Jakarta Expat - issue 102 - Music

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! EE FR Indonesia's Largest Expatriate Readership 102nd Edition | 25th September - 8 th october 2013 | www.jakartaexpat.biz

• Bike, Jakarta, Indonesia. Picture taken by Jonathan McIntosh, 2004

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013


Dear Readers 102nd Edition • 25 September - 8 October2013

Editor in Chief

Angela Richardson angela@jakartaexpat.biz


Edo Frese edo@jakartaexpat.biz

Editorial Assistant


rom near or far, when you mention Indonesia and music, you hear the gonging sound of the gamelan. Several years ago, on a bus headed for university in West London, I met a musician who, upon learning where I was from, was immediately enthused, as he was infatuated by this art form and was a part of a gamelan orchestra and association in London. I remember him telling me that he was amazed by how these instruments and the culture that surrounds them are the same now as they were over 500 years ago. This really is incredible when you stop to think about it. In Javanese mythology, the gamelan was created by Sang Hyang Guru circa AD 230, the god who ruled all of Java from the Maendra mountain, now known as Mount Lawu. He needed a system of communication to be able to speak to the other gods, and so the gong was born. For more complicated messages, he invented two other types of gongs, creating the original gamelan set. Although gamelan’s origins predate the Hindu-Buddhist culture, which once prevailed in Indonesia, it developed in the Majapahit Empire (c. 1293 – 1500) into its current form that we know today. If you visit ancient temples such as the eight century Borobudur in Central Java, you will see bas reliefs depicting palace musicians playing the drums, bamboo flutes, gongs, chimes and bells in an ensemble (gamelan orchestra). This is still the same today.

Gabriella Panjaitan gabriella@jakartaexpat.biz


Dian Mardianingsih ads@jakartaexpat.biz


Adietyo Randualas didiet@jakartaexpat.biz

Finance & Admin

Pertiwi Gianto Putri tiwi@jakartaexpat.biz Lini Verawaty lini@jakartaexpat.biz

As a child, I was taught how to play gamelan at school and one thing has never left me - you are not allowed, ever, to step over a gamelan instrument. Gamelan is considered sacred and believed to hold supernatural powers, which must be respected. Incense and flowers are often offered to the gamelan during ceremonies. This is why you will never see musicians wearing shoes when they play, and you certainly won’t see anyone stepping over a gamelan instrument for fear of offending the spirits.


Sophie Chavanel Terry Collins Jeffrey Hutton Jeremy Roberts Hush Petersen Eamonn Sadler Grace Susetyo Kenneth Yeung Antony Sutton Tess Joyce

This form of music also has no place for showoffs or a ‘me’ attitude – it inspires group work and collaboration, as instruments must be played together, in unison, as a group effort. We can learn a lesson from this beautiful tradition, that joining together can accomplish great feats and mustn’t be taken for granted.


Next time you listen, close your eyes and imagine you were alive 500 years ago. It wouldn’t have sounded much different. This instrument’s history and its preservation, over such a long period of time, is commendable and something to behold and respect for the rest of time.

Dian Mardianingsih dian@jakartaexpat.biz

Editorial Enquiries


Keep on listening...

Circulation Enquiries info@jakartaexpat.biz

Angela Richardson @angela_jelita @cleanupjktday




events@jakartaexpat.biz Jakarta Expat is published bi-weekly by PT. Koleksi Klasik. Opinions expressed in this publication are those of the writers and the publisher does not accept any responsibility for any errors, ommisions, or complaints arising there from. No parts of this publication can be reproduced in whole or in part, in print or electronically without permission of the publisher. All trademarks, logos, brands and designs are copyright and fully reserved by PT. Koleksi Klasik Indonesia.

Published by PT. KOLEKSI KLASIK INDONESIA Jl. Kemang Raya No. 29A, Kemang, Jakarta - Indonesia Tel: 021 7179 4550 / Fax: 021 7179 4546 Office hours: 09.00 - 17.00. Monday - Friday

102nd issue Back to the Bamboo Roots: The Secrets of Senyawa 6. music review and all that jazz Throwing the Perfect Kid’s Birthday Party 8. traditional music Melodies from Indonesia’s Far South: Sasando, the Palm Harp of Rote 10. education International Schools in Limbo as Talks on New Rules Stall 11. poetry The Dark Cracks of Kemang 12. meet the expat sacha stevenson 13. faces of jakarta Keribo, Danu & Agay: the buskers 14. alternative punk in indonesia 16. Light Entertainment let's call it a draw 22. Scams in the City atm transfer traps | Events 23. classifieds 4. innovations

7. new mum in town


­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013


Innovations by t e s s j o y c e

of the Bambu Wukir, was inspired by the fishing with its hints of island of Selayar, Sulawesi, “A musical event could the “rhythm, where he grew up. be considered a success melody and atmosphere” It’s encouraging if the audience can enjoy, of Kroncong, to know that sink and fuse with the music entices the some musicians audience. are interested in presented, until afterwards, Wukir traditional materials they find it in their minds and embraces such as the hollow their feelings; and the musician, Rully’s vocal exploration whilst playing, gives the of traditional totality of his soul.” styles and dancing chants and encourages him to deepen his knowledge of vocal techniques from where he was born. The pair has a near-parallel artistic vision and their first performance together was an adrenaline-pumping improvisation.

• Senyawa; Wukir Suryadi & Rully Shabara

Back to the Bamboo Roots: The Secrets of Senyawa Wukir Suryadi is just back from a tour in Europe with his two-man band, Senyawa, and is now preparing for concerts in China, this September. But despite such international success, Senyawa has refused to lose their unique Indonesian style. Wukir Suryadi plays a one-metre long bamboo instrument (Bambu Wukir) with eleven strings attached (eight are made from the bamboo skin). He constructed it himself, along with the garu (meaning plough in Javanese), which he created from a disused farming device and he’s constantly seeking inspiration for new instruments from his surroundings.


first saw them play in Malang, East Java, and was amazed by their ‘magical’ energy and the innovative spirit of Senyawa - I was in awe of their fearlessness on stage. In a recent interview with Wukir, I managed to delve into his past and discover some of Senyawa’s secrets.

• Kuda Lumping

It was the intense energy of the traditional Javanese dance Kuda Lumping that had a big impact on Wukir’s childhood - when he was eleven years old he joined a dance group in his village and those strong memories still influence him when he creates a musical piece today. Kuda lumping is a performance where dancers ride bamboo or rattan horses, often entering into a trance-like state, whilst others will perform and pretend to eat grass or neigh like a horse to work the crowd. As a spectator, I’ve sensed the energy in the atmosphere as it soaks into the audience 4

and the trance-like state induced in some of the wide-eyed dancers by the repetitive sounds of the dog-dog drums and the gongs. With this kind of background, it’s easy to imagine why Wukir seems to ooze with ‘magic’ on stage. But as he explains, “When playing on stage, the players themselves provide energy because the music itself is the energy (power).” Curious to learn more, I ask how they become so fearless on stage. “Because there’s an awareness of sharing everything with the audience - there’s also a trick to that…” Wukir laughs, unwilling to spill all of his secrets. Yet Senyawa are still evolving and the duo recently learnt about stamina management during their two week tour of Australia with the band Regurgitator, “It was cool and crazy all at once, a precious lesson for us, you can imagine in two weeks – concerts in 12 different places, a lot of cities in Australia, every night a concert with a minimum of 25,000 watt sound system, with 3,000+ audience, sleeping, catching a flight, moving city, another sound-check, like that every day. So we strived to learn about stamina management, time discipline and totality”, said Wukir. Senyawa’s music is loud and intense and I remember thinking how different their rhythms were to Western music. Their style is unmistakably Indonesian. No compromises. The vocalist, Rully Shabara, unleashes his sounds with phenomenal confidence and the jazzy, jingling sounds

But they are just two creative fish floating in the polluted ocean of the music scene, which seems to favour blandness over talent. Reacting against this “crazy industry” and the Westernization of many Indonesian musicians, Wukir set about designing his own instrument in Bali where he discovered an abundance of bamboo. He is concerned about the industry’s preoccupation with quantity rather than quality, “I just try to keep on fighting, making art from the earth that we inhabit, with instruments inspired by the history of this nation.” Wukir, widely influenced by Indonesian rhythms, learnt to play the flute, bamboo flood, kecapi and the djembe drum before designing his own sounds. I ask him again why he constructed an instrument and he simply replies that it was a response to his surroundings. I smile – Wukir is really unaware of how liberated his mind is – he’s entirely free to create and if the instrument holds him back, he’ll make a new one. Perhaps his interest in traditional music and dance such as Gandrung Banyuwangi and Reog shaped him. I first saw a Reog performance in Solo at a srawung (a Javanese gathering and sharing of knowledge) and saw the huge 30-40kg mask of the Singa Barong, a mythical lion, shaking across the grass field. At the event I met another unique artist Misbach Bilok – who designs his own music installations from materials such as bamboo in combination with natural sounds such as dripping water hitting a gong. He spent two years exploring sounds for his ‘bamboo fish’ installation and

• Wukir Suryadi

and sustainable bamboo. The suling (bamboo flute) is played across Java and Bali, usually in gamelan ensembles, and they have an ancient heritage – appearing on the 8th century bass reliefs of the Borobudur temple which also portrays an ensemble of bells, drums and a lute. Jegog (bamboo xylophones) were created for Balinese gamelan, and in the 1860s, in Minahasa, Sulawesi, ‘bamboo trumpets’ were developed as imitations of the European instruments, introduced by missionaries. Now after hearing Wukir’s words, I’ve been thinking about instruments nonstop. As a child I played the electronic piano, but practicing always felt like a chore. Perhaps I hadn’t picked an instrument that allowed me to express myself the way that artists such as Wukir and Misbach are able to. But as Wukir says, it’s not just about the tools – the musician has to care about the audience, “A musical event could be considered a success if the audience can enjoy, sink and fuse with the music presented, until afterwards, they find it in their minds and their feelings; and the musician, whilst playing, gives the totality of his soul.”

