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November December 2014

Hardware & Homestyle



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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information is correct, the publisher cannot accept responsibility for errors, omissions or discrepancies. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the publisher.

Letter from the editor A new year ahead and it is starting on a brighter note that we have seen in some time. The year 2014 will likely be noted by many of our readers as the year in which the recovery really gained traction. Of course everyone’s story is different but we face into 2015 with higher hopes than we have had in several years. Our ‘On the Record’ Interview in this issue features former international marketing manager with AkzoNobel, Sean Browne. He is working with a variety of retailers to help them maximise the potential that economic recovery represents. Yes, it’s all about being post-recession ready! After a long period in downturn, are we ready to make the necessary gear change in order to meet a new set of challenges? Sean has a lot to say on the matter as you might expect! Also in this issue we announce our first ever Irish gia winner. Stock Design in Dublin City Centre has been at the forefront of Homewares retailing for over forty years and will represent Ireland on the world stage in Chicago in March. We will of course be there to cheer them on! Elsewhere this month we have our usual mix of News, Views, Opinion and Advice along with special features on Material Handling and Workwear & Safety Products. And we hear from all our usual contributors including Liam Kelly, Colin Madden and James Sweetman. We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you a happy – and prosperous – 2015! Talk to you soon, Martin Foran, Editor


News Glee Report On The Record

4 14 16

With Sean Browne

The Home Front


gia Ireland winner Stock Design

Showtime Special Feature

24 34

Material Handling

Tech Talk HR Guidebook Winter Driving

39 40 42

With Gerry Buckley

Derryhick Sticks Product News Business-wise Special Feature

43 44 47 48

Workwear and Safety Products

Retail Crime Gardening The Final Say

51 55 58

Hardware & Homestyle is Published by Ocean Publishing 14, Upper Fitzwilliam Street Dublin 2 Tel: 01 678 5165 Fax: 01 678 5191 Publisher: Patrick Aylward Editor: Martin Foran Editorial Email: martin@hardwareandhomestylenews.ie National Sales Manager: Dermot Casey Email: dermot@hardwareandhomestylenews.ie Design/Layout: Jim Heron Email: jim@hardwareandhomestylenews.ie Printed by: W&G Baird Ltd, Antrim


Hardware & Homestyle

Unibond Aero 3600 launched alongside fantastic competitions! Henkel has had some very successful promotions running alongside their Unibond Aero 360 launch this autumn.


On TV3’s Ireland AM they held a one week competition featuring a fantastic prize of a trip to Spain staying in a fourteenth century fairytale castle. On Dublin radio station Q102 they held a daily competition for one week. The prize was a €300 Woodies Gift Card for five lucky winners. They also held a competition in conjunction with the RTE Guide, the prize a fantastic €1,000 Gift Card for Heatons! Elaine Ash tells us these competitions were well received. Each had a very high rate of entries and everyone was very interested in both the product and prizes of course.


Millions of households are affected by excess moisture produced by daily cooking, showering/bathing, heating the house, etc. Research has suggested that 77% of air freshener customers have expressed interest in products which improve the air quality in the

Winner Elizabeth Byrne

Winner Stuart Maxwell

Winner Vanessa Ryan

home and that prevent rather than mask odours. Currently available at Expert Hardware, Woodies and Heatons UniBond Aero 360°’s 2-in-1 technology absorbs moisture and neutralises odours, helps combat condensation, damp, allergens in the air, mould and mildew. Easy and convenient to use, UniBond Aero 360° is a cost effective solution to air quality problems in your home. The device doesn’t require

electricity, doesn’t create any noise or spills and is suitable for rooms up to 20m².

moisture absorber sachet with a fresh and delicate lavender scent. This scented sachet is ideal for confined spaces like wardrobes, drawers, cupboards or shoe racks. It is ideal also for cars and minivans. Thanks to its 2-in-1 action the sachet absorbs moisture and, at the same time, it releases a fresh lavender scent. For more information on the Unibond Humidity & Air Care range or any of the other Henkel brands contact the sales office on 01 4046438.


The Unibond Humidity Absorber range currently has 3 premium products, the Unibond Aero 360 Pure for large rooms up to 20m², the Unibond Bubble Fresh for small rooms up to 10m² and the latest in the range, the Unibond Mini Fresh. UniBond Mini Fresh is a

Expert are post-recession-ready! Members of the Expert Hardware group have noticed that their level of preparedness has allowed them to hit the ground running in a post-recession environment.


David Baker who is chairman of the group has spoken to most of the members of late and each one of them, he says, has indicated a sustained increase in their sales. There are three things to which they attribute this increase • The economy is improving, • It’s Christmas, • Being a member of the Expert Hardware group with preferential pricing and cutting edge retail services has put them in the enviable position of being able to react


November•December 2014

instantly and take full advantage of the upturn. David says: ‘People are still looking for value in every sense of the word and if you have that along with the Expert package, including all the latest products, you’re on to a winner.


‘The big C equals “confidence” and its back in abundance. It’s been missing, for almost six years now.’ David’s parting remark to all independent hardware store owners out there? ‘Get off the fence and come onboard and enjoy a package of benefits that you only ever dreamed off.’ Confidence indeed.


Hardware & Homestyle

New loan support welcomed for Ireland’s small retail businesses The network of Local Enterprise Offices is teaming up with Microfinance Ireland, to launch a new type of loan support aimed at Ireland’s small businesses across all industries, including the retail sector.


The ‘LEO Microfinance’ loan was officially launched recently with small business loans on offer, of between €2,000 and €25,000, at a reduced rate of interest. Benefitting from advice and support during the application stage, start-ups and small retailers can now apply directly to any of the 31 Local Enterprise Offices (LEOs) around the country for the new ‘LEO Microfinance’ loan package. Under a new Protocol between the LEOs and Microfinance Ireland (MFI), it is expected that up to 250 new applications for the loan support will take place this

New Loan Support: ‘LEO Microfinance’ Loan •The reduced interest rate for the new ‘LEO Microfinance’ loan product is 7.5% (7.8% APR), which is 1% lower than the standard loan rate of 8.5% (8.8% APR). •The standard loan agreement is between 3 and 5 years, with flexible repayment terms. •Loans are generally unsecured. If a sole trader or partnership borrows from MFI, they will be personally liable for the loan. When MFI lend to a limited liability company, they will require the directors and/or shareholders to provide a personal indemnity for the amount borrowed, which is similar to the sole trader being personally responsible for the repayment of the loan. •Access to a range of other supports may also be available to applicants, through their Local Enterprise Office. •Sole Traders, Partnerships and Limited Companies with fewer than 10 employees and an annual turnover of less than €2m are eligible to apply (certain sectors, for example: gambling and tobacco, are not covered). •Business proposals must demonstrate commercial viability and capacity to meet loan repayments. The European Investment Fund signed a guarantee agreement for MFI’s loan book under Progress Microfinance, in 2013. Progress Microfinance is managed by the European Investment Fund on behalf of the European Commission and the European Investment Bank.

Adrienne Rodgers, head of enterprise, Local Enterprise Office Cork City; Veronica Kenneally of Veronica’s Snacks; Ken Ryan, PAP Healthcare Ltd.; John Kearney of Fastnet Catch Ltd. and Michael Johnson, CEO of Microfinance Ireland (pictured at Camden Fort Meagher, in Crosshaven, Co Cork). Photocredit: Provision Photography.

year alone. Based on an average loan size of €15,500, the €3.8 million in lending is expected to support 500 jobs nationwide. Importantly, loans are generally unsecured and can be used for working capital, as well as items like shop equipment, hiring new employees and marketing campaigns. Start-ups and small businesses across all industries and sectors, which employ fewer than 10 people, are being encouraged to apply if they are finding it difficult to access credit.


MFI, a not-for-profit lender, was established in October 2012 and received its first loan application the following month. It was set up to deliver the Government’s Microenterprise Loan Fund, announced in the Action Plan for Jobs. Around half of MFI’s loan applications already come through the LEOs, and the newly-appointed chief executive officer of MFI, Michael Johnson, is keen to encourage many more start-ups and small business owners from the retail sector to apply through the LEO network. Speaking before the recent launch, he said: ‘Since Microfinance Ireland opened its doors less than two years ago, we’ve made significant progress, approving loans to 308 small businesses, providing €4.8 million in lending, supporting 711 jobs to date.’ He added: ‘We are in a demand-led business, so for every loan application we receive, there could be ten or more

potential loan applicants out there, still finding it difficult to get finance for their business. ‘For those new start-ups and small business owners who meet the criteria, our advice is to talk to your Local Enterprise Office and apply for the new loan support. ‘Supporting jobs is at the very heart of what we do and providing loan assistance to viable businesses through the Local Enterprise Offices will help unlock a company’s potential to create those jobs.’


Welcoming the launch of the new loan support, Vincent Reynolds, chairperson of the LEO Network said: ‘Through this partnership arrangement with Microfinance Ireland, our aim is to assist the small business community in gaining access to the credit they need now, to help their business develop and grow into the future. ‘If microenterprises are the driving force behind the Irish economy, then access to credit is critical for our recovery and job growth. ‘This new loan partnership is a welcome addition to the range of supports, now available through the entire Local Enterprise Office network.’ Three microenterprises, which have successfully applied for MFI loans through the LEOs, showcased their products at the launch. Further information around the new ‘LEO Microfinance’ loan support is available through www.localenterpriseoffice.ie and through www.microfinanceireland.ie. November•DEcember 2014



Hardware & Homestyle

Business costs and black economy ‘holding back retail recovery’ The Association called for:

As recent CSO, Retail figures were released, ISME, called for a concerted and coordinated approach from Government to ‘the problems of business costs and black economy activity affecting the retail trade’.


The Association also voiced its disappointment at the retention of the 8.5% PRSI on class A employees, in Budget ’15, which will slow any slight growth in retail employment, it said. Annual figures show an increase of 5.9% in volume and 3.8% in value. When motor sales are excluded sales volume was up 3.1% and sales value was up 1% in the year. Commenting, ISME chief executive, Mark Fielding said, ‘despite some positive indicators, the SME economy is still challenged and the retail sector is the main barometer. ‘The fact that the consumer

“escaped” major cut-backs in the budget may give a slightly easier feeling, however, water charges and property taxes continue to weigh heavily on consumers’ sentiment.


‘Business costs remain the greatest threat to retail and the recent budget did absolutely nothing to reduce government

influenced business costs. ‘The disconnect between the politicians and the retail trade, not to mention business in general, is concerning. ‘It is hoped that the newly established Retail Forum will help get the message to Government that a “wait and see” attitude to SME retail in particular must change.’

• The reduction in employers’ PRSI on lower pay. • Introduction of a Code of Practice, with an ombudsman for the retail sector. • Review of the effect of the abolition of the Groceries Order on prices. • Reduction in Commercial rates, development contributions and unrealistic rents. • Increased emphasis on Town centre revitalization. • The end of Social welfare anomalies and inflexibilities. • An increase in bank credit availability for retail SMEs. • Increased resources to tackle the Shadow Economy. ‘Government must implement immediate policies to tackle the scourge of the Black Economy and the reduction of the cost base in order to secure the thousands of Retail jobs in the economy,’ concluded Fielding.

‘Welcome support to retail sector’ The view of Retail Ireland regarding Budget 2015 is that the ‘consumer-friendly elements’ will provide welcome support to the retail sector, which has felt the full brunt of the recession.


Retail Ireland Chairman Frank Gleeson said: ‘Cuts to income tax will boost consumer spending and support job creation. ‘The budget will put more money back into the economy, this will ease the pressure on the embattled retail sector. After years of tax hikes, there is now some relief for Irish consumers. ‘Tax reductions and changes to the USC are a clear signal that the tough years of austerity are finally behind us.


‘Retailers also welcome the retention of existing VAT rates and the freeze in excise duties on alcohol and fuel. Combined, this will provide a major boost to consumer sentiment in the run up to the busy Christmas trading period. ‘The value and volume of retail sales have increased every month for the past nine months. Consumer confidence is now at its highest level since 2007. The measures adopted in Budget 2015 will further strengthen this positive momentum. ‘This will help safeguard retail’s future as Ireland’s largest industry and most geographically diverse employer.’


November•December 2014


Hardware & Homestyle

SFA welcomes measures to support small business finance Reduction in taxes on labour will boost economy. The Small Firms Association (SFA) has given a broad welcome to Budget 2015. SFA Chairman, AJ Noonan, commented: ‘This Budget will support small businesses in improving access to debt and equity finance, and in boosting job creation by making it more attractive to work and increasing disposable income. ‘However, the continuation of tax discrimination against self-employed workers must stop.’


SFA Chairman, AJ Noonan further added: ‘The improvements announced to the Employment and Investment Incentive Scheme (EIIS) should assist small businesses by making it more attractive for private investors

to invest in small indigenous business and get a tax write off. ‘Banks now demand 30% equity investment before they grant approvals for small business loans, so this measure is critical. ‘This should be followed up with real reform on CGT for entrepreneurs in next year’s budget. ‘We look forward to engaging with Government on

the promised development of the Integrated Export Finance Strategy, which is a major gap currently in our financing toolkit.’ On income tax reform, Noonan welcomed the reforms announced to the top-rate, marginal tax band and USC changes, stating that these measures ‘will help small businesses in continuing on their path to growth by strengthening the incentive to work and giving our workers extra disposable income, which should also boost consumer demand, and allow us to create more jobs, in a virtuous cycle.’


Noonan condemned the decision to extend the 3% additional USC charge paid at the top rate by self-employed which the Minister had committed to lapsing at the

end of this year he said. ‘It is critical that there is at least equity in treatment between employees and Proprietary Directors / selfemployed people in the tax system and that risk takers are not discriminated against. ‘In a still high unemployment economy, we should be doing everything possible to incentivise self-employment and small business start-ups.’ In conclusion, Noonan commented: ‘The government in Budget 2015 have introduced some good measures to support small businesses, including the maintenance of the 9% tourism & hospitality VAT rate, not increasing excise duties, improvements to the R&D tax credit, FED, home renovation fund, Seed-Capital Scheme and the corporation tax relief for start-ups. ‘However, in Budget 2016, we challenge them to be more radical in promoting growth.’

A European view on home improvement Apart from a minor slump, the home improvement activities of European consumers followed the same trends as in 2013.


This is remarkable since there has been an increase in consumer confidence. Moreover, first signs of a slow-down of DIY activities on a European level can be noted in September 2014. This is shown by the latest survey of the European Home Improvement Barometer, a month-to-month indicator for home improvement jobs in Europe by USP Marketing Consultancy based on 24,000 interviews per year. The barometer is part of the European Home Improvement Monitor, a study providing insight in the amount of home improvement jobs performed by consumers or professionals in 13 European countries. In September 2014, 12,0% of

European households performed one or more home improvement jobs. About two thirds of those jobs were Do-It-Yourself jobs, one third was done by professionals. As can be seen in the long-term development of the barometer, the home improvement share remained on a sound level in the summer of 2014.


The relatively stable barometer shows that the DIY and repair activities of European consumers have not yet been visibly impaired by anxieties because of the conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, nor the weakening development of the economy in the European Union’s core countries. However, in September the amount of households that conducted home improvement had fallen off sharply compared to 2013.

November•DEcember 2014



Hardware & Homestyle

‘The spirit of enterprise’ ISME chairman calls for cultural change towards Entrepreneurship. Addressing the 480 delegates at the Irish Small and Medium Enterprises Association’s. Annual Conference, chairman Eamonn Kielty called for a ‘cultural change’ towards entrepreneurship.


‘The efforts of entrepreneurs must be recognised and rewarded, and this is true both for policymakers at all levels and for society at large,’ said Kielty. ‘Too often entrepreneurs are perceived as greedy free riders who are responsible for all the world’s problems.

This must change.

‘How often have we heard our political leaders extol the virtues of SME businesses in speeches but continue to insult our sector through ill-thought policies and half-baked initiatives, so wrapped up in red tape and bureaucracy to make them useless before they start? ‘The downright hypocrisy of the utterances is clearly shown in the fact that, despite all the hyperbole, self-employed

entrepreneurs have a marginal tax rate 3% more than anyone else when they are successful.


‘Should their business not succeed they are unlikely to get any help from the State unless they are completely “bust”, no income, no assets and no job. ‘So we are discriminated against both when successful and, despite the fact that entrepreneurs are the catalysts for wealth and job creation, when failed.

‘With the recent launch of the National Policy Statement on Entrepreneurship, we now have the potential to put entrepreneurship back at the top of the agenda. It puts great emphasis on Startups and survival rates and rightly so. ‘However Government must put its money where its mouth is and stop, once and for all, the discriminatory tax system in relation to the self-employed. ‘Otherwise it will be seen as just another empty statement by an election focussed government and not the game changer required. ‘The Entrepreneurship Policy recommendations must be implemented as soon as possible.


