The Land Charters of Northern Ethiopia by G. W. B. Huntingford

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Monographs in Etl1iopian Land Tenu1·e No. r


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HAILE SELLASSIE I UNIVERSITY Ade/is Ababa, Etl1iopia it1 association witl1 •



Ac/dis Abc1ba - Nairobi 1965

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Monographs in Ethiopian Land Tenure No. r

The Land Charters o �'1orthern Ethiopia




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PUBLICATIONS OF THE FACULTY OF LAW THE JOURNAL OF ETHIOPIAN LAW rsity ive Un I e ssi lla Se ile Ha w, La of lty cu Fa the at all nu an d ice tw Publishe y ent. in co-operation with the Ministry of Justice, Imperial Ethiopian Governm (I,z Etlriopia, E.$3.50; i11ternatio11all)', U.S.$3.50 per issue)

MATERIALS FOR THE STUDY OF THE PENAL LAW OF ETHIOPIA(l965) Steven Lowenstein, Faculty of La\.v, Haile Sellassie I University. (In Ethiopia, E. $10.00; i11ter11atio11ally, U.S.$ 10.00) THE CONFLICT OF LAWS IN ETI-IIOPIA (1965) Robert Allen Sedler, Faculty of La\.\1, Haile Sellassie I University. (/11 Ethiopia, E.$2.50; i11ter11atio11all)', U.S.$2.50)

AN INTRODUCTION TO ETHIOPIAN PENAL LAW (1965) Pl1ilippe Graven, Ministry of Justice, Imperial Ethiopian Government. (I,z Ethiopia, E.$10.00; inter11ationally, U.S.$10.00) ETI-IIOPIAN LEGAL FOilM BOOK (1965): VOLUME I (FORMS OF LAW) I(enneth R. Redden, Faculty of Law, Haile Sellassie I University. ( In Etlziopia, E.$6.00; inter11ationally, U.S.$6.00)

PUBLICATIONS OF TI-IE INSTITUTEOFETHIOPIAN STUDIES JOURNAL OF ETIIIOPIAN STUDIES Published twice a year Subscri1Jtion in Etl1iopia $10 for one year; internationally U.S.$8.00 or £2.8.0. Sterling per annu1n. REGISTER OF CURRENT RESEARCH ON ETHIOPIA Pt1blished annually ( I,z Ethiopia: E.$ 2.50, or internationally, U.S. $2) ETI-llOPIAN PUBLICATIONS Published annually (In Etlziopia. E.$2. 50, or inter11atior1ally, U.S. $2.)



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LAND CHARTE�S OF NORTI-IERN ETHIOPIA (1965) G.".".B. _Huntmgford, D. Lit, School of Oriental an d African Studies ' Un1vers1ty of London. (In Etlziopia, E.$6.00; internationally, U.S.$5.00)

PILOT FIELD STUDY OF CHORE(SHOA) (1965) H.S. M_a�, Rural Ins�itutions Officer, F.A.O., United Nations. (I,z Etlzzopza, E.$3.50; 1nternatio11ally, U.S.$2.50) The ab?ve works ay _be purchased in Ethiopia from Th e Faculty of Law' � or the Institute of Eth1op1 an Studies ' Haile Selassie· I un1·.vers1·ty, Box 1176 Addis Ab ba, Ethiop1a · , or m · temationally, from Oxford Universit Pr ess , Bo� y 12532, Nru�ro bI,. Kenya an d Box 1024, Addis Ababa , Ethiopia.


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Monographs in Ethiopian Land Tenure No. 1








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All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or portions thereof in any form

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• Printed at COMMERCIAL PRINTING PRESS Addis Ababa. Ethiopia



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INTRODUCTION: § 1. The nature, sources, and authe11ticity of the documents .. . . .. . . .. • • • • •• § 2. The Ethiopian land system in the Middle Ages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •• • • •• § 3. The granting of a charter • •• •• § 4. A comparison of the charters with European models . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . • • § 5. Formal analysis of the charters • • • •• • • LIST OF CHARTERS . . . . . . . . • • • • • • SOURCES AND ABBREVIATIONS •• • • NOTE ON THE MANUSCRIPTS .. • • • THE LAND CHARTERS OF NORTI-IERN ETI-IIOPIA .. •

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APPENDIX: I. Grant to Dabra Demah by Da\vit I •• • II. Lebna Dengel restores tl1e dignity of a sil111at •

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THE TOPOGRAPHY OF THE CI-IARTERS .. .. • • SURVEY OF MONASTERIES AND CHURCI-IES TO WHICH LAND TS GRANTED IN TI-IE CI-IARTERS .. GLOSSARY OF OFFICIAL TITLES . . . . . . .. THE ETHIOPIAN ORDER OF PRECEDENCE . . . . INDICES: • • Index of Officials • • • • • • Index of Grantors Index of Grantees. . . . .. . . • .. • Index of Chiefs and Districts Index of Lands granted by Charter • Index of Titles .. . . • BIBLIOGRAPHY . . . . . . • • •• ••



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This work by Dr. G. W. B. Huntingfordis the fir st of a series of monographs on Ethiopian land tenure to be published jointly by the Institute of Ethiopian Studies and the Faculty of Law of the Haile Sellassie I University. We have initiated this project in the belief that the subject of land, land law and land use i s of very great importance to students and scholars in many di sciplines wl10 are studying tl1e basic institu­ tions of Ethiopia and the problems of lier national development. A vast agricul tural country, Ethiopia may well become a major granary and pasturage for other parts of Africa and the Middle East. The pre sent Five Year Developme11t Plan identifies agriculture as the 'largest sector' of the economy and increased productivity as one of its major planning targets. But, as the Plan declares: the setting of goals and their implementation through la\1/ depends significantly upon the systematic development of informatio11 about existing land tenure systems and related, deep-rooted traditions, as well as search­ ing study of the problems of adjustment which may have to be over­ come if changes are to be made to secure ne,¥ economic and social goals. Thus, study of land and the legal i11 stitutions wl1ich have govern­ ed and will, in the futm·e, govern its use is an area of challenge botl1 to social s cienti s ts and lawyers, a11d a11 area vvhicl1 surely calls for the pooling of the knowledge and insights of many discipli11es if human resources, in the form of yout1g me11 equipped to 11nderstand and meet problems of national development, are to be trained more effectively by the several branches of our University. The land law of Ethiopia, today, i s highly complex. There are co11cepts, usages and lega l institutions which derive from the hi storic, central institutions of the country: the monarchy and the church. Tb.ere are innumerable regional and loca l variations in custom depending on local differences of geography, history and social tradition. These complicated patterns, produced by national history and regional differences, are a base upon which there is now overlaid the modern legislation of the post-,var period. Etluopia' s new Civil Code, which was promulgated in 1960 and which i s premised to a s11b stantial extent on continental law, provides a wholly ne\v body of princip les and concepts governing the owner s hip and u se of land and the adminis-







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h ic sts ve h , w 5 5 19 f . o n . o ti u t ti s n o C d se i trat1on of I and I a . The Rev c welfare, and the li b u p e r th fo t en 1m r1 Ve <YO e 'n atural �esourcesV:. m th ts or gh nd ri la of on iti s i qu c a c i bl pu d an ion . laws relatmg to condemnat� . . on s1 n e 1m d t n ta or p im e r h rt fu in land add a . . . e_xis_t1ng situ­ e th f o g in d 1 1 s ta r de 1 1 u l ea r So it would appe ar tl1at any e fruit of sudth be , s e _ nc ta s m cu r c i e th r e d n u , ation. i 11 .Ethiopia cannot s re ea he ar ny w a m o t in h c ar e es r · · gh ou or th o f ly on t bu den 1n.sprrat·1011, . aru·ze d . por t his � �r lly a ic at m e st sy e or m t be t1 s m e a vailable kn owledg . . sc1plrne s-histonan s, di us io r a v_ of s r a ol ch s of a id e th th wi reasoil, er experts h d o� an s er 7 la\ ts, s 1m no co e s, ist log po ro th aii geograpllers, we hope to produce a series of detail ed studies of � a :t1 cul�r aspe ct s and problein s of la nd law a 1 1d la1 1d us e. W e b elieve thi s 1s an 1mpo�ant firs t step to develop the fi eld before one attempt s broad generaliza­ tio11s which ' i11 th e 11at ure of thii1gs, might now. suffer from factual premises too 1..111certain to s11pport u seful conclusions. The scholarly m o11ograph by Dr. I-Iuntingford-a l andm_ark � Ethiopi an Stu.dies.-ap1Jears very appropriately as the firs! 1� t_ his series of publications. Written by one of tl1e fore most Ethiop 1 c1sts, it affords important legal and bisto1·ical in sight s into one aspect of the dev elopme11t of Ethiopia's i11stit11tions co11cerned with land. The l111ndred 'land charters' anal)'Sed a11d reproduced in this volume deal with gra11ts of la11d to cl1urches, mo11asteri es and individua l s by some thirty l<i11gs, l ocal n1lers o r o ther person ages of forn1e r time s. They thus reflect the workings of a very basic lustoric institution: the power of the monarchy over la11d. Tlus collection of charters cann ot, of course, be claiined to be exhaustive. It covers only the nor thern part of the c ountry, al beit the n1 ost imJJOrtant of former times. The charters here analysed are presu·ma bly 011Iy a fraction of those produc ed in the course of history, but tllis is the first colle ctio1 1 n1ade gene rally avail­ able to scholarsltip, a11d we may hop e it \\ ill b e supplemented by f uture research int o manuscripts at JJ resent l1o used in Ethiopia' s inn umerable churches and 1nona st eries. The hundred charter s edited in this book a re, howe ver, sufficient to r�ve�l tl1e hist orical origrns of 011e of the impo r ta n t phenomena of Ethiopian land t enure, n amely the grant of lan d and hence the crea­ tion of private P:operty interests of various sort s, in land, by the Crown. A l arge prop ortion of the charters, it will be no ticed deal with 'church o:"nership' o� Ian�, �r, �� re properly th e r ight s ' in land v ested b y �1n g� of past tunes 1n u1cliv1dual cl1urches and monasteries, a s well as 1n priests: monks and otl1e rs who served the ch urch. Thus, these char­ t�rs provid� �aluable documentation for one of the important catego­ nes of traditional land tenure Ch urch ownership. The publication







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of this monograph, we hope, will be of value to the e11ds of ot1r projec and to many scholars interested in the law, history and social i11stitu­ tions of Ethiopia. James C.N. Paul Dean, Faculty of Law

Richard. Pankhurst Director, Institute of Etluopia11 Studies

July 6, 1965

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The Ethiopic text from which I have translated the charte·rs in this collection is contained in Conti Rossini's Documenta ad illustra11dam historiam: I. Liber Axi,mae (CSCO. vol. 54). So far as I am a\vare there is no English version of them, with tl1e exceptio11 of one or two which are translated in Bruce (Travels, ed. 3, vol. III); and Co11ti Rossini's French version (CSCO. vol. 58) appears to betheo11Iy co1n­ plete rendering in a European la11guage. Conti Rossi1u provided his version with a few notes, but neither he nor any writer \Vl10 has mentioned these docl1n1ents seems to have been aware of tl1eir true ' nature. Whatever their protot)1 pe may l1a,1 e been, they for1n a class of document which is foreign to both Ethiopia and tl1e countries in tl1e Near and Middle East witl1 whicl1 Ethiopia l1as ct1ltural connexions. Little has been \Vritte11 on tl1eir importance for the stu.dy of tl1e Etl1i­ opian systems of lat1d te11ure a11d ad111i11istration; a11d tl1e references to them in Conti Rossini's ow11 ,vorks (wl1at he l1imself called 'non11ulla de donationibus regalibus ') do 11ot amount i11 a11y way to a detailed study. His two contributions to the subject, 'Do11azioni regali alla cattedrale di Aksum' (L' Orier1te, 1895, vol. II), and 'Il Gadla Filpos e il Gadla Yohannes di Dabra Biza11' ( Re11cl. Reale Accad. Li11cei, 5 ser., 1901, vol. VIII) n1ention tl1e1n witl1out thro,vi11g n1tich light upo11 them. They are mentioned also i11 l1is Pri11ciJJi cli Diritto Co11suetudina� rio dell'Eritrea (Rome, 1961), but again ratl1e1· as i11cide11tal 111aterial which is not of the first im1Jortance. It l1as tl1erefore see1ncd worth while to make an E11glish trar1slatio11 of tl1e wl1ole series (to vvhich I have added four from otl1er sot1rces), for tl1ese charters throw light on the Ethiopian system of land te11u1·e and 011 tl1e histOf)' of tl1e aclmin­ istrative system, especially from the beginning of tl1e sixteenth century to the end of the seventeenth century, a period "vhich includes the reigns of Lebna Dengel. Gala,vde�vos, Sarsa De11gel, and Iyasu I, all of which are represented in this collectio11.



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For dating I have followed Conti Rossini's Tabelle Compar� ti�e def Calendario Etiopico col Cale,zclario Ro,nano (Rome, 1948). Thi� 1s not the extent of my indebtedness to Co11ti Rossini, Vl'h� se other wor�s on Ethiopia I have drawn upon heavily; and I shoul� l1l(e to ta� e this opportunity of paying tribute to the breadth of learrung a11d variety of interests of a great scholar.


The principal aids w.hich I have used for d� a!ing with t.�e topogra­

phy of the subject are listed on p.85; and though 1t �s not mentioned there, I must add that Conti Rossini's perhaps rather little known 'Catalogo dei nomi propri di luogo dell' Etiopia, contenuti nei testi gi 'iz ed








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o ,n ri P ! de i tt A he t in ed ar pe ap ch i h aml1ariii.a fi.11ora pubblicati', \.v of en be s ha , 9) 43 738 . pp , II . ol (v Congresso Geografico Italiano, 1894 hical st udies ap gr po to r fo e lu va e th ss re great assistance. I wo11ld also st ch I ha ve i w h ), 38 19 n, ila (M 11a ia al of tl1e Gitida dell' Africa Orientate lt cited U11der tl1e abbreviatio11 Guicla. As to orthograpl1y: in tl1e absence of a universally adopt ed sy stem of transliteration, I have adopted a compronuse sche1ne wh ich, what­ ever its fa11lts, will at l east enable tl1e words transliterat ed i n roman cl1aracters to be t11r11ed back into t]1e Ge'ez characters used in the original text. I l1ave tried to be co11siste 11t in t his regard, but must pl ead guilty to a certain i11co11sistency in tl1e rep1·esentation of geminat­ ed consonants. The general European 11sage is not consistent, and in tl1e case of place-nan1es there is ofte11 no clue as to whet her a con­ s011ant sl1011ld be ge111i11ated or not. I have tl1erefore taken as my guidi11g pri 11ci1) le: 011e Ge'ez character, 011e 1·oman ; t hough l1ave disregarded tllisprinci1)le in certai11 words in which gemination 1s ge 11erally recog11ized, tl1e cl1.ief of tl1ese being: !


abba addi 'addaqBal<affa

blatte11geta edda ella Galla

kualla l<uell11 makuannen sellase

sellus sallim " samma walatta •

Vo,vels are unifor1nly vVI·itten a, 11, i, a, e, e, o. Tl1e folirth and fi ftl 1 ord �rs (a, e) are 111arl<:ed for disiti11ctio11 ratl1er tl1an tl1e first and _ s1xth. Wit � regard to tl1e �se of tl1e sixth order of ' ' (i.e. 'e 'e), _ I 1nust again plead gmlty to inconsistency. TABLE OF TRANSLITERATION



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INTRODUCTION §1. The nat11re, sources, a11d authe11ticity of the docu1ne11ts The gt eater number o.f tl1ese docu1ne11ts are charters recordi11.g grants of land by Christian kiI1gs or importa11t lay1ne11 to co11ve11ts, churches, and individuals both ecclesiastical a11d lay - amo11g the latter a few vvo111en. Two doct1111ents record the ·pt1rchase a11d �ale of land (nos. 70, 99); a11d 011e co11cer11s the restoratio11 of tl1e dignity of a si1111at or clliefdom. According to t]1eir attributio11, the charters fall chronologically i11to two gro11ps: (1) tl1ose attributed to kings before the Zagt1e period (c. 1117-1268), a11d (2) those be. gi1111ing \Vith Sayfa Ar'ad (1342-70) a11d e11di11g vvith Yol:iannes IV (1868-89). The manusc1-ipt sources ra11ge i11 date fro111 tl1e seve11tee11tl1 to ninetee11th centuries, the majority being of tl1e ni11eteentl1. Of tl1e seve11tee11th century there Bodleian XXX (Br11ce 89), ,vritten 1Jerl1aps at the end of the reign of St1s11eyos, i.e. cir. 1632; and MS d' Abbadie 97, written late in the ce11tw-y and perl1aps fi.11.ished i11 tl1e early part of the eighteenth. Of tl1e eightee11th ce11tury tl1ere are: Bodleia11 XXVI (Bruce 93), written for Br11ce a11d na1ned by luJ11 'Liber Axun1ae'; and BodleianXXXI(Bruce 90), also tra11scribedfor Bruce. Of the 1lineteentl1 century: d'Abbadie 152, d'l\.bbadie 167, and d'Abbadie 225. Further details of these vvill be fo11nd on p.27.Some 11ineteenth ce11tury texts are included fron1 material obtained by Conti Rossi11i in Ethiopia, 'ex apographis quae i11 Aethiopia exa1·ru:i curavimus' ('fron1 documents which we have had transcribed', CSCO. vol. 54, p. 1).


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The general tenor of the charters, and the development of their form, seem to indicate that this type of doct1me11t came i11to use in Ethiopia in the reign of Lebna Dengel (1508-1540), whose earliest dated charter belongs to the year 1517 or 1522. This aspect of tl1e problem will be discussed later·, but tl1e conclusions which I have reach­ ed are mentioned here so that something may be said about the sources and authenticity of the charters. 1 )




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te s u b er ri rt d tt a a ch to o w -t ty en tw n o ti ec ll co is There are in th g a b ll in st E A b a ie h rl e ea th , el g en D a n eb � L :� re _ kings who reigned befo in en a h n rt w g w ce 1n n u 1s It . ry tu 1 1 ce h � rt u fo and A$be}:ta of the 11ud st ed r as fi tis w e, ac on pr st 1 01 ns io pt ri sc in to d se po op as i...nent , , . . on parcw . e tt re ts o p r1 ri ef w b sc u an m w fe ry ve at th r � ea cl in Ethiopia, btit it is d th an en th n te ee SI.X ft e :fi th f o se o th en ev t, 1400 are ktlO\Vn to exis le t f co se t u o ru o o n es o d s hi T . n o m 1n co n u � ly ve ti la _ centuries bei 11g re ct e fa 1n d ?1 s, in so pt r1 sc 1 1u a m r ie rl ea e er w re 1e tl � the possibility that n t io ea s ct gr hi da e re ad m lu ay H ac ro az aj D 1 cl hi w of the sources from ry su e ay ea th m in Tr s rd co re al ic or st l1i e tl1 of g in rn bu e th · 1785 after d u­ e rio ks of th pe A e th m fro t, ec eff in t, Bu . 00 14 an tl1 er rli ea 1 e1 �:ve be y) ur 00 to h nt 14 nt ce te h or nt ni e tl1 1t ot ab ng di (en ns tio rip n1ite insc d ute to Ella rib att ers art ch e Th s. ipt scr nti ma ed cat nti the at1 we have no a bas d An an al (3, 4), asq M bra Ga 2), 1, s. (110 a bel;l A$ a11d a reh Ab Wedem (5, 6) are th11s unlilcely to hav e bee n written do\vn till much later. The charters of ld11gs betvveen 1268 and Lebna Dengel may have been written in tl1e reig11s to wluch they are attributed, though this is not certai11, especic1.Ily since several of them are stated in the body of the cl1arter to be re11.e\vals by late1· ld11gs; the kings concerned are 'SayfaAr'a. d , Davvit I, Yesl:i aq, Zar'a Ya'qob, and Ba'eda Maryam. But tllis does not n1ea 1 1 tl1at they are therefore forge1·ies; and the word­ i11g in no. 4, 'this doct11nent has bee11 \Vritten' does i11 fact suggest that even i11 fairly early times gra11ts were 1·ecorded in writing. A more realistic vie\V is to regard these documents as gentrine records of grants preserved both in tl1e books and in the traditions of the Cathedral of Akstu11 and the conve11ts, and \vritten down in a corpus of charters by order of Leb11a De11gel wl1e11 tl1e custorn of granting la11d by written charters had been adopted in Ethiopia. It is true that one of tl1e earlier charters, no. 17a, a grant by Zar'a Ya'qob to the convent of Bizan, � as b_een thot1ght to be a forgery prese1 1ted to tl1e Italian Government tn Eritrea at tl1e end of tl1e nineteenth ce1 1tury a11d inte11ded to replace ano _ ther charter (Ab. 152) vvl1ich 11a1nes six estates, \Vl1ile the new ver­ sion added sixtee11, leavi11g out one of the origi11 al estates. It is to be not�d h �wever tl1at the supposed forgery includes an estate called Adet whicl1, thougl1 11ot named io the original vers ion ' is mentioned by · Alvares e,arI Y m · th e sixteenth century as one of the possessions of . Biza�; and a cl1arter of Galawdewos to Bi zan (no. 49) renews the gra1 1ts of five estates all of which occu r in the supposed forgery. �lie probability of genuine tra11 smission of early charters is not . there1ore to be set as·1de, a11d t·he . appearance 1n charters of the earlier . . . kings (IDcl . . . ud1ng nos 1, 2, 5 , 7, 8 , a11d 9) of a mvo king sanc · claus tion e . a curse on 'any one wh0 v10 . . 1 ates or 1nfr1nges this charter' confirms the



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suggesti�n tha� �hese are genuine redactions of early grants"preserved at first � tradi!101:1. As to the efficacy of these sanctions, it may be said that m Ethiop1 � the detail and precision ,vith which many of them are dr�wn up were likely to hav � been a strong safeguard against fraud _ and violation by those who might have been tempted to deprive the grantees of their land. On the whole, then, there seems to be no valid reason to regard �hese charters as anything but reasonably accurate records of the grants which they claim to record, those of earlier kings having been collected into a corpus, and those from Lebna Dengel 011wards having been recorded in charter form at the tin1e of the grant. Thus, in 011e of Lebna Dengel's charters (no. 42) it is noted that 'tllis document is wr1tte11 in the Golden Gospel by order of the king'; and in no. 61 ( of Susneyos) the words ,vbich introduce the grant are : 'when the king of l<ings Seltan Sagad ordered an estate to be granted to Ras Se'ela Krestos, he ordered that it should be written in this chronicle; and the words of the document are as follows'. There remains the possibility that charters of which we possess only later copies may have been i11accurately tra11sc.ribed. Tllis is a source of error which may occur in any man11script literature. The general accuracy of Etlliopian transcriptions (at least equal to the general accuracy in the transmission of Greek and Latin literature, which 1s not rejected simply because much of it consists of late copies) may be tested by certain cases wl1ere tl1ere exist tvvo redactions, an earlier and a later, f1·om which we can deduce that once the form and content of the charter was established it was faithfully transcribed. The same applies to a number of other docume11ts which can be tested. Two examples may be given whicl1 go a long \Vay to establishing tl1e general reliability of Ethiopian 1nant1script tradition. The first is the History of 'Amda Seyon, whicl1 was almost certain­ ly composed in the fourteenth century'. It exists in a MS dated 1851 (Brit. Mus. Oriental 821 ) which was copied from Haylu's redaction of 1785. This redaction was made from an earlier MS lost when the Beta Mangest or Treasury at Gondar was burnt by Ras Mika 'el SeI:i11l in the middle of the eighteenth century 2 • This MS, or a copy of it, ,vas in existence when the Jesuit Pero Paez n1ade a summary of it in Portuguese about 1620. This summary tallies sufficiently with the text of Brit. Mus. Or. 821 to establish the authenticity of both, and the manuscript


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See, Huntingford, The Glorious Victories of 'Anuia Seyon, P. 27. 2. 'The books of the kings w.hich were destroyed when tl1e Beta Mange st was burnt by the wrath of Ras Mika'el, heavy in anger' (Brit. Mus. Or. 820, f. 7v). I.


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h ety pe w as rc a e th t a th ly g n ro st st e g 1g s1 h ic h w s 1e l1 c in a rt e s c in conta s. rd a rw e ft a n o so ry e v r o n o y e $ a d m 'A f o n ig re 1e tl 1 i1 11 e tt wri tt en e arly ri w t, o n a m y a H la k a T f o e if The second example is tl1e L n s to u w o n k is h ic h w l, a sq a M ra b a in tl1e sixteentl1 ce11 tury by one G d a e by f m it o ry a 1n m su g n lo a m ro F s. ie 1J co y tm n ce · th en te h g ei in ly n o ed rk o it w su e Je th ch hi w m o fr t x te e th Paez i11 Portuguese it is clear that 3 2 7 r. s. O u M t. ri B f o at th to se o cl about 1620 must have b ee11 very \Vritten i11 the eighteentl1 century. be ay , m it rs te ar ch e th in er th o an t ns ai ag n io ct Cl1ecking one reda : ts ip cr us an e m re th in d ne ai nt co e ar 15 d 11 a , 11oted that nos. 5, 13, 14 ) (2 y; ur nt h ce nt ee ht e ig y rl ea or th 11 ee nt ve (1) Ab. 97, of the late se e th of 5, 22 b. A ) (3 y; ur nt ce h nt ee ht eig te la e th of Bocll. Bruce 26, g in ell sp of ns tio ria va r 1o mi.I 1ly 01 th wi , lly ta e es Th 1 1i 11etee1 1tl1 ce11tury. enc e, an d confirm id ev ci.s 1n tl1e t fec af y wa no i11 1. icl 1 vvl 1s 1 io iss and om the accuracy of tl1eir tra11s111ission. T!1e c11arters are 11ot written l1apl1azard, but to a precise pattern, the closest parallel to wl1ich is fo1111d i11 the Saxo n land charters of E1: gla11� (see §4 below.) 111 the charters of the period preceding the reign or Lebna De11gel tl1e pattern is tllis: 1. I11vocation. 2. Names of gra11tor and grantee. 3. List of estates granted. 4. Statement tl1 at tl1e grant has not been made by proxy (in nos. 1, 7, 13, 16). 5. Reason for tl1e grant. 6. Sanc.tion agai11st violation. . . I11 t\.VO of the early cl1arters (nos. 4 ' 16) there is also an unmuruty c1 ause. · �.f Le bna Dengel on\\,ards, and also in Lebna Dengel ' s From the time renewals of earlier grants ' tvvo otl1e r clat1ses are norn1a lly though not ' . . I a ways, added : ( 1) tl1e ty1Je of gra11t, (2) a list of c onten1porary officials. . The grants of LebiJa Deuge 1 and 1ater krn gs thus appear in th e follow. . ing forn1:



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1. Invocation (in 80 %). 2. Name of grantor (in 90 %). �ame of gra.ntee (in 86 %). List of estates granted (in 76 %). 3. Reason for the grant (in 44 %). 4. T �pe of grant (in 21 %). 5. List of �ontemporary officials (in 45 % 0)• 6. Im1n� ruty clause (in 19 %). 7. Sanction (in 70 % ). 4

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(I) The Invocation is nearly always in the form 'To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit'. (2 � The name of the Gra11tor, ,vhen tl1at of a l<ii1g, has often added to it �s throne-name (sema 1na11gestyc1, 'name of my royalty'), and sometrmes adds the nan1e of tl1e place wl1ere the gra11t was made. In eighteen of the charters an ide 1 1tifiable date i11 years i 1 1 given; tl1ere is no fixed place for this in the body of tl1e charter. Son1etimes tl1e charter is stated to be a copy of an olde1· 011e, as i11 11os. 4 a11d 21, or to be a renewal or co1rlirma·tio11 (i1 1 s0111e t\ve11ty-six charters). In a few, the name of the gra11tor is 01nitted, a11d i 1 1 a few otl1ers the naine of the grantee is 1 1ot given; 1 1or are the 11a111es of tl1e estates alv,,ays recorded. (3) The Reason for tl1e gra 11t is ust1ally a JJious one, 'that it n1ay be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heave11' (i11 1 1i11etee11 charters); this is the commonest. Another reaso 1 1 is the co1111ne1noration of tl1e grantor (in nine), of otl1er people (in seve1 1), a11d of o·ur Lady Mary (in six). Other reasons \Vllich occt1r in 0 11e or t\VO c11arters only include: for the frtlit of our belly (wllicl1 shall st1 cceed us); for the com­ memoration of ce1·tai1 1 kiI1gs; as the gra11to1·'s \1/it 11ess i11 heaven; be­ cause of the deatl1s of certai 11 people; for love of a certain perso11; for church offeri11gs; for the provisio 11 of ince11se; for the celebratio11 of the Canonical I-Iotrrs; for the gra 1 1tee 's s11stena11ce i11 tl1is life; for a pilgrimage to Jert1salem; a11d because of tl1e l1oli11ess of certain people. (4) T) 1pe ofgrant: The 11or111al for1n is 'I l1ave granted by cl1arter', sometimes varied to 'I have give11'; a11d so1ne of tl1e ex1Jressions u.sed to denote the type of gra11t are: (a) 'I have given to ... as rest (l1ereditary estate)', in 110. 11. (b) 'I have give11 to ... tl1at it 111ay belo11g to l1is cllildren and his children's childre11', in no. 31 (c) 'I have granted by charter to Robel a11d llis son that it may be an hereditary pro1)erty durii1g tl1ei1· lives' (i.e. tl1at the son shall i11herit after llis father's deatl1), in 110. 32. (d) 'I have gra11ted by charter to ... as a11 l1ereditary estate for his childre11 and llis cllildre11's cl1ild1·en',iI1110.47.Fuller details will be found in the for1nal a11alysis belOVi' ( §5); these examples will serve to show the kiI1d of wording in gi·ants of hereditary land. In other cases, where there is no sucl1 i11dication, the grant, especially when to a church or conve11t, was usually intended to be perma11ent, and the clause relating to hereditability was tl1erefore omitted, tl1ougl1 it does occur iI1 Dawit's grant to the co11vent of Bizru1 (no. 11). T·he question of land tenure will be discussed later. (5) List of co,1 te,nporary officials. Tl1e inclusio11 o:f the names of _ several contemporary officials (ranging in 11u1nber from one to thirty-


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ns ai nt ) co . 17 o. (n r te ar h c h · t fif z se o , h w one) begins wit11 ar a Ya 'qob' o tw i1s ai nt co 18 . o n . s, . a kry a . a Z one name, that of the qaysa· gabaz t bo ab e th d an n, yo Se ha , F i su A� 0 names, those of _the_ 11ebura ed � ;h.e ��o r�maining charters of am, Gabra · esan. of Mabbara Mary . a bn Le en wh ce . offi · in re e w o h 1 v, le p e o p f O thi s king contam names . ts lis e es t h l ge en D a bn Le of e tun r tie 1 1 D engel renev. ed the gr�nts. Fron r in ea a t no do e 111 Y h P g u 0 h t l, ua us e ar s l P cia . of contemporary offi he y. ur nt ce nt tee ne ru d an � ur nt ce h nt ee ; charters of the late eight : th� an , ers �rt c n xo Sa tl1e in se au Cl s es itn e W th of ce pla e e h c t tal 1· i y 1 d·t va e t� Ze as1 p� e1n o t (a) y ibl s s o p s wa i n o s lu inc of h eir t tir ose �f the grant, and (b) to establish the date in a more impressive manner tha11 tl1e mere citation of a year, for tho11gh date s do occ1:r, they are no t very con1mon. Itis also 1)ossible that _s0�1e _of th� officials na�ed rnay have bee11 act11al wit11 esses of the delin11tat1on of the boundaries. (6) J1111r1i111ity clause. Tllis clause gra11ts th� land_ immunity from entry by certaii.1 officials. Of tl1e cl1arters in wluch tl11s clause occu rs, s ixteen record gra11ts to cl1urcl1e s o r conv ents, a11d ten to individuals, mo st of the latt er being i1nportant peo ple - a qaysa gabaz ( no. 52), a gre at lord (n o . 53), a claj c1z111ac (no. 73!, and so on. �h e effect .of �he clause was to preve11t o fficials, ofte11 specified by botl1 title and district, thot1gh someti1nes only by title, fro m e11tering tl1e estate t o perform any ad1ninistrative duty, as aJ)pears fro111 110. 43: 'W e forbid the entry of the Tegre malcuannen and his subordinates t he chie fs ($eyu111) f or \vhatever reason. Except only in the case of t he deatl1 of a ma11 a t the hands of me11, tl1ey n1ay 1nake e11quiry remaining 011 the boundary of tl1eir o wn district, but n1ay not enter the lands, (eve11 in the case of) those who die by water, by (falling from) a precipice, by the animals of tl1e desert, by Iightni11g, or by famine'. In s ome cases tl1e immunity is reinforced by thre at of cursi11g. But no i1nmunity is granted from burdens like taxation or p11blic duty, tl1ough in certain types of gran t the grantee may l1ave bee n e ntitled t o the tribute l)ayable by the estate. (7) The Sanctio11. This cla11se usually begins \\rith the words 'Whoso violates or inf1inges (this cl1arte r), may he be cu rs ed.' There are five main form11lae of sa11ction: (1) by the 111outh of the Father, the Son, and tl1e Holy Spirit, occurring in forty-tlrree char ters; (2) by the power . of Peter and Paul, in t,:venty- one cl1arters; (3) b y th e mouth of Peter a�d Paul, in e ig htee11 cl1arters; ( 4) by tl1e mo uth o f ou.r Lady Mary, in �1ghteen charters; and (5) by the mouth of the Apostles and Prophets, in twelve charters. Less frequen t are: by th e mou th o f the Angels; by the mouth of the J11st a11d the Martyrs; b y th e mouth o f the Patriarch of Ethiopia; and, 1no re specifically, 'let his h ouse be sacked and his possessio11s destroyed, so that others ma y se e it and be afraid' ( Appen6






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�x II); 'let his ho:1se b � s �cked, his goods taken away, he himself Judged and bound m chains (no. 41); and 'may he not taste corn or salt' (no. 50). In many of the sanction clauses, several possibilities are run together; a good example is from 110. 42: 'May he be cursed by the mouth of the Prophets and Apostles by the mouth of the Righteous and the Martyrs, by the mouth of ali' the Angels, by the mouth of the pure Mary, and by tl1e n1outh of the Father the Son, and the I-Iol7 Spirit. I will not forgive hi111 nor forget him: If any one destroys th1s docw11ent .... 111ay .his 11ame be retnoved from the Book of Life. May he be cursed like Aryos, Nesteros, and the Synod of Kelqedon (Cl1alcedon)1 for ever and ever'. As we have already suggested, the reign of Lebna Dengel (1508-40) may have been the period \.vhen this system of recordi11g grants was introduced into Ethiopia. It is iI1 the charters of this king that what was evidently considered an important clause, the detailed list of officials, first appears; a.i1d this clause is fou11d in all lus charters except nos. 45 and 46. 011Iy two cl1arters earlier tl1an the time of Lebna De11gel contain this clause (Zar'a Ya'qob, nos. 17 and 18), a11d the inference is that the land grants of earlier kings, when recorded in writing tinder Lebna Dengel, could not be provided v,ith the names of officials be­ cause they were not available. If I am right in the assumJJtion that the charter system was adopted by Leb11a De11gel, it was certainty in force by 1517 ( or 1522) when the earliest of his dated charters was dravvn up; this contains a long list of officials. Of the total number of charters in this collection, only eighteen are dated, eight of these belongi11g to Lebna Dengel. But in the case of his charters it is possible to fix a11 approximate date for some of the undated ones, mainly througl1 the 11an1es of officials, cot1pled with evidence fro m other Ethiopian sources and from Alvares. It vvas not till 1532-3 that Lebna De11gel was drive11 out of Anl11ara by Gran's troops, and evesu of his dated charters ,vere gra11ted befo1·e then. The last datable charter (no. 45) \¥as granted \.vhen the king was at Taber in Sire, and though the charter has no date appended to i:, the year � an be fixed from an entry in th e Paris Chronicle. From the lists of offic1a !s in his charters it would ap1)ea1· tl1at the undated cha:1ers be�ween hrs first and eighteenth (of 1530) were gra11ted befo�e his expuls10� from ly us rio se d s ha ad ro 111 lem os M e th of e rc fo Am.hara ' that is ' before th e disturbed the whole country. The charters wluch con1e between the last accurately datable one (no. 45 of 1539) and those of 1530 (nos. 40,


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'Accursed be that impure council held at Kelqedon,, text in Ludolf, Co1nn1entarius, p. 354).




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e at th th , re o ef er th , · . id sa e b . y a 1·t m ct 11 a ; er b m u 11 11 1 r u fo ly 11 0 re 41) a . en te x e si m f so o d o ri e p a g 1 11 r t1 d e d 1a 11 re e w ts 1 1 ra g d 11 la is h f o ty majori l. o tr n co f o 1 1 o ti p n w ss a t years after his firs s e g A le d d li Jv 1e tl 1 1 i 1n e st sy d §2. The Etliiopia11 la11 p t u se es at st ll a sm f o 1) u ro a as n The kingdom o f Etl1 iopia bega ? e n th ee w et y tr n u co e th 1 u 11 1e 1 e1 � by Semitic i1ru11igra11ts fron1 tl1e Y 1 e e th ,J ca 1s ol op tr 1e 'n a e er l1 vv , la � Talclcaze river a11d tl1e Gt1lf of Zt1l r t an m m do A . .D A y t1r 11t ce st 1 fi e 1 tl 1 i1 e nc te is · Ax.o1nite' was already i1 1 ex rs of le ru e th 1d a1 , m su k fa..._ of is ol p · ro et 1n e 1 tl state soo1 1 emerged rot1nd e es Th . 1) u11 (s c1/ a i,s e (11 ng lci its to ry g ta bu tri e 1n ca be es tl1e otl1er stat ich wh ( ns tio rip sc in ite m csu Al e tl1 of ce en id ev e tl1 m states see111 , fro to ), on iti ecl Ex 111siL Ak e c/1 itts p De e tl1 of IV e 11 lu1 \Vil I be fot1nd in vo ute t�ib id pa y the as 1g lo1 so s ot1 1oro to1 at1 a11d t clen 1 1 e1)e ind 1 1 bee l1 ave ed. ush pur re \\ie y tl1e so, do to led fai ey 1 tl 1 1 1e . Wl sum Alc of 1g Ici e 1 to tl1 In tl1e tl1ird ce11tury an t11111a111 ed l<i11 g of Etlliopia reduced to sub1nis­ sio11 a 11111nber of tribes (clescribed by the word etl111os i n the Greek text of Cos1 11as I11dicoplet1stes, p. 74 Wi11stedt), an1 011g then1 the Gaze or Al<st111utes, .f\gan1e, ... fzia1110,Sa111ene, a11d Bega, a11d havi11 g 'settled i11 peace every rt1ler t111der lti111, \Ve11t clow11. to Aduli (Zulla) to sacrifice to Zet1s'. 111 tl1 e 1 11.iddle of tl1e fourtl1 ce11 tt1r1, 'Eza11a called himself ki11g of Alcsl1111, Seya111 0, l(asl1, a11d Bega, a11d cot1nted hi1nself ne gi,s of a nu1nber of tributary ki11gs \Vl10 are also called 11egus i11 tl1 e Ge'ez i11 scriptions (D .A-E. nos, 8, 9), tl1011gl1 they v,1ot1ld probably have been called arlcl1on. i11 Greek, as Cos111as desig11ates the rulers of Adulis a11 d Agat1, or basili:,lcos, as 'Eza11a calls tl1e Bega cl1iefs i11 l1is Greek inscriptio11 D.A-E. 110. 4). To 'Eza11a a11d Sa'eza11a, known i11 later times as Ella Abrel;a a11d A$bel)a ( ·11e ,,,h.o 1nade ligl1t' and 'l1e vvl10 brougl1t_ tl1e davvn', in allt1s�on to tl1eir acceptance of Christia11ity), ar� attr1bt1ted t\VO charters 111 tl1is collection, \Vl1.ere the , are called 1 'k111gs of Akst1111'. By tl1ese cl1arters tl1ey to their newly fou11ded �at�edral at Alcst1111 la11ds ,vliicl1, so far as they ca 11 be ide 11tified, 1nd1cate th�t _tl1 e ,Lct11�l Jci11gdo111 of Alcsum ov er wllich they ruled was the or1g1 nal prov111 ce of '"fegre rou11d Aksuin tooether witli Sara\:ve ,t11d Sire to tl1 e nortl1 a11d west. Tl1e tr. ibtitary ' k?mgs h av1n · g rebe11ed, 'E""'za- 11a- 'set out to re�to re a 1d ad1niiiister his land ( D.A-E. ' : _ no. 8), a11d reduced to subn11sston 1.11 turn the kill. g f o t·he Aguezat , . the kmg of Gabaz, the people of H• am · ase1 1 ar1d Same11 - , a11d tl· 1e king of . . . . • W\'LQ. In a11other 1nsc1�1pt1on he records the subjec tioii of the Sara11e

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Per£plus of the ErJ1thraea11 Sea, cl1ap. 4.

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through w�ose land ran the trade route to Ad11lis ( D.A-E. 10). 1 These tributary kings ar� not heard of again after the fot1rth century, v,,hen there c?mes a �er10� almost con1pletely devoid of records except ·for names m t �e kn1g�l1s�s a11d a few charters attribt1ted to ki11gs of the _ _ srxth an � n1nth centt1r1es by whicl1 lands were granted or gra11ts renewed to certam convents and to the Cathedral of Akst1111. The c·usto1n of granting land by charter ,vas by this time f1r111ly establislied, eve11 if the gra.:°ts were not reco1·ded i11 \\'riti11g, and i11 tl1e nintl1 ce11tury king Aobasa Wedem renews tl1e cl1a1·ters (gi1e!ta) 'w.l1icl1 111y fatl1ers before me gave .... not througl1 tl1e ki11g's prOX)' .... bt1t by n1y ow11 mouth' (nos. 5, 5a). I11 the twelfth century ki11g Del11a'ad lost l1is thro11e to a usurping dynasty calledZague, and even before the"restoratio11 of his li11e i111268 under Yekuno Amiak the political ce11tre of Ethiopia had moved from Aks11m to the southern prov.i11ce of Se\\1a (Sl1oa) vvl1ere a capital was set up at a place called Taguelat, tl1ough Alcsu111 re111ai11ed the religious centre. By the fo1rrtee11th cent11ry there were te11 111ajor provi11ces of varying sizes, a11d fourteen s111aller ones, s0111e 11ot wl1olly u11der the king's control. Tl1e la1·gest 1!,lajor provi11ce, Tegre, comprised not only the original Tegre round Al<Stllll, b11t also a cluster of fifteen others vvhich lay bet\vee11 the Tal<kaze a11d tl1e coast regio11 called Bur, all under governors called seJJL1111 (' 011e 1v11l10 has been pLtt i11 office'), who were ruled by the Tegre n1alcL1anne11, 'tl1e gover11or of Tegre,' to \vhom one small provi11ce, I:Iawze11, was assig11ed for l1is subsiste11ce. Nortl1 of Tegre are I:Iamase11 a11d SaraYve, 011e u11der a rL1ler called lca11tiba, the other unde1· an aqa�r;a,1, whicl1 togetl1er \Vitl1 the land east1vvards to the sea formed the domi11ion of tl1e Baf-zr 11 agasi or 'sea l<iJ1g', vvl1ose office ,vas abolished in 1580. Tl1ese provi11ces forrrted, i11 effect, the ancient Aksumite kingdo111. Soutl1 of Tegre \Vere 1\11got, A111hara, a11d Sewa under rulers k11ow11 by tl1e arcl1aic title $a(1afalar11, 'recorder of the cattle'; betvvee.11 A111l1ara and Se,va v,,as Walaqa r11led by a 11agasi or sub-ldng; Guaza.1n or Goja1n lay to the \Vest across the Abay, 1111der a nagasi; "''hile Begamedr and Da1nbya, east a11d ��rtl1 of L� 1<e Tana, were under an azn1at and a lca11tiba. The re111a1ru11g prov111ces had governors ,:vitli a variety of titles: ras, aqa$iin, az111at, seyu1n, garacl. I.

Aguezat seems to have bee11 between Ad\.va a11d E11ta$e\.v. ':fl1e �gdo1? of Gabaz t por th h d \.VIt tifi 1de ' 1tl) rigl be can e nam � the if � st, � ed coa the ly end to probab ext , wh1ch 1s sho\.\'n m the aza Ga of use ? of, ieloniort gabazas, 'the custorn-ho a picture in Cod. Vat. Graec. 6 99, f. 12v of Cos1nas I11d1co1)let1stes. \'Xi":LQ, unvoc = a lized, is m.ore likely to be the old kingdorn of Walaqa in f\n1�1ara,_ \Vrttten Waylaq in a fifteenth century MS of the Gadla Takla I-la)'n1anot (Paris, �tbl. Nat. Etl1. 56), of than Walqayt. The name �arane may be representecl by tl1e river Sarana NW Enta�ew on the road to Adulis.


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e y on , S da m 'A ng ki y, t ur n c e In the early part of the f� ·neteen small provinces, m o st of ad with his capital at Tag uelat, m h ara, , A wa S e in , us at t t s ic tr s di o :: e t1c which subsequ entl y b ecame re d e rest of Tegre, th m a oJ· G e. T gr ' e t s a -e th u so Begamedr, Angot, and _ . re full of Mosle ms; an d though _, i we and the territ ory of the Ba l1r n agas . ons (at least not i reg se e th n 111 ru v: a h to t no s em y t se ri th e king's a utho e_s st'1l l a an) Ethi­ p y �n m in nd a ( n tia ris Ch l 1e with full effect), t _ _ fe r�heir o wn un � f 1 l d �e 1 stu 1 nd u s les or e or m a ed 1 opi an pop 11latio 1 liv . .. local author1t1es, a con clit··ion hi11ted at i 11 ,,a r1ous Lives of Samts. To 'Amda Seyon is attributed the begi1ming_ of an in t _egrated pro­ vincial administration, a s opposed to a collect_1on of tr1� utary pro.. . subJect t o the vmces under sen11-1ndep endent gover11or s non1111a lly . · 1 hi�ra r ehy . negus, ., and to l1im is also ascribed the instit ution o f a JUd'ic1a . 1342, k ing Z ar'a Ya'qob re-o. rganiz. ed· the A century after .. his death m adnurustrative system, setting 11p a ne\1/ offic e, t_h�t of pnme minister, bel1twadacl, held, as customarily in Ethio1Jia, conJ01ntly by....two p ersons. H� began by n1al<i11g two of his dat1gl1ters be l1tlvadadoc, and others provincial go ver11ors. But this experime?t was u11succ�s�ful. � e �bo­ lished the office of befitivadacl and to ok the whol e adnurustr atio?- mto his own ha11ds ', appoi11ting provincial gove1·nors who we re directly r esponsible t o hiJn, and at the sam� t�e iI1crea si11g �he power of the biil1r nagi.isi ( at this period the domm1on of tl1e Tegr� 111a�ua1111en was much more restricted tha11 it became later). The effective kingdom now c onsisted of Se,va (tl1e princip al p art), Angot, Manz, Ge dem, Amhara, Qeda, Began1 edr, G ojam, and Tegre, with tributar y provinces in the south. His son Ba'ed a Maryam restored the be l1t1vada do c. In the sixteentl1 cent1rry, tmder Lebna De11gel, the administrative system reached its zenith. Political po,�ler ,�,as still la rgely in the hands of the king, bt1t tl1e t,vo prin1e ministers vvere gradt1 ally getting m ore of the gover11IDent into tl1eir I1ands; and althougl1 tl1e kings countered this tendency to son1e exte11t b y the lo11g-establis hed pr actice of de­ posing an official if l1e becam e obnoxious, the ti n1 e can1e i n th e s even ­ te enth century w hen the office ,vas abolished. I t ,v as th e c usto m of the kings to live secluded a11d to conduct the busi11ess of state largely through an ecclesi astic who wa s also on e of tl1e supr eme judges, t he ' sa'iit or 'guardia n of the hours'; this tended to incre ase the infl uence of the prime mi1tisters, o n e of whom w a s a sort of 'Home S�cr�tary' and tl1e oth�r a 'Minister of War an d D efence'. The pro­ vmc1al gov e rnors we�e 1n so me cases appointed by t h e kin g; in others, th e office w as _hered1tar�. � he Bal)r Nagasi and Tegre Mak uannen h � wever were liable to disIU1s sal b y th e king at a ·n y ti me, h t o u gh th ey lllig ht be restored to office ; and th e san1e applied to th e prim e ministers. u rte ent h



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The o 1?ces of the le �ser chiefs, i.e. of districts and villages, mostly v called seyum (�m �ar1c, sun1), were often hereditary, though they too _ wer·e I1abl� to d1sm1ssal. In theory all seyufns of all grades were under the a·uthor1ty of the be!J,tl�adadoc; bt1t in re1note areas they were left to themselves, and some districts, like Mara]:lbete, long maintained a fierce independence and resistance to centralized authority. Land in early Ethiopia belonged to the 'com1nunity'. As settle­ ment progressed, tl1e land occ11pied by tl1e desce.ncla11ts of the original colonist � becam � r �cognized as tl1eir own. Tl1e Senlitic or 'Etltiopia11' pop11lat1011, as d1st1nc-t from the already existing I-Ia1nitic peoples, was made up of groups of descendants of tl1e early settlers, some of vvl1ich, like the Daqqi Madabay, 'cllildren of 11adabay', the Daqqi Atosum, 'children of Atosurn '· , a11d Daqqi Al<:ala Guzay, 'cllildren of ( tl1e two brothers) Akala and Guzay', became widel)' spread a11d even, like the DaqqiAkala Guzay, gave their name to districts larger tl1an so1ne of the smaller provinces. :tvfinor li11eages \Vithin the larger groups vvere divid­ ed into units called 'ad or 'acldi, which occupied villages. 1 Tl1ese were considered to o,vn the land 011 ,vlucl1 tl1ey lived through right of a11cient occupatio11. In early times the ldng had only linlited authority outside his ovvn region, and there seems to be no i11dication. tl1at ]1e ,vas lool<:ed upon as the ultimate o\vner of the la11d, exceJ)t tl1at the evide11ce of the charters suggests that the ki11gs did, fron1 the first beginni11gs of Chris­ tianity in Ethiopia, grant land to the Cathedral of fa,_l<:su111 and to 2 monasteries. Certain factors, hovvever, co11tributed to tl1e acquisition by tl1e Cro\vn of private land, a1no11g tl1e1n bei11g (a) the dyi11g-out of here­ ditary Iand-ov;rning families, ,vhose lands tl1e l<i11g toolc over to preve11t feuds and quarrels; (b) the co11fiscatio11 of tl1e la11cls of t�ose v,1ho rebell­ ed agaii1st the kings; and (c) the co11quest or occt�pat1on of nevv l� 11d as the kingdom extended. Local clliefdon1s becan1e u1 the course of time hereditary to a point, a11d tl1e ki11g's ovvnersl1ip l1elped to protect tl1�1n against potential usurpe1·s. Two esse11tial dt1ties of the feudatory chlef _ -feudatory because he held his office and terr1to�y by a gi�lt - were to collect tribute for the king a11d to provide soldiers for his \Vars. 111 ritrea · conn· Rossi·n1·'s Principi di Diritto Consitetitdinario dell'E 1.. 1or thi s 1s r. The source � ntarv• author .t1es me etr do no ing cit of bit ha te na ttt �or 1 ·-w11 e th ver, owe · · as, h (1.91 6) ; he h for his statements. 1 3 eSrates of at th ow sl1 y) ur nt ce h nt tee ne ni ly ar e d an 2. Later charters (late eighteenth r ene,ved to the re ,ve , 7 l1a be A� d an l:ta re Ab by granted to the Cathedral of Aksum · r of Al{sun1 .and no ver go a by l1t ug o b s uon por but lost ntly _ Cathedral· 3 were appare e ,vas given on s; a ra to al dr th Ca e th of on ati or rp co � given back; on e was given by a by ht ug s bo ,va e on d an I; it a,v D of er l1t ug da by Lebna Dengel to the great granda ras.


















