Jakarta Expat - Issue 48 - Music

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Indonesia’s Largest Expatriate Readership | 48th Edition | 20 July–3 August 2011 |



The Tanamur

Long Gone but Not Forgotten By Martin Jenkins

“Every dog has its day” goes the old saying. Yes, that’s certainly true for Tanamur— although a good number of years have now passed since Tanamur’s popularity reached its zenith in 1997-98. I always loved Tanamur. Unlike virtually all other nightclubs in Jakarta, Tanamur was located in its own building and not within the safety of a large and anonymous shopping mall, or worst still, in some antiseptic and thoroughly cringe-worthy 5 star hotel. As a result of this “structural” freedom, the owner of Tanamur (* page 3) was in the position to allow his establishment to become pretty much whatever it wanted to be: ultimately a highly egalitarian madhouse where all were welcome to enjoy long, wild nights accompanied by a gut-wrenching house-music boom. Yes, Tanamur had a life of its own alright; it was like an untamed, uncontrollable beast— yet possessing a strong heart—which was resolute in its defiance to the conservatism and authoritarianism of the day. The hedonism is here to stay! This was best exemplified by the in-house “sexy dancers” who would dance erotically in specially designated areas, high above the ecstatic crowds below. It felt like ancient Rome in there I can tell you—except without the grapes. You could meet all sorts of people at Tanamur. It really was that sort of place: from CEOs of multinational corporations to hardnosed working girls; from shop assistants to celebrities, from SPGs to airline stewardesses, from gays, lesbians and cross gender types to investment bankers and lawyers. The list goes on. Welcome to Tanamur

Continue to page 3

20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat



47th Edition | 20 July–3 August 2011

Editor Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz Management Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz Sales Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz Rina Abidin rina@jakartaexpat.biz Graphics Donny Rizky LM donny@jakartaexpat.biz Frederick Ng frederick@jakartaexpat.biz Finance Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Contributors Terry Collins Rudolf Dethu Chandra Drews Mark Hanusz Martin Jenkins Angela Richardson Eamonn Sadler Antony Sutton Popy Tobing Ponti Young

Dear Readers,


hen I was living in London, I could go out and find live music from any genre I fancied on any given day of the week and as it turns out, Jakarta is not much different. You just need to know the need to know. Some fantastic resources are available, such as Stefan Thiele’s website Jakartajazz.com which is definitely worth a click if you like and want to know where you can listen to some top quality jazz in the capital, Java and Bali. Indonesia’s modern music scene is booming and now hosts several international calibre festivals throughout the year. This weekend we see Java Rockin’ Land opening its three-day festival doors to some world class acts, including Gugun Blues Shelter, whose bassist is from sunny England, and I had the pleasure of interviewing this outspoken trio. We also get up close and personal with some colourful expat and local musicians such as Big Donny, FUBAR and Jerinx from the infamous punk rock band,

Superman is Dead. Popy Tobing gives us some interesting insights into the Indonesian music scene of illegal downloads and for those of you who prefer traditional music, Collins reviews a beautiful gamelan album directed by one of our very own contributors, Dan Quinn of Gunung Bagging. Chandra Drews, another new contributor, introduces us to some fresh talent in Jakarta who are already creating a stir abroad and we also have a great little read from Jenkins about the Tanamur, South East Asia’s first proper night club which was once an institution, as I’m sure many of you can remember. Read on to reminisce, if you’re old enough that is.

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Rock on! Angela Richardson

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Me and my whipper snipper. This could take a while... Spotted by Neil Little

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Next issue of Jakarta Expat

3 August 2011

Cover Story (page 1 & 3) The Tanamur. Long Gone but Not Forgotten Up Close & Personal (page 4-7) Gugun Blues Shelter: Make Blues the Rice of Music Jrx: Punk Rock Prince Charming Donny The Legend Expat Rock Band FUBAR The Industry (page 8) Music: Is it Here to Stay? Traditional Music (page 9) Gamelan Feeds on Itself A Review of In Nem New Music (page 10) Up & Coming: 2 Jakarta Based Indie Hot Shots

Personal Tech & Apps (page 11) Rediscovering Radio with TuneIn Food & Drink (page 12) Recipe of the Fortnight Light Entertainment (page 13) A Long Flight Made Longer For the Macet Mind (Page 14) Crossword Global Expatriate News (page 16) Expat Snippets from Around the World Events (page 17) Classifieds (page 18-19)

Deadline for Ads and Contributors

27 July 2011 | 16.00 Hrs

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Cover Story

Long Gone but Not Forgotten

… continued from page 1

The remains of the dance floor. Photos by Rune Bakken. rb@rbproimages.com

The front of the abandoned Tanamur— The ‘birds’ are still there though!

Anyone who ever visited Tanamur has stories to tell. Mine could fill a book. Some are unrepeatable, others scary, but most simply wacky. I’ll never forget the time, for example, when I’d gone with a friend to watch an Indonesian eleven take on Signori and his mates (Lazio) in an exhibition game at the huge football stadium in Senayan. After the game, we’d intended to put the icing on the cake by visiting Tanamur, which, as it was Sunday, was also Ladies Night. We hadn’t been in Tanamur for that long when suddenly a bunch of Italian guys showed up! The girls were screaming like mad —yep, you’ve guessed it –some bright spark had dragged half the Lazio team down to Tanamur to give the players the chance to really experience the warmth of Indonesian culture firsthand! I bet Signori hadn’t been happier all day. Saturday nights were the really busy nights and sometimes you could barely move in there. If there’d been a fire, no one would have stood a chance. The worst thing about Tanamur was the parking area outside. The combination of well-heeled pleasure seekers and impoverished hoodlums is not always the greatest mix, and I once remember a thug grabbing a machete from the man who used it to chop up ice, before pinning a horrified expat against the wall with the blade of the machete only inches away from his neck. Thankfully a couple of other hoodlums quickly broke it up, but for a fleeting instant I had the vision of this foreigner being chopped up into lots of little chunks

of flesh—which would later be skewered and then barbecued—anyone up for sate bule tonight? What a great place and what heady times. Tanamur RIP. ■ ---------------------------------------(*) Tanamur is of great historical significance, being the first real disco to open in the whole of South East Asia. For this great achievement we should honour the vision of Ahmad Fahmy, an Arab Indonesian, who got the idea of opening Tanamur after a visit to Europe where he had studied textile production. Ahmad Fahmy passed away in 2008; his legacy, many happy memories.

MARTIN JENKINS Martin Jenkins comes from England but has spent most of his adult life abroad. Wary investor, keen traveler. Writer also.

20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


Up Close & Personal

The Blues Trio at Big Ben in Lond



lues musicians are generally known for playing covers and recycling existing songs, which in turn gives this genre a certain stigma, especially amongst young people. Gugun Blues Shelter, however, are shaking things up in the Indonesian blues scene, churning out album after album of a fusion of blues, funk and soul which has captivated audiences worldwide. This blues trio have just returned from travelling half way around the world to play at London’s prestigious Hyde Park Calling 2011 as winners of Hard Rock Café’s Global Battle of the Bands, which saw them perform on the Main Stage proceeding world famous acts such as The Killers, Rod Stewart, Bon Jovi and the Kaiser Chiefs. “We just wanted to have fun and joined the competition for a laugh!” says bassist Jono, who is originally from Scarborough in North England. They definitely got their laughs, that’s for sure.

Jono came to Indonesia twelve years ago “in search of sunshine” and found it in Aceh, Sumatra. After moving to Jakarta and whilst working at The British Institute, he would regularly hang out at the Blues Bar in Menteng for jam nights. It was there that he would watch Gugun, now frontman and guitarist of the band, playing covers during the breaks. They got to chatting, jamming and eventually Gugun told Jono to try playing the bass. As it turns out, Jono is a mighty fine bass player and not long after, traded in his guitar for a bass, thus sparking the formation of this band. Being an expat, Jono has had his fair share of issues from the government. “Once two plain clothes immigration officers were waiting back stage to catch me out.” He then pulls out his KITAS to show us that he’s legit. Without this little orange card, he could easily be deported from the country for working illegally and Jono has learnt not to take any chances.

On the Main Stage at Hyde Park Calling 2011

Gugun Blues Shelter were originally known as the Blues Bug, but the band rebranded after a series of cases of mistaken identity where their UK agent would book them in under the impression they were a twelve-piece disco band under the same name. “The look on their faces when us three showed up said it all,” laughs Gugun, definitely the quietest of the threesome. So how did it feel to represent Indonesia at such a world famous gig? “It felt really good, “says Jono. “Not trying to blow our own horns or anything, but we’re a talented band and not many Indonesian bands get to go abroad.” But why so? It seems the government make it difficult for modern bands to obtain the correct visas, and followed by the expensive cost of flights and accommodation, hardly any local bands can manage unless they have significant sponsorship. “The Cultural Minister won’t support modern musicians,” groans Bowie, the young

outspoken drummer who joined the band in 2007. “Normally there are three music scenes; a commercial scene and an indie scene. In Indonesia there’s also the traditional scene, and that makes it three. The government always supports the traditional scene and not modern music, which is backwards. We should show the world what we have and that Indonesians aren’t cannibalistic cave-dwellers!” Except for the recent Hard Rock tour, Gugun Blues Shelter have paid for all of their UK tours, and there have been five so far. They aren’t signed to a record label, and this is not because they’re ‘anti-label’ so to speak, just because so far no one has been able to offer them a decent deal

that doesn’t leave them with scrapings to fight over. “So far we’ve managed ourselves.” But what about sponsors? “We’d love to have sponsors, but sponsors don’t need us,” says Bowie. “If anyone would like to sponsor us, we’d love it!” Catch this revolutionary band at Java Rockin’ Land, which will be rockin’ from July 22nd to the 24th. In the meantime, this band will carry on doing what they’re doing whilst aiming for the stars. “We want to improve the image of modern Indonesia through our music in the eyes of the world.” Nicely said guys. Rock on. ■ -----------------------Check out their website at: http://blues-shelter.com

ANGELA RICHARDSON Angela is Anglo-Indonesian and has been in Jakarta for a year and a half after twelve in the UK. An active thespian, writer, arts, music and photography enthusiast, she has enough energy to power a small fleet of motor vehicles.

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Up Close & Personal

JRX: Punk Rock Prince Charming by Rudolf Dethu


orn and bred in Kuta, this thirty-something artist is apparently one of the hottest dudes in social media—he has more than a hundred thousand followers on Twitter. Not to mention his band (he’s the drummer), ‘Superman Is Dead’, who have almost two and a half million fans on Facebook (!).

Ari Astina a.k.a. JRX (read: Jerinx), also has a side project, a band called ‘Devil Dice’. They just released their debut (major-label) album, titled “Army of the Black Rose”. The recent rocket-speed rise in his personal popularity is believed to be due to the fact that not only does he have a pivotal role in two ultra cool bands, but also a very colourful personality: smiley, smart (he was one of the first community leaders in Bali to take up the environmental cause), yet still remaining a badass. These days you can surely spot his profile regularly in national media, including TV.

The music industry in Indonesia seems to be in decline. Big labels are shrinking, most indie labels go bankrupt quickly, and it’s hard to hold out hope for the industry. How could this situation be helped? The source of “hope” in the music industry shouldn’t rely on the labels, but rather on the fan bases. As long as we have a solid fan base, we’ll survive. Our merchandise rockets, thanks to Bobby Kool’s (SID) great graphics. And of course, our main income comes from live gigs, adverts and associated stuff like that. With Sony Music we’ve developed such a good relationship, that somehow we don’t work for them, but rather, we work together. And that’s the most important thing for us, in terms of being in the ‘industry’. So, stick with a major label or go “Do-It-Yourself”? We’ve always been a DIY band since day one (when we got together, in 1995). The evolution of SID has always been 100% based on our own work/ideas (videos, lyrics, art work, album covers, etc). The only obstacle we faced pre-major label was distribution, and that’s why we decided to start working with Sony in 2003. But these days, now everything is digital, things are changing, so we’ll see what develops in the near future. And whatever decisions that come

about, one thing ain’t gonna change - not even one inch - that SID will always be a “DIY” band. Other than being a drummer and songwriter in Superman Is Dead, you’re also masterminding Devildice. No conflict of interest? No protest from your bandmates and/or the label? How do you manage all these projects? The key is to know what your priorities are and what you’re looking for in each band. With Devildice I know exactly how this band is going to be in 5 years from now: Playing selected gigs, staying ‘cult’, not too ambitious. We’re chilled, but whatever we do there’s always a loyal following for us. It’s a small band that people hear about but rarely get to see. A myth, perhaps. And we (DD) are fine being in that zone. With SID, man, it’s like my home. My comfort zone. My pride and joy. Whatever I do, I’ll always come home and try to make it a better place to live. Making sure that we have enough food on the table. And yes, I still have so many dreams I’d love to accomplish with SID and will always put SID at the top of my list. Nothing in this world can change that. So far, there are no personal conflicts regarding these two bands. Both are under the same management (Outsider Inc.) and under one label (Sony). Life is good.

Let’s jump to another topic, how do you see democracy implemented in Indonesia, better than before, or no significant progress? If democratic progress is not satisfying yet, what’s your suggestion? I care about my country but I’m not into politics. It’s complex. It’s retarded sometimes. I believe there are a lot of good and smart people out there, doing their best to make this country a better place to live, but then again, in politics there are so many conflicting interests. And we have to admit it, most of our politicians are not so bright, but they’re a majority (quantity-wise) so it seems like they’ll always have the ‘vote’. It’s frustrating! For a long term goal, I think the best way to develop this country is to give free, quality education and health care for the poor. I know it sounds corny, but hey, you gotta know how to stand up before you learn how to run, right? And the poor people, they’re the arms and feet of this country. Without them, we’ll have no buildings, no roads, no small businesses, no farms, no industry, nothing. You are a vintage car and big bike enthusiast. Don’t you think this is against your beliefs as an environmentalist as these vehicles use so much gasoline and aren’t environmentally friendly?

Yes, I’ve been thinking about this too. And I realise there’s a risk of being a hypocrite here. That’s one of the reasons why I sold my vintage cars two years ago. But I just can’t delete my passion for old cars/bikes, it’s in my blood. I still have one of my vintage bikes. And the wisest thing I can do is not to abuse the machine. Please note that I don’t drive cars in Bali. I ride either my bicycle or my small Japanese moped on a daily basis. I only ride my big bike when there’s a special event, and that’s very rare. I don’t join motor clubs, and I don’t tour, and I only ride it maybe twice a month. With guilt, it’s true. I guess I’m just a walking contradiction. Just the same as everybody else. Ha! ■ _______________ Haven’t had enough of the Punk Rock Prince Charming? Want more? Follow him on Twitter: @JRX_SID


Former manager of Superman Is Dead and Navicula, Rudolf still owns half of Suicide Glam clothing label but is now mostly busy writing about music and lifestyle, not to mention producing his own radio show, The Block Rockin’ Beats.

Jerinx. Photo by Fabio Lorenzo Supit

20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


Up Close & Personal



or some reason my cabbie liked Tanah Abang. So much so he’d driven through what its grid locked streets had to offer not once, but twice! Indeed he was happily on his way back to complete his hat trick when I told him I’d had enough, I’ll walk the rest of the way. Walking down Jalan Thamrin, leaping over the pot holes, being buffeted by busy commuters, their eyes entranced by that all singing, all dancing gadget they held in their hands, I stumbled into Jaya Pub where a warm welcome was quickly followed by a cold beer and the insanity of another rush hour was soon a distant memory. The Jaya Pub is an institution in a city of institutions. It calls itself ‘This Mess is a Place’ and since opening its doors 35 years ago, who says there’s no history in Jakarta, it hasn’t changed a bit. Forget those fancy-dan bars with their interior designer types with their wing collar shirts and thick black frame spectacles, this is the real deal. A bar where the attitude of four decades of urban living has been absorbed by the tat on the walls and the musky, well lived in aroma.

Big Donny’s Favourites Eric Clapton (Beautiful Tonight) Eric Clapton (Cocaine) Eric Clapton (I Shot The Sherrif) The Beatles (Let It Be) The Beatles (Rock n Roll Music)

This bar is all about music. Don’t come here looking for scantily dressed waitresses and a menu filled with bite sized Japanese finger food at Tokyo prices, this is rock and roll at its earthiest. At its heart is Donny. Big Donny. The 61 year old from Manado has been a fixture of the Jaya Pub, and the Jakartan music scene for more than 20 years. Sitting next to me at the bar, occasionally disappearing beneath a haze of cigarette smoke, Donny explained how important music was to the bar. ‘If the music was no good,’ he lit up again, ‘then people would leave. People come here for the good music. Without it, nothing.’

Big Donny Band +62 857 1692 8846 Donny.johannes@yahoo.com Jaya Pub Gedung Jaya Jln M H Thamrin

The bar is stuck in a time warp. The play list has hardly changed since it opened and neither have some of the staff with one old gent, now aged 69, having been there since it first opened. Seven nights a week there is live music with the Big Donny Band playing every Friday night, belting out Eric Clapton and The Beatles covers to an appreciative audience who show their gratitude by honking one of the many famous horns hanging down from the ceiling, or even offering cash tips.

http://www.facebook.com/ pages/The-Jaya-Pub

But it’s not all regurgitations of Layla and Beautiful Tonight. For those who find Eric Clapton a bit too tame then other, younger, bands cater to more contemporary tastes, though neither Big Donny nor anyone else in the bar at the time knew what songs they played. They knew terms like hip hop but that was about it. ■

ANTONY SUTTON Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@thespiceislands.com.

