Earl Soham Community Primary School Caring, sharing and learning; because every child matters Headteacher: Karl Pearce Earl Soham, Woodbridge, Suffolk. IP13 7SA Tel: (01728) 685359 Email: ad.earlsoham.p@talk21.com
FEBRUARY 2014 - NEWSLETTER SPRING TERM... PART 2 Welcome back for the second part of term. Hopefully things JIHIHJJHHHH will be ‘drier’ during the course of the next 6 weeks. There’s plenty happening with two residential trips, parents’ evenings, an activity week, a family film night and various sporting events to fit in. Thank you again to you all for your continued support of the school. We had double the amount of parents for our SHARE mornings compared to those who expressed an initial interest and a great working party to help tidy up the top playground – it all helps to make a real difference for the children. We also continue to be grateful to all of those parents who have listened to readers and given talks to the classes. If there are any more parents willing to ‘feature’ in an assembly, please let Mr Pearce know. The ones that we’ve held so far have gone down extremely well.Red Class would like to invite grandparents in to talk to the children about their lives, interesting places they've been and to tell any stories they might like to share - please see Mrs Stoney. This half term Years 4, 5 & 6 will be swimming at Framlingham College on a Friday afternoon whilst Years 2 & 3 will be either in the hall or on the astroturf at the college.
28 February – FUNGUS THE BOGEYMAN (U) Finish 5.30pm th
7 March – BEETHOVEN (U) Finish 5.00pm th
14 March – YOGI BEAR (U) Finish 5.00pm st
21 March – JUSTIN AND THE KNIGHTS OF VALOUR (PG) Finish 5.00pm th
28 March – NO FILM th
4 April – CHICKEN LITTLE (U) Finish 5.00pm
SCHOOL UNIFORM Please could you check at home for any uniform that may not be your child’s? We seem to have had quite a lot of uniform (named) innocently taken home recently which then hasn’t been returned...
SCHOOL KIT On the subject of sporting events, can you please ensure that all kit is returned over the next couple of days, please. We have a number of children representing the school in the near future without enough kits!
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS Please sign up for these so that we are aware of numbers. This half term’s clubs are: MONDAYS: Nature (Year 2 and above) with Mrs Exton TUESDAYS: Football (Year 4 and above) with Mr Pearce Netball (Year 4 and above) with Mrs Cardin Gymnastics SQUAD (Years 1 & 2) with Ms Piper WEDNESDAYS: Dance (Year 3 and above) with Mrs Jarvis (4.30pm finish) – CHARGE APPLIES Art (Reception &Year 1) with Mrs Stoney (4pm finish) - Max. 10 places THURSDAYS: Hockey with Mr Pearce (Year 4 and above) Gymnastics SQUAD (Years 3 & 4) with Ms Piper Computing with Mr Mansell (Year 4 and above)
Monday 24 February – PTFA Meeting (7.30pm) th
Wednesday 26 February – African Adventure Meeting (6.30pm) rd
Monday 3 & Wednesday 5 March – Parents’ Evenings th
Tuesday 4 March – Hi-5 Netball Tournament @ TMHS (12.30pm) th
Monday 10 March – Quicksticks Hockey Tournament @ Hartismere High School (12.30pm) th
Monday 24 March – Swimming Gala @ Diss Swimming Pool (9.30am) th
Wednesday 26 – Friday 28 March – How Hill Residential Trip th
All clubs will finish at 4.15pm unless otherwise stated. There will be no Nature club during the 2nd week due to parents' evenings and no football on Tuesday 11th March.
Saturday 29 March – Family Film Night st
Monday 31 March – Friday 4 April – Year 6 African Adventure Residential & Activity Week.