Facet Publishing July-December 2016 Catalogue

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Managing Digital Cultural Objects Analysis, discovery and retrieval


Histories and theories

Edited by Allen Foster and Pauline Rafferty, both at Aberystwyth University

Jul 2016 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781856049412 Hb | £89.95 9781783301027 eBook | £54.95

Bringing together chapters written by leading experts in the field, this book provides an overview of the theoretical and academic aspects of digital cultural documentation and the state of the art. Case studies of digitization projects drawn from practitioners within libraries and information organisations will showcase both technical and more strategic issues relating to cultural heritage projects, digital asset management and sustainability.

The No-nonsense Guide to Archives and Recordkeeping Margaret Crockett, The Archive-Skills Consultancy

This practical how-to-do-it guide is ideal for professionals involved in the management of archives and records, especially if they are just starting out or without formal training. Based on the internationally 2015 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 renowned training days run by the author and her 9781856048552 business partner, The No-nonsense Guide to Archives eBook | £49.95 and Recordkeeping deals with records and archives in 9781783300945 all formats. It utilizes checklists, practical exercises, sample documentation, case studies and helpful diagrams to ensure a very accessible and pragmatic approach, allowing anyone to get to grips with the basics quickly. NEW

Exploring Discovery

The front door to your library’s licensed and digitized content

2017 | 312pp Pb | £59.95 9781783301584 Hb | £89.95 9781783301591 eBook | £59.95 9781783301607

The key topics covered include: • • • •

• • • • • •

vendor-provided web scale discovery platforms using discovery vendors in small and mid-sized libraries libraries, archives and museums sharing a single discovery tool custom discovery systems built with open-source software including Blacklight discovery on a shoestring integrating discovery to improve user experience different discovery interfaces metadata challenges in discovery services Open Access and discovery tools regional aggregation and discovery of digital collections.

Readership: The book will be essential reading for library managers, systems librarians, metadata librarians, digital services librarians and anyone working in libraries, archives and museums looking to evaluate, implement, develop or improve discovery services.

Edited by Fiorella Foscarini, University of Toronto, Heather MacNeil, University of Toronto, Gillian Oliver, Victoria University of Wellington and Bonnie Mak, University of Illinois

This book provides an authoritative and inspiring response to today’s growing fascination with the idea of the archive and contains cutting-edge research articles on the history and theory of archives and records, written by internationally renowned and emerging scholars.

Selected from the most original, insightful and imaginative papers from the Seventh International Conference on the History of Records and Archives (I-CHORA 7), the “histories and theories” collected in this volume offer a wide variety of views of records, archives and archival functions, spanning diverse regions, communities, disciplinary perspectives and time periods. From the origins of contemporary grassroots archival activism in Poland to the role of women archivists in early 20th century England; from the management of records in the Dutch East Indies in the 19th century to the relationship between Western and Indigenous cultures in North America and other modern archival conundrums: this book reveals the richness and complexity of archival thinking through historical and contemporary compelling examples that will captivate the reader.

Readership: This book will be useful reading for archivists, records managers and other media and information professionals, both scholars and practitioners. Students in graduate and post-graduate archival, information and library science programmes as well as researchers, graduate and post-graduate students in the digital humanities, art history, social history, culture and media studies, data curation and communication will learn about cutting-edge research projects and will find inspiration for further studies. FORTHCOMING

Edited by Kenneth J Varnum, University of Michigan

We are in a new age of discovery where technology has enabled today’s researchers to explore increasingly vaster realms of information more Jun 2016 | 296pp Pb | £64.95 efficiently than ever before. Exploring Discovery 9781783300969 examines the range of discovery-focused tools and technologies being deployed by libraries and provides a series of case studies illustrating the interfaces and technologies that can be used by libraries today.

Engaging with Archives and Records

The Silence of the Archive

Valerie Johnson, The National Archives, Simon Fowler, University of Dundee and David Thomas, Northumbria University Series: Principles & Practice in Records Management & Archives

Dec 2016 | 224pp Pb | £59.95 9781783301553 Hb | £89.95 9781783301560 eBook | £59.95

This new book provides a ground breaking discussion of a major but little considered issue - the silence of the archive: why archives, sometimes seen as the repositories of truth, often fail to satisfy users because they do not contain information which they expect to find.

Silences range from details of individuals’ lives to records of state oppression or of intelligence operations. The book brings together ideas from a wide range of fields, from contemporary history through family history research to Shakespearian studies. It describes why there are these silences, what the impact of them is, how researchers have responded to them and what the silence of the archive means for researchers in the digital age.

The Silence of the Archive marks the first time that the question of silence in the archives has been discussed holistically and from a broad perspective, looking at causes, responses and implications both for researchers and for the archive itself.

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Readership: This book will be useful reading for professional archivists, We arestudents @facetpublishing postgraduate and undergraduate of history, archives, librarianship and information studies, as well as academic and other users of archives.

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The Facet Digital Heritage Collection

Cultural Heritage Information Access and management

This Collection contains the following books:

Edited by Ian Ruthven, University of Strathclyde and G G Chowdhury, Northumbria University

Series: iResearch 2015 | 360pp Pb | £64.95 9781856049306 eBook | £64.95 9781783300662


“...this collection fulfils its stated goal of presenting ‘a snapshot of current research and development as well as outlining the various challenges and trends of research in relation to the creation, access and management of digital cultural heritage information systems and services’...Since this is the first title in the new iResearch series from Facet Publishing...it is to be hoped that future volumes in this series are as relevant, comprehensive, and wellstructured.” - Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

The Facet Archive Management Collection

2015 | 1866pp 6 vol set | £315 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783300914


Dec 2016 | 1200pp 4 vol set | £185 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301652


The Facet Archival Studies Collection

Jun 2016 | 928pp 4 vol set | £195 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301676


2017 | 16560pp 6 vol set | £305 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301669

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• Information 2.0: New models of information production, distribution and consumption, 2nd edition Martin De Saulles • The Information Society: A study of continuity and change, 6th edition John Feather • Sustainability of Scholarly Information G G Chowdhury • Digital Consumers: Re-shaping the information profession Edited by David Nicholas and Ian Rowlands.

The Facet Academic Library Collection This Collection contains the following books:

This Collection contains the following books:

• The Silence of the Archive Valerie Johnson, Simon Fowler and David Thomas • Engaging with Archives and Records: Histories and theories Edited by Fiorella Foscarini, Heather MacNeil, Gillian Oliver and Bonnie Mak • Archives and Recordkeeping: Theory into practice Edited by Caroline Brown • The Future of Archives and Recordkeeping: A reader Edited by Jennie Hill • Community Archives: The shaping of memory Edited by Jeanette A Bastian and Ben Alexander • Archives: Principles and practices Laura A Millar.

The Facet Information and Society Collection This Collection contains the following books:

This Collection contains the following books:

• Management Skills for Archivists and Records Managers Edited by Louise Ray and Melinda Haunton • Copyright for Archivists and Records Managers, 5th edition Tim Padfield • The No-nonsense Guide to Archives and Recordkeeping Margaret Crockett • Preserving Archives, 2nd edition Helen Forde and Jonathan Rhys-Lewis.

• Cultural Heritage Information: Access and management Edited by Ian Ruthven and G G Chowdhury • Digital Humanities in Practice Edited by Claire Warwick, Melissa Terras and Julianne Nyhan • Preserving Complex Digital Objects Edited by Janet Delve and David Anderson. • Annual Review of Cultural Heritage Informatics Edited by Samantha K Hastings • Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums: How to clean, link and publish your metadata Seth Van Hooland and Ruben Verborgh • Managing and Growing a Cultural Heritage Web Presence: A strategic guide Mike Ellis.

Nov 2016 | 2018pp 9 vol set | £430 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301683

• Practical Tips for Facilitating Research Moira J. Bent • Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries Edited by Starr Hoffman • Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics Edited by Andy Tattersall • Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison Ricahrd Moniz, Jo Henry and Joe Eshleman • Mastering Digital Librarianship: Strategy, network and discovery in academic libraries Edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin • Developing Digital Scholarship: Emerging practices in academic libraries Edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin • Envisioning Future Academic Library Services: Initiatives, ideas and challenges Edited by Sue McKnight • Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of good practice Edited by Graham Pryor, Sarah Jones and Angus Whyte • Managing Research Data Edited by Graham Pryor.

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The Facet Records Management Collection


Edited by Henriette Roued-Cunliffe, University of Copenhagen and Andrea Copeland, Indiana University

This Collection contains the following books:

Jun 2016 | 1240pp 5 vol set | £255 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301690

• Managing Records: A handbook of principles and practice Elizabeth Shepherd and Geoffrey Yeo • Records Management and Information Culture: Tackling the people problem Gillian Oliver and Fiorella Foscarini • Records and Information Management Patricia C Franks • Managing Records in Global Financial Markets: Ensuring compliance and mitigating risk Edited by Lynn Coleman, Victoria Lemieux, Rod Stone and Geoffrey Yeo • Managing Electronic Records Edited by Julie McLeod and Catherine Hare.



Digital Curation

Gillian Oliver, Victoria University of Wellington and Ross Harvey, RMIT University and University of South Australia

Apr 2016 | 256pp Pb | £59.95 9781783300976

In this revamped and expanded second edition, Gillian Oliver comprehensively revises Ross Harvey’s original text; widening the scope to address continuing developments in the strategies, technological approaches, and activities that are part of this rapidly changing field.

