115 specification book

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And the winner is... Specification Document

James Boyd

And the winner is...




“Celebrate the Nobel Prize. You may wish to propose the design for a suite of publications that highlight the various categories of awards; perhaps a prestigious publication that investigates the life and work of a selection of Nobel Laureates; or a very focused approach looking at a specific category e.g. the prize for literature. We do not wish to be prescriptive as your research and development may suggest interesting alternative routes and outcomes.

I wanted to focus on the Nobel prize in Physics, as it is the most interesting to me and has featured some of the most interesting and important people from history. In order to help tie the medal itself more directly to the book, I decided on a simple colour pallet with gold as a spot colour, also helping to add ‘prestige’ to the book. As 2016 is the 115th year of the prize in Physics, I wanted to focus my book on this as a way to celebrate the winners and their discoveries, this led to the name of the book and influenced my selection of laureates, leading to people who are perhaps less well known. But it was important to me to keep to the idea of 115 so I included the first and most recent laureates. Those included in the book are as follows: Wilhelm Conrad Rontgen - The first person to win the Nobel Prize in Physics. It was important to include the first laureate, not only for his research into X-Rays, but also to add some perspective to some of the later laureates, and how their discoveries differ. Albert Einstein - While cliché to an extent, I still thought it important to include the man who has had the most drastic impact on modern physics. Sir John Douglas Cockcroft & Ernest Thomas Sinton Walton These men were selected because they were the first people in history to successfully ‘split the atom’. A feat that will prove fundamental in the production of energy in the future. Brian David Josephson - Selected due to his work on supercurrents through tunnel barriers, which allows the development of rapidly alternating switches. Today these switches are used to standardise the ‘Volt’, and perhaps more importantly, in Quantum Computers. While the technology is still in its infancy, Quantum computing will become a very important part of research, security, and other areas in the future. Russell A. Hulse and Joseph H. Taylor Jr. - For the discovery of the first binary pulsar star system. This discovery led to the more recent confirmation of gravitational waves, the final part of Einstein’s General Relativity that had not previously been proven. Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald - These men are the most recent laureates and were selected to again give some perspective to the history of the prizes, but also for their confirmation that shows Neutrinos have mass. This remedied the Solar Neutrino problem and showed that the standard model of particle physics had weaknesses.

Explore opportunities to contextualise your subjects and their work e.g. consider biographical, literary, social, cultural and historical reference points to inform visual content and typographic interpretation. Give us a sense of the world that these luminaries inhabited, and the influences that informed their work. Consider the institution itself, discover the highs and lows, the political wrangling and the controversies that have peppered its history over more than 100 years.”

I wanted to refrain from ‘dumbing down’ any of the information in the book, so as to market to toward a more niche clientele, those who either have a background in physics themselves and are interested in the science behind the people of the book, or those who are more interested in the Noble Prize specifically.

Contents Type Handling Colour Paper Stocks Grid and Layout

And the winner is...


Type Handling It was important to me to tie the typography into the idea behind the book and so this heavily influenced my selections: Century Schoolbook (Regular), is used for the body copy and is intended to imitate the documents explaining the discoveries and theories that the people in the book have made. There were many features that appealed to me about Century, but the oldstyle figures were a prominent one as I felt they really helped reiterate the connection to the laureates. The body copy is coloured a 70% tint of black, as this is much less harsh to view compared to a full black. To enhance readability the type is set at 8pt on 11pt leading. Butler (Bold), is used for the titles, pull quotes and detailing. It is a modern typeface and was selected as a contrast to the body copy. To help discern the hierarchy of the document, any use of Butler is set in the gold of Pantone 872c and can be tinted to 65%. To help make the book more visually interesting, Butler is used in several ways: for full page designs & Numbers, it is set 14pt on 18pt leading, for names it is set at 14pt on 12pt leading, and for their discoveries it is 8pt on 12pt leading, and at 65% tone to contrast better against the images, pull quotes are set at 13pt on 16pt leading for maximum legibility, and finally for use in illustrations it is set at 9pt on 14pt leading with a 10 degree skew. Gotham HTF (Book), was selected as a way to display some secondary information, such as facts about the laureates and more in depth details or equations about the discoveries. It is always set at a 65% tint of Pantone 872c, so as to be more distinguishable from the body copy. Gotham is consistently set at 6pt on 8pt leading, and makes use of various weights, Book for the most part, with Bold to emphasise some aspects and Book Italics used for some illustrations. The text in this document is setup to follow these rules.

Century Schoolbook AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj KkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Butler AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKk LlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUu VvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Gotham HTF AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJj KkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSs TtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789


Paper Stocks

I wanted to use a very restrained colour pallet so that the book would be very consistent throughout, I also felt that a limited use of colour would help the book seem more prestigious and would fit with my rationale better.

As it was not possible to print with metallic ink, a substitute was to use a gold pearlescent paper for the cover, this added a bit of flair and makes the cover a bit more interesting. Inside pages are printed on a plain white, uncoated stock for the best feel and quality. To help make the X-ray illustration more interesting, part of it was printed on tracing paper. This was also selected because it sort of simulates the X-ray, seeing the bones below.

