The Louisiana Jam - 08/15/13, Vol. 1, No. 3

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VOL. 1, NO. 3 / AUGUST 15, 2013

On Cover: Phil de Albuquerque, president of the Children’s Museum Board gets ready for Imagination Celebration! Photo by Senaida Ortiz

August 15, 2013 • Volume 1 • Issue 3 COVER STORY 10 The Imagination Celebration: The Children’s Museum Goes to Funky Town! PUBLISHER Phil de Albuquerque

EXECUTIVE EDITOR Lauren de Albuquerque


CONTRIBUTORS Nicole Shuff Arabie George Cline Angie Kay Dilmore Jason Gribble Monica Hebert

Braylin Jenkins Jen Kober Mike McHugh Roger Miller Karla Tullos


GRAPHICS ART/PRODUCTION DIRECTOR Burn Rourk ART ASSISTANT Sarah Bercier CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHER Danley Romero BUSINESS OFFICE MANAGER Jeanie Taggart Legal Disclaimer The views expressed by Louisiana Jamcolumnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Louisiana Jam, its editors or staff. Louisiana Jam is solely owned, published by Jambalaya Media, LLC, 715 Kirby Street, Lake Charles Louisiana 70601. Phone (337) 436-7800. Whilst every effort was made to ensure the information in this magazine was correct at the time of going to press, the publishers cannot accept legal responsibility for any errors or omissions, nor can they accept responsibility of the standing of advertisers nor by the editorial contributions. Louisiana Jam cannot be held responsible for the return of unsolicited manuscripts, photographs or illustrations, even if they are sent to us accompanied by a self-addressed envelope. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. Copyright 2013 Louisiana Jam all rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without prior written permission is prohibited. PAGE 2

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REGULARS 5 The Dang Yankee 5 Tips from Tip 6 Soul Matters 6 Adoption Corner 7 Jen Kober’s Big Fat Food Column 9 Fish Tales 17 Lake City Beat! THE SPICE OF SWLA 14 Restaurant Guide 16 Events Guide 18 Art & Culture Events Guide 20 Music Guide 22 Society Spice ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 4 The Green Pea Art Studio 19 HeART of SWLA 21 The Bulber Youth Orchestra Celebrates 20 Years 23 Funbolaya



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DISCO! Volume 1 • Issue 3

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A Note From Lauren My Love Affair with the Tomato When you change your diet, your taste buds change. Food you used to enjoy eating just doesn’t taste the same any longer. On the other hand, something you ate on occasion suddenly becomes an important part of your daily dining experience. I’m talking about tomatoes. When I was a child, I didn’t eat them very much. I actually think I had some sort of an allergy to them, as they made my palate itchy. And they seemed kind of tasteless. I just avoided them. I did however, enjoy tomato juice and tomato soup. As I got older, I ate more tomatoes, but usually only if they came from someone’s garden or if I were in a good restaurant. But now that I’m on my lowcarb diet, tomatoes and I have become very good friends. Of course, since I’ve moved to Louisiana, I’ve kicked everything up a

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notch—or two. Or three. I like my food and drinks spicy. Which means plain old tomato juice doesn’t do it for me anymore. Good-bye, old friend. I’ve gone from V-8 to Spicy V-8 to Zing Zang Bloody Mary Mix (without the vodka). I throw in spicy green beans and pickles and pickled okra and big olives. It’s delicious and satisfies my salt/spice cravings. When I have tomato soup, I add hot sauce and hot pepper cheese. Swirl all that together and it’s heavenly. When I’m in a cheating mood, a throw in a handful of chili cheese Fritos. What a fabulous lunch. I don’t want it to end. Since my diet calls for lots of protein and as few carbs as possible, I’m used

to eating protein with a vegetable every day. So that piece of meat is automatically accompanied by a sliced tomato, sprinkled liberally with sea salt. Sometimes, I’ll drizzle

extra-virgin olive oil over it, or plop some guacamole on top. Another great way to enjoy a fresh tomato is to eat it like an apple. Sprinkle salt on top and take a deep bite. Heaven! Of

course, this has to be a fresh tomato—the real thing. Our wonderful Jam delivery guy Gerard also occasionally brings us fresh veggies from his garden and they don’t last very long in our refrigerator. I also love crispy celery. Swirl that in some homemade onion dip, and you have a treat. It’s amazing how a diet can really work if you love what you eat; if it satisfies a craving. How many diet foods actually do that? And while I never seem to get tired of the wonderful tomato, I have no desire for pasta, rice or bread anymore. Potatoes are a different story. Mashed, fried, baked, chips—this is a serious problem for me. And I do fall off the potato wagon occasionally—with a big, resounding thud. Like the other night. Phil and I had run some errands. It was getting

kind of late and we hadn’t eaten. It had been a rather stressful week. And I was hungry. “McDonald’s.” I said. Phil did a double take. “Are you sure?” I took a deep breath. “Yes, I’m sure.” So off we went to McDonald’s. I hadn’t been under those Golden Arches in month. And I went for the gusto. “A Big Mac, please,” I said loudly. “With large fries.” Phil raised his eyebrows and ordered himself a little burger from the dollar menu. I made him order his own fries, because if I was going to fall, I was going to fall hard. It tasted divine. And there WAS a tomato slice somewhere in that Big Mac. I’m sure there was.

Lauren de Albuquerque

AUGUST 15, 2013


By Angie Kay Dilmore Chris Zaunbrecher is passionate about art. As the Moss Bluff Middle School art teacher, she enjoys instructing her students, but she’s always longed to share her passion with a larger audience. Four years ago, she opened The Green Pea, a friendly welcoming art studio in the heart of Lake Arthur. Zaunbrecher offers art camps for kids, painting classes and workshops, birthday parties for both children and adults, and open studio hours for creative spirits “who just want to come in and do their own thing.” Inspired by her artistic grandmother, Zaunbrecher has been drawing and painting since she was five years old. A lifelong resident of Jeff Davis Parish, she recalls as a child how the weekly newspapers were blank on the back. “I’d wait every Saturday for that grocery store newspaper so I could draw on the other side,” she said. “There were no art classes in the schools then, so I had to learn on my own.” After high school, she worked for several years as a hairdresser. But she most wanted to be an artist. At the age of 30, she returned to school and graduated with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from McNeese State University. Then she earned her art education certificate and she’s been teaching art at the middle school for 14 years. Zaunbrecher became an art instructor because she wanted to offer children what she didn’t have growing up herself. “Art has been my passion since I was a kid, and I had no outlet for it. Art and education have always been a struggle in Louisiana.” PAGE 4

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For many years, Zaunbrecher taught art classes from her mother’s home. She desired to open a studio, but could never find the right place. Ideal buildings were either occupied or too expensive. During Hurricane Rita, most of the commercial buildings in her hometown of Lake Arthur were damaged. Tenants moved out. Building owners had to sell their properties inexpensively or renovate them and find new tenants. As a result, Zaunbrecher found the perfect location for her art studio -- on Arthur Street near the park and beach. She describes her shop as a “boutique art studio.” Her own artwork adorns the walls and inspires her patrons who come in looking

The Green Pea offers the following art opportunities: •Summer Art Camps for kids: Offered Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for five weeks. The students participate in fun activities, learn a little art history, and paint. •Mini-Art Camps over the holidays. •Birthday Parties for children and adults, by appointment. Kid parties are two hours and $20 per child. Adult parties are three hours and $35 per person. •Paint and Sip Parties: By appointment. Patrons bring their own wine and snacks. “They forget to drink though, they’re so excited to paint,” Zaunbrecher said. •Art lessons and workshops ($65 per four lessons) in drawing and painting on Tuesday evenings 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m. The studio is open during these same hours for people who want to come in and simply do their own thing artistically. Zaunbeacher provides the materials. •Her own art is for sale in the studio and she also does commission work.

to express their creative natures. Zaunbrecher’s studio also showcases gift items made by other area artisans, including candles, soaps, jellies, decorative crosses, and unique one-of-a kind greeting cards. Zaunbrecher also says her studio is “kid-friendly.”

