RICHES through ENERGY EFFICIENCY a family game
1. Brainstorm some rewards your kids will want. (For example: Trip to the ice cream store, family game night, etc.)
2. Cut out achievement cards (see inside this sheet) and write rewards on them.
3. Explain to the kids that you’re sending them on a scavenger hunt for opportunities to save energy. However much money they can save the family over the next year, you’ll buy them something worth that much. Show them the achievements, too.
4. Help out with the scavenger hunt. They may need help with math and electrical safety.
5. Add up the savings! The number you want to figure out for each appliance is how many kilowatt-hours it uses per year. Use this formula: (Wattage × Hours Used Per Day) ÷ 1000 × Days Used Per Year = Yearly Kilowatt-hour (kWh) consumption If your appliance lists amps instead of watts, multiply the amps by 120 to get the watts.
6. Award achievements. (Put them up on the fridge.) Help the kids decide how to spend their windfall, and make the purchase with them.
7. Decide how you’ll spend the same amount of money on yourself next year…
Sensor Sweep
Awarded to: ________________________
Awarded to: ________________________
Figure out the yearly energy draw of five (5) appliances in your home.
Find 3 appliances that still use power, even when they’re turned off.
REWARD: __________________________
REWARD: __________________________
Energy Hacker
Thermal Engineer
Awarded to: ________________________
Awarded to: ________________________
Change the settings on your computer so it uses less energy.
Find your hot water heater and lower the thermostat to 120° F.
REWARD: __________________________
REWARD: __________________________
Junior Electrician
Senior Electrician
Awarded to: ________________________
Awarded to: ________________________
Replace a traditional (incandescent) bulb with a CFL bulb.
Replace five (5) traditional bulbs with CFL bulbs.
REWARD: __________________________
REWARD: __________________________
Photon Scavenger
Awarded to: ________________________
Awarded to: ________________________
Get rid of a lamp you can replace with sunlight.
Buy a space heater for your room and use it instead of centralized heating.
REWARD: __________________________
REWARD: __________________________