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. esenred f or wh at Conti r s wa t ·h en t dividing land for tribute, . a � ��-r�'. and as the 'gov erning authoRossini called 'tl1e gover111n g a�tl�o11t ' vincial go vernor o pr 1e l T · lf se n r ' fo is h t rity tl1e feudatory cI1 1·ef k ept hi.t e. This ,vas 0 11e of the at est e at .· c:: 11v 1 p 1 c ea f o 11th t e t a had the right to exac entl1 part is possibly t ·s tlu d n a 1 , a 1 11 <: e th y 1t b rig l1ts ceded to tl1 e autI10�- ·. f the lat er chart e rs (nos. 70,77, 78, that \Vhich i s refer�ed to in c er:tai n � e11111a asur, as 0) 184 and 790 l t o a . 11 we� bet 79, 80, 88, 90, 91 isst1ed _ andu n 1ed,·a c1siJr ' meani11g literally u, 11 as 11 e 11edra asur, e111na 111edra· ' ,.,. T "' h es e grants 'from the d ' 1 an itr as e 'from the asur (te11t·h)', 'f1·o1n th · - · · of Aksum i 11 n os. asur' were made by a r�as in 110· 70 ' by the 11elou1.a ed _ , , 1 , a ed i11 nos. 11ebi,ra1 . 77-80 by a daj az111ac 111 110. 88, �11d by t,vo__ o ther , 90, 91. I u11derstand tl1i� f orm11la fro1n tl1e aSllJ_, to ean that tl1e ra nto l and f or whfch he or as feudatory authority gav e tl 1e g r_a11tee a 1�ce � . If did not JJay tribute but i11 tl1eory received t�e r,tr1b:1te lier�fro 1llillS� Gra1 1ts \Vl1icl1 i 11clt1ded st1bstantial co1 1cess1ons J 1l<e �t l 1e r ight�to a the tribute, a fixed a111111al pay1nent, or the p o,�e1· to e11:ploy forced la :;our,. were nJad e to pri,,ileged people st1cl1 as higl1 officials, 11obl es, church digJiitaries arid th.e lil<e, a11d w�re �isti11guisl1ed f ro� o th:r form s of lar1d l10Idi11g i11 tl1e Tigrifia say111g ·t11e poo r n1a11 w 1tl1 his r�st, the ricli 111a11 witl1 l1is gitlt' a11d agai11, 'tl1e gi,lt i s fo r :lie great warr 1�r, the reJ·t for the weak'. Concessio11ary tent1re of this sort, according to Aln1eida (SRE, p. 88), \Vas IJrecarious, a11d tho11 gh land granted by . charter \\'as not l1 ereditary by prescription, tl1e grant by Susneyos to his brotl1er Se'ela l(restos i11 1627 does describ e the gift as a 'perpetual grant ... . till tl1e end of tl1e \\1or ld.' Grants to cl 111rcl1es and convents vvere asst1med to be 'for e,,er' (es/ca 'iilani). All land e ventt1ally ca111e to be l1elcl by two for1ns of tenu re, gitlt or guelt a11d rest. Tl1e first tern1, gLt!t, is applied t o la11d s gra11ted by cl1arter, a11d tl1e verb mea1li11g to 111ak:e s uch a gra1 1t is gi1c1/ata. It is clear tl1at la11d so granted was regard ed, at least i 11 th e case of cl1urches ancl convents, as i11alie1u'1ble a11d hereditary ( i.e. passing fron1 o ne abbot to another), thougl1 ,vl1ere 1Jrivat e pers o11s ,vere co11cer11ed it \Vas not so per111a11el1t, tl1e cl1arter needed re11e \\ral 01· co11fi.rmatio n from . tin1e to tin1e, and tl1e lan.d l1eld \\'as s11bJ ect to tribute ' while the grantee ..... could not 11ormally be evicted unless l 1e failed to pay the tribute or con1n1itted a crime agai 11st tl1e king In tl1e c2se of chur ches and con­ . vents the positio11 was so1newl 1at dif ferent, a s appe ars f 1·on1 charter no. 4 wllicb, thougl1 al1no st certainly writte11 do\vn later tha11 the time of the erantor ki11g Gabra Masqal in the sixtl1 ce11tury, n1ay b e taken as a gen er�l t�pe of mo11astic land tenure in E-thiopia. The relevant words are: I, k1ngGabraMasqal, h ave g iven all this f o r t he comm o em r­ ation of our father Araga,vi, and as a·n offe1·ing t o tl1e chur ( f th ch o e convent), and for the sustenance o f the monks ... . Be it don a b e lso y v





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t �ose (�ngs) �h? co m e after me, for th e� shall have the spirit of God like me . And 1t 1s 11oteworthy th at Al1ne1 da, wl1en he sa)'S 'tile kino- is lord in soli�unz of al l lands tl1at tl1ere are i11 ltis ki11 gclo111s' goes 01 1b to say that private persons l1a _ ve all tl1at � 11.ey O\V11 by the king's favour act tempus (p. 88), thus specifically excll1d 1ng fr o11 1 t11is rule tl1e possessioi,s of churches and co11vents. The se� ond ter1n, rest, derived f1·om J,varasa, 'ir1herit ', was apr)lied to_ land \Vhich pa�sed �rorn �at�er to so11, s11bject to tl1e J)ay1nent of tnbut�, and �cqmred 1ts he1 ea1tary cl1arc1.cter tl1rougl1 Ie11gtl1 of oc­ cupat1011, or, m the case of, by virtt1e of a cla11se stati 11g that the grant ,·vas l1ereditary. It is so111etimes applied to mo11astic land in the se11se, as 11 oted abo,,e, that it passed fro1n abbot to abbot. Such land could, u11less the legal gra11t was re11e\\ ed or co11fi.rmed, be tak:en from the holder in certai11 circ11.111stances, sucl1 as fail11 re to pay tribute, or the commission, real or i111agi11ed, of certai.11 cri1nes. Tl1e e-e11eral evidence of the cl1arters shows tl1at to ecclesiastical in.stitt1tio11s a11d private people of rank tl1ere was son1e stability of te1111re, based 011 tl1e possession of a cl1 arter, provided tl1.e l<i11g was 11ot JJrovol<ed by tl1e commission of a crime.

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How far tl1e positio 1 1 l1ad altered by tl1e 111icidle of tl1e seve11teenth ccentury when Al1neida wrote is lI.11certai11. ·He tool< .111tLcl1. of l1is :n1a­ terial from tl1e earlier \\1ork of Paez (\1 ritte11 :::tlJOLlt 1620), \\1ho cert;1i11ly got some of l1is information fron1 I1igJ1 official sot1rces. Tl1at their statements do not agree vvit11 tl1e co11ceptio11 of Ia11d i11 ea.rlier ti111es as the possession of tl1e co1nm11 11ity does 11ot 11ecessarily 111ea.r1 tl1at t}1ey are incorrect. Ethiopia s011tl1 of Tegre ,vas grad11.:1lly acqttired by oc­ cupation and conquest, a11d it is probal1le tl1at tl1e la11cl l1ere w,1s re­ garded from the first as belo11gi11g to tl1e l<i11g. Witl1 tl1is JJroviso it is possible to accept, perl1a1:,s with so111e reservation, wl1at Al111eida says about the king bei11 g lord i11 solicltt111 of all tl1e la11d i 1 1 tl1e lciI1gdo111. And what he says about the freqt1e11t evictio11 of la1 1dl1olders is to s01ne extent confirmed by Alvares, tl1ougl1 there can be little dottbt tl1at tl1ere is exaggeration in his assertio11. 'It is so ust1al for the Emperor to exchange, alter, and take avvay tl1e Ia11ds eacl1 n1a11 holds every 2 or 3 years, sometimes every year and eve11 1nany ti1nes in tl1e co�rse of the year, that it causes no surprise. Often one 1nan plougl1s tl� e soil, a11other sows it, a.nd another reaps. I-Ie11ce it arises that tl1ere 1s 110 011e wl10 takes good care of the la11ds l1e enjoys' (SRE, p. 89). l

There was, ho"vever, the possibility that a man. : vho \Vas evicted from an estate might be given another in place of 1t. Tl1us AI,,ares, _ who knew some of the men w J1ose names occur 1n the cl1arters of Lebna Dengel, relates how the king's ambassador was given, in ex13

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s e e h c iv r g o u n w h t to c d n a s e s u o h y t h ig e g in in a t n o c te ta s e n a s d r , r change for e lo ' _: _' s ip a a h n m ll a m s 1 a f o t y n e 'm '; o � d n e d n a t r o p p u _ ) a him for the s o w h a s e 9 a r w r a ( s a u a h c e h t f o z a r A e m a c e b 1 1 e h ic h ,v f by virtue o s a e r u a a e h 0 s c 0 e 8 th d n a , ) a n g u (B 1a in ig r b A e th f o ip h s d r lo 'in the ). 4 6 4 . p s, re a lv (A s' rd and upwa r a m , o lv s e fr o A ls a s e m o c e r t1 11 te f o y it il b ta s f o t in I1 r e Anoth t f n ra o e b v a n D o c e th y b d e s s e s s o p s d n la e 1 tl f o 11 o ti ip r sc e d se who lf w on e sa 1s in e h h h c hi w d n la f o t 11 te x e Bizan is l)erhaps typical. The r e th h e it g s, w e to u g a le 11 te s a vv t n e v n o c e th to 1g i1 g n lo e b in ta n u o m e th ss ey le d rn u en jo s' y a d o tw r o e n o f o e c n1a11y villages, 'a11d at a distan f the s o u ed !t ll u a g c re a ey th d n a y, er st a n o m places belonging to the gi n o s el g ge b n v la il er th o e er ,v e er h ew ls E monastery' (Alvares, p . 93). 1 Iuch paid a h or se ev er y th re e years as v, of to tl1e rno11astery, eacl1 y d so an te m an w ry te as on m e th hy ,,v d Ice trib11te to the monastery. 'I as e er ey w th at th e m ld to e H . em th 1 01 de ri t no d J1orses, si11ce tl1ey di rd wa ste e (th rn lu ve gi t no d di ey th at tl1 t ol)liged to pay I1orses, bu at d th an e, rs ho ch ea r fo ws co ty fif d i l)a t bu s, rse ho y) of tl1e 1no11aster ich g wh kin e th of es lag vil re Vi'e se tl1e e t1s ca be so s wa this_ dt1e_ of h_orses p �1d hin1 tl11s due, and as he had endowed the monastery with these villages; between tl1e monastery and tl1e villagers this due of horses l1ad been tra11smuted into CO\VS' ( Alvares, p. 94)· § 3. The gi·anting of a charter We arefort�nate iJ1 l1aving at least two Ethiopian accounts of the circum­ stances which led to tl1e granting of certai.i1 charters and of the �ctual proce�s of the grant, though tl1e charters texts are �ot recorded 1.0. the cl1ronrcles. One relates to a gra11t of la11d 1nade by Iyasu I to - · . t11e cl1urcl1 of Martula . . Marya111 1n· G OJan1 1n I 683 ' tl1e other to a grant of Dabra. s_a 1Jay 111 Qt1esqua111 at Go11dar of land in to- the_ co11vent . · . - east GoJam by Iya BaJana in south su II i1 1 1739.

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(1) The charter -lands of Mart.ula M aryam - ' Iya- su camped at Paras Med-a· ·· · and from there he set out alone, in secret followed bY no man, for he l1ated vain praises and vain glor . ies. And h,e ca. me to a church near the Pace I wl1ere he made his cam p. It was the Taberi,acle of the ueeiJ of-�ea,,en and Earth, the mistress of us all, Virgin in both ( bo� a�d spin�), the �oly r of Mothe the Mary . vvife o� God...... which Qu.een lr- 1 the l<1ng Ba'eda Maryam had built, a beautiful structure �� gold and silver, like the sanctuary of Solomo11 the wise · And she had eildowe d it by charter with many I.

chaua=cawa, 'troops•, 'local 1 . ,. ev1es


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estates. She had also established many priests and choristers who should co mpose hymns for her. And after her death, t11e Icings who reigned after\.vards took away the charter-lands of this chttrch and establishe� fai,vli ( military colonies); tl1ey broke the gold en 'tabot (altar) which th e queen ha d ha d n1ade, the \veie.... ht of which was 400 pounds ofgold and even more; they toole it and brol1oht it to tl1eir house. And the ��Iding wa s de�troy�d; ther·e vvas 110 g;od a1 1d J.Jious Icing wh � rebUil� 1t, rath�r w�s rt destroyed ( further) at eacl1 cha11ge of king, until the reign of this Ki.J.1g I)1asu, the frie11d ofGod and of I-Tis Mother'. (The �ng ins_pected the ruins_ and vo\.ved tl1atjf l1e was gra11ted yjctory o ver his e11enues he wou ld rebt11ld the churcl1 a 1 1d restore its possessio1 1s. This was about 29 April 1683. I--Ie tl1e11 n1ade an expedition agai 11 st the We9ale and Wallo Galla; after defeati11g the111 he returned to Ahyo ,opposite Paras Meda, at the end of May.) (p. 78) 'Fro1n there he thought he \vould cross the river Aba\\li by tl1e road to Ennabese, to fulfill the VO\-V to tl1e Tabernacle of OL1r L'1dy Mary; b11 t I1e decided to stay, that none sh ould be destroyed by tl1e force of tl1e river, for it was then the month o f Sane (May-Ju11e). So he ordered the aza:;i Zamanfas Qedus and Yeblafi La'abadat, botl1 salaqa of Ennabese, to go to Ennabese and grant by cl13rter la11d to the Tabernacle of Olir Lady Mary (land wbiyh st1·etcl1ed) fron1 river to river. I-Ie left Al1yo 011 12 Sane ( 6 June 1683)' (A,111. Io/1a1111is I, fJ,asu I, Balcajfa, CSCO. vol. 24, p. 71). (2) Tl1e charter-la11ds of Dabra Sal:iay 'The queen gave to the priests of Dabra Sal;ay 111ucl1 land. First, she gave them a good territory called Baja11a ( about 4-0 111iles ENE o.f Dabra Marqos) \.Vhich ,vas for111erly i11l1abited by Galla, \Vl1om the king of kings Bakaffa had exterminated after passing judgeme11t, be­ cause of their evil deeds; (this \Vas la11d) ,1i l1icl1 l1e the1 1 gave to the rela­ tions of the Zawe. To these Zawe tl1e l<ing of ki11gs said, 'Cl1oose la 11d which yo u desi re fro rp any of tl1e districts o� n1y l<ingdo1n_; for this land where you live (i.e. Bajana) we have (now) given to the priest� of Dabra Sa1)ay'. Then they chose a good territory called Dabr Ga11ta, because ­ ma l oc pr a de ma d ral l1e a d An . jam � Go try of its nearness to their coun tion by hi s order on th e same da y: : 'Baja 1 1a (is given ) to the _pri�st�, and Dabr Ganta t o th e Za\ve. A nd the people of the place said, it is l ,n e tli 11a ja Ba of nd � la e th to � n w do t good, let it be done'. Then w en aka sal;ay ljezgeyas and th e bctjerwc1ncl Zena Gabre'el a1�d tl1e l,qe of d t la e th of I l10 w e tl1 11 w do � te � Giyorgis as witnesses; and they w ro i e. tim t or sh a h1 ly te ia ed n1 i111 ed rn tu re Bajana ( i.e. th e bo11ndaries), and 1

the ty du r fo ve ha e on ac Z er gu E e h 'T r. According to a document translated by Paez, . Per e on . . y . m an to . ur vo fa a as ts an givmg possession of lands vvhich the E� mperor gr rying bu by s rie d b th . g k1n ar n1 d an petuity, and they go round beating dr u� s _ chap. IV). I, k :o u� e; ·s� ru pu ( ly ere sev 1s 1t a goat's head; any one one who removes




ery) ll e c n q a sa h q (c c1 e S th in e c 11 ie d u a 11 a ld e . h 11. e e ti q d i, a cr 1 ii k le 1�ben ti m h e f c th o a a to e e v a g d 11 a , e q li ir 1e tl l1 it \\ s st e ri p e . 1 tl d � 11 0 11 u 1 w s d a u s , a sh a o ll J a g in in a m re � 1e tl d te 1a i1 n r 1 te x e y e I1 T . d r 1 la f o n . ;�rtio n d n f sa a o a B in k e th g O d 11 a s ? te r1 o m A 1e tl f o i ig i I<. n 1.o il S d te a in rm te ex ). el o (t ra 1o n Is ss e ss o p a s a d n la 1e tl e v _ _ all the kings of Ca11aan a11d ga e v ' ) a e.? st g ri th a h c u E e th f o ( e c rfi cr a S _ As land for (the pro,,ision) o f tl1e r a el fo (; ed ll d ca n la e th e v a g y 1e tl o ls _ tI1e territory of Gu 11ter .... A er at to w ce la p t 11 ta 1s d 1 m o o fr er at \\ tl1e reward111g of tl1ose wl10 bri11g 1iisi1 II et Iyo'c.s, CSCO. lJ 1. nt A ( y' l;a Sa tl1e e11closed area of Dabra vol. 61, p. 102). s. el od n m ea op ur E h it w rs te ar ch 1e § 4. A comparison of tl e os of th 1 rn in fo e bl m se re rs te ar ch 11 ia op l1i Et e As already re111arlced, tl1 ­ se s re thi ed is oe in se clo so ; rs l1e ot 1y a1 an th ly se clo e or m 1d Saxo11 Er 1gla1 r n fo n igi xo or Sa ate i1n ult a11 e lat stu po to ted 11p te1 is e n1blance tl·1 at 011 tl1e Etl1iopia11 doc11111e11ts, eve11 tl1ougl1 tl1e actual linl<s bet,veeo them are obscure. Ivir. W.A. Par1ti11 of Oriel College, Oxford, suggested to me that the origi11 of the Etl1iopia11 cl1arters could be sought in late Roman private cleeds of la11d tra11sfer, a11d tl1at st1cl1 deed.s could l1ave reached EthiorJia tl1rough tJ1e age11cy of 1no11ks fro1n Antiocl1 or Alexandria. But tl1is does 11ot explain tl1e close resen1bla11ce between tl1e Saxon and Ethiopia11 charters, si11ce few of the West European charters in the collections of diplo111atica vvl1ich I l1ave exanuned 1 are written in the �arne patter11 as eitl1er the Saxo11 or the Ethiopian cl1artets. Some, 1nde �d, begin \Vith an i11vocatio11, and a fevv l1ave an in1n1unity clause. But 1r1 ge11eral all tl1at cal1 be said of the docume11ts i11 tl1ese collectio11s is that tl1ey J)rovid.e tl1e arcl1etypes, and s110\v so1ne of the disiecta ,-,1e111bra wlucl1 ·were assembled in a consta11t for111 by tl1e Saxons. The normal s:1xo11 cl1:1rter, analysea i11 detail by I<.en1ble in his Codex _ _ DTJJ!o777cit1 c11s (1 ntr �dt1ctio11, vol.l), consisted of six main clauses, follow­ ed by tl1e bou 1 1dar1es of tl1e estates.Tl1e 11or111al cla11ses ot� au Ethiopian and a s�1xo11 cl1arter are tl1ese: 1


I. 2. 3. !

4. I.




SAXON: Invocation. Moralizi11g proem, a 11ct tlle reason for tl1e grai.1 t. Tl1e Gra11t, \Vitl1 11ame of gra11tee. Immunity clause.

ETHIOPIAN: l . In vocation. 2. Tl1e reason for the grant. 3. Natnesof grantorand grantee; List of estates gra11ted. 4. Immunity clause.

Maffei, lstoria Diplo,natica Mantua 1 2 . J 7 7' .· _I-Ie_un1ann, Cornmentarii de Re Diplo' '. . . b 1natica, Nurem erg' 1745 G · Mar1rn, 1 p apir, Dip loniatici, r 805. '


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5. The Sanction. 6. Date. 7. Witness clause. Boundaries of the estate.

5. The Sanction. (Generally 0111itted) 6. List of co11te n. 1poraryofficials. (Boundaries not given.)




§ 5. Formal analysis of tlle charters I. EXPRESSIONS DENOTING A SIMPLE GR.ANT Th e normal forn1 is 'I ha ve gra11ted b)' c11arter', 10(\: 1. l·h·: or '1 have granted .a guelt', -"Joi\ :,... :1-.A:l·=; vvl1ere two perso11s 1nal�e a grant, the word IS 'we have gra11ted', -"}ofl,,-) Tl1is forn1 occurs in charters 1, 2,3,5, 6,7, 8,9, 10, 12, 13,14,15, 17, 18, 19,20,23,24,25, 26,27,28,31 ,32,33,35,36,37,38,44,45,46,49, 52,57,58,59,60, 66, 67, 68, 69, 72, 82.


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Otl1er uses of tJ1e word gLte!t occur in:

Charter 75: this is the charter la11d (of) May Se'a: 1g1•,A ..t-: 01y,: ;,bq: and in nos. 73, 74, 76, 87, 98: Bel1o]d., let LIS write ,t record of the charter-land: c;u... = 1 �--,)1lj.: = '11 l � 1""1�:g. = In a number ofcl1arters tl1e verb give roun= is t1secl:110.30: whicl1 . our king Gabra Masqal gave to Malza11a Madara: inroun : 11..p� : 1�01.: OD()o/A=/\ODti� : UDF.../r.:; 110. 70: I, Ras Walda SellclSe, 11,tve given to the sanctuary of 1ny Mother Seyo11 a»rP,,{1 h· : Iii� : ?ll. : mAf..: P'l\ii=flODq,f..c): h9"°'1= �-"qi,�}:; 110. 77: I have give11 rou.-ott·= i\ � : In nos.78,80, 83,85, 88,89,90, 91,92, 95: I have give11 . ... to .. ..... . tDU-Oh-: h'l: ..... . ...... ft .. .. ; 110. 84·; I 11ave give11 a charter-land to ..... .. . Types of grant defu1ed by the ex1)ressio11 11sed: In nos 11, 17a: l l1ave given ...... to ...... as rest: mu"n t)· : II\ . .. . cit:,.: in nos. 31, 33, 45: I l1ave granted ·by cl1arter to ....°.... tl1at it may belong to his childre11 a11d l1is c]1ildre11 's cl1ildren '. '1 d\:g-n.. : "' Y...: aJ·(a",�--:; no. 32: I have "fl ml\W : i\--c;. lf fllD· f,h ... ...... : l\ : · ° t\ s ir live tl1e i11g dur :1 ty 1)er pro ary edit her granted to .. ...... to be a11 ,}«ti«:...ft ...noo: f, h·1 : 1_ero.-f.,oo·: l\Cll.;l .. :; no.47: J l1ave granted an hereditary estate fo r l1is c-hildren and his children's children: = -t\�-� m• f..: "l\" Q\lD :{D .. •J', J•ft. fqO --: · 1 .,, co : :, n-'f ... o no .. .. : .... ft .... 1-1\:i-n1e have caused to be v. 1 icl wb 1d la1 of t . an no 61: gift of a perpetual gr ..,,. ° " l·'I : ; no. 62: Behold, : 11 1g1 d: nte gra mu.,o:,-..: lD7'-t\,,.),: lfft'¼/\01/'f ,, = n: c; U· n h· : ssio sse mu po y tar I have given by charter witl1 heredi 'JoA+ : 9°ill\ :,_. : I\ = · · · · · · • · · 2. Grao ts of land made 'from the asi,r': No. 70: ( have given) with the asur: 9°�l\. :

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ifc Jri : : ', 1, C r: e su a th m o r )f n e v gi e av h l ( 9:. nos. 77, 78, 79, 9I·' : h. 1 rC = 9°�l f h o nd la ) n ve g! e v no. 88: (I ha u r:"/\9°'1 '9°�l:Jtit,C: the as C::r 1: t n h r o m ) 1v e g n h no. 90: (J ave f:o: .f u r:"h.9° �l: h C : l tl 1e a o s f a n d e · · th fi« ) 1 1 ve nos. 8 0, 91: (I hav e g1 Renewals a11d co11firmatio ns: 3. --: .. ·= ·A h . .. ll {\ ;f .. �..e. of :J rs rte a ch e tl1 e w d 11e re ve ha 4: 1 1 5, Nos. � : . .. n d la r1e . a1 t} (l ch e 1f.. .(\ l , th .. to d e w 11e ,, re e I1 I a 3: 9 51 0 5 . nos. 3,4 , , , · e ren e9wed: hav 94 I 93 81 6 . 5 .. . : .. . 5 ve ga l al q as M a I If m 7 br Ga h 1ic "'' at No. 30: tl1 ha49· ve 39 J CJ h. h•: . n OS. , .) , , , ' ' ' ' ( . h l A • ....... un=1·nl=DD 11'',,i .... ...,, . . . ' no. . . .... 111 r : 7--/,\,t· : 11 .... renew ed tl1e grant of .... . t:It,.o'--<"""'. . . . 63 no . ' l� I have granted by cl1arter and r enew ed: 1o«'\:i•hc: £Dd1�l . . P /r/J', : , no. 9 5 · I (JJL il', : e thf.. d: re dec and e e d w we have ren h a ve I : 0 0 n 1 . o I · \l· : m � • {l • n e e d , e n w a11d r : WU"11 tl· · t: i.. l1ave given • • e rs: rt : a Cll-r · � ch ) tr/\� and · ,J,�{ nts a gr itary reiie\ved all the hered . .. ·: lDH-r"1 .. k1ng o ur d e ,v by e e n n e be r ? l ·· a11d this has P\.\ "n�- •, no · W1•[; !l-..fl"l : 01'1·1"'� : · ts made at the instance of somebody else: Gran 4. No. 39: tl1e dabtc1ra Vi1ho procured th e gra11t: �.-fl.-f'/r : tlh"lofl�: no. 51: tl1e Icing's })roxy who procured th e grant ::}'A: th t: ?vi\.� :(sic) 5. Expressio11s referring to \Vritt e11 records: No. 4: this docu1n e11t has b een written ,f--R'.),&...:,.. : 1ft: ou;rdt� : no. 61: the Icing of ki11gs Seltan Sagad ordered an estate to be granted to Ras Se'ela Krestos, l1e ordered tl1at it sho uld be \¥ritten in this chronicle: 11-IP : ., ..,F;f.. : ,LP t\t1Ji : 01f..'" : it? n,, .. : /\ --1!: /lt­ il : Foll : tiCil.-Y·ll : 1�1!\;J.. .-1, : m,,t1il : hov : ,e;r,11� : fto-i: : ro,0.-1· : 111,1: : :J--tn : no .. 86: vve l1ave writt en a record of tl1e cl1art er lands:?td1 £i:lj:�1l=1-A:,C: v ,..


II. THE 'REASON' CLAUSE I. For conduct to tl1e ki11gdom of l1eaven:


(a) for the granter, i n nos. 1, 2, 8, 9, 12, 2 3, 5 3, 63, 64, 70, 72, 84, 8 5, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95. There are four ,,ariations of th e fo m1ula 'that it may be for me (us) a co11ductor to the kingdon1 of heaven' : (i) in 110.8: t hat it may be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven: : .eh-�t: ODC,I,: fl 00i°IP'rf-- : (l01f:,- = ; (ii) in no.I: th'.3.t it may for us a conductor to the lcingdom of heaven: hon: Th·�� : (JIJC"1 1 flUDiOJP',f--:{ltTJJf·l·:; (iii) in no. 70:that it may be for us a conductor to the ki11gdorn of l1ea ven which shall 11ot pass away: h(JIJ s ;'f·lr��1 uoc,11 : (lOD"}OJprf• : {lOf/f:,, : tlh..f:}A� : (iv) i11 no. 63: that Sh e (our Lady) may be for us a conductor to the kingdom of heaven 18





that She may prolong ou r days on earth and bless the Of·f:sp . r in g o f wh sh ich all sit on the th ro ae �-f the 'desce our belly ndants of ·




h{]IJ : �-lr�� = ':°Cdt 0�1'? P'+ (lUIJ .<'T = m;J--�"·, aoq>lJ � : 0-'LA • 'J" f:C . whoo : -l·flcn : 'i: lo : hCP''I : 11_e-,,,cic : -"a OIL_• z. dD'} fl l : OD-'} °IP',,.. : � ff :f' 'f :




(b) For the grantor's commemoration, occt1rring in nos. 14 19 22 23 50, 88, 89, 93, 94. There are four va1·iations of t·his for1nu . 1a: ' ' ' ' hOD : �\r'j � : {\rf•1fI]C(' floo : � \r"} : fl +lll-tCf : flOD : �°10?,: T1iilCf : flOD: �&'a: Tlfiil:


(c) For the commemoration of others, kings, occurring in nos. 19, 20, 27, 30, 31, 53, 71. (d) For the commemoratio11 of Our Lady Mary, occurring in nos. 7, 13, 15, 23, 53, 80. (e) Other reasons are: (i) For the fr1rit of our belly (\\1l1ich shall sit on otir throne, in nos. 1, 63, 64. (ii) For tl1e con11nemoration of certai11 l<i11gs, in no. 53. (iii) As the grantor's witness i11 heave11, in 110s. 83, 89. (iv) Because of the deaths of certain peo1Jle, i11 110s. 45, 74. (v) For love of a certain person, in no. 82. (vi) For ch11rcl1 offerings, i11 nos. 15, 95. (vii) For the provision of incense, in no. 14. (viii) For tl1e celebration of the Canonical Hours, in no. 13. (:L�) For the gra11tee's suste11ance, in no. 31. (x) For a pilgrimage to Jert1sale1n, i11 110. 37. (xi) Because of the holiness of certain people, i11 no. 44. (xii) For tl1e conunemoration of Abba Aragawi, for an offeri11g to tl1e ch11rcl1 of Dabra Da1no, and for the sustenance of the monlcs, i11 110. 4. (xiii) To restore tl1e lost estates of four convents, i n no. 41. (xiv) To put rigl1t a fraud, in no. 56. (xv) As a personal gift by the kiug to his brother, i11 no. 61.











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III. THE IMMUNITY CLAUSE ds an r-l te ar ch e tl1 to in try en om d fr ite ib oh pr ls e o ar Officia wh are specified by title and districtin no s. 16, 25, 41 , 43, 51, 52, 53, 60, 70, 84, 95. ecified by title sp e ar y tr en om fr d e 2. it 1ib Officials w ho are prol only in nos. 4, 19, 30, 31, 43, 46. 1.

3. 4. 5.

No man may enter the charter-lands in nos. 73, 74. Only the local inhabitants may enter, in no. 48. Prohibitions referring to lio11, horse, and mule occur as follows:


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. 6 1 o n in , le u 1n r o , e rs o l1 , 11 o no Ii • 1. 3 , 0 3 s. o n in e, rs o h r o 1 1 o li o n r ay e te n m o en o 'n : 45 . ap ch , es ar lv A no horse itl no. 46. (Cf. ) '. ey le ay u th m m a n t u , k ac eb rs o h ? n ) � o Aiigtiguim (Agula 1 1, in n o . 25. 0 11 r 1o 1 , le 1u 1 1 e, rs o l1 110 J)Ossessor of no J)Ossessor of a l1orse, i 11 110. 19. 111 or s0 or r 'f 11o ; 40 , 30 s. 110 ', ul so d an d oo bl r No e11try 'fo breal(i 1 1g', 110. 40. IV. THE SANCTION

The for111ula 'if a11y 01 1e violates or i1 ifri11ges... may l1e be cursed, 1 11 0D{l: ii¼.?.: ,011.-1·t,1n.: ro"1,tl: ll.en-1 : is followed by a choice of seventeer1 tyjJes of sa11ctior1: By tl1e n1outl1 of the Fatl1er, the Son, and tl1e Holy Spirit, in (a) forty four charters, vvitl1 variants By tl1e power of, etc. in no. 67, and By tl1e voice of, etc. in t10. 57. By the po\ver of Peter and Patil, in t\ve 11ty-01 1e cl1arters. (b) By tl1.e .r11outl1 of Peter a11d PaL1l, i11 eightee11 charters, with (c) variants By tl1e voice of, etc. i11 no. 95; By tl1e to 1 1gue of, etc. in no. 49; a11d By tl1e voice of Peter, in no. 37. By tl1e 1noutl1 of o·ur Lady Mar)', i 1 1 eigl1teen cnarters, \Vith (d) varia 11t By tl1e purity of 011r Lady rvrary, i 1 1 1 10. 40. By tl1e 11 1011 tl1 of tl1e Apostles and Propl1ets, in eleven charters, (e) v,ith varia11ts By t11e po\\1er of the Propl1ets and Apostles, i 1 1 no. 93; (f) By tl1e 1 11outl1 of tl1e Angels, i11 110s. 22, 42. (g) By tl1e n1011tl1 of tl1e Just and tl1e Martyrs, i 11 nos. 38, 42, 44. (]1) By tl1e 1noutl1 of tl1e Virgi11s a11d Mo11l(s, i11 1 10s. 38, 42, 44. (i) By tl1e 111outh of tl1e ·T\\ enty-foL1 r priests of l-Ieave 11, in no. 25. (j) By tl1e 111ot1t)1 of the priests of .Al(st1111, "i 11 110. 67. (l<) By tl1e voice of Mika'el a1 1d Gabre'el, i 11 no. 32. (1) �y the 111o �tl1 �f c-ert�i1 1 patriarchs of Etl1iopia: (1) of Abba M,1rqos, 1n 110s. 30, 31, 34-(occurs 1530). (2) of Abba Iyosab, i11 nos. 49, 50 (1546). (3) of Abba Petros, in no. 51 (1559 or 1561). (4) of Abba Marqos, i11 no. 52. (5) of Abb � Sem 'on, in nos. 53, 59 (d. 1917). (6) of Abba Krestodol t1, in 110. 58 (Sarsa Dengel). 1






r. Tl1e word used in tl1e texts is weguz_ a>-1�11 1 wh1cl1 I l1ave translated generally as 'cursed', thougl1 1't a1so h as the mearung of 'e xcomn1u11icated'.





(m) (n)

(o) (p) (q)

(7) of Abba Iyosab, in no. 67 (occurs 1794). (8) of Abba Qerlos, in nos. 82, 84 (c. 1820). By our voice, i.e. the voice of the granters, in this case the corporation o f the Children of Seyo11, in no. 71. May he be cursed (b) lilce Aryos a11d Simon, in no. 16. (b) like Judas and Simon, in no. 41. (c) like Aryos, Nesteros, a11d the Synod of Kelqedon, in no. 42. May his house be pillaged and his goods destroyed so that others may see it and be afraid, in Appendix II; expanded variant in no. 41. May he not taste corn or salt, in no. 50. May he be cursed, without further specification, in nos. 17, 36, 88, 97.

Introductory formulae are reducible to the f ollowi 11g patterns; 'in the Saxon charters this clause almost invariably begins with the words si quis ve,·o, 'if a11y one', correspondi11g to the Ge'ez ]\OD(l: l'I .....: (1) Jf any one violates or infringes (tltls) ... (2) Whoso violates (this) ... (3) If any one violates or tra11sgresses (tl1is) ... (4) If any one transgresses (this) ... (5) Whoso violates (this) ... (6) Whoso violates or infringes (tlus) ... . (7) Whoso violates or infringes (tl1is) ... (difference m for111 of second verb). (8) Whoso infringes or violates or erases (this) ... (9) Whoso violates or erases (t�s) ... (10) Whoso violates or breaks (this) .. . . . (I I) That none may destroy or violate this ,vr1tten charter, we have forbidden under pain of cursing ... (I) 1'0D{l: H'tf.: lDtf--1"'¼1l'l: (2) hOD't : H'tf. : (3) hou{l : H'tf. : lDH--1--'¼'lft : (4) 1'oop = u,,.. qJ?.ro = (5) H'tf. = (6) H'tf. : lDH--t-'¼'lft : (7) H'tf. : lDH'¼1i\ : (8) H+'¼'lt\ : lDH't� :,.P : (9) H'tf. : lDHl.,h� : (10) H'tf. : OJff,t-'/f h : (11) hoo : h.f'l'�h'P : rott.f,'lf:'P : .. , .. , , •h lD''J1f ',




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V. THE DATE : d se u re a g n ti a d f o s d o th e Three m , y d rc f n r e o a a e M Y � th , n o ti a re C f o r (1) By yea rs, giving the Yea s e a m e charter. th 1 n r u c c o s y a lw a not o d e re th ll a r; ea y l a n g re the , 1, , , 0 5 1 5 59 4 , 0 4 , 8 3 , 4 3 , 7 2 , 6 2 , 5 2 This method is used in n os. 11 , 60, 63, 67, 80. e m of' e a n t� )' ed � ll ca is r ea y ch a e r: a e (2) By tl1e Evangelica l Y o s, Luqas, Y o l;lan­ q ar M s, o ew at M er rd o 1e i11 tl 011e of the Evangelists s. o h ew it at w 11 M ai ag s 1·t a st es ri se e th ar ye nes, and after each f ourth ss le es os un rp l pu ca gi lo o n ro ch r fo s es el us se ur o This system is o f c . 93 , 82 , 76 , 68 . os n n i s ur cc o It n ve gi js ue . some o ther cl r nal eviden­ te n i om fr ed ish bl ta es be n ca te a d e (3) Occa sionally tl1 ntio n of some abzo1 e m e th to or t en ev e bl ta da e m so to ce, by reference n of g rei e th r Fo s. ce ur l so a tern ex m o fr d ted a be 11 or official ,vho ca e vid pro o als es icl n ro ch the d an ; ful use is res lva A el, 11g De Leb11a help. Tl1e positio11 o f tl1e date varies fro1n cl1arter to charter, and it n1ay be any,vhere after tl1e grantor's name. VI. WORDS DENOTING 'LAND' Apart fro1n the ter111 gilelt 1-..A:,. : which I ha ve translated 'charter­ land', this coll�ction of documents c ontains only two words for 'land', whetl1er referring to a dmi11istrative districts o r to p1iva te estates: 9°1'C meclr, and U1C : !1agar. These have been tra nslated by such English w o rds as see ed appropria te, a11d fr o m tl1e follo\.ving ana lysis it will 1,11 _ be se�n tha t the tvv o Ge'ez words are used with a fairly wide range of mearung: Medr Translated provi11ce: medra Sire, in no. 8·' n1 edra Adya-b o , ·in no. 9 · . ' t 1 medra S. a a , In �10 9 ; medra Sa l:i.a rt, in 110. 11; 1nedra Bur, in n o . : � . 38' medra Endarta, u1 110. 68 ,· medra Sera' . medra Gar. c:: e, in no. 68 ' 'alta, in no. 68. . _ _ Transla ted clistrict: medra Se m . be la n i no 4 , · no. ' medra 1n Barkua, · · n o. lO; 8 · medra Quarar o , 111 medra Asgade in n o. 10; medra Mada. • ba� y, rn n o. 10,. medra Ad Abun in no 10·'medr ,c, a Amba .:)anayt, rn · n o. IO·'medraA·sbi· , ·in no. 10 · me '.dra o-a ra, - i· n no. 10; medra Engan'a in no. I I; medra Sen' a Da'g1 _ rn n o. 11; med no ra K arn in es em , . 11;med.ra Dembazin, ·i n 1.10 · 11: medra Ma , . .h ns a, 1n no.11;medra A_s. e' a, in no. 19; medra Gual al� rn n . ; ed 19 m 9; . , o ra n at i z en I:I l ? " ? medra Tafa, in no.30;nied:M�has, rn 1:_o. 42 _;n1edra Yel;la, inno.62; medra A ' d 'Ewurat, iil n o · 6 2 .'medra Dablo, 1n 110. 65;medra Q o bla, 22



•---------------, -o-="4!=·3/i!Si:=+���---lSl::5?1ili,�,. ::i:. ��� - -�




l' in �o. 6�; medra Saraba, in_ no.,65 ; medra Walwaj, in no. 65; medra _ ,

Sen afe, 1n no . 68 ; medra � e Anesto, in no. 70 '· medra Zana in ' no. 83; medra Aymel}.ak, in no. 89. Translated country: medra Tegre, in no. 8.

:ranslated land ( = estate�: medra Na 'eder, in no. 13; medr aDagna, rn no. 13; m �dra Awle 'o, 1n no. 15; n1edra Guankua, ii1 no. 20; medra Bado Gaye, 1n no. 21; medra Maka.11, in no. 27; medra Saolamen in b no. 28; medra Torat, in no. 41; 1uedra Genbo, in no. 45; medra Age�ah in no. 54; medra Danba Ta11buk,in 110. 55; medra Masqal Has, in no. 61; medra Lej Ambara.,___in no. 61; n1edra Kabasa, in no. 61; medra Qulci, in no. �I; medra Salena, in 110. 61; medra $ima Ras, in no. 61; medra 'Ad 'Aqayt, in no. 70; medra Madoge, i.a no. 70; medra Nagado*, i.a no. 70; medra Aboli*, in 110. 70; medra Felasa*, in no. 70; medra 'Ezra*, in no. 70; rnedra Iyasus Mo' a*, in no. 70; n1edra 'Aqaytat*, in no. 70; medra Felfeli, i11 no. 71; medra May $e'a, in no. 75; medra Selesit in no. 81; 1nedra Addaqer 'e in no. 83; medra Ad Barik, in no. 83; n1edra Ya 'ebo, i11110. 85; medra Nafas*, in no. '89; medra, in no. 91; medra I(uedekue, i11 no. 91; n1edi·a Beta Pantalewon *, in no. 92; medra Kt1ellu Yefarl:t' a, in no. 94. (Those marked with an asterjsk* are the na1nes of individuals or communi­ ities.) Hagar Translated clist,·ict: l1agara Fiso, in no. 76; five ahegur i11 A$bi, in no.


82. Translated /and:hagaru la abba To1nas*,in no.47; ahegur called Ha$abo. Ad Aqayt, Sala' e Anesto, and Madague, i11 no. 70. Translated estate: hagar called Del Meda, i11 no. 52.




The numbers in brackets a1·e those in Conti Rossi1ii.'s Liber Axumae, An asterisk denotes g1·a nts by persons otl1er than a king. I. (1) 2. (2)

3. (3)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

0. c. 35 . um ks A of al dr he at C e tl1 to a . ) el �b A d Ella Abreha an . um ks A of al dr he at C 1e tl to a . ) Ella Abreha an d A�bel . nt ce 6th a. ar ad M f o t en nv co Gabra Masqal to tl1e o. am D a br a . D f o t en nv co e th Gabra Masqal to . nt ce l1 9t m su k A f o I a r d e h at C Anbasa Wedem to the o. ur ks A of l ra ed h at C e th to em ed Anbasa W 1342-70. . m su k A f o l Sayfa Ar'ad to the Cathedra l a u k n a B f o · e i' gz E a in n a b d a d M a to r' fa y A a S . 09 -14 80 13 o. m er H Dawit to the convent of Dabra _

23 ,



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10. (10) Da,vit to the convent of ? uaya$a. D ated 1407. 11. (11) Dawit to t]1e co11vent of B1zaii._ , _ . 1412-27. 12. (12) YeslJaq to tl1e conve11t of Dabia A.bay, 1632-67. \\'itb renewal by Fasiladas. 1433-68. 13. (13) Zar'a Ya'qob to the Cathedral of Aksuro. 14. (14) Zar' a Ya'qob to tl1e Cathedral of Alcsum. 15. (15) Zar' a Ya'qob to the Cathe� al of Aksum. 16. (16) Zar· a Ya'qob to tl1e Cathedral of Aksum. _ 17. (17) Zar' a Ya'qob to the co11ve11t of B1za11. 17a. Second redaction o1' no. 17. 18. (18) Zar' a Ya'qo b to tl1e co11vent of rl!�bbara M��m. 19. (19) Zar' a Ya'qob to the co11ve11t of Mabbara Maryam. 20. (20) Zar' a Ya'qob to the convent of Malaga; c. 1520-25. with renevval by Lebna Dei1gel. 21. (21) Zar' a Ya'qob to tl1e co11ve11t of :t-Aay Way11; Before! 530. ,vitl1 renewal by Lebna De11gel. 1468-78 . 22. (23) Ba' eda Maryam to tl1e co11vent of Maya \\'ayn; witl1 re11ewal by Leb11 a De11gel. * 23.(24) Walatta to a religious co1nmunity. • 16th cent. * 23a. Seco11d redaction of no. 23. 1508-40. 24. (25) Lebna De11gel to tl1e Catl1ed1·al of Aksun1? 25. (30) Leb11a Dengel to the Cathedral of Aksum. Dated 1517-1522. 26. (26) Leb11a De11gel to Tanse' a Krestos. Dated 1519. 27. (27) Leb11a De11gel to a co11ve11t of Ab ba Yonas. Dated 1520. 28. (28) Lebn a De11gel to the gra11ddaugl1ter of Walatta I:Ia waryat. 29. Lebna De11gel to Saf Sagad. After 1531. 30. (31) Leb11a Dengel to Ma1<ana 1'/fadara. D ated 1517-1522. 31. (32) Lebna De11gel to Bell1laza11. I 531-1534. 32. (33) Leb11a De11gel to tl1e Catl1edral of Akst1m a11d to 1531-1534. Robel and his SOil Takla Mil<a'el. 33. (34) Lebna Dengel to Robel. 34. (35) Leb11a De11gel to tl1e co11v e11t of Beta Pantale,von. D ated 1527-28. 35. (36) Lebna Dengel to Tal<: la Iyasus. 36. (37) Lebna Dengel to Walda }Jarageday. 37. (38) Lebna Dengel to Dafla. 38. (39) Lebna Dengel to Zemal ' his wife Ad Kamu, and his son Sebl;iat La' ab. Dated 1529. 39. (40) Leb11a Dengel to Egz i'e Kebra. . 0 3 5 1 r e ft A 4o. (41) Lebna Dengel to the co Dvent of Halle Luya. Dated 1530. �





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41. (42) Leb�a Dengel �o the co n� en,:s of Ba11lcual, Halle Luya, Lagaso, a1 1d Mabbara Maryam. Dated 1530. 42. (43) Lebna Dengel to Liqanos. After 1530 43. (44) Lebna Dengel to the convents of Dabra Banl<tlal, Dab:� !3aku er, Da�ra Barba e, Dabra Seyon, Dab ra � Ma ara, D�br a Damo, Makana Yak es, Lagaso, Danba Tanbuk, M ay K t1ekue, Beta SabuJ:i Amlalc, and otl1ers _ not named. After 1530. 44. (45) L eb11a Dengel to Zena Gabre' el. 45. (46) Lebna Dengel to I-Iabta Ab. Dated 1539. 46. (47) L ebna Dengel to the co11ve11t of Dabra Libanos. 47. (48) Galavvdewos to Gabra Qirqos. 1508-59. 48. (49) Galawdewos to tl1e pe o ple of Waldebba. 49. (50) Galawde\vos to the conve1 1t of :Bizan. 50. (51) Galav;,dewos t o the co11ve11t of May Barazyo . Dated 1554. to th e convent of May Barazyo. Dat ed 1559/1561. 51. (52) Minas ,. 52. (53) Sa 1·sa Dengel to Gabra Maryam. 1563-97. 53. (54) Sarsa De 1 1gel to the Catl1edral of Al<:st11n; and tl1e people of Addi 'Equaro to Eb.wa Krestos; with renevval by Susneyos. Before1617. De1 1gel to La'ab. 54. (55) Sarsa After 1578. ,. 55. (56) Sarsa Deng el to the convent of Dabra Lagaso. After 1588. ,. 56. (57) Sarsa D engel to the co11ve 11t of Madara. 57. (58) Sarsa Deng el to Tal<la Sellt1s. ,. 58. (59) Sarsa De ngel t o tl1e conve11t of Dabra 1v1aryan1. Dated 1611. 59. (61) Susneyos to El1wa Krestos. Datecl 1612. 60. (60) S1tsneyos to Elyos. Dated 1627. 61. Susn eyos to Se 'ela Krestos. 62. (62) Fasila das to the conve11t of Mazra'eta I(restos. 1632-67. Dated 1687. 63. (63) Iyasu I to tbe Cathedral of Aksu111. c. 1687. 64. (64) Iyasu I to the Catl1edral o f Aksum. Dated 1693. 65. Iyasu I to th e con,,ent of Dabra Berl1an 1789-94. 66. (65) J:Iezg ey§�s to tl1e con,,e11t of Sa�ya. 67. (67) Takla Giyorgis to tl1e Maqdasa Sellase at ¢alaqot. Dated 1794. 68. (68) Takla Giyorgis to Wa.lda Sellase; Se�l)a:o: Dabab; 1794-5. e. ls ll, Se t1 Ed d an el; u' tn Sa da al W u; Takl _ . -5 94 17 . ,,a dv 'A at l 'e re ab G ta bo Ta e 69. (69) Takla Giyorgis to th *70. (70) Walda Sellase ancl Za'a1na11.u 'el to the Cathedral C. 1794. of. Ak . sum. , · 1 c. 794 . se lla Se da al W to n *71. (71) The Children of Se yo _ ue11de . c.1795 · eg nd ue G at m ya ar M a ot ab *72. (72) Wal da Le'ul to the T


25 .'



