Earl Soham Community Primary School Sports Premium 2013-14
Ensure staff are able to deliver high quality PE Develop the Outdoor and Adventurous strand of PE Improve the quality of resources available To provide sports based activities during breaks and extend the range of after school sports clubs Budget £8000 + £5 per pupil (74) = £8, 370
Background This is an outline plan that will be reviewed and amended on an on-going basis. It is based on:
Audit of current PE provision Meeting with staff Attending the summer term PE conference Discussions with the Curriculum Group of the Governing Body Pupil questionnaire
PE has traditionally been a strength of the school with, until last year, two members of the teaching staff having PE as a specialism. There has always been an emphasis on participation in physical activity at Earl Soham for enjoyment, exercise and also competition. The school is active and highly successful in interschool competitions with tremendous support from parents. In both 2012 and 2013 the school were ‘Runners up’ in the Suffolk Primary Sporting School of the Year Competition.
Swimming is taught at Framlingham College, supported by TAs, by one of their teachers. All children in Year 2 and above have an equivalent of 1 term of swimming per year. We are fortunate to also have the use of their indoor facilities and astro turf for a variety of strands of games. Earl Soham staff provide a number of after school clubs to fit in with seasonal sports. Pupil questionnaires reported that a variety of ‘new’ school clubs would be beneficial. From these the key priorities in this document were formed. Aim 1 – To ensure staff are able to deliver high quality PE Task
Audit all staff skills and perception
All staff
There will be a clear list of strengths and areas of development that can feed into action planning
September 2013
Gather pupil perceptions on PE
KP to produce questionnaire
There will be a clear list of ideas from the pupils that can feed into action planning
September 2013
School audit of PE provision and teaching
KP to undertake
Action planning will be informed.
December 2013
Provide CPD in identified areas
All staff
Staff have increased PE and sport knowledge and quality of teaching will improve. Pupils will receive a higher quality of teaching.
£1500 to cover course costs and supply cover.
On-going to July 2014
Aim 2 – Improve the quality and accessibility of resources available Task
Audit resources
There will be a clear list of strengths and areas of development that can feed into action planning
September 2013
Staff to input their resource needs
All staff
Appropriate resources provided
December 2013
Replace and supply identified equipment
KP to undertake
Improve storage by shelving
All staff
Equipment will be easily accessible
December 2013
December 2013
Aim 3 – To provide sports based activities during breaks and extend/enhance the range of after school sports clubs Task
Provide children with opportunities for early morning physical activity.
Children will be able to participate in structured physical at the start of the school day.
£250 for ‘Wake up! Shake up!’ resources
December 2013
Provide lunch time training to develop play leaders
Pupils will have a greater range of sports based activities to access
£200 to cover cost of training by high school staff
March 2014
New after school clubs introduced to add to those already existing
Relevant staff
Greater variety of after school clubs available to a range of pupil ages.
£500 for training of staff
March 2014
Aim 4 – To increase the opportunities for high quality PE Task
To make greater use of the facilities (swimming pool, astroturf and sports hall) through our links with Framlingham College.
Relevant staff
Children will have access to specialised swimming teaching, excellent resources and opportunities to be taught invasion games (hockey), net games (tennis) and athletics at custom build facilities.
ÂŁ1650 per term x 3 to cover transport, hire of facilities and swimming teacher.
March 2014