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Up Close & Personal



UBAR began rehearsing near the end of 2001 and their first appearance in public was at Aphrodite in Club Rasuna on New Year’s Eve 2009 / 10. At that first show the band was forced to borrow the bass player and drummer from the Indonesian band also playing that night, because the search for expats with the right skills and attitude had proven unsuccessful up to that point. But in early 2010 the right people were found and FUBAR was complete. The band now plays regularly at many of the popular live music venues in Jakarta and at special events and private parties all over the city. The six piece band comprises expats from four nations— Australia, Canada, England and Scotland. The rhythm section is provided by Canadian drummer Mark Rae and Australian bass

player David Ray, and lead and rhythm guitars are manned by Scotsman John Sutherland and England’s own Steve Dodgson. Lead vocals are supplied by the father and daughter team of Eamonn and Mikee Sadler, also from England. The band’s repertoire draws on the members’ diverse backgrounds and experiences and their song choice covers four decades of the world’s most popular rock music. Music from the mainstream includes tunes from Cream, Bad Company, The Rolling Stones, David Bowie, Joan Jett, Snow Patrol, Radiohead, The Stereophonics and Sheryl Crow among many others, while indie rock and pop is represented by tunes that many people would not have heard before from bands like The Wallflowers and Carolina Liar. The band makes a point of blending excellent “listening” music, aimed at providing pure

entertainment, with plenty of upbeat numbers designed to get the audience totally involved and on the dance floor when the time is right. The band collectively has more than a century of experience playing for live audiences, despite the fact that the youngest member, Mikee Sadler, is just 16 years old. Her influence and energy help the band rise above the usual “expat rock band” cliché, and make it possible for songs from the likes of Miley Cyrus and Fergie to sit comfortably alongside classic rock hits from the years when the more seasoned members of the band were still in their teens. When asked for a quote for this issue of Jakarta Expat, drummer Mark Rae said “You’re all a bunch of girls”, bass player David Ray said “Nggget farked”, guitarist John Sutherland said “Fuggen

greet!”, guitarist Steve Dodgson said “Eh?”, singer Eamonn Sadler said “You don’t need the others, just interview me me me!!” and Mikee Sadler said “When are you guys going to grow up?” Why is the band called “FUBAR”? If you don’t know, you’ll have to go to a gig and ask a band member.

If you can find one sober enough to speak. To hire the band or find out where they are playing, send an email to fubarjkt@gmail.com or text your name and the word “FUBAR” to 0811 999 603. ■

20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


The Industry


THE FALL IS IT THE REAL DEATH OF THE MUSIC INDUSTRY? How many songs do you have on your iTunes? Have you ever checked? How many of them are ripped from the original CDs and how many of them are legally downloaded? On my desk right now, I have a stack of CDs, original not pirated. It’s like self-evidence that I still appreciate musicians. But I know for sure that I do illegally download, too. I don’t have to give you the reason why I do that; you must be smiling at yourself now also. The music industry, or I should say the recorded music industry is shrinking after years. People these days are paying less for music. For sure the Internet has truly transformed music distribution. In other words, downloading illegally is flaring up. CD sales are suffering. It is one of the longest death rattles in consumer product history, and it is becoming painfully clear that digital downloads are no knight in shining armour in the music business. Even though one of the biggest telecommunication companies in Indonesia are targeting revenues of USD 120 to 140 million from digital services alone in 2011, one website of free sharing alone can cause USD 90 million loss in a month, assuming that one song is priced at 99 cents.

It’s sad, really. People will continue to file share and steal music. They’ve been doing it for over ten years and they’re not stopping now. Steve Jobs who is raking in 30% of everything being sell on iTunes doesn’t help the situation either. Piracy remains a worldwide problem.

Indonesian musicians are also trying to survive by doing tours. They sometimes only release singles to prove their existence in the industry. Adib believes, “Pop is still the king in the market. But it’s no guarantee either, sometimes it’s luck and momentum.” Aji also added, “Music is not something concrete. Each genre has its own listeners. Sometimes, you cannot describe which sells or not.”

SELLING TOURS “In the past, people would tour to promote theirs albums. Today, they put albums to promote their tours. The pendulum has swung.” (Guy Oseary, Madonna’s Manager) It’s actually like the “chicken or the egg” quandary. Do musicians tour to sell albums or sell albums to do tours? As a matter of fact, the industry is not dead. It’s just that people have stopped buying albums. By giving us the option of not buying whole albums, just to get at two or three songs, the digital distribution of music smashed down the old power structure. This has disturbed the major labels around the world. We are now seeing major labels signing full services with artists including the artist management because concerts or touring are now making more money than selling CDs. And this gives labels a cut of virtually every revenue stream artists can tap into—fan sites, concerts, merchandise, endorsement deals, and everything else.

INDONESIAN MUSIC INDUSTRY IS IT HERE TO STAY? When I spoke to Adib Hidayat, the Editor In Chief of Rolling Stone Indonesia, it creeped me out. He stated that lots of people say there’s no music industry in Indonesia. There is only the entertainment and the stars business. Plenty of musicians or bands are taking advantage of one-hit-wonders. While their songs are heavily played on the radio or television, they will maximise the income that they can get. In the end, it’s all universal selections; the one who survives is the one who will appreciate the process of being a real musician. The same thing was also alleged by Erdian Aji, former vocalist of a band, DRIVE. He said, “If you see the music industry from the entertainment side, Indonesia has

a very good industry. But if you talk about numbers, it doesn’t sound sexy to my ears.” The piracy that happens around the world also happens in Indonesia. Pirated CDs are everywhere; everybody does file sharing. According to Heal Our Music, a nongovernmental organisation for saving Indonesian music, in total there has been 104 million free music downloads from 15 Indonesian sites in April 2011 and unfortunately, 51% of the downloaders are not aware that it is illegal.

To sum up, the music industry really looks glamorous from the outside, but the truth is, it’s poor inside. Do musicians nowadays make a lot of money? I don’t think so. Making music will be a lot like painting pictures—something that takes a long time and even for the best people it doesn’t pay as well as a job at a restaurant. Anyhow, music is here to stay and the industry simply has to evolve with the changes. Some companies will fold, some will adapt, and new players will emerge. Whatever happens, the need to create and entertain will always be a part of human culture. ■

POPY TOBING A former writer for Gadis Magazine, Popy was working with EMI Indonesia as an Artist Management Manager. Currently working at ArtSwara Production & Recording she manages artists such as Nino, REVOL, Fourwall and BIG Voice. twitter: @popytobing

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Traditional Music

“Let us speak of stillness in the constancies of nature, when ‘music for my ears’ is not merely sentimental, and not only to be found by meditating beside a waterfall, but, being attentive, in the fullness of the world.” So writes Philip Corner in the booklet that comes with the CD Gamelan of Central Java XV. Returning Minimalism: In Nem. This was recorded over two days in October 2009 at the studio of the Institut Seni Indonesia (ISI) in Surakarta (Solo) and is now released as number 15 in a series curated by John Noise Manis on his Felmay label based in Italy. In our tropical climate, the sound of gamelan can be heard drifting from the courtyards of the sultanate palaces in Yogyakarta, Solo and Cirebon, and Balinese temples, often drawing us in.

If you’re fortunate to live in a back street far from the hum of incessant traffic noise and not too close to a mosque, settle down on your front terrace or porch shortly after jam maghrib, the time of the evening prayers. This is the bewitching hour - actually just 15 minutes if you’re lucky - when an innate fear of hantu (ghosts) means that all and sundry seek the safety of indoors and an unusual calm settles over the neighbourhood. For a very short while you can be ‘a representation of existence devoid of tensions” listening to the rhythm of the evening within yourself.

Java. Musical instruments such as the bamboo flute, bells, drums in various sizes, lute, and bowed and plucked string instruments are identified in this relief. However it lacks metallophones and xylophones. The gamelan has influenced several western composers of classical music, most famously Claude Debussy who heard a Central Javanese gamelan play at the Paris Exposition of 1889. Erik Satie was also there and his Gnossienne set for solo piano incorporates the repetitively hypnotic effects of the gamelan. Direct homages to gamelan music are also to be found in works for western instruments by composers Béla Bartók, Francis

Borobudur relief of a gamelan orchestra

Gamelan Feeds On Itself A Review of ‘In Nem’ by Terry Collins

Gamelan orchestra (1870 - 1897)

As Nicola Campogrande writes in the sleevenotes to Music of Remembrance, release number eleven in the Felmay series, gamelan music continues to seduce us especially for its capacity to push the clock in a corner, to make us pulsate with an alternative rhythm, to offer us a representation of existence devoid of tensions, targets, [and] thus relaxed, harmonious, enviable. Living in the rush and crush that is Jakarta, such moments are rare. You have to go to a concert at Gedung Kesenian (the Jakarta Arts House) to hear gamelan played live, and then you have to put up with folk chattering away on their mobile phones or taking photos in order to reassure themselves and their social networks that they were there.

