A step on step guide to Wall & Room Painting
Drawing Room
Home Painting Overview.
How to Start Painting.
Painting Process.
Internal Wall Painting.
External Wall Painting
Post Painting Care & Common Defects.
Different Rooms.
Exterior Home Painting
Interior Home Painting
• Home Painting is more than simple wall protection. • Your Painting radiates your personality. They add life to your home. • Home Painting can broadly be classified into (a) Exterior Home Painting & (b) Interior Home Painting.
Pre Painting Work
• The process of Home Painting is divided in 3 parts: • Pre-painting work : Includes preparation work like masonry work, crack filling, water proofing etc. These have to be undertaken to ensure maximum life for the final paint film.
Surface Preparation
•Surface Preparation : This process of wall painting involves making the surface fit for paint application. For example, if you are painting your interior walls you would need to make them smooth by applying Plaster of Paris (POP) or Stucco/ Putty.
• Painting: This includes getting the final paint on the surface.
• Before you start painting, identify the rooms to be painted.
Identify the rooms.
• Choose the shades/ scheme you want to be used in each room. Darker colours makes a space seem smaller while lighter shades brighten a space, making it appear more expansive. •Measure your rooms to find out the area you need to paint. Choose the most appropriate paint that meets your needs.
Select Paints & Colours.
•Remove door knobs, handles and other decorative accessories from doors and windows, so as to prevent damage due to paint spillage. • Use a dry mop to thoroughly remove the dust from the walls. Wash bathroom and kitchen walls with water and allow them to dry.
Remove dust from walls.
• Painting the Interior Walls of your home requires you to follow the same procedures: • Pre-painting work : Check surface for dampness or water seepage before painting. Remove any loose plaster from the wall. Ensure proper curing time (7 to 21 days depending on extent of plastering). Allow re-plastered surfaces to dry thoroughly. •Surface Preparation : Newly plastered surfaces should be allowed to cure for a period of at least 6 months. Remove loose particles and paint flakes. Scrape with sandpaper to ensure that the surface is dry and free from dirt, dust, or grease. • Painting: It is always recommended that new surfaces be primed. Avoid application of surface or joint compound while painting exterior surfaces. Fill cracks with a 1:3 (by volume) cement and sand mixture. Always stir the paint or stain thoroughly before use, as pigment has a tendency to settle at the bottom of the can. Stir periodically during application to ensure colour consistency.
• Painting the Exterior Walls of your home requires you to follow the same procedures: • Pre-painting work : For exterior surfaces it is very important to undertake repairs of any wall imperfections before commencing on painting job. The most common problem with exterior wall painting is cracks in the wall. Avoid applying putty or filling compound while painting exterior surfaces. All external drainage pipes must be checked for rusting or leakage. Any faulty plumbing must be rectified.. •Surface Preparation : Newly plastered surfaces must be allowed to cure for at least 35 to 45 days before wall painting. Previously oil painted surfaces should be sanded thoroughly to remove loose particles and made dull and matt for better adhesion. Exterior rough surfaces, previously coated with cement paint, should be wire brushed and washed with water thoroughly and dried completely. Before wall painting, ensure that the surface is free from chalking. • Painting: It is always recommended that new surfaces be primed. Apply Exterior Wall Primer. Apply two coats of top coat paint on surface. It is recommended that horizontal surfaces like the tops of awnings and parapets must be given an additional coat for greater protection. Start Painting.
•Most wall paints (like emulsions and washable distempers) are washable. This means they can be periodically cleaned with mild soap water solution. However, stubborn and very old stains may be more difficult to remove from the film. •The newly painted surface should not be cleaned in less than 2 weeks after application of finished coat. •Special care should be taken for the passages, kitchens and children's rooms when home painting. •To minimize permanent or difficult-to-remove stains, clean walls immediately before the stains dry up. •Walls should be checked periodically for loose, flaking or peeling paint. Once signs of moisture are detected, they should be checked and resolved immediately, so as to minimize damage to the area. •It is important to protect your painting job. Proper post painting care ensures that your painting job lasts for a long time & your walls stays protected.
Oil Paints for Bed Rooms
Acrylic Paints for Bath Rooms
Plastic Emulsions on Kitchen Walls
Gloss Enamel for Living Rooms