Senyawa on Facebook: www.facebook.com/ senyawaduo?fref=ts

• Reog Performance

Film about Senyawa, Calling the New Gods: http://vimeo. com/54891015

Tess Joyce Tess Joyce lives on an island in Raja Ampat at the moment. Tess is a writer from the UK with a little boat and two paddles who enjoys exploring the seas and corals there.

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013


Music Review by t e r r y c o l l i n s

• I Know You Well Miss Clara - Chapter One • Tony Scott And Indonesian All Stars - Djanger Bali

• Simak Dialog - The 6Th Story • Dewa Budjana - Joged Kahyangan

When I arrived in Indonesia at the end of 1987, I was carrying a collection of cassettes, recordings of my favourite albums, mainly jazz, prog-rock and what is termed ‘world music’. On my early travels around various regions of the archipelago, I added cassettes of ‘traditional’ music which could evoke memories of the places I’d visited. But I wondered why there couldn’t be blends of them with western music.


he rock music I heard was derivative, albeit with Indonesian lyrics. So I looked for jazz. After all, if the late Neil Ardley in the UK could arrange his Kaleidoscope Of Rainbows suite using the basic Balinese five note pelog scale played by the crème de la crème of Brit-Jazz, why couldn’t Balinese musicians improvise and reverse the process? It was a few years before I discovered that in 1967 Bubi Chen, the piano maestro from Surabaya, guitarist Jack Lesmana, and the rest of jazz pioneers, The Indonesian All Stars, had gone to Germany to record an album with the American clarinetist Tony Scott. Djanger Bali, was the first album of Indonesian traditional-flavoured music without ‘traditional’ instruments, apart from the track Gambang Suling featuring Sundanese instruments; the zither-like kecapi, and suling, a bamboo ring flute. (In 1989, Bubi Chen recorded Kedamaian, a truly marvellous piano-suling conversation.) In the late 80s, keyboardist Dwiki Dharmawan formed the group Krakatau to play original jazz fusion tunes, with bass, drums and a range of Sundanese instruments, including percussion and wind instruments and the bowed rebab. Tracks on their fifth album Mystical Mist (1994) were either jazz fusion or Sundanese, whereas, having tuned their western instruments to Sunda scales, their second, Magical Match (2000), is more of a Sunda-jazz fusion. By the time they released 2 Worlds in 2006, the group was also playing what I can only describe as Sunda avant-jazz-rock-funk. The track Madenda Fantasy is a pianosuling ‘conversation’, a loud echo of Bubi Chen’s Keith Jarrett-ish Kedamaian. Java Jazz was formed by Indra Lesmana with Donny Suhendra (from Krakatau) on guitar and Embong Rahardjo on sax and flute. Much of the first two albums Bulan Di Atas Asia (1994) and Sabda Prana (1998) incorporated Sundanese pentatonic scales played on western instruments. Embong died in 2001 and the group went


into hiatus until 2009 when Dewa Budjana, lead guitarist and songwriter of the band Gigi, joined as a second guitarist and Joy, Joy, Joy was released. It was Indra’s father, Jack Lesmana (see above), who introduced Dewa to the principles and basics of jazz. Keyboardist Riza Arshad formed simakDialog with guitarist Tohpati in 1993; their first two albums, Lukisan (1996) and Baur (1999) showed the influence of the popular American jazz guitarist Pat Metheny. Much as I like Metheny, I’m not interested in clones; pleasant enough, but not particularly ‘Indonesian’. However, for Trance Mission (2002) Riza replaced the drummer with Sundanese percussionists, and Tohpati, too, found his very distinctive voice; he’s now a guitarist who can send shivers down the backbone. Leonardo Pavkovic, proprietor of MoonJune Records in New York, heard Trance Mission and signed simakDialog (SD) to his label. The first release was Patahan (2006), recorded live at Goethe Haus and mastered by Indra Lesmana. This was followed by Demi Masa (2009) and this past month with 6th Story. Simak dialog means ‘listen to the music’, be part of it. As Riza says, “We humans are tiny creatures in a humongous universe, but we also have the ability to interact with it.” With this sixth album, Riza and his long time cohort Tohpati take us further on their journey; far out (as hippies used to say). Tohpati has two albums now released on MoonJune, his Ethnomission - Save The Planet (2010) features Endang Ramdan from SD playing Indonesian percussion plus Indro Hardjodikoro, SD’s first bass player. Indro is one third of Tohpati Bertiga whose Riot was released in 2012. The drummer is Adityo ‘Bowo’ Wibowo whose main gig is the popular Gugun Blues Shelter. This shows another side to Tohpati’s playing; hard rock. Dewa Budjana is now also signed to MoonJune. He’s just turned 50 (but doesn’t look it) and has an impressive discography dating back to 1994 with Gigi and solo

albums from 1997. At the end of last year Moonjune released Dawai in Paradise. This is a compilation from five separate recording sessions between 2000 and 2011 featuring his incredibly melodic, spiritual side as well as high energy tracks echoing the likes of the Mahavishnu Orchestra, and National Health, the ‘Canterbury Scene’ group. Around the time you are reading this, his second MoonJune album will be released, Joged Kahyangan. This was recorded in Los Angeles last year with a stellar set of American jazzers; Larry Goldings, Bob Mintzer, Jimmy Johnson and Peter Erskine, who interpret Dewa’s Indonesian inflected compositions with great empathy. (Listen here: http://moonjunerecords. bandcamp.com/album/joget-kahyangan) Also this month, following a mini tour of clubs and festivals in the USA with SD, both Riza and Tohpati have recorded solo albums to be released on MoonJune. Tohpati’s sidesmen were Jimmy Haslip (Yellowjackets) on bass guitar and Chad Wackerman (Frank Zappa and Allan Holdsworth) on drums. Riza’s were Chad Wackerman and Ernest Tibbs (Allan Holdsworth) on bass. And so my long search is over; not only have Indonesian jazz musicians found their voice, but it is uniquely theirs. There are jazz festivals held throughout much of the archipelago, gigs on campuses and in clubs. It may have taken 25 years, but there’s hope for the future, with Indra, Riza, and Dewa mentoring younger musicians. Listen out for 10-year-old Joey Alexander, and musicians such as Sri Hanuraga who are studying and playing abroad. Then there are the likes of I Know You Well Miss Clara, alumni of the Yogyakarta’s Indonesian Institute of Arts. Their astonishing and justreleased debut on MoonJune, Chapter One, deserves a full article. Sorry guys, you’ll get one soon and that’s a promise. http://moonjune.com/

Terry Collins Terry Collins is the co-author of Culture Shock! Jakarta and writes the Jakartass blog.

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

New Mum in Town by s o p h i e c h ava n e l

Throwing the Perfect Kid’s Birthday Party My daughter just turned one and I spent the past couple of weeks thinking about how to celebrate this important milestone. Indonesians have a tradition of making a big fuss about kids’ birthday parties, especially the first one, and the ones who have the means can make your wedding look like not much at all in comparison. If you have been invited to one of those extravagant events, you might be intimidated to invite them back to a more modest celebration. Here are a few suggestions. Venues_______________________

Event organizers_____________

Indoor Play Parks

Home birthday parties can be a great option. You can opt for a simple event with a few games and a cake or go all in and order bouncy castles, clowns and more. You will find several event organizers out there who can plan your special day from A to Z. They can also provide à la carte options if you are looking for a magician, decorations, face painting or a piñata. They can make your child’s dream birthday party come true. It is a pricier option.

Indoor play parks are an easy option; reasonably priced and there is one in pretty much every single mall in Jakarta. It may be good to shop a little, as prices vary a lot. Indoor play parks are great for parents on-the-go. Installations keep the kids busy and there is no need to plan all sorts of activities, however, if you would like some entertainment, most of them offer birthday party packages including food, decorations, face painting, DJs, etc. They have catering services, but the food is not always the healthiest. It is also possible to bring your own cake.

Here are a few options. I haven't tried them but know people who have and were happy with their services: Jingles Party:

Price: The cheapest places start at Rp.50,000 per child. Some addresses: • Pasya Playground and Corner (Pasaraya Blok M) • Chipmunks (Mega Mall Bekasi & Colony building Kemang Raya):

http://www.chipmunks.co.id • Lollipops Playland and Cafe (Senayan City, Gandaria City, Mall Kelapa Gading):

http://www.indonesia.lollipopsplayland.com/ The Playground The playground on Kemang Dalam is a very interesting option where you can have a simple kids gathering or a more organized setting with food and other entertainment. However, be aware that the place doesn’t close for other customers as there is a membership system in place, which can be a great opportunity to meet new people. The more the merrier, they say! Price: Starts at Rp.140,000 per child and Rp.75,000 per adult for entrance fee and food. Email: the.playground@hotmail.com

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

http://www.jinglesparty.com Ceria Entertainement:

http://www.ceriaparty.com Carousel Kids Party Organizers: caroussel_ kidzclub@yahoo.com

Here are a few tasty options: The Harvest Cakes offer a wide range, yet affordable cakes, very sugary but tasty: http://www.harvestcakes.com/. For a more high-end option, the Mulia Hotel Chocolate Boutique chef pastry can make your dream into a beautiful cake without MSG and refined sugar: http://

www.hotelmulia.com/mobile/mainpages/sub/ dining/chocolate-boutique

Goodies bags and other birthday supplies_____________ Most supermarkets have wrapping paper, birthday hats, candles and trumpets, if you find yourself in need of last minute supplies. But I found that Grand Lucky has the most choices at reasonable price and also have goodies bags and most of the fillers. You can also try to visit a market to buy fillers. You might be surprised at what you find with a very limited budget.

Catering______________________ There are many places in Jakarta which offer affordable catering. Among others, Uppercrust has diversified and complete menus, including appetizers, main courses, cakes and fruit plates. They can adapt to your needs and preferences and provide samples if you want to taste before ordering. They have a BBQ option and they provide dishes and staff, allowing you to focus on entertaining your guests and enjoying this special moment with your little one. Uppercrust website:

What I decided to do?________ After shopping around quite a lot and talking to other parents, I decided to opt for a house pool party to celebrate my baby girl’s first birthday. I figured it would be a great opportunity to meet the neighbours, as we just moved into a new house. I decided not to request the services of a party organizer and to do a lot myself, but I am lazy and I have a limited budget so I sent all the invitations by email and put a few signs up in our compound.

I took care of the decorations and put up some pink and white balloons all over the trees. I wanted the grown-ups to enjoy themselves as well, so I found games that kids could play on their own without needing an entertainer. I put out some paint and brushes and hung a white sheet between two trees for kids to paint something nice for the birthday girl, I also got some chalks out and lots of bubbles. The kids ran around between stations all day and we ended up with a colourful mural and alley. My little one had a blast and collapsed in bed for 12 hours straight after that!


Cake__________________________ You can be blown away by the impressive cake decorations options out there, but I found, too often, turned down by the taste.

Sophie Chavanel Sophie Chavanel is a Canadian communications girl and a confirmed globe-trotter. As a Journalist, she has worked for different media outlets in Canada and overseas. She is also a Communications delegate for the International Federation of the Red Cross emergency team. Sophie is a new mother. She moved to Indonesia in March 2013 with her husband and daughter.


Traditional Music by g r a c e s u s e t y o

• Jeremias in the traditional outfit, with an acoustic sasandu and a giant replica

Melodies from Indonesia’s Far South: Sasando, the Palm Harp of Rote If the definition of heaven is a strange but comforting melody telling stories of the timelessness of the human soul, then one corner to find it is in Indonesia’s southernmost inhabited island; Roté.


ocated just a 2-4 hour sail southwest of its more famous neighbour Timor, Roté is a 70-km long arid island covered in savannahs and sugar palms (Borassusflabellifer, locally known as tuaor lontar). Lontar is central to life in Roté; as a source of food, fibres for weaving, wood for construction, and music. Alas, on my trip to Timor, I didn’t make it to Roté due to marine hazards and cancelled ferries. Fortunately, there is a place in Timor that makes me feel one step closer to Roté; the sasando workshop of Jeremias Pah in Oëbelo, 22 kilometres east of Kupang. Sasandu, a pentatonic harp made of a bamboo core, bamboo or metal strings, movable tuning bridges, and a robust palmleaf resonator, is a native instrument of Roté. For generations, the Pah clan has been known as guardians of the Rotinese musical heritage and developers of sasandu’s modern diatonic daughter, the sasando biola. Sasando gained recent national attention in 2009 when jazz composer Dwiki Dharmawan included it in a performance before President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono and then-Minister of Culture and Tourism Jero Wacik. The President then called for a sasando competition in Kupang, which attracted 358 out of the 400 known existing sasando players. Upon my arrival, Pah appeared in the traditional outfit; white shirt, dark woven selimut with a matching scarf, and the ti’Ilangga palm sombrero. With a palm harp on his lap, the 75-year-old maestro sat down before his savvy laptop and recording equipment, and started playing Batu Matia - a traditional melody that no two musicians I’ve heard of plays the same. The music is nothing like Java-Bali’s gamelan or angklung bambu. The traditional acoustic sasandu sounds clean and crisp like the banjo, but with a pentatonic tuning played to the rhythm of one’s heartbeat. There was 8

unpretentious simplicity in melody, harmony, and facial expression. Pah sang with the soul of a wise storyteller. According to the unpublished thesis of Dr. Christopher Basile, based on interviews with four senior sasandu maestros from the 1990s, the original sasandu was invented by Sangguana, a 17th century Rotinese fisherman who got shipwrecked and imprisoned in Ndana (Indonesia’s point-zero southernmost island, now uninhabited). Despite Basile’s claim of Sangguana’s historical accuracy, Pah does not endorse this story. The Princess of Ndana fell in love with Sangguana and assigned him to invent music that has never existed before. With inspiration from a desperate dream, Sangguana created a sandu (Rotinese: “tremble”) from a length of bamboo, seven strings from banyan roots, and a resonator from the robust palm leaf. Over daily music lessons, Princess and Sangguana began a scandalous love affair that triggered chaos in Ndana and had Sangguana killed. The news reached Sangguana’s wife in Roté, who was pregnant with their son Nalesanggu when Sangguana left years ago. When Nalesanggu came of age, his mother told him of his father’s tragic fate. In revenge, Nalesanggu massacred every single person on Ndana, including the Princess for whom the sasandu was invented. Nalesanggu then brought the sasandu back to Roté and taught it to the Rotinese in honour of his father. The sasandu then evolved into the sasando biola in the early 20th century when Roté became increasingly Christian and adapted Dutch customs, music, and dance. Ougust Pah and Edu Pah, the father and uncle of Jeremias Pah respectively, have been credited among the early developers of sasando biola. Pah started learning sasando as a child in the 1940s-50s playing hymns in church. In 1962, he moved to Kupang in order

• Sasando Biola

• Jeremias and his grown son Berto on the electric sasando biola

to develop the modern sasando and give it greater exposure to other Indonesians and foreigners. As a devout Christian, Pah credits his family’s ongoing legacy of sasando to divine inspiration. “Because of the resonator, the sasando used to be difficult to carry around”, said Pah. One Sunday morning, the arrival of an unannounced guest delayed Pah’s plan to attend church. “I arrived in the middle of a sermon and took the only seat left next to some ladies. It was hot, so a lady pulled out a folding fan from her purse. It was as though God was telling me to develop a foldable resonator similar to the lady’s fan.” Pah said he had no difficulties passing on the musical tradition to his ten children. At least four of Pah’s grown sons currently make a full time living performing, making, and teaching sasando. “Passing on a tradition to one’s children shouldn’t be difficult. A non-Rotinese student of mine learned three songs on the sasando in just four days”, said Pah. “Where there is a will, there is a way. The key is to start your children early in growing a genuine love and interest in the music.” Pah then called his youngest, 10-yearold Rino, to play Bolelebo on the electric sasando. For a young learner, Rino’s performance already sounded wellstructured and practiced. Smiling proudly at his son, Pah hummed along to the tune and told me that Rino will be performing in Singapore in December. “Oh no, I played that part wrong”, the boy gave a shy giggle as he finished the song, before running back into the house.

In 2010, Pah’s sons Djitron and Berto were contestants in two separate nationally televised Indonesian talent shows. Each performing the electric sasando biola, their repertoires included Jason Mraz’s I’m Yours, Il Divo’s I Believe in You, Richard Clayderman’s Ballade Pour Adeline, and Padi’s Begitu Indah. Among the many tunes Pah has performed on the sasandu and sasando biola, Pah sums up the soul of his music in three songs: Lelendo (“Battle Song”), Te’o Renda (“Embroidering Woman”), and Batu Matia (“Heavy Rock”). Lelendo is a song of the bloodshed the sons of Roté fought for the sovereignty of Indonesia during colonial times. Te’o Renda is a song about a time of peace after the war, when women rise hours before dawn to make embroidery, as if embroidering a bright future for the dawn of a new generation. Batu Matia is a song about a young man who asks for the embroidering woman’s hand in marriage, committing to build a steadfast immovable love like a heavy rock as they tackle life’s hard realities together. As the maestro watches his children develop their generation’s version of the ancient palm harp of Roté, Pah continues to brim with timeless memories of the music he’s lived for. And those who have had the privilege of meeting him would likewise come home brimming with memories of melodies from Indonesia’s Far South. Jeremias Pah Sasando Workshop Jl Timor Raya Km 22, Desa Oebelo, Kecamatan Kupang Tengah Kabupaten Kupang. Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia

Grace susetyo Grace is a freelance writer, former TV journalist, and aspiring documentarist with a passion for Indonesian history and culture. Now in her 6th year in Jakarta, Grace has lived in various countries and looks forward to exploring more places. Contact her at g.c.susetyo@gmail.com

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013



by J e f f r e y H u t t o n

International Schools in Limbo as Talks on New Rules Stall Back in November last year, Tim Carr, the Head of School at Jakarta International School (JIS), joined principals from the capital’s other storied institutions to preview new regulations that would extend government control of their schools. For now, though, after years of talks, the push to apply the new law to the established international schools appears to have stalled. The original deadline to implement the new rules was this year. Any changes in store for international schools may now need to wait until after the legislative and presidential elections next year, leaving institutions to take a wait-and-see approach. “There’s no guideline for how the law will be implemented”, Bemelmans says.

