Jamaica Experiences Magazine

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taye diggs MIXING IT UP chris blackwell Life, Music and Luxury



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editor’s note

be a traveler, notthat a tourist. Try new things, “There are“Please three types of music you will meet new people, and look beyond what’s right in hear in every country around the world. Rock, front of you. Those are the keys to understanding Pop and Reggae.”


this amazing world we live in.”

PRODUCTION MANAGER Production Manager Betsy Gibson Betsy Gibson

Chris Blackwell - Andrew Zimmern (founder Island Records)



“There are three types of music that you will hear in every country around the world. Rock, There’s no shortage of wonderful There’s an old saying that you get out of Pop and Reggae.” stories about this special island and we anything what you put in, and it’s really

invite you to share your experiences, quite apt for describing what Jamaica Chris Blackwell interests and likes with us directly. In offers. No I’m not suggesting you (founder “work” Island Records) across our platforms aica Experiences! quest toother produce the most widely to best enjoy your “vacation”in– these whichpages andour magazine, website, apppublication and TV show), read andmobile engaging about a perverse, and mildly(glossy offensive, of Jamaicaseems wishing to share the entertain, andJamaica inform you about the open visiting we are always thought. What I mean is thatisintoan island engage trigue and magnetism of this special rich possibilities and options forperspectives having an and anddiverse interested in the with such a rich, robust and diverse set enjoyable experience in Jamaica. experiences of our readers – whether they of options, it behooves any visitor to doand memorable the largestsome island in the englishbe from Europe, USA,issue Africa, light reading (aka research) to get a find the We hope you pages of our first to Asia be or even ean, but what is it about island right here in Jamaica. better sense this of the wealth ofinteresting activities and and informative. There’s no shortage of us? It couldpossibilities be the music that available duringwonderful your visit. stories about this special island and we We encourage, no, insist, thatplatforms you in these pages and across our other to Jamaica Experiences! e from acrossWelcome the globe with its invite you to shareembrace your magazine, experiences, interests and the opportunity toapp immerse are voice of Jamaica wishing (glossy website, mobile and TV show), ating beatsWe and thethe penetrating We are the voice of Jamaica wishing to share the is to In entertain, engage inform you likesofwith us directly. ourinquest toand produce theabout the yourself your “Jamaica Experience”. tobeauty, share theItbeauty, talents, intrigue talent, intriguebe and magnetism this special ugh its powerful lyrics. could rich possibilities and diverse options for having an most read publication aboutfauna visiting place. The people, food, flora, and so many and magnetism of this special place. Atand engaging ral beauty from the white sands enjoyable and memorable experience in Jamaica. Jamaica we are always open and interested in the other aspects are simply calling out for Jamaica Experiences we like to think we Jamaica might be the largest island in the englishmist-covered peaks of the Blue We hope you find of our–first issue to be of the ourpages readers speaking Caribbean, but what is itperspectives about this islandand experiences your engagement. Embrace Jamaica and it have a pretty fullisappreciation for the kly the essence of Jamaica that interesting and informative. There’s no shortage of that’s so infectious? It could be the music that whether they be from Europe, USA, Africa, Asiaisland or and we will love you back….tenfold. vast array of memorable wonderful stories about this special t things to different people whoacross all experiences galvanizes people from the globe with its even right here in Jamaica. invite you to share your experiences, interests and available in this incredible island. In the simple but captivating beats and the penetrating allure to its beauty, authenticity Thank in advance joining us on likes withyou us directly. In our for quest to produce thethis course creating this magazine our storiesof told through its powerful lyrics. It could be advance for joining us on this maiden Thank you in maiden most readvoyage. and engaging publication about visiting the range of natural beauty the whiteat sands entire editorial team hasfrom marveled thewe look Jamaica we are open and interested voyage and forward toalways sharing more with in the of Negril the mist-covered peaksAs of the Blue nces will take our readers on in Jamaica. Until our next time. wealth oftochoices cliché perspectives andand experiences of our readers – you in the days, weeks, months years to come Mountains. Frankly the essence of Jamaica is that ey through as theitessence of this whether they be from Europe, USA, Africa, Asia or sounds, there really is something for it means different things to different viapeople one ofwho ourallplatforms. Walk Good, even right here in Jamaica. Many will hark ona the challenges, everyone – from an active family vacation share common allure to its beauty, authenticity But no more real than many other Until then…..Walk Good.you in advance for joining us on this maiden Thank potential. toand sipping cocktails on a white sand beach, voyage and we look forward to sharing more with e globe. What weup hope achieve, hiking theto beautiful Blue Jamaica Experiences will take ourMountains readers on you in the days, weeks, months and years to come veritable journey through the essence of this toathe uncomplicated serenity of Port via one of our platforms. incredible island. Many will hark on the challenges, Antonio. In the pages of this publication, Until then…..Walk Good. and they are real. But no more real than many other Douglas K. Gordon and beyond mobile apphope andto achieve, places aroundvia theour globe. What we website, we have sought to assist you in Editor in Chief that process.


EDITOR IN CHIEF Editor in Chief Douglas K. Gordon Douglas K. Gordon


One of the most fascinating things about Jamaica is the people. Why? They’re colorful, passionate, energetic, fun-loving,Douglas K. Gordon Editor in Chief intense and kind. Their authenticity is Douglas K. Gordon palpable, and incredibly refreshing. For Editor in Chief the most part – they also love to talk and share their stories. We hope you find the pages of our first issue to be interesting and informative.

CONTRIBUTORS (TEXT + PHOTOS) Contributors (Text + Photos) Tuere Randall, Princella Talley, Deborah Grisham, Ken Goldsmith, Tuere Randall, Princella Talley, Deborah Grisham, Ken Goldsmith, Carla Sue, Kishan Gordon, Oral Chambers, Isabelle Tin Aung, Ethan Gray, Sylvia Lerahl Carla Sue, Kishan Gordon, Oral Chambers, Isabelle Tin Aung, Ethan Gray, Sylvia Lerahl ART DIRECTOR Art Director

EDITOR CHIEF AngeloIN Manalo Angelo Manalo Douglas K. Gordon

Do you have editorial submissions, feedback or MANAGER story pitches? editor@jamaicaexperiences.com PRODUCTION Cover Image courtesy Blue Vision Jamaica Betsy Gibson

Do you have editorial submissions, feedback(TEXT or story pitches? editor@jamaicaexperiences.com CONTRIBUTORS + PHOTOS) Tuere Randall, Princella Talley, Deborah Grisham, Ken Goldsmith, TRAVEL PORTAL LIMITED Carla Sue, Kishan Gordon, Oral Chambers, Isabelle Tin Aung, Ethan Gray, Sylvia Lerahl

EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN ARTDavid DIRECTOR Hall AngeloPortal Manalo Limited Travel Executive Chairman ADVERTISING SALES Do you have editorial submissions, feedback or story pitches? editor@jamaicaexperiences.com David Hall DIRECTOR Shelly-Ann Fung Advertising Sales ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Director Allison Callam, Jodian Brown, Ka-El Clarke. Tameka Bryce Shelly-Ann Fung VIP ATTRACTIONS LIMITED AccountCHAIRMAN Executives EXECUTIVE FINANCIAL CONTROLLER David HallMyers Allison Callam, Jodian Brown, Ka-El Clarke. Tameka Bryce Novelette ADVERTISING SALES

