Parish Council News
Chairman: Cllr David Parkin Clerk: Annemarie Edwards
Spring 2018
Council Offices Fernbank Road Ascot, SL5 8JW Tel: 01344
The past year has been very busy for the Parish Council. The Neighbourhood Development Plan is progressing well and the majority of planned projects have been completed. We have some exciting projects planned for the next 12 months, the first being the replacement of play equipment at King George V Recreation Ground.
BFC and re3 encourage us to recycle household waste as much as possible but putting the wrong materials in your recycling bins at home causes contamination, increases the material sent to landfill, reduces the efficiency of the Recycling Centre and potentially causes damage to the sorting machine. Do you know what you can put in your kerbside bins? See the detailed list at So how can you recycle some of those everyday items not suitable for your kerbside recycling bins? Most items will be accepted at the Longshot Lane recycling Centre or you can utilise one of the below: • Plastic bags - carrier bags, bread bags, veg/fruit bags, toilet roll /nappy pack bags, can/drink packaging, shrink wrappers/dry cleaning/magazine bags - all can be taken to larger supermarkets when you do your shopping. • Paint - leftover paint can be taken to The Green Machine - You can also buy paint and small amounts of wallpaper from them at a fraction of the price of DIY stores. • Small electrical items - there is a collection point outside the Parish office for small electrical items that are broken or obsolete - kettles, irons, toasters, desk lamps, games consoles - basically anything that would fit into a small carrier bag (no laptops/tablets). • Clothing/shoes & glass- there are a number of clothing and glass banks around the Parish: clothing & glass at Tesco Martin’s Heron, Asher Recreation Ground & Forest Park shopping centre, clothing only at Carnation Hall , glass only at Tesco Warfield, Warren Row shops & Stirrups Hotel
The Annual Parish Meeting at 7.30pm on Tuesday 24th April at Carnation Hall is your opportunity to see what the Council has achieved, what plans it has for 2018/19 and raise any issues. We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.
David Parkin (Chairman)
LOCKS RIDE CABIN The cabin at Locks Ride will continue to open at weekends until the end of March 2018 at which time the opening hours will be extended. Pop along for a hot drink or even an ice-cream and maybe catch a local football match or just soak up the beautiful surroundings. Check our website for current opening times.
LOCKS RIDE SPLASHPAD The splashpad will be open this year from 30th March to 30th September and will operate every day between 11am - 1pm and 3pm - 5pm. All we need to hope for is some sunshine! A few points to note to keep the splashpad in tip-top condition and available for the enjoyment of all for the whole summer: • Babies must wear swimming nappies • Sand must NOT be taken into the splashpad • The water is supplied through underground tanks
which re-fill when empty—there will be periods of time that the buttons will not be operational to allow the tank to re-fill
DRAFT LOCAL PLAN - MAKE SURE YOU HAVE YOUR SAY!! BFC will be consulting on its Draft Local Plan between 8th February and 26th March 2018 with exhibitions being held around the borough including Martins Heron Community Centre on Sat 24th Feb 2pm - 5pm and Carnation Hall on Tue 27th Feb 10am - 1pm & Wed 27th Feb 5pm - 8pm. portal/planning/draft_bracknell_forest_local_plan
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There are no laws against having a bonfire but there are laws about causing a nuisance. When having a bonfire make sure you: • only burn dry material • never burn household rubbish, rubber tyres, or anything containing plastic, foam or paint • never use old engine oil, methylated spirits or petrol to light the fire or encourage it • avoid lighting a fire in unsuitable weather conditions • warn your neighbours if you are going to have a bonfire - they are less likely to complain.
We have a number of spaces now available at Carnation Hall for hire by local classes or community groups. Hall:
Monday 3.15pm—5.15pm Tuesday 3.15pm—5pm Thursday 3.15pm—5pm Friday 3.15pm—6pm Monday 2pm—6pm Wednesday 1.45pm—5.45pm Thursday 2.30pm—7.30pm Friday 11am—6pm
If you are looking for a venue to hire on a regular basis, large or small, please contact us on 01344 885110 to discuss your requirements. All regular hirers receive a 10% discount on the hourly hire rate.
It's always a good idea to try and resolve problems informally by politely letting your neighbour know if a bonfire has been causing a problem. In order to be a statutory nuisance you would need evidence about the frequency of bonfires, duration and how they affect your ASCOT JUBILEE PAVILION enjoyment of your land. If the problem persists you Ascot Jubilee Pavilion also offers a great space for small can report the problem to the Environment and groups or classes to meet on a regular basis and is Community Team at BFC. available to hire Monday—Friday all year (except Friday morning) at just £13.00 per hour! CASUAL WORKER VACANCIES There is ample parking provision and outside youth and We have vacancies for Casual Workers to carry out play facilities. duties such as hall opening, gate locking and general Call 01344 885110 for more information. grounds duties. Flexible working hours, excellent rate of pay. Contact the Parish Office for more information or GREEN WASTE go to Now spring is upon us, our gardens will start bursting NEIGHBOURHOOD DEVELOPMENT PLAN forth with new growth however, we would ask you not to dispose of your green waste in the many ditches and The Steering Group hosted 2 consultation exhibitions in streams around the Parish. November and residents completed a questionnaire on Grass clippings and leaf debris can easily cause flooding housing, highways/parking/traffic, employment, green by restricting the flow of surface water in our ditches infrastructure and community facilities. The results of which form an integral part of our surface water responses to the questionnaire are currently being drainage system. analysed which will assist with the completion of the Debris can also “choke out” the plants and animals plan. within a stream. When the grass and leaf material break The Steering Group also sent out a call for small sites to down it can increase nutrients, decrease oxygen and all residents and the submitted sites are currently being cause death of aquatic organisms. The result is a reviewed. degraded stream with reduced biodiversity. To keep up to date with the progress of the Winkfield PLEASE DISPOSE OF GREEN WASTE CORRECTLY Neighbourhood Development plan go to AND SENSIBLY PARISH COUNCILLORS AND TELEPHONE NUMBERS (01344) Ascot Priory Dorothy Hayes Sue Luker Jordan Masters David Parkin Carolynn Tilbury Colin Yates
882360 884274 07584 854112 484014 885110 891935
Forest Park Olivio Barreto Geoff Paxton Emily Blyth Bob Shurville Nikos Polydorou
450352 885874 882629 886402 07711 062825
Martin’s Heron & The Warren Angela Michie Robert Warren
883854 885110
Winkfield and Cranbourne Nigel Atkinson Moira Gaw Susie Phillips Stuart Tarrant Derek Wall
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883594 886977 890863 882501 882629
Winkfield Parish Council hosted its Annual Footpath Walk on Saturday 14th October, a 2.5 mile circular walk taking in the beautiful Winkfield countryside with a stop for an ice-cream and coffee at Locks Ride Cabin!