‘Faced with the economic crisis, policymakers have realised the importance of a thriving private sector and of removing unnecessary burdens. ‘Ireland will not recover without more entrepreneurs. ‘We must start treating our entrepreneurs, first as equal citizens, with the massive potential to drive the economy forward. Then, maybe self-employed entrepreneurs will be seen as local heroes.’

Survey shows absenteeism fell during crisis Ibec published the findings of a new survey on absenteeism in advance of their Annual OHS Conference, State of the Nation, sponsored by Aon,


The findings show the level of absenteeism falling to 2.35% (5.5 days per year) across all industry sectors, down from 2.58% in 2009, when the last comprehensive survey was carried out. Absenteeism has fallen by over two days per year (from 3.38% or 7.8 days per employee in 2004) in the last 10 years. The report is based on data provided by 452 companies employing almost 100,000 employees and carried out this year, based on full year data for the year ending 31 December 2013. Ibec Head of Industrial Relations and HR Maeve McElwee said: ‘The crisis appears to have led to a reduced level of absenteeism. However absence management remains a serious issue for many employers. ‘While not all absence can be eliminated, there remains room for improvement.


‘Absenteeism represents a significant direct cost to employers, as well as creating additional costs that are more difficult


November•December 2014

to quantify, such as the cost of reduced quality of output. ‘It leads to increased pressure on colleagues and increased administration time in replacing absent employees. ‘Proactive measures by employers such as holding return to work interviews and putting in place employee health and well-being supports can help reduce absence. ‘Over recent years employers have

introduced measures to better manage absenteeism to keep costs down and promote better employee relations. ‘Many employers are putting in place better supports for employees such Employee Assistance Programmes (EAPs), wellness programmes and worklife balance initiatives. ‘These initiatives contribute to an overall healthier workforce, which in turn minimises absenteeism.’

Excel Industries have recently published their new Fully Illustrated Catalogue of Pre-Pack Products which is intended for both TRADE and RETAIL outlets. The Catalogue is packed with a comprehensive range of Plumbing, Heating, Gas, Bathroom, Ventilation, Chimney, Drainage and Insulation Products and many new items are included. It is laid out in a new easy to follow format. The publication coincides with the opening of our new showroom and the re-launch of the Easi Plumb web site www.easiplumb.ie. The complete range may be viewed in the showroom and on the web site. Copies of the publication have already been distributed, but if for any reason you do not have one, please contact our sales office. New customers are always welcome! Customers are cordially invited to visit the showroom and are requested to do so by prior appointment. Excel Industries, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Clonsilla Road, Dublin 15




Telephone: ++ 353 (0)1 8118701 Fax: ++ 353 (0)1 8118785 Email: sales@excel-industries.com Web: www.excel-industries.com Web: www.easiplumb.ie

A typical Easi Plumb retail display




Hardware & Homestyle

Glennon Brothers timber transport service Glennon Brothers is now ‘the premier name in the Irish and UK timber processing industry’. The firm was recently delighted to announce the launch of the first landing craft, timber transport service to the west coast of Scotland.


Through its plants in Ireland and Scotland, the firm offers a one-stop-shop solution, supplying both the Irish and UK markets with products for the construction, pallet wood and fencing industries. This one-stop-shop approach ensures the firm ‘continues to push the boundaries of machinery and technology to produce home grown timber to the highest international standards’. In the most recent development the ‘Red Princess’ was launched by Mr. Paul Wheelhouse, MSP, Minister for Environment and Climate Change, at the Glennon Brothers site (formerly Adam Wilson & Sons), in the port of Troon, on Monday 3 November. Minister Wheelhouse said: ‘This is an innovative and practical solution to a challenging problem and the Scottish Government is delighted to support it.


‘It is a classic forestry solution, delivering green growth. It adds economic value by accessing more timber for the market and putting money into island and coastal economies, while contributing to the Scottish Government’s carbon reduction target.’ Pat Glennon, Glennon Brothers said, ‘Glennon Brothers is delighted to be involved in the Red Princess initiative, in partnership with the UPM Tilhill, and the Troon Tug Company. ‘Enormous time and energy has been invested in successfully implementing

this innovative service over the last eighteen months. ‘As we all know, continuity of raw material supply is fundamental, to the growth of the sector, and we very much hope, the vessel, will become a key part, of our long term log supply, here at Troon. ‘The on-going support, of the Strategic Timber Transport Scheme, Forestry Commission Scotland, and various private landowners, will be essential, in making this happen.’


Standing left to right: Pat Glennon (Glennon Brothers);

Mike Glennon, Glennon Brothers George McRobbie (UPM Tilhill); Minister Paul Wheelhouse added, ‘This initiative supports MSP (Minister for Environment and Climate Change); John Glennon Brothers approach to Scott MSP; Peter Whitfield (UPM Tilhill); Mike Glennon minimising the impact on the (Glennon Brothers) and Robin Taylor (Troon Tug Company). environment. Scottish Government’s Strategic Timber ‘Logs will be delivered from the coast Transport Scheme and will transport and islands of Scotland to be processed in 118,500 tonnes of logs from the five sites our sawmill in Troon. over the next two years. ‘Some of this finished timber will then cross the road to our engineered timber facility, Alexanders Timber Design (ATD), to be incorporated into quality timber Glennon Brothers is also a leading frame homes, resulting in an end product provider of quality timber frame homes and engineered roof trusses in the UK and with an incredibly low carbon footprint. ‘The logs delivered by the Red Princess Ireland through Alexander Timber Design will also enhance Glennon Brothers’ based in Troon, and Dempsey Timber capability to offer a one stop shop solution Engineering (DTE) based in Arklow. Glennon Brothers was the winner of the for sawn softwood in the British Isles.’ The 750-tonne capacity vessel used Industry category award at the 2010 Ernst to take tourists and locals through the & Young Ireland Entrepreneur of the Year beautiful Ionian Sea around Corfu but awards. has been refurbished and renamed ‘Red The Group is committed to reducing Princess’. its impact on the environment and has The Red Princess will transport logs gained Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) from five coastal forest locations within certification for its products across all the Firth of Clyde, directly to the port of timber processing sites, ensuring that they Troon. are sourced from sustainably managed The initiative has been supported by the forests.


Offsetting emissions through afforestation Reacting to the European Council conclusions on 2030 climate policy, Ibec welcomed the commitment that agricultural emissions can be offset through afforestation after 2020. Ibec however highlighted the need for early clarity on the rules that will apply to this. Acknowledging the success of the Irish negotiating team, Ibec Head of Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Dr Neil Walker said:


‘The new deal marks an important


November•December 2014

milestone, but is just the beginning of 12 months of tough, detailed negotiations on how individual Member State targets will be implemented. ‘Ireland looks set to have very ambitious carbon reduction targets over the coming years, regardless of whether a global deal is agreed at next year’s UN climate summit. ‘This will undoubtedly present many challenges. It is important that the EU’s approach is flexible, fair and proportionate, so competitiveness and jobs are not adversely affected.’


Hardware & Homestyle

IBEC welcomes new Apprenticeship Council IBEC has welcomed the Government’s establishment of an interim Apprenticeship Council to oversee the development of new apprenticeships across a broader range of occupations.

‘It is vital that companies are involved in both the design of curricula and in the delivery of programmes. This will ensure the continuing relevance of qualifications in a rapidly changing labour market.



IBEC Head of Education and Social Policy Tony Donohoe said: ‘The current apprenticeship system, which is limited to 26 occupations, does not reflect the broad skill needs of the Irish economy. ‘A new model has the potential to boost skill levels across the economy and help get people into quality, sustainable jobs.

‘Ongoing economic changes requires a flexible system, where the terms of the apprenticeship depends on the needs of the specific sector. ‘The Council provides a structure to create new apprenticeships rapidly, and to react to emerging needs and target resources towards sectors with high potential for growth.’

on unified Patent Court Argos takes on 500 Decision ‘Local Court the best option for SMEs’ seasonal staff here ISME has welcomed the Government decision to establish a local division of the Unified Patent Court in Ireland, in the event that the State ratifies the international agreement under which the Court is established. The Association had previously called on Government to take this action as it will reduce the travel costs, company time and expenses involved in attending the Court compared with the Regional and Central Court options given.

At time of writing Argos is in the process of hiring 500 seasonal workers across Ireland to cater for the peak Christmas shopping season.


Contracts for the customer advisor roles were for parttime positions until the end of the Christmas period. As well as in-house training, which can be completed from home, new team members receive a 10 per cent staff discount at Argos. Andy McClelland, operations manager for Argos in Ireland said: ‘As we approach our busiest shopping period of the year we need the extra support in our stores to ensure that we can deliver great service to the hundreds of thousands of customers who shop with us at this time.


‘We are looking for people who are customer focused, passionate and enthusiastic to join our teams.’ Argos operates 40 stores across Ireland employing about 1,500 people.

Preferable Mark




commented: ‘The establishment of a Local Court is the preferable option for Irish SMEs in terms of reducing the potential costs and disturbance associated with attending the Court. ‘It will also ensure that the Irish Courts and legal profession will further develop an expertise in patent litigation and thus, allow SMEs to access such expertise in their own jurisdiction. ‘The costs involved in enforcing intellectual property rights can be off-putting for small businesses so we welcome this move to minimize costs through the availability of a Local Court.’

Gary Coyle joins DS Supplies

Gary Coyle has joined the DS Supplies sales team. Gary has spent over six years with Ames True Temper selling gardening tools and servicing the DIY, Hardware and Garden Centre trade nationwide. ‘Gary will service Dublin and the Midlands for DS Supplies, promoting the Trojan, Greenfx and our partner brands,’ says the company. We wish him all the best in his new role with this highly-regarded organisation!

November•DEcember 2014



Hardware & Homestyle

Investment Of €2.5m for Galway, Kilkenny and Louth as next ‘Fibre Towns’ Agile Networks, an awardwinning specialist network integrator based in Dublin, has partnered with Calix, an international software company, to support Ireland’s first ‘fibredirect’ initiative, aimed at boosting the digital activities of SMEs in small towns across the country.


Ireland’s digital economy is valued at e8.4billion, with consumers spending nearly €6 billion online. Only 24 per cent of Irish SMEs are trading in online sales, however, with approximately 60 per cent of

Ireland’s annual online spend going overseas; highlighting a significant potential for growth. enet, a private company, which operates fibre optic infrastructure on behalf of the Irish State and which already serves the main service providers in the country with open access fibre, recently

rolled out its first fibredirect service in Claremorris, County Mayo, with the Agile Networks/ Calix solution a key technology in the process. enet are now set to make a further investment of €2.5 million in fibre infrastructure to create three new fibre towns in Loughrea, County Galway;

Ardee, County Louth and Kilkenny City. The fibredirect initiative aims to extend services to local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) in towns and cities throughout Ireland, particularly targeting small and mediumsized enterprises.

We’re Chicago-bound for the International Home + Housewares Show! The International Home + Housewares Show begins at 10 a.m. on Saturday, 7 March and closes at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, 10 March. As usual Hardware & Homestyle will be there and will bring you all the latest including reports from gia where we know that our representative store Stock Design will do us proud! (See our ‘Homefront’ feature this issue).

Power hour

A Power Hour from 5:30-6:30 p.m. on Saturday through Monday offers exhibitors and buyers an opportunity to extend their meetings for an additional hour after the 5:30 Show close. Appointments for Power Hour are encouraged. ‘We are very pleased with the response from exhibitors and expect to be completely sold out very soon,’ said Phil Brandl, IHA president and CEO. ‘We are also encouraged by the return of several familiar companies who are exhibiting after a brief absence.’ The Show will host more than 2,100 exhibitors from around the world, including 400 new companies.

Complete list

To view the entire show lineup, buyers may visit www.housewares.org and search ‘Housewares Connect 365’ to download a complete list of 2015 exhibitors as well as to view floor plans, product catalogues, new product photos and videos and complete company contact information for each exhibitor. More information on the 2015 International Home + Housewares Show and free pre-registration for entrance badges is available at www.housewares.org.


November•December 2014

The International Housewares Association is the 76-year-old voice of the housewares industry which accounted for (US)$314.3 billion at retail worldwide in 2012. The not-for-profit, full-service association sponsors the world’s premier exposition of products for the home, the International Home + Housewares Show, and offers its 1,700 member companies a wide range of services, including industry and government advocacy, export assistance, State-of-theIndustry reports, point-of-sale and consumer panel data through Housewares MarketWatch, executive management peer groups, a unique Web-based community at www.housewares.org and group buying discounts on business solutions services.

November•DEcember 2014


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Glee Feature

Hardware & Homestyle

Glee hailed a major success ‘Revitalised, re-energised and harder working than ever before’

Glee 2014 was hailed a success by the garden retail industry – with space at the 2015 show 50% sold soon after the event.


Well presented, well attended and reflecting a mood of positivity, the new-look Glee 2014 was widely welcomed as the beginning of an exciting next chapter for both the exhibition and the wider garden retail industry. i2iEvents, organisers of the annual show, had promised an event that would be revitalised, reenergised and would deliver something different. Feedback from both exhibitors and visitors indicated that this promise has been delivered. The event featured a new location and layout within the NEC plus a raft of value-added features and an unrivalled, international mix of major brands and specialist suppliers from across the garden, landscaping, home, pet and leisure sectors. Glee offered buyers and suppliers the market’s strongest business-building and networking opportunity for several years we were told. Despite overall buying consolidation across the industry, the show delivered an audience of 7,066 visitors, with revisits boosting overall footfall equal to 8,085 – equaling 2013’s footfall figures - across the three days.


November•December 2014

Glee Feature

Hardware & Homestyle


Early data also showed that people were not only staying at Glee for longer – often attending the entire duration of the show in order to maximise on the wealth of new products and innovation on offer – but the quality of visitors was noteworthy too. This year’s Glee attracted more visitors from top retailers and also saw more key decision makers attending the show. With direct buying power and company strategy at the forefront of their minds, these visitors came to Glee ready and willing to do business – and they certainly didn’t disappoint, as Glee’s event manager Matthew Mein explains: ‘This year Glee was very much about delivering an

audience of quality; one that was dedicated to optimising the sales and profit opportunity that the exhibition offers. ‘For many suppliers, the 2014 exhibition was one of the busiest on record, with sale targets being smashed, order books running out and new product launches drawing more attention than ever before.’

Green Heart

Bringing together some of the biggest and most respected brands, the Green Heart was the place to view 2015 plant ranges, as well as to access exclusive, show-only deals. Housed in the glass-roofed, Atrium area outside Glee’s new location, this exciting new area brought plants right back into the heart of the show. Every single visitor upon

entry to Glee was exposed to a truly eye-catching display of everything from herbs and bedding plants, to trees, shrubs, alpines and even houseplants.

Food & Catering Zone

Since 2012, the Food & Catering Zone at Glee has become a ‘must-see’ feature for those thinking of setting up a catering facility from scratch or in need of ideas to reinvigorate an existing one. In its short existence so far, it has become renowned as a central hub providing advice, information and inspiration for retailers to take their concept to the next level, as well as offering visitors an unrivalled selection of food and cateringrelated products to suit all budgets. The Food & Catering

area was also home to another new addition – the stunning Farmers’ Market. Reminiscent of artisan food markets favoured by culinary connoisseurs this new area was home to passionate suppliers of delicious foods and beverages.

GIMA Village


The Garden Industry manufacturers’ Association (GIMA) Business Village was home to a great selection of up-and-coming companies exhibiting with the support of GIMA. It was also home to the ‘Buyers Connect’ event which saw over 160 10-minute powernetworking sessions taking place between Glee exhibitors and top retailers.

November•DEcember 2014


On The Record

Hardware & Homestyle

Former international marketing manager with Akzo Nobel, Sean Browne has a unique perspective on the retail trade in general and the coatings industry in particular. Right now he’s involved in several projects in the hardware and homestyle sector – as well as teaching the sales and marketing skills he says will be needed in the next generation. He shared his thoughts on the business with Martin Foran

Planning for success Meeting the challenge of a post-recession world – with Sean Browne

Sean Browne’s CV is impressive to say the least. ‘I started with Crown Paints as production manager, later becoming production director and then commercial director in 1989 when we merged with Berger Paints,’ he says recounting his early days in the business. ‘I then became sales director, then sales and marketing director for the new entity, Crown Berger Ireland ltd.’ What followed was a period of spectacular success, for the company, particularly with colour marketing in Ireland. So impressive where the results that it all got noticed corporately and led to Sean’s being approached for the position of international marketing manager – to bring what his team had been doing in Ireland to an international stage. Just what exactly were they doing so very well? ‘Berger Paints had a very good guy called Steven McQuillan who is now with Fleetwood,’ says Sean. ‘He was a great fan of tinting systems. I saw the value of what he was doing. ‘He had a great grasp of this. It made conspicuously good money on low working capital and stock holding, for both ourselves and the retailer. ‘It was of course an easier way of selling a whole range of colours without having to have the stock. The big issue of course with tinting is minimalist stock. ‘I have a business mnemonic that has never been


November•December 2014

On The Record

Hardware & Homestyle disproven,’ says Sean at this point. ‘It is a little “equation” and it goes like this: ‘Low SKU’s + High Price + High Margin X High Demand = Gold.’ The technology for tinting was around for decades before this point, Sean says, but computers were coming on at a fast pace now and this was one of the reasons that advances could be made. Not only could the thousands of formulations for all the colours be accessed easily by unskilled operators, but also, robotic tinting machines could be driven by computer, eliminating operator error and increasing customer confidence. ‘The advent of Microsoft Windows really changed the game.’ However, that was only one facet of Sean’s international career. As international marketing manager his focus was not purely on tinting and colour but business development. ‘I joined the core acquisition team for Akzo Nobel and was involved in mergers/ takeovers/acquisitions all over the world,’ Sean recalls. ‘My last big one was in Indonesia.’ Visiting thirty-three counties over his fourteen-year tenure as international marketing manager was certainly a twoway street. ‘I was certainly hungry for ideas and information, no question! I relished being exposed to new cultures, new ideas, new thinking and ways of looking at the product.