She encourages the children in her art camps and birthday parties to be independent and creatively unique. Unlike other well-known art party studios, patrons at The Green Pea are not required or expected to paint the exact same pictures. Each guest chooses their own de-

sign from the dozens of examples on the wall or an idea from their own imagination. The Green Pea is open to the public on Tuesday evenings 5:30-7:30 p.m. and Saturdays 10 a.m.-3 p.m. It is located at 106 Arthur Ave., Lake Arthur. Find The Green Pea on Facebook or call Zaunbrecher at (337) 789-3152 for more information or to schedule a party or art class.

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A friend recently told me that you could get a certificate officially recognizing you as an Honorary Cajun. I want to apply. I’ve got to do something. Yankee Land has disowned me, probably because of the negative things I’ve written about New Jersey. Never mind that it’s all true; they believe that I’ve caused the North more damage than Robert E. Lee, or even that Yankee politician, Anthony Wiener. That makes me an orphan, culturally speaking, and so I’m hoping for the South to adopt me. An Honorary Cajun certificate would be a major step toward that goal. But according to my friend, I still have some work to do in order to claim this honor. For one thing, she says that Cajun men always pay attention to babies. I don’t see how they do it. I mean, how does a guy interact with a baby? I can’t ask him what he does for a living, talk trash about the upcoming football game, or discuss the prospects for the Dow Jones. Usually, I can’t even tell if it’s a he or a she. It puts me in an awkward

Baby Blues place, much like certain bars in New Orleans. Should I pay the baby a compliment? What do I say, that it’s cute? All babies are cute. Even Newt Gingrich, I’m sure, started out in life as being cute. To comment on a baby’s cuteness is like commenting on the roundness of a bowling ball. I notice how people— women especially—will often praise babies for doing things that would be considered grotesque for more mature people. Like burping. Mom pats her baby on the back, and it lets out a healthy belch. All the ladies then fawn, “Ohhh, what a nice, big, burp!” Gals, you need to be careful about that. Babies are impressionable. Boys, especially, will often expect this same feedback well into adulthood. In my mind, babies just don’t do anything that I would deem worthy of praise. I’m not trying to be callous, here; it’s just that they’re not yet capable. I’ll admit; they can do a few things that I can’t, like stick their toes in their mouth. As for me, given my taste for smoked sausage and crawfish etouffee, I can

barely see my toes much less reach them to my lips, should I become taken by the strange desire. My wife suggested that I might try to make them giggle. “You’re good at getting laughs,” she said. “Just play to your strengths.” My attempts, however, did not meet with success. You should have seen the look on one mother’s face when I approached her baby and said, “Okay, these two guys walk into a bar…” My wife tried to correct me. “No silly, try tickling the baby or making a funny face.” “I don’t know,” I answered her. “Remember how that worked out the last time I tried it?” “I remember,” she said. “Next time just don’t do it while the priest is giving his sermon.” My problem may be that I don’t have any grandchildren to practice on. My wife offered to get me a baby doll for the purpose, but I refused, knowing that it would be grounds for revocation of my Man Card. Man Card versus Honorary Cajun. No guy should ever be put in that position.

DISTRACTED WALKING We now have a new scourge rearing its ugly head that needs to be addressed by those who know how our lives need to be lived and controlled. In addition to “Distracted Driving,” we are now being cautioned (and I’m sure there are some control guidelines being drawn up) to the to the evils of “Distracted Walking!” Yes, you do not need to clean your glasses; you have read it correctly. This horror is brought to fruition by good people listening to their ear buds or texting on a smart device while they are performing routine pedestrian locomotion. This recently studied diversion does not reflect the practices of paying attention to a butterfly, a bird on the wing or children playing, all distractions that have gone unwarned about in the past as we strolled through life. Perhaps we can have walkblocks to verify that pedestrians are performing undistracted walking and not engaging in such heinous endeavor. Is there no end of the do-good intrusions into our lives? TAKEOUT TIPPING? The recent so-called controversy over Drew Brees tipping $3 on a take-out order has brought the subject of gratuities into a much-needed review. Only in America, where so many hands are always out, would this have caused any commotion at all. The waitstaff that takes your order, brings your ice water, drinks and food and cleans the table, etc., really earn and deserve their tips. It is part of their normal compensation. The wage schedule for those employees demands for them to be properly tipped-- 15 percent is the correct starting point. Other restaurant personnel are paid according to a schedule that calls for at least minimum wage plus any additional employer compensation. It is always my practice to tip a server at least 15 percent and more for exceptional service and accommodation. Picking up a take-out order does not of itself merit a tip. If there is extra service provided, such as carrying the order out to your vehicle, then some tipping is proper. A take-out order is normally cooked and handled by other kitchen personnel and there is no gratuity-generated service being provided by the person handing your order to you and taking your money. In short, tip your waiter/waitress--they need to make a living. Do not worry your head over the counter person with the tip jar handing you a sack of fast food. IS IT A DEAL? The trend in the some of the larger chain restaurants to advertise some kind of a meal package deal for a set amount of money is flourishing, such as the $9.99 menu, the “two for the price of one” special and other promotions. These offers can be pretty good, but remember that you need to add almost another 25 percent to any posted price. Our sales tax of 9 percent and the aforementioned minimum tip of 15 percent is part of any restaurant experience. The $9.99 meal calls for $.90 in sales tax plus $1.50 tip, so this adds up to $12.39 without any beverage, pretty darn close to a 25 percent increase in the final cost. SUPERMARKET ROUNDUP For our shopping survey this issue, we will be having some friends over for a evening of cards. Good cold beer, potato chips and cheese and crackers will be our snacks. These prices were obtained on August 7 and reflect the posted price on the shelf where the product was placed for sale. The stores checked were: Albertsons, Country Club Road; Market Basket, Lake Street; Kroger, McNeese Street and Walmart, Nelson Road. Budweiser Beer, 12-ounce bottles, 12-pack: Albertsons, $10.99; Market Basket, $10.89; Kroger, $10.99; Walmart, $9.99. Lays Classic Potato Chips, 10-ounce bag: Albertsons, $3.50 (2 for $7); Market Basket, $4.29; Kroger, $2.99; Walmart, $2.68. Ritz Crackers, 13.7-ounce box: Albertsons, $2.99; Market Basket, $3.99; Kroger, $2.77; Walmart, $2.50. Kraft Pepper Jack Cheese, 8-ounce package: Albertsons, $3.99; Market Basket, $2.99; Kroger, $2.99; Walmart, $2.58.

