Imagine Equine - Spring Issue 2019

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A Different Kind of “Horse-Crazy” by Jaime Johnson PICTURE THIS Photo Gallery of Super-Cali-Fragilistic Super-Cali-Fragilistic Q & A with the Judges KID BITS An Insight Into Youth Competition #Just4Fun Kylee Parks

A publication for all creative horse-lovers and general equine enthusiasts to enjoy!

IMAGINE EQUINE is produced and published by Jaime Johnson Designs, LLC Louisville, KY Sincere Thanks to contributors: Jenn Trickey, Kylee Parks and Charlene Deyle.

As a passionate horse-lover and a designer who specializes in equine advertising and marketing, I’m always looking for a creative-edge to growing horse enthusium across all mediums. Please enjoy our first issue, featuring a unique glimpse into the Equine Model/Collectible community.

ON THE COVER: “Trillium,” a drastic custom Lonesome Glory, sculpted and painted by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig and owned by Barb Ness. Photo by Jaime Johnson

By Jaime Johnson

Unable to remember a time without horses in my life, I’ve often been deemed “horse crazy,” a term I’ve always considered a compliment. In society, the word “crazy” typically carries a negative connotation, outweighing anything positive, but I’ve never met a “horse crazy” person who wasn’t 100% in love, that which brings out the best in all of us, and there is nothing negative about that! Last year, one of my dearest “horse crazy” friends, Kylee Parks, visited me in Louisville after her annual BreyerFest trip. As we were solving the world’s problems over coffee one morning (it always seems that the best problem-solving occurs over coffee OR alcohol, I suppose), she recapped all of the successes and experiences she had at BreyerFest. She shared with me the masses of equine artists, enthusiasts and collectors that visited her in the artisans gallery, lined up at

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booths to buy any and every horse model, medallion or related art piece that caught their eye, or that they had been saving up for all year in hopes of getting their hands on, and I wondered, how have I been in the horse industry my entire life and never heard about such an event or such a hobby? Of course, I remember Breyer horses as a kid, but I was often too busy cleaning stalls in my father’s training barn or body clipping in preparation for the next show to have any time left to enjoy them. I woke up every morning to live whinnies 100 feet away from my bedroom, and came home from school each day with a list of horses to work, legs to wrap and grooming to do. Yet, Kylee was introducing me now to an entire aspect of the equine industry I never knew existed, the model/hobby horse industry, full of passionate “horse crazy,” if you will, people who mold, create, collect, show and compete, sell and market their prized equine art in a very parallel world to that

Horse-crazy and proud...

of the industry I grew up in and am still involved with.

in Santa Ynez Valley more than

Who knew?! As I tried to wrap my brain around this newly discovered phenomenon, there were two thoughts I couldn’t get out of my head. One, I’ve got to see this in person, and two, more people should know about this. When Kylee invited me to the first Live Model Horse show that she organized in Los Olivos, California (my former home for 10 equine-indulged years), I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to attend the first ever SuperCali-Fragilistic LIVE, so I packed up my computer, my camera and my imagination and headed to Southern California . . .

10 years ago with notable Arabians, Pinga (top) and Strike (bottom).

Overwhelming Quality, Fierce Competitors and Huge Classes | All the characteristics of a National Level Equestrian competition in a new medium. Super-Cali-Fragilistic exceeded my own expectations as a spectator, artist and horse crazy person, in general. I was overwhelmed by the quality and overall quantity of the models I saw at the show. There was everything from Breyer horses I remembered from childhood, to painted sculptures, glazed china and detailed miniature horses no larger than the palm of my hand! The finishes, painting, attention to detail, materials used, and overall passion and skill of the exhibitors and collectors who gathered there from across the U.S. blew my mind! The artists’ talent for accuracy of some of the models was exceptional. Exhibitor Christina Riley agreed, “It was a fabulous experience—such an intense show with immense talent!” The structure of the show was not all that different from a live horse show; class calls were made for multiple rings at a time, as well as the closing of classes, announcing winners, and calling qualified entries back to championships. There were eleven

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For more information visit the official show website:

Pictured Right: Super-Cali-Fragilistic People’s Choice Champion. He is a drastic custom classic breyer “Gretel” and now a Fjord stallion resculpted by Rayvin Maddock of Khrysalis Studio and painted by Nikki Button. Now owned by Katie HailJares. Photos by Nikki Button.

different divisions of competition, 79 exhibitors and 4,000 entries overall. The prizes awarded were outstanding and numbered nearly 2,000. Exhibitor Shane Langbauer commented on the Medallion division, not one seen often enough at model horse shows. “As an artist, I had a wonderful time at Super-CALI-Fragilistic showing my medallions! It is one of a few shows that offer medallion classes and for that, I am grateful. The competition was tough, but it made the show even more enjoyable because each placing meant something.” My hat is off to Kylee and all of the volunteers who assisted at the show; it was very well organized, particularly for a first-time event, and the general hospitality of the show was over-

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the-top. Morning coffee and pre-ordered lunches were provided from local area hot spots, and local horse enthusiasts visited the event as spectators, watching as judges intensely reviewed each model in a class, pinning their placings based on the criteria for that division. Many exhibitors spent their lunch break enjoying the California sun as they walked just down the hill from the show’s location to the artisan-friendly Los Olivos. “We loved the area!” shared exhibitor Christina Riley. “My dad was surprised too, at how nice of a town it was and the things to do. And OMG! The food was amazing! I can’t wait to come back!” As I wandered throughout the day, photographing the show, all I heard were positive reviews as exhibitors approached Kylee to thank her for a job well done, and for hosting such a fantastic event. The camaraderie and respect amongst the exhibitors was refreshing—no complaints about judging or signs of poor sportsmanship overall. Instead, there was an overwhelming feeling of passion for their own hobby, an intense knowledge of breeds, colors, structure and conformation, exceeding many professional horsemen, and most importantly, an over-the-moon love for horses that indeed, makes them “horse crazy” and proud of it … just like me!