Vista management consultants

Sean’s unique perspectives and appreciation all came together when he formed Vista Management Consultants on his return to Ireland full-time, in 2007. ‘This was the high point of the Celtic Tiger. I saw the boom and decline in property and luckily didn’t fall foul of it. I witnessed the catastrophic collapse in property values in Sweden, which precipitated the merger of Akzo and (Swedish Nobel) as a lot of the Nobel collateral was property related. More importantly perhaps, I saw the writing on the wall and I thought to myself that skills of my type would be needed at one stage. And I was right.’ Exactly what skills would be needed? ‘In real terms, structure and planning,’ says Sean. ‘I created the progamme called ‘planning for sales success’ for DIT. It was a two-day workshop for people and had to do with trying to put structure and form on things that sales people do (and often don’t do) each and every day. ‘We all plan to a greater or lesser degree but I have found that one of the greatest deficiencies in management in general is the lack of structure in planning.’ At that time – 2007 onwards – the market was changing a lot, of course. Price slashing / heavy discounting is mentioned by Sean at this stage, particularly in

relation to coatings. At this stage Sean mentions an advert he has seen the previous evening on Ulster Television. It was for five litres of coloured paint at seventeen pounds Sterling. ‘I thought this was a bad situation,’ he says. ‘Around 2005 the same can would have been commanding twenty-two or twentythree pounds Sterling. That’s ten years ago. To recover that margin something has to give. ‘I’m aware that the quality of paint hasn’t deteriorated terribly so someone is taking pain, that’s either the retailer or manufacturer. ‘There is only so much you can do with paint to take the content out of it, particularly coloured paint, as it has to have certain characteristics to maintain its colour, hold and bind etc. ‘Someone has taken a lot of heartache there.’ Offers on paint are very important for getting people into stores of course. It is incredibly important. ‘It is an essential element of any hardware store,’ agrees Sean. ‘However there is a great risk. One has to guard against paint, and particularly coloured paint, becoming a KVI. ‘That is a Known Value Item. ‘In other words it is where people all “know” that the most you really should have to pay is seventeen pounds Sterling or its euro equivalent for the previously mentioned product, for example. If that happens too frequently paint will always be at that price. ‘Over-promoting or giving free stuff tends to lead to a permanent margin reduction. ‘There is so much copycatting now that there is a real danger of long-term margin erosion. It is not just in paint. I see it in other frequently bought items.’

Now that things are picking up what are the new challenges that retailers will face? ‘I have great empathy with the retailer,’ says Sean. ‘One of my concerns is this: as demand increases supply remains the same and if they decide to increase the price – as people have a bit more money – they are then criticised as riding on the bandwagon. ‘That is a real problem for the retailer. It is very unfair. ‘My view is that the retailer has suffered tremendously over the past few years and deserves a break. How then do they add value? This is the question. ‘The answer is by giving more service, advice or presenting the same product in a new environment. ‘The environment in which goods are sold is hugely important – the use of space and display to create an environment. Take for example the new Nespresso Store in Dublin. Here is retailing excellence. They use colour coded packaging etc. and the stock is not huge. They give the items space to be seen. ‘In-store you can have a complex range of products laid out in such a way as to be almost intuitive. ‘The environment in which they in are actually communicates. ‘Meanwhile of course Pareto’s law applies of course. Twenty per cent of stock accounts for eighty per cent of sales.’ Is there still room for market segmentation with regards to those sophisticated exclusive ‘higher quality’ paint ranges? ‘Yes,’ says Sean. ‘Young people are looking for that type of segmentation. Older people and wealthier people are too. ‘However,’ says Sean, ‘it’s interesting that you should mention higher quality in the same sentence as ‘sophisticated’ and ‘exclusive’. November•DEcember 2014


On The Record

Hardware & Homestyle Paul Nolan, Hardware Merchant, with Sean Browne

People assume that these paints are higher quality because of the price. But in most cases the paints are not of higher quality. They just offer a different value proposition to the consumer. Sean gives examples such as colour rarity, historic association, architect approval. ‘All have a different little twist. These twists cost the manufacturer money to communicate and there are consumers out there who like the exclusivity that high-priced goods bring. ‘That is the promise – that you won’t see this on every wall in town. ‘Those struggling in the middle are not too bothered about exclusivity but it’s the older, wealthier people and young people coming up – they prefer not to paint than use what they might see as second best. ‘Market segmentation is what it is all about. You need staff members who are advocates of course. ‘They are crucial,’ says Sean. ‘I noticed that Fleetwood have an Academy of Excellence. (The Fleetwood Academy Masterclass, as previously featured in Hardware & Homestyle). I think it’s a wonderful idea. ‘I always admired Fleetwood and I think they are very progressive as indeed are General Paints. ‘If you get the hearts and minds of people in the store it is a form of brand loyalty.


November•December 2014

‘And for them to have the confidence to advise on colour or paint types is a huge part of the marketing mix.’ Business is business and whether it is a hardware store or clothing store or another store with a different product line, there are certain basic principles you need to adhere to, Sean stresses. ‘Hardware is retailing and retailing is very much an evolving art form – it never ever, ever stays the same.’ Now we are in recovery. This brings its own challenges of course. ‘I think it is going to be hard for some people to fund a reemergence and make the jump back out,’ says Sean. ‘I think the strong will survive and maybe the very weak who don’t have big overheads. ‘I think there is a vulnerable middle sector there. They have probably to face decision making time because once things pick up – and they are – they have to make sure they are in the right shape. ‘They need to be in the right shape for the future. No one wants to go into a justsurviving store and not get what they want. ‘Consumers are more discerning and that is bad news for those who don’t have something for the discerning customer.’ This is something that is covered by Sean in his lecturing work – meeting the future’s needs. Sean has a new assignment

with CMI in the area of sales management. The students are working in various businesses. He has also been appointed industry advisor on the Enterprise Ireland/ D.I.T International Selling Programme (a year-long senior executive programme in export sales management and business growth). The CMI course he says features a very interesting cross-section of people who are looking at setting themselves up for the challenges that lie ahead. It brings us back to the value proposition concepts. ‘Those people are not on this programme just to listen to me,’ says Sean. They are there to make real change. They are there for results. I have to deliver. You can’t just give “oldhat” stuff now. ‘We are talking about the future of selling and managing selling. ‘There is an undercurrent in selling: electronics and technology, in a nutshell. The traditional travelling salesman is gone forever. It is a different selling world. There is no hiding from people. ‘Electronics, epos etc., all these things tell you in a second if something is working or not working.’ The language people are speaking is changing too, says Sean. ‘There is hardly a hardware store in Ireland that is not part of a buying group,’ he points out. ‘That is out of necessity,

out of practicality. You are selling to professional buyers. They are totally clued-in. So what do you have to do? Well, coming back to retailing, simply ‘be ready,’ stresses Sean. ‘You know,’ he says, ‘there are a lot of great retailers out there who are poor managers and equally a lot of poor retailers out there who are great managers – of everything except their retailing proposition. ‘One thing that always strikes me as odd is the relatively low level use of up-todate EPOS (electronic point of sale) systems. Either the store does not have such a system or it has the system and does not use it either properly, or indeed, at all. ‘I find it very difficult to know how one could run a business without this information. It’s a bit like driving a car without a dashboard. ‘You can do it all right, but you are taking chances and putting yourself to constant bother and risk.’ In addition, says Sean, retailers need to re-define their reason for existence. ‘Ask yourself the following questions when driving home,’ he advises. •Who is my customer •What is my value? •What sets me apart •What problems do I solve for my customer? •What benefit do I bring to that customer? •How is my pricing? •How is my promotion? ‘Product, Price, Promotion and Place were the old 4 Ps of the world famous “Marketing Mix” model,’ says Sean. ‘Now that model has been extended to include People (naturally enough) and Planning. ‘Fail to plan, and you plan to fail. You have to be on top of it all. ‘The person selling out has to speak the same language as the person coming through the door and has, in the case of the hardware arena to know more about the needs of the potential customer than the customer actually does. ‘There is a symbiosis and it needs to be recognised and understood. Far too often it is not.’ My job is to help change all that.


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18/10/2013 14:59

The Home Front

Hardware & Homestyle Situated in the heart of Dublin City, just past the Gaiety Theatre and opposite Stephen’s Green Shopping Centre on South King Street, Stock Design has been at the forefront of homewares retailing in the Capital for over forty years now. And still at the helm, Brendan Fagan is as passionate about the business as ever before. He spoke recently with Martin Foran about homewares retailing and his store’s nomination as Ireland’s first gia representative.


about homewares! For four decades Stock Design has led the way in independent homewares in Dublin city. Beginning life in 1973 on Dublin’s South William Street, there followed a move to Drury Street, and eventually in 1977, to the current premises on South King Street. ‘It was initially two premises here,’ says Brendan of the South King Street building. ‘After renovations, we created a ground floor, mezzanine levels and a top floor. ‘In 1978 we got a chance to buy the premises. We followed up by buying an old abattoir to the rear.’ From all of this Stock Design created a unique shopping destination which has attracted three generations of loyal shoppers. It is a long way from their original shop in South William Street which was just four hundred square feet in size. But some things haven’t changed. There is still that great passion for housewares, for finding new and exciting products from home and abroad at good price points. And there is still that great passion for presenting them in innovative and stylish ways to create a unique shopping experience for the customer. All of this is underpinned by the hard work of long-term, committed staff members who, Brendan says, are at the heart of the operation. ‘Angela, our first employee remained for thirty-five years with the company,’ Brendan says. ‘We are very pleased to be carrying on that tradition of wonderful employees. ‘There are probably eight or nine criteria you must fulfil to have a business but one of the most important is having good staff. Without good staff you don’t have a business. ‘Between all of our team there is a vast amount of retail experience,’ Brendan adds. ‘Of course after forty years I’m still not out of my apprenticeship yet – I’m still learning!’


In a shop this size there is a lot going on, says Brendan. ‘We have around a hundred and forty active suppliers.


November•December 2014

The Home Front

Hardware & Homestyle

‘There are new products coming on stream all the time and I put a huge amount of time and research into purchasing. We have built up a lot of good contacts over the years, solid companies who invest great care and thought into their purchasing and design and so forth. ‘We are fortunate to have a good core supplier base and that is another of the reasons that we have been successful.’ ‘We have had to modify our model somewhat over the past few years,’ Brendan continues, illustrating the ability here to change with the times. ‘At one stage during the Celtic Tiger years we invested in a 13,000 sq ft warehouse,’ he tells us. ‘We would have supplied a large number of apartments, interior designers and so forth. That has changed significantly because that business has collapsed right across Europe, not just Ireland. ‘In one region of Italy where we used to buy much of our furniture there were 1,200 factories making thirty-five million chairs a year for the world market. Now there are probably 200 factories there.’ ‘It is coming back a bit but is still nothing to what it was seven, eight or nine years ago,’ he says.

‘Thirty per cent of our business used to come from furniture. That figure is down now to about five per cent. ‘But we’ve responded well to the challenges. We managed to replace furniture with smaller items and extended our range. We have become more specialist, particularly in our Cookshop area. ‘We have a strong core product range and we are expanding that and extending our Homewares and Giftwares sections. We have a lot of interesting products that people have not seen in Ireland before. ‘So we have replaced our furniture business and are now more or less doing the same turnover we were doing in ‘07 at the height of the Celtic Tiger.’ B o b b l e has been a great success of course. Stock Design has the highest sales in the world for Bobble which is a remarkable achievement for the store. Brendan says that he knew it was going to be successful from the start. ‘When we bought it three and a half years ago we committed ourselves to large quantities – the full range. ‘The first order was substantial and it flew off the shelves and then, every two weeks after that, we were doing very large

orders. ‘We merchandise and display it very well and carry possibly two thousand units in stock in the actual store at any one time. ‘If someone wants lavender or magenta or any of the range of colours they know that Stock Design will have it.’ As for other departments we are not surprised to hear that Bakeware is huge. ‘There is a great interest there,’ says Brendan. ‘We carry everything to do with baking, all the accessories. It is a large department. ‘There is a lot of work in that area,’ says Brendan. ‘You can buy a cookie cutter 65c or e1.50 so there’s a huge amount of handling, but we have it down to a fine art in terms of our ordering and purchasing processes. As for the immediate future Stock Design is in the process of setting up a new computerised system called Lightspeed Retail. ‘We are about to go live in the early part of the New Year,’ says Brendan. ‘It will help us on the purchasing and information side.’ Meanwhile, Internet shopping has brought new challenges to traditional retail. Brendan declares however that he is not overly concerned by Internet competition. ‘I think bricks and mortar will always survive if you do it well,’ he says. ‘It’s like a good restaurant. ‘If you are looking at products on the Internet it’s all about price. I have a lot of colleagues throughout England with an online aspect to their operations but they are making very low returns for the effort that goes into it all. ‘It is price sensitive and competitive and where they were getting growth when they started it is evening off a bit now.’

November•DEcember 2014


The Home Front

Hardware & Homestyle

Introducing Ireland’s gia winner!

That’s not to say that Internet retailing wasn’t considered in Stock Design. It was talked about, but the decision was ultimately made to concentrate on what they do so well in the store. There are challenges of course. ‘We have to create an interesting ambience – to make it interesting for people to come in and enjoy the shopping experience,’ says Brendan. ‘If they are sitting in their front room and ordering online they don’t get that experience. It is hard to beat the feel and touch of a product in your hand. ‘There are a lot of branded products sold on-line now. We feel that while a lot of design input goes into them there are also a lot of comparable, useful, functional products that are possibly a half or a third of the price and I think consumers are beginning to


November•December 2014

Hardware & Homestyle magazine is proud to present the first ever gia Ireland representative. The accolade goes to Stock Design, an icon in homewares retailing in Dublin City for four decades. gia was created with the objective of fostering innovation and excellence in housewares retailing throughout the world and we believe that Stock Design will fit comfortably within this tradition. Stock Design and the other national representatives – selected by housewares trade publications in their respective countries – will participate in the global competition question the appeal of at the International Home + Housewares Show in March next year. the big name brands.’ Up to five retailers will be further honoured as gia Global Honorees This is just one of based on the determination of a distinguished panel of international the ways in which retail experts. Brendan has noticed that In addition, one national customers have changed. winner is selected for the ‘People are more travelled Martin M. Pegler Award nowadays,’ he adds of the for Excellence in Visual growing sophistication Merchandising. he has witnessed. Since the inception of ‘They are very aware the awards in 1999, there of what is happening have been over 250 gia worldwide. And they are retail winners, from over 30 very interested in their countries. homes and rightly so. their children and sometimes says. ‘They come in with clear ‘If it’s on for five days I go even grandchildren. ideas of what they want.’ ‘Having two or three for the full five. You pick up a And if the staff members generations know us and lot from talking to people, from are loyal it appears that so too our reputation is remarkable contacts, from colleagues you are the customers of Stock and it gives me tremendous have met in the past, about Design. ‘We have longstanding what is happening. satisfaction.’ customer relationships with ‘That’s very important. When many of our clientele,’ says I come back I assess what I’ve Brendan. seen and take time to reflect ‘There are customers who After forty years Brendan on things. I take reams of have been shopping with works hard at keeping on notes when I go abroad.’ us since 1973 and it’s very top of the latest trends and On that note, Brendan interesting as a retailer to see products. ‘If I go to a trade fair mentions a number of these customers coming in with I go for the full duration,’ he


The Home Front

Hardware & Homestyle

Highest sales in the world for

Bobble! ‘Out of thirty-two thousand shops worldwide we have highest sales of Bobble products, says Brendan Fagan. ‘We are very proud of this. ‘It is a superb achievement for us and I feel a great sense of pride when I go to international trade fairs and am introduced as being from the leading independent store in the world for sales.’ So, how do they do it? It’s a question that has been asked at director and senior executive level at the supplier company. But there is no doubting the achievement. There’s even an official certificate to prove their success which takes pride of place by the display. In fact there is no secret. ‘It’s quite simple,’ says Brendan. ‘When we sell a Bobble we explain the benefits of the product and, as we have the items positioned close to the till area, other customers will often overhear and pick up on the merits of using a Bobble.’ And so a sort of chain reaction or ripple effect tends to be created amongst shoppers in the store. ‘That is the sort of personal service that you don’t find on the Internet,’ says Brendan. ‘It’s not just about putting it on the shelf. ‘Professional knowledge available to each customer – that’s the key to our sales. ‘And of course design-wise it’s an iconic product!’ products that have impressed him of late. ‘Probably our best product this year is a German product called the Spiralfix food slicer,’ he says. He is also particularly fond of Joseph Joseph. ‘They are a very interesting company,’ he says of the twin brothers’

started. ‘We have been with them since then and they are real innovators in our industry. They are also very nice people to deal with. ‘I would say they bring out around 30-35 products a year. You walk into a store and see a section of Joseph Joseph and it’s like walking into a store where Apple products are sold. ‘Joseph Joseph products have the same sort of impact. ‘People also indentify with the products. Every year they have exciting and interesting items, great colours and functionality. The prices are also sensible.’ Bodum is another very good range, says Brendan. ‘Le Creuset is also a great brand. We do Black + Blum. They do interesting lunchboxes and other products. Also there is New Zealand company, Sistema who produce a good range of lunch boxes at excellent price points.’

