Home inspection ebook original

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ABOUT HOME INSPECTIONS What does a home inspector look for? Will the home inspection cause delays in the selling process? Home inspection is a big hurdle to get over when selling your home. Sellers who don’t prepare for their inspection most likely will not pass it. However, with just a little preparation, you can pass yours with flying colors!

CHECK THE LIGHTS Walk through your home and switch every light on and off. Make sure all of them turn on. Change out lightbulbs, fix light switches, and make sure all electrical work is safe. Don’t forget to check the outside lights as well! Home inspectors will check all lighting so this easy step will save you from a markdown on your inspection report.

Follow the tips in this ebook to prepare for your home inspection. And don’t forget to print the checklist in the back of this ebook to stay organized!



REPLACE FURNACE FILTER The furnace is often a place left forgotten in preparing for a home inspection. Over the years, your furnace filter gathers dust and dirt making it run less efficiently. It can also be a fire hazard! Check your filters and replace them if needed.


OPEN THE WINDOWS Another area people might not think to prepare are their windows. Open all your windows in the house. If some of them don’t open, be sure to fix that! Sometimes paint or long periods of un-use can cause windows to become stuck. You can free a stuck window with a puddy knife. Slide the knife along the edges and your window should open!


SILENCE FIRE ALARMS If a fire alarm is beeping in your home, change the batteries or have it looked at by a professional. You should also double check to make sure there are enough fire alarms in your home. There should be a fire alarm on each level of your home (one usually near the kitchen downstairs and one in the upstairs hallway) and one in every bedroom (in case of a fire at night).


PROVIDE KEYS Obviously, you should provide a house key for the home inspector, but don’t forget about other areas of your home that might be locked! Provide keys for sheds, garages, electrical boxes, and anything else the home inspector might need to check.


REMOVE CLUTTER Clutter can give the impression that you don’t take care of your home. Even if you clean your home top to bottom, clutter can make it look dirty. Remove mail, toys, and other odds and ends and place them in an out of the way spot. Less clutter will convey that you do care about your home!


CLEAR GUTTERS Dirty gutters can prohibit water flow and cause buildup. Clean out the dirt and leaves from your gutter with a ladder, bucket, and a small scooper. You can use a small shovel, or even kitchen tools to help scoop out the debris. During this time, you should also make sure your downspouts are all pointing away from your home.


FIX LEAKS Leaks from shower heads and faucets can reflect negatively on your home inspection report. Sometimes a leak is an easy fix like caulking or tightening the plumbing. Other times a professional is needed. If you aren’t sure what the problem is, have a plumber come in to fix the leak.



Pets can be a nuisance to home inspectors and get in the way of them doing their job. Be sure to crate your pet during the home inspection. If you’d prefer not to leave your pet crated, then bring it with you while you’re out of your home for the inspection.



The worst thing you can do for your home inspection is to hide a broken item. More than likely the home in-spector will find it anyway, so be upfront about it! If something doesn’t work in your home, explain what the problem is and what steps you will take to fix it immedi-ately.



The home inspector will probably want to view any important papers. Previous inspection results, insurance, and repair papers are all important to keep together and have handy. The best place to leave these is on the kitchen counter so that the inspector can find them quickly and easily.




The best way to make sure your home is ready for an inspection is to do a walk-through. Take a flashlight and gloves and start from the outside. Look behind bushes, in crawl spaces, and in every room of your home. If you do a walk-through, the walk-through the home inspec-tor takes will go much smoother!

Proper drainage No cracks in walkways Landscape in good condition Railings secure

Appliances Working exhaust fan Dishwasher drains properly Refridgerator cold enough Stove clean and working

Shingles straight and not curling No decay or stains Gutters clear

Heating/cooling system Available in each room Working properly Filters cleaned or replaced


Exterior No rotted wood No damage to siding Attic No damage to structure Sufficient insulation Good ventilation Basement No flooding No open electrical circuits Floor in good condition

Windows/doors Open properly No cracked glass Locks work Weather stripping installed Appearance No clutter Fresh paint No wall cracks

Electrical Fire alarms work Lights and switches work Electrical outlets in good condition Plumbing No leaks No rust Water flow adequate Proper drainage Toilets flush



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