Project Coordinator PROJECT COORDINATOR DIRECTOR Shelly-Ann AlisonFung Troy Alison Troy ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Allison Callam, Jodian Brown, Ka-El Clarke. Tameka Website Mobile AppTEAM Team Bryce WEBSITE &&MOBILE APP

TeamLeader Leader- -AiAiIrisawa-Coney Irisawa-Coney Team FINANCIAL CONTROLLER Novelette Myers

Content,ONLINE OnlineMARKETING, Marketing,GRAPHICS Graphics CONTENT, PROJECT COORDINATOR WhitneyMcKenley McKenley- -Assistant Assistant Editor, SajenourRhoden Rhoden- -Online OnlineMarketing, Marketing, Whitney Editor, Sajenour Troy- Graphic Design JacquelineAlison Young Jacqueline Young - Graphic Design WEBSITE & MOBILE APP TEAM

info@jamaicaexperiences.com info@jamaicaexperiences.com Team Leader - Ai Irisawa-Coney CorporateOffice: Office:2424Trafalgar TrafalgarRoad, Road,Kingston, Kingston,Jamaica Jamaica Corporate

CONTENT, ONLINE MARKETING, GRAPHICS Whitney McKenley - Assistant Editor, Sajenour Rhoden - Online Marketing, Copyright©©2016 2016 Jamaica RightsReserved. Reserved. Copyright bybyJamaica Jacqueline YoungExperiences. -Experiences. Graphic DesignAllAllRights info@jamaicaexperiences.com partofofJamaica JamaicaExperiences Experiencesmay maybebereproduced reproducedininany anyform formororbybyany anymeans meanswithout withoutprior prior NoNopart Corporate Office: 24 Trafalgar Road, Kingston, Jamaica writtenconsent. consent. additionalreprint reprintinformation, information,please pleasecontact contactususatat written ForForadditional info@jamaicaexperiences.com. info@jamaicaexperiences.com. Copyright © 2016 by Jamaica Experiences. All Rights Reserved. No part of Jamaica Experiences may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written consent. For additional reprint information, please contact us at info@jamaicaexperiences.com.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 4| 8| 10 | 13 | 15 | 16 | 19 | 20 | 22 | 25 | 31 | 32 |


Editor’s Note Kelly Tomblin – Energizing Jamaica Helping Hands: Serena Williams in Jamaica Perched Atop Strawberry Hill Good Food and Fun with Two Sisters - Suzanne & Michelle Recipe: Brown Stew Fish Real Estate: US$1 Million

35 | Social Scene: Diner En Blanc 36 | Evolution of Dancehall 38 | Social Scene: Sugar Cane Ball 40 | Golf: White Witch 42 | The Incomparable Miss Kitty at 46 | Weddings: Destination Queens 44 | Christopher’s Hermosa Cove to Success: 49 | Racing Collin Daley Jr.

Cocktails: Jamaican Planter’s Punch

Rachael McDonald:

51 | Loving Life and

Mixing it Up with Taye Diggs

Loving Jamaica

52 | The Luxury Villa Experience

Fashion Editorial: Sublime Escape Negril Sunset John Lynch Talks Tourism


54 | Ultimate Bucket List Chris Blackwell:

56 | His Vibrant Path

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kelly tomblin en er giz ing jamaica S

ome people questioned her motives. Others questioned her sanity. For many, Kelly Tomblin’s decision to take the helm of the Jamaica Public Service Company in 2012 was a mistake. By her own admission, the company was in turmoil at the time, often the target of vitriol for its confusing pricing policies and perceived monopoly on residents’ well-being. Yet this is exactly the type of situation in which Tomblin thrives. It’s clear by her wry smile and matching wit that she’s earned every gray hair on her head. Over the course of her 20+ years career in a male-dominated field, Tomblin, President and CEO of Jamaica Public Service, brings a different perspective to the field. Chosen for this position due to her expertise, strong business acumen, and commitment to customer service, what she also brings is real grit. As if to underscore the point, she retells the story of going skydiving for her 40th birthday. A selfprofessed adrenaline junkie, she earns admiration for undertaking a company that was arguably the least popular one in the Caribbean. Prior to 2016, Tomblin’s most proud moment was founding a cancer support center in her former hometown of Ohio. For a woman who believes courage and optimism are the crux of happiness, however, one may wonder if her recent title may surpass previous accomplishments. Named Businessuite Magazine’s

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“Most Powerful and Influential Woman in Jamaican Business for the year 2016,” Tomblin is honored. She indicates that the award symbolizes that it is time for women to rise in power and reach their full potential. Her name sits among others notable in the Jamaican community: President and CEO of Scotiabank, Jacqueline Sharp as well as Founder and Chairman of The Barita Group, Rita HumphriesLewin, and Founder of Island Grill, Thalia Lyn. One thing people seem to enjoy about the petite dynamo Tomblin embodies is her willingness to walk the walk, not merely talk the talk. As she told attendees at a 2016 “Women in Energy” conference in the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel, it is critical that women not let fear debilitate them. She reminds listeners that we should continually strive to do things we never thought we’d do. With this in mind, she only recently climbed aboard her first snowboard. Though intimidated, she felt like she had to at least try this sport since both of her children partake. Though her tenure with the island’s energy company has been marked by turmoil at times— criticisms of her policies, theft of her phone—it is obvious Tomblin isn’t backing down. As a speaker for the upcoming conference named “The Power of Sisterhood,” Tomblin definitely relishes her role as a leader to empower others. It is this role, she explains, that gives her motivation and stamina.


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Karl Hale and Serena Williams

Serena Lends a Hand

Tennis superstar joins Karl Hale’s Jamaica Education Project


t’s hard to imagine a more humble beginning than that of Karl Hale, the founder of the Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation whose mission is to shape and create positive change in the Jamaican community. Born in Falmouth, Karl is a Jamaica native who grew up near Montego Bay playing tennis. He moved to Canada at age ten but always stayed close to his Jamaican roots and culture despite the distance. His love for Jamaica inspired him to find a way to give back to the community in a way that would create a lasting impact. Today, Karl’s Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation has snagged the attention of celebrities, collaborated with organizations and is giving back to the island in a big way. Karl founded the Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation in 2006 with the help of Jamaican expatriates and friends of the island. At first, the foundation’s primary focus was on healthcare and education but three years down the line, the foundation’s focus shifted to include educational loans and the building of schools on the island. The foundation has partnered with organizations such as Food for the Poor, Toronto Maple Leafs, the Raptors and celebrities, including Serena Williams to aid in the building of schools. Today, the foundation has 20 to 40 volunteers from around Canada and the United States who have banded together to help build up Jamaica. Currently, the foundation--together with its partners and volunteers--has built 12 schools in Jamaica. The schools that have been constructed are approximately 2,000 square feet in size with about seven rooms. On average, the schools take about four days to build and all twelve of them

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have bathrooms, kitchens and libraries included. Four days may seem an unrealistic deadline for building a school, but the system employed by the foundation’s team and its partners is known as “the four-minute setter” and makes it possible to quickly get the building constructed. The foundation of the building is set first and every day new elements are added to the building to help meet that four day turnaround time. Once construction is done, the foundation follows up to ensure that the schools are running properly; they also help teachers foot the cost of upgrading their certifications, which cost about $750 each. Karl will make it a point to occasionally visit the schools himself to oversee the progress and offer assistance when needed. Shaggy