It is this almost primeval element of gamelan that has inspired western musicians for over a century, although the roots of gamelan lie much further back in Indonesian history and mythology. In Javanese mythology, the gamelan was created by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka era 167 (c. AD 230), the god who ruled as king of all Java from a palace on the Maendra mountains in Medangkamulan (now Mount Lawu). He needed a signal to summon the gods and thus invented gongs, thus forming the original gamelan set. The earliest image of a musical ensemble is found on the 8th century Borobudur temple, Central

Poulenc, Olivier Messiaen, Pierre Boulez, Colin McPhee and Benjamin Britten whose Balinese gamelan transcriptions were recorded in 1941. Composer John Cage’s ‘prepared piano’ pieces also owe a debt to gamelan; he defined music’s purpose as “to sober and quiet the mind, thus making it susceptible to divine influences.” Gamelan is probably a central influence on the minimalist school of music whose most noted composers are Philip Glass, Steve Reich and Terry Riley. Steve Reich, who studied Balinese music in the early 70’s, albeit in America, pioneered ‘Systems Music’, a term which describes music which evolves gradually with little or no variation of pitch, tempo, dynamics or timbre…

Terry Riley composed In C, possibly the seminal minimalist work, in 1964; it was released on the CBS (now Sony) label in 1968, and has been the subject of much scholastic discourse.Terry Riley’s masterpiece has the note ‘C’ as its constant core, its heartbeat. ‘Nem’ is the Javanese word for ‘six’, the note common to both slendro and pelog scales in many gamelan sets and in the set that was played; without the pulse these recordings could easily be mistaken for original gamelan works which have no links to Riley.

contributors - Daniel Quinn of Gunung Bagging.com. He “simply encouraged the musicians to listen to other players and follow where the existing melody might take them. I would make limited comments with regard to varying the ‘pulse’, duration and instrumentation. Mostly however, I simply sat back and enjoyed the music…” There is no better antidote for the stress of Jakarta, so that’s what you should do: sit back and enjoy the journey. ■

Jakarta Expat readers will be interested to know that the musical director was one of the

TERRY COLLINS Terry Collins writes the Jakartass.net blog and is co-author of Culture Shock! Jakarta (pub. Marshall Cavendish)

20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


New Music The Jirapah duo in action

Up & Coming: Two Jakarta Based Indie Hot Shots by Chandra Drews


inally finding something that you’ve been searching for for some time (yet always knew existed) can cause quite the adrenaline rush. I recently returned to Jakarta for thirty days, mainly to proceed with my wedding celebrations, but also to burrow my nose deeper into Jakarta’s burgeoning underground music scene I’ve been hearing so much about. I should perhaps accentuate my happiness at discovering such a thriving scene, as much of the popular music scene in Jakarta reflects much of the mainstream music world – bland, unoriginal, and weak. Yet in my limited time in the capital, I managed to listen to and see performances from quite a few promising bands and solo acts that left me smiling from ear-to-ear. Two of these acts reflect just a couple of the different styles that make up the independent music-making scene

in Jakarta; the underground rock based Jirapah and the jazz/ electro/hip hop inspired Aryo Adhianto and Space System. Curiously, I saw both of these artists in two very differing events that I shall explain further below. JIRAPAH Jirapah Formed in Brooklyn, New York City, and consists of Ken Jenie and Mariati Galo, an eccentric and happy Indonesian couple who also happen to like and make psychedelic ambient indie rock music. Despite already gaining a respectable following in Brooklyn, Mr. Jenie only recently relocated to Jakarta and is also starting to be noticed in the independent music scene. I saw Jirapah play a show as part of the uber-hip and staggeringly corporate (yes, overly so) Nylon Festival in Jakarta, and it was one of the much better performances from a mostly standard modern indie rock line-up.

The group, devoid of bassist Mar, had friends acting as session musicians to fill in on drums, bass and rhythm guitar while Ken went through his guitar effect pedals to a great and dreamy (yet at the same time, angry) effect. To get an idea on what they’re all about, check out their blog at http:// jirapah.com/blog/ SPACE SYSTEM AND SPACE REC One of the best performances I witnessed while being in Jakarta was that of Aryo Adhianto, one half of the experimental jazz/ electro/funk/house duo that is Space System. The performance was part of Studiorama, a sporadic mini-festival in crammed music studios in South Jakarta run by a collection of artists and writers. Performing under his pseudonym A Fine Tuning Creation, Aryo worked the Roland RD-500 keyboards with a simple piano effect going through re-

worked versions of Space System as well as new compositions with stunning beauty. Furthermore, he managed to add hints of Javanese gamelan into his playing, seamlessly blending with the jazz/ chamber flavoured music that formed the base of his music, without any hints of corniness. While already signed to a few European record labels, Aryo and Jonathan ‘Ojon’ Kusuma who make up Space System are also responsible for Space Rec, a Jakarta based do-it-yourself record label that harbour a number of like-minded artists such as Svarghi, Curah Melodia Mandiri and Voyagers of Icarie. ■ http://www.myspace.com/recspacesystem

CHANDRA DREWS Amsterdam based Chandra Drews is a freelance music journalist, born and raised in Jakarta, Indonesia. After completing his BA in communication, Chandra spreads his love for music and quirkiness on www.latitudes.nu.

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Personal Tech and Apps

Rediscovering Radio with TuneIn

Recommended Websites

by Mark Hanusz


or about the last 15 years I haven’t listened to the radio. More specifically, I haven’t even owned a radio to listen to (except the one in my car that I would never use as it only has local stations). But all this changed a few months ago when I got TuneIn radio for my iPhone (and it’s available on BlackBerry and Android and just about every other smart phone on the market.) While there’s no shortage of radio apps on the App Store, good and inexpensive ones with a large number of station choices are a bit harder to find than most. That’s where TuneIn Radio comes into play. TuneIn provides solid support for Radiotime presets as well as DVR-style controls for rewinding and recording favourite songs and shows.

The core interface for TuneIn Radio looks an awful lot like iTunes, but that’s not a bad thing. The screen displays major headings for radio stations – from location-based stations, to music, talk or sports. Choosing one of these opens sub-menus, and each of these opens a sub-menu, and so on and so on until you find a station you prefer. Stations are imported from the online Radiotime service, so there are literally thousands to choose from. Because the device uses GPS, it even provides a category of “local stations” for those who are looking for something local. For the rest of us, you have immediate access to the entire world of online radio at your fingertips.

What really sets TuneIn apart from its competitors, however, is its use of DVR-style record/rewind/fast forward functions. At any point during a listening session, all you have to do is click the record button and you will record as long as you remain on that station (it will even spool back and record the bit you listened to before clicking record). Even better, you can set a timer on your iPad or iPhone (TuneIn is, gratefully, a universal app) to begin recording when and what you want. Have a favourite daily show? No problem. Just set the timer and listen at your convenience. Background tasking means you don’t have to keep the program open in order for this to work either.

Recordings are all stored, naturally enough, under the “Recordings” side heading, but therein lies a small problem. There is no way to export your recordings or save them to anything other than TuneIn. This sounds like more of an issue with Apple than with the app developer, but it would certainly be nice to export your saved programs to iTunes or other similar programs. TuneIn handles streaming audio (and recording that audio) very well. Considering its low price point of $0.99, and the fact that it’s a universal app, it’s a good choice for anyone looking for a radio app for their iPad, iPhone or any other smart device with a good data connection. While I still don’t use the radio in my car, this app opened an entirely new world of music and talk radio discovery in a way I didn’t think was possible. ■

Jakartajazz.com This site is one of the few english websites about jazz in Indonesia. Founded In 2008 by German jazz pianist Stefan Thiele, it offers reliable information about jazz in Jakarta and more. Clearly represented it keeps you up to date about Jazz in Jakarta with the latest news, a daily Jazzagenda as well as international Jazznews. There is a database for venues and (jazz) musicians where they can present themselves and publish information about their current activities. A special spotlight section features one particular artist, venue or an event and the festival section is focused on the jazz festivals in the region. You can watch videos related to jazz in Jakarta on the site and read reviews of new recordings as well as notifications about upcoming releases. Future features are already planned with the focus on the educational site of jazz called “workshop” on one hand and “market’ on the other, where registered users can offer their (used) instruments, CDs, etc. Jakartajazz.com has 2 sister sites: www.singaporejazz.com and www.kljazz.com.

Melodiamusic.com Melodia was founded and started in the early 80’s by the late Sorento Winarto in Surabaya. Starting as a small retail store and music school, it has expanded into five branches in Surabaya. In 2001, they opened an office in Jakarta and the never-ending progress and development has started from then on. Melodia distributes musical instruments, pro audio, lighting and recording equipment and their website is all in English. This site carries a growing list of brands which are continually being updated. Many top artists and customers think and associate Melodia with cool, unique and hi-end brands or THE custom order specialist. The driving force boils down to their staff ’s passion and attitude towards music. They are a bunch of young guys who have this passion to share with you, their customers and friends, the knowledge and details about the instruments they have on offer.


Mark Hanusz is a long-time Jakarta resident and the founder of Equinox Publishing (www.EquinoxPublishing.com).

20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


Food & Drink

Send in your recipes with a photo to letters@jakartaexpat.biz for a chance to have your entry featured in the next edition as well as win a free dinner for 2 at Eastern Promise in Kemang!