Products, says Brendan, have certainly improved over the years. ‘Now companies have their own design teams,’ he notes. ‘It has all become more specialist and sophisticated. ‘A lot of our suppliers have spent serious money on product and packaging design. Products have evolved and have become much more userfriendly too. ‘It’s like with technology – ten or fifteen years ago a phone was a phone. Now they are pocket computers. ‘Everything has changed for the better. There are many fascinating products coming on stream at the moment. ‘It’s an exciting business to be in and I’ve met some very interesting people over the years in Ireland and internationally. That is probably one of the reasons that I have no intention of retiring just yet! ‘In forty years I can honestly say I’ve never had a boring day!’

organisation. ‘I first met them in Frankfurt in 1999. Their father’s business was making mirrors – side and wing mirrors for cars. So they had some expertise in glass in the family. ‘They designed a range of glass boards. That is how they November•DEcember 2014


Show Feature

Hardware & Homestyle

The 2015 HAI Hardware trade show looking good! The HAI Hardware trade show is almost upon us and excitement is building throughout the trade! A range of companies who will be exhibiting took time out to talk to Hardware & Homestyle. Centurion Europe. ‘A whole lot more from Centurion Europe’. Centurion Europe, the leading wholesaler and distributor, which supplies over 25,000 products, is showcasing its extensive general hardware range, including lines from nails, screws, nuts, bolts and fixings to hooks, braces and locks at The Hardware Show in Dublin next February. The general hardware range is presented in new one piece construction packaging – not only excellent from a recycling and environmental aspect but it also allows a high degree of clarity, considerably increasing consumer appeal and the potential for impulse purchase. Operating from its purpose-built manufacturing and distribution facility, Centurion Europe has developed into more than a wholesaler by helping customers to increase their revenue with innovative and relevant initiatives designed to boost their business. The competitively priced range is truly comprehensive and is backed by the company’s commitment to ensuring excellent stock availability and


November•December 2014

fast delivery. Centurion Europe also offers help with merchandising, putting together tailored packages for different markets, a service on which it prides itself. To see the extensive range, visit Centurion Europe on Stand T4 at The Hardware Show this coming February. For more information on Centurion Europe, visit www.centurioneurope.co.uk or call 0044 1302 788700. Find them on Facebook, Twitter @CenturionEurope or visit www.centurioneurope.co.uk •Centurion Europe Ltd is a UK-based distributor and wholesaler of over 25,000 products including hardware, DIY, gardening and plumbing, electrical and essential household lines. •The Doncaster-based business has been supplying products since 1984 and is celebrating 30 years in business. •The company distributes to 7000 customers across Europe and employs close to 100 staff at its purpose-built 80,000 square foot manufacturing and distribution facility. •The company offers customers a range of merchandising solutions and prides itself on its 99.5% order accuracy and 24hour despatch turnaround. Dargan Tools. Niall Dargan tells us that ‘after several years of austerity we look forward to a good business show again.

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Power washers & Generators

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Show Feature All the indicators are that things are getting better at a much faster pace than heretofore. ‘We very much look forward to meeting our existing customers and making some new ones. ‘We invite everyone to visit us at Stand B15.’ Dargans will be exhibiting their core range of Handtools / Tool bars. They will also have additional items, new to their hand tools plumbing tools and abrasives ranges. ‘We will be launching our new agency with Stanley Adhesives and Sealants as we are the sole distributor for Ireland North and South,’ we are further told. ‘Other new lines will include Power Washers in 5.5 and 6.5 hp and Generators in 5.5, 7 and 11 hp.’ Also watch out for: Garden Strimmers, Petrol Leaf Blower / Vacuum and Electric Hedge Trimmer from Dargans. ‘With a new emphasis on health and fitness we will be exhibiting the newest Hybrid Bicycle from the leading manufacturer of mountain bikes and hybrid bikes in Taiwan,’ says Niall. ‘Also the folding bike from the same manufacturer – a must in every family for outdoor pursuits. ‘Just pop it in the car or family transporter – unfold in a single movement at destination and cycle away.’ As for chemical products for outdoor use, look out for: ‘Our flagship Moss Killer, MOSS BOSS and our Outdoor Cleaner, Boss Quad for Stone, Patio Tarmacadam and Decking, Wall Stain Remover, Red Brick Cleaner, Drain Boss – to unblock and free up those drains after winter. Dominic Fleming Electrical. ‘Introducing the NightWatcher Security Light: The security light that locks on and tracks intruders’. The NightWatcher Security Light with 720p Camera and SD Recorder is a proven and effective method of deterring intruders

Hardware & Homestyle From Dominic Fleming Electrical

from entering your home or business. The NightWatcher is a patent pending motion tracking feature, built into a PIR lamp. The NightWatcher NW720 detects motion within the 220° field of vision of the PIR and turns the lamp and camera to point directly at the intruder. As the intruder moves across the viewing range, the motorised NightWatcher lamp head takes aim and records 720p video or high resolution still images, providing valuable photographic evidence in the event of burglary or theft.


•3X passive infrared sensors with a total detection zone of 220° •Built-in 720p camera records video or images to built-in SD recorder •Powerful yet energy saving AC LED designed to deliver a bright 1000 lumens output •Robotic head rotates left and right with total movement of 210° •Supplied with 2GB SD card (maximum storage capacity 64GB) •IP55 Rated •Available in black or white

Specifications •Detection Method – Passive Infrared Sensor (with continuous detect function) •Material – Cast metal/plastic •Power Supply – AC240V 50Hz •Light Rotation Angle – 210° •PIR Detection Area – 10m x 220° (maximum) •Light-up Time – 3 Minutes (return to centre) •Waterproof Rating – IP55 Dominic Fleming Electrical is a family run distribution company serving the whole country. They source and supply 1,000’s of lines in many categories: Electrical, Electronics, Home Security, Lighting, TV & AV accessories, Smart Home Technology, Batteries, Small Domestic Appliances, Tablets, Cables, TV Brackets & Furniture, Vacuum Bags, Satellite, service includes, delivery, pricing, merchandising, etc.. Deanta Doors is a 100% Irish owned company in business since 2004. ‘We design and manufacture a wide range of real wood veneered interior doors, frames, skirting and architrave creating

Benefits of using lime-based mortars: from Clogrennane Masonry structures built with lime-based mortars contribute to: • Healthy indoor environment • Improved aesthetics • Longer life of the building • Ease and low cost of Maintenance Low water penetration. The unique properties of lime allow for a continuous uniform bond between the mortar and masonry unit. These properties mean that the masonry is less susceptible to water penetration while allowing breathability and moisture control. Increased breathability & moisture control. Although limebased mortars are better at withstanding water penetration, they also allow the moisture trapped in the masonry to evaporate through the mortar which reduces related damage to masonry. In addition, the lower potential for condensation and damp contributes to a healthy indoor environment. Reduced cracking. Lime-based mortars reduce the risk of major cracks occurring.


November•December 2014

Less efflorescence. Lime-based mortars reduce efflorescence, which are white stains and deposits on masonry and render surfaces. Easier & cheaper building maintenance. Lime-based mortars are easier to remove and replace when necessary. This means easier maintenance on older buildings. Workability & water retention resulting in optimum material use and productivity. When lime is used in a mortar, it allows the mix to hold a greater amount of water and has a lubricating effect which improves the plasticity of the mortar. Lime-based mortars usually have a longer ‘spot’ life – the mortar remains plastic and usable for a longer time after mixing, increasing productivity. Mortars with these properties are generally appreciated by craftspersons, promoting good workmanship with better joint filling and finishing. This increased productivity can lead to improved economy in use and less waste. www.irishlime.com

Show Feature

Hardware & Homestyle

Colm Warren Polyhouses

Covering Ireland since 1976 ‘Start talking to us now about our canopy structures and covered outdoor areas,’ is the message from Colm Warren Polyhouses. ‘Protect your stock and customers from the unpredictable Irish weather.’

History Colm Warren Polyhouses Ltd (CWP Ltd) have a long history providing canopies and buildings to a large and diverse client base. Over the years as a family-owned business they have proven themselves in many areas – from their origins in horticulture and agriculture through to their school and retail clients of the present. It is this respected expertise that ensures that they are able to continue expanding the range of markets that they serve. Choosing a canopy from Colm Warren Polyhouses Ltd (CWP Ltd) can help you to: • Prolong your customers’ length of stay and spend whilst at your shop/attraction. • Create feature entrances and unique visual impact retail attractions to attract visitors. • Maximise visitor numbers and shelter social, dining, communal and play areas from the weather. • Cost-effective structures do not require huge financial outlay and generally the return in investment quickly repays the cost of them. • Exploit under-utilised outdoor space and convert into profit-making ‘demo’ areas or workshops. • Attract customers into areas they wouldn’t normally visit using covered walkways etc. • Protect exposed stock areas, trolley bays, pickup or loading bays etc from the weather. If you have an idea or an under-used space, the team at Colm Warren Polyhouses Ltd would be delighted to work with you in providing solutions that will enhance your existing environment. Create new covered spaces according to your budget and at the fraction of the cost of traditional buildings.

Talk to us ‘Our structures facilitate changing circumstances and can be extended or upgraded at any stage,’ is the message. ‘If you have an existing canopy, talk to us now about an upgrade or extension. ‘Our advice is free and we can arrange for a free consultation and visit to discuss the various options to suit your budget.’ Contact: Colm Warren Polyhouses Ltd (CWP Ltd), Kilmurray, Trim, Co. Meath. Tel: +353 (0)46 9546007. Email: info@cwp.ie / Website: www.cwp.ie

Suppliers to the Hardware Trade

•Brushware •Mops •Floor Cleaners •Mats & Rugs •Paint Brushes •Paint Rollers •Sundries Unit 1 Greenhills Industrial Estate Greenhills Road, Walkinstown Dublin 15 T: 01 450 1150 F: 01 450 1209




November•December 2014

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Every roll inspired by you

• For the latest from Tala Tools visit our new website and keep up-to-date with the latest product releases, news and promotions • Visit talatools.com Tala Tools, Magna Drive, Magna Business Park, Citywest, Dublin 24. Ireland Tel. +353 1 467 7000, Freefax: 1800 451999, Email: sales@tucksobrien.ie, Web: www.tucksobrien.ie

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NW720 Robotic LED Security Light with 720p Camera & SD Recorder


The security light that locks on and tracks intruders.

•Mats •Domestic Brushware •Mops •Household Textiles •Household Plastics •Professional Hygiene •Paint Brushes •Paint Rollers •Abrasives

Detection Zone



The NightWatcher Security Light is a proven and effective method of deterring intruders from entering your home or business. The NightWatcher is a patent pending motion tracking feature, built into a PIR lamp.

3X passive infrared sensors with with a total

Specifications Detection Method

detection zone of 220° Built-in 720p camera records video or images to

Passive Infrared Sensor (with continuous detect function)


Cast metal/plastic

Power Supply

AC240V 50Hz

deliver a bright 1000 lumens output

Light Rotation Angle


Robotic head rotates left and right with total

PIR Detection Area

10m x 220° (maximum)

Light-up Time

3 Minutes (return to centre)

Waterproof Rating


built-in SD recorder Powerful yet energy saving AC LED designed to

The NightWatcher NW720 detects motion within the 220° field of vision of the PIR and turns the lamp and camera to point directly at the intruder. As the intruder moves across the viewing range, the motorised NightWatcher lamp head takes aim, records 720p video or high resolution still images, providing valuable photographic evidence in the event of burglary or theft.

movement of 210° Supplied with 2GB SD card (maximum storage capacity 64GB)


IP55 Rated Available in black or white

240v AC-LED



Dosco Business Park, South Douglas Road, Cork, Ireland. Tel: 021 4892813 Fax: 021 4893180 Email: info@dosco.ie Website: www.dosco.ie

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16/12/2014 15:30

Show Feature

Hardware & Homestyle


employment for over 50 Irish workers,’ we are told. ‘Our innovative designs have set the standard in modern and contemporary internal doors. ‘We are driven by three simple ideals: Delivering a quality product, excellence in customer service and a determination to continue innovating and leading the field in Interior Doors. ‘Here at Deanta we are very proud to now be fully FSC certified. The Forest Stewardship Council is an independent, not for profit, non-government international agency that promotes the use of harvested wood, which is wood gathered from well-managed forests. ‘The FSC sets standards that reflect agreed-upon principles for responsible forestry management and certification bodies that certify the achievement of those standards by specific forests or woodlands. ‘These certification bodies audit each company and their supply chains back to FSC certified sources and because of this everything manufactured in the Deanta factory from August 2014 is FSC certified making Deanta one of a few manufacturers in the world who are ensuring all their products are fully FSC. ‘By choosing a Deanta door you are

getting a 10-year manufacturing warranty, solid wood on all our beaded doors, 18mm solid strips for easy fitting, high density PBC core, real American veneer insuring unrivalled quality and all our fire doors are fully tested and certified. ‘With over 50,000 doors in stock in our Tralee based warehouse we have our own truck delivery throughout Ireland on a weekly basis. ‘For further information please feel free to call us on 066 719 4828 or visit us on www.deantawood.co.uk.’ Dosco is ‘preparing for all your DIY and Garden cleaning needs’, we are told. ‘DOSCO is Irelands’ only manufacturer of Paint Brushes and household brushes and this year celebrates over 130 years in Business. ‘This by any standard is a huge milestone. It is also a testament to the service levels and quality products that have been provided to its customers over the years.’ The DOSCO Paint Brush is manufactured in Cork in what is a modern production unit. Its skilled workforce craft all DOSCO paint brushes to highest standards. Every DOSCO brush is made with 100% Pure Bristle to give maximum performance. DOSCO is very proud to carry the Guaranteed Irish Logo on all its paint

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CURUST INDUSTRIES LTD. Units 12 & 13, Southern Cross Business Park, Bray, Co. Wicklow, Ireland. Tel: +353 1 276 0800. Fax: +353 1 276 0799. email: info@curust.ie Lowe M&M Half Page A4 c.indd 1

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November•DEcember 2014


Show Feature

Hardware & Homestyle brushes. The range of paint brushes is vast with all requirements covered. ‘The market leading V21 range is perfect for most DIY projects and offers a quality bristle product at a reasonable price. The Dosco Prodex range uses synthetic fibres for ultrafine finishing.’ The Dosco DIY range of goods continues to grow. As well as paint brushes Dosco supplies Rollers, Roller sets, Sandpaper, Masking Tape, Dustsheets and decorating accessories. Approaching the summer painting season the Dosco Shed and fence products and masonry set will be in great demand. ‘For your garden and outdoor cleaning you’re fully covered with Dosco also. Dosco supplies a vast range of outdoor brooms and brushes from deck scrubs to the Dosco Yard brush. ‘For those with larger areas to cover there is also a selection of larger patio brooms. ‘When Planning your DIY decorating projects and general outdoor cleaning in the spring summer season choose the name that you can trust .A Dosco product is a quality product that you can trust.’ The show takes place at Citywest Hotel Conference & Event Centre, 15 – 16 February 2015.


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November•December 2014

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Material Handling

Hardware & Homestyle

Material World

‘Toyota – best-selling material handling equipment in the world’ In addition to manufacturing cars and light commercials, Toyota are manufacturers and suppliers of world-leading material handling products. Included here are a wide range of forklifts.


