–the aggregate of groups residing outside original homeland
Fall 2002
CRICKET Evanston Cricket Cl u b Presents: A fun filled weekend When: Saturday & Sunday, Nov 30th-Dec 1st.
Where: Par-a-dice Hotel Casino in Peoria, IL. Contact: Mrs. Louis 847 3284863 or Mrs. Williams 847 866 6619 The purpose of this trip is two-fold, to provide scholarship for students wishing to pursue higher education as well as entertainment.
You are cordially invited to our annual dinner dance. When: Sat December 14, 2002 Where: Banquet Hall & Party Palace 7064 N. Clark Chicago, IL Contact: Mrs. Louis 847 3284863 or Mrs. Williams 847 866 6619
Byron Lee (L) Kaye Maxwell (R)
119 E. 95th Street Chicago, IL 60619 Phone (773) 2910707 Fax (773) 2910892 Uni ted Caribbean Nationals Pre sented Chi cago Carifête 2002.
It was really “hot hot hot” at the White Eagle Banquet Hall in Niles IL on Sept 7th. For over 40 years Jamaican born Bryon Lee has been heating up crowds. The Dragonairs played to a diverse Caribbean audience that ranged from Trinidadians to Puerto Ricans to Belizeans plus many more ethnic groups. Everybody “jumped up jumped up” to the beats of our calypso ambassador. To learn more about Byron Lee and the Dragonairs, contact www.byronleemusic.com
1516 W. Howard Street Chicago Phone (773) 338 2826 Fax (773) 3383155
For more information on this organization, contact United Carribean Nationals at 773 509 5079. Attention Jam aicans: lets unite as a community for Carifête 2003. For more information, contact:
847 663 1598.
Jamaicans were in the African festival of the arts.
In 1995, Jamaican born recording artist Diana King catapulted to the top of the music charts, which was a global success. King’s smash hit “Shy Guy” was played on radio stations through out the world. In fact, one would be hard pressed to find a dance club where her music was not being played, but don’t expect King’s music in 2002 to be rendition of “Shy Guy”. King still has her trademark of reggae, pop and R&B that showcased her vocal artistry. At the African festival of the arts that was held in Chicago on August 30th, she had a new story to
tell. Her new album called Respect will be out in January 2003. To learn more about Dina King contact fitfool@hotmail.com
Jamaican born Fred Baker is founder and artistic director of the West Indian Folk Dancers. This dance troupe brought the Caribbean flavor to this years festival.
become one of our national heroes for mainstream Jamaicans as well as for Rastafarians.
Garvey Fest coordinators
Jam aican
& Ame rican F oo d W e s t Ind i e s bakery & restaurant 841 E. 79th Chi cago, IL 60619 Phone 773 651 7917 C a t e r i ng service is ava ilable .
Fes t
This annual event took place on August 17th in Kankakee, IL. Our beloved Marcus Garvey is important to many groups within the Black community. African Americans benefited because he created the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) during the 1920’s in Harlem NY, which thousands joined. The organization stressed self–reliance and self-love. For Africans, he was a strong proponent of Africa being for the indigenous Africans and on our island, his progressive stand for the disadvantagedcausedhim to
s ui t e 2 0 3 Skokie, IL 60076 ( 8 4 7 ) 6 7 6 -8 6 8 6 ph o n e ( 8 4 7 ) 6 7 6 -8 6 9 1 fax
Jamaican consulate Lloyd L. Hyde and African TV Chicago host Kaye Maxwell celebrated our independence on August 10th at the Chicago Marriott Hotel. Among the many distinguished guest were:
C.C .J.
Chicago Concerned Jamaicans felt the beat and greeted the heat at their 2002 island sun splash, which was held at the 59th street yacht club on Sunday, August 18th. For more information on this organization, call 312 602 4548.
Simeon CPA • • • •
Jamaica received its independence on August 6, 1962. This year marked 40 years as a nation. Chi cago consulate of Jam aica
President of the Jamaica’s Olympic Association
Michael S. Fennell and African TV Chicago Host Jacqueline Brissett
Accounting Auditing Taxes Personal Financial Planning
4556 Oakton
Members of the Salt Lake Olympic
bobsled team Clive McDonald African TV Chicago host Jacqueline Brissette and Lascelles Brown.
Jesse White Tumblers The celebrations continued on Monday August 12th at the Daly Plaza where the current Miss Jamaica World Regina Beavers was present and the West Indian Folk Dancers entertained the crowd.
HOT ICE Ref rigeration AC & Heating • Repair & installation Service • Emergency available 24 hours a day Lowest pri ces in the business Oti s 847 687 3749 Benny 773 677 2199 phone 773-2283200 - pager
IL. For more information on this group contact 847 663 1598 or email JamaicanAmericanClub@yahoo.com
D.U.B. D e v e l o p m e nt Uni ficati on Brotherhood celebrated: H.I.M. Haile Selassie Birthday.
Current Ethiopian flag Contrary to popular thought, the Rastafarians faith is not practiced only in Jamaica but worldwide which include Africa, Australia and Europe. Rastafarianism is much more that dread locks and reggae. It is a religion, a way of life and a movement of social protest dating back to the 1920’s,which was born out of the poverty and heartbreak in the Jamaican ghettos to inspire oppressed people. For more information on D.U.B., contact 773 768 7464
Despite the concert cancellation for July 20th and 21st, members of D.U.B. enjoyed a picnic in Washington Park, which featured Nyobingi drumming.
Jamaican American Club had their annual family picnic on August 3rd at the Greenleaf beach in Evanston
come, and that Ethiopia was the Promised land of which the lost Black tribe of Israel would someday return. They found justification of Haile Selassie’s divinity in the Bible (Revelation 5:5): “Do not weep; for the Lion from the Tribe of Judah, the Scion of David, has won the right to open the scroll and break it seven seals.”
