‘The School will inspire in each pupil the confidence to collaborate and to lead...’
The experience and art of leadership lie at the heart of the St Mary’s education. Girls in all year groups take on roles of responsibility, and become comfortable with leadership as they grow through the school. Whether in committees, House competitions or Chapel, whether quietly mentoring younger girls or in public at major events, St Mary’s girls learn what it means to stand up and be heard. We are proud to watch them go out into the world as mature and spirited young women who embody the prediction of our founder, Mary Ward: ‘Women in time to come will do much’.
All House competitions are run by pupil House Captains in areas as diverse as art, drama, music, sport, Maths, debating, dance and science. Girls take a lead in organising, advertising and running weekend events for their House, and these often follow elaborate themes. Every House has its own charity, chosen by the girls, and the House Captains organise fundraising events for it throughout the year.
St Mary’s girls are always ‘on their feet’. Groups of girls from all years write and present their own chapel talks and prayers. Many compete in the House public speaking competition, or take part in our very popular elective course in public speaking, and our debaters are regular finalists in national competitions. Pupils who complete the Extended Project Qualification deliver their presentations live to younger girls and staff at an annual celebration evening.’
Most clubs and societies are established, organised and run by our senior pupils, and respond to current interests and trends, such as MotorSoc, the Finance Society, ArtSpark and the Composition Club. Pupils also lead our discussion groups, such as FemSoc and the Human Rights Action Group. Sixth Form leaders advertise their clubs at the Societies Fair, arrange meetings, deliver presentations and organise guest speakers.
Girls from all year groups are elected by their peers to sit on the many pupil committees, include those for the Environment, Wellbeing, Sport and Charities. These committees, all chaired by UVI pupils, raise issues, organise projects and provide feedback to the Senior Management Team. The Pet Welfare Committee oversees the Pet Shed, awards prizes every term for the best kept pets, and organises the popular annual Pet Parade. The Food Committee gives feedback to the Catering team and suggests menu ideas. The Cyber and Tech Committee explores issues related to technology use and e-safety. The Socials Committee enjoys devising new events with other schools.
With leadership and guidance provided by pupils on the Charities Committee, the girls regularly raise over £20,000 a year for a range of causes that are dear to them. Year 10 girls organise the annual Charity Funfair, a big family event that has the feel of a country fête, with exciting food and games stalls. Pupils raise money for their House charity through bake sales, toasty making and raffles. Senior girls organise major fund-raising events such as the Rock Concert and sales of the pupil magazine, WHAT.
The experience of leadership as service is an important message within the Catholic tradition of the school. Girls from all years prepare and lead worship in Chapel and assemblies. Sixth Form pupils serve as Eucharistic ministers at Mass, and younger pupils contribute as servers, readers or leading the offertory procession. The Lower Sixth Liturgy Captains work with the School Chaplain to prepare and organise events and discussions with younger pupils.
The Music Captain collaborates with other musicians on events such as Open Mic nights and the Rock Concert. The Drama Captain’s play is produced and directed entirely by the Sixth Form Drama Captain. The Dance Captain works with younger pupils to encourage engagement in dance, and the STEM Captain supports the Science Department in the promotion of STEM across the school. The Sports Captain helps to develop the sporting provision and arrange events such as the Celebration of Sport. Our Sports Leaders have a major organisational and motivational role in the Sports Department, and help to coach younger pupils.
The mentoring and buddying systems run as a vein through school life. Girls in younger years act as minders for new girls, offering a wealth of advice from where to put your games kit to how to use the pupil app. Senior girls are mentors and subject buddies for younger girls. Many of them take on a longer-term mentoring role, meeting with groups of younger girls regularly to offer their wisdom and advice about study skills, exam preparation or wellbeing.
One of the many advantages of our leadership programme is that it provides excellent feedback to us about school life. Whether through the Prefects, House Captains, School Council or the pupil committees, girls from all year groups can raise issues for the school to discuss. These many forums for pupil voice facilitate our mutual understanding and collaboration with pupils, and help us to run the school for the benefit of everyone.
The Sixth Form prefects receive leadership training, including in mental health, wellbeing and safeguarding. They help to plan and deliver the House weekend programme and encourage the involvement of younger girls. They run our school committees, clubs and societies, and play a major role in the mentoring programme. Prefects take the lead at major events such as Open Day, as well as engaging with the younger girls through evening visits to their boarding areas. They work actively with the Senior Management Team to feed back ideas and inform school policy.
We have only to look at the ranks of our impressive alumnae to see where leadership takes our girls once they have left St Mary’s. Alumnae have gone on to leading positions in the City, the law, finance, business, medicine, the army and the charity sector, many of them starting up their own businesses. They are generous with their time, mentoring and advising girls as they negotiate their own careers choices. These alumnae love coming back to speak to the girls and inspire the next generation of St Mary’s girls to become the leaders of tomorrow.
St Mary’s Road, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 9JF
Telephone: +44 (0)1344 296600