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73. 74. 75. 76. *77. *78. *79. *80. *81.

(73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (79) (80) (81)

*82. (82) *83. (83)

*84. (84) *85. (86) *86. (87)


*87. *88. *89. *90. *91.

(88) (89) (90) (91) (92)

*92. *93. *94. *95. *96. *97. *98. *99. 100.

(93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (101) (102) (103)

18 2 130 . . es d a g a eb S to sa g u G as R d n a ar Gig Gigar to Wabna Fessu}:i. Gigar to Wabna Fessu}:t. Gigar to the cl1urch of St Mika'el at Fiso. Aram to the Cathedral of Aksum (?). Aran1 to Walda Dawit. late 18th cent. Ara.111 and Walatta Muse to Kefla Giyorgis. late 18th cent. Aram to the Cathedral of Aksum. Dated 1796. Sebagades to the convents of Dabra Barbare 1818-31. and Makana Akiset. Sebagades to the Tabota Sellase at Serwa Anbasa. Sebagades to Za'amanu'el; to the church of Weqro; the cl1urch of Seyo11 at 'Adwa; the cl1urch of St Mika'el at 'Adwa;the convent of Dabra Karbe;and to Wald.a Krestos. Sebagades to tl1e cb.urcb of Madba11e 'Alam at Adwa. Sebagades to tl1e convent of 'Ona Ma'eso. Sebagades to the churches of St Qirqos and St Mika'el. ? Sebagades to the convent of Guendeguende. c. 1830. Dajazmac I:Iezqeyas to I(efla Giyorgis. Abeselom to Za' an1a.uu'el. C. 1830 . Abeselo1n to Wald.a Kida.ii. c. 1830. Ya' egzer Ba.rya. to Gabra Maryan1, Demsu, and Za'a1nanu'el. c. 1830. Webe to the Maqdasa Abtina Pa11tale\\'On. c. 1840. Webe to tl1e Cathedral of Aksun1. 1831-55. Webe to the Cathedral of Aksum. Webe to the Cathedral of Aksu.n1. Wehe to tl1e churcl1 of Kidana Mebra t at Qabqabo. Webe to the church of Madbane 'Ala m at 'Adwa. An unnamed granter to Gafi. ? c. 1830. Walatta Le'ul; purcl1ase of land. ? c. 1830. YolJan11es IV to the convent of Dabra Bizan. APPENDIX


I. Dawit I to the convent of Dabra Demah. II. Lebna Dengel restores the dign ity o f a Iun1at. 26



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(Numbers in brackets are those of Conti Rossini's enumeration in Liber Axumae, CSCO.)


I '


SOURCES AND ABBREVIATIONS Ab. 97 = MS d �Abbadie no. 97 in Chaine's Catalogue cles MSS . Ethzopzens de la Collectio11 Arzto;ne cl'Abbaclie. ( Biblio­ tlieque Nationale de Paris.) Of tl1e l 7tl1 ce11t11ry. Ab. 152 = MS d'Abbadie no. 152 i11 Chai11e's Cc1talogite; 19tl1 century Ab. 167 = MS d'Abbadie 110. 167 in Cl1ai11e's Catalogi1e; 19th century. Ab. 225 = MS d' Abbadie no. 225 i11 Cbaine's Catalogue; 19tl1 century Bod. 26 = Bodleian MS 26 in Dill1nann's Catalogi1s Cod. MSS Bibi. Boe!!. Oxon., now renumbered Bruce 93; writte11 c. 1770 for Bnice. Bod.1. 30 = Bodleian 11S 30 in Dillmann's Ccttalogus, 110w renutnbered Bruce 89; vvritten before 1632. Bodl. 31 = Bodleian MS 31 in Dillma11n's Catalogus, now renumbered Bruce 90; \\1ritten c. 1770 for Bruce. Erythr. = Erythraean: transcriptions 1nade by Conti Rossini in Eritrea, in the late 19th ce11tury; see CSCO. vol. 54, p. 1 .


CSCO = Corpus Scriptoru,n C/1ristia11oru1n Orie11taliu111. The s011rce is '-given in brackets at the e11d of eacl1 charter.






The two oldest manuscripts co11tain only a few cl1arters. Bod. 30 (Bruce 89) contains one (no. 61), whicl1 is tal<:en fron1 the Clu·o11icle of Susneyos. The first seventy-five folios of tllis ma11t1script were written in the seventeenth century, probably du1i11g the reig11 of Susneyos, and therefore not later than 1632. This 1na1111script was published by Pereira with the title Chro11.icc1 de Sitsenyos Rei cle Etliiopict (Lisbo11 1892, 1900). Ab . 97 contains seve11 charters (110s. 5, 7, 13, 14, 15, 23, 64) the last of which refers to c. 1687; tl1e manuscript is in a late seven­ teenth ce11tury hand, and must theref'ore have been \vritten soon after this date. Of the eighteenth ce11tury there are the two Bodleian manuscripts 26 and 31 (Bruce 93 a11d 90). Both were written frJr Bruce. No. 26 is described by Dillma11n. as 'elegantly and � ost cor:ectl� written _ o_ut by order of Ras Mika' el, governor of T1gre provmce m Abyss1ma, and by him given to J. Bruce'; to thls manuscript Bruce gave the title Liber Axumae. No. 31 contains the cl1ronicle of Iyasu I p·ublished by

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ms en nta sev 26 co . No charters, . 267 67. pp , 24 l. vo . CO CS in Guidi all of which are to be found also in Ab. 225, Ab . 152, or Ab. 97. No. 31 has one (no. 65 ) which appears also in Ab. 167. The remaining d'Abbadie manuscripts belong to the nineteenth century. Ab. 152 contains the largest number of charters (sixty-nine) of which fifty-four do 11ot occur in any other manuscripts in the col­ lection·' it has also three which occur in Ab. 225, two which occur in Bod. 26, and one which occurs in Ab. 97. The latest of its identifiable charters, no. 94, was granted by Webe between 1831 and 1855, so the manuscript cannot have been written earlier than this period. Ab. 225 contai11s the next largest 11umber of charters (thirty-three), the last identifiable cl1arter being again one of Wehe, and it must therefore be of the san1e period as Ab. 152. Ab. 225 has seven which do not occt1r i11 any of the other manuscripts, and seven which occur also in Bod. 26, as well as seven which occur also in Ab. 97. Ab. 167 contains only one charter, which is taken from the Chronicle of Iyasu I recorded in Bod. 31; but this ma11uscript was written in the nine­ teenth century. Erytl1r. comprises transcriptions of three charters made by Conti Rossini (110s. 11, 17a, and 100), which he describes as being 'ex apographis quae in Aethiopia exarari curavimus' and ' ' apographo manu nostra in Erythraea exarato' (CSCO. vol. 54, p. 1).





28 .







E . LLA ABREHA and A$BEI::[A t o the Cathedral of Aksum C. 350. To the glo ry of the Father, tl1e Son, and the I-T oly Spirit. We, Ella Abreha and A$be�a, kings of Aksun1, l1ave granted by charter to tl1e Cathedral of Aksum: J:Iavvasta vvitl1111 its bot111daries; ljan1bar�i \Vitlli11 its boundaries; Fo runa witl1i11 its bo undaries; An1ba Ba\vasta; Ta'aw­ adi; Sele'elo; AfGuen1e; Saglame11; Madag;.1e; 1 Ad. 'A.qayt; (\Ve 11ave granted these) not by the kiI1g's pr o xy, nor tl1rougl1 a11y n1akitc11111e11 o r awfciri; but we o urselves l1ave 1nade tl1e grants a11d deliI11ited them; we who have founded a11d built (tl1e ch11rch of Al<su111) t]1at it n1ay be fo r us a conductor to the kingdom of l1eaven; a11d tl1at the fruit of 011r bellies which shall sit up o 11 tl1e tlrro11e of David 1na)' be blessed. If a11y one vio lates or ir1fringes (thls), 111ay he be cursed. by tl1e 111011tl1 of the Father, the Son, and the H oly Spirit. Moreover, we have gra11ted by charter Taber2 within its bo 11ndaries; Kuellu Yefarha; and . Wagr; Se b'a; and May Gobay; Bada Albo; and $ewelt; ,111d the Ba.rya of Demab; J:Iayda. If any one ,,iolates or i11.fri11ges (tlus), n1ay he be cursed by the m outl1 of Peter and Patil. ( Bod. 26, f. . 97v; Ab. 225, p. 25; Ab. 152, f. 60r.)

I 1

ELLA ABREHA and A$BEI;IA to the Cathedral of Aksun1 C. 350. .:Ioly Spirit. We, Ella 1 tl1e a11d n, So the r, To the glo ry of the Fathe Abreha and A$bel).a, ki11gs of Akswn, have granted by charter to the Cathedral of Aksum: I-Ia�abo ; Gabgab; Ad Gazo ; Da111ba Gaze; 3 o; o ; Dera; Felfeli; Ad Iy t 1es A1 e la' Awfart·' Ad Gozar '• Melazo·' Sa . 4 I:Jaddis Ad; ; ela az ar G ; 1si 1e1 Q1 ba Am a · hu · ela set M ka Kaba.nut·' H an . ' - ' el o; ' M Ad ; ay raf Da Ad ; az rm I:Ia m se 'A a; Amako with na·bre; J:Iavvzen a ) tis r (fo be ay n1 it at Th lo. da An ; ba Al ad ; ne am ; H 'Ad Bega Ad Qe 2. (2)

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I. Bod. 26 001.P r ; Ab. 152 aoP..,"l : 2. Bod. 26 ;t-flC , 3. Ab. 152 '¼F. 2 ,.,,c I 4. Ab. 152 9°'\tl.




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e s or infringes at ol e vi on y an If n. · e v ea h of m conductor to t·he k11·1 gdO 1 p d n . u a a r te e P f . o th u o 1 n e 1 tl y b d e (this) ' 1nay h e be curs ) r. 4 6 f. , 2 . 15 b A ; 0 8 . p , 5 2 2 . b (A en t of Madara. 6th cent. v n co e th to L A SQ A 1 3 _ (3) GABRA I\ t. ng iri I, ki Sp y G ol abra I-I e th nd a , n So e 1 tl r e ' a th e F 1 tl f o y To ti1 e g Ior . . b a A b ) t o f 11 ar G ve u na co . e . th o (t er rt 1a cl y b d te 11 a gr e v ha l, qa as M � _ _ _ a tea u, from Ba}:lro to Ad pl 1 gl h1 1ts nd a y lle va , its c. fa Ta o f I t·11e and . ,· · I ito !o Ma. y Le b B ; ay i }: S ea bo ar W to i l: . ve A\ tum e I<. 111 Bahro, and fro , l<ue·t·' Adwa ·' Q11efa '· Fale; Daguere; Gor Ba 'at; Asay; Laguamt; 1a; Ba ge 'e -1-a; Gabl-a; Gabra \1i se 1da E1 o; ab bq Mab bara Maryan1; Qa _ _ An�a; Al'e; 'An1do; Dabagazoy; Ad Gazo. A �d 1n Adeb � Ateret; Zaren1a; Mazbarga11det; Weral<et; Damar1nare; Qa11�a bet; B!lay Gal'i;Sa'eda Maqaber; Sor Anbasa; Ad Gabe; Ad Moge'e; Ba'atEr� ; May Masant1; Sabo11. A11d in Sal:iart: Bet ��bba r; Weqro; Gue:�; Ad Sal:iart; May Te'u1n; Zagra Naque. In Srre, 011e town: Atarb1la. (Ab. 225, p. 144.)

4. (4) GABRA MASQAL to the co11vent of Dabra Damo. 6th cent To tl1e glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This document has bee11 \vritten. Whe11 l<i11g Gabra M asq_al bea1·d tl1at our fatl1er Araga\\1i l1ad va11ished, he came to the sacred mountain, ascended it a11d greeted the 111onks. And they told 11.i.m all that had ta ken place a11d what tl1ey l1ad seen. I-Ie 1narv elled, a11d called together all the people from far and 11ear; a11d tl1e metropolitan (poppas) was with him. A11d the l<ing stood at tl1e feet of Sai11t Matyas \vl10 s at upon tl1e seat of our fatl1er Aragawi, and said: 'I l1ave give11 (to tl1e con ve11t of Dabra Damo) the land of Eggala "vith its valle y an d lligh plateau 1 from tl1e (river) Marab to Guergl1er. I11 Gelo Mal<eda, six estates: Beta N?bayt; 'E�e Ma'ere; Ad Gedo111; Baqlo; Galaba; and I:Iam. _ And lll Belen, three estate s: Matara; Baraka; a11d Hag ra Seyot. And a _ �eba, seve n estates: Emba Taln1ela a11d La'ati ; M ay Qa�li; Regbay; �1l1 Bal as; Akran from Ken e11 to 'Ad 'Anqua; Addaq Layto ,vith all _ its territory; and Ye1n'a) a \Vith all its te rr itory. And in Da'raka: G�nadef and ljamlo. And or e estate called Me garya Samr; and one � _ es !a�e cal�ed Yel)a. And u1 tl1e dist rict (·) of Sembela: �ena Qode;_ Ad A gaw ; Sabalaque; Nobi. I, k in g Gabra Masqal, hav e given al! tlus for the commemoratio11 of our father Aragawi, and as an offeruig to the church, and for th e sustenance of the monks'. And









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i he summoned the Metropolitan and forbade under pain of excommuni­ cation the seyu11i of the district and (any) n1akua11nen from far or near to enter (these estates). (And he said,) 'Be it so done also by those who come after me, for they shall all have the spirit of God like me'. (Ab. 152, f. 62v.) ANBASA WEDEM to tl1e Cathedral of Aksum. 9th cent. 5. (5) To the glory of the Father, the Son, and tl1e I-Ioly SjJirit. I, A11basa Wedem, have renewed the charters of tl1.e Cathed.ral of Aksu111. wluch my fathers my predecessors gave.111 addition, I have granted by charter to the Cathedral of Aksum; Dabra Salam vvithin its boundaries; Ta­ 'eka within its boundaries; Mazt1tay 1 ; Dabra Zakaryas; '011a :rvia'e�o; Sadwa; }Jawza; Bel)eza; Gt1e 11ague11a; $,tla1no; Dabra 'E11deda2 ; Ad Sehilo; Yebusa; Manadeq; Sarna'ele; Melazo; a11d Ad I<.uellu Za'ab3. If any one violates or infrjnges (this), n1ay he be cursed by the 1nouth of the Father, the Son, a11d tl1e Holy Spirit. (Bod. 26, f. 97v; Ab. 97, f. 88r; Ab. 225, IJ, 26). 5a. (Sa) Second redaction of No. 5. To the glory of the Father, the So11, a11d the Holy SJJirit. I , A.11basa Wedem, l1ave renewed tl1e charters of tl1e Cathedral of Aksun1 which my fathers before me have granted. In addition, I l1ave gra11ted by charter to Seyon the Cathedral of Akst1n1: Dabra Salam ,vithin its boundaries; Ta'eka within its bou.ndaries; Mazutay witl1ir1 its bol1nda­ ries; Dabra Zakaryas; Dabra l\lia'eso; Sadwa; I:Iawza; Bel)eza; Guen­ aguena;; Dabra 'Endida. Not tl1rot1gh tl1e l<i11g's proxy, 11or through a makuan11en, nor through an altfiiri, but by my own 111outh have I granted tllis, and I have delimitecl tl.1ese grat1ts ·for tl1e Catl1ed1·al of Akswn. That it may be for me a co11ductor to the ki11gdom o·f l1eaven. If any one violates or infringes (this), may l1e be cursed b)' the 111outh of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the mouth of our Lady Mary; and by the mouth of Peter and Patil; for ever and ever. Amen and amen. (Ab. 152, f. 66r. )






6. (6) ANBASA WEDEM to the Cathedral of Aksun1. 9th cent. I, Anbasa Wedem, have granted by charter to our motlier Seyon the Cathedral of Aksum: Qagma with Sallim Bet. (Ab. 225, p. 77.)

1 1


Ab. 97 OD fl-+f, r 2. After this Ab. 97 adds Sawni, tim-t 1 3. After this Bod. 26 adds Melazo, 9°1\ff , I.



. Aksum 1342-70. of l1edral t Ca the to AR'AD YFA SA 7. (7) it. I, Sayfa Ar'ad, p ir S ly o H e l1 t d 11 a , n o S e th , r e th a F e li t f To the glory o e r , th co fo m tL e s k mm A f o l a r d e th a C e 1 Clla·r·ter to t1 1 y .b d e t gran l1ave l e . k te E ( v I ta a a h a ; e Q q a 1· a D ; }:l e u 1c a t1 I{ : y r a 1 Tv y d a L 1y 11 f o n o ti a r mo ugh an� makuar th r o n y x o r 's g � in k 1e tl h g � u o 1r _ tl t o n t) n a r g s li tl nJade s ), e s g e 11 hi h (t e fn b n 1 r s o te a l io v e n o y 11 a f 111outl1. I in v o y 111 y b t u , b n e n 11 ut h of our Lady o m e h t y b d e rs u c e b e h y a m , 11 e 11 11 a u k ia n r o d e ra 11 ebu r. e e d m v n e r A a . e n ,, e r . . fo l, u a P d n a r te e P f o th u o m e th y b d 11 a , ry a M 7 .) 2 . p , 5 2 . 2 b A r; 8 8 f. , 7 9 . b (A . . 7 o n f o n io ct a d re d n co e S 7a. (7)a To tl1e glory of the Fatl1er, tl1e S011, a11d the I1oly Spirit. I, Sayfa Ar'ad, have gra11 ted by cl1arter to tl1e Cathedral of Aksum, for the commemor­ ation of n1y Lady Mary: Kualcuel); Daraqa.; Qatate Ekel, thirty-three2 ; Gasa Warg; We 'iio; of \,,J1icl1 the tribute is seven pieces of cloth3• If a11y 011e violates or i1 1fringes (tlus), be l1e 11ebura ed or 11uzkitanrien, may l1e be cursed by tl1e mot1tl1 of our Lady 1'Aary, and by the mouth of both Peter and Pa111, for ever and e,;er. A.Ine11. (Bod. 26, f. 93r.) SAYFA AR'AD to Abba Madhani11a Egzi 'e of Bankual. 1342-70. To the glory of the Fatl1er, the Son, and tl1e I-Ioly Spirit. I, king Sayfa Ar'ad, !1av� gra11t�d by cl1arter (to tl1e co11vent of) n1y father Madbani­ na Egz1'e: Edda 'Araga (witl1 a revenue of) 44 aa11ta· and the district (medr) of �arl<ua; a11d Madabay; Ankare; oiga11a '(with a revenue all with Falasi 44 of anta; dis tl1e f) (1neclr) rict t of Edda alg11alo: G u � ? : Sadya 1�s terr1tor I11 Tct111be 11: In Batar\. Gtrrber v a. )'a. I11 art: Sal ) �; _ Guadgueda . I11 Av.. ger: Beta Haylay \\'itlli11 its boundaries. In the low­ 5 ; Maya A\vle'e. I11 Abse'a: Beta Gabaz; Amsata.6 with ?a�le ands: � its territories !11 Sara.we: Beta $eyo11 a11d Ma'ente. 111 the provin ce __ f!;1e�l,) of Sire: �aquenaque vvith its territo1�y; May Bur; Edda'Ir; I:Iedt�g; � ar! al10; �d Felasa; Bitftnya; Saguari ,¥ith its territor y; nga no, �a eda E111ba; Barqt1aho; I(ababo · E inbay ·' Daqa. I have . .' given all tlus' at ' the t·lllle v.,,1 1e11 I \Ve11t do\VO into the cou11try (n1.edr)

8. (8)





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r. Qatate Ekel .,,,11 a1 : 1'h A .· seems :0 inean something like 'meagre corn', and is perl1aps of the sanl ·e category as the Starveall' and 'Coldharbour' names in England. 2. Something like 'measures' must b e suppli. ed, meanmg the tribute. 3- Tl1e v.rord used is the Amla l r. �c>fr I Jarj . 4· Th e prmted text l1as 1-.1..�·.'; 1 . h ich may be a misprint. w 5- O r Gabse 'I-fl{&. : 6. Or Am'eta }.'J°l, '.'l· • 1

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of Tegre, th�t it may ?e f?r me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven. If any one violates or 1nfr1nges (this), may he be cursed by the power of Peter and Paul; and by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 70.) 9. (9)

DA WIT to the co11vent of Dabra Bern10.



To the glo�y ?f the Father, the So11, a11d the Holy Spirit. I, tl1e en1peror _ ( ba�e) Dawit, have granted b)' charter to 111)' fatl1er Aron of Dabra Hermo: Edda Abba Aron with all its territory; Addi Awlay; Ketur; Teqo; Warabrab; Addi $aguar; May 'Acl Quarbat; 'Ad Gue'dud; _ May Alba;'Ad Aro11; all of whicl1 are i11 the provi11ce (111eclr)of Adyabo. Also Guadefo, wltich is 011 the ba11lc of (tl1e river) Sa111a1na. And i11 tl1e province (1nedr) of Salamt: l(eter; 'Ad Abrel1a111. Tl1at it may be for me a conductor to the kingdo1n of heaven. If a11y 011e violates or i11fringes (this), may he be cursed by the pov1er of Peter and Paul; and by the mouth of the Father, tl1e Son, and the Holy Spirit; a11d by the mouth of all the Prophets and Apostles, for ever. A1ne11. (Ab. 152, f. 66r.) 10. (10)

DA WIT to the conve11t of Quaya�a.


To the glory of the Father, the So 11, c1.nd the I-Ioly Spirit. I, the emperor Dawit, have granted by charter to 1ny fatl1er San1u'el of Quayasa: 'Etan Zore; Danbalabiia; May Da111as; 11asal1el; Ad Guayta; Ab.ib; Kartena; fie1·aya; Ad Fanbi; Ad Bal,twa)'; Ad Lel)si; Ma'el(ala A1Y fi; 2 1 Ad Le'ul; Sameq ; $amqo ; May Qt1ala'u; /\.d Sa'alu; Ad Ja11An1ora; Ad Semo; Danb Sake; Abar San1aqa, which is i11 tl1e district (111edr) of Quararo. ln the district (n1edr) of Barkua: Qalita. In tlJe district (111edr) of Madabay: Ad Baques. In the district of Asgade: iVIay Tafat; Ad Ambelo; Ad Qadida; Biraqo. In the district (111.edr) of $e11bela: 111: Abt Ad of clr) (1r1e rict dist tl1e ln ay. Qab Ad · om G·ed · a Ad arw Ced ' . ' Saloda with its territory. 111 tl1e district (111eclr) of Amba Sa11ayt: Qelale; Bet flay,1/a; Ad Asfal).; Ad Tanaf. I11 tl1e district (111eclr) of A�bi: Saba'ena Qirqos to,vards Paraqlitos; Feso, (the church of) St 3 ; Zabararo; Laqel:i, (the church of) s qo Qir s Mika'el; Gazat Qedu St Qirqos. In the district (,neclr) of Dara:_ J::[arasaw, (the4 cl1lrrc �- of) St Mika'el; Zalabay, (the church of) the Priests of Heaven ; I\1as awt, 1.




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or:,, ,

K9°.f, :

4.!Ccf,ll : Perhaps the first \Vord is for °l'I:,. s 'the domarn of

3. 'ltf'T :,,�.{l St Qirqos'. 4. See note to No. 25. 1







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e h � c h a r r (t u a h d � a f) b o n E ; o b � g A ; e d a .f a T l; 'e <a il tv1 f) o h rc u h c e h (t , 1; Qot, }:i : a e y q a a S n L I : e r a ty m u m n1 o c e th f o s ld e i f e th d n A l. 'e Mika s f ,5 ; o ld li ie e w f a th ; l;l 4 , d a i u B f o s ld e fi e th ; 3 , n . e d a M f o s ld e fi e th 2 e , s a th ; d ld 1 e o f fi r o : A ro a r a b a Z In . 7 ), ic (s Sayal1 a;1 d the meadovv of e th ll e g A . , r, 1 t, 7 to u o s 1e sl u g r te a w 1e tl Fesl1at, 2; Qwnal Alba, wl1ere a, the lower m ) d la e l ll a c ( s d el fi 2 : ty 1i 11 1t 11 m o c in z�hararo: Anzat of the . s) d el , 2 n (fi ti a Q l e t1 lg a u G ; 8 , and the tipper; the fields of Zaso .) 5 4 4 1 . p , 5 2 . 2 b A (



. ed 1407 Dat . 11 a iz B f o t en v n co e 11. (11) DA.WIT to th ng it ki I, aw D it. ir y Sp ol H e th d an 11, So 1e tl , To tl1e glory of tl1e Fatl1er an, a s an hereditary iz B of os lp Fi er th a f y 111 to 11 ve of Etl1io_pia, l1a,,e gi m y fro lle e va th to it) m m su e th = ( ds ou cl e tl1 n1 fro ) 11d la est,1te, (tl1e and the district a; a n' g En � ot ,·) ed (m ict str di e tl1 11; Gada1n to Alg,tde the d ; an em es ni Ka of lr) (11 ct tri dis e tl1 ; gle Da a r1' $e of r) (nied a zan; and the mb De of cl1·) t11e ( ct tri dis tl1e ; art l L Sc: of c/r) pro vi11ce (n1e J district (n1edr) of Ma11s'a. I11 tl1e year of the creation of the world 6900, and fro111 the birtl1 of Jes1ts Cl1rist 1400. · (.Erythr.) 12. (12)

YESI:IAQ to the convent of Dabr a 'A.bay.


T_o tl1e glory of the Fatl1er, tl1e Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Yesl;laq the l<111g, ha,,e �ra11ted by cl1arter to our father Samu'el of Dabra 'Abay: In the p��v111ce (n1edr) o·f Sire: Tata; Mela.ta; Da1nbe; I:Iakfan; Ad $em�_r; f�� Qalqal; Ainba Se'ed; Ad Abse' a; 'Ad Sakuan; 'Addaq Da�se1u; A _ d �1.das�; May Daral1u; 'Ad Emb alay; 'Ad Kabdat; Abaynag_uid,1; _Ad_Gira; Ad I.Iarisay; 'Ad Naqizom; Waqar Deba; Gezge_zya; G_11aI; B_et Marya; Ad Ita; 'Ad Ker. In Sembela: Sira; Sage; Adoba; E11 �a- A�ba M�qares � 'A� 'A1nda11 ; Ad Yes}:iaq; Za�guaraque; , � ��b a�.:. l<.or Tal<l�; Edda G1yorgis; Seqarya; Galila; 'Ad Sewa; � a, A�11 Aiib a; � aqayl�o; Sek.a. I11 the cou11try (111.edr) of the �� i1 hi 1 p�tea:1. �\\'ge�, May Savva; M a.rada. In Tambe11: Edda Abba p;wlos, May T aiiqtia; Ho�a. I11 Sal am t: as far as Ad I:Ia Gu law ed ina ; _ B �ya aud as_far_ as Sara11tya; Selare; Nobe. In Sara\ve: M ay H ose. All th1s have l g1ve11 a11d o1·da 11· 1e d to . be for n1e a conductor to the kingdom of heaven. (Subscriptio11 ·) K1. - p-_asi· 1 adas says: I_ have re11ewed this charter to our father· Sam�'el king Yes):iaq desired. If any one violates or infringes tlus ord"1nance (s·er'a·tJ ' may h e b e cursed by the mouth of th e Father the s on, and the Holy Spir it. ' (Ab. 152, f. 70r.)








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13. (13) ZAR'A YA'QOB to the Cathedral of Aksum. 1433-68. To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Zar'a Ya'qob son of Dawit, have granted by charter to our mother Seyon the Cathedral of Aksum: the land (n1eclr) of Na 'eder within its bot1ndar­ ies; and the la11d (111ed1·) of Dag11a. To be for tl1e conu11emoratio11 of my Lady Mary, and t'or the (celebration of tl1e) I-lours; and that it may be for me a condt1ctor to the l<ingdom of heaven. (I l1ave made this grant) not through the king's proxy, 11or tltrougl1 the malcz1a1111e11, but with the voice of my O\Vn mouth. If any 011e violates or trans­ gresses (this), m,1y he be cursed by the mol1th of otLr Lady Mary; and by the mouth of Peter a11d Paul; a.nd by tl1e n1ot1th of the F,1tl1er, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. For ever and e,,er. An1e11. ( Bod. 26, f. 98r; Ab. 97, f. 88v; Ab. 225, p. 28.) 14. (14)

ZAR'A YA'QOB to tl1e Catl1edral of Al<sum.

1433-68. In addition, I, Za·r'a Ya'qob, ha,,e gra11ted by cl1arter ( to tl1e Catl1e­ dral of Aksum): ivfadegue 1 ; Ad Aqayt; Ad Q,1r11; a11d Debura. To be for my con1D1emoration, and for tl1e (supply of) i11cense. Let 110 1nan approach (these lands); accursed be he (who does). (Subscription:) I, Zar'a Ya 'qob, have re11evved the charter (no.5,) of Anbasa Wedem to the Catl1edral of Akst11n (concerni11g) Dabra Salam; Ta'eka; Mazutay; D,1bra Zal(arya.s; '011a Ma'eso; Sr-tdwa; ijawza; BeI:ieza; Guenaguena; Salan10; Dabra'E11deda; Sa\v11e; Arata; Mada.Iba; Gasa Warq; We'ilo ( of ,¥luch the tribute is) 7 pieces of cloth (far}) _2 (Bod. 26, f. 98r; Ab. 97, f. 88v; Ab. 225, p. 28.) 15. (15)

ZAR'A YA'QOB to the Catl1edral of Al<su1n.

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In addition, I, Zar'a Ya'qob, l1ave granted by cl1arter the la11d (111edr) of Awle'o, 3 to be an offering (to tl1e Catl1edral) and for the comme­ moration of Mary. If any one transgresses (tl1is), 1nay he be cursed by the mouth of Peter and Pa·t1l. (Bod.26, f. 981·; Ab. 97, f. 88v; Ab. 225, p. 29.) 16. (16)


ZAR'A YA 'QOB to the Catl1edral of Ai.1<sum. 1433-68.

I, Zar�a Ya'qob, son of Dawit, have ordained under pain of excomm­ nication that none shall enter 01rr Mother Seyon the Cathedral of Aksum, \vb ether lion, or l1orse, or mule; nor tl1e a�1fari of Zarafta. Bod. 26 oo�� , _, _ d , an ay ut az M a, ek , Ta lam Sa ra ab D g in itt 2. This charter, in a shortened form, om Arata - We'ilo, is attached to no. 7a in Bod. 26. 13. . no to ed cl1 ta at is 26 d Bo r in te ar ch s hi . T 3 Ab. 97 tiro-flo , I.



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p ro x y, n o r throu?h the s g' in k e th gh u ro th t o n ) (I have ordaii1 ed this e y n . o an e th If at u o ol m vt 'n s v. o y m f o e ic vo e th li it w t bu z, ,,iaki,a,1,1e, , te a st e d o th p s an a o e k li e k li ed rs cu � e b � e h y a n ), 1 is or infringes (th . en m . A a ry a m a S f o ,) re sa a 11. (1 ; Simon the magician .) 9 2 . p , 5 2 2 . b A ; 8r 9 f. , 6 2 (Bod. 1433-68. ZAR'A YA'QOB to the convent of Bizan. 17. ( 17 ) To tl1e glory of the Father, tl1e Son, a t1d t11e I-f oly Spirit. I, Zar'a

_ Ya'qob ,¥l1ose tl1-ro11e-11an1e is Quastant1nos, have granted by charter to Dabra Biza11, to Abba Ta\valda Madben: 'Abiy Wag r in Adyabo; Te bus Eb11i; Edda lviika 'el; Sallim Fera -v1ithl11 its boundaries; Egala; A.v,1 J1ene. (I n1ade tlus grant) \vhen the qesa f1a�e was Zal<aryas. (Subscription:) I, Lebna De11gel, l1ave renewed (this) for the com1ne1noratio11 of 011r father Filpos. \Vhoso violates (this), may he be (Ab. 152, f. 63r.) accursed.




17a. (17a) Second redaction of no. 17.

I, Zar'a Ya'qob, l1ave give11 ·by cl1arter as an hereditary possession to Dabra Biza11, i11 tl1e days of (Abba) Ta\,,alda Madhen: Adet 1 \.Vithin its bou11daries; $alli111 Fera v,1itl1in its bot111.daries. In Adyabo: 'Abiy Wagr. Tebus Eb1tl; Edda Mika'el. Of (tl1e) I<.ualo Gezail: Awhene; Ab'a; Wad; Am11t1r; Gt1r Zabo; Eddaga Mika'el; Me�lay J:lamus; Adge11a; Ad $a$ar; Qar�a Qa1nti; Egala; Da11ba from the foot of (mount) Biza11 to Gadan1; Ko may; Ad Sa'ada; Ad Tafa; the eight fields of Ya Walda Ab.I11 Sekat,tl1e tllirty fields of Abba Habta Maryam. (Erythr.) 18. (18)

ZAR'A YA'QOB to tl1e conve11t ot� Mabbara Maryam. 1433-68. To ;lie �l�ry of tl1e Fatl1er, t11e S011, a11d tl1e I-Ioly Spirit. I, king _ Za.: a Yaqo�, �1ave g1ve11 b)' cl1a.rter to tl1e pious Abbalyosyas of �al1bara M,trya111 the five (districts) of Qa ba l-e G uer-e, Matq , lo e a . ,Ad Gera �asa- , Wagr �a zelo, and Dabr 'Enda Weqro. (I made this _ grant)not �rotigh th� king, s proxy nor through th e voice of themakua.. 1111e17, bu t with tlie voice of my ow n 1nouth, at the time when the 11ebura ed of Aks� \¥as Fes1Ja Seyon, and the abbot of the convent Abba Gabra I::Iesan. If any one violates or infringes (this) m he be cursed , ay I. Althougl1 this name appe ars m · this, tl1e so-called 'forged' charter and n.ot in the . . e, one, 1t cg enum was reckon ed as a possessi. on of Dabra to the mg acco rdin Biza n formants of Al ares (p. 94) and Barradas (p. 268 Beccari). But the expression here ; -, 18 .- 1 °1 11 1 1 'of Kual 0 G ez n llh011· an Aml1aric construction. It may also be � noted that tlle five esta . tes named 111 tl1e cl1arter of Galaw ) 49 ( no . n Bi :za to de wos occur 1·11 this ct,.1arter ( 17a).


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by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the

mouth of our Lady Mary the Mother of God, for ever and ever. Amen. This ordinance was begun by tl1e will of God, and by the benevolence of the Son and the Holy Spirit. (Ab. 152, f. 70v.)

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19. (19)

ZAR'A YA'QOB to the convent of Mabbara Maryam. 1433-68. and later renewaJ, made c. 1520-25. To the glory of the Father, the Son, and tl1e I-Ioly Spirit. I, king Zar'a Ya'qob son of Dawit, \Vhose throne-name is Quastantinos, have grant­ ed by charter to Abba Iyosyas of Mabbara Maryam five (districts of) Qabale Guere: May Yal:ia; 'Ad Dage; Ad Ekli; Gadba, Guere Asam; the sixth (district), Ma�alba. (Also) Mahbara:tviarya111ofLeg11amt (and) Ad ¢e'ende in the district (tr1eclr) of Abse'a, with their territories. (Also) Dabra Ansa and Wagr Mazelo in the district (1neclr) of Gual­ gualo; and Geramasa in the district of I:Je11zat. All this have I given, saying that it shall be for my commemoration, and for the commemora­ tion of Abba Iyosyas. And I ha,,e made a11 agree1nentwitl1the people of this district and of tl1e co11vent, that 11011e may c11ter their la11d, wl1ether he be 1naki1a1111e11 or 1nalci1a1111e11' s dept1ty, or a1,vjciri, or the possessor of a horse. Whose violates or infringes this, may he be cursed by the mouth of Peter and Paul. (Ab. 152, f. 59r.) 20. (20)

ZAR'A YA'QOB to the co11ve11t of Malaga.


To the glory of the Father, the Son, and tl1e Holy Spirit. This charter was \.vritten in the time of our forn1er ki11g Zar'a Ya'qob (granting land) to (the conve11t of) Nf alago: the land (n1edr) of Guanl<ua from Wadazarat. And I, Lebna Dengel, l1ave re11ewed (the charter of) Mala­ go as my father originally ordai11ed it, for the commemoration of our father Tewodros. (Subscription:) In addition I (Lebna Dengel) have granted b� charter Beta Gabaz in Sara.we, to (the churcl1 of) l\1ary of the Daq Ita to Abba Yol1annes at the ti1ne Vi1hen the seyi,,n of Sara.we was Aron. Moreover, I ·have ;ranted by charter (to the church of) St Mika'el at Debarwa, to the men (who perfor1n the duties of) the Hours among the _ Daqqi Ita, aJ1d to Abba Yobannes: 'Ad Aysebut in Sam'a; at the time when the bahr nagasi was Ros Nabiyat; a11d the 11.ebi,�a ed, Nob; and the qaysa gabaz, Iyaqem; and tl1e liqa diya.qonat, Base'e� at; and the bet fabaqi, Sen'a Maryan1; and the ba'a/a n1a�haf, Abreham; and the






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s te r la o o en g vi nn in fr i,a in ak r m o es ,11 yu se y an If . on w le a t an P . trumpeter, r, e he th n, at So F d e an th of e th th ou m e th by ed rs cu be he y a (this), m ) .r 58 f. 2, 15 b. (A Holy Spirit.


n. ay ay M 8 W t -6 of en 33 14 nv co e th to B O 'Q A Y 'A R A Z 21. (21) and later renewal, made before 1530. is it. Th Sp y er art Ho ch e _th d an n, So e th er, th Fa e th of � ry � glo e To th has been writte11 concerning the lands which Za r a Y a qob granted by me of 'e the na ba be Gu n ay W ay M let d An n. ay W ay M to er art ch 1 :rviaryam • That "vhich I have given is the land (medr) of Estifa, May Ta.fat. (Subscription:) And this Lebna Dengel renewed when he was in the district (1nedr) of Bado Gaye, when the seyum of Sire was Rada'i; and when the bel1twaclad of the right was Eslamu; and the belznvadad of the left, Wasa11 Sagad; and the ba'ala 111a$(1af, Hano; and the ba'iila wako, Abreham; tl1e zan /:za$a11a, Babaylu; the zan ,na'asare, Gabra; tl1e egr zaqitene, Muse; and the qctJJSa gabaz, G abr a Maryam and the 11ebitra eel of Aksum, our father Ya'qob. Whoso volates or infringes (this), may he be c1rrsed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the I-Ioly Spirit; and by the mouth of Peter and Paul; and whoso destroys (this document), may his name be destroyed in the kingdom of heaven. (Ab. 152, f. 59v.)



22. (23)

BA'EDA MARYAM to the convent of Maya Wayn. 1468-78, and later renewal. To the glor� of the Fa�her, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This charter has be�n w!1t�e11 for Maya Wayn. It is I, Ba'eda Maryam whose throne­ n�m� IS Daw1t, wl10 have caused it to be written, when we were in the �str1ct (me1r) of Dago, (at the church) which w e ca Dab ara Mary­ ll t a_m. I have given to the l1oly (men) that they pe rform my comme mor a­ tion (on the day)_when (God) gave the pact of m er cy to Mary, and for e omm� orat�o- f Mar_?', This is _wha 1 t h av e given to May�Wayn: :; � � � _ · en�e}a. of_S e. Ad Bar_ a; Addi; 'Addi Watot; 'A d eg � T ­ . ray, G�la Abba; Ad Guada'i; 'Ad Ku eh. elay. I ' king Mary-am, d a B ' ' e a have given (this). {Subs�ri�tion :) And I, Lebna Dengel, Abba h av fo r e re n (i ew t) ed Gab ra Ta os m WIra- Gabaya, when the ba' ma$/;zaf was Hano; the

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'The congregation of Ma ' ry

38 '



ba'ala wako, Sankora; the zan /:za�ana, Arsut; the seyum of Sire, Tewo­ d �o �; the depu� of :h � nebura ed, Kefla Sem'on; the qaysa gabaz, L1qanos; th� bet taba qi, �en'a M aryam; the scribe, Zar'a Maryam. _ _ If any one violates or 1nfr1nges (this), be he makuan11eri. or seyi,m, may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the mouth of the Prophets and Apostles; and by the mouth of the watchful angels; and by the mouth of our Lady Mary; and may he be accursed and notorio11s for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 58v.) 23. (24)

WALAITA MARYAM to a religious community. 16th cent.1 To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Walatta Maryam, have granted by charter (to a11 unspecified community, per­ haps the Cathedral of Aks11m): Fenqelit2 within its boundaries. For the commemoration of my Lady l\tfary, and for my own co1nmemoration; and that it may be for me a co11ductor to the kingdom of heaven; and that She may set my portion Vi'ith Her (i.e. bri11g me to dwell with Her). If any one violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed by the mouth of Peter and Paul; and by the mouth of the Father, tl1e Son, and the Holy Spirit; be he 11ebi,ra ed or deputy of the 11ebura ed, (acting) without (authority of) the commuoity (1nabl1ar). (Bod. 26, f. 98r; Ab. 97, f. 88r; Ab. 225, p. 26.)








23a. (24a) Second redaction of no. 23. To the glory of the Fatl1er, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. 1, Walatta Maryam, have granted by charter Fenqelit within its boundaries, for the commemoration of Mary, and for my conune111oration; (and) that She may lengthen my days 011 earth, a11d in the ki11gdom of heaven set my portion \Vith Her, because She (has been) my hope from my mother's womb. (I made this grant) Vi'hen the 11ebi1ra ed was Habta Maryam; the qaysa gabaz, Gabra Maryam; the liqa diyiiqoniit, Base'­ elat; the riiq n1.a'asare, Nob; the bet tabiiqi, Sene'ena Maryam; the queen's. proxy (qa!a itege), Abba Takla Wang<:_l; : he �iqa n1iibbar, Hose'e; the malake Aksum, Babaylay; and the sayda mabbar, Abro­ koros. If any one violates or infringes (this), be he nebi,ra ed, or deputy of the nebura ed, or seyum, or f:zedug, or 1nalakafi.a or 'iiqa�§n, may he



of g beginnin e at ced pla be y ma er art ch s thi :11 ls, cia offi the s of _ Judging by the name _ was the wife m rya Ma a. lan Wa t tha s say i ssin Ro nti Co el. ng De a bn of Le gn the rei of a king, but he r exact status is doubtful. See CSCO. vol. 58, p.33. Bod. 26 t;::�"-.T •








e y th d ol an H , n t; o ri S pi e S th r he at F e th f O h Ut o ·em ' be cursed bY th h a th t ll f e o u o s m po e A th by d an l· au P d an r te e f P o er and by th· e pow ed er t e nd b ld re no ou to sh r) eb (g e ut ib tr e th at th ) d e er d r o tles. (lt 1s . er ev r fo , y it n u m m co e th the king, but to (Ab. 152, f. 66r .) . . -40 um 08 of ks al 15 A r d he at C e th ? to L E G N E . LEBNA D 25. (25) t. I a iri bn y Sp Le ol e H tl1 d an 11, So e th , er th Fa e tl1 of To the glory : ). ­ :t m al su ral of d 11e at C he to (? r ·te a1 ch � by d � te 11 a gr ve ha � � l, Denge a. fam sti , ue ar af Eg D 11; do Fa le; l)a an M a; kin La a; ag At go; Laysa; The 'iiqabe sa'at (Vi'as) Nagada Iyasus; he wh o cause� the grant to be 1 aks es bre lat or vio oso Wh es. rii' ad 11ag the d ma Al) g J:Ie the s wa made (this), be he 111alcL1a1111en or seyu,n, may I1e be cur sed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 60v.) 25. (30)

LEBNA DENGEL to tl1e Cathedral of Aksum. Dated 1517 or 1522. To the glory of the Fatl1er, the Son, and the I-Joly Spirit. I, Wanag Sagad, wl1ose tl1ro11e-11a1ne is Leb11a Dengel, have granted by charter to my Mother Mary the Qt1een: In En1ba Sanayt, for the Maqdasa Marya1n (sa11ctuary of Mary) which is called Badegsat: Zegeb; Beta Mika'el; Seqata; Sen 'eft; May 'Alaqet; May Eben; Makram Qayel;l; Fes!Jat; Malcodge; May Aml:iaray; Megueda; Arazya; Af Gabso; . ,Ad Regud; Wagr Mal'esa; Wag r Guehelya; 'Ad Regbayt; Ague$1; WagrSela'lo; Lawsa; May Sa'eda; Terbo; 'Agamo; Berl).adge; Segamo; the two 'Agazena; 'Enta; I:IaJ\\'om; Qota.; I:Iegor; Bal;tr Ha�ara; La­ 'l�y Selesit; Bent Sew; May Qa�l; 'A.ta 'et; 'Ad I:Iadar; 'Ad Abse'a; 'Ad E11test1111; Mala·,t111 Abagewo. (I 111ade tltis g ra11t) when the 'iiqabe sa (at was Nagacla Iyasus; the belztJ,vaclacl, Ros Nabiyat; the !a'aqatiic, B�lul Za11; !lie Tegre 111:_1lcL1a1111e11, Robel; the ki 11g 's proxy (and) n1�ba f be_t, Abrel1am; the azazi, Takla Iyasus; the /;qa n1a$iiizi, Sargis; the ia!1 111a'asare, Takla Ma1·yam; the iii,1 $eriir, Abel; the iiin ha$anii, _ G1yorgis; the 11 e_bura ed of Aksum, Nob; the qa ysa gabaz , Jyaqero; _ _ the l1qa dzyaqo11at, Base'elat; the !iqa ,narabt, Zam ika'el; the qaii geta, Keflo_:11; th :�erii getii, Abib; the 1na�noc, Zawda y and Gabra K.restos; the bet tabaqL, Sene'ena Maryam, with his son Pantalewon · the dabtarii h o pro cured t�e gra11t, Sarsa G iyorgis; and th e s�ribe, '.knda Mika� el. And those 1n the Maqdasa Maryam whose names were entered



I 1.

Conti Rossini suggested that ,n°I 1 = was a Ar. hajj, 'pilgrim,' i.e. that AJ;un ad . Mosle1n wl10 l1ad made the pilgrimag e to Mecca.

40 •


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(in the document \Vere:) the nebura ed, Asrata Maryam; the qaysa gabaz, Sarsa Maryam; the riiq ma'asare, Mosa Egzi'e. In the 18th year of the reign of Lebna Dengel, inthe year of n1ercy 170 1 , on the 12th day of Tabsas (8 December). (No-i1e may e11ter these la11ds,) be he Tegre makz,annen, l1edug of Emba Sanayt, seyi,m, gazli'i, (or) ,nalakana, possessor of a horse, possessor of a mule, or lion. Whoso violates or transgresses (this), may 4e be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the mot1th of ot1r Lady.Mary; and by the mouth of the twelve Apostles, a11d by tl1e n1ot1tl1 of tl1e fiftee11 Prophets; and by the mouth of tl1e twenty-four priests of heaven2 ; for ever and ever. Amen. Ab. 152, f. 65v.) 26. (26) LEBNA DENG.EL to Abba Ta11se'a K.restos. Dated 1519. To the glory of the Father, the S011, a11d the I-Joly Spirit. I, Leb11a Dengel, whose throne-name is Dawit, have granted by charter to my father Tanse'a Krestos (the lands) which are called (as follows): in Hagaray: �era'e; Derba. In Tanben: TanselJe; May Ba'ati. (Granted) when we were at Makana Sellase, on tl1e 14th day of Yal<atit (8 Febru­ 3 the ; i11 the begin11ing of the day a11d begi11ning of tl1e 11ight, 68 ary), the )'ear of mercy 172 (1519 A.D.), epact 11. On tlus day we granted the charter, when the azazi was Sarse; tl1e 'aqlibe sa'at, Nagada Iyasus; the mother of the ki11g, Na 'od Mogasa; tl1e be{ztJvaclad of the left, Wasan Sagad; the be{1tJ11aclad of the rigl1t4, Esla.111 S,:1gad; the azlizoc being these: the qes gabaz, Iyaqem; tJ1e bet tabaqi, Se11e'e; the bc�'a!ct ma$l:zaf, Giyorgis. Whoso violates or infringes (this), be l1e 111ctlcL1a1111e11 or ma'ekal bal1r, or seJ1t1111 of Tanbe11, or za11ba!aJ-v, may l1e be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the So11, a11d tl1e I-Ioly Spirit, for ever a11d ever. A:me11. (Ab. 152, f. 58v.) LEBNA DENGEL to a conve11t of Abba Yo11as, and 27. (27) Dated 1520. others. To the glory of the Father, the So11, and tl1e Holy Spirit. Lands which our ki11.g Le·bna De11gel has granted by charter for the da:I and One of these two dates is iocorrect. The mention of Ros Nabiyat_ as be/:ztwa eV1dence Robel as Tegre maki,annen suggests that it should be 1522, according to the of Alvares (p.434). ') ·is ers Id e (' · roi ute s b pre rd ,vo eek Gr the ere ,¥h 10, 4, n atio vel to is Re nce e 2. Th refere rendered ktilzenat in the Ge'ez bible. 2 t\.tt.:i· : J-\uu 1 >'C'P a>/\l ' ;'foo,A : a �f> /\l>'C has: the text ure; 3. This passage is obsc r.


