ActiveAgro, a producer of innovative foliar fertilizers, invites to familiarise with the offer. In our catalogue, you will find a full range of foliar feeding products. We want to offer a comprehensive supply to farms with foliar fertilizers. ActiveAgro invites to cooperate.
Why do we use the foliar nutrition?
When and how to apply foliar nutrition?
The law of the minimum- one of the basic laws stating that
To make it fully efficient, the agrotechnical procedure of
the growth of a product, or the whole population, is limited
foliar fertilization should meet proper conditions:
by the scarcest factor (that is the minimum).
• Optimal air temperature should be 11-22C (too low temperature limits absorption, too high may enhance the vulnerability of the plant to concentration of the spray
K Ni
P Fe Mn
liquid, which boosts the risk of burning the plant) • The spraying should be done in still wind conditions (wind speed below 5 m/s), procedure is 100% absorbed after 24 hours, if there is no rainfall • The temperature of spray the liquid should be above 10C (the addition of urea can cause significant cooling of the liquid) • The spraying should be carried out in the morning or early evening to avoid extensive sunshine
By foliar fertilization, we supply the plant nutrients through
• Use nozzle with a small or medium drop size, it is
the leaf area when the root system is not sufficient enough
recommended to use adjuvants to improve the adhesion
to feed the intensively growing aboveground plant. The
of the plant
nutrients deficiency can be observed despite the high resources of soil. The limited uptake of nutrients through roots happens due to various factors, such as low temperature, inadequate pH, dryness and excessive moistening of soil that causes poor oxygenation of the soil, etc. In the case of the poor uptake of nutrients through the root system of
How to prepare a solution of the spray liquid? • Pour 2/3 water into the clean sprayer, turn on the stirrer
the plant (in critical phases), the foliar fertilization may fully
• Dose recommended urea dosage
feed the plant with missing elements. Foliar application is
• Dose Active NPK fertilizer
both the most effective and the cheapest way of supplying plants with microelements. It should not be forgotten that this procedure cannot be treated as an isolated fertilization process and it should be included into a whole agrotechnical caring procedure.
• Dose Active fertilizer (with micronutrients) • Dose plant protection products according to instructions, if they are provided and suitable for mixing • Fill up with water and start spraying
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Increases yield and its quality • Eliminates the deficiency of critical nutrients • Improves the development and condition of the plant
Active Optimal Grain / Rape
Liquid fertilizer with high basic nutrient content and the EDTA chelated micro-nutrients. This fertilizer is mainly used for foliar nutrition of cultivation with high nutrient requirements such as grain and rape.
• Stimulates root system formation • Increases resistance to diseases and low temperatures
Content (% vol) Nitrogen (N)................. 15 % (150g/l) Magnesium (MgO)............ 5 % (50g/l) Sulfur (SO3)................ 13 % (130g/l) Copper (Cu)*.................. 0,2 % (2 g/l) Iron (Fe)*........................ 1 % (10g/l) Manganese (Mn)*............ 2 % (20g/l) Molybdenum (Mo)......0,005 % (0,05g/l) Zinc (Zn)*....................... 1 % (10 g/l) *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Time of application
Dose of fertilizer l/ha
Water l/ha
Autumn - tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation Phase of the shooting Phase of earing
1-2 2-3 2-3 2-3
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Autumn - rosette phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Green bud formation phase
1-2 2-3 2-3 2-3
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Active Supermikro Mn Zn Cu
Water l/ha
All-purpose micronutrient liquid fertilizer with the highest content of the critical nutrients. High manganese, copper and zinc content provides the plant with the most important microelements in their critical phase. Thanks to the innovative technology of the combination of amino acids and micronutrients it is one the most absorbable and best-transported form of the fertilizer concentrate.
Time of application
Dose of fertilizer l/ha
Autumn - tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Phase of earing
1 1-2 1-2 1
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Autumn - rosette phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Green bud phase
1 1-2 1-2 1
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Phase of 6-10 matured leaves 10-14 days later
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
Phase of closing the spacings Before flowering
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
• The highest content of the critical nutrients compensates deficiencies in the plant.
