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PM7000 Portfolio Dec 2017 - Apr 2018

Graduate Diploma in Creative Practice

CHIH-YI JIH K1734264

A world o



Animal Farm Cover Creative Futures Project

of it's own

pstone Project


3 What GDCP has done for me Essay | Reflection

Creative Futures Project

Animal Farm Cover _ to reflect Animal Farm’s concontemporary classic status _ This project is my attempt at attending Penguin’s book cover competition. The story not only tells the fable of the Soviet era but also fit into today’s society.

D i ve into t h e stor y

And look for these elements for the foll

First Step

What Tom McCarthy said is humorous, yet so true when it comes to cover design. I not only read the book but also hunted for essential details which carry significant meanings. I recorded them in m notebooks for further analysis.

lowing journey.

e he h my

Cover designers read books in the way that soothsayers read leaves or entrails; in the way cryptographers read documents that to the layperson may look quite innocent.[…] They are Phenomenologists, engaged in lyrical and penetrative acts of drawingout, of making-manifest. _ Tom McCarthy

Main theme innocent and neccessary revolution turing into dictatorship & betrayal tyranny / exploitation

V i s u al re sea rch “

Pick a small detail out of something large, unwieldy, and compound. Allow that small detail to serve as an emblem for the whole. _ Peter Mendelsund



Minimal three colours with genius graphic symbols effectively catch people's eyes. Also, it makes Murakami's books look like a whole series.

Symbol & Space When I was researching on different types of book cover, I found that I'm drawn to simple graphic, bold colour, and spatial perception.


I especially like how they create another space on the flat covers. In this way, it makes the book stands out on the market.


I d ea d e ve l opment First, sketch


Based on the idea [fig.1], I try to sketch different possibilities and see which is the strongest.


The eye represents "s couldn't manage to c

Man with pig mask; however this idea is overused.








supervision"; however I compose a desired graphic.

( trying to make it looks more dimensional, to have a sense of space ) Pig's hoof (exaggerated large to indicate the power) step on the ground of Animal Farm. To me, this composition is the most interesting concerning the meaning and the image.

T es ti ng outcome

CONCEPT This is a simple idea that the pig / authority owns the control of Animal Farm. I experimented with two contrasting colour to make the cover stand out.

T es ti ng outcome

CONCEPT It shows the tension that the pig's hoof is going to step on the ground of Animal Farm. It also indicates the imbalanced power of two parties. I hope this cover could create a sense of spatial.

A no t he r t ri a l

Re-creation After a while, I'm still not very satisfied with the previous outcomes, so I based on the foot stepping one, sketching another version. Also, I changed the visual style to be more minimal.

F in al ve rsi on

More space to breathe In my perspective, the composition of this version is more interesting since it creates larger space and dimension. However, due to time limit for my main project, I think the way it looks is not perfect yet and in the future I would like to keep polishing it to the desired look.

Pro j ec t refl e ction “

As compact as a time capsule, a book jacket holds forever the memory of the brief cultural period when it was in print. _ Veronique Vienne

In my perspective, this is an exciting project since it's my first time to design a book cover; moreover, I have the opportunity to be with MA students and be inspired by their works. I've always been a book lover and collector, and I especially enjoy looking at all the creative covers. However, when I went through the design process, I found it was challenging. To me, looking for metaphor is not hard, but to literally make it work is not easy for me. I suppose that my technique is still not matured enough to make my idea work. It frustrated me along the whole process, yet I learned that what I only can do is keep making.


Since this is a classic book and there were already tons of covers out in the market and the Internet. Sometimes I came out with an idea and found that there was already a similar one out there. Therefore, I have to shift my mind, to see this book from a contemporary perspective. In this way, I manage to find some new angles to design it. Being with MA students allows me to see what I lack and how a matured work should be. At first, during the presentation I'm surprised to see how complete their works were, regarding their concept and technique. It was an inspiring and valuable experience for me. Unfortunately, due to the time limit for my main project, in the end I don't have enough time to make my final version till matured outcome. In the future, I'll keep polishing it and strengthen my skill level to match with my concept.

