 0


act of steali11g is ar 11 1cd ,vitl1 ,· ,,ear>ons of ,var ancl uses violence and i 11timiclatio11 , lie sl1 all .be Iloggecl a11 cl imp1·isoned from 1 to 5 )'ears.


1\ tl1ief ,vho ente1·s upo11 a11otl1 er u1 an's Janel and steals cro1)s ,vl1 etl1 er they have ]Jeen 1·ea1)ed 01· not, ,-vl1etl1 er they l1 ave been pulled llJJ or 11 ot, or grain in a l1 eap, vegetables, grass, ,,,ood, ,vorl<.ecl stones or Jisl1 f1:on1 a ponc:l 01· collection of "rater sl1 all l)a)r damages to t11e o,v-:I1er noel sl1 all }Je im1)1·iso11 ed from 5 clays to 1 year or sl1 all pay a ·.6.11e frorn 5 to 100 dollars.

If a tl1ief wl1en lie co1nn1its


A tl1ief ,vho steals l1orned cattle,


cattle or beel1 ives or farri: 1 imJ)lements sl1all })a)' mo11e)r to tl1 e owner, a11 cl if there ,-vas ,vork for tl1e cattle to clo a11d tl1 e ,vork l1as been l1 elcl 111), 11.e sl1all pay clau"Jagcs ancl sl1all lle imprisoned fTom 3 m.o·ntl1s to 2 yea1·s.


If a 1nan steal tl1 e l1 a]f or tl1e ,vl1 ole of goods wl1icl1 l1ave lJcen recci, ed 1

by l1otel-kee1Jers, manage1·s of rail,-vays, 111asters of vessels 0 1.· t'l1 eir A n1aJ1 em1Jloyees, I1e sl1 all be imJlriso11ed from 6 montl1s to 3 years. livi11g in a hotel also ,vho steals sl1 all receive- tl1 e same Jlunisl1 ro.ent.


If ca1-ters or masters of vessels or n1e11 wl1 0 transport goocls 011 a11 j1nals mix any substance injtTrions to healtl1 ,vitl1 tl1e goods wl1ic]1 they J1avc 1·eceived for transport or ,vitl1 any otl1 er kincl of drink, tl1ey shall l ) e But if tl1e su])sta11ce ,vliich tl1cy in1prisoned ·f-rom 6 mo11 ths to 3 years. mix in ,vill not affect tl1e healt11 they shall lJe imprisonecl fro:r11 1 to 6 1 11 ontl1.s ancl shall pay a fine frou1 10 to 100 dolla1·s.


If a man ·makes ])rass to reseml)le gold a11cl tin to rese1u.llle sil,rer a11 rl,

assertinu tl1 e1n to lJe gold ancl silver, sells t11em b)' f1·and a11 c] lJy distracting tl1 e atte�ti-011 of tl1e ])uyer, o·r by any fraud rese1nl)ling tl1 is deceives a 1nar1 and sells him anytl1 ing, i:l1 is is .stealing and tl1erefore lie s.hall retun1 to the owner tl1e money with i11terest tu1 d sl1 all be imprisoned from 2 to (Fit. Neg., 6 n1onths a·nd sl1all J)ay a fine fro1n 10 to 50 dollars.

Pt. 43).

67 •




r li u as l1 1Jee ic ) . e b w n mo of 11 st11 � a i 1g om r 1 ) s 11 tl 1 a 1 a n a act al 11 � stT ) I£ _ _ 1 s stealing a11d s t]i1 it, s ep e l<: cl an. 11 ma er 1 tl ent e a11o ed o-iv ler Lo orc to and s tJ 1 eTefore he s11 all r�i)a)r lvitl 1 interest tl1e money 1-vl1icl 1 l1e alJstracted and :kept ancl sl1all ]) e im1Jrisonecl fro m 3 n1011 tl1s to 1 yeai·.. _ . A 111an. ,-vl1 0 111aJ{es a false ke)r for a lock shall 1Je 11.riprisoned ±1:�m I m1)ntJ1 lo I )'ear.



B1 1 t :if tl1e ma11 ,�,110 1r 1 al<:es a false key for a loclt is a locksrni tl1, l 1e sl1all 1Je in 11Jrisoned from 3 1 11 ontl1s Lo 2 )rears. B· u t if lie is in partnersl1i1J 1-vitl1 1.l1ie,,es, ]1e sl1all rccei ,,c tl 1e sa 1 11e JJU11ish111e11t as a tl1:ief.