4- Reading +f,� l, = 4':,;l, : for the ..,. f,"} t,


of tl1e manuscript.


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er th r u s f fa o o lo e aw m P ti , e th in , as n o Y er th fa r u o f o commemoration 1 ­ � d lle is ,ca a W c� e wl_:i ka ra bii h: :� ) 20 15 . . D A ( in the year of mercy 173 ; d re A y; ab ba D qa ; A ay i ; el S a b t1 an K d 'A a; in S myanos, with Dabra at of aq nd ar la W e­ r(z te ar ch e th is s hi T . en m 'a a M d 'Ad Daguen; 'A i; : an �s d ak ed '� W Q ra a� D ) of t en nv co he (t to nd A ). at _ aq guelt zawar ; a ay am i ad eJ; ar B t; M d A ' a; et em Y ' na 'O ; ay ab ah N d 'A e; al ed Sem L }.; o lil nd e; Ba ue ey K nb ue G d 'A o; an qu Se d 'A ; qe aw 'Ad Bara; Te' a. ; an ri Z ag is Z la Th 'a Ba a; eb D ; ri ba Sa a· oh D zi · ao R a bb · ' • Q ayeh. ' A b ' ) t na of en no nv Za co e (th of at Th s. du Qe ra ab D of d is the charter-lan b; ba 'qo Ab Ya d 'A i; dd 'A s di ad }J : nd ou gr ted iga irr of ce e a pie lik is 'Ad Barya; 'Ad Kuananu; 'Ad Hagara; Danbari; Qued; M ay Sasala; Guedbemi; 'Ad Ragaynay; M ay Guarzo; Betema; 'Ad Ba'ed; 'Ad Mahaymen; 'Ad Guena; Fade; 'Ad Eqe; Ma y D a'ero within its bound­ 2 a11d Hagara Set. (The land) of ; 9 , kan Ma dr) of aries; tl1e land (111.e Baral<nal1a: May Alba; 'Ad Biye as far as Dangualo; ' Ad Dal;lna; 'Ad Watot which is in Bi}:tat; De'edu'e. These are (the lands) granted by 3 charter to Dabra Yonas for the commemoration of the Sadqan, which our father Pawlos obtained in the reign of king Lebna Dengel, when the be/:ztlvadad of the left was Wasa11 Sagad; the bebtwadad of the right, Eslam Sagad; the liqa clabtara, Takla Qirqos; the qaysa gabaz, Gabra Maryam; the riiq masare, Nob; the tnlillpeters, Pantalewon and Re­ �ebay; the dabtarli, 'Aqba Krestos. If any one violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; and by the moutl1 of our Lady Mary; for ever �d ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 59r.) 28. (28)

LEBNA DENGEL to the grand-daughter of Walatta I:Jawaryat. 1508-40_ To the glory of the Fatl1er, the Son, and the Ho ly Spirit. I' Wanag Sagad whose throne-name ·1s Lebna D engel, have granted by charter to e �augh!e. r_ f SaJ:iay J:Iezba daughter of Walatta }Jawaryat daughter �� king Dawit� · �he land (m.edr) of Saglamen fr om boundary to bound­ a y. made th1s grant) when the be�1twadad of th le w Wasan e ft as r s he �f the right, Eslam Sagad; the 'iiqaJJe sa'at, Nagada 1 �s:s'· nnen, 'Amr Qalsahay; the ba'lila ma�baf, Abre· him; ;h� n:i!;: :;�; ks um, N ob th e e qa ys a Iy ga aq ba em z, ; _ � � � liqa diyaqo · nat ' Base' elat, the bet fabaq1, �ene'ena Maryam; the awf




i.e. baraha, fl�? , 'desert'. 2. ;he MS has 'I°�� 1 ODl}'} 1 D 3. The Just Ones'. . I.

\ II



iiri of Zarafta, Fere Adam. Whoso violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 58v.)


LEBNA DENGEL to Saf Sagad.

After 1531.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the I Ioly Spirit. I, Wanag Sagad whose throne-name is Lebna Dengel, have caused a g1·ant to be made of the land (medr) of Zebgaz, as an hereditary property to Saf Sagad, and a memorial of his father Wasa11 Sagad because of his death, like Tewodros and Galawdyos1 , at the ha11d of Gue(ran), the subverter (?) of the faith, In the beginning......2 with the qaysa gabaz Gabra Maryam, the rii.s ba'ii.ldaraba Hano, and ... Ya'qob, and tl1e seyu,n of Zebgaz......his inheritance because l1e was the son of Abbe and Qabazero and Sil;t Amakar. And now I l1ave given this to our servant Saf Sagad by his desire and the desire o( his fatl1er Wasan Sagad. Whoso violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed by the mouthof tl1eFather, the Son, an.d the Holy Spirit; and by the power of Peter and Paul. Am.en. And this grant was made Vlhen the qala l1a�e was tl1e za.11 hasi (sic); and the Beguena eras (ras of Bugna) Z ... s Zan; and the deputy of the ra.s, Muz; and the ......... , Habta Maryam; a11d the qaysagabaz, Asa 'ena (sic) Maryam; and the liqa !cal1e11at of Warwar, Qalamnyata Gebr; and the eras of Begue11a and tl1e deputy of the ras (botl1 11ames omitted). And that no 1nan may go by blood or ......... 3, may he be cursed and cut off by the sword of the voices of tl1e Apostles of Salva­ tion, and the power of the voices of the 318 (Fathers at the Council of Nicaea).........may their posterity remain eradicated. ,


(From a photograph in Monti della Corte's Lalibela (Rome, 1940, plate XXXV) of a page from a gospel belo11ging to (the church of) Beta Madhane 'Alam at Lalibala.)

1. �


LEBNA DENGEL to Makana Madara. ? 1517 or 1522.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the I-Ioly Sp� it. I, Lebna . Dengel whose throne-name is Dawit, have renewed the gift which our

1 4°9- 12 (long in ned reig s dro wo Te ; led cal so ia iop Eth of gs kin 1. These are not the the reference before Gran) and Galawdewos \Vas killed by Gran's successor Nur; o re put to is undoubtedly to the martyrs Theodore and Claudius of Antioch, wh we death in the time of Diocletian. 2. Dots in this charter indicate illegible words in the MS. 3. Similar expressions occur in the next charter (no. 30), and in no. 34·

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co t e ra h o! o f em ra n a io d a M a n a � a � to e d a � � king Gabra Masqal m d s n ey ll a fa it a a v f T o d n a ) lr ec (m t 1c tr 1s d e l1 T : a o f our father Garim ra t: a m b ­ a h ry e a a L M th f o ) y tr n � u co e � h _ � y; A d Bal,rro; Aqba plateau; and 'A.dwa. In (t za ; a g sa a b a D t; 'a a B r o B ; rt a i am; 'Ad Sal: n e ve i d th tr se n is a d t a s b a ct G d n a et r ta A y: a r ga a Kela'it; 'Asay. In I-I ; at d et r an ak a G er zb W a M ; ; a. em ar Z ; em th h it w go (abegzLr) wllich Gale 'e; bosa; Sore y Bela ro; 'E t 'a a B i; �b A : Damarmare; Qan�abet , ed w ith ne (w e re ve 1 th l, ha ge en D a 11 eb L I, ls th ll A o. Sabo11; 'Ad Gab r n, r no e lio rs no , ho ty pu , de s n' 1e 11r ua ak 111 or n 1e n1 ua ak 111 a t order) th no l or tu ra iri po sp m r al te (fo ul so d an d oo bl r fo s) nd la e es (th r te en may n e he th w is) th e­ ed m w ne re (I s. on as re l ca sti ia es cl ec r fo r reasons), no a t, ad 'a ag sa be N qii 'ii e th s; qo ar M a bb A as w s) pa tropolita11 (pap el; ng de e t , Za th ge ra ge e th a t; ya bi Na s Ro cl, da 1va bt be e th ; us Iyas nebura eel, Fet]:iom; the qasisa gabaz, Iyaqe1n; the liqa diyaqonat; Base' elat; tl1e raq n1a'c1sare, Nob; the bet fabaqi, Sene'ena Maryam; the dabtara, Sebl:iat La'ab; tl1e t rumpeter, Pa11talewon; the ba 'ala n1a${1af, Y01)an11es; tl1e taguazag1,1aza, Gabra I(restos a11d Abba Tanse'a Kres­ tos. These ,ire (tl1e la11ds) wl1ich have been confu·med by the king's proxy, when the Tegre rnc1lcua11nen_ was Robel; tl1e nebura ed of Madara, Abba Efrem; the judge (cla11a), 'E11qua Maryam. Whoso violates or infringes (this), may he be c11rsed by the n1outl1 of our father Marqos; a11d by the mouth of the Prophets and Apostles; and by the mouth of Mary; and by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 60r.)



31. (32)

LEBNA DENGEL to Belulazan.


To the glory of tl1e Father, the Son, a11d the Holy Spirit. I, Lebna Dengel whose thr �ne- �1a1?-e _is Dav,. it, l1 ave gra11ted by charter the land (meclr) of 9 abeset vv1thi11 its boW1da ries, to Belulazan, whose bap­ tismalnam�is Barakata �aryam, for his suste11a nce du.ring his lifetime, and �fter_ lus death for his commemoration· (a nd) that it may belong to his children and his children's chlldren. '(I made this grant) when _ _ the 'aqabe sa '-t vas Nagada IyaSus; tl1e bel1tlvadad of the left, Sar s e; : ; _ l the b ht vac.a � �e rig ht, Ros Nabiyat; the nebura ed, Fetl;tom ; the ; _ a s: · b I�aqe m; the lLq a diyaqonat, Base'elat; the raq ma'asare, � b e v5' s pr�xy ':_nd ma$lzaj bet, Serguan Gaye; the zatzha$ana, _ ·. Han�., the za,1 1na asare Aygadfani, _ th e egr zaquene, Takle; the bet ta qi·, Se ne · · ba. · en a M_' am ' ary , · tl1e · t son. rump p e t er, is h anta . with Jewo n ' .

i: · �

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. :his is a renewal, with some addiuon . s and onu.ss1o ns, of no. 3 of Gabra Masqal. The rmmunity clause does not occur . m no. 3.






t '..�...._.___ _,..________��-------'-'.;:._____� _ _L._

I have (ordained) that neither the makua11nen nor the ra' es ,ne �e,ii shall enter (this land). Whoso violates or infrin.ges (this), may he be cursed by the mouth of our father Marqos; and by the mouth of tl1e Prophets and Apostles; and by tl1e mot1tl1 of oUJ� Lacly Mary; and by the mouth o.f the Father, the Son, and tl1e J-Ioly Spirit. An1e11. (Ab. 152, ·f. 60r.) LEBNA DENGEL to the C atl1edral of Aksu1n a11d Robel. ? 1531-34. To the glory of the Father, the Son, a11d tl1e I-loly Spirit. I, Wa11ag Sagad whose throne-name is L eb11a De11ge l, l1ave gra11ted by charter to Mary the Cathedral of Aksu.01 and to Robel at1d l1is so11 Tal<la �1ika'el the dabtarii, i11 place of (tl1e grant vvllic1. 1 re\1erted) i11 forn1er days to M ary, (these lands:) Melazo ,vitllin its bot111daries; G abgab; 'Ad Kuel­ lu Za'ab; 'Ad Gozar; 'Ad Guagt1a; to be a 11 l1eredit2.ry property (re��t) during their lives, and after their death for tf1eir commemor atio11. (I made this grant) when the nebi1ra eel \.Vas FetlJ om; tl1e deputy of the nebz,ra eel, Kefla Sem'on; the qa_ysa gabaz, Iyaqem.; tl1e liqa cliyaqonat, Base 'elat; the' riiq ,na' asare, Nob; the ki11g's proxy tl1e [Ja'ala 11'/Ct$f1c?f Ya'qob; the tagz,1azt1gi1azii, lja.yboiii; tl1e za11 f,a J·a11a, E11dreyas; tlJe 'iiqiibe sa'ii.t, Nagad a Iyasus; tl1e be f1t1,vaclac/ of tl1e left, S::1r�e; tl1e bebtwadad of the rig11t, Ros Nabiyat; at tl1e ti111e vvl1en the ki11g was in the country of Gafat. If any one violates or infri11ges (tllis), be he makua1111e11 or deputy of the 111a!(ita1111e11 or ctH�fari of Zarafta; a11d tl1al no horse or mule or lion may e11ter (these la11ds); may (,.v·l10 does) be cursed by the mouth of tl1e F ather, tl1 e So11, a11d tl1e Holy Spirit; a11d by the mouth of our L ady Mary; by tl1e 1noutl1 of Milca'el a11d G�1bre 'el; and by• the mot1tl1 of all the Pro1Jl1e ts a11d Apostles; a11d by tl1e mouth of our father Marqos. For ev er a11d e ver. An1e11. (Ad. 152, f. 67r.)

32. (33)


33. (34) LEBNA DENGE L to Robel. 1508-40. To the glory of the Father, the Son, a11d the Holy Spirit. I, Lebna D�n­ gel whose throne-name is Wanag Sagad, have gran: ed b?' charter Bet a _ Mata'e \Vith its territory to Robel, to b elo11g to his cl11ldren a11d ! us children's child1·en. (I made this grant) wl1en tl1e 11ebura ed was Ab1b; the qaysa gabaz, Liq a.nos; the liqa diyii.qonat, T�sfaya Eg� 'e; the raq , ma'asare, Dabra Seyon; the 'aqabe n1arl10, Tarbn10s; tl1e king s proxy the ma�/Jaf bet Del Sagad. If the Tegre malci,annen or dep11ty 111alcit� 11nen violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the So11, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 60r.) 45





a le et f ta B o n a t P o en w v n co n. e th to L E G N E D A N LEB 34. (35) Dated 1527-8. p irit. I, k in g Lebn a S ly o H e th d n a , n o S e th , To the glory of the Father d n a -l er e rt a h th ic ch h n w o w le ta n a P a b b A to Dengel, have renewed ed e v ew a n h I d re n d a an : d �e n ra g l a sq a M ra b a G formerly I(aleb and ), en -8 h 27 . w e 15 .D th (A n ig re y m f o r a ye 1 confirn1ed (it) in the 20tl e a diy aqonat, q th li s; o an iq L , az ab g sa ay q 1e tl nebura ed was 'Asra.t; ' y a ar efl , K a.w xy ; H ro at p s g in k e 1 tl ; b To � e, ar as a' ,n q Base'elat; tl1e ra e; ul e el e, B th ar n as a' iii 111 n za 1e tl ; se lla Se ra ab G , zii ua the tagi,azag d ada w e t ; f:z th us , be as Iy la ak T 1, e1 1n a1 ,u al 111 re eg T ha$a11a, Aser; tl1e ; e us th as fa a Iy as liq T , ta ge ,·a ge e th l; ge en ad Z s, 'e rii ,g i d be Sarse; the , oc n }.a az ell az st ag we D ya e th e; rs Sa c, tii qe qii e th ; an az ma�a,1e, Genn ita ol r op ou n etr m of th ou m e th by g in rs cu of in pa er nd U e. and Naz d e th an Holy n, e So th er, th Fa e tl1 of h ut mo e th by d an s; Abba Marqo n de the bid ve for ha we , ary M dy La r 011 of uth n1o the by d an ; irit Sp Tegre 111a/(ua1111e11 to tra11sgress (tllis) for sot1l or blood, or for any rea­ so11, s11ould he be in Ga11.dabta, To1·at, Zarafta, for ever and ever. Ame11. (Ab. 152, f. 60v.) 35. (36)

LEBNA DENGEL to Takla Tyasus.

1508- 40.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, king Wanag Sa�ad, have granted by charter to the aziizi Takla Tyasus (the land) . which 1s called Eber Albe. (I granted this) \vhen the ' aqabe sa 'cit was Nag�da Iyasus; the 11ebi1ra eel of Aksum, Abba Asrat; the liqa diya­ qonat: Bas�'�lat; the qaysa gabaz, Liqa110s; the raq ma'asare , Nob; the bet_tabaq:,, $ene �ena Maryan1; tl1e ba'ala 111a$ {iaf, Hano; and the taguazagz,aza, Gabre. Whoso violates or i1lfringes (tllis) may he be cursed by the 1no11th of the Father, the Son, and the Hol; Spirit. For ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 60v.) 36' (37)

LEBNA DENGEL to W al da Harageday. 1508-40. h ry ?f the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Lebna ��:ge�, ��� a tim_e) �hen the ,,ebi,ra ed was 'Asrata Maryam· the qaysa ' g ab az, 0 abra Maryam .' tl1 e, 1·iqa dz' aq - �11at, - Base' elat; the raq ma 'asare , � Nob; tl1e bet fabaqi ne e 1a Maryam; by so b a G d 'A e v d a te h n ra g ! charter to Walda -Ha;: geday · Wherefore it has been given to the Cathedral of Ak ' tha� he may become a pilgrim; for himself and for his childreii �oso violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed for ever and e�er. (Ab. 152, f. 59v.)




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37. (38)



To the glory of the Father, the S011, and the Holy Spirit. I, king Lebna D �ngel, �ave �anted by ch�rter to Dafla: Emba Dorho, and Baqla Wlt:1 all it � te r1tory, (at a tune when) the l<ing's proxy was t11e ziin _ , : _ $era1:_ gueta Asrat; the ba 'ii/a n1a�f:zaf, Serg·uange; the nebi,ra ed, Abba A�rat; the qaysa gabaz, Gabra Maryam. I have give11 tltis for his pil­ grimage to Jerusalem, and for his cl1ildren a11d l1is cl1ildre11's cl1ildren. Whoso violates or infringes (tl1is), 1nay 11e be cursed by the voice of Peter. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 59v.) 38. (39)



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Dated 1529.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, a11d tl1e Holy Spirit. I, king Lebna Dengel, have granted to Zema.I the seyi11n of B11r, llis wife Ad Kan1u, and his son Sebl; La'ab, in the 21st year of 1ny reign (tl1e lands named belo\.v), at a time when I was at Makana Maryam, vvhe11 tl1e 'iiqabe sa'at was Nagada Iyasus; tl1e be/11-,,,vadacl of the left, Sarse; the aziizi, Iyasus; the 11.ebi,ra ed, 'Asrat; the qaysa gabaz, Liqanos; the liqa diyaqo11iit, Base'elat; the raq ,na'asare, Nob; the ba'ala n1a$haf, Hayzo; the 'iiqabe rnarbo, Sene'ena Jviaryam; tl1e clabtara, Tasfa Seyo11; the trumpeter, 'Asrat. (These are the la11ds :) I11 the province (111eclr) of Bur: Awhene; Am}J.eda; I:Ialay; Ma'arda; Embeto; 'Ad \Vaqart; La'lay Ku.far; Geyaseb; Me'esar Aro].:ia; Nadwa; Ma11akuesayto; Gerarat; Asira; Seda'e; 'Ad 'A.bay; 'Ad Egala \\rrucl1 is called '­ bayna; Beta Hebay; Za'are; 'Ad Setab; Dabr; 'Ad Segla; Vv'akab. If any one violates or infringes (this), be he tl1e ba/1ra nagasi, or the seyum of Bur, or alvfari, or horse(man), or lion, may l1e be cursed by the mouth of the Prophets and Apostles; by tl1e moutl1 of tl1e Just and the Martyrs; by the mouth o.f the virgins a11d 111onks; by the 111outh of our Lady Mary the pure; and by the mouth of the Father, the Su11, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 60.) 39. (40 )

LEENA DENGEL to Egzi'e Kebra.

After 1530.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Wanag Sagad whose throne-name is Dawit, have renewed the grant o� my mother Egzi'e Kebra, which is (the land) called MemsalJ, (at a tune) when the ' sa'at was Nagada Iyasus; the bel1twaclad of the left, Sarse; the be};twadad of the right, Batlle; the azazoc, Dalga}:la11 and 'Enque; the taguazagueza, Ato; the ba 'ala ma�� af, Hano; the egr _ , zaquene, Garno; the qawami, Guaso; the gaze, La'eke; the sey u,11 of







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tlie district (hagar), Tanse'a K.restos; the nebura eel_: Asr� t; t�e qaysa , gabaz, Liqanos; the !iqa diyaqo11at, Base el�t; the raq ma asare, Nob; the bet tabaqi, Sene'e Maryam; the dabtara wh� procured the _grant, Fasiladas; the trwni)eters, Pa11talewon and Embay. If any 011e violates or infringes (this), may l1e be cursed by t�e mouth of the F�ther, the Son, a11d tlie Holy Spirit, be 11e Tegre 111akuannen, or his deputy or 01 iifii.ri of Gandabta; 1nay he be cursed by the mouth of our Lady Mary tl1e Virgii1, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 59r.) LEBNA DENGEL to tl1e convent of Halle Luya. After April, 1530. To tl1e glory of the Fatl1er, the So11, a11d the Holy Spirit. I, king Lebna Dengel, have caused this to be written, in the yea r of mercy 183 (A.D. 1530), 111at qe�e 29, epact I, the second day of John, te11t yo11 6, the 21st day of tl1e feast of $eyo11, when I was in the land of Ana'it, in the 23rd. 1 year of my reig11. To (the conve11t o.f) Halle Luya our fathers king Dav.1it, king Ba'eda Mar)ram, ki11g Es1ce11der, and king Na'od gave a special l1onotir, by forbidding the entry of the makua11ne11 by soul or 2 breal<i11g (?), saying 'May the centre (of this land) be a sea, and its edges a fire'. We have qt1estioned them (the monks) about the cond­ ition (of the conve11t), and they declared it with tl1e evidence of all the doctors (r11aml1erii11) of Tegre; a11d v,,e have forbidden the doctors under pain of excommu11icatio11 to falsify the evidence. No\1/ having learnt of the co11ditio11 (of tl1e convent), we l1ave honoured it, and re11e\ved (tl1e privilege) tl1at, as before, none may approach its valley and plateau. \Ve have re11ewed (this) \V]1en tl1e queen was Wanag Mo­ � asa; the 'aqabe sa'iit, Nagada Iyasus; tl1e be{1tlvadad of the left, �ar�e; and of tl1e r�gl1t, Batlle; tl1e /:zedi,g riis of tl1e left, 'Enqua J:Iaw­ aryat, a1!d of �he r1gl1t, Aykasas; tl1e aziizi of the left, Dag elb,an, a11d o� �l1e r1g�t, Yes}:laq; the Teg,·e 111alci,ar11Je11, Takla Iyasus; the gera the geta, Tasfa !yasus; qa,i geta, Takla Mika'el; the liqa mii'e,nran, _ Mak!alt� Go/or�1s; the dc,btara getii, Taki a Nabiyat; the $erii.g ,na'­ _ as�r�, �srata Maryan.1; tl1e bazir 1-va1Ij of the ,na11ges(t) bet,3 Gabra , _ Mika el� the l,qa 111ata11i, Germazan; the qa.qetac, Belul Zan; the qaysa Jaf1ay, Te\.vogolos; tl1e babaralcat bet, Mika'e); th e ,1ebura ed of Aksum, 40. (41)

In tl1is date: tl1e word ,natqe'e OD'J'�b I lit. . ' trum t' pe , 1s 1.or the fi .rst day of used s: . . the w moon ; it is sometimes endered as 'golden number'' as by Conti Rossin i, � � ;_ CS · vol. 58 , p. 43, See Cl1a1ne, Chroriologi e p. 1o6 for a detailed explanation. 1tyon "�·>:,�v,.·> ' from wafana Wm) 1 ;begin', 'is the first day of the year. 2. e text 1s obscwe; the words are {l)� I il m{l{l-flc 1 3. The Treasury.


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Ba'ed Ijasey; th. e liqa Aks·u,n, Abba Sem'on·, the adegsirzi·, Afru· 11,. the , _ 1q az an , L b os _ , ga th e ra qa _ q ys ma a . as ar e Nob·, the 11·qa c.zy , t· ct-qo11at · -, _ . ,elat; the lz a ,narabt, Za mika'el ,· the bet .tabaq.,i Sene'e Ma1 Base . q -.yam - ; . _ , _ yam; the kmg's proxy, tl1e za,1 the ��nbe, �ar ':Mar basana Zagiyorgis; the za� �na asare, Sa�ar� Seyon 3 the tagitazciri,aza, Tatamqa Madhen; the �a ala _n1a$/.zaf, Sewa; the zc1_ 11 clarabii, Zan Barya; tlie abbot of Halle Luya, Gab1·a Marqos. vVe have fo1·bidde11 tl1e destruction of this written charter 11nde� pain of exco1nm1111icatio11 by the to11gue of the Apostles; by the ptrr1ty of our Lady Mary the Mother of Lig.llt; and b� the mo�th of the F�ther, tl�e Son, and tl1e I-Ioly Spirit. If a11y _ one (VIolates this), be he bet tabaqL or qaysa gabaz, 1nay l1e be cursed for ever a11d ever. Amen and amen. (Ab. 152, f. 6lr.)


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LEBNA DENGEL to tl1e co11, e11ts of Ba11kual, Halle 41. (42) Dated 17 Nov. 1530. Luya, Lagaso, and Mabbara :Maryam. 1

To the glory of the Fatl1er, tl1e So11, and tl1e J--Ioly Spirit. I, king Lebna Dengel whose thro11e-nan1e is Da\rvit, have caused this docu1ne11t to be written in the 23rd year since God n1ade 111e ki11g, on the 21st clay of the montl1 of Hedar, \\1l1en. I was i11 tl1e la11d of A11a'it, i11 the year of mercy 183, r11c1tqe'e 29, epact I, the seco11d day of John, te11tyon 6. The kings who came before 1ne g1·a11ted by cl1arter tl1e l,:111d (11·zec/r) of Torat to (the convents of) Ba11l<ual, r�1alle L11ya, Lagaso, a11d Mabbara Maryam, for the salvation of their souls vvl1en tl1ey reli11quisl1ed tl1eir kingdom. And I, whe11 they eXJ)lained to me tl1eir ruin, rene\ved for them (the charters), and ordained that 11011e sl1ot1ld approach tl1eir charter-land, (that is) no (man of) :rvradaba)', nor tl1e a}ijari of Zarafta, nor horse(man), nor lion; nor shall a11y e11ter (to e11qt1ire i11to) tl1e death of a person fron1 water 01· fi1·e 01· over a precipice, or from the animals of tl1e desert, or from Iigl1tning or fam.iI1e. All tl1is we have granted mercifully and legally in our days,, wl1en tl1e 'aqabe .'lc1'at was Nagada Iyasus; the bef:ztwadad of tl1e left, Sarse; tl1e bel:z,tivadacl of the right, Batlle; the aziizi of the left, Dagall1an; tl1e azazi of the right, Yesl;iag; the Tegre n1aki1anne11, Takla Iyasus; the l1edug ras of the left, 'Enqua I:Iawa1·yat, and of tl1e right, Aykasas; the gera geta, Tasfa Iyasus; the qiifi geta, Takla Mil<a'el; tl1e lcz'aqetat, B: lule; the liJ a matiini, Germa Zan; the qaysa f1a�a;1, Tewogolos; the lzqa ma'e1nra1L, Makfalte; the dabtarii getii, Takla Nabiyat; the $Ctriif i ,na'asare, �s.­ rata Maryam; the nebura ed of Aksum, Ba'eda I:Iasay; the aclags1:11, Afnin; the qaysa gabaz, Liqanos; the raq n1a' c1sare, Nob� the ltqa diyiiqonat, Base'elat; the bet fabliqi, Sene'a Maryam; the scribe, Zar'a Maryam; the nebura ed of Bankual, Tanse'a Mad]).en; tl1e abbot of



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Halle Luya, Gabra Marqos; the (ab�ot! of Lag� so, Asrata Seyon; the abbot of Mabbara Maryam, Abba F1qtor. This we have decreed: Whoso disobeys or violates or infringes (this), let his ho�se be sacked, _ his goods taken away, he himself be judged and bound 1n chains; and may (the transgressors) be cursed _ b� the �outh of the F�ther, the_ Son, and the Holy Spirit, and may their 1nvest1ture _(lot) be with the wicke_d Judas and Simon tl1e witcl1 (nia,!}arey). And if any one destroys this doc11rnent, may he be accursed and cut off, as we �ave already said, for ever and ever. Amen a11d amen; so be it, so be It. (Ab. 152, f. 6lv.) After 1530. LEBNA DENGEL to Liqanos. 42. (43) To tl1e glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Wanag Sagad, have i11stituted Liqa.110s to the Zan Sege, who are the men (who perfor111 the offices) of tl1e I-lours in the Cathedral of Aks11rn, when I was in the land of ivlalJas, 011 the 12th of Maskaram (9 September), at the beginning of day and·the beginning of night, ten; (at a time) when the 'aqabe sa'at was Nagada Iyasus; the be{1t ...vadad of the left, Sarse; behtlvadad of the right, Batlle; the l1edz1g ras of the left, 'Enqua J:Iaw­ aryat; and the bedi,g ras of tl1e right, Fanu'el; the azaj of the left, Dalge1}.an; the aziij of the rigl1t, Yes}Jaq; the ge,·li geta, Tasfa Iyasus; the qan geta, Wasange; the ba'a/a 1na�l1af the geta Hano; the king's pro­ xies, Sarguange and Abreham Guabate; the 11ebura ed of Aks11m, Abro­ koros; the qaysa gabaz, Liqa.110s; the liqa diyaqonat, Base 'elat; the raq ma'asare, Nob; the gerii getii, 'Asgu'e; the qa,i geta, Abib; the ma9anoc, Ab�b of the right and Abreham of the left; the liqa Aksum, I:Iabtay; tl1e Seyun1 of Na 'eder, Gabrc1. M:1ryan1 by himself; the badaget (plur. of bedi,g), Gabra I<.restos a11d 11aba'e; tl1e getoc, Giyorgis and Abel; the ,nagiibiof the community, Habta Maryam; the 'aqabe,narbo, Sene'ena Maryam. I have settled ltim (Liqanos) in four estates (ge); these a�e the names_ of these lands: 'Ad Wera; Aqatara; Aguera; 'Ad Sal_l.ayt �. Whoso violates or infringes (this, may he be cursed) for all generat1on:,,�e he liqa Aksum or seyi,m of Na'eder or bedug or deputy of the _ nagasz or from th� seyumii.n of Na'eder. If any one wishes to take (m exchange) for a gift of goods, may he be cursed by the mouth of the Prophets and Apostles; by the mouth of the Righteous and the Martyrs; by the mouth of the virgins and monks; by the mouth of all the Angels; by the mouth of Mary the pure; and by the mouth of the Father, the �on, and the Holy Spirit, for ever. I will not forgive him nor forget him. If any one destroys this document, which is written


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1 Gospel by order of the king, may his name be removed Golden in the from the �ook o! L �e; 1;1-ay he be cursed like Aryos, Nesteros, and the Council of Kelqedon- for ever and ever. Ame11 . So be it, by the flesh and blood of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. So be it. (Ab. 152, f. 6lr.)






LEBNA DENGEL to the co11vents of Halle Luya 43. (44) Dabra Ba1ikual, Dabra Bakuer, Dabra Barbare, Dabra Seyon, After 1530. Dabra Ma'ara, and others. To the glory of the Father, the So11, and the I-Ioly Spirit. I, Lebna Dengel \vhose throne-name is Dawit, have ordered the writing of this document concerning the lands which my predecessors gave to all the convents of monks for the salvation of their3 souls wl1en they gave up their kingdom. When the monks explai11ed to me their ruin, I re11e\ved (the charters) for them, and ordered tl1at there shall not e11ter into their charter-lands any 1nalci1a1111e11 or seyi1n1, 11or their subordinates great and small. These are they ,vho ,,,ere abbots when tl1ey explained to us their r11i11: Abba Gabra Mar'av"i of I-Ialle Luya; Abba Tanse'a Madben of Dabra Bankual; Abba Ma'eqaba Egzi'e of Dabra Bakuer and Dabra Barbare; Abba Takla Giyorgis of Dabra Seyon; Abba Neftalem of Dabra Ma 'ara; Abba Bakt1era Sey011, the pilgrim of Dabra ,, Aysama of Abba Filmo11a; J\bba Sarsa Dengel of Damo; Abba Estifanos of Makana Yakes; Abba A.srata $eyo11 of Lagaso; Abba Tewo­ dros of Danba Tanbuk ... 4 and May Ktiekue, Tawalda I:Iesan. The seyun1 of Torat; the a-.,vJa.ri of Zarafta; tl1e alvfari of Gandabta; the malaka iia; the s eyz1n1 of Al1se 'a; the proxy of the princess (lvayzaro); (the people of) Sil;iageni; (the people of) Madabay; (the people of) Bab . ra Emba; the liqa ka/1e11at; tl1e ,nala/(ana of 'Ad y·e'eguaro; the seyum of Sadya; the seyi1rri of Upper a11d Lower Zangtu, and the seyu­ ma.n who are on the high plateau; tl1e seyi1111 of Tanben, l1is bedug, his ra.q ,na'asare, and tl1e proxy of the 11.agiisi; the s eyum of Gar'alta and the beditg; the awfa.ri of Gada Ar'ado, of Sa 'en, of Magale, and and of Bet I:Ia\vis; (all these) we l1ave forbidden to enter (the lands referred to in this charter). 111 Sera'e, we have forbidden entry to the seyuma.n and their subordinates the bedug, and the proxies of the si,m;


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, gre in Te m J:Ia ar ne s no ba Li bra Da of y rar lib the in I. 0a>'}1.t\ 1 nmc:,» • kept in which similar records were preserved. . . Church 2. The Council o·f Chalcedon (A.D. 451), the .findings of wl1ich the Ethiopian refused to accept. 3. i.e. of his predecessors. . t· ex e t th · m gap no 1s re the h ug tho re, he d itte om 4. There are evidently some words

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1 r fo s, or d • In m da al r IJ,e fo y, ne ho r fo n, lio r fo , ax w r fo )') tr en ( d to e d th e f:ze g, th 'i, i, zli sb ga A of 'm >". §e e th nt de id rb fo ve �:gariiy w e ha u_ , a yt na In Em Sa . r) th te en (to T Ln � gs a d a e th d an 1,·, { ba a l a the ,110,ek _ : . A of m e su th t; e ls1 Sa am o 11n yi se e tl1 � ; i1n J r 1 de e un os � th d ,g an d _ be i l r de e ll, un os ll d th an d an ta ar d . En 1 of 111 yi se � e th ; m r hi de un and those n de id ve rb ha fo to e we es th : m hi r de un e os th d an rt the seyiim of Sa}:ia e11ter. b' ay a; M a; dy l;la Sa l: ua 1tlr Ba a br Da of � ) ds e lan tl1 e ar (These n de ve we ha bid for ese th ) (to lo; la' w P.,., ; ka 'ra Da ' z; ba Ga ta Be ; uta Arn (e11try). (Tl1ese are tl1e lands) of I-Ialle Luya: Da bra Ya'gob; Seyon Salam; Mar,1ta; (to) tl1ese we l1ave forbidden (entry). (Tl1ese are tl1e lands) of Dabra Barbare: J:Iangug; J::IaVi1za of Beta Yol:ia11nes; (to) tl1ese we have forbidde11 (entry). Azage, D,tfarge, Sawar, Neza11a, in Afla, of Dabra Seyon, we have re11eVi1ed. For Beta Sabuh Amlak and all the other convents small and great 2 Agame , in Tanben, iI1 Sal;art, in Malcuaru1i, Tegre tl;e in are wl1icl1 in Emba Sar1�tyt, in Afla; I-Ieno, of Abba Zakewos; and in Qal'a, of Abba Bakuera Seyo11; a 11d for all the convents tl1e names of which are Vi1 ritte11, an.d tl1ose of wl1icl1 tl1e names are 11ot \Vritten, (\Ve have forbidden) the entry of tl1e Tegre 111alct1a1111e11 and his subordit1ates the seJ1L1111ii11, for \'\1l1atever reason. Except only in tl1e case of the death of a 1na11 at tl1e hands of me11, tl1ey may mal<.e enqL1iry, ren1aining on the boundary of tl1eir ow11 district, but 11ot enteri11g (tl1e lands of the con­ vents, even in the case of) those vvl10 die by water, by (falling from a) precipice, by tJ1e anin1als of tl1e desert, by Iigl1tning, or from famine. All tllis we l1ave mercifully granted and decreed in ou1· days,when the 'iiqabe sa'at was Nagada Iyasus; the bef,tlvadacl of the left, Sarse; the be(1tl,vaclad of tl1e 1ight, Yes}:iaq; tl1e Tegre (1n al<.ua,111e11), Takla Iyasus; tl1e azazi of tl1e left, Dagall:ia11, a 1 1d of tl1e rigl1t, Badie; the bedi1g ras of th� left, 'Enq11a }:Iawaryat, and of tl1e right, Aykasas; the gera geta, �asfa Iy�s�Ls; the �an feta, Takla Mil{a'el; the fa'a.qetiit, Belu.le; the l1qa !11afa:1z, �er1na Za11; the qaysa l1asay, Tewogolos; the liqa ma'­ e,nr�n, G1�or�1s; the clabtara geta, Taki a Nabiyat; the �eragi ma'asare, Asrata Marya111. Whoso transgresses or violates this which we have decreed, let hi� 11ouse be sacked, his goods taken away, an d he him­ _ self be bound 1n chains; may he be cursed by the voice of the Father,



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Cf. hadada ��� ' 'vvork iron'; and per haps meaning here 'iron ore'. This is appa­ rently a proh1b1t1on to search for wax, iron, etc.

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the Son, and the Holy Spirit; may his portion be with the wicked Judas and with Simon the witch. And whoso destroys this docume11t, may he be accursed for ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 62r.) 44. (45)

LEBNA DENGEL to Abba Zena Gabre 'el.


To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. l, Lebna Dengel, whe n l was at Nlaya Bur in Si re, granted by cl1arter (land 110t named) for tl1e prayers and sa11ctity of 011r father 'Abiya Egzi' e, on account of the exp11lsion of Abba Zena Gabre'el, and for love of him, (at a time) whe n the azlizoc were Germa Za.11 and Takla Giyo rgis; the bedug rlis,'el; tl1e zii11daraboc, tl1e aziij Y011adab a11d Atnba; the the gerli geta, Takla Giyorgis; tl1e qan getii, Batre; the king's proxy the 'iiqet claba,1a getii Garima; tl1e 11ebura ed of Aksum, Zakrestos; the qaysa gabaz, S ebi11a Dengel; the qaii getii, Abrokoros and Takla Dengel, and the gera getii, Kefla Wal)ed a11d Ke:fle; the bet tabiiqi, the geta Yes}; and all the dabtarii ... 1 A11d if any Tegre n1akua11nen or his deputy violate s or inf ringe s tllis, may he be c11rs ed by the moutl1 of the Prophets and A1Jostles; and by the 111outl1 of the Rigl1teous and the Martyrs; by the n1outh of the virgins and mo1iks; by the n1011th of our Lady Mary the Virgin; a11d by tl1e rooutl1 of the Fathe r, the Son, .and the Holy Spirit. May he be acct1rsed for e ver and ever. Amen. (Ab. 15·2, f. 62v.) 45. (46)


Dated 1539.

To the glory of the Father, tl1e Son, .and the I-Ioly Spirit. I, Wanag Sagad whose thro11e-name is Leb11a De11gel, have gra11ted by charter 2 of the la11d (1nedr) of Genb9, r, Tabo at 11 to Habta Ab ' whe I was . Qalya, for (himself,) his cl1ild ren, a11d his cllildren�s _children, b�c� use the Daqiqa Tasfa killed 'Ad le. lf a11y one, be lie 'aqa�en of Sarawe or biibra nagiisi, violates or infri11ge s thi�, n1ay he be cursed by the n1outh of the Pr ophets and by tl1e mo uth of tl1e Apostles; and by the mouth of the Fat her, the Son, and the I-Ioly Spirit. (Ab. 152, f. 67r.)


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LEBNA DENGEL to the convent of Dabra L ibanos. 1508-40. To the glo ry �f the Father, tl1e So n, an� the 1!,oly Spiri:.. I, Lebna ilege) th at riv p e (th e ata M ba Ab to ter ar ch el, ted by Deng have gran 46. (47)

I. 2.

Some words are missing, tho ug h there is no gap in tbe text.. ·_ ebna D engel L ere wh e, Su in ba am an r, be Ta to t bu r, bo to Ta t e e is no nc Th refere spent the wet season of I 539 (Paris Cliron.)


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e nn ay ua n m r ak e te m th en f o ty u ep d r o n ) an m e( rs o · · . · nor h no al-i,r. J_Ja-11 · c a tu 1 on r 1n o as 1 sp t re p s ce ex , as m o T a b b A of ) ar ag 1 J ( s upon the land t he m o u th o f th e Father, y b ed rs cu e b e h ay m ,) only. (Whoso does so . er ev d n a er ev r fo , it ir p S ly Io 1e the Son, and th (Ab. 152, f. 62v.)

154 0-5 9. s. o q ir Q ra ab G to S O W E D W A L A G 47. (48) s wo de I, t. aw al iri G Sp y ol I Ie tl1 d an n, So e th r, To the glory of the Fatlie r a te br to ar Ga ch by ed t an gr ve ha d, ga Sa af �n A is e am whose tlirone-n ­ re an t, as he 2a e11 J:I lle ca ) nd la 1e (tl , sh � wi s hi to g i11 rd co ac , Qirqos _ es lat so ho vio 1. W re! ild ch 's en r ild ch his d an ren ild ch bis ditary estate for or infringes (this), be he a king who shall reign after us, or (one of) the 111akuii1111e11t of Tegre, may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, tl1e Son, and the I-Ioly Spirit, a11d by the mouth of all the Prophe ts and Apostle s, for ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 67r.) 48. (49)

GALAWD:tWOS to the people of Waldebba.


To the glor1r of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I have decreed a11d confirn1ed under pai11 of exco11ununication, to tl1e people of Walde­ bba, I king Galawdewos who am called A$naf Sagad, that none shall approach who does not live iI1 the deser t , (under pai11 of excommunica­ tion) by the mouth of the Fathe1·, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and by the mouth of the fifteen Prophets and the twelve Apostles; and by the mouth of our Lady Mary the Moth er of God. That none shall enter, and (whoso does,) may he be cursed by tl1e power of Peter and Paul. (And I l1ave ordered) that no11e sl1all erase wha t has been written in this book of the kingdom. (Ab. 152, f. 58v.) 49. (50) GALAWD�WOS to the convent of Bizan. After 1546. Renewal of no. 17a. To the gl or� � f the Fath�r, the Son, and the H ol y Spirit. I, A�naf Sagad whose Chnst 1an name 1s Galawdewos, have gran ted by charter and renewed, fo r the comme1norat ion of Abba Fi lpos, that which my f�thers who were befor e n1e gave: (that is t o sa y,) from the foot of Bizan as far as (Mou11t) Gadain ·, 'Adet with · Sa lli m . · i t n 1 d b s oun ar1es, · · . . pera within its boundaries; Ega . la ; M ay a A b' a Danba of Dabra Bizan. . Whoso violates or i11friI1ges (this), may h e be'cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit , be h e Tegre ,nakuannen or the deputy of th e makuannen o r baf:zra na gasi; may h e be cursed by

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the mouth of our father Iyosab; and by the power of Peter and Paul ' for ever and ever. Amen. So be it. (Ab. 152, f. 63.) 50.(51) GALAWDEWOS to the convent of MayBarazyo. Dated 1554. To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, king Galaw­ dewos whose throne-name is A�n �f Sagad, have renewed in the year . of mercy 207 (A.D. 1554) 111 the tnne of Marqos the Evangelist, the privilege that the Tegre niaki1c111ne11, the deputy of the 1nakua1111en, and the awfo.ri of Zarafta and his guards sl1all 11ot approacl1 May Barazyo. In the 15th year of my reign (I decreed this). That which was ordered, decreed, and delimited by my father Leb11a Dengel I have renewed for them (the monks), at a time when the azo.zi zawest were Kumo and Afaw; the Tegre makua11ne11, Degana; tl1e deputy of the makuannen, Dabra Seyon; the king's proxy, \vho an11ounced this grant, Yesakar; the nebi,ra ed of Aksum, Tasfa J:Iawaryat; the qaysa gabaz, MarIJa Seyon. If any one violates or infringes (tl1is), may he be ct1rsed by the voice of Peter and Paul; and by tl1e mouth of our Lady :tviary; and by the mouth of the Father, the So11, and the Holy Spirit; except for prayer and the eucharist \Vhich are necessary. I-Ie who procured this is Fere Krestos, the aged abbot, to be for llis commemoration. Whoso violates or infringes (this), may he not taste corn or salt; may he be cursed by the mouth of our patriarch Abba Iyosab 1 , for ever and ever. Amen. So be it. (Ab. 152, f. 63r.)

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51. (52) MINAS to the convent of May Barazyo. Dated 1559 or 1561. Again, I king Minas whose throne-na1ne is Admas Sagad, have re­ newed to May Barazyo (the privilege) that 1ny fathers \vho came be­ fore me (gave), that the Teg,·e maki1a111111en, the deputy of the 1nal<:uan11en, the awfo.ri of Zarafta, and their guards, should not enter (the lands of the convent); in the year of mercy 212 (A.D. 1559), and one year and a half after I became king 2, (at a time) when the azazi zawest was Safo; the Tegre makuannen, Zar'a Yol;iannes � the nebitr� ed � [ Aks� t�e azmac Yesl;iaq; the bet fabiiqi, tl1e geta Walda Giyorgis; the �g-s proxy, who procured this grant, the yawest bliitte11geta Ta� cla Hay1:1 a­ _ not; the ziin takal, Afa Warq. If a11y one violates or mfrmges (this), may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy



Iyosab was no longer in office when this charter was grante?. . year, .2. Minas came to th.e throne in 1559; there is an error here m either the regnal ore or the equation of the year of mercy 212 witl1 A.D. 1559; the date could theref be either 1559 or 1561. 1.

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iis2 Ahba Petros. He pp ii _ (P rc ia tr a p th f � o th : , Spirit; and b y the mou l. e a a g h n a a e D M n a d 1e tl y g in e b who caused this to be w1·itte11 (Ab. 152, f. 63v.)

52. (53)

SARSA DENGEL to Gabra Maryam. After 1578.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Sarsa Den­ gel whose tl1rone-11ame is Malak Sagad, have granted by charter to the qaysa gabaz Gabra Maryan1 a11 es tat� (hagar! :a�led Del Meda, (at a time) wl1en the kiI1g's proxy was 'Aro.da Mika'el; the dabtarii, I-Iabta Mil(a'el; the 11ebi,ra ed, the az111acTakla Sellus. (I have decreed) tl1at the Tegre malcita1111en shall not e11ter (this land), nor the deputy of the 111a/(,uan11e11 11or the malc1ka11ya nor ... 1 Whoso violates or in­ fringes (this),may he be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son, and tl1e I-Joly Spirit; a11d by tl1e mo11th of our Lady Mary the Mother 2 of God; and by the 111outb of our father Marqos • (Ab. 152, f. 59v.) ,..

SARSA DENGEL to the Cathedral of Aksum; and the 53. (54) After 1578, peo1)le of Addi 'Equaro to Eb\va Krestos 1563-97.; Before 1617. with re11ewal by SUSNEYOS. To tl1e glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, king Sarsa Dengel whose tlu·o11e-nan1e is Malak Sagad, l1ave renewed and decreed 3 (that) the lligl1 plateau of Mazutay (shall pay) IO entalam4 of corn and 10 macl �ga5 ofl1oney; Dabra Salam, the beta 11egi1s of the 11ebura ed shall pay tribute (gebr) as shall be suitable, a11d 66 entaliim for the comme1n?ration of Mary; Ad Barral;l (sl1all pay) ) I cow for the com­ memor�t1on of our ki11 � :Oa",,it; Meq111aq (shall pay) 1 cow for (the celebration of) the Nat1v1ty (of tl1e Virgin); 'Ad (Raza6), I cow for the commemoratio1� of ki11g Zar'a Ya 'qob; that this may be for roe a co11ductor to the kingdom of heaven. An1en. So be it. And we, tlie people of Addi 'Equaro, of which our king Malak Sagad granted by charter part of the raised cultivation7, have given , J I I.

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6. 7.