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focus to appreciating anything. Appreciate one thing, anything, more things, until all you feel is the vibration of appreciation. Love Things When you are hurting and finally decide you’ve had enough you can love the pain to death. Once you make the determination to be done with the pain, you can use any method possible to shift your awareness into one of love. It may be music, poetry, spiritual books, walking in nature, prayer, meditation, or journaling. By shifting your focus, you allow yourself to move into an altered state, altered from the downward spiral you were in. You literally step into a clear space in which you choose your next feeling.

by Nicole Shuff Arabie

Choosing Joy Did you know there is a difference between happiness and joy? Happiness is a feeling, while joy is a state of being. In the storms of life, choose joy. In the midst of anger, choose joy. When it feels like the world around us is too overwhelming to face, choose joy. I often wonder how different our world would be if everyone made a conscious effort to choose joy, no matter what. Sometimes,

we just need to be reminded that we have a choice. How often do we think that we don’t have one, but we do? We can choose to be happy in the midst of our circumstances and in spite of them. Here are a few ways to choose joy: Begin Appreciating When you decide you’ve had enough of an undesirable feeling, you can begin to shift immediately by changing your

Featured by LAPAW Rescue

This little Chiweenie was found wandering the city streets alone. How that could happen to such a tiny one, no one knows, but for now, she is safe in a wonderful foster home and has blossomed into a true princess! She is currently in heartworm treatment but is doing well. She will be ready for adoption as soon as her treatment is finished. She is a lap lover with lots of love to give. Sweet and quiet, Bella Bean is doing PAGE 6

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great with housetraining. She’s a little shy but loves all things living! She would be terrific apartment dog! If you are looking for a little girl to light up your life, consider our Bella Bean. Home visit and vet checks required prior to all adoptions. For more information, call (337) 478-7294 or email and we will have Ms. Bella's foster mom contact you asap! We are searching for additional foster homes so that we can help save more pets. Crates, food and bedding are provided-- you provide the TLC!

Shift Your Focus Whatever you focus on, you get more of. This is the Law of Attraction. What do you like? What are you

thinking? You will begin noticing what and who you are attracting in your life. Surround yourself with humor, fun, peace, love and whatever else brings you joy. Create Wellness Learn to create peacefulness in your mind, and your body will begin to reflect the peacefulness as wellness. Create good in your life and life will bring good experiences to you. Free yourself from all destructive fears and doubts. Begin to listen with love to your body’s messages. Life supports you. Life created you to be fulfilled. Remove the Layers Whatever you call the energy, anger, guilt, fear or something else, remove the label you have given it. Beneath it is pure raw energy. Use it to feel good, heal yourself or get energized. As you move through the layers of other people’s opinions and beliefs, you will begin to see within yourself, magnificent, wise, and beautiful. Start to love what you see in yourself.

This Too Shall Pass When you feel a wave of emotion coming toward you, you can choose not to catch it. Open to the experience and imagine yourself, your whole body and being, becoming like a net. Let the emotions flow through you without attaching to them and getting stuck in them. Peace begins with you. The more peaceful you are inside, the more peace you have to share with others. Choose Joy Choose it by first remembering times of joy in your life. Then BECOME it. Become joy. Feel it. Live it. Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy. You must release the need to blame anyone, including yourself. Remember to make choices that will lead you to a life of joy. To book a Soul Matters session with Nicole Shuff Arabie, call (337) 540-6573. You can also go to her Facebook page at

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Change in Plans This week, I wanted to write about Wasabi Grill, a new Japanese joint that boasted a sushi menu I heard was to die for. Sadly the only time I had to squeeze in lunch was at 3:30 p.m., and I learned the hard way that all sushi restaurants in Lake Charles are closed from 2-5 p.m. SO, with a heavy heart, and only 30 minutes to cram in a meal before I had to get to a photo shoot, I remembered OB’s my old Bar & safety, Grill OB's. We all know OB's is a legendary local bar with a neighborhood feel and a rockin' Ladies Night, but did you know they have a lunch menu that will leave you stuffed to the gills and tapping out at the table? I slide into a back booth and order a Diet Coke and a basket of fried pickles and peppers while I peruse the menu. So many amazing sandwiches to choose from. I go with my gut and order an Old Bastard, add bacon with an extra side of ranch on Volume 1 • Issue 3

the Jalapeno Cheddar bread, grilled. I know it sounds obnoxiously specific, but I know this sandwich and I know how to amp it up to Kober levels of

yumminess! Trust me on this one. It just feels right in here. Like the LC version of Cheers. I pop a few of

the fried jalapenos in my mouth as I realize I used to babysit the bartender. Dangers of small-town living. And aging -- ha! My sandwich arrives just as I finished my last sip of Diet Coke. I ask for a refill and a big stack of napkins, cuz Mama is about to get her eat on! This sandwich is incredibly juicy. No wonder -- it's a giant pile of meat including grilled ham, turkey, and roast beef with Swiss, American, and pepper jack cheese melted over it and slathered in OB's signature gravy. Damn. I need more Diet Coke. I pay my tab and slide out of the booth, and I suddenly spring to my feet when I remember there's a new snocone stand down the street! I shoot down 7th and pull into Snow Flur-

ries and promptly ordered a blackberry snocone with sweet condensed cream on top. So. Damn. Good. They have a crazy sweet selection of Blue Bell ice creams and even serve their own righteous

panini sandwiches to a ravenous lunch crowd. With all this local deliciousness, I will miss home even more as I fly out to Los Angeles this week for some TV work. Salads and yogurt for 7 days. Y'all pray for me!

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AUGUST 15, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 3

Push Polin’ the Prof There is only one thing more enjoyable while fishing than catching fish and that’s guiding for someone who truly loves to fish. Those times are the memories that happily haunt my dreams and waken me softly with a smile. Judge Hood battling a sailfish almost four feet taller and 30 pounds heavier than him. Major Kuffel expertly and literally landing a 25-pound redfish. Or, a 12-year-old Sean Roach chunking, in more ways than one, speck after speck on board. All are enchanting visions and many more dance in my slumber. My fav, as they say now, was watching Dr. Joe Gray Taylor casting forth where few men have fished before. I’d push pole him into pond-sized openings in the lily pads and he’d plop a plastic worm or black Hawaiian Wiggler just beyond the edge of a lily pad. His straw shade hat couldn’t hide the intensity that followed his touch. Pop. Drop. Wait. Reel. Pop. Drop. Wait. Reel. Just enough slack to let the worm do its enticing dance and he’d feel that strike almost before it Volume 1 • Issue 3

happened. Then wham! Set the hook, reel, play and keep that bass in the open water. Joe Gray knew I’d be there with the net. Now, I know some of you out there went to school with his son and namesake, my fellow guide and fraternity brother who’s now a retired two-star general. His story will come later when I start writing hunting tales. This is about McNeese State University’s Professor Emeritus, author of many books including Louisiana Reconstructed-1863-1876 and my major professor. Dr. Taylor was also a favorite of literally thousands of students, not just me. Somehow I see him spearing me with that Dr. Taylor look and saying, “Cut the BS and get to the story.“ Enough said. Actually, this saga begins in a rice field duck blind in Ardoin Cove south of Lacassine. Joe Gray had grown up in Tennessee and had his hunting days clipped short by WWII where he flew as a navigator/bombardier in B-17s. With his GI Bill in hand, along

with his wife Helen, they pursued his MA and PhD. He thankfully ended up here in Lake Charles and taught history at MSU with me as a student and his son as my friend. I can feel him looking over my shoulder and saying, “Get to the point Roger!” I taught Joe how to duck hunt and I thought I’d be teaching him how to fish the marshes of Southwest Louisiana. Tennessee is not known for its marsh bass fishing. Chuckle. Anyhow, and as usual with him, I was wrong. We’d launch at the Gibbstown Bridge and head down the Intercoastal Canal to the cut on the right that led into the Big Burn. I had begun my career as a push poler with my Dad before the onset of trolling motors. There are many great lies told by fisherman, but two common ones are the “weed-less” lure and the “weed-less” trolling motor. They don’t exist and if so, please mail either to me via The Louisiana Jam. Anyway, we’d be sure to be there before daybreak because those first two cool hours were your window of opportunity.

