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Crown House LB of Barking & Dagenham

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Added Value: iSite

Added Value: iSite

Iceni Projects acted on behalf of joint clients, Be First Ltd and Lightquote Ltd, to secure a Committee resolution to grant planning permission for 396 new homes and flexible commercial floorspace in Barking Town Centre. Be First Ltd are effectively the development arm of London Borough of Barking and Dagenham (LBBD) Council with a mandate to drive regeneration in the Borough.

The high-density development comprised a 20 storey and a 29 storey tower within close walking distance of Barking Station, on a site which was a key regeneration objective of LBBD.


The 396 units comprised 43% affordable housing; comprising a mix of low cost rented, affordable rented, and shared ownership units.

The design evolution of the scheme was informed by various site constraints including an adjacent Grade II listed Church, residential buildings and existing roads on three sides of the development effectively making it an island site. Working closely with the design team Iceni Projects sought to provide planning advice geared at maximising the development potential of the site whilst balancing the prevailing planning constraints to ensure a high-quality development could be delivered.

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