A crematorium/body recycling centre on Parker Drive, Leicester, which co-exists with the existing industrial sheds, to sustainably address the issue of present-day graveyards.
It is also the re-development of Parker Drive to facilitate physical and emotional journeys through the multiple stages of grief, from the loss of a loved one.
A modular steel frame co-existing with Parker Drive to create a park in the sky, encouraging interaction with neighbouring communities.
Off-centre garden pods defamiliarize the user and encourage them to travel in a non-linear route through the site which slows down the time taken to get from point A to B.
Auditorium pods are situated one level above the gardens to ensure privacy.
Columbarium pods gradually increase in height for maximum exposure to direct sunlight.
Ground level columbarium pods gradually increase in height to signify the upcoming gardens.
Stairwell from factory to auditorium, for the transportation of the deceased for the funeral.
Stairwell for circulation to auditorium, only accessible to funeral visitors.
Brick ruin for seating and control of circulation through the park.
Bridge continuing off the site and spreading into the wider city.
163/157 Parker Drive to be demolished in favour of a park, the demolished brick will be used to manufacture the pods.
the leaves fall as we bid farewell at autumns end. the night draws over as mourning begins. we suffer through winter, so much left unsaid. incomplete journeys, for the living and the dead.
as the time draws close for your return to nature. the choice is to burn, or bury under acres. but the return through urn, fills earth with grief. and there’s no room to breathe, six feet deep.
tradition is broken, a change is required. i must intervene, for the burial is nigh. i hear of this forest, grand and interstellar. perhaps a visit, could change this weather.
a funeral service in pods way up high. the planting of seeds on steel in the sky. the ailment of grief and the sprouting of leaves. on Parker Drive, marks the springs’ eve.
austere - something very sombre contemplating - deep in thought or meditation grave - serious; solemn; sedate solemn - serious; sincere
tonal qualities
others will visit, the experience differs. mourners, commuters, staff, visitors. some for leisure, some just like me. this journey of grief is almost complete.
im finally at ease, for your soul is now freed. this tree is a vessel for our shared journey. i rejoice for my return to your leaves this summer. the ashen forest is where our closure’s uncovered.
adjacency diagram visually portrays the spatial arrangement of my programmatic pair. this diagram shows; light, depth, room usage, room sizes and circulation routes for staff, visitors and the dead.
dialectic relationships on site, achieved by documenting observations [thesis] and perceived opposites [antithesis].
masterplan 1:750
The cabin’s off-grid capabilities are achieved through the integration of a PV cell system which charges a battery. This system provides power for lighting, appliances, and other electrical needs. The cabin also has a rainwater collection system, which reduces the need for a connection to the public water supply.
Roofing guides rain fall onto green space.
Sunken space acts as an outdoor amphitheatre.
Outdoor cafe with skylights to permit sunlight into the cafe beneath.
A series of cabins, designed to enrich the visitors experience as they navigate through Orani, Sardinia, Italy.
Currently, travellers to Orani are not inclined to access the village and only explore the local museum for a short duration. Our aim is to keep the artistic heritage of Orani alive.
Our proposal consists of three cabins situated at varying orientations and levels around the museum, encouraging the user to engage with objects in their line of sight.
Since joining Pick Everard in October 2021, I’ve gained experience on over 20 public/private schemes throughout various RIBA Stages (0-7) on various Frameworks. Primarily using Revit and AutoCAD communicating directly with clients and consultants alike. I’ve also completed the following:
BIM Level 2 trained in COBie, assigning asset data to entities in the model such as doors, walls, stairs etc. As well as compiling IFC spreadsheets for Stage 3 handover and beyond, such data includes Uniclass codes, ADS codes and various columns as defined by the project specific BIM Execution Plan (BEP).
Trained in NBS Chorus, Dynamo Scripts, and Newforma Document Control for document transmittal.
Compiled documents/design options for CEM processes, Contract Proposals, Design and Access Statements, and Pre-App/Planning Applications in PowerPoint, Publisher and InDesign.
Contributed to design decisions as a team, led design discussions, and produced a series of high quality renders in various styles via Enscape, Lumion, V-Ray, and post-production in Photoshop.
This scheme spans approximately 500m. The tasks undertaken were as follows:
Set up the Revit sheet template family with correctly mapped project parameters, as well as views, view templates, annotations, and legends.
Modelled rainwater pipes, smoke actuators, roof lights, various door types (Louvred, Vision Panel), and wall boxings around structural columns.
Remodelled internal walls, relocated zones, and remodelled roof heights and profiles to accommodate for structural zones. Populated COBie data for Stage 3 handover.
Rothwell, Leeds, England
Loughborough, Leicestershire, England Refurb
Refectory and Art & Design Centre
Littleover, Derby, England
Brentwood, Essex, England New Sports Hall Provision
Compiled a variety of sheets (Stages 3/4/5) such as lock suiting, blind strategy, fire/acoustic strategy, RCP, detailed sections, and 1:5 details for 3 existing and 2 new build blocks.
Feasibility Study for Rugby Club
Hatfield, Doncaster, England
Assisted in communicating with external consultants such as FFE and Landscapers. Produced internal/external renders for Stage 3 submission.
Produced a feasibility report to determine how many acres of land would be required to facilitate a new training ground. This was presented to a board of directors.
BA Architecture