Your Introduction to Hazelwick School 2016
Welcome from the Headteacher
has been immensely positive and has enabled us to use our independence to ensure that we develop further the support
am delighted that you are considering Hazelwick for your
offered to our students through buying in tailored services that
child’s secondary education. I know that choosing the
best fit the needs of our school. We have also been successful
right school for your child is an extremely important decision.
in upgrading many areas of the site and there has been signifi-
In this introductory booklet, we set out some basic information
cant refurbishment, renovation and the addition of new
which we hope will help you. Fuller details can be found on
facilities across the school.
the school website My confidence in our school was again confirmed by an email I do hope that you and your son or daughter will be enthused
received from a parent. Mrs Horn, mother of two daughters at
by the many rich and diverse opportunities that we offer at
Hazelwick, wrote “I can honestly say I think you have a fan-
Hazelwick and will be inspired to learn more by attending the
tastic team at Hazelwick. My daughter has settled well into
Open Evening on 22 September and/or making an appoint-
Year 7 and loves school, and Rebecca continues to be an en-
ment to visit the school.
thusiastic and very happy teenager”.
When I first came to Hazelwick, I found an incredibly warm,
I am immensely proud to be Headteacher here at Hazelwick
dynamic community with well-behaved, courteous students
and we consistently aim to be a “family’s first choice”. Part-
who talked openly and enthusiastically about their learning
nership with parents and families is always a high priority at
and the many opportunities they are given. I found staff keen
our school. I firmly believe that you, too, will be delighted if
to speak to me about how much they enjoy working here and
you make the choice to join the community here at Hazelwick,
how positive relationships are right across the school. Through-
as either a student or a parent.
out my time here, I have discovered that those first impressions were, indeed, accurate, and they were confirmed by Ofsted in
I look forward to meeting you on 22 September, or at one of
May 2016 (the full Ofsted report is available via the school
our open mornings.
website). Hazelwick is a truly inclusive school, where opportunities are provided for all students to achieve their full potential. There is a focus on academic excellence, on care and support for each individual, and on the core values of good discipline, mutual respect, personal responsibility and consideration for others. Hazelwick is a strong community, where all
Ann Fearon
are safe, happy and valued. Hazelwick’s status as an Academy
Your introduction to Hazelwick School 2016
“Hazelwick is a warm and welcoming place to be, there is a clear sense of teamwork and community spirit. Leaders are passionate about wanting the best for every pupil and relationships between staff and pupils are particularly strong.� Ofsted 2016
About Hazelwick
meets their needs, hopes and ambitions to become effective
At Hazelwick School, we have very high expectations of each
and positive contributors to the local and wider society.
and every student. We believe that every individual is able to achieve their maximum potential – academically, socially,
We want to foster in all our students confidence, creativity,
morally and culturally.
curiosity and a sense of wonder, therefore developing a commitment to learning as a lifelong process.
Hazelwick is a community where we promote positive behaviour, politeness and respect in all our relationships. Courtesy,
Location and Site
good manners, kindness, fairness and hard work are all fostered
Hazelwick is situated on an enviable, attractively landscaped
and celebrated. We believe in the importance of valuing every
campus on the northern edge of Three Bridges. In recent years,
member of our school community and in ensuring a culture of
the school has undertaken an ambitious programme of site
respect, acceptance and appreciation of the uniqueness of all.
improvements, including full refurbishment of three large
We actively promote equality and diversity so that we can con-
teaching blocks, the provision of greatly enhanced music facil-
tinue to enjoy being a harmonious, inclusive and caring
ities, and the installation of a mezzanine floor in North Hall,
providing a fully equipped fitness suite. The upgraded audio/visual equipment in South Hall has greatly improved the quality
The Hazelwick school motto “Effort Achieves” was first estab-
of the school and visitor performances. Hazelwick is easily ac-
lished over 60 years ago, and is still absolutely relevant today
cessible; the Crawley “Fastway” guided bus service stops very
– because we know that it is effort, coupled with resilience,
close to the school campus; other bus routes, as well as Three
that is the most important factor in success.
Bridges railway station, are within walking distance. Children are, however, encouraged to walk or cycle safely to school wher-
The Curriculum
ever possible.
