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S H O P T H E C O L L E C T I O N AT J O H N H E N R I C . C O M

L U X U R Y F A S H I O N D E S I G N B E A U T Y C E L E B R I T Y C U LT U R E T R A V E L S E X – G AY L I F E I N S T Y L E –





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d o r i a n m a g a z i n e i s s c a n d i n a v i a’ s l e a d i n g , g a y g l o s s y, fa s h i o n m a g a z i n e , c r e at e d b y a n awa r d w i n n i n g editorial team that add bold european appeal to world class editorials and features, seducing cosmopolitan readers everywhere. d o r i a n f e at u r e s i n t e r n at i o n a l fa shion editorials shot by renowned photographers with top male models, opulent art and design, unique celebrity portraits, extreme beauty and exotic gay travel destinations. provoking articles complete the decadent dorian universe, presented in a uniq u e a n d v i s u a l ly s t u n n i n g p a c k a g e . dorian is published q u a r t e r ly. welcome to gay life in style!



we accept unsolicited submissions subject to the following conditions: we review submissions b e tween magazine production so it takes time to respond. we review all submissions and if we elect to publish your work, you will be contacted before publication. we cannot promise to contact all declined applicants. p l e as e b e awa r e w e a r e n o t r e s p o n s i b l e for unsolicited materials sent to us.

B E N J A M I N FA L K editor–in–chief | publisher J A K E RY D Q V I S T c r e at i v e d i r e c t o r | fas h i o n d i r e c t o r PROOFREADING b e v e r ly s a n f o r d S A L E S & A D V E RT I S I N G A RT D I R E C T I O N jake rydqvist P U B L I C R E L AT I O N S PUBLISHER jake & benjamin communication Box 7592, 103 93 Stockholm



REPRO / PRINT ulma press, printed in estonia ISSN 2000-1762



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c o v e r b y B E N J A M I N FA L K & J A K E RY D Q V I S T styling DENNIS BRÖCHNER grooming OLLE JOHANSSON for makeupstore A N T O N E WA L D w e a r s l e a t h e r p a n t s H & M wa i s t c o t a n d t r e n c h O D E U R l e a t h e r j a c k e t, c o a t a n d s h e a r l i n g c o a t A C N E






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editors’ letter


aradigm shifts come in many shapes and forms. In our case, it’s time to relaunch Dorian’s homepage. The gorgeous has a number of attractive new features; Dorian editors starting individual blogs, being one. Follow us daily in the makings of The World’s Most Fashionable Gay Magazine (as well as a whole lot of scene gossip). We also introduce high profile fashion industry bloggers. To start us off: one of the world’s most celebrated model bookers and an extraordinary fitness model, who will satisfy your need for fresh faced beauty and keep your body-worship in check. We celebrate our Swedish heritage with a large feature on all things Swedish. If you haven’t visited our native yet, you’ll do just fine after digesting our feature, focusing on the most interesting faces and the best places to visit. We do our best to dispel or confirm the many myths about Swedes. The Swedish semifinals in the Eurovision song contest; Melodifestivalen is a local holy cow. Not only is it the second most watched TV-show each year but it’s also the fastest and most efficient way to promote a new star. This year’s brightest star was our cover boy; Anton Ewald, who patiently let us pile the season’s statement outerwear on top of him, aswell as speaking candidly about beauty, fame and gay porn.

Getting married is like, totally major, as Rachel Zoe would put it - especially as it’s not even legal or a human right in many parts of the world. Creative director Jake shares his experience after getting hitched himself this summer, on the beautiful island of Gotland. But gays getting married also mean that they are getting divorced! So far the divorce rate is quite low in comparison to straight couples, due to the short time gays have been able to marry- we presume. But the rate is expected to at least reach straight marriages very quickly, and with that a whole new divorce industry. Our eminent reporter Daniel Scheffler has dived into this subject. The Antwerp Six is a well-known fashion phenomenon – but how many people actually travel to Antwerp? We visited this gay gem in full glory as the city hosted World Outgames, Pride and Mr Gay World in August. We are happy to announce that Dorian now is available on ALL digital platforms through POCKETMAGS.COM. You can also to buy the hard copy here. We wish you a highly fashionable autumn – and don’t forget to interact with us daily in our blogs, on the web’s most fashionable, gay destination,

Wa t c h v i d e o f r o m o u r c o v e r shoot in the digital magazine version, and read our blogs.

Love, Benjamin & Jake

read our blogs on the NEW buy the magazine from DORIANMAGAZINE.COM POCKETMAGS.COM 18


Menu Signature

Svenska höjdpunkter ombord 1.9 – 14.11 2013

Svenska Kocklandslaget och Lisa Elmqvist I höst bjuder vi på ett extra spännande tema ombord på Silja Lines Helsingforsfartyg: Heja Sverige! Ta med dig din pojkvän och upplev äkta svenska höjdpunkter: kulinariska smaksensationer, älskade artister och specialskrivna shower! I Gourmet Bon Vivant serveras en unik sjurätters Menu Signature skapad av Svenska Kocklandslaget i samarbete med vinimportören Vinovativa. Menyn lockar med dig på en kulinarisk resa genom Sverige. I Happy Lobster har vi gästspel av Östermalmshallens Lisa Elmqvist, en av Sveriges mest älskade fisk- och skaldjursrestauranger. Kom och smaka Lisa Elmqvists förrättstallrik Svenska Delikatesser. Hej Sverige! Välkommen ombord.


Siklöja med råg och Kalixlöjrom. Örtsavarin, syltad rödlök och smetana. Geil Riesling Heritage Trocken, Rheinhessen, Tyskland, 8 cl. BOHUSLÄN

Äggost från Bohuslän med pepparrot. Blåmusslor, brynt pilgrimsmussla och ostronmajonnäs. Zweigelt, Claus Preisinger, Burgenland, Österrike, 8 cl. ÖREBRO LÄN

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Halstrad Hjälmar-gös med saltbakad rotselleri, hasselnötter och syrad morot. Yabby Lake Chardonnay, Victoria, Australien, 12 cl. GOTLAND

Oxrygg från Gotland, kantareller, smör av Gotlandstryffel och vildlök och råstekta jordärtsskockor. Mencia, Avanthia, Valdeorras, Spanien, 12 cl. SORBET

Granite på champagne och rostade anisfrön. DALSLAND

Getost från Dalspira gård med lökkompott, surdegsbeignet, inlagd silverlök och ängsyra. Amarone Valpolicella Roncolato, Venetien, Italien, 8 cl. SÖRMLAND

Vaniljmousse med stekta Ingrid Marieäpplen, kolahavre och syrliga maränger. Ingrid Marie POM, Gastronomigruppen, Sörmland, Sverige, 12 cl.

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words fredrik robertsson




From the moment Cameron Silver opened the doors to his vintage store Decades in 1997, the dress code in Los Angeles irrevocably changed. This was largely due to Silver urging his frequently photographed clientele to “dress up!” Creating looks from deep within the closet of Decades, he styles celebrities for major red-carpet appearances, including the Golden Globes and the Academy Awards. Cameron Silver’s impact on runway trends is also widely recognized, and he has acted both as a public emissary for fashion houses and as a secret weapon, consulting on everything from re-imagining a brand’s identity to maneuvering its global launch. In 2002, Cameron Silver was named one of Time magazines “25 Most Influential Names and Faces in Fashion” and he is currently starring in the Bravo reality show The Dukes of Melrose, as well as developing further projects for Decades and beyond. His first book, Decades – A Century of Fashion, was released earlier this year and is yet another testament to the fact that what Cameron Silver doesn’t know about fashion is simply not worth knowing. When did your interest in fashion begin? - I think I’ve liked fashion from day one, as my parents love to shop, but I had definitely become a very precocious dresser by the time I was ten years old. Why vintage? – I am a fan of history, so I like things with a story, and I am drawn to one-of-a-kind pieces. How did you build your empire? – Oh gosh, I don’t know if I have built my empire yet, but I do work a lot and try to be kind to others. Being nice is very effective! How did you start out before the opening of Decades? – I wore vintage to my high school prom in 1987! I have always loved vintage. However, when I graduated from college in 1992 I began a career as a German cabaret singer and so I started “thrifting” around the world, looking for great men’s things to wear on stage while on tour. I found a lot of women’s vintage, and so a store was born in 1997. Vintage clothing was cheap before Decades opened! I think I spiked the prices. What made Decades so popular with stylists and celebrities? – Decades opened in tandem with the

return to glamour on the red carpet and celebrities getting dressed up, so was part of the fashion renaissance wave in Hollywood. We helped celebrities “get dressed up” after many years of questionable attire by stars. In fact, stylists were a relatively new phenomenon in the late 1990s, so Decades became a popular resource to create iconic looks for their clients. Were you already part of the fashion industry when you opened Decades? – I had worked in retail during the 1980s and early 1990s, but I was a nobody in the fashion world.

› Tom Ford was very generous in telling people about Decades Did you use PR in order to gain publicity for Decades, or did people find you? – I was very lucky that within a few months of the store opening many influential people visited it, including Tom Ford who was very generous in telling people about it. I didn’t have a publicist, but a few clients who worked in fashion PR were super supportive. Do you have a favorite fashion moment from Decades? – There are many but I will always adore Nicole Kidman at the NYC premiere of Moulin Rouge wearing vintage Loris Azzaro. Most of the world had forgotten Azzaro, but not only did the dress get tons of press, but it also helped relaunch the House of Azzaro. Can you tell me a few more?

– Anything Chloe Sevigny has ever worn from Decades! Vintage Holly Harp at Vanity Fair, or Yves Saint Laurent at the Golden Globes. I loved Padma Lakshmi a few months ago at the Bravo Emmy event, “For Your Consideration”. I love them all! What is your favorite piece of vintage, after years of hunting down the best of the best? – A men’s Yves Saint Laurent safari jacket which is in my closet! Why do you think you are so successful? – I hope it is because I have a good eye, am very meticulous, and always operate on the basis of what is best for the brand and what is best for the client. How big is your closet and how much of it is vintage? – It’s epic. I am a massive collector of men’s vintage and modern designer clothing and accessories. I have rolling racks in my room and a storage unit. It’s ridiculous. Tell me about your new book, Decades – A Century of Fashion. – The book took five years to write and sold out in 48 hours upon publication. It’s now in its second printing. It is a beautiful coffee table book that is not only visually stimulating but also includes an essay for each decade of the 20th century, written in a very personal manner. What plans do you have for yourself and Decades in the future? What is your dream – or are you already living it? – I am launching my eponymous collection for Fall 2014. I hope it helps me afford to live the dream.





The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk 15 June – 22 September 2013


Louis Vuitton AW13 compass brooch 26





from top left Painted photograph by Pierre et Gilles designed for the cover of À Nous Deux la mode The rotating catwalk Lifelike mannequins Curator Thierry-Maxime Loriot and D o r i a n ’s J a k e A metropolis catwalk look A budoir themed installation The ”Raw and the Refined” collection spring/summer 1994, 2006 Kylie Minogue by Pierre et Gilles Haute couture spring/summer 2007. Net lace “Immaculata” gown Kylie Minogue by Pierre et Gilles Gaultier adjusting his 3D ”clone” S t o c k h o l m P r i d e ” D o g Ta g ” , 2 0 1 3 3D cage corset, worn by Madonna during her 2012 ”MDNA” tour T H E FA S H I O N W O R L D O F J E A N P A U L G A U LT I E R – F R O M T H E S I D E WA L K T O T H E C AT WA L K Until September 22. Architecture and Design Center, Skeppsholmen. October 25, 2013 – February 23, 2 0 1 4 , B r o o k l y n M u s e u m , N e w Yo r k , US, 9 April 2014 – 17 August 2014, Barbican Museum, London, UK, i m a g e s R a i n e r To r r a d o , E m m a F r e driksson, Montreal Museum, Patrice stable, Pierre et Gilles, Denis Farl e y, E m i l L a r s s o n , W i l l i a m B a k e r

WITH HIS AVANT-GARDE fashion creations and cutting-edge designs, Gaultier has shaped the look of fashion over the last 35 years. His reputation for witty and daring designs and a ceaseless interest in society, identity and a beauty borne of difference has earned him a place in fashion history. When the hugely successful, “must-see” exhibition – on a world tour since 2011 – hit Stockholm, we had the privilege of meeting (and celebrating with) the legendary designer. Jean Paul Gaultier launched his first prêtà-porter collection in 1976 and founded his own couture house in 1997. Emerging as a designer in the 1970s, he developed his own dress codes that reflected the changing world around him. The openly gay Gaultier uses his designs to tackle gender and transgender issues through androgynous, gender-bending styles, while delving even further into some of the darker areas of the sexual revolution. Always provocative, he addresses multiculturalism issues by bringing ethnic diversity to the Paris runway. Despite the gritty and sometimes controversial context of his collections, the clothes remain beautiful and are superbly crafted with the finest dressmaking and detailing skills. His unconventional designs, inspired by pop culture and street wear, are a far cry from the more traditional and formal Paris couture houses. Gaultier is perhaps best known for designing Madonna’s iconic cone-bra and bustier, as worn during her 1990 Blond Ambition

tour, although he is also renowned for inciting shock in the industry by enlisting unconventional models in his shows, such as the plus-sized singer Beth Ditto (a UK size 28) of the band The Gossip, who walked his Spring/Summer 2011 runway show in Paris. The theatrically-staged, multi-media exhibition is organized into five main themes: Paris, Fusions, MultiGender, Eurotrash/X-rated and Metropolis, and features 140 haute couture and prêt-à-porter designs created between the mid-1970s and 2010, along with numerous sketches, archive documents, fashion photographs, and video clips that highlight Gaultier’s collaborations with filmmakers, choreographers, and musicians over the years. Gaultier designed set costumes for Luc Besson’s The Fifth Element, Pedro Almodóvar’s Kika and Jean-Pierre Jeunet’s La Cité des Enfants Perdus. For the exhibition, Gaultier partnered with the Montreal-based theater company Ubu Compagnie de Création in the design of 30 lifelike animated mannequins, which talk and sing in playful and poetic vignettes. Gaultier’s rich collaborations with renowned artists and photographers including Miles Aldridge, Richard Avedon, David LaChapelle, Pierre et Gilles, Herb Ritts, Cindy Sherman and Andy Warhol are also on view, together with footage of catwalk presentations, concerts, music videos, films, dance performances, and, of course, Gaultier’s cult television show Eurotrash.