A man "½rho l))' force gets 1Jossessio11 of, a11 cl o]Jtai11s a sig1 1 ature to,

any lcind of doc11n1 e11t conce1·nin 0o- 1none,, shall )Je i1npriso11ecl • mo11 tl1s to 5 years.




If a thief steals £0 1· tl1e :first ti1ne olving to l1111 1 ger, l 1 a·ving 11otl1i.i1 g to e at· , i11tending to get foocl for tl1 e clay, a1 1cl if the t]1 i11g stolen vvas s1 nall, the jttclge after examini11g tl1e case s11.all l)ass a sentence of in 1prisonment fron1 5 cla)7 S to 1 111011tl1 . But lie sl1 all ser,'e l 1i s se11te11 ce of im1J1·ison1nent in a s1Jecial JJlace, not i11 tl 1 e }Jri.J1ci 1 Jal prison ,vl.1ere tl1e lJig tl1ieves are i111 1)riso 11ecl.


A Ll1ief ,v. l10 con 1 11 1its a11 act of sLeali11 g tl1ree Li111 es ancl is see11 Lo



11.a,'e stro11g JJro1)ensities to tl1ievi11g sl1 all IJe floggccl a 1 1cl i1u1Jrisonecl fTom 6 1 11011tl 1 s to 2 yca1·s. In Ll1e cases or st.eali11g n1e11tio 1 1ecl a]Jo,,e? tl1 e tl1ief sl1all repa)'- to tl1 e o,vt1er lvl1at lie l 1 as st.olen a11cl if lie l1as i 1 1currecl a11y expenses l1e sl1 all ref1111cl tl1e ex1Je 1 1ses as tl 1 e)r are estin1 atecl.

SECOND CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed b y stealing by highway robbery or robbery with violence



If a 111an 1vl1 en stealing tl1 e 111 011 e)' of auotl1er n1 a11 ,vJ 1icl 1 is 110 1 l iis

o,;-v-n 11s �s violence 0 �1 tl1e o,,r11cr as ,vell as tal<i11 g a,vay l i is motIC)', i 11 . proport1011 to tl1e 11 1J11ry lie sl1all ]Je floggecl and in1i)risoiicd froJn 6 mo11tl1s to 1 yeaT.



If i11 11sjng violence 011 )1im he ,vo1mdecl l1im, J,e sl1all JJay the da111ages for a ,vound; if l1e caused serio11s inj11r)', l1e shall JJay tl1e clan1ages fo1· se1·io11s inj111-y; lie sJ1aU }Jay tl1e .611e in.11Josed ]Jy law for violence and sl1all l)e i1n1Jriso11ecl fro111 1 to 3 )'ears.


If a 111an com1uit a11 act of stealing and robl:;el'y v.rith violence }Jy day or night accompa11iecl ]J)' 1nen from 2 to 5 in n11m]Jer a·ncl one only a1no11g tl1em is i11 JJossession of a ,-veaJJ011 of ,var, all shall be p1111isl1ecl lJ)r (Fit. Neg., Pt. t:J,9, IJ, 318). flogging and in1priso11111e11t fron1 1 to 5 years.


If a ma11 gets reacly ]Jeforel1a11cl a11 exc11se for steali11g anotl1er man's

money b)r l1igJ1,va)' ro]JlJery ·or ro]JJJery ,vi tl1 ,riole11ce ancl af teT co1nmitting tl1e act of stealing SB)'S tl1at tl1e 1no11e)' \V'bicJ1 he stole ,vas his o,vn or i-f in order to conceal t"l1e steali11g l1c JJretcncls ancl affirn1s ancl · lJrings for,varcl false ,vitness, l1e shall IJay a fir1e fron1 a 100 to 300 dolla1·s and sl1all lJe im1Jriso11ecl from 1 to 3 montl1s.


Thieves ,vl10 con1mit acts of stealing.




2nd. If tl1ey are two or n1ore 3rcl.

If it is by nigl1t.



11ur11JJe1·. '


a111011g tl1c1n, or n1any o.f tl1e.n.1, is 01Je11ly or secreLly iI1 t11e }JOssession of ,vea1Jons.