Former Ethiopian flag On November 2, 1930, Ras Tafari Makonnen was crowned Emperor of Ethiopia and was given his full title H.I.M. Haile Salassie I, King of Kings, Lords of Lords, Conquering Lion of Judah. The name Haile Selassie means ”Power of the Trinity”, and those who heard the prophecy in Garvey’s word announced that the redeemer, the Black messiah or even “Jah” had
African TV Chi cago bri ngs Jam aicans wo r l d wi d e hom e to you eve ry Saturday on WF B T cha nnel 23 at 10:30 pm. For more informati on, cal l 847 319 3614 or visitwww.AfricanTVChica go.com or Ema il info@AfricanTVChicago.c om African Internati onal
Caribbean Festival Li f e
Book Club
Once again Chicago, played host the festival of life, which was held in Washington Park. The event celebrated it 10th anniversary and featured the very best in calypso, gospel, rap and reggae musicians. Over seventy acts performed form July 4th to July7th.
Performers came from as far as South Africa, who sent the gospel sensation Ambition; the groups inspiring lyrics were a true testament to the value of forgiveness. To learn more about the group contact: www.ambition-sa.com Many Jamaican artists performed such as reggae rap artist Yellowman
As well as dub poet Muta Baruka.
This event was made possible because of Jamaica’s very own Ephraim Martin of Martin’s intercultural organization. For more information, contact www.reggaeinfo.net.
N ew s
Our fall book selection is:
R e c i p e C o r ne r Carrot Punch (Zion Juice)
The Lunatic by Anthony Winckler This book can be purchased at popular bookstores and is available on video. We had the pleasure of interviewing the author and here is what he had to say:
1lb (450g) carrots 1pt (550ml) water 1 pt (550ml) milk or soymilk 3tbs condensed milk 1 tbs rosewater _ tsp freshly grated nutmeg Molasses or raw cane sugar Peel and gate carrots. Add the grated carrots tot the water, Strain the mixture through a sieve to separate liquid and carrot, while extracting juice. Discard the carrots remains, Stir in the condensed milk rosewater and nutmeg into the carrot liquid, Add molasses or raw cane sugar to taste. Serves 4-6
Q: Wha t inspired you to wri te The Lunatic? A: I saw a madman in Kingston at a bus bench, felt sorry for him, and wanted to tell his story. Having lived in Montego Bay during my adolescence, I was also sick and fed up with the stereotypical stories that tourists spread about sexually predatory Jamaican men. It seemed to me then and now that the tourists women were as avid hunters as were the local men. Q:. Inga and Aloysius we r e dra wn to each other because the outside world would not accept the m. Wha t doe s tha t say about hum an na t ur e ? A: The premise implied in your question is false. I do not think they
were drawn to each other because the world rejected them. One could argue just as convincingly that it was the other way around -- that the world rejected them because they were drawn to each other. We all want to give love and to get love. But sometimes the world does not approve of our love objects. When that happens, smart lovers say "screw the world" and continue about their business. Q: Che noa Achebe (A man of the people) is a Nigerian wri ter and J.M. Coe tzee (Li fe & Tim es of Michael K.) is a South African Afrikaner. Both wri te about Africa fr o m d i f fe r e n t e x p e r i e nc e s ; wha t the y have in com mon is tha t the majority of the ir works are rea d by the West rather tha n by Africans. Do you find tha t to be the sam e with Caribbean wri ters? Bei ng a Jam aican, who are your p ri m a ry r e a d e r s? A: From I was a little boy, I dreamed of becoming a writer. And I always knew that I wanted to write for my own people. I write for Jamaicans. I'm read mainly by Jamaicans. Q: Whi ch authors ha v e influence d you and why? A:I think the influence that writers are supposed to have on one another is a myth. If you're a writer, you have to have your own vision of the sea we all sail on, and peeping through the porthole of another writer won't give you that. Q: Do you have any other up c o m i ng works? A: Yes, I have two finished novels awaiting publication, Dog War and Crocodile. To speak to the author, you may email labyrinth2p@yahoo.com
Intereste d in joi ning a book club tha t mee ts qua rterly? Cal l 847 663 1598 Our winter book club selection is:
you know
Satisfy My Soul By Colin Channer Dorin G. McCalla affectionately known as Mr.Mac is president of the Caribbean American Baking Company. His entrepreneurial efforts have made his bakery a landmark in the Chicago metro area, where a taste of “yard” is only one visit away.
Tavis Smily, left Quincy Jones, right
Chicago’s Navy Pier hosted this timely event. Blacks spent 1.6 billion in technology services in 2000; nevertheless, there is still a major difference between Blacks and other ethnic groups in utilizing the computer’s capability. For that reason, influential Blacks came out to support and encourage computer literacy, which will narrow the digital divide. For more information, contact www.Blacksinthechinogy.com or www.Tavistalks.com
“To know wisdom and instruction is to perceive the wo r d s o f understanding.” --
Proverbs -
HOT ICE Ref rigeration AC & Heating • Repair & installation Service • Emergency available 24 hours a day Lowest pri ces in the business Oti s 847 687 3749 Benny 773 677 2199 phone 773-2283200 – pager
Attention Jam aican Organizations: Please contact us and say hello. We will advertise your events. Plus it avoids us planning events on the same month or date as yours. Remember unity is strength. Call us 847 663 1598 or Ema il us at: Jam aicanAmerica nClub@ y ahoo.com Jamaican Diaspora is a free forum newsletter that is interested in healthcare, education, environment and cultural pride. If you have a business, poem, essay, satire, oped pieces, recipes or anything vital that benefits the community, please call 847 663 1598. Or email us at JamaicanAmericanClub@yahoo.com