presentation thursday 18th

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FMP “To create and produce a new skateboarding brand, focusing on the branding, advertising and production.”

There were a few reasons why i wanted todo this subject brief; Possibly the most crucial and factoring one is my involvment and love for the sport and culture. I’ve skateboarded since i was a young boy, and have loved it since. I came to admire the design aspect of skateboard brands once i began my interest for graphic design, i feel like this is something i could apply my knowledge to and be successful with. I also chose to create a brand rather than re brand an exsisting skateboarding brand, as i feel this would be a great way to apply all types of design skills i’ve recently learnt being able to mix hand crafted work, with digital illustrations and website coding.


To start my project my first intention is to research on creating a brand, by looking through my primary research. From here i would look to coming up with ideas taken from my research to apply to my own work, starting with a brand name and a brand image. Once i have the brand image and name and begin to create a brand identity, which should hopefully tie in to the two, giving a clear image to the community what the brand is about.

Project plan

From here i can begin to experiment with the project, using my creative skills to come up with ways to apply to my project. My first experiment priority would be that off the design images the brand puts out for skateboards,clothing and other accessories. This will lead me to my research of looking at printing methods to materials and products. I feel like this is where i will have the most fun with this project, as i’ve experimented in the past with similar matters.

Once i have finished with experimenting with product design, and i’m happy with what i have. I again will refer back to my research of the stage i’m at on how to advertise my brand and product to the target audience and community. I hope to create a range of types of advertising from printed to digital applying my knowledge from my dissertation work on advertising to such matter. My final stage of the product would be to essentialy release to the community including social networking.

FMP research structure In terms of applying structure to my researh i intend to essentialy go o my project plan by researching at necessary points of the project. For example i would start my research of by looking at exsisting skateboard brands, and identities. This will lead me to finding and analysing exsisting skateboard brands, noting key points such as; Their brand image and identity. Brand structure. social presence with in the community.

I intend to archive my research in to sections and folders, through the necessary points of the project as i previously mentioned. This will allow me to see where my research may be lacking in sections and sections where i’ve looked at thoroughly. With in the archive structure, i will be able to devide my research into sections of methodology which will allow me to compare results and cross check. The main areas i will be looking at to research will be;

Exsisting brands, and all their context such as brand image, product, social appearance. What the community wants from my brand, and what would make the community respond in the best way possible. Production methods, such as how methods on how print products, best methods to take and equipment needed. Advertising, releated to my earlier research on what the community wants, i will be able to use this to create personal directed advertising.


As well as the structuring my plan to research i have also planned on how i will gather and obtain my research. As being a skateboarding brand, and as a skateboarder my self i feel the best and first place to start my research is with in the community its self. I plan to talk to my fellow and local skateboarders, in a range of agers to ask them what they would like to see from a skateboarding brand, what would differ a new skateboarding brand from the exsisting. I would do this in the form of a set

Research methodologies

of questions to ask individals and groups in skateparks and locations. I wouldd o this in a recorded interview so i can look back at my research for refrence, as well to the possibility of using it in other areas of my project. My second area and method i would apply would be to simply observe and analyse, i think this would be different if i didn’t partake in the sport my self, but i feel with this advantage i can do it in the way of viewing brands as a customer and what i would do differently with my own brand.

My last area and method would be to use the internet, though i don’t want to be depended on the internet it is also a good place to apply the first two methods of research, such as online questionairs to skateboarders and people who are interested in the subject. Analysing brands presence online, on how they come across and what medias do they use to communicate with their community and customers if at all.

FMP Whats next? At this moment of time, i believe i am at the stage i need to be in this project. I have done a lot of research through exsisting brands/products/methods and media as well as knowledge just from my years of interest in the sport and brands. I am currently up to designing a brand image, i’m not sure what direction i would like togo in terms of brand image, with in the exsisting skateboard brands each brand brings their own interest/style to the table. For example, skateboard brand Element bring a rural

healthy living and enviroment friendly approach to the skateboarding community. Brands such as death and bones bring a darker image to the table, with illustrative designs. Whilest others bring a humour to the table with their designs featuring jokes that perhaps only the community and participant would understand. I’ve looked slightly a head of time to get an vaig idea of what i need todo for parts of the project that might take more time such as product production.

For this i have been looking at methods of printing, the main one that seems the most promising in my eyes, is the idea of building a curved screen printing machine that fits the contours and curves of the skateboard to print on. I feel like this will give me some interesting results and a greater understanding of what works when printing for products and what doesnt. I’ve also been looking a head at what software i could use, for example with the social aspects of creating a website, adobe muse.


When set with the task to create something with in a design criteria in releation to what i want todo with this project, we was told todo something we’ve maybe never done before whilest still tying in with the project. Photography was’nt the first idea that came to mind, but whilest looking through skateboarding magazines, and through social advertising, it came clear photography was one of the most important areas with in selling and creating a brand to and for the public.

FMP Jake Davies U1257676

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