4tl1. If they ]Jl'eal( clo,-v11 or cJi111l) o,rel.' a fe11cc, clig Ll1ro11gl1 a wall or OJJe11 tl1e cloor ,vitl1 a false key, if tl1ey e11Ler a dwelling place or ]1011se, if tl1ey call tl1en1scl,,es 1Jy the 11a1n.e of officials ,v110 l1ave a·utltority or falsely p11t on s01ne ]Jaclge of autl1oriLy or falsely state tl1at tl1ere is a11 order from tl1e officials ""rho l1ave a11tl10Tity.



an act of lVlen ,vho do tl1ese five tl1i11gs toget lier wl1en co111n1:itti11g ' stealing sha.ll be imprisonecl 11p to 20 years.

THIRD CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by swindling

and fraud tl42.

1\ 1nat1 ,vl10 in orcler to ol1tajn 111one)' for l1is o,vn ailva11tage ]1y u11lawfu] swjnc1ling re1noves it: JJreter1di11g that it is l1is o,v11 or ,vJ10 hancls

69 \


it over to anotl1 er ma11 01· ,vl10 gt1ides tl1 ie,;es and ca11 es tliem to steal � _ it or ,vl1 0 after causin(Y t11 e steali11cr olJ Lains a si&'Ilat.u:re lor the 1·ecei1)t of tl1 e mone)' sl1 all 1;a)r a fu1e fro1n 100 to 200 .dollars a11d sl1 all he in1prisoned from 1 to 2 years.


ods 011 creclit A man who kno,vi11g l1 is inalJility to JJay takes trade go

sl1 all recei,re tl1e same JJU11is]1 1ne11 t as a s\.vincl1er. . Wh at is called a S"\Vincller is a 1na11 ,vl10 cl1 aracteristics.

-l1as tl1 e followi11g


He is a ma11 wl1 0 ,vith�t1t ]Jei11 g a tr11tl1 ful JJCrso11 prete11ds to l1e so "'1l1 en be is in tl1e com11a11) 7 of a tr11t]1f11] JJersoJJ.


2nc1. He is a man ,vl1 0 1nakes 11 1eclici11e, 11rete11 cling Lo clo tl1e 1-vo1·k 1J)7 sorcer) or magic.




3rcl. He is a ma11 ,vl10 co111es Lo an agree111 e11t on a sale and pretencls tl1 at tl1 e }Jrope1·t)r sold is taken as sec11ril)7•


4,th. He is a 1 11 a11 ,-.,]10 conies to a11 agree11 1e11t a1Jcl sells JJro11ert)7 prete11cli11g t11at it ]Jelo11gs to l1im "vl1.en it cloes 110L, a11d ,vbo lets it 1Je taken f0 1· l1is cle]rts or "''11 0 pays it for l1 is de]J ts.


_.i\. n1an ,vl1 0, kno,vi11g a 1Jerso11 to ]Je u11 cler age or lacking in jnLellige1 1ce, o]Jtau1 s l1is sig11 at11 re to a doc111ne11t co11cer1 1ing 111oney or "''110 destroys a cloc1111 1e11 t co11cer11 i11 g 1no11 e)' "''l1icl1 is to tl1 e ac],,antage of anotl1er JJ e1·son or ,vl10 }Jy \\'Orel cJ1eats a11d leads astray s11all pay a fine fro11 1 100 to 500 clo]lars and sl1a]] 1J e ir 11 prisoned fron1 1 to 2 )7ea'J:s.





A 111a11 \.vl10 , to }J1·eve11t tl1e con,fiscatio11 of pro11ert)' ,vl1icl1 tl1 e cou1·t

J1as ordered to ]Je co11 fiscatcd, c1111 11 ingly l 1icles it or }Jt1ts it 011t of reacl1 or l 1 a11 cls it over to a11ot]1er person or sel]s it 01: goes to Ia,-., alJ out i t on false pretences sl1 all 11ay a fi11 e fro1n 100 to 1000 clolla·rs a11 cl sl1 all ]Je in1priso·necl fron1 l to 2 years. ,1r11e11 a cli,rision. of fJl"OIJ Crty accorcling to a legal clecision is begun ]Jet,,,een tvvo o\.v1 1ers of l)l"OJJerL)', a 1na11 ,vl10 JJUts t11e propert)r 0111 of reacl1 or J1icles it or IJ )1 fratlll n1alces a pret:e11cled gift of it to a110tJ1 er, a tl1 ird IJaTt)', a11 cl 11nlaw-f1tl]), causes tl 1 e inl1eritecl Jand of 01 1 e 1nan to J)ass to a11other n1an sl1a11 IJay a fi11 e fron1 100 to 1000 clo.llars a11 d sl1 a]l ])e im11risonecl from 1 to 2 yea1·s. (Fit. Neg.).