So�e words on1itted, but there is no gap in the tex t ::s ;r;;�:� re rs to tlie Marqos who was abun in Lebna Dengel's time. (Cf. ! ·5 ar ack -reference) Probably to the Catliedral of Aksu� A cereal measure= 3 gabat O;J · 1 . a "I • .. 1 wuch varies from district to district; Baeteman . ent of 56 pints gives it as being the equival at Gondar in modern times (Dut. , col. 989). Baeteman gives the mode rn ma-dega_ pints at as about 70 pmts 12 I . and in Shoa , Gondar (Dic . t ., co1. 233.) t--'I • supplied b y Conti Ross. . Ab. 225, P· 33· . suggested by a s1rru lill, . m lar . dec ree ooF..11:,.. 1

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we, all the dabtara being assembled - to our lord Ebwa Kresto s that which the geta Sebl}.at La'ab took by force, that it may be an here­ ditary estate for his children's children. An d that this decision be not ab�ndoned, it. is (prot�cted) un�er pai n of excommunication by the voice ?f the priest ( qasis), the chief of the priests (liqa kiil1eniit), Abba Abuqir. Again, the charter-land of 'Ad 'Eq11aro was renewed first in the time of king Malak Sagad, (the land wluch) he call ed by the n ame of Del Meda, and the church (to which he g ave the name) Del Mogasa ' because he there gained victo ry.

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And a second tin1e 01rr ki ng Sus neyos ,:vhose tl1rone -11ame is Seltan Sagad renewed (the gran t, with the privilege) that the Tegre n1alciLan�en and his deputy should not a_ppro ach it; (if they do,) may they be cursed by the mouth of the Father, the Son , and the Holy Spirit ; by tl1e mouth of the metropolitan (piippiis) Abba Sem'on; and by tl1e mot1th of our Lady Mary t he Mot her of God, for ever and ever. Am.en. So be it. (Ab.152, f. 64r.) 54. (55)

SARSA - DENGEL t o Sebl.1at La'ab.


To the glory of the Fat her, the Son, a11d tl1e I-Ioly Spirit. I, Sarsa Den­ gel whose thro ne-na1ne i s M alak Sagad, l1ave gra11ted by cl1arter, as it was o riginally i n the time of the e1nperor ( baJe) A�naf Sagad. (Galaw­ dewos), to Sebl; La'ab, the land (,neclr) of Agerah, that it n1ay be for him, be cause of his desire, au heredit ary estate for his ch.ildre11. Whoso violates or infriI1 ge s (t l1 is), be he lung or n1a/<,ita1111e1z or seyu111, may he be cursed by the mo utl1 of th.e Fatl1er, tl1e So11, and the I-Ioly Spirit, a nd by the mouth of all tl1e Ap os tles. (Ab. 152, f. 67r.)

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55. (56)

SARS- A DENGEL to the conve11t of Dabra Lagaso. Proba bly after 1588.

. To the gl ory of the Fa ther, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Sarsa Den­ gel whose throne-name is Ma lak Sag ad, have renewed and restored the ch arter-land of Danb a Tanbuk bel ongi11g to Da bra L':,g aso, from the hands of Walda Fegenay and all the (people of) SelJag ene, \Vh� sought it by litigation, saying, 'The whole of tl1e land (111ed�) of Da�ba Tambuk (sic) is our hereditary property'. The monks clauned against them, with 43 witnesses, that they h ad no hereditary tit le except (in) Gabazya alone; and that the tribu te (gebr) from this land (meclr) _ belonged to the monks. (This case w as decided) when the Tegre





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u� ,_ n� um '� s ks lla ': o! Se ed ra e; bu ne e th ; ot ag ar ab D as w i m akua,zne, a a en et Z e g ab th G , re'­ ba fa et e t� l; 'e a � ik M -J: da m _ the qaysagabaz, 'A r� Dengel, (whe n) a� B a, e an d t �; w ga ra A a bb � el; the abbot of Lagaso, A 1 roxy, Fas1Iadas. And that p s ng ki e th ; iia da of e Se'elo (held tl1e) offic ed be rs ey by cu th e ay th m ), at r' se ( ee cr de is 1 tl e at they shall not viol er r w of te e po Pe th d by an d an it; ir Sp y ol I Ie th d an n, So Father, the Paul, for ever and eve r. (Ab. 152, f. 63v.) a. ar ad of M nt 1e n" co e th to L E G EN D SA R SA 56. (57) Probably soon after 1575. To tl1e glory of the Father, the Son, an d the Holy Spirit. I, Sarsa ed the rter ew cha ren ve ha , ad Sag lak Ma is e am e-11 on tl1r ose wh l nge De to Madara for my father Abba Ga1·in1a, for Tomas was put in charge (of the land) by fraud, sayi11g, 'let the scribes be appointed by the king' . Afterwards, whe11 tl1e mo11l(s and Tomas went to law, the monks won the case by means of many witnesses (wl10 testified) that neither the scribes 11or other (officials) were appointed (by the king), except the abbot, butby the choice of tl1e mo11ks of the convent; and the abbot the king appointed by (giving to lrun) the crown and the l-ve,·aj. 2 Forme rly in the time of A$11af Sagad wl1en Abreham his fatl1er (of Tomas) was appointed by fraud, the 1no11ks and their abbot Abba Tanse'a Krestos obtained justice. Tl1ey renewed (their privileges, v,;hich they) V.'rote in this Gospel. And I likewise have re11e\-ved for them their charter, and have decreed that the scribes a11d other people should not be chosen (by the king) witl1 the exception of the abbot, wl10 sl1ould come from Dabra Madara. And I l1ave restored tl1e function (of choosing scribes) to the abbot, wl1ose name is Tasabka Madhen. (This I did) when the quee:1 was my motl1er, Admas Mogasa; tl1e metropolitan ( appas ), p Abba Krestodolt1; tl1e a zazoc, Abba Yohan11es Halibo and Zami.ka' el; the Tegre 111aki�nne1z, Daharagot; the l'zeb i:ra· ed, 'E11qua Sellase; the qaysa gabaz, 'At11da Mika'el; the king's proxy the liqa ,natani S�rsu; �nd the clagaj geta, Se11kuar. And that tl1ey may not violate this Vi1hich I have decreed, 1nay they be cursed (if they do so) by the outh of the Fatl1er, the _Son, and the Holy Sp ir it; by the mouth of :ur Lad y Mary the salvation of tl1e body and so . ul ' an d by the po\ver of Peter and Paul, fo r ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 63v.)

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The words of the text are ro��'l 0.-,.. A form of robe, such as worn by ;eyum�'(tiiri.�. ���:is�r1; • ltP'IJfio •

58 . .


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57. (58)

SARSA DENGEL to Takla Sellus.


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To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Sarsa Dengel whose throne-na1:1 e is ��la� Sagad, h ave granted by ch arter to T�kla Sellus : Mastars1].:ia w1th1n its boundaries; (at a time) when the king's p�oxy was Abba 'Amdo; the be!J,twadacl, Walcla K.restos; t he l;zedug ra esot, Bat ra a11d Melko; the azcizoc, I to and 'Amdo · the qliqetoc, �uro and Waldo; the nebura ed of Akst1m, Gabruy; the cJaysa gabaz, '�da Mika'el; the liqa diyciqo11cit, Marqorewos; the getoc, Abdal Mas1].:i and 'Aqba Mika'el; the bet tabciqi, Takla Nabiyat; the trumpet er s (gentanoc), Pe re Masqal a11d Tasfay. Whoso transgres ses this o�d er, n1ay h e be cursecl by tl1e power of Peter and Paul; and by the voice of the Fath er, the Son, and tl1e Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 65v.)




SARSA DENGEL to the co11vent of Dabra Maryam. 1563-97. To the glory of th e Father, th e Son, a11d the I-Ioly Spirit . I, Sarsa Dengel whose throne-name is Malak Sagad, have granted by ch arter to Dabra Maryam: 'Ad Ayl:iesus withi11 its boundaries; 'Ad Iyasus; Zen.aqode; Anvi; 'Ad Matare; 'Ad Sab'ay; Gerseqo; I(.ualladabas; Gar aris. (I granted these) when the be litlvadad ,vas tl1e ras Walda Krestos; tl1e aziij, La'ako; the zawest (aziij), Abba Yoliannes, and of tl1e rigl1t, Rome; the king's proxy, Takla I-:Ia\varyat; tl1e 11ebura eel, Tomas; the qaysa gabaz, 'Amda Mika'el; the bet tabaqi, Zena Gabre'el; tl1e liqa diyiiqoniit, Marqorewos; and th e tn1mpeters, one, Tasfay, the other Fere Masqal. If any or1e violates or infringes (th is), be l1e sey111n of Sire or seyi,m of Semb ela or hedi,g, 1nay l1e be cursed by the 1nouth of Peter and Paul; and by the mo11th of tl1e patriarcl1 (pciJJpcis) Abba Krestodolu, for ever and ever. An1en. So be it. (Ab. 152, f. 64r.)


58. (59)





Dated 1611.

SUSNEYOS to Ebwa Kres tos.

59. (61)

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To the glory of the Father, the S011, and the Holy Spirit. I, Susneyos, whose throne-name is Seltan Sagad, have granted by charter to Ebw a _ _ Krestos (the estate of) 'Adda Daq Da'vvit, wl1ich he bought with 11!s gold from the Daqiqa Dawit in the year of mercy 264 (A.D. 161 �) � the time of Yol;iannes the Evangelist. (This was granted) vvh en tl1e kmg s proxy was Sume; the ba 'iila waka and be/:itJvaclacl, Yama11a �e�t�s; the wmnbar, Gebra Adonay and Asbo; the 11ebura ed, 'Amda Mika el; the deputy of the makuannen, Zamika'el; the CJ:lysa �� baz, Ha�ta Mika'el; the liqa diyaqona.t, Marqor ewos; the bet fabaq1, th e priest

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etii, Tomas. If any n g a q e th ; ]) si a M l a d b A , ii t e g ii r e g e th Zamaryam; h c a o r is p m h a p n s (t a la A ) d [ o m u y e s r o n e n . n c1 u lc 1a 11 ty u p e d r o c a , 11 z a j da e mouth of the th y d b e s r u c e b y e _ h � y 1a e e), n r c e d is h (t s s e r g s n or tra f e te r and Paul; P o r e w o p e th y b ; 1t 1r p S ly o H e th d 1 1 a , n o S e l tl r e Fath ero 'on; and by the a S b b A ) s ii pp ii p ( n ta li o p o tr e m e th f o th u o by the � ey be cursed y th a M . d o G f o r 1e tl o M e th ry a M y d a L r u o f o mouth . n e m A . r e v e d n a r e v e for (Ab. 152, f . 64r.)

Dated 1612. s. o ly E to S SUSNEYO 60. ( 60) os . ey it I, sn ir Su Sp ly o H 1e tl d an , n o S e th , To the glory of th e Fatl1er t ed b y charter to Elyos an gr e av h , cl ga Sa an lt S e whose tl1rone-11ame is e o f Matewos the Evan­ m ti e th 1 iI ), 12 16 . .D (A 65 2 i 11 the year of n1ercy e'esya; K ; dr M e ) e] ay Q ; 11a zo En ; rq e F s; se gelist, (the lai1ds of ) Geb 3 r fo ld go s hi ith w ht l1g bo e l1 1 cl lli w b, ga ab G 1 a.1 at 'Ad 1:.ere; Kolay; Q 1l1e n the 11ebi11·a ed was Takla Sellase; Vi d) 1te a1 gr I s lu (T s). » aqet (01111ce ; 'el ika a M bt Ha z, ba ga a ys qa e th ld; vva Za 11, 11e a11 lci1 the deputy of the n1a m; rya ma Za st i pr e e th i, aq tab t be the s; wo ore arq M iit, on aq the liqct diy the gera geta, Abdal Masib.; tl1e qan geta, Tomas. (I have decreed) and um, Aks liqa e th n, 111ne f(,uc ;11a e th of uty dep tl 1e a.c, azm dctj e t th tha tl1e nebura ed shall 11ot approach (these lands) nor transgress (this or­ der); (if they do,) n1ay they be c11rsed by the mou th of th e Father, the Son, a11d the Holy Spirit; by the power of Peter and Paul; by the mouth of the metropolitan Abba Sem 'on; and by the mouth of our Lady Mary the Motl1er of God. The sellers were Abba Takla Manfas Qedus the abbot, and all the mo11ks of Enzona. For ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 64v.) 1

SUSNEYOS to Se' ela Krestos. Dated 1627. When the king of k.111gs s" eI ta11 -. s agad e granted to b ordered to an estate _ Se, ela Kre ras stos, l1e ordered that it shol1ld be wri tten in this chronicle and the words of the. docun1ent are as follows: Take notice all who are here 110w at tl. lis t IJne, · a d wl 1o come after us: (this is the) document . � of the disposition aiJd gift of a l)erpetual grant of land which I have caused 1o be gra11ted to our Ob ed'1ent (se rvant) A 'e I a e � r e broth and Krest 2 1 years d 5 months after the da e me king, ma d y wh Go en d and i:�he e l 6�� after the birtl1 of Cl 1rist, on the 15th ?ay of Miya­ zya (20 f r��) '-''h ":e _wer e at Ganata Iyasus. We, Seltan Sa�ad king of kin�s of Et:�pia · because of ion ntat e lam th e volume his of and his great 1 abours .in the cause . y Of th e kingdom; be cause of the_ man . times (when) he foug ht with much bravery, and the victories which he gained many tunes over the Galla and al l enemies of our kingdom who 61.



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rose up in our time; in the day when he killed Walda Qebryal the impostor, the slave of t�e Turks, who called hin1self king a11d caused _ the deaths of many 1n his false cause; after this we have caused to be be granted to him and have given him as an hereditary possession for _ all generat1�ns: the land (n1edr) of Masqal tla�; the lan.d (meclr J of _ LeJ Arobara; the Ia:1d (rnedr) o·f Kabas a; the la11d (meclr) of QulQi · the land (":.edr) o� Salena; the la11d of Sit:1a �as; and (all tl1e country) from Emfraz to Qaroda. And above all tl11s his desire, we give tl1e s um of 100 ounces, t.hat we may confirn1 (it) to him wl1ile we are l1ere, and after o:1r passing, till the end of the vvorld. A11.d tl1is grant was made when Se'ela Krestos hin1self vvas be�1t1'vaclacl; and Talcla Giyorgis the Tegre makuannen; and Bl1k �, the �a{1afa /0111 of Darnot; and Zakrestos, (ruler) of Bagemedr; and Sarsa Krestos, blatter1oc getli; a11d Hahta Sellase, 'liqiibe sa'iit; and the l1edug ras of tl1e right a11d left Zabarse­ bahel and Lebsa Krestos; and tl1e tvest azai, Malke'a Krestos and Zamalakot; and the liqii11ct n1anobret of tl1e left a11d right, Zamo and Meluk and Zamal'ak and Walda Te11sa'e; a11d tl1e liqa 111a'en1rii11, the aziiz 'A$eqo; and the $Ora} ,nasare, Dane'el; and tl1e $ahafe tazaz, Tino. Thus was it vvritte11 by order of the king of kings. (Bod. 30; Pereira, Cl1ro11. Susenyos, 76.)

62. (62)

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FASILADAS to the conve11t of IVIazr a 'eta Krestos.1632-67

To the glory of the Fatl1er, the Son, a11d tl1e I-Ioly Spirit. Bel1old, I, king F asiladas whose t11rone-name is 'Alain Sagad, have given by charter with hereditary posse ssio11 to (tl1e co11ve11.t of) my father Ma·zra­ 'eta K.restos (these lands): In the district (n,zedr) of Yel;a: Mataro from head to foot. In tl1e district of Abse'a: Dabra A11basa \vitl1 A.dda­ 'go. In Addi 'A.b ay: May Qi�abo. In tl1e district (n1eclr) of Asgade: Ba' at Medr and the land (,nedr) of'Ad 'Ewtrrat. I11 the provi11ce of Sire: Badenguerguera with all its territory; a11d (land) i11 tledadema, in Dabre, in Sagl a, in Edda Abb a San1u'el, i11 Da'ero Te'ena ; Edda Zeb'i; M ay Abrus. (I have decreed) that the seyu111 of Z a11a sl1all not approach (these lands), nor tl1e seyL1m of Sire and As� a�e, nor t�e seyum of Megarya Samr, nor tl1e makua11ne11, nor the a1-ifari of Zarafta. (If they do,) may they be cursed by the power of Peter and P�1ul, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 70r.)


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63. (63)

IYASU I to the Cathedral of A ksum.

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Dated 1687.


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e th th wi d an t, iri Sp y ol I e 1th d an n, To the glory of the Father, the So asu whose Jy e, W . od G of r he ot M e th n lp yo he of our Lady Mary of Se



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l f d, A la ga ' Sa ve ng i ha k: of ne re n so we d, ga Sa d � 1 an dy A is e am -n ne ro th ad ad as tw e w bz th a st n ne he A w syo s. s) w llo fo h ic h w at i l (t d ee and decr d te e ga (th l aws), we re­ ro s ab ng ki us io ev pr e tl1 r te af ar In the 7211 d ye l um r al ks of he A al la dr he at C ws e tl1 and n yo Se r l1e ot M r ou to ed or st ti ra e ist th in d 1n on ad an of her s, nd -la er rt 1a cl er h ll a d an s, 11 ordii1a ce s, er th od ht fa go r rig up o in d di e th as , ed ra bu ne e tl1 � by ) ns sio es (p o ss _ d Gabra Masqal, and an , eb al I( , lJa be A� d an a h re Ab s 1g 1 faith, the ki ve red ha to e res W d . an os in 11t re­ ta as u Q d lle ca is 10 wl b 'qo Ya Zar'a ne\ved (these) in tl1e year of th e world 7180 (A.D. 1687), in the time e ac d pe an of y clemency, da , ay d i Fr a on , l ist ge an Ev h e t 1es 1 of YolJan 6 years after I became king, that Sh e ( our Lad)') ma y be our conductor to tl1e kingdo1n of heaven, that Sh e ma y prolong our days on earth and bless tl1e offspring of 011r belly wl1icl1 shall sit on t he throne of the descendants of David, for ever and ever. Amen. (��b. 225, p. 70.) 64. (64)

IY A.SU I to the Cathedral of Aksum.

c. 1687.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and th e Holy Spirit, and with the help of our Lady Mary Seyo11 tl1e Motlier of God, our king Iyasu bas renewed a11d decreed (tl 1is deed), wl1e11 th e bitwadad was Anestasyos; and wh e11 our ,nasfen \Vas the daj az,nac Zamaryam who loves God. (He decreed) t hat they sl1ould restore to Seyon the Cathedra l of Aksum all her charterlands: Anq11ele; Ad Bara�; Ad Sel1elo; Debura; Ad Kuell 11 Za'ab; Yebusa; Ad Qam; Sarna'el e. No\v may our Lady con­ duct to the 1<:ingdom of heave11 tl1ese ch ose11 n1asters, the rene\vers of th e law and th e d ecrees; 111ay Sl1e bless th e offspring of their bellies, and lengthen their days 1111ti l the passing of eartl1 a11d heaven. (Ab. 97, f. 96r; Ab. 225, p. 70.) 65.



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IYA.SU I to tl1e convent of Dabra Berhan. Dated 1693. And in this mo11tl1 (Maga.bit) he (th e king) called together n1any priests, b� t c�ose from among tl1e1n a fev;, learned me n - for as it has been said, many are called, bt1t few are chose11' - th at is men learned in the Old and New Testa1ne11ts, tl1e Psalms, a 11d th e holy verses, who �hould be for the cl1urcl1 of Dabra Berhan to perform the chant­ g (of t� e services). A11d h e gave them by � charter al l the district (me. drJ � f �obla, both on tl1e plateau and in 1 aucl the valley·' of Kamkamb a. · _ Saraqo ' which \Vas ·in the hands of the Ittu (? Galla)·' an d all the dis. · tnct (medr) of Dabl0, whtc · t"J dros, ' h was 1n the hands of th e abetahun .cs I.

Bod. 31 1:19°1:l'l :


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ta �ng for them 2 portions (of the land), a11d leaving one portion, a third for the poor. �Al�o he gave them) the district (meclr) of Sara.ha, and Boe; and the d1str1ct (,nedr) of Walwaj, which was in tl1 e ha11ds of the Edo Galla. (Bod. 31, f. 54b; Ab. 167, f. 85a; CSCO. vol. 24, p. 169/177.) 1789-94. 1:IEZQEYAS to the convent of $adya. To the glof}' of the Father, the Son, a11d tl1e I-:Toly Spirit, and with the he�p of our Lady Mary, we the king of ki11gs I:Iezqeyas son of king Iyasu (Ill), have granted by charter to the sanctuary of our father Sel;una, who \Vas one of the 11i11e sai11ts, tl1e structure ( of wl1ich) was restored by tl1e ha11d of claj az111iic Walda Sel!ase wl10 loves God a11d is upright in the faith, (these places:) Sa'eda Zala; 'Aqab $a'eda; A.d 'Ona; Ma'ekalay Ad; Sabka; Wagr Bub; I:Iannesi; Ad Awl1i; Daqueya. If any one violates or infringes (the charte r of) these 11i11e estates, be he seyi,m. of Sadya or masfe11 o f Tegre, n1a,y l1e be ct1rsed by tl1e n1outh of Peter and Paul. Amen. 1 And tl1e cl1arter-lands of 011r fatl1er Yoha11• nes: Qualla Gable; Reba'e Medr; Guesena. 1 (Ab. 225, p. 146.) 66. (65)

TAK.LA GIYOP,GIS to tl1e Maqdasa Selliise at Calaqot. Dated 1794. To the glory of the Fatl1er, tl1e So11, a11d the Holy Spirit, a11d vvith the help of our Lady Mary the Motl1er of God. V.le tl1e l<i11g of l<::i11gs Tal<la Giyorgis whose throne-11an1e is Fegr Sagad, l1ave granted b)' cl1arter to the sanctltary of the Tri11ity at ¢alaqot (i11) tl1e provi11.ce (111edr) o.f Endarta, which was founded a11d bt1ilt by t11e l1a11d of claj az,nac: �/alda Sellase of good report, wl1en l1e desired the blessi11g of tl1e Tri11ity, in the year of the world 7287, in ·tl1e time of L11qas tl1e Eva11gelist, on the 21st of the month of Masl<ara111 (29 Septe1nber), (these places:) U:abas; Ad Daq Sandud; Dabr; Hagara Marya.111; Quarqt1ara; Asetal); A$­ gabta. If any one violates or infringes these seven estates, be he seyum of A�bi, or seyum of Sera'e, or seyitm of E11darta, or seyi1m of Sal:iart, or seyu,n of Wajerat, may he be cursed by the mouth of Peter and Paul; and by the mouth of our patriarch Abba Yosab; and by tl1e mouth of all the priests of Aksum; a11d by the power of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (Ab. 225, p. 131.)

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67. (67)

68. (68)

TAKLA GIYORGIS to Walda Sellase.

This clause follows without a break, and may not belong to tltls charter no. 66.




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? 1794-95.

To the glory of the Father, the Son, a11d the Holy Spirit. I, the kn1g of kings Takla Giyorgis whose throne-nan1eis Feqr Sagad, have granted 1.-1.

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_ ): d I en n the province ri v ed (f o el b y m se la el S a d al by charter to riis W p � rovince (medr) _ of th In t. e f ar Z a; a! b � (medr) of Tanben: Dam r) ce n ed vi f o (m ro p e a' th er S In e: . ro 'e a D g la a F ; o q ra a H Endarta: Se ) f n'afe. (This was ? eclr (m ct ri st di e th of le ho Dangualo. ·And tl1e w g 11 e l1st. a � E e th es n n a ]) Y o f o granted) in the tin1e a bl) e ag Se th W to o r te d ar an c� by d te a n gr � e av h I : ly nd co Se a a el er e. � gu of A e r) ed d (m an ce in ov pr e th In : ab ab D c a . m the qaii az Hawza In addition: I ha,,e granted by charter to the basa Taklu: In the province (n1edr) of Gar'alta: Ad Karas; Na'alat; Ad Sala'e.



In addition: I l1ave g1·anted to the b!Zitte11geta Walda Samu'el: In the province (,neclr) of E11darta: Magan 'e; and to Edu Sellase of Ta11ben, as c harter-la11d, Reba Men ¢. Tl1e l<ing's messe11ger (la'elca negits) wl10 was sent by the king (to sur)ervise tl1ese grants) \X1as the asalafi Mantuli Gabru, (at a time) when the nebi,ra ed ,1vas Ara1n; the qaysa gabaz, Ga bra Le'ul; the bet tabaqi, A.bba ,valda Dawit; tl1e metropolitan (pappas), Abba Iyosab. If any one violates or infringes (this), n1ay he be cursed by the power of Peter and Paul; and by the 111outh of the Father, the Son, and th e Holy Spirit. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 69r .) 69. (69)

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TAKLA GIYORGIS t o the Tabota Gabre'el at 'Adwa.

? 1794-95. T·� the ?lory of the Father, the Son, a11d the Hol y Spirit. I, king Takla G1yo�g1s �,J1ose tl1rone-11a�e is Feqr Sagad, l1av e granted by charter to th� tabot ?f ?abre'el at 'Adwa, wlucl1 tl1e daj az111oc Walda Gabre'el built and 111st1tuted at tl1e desire of tl1e kino, (these lands:) Dabra Sina; Mat· qa' e1 ,· A. d Raza, . W aqa1 ahe:1t; ( Ij enza! estat ; es May six ¢aw ; b � . · e) wl1en tl1e g1.,r} · '(At a tim l1qa dabcara of Ak swn wa s the nebur a ed A:an:1; the qciysa gabaz, Gabra Le'ul; th e bet tabaqi Abba Walda Dawit. If any on e violates or infri11ges (tl1is) , n1ay he b� cursed by the power of Peter a11d Paul. Ametl. (Ab. 152, f. 69v.) 70. (70)

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WALDA SELLA.S:E and ZA'AMA c. 1794. NU'EL to tl1e Cathedral o f A k su m 0 �h� glory 0� the Father, the Son, and the a al d W I H oly Spirit· ,as .:)e11 ase h ave g1ven t the ' e land of ) sanctuary of my Mother Sey on .· (th . H· asabO' that it may be 10 r r me a conductor to ' the kingdom of hea ven


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which shall not pass away. The money with which (this land) was bought was 203 sil ver (doll ars). The land is to be proportioned in two parts to Seyon, a nd one part, with the asur a11d tl1e church, to the abeto Barya Sellase son of ras Fares. The sellers of two parts of this hered­ itary estate were: Banderas Walda K.iros; tl1e abeto Tasfa; Ma'e qaba Egzi'e; Wa!atta Gi�orgis; Fego; Walda Amlak; Kerrft1; Niqodimos. , The authonty ( seltarz) ([or the sale rested i11) Fe go; Gabra Madbe11; Kahsu; Kenfu; Walatta Giyorgis; Walatta G11ablal; tb.e abeto Gabra Asaliel; Walda Mika'el; 'Aqbu; th.e salaqaTasfaSeyon; t.Iabtu; tl1e iva1a makara 1 Abba Ba'edl1; tl1e qes Walda Garima. Tl1e gara11tors (madben) were: the fttawrarj Ga bra Amlak so n of daj az111ac I:Iezqeyas; the abeto Walda Mika'el Samarat; tl1e abeto Entamanu son of abeto Walda Sellase. The fee of the gara11tors v,ras 20 silver (dollars). Fro1n 110w onwards we have prollibited u11der pai11 of exco1nn1u11ication by tl1e power of Peter and Paul any person from approaching (this l a11d), be he seyum of Tegre, nebi,ra ed, or deputy of the 11ebi1ra ed, except tl1e priests, members of the cornn1unity, a11d the possessors of the charterland.


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Secondly: I, the qasisa gabaz Za'a111anu'el, for tl1e love of 111y Lord, have bought for the1n (tl1e priests of Aks11m) tl1e land (1nedr) of'Ad 'Aqayt vvith all its territory, fro111 the c,beto Gabra 1\llc:1dhen son of the abeto 'Aqba; from Seban; from the qc1sis 'Enqo; from Eremyas; from Kenfu; from Gabra Madhen; fro1n Zagabre'el; fro1n Gabra Maryam; from Azaryas; fron1 Gabra Madbe11 lcefii'e gele� 2 ; from Gabra Le'ul; from Gabra Wal)ed so11 of tl1e priest Gabra 11ikft.'el; from Gabra Madbe11 s011 of tl1e abeto Giyorgis Fesstll). (It was bo11ght) give11 to the gara11tor for 6 ounces and a half 3; the half ou11ce vvas , abeto Zawalda Maryan1 son of tl1e abeto Sargua De11gel. In additon: I have bought, i11 tl1e la11d (111eclr) of 1VIadoge, 40 parcels of land (medr) in the la11d (1neclr) of tl1e liqa 'aqaytiit. The sellers were the abeto Zagabre'el s011 of tl1e abeto Za\vald, a11d 'Enqo son of the abeto Zar'e. (The pric e was) 2 ou11ces, and 1:_alf an our1ce to the garantor abeto Walda Samu'el son of the abeto 'Arka Dengel. (Also I bought) 70 (parcels of land) in the land (meclr)_ of the , Children of Set. The sellers were Walda. Hay1nanot; Wald a Sellase;and Awsabyos, children of the abeto Kefla Seyon; the a? eto Taklu s� n of _ the abeto Amha; Gabra Kidan son of tl1e abeto M1k::i. el; Warqe s011 The meaning of this expression is uncertain. 2. I am not sure of the significance of these two words; they may be a name, or 8 d escriptive epithet to distinguish this Gabra Madben from the others. , f ounce·, 3. The terms used are waqet met+ • for 'ounce', and a/ad .hl\..e- 1 for hal I.


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01� the abeto Walda ]Jana; tl1e salaqa Fola son of the abet� Kirubel.(The price ,,las) 20 silver (dollars). And of the land of the Children of 'Ezra (I boligllt) 24 (parcels of land). Tl1e sellers were En�amanu son of the abeto Dabra Seyon; }:Iedru; Marya111 son of the abeto Ba�talomewos. (The price was) 24 silver (dollars). And of the Ian? of Iyasus Mo'a (I bought) 6 (parcels of Ia11d). Th� seller \Vas the priest Takla Hayma_ 110t son of tl1e abeto Iyasu. (Tl1e JJr1ce was) 6 silver (dollars).The garan­ tor of these \Vas the abeto Zayol)a11Pes son of tl1e abeto Tawalda I:Ie­ san; the fee of tl1e garantor \Vas IO silver (dollars). 111 adclition: I bol1ght in tl1e district (n1eclr) of Sala'e Anesto, 20 (parcels of la11d) of tl1e land (111eclr) of Nagado. The sellers were the abeto Gabra Madhen !cefu'e gele$; Gabra De11gel; the abeto Takla Jv1ar)'flJn; tl1e priest Ba'eda 1v1aryan1; \Valda Gabr; Tasf a Seyon. (The price was) 20 silver (dollars). The sellers were the abeto Gabra 11ika.'­ el; Fego; Ba'edu; tl1e [)riest 1-.Jatu; the abeto Zar'a Seyon; Sayfu; Baku­ eru; G,tbra }\1ilca'el; Kal1st1 son of tl1e abeto 'Aqbu. (The price was) 21 silver (dollars). 1\11d of tl1e la11d of tl1e Children of Tasfo (I bought) 20 (parcels of land). Tl1e sellers vvere l(e1lfu son of tl1e abeto Takla Haym­ anot; the abeto 1\/Jilca'el; I(efla Yot1,tnnes. (The price v\ras) 20 silver (dollars). Tl1e fee of tl1e gara11tor 'llas 6 silver (dollars), to the abeto Zayol:ian11es. I11 addition: I bougl1t from the salaqa Biyadesa 5 parcels of land in the land (,neclr) of Abo1i for I ot111ce and half a dollar. For these, the gara11tor \Vas tl1e abeto Iiabta Seyo11 s011 of the abeto Tasfu. The fee of the gara11tor vvas 011e sa111111a 1 and a ge,·biib2 • From the a.beto Walda Ab a11d tl1e abeto Za\valda Marya.111 (I bought) 3 parcels of land for an ou11ce and a l1alf. Tl1e garantor was tl1e abeto Zayol;lannes, and the fee of the garantor ,,i1as a sa1nn1a and a qeriirznii 3 • And from tl1e abeto Walda San111'el son of tl1e 11ebura ed Gabra Dengel (I bougl1t) 2 }Jarcels of la11d for 8 san1.111ii a11d a qeran11a. The _ garantor was the abeto Gabra Iyasus; the gara11to1·�s fee Vi'as a qeriin1ia. Ai1d froin Walatta Qalba'e (I bougl1t) 011e parcel of land for 3 sammii. The garantor was tl1e abeto Yol)a11nes; a11d tl1e garantor's fee a gerbiih. _ And �_ roi:n tl1e abeto Gabra J\1adben (I bought) one parcel of land (in the district) of S.aI a- 'e Anesto for 4 sa111111a; to the garantor the abeto . -,br a ilea el (vv as paid) a gerbiib. A11d from Walatta Dengel �� : ( oug t) 2 parcels of land for 6 san1111ii; to the garantor Gabr a M a. d-






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?fay • is the toga-likeBrob e w111c · h is . the national ad.ress of the Ethiopia ns .. °IC'l-0 i is said by ::�em an to be a �vord peculiar to Gondar m eaning 'a cloth 5 �ubits long, used for · h�nge, and taking the place of money, (Diet., col. 1043). 3. :i»t.'i 1 'a piece of co 1 th O 10 cubits; pec uliar to Gondar' Baete man, Diet., col. . 373).

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hen kefu'e gele$ (was paid) a qeranna. An . d from ljeray and Arsima (I bought) one parcel of land for 3 san1ma; the fee of the garantor, a ge rbab, was paid to Gabra Madben kefiL'e gele$. These are in the dis­ trict (1nedr) of J:Iasi. The witnesses were:-the bliittii. Walda Sam11'el; the blii.tte,1getii Walda Giyorgis; the nebura ed Aram; the biilii111biiriis Gabra Amlak; the liqa mankuiis ljayll1; the .fital,vriiri Iyas11; the abeto Re'es11; tl1e abeto Gabra. $adeq; tl1e :sala1rva salaqiiWalda Nlilca'el; tl1e abeto W,tlda 'Abiya Egzi'e; the dabr claj azn1iic I:Iezqeyas. A11d amo11g tl1e people of Na'eder, the abeto vValda Gabr SOI) tl1e abeto Gabriye; the fita­ wrari Takl11; the abeto Walda Samu'el son of tl1e abeto Dabra $eyon; tl1e abeto Kahsu; tl1e abeto Labasi. Also the Daqiqa $eyon were pre­ sent. The (amount of) gold (paid) ,vas 15 ounces a11d a half; silver (dollars) 380. To these lands (al1egur): }ja§abo; Ad 'Aqayt; Sala'e A11esto; Madague; the lands (1neclr) of the 'Aqaytat, of Set, of 'Ezra, ofiyasus Mo'a, and of the land (1r1eclr) of Aboli, I:Ias, Bag'o, a11d 1-jezqeyas which is 'Ad Za.11a; we l1ave granted iJn11111nity of approach by the seyi1111 of Tegre, that is, the daj az111iic or nebi1ra ed or liqa Alcsi,,n, under pain of excommu11ication by the n1outl1 of Peter a11d Paul; a11d by tl1e moutl1 of the Father, the Son, a11d tl1e Holy Spirit. In addition: I have bougl1t from tl1e la11d (111eclr) of Felasa 5 par­ cels of land; from tl1e la11d of 'Ezra, 5; from tl1e la11d of Iyasus Mo'a, 8; from the land of the 'Aqaytat, 12.


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The text has in error }\(l-f.fou. •




Moreo,..1er, in additio11 let 1ny com111e1noration be l1eld on the day of the Trinity, the 12th day; on the feast of my Lady, tl1e 12th day of each month; on tl1e feast of tl1e Pact of Mercy, on tl1e l6tl1 of Yakatit (21 February); on the feast of tl1e :r-.rativity (of the Virgi11 Mary), 011 the 1st of Genbot (7 May); on the 8th of Sane (13 June) whe11 God made the ·water come fortl1; on tl1e feast of the Asce11sion; on the feast of Mika'el, the 12th of each month; on the feast of 011r father Abib 011 the 25th of Maskaram (3 October); on the feast of Peter and Paul; on the birthday of our father Gabra Manfas Qedus 011 the 5th of Ter (11 January); on the feast of Giyorgis on tl1e 23rd of Miyazya (29 April). The commemoration of his fatl1er 1 the dczj az111iic I(efla Iyas11s, and the commemoration of his mother 1-vay za1·0 Walatta Seyon (sl1all be held) on the 5th of Paguemen (8 September ). And those vvho shall attend my commemoration and the commemoration of my festivals are the I.








priests of the tabernacle_, each on hjs d�f' �rom beginning to end ?fthe year; ai1d the i r nu111ber 1s f?rty -four._It 1s thus that they are constituted and established, for all tl1e1r generat1ons, for ever and ever. Amen and amen.

(Ab, 152, f. 67v.)

$ BYON to Walda Sellase. c. 1794. OF CHILDREN The 71. (71) To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spi rit, �nd with the help of our Lady Mary the Mother of God. We, the Daq1qa $eyon of the Catl1edral of Aksum, great (ones) and s1nall, have given the land (medr) of Felfeli to our n1aster a11d dear fri end the daj azmiic Walda Sellase, because of the many good deeds whi ch he d id for us, and (be­ cause) l1e procured for us the retur11 of (certai n) charter-lands to Seyon \¥hicl1 had been taken i11 past ti111e by other people. Our gifts, however, are to e11sure that there sl1all be a perpetual commemorat ion and a me1norial of good speech, 1 as sa id Dav id the Prophet: 'The memory of tl1e jt1st shall be for ever'. 2 Let tl1is commemoration be held during his lifetime and after his death, an d let i t not be d iscon tinued, on the 7th of IJa1nle (12 July), the feast of the Holy Trinity, which is then en­ trusted to them i11 flesl1 a11d spirit. If any one discontinues this com­ n1emoratio11 n1ay l1 e be cursed by our voice. (Ab. 225, p. 132.) W ALDA LE'UL to the Tabota Maryam at Guendeguende. }795. C. �o the glory �f t�e Fatl1er, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, Walda Le'ul seyi,m of Agame _hav� granted by charter to the tiibot of Mary at Gt�e�degue11d�: 'Ad 'Ay110; Ad Ma11asfel).a; 'Ad Qalabas; 'Ad Fere; Mala. And_t121s was do11e i11 tl1e tune of ki11g Takla Giyorgis and ras Walda Sellase, when tl1e abbot (of Gue11deguende) was Gabra Masil;l; ao<l t?e qaJ'Sa gc,baz Takla Sedeq. That it may be for a conductor to the kingdom of l1eave11, a11d a n1en1or ial for ever. (Ab. 152, f. 69v.) 73· (73) GIG.AR and RAS GUGSA to Sebaga gdes. Between 1821 & 72. (72)


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. Fa To th.e glory of the ther, the Son, an d the Holy Spirit · Behold, let · and us write a record of the 1a11 d (na ara g gi,elt) which our king G1ga-r _ Ra-s G �gsa ga ve ( 11ahabu) to the daj azmiic Sebagades: in Dara: Dabr � and Dan10. In Agan1e·· 'Ad aa-d •; T ' c', a-hay; Geratas'a; Enda �ahayt 1 a -



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The text has ' eat s eech' gr � 1C p Psalm III, 7 .





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GIG.AR to Wabna Fessuh .



enet; Dagal'a; Lahlen; Atabas; Bet Maka'e· La'lay Sendady-a., Ta.1,1 -i.1-ay ' 1e; Sabaya. Egala Ha.mas; Egala Ha�win., Korba ya- ; Asacsend-d -. arya, . AwIe,e 'i'o c ru; yeh. a. (We have decreed) that none may approach (these . lands) except th e children o f the daj azn1iic Sebagades. (We pray th at whoso does) may b e cursed by the mouth of our father Qerlos; and by the power of Peter and Paul. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 69v.) 74. (74)

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Bet ween 1821 & 1830.


�gain, _le: us write the record of the land (12agara gi,elt) which our kmg G �gar g�ve (wahczbu) to W abna Fessuh: May Se'a. Formerly he _ _ gave this to him m compen sation for tl1e dea th of his father. Know to­ da �, 0 people of Serkueso and Gamad, that no man may approach (this land), not even a seyz.,m, under pain of cursing. (Ab. 152, f. 69v.)


GIGAR: confirm.ation of the previous gra11t.

1821- 30. This charter- land (of) May Se'a belongs to the blatta FessuQ, for the blood of his father; there was given to lli1n the land (1nedr) of Ma y Se'a (as compensation) for the blood of his father. Whoso infringes or violates or erases (thi s grant), may he be cursed by the mouth of Peter and Paul. (Ab. 225, p. 139.) 75. (75)

76. (76)

GIGAR to t he chlrrch of St Mika'el at Fiso.



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In the name 1 of t he Fat her, the Son, and the I-Ioly Spirit, one God. Let us write the record of the land (rzagara gi,elt) which our king Gigar granted by c harter ( gualata), r ii.s Gug sa being r lis2 ; and our daj azmii.c, Sebagades, w hose Christia11 name is Zamartfas Qedus, upright in the faith and loving God; in t he ti1ne of YolJannes th e Evangelist. That 3 is 20 (of the tribute) from A�­ St Mika'el of Fiso cii.11 which he gave to bi; 10 can from Dara. (The tribute) due from the district (hagar) is 30 ounces. (The f ee) on the installa tion of a sum of Fiso i s 1000 pieces of salt (�ew); th e possessor of a drum (chief) (pays a fe e of) one amole � f salt4 on (each) horse for the government of the di strict (hag ar ). (This was done) in the time of our abbot Abba Gabra Mary am, the liqa





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word; the copy I. The only charter in this collection in which th e invocation uses this in Ab. 152, however, has the usual 'to the glory'. 2. Ab. 152 bel;t wadad, the terms at this time being synonymous .. l. I 195.) co , et. Di , an em aet (B d loa lemu . a ps rha pe in, re 1 of gra asu 3 81 ') a me 4· h'l°A, 1 a block of salt used as currency.

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1 1 ' ' s k f m o A a l u a an m ed a th a C , � e � th f o � az ab � g a es q e th d 11 a t, kahena f or 1n es s ng te r1 la or erases o vi so ho W ). ne Ju (2 ot b e 11 G f o on the 26th d n er a et l; f P o au P th d u an o m by e th y b ed rs cu e b e h ay 1 n , this record s. le st o p A ve el w T e th f o th u o the m ) 8. . 13 p 5, 22 . b A ; 7r 6 f. 2, 15 (Ab.


Aksum of ?) End ( of 18th cent. Cathedral tl1e AR.AM to 77. (77) To the glory of the Fatl1er, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, the nebura ed Aram, have given from the asi11· (en1na asi1.r), that it may be for me a conductor to tl1e ki11gdom of heaven: 5 (parcels of land) of Ad As­ }:ietya; 5 of I(uakuel;i; 5 of May Seye; 5 of Ad Gartat; 5 of Ad IJan­ kara; 5 of Debura; 5 of Belangi; 5 of l:famad Alba; 5 of Debaza; 5 of I:Iambara; 5 of Ad Ma'ar; 5 of }:Ianbare; 5 of Ad Qarn; 5 of Merena; 5 of tl1e la11d (111eclr) of Elyas; 3 of Ad Mekr; 3 of I:Iawzena; 3 of Dan­ beba; 3 of Azawi; 2 of Dabaleq; 5 of Aymel;iak; 3 of Habal Sedqo;5 of Madague; 5 of Ad Dagt1a'u; 2 of Nafas; 2 (of) the land (medr) of Sil:i Tanbuk; 5 of Ad Guagua. (Ab. 225, p. 146.) End of 18th cent ARAM to Walda Dawit . To the glory of tl1e Fatl1er, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, the nebura ed Aram, l1ave given fron1 the asz,r ( e11111a asur) to my father Walda Dawit wl10 lives at Beta Maqdas: 2 parcels of land of Kuedekui; one of May Nolot; one of May 'Ay11 ; one of I:Iaruna; one of Gedit. (Ab. 225, p. 147.) . 78. (78)

79. (79 )

AR.AM and WALATTA GIYORGIS to Kefla Giyorgis. End of 18th cent· The nebura ed Aram a11d tl1e 1rvayzaro Walatta Muse, that it may be for th�m a conductor to tl1e kingdo1n of l1eaven and a blessing for their c�ldren through tl1e prayers of ot1r Lady Mary, declare: We have given (l-val7ab,7a) to Abba Kefla Giyorgis from the asur ( emna asur) 4 (parcels of land) at I:Iarima; one at Ad Da gu a'u · one at Dambe Wad Zago. If any one violates or infringes (tl us), m�y he be cursed b y the power of Peter and Paul. (Ab. 225, p. 147.)


80 · (80) ARAM to the Cathedral of Aksum. Dated 1796. To tl1e glory of the pather, the ra nebu Son, the and the Spirit. I, Holy ed Aram ' have gt. ven to my Lady Seyon th e Cathedral of Aksuro: 5 •


Ab. 152 has 01100} 1 1 l\.cl> 1 (l 1011 • llhD'l'l-t..A


llU'iT 1 111�

70 •


"'ICf'I° • 114.ia • a>Hhhil-9°' 4'(1.





parc�Is of I �nd from the land of the asur (emmedra asur J of May Seye, that !s, Sa �1do; to be for the commemoration of Mary. In the time of 1n the ye�r 7289 of :he creation of tl1e \Vorld (A.D. 1796), �atewos, _ 1? the re �g11 �f our ki �g Takla G1yorgis, and in the ti1ne of our metropo­ l!tan (pappas) Abba Yosab, a11d i11 the time of tl1e claj azn1ac Walda Sellase. That it may be for 1ne a good n1emorial. At tliat time the qasisa gabaz was the qasisa gabaz Gabra Le'11l. If any one infringes _ this, may he be cursed by the n1outh of P�ter a11d Paul, the lights of the world. Amen, so be it. (Ab. 225, p. 92-3.)

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SEBA.GADES to tl1e convents of Dabra Barbare and Makana Akiset. 1818-31. To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God. I, daj az,niic Sebagades, whose baptismal nan1e is Zan1a11fas Qedus, and whose father's name is Walda Le'ul, a11d \vhose motl1er's name is Sabana Giyorgis, have renewed tl1e cl1arter of my father Ewostatewos of Dabra Barbare (concer11ing tl1e followi11g): 300 sa111n1a (tribute) of the district (111eclr) of Selesit; Q11a11$i; I11ta; Agazena; Mazal; Ijegur; 'Ad J:Iayom; 'Ad Barbare; Qota; 'Ad Katay, Af11ana; $a$e Amus; Agamo; Qatan; 'Aqab Re'es; May Qalqalay; Terbo; Qa$iba; Qa$iba; Lawsa; Endabba Gan.zar; Debela; $af�af; Nabala.t; I:Ja11en, Sur Ba'at; May Qa$l; part of Agaze11a called Burl;adage, (tl1at v..rluch which is) called one convent; a11d 11011e 1:,ossesses hereditary title in these 5 estates except the co1nm111uty; May Gl1e11d. 1 T11e re111aining charters are written (it1 tl1e a1·cl1ives) of Dabra Barbare. All these charters, which king 'Amda $eyo11 ( originally) gra11ted, \Vere rene\ved in the time of king Guegar (Gigar) and tl1e patriarch Abba Qerlos, (at a time) when the 11ebi1ra eel of Aksu111 was tl1e abeto Walda Mika'el; and the qaysa gctbaz Za'an1a11l1'el. Whose destroys or erases tl1is, may he be cursed by the power of Peter and Paul, for ever a11d ever. Amen and amen.

81. (81)

Furthermore, I have given to our father Gabra Manfas Qedus of _ Makana Akiset: 100 samnili (tribute) of the district (,neclr) of Seles1t; La'lay $el).an; Ta}J.tay Sel).an; Qatan; May Seye; Sem'is; M� y:e; Mel'a; 'Ad Fesa; Baraho; Lawsa; Dabra Maryam. All the rema1rung charters are written in the archives 2 of Makana Akiset.








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­ the Ca the to el ng De a bn Le by nt gra a 25, er Eleven of these names occur in chart dral of Aksum. f,.-f}�(L I (Amhar.)




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a an d ak an M se ki re A ba ar t, B e er ra w ab D , ts en nv co o tw . These . d h ld is · h go an it w is h , al q s as od M go ; ra ab G c a zm a aj d e th b ilt b g in in im d h h il it u w b em _ ) th ed in . o (j at y ar w a I:I a sf a T t a�d th� abbo ng ra ch ki hi ab w G et q is as k M A a al an ak M of rs te ar ch se he T od ri of ce pe e offi of th ng bo ab r du t ed w ne re e � er w _ ve ga ) lly na gi ri (o ), ay m m he he s (t be ge 1n ed fr rs 1n cu or es at ol vi se ho W . m ya ar M K.idana th l e of al ou th e m th he op by Pr d ts an , ul Pa d an r te Pe of er w po e by th and Apostles. (Ab. 152, f. 68r.)


SEBA.GADES to the Tabota Sellase at Serwa Anbasa. 1881-31. To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, daj azmiic Seb'agades, ,vhose baptismal name is Zamanfas Qedus, have granted by charter to the tiibot of the Tri11ity (at) Ser,va Anbasa, in the time of Marqos the Evangelist, in the reign of our kingGegar, when our pat­ riarch was Qerlos; the ras be f:zt wadad, Imam; the abbot, Gabra Maryam; the nebitrct ed of Akstun, Walda Mika'el; the qaysa gabaz, Za'an1anu'el; and all the ps,tlmists of Seyon and the priests 1 ; wl1en the n1agiibi \Vas Walda Dengel; the daqiqa nebitra ed, the abeto Malku 2 post and tl1e abeto Abeselom. I l1ave given an an1ole on the customs at San'afe; 011 tl1e customs post at A$bi, an a,nole; on the customs post at Wanbarta, an an1ole; on the customs post at Endarta, a.n amale; in all, 4 �mole on each. salt caravan.3 (I have also given) in A$bi: 'Osat; Saba; 'Ayna with its custon1s post; San1ra; Dabra Salam; 5 distr icts (�heg_i,r) with a customs post. Also: Taraqam; May Masanu: Afqara with its custo1ns post; Sur Anbasa; Qafana; Ma'argat; Ad Alaga; _ A �ya �. In \Vanbarta: Baliga vvith its custon1s post; Nabrat; Debab with its custo111s post. In Sera 'e: Gerahosa; Quarir Falag; Mayat. These cl1arter-lands which I l1a,,e granted for love of abbot Guanguel _ are to be his administrative district (sin·1at). And that none may appoint another a�bot, I l1ave forbidden under pain of excommunication by the voice of the patriarch of Ethiopia, Abba Qerlos; and by the power of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. And when he dies , a wo n a Cthe lauds ) shall_ p�ss to bis children; if (one of them is) m be he may she shall inherit with her husband. Whoso violates (this), or g i k be n be cursed. And whoso dwells in it by force or violence, 82. (82)


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Some words are evid tl en Y 011· ss ·mg, though there is no lacuna in the text,. Co nti Ross·m·1 suggested the addition of 'being present,

flC I (Amhar,) 0 tt- lt- • hhctr

, �� conu·

. Rossini


erp · mt ve suggested as an alternati ti.on' •at the ch arge of Arho,, the name of on e of th e salt-prod cing districts, u I




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makuannen or makuanneri's deputy or seyu,n, may he be cur�d by the power of Pet�r. and Paul; and by the mouth of the Father, theSon, and _ mt; �nd by the_ m �uth of our Lady Mary; aJd by the the Holy Sp mouth of the patriarch Abba. Qerlos, for ever and ever. An-en. So be it. (Ab. 152, f. 68v.)



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SEBA�ADES to Za'amanu'el; and to the church)fWeqro; 83. (83) the church of Satwa; the ch11rch of Seyon at 'Adwa; tte church of St Mika'el at 'Adwa; the conve nt of Dabra Karbe; a: 1d Walda Krestos . 1818-31 •

To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, laj azmac Sebagades whose baptismal name is Zamanfas Qed11s , havt given to the qaysa gabc1z Za'amanu'el, that it may be n1y witness in the king­ dom of heaven which passes not and is witho11t end 1, the thld part of Adhala, and the fourth part of 'Embay, tl1e tribute of \v:tich is 25 samma; and in Madabay, of Bal:iar: 'Ad Aba'er a11d 'Ad s�Iam, (the tribute of \vhich i s ) 30 sa111111a. But, none the less, tl1at the seyz1m of Madabay and Bakua shall not approach (these ]ands) u:ider false pretexts, we have forbidde n under pain of excomn1u11ication: and ha ve reinforced (the pro]ubition) by tl1e power of Peter and Patl; and by the mouth of the Patriarch Qerlos. A111en. Secondly: I have given to the (churcl1 of) Kida11a Mel).fa· of Weq­ ro2, 30 sammii; (and) to (the church of) St Gabre'el (at) Satwa, 30 samn1ii. In addition, I have given 50 sa1111na from (the tribtte of) the land (medr) of our fathe r Pantalewon to the priests of (the tl111rch of) Seyon (at) 'Adwa, (and also) 100 sa1n111ii from the land ;medr) ot' Addaqer'e. In addition, I have give11 to (the cl1urcl1 of) �t tviika'el (at) 'Adwa, from the district (medr) of Ahse'a, .100 sa1n,rfi,; and to e I hav r, � th, Fur . 11na san 100 , \va 'Ad e at 'el br Ga (the church of) St given to Dabra Karbe the lan d (medr) of Ad Barik, that it_ may be s world, i11 of ing s s e pa th nd mi in ar I be e il wh n, for my commemoratio and the de s ce nt to the sealed tomb, for (it is) the heritage of fatlier riests, p ue to y rtl pa s) s pa ll ha s ( rik Ba d A . Adam The land (medr) of e th d an P, wa e e nt M o ar yz Jva e th , s and partly to the ato Gabra Iyas u abeto Walda Krestos. e as ce t no do u yo at th , yo in And you, O priests, I put n1y trust � the on tl J) l mo h eac n, t1o ora 1em mn co the calling of my name and my

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r. �fl(l(l • 'is not contracted.' r 2. The MS has ro�e I but the correct form is undoubtedly a :J-t: • paragraph.




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r fo he ), is th y m on m pe h c ho ea of sin ce th 12 e h (t el a' ik M St feast of t he 12th of Mask.aram (21 on n) ve gi be l al s h re l1e (T d. my childh oo , rn nd co r ou fo gr of (t he church m lii ta e11 e on of re str ea n1 a September) 1 t he 12th of Teqemt (21 October), On . ro eq \\, of t ra e}:i M na da K.i of) 1 e church of ) St Gab­ (tl r fo 1 r1 co nd ou gr of 111. lii ta en e on a measure of er) v o mb �o e (20 m of ala r ent da fie of h t 12 tl1 1 : 01 a. tw Sa �� re'el (at) � � , , grou11d corn for (the tabot of ) Seyon (at) A�wa . 111, the same. On the 12th of Ter (19 January), 011e entalam of ground corn for the ti br I ka Fe Ya ), of ary h 12t e on tl1e 1 01 l. 1-1'e a11 'am Za z � : ba � ga a qes � , _ enta!a,n of ground cor11 for (the cl1urch of) St Mi ka el (at) Adwa. In Magabit, tl1e sa111e. On the 12tl1 of Miyazya (19 A:pril), one entalam ia. In Genbot, (at) 'Ad\.\ l re'e Gab St of) h urc h c tl1e (to corn nd of grou the same. 011 the 11th (sic) of Sane (17 June), one entala11i of ground corn to our father Pa11t• alewon.





I\.1oreover, I l1ave given to tl1e abeto Walda Krestos (the land of) Mangero i11 the district (meclr) of Zana, because of his benevolence to\vards n1e, that it m::1y be a l1ope ( of salvation) for me, for ever and ever. Ame11. (Ab. 152, f. 69r.)

84. (84)


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SEBA.GADES to the chu1·ch of Madba11e 'Alam at 'Adwa. 1818-31.

To the glory of the Father, tl1e Son, a11d the Holy Spirit. Behold, I' the daj ctzmiic Sebagades whose baptismal nam e is Zama.nfas Qedus' have given by cl1arter to (the cl1urcl1 of) Madbane 'Alam (at) 'Adwa: Ye}J.a; Reba Ga:ad; Addaqer'e; Beta Yo}:tam1es; Addaq Samron. I _ ha:7e given all tl11s to be for rue a co11ductor to tl1e kingdom of heaven which passes not a11d is vvitl1out e11d. (I ha ve ordered that) none of the se yun1 an, or tl1e sey u,n of Tegre, or the 111akua11rze11 's deputy shall ap­ pr?ach (tb.ese lands), (none) except tl1e con11nunity and except my chi�dren, and the l ead of tl1e convent ( liqa dabr) the alaqa Walda � _ Abib. If a�y 011e violates or i11fri11ges (th is), tl1 resid sh all pr ies ts e en t _ exco�1m_unicate h im ; may he be cUJ·sed by the voice of the patriarch Abba Qerlos; and by tl1e power of Peter an d Paul; and by the mout� of the Father, the So11, and the 1-Ioly Spir it. (Ab. 152, f. 69r.) 85. (86)

!:-��: Y

SEBA.GADES to the convent o f '011a Ma'e o . s


��ory �f _the Father, the Son, and the H Spirit. B ehold, I, ol y ac Sebagades,have given the land(n1.ed1·)of Ya'ebo to our fath er 74 ·.



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Gabra Manfas Qedus of 'Ona I Ma'eso; to be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven and a memorial for all generations. (Ab. 152, f. 68v-69r.) SEBA.GADES to the churches of St Qirqos and StMika' el. 1818-31. Further, w�ave written a record of tl1e charter-lands o.f 'Ad Gerat and Bezat, for (the church of) St Qirqos; and Ba'at, for (t11e cl1urcli of) St Mika'el; which daj azmac Sebagades l1as give11, tl1at it may be for him a conductor to the kingdom of heave11, for ever a·nd ever. (Ab. 152, f. 69.v) 86. (87)

87. (88)

? SEBA.GADES to the convent of Guendeguende. ? 1818-31. 2 Further , let us then ,:vrite a record of the charter-lands of Gue11degue­ nde: Awle'at; Ad Gel'ado; Witafa; Abayto; Adel.3 Whoso violates or infringes (this), may lie be cursed4 by the mouth of Peter a11d Paul, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 69v; Ab. 225, p. 140.) 88. (89) J:IEZQEY AS to Kefla Giyorgis.

c. 1830.

Further, I, daj az,nac I:Iezqeyas, l1ave given to Abba Kefla Giyorgis 3 parcels of land from the asi,r (111eclra asur), in (the land of) Amba Quen9, to be for my memorial. Whoso violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed. (Ab. 225, p. 147-8.) C. 1830. ABES:ELOM to Za'amanu'el. 89. (90) I, Abeselom, have given to the qesa gabaz Za'amanu'el, beloved of my father, a11d dear to me, in the district (1nedr) of Aymel)al<, 5 fields in the land (111edr) of Aboli, and 5 fields (garal-vel1a) in the land (n1edr) of Aboli, and 2 fields (garii1vel1a) in the land (n1edr) of Nafas, to be for a commemoration and my memorial for ever and ever. (Ab. 225, p. 146.)

90. (91) c. 1830. ABESELOM to Walda Kidan. To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, � beselom the nebura ed, have given to the beloved of my soul the abeto Walda





I. 2.

The text has O-'i • This word is omitted in Ab. 225. 3. These names are written as follows in Ab. 225: 1,1 �-r,'})t ! 1\�Ah� i w-;r4- i 1'1.e..A r. 4. Ab. 225 has ni.r;; f tDHLth? f W-1'lf I .f,h·1 :


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s el f d rc o n a la 3 (p ) in , ) e ur th s a ra d e m a n n er ( r su a e th Kidan fram ( r) d n ed la e f m o th as af m N ra f . d an , k a e}:i m y A f o r) ed distric� (m ed y rs b e e e b cu th h o p y a er m w ), is h (t es g in fr in r o s te la If any one vio of Peter and Paul. ( A b . 2 2 5 , p . 146.)



Gabra to Maryam, BARYA YA'EGZER Demsu , (92) 91. and Za'amanu'el. c . 1830. I, Ya'egzer Barya the 11ebi1ra ed, have given to the magabi Gabr� Mar-­ yam: in the district (,nedr) of Made�e, 4 (parcels of land); � n ! he land (n1edr) of Ad Dagua 'u, 3; and 3 1n the land (medr) of Kiman; and one in the land (medr) of l(uedelcue; that it may be for me a con­ ductor to the ki11gdo1n of heaven. If any one violates or infringes (this), may he be cursed by the mo11th of Peter and Paul. Furtl1er, I, Yazger (sic) Barya the nebura ed, have given to the abeto Demsu, 5 fields from the asi,r (emmedra asur) of Ad Baraqat, that it 1nay be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven. Further, I, Yazger Barya the nebura ed, have given to the qasisa gabaz Za'amanu'el, one house in the asur land (e,nmedra asur) of Ad Aqayt. (Ab. 225, p. 148.) 92. (93)





WEBB to the Maqdasa Ahuna Pantalewon.



To the glory of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I, daj azmiic Webe whose baptismal name is Kidana Maryam, have given to the sanctuary of our father Pantalewon of the desert 1 , a part of the land (medr) of Beta Pantalewon, except the feqat2 of Aksum. In the time of Matewos the Evangelist, i11 the year of tl1e world 55003 , the year of mercy 1833;4 ( �t a time) when the 1zebi,ra ed was Warqe; the qaysa gabaz, Q �lams1s; the 111agabi, Walda Dengel; the bet tahaqi, Abba Walda �1 }a'el; �l1en tl1e priests of the sanctuary remained ?n the pavement. That 1t _may be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven. If any one violates or i1uringes this, be he masfe11 or makuannen or seyum, may l1e be cursed by the power of Peter and Paul; and by s, desertum', Ludolf, Lexicon, col. 434. Conti Rossini rende rs it mu �:,� :u fa� �; 2. Possibly meant for 'i:�h� 1 'd ' . . ,. ·1· 1v1s1on 3. The MS as !if, tD�f i in error for {tf mcJ} lD f «jjtDf ( ?) � T b e M S as I fI lD�f I ffmf 1 \Vhich may be meant for the Ethiopian 4 · year 1833, an� t hus th e Ro1nan year 1840. 5- The words of the te t x are. tn1'1-II , "}(t-&,."} , a,.{l+ 1 &�&� 1 IJtJ'i"9 1 .(.-fl,t,�• 1·



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the mouth of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, for ever and ever. Amen. (Ab. 152, f. 71v.)


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WEB:E to the Cathedral of Aksum. 93. (94) 1831-55. To �e glor.?' of the Fat�er, the So�, and the Holy Spirit. I, the daj azmacWebe whose baptismal name 1s Kidana Maryam, have renewed, in the time of Yo}:iannes the Evangelist, the land (medr) of Madoge to my mother Seyon the Cathedral of Aksum; and I have established 44 priests of the sanctuary (kiihenlita dabtara). That it may be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven, and that these priests may per­ form my commemoration on the day of the feast of Mika'el the cllief of the Angels, which is on the 12th day of ]jedar (21 November) and the 12th day of Sane (18 11ay). If any 011e violates or infringes this, be he masfen or 111akt,annen or nebz,ra ed, may he be cursed by the power of Peter and Paul; and by the power of all the Prophets a11d Apostles. (Ab. 152, f. 7lv.) 94. (95)

WEBE to the Cathedral of Aksum.

1831-55. To the glory of the Father, the Son, a11d the Holy Spirit. I have renewed to my mother Seyon the Cathedral of Aksum the land (111edr) of Kuellu Yefarha. 1 , and I have established the priests of tl1e sanctuary; that it may be for me a conductor to tl1e kin.gdom of heave11; and tl1at these priests may perform my con1memoration on the 16th of Yakatit (22 February), on which (day) our Lord J·esus Cl1rist gave tl1e Pact of Mercy to His Mother tl1e Virgin. If any 011e violates or infringes (the grant of) this land (medr), be he ,nasfen or makuan11en, 1nay he be cursed by the power of Peter a11d Paul. (Ab. 152, f. 7lv.) 95. (96)



WEB£ to the Cathedral of Aksum.

To the glory of Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Bel10!�, I, the daj azmac Webe, have given and renewed Kuellu Yefarb� to my mother Seyon, that it may be an offering to the church. That it may be for me a conductor to the kingdom of heaven which passes not, for ever and ever. Amen. And (we have forbidden) under pain of excom­ munication by the voice of Peter and Paul the �eyu,n of Sire and the makuannen of Tegre to approach (this land); only the qesa gabaz Qalamis (may d o so). (Ab. 225, p. 141.) •



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This was one of the estates given by Ella Abrehd and A�bel).a to the cathedral in cbaner 1.



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WEBB to the church of Kidana Mel;rrat at Qabqabo. 1831-55. Behold, I, daj azn1ac Webe, have given to (the <:hurch of) Kidana Me� })_rat of Qabqabo, 30 parcels of land at Derar 'Ayn . (Ab. 225, p. 144.) 96. (97)

WEBB to tl1e church of i\tfadbane 'Alam at Adwa. 1831-55 97. (98) (Renewal of cl1arter 84.) To the glory of the Father, the S011, a11d tl1e Holy SJ:irit. I, the daj az111acWebe, l1ave rene,ved to (the churcl1of) Madbane 'Alam at Adwa: YeI:ia witl1 all its territory; Addaqer'e with all its territory; Addaq Sa11u·on witl1 all its territory; Beta Y0I:ian11es with all its territory; Ad Gefii'fo; A9alaqu; Reba Garad with all its territory. If any one among tl1e seyuma,1. i11fringes (this), 1nay he b e cursed. (Ab. 225, p. 163.) 98. (101)





To the glory of the Fatl1er, the So11, a11d the Holy Spirit. Let us then write tl1e record of the cl1arter-la11d of Qalqal (given) to the ato Gafi son of tl1e abeto Gabru Guera. Wl10s0 violates or infringes (this), 1nay l1e be c11rsed by tl1e 1no11th of Peter a11d Paul. (Ab. 152, f. 69v; Ab. 225, p. 140.) 99. (102)





? C. 1830.

Behold, I, Walatta Le 't1l daughter of Sidi Abustali 1, have bought from Walda I(restos son of Agt1a (a parcel of la11d) for 8 samma. The fee of the garantor was a qerli1111a (paid) to tl1e sa!aqli Walda Gabre'el son of the abeto Tasfa. The witnesses \Vere Abba Walda Lewi; Abba \Varq�; the priest E11to1nanu; the priest Zanolawi; tl1e priest Menase; the priest G·abru Dekt1la; Gabra Kida11 son of Abba Danges; Wa! son of tl1e abeto Hadgu; Zan10 son of Qero; Iyosab; Gabra Sadeq son of tl1e crslilafi Walda Giyorgis. Tl1e time of tllis was when the qesa gabaz was Za'amanu'el. \Vhoso damages or erases (this), may he be cursed by the power of Peter a11d Paul. Ainba Sellase; Kefla Iyosab; Gabra Masih · Abeselon1 · Gabra Kidan; Manase s011 of Mika'el; Sebl:tat La'ab{ Walatta Giyorgis;



Purcl1ase of la nd by WALATTA LE 'UL.

;.erhaps tbe Apostoli mentioned by Bent (Sacred City of zhe Eihiopia.ns, p. 1s reputed to have left a hundred children behind him'. ·



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Walatta Seyon; Walatta Sellase; Amda Mika'el son of Samu'el 1 • (Ab. 22 5, p. 14 I . ) ; :

J 00. (103) YOl:JANNES IV to the conve11t of Dabra Bizan. 1868-89.






And I, the of kings Yol:iannes, have re11e\ved all the l1ereditary grants and charters 2 of Dabra Bizan wh.ich my fathers tl1e ki 11gs Dawit, Zar'a Ya'qob, Lebna Dengel, and Galav,1dewos gave. Whoso violates or infringes (this), may he be ct1rsed by the mouth of the Father, tl1e Son, and the Holy Spirit, be he Tegre 1nalcuantze11 or ba{1ra 11agiisi or makuannen 's deputy; may he be cursed by tl1e po\ver of Peter and Paul. (Erytl1r.)

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This list of names is appende d to the charter w1"thout explanation The names may be those of additional witnesses, though a person ca11ed Gabra Kidan occurs also in the body of the charter. collecs thi in gs kin s e · b n iz B to 1 + d • + h grante m't-A Ch rters � � � Z tlon are no. 1 I (Dawit), no. 17 and 17a ( ar a Yicqi:) ��� no. 49 (Galawdewos).



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APPENDIX I A GRANT TO DABRA DEM.AH BY DAWIT I (1380-1409). This document is 1·ecorded in the Gadla Marqorewos (ed. Conti Ross­ ini, CSCO. vol. 33, pp. 44-6) from a manusc�ipt which may have belonged to the late 17th century. But the peculiar form of this, and the fact that tbe manuscript was destroyed in 1902 and survives only in a summary and extracts made by Conti Rossini (printed in the CSCO), 1nakes some of it of doubtful historical validity. In view of this, and because the record is not in norn1al charter farm, it seemed better to include it in an Appendix. The list of estates is given in al­ phabetical order, and not in the order in which they occur in the text; they are 11ot included in tl1e Index of lands granted by charter. DAWIT I to the convent of Dabra Demab. The king having called the seyum of Sarawe, Dabasina Egzi'e, read out before him (tl1e 11ames of) those estates, ,:vhich �1ere 85 in number, and our king Dawit gave then1 to our father Marqorewos saying, 'Let them be for thee and thy children for ever'. And agai11 he said to him, 'Let the edges (of these estates) be fire, and the centre a garden for thee' . 1 And he sent the royal trumpeters, who \Vent round the boundar­ ies blowing their trumpets and retur11ed after the third week. We shall write a list of the estates which our king Da\vit son of Sayf a Ar'ad gave to our father Marqorewos who is the sun of Dabra Demab: �AbiY. 'Addi 'Ad Hamar 'Ad Daq Baray "Ad Abbaza 'Ad Daq Maso 'Ad Jemal 'Ad AbbazaHabtoy 'Ad Daq Sene'a 'Ad Kabibo 'Ad Abzamat 'Ad Kahsu 'Ad Debus 'Ad Abisa * 'Ad Fene'e 'Ad Kebud 'Ad Adenay 'Ad Gaba 'Ad Kiros * 'Ad Agaray 'Ad Gandafar 'Ad Kuala * 'Ad Atal * 'Ad Gartati * 'Ad Liban 'Ad Aye 'Ad Guii' 'Ad Male * 'Ad Bari 'Ad Guarato 'Ad Ma'amen :Ad Balsay 'Ad Gu'ubo * 'Ad Mana Ad Bulad 'Ad tlabar 'Ad Mani , Ad C�nd0g 'Ad }Ja�aba 'AdRafay,the sarne as May Agam









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A similar expression , the centre be � sea and its edges a fire', o� in charter 40 (Lebna Dengel),. an ' rn dm �y Gadla Marqorewos, p. 14. It implies imm unity from cntrY by officials.

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'A . d Tamanay 'Ad Tasfa Le'ul 'Ad Warasi 'Ad Waylay 'Ad Yohanneso • 'Ad Zamar 'Ad Zarben • 'Ad Zama 'Adogalbo 'Aguale'e Amba Gudad Anqa� o Aqotab Arqezana Ay�agabna Ba'at Answ a Bambeqo Barbar Zagi * Barrah Behnuna

Dahdak Nabo Dalek Damba Damba Mis Danbalas Dubani, as far as * Edaga Debna Edda Abba Ananya Edda Abba Endreyas Efun (Gadama Efun) Emba Barya Gaq Guada'e Helilek * Kuakya Kuedo Falasi * Maka Rada'i * Maqarka Marab, as far as the * Maragafia 'Ad Saguagi May Agam (' Ad Bet Abba * Rafay) Dabra Demah * May ·Ay11 Da'e ro Paw lo s

,.,-,... •d ._a.!I-- I






May Daguale May I:Iaris May Haro May La}:iam May Le�uy ·May Moni ·May $aqamte Maya Imat Maya Tatu Meruq Metekal Ne'ed O'o (or, 0'o) 1 Qaqebda Sellusit Sa'ada 'Addi Sa ranta Sene'eto Si'at • Takita

: ; I '


Te'um Kudo Wagariqo Zeban San1a'etat, as far as D11bani

This is the list of estates which o ur king Da,vit son of Sayfa Ar'ad gave to our father Marqorewo s that they might be for him conductors to the kingdom of heaven. Now, then, you cl1ildren of Bele n Sagade and men' of Sara.we, do not vi o late or infringe any of these charter­ lands or these fields; and all the property of Dabra Demab, use it not like other places, for there are in it many righteous men, and of all the convents of Abba M. arqorewos , Dabra Deroab is the greatest. May the blessing of our father Marqorewos be with us all for eve r and ever. Amen. We write (here) the list of the es tates of ot1r father Marqorewos which are in Sere (Sire): ¢aramba 'Ad lj:adgoy Emba Huabuila • Adeqe Felfeli A��ema Guarasa (Gadama Guarasa) Barqaho l

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Madalba Masbaliba Qa�ma



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Qarna An baza SaJ:ilo Saqar Da mb a



s e . yer Th soy pra Be aga and blessin g Ed o: als et Ad of d lan the i i i And of our father Marqorevvos be with us all for ever and ever. Amen and Ame11. The first list is said i11 the document to contain 85 names; there are in fact 89, \Vitl1 18 added in a later hand (one, 'Ad Bari, twice), giv­ ing a total of 106. The later additio! 1s ar� m�r�ed with an asterisk. The second list is said to be of places 1n Sere (Sire). Two of them occur i11 otl1er c11arters: Barqaho i11_110. 8 and Madalba i11 no. 14. But Qagma may 11ot be tl1e Qagma of no. 6 if the latter is Kokma east of Adwa. 'Ad Gar�ati in tr1e first list may be the same place as the Ad Gartat of 110. 77. Tl1e refere11ces to tl1e se_yi11n of Sarawe and the men of Sara.we sug­ gest tl1at 111ost, if 11ot all, of these esta.tes were in Sara.we; it is possible to identif)' a fe\v of tl1em, i11cludi11g Dabra Dernab itself, which are in fact i11 this provi11ce: 'Ad Abisa: Ad Abiscia, G-SGS 37/2 HFL. 'Ad Atal: perl1a1:,s near Mai Atal near Med.bani, GSGS 37/2 HFK. 'Ad I<.uala: 1:,erhaps Addi Quala. 'Ad Mana: Ad Ma11a, GSGS 37/2 HFL, 8 n1iles NNW of Adi Ugri. 'Ad Samra: Adi Samra, GSGS 37/2 I-IFL, 3 miles SE of Debra Mercurios. ' ,,

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Arqezana: Argl1ezana, GSGS 37/2 HFL, 10 miles N'W of Adi Quala. B'.:lrrah: perl1aps Adi Baro, 5 nliles NW of Debaroa (Debarwa), and tl1e Barra of Alvares. BeL1nuna: :Bt1l1une11a, Guida, 11ear 1:;-undi11ai, GSGS 37/2 HFL. Bet Abba Garima: Bet Abba Gari111a, about 4 miles E of Adwa . Dabra De1nah: otl1erwise called Da bra Marqorewos, GSGS 37/2 HFL Debra Merct1rio�, 20 miles WNW of Adi Ugri. Damba: Damba, GSGS 37/2 HFL, 8 miles NW of Decam ere. Dan �alas: the north-western part of Sara.we (map in M11nz­ inger, Ostafrikaniscl1e Stuclien, (1864). Edda Abba Endreyas: 'E.A. Andreas', Guida, and 'Andreas', GSGS 37/2 HFL. Kuedo Falasi: Godofelassi, GSGS 37/2 HFL, 4 miles SE of Adi lJ gri.

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May Lal;lam: perhaps near Adi Mai Laam, Guicla and GSGS ' ·

37/2. HFL near Fundinai. . . . Sa'ada 'Addi: Tzada Addi, Guida, SW of Mai Cehu; GSGS 37/2 HFL.


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Dubani: this is the country of the Sanquella (Gad/ciMarqorewos, p. 31), and may be represented by Dubone between the Marab and t.he Kassala--Adi Ugri road, GSGS 37/2 I-IFK.



'Ad Candog: this suggests tl1e 'Addi ¢a'anadt1g shown 011 the the pla11 of Ak:s11111 111ade by tl1e Deutsche Aksun1 EXJJeclition' to the west of the city.

n LEBNA DENGEL RESTORES TIIE DIGNITY OF A SUMAT This was printed by Co11ti F...ossi11i in the LiberAx·u111ae as cJ1arter 29; it is not a grant of la11d, but a11 order restoring tl1e dig1lity of his title and district to the seJ1u111 of Ainba Sanayt. Ya'- ebik:a .Egzi'e was governor of E11darta iI1 tl1e reign of 'A.Juda Seyon, a11d \Vas i11stigator of the tra11s]atio11 i11to Ge'ez of the I(ebra Nagast. Tl1e \\1ord balastyo (plur. Z1alastyotcit) n1ea11s, accordi11g to Gabriele da IVIaggiora (Voca­ bolario Etiopico-Italia110-Lati110, p. 25) a l<il1d of cercopitl1ect1s monkey; a/1bciy is the same as tl1e Ge'ez ,vord !1obiiJ'·




LEENA DEN GEL to tl1e seJ1i1111 of An1ba Sa-11ayt. To the glory of the Father, the So11, a11d tl1e I-Joly SJJirit. I, Lebna Dengel whose thro11e-name is Dawit, tl1e cl1ief of tl1e l(i11gs, the or­ thodox, of the land of Ethiopia, (have n1ade tl1is order) co11cer11ing the Z1ecli1g of Ainba Sa11ayt. I11 forn1er tin1es, in the da)'S of ki11g '�11da Seyon, when Ya'ebika Egzi'e and E11geda Egzi'e rebelled, ki11g '.Al11da Seyon ordered their extirpation a11d destroyed these rebels; and that the arrogance of,their hearts 11ught be destroyed and tl1eir glory hum­ bled, he set over their land (beings) vvho were not of the race of Adam and Ev e, whose name was {1a!c1:;tyota.t, or in the la11guage of Tegray (Tigri fia) ahbay. The seyu111 of Amba Sa11ayt -vvl1en he stayed (there) was and called beclug of the l;alastyo. Bu t from tl1is tin1e the �a'es Ze11ay _ also his successors shall be called seyitm of Emba Sanayt, like the the seyum of Sire and the seyum of Tanbe11. And these halastyo shall be killed, and their memory shall 11o t remai11, as I, king Lebna Dengel, have ordered, when the nebura: eel of Aksum a11d rciq rna'trsarewas Nob; the qaysa gabaz, Iyaqem; the liqa diyaqonat, Base'elat; the 'iiqiibe 83

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neway (ste"'rard) of the Cathedral, Sene'ena Maryam; the king's proxy v1ho is za,z$erar gueta, Habta Mika'el; and the ba'iila ma,$/:zaf, Takla Giyorgis. And a bedug who speaks in transgression of these orders let his house be sacked, and his goods destroyed, so that others ma; see it and be afraid. For ever and ever. (Ab. 152, f. 59v.)




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THE TOPOGRAPHY OF THE CHARTERS It is virtually impossible to identify all the names of places mentioned in th � chart �rs; to �o so w �uld involve extensive search on the ground, and 1s obVIously unpract1cable. Such identifications as the means available have permitted are given here, the modern names being written as in the sources used for the purpose; these are abbreviated as follows: 372 preceded by Square letters=GSGS 1 sheet ND 37/2 ASMARA(! 946) 374preceded by Square letters=GSGS sheet ND 37/4GONDAR (1946) 375 preceded bySquare letters= GSGS sl1eet ND37/5MACAL LE (1946) F.G. = the map of Ferret et Galinier, in Routes. (1840) Abb. = Antoine d'Abbadie, Geodesie cl'Ethiopie (1863-66). Parkyns = Mansfield Parkyns, Life in Abyssi,zia (1853). Routes = Routes in Abyssinia (;London 1867). Guida = Guida dell' Africa Orientale Italia11a (1938). Almeida: in Beckingham and Huntingford, Some Recorcls of Ethiopia (1954). Alvares: in Beckingham and Hunti11gford, T/1e Prester Jo/111 of tl1e Indies (1961). Mileages are only approxin1ate; they are the horizontal, i.e. the short­ est distances measured on the map, a11d are probably t1nderestimated 1n many cases.








AST A: Hau ista HF E 372, IO 1niles S of Aksum. HAW • HAMBARA: somewhere near Aksun1. • TABER: the Taboi of HFD 372. bra Da led cal o als ; gri U i Ad of NW W les t mi 20 ou ab DEM.AH: Marqorewos. m. su Alc ar ne all : YT QA 'A D 'A E, U , AG EN AD AM M GL SA KUELLU YEFARI-IA: near the Tegre-Sire boundary.


CHARTER 2 HASABO: close to Aksun1, and said to have been the original name -of A.ksum (Gad/a Marqorewos, CSCO. vol. 33, P· 24). DAMBA G·AZE: perhaps Damba S of Asmara, HFL 372.


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ce, ffi O ar W , aff St al er en G n io ct e S 1 h. , 1ca ap Sheets o.f the maps issued by the Geogr Lo.ndon.


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2. 37 FL H , ba am D of E , N bo ga ab G B: A BG GA 2. 37 FL I I, eh ay Q i dd A of W N a, er D DER.A: o f Aksum. s ile W m 8 t ou ab , b. , Ab at an ab K T: U KABA.N HADDIS AD: Haddis Addi, Abb., Addisc Addi, HFL 372, SW of of Ak.s11ro. W o, zy ra Ba ay M ar e ne els r o 1·i; Ug i Ad o , Abb. zy ra Ba ay M ar ne o oh Am E: BR DA th \Vi O AMAK HAWZENA: AD GOZAR: HAMAD ALBA MELAZO: SALA'E ANESTO:

all near Aksuro.

CI-IARTER 3 TA.FA: perhaps Adi Tafa, about 7 1niles NE of Addi Quala, HFL 372. AD BAijRO: perhaps Addi Bahro, F.G., Adi Baro, HFL 372, NW of Debarwa. A$AY: Asa)' near Ga11dabta, E of Aksum, Abb. ENDASEWA: Enticcio, HFE 372. DABRA ANS.A: Debra Ansa, HFE 375, about 10 miles NW of Abbi Addi. A$BI: Azbi, HFF 375, about 35 miles NE of Macalle. ZAREMA: Zarema, Abb., near Alawgena; HES 374 has a river Zerima. MAY MAS.AND: Mai Masa110 river, close to Adigrat, HFF 372. SAI:IART: the province S of Tamben, I-IET 375. GUERE: Gurre near Adwa, Gi,ida. AD MOGE'E: Adi Moaghe near the Marab river, 30 miles W of Aksum. GABL.A: Gabala, 35 miles E of Adigrat, HFF 372 ( ?). WEQRO: N of Agula, the Agroo of Alvares, where there is a rock­ cut church.



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EGALA: a district W of Decaroere (A.d daqq Aml;laray) and Digsa, F.G.; Abb., not n1arked on HFL 372. Gu:£RGUER: this might be either Gurgur near Senafe, or Gherg­ hera SW of Decamere, HFL 372.

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GALAB A: Gheleba, 15 miles SSW of Senafe, Guida. about 20 miles S of Senafe. HAM: • EMBA TAKUELA: Tahuila, Abb., M t. Toquoile between Addi Quala and Saganeiti, HFL 372. DA'RAKA: this district is said to include Gana.def and H amlo . which raises considerable difficulties. Tl1ere is also a Daraqa � charte r 7 which ma y be the Deraga of I-IFE 372 near Aksum · and it is possible, though unlikely, that Da'raka may be an alter� native for m of Da raqa. Moreover, there is a Ha • mlo 40 miles w of Aksum, and another 40 miles to tl1e east. And is Gana.def another form of Gandabta, about l 5 miles NE of Deraga? MATARA: NW of l:fam; here is the well-k11own obelisk bearing an unvocalized Ge'ez inscription of tl1e 4th century A.D. (see Ullendorff in Journ. Roy. Asiat. Soc., 1951, pp. 26-32). see DA'RAKA above . HAMLO: • MEG.ARYA SAMR: Magala Zamri, Abb., Megaria Zemri, Guida. The district NE of Adwa. Not sl10,vn on 1-IFE 372. YEJ:IA: Guida; near triangulation station 8666 ft.; NE of Adwa, HFE 372, though not shown on GSGS. SEMBELA: Tzembella, Guida; mis-spelt Tzembelta, HFE 372; on the Takkaze. SABALA.QUE: Tsabalaca in Tzembelta, I--IFD 372. CI-IARTER 5

DABRA SALAM: F.G., W of Fiso (Fiscio, HFF 375). TA'EKA: Possibly the place called Tarca 11ear I:Jam, Guida; but not shown on the map i11 Gi,ida, 11or 011 I-IFM 372. SADWA: Sadua, SE of Adigrat, HFF 372. IJAWZA: Auza, 15 miles SE of Hausien, HFF 375. BE}JEZA: Behesa (Amba Behesa), NNW of Ad\va, the Abafar;em of Alvares. YEBUS.A: Ibusa, Abb., 20 miles ENE of Adwa.



CHARTER 6 QAGMA: Kokma, Abb., between Adwa and Enticcio. CHARTER 7

DARAQA: See Charter 4. . ra b e u · D f o W N ., .G F f o di E a at QATAT E EKEL: perhaps the Cal _ a. dw A of . N 2, 37 E F H GA.SA W ARQ: the Gasciorchi of 87



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CHARTER 8 , b D ra E a e R 2. M th 37 f o S d n a a m a m a S f o MADABAY: north ir f ed ad o a' N E (N ), N er s ile 1n 4 e, si as el F i d d A EDDA FALA.SI: HFE 375. E F 2, of m H 37 S ah L of da gu ud G e th s ap rh pe : A D E GUADGU Aksum. 2. E 37 F H , io cc ti n E f o E S s ile m 5 _ AWGER: Augher, E 2. r, F 37 H he ug A f o W S , le ai ah H s ap rh pe : Y B:ETA fiA.YLA . ro su k A d an a dw A of N ., bb A , 'a hs A AHSE' A: e by ra n e Se te th rit (W . ab ar M e th of N ce in ov pr e SARA.WE: th Italians.)

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CI-IARTER 9 is s it er say art ch the ce sin 4; 37 FD I 1, ayt alq W in r etu Ch R: KETE in Adyabo. (The name Walqayt does not occur in this collection.) KETUR: this cannot be Chetur. ADDI $AGUAR: perhaps Sect1ar S of Addi Arkay, HES 374. ADYABO: the province NE of Asgade, and N of the Takkaze. SAMAMA: Semama, S of the Marab, HED 372. $ALAMT: in the northern part of the Samen region, S of the Takkaze.


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DANBALABILA: Dambalabila, Abb., about 4 miles E of Aksum. AD LE'UL: Addi Liul, Abb., in Saman1a. ABAR SAMAQA: Aber Semmaka, F.G., about 10 miles SE of Cedarwa. MAY q_ALA'U: Mai Quollaw, Parkyns; in QUARARO: in Gar'alta, perhaps represented by the A. Quararo of I-JFE 375. QALITA: Either (i) Quollita in Walqayt, Parkyns; Culita, HFC 374; or perhaps n1ore likely (ii) Kalita, Abb., about 10 miles W of Aksun1. CEDARWA: Kedaroua, F.G., in Sire. AD ABUN: Adi Abuna, Abb., and HF E 372, 5 miles N. of Adwa . SALO_?�: Abb., N of and close to Aksum; Chelloda, F.G. AMBA �ANAY!: not marked 011 the maps listed above, but shown on th� map In Holland and Rozier, Expedition (1870). E of Gua l Hatz�t, HFE 372. The 'Abacinete' of Alvares and Amba�net of ' Almeida. PESO (FISO): Fiscio, NE of Azbi, HFF 37 5. AGABO: F.G. E of Gar'alta. 88 .










DARA: This �a� be represented by the Dera of HFF 375 12 miles


WNW of F1sc10.

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GAD.A M : Mt Ghedem, H F U /H F M 372, the mountain-range that runs WNW-ESE parallel to the coast of the Gulf of Zulla. ALGAD:EN: the Alughede river, which rises near Asmara and flows eastwar�s to the coast near Zulla, I-IFL/I-IFM 372; the eastern stretch 1s perhaps the part ,vith which the charter is concer11ed. ENGAN'A: Ingan'a, Abb., SE of Decamere. $EN'A DAGLE: San'a Digle, Abb., the region from Saganeiti to Gadam; not marked on I-IFL/I-IFM 372. KARNESEM: Kameshim, a district lying NW-SE above the line of hills roughly from and E of Kuazen (Coazien), Ad Nefas, a11d Asmara, Routes, map opposite p. 113. DEMBAZAN: about 30 miles NE of Aksum..






' . '

CHARTER 12 'AD QALQAL: Addi Qalqal, Abb., abot1t 5 n1iles SW of Enticcio. WAQAR DEB.A: As far as the name goes, this could be tl1e Uocar­ deba Mariam of HES 374, 20 1niles NE of Gondar. But unless the statement about the provincial location is to be i11terpreted very loosely or even as erroneous the limits of the Sire cannot be stretched as far as this. GEZGEZYA: perhaps the A. Ghir Gluzia of HFD 372. GU.AL: perhaps Guala, just E of Adigrat, HFF 372. KOR TAKLI: Takle, Abb., Toc11le, Gz1icla ,tud HFD/HFE 375, in Sembela. GALILA: perhaps Dame Galila, 10 ntiles S of Ad'"'a. 1 HFE 372. DIGA: shown by F.G. about 5 nliles N of Dabra Abay. AWGER: See charter 8. MAY TANQUA: Tongua, H FE 375, SW of Abbi Addi. 5. 37 FD H , ien 111 Se l de ta co So of SW : s 15 ile m BUYA Buia, SARANTYA: Mai Serenta, SW of Tsabalaca, HFD 375.



CHARTER 13 NA'ED:eR: Nadir, 25 miles NW of A'bbi Addi, HFF 375.








. um ks A of W s ile m 4 t ou ab DEBURA: Debboura, F. G ., Dabara, Abb., 2. 37 E F H a, dw A f o E N AD QARN: perhaps Mai Qarn



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AWLE'O: Haulio, 35 miles SE of Adigrat, HFF 372. CHARTER 17

t les ou , mi ab 113 6 SE p. p. op p ma s, ute Ro ne, hen Au : NE HE AW · of Halay. . . ADtT: Adiet, W of Nadir, between tl1e Uer1 and Fu fua nvers, HFE 375. This is the 'very large district named Aadete' belonging to Dabra Bizan, referred to by Alva.1:es, p. 94. EGALA: see Charter 4. KUALO GEZAN: this see1ns to be meant for the district of Akala Guzay. AB'A: Aba, Abb., S of Ni'ilto, which is between Digsa and Ambacocat (so writte11 on I-IPL 372; Abb. has Imba Kakat). 372. AMI-IUR: 2 miles S of Decamere, IIPL ADGENA: Adage11a in Aylat (Ailet, HFT 372, which is about 25 miles W of Massavva), Abb. DANBA: possibly Damba, 8 miles NW of Decamere, HFL 372, thougl1 this position does not agree with the text. �D TA.FA: perhaps the same as the Tafa of Charter 3 (?). SEK.AT: Sciccheti, 14 miles SSW of Asmara, HFL 372. CHARTER 18

QABALE GUERE: G·urre, Abb., close to and E of, Adwa. MATQA'ELO: Matqi'alo, Abb., close to and E of, Aksum. '







QABALE GUERE: as in tl1e last cl1arter. GUERE ASAM: perhaps the 'plain of Asam' of Abb., close to Adwa on the east. LEGUAMT: Somewhere in the Abse'a regio11. AD CE'ENDE: DAB�A ANS.A: perhaps the A. Debra Ansa of HFE 375, about 10 miles NW of Abbi Addi; if the text is correctly written this must ' be the district (medr) o f Gualgualo.

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GUA.NKUA.: perhaps Guankua, Abb., about 7 miles ENE of May Salo and N of the Ataba river in Semen.



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ZEGEB: Zigib, Abb., bet�een Ad Waqarti and �alot, and according to Routes, map opposite p. 113, 4 miles SSE of Salot LAWS.A: Lawisa, Abb., 20 miles WNW of Senafe;· Rou�es, general map. MAY SA'ADA: Mai Tzada, NE of Adigrat, HFF 372. 'AGA�O : perhaps near the M �y Aga1no of Abb., near Hoya (Hoja, 0' zda) between the Ungwa ('Engueya) and Belesa (Balasa) nvers. AG.A.ZENA: Arghezana, 10 miles NW of Addi Quala, HFL 372.


CHARTER 27 DABRA SINA: the reference l1ere may be to the Dabra Sina.about 10 miles NW of Aksum. DABRE: possibly the Dabre about 7 IID.les NW of Enda Jesus, N of the Marab, Guida. ZANA: perhaps the district of Zana, HFD/1-IFE 375, N of the Tak­ kaze. HAD DIS 'ADDI: perhaps the Addis Addi of HFE 372, 10 miles SW of Aksum. MAY GUARZO: Mai Gorz, HFL 372, SW of 'Enda A. Joa11es' (E·nda Abba Yonas, Guida). MAY DA'ERO: Mai Daro, Guida; Az Daro, HFD 372, in Madabay. Bil;IAT: Behat, 7 miles SSW of Senafe, I-IFM 372.


CHARTER 28 SAGLAMEN: the association of Saglaroen i11 tlus charter \vith tl1e awfii,·i of Zarafta suggests that it was near Torat s� 11ce the aJvfciri � of Zarafta is associated witl1 the alvfciri of Torat 111 a document which lists the compulsory labour dtie to the Cathedral of Aksum (Liber A.xumae, CSCO. 54, p. 11).



CHARTER 29 ZEBGA.Z: perhaps somewhere SSW of Lalibala a11d near the Tak­ kaze.




CHARTER 30 I: SB A 3; r te ar Ch e Se : A tM R TAFA ' A D BAR - RO ' ASAY ' ZA See Charter 10. BOR BA 'AT: This appears in charter 3 as Gor Ba'at.














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CHARTER 32 'AD GUAGUA: Addi Guagua, Abb., on May Guagua, just W of Adwa. CHARTER 37 T a, ar HF m As of 372. W N s ile m 8 , ho er D a 1b An : O O RH EMBA D re er ctu efe r1n fo 'pr of a , ra ma As of y N or rit ter b ba Ha In A: QL BA of the BaQinagas' (Ludolf).

CHARTER 38 A \¥1-IENB: see Charter 17. AMI-IEDA: about 2 miles ENE of I:Ialay, Routes, map opposite p. 1 I 3. I:IALAY: 1-Ialai (miswritten Halal), 12 1niles NNW of Addi Qayeh, I-IFL 372. ElvIBETO: Erobeito, 20 1niles SW of I:Ialay, I-IFL 372. 'AD WAQART: perhaps tl1e Uogl1erti of HFL 372, the Addi Wakar­ ti of Routes, map opposite p. 113, 6 miles NW of Decamere. ZA'ARE: perhaps Za'arri, Abb., about 10 miles SW of Digsa. DA.BR: Daber, close to and ESE of Embeito, HFL 372.


MEMSAI:I: the district imn1ediately NE of Ad\\1a, written Mamsab. by Abb. ' . ''

CHARTER 42 The sanction agai11st the seyun1 of Na 'eder suggests that the places granted in this charter were in tl1is regio11; see Charter I 3.





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CI-IARTER 43 MARAT�: Tl1�s �ame is given by Ludolf as that of a 'prefectu re of -the Ba}:irnagas ; but tl1e places may not be the same. AFLA: perha �s the Afela river, HFL 372, 15 miles W of Adi Ugri. HA.GARAY: 1n the A�bi region.

CHARTER49 GAD.AM: See Charter 11. 'AD:BT, DANBA: See Charter 17. EGALA: See Charter 4. 92


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CHARTER 61 LEJ AMBA.RA and SIMA RAS: in the Amadfunit regioii of Damot. the other places are perhaps also in the same regio11., the g rant ee · ' · was viceroy of G OJam. . ab u o t 15 miles from the N E cor11er of ·Lake Tana. QA.RODA: EMFRAZ: bet,veen Ebnat and the lake.

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Cl-IARTER 62 MATA.RO : about 15 miles ENE of Adv,,a, Abb. ASGAD:t: the region west of Sire a11d San1ama. SAGLA: Abb., a river about l1alf way between Aksu1n a11d Advva.


CHARTER 64 DEB URA: see Charter 14. YEBUSA: See Charter 5. CHARTER 65 DABRA BERHAN: in Sl1oa, 15 miles \\TN\V of A11l(obar. The places named in this cl1arter are perhaps all in. Shoa, except pos­ sibly Boe; there is a place of this 11a111e VI o.f Go11dar. ,

CHAPTER 67 HAGARA MARY AM: perhaps the Agl1ere Maria1n betvveen Abbi Addi and Fenaroa, Guida, p. 282. QUARQUARA: perhaps tl1e Adi Corcora of G-i,icla, 30 miles S of Macalle, the first Corcora of Alvares, p. I 83.



CHARTER 68 ENDARTA: a province to the S and E of Macalle. SEN'AFE: S of Addi Qayeh. GAR'ALTA: a province immediately N of Tamben, NVv' of Macalle. FALAG DA'ERO: Foleg Daro, rIEU/HFF 375, \vhicl1 flows eastwards from its source some 30 miles E of Macalle. AGUELA 'E: Agula, about 15 miles NNE of Macalle. I:IAWZA: Auza, about 7 miles NNW of Macalle. ut b s ter ar ch e th in d ne tio en � m R SE A.'E: a vanished province, la st � · n sti di e b o (T . lta 'a ar G d an a rt , 1820 and absorbed into Enda guished fro m Serae, the Italian spelling of Sarawe.) . . . AD KAR AS: Adde Carras, F.G., about 10 mil�s N of Abbi Addi.





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CJ-IARTER 69 DABRA SINA: See Ch.a.rter 27. MAY (;,AW: perhaps the Mai Ceu of H. E U 3�5, about 55 miles SEE ,., of Macalle, and 12 miles N of Lake Asange.

CHARTER 70 s ed in rthi ces nam cha pla the of t res e Tl1 2. er art Ch See : BO SA HA . ter are probably near Alcsum.


See Charter 2.




DARA: See Cl1arter 10. AGA.ME: tl1is is the provi11ce E of Adigrat ru1d N of Endarta. EGALA HAMAS and EGALA I:IASIN: both are in the region kno,x,n as Egala, east of the 11orther11 course of the Marab. The second of the two places is sho,vn by F.G·. as Eggala Azin about 25 11ules W of Dixal1 (Digsa). AII p. 228 (219) l1as: '(Ras Mika'el) n1ade an eXJJedition as far as Sen'a Dagle a11d E11gan'a of which the town is Qayhor Afalba, ,tnd to Endaqo; from which he ca1ne to Tor'a and tl1e country of the Asawerta Marata Sabane (Asaorta Saho); and he macle a11 expeditio11 against Egala B:asin of \\1hicb the tovvn is Saga11ti (? Saganeiti), vvhich is tl1e land on tl1e frontier of Bizan'. I(ORBARYA: Corbaria, 7 1niles W of Deca111ere, Guida; the Co­ iberia of Alvare�, p. 134. YEI-IA: See Cl1arter 4.

