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IV. Goals
Energy Performance:
Baseline electricity consumption is 4-4.5kWh per person per day. We target to reduce the electricity consumption by 40% and to achieve electricity consumption around 2.5kWh per person per day.
To achieve 100% daylighting to reduce the energy consumption during daytime.
Thermal Comfort:
Heat gain reduction by 80% through building envelop. Increse in natural ventilation throughout the year. 70% comfort hours throught the year.
Solid Waste Management
The intent of solid waste management being that waste should not go to landfills and can be reused as much as possible. Segregation of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste with the help of the occupants.
The collected biodegradable waste can be converted to compost and can be used as manure for the on-site vegetation.
Total waste generation on site is estimated to be 0.57 kg/person/day. Biodegradable waste – 0.1 kg/person/day, total -152 kg / day Non biodegradable – 0.47
Area of vegetation – 40% of total site area (38386 sq mt) – 15355 sq mt Manure requirement – 2 ltrs/sq mt Total manure requirement – 31370.43 ltrs
75% of the manure requirement would be fulfilled from the manure produced from the biodegradeable waste that would be obtained from the site.
Use of sustainable and locally available material and techniques which would have proven its durability over time to provide structural resilience.
Achieving it by the use of locally available materials and use of affordable yet durable construction methodology. Aiming to obtain an affordable living by the means of high energy performing building, water conservation and harvesting, and on-site energy production.
Solar Decathlon 2020-21 5
Environmental Quality
Improving upon the ambient air quality and infusing nature to the site to do so. Green buffer spaces and roof gardens would help in purifying the air and eliminating outdoor and indoor pollutants. Target built to unbuilt ratio is ______. Introducing open and green spaces in LIG, MIG and HIG clusters for improved natural ventilation and penetration of sunlight.
Provide community interaction spaces in clusters Provide 100% day-lit spaces and enhance comfort levels inside the dwelling. Provide flexibility of spaces.
Water Performance
To have a self-reliant water usage by the use of strategies like Groundwater recharge, rain water harvesting, zero water discharge, Sewage Treatment Plant and Grey water recycling. Taking advantage of the on-site lake in water conservation.
Capturing all the storm water and waste water for reuse on-site and recharge of ground water. To reduce the per capita water requirements from 135 liter/day to 70 liter/day and thus become self-reliant for water. (i.e. Completely depend on Storm water and Recycled Waste water) Achieving a net-zero water discharge by recycling the waste water (by means of Primary treatment and STP) and using for flushing, landscaping and discharging in lake.
Strive to Achieve Carbon Nveutrality
Starting early by reducing carbon footprint by using locally sourced materials and controlling the lighting load by using energy efficient equipments while constructing.
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