Wingspan Issue 6 - Thursday 6th Aug 2009

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WINGSPAN Thursday, August 6 2009

Issue 6

A lasting legacy from WINGS Transforming a boating centre for years to come BY KATE SMITH-CRALLAN AN essential part of jamborees is making a difference to the community in which we live for a week and leaving a lasting legacy. Paxmead Boating Centre lies on the River Thames and provides boating facilities for Guides, Scouts and other youth groups as well as local schools in the London and South East region. While the centre has excellent facilities, areas of the grounds required some heavy duty work on them, work which Guides and Scouts on the community service project undertook with great gusto and enthusiasm. During a much-deserved tea break, Ali from Axford Explorers said: “It’s really rewarding actually, we can see that we’ve made a big difference.” In just half a day, the team of about 25 have cleared swathes of overgrown vegetation, taken down old rusting scaffolding boat racks, and cut down trees. Clearing bricks and leaves and cutting down a tree in the front of the centre, Rachel from 1st Magheraculmoney Rangers said: “It’s really hard work, but we’re having loads of fun.” Unfortunately, last year ground keeping equipment was stolen from the centre, so Discovery Explorer Scouts were clearing an area for storage for the replacements. Chris, Michael and Tessa were singing and dancing while digging, their enjoyment shining through including a little air guitar on a shovel. Gill Wilkinson, the warden at Paxmead said: “The Scouts and Guides have been fabulous. We are very grateful for all the work being done.” Axford Explorer Scouts and 1st Odiham Scouts were clearing three years worth of overgrown ivy, weeds and other vegetation from behind the boat house, as well as dismantling

Scouts and Guides work together in the community to provide better boating facilities

some old boat racks. Attacking the ivy encrusted fence with cunning and the old tree roots with brute force, the Scouts were succeeding in transforming what was an unusable space, into an area that will be used for seating and storage.

The work the volunteers are doing was scheduled to be covered over the next three years, but thanks to the enthusiasm of WINGS2009 participants, it looks like it will all be done this week. The centre is now extending the

range of projects they hope to complete, with more work on the boat house as well as building some new homes for local wildlife.

l Turn inside for more on our WINGS2009 legacy.

Today’s highlights Page 2 - Having a Eureka moment

Page 3 - A lot of hot air

Page 4 - Dropping in at the Kids Club

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