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! Awakening !!


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! ! ‘Psychiatric’ adjective

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relating to mental illness or its treatment.



‘Treatment’ noun

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the manner in which someone behaves towards or deals with someone or something.



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space that can be occupied or where something can be done.

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! ! ! ‘Suite’ noun ! !!

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a set of rooms designated for one person's or family's use or for a particular purpose. a set of instrumental compositions, originally in dance style, to be played in succession.


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! ! ! ‘Furniture’ noun ! !!


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the small accessories or fittings that are required for a particular task or function.

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! ! ! ‘Maker’ noun ! !!


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a person or thing that makes or produces something.

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From this the aim of this project is to create a set of spaces observed or discovered in succession, where the observers can details to experience a particular perspective. This creates a architecture controls the people and the people have the ability to


with particular purposes make or redefine small counterpoint where the control the architecture.

However, the two programs (a psychiatric suite and a fine furniture maker) share a common point that drives the successive spaces. Creativity not only produces fine furniture but also can assist people with a mental illness to deal with someone or something. The flows of creativity and the ability to personalise a space have be proven to improve our sense of wellbeing and health.


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! ! ! Conceptualisation ! !!

! This concept model explores the bounding of a force, or item that brings us together. Holds the framework together. The notion that a driving force can lead a progression of change, or stagnancy. Where at a point of intersection, a change occurs. Or more specifically an insight into the mind of someone with a psychological disorder or impairment. We pass through one end with a certain mentality and with the progression across the path we leave slightly different. We are not prefect, and if we believe we are a perfect, cracks begin to form which we struggle to prevent.


! Once the progression is underway, we begin to question ourselves and thus the treatment changes constantly. The search is not as easy as one thing providing the answer. There is the hope that if we can solve one issue, the rest will disappear that hold our minds apart. Through this model there was an exploration into the binding that holds the key to change.

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! Finally, we arrive at a point that illustrates that everyone who passes through this pathway is somehow different. There is no ‘ultimate’ solution, but rather we are all made up of pieces which can be rearranged and altered to fit our needs. And if one piece is removed the rest begin to fall apart. Thus, art and the dynamic nature of a built space can provide the means for change or an altering of our conscious to become visible.





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! ! ! Contemplation ! !





! Everyone looks at one of these items and wonders how do we create them? What can we do with them? How will i use it? And how do i leave my mark? Thus, these items which initially are invisible on first inspection become visible as people venture across the path. Each individually making and using them very differently from the person beside them. Creating and making their own treatment to the struggles and strains they face in their everyday lives.







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! ! ! Realisation ! !!


Not only can we create our own way of experiencing spaces, we can experience the chaos of echoes, and noise singled out in the path. By hiding what we can see and what we can touch, to a single sense in this space, We experience or become aware of the chaos that is either within us, in someone we know or the chaos that goes on around us.

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Bachelor of Design in Architecture Architectural Studio 301 Semester 1 2014 James N. Greaves

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