Jakob Dawod Portfolio 2016

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jakob dawod

the work of

curriculum vitae


work experience

honors/ awards

Umeå Institute of Design MFA Advanced Product Design

2015 - 2018

Umeå Institute of Design BFA Industrial Design

2013 - 2015

Konstfack BFA Industrial Design

2012 - 2013

Västerviks Gymnasium Nature Sciences

2008 - 2011

Husqvarna Group Industrial Design Intern

Jan - Mar 2014

Papersmyths Illustrator

June - July 2013

Restaurang Guldkant Waiter

June - July 2013

Haier Design Prize by IF Winner with concept “Eco-Pulse”


Scholarship Youngest Student Accepted at Konstfack


Scholarship Great Achievements at Västerviks Gymnasium


speaks Swedish (Fluent) English (Fluent) Polish (Fluent) German (Basic)

skills Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Audition Premiere Pro Solid Works Rhino 3D Alias Keyshot











6 2 brokk dna


am30 Today paramedics are in a lot of cases totally unsecured while treating a patient in the ambulance. They work without their belts buckled because of the flexibility that their work requires. It also requires them to focus on several things simultaneously when their primary task should be to fully focus on the treatment of the patient. AM30 is a future semi-autonomous ambulance concept focusing on how paramedics can treat their patients with less workload, more flexibility & in a safer way than they do today. Instead of an ambulance interior with one static seat on the side of the patient this concept offers a safe way of moving within the ambulance and the possibility to change the interior depending on the treatment.

10 weeks

autumn 2015 user centered design

collaboration partners

- P채r Lindgren, Paramedic

the user During this hands-on project me and my group of classmates had the opportunity to visit the ambulance station in Ume책 to gain insight in how the life of a paramedic is. We got in depth understanding of how the paramedics work in different situations and that their profession requires a lot of fast decisions, improvising and multitasking skills. We had the opportunity to ride-along with the paramedics in their ambulances to emergency sites and got real life experiences on how they treat their patients.

the ambulance visit research video

user centered design

- Me, Designer

v i s i t s a n a ly s i s

visual social persona

concept exercise


Gathering, discussing, visualizing & structuring all the data gathered from our visits. The goal was to ensure that everyone in the class had the same knowledge about the paramedics and to discover new areas that could be improved.

A VSP diagramme is a map over a fictious users day in life. This diagramme was based on the interviews & findings from our visits. This gave us a better overview of potential problems and solutions to develop in the next stages.

Final post-it note ideas were made from which we chose one solution each. These were developed into quick concepts presented during the next day. Some of these were easier journal systems, interiors, communication devices etc.

In groups of four one solution was chosen and acted out as a role-play to the rest of the class. The goal was to quickly identify issues that the user would face with the chosen solution.

intensive brainstorm workshops

insight A need for an interior that allows paramedics to reach all parts of their patients safely

To fully reach around the patient safely without unbuckling or changing the size of our ambulance would be ideal -Ronny Friberg, Paramedic, Umeå

Keeping mask & airflow stable, no seatbelt used

Working outside could be dangerous without proper protection. We could use the ambulance but several people can’t fit in there nor reach around the patient -Samy Sadek, Doctor, Air Ambulance London

study of current solution

Working alone is very uncommon in other healthcare service. We focus on a LOT of things simultaneously -Erik Palmcrantz, Paramedic, Umeå

Compressing patients chest standing, no seatbelt used


focus areas

the problems Reaching and treating the patient is challenging in terms of flexibility. It is very common that the paramedics unbuckle themselves during a ride for better accessibility, which puts themselves in danger. A normal treatment session also requires the treating paramedic to focus on several tasks simultaneously while the main focus should be on the patient.



m u lt i t a s k i n g

Paramedics put themselves in danger to access patients, unbuckled during transport

Today the paramedics can not access the full body of the patient safely

Paramedics focus on several tasks simultaneously while they mainly should focus on the patient

problems & design challenge

sketch process overview

full-scale ideas / feedback from paramedics

Current ambulance size is kept for easy access in tight and crowded traffic situations






new lay-out



The new interior lay-ouy offers great flexibility and a lot of workspace without any changes to the current ambulance measurements. The ambulance has been rearrenged both in how equipment is stored and how the seats and stretcher flexibly moves within the ambulance.



interior architecture

folded seats

sliding seats

flexible arm

If a lot of space is required, the seats can be flat folded for better accessibility.