We’ve weave down canals and trails until we’d hit what I called the Star Trek ponds. Then we went “boldly forth where few men have gone before.” I would stand in the back and push pole Joe Gray to where ever he wished to go. We would come upon an opening in the lily pads and with a flick of his rod, it was on. With me, if the bass hooked himself and didn’t throw the hook, I caught it. Maybe. With Joe Gray it was like his son’s strokes on canvas-masterful. Oh yeah, the general also paints and I have an original painting of his on my wall, but that’s for a later tale. His Dad had the touch and with every bass he boated, the grief, practical jokes, and quips I blasted him with while hunting were

cast back at me. The barbs of wit that had stewed for months were set in even as I push poled away. But for five hours or more I’d contentedly pole him from open pocket to open pocket in the marsh. And now in the winter of my own years, I hear the chuckle and see the crooked smile and I’m in the enchanted marsh, push poling Joe Gray into his next set of lily pads, the marsh khaki colored, the sun at my back, Joe Gray casting yet another time.

AUGUST 15, 2013


By Lauren de Albuquerque karaoke singing Dust off contest. “Last your ‘70s duds and year, it was all polish your disco dance ‘60s music, and it moves! The staff and board was so much of directors of The ChilI can’t wait to goes along with our silent fun,” she said. dren’s Museum are gearing and live auctions, we will get out on the “This year, I’m up for another fun-filled dance floor have a DJ playing ‘70s ready! It’s Disco Imagination Celebration at music!” again!” music and I althe Lake Charles Civic Speaking de Albuquerque was in ready have my Center. The annual of entertainhigh school during the outfit, along with fundraiser will certainly ment, you can ‘70s. “I took disco dance clog shoes, and capture your imagination. lessons and have such fond look forward I’m working on This year’s theme is Funky Assistant director Allyson Montgomery with board to another memories of dancing the my accessories as Town—so get ready to member Mike Chapman and his wife Shanna crowd fanight away!” he laughed. we speak. I’m party! vorite: the “And, in the mid-‘80s, I what to expect,” she said. practicing my song and I "This year's fundraiser won a dance contest in one Celebrity Karaoke Sing-off. “[Board member] Mari might have a surprise as is going to be my favorite!” of the top clubs in Boston. This year’s participants Wilson called and said well. I don't take myself said Board include Angie ‘Would you…?’ and I too seriously and I'm going President Manning, Paul agreed. I Phil de AlGonsoulin, just love Phil was the emcee last year. buquerque. Jody Barrilgetting in“Not only leaux, Tommie volved in do we have Townsley and my comthe finest Randy Partin. munity.” restaurants Barrilleaux is Barrilin town ofreturning for leaux was fering their her second told she specialties, year. would be and all the “Last year, I participatfun that didn't know Last year’s celebrity Karaoke contestants ing in a


AUGUST 15, 2013

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thing from jewelry to restaurant gift certificates to home décor. “I thoroughly enjoy working with our director, Dan Ellender, Allyson, their staff and the entire board to help make the Children's Museum a fun and learning experience,” de Albuquerque said. “And I thank everyone for their support to make all of this possible." Imagination Celebration 2013 will be held at the Lake Charles Civic Center on Saturday, Aug. 24 at 6:30 p.m. Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased by calling 433-9420 or stopping by the Children’s Museum, Artist Eddie Mormon is donating an original oil painting located at 327 Broad as part of the live auction. St. in Lake Charles. auctions. Hal Macmillan is The museum would to exmenu. Every year, it gets tend their appreciation to returning once again as better! So bring your aptheir fundraiser sponsors: auctioneer. “We have all petite!” Coushatta Casino Resort, kinds of great items to be Allyson Montgomery, Lake Charles Toyota, the the assistant director of the auctioned off,” she said. Townsley Law Firm, the “Trips to St. Maarten, museum, said the board Louisiana Jam, L’Auberge and staff work hard on the Colorado, Galveston; Casino Resort, the Ameriguided fishing trips, and event most of the year. can Press, CITGO and so much more!” The “As soon as we close silent auction list is exten- First Federal Bank of the books in November, Louisiana. sive and includes everywe turn right around and to have fun!” As always, there will be food stations from over 20 area restaurants and a variety of mouth-watering desserts. “No one leaves the Imagination Celebration hungry!” said de Albuquerque. “When I’m out there selling tickets, everyone wants to know which restaurants are participating and what’s on the

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start working on the next one,” she said. “It’s our only fundraiser of the year. All proceeds benefit the museum. We count on it for 50 percent of our operating budget.” The money raised goes towards exhibit maintenance, supplies, program expenses and events. Montgomery is excited about the live and silent

AUGUST 15, 2013


Tasting tickets for the 2013 Boudin Wars are now on sale. The event will be held from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Sept. 7, in conjunction with the Stars and Stripes in the Park Classic Car Show at Heritage Square in Sulphur. A $5 ticket allows the holder to sample entries and cast a vote for their fa-


vorite boudin in the People's Choice category. "There will be a very limited number of tickets available, and we expect them to go quickly," said Thom Trahan, event organizer and executive director of Brimstone Museum and Henning Cultural Center. Tickets can be pur-

chased at Henning Cultural Center (HCC), 923 Ruth St. in Sulphur, or online at . You can also click the link on the homepage of www.brimstonemuseum.or g. For those boudin-making professionals throughout the area who want to be a part of competition, there is still space available.

There are two areas of competition: a category for both standard and smoked boudin and then another for exotic or alternative preparation-style boudin. Participants will be paid a small stipend. "It is an opportunity for local businesses to show off their skill and gives them the opportunity to say that

they make the best boudin in the area," said Trahan of the competition. For more information about the competition, contact Trahan at (337) 527-0357. Boudin Wars is sponsored by a grant from the Lake Charles/Southwest Louisiana Convention and Visitor's Bureau.

McNeese Theatre Roundup Aug. 29 The annual McNeese State University Theatre Roundup will be held at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Aug. 29, in the Shearman Fine Arts Annex. The Lake Area community is invited to meet the theatre pro-

gram faculty, production directors and students and receive information about the season’s productions, auditions and technical work. Directors will give an overview of the upcoming theatre season and explain the audition procedure. Audition packets will be available. Auditions are open to all McNeese students, faculty and staff and area residents. This year’s theme is “The Family.”

McNeese Theatre Auditions Aug. 30 McNeese Theatre auditions for fall productions, Antigone by Jean Anouilh translated by Lewis Gallentiere and The Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, will be held at 6 p.m. Friday, Aug. 30, in the Shearman Fine Arts Performing Arts Theatre. Contact Charles McNeely at 475-5041 to sign up for an audition time. Callbacks for both shows will be at 10 a.m. Saturday, Aug. 31.


