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Kennet h Branagh's BELFAST Winner At Golden Globes See
Kennat h Brannagh's BELFAST Aw arded Best Screenplay At 2022 Golden Globes
The 79th Golden Globes were really low key this year. The winners were presented to the world from a private ceremony via Twitter! BELFAST won the People's Choice Award at the Toronto Film Festival last year and Irish Film afficianados had high hopes that the film would sweep the Golden Globes as it was nominated for best film and in many other catagories. The Golden Globes show itself this year was a shadow of previous years owing to the pandemic and with complaints from activists and bad press. It had been alleged that the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA) the group that runs the Golden Globe was not doing enough to promote diversity. All of the awards shows from the Tonys to the Oscars are less relevent and popular today than in Kennet h Branagh and Cast m em bers of BELFAST at t he LA Prem ier last year.
the past but the Golden Globes may well be leading the pack as far as becoming less relevant. Nonetheless, it is still an important and prestigious award and often a signal that an Oscar is in the works!
Also. Branagh's wonderful film did beat out competition from the likes of Paul Thomas Anderson?s Licorice Pizza and Adam McKay?s Don? t Look Up in winning the Globe for best screenplay. Belfast remains a favorite for Best Picture at the Oscars which will be announced on March 27. If Belfast wins, it will be the first Irish film to take the most prestigious awards in cinema.

Belfast nat ive, Irish Act or and Film m aker Kennet h Branagh at t he 2021 Toront o Int ernat ional Film Fest ival TIFF)

Written and directed by Academy Award Winner Kenneth Branagh
Also produced by Kenneth Branagh, and Laura Berwick, Becca Kovacik & Tamar Thomas. BELFAST is a poignant story of love, laughter and loss in one boy?s childhood, amid the music and social tumult of the late 1960s at the start of the conflict in Northern Ireland.

ABOVE: Mem bers of t he cast in Belfast : Cait ríona Balfe, Jam ie Dornan, Colin Morgan and new com er Jude Hill in cent er. On t he left : Kennet h Branagh on set during film ing in Belfast in 2020
Belfast is a serious cont ender for Best Pict ure t his year! The Oscars are on Sunday, March 27.
Wells Of Life is t he official Charit y of t he
Irish Arts & Entertainment
Founder Nick Jordan w ho w as born in Ireland and he has been an ardent support ed of t his publicat ion and w as a loyal advert iser w it h his Real Est at e ent erprise for alm ost 20 years. We w ere very fort unat e t o learn about Wells Of Life at t he t im e it w as st art ed and w e have follow ed t heir project s and t he am azing am ount of good t hat t his foundat ion does for 10 plus years now , , We even had t he honor w it h t he help of our reader 's donat ions in playing a sm all roll in drilling a w ell. We w ill be asking our readers t o join our 2022 WELLS OF LIFE CAMPAIGN.,
Details in our March issue.

About the film
"BELFAST is t he m ost personal film I have ever m ade. About a place and a people, I love.
BELFAST is a movie straight from Branagh?s own experience set in the city of his birth. A nine-year-old boy must chart a path towards adulthood through a world that has suddenly turned upside down. His stable and loving community and everything he thought he understood about life is changed forever but joy, laughter, the formative magic of the movies and music were all constant. The soundtrack is an homage to Van Morrison.. Originally conceived as popular songs from the hit parade of the latesixtiesbutafterBranaghandVanMorrisonconnected,theBelfastmusician?ssongsgraduallytookcentrestage songsfromhisarchive,plusanewonewrittenforthefilmandsomehauntinginstrumentalmusic. Dornan and Balfe play a passionate and working couplecaughtup inthemayhem,with Judy Dench and Hindsasthequick-wittedgrandparents. A humorous,tenderandintenselypersonalstoryofoneboy?schildhoodduringthetumultofthelate1960sinthecity Center Still: Academ y Aw ard w inner Judi Dench and Ciarán Hinds play t he loving and quick w it t ed grandparent w hile t he film int roduces t en year old Jude Hill.

Lower Still: St reet scene in Belfast as t he chaos rocks t he once peaceful and secure w orking class neighborhood.

Click Bit ly Link below for St ream ing info & links: ht t ps:/ / bit .ly/ 3AO8S2Y

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