The work done by Helping Hands Jamaica Foundation has made waves throughout the community and has attracted the attention of celebrities such as Sean Paul, Shaggy, Lennox Lewis, Yohan Blake and Warren Weir who have taken time out of their schedules to help build the schools. Lending their star power to such projects both brings exposure to the good work the foundation has done but also excites and inspires the community to make the most of their new schools. While Karl’s foundation continues to make strides for Jamaica, it faces the same obstacle that any other volunteer organization does: fundraising. With a target goal of building over 1,000 schools in Jamaica--in conjunction with the Food for the Poor organization---you can help the Helping Hand Jamaica Foundation make a lasting difference on the island. Whether inspired to donate, volunteer or simply spread the word; you can learn more about helping the cause on the foundation’s website: www. helpinghandsjamaica.com. Sean Paul


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trawberry Hill is the playground to many of Jamaica’s celebrities and their international friends. It also caters to Kingston’s tourists seeking the ultimate oasis outside of the city’s bustling streets. You’ll experience a different side of Jamaica here, so prepare to be charmed and exhilarated.

the mountainside as it rolls out below to the cityscape of Kingston and the ports and harbor among the sun-kissed horizon. The property is perfectly perched to catch both sunrise and sunset rays, and it will steal your gasps from the ledges of its glorious infinity pool.


Home to a world-class spa and gourmet restaurant, it’ll be hard to do anything but be pampered in mountainous magnificence. With rooms etched in the mountainside and far from the bother of mosquitos, enjoy the tweets and chirps from some of Jamaica’s indigenous bird population. Be enchanted by the views from your balcony that are tastefully structured to protect your privacy.

GoldenEye Resort is lauded as the pearl of famed author, Ian Fleming’s, eye. He once called the area home, and it’s where he penned his first James Bond novel. Before making this stunning property his own, Fleming’s initial visit to Jamaica took him to a quiet location, nestled deep in the Blue Mountains and famous for some of the world’s best coffee. EXPERIENCE THE CULTURE AND TAKE IN THE VIEWS

Forty-five minutes outside of the nation’s capital of Kingston, the road is rocky and steep. It takes you through shacks, villages, and coffee plantations before opening up to one of the most breathtaking views to be had this side of the island. The scene is clear as day from


The location makes it the perfect launching point for exploring Jamaica’s east coast. Make a plan to visit Boston Bay, birthplace of the famous jerk and Jamnesia in St. Thomas, the island’s only surfing club. Reach Falls and Somerset Falls will offer refreshing waterfall adventures, and bike tours are given right there in the Blue Mountains.





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are “well under your waters” (i.e. very tipsy). All of these qualify as experiences we take for granted. If you could spend a day with an acclaimed chef.... who would it be and where would you take them in Jamaica? Jamie Oliver – and we would travel around the island so he could taste authentic local ingredients and dishes and then we would ask Jamie to do a dish inspired by our travels and the flavors encountered.

Bonded by the Love

Suzanne and Michelle Rousseau: Sisters. Foodies. Jamaicans. By Princella Talley


magine growing up in a family with a deep appreciation for good food and being surrounded by fresh island eats and expert hands turning them into gourmet treats. Imagine traveling the world, immersing yourself in different cultures, learning more about different tastes and styles of cooking, living in food capitals where the street eats and gourmet all tantalize your taste buds and excite you to infuse your own favorite tastes with your newfound knowledge. Enter, the Rousseau Sisters. They are Jamaicans who grew up in a family of food lovers; mom Beverly was a great cook and entertained all the time, dad Peter was a real gourmet who exposed them to great restaurants and dining experiences in the Caribbean and all over the world. “Ours was a very social household! Our parents entertained regularly whether in the form of fetes, dinner parties or casual limes. We also cooked for our friends and had great dinner parties from very young. We hosted many a Jamaican dinner for our Caribbean friends throughout our university years,” is the response when asked about their first food experiences. The sisters were born in Jamaica and have lived in Trinidad and Canada. If you’re wondering about their French name, their family came

Image from Caribbean Potluck/Kyle Books/Photographer Ellen Silverman

As foodies, what’s your favorite city in the world? Every city has great food if you take the time to explore it – and for us, good food is both street food and fine dining experiences. We love Hong Kong, Rome, Paris, London, LA, San Francisco and New York City.

to Jamaica via Haiti in the 19th century. “Our great-great grandfather, Paul Lucien Rousseau, owned a block/brick making factory. He had three children, one of whom was our great grandfather, Frederick Peter Rousseau, born in Jamaica c.1870,” explain the Rousseaus. The sisters’ food career started when they were young as servers in a small cafe before going on to start their acclaimed food catering business. Authors of the book Caribbean Potluck and visionaries behind the television series “Two Sisters and a Meal,” the sisters are a passionate duo who bring to life their love for the Caribbean life, the food, the music, the art forms, the history and hope to share their version of the Caribbean in an entertaining way with other foodies and lovers of the Caribbean lifestyle. Jamaica Experiences caught up with the sisters for a quick Q&A. Here’s what they had to say. What are some of your favorite Jamaican food memories and associations? The simple childhood pleasures of picking and eating a mango on a hot summer day with friends, or eating cane and drinking a coconut on the road, or stopping by the pan chicken man after a party at 3 am and standing around the car with your “bredrins” and killing the delicious chicken with soft hard dough bread when you

If weight and health were not factors, what’s the most decadent meal you’d eat daily? French Fries and decadent French cheeses. What’s your favorite dish (to eat)? Authentic brick oven Italian pizza with a glass of great wine. You’re asked to prepare dinner for Rihanna. What would you give her? Not sure what Rihanna likes, but I would want to give her some of our unique ackee dishes, like the ackee pasta, and curried ackee wontons with papaya ginger sauce. What’s the one spice or ingredient you couldn’t do without in your kitchen? Garlic. How has your cooking been impacted by your regional and international exposure and upbringing? I think it has made us appreciate the simpler aspects of Caribbean cuisine but also opened our palates to the flavors of the world, many of which blend extremely well with our foods. What’s the one quintessentially Jamaican dish every visitor should try before they leave? Ackee every way – with salt fish, without salt fish, in pasta, and on a pizza. If asked to describe what Jamaican food is like to someone who’s never had it before, what would you tell them? Jamaican food is the perfect balance of savory and sweet with a nice dose of smoke and spice. Lots of robust flavor, from well-seasoned meats and seafood, one pot stews and soups and great roadside food most often cooked over a coal pot or wood fire. For recipes and more on the Rousseau sisters visit 2sistersandameal.com

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1 fillet of snapper Pinch of salt Pinch of all-purpose seasoning Pinch of black pepper Vegetable oil for frying

FOR SAUCE 1 tea spoon of chopped ginger 2 ring of scotch bonnet pepper 3 sprig of fresh thyme 2 sprig of spring onion 1/2 of an onion 1 table spoon of tomato ketchup 1 tea spoon of food browning 1 table spoon of all-purpose seasoning 1 table spoon of sugar 1 table spoon of cornflour

16 | jamaicaexperiences.com


Wash and season fish with salt, all-purpose seasoning and black pepper then fry in hot frying pan on both sides for 3 min each.

