The Best Bait For Florida Snapper Fishing
One of the most common mistakes that many Florida snapper fishing enthusiasts make is to assume that they know where to find snapper. It's easy to assume that these fish are always found near rocks or reefs, but this isn't true either. You can find all types of snapper throughout various areas in Florida, so you need to know your options. While any snapper can be caught by using the appropriate type of bait, some baits tend to work better for certain types of snappers.
Snapper Fishing: The Right Bait and Lures
One of the keys to Florida snapper fishing that will lead you towards future success is choosing the right bait or lure. While that may seem relatively straightforward, there are still a few things that you need to know before you make your purchase. In the case of snapper fishing, it doesn't matter what time of day it is or even where you're going to be fishing. What's important is that you have a bait or lure that can attract all types of snapper no matter where you are or when you go fishing.
Snapper Fishing at Night
The great thing about Florida snapper fishing is that it can be done during the day or night, under various weather conditions too. While snapper fishing during the day is fairly common, many people forget that this can also be done at night. The good news for anyone wanting to snapper fish at night is that most species of snapper can be caught during this time. It's not just the older and larger snappers that you will find along the shore either, as many smaller types of snapper can also be caught at night.
Snapper Fishing in Saltwater
Another thing about Florida snapper fishing is that it's not limited to freshwater either. In fact, you can find snapper in both saltwater and freshwater throughout the state. While some species of snapper are found primarily in one or the other types of water, others can be caught equally as well in both locations. If you're going to go Florida snapper fishing around structures such as rocks, reefs or ballast water discharge pipes, you have to be sure that you're using the appropriate bait.
Snapper Fishing Around Structure
One of the best things about Florida snapper fishing is that it can be done around various types of structure in the water. Some common places where you'll find snapper include wrecks, rocks, reefs, ships and other items in the water. While you're most likely going to find smaller snapper near these structures during daylight hours, larger species can also be found here at night. In fact, most people have a tendency to focus on fishing around surface structure when they head out for a day of Florida snapper fishing by boat.
Snapper Fishing in Freshwater
Another thing about Florida snapper fishing has to do with the fact that it can be done in both saltwater and freshwater. While most people are aware of this, there are still some who believe that you have to go to the ocean in order to catch snapper. As long as you know where to look for these fish species, you can find them in freshwater throughout the state. In fact, many of the best Florida snapper fishing spots are located near mangroves and other vegetation along shoreline areas.
Snapper Fishing with Live Bait
This is one of the most common types of Florida snapper fishing techniques that you will want to consider using. When you use live bait for snapper fishing, you're choosing to focus on the most common types of snapper. These are the ones that are too small to eat and are often very affordable as well. There are even times when some people choose to catch their own live bait in order to save money on the cost of using them. While this is not always the case, it can help in certain situations.
Snapper Fishing with Artificial Bait
Another type of Florida snapper fishing that you may want to consider using is artificial bait. While many people will choose live bait for this purpose, there are several reasons why artificial bait is also a good option. One of the most common reasons is that it can be used when you're fishing in areas where live bait is not allowed.
Snapper Fishing with Bait Stick
Yet another type of Florida snapper fishing technique that's worth looking into is using a 'bait stick'. This type of combination lure and hook can do an excellent job of attracting more than one species of snapper. In fact, it's often used as a means of attracting many types of fish species at the same time from
an area where they're all located. While you're not likely to find larger snapper with this type of lure, it can be a great way to catch smaller individuals instead.
Snapper Fishing for Different Species
One thing about Florida snapper fishing is that it's not limited to catching one type of fish. There are actually several different species of snapper that you can catch while you're out on the water. Some examples include schoolmaster, gray snapper, mutton snapper, yellowtail and Warsaw grouper. The reason so many different types of fish fall into the snapper category is because these fish often have a very similar shape and color.
Snapper Fishing for Larger Individuals
If you're going to do Florida snapper fishing, then it's important that you know where to find larger individuals as well. In many instances, you will need to make a special effort in order to catch large snapper. This means that you will need to know where to look for them and then take the time to do so when you head out on a trip. It can be one of the most rewarding types of snapper fishing in many ways, but it's also challenging because these fish are not easy to locate at all.
Snapper Fishing During Different Season
Another thing people must be aware of when it comes to Florida snapper fishing is that this activity can be done during different seasons. While you may primarily catch smaller snapper in the spring, there are larger individuals available in the fall and winter months. As you get further into the winter months, many individuals say that the best time for snapper fishing is in the middle of January. See more: