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Guide to Reading this Plan

Of necessity, this Neighbourhood Plan (NDP) is a detailed technical document. The purpose of this page is to explain the structure and help you find your way around the plan.

1. Introduction & Background


This section explains the background to this Neighbourhood Development Plan and how you can take part in and respond to the consultation.

2. The Neighbourhood Area

This section details many of the features of the Parish of Winkfield and its facilities.

3. Planning Policy Context

This section sets out the wider planning policy context that informs the preparation of the NDP and that the NDP must be in general conformity with. This includes the Government’s planning framework (the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)) and the documents that make up the development plan, published by Bracknell Forest Council.

4. Community Views on Planning Issues

This section explains the extensive community involvement there has been over the last few years that has helped to shape the vision, objectives, and individual policies of this Plan.

5. Vision and Objectives & Land Use Policies

This section provides a statement on the Neighbourhood Development Plan Vision and Objectives.

6-12. Land Use Policies

These sections detail policies which are proposed to address the issues in Section 4. These policies are listed on page 9. There are Policy Maps at the back of the plan and additional information in the Appendices to which the policies cross reference.

13. Implementation

This section explains how the Plan will be implemented and future development guided and managed. It identifies projects which might be funded, at least in part, by the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which the Parish Council will gain receipts from and have some influence over. Finally, it deals with several issues which although relevant are outside the scope of a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

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