Madison a
w i n t e r
2 0 1 1
d i s o n
t h e
m ag a z i n e
J a m e s
m a di s on
u n i v e r s i t y
The Forbes Center for the Per formin g Arts educates f ut ure artists, welcomes audiences and builds communit y
Th e cu rTa in is raised
w i n t e
r 2 0 1 1
Seeing Differently: The Institute for Visual Studies asks, what if DaVinci had a Flip video? P a g E 2 4 JMU Alumni Board member Scott Rogers (’00, ’02M) smoothes the way for meal helpers to really help. P a g E 2 2
A Breeze keepsake poster to savor the brightest spot of the Dukes’ 2010 football season. Get 2011 season tickets now!