“It didn’t look encouraging,” Carr said, recalling the meeting. “We are in this unknown territory that’s hard to navigate.” As the capital’s international schools settle into a new school year, few administrators are any wiser of how the 2010 law will be applied to them. Under the new law, Indonesian language, religious and civic education would be compulsory, as would national exams for Indonesians. That means no more letters from the ministry excusing Indonesian students from the tests. What’s more, international schools would need to meet quotas of locally hired teachers and administrators with advanced degrees – a big ask in a country where only 20 percent of high school graduates go on to university. At stake for the international schools are big chunks of the student body that are made up of Indonesians – 14 percent in the case of JIS and 18 percent at the Australian International School (AIS). Henri Bemelmans, principal at Academic Colleges Group (ACG) International School in Indonesia, says 17 percent of his students are Indonesian. “Excusing Indonesian students from their daily routine to comply with the new curriculum may be impractical”, Bemelmans says. “How would you teach religion and civics in a secular school? We already have a busy curriculum.” The new law would curb English as the medium of instruction and require international schools to form affiliations with institutions abroad. “They want to be able to regulate us and we want to fit into that”, says Brenton Hall, who in April became principal at AIS after having headed up its high school since 2007. “We’re set up to meet the needs of foreign students and Indonesians that may be destined for universities overseas.” 10

• Photos courtesy of JIS (jakarta international school)


n 2010 the Indonesian government had passed sweeping new changes for international schools that accepted Indonesian students. But despite almost three years of talks to hash out how those laws would be enacted, some principals saw little progress and still find themselves in limbo.

Still, that ambiguity may mark progress from the mood four years ago, when the proposed law was first presented to administrators “as a sort of fait-accompli”, remembers Bemelmans. “We were a little shaken up that changes appeared imminent.” The lull occurred in part because the proposed changes ran up against opposition at home. The proposed regulations would mean wealthy local families would have trouble sending their kids to the capital’s international schools, which regularly send students to the world’s top universities. What’s more, cramping the style of Indonesia’s international schools risks deterring foreign investment if companies can’t be sure that executives can secure quality education for their children. Officials in the foreign ministry, and those charged with attracting foreign direct investment to Indonesia, said they opposed rushing through the changes. “Changing, too much, the international schools would be a worry for foreigners here”, said one official from the Investment Coordination Board of Indonesia, who did not want to be identified. The government has shown signs that it is willing to be flexible. Potential compromises may include allowing Indonesian students to attend international schools as long as they demonstrate they are enrolled in recognized language classes on their own. Letters from mosques or churches, testifying that a student was receiving religious education may also suffice. A few months after halting admission of new Indonesian students in August 2010, JIS admitted them again. AIS is in the process of building new facilities with the aim of dramatically expanding its student body. “You can’t let the ambiguity affect your planning,” Hall says. Even so, negotiations have been fraught with setbacks. Opposite numbers at the Ministry of Education would be reassigned and months of careful talks would be lost. “Talks over a period of months would seem to indicate that we were at the cusp of brokering a clause that would allow us to operate and then there would be a change of personnel”, Carr says. “New regulations can come at any time.”

For Carr, removing Indonesian students would not only be a massive blow to revenue, which relies entirely on tuition; it deprives foreign students of the full experience of being at school in Jakarta.

comes to applying to overseas universities. The ministry still routinely issues letters of permission to Indonesian students to attend international schools for a fee of about Rp.50,000.

“Without them we would be in a bubble. We are in the middle of an economy that is red hot and dynamic. We need to include Indonesians in our mix in order to learn from one and other”, Carr says.

International schools such as JIS, the AIS and ACG are categorized as Joint International Education Institutions, which accept Indonesian students. They contrast with diplomatic schools, which tend to be run by embassies and are exclusively for foreign nationals.

The schools are counting on dialogue and goodwill between themselves and the government to manage any big regulatory changes that may be in the pipeline. And there will be changes. That’s because the Indonesian government is worried about the proliferation of schools that claim to be “international” but are not in practice. “There’s good intent in what the government is trying to do”, Bemelmans says. “The ministry is trying to interpret the law in ways that would help us.” Even so, a surge in nationalism may also be playing a part, as the government struggles to stem the tide of students wriggling free of hours of religious and civic studies each week, which may cut little ice when it

School administrators emphasize they are keen to reach an agreement that will satisfy the government. AIS’s Hall believes there’s room for a deal that may incorporate the parts of the proposed Indonesian curriculum. He proposes a third category of schools set up before 2003 that are effectively grandfathered into the old rules in exchange for offering language and civics classes. “This is their country and they have the right to regulate us as they see fit”, Hall says. “We want to work in conjunction with the ministry officials.”

Jeffrey Hutton Jeff moved to Jakarta earlier this year after stints as a business reporter in Tokyo and Sydney. After more than a decade in newsrooms, he turned to freelance writing specializing on infrastructure, sustainable development and finance. http://www. jeffreyhutton.com/ Follow Jeff on Twitter: @jeffreyhutton

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

Poetry by J e r e m y R o b e r t s

The Dark Cracks of Kemang By Jeremy Roberts

Oxygen boils in the lungs of geckoes, as unborn prototypes squirm in warm soil. The search for romance is a reciprocate game on thin streets, where broken footpaths have fallen from the minaret tower and love might be a piece of rusted steel filigree. Here, black coffee sweats slowly out through skin – as light brown legs walk thru crosshairs and floodwater is quivering in deep, dark cracks. The key? You get the feeling - that it’s money or, you dig what you want, straight out of the ground. The bajaj drivers eat noodles and wait in mauve rain, clothes get hand-sewn in back alleys, and the gecko eyelids enclose each moment.

Jeremy Roberts (Jeremy) is a published New Zealand poet currently writing and performing poetry in Jakarta. He is a teacher at the New Zealand International school and performs as part of The Bajaj Boys, accompanied by Derek Fraser from Manchester, England on guitar. The experience of living in Indonesia has already been a creative inspiration for him.

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013


Meet the Expat by g a b r i e l l a pa n j a i t a n

When did you move to Indonesia? I moved in 2001. I took a course in teaching English back home, and the first people who wanted to hire me were from Jakarta. So I came and stayed. I guess I just wanted to get out of Canada that badly.


Sacha Stevenson Her gloriously funny ‘How to Act Indonesian’ YouTube videos are making headlines. Sacha loves Indonesia and has a soft spot for its social issues.

Your YouTube videos have gone viral in Indonesia. Tell us how the videos start! I tried making a couple of web series but it’s all about stuff I don’t know very well, and it’s not that interesting. My bule friends started introducing me as ‘Sasa’; “She’s half Indonesian”, they’d say. They joke about how Indonesian I am. We would hang out at someone’s house, sitting on chairs around the coffee table; give me an hour and I’ll sit on the floor. They would tease me and say, “You have to be more like a bule, Sacha. You should hang out with us more”. Then I thought, “Wait a minute, I shouldn’t be learning from them, they should be learning from me. I should make a series on ‘How to Act Indonesian’ because this is what I know”.

~ I think in whatever I do in the future it’ll have something to do with Indonesia ~ www.youtube.com/sasaseno 12

Viewers post some negative comments on your videos, how do you respond to them? I made the videos in English, so the people I was trying to reach are Indonesians who understand foreign language and cultures. But still, there are some people who aren’t very accepting of it. These comments started coming in about a week after I uploaded it. Then other people read them and commented back to those who called me names and said, “Oh grow up, it’s just a joke”. I like it because it kind of becomes a platform for people to discuss these things. I got this one hate message, though, that was physically threatening me. I don’t erase comments like these; everyone’s entitled to their own opinions. Are we going to see ‘annoying YouTube comments by Indonesians’ being a subject on your video? If you request it, I’ll do it!

You Tweeted something about a ban on your YouTube. What’s that about? I had a community guideline strike on YouTube. This is usually because someone has flagged your videos as inappropriate. A message from YouTube said ‘we’ve reviewed your videos and found inappropriate content’. So they took down the video, and I lost some of my rights as a YouTube partner. I filed some paperwork and the ban was lifted the next day, I guess I met the right person to straighten it out. How did you start observing these stereotypes of Indonesians? When I first came, I lived in a house the school I was teaching at provided me with. I was trying to learn Indonesian, but I didn’t really meet and talk with anybody there. So I moved out of the house and to the pembantu quarter. So my neighbours were a tukang bakso, and a pak Haji. I learned Indonesian by hanging out and observing them. It obviously worked, you speak Indonesian very well. Oh, there are also two things that helped; every Friday I would go home with a copy of Bobo magazine (kids’ magazine) and try to understand all the comic strips and learn simple words, write them down, and memorise 20 words a day. I thought the first words I should learn are those that were appropriate for kids. The other thing is Iwan Fals’ songs. I would buy his cassette tapes, translate some lyrics, and that’s how I learned bigger words. You sang some original songs on YouTube. How did that start? I don’t write too often, usually only if I have a particular thing in my mind and getting it out would make me feel better. It’s a way of expressing myself. But I like writing lyrics more than the music itself. Your song “Budaya” was the first original I heard from you on Youtube. Why did you write that song? I’d just come back from Egypt and a guy there told me about female genital mutilation and how they were defending the act because it was their ‘budaya’ (culture). I thought that was a good theme for a song, to talk about how culture isn’t an excuse for these acts.