Paramedics can slide along the rail to the left/right and adjust height between sit-standing/sitting position.

Easily access equipment & change position when not treating patient intensively

flat seats When not in use

sit-standing Towards patient

sitting Facing patient

flexible & safe treatment

sitting In driving direction

transport mode

intensive care mode

on site mode

During a call-out on the way to emergency site, when in high speed or when paramedics have to transport patient to hospital instantly.

Ambulance drives autonomously so two paramedics can focus on the treatment. One on the side, and one behind the patients head, safely seated throughout the entire treatment procedure.

All seats are flat, gives full access around the stretcher. Suitable when protection is needed from the outdoor environment and when a team of paramedics have to collaborate.


autodrive work together


w o r k f l e x i b ly

left/right Slide to the left or right

storage For equipment quite commonly used

rail To easily move within the ambulance to reach equipment & patient

in/outdoor storage For tools used both in & outside the ambulance, medicine bags, bone drill, measuring equipment etc

front cabin Reduced in size to fit in equipment

adjust height Adjust for sit-standing/sitting position

change angle Change angle of the seat

neckrest Adjustable neck rest

foldable arm Foldable arm for seat rotation

b e lt 4 point seatbelt with highlighted buckle for quick interaction

folding seat Foldable seat for different work positions, flexibility & space efficiency

saddle shape To easily move feet when sliding, bump shaped end for support

storage For small things such as needles, tissues, bandage, pads etc

storage Equipment frequently used closely connected to patient, ECG, bag valve masks etc

door Side doors for entrance

outdoor storage For equipment not usually used in the ambulance: leg splint, stair stretcher, neck support etc

concept details

sliding seat

holes For management of cables connected to patient

rail To slide stretcher into specific position

main unit

sliding stretcher

lights Working light & light to confirm that ambulance is in autonomous drive mode, light travels from back to drivers cabin as a confirmation tray Tray for placing currently used equipment on

storage Storage for commonly used equipment, IV-bags etc screen Voice controlled screen for journal, monitoring & for activation of autonomous mode

storage For medicine bags etc rail To transfer patient on stretcher into ambulance

concept details

iv hooks Hooks to hang IV-bags on

on the way

go to hospital

A priority one call. A person has a very hard time breathing and a lot of chest pain. The picture illustrates the paramedic in the back of the ambulance while on the way to the emergency site.

The paramedics tell ambulance to drive autonomously since both need to treat the patient. Instead of waiting for a second ambulance to drive them to hospital, they save time, and life.

transfer patient Paramedics reach emergency site where they find an old person with heavy chest pain, resulting in a cardiac arrest. They transfer the patient into the ambulance to begin the treatment.

treat patient One paramedic makes compressions on the right side of the patient, second paramedic behind the patients head pulls stretcher closer to keep the neck stable for better airflow. Both work safely & flexilby while ambulance moves.

cardiac arrest scenario

- Robert Prov贸 Kluit, Laerdal - Fredrik Hansen, Laerdal

- Me

Click for Full Report


1:6 Cut-out Scale Model

a safer & more flexible ambulance interior

Jakob Dawod - Term Project Masters Programme in Advanced Product Design Ume氓 Institute of Design 2016

final presentation

design manual Brokk is the world leading manufacturer of remote controlled demolition robots. They are based in Sweden and the history of the company has a very strong background story. The demoliton robots themselves are the best on the market but the design DNA is lacking coherency. Our mission was to create a new design language that could be applied on all their products and then apply it ourselves and create a new design propsal. This was performed with a design manual made in teams, me, Pontus Merkel & Rasmus Breitholtz and a new design proposal which was made individually.