Seafood Spaghetti ala Provencal Serves : 4

Ingredients: Spaghetti..........................................................600 gr Salt......................................................................Pinch Olive Oil.............................................................60 ml King Prawns, deveined and shelled.............500 gr Cod Fish (or any other white fish), Cubed.. 300 gr Scallops, Cubed...............................................500 gr Garlic, Sliced....................................................100 gr Shallots, Sliced.................................................150 gr Sun Dried Tomatoes, Sliced..........................400 gr Black Olives, Sliced........................................ 250 gr Capers.............................................................. 200 gr Dry White Wine............................................200 ml Chili Flakes....................................................To taste Salt (preferably sea salt)...............................To taste Black Pepper, cracked..................................To taste Fresh Basil Leaves............................................60 gr 1. Bring a large pot of water to the boil then add salt and pasta. Cook pasta according to package instructions or just firm to touch if you enjoy your pasta al dente. If still unsure, throw your pasta against the wall, if it sticks, it’s cooked. 2. While the pasta is cooking, heat olive oil in a large frying pan over medium high heat. Add prawns and cook until the colour has turned to pink red. Then add the fish and scallops to the pan and cook for about 1 minute. Give the pan a good shake to cook the seafood thoroughly. Do not overcook your seafood, unless a dry rubbery texture is your goal.

4. Toss in the black olives, sun dried tomatoes, capers and white wine, allowing the wine to reduce slightly. Your pasta should be ready at this point and simply remove from the boiling water and place directly into the pan. Allow a little pasta water to mix in the pan to create a light sauce. 5. To finish, add the chili flakes, salt and pepper (all to taste). Remove from the heat and toss in the fresh basil leaves to wilt into the pasta. 6. Plate up and drizzle with good quality extra virgin olive oil. Bon appetite!

3. Add garlic and shallots to the pan whilst keeping the pan shaking and grooving. The pan should smell fragrant and delicious by now.

Hint: Have all the ingredients prepped and ready in front of you before you start, this will cut down the cooking time and makes the process stress free and fun.

PONTI YOUNG An avid food and wine enthusiast, Ponti started his stint in the Food and Beverage industry over 10 years ago. His interests in cooking sent him to work in kitchens in Canada and Australia, coupled with winemaking experience to quench his thirst for wines. Now days, he is enjoying the culinary pleasures of Indonesia with wines. Got food and wine questions? You can email Ponti at ponti@elbowroomjakarta.com

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Light Entertainment

A Long Flight Made Longer

by Eamonn Sadler


he major airlines only have two choices of manufacturers for long haul aircraft: Boeing and Airbus. A good pilot can make the ride smoother than a bad pilot, and they will all get us there in one piece 99.999% of the time, but they’re all using basically the same equipment to get us where we want to go. So there are really only four ways an airline can distinguish itself: good in-flight entertainment, good service , decent food, and a comfortable seat configuration. Easy right? Not always. On a recent trip to the UK I discovered one airline that couldn’t get any of these things right – at least for me. Coming back to Jakarta I checked in late and was given a seat near the back of the aircraft. On this airline, because the fuselage narrows towards the back, the centre rows change from four seats across to three,

but still centrally aligned. This means that the TV screens for the three seats are at about a 30 degree angle left or right to your line of vision. This is okay for about ten minutes, but after that good for nothing but serious neck pain. I was unfortunately in an aisle seat in the first row of three. Ok I thought, I am not happy about this, but my fault for checking in late. After the pilot switched off the seatbelt sign, the person in the aisle seat in front and to the left of me reclined his seat. The screen had been removed from the back of the other seat in front of me, so my only TV screen was now at about 45 degrees to my left. No problem I thought, I’ll recline my seat too and lean to the left while I watch six episodes of Friends. But my seat would not recline. That was it. I am a patient man but I had taken enough. I summoned a Flight Attendant and gave

her a piece of my mind as only an Englishman can. “Um, I’m terribly sorry,” I whispered in her ear,” but I’m not really very happy with this seat.” Of course she tried pressing the button and pushing the seat backwards as hard as she could as if she had some magical power which I did not possess, and of course it didn’t work. Then another FA came and tried the same routine. No good. Then the Supervisor came, asked me to stand up, took the cushion off the seat, tinkered with it, and suddenly the seat flew back. Great sigh of relief. I thanked the Supervisor, sat down and plugged in my earphones. Nothing but crackling and hissing. I couldn’t believe it. I twiddled with the plug impatiently. The Supervisor, who was still standing next to me, saw what was happening and took the earphones from me.

Last Edition’s Winner…

He listened, twiddled with the plug just as I had, tried another set, even reset the system in my seat - nothing worked. I was obviously doomed and he didn’t come back. By now we were an hour and a half in to the flight and the drinks trolley had not reached us poor souls at the back. I sucked in a deep breath through my parched lips and went to my happy place. I didn’t stay there long. The first meal was mediocre at best, with NO dessert, my glass of wine took a “whoops sorry” and half an hour to arrive, breakfast trays were virtually thrown at us about 30 minutes before we started our descent due to “a problem with

the oven”, and I was told there was no coffee. I didn’t reply, but the look on my face made one appear pronto. Then of course, as we approached landing, every passing FA asked me to put my seat in the upright position and pressed the button repeatedly while vigourously yanking the seat forward as I tried to explain that “I..i..i..it.... does..uz... uz.. uzn’t... w...w...w.. work....” Don’t they talk to each other for Pete’s sake? The final coup de grace? No immigration forms. Not a big deal on its own but after all of the above it was the last straw. I’ll never use that airline again. But on the bright side, my neck is fine. ■

To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia e-mail jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia, text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.thecomedyclub.asia

This Edition’s Competition…

Caption Competition Some great entries again for the last issue but the clear winner was Iskandar from Lebak Bulus. Very funny and well done! See you at the comedy club free of charge with a friend next month!

That girl’s wearing a leopard skin bikini... What IS she thinking..?


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James Stewart. Bomber pilot with 20 Battle Stars to his credit. He retired as a Brigadier General

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Donald Pleasance. RAF bomber crew, shot down and tortured by the Germans

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20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


For the Macet Mind





1. 9. 10. 11. 13. 14. 15. 18. 20. 21. 22. 24.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 12.

Toy firelearn (5,6) Serum neutralising poisons (9) Beverage (3) Anaesthetic (5) Building (7) Corporeal (6) Feverish (6) One betraying one’s country (7) Donkey (5) Ship’s record (3) Of Japan (9) Painting (5,6)

16. 17. 19. 23.

Fitting - inclined (3) Hold spellbound (7) Fairies (6) Mountainous peninsula in Egypt (5) Clothier (9) Flask used by travellers (5,6) Sanitary convenience (5,6) Ornamental flowering shrub - handy gear (anag) (9) Bring into confusion (7) Cancer or Capricorn (6) Slight colour (5) Flightless bird (3)






6 8 10







17 18





Answers in the next edition!

Answers from Edition 47


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The Snoring Spouse


oes your spouse complain that you snore too loud or are your grandkids scared to sleep in the same bed as you because they are scared of the weird noises you make while you are asleep? A study geared to the diagnosis of Obstructive Sleep Apnea has revealed much information regarding the cause of certain diseases like Hypertension, High Blood Cholesterol, Diabetes

predictors of having Obstructive Sleep Apnea. If your partner complains about your snoring or says that you gasp for breath during the night, this is a sign that you might have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Other symptoms may include one or more of the following: Sleepiness during the day, Morning Headaches, Memory or concentration problems, Mood swings, Needing to urinate at night and waking up with a dry throat.

by Dr. Madan Vasandani

4. Head and neck shape – Some people have a naturally small airway opening in the mouth and throat due to the structure of their bones.

and yes, even Obesity. Obstructive Sleep Apnea is a common disorder and is characterised by pauses in breathing or shallow breath during sleep. It is a chronic condition, which means it does not resolve spontaneously, and is rarely cured. Loud frequent snoring, increased age and obesity with increased neck size are the three best

So what causes Obstructive Sleep Apnea? 1. Obesity – Extra Fat tissue in the neck can narrow the airway. 2. Large tongue and tonsils – which obstructs the airway, making it harder for air to pass through. 3. Getting older – Sleep Apnea tends to increase with age.

Left untreated, Obstructive Sleep Apnea can trigger the release of stress hormones, change how your body uses energy, and of course, make you feel tired and sleepy during the day. A recent study has linked the occurrence of many conditions to Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Some of these conditions include High Blood Pressure,

Heart Attack, Stroke, Irregular heartbeats, Diabetes, Obesity and driving or work-related accidents. There are many options in the treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Lifestyle changes to reduce weight are a priority. Although it carries risks, surgery is still a common modality of treatment for this condition. Another way to manage this condition is by using a CPAP machine which is a blower that connects by a tube to a mask that fits over your mouth or nose, blowing air so that a continuous pressure in the airway is maintained. ■ If you think you have Sleep Apnea, visit us at Global Assistance Medical Centre where you can be assessed for sleeping disorders. Do not snooze away this problem as it could be fatal.