All’s well that’s


––––– Out hip hopper Cazwell earned his hipster credibility and fattened his wallet with a steady flow of hilarious yet danceable hip hop tracks, including ”Ice Cream Truck,” “Rice & Beans” and ”I Seen Beyoncé At Burger King”. His hypomanic take on pop culture helped him to rack in over ten million views on YouTube and sell over one million downloads. –––––

i m a g e s M A R C O O VA N D O 26



Before Thrift Shop by Macklemore ruled the airwaves, comedy hip hop, with its lighter and more humorous style, was carried by several significant acts. In the eighties, the Beastie Boys rhymed how we all gotta fight for our right to parrrrty. They were followed in the nineties by Eminem who carried the genre into the millennium alongside artists like Eamon (“I Love Them Hoes”) and Nerdcore. While few rappers make comedy hip hop their focus, the genre has a substantial loyal following and has been a moneyearner for a select few. This summer, he returns with the first single from his soon-to-be-released album Hard 2 B Fresh. With its horn-ridden electro beats, “Guess What?” is a slightly more serious direction for the rapper. Cazwell sheds his “Weird Al” Yankovic skin for a more Missy Eliot vibe, proclaiming his greatness, or rather, his hawtness, through smart-ass rhymes and the help of vocalist Luciana. Who is hawter than a chili pepper these days? – I was just saying the other day that I think Bruno Mars is totally hot. He’s like the perfect pocket straight. I’d hit it. Is it true you have a man crush on Kanye West? – Very true. I say that because of his talent. He’s one of my favorite rappers of all time. Love his new work. What’s up with your Judge Judy obsession? – Judge Judy is the smartest person alive. I watch her everyday. Have you always enjoyed showing off your body? – Yes definitely. It all started when I was working at an East Village dive where hosting in your underwear was mandatory. Of course, you have to monitor your body if your shirt is going to be off. I try to stay in shape now. For the most part, I enjoy being healthy. It’s rewarding. If my body is in shape, I find I’m in a much better mood. Would you ever pose full monty for pics? – No. I like to leave something to the imagination. Madonna posed nude in photos… just saying. – Yeah, I know and everyone knows I love me some Madonna. She changed the game and I give her all my respect for that. OK, I suppose if I were offered an obscene amount of money to pose nude,

I wouldn’t say no. Growing up, were you a cool kid? – I was bullied, especially by the jocks in the school. I was flamboyant and fashionable. I hung out a lot with high school dropouts in the goth and drama scenes. Out of all my close friends, I was the only one to graduate high school. It was too difficult for my gay friends to make it through, from all the abuse and crap that they got. I didn’t start to like high school until my senior year. How would your young self view the big gay rapping star you are today? I would think that I’m fuckin’ awesome. I always knew I wanted to be a stage performer. I was inspired by artists that put on great shows. Any artist in particular? – I learned a lot from Peaches. I think she’s the best live performer I’ve ever seen. Do you have many young fans? – Yeah, younglings love my music! I have parents come up to me at shows all the time to tell me how their six-year old daughter loves ”Ice Cream Truck” or ”Beyonce at Burger King” and sings it all day. How do you describe your sound? – Whether its Hip Hop or EDM, I like to make music that people can dance to. My goal is to create beats I would play as a DJ. The new album has a lot of sounds going on but ultimately you can play the whole thing through at a party. What themes are you exploring in your music? – For the most part, the theme of my music is a gay guy living in New York City. I hope I make music that is relatable to most people. I find if people can identify with the music, it has more power. What is it about expressing yourself through rhymes that appeals to you? – I’ve always been attracted to the power of rhyme. Even when I was a kid I would memorize Shel Silverstein poems and act them out for the old ladies in church. I don’t think it’s any coincidence that magic spells are in rhyme form. When you write a good set of bars, it’s very empowering. I went through a serious break up this year and did a lot of rhyming lyrical therapy. It definitely helped. You’re single? – Sadly, I am. You sound like a lover scorned. Were you cheated on? – Damn. Have you been reading my journal?

› I’d rather have one person I can trust and be a freak with than dip in a bunch of dudes Cheaters suck. – Being cheated on is really bad on your self worth, especially when you love the person. I actually take monogamy seriously when I have a boyfriend. I enjoy being in a relationship. It’s a job, but if I decide to take it on, I strive to be good at it. I’d rather have one person I can trust and be a freak with than dip in a bunch of dudes. Wow, so Cazwell believes monogamy is the ideal? – Loving yourself is the ideal. But, yeah, everyone seeks a partner, I think. Do you mind being viewed as a sex object? – No I love it. Might as well enjoy it while I can, right? I honestly don’t see myself as all that sexy unless I’m on stage. When I’m on stage I’m everything that I want to be and my most confident. I think everyone is sexy when they are doing what they love and that’s the truth. Is it important to you that people recognize the brains behind the brawn? – Yes! I think that’s gonna happen with this album particularly. The only thing that ever really offends me is when people say I’m not talented, or that all I do is get hot guys to put in videos and that’s why I got popular. Writing simple songs actually takes talent. I haven’t always been good at it. Let’s talk Gaga. How did you come to work with her? – I rapped on a remix package of ”Just Dance”. Was that before she was famous? – Yes, we did of couple shows together when she was promoting the album. I think she’s really cool. She’s the real deal. I remember when I met her at sound check at like 5pm on Avenue C (a street in the East Village of New York). She took herself very seriously and was flawless head-to-toe. Even though the stage was like 3 feet by 5 feet, she thought about ever angle of the show. The way she focused on it, you would have thought she was performing Madison Square Garden.

Tell the truth, did you think she would make it as huge as she has? – Yes. I did. I immediately saw potential in her as a pop artist. ”Just Dance” was a great pop song. That record got so much burn and everyone was requesting it. I did question if the public was ready for such a fashionable person but it happened at the right time, just as high fashion came in. Remember when Rihanna and Beyonce were wearing all those crazy abstract clothes too? Perfect timing. What do you think Gaga had that propelled her to superstardom? – Great songs. She gets so much attention for her looks but, in all actuality, if her songs sucked, no one would care. She’s very good at arrangement and hooks and she can sing. I miss her. I hope she comes out with some new music soon. Do you believe Christina Aguilera tried to rip off Gaga’s look? – Yeah, but she didn’t even know she was doing it. At that award show, I’m sure her stylist just said ”here..wear this!” and she did. I don’t think that much thought went into it. Last question, Cazwell. If you could wake up with anyone naked under your sheets… who would you choose? – Kanye West. But I hope he calls me back.

C a z w e l l ’s “ G u e s s W h a t ? ” i s a v a i l a b l e o n i Tu n e s n o w . C a z w e l l . c o m






Entirely handmade in Tuscany, Erik Bjerkesjö’s inno’s couture dress shoes are inno vative, elegant and combine Swedish design heritage with the best craftsmanship in the world, ideal for postmodern gay grooms. From around $1,000, HERMÈS BASKETBALL




Sold exclusively in the iconic fashion brands’ Beverly Hills store, Hermès swaps its signature orange in favor cool blue for the bull calfskin ball that’s made using the same hand-stitched technique as the coveted Birkin bags. $12,900, GOOGLE CHROMECAST

Google’s plug-and-play Chromecast device allows users to enjoy their favorite online entertainment on an HDTV—movies, TV shows, music, or Youtube — perfect for on the day after the epic bachelor party. $35, E F VA AT T L I N G W H I T E G O L D B I G O VA L

Size–queens gag at the opulent, sculptural Big Oval wedding ring, in plain gold or white gold – pure understated luxury. $3,235, AMERICAN EROS

Hooneymoon inspiration comes from photographer Mark Henderson, in the form of American Eros – an epic coffeetable photo book, reveling in the beauty of 100%, prime, American beef. $139.99, VERSACE BOOK PLUS

A Harrods exclusive available in white or black faux leather, suitable for 1-3-yearolds – the ingenious Versace Book Plus system is a multi-purpose stroller, bassinet and bag in one, allowing sassy baby daddys to show off their offspring in style. $4,200,






Cult luxury designer, Isabel Marant, partner up with Heritage Paris for a slalom and a longboard model geek chic skateboards – made from a single block of oak, equipped with 1970s type wheels. From $440, The limited edition boards are available at Isabel Marant shops in LA or Paris. LEGO ARCHITECTURE STUDIO

Lego unveils a great tool for grown up starchitect wannabes, to unleash their inner child by creating their own building designs with the 1200-piece, stylish monochromatic set. $150,


Braun’s revolutionary CoolTec shavers offers lot of bells and whistles, the most prominent being the innovative cooling element which actually soothes the facial skin while you shave, giving less- or no irritation. Fully waterproof. From around $200, AGONIST ISIS

The artisan unisex fragrance Agonist Isis is a part perfume couture and part glass art. The citrus–spicy fragrance is made with the best ingredients available and the one kilo glass-flacon is made by by Kosta Boda. $1,600, V I N TA G E G O L D R I N G

Skip the convetional and scower online auctions for unique and rare vintage finds. This over-the-top, chunky eighteen carat gold ring, with 1.2-carat brilliant, is valued at 5,000,






Elsa Peretti’s unique wide two-finger wedding band in platinum gives the classic wedding band a distinctive organic Peretti touch. $1,600, LE CREUSET CAST IRON DISH

Guests oversee mediocre cooking if the mundane Puttanesca is presented in a Le Creuset cast iron dish. The bright blue colour, inspired by the mediterranean, is a season’s first. $290, LEAP MOTION DEVICE

The future is here. Impress the techiest of grooms with the amazing Leap Motion device. It senses how you move your hands in the air in front of the screen to control the computer, just like Tom Cruise in Minority Report. $79.99, CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN DANDY P I K P I K F L AT S P I K E S F L O Q U E

Make a lasting impression in these punky, multicolored, spiked statement loafers, which pay homage to the original ”Louis Pik Pik,” (which sparked the red soled sneaker craze). $1,868, VERSACE OUD NOIR

A virtual (and perhaps literal) aphrodesiac for men with strong personalities who love oriental fragrances. The intense and spicy composition has a deep scent of leather. In Sweden, Oud Noir is exclusively sold at NK department store, EDP 100ML, Around $150, R O YA L C O P E N H A G E N P O R C E L A I N E TA G E P L AT E

Who doesn’t like a nice rise? Sweets, fruit – or why not seafood – are brought to new dramatic heights with Royal Copenhagen’s fine china tiered plate. $199.95,





B U R B E R RY P R O R S U M H E A R T- P R I N T T- S H I R T

When words fail, this signature graphic tee will do all the work for you, with a very literal message of love. $390, N I A L AYA D I A M O N D BRACELET

Who says you have to get a engagement ring? Be original with Niyalaya’s white gold, silver, onyx and black diamond bracelet. Healing powers included. $2,000, RY M D V O D K A

The Swedish innovation Rymdvodka (Space Vodka) travels to the edge of space with weatherballoons before its refined and bottled. The premium vodka is soon available internationally for all Richard Branson wannabes. $60, H O O K H AY O N

Made from sandblasted blown glass, brass, cherry / oak wood and designed by hyped designer Jamie Hayon, the updated Hookhayon waterpipe makes the Turkish smoking tradition modern, elegant and glamorous. PHILLIP LOW SCULPTURE

Phillip Low’s handcrafted acrylic purple– orange–clear sculpture plays with shape and light, making it a surefire hit. Art object or letterweight – it becomes what you make it. $850,






Nejc and Ridley competed in SamSex Dancing during the 2013 Antw e r p Wo r l d O u t g a m e s


Bart Abeel is Chairman of the board f o r Wo G a a n d A n t w e r p P r i d e

AS THE HOST OF THIS SUMMER’S WORLD OUTGAMES, MR GAY WORLD, ANTWERP PRIDE AND THE HUMAN RIGHTS CONFERENCE, ANTWERP LIVED UP TO ITS REPUTATION AS ONE OF EUROPE’S MOST METROPOLITAN AND LGBT-FRIENDLY CITIES. DORIAN EXPERIENCED THE VIBRANCY FIRST HAND Flanders – the Dutch-speaking, northwest area of Belgium – has attracted visitors from around the world for centuries. The capital, Antwerp, has always had a special appeal in gay culture, for example in Jean Genet’s book Querelle, which Werner Fassbinder later made into an iconic movie in the 80s. As the diamond capital of the world, and one of the leading harbors, the city has a reputation for welcoming all nationalities and religions, as well as being very open minded. This August, the eyes of the world were on the vibrant harbor city and its proud citizens as they piled on the charm to welcome huge numbers of international guests for a number of high profile, LGBT-oriented sports, culture and human rights events. Delivering a charming mix of trend and tradition along with an all-embracing culture, Antwerp proved to be the perfect host. The World Outgames (not to be confused with the Gay Games) is a global sporting and cultural event that is open to all, regardless of sexual orientation. This year, over 5000 recreational and semi-professional athletes from more than eighty countries all over the world (many from places where homosexuality remains illegal and behind closed doors) competed in 32 different sports, including chess, samesex dancing and synchronized swimming. One of the most publicized gay contests in the world, the annual Mr Gay World aims to create ambassadors for LGBT and human rights, with the winners of national contests competing as 32 delegates in a variety of categories, including leadership, sports, swimwear modeling and knowledge of LGBT world affairs. This

year’s winner was hunky New Zealander Chris Olwage. The Human Rights Conference saw prominent speakers, activists and specialists on human rights in attendance, representing more than 35 countries and sharing their knowledge, visions and experiences. Meanwhile, outside the Russian Consulate a group of attractive gays (including our own Editor-in-Chief) from all over the world kissed in a passionate demonstration to support Russian LGBT rights, organized by “To Russia with Love”. The important message of the events was emphasized by more ”frivolous” pleasures, climaxing with Antwerp Pride and an endless number of parties at which fabulous artists such as Loreen and Boy George entertained the crowds. BART ABEEL, CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD , WOGA, ANTWERP PRIDE Do we need the World Out Games when we already have the Olympics? – This is a recurring question which indicates that we here in the west forget how privileged we are. World Outgames is about being free and out in sports, but it’s also about being out in culture. Even more important, it’s about getting together with politicians, experts and people from Africa and East-Central Europe to debate and reflect upon the situation of LGBT people worldwide. As we all know, the situation for LGBT people in Africa and East-Central Europe is rapidly getting worse: intimidation, imprisonment, violence, death. It was extremely moving and a big reality check to listen to those people and hear their stories during our human rights conference. For them it me-

ans a hell of a lot to be able to get together and share their experiences, as well as feeling supported by so many others. What was the outcome? – The Human Rights Conference was a great success. People from more than 50 countries had a great and interesting three days together. As some people from Nigeria said, “These days have been the most beautiful of my life!” The resulting document, “The Antwerp Guidelines”, is a very valuable document that has been handed over to the Belgian Prime Minister and the European Parliament. Also, the sports and cultural events brought people together from 118 different countries! The games were really well organized and resulted in some record performances. Overall, it was an incredible twelve days with a very warm and diverse feeling all over the city! Did anything in particular surprise you? – Maybe the biggest (and nicest) surprise was that there was not a single incident reported by the police! What were the best and the worst things at the World Out Games? – The best was definitely being able to attract so many people from all over the world to visit Antwerp and feel united in our effort for dignity and respect. The worst was the lack of money due to the economic crisis - a constant stress. What has the media response been like? – We got a lot of attention from the regular press. Some papers and TV stations ran stories every day. During the event we

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had over 200 press accreditations. Would you do World Outgames again if you got the chance? – Yes, as it gives you the chance to present the city as a centre of hospitality with its diversity and opportunities. And also, I see it as a moral obligation to step out of the comfort of our privileged world and reach out our hands to those for whom being LBGT means living in danger. What did this WoGa mean for Antwerp as a gay destination? – A lot! LGBT people from 118 countries were able to discover and experience our city with all the things it has to offer: going out, shopping, fashion, culture, LGBT networks and more. They will go back home and tell people about the reception at the city hall, the rainbow flags all over the city, the police being their friends, straight sports clubs welcoming them in, and many other positives. They will hopefully have felt that the Antwerp population is serious when it comes to LGBT rights, and is truly open and welcoming. Like you, they will have a desire to come back and visit Antwerp again.