B i b l i og ra ph y Vienne, V. (2003). Chip Kidd. London: Laurence King. Mendelsund, P. (2014). Cover. New York: powerHouse Books. Connolly, J. (2009). Eighty years of book cover design. London: Faber and Faber. Richter, B. and Fischer, M. (2016). Herbert Leupin. Zürich: Museum für Gestaltung. Brain Pickings. (n.d.). Gorgeous Vintage Soviet Art and Propaganda Posters. [online] Available at: https://www.brainpickings.org/2012/06/06/gorgeousvintage-soviet-propaganda-and-art-posters/ [Accessed 7 Feb. 2018].

R efe re nce s [1] Murakami covers by Noma Bar. (n.d.). [image] Available at: https:// www.dutchuncle.co.uk/noma-bar-selected-work/ [Accessed 7 Feb. 2018]. [2] Cover Story: 'Neon in Daylight'. (2017). [image] Available at: https:// www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/publishernews/article/75487-cover-story-neon-in-daylight.html [Accessed 11 Feb. 2018]. [3] Peter Mendelsund covers. (n.d.). [image] Available at: http://covers. petermendelsund.com [Accessed 11 Feb. 2018].

Capstone Project

a world of it's own _ The Capstone major project represents an extended self-directed response to a personally interested theme _ I followed my starting-point subject “dream,� researched, experimented and endeavoured to produce the final outcome.

E n te ring t h e topic


Dreams are answers to questions we haven't figured out yet. _ X-Files


Breaking down Since dream is such a vast topic, so I first break it down into three categories: theory, personal and culture.

Be curious Why do we dream ? What's the function of dreaming ? How to record our dreams ? How to interprate dreams and how do they relate to us ? What's the history of dreaming ? What are the influences ?

Exp l o ri n g t h e topic



The earth is heavy and opaque without dreams. _ Anaïs Nin


Infographics At the beginning of the research, I'm focused on infographics and info animations on dreams. That is to say, I've researched more on the theory and knowledge aspect. However, it turned out that there are already vast amount of works out there and I want to do something different on this topic.


E x p l o ri n g t h e topic

These are my treaure hill

Research & record Therefore, I expanded my research scope and studied how others approach "dream". To me, I was amazed by the various perspectives on this topic. In the meantime, I've absorbed and recorded lots of new thinking regarding how the dream world is like, how pioneering psychologist Freud and Jung explained the function of dreams and how to "play the dream game".

E x p l o ri n g t h e topic


Video projection: Halcion Sleep Viewers can enter artisit's dreams.


Out-of-body e a dream state

I found two books written by Ame me. They presented words and im trance and out-of-body experienc dream drawings, dream painting photography, sound, video, to in These are rich sources for me to u

experiences e.



Dream Maps from participants' notebooks.

erican artist Susan Hiller captivated mages realated to dream, hypnosis, ce. They included sources from daily gs, real-life "dream machines," nstallation work. uncover diverse faces of dreams.

R e - d efi n e my fo cu s At first, I'm interested in making infographics / info animations. However, as the more I research, the more I'm attracted to look at the personal aspect.

Why ? I dream every night, and it's intriguing to think of what it means. But I never take them seriously like writing them down and analysing them in details. The thoughts and dream theory proposed by pioneer Carl Jung influenced me greatly , and they do echo with my mind. I began to record my dreams every night as far as I can. I found this whole process is so fascinating and I began to understand my inner self more. Therefore, I thought it's time to change my focus and create works in personal aspect.


Dreams are pure nature; they show us the unvarnished, natural truth, and are therefore fitted, as nothing else is, to give us back an attitude that accords with our basic human nature when our consciousness has strayed too far from its foundations and run into an impasse. _ Carl Jung


R e - d efi n e my fo cu s

Visualize / Contextualize the importa

Review the psychological studies and

Through various contents included in

To convey the knowledge, to inspire p

Target Audience From students to ad

Explore the idea of dream and "dream

Through recording and analyzign my d

Review the psychological studies and

In order to present my imagination to

Target Audience Anyone who is intere

ant idea of dream

d influences in art, film and music

nfographics, texts, images

people exploring their dreams

dults who are interested in their dreams

m world"


d influences in art, film and music

owards dream

ested in their dreams

C a p ture dreams “

Memory is never a precise duplicate of the original; instead, it is a continuing act of creation. Dream images are the product of that creation. _ Rosalind D. Cartwright

I tried to record my dreams daily. At first it was a hard task; sometimes I could remember nothing. As the time goes by, I began to identify more and more details. At the same time, I realise the essence of dream capture is a dilemma.