AUGUST 15, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 3

American/ Family Cracker Barrel 249 S. Cities Service Hwy. Sulphur 337-626-9500 O’Charley’s 1780 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-9927

Jag’s Bistro New Location, Same Fabulous Food! Jag’s Bistro has been a local favorite since it first opened in Lake Charles. Chef Keith Jagneaux and his culinary team of Joshua Attaway, Chris Landry and Rebecca Lyons serve up delicious barbeque, burgers and seafood— and who doesn’t love the daily buffet? Now you can enjoy Jag’s wonderful food at their new location—right on the bayou! There’s nothing better than having a meal overlooking the water, is there? Whether it’s grilled or fried catfish, a shrimp poboy, or homemade meatloaf, they do it right. And you’ll come back for more!

Jag’s Bistro 1103 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles (337) 564-6785

Ryan’s Family Restaurant 4501 Ryan St., Lake Charles, LA 337-477-2707

Asian Asia at L’Auberge 777 Avenue L’Auberge, Lake Charles 337-395-7777 Osaka Japanese Steakhouse 3035 Gertsner Memorial Drive, Lake Charles 337-990-5478

Bakery & Desserts Cypi’s Cake Box 520 McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-478-0269 Pronia’s 3101 Kirkman St., Lake Charles 337-478-0785 Sweets and Treats 411 Ryan, St., Lake Charles 337-437-3913

Barbecue BBQ West 2618 Derek Dr., Lake Charles 337-564-5000 Dan’s BBQ Express 2635 Country Club Rd. Lake Charles 337-478-5858

Novrozsky’s Hamburgers 2706 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0041

Cajun & Southern Boudin King 906 West Division St. Jennings 337-824-6593 Hollier’s Cajun Kitchen 1709 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0062 Rabideaux’s Sausage Kitchen 105 US 165, Iowa 337-582-3184 Southern Spice 3901 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-474-6065 Walker’s Cajun Dining 603 Holiday Dr. Jennings 337-616-0766



Fuji Japanese Steakhouse 3241 E. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-480-3788

Le Peep Café 3800 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-240-8497

121 Artisan Bistro 121 DeBakey Dr. Lake Charles 337-310-7499

Miyako Japanese Restaurant 915 E. Prien Lake Rd., Lake Charles 337-478-1600

Pitt Grill 606 W. Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles 337-564-6724

Joe’s Pizza and Pasta 1601 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-528-2560

Peking Garden 2433 Broad St., Lake Charles 337-436-3597 Pho Tien 4415 Nelson Road Lake Charles 337-477-8557

Take out and catering available, too!

China Taste 1415 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-527-5985

AUGUST 15, 2013

Five Guys Burgers & Fries 2950 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-721-1903

Famous Foods 1475 Gerstner Memorial Dr., Lake Charles 337-439-7000

Kyoto Japanese Steakhouse 2610 Dillard Loop Lake Charles 337-478-2888

Hours Mon - Fri: 11 am - 10 pm Sat: 11 am - 11 pm Sun: 11 am - 8 pm


Yank Sing 4626 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-477-9004

Pitt Grill 2600 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-527-0648 Waffle House 2488 S. Cities Service Hwy., Sulphur 337-626-8111

Romano’s 731 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-491-1847

Mexican Agave Tamale 521 Alamo St. Lake Charles 337-433-4192

Burgers Cotton’s Famous Hamburgers 2001 Oak Park Blvd. Lake Charles 337-477-9759

Agave Tamale 1614 Sampson St. Westlake 337-429-2987 Volume 1 • Issue 3

El Tapatio 2624 Gerstner Memorial Dr. Lake Charles 337-475-9022 El Tapatio Dos 808 Sampson St. Westlake 337-721-7685 Rosita’s 2401 Napoleon St. Sulphur 337-533-9077 Casa Manana 2510 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-433-4112 Cancun Mexican Restaurant 4001 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-477-6802 La Rumba Mexican Grill & Cantina 1804 Ruth St., Sulphur 337-287-4846 Coyote Blues Fresh Mexican Grill 3624 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-502-5131

Pizza Cici’s Pizza 3533 Ryan St. Lake Charles 337-562-2223

Volume 1 • Issue 3

Gatti’s Pizza 1811 Ruth St. Sulphur 337-527-0318

Lake Charles 337-433-3130 Roly Poly 4423 Nelson Rd. Lake Charles 337-474-3332

Gatti’s Pizza 3522 Ryan St., Lake Charles 337-474-6225


Papa John’s Pizza 1415 Beglis Pkwy., Sulphur 337-528-7272

Granger’s Seafood Restaurant 2636 Hwy. 3059, Lake Charles 337-433-9130

Papa John’s Pizza 650 W. McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-474-7272 Rotolo’s Pizzeria 4201 Nelson Rd., Lake Charles 337-478-1996

Sandwiches, Soups & Salads Nina P’s Café 600 W. McNeese St., Lake Charles 337-479-2201 Pappy’s Deli 2627 Ryan St., Lake Charles 337-436-2813 Roly Poly 2241 Maplewood Dr. Sulphur 337-625-5555 Roly Poly 3100 Ryan St.

Boiling Point 1730 Beglis Pkwy. Sulphur 337-625-9282

The Harlequin 501 W. College St. Lake Charles 337-439-2780


Outback Steakhouse 2616 Derek Dr., Lake Charles 477-3161

Big Sky Steakhouse Coushatta Casino 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder 800-584-7263

Regatta Seafood and Steakhouse 508 Hawkeye Ave, Lake Arthur 337-774-1504 Seafood Palace 2218 Enterprise Blvd., Lake Charles 337-433-9293 Kenny’s Katfish Kabin 1577 W. Fourth St., Dequincy 337-786-5562 Steamboat Bill’s on the Lake 1004 N. Lakeshore Dr. Lake Charles 337-494-1070 Steamboat Bill’s 732 N. Martin Luther King Blvd. Lake Charles 337-494-1700

AUGUST 15, 2013


Jen Kober at Jack Daniels— Every Wednesday all Summer!

Aug 16 – Delta Tech Graduation Aug 17 – Arts & Crabs Festival Aug 24 – Family Festival (Family & Youth Counseling) Aug 24 - Imagination Celebration (Children’s Museum) Aug 29 – United Way Annual Banquet Aug 31- Sept 1 – Don & Rich Gun Show Sept 2 - Boozoo Chavis Festival Sept 7 – Lake Charles Black Rodeo Sept 21 – Midnight Fantasy Car Show Sept 26 – Home Health Harvest Fest Sept 27 - 29 – LC Symphony Oct 1 – New Life Counsel Banquet Oct 5-6 - Shrine Circus Oct 17 - Women’s Commission Conference Oct 18-19 - LC Symphony Oct 25 - Unitech Graduation Oct 26 – Cultural Festival Oct 26 – Arts Festival Oct 31 – Harvest Festival (Recreation & Parks Dept) Oct 29-31 – Chamber Theatre (tentative) Nov 1 – Chamber Theatre (tentative) Nov 9 – Patriot’s Ball Nov 10 - Jesus Christ Superstar (Theatre Prod.) Nov 11-12 – Sesame Street Nov 13 – Melody House Nov 14-17 – Film Festival Nov 16-17 – Don Rich Gun Show Nov 19 - 21 - Super Science Circus (only 1 of the 3 days, not confirmed which day) Nov 21-23 – Mistletoe & Moss Market Dec 7 – Lighting Festival & Boat Parade Dec 7- LHSA Cheerleading Competition Dec 13-14 – LCCB Dec 27 – Moscow Ballet PAGE 16

AUGUST 15, 2013

Comedian Jen Kober brings her Homegrown Comedy Show to the stage at Jack Daniel’s Bar & Grill at L’Auberge Casino Resort Lake Charles every Wednesday at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 and are on sale now at, the L’Auberge Business Center or Legends at L’Auberge. Tickets will be available at the door the night of each show; cash only please. Must be 21 to attend.