CI-IARTER 74, 75

SERKU�SO: Serrou�o, F.G., 15 n1iles N.E of Adigrat. MAY SE A and GAMAD: tl1ese must be s0111ewhere 11ear Serkueso, since Wab11a Fessul:i was probably tl1e Fessul;i of Irob (Saho) :-Vhose 11rune appears in genealogies published by Conti Rossini 1n Al Ragali, p. 60 (Mila·n, 1904, quoted in CSCO. vol. 58, p. 66). ',


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FISO : See Charter 10. A$BI: See Charter 10. DARA: See Charter 10. 94





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DEBURA: See Charter 14. HAMBARA: See Charter 1. NAFAS: perhaps the district outside th e Dabtara qu arter of the · city of A ks um . AD G U AG U A: perhaps the Addi Guagua of Abb. bet\\'een Ahuna Pantalewon and Danbalabila a little to the E of Alcsum. (See Charter 32.) '


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The places named in this document, being 'from th� asur', are probab­ ly close to Aksum; KUEDIKUI v1as in fact tl1e na1ne of the SW quar­ ter of the city, and on its south edge was the palace of Ta 'eka Maryam. CJ-IARTER 79

Toe places named in this doct1n1ent are probably also close to A.ksun1. CI-IARTER 80

Another asur land, probably close to Aksu111. 1


AGAZENA: See Charter 25. MAY GUEND: Mai Gundi, Guicla, E of tl1e Abaro pass 'alta, between Adwa and Macalle. LAWSA: See Charter 25.

I' I



CHARTER 82 SA N'AF£: See Charter 68. ASBI: See Charter 10. WANBARTA: Uomberta, HFF 375, SE of Macalle. ENDARTA: Customs post 18 1niles NNE of Macalle. . SAMRA: Samre, HET 375; Samre or Zamra, Giticla, 30 miles SW of Macalle. DABRA SALAM: See Charter 5. MAY MAS.A.NU: See Charter 3. D EB AB: Debub, HEU 375, 35 miles SE of Macalle.


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MADABAY: See Charter 8. A HSE'A: See Charter 8.



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of NW di les mi 'Ad 5 ut abo Filkiros., b., Ab , rik Ba di Ad K: RI BA AD the Adi Firchiros of J-IFE 375; this is not far from Dabra ·Karbe. ZANA: HFD/HFE 375, N of the Takkaze, between Sembela and Adet.

CHARTER 84 YEHA: See Charter 4. , b . v,a Ab of Ad \¥ les nu 4 t ou ab : ES NN BETA YOHA •

CHARTER 89 NAFAS: perhaps the sa111e as in Charter 77; if so, the other places in the cl1 arter are probably also near Aksum.



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these places, cf. Charters 77 a11d 89.

CI-IARTER 91 l(UEDEI{UE: part of the city of Aksum, the Kuedikui of Charter 78. Tl1e other places 11an1ed i11 the charter are probably also near Aksum.


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BE.TA PANTALBWON: the sanctuary of Abba Pantalewon, on the rocky n1ount called Enda Abba Pantale . won ' to the SE of the City of Aksum (Gi,ida, p. 267).


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YEI:IA: See Charter 4. B:ET A YOijANNES: See Charter 84.


QALQAL: perhaps indicated by the Calcal river, HFE 372, about . 25-30 miles SE of Adigrat.


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I. Monasteries


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'A.BAY, DABRA. North of the Takkaze, between Sembela and Asgade, and about 20 miles SW of Dembeguina. AYSAMA, DABRA. This is included in Charter 43 with Halle Luya, Dabra Ba���al, D�bra Bakuer, Dabra Barbare, Dabra Seyon, Dabra Ma ara, Lagaso, Danba Tanbuk, a11d May Kuekue. Most of these lie between Torat on the NW a11d J:Iawzen on the SE, and Aysama may be somewhere i11 tllis regio11. BAKUER, DAB RA. Though this is n1entioned in Cl1arter 34 with others in the Torat-Hawzen region, it occurs also in CZ 12 \.vhich refers to 'Nob the nebura ed of Dabra Damo and of the monast­ tery (lit. ''its monastic life'') of Bak11er', which suggests that it may be near Dabra Damo. BANKUAL, DABRA. Perhaps near Halle Luya, NV\1 of Aks1un. It is mentioned (in tl1e forn1 Bankol) i11 PC 15 togetl1er with Hal­ lelo (Halle Luya), Lagaso, and Dabra Karbe as having bee11 burnt by the Moslems in 1535. BARAK.NA.HA. One of tl1e convents co1111ected v1ith the Sadqan or 'Just Ones', NE of Dabra Libanos in Tegre. Gz.ticla (p. 297) records a 'chiesa ipogea' here. (Other convents of the $adqan are Matara, Golo, and Fakada.) BARBARE, DABRA. SE of Amba Sanayt. See Makana Akiset below. BERHAN, DABRA. In Sl1oa, the only southern monastery i11 this collection. This famous place was founded by Zar'a Ya'qob; it is 15 miles NW of Ankobar. BETA PANTALEWON. Close to and SE of Aksum. This was the convent ·particularly associated with Abba Pantale\von, one of the Nine Saints who came to Ethiopia 'from Rom and Egypt i11 the reign of Alameda' (PC. fol. 6), though tl1e Life of Pc1nfale�von puts their arrival in the ti1ne of Gabra Masqal, the great grandson of Alameda (6th century). BETA SABUH AMLAK. The description of this and others in Ch�rter 43 as being in 'Tegre Makuanni', Sa}:lart, Ta11:ben, etc., suggests that it may ha ve been in Tegre Makuannen, which acc�r­ ding to Almeida (SRE. p. xcvi) was another name for the district of Hawzen in Gar 'alta.

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y rl e of he th rt no t as os on m m ­ e tl1 a; ar s1n A r ea N . A R B BIZAN, DA n ee d tw 50 de be 13 un fo d as an w It n. io ct lle co is th i 11 ed m na s terie th e di wi sa tim Ab a r fo the ed liv ho Vl' , ra Se of os lp 1360 by Fi founder of Dabra Maryam. DA.MO, DABRA. About 15 miles N� of Adigrat. It was � articu­ _ larly associated with Abba Aragaw1, one of the Nine Samts. It was probably founded in tl1e 6tl1 century. DANBA TANBUI<.. Due west of Aksum, and marked on d'Abbadie's map i11 l1is Geoclesie, carte no. 2: GUENDEGUENDE. About 20 miles NE of Adigrat, and north of the river May Sa 'ada. I-IALLE LUYA. About 20 miles NW of Aksum; called Hallelo and flallole i11 CZ, and 'Alleluia monastery' by Almeida, and Alvares. See f).ysama. ]JERMO, DABRA. The estates granted to this monastery in Charter 9 are mostly i11 Adyabo, with some in $alamt; it may have been i11 eitl1er of tl1ese provinces. I<.ARBE, DABRA. About 20 miles SW of Aksurn; it seems to be the place called Dabra I(awi on d'Abbadie's map (Geodesie, carte no. 3). LAG.A.SO, DABRA. Charter 41 refers to lands granted to this con­ ve11t in Torat; no. 55 refers to land in Danba Tanbuk as belong­ ing to it also. It is grouped with I-Ialle Luya and Mabbara 11aryam in no. 41; a11d in PC p. I 5 it appears v,rith Hallelo, Banko], and Dabra l(arbe as havi11g been burnt by the M oslems in 1535'; it was tl1erefore probably in the Aksun1 area. LIBANOS, DABRA. This was also called Enda Abba Mata'e, and is the oldest convent i11 nortl1er11 Ethiopia, founded according to tradition by Liba11os, otl1erwise called Mata fro m cam wh 'e e o . ' ' Rom' (i.e. some part of the Byzantine empire) and may in fact ha:e been a Syrian missionary of tl1e late 5th or early 6th century. _ It 1s a fe\1/ IDiles from Dabra Damo. In its library was kept a Gol�en Gos1)el, referred to in Charter 42, in which were preserv ed copies of land charters. MA 'A� , DABRA. This may be the place called Dabra Mahar in Guida:_ p. 272, about 10 miles SSW of Hauzien (I:Iawzen). MADARA. Also called Abba Garima, a few mile E of Adwa, the s co11ve�t par �icularly associated with Garima or Yes})aq, one of the Nme Saints. (Another of the Nine Guba is also associated with a Madara, but it is 11ot certain wh�re was.)


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MAHBARA MARYAM. This is associated with Halle Luya in Charter 41, and may have been ii1 the same area.


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MAKA NA AKISET. From Charter 81 i t would appear that this



was in the �strict of Selesit, which \Vas perhaps in Agame. Accor­ _ ding to this charter Dabra Barbare and iviakana Akiset were built b y daj azr11ac Gabra Masqal; the same charter adds that king Gabra Masqal gave charters to Maka11a Akiset, but it is 11ot clear whether the 6th ce11t1rry Gabra 11asqal is 111ea11t, or Yesl:iaq (1412-27) wl1ose thro11e-name was Gabra Masqal. The text sug­ gests that there \Vas here a co11,1ent of early f ou11dation, whether 6th or 15th century, which vl as reb11ilt by tl1e daj az1nac Gabra Masqal in the 18th or early l 9t11 ce11tw·y. MAKA.NA YAKES. Charter 43 gives no clue to tl1e position of It is possibly another forn1 of Makana A1<iset.


MALAGO, DABRA. The land ot� Gua11kua wl1ich is give11 to Mala­ go by Cha1ier 20 may have bee11 ENE of Ivfay �alo i11 Samen, and tl1e convent may l1ave bee11 in tl1is area. MARYAM, DABR.t-\. This was in Kol1ay11, a district of souther11 Sara.we, in the angle for111ed by tl1e Marab a11d Obel rivers, a11d about 35 miles almost d11e W of Addi Qt1ala. It was fot111ded be­ tween 1340and 1350 by Absadi the chief disciple of E\vostatewos, the leader of one of the two main groups in Etl1iopia11 monas­ ticism. MAY BARL7YO. About 20 111iles WN\V of Al<sun1. ivfAY KUEKUE. This may l1ave bee11 i11 or near '""forat. MAY WAYN, MAYA WAYN. Tlus 111ay be the place called May Wayni by d'Abbadie (Geoclesie, carte no. 2) abot1t 8 111iles NE of Dembegtrina, and some 4-0 111iles vVSW of Aksuro.


MAZRA'ETA KRESTOS. The la11ds gra11ted in Charter 62 to this co11vent vvere in YelJa, Abse'a, Addi 'Aba)', Asgade, a11d Sire. Since Mazra 'eta I<.1·estos is a person�l 11an1e ('tl1e arm of Clirist'), that of the founder, perl1aps, or of an abbot, it may have had another name. 'ONA MA'ESO. An estate called '011a Ma'eso was given to the Cathedral of Aks·um by Charter 5, \,,l:tich was ? o� sibly :n ear Adi: grat. A Dabra Ma 'eso is me11tioned in assoc1at1on with Am� a Sanet (Amba Sanayt) in CB. p. 129; and the place named 1n Charter 85 may have been a convent i11 this region.

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QEDUS, DA.BRA. This was also called Dabra Gabre'el and Dabra Sege. It is a few miles S of Adi Ugri.


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e , e sie (G rte ad de ca bb A d' o. · ot ta ya � ua K ? e th is is Th QUAYASA � _ d ne 1n CZ p. 28 \VIth t1o en 111 1s It n. u1 ks A of SW s ile in 20 e m so , 2) the alter11ative for111 Qaya�a. Also called Sede11ya, was particularly associated with SADYA. · Sehma 011e of the Nine Sai11ts. The only clue to its position is th�t it 'is in Tegre and in the cl1iefdo·m of $adya. di of SW Ad s ile 1n 5 Arkay t ou ab a, bb de al W In . A R SEYON, DAB (GSGS, Adi Arcai). YONAS, ABBA. The convent of Abba Yonas was a few miles SW of Dabra Qedus, 11ear Adi Ugri. ZANONA. Also called Dabra Debuba.11, was south of Dabra Mar­ yam, between the 1'1arab and Obel rivers. • •

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AKSUM. The Cathedral of Seyon. Tllis appears in the charters u11der tl1e followi11g 11ames: catl1edral of Aksum (gabaza akswn), in 110s. 1, 2, 5, 7; our Mother Seyon tl1e cathedral of Aksum, in 110s. 13, 63; n1y Mother Mary tl1e Queen, in no. 25; Mary the cathedral of Akstun, in no. 32; our L.ady 11ary Seyon the Mother of God, in no. 64; the sa11ctt1ary of my Mother Seyon, in no. 70; my Lady Seyon the catl1edral of Aksum, in no. 80; my Mother Seyo11 the catl1edral of Aksun1, in nos. 93, 94; my Mother Seyon, in no. 95. ' ADWA. (1) The church of Madhane 'Alain, in the centre of the town . (2) The churcl1 of St 11ika'el, a little to the NE of the town. (3) Tl1e church of Seyon, to the S of tl1e to\vn . (4) The· tabot of Gabre'el, in th.e SE qt1arter of the town. ¢ALAQOT. The sanctuary of the Tri11it)'; about 1O miles S of Maqalle (Macalle). DEBARWA. The church of Mika'el,a sn1allchurch built on thefounda­ tions of an Aksumite buildi11g; about 18 miles SSW of Asmara. FISO. This is the site of a market some 15 miles NE of A�bi in Endarta, on the lower slope of tl1e descent to the Danakil salt plain. lt is described by Lefebvre (II, pp. 25-9) who says that after a march of about an hour and a half be lo w Fiso he saw the �u.ins 0� a church and some houses built by Sebagades, who tri:d to start a market here. This must be the ch urch referred to lll C�arter 83. Charter 76 suggests that Giga esta blished a sumat of r ' Fiso about or after 1821. Lefebvre adds that the death of Seba 100

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gades in 18�2 put a _stor _to his plans for developing this district, and at the tune of his v1s1t the place was deserted.

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QABQABO. The church o! Kidana Mel:irat, possibly at Gabgab, a place not far S of Adwa, where Lefebvre says there was a church of Kidana Mel;rrat (Ill, p. 123). SATWA. The church of Gabre'el. Site unknown. SERW A ANBASA. Tabota Sellase. The lands granted to this church suggest that it was in Endarta. WEQRO. The church of Kidana Mel)Tat. This is the Agroo of Alva­ res (p. 176), the Mariam Corou at Dongollo of Lefebvre (II, p. 426), the u·ogoro of Guicla (p. 300), a11d the Woghoro of Buxton (Archaeologia, XCIT, p. 32), near Agula, and about 25 miles NNE of Maqalle.



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ID. Lands granted to individuals With the exception of the grant in Cl1arter 61, wl1ich was i11 Damot, Gojam, and Begamedr, all the estates granted to individuals to which the charters furnish a clue for ide11titicatio11 are i11 nortl1ern Ethiopia, in what is commonly called 'Tigre'. Tl1ose to \vhich there is no clue are probably also ir1 tl1e sa111e region. Tl1e locatio11 of i11dividual grants, so far as can be ascertai11ed, may be summarized as follovvs: Charter 26: Charter 28: Charter 29: Charter 32: Charter 36: Charter 37: Charter 38: Charter 39: Charter 42: Cha.rter 44: Charter 45: Charter 68: Charter 71: Charter 73: Charter 74: Charter 78: Charter 79: Charter 83: Charter 89:


in Hagaray and Ta·nben. in Saglamen, perl1aps in the Aksum-Adwa area. in Lasta. 'Ad Gt1agua was W of Adwa. possibly near Aksu111. in Hamase11, near Asn1ara. • in Bur. close to and NE of Adwa. possibly in Na'eder. possibly in Sire \Vl1ere the grant vvas made. possibly in Sarawe. _ _e, Gar'a_ lta_ , and Tanben . in Endarta, Sera'e, Sen'af in I:Jamase11,' about 20 miles N of Asmara. in Agame. near Adigrat. near Aksuro. probably near A'ksum. _ _ t. de A d an S la be em n ee tw be , ze ka ak T e north of th perhaps near Aksuro.



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90: perhap s near Aksum. Charter 91: near Akst1m. rat . g di A f o SE ps a rh pe : 98 Charter . . p rovided by charters 1s ed nt a gr s nd a l he t f o n tio si po e No clue to th 31, 35, 47, 52, 53, 54, 57, 60, and 88. Charter


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The charters contain ma11y official titles, as well as the names of many of the holders of these offices. The titles occ ur in t�e list s_ of conteinporar y officials, with the names of the holders, and 1n the Im­ _ munity clauses vvhere they refer to the ofl'.ic� and not to an� part1c�ar . individual. The titles belong to both the c1v1l an d eccles1ast 1cal adrn1n­ istratio11, and apart fro1n helping in the dating of certain c harters, they 111ake an i111portant co11tribution to the history an d ter1·ninolo_gy of the Ethiopian administrative system. B11.1.ce (Travels, ed. 3, Edin­ bu.rgh, 1813, vol. iii, p. 422) considered that these lists gave 'a view of the court' at the ti1ne of the gra11ting of each charter, that is, they cont,tin tl1e names of the officials who were with the king wherever he happened to be at the ti111e. Tllis is cert ainl11 p ossible, and would ex­ plain the ratl1er mixed colle c tion of notables which sometimes occurs, as i 11 cl1arter 27, whic h recor ds the n ames of both the beZitwadadoc, the liqa clabtara, the qaysa gabaz, the rliq n1iisare, tl1e trumpeters, and a dabtara. Some charters inclu de t he names of monastic or church offi­ cials, like tl1e nebura eel of tl1e Maqdasa Maryam (no. 25), or the abbot of Bankual (110. 41), \vho are u11likely to have been members of the Court in the san1e sense as otl1er officials, but may conceivably have been present ,vhen their char ters were granted . The Chronicles of Zar' a Ya'qob and Ba'eda Maryam indicate clearly �h �t th�se kings were the real creators of a complic ated structure o� acb.mrustrat1on set on found atio11s l aid by 'An1da $eyon. The chro­ rucle of Zar' a Ya'qob says tl1at at the time of his accession 'there was no behtwa da� of the �igh� and left'. That of Ba' eda Maryam says that _ at the beg111n1n � of his reign lie ' appoii1te d men whom he ch ose, to all _ the prov1nc �s, since h �retofore every office in Ethiopia had bee·n con­ trolled by lus father (lit. was in the han d of his father); and he appoint­ ed the bel:itwaclacl of the right an d of the left un der whom were all the seyuman. in their different grad es.' These st�tements are c onfirmed by other_ sources�like Bodleian MS Bruce 92, f. 7r., which says that after the t11:11e �f 'Aind a Seyon the office of be /:ztwadad and other offices ":'ere_ 1nst1tuted. ,The Clironic le of 'Am d a $eyon ment ions only six �1tles. ma :�beb, -���e-hol�er'; makuannen, 'ju d ge', 'ruler'; masfen, governor , nagasi, sub-king'; seyum, 'dist rict chief'; and $abafalam,





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'gov er�or,. literally ·scribe of the cattle '. (Makbeb and nagosi do not e charters, though we do find the bal;r11.agosi occur 1n th or 'ruler of the · . sea province. ') The ev1�ence o f the charters tends to confirm these d� �ument �. I� the first n1nete,:� �l1�rt �r s , th�t is, to the reign of Zar' a Ya qob, six titles occur: aw_far1, d1str1ct chief', originally 'herdsman'. m�kuanne_ n; neb�ra , ed (eccle_ siastical); qesa gabaz (ecclesiastical); . th km e g /Ja s �e, pr ox�, l1t �rally ·voice of the king'; and seyum, qal� adding another early-sound111g trtle (awfii.ri) to the list); and it is not till the reign of Lebna Dengel that bel;t1-vadacl occ1rrs. The charters contain about one hundred titles, some in the in1mu1tity clauses but roost of them in the list s of conte1nporary officials. Tl1ese li sts begin in the charte rs of Zar'a Ya 'qob (nos. 17, 18). The title bel1twadad is found in many of Lebna Dengel 's charters; the office \Va s abolished by �s successor Galawdewos, but re-introduced, ,vith one holder only, by Sarsa De ngel in 1587-8. It seem s to hav e existed till about 1687, when it appears in a charter of Iyasu I, but does not occur again in the chart­ ers, though it is used in 1723 i11 tl1e Clrronicle of Bakaffa (AJIB. p. 275/294). This shO\VS that Aln1eida's stateme11t that tl1e office of betei,­ det had be en abolished by hls ti111e (cir. 1628) and replaced by that of ,as is not to be taken quite literally (SRE, p. 74). though it does i11dicate that the office was then din1inisltlng in importance. In a charter of Gigar (1821-30, no. 76) the rii.s is n1entioned ( i. e. in Ab. 225, thougl1 Ab. 152 has be /Jttvaclacl); a11d in a charter of daj az111iic Sebagades this official is called riis belzt1vadacl (1818-31).

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Othe r admi11istrative titles wllich occur i11 the earlier charters include the follo\ving, in order of freque11cy: 111alci1a1111e11, seyun1, qala ba§e, Tegre maki ta1111en, a1,1ifari, Z1ecli1g, Z1edi1g ras; geta, bahr nagiisi, mas/en, n1a'ekala bahr, bazir 1-va11j. Judicial titl e s include ba' ala ma$haf, azazi, zan J:ia�ana, iiin 111a' asare, 111ala·kana, egr ziiqi1e11e, dana. Later charters contai11 mention of tl1e biiliin1bciros, basa, daj azmiic,fita1vriiri, liqa mankuas, rii.s, ras bel1t1vadacl, salaqii., and 1-vag sun1. ce s, offi al tic ias s cle ec e ar ere th , les tit e tiv ra ist in nl ad to n In additio among them being, in order of frequency, neb�ra eel �f Aksu� ( occurr­ ing 44 times, in all periods), qaysa gabaz ( 35 tm1es, 1n all periods from g en el ), D a bn Le om fr , s e tim 24 ( qi bii ta t , be s) Lebna De ngel onward s). Le:_s � r: yo e sn Su to l ge en D a bn Le liqa diyaqonat (21 times, from _ g et a, a ar bt cla d an , ra bt da t, 'ii, sa be qa 'ii. e, quent are ra.q ma.sor � _ of ed a ur ne 1.z, �a a n1 lzq � , ,n su ak a liq r, h e � � all more than ten times); inam _ ll (a t 11a he a lca lzq a, ar bt da a liq , /Jo ar places other th an Ak s um, 'ii.qabe 111 e tl1 om fr n aw dr e n ca n io s lu � nc co ar ul ic less than ten times). No part 01:e as t, no s e do rt ; ed ra bu ne _ e th hlgh frequency of the occurre nce of e this nc si , um ks A at e ad m e er w ts an gr e might suppose , imply that th

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e la ce where it p th h ic wh in r te ar ch e on an th e or n 1 ii 1 rs cu l officia oc was granted is na1ned. an or patr iarch of the lit po ro et m e th ', ity rn te Pa is I 'Ir� : A hf N U AB llowed by a fa t no n l1e ( W s. pa p pa ed l l ca so , al ch ur n Ethiopia ch ace-name A d Abun.) pl e th in as 11, bu a is rm fo e th e, al m on na rs pe ADAGSINI hf...'11n.t : Possibly a deputy, though the exact nature of the office is obscure. AFA MAKUANNEN i',t.. : oP\lo'}1 : The deputy of the n1akuannen., lit. 'mouth of the 111c1/c-ita1111e1z'. AFA NEBURA ED 1,t.: 10·l : '11 �: The deputy of the nebura ed. ALAQA hl\:J> : The head of a chtrrch. 'A.QA.BE MARHO '}:)>{l>: oPC"'i: This appears to mean something like 'guardian of the catechists' (lit. guides). 'A.QA.BE l\1EWAY q:) fb : 1'P� : Steward; superi11tendent of the property of a church or of the Cathedral . 'A.QA.BE SA 'AT q..4,n,: (lq:,..: 'The guardian of the hours', the chief ecclesiastic at the Court, one of the supreme judges, and the only official who had u11restricted access to the king. In the church hierarchy he can1e tllird, after the abu11 and ecage; and in the civil Order of Precedence of 1690 he was also third. Paez says that'he lcnows all the secrets and gives the l<:ing advice in everything for the good of l1is soul a11d body, even (telling him) not to eat and drink, saying, ''Tl1is is enougl1'' ' (Bk. I, chap. iv). Being so close to the king, he vlas a perso11 of gi·eat influence, and be was often the intermediary between tl1e Icing and visitors, especially foreign­ ers, as in the case of the Portuguese embassy of 1520. 'AQA$EN '}j1� '}: Tl 1e title of certain provii1cial governors, e.g. of Sarawe. 'AQET DABANA GETA q�.."f-: f...Oc;: 1.;r: The official in charge of tl1e te11t called 'ciqet whicl1 stood i11 front of tl1e palace. ASA.LA.FI nltl\k : The Ki11g's cup-bearer; butler. AWFARI i',(l}c/i.t : The title of certain district chiefs, and equival ent to seJ'L11n. From attfara hOJt.l : 'take cattle to pasture'. AZA.Zl t\tf tL: plur. azciz),a,1, Amhar. azii.zoc. A judge. In the Order of Precedence of 1690 there were two azii.zoc of the right and two of the left, who ranked fourteenth. This was also the title of the four supreme judges who are listed in Bodlei an MS Bruce 92 as the �qiibe sa'iit, the qes J;a�e, the /iqa dabtarii, and the liqa n1a'­ emran. AZMAC_ hlf01Jl- : General, more con1monly in the compounds daj __ az111ac� 'general of tl1e king's gate'; qafi az,nii.c, 'commander of the 1

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righ� wing'; and gerazmiic, ·commander of the l eft wing'. The da1· _ azmac was also a Judg e.



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BA 'ALA GANTA O'¼l\ : 1'1 ;t.- Trumpete.r. BA 'ALA MASJ:IAF fl'¼l\ : ODK'th� : 'Master of the books', on e of the judges.

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BA 'ALA WAKO O'¼l\ : q>p : Significance unknown. BABA.RAK.A� BE; flfllh� : (1� : Tl1e official in charg e of the . barakat bet or gift house where tribute was stored.









BA.BRA NAG.A.SI '1,),l : .,;J"I.. : 'Ruli11g the sea', th e title of the g?v ernor of northern Etl1iopia, ,vl1ose territory included the pro­ vinces of Bur, I::Jamasen, Sarawe, and, at 011 e tin1e, Sire. Tlus office was absorbed into that of tl1e Tegre 111al(uannen iI1 1588. BA.LAMB.AR.AS '11\9°' A sl1ortened form of ba 'ala ha11 - 1bal rlis' 'rlis who p ossesses a ha111bal or ce rem o11ial gar1n e11t'. Master of the horse.

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BASA q?f: B orrowed from the Turkish; origii1ally equal i11 rank to a daj azmiic; later, the titl e of the officer in co1nmand of the fusiliers; still later, it ,vas the equivalent of corporal. BAZIR WANJ flf·LC= a>"}�: Am11ar. bajro11d. Treast1rer; chan1berlain. BEI:ITWADAD ,Om.,1·mf..,.{'; : The title of the two s e1uor ministers of state from the reign of Zar 'a Ya'qob to that of Gala\vdewos; re­ introduced vvith 011e n1111ister by Sar§a Dengel, and abolished about the end of the 17th centt1r y. In 1689 the se11.ior minister is called 'ra.�, formerly beZ1.t1vadad'. BET TABAQI (1:,... : m(}tf! : A title born e by certai11 ecclesiastics wl10 seem to have been members of the l<ing's housel1old. BLATTENGETA ,fift,f;11,;J-: 'Master of tl1e pages', tl1e title of t\VO officia1s, one of \vhom, the talliiliiq bla.tte11getli, came 11ext to the rlis or be{1twadad. According to the source 11sed by Paez (Bk. I, chap. iv). 'even the Vicer oys are subordinate to lum, and none gives at1tl1or­ ity to make a favour of lands witho11t his advice; a11d all the letters which go out, after the secretary has sh� wi1 th� ro t� the Emp eror, . he seals with the Emperor's seal, wh1cl1 1s 1n his hands . The junior or /eqaqen b/attengeta. was cont roller of the servants. DABTARA J!,fi,r�: A clerk, si11ger, or canon of a church or of tl1e Cathec;lral of Aksum; 11ot a pri est. Dabtar a geta, the head of a group of dabtara. DAGAF GET.A J!1fj':: 1,;t- : .Possibly th e superintendent of th e clerks' meals.

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. nk ra er w lo f o ge d ju A : f 1 P, Y A N . A DAN"A P,� : D , . e lso es th A dg le ju tit e th of of ne O : ..t -,, 1 1= lC 'h° E EGR ZAQUEN . ts an gr nd la d te ca ar 111 de ho w s al offici d, e ar ed nc gu ac va pl ad e th in of al er en : G ,.t •t t,ro : it &, I R A R FITAW d . an ac iic zm zm na ra e qa ge th r te af 90 16 of ee n e. ed ec the Order of Pr 1 'i 1, + A 11 N Y TA N A G : 'i ,f-c 1.1 A N TA EN G : 'i ,,.t11 GANTANA : r, 11 ete mp : Tru ;r .A fl NT nq GA LA 'A BA '1!: ;J11 I W .A. NT GA an office which seems to have run in families (of. charter 31). (plur, gentanoc).

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GAZE 1tt: GAZA'I 1tih.: Title of a district chief. GET.A 1,;)1: Lord, noble; chief man in a group. It often occurs in the compound expressions qan geta and gera 'geta, 'geta of the right and left', which seem originally to have been the titles of 22 ba'iila beg or 'n1asters of the law' institt1ted after the time of 'Amda �eyon ( Bodleian MS Bruce 92). Ba'eda Maryam gave the titles of qan getii a11d gera geta to certain seyun1an of the church of Atronsa Iviaryam ( CB 170). ( Plur. getoc.) J:IEDUG �1�...a; : ,,.•,.i:;..� : 1,�'? : Vicar, i.e. deputy of a chief or other executive official; used also i11 composition \\,ith ras and qiiqetac. (Pl11r hadciget.) I:IEDUG RAS ,t1.C:o<? : �il: Deputy of the ras bebt1vadad. LA 'AQATAC f\qj';:J--'f: LA 'AQETAT l\C¼<l:;J--:,-C: QAQETA · c .:J>cf: ;J'!'if:Tl1ese seem to be variants of one title, that of one of the supreme judges, the full and perhaps original form of which was ela 'iiqaytat. (Pll1r. qliqetoc.) LA' EKA NEGUS t\}\h : 11--P' : A king's messenger.

LIQA_ AKSUM /L.<I': i'tni'l-9° : Literally 'chief of Aksum', a title gi �en to the abbot of a monastery founded at Ak.sum by Zar' a Ya 'qob; he was equal in rank to the 11eb1,1,ra ed of Aks11m and was pro �ably the official called '11ebret of the monks' by Al�ares. LIQ�'AQ�YTAT ll<I' : °i<f,f,;r:,.. : Perhaps a variant of ela aqaytat; one of the supreme judges. LIQA D �T�RA IL.11':f,11�1·&-.: The chief of the dabtara, the head of dabtara of Aksum; a11 important official in the administration, aud one of the four supreme judges. (Distinct from dabtara getii.). LIQA DiiA�ONAT ll.<1' ' �f.Y,t;T , The chief of the deacons, on� 0 t e heads_ of , the secular clergy, and one of those who assisted at the kings s tonsuring. 106


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r : 2 The chief of the secular priests, Ui;'T IL+ KAHENA LIQA � ,, ( \.vho came next under the abun, and the deputy of the ecage was formerly appointed by the king), and controller of all the secular priests. LIQA MA'EMRAN il.+ : 671,9° Ir1 : Chief of the doctors, or learned men; one of the supreme judges.

LIQA MAtlBAR IL+ : 67� nc: The head of a religious community i.e. the clergy of the cathedral or of a church, or of the monks· of a convent, but distinct from the abbot. LIQA MANK.DAS IL+ : 0011).(l : The officer i11 charge of tl1e king's mule, who dressed like the king in battle.

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LIQA MARA.HT iL+ : OD/r��� : Literally 'chief of the guides'; perhaps analogous to the miiri getli. or gt1ide-n1aster in a modern church, (as described by Walker, The AbJ,ssinia11 at Hon1e, p.108). LIQA MASANI IL+ : oo�t : one of tl1e supre1ne judges.

.. : Chief of tl1e household LIQA MANA.BRET fl.4> : ooc;.-nc1· servants. (Plur. liqli.11a, in aggegate terms.) MAGA.BI oo;,n_ :


MAKUANNEN aoho11 : plur. oz>�1-1:,,. : Originally a judge, but applied to provi11cial governors, especially tl1e viceroy of Tegre, the Tegre makua11ne11.

MALAK.ANA oot\h� : lI1 earlier times, a co11rt official; according to Alvares a sort of 11otary who l1ad to be present at la,v-suits and represented the king. 9 MALAK.I oof\ h. : Malake Aksun1, 'the ruler of Al<sl1rn a title co11nected with the q11arter of the city called Malake Al<swn. ,

MAMHER 009°UC : The abbot of a conve11t. ( Plur. n1a111heriin.) MASFEN oo(ltj:1 : A provincial governor, 11s11ally re11dered 'prince' in later documents; in charter 64 it is a sy11onym for the Tegre n1.akuannen. ( Plur. masafent.) lcs'; boo of use 'l1o lly era Lit r: (l,, � ',h : ao� T BE AF MASH • • possibly another forn1 of ba ' 111a$baf

MASHAFI oo?;mk : Scribe. • • NAP.AH GANTA -,4,.;,1 : 117': Trumpeter, literally 'trumpet blower'.

NAGAI> RA'ES 'l"1f: : lr1'll : Controller of the traders, 'minister for trade,' often a Moslem. NEBURA ED 1 {tl: 'hf:: Th e civil governor of Aksum, who was also a high dignitary of the Cathedral and keeper of the Book of



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the Law. 1-Ie had the privilege of sitting during a lawsuit. He is the 'nebret of the canons' of Alvares. The title means 'one who is put in office by the laying of on ha11ds'. ( Plur. ne. burana ed.)



pAPPAS ��ll : Tlie title of the abun or metro po litan of the Ethiopian Church. s e g' th p ', ro y, kin ng ki e th f o ice v o he 'T : % d, � /\: :f' B AS A I:I L . QA s roxy; qala n' p ee e qu th , ge ite a al Q . ng di an st e o m s of o ften a man naga§i, deputy of the naga§i.


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QASISA GABAZ ,J,(l..(t: 101f: Used f or qaysa gabaz in three charters. QAYSA GABAZ cf,J!,,(l : "l n 11 : Tl1e treasurer of the Cathedral; or of any churcl1. QAYSA I;IASE ,,,J!,{ l : ,11 '1. : The king's chaplain; qaysa §aliay is perl1aps a for1n of this. QAWA. MI ,f,q>OIJ, : Also quii,ni; the official in charge of the servers at the king's table. RAQ MA'ASARE t,.:,, : ooi't(tk : RAQ MA.SARE t,.:,, : "'l(l� , RAQ MA.SARA t:,..:t, : tT'J(tt, : Master of ceremonies, and possibly at one time the same as th�,, 1-ve�i aziiz. RA'ES MESENI t?-hil = 9°7,� : Po ssibly a variant of liqa ma�ani. RAS t..ll : RA'ES t.i\ll : ERAS }it,.il : Plur. ra' esot. The title given to a very se11ior official, son1etimes to the governor of a province; and later, tl1e title \Vllich replaced bel;tv.,adad. SALAQA 7fl\..-J" : Tl1e commander of a tl1011sand n1en; also , used to mean a l ocal cl1ief, a11d a great 1nan's maj o rdomo . SAI:IAFA LA M ?t,ht. : i\9° : A11 a11cie11t title f o r a provincial go vernor, especially of Ainhara, Sl1oa, and Damot. SAI:IAFE TAZAZ i,h&o : ,,.�•111 : The kii1g's histori ographer. SAJ:IAFI 7',l,k : Scribe. SARA ? MA'ASAR£ it.."J : ODJ't(lt, : A chamberlain, and a P:1es;, one of wl1ose fu11ctions was t o set the crown on the king s head at the co r onation. SAYDA M�HBAR ti_e� : 0Jt-10C : Function unknown; som e _ o fficial Ill a COTI1Il1Unity . SEYU M P'� 9"° : � chief of any grade, especially district or village. ( P uI r. seyum a,1.) SUM n-9"° = The Amhar. form o f seyum. 108


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: Possib�y tl1ose i11 charge of tlle TAGU ;'-Z.AGUAZA ,fc1uli1uli _ gu ezo or solemn procession of the king and his attendants. Paez has 'Baletagt1a9agu9a: porters of the pal ace' ( Bk. I, chap. iv.) .




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TEGRE MAKUAN-�N. T°lt.» ouh The viceroy of _ Tegre, whose territory comprised, at its f 11llest extent 17 provi 1:ces bet��en Sire and \Vag. After 1580 the provinc:s of the Bal:ir 11agas·z were added to those of tl1e Tegre 111a!( i,a,zr,en. WAG SUM 'P°l : 71:p> : The si1111 of Wag, a ruler wl1o at one time was cou11ted as eq11al in ra11k to tl1e ki11g of Ethiopia. 0"}"}

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WAMBAR lD9°flC : A senior provi11cial jt1dge, so called fron1 his wambar or seat. YAWEST AZAZ f lD-(\'r: h•"l1C: Tl1e s 11rJerintende 11t of the it1terior (we$t) of the palace. ---

YAWEST BLAT fENGETA rm-{}•1" : 1la\ ..l:1'1;r: The cl1ief of the household pages. ZANBALAW 1'1101\ar Chief of tl1e Balaw or 'Blacl< Guards' (Bruce). ZAN DARABA 'lf7 : f..L'l : A... chamberlai11; possibly 11.ead of the eunucl1s. According to Paez, tl1e 'Ja11deraba whe11 tl1.e E1nperor travels carry the books V-.'ith \vl1icl1 he prays...and also clear people fron1 before him' ( : Bk. I, cl1ap. iv). ( Plur. zandc1raboc.) tAN I:IASANA 'lf"} : ,l.O'i' : A higl1 oflicjal, a n1en1ber of tl1.e royal I1ousehold, and a judge; associated \vitl1 tl1e za11 111a' c1sare.


ZAN MA' ASA.RE 'lf'} : ODf,(tlo : 1-\ l1igh. official associated \Vitl1 the tan Ha�anii. AR '1f"} : �?C : Tl1e title of certai11 district cl1.iefs . tAN SER • ZAN TAK.AL'lf "}:,thft: Originall)' perl1aps one ,vl10 set up(tc,lcala) the k.iJ.1g's banner (Pae.z: 'These carry tl1e E111peror's ba� ners and clear people from the road', Bk. I, chap iv). Later: the title of ai� _: official connected witl1 the tower called Zan Tal<al 111 tl1e palace at Gondar.


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THE ORDER OF PRECEDENCE OF 1690 rs c offi or ni se e th of es m na e th � ), 52 /1 45 (1 IB AJ This list comes from _ r rio fe in e th i itl w ns gi be it re he w , xt te e th being given first, an d no t as in ,. el . 1.g e1 D a r� Sa of e tim e th in t en rr r cu office s. This order was 1 Ras, 'who is be�t\.\1adad.' 2 Tallalaq blattengeta. 3 'Aqabe sa 'at. 4 Nebura ed of Aksum.



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5 Tegre n1akuanne11. 6 Semen agafari. . r d e m a g e B f o c a m Az 7 . a 1· a h Aro f o m h la fe a h 8 S• a 9 Nagas of Gojam. 1o Sahafelahm of Damot. '. c a m z a j a <l a is e h se u 11 nasa, 'beca - ' . . re sa a m q ra 1s o h 'w , z 12 West aza 13 Sahafe te 'ezaz. r. u fo : ft le d n a t h g ri e th f c o zo za 14 A 15 T• arase1nba azaz. 16 Zandaraba azaz. 17 Teqaqen blattengeta. 18 Qafi azmac. 19 Gera azmac. 20 Fitawrari. 21 Nagad ras. 22 Bazirwand of the Zefan bet (tlirone-room). 23 Bazirwand of tl1e Anbasa bet (lio11-house). 24- Ba'ala l1a111bal ras. 25 l.iqa makl1as. 26 Saj azaz. 27 YaselJ_ alaqa, stationed in the city. 28 Yase}:1 alaqa, of tl1e Dal (:efra troops. •


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INDEX OF OFFICIALS Numbers refer to the charters. ABDAL MASll:f: geta under Sarsa Dengel, 57; gera geta under Susneyos 59 (dated 1611), 60 (dated 1612).

ABEL: zan �erar, 25; geta, 42; both under Lebna De11gel . d. 1539. AB:t.S:BLOM: nebura ed about 1830-40, 89, 90. ABIB: gera geta, 25; nebura ed, 33; qafi geta, 42; n1a9ana, 42; all under Lebna D engel . First occt1rs 1517-22. Perhaps tl1e 'Abive A rraz' of Alvares. ABREHAM: ba'ala ma�l)af, 20, 28; ba'ala �,ako, 21; qala l;tase, 25; ma9afia, 42; all under L ebna Dengel. Occurs i11 1517-22.

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ABREHAM GUABATf: qala l)ase, 42, u11der Leb11a Dengel. ABROKOROS: sayda mahbar, 23; nebura ed of Aksum, 42; qafi geta, 44; all under L ebna Dengel.

AFA WARQ: zan takal under Minas, 51 (dated 1559 or 1561). AFA.W: azazi ya\vest under Galawde,:vos, 50 (dat ed 1554). AFNIN: adagsini under Lebna Dengel, 40, 4-1 (dated 1530). 'AMDA MIKA' EL: (1) the writer of the charter, 25 (1517-22); (2) qala ]:lase, 52; qaysa gabaz, 55, 56, 58, all under Sarsa De11gel; nebura ed under Susneyos, 59 (dated 1611). 'AMDO: qala �ase 11nder Sarsa Dengel; perl1aps tl1e same as 'Amda Mika' el. AMHA: zandaraba under Lebna Dengel, 44. 'AMR QALSAI:IAY: Tegre makuanne11 under Leb11a De11gel, 28. ANESTASYOS: bitwadad under Iyasu I, 63 (dated 1687), 64. d. 1688. 'AQBA KRESTOS: dabtara under Lebna Dengel, 27 ( dated 1520). 'AQBA MIKA' EL: geta under Sarsa Dengel, 57; bal)rnagasi, HSD 134/152 , 1588. ARAM: nebura ed of Aksum: 68, 69, 70, 80; liqa dabtara at Aksum, 69. ARO.ANON: abbot of Dabra Lagaso i11 the time of Sarsa Denge l, 55.


ARON: seyum of Sara.we under Lebna Dengel, 20. ARSUT: zan hasana under Lebna D engel, 22. ASA 'ENA MARYAM: qaysa gabaz under Lebna Denge l, 29 · 111



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el, 34 ( d a te d 1528). g en D a n b e L ASER: zan engel , 4 2 . D a n b e L er d 11 u ta e 'ASGU'E: gera g engel, 34 (dated a n D b e r d n u m su l< A � 'ASRAT: (1) nebur·a ed of p m eter under ru ) ( T . 37 e, a }:i la a � g ; 39 ), 29 � 1527), 35 , 38 (dat ed 15 entioned by Alvares as m 1s 1 . o N ). 29 15 d e at Lebna Dei1gel, 38 (d 'Abba Az erata'. a m , 25 (dated y ar M sa da aq M of d e ra bu ne : ivI ASRATA MARYA t e d 1530), 43. da h ot (b 41 , 40 e, r a as a' 1n g ra �a 1517); nebura ed, 36; e ti m e of Lebna th i11 so ga La ra ab D of t bo ab ASRATA SEYON: De11gel, 41 (dated 1530). ASBO: wambar under Susneyos, 59 (dated 1611). 'A$EQO: azaz a11d liqa n1a' e1n ran u11der Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627).

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ATO: tagl1azaguaza under Lebna Deng el, 39. AYGADFANI: zan 111a'asare 1111der Lebna Dengel, 31. AYKASAS: 1:ied11.g ras under Lebna Deng el, 41 (dated 1530), 43 . BADLE: be}:it\vadad under Lebna De11gel, 39, 40 (dated 1530): azazi, 43.

BA'ED I:IASEY: 11ebura e d of Aksu111 under L ebna Dengel, 40, 41 (botl1 dated 1530). BAljAYLAY: mala1<e Aksum u11der Lebna D engel, 23. BAljAYLU: zan l1asa11a u11der Le bna De11gel, 21. (The sam e as the preceding?) BASE'ELAT: liqa diyaqo11at under L ebna De11gel, 20, 23, 25 (dated 1517-22), 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34 (dated 1527-28), 35, 36, 38 (dated 1529), 39, 40 (dated 1530), 41 (dated 1530), 42. BA"f� DENGEL: dafia under Sarsa Dengel, 55. BATRE: qafi geta unde1· L ebna De11gel, 44 BATRO: lJedug ras under Sarsa : Dengel, 57. BELU� Z��: l a 'aqatac, 25 (dated 1517-22); qaqetac, 40 (dated 1530); la a 3etat, 41 (dated 1530), 43; under the form Belule, zan roa'­ asare, 3� (dated 1527-8). P erhaps the B elulazan to whom land is granted 1n 31. BUKO: �al)afalam of Damot u.nder Susneyos, 61 (da ted 1627). DABRA $BYON: raq ma'asare under Le bna Den gel 33 · afa makua' ' nne n, 50 (dated 1 554). DAFLA:· grantee in · n o 37 · sometun · e .kantiba (governor) of Ha masen; . · occurs 1n Alvares. 112


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DAGEL}JAN (also written DAGALl:JAN, DALGAl:JAN); yawest azaz, 34 (dated 1528); azaz, 39, 40 (dated 1530), 41 (dated 1530): 42, 43,all under Lebna Dengel. He was the general who conducted part of the war against Gran in 1527. DA.flARAGOT: Tegre makua11nen under Sarsa Dengel , 55, 56. DANE'EL: �araj masare under Sus neyos, 61 (dated 1627). D:EGANA: Tegre



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under Galawde\\'Os, 50 (dated 1554).

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DEL SAGAD: qala l)ase under Lebna Dengel, 33. EFR:EM: nebura ed of Nladara under Lebna Dengel, 30. EMBAY: trumpet er under Lebna Dengel , 39. ENDREYAS:


zan l;iasana under Leb11a De11gel, 32.

'ENQUA I:IAWARYAT: l )edt1g ras, 40 (dated 1530), 41 (dated 1530), 42, 43, al l under Le bna Dengel. 'ENQUA MARYAM: dana und er Lebna D engel, 30. 'ENQUA SELL.ASE: 11ebura ed of Al<:s11 m 1111d er Sarsa Dengel , 55, 56. 'ENQUE: azazi under Leb na De11ge1, 39. (T l 1e sa1n e as 'Enq11a J:Iawaryat ?) ESL.AM SAGAD, ESLAMU: bel).twadad u11der Lebna De11gel, 21, 26 (dated 1 519), 27 (dated 1520).


FANU'EL: l;iedug ras under Lebna D engel, 42, 4-4. FASILADAS: qal a 1).ase under Sarsa D e11gel , 55. FER:.E ADAM: a\vfari of Zarafta u11der Leb11a De11gel, 28. T11e awfari of Zarafta ,vas ba11ned fro1n e11try to l a11d i11 several cl1a rters, ranging ·fr o111 Zar'a Ya'qob to Fasiladas; and in Bodleian MS Bruce 93 (Liber Axi,,nae, p. l 1) it is laid dovvn tl1at tl1e awfari of Zarafta shall be bound \Vitl11na11acl es every year fro1n tl1e Feast of the Apostles til l the Feast of tl1e Cros s (29 June to 14 September). PERE MASQAL: trun1peter under Sarsa Deng el, 57, 58.

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FESHA SEYON: nebura ed of Aksuro u11der Zar'a Ya'q ob, 18. FETHOM: nebura ed o f Aksum under Lebna De11gel, 30, 31, 32. FIQTOR: abbot of Mabbara Maryam in the time of Lebna Dengel,



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41 (dated 1530).

GABRA D E N G E L : nebura ed under Tak l a Giyorgis, 70. a r' Za of ne ti1 e th in m ya ar M ra ba ab M f o t GABRA H. ES-.AN: abbo Ya'qob, 18.

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GABRA KRESTOS: ma¢anot, 25 (dated 1517-22); taguazaguaza, 30; I:iedug, 42; all under Lebna Dengel. 1

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GABRA LE'UL: qaysa ga·J az under Takla Giyorgis, 68, 69. GABRA MAR:.'AWI: abbot of Halle Luya i:q the time of Lebna Den­ gel, 40, 41 (both dated 1530). GABRA MARYAM: (1) under Lebna Dengel:: qaysa gabaz, 21, 23, 27 (dated 1520), 29, 36, 37; (2) under Lebna Dengel: zan ma' asare, 21 (u11less tl1e saine as no. 1); (3) seyum of Na'eder under Lebna Dengel, 42; (4) liqa kahenat under Gigar, 76; (5) magabi of Al<:sun1 under Gigfu, 91. G·ABRA MASII:l: abbot of Guendeguende in the time of Takla Giyorgis, 72. GABRA MII(A'EL: bazir wanj under Lebna Dengel, 40 (dated 1530). GABRA SELLUS: tagt1a2:aguaza under Lebna Dengel, 34 (dated 1527-8). GABRE: perhaps tl1e sam� as Gabra Sellus, taguazaguaza, 35. GABRUY: 11ebt1ra ed of Aksum under Sarsa Dengel, 57. •

GAl\10: egr zaquene unde� Lebna Dengel, 39 . GARIMA: qala l)ase under Lebna De11gel, 44. GEBRA ADONAY: wan1bar under Susneyos, 59 (dated 1611). GERMA ZAN: liqa n1asan.i under Lebna Dengel, 34 (dated 1527-8), 40, 41 (both dated 153D), 43; azazi, 44 . GJYORGIS: zan ba§ana, :25 (dated 1517 or 1522); ba 'ala ma�l}.af, 26 (dated I 519); geta, 42; :iqa ma'en1ran, 43; all under Lebna Dengel; d. 1539. GUASO: qawanli under Lebna Dengel, 39. GUGSA: ras of AmI:iara c. 1800, 73, 76. HABTA MARYAM: 29; nebura ed, 23a; magabi of the Zan Sege, 42; all under Lebna Dengel. I-IABT� MIKA'EL: (1) qala 1_-iase under Lebna Dengel, 29; (2) dabt-­ ara u11der Sarsa Dengel, 52; (3) qaysa gabaz under Susneyos, 59 (dated 1611), 60 (dated 1612). HABTA SELLA.SE: 'aqabe sa'at under Sus11eyos, 61 (dated 1627). HABTAY: liqa Aksum un,ier Lebna Dengel, 42. I:IALIBO: azazi under Sarsa Dengel, 56. H�_?: ba'�la ma�}:laf, 2�, 22, 35, 39, 42 ; zan l;tasana, 3l;ras ba-­ aldaraba, 29; under Lebna Dengel.