NEJC JUS & LEMINGTON RIDLEY WOGA PARTICIPANTS How long have you been dancing? – Between 15-17 years, but dancing together for one year. Why same-sex dancing instead of traditional dancing? – We both had a passion for ballroom dancing from a young age, and started our careers with traditional dancing, where we had lots of success. However, same-sex dancing has a different dynamic to traditional dancing and we wanted to explore this. In addition, we were both keen to challenge ourselves on how “leader and follower” roles would work in same-sex dancing.

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Are you a couple? – No, we are not. What did you think of the competition in Antwerp? – There is always this special buzz and positive energy at same-sex competitions. The competition in Antwerp was very well organized, the audience was great and had amazing energy, and the dancing was very high quality. What do you think of World Outgames and gay athlete competitions? – It’s a great way to celebrate sport, culture and equality. It helps to show the world that participation in sports competition is not dependent on sexual orientation, gender and race. It also brings attention to current global issues, such as gay rights in Russia. What did you think about Antwerp (as a city)? – Antwerp was such a good choice for the games. It’s small enough to get around yet big enough to offer enough entertainment for everybody. In addition, we were impressed with the architecture - all those little squares and cobbled streets, and the cathedral was mesmerizing. And don’t forget the people - they are very openminded and welcoming. What are your goals and ambitions for the next five years? – We would like to continue dancing at a high level and challenge ourselves to be better in our performance. Also, we would like to promote ourselves and same-sex dancing to a wider audience. What is your advice to young gay athletes? – Be yourselves, and stay confident and focused! Even as a gay athlete you can achieve the same standard as other athletes, be it at World Out Games or even at the Olympic Games.

In the last decade, Antwerp, despite its modest size, has joined the ranks of leading world cities of fashion, a l o n g s i d e N e w Yo r k , M i l a n , L o n d o n and Paris. ‘The Antwerp Six’, made u p o f Wa l t e r Va n B e i r e n d o n c k , D r i e s van Noten, Dirk Bikkembergs, Ann Demeulemeester and Martin Margiela, among others, was establish e d i n 1 9 8 0 . T h e s e d a y s , A n t w e r p ’s dynamic fashion scene is often seen in influential blogs like The Sartorialist, Style Bubble and A Shaded View on Fashion. The Fashion Department of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts is considered one of the most important and influential fashion schools in the world. Antwerp still remains the capital centre for the world diamond trade. M o r e t h a n 8 5 % o f t h e w o r l d ’s r o u g h d i a m o n d s p a s s t h r o u g h t h e c i t y. Architects like Zaha Hadid and David Chipperfield are bringing Antwerp and its skyline into the future, merging history with the ultramodern. HOTELS R E S TA U R A N T S LUX, Bocadero, NIGHTLIFE Although slightly less intense than the Brussels nightlife, Antwerp clubs Red & Blue, The Boots and Hessenhuis are infamously entertaining. SHOPS Ve r s c h i l . b e SIGHTSEEING Museum; Many international airports are in t h e A n t w e r p v i c i n i t y, r e a c h a b l e i n between 15 minutes and three hours. The Eurostar and Thalys trains links the city to London, Paris and Amsterdam. com

T h e w i n n e r o f M r G a y Wo r l d – C h r i s Olwage from New Zealand C a t w a l k - l o o k f r o m W a l t e r Va n B e i rendonck Kissing-manifestation Russian embassy



An Antwerp Pride float





MOST RECENT IN A NOUVELLE VAGUE OF GAY CINEMA CLASSICS COMES THE GRITTY, FRENCH DRAMA BEYOND THE WALLS BEYOND THE NORMS you’ll find the films that seduce you, break the conventions and give you a wider perspective of reality than in the usual straight category. Following recent critically acclaimed dramas on gay romance such as Andrew Haigh’s Weekend and Travis Fine’s Any Day Now, David Lambert’s first feature Beyond the Walls – officially selected during Critic’s Week at Cannes – depicts an intense sexual relationship between the young pianist Paulo, (Matila Malliarakis) and Albanian bar man Ilir, (Guillaume Gouix). The two lovers embark on an heart-breaking journey as their love is tested by a dramatic series of tragic events. This incredibly personal look at a challenging relationship resonates with us all.



DAVID LAMBERT was born in 1974 in Ardennes, Belgium and is a graduate in Roman Literature and Language from Liege University. Once David left university, he started his career as a playwright for the stage, where he concentrated on drama scripts. His first short film Vivre encore un peu... was selected at the Locarno International Film Festival and over 50 other festivals. It has also won over 10 prices. Beyond the walls is his first feature film. I Am Yours, his second film, is currently in development.

b e y o n d t h e wa l l s D i r e c t e d b y D a vid Lambert, With Guillaume Gouix and Matila Malliarakis is out now on DVD.

Matila Malliarakis (a small framed, handsome visual cross between Gaspard Ulliel and James Dean) takes on his first co-leading role as the masochistic Paolo.



You are a young director. Until now, you have concentrated on co-writing scripts, but your short film Vivre encore un peu has really established your reputation... I didn’t know I had a reputation! My short film had quite a good success worldwide. It happened I had to comfort some people after the film screened. Sharing that type of emotion with strangers has given me confidence in my director’s skills. For me, directing actors is the organic continuation of my work of writing. You have revealed that this short film was inspired from a personal experience. Is that also the case for Beyond the Walls? Beyond the Walls is indeed a very personal film, but at the same time, it is not an autobiography. I have condensed three love stories to make one. I made my best to be sincere but not egocentric. I love to work with intimacy. How did the main characters come alive? How did you shape each of them? There is a bit of myself in each character, it’s hard to explain. My goal was to highlight the emotion and the sexuality without over doing it. Paulo is a fragile human being suffering from solitude and autonomy. Ilir embodies the strength. At the end, the strongest is not always the one that we believe. To enrich these characters, you have chosen two young unexpected actors. How did they convince you? They came along, simply. I found actors who have the generosity to deliver and feed a world, which is not theirs. Each had the essence of the characters. Matila, has a small petite shape, and then comes Guillaume with his very virile look. All those who read the screenplay thought that for a first film, your intention was extremely precise and sharp. Years and years of maturation and reflection I suppose! Inspiration and good ideas do not come instantly. I believe that hard work leads to a result, it takes patience and humility. You are already an acclaimed scriptwriter; you could have chosen to restrict yourself to that, what do you like in directing? I love actors, and for me, directing is a form of writing. From the script to the film as it is now, the finished product seems to have become more radical. Does that structure have a lot of importance for you? Yes, the structure is important, it is what we want to portray and defend. I am in a constant formal search in that sense, I am always asking myself, “how can I tell that story or where do I put the camera?” What do you hold of that experience, taking place in your life for the past years? So many things... What I like is the permanent creation... And of course, sharing that with the producers, the actors and the crew. You not only wrote and directed the film; you followed it step by step to the end... Even the slightest thing is personal to me, it is a first film! Even by remaining discreet on the subject, we always felt you were very interested by a Cannes selection. This “Semaine de la critique”, is this a dream come true? I have never dreamed about a selection in Cannes, but I have always dreamed about the film being seen by lots of people! What is a better way to concretize this dream? Beyond the Walls is a slice of life and especially a love story. Do love stories always finish necessarily bad? No, not necessarily... But, love stories that have bad ending on screen incite us to love better in life, so it has a better ending. No?



THE GRAND ROOM The fireplace in the Grand Room features the coats of arms of the Bernadotte and Sahsen-Cobug-Gotha dynasties, since it was installed as part of the renovation work in the 1930s when Prince Gustaf Adolf and Princess Sibylla moved in. The sulla chair, which d a t e s f r o m t h e l a t e 1 8 t h c e n t u r y, has been carefully restored by the Royal Collections, enabling it to be brought back into use at the palace.



i m a g e s T H E R O Y A L C O U R T, K L A S S J Ö B E R G , K AT E G A B O R words LARS LJUNGSTRÖM wa l l pa p e r b a c k g r o u n d F l u g g e r. s e





the living room has a modern, welcoming style, and is dominated b y R a l f Tu r a n d e r ’ s p h o t o g r a p h y , featuring themes taken from books from the Bernadotte Library at the Royal Palace of Stockholm.






t h e c r o w n p r i n c e s s fa m i ly

the main entrance. The décor of the main entrance links together the grounds around the palace and the interiors of the main apartment. The design of the modern chairs is inspired by the sulla chairs found in the Grand Room and in the adjacent G u s t a v I I I ’s P a v i l i o n , w h i l e t h e p h o t o g r a p h s b y R a l f Tu r a n d e r f e a ture themes from Drottningholm and O c k e l b o . I n t h i s w a y, t h e i n t e r i o r i s also connected to the history of the palace and its present-day use.

the library also features a fireplace dating from the 1930s. The painting to the right of the fireplace shows a view of Haga Palace during the time of King Gustav IV Adolf. It was painted by Louis Belanger, and now belongs to the art collection of the City of Stockholm.

SINCE AUTUMN 2010, The Crown Princess Couple have lived at Haga Palace, where a number of rooms in the main apartment are used for The Crown Princess Couple’s official representation. In the same year that King Gustav IV Adolf and Queen Fredrika had their third child, they decided to build a palace at Haga as a complement to Gustav III’s Pavilion, which was no longer big enough for the family. Haga Palace was primarily intended for the children, which according to the practice of the time required an apartment each, despite their young ages. Haga Palace was designed by Carl Christoffer Gjörwell (1766-1837), and the buil40


ding was virtually complete by autumn 1805. At around the same time, Sweden was drawn into the Napoleonic War, and furnishing the new palace was therefore less urgent. It was not until May 1808 that a furnishing plan was produced, and it appears that this was far from completion by the time of the coup d’état of 1809, when King Gustav IV Adolf and his family were sent into exile. They had started to use the palace, but only provisionally.

The apartment was originally used as two suites. From the staircase, the apartment was entered via a large communal dining room (now the Grand Room), with identical suites of drawing rooms and bedrooms on either side. The north suite was used by Crown Prince Gustav (later Prince of Vasa), while his sister Princess Sofia Vilhelmina had the south suite. Her drawing room is the present-day library, and her bedroom is now the dining room.

The main apartment consists of a suite of five rooms along the façade, facing Brunnsviken. The majority of these rooms are used by The Crown Princess Couple for official representation. There is a main room in the centre, a living room to the north, and a library and a dining room to the south.

Later on, King Oskar I and Queen Josefina used the palace as a summer residence and lived in the same apartment, eventually followed by their younger son, Prince August and his wife Teresia. More famously, the parents of H.M. The King also lived at Haga Palace. Then, the large room was used as a living room, the current library was Prince Gustaf Adolf’s



study, and the dining room was used for the same purpose as today. The Crown Princess Couple’s living room was sometimes known as Princess Sibylla’s study and parlour. Haga Palace was redecorated in the 1860s (for Prince August and Princess Teresia) and then again for Prince Gustaf Adolf and Princess Sibylla in the 1930s. As a result, instead of historic interiors, the rooms contain details from a number of different periods and many features have been added over the past century.

the dining room is dominated by a if necessary to the entire length of between the two windows facing out p a l a c e ’s w a l l m i r r o r s d a t i n g f r o m t h e

table which can be extended the room. In the background, on Brunnsviken, is one of the time when the palace was built

LOREAL a head glue





– swedish myths –

“ NEUTRAL” Sweden is not only neutral when it c o m e s t o w a r b u t i t ’s a l s o o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’s m o s t – i f n o t T H E m o s t gender-egalitarian countries. An extensive welfare system makes it easier for both sexes to balance work a n d f a m i l y l i f e e f f e c t i v e l y. F o r e x ample, Swedish parents are entitled to 480 days of parental leave when a child is born or adopted. At present women still take most of those days but men do make use of it (in 2012, men took about 24 per cent of parental leave); in fact nowhere else in the world will you see armadas of “lattepappor” - young fathers with strollers, drinking lattes in chic coffee shops. The discussion in Sweden covers not only gender equality but also the gender neutrality of language. This became apparent in 2012 in a lively debate over the genderneutral personal pronoun “hen”, a newly minted word adopted by some as an alternative to the gender-specific “hon” and “han” - she and he.




WEDEN UNDRESSED fa s h i o n i m a g e s B E N J A M I N FA L K & J A K E RY D Q V I S T styling DENNIS BRÖCHNER make up HANNA BLOMBERG for make up store hair ADAM CARLSSON model LINUS GUSTIN @nisch model management guide VISITSWEDEN.COM s t o c k p h o t o s S TA F FA N E L I A S S O N H E N R I K T RY G G M I K A E L S J Ö B E R G YA N A N L I J E P P E W I K S T R O M STOCKHOLM PRIDE

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vacation, look no further than the Swedish capital, Stockholm. The city itself is beautiful, spread out across 14 islands, and offers a great mix of shopping, culture, food and nightlife. It’s a city of contrasts – between the historical and the contemporary, the water and the land, and the short days of winter and the long days of summer. It’s a mixture that makes for a magical and enchanting destination, where the only constant is the warm welcome that you receive from the locals. Stockholm has a reputation for being a style and design mecca brimming with chic treats from labels such as Acne and Filippa K. In fact this European style capital has roots stretching back to the 17th century; from the days of the iconic “Queer” Queen Kristina, right up to the modern day. Today, the producer and singer Robyn and the True Blood star Alexander Skarsgård are just two of the contemporary Swedish icons that have helped to showcase the “Stockholm style”. And now the rest of the world is sitting up and taking notice. Logo’s NewNowNext Traveler’s Choice Awards chose Stockholm as the World Style Capital only recently. And for lovers of form and function, there’s no place in the world like Stockholm, the capital of sleek Scandinavian design. Creative industries are flourishing here. Innovative, open-minded people are moving here, dreams are imagined and cultivated here, and from here, those dreams stretch far beyond the borders of Sweden. It’s no wonder that Stockholm’s Architecture and Design center is hosting an exhibition of the international gay fashion icon, Jean Paul Gaultier. Entitled “The Fashion World of Jean Paul Gaultier – From the Sidewalk to the Catwalk”, it includes examples of his groundbreaking designs. where can one buy those skinny pants?

