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SAINT VALENTINE'S IRISH CONNECTION The Pat ron Saint Of Lovers Is Buried In Dublin
This is a good year t o rem ind our reader 's about Saint Valent ine's Irish Connect ion. Ash Wednesday falls just t hree days aft er Saint Valent ine's Day t his year so it som ehow seem s fit t ing t hat our t ale involves a fam ous Dublin Church, a Pope and a very det erm ined Irish Friar.
This interesting twist of history happened in 1835 when a basilica built at the site of St. Valentine's grave in Rome was being renovated and the long forgotten bonesof St. Valentine along with a small vessel tinged with his blood and someother artifacts were unearthed under an alter. An Irish Carmelite, Friar John Spratt was visiting Rome. He was well known in Ireland as an activist and preacher and worked tirelessly among the poor and destitute in Dublin?s Liberties area. Another project of Spratt's was the building of the new church to Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Whitefriar Street. While In Rome, his preaching skills made him a bit of an ecclesiastic celebrity and the rich and famous flocked in to hear his sermons. The good friar received " many tokensof esteem from the doyens of the Church. " One such gift was from Pope Gregory XVI (1831-1846); the authentic and holy remains of Saint Valentine. The good priest returned to Dublin, continued his mission among the downtrodden and oversaw the completion of the Whitefriar'sChurch. The next year on November 10, 1836, when the Reliquary containing the remains arrived in Ireland; Archbishop Murray of Dublin led a solemn procession to Whitefriar Street Church where they were enshrined. Sadly, after Father Spratt died in 1871 at the ripe old age of 75, interest in the relics waned and they went into storage. In the 1950s/60s during a major restoration of Our Lady of Mount Carmel; the decision was madeto construct a shrineand new alter within the church, popularly known as the Whitefriar's Chapel dedicated to Saint Valentine. The idea was a sincere desire to make better useof the precious relics. It proved to be a wise decision as the good Saint Valentineis credited by many for his generosity and intervention in making their lives better. First time visitors to Whitefriers are delighted at what they see, it is a beautiful and well cared for church. As you enter, the statue of Valentinus, the beloved patron saint of love is on the right side of the church. It was carved in the early 1960's by

ST VALENTINE WROTE LOVE LETTERS From Prison awaiting his execution by Roman Emperor Claudius Gothicus
Dublin born artist/sculptor Irene Broe (1923 - 1992) and depicts the saint in the red vestments of a martyr, holding a crocus in his hand.
Saint Valentine's Shrine is visited throughout the year by couples who come to pray to the ever caring Valentine and to ask him to watch over them in their lives together. In the 1800's collecting relics had a brief revival. In the Middle Ages entire towns, cathedrals and monasteries were built around the " Holy Remains of Virtuous Saints" . It was a custom that lasted hundreds of years.
On St.Valentine'sDay, theReliquary is removedfrombeneaththeside-altar andis placedbeforethehighaltar inthechurchand it is veneratedat theMasses. At the11.00amand3.15pmMassesthereare special sermonsandalso ashort ceremony for theBlessingof Ringsfor thoseabout tobe married.. Thisyear wasexpectedtobeextraspecial as twoimportant daysontheLiturgical Calendar fall duringtheweek of thefourteenth! Covid haschangedeverythingTheinflux of lovers andpenitentshasbeencurtailedthisyear. Dublinandall of Irelandareunder strict lockdownuntill March5andthat could possibly beextended. 2020wasoneof thebest yearsonrecordfor weddingsandMassattendance, Therewere recordcrowdsof onlookersandcouples. We canonly hopethat therewill beareturnto thosehalcyondaysin2022! If youareinDublinanddropby, andfind your timethereoddandquiet, just remember St. Monica, sheisthePatronSaint for PatienceandTolerance. Thistooshall pass
Valentine's Day is usually one of the most popular days of the year to be married in Ireland.
The Whitefriars Church is booked sometimes years in advance

Shrine to St Valentine where his relics are kept at the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Whitfriar Street, Dublin

KICK OFF Sat urday 5t h February @ 6:15am PST Live from Aviva St adium , Dublin

The Irish Lit erary is a feat u Sho re for DUBLIN & LOREw case em erging Irish LIFE and m Our any Irish Am er Poet ry Cor an im agina Lovers Flock to ican w rit ers. ner has capt ured t ion and m any avid follow er Irelan s d and . Thi Whitpoet s in t he s idea is a nae US an t ural d ext ension. ext end t he r our Might y Ir We eac ish Friars Every are also going t o h of t his feat ure t o Net w ork Pages t oo, Subm issionFEBs Wan 14t ed
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