Method for sauce

In a sauce pan add some of the oil from the used fish oil. Add onion, spring onion, fresh thyme, ginger, scotch bonnet pepper, tomato ketchup and food browning. Then season with all-purpose seasoning. Put fish in sauce and cook for about 3 min then add sugar. Mix cornflour in little bit of water and add to the sauce to thicken and serve.

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Dotted along the emerald lagoon, these large lots each come with a unique 750 ft sq, one-bedroom Lagoon Suite that can be expanded to a 3 or 4-bedroom villa - type accommodation. Dive straight from your porch into an emerald lagoon. This sophisticated resort, understated in style, was conceived by the creative visionary, Chris Blackwell, and is managed by a committed team. GoldenEye affords one the easy access and the relaxed ambiance of the ideal vacation home.

Wai Rua is a 5 bedroom home, of 9,000 sq. ft. in Riverside Heights, Gordon Town that overlooks a valley. The property dates back to the early 1900’s, and has lots of natural light and a beautiful garden. An extension has been done to the original structure that needs to be completed. This is a rare opportunity to own a historical estate.


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JAMAICAN Planter’s Punch Recipe N

othing quite says cocktail and Jamaica like an authentic Planter’s Punch; it’s aromatic with a sweet and refreshing taste.

Serving Size:

1 unit

Ingredients: 3 oz. orange juice Juice of 1 to 2 lemons or juice of 1 lime 1 1⁄2 ounces Appleton rum 1 teaspoon superfine sugar 1 dash grenadine 1 orange slice, 1 maraschino cherry, and/or mint sprig garnish (optional)

Directions: Mix first 3 ingredients in shaker or blender. Add sugar and grenadine. Shake or blend until frothy. Serve over shaved ice in a highball glass. If desired, garnish with a slice of orange, a cherry, and a sprig of mint. 20 | jamaicaexperiences.com

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Taye Diggs Book Readings in Jamaica By Darryn Pollock


ecognizable from the stages of Broadway to the silver screens of Hollywood, the talented actor Taye Diggs continues to add to his repertoire of skills by stepping out into the world of writing. Diggs was spotted in Jamaica recently, giving back to the children of Kingston and Montego Bay by doing a few readings from his children’s books, “Mixed Me” and “Chocolate Me” at schools and bookstores, including Mount Alvernia Prep, St. Richard’s Primary and Fundaciones El Centro. The actor stayed at Spanish Court in Kingston and Round Hill in Montego Bay, where we caught up with him. JE: A lot of people will be more familiar with your on-screen roles, but you have been quoted as saying that live theatre is your favorite. Does that still ring true? TD: Live theatre, it’s too many things, it’s terrifying, it’s rewarding. At the end of the day, it just comes down to an energy; one energy that flows through me closely related to the excitement of performing, the excitement of exchanging energy with the audience and for me, this sensation of knowing that I am doing what I love to do and hopefully, people are enjoying it. Film and TV are cool, but those two mediums don’t come close to the feeling that I have when I am participating in live theatre. JE: You are probably best known for your musical role in Hedwig and the Angry Itch, what drew you to that role?

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TD: I had never even thought about doing this show. I never thought that anybody would even consider to be casting a black man, but I remember when I saw that show, thinking to myself, I need to find something just like this show because it was a... it was like a triathlon for actors. It was, you know, singing at your highest level, dancing-moving at your highest level and then the acting, you know, the text is so dense. So, obviously, it’s quite a challenge and when I decided to take on the role, it wasn’t my idea. I was approached and it was at the... just a perfect time in my life where I wanted to rise to the occasion and truly, truly challenge myself, truly put myself outside of my comfort zone. And this role, this character did that. It was a life-changing experience, it altered the way I look at life, the way I look at theatre, the way I look at me. So, I am very, very grateful for that opportunity and I am very, very proud of myself. JE: So you have authored two books now, what made you decide to write for children? TD: Writing for a younger audience came natural to me in that... I mess around with poetry and rhyme and simplicity. So, my style of writing kind of lent itself to what people would consider speaking to young people. So, there was... it just happened to be a good match, for me. It just proves that I am on the right path, you know, because it came easy to me and at that time, I knew that this was something I should be doing…that the fit, it was just a great fit. And

then I had Shane Evans, my cousin, him being the illustrator and helping us to get the book deals and what not. Everything just happened the way it should have and now, we are working on more books for the series and other projects that are related to just keeping people, kids in general, aware of self-esteem and self-love and, you know, caring for oneself, anti-bullying, all around, just positive love energy. JE: Taye, this isn’t your first time to the Island, what keeps you coming back here? TD: I always feel a sense of familial spirit, it’s great to be surrounded by so many people that look like me. At the same time, obviously, the weather is something to behold. And the people themselves, generally speaking, they just seem kind and loving and Jamaica kind of gives you the sense that you are away, but then there’s just enough familiarity that allows for comfort.

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Sublime Escape Elegance and Glamour at Half Moon, Jamaica Photography Dagmara

Short set by Charlotte, knit chubby with dolman sleeves by Jen Kao jamaicaexperiences.com | 25

Short jumper by Charlotte, shoes by Giuseppie Zanotti, jewelry by Stephen Dweck

26 | jamaicaexperiences.com

Sheer top swimsuit by Christian Dior jamaicaexperiences.com | 27

Silk dress by Rubin Chapelle 28 | jamaicaexperiences.com

Baubles necklace by Stephen Dwek

Assistant PHOENIXb Makeup Sonja Hair Q Hardy Stylist Carlton Jones Model Nathalia B. (NY Models) Reproduced with the permission of OCEAN Style Magazine jamaicaexperiences.com | 29

30 | jamaicaexperiences.com


BREATHTAKING Negril at Sunset T

here's nothing quite as peaceful and powerful as serenely taking in the Negril sunset on a beautiful Jamaican evening. There is an overwhelming peace and tranquility which serves to remind us of the priviledge it is to enjoy the wonders of nature.

Live A Little

Discover Duty Free At Jewels In Paradise, tax free & duty free shopping is but one of many advantages to stepping inside their doors. Home to some of the leading Haute Horlogerie brands, such as Audemars Piguet, IWC and Jaeger-LeCoultre, to name a few, this family owned and operated establishment is, and has been a gateway to affordable luxury for over 50 years. But, don’t take our word for it. Stop by for a visit at the Shoppes at Rose Hall Mall on the elegant corridor of Montego Bay, Jamaica, and allow their friendly team of professionals to guide you through an unforgetable experience that will "Transform Your Moments into Memories”.

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A Bright Future! Industry Veteran John Lynch chats with JE on where Jamaica’s tourism is headed

You have had such an immense influence on tourism and travel to Jamaica. How do you visualize the future growth of tourism for Jamaica?

the culture including a hopping night life and at the other end of the spectrum Port Antonio offers a sanctuary for creative inspiration.

I see Jamaica’s tourism growing from strength to strength. As a destination, we have faced some tough times, but have continued to grow. The destination has shown itself to be quite resilient regardless of the recession. I see us making headways into markets like Brazil, Mexico and Colombia in Latin America, as well as the Czech Republic and Poland; all while maintaining our share of market in the USA, Canada and the UK.