Usually when I woke up, I'll quickly write some keywords in my phone. Then in the dream diary I'll write them down in details.

I put th in Exce

The dilemma We can never know the real content of dreams; when we try to remember it, it suddenly loses its actual weight.

he contents el to further analysing.

A n a l y se drea ms

Recurring theme Based on the materials I gathered and some statistics, the left graph shows frequent themes of my dream ďź? on people, place and emotion. These materials become my inspiration for the animation. Then I started to imagine the story.

S to r y boa rd


Storyline Begins with while I'm sleeping, my another self / dreaming self wakes up and walk through the window into outer / another world. She follows the cat and begins her journey.

Dream univer

ms dissolve and remix our waking thoughts, and are a rsal exit from language and temporal succession. _《Dream machine》

Symbols window _ connection between real world and dream world cat _ my mysterious guide falling _ fear, out-of-expectation (my recurring theme)

Te c h ni q ue Res earch







Since my goal is to make animation, I research on different techniques which suit my project. When I found the music video by A-Ha [8,9], It immediately caught my eyes. This technique is called Rotoscoping. It means tracing over real footages, frame by frame, to produce realistic action. It’s very time-consuming. However, I think in this way, I can combine the imaginative world with the real world.


V is u a l Re sea rch



World of fantasy


From paintings, films to music videos, they all are my inspirations. Especially I am enchanted by the paintings [14,15] of Swiss artist Peter Birkhäuser, noted for his paintings illustrating imagery from dreams. My visual style of rotoscoping is later inspired by him.


Moreover, colorful and trippy visuals [16,17] from studio BRTHR gave me great inspirations on how to create the imaginative world.

T h e ti t le “

It can be a comfort sometimes to know that there is a world which is purely one’s own — the experience in that world, of travel, danger, happiness, is shared with no one else. There are no witnesses. No libel actions. _ English novelist Graham Greene

The name gives life At first, I couldn't think of a good title which could match with my project. I started making the animation for a while. When I read this quote by Graham Greene who kept records of his fanciful nightly adventures, I was fascinated by his idea. I finally found a name, "a world of it's own." After I gave it a name, I thought it does fit perfectly to the concept and contents of my animation. This name gives life to it!

Images from the Intro title sequence. When the window opens, we deviate gravity and enter the dream world.

M a ki ng proces s First, filming ! I started by filming footages according to the storyboard and also collecting random shots and sounds. I also filmed when I was travelling, so the footages contain different countries and different scenes. To me, everything could appear in the dream world.

In Rotoscoping, the first thing is to create style frame, deciding what kind of visual to pursue.

Setting the tone The feature of dream is often fragmented, changing, like a collage. Based on this concept, I started to edit the animation, by putting footages freely. It took me quite a bit of time to achieve the desired arrangement.

This is the style frame I made, and the following rotoscoping is according to it.

M a ki ng proces s

Original Scene

Three steps



Effect Co

The goal is to create an step two, I use Premiere change colour/distortion Photoshop and Rotosco In fact, it's quite a long p of making films along th

Well, luckily with animation, fantasy is your friend. _ Steven Spielberg


imaginative, unreal dream world. In e and After Effects to mix the scenes and n/light etc. Finally, I took the films into oping frame by frame. process yet I did learn various new ways his journey.



R e ce i ve fe e dbacks “

There has to be a willingness to constantly accept critical feedback and rapidly iterate to make things better. _ Sam Yagan

Shift of mindset Along the way, I had many opportunities to hear feedbacks from tutor and peers. Every advice was valuable to my project, and it gave me some light when I lost. There were some points I thought especially helpful. First is regarding the animation composition. The original version was still too smooth and not like the dynamic and unexpected dream world. Another point is advised to change different angles of the character in the animation. It will make the whole film more dynamic and create some drama.


Presented the concept of my project.

Feedbacks received from peers.

M u s i c composing Music tone

Animation cannot be without music. Since the animation goes like a collage, I tried to make the music match this kind of flow.

Remix & Compose

I mix a fraction of music fro reading the book "Seth Spe (e.g. footsteps, undergroun the music, trying to make it


Painting and animation are really solitary pursuits, so the collaborative aspects of music making and acting are pretty welcome sometimes. _ Tunde Adebimpe

om the film Vanilla Sky, and some phrases a man eaks." Moreover, I put some background sounds nd, falling...) to make it complete. Then I compose t sounds mysterious and atmospheric.