What kind of genre are you into? I like folk music best. For about 15 years, I only listened to Ani DiFranco. I don’t really listen to popular music. What about documentary work you wanted to do? I like social issues, so I tried to make a documentary about street children. I slept for three days in Jalan Jaksa with street kids to make this documentary, but while I was editing it, I felt that it was so depressing, and stopped doing it. I’m waiting for something that really inspires me, then I’ll try again. Part of the YouTube thing is for me to practice to do my own production. You starred in a sinetron. Any plans on doing it again? No. It’s a horrible industry. A standard sinetron contract will sign you up for 600 episodes and you’ll be excited, but the contract is only to protect the production house. So if they want to cut you out of the sinetron after five episodes, they’re free to do so. Then, you’ll be stuck with this contract, unable to work at other programs, and you’ll be out of work for eight months. It’s not the lifestyle that I want, either. I prefer to do travel shows. What are you focusing on in Jakarta now? I’m building up a community around my YouTube channel; my dream job is to be a YouTuber. It’s hard to explain to my mum, but she understands now. Tell us a little about Bule on Blades! I rollerbladed from Jakarta to Bali. It started because I was frustrated with working in television, feeling like I have no control over anything, traffic pissing me off; it was a number of factors. So I just wanted to do something good. And it was sort of like a green campaign; if I can rollerblade from Jakarta to Bali then you can bike to work, or change one or two habits to better the city. It didn’t really have a big impact; I could’ve marketed it better. But you live and learn. If you do leave Indonesia, what will you miss most? I’d probably miss the sound of pengamen, because that’s very distinctive of Jakarta. I think in whatever I do in the future it’ll have something to do with Indonesia. ­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

Faces of Jakarta by H u s h p e t e r s e n

Keribo, Danu & Agay the



akarta is famous for three things: its food, its traffic and its street musicians.

Keribo and his friends Danu and Agay take pride in entertaining bus passengers - they ride anywhere between 40 and 50 different buses a day - choking down the fumes from countless Kopajas and belting out the hits from Indonesian idols like Slank, Iwan Fals and Jamrud. And while you won’t find the trio crooning Frank Sinatra tunes or swanning Bieber’s falsetto, Keribo and his friends happily take requests and know anywhere between 150-200 songs off the top of their heads. “We get to play for thousands of people every day”, says the 33-year-old guitar player. “We hop on our first bus at around 11 in the afternoon and play until 11 at night. It’s not a caféaa gig, but you never know what will happen. Someone might invite you to play their wedding and then someone at that wedding might know someone on a label. You have to believe that miracles happen every day.” With an outlook like that it’s no wonder that Keribo, with long black hair and a shy smile, loves the freedom that comes with playing the city’s buses. Whether belting out the hits in Bekasi or singing his lungs out in Senen, the life-long artist, who has been busking for the last seven years, is happy with the lifestyle and wouldn’t trade it for anything - except a big-time contract, of course. “The bus is our studio”, Keribo says. “We normally start at 7-Eleven in Matraman in East Jakarta, then head down to Blok M and over to Roxy before going to Bekasi or Senen. We make about Rp.150,000 a day, splitting it three ways. By why work as a trio? Why not play alone and keep all the money for yourself? “There’s something about working in a trio. We share everything. Also, if we’re

lazy, the other person motivates us and we encourage one another.” But what happens if you are singing your heart out and no one is reaching in their pockets to pull out a few ‘thank you’ Rupiahs? “People don’t have to pay, some people are happy just to know we’re working”, says Keribo. “We’re like a live radio station. You can change the channel, either get off the bus or ask us to play a song.” It could be worse. Kopajas are notorious for teams of pickpockets. People who, rather than play the guitar and work for a living, simply rob people trying to get to home in the evenings. “We don’t know Justin Bieber songs. We know Iwan Fals and Slank...if you want we can play Metallica...we know ‘Nothing Else Matters’. Really, if you ask us to play Slank, we’re happy. And if you want to give Rp.500 or Rp.1,000 we consider it a good day.” But they also work security. “A lot of people don’t take Kopaja because of pickpockets. Then there are people who see pickpockets but don’t do anything. It’s sad. I feel like I have to do something. If these guys are making people scared, then no one will ride. I have to stop them.” Sometimes that means throwing a punch. Other times Keribo simply gives the pickpockets a look that means he knows what they are up to. They normally get off at the next stop, giving up a seat for someone who might have an ear for music, someone who might know someone who works at a record label or someone who might give Keribo, Danu and Agay the big break they have been looking for. • Agay (black stocking cap), 27, guitar and vocals, Matraman -- 089650469285 • Keribo (long hair), 33, vocals and keyboard • Danu (hat), 23, vocal

hush petersen Hush Petersen is currently on sabbatical from the hero's journey. He loves sipping Budweisers, doing the crossword and judging people outside Ranch Market in Mega Kuningan. You should join him sometime.

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013



by a n t o n y s u t t o n

• Police shave the heads of punks in Aceh, Indonesia © EPA

Punk in Indonesia

It’s been 37 on to a d years since punk epressin rock burst g United Riots, striki K in g some prett ng unions, racism dom. and y bad fashio the coun try in a prett ns had left y bad wa y.

• Cock Sparrer


hen along came names like the Sex Pistols, Johnny Rotten, The Damned and Captain Sensible and things started changing. They dyed their hair, wore ripped up clothes and said naughty words on TV. For kids like me, who couldn’t get an angle on life, they were a breath of fresh air. They stuck their middle fingers up at society and thousands followed suit. Not much remains of those halcyon days. Most of the bands from that era still perform the retro circuit, while a few graves litter the years, as some of the icons like Sid Vicious and Malcolm Owen fell by the wayside. The idea of music as a form of protest seems as outdated as 45 rpm and black and white TV. Instead, rock and roll has been replaced by Simon Cowell and his big white teeth, moody looks and designer ripped jeans. Margaret Thatcher increased home ownership and, let’s face it, people with mortgages carrying crippling interest rates are unlikely to get out on the streets to protest too much. Punk still lives on, in a slightly different form in Indonesia and these guys have made the news in recent years. Aceh is not the easiest place to be nonconformist. With its strict implementation of Shariah law, the Mullahs in charge have a harsh world view that does not take into account Mohawks, tattoos and graffiti. Back in 2011, local punk rockers made headlines around the world. A group of them organized a concert, ‘Aceh for the Punk: A Music Parade and Fundraiser for Orphanages’ in a local park. All very noble on the surface and hardly the equivalent of the Sex Pistols hiring a boat and cruising the River Thames on the Queen’s silver jubilee. The organizers even went to the trouble of arranging the


necessary permits from the police and local Ulema Consultative Assembly. Not that it did them any good. The police still raided the concert that had attracted punks from all over Sumatra, and even from as far as Jakarta and Bekasi; hauling 64 kids off for special treatment. It seems the police were convinced the concert was a front for young people to drink, smoke and get close to members of the opposite sex. In other words, be teenagers. Punks had long been hassled in Aceh; the local authorities taking exception to their appearance and behaviour that did not, they claimed, fit in with local and religious customs. Now that they had the punks in their grasps, they set about ‘changing’ them by forcibly bathing them in a river, cutting off their colourful locks and sending them on a 10-day bootcamp, where they would be taught how to be good Acehnese people. Despite all the infringements on human rights implicit in that punishment, nary a word was heard from Jakarta. The Aceh authorities just went off and behaved like mini Fuhrers and no one said a word in protest.

and Arsenal if you like), Cock Sparrer would probably be a Burnley or Huddersfield Town; respected and with their own cult following, but not major players. But somehow Indonesians have picked up on the band. Take the supporters of PSS Sleman from Yogyakarta. A noisy, passionate bunch who travel in fairly large numbers home and away to see a team whose performances rarely get above mid-table in the second tier of the local leagues. But go to a Sleman game, preferably at their impressive Maguwoharjo Stadium, and listen to the lads go through their repertoire and there may be one tune that sounds familiar to an aging punk. ‘England Belongs to Me’ was released in 1982 after the band had gone into semi retirement for a few years but this, and their album, ‘Shock Troops’ bought a whole new audience for the East London boys. And now, thousands of miles away, that song has been given new life by the Brigata

Curve Sud, complete with ‘woah’ and the ‘dirty waters in the river’. One thing is certain. Never could the band have had so many people singing back that song when they were performing live and should they ever play in Sleman they would be assured of a hero’s welcome. There is another Cock Sparrer song that has become quite famous in Indonesia. Well, the riff at least. Trio Macan are, as the name partly suggests, a three-piece dangdut ensemble. Three ladies dressed in a manner, shall we say, that may not meet with the approval of the Mullahs of Aceh. But their hit ‘Iwak Peyek’ blatantly takes the riff from Cock Sparrer’s ‘Take ‘em All’. An interesting question for punk archivists; just why should Cock Sparrer have had such an impact in Indonesia though it must be said most fans of PSS and Trio Macan will not have heard the originals!

• Punks protest outside the Indonesian Embassy in London © Guy Smallman

The Banda Aceh Deputy Mayor said, “The city must be free and rid of punk members and the like. We don’t allow such groups to defile our environment and degrade the Sharia we’re upholding”. The news of the detention of these kids went viral with newspapers from the US, UK and even Pakistan picking up on the story. The influence of teenage rebellion that started in London almost four decades ago can also be found in other areas of Indonesia. Cock Sparrer will admit they were never the biggest band in the history of punk. If the Sex Pistols, the Clash, and the Damned were the big three (the Manchester United, Chelsea

Antony Sutton Antony is a freelance writer based in Jakarta. Please send comments and suggestions to antony@the-spiceislands.com

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

Rockstar Gym is a one-stop, children’s total development center designed to enhance physical, socio-emotional and cognitive skills in a fun, caring and safe environment. Children six months to 16 years will have loads of fun when they foster their strength, balance, coordination, agility, rhythm and flexibility while developing their social skills, confidence, independence and self-esteem. We offer a variety of classes which support our fundamental philosophy that differentiates our programs from the rest. Rockstar Gym have five different basic genres, such as gymnastics, dance, ballet, martial arts, and fun fit. In every category, we have different classes, like Baby Dance, Pre Ballet, Capoeira, Rock Jam and many more. Every class is based on a program that has been recognized by the world. Right now Rockstar Gym already has three active locations at Plaza Indonesia, Gandaria City, and Mall of Indonesia. Soon we will open our new location at Kota Kasablanka with a different concept and will be the largest gym ever. Rockstar Gym Kota Kasablanka will open in the end of September 2013. With strategic and classy location in the shopping center, Rockstar Gym brings a comfortable and convenient place with an affordable price. We add fun exciting genres to fulfill children’s needs; SPORT and SWIMMING. In sport, we have futsal, basketball, tennis and badminton. Also in this largest club, we have a fun Water Park with lots of pools; large pool, baby pool, kids pool with giant water bucket, jacuzzi, and water park slides. With classes that’s divided by age and ability levels, kids can do the exercise without having a hard time to learn. For example, we have lots of activities for teen and tween, such as Tween Gymn, Gymnastics NOW, Parkour, Stage Studio, Taekwondo, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wushu, Capoeira, Freestyle Ballet, Rytmo Dance, K-Pop, Street Dance, Street Jazz, RockJam, RockStrike, Tween Yoga, and Teen Yoga. Classes for teen and tween are designed and created with more serious activities in a fun way that can bring kids to the next level of exercise. Teen and ­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

tween in Rockstar Gym is really excited with our dance classes. In Rockstar Dance Program, they will learn cool dance moves & impress their friends while improving their stamina, flexibility, rythm, & coordination with the latest dance songs and latest dance moves. By following a new trend in Indonesia, all teen and tween classes in Rockstar Gym will make them happy to join the class. Because they can learn moves that are already trending on TV. Also, they can give their idea of moves to the instructor and they will learn the moves together. Not only fun classes, Rockstar Gym supports them to create new friendship and family among them. They can create a dance group that can do performances when Rockstar Gym has an event. We encourage them to build their self esteem, confidence, and coordination on the stage. Our extensively trained expatriate and national staff are both caring and dedicated to the development of children. They will guide your children through activities such as movement, exploration, sports, imaginative play; your child’s confidence and self esteem will soar. They will work hand in hand with the parents and caregivers to ensure that the Gym Philosophy will be consistent at home, as well. To appreciate children who are doing their exercise with the best effort, we have a special week after they finish the term. Each child will get a report card on a regular basis, known as Appraisal Card and Certificate on a special week named PERFORMANCE WEEK. Performance Week is held every end, or on the 10th week, of each term. This is is the time where the kids “show” their parents the skills that they have acquired for the whole term. More than the physical skills that they learn, this will build camaraderie, enhance their self-esteem and social skills. Being the first of its kind in Indonesia, Rockstar Gym aspires to set the gold standard in developing children’s motor abilities, self worth, and independence to all the children in our care. Children will learn to exercise their bodies as well as their minds. Our classes will teach children how to stay focused, attain goals & get excited about learning new skills. Let’s start a healthy life from an earlier age. 15

Light Entertainment by E a m o n n s a d l e r

Let’s Call it a Draw

night anyway, so I could pretty much get away with anything.


s soon as I looked old enough to drink I became a member of my local Irish Club in England. I was always tall for my age so I think I was probably only about 15 years old when I started going there, but it was never a problem anyway because the Irish Club wasn’t too fussy about the year of your birth as long as you could pay for your drinks and walk out under your own steam at the end of the night. If you couldn’t walk, the large barmen were always more than happy to help you leave, and there was generally a small pile of Irishmen just outside the door ten minutes after closing time. I used to go there pretty much every Friday night while my mother and stepfather thought I was at a friend’s house doing homework or playing with a hoop and a stick or something. They were always well under their own steam on a Friday

While I don’t generally condone the use of racial stereotypes, it is fair to say that there were more than a few members of this particular Irish Club who did little to dispel the myth about some Irishmen being extraordinarily fond of a skin-full of Guinness and a punch-up. I can’t remember exactly how many fights I witnessed there, but I do know that when I turned 18 and started going to regular pubs, I couldn’t figure out for the life of me why I could still understand what people were saying after nine o’clock or why there were no glasses flying about. One particularly disturbing incident is, however, lodged firmly and forever in my memory. I was in the club enjoying a pint of Guinness and watching a game of snooker. It was after 9pm, so I was on my guard and I was keeping a low profile because experience had taught me that it was not a good idea to be available for an independent third party opinion during a dispute about the rules. Two Irishmen were playing for a pile of cash that was sitting on the edge of the table, it was two frames each in a best of five and

only the pink and the black remained. Six points for the pink would take the match and the player in the lead was standing behind the white ball, chalking his cue and eyeing up the shot. It was a very simple nudge into the side pocket with an easy follow-through for the black, even though he didn’t need it. He leaned down onto the table and lined up the shot, taking his time and nervously sliding the cue rapidly back and forth across the bridge of his left hand. There was quite a lot of money at stake so he was in no rush. I turned away for a second to put my glass down on the table behind me and at that exact moment I heard a sickening thud. I turned round to see the player lying flat on the table and the green baize turning black in a slowly expanding circle beneath his head. The cue was still on the bridge of his left hand. Behind him two men were grappling with his opponent who was holding a beer bottle by the neck and straining for second whack. The men wrestled him to the ground and then dragged him out as others arrived to help the man on the table. He was unconscious and bleeding badly from a serious gash on the back of his head and there is no doubt in my mind that a second blow would have killed him. An ambulance was called and

he was taken away to a hospital for X-rays and treatment. I watched in astonished silence as the whole drama unfolded before me. The violence of the act was shocking enough, but the fact that I knew the two men were brothers made the whole thing far more disturbing. Even more amazing, the following Friday night they were both back in the bar laughing about the whole episode and reenacting it for those who had missed it. You would have thought that this incident alone would have been enough to persuade a 15-year-old boy to find a new place to spend his Friday nights. However, I didn’t make any effort to clean up my act until I woke up at dawn one Saturday morning, half buried in snow and lying across a railway track. From then on it was table tennis at the Youth Club and home before ten.

To read more by Eamonn Sadler, go to www.eamonnsadler.com To find out more about live stand-up comedy in Indonesia please e-mail info@jakartacomedyclub.com text or call 0821 1194 3084 or register at www.jakartacomedyclub.com

for the macet mind

“The driver was cleaning my car with my autographed Manchester United shirt…” Across


1 Bill - story (7) 8 The rain (anag) (7) 9 Tourist guide (7) 10 Laurence, actor (7) 11 Fruit (5) 13 Bandit (9) 15 Thing regarded as beyond criticism (6,3) 18 Devoured (5) 21 Large or misshapen creature (7) 22 Treeless plain (7) 23 Go forward (7) 24 Chest of drawers in two sections (7)

1 West African capital (5) 2 Fool - sort of chop (5) 3 Slogan inculcating togetherness (6,2,5,7,2,4) 4 Pangs (at birth or death) (6) 5 See 3 (13) 6 Heart disease (6) 7 Method of sound reproduction (6) 12 South American carnivore (4) 14 Have a meal (4) 15 Ape-like (6) 16 Sculptor of the Three Graces (6) 17 Floor covering (6) 19 Beat (of the heart) (5) 20 Indigent (5)

*Answers for Edition 101

Send us the funny things you hear new expats in Jakarta say and you (plus a friend) could be attending the next Jakarta Comedy Club event as our guests. SEND YOUR ENTRY BY TEXT TO:

0821 1194 3084 Thanks to Gordon L. from Kota, Jakarta for this issue's winning quote. Please contact us to collect your prize.