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ff.AYBONI: taguazaguaza under Lebna Dengel, 32.


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HAYZO: ba'ala ma$l_laf under Lebna Dengel, 38 (dated 1529).


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HOSE, 'E: liqa mabbar under Lebna Dengel, 23a. IMAM: ras bel_ltwadad under Gigar, 82. ITO : azaz under Sarsa Dengel, 57. IYAQ:EM: qaysa gabaz under Lebna Dengel, 20, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522), 26 (dated 1519), 28, 29, 30, 31, 32. JYOSAB: metropolitan in the time of Takla Giyorgis, 68.


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KEFLA I:IAWARYAT: qala I:iase under Lebna Dengel, 34 (dated 1527-8).


KEFLA SEM'ON: afa nebura ed under Lebna Dengel, 22. KEFLA W.AJ:IED: gera geta under Lebna De11gel, 44. KEFLE: gera geta with Kefla Wa}J.ed under Lebna Dengel, 44. KEFLOM: qafi geta under Lebna Dengel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522). KRESTODOLU: metropolitan u11der Sarsa Dengel, 56, 58. KUMO: azaz:i yawest under Galawdewos, 50 (dated 1554). LA'AKO: azazi under Sarsa Dengel, 58. LA' EKE: gaze under Lebna Dengel, 39. LEBSA K RESTOS: I:iedug ras zagera u11der Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627) LIQ.ANOS: qaysa gabaz under Lebna De11gel, 22, 23, 35, 38 (dated 1529); 40, 41 (both dated 1530); 42. MAB.A. 'E: 1}.edug under Lebna Dengel, 42. MABA'A DENGEL: danya under Minas, 51 (dated 1559). MAKFALTA GIYORGIS, MAICFALTE: liqa ma'emran under Lebna Dengel, 40, 41 (both dated 1530). MAL'AK: Iiqa manabret under Sus11eyos, 61 (dated 1627). MALKE'A KRESTOS: west azazi under Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627).


MANTULI GABRU: asalafi, la' eka negus under ·Takla Giyorgis, 68.

MARijA �EYON: qaysa gabaz under Galawdewos, 50 (dated 1554).

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MARQOREWOS: Iiqa diyaqonat under Sarsa Dengel and Susneyos, 58, 59 (dated 1611), 60 (dated 1612). •


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MAR.QOS: patriarch in the time o.f Lebna Dengel, 30; mentioned by Alvares.



MELKO: l;tedug ras under Sarsa Dengel, 57.



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). ed 27 at (d 16 61 , os ey sn Su er 1d u1 et br 1a a1 1n a : MELUK liq ed l, 40 at ge (d en D ). a 30 bn 15 Le r de un t be t ka ra ba ba MIKA'EL: m ya r Lebna ar de sa M un da aq M of e ar as a' 1n q ra : 'E ZI EG MOSA De11gel, 25 (dated 1517 o r 1522). MUSE: egr zaque11e under Lebna Dengel, 21. MUZ: deputy of the Bugna ra.s under Lebna Den.gel, 29. NAGADA IYASUS: 'aqabe sa'at under Le·bna Dengel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522); 26 (dated 1519), 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38;(dated l529); 39, 40 (dated; 1530); 4-1 (dated; 1530); 42, 43.



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NA'OD MOGASA: queen regent, 26 (dated 1519). 1'-JAZE: yavvest azazi under Leb11a De11gel, 34 (dated 1528). NOB: nebura ed of Aksu1n u11der Leb11a Dengel, 20, 28; raq n1a' asare, 23, 27 (dated 1520); 30, 31, 32, 34 (dated 1527-8);35, 36, 38 (dated 1529); 39, 40 (dated 1530); 41 (dated 1530); 42. PANTALEWON: son of tl1e bet tabaqi $e11e'e Maryam, under Lebna Dengel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522); a person of the same name occurs as trumpeter tt11der Lebna De11gel, 20, 27 (dated 1520), 30, 31, 39. QALAMSIS: qaysa gabaz u11der Sal1la Dengel or Yol;iannes III, 92 (abou.t 184-0), 95; n1en.tioned by Lefebvre, III. pt. 2, p. 435, as Al<alen1sis keeper of the library at Aksun1 . RADA'I: seyu111 of Sire t111der Lebna Dengel, 21. RE$BAY: trwnpeter u11der Lebna Dengel, 27 (dated 1520). ROBEL: Tegre malcua1men u11der Lebna De11gel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522), 30; n1entio11ed by Alvares. ROME: azaj za,vest 1111der Sarsa De11gel, 58. ROS NABIYAT: bal)ra 11agasi u11der Lebna De11gel, 20; bel).twadad, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522), 30, 31, 32; 111entioned by Alvare s as 'Arraz A11ubiata.' SAFO: azazi za,vest under Minas, 51 (dated 155'9).

SAMARA $BYON: zan n1a'asare u11der Lebna Dengel ' 40 (dated 1530). SANKORA: ba 'ala wako under Lebna De11gel 22 , . �ARGIS: liqa ma�ani under Lebna Dengel, 25 (dated I 517 or 1522). SARSA GIYORGIS: dabtara under. Lebna D ? 15 1 d (d at e engel' 26 · or 1522). SARSA KRESTOS: blattenoc geta un . 62 7) I d da te der Susneyos, 61 ( I






SA RSA MARYAM: q aysa gabaz of Maqdasa Maryam under Lebna Dengel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522). SARSE: azazi, 2� (dated 1519); bel)twadad, 31, 32, 34 (dated 1528); 38 (dated 1529), 39, 41 (dated 1530); 42, 43; qaqetac, 34(dated 1528)· ' all under Lebna Dengel. SARSU: liga mata11i and gala l;iase unde r Sarsa De ngel, 56. SEBA.GADES: 73, 76, 81 - 87; daj azmac, governor of Tegre, 1816-30. SEBJ:IAT LA' A B : dabtara under Lebna Dengel, 30.

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SE'ELA KRESTOS: bel;itwadad under Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627). SEH]NA DENGEL: qaysa gabaz under Lebna Dengel, 44. SEM'ON: liqa Aksum under L ebna Dengel, 40 (dated 1530). $ENE'ENA MARYAM, SENA'E MARYAM, SENE'E MARYAM: bet tabaqi, 20, 22, 23, 25 (dat ed 1517 or 1522); 26 (dated l.519); 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 39, 40 (dated 1530); 41 (dated 1530); 'aqabe neway, 29, App. II; 'aqabe marl10, 38 (dated 1529); 42; all u11der Lebna Denge l. SENK.UAR: dagaf ge ta under Sarsa Dengel, 56. SERGUAN GAYE, SERGUANGE, SARGUANG:E: gala base, 31, 42; ba 'ala ma�l)af, 37; under Leb11a Dengel.


SBWA: ba 'ala ma�}:iaf under Lebna De ngel, 4-0 (dat ed 1530). SUM:B: gala 1;iase under Susneyos, 59 (dat ed 1611). SURO: qagetat under Sarsa Dengel, 57. TAK.LA DENGEL: qafi geta under Leb11a De11gel, 44. TAKLA GIYORGIS: (I) under Lebna Denge l: ba'ala ma��1af, App. II; gera geta, 44; azazi, 44; (2) under Sus11eyos: Tegre makuannen, 61 (date d 1627).


TAKLA HAYMANOT: yawest blattengeta and gala l;ase under Susneyos, 51 (dated 1559); 58. TAKLA IYAS US : azazi, 25 ( dated 1517 or 1522); 35, 38(dated 1529); ted da ( 41 ); 30 15 d e t da ( 40 ); 28 15 ted da ( , en 34 nn Tegre makua 1530); 43. TAK.LA MARYAM: zan 111a'asare under Lebna Dengel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522).





TAK.LA MIKA 'EL: gaii geta under Le bna Denge l, 40 (dated 1530); 41 (dated 1530), 43.


TAKLA NA BIYAT: (1) dabtara geta under Le bna Denge l, 40 (d�ted 1530); 41 (dated 1530); 43; (2) bet tabaqi under Sarsa Dengel, 57.


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TAKLA QIRQOS: liqa dabtara under Lebna De ngel, 27 (dated 1520), TAKLA SELLA.Sb: ne bura ed under Susneyos, 60 (dated 1612). TAKLA SELLUS: 11ebu.ra ed under Sarsa D engel, 52. in the de e en gu tim of e d en Gu k Ta la of z ba ga ysa qa Q: DE �E A TAK.L Giyorgis, 72. ebna D en g el, 23. L er d n u e eg it a al q : L E G N TAK.LA WA 3 I l, . ge en D a n b e L er d n u e en u q za r TAKL£: eg TANSE'A KRESTOS: (1) taguazaguaza under Lebna Dengel, 30; (2) seyum of Memsa]J. under Lebna Dengel, 39. TANSE 'A MAD BEN: 11ebura ed of Bankua l in the time of Lebna Dengel, 41 (dated 1530). TARBINOS: 'aqabe marho u.nder Lebna Dengel, 33. WARYAT: nebura ed of Aksum 11nder Galawdewos, 50 TASFA HA • (dated 1554). TASFA IYASUS: gera geta u11der Lebna Dengel, 34 (dated 1527-8); 40 (dated 1530); 41 (dated 1530); 42, 43. TASFA SEYON: dabtara u.nder Lebna Dengel, 38 (dated 1529). TASFAY: trumpeter under Sarsa Dengel, 38 (dat ed 1529). TASFAYA EGZI' E: liqa diyaqonat under Lebna Dengel , 33. TATAMQA MADREN: liqa diyaqonat under Lebna Dengel, 40 (dated 1530) . TEWODROS: seyum of Sire under Lebna Dengel, 22. TEWOGOLOS (Theologos): qaysa lJ ase (sal;lay) under Lebna Dengel, 40 (dated 1530); 41 (dated 1530); 43. TINO: �a�afe taza.z under Sus11eyos, 61 (dated 1627); also called Za­ _ sellase, Tino (Galla. 'little') bei11g a nickname. TOMAS: (1) nebura ed under Sar�a Dengel, 58; (2) qaii geta under Susneyos, 5 9 (dated 1611); 6 0 (dated 1612). WALDA DA.WIT· b-t e t.a b-aq1· under Giyorgis, 68, 69. WALDA DENGEL: magabi of Aksum und er Gigar 82 · under Sahla Dengel or Yol).annes III, 9 2 (dated abou 18 t 40).' ' WALDA ?I�0�9"IS: (1 ) bet tabaqi un der Minas, 51 (dated 1559 �61); (2) blattengeta under Takla Giyorg is, 70. WALDA KRESTOS: be]J.twadad under Sar�a Dengel , 57, 58. WALDA LE 'UL: seyum of Ag ame, 7 2 (c. 1795). 118


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WA LDA M IK A'EL: nebura ed of Akswn under Gigar 81 82· b-et tabaqi under Sahla Dengel or Yol;lannes III, 92 (c. 8 : ' 1 40) WALDA SELLA.SE: ras ofTegre 1784-1816, 68, 71. WALDA TENS.A' E: liqa manabret under Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627).


wALDO: qaqetat under Sarsa Dengel, 57.


WARQE: nebura ed under Sahla Dengel or Yol;tannes III, 92 (c. 1840). WASANGE: qaii geta under Lebna Dengel, 42.

WASAN SAGAD: bel;ltwadad of the left under Lebna Dengel, 21, 26 (dated 1519); 27 (dated 1520); 28, 29; d. 1531. WEBE: daj azmac, governor of Tegre 1830-55, 92-97. YA' EGZ:8R BARYA: nebura ed 11nder Gigar, 91.

YAM.ANA K RESTOS: ba 'ala ,vak:a and bel).twadad under Susneyos, 59 (dated 1611). YA'QOB: (1) nebura ed of Al(sum under Lebna Dengel, 21; (2) gala l;lase under Lebna Dengel, 32. YES.AK.AR: gala l}a�e under Galavvdewos, 50 (dated 1554).

YESJ:IAQ: (1) azazi under Leb11a Dengel, 40 (dated 1530);41 (dated 1530);42; bet tabaqi, 44; (2) nebura ed of Aksum under Ivfinas, 51 (dated 1559). YO}:lANNES: (1) ba'ala ma$1}.af under Lebna Dengel, 30; (2) azaj zawest under Sarsa Dengel, 56, 58. YONADAB: zandaraba under Lebna De11gel, 4·4.

ZA'AMANU'EL: qaysa gabaz of Aksum u11der Gigar and Sahla Dengel, 76, 81, 82, 91, 99. ZABARSEBAH:E.L: }Jedug ras zaqafi'e under Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627).


ZADENGEL: gera geta, 30; l).edug ras, 34 (dated 1527-8); under Lebna Dengel. ZAGIYORGIS: qala l)ase under Lebna Dengel, 40 (dated 1530). ZAKARYAS: qesa ti.ase under Zar' a Ya 'qob, 17. ZAK.RESTOS: nebura ed of Aksum under Lebna Dengel, 44. ZAMARYAM: (1) bet tabaqi under Susneyos, 59 (dated 1611), 60 (dated 1612); (2) masfen under Iyasu I, 64. ZAMAL'AK: Jiqa manabret under Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627). ZAMALAKOT: west• azazi under Susneyos, 61 (dated 1627).


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engel , 25 (dated 1517 D a n eb L r e nd u t ab ar m ZAMIKA'EL: (1) liqa er Sarsa Dengel, 56; afa d n u j za a ) 2 ( ); 0 3 5 1 or 1522); 40 ( dated ed 1 6 1 1 ). t a (d 9 5 s, o y e sn u S r makuanne n unde t ed 1612). a (d 0 6 s, o y e sn u S r e d n u ZAWALD: afa roakuanne n 6 2 7). d 1 te a (d 1 6 s, o y e sn u S er ZAMO: liqa mana.bre t und at ed 1530). (d 40 e l, e ng D na eb L er d n u a ZAN BARY.A: zandarab at ed 1530); (d , 40 e l, 22 ng e D na eb L r e nd u fi l)a a� ZAR'A MARYAM: m 41 (dated 1530). ZAR'A YOI:IANNES: Tegre roakuannen unde r Minas, 51 (dated 1559-61). ZAWDAY: ma�anot unde r Le bna Dengel, 25 (dated 1517 or 1522). ZENA G...i\.BRE' EL: bet tabaqi under Sar§a Dengel, 55, 58.

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* Abeselom, 89, 90

Anbasa Wedem, 5, 6 * Anonymous, 98 * Aram, 77-86 Ba'eda Maryam, 22 Dawit, 9-11 Ella Abre.ha & A$beha, Fasiladas, 62 Gabra Masqal, 3, 4 Galawdewos, 47-50 Gigar, 73-76 J;Iezqeyas, 66 * l;Iezqeyas, 88 Iyasu I, 63-65 Lebna Dengel, 24-46 Minas, 51 Sar� Dengel, 52-58

* *

* *

1, 2

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Sayfa A:r'ad, 7, 8 Sebagades, 81-87 Susneyos, 59-61 Seyon, Children of, 71 Takla Giyorgis, 67-69 Walatta Le'ul, 99 Walatta Maryam, 23 Walatta Muse, 79 Walda Le'ul, 72 Walda Sellase, 70 Wehe, 92-97 Ya'egzer Biirya, 91 Yesl)aq, 12 Yohannes IV, 100 Za'amanu'el, 70 Zar'a Yii'qob, 13-21








INDEX OF GRANTEES 'A.bay, Dabra, convent, 12 'Adwa, church of Mika' el, 83 'Adwa, church of Seyon, 83 'Adwa, Mad.bane 'Alam, 84, 97 'Adwa, tabota Gabre'el, 69, 83 Aksum, Cathedral of, 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15, 16, 23, 24, 25 , 32, 53, 63, 64 , 70, 77 , 80, 93, 94, 95 Aysama, Dabra, convent, 43 Bakuer, Dabra, convent, 43 Bankual, Dabra, convent, 8 , 41, 43 Baraknaha, convent, 27 Barbare, Dabra, convent, 43, 81 Belulazan, 31 Berhiin, Dabra, convent, 65 Beta Sabu}:t Amlak, convent, 43 Bizan, Dabra, convent, 11, 17, 49, 100 Calaqot, Maqdasa Sellase, 67 Dabiib, 68 Dii.flii, 37 Damo, Dabra, convent, 4, 43 Danba Tiinbuk, convent, 43, 55 Daqq Ita, children of the, 20 Debarwa, church of Mika'el, 20 Demab, Dabra, convent, App. I Dem$U, 91 Edu Sella.Se, 68 Egzi'e Kebra, 39

Eb.wa Krestos, 53, 59 Elyos, 60 Fiso, church of Mikii'el, 76 Gabra Maryam, 59, 91 Gabra Qirqos, 47 Garima, Abba: see Madara Guendeguende, convent, 87; a Maryam at, 72 Habta Ab, 45 I-Ialle Luyii, convent, 40, 41, 43 Hermo, Dabra, convent, 9, 43 Karbe, Dabra, convent, 83 Kefla Giyorgis, 79, 88 Lagaso, Dabra, convent, 41, 43, 55 Libanos, Dabra, convent (Tegre), 46 Liq a.nos, 42 Ma'ara, Dabra, convent, 43 Madara, convent, 3, 30, 56 Madbanina Egzi'e, Abba, convent of: see Bankual Mab.hara Maryam, convent, 18, 19, 41 Makana Abba Garima: see Madara Makana Akiset, convent, 81 Makana Madara: see Madara Makana Yakes, convent, 43 Malago, Dabra, convent, 20 Maryam, Dabra, convent 58 May Barazyo, convent, 50, 51





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$eyon, Dabra, convent, 43 Talda Iyasus, 35 Takla Mika' el, 32 Takla Sellus, 57 Taklu, 68 Tanse'a Krestos, 26 Tomas, Abba, convent of: see Libanos, Dabra Wabna Fessub, 74, 75 Walatta I;Iawaryat, 28 Walda D aw it, 78 Walda J;:Jarageday, 36 Walda Kidan, 90 Walda Krestos, 83 Walda Samu'el, 68 Walda Sellase, 68, 71 Waldebba, people of, 48 Weqro, Kidana Mel;irat at, 83 Yonas, Abba, convent of, 27 Zanona, convent of, 27 Zemal, 38 Zena Gabre'el, 44

Ma.y(a) Kuekue, convent, 43


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May(a) Wayn, convent, 21, 22 Mazra'eta Krestos, convent of, 62 Mika'el, church of, 86 'Ona Ma'eso, convent, 85 _ Pantalewon: convent of Abba, =Beta Pantalewon, 34; Maqdasa Ahuna Pantale\von, 92 Qabqabo, Kidana Me}:irat at, 96 Qedus, Dabra, convent, 27 Qirqos, church of, 86 Quaya�a, con,1ent, 10 Robel, 32, 33 Saf Sagad, 29 Satwa, cl1urch of, 83 Sebagades, 73 Sebbat La'ab, 38, 54 Seb}:lato, 68 Se'ela IZrestos, 61 $erwa Anbasa, ta.beta Sellase at, 82 $adya, convent, 66 $ege, Dabra: see Qedus, Dabra


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JNDEX OF CHIEFS AND DISTRICTS * Adyabo, 9, 17, 17a * Agame, seyum of, 43, 72, 73 Ahse' a, seyum of, 43 �ba Sanayt, 25, 43, App. II Asam, seyurn of, 59 Asgade, seyum of, 62 A$bi, seyun1 of, 43, 67 Bet I:Iawis, seyurn of, 43 * Bur, seyum of, 38 * Rodarta, seyurn of, 43, 67, 68, 82 Gada Ar'ado, a\vfari of, 43 Garnad, 74 Gandabta, 34; seyum of, 39, 43 * Gar' filta, seyum of, 43, 68 Magale, seyurn of, 43 Megarya Sarnr, seyum of, 62 Memsa.b, seyum of, 39 Na'eder, seyum of, 42 $adya, seytlm of, 43, 66 * Sa):iart, seyurn of, 3, 11, 43, 67


* $alamt, 9, 12 Salsit, seyum of, 43 * Sara.we, seyum of, 8, 12, 2o;'aqasen of, 45 Sembela, seyurn of, 58 Se' en, seyum of, 43 * Sera'e, seyum of, 67, 68, 82 Serkueso, 74 Sire, seyum of, 3, 8, 12, 21, 22, 58, 62, 95 * Tanbe11, seyu.m of, 8, 12, 26, 43, 68 * Tegre, SC)rurn of, 70, 84 Torat, 34; seyum of, 43 * "v,,Tfag sun1, 68 * Wajerat, seyum of, 67 Zana, seyum of, 62 Zangui, seyum of, 43 Zaraf ta, awfari of, 16, 28, 32, 34, 34, 41, 43, 50, 51, 62 Zebgaz, seyum of, 29

INDEX o f LANDS GRANTED by CHAR ER l T Ab'a, 17 Abar Samaqa, IO Abayn aguida, 12

Abayto; 87 'Abbabayna, 38 Abba Ragzi, 27

1 Provinces distinguished b y an asterisk. 2• Not including the names in the cha.rter o f Dab ra Damah, which are indexed 111 Appendix I.

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Abib, IO 'Abiy Wagr., 17 Aboli, 70, 89 A¢alaqu,97 'Ad Aha'er,83 'Ad . 'A.bay, 3 8 'Ad Abba Ya'qob, 27 'Ad Abreham, 9 Ad Abun, 10 Ad Agaw, 4 '.Ad Abse,a, 12, 25 Ad Alaga, 82 Ad Ambelo., IO '.Ad Anqua, 4 Ad 'Aqabay, 27 Ad ,Aqayt, I, 2, 14,70,92 'Ad Aron, 9 Ad Asfab, IO 'Ad '.Amday, 12 Ad Asbatya, 77 Ad Awhi, 66 '.Ad Ayhe§us,58 'Ad 'Ayn.a Anbasa, 12 '.Ad 'Ayno, 72 'Ad Aysebut, 20 'Ad Ba 'ed, 27 Ad Ba.bro,3, 30 Ad Balaway, IO 'Ad Bara, 22, 27 'Ad Bar'aday, 27 Ad Baraqat,91 'Ad Barbare, 81 Ad Barik,83 'Ad Barab,53, 64 Ad Baques, 10 'Ad Barya, 27 'Ad Beqa, 2 'Ad Biye, 27 Ad Ce'en de 19 'Ad Dage, 19 Ad Dagua 'u,77, 79,91 'Ad Daguen, 27 'Ad Dal;lna,27 A.d Daq Sandud, 67 Ad Darafay, 2 'Ad Egala, 38 Ad Ekli, 19 'Ad Embalay, 12 'Ad Entesum, 2s 'Ad Eqe, 27 'Ad 'Ewurat, 62 Ad Fanbi, 10 Ad Felasa, 8 'Ad Pere, 60, 72 'Ad Pesa, 81 'Ad Gabo, 3., 30 'Ad Gabso, 36

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GadAhay, 73 Gartat, 77 Gazo, 2, 3 Gedom,4, 1 0 Gefafo, 97 Gera Masa,18 Gerat, 86 Gira,12 Gozar, 32 Guaga, 32,77 Gua,rta, IO Gue'edud, 9 Guenbeye, 27 Guena, 27 I:Iadar, 25 Hagara, 27 I;Ialawina,12 I:Iankara,2, 77 J:Iarisay, 12 I:Iayon1, 81 I:Iazar, 2 I:Iedug, 8 Ita, 12 Iyasus, 58 Iyo, 2 Jan Amor a, 10 Kabdat, 12 IZantiba, Sehay,27 Karras, 68 Ker, 12 Kuananu,27 Kuel1elay, 22 Kuellu Za'ab, 5, 32, 64 Katay, 81 Lel;lsi, 10 Le'ul, IO Ma 'an1en, 27 Ma'ar,77 Ma1:tayn1en, 27 ManasfelJa, 72 Matare, 58 Mel'o, 2 Mage'e,3 Nahabay, 27 Naqizom, 12 'Ona, 66 Qaba)', IO Qadaso, 12 Qadida, IO Qalabas, 72 Qalqal, 12 Qarn,14,64, 77 Qene, 2, Ragaynay, 27 Raza, 53,69 Regbayt, 25 Regud, 25

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Ad Ad • .A�d 'Ad Ad

Sa,ada, 17 Sa,alu, 10 Sab'ay, 12, 58 Sa], 3, 3° Sabayta, 42 Sakuan, 12 Sala'e, 68, 83 Segl�, 38 Sem Leda.le, 27 Semo, 10 $emur, 12, 27 Setab, 38 Sa$ar, 17 Sehelo, 5, 64 (Sebilo) Sawa, 12 Tegray, 22 Tanaf, IO Teqo, 9 Waqart, 38

'Ad 'Ad Watot, 27 'Ad Werii, �1.2 'Ad Yesl)aq, 12 'Ad Zana., 70 'Adda Daqq Dawit, 59 Adda'ego, 62 'Addaq., 12 Addaq Layto, 4Addaq Sa.mro11, 84, 97 Addaquer'c, 83, 84, 97 Addi 'A.bay., 62 Addi Awlay, 9 '.Addi 'Equaro, 53 '.Addi Quoro, 53 Addi �aguar, 9 'Addi Yamen, 22 Addoba.,


Adeb, 3 Aclel,ayu, 87

Adet., 17: 49 Adgena, 17

Adt,.ala, 83 ·Adwa, 3, 30, 17

Adyam., 82, 81 Af Gabso, 25 Af Guen1e, I Afla, 43 Afqara, 82 Agabo, 10 Agame, 73 •Agamo, 25, 81 Agazena, 25, 81 Agerah, 54

Aguela, 68




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Aguera, 42 Al'e, 3 Ab,se'a, 8, 19, Akran, 4 Afgaden,






Amba H.awasta, 1 Amba Quenc, 88

Amba Quen�i, 2 Amba. Sanayt, 10 Ambara, 61 'A.mdo, 3 Ambeda, 38 Amhur, 17 Amsata, 8 Am'uta, 43 Andale, 2 Andel, 88 Ankare, 8 Anquele, 64 Anzat, IO 'Aqab Re'es, 8 r Aqab Sa'eda, 66 Aqa.ta.ra, 42 Aqba§a, 30 Arata, 11 Arazya, 25 Aroda., ro Anvi, 58 Asafe, 73 'Asay, 3, 30 Asgade, ro, 62 Asira, 38 Asetal1, 67 A$bi, IO, 30, 76, 82 A$gabta, 67 'A $In l[armaz., 2 Atabas, 73 • Ata'et, 25 Ataga ., 24 Atarbila, 3 Ataret, 30 Ateret, 3 Awfart, 2 Awger, 8, 12 Awl1ene, 17, 38 Awla'lo, 43 A,vle'at, 87 Awle'o, 15 Awle'e Soru, 73 Aymebak, 77, 89, 90 'Ayna, 82 A.zage, 43 Azawi, 77 Ba'ala Zagri, 27 Ba'at, 87 Ba'at Ero, 3, 30



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.Ba'at Medr, 62 Bada Alba., 1 Badegsat., 25 Baden Guerguera, 62 Bag'ela, 3 I:Ia$8rii, 25 Ba.bro, 3 Balay Gal'i, 3 Baliga, 82 Bali}}., 27 Baqla, 37 Baqlo, 4 Baraho, 81 Baraka, 4 BarkuaJ 8 Barquaho, 8 Batarwa, 8 Beb,eza, 5, 14 Belangi, 77 Belen, 4 Bent Sew, 25 Berbadge, 25 Bet l:Jaywa, IO Bet Mabbar, 12 Bet Marya, 12 Beta Gabaz, 8, 20, 43 Beta l:Jaylay, s Beta Hebay, 38 Beta Mata'e, 33 Beta Mika'el, 25 Beta Nobayt, 4 Beta Pantalewon, 92 Beta Seyon, 8 Beta Yol;lannes, 84, 97 Betema, 27 Bezat, 86, 27 Bilin, 4 Bi'ito, 3 Biraqo, 10 Bitanya Saguari, s Boe, 65 Bor Ba'at, 30 Bu.lad, 10 Bur, 38 Burb.adage, 81 Buya, 12 ¢alaqot, 67 Cecilrwa, IO Dabagazay, 30 Dabagazoy, 3 Dabaleq, 77 Dablo, 65 Dabr, 38, 73 Dabr, 67 Dabr Enda Weqro, 18 Dabra Anbasa, 62

Dnbra Anli!.\la, 3, 19 Dabra 'Endeda, 5, 14 Dabra Mary am, 8 1 Dabra Salam, 5 14, 53, 82 Dabra Sina, 27, 69 Dabra Ya'q ob, 43 Dabre, 2, 62 Dabre, 27 Dafar., 24 Dafarge, 43 Da'ero Te'ena, 62 Dagal' a, 73 , Dagna, 13 Daguere, 3 Damarmare, 3, 31 Dan1ba Gaze, 2 Dan1bala, 68 Dan1be, 12 Dambe Wad Zago, 79 Damo., 73 Danba, 17, 49 Danbaliibila, 10 Danbari, 27 Danbii Tanbuk, 55 Danbeba, 77 Danb Sake, IO Dangualo, 27, 68 Daqa, 8 Daqueya, 66 Dara, 10, 73, 76 Da'raka, 4, 43 Daraqa, 7 Deba, 27 Debab, 82 Debaza, 77 Debela, 8I Debura, 14, 64, 77 De'edu'e, 27 Degana, 8 Del Meda, 52, 53 Demab, I Dembazan, I l Dera, 2 Derar 'Ayn, 9 6 Derba, 26 Diga, 12 Doha, 27 Eber Albe, 35 Edaga Mika'el, 17 Edda Abba Aron, 9 Edda Abba Pawlos, 12 Edda Abba Srunu'el, 62 Edda 'Araga, 8 Edda Falasi, 8 Edda Giyorgis, 12 Edda 'Ir, 8 Edda Mika'el, 17


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Edda Zeb'i, 6:2 Eg(g)ala, 4, 17, 49 £gala l:Jamas, 73 Egala J:Iasin, 73 'Eguestifama, 24 Emba Dorho, 37 Emba Se'ed, 12 Emba Takuela, 4 Embay, 8, 83 Embeto, 38 Emfraz, 61 Enbadara, IO Enda Abba Maqares, Endabba Ganzar, 81 Endarta, 67, 68, 82 Enda Sahayti, 73 Enda§ewa, 3 Engan'a, 11 En ta, 25 ( =lnta) Enzona, 60 'E§e Ma'ere, 4 'Etan Zore, 10 Fade, 27 Padon, 24 Falag Da'ero, 68 Pale, 3 Felfeli, 2, 71 Fenqelit, 23 Fcrq, 60 Fesbat, IO Feso, IO Fiso, 76 Gabat, 30 Gabazya, 55 Gabgab, 2 Gabla, 3 Gable, 8, 66 Gadam, II, 17, 49 Gadeba, 19 Galaba, 4 Galila, 12 Gana.def, 4 Gandat, 30 Gangano, 8 Gar' filta, 68 Gararis, 58 Garazcla, 2 Ga�a Warq, 5, 14 Gazat, 10 Gebses, 60 Gedit, 78 Gela Abba, 22 Gelo Makeda, 4 Genbo, 45 Gerarat, 38 Gerabosa, 82 Ger§eqo, 58




Gor Ba'at, 3 Guadfo, 9 Guadgueda., 8 Gual, 12 Gualgualo, 8, 19 Gualgual Qa tin, Io Guankua, 20 Gued, 12 Guedeb.mi, 27 Guefa, 3 Guerguer, 4 Guerre, 3, 18, 1 9 Guerre Asam, 1 9 Gunaguna, 5, 14 Gurberya, 8 Guesena, 66 Gur Zabo, 17 Geyaseb, 38 Hagara Maryam, 67 Hagara $et, 27 Hagara Seyot, 4 Hagaray, 26, 30 Rabal Sedqo, 77 Baddis Ad, 2 Haddis Addi, 27 • J:Iakfan,


J:Ialaqo, 68 J:Ialay, 38 Ham, 4 • I:Iamad Alba, 2, 77 Hambara, 1, 77 • I:Iamlo, 4 I:Ianbare, 77 I:Ianen, 81 I:Iangug, 43 Hankaset, 2 • I:Iannesi, 66 I-•Iaras a\V, Io I:Iarima, 78 1:Iasi, 70 I:Ia�bo, 2, 70 J;Iawastii, I J:Iawli., 10 I:Iawza, 5, 14, 43, 68 l;Iawzena, 2, 77 l;Iayda,




l;Iaywom, 25 l:legor, 3 l:legur, 81 (-=l{egor) I:Ienzat, 19, 47, 69 l;Ierum Wagr, I Ba.bas, 67 l:Jedadema, 62 Beraya, 10 Bo�a, 12

126 , I


lntA, 81 Kababo, 8 Kabwut, 2 Kabasa, 61 I(amkamba, 65 Karfaho, 8 Karnesem, 11 I{artena, IO Ke'esya, 60 Kela'it, 30 Kenen, 4 Keter, 9 Ketum Aweb, 3 Ketur, 9 Kiman, 91 Kola.y, 60 Komay, 17 Korbarya, 73 Kor Takli, 12 Kuakueb, 7, 77 Kualla Dabas, 58 Kualo Gezafi, 17 Kuedekui, 78, 91 Kuellu Yefarha, 1, 94, 95 Kuendo Qayeb, 27 La'ati, 4

Laguamt, 3, 19, 30 Lahlen, 73



La'lay Kuffar, 38 La'lay Selsit, 25 La'lay Sendadya, 73 La'lay �e}:ian, 81 Laqeb, IO Laqe �aya}:i, 10 Lawsa, 25, 81 Laysa (Ataga), 24 Ma'argat, 82 Ma'arda, 38 Madabay, 8, ro, 83 Madague, I, 77 Madalba, 14 Madara, 56 Maden, 10 Madegue, 14, 91 Madoge, 70, 93 Ma'ekalay Ad, 66 Ma'ekala An:fi, 10 Ma'ente, 8 Magane'e, 68 Mal;lago, 24

Mabbara Maryam, 3, 30 Makan, 27 Makodge, 25 Makram Abagewo, 25 Makram Qayeb, 25 Mala, 72


' I

Manadcq, 5 Manakuesayto, 38 Mangero, 83 Manbale, 24 Mans'a, II Maqayl10, 12 Marab r., 4 Marada, 12 Marata, 43 Masa.hel, 10 Mas'awt, Io Masqal Ba�, 61 Mastarsil1a, 57 Masalba, 19 Matara, 4 Mataro, 62 Matqa'elo, 18, 69 May Abrus, 62 May 'Alaqt, 25 May Alba, 9, 27 May Ambaray, 25 May 'Ayn, 78 May Ba' a.ti, 26 May Bur, 8 May Ql\v, 69 Ma)' Damas, 10 May Dara.l1u, 12 May Da'ero, 27 1'.1ay Eben, 25 May Gobay, 1 May Guarzo, 27 1'.1ay Gund, Sr May l:Jo§e, 12 lviay Lel)elmet, 3 May Masanu, 3, 82 May Nolat, 78 May Qala'u, IO May Qalqalay, 81 1'.1ay Qarbat, 9 May Qi�abo, 62 Ma)' Qua�l, 25, 81 May Qua�li, 4 May Sasala, 27 May Sa\\'a, 12 May Seye, 77, 80, 81 1-.1ay Sa'eda, 25 May Se' a, 74, 75 May Tafat, IO, 21 May Tanqua, 12 May Te'um, 3 Ma:y Yaba, 19 Maya 'Awle'e, 8 Maya Ab' a, 43, 49 Mayat, 82 Mayre, 81 Mazal, 81 Mazba.rgandet, 3, 30


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Mazutay, 5, 14, 53 Medogue, 2 Me'esar Arol:ta, 38 Megarya Samr, 4Megueda, 25 Mel1amat, 27 Mel'a, Sr MelalJua, 2 Mela.ta, 12



3, 32

Memsah,., 39 Meqmaq, 53

Merena, 77 Me$Ia:�r J:Iamus, 17 Na', 68

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Nabalat, 81 Nabrat, 82 Nadwa, 38 Na'eder, 13 Nafas, 77, 89, 90 Nezana, 43 Nobe, 12 1--Iobi, 14 'Ona 1\1.a'e§O, 5, 14, 53 'Ona Yen1eta, 27 'Osiit, 82 Qabqabo, 3 Qabeset, 31 Qafana, 82 Qagma, 6 Qalita, 10 Qalqal, 98 Qalya, 4 5 Qan$abet, 3, 30

Qaroda, 61

Qar�a Qamti, 17 Qasiba, 81 Qatan, 81

Qa tan Gabgab, 60 Qatate Ekel, 7 Qayel1 Medr, 60 Qelale, IO Qobla, 65 Qolii, 25 Qot, 10 Qota, 81 Quan$i, 81 Quararo, 10


Qua.rquara, 67 Quarir Falag, 82 Qued, 2 7 Qul�i, 61 Qumal Albo, 10

Reba, 4

Reba Garad, 84, 97 Reba Men�, 68 Reba'c Medr, 66


Rcgbay, 4 Sabaya, 73 Sa.hon, 3, 3° Sadido, So Sadwa, 5, 1 4 Sage, 12 sagla, 62 Saglamen, I, 28 Sal;iart, 3, 8, 1 1 Sakba, 66 Saloda, IO Sam'a, 20 Samama r., 9 Samra, 82 San'afe, 82 Saraba, 65 Sarantya, 12 Saraqo, 65 Sarawe,· 8, 20 Sawni, 5, 14 Seb'a, I Segamo, 25 Seka, 12, 12 Selesit, 25, Sr Sem'is, 81 Senafe, 68 Sene'eft, 25 Seqarya, 12 Seqata, 25 Sire, 3, 8, 12, 22, 62 Sorebosa, 30 Sur Anbasa, 82 Sur Ba'at, Sr Saba, 82 Saba'ena Qirqos, IO Sabfilaque, 4 Sabari, 27 Sa'eda Emba, 8 Sa'eda Maqabcr, 3 Sa'cdii. Zfila, 66 Sadya, 8 Saf�af, 8I $abadya, 43 $ala'e Anesto, 2, 70 Salamo, 5, 14 Sallim Bet, 6 $allim Fera, 17, 49 $alamt, 9 $amcq, 10 Samqo, ro $arna'ele, 5, 6 4 Sa�e, 81 Sawar, 44


Sayab, 10

$eda'e, 38 $ele'clo, I



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Sembcla, 4, IO, 12 sen'a Dagle, I I Scra'e, 26, 68, 82 scrwa Anbasa, 82 $ewclt, I Sima Ras, 61 Sira, 12 Scyon Salam, 43 Se];ian, 81 Salena, 61 Sekat, 17 Sil;l Balas, 4 Si1;t Tambuk, 77 Ta'awadi, I Taber, 1 TA'eka, 5, 14 Tafade, 10 Ta]:ltay Send!dya, 73 Tiibtay $eban, 81 Tamben, Tanben, 8, 12, Ta'enet, 73 Tansehe, �6 Te'awqe, 27 Terbo, 25, 81 Torat, 41 Ta.fa, 3, 30 Taraqam, 82 Tata, 12 Tebus Ebni, 17 'Una Ma'e§o, 54 Wad, 17 Wadazarat, 20 Wademyanos Barak.a, 27

Wagr, 17



Wagr Bub, 66 Wagr Gubclya, 25 Wagr Mazelo, 18, 19 Wagr $ela'elo, 25 Wakab, 38 Wakani, 27 Wfilwaj, 65 Wanbartfi, 82 Waqar Deba, 12 Waqarut, 69 Warabrab, 9 Warbo Sabny, 3 We'ilo, 7, 14 Weqro, 3 Weraket, 3, 30 Wetafii, 87 Ya'ebo, 85 Yebusa, 5, 64 Ye}.la, 4, 62, 73, 84, 97 Yem'aya, 4 Za'arc, 38 Zagra Naquc, 3 Zabararo, Io Zalabay, IO Zana, 27, 83 Zaquenaque, 8 Zarema, 3, 30 Zarfent, 68 Zaso, 10 Zebgaz, 29 Zegeb, 25 Zenaqode, 4, 58

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INDEX OF TITLES Abun, 30 Adagsini, 40, 41, 43 Afa makuannen, 18, 30, 32, 33, 39, 46, 49, 50, 51, 52, 59, 60, 82, 84, Afa nebu.ra ed, 22, 32, 70 Aiaqa, &i 'Aqabe marbo, 33, 38, 42 'Aqabe neway, 29 'Aqabe sa'at, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 61 'Aqa.$cn, 23a, 45 'Aqet dabana geta, 44 'Awfari, I, 5a, 18, 38, 43, 46 Awfiiri of Zarafta, 16, 28, 32, 39, 41, 43, 50, 51, 62

Azazi (azaz, azaj), 25, 26, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 56, 57, 58 Azaz zawest, 50, 51, 58, 61 Azmac, 51 Ba'ala ganta, 39, 58 Ba'fila ma$baf, 20, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 30, 35, 37: 38, 39, 40, 42 Ba'ala wako, 21, 22, 59 Babarakat bet, 40 Bal)ra nagasi, 20, 38, 45, 49, 100 Balambaras, 70 Ba�a, 68 Bazir wanj, 40 Bebtwadad, 21, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 57, 58, 59, 6I, 64


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Masfen, 66, 92, 93, 94 Ma $1).af bet, 25 Ma$bafi, 22, 40, 41 Nafal;t ganta, 20 Nagad ra'es, 24 Nebura ed of Aksum, 18, 20, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 68, 69, 70 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93 Nebura ed of Bankual, 41; of Madara, 30; of Maqdasa Maryam , 25 Pappas, 30, 56, 58 Qfila J;tase, l, 5a, 7, 13, 16, 18, 25, 29, 31, 32, 33, 38, 40, 4�, 44, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, S7, 58,

Bet tabaqi, 20, 22 , 23, 25, 26, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 38, 39, 4 0, 41, 69, 68, 60, 59, 58, 57, , 51, 44 92

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Bet tabaqi geta, 55 Blattengeta, 61, 68, 70, 75 Dabtara, 25, 27, 30, 38, 52 Dabtara geta, 25, 27, 30, 38, 40, 41, 43, 52 Dagaf geta, 56 Daj azmac, 59, 60, 69, 70, 71, 73, 76, 80, 81, 92 Dana, danya, 30, 51, 55 Egr zaquene, 21, 31, 39 Fita\vrari, 70 Gantana, 31; Gantawe, 38; Gantayna, 30; Gayntana, 27; Gentano¢, 57 Gaza'i, 25, 43 Gaze, 39 Gera azazi, 40 Geta, 25, 30, 34, 40, 41, 42, 43 , 44, 59, 60 I;Iedug, 23a, 25, 29, 42, 43, 58, App. II . I:Iedug ras, 41, 42, 43, 44, 57 1;Iedt1g ra'es, 34, 61 La'aq a.tac, 25 La'aqetat, 41 La'eka negus, 68 Liqa Aksum, 40, 4 2, 60, 70 Liqa 'aqaytat, 70 Liqa dabtara, 27, 69 Liqa diyaqonat, 20, 23, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 , 33,

34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41 , 42, 57, 58, 59, 60 Liqa k.al1enat, 43, ?6 Liqa ma'emran , 40, 41, 43, 61 Liqa, 23 Liqa mankuas, 70 L�qa mara]Jt, 25, 40 L1qa ma$iini, 25, 34; liqa matani, 41, 43 Liqa maniibret, 6 1 Ma'ekala bal:u', 26, 43 Ma�ani, 25, 42, 42, 82, 91, 92 Makuannen ( =Tegre m.) i, 5a, 7, 7 3, 13, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 30, 31, 32, 4o, 43, 54, 62, 82, 92, 93, 94

Malakafia' 23a, 25, 43 52 Malake Aksum, 23 '

Mamher of Bankual, 41; o f Guendeguende 72. of H ane- Luya, 40, ' ' 41 ; of L aga-so, 41, 55 -bbara .' of M a Maryam, 18, 41


Qfila itege, 23 Qala nagasi, 42 Qala negus, 23 Qafi azazi, 41 Qaii azmac, 68 Qafi geta, 25, 40, 41, 43, 44, 59, 60 Qaqetac, 34, 4o, 47 Qasis, 70 Qasisa gabaz, 30, 80, 91, Qaysa (qesa) gabaz, 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 4 0, 4 1, 42, 44, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 60, 68, 69, 70, 7•2, 76, 81, 82, 9 2, 95, 99 Qaysa Qa§e (l18§ay), 4 1, 43 Qaysa sal1ay, 40 Qawan1i , 39 R:iq n1a'asare (masare), 23, 25, 27, 30, 3 1 ,33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, · 41, 42 Raq ma'asare of Maqdasa Maryam, 25, Ra'es n1e§eni, 3l Ras, 76 Ras bebtwadad, 82 Salaqa, 70 $a];lafalam of Damot, 61 $abafe tazaz, 61 $a]:lafi, 2 3 $arag ma'asare, 40, 41, 43, 61 Sayda, 23 , 39 , 38 26, 25, m, eyu 24, 23, 22, 21, 20, 8 96 , , 95 92 , 84 , 2 82 7 4 , 43, 54 , 58, 59 , 4, Taguazaguaza, 30, 32, 34, 35, 39, 4° 34, 33, 30, 28, Tegre makuannen, 25, 2' 5 , o SI , 39, 4o, 41, 43 , 44, 47, 49, s





' ..

53, 55, 56, 61, 95 Wag �um, 68 Wambar, 59 Yawes1 azazi, 34; west azazi, 61 Yawest blattengeta, SI Zan balaw, 26

Zan daraba, 40, 44 Zan b.asana, 21, 22, 31, 32, 34 Zan ma,asare, 21, 25, 31, 40 Zan $Crar, 25; fan $Crar geta, 37 Zan talcal, SI

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ALMEIDA. Som.e .Records of Ethiopia, 1593-1646. �dited and trans­ lated by C.F. Becki11gham and G.W.B. Hunttngford. London� . Hakluyt Society, 1954. (Abbreviated SRE.) ALVARES. The P1·ester John of.the Indies. Edited by C.F. Beckingham and G.W.B. Huntingford. Lo11don, Hakluyt Society, 1961. CHAINE, M. Ccttalogi,e des Jvla11uscrits Ethiopiens de la Collection A,1toine d'Abbadie. Bibliotl1eqi1.e Nationale. Paris, 1912. io zar dir etu nsu to Co dell'Eritrea. rit Di di ipi inc Pr C. I, IN SS RO CONTI Ron1e, 1916. ;. CONTI ROSSINI, C. Docu,nenta ad Illustrandam Historiam: I. Liber Axu111ae. Corpu.s Scriptortim. Christianorum Orientalium (CSCO), ,,ol. 54- (text), vol. 58 (Fre11cl1 version). Louvain, 1954. CONTI ROSSINI, C. Jlistoria Regis Sa,·�a Dengel. CSCO, vol. 20 (text), vol. 21 (Frenc11 version). Louvain, 1954. (Abbreviated 1-!SD.) DILI...fvli\l\JN, A. Catalogus Codic-i11n Manuscriptoritm Bibliothecae Bodleiar1ae Oxo;1ie11sis. Pars VII. Codices Aethiopici. Oxford, 1848 . G(JIDI, I. A1111ales Io!1an11is, 'Iyasu I, et Bako.ffo.. CSCO. vols. 22, 24 (text), vols. 23, 25 (Fre11ch version). Louvain, 1954. (Abbrev. AJIB.) GUIDI, I. Anna/es 'Iyasi, 11 et, 'IJ1o'as. CSCO. vol. 61 (text), vol. 66 (French version). Lot1vai11, 1954. (Abbreviated AII.) HUNTINGFORD, G.W.B., Tl1e Glorious Victories of 'Amda $eyon. Oxford, 1965. PARIS CI-IRONICLE. Etudes si,r l'histoire d'Ethiopie, par Rene _ Basset. �ar1s, 1881. (A?breviated ch.ronicle to the reign of Baka.ffa, from Bibi. Nat. MS Etl1iop. 105=Zotenbero 142.) (Abbreviated 0 PC.) PEREIRA, F.M. ESTEVES. Ch,·onica de Susenyos Rei de Ethiopia. Lisbon, 1892, 1900. PAEZ. Pero Pais, Historicr da Etiopia. Ed ite d Lo Teixeira. Oporto by pes 1945. PERRUCHON, J. Histoire des Guerres de 'A.mda Syon. Journ . Asiati­ que, 1889, 8 ser. XIV, pp. 271-363, 381-4 93. PERR'!CI:ION, �- Les Chron i. ques de Zar'a Ya 'eqob et de Ba' e_da MarJ,a111·• Paris, 1893. (Zar' a Ya 'q am M ary ' ed ob a pp B 3. a 10 3· ' · ' pp. I 05-182 · ) ( Abbreviated CZ an d CB respectiv ely.)

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