I use Garageband to compose and mix music.

Po l i s h i n g

Final touch

In co an

n this stage, my task is to keep the whole animation onsistent, colour-matching and add some effects nd transition toward the desired output.

F i n a l Outcom e

Pleas e p res s the TV to

o the li n k o f v i d e o : )

Pro j e c t Refle ctio n “

In the daytime we live in a specific society-bounded world. However at night during the dream, we speak the common language of human. _ Erich Fromm

I'm glad that I have this opportunity to develop this project throughout this semester and create something to fulfil my long-time interest. However, even though "dream" is a topic I love, I lost the track in the beginning. I lost in this vast topic and couldn't find a way to present my thoughts. Through discussing with tutor, peers and friends, reviewing different perspectives in the library and online, I finally come out with the idea to make a video. As I have this idea in mind, things move quicker and all the research I've done is waiting for me to put together.


In retrospect, I think I should add more transitions and contents in the storyboard since it does controls how the story goes. Therefore, for the next time I will consider more and pour more time into making the storyboard. On the other hand, rotoscoping is a very timeconsuming task. While I also need time to edit, add effects and compose music, due to time limit I couldn't make all my ideas appear in this work. However, I learned how to properly distribute my time to finish the outcome in a specific time frame. During the whole process, I began to realise that I'm drawn to working with videos since it is a place where I can combine moving images, music and imagination. Looked back at the work I've done last semester, making the music video is also the most interesting one to me. In the future I hope I can keep learning and polishing my ideas and techniques in this field.

B i b l i ogra ph y Roberts, J. and Seth (1998). Seth, dreams & projections of consciousness. Manhasset, NY: New Awareness Network. Stevens, A. (1996). Private myths. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press Platania, J. (1997). Jung for beginners. New York, NY: Writers and Readers. Hall, J. (1983). Jungian Dream Interpretation: A Handbook of Theory and Practice. Toronto, Canada: Inner City Books. Hiller, S. (1999). Dream machines. London: Black Dog Publishing. Hiller, S. (2012). The dream and the word. London: Black Dog Publishing. Johnson, R. (1989). Inner Work. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Faraday, A. (1975). The dream game. London: Maurice Temple Smith Ltd. TED-Ed. (n.d.). Why do we dream? - Amy Adkins. [online] Available at: https:// ed.ted.com/lessons/why-do-we-dream-amy-adkins#digdeeper [Accessed 16 Jan. 2018]. The Society of Analytical Psychology. (n.d.). JUNG AND DREAMS By Marcus West. [online] Available at: https://www.thesap.org.uk/resources/articles-on-jungianpsychology-2/carl-gustav-jung/dreams/ [Accessed 28 Jan. 2018]. Brain Pickings. (n.d.). The Science of Sleep. [online] Available at: https://www. brainpickings.org/2012/08/13/the-twenty-four-hour-mind-rosalind-cartwright/ [Accessed 16 Jan. 2018]. Brain Pickings. (n.d.). It’s Only a Draft, After All: Graham Greene on Love and Death in Existential Reflections from His Dream Diary. [online] Available at: https://www.brainpickings.org/2016/04/29/graham-greene-my-own-worlddream-diary/ [Accessed 16 Jan. 2018].

R eferences [1] Waking Twilight Dream. (2011). [image] Available at: https://visual.ly/ community/infographic/how/waking-twilight-dream [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018] [2] The Sleighbell Chart of Lucid Dreaming. (2012). [image] Available at: https://visual.ly/community/infographic/science/sleighbell-chart-luciddreaming [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018]. [3] TED-Ed (2015). Why do we dream?. [video] Available at: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=2W85Dwxx218 [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018]. [4] Why do we dream?. (2014). [video] Available at: https://www.youtube. com/watch?v=LYKp09rcvlc&t=46s [Accessed 15 Jan. 2018]. [5] Hiller, S. (1999). Dream machines. London: Black Dog Publishing. [6] & [7] Hiller, S. (2012). The dream and the word. London: Black Dog Publishing. [8] & [9] A-Ha - Take On Me (Official Video). (2010). [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djV11Xbc914 [Accessed 13 Mar. 2018]. [10] & [11] Juno Title sequence. (2007). [video] Available at: https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=2pBXO6mK7WA&t=4s [Accessed 13 Mar. 2018]. [12] & [13] All is dream by TheRaRaRabbit. (2017). [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxAiynMjDrU [Accessed 13 Mar. 2018]. [14] & [15] Peter Birkhäuser Gallery. (n.d.). [image] Available at: http:// www.cgjungpage.org/learn/resources/images-of-the-unconscious/888peter-birkhuser-gallery [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018]. [16] & [17] BRTHR Films Portfolio. (n.d.). [image] Available at: http://www. brthrfilms.com [Accessed 16 Mar. 2018].