4 weeks

autumn 2014 strategic design

collaboration partners

new guideline The new design guideline provides future form elements and descriptions on how these should be applied/not be applied on Brokks products. These have been chosen by researching the heritage of Brokk and are intended to strenghten the brand and its products.

summary of new design direction

exploring new guidelines with shape

dna applied A propsal on how the new brand signature elements Hammer, Trinity and Strive could be applied on a possible future design of the Brokk demolition robots product line.

Signature Hammer

Old Design

Signature Strive

Signature Trinity new design proposal

Forged Since 1976

brokk in context

aven Aven is a new groundbreaking rescue tool for snow avalanches. Aven guides you through sound & light when searching for a buried victim under snow. Aven directs you faster and easier than current devices on the market. Team Jakob Dawod / Marc Saboya Feliu Shigeo Katsura-Gordon / Thomas Helmer

2 weeks

spring 2016 sound design





The interaction with current devices require the user to focus on the product instead of finding the victim.

Knowledge of devices and how to search for a victim is required to search in the most efficient way.

To be recovered alive the victim has to be dug out within the first 15 minutes.

Darkness, wind & mist all affect the sight which makes it harder to find the victim.

How can we simplify the search for a victim buried under snow in an avalanche scenario?

problems & insights

designing sound & light process video

how it works Aven is easily activated through the two buttons on each side of the product in case of an avalanche. By utilizing natural interactions with directional lights and 360 degrees of sound Aven guides its user to a victim by focusing on the user’s context in space, not context within the devices. It makes the device hands free compared to todays handheld units.

buttons Push both buttons simultaneously to activate device

rubber ribs To feel the buttons even with gloves on speakers Guides the searcher with sound to indicate direction and distance

product details

light To visually confirm the direction of the victims location

product video

locating victims in avalanches

husqvarna 630 This project gave me a deeper understanding of production methods, rapid prototyping, brand analysis and parametric modelling. A fully functional and manufacturable hand held screwdriver was modelled in SolidWorks and later on rapid prototyped and assembled into its final execution. My brand of choice became Husqvarna, a well-known Swedish brand mostly known for their chainsaws.

4 weeks

spring 2016 manufacturing techniques


22 hours

a n a ly z i n g c o m p o n e n t s

feature “X�

design freeze in 22h

Analyzing manufacturing methods & internal components of a screwdriver

Picking a brand that currently do not make screwdrivers and adding a new feature relevant to that brand

The design phase had a limit of 22 hours in which hand/digital sketches & mock-ups were produced

design process

a br


The brand of choice became Husqvarna, a brand that do not have screwdrivers in their current product range. I analyzed the brand and its core values as a starting point for the continous process of applying these into a new product.




b r a n d a n a ly s i s







product range

a n a ly z i n g t h e b r a n d h u s q v a r n a

overview of sketches

solidworks modeling

printing parts


p r o t o t y p i n g a f u l ly f u n c t i o n a l s c r e w d r i v e r

soldering/fitting components

p a i n t / f i n a l a s s e m b ly

husqvarna 630 The final design of the electric screwdriver. The screwdriver stands out with its metal belt clip on the side to enable the user to easily bring it with him/her while perfoming other tasks.

final design

b e lt c l i p


switch - back/forward


double injected plastic shell


the inside

circuit board

Both the surfacing and the solid modelling was made in SolidWorks where the screwdriver had to be modelled in such a way as if it would have been made for production. Draft angles, wall thicknesses, ribs, screw holes, lip & groove etc all had to be considered for the components to fit inside in the final physical working prototype. trigger charger

working prototype / components

rubber grip forward /backward switch

b e lt c l i p trigger

metal b e lt c l i p

husqvarna 630 in context

Husqvarna 630 comes with a smart metal belt clip that enables the user to have the screwdriver close at hand in any situation, eg when several tools are used simultaneously. The clip is also proudly carrying the Husqvarna logo, expressing high quality.

husqvarna 630 in context

eco-pulse Eco-Pulse is a smart digital shower control unit that makes the user aware of the amount of water consumed while showering. The digital interface on top of the sliding and turning knob is intelligent, yet easy to understand. A clear rising water animation and numbers indicating how many liters the showering person has consumed is constantly keeping the user elegantly aware.