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


Global Expatriate News

Expat Snippets from Around the World Expatriate International Health Insurance news: New tool launched to help smokers quit Expatriate smokers with international health insurance who wish to give up the habit have a new tool to assist them in the challenge. Txt2stop provides encouraging text messages to ex-smokers to encourage them to continue abstaining from nicotine. It has been found to double someone’s chance of cessation compared with solitary attempts, claimed Dr Caroline Free of the London School of Hygiene and

Tropical Medicine, who is involved in the programme. She explained that clients are asked to provide a quit date. They will then receive “an intensive period of support” for around seven days before this point and for several weeks afterwards. The texts customers would receive, such as “congratulations, your oxygen levels are normal, well done, keep going”, or “your cravings may be strong today, but don’t worry, they will become

Euro slides as sovereign debt woes mount

easier tomorrow”, are designed to be particularly relevant to certain times of nicotine withdrawal, Dr Free noted. Support of any kind generally doubles someone’s chances of ceasing tobacco consumption, she declared. Half of all smokers aged over 35 will die from an illness contracted as a result of the habit. Source: expatriatehealthcare.com

China eyes expatriate insurance fees Big areas of uncertainty remain, however, including whether the law will be voluntary or mandatory, and whether it will apply to all foreign workers – including those seconded from overseas – or only those working on local contracts. Treatment of nationals of Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau is unclear.

Foreign companies in China face significantly higher costs because of a new social insurance law that will apply to expatriate employees for the first time from July 1. China’s first national social insurance law could require companies employing foreigners to pay up to Rmb4,324.56 ($667) per month in social insurance contributions, to pay for things like state medical insurance, pensions, workplace injury, unemployment and maternity insurance, according to employer lawyers. Foreign employees might have to pay up to a further Rmb1,285.68 per month each in individual contributions.

Dream holiday dashed by ‘freelance agent’ Singapore - It was a dream holiday for their relatives that turned out too good to be true for an expatriate couple here, who are S$15,000 poorer after a “freelance” travel agent allegedly took them for a ride. Indian expatriate David (not his real name) and his wife said that the agent, who went by the name of “Kaveena”, had offered

Beijing has yet to indicate whether localities will have discretion to decide which foreigners are affected, or whether there will be a national standard, and whether expatriates who leave China can withdraw some benefits. Detailed regulations to implement the law are not expected for several months. At a time when labour costs are rising rapidly in China, new social insurance levies on expatriate staff could further increase the cost of doing business in China. Income tax rates in cities like Shanghai – where the top levy is 45 per cent – are already seen as a disincentive to attracting foreign financial professionals. The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China has urged China’s ministry of human relatives visiting the Republic return air tickets, cruises and stays at the two integrated resorts. But a month before their relatives were due to arrive - the couple found that the cruise, flight and hotel bookings were all cancelled because payments had not been made. Despite repeated demands, “Kaveena” has not returned the money to the couple. Said David, a 39-year-old IT professional: “We tried to contact the travel agent who avoided meeting us by giving lame excuses that her son had been admitted to hospital and that she could not meet us. She carried on this excuse

resources and social security to make contributions for foreigners optional. The chamber has complained of a worsening environment for European business in China in recent years. Lesli Ligorner, China employment law head at Paul, Hastings, Janofsky & Walker in Shanghai, says she believes expatriate inclusion will be mandatory. “It is going to affect labour costs significantly,” and could cause some employers to cancel costly medical insurance for their staff, she said. “The law could potentially affect any foreigner with an employment permit and a certain minimum stay in China”, says Ralph Koppitz of law firm Taylor Wessing, Shanghai. Jeffrey Wilson, counsel at JunHe Law Offices in Shanghai, who helped write a submission on the law on behalf of the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai, says he does not expect implementation in the short term. But most China-based employment attorneys expect that, in the longer term, inclusion of foreigners is inevitable. for the next three days.” Thereafter, the agent claimed that she was in Johor Bahru and that she could only be reached via SMS or email, David said. David has filed a police report and lodged a complaint with the Consumers Association of Singapore (CASE). A police spokeswoman confirmed a report has been lodged and investigations are in progress. According to David, “Kaveena” said she was a freelancer who worked for multiple travel agencies. She allegedly issued the

The eurozone’s precarious fiscal position remains the predominant theme across markets, draining risk appetite and causing flight to perceived havens such as German Bunds. Early trading in the European session suggests the anxiety is not as intense as that witnessed on Monday, when global stocks had their worst one-day performance since the Japanese earthquake hit on March 11. But a sliding euro signals investors clearly remain fearful that Italy’s infection by the sovereign debt contagion has taken the crisis to a more dangerous level. Forex action is characteristic of classic “risk off” trading. The euro is down 0.8 per cent to $1.3932 and off 1.3 per cent to Y111.36, while the dollar index is up 0.5 per cent to 76.36. “Growth” currencies such as the Australian dollar and Korean won are down 0.7 per cent and 0.8 per cent respectively relative to the buck. Yields on benchmark Bunds are down 5 basis points to 2.62 per cent, near a 7-month low as investors scramble to park funds in liquid, “safe” assets. US equivalent yields are down 4bp to 2.88 per cent as Italian sovereign bond futures add to the previous session’s losses. Stocks are under the hammer. S&P 500 futures suggest Wall Street will lose another 0.5 per cent and the FTSE Eurofirst has opened down 1.1 per cent as the banking sub-index sheds 2 per cent on debt exposure fears. Italy’s MIB index is down 2.5 couple an invoice under “Dream Holidays Tours & Travel” while in the office of another travel agency in Orchard Towers. A National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (NATAS) spokesperson reiterated that it is an offence to operate as a travel agent without a valid licence. The spokesperson added: “The travel agent should be representing the agency with which he or she is working and not multiple travel agencies.”

per cent. The FTSE All World index is down 0.9 per cent, taking its slide over the past three sessions to 3.6 per cent as the sharp rally seen at the turn of the month is swiftly forgotten. That bounce had been predicated on hopes that evidence of an economic soft patch, possibly caused by the Japanese quake, was dissipating and that the upcoming US second quarter earnings season would show a corporate sector in relatively robust health. This optimism allowed eurozone stresses to be absorbed. Earlier in Asia, the FTSE Asia Pacific index was down 1.9 per cent as banks fell across the board on concerns over the negative impact of Europe’s worsening debt crisis on their earnings. Exporters to Europe were also hit. Japan’s Nikkei 225 lost 1.4 per cent, not helped by the yen strengthening to Y80 versus the dollar, while South Korea’s Kospi slumped 2.2 per cent. Australia’s S&P/ASX 200 index lost 1.9 per cent as sentiment also continued to be damped by the government’s carbon tax plan. China’s Shanghai Composite was off 1.7 per cent, dragged down by fears that Beijing could be intensifying efforts to curb rising property prices, while resources stocks bore the brunt of concerns that the slowing global economy may reduce demand for commodities. Exporters and resources shares also led a 2.3 per cent drop for Hong Kong’s Hang Seng index. Source: The Financial Times they book or make payment for tours. Said a NATAS spokesperson: “If at any point consumers are suspicious of an agent’s actions, they should request to see the travel agent’s licence and confirm its validity with the Singapore Tourism Board.” Mr Seah added that if a customer is unable to resolve a dispute with a travel agency, he can seek the assistance of CASE or file a claim with the Small Claims Tribunal. Source: Todayonline.com

In light of David’s experience, CASE and NATAS have advised consumers to be vigilant when

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


EVENTS Exhibitions

Themed “Sustainable Green Technology”, IIMS’19 will make its prestigious appearance to showcase the auto industry’s accent on consumer, environment and community care.

The 19th Indonesia International Motor Show 22 - 31 Jul 2011 The Indonesia International Motor Show (IIMS) is back again for its 19th presentation to delight car enthusiasts and motoring reviewers from the region! The world’s most illustrious and glitzy automobiles will once again converge at IIMS to showcase the automotive achievements of today and the possibilities of tomorrow

The exhibition is open for public with an admission fee for one person per visit : Monday to Thursday : Rp. 20.000 (twenty thousands rupiah), Friday to Sunday : Rp. 30.000 (thirty thousands rupiah) Jakarta International Expo Gedung Pusat Niaga Lt. 1 Arena PRJ Kemayoran Jakarta 10620 T+6221 31996077 ext. 334 E diahputri@dyandra.comm www.indonesianmotorshow.com

Networking Dog night Jakarta 26 Jul 2011

Cash bar, 50% off regular price drinks & complimentary snacks Tiga Puluh Music Bar + Lounge @ Le Meredien Hotel E: cmegawati@strglobal.com www.dogsnight.com

Internations Expat Gathering 26 Jul 2011 Friends and family are welcome to join the event - we want as many people to participate as possible. It would be great if all who plan to attend the event, RSVP through the InterNations website, so we can keep a track on numbers. TBA on RSVP www.internations.org

Past Events

Fortice Launches a New Centre in Kuningan Fortice Virtual Office Service held an event on July 7th which was attended by in-house tenants, external clients, formal clients, as well as potential clients. The event was to announce their new centre at the Alliance Tower in Kuningan which will open at the end of July or the beginning of August. The Centre in the Alliance Towers has 20 suites. Fortice Offices has clients mainly in the mining industry,


a telephone network company in Indonesia, and oil and gas companies. The Office Service company has such services for clients such as free flow coffee, tea, and water and no explicit fees. They also have a ‘Referring to New Clients’ programme which will provide clients with a few services at no extra charge. The management at Fortice are flexible to their client’s needs and they focus on satisfying every client. ■

