12 channels of communication

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12 Channels of Communication Sign Language: A system of communication using visual gestures and signs, as used by deaf people Sign languages are developed languages with their own grammar Sign languages are not universal but there are numerous similarities Sign language should not be confused with body language

Physical Appearance: Physical appearance is a significant form of non-verbal communication that conveys strong messages of who you are. A statistical report stated that you develop a first impression of someone within ten seconds of meeting them. Clothes are an important element to conveying first impressions. Physical appearance can be communicated through tattoos, clothing and piercings as it can represent your profession, gang signs or level of formality. Road signs: Traffic/Road signs are set up at the side or above the roads in order to give instructions or to provide information to road users.

Original road signs were created from wood, however over the years they have progressed to permanent signs including various languages. Pictures are used in signs allowing all nationalities to understand the warnings or rules. Posters: Posters is used to transmit messages through the use of graphics and small amounts of information. The information has been created specifically for the target audience of the poster. Many posters are used to catch people’s attention instantly, they use eye catching typography and bold graphics with colour allowing the audience to make associations with the meaning behind the text. Braille: Braille is a writing system used for people who are visually impaired, it works through raised dots on embossed paper allowing the braille users to understand text as though people would understand lettering. It is read through the use of the fingertips going over the raised dots to understand the words. It can be used for computer screens and other electronic devices. It can be argued that the use of braille is dying as only ten percent of blind children today are taught to read through braille.

Tactile paving: Detectable Warning Surface It is a system of textured ground surface found on footpaths, station platforms and road crossings in order to warn blind pedestrians of hazards ahead. There are six types of tactile paving :      

Blister Paving. Offset Blister. Hazard Warning. Cycleway Paving. Directional or Guidance Paving. Lozenge Paving

Tactile paving can be used for hazard warning, direction guidance and the presence of an amenity TikTok: A new founded social media platform in video format to share videos with humorous, musical, advice, emotive (etc) content The length of the video is limited ensuring the message being portrayed is short and direct allowing the audience to have fast forms of communication. As well as the length of video, the description attached to each video is limited to a certain amount of characters creating all forms of communication on the app short and forthright Number Plates: Number plates are used for a form of personal identification. Each number plate obtains clear and unique characters in order to

communicate who the driver is as well as highlighting the origin of the car (with regards to the country). Number plates allow police officers to determine who the driver is as well as communicating if they owner of the car is insured etc. Audio description: It is used to inform visually impaired or people with little sight about visual content. Its purpose is to keep movies, videos etc relevant and accessible for visually impaired people It provides information abouts actions, characteristics, scene changes, on-screen text, and other visual content. COSHH symbols: They are used to represent risk that may be cause serious damage. It is used to reduce risk for employees, civilians and others in a construction work place or a site with exposure to danger. The nine COSHH symbols are: - Explosives - Flammable - Oxidising - Gases under pressure - Corrosive - Toxic - Health hazards - Serious health hazards - Dangerous for the environment Pheromones:

Pheromones carry information about things varying from identity, territory, sex, food, assembly and danger. They are chemical signs that have developed allowing species to communicate. It creates a specific reaction in the recipient, with stereotyped behaviour or a development process. In most animals, pheromones are detected through sense of smell. Facial expressions: The human face is extremely expressive, we are able to convey numerous emotions without saying a word. Unlike any other forms of communication, facial expressions are universal. Facial expressions are used to express happiness, sadness, anger, fear, surprise and disgust etc all over the world. Using facial features such as eyebrows, eyes, mouth and other facial muscles it can convey emotion on the persons emotions/ feelings

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