J\ traclesman wl1 0, l 1 01Jj11 g Lo escaJJ � rro111 ]1is clel)ts, IJt1ts J 1 is 111 011cy out of reacl1 lJy fra11cl or ,vl10 co11ceals 111s ]Jooks or ,vl1 0 clai111i11 o- to J1 a,,e J)aicl ,vl1 at l1e l1as not f>aid 1l1aJ "es a false c11 try on tl1 e sicl� of J i is



ex1)e11cliture ox ,.vJ10 claimi11g t11at l1e. J1as a delJ t o,-vi 11g to ]1 i 111 makes a false e11tr)' of a cle]Jt ,vl1icl 1 cloes 11ot exiet and ,,,]10 si gn s tl1 e cntr)' sl1 all be in11Jriso11ecl Iron1 3 Lo 10 )'ears. Lt52.

If after a Lracles111a11 l1as failecl

J)ay J1is tlcJ:its it ])e fo11.11cl tl1at 1st,• l1e is s1Jendi11g an excessive amoru1 t of 111one)' 011 J 1 is li, i 11g, 2ncl, 1J 1 a t he is lJt1yi11g thiJ1gs ,vhicl1 lose value ancl ,vI1ose val11e cl1anges fro111 day lo clay, 3Tc1, tl1at J1e is b11 yiJ1 g tl1i11gs in a JJlace ,vl1crc J1is i11a1Jility Lo JJa)' is not ki10,v11 and i-ed11cing tl1e JJrice a11cl selling tl1e111, or if after J1e J1as failed to JJay l1is cle]Jts l1 e 1Jorro,vs again, or if after 11c l1as failed to JJa)' l 1is cle]Jts lie gi,,es to eacl 1 of l1is creclitors separate!)' tl1at tl1e)' 11Ja)' not clivicle according to tl1eiT sJ1 ares, J1e shall lle in1 J)risoued fror11 I 111ontl1 to 2 )'ears. 1.0



\Xil1e11 a traclesn1an co111111its a11 act of Jraticl j11 order Lo esca1)e fi-om J1is clel)ts, tl1e crirr1 i1 1als ,vl1 0 l1el 1J l1in1 sl,all .receive Lite sa111e JJt1r1isl 1 111enL as tl1 e J)ri11 ci1Jal criminal.


If a 1 11a11 i11 goocl faitl 1 p11ts l1is signat11re a11cl seal on a bla11k sl1cet


of paJJe1· ancl gi,r es it to anotl1e1· 111 a11, a 11 1a11 ,vl10 ,,,rites unl1·uly "'Ol"ds ,vl1ich ))ri11g ii1j 1 1ry eit.l1er to tl1e JJCrso11 or J)roperL)r o.f t11e man wl10 sig11ecl it sl1al] J)c i1npr.iso11ed froru 3 1nor1tl1s to 2 a11d sJ 1al] J)ay a fi11e from 20 to 200 clol]ars. If 1J1e o,v11eT of tl1c sig 11attu·c aricl sea 1 sufTei­ loss of r1 1 oney, J1 e s11.all lJe res1)011siJJJe i11 tl1e matter of the n1011ey.

I-Ie sl1all reJJay Lo tl 1e o,vr1er the 1noney "'l 1 icl1 lie l 1as sto1er1 by

ro11lJe1·y ,vitl1 ,riole11ce, ]1)' fra11d ancl b)' s,vincl]i11g st1ch as are descril1ecl a1Jove; a11 d if lie l1ns i11 curred any expenses, l1e sl1a]J Ile res1)onsilJle for tl1e exJJe11scs as esti111ated a11cl sl1 all pay Ll1 em.

FOURTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by breaking the law established that the rights of an owner of inherited land and tax-free land may not be violated. 456.

A 111an ,-vl10 causes clestruclio11 b)' lettirrg loose l10T11ecl cattle or 111a11ed cattle, "vitl1011t kcepjng a11y ,vatcl1 o,1er tl1e111, 011 the j11l1e1·ited la11cl 01·

tax-free lancl of n1a11 ,-vl1icl1 l1as ]leen JJ]ougl1cd a11 d l1acl seccl sow11 011 it a11cl on ,-vl1ic]1 ai-e croJJS or on wl1ich an)' ki11cl of ,vork has 1Jeen clone in c1tltivatior1 a11cl JJlanti11g sl1 all pay lhe esti111atecl a1no11nt of tl 1 e clestrt1ction a11cl sl1all pay a fi11e f-ron1 10 to 20 d0Ua1·s. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 4.-9, p. 313).