Simple, wearable looks with a high trend factor and at reasonable prices. That is perhaps the essence of Swedish fashion. The fact that fashion is one of the most popular forms of contemporary cultural expression is obvious in Stockholm’s prime fashion shopping districts. Stockholmers are stylish. For that typical Swedish Acne look, head to Biblioteksgatan, or for a more laid back, independent style, the SoFo district with Skånegatan and the area around Mariatorget/Krukmakargatan are the places to go. A word to the wise - don’t plan on putting your wallet away too soon, as Stockholm offers some irresistible attractions. l o o k i n g f o r wat e r , c u lt u r e a n d f u n ?

“Walk in – dance out” is the slogan of the city’s newest hotspot: ABBA the Museum. The institute, part of Sweden’s Music Hall of Fame, is an interactive experience featuring enough to satisfy even the most die-hard of fans, including costumes, photos and archive recordings. Another cultural institution is the legendary, late Hollywood movie star, Greta Garbo, whose spirit rests in the UNESCO World Heritage Woodland Cemetery, Skogskyrkogården. This strangely romantic and oddly mesmerizing cemetery is just a short ride south of the city and makes the perfect pilgrimage for any drama queen.

Balloons over Stockholm Loreen during Stockholm Pride Department store NK The Nobel Museum Millesgården The archipelago Kungsträdgården in bloom Gamla Stan Look from Whyred 44




– swedish myths –

“ FASHIONABLE” As Sweden is an old agricultural soc i e t y, i n w h i c h t h e r e s u l t s w e r e b a sed on a group effort, the idea of being not too much of an individual (for instance, in your choice of personal dress code), can be seen as trying to be a diva. The ”Law of Jante” or the Who-do-you-think-youare law is still around, which is why most Swedes prefer to fit in, rather than developing a unique sense of style. As such, this is partly why Sweden is considered to be one of the most fashion forward countries in the world. Most gays and straights a l i k e c o n s i d e r t h e m s e l v e s t r e n d y, albeit in a high street, H&M kind o f w a y. B u t o n t h e o t h e r s i d e o f t h e fashion spectrum, arty hipsters hide their bodies with piles of baggy layers. “Less is more,” as in the look, not the amount of clothes, accurately describes most Swedish fashion.

leather dungarees ACNE sweater WKD cap WKD fur KIWI FURS shoes ACNE a c c e s s o r i e s P R I VAT E


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glasses TOM FORD leather jacket ACNE shoes ACNE

– swedish myths In the 1950s a handful of rather innocent Swedish movies became pion e e r s o f n u d i t y, h e l p e d b y t h e b u d ding sexual revolution. American producers and directors jumped at the erotic sensibility it afforded, as a single nipple-shot could increase their revenue tenfold. “Swedish” and ”Swedish sin” became loaded with a sexual connotation that still exists, yet Sweden is one of the few countries to prohibit the purchase of sexual services. A Durex Annual Global Sex Survey revealed that the Swedes lose their virginity around t h e a g e o f 1 6 a n d w h i l e 6 6 % a r e n ’t likely to have unprotected sex, 64% are likely to engage in a one night s t a n d , m a k i n g u s o n e o f t h e w o r l d ’s most promiscuous populations.







and fresh waters, it isn’t surprising that sightseeing by boat is the classic way to see Stockholm. Go out to the closest archipelago, or further on – the Stockholm archipelago consists of approximately 30,000 islands and islets, all with a jaw-dropping beauty. Alternatively, stay in the city and enjoy some of its top attractions, all with a stunning sea view. The Vasamuseum, the Royal Palace, the Fotografiska museum of contemporary photography and the sculpture park of Millesgården are just a few of the city’s finest and, naturally, there are also great places to go for lunch. But why stop there? Stockholm’s culinary scene is on fire, with an ever-growing number of celebrity chefs and Michelin-starred eateries. And should you ever get peckish while touring the city, just do it like a Swede and grab a fika, which translates to taking an afternoon break for coffee and baked goods. For more substantial fare, there are excellent gay-flaired dining options all over town, especially on Södermalm. From Urban Deli, a combo food store/café/bistro with a very hip mixed crowd to the Mälarpaviljongen on the riverbank on Kungsholmen, there is plenty to devour. Mälarpaviljongen is only open during the summer months, but when it is open there’s no better choice – or one with a hotter crowd. all night long

After dinner, it’s time to dive into Stockholm’s nightlife. The city is loaded with cool mixed bars and lounges that are well worth checking out, and where you’ll always feel entirely welcome. When you’re ready for full-on gay carousing, the multi-floored Kolingsborg in Slussen hosts big and throbbing mainstream parties on Wednesdays (Sthlm Night Fever), Fridays and Saturdays it’s time for the Paradise Garage, while Side Track in Södermalm is a more laid back choice. For the leather crowd, the place to be is the members-only Scandinavian Leather Men (SLM). Some of Stockholm’s best gay parties happen just one night a week. On Saturdays it’s the popular and cute-crowd at Zipper, playing house and schlager music (campy Europop) on two floors. For the truly adventurous, a walk on the wild side at Mums Mums, Stockholm’s hip and queer underground monthly party, is one you won’t forget in a hurry. best time to travel

Numerous events take place every year, but Stockholm Pride is Stockholm’s largest public event and Scandinavia’s biggest LGBT Pride. Taking place over several days between late July and early August, the festival draws over half a million people every year. Stockholm Pride incorporates music, art, lectures, debates, and of course a fair bit of revelry, all culminating in Saturday’s huge parade through the city and outdoor festival in Pride Park. If you’re keen to meet lots of locals in one go you’ll enjoy the slippery Gays on Ice in February, the wild gay hat parade on Walpurgis (April 30), and the festive Pink Christmas in mid-December, a week-long, citywide, gay-themed mixture of Christmas and Sweden’s all-important Santa Lucia Day. Välkommen!

M u m s M u m s ’ P e t t e r Wa l l e n b e r g The Östermalmshallen food hall Autumn 2013-look from Acne The scenic Mälarpaviljongen T h e Wa s a m u s e u m Swedes like night swimming The multi-floored Kolingsborg The hyped outdoor club F12







T H E FA S H I O N W O R L D O F J E A N P A U L G A U LT I E R – F R O M T H E S I D E WA L K T O T H E C AT WA L K When: until September 22. Where: Architecture and Design Center, Skeppsholmen. MILLESGÅRDEN Sculpture park, museum and home of Carl Milles. FOTOGRAFISKA Leading museum f o r c o n t e m p o r a r y p h o t o g r a p h y. VA S A M U S E U M T h i s w a r s h i p i s a p i e c e o f S w e d i s h h i s t o r y, a n d t h e w o r l d ’s o n l y p e r f e c t l y p r e s e r v e d 1 7 t h c e n t u r y s h i p . Va s a m u s e e t . s e ABBA THE MUSEUM The one and only museum of the swedish supergroup. T H E R O YA L PA L A C E B e a Q u e e n for a day or a King at this beautiful palace. SKOGSKYRKOGÅRDEN Greta G a r b o ’s s p i r i t r e s t s o v e r t h i s w o o d l a n d c e m e t e r y o n U N E S C O s Wo r l d Heritage list. S I G H T S E E I N G O N T H E WAT E R O n e h o u r o r o n e d a y. T h e r e a r e p l e n ty of options to explore Stockholm from the water.




WOS The number one accessory shop located in the bohemian Södermalm district filled with shoes, bags earings etcetera. Where: Hornsgatan 9 8 , S ö d e r m a l m . Wo s a c c . c o m ACNE Legendary swedish lable is situated in the Bibliotekstan neighb o r h o o d . D o n ’t m i s s A c n e A r c h i v e s which is their own lable-vintage store. Where: Norrmalmstorg square, Ö s t e r m a l m . A c n e A r c h i v e s , To r s g a tan 53, vasastan. OUR LEGACY the Swedish label Our Legacy makes use of traditional fabrics from all over the world to create exceptional menswear styles that combine casual Scandinavian s t y l e w i t h a s t r o n g f o c u s o n q u a l i t y. Where: Krukmakargatan 24-26, Södermalm. Jakobsbergsgatan 11 Öste r m a l m . O u r l e g a c y. s e PA P E R C U T Inspiring magazine store for fashionistas located on Krukmakargatan, which is one of S t o c k h o l m ’s b e s t s t r e e t f o r S c a n d i navian fashion and design. Where: Krukmakargatan 24-26 SNICKARBACKEN 7 Located in a former stable, this is a tiny café, gallery space and a concept store all in one. Where: Snickarbacken 7, Östermalm. NK One stop shop with everything from clothes, food to interior design. Where: hamngatan 2,


URBAN DELI Gay-flaired place for a hip crowd in the bohemian SoFo district. M Ä L A R PAV I L J O N G E N Fantastic food, amazing sea view open only during the summer. CHOKLADKOPPEN: Lovely gay café situated on the big square in the medieval center Gamla Stan.

For current information on nightlife, events, hotels and the very latest about gay Stockholm, visit and





– swedish myths With six months of darkness each year, and with Ingmar Bergman as a cultural saint, who can blame the Swedes for being melancholic? In actual fact, Sweden is quite low down in the European suicide table (#15), w h i c h i n d i c a t e s t h a t d a r k n e s s d o e s n ’t have to be all that bad. The perception of the dark-minded Swede was perpetuated by US president Dwight D Eisenhower, who in 1960 claimed that,” the Swedish welfare system was frivolous, and responsible for c a u s i n g s i n , n u d i t y, d r u n k e n n e s s a n d suicide”.


hats ACNE headpiece MALINDA DAMGAARD coat ACNE






– swedish myths


The myth about the good-looking Swede stems a great deal from the f a c t t h a t S w e d e s a r e h e a l t h y, a c tive and enjoy getting out into the countryside for anything from mushroom picking to sports, not to mention drinking beer while stark naked in the saunas, naturally after an ice-cold dip. Many have a summer home, where they relax and enjoy t h e i r t i m e w i t h i n n a t u r e ’s p e a c e f u l s u r r o u n d i n g s . T h e c o u n t r y ’s l o n g coastline, beautiful archipelagos and thousands of lakes mean a lot of time is spent on or near the water, and private boats are commonly seen. At other times, winter sports are typic a l , w h e t h e r i t ’s c r o s s - c o u n t r y s k i i n g o r i c e h o c k e y. Ve r y w e t ( a s i n s o a k e d in alcohol) after ski is a very popular recreation after a day in the slopes.

leather jacket ACNE l e at h e r wa i s t c o at A C N E f o x f u r v e s t ( a s s t o l e ) 6 2 AT E L I E R s h o r t s A D I D A S B Y S T E L L A M C C A RT N E Y l e at h e r l e g wa r m e r s 1 1 8 S E C O N D L Ä D E R jockey cap MALINDA DAMGAARD boots ACNE l i g h t r i n g P R I VAT E 50


With big hazel eyes, and cheeky smile, former elite soccer player and classically trained actor Andreas Utterhall is breaking the Skarsgård Hollywoodhunk-monopoly as Andersson in HBO’s Emmy-nominated series Strike Back


– s w e d i s h fa c e s –

ANDREAS UTTERHALL Andreas, 34, is seen as the computer genious Andersson, in the HBO hit series Strike Back. s t o c k h o l m fav o u r i t e s T h e r e s t a u r a n t s B i s t r o Va u D e V i l l e , N o s h a n d C h o w, a n d T h e S t o c k h o l m P r i d e Festival.

You’re an ex-soccer pro from the far north of Sweden, who’s now causing a storm in Hollywood. How did it happen? I had two goals growing up: to become a professional soccer player or become an actor. I’ve now experienced both, so I guess I’m a lucky guy. I’ve had some rough years, but my agent (of a year now), Laura Munsterhjelm, has been a fantastic support. I wouldn’t have come this far without her. Even though my role in Strike Back is a big deal, and will give me opportunities, it doesn’t guarantee a straight road to the top in Hollywood. Are your good looks a blessing or a curse? Thanks! Looks do matter - it’s what typecasting is all about in television and movies. My looks have actually caused some problems. The other day I ran into a casting director and I asked her if she had any roles coming up. She answered, “Yes, but only a role as a homeless guy, so unfortunately nothing for you”. That’s why I’m so happy about my role as a hacker in Strike Back. Where I come from, I don’t look like a hacker at all. Are you a method actor or writer-oriented? I’m more of a method actor. I like to read the script, analyze the role and then work in different ways. ”What does the character want to achieve? What needs does the character have?” Then I put my own life experiences into the character. Do you have a dream role? I’ve been a fantasy geek from a young age, so when I first heard that Viggo Mortensen was going to play Aragorn in The Lord of the Rings, I was like, “Damn”, ha ha! Maybe it would be a costume drama, like the character of Redmond Barry in Barry Lyndon. How would you feel about being naked on film, or doing love scenes? As an actor you feel naked most of the time. If there is a purpose for the character to get naked and have sex in the scene, I don’t think it’s a big deal. Sex in movies can be very beautiful. Have you had any gay experiences in life or on film? Not yet on film. I’ve done some experimenting in life, as we all go through stages, 0 4 but now I think I know where I stand. As an actor, who are your heroes? James Byron Dean and Steven McQueen – two icons that lived in the present. “Dream as if you’ll live forever. Live as you’ll die today” Do you have any family in Sweden and are you moving to Hollywood? My mom, dad, sister and her wonderful daughter are here. I don’t have plans to move to L.A at the moment but I’m spending the next three months there, for castings and to improve my English. I like Stockholm; its movie and television industry is really good and there are lots of talented directors here that I want to work with one day. I also hope to do more stage work soon. How do you feel about the Skarsgård Hollywood domination? It’s great and I wish them all luck! They are all really nice guys and very professional actors. What’s the biggest difference between TV and film acting? Which do you prefer? They’re really not that different; both rely on small expressions. It’s the big picture that matters to me, the project itself. Are you getting fan attention yet? Sure, some people have recognized my face recently. But there aren’t any big crowds running after me in the street, haha! I wouldn’t want that, either. What are some of your favorite things to see and do in Stockholm? I like to hang out at Vau De Ville, and Nosh and Chow, two of the best restaurants/bars in town. And of course the Pride festival is a must for everyone - lots of happy people dancing all night long. Last but not least, don’t forget Gothenburg. Every year, in August, the music festival Way out West happens and some of the best bands in the world play live. It’s a great party with lots of good-looking people!


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– s w e d i s h fa c e s –


Makode, 32 artist Allen Grubesic (se), and Maurizio Cattelan (it) designer Me perfume I’m allergic, and prefer no fragrance. On special occasions I might use some ethereal oil from Auroville. b e d w e a r I n s o m n i a c s d o n ’t r e a l l y d o sleep ins, but with a dreamy boy by my side I can stay in bed for weeks.

