Policy for Behaviour Earl Soham Community Primary School
Written by: Karl Pearce Updated following review (June 2014) by: James Mansell Date: June 2014 Approved by: ………………………….. Date of approval: To be reviewed June 2016 1
Our school mission statement is: ‘Caring, sharing and learning because every child matters.’ Our behaviour policy supports this statement and we use it to help us to promote the following areas in our school community:
Self awareness Managing feelings Motivation Empathy Social skills
In writing this policy we have consulted with pupils, staff, parents and governors about what makes a happy individual, a happy class, a happy school and a safe and caring community that people enjoy being part of. There is an expectation that all members of the school community, parents and visitors conduct themselves according to our behaviour policy whilst on the school premises. This policy is also used to support our Home – School Agreement. Our aims are:
To encourage behaviour promoting a positive culture of learning and understanding throughout the school To create a stimulating, happy and secure working environment To encourage all to respect, tolerate, share and co-operate To nurture an environment where children learn how to have a full and rewarding part in the school community and society as a whole To promote good behaviour by leading by example To establish a clear set of consequences, which are consistently applied by all staff, for when rules are broken To reward good behaviour through a consistent and positive reward system.
How we reward good behaviour at our school:
We like to ensure that we’ll tell all the children when they have done something well On Fridays in assembly, children’s work may be shown to everyone and it will be displayed on our Wall of Fame. These children will also get a sticker. Children whose behaviour, attitude to learning or those who represent our school will also be recognised and rewarded during these assemblies We use the Class Dojo app to reward children with points. Children can take ownership of their avatar by logging in to their account at home. Parents can also sign up to receive weekly updates on their child’s 2
achievements. There is a parent messaging system built in which allows teachers to send a short message about special achievements. Children receive a certificate when they have reached a certain amount of points. o Bronze - 50 points o Silver - 100 points o Gold - 150 points o Platinum - 200 points o Diamond - 250 points At the end of each week, children receive “choosing time” as a reward for good behaviour and hard work. During this time, children are allowed to choose from a selection of activities.
What steps do we take when the school’s expectations are not met?
If something goes wrong we like to discuss with a child what it is that has happened and why it is wrong If a child continues to behave inappropriately their name will go on the warning board to let them know that their behaviour needs to improve. If behaviour improves, their name, as a result will come off the board If a child’s behaviour does not improve, as a consequence, they will lose 5, 10 or 20 minutes off their choosing time. A child who loses their choosing time will have to carry on working whilst the others have this time on a Friday afternoon. However, this time can be won back – pupils can always win time back by listening well and trying their best If a child loses 20 minutes and their behaviour still does not improve, they will receive a last warning. After a last warning, children will be sent to the Headteacher who will want to know why, after so many chances, their behaviour has not improved. The Headteacher may ask a child’s parents/guardians to come into school to discuss their behaviour. A child who gets into repeated trouble that disrupts the learning of others or puts his/her own, or others’ safety at risk may be excluded for a fixed period of time A permanent exclusion will only happen as a last resort.
What teachers like to see:
Good listening Respect for others Respect for property Being prepared and well presented Being punctual
What children like to see: Happy and safe place Interesting lessons Good equipment to use that is well looked after Being fairly treated Being listened to
What parents like to see: Good behaviour in all areas of the school Children being helpful, caring, polite and kind to everybody in the school community Children respecting one another for their individuality Any issues dealt with fairly, constructively and effectively Older children setting a good example to others
What we don’t want is… o o o o o
Shouting out Inconsistent behaviour Unkindness to others Poor manners A general lack of respect
What we don’t want is… o o o o o
Shouting in class Lots of mess in school Bad lining up Unfair games Equipment misused/ruined
What we don’t want is… o Any form of bullying or teasing o Pushing or shoving o A lack of being patient o Inconsistencies when dealing with behavioural issues
As a staff we will: Provide a safe, caring and happy place for children to learn Teach stimulating lessons that are based on the National Curriculum requirements Set and expect high standards of work and behaviour Keep children and their parents informed about how their work is progressing Let parents know what is happening here at school and how they can be part of it Deal with any problems that happen fairly and quickly. Signed
As a pupil I will:
Do all work (including homework) to the best of my ability Understand the rules in school and do my best to keep to them Be polite and helpful to everybody in the whole school community Remember to bring the right equipment for the lessons I need every day Remember that I am representing the school and to behave in a way which shows this. This also includes what I wear to school. Signed
As a parent I will: Support the school rules and the staff to ensure that my child behaves appropriately. Discuss issues and concerns with staff in private Encourage my child to take a full part in school life Keep the school informed of any issues that might affect my child’s education Support my child by getting them to school on time and attending parents’ evenings Ensure that the correct uniform is worn and that my child has the right equipment to support their learning Let the school know if my child is ill. Signed
Signed 5