Once again, the Binfield, Warfield and Winkfield Arts Week held during October half term saw residents young and old trying out new crafts and enjoying a variety of creative performances. Planning has already begun for the 2018 event!
WREATH MAKING WORKSHOPS The wreath making workshops run by WPC’s Paul Craven were once again a huge success. This popular annual event helps residents create their own wreath to display over the festive period.
In the last newsletter, WPC invited amateur photographers to submit their photo’s of the Parish. The winning entry, “Reach for the Skies” was submitted by Helen Edwards and the photograph has been enlarged and displayed at Carnation Hall.
WPC’s Summer of Fun event has been shortlisted for a public vote in Tesco’s Bags of Help initiative! Bags of Help offers community projects across the UK a share of revenue generated from the 5p charge levied on single-use carrier bags - up to £2000!!! Please vote for us at the following Tesco stores during March and April to help make this year’s event spectacular!!
Interested in cultivating your own fruit & veg? Enjoy working outdoors in all weathers?! Would you be interested in an allotment? We have allotment sites on Hatchet Lane, Cranbourne and Chavey Down Road, Winkfield. Email with your full name and address to be added to the waiting list.
BBQ’S We have BBQ’s for hire at Locks Ride and King George V recreation grounds from 30th March to 30th September. The large BBQ at Locks Ride is suitable for up to 20 people and is available to hire for a 3 hour slot at a cost of £35.00. The smaller BBQ’s, suitable for up to 10 people are available to hire for 2 hour slots at a cost of £10.00. A perfect way to enjoy a sunny afternoon with friends or family in a beautiful location. To book any of the BBQ’s, please call 01344 885110 to check availability and book.
A new seasonal event led by Cllr Emily Blyth was held at Carnation Hall on 17th December. Residents enjoyed carol singing with special performances from the Parish office staff and the newly formed Community Choir.
CHELSEA FRINGE EVENT The Chelsea Fringe is an alternative garden festival celebrating community growing initiatives, outdoor performance, botanical art, walks, talks and events over nine days in late May. For more information, please see WPC will be getting involved in the event by offering a hanging basket workshop to Winkfield residents at 4pm on 23rd May at Carnation Hall. There will be a charge of £15.00 to cover materials. To book your place, please call 01344 885110 from 16th April
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RURAL CRIME Reports of rural crime in the Thames Valley have increased by five percent between October 2016 and September 2017. Dedicated Rural Crime and Wildlife Officers based across the Thames Valley investigate these issues including burglary, robbery, theft, criminal damage, fly tipping, poaching and hare coursing. You can reduce the risk of becoming a victim of rural crime by taking a few simple steps including: • Keeping the boundaries of your land and property well-maintained and • • • •
secure Fitting strong locks to sheds, garages and outbuildings Checking security equipment regularly to ensure it is working properly Locking equipment away in a secure building when it’s not in use Security marking your tools and equipment
For more crime prevention advice and to see details of your local Rural Crime Officers, visit the Rural Crime page at:
JUST BABY MASSAGE Carnation Hall, Thursday mornings 10.30am—11.30am For course info:
2018/19 PROJECTS WPC has now set it’s budget for 2018/19 and plans a number of projects including: • Defibrillators at the Parish Office, Ascot
Jubilee pavilion and Locks Ride • Improvements and additions to existing
play equipment • Provision of all year overflow parking at
Locks Ride • External toilet at King George V Recreation Ground • Drinking water fountain at Ascot Jubilee Recreation Ground The majority of these projects are being funded from Community Infrastructure Levy funds (CiL) received from developers. The budget has produced an increase on the precept equivalent to £0.34 per month per band D household.
DO YOU USE FACEBOOK AND/OR TWITTER? Winkfield Parish Council uses these social media avenues to relay useful and important information, both relating directly to Winkfield and also within Bracknell as a whole. Keep abreast of local issues and receive details of important local news direct to your smartphone or computer. Just Like our Facebook page : and/or Follow us on Twitter - @WinkfieldPC
To Advertise in the next issue call us on 01344 885110 or email: DIARY DATES • Annual Parish Meeting - 24th April 2018 • Hanging Basket Workshop - 23rd May 2018 • Cycle Ride - 24th June 2018
USEFUL CONTACTS Local Planning Applications - visit the Borough’s website on If you do not have internet access pop into the Parish Office any weekday morning and we will help you to view online. Bracknell Forest Council Customer Services - Tel - 01344 352000 or email:, website: Bracknell Forest Council Contact Numbers - To report any urgent matter of concern (nonE&OE emergency) OUTSIDE normal office hours (5pm to 8.30am): 01344 786500
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