Artist Makode Linde’s decorative yet provoking work has landed him commissions from both Lady Gaga and the Swedish band Kent. As one of Sweden’s most political young artists – Makode continues to put the spotlight on racism and sexism

What was your vision and expectations on your new exhibition? I wanted to create a dark and twisted playground for thoughts concerning black identity. You made endless headlines with your controversial work Painful cake! (A blackface Makode, in an actual cake) Is controversy a part of your marketing? Controversy is in the eye of the beholder. I’m constantly surprised that people can walk into an art gallery or a museum, and when confronted with art feeling chocked or intimidated. What is good art? For me it’s art that doesn’t leave me un-touched, but since no one can even tell you what ”art is” the whole discussion fails on the lack of definitions. What is bad art? The un-interesting kind, the art that claims itself to be un-political. What would be the dream commission to get? Crisco or Durex! Any well-paid commission would be accepted. Being an atheist I don’t mind selling my soul to the highest bidder. What are your thoughts on Swedish fashion and Swedish men’s fashion sense in general? Swedish what? I guess Swedes in general have a decent taste level, but the lack of creativity is a bit suffocating. How do you feel about street works from artists like Banksy being sold for huge amounts in auctions? A bit jealous I guess, but I really don’t feel anything. I see worse cases of capitalism gone wrong at my discount supermarket. Thieves sell their goods every day, and purchasing some discount sneakers made in the third world probably has a worse impact on the planet then any art auction will ever have. Afromantics installation


| Concept Store Drottninggatan 88A, Stockholm



– s w e d i s h fa c e s –

LINUS GUSTIN Linus, 24, is single. designer Gucci and Ferragamo fragrance Gucci Sport biggest campaign John Galliano underwear biggest show All Gucci fragrances shows or shoots? Fashion shoots and videos! bedwear Boxer shorts, but if I’m with a girl; naked a g e n c i e s F o r d / N e w Yo r k , F a s h i o n / Milano, Models 1/London, Nisch management/Stockholm

Wa t c h v i d e o f r o m t h e D o r i a n shoot, in the digital version, available on

Tall, broad shouldered and very relaxed (also about nudity) – Dorian caught the striking model Linus Gustin between high profile global assignments

How long have you been a model and how did you get started? I’ve been a model for 4-5 years now, so I’m almost a veteran (laughs). I was actually discovered by Love at my current Swedish mother model agency, Nisch, after he saw a picture of me on Myspace, where my metal band had a profile. In those days I had long hair, which was very popular at the Paris shows that season, so I kept it like that until Prada wanted to cut it short. So you went from being unknown to doing all the big Paris shows in just one season? Pretty much, yes! And it’s only now that I understand how lucky I was. Back then I thought it was “normal”, but now I can appreciate it much more. I mostly do the Milan and London shows now as they pay the best, and sometimes the Stockholm shows as it gives me a chance to be back at home. What will you do after modeling? I’ve just started thinking about that recently. I’ll probably study and work with music. But at the moment I love being a model and my ambition is to become even bigger, and do bigger and better campaigns. What’s the craziest fashion shoot you’ve ever done? Today was quite crazy, wasn’t it? (laughs) No, the craziest job must have been when I did a video for Versace underwear. None of the other models wanted to wear a tiny thong/jockstrap thing but I said, ”Hey, I’ll do it, it’s my job”. To be honest, I thought the other models were very unprofessional… it’s a job, and I don’t know if it’s because I’m Swedish, but I’m not a prude. I don’t want to do full frontal, but semi-nude pictures are ok. I’m proud of my body. Did you catch the Swedish reality show Modellpojkar (Model boys; a documentary in which male models were depicted as victims of the fashion world) and how do you think it portrayed male models? I think it was pathetic. The way the models were portrayed is a far cry from my personal reality. I stay in nice hotels, get treated with respect by clients and work full time. I don’t recognize myself at all in that TV show. What is the gayest thing you’ve done? I’ve been to gay clubs… apart from that, nothing. (smiles) 54


– s w e d i s h fa c e s –

JESSY HUEVELINK J Lindeberg-designer Jesse, 33

Look from the SS14 collection

Your background includes Victor and Rolf, Lacroix and Adidas, but how did you get your first break? It was at J.Lindeberg three years ago when I was appointed head designer, and to answer your question, I have to quote one of my favorite cheesy movies, Showgirls: “If you’re the only one left standing there – they’ll hire you’’ (laugh) No, I’m just joking, it’s all about hard work, dedication and a passion for fashion. What’s your education? I studied fashion design at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten in Utrecht for four years and then I did my masters at the Fashion Institute in Arnhem. Do you have any advice for young wannabe designers? Fashion is a world of contrasts; the glamour is only short lasting, the rest is hard work at a fast pace. You have to be both thick skinned and humble. Everybody knows everybody, so leave the diva attitude at home. Work hard and love what you do, believe in your dreams. Did anything about the Swedish fashion scene surprise you when you moved here? Trends tend to be picked up in Scandinavia extremely quickly, but they are picked up by everyone, so everyone ends up looking like everyone else. What are your thoughts on the dress sense of Swedish guys and Swedish gays? It’s sometimes hard to tell the difference between the gays and the straights because everybody here is so well groomed and good looking. Modernity and function is in the DNA of J.Lindeberg. What are your favorite examples of this from the new collection? The collection is inspired by Swedish insects and bugs. There’s a selection of super technical city outerwear, including a Car coat and a Parka executed in the latest three layer materials that protect you from the bad weather, while at the same time make you look impeccably smart. What is more challenging: designing menswear or womenswear? For me, it’s the same. I love doing both; with women’s you can go more extreme, experiment and push the envelope. Menswear is more strict but that doesn’t mean it’s less fun. In the end, you want to see your designs on people and not in a museum. What is your thought process when casting campaign and show models? We are a Scandinavian brand so the models we choose must have a Scandinavian look and feeling. Which major Fall trends do you personally look forward to? I just love the whole monochrome look – all the different shades of blue, navy and green. Who dresses better, you or your husband (international DJ Marcus Ullmarker)? Well, we share wardrobe except for shoes and underwear so I have to say it’s a tie! (laugh) What basics should every fashionable gay man have in his closet? Classic white Calvins; the perfect white James Dean T-shirt; a pair of both black and blue jeans (NOT baggy!); a black leather jacket; a good fitting suit or two with cropped pants and classic small collared shirts to match. And the most important thing – well-made shoes. Shoes are an investment but they can make or break and outfit. What are some of your favorite things to see and do in Stockholm? Stockholm is at its best during the summer, it’s an oasis of greenery and freshness. I love to take one of the ferries and eat a typical Swedish lunch at Fjäderholmarna, then take a swim afterwards. I also love to cycle through Stockholm, as it’s a great way to explore the city and bump into new, exciting places. And hanging at Mälarpaviljongen, a floating restaurant in the midst of nature, is simply fabulous.

As head designer for J.Lindeberg, Jessy Huevelink helped the once almost bankrupt brand to prove that form and function fit perfectly. The Dutch hunk was nominated this year as Designer of the Year in the prestigious Swedish fashion award, Guldknappen






– swedish myths – S y s t e m b o l a g e t i s S w e d e n ’s a l c o h o l monopoly and the only shop where you can buy alcohol over the alcoh o l l i m i t o f 3 . 5 % . T h e m o n o p o l y ’s purpose is to discourage excessive alcohol consumption and therefore prevent Swedes from returning to Viking ways. One way it does this is by closing early on weekdays, even earlier on Saturdays and closing altogether on Sundays. In addition, Sweden also has one of highest taxes on alcohol. Historically a part of the vodka belt, with a high consumption of distilled beverages and binge d r i n k i n g , S w e d e n ’s h a b i t s d u r i n g the latter half of the 20th century have gradually become more harmon i z e d w i t h We s t e r n E u r o p e , w h i c h includes an increasing preference for wine and weekday drinking.


c o a t M I H A R AYA S U H I R O trousers WKD top WKD leather jacket Acne c a p e V I N TA G E a c c e s s o r i e s P R I VAT E 56



Neb bureau Orrefors flagship store Villa Sjövägen


Architect Per Söderberg’s signature style – clean lines and elegant materials – is integral to his furniture line and ever growing portfolio of private homes and fashion boutiques – s w e d i s h fa c e s –

PER SÖDERBERG Per so der b er g.blogsp ot .se

How did you get your first big break and what’s the secret of your success? I guess I was lucky, or perhaps because it was my ambition to get noticed, it created opportunities. I always treat each assignment as equally important. Do you have any advice for budding designers? No matter how big your dreams are, you have to start from where you are. It takes a lot of time to reach your goals. Don’t be afraid to fail. Test new ideas. Be curious. See a lot of things. Meet a lot of people. Who are some of your design and architecture heroes? Achille Castiglione, Gio Ponti, Carlo Scarpa Is your design process different for residential and public projects? It is, but I would say it differs for every project. Sometimes the client is very well prepared with a distinct brief and will know exactly what they want, whereas sometimes creating the direction of the whole design is part of the process. In these environmentally conscious times, do we really need more furniture? It depends on what kind of furniture we make. If people didn’t need furniture, I think they would stop buying furniture. I imagine you are perceived as quite a Scandinavian architect abroad. Is this a blessing or a curse? Oh, it is absolutely not a curse. Which of your projects do you feel is the most successful and why? The No Early Birds collection. I’m in control of it and can develop it for a long time. Tell us about No Early Birds and its signature metal cross-leg design. The triple leg is architectural in its appearance and is inspired by constructions like bridges and industrial premises. It started because I needed a flexible table in my home office, something strong and sturdy but at the same time light and with a significant expression. When I realized that the design worked, and that it was very practical - for instance you can sit anywhere around the table without your knee sticking in the leg - I developed a smaller version to work as a base for the bench. Later on, I realized I could develop a whole collection based on a few components, with the triple leg as the supportive construction. I don’t recall exactly where the name No Early Birds came from but it somehow fitted. Partly because the triple leg is somewhat reminiscent of a bird’s leg and partly because for me the name symbolizes something that is here to last. Tell us about the collection’s materials, leather, wood and brass. I wanted the materials to be elegant but very basic. They contrast each other and work together as a whole – and they age with beauty. What are some of your ’pet peeves’ when it comes to other people’s interior design? If they follow a trend or a certain style too much. Do you have one suggestion to help people light their homes successfully? Use lots of light sources. How would you describe your own home? It is under restoration at present, but it will be very basic. Mainly natural materials such as oak, marble and brass. It will have a lot of No Early Birds furniture, of course, mixed with my favorite Italian, Danish and post-war American designs. I’ve been to your residential project, Villa Sjövägen. Your successful design was somewhat compromised by children’s toys in the dining room and other elements. How do you feel about it? Well, it clearly wasn’t designed for children and their toys, but I’m glad nevertheless that the people who live there like it as it is, and keep it that way. It’s awful when rooms are shut off from children. Your aesthetic is quite restrained. Will we ever see a maximalist Per Söderberg design? (Laugh) Maybe the dining room at the aforementioned Villa Sjövägen is as far as I will ever go as a maximalist…we will see. What’s next for you? I’m working on a very interesting project for Nordic Sea Winery in Simrishamn, opening in April next year. I’m also developing No Early Birds and look for interesting collaborations.

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a g e ” D o n ’t r e m e m b e r. . . ” boyfriend Single designer Rick Owens, McQueen and Jonny Johansson of Acne to name b u t a f e w. perfume Bleu De Chanel bedwear Nude

After just a few years in the Swedish capital, DENNIS BRÖCHNER is now living his dream as one of Sweden’s most prominent drag queens, both as a solo act and as part of Sweden’s legendary After Dark drag show act. And did we mention he’s also a sought after celebrity stylist?

How did your career as a drag queen kick off? It started in my mom’s closet at the age of five, and then professionally when I was nineteen. I used to be a dancer but I hated flat shoes, so I stepped up my game with a pair of Jimmy Choo’s. What is your career goal as a drag queen? Karl Lagerfeldt said it all: ”I´m living my memoir, I don´t need to write it”. What makes a good drag queen? A fierce walk, a nice but sassy attitude and a sense of ”what’s next?” As a drag queen, who is your role model? Hands down, Christer Lindarw (Sweden’s original drag queen), my boss in After Dark and ”Queen of all Queens”. What’s the most exciting thing that’s happened in your career so far? Being hired by Sweden´s foremost drag show act, After Dark. You’re also a celebrity stylist, how did that come about? I got a call from Anton Ewald’s record label prior to the Swedish Eurovision finals, and I was offered an opportunity to style him. The collaboration became a success and here we are. Styling is a fabulous way to express yourself. Who would be your dream celebrity to style? Barack Obama in an avant-garde drag look would be interesting, don’t you think? Rita Ora is cool…and of course Gaga. What makes a good stylist? Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than to be absolutely boring. What’s your relationship to Stockholm? It’s my hometown and one of the most beautiful cities I know. Stockholm has a marvelous energy and stunning people!

photo JKF photo 58




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YASURAGI IS THE JAPANESE WORD for inner peace and harmony. It is also the name of a peaceful oasis, just outside Stockholm, where Japanese baths, energizing activities, treatments, wine and gourmet food beckon. We jump on a ferry to this sanctuary, right from the doorstep of the Grand Hotel Stockholm. Thirty minutes later, while drinking a cool drink and watching the skyline disappear from the outdoor deck, it’s time to disembark. Ascending a steep hill surrounded by lush forest, we are delighted when Hasseludden reveals itself. Our private naki-san (host) Johanna greets us with “Irashai-mase” (welcome) and leads us through the stylish concrete interior. After taking off our shoes we enter our very own ryokan. A ryokan is a Japanese ”guesthouse” for 1-8 people, with futon beds and springy tatami mats on the floor. From a separate room I hear the soothing sound of running water - it’s our enormous and private hot spring, including water at a temperature of 40 degrees and a view to die for – we feel peaceful already! Wallto-wall windows face the Baggensfjärd inlet, where the ferries pass in and out of Stockholm, while a ten-meter-long balcony stretches out at treetop height. I’m left to my own devices and slip into my comfy daywear: a yukata (a cotton kimono) and slippers. Authentic furniture is tastefully placed in the austere interior, and water, snacks and a minibar add to the comfort. An hour later, when my company arrives

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with a knock on the ryokan gate, I realize that I’ve been staring out the window the whole time, entranced by the ambiance. In 1970 the Swedish national workers union acquired the grounds at Hasseludden and commissioned the Japanese architect Yoji Kasajima to design the site. The result was a remarkable, 20,000 square-meter building in concrete and glass. The cubist building is brutal yet interacts beautifully with the nature it invites in through its many glass panels. For the first 20 years, the building was a trade union school but during the 90s it was shut down and Hasseludden became a plain conference centre. A decade later, a ”rebirth” rather than a makeover was needed and so a stunning transformation took place. Hasseludden became a complete Japanese bath experience, for private guests as well as for business clients, which launched in the spring of 1997. Recently, this Feng Shui paradise has undergone a major expansion to satisfy the growing interest in mind and spirit, health and personal pampering. The prominent architectural firm White was responsible for adding 27 new rooms, while KastrupSjunnesson increased the number of hot and cold outdoor springs, as well as adding saunas and a new relaxation lounge. Meanwhile, Doos Architects’ new themed meeting rooms draw on inspiration from Japanese culture: the Shibuya district, Kabuki and Manga. As a result, this year the center won Best Spa-conference in the Spastar Awards.