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
• Triple highly-concentrated content is easier to use than single chelates
Fruit trees
Before flowering After flowering
1 1
600-1000 600-1000
Phase of the three well-grown leaves, 2 injections every 10-14 days
1 1
400-600 400-600
The benefits of the fertilizer application
• Improves the main parameters of yield quality • Stimulates root system formation • Increases resistance to stress and drought
Content (% vol) Copper (Cu) *............. 2,0 % (20,0 g/l) Manganese (Mn) *...... 7,0 % (70,0 g/l) Zinc (Zn) *................. 4,0 % (40,0 g/l) AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Increases resistance to stress • Eliminates the deficiency of critical nutrients • High manganese content activates numerous enzymes and plays a versatile role in photosynthesis process and chlorophyll formation
Active Grain The fertilizer with micro-nutrients and the highest content of the critical nutrients for the cultivation of cereals. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality. Thanks to the high magnesium and sulfur content, it eliminates the additional costs of magnesium sulfate application!
• Improves the development and condition of the plant • Stimulates root system formation • Increases winter resistance
Content (% m/m) Magnesium (MgO)......................11 % Sulfur (SO3)...............................22 % Boron (B)................................. 0,2 % Copper (Cu)*............................. 1,0 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 1,0 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 3,0 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 2,0 % AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
In autumn in phase of 2-3 leaves
without urea
Tillering phase
up to 20
Phase of shooting
up to 15
Phase of earing
up to 10
Active Grain Extra
The fertilizer with micro-nutrients and the highest content of the critical nutrients for the cultivation of cereals. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality.
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Increases resistance to stress • Eliminates the deficiency of critical nutrients • Improves the development and condition of the plant • Stimulates root system formation • Increases winter resistance
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
In autumn in phase of 2-3 leaves
without urea
Tillering phase
up to 20
Phase of shooting
up to 15
Phase of earing
up to 10
Content (% m/m) Boron (B)................................. 1,0 % Copper (Cu)*............................. 2,0 % Iron (Fe)*................................ 3,0 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 7,0 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,04 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 4,0 %
AMINO ACIDS *water-soluble. EDTA chelated
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Increases resistance to diseases and low temperatures • Stimulates root system formation • Intensifies the nutrient uptake from the soil • Increases expected yield and crop quality
Content (% m/m) Magnesium (MgO)......................11 % Sulfur (SO3)...............................22 % Boron (B)................................. 0,2 % Copper (Cu)*........................... 0,10 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 1,0 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 3,5 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 1,0 %
AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Active Rapeseed The fertilizer with micronutrients and the highest content of the critical nutrients for the rape cultivation. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality. Thanks to the high magnesium and sulfur content, it eliminates the additional costs of magnesium sulfate application!
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
2nd half of October
without urea
Spring - after the beginning of vegetation
up to 20
7-14 days after the first injection
up to 15
Solid green bud phase
up to 5
Active Rapeseed Extra
The fertilizer with micronutrients and the highest content of the critical nutrients for the rape cultivation. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality.
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Increases resistance to diseases and low temperatures • Stimulates root system formation • Intensifies the nutrient uptake from the soil • Increases expected yield and crop quality
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
2nd half of October
without urea
Spring - after the beginning of vegetation
up to 20
7-14 days after the first injection
up to 15
Solid green bud phase
up to 5
Content (% m/m) Boron (B)..................................10 % Copper (Cu)*............................. 0,1 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 1,0 % Manganese (Mn)*........................5 % Molybdenum (Mo)................... 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*....................................3 % AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Enhances growth and root system formation • Eliminates the deficiency of critical nutrients in the plant • Increases expected yield and crop quality • High magnesium and sulfur content supports utilization of the ingredients from the soil
Content (% m/m) Magnesium (MgO)......................11 % Sulfur (SO3)...............................22 % Boron (B)................................. 0,2 % Copper (Cu)*.......................... 0,10 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 1,0 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 1,5 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 3,0 % AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Active Corn The crystalline micronutrient fertilizer with the highest content of critical nutrients for Corn cultivation. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality. Thanks to the high magnesium and sulfur content, it eliminates the additional costs of magnesium sulfate application!
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
Phase of 6-8 leaves
up to 20
Phase of stem formation
up to 15
Before flowering
up to 5
Active Corn Extra
The crystalline micronutrient fertilizer with the highest content of critical nutrients for Corn cultivation. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality.