Big Night Out Tour Party By the Pool @ L’Auberge Aug. 15 Big Night Out Tour featuring Fuel, Hoobastank, Lit and Alien Ant Farm will rock at Party by the Pool at L’Auberge Casino Lake Charles. Tickets are $10$20 at, at L'Auberge through the Business Center or Legends at L'Auberge, or you can call (800) 745-3000. Tickets may also be purchased the night of the show at Legends. Doors open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8:30 p.m. Must be 21 years old to enter.

Iowa Women’s League Champagne Bingo Aug. 17 “Get your Bling On” and come on out to the Iowa Women's League’s second Annual Champagne Bingo! Doors open at 9:30 a.m. and a light lunch will be served. Tickets are $25 for 10 games of Bingo, Blackout and lunch. All proceeds go to a scholarship fund for Iowa Lacassine and Bell City graduates. Will be held at the Iowa KC Hall, 503 E Highway 90, Iowa. E-mail iowawomensleague for more information.

‘Girls’ Night Out’ Aug. 17 Women & Children's Hospital presents "Girl's Night Out" on Saturday, August 17 from 4:30 - 8:30 pm. Girls ages 9-16 are invited to come hear physicians, nurses and other professionals engage in dialogue concerning a wide arrange of topics including anatomy, puberty and hygiene, fitness and nutrition, self-esteem, sexual health and more. Pre-registration by August 9 and a signed parental consent are required. Cost is $20 per person, which includes dinner. For more information or to register, call 475-4075 or visit

Arts & Crabs Fest Aug. 17 The fourth annual Arts & Crabs Fest will take place on Sat., Aug. 17 from 5-8 p.m. at the Lake Charles Civic Center Coliseum. Sample an extensive crab and beer tasting which features 15 local restaurants each offering a unique crab dish. Live music, an extensive Art Market, and interactive cultural activities will also accompany the event. Tickets are $25; no one under 21 years of age will be admitted.

Ratt Party By the Pool @ L’Auberge August 22 Ratt will rock at Party by the Pool at L’Auberge Casino Lake Charles. Tickets are $10-$20 at, at L'Auberge through the Business Center or Legends at L'Auberge, or you can call (800) 745-3000. Tickets may also be purchased the night of the show at Legends. Doors

open at 7 p.m. and show starts at 8:30 p.m. Must be 21 years old to enter.

Iowa Arts & Crafts Festival Aug. 24 The Fifth Annual Iowa Arts and Crafts Festival will be held on Sat., Aug. 24 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m. at the Iowa Community Center located at 209 U.S. 90 W. This event is free and open to the public. Enjoy live entertainment, refreshments, arts and crafts demonstrations, storytelling, pony rides, face painting and displays. Free refreshments provided by Coca-Cola and Capital One Bank will be available. Live music will be featured by the band “Cloud Nine,” part of the Young Band Nation. For information, contact the Iowa Public Library at (337) 721-7101, or (337) 582-3597 if calling from within Iowa.

Dutch Oven Gathering Aug. 24 The South West Chapter of the Louisiana Dutch Oven Society announces their monthly cook out. The Dutch Oven Gathering (DOG) will be held at Sam Houston Jones State Park on Sat., Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. to 2 pm. Bring your family for a great outdoor meal with specialty seafood dishes cooked in Cast Iron Dutch Ovens. Just show up, cook, or bring an item for the cast iron buffet-style luncheon. We are having new folks and a lot of fun every month. Enjoy a day outdoors under the trees. The public is invited to come check this out! For more information, contact Dwayne or Randy at (337) 302-5025 or (337) 9129394.

Family and Youth Festival Aug. 24 The Family and Youth Family Festival will be held at the Lake Charles Civic Center Coliseum, Sat., Aug. 24. Families can Volume 1 • Issue 3

enjoy wholesome activities such as a hands-on Children's Factory, live musical entertainment, a petting zoo, a fun zone with athletic games, clowns and more. Pathways to Careers is a hands-on experiential area for teens to explore future career opportunities. For more information, contact the Family & Youth Counseling Agency at (337) 4369533 or visit

The Children’s Museum’s 8th Annual Imagination Celebration Aug. 24 Get down to Funky Town! The Children's Museum's 8th annual Imagination Celebration fundraiser is Sat., Aug. 25, at the Lake Charles Civic Center. Enjoy celebrity karaoke, old school disco music, great food from over 20 area restaurants, live and silent auctions and a cash bar. Tickets are $50 and are on sale now at the Children's Museum. Sponsorships are also available. Call 4339420 for more information.

preparing dinner, but instead, can let the kids pick out their favorite place and gives them something to look forward to. You can also consider planning a picnic dinner, enjoying sandwiches at the park or along the waterfront. A little outdoor activity can help on multiple levels, plugging in fitness, good fresh air and a weekend-like atmosphere. Speaking of outdoors, have you noticed the influx of water activities that have sprouted up recently? Ship to Shore on Lake Street can easily point you where to go and what options are out there. Paddleboarding is the “hip'” thing to do this summer and I'm sure it will continue to grow in popularity. At Prien Lake Park, I saw a family on the s n i k lin Jen water, each individual on their own By Bray paddleboard, including a little guy sitting with his life jacket on taking his time paddling. Paddleboarding alone is For all of the students out there, a workout for you, and there are even summer will be soon be a bittersweet some local companies marketing it as a scene in your rear view mirror. The first fitness program. Kayaking has also few weeks back to school are somewhat picked up in popularity. tricky and require delicate balance. But Switching gears, here’s another achere's the good news: you have the optivity that is actually quite popular with portunity to start fresh with the new families, believe it or not. I've attended school year. I'm talking about family Full Throttle Wrestling for the past few time. months and you’ll be surprised at how One of the tips I've learned from many families get into it. There’s an onsome of my co-workers is that making going storyline between the wrestlers Monday or Tuesday night a family night that plays out in the ring. Don't think outing is one of the best things you can for a second this is similar to what you plan. It's an early reward that helps see on TV. shorten what can be a long and grueling The majority of the matches take week. Parents don't have to worry about place in Elton at the Coushatta Multi-

Family Time

purpose Complex. Every month, a designated organization receives a donation, and raises awareness for its cause. I have seen firsthand what they do to positively impact the lives of children with cancer while supporting their families. Wrestlers from different areas of the country, as well as local favorites are showcased. I must thank Teddy Nall for introducing me to this group and entertaining my friends. For younger kids, Galaxy Bounce House on Ryan is a new attraction in the Lake City. I'm usually the go-to guy when it comes to suggestions of which venue or restaurant to check out. But when it comes to family things, I'm still learning. This is where you come in. Please contact The Louisiana Jam so that we can learn what you and your family do for fun. We may be able to share your family activities and help strengthen the family unit in SWLA. In closing, our region is truly diverse in comparison to the rest of the country due to our geographic location and surrounding communities. One thing that binds us all together is our genuine love and concern for people. We should celebrate our culture and family daily. Be proud to live in SWLA because every visitor and newcomer isn't afraid to spread the word of their wonderful experience in the place we call home. Remember, even if for only an hour, get out and take a breather, because you never know when that chance might just pass you by forever.