Across: 5. So far so good 7. Trio 8. By the way 9. Airport 11. Jetty 13. Chase

14. Set free 16. Immature 17. Grip 18. Near the bone Down: 1. Afro 2. Bribery 3. Booth 4. Tone deaf 5. Straight man 6. Draw the line

10. Pass away 12 Get even 15. Mufti 17. Grow

Extended Edition's Quiz: the 100 quiz Scan the barcode and answer the 10 questions correctly for a chance to win: A CASE OF REFRESHING ALBEN'S CIDER! Congratulations to Imelda Liliyanti for winning a hotel and flight voucher from nusatrip.com worth rp.500,000! 16

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013


special event

ATM Transfer Traps For some smooth-talking confidence artists, there’s no simpler way to make money than telephoning someone and tricking them into transferring the contents of their savings account via an automatic teller machine.


ow could anyone fall for such a con? It often starts when a person innocently advertises something for sale. For example, a woman receives a new designer handbag and decides to sell it via an online or newspaper advertisement. A scammer calls and says he wants the bag. But he lives far away, so he will transfer the money to the woman’s bank account and then send a courier to collect the item. The woman later checks her account balance at an ATM and sees the transfer has not been made, so she calls the buyer. He tells her to check again, and gives her a series of instructions – in which she transfers her money to him. Hard to believe, but this sort of scam is common. Victims say the scammers have hypnotic voices and sometimes pose as bank staff. A man named Teddy received several calls of interest after advertising his West Jakarta house for sale. One prospective buyer, who claimed to be based out of town, phoned repeatedly to ask about the condition of the house and then declared he would purchase it. The two parties agreed to a price, with the buyer promising to transfer the money via ATM. No funds had come through when Teddy checked his BCA account, so he phoned the buyer, who told him, “Sorry Sir, there may be a problem with the bank, as I have done the transfer. I’ll visit BCA and inform them of the problem.” The fraudster soon called back, this time on the line with a woman posing as a BCA service representative. She advised Teddy to insert his ATM card, key in his PIN and follow her instructions. Convinced he was talking to a genuine BCA employee, Teddy did as the woman said and was told, “Thank you Sir, the money has been transferred from this side into your account. Please check your account in a few minutes.” Teddy waited for some other people to use the ATM and then checked his savings account, expecting to see a fortune. He was horrified to see his balance reduced to Rp.10,000. Realizing he had been conned, he called the phony buyer but there was no answer.


At least five doctors fell for a similar scam last year. They had received an SMS text message inviting them to a congress of the Indonesian Doctors Association in Bali, for which they would be given Rp.5 million to cover their flights and accommodation. Upon calling a number provided by the scammers, each doctor was told to go to an ATM and follow “coded instructions” to get the money transferred to their accounts. The duped doctors unwittingly transferred a total of about Rp.100 million. Police later arrested the scammers. Another doctor, Haryati Amantjik, received a fake letter from “Telkom Indonesia” informing her she had won a Rp.10 million shopping voucher. She telephoned a contact person named Misnan Prayoga, who told her to go to an ATM and follow his instructions. She transferred Rp.24,3 million to the scammer. Some scammers wait for victims at ATMs. When a person arrives to use the ATM, the scammer pretends to be withdrawing money – anywhere from Rp.1 million to Rp.2,5 million – and then starts complaining loudly, “I hit the wrong button! I was supposed to transfer this money, not withdraw it! I urgently need to transfer this money, but I can’t because the bank has closed. Look, if I give you this Rp.2,5 million in cash, can you please transfer that amount to this account number?” The money provided by the scammer is always counterfeit. There is an even more brazen ATM scam. As you’re putting your card into the slot, a person grabs your arm from behind and claims you dropped something from your wallet or purse. If you turn around to bend down and pick up the planted items, perhaps some scattered business cards, a second person will quickly hit ‘Cancel’, remove your card and replace it with another one. When you attempt to make your transaction, your PIN won’t work. The scammers will watch you typing your PIN for several attempts and memorize the number. They can then rush to another ATM and withdraw your money.

Clean UP jakarta day Jakarta Expat goes green! Clean Up Jakarta Day is a gateway to a cleaner Jakarta. Brought to you by Jakarta Expat, Clean Up Jakarta Day aims to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of littering. On November 10th 2013, everyone is encouraged to join our cleanup of Jakarta’s streets. Organised sites include Kemang, Thamrin, Pluit, Sudirman, and more. You can also nominate a site to be cleaned up. Volunteers will start the cleanup in the morning, separating recyclable and nonrecyclable materials, which will be transported to the appropriate site for further processes. Let’s stop littering and clean Jakarta! Sign up now and do your part for the city. Go to www.cleanupjakartaday. org or visit the Twitter page (@ cleanupjktday) or Facebook page (Clean up Jakarta Day). E-mail cleanupjktday@jakartaexpat. biz for more information.


International Conferences on SocioCultural, Anthropology, Criminology and International Relations Political scientists and experts, as well as academics and sociologists, are invited to share their breakthrough ideas at the International Conferences on SocioCultural, Anthropology, Criminology and International Relations (SACIR 2013). Conference will take place at the Media Hotel Jakarta, 14 – 16 October 2013. A list of topics will be covered in the seminars, talks, and paper submission discussions; topics like game theory, green politics, comparative politics, intelligence governance, social psychology, and many more. The conference venue is located at Jl. Gunung Sahari Raya No. 3, Jakarta. Please send an e-mail to sacirconf2013@gmail.com for more information on the event or go to www.socioculturerelation.org

parents are going to celebrate their favourite event, SIS MEGA BAZAAR on Saturday, September 28, 2013. SIS-Bazaar is a nonprofit hands-on subject activity for students of Business, Economics, Accounting, Mathematics and IT where they learn how to apply erudite concepts in real world situations. Bazaar Day brings something for everyone, along with a range of informational activities, entertainment and a variety of food stalls for Food Lovers! Join in on celebrating the wonderful atmosphere of SIS-MEGA BZAAR. Singapore International School is located in Bona Vista, Lebak Bulus. Tel: +6221-7561 4414, Website: www.sisschools.org, email: info@sisschools.org. For stall booking: Rachma YuliantiMarketing & PR Officer rachma. yulianti@sisschools.org

IdeaFest 2013 IdeaFest 2013 brings talented and inspiring people into light. With the theme “Be The Next Bold Creative Leader”, IdeaFest gathers local talent to discuss creative ideas and how to apply them in the Indonesian market. Indonesia is now very well-known in the digital and technological market; it is a great platform to spread new and creative potentials. Some public figures are scheduled to appear and share their insights on managing creativity, showcasing their talents, and great ways to market; such as Ahok (Jakarta’s Vice Governor), Raditya Dika (writer and comedian), Christian Rijanto (Ismaya Group), and many more. Seminars and panel discussions include segments like ‘Business With Style’, ‘The Future of Tomorrow’s Media’, ‘Social Innovation in Education’, and ‘How Youtube (will) Change Our Life’, among others. Please contact 0817817118 for more information, or go to www. fgdexpo.com/ideafest. Ideafest will be on 27 September (workshop) and 28 September 2013 (conference).

arts & exhibitions

Singapore International School Bazaar Saturday, Sep 28, 2013 / 07:30am to 1:00 pm. SIS-BV students and

Organic, Green & Healthy Expo of Indonesia The parking lot of KompasGramedia group, Jl. Palmerah Selatan in Jakarta will be filled with a crowd of people who are, not only planning to live more healthily, but also are taking the necessary steps. The Organic, Green & Healthy Expo of Indone-

sia will be held on 3 – 6 October 2013. All the information you need about living the organic and healthy lifestyle is packaged into this weekend of workshops, healthy cooking classes, and demos. Agriculture experts and producers, as well as activists of the green movement are to be expected at this event, whose main focus is exchanging stories, experiences and promoting their industries. This event is supported by big names of the healthy lifestyle industry, the minister of agriculture, doctors, and food specialists. Visit www. oghexpo.com for more information.


X2 Invasion Tiesto Club Life He’s at it again! Tiesto is dropping his beats at Eco Park Ancol, 4 October 2013. Tiesto is known for his unique sound that makes his ‘Tiesto’ genre very popular and beloved. He’s been nominated for Grammy awards, numerous MTV awards, and even performed for the opening ceremony at the Athens Olympic Games in 2004. Tiesto has worked with big names like Kanye West, Katy Perry, Coldplay, and many others. This Dutch DJ, who plays for an audience of thousands worldwide, is coming to Jakarta and he’s calling all the party people to join him. As part of his Club Life tour, Jakarta’s hosting his show at Eco Park Ancol, 4 October 2013. Please call the ticketing hotline on (021) 3600 1800 or visit www.rajakarcis.com and send an e-mail to info@rajakarcis.com


Zinc Vertical Running What’s more challenging than running? The answer is Vertical Running. If you are up for the challenge, join the Zinc Vertical Running Competition that is organised by Kompas-Gramedia, BCA, and Zinc Shampoo. The 56 story Menara BCA building will be the venue of this run. Runners will start at the bottom of the building and finish at the top of the building, its 56th level. The winner will be given cash prize and the chance to be Indonesia’s ambassador for the Vertical Marathon in Singapore. This run will commence at 7:00 and finishes at 10:00 on the morning of Sunday, 13 October 2013. To register, please visit www.zincverticalrunning.com

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

Non-Commercial Classifieds are still FREE! Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz Next issue deadline: 2nd October 2013 Have something to sell? Looking for something to buy? Looking for staff? Selling property? Or need a place to live? Why not place your classified ad with Jakarta Expat! Your classified will be placed once for 2 weeks online and once in our printed version which has a circulation of 15.000 copies bi-weekly. Conditions: Personal classifieds : Free of Charge / 50 words max Commercial classifieds : Rp. 100,000 / 0 - 50 words : Rp. 200,000 / 50 - 100 words - Property listings are considered as Commercial. - For adding an image / company logo in our printed issue another Rp. 150,000 needs to be charged. Send in your classifieds to ads@jakartaexpat.biz

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Toyota Rush 1.5S Manual, Colour Black, mileage 5100Km, Dec 2012. Expat returning home, the car only used for school run. 190juta (nego) Contact Ron 081510330402 From: Vasco Canto Moniz <vascocm@gmail.com> HONDA CG SCRAMBLER. Expat owned, fully registered, recent service, new tires, surf racks. Semyniak/ Canggu area. Very good price! 082260360408