It’s time to indulge ourselves with the Japanese bathing process. It’s a traditional ceremony that takes place in two stages: the first serves to cleanse the body, the second to cleanse the soul. Taking time to do so is very much a part of the point. Leaving our peaceful ryokan we head for the main public pool. We begin the process in the softly lit washing room by sitting down on low wooden stools and washing ourselves with cloths in slow movements towards the heart. We then fill wooden buckets with water and pour the purifying liquid over our heads. This is repeated until we feel entirely clean and relaxed. Once our bodies are clean, it’s time to cleanse our souls. After a quick lap in the large swimming pool (”only” 28 degrees), we ”pour” ourselves into the embrace of an outdoor hot spring. Late summer winds cool our faces, while our bodies relax below the su rface. There’s something incredibly pure and blissful about being immersed in a hot outdoor bath. We remain silent, our eyes open yet seeing nothing. An hour later, the ”therapy session” has worked its magic. We feel calm, clear and peaceful. Putting our yukatas back on, we prepare for the next stage in our Japanese experience - dinner. We’ve opted out of the two first class restaurants – a Teppanyaki restaurant, where a personal chef prepares food on a hot plate in front of the guest, and a Kaiten sushi place, with one of those rotating conveyor belts. We want to make the most of the experience, so our naki-san brings a sushi and sashimi starter, a tender veal main and a dessert trio to our private ryokan. A drinks pack-

age containing the hotel’s very own beer, sake, red wine, and a delectable plum wine, complements the subtly flavored meal perfectly. Green Matcha tea and fruit complete our delicious dinner. Who said one shouldn’t bathe after a meal? We can’t go to bed without having a glass of wine in our own luxurious hot spring, where the view of whispering, waving treetops becomes our entertainment. It’s not long before we’re hypnotized. Our comfortable futons hug our bodies into la-la-land proving that huge mattresses are completely unnecessary for a restful, peaceful sleep.


Little JAPAN

One day Ryokan for two persons, Breakfast and dinner (served by your host in the room), Activities and entrance to the Japanese b a t h s i n c l u d e d . Te a - a n d f r u i t buffet, $1160. Three course dinner with drinks package for two persons $245 YA S U R A G I H A S S E L U D D E N Hamndalsvägen 6 132 39 Stockholm, Sweden Ya s u r a g i . s e

Both Japanese and Swedish cultures appreciate nature, health and the understated. The high-end recreational center Yasuragi Hasseludden, in Stockholm’s archipelago, is the embodiment of this philosophy





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our midsummer night’s dream jake & mikael june 20–21, 2013 stora karlsö, gotland, sweden




THE FORTUNATE SWEDES have had civil marriage since 1863. Sweden was also the first country to allow civil partnerships for gays, with rights similar to those of married couples. This law was later repealed to give way for gender-neutral marriages in 2009. When I first met my husband, we knew we’d be together forever. As we were a little ”anti-establishment”, we once thought, ”gay marriage is more for heteronormative losers”. But as time passed, we were reminded of life’s uncertainties, and something in us changed. Perhaps marriage was a good idea after all? Perhaps it was a way to acquire the same rights as everyone else? However, we decided if we were going to do it, we would do it in our very own, secular – and very fabulous – way. After some soul searching, I popped the question during my surprise birthday bash. He said yes! It felt natural to plan the event ourselves. During our engagement trip to Barcelona, we brainstormed about the date, the theme, and of course, the menu. Our hearts were set on an intimate, outdoor wedding, surrounded by our nearest and dearest. Our wedding would be a two day affair, with the ceremony taking place on the small island of Stora Karlsö, some kilometers off the coast of Gotland in the Baltic Sea. Gotland holds special memories for me as I grew up there and my family still has a summer house there. On day two, Midsummer’s Eve, we planned to relocate to my brother’s family vicarage in southern Gotland, for more wedding celebrations and the Swedish midsummer. We began researching sites like Pinterest to create a mood board image bank. Although the average engagement is around 16 months, we felt that midsummer, six months away, was the ideal time. We were excited to learn the venue we’d been dreaming about was completely ours for the day. A small restaurant was able to cater for the dinner reception and sixty available beds was just the right amount of guests. It was the perfect location. After Yellowstone National Park in the US, the island is the oldest natural reserve in the world, most famous for its abundant bird life. In the spring, an extraordinary number of orchids bloom, while juniper bushes and a few small trees dot the landscape. The flat island center contrasts the (up to) fifty meter steep cliffs on

the outskirts of the island, and the tallest cliff is home to a large lighthouse with its own garden dating back to 1887 – ideal for our ceremony! As our wedding theme revolved around a magical setting at midsummer, we drew inspiration from Shakespeare’s A Midsummer’s Night Dream. First, we created a graphic profile with a monogram, then we designed and sent invites (featuring us in a Shakespearian setting, printed on vellum and handmade paper), along with RSVP letters, and a website address for practical information (not only convenient for international guests but also later used for guests to share their wedding images). Over the spring, our planning moved along at a steady pace and fell into place: menu, music, officiant, guest list, seating plan and, of course, the rings. A month before the wedding, we headed down to Gotland and Stora Karlsö, to make our final decisions and preparations. In the weeks before the wedding, our kind friends arranged incredible bachelor parties for us. We had boat rides, rollercoasters, fencing and even dancing classes. We felt very spoiled and extremely loved. The week before the big day was spent in Gotland, handling all the inevitable last minute preparations. When our big day finally arrived, the weather gods were smiling on us. Two ferry rides brought guests to Stora Karslö in the sunshine. Our guests were handed individual paper bags, each containing a welcome guide that included a schedule, a map, a menu, a “who’s who” and a small wine bottle. During the day, we prepared our floral arrangements and did some last minute preparations, while our guests explored the island and enjoyed Pimms with sandwiches. At our bespoke flower station, guests were invited to create their own floral accessory – bouttoniere, corsage or floral crown – for the evening’s affairs. As the sun set, we dressed up to the nines and gathered outside the restaurant on the shore. After a Champagne starter, we enjoyed a lavish four- course dinner. (We saved room for dessert, to be later served by the lighthouse). After dinner, we all adjourned to the lighthouse for the outdoor ceremony, delicious dessert and plenty of dancing. (Naturally, we sneaked away to change our outfits,

ready for the ceremony.) After the ceremony, we enjoyed a dessert table, plenty of drinks and dancing. Our joy carried us through the night and we were still dancing outside in the glow of the sunrise the next morning, celebrating life from the cliff top. On Midsummer’s Eve, we relocated to my brother’s estate on the south end of Gotland, to enjoy more wedding festivities inspired by the traditional Swedish midsummer. And of course, every wonderful wedding should have an equally wonderful honeymoon. Ours was spent in the unique city of Venice. Immersed in dilapidated beauty, Aperol Spritzers on the roof terrace, food orgasms, the 12-kilometers-long Lido beach, and Venice art Bienale, we enjoyed the perfect tonic for overwhelmed hearts and overworked brains. All that remains to do is write those ohso-important thank you notes! DECEMBER we got engaged! engagement booked J A N U A RY engagement announced we researched and created the overall concept engagement trip venue booked

F E B R U A RY graphic profile and webpage is created rings designed, met the jeweler MARCH invitations sent music arranged best man and toastmasters announced officiant secured s o u n d a n d l i g h t s b o u g h t, b o o k e d and ordered APRIL wedding license gained (we forg o t t o d iscuss name change, so we kept o u r o w n ) honeymoon booked M AY we visited the location to make detailed final decisions and arrange a schedule we met the officiant rings finished! p r a c t i c a l i t i e s l i k e g u e s t l i s t, seating charts, travel and sleeping arrangements finalized best man and toastmasters roles defined JUNE vows written! bachelor parties final fittings haircuts (and a little tooth bleaching) honeymoon



0 1 L O C AT I O N We w e r e a b l e t o r e n t t h e e n t i r e S t o ra Karlsö. A Nordic gem of nature which once visited stays with you forever. Perhaps most well-known for its beautiful, harsh landscape, flower meadows and large colonies of b i r d s , i t ’s t h e w o r l d ’s s e c o n d o l d e s t nature reserve. 02 PLACE SETTINGS Place cards with calligraphed vellum and handmade paper, a larch tree pine cone and a large pale/purple amethyst were placed on top of a handmade linen napkin, featuring our monogram stenciled in gold. A keepsake for our guests.

0 8 C AT E R I N G At sundown, our fabulously dressed guests gathered by the restaurant for Champagne, before indulging in fine dining/rustic crossover dishes, with some of our favorite ingredients and local delicacies, as well as lots of edible flowers. An eclectic dessert table (gold-leafed chocolate-truffles, macaroons with truffles/whisky filling, fruits and candies) was served by the lighthouse after the dinner and ceremon y. H i s - a n d - h i s d r i n k s w e r e s e r v e d from a tap in glass mason jars.


03 FLOWERS We o r d e r e d b u n d l e s o f l a r g e , b l o o ming flowers such as piones and heirloom roses, all in pale, powdery pastels, from a local flower shop. On the wedding day these were arranged simply in a range of plain glass vases. Inspired by Vivienne We s t w o o d ’s S S 1 3 s h o w, g u e s t s w e r e invited to create their own floral accessory – a bouttoniere, corsage or floral crown. Our own floral crowns were made with the county flowers of our birth place.


0 4 C O L O U R PA L E T T E The muted colors of the local nature, with their bright floral accents, become the inspiration for our palette. 05 RINGS We d e s i g n e d o u r o w n n o n - t r a d i t i o n a l two-finger ring, in blackened silver, with black and white diamonds on the inside. Our inspiration was “looking at each other”. A talented friend and jeweler produced them for us.


06 CEREMONY With the ocean as a backdrop, guests stood in a semi-circle while four friends held tall branches, creating an abstract arbour. The children of our siblings were our ring bearers. Music included classic but modern music by Olafur Arnalds, Max Richter and Sigur Ros. 0 7 AT T I R E W i t h a s m a l l n o d t o Yv e s S a i n t L a u r e n t ’s M o r o c c a n l o v e a f f a i r, a n d to literary works like The Great Gatsby and Brideshead Revisited, we wore a casual/modern combination of off-white tuxedos, casual scoop neck T- s h i r t s a n d g l a d i a t o r s a n d a l s . A f t e r dinner, we changed into beautifully embellished exotic tunics (kurtas), with harem pants and handmade gilded shoes; one pair for the ceremony and a second pair for dancing.


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MENU ramsonsoup with quail egg –––––– duck confit salad with truffles –––––– cod tournedos with pork ear crackling cauliflower purée & redwine sauce –––––– local cheeses with chutney –––––– grand dessert table









PHOTOGRAPHY A s w e d i d n ’t w a n t t r a d i t i o n a l g r o up photos, guests were welcomed to document informally and later share images on our webpage. (This worked well as people added pictures long after the event.) This gave us truly unique and lasting memories to treasure.

L O C AT I O N Stora KarlsĂś,










HIS 20-YEAR REIGN came to bear his name under the Gustavian and Late Gustavian eras, and was a period when Swedish artists and artisans stood proud in competition with their colleagues from abroad. A whole generation of domestic artists born of the castle workshop and art academy were able to work à la mode with the very latest styles from the continent, without being viewed as hopeless copycats from the frozen wastelands to the north. In the 1770s, the new “façon Français” disseminated among master carpenters in Stockholm was a completely distinct, national variation on neo-classicism and the French Louis XVI style. Gustavian furniture became highly prized due to the trend for more simplistic domestic furniture, something which its neater proportions and clean lines suited perfectly. In contrast to the organic panache of the Rococo period, the Gustavian style was founded in geometry, which opened up new opportunities to create intricate intarsia décor. Through printed pattern, publishers and posters, international design spread to the country, where Swedish master craftsmen

were able to create their own individual décor types, many of which became hallmarks for the different masters’ studios. “There was glitz to Gustaf’s time,” wrote the Swedish poet Esaias Tegnér in 1836. His words, as they did then, awaken a longing for bygone days and it is a delight to note that interest in Swedish art history and applied art from the Gustavian era remains consistent. What could be more attractive in one’s home than a piece of Swedish applied art from the 1700s? Among many other lots, the Classic Auctions at Stockholms Auktionsverk (the next one takes place in December 2013) present furniture and applied art from the Gustavian age. Naturally, all items are of the very highest class. This beautiful period of Swedish history is also excellently represented at Stadsauktion. Our pictures display a small selection of recently sold items, all from the latter half of the eighteenth century. All these items are in the price range of SEK 5,000–40,000.



STOCKHOLMS AUKTIONSVERK is a leading Nordic marketplace for art, crafts and antiques from a variety of ages and epochs. The Company was founded in 1674. As such, we are the oldest auction house in the world s t i l l o p e r a t i n g t o d a y. W e o p e r a t e o u r business in Stockholm from two addresses: Stockholms Auktionsverk at Nybrogatan 32 in Ă–stermalm, where we hold our large quality and special auctions, and Stadsauktion at Magasin 5 in Frihamnen, where, we have our online auctions. Auktionsverket. se,

Gustavian GLITZ






19.30 GALAXY DEPARTURE Cold champagne awaits us in our e x e c u t i v e s u i t e a s S t o c k h o l m ’s s k y line fades in the distance.


jocke mikael

peter niklas

frank benjamin

robert jake





The à la carte restaurant takes us to Russia with a menu of representative dishes; smetana and gherkin, blinis with the choice of three different roes – and the tour de force – T h e Ts a r ’ s S w o r d , a m e a t l o v e r s dream consisting of mountains of different meats served on a sword!

› Being pulled into a cabin, ravished by a youngsters at 3am. PETER on his best AND worst experience

› I enjoyed the unpretentious vibe and being secluded with friends. The service staff was amazing. I wished there were more hotties a n d t h a t m y i P a d d i d n ’t g e t c r u s h e d u n d e r a l l t h e t a x - f r e e I b o u g h t . JAKE


After a bacchanalian dinner, we enjoy a digestive and a mellow vibe in the sophisticated wine bar.

24.00 THE EXECUTIVE SUITE Outfit change and abundant tomfoolery fueled by more champagne ensue in our executive suite before exploring the nightlife. Boys will be boys.




› I always felt there were many drunks, and – as I travel a lot in my job – that it took a lifetime. After this trip I finally understood the many perks of the boat - and completely changed my attitude. Now I’m a Silja silver cardholder and travel frequently for work instead of flying. BJÖRN



There are two discos on the ship – we choose the one with house music. After two trays of Fireball shots we’re ready to attack the dance floor with innocent Finnish boys.