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Enhances growth and root system formation • Eliminates the deficiency of critical nutrients in the plant • Increases expected yield and crop quality
Content (% m/m) Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
Phase of 6-8 leaves
up to 20
Phase of stem formation
up to 15
Before flowering
up to 5
Boron (B).............................. Copper (Cu)*.......................... Iron (Fe)*.............................. Manganese (Mn)*.................. Molybdenum (Mo).................. Zinc (Zn)*..............................
1,30 % 0,90 % 8,00 % 4,30 % 0,08 % 4,70 %
AMINO ACIDS *Water-soluble. EDTA chelated
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Increases resistance to stress • Increases the sugar content • Enhances growth • High magnesium content affects the smooth process of photosynthesis • Eliminates the deficiency of critical nutrients
Content (% m/m) Magnesium (MgO)......................11 % Sulfur (SO3)...............................22 % Boron (B)................................. 0,2 % Copper (Cu)*............................. 0,1 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 1,0 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 2,0 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 2,0 % AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Active Sugar Beet The crystalline micronutrient fertilizer with the highest content of critical nutrients for sugar beet cultivation. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality. Thanks to the high magnesium and sulfur content, it eliminates the additional costs of magnesium sulfate application!
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
Phase of 6-8 leaves
up to 20
10-14 days after the first injection
up to 15
Before closing the spacings
up to 5
Active Potato
The benefits of the fertilizer application
The crystalline micronutrient fertilizer with the highest content of critical nutrients for potato cultivation. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality. Thanks to the high magnesium and sulfur content, it eliminates the additional costs of magnesium sulfate application!
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Working liquid l/ha
Urea dose kg/ha
Before closing the spacings
up to 20
Flower bud formation phase
up to 15
Berries formation phase
up to 5
• Affects the correct development of the plant • Increases the number of potato tubers • High sulfur content blocks the scab development • Improves the resistance for decay • Increases potato starch content
Content (% m/m) Magnesium (MgO)......................11 % Sulfur (SO3)...............................22 % Boron (B)................................. 0,2 % Copper (Cu)*............................. 0,1 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 1,0 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 2,0 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 2,5 % AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
The versatile crystalline micronutrient fertilizer with a balanced content of the nutrients. It offers a complex plant care thanks to the highest assimilability. The fertilizer is enriched with herbal amino acids that enhance the plant condition, improves and increases harvest quality. Thanks to the high magnesium and sulfur content, it eliminates the additional costs of magnesium sulfate application!
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Improves the proper development and condition of plants • Stimulates root system formation • Enhances growth • High magnesium content affects the smooth process of photosynthesis
Content (% m/m) Magnesium (MgO)......................14 % Sulfur (SO3)...............................28 % Boron (B)................................. 0,2 % Copper (Cu)*............................. 0,1 % Iron (Fe)*................................. 0,4 % Manganese (Mn)*..................... 0,4 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*................................. 0,4 % AMINO ACIDS *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients 14
Active Universal Cultivation
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Water l/ha
Autumn - tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation Phase of shooting
3-5 kg 3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300 200-300
Autumn - rosette phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300 200-300
Phase of 6-10 matured leaves 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300
Phase of closing the spacings Before flowering
2,5-3 kg 2,5-3 kg
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300
Fruit trees
Before flowering After flowering
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
600-1000 600-1000
Phase of the three well-grown leaves, 2 injections every 10-14 days
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
400-600 400-600
Active PK 50-34 + Mikro
The universal crystalline micronutrient fertilizer with the highest phosphorus and Potassiumsium content for foliar fertilization. Used as an addition to the basic fertilization, it offers immediate correction of the basic nutrients. Suitable for agriculture and horticulture.
