November Newsletter - Lieutenant Governor James Florakis

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THE OLYMPIAN Lieutenant Governor James Florakis

Division 12

New York District Key Club November

Issue 5

Greetings from your Lieutenant Governor! By Lt. Governor James Florakis

Contents A Message from the Governor


Articles from the Exec District Board


Committee and District Articles


DKC Award


Club Spotlight!




Contact Info


Important Dates! •

Parkchester Kiwanis Christmas Dinner on Dec 21

• •

LTG Candidates In by Dec 28 Jan Divisional RSVP by Jan 3rd

In the past month, we have accomplished a lot as a division. In October, we had our UNICEF Fundraiser and Competition. Woodlands High School won the competition and we have raised over $1,500 as a division with funds still coming in. Congrats to everyone who participated!

December Divisional/Division Project at Mount Vernon TBA

November is Kiwanis Family Month, March of Dimes’ Prematurity Awareness Month, Diabetes Awareness Month, as well as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month! Although we are halfway through November, there is still time to partake in events for these causes and/or hold a meeting/event with a Kiwanis Family branch for Kiwanis Family Month. Walks and other fundraisers are great ideas and feel free to have a local food drive since Thanksgiving is right around the corner!

Jan Divisional/LTG Elections at Ramapo High School on Jan 7th from 6 to 9 pm (Jan 14 Snow Date)

This month, we have had Key Club Week, the Fall Rally with Division 13 for training and educating Key Clubbers about various service projects, and Tri-K to hold a general meeting with the Bronx-Westchester South Kiwanis Division and Circle K. Each event was a blast and the Fall Rally went really well! In addition to these past events, Lieutenant Governor elections are arriving soon! The next Lieutenant Governor will be elected in

January to allow for a training period before he/she is inducted at the Leadership Training Conference in April. Please let me know personally by December 28th if you would like to run. No late decisions to run will be accepted. Elections will be held at the divisional meeting on January 7th at Ramapo High School. Being a Lieutenant Governor is very fun and rewarding but is also a huge responsibility, especially for a renewed division such as ours. Please feel free to contact me if you would like to discuss the position and the duties of a Lieutenant Governor. Hope to see you all at the next divisional meeting/division project at Mount Vernon! The date will be announced shortly and Mount Vernon President Diamond and I are planning the division project so stay tuned for details. Until then, have a great rest of November and an amazing Thanksgiving!

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The Olympian

Greetings from your Governor! By Governor Nadyli Nuñez November is one of my favor-

prize. Chicken tastes good.

ite months. The weather is cold but the warmth of

Don’t forget about your sponsoring Kiwanis club and other K-

Thanksgiving Holiday keeps

Family clubs. Contact them to participate in projects together

things just right.

and attend some of your club’s meetings. It is all about serving together and learning more about each other.

I want to thank all Conference Committee applicants

Whenever you complete a project, make sure your club is includ-

for their submission. It will

ing it in the Monthly Report Form and under the proper cate-

be a tough choice but you guys are all awesome for applying. The

gory. We want the club’s work to be counted for. You deserve it!

committee members will be announced soon. Hope you have a great November full of service! This month is full of giving opportunities. See if you can a business to donate turkeys and deliver them to homes that can’t afford one. Many families are unable to celebrate the holidays with all the meals we sometimes take for granted. Host a can drive and donate it to a local food bank. Be sure to read the guidelines. Some types of food are not accepted in certain centers. You can even make it into a competition at school! Whichever grade that donates the most approved canned food wins a

Dues! By Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui Have you paid your $11.50? If not, you should probably hand it in soon! Club dues are due on November 30th. This means that your club has to have a minimum of 15 paid members, received and processed by Kiwanis International, on November 30th. Your officers may ask for more than the mandatory $11.50 to add to your club’s funds, so make sure you contact them soon about paying your dues. Treasurers, congratulations to those of you who paid early! To the others, this is not the time to procrastinate. Your school may take awhile to send out your check, and you never know when you’ll stumble upon technical difficulties, so generate your invoice and send in at least those 15 membership dues as soon as you can! The responsibility is yours to make sure your club doesn’t become delinquent. If your advisor still has not received your club account name and password in the mail, have him/her contact District Administrator Mr. Lowenberg at For detailed instructions on generating an invoice, join or contact me at Once you submit your dues, you can see if Kiwanis International has received your payment by checking online at Stay tuned for more dues updates! You’ll be hearing from me again soon!