Based on the Killeen Road in Dublin 12. Toyota Ireland and Toyota Material handling are 100% Irish-owned – having been set up in 1973 by the Mahony family. Just six years before this Toyota had established its first forklift dealership and sold its first forklift in the US. Over the years Toyota has continued to evolve its Lift Truck product line and global distribution. Toyota Ireland distributes motor vehicles and forklift trucks to the Irish market. Over the years Toyota Ireland has firmly established the Toyota brand as a household name here.

not to mention our genuine parts, driver are 56 main car dealers while there are training courses, and safer five dedicated dealers looking after Than the ever. The new Traigofinancial 80. Moresolutions producTive, and More energy efficienT more. material handling products. it moves faster through the aisles, handling both heavy loads and are tight corners balance. it combines agile These locatedwithinperfect Kilkenny, Sligo, leading edge technology with sheer robustness and stability. And it does all this with 20% higher energy efficiency th Cork and Dublin – where there are two making it the most energy efficient truck on the market. Toyota is indeed progress on wheels. dealers. www.toyota-forklifts.ie ‘All the benefits, peace of mind and value Toyota Material Handling Ireland’s ‘Our dealers have over thirty years’ managing director is Terry O’Reilly. Terry for money that Toyota provides to make knowledge and experience selling Toyota tells us: ‘Toyota material handling Ireland it the number one seller of motor cars in products,’ says Terry. Ireland are also available in its material brings to the market the full range of ‘In a market where there are over 30 handling range,’ points out Terry: www.toyota-forklifts.ie or Toyota Material handling ireland at Toyota ireland, Killeen road, dublin 12. Tel: 01 4190200. Toyota and BT products – offering the In recent years, Toyota’s success different brands, Toyota has been a customers a one-stop-shop for all material was recognised when German material consistent leader and trusted partner for handling needs. 4848_TY_Traigo80_Ad_A5_Landscape.indd handling magazine 1 DHF Intralogistik many customers over the years.’ ‘From hand trucks, pallet trucks, reach named Toyota industries Corporation Toyota is the best selling Material trucks and stackers to gas, diesel and (TICO) the global number one in handling Handling Equipment in the world and is electric counterbalance trucks, we offer material equipment for 2010-2011. famous for its reliability, technological the widest product range in the business.’ DHF Intralogistik named TICO the Terry states that the Toyota brand ‘gives sector leader in its world ranking list, advancement and overall value for money, customers peace of mind’ that they will 2010-2011, based on sale of material which points out Terry. ‘Being part of Toyota Group undoubtedly be looked after in all aspects – before and amounted to 4.172 billion euros. brings strength to our organisation after the sale. with Toyota R+D capabilities, financial ‘Our service offering is top level too’, Terry resources and proven work methods – as says. ‘From forklift maintenance by expert technicians to business solutions such as The company has gone from strength to exemplified by the ‘Toyota Way’ and the rental, financing and fleet management – strength over the years. In Ireland there Toyota Production System.

Full range


Strength to strength

A message from Irish Lift Trucks: ‘11 reasons why the Hyster H2.0-3.5 tonne is tough enough for your business.’ Widely regarded as the toughest forklifts in the industry, the Hyster® Fortens™ series of IC trucks has undergone a transformation with new engines and mast options. Designed for demanding 24-hour operations, including operating on ramps, in extreme temperatures and making aggressive direction changes, Hyster Fortens trucks continue to excel where other brands fail to take the strain. Here are 11 reasons why the Hyster Fortens is perfectly suited


November•December 2014

to paper, wood, metal and a range of tough manufacturing and logistics operations.

1. New tough mast with 50% more visibility

Hyster has redeveloped the mast on its 2-3.5 tonne ICE and electric forklifts to give drivers maximum fork visibility, resulting in faster cycle times and greater productivity. The tough mast featured on the 2-3.5 tonne IC forklift trucks

Material Handling has recently been redeveloped to enable maximum fork visibility for the operator, faster cycle times and greater productivity. Hyster has optimised the 180 degree panoramic field of vision by enlarging the window through the mast, increasing the distance between the channels by 50% or more and repositioning the chains and hose routings. The new 3-stage FFL (full free lift) and 2-stage LFL (limited free lift) mast designs include changes to the structure that increase rigidity and hydraulic hose life. This helps to further reduce the total cost of ownership, through the benefit of extended service life. Mast lowering speeds have also increased, with tests showing that it is possible to handle two extra loads per hour, per truck, leading to significant productivity improvements across a fleet we are told. To make mixed load applications more efficient, Hyster has also released sideshift fork positioner carriage options for the new masts.

and air filter restriction, as well as the coolant level, help to protect the major components of Hyster Fortens IC trucks.

4.Stopping Power

Brake maintenance is significantly reduced as a result of Auto Deceleration and can be virtually eliminated, even with a wide variety of driving styles, thanks to the oil immersed brakes, available as an option on the 2-3.5 tonne Hyster Fortens models.

5.Tough on output, not on the driver

High impact resistant cabs are designed to be tough on the outside but comfortable on the inside. For applications that expose operators to extreme temperatures or harsh weather conditions, fully enclosed cabs can also be fitted with heating or air conditioning systems.


The patented Hyster Stability Mechanism™ (HSM) provides side-stability by limiting steer axle articulation. The HSM operates through a rubber suspension block, which is 100% maintenance free and improves ride quality over uneven surfaces.

7.Tough frame construction

The tough frame construction featured across the Fortens range has been thoroughly tested for strength and rigidity and also provides a firm platform to lift capacity loads to full height for over 100 thousand lift cycles.

2.Tough transmission

Exclusive to Hyster, the electronically controlled DuraMatch™ transmission provides smoother directional changes to eliminate shock loading in the toughest applications. The DuraMatch transmission offers state-of-the-art features managed by the VSM (Vehicle System Manager), such as the Auto Deceleration System and the additional Controlled Power Reversal feature, which assist driver control and contribute to extended brake and tyre life, by reducing wheel-spin and tyre scrubbing. These features also reduce transmission shock loadings, resulting in extended component life and lower operating costs.

3.Protected Components

Continuous monitoring of the hydraulic


November•December 2014

Hardware & Homestyle

8.High Performance Tough on time and products moved and low on fuel

Two operator control settings are programmed into the Hyster Fortens range. A HiP (High Performance) performance setting is the standard operating mode, but for operations looking to further reduce fuel consumption, the ECO-eLo mode can be activated. This reduces the maximum engine speed and makes the engine response less aggressive, resulting in significant fuel savings for a nominal reduction in overall productivity rates. High productivity is a characteristic of Hyster products and Fortens LPG powered trucks have been recorded moving up to 65 loads per hour under test conditions. Fuel consumption can be as little as 3 litres per hour based on H2.5FT equipped

with Yanmar 2.6litre diesel engine, load sensing hydraulics and PSS tyres, when tested on the industry standard VDI 2198 fuel consumption cycle.

9.Hydraulics – Tough when needed

Load Sensing Hydraulics (LSH), featuring Variable Displacement Pump (VDP) technology, help to reduce the demand of the hydraulic systems on the engine. Increased hydraulic flow is only delivered when required to power the major hydraulic functions, including lifting and attachment operation. Load Sensing Hydraulics are responsive to the demands of the application at any given time, so power is not wasted and fuel consumption is reduced.

10.Tough over time

Hyster® forklift trucks maintain high residual values throughout their working life and this is directly attributable to their design values of strength and durability. The Hyster Fortens is built for demanding materials handling operations and offers customers excellent returns on investment.

11.Tough on time

To maximise utilisation and uptime in operation, the Hyster® Tracker wireless access monitoring system enables customers to measure and manage truck performance so they can see at all times the benefit of using Hyster® trucks. Some of the key system benefits include asset protection through impact monitoring, cost management and downtime control. Cost factors are recorded wirelessly through the HysterTracker.com portal, which can be accessed by Hyster dealers and customers simply and effectively by using a desktop, laptop or tablet. For more information: www. irishlifttrucks.ie or call (01) 403 4100



50% greater visibility through new mast* Integrated side shift positioner saves operator time Fuel consumption as little as 3 litres per hour**

SEE FOR YOURSELF WHY THE H2.0-3.5FT IS A STRONGER PROPOSITION: VISIT WWW.IRISHLIFTTRUCKS.IE Irish Lift Trucks, Clonlara Avenue, Baldonnell Business Park, Baldonnell, Dublin 22, Ireland t. (+353) 01 4034100, f. (+353) 01 4034183, e. info@irishlifttrucks.ie A member of



* Measured visibility increase of 57% on 2-Stage limited freelift mast and 47% on 3-stage mast, when equipped with 2 additional hydraulic services ** Based on H2.5FT equipped with Yanmar 2.6litre diesel engine, load sensing hydraulics and PSS tyres, when tested on the industry standard VDI 2198 fuel consumption cycle. HYSTER, the Hyster logo and STRONG PARTNERS, TOUGH TRUCKS.TM are registered trademarks, service marks or registered marks in the United States and certain other jurisdictions.

Whatever your business objective...

The New

Make it Happen

Every business is unique. That is why the new Toyota Tonero engine-powered forklift has been designed with the most advanced features in the areas of safety, productivity, durability, comfort and the environment. Developed with the unique Tonero+ formula to suit specific needs, the Toyota Tonero is the perfect partner for a successful business. Tonero+ Select the right formula for your business. www.toyota-forklifts.ie www.toyota-tonero.eu Contact: Toyota Material Handling Ireland at Toyota Ireland, Killeen Road, Dublin 12. Tel: 01 4190200.

Tech Talk

Hardware & Homestyle

In the past, ERP technology has been slow to change but the last few years have seen some major forces at work, writes Mark McArdle, Intact software.

Four tech trends shaping the ERP industry New technologies are enabling software providers to develop systems that are more open and flexible than ever before. Mobile phones and tablets have increased the desire for executives and staff to access real-time information wherever they are. SaaS and cloud options have opened the door to new ways of acquiring ERP software. Whatever you’re current situation, it’s worth noting the following new and continuing trends currently affecting enterprise software.

Increased sales channels

With so many selling options available, the retail landscape is changing. Today there are more channels to sell through and higher customer expectations to meet. People are now looking for the flexibility to shop anywhere at any time, but retain the ability to go in store to pick items up. The year 2014 has seen plenty of momentum in the market for integrated eCommerce solutions and the revenue potential is exciting. A webshop is a great way for businesses today to increase sales, maximise resources and streamline their processes. It is however easy to lose sight of the challenges and extra work involved in setting up an online store. Operating a multi-channel sales strategy needs thorough planning and to be supported by the technology required to take advantage of the many benefits it offers. To maximize operational efficiency, you’ll need to consider multi-channel integration as part of your implementation. This will enable you to take full advantage of the customer service, revenue and profit potential a multi-channel sales model can offer.

ERP in the cloud or as SaaS

Cloud applications have been advancing steadily into everyday business for some time now. While many SMEs are eager to explore cloud options, they are less likely to invest in cloud-based ERP (a hosted service delivered over the Internet) once they’ve assessed the viability of it for their business. To date we have found Irish businesses

are still favouring on-premises ERP solutions at this time; most citing the reliability of their broadband connection as the main reason for not choosing the cloud. While this has been our experience to date this shouldn’t stop you from investigating it for your business. Accessing your business applications offsite may suit your business model. Software as a service (SaaS) is essentially ‘renting’ ERP software as opposed to the capital expenditure model. Using the SaaS model, companies can reduce the upfront costs normally associated with the traditional method of purchasing. There are pros and cons to either method but the SaaS model allows SMEs to install ERP software that normally may have been out of reach by paying a peruser-per-month fee. Again, this is another option worth considering when next upgrading your software.

Mark McArdle

Increased mobility

Being mobile in business continues to be a big trend. Both management and employees want real-time access to information, regardless of where they are. The days of accessing your ERP system from one or two computers are long gone. Company staff members are increasingly looking to have instant access to the information they need on their phones and tablets. Key business roles, including staff working in logistics, warehouse management, field sales and servicing, are relying more on mobile solutions to arm them with the latest data and aid in their decision making. Software providers are now offering more compelling and secure ways for employees to accomplish this, so look out for increased adoption of mobile solutions in the future.

More fluid customisation

Traditional ERP systems are being replaced with more open and flexible architectures. This is fundamentally transforming the way ERP software is being implemented and customised to keep up with a business’s constant need

Remember, with the right software even small firms can gain equal footing with large companies.

to improve their processes. The opportunity to instil a culture of ‘if things aren’t right, suggest ways of improving them’ has never before been encouraged due to the historical cost and time involved in getting program changes made. Modern ERP technologies are now enabling businesses to cost-effectively continue to seek new and improved ways to run their business. This is allowing them to achieve a higher level of customer satisfaction and make more informed business decisions; leading to more profitable growth. The latest ERP software is designed for the way people work today but has the robust functionality and adaptability to support how people will work tomorrow. If researching new systems it is crucial to be aware of the latest trends and functionality so that you can make the best informed decision. Remember, with the right software even small firms can gain equal footing with large companies. November•DEcember 2014


HR Guidebook

Hardware & Homestyle

In years gone by when things were not working out with a particular member of staff an employer could simply invite them down the pub and have a chat over a beer and a sandwich – and discreetly – suggest an amicable parting of the ways. A perfectly acceptable practice – particularly for small businesses where dealing with staff was a far less formal affair. You see I am not against protecting the rights of staff in the workplace. There’s little doubt the raft of employment legislation from the EU has brought about considerable improvement in working conditions of staff and employee relations since we joined. However, like any other highly regulated environment the workplace has been inundated with legislation that can be seen as both superfluous and nonsensical. As a result, employers, anxious about frivolous lawsuits, often dig in when there is any sign of a dispute with an employee rather than trying to resolve the issue before it escalates. Food and drink for lawyers but bad for business and in the long run, employees.


Can we talk? – the ‘protected conversation’ Times have changed and with the proliferation of employment legislation, cozy little chats like those outlined above could come back to bite – even if both parties were mutually happy with the outcome.


So I was intrigued to read about the latest EU legal developments with regard to having those ‘off the record’ chats, most notably with the introduction of ‘Pre-Termination Negotiations’ and the ‘protected conversation’ in July of last year.


November•December 2014

So how could the introduction of an obscure piece of legislation like the PTN possibly help the small employer? Well, put simply, it gives the employer the opportunity to terminate the employment of potentially problematic workers before things spiral out of hand – safe in the knowledge that it can’t be held against them later through legal redress. About time! At long last a piece of employment legislation that actually makes common sense not just for the small business but for their employees as well.

It is quite often the case that employees who feel that things are not going as well as expected in a new role would welcome the chance of a quiet unfussy exit where they can agree an easy ‘out’ with reputations intact. Legislation like the PTNs will allow both sides to venture above their defensive parapets to try to reach an agreement through reasonable discussion without the fear of getting shot at, or in this case, sued. If of course, an agreement cannot be reached then, by all means batten down the hatches and call in the lawyers. And get ready for a long, protracted and often costly legal action where more often than not, there are no winners. But the fact is, situations like this could be prevented if employers had the freedom to talk and arbitrate with disgruntled employees who are looking for a way out without losing face. The idea behind ‘protected conversations’ was to fill this gap by allowing exactly this by letting employers initiate termination discussions with immunity to subsequent litigation. Knowing that a few well-chosen words spoken ‘Off the Record, on the QT’ can prevent a dispute and work out to everyone’s advantage will certainly hearten small business owners.

So what does this all mean in practice?

Under ‘Pre-termination Negotiations’ any discussion (usually instigated by the employer) to try to reach what is essentially a ‘compromise agreement’ with a problematic employee can not be admissible in an unfair dismissal

HR Guidebook

Hardware & Homestyle

‘The law governing employment can be a grey area, especially legislation that’s in its infancy.’ proceeding later. However, as things stand currently, employers can discuss a settlement with an employee to resolve any dispute on a ‘without prejudice’ basis which means that it (the conversation) cannot be referred to in any future tribunal court as this could be seen as an admission of fault and prejudice the case, hence ‘Without Prejudice’. So what is different about the PTN? Well it’s the ‘dispute’ that is key. Prior to the PTN it was only where there was a recognised pre-existing employment dispute that the employer could rely on the ‘without prejudice’ clause. Significantly, employers can now preempt a possible employment dispute by intervening with a conversation to discuss options to remove a poorly performing employee without having to go through lengthy disciplinary or capability procedures with the same reassurance of a ‘without prejudice’ clause. However, as any legal specialist will tell you the law governing employment can be a grey area, especially legislation that’s in it’s infancy. PTNs are only inadmissible in ordinary unfair dismissal proceedings, for example dealing with cases of poor performance, persistent absenteeism, negligence or misconduct. Where there is an ‘automatic unfair’ reason for dismissal i.e. pregnancy, dismissals for asserting a statutory right, health and safety reasons, trade union membership or participation etc., then PTNs will be admissible in a tribunal. And although employers now have the freedom to hold ‘protected conversations’, they can be admissible where any subsequent claims are made for say racial discrimination or whistle blowing. So when entering into an ‘off the record’ discussion with an employee it is

important to be aware of some dos and don’ts (as recommended by the Acas code of practice).