2017 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781783301232 Hb | £89.95 9781783301249 eBook | £54.95 9781783301256

Readership: This book will be essential reading for any information professional, records manager or archivists who appraises, selects, organizes, or maintains digital resources and has responsibilities as a digital curator. 2014 | 432pp Pb | £59.95 9781856049580 eBook | £59.95 9781783300396

Readership: This book will be useful reading for individuals working in cultural institutions such as libraries, museums, archives and historical societies. It will also be of interest to students taking library, archive and cultural heritage courses. NEW

2013 | 352pp Pb | £54.95 9781856047555 eBook | £54.95 9781856049627

Practical Digital Preservation

A how-to guide for organizations of any size Adrian Brown, Parliamentary Archives

The Facet Preservation Collection 2 This Collection contains the following books:

Apr 2016 | 2872pp 8 vol set | £425 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301119

• Practical Digital Preservation: A how-to guide for organizations of any size Adrian Brown • Preserving Our Heritage: Perspectives from antiquity to the digital age Edited by Michèle V Cloonan • Preserving Archives, 2nd edition Helen Forde and Jonathan Rhys-Lewis • Preservation Management for Libraries, Archives and Museums Edited by G E Gorman and Sydney J Shep • Digital Curation, 2nd edition Gillian Oliver and Ross Harvey • Digital Preservation Edited by Marilyn Deegan and Simon Tanner • Preparing Collections for Digitization Anna E Bülow and Jess Ahmon • Preserving Complex Digital Objects Edited by Janet Delve and David Anderson.


Preserving Our Heritage

Perspectives from antiquity to the digital age Edited by Michèle V Cloonan, Simmons College

Preserving Complex Digital Objects

Edited by Janet Delve and David Anderson, both at University of Portsmouth

This new book provides a wide range of international guidance and perspectives on the issues surrounding the preservation of local cultural heritage, ranging from formal cultural heritage institutions to individual community members in the associated processes of creation, organization, access, use and preservation.

Participatory Heritage explores issues including, how to manage copyright, ownership, orphan works, open data access to heritage representations and artefacts, crowdsourcing, cultural heritage amateurs, information as a commodity or information as public domain, sustainable preservation, and attitudes towards openness. The book demonstrates that in order for personal and community-based documentation and artefacts to be preserved and included in social and collective histories, individuals and community groups need the technical and knowledge infrastructures of support that formal cultural institutions can provide. In other words, both groups need each other.

The key topics covered include:

• key requirements for digital curation, from description and representation to planning and collaboration • the value and utility of metadata • considering the needs of producers and consumers when creating an appraisal and selection policy for digital objects • the paradigm shift by institutions towards cloud computing and its impact on costs, storage, and other key aspects of digital curation • the quality and security of data • new and emerging data curation resources, including innovative digital repository software and digital forensics tools • mechanisms for sharing and reusing data, with expanded sections on open access, open data, and open standards initiatives • processes to ensure that data are preserved and remain usable over time • the scope and incentives of digital curation, detailing Digital Curation Centre’s (DCC) lifecycle model as well as the Data Curation Continuum.

Participatory Heritage

2015 | 702pp Pb | £69.95 9781856049467

"This volume makes a diverse array of articles and some from hard-to-find sources easily accessible for students of architecture, cultural heritage, historical conservation, book arts, and related programs of study. Taken together, the readings included here provide an excellent single-volume overview to introduce readers to the wide concerns of preservationists." - CHOICE

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Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals



Marcia Lei Zeng, Kent State University and Jian Qin, Syracuse University

David Stuart, King’s College London

Aug 2016 | 224pp Pb | £59.95 9781783300624 Hb | £89.95 9781783301041 eBook | £59.95 9781783301522

Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals provides an introduction to ontologies and their development, an essential tool for fighting back against information overload. The book covers key topics including:

• What is an ontology? Defining the concept and why it is increasingly important to the information professional. • Ontologies and the semantic web • Existing ontologies, such as SKOS, OWL, FOAF, schema.org, and the DBpedia Ontology • Adopting and building ontologies, showing how to avoid repetition of work and how to build a simple ontology with Protégé • Interrogating semantic web ontologies • The future of ontologies and the role of the information professional in their development and use.

Readership: This book will be useful reading for information professionals in libraries and other cultural heritage institutions who are associated with digitalization projects, cataloguing and classification and information retrieval. It will also be useful to LIS students who are new to the field. NEW

The Facet RDA Collection

This Collection contains the following books:

Jun 2016 | 1104pp 3 vol set | £160 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301768


• RDA Essentials Thomas Brenndorfer • Maxwell’s Handbook for RDA: Explaining and illustrating RDA: Resource Description and Access using MARC21 Robert L Maxwell • Practical Cataloguing: AACR, RDA and MARC21 Anne Welsh and Sue Batley.

RDA Essentials

Thomas Brenndorfer, Guelph Public Library

Apr 2016 | 256pp Pb | £69.95 9781783300563

This concise guide to cataloguing with RDA: Resource Description and Access is essential for those seeking a simplified path to creating basic RDA records. Author Thomas Brenndorfer describes the key RDA concepts and vocabulary and distils RDA instructions, matching them to cataloguing practice in easy-to-follow languages. Fully up-to-date with the latest revisions to RDA, this guide makes an excellent introduction while also serving as a bridge to more complex cataloguing.

RDA Essentials is an ideal resource for: • • • •

Apr 2016 | 400pp Pb | £59.95 9781783300525

Providing a solid grounding in the variety and interrelationships among different metadata types, Zeng and Qin’s thorough revision of their benchmark text offers a comprehensive look at the metadata schemas that exist in the world of library and information science and beyond, as well as the contexts in which they operate. Cementing its value as both an LIS text and a handy reference for professionals already in the field, this book:

• Lays out the fundamentals of metadata, including principles of metadata, structures of metadata vocabularies, and metadata descriptions • Surveys metadata standards and their applications in distinct domains and for various communities of metadata practice • Examines metadata building blocks, from modelling to defining properties, and from designing application profiles to implementing value vocabularies • Describes important concepts as resource identification, metadata as linked data, consumption of metadata, interoperability, and quality measurement • Offers an updated glossary to help readers navigate metadata’s complex terms in easy-to-understand definitions.

An online resource of web extras, packed with exercises, quizzes, and links to additional materials, completes this definitive primer on metadata.

Readership: LIS students taking information organization courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, information professionals wishing to specialise in the metadata area, and existing metadata specialists who wish to update their knowledge FORTHCOMING

Digital Asset Management in Theory and Practice Mark Hedges, King’s College London

Dec 2016 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781856049351 Hb | £89.95 9781783300990 eBook | £54.95 9781783301775

This practical handbook provides information professionals with everything they need to know to effectively manage digital content and information. The book addresses digital asset management (DAM) from a practitioner’s point of view but also introduces readers to the theoretical background to the subject. It will thus equip readers with a range of essential strategic, technical and practical skills required to direct digital asset management activities within their area of business, while also providing them a well-rounded and critical understanding of the issues across domains.

Readership: Information professionals who work (or aim to work) in the digital content industries and managers of digital assets of various forms. Cultural and memory institutions, digital archives, and any areas of science, government and business organisation where there is a need to curate digital assets. Students taking LIS graduate courses worldwide.

RDA: Resource Description and Access Print

small libraries that require standard cataloguing LIS students who need an introduction to cataloguing professionals seeking a ready reference source to RDA experienced cataloguers needing a quick summary of RDA practice.

Readership: A handy access point for solo and part-time cataloguers, Brennndorfer’s guide also supports training and classroom use in any size institution. It will be useful reading for cataloguers and metadata specialists, systems librarians, user services managers, electronic resources librarians, and digital library project managers and students on cataloguing, information management and digital library courses.


2015 Revision

2015 | 1052pp Pb | £110 9781783300747

This full-text print version of RDA offers a snapshot that serves as an offline access point to help solo and parttime cataloguers evaluate RDA, as well as to support training and classroom use in any size institution.

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Essential Classification


Vanda Broughton, University College London

2015 | 336pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300310


Edited by Louise F Spiteri, Dalhousie University This book shows you how to harness the power of linked data and web-scale discovery systems to manage and link widely varied content across your library collection.

Libraries are increasingly using web-scale discovery systems to help clients find a wide assortment of library materials, including books, journal articles, special collections, archival collections, videos, music and open access collections. Depending on the library material catalogued, the discovery system might need to negotiate different metadata standards, such as AACR, RDA, RAD, FOAF, VRA Core, METS, MODS, RDF and more. Jun 2016 | 188pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300693 Hb | £89.95 9781783301164 eBook | £54.95 9781783301546

In Managing Metadata in Web-scale Discovery Systems, editor Louise Spiteri and a range of international experts show you how to: • • • • • • • •

maximize the effectiveness of web-scale discovery systems provide a smooth and seamless discovery experience to your users help users conduct searches that yield relevant results manage the sheer volume of items to which you can provide access, so your users can actually find what they need maintain shared records that reflect the needs, languages, and identities of culturally and ethnically varied communities manage metadata both within, across, and outside, library discovery tools by converting your library metadata to linked open data that all systems can access manage user generated metadata from external services such as Goodreads and LibraryThing mine user generated metadata to better serve your users in areas such as collection development or readers’ advisory.

Readership: The book will be essential reading for cataloguers, technical services and systems librarians and library and information science students studying modules on metadata, cataloguing, systems design, data management, and digital libraries. The book will also be of interest to those managing metadata in archives, museums and other cultural heritage institutions. 2014 | 282pp Pb | £49.95 9781856049641 eBook | £49.95 9781783300389

2014 | 608pp Pb | £59.95 9781856048323

Edited by Ed Jones, National University and Michele Seikel, Oklahoma State University

“... an exemplary introduction to library classification. Broughton writes with uncommon lucidity and clearly understands how to make her subject come alive with interesting and engaging examples. An indispensable guide to neophyte cataloguers and classifiers, this book is highly recommended for libraries collecting in library and information science.” - Catholic Library World

Managing Metadata in Web-scale Discovery Systems

Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums

How to clean, link and publish your metadata

Seth van Hooland, Université libre de Bruxelles and Ruben Verborgh, Ghent University

Maxwell's Handbook for RDA

Explaining and illustrating RDA: Resource Description and Access using MARC21 Robert L Maxwell, Brigham Young University

Linked Data for Cultural Heritage

With its roots in computer science, linked data is unfamiliar territory for many library cataloguers. But since the origins of MARC nearly 50 years ago, the value of machine-readable library records has only grown. Today linked data is essential for sharing library Aug 2016 | 160pp collections on the open web, especially the digital Pb: £54.95 cultural heritage in the collections of libraries, archives, 9781783301621 and museums. This book gathers a stellar list of contributors to help readers understand linked data concepts by examining practice and projects based in familiar concepts like authority control. Topped by an insider’s perspective on OCLC’s experiments with Schema.org and the Library of Congress’s BIBFRAME project, the book addresses such topics as:

• a simplified description of linked data, summing up its promises and challenges • controlled vocabularies for the web • broadening use of library-curated vocabularies • how the complexity of AV models reveals the limitations of retrospective conversion • BIBFRAME’s triplestore data model • ways libraries are helping science researchers share their data, with descriptions of projects underway at major institutions • balancing the nuance within an element set with the sameness needed for sharing • the influence of projects such as Europeana and Digital Public Library of America.

Readership: This book is a key resource for records managers and archivists working in any sector, especially those at the start of their careers and those moving into positions of management who wish to refresh their skills. It is also of great value to graduate students of archives and records management, and to all information professionals studying for management.


Management Skills for Archivists and Records Managers Edited by Louise Ray, University College London and Melinda Haunton, The National Archives

Written by established authors in the field, this handbook of practical advice is underpinned with current thinking and theory, and draws on experience of Dec 2016 | 256pp Pb | £49.95 teaching management skills to graduate archivists and 9781856045841 records managers and on practical professional Hb | £89.95 experience. Each chapter deals with a key aspect of 9781783301034 archive and records management, illustrated by case eBook | £49.95 9781783301829 studies and examples. Throughout, the book provides a clear conceptual framework, but ensures that this is translated into practical terms to enable the reader to make use of the knowledge in their work. The chapters are: • • • • • • • •

identifying management skills for archivists and records managers taking the long term view: corporate and strategic planning managing projects successfully managing money and other resources managing people providing accountability: performance measurement advocating for archives and records management developing personal management skills.

Readership: This book is a key resource for records managers and archivists working in any sector, especially those at the start of their careers and those moving into positions of management who wish to refresh their skills. It is also of great value to graduate students of archives and records management, and to all information professionals studying for management.

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The Facet Library Management Collection


This Collection contains the following books:

2015 | 2528pp 10 vol set | £480 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783300907

• Library Management in Disruptive Times: Skills and knowledge for an uncertain future Edited by Steve O'Connor • Leading Libraries: How to create a service culture Wyoma vanDuinkerken and Wendi Arant Kaspar • Management Basics for Information Professionals, 3rd edition G Edward Evans and Camila A Alire • Assessing Service Quality: Satisfying the expectations of library customers, 3rd edition Peter Hernon, Ellen Altman and Robert Dugan • Being an Information Innovator Jennifer Rowley • Leadership: The challenge for the information profession Sue Roberts and Jennifer Rowley • Managing Information Services Sue Roberts and Jennifer Rowley • Supervising and Leading Teams in ILS Barbara Allan • Project Management: Tools and techniques for today's ILS professional Barbara Allan • Managing Stress and Conflict in Libraries Sheila Pantry.

Library Management in Disruptive Times

Edited by Denise Koufogiannakis, University of Alberta and Alison Brettle, University of Salford

Aug 2016 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300716 Hb | £89.95 9781783301195 eBook | £54.95 9781783301454

Readership: The book will be essential reading for library and information professionals from all sectors who want to make more informed decisions and better meet the needs of their users. The book will also be of interest to students of library and information studies and researchers. NEW

Leading Libraries

How to create a service culture

Wyoma vanDuinkerken, University of IllinoisUrbana Champaign and Wendi Arant Kaspar, University of Washington 2015 | 192pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300655

“This is probably one of the best books on leadership in libraries that has come out so far. It is a great resource not only for librarians who are already in leadership positions but for those who wish to lead who may not be quite ready to do so.” - Against the Grain

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The Facet User Experience Collection

This Collection contains the following books:

Edited by Steve O’Connor, Charles Sturt University 2015 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300211

The book takes an open and encompassing approach to exploring evidence based library and information practice (EBLIP) and the ways it can improve the practice of librarianship. Bringing together recent theory, research, and case studies, the book provides librarians with a new reference point for how they can use and create evidence within their practice, in order to better meet the needs of their communities.

Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice is divided into two parts; in the first part the editors explore the background to EBLIP and put forward a new model for its application in the workplace which encompasses 5 elements: Articulate, Assemble, Assess, Agree, Adapt. In the second part, contributors from academic, public, health, school and special libraries from around the world provide an overview of EBLIP developments in their sector and offer examples of successful implementation.

Skills and knowledge for an uncertain future “...a collection that will have benefit for anyone experiencing rapid workplace change—both managers and the managed... there is some genuine insight and value in each of the chapters and the book can be recommended to a wide readership. While managers will get value by being challenged to think about the change activities within their own organisations, it will also give their staff the chance to (re)consider the issues that confront managers as they undertake change, and the extent to which the interests of all parties might be served by embracing disruption.” - Australian Academic and Research Libraries

Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice

Jun 2016 | 1854pp 7 vol set | £320 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301706


• User Studies for Digital Library Development Edited by Milena Dobreva, Andy O’Dwyer and Pierluigi Feliciati • Information Users and Usability in the Digital Age G G Chowdhury and Sudatta Chowdhury • Introduction to Information Behaviour Nigel Ford • User Experience (UX) Design for Libraries Aaron Schmidt and Amanda Etches • Information Needs Analysis: Principles and practice in information organizations Daniel G Dorner, G E Gorman and Philip J Calvert • Better Library and Learning Space: Projects, trends, ideas Edited by Les Watson • Research Methods in Information, 2nd edition Alison Jane Pickard.

Assessing Service Quality

Satisfying the expectations of library customers

Peter Hernon, Simmons College, Ellen Altman and Robert E Dugan, University of West Florida

Academic and public libraries are continuing to transform as the information landscape changes, 2015 | 232pp expanding their missions into new service roles that call Pb | £49.95 for improved organizational performance and 9781783300594 accountability. Since Assessing Service Quality premiered in 1998, receiving the prestigious Highsmith Library Literature Award, scores of library managers and administrators have trusted its guidance for applying a customer-centred approach to service quality and performance evaluation. This extensively revised and updated edition explores even further the ways technology influences both the experiences of library customers and the ways libraries themselves can assess those experiences.

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Library Analytics and Metrics

Information Needs Analysis

Using data to drive decisions and services

Principles and practice in information organizations

Edited by Ben Showers, Cabinet Office

2015 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 9781856049658 eBook | £49.95 9781783300778


“Relevant to library directors and administrators of cultural heritage institutions looking to create a data-driven approach to decision making and the development of services. A valuable resource for anyone who serves as a liaison to faculty and students along with those who manage library systems and services.” - Library Journal

The Facet Performance Measurement and Metrics Collection

This Collection contains the following books:

• Library Analytics and Metrics: Using data to drive decisions and services Edited by Ben Showers • Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Jun 2016 | 1640pp Practice 7 vol set | £330 (includes 10% off Edited by Denise Koufogiannakis and Alison Brettle combined book • Assessing Service Quality: Satisfying the price) expectations of library customers, 3rd edition 9781783301737 Peter Hernon, Ellen Altman and Robert Dugan • Evaluating the Impact of Your Library, 2nd edition David Streatfield and Sharon Markless • Web Metrics for Library and Information Professionals David Stuart • Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics Edited by Andy Tattersall • Research, Evaluation and Audit: Key steps in demonstrating your value Edited by Maria J Grant, Barbara Sen and Hannah Spring. FORTHCOMING

Library Improvement through Data Analytics

Lesley S J Farmer and Alan M Safer, both at California State University

Aug 2016 | 192pp Pb | £54.95 9781783301614

Designed to be useful for beginners as well as those with a background in data, this book introduces the basics of a six point framework that can be applied to a variety of library settings for effective system based, data-driven management. Library Improvement through Data Analytics includes:

• the basics of statistical concepts • recommended data sources for various library functions and processes, and guidance for using census, university, or government data in analysis • techniques for cleaning data • matching data to appropriate data analysis methods • how to make descriptive statistics more powerful by spotlighting relationships • 14 practical case studies, covering topics such as access and retrieval, digitization, e-book collection development, staffing, facilities, and instruction.

Readership: This book’s clear, concise coverage will enable librarians, archivists, curators and technologists of every experience level to gain a better understanding of statistics in order to facilitate library improvement.

Daniel G Dorner, G E Gorman and Philip J Calvert, Victoria University of Wellington 2014 | 256pp Pb | £49.95 9781856044844 eBook | £49.95 9781783300457


“The style of the book is easy to follow, it is transparent and practical. The application of the presented methods and instruments should not be a complicated matter. For information managers in organizations this book will be very useful. It is also of the kind that most students appreciate very much: it provides unambiguous answers to potential questions and solutions to the problems that are commonly met at everyday work.” - Information Research

Practical Tips for Developing Your Staff Tracey Pratchett and Gil Young

Series: Practical Tips for Library and Information Professionals

Nov 2016 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300181 Hb | £89.95 9781783301805 eBook | £49.95 9781783301812

This book offers innovative tips and tried-and-tested best practice to enable library and knowledge workers to take control of professional development regardless of the budget and time available to them. Continuous professional development is a key component of a successful and satisfying career, this book offers a wide range of ideas and methods for all library and information professionals to manage the development of those who work for and with them.

You will find flexible tips and implementation advice on topics including: • enabling others to plan, reflect on and evaluate their personal development • appraisals and goal setting: linking personal objectives to organizational objectives • performance management • sourcing funding to attend and run events • planning formal development activities such as courses and conferences • accessing informal activities • using social media as a development tool • role of professional bodies and networks • mentoring, buddying and coaching • networking.