457. ,, •

A man· ,-vl1 0 causes destruclio11 }Jy leacli11g a11d ]Jri11ging 11ornecl 01· maned cattle onto tl1e i11]1eritecl la11d or tl1e tax-free land of a110Ll1er ma11 ,vl1icl1 l1as ]Jeen •plo11r.rhed and l1ad seed s0'\-\111 on it ancl 011 1-vl1ich a1.·e crops or 011 \\'hicl1 a11)-, kin�l of "''ork l1as 1Jeen clo11e i.r1 ct11ti,;ation and lllanting sl1all JJa)r a fine fron1 20 to 50 dolla1.·s a11 d sl1 a11 1Je i 1npri.s011 ed from 1 to 2 montl1s and lie sl1all pay tl1e estimatecl damages to tl1c owne1· of tl1e pro1Jert)r.


_.t\..ny man "'rho sells his i11l1 eritecl land, alters it, gi·ves it awa)' or l1ands it over to anotl1er perso11 ·witl1ou't ]1 a·ving tl1e Lra 11sactio11 written clo'\\rn 1J)' tl1e judge wl10 l1as a11th0Tity i11 Ll1at -clistrict sl1all pay a fine from 100 to 1nent is invalicl a11cl 11ull. 2000 dollars; and their auree ....,


If jt1dges, officials with auLl1orit)r, JJolice a11cl officers of police enter a man's l1ouse 111tla,vfully a.ncl go ]Jeyo11d ,v-. I1at tJ1e la,v allo'\\rs tl1e1n, and co111n1it an)' u11la'\\rf1tl act or act of violence, over and alJove da1nages they shall IJay a fine from 5 to 100 clollars a11 cl sl1all 1Je i1u1Jrisonecl from 5 da)7S to 3 1no11tl1 s, or Ll1ey sl1 a.ll 1Je IJ1111is]1ecl ]J)' eitl1er of tl1e two JJunisl1me11ts.


When a ma.11 forlJicls e11tr)· j11 to .l1is l1ouse,

111a11 ,vl10 clisregards l1is '\\1orcls ancl ente1·s lJy force "''iLl1 out JJermissio11 shall •pay a fine f1·om 1 to 10 clollars. Ull)'

FIFTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by changing the name of trade goods and the name of . the factory. ,t61.

A 111an '"'110 ,vitl101it receiv.i11g at1tl1ority fro 11:1 tl1e o,v11er.s of a factory a11cl ,,ritl1011t tl1eir orclers JJlaces or ca11ses to ]Je placecl tl1e 1 11arlc of a11otl1er 1nan or a 1 1otl1er con11Jat1)" 0 1 1 tl1e 1-V1.·a1JJJi11gs a·1 1d JJacl-:ing-cases of tracle goods and. 011 tl1e e 1 1velo1Jes. and. lelters 011 ,vl1icl1 is ,v·ritten an ad,1erlisen1ent of tl1e JJrice sl1all 1Je in1 prisoi1ecl f ron1 1 n1ontl1 to 1 year ancl sl1all }JU); a fine, fro111 50 to 500 dollars, or J1e sl1a11 011ly l)e }JUni;l 1ed l)y eitl1er of tl1e t,-vo JJ1111isl1111e11Ls. (:Fit. Neg.).


r\. n1an ,vl 1 0 c:l1anges Ll1e n1ark or 11an1c of orie factory £01: a11ot h er sl1all ]Je im1Jrisonecl fro1n 3 rr1011tl 1 s to 1 )'ear and sl1a]] JJU)' a :fi·ne from 100 to 500 dollars, or J1e sl1all 01Jl)' ))e IJt111isl1ecl' ]J)' citl1er of tl 1e two • fJunisl11nents.





A . 1na11 1vl10 cloes not alte·r tl1e 111ark of a .factory JJ11t a11 imitatio11 in orde1· to deceive ]J11yers sl1all ]Je imprisoned from 1 montlt to 1 y_ear and sl1all pay a fine fro111 20 to 1000 d.ollars, or 11e sJ1all onl)r JJe p1mished ]Jy eitl1e1· of th-e tivo JJt1nishments.