Nice house for rent at Puri Margasatwa Cilandak, 10 minute to Cilandak Commercial Estate 1000/500,compound, pool,4 BR,big garden, call Alina Sari081381670417, US$3.000/mth min 2 years.

er necessities) 68sqm. S'pool, tennis court, gym facilities. Good condition, Fully furnished with home appliances, min. 6 months lease, USD1300 mth. Email: yanninjapan@gmail.com - Phone: 0821 10357980 House for rent in Pondok Indah. I'm a property agent in Pondok Indah area. I know a lot of listings and can help you look for your dream house. If you need my service, please contact me at 08111929393 or check out my website. http://reginapondokindah.wordpress.com/

RENTAL PROPERTIES. LOOKING FOR HSE/APT TO RENT IN BSD & JKT, CALL ME AT:081311010989 KI Toyota Kijang Innova 2009, 2.0 E MT, Gasoline, Full Astra Service record, 60,000 kms, Leather seats, Excellent condition, Expat owned from new IDR 175 million. Please contact us at 081510019413

2BR apartment for rent. Conveniently located @ FX Residence Sudirman- Senayan. Housekeeping, laundry services. Residence within a mall (marts, cafe, restaurants, entertainments & oth-

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

88Office Center situated in Kota Casablanca, Kuningan business area. We offer virtual office service, office space rental, meeting facilities, security 24 hours

video surveillance, office assistant service and etc. The special rate to be offered at PRE OPENING period. M : 0816 1780 4516. E : sales@88office.co.id W : www.88office.co.id

Sunrise House (homestay with hotel style design); New build and locates at sudirman cbd, few minutes from four season hotel; Contact (081586238622); Monthly rate net usd 400 up; Daily or weekly available; Facilities ; a/c, wifi, swimming pool, hot shower; fully furnished, roof garden, lift. Facebook : Sun Rise House Executive house for rent 5km from Citos and Ampera Raya, large 4bdr/3bth, 2 kitchens with dishwasher, washer and dryer, eco pool, beautiful gar-

den and genset ctc: 0816 757175 view http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=CWcruA-2miU The Mayflower Executive Apt., Sudirman, Jakarta for rent. Fully furnished 3BR 2 Ba apt. located in Jl. Sudirman Jakarta is open for rent (min. 12 mths). Inquiries: jovitadja@gmail.com Room for Rent If you need a room w/own entrance, porch, bathroom, tv, free breakfast and the use of swimming pool in a Balinese style house, pls contact me. It's in Cirendeu/Lebak Bulus Raya area. giallombardo@btinternet.com

Umalas area. For more information contact info@villaandamanbali. com, visit www.villaandamanbali. com or call 081290090809 Houses for rent in Kemang, Cipete, Cilandak, Pejaten Barat, Pondok Indah. Big garden, S’pool, complex, 4-5 bedrooms, US$2000-$7000. Please call or sms Madam Heny: 085212655150 or 02198861136.

Jobs Jobs Available Look for a young staff who can handle multiple tasks. Fluent in Indonesian and English. Have PC at home, can some excel, FB update. 2 hrs a day, 6 days a week at home. Can work in South Jakarta sometime. 08111806010

Looking for Work Your home in Bali. Be it your home or a family gathering place if you are crowded. A 7 BR huge 920/1250 sqm villa in Kerobokan-

I'm looking for a job as a housekeeper for full time/part time. I am Maritess Alejado 43 years old, I can do general cleaning and general shopping. I have


references letter from my experiences. My english is excellent. I am from Philippines. Please contact me 081386383413

I'm looking for a job as a housekeeper for full time/part time. Iam Maritess Alejado 43 years old, I can do general cleaning and general shopping. I have references letter from my experiences. My english is excellent. I am from Philippines. Please contact me 081386383413 Looking for A Job Hi! I am looking for a full time or part-time job as a Secretary/ Administration. If interested please contact me 08128618811. Waiting for good responses. Thanks. Resume is available upon request.


Medical evacuation health & life insurance. Let us diagnose your needs. Contact Paul Beale, mobile: +62 816 137 0663, office: 021-5220990 E:paulbeale@gms-financial.com

no.15. Jl.Arteri tentara pelajar 1 no.5 Jakarta 12210. Telp.0215794 0937 fax.021-5794 0938. footclinic@chiroindo.co.id

Ratu September 28 - October 4. For beginners from 8 to 15 years old. 24 hours Expat Supervision – Internationally certified instructors. 1 instructor for 2

kids – Beginner’s lessons held in chest high water. Animations by Club Med staff – All included. Our camps are fun, educative and safe! See a video of a surf

camp: http://www.youtube. com/watch?v=8EaUxuVdz08 Contact Stéphane at: +62 813 1122 3495 walakaboats@yahoo.fr

www.facebook.com/walakasurfschool Spanish - My name is Jimena Melgar and I have experience teaching Spanish and as a tutor

Bahasas Indonesia lesson for expats at your house or office, given by experienced instructor. Letter of recomendation available. Please call Pak Chairuman 0812 1037 466 or email chairuman2013@yahoo.co.id I'm a female English tutor for kids, looking for jobs in the Central and South Jakarta. For info please email to s.affidon@gmail.com or call/text to 0812-971-27-404 Private Spanish Lessons. Learn Spanish at your place with an experienced Spanish tutor from Spain. Most of my students come from International Schools (JIS and BIS). Please, call me ( Raúl) 082110502786. Email: unascartas@yahoo.com

Bahasa Indonesia class in October 2013 at the American Club. Private & In-company training also available for Bahasa/English/ Mandarin. Qualified teacher & excellent material 021-68888246 or 081385590009 www.sibschool.com

Treating: Flat feet, Knee, hip and back pain. Sports injuries. Kids feet and leg problems. Using: International standard assessment and treatment. Computer designed orthotics (Australian made with Lifetime guarantee. No need to travel to Singapore or Australia! Local and International Foot experts available NOW in Jakarta. Rukan Permata Senayan Blok A 20

Scan your books to read them on the go!!! PT. MegaEnviron is specialized in scanning books even without removing the book bindings (non-destructive scan). Other services include scanning documents, photographs, films, and slides, data entry, managing documents and database. Contact: Charoen Sanpawa, Mobile: 0811930-3744, Office: 021-632-6667. E-mail:charoen@megaenviron. com. www.MegaEnviron.com

INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC, LOCAL, OFFICE MOVING, STORAGE. Call Francois 085 8838 98678, email: Francois@safeway.co.id, or Lidya 0815 1333 1371 / 08128298-4242, email: lidya.aritonang@safewayrelo.com. www.safewayrelo.com “RELOCATION MADE EASY’’ Private Classical Piano Lesson for Children and Adults. Teacher willing to come to your place for the lesson (for South Jakarta area). Well experienced in teaching Piano for children, adults and music theory as well, also provides the ABRSM Examination that’s Internationally certified, if you are interested, please contact 081317810789 HOLIDAY SURF CAMP. Pelabuhan ­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

for children from 4 to 15 years. Feel free to write to me if you are interested in learning Spanish or your children need a tutor who helps them with their school homework and duties. Contact: jimenita08@hotmail.com

YOUR PATHWAY TO 2ND YEAR AT UNIVERSITY OVERSEAS. Accounting? Finance? Marketing? Management? Media & Communication? IT? MIBT Jakarta campus provides programs that allow you to enter the second year of university overseas. Located in a bright new modern building with facilities that support first-class teaching and learning activities, MIBT Jakarta facilitates your transition from high school to university level education in Australia and other countries. Special direct pathway to Deakin University. For questions about MIBT Jakarta campus or to request a brochure, please contact us at 021 29022285-89 or visit our website at www.mibt.or.id


Horse for Sale - Dressage. Bonita: pure bred German Hannovaranian. Team gold medalist at the SEA games 2011 for Indonesia. Beautiful mare 1.70m born in Germany 1994 from excellent pedigree. Very friendly and gentle. Awesome dressage moves, snaffle and double bridal. Perfect for ride outs. Excellent family horse for ambitious riders. Laurent von Bueren <vonbueren1@hotmail.com> Dining Table for sale. Suar Wood. Seats comfortably 1214 people. Dimensions: Table: 4.1mtrs long, 1 meter wide & 10cm thick. Long Benches: 3mtrs x40cm, End benches: 60x40cm. Perfect for the Entertainers! Seat cushions included. RP18 million. Contact: teressia.weatherall@hotmail. com or 081294475814

We offer Ballet & Jazz Ballet classes for children & adult, Explore our exciting classes with our certified teachers and class will be conducted in English. Our studio is located only a few minutes from Sudirman area, Other classes are also available such as Hip Hop, Wushu, Singing & FMM for toddlers. call 0213920010 or email info@flamingostudio.net for free trials (limited time offer only).

Aibi AB-G81 home gym. Been stored outside so needs clean-

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

ing up and some oil but still in good working order. Original instruction book. Rp2.5M. Buyer collects. Call / sms 0818923434.

over the world at a very reasonable price, then this visual treat is for you! Over 400 items & more. Please click to see all prices & description: http://www.flickr.com/photos/26661570@N00/ sets/If anything allures you. Please contact ayesha510@yahoo. co.in, 0816750800. Pick Up at Kebayoran Baru.

An Exotic Sale by WanderLust360. If you are fascinated by (greatly loved) beautiful and exotic things from all



­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013



­­ · 25 September - 8 Oktober 2013

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