Readership: All library and information professionals who have responsibility for managing, mentoring and training staff and individuals wishing to manage their own CPD. NEW

The Facet Marketing Collection This Collection contains the following books:

Jun 2016 | 1116pp 5 vol set | £240 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301720

• Social Media for Creative Libraries Phil Bradley • The Library Marketing Toolkit Ned Potter • Marketing Your Library’s Electronic Resources: A how-to-do-it manual Marie R Kennedy and Cheryl M LaGuardia • Developing Strategic Marketing Plans That Really Work Terry Kendrick • Marketing with Social Media Edited by Beth C Thomsett-Scott.

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Critical Literacy for Information Professionals

This Collection contains the following books:

Edited by Sarah McNicol, Manchester Metropolitan University

• • • • • •

Apr 2016 | 228pp Pb | £59.95 9781783300822 Hb | £89.95 9781783301058 eBook | £59.95 9781783301508

This book provides a foundation of critical literacy theory, as applied to libraries; combines theory and practice to explore critical literacy in relation to different user groups, and offers practical ways to introduce critical literacy approaches in libraries. Contributed to by international experts from across library sectors, the book covers topics including:

Jan 2016 | 1964pp 8 vol set | £385 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301126

• radical information literacy as an approach to critical literacy education critical literacy and mature students physical and digital disability access in libraries teaching critical literacy skills in a multicultural, multilingual school community teaching media literacy developing critical literacy skills in an online environment new media and critical literacy in secondary schools.

Readership: This book aims to be accessible to those with little knowledge of critical literacy, while also introducing debates and ideas to those with more experience of the field. It will be essential reading for librarians, information professionals and managers in all sectors, students of library and information science, school and higher education teachers and researchers. NEW

Barbara Allan, Westminster Business School

Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning provides a straightforward and accessible guide to the Apr 2016 | 192pp latest learning and teaching practices appropriate for Pb | £49.95 use with higher education students. It is the first book to 9781783300709 bring together theory and practice that has developed Hb | £89.95 9781783301072 in the past five years and covers a wide range of tools eBook | £49.95 and techniques (relevant to face-to-face and online 9781783301461 practices) which will suit students in different contexts from large groups of 500+ to very small classes of research students. This practical book makes extensive use of case studies, examples, checklists and tables and contains: • an analysis of the current higher education landscape • an exploration of new theories of digital literacy • demonstrations of how academic libraries are working in support of student employability • a theoretical overview of different approaches to teaching and learning • practical guidance on designing, developing and evaluating courses • an exploration of approaches to personal and professionals development.

Readership: Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning will be essential reading for different groups working in colleges and universities including library and information workers, staff developers, educational technologists, educational development project workers, educational change agents and students of library and information science who are planning their careers. 2012 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781856048224 eBook | £54.95 9781856049528


Rethinking Information Literacy A practical framework for supporting learning

Edited by Jane Secker, LSE and Emma Coonan, UEA

• A Guide to Teaching Information Literacy: 101 tips Helen Blanchett, Chris Powis and Jo Webb • Expert Internet Searching, 4th edition Phil Bradley • Going Beyond Google Again: Strategies for using and teaching the invisible web Jane Devine and Francine Egger-Sider • Improving Students' Web Use and Information Literacy: A guide for teachers and teacher librarians James E Herring • Information Literacy Beyond Library 2.0 Edited by Peter Godwin and Jo Parker • Metaliteracy: Reinventing information literacy to empower learners Thomas P Mackey and Trudi E Jacobson • Rethinking Information Literacy: A practical framework for supporting learning Edited by Jane Secker and Emma Coonan • Metaliteracy in Practice Edited by Thomas P Mackey and Trudi E Jacobson.

Metaliteracy in Practice

Edited by Trudi E Jacobson, University of Albany and Thomas P Mackey, Empire State College

Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning A practical guide for librarians and educators

The Facet Information Literacy Collection 2

Dec 2015 | 256pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300938

“A timely publication...This book can be a source for inspiration and practical ideas to refresh the information literacy programme of any academic library.” - ARBA

Metaliteracy in Practice provides inspiration for librarians and educators in need of up-to-date and thought-provoking information literacy curricula and instructional approaches. Each chapter takes readers through the process of using the metaliteracy framework in new and exciting ways that easily transfer to the classroom and to work with students. These ideas are grounded in teaching traditional information literacy competencies but brought up-to-date with the addition of methods for teaching and learning about metacognition, information creation and participation in learning communities. Readership: Any librarian or educator involved in teaching information literacy, LIS students, academics and researchers.


Reinventing information literacy to empower learners Thomas P Mackey, Empire State College and Trudi E Jacobson, University of Albany 2014 | 250pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300129

“This book is a very welcome and timely contribution to the field through which the authors considered a well-argued path for the future development of “literacies”. This book has caused me to stop and reflect upon the changing nature of information literacies in general, and has really emphasised to me the need for a theory that is not languishing in the social and socio-technical scene of the early 2000’s.” - Journal of Information Literacy

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Teaching Information Literacy Reframed

50+ framework-based exercises for creating information-literate learners Joanna M Burkhardt, University of Rhode Island

This book offers a starting point to understanding and Jul 2016 | 160pp teaching the six threshold concepts listed in the new Pb | £44.95 Framework for Information Literacy for Higher 9781783301621 Education, an altogether new way of looking at information literacy. Bestselling author and expert instructional librarian Burkhardt decodes the Framework, putting its conceptual approach into straightforward language and offering more than 50 classroom-ready Framework based exercises. The book:

• discusses the history of the development of the Framework for Information Literacy and briefly deconstructs the six threshold concepts • thoroughly addresses each threshold concept, building from the beginner level to the intermediate level • includes exercises that can be used in the one-shot timeframe as well as others designed for longer class sessions and semester-long courses • offers best practices in creating learning outcomes, assessments, and teaching tricks and tips • looks at how learning, memory, and transfer of learning applies to the teaching of information literacy.

This book will assist librarians in creating and running effective information literacy instruction for students of all levels and help instructors create their own local information literacy programs. NEW

Visual Literacy for Libraries A practical, standards-based guide

Nicole E Brown, New York University, Kaila Bussert, California Polytechnic State University, Denise Hattwig, University of Washington and Ann Medaille, University of Nevada

This book provides you with the tools, strategies, and confidence to apply visual literacy in a library context. You will learn ways to develop students’ visual literacy and how to use visual materials to make your own teaching more engaging. Apr 2016 | 208pp Pb | £54.95 9781783301447

Ideal for the busy librarian who needs ideas, activities, and teaching strategies that are ready to implement, this book:

• Shows how to challenge students to delve into finding images, use images in the research process, interpret and analyse images, create visual communications, and use visual content ethically • provides ready-to-use learning activities for engaging critically with visual materials • offers tools and techniques for increasing one’s own visual literacy confidence • gives strategies for integrating, engaging with and advocating for visual literacy in libraries.

With this book’s guidance, you can help students master visual literacy, a key competency in today’s media-saturated world, while also enlivening your teaching with visual materials.

Readership: Visual Literacy for Libraries will be essential reading for librarians, information professionals and managers in all sectors, students of library and information science, school and higher education teachers and researchers.


Librarians and Instructional Designers Collaboration and innovation

Joe Eshleman, Richard Moniz, Karen Mann, and Kristen Eshleman

With online education options more ubiquitous and sophisticated than ever, the need for academic Sep 2016 | 240pp librarians to be conversant with digital resources and Pb | £49.95 design thinking has become increasingly important. 9781783301645 The way forward is through collaboration with instructional designers, which allows librarians to gain a better understanding of digital resource construction, design, goals, and responsibilities. In this book, the authors demonstrate that when librarians and instructional designers pool their knowledge of curriculum and technology, together they can impact changes that help to better serve faculty, students, and staff to address changes that are affecting higher education. Illustrated using plentiful examples of successful collaboration in higher education, this book:

• introduces the history of collaborative endeavours between instructional designers and librarians, sharing ideas for institutions of every size • reviews key emerging issues, including intellectual property, digital scholarship, data services, digital publishing, and scholarly communication • addresses library instruction, particularly the new information literacy framework and threshold concepts, and how the movement towards online library instruction can be supported through collaboration with instructional designers • describes the complementary roles of librarians and instructional designers in detail, followed by a case study in collaboration at Davidson College, an evolving digital project that mirrors changes in technology and collaboration over more than a decade • shows how librarians and instructional designers can work together to encourage, inform, train, and support both faculty and students in the use of digital media, media databases, online media, public domain resources, and streaming media tools • highlights creative opportunities inherent in the design and use of the Learning Management System (LMS) • looks ahead to how emerging technologies are already leading to new jobs at the intersection of librarianship and technology, such as the instructional design librarian.

With a firm foundation on best practices drawn from a variety of institutions, this book maps out a partnership between academic librarians and instructional designers that will lead to improved outcomes. NEW

The Facet Digital Literacies Collection

This Collection contains the following books:

Jun 2016 | 942pp 4 vol set | £195 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301713

2013 | 288pp Pb | £54.95 9781856046053 eBook | £54.95 9781856049672

• Metaliteracy in Practice Edited by Trudi E Jacobson and Thomas P Mackey • Metaliteracy: Reinventing information literacy to empower learners Trudi E Jacobson and Thomas P Mackey • Critical Literacy for Information Professionals Edited by Sarah McNicol • Visual Literacy for Libraries: A practical, standards-based guide Nicole E Brown, Kaila Bussert, Denise Hattwig and Ann Medaille.

Expert Internet Searching Phil Bradley

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Mastering Data and Databases for Information Professionals


Series: Computing for Information Professionals

This textbook provides an appropriately technical Dec 2016 | 272pp introduction to creating, implementing, and working with Pb | £49.95 9781783301171 relational databases. It gives instruction on how to Hb | £89.95 create a relational database, such as discussion of 9781783301188 concepts including primary keys, indexes, tables, and relationships. Guidance for maintaining data integrity and quality through best practices such as normalization, specialization, and constraints is also included as well as a discussion of the different ways to obtain the data that is stored in relational databases. Mastering Data and Databases for Information Professionals also helps readers place databases in a wider context by taking a holistic look at where data exists in library settings, exploring how to determine and communicate database needs prior to implementation, and providing an overview of rapidly growing topics of interest in today’s libraries including unstructured data and linked data. The book is organised into three sections:

• Part I. Introduction to databases and data • Part II. Structured data and databases • Part III. The new generation of data and databases.

Most librarians work with databases in some form every day and this book is tailored specifically to their needs, containing everything they need to know to create, maintain and interface with databases without unnecessary technical detail.

2015 | 192pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300099



Foundations of Library and Information Science Richard E Rubin

Dec 2015 | 688pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300846

“In this fourth edition, Rubin excels at providing everything working library professionals and those desiring to become library professionals need to know. This text could be considered ‘the librarian’s Bible,’ as it is so comprehensive in its coverage of the profession. Rubin’s relaxed and conversational writing style makes it a highly approachable text and a valuable addition to any professional resource collection, library and information science classroom, or personal reference.” - VOYA

Spanning all types of libraries, from public to academic, school, and special, this book illuminates the major facets of library and information science for aspiring professionals as well as those already practicing in the field.

“Martin De Saulles provides a concise, yet relatively wide-ranging, overview of the enduring issues and current crises in information and communication technologies.” - Digital Scholarship in the Humanities

Information Ethics Reflection and practice

David McMenemy, University of Strathclyde

This textbook provides a practical, comprehensive guide to ethical issues in library and information work. It considers the over-arching ethical concepts impacting on all library and information professionals and will be of interest to both practitioners and students. Practical Nov 2016 | 256pp Pb | £49.95 guidance to ethical dilemmas is provided through 9781856049399 discussion of international real-world examples of Hb | £89.95 actual ethical situations throughout the text. A resource 9781783301010 guide and suggestions for further reading are provided and model policies that can be used by practitioners to support ethical practice are included as appendices.

Readership: LIS professionals, students and researchers.

Is Digital Different?

How information creation, capture, preservation and discovery are being transformed

Readership: This will be a key textbook for LIS students and will also be useful for practitioners working in libraries, museums, archives, records management, or within any other organisation that has data to manage. NEW

New models of information production, distribution and consumption Martin De Saulles, University of Brighton

Collaboration and innovation

Diane Rasmussen Pennington, University of Strathclyde

Information 2.0

2015 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 9781856048545

Edited by Barbara Endicott-Popovsky, University of Washington and Michael Moss, University of Northumbria with Marc J Dupuis, University of Washington

This textbook brings together global experts to explore the role of information professionals in the transition from an analogue to a digital environment. The contributors focus on the opportunities and challenges afforded by this new environment that is transforming the information landscape in ways that were scarcely imaginable a decade ago and is challenging the very existence of the traditional library and archive as more and more resources become available online and as computers and supporting networks become more and more powerful.

Readership: This book will be of particular interest to students, especially those on information studies programs, and academics, researchers and archivists globally. 2014 | 224pp Pb | £59.95 9781856049689 eBook | £59.95 9781783300433

A Handbook for Corporate Information Professionals Katharine Schopflin

Inspection copies

Email info@facetpublishing.co.uk and let us know which textbooks you would like to see and which modules you are considering them for.

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Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison

The Facet LIS Textbook Collection This Collection contains the following books:

2015 | 3958pp 10 vol set | £450 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783300884


• Introduction to Information Science David Bawden and Lyn Robinson • Research Methods in Information, 2nd edition Alison Jane Pickard • Exploring Digital Libraries: Foundations, practice, prospects Karen Calhoun • Information Resource Description: Creating and managing metadata Philip Hider • Introduction to Information Behaviour Nigel Ford • Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval, 3rd edition G G Chowdhury • Management Basics for Information Professionals, 3rd edition G Edward Evans and Camila A Alire • Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management, 3rd edition Peggy Johnson • Reference and Information Services: An introduction, 3rd edition Kay Ann Cassell and Uma Hiremath • The Information Society: A study of continuity and change, 6th edition John Feather.

Building Your Portfolio The CILIP guide

Richard Moniz, Johnson & Wales University, Jo Henry, South Piedmont Community College and Joe Eshleman, Johnson & Wales University 2014 210pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781783300051

2015 | 160pp Pb | £39.95 9781783300204 eBook | £39.95 ISBN


Nigel Ford, University of Sheffield

Series: Foundations of the Information Sciences

2015 272pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856048507

A guide to key literature and sources Michael F Bemis

2014 256pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781783300020

Foundations, practice, prospects

2014 | 1352pp Pb | £49.95 9781856048200

“This book should be in all libraries serving LIS programmes, but is also a recommended read for all information managers involved with the development of digital libraries.” - The Electronic Library

Inspection copies

Email info@facetpublishing.co.uk and let us know which textbooks you would like to see and which modules you are considering them for.

“...Nigel Ford has managed to maintain academic rigour in his analysis of the research that has been carried out whilst also writing a book that will be of great value to students of any information-related discipline as well as intranet and search managers.” - Martin White, Intranet Focus

Library and Information Science

Exploring Digital Libraries

Karen Calhoun, University of Pittsburgh

“Moniz, Henry, and Eshleman provide a thorough strategy for transporting the library liaison of the past into the 21st century…Each chapter contains multiple checklists and a short conclusion, followed by a list of references. This title would be an excellent starting point for any new librarian, and I can definitely envision it being used as a library school textbook. In addition, this title could be a valuable read for seasoned librarians who want to transform their current library liaison program.” - Technical Services Quarterly

Introduction to Information Behaviour

Kath Owen and Margaret Watson

Set out in a user-friendly format, and covering each element of a portfolio, Building Your Portfolio: The CILIP guide is packed with examples, useful hints and tips, personal contributions from successful applicants, web links, and further reading to help you develop a top-notch portfolio. The role of the VLE, new submission routes including e-submission and the new route to Revalidation are all clearly explained.



“‘Descriptive’, ‘informative’ and ‘comprehensive’ are words that could describe the sources in this book by Michael Bemis, but also actually describe the book itself. It is obvious from the start that this is not just a list of resources with the publisher’s blurb being reprinted or restated. Bemis has looked at each title he has reviewed and gives a succinct yet informative statement of each book’s coverage, its strengths and weaknesses...I highly recommend this title to students and fellow librarians alike.” - Australian Library Journal

Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management Peggy Johnson

2014 400pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856049375

“Must now be considered the essential textbook for collection development and management… the first place to go for reliable and informative advice.” - Technical Services Quarterly

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Information Governance and Assurance


Philip Hider, Charles Sturt University

Alan MacLennan, Robert Gordon University

2014 192pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856049405


“This is one of the few books that brings together the concepts of records and information management and information security and is a really solid introduction to the way in which the various information disciplines, whether concerned with security and protection or reuse and optimisation, need to come together to ensure that information remains useful yet is appropriately secured to minimise risk.” - Records Management Journal

Introduction to Information Science

Series: Foundations of the Information Sciences

2012 288pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856046671


Series: Foundations of the Information Sciences


"I believe this book is the best introduction to information science available at present." - Birger Hjorland, Royal School of Library and Information Science

Research Methods in Information Alison Jane Pickard, Northumbria University

2013 384pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856048132


“Finally, I have found what I was looking for, since I started working with research students! A book that makes it clear…I find her answers professional, knowledgeable, and useful for doing actual research…this book should be read by all doctoral students in LIS who have embarked on their first big research project. I would also propose it as a textbook for research methods courses at Master's level.” - Information Research

Reference and Information Services

2010 528pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856046947


2013 576pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856049542


“For this third edition of a text for undergraduate and graduate students of library and information science, Chowdhury...incorporates changes in the field since 2004 and provides a new chapter on citation indexing. The book is written from a relatively non-technical perspective, covering the spectrum of information storage and retrieval in a way that's relevant to an international readership.” - SciTech Book News

Management Basics for Information Professionals

“For anyone teaching management concepts to library and information science (LIS) students, you could find no better text to assign than Management Basics for Information Professionals. For recent graduates, and those beginning supervisory roles, this is definitely a book to keep in your office.” - SLA Leadership and Management Division

Collection Development in the Digital Age

Maggie Fieldhouse, University College London and Audrey Marshall, University of Brighton

Kay Ann Cassell, Rutgers University and Uma Hiremath, Ames Free Library 2012 534pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856048392

Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval

G Edward Evans and Camila A Alire

An introduction

“A tool for library school students, new librarians, the public library reference desk, or anyone needing a general resource about providing information services and recommended tools of the trade…A well-written, readable work that is worth adding to a general ready-reference collection or a library student’s bookshelf.” - Journal of Electronic Resources in Medical Libraries

“...an excellent introduction both for students and for practitioners new to the field, and the very readable text is well supported by numerous examples, and lists of additional reading. A welcome addition to the literature in this field.” - Vanda Broughton, University College London

G G Chowdhury, Northumbria University

David Bawden and Lyn Robinson, both at City University London

2012 384pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856048101

Information Resource Description Creating and managing metadata

Reducing risk, promoting policy

2011 256pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856047463 eBook (PDF): 9781856048972

“I would recommend this book to all those interested in collection development...Its coverage is extensive and reflects a crosssection of the experience of librarians and information professionals.” - Journal of Librarianship and Information Science

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The Information Society

A study of continuity and change


John Feather, Loughborough University

2013 240pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856048187


“The sixth edition of what has now become a standard textbook in its field, this book has been updated about every four years since the first edition was published in 1994...As an introductory textbook that describes how information has been accumulated, analysed and disseminated through the ages, this book is recommended to library and information students.” - Australian Academic and Research Libraries

2015 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 9781856049702 eBook | £49.95 9781783300815


Laura A Millar


2015 | 384pp Pb | £49.95 9781856049290 eBook | £49.95 9781783300921

Managing Records

2002 144pp | £49.95 Hardback: 9781856043700 eBook (PDF): 9781856049788


“Exactly as the title implies, this is an incredibly detailed volume about the practice of managing records within an organisation.” - Managing Information

Archives and Recordkeeping Theory into practice

Edited by Caroline Brown, University of Dundee

2013 224pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856048255 eBook (PDF): 9781783300044

“...ideal for anyone looking to seriously develop their theoretical knowledge of the archival and records management disciplines.” - CILIP CLSIG Journal

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Copyright for Archivists and Records Managers “...a "must-have" for archive and reference professionals based in the UK...Copyright for Archivists and Records Managers covers virtually every written material imaginable, and distills British copyright law into plain terms accessible to readers of all backgrounds.” - Midwest Book Review

Practical Copyright for Library and Information Professionals Paul Pedley

A handbook of principles and practice Geoffrey Yeo and Elizabeth Shepherd, University College London

“A real timesaver for the general practitioner attempting to get a quick fix on the day-to-day issues that they may be bombarded with in the context of copyright.” - Elucidate

Tim Padfield

Principles and practices

2010 304pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856046732

224pp | £49.95 Copyright Paperback: Interpreting the law for libraries, archives 9781856049702 and information services eBook P(PDF): Graham Cornish Review of a previous edition:


“...an excellent guide to archives management for all those who work in and with archives - it will also serve as an indispensable student textbook for many years to come.” - Business Archives


2015 | 244pp Pb | £49.95 9781856049290

“Exceptionally well written, organized and presented.” - Midwest Book Review

The Facet Copyright Collection This Collection contains the following books:

2015 | 832pp 3 vol set | £135.00 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783300860 2012 | 160pp Pb | £54.95 9781856048040 eBook | £54.95 9781856048866

• Copyright: Interpreting the law for libraries, archives and information services, 6th edition Graham P Cornish • Practical Copyright for Library and Information Professionals Paul Pedley • Copyright for Archivists and Records Managers, 5th edition Tim Padfield.

The No-nonsense Guide to Legal Issues in Web 2.0 and Cloud Computing Charles Oppenheim


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14 NEW


Copyright and E-learning


Emerging practices in academic libraries Edited by Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin, both at Edge Hill University

A guide for practioneers

Jane Secker, LSE with Chris Morrison, University of Kent

This highly successful text has been completely revised and updated to take into account recent developments in the field and changes to the law in the UK and elsewhere in the world. Through its practically based Jun 2016 | 192pp Pb | £49.95 overview of current and emerging copyright issues 9781783300600 facing those working in e-learning, this book will equip Hb | £89.95 professionals with the tools, skills and understanding 9781783301133 they need to work confidently and effectively in the virtual learning environment with the knowledge that they are doing so legally.Key topics addressed include: • • • • • • •

digitizing published content for delivery in the VLE using digital media in e-learning copyright issues and ‘born’ digital resources the copyright issues associated with using social media copyright training for staff who owns the rights in works that are the product of collaboration? what do you do if you can’t find the rights holders?

Readership: Anyone working in education including learning support staff and teachers using e-learning, learning technologists, librarians, educational developers, instructional designers, IT staff and trainers. It is also relevant for anyone working in the education sector from school level to higher education, and those developing learning resources in commercial organizations and the public sector.


The Facet Research Support Collection This Collection contains the following books:

Jun 2016 | 688pp 4 vol set | £135 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301744


• Practical Tips for Facilitating Research Moira J. Bent • Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries Edited by Starr Hoffman • Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics Edited by Andy Tattersall.

The Facet Research Support Collection 2 This Collection contains the following books:

Jun 2016 | 1136pp 6 vol set | £240 (includes 10% off combined book price) 9781783301751

• Practical Tips for Facilitating Research Moira J. Bent • Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries Edited by Starr Hoffman • Altmetrics: A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics Edited byAndy Tattersall • Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of good practice Edited by Graham Pryor, Sarah Jones and Angus Whyte • Managing Research Data Edited by Graham Pryor.

Developing Digital Scholarship

Nov 2016 | 192pp Pb | £49.95 9781783301782 Hb | £89.95 9781783301782 eBook | £49.95 9781783301799

This book provides strategic insights drawn from librarians who are meeting the challenge of digital scholarship, utilizing the latest technologies and creating new knowledge in partnership with researchers, scholars, colleagues and students.

This edited collection spans a wide range of contrasting perspectives, contexts, insights and case studies, which explore the relationships between digital scholarship, contemporary academic libraries and professional practice. The book demonstrates that there are opportunities to be bold, remodel, trial new approaches and reposition the library as a key partner in the process of digital scholarship. Content covered includes: • • • • • •

the impact of digital scholarship on organisational strategies developing digital capable librarians social networking with the scholarly community digital scholarship centres new approaches to service delivery re-visioning of space, physical and virtual.

Readership: This is an essential guide for librarians and information professionals involved in digital scholarship and communication, and are interested in extending their awareness of emerging practices, as well as library administrators and students studying library and information science. NEW


A practical guide for librarians, researchers and academics

Edited by Andy Tattersall, University of Sheffield

This is the first book to explore the practical and technical aspects of altmetrics and provide guidance on how they can be applied to improve research impact. It details the theory behind altmetrics, explains the Jun 2016 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 connection between research and social media and 9781783300105 demonstrates how librarians and academics can use Hb | £89.95 freely available tools to measure, share, connect and 9781783301003 eBook | £49.95 communicate their research. The book draws on the 9781783301515 expertise of leading altmetric innovators and practitioners and contains chapters from Euan Adie, the founder of Altmetric.com; William Gunn, the Head of Academic Outreach at Mendeley and Ben Showers, author of the bestselling Facet title Library Analytics and Metrics. Altmetrics will empower librarians, researchers and academics to develop the skills and knowledge needed to introduce and support altmetrics within their own institutions.

Readership: Library and information professionals working in higher education, research bodies, government bodies and charities; researchers, academics, higher education leaders and strategists. 2013 | 208pp Pb | £54.95 9781856049436 eBook | £54.95 9781856046824

Mastering Digital Librarianship Strategy, networking and discovery in academic libraries

Alison Mackenzie and Lindsey Martin, both at Edge Hill University

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Sustainability of Scholarly Information

The Data Librarian’s Handbook

Robin C Rice, University of Edinburgh and John Southall, Oxford University

Nov 2016 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300471 Hb | £89.95 9781783300983 eBook | £54.95 9781783301515

The importance of data has never been greater. There has been a growing concern with the ‘skills gap’ required to exploit the data surfeit; the ability to collect, compute and crunch data, for economic, social and scientific purposes. This book, written by two working data librarians based at the Universities of Oxford and Edinburgh aims to help fill this skills gap by providing a nuts and bolts guide to research data support.

The Data Librarian’s Handbook draws on a combination of over 30 years’ experience providing data support services to create the ‘must-read’ book for all in this field. This book ‘zooms in’ to the actual library service level, where the interaction between the researcher and the librarian takes place. Both engaging and practical, this book draws the reader in through story-telling and suggested activities, linking concepts from one chapter to another.

Readership: This book is for the practising data librarian, possibly new in their post with little experience of providing data support. It is also for managers and policymakers, public service librarians, research data management “coordinators” and data support staff. It will also appeal to students and lecturers in iSchools and other library and information degree programmes where academic research support is taught. NEW

Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries

Edited by Starr Hoffman, University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Mar 2016 | 176pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300495 Hb | £89.95 9781783301089 eBook | £49.95 9781783301225

“Hoffman’s collection showcases how we can add long-term value for our users by focusing on going ‘deeper’ and delivering comprehensive specialist services which tap into a very real need.” - Libfocus

This inspiring book will enable you to develop excellent research and instructional services and create a library culture that encompasses exploration, learning and collaboration by:

• inspiring you to think creatively about new services. • sparking ideas of potential collaborations within and outside the library, increasing awareness of functional areas that are potential key partners. • providing specific examples of new services, as well as the decisionmaking and implementation process. • encouraging you to take a broad view of research support rather than thinking of research and instruction services, metadata creation and data services etc as separate initiatives.

G G Chowdhury, Northumbria University

2014 | 256pp Pb | £59.95 9781856049566 eBook | £59.95 9781783301089


Readership: This is an essential guide for librarians and information professionals involved in supporting research and scholarly communication, as well as library administrators and students studying library and information science.

“...an extremely useful introduction to the increasingly important topic of sustainability, and one which will undoubtedly provoke discussion amongst information researchers.” - Online Information Review

Practical Tips for Facilitating Research Moira J Bent, Newcastle University

Series: Practical Tips for Library and Information Professionals Mar 2016 | 224pp Pb | £49.95 9781783300174 Hb | £89.95 9781783301096 eBook | £49.95 9781783301218

“... a book that offers a variety of approaches, insight, and real-world examples that work – exactly what you need whether you are searching for a simple solution to quickly improve services, or ideas to help inform and shape a more fundamental or strategic change.” - Libfocus

This practical guide, offers innovative tips and reliable best practice to enable new and experienced library and information professionals to evaluate their current provision and develop their service to meet the evolving needs of the research community. The book covers the following key topics: • • • • • • • • • • • •

getting to know your research community collection management to meet specific research needs developing information literate researchers supporting researchers at a distance international aspects of research support contributing to research excellence exercises getting involved in the publication process making and measuring research impact ethics and academic integrity for researchers scholarly communication and open access social media and networking for researchers, the library’s role research data management

Readership: All library and information professionals who work with research staff and students. NEW

The Facet Scholarly Communication Collection

This Collection contains the following books:

Dynamic Research Support for Academic Libraries provides illustrative examples of emerging models of research support and is contributed to by library practitioners from across the world. The book is divided into three sections:

• Part I: Training and Infrastructure, which describes the role of staff development and library spaces in research support • Part II: Data Services and Data Literacy, which sets out why the rise of research data services in universities is critical to supporting the current provision of student skills that will help develop them as data-literate citizens. • Part III: Research as a Conversation, which discusses academic library initiatives to support the dissemination, discovery and critical analysis of research.


Aug 2015 | 1152pp 5 vol set | £265 9781783300891

• The Future of Scholarly Communication Edited by Deborah Shorley and Michael Jubb • Sustainability of Scholarly Information G G Chowdhury • Delivering Research Data Management Services: Fundamentals of good practice Edited by Graham Pryor, Sarah Jones and Angus Whyte • Managing Research Data Edited by Graham Pryor • Digital Information: Order or anarchy? Edited by Hazel Woodward and Lorraine Estelle.

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Social Media for Creative Libraries

M-Libraries 5

Phil Bradley

From devices to people

“...a practical and simple, yet honest and accessible mix of the good, the bad and the ugly.” - Alexandria

Edited by Gill Needham, Open University and Mohamed Ally, Athabasca University

2015 224pp | £59.95 Paperback: 9781783300341 eBook (PDF): 9781783300730

With a foreword from Joan K Lippincott and 22 chapters from 13 countries, as far apart as India and Germany, Hong Kong and Zimbabwe, Scotland and Bangladesh, this brand new edition of the M-Libraries series explores the following themes:

• best practice for the use of mobile technologies in libraries • challenges and strategies involved in embracing mobile innovation for libraries • the impact of ubiquitous and wearable technologies on the future of libraries • harnessing the future for teaching and learning with mobile technologies • mobile technologies enhancing information access for all and pursuing the millennium development goals.

As the world becomes more mobile, users will access information using mobile technologies. Hence, libraries have to make the transition to provide mobile service. M-Libraries 5 will help libraries to develop adaptable and efficient mobile services so they can meet the needs of the current and new generations of users.

Readership: Information professionals in all sectors and researchers, educators, technical developers, managers and library professionals. It will also be invaluable for students of library and information science and newcomers to the profession.

Technology Disaster Response and Recovery Planning

Social Media for Creative Libraries explains how librarians and information professionals can use online tools to communicate more effectively, teach people different skills and to market and promote their service faster, cheaper and more effectively. The book focuses on the activities that information professionals carry out on a daily basis, before then analysing and explaining how online tools can assist them in those activities. Including: 2015 256pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856047135 eBook (PDF): 9781783300679

• a discussion of authority checking and why information professionals are needed more than ever in a social media world • a guide to creating great presentations online • how online tools can make teaching and training sessions easier and more enjoyable • useful tips for implementing new strategies in libraries and a discussion of the practicalities of library marketing and promotion • how to create a good social media policy • a look at social media disasters and how they could have been avoided.

Readership: Packed with features and accompanied by introductory videos on the Facet Publishing YouTube channel, Social Media for Creative Libraries is essential reading for all library and information professionals.

The Network Reshapes the Library

Edited by Mary Mallery, Montclair State University

2015 120pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781783300549

“This guide makes a compelling argument for the value of technology disaster planning and supplies guidance on how to get started.” - Library Journal

The book includes sample checklists and templates, tools and solutions for promoting collaborative services to enable digital library continuity as well as case studies and lessons learned from successful efforts in recovering from a library technology disaster. Editor Mary Mallery has gathered a number of library technology experts, including Liz Bishoff and Marshall Breeding, who have firsthand experience in planning and recovering from disasters. You will get advice on such topics as: • • • • •

Lorcan Dempsey on libraries, services, and networks

risk assessment for digital collections online disaster planning tools designing fault-tolerant systems in a cloud computing environment constructing a communications plan evaluating free web and social media applications as communication tools during disasters.

Readership: This book will be of great interest to electronic resources librarians, digital collections librarians, data management librarians, emerging technology librarians, and library administrators, but it will also be of interest to library students and any librarian who wants to transition into these new library careers.

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2014 320pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781783300419

Lorcan Dempsey, OCLC Edited by Kenneth J Varnum, University of Michigan

“Dempsey thinks web-scale. His breadth of interests and his ability to outline appropriate organizational responses in the 'Amazoogle' age make this a compelling read...Recommended? Yes, for all of us, because the network has reshaped the library.” - Australian Library Journal

This collection of insights from library technology guru Lorcan Dempsey offers readers valuable reflections on emerging trends and key areas of concern as well as a visionary approach to libraries’ future and covers the following key topics: • • • • • • • •

networked resources network organization the research process and libraries’ evolving role resource discovery library systems and tools data and metadata publishing and communication libraries, archives, museums, and galleries as ‘memory institutions’.

Readership: The book will be essential reading for students, library strategists, administrators, technology staff and anyone with an interest in the future of libraries

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More Library Mashups

Exploring new ways to deliver library data Nicole C Engard, ByWater Solutions

2014 352pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781783300358

“Librarians should buy this for their own professional development and library directors should look at as an investment in their people. Whether you complete the projects listed or are just inspired – as I was – to think about how to apply their concepts to my own library, this book is worth your time.” - David Whelan, ofaolain.com

More Library Mashups shows you how to take data from multiple channels and mix it to provide better services for your library users. The book contains case studies, tutorials and examples from 24 creative library professionals from around the world who describe how they are mashing up free and inexpensive digital tools and techniques to improve library services and meet everyday (and unexpected) challenges. The book provides step-by-step guidance to allow you to work smarter, obtain maximum impact, enhance your library’s website and provide valueadded services for your library users whether you have no programming skills or are a seasoned expert. The book will show you how to: • automate the collection, manipulation and sharing of data and information across a variety of sites • enhance your library website with outside data • mashup your library catalogue data to make it available in new, interesting and useful ways • visualize data with mashups • create value-added services.

Readership: More Library Mashups provides inspiration and ideas for all librarians, whether you are at a small library looking to work more efficiently and provide enhanced services to your users without breaking the bank, or you are at a large library looking to integrate your collections and use your data more effectively.



The Innovative School Librarian

Sharon Markless, King’s College London, Elizabeth Bentley, Addey & Stanhope School, Sarah Pavey, Sue Shaper, The Broxbourne School, Sally Todd, St John’s School and Carol Webb, Forest Hill School

May 2016 | 224pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300556 Hb | £89.95 9781783301065 eBook | £54.95 9781783301478

2014 144pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781783300334

“Librarians looking to better understand current trends and future directions will find this an excellent starting point. The book is highly recommended for all libraries.” - Reference Reviews

Readership: This is an essential, thought-provoking book for all school librarians, practitioners in schools library services, and students of librarianship. It has plenty to interest school leadership, headteachers, educational thinkers, public library managers and local government officers and also has an international audience. 3RD EDITION

CILIP Guidelines for Secondary School Libraries

Edited by Sue Shaper, The Broxbourne School

2014 | 146pp Pb | £44.95 9781856049696 eBook | £44.95 9781783300303

Edited by Karl Bridges, Idaho State University

Customer-based Collection Development brings together the best practitioners from a variety of academic and public libraries to:

• offer strategies for planning and implementing a customer-based collection program • summarise its potential impact on a library’s budget • discuss cataloguing implications, and other day-to-day operational issues • present guidelines for evaluating and marketing.

Library Services from Birth to Five Edited by Carolynn Rankin and Avril Brock

An overview

2014 208pp | £49.95 Paperback: 9781856049313

“An invaluable resource and source of information this book should be on the professional shelf of every secondary school librarian.” - Library and Information Research

Delivering the best start

Customer-based Collection Development

“This book succeeds at providing an overview complete with examples - of how different academic libraries are deploying and managing DDA Programs…worthwhile for any academic librarian involved in or interested in the topic of demand-driven acquisitions.” - Technical Services Quarterly

This book takes a strategic approach to the leadership of school libraries, examining notions of professionalism, their effect on identity and models of library practice.

The Innovative School Librarian raises important questions about the functions of the school librarian and sets out to encourage the reader to think outside the box for new approaches to traditional challenges. It aims to inspire and enable school librarians to think creatively about their work and the community in which they operate. Written by current leaders in the field, each chapter addresses the practical issues facing school librarians. This new edition has been fully updated to incorporate curriculum revisions, resource changes, developments in the use and integration of technology and new routes into the profession.

The Top Technologies Every Librarian Needs to Know

Edited by Kenneth J Varnum, University of Michigan


2015 | 225pp Pb | £54.95 9781783300082 eBook | £54.95 9781783300808

“Language and literacy development are the primary focus of this textbook... Case studies of programs aimed at newborn through five-yearold children are supplemented by the theory and research that back the foundations of the library programs....Giving value to local culture, language, and heritage is stressed...recommended for educators and students in an academic setting.” - Library Journal

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2015 | 464pp Pb | £54.95 9781856048019 eBook | £54.95 9781783300440

2015 | 496pp Pb | £49.95 9781856047098 eBook | £49.95 9781783300792


Libraries and Information Services in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland 2015

For over fifty years anyone needing information on British and Irish libraries has turned to Libraries and Information Services in the UK and the Republic of Ireland for the answer. This newly updated directory lists over 2000 libraries and other services in the United Kingdom, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and the Republic of Ireland, with contact names, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, email addresses and URLs.

CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Yearbook 2014-15

Designed to complement the CILIP website, the Yearbook puts vital data on the key organisation for information professionals at your fingertips. This unique sourcebook has five main sections: • • • • •

Part 1: The Organisation Part 2: Governance Part 3: General Information Part 4: Members Part 5: Historical Information

An invaluable source of contacts for all librarians and information professionals, this is the essential guide to the organisation that aims to position the profession at the heart of the information society.


The Special Collections Handbook Alison Cullingford


Karen Attar, Senate House Library Jun 2016 | 752pp Hb | £175 9781783300167 eBook | £175 9781783301485

2017 | 224pp Pb | £59.95 9781783301263 Hb | £89.95 9781783301270 eBook | £59.95 9781783301270

• •

• •

New to this edition:

• Coverage of new standards and concepts including unique and distinctive collections (UDCs), The Leeds Typology, Archive Accreditation, PD 5454:2012 and PAS 197 Discussion of the major changes to laws affecting special collections including UK copyright law relating to library/archive exception and orphan works and forthcoming changes to data protection in the EU Exploration of new trends in research including the rise of digital humanities, open access, the impact agenda and the REF Updates to the sections on marketing, audience development and fundraising to include social media, customer journey mapping and crowdsourcing and more New sections on impact and indicators, digitization and new skills frameworks from CILIP and RBMS.