02.00 ZENITH DISCO S T O CS K TH OO CL KM H O- LM MA R - IÅEBH OA(M RN e t u( R r ne ttui cr nk etti)c k e t ) dd ee ll uu xx ee jj oo uu rr nn ee yy 22 pp ee rr ss oo nn ss (( ii nn cc ll uu dd ee ss D D ee ll uu xx ee -- cc aa bb ii nn & & D D ee ll uu xx ee bb rr ee aa kk ff aa ss tt )) ,, ff rr oo m m $$ 22 11 00 ee xx ee cc uu tt ii vv ee jj oo uu rr nn ee yy 22 pp ee rr ss oo nn ss (( ii nn cc ll uu dd ee ss E E xx ee cc uu tt ii vv ee ss uu ii tt ee & & D D ee ll uu xx ee bb rr ee aa kk ff aa ss tt )) ,, ff rr oo m m $$ 55 00 00 hh aa pp pp yy ll oo bb ss tt ee rr SS ee aa ff oo oo dd rr ee ss tt aa uu rr aa nn tt (( aa m m uu ss tt !! )) SS ee aa ff oo oo dd pp ll aa tt ee aa uu ,, $$ 55 00 aa ll ee kk ss aa nn dd ee rr R R uu ss ss ii aa nn rr ee ss tt aa uu rr aa nn tt F F ii vv ee -- cc oo uu rr ss ee dd ii nn nn ee rr ,, ii nn cc ll uu dd ii nn gg w w ii nn ee ,, $$ 11 11 00 ss aa uu nn aa aa nn dd pp oo oo ll –– O O nn ee hh oo uu rr ,, $$ 88 55 Ta Ta ll ll ii nn kk ss ii ll jj aa .. cc oo m m



› The best experience was for sure the Seafood restaurant. The service was excellent. The food and the wine were fantastic. A perfect dinner that i will remember! JOCKE


Sunglasses are required for war stories during a revival brunch – burgers and a hairo f - t h e - d o g b e e r . ” Wa i t , w h a t happened?”

T h e B a l t i c s e a ’s b e s t s e a f o o d restaurant impresses with fab views and a renowned seafood plateau with lobster, Dublin Bay prawns, King crab, Shrimps, Oysters…the list goes on.

16.00. HAPPY LOBSTER SEAFOOD RESTAURANT › The hang-over the next day – ugh! FRANK on his worst experience


We m a r v e l o v e r l o w p r i c e s in the Ta x f r e e boutique. Luxe cosmetics, champagne and food like foie gras. (No, we’re not ”p.c.”).


The captain has graciously (and patiently) agreed to m e e t u s h u n g o v e r h o m o s . We ask a slew of both high- and low-brow questions.

14.00 POOL/SPA

We r e n t t h e l a r g e p o o l a n d sauna. A bar keeps us ”hydrated”.







cover story


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wa i s t c o at O D E U R shearling coat ACNE jeans WKD coat ACNE

i m a g e s B E N J A M I N FA L K & J A K E RY D Q V I S T styling DENNIS BRÖCHNER grooming OLLE JOHANSSON for makeupstore w o r d s B E N J A M I N FA L K & J A K E RY D Q V I S T


cover story

LUSCIOUS LIPS & GYRATING HIPS ––––– ANTON is the NEW FACE of SCANDIPOP ––––– In 2013, a young man called Anton performed as a backing dancer for the artist Danny Saucedo. Fast forward a year, and the same dancer, now known as Anton Ewald, has 150,000 Instagram followers, a hit EP, and a global launch in the works. So how did it happen? One word: Eurovision. A sparkling stepping stone to success. It’s widely known that the international careers of the legendary ABBA and Celine Dion were directly launched following their participation in the Eurovision Song Contest, and there have been many other success stories over the years. In 2013, a whopping 170 million global viewers tuned in to the – slightly camp – phenomenon. Always entertaining and absolutely never low key, the event attracts most European countries to compete and enter the lucky representative who made it through the local semi-finals. In Sweden, these are spectacular productions (Melodifestivalen) that have half of the population glued to their televisions. While the record industry struggles, these events are a heaven-sent platform to launch new talent – in record time. When Anton Ewald took center stage as an artist, it was a cocky move. Not least because he’d turned down an offer to tour with a production of Swan Lake

by the internationally acclaimed street dance company Bounce. But Anton’s pulsating dance track, Begging (Fredrik Kempe, Anton Malmberg Hård af Segerstad), was a huge success and fast became the most played song on Spotify at the time. The performance included a stylishly dressed Anton dancing nonstop in a self-choreographed number. Despite finishing third, his broad appeal – puppy eyes, wide smile and charming confidence to match – made it obvious that he’d become not just the ”tween” choice but also the big breakout star. His EP A – pop with an R&B edge – has topped the Swedish charts since its launch in May. Meanwhile, not shy of publicity, he’s toured and been on every Swedish TV show worth mentioning over the summer. We spent the day in the studio with Anton for this issue’s cover shoot. With a parental make up that includes German, Swedish and Iranian, it’s hard to not to fall for his dark, exotic beauty. Add to that his charming, determined nature, and he makes the perfect cover star. You strike me as a very independent artist with a lot of input into your own career? – I’ve been very lucky in that sense. I




cover story

decide most things in my career, which is a real advantage. It was one of my requirements when I signed the record deal. I said, “This is the way we do it, or we don’t do it at all.” I was lucky enough to be able to afford that. How did you end up participating in Eurovision? – I got a phone call from the CEO of Universal Music in Sweden, who had seen my dance videos on YouTube. He asked me to record a video that featured my singing. When he saw it he, was overjoyed and offered me a record deal right there and then. The idea of doing Melodifestivalen was suggested and at first I hesitated, but then I thought I’d give it a go if the right song came along. When the record company first presented me with Begging it didn’t sound anything like it does now, and so I was really reluctant to do it. But Universal Music gave me a week to think it over and when that week came to an end, I felt that it was too good an opportunity to lose, so I said yes. After that, things happened very quickly. Even though I’m not one of the producers I was there all the way through to give them my input, especially as a dancer. I was very particular about every sound in the final production. I was blown away by your performance in Melodifestivalen. Unlike most other songs, it sounded very fresh - was that a deliberate strategy? - First of all, thanks! And yes, I took a very well calculated risk, but I felt very confident about the song and performance. I did feel a bit disappointed when it didn’t make it straight to the final, but the good thing about going to “the second chance” was that people got to see me a second time, so when I finally made it to the Swedish final people had seen me be-

fore, whereas they had only seen the other performers once. I’m not the first goodlooking young guy to sing and dance, but I’m going to be the best! In order to make others believe in me, I have to believe in myself first, and I think people saw that in my performance. I choreographed the number and I chose to wear a more James Dean kind of look instead of a traditional Eurovision style. I think the total picture made me stand out. I heard a rumor that you didn’t want to win? – I always compete to win! And I was disappointed when I didn’t, but if I look at the aftermath and the development of my career, maybe it was a good thing that I didn’t win. The support I’ve received from social and traditional media has been amazing. So yes, I’m very happy with the outcome. Would you say that you feel like a winner anyway? – Yes, definitely. You are currently working on a full-length album; how does it sound compared to your EP? - It’s still a very commercial sound but there are influences of older music this time around, like funk, Michael Jackson and Prince. I would call it -pop-funkR&B. But it’s still very dancey all the same, maybe even more dancey than my EP, by my own standards. Do you have a fanbase outside of Sweden? – Yes. Many of my “followers” aren’t actually Swedish. What’s good about Instagram is that you can end up on “most popular” lists, which I’ve done a few times, and through that I’ve received a lot of new followers. There‘s also a big interest in ar-




cover story

hat TIGER OF SWEDEN denim jacket ACNE t r o u s e r s R E I N E TA P P E R a c c e s s o r i e s P R I VAT E



trousers WKD c o at V I N TA G E t- s h i r t H & M s h e a r l i n g wa i s t c o at A C N E shoes ACNE a c c e s s o r i e s a n d s t a r p r i n t P R I VAT E

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tists who have been in Melodifestivalen outside of Sweden, so I’ve gained a lot of fans through that too. The country I’m most popular in - if you look at my Facebook page - is actually Spain.

being gay is very acceptable. I feel very relaxed with other guys, so if I had been gay it would have been the perfect environment to come out. But as it turned out – I’m straight.

Will your album be released outside of Sweden? – We’re looking into it at the moment, but I do want it to be released worldwide. My ambition is to be an international artist. If things go smoothly, the album should be released at the beginning of next year.

If you were gay who would be your dream man? – Hmm, that’s a difficult question, but I have to say Gerard Butler. He’s good looking.

There’s been a lot of focus on your looks; does that make you feel uncomfortable? – No. It’s better that people talk about my looks, than not talk about me at all. If people think I’m good looking, I’m happy. I’ll just continue doing my thing. Talking about your body, you went to Sweden’s hardest dance academy, the Royal Swedish Ballet school for three years. How was that? – Yes I did. I finished last year and let me tell you… it’s a very good education as a dancer but it’s really strict and not always fun. Fortunately I attended Modern Dance Education, which is a bit less harsh. At the time, my goal was to become a professional dancer, not a singer! How has your newfound fame affected you? – It’s been a different experience. I think it’s hard for someone who hasn’t been through that transformation themselves to understand the process. But I never had a dream to become famous; my dream was to become the best I can be at whatever I do. But I love it when people come up to me and tell me how much they love me. You were a backing dancer for the Swedish star Danny Saucedo (whom we’ve frequently featured in Dorian) – has it helped you to handle fame? – Yes it has! I’ve seen the way he handles fame and fans, and it has inspired me. Have you always known that you are straight? – No. Like every other teenager I’ve had doubts about my sexuality, and of course I’ve been in a dance environment where

What is the gayest thing you’ve ever done? – I kissed a guy when we played Truth or Dare.

cover story


Anton, 20, is single, ”I don’t have time to date right now”. d e s i g n e r Acne, Black Denim and Rick Owens. f r a g r a n c e Victor & Rolf Spicebomb b e d w e a r Underwear w o r k o u t Cross fit 3-4 times a week s t o c k h o l m f a v o u r i t e s Try Bagel Deli café at Fridhemsplan, or have a classic “Biff Rydberg” at restaurant Grodan. Shop at Acne or BlackDenim.

And how was that? – (Laughs) I don’t remember. I was too drunk and a bit too young to be drunk too, but it wasn’t unpleasant. I’m sure it was ok. (Smiles and blushes) But I’ve heard a rumor that you’ve watched gay porn? Isn’t that more gay? – Is that considered more gay? Don’t look at me – I’m asking you? (Laughs) Unless it was lesbian porn? – No, it was with two guys! (Laughs) It was another one of those things you do out of curiosity when you are a teenager. I was maybe 14 years old when it happened. It was different… and exciting. Like all other sexual things. Your first gig after Melodifestivalen was at a gay club in Stockholm (actually the same night). Is the feedback from the gay audience different from when you perform in front of hordes of girls? – It’s very much the same; it’s only the pitch of the voices that’s different! (Smile) Do you want to send a message to all your gay fans? - Yes. It’s the same one as when I performed at Stockholm Pride – Fuck Russia! Short but intense. What do you want to say to readers who don’t know you and are curious about you after reading this? – Listen to my EP and YouTube my name! ❣

Wa t c h v i d e o w i t h A n t o n f r o m t h e Dorian shoot in the digital version, available on

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words daniel scheffler


crystal romance gay wedding cake topper from We d d i n g c o l l e c t i b l e s . c o m , $7 2 , 9 5 80 |

AROUND 1% OF THE TOTAL NUMBER OF CURRENTLY MARRIED OR REGISTERED SAME-SEX COUPLES GET DIVORCED EACH YEAR Back track to 1932 and oh my, how things have changed! At that time, Gay Divorce was Fred Astaire’s last Broadway musical; fast forward nearly a century and gay divorce is now an ugly reality gaining power worldwide. But as they say what goes up, must come down. On May 9, 2012, President Barack Obama announced, ”I think same-sex couples should be able to get married”. He was talking about marriage but by implication he was also saying that same-sex couples should be able to divorce. Even so, the naysayers (even if they are satirists like Lewis Black) will still spew forth a lash on the whole system of tying and then untying the knot: “Divorce is a sacred institution between a man and a woman who hate each other. God wanted Adam to pay alimony to Eve, not Steve”. If in doubt, just look at the statistics. At present they show a relatively small number, but as more people around the world become legally able to get married then it stands to reason that the divorce numbers will also multiply. According to Marriage Equality USA, a volunteer-driven, national grassroots organization, around 1% of the total number of currently married or registered same-sex couples get divorced each year. By comparison, the figure is around 2% for the total number of married straight couples. They also note that the percentage of couples that get divorced eventually is close to 50%, but only 1% or 2% of them get divorced in any particular year. In this specific instance, the numbers unfortunately cannot lie. DOWN THE AISLE OF HISTORY As modern as it seems, gay marriage has been around for centuries. But recent media interest, the vehement backing of stars such as Madonna and Lady Gaga, and the attempt at full support by the most powerful nation in the world have ensu-

red gay marriage is the hot topic of the year. Not only has New Zealand joined the ranks as the latest country to allow same sex couples to marry, but England will also have its ducks in a tight row by early next year. Looking further back to ancient times, the gays were marrying right across the continents. As early as the Zhou dynasty period of China there are recorded stories, including that of Pan Zhang and Wang Zhongxia, of male domestic partnerships. During the Romans’ reign as an empire, Emperor Elagabalus referred to his very blonde chariot driver and slave, Hierocles, as his husband and was said to later have married an athlete, Zoticus, in a lavish public ceremony. But the Romans didn’t stop there: Nero reportedly married twice, with two extravagant public ceremonies. Whether the Romans were drunk or high (as they so often were), or whether they got married in a “Vegas-I-Was-Drunk” stunt or not, will keep us guessing forever. Furthermore, in Medieval times as far back as 1061, two men were married in Spain in a small chapel by a priest. Pedro Diaz and Muno Vandilaz, of the Galician municipality, even had the documents to prove it. More recently, women could marry each other as a “Boston Marriage”, a situation in which two women lived together, independent of financial support from a man.



In modern times, gay weddings have taken place right across the globe, from the tackiest white swan extravaganzas to the more low-key and elegant courtroom standings. But with so many marriages taking place over the centuries, surely divorce must also date back across history? On March 4, 2013, the cover of New York magazine featured two men leaning in to kiss each other, only to have their “photo” torn up as part of the cover’s “Divorce Equality” feature. The piece, a lengthy feature about couple Kevin Muir and Sam Ritchie, details the love bells, gay-marriage pioneer phase and the demise of the whole situation, including how ghastly it all became. Some of the details are just too grim to share. As gay marriage’s modern take, or infusion, is still so new and painfully fresh in our history, the legality and practicality of it all may not yet have been sorted out. The matrimonial courts are just getting around granting permission as well as their blessing, while the banks and investment brokers are just beginning to get their heads around all the taxes that have now changed. Not to mention property ownership and bonds that are now no longer owned in singularity. A whole lot of chaos could be just down the line. THE DIVORCE EXPLOSION As more people than ever (read: millions) can now get married it is surely inevitable


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that the option to opt out of marriage is now also available to more people. The first-to-market marriage pioneers, in sync with the freshness of the opportunity, have ensured the idea is now a welcome possibility and so for those seeking to separate, the world is their oyster. In the New York magazine piece the author quotes UCLA’s Williams Institute, which released figures stating that of the 640,000 gay couples in the U.S. in 2011, 50,000 were married. And so an industry is created: the marriage paraphernalia, the Sex and The City dreams, and then the unraveling of it all – that is, if it does in the end. Eurostat statistical office’s reviews show that the number of divorces in the EU is on the increase: an average of 1.8 divorces for every 1,000 people. And so this is the new industry. From the lawyers to represent, to the insurance to prevent and the Hallmark card to send when it’s all over. Then there are those who will help you move on – the various therapists for the emotional journey and, inevitably, the gay-friendly removal guys who will collect everything that you own (including those Blu-rays you hated but are going to take anyway) and help you with the physical trip.