A 111an lvllo in11Jorts and sells 01· ca11ses lo JJc solcl an)r kincl of traclc

goods lc.nolving that tl1ey· ]Jea1· a false facto1·y ma.rk or faclory· 11a1ne sl1all be impri.so11ed f1·on1 1 mo11tl1 to 1 )7ear ancl sl1all JJa)r a fine fro1n 20 to 1000 dollars, or l1e sl1all 011ly ]Je IJunishcd by eitl1er of Lhe tlVO pnnish1nents.

A man wl10 ad11-lterates a11y kinrl of Etl1iopian tracle goocls sl1al] ]Je impriso11ed fTon1 1 mo11tl1. to 1 year ancl sl1.all pay a fine from 20 to 1000 dollars, or l1e sl1all only 1Je IJt1nisl1ei:l lJy· eitl1er of tl1e t1-vo [)U11isl1n1e.uts. •

SIXTH CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by setting fire to any kind of thing. •



A n1a11 1;,vl10 lvilI1tlly sets fire to tl1e l1011se or crops or 1-vo<Jc:Js or a □)' llro1Jerty l)elonging to anotl1e1· person shall pa)' tl1e estimatecl cla111ages to tJ1e o,vner ar1cl shall ]Je in11Jri3-0necl fron1 1 to 3 years. B1:1t i[ wl1en he ,vas lJtu·11i11g l1is 0,-v,1 grass or straw lvitl1011t i11tencli11g to injllre a11otl1er man the fi1·e 11r1ex1Jecteclly got ]Je) oncl control ancl so l1e s,et fire Lo tl1c proJJert)r of tl1e otl1er 111a11, aiter the 111atter l1as 1Jeen e:x.aa]i11ed l1e s]1a11 011ly Ila)" tl1e esLimated da1nages ancl he sl1all not he lial)le Lo j1r1r>rison(Fit. Neg., Pt. 50, p. 21). me11L. 1

467 •

I-f a 1nan sets off a11cl causes to explocle a11y kind of 1Jursting :rncl explosi,,e material ancl if when he sets it off a11d ca11ses it to explode l1.e causes dan1age tl1erelJ)'- to the IJroperty of an-otl1e1· ma·n, an incflliry shall be n1acle as to ,vl1y l1e set it off and caused it to explode ancl 11e sl1all pa)' tl1e esti1nated clamages to tl1e owi1er of tL1e IJtOJJerty aacl shall l)e imprisoned from 6 n1onths to 1 )'-ear.


If tl1e goocls which we1·e lJUr'nt owing to tl1e crimes descriJJed above were witho11t value a11d , if no other l1arm was caused, l1e sl1all 1Je JJU11isbe-d only for causing the ]Jursting and tl1e explosion l)y impriso11ment from 1 to 6 1nontl1s.




The punishment of a man who breaks small laws 1st.


Conce1-nii1g tl1e ,vl1icl1 is co1n111ittecl ])),- l)reaki11g tl1e la,-v which is in force concer11ing ·roads ,vl1i.cl1 exist for tl1e })assage of the l)Ul)lic. Conce1·11ing tl1e crime ,vl1ich is co1t111u.ltecl )))' )Jreaking 111.e la,v ,.,,}1icl1 is :u1 force Ior .safe-g11ardi11g_ tl1e J)tll)lic JJeace a11d tl1e pulJlic welfare.

2nd chapter. •

CO NCERNING THE PUNISHMENT OF THE BREAKER OF THE LAW FIRST CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by breaking the law which is in force concerning roads which exist for the passage of the public. 4,69.

PeoJ).le ,vl10, 011 roacls ])11il1: tl1at tl1e }Jt1l1.lic rna)' })ass alo11g tl te1n 1-vithout diffic11lLy danger or fear, create a diffic1tlty l J y ca11sj11g to sta11cl on them "''l1eeled vel1icles a1: icl a11toJ11o])jles sl1all JJny a fi11c fro111 5 to 10 clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 37, p. 225).


1\. 1na11 ,-vl10 J111i1ds a l1011se, p11ts u11 a fe11ce, digs a ditc]1 011 a J)lacc aJJpointed for tl1e passage of tl1e 1J11l)lic, a11fl r1eo1)le ,vl10 cor1str11ct a11,r otl1er ,-vorks resernlJling tl1ese. 011 a road, sl1all -1Jay a fi11e frorr 1 5 to 10 V • dollars.


Peo1)le ,vl10 destroy lamps 1-vl1icl1 sl1olv tl1e roa<ls to tl1e l)ltl)lic, ] Jeu1 g lit over roacls for tl1.e passage of tl1e p11}Jlic, sl1all pay a fi.11e fro1r1 5 to 10 dollars.