•Even if the initial proposal is made orally, make sure that it is ultimately put in writing in order for it to be legally binding. •Allow the employee a reasonable amount of time to consider the offer. As a general rule, Acas recommends a minimum period of 10 days ‘unless the parties agree otherwise’. •Allow the employee an opportunity to discuss the proposals face to face, and agree a time and a place. •While it is not a legal requirement, it is ‘good practice’ to allow the employee to be accompanied to the meeting if they wish. This could be a colleague or a trade union representative. •Where employer and employee have agreed on the terms of any termination then a settlement agreement should be signed. •Terminate the employee’s contract either with the required contractual notice, or from a date specified in the agreement. •Include details of any payments to be made to the employee and the timing of such payments.


•Allow fewer than 10 days for consideration of a settlement offer unless you have specifically agreed a shorter time frame with the employee. The employee will need time to consider the terms of the settlement agreement and receive independent advice. •Be unclear about the reason why the settlement offer is being made. There is a risk that behaviour during the course of the discussions could itself form the basis of a claim. For instance, mentioning retirement might involve potential for an age discrimination claim or a discussion about ‘ending employment’ with a woman on maternity leave could potentially be discriminatory on grounds of sex. The Acas code states that ‘it may be helpful’ if reasons for the proposal are given when the proposal is made. •Refuse out of hand to accommodate requests that the employee might make

for a meeting i.e. allowing them to be accompanied. •Engage in any ‘improper behaviour’ that may make the pre-termination negotiations admissible in any subsequent tribunal proceedings. What might constitute ‘improper behaviour’ is ultimately for a tribunal to decide on the facts and circumstances of each case. However, the Acas code sites all forms of harassment, bullying and intimidation, including through the use of offensive words or aggressive behaviour; physical assault or the threat of physical assault and other criminal behaviour; all forms of victimisation; discrimination; and putting undue pressure on a party i.e. not giving reasonable time for the employee to consider the proposed agreement or essentially threatening the employee by saying, before any form of disciplinary process has begun that they will be dismissed if the proposal is rejected.

My view

As it stands employment tribunals have a wide discretion to decide on what was said or done in a pre-termination negotiation will be inadmissible as evidence. It remains to be seen how this discretion will be exercised. While the regulatory impact of the PTNs are tested, the best approach may be for employers wanting to make an exit offer to proceed with caution and stick to a simple golden rule – assume that any exit conversation is unprotected and don’t say anything in negotiations that you wouldn’t be prepared to say and justify openly in tribunal. The majority of discussions will still result in a binding agreement. Colin Madden is a senior HR and Organisational Change Consultant and Chartered Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (FCIPD) with over 25 years’ experience in recruitment, employee relations and workforce development including working at the London Development Agency (LDA), the Mayor’s office for economic improvement and skills, as a Senior Advisor on ‘People’. He can be contacted on cmadden@fsmail.net November•DEcember 2014


Winter Driving

Hardware & Homestyle

Vehicle deliveries are a central part of our business and we are in a busy time of the year for these. Add in the dark mornings and shorter days on top of what are often poor weather conditions and the challenges – and inherent dangers – become obvious. Our motoring correspondent Gerry Buckley has some winter driving advice. be winter-ready with a full service and maintenance check up, to make sure it is 100% roadworthy. Batteries that might seem perfect during summer months will suddenly fail at the first bad frost. Check all belts, hoses, coolant and oil levels, brake fluid and power steering fluids and windscreen washer fluids. Good wiper blades are essential coming into winter months, driving with poor wiper blades can be very taxing on observation. All lights and lenses should be properly adjusted and clean. See and be seen.

Drive safe in


Black ice

Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you in case the unexpected arises. Remember, a driver should not drive his or her vehicle at a speed exceeding that which will enable him or her to stop in the distance he or she can see to be clear. Adjust your driving to the constantly changing conditions.

Black ice is nearly transparent and appears as a harmless puddle. It forms when snow melts and re-freezes on the surface of the road and is most commonly found on bridges and in underpasses or shaded areas. One of the key places to watch for this condition is on bridges. The surfaces are equally exposed to the wind underneath and on top and cool faster than normal road surfaces. Black ice conditions are also usually found on secondary roads and most drivers will not recognise them in time to avoid a bad skid. You should also watch out for black ice on roads with shaded areas where a cold wind can freeze a wet road surface. A major sign is the presence of dark patches during freezing conditions. If you drive through black ice you will find it impossible to brake.



Gerry Buckley

The autumn may have been mild but we cannot take good weather for granted. As we see time and again, it can wake up with a massive roar. This is why we have to be prepared. Driving at any time can be very demanding on our concentration and observational skills and while many drivers approach it as second nature, every journey is a new event to which we don’t know the outcome. Driving when visibility is reduced becomes more energy-sapping and stressful and any lapse of concentration or observation can prove devastating.


Driving can be made more comfortable by proper and simple preparation. With the onset of winter, drivers should prepare for completely different conditions and ready their vehicles accordingly, so they don’t add to the ever-increasing statistics of fatalities. The three key elements to winter driving are: • Staying alert • Slowing down • Being always in control. In simple terms: drive to the prevailing conditions.


November•December 2014

Although to a degree, the condition of the vehicle and the road surface may contribute to a skid, the main cause is, without any doubt, the driver, using harsh acceleration, fierce or sudden braking, rough or choppy steering or driving at excessive speeds for the prevailing conditions. Skidding can be defined as the involuntary movement of a vehicle due to the grip of the tyres on the road becoming less than the force, or forces, acting on the vehicle. In other words, a vehicle skids when one or more of the tyres loses normal grip on the road. Excessive speed for the existing road conditions is the basic cause.


Always drive within your own limits and your vehicle’s limits. Every vehicle should

The best advice for driving in poor winter weather is not to. But delivery drivers cannot afford such a luxury with schedules to be maintained. We all know that deadlines have to be met but in the overall context is it not better to arrive ten minutes later than not at all? Regardless of the road, weather or traffic conditions you the driver have the responsibility to drive and control your vehicle in such a manner that it does not contribute to a Road Traffic Collision. When you sit behind the wheel of a mechanically propelled vehicle you take responsibility for your actions. You cannot blame the conditions of the road or weather. So, drive with restraint and observation. Gentle on Acceleration, Brakes and Steering and survive winter conditions.

Derryhick Sticks

Hardware & Homestyle

Paddy McGuinness is best known for his connections with Albany but Paddy has recently developed a new string to his bow – making beautiful, handcrafted traditional walking sticks. It’s an interesting and inspiring story and is told here in his own words.

Crafted with care Over the past two years I have been developing a new hobby/business/ skill, making walking sticks!


It started off as a spin-off from my liking for hiking and hill walking and, possibly, from my upbringing in country life as a son of four generations of gamekeepers. So, let me tell you a little about sourcing, seasoning, shaping and finishing walking sticks. Possibly the most enjoyable aspect of stick making is the task of sourcing the raw material. I am always on the lookout for likely spots that may be home to a few suitable sticks. Once a site is identified, I seek permission from the owner to enter the land and search for and cut some sticks. Permission obtained, its then off on a day’s hunting for sticks. On such excursions I normally bring a sandwich and all of the gear necessary for the job, e.g. folding saw, small spade, gloves and some rope. Of course my trusted sprocker, Rocky, is an ever present companion and is very often the only being that I will speak to for the entire day! After that it is a matter of chance and good luck. Some days will be fruitful with a dozen or more sticks being found while other days can be quite disappointing.


Next, the day’s ‘catch’ is hauled home – sometimes a mile or more. This can be physically demanding as stick harvesting is always undertaken in November, December and January when the sap is lowest. Generally, underfoot conditions are usually difficult and hazardous during these months. However, the exercise gained in getting out in the fresh air looking for the sticks compensates for the less healthy task of sanding them later on in the process. Once home, the ends of the newlycut sticks are treated with a couple of coats of varnish or wax in order to


November•December 2014

reduce the risk of splitting while drying out. Now the sticks are sorted into varieties (hazel, holly, ash, etc.) and put away to dry out in an old disused hay shed. Here they stay for a minimum of two years but some species (e.g. blackthorn) can take up to seven years to fully dry out. During the drying out period the sticks are occasionally treated with an insecticide to prevent the risk of woodworm infestation.


After that it is a matter of patience – just waiting until the sticks have dried out sufficiently to begin work on turning them into the finished product. When I am satisfied that the shanks are fully seasoned I begin the process of transforming the seasoned shanks into walking sticks and I explore what options are possible for shaping a comfortable handle from what nature has provided. This can be the most time consuming task of the entire job. When this has been completed I do some straightening to ensure that the finished stick is well balanced. However, I feel so much character can be lost by trying to make the sticks as straight as billiard cues and, therefore, I interfere as little as possible from the natural growth line of the stick. As a result, very few of my sticks are ‘gun barrel’ straight but they are none the worse for this!


Next I decide whether the stick should be de-barked, shaved or left with the bark on. From there to completion it is a matter of sanding, oiling, sanding, varnishing, sanding (yes, never-ending sanding!) and varnishing until I get that velvety sheen finish which is the hallmark of every Derryhick Stick. All in all, taking the time involved in harvesting, seasoning, shaping and finishing, I estimate that a minimum of 8 hours is spent on each stick which makes the price look amazing value! Have a look at the finished articles on www.derryhicksticks.com

November•DEcember 2014


Products The future is warm for Boru

Hardware & Homestyle

Sellotape® is always On-Hand to help!

other shows a contrasting red and white Christmas tree pattern – both perfect for making Christmas gifts more special! *Sellotape Dispenser Study 2011 Contact: (01) 404 6444 Henkel operates worldwide with leading brands and technologies in three business areas: Laundry & Home Care, Beauty Care and Adhesive Technologies. Founded in 1876, Henkel holds leading market positions both in consumer and industrial businesses with well-known brands such as Persil, Schwarzkopf and Sellotape. www.henkel.ie

Irish Flooring Products look forward!

Bill Kelly and the team at Irish Flooring Products are looking forward to a great year in 2015. Bill took some time with us to tell us about the new developments at Irish Flooring and for a look back at 2014.

The idea for Boru Stoves came in November 2008, we are told, ‘when the realisation hit that almost all stoves in Ireland were either imported from the Far East or Europe’.


Father and son team Edward and Dermot Fitzgerald have always been passionate about the heating industry and ‘knew that there was something in the idea of an Irish manufactured stove that could compete with any brand worldwide’. The idea they had was a small one but little did they realise just how big it would become. Boru started with one stove the ‘Fiachra’ freestanding, and marketed it from Malin Head to Mizen Head. All the company had was an idea, a welder and a van. People said that they were mad. Ireland was faced with the largest economic crisis since the foundation of the state. Edward and Dermot did not listen to the negatives. They believed in their idea and their product so went ahead with the plan.


In 2009 the first stove went into production and what a reaction it got. So much so that by the end of 2009 Boru Stoves had three products on the market with 10 people employed and 2,500 square feet of factory. The target at the time was 500 stoves per year. Fast forward to 2014 and Boru Stoves now employ up to 85 people and they occupy over 60,000 square feet and manufacture over 15,000 units per year. Boru Stoves now have almost 30 different variations of their stoves and export to The USA, The UK, Greece, and mainland Europe. Contact: Boru Stoves, Boru House, Templemore Road, Thurles, Co Tipperary, 0504 59033 email: sales@borustoves.ie


November•December 2014

When it comes to wrapping gifts consumers want to rely on an instantly recognisable and trusted brand. The brand Sellotape® inspires that confidence.


Under the tagline, ‘Every roll inspired by you’ Sellotape® has launched a dispenser motivated by consumers. Meeting identified needs* from a premium dispenser, Sellotape On-Hand allows for variable tape lengths, ease of use and even keeps both hands free for wrapping! Sellotape® aims to make the On-Hand Dispenser a top draw must-have item for every household. Julia Bauer, Sellotape® brand manager says: ‘In the development of the On-Hand Dispenser we have kept the consumer’s wrapping rituals at heart trying to facilitate the process with On-Hand. ‘Developed through extensive market research the On-Hand dispenser is always there to help when wrapping or sealing presents, parcels and envelopes. ‘This dispenser is an extension of you. It simply slots on the hand like a ring allowing you to dispense the tape as you hold the wrapping paper in place.’



‘We really feel the country turned the corner in 2014 – month on month sales are steadily rising and Q4 2014 is looking like our best quarter since the recession hit. ‘We saw a marked boost this summer with the arrival of some great weather and were delighted to say the trend has continued on into the winter. ‘Hopefully these changes are here to stay – we believe they are!’ We asked Bill about what Irish Flooring has in store for 2015 and about any new products coming to market. ‘This year, 2014 saw a new trend in the hard flooring market with a huge shift towards the higher end 12mm laminates,’ we were told. ‘We have been watching the move closely and have rolled out a number of new flooring profiles to suit including 12mm square edges in metal and wood effect finishes.


‘We have also seen a huge lift in the sales

New for 2014, Sellotape® has launched Festive On-Hand Refills, an exciting new range of pattern tapes for that extra special touch at Christmas. Designed specifically for the Sellotape® On-Hand Dispenser, Festive On-Hand Refills include one roll of Super Clear tape and two rolls of pattern tape. Irish Flooring Products team – Back Row left to One of the pattern tapes shows an Right: Patrick Egan, Bill Kelly, Alan Kelly. Front elegant white snowflake design while the Row left to right: Roz McDonnell, Tracey Morrisroe.


Hardware & Homestyle of our universal ramping coverstrip which will accommodate floor height differences up to 12mm, meaning it functions as a perfect ramp edge for these 12mm floors. ‘Some of our competitors are charging crazy prices for this profile and we would encourage your readers to be active in comparing pricing on their accessories – in some cases we see price differences of up to 50% when comparing our prices to our nearest competitor. ‘Lastly – and as I mentioned in the April issue – we continue to have huge success with our customised display stands. ‘We can more or less build anything our clients want to suit any space and hold whatever blend of product best meets their customers’ needs.’ www.irishflooring.ie

Johnstone’s perfects its Speciality range

Trusted paint brand Johnstone’s has unveiled its exciting new Speciality range, which has been designed to be easy to choose and easy to use.


The scaled down product range and simplified product names, coupled with the new tin design, communicates clearly the substrate each product can be used on and takes away any confusion for customers. The range, which includes a Magnetic Blackboard Paint and an Any Surface Primer, will be supported by a wealth of help and advice for customers online, on the tin and via an inspiring guide to take them through every step, as well as a full range of eye-catching POS materials for stockists. Vicky Jones, stockist brand marketing manager at Johnstone’s, tells Hardware & Homestyle: ‘We are extremely excited about the launch of our new Speciality range, which is guaranteed to offer end users excellent product quality at great value. ‘All the products in the range boast extra performance characteristics compared to standard emulsion and with its stylish new tin and POS design, we’re sure the range will make a striking impression on customers. ‘With Johnstone’s support, stockists have an ideal opportunity here to benefit from market growth in this sector.’ For more information about the range visit www.johnstonespaint.com or contact your PPG Account Manager today.

‘Leyland Trade gives customer dream experience’

Leyland Trade has given one of its loyal customers the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take on world darts champion Michael Van Gerwen.

Key areas

Grouped into three key areas – prepare, transform and problem-solve – this compact range comprises fourteen core products and will demystify the process of selecting specialist paints, we are promised. With its visually striking tin design and supporting point of sale (POS) materials, the range can be presented by stockists in full in one bay to make maximum impact in store, ensuring the range stands out to customers. The new range showcases Johnstone’s ‘commitment to making paint selection easier than ever before for both retailers and consumers alike’. The new range has been influenced by extensive research carried out by Johnstone’s, which has revealed that the first consideration for consumers, over and above price point, is the project’s requirements, primarily the surface to be painted.

Twenty years

Frank Johnson has sold Leyland Trade at Wear Valley Decorating Centre in County Durham in the UK for more than 20 years. He took on the darts superstar in an exclusive private event at PPG Canalside in Huddersfield. Leyland Trade has a long history of supporting its loyal stockist customers and encourages them to share in its ‘work hard, play hard’ ethos. Stockist brand marketing manager, Vicky Jones, said: ‘We pride ourselves on the relationships we have with our customers, which is why hosting events like this is so important.

Gerwen has elevated the exposure of the Leyland Trade brand, which we know is having a positive impact on our customers as well.’ Michael Van Gerwen added: ‘As professionals, we all love to play in and win major televised tournaments but it’s also very enjoyable to play members of the general public in events like this one organised by Leyland.’

Frank Johnson took on Michael Van Gerwen


Van Gerwen forms part of an all-star darting ‘Team-Leyland’. Former world champion Mark Webster and current world number five Simon Whitlock are also sponsored by Leyland. For more information on Leyland’s core range of trade quality paints visit www. leylandtrade.com PPG: ‘Bringing innovation to the surface’ PPG Industries’ vision is ‘to continue to be the world’s leading coatings and specialty materials company’, it tells us: ‘Through leadership in innovation, sustainability and colour, PPG helps customers in industrial, transportation, consumer products, and construction markets and aftermarkets to enhance more surfaces in more ways than does any other company.’ Founded in 1883, PPG has global headquarters in Pittsburgh and operates in nearly 70 countries around the world.