essay | reflection

What GDCP has done for me _ to identify and reflect what creative practice means to you, and how the experience means to you _ I reflected on the route from where I was to where I am now. Moreover, I tried to identify my creative process and practice.

H ow do I get here ?

My journey starts from a triangle represents a zeroexperience designer. Through different stages, I become where I am now. About the future? I use different shapes to represent anything is possible!

Personal trajectory Before becoming a graphic designer, I studied economics as the major subject in university. To me, economics is interesting and is a fundamental theory that could not only explain financial models but also how human makes decisions. However, I have realised that I am more of a sensitive and creative person whose interests are not in finance or technical things, but human beings. Therefore, I began to explore myself in different fields, such as psychology, sociology, literature, and art. These are the things that inspire me, and make me feel alive. I’ve always drawn to aesthetic things and imaginative world, whether they are literature, music, films or artwork. When making the career choice, I reflected on my life, finding what does mean for me, and researched on different fields. Finally, I dived into the world of graphic design.

W h at i n flue nces me ?


Idea shapers I’ve been in this area around two years, and I would describe my practice as experimental. Perhaps its the background I came from that influenced the way I approach each subject, and also my favorite writer Haruki Murakami and admiring film director Jean-Luc Godard.

Muraka creates “If you can on pionee of mak “More o done'.” believe

“ [2]

If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking. _ Haruki Murakami

ami dislikes the mainstream culture in Japan, so he s his own style and his own imaginative world. He said, only read the books that everyone else is reading, you nly think what everyone else is thinking.” Godard is the er of the French New Wave Movement. His innovative way king films has inspired the world. His famous quote was, or less, I am always saying, 'Let's do what has not been ” I’ve read and watched their works since teenage, and I e that their attitude has great influence on me.

R efl ec t on my practice Let imagination floats Reflected in my practice, the way I approach each subject is that I like to let my imagination floats. “I dream. Sometimes I think that's the only right thing to do.” said by the Japanese writer Haruki Murakami. There are always dialogues between the external world and my internal world. I capture and interpret them along the way. After that, I observe, research and think from various sources and combine them. I like to work with video is that I can tell the story from multiple elements such as images, footages, and music.

External World

Internal World then capture and interprate

Feedback recerived from tutor when I presented her my manifesto and reflections.

F ro m pa st to now Reflect & compare Reflecting on my works, through comparing the work I made before and after coming to GDCP course could show how GDCP changed my view of being a creative practitioner.

When desig It com and I I expe whic typog them with

original watercolor

PS color adjusted


n it comes to the one I made before, it was an album cover gn for a post-rock band. The birth of this work is spontaneous. mes from my watercolour practice of different kinds of flowers, I found that I could scan it into Photoshop and play around. perimented with colours and finally chose the deep blue one, ch gives me the vibe of melancholic post-rock music. For the graphy, I researched on the ancient typefaces and combined m with digital ones. In this way, I found the type did work well the watercoloured images and fitted the overall deep blue vibe.

nal Outcome

F ro m pa st to now Transforming approach Compared this project with the one I made in the last term, it is evident that the thinkings, approaches and process are significantly different. This project “Coffee Tarot� did contain much more thinkings and research behind.