Peo1)le wl10 drive or cause to star1cl 011 tl1e 11i1l)lic road ,vl1.eelecl vel1icles and autoruobiles lvitl1011t })rOJ)er ligl1ts after it is evet1i 11 g ancl it ..., i s dark shall J)ay a fi.11e fro111 5 to 10 clollars. 74,



PeoJlle ,vl10 , after receiving }lro1ler permission to do so, clig eartl1 a11d break sto11es 011 a road for tl1e IJassage of tl1e })Ublic or lvl10 Illace tl1ings on tl1e roacl a11cl leave tl1 en1 after i t is e,re11ing and it is dark ,vithol1t . placing a ligl1t as a mark to sl10,v tl1en1 sl1 all pay a :fi11 e fro111 5 to 10 dollars.


Peo1lle lvl10 slaugl1 teT l 1 oruecl cattle or a]Jando11 any ki 11d of carcase 011 a road for Ll. 1e passage of tl1e p11]Jlic sl1all }Jay a .fi 11e fron1 5 to 10 (Fit. Neg., Pt. 4'.3, p. 270). dollars.


People ,vl10 disregarcl Ll1e ]a,v ,v1.1icl1 lias ]Jeen issltec1 abo11t roacls for the passage of the JlltlJlic a11cl drive ,vheeled velticles a11cl auLot1 101Ji1es or gallop l1orses i n a l1urry ancl ,vitl1 SJJeed sl1all })3)' a fine frorr 1 5 to 10 dollars.


Peo1Jle ,vl10 dig llp a11 d clesLro)r a pttlJlic road ,vithout rcceivi11 ...g ller1nissio11 sl1all Jla);· a :fi11e fro111 5 to 10 clollars. (Fit. Neg., PL. ,17, p. 224,).


Peo1lle ,,,J1 0 llreak tl 1e la,v ,vl1icl1 i s i11 force for ,]ed .traffic and al1Lo1nobiles on a r1111Jlic road a11cl cal1 se a collision bct1vec11 ,vl1eelecl vel1icles a11d auto1r 1obiles o,ving to SJJeecl sl1all pay a fir 1 e fror11 5 to 10 dollaTs. If o,vi1 1g to tl1is collisio11 a u1a11 sl1all s11ffer serio11s injttl')', they sl1all r>ay (la1uages for serio11s iuj11r)'; if a u1a11 sl1011lcl ]Jc killecl, tl1ey sl1aJ.l If a11 ytl1i.11 g sl1all l)e lJrol.:cn, tl1ey sl1alJ fJay da 1nages. llay ]Jlooclmoney. B11t if l1 e i<:illecl a ma11 Ll1ro1.1gh driving ,vitl 1out ]Jlow111g l1is 11or11 a11cl ,vitl1011t rcgardi11g tl1e la,-v ,-vl1 ich r1as ]Jcc11 iss11ecl co11cer11 ir1g tl1e clTi,,e 1·c1. of a11Lon1 o])i Les, after the matter has ]Jcen exa111i11 ed and JJrovecl lie sl1all ))e sentencecl to cleatl1, as if he l1ad a lo11g-sta1 1 di11g 11.atrccl for Ll1e deacl •• n1au or a desire for 1·eve11ge.

SECOND CHAPTER Concerning the crime which is committed by breaking the law which is in force for safe-guard�ng the public peace and the public welfare. A ma11 "''ho fires


gru1 trnla1vf11lly or is fo1u1d to l1ave JJllL i11 a cartriclcre on a roacl along ,vl1 icl1 the pu]Jlic lvalk or i11 a place wl1ere t]1e pu]Jlic �sse1ulJle shall l1ave his g1u1 co1 1.fiscatec1 a 1 1cl sl1 all pay a fi11e fro 111 5 to 1-0 clollars. (Fit. Neg.).


P-eo1Jle who 1Jreak t11e la1-v a1.1d let off any ex1llosive like g11n.po,vcler i11 a town, village, market or roacl £01· tl1e passage of tb.e pu]Jlic and frighten a person sl1all pay a fine fron1 10 to 50 clollars.





A nJan wJio IJlocks up a.nd rJa111 ages tl1e clrai11s and J)i{JCS wl1icl1 are

n1acle for rulJ})i.,lt a11d sweepings, or anytl 1 i 11g rese.m]J]ing tl1 cse 1nade for the IJringing do¥l'J1 of water sl1all pay a fir1e f1·om 20 to 50 dollars,.