“The new edition of the Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections is a long-awaited reference work which will help researchers identify the UK and Republic of Ireland’s great collections of research materials. It provides detailed and authoritative information and is a must for all serious researchers.” - Richard Ovenden, Bodley’s Librarian, Oxford

Fully updated since the second edition was published in 1997, this comprehensive and up-to-date guide encompasses collections held in national libraries, academic libraries, public libraries, subscription libraries, clergy libraries, libraries for other professions, school libraries, companies, London clubs, museums and archives, and libraries in stately homes. The Directory:

• Provides a national, cross-sectoral overview of rare book and special collections • Provides a quick and easy summary of individual libraries’ holdings • Directs researchers to the libraries most relevant for them • Assists libraries to evaluate their special collections according to a ‘unique and distinctive’ model • Enables libraries to make informed decisions about special collections acquisition and collaboration • Helps booksellers and donors to target offers. • Entries in the Directory provide full contact details, and descriptions of rare book and named special collections including quantities, particular subject and language strengths, and information about salient features such as provenance.

Readership: Researchers, book historians, book collectors, special collections librarians, reference librarians, academic liaison librarians, library managers, booksellers, and other heritage professionals.

Rare Books and Special Collections

This comprehensive and no-nonsense guide to working with special collections and rare books is an essential day-to-day companion.

The Handbook covers all aspects of special collections work: preservation, developing collections, understanding objects, emergency planning, security, legal and ethical concerns, cataloguing, digitisation, marketing, outreach, teaching, impact, advocacy and fundraising.

Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the UK and Republic of Ireland

Sidney E Berger, Peabody Essex Museum

2014 | 552pp Pb | £85 9781783300150

“A tour de force compendium of accurate, carefully evaluated information concerning rare books as physical objects and the complex accountabilities associated with special collections librarianship…will serve as an excellent textbook for library school students and employees learning on the job, and could do much to raise standards for directing special collections departments nationally.” - Technical Services Quarterly

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Readership: This is the essential practical guide for anyone working with special collections or rare books in libraries, archives, museums, galleries and other heritage organisations. It is also a useful introduction to special collections work for academics and students taking library and information courses.

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A Handbook for Corporate Information Professionals .10 Alire, Camila A.............................................................12 Allan, Barbara................................................................8 Ally, Mohamed,............................................................16 Altman, Ellen .................................................................6 Altmetrics.....................................................................14 Anderson, David............................................................3 Arant-Kasper, Wendi .....................................................6 Archives.......................................................................13 Archives and Recordkeeping ......................................13 Assessing Service Quality.............................................6 Attar, Karen .................................................................18


Bawden, David ............................................................12 Being Evidence Based in Library and Information Practice ......................................................................6 Bemis, Michael F .........................................................11 Bent, Moira J ...............................................................15 Bentley, Elizabeth........................................................17 Berger, Sidney E .........................................................18 Bradley, Phil ............................................................9, 16 Brenndorfer, Thomas.....................................................4 Brettle, Alison ................................................................6 Bridges, Karl................................................................17 Brock, Avril ..................................................................17 Broughton, Vanda..........................................................5 Brown, Adrian ................................................................3 Brown, Caroline...........................................................13 Brown, Nicole E.............................................................9 Building Your Portfolio, 3rd edition...............................11 Burkhardt, Joanna M .....................................................9 Bussert, Kaila ................................................................9


Calhoun, Karen............................................................11 Calvert, Philip J .............................................................7 Cassell, Kay Ann .........................................................12 Chowdhury, G G................................................2, 12, 15 CILIP Guidelines for Secondary School Libraries, 3rd edition.......................................................................17 CILIP: the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Yearbook 2014-15 .............................18 Cloonan, Michele V .......................................................3 Collection Development in the Digital Age ..................12 Coonan, Emma .............................................................8 Copeland, Andrea..........................................................3 Copyright and E-learning.............................................14 Copyright for Archivists and Records Managers, 5th edition.......................................................................13 Copyright, 6th edition ..................................................13 Cornish, Graham P......................................................13 Critical Literacy for Information Professionals ...............8 Crockett, Margaret.........................................................1 Cullingford, Alison........................................................18 Cultural Heritage Information ........................................2 Customer-based Collection Development...................17


De Saulles, Martin .......................................................10 Delve, Janet ..................................................................3 Dempsey, Lorcan ........................................................16 Developing Digital Scholarship....................................14 Digital Asset Management in Theory and Practice........4 Digital Curation, 2nd edition ..........................................3 Directory of Rare Book and Special Collections in the UK and Republic of Ireland, 3rd edition .........................18 Dorner, Daniel G............................................................7 Dugan, Robert ...............................................................6 Dupuis, Marc J ............................................................10 Dynamic Research Support in Academic Libraries .....15


Emerging Strategies for Supporting Student Learning..8 Endicott-Popovsky, Barbara ........................................10 Engaging with Archives and Records............................1 Engard, Nicole C .........................................................17 Eshleman, Joe.........................................................9, 11 Eshleman, Kristen .........................................................9 Essential Classification, 2nd edition ..............................5 Evans, G Edward ........................................................12 Expert Internet Searching, 4th edition ...........................9 Exploring Digital Libraries............................................11 Exploring Discovery.......................................................1


Feather, John ..............................................................13 Fieldhouse, Maggie .....................................................12 Ford, Nigel ...................................................................11 Foscarini, Fiorella ..........................................................1 Foster, Allen...................................................................1 Fowler, Simon................................................................1 Foundations of Library and Information Science.........10 Fundamentals for the Academic Liaison......................11 Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management, 3rd eition............................................11


Gorman, G E .................................................................7


Harvey, Ross .................................................................3 Hattwig, Denise .............................................................9 Haunton, Melinda ..........................................................5 Hedges, Mark ................................................................4 Henry, Jo .....................................................................11 Hernon, Peter ................................................................6 Hider, Philip .................................................................12 Hiremath, Uma ............................................................12 Hoffman, Starr .............................................................15


Information 2.0, 2nd edition.........................................10 Information Ethics........................................................10 Information Governance and Assurance .....................12 Information Needs Analysis...........................................7 Information Resource Description ...............................12 Introduction to Information Behaviour..........................11 Introduction to Information Science.............................12 Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval, 3rd edition ................................................................12 Is Digital Different? ......................................................10


Jacobson, Trudi E..........................................................8 Johnson, Peggy...........................................................11 Johnson, Valerie............................................................1 Jones, Ed ......................................................................5


Koufogiannakis, Denise.................................................6


Leading Libraries...........................................................6 Librarians and Instructional Designers ..........................9 Libraries and Information Services in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland 2015, 28th edition.........18 Library Analytics and Metrics.........................................7 Library and Information Science..................................11 Library Improvement Through Data Analytics ...............7 Library Management in Disruptive Times ......................6 Library Services from Birth to Five ..............................17 Linked Data for Cultural Heritage ..................................5 Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums ........5


Mackenzie, Alison........................................................14 Mackey, Thomas P ........................................................8 MacLennan, Alan.........................................................12 MacNeil, Heather...........................................................1 Mak, Bonnie ..................................................................1 Mallery, Mary ...............................................................16 Management Basics for Information Professionals, 3rd edition.......................................................................12 Management Skills for Archivists and Records Managers ...................................................................5 Managing Digital Cultural Objects .................................1 Managing Metadata in Web-scale Discovery Systems .5 Managing Records ......................................................13 Mann, Karen..................................................................9 Markless, Sharon ........................................................17 Marshall, Audrey..........................................................12 Martin, Lindsey ............................................................14 Mastering Data and Databases for Information Professionals............................................................10 Mastering Digital Librarianship ....................................14 Maxwell, Robert L..........................................................5 Maxwell’s Handbook for RDA........................................5 McMenemy, David.......................................................10 McNicol, Sarah ..............................................................8 Metadata, 2nd edition....................................................4 Metaliteracy ...................................................................8 Metaliteracy in Practice .................................................8 Millar, Laura A..............................................................13 M-Libraries 5 ...............................................................16 Moniz, Richard.........................................................9, 11 More Library Mashups.................................................17 Morrison, Chris ............................................................14 Moss, Michael .............................................................10


Needham, Gill..............................................................16


O’Connor, Steve ............................................................6 Oliver, Gillian .............................................................2, 3 Oppenheim, Charles ...................................................13 Owen, Kath..................................................................11


Padfield, Tim................................................................13 Participatory Heritage....................................................3 Pavey, Sarah ...............................................................17 Pedley, Paul ................................................................13 Pennington, Diane Rasmussen...................................10 Pickard, Alison Jane ....................................................12

Index Practical Copyright for Library and Information Professionals............................................................13 Practical Digital Preservation ........................................3 Practical Ontologies for Information Professionals........4 Practical Tips for Developing Your Staff ........................7 Practical Tips for Facilitating Research .......................15 Pratchett, Tracey ...........................................................7 Preserving Complex Digital Objects..............................3 Preserving Our Heritage................................................3


Qin, Jian ........................................................................4


Rafferty, Pauline ............................................................1 Rankin, Carolynn.........................................................17 Rare Books and Special Collections ...........................18 Ray, Louise....................................................................5 RDA Essentials..............................................................4 RDA: Resource Description and Access Print...............4 Reference and Information Services, 3rd edition ........12 Research Methods in Information, 2nd edition............12 Rethinking Information Literacy.....................................8 Rice, Robin C ..............................................................15 Robinson, Lyn .............................................................12 Roued-Cunliffe, Henriette..............................................3 Rubin, Richard E .........................................................10 Ruthven, Ian ..................................................................2


Schopflin, Katharine ....................................................10 Secker, Jane............................................................8, 14 Seikel, Michele ..............................................................5 Shaper, Sue.................................................................17 Shepherd, Elizabeth ....................................................13 Showers, Ben ................................................................7 Social Media for Creative Libraries .............................16 Southall, John..............................................................15 Spiteri, Louise F ............................................................5 Stuart, David..................................................................4 Sustainability of Scholarly Information ........................15


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