4 weeks

autumn 2015 form & interaction collaboration partner DESIGN PRIZE 2016

120L 120 litres

running water

32,5 %

The average shower of 10 minutes consumes a total of 120 litres of water

The average person leaves his/her shower on for 1 minute before the actual shower

The shower consumes most of the water used in the averge household

Creating awareness about water consumption in the shower by encouraging the users to use less

project scope / direction

i nfi itri a s tl c o n c e p t s

protyping with videos

ui exploration

caid variations

size test/mock-ups

project process overview

sketching A lot of sketches were explored to find the right balance between simplicity and intelligence. To create a powerful concept the shower had to convey the feeling of something normally not seen in a context like this.

sketch overview


last shower

Temperature bar moves in circular motion, 38째C is defined with a thin line.

Shows with a subtle thin line the amount of water used during last shower.

interface The digital interface is easy to understand. The water animation and numbers indicate how many liters the showering person has consumed during the shower The interruptive water flow activates for a second every 10 litres used while a white ring around the interface lights up to subtly remind the user about the amount of water consumed.

normal water flow

interruptive water flow

Clear numbers & pure water animations shows amount of litres used during the shower.

Water flow interrupts for a second and ring around interface lights up to remind the user each 10 litres that he/she used.

reminds you while showering

push to pause s l i d e

turn for c째

f o r p r e s s u r e

physical interaction with eco-pulse

how eco-pulse works stop motion video

seek Seek is more than just a smoke detector. Seek is designed to assist fire fighters to locate people faster in smoke diving procedures. Seek identifies people and possible dangers within a burning building before the smoke diving procedure begins. This allows the operation to be streamlined and planned, as well as avoiding risks which fire fighters are exposed to today.

10 weeks

spring 2015 user centered design

collaboration partner




Each year approximately 100 people die in fire incdidents in Sweden

in homes

Approximately 90% of the fires in Sweden occur in homes


In 2012, 24500 injuries caused by fire were reported to insurance companies.

What if localization of people could become faster in smoke diving procedures?

fire incidents in sweden




a n a ly s i s

During my visits at the fire department in Ume책 several interviews with different fire fighters with different backgrounds were made. The overall impression was that there is often lack of information about the emergency situation on site.

I got the chance to observe the fire fighters during a smoke dive exercise in one of their training facilities. Even for the most experienced fire fighters it was challenging to orientate in space when the smoke was thick and the surroundings dark.

Gathering, discussing, visualizing & structuring all the data gathered from the visits. The goal was to get a good overview of the potential problem areas that I had identified. Flow charts, scenarios, market opportunities etc were done.

understanding the user

the problems Three main problem areas were created based on the feedback and insights that I got during the research phase. The main problem area was that fire fighters had a hard time finding victims trapped in burning buildings. It is a very time consuming procedure to search every single room in a house, and when the victim is found, it might be too late save his/her life.




Can time for prepaprations and planning on site reduce to save lives faster?

Can clear information about the situation reach fire fighters in an early stage to ease the search for people while smoke diving?

Can we reduce the risks both to the smoke divers and the people left inside the burning building through preparation?

Create a solution that early identifies and informs the fire fighters where people are located when a fire emergency occurs.

problems & design challenge

smart smoke detector

Identifies situation & sends a live camera overview to fire department

your home The seek smoke detector is easy installed in any room in you household. When the seek smoke detector is installed it works in a system together with the fire fighters and SOS. If smoke is detected without you reacting to it, Seek will start recording the situation through its 360 degree cameras. Since Seek has a thermal camera built in, it will spot temperature differences and will give a clear view even through the thickest smoke.

fire brigade

planning interface

smoke dive guide

Gives overview of situation & allows for planning before arrival

Helps finding people while smoke diving through heads up display

Using smart smoke detectors to overview and spot dangers/victims before arrival to emergency site

how does seek work?

