Welcome to Edition 16 of Ja. mag.
How has your 2018 been? Did you get that promotion? Pass those exams? Finally find out the cause of that strange pain in your chest? No? Don’t stress, pals. Edition 16 is here and it’s a miracle solution of new written and visual work with zero additives, sponsored ads, or South African- creative-industry-brand pretense.
For best results, read your copy of Ja. mag in a Very Cool spot. Don’t know any Very Cool spots? Here are a few suggestions from us, to you:
In a bathroom stall at your nearest airport (Ja. mag’s work has been known to inspire travel); In a McDonald’s drive-thru (don’t order anything, just read some poetry into the speakers); At the home of that person you went to high school with, but never really spoke to until the two of you bumped into each other just the other week and, like, really hit it off; In the WhatsApp group your friends just added you to in order to discuss New Years plans. Enjoy!