JK Production Publication
Jamaican American Club Newsletter www.JamaicanAmercanClub.org
Winter 2016
School of Education and Technology RE School of Education and Technology (R-E-S-E-T), a constituent unit of Rakul Enterprises (RE) was founded by Prof. Raghavan Ramamoorthy on Octo-
ber 26, 2015. The school is located at 13, Lower Sandringham Avenue, Kingston 10. This is one of the most sophisticated tertiary institutions in Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. R-E-S-E-T is committed to serve this beautiful country with the following Vision, Mission and Objectives: VISION
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Provide a Platform to Empower Everyone with
Education and Confidence that Leads to Excellence.
Table of Contents
Trivia page 1
To provide a platform that will enable and enrich skills, expand your qualification, and build confidence within you to succeed and excel. Also to define and steer your steps in the right direction that will lead you to R-ES-E-T your future.
School of Education and
continue on page 2
Trivia What is the Ugli fruit and what is the Jamaican connection? Answer on page 10
Technology page 1 Tirade on Right in small states and GDP page 2 Keep the faith page 10
Tirade on Rights in small states and GDP Liberty is nothing less than willingness to compromise my rights for the rights of others. Hence for societies to be free there has to be boundaries of the state, the citizen, and the government. The long standing premise of rights has been long discussed as too the responsibility of states but much has not been discussed about the health of the economies. In the globalization of states in world economies where a tree falls in the jungle and it’s heard in the financial markets where do small states fit into this process.
Liberty is nothing less than willingness to compromise my rights for the rights of others. Hence for societies to be free there has to be boundaries of the state, the citizen, and the government. The long standing premise of rights has been long discussed as too the responsibility of states but much has not been discussed about the health of the economies. In the globalization of states in world economies where a tree falls in the jungle and it’s heard in the financial markets where do small states fit into this process.
Small States economies are barely the size of a small multinational but with the full responsibilities of sovereign states. The functions of these states must be dependent on the human capital to expand the reach of the state. The citizens’ development and ability to produce acts as a force multiplier which in the end impacts the taxes need to make a small state viable. We all want our countries but do the citizens know what is required to hold this sovereignty.
Carol Lawton
I believe that this answer is no as a balance is not there between the services offered by the state and the consideration rendered by the citizen. The state has become the mule on which the citizen depends yet many are unwilling to produce to enable the mule to survive. Jamaica is for Jamaica but given a chance most will migrate as it has become our prison as well. Governments are not machines but made up of the human element.
Countries are not land alone but people bounded by a common history, language and culture. Hence for productive government and countries to function the common factor is the people. In a sense the state is the creation of the people. Why then should we be puzzled by the state of Jamaica? The balance is what is missing. Money, Policy, Planning is for nothing if the mass is unwilling to offer the state their all thus expanding opportunities for development and the expansion of the gross domestic product.
Liberty is nothing less than willingness to compromise my rights for the rights of others.
Continued from page 1 OBJECTIVES An uncompromising commitment to achieve specific, measurable, observable, or demonstrable results that exceed current capability. Currently R-E-S-E-T is offering training and certification programmes from three major DiviPage 2
sions viz., Department of Business Management, Department of Information Technology and School of Fisheries Science (SOFS). Department of Business Development offers wide range of HEART Trust/NTA certified programmes on Business Administration and management. We work
hard in improving the productivity, competitiveness and prosperity of individual citizens and thereby supporting the economy of the Nation. Department of Information Technology was born with an aim to offer Technology Programmes designed to help school and college students and corporate sectors Jamaican American Club Newsletter
Continued from page 2 employees. This department has recently become partner with Microsoft and is the only Microsoft Imagine Academy in the Island. R-E-S-E-T is now committed to provide Academic institutions and their educators, students and staff on “Digital curriculum and certifications” starting from fundamental technology skills to courses critical for success in today’s technologically evolving world. School of Fisheries Science (SOFS) is the brainchild of Prof.
Raghavan Ramamoorthy, Founder and President of R-E-S-E-T, who is an expert in the field of Fisheries for the past 35 years. R-E-S-ET is very proud to be the pioneer institution in establishing a School in the Caribbean to offer courses exclusively in the field of Fisheries Science. Presently SOFS conducting Entrepreneurship Trainings and Workshops on Ornamental Aquaculture for the benefit of inner-city youths and entrepre-
Apart from the above core functions R-E-S-E-T is mandated to Organize and conduct Youth Livelihood Community Service Projects (YLCSP) in partnership with local Churches/NGOs/ Private and Government Funding Agencies. YLCSP focus on Micro Enterprise Development, Education and Skills Training, Technology and innovations. R-ES-E-T has been a partner with Flow
Foundation, NCB Foundation and Jamaica Social Investment Fund (JSIF) in conducting training workshops for the benefit of underserved and at-risk communities in Kingston, St. Andrew. To learn more about R-E-S-E-T kindly contact: Dr. RAGA Founder & President RE School of Education and Technology (R-E-S-E-T) # 13, Lower Sandringham Avnue
Digital curriculum and certifications” starting from fundamental technology skills to courses critical for success in today’s technologically evolving world.
Kingston, 10 Jamaica
Phone: 1-876-536-0988; 326-3212; 326-3123 Email: rakulenterprises@gmail.com RAKUL R. RAGHAVAN Vice-President R-E-S-E-T Director, Department of IT Phone: 1-876-535-2070 Email: rakulenterprises@gmail.com
Winter 2016
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Click on the photos to get to their website
Click on the photos to get to their website
Click on the photos to get to their site
Click on photos to get to their web sites
Click on the photos to get to their website
Organization Contact: Jamaican American Club P.O. Box 62 Elk Grove, IL 60009- 0062 USA Email: JamaicanAmericanClub@yahoo.com
The fruit was 1st bred in Brown’s Town Jamaica in 1914, hybridizing a grapefruit and a tangerine. It got its name from the unsightly appearance of its rough, greenish and yellow appearance. It is smaller than a grapefruit but easier to peel.
United, we can never be defeated. Keep the faith by Carl Foster In the current climate of world recessions, high cost of living and job cuts, fuel costs and house prices rising every year, you may feel like throwing in the towel and giving up on the good life. The idea of success seems like a distant dream and a distant memory. The temptation to follow the crowd and do what everyone else is doing may seem a desirable option. All though these may be challenging times, one thing is for sure there are still people winning in this world. The dreamer lives on. There is still room to dream. No matter how bad it gets you can still win. In the 1930's America suffered a great depression of which brought suffering and hardship onto millions of people. People lost their jobs and their lives. They saw no hope and no way out. It was incon-
ceivable to even think of success in those conditions, but sure enough during the great depression there were still people winning, there was still people making money and living the dream. Such people as: 1) Henry Ford (Ford car motor company) 2) Napoleon Hill (author writer and philosopher) Napoleon Hill once “said anything the human mind can believe, the human mind can achieve“. The power of faith is the dream was still alive just a little dusty, but the dream was still here. In life we live by the law of polarity: Polarity is a point of view and your level of awareness.
For example for every up there is a down, for every right there is a left. For every back there's a front. There are some people wining, there are some people lousing. There are some people living, there are some people dying, there are some people working, there are some people out of work. Rich or poor this are the laws of POLARITY and depends on your mind set if ever positive or negative, this will determine which group you will fall into. POLARITY states that there is always opportunity no matter how bad it gets. It just depends on your level of awareness. If you have a prosperity consciousness you will see opportunity for success in all situations and if you have a poverty consciousness you will see lack of opportunity and limitations.