How To Catch Chinook Salmon Fishing
I don't claim to be the best of fishermen, nor do I have a great deal of experience. However, I can at least add some guidance on catching chinook salmon in areas where they are found on the west coast if North America. In this article I will not be going into any type of fishing knots or lures to use as there are already many good articles on this and I don't want to repeat all of that.
If you're trying to catch chinook salmon, the most important thing is the rod and reel setup you will be using for fishing. There are hundreds or even thousands of different makes and models available for this type of equipment so it's difficult to suggest one particular brand or model that you should use. I would suggest that you read reviews of different rods and find one that is comfortable for you to use for long periods of time. You also want to make sure the rod can handle at least 30lb line, which will be strong enough to pull in a large chinook salmon. The reel setup is almost as important as the rod, so read reviews on reels to find one that feels comfortable for you also. You may even want to hold each model in your hand at a store before buying it. Make sure you get a good quality line with 30lbs of strength if possible, or heavier if this is what is recommended by the manufacturer of your equipment.
As for lures, I would suggest you use salmon eggs if possible. If not, try using spoons such as the Lindy "Little Joe", with a strip of pork rind or squid on the hook to add scent. Other baits such as herring and anchovy will also work well. Just make sure you don't use anything with an overly strong scent like tuna or mackerel, as you don't want your chinook salmon to be able to smell the bait before biting it.
When you are actually fishing for chinook salmon, try fishing in areas where they are found. You can do this by learning about the habits of these fish and what types of water they prefer. There are several guides available that can help you, as well as online videos and articles about this fish.
One popular area to catch chinook salmon is the Strait of Georgia off the west coast of Canada, which is a large body of water between Vancouver Island and BC mainland. The Campbell River on Vancouver Island is another rather productive fishing area in North America for these fish, and the Skeena river in northern BC is another great place to go. You can also try fishing off the west coast of Vancouver Island itself, which is a large island located just off the coast of Canada between Vancouver and Alaska.
Finally, although it's not specific to chinook salmon only, another great area to fish for them is the Fraser River in British Columbia. This river has a large run of chinook salmon each year, so it's worth trying out if you want to catch one of them specifically.
I hope this article has given you some useful information on catching chinook salmon if you are lucky enough to find them where you are fishing. Good luck! See more: