How To Choose Fishing Line Weight – Ultimate Guide For New Anglers
It is widely known that a perfect set of tools and some secret fishing techniques will improve the ability to have a successful fish-catching trip on so many levels. One of the most critical tools that you need to pay attention to is the fishing line and its durable weight. If the fishing line breaks too soon at the very beginning, you’ll have to quit fishing and don’t enjoy the weekend trip at its best. So How To Choose Fishing Line Weight? This article will help guide you on how to examine involved factors, and choose the finest as well as most suited fishing line weight to your own demands! How To Choose Fishing Line Weight The most important factor must be the fishing line weight (measured in lbs). It illustrates the greatest amount of tension that your fishing line can handle. All lines will break at some point where the fish weight is too big for the fishing line to carry. In general, the concerned number can be found by the label on the fishing line spool. As different lines have varying different pound tests, meaning that they are manufactured to catch different types of fish. However, there are other aspects which also place huge impacts on your last decision. And to choose the perfect fishing line weight, you should get to know all of these following aspects: Targeted Species If you are a newbie angler, you should target which species you’re going to chase right off the bat. People who determine to fish for bluegill, crappie, spotted dragonet, or other panfish should go for a lighter line from 2 – 6lbs. On the other hand, if you want to chase larger fish such as sauger, walleye, catfish, it’s a good idea to go for a heavier line from 4-6 lbs. For much larger fish, you should rather stick with lines over 14lbs. Fishing Location Fishing in small waters like the dam area, wed edges versus fishing in a big open lake requires fairly different types of fishing line weight. For example, lighter weighted lines are better for fishing in an open lake as it enhances the castability. Whereas, heavier lines are best for small areas because you’ve already aimed at specific spots here and there. So the tip is to remember to bring both heavy and light weighted lines in case you’ve got a mood for reaching a new challenging big lake or bump into an unbelievably big fish in your pond. Fishing Environment
The surrounding areas DO affect your fishing experience and fishing line purchase. The stronger the wind blows, the greater the waves are. The waves will cause a rise in the water’s turbidity, vortex, and pressure, which will alter how the fish will behave. Consequently, that leads to choosing a light or heavy fishing line weight in terms of the surrounding environment. A Matching Reel Is Also Important The best reel should be handy, standard, and reasonable-priced. It gives game-changing benefits in supporting angler to wind up the lines smoother, quicker, and nail your catch. You should consider the types of fish when choosing fishing line weight, but you should also study the types of the reel with the most suitable line weight. If you get a 130/10, it means that you can maximize up to 130 yards of 10 pounds test. To be aware of these figures helps save time from your buying process and gives some advantages afterward. Not only should you consider the types of fish when choosing fishing line weight, but also you should study on the types of the reel with the most suited line weight. It would be a devastating waste of money paying nearly $200 for 3000/30 fluorocarbon fishing reel catching only small trouts. The Bottom Line Deciding which fishing lines to buy is never an effortless task. Just remember the key information that fishing line weights should assemble with the average weight of the targeted fish, and also be able to restrain under environment pressure or even the forces from the fish. You must have been aware of How To Choose Fishing Line Weight right? It’s always a great idea to add into your shopping cart at least 2 favorite types of fishing lines for small and big waters cases. See more: Tags: Fishing LinesHow To Choose Fishing Line Weight