Birkonian Newsletter Issue 1 Michaelmas 2017

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ISSUE 1 - Michaelmas 2017

Birkonian newsletter

In this issue: 

OBS Weekend

Golfing News

Liverpool Lunches

London Dinner

Christmas Bazaar

Nicholls Lectures

Upcoming Events


It is with great pleasure that we present the first digital newsletter for Old Birkonians, which will be produced on a regular basis, in addition to the annual OBS Bulletin in Birkenhead School’s IN Focus Magazine. We hope you will enjoy reading about the activities that have taken place so far this academic year, and that they may inspire you to get involved, try something new, or reconnect with former School friends and teachers. We always welcome visits from Old Birkonians at School and we love to hear from former pupils, staff and friends. If you would like to get in touch email Carol Keegan Alumni Officer, Birkenhead School @OldBirkonianSociety


Old Birkonians

The Old Birkonian Society Weekend The 2017 OBS Weekend was held on the 9th and 10th September featuring a variety of activities. The weekend was well attended by members of the Old Birkonian Society, current Birkenhead School students, staff, family and friends of the School. The archives team welcomed visitors and also hosted the starting point for tours of the School guided by Prefects. The OBS AGM was held in the Meeting Room where Chairman Roger Ewing took the meeting and addressed members. Brian Boumphrey had served his two years as President and stood down, with Michael Burrell elected as President until 2019. Hockey, netball, lacrosse and rugby matches were played throughout the day, and in the evening the Society held a dinner in Bushell Hall. On Sunday OBs attended a Choral Evensong in the Chapel. The Society looks forward to welcoming even more visitors at the 2018 weekend, to be held on 7th to 9th September 2018. To read more about the weekend visit


Birkonian newsletter

ISSUE 1 - Michaelmas 2017

Royal Liverpool Golf Event 2017 This year’s OBS golf tournament at the Royal Liverpool Golf Club in Hoylake, was held on Friday 29th September 2017. Organiser, Jim McGrath, said, “Thank you very much for making this year’s event so enjoyable. Conditions were testing but the worthy winners were: Hoblyn Trophy: Richard Head Hoblyn Prize (handicap 14+): Mike Bickerstaffe Mick Bowyer Shield (Scratch): Jim McBurney Putting Cup: Peter Stafford

Congratulations to them and I am sure they will be looking to defend their titles, and more, next year.” Dates for 2018 are: Heswall: Sunday 3rd June Royal Liverpool: Friday 28th September For more information about golf events contact Jim McGrath at

Left to right: John Pugh, John Morgan, Richard Head, Peter Stafford, Mike Bickerstaffe

Lunching in Liverpool and Dining in London Members of the Old Birkonian Society have been enjoying both fine dining and each other’s company at various locations since September. To start, the annual Liverpool Lunch, organised by outgoing OBS President Brian Boumphrey, was held at The Artists’ Club in Liverpool on Friday 6th October, with an enjoyable time had by all. The regular London Dinner was on Friday 17th November, at the Eight Club. The address was given by the School’s Chair of Governors, Andy Cross, and the London Branch members shared their appreciation of being informed of the latest news from the north west. To round off the year, a new event featured on Friday 1st December at The Athenaeum, Liverpool. The Festive Lunch, was attended by

approximately 30 people, and it is hoped that in the future this date will attract increasing numbers of recent leavers and female Old Birkonians to come along. If you would like more information on upcoming events email the Alumni Officer, Carol Keegan, on


Birkonian newsletter

ISSUE 1 - Michaelmas 2017

Nicholls Lecture Series The Sixth Form lecture series at Birkenhead School, now renamed the Nicholls Lecture Series after OB Lord Donald Nicholls, Baron of Birkenhead, features a wide variety of speakers, this term beginning with the Archbishop of York and culminating with Frank Field, MP. The Series also regularly welcomes Old Birkonians with this term having been no exception, starting with OB Paul Kenny speaking on behalf of the charity Change a Child’s Life.

On Friday 13th October, Paul, along with special guest Sister Martha, gave an insight into the remarkable work they carry out for the children living in the slums of Nairobi, Kenya. This gave students the opportunity to consider working with this incredible charity during a potential gap year. Throughout the talk, Paul spoke of how all of the

Birkenhead School Prefects with OB Peter Jones who spoke about John F Kennedy at the Nicholls Lecture Series

donations that the charity receives goes towards sponsoring a child in the slums. So far, they have sponsored 58 children, with many going on to the top university in Kenya to study accountancy, law and nursing. He continued describing how sponsorship includes taking the children out of the slums and providing them with healthcare and education. Following this, on Friday 24th November, School welcomed OB Peter Jones, who gave a riveting talk on the conspiracy and secrecy surrounding the assassination of John F Kennedy. The talk was both educational and interesting, and offered another viewpoint into the ever-changing world of American politics.

Headmaster Paul Vicars and Birkenhead School Prefects, with OB Paul Kenny, Lisa Brocklebank and Sister Martha from Change a Child’s Life.

The Nicholls Lecture Series is especially beneficial in providing students with inspiration to further plans after school life and is just one of the many careers advice opportunities that the School hopes to offer its students.

Can you help? If you would be interested in speaking at the Nicholls Lecture Series please contact the Head of Sixth Form, Louise Smeaton, on We are always looking to increase our network of professionals who would be willing to offer our students career’s advice, work experience, and university application guidance. Contact if you would be willing to help our students.


Birkonian newsletter

ISSUE 1 - Michaelmas 2017

Christmas Drinks with the Headmaster Drinks flowed at The Courtyard in Oxton on Tuesday 12th December, as Birkenhead School’s Headmaster, Paul Vicars, welcomed Old Birkonians and guests for a festive celebratory tipple.

Joining Old Birkonians were spouses, members of staff and governors, with some members falling in to several categories. The event was the perfect chance for OB’s to catch up, whether it was those who had seen each other within the last week, to those who had not met for 30 years since leaving School.

This event will be the start of regular, informal gatherings th ro u gh ou t W i rr a l a nd Liverpool, for Old Birkonians. Please get in touch with us if live outside the North West and would be interested in us arranging an OB event in your area.

OB John Mitchell, who owns The Courtyard, had made the group particularly welcome serving delicious dishes from their tapas restaurant menu.

OBS at the Christmas Bazaar The annual Christmas Bazaar at Birkenhead School, run by the Parents’ Association and the 20th Birkenhead Scout group, was held on Saturday 25th November 2017. Representatives of the Old Birkonian Society and the Archives team were there, selling merchandise, Christmas cards, notecards, and books detailing the history of the School. It was lovely to see so many Old Birkonians attend the event and to catch up with their latest news, as well as meeting lots of current students and parents and letting them know all about the OB’s activities.

Dates for the Diary Rugby Match v Birkenhead Park Wednesday 27th December 2017 Careers Evening at Birkenhead School Wednesday January 31st 2018 Old Birkonian Society Weekend Friday 7th - Sunday 9th September 2018 London Dinner Friday 23rd November 2018 Regular: The Wheatsheaf, Raby Wednesdays 6.30pm - 7.30pm For more information visit or email

OBS Chairman Roger Ewing and John Williams at the Bazaar

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