Where does John Lynch go for a weekend getaway in Jamaica?

With such a distinguished career what continues to motivate you? I continue to be motivated by our diverse product. There are so many different facets to growing tourism in Jamaica. Our natural beauty and heritage give us a lot to talk about. When you combine that with our talented people … in music, athletics, and the arts … and our infectious hospitality, one can’t help but be motivated. How does Jamaica appeal to a luxury traveller? What are some of the special considerations for this target segment? Jamaica has much to offer the luxury traveller. We have an expansive array of luxury villas, all with breath-taking views. We also have historic resorts like Half Moon and Round Hill which have built their name on catering to the discerning traveller, with guided tours, spas and golf courses. And we have also developed a reputation for hosting members of the glitterati without the fanfare. What makes Jamaica unique from the perspective of a visitor to the island, compared to other islands in the Caribbean? Many persons are surprised by the number of activities available on the island. Jamaica has more attractions than any other Caribbean island. Our six distinct resort areas allow for very different experiences: Kingston offers an immersion into 32 | jamaicaexperiences.com

To a villa at Round Hill. It is truly such an amazing place. You can participate in hotel activities if you wish or simply enjoy you own space. The staff are attentive without being over the top. For me, Round Hill offers the perfect weekend getaway in Jamaica. Three words that will help a first time visitor to Jamaica understand the destination. Vibe – Jamaica has an aura all of her own that is difficult to put into words. It has to be experienced; Reggae – it is not just our music, but is the anthem that drives our passions. It is reflective of our struggle and triumphs of our unrelenting spirit; Colourful – both in our vista and our people. I heard someone recently say that the next 5 years will be the most exciting for tourism in Jamaica. Do you agree and, if so, why? They will be very exciting indeed. The Jamaica Tourist Board has established very bold targets for growth. The Minister of Tourism has also outlined the five pillars of growth so yes, we anticipate much excitement as we introduce new accommodation brands, increase air lift and build new markets. Please share with us some of your favorite and recommended places for a discerning visitor to experience in Jamaica. I already mentioned one of my favourites – Round Hill. Half Moon is another excellent choice in Montego Bay. Portland is a beautiful place, perfect for rest and relaxation. GeeJam is the perfect place to recharge in Portland. Strawberry Hill in the hills above Kingston also come to mind. The truth is, wherever you are on the island, there is somewhere that would meet the expectations of the most discerning visitor.

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- Acces to departure lounges - Complimentary non-alcoholic & alcoholic beverages - Complimentary snacks - tapas, sandwiches, patties & fruits - Complimentary Wi-Fi Arrival Services

- Cultural Exhibits

- Personalized Meet & Greet

- Escort & Fast Track Access through Immigration & Customs

- Assistance with luggage retrieval

- Shower facility

- Coordination with your ground transportation - Private restrooms & changing facilities

Departure Services

- Free international cal s to USA, Canada & UK Landlines - Digicel Business Centre - Fast Track Access through Security

- Access to departure lounges

- Complimentary non-alcoholic & alcoholic beverages

- Complimentary snacks - tapas, sandwiches, patties & fruits

- Complimentary Wi-Fi - Cultural Exhibits

- Shower facility

- Free international calls to USA, Canada & UK Landlines - Digicel Business Centre

34 | jamaicaexperiences.com

Find us at the Departure Terminals at Sangster International Airport, Montego Bay and Norman Manley International Airport, Kingston.

s o c i a l

s c e n e

Diner En Blanc

Arguably one of the hottest ‘see and be seen’ events in Kingston, Diner En Blanc in only it’s second year has established itself as an annual night of celebration. #jamaica @jamaicaexperiences #jamaicaexperiences

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The Evolution of

Dancehall Music J

amaican music has been evolving for the past fifty-five years. From ska to rock steady, reggae to dancehall, Jamaican music commands attention and respect. Dancehall music presents a rhythmic blend of Jamaican patois and heavy drums that create a soothing and infectious sequence of beats. Even with it's complicated Jamaican dialect, dancehall music has amassed a global fan base stretching from Colombia to Canada, Holland to Japan. Dancehall is considered for many aficionados the natural, and evolved, successor to rock steady music. In the 1960’s, sound system culture specialists Bunny Lee and Duke Reid changed the rock steady rhythm into groovier up-tempo reggae rhythms and thus was born dancehall music. Lee “Scratch” Perry, the man behind the Maytals, Delroy Wilson, and the Skatalites, who later mixed Bob Marley and the Wailers, would help to construct a rhythm matrix that would push reggae into a whole new dimension with a subsidiary beat that was staccato and more instrumental. The party scenes in Jamaica were soon turned wild by the creativity of 'Master Record King' Tubby who spliced popular records with local versions. Soon enough, deejays started sampling on Tubby’s dubplates, led by U-Roy. As such, this heralded the birth of the deejaying culture which is attributed to the development of popular music styles like rap and hip-hop. Shabba Ranks put the deejaying culture squarely on the world map when he became the first, and only, deejay to win a Reggae Grammy with his success at the 1991 Grammy Awards. He shared the success of his "As Raw as Ever" album being certified gold in an interview on The David Letterman Show. Dancehall music became an indomitable part of Jamaican culture as local record labels started signing lucrative deals with top US record labels. Over the years, the dancehall culture has influenced the way people talk, how they walk and even how they dress. Dancehall deejays are the heart of this movement with their timely topics and fast tongues riding rhythms deep with jarring bass lines winning “forwards” and “lighter salutes” from crowds below. Today’s Reggae revolution, however, via a more "conscious" message, seeks to stimulate the public on sensitive issues while entertaining. New artists speak to a wide range of societal ills as they seek to drive conversation around perceived injustice and spread messages of hard and earnest work while resisting and holding accountable inept and corrupt leaders. Dancehall continues to spread its wings. It's influence continues to broaden as evidenced by Japanese deejays performing in a mixture of their native tongue peppered with Jamaican patois. Even in the US, dancehall music is widely sampled in otherwise mainstream genres (including pop, EDM, hip hop and rap) and has even secured pride of place with a segment on Oprah where the popular host learned to do the 'Butterfly' (dance) on her award-winning TV show. Dancehall, the culture, rhythm and vibe gon’ pon tour!

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Book online and enter Promo Code ICR#1. Earn up to $10.00 off your next rental.*

*Conditions apply.

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Stency and Danny Wegman with houseguests

The Lyn Family

s o c i a l

Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lutz

s c e n e

Sugar Cane Ball Round Hill Hotel and Villas

Roy Ten Fah and Corysa Salmon

Every year the Sugar Cane ball gets better. An extremely well supported event that raises considerable sums for Hanover Charities set in the statuesque and exquisite environment that is Round Hill Hotel and Villas. #lovejamaica @jamaicaexperiences #jamaicaexperiences Elisabeth, Heinz and Christina Simonitsch

Anna and Bo Polk and family

38 | jamaicaexperiences.com

Candis and William Craig

James and Manuela Goren with friends




ALL INCLUSIVE Nestled on a secluded stretch of white sand beach on Jamaica’s north coast, this newly renovated resort is picturesque with an upscale atmosphere. Facing one of the most stunning beaches in the Caribbean, the resort is the perfect getaway for both families and couples thanks to the variety of amenities offered.