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Water l/ha
Autumn - Tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation Phase of shooting Phase of earing
2-4 kg 2-4 kg 2-4 kg 2-4 kg
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Autumn - rosette phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300 200-300
Phase of 6-10 matured leaves, Two more applications every 7-14 days
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300
• High assimilation of phosphorus and Potassiumsium balances deficiencies in plant
Phase of closing the spacings, Before flowering
2,5-4 kg 2,5-4 kg
200-300 200-300
• Increases the biomass and the resistance of the plant
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300
Fruit trees
Before flowering, After flowering
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
600-1000 600-1000
Phase of the three well-grown leaves, 2 injections every 10-14 days
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
400-600 400-600
The benefits of the fertilizer application
• Stimulates growth and root system formation, improves the water balance of the plant • Improves the condition and the vitality of the plant • 100% water-soluble • Increases resistance to drought and frost
Content (%m/m) Phosphorus (P2O5).....................50 % Potassium (K2O)........................34 % Boron (B)................................. 0,1 % Copper (Cu)*.......................... 0,05 % Iron (Fe)*.............................. 0,05 % Manganese (Mn)*.................. 0,05 % Molybdenum (Mo).................. 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*.............................. 0,05 % * Nutrients in the EDTA chelate form 15
Balanced, crystalline multi-nutrient fertilizer with micronutrients for foliar fertilization. Used as an addition to the basic fertilization, it offers immediate correction of the basic nutrients. Suitable for agriculture and horticulture.
Active NPK 20-20-20 + Mikro Cultivation
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Water l/ha
The benefits of the fertilizer application
Autumn - tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation Phase of shooting
3-5 kg 3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300 200-300
• Balanced composition ensures proper nutrients for the plant
Autumn - rosette phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300 200-300
Phase of 6-10 matured leaves 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300
• Increases the biomass and the resistance of the plant
Phase of closing the spacings Before flowering
2,5-3 kg 2,5-3 kg
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
200-300 200-300
Fruit trees
Before flowering After flowering
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
600-1000 600-1000
Phase of the three well-grown leaves, 2 injections every 10-14 days
3-5 kg 3-5 kg
400-600 400-600
• Increases resistance to stress • Improves the condition and the vitality of the plant • 100% water-soluble
Content (%m/m) Nitrogen (N)............................. 20 % Phosphorus (P2O5).................... 20 % Potassium (K2O)....................... 20 % Boron (B)................................ 0,1 % Copper (Cu)*........................... 0,05 % Iron (Fe)*............................... 0,05 % Manganese (Mn)*................... 0,05 % Molybdenum (Mo)................... 0,01 % Zinc (Zn)*............................... 0,05 % * Nutrients in the EDTA chelate form
Granulated lime The PH value of the soil
Dose kg/ha
up to 4
above 6
Regular lime fertilization of the soil guarantees optimal conditions for plant vegetation and comprehensively affects the fertility of the soil. Soil reaction, determined by pH value, is basic, and the easiest measurable indicator of the soil fertility. Unfortunately, more than 70% of all agricultural land is classified as acid and very acid, so the regular lime fertilization is necessary. The plants grown on the acid soil are less resistant to drought, frost, diseases and pest infestation.
The improvement of the PH value is caused by the release of soil nutrients, especially nitrogen, sulfur, magnesium, phosphorus, and potassium. The best solution is granulated carbonate lime. Its velocity originates in the raw material, that is natural limestone. Granulated carbonate lime with high 80% activity can be used with no harmful effects for all types of soil, regardless of its compactness. It is also a safe-to-use form during late top dressing. Its high activity brings positive results already in the first year of the application. In order to achieve the desired PH value, the lime should be used often and in small dosages.
The benefits of the fertilizer application • Improves physicochemical and biological properties of the soil • Increases assimilation of phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium • Restricts heavy metals accessibility • Supports organic and mineral fertilization • Improves quality of agricultural products
Content (%w/w) CaCo3.......................................80 % MgCo3........................................5 % H20...................................max 10 % Si02............................................3 %
Physical Properties Bulk density ...................... 1,35 kg/l pH value................................ 8,5-9,5
Granulation From 1mm to 5mm ....................90 % Others.......................................10 %
A crystalline one-component fertilizer with the highest boron content for the ad-hoc application in case of the nutrient deficiency. Due to the very small boron mobility in the plant, the foliar supply of this nutrient is highly efficient.
Content (% w/w)
Active Boron 21 Cultivation
Time of application
Dose kg/ha
Interventional or preventive use, every 10-14 days
0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2
200-300 200-300
Autumn - 2nd half of October Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Green bud phase
1-2 1-2 1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Interventional use in the early stage of development, every 10-14 days
1-1,5 1-1,5
200-300 200-300
Phase of closing the spacings Before flowering
0,5-1 0,5-1
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
Interventional or preventive use, every 10-14 days
0,5-1 0,5-1
400-600 400-600
Boron (B).............................. 20,8 %
A liquid one-component fertilizer with the highest boron content for ad-hoc use in case of the nutrient deficiency. Due to the very small boron mobility in the plant, the supply of this nutrient by the leaves is highly efficient.
