Get to Know Your Customer Day Ideas for Online Retailers
The answer to the million-dollar question Get to Know Your Customer Day Ideas is… well, you will have to go through this entire blog. You, as a smart business owner, know and understand that ‘Customers’ are the lifeline of your business. Also, if you can increase your online stores’ customer retention rates by even 5 percent, it can increase your profits by 25 percent to 95 percent. That’s the power of your customer. One of the best of ways to improve customer retention is by getting to know your customer and providing relevant content and offers based on it. While most marketers learn about their customers from their online behavior and past purchases, there is another unique way. “Get to know your customer day” is a day observed 3rd Thursday of every quarter yearly. With the rise of the big box stores and online shopping stores, the ways of interacting with the customer have changed. During the days of mom and pop stores, the owners knew their customers’ name and their shopping habits.
The emotional connect and personal attention given to the customers during those days have gone to the wayside now. ‘Get to Know Your Customer Day’ is an opportunity for you; as a visionary business owner to move a step further and explore your customer’s world.
How to connect with Your Customers Help? • •
Knowing them a little more makes your customer feel valued. You foster a deep and trust-based relationship which goes beyond buy-sell transactions. You get an increased awareness of your client’s evolving preferences, giving pointers of innovation in your business. Familiarity will bring in more sales/repeat business and loyalty at the end of the day.
If you have not made any considerable effort to Get to Know Your Customer till now, you can start now. You will find below a few essential tips to use in promoting your business on this day or the entire year.
Ways to reach out to your Customer on Get to Know Your Customer Day: A ) Social Media •
Use hashtag #GetToKnowYourCustomersDay to post on social media. Signaling your customer that you do not lose an opportunity to know them more. Post a reward-based survey thereby requesting client feedback on product/service. This will offer value to your customer for the time/effort they put in replying to your poll. Call out your customers via Twitter and share with them how much you value their business. It will leave them smiling & build trust. Share with your customer how their suggestion is heard/implemented. You clients will know that you’re listening and that they have an open line of communication to you at all times.
Need some more details on Social Media Marketing? Check out these eCommerce Social Media Marketing Tips.
B ) Website •
Invite customers to post reviews/experience of your product or service. Your customer knows that their opinion matters to you. Educate your client with regular blog updates, webinars, or free coaching based on your industry. It will promote trust and higher value of your product/service. Spotlight valued clients on your website and make them feel important. It will also give them a sense of pride in doing business with you. Make personal interaction an easy option, and this will ensure quality customer service.
C ) Be Thankful •
Send a Handwritten and Personal thank you card to your client. Your client will love it. Gift a Great book which has been a profound influence in shaping your company. This gift will give your customer a glimpse of your company & product’s core values and convey your gratitude to them.
Send a box of Cookies or Health bars if your client is in the fitness industry. Do a little research about your client to send something of value to them.
D ) Other Channels •
Make Customer service the DNA of your company. Go out of the way and serve one lucky client on a platinum platter and he will tell/retell a great story of your company to everyone. Meet your Customer face to face and listen to what they have to say about your product, customer service, etc. This gesture may also give insights into their pain points and help you improve. You can reward your loyal clients by starting a loyalty program which can be as simple offering annual on their anniversary or special discounts on making referrals. If you keep traveling and have clients all over the world, make it a point to meet your client who lives in the area that you’re visiting and offer to buy them a coffee. These are small gestures but create long-lasting relationships. Offer a Free and Surprise upgrade by picking up the most loyal clients or randomly selecting them. The surprise will delight your customers.
Final thought Your time and effort to thank your client on Get to Know Your Customer Day will build a lasting relationship and make them loyal.