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“We tried to create a course that will give you a different experience each time you play.” ocean views. It slopes its way around the Rose Hall plantation, combining, dramatic elevation changes and numerous well-placed bunkers. The course features: • 16 holes with views of the Caribbean Sea • Native stone-inlaid walls shoring up greens and tees • At least 5 tee boxes on every hole • Dramatic elevation changes and Caribbean vistas • Large practice greens and bunkers

White Witch Golf Course

Named Jamaica’s Best Golf Course N

estled on the 4,000 acre Rose Hall Estate, the White Witch Golf Course is full of beauty, mystery and wonder.

The course is named for Annie Palmer who was called the "White Witch of Rose Hall." Legend has it, that Rose Hall Estate where White Witch is located, is still haunted by its former inhabitants, but that hasn't stopped thousands of golfers over the years from enjoying one of the world's most beautiful golf courses. White Witch was recently named “Jamaica’s Best Golf Course 2015” at the 2nd Annual World Golf Awards held in Algarve, Portugal on November 8, 2015. “We are very excited to win this award, which truly recognizes and celebrates the unique

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beauty of the White Witch,” said Michael Rollins, Vice President of Marketing and Finance with Rose Hall Developments who was there in Portugal to receive the award. Keith Stein, Director of Golf for White Witch also added, “Each year thousands of golfers delight in this amazing course which has developed a loyal following of its own. We have a great team committed to ensuring that we never disappoint! White Witch keeps getting better and better.” And if you have ever seen the golf course in person, you'd understand why it's one of the world's best. The course is surrounded by sandy white beaches and the crystal blue waters of the Caribbean Sea. The course itself trades palm trees for mountainous terrain, but doesn’t sacrifice

The course may not be the easiest to play according to some, but there are different tricks golfers can use to make their way around the course says course co-designer Rick Baril of Houston's Von Hagge, Smelek and Baril who talked about the course in an interview with Travel Golf: "We tried to create a course that will give you a different experience each time you play," says Baril. "We have done that at the White Witch by creating multiple tees throughout. Whereas the low handicapper might have to carry a yawning ravine to reach the green, there will also be tees allowing the shorter hitter to get there as well." Although the course is just a few years old, it continues to receive awards from across the globe for its lovely design and incredible surroundings which is like nothing else in the world. That is just a few of the reasons the course was honored by the World Golf Awards which serves to celebrate and reward excellence in golf tourism, world class courses and golf destinations. What Baril and his partners have created is a golfing paradise for golfers who can enjoy a relaxing round of golf while soaking in the beautiful Jamaican scenery.

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universe in and of herself, Khadine ‘Miss Kitty’ Hylton exudes an incredibly potent energy unlike any other. Whether on camera or on air, on stage or behind the judges’ panel, Miss Kitty never disappoints, leaving viewers and listeners alike enthralled. Such is the mastery of her craft, that Miss Kitty has transformed herself into a full-fledged brand and leader of the pack. Jamaica

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Experiences talks to Miss Kitty, media personality, entertainer and author, about her passions and that which drives her. JE: Walk us a little bit through the evolution of your career, how did you get to where you are, today? Miss Kitty: Well, I got to where I’m at, right now, just through being driven, being determined, being very diligent and hard-working.

I speak what’s on my mind; of course, being very tactful and doing everything in a capsule of decency, but still being truthful to myself. I have made a lot of sacrifices, because I love what I do. I’m a professional at what I do and I try, at all times, to be my best. I don’t always get it right, because I’m a human being and I do make mistakes, but I try as best as I can to take my work and to take my job seriously. And I’m always looking to expand, always looking to grow, always wanting more; never getting complacent, but always looking for what’s next. JE: Where is your favorite place in the world to relax? And how do you unwind when you’re there? MK: Oh, wow. My favorite place in the world to relax is my room. It’s very quiet. Wherever there solitude and quiet, I really like that. Truly, I’m a bit of a paradox, in terms of, when Miss Kitty is out and working, I’m vivacious and colorful and interactive and entertaining. But I also treasure just quiet time: to think, to reflect, to introspect and to dream. JE: Describe yourself in three words.

MK: Passionate, diligent, ambitious. JE: What advice would you give to someone who looked at Miss Kitty and said, “I want to be that. I want to be popular, I want to be famous and I want to be successful”? How would you guide them? MK: I would say, first of all, you can’t come into this business and hustle, because if you don’t have the true passion and you don’t have that discipline and the stick-toitiveness, you’re going to fizzle, really quickly. The lights are just one aspect of what Miss Kitty is and what my life is about. There is a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes that you have to be willing to put it in and have the mental, the physical and spiritual fortitude, to be able to stand up because, sometimes, being in the light gets lonely. You have so many people around you and yet, you feel so alone sometimes. You trust no one, because some people come into your life; they’re just curious, they don’t really care. And so, it’s a mental struggle, sometimes, to go, “Okay, who do I confide in? Who do I have as my confidante?





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ermosa Cove is a lush 12 acre beachfront property in St. Ann, Jamaica owned by Texans Clayton and Deb Korver who fell in love with Jamaica way back in 1976. It is a timehop back into Spanish history with grandiose architecture of hand-crafted stone built into fortresses and towers mixed with the island flair of thatched roofs and rustic wooden trimmings. It’s the perfect hidden gem located on cliffs just outside of Ocho Rios that’s easy to miss if you’re whizzing by. Each of the nine villas at Hermosa Cove is unique, appealing to the varying desires of the discerning traveler. All are equipped with kitchens and their own private pool. The warmth of dark wood and leather invite you inside luxurious chambers with views of opulent gardens and sounds of the sea. Christopher’s, named after European explorer Christopher Columbus who said Jamaica was the “most beautiful island he had ever seen” is an award winning restaurant. It was dubbed “Best Kept Secret” at the coveted Table Talk Jamaica Observer Food Awards 2014 and their Executive Chef, Chef Conroy Arnold, was awarded Chef on the Rise. Seafood is the specialty inside the gourmet kitchen as the restaurant has a close relationship with local fishermen who come daily to deliver their fresh ocean bounty. Inspecting the menu will reveal many inclusions of fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs grown a few steps away in the garden which you may tour and select your choices to be paired with your dish. Chef Arnold prides himself on being a man of clean flavours using fresh ingredients.

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The menu is very Jamaican serving up meats and seafood smoked over the signature pimento wood used in authentic Jamaican jerk. An international spin adds panache to each dish distinguishing Christopher’s menu from your usual resort dining options. Dishes such as callaloo with scotch bonnet sauce, crispy plantain chips with fresh salsa, ribs with ratatouille style vegetables, tenderloin steak served up with fries or substituted with roasted wedges, curried goat ravioli, oxtails, coconut braised chicken, grilled lobster along with the catch of the day done to your liking. The marlin salad has been met with rave reviews along with the smoked chicken quesadilla and ackee spring roll appetizers. Warm bread pudding served with a scoop of homemade vanilla ice-cream tops a delicious dining experience inside the restaurant with ocean views or out in the open air. A stroll down to the intimate white sand beachfront with a spiced cocktail made from fresh-pressed juice in hand from Isabella’s Rum Bar at sunset adds romance to what will surely be a delectable evening at Hermosa Cove. The attentive and accomodating staff and celebrated chef help bring life the Golden Age surroundings which envelope you on this property and submerge you into a magnificent aura of splendour and island charm.