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Prematurity Awareness Month By Lt. Governor Susanna Novick This November is the March of Dimes Prematurity Awareness Month. March of Dimes is one of our international service partners. They devote their time, research, and funds to saving babies from diseases, prematurity, and other life threatening illnesses. Every year, more than 460,000 babies are born prematurely. When babies are born prematurely, that means they are not able to fully develop, become well-nourished, or grow strong enough to live outside the womb. These babies have to fight just to survive, and often struggle with health problems that persist throughout their whole lifetime. The causes of prematurity are unknown and therefore unpreventable. It can happen to anyone. The research March of Dimes does makes an effort to change that. March of Dimes has already made so much progress regarding the availability of resources and information about prematurity in their efforts to prevent it. The more we raise awareness and fund-raise, the more March of Dimes will be able to do for babies worldwide. To help, you can: Raise awareness by: Creating March of Dimes t-shirts, bracelets, or posters to raise awareness in key club and out. Writing articles and using social networking websites to spread the word. Incorporating Prematurity Awareness Month into your general service projects. Utilizing any resources or events you have to get the word out about March of Dimes and their efforts to rid the world of the negative effects of prematurity. Think of creative ideas to fundraise. Some innovative ideas are: Having a bake sale or dance hosted in honor of Prematurity Awareness Month. Host a contest or sporting events and donate the money made to March of Dimes. Starting fundraising for the March of Dimes Walk which occurs later in the service year. It is never too early to start saving lives! You may even combine your efforts to publicize Key Club Week with Prematurity Awareness Month to have an even greater impact!


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Kiwanis Family Month By Lt. Governor Dylan Gross

Kiwanis Family Month is a month aimed just towards learning more about and working with the other branches of the Kiwanis Family which include K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle K, Aktion Club and Kiwanis. This month, the Kiwanis-Family relations committee is strongly encouraging you to reach out to your corresponding Kiwanis club to get the contact information for your other local Kiwanis Family branch clubs (if you do not already have them) and to start planning some sort of project with each other. This project can be anything from fundraising, to doing arts and crafts to donate to a senior center to something big, like cleaning up one of your town’s parks. Kiwanis is big on working with their sponsored youth, so make sure that you get in touch with them and let them know that you would like to start a project. They will be thrilled! Invite the Kiwanian in charge of the project to one of your meetings to plan a bit, and in turn, the Kiwanis club might just invite you to one of their meetings to speak to the entire club about this project that you are planning. Make sure to also invite the advisors or officers from your K-Kids, Builders Club, Circle K and Aktion Club so that you can all do a bit of the planning. Part of the beauty of planning with a large group of planning is that not all of the work lands on one person. Have an outstanding Kiwanis Family Month!


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District Projects By Lt. Governor Rhea Singh

Key Clubbers, the month is November and the District projects committee would like to thank you! We have reached a total of about $110,969, or 64% of our $175,000 goal! Good job! We have approximately five months left to fundraise for the 10 worthy District Projects, which means we have to raise about $64,031 in 5 months. I know that we can live up to our name The Mighty New York District and reach, then possibly surpass our goal.

To ensure our success in fundraising, the District Projects Committee will implement a few tools to secure our goal. We will soon be updating our committee page on a regular basis. This committee will be posting quick fundraising ideas for that month which coincide with a specific charity and that month’s theme. For example: September was National Childhood Cancer Awareness Month so, we would encourage your club to fundraise for the American Cancer Society, St.Jude’s and Make-AWish. We might also include a possible fundraiser along with this information.

In November, we encourage fundraising for the American Cancer Society. The Great American Smokeout is a day that the American Cancer Society holds in which it advocates the effects of smoking and tobacco use. Stay tuned for more updates by checking the New York District Website often! FUNDRAISE!