Hazelwick’s curriculum is highly diverse and gives maximum opportunity and choice to individual students. Different types
Support for the Individual
of courses are available to suit the variety of our students’ learn-
Hazelwick is a very large school, which brings many advantages
ing styles. The very extensive range of subjects available ensures
in terms of resources and development. We are highly effective
a large amount of choice both at Key Stage 4 and in the Sixth
in promoting a sense of unity and purpose amongst our diverse
Form.The structure of the curriculum at both these stages is
members. Great care is taken to ensure that each student at
set out in detail in booklets which are available from the school
Hazelwick is treated as an individual with unique qualities and
and from the school website. Hazelwick aims through its cur-
potential. Our Academy status has given us the freedom to
riculum to ensure that all children have an education that
work with market leaders in developing our curriculum and
Your introduction to Hazelwick School 2016
“Pastoral support is very well coordinated and effective. Staff work well together to inspire and challenge the pupils and communicate well with parents.� Ofsted 2016
buying bespoke services that provide the support we want our
number ever and well above the national average. Department
students to have. We believe that it is the “whole” person that
for Education performance tables provided further evidence
is being educated. Examination success is extremely important
for how exceptional our GCSE results were. The value-added
but so, too, is the development of personal qualities such as
figure, which is a measure of the progress students make from
resilience, responsibility, respect based on understanding and
Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 4, placed Hazelwick in the top 10%
working with others.
of schools nationally.
Information Technology
Both the diverse curricular provision and activities for the more
Throughout the curriculum and in the wider life of the school,
able, gifted and talented at Hazelwick ensure that all our stu-
appropriate, sophisticated information technology is used ex-
dents are stretched and challenged to excel.
tensively. Through the use of technology, we encourage students to develop their own enquiry skills and increased in-
Hazelwick is equally committed to wide-ranging and ongoing
dependence, essential for becoming outstanding learners, whilst
support to meet the needs of all students. Individual support
also developing their advanced technical skills in preparation
programmes are available to reinforce basic skills and to help
for the real world. The school’s Learning Resource Centre con-
students make progress. Vocational and college-based link
tains four purpose-built high specification ICT classrooms,
courses are now an established feature of the curriculum, par-
and several other similar classrooms are located elsewhere across
ticularly at Key Stage 4.
the site. The Hazelwick website ( is a vital resource not only for the daily life of the school but also for the wider community.
The Creative Arts and Sporting Events The Arts and Sport are a huge strength of Hazelwick
Academic Success
and are given great encouragement and expression.
“Impact is demonstrated in the overall standards, which are
Students enjoy and excel in many activities in both
consistently above those found nationally, and by the large
areas. Our well-equipped Fitness Suite in the North
proportions of pupils making and exceeding expected progress
Hall mezzanine has added greatly to the diversity of
in English and mathematics” (Ofsted 2016). At GCSE, results
the PE curriculum. Students have opportunities to de-
have consistently been substantially above the average both
velop sporting and artistic talent at a high level, both
for West Sussex schools and nationally. In 2015, 78% of all
within the curriculum and through dedicated extra-cur-
GCSE grades were A*-C and an impressive 28% of all GCSE
ricular activities. Hazelwick continues to provide a very
grades were A* or A. Over 43% of our students achieved the
extensive programme of extra-curricular sports fixtures
prestigious English Baccalaureate (EBacc), Hazelwick’s highest
and its teams and individuals consistently achieve success
Your introduction to Hazelwick School 2016
“By the end of key stage 4, standards in all subjects in 2015 were above or well above the national average.� Ofsted 2016
in events and competitions within the county and be-
for individual students. Academy status has enabled us
yond. Arts-based activities are also arranged regularly,
to expand these services, tailoring them closely to the
both in the local area and further afield. In their chosen
needs of our students.
activities, many students reach the highest standards of attainment within school and the county and even at national and international level.
The Structure of the School Day at Hazelwick Registration is at 8.30am in the morning. It is followed by an
As Children Progress through Hazelwick School
each day. Most lessons are in specialised rooms and are taught
Support for children is given through our exceptionally
by specialist teachers. At morning break and lunchtime, snacks
strong pastoral system, starting with a form teacher
and meals may be bought from a modern self-service cafeteria.
who meets his or her form every day. Each form is part
Social areas have been created for students to sit with their
of a year structure with two Heads of Years and an ad-
friends during these times. Many clubs and activities take place
ministrator responsible for the students in each year
at lunchtime and after the end of the timetabled day at 3.00pm.