‘Frank has been a hugely loyal customer over many years so it was fantastic to see him taking on the world champion – and giving him a run for his money! ‘Our sponsorship of Michael Van November•DEcember 2014


Products An exciting new addition to the Rustin’s portfolio

Hardware & Homestyle Sanbra Fyffe also provides a full range of corresponding valve components such as gate and ball type pump valves, motorized valves plus much, much more. For a competitive quote or for more information, contact your local sales representative or call Philip, Ciaran or Maria in the Dublin sales office on (01) 842 6255. Fax: (01) 842 6134 | Email: sales@ sanbra.ie | Web: www.sanbra.ie

Henley Stoves reports strong growth

Henley Stoves, a family owned and managed stove manufacturer based in Tralee, County Kerry, has reported a 100% growth in its UK business over the last 12 months and has embarked on a large expansion and development plan for the UK in 2015.

Super-slim Imago Lift & Slide fills a big gap in the market The new super-slim frame Imago timber Lift&Slide Door is set to fill a big gap in the market for customers who want large span doors with a big glass area that frame the view. A very exciting addition to the Rustin’s portfolio is their new product ‘Soak Up!’. Soak Up! is a Universal Spill Absorber and improves safety in the environment, ‘when accidental spills occur of hazardous and polluting liquids such as paint, oil, animal accidents, liquid grease and foodstuff’.


Soak Up! absorbs any liquid except for hydrofluoric acid and mercury. It is environmentally friendly and safe in all applications. It contains no reactive chemicals and is non-flammable. Proven to have higher absorbing power than clay or hydrate calcium-based absorbers, Soak Up! will easily tackle any spills ‘whether it be whilst decorating, working in your garage ‘or your pet having an accident on your floors’. ‘If the mixture is not saturated and causing clumps, it can be used several times.’ Available in 500ml, 1 Litre and 5 Litre. www.excellence.ie

‘TUCSON® Pumps The Future of Pump Technology’

‘High Energy Efficient, ERP Compliant Circulating Pumps from Sanbra Fyffe’ Sanbra Fyffe first commissioned the TUCSON® brand of Circulating pumps in 2008. Since then the quality and competitiveness of the brand has become very evident. TUCSON® five and six meter head energy efficient A-Rated circulating pumps continue to gain recognition as the future in Pump Technology every day with more and more plumbers turning to TUCSON® for their pumping solutions, we are told.


November•December 2014


PC Henderson (Ireland) Limited unveiled the exciting new Imago Lift &Slide hardware system from AGB to customers at an exclusive launch in November. ‘We’ve seen a big increase in demand for wooden lift and slide doors from joinery companies which reflects the trend for large doors that open up the home and create space,’ says Paul Mooney, managing director of P C Henderson Ireland Ltd. ‘Imago’s super-slim design means architects and property owners can now enjoy the benefits of timber with a visible frame that is only 2 centimetres wide.’ The technology developed by leading Italian hardware company AGB has put timber at the cutting edge of slim-frame lift and slide door design, we are told. ‘Imago Lift&Slide Doors achieve the highest performance for energy efficiency, weather protection and security.’


Marco Zen, UK and Ireland sales manager for AGB Hardware says: ‘We know that homeowners want to open up their homes but understand that Imago Lift&Slide Doors also have to withstand the worst of Ireland’s weather. ‘We’re confident Imago will be a success in Ireland. The doors have been hugely popular since launched in Italy last year and we are excited to be working with P C Henderson as an Imago Points distributor.’ Imago is a complete timber lift and slide door brand with a dedicated website where architects, designers and homeowners will be able to find inspiration and specification advice. To find more about Imago Lift & Slide Doors go to www.chooseimago. co.uk.

This includes the purchase of a warehouse and distribution centre at Half Acre Industrial Estate, Straight Furlong, Pymoor, Ely, Cambridgeshire, CB6 2EG UK. They boast one of the biggest ranges of stoves on the market at present and are currently the largest stove wholesale company in Ireland, we are told. With the appointment of Mike Brosnan as Head of Sales for the UK, who has over 20 years’ experience in the heating sector, they are seeking to strategically open new accounts across the country giving exclusivity to those who they choose to supply. They also have a strict internet advertising policy where only RRPs can be advertised and boast a 40% mark up as a minimum on all their products. At present Henley Stoves have several new designs in production aimed solely at the UK market. These include some sleek, modern freestanding stoves all designed and built with the purpose of achieving smoke exemption, as well as some stylish Portuguese cassette and insert stoves.. At present they sell three Defra approved stoves in the Druid 5kw, Druid 8kw and Achill 6.6kw but have already begun the process to expand to their new Thames, Cambridge, Oxford and Faro ranges. These high quality and eye-catching designs are sure to be very popular within the UK market. They offer a five-year warranty as standard with all their stoves including a 1 year warranty on grates, baffle plates and fire retainers. To view a list of their products you can visit their website at www.henleystoves. com or contact the office for an information pack. If retailers would like to express an interest in becoming a stockest then contact Mike Brosnan by phone on 003536617-94826 or alternatively you can email him at mike@henleystoves.com.

Business Wise

Hardware & Homestyle

The Minister for Finance Michael Noonan has delivered his first post-austerity Budget. He stated that ‘today is about looking forward. It is about building for the future upon this solid foundation that has been so painstakingly laid’. He also focused on the farming and agri-food sectors with a commitment to undertake a similar review of the marine sector. Ronan McGivern, Tax Partner, Russell Brennan Keane looks back on the budget changes.

Budget 2015 – Securing Recovery Ronan McGivern

income tax system by introducing a new 8% USC rate for incomes in excess of €70,000. He has also included a rate of 11% for self employed income in excess of €100,000. • Retaining the exemption from the top rate of USC for medical card holders earning less than €60,000. • Tax relief of up to €500 at the standard rate of income tax for water charges.

Corporation tax reform Commenting on the tax changes in the Budget, Ronan McGivern, Tax Partner, Russell Brennan Keane said that ‘the Minister has focused on the low and middle income earners with the introduction of an Income Tax Reform plan. ‘The broad thrust of his plan is to reduce the 52% marginal tax rate on low and middle earners whilst at the same time maintaining the progressive nature of the Irish income tax system. ‘He has very much set out his stall for what individual tax payers can expect from this Government for the remainder of their term in office and if re-elected.’

Specific measures targeted at low and middle income earners:

• Increase in the standard rate band from €32,800 to €33,800 for a single person and €41,800 to €42,800 for married one income earner couples. • Reduction in the higher rate of income tax from 41% to 40%. • Increase in the entry point to the USC from €10,036 to €12,012 and reducing the 2% and 4% rates to 1.5% and 3.5% respectively. • Ensuring the progressive nature of our

• Commitment to the 12.5% rate. • Abolition of the controversial ‘double Irish’ structure. • Improving Ireland’s R&D tax regime by removing the 2003 base year. • Enhancement of Ireland’s intangible asset regime and introduction of a ‘Knowledge Development Box’. • Extension of the three year corporate tax start up relief.

Specific provisions aimed at the farming and agri-food sector include: • Targeting CAT agricultural relief to ensure that it is used by active farmers. • Extending stamp duty relief for nonresidential land transfers between close relatives. • Extending CGT farm restructuring relief to the end of 2016 and broadening the relief. • Removing the current 40 years of age threshold for leasing relief. • Increase in the farmer flat rate addition from 5% to 5.2%. The Minister has recognised that the property market is dysfunctional. He has also acknowledged that part of the problem stems from the lack of supply in the market. With this in mind he has:

• Confirmed that the existing CGT relief for land acquisitions in the period 7 December 2011 to 31 December 2014 will not be extended. • Abolished the 80% windfall tax applying to chargeable gains on disposal of development land attributable to planning decisions. • DIRT refund scheme to support first time buyers saving a deposit to purchase a home.

Other provisions that the Minister announced include the following:

• Increase in excise duty for cigarettes. • Retention of the 9% VAT rate on tourism activities. • Amendments aimed at enhancing EIIS relief and Seed Capital Relief. • Extension of the Home Renovation incentive to include rental properties. • Abolition of the 0.6% pension levy at the end of 2014 and the additional 0.15% levy will expire at the end of 2015. Overall according to McGivern, ‘For many this budget provides a welcome relief from prior years when the budget brought dread to taxpayers concerned as to how cuts and new taxes would affect them. ‘The focus of the budget has been to provide a positive message to taxpayers to the effect that the corner has been turned. ‘Whilst the Minister has acknowledged that the recovery has not spread across the country there is a very positive outlook in the budget and a strong commitment by the Government to progressively reduce the 52% tax rate on low and middle income earners whilst maintaining the progressive nature of our tax system. ‘This will be welcome news to the squeezed middle.’

Ronan McGivern

An Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and an AITI Chartered Tax Advisor (CTA), Ronan joined RBK in 2012 as a Tax Director in the Dublin office and was made Partner in 2014. Prior this he had been a Tax Director in Deloitte. Ronan leads the taxation team in Dublin. His expertise ranges from advising domestic owner managed businesses to quoted multinationals. He has substantial experience advising on international tax and advises on structuring overseas property acquisitions for property developers/investors, structuring issues for Irish companies looking to expand overseas and multinationals locating in Ireland. Ronan is a Business and Legal Studies Graduate from University College Dublin and holds a Master of Accounting from Smurfit Business School. November•DEcember 2014



Hardware & Homestyle

Workwear continues to go from strength to strength with each season bringing new offerings to choose from. In this special report we speak to some of the main players out there to see what’s new and what may be coming down the line.

Wear it with pride! Kamco. Kamco Supplies Limited is a wholly owned and managed Irish company based in Cork which specialises in the import and distribution of workwear, footwear, personal protection equipment (PPE) and general hardware products to the retail sector in both



November•December 2014

Ireland and The UK. Kamco draws on over 15 years of industry experience in manufacturing, procurement, design and distribution of both workwear and hardware products. Kamco’s mantra is simple. ‘Understand the needs of the market and provide our partners with competitively priced products and services whilst maintaining exacting quality standards and providing a unique point of difference in the market.’ Core brands introduced by Kamco over the past couple of years such as Tuffstuff® workwear, Heuger® footwear and Workaway® PPE have simply taken the hardware retail market by storm. Introduced as an alternative to the more traditional and expensive brand leaders in the global B2B workwear and footwear markets, hardware retailers, and in turn their customers, have given Kamco their endorsement ensuring the successful launch of Kamco-managed brands into mainstream retail. ‘Thank to you everyone,’ is the message from the company. ‘Kamco continues to work our close relationships with both leading international bands and manufacturers to enable us to continually improve our product offering. ‘We look forward to increasing our presence in the market and broadening our product range into the future.’ For more information contact: Kamco Supplies Ltd Myler Business Park, Westend, Ballincollig Co Cork. Tel. +353 (0) 873628787 Email: sales@kamcosupplies. com Snickers. ‘Snickers Workwear – dressing Ireland’s professionals in cutting edge workwear.’ The people at Snickers Workwear are excited about their excellent new 2014 winter garments, ‘the A.I.S fleece collection, soft shell range, rip-stop winter jackets, 37.5TM first layer technology along with body-warmers and our fantastic junior range’. The new advanced, A.I.S lightweight, high loft fleece gives the wearer a superior level of warmth in a material that’s smooth, comfortable and functional. The new range includes a full-zip jacket, a half-zip sweater and a body warmer.


As with all Snickers garments, they are designed to ensure maximum freedom of movement all day, every day. ‘Our new 1128 rip-stop winter jacket is a must have this season. The jacket is full of functionality to keep you warm, dry and comfortable this winter. ‘Reflective features for enhanced visibility, water-resistant outer layer, fleece lined collar and a warm quilt lining ensure maximum comfort and protection on a cold, wet winter’s day. ‘Another key feature is the true pre-bent sleeves to allow maximum freedom of movement in a contemporary design. This jacket is available in five colours ‘Keep warm without sweating in our advanced first layer range of tops and long



Hardware & Homestyle john’s with revolutionary 37.5 TM active particle technology that captures and releases moisture vapour for a superior microclimate next to your skin ‘You’ll be dry five times faster than similar fabrics and fresh all day with innovative antiodour treated ventilated fabric.’ Snickers Workwear also invests heavily in sales support, marketing and advertising to support their dealer network. ‘As a leading supplier of quality workwear this ensures that Snickers Workwear retains its position of preferred brand within the workwear sector and remains top of mind amongst target consumers,’ we are told. ‘Snickers Workwear is a leading European supplier of quality workwear. We continually invest in the most advanced, cutting edge technologies to revolutionise the standards in modern

durability of its garments are maintained across the entire range.’ For further details contact: David Macken, Snickers Workwear, (Hultafors Group Ireland), Tel 01 409 8400. Keypoint. With the onset of the winter months, protection against the cold and wet conditions workers encounter every day becomes of paramount importance. Safety boots are one of the most important pieces of any tradesman’s PPE kit and as we all know if your feet are cold, wet and heavy with water, it doesn’t matter how dry the rest of you may be! Traditional waterproofing technology uses a booty membrane construction to keep water out. This booty fits loosely between the upper and the lining. Water will penetrate the

Workwear. ‘Our workwear garments are the most advanced available and the company continually invests in product development to ensure the high quality, functionality and

upper through the stitching, but the membrane in most cases prevents it from getting inside the shoe. Problems arise as this water remains between the upper and the bootie and stagnates within the boot, causing a sharp increase in weight – up to 50%, lost breathability and in some cases an eventual breakthrough of water to the foot. This stagnant water not only makes the boots heavier and less comfortable but it will deteriorate the padding and reinforcements, reducing the life of the footwear. Sixton Outdry® Footwear is

different. The highly breathable waterproof membrane ‘is laminated to the upper, so there is simply nowhere for the water to go. ‘Even in the wettest conditions, our boots will stay light and will keep your feet dry. In lab tests they are tested to withstand two weeks submerged in water and flexed 40,000 times without any penetration of water inside the boot. ‘All Sixton boots are made in Italy, perfectly combining

the use of premium leathers, lightweight, yet durable components and Vibram® outsoles. ‘No effort is spared to make their footwear the most comfortable and durable safety shoes and boots available on the market today. ‘They are designed to improve posture and alignment of the joints, thereby reducing fatigue so your feet are protected against whatever work and the elements throw at you. Your feet deserve the

From the Ei Electronics range of safety products November•DEcember 2014



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Hardware & Homestyle best – they deserve a pair of Sixton safety boots.’ Keypoint are the sole importer wholesale distributor of the Sixton range for Ireland and the UK. To learn more about this range of premium safety footwear visit www.keypoint.ie or email info@keypoint.ie Carhartt. ‘We have seen significant growth in Ireland in Brick and Mortar stores this year, says David Fallon who distributes Carhartt in Ireland. ‘The larger percentage of the market has steered more towards value for money and a reasoned purchase, than for bottom dollar which it has experienced over the past number of years. ‘Carhartt hasn’t changed its principles and values when it comes to quality product and this is being born out in the market. ‘Our customers and our

‘The larger percentage of the market has steered more towards value for money.’ – Dave Fallon, Carhartt distributor.

Carhartt Multi-Pocket Ripstop Pant Multiple, durable pockets, double knee construction Made of 9.25-ounce/314 gram, 100% cotton ripstop fabric, this pant resists rips and tears to ensure a long life under tough conditions. It sits slightly below the waist and features a relaxed seat and thigh for easy movement. Two high-strength, nylon-lined, front ledge pockets and two high-stretch nylon-lined back pockets. For durability it has high tenacity nylon, double knees with secure knee pocket, removable high-strength nylon snap-on utility pocket. Extra utility pocket available (101509).

target market are cleverer than to ever take aim at low quality. ‘We celebrated our 125th Anniversary in style. Irish retailers had many deals and discounts available to customers which just knocked all expectation out of the park. ‘This has seen a fantastic return as once someone comes into the Carhartt fold, they tend not to leave. ‘Average spend per customer tends towards the €350 mark per year. ‘Our New EMEA Kneepad Trousers have got their first airing in many stores this year and growth in sales was phenomenal. ‘It is particularly poignant that such an inventive new product is launched during our anniversary year. ‘After all Hamilton Carhartt was a man who listened to the needs of workers and provided well thought out, inventive but affordable and quality solutions, 125 years ago. ‘Some customers start with a T-shirt, some with a Jacket but all come with an appreciation for quality, comfort and an expectation of longevity. The Carhartt 125th Anniversary logo was specially designed to drive home the strength of the brand and has done its job. ‘With just weeks to go to the end of this celebratory year we are all very happy here and feedback from customers old and new has been great. ‘If there is one thing we have taken from our customers this year, it’s that they want more of Carhartt! ‘We will respond and lots of our retailers already have by expanding the choice of Carhartt stocked in store and it is already paying off. www. carhartt-europe.com & See panel for more on Carhartt Multi-Panel Ripstop Pant. Ei Electronics. A European Market leader in domestic smoke and carbon monoxide alarms, Ei Electronics is a privately owned Irish company based in Shannon Co Clare.

The Shannon factory was first established by GE of America in 1963. The current business Ei Electronics was established following a management buyout in 1988. Ei Electronics is Ireland’s largest indigenous electronics company employing 650+ staff at the 16,200 sq m site and is a unique stand-alone production facility All functions of design and manufacturing take place at the Shannon factory which is ISO 9001 accredited for manufacturing, ISO 14001:2004 for Environmental Management Systems and OHSAS 18001:2007 for occupational h e a l t h and safety management systems. Ei supplies 23 countries across the world including Australia, The Middle East, Africa, and Europe with its main focus being the European market. The manufacturing process involves comprehensive testing at several points of the process. All products are 100% tested at the Printed Circuit Board stage (In-circuit Test) and at the final assembled stage where a Functional Test is carried out. Environmental stress testing is also used. In addition, the products have their sensitivity set by calibrating in actual gas or smoke when necessary. All products are individually date-coded and are traceable to the date of manufacture and the manufacturing conditions that prevailed at that time. Quality assurance checks are carried out on all products at the sub-assembly, finalassembly and packaged stages. Customer returns are analysed for failure mode and the feedback used to improve the product design and/or manufacturing process. Products include: Smoke Alarms, Heat Alarms, MultiSensor Fire Alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms. www.eielectronics.com

All products are individually date-coded

November•DEcember 2014


Retail Crime

Hardware & Homestyle

It’s a busy time of year for retailers, which means the threat of retail crime is also increased. With this in mind, we dropped into the National Crime Prevention Unit of An Garda Siochana to speak with Sergeant John Crosse.

Prevention is better than cure Sergeant John Crosse is familiar with retailers’ concerns in the area of crime and security. When we meet he has just returned from attending a special Business Watch Seminar in Letterkenny. The purpose of these regional meetings is to help identify threats and dangers that might impact on local businesses and offer suitable security solutions for implementation. This is typical of work that is taking place on the ground in communities around the country. It is also typical of the work that is supported by An Garda Siochana and the National Crime Prevention Unit (NCPU) to which John is attached. (Divisional Crime Prevention Officers are also attached to each Garda Division to offer crime prevention advice, security surveys and help implement national crime prevention plans). Events such as this offer an opportunity to traders to hear what is happening nationally and locally. They facilitate the sharing of ideas and approaches to best crime prevention practice.

Policy and directives

On a national level, the National Crime Prevention Unit is also involved with developing policy and directives. ‘We devised the Theft from Shops Crime Prevention & Reduction Strategy in 2011. This is available on the Garda website www.garda.ie. One of the outcomes was the establishment of a national Retail Theft forum with the main retailers, store security and retail representative organisations which meets twice a year,’ says John. ‘Actions are driven from that forum.’ As the name suggests, preventions the key goal. ‘If you are aware of where the risks are,’ says John, ‘you can focus on these – and in that way, minimise the potential losses’. Those risks are greater at certain times


November•December 2014

Retail Crime

Hardware & Homestyle

approaching customers and asking if you can be of help. If a person is there legitimately then this demonstrates a customer friendly atmosphere. If they are not a legitimate customer at least they now know that they can be seen and watched. The truth is that people can be quite brazen. We’ve heard anecdotally of people quite simply wheeling out lawn movers from stores, for example. We have also heard suggestions that each high value item for sale in a store should be security tagged. This could be a good policy on high value items like the anecdotal lawnmowers etc., agrees John.

Help and support

of the year of course. The Christmas festive season and January sales period represents the time of greatest threat. ‘When businesses are extra busy this is when the criminal seeks to take advantage,’ says John.


One potential problem lies in the fact that many retailers will take on temporary staff at this busy time of year. These staff members may have varying levels of experience in the retail sector. However, even experienced retail staff members need to be brought up to date with procedures in your store. Some regular training in areas such as cash handling procedure is vital. They also need to be aware of potential threats like fraud. Staff need to know what to look out for. It is very important to be vigilant for fraud at Christmas, John points out. He adds that incidents of credit card fraud are high at the moment. Then there are other fraud methods such as counterfeit cards, skimming, ‘card not present’ fraud and potential compromising of in store – as well as exterior – ATM terminals. Without some basic training in security functions and

responsibilities, a staff member – particularly a seasonal temporary staff member – might not know what to look out for.

Extra stock

Add to this the fact that stores have extra stock to keep track of at this time of year. They can have high value items on the shop floor. This means that store layout can change in the festive period. Items are put on open display on tables in stores and some security devices might be missing or removed from them. High value goods should not be sited near entrance/exit doors It is no surprise that good

surveillance of the shop floor area is essential. However, a lot of people put up banners advertising promotions at this time of year. It pays to think carefully about their positioning as they can obstruct CCTV cameras and block natural sightlines. The height of shelf displays also needs careful thought. Higher shelves block sightlines too.


John says that there is no typical shoplifter. So, it is perhaps not surprising that one of the biggest pieces of advice that he gives concerns customer interaction. This simply involves

At the end of the day, Sergeant Crosse reminds retailers that there is help and support available to them from An Garda Siochana. ‘Each Chief Superintendent will incorporate retail theft crime in local policing plans,’ he says This may involve starting a new ‘Business watch’ scheme for retailers in the area. This is easy to do and it involves contacting the local Superintendent who would arrange a meeting with the retailers in question. However, it doesn’t just have to be confined to retailers. It could just as well be business units in an industrial estate, for example. After this, a formal meeting might be arranged and a liaison Garda appointed with a corresponding liaison person in the business community. All crime related issues are shared and there are huge advantages in coming together in this way, says John: ‘Everyone acts as the eyes and ears for themselves and the Gardai.’ In addition, John reminds us once again that each Garda division has a dedicated Crime Prevention Officer. You can ask for them to come along to your store and they can advise on issues like cash handling and security procedures and many other crime related issues. November•DEcember 2014


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Hardware & Homestyle

Room outside

An overused quote attributed to a famous English footballer goes something like, ‘I never make predictions, and I never will.’ Apart from the obvious flaw, the sentiment at least makes some sense if you read it as illustrating the futility of trying to tell the future – and perhaps of the futility of saying you never will! So says Liam Kelly in his last gardening article of 2014.

Do you Have Prediction

Addiction? Don’t rely too much on that crystal ball…

There is a fair argument that hokum like looking into a retail crystal ball and trying to tell what will happen in the gardening trade in 2015 probably deserves to be ridiculed as much as the above quotation.


Perhaps I am generalising a little, as of course we can all see trends in growth of certain areas within the garden centre sector but more often than not at this time of the year we roll out the usual trite comments on what we feel will be the ‘Next Big Thing’. Much of this is based on snatched conversations with biased sales reps, the dreaded ‘Gut Feelings’ or something that was tweeted, blogged or ‘liked’ on the insane number of social media portals we now have at our disposal. Although many a business has gotten a break by doing just this, it can hardly be relied upon for intelligent and sustainable retail growth. Can it? The future it seems to me is always built on the past and these foundations are what lead you on to the next level. Sometimes you will need to drive the ‘build’ by selecting new materials, workers or even architects. Keeping with this analogy, there are times you will even need to demolish the existing structure and even remove the foundation, or perhaps start again from a green field site. And it’s not crystal balls you need to do that! But sticking with looking at the past, what can we actually November•DEcember 2014


Room outside

Hardware & Homestyle We found out that there was nowhere to hide or no one to blame for poor sales, as the usual suspects of bad weather or faltering economy didn’t cut it anymore, or at least not to anything close to the same degree of previous years. It made many face up to the cold hard fact of the need to change their way of selling or to disappear from the garden retail sector altogether. Competition for the ‘gardener’s’ euro was never so intense, with discount stores, supermarkets, corner shops and petrol stations all jumping on the bandwagon in April, May and June to supply consumers with their bedding plants, colour and all kinds of fertilisers, chemicals and accessories, not to mention furniture, barbecues and many of the other products that were once just purchased in garden centres.


learn and build on from 2014? Are there important lessons to be learned? And did the sunshine and dry days highlight issues that we were blinkered to in previous years?

On track

The year 2014 was one when most garden centres got back on some sort of track to a greater or lesser degree. This was helped by a number of factors not least of which was the weather. The sector had its best summer weather for a number of years and this helped drive sales in bedding, pots and outdoor living products such as barbecues and garden furniture. The economy took a stuttering little jump forward too, so there was a small


November•December 2014

increase in consumer confidence if not the huge release of disposable income. Still, customers in general were in better humour, more willing to be tempted and more open to loosening purse strings to a degree. We also learned that many of the new gardeners that appeared in stores – drawn there by the good weather – did not have much of a clue about gardening. More than ever they were buying on impulse and letting colour dictate their purchasing instead of knowledge. This meant a continuation of the slowing down of shrub and perennial sales – when not in flower – and the need for garden plant buyers to tailor their purchasing to suit the changing clientele that now frequent the garden centres of Ireland.

While many large high-profile ‘destination’ garden centres thrived as the good weather and other above mentioned factors drove customers through their doors and – after a hearty feed – through their tills, many medium to small set-ups just survived without having the major lift they perhaps had hoped for. Reliability of some wholesale nurseries was an issue too, as there were problems such as stock availability, quality or deliveries. Some of this was understandable, given the season but a lack of communication and passing on of information compounded the problem. Some nurseries made it very difficult for garden centres’ plant buyers to buy from them instead of embracing technology and making it easier for them to purchase. With all this in mind 2014 was certainly that foundation that we needed to build on and learn from in order to grow the garden centre trade to the next level, and there are a number of specific things we can do in the coming year to help that. The year 2015 needs to be a very focused year, not only for garden centres, but also for gardening as a whole.


As well as the need for growth within individual stores there is still that need for increasing the knowledge and passion for gardening within the general public, a topic that I seem to have been banging on about for years now! (As I write this, there finally seems to be some stirrings in the sector to address this issue.) This should be the year for getting back to educating the public about plants. It should be focussed on all ages from pre-school to retirees and comprise of education, knowledge and fun. I’ve written enough about this previously, but 2015 should certainly be the year for

Room outside

Hardware & Homestyle getting things moving. Others within the industry need to change too. Wholesale nurseries for example need to do their part by making it simpler for retailers to buy from them. The good weather in 2014 meant that everyone was busy and those nurseries that were reliable and were easy to buy from were the ones that did well, be it national ones or international ones. Convenience and efficiency as well as price dictate where a garden centre plant buyer gets their plants and consequentially what ends up in the consumer’s garden. Up to date web shops with accurate images of the actual plants are the way forward for nurseries, as combining quality stock, efficient service, innovation and attractive POS material will make that nursery the go-to place on a Monday morning when restocking the store.

But back to the retailers...

Garden centres need to build on that ‘want’ that customers have ‘to garden’. We need to make it as easy as possible for the consumer to buy

plants and make decisions, not to mention capturing those elusive add-on sales by teaching them what they need to make those plants reach their full potential. This can – and should – be done in a number of ways. Clear and understandable signage when they are trying to make that decision is important but so is the investment in staff who know how to sell those add-on products that will benefit the consumer. Not an uppity ‘horticulturist’ who will blather on about deficiency in this, that and the other and scare off potential buyers, but a plant lover who can sell the fragrance of lavender, or the benefits

consultants to see the things within your store that you don’t. (Shameless plug!) What new lines should you be stocking? For example do you need another range of furniture or barbecues to compliment your existing range? What were you missing last year? Ask your floor staff because they should know! So, to sum it all up, look at what happened in 2014 to see what you need to do in 2015. A little speculation is always good but focus on customers’ needs and wants that you missed out on in 2014. Invest in the right people and the right stock, educate your customer and also your suppliers. I know it’s obvious but just because it is doesn’t mean you are doing it, as sometimes you need to take a step back and look with different eyes at your store. Finally measure, evolve and adapt during the season depending on how it pans out. As I’ve said before in articles, evolution is key to a successful season. Oh, and stay away from those crystal balls!

of Buddlejas or the taste of home-grown tomatoes – and what’s needed to make them grow of course. Invest in people as much as POS this year. Finally, look at your winners of 2014. Is there potential to increase their sales? A 10% increase in a top selling line can often be better than a 100% increase in a slow seller. Can I buy it at a better price? Can I sell it for more? Can I position it better? Ask yourself all of these questions.


Network with others within our sector to find out what they are doing right or employ

About Liam Liam was general manager of one of the largest garden centres in the country, where he was instrumental in transforming it into a large lifestyle store. He established Retail Services & Solutions in 2007 and has since worked with many garden centres, nurseries and hardware stores in Ireland. He has experienced every aspect of garden centre work from maintenance to sales, and purchasing to management. This combined with his problem solving ability; honesty and hands-on work ethic make him unique in his area. He can appreciate the nitty-gritty of the day-to-day running of a garden centre better than most, as he knows the products, mindset and ethos of the Irish garden retail sector. Liam Kelly, Retail Services & Solutions, 118 Dolmen Gardens, Pollerton, Carlow. 086 8221494 / 059 9130176 / lksolutions@ eircom.net / www.lksolutions.blogspot.com

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November•DEcember 2014


The Final Say

Hardware & Homestyle

There is no debating the fact that the news cycle over the last few months has been distressing. Barbarous beheadings, missing airlines, Ebola, Syria and Ukraine. In a world before global news and social media it took days, even weeks for events around the world to reach us. Now it is immediate, tweets and a ‘breaking news’ banner on the 24-hour news stations alert us to the latest tragedy. Moving into the New Year what can we do to manage our own frame of mind?

Controlling the

CONTROLLABLES in 2015 Stay informed, but stay in control. Information and ‘news’ is a commodity and like all commodities we have to control what we need, based on what is relevant to us.


Each of us has to figure out where the line is between staying informed and being overwhelmed by an incessant media peddling emotions (sensationalism, distress, panic) not just facts. For many years now, unless there is a news item I’m particularly interested in, I will not watch a news programme, I stay informed by scanning the headings on a news app. For me, anything more than this is feeding the beast of negativity. My well-being is my priority so I actively control the news and media I’m exposed to. I’m aware of events and tragedies that are happening around the world, I can empathise and sympathise with those affected. I may want to contribute to a cause and I certainly send positive intentions and prayers to troubled areas. However, I remind myself frequently that my worrying about global events has absolutely no impact on those events. Let me focus on what is within my sphere of influence, where I have an impact.

Sweep your own doorstep

One of my favourite quotes is something Mother Teresa said. ‘If each of us would only sweep our own doorstep the whole world would be clean.’ For me this quote is all about personal responsibility. External civil wars reflect internal civil wars. Let whatever annoys or upsets me ‘in the news’ be a trigger for me to ensure my own house is in order.

For example, if Putin’s aggressiveness angers me, let me ask myself where in my life am I angry or aggressive? If I’m upset by the injustices in the world, let me ask myself where am I unjust in my own attitude or behaviour? If someone’s dishonesty frustrates me, where am I dishonest? Let me sweep my

‘Let me focus on what is within my sphere of influence, where I have an impact.’ own doorstep! Growing up, I remember the phrase ‘we interrupt this broadcast’ when a TV programme was cut short as a news item was shared, often relating to the Troubles in Northern Ireland. How about using this technique to interrupt our own habits of thinking, the broadcast in our heads? My favourite way of doing this is the STOP Technique.

fearful thoughts. When you become aware of this, say the word ‘stop,’ (out loud if you can, or write it down) to break your pattern of negative thinking.

Step 2 - ‘T’ – Take a breath

Conscious breathing will not only relax you but will also get more oxygen to your brain and make you more alert. It also takes us out of our heads and our future-based worried thinking back into our bodies and into the present moment, the only place where we can take action.

Step 3 - ‘O’ – Outcome

It is always more effective to focus on what it is you want, not what it is you don’t want. Think about the emotion you would like to be feeling instead, or what you can do right now.

Step 4 - ‘P’ – Praise

Praise yourself for breaking the pattern of negative thinking. Call to mind something positive you’ve done that day, acknowledge just some of the things you do well every day. All forms of media clamour for our attention. If we let them, they determine what thoughts fill our heads and our thoughts fuel our emotions. Moving into 2015, let’s make peace with the fact that crazy and tragic things happen in the world and refocus on what’s within our control which includes our response to the uncontrollable and how we ‘show up’ in our lives each day.

Step 1 - ‘S’ – Say Stop

Our emotions let us know the sort of thinking we are doing. If I’m feeling worried, anxious, stressed, I’m thinking

James Sweetman is a Business & Personal Coach specialising in assisting businesses and individuals realise their potential. He works both on a one-2-one basis with clients as well as delivering workshops on a range of topics including Communication Skills and Motivation. For more information on all his services visit www.jamessweetman.com. Or e-mail him at james@jamessweetman.com You can subscribe for free to James’s monthly ezine at www.jamessweetman.com and follow him on Twitter @JamesSweetman


November•December 2014

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