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A W e dd i n g F i t f o r a


Destination Queen

uring wedding season, there is no place more perfect than the islands. The shores of Jamaica are one of the prime destinations to proclaim your love and tie the eternal knot. From posh luxury and laid-back beaches to gorgeous sunsets and mountaintop backdrops, you’ll find a distinctive experience awaiting you here to match your wildest wedding desires.

The Grand Affair

The Bohemian Bride

The Thrill-Seeker

For the sophisticated couple, saying “I do” against the background of the world-famous Negril Sunset at Tensing Pen is a dream come true; a backdrop that provides the type of romance and picturesque atmosphere written about in best-selling novels.

The avant-garde bride will find her fancy just a stone’s throw away along Negril’s Seven Mile beach. Cited as one of the best beaches in the world, it has all the excitement that tourists crave but isn’t invaded with commercial businesses, giving it a romantic and intimate vibe. A personal musician can also be hired along the coast.

If its adventure you want, then say your vows while riding the Sky Explorer lift. It’s 700 ft. above the ground at Mystic Mountain, one of the top attractions in Jamaica.

If you’re after the undivided attention and services that a bride and groom truly deserve, then Round Hill, or the sprawling Trident Castle, can definitely be of service. These establishments cater to the very last wedding detail with stellar cuisine and endless amenities.

The Caves Hotel is another charming option. The cliff-hanging edges will take you and your lover away from the ordinary - full of class and simplicity.

Lover’s Leap is titled after the love story about a couple who couldn’t bear to be separated. Add to its history with your happy day by getting married here. The views will take your breath away, just like your partner does. Couples have also been known to get married while riding ATVs through the island’s inner greenery or horseback riding in the Caribbean Sea.

The Bridal Party The South Coast of the island boasts several villas and guesthouses waiting to cater to your bridal party with tours to some of the country’s best-kept secrets included, but you don’t have to feel like a tourist on your getaway. Skip the crowds at Dunn’s River Falls in exchange for the awe-inspiring YS Falls, or take your wedding party by boat to Pelican’s Bar for an after-vow beer to celebrate. Remember, the perfect destination wedding is never more than a concierge away, who will help you to bring your idea of a fine wedding bash to life in Jamaica.

Blue Skies. Turquoise Dreams. Golden Memories. Life’s special moments deserve to be painted with a unique palette. On a lush green bluff just west of Montego Bay, a complete spectrum of total relaxation awaits you at Round Hill. Life is precious and your memories at Round Hill will last forever.

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Did You Know they Were Jamaican:

Collin Daley Jr.


o Karting isn’t a sport that has the same kind of fame and prestige as some of its other racing counterparts yet, but it is an important stepping stone into the world of professional racing for Collin Daley Jr. The talented teenager continues to shine on the international circuit, winning title after title, securing accolades and exposure along the way. He’s the only Red Bull athlete in the Caribbean and has dreams of becoming a qualified Formula One driver. His father introduced him to the sport of racing, and Collin has been hooked ever since. The 18-year-old’s special talents and understanding of the effort it takes to rise to the top puts him on our ‘one to watch’ list. There’s no doubt he will go on to make a name for Jamaica in the world of racing.

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RachAel McDonald Loving Life and Loving Jamaica!


du-preneur - owner Fundaciones. Located in Kingston (and Montego Bay).

A few minutes into meeting Rachael McDonald her energy and zest for life are unmistakable. She exudes warmth and compassion and as she animatedly talks about her business, her enthusiasm is palatable and infectious. Operating the successful branches of her Fundaciones schools in Kingston (2009) and Montego Bay (2013) she can often be found on social media celebrating new steps and important victories for the young children entrusted to her care. We were able to catch up with her for a few minutes between classes.

In 3 words…what motivates you:

Everyday I wear:

“Changing the Game” where children and education are concerned. The school I really want to build is: The one I’m building right now.

A White Shirt (literally)

My dream project is:

Every project I work on at it’s particular time. I’m thankful for a career that allows me the opportunity to offer programmes, services and activities for children. I’m able to add, subtract and create accordingly and that’s the fun part. My favorite place to unwind is:

mi casita – my home. My favorite mode of transportation is:

Flying from classroom to classroom on my broomstick! (laughing) Being in anything that flies. I love being in the skies. My most treasured object is:

My cell phone (whatsapp chats, notes, pictures = my life!) When I need to get off the grid I go to: The beach or the hills to reconnect in nature.

I collect:

memories (and white shirts) My favorite city in the world is:

Barcelona, Spain Best city to party in:

So far…..I had an amazing time in Johannesburg, South Africa for World Cup 2010. The top destination on my list now is:

…destination!? I have several. I’m looking forward to visiting Paris and checking out St. Petersburg and Moscow; Marakech, Morocco; Cairo, Egypt, Seville, Spain and returning to Asia. The best meal I’ve ever had was:

At a small roadside restaurant in Jaipur, India. I literally licked my fingers and soaked up every bit of food onto the roti. Also street food in Bangkok, Thailand. If I could, I would live in……JAMAICA! I would not live anywhere else – I love living right here in Jamaica.

My favorite way to thank someone is:

To write a thank you note. The best business advice I’ve ever received came from: Dr Seuss “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose. The last great book I read:

“Big Magic” by Elizabeth Gilbert. I get up everyday at:

6-ish on weekdays, except when I’m headed to Montego Bay when it’s at least an hour earlier. I sleep in on weekends. My favorite decade is:

The one I was born in, the 80s. jamaicaexperiences.com | 51

The Luxury Villa Experience Nautilus San San, Port Antonio When it comes to service, luxury and refinement, you’d be hard pressed to find better than Nautilus Villa in Port Antonio, Jamaica. Since the 1950s Port Antonio has been the playground of the world elite, hosting Kings, Queens, Agha’s, movie stars and every manner of Nobility in between. Nautilus is a luxuriously appointed 3 bedroom villa catering to the most discerning tastes. www.nautilusjamaica.com

Villa Stella


Tryall Club, Montego Bay

Ocho Rios

Redolent of a classical Jamaican house with deep shaded verandas and tall ceilings, Villa Stella offers splendid ocean views from its elevated setting. The spacious living areas on two levels and a large swimming pool with separate Jacuzzi and games room makes it a perfect choice for families or groups of friends. A dining area on the upper veranda is complemented by an indoor air-conditioned dining room.

Malatai is a breathtaking 9,500 sq ft six bedroom luxury villa located directly on one of Jamaica’s most beautiful white sand beaches. Our staff of seven and spectacular amenities are sure to keep you relaxed on your island getaway. www.malatai.com

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Whether you choose to golf on the plunging greens of White Witch or among the ruins at Cinnamon Hill; be captivated by tales of the notorious Annee Palmer in her Great House or exchange wedding vows on this historic plantation... you are sure to delight in Rose Hall's unique flavour of Jamaica! www.rosehall.com

jamaicaexperiences.com | 53

The Ultimate Bucket List 10 Must Do’s in Jamaica

Welcome to Jamaica! Now that you’re here the next step is figuring out what you must do! Whether you want to relax and enjoy the sounds of the ocean outside your hotel window or prefer the thrill of the outdoors, Jamaica has what you need. But for those looking for a truly unforgettable experience, we’ve pooled our knowledge and compiled the ultimate Jamaica bucket list. These are the places that you must visit at some point, whether on this visit or the next or the one after that! This list will hit all your Jamaica must-dos, from relaxing to adventure, thrill seeking to Bob Marley and, of course, jerk chicken and rum. Whether you’re here with family, your babe, besties or flying solo, these are just a handful of the hotspots and off-the-radar spots that will last in your memory forever.