assembly or a tutorial period and then five one-hour lessons
group and usually staying with them from Year 8 to Year 11. The school’s induction year (Year 7) is the re-
School Uniform
Hazelwick is distinguished by its uniform, which gives students
well-developed links with our family of primary schools.
a feeling of belonging to the school and which is viewed very
The school’s highly successful Sixth Form is also the
favourably by the wider community. Items of uniform that are
responsibility of a further, dedicated team. A Head of
specific to Hazelwick are ordered online or bought from a shop
each of the three Key Stages (3, 4 and 5) has respon-
in Horsham. Full details of sales arrangements, uniform re-
sibility for the overall pastoral and academic life of the
quirements and prices are available on the school website. All
children in their care. The emphasis is on positive re-
students wear the school blazer and tie, as well as school PE
ward and a “can-do” culture, although adherence to
kit. Girls are required to wear a school skirt or mid-grey
school rules is expected and enforced, where necessary.
trousers. All students are required to wear formal black shoes,
We do, however, recognise that some students may have
not trainers. Muslim girls from families for which the wearing
difficult problems, external to school, to deal with and
of the Hijab is important are allowed to do so, providing it is
that others may occasionally wish to discuss issues that
in approved school colour and size. There may be occasions
concern them with a “neutral” adult, and so we employ
when such girls are asked to remove the Hijab on health and
a team of mentors, counsellors and classroom support
safety grounds. Sikh turbans (in approved school colours) are
assistants who can provide expert and valued support
also permitted.
Your introduction to Hazelwick School 2016
“Behaviour is very good; pupils confidently welcome visitors to the school. Pupils are polite and friendly and conduct themselves very well in lessons and around the school site. They value their learning and play a full part in lessons.� Ofsted 2016
Extra-curricular and Outdoor Activities
work and homework, sporting and musical achievements, high attendance and charity work.
Hazelwick has a rich and diverse range of activities designed to enhance the opportunities and experiences available to all
As students progress through the school, the House system of-
students. In Year 7, “Superform”, a fun inter-form competition
fers a range of student leadership opportunities within our
organised by the Year team, takes place at lunchtime and all
school community.
students participate in this with great enjoyment. The Year 7 opportunity to take part in a range of exhilarating indoor and
Want to know more about Hazelwick School?
outdoor activities to develop their confidence and independ-
We hope that this has given you a helpful introduction to
ence, to learn team-building skills, and to bond as a year group.
Hazelwick School. To find out more, you are warmly invited
Autumn Term residential trip to Calshot gives students the
to our Open Evening at 6.00pm on Thursday 22 September, The full range of extra-curricular activities is a very distinctive
at which you will be able to see the school for yourself and
feature of Hazelwick. Many subject areas offer day visits and
speak to a wide range of students and staff about all aspects of
residential trips. Students value greatly the experiences gained
life at Hazelwick. Both before and after that date, you are also
through these activities. Outdoor enterprises are strongly sup-
very welcome to visit the school by appointment to discuss
ported, both within curriculum subjects and through additional
your admission requirements with the Headteacher, Ann
activities. The school’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Scheme
Fearon, or another senior member of staff. Our school website
programme is one of the largest in West Sussex, with many
– – is constantly updated with relevant in-
students achieving Bronze and Silver Awards every year.
formation about Hazelwick and its activities.
The House System
The House System at Hazelwick offers all students the oppor-
The Governors have delegated admissions to the school to the
tunity to participate in a wide range of events and activities.
Local Authority Admissions Team – Pupil Admissions, County
All students belong to one of the six Houses, and House events
Hall North, Chartway, Horsham, RH12 1XH (03330 142903).
and assemblies bring together students from across the age
The school has a designated catchment area – Pound Hill North,
range of the school, offering chances for different year groups
Three Bridges and Northgate – but is able to receive many
to work together in sporting, musical, charitable, artistic and
children from outside this area and does so according to a list
social contexts. The House Cup is awarded at the end of each
of priorities set out in the Local Authority’s Information for
year to the House with the most House points. All students
Parents Booklet on Admissions. Hazelwick itself is very happy
earn these points for a range of achievements including class-
to answer directly any admission enquiries from families.
Your introduction to Hazelwick School 2016
“Pupils report that they feel safe and happy at your school and parents confirm this view… pupils become fully involved in school life… all pupils’ pastoral and welfare needs are given careful support, alongside their academic requirements.” Ofsted 2016
Hazelwick School Three Bridges Crawley West Sussex RH10 1SX Telephone 01293 403344 office@