Enter Start Over Smart, a support expo, which has arrived at the perfect time. Divorce used to have a negative connotation, dictated, presumably, by religion, but it is now seen as a way towards one’s happiness. What Start Over Smart provides is a central gathering place for women and men who are navigating the icky divorce process and who want to start their lives over. There are webinars, support groups and ways to connect the divorced and divorcee to the best resources. All that (and some) together with a smile on everyone’s faces. Divorce isn’t dirty anymore; in fact nowadays you’re dirty for staying in a bad situation, it seems. Self-help books taught that exact lesson in the 90s when Barnes and Noble were still full of customers. The gays apparently just heard the news and they’re self-helping their way through it. The first taster of self-help books, The Essential Guide to Gay and Lesbian Weddings by Tess Ayers and Paul Brown, has arrived. It includes a section, albeit a very short one, on what to do in case the marriage doesn’t quite last. Their wish for newly-marriage doves is that they never have to deal with “Splitsville” and their sound advice includes discussing key questions pre-marriage, such as, “What are the deal breakers?” and “How would a dissolution occur?” And then, of course, there are the inevi-

table costs. According to a CNBC report this August: “For gay couples, divorce comes with extra costs”. In fact, for gay couples the costs can be more than double those experienced by heterosexuals when it comes to divorce in the U.S. With the uncertainty in legalities as well as the snags (including extra documentation and confused courtrooms all across the country), the costs can drastically and depressingly be driven right up. Suddenly, lawyer’s fees need to be paid instead of Equinox gym memberships, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Something borrowed, something blue, something to give back. Whether it means the system is programmed in a way that complicates dissolution, or whether the system just isn’t geared to understand the data, the hitches experienced by gays in their marriage slash divorce situation still need to be ironed out. As always, there are trailblazers who have helped ease the process, but the real work is still to come. Divorce comes with a set of rules and regulations: the dos and the don’ts of what to do when your marriage is no longer working. The American Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) deals with taxes, pensions and inheritances, but it does so very differently from state to state. Some states allow same-sex marriage (New York) while others grant privileges similar to marriage (New Jersey). According to a Huffington Post article from August this year, “Tips on Avoiding Same-Sex Divorce Complications”, what will happen to gay couples going through a divorce is that “significant assets of any kind will, most likely, be transferred upon divorce”. The piece goes on to say that the house will be acquired by one of the spouses, retirement accounts are to be split, and financial assets will be allocated based upon the marital law of the state of residence of the spouses. However, there are two classes of samesex couples whose fate remains uncertain, according to the Huffington Post. Firstly, couples that live in states that do not recognize their marriage will face certain tax implications when they move from one state to another; the second involves

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couples in civil unions who are subject to federal tax and retirement fund burdens in their home states. In “Bound in a Gay Union by a State Denying It”, a desperate and heart breaking, but well written, piece in the New York Times in 2011, Karen Hartman discusses her dismay with the system. She may be what she calls a “hasbian” but her situation is familiar to gay men across the States: “Nope,” I would blurt brightly, “you can’t undo a civil union in Vermont unless you live there! For a year! There’s a residency requirement, and they’re very strict.” I had confirmed this through repeated calls to the Vermont attorney general, a pleasant man who answers his phone. And that is pretty much where America is stuck right now. In Europe the situation is also very different. Countries such as Germany, Finland and Hungary, for instance, offer legal benefits matching that of different-sex couples, in the form of a civil partnership

or civil union. However according to a Wall Street Journal piece in May this year, the statistics are not available. Iceland, Greenland, Hungary and Austria all say that they don’t look at divorce rates for gays vs. straights – they just record divorce rates. It seems the divorce rate amongst the gays is just not clear. And so with no clear statistics available, can we really say that the correct support or funding for a certain segment of the population is in place? Just like divorce itself, it’s never entirely clear cut. In Holland, where gay marriage has been legal since 2001, the government has also given their gay citizens adoption rights but sadly not without complications. In When Gay People Get Married: What Happens When Societies Legalize Same-Sex Marriage, a book by M. V. Lee Badgett (2010), the author travels to Holland to investigate the impact of same sex marriage, divorce and how the Dutch government protect their citizens regardless of sexuality. But everything isn’t always happiness and roses there either.


In a Euronews article earlier this year, “Reflecting on 12 years of gay marriage in the Netherlands”, the story of a row between Turkey and the Netherlands was revealed. According to the article, “Turkish media and officials, including Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, complained that a baby, born in the Netherlands to a Turkish family, had been placed in foster care at a lesbian couple’s home by social services”. Turkey had then asked for the boy to be returned to his biological family (even though they were allegedly abusive). Members of the Dutch government came to the defense of the country’s child foster care system and gay rights values by stating: “The interest of the child comes first”, adding, “No distinction is made in the Netherlands on the basis of sexual orientation or religion”. So even though this situation was born out of a complication, how can the rest of the world learn from this great example? So what to do… what to do? For now, read. Wedding books are all over the shelves and another bridal wedding





magazine launches annually, but soon the shelves will also feature books (and nonfiction) about divorce. One such book, The Complete Gay Divorce by Brette McWhorter Sember, has got the ball rolling. It starts with an admittance that just as straight couples break up, so do gay couples. The book goes on to explain, in an easy to understand language, how to end a marriage or civil union and what your rights are, as well as throwing in some custody and child support lessons, too. It delivers a very practical journey of what to actually do if it happens to you, and even pays attention to the inevitable emotional drama and personal drain that accompany such a situation.

lation of the whole saga will be published. And inevitably, the literary world will spin out more books about a very contemporary situation and everyone will learn how this whole rigmarole will play out. This is just the beginning of a very big industry (let’s call it a trend), and its thorns and rainbows will still need careful handling before the gays, or the straights, understand it all. But that, as with everything else, will take time and a perhaps a few more pioneers. And then the gays will possibly wake up to the realities of divorce; the candy and the brussel sprouts. ❣

In Margaret Klaw’s book, Keeping It Civil: The Case of the Pre-nup and the Porsche & Other True Accounts from the Files of a Family Lawyer (published this month), she discusses her firsthand experience of clients dealing with gay divorce. Her blog,, also goes into details on same sex marriage and its cessation. Books like Klaw’s are the next frontier of gay marriage and divorce; an easy to read expose of real-life situations for normal people to learn how to go on their path to divorce is what will becomes more prevalent. Perhaps a gay celebrity will divorce next (Ricky Martin? Marc Jacobs?) and the reve-

books on gay divorce e f v a at t l i n g T W O S O M E S TA R 84


awDORIAN 13fashion/ PARACHUTE Neo-classical gentlemen fuses elegant evening-wear with casual day-wear, in textured, contrasting layers


Be prepared for close encounters in an updated, American Gigolo-worthy‚ 80s inspired warderobe


Take a walk on the wild side by incorporating luxurious, fitted, statement leather- and sportswear pieces into your dark agenda


Stylish it-boys with a european sensibility fuse evening elegance with rocker edge

trench ETRO sweatr ETRO pant GUCCI jacket DOLCE&GABBANA shirt H&M p a n t s C AVA L L I

p h o t o g r a p h e r R I C K D AY styling ANDRE AUSTIN grooming GREG CLARK using bumble + bumble m o d e l L O U I S M AY H E W a t r e d m o d e l m a n a g e m e n t n y c

jacket ferragamo shirt dsquared belt g s ta r jeans diesel gloves armani emporio socks bridgedale boots all saints jacket FERRAGAMO shirt DSQUARED shades GUCCI

trench ALL SAINTS sweater ETRO pant TOM FORD gloves EMPORIO ARMANI trench. ETRO vest KOOPLES jeans DIESEL undershirt HOMESPUN

jacket ETRO pant TOPMAN trench ETRO sweater ETRO pant GUCCI

s u i t, j a c k e t & p a n t s D R E A M B E S P O K E bowtie GUCCI skincare JACK BLACK intense therapy lip balm sfp25

OCEAN DRIVE p h o t o g r a p h e r B I L LY W I N T E R S g r o o m i n g K A R E N PA N O C H a t W I L H E L M I N A model RICHIE KUL at NEXT MODEL MANAGEMENT

coat UEG shirt DIESEL tie DSQUARED2 g l a s s e s R AY B A N shoes DIESEL

pullover ARMOR LUX s h o r t s B U R B E R RY B R I T j a c k e t, p a n t s & t i e D R E A M B E S P O K E s h i r t B U R B E R RY L O N D O N fragrance MARC JACOBS hibiscus

suit & shirt DREAM BESPOKE tie LANVIN haircare FREDERIC FEKKAI essential shea tame & style pot de crème hoodie ABBOT+MAIN swimsuit 2EROS goggles SPEEDO

w a t c h T R I WA s w i m w e a r H O M AT F I G L E AV E S s a r o n g P R I VAT E sneakers CLAE

photography JENNI HARE s t y l i n g a n d g r o o m i n g B R E N D A N R O B E RT S O N model TYLER at PRM shot at PROVISION studios london

liquid latex glove m e s h t o p C A LV I N K L E I N tights LEG WEAR 4 MEN gideon harness RUFSKIN

singlet MODUS VIVENDI leggings N2N BODYWEAR l e a t h e r h a r n e s s F L E E T I LY A sheer singlet N2N BODY WEAR leather samurai harness RUFSKIN

muscle shirt N2N BODY WEAR wat c h P H I L I P P E S TA R C K F O R F O S S I L mesh visor HOUSE OF FLORA vasa mesh singlet RUFSKIN shorts N2N BODY WEAR

mesh and leather trim top BODY BOUND black wrestler N2N BODY WEAR l e a t h e r c u f f s F L E E T I LY A mesh and leather top BODY BOUND mesh and leather underwear RUFSKIN

jacket and pants WESC jacket ASHER LEVINE pants WESC


p h o t o g r a p h y S H AW N R E I N O E H L s t y l i n g J O S H E S hair STEVEN FERNANDES @ garren new york salon using garren new york designing spray tonic m a k e u p M I C H A E L C H U A m o d e l T R O Y C A N N ATA @ m a j o r special thanks THEFLUG.COM for providing digital equipment


s h i r t, p a n t s a n d s h o e s DIOR HOMME

shirt and pants ASHER LEVINE jacket MARC JACOBS shoes DIOR HOMME

shirt and jacket D O C M A RT E N S pants and shoes DIOR HOMME

jacket DIOR HOMME pants WESC s h o e s D O C M A RT E N S

photography CHARL MARAIS grooming/body paint/concept B R E N D A N R O B E RT S O N u s i n g m a c p r o s t y l i n g M I N N A AT TA L A model BRANDON @nevs

shirt ASHER LEVINE sweater WESC jacket MARC JACOBS pants and shoes DIOR HOMME sweater and pants WESC jacket and shoes DIOR HOMME sunglasses SAINT LAURENT

j a c k e t, p a n t s a n d s h o e s DIOR HOMME pants ASHER LEVINE s h o e s D O C M A RT E N S

sweater ASHER LEVINE jacket and pants WESC s h o e s D O C M A RT E N S shirt DIOR HOMME pants ASHER LEVINE s h o e s D O C M A RT E N S

sunglasses OAKLEY pvc shirt BODY BOUND silver bikini briefs JOE SNYDER

photography CHARL MARAIS styling and grooming B R E N D A N R O B E RT S O N a t l o v e ly m a n a g e m e n t model BRANDON at nevs

bag RALPH LAUREN swim trunks ANDREW CHRISTIAN b e l t / h a t / s o c k s P R I VAT E

jumper BODY BOUND underpants RUFSKIN sunglasses IC! BERLIN

samurai harness RUFSKIN mesh singlet N2N wat c h P H I L I P P E S TA R C K f o r F O S S I L sunglasses MARC JACOBS

s u n g l a s s e s R AY B A N hooded camouflage top RUFSKIN underwear ANDREW CHRISTIAN

mesh top BODY BOUND black briefs N2N jockstrap ANDREW CHRISTIAN l e a t h e r c u f f F L E E T I LY A sunglasses PRADA

sunglasses CARRERA l e a t h e r h a r n e s s F L E E T I LY A camouflage thong JOE SNYDER black briefs MODUS VIVENDI

camo couture shirt created by the stylist gold string thong JOE SNYDER s u n g l a s s e s TA G H E U E R

–––––––––––––– PATHOLOGY

p h o t o g r a p h y A G ATA M AY E R m o d e l T O M K A R C Z make up E WA DOBROGOWSKA at mokotoska art & models h a i r T O M K A R C Z / E WA D O B R O G O W S K A assistant M AT I K M AT E U S Z S O R N AT all clothes by TOMASZ KARCZ


coat ORSCHEL-READ shirt DOLCE & GABBANA t r o u s e r s PA U L S M I T H tie DUCHAMP b o o t s PA U L S M I T H b l a z e r A L A N TAY L O R trousers DOLCE & GABBANA trainers TOPMAN w a t c h PAT E K P H I L I P P E


photography SIMON LIPMAN at kayte ellis agency stylist THEODORE ADOLPH-REGISFORD grooming SIMON IZZARD at frank agency using unite 24/7 go for men models HUGO WOODS, MAX RENDELl at supa models photography assistant PHIL HEWITT stylist assistant ALICE BINNS

jumper GABICCI t r o u s e r s PA U L S M I T H shoes PINUCCI b a g PA U L S M I T H trench and trousers M AT T H E W M I L L E R hoodie FOXHALL bag MA.STRUM

m a c L AV E N H A M shirt & trousers MCQ b l a z e r PA U L S M I T H trousers GABICCI shirt ETRO t i e PA U L S M I T H ipad case H BY HARRIS

p a r k a a n d t r o u s e r s PA U L S M I T H trainers TOPMAN clutch MCM s u n g l a s s e s P R I VAT E

suit ORSCHEL-READ b a g B U R B E R RY shirt GABICCI wa i s t c o at D U C H A M P suit DODD t i e PA U L S M I T H pocket square DUCHAMP i pa d c as e B U R B E R RY

L U X U R Y F A S H I O N D E S I G N B E A U T Y C E L E B R I T Y C U LT U R E T R A V E L S E X – G AY L I F E I N S T Y L E –

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