Content (% vol) Boron (B)..................... 15% (150 g/l)
Water l/ha
Active Boron 15 Liquid Cultivation
Time of application
Dose l/ha
Water l/ha
Interventional or preventive use every 10-14 days
0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2
200-300 200-300
Autumn - 2nd half of October Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Green bud phase
1,5-3 1,5-3
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Interventional use in the early stage of development, every 10-14 days
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
Phase of closing the spacings Before flowering
1-1,5 1-1,5
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
1,5-3 1,5-3
200-300 200-300
Interventional or preventive use, every 10-14 days
0,5-1,5 0,5-1,5
400-600 400-600
Active Zn Chelate Cultivation
Time of application
Dose l/ha
Water l/ha
Autumn - tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation Phase of shooting
0,5-1,5 0,5-1,5 0,5-1,5
200-300 200-300 200-300
Autumn - rosette phase Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later
0,5-1,5 0,5-1,5 0,5-1,5
200-300 200-300 200-300
Phase of 6-10 matured leaves
Phase of closing the spacings up to the berries formation phase
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
In the stage of intense growth
Active Mn Chelate Cultivation
Time of application
Dose l/ha
Water l/ha
Autumn - tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation Phase of shooting
1 1-2 1
200-300 200-300 200-300
Autumn - 2nd half of October Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Green bud phase
1 1-2 1-2 1
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Interventional use every 10-14 days
Phase of closing the spacings Berries formation phase
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
Fruit trees
Interventional use after flowering, every 10-14 days
600-1000 600-1000
Phase of the three well-grown leaves, 2 injections every 10-14 days
1 1
400-600 400-600
Liquid zinc chelate with the highest nutrient content. For ad-hoc use in case of the zinc deficiency in the plant. It offers the highest assimilation thanks to 100% EDTA chelation.
Content (% vol) Zinc (Zn)*................... 9,0% (90,0 g/l) Amino acids *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Liquid manganese chelate with the highest nutrient content. For ad-hoc use in case of the manganese deficiency in the plant. It offers the highest assimilation thanks to 100% EDTA chelation.
Content (% vol) Manganese (Mn)*....... 8,0% (80,0 g/l) Amino acids *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
Liquid copper chelate with the highest nutrient content. For interventional use in case of the copper deficiency in the plant. It offers the highest assimilation thanks to high EDTA chelation.
Content (% vol) Copper (Cu)*..............6,2 % (62,0 g/l) Amino acids *EDTA chelated and complexed micronutrients
A liquid single-component fertilizer with the highest molybdenum content for the interventional application in case of the nutrient deficiency. Because of the very small molybdenum mobility in the plant, the foliar supply is highly efficient.
Content (% vol) Molybdenum (Mo).......12,3 % (123,0 g/l)
Active Cu Chelate Cultivation
Time of application
Dose l/ha
Water l/ha
Autumn - Tillering phase Spring - beginning of vegetation
0,5-1 0,5-1
200-300 200-300
Interventional use in case of copper deficiency
0,5-1 0,5-1
200-300 200-300
Phase of 6-10 matured leaves
Interventional use in case of copper deficiency
0,5-1 0,5-1
200-300 200-300
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
1-2 1-2
200-300 200-300
In the stage of intense growth
Active Mo Cultivation
Time of application
Dose l/ha
Water l/ha
Interventional or preventive use, every 10-14 days
0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2
200-300 200-300
Autumn - 2nd half of October Spring - beginning of vegetation 10-14 days later Green bud phase
0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2
200-300 200-300 200-300 200-300
Interventional use in the early stage of development, every 10-14 days
0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2
200-300 200-300
Phase of closing the spacings
Sugar beet
Phase of 6-8 leaves 10-14 days later
0,1-0,2 0,1-0,2
200-300 200-300
Interventional or preventive use, every 10-14 days
0,1-0,3 0,1-0,3
400-600 400-600
Remarks & recommendations
The stamp of representative
ul. Hutnicza 12e 57-550 Stronie ĹšlÄ…skie, Poland ph. +48 74 300 37 73 mob. +48 665 599 231