Fall Fashion Night Aug. 25 Head to the Chateau du Calcasieu Event Center on Sun., Aug. 25 at 6 p.m. for Fall Fashion Night! Enjoy live DJ, drinks, food and fashion and vendor tables. VIP tickets are $20; general admission is $10. 932 Enterprise Blvd., Lake Charles. For more information, email Volume 1 • Issue 3

AUGUST 15, 2013


Abraham Lincoln: The Image Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St., Lake Charles Mon- Fri 10 am- 5 pm Sat 10 am- 2 pm 8/2/2013-10/12/2013 337-491-9147 Art And Crabs Festival Lake Charles Civic Center Lake Shore Drive 5 p.m. -8 p.m. Saturday, 08/17/13 Art duLac Pujo St. Café 901 Ryan St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 11am-9:30 pm Sat noon-9:30 PM Year Around 337-439-2054 Black Heritage Gallery Central School 809 Kirby St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-488-8567

Jack&John: Jack Amuny & Mark John Henning Cultural Center 923 Ruth St., Sulphur Mon-Fri 10 am-noon and 1 pm-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 8/15/2013-9/19/2013 337-527-0357 Linda Gleason Ritchie Art Reception Gallery by the Lake 106 W. Pryce, Lake Charles August 1, 2013 (337) 436-1008 Mardi Gras Museum of Imperial Calcasieu 809 Kirby St., Lake Charles Tues-Fri 1 pm- 5pm Year Around 337-430-0043 USS Orleck Naval Museum 604 N. Enterprise Blvd. Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-3pm Sat 10 am -4 pm Year Around 337-214-7447

Vintage Arts By Jeanne Owens Central School 809 Kirby St., Suite 212, Lake Charles Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-304-1165 W.H. Tupper General Merchandise Museum 311 N. Main St., Jennings Mon-Fri 9 am-5 pm Year Around 337-821-5532 Works of Men Exhibit Henning Cultural Center, 923 Ruth St., Sulphur Mon-Fri 10 am-noon and 1 pm-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 7/4/13-8/8/13 337-527-0357 "The Buccaneer Artists Have Landed" Zigler Art Museum 411 Clara St., Jennings Tuesday, 10-4, Sunday 1-4 Aug. 3-31, 2013 337-824-0114

DeQuincy Railroad Museum 400 Lake Charles Ave. DeQuincy Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Year Around 337-786-2823 DeQuincy Town Hall Museum 218 E. Fourth St., DeQuincy Mon-Thurs 9am-noon and 1 pm-4pm Year Around 337-786-8241 Elvis: Grit & Grace Exhibit Historic City Hall 1001 Ryan St., Lake Charles Mon-Fri 10 am-5 pm Sat 10 am-2 pm 6/20/2013-9/7/2013 337-491-9159 Imperial Calcasieu Museum 204 W. Sallier St. Lake Charles Tues-Sat 10 am-5 pm Year Around 337-439-3797 PAGE 18

AUGUST 15, 2013

Volume 1 • Issue 3

Linda Gleason Ritchie

by Monica Hebert

Creative Arts Center/Gallery by the Lake Vision and determination provides SWLA with a state-of-the-art classroom and a gallery for fine art

Tucked away on Pryce Street in downtown Lake Charles is a formidable art organization. It boasts a state-of-the-art teaching classroom – The Creative Arts Center- with an accompanying gallery known as Gallery by the Lake. During my first visit, I was struck by the large classroom, which is capable of holding 50 or more students at a time for special classes and workshops. Being an artist, I sort of drooled, emotionally. In that little building on Pryce Street is a slice of heaven for artists. In 1984, Anne Dentler came up with the idea to organize area artists for the purpose of instruction and exhibits. In the past 30 years, she has successfully managed this group and has had hundreds of students with nearly as many exhibitions. Curious, as usual, I set out to find out how, why, who, where and when this unique blend of teaching and Volume 1 • Issue 3

exhibitions came into being. Dentler was kind to offer some of her time to visit with me recently.

Jam: Is giving to the community part of the mission for ALA? AD: Yes. We have always had a special project that allows us to provide art for other non- profits in the area.

Jam: Why did you start ALA? AD: Because at the time – 1984 - there were no hands-on art organizations in SWLA. There was no place in town (Lake Charles) where an artist could take workshops, classes, etc. Jam: Was this a grassroots effort? AD: Oh yes! Our startup costs were paid by the members themselves. The Arts Council provided guidance much later as we began to apply for our non- profit status with the federal government.

Jam: ALA is very good at calling attention to local art and artists. Is that another aspect of your mission? AD: Our gallery hosts many shows annually, and art is sold through the gallery. In this way, our members have an opportunity to have gallery showings and sell their art. It is a win-win for the artist and ALA.

Jam: How does ALA give to the community? Do you have any special programs? AD: ALA was founded with one goal in mind: to bring original art to the community and to assist in any way possible to bring the beauty Anne Dentler of art where it is needed.

In using art to make a difference in the community, ALA has worked closely with groups such as ACTS Theatre, The Mental Health Society, and United Way. But it was through the tragedy of hurricane Rita that the group made a community-wide impact. In 2006, they were awarded a grant by the Louisiana division of the Arts creating the “Sidewalks of New Art” program after Hurricane Rita. The program afforded ALA to produce works on 58 different sites in the downtown area to be painted with inspiring quotes and paintings. Not all the paintings were done by professional artists; some were created by residents who cared. The paintings were found to be inspiring and uplifting, helping to bring the community back together after the tragedy of Rita. At the root of Dentler’s passion is teaching. She is eager for anyone who

wants to learn how to paint to have that opportunity. It is this passion that has allowed ALA to grow into a thriving art center and gallery. Through Dentler’s leadership, ALA has brought many beautiful works to the SWLA area through other satellite venues such as Iberia Bank and the veranda at Graywood. Dentler is an important artist in our area, to be sure. Her work is delicate yet bold, with a confident use of color. But the most intriguing thing about her is her vision. ALA operates Gallery by the Lake & the Creative Arts Center at 106 W. Pryce (Lawrence) St., Lake Charles LA 70601, 337-436-1008. Hours: M-F noon-5, Sat. 10-2. Current exhibit by Linda Gleason Ritchie. AUGUST 15, 2013


Thurs., Aug. 15 Big Night Out! Tour 2013: Fuel, Hoobastank & Alien Ant Farm 7 p.m. @ Party by the Pool’s Liquid Society L’auberge, Lake Charles Journey: Live in Concert Doors open 6:30 p.m. Showtime at 8:00 p.m. The Pavillion @ Coushatta Casino Resort, 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder DJ Cage @ Jack After Dark Party 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’auberge, Lake Charles

Friday, Aug. 16 Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunners 7 p.m. @ Mikko Live @ Coushatta Casino Resort, 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Open Jam Night 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. @ Stellar Beans Coffee House 319 Broad St. Lake Charles Street Side Jazz Band 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 710 Ryan St. Lake Charles BB & CO Britt Goodwin/Bubba Moore 8 p.m. @ Yesterdays 5313 Common St. Lake Charles Alter Ego 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs, 2717 Delta Downs Dr., Vinton MoJeaux Dance Party 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr. Kinder PAGE 20

AUGUST 15, 2013

Sol Tribe 10 p.m. @ Luna Live 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles DJ Cage @ Jack After Dark Party 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill L’auberge, Lake Charles