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For more photos visit

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For more photos visit

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“Creating a moment in time ... a feeling ... a horse with a past, a purpose and an emotion.”


J a ime J o h n s o n | Lo u i sv i l l e , K Y | 8 0 5 . 33 1 . 24 0 4 | j ai m ej ohns ondes i gns @ gm ai l . com | w w w. j ai m ej ohns

If you could own one model that you judged at Super-CALI-Fragilistic, which would it be and why? SP: There was a galloping pinto that I painted last year and sold. I’m thrilled for the new owner and was happy to see it at the show! It was something I had a lot of fun creating...

Super-Cali-Fragilistic Judges

SL: It would be a red chestnut “Orinocco” resin owned by Barb Ness.This horse has an incredible paint job that absolutely glows! The workmanship is top notch and it is such a beautiful piece to look at – the color and sculpture go perfectly together.


KM: Well, I judged Custom Glazed China and I am TERRIFIED of breaking china, so I am not sure I could handle owning any of the stunning horses that I judged! I was drooling over plenty of them though…

CMG China Workmanship: KIM MURRAY OF China: SHERYL LEISURE Youth/Novice: SOMMER PROSSER zPerformance: JENNIFER BUXTON Unpainted Resins: ERIN CORBETT Medallions: JEN OLP

What is your favorite division to judge? SP: I love judging the China! SL: Artist Resin workmanship! KM: I have the most fun judging performance!

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is a model horse artist focusing on artist resins, medallions, and oil colors. She started painting around 3 years ago when founding Wiggle Workz Studio. Within painting, she is passionate about workmanship and has been judging workmanship classes around the United States at live shows for a couple of years. Currently, she is working on creating more of a place for medallions in the hobby by getting them recognized at the national level. Website:

of Capital Equestrian is an artist specializing in equine sculpture. Working both digitally and in clay from photographic and “hands-on” reference, she approaches each sculpture with immense precision and with a scientific mind. Kim’s écorché methods result in fully formed horse and pony sculptures with great anatomical accuracy. She is continually perfecting her skills with ongoing studies in equine biomechanics, anatomy, and breed characteristics. Website:

is a commercial artist who has sculpted items for Breyer Model Horses and other toy and collectible companies. Website:

As a judge, do you have any pet peeves? Or particular characteristics of a model that draw your attention to that piece either in a positive or negative way? SL: The eyes, hooves, hair and detail on markings – when done well – certainly will draw my attention to a model in a positive light. These small details can make or break an entry’s chance of placing, but they also add something special to a piece.

KM: I love documentation, and a pet peeve of mine is when people don’t document things like rare colors, rare breeds, what a horse is doing in performance (if in a less specialized class), or where a horse is on course or in a pattern.

SP: I love the one-of-a-kind ceramics classes because each model is unique. Judging “Original Finish” for me is tough because it’s all the same mass produced plastic horse, so you are looking for subtle differences like rough seams from molding, or damage and mishandling afterward. It’s frustrating as a judge because you have to move slower and look for even the smallest flaw. A good Original Finish judge is a perfectionist.

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Pictured: “Orinocco” Resin Owned by Barb Ness

Annabelle: I’ve been collecting model horses for about four years. SCF was my second show, and I’m hoping to attend more in the future. Sierra: I have been collecting seriously for about 5 years. As far as showing goes, I have gone to 3 shows, Super-Cali-Fragalistic Live being the most recent.

Sierra: If I had to choose my favorite model, it would have to be Secretariet (the new version). I would have to choose him because he is just a very well done model. His shading is remarkable, especially for a regular run, and he always places very well for me. Annabelle: All of my models are special to me, but my Indu is definitely my favorite. I got him at my first BreyerFest, and he has so many good memories from that trip attached to him.

Moorpark, CA • Loves: Horseback Riding, Musical Theatre & Field Hockey • Favorite School Subject: Language

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Bur b & T ank, C hea t re A • L o • Fa v vori es: Ho r te S cho seback ol S R ubje iding ct: E ngli sh


Annabelle: There’s no way I can pick a favorite artist! They all have such unique styles and talents. I enjoy looking at the work of Maggie Bennett, Christina Riley, Jennifer Buxton and Kylee Parks.

FAVORITE FOOD: Chicken Marsala FAVORITE DRINK: Margarita FAVORITE HOBBY: Trail Riding FAVORITE ART SUPPLY: Magic Sculpt 2 part resin! FAVORITE MODEL HORSE SHOW: BreyerWest WHAT A TYPICAL WEEKDAY LOOKS LIKE FOR ME: Get the kids to school, catch up on emails and/or shipments, sit down in sculpting mode for a couple hours before heading back to the school for pickup, and after dinner and bed for the little ones, I’ll sculpt well into the night ... way too often heading to bed around 2 a.m. A TYPICAL WEEKEND? FAMILY TIME! Go to the park, see the horses, go to the movies, play dates, etc. I’m All about the kids! LAST MOVIE I SAW IN THE THEATER: A Star Is Born I MAKE IT THROUGH ANY DAY AS LONG AS I HAVE the love and support of my family… and several cups of coffee. I NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT ... my children, because they are ALWAYS there… but also my phone, sunglasses and chapstick. Most of the time I don’t bring a purse, but will have those 3 items in my pocket. MY MOST SENTIMENTAL ART PIECE? Takeshi, he started as a quick sketch on a piece of paper and to see him now in a full sculpture STILL blows my mind!

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