Bob Marley Museum Let’s hit the most iconic thing on your list first. The great Jamaican reggae legend would have been 70 years old this past February and Jamaica has gone all out to celebrate his life and music. Take a day trip to the Bob Marley Museum in Kingston to see the newly renovated former home and recording studio of the reggae king. Make your own vinyl souvenir, eat the vegetarian feasts and experience the music and livelihood with a tour of the grounds which also hosts the Jamaican Music Museum and Dynamic Sounds studio. Scuba Diving in Port Royal Arrrgh! Be One With the Pirates Since you’re already out east, visit Port Royal, a short ride outside of Kingston which was once known as the “wickedest city on earth” because of the pirates that had free reign and the debauchery that was common place. Since then, a devastating earthquake sunk most of the city leaving behind a tilted giddy house, sunken ships and structures, seaside eateries and historic museums. It’s a scuba-diver’s dream if you get permission to check out the ruins down under. James Bond Beach at GoldenEye Bond….James Bond. Jamaica has no shortage of famous firsts including the place where Ian Flemming once called home. There, he wrote his very first James Bond novel. Now known as GoldenEye Resort, visit the property and draw inspiration from the same spots that Flemming birthed the famous 54 | jamaicaexperiences.com

007 character, where some of the first films in the Bond series were also recorded. Bike Down Hill in the Blue Mountains Famous for its world class coffee, trek through the cool Blue Mountain, the highest point on Jamaica where you’ll experience a glimpse of life on a coffee farm and sample from the most coveted of beans, lose all inhibitions biking downhill and splashing in the refreshing waterfalls at the end of the trail. Sample Jerk Everything It should be a crime to visit Jamaica and not seek out the very best in jerk everything. Jamaicans put everything over pimento wood from chicken to pork to rabbit, seafood and even ice-cream. It’s true! Boston Bay in Port Antonio is home of this deliciously spicy meal and it won’t hurt that the beach here is simply breathtaking. If you can’t make it out to Boston Bay this trip, seek out a Scotchies Jerk Center or hey, check out the street eats nearest to you. It’s Jamaica after all, we guarantee you that authentic jerk is never too far away. The Great Jamaican Rum While we’re onto signature Jamaican food, a visit to the Appleton Estate, Jamaica’s oldest sugar and rum distillery to check in with the world’s first female rum blender and sample some of her age old concoctions is a must on your checklist. The tour is a fun blend of history, rummaking and of course imbibing.

Go Caving Jamaica is a very mountainous island and beneath all those mountains are caves with rich history, some with artifacts now on display in museums in Britain. Whether you’re an expert spelunker or just want to do a little light exploring, there’s a cave that’ll fill your adventurous desires. Start within the Cockpit Country of Jamaica. Swim with Dolphins Dolphin Cove is a treasure here on the island for the magical creatures it allows us to be friends with. Visit one of their two locations in Negril or Ocho Rios where you can swim and interact with dolphins, sting rays, sharks, starfish, iguanas and a host of other animals. Get High Only being recently decriminalized in Jamaica, the reputation is known far and wide so you might as well. Experience the Jamaican strain of marijuana soon to be available to those with a prescription for it but not to worry if you’re found with a joint and no paperwork, it only carries a small fine. Go to a Reggae Concert There’s nothing like it. Experience the vibrations jamming through your body as you’re moved by the rhythms under the warm Jamaican moonlight. There’s always a live concert happening somewhere on the island and if you’re a music buff they’re an experience not to be missed.

Stay AT ONE.. Play AT BOTH. Stay AT ONE... Play AT BOTH.


STYLISH. RADIANT. FUN. Secrets St. James Montego Bay and Secrets Wild Orchid Montego Bay are adjacent luxurious havens for adults only. Secrets St. James offers a sophisticated interpretation of Jamaica’s Victorian soul. Secrets Wild Orchid has a hip, vibrant ambiance and swim-out suites. Both provide all the inclusions of Unlimited-Luxury.®



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His Vibrant Path

Chris Blackwell Life, Music, Luxury and Growing Up


ou could be forgiven for not recognizing him at first. At 78 years of age, Chris Blackwell is both poised and low-key. His attire leans more toward surfer shorts, faded t-shirts, flip flops and several days’ worth of stubble than suit-and-tie. This, despite having a net worth north of $200 million. With a name nearly synonymous with Bob Marley, it’s difficult to imagine how the man with wispy gray hair and a larger than life aura could blend in anywhere. Yet that’s precisely what he seeks to do. Well, that and operate a group of elite resorts in Jamaica, market his own unique brand of rum, and hold down the title of most influential man in British music in 50 years. Yeah, you could be forgiven for not giving him a second glance. Almost. In the late ‘50s, at a time when Doo Wop and swing music still dominated the air waves, Blackwell sought something different. Surprisingly naïve, he acknowledges speaking before thinking. “I saw this band and I really liked them and I said, ‘You know, I’d love to record you guys.’ I didn’t know anything about recording or anything at all. I just opened my stupid mouth, you know, and so of course, the next couple of days, they said, ‘Well, what about this recording we’re doing?’ Wanting to stay true to his word, Blackwell shuffled the musicians into a makeshift recording studio and did his best to play the role of Producer. Describing the process, he explains in his characteristic low mumble, “I felt like I’d become part of it and that’s really what I wanted to do most of all, to be into the musical thing. So that’s really how I started and it just went from there.” The ‘from there’ he speaks of is something akin to a legacy. Having launched independent label Island Records at the age of 22, Blackwell traversed from his rather posh English upbringing to the seedier world of the recording business. His keen eye for talent suited him well in the music industry, however, as he is credited with having helped usher in fame for bands such as U2, Grace Jones, Jethro Tull and Cat Stevens. While his ability to spot talent is remarkable, he did manage at least one oversight along the way-- Elton John. When asked about having turned down the opportunity to work with “Rocket Man,” Blackwell turns introspective. “It was a bad, bad decision. He (Elton John) was so shy. I just felt he wasn’t somebody who would make it on stage.” Fortunately, this decision was just a small part of a bigger picture. After selling his record label for $300 million, he shifted into the hotel business. First stop was Miami and then a lucrative turn to Jamaica. He credits his mom, a woman turning 104 this year, with inspiring him to make the initial purchase on the Caribbean island. “She liked the place and she liked to swim there and she asked me if I’d consider buying it for her. That’s effectively what I did.” With several luxury resorts and a brand of rum to his name, he still has moments of wonder. Wonder about what he’ll do when he grows up, when he gets old. Until then, we’ll just have to wait to see what direction the eclectic septuagenarian travels. For more on Chris Blackwell, visit us at jamaicaexperiences.com jamaicaexperiences.com | 57

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