If peoJJle 0 11 whon1 rests tl1e obligatio11 for 1l1e safekee1Jing of wild

beasts a11d �ni1nals ,vl1icl1 attack and injure l1uma11 IJei11gs do not keep tl1em safe btrt let tl1ern loose, tb.ey :':l1all IJe imprisonecl frorr.1 10 to 15 days and shall pay· a fine from 10 to 20 dollars. If tl1e wild ]Jeasts or ani1nals ,vl1icl1 are let loose attack a 1Jerso 1 1 a11d cause seriot1s inJ·t1rv • ? tl1ev sl1 all L pay hloocln1011ey· accorcli11g to tl1e la,v. (Fit. Neg.).


Wl1en tl1ere is a fire or any IJub lie calamity, J)eople \\1110 arc ordered h}' tl1 e official Lo l1elp ar1 cl ren1ai11 iclle ,vitl1out olJeying l1is comn1a11d ancl l1el1Ji11g ,vitJ1011t l1avi11g a stro11g reaso11 sl1al1 )Je impriso11ed U.JJ to l 111ontl1 (Fit. _ -eg., Pt. 4,5, }J, 294,). ancl sl1 all JJay a fine fron1 20 to 50 clollars.


·w1.1e 11 J)eople 11.ave 111acle an agree1ne11t to accom1Ja 11y a rt1an fron1 011e place to a11 otl1cr or to trans1)ort llelo11 gi11gs or to act as l1 is serva11ts 11ntil jou1·11ey is co1n1)lcted, a11cl ,vitl1ot1t a1J)' good reaso11 fail to complete tl1.e olJligations of tl1eir agreerr 1ent, tl1e)' sl1all 1le i111JJ.risonecl from 1 Lo 2 mo11tl1s a11cl sl 1all J)ay a fir1e fro1n 20 to 50 clollars. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 30, p. 218).


Peo1Jle ,vl10 SJ)reacl false 11e,vs a'f1cl :frigl 1te11 tl1e JJUl)]ic sI 1 all Ile in1 1Jri.so11ed UJ) to 1 r11or1tl 1 ancl s1 1 all J)a)r a fi11e fro1n 20 to 50 dollara. (Fit. Neg., Pt. 24,, JJ. 176). I




J) eo1)le ,-v I10 are fou 1 1d selli 11g or causi 11g to l,c solcl food and drink wl1icl1 ate 11ot fit for co11su 111 ptio11 ,vl1icl1 are i11 j11riot1s to l1ealt]1 after ·tl1e judge forlJidden tl1c111 lo sell it sl1al] Ile i 1r11)risonecl 11p to 1 mo11 tl1 a11cl sl 1all pay a fine front 20 to 50 clollars. (li'it. Neg., Pt. 33, JJ. 206). I>eople ,v-1 10 k110,v of tJ 1e existence of a {)lan for causing dcstrt1ctio11 ,vl1icl1 ,vill 111.ean cleatl 1 or for ro]J]Jery ,vitl 1 violence a1 1cl stea1i11 g, · for pl1111cleri11g a_11d al)cl11ction, a11d fail to 111 akc it k11 0,vT 1 lleforel1a11d ir1 secret, to Ll1e j11 clge of tl1e district, :rfter exarni11atior1, sl1all IJay a fi11e fro111 50 lo 100 clollars a11d .IJe in1priso11ed fro 111 l 111ontl1 to 1 year accord.i11g to tl1e Tl1.e juclgc sl1all co11cluct 1l1e i11vestigaLio11 serjo11sness of tl1e crin1e. secretly ,vitl1out· reveali11 g t11e nan1c <>f tl1e i11for 111 er, and tl 1 erc sl 1 all ]) e (Fit. Neg., no responsi])ility on tl 1e 1)eople ,vl10 are t] 1 e infor111er5. Pt. 241, p. 178). But if tl1e peo1 )le ,vl10 failecl to give ir1 for11 1 atio11, tl 1ougl1 tl1ey kue,v evil ,vas l)larmed, were relatecl lo tl1e cri1ni.I1al as fatl1er or e ()"rat1dfatl1 er., cl1ilcl or granclcl1ilcl, brotl1 er or sister, tl1ey sl1all 11ot be p1111isl1ed tl1 ougl1 they· did not give infor1nation l)eforel1a11d.





Printed by the Directorate o! Army Printing and Stationery Se.rvlces, Adclls Ababa.



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