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Distinguished Key Clubber Award Submitting Digitally By Lt. Governor Sharif Mahfouz The Distinguished Key Clubber Application was released October 9, 2010. If you haven’t already seen it, you can access the application on the district website, You’ll notice that this year, we have the option of submitting your applications for the award digitally. If you are considering submitting your application digitally, let me first give you my thanks. Here are the following steps you must take: (Please make sure all text files you create are .doc, .txt, or .pdf files.) Create a folder anywhere on your desktop named “[division number] [first name] [last name]”. My folder would be named “11 Sharif Mahfouz”. Fill out the application and save it as “DKC App” in the folder. Create a folder named “Advocacy” in the main folder, and save all relevant advocacy materials in there. Create a file named “P Statement” and save it in the main folder. If you choose to attach a statement answering the “Offices/Positions held within Key Club International” prompt, name the file “Offices & Positions” and save it in the main folder. If you have submitted articles to any publications, create a folder named “Articles” in the main folder, and save up to two articles there. Under each article, write the publication you submitted it to and the date you submitted it. If you choose to attach a list of other service and fundraising activities participated in, name the file “Other” and save it in the main folder. Ask someone to write you a letter of recommendation. If they agree, tell them to e-mail it to Make the subject of the e-mail “LoR [division number] [applicant’s first name] [applicant’s last name]”. In the body of the e-mail, ask them to list their name and office, and who they are writing the letter of recommendation for. Once you’ve completed all that, you will need to e-mail the folder to To e-mail the folder, you will need to convert it to a ZIP file. o If you are running Windows XP or Vista, right-click the file and go to Send To -> Compressed (zipped) Folder. If you are prompted asking to set “Compressed (zipped) Folder” as the default application for handling zipped folders, click “No.” You will now have a ZIP File which you can attach to an e-mail. o If you are running a Mac, right-click the file and go to “Create Archive of “[folder name]”. You will now have a ZIP File which you can attach to an e-mail. o For other operating systems, try googling “convert folders to zip.” If you need assistance, feel free to contact me. o PLEASE NOTE: If the ZIP File is too large for one e-mail, send the application in multiple e-mails. Ask your club president and faculty/Kiwanis advisor to confirm, either via e-mail or phone, that your entire application is valid. They may do this in one of two ways: o Single verification: Send an e-mail to with a subject “Verification [division number] [first name] [last name]”, and the body stating they are verifying all the information in the application is true. You may also call me at (917) 860-3973 with the same information. o Multiple verifications: Send an e-mail to with a subject “Verification [division number] [school name]”, and the body listing all the names of the applicants whose applications they are verifying. You may also call me at (917) 860-3973 with the same information. Please note – ALL documents (including the verification and letter of recommendation) must be received by 11:59 PM EST on March 14, 2011. Stay on top of your club presidents, advisors, and whoever is writing your letter of recommendation to make sure it is all sent by that time! If you need any more help regarding digital submission, feel free to e-mail me at


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Club Spotlight! Ramapo and Ursuline Key Clubs: Light the Night Walk Submitted by Ramapo President Dauminique Smallings

Both the Ramapo and Ursuline Key Clubs participated in the Light the Night Walk for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, which was featured in other newsletter editions. Ramapo raised $1,250 and Ursuline raised over $5,000. Ursuline held the walk in memory of a deceased and former Key Club member, Sonia Dubey, and had a fundraiser at their school for her. Below is a letter that was sent to the Ramapo Key Club regarding the walk. A huge congrats to both clubs!

Dear Dauminique, On behalf of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, I would like to thank you for the time and effort you put into volunteering at our Light The Night Walk at Nyack Memorial Park on Sunday, October 24th. The Ramapo High School Key Club was an excellent group of volunteers, specifically with manning our walk path and cheering on our participants and they walked the route. With your help, Light The Night was a great success and a very meaningful event for many of our Walk participants, as they celebrated and commemorated the lives of their loved ones. Proceeds from Light The Night support the LLS mission: To cure leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin’s disease and myeloma, and improve the quality of life of patients and their families. Again, thank you for your time and support. It has been such a pleasure working with you. Sincerely, Jillian Egenberg Campaign Coordinator

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The Olympian

Paperwork Status Great job to Ardsley, Spring Valley, Ursuline, & Yorktown Heights on MRFs! Be sure to forward the receipts to me. Keep up the great work! Remember that each MRF is due the 7th of every month. Some forms are months late so get these in before November ends! We’re doing better though! We want all X’s next month! ERF and MRF Chart ERF









Alexander Hamilton



Mount Vernon


New Rochelle









North Rockland



Rye Neck



Saunders Spring Valley






















Yonkers Yorktown Heights




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Contact Information New York District Executive Board •

Governor Nadyli Nuñez

• •

New York District Division 12 - Please use for RSVPs •

Secretary Grace Na

(914) 523-2837

Treasurer Safanah Siddiqui

329 Stuart Drive

Lieutenant Governor James Florakis

Editor Jensen Cheong

New Rochelle, NY 10804

Division Secretary Caylin Acosta

Webmaster Emily Lew (845) 709-7809

Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon

Division Executive Assistant Samantha Suarez (914) 882-5428

Kiwanis Committee Member Mr. Ed Sexton (914) 523-6126

New York District Committee Chairs •

Governor’s Project - Lt. Governor Nicole Murray

District Projects - Lt. Governor Rhea Singh

International Projects and Programs - Lt. Governor

James Florakis

Advocacy - Lt. Governor Katie Cieplicki

Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center - Lt. Governor Yasmin Soliman

New Club Building and Reactivation - Lt. Governor

Public Relations - Editor Jensen Cheong

Susanna Novick

Kiwanis-Family Relations - Lt. Governor Dylan Gross

Distinguished Key Clubber - Lt. Governor Sharif Mahfouz

Laws and Regulations - Executive Assistant Jillian Harmon

For contact information of the entire New York District Board, please visit:

Fun Fact! The New York District Key Club is the third largest district of Key Club International!

Reminders! •

Visit the New York District Key Club website at

Submit articles and pictures of exciting projects from your club to: District Editor Jensen Cheong ( District Webmaster Emily Lew (

Pass on this newsletter to all your friends

Attend divisional meetings

Continue serving your home, school, and community!

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