Saturday, Aug. 17 Arts & Crabs Fest(w/music) 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. @ Lake Charles Civic Center, 900 Lakeshore Dr., Lake Charles Lisa Marshall 7 p.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 710 Ryan St., Lake Charles Tracy Lawrence 7 p.m. @ Isle of Capri Casino Hotel 1000 Westlake Ave. Westlake JD Newbury & Southwind 8 p.m. til midnight @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave., Westlake Karaoke w/DJ David Verett 8:00 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill, L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge Lake Charles Leroy Thomas & Zydeco Roadrunner 8:00 p.m. @ Yesterdays 5313 Common St. Lake Charles Tiffany Rene 9:00 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 East Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles

Brad Walker Jazz Quintet (New Orleans) w/McNeese Jazz Hard Bop Combo! 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. @ Dharma, 329 Broad St. Lake Charles DJ Cage @ Jack After Dark Party 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill L’auberge, Lake Charles

Sunday, Aug. 18 Street Side Jazz Band 11 a.m. @ Luna Bar & Grill 710 Ryan St. Lake Charles

Monday, Aug. 19 Karaoke w/DJ David Verett 8:00 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill, L’Auberge Casino Resort 777 Avenue L’Auberge Lake Charles Brian Moore 10:00 p.m. @ Dharma 329 Broad St. Lake Charles

Wednesday, Aug. 21 Stark Experiment 8 p.m. til midnight @ The Caribbean Cove @ Isle of Capri, 1000 Westlake Ave., Westlake Black Sticker 8:00 p.m. @ Cigar Club 1700 East Prien Lake Rd. Lake Charles

Thursday, Aug. 22 Ratt: Live in Concert 7 p.m. @ Party by the Pool’s Liquid Society L’auberge, Lake Charles

MoJeaux Dance Party 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder

DJ Jose Mata @ Jack After Dark Party 10 p.m. @ Jack Daniels Bar & Grill @ L’auberge, Lake Charles

Alter Ego 9 p.m. @ Gator Lounge @ Delta Downs, 2717 Delta Downs Dr., Vinton

Bernie Alan 9 p.m. @ Mikko Live @ Coushatta Casino Resort 777 Coushatta Dr., Kinder Volume 1 • Issue 3

Music is an important part of every child’s education. Thousands of research studies indicate that kids who study music achieve higher test scores than those who don’t, and having a creative outlet makes for a happier, well-rounded child. Schools in the Lake Area are well known for their robust music programs where children can enroll to sing in choirs or march in bands, but one local organization has been furthering the musical education of children for 20 years. The Dr. Francis G. Bulber Youth Orchestra holds classes for kids ages seven to 18, from beginners to burgeoning experts on their respective instruments. It teaches them orchestral literature, performance skills and preparations, music reading, theory and appreciation, and gives them an understanding of classical composers and musical styles. The only program of its kind in Louisiana, the orchestra is well known for taking a child who has never before touched an instrument, and with their cooperation and dedication to the craft, turn them into a prodigy. “There are a lot of great band programs in area schools, but the skills these kids learn in the orchestra are skills they’ll take with them for the rest of their lives,” said Emma Guillory, executive director of the orchestra. “Generally, once a band student gets out of the band, they lose a feel for the instrument. They give it up and they don’t take it with them, aside from the memories of playing at football games. With an orchestral instrument, these kids will continue to play for their own pleasure, or in groups or symphonies. It’s something that they’re giving Volume 1 • Issue 3

themselves that will last the rest of their lives.” The program focuses on stringed instruments such as the violin, viola, cello and guitar and teaches classes for beginner and intermediate strings, with the most advanced students auditioning for and eventually becoming part of the group’s full orchestra. Because it is a member of the National String Project Consortium (a coalition of sites at colleges and universities across the nation dedicated to increasing the number of children playing stringed instruments), they are able to offer their classes at a reduced rate of $35 per a semester. “It’s a very economical program for parents who don’t want to go out and buy an instrument for their child,” Guillory said. “They know that many kids who are really excited to play the fiddle or cello might eventually lose interest after their parents have already spent a good deal of money on an instrument. Instruments also usually have to be replaced as the child grows, so we are able to rent them these instruments at a very low cost.” Every semester, the students learn a new repertoire or complex composition and get the chance to perform at least once during end-ofthe-semester showcases as well as at the occasional local event. “We’ve played at the Calcasieu Parish Library and at

the Children’s Museum,” Guillory said. “Some of our group have played at the Breast Cancer Awareness Breakfast that FOX holds every year. At the beginning of the summer, we played in the courtyard of Luna Bar & Grill.” Every semester, the children learn new music. “We won’t go out and perform unless we feel the kids have mastered the material,” she explained. “Every year, it’s new and difficult music, so sometimes, we don’t get there until right before the final concert. These kids are not playing easy music--it’s difficult. and they have to practice.” In addition to giving kids the musical education that enables them to play in local symphonies or groups, the program also has a hand in training future music teachers. “McNeese music students work under the guidance of master instructors and learn how to teach,” Guillory said. “They spend a semester or two learning and as they gain proficiency, they are eventually able to have a class of their own. What we’re doing is producing qualified string teachers for our own area.” One such local teacher, Christopher Gunther, grew

up in the Bulber program, became a McNeese student and an intern at Bulber and now has his own program in a public school. The orchestra will celebrate its 20th anniversary with a Christmas concert on Monday, Dec. 16, 2013, where they will invite students from years past to once again pick up their violins, cellos and violas to

join in. “We’re really excited to have our all kids come back and play with us again,” Guillory said. “We did something similar for our tenth anniversary celebration, and we just had a blast.” More information on the program and its upcoming performances can be found online at

AUGUST 15, 2013


CPSO’S NATIONAL NIGHT OUT Calcasieu Parish Sheriff’s Office hosted the Lake Area’s National Night Out activities at the Indian Bay Pavilion at Prien Lake Park. The CPSO motor command center, a robot, the forensic investigation mobile van, a patrol car, fire truck from the Carlyss Fire Department and more were all on display, with deputies on hand to answer questions. Kids enjoyed face painting and refreshments. Thanks to the CPSO for keeping us safe!

Lacie Carter, Rusty Sittig and Allan Carter

Michelle and Jason Firmature with Brandy and Hannah Bertrand, Troy Thibodeaux

Chelsea Hayes, Sivana Reeves and Kathryn LeBert

Aden Ory, Dauson Chandler, Michelle Robinson and Anna Catherine Chandler

Hubert Guillory, Jason Hayes, Rob McCorquodale and Joey Alcede

WHITETAILS UNLIMITED BANQUET Hunting enthusiasts of all ages gathered at the Lake Charles Civic Center Coliseum for the annual White Tails Unlimited Banquet. The night included dinner, a social hour, an auction, and prizes such as outfitter packages, firearms, hunting equipment, artwork and one-of-a-kind collectibles. Proceeds from the evening support WTU’s mission.

Jimmy and Leah Cureton with Jeannie Richey and Jill Cunningham

Chance and Ashley Broussard PAGE 22

AUGUST 15, 2013

Blayne and Jacob Jerome

Rachel, Abby and Hunter Hintom

Jerry and Missy Ellis

Jennifer and Karl Overton with Pat, Helen and Fredia Morien Volume 1 • Issue 3

word search

DISCO! Barry White Bee Gees Bell Bottoms Donna Summer Disco

Gloria Gaynor John Travolta The Hustle The Freak The Seventies

Platform Shoes Polyester Saturday Night Fever Soul Train Village People

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Players take turns connecting two dots. When you make a square, put your initials in the box and take another turn. When all dots are connected, the player with the most boxes wins.

Volume 1 • Issue 3

AUGUST 15, 2013


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