Face to Face By James Riley
Mind Map ideas for self • Facial expressions – Facial expressions looking as concentra:ng • Props – holding a book, for example; trains • Backgrounds-‐background with plain wall • Ligh:ng – ligh:ng from window • Composi:on – looking as thoughEul
August Sander • Historical photographer The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.
August Sander This is a portrait photo of a woman. It was taken in a studio with a screen behind her and natural ligh:ng. The subject is not smiling this was common in those days.
Richard Avedon • Contemporary photographer The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.
Taken in Paris in 1959, the photo is portrait is taken inside at a studio. This can be expanded more darker tone in photo
Mind Map of ideas for other • Facial expressions • Props • Backgrounds • Ligh:ng • composi:on
Studio Self Portraits
ed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the imageThe andimage then insert cannot it be again. displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again.
These photos are edited by colour fill in photoshop. The leR using the colour of yellow for the smiling expression and the right filled with grey with a normal expression.
Studio Self Portraits
These photos are edited by colour fill in photoshop. The leR using orange for weird expression and a darker grey for a thinking expression.
Final Outcome
This is a scary expression with added more colours with a beTer look on the photo itself. Nega:ve space and colour red makes the portrait very scary and angry.
Evalua:on On Photo Strengths and weaknesses • Composi:on When I edited the photo it is filled with colour fill page tools it gives an impression of making the photo look like it is in a cartoon picture. The picture mistake on the photo is the I.D. which I could of removed next :me. • Ligh:ng The ligh:ng was made by the original camera but because it’s been edited in page fill tools there is no ligh:ng on the photo. I could have also removed the nega:ve space to the leR of the photo and the photo would look much beTer.
Na:onal Portrait Gallery research
Sir Paul Nurse, Acrylic on linen by Jason Brooks. The portrait of Sir Paul Nurse was developed through a series of mee:ngs between ar:st and siTer. The pain:ng looks like a photo when I first looked at it.
Na:onal Portrait Gallery research
Princess Anne, Photo taken by John Swannell. Reputa:on as one of the biggest names in Bri:sh photography is no accident.
Street Portraits
Street Portraits
Street Portraits
Street Projects
Sharon Elphick self photography
Sharon Elphick inspired outcome
Face to Face Exhibi:on
Face to Face Exhibi:on
Comments • • • • • • • •
‘The edi:ng is good’ ‘Love it’ ‘love the angle face, next :me take your I.D. off’ ‘These picture have beTer looking such as scary and very happy’ ‘The effect on this picture is amazing’ ‘This is good because they make the mode look cartoony’ ‘I love the way that it has been edited and the colours look fantas:c’ ‘A unique style’