In th do on stage read esote I dige the p differ piece

Coffee Tarot concept a

metaphor _ the card _

love & peace, the Lover

powerful, the Emperor

balanced, the Universe

he first place, I considered target audience, which I didn’t n the previous one. After this, I then went on to the research e. To combine the concept of coffee and Tarot card, I not only books and looked up on Internet but also visited cafes and eric bookstore to observe and record everything relevant. Then ested all the information and used my imagination to complete project. To me, all these research endeavours certainly make a rence on my thinkings and also the outcome—not just a single e of an object but more complete and self-contained.

and outcome

dark, the Ocean

T h r i ve i n t h e indu str y


We propose a reversal of priorities in favour of more useful, lasting and democratic forms of communication – a mindshift away from product marketing and toward the exploration and production of a new kind of meaning. _ First Things First Manifesto (2000)

How I see it I understand graphic design is a challenging career since there are tons of great artists. However, as “First Things First Manifesto (2000)” suggests, the world has taken over by artificial, commercial products that make designers lost their starting points. It emphasised the importance of “exploration and production a new kind of meaning”. To me, I heartily agree their viewpoint. I’m always trying to create something that has deep thinkings behind it, not just making beautiful images or design. My approach would be the combination of different thoughts on one work. For example, I tried to research and combine the concept of Tarot Card into the coffee culture. Another project is I attempted to see words differently — in an abstract and visual way.

P e rs on a l ma nifes to

My manifesto. Click the play button :)

Seek new possibilities

I make this sho step out. Try w example during ego, which is to zone to write a created someth

House on fire, leave it all behind you Dark as night, let the lightning guide you Step outside, time to step outside _ José Gonzalez "Step Out"

Me playing rapper in the video "London's so weird."

ort video to present my manifesto. The main idea is to what I’ve never done and to seek new possibilities. For g the GDCP course, I challenged myself to be my alter o be a rapper. I definitely had to walk out my comfort song and perform. In the end, I learned so much and hing I’ve never thought of.

A ud i en ce & m e Mutual communication Graphic design is all about communication. As American graphic artist John Van Hamersveld said, “I look at graphic design as communication, meaning that the work has to have a vibe to connect with the viewer or perceiver.” Therefore, the relationship between me and the audience would greatly depend on whether we can “talk” to each other and whether I send the message and they could get it. I suppose that my audience would be whom also like to try new stuffs and appreciate different perspectives.

When in d

However, I k sometimes question my goes by, dur receive posi to me and m


I app

I, Kusama, am the modern Alice in Wonderland. _ Yaoyi Kusama

doubt ...

know being experimental might be seen as bizarre, and the audience couldn’t get it. It frustrates me and makes me yself even if I’m suitable to be a graphic designer. As the time ring GDCP I gained more confidence in creating works and itive feedback from the tutor and peers. All of this means a lot makes me want to keep going and keep experimenting.

ery peer review is valuable to me. preciate all these opportunities.

F u tu re di re c t io n My aspirations All in all, studying in GDCP course has been a challenging yet fruitful experience for me. My ideas, practice and approach have been expanded and grown to another stage. In the future, I’m willing to keep challenging myself and read more, think deeper. I aspire to keep dreaming, harnessing my imagination in this field. Moreover, I would like to work with other people from different disciplines to collaborate more creative projects. Ultimately, I hope my practice could bring some new light to the audience.

B iblio grap h y Eye Magazine. (1999). First Things First Manifesto 2000. [online] Available at: http://www.eyemagazine.com/feature/article/first-things-firstmanifesto-2000 [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018]. Manifesto Project. (n.d.). An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth. [online] Available at: http://www.manifestoproject.it/bruce-mau/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018]. Onewarart.org. (n.d.). RIOT GRRRL MANIFESTO. [online] Available at: http:// onewarart.org/riot_grrrl_manifesto.htm [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018]. Watton, P. Collings, J., and Moon, J. (2001) Reflective Writing: Guidance Notes for Students. [online] Available at: https://www.exeter.ac.uk/fch/workexperience/reflective-writing-guidance.pdf [Accessed: 14 Mar. 2018].

R eferences [1] Jean-Luc Godard To Be Tributed With 2015 Swiss Film Honorary Award. (2015). [image] Available at: http://variety.com/2015/film/global/jean-lucgodard-to-be-tributed-with-2015-swiss-film-honorary-award-1201432271/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018]. [2] 15 Unforgettable Haruki Murakami Quotes For Dealing With Adversity. (2017). [image] Available at: https://www.dumblittleman.com/murakamiharuki-quotes/ [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018]. [3] First Things First Manifesto 2000. (1999). [image] Available at: http://www. eyemagazine.com/feature/article/first-things-first-manifesto-2000 [Accessed 14 Mar. 2018].

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