S e l e c t e d
w o r k s
a c a d e m i c
J a k e
C u m b e r l a n d A r c h i t e c t u r e p o r t f o l i o
2 0 1 8
2 0 1 9
Image: Architecture, Construction and planning study guide 2020 - Griffith University
Labelled within the top 5% of his undergraduate degree, Jake created an award-winning design for a proposed visitor centre for the Gold Coast Regional Botanical Gardens through collaboration between the Gold Coast City Council and Griffith University. Since then Jake has won the 2019 Arkhefield internship competition to secure a full-time position while currently studying his masters at the University of Queensland. Jake has continued to excel through his career from having his works published by multiple platforms such as KooZA/rch. Jake is an enthusiastic and a good-natured individual with an extensive passion for design. Jake is passionate about not only the creative aspect of the design process, but also the production procedure involved in giving life to a project or idea. Having worked on a diverse range of commercial, institutional, residential, and public projects of various stages, including conceptual design, master planning and design development. Jake can bring to the table the necessary skills to parallel creativity and business attributes alike. Subsequent to his qualifications, Jake’s roles within the field of architecture and construction have required him to exhibit an extensive display of team work and customer service, which have attributed to his very driven and committed work ethic.
Academic -
ARCH7006 Studio 5 -
4 th Year -
T h e
D a t a
M i n e The proposal is a poetic response towards the ‘internet culture’ of the 21st century. Corporations such as google hold a limitless power over their users from hiring employees on social media who have an established credibility’s within different industries. A social media influencer has access to a large audience and can persuade others by self-virtue. Majority of social media users do not realise that the social platforms are not just friendly ‘platforms’ for ‘social interaction’ however an invasion of privacy to lure and capture personal data.
The project celebrates social media becoming a catalyst for the 21st century creating a Google Data Mine abroad on the Moon. The portable data mine’s purposes are to collect data from the Moons landscape and to influence earth viewers the diverse quality of life on the moon. Data will assist the development of a virtual world on the moon. YouTube influences will be aboard the data pods, promoting Googles new and advanced virtual world ‘Google Data Mine’ is a family of portable pods which transport around the moon in the sense of a vehicle, allowing the forms to collect and virtually duplicate the moons iconic landscape.
The proposal was heavily influenced by the unbuilt precedent the “walking City – by Archigram” from allowing the forms to roam free however the need for collaboration. The portable pods have different functions allowing the Data Mine users to live in satisfaction. The proposed forms have extendible arms to interchange the users to different functions such as the ‘YouTube pod’ and the ‘Sleeping Pod’, creating spaces of curiosity and physical social interaction.
Academic - ARCH7006 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7006 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7006 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7006 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7006 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7005 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7005 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7005 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - ARCH7005 - 4 th Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - 3902ENV - 3 trd Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - 3902ENV - 3 trd Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - 3902ENV - 3 trd Year - Grade: High Distinction
1 st Benowa Botanical Gardens, Gold Coast, AUS - 2018
Academic - 3901ENV - 3 trd Year - Grade: High Distinction
Within the Master plan, the connection of the waterbodies cleared the static water from the site, allowing the old static water to now flow into the Nerang River, the free flowing water bodies heavily influencing the design process. The proposed building was designed to represent an organic wave form to link with the surrounding waterways and blend in with the sites nature and landscape. The link between landscape and structure interaction is a vital aspect of the buildings form. The landscape stomachs sections of the structure to combine the pair as one, allowing sections of the roof to be accessible for the future users.
Gold Coast Regional Botanical Gardens Visitor Centre
Academic - 3901ENV - 3 trd Year - Grade: High Distinction
Academic - 3901ENV - 3 trd Year - Grade: High Distinction
Existing Proposed