The live camera overview is instantly streamed with SOS and the fire department where the fire fighters are able to follow what is going on on site before their arrival. This is made through a tablet interface where they are also able to plan their operation beforehand. When the fire fighters arrive on site they can easily transfer the information from the tablet interface into a heads-up-display smoke dive guide which makes it easier to search for victims even in the worst conditions

sketching A lot of design directions were explored to find the right shape of a smoke detector that would differentiate itself from todays market without catching too much attention from the rest of the room.




Seek smoke detector when inactive. The camera shutter in the middle is closed, this is to clearly show to the owner when the product is inactive.

Detecting smoke or high carbon monoxide levels. The alarm sound activates, a red light glows up and the camera shutter opens to start recording the situation.

The owner can hush the alarm if everything is under control, from his/her smart phone or manually by pushing the seek button in the middle. After 20 seconds without reacting to the alarm the live video streams over to the fire department.

activation of smoke detector

they talk The seek smoke detectors are interconnected. If a Seek detects smoke in a room the Seeks located in other rooms activate as well, telling in which room the smoke has been detected.

spot dangers

connects outside

Seek has two cameras. A thermal camera and a normal video camera. Two cameras combined add better resolution to the thermal camera. The thermal camera allows the rescue leader to see through thick smoke, darkness and spot temperature before arrival.

The alarms are connected with SOS and the fire department. Through wifi, 3G or 4G connection the alarms connect to the fire departement instantly after the first 20 seconds.

activation of smoke detector

everything is ok

low battery

smoke detected

Lights up green once every hour to confirm that everything is working fine.

Lights up yellow if the battery level is low

Lights up red and alarms with sound to warn the user from smoke or carbon monoxide

seek’s signals

four magnets Four magnets to easily take the smoke detector down and change batteries

c h a n g e b a t t e r i e s i n s t a n t ly

optical smoke chamber


led light

6 aa batteries


exploded seek Seek comes in a very small, but clever package. At a first look, it might seem like any other smoke detector. With new techonology the termal cameras are made in the size of a dime which makes it possible to create such a smart product with such a limited space for components. Seek is also run by 6 standard AA-batteries which makes it very easy to change whenever needed.

camera lenses


cpu with 4g/3g modem

carbon monoxide detector

internal components


video stream

plan tactics

Overview of the Seek smoke detectors in the alarming house. Each detector belongs to a different room that could be overviewed with live video.

Fire fighters can overview the different rooms before arrival. This gives them a clear overview of the situation before hand.

Fire fighters can plan how their operation will be performed when they reach the emergency site. This saves them and the victims a lot of time on site.

seek application

prepare smoke dive before arrival The rescue leader and smoke divers can observe and plan the procedure on their way. The rescue leader can keep updating information information on site as well.

rescue leader directing/following operation

victim location

fire ignition

searched room

heads-up guide The Seek application is connected to a headsup-display worn by the smoke divers. The information from the application is simplified into the smoke divers visor, making it easier for them to search for people within the building.

smoke divers position

problems & design challenge

start location

detects victims Seek is designed to help the rescue personnel to locate people in fire emergencies faster. Through thermal imaging technology fire fighters can identify victims even through heavy smoke and darkness.

safer work Seek’s ability to identify people & dangers before the actual smoke dive allows the rescue operation to be streamlined and planned to avoid unnecessary risks that rescue personnel expose themselves to today.

saves life

Click for Full Report

Thanks to the efficiency and the early overview that the Seek smoke detector offers, the time from accident until the victims can recieve skilled care is reduced, increasing their chance of survival.

benefits with seek

Jakob Dawod - BFA Degree Work Bachelors Programme in Industrial Design UmeĂĽ Institute of Design 2015

jakob dawod



thank you! jakob@dawod.se +46 73 43 07 831

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