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Town Centre
Iceni’s Transport and Sustainability teams successfully worked together on a major redevelopment scheme for part of Maidenhead Town Centre, known as the Chapel Arches Development. The plans were granted planning consent at the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead Council’s August 2013 planning committee.
The mixed use scheme comprises a total of 242 apartments, shops, café/restaurant uses and office floorspace. The redevelopment will also provide underground parking, a new footbridge over the York Stream, a replacement bridge to the Hines Meadow car park and re-location of two of the bus stops from the south to the north of Bridge Avenue.
It is envisaged that the redevelopment will contribute to the overall mix of uses within the Town Centre, improving the appearance and arrangement of the streets and contributing to the sustainable economic development and vitality of the town.
Iceni Transport specifically addressed matters regarding the potential traffic impact on the Town Centre’s road network, reduction in car parking, servicing arrangements and the inclusion of car lifts to serve the proposed basement car parking, whilst Iceni’s Sustainability team was involved in optimising the proposals for waste storage to both maximise Zone A floor space and ensure compliance with regulatory and other requirements.