Penang Wedding Photographer Find out how to differentiate between one wedding photographer and also the next? Browsing through the ocean of wedding photographers can be a big task. When I got married, I was offered the task of selecting our wedding photographer, and I checked out websites of many different photographers. Some were more expensive and some were less costly, but often I could not tell the difference between the actual pictures. If I could tell which i liked one photographer's work better, I didn't know why. This left me with very little confidence in selecting a wedding photographer.I want you to be able to choose a wedding photographer with confidence. So let's answer the essential questions.Why can't I identify the difference?The reason that you and I could not tell the difference, may be that the majority of the work that is put online is the best work of the photographer. All of the photos that you can see on websites are great photographs. In the event that they weren't, they would not make it on the website. Should you have a camera and went out to shoot a thousand pictures one day, I'm certain you could take at the very least 1 good picture.This is exactly what some photographers do. They shoot weddings and come up with 2 or 3 good pictures from the wedding. Learn more about Penang Wedding Photographer at These are also the photographs that are posted on on the web. You certainly will never see the other photographs. A poor photographer will only be able to take 1-10 good photographs out of your day. A good photographer will be able to shoot 30-70 great photographs from your wedding day. A great photographer may be able to shoot 50-100 great photographs.Real weddings?Another trick that photographers use to build up their online portfolio is to use fake wedding shots. Some photographers will hire some models and go to a beautiful location and spend a whole day taking photos. They will put these shots on their website and while the shots are fantastic shots, they aren't from real weddings. The photographer gets the chance to spend half an hour perfecting each shot. They could fiddle with the pose. They may take the shot and realize that there's something distracting in the background. They will not have this sufficient time on your wedding day. You will not get any photos that look like these on your wedding day.Some photographers may even attend a workshop where another professional photographer teaches them on how to take great photos. In cases such as these, the teacher is the one who actually poses the model and sets up the lighting. Will your photographer actually be able to create those shots themselves?Ask to see an entire wedding of photosSo don't select a photographer merely by taking a look at the online portfolio. All photographers should have an excellent online portfolio. (If they don't, definitely beware.) Meet with the photographer and ask to see photographs from an entire wedding. The photographer should show you 200 or so photographs from an entire wedding and see what percentage of these photographs you think are great shots. Not all of them will be great. Even the best photographers could have mediocre shots, but if there is a large number that are great shots, you know you have a good photographer. Learn more about Penang Wedding Photographer at Tags: Penang Wedding Photographer , wedding photographer in penang & wedding photography penang