I achieved this by utilising tones of black, the white of the paper, the metallic gold of the paper for the cover, the yellow-gold of Pantone 7407c, and gold of Pantone 872c, which was intended to be printed in metallic ink.

Stocks used: Sirio Pearl Aurum 300gsm (Cover) Splendorgel Extra White 160gsm (Inside) Tracing Paper (?gsm) (Special)

Black 100%

Black 70%

Pantone 872c

Pantone 872c 65%

Pantone 7407c

Black to Transparent

And the winner is...


Layout & Grid The grid is designed to allow a fairly large amount of information be easily read and not become overpowering or seem too difficult to read. The more loose use of the grid for the illustrations is done so that they appear more visually appealing and natural on the page, in some cases the grid helps with this.

5mm Bleed on all edges. (As specified by the printer). Four, 21mm Columns with 5mm Gutter. Body copy makes use of two columns each, keeping the page balanced. 10mm Margins on Top, Bottom and Outside. 15mm Margins on Inside. Five, unevenly spaced rows: 1 - First is 5mm and houses the titles and names, 2 - Second is 50mm and is left empty so as not to clutter the page, 3 - Third is 20mm and fits 4 lines of Butler Bold 13pt on 16pt Leading, 4 - Fourth is 8mm and serves to space the body copy from the pull quote, 5 - Fifth is 82mm, making use of all remaining space and allowing the body copy to freely flow. 6 - A sixth ‘dynamic’ row exists for the extra information or facts, and always sits 5mm below the second column of body copy. On the Right Hand Pages, rows, 2, 3, 4, 5, are utilised to allow the illustrations maximum impact.

The Photoelectric Effect is a phenomena in which electrons are emitted from the surface of matter, when light shines upon it. e El


Einstein explained the effect by proposing that light consists of small particles, or quanta, called photons, which carry energy that is proportional to the frequency of light, the electrons in the matter that absorb the energy of the photon are ejected. These findings were published in 1905 in the paper “On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light”. Einstein’s observations that the photoelectric effect could only be explained if light behaves like a particle, not a wave, was instrumental in establishing the hypothesis that light can behave both like a wave and a particle.

The maximum kinetic energy K ejected electron is given as: max

of an

K max = h f — W

Where: h is the Planck Constant

f is the frequency of the incident photon

W is the Work Function, which gives the minimum energy required to remove a delocalised electron from the surface of the metal.

G B o G ar ld B o G a ld G Ba B ol r G B old r G G a d o ar B o B o r G a ld G Ba ld G a ld B ol r G B old r G Ba oldr G Ba G a d o ar B o r B o r l B o r G ar ld GoBarld B Go ar ld BGo ar d B Go o B l G B ld G a ld G a ld G a ld G a d o ar B o r B o r B o r B l B o r l G G ar ld GoBarld B Go ar ld BGo ar d B Go ar d B ol ar B ol G B ld G a ld G a ld G a ld Go a d G G a d o ar B o r B o r B o r B l r B ol l d G a d B o r l G G ar ld GoBarld B Go ar ld BGo ar d B Go ar d B ol ar B ol r G B B ol G B ld G a ld G a ld G a ld Go a d G ar d o ar G a d o ar B o r B o r B o r B l r B ol G B ld G l d G a d B o r l G a G ar ld GoBarld B Go ar ld BGo ar d B Go ar d B ol ar B ol r G B old r G Ba old B ol G B ld G a ld G a ld G a ld Go a d G ar d o ar B o r G a d o ar B o r B o r B o r B l r B ol G B ld G a ld G Ba l d G a d B o r l G a G ar ld GoBarld B Go ar ld BGo ar d B Go ar d B ol ar B ol r G B old r G Ba oldr G Baold r G B ol G B ld G a ld G a ld G a ld Go a d G ar d o ar B o r o r B o ar d o ar B o r o r B o r B l r B o G B ld a l G B ld G a ld G Ba ld G ar ld GoBa ld B Go ar ld Go ar d B Go ar ld B ol ar B Gol r Gd B oldar Ba ol r G d ol r B o G B ld r a l G B ld G a ld G a d G a d o a d G ar ld o a B Go r d o ar B o r B ol r B ol r G B ld r Ba ol r B ol G B ld r G a ld G Ba ld G a ld Go a d G ar d o ar B Go r d ar d o ar B o r o r B o r B l r B o G B ld a l G Ba ld G ar ld GoBa ld B Go ar ld Go ar d B Go ar ld B ol ar B Gol r d ol r B o G B ld r a l G B ld G a ld G a d G a d r d G ar ld o a B Go r d o ar B o r B ol r B ol B ol G B ld r G a ld G Ba ld G a ld Go a d G ar d ar d o ar B o r o r B o r B l r B o G Ba ld G ar ld GoBa ld B Go ar ld Go ar d B Go ar ld ol r B o G B ld r a l G B ld G a ld d G ar ld o a B Go r d o ar B o r B ol G B ld r G a ld G Ba ld G a ld ar d o ar B o r o r B o r G Ba ld G ar ld GoBa ld B Go ar ld ol r B o G B ld r a l d G ar ld o a B Go r d B ol G B ld r G a ld ar d o ar B o r G Ba ld G ar ld ol r B o d G ar ld B ol ar d











e El



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