MEKAR Entrepreneurship Networking Day 09 Jul 2011 - 10 Jul 2011 In conjunction with MEKAR’s Official Launch, MEKAR will host the biggest entrepreneurship Networking event held in Indonesia. MEKAR’s goal is to match the financial needs of entrepreneurs with the personal and investment goals of Angel investors in Indonesia, in order to create jobs, boost income levels, and deliver optimal investment returns. TBA on RSVP T +6221 5772340 ext. 7500 cnagy@mekar.biz www.mekar.biz

The Jakarta Comedy Club is proud to present: Matthew Hardy (oz) with Harith Iskander (my) 21 Jul 2011 at Fez (Kemang) 22 Jul 2011 at MO Bar Doors open 7pm, meetings starts 9pm. JCC members get 20% discount at Cinnamon Coffee Shop if you have dinner there before the Comedy Club * Membership R 225,000 * Pre-paid*, R 275,000 on the door FEZ Kemang & MO BAR Mandarin Oriental Jakarta E jakarta@thecomedyclub.asia


20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat


Classifieds PROPERTY FOR SALE Apartment for rent in gated complex in Brawijaya area (“Essence”). 4-bedrooms with dark parquet floors and 3 baths; living room/dining room plus 2 kitchens with white marble floors. Semi-furnished with elegant curtains, abundant storage in quality wardrobes, plus all-new appliances for $2150/month. Optionally, can be rented fully-furnished for $2600/ month. 168 sq.meters (= 1810 sq ft). Contact mlediard1@yahoo.com, or by phone/text 0811 170 546 Jakarta Residences,Cosmo Mansion,100m from Grand Indonesia.3 BR +Maid, 107M2, F.F. For photos and more details, please refer to : http://jakarta-residencesapartment.blogspot.com Email to widayati_sri@yahoo.com

For Sale : Highway to Elle Bar/ Pub. Friendly atmosphere. Jln. Falatehan, Blok M. Negotiable. Asking Price : Rp. 500,000,000. Direct Owner: 0821 2271 3784 Apartment For Sale: Beverly Tower @ Simatupang-Jakarta Selatan. 3+1 BR (1BR Very Spacious), 2+1 Bathroom. 293m2. 1st Floor. Balcony & Garden (spacious:approx 90m2). Electricity 10,600 watt, Phone 1 line, AC 6 unit, Water Heater, FULLY FURNISHED and NEWLY RENOVATED (Great Condition). Building Facility: Newly renovated Tennis court and Swimming pool, Function room, Lapangan Squash, Kids Playground, BBQ, Convenience Store, 24 hours Technician and Security guard, Unlimited Car space, Reliable Building Management. JIS (Jakarta International School) and Supermarket within walking distance, Only 5 mins (by car) to Pondok Indah Mall and 2 mins to Clandak Town Square, 15 mins to Kemang, less than 10 mins from HighScope. Also perfect for investment. For inquiries: 08151947-6709.


For sale 4 bedroom, 723m2 house in Bandung. The main building with pavilion is 265m2 and the rest of the land is divided over a front and back garden. Master bedroom 32m2 with bathroom and connecting door to nursery. Nursery 16 m2 and one more of 14m2. The room in the pavilion is 12m2 with shower and all rooms have hot and cold water. In the back of the pavillon is a small gudang. Garage for one car and in front parking for two cars. Electricity capacity 3600 watt. Safe complex in front of Tel-Com training centre 24 hours security. Living room 80m2 connected to dining room of 22m2 with a view of an inside garden of 16m2. Study room upstairs of square 35m2 connected to a terrace over the garage of 32m2 with a view over Bandung. Water from own well and City. No AC! Please call Ibu Annie 0811232479/022 2030576

AUTOMOTIVES Eazyrent Car Rental : Address : Pangeran Jayakarta 117 Blok B-44, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia 10730. Phone : 021 624 6895 / 021 600 9080. Fax : 021 624 6901. Website : www.eazyrent.co.id For Sale : Volvo S80 Sedan. Expatriate-owned since new. Registered January 2008. Just over than 25,000 km. Beautiful condition. Extended warranty contract 5 years from when new. Only serviced by the Volvo Dealer. Only driven by one very careful driver and used by family. This would make a superb second car for the family. Price: Rp. 380 million. Contact: Julie Barker (081 197 5759). For Sale: Kia Carens 2002, medium blue, one owner, A/T, 1800 cc, 118,000 Km, Dual SRS Airbag, ABS, leather seats, Pioneer AM/FM, CD, MP3, WMF sound system, Rp. 70 million Contact Larry: 0812.1303.1316

Black Fortuner 2010 model, beige interior with DVD player (Diesel) in excellent condition. Contact Pooja prevanur@gmail.com. 081.511.506.930 For Sale Mazda 2 HB R AT Color : White, Specs : Type : MZR 1.5L In-line 4 cylinder, DOHC 16 valve with S-VT (Sequential Valve Timing) and ETC (Electronic Throttle Control) Transmission : 4 speed auto. Wheels & Tires : 16-inch aluminium alloy wheels with 195/4.5R16 tires. 70% Llumar, including front glass window. Raksa insurance all risk. Bought it in April 2010. KM is still 9.600. Area : Thamrin, Jakarta Pusat. Condtion : very good. Price : Rp. 175.000.000,Please contact Fransisca 0815 8600 1336 or email to tha.natalia@gmail.com Reason to sell : moving to Bali

Land for sale In BALI ISLAND, unique location at Saba beach size 36 are, freehold, Ocean view, The land is surrounded by coconut trees. Definitely access hassle free, since a well established road leads directly to the land, 15 minute to sanur. For more information and picture please contact me, contact Reni +6282123503917 Email ren_ny81@yahoo.co.id For sale Beachfront land in Tabanan - Bali: 109 are, frontage of 36 metres with over 100 coconut palms. Location: Beraban between Tanah Lot and Soka, off the projected sunset road. Visit www.beachfrontberaban.com. Marbella Kemang Residence 3+1BR...LOW FLOOR (custom made exclusive tailored n designed) . FULL FURNISHED ( 2 set of TV, Luxurious sofa, dining table and chairs, hi tech stove and full kitchen set , refrigerator, etc ). Luas:112sqm, KT:3+1, KM:2+1, View: CBD, SF: AC+Kitchen Set, Rp1.430.000.000 /(Incl. AJB,PPH n BPHTB) paper work / Legal is our own. Direct Owner : 08111 491 265

Bali Villa for Rent. Located in Bukit Jimbaran, 20 minutes south of the airport, this beautiful villa enjoys spectacular views across Benoa Harbour to Gunung Agu ng, Nusa Penida and beyond. Situated in a private development away from the tourist centres, it is just 10 minutes from the beach, sea food restaraunts and other amenities at Jimbaran Bay. It is also in easy reach of the golf courses at New Kuta and Nusa Dua and the many other attractions of the Bukit Penninsular. Recently rebuilt and able to sleep 4/5 guests, the villa facilities include two en suite double bedrooms, dining room, living/TV room, alfresco kitchen diner, swimming pool and bale. A separate third guest room is pending renovation. The buildings are set in a luxuriant landscaped garden, including a well stocked fish pond and fountains. Staff include maid and night security. A car and driver can be provided by arrangement. Rental rates are US$200 daily or US$1000 weekly. For more details contact 081316353222. For Rent room at Jalan Kemang Timur Raya. Please call: 0817-811907. For lease fully furnished 1bedroom studio 60m2 Mansion at Kemang $1.500/mo level 28 south New quality fully furnished 2 bedroom 2 bathroom hampton’s park corner penthouse apartment with best view pondok indah golf course and downtown city lights. numerous amenities , underground parking, state of the art security access, and conveniently located in south jakarta. perfect for single or professional couple. usd1,600 monthly, minimum 1 year. for sale : idr 1.600.000.000. call :0816874398 / 082147522088 Unique bed and breakfast in the green foothills of Mount Merapi. A beautiful 100-year old Javanese joglo, fully restored to a high standard with original antiques. 3 double bedrooms, big lounge and garden with barbeque. city. Clean air and natural well water. For further details please check out www.jogloago.com or 08123563626 For Rent : Bellagio Residence—Mega Kuningan.Luxury 2BR + 1 study

room.15th Floor.Fully Furnished.Rent Price :USD 1250/Month (Negotiable)Minimum 6 month.Direct Owner : 0816737889 or 081632222711 Office Space for Rent : located in Mega Kuningan. Address: 4th Floor of Kantor Taman E33, Unit A1. Nice corner unit with lift (above the Cazbar). Price: Rp130.000,- /m2. Service charge: Rp2.500.000,-/mth . Payment in advance. Minimum initial lease term is 2 years. For viewing, call to : 08111490400. Rooms for Rent at Jalan Kemang Timur Raya. Please call: 0817-811907. Town house for rent: floor area 310 sqm, land area 310 sqm, 2 floors, bed room 4+2, garage + carport, 1 control gate housing complex with 24 hours security system, located at jl. Kebagusan raya, south Jakarta, 15 minutes to toll road TB. Simatupang or to Arcadia office buildings, furnished with AC 5 units, beds, refrigerator, microwave, oven, dispenser, stoves, USD 12000/year, contact phone no 0815 140 99 324, email taufik_022000@yahoo.com.

PERSONALS Expatriate 40+ based in Jakarta is looking for female companion to laugh with. Email me: bule.cakep72@yahoo.co.id

JOBS Looking for full time Web Developer. Interested? Send CV to secretary@ptmaximillian.com Position Title: Managing Director, AmCham Indonesia Reporting to: President, Board of Governors Subordinates: Executive Director, Administrative Staff Alignments: AmCham members; U.S. Embassy; U.S. Commercial Service; Government of Indonesia ministries and other key departments; KADIN; international chambers of commerce in Indonesia and overseas; U.S.-ASEAN Business Council; U.S. Chamber of Commerce; and other individuals and organizations as required and appropriate. Objective: To effectively lead and oversee the organization by achieving the strategic objectives of the Board of Governors. Role Description by email Professional Qualifications • Bachelor of Science degree in business or related field; Master of Business Administration (MBA) preferred. • At least ten (10) years of demonstrated leadership in strategic planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, as well as analytical and problem-solving skills. • Demonstrated ability to raise funds and increase revenue for a non-profit organization preferably a business organization. • Strong interest in government policies and an understanding of the impacts they potentially have on business activities. • Demonstrated business development and commercial experience, and awareness of risk- management. • Strong bilingual language skills in English and Indonesian Interested candidates are invited to send a cover letter and a detailed CV to recruitment@amcham.or.id

Jakarta Expat 20 July–3 August 2011


Classifieds SERVICES

MEDICAL EVACUATION HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE Let us diagnose your needs Contact Dr. Neil Weston, Mobile: +62 811 985 496, Office: 021-5220990 Email: neilweston@gms-financial.com

For sale Perfume Branded and Cheap www.FMParfumIndonesia.com For Sale SONGKET used for ceremonial occasions at court of Goa, Makassar, estimated to be around 200 years old. Said to have around 150-175 grams of gold thread in it. Length 126 cm, width 60 cm. weight 770 grams. Photo?s available. The cloth is currently framed but serious interested persons are welcome to see. Further info phone Andre or Eko 02173692409 / 60917643

INDEPENDENT BUSINESS CONSULTANT 081 88 555 88 (021) 928 777 63 SEEKING INVESTOR for any related coal/copper/gold/manganese. For info, call Agus 081 88 555 88, 0812 18 14 6511, 88healthylife@gmail.com

The used ones are in very good condition that we dont need anymore all extras. Our phone 0818191587 For Sale Jewelry, Gemstones, Antiques, Furniture, Paintings and other Works of Art and much more. And of course great food! Koi Kemang Gallery, 2nd f loorJl. Kemang Raya 72, Jakarta. Tel: 7195668. For sale 1 modern teak L shaped seater with a lot of cushions, +-4x2m (new 10 milj, now half prize, 5 milj) 1 high bunk bed teak, incl mattress and mosquito net ( now 1.000.000) 1 overlock-mesin obras- 4bobbinsbrand YAMATA, with table, new 2010 (used 10 times) (new 4.milj, now 2 mil) If you are interested please call me or email. Valerie Boone boone.valerie@yahoo.com

A Gemstone and Jewelry Company is expanding, with planned events in Rome, Milan, Sydney and Helsinki. We are looking for an investing partner to make this expansion. Our company is located in Jakarta and run by an expat. Email: dmulia98@yahoo.com The cheapest outlet furniture factory shop only at www.toko-murah.info Cheap delivery every week to Jakarta. Bali. Private Swimming Teacher All Level & Age. Leo: 081338704319 For Sale apple itouch 8 gb just 2 million!!! it was a gift for me and i used only for a month. its in great condition. pls call me or sms me if you re intrested 0858 106 74 501

Private Piano Lesson for Children Contact : 08561486750 FANTASTIC MAID AVAILABLE AS FROM MID JULY Sri has only worked with my family for a couple of months but she has been fabulous. Honest, reliable and uses initiative. She does all the household chores and the ironing. Sadly we found her too late as we now need to move on! Sri is looking for a live-out position that she can fit in around another part time job that she has. She works for my family from 7am til midday four days a week and this fits in perfectly with her other job. She is hoping for similar hours in the Kemang area. Sri has references that state she is also a very good cook of many dishes. I contacted her previous employer and they were delighted with Sri. Her English is also super. Sri has children of her own so is very used to being around children. Sri can be contacted on 081386647417 Bahasa Indonesia Teacher for Expats Weekend and after office hours. Contact: Wijaya 0811 821 599


Overweight? Want to lose 10 Kg in 1 month time? Order Acai Berry weight lose supplement now. 1 bottle - 30 capsules only for RP. 250,000 free delivery in Jakarta 081317722271

For sale: Superb and very unusual chinese antique display cabinet and four-poster bed. Will sell together or separately. Phone Peter: 082122515313 For Sale SONY DAV DZ870KW Home Theatre , Wireless rear speakers For details see http://www.sony.com. hk/press/pdf/20080507_02e.pdf 2.5 years old, excellent condition Rp3 million or near offer. Call Steve – 0858 1362 9000 – Near City Walk Sudirman Internationally-known Portrait Painter who has exhibited around the world is now residing in Jakarta and accepting commissions for portraits. Full size or small, oil or sketches. Capture the beauty of your loved ones forever. e-mail: lailadem@gmail.com We have new large book racks (850k), new wood coffee table (650k), new Wood hall table (500k), new wood gentleman’s coat butler (400k) new small glass display cabinet (500k) used waste bins (50k), used 14 inch staff tv good condition (500k), New metal hanger (50k), Plastic clothes hanger (collapsible n nearly new) (350k), Used but good condition ikea cabinets for storage (300K), Wood Dining table n chair set NEW (3,75mill), New synthetic leather storage boxes (100k), Small metal / rattan cd holder used (100k), New teak wood tv credenza (1,2mill). We are in kebayoran baru. Most of our new stuff is excess export stock lot selling at factory price. We just want to cash out fast rather then keep the stuff.

The History of Java by Sir Thomas Raffles. First Edition, 1817. 2 vols. Large version of this classic History of Java by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles (1781-1826), treating Java’s history, religion, law, customs, antiquities, European Administration, commerce, military system, Javanese ethics, literature, music, etc. For viewing, contact 021 719 0087. Only serious buyers please. Furniture for Sale: Console table with two drawers, light cork wood, 155x40 cm, 85 cm high: Rph 900,000 IKEA filing cabinet with 3 drawers, beech wood: Rph 450,000. IKEA side table with drawer, birch wood: 350,000. IKEA off-white wool carpet, 130x170 cm: Rp 300,000. Baby items: Double electric breast pump, Medela: Rph 950,000. Original Stokke high chair convertible into toddler chair with adjustable height, birch wood: Rp 450,000. Mothercare car seat (from toddler to 7 years), pink: Rp 650,000. Contact Annika at asilvaleander@yahoo.com or 0812 10 227 58. Violin size 1/10, brand SYNWIN Price Rp. 450.000 In perfect condition Baby Bed( size 150x80) Rp. 1.800.000 Contact :hp 081315338724 Jr set of golf clubs for sale! Only for 1.5 million Includes: bag and clubs Clubs are as follows: Driver, Hybird wood, Mid-iron, Short iron, Putter, Jack Nicholas Brand. ** For more information please contact me at: 082114364164

For Sale 64 gb WiFi ipad2 white with a light blue cover, bought new in the U.S. in May. It doesn’t have the 3G . price: 8 million. If you are interested give me a call at +62 811 910 4982

Magnificent chinese display cabinet for sale. Phone Liz: 0813 85479005 WANTED Ladies bicycle with gears. Please email mariarivarola@hotmail.com

For sale : Discovered in old family papers unused stamps-duty 50-60 years old in total 12 pcs (retribusi ? retributie? meterai) 15 cent, vijf gulden ? 30 sen, satu rupiah. If interested phone Mr. Andre 021 736 92409 Stove -> Domo brand, completely new never been used, stainless steel, with 5 burners. uses propane. great for most home decors. still in box. price is 4.4 million rupiah for the whole unit. Baby Crib -> in very good condition, safe. has diaper change attachment for on top. 3.5 million rupiah or best offer.

For Sale DESSEN coffee table for sale. Asking price is Rp 2 600 000. Currently being sold in Index for Rp 3 000 000Description: Opague glass top coffee table with wooden body. Glass slides open to area for storage or display. The colour is black and dark grey (looks more black than grey). Dimensions are 160 x 120 x 30 cm. Please call Natalie at 0811 944 2562.

Baby stroller -> only slightly used, in very good condition. collapsible with top bonnet, and extra pockets for storage. 610,000 rupiah or best offer. Car seat -> in very good condition, comes with convenient cup holder and storage for small toys or snacks. 610,000 rupiah or best offer. pictures of all items can be found through this link http://tinyurl. com/lotastuff . Very eager to sell all so if interested please contact us as soon as possible! you can email membingham@yahoo.com for items or information, or call us Whitney: 085881349371, Maria: 082111589382

Post your classified ads for free to:

ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next deadline : 